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Gamemaster’s guide resume


Humankind made landfall at the rocky shores of Solehaven. The land was inhabited
since olden times by elves and dwarves living in peace. Weapons were drawn, but the god
WYRM interceded and declared that there was plenty land for all.

The god shifted the land and the humans were given everything to the south, called
ALDERLAND. the elves and dwarves were given everything to the north, called RAVENLAND.
Since the dwarves and elves were few, the god WIRM ordered the god CLAY to pull the orcs
from the mud. After the kin had sworn to honor the lands as they had been promised and
given, they exchange hostages. The gods raised the mountain range known as THE DIVIDE to
separate the land from the humans from the land of the dwarves and elves.

the human hostages among the dwarves in Ravenland procreated with their hosts, but
at the least every child born was a huge and headstrong OGRE. They wandered to the surface,
formed their own tribes and were soon considered kin of their own.

Around year 500, plagues and religious wars ravaged Alderland, where the
CONGREGATION OF THE SERPENT had grown stronger. A persecuted sect called AILANDERS
made their way north across the mountains to Ravenland, violating the dictates of the shift.

When the elven leaders saw that these newcomers carried no weapons but were
emaciated, devout farmers who had great respect for nature they convinced the dwarves to
let them stay.

new groups of Ailanders flooded over the mountains from the south over the coming
years but the dwarves had enough and in 550as they called MOUNT BILICA up, closing the
passage between Ravenland and Alderland. Soon more humans arrived, among them the

In Alderland, an area beyond the mountains some twenty-five years of good harvest
and plenty of children were followed by ten cold and lean years. The human in the south soon
found themselves with less and less space, and food was running out. When king ALGAMAR
rose to the throne in 798AS, he remembered the stories from his childhood about the rich
lands to the north, where elves and dwarves were said to live plentiful lives. Algamar send
scouts north and they found a formerly unknown mountain pass, which is blocked by the IRON
LOCK today. Once the spies had brought back reports of the fair and spacious lands beyond
The Divide, Algamar wanted to gather an armty to expand the human to the north. The
nobility was reluctant to send troops on such a fleeting mission, at the same time leaving the
homeland undefended.

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