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Ministry Of Higher Education

And Scientific Research

Saran University
Faculty of Education

Adolescence stage in human development needs and barrier

Instructor: Nihad Mohammed

Prepared By:

Mohammed Anwar Mohammed Kurdo

Rebar Kayfi

Academic Year: 2020-2021

Submitted in:
List of Contents
What is adolescence……………………………………………4
Adolescence health…………………………………………….5
Types of adolescent……………………………………………6
Needs of adolescent……………………………………………7
Barrier of adolescent…………………………………………...8
Reduction in adolescent price………………………………….9
Adolescence is one of the most important stage in a human life, are going
through. This stage falls into the last stage of childhood and the stage of
maturity and beings with adulthood. In the fact adolescence is the fastest
stage of human life after birth. That growth is very fast and tight. But the
second stage is after stage (before birth) where physical and physiological
growth is very fast. Adolescent patients a unique set of challenges to
pediatricians. A polite, compliant child can appear to transform into a surly,
rebellious teen before a doctor's eyes. Adolescence can be a tumultuous
time, even when it is unfolding in a healthy manner. Adolescence is the
most crucial and significant period of human life. It is the period which
begins at the end of childhood and ends at the beginning of adulthood.
Adolescence which brings about changes in an individual leads to the goal
of maturity and being mature means having rights and privileges of an
What is Adolescence?
Adolescence is derived from the Latin word ''Adolescere'' meaning
to grow up'' or ''to mature. Which refer to the gradual development
of the physical, sexual, intellectual, emotion, and social stage?
Adolescence is a time of moving from the immaturity of childhood
into the maturity of adulthood. Adolescence as a phase of life
between 10-19 years of age characterized by physical growth,
emotional, psychosocial and behavioral changes, thus, bringing
about transformation from childhood to adulthood.
Adolescent Health
Some adolescent suffer from certain diseases at the beginning of
adolescence. But most of them are in the process of creating their own
dreams and imagination. These are diseases that cause mental illness
and consequence are physical especially teenagers who gather sorrow
and anxiety inside themselves and don’t express them. Health eating
during adolescence is important as body changes during this time affect
an individual is nutritional and dietary needs. Teens are becoming more
independent and making many food decisions on their own.
Some foods are important for adolescence:-
1- Breakfast cereal with milk and fruit.
2- Dried fruit and nuts.
3- Yoghurt and fruit.
4- English muffin with peanut butter and honey.
5- Banana and peanut-butter sandwich.
6- Fresh fruit smoothie with milk and/or yoghurt.
7- Small muffins made with oats or whole meal flour and fruit or
Types of adolescence
1-Selfcompatible adolescence:-it means the adolescence feels
his presence and identify. And the society respects him and gives
him his status. The purpose of this type of adolescence is to
ensure that the adolescent has adapted to his or her environment
to the best of his or her ability and doesn’t have any problems
with themselves community.
2-Venture and fighting adolescent:- These type of adolescent
take the path of venture and fighting and make rape look strange
to parents, teachers and people around them. Rather he feels
dejected and annoyed and lacked and a shamed and doesn’t
succeed in social relations, instead he creates a fantasy and
exemplary world himself and pays attention to the religious,
moral and moral aspects and sometimes the world of dreams and
fantasies, The living dreams which may alienate it from the real
world and cause a lot of mental and social problems.
3-Cloistered and disincline adolescent: This type suffers from
anguish and distance from loneliness and doesn’t like to enter
community and institution. They report their rebellion and
supremacy in many ways, including (imitating the elders by
smoking and drinking and using drugs). As well as carrying
weapons knives…..etc. then sometimes they rise and fall it will
and inflict pain on those around you or indirectly (theft and
lying and cheating).
4-Naughty and nonconformist adolescent: these adolescent are
dangerous and harm to community and institution. It includes
horrific methods, such as murder, misconduct, and mental
illness. Their behavior and fighting will be straightforward and
will hurt the people around them or indirectly (stealing, lying
and cheating).
Needs of Adolescent
1-The need to feel surely and security: The adolescent need
emotional, social and economy security in addition to physical
security. The person who lacks the feeling of security may
become maladjusted. The need for social security is associated
with man's desire gregariousness.
2-The need love and respect: Affection or love is one of the most
basic psychological needs of the adolescent. Adolescence has a
strong desire to love and to be loved.
3-Need for freedom and independence: Adolescent is a time
when the individual is striving to wean himself away from the
control of parents and elders. He wants the right to give
expression to his feeling, emotions and idea.
4-Need for self-expression and achievement: Every adolescent
has an inherent desire for the expression of his potentialities.
5-The need for rank and position in the community:
6- Mental need.
7-social need.
Barrier of Adolescent
1-Adjustment difficulties with parents: Adolescents have a
strong for freedom and independence. But often it is obstructed
by parental oppositions. Failure to adjust with the parents may
result in revolting against parents and authority.
2-Childhood-Adulthood conflict: in our society, the adolescent is
considered as neither as a child nor an adult. He has to depend
his parents and elder for his physical and emotional needs.
3-Adjustment difficult with school discipline: Most of the
adolescent face a great problem in adjusting with school
4-Adjustment difficulties with community: The adolescent is
expected to find his place in a society marked by increasing
social isolation and rapid technological changes. This changing
world make it difficult to anticipate and plan for adolescent life.
5-mood disorder and depression: Mood disorder include
adjustment disorder with depressed mood, major depressive
disorder, bipolar disorder.
6-disruptive behavior disorder: include oppositional-defiant
disorder and conduct disorder.
7-shame and isolation.
9-suicidal thoughts.
10-alienity and rebellion.
Reduction in adolescent price
Adolescence is one of the most important and delicate stages of
human life, because it causes human transition from childhood
(which always depends on others and does not have their own
identity and independence). One of the most important
psychological and social phenomena that arises at this stage is
the feeling identity and independence, which means that the
teenager does not asked of him, to obey anything immediately.
So adolescence is a period of life with specific health and
developmental needs and rights.
Adolescence stage
Developmental stages are different:-

Stages in adolescent Girls(year) Boys(year)

Pre-adolescence 10-12 11-13
Early adolescence 12-16 13-17
Late adolescence 16-21 17-21
1-Smith, B. Sutton&others. ''Father-Absence Effect in families of
different sibling composition Adolescent development, 29,
2-Russell, G, '' The Father Role and its Relation To Maculinity,
Femininity, and Androgyny'' Child development , 49, 1978,
3-Wadely, Alison (1996). Psychology. Longman Group Limited.

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