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P&ill nlUttii
VOL. IX. NO. 1330. HONOLHU . H !.. FUID.SY, MAY 3, 1895. PRICE 5 CENTS.


(NDUHINE Rheumatism
! TO-DA-
Tim controversy over the two or
more wills mado by Souator Fair
AVER'S SARSAPARILLA. is still occupying the attention of
EVERY AFTKKNOON Mr. W. Jmhwoi, Adelaide, B. A., formerly San Francisco Courts.
of. Hawthorn, near Melbourne, California will make a splendid
A COLD WATER PAINT Tie, writei: Nicaragua Will Not Yield to exhibit at tho Atlanta, Georgia, fair.
"For llic p.nt3 or 4 years. I have been a
Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd , reat sufferer from rlicuin:itlMii and piles, Sn Francisco is still excited over
tried all sorts of medicine, tint dcrhed the Emmanuel Church murders
at tii ornci,
it no good from them. I chanced to read one
of )onr book and thought I would Kite Great Britain, aud the preliminary elimination of
18(1 k 32b merchant St.. Honolulu. B I.
a.substitute jour Sarsap.irllla a trial. 1 did so.and alter
the supposed murderer, Durrani, is
BUB80KIPriON-8- ix DotLAs a Yeak, dil paint now in progress.
Delivered in Monolnln at Kitty Oests a AND Thoro is nothing now in Hawaiian
Mohtu, In Advance. WHITEWASH. affairs, and for all mention that is
AN EXCELLENT The Cuban Revolution Some of the
mado of them by American news-
FIRE papers it would seem that tho sub-
RETARD ANT Olympia's Sailors Desert at
Ill V
AND ject was ended and forgotten.
-I- B PlJBLlfeHKD . DISINFECTANT. Minister Thurston's name is not
Sin Diego, oven mentioned in tho exchanges re-
ceived by tho Australia.
At FOOB DOLLAMi 1 YEAR to DuUlttdtlO, Especially Designed C. P. Huntingdon, president of
and Five Dollars to Korelpu Huhvrlberr
payable In adrauce. Por INSIDE Work on . . the Southern PaciGc Jtailroad Com-
London, Enci., April 20. In well
Facto: ies and Public Buildings informed English quarters today it pany has finally been arrested in
BOOK AND JOB PRINTING is declared that tbo Uritish ulti- Now York on an iiidl;ttnontchar(:iii(f
dori m suraamt utti. matum to Nicaragua has not been him with an infraction of the e Inte,-stat-
h ie a dry jiowdor which crn bo modified; that Admiral Stephenson Commerce law. By order of
jrepnri'd for uco by simply ttirritii t.ikliiR one ttottlo I foil hotter, nnd after
TKLKl'HONE 260. P. 0. BOX !i. n COLD WATER nntl can bu nj.-jli- takliiK 4 liottk't I wnt a new mini. 1 n has not bean cabled to extend tlio Judgo Morrow, tho presiding jurist
by anyone ntid will always o tiro-lnc-
sorry t iiomt took It iK'toro, for It would timo granted Nicaragua within of tho United States Court in San
good work. hao sacd mo very much p.ilu."
(m Dailt byBullktih Is printed and put. which to pay tho indemnity of Froucisco, the indictment found
liehed Didly
tlie Bulletin Fubllshinv
Company, Limited, at Its otUce, Mer-
It is VERY WHITE, wUrcniL'ly
and liurdoiiH on u wall liko Ayer's Sarsaparilla $75000 demanded by Groat Ilritain ogaiust Huntingdon has been sprosd
chant street, Honolulu, Hawaiian IbI- - ;
itono and will tako any tint. and in the absence of definite, news on tho minutes of tho Conrt at
ands. Daniel 1Ogan, editor, reside on Has cured others, will euro you, length.
Alakea street, Honolulu, aforesaid. It will last for years, and it Mdu bj Dr. J.C.Arcr A Co., Iwell,Mmi.,U.S.A.
it is believed that tho Almiral haH
Address letters for the paper "Kdltor by gaecH. already occupied Corinto. Tho be- Captain General Campos has nr-riv-
ttOLLSTiK," anu Business letters .Manager
Dally Htilletln I'ubllshinR Company."
One coat covers butter than two
'.oataof oil paint or whitewash.
Hollister Drag Co., L'd., lief is also expressed hero that tho in C iba Jtul taken command
Using n peisonat addr may ransn delay Xicaraguau Government will not of the Spanish force.
In attention. It can bo used on any surface nnd Solo A:enti for the of Hawat'
or all clast-e- of work, even for tlio yield to tbo duinauds of Great Bri-tai- u Cuban insurgents deni.itid better
Business Cards. ineet decorating. 1 1- - until compelled to do so in or- tariff laws from the Spanish Gov-
It will not rub, scale or crack, nor der to avo.d uoiutf forced to resign ernment.
will it soften with ago or discolor.
It will not set in the mixing vessel,
People Who Write ofllce. The revolution is still in progress,
n fact it ininroveH by standing a few Tho Pull Mall Gazette, comment-ii- neithor side having gained auy ad-
I aye. on tho troubles between Great vantage, owing to the rainy season.
Imobtim add Dealers in Lcmbib and It can be ued to good advantage on typewriters marvel Britain and Nicaragua, says that m
all Kin lis or Boiluiku Matuialb. .
that busy business men
iver old whitewash without ccraping. nothing could bo more courteously CHILD DROWNED.
IT DRIES OUT WHITE AFTER still clintf to the pen pro-co- s.
Fort Street, Honolalo. 3EING WET. correct than tho attitude of the
It is cheaper than whitewash, dura- The buxitii s man United States in tho difficulty, add-in- Had Beoa In tho Water About an
H. HAOXnCXJ) 00.. Ubins; a typewriter would Hour.
bility considered. "It is a good omen for a close
Is is supplied in barrels from 800 not voluntaiily return to understanding- upon the China A throe year old child was found
o 400 lbs., also in boxes of 100, CO
Uxniral Commission Aoi.its. nd 25 pounds. the old method, because Japan question. Our action may drowned in the stream on thotnauka
he can turn off more be expected to teach the Spanish-America- n sido of tho bridga on School street,
work, of a better quality, States that uoue of them between Nutianu and Fort streets.
Corner Fort and Queen Streets, ttwuuiinti.
Outside Indurine! and with less effort on
are too insignificant to behavo
to foreigners."
Tho child was missed at 10 o'clock
and the father, a Gorman, was much
mo. a. 8MTHIES. his machine.
Cuioaoo, 111., April 20. A Times-Heral- d worried and made au imtuediato
This is for OUTSIDE Work special from Colon says: Tho search for the infant. As none of
Tlit M,id .VIM Never
AUCTIONEER AHD GENERAL BUSINESS AflENT. Such hb Fences, Outbuildinga and I port of Corinto, Nicaragua, has been of the neighbors had seen tho little
Laborer's Quarters. It is a thick Usid a Typewriter closed. The throe British warships, one he went to tho stream and be-
pasto to bo diluted with cold wuttr; Royal Arthur, Satellite and Wild gan poking a polo into a pool.
Mahokona, Kohala, Hawaii. Uands rain nnd exposure as well as
)il paint, and costs but a fraction as believes the- task of learn- - - K Swan, have declared a peaceful Finally it struck something and
THOS. LINDSAY. aiuch. It is as it con- ing to write a difficult blockade of tho port. brought to the surface human hair.
tains no oil, and has no equal hr a and hopeless one. Try. Troops were lauded shortly after The mau at once plunged in and
'iglit retlector in dark basements, midnight and took possession of the pulled out tho' missing babe. The
lamp collars and similar places. It Others have learned ; you poor thing had been dead about an
'k supplied in colors. can. Your first attempt custom-hous- e.
There is great ex-
citement in the town. hour. Dr. Day was summoned but
Kuknl Jewelry specialty, fartiuuiar .... FOR SALE DY .... will probably reveal the but the chihl was beyond human
attention paid to all kinds of repairs New Vouk, N. Y., April 2C A
fact that you do faster special to the World from Corinto, aid. No inquest will be held, it
Campbell Block, Merchant Street. work with the pen.
HONOLULU IBON WORKS, IMMWINflll That's quite natural ;
you are just learning.
Nicaragua, dated April 20, says: The
garrison is drilling constantly. The
British have not lauded. Artillery
being considered unnecessary under
the circumstances.
Btbam Enoinis, Bdoab Mills, Boilers, A Noodad Improvement.
Coolers. Iron, Brash and Lead LlJvriT'JECID Your next trial will sur- has been placed in position so as to
Castings. prise you. Your fingers insure in caso of the lauding of au On Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock
kmti (nr tlie Hawaiian IkIxuii
go to the right keys in- armed British force that tho lives a jury, subpcunaotl especially, will
Machinery of Kvery Description Maae u assemble in Deputy Marshal Brown's
Order. Particular attention paid to Ships' 4 stinctively. It becomes and property of natives and foreign-
Blackinilthing. Job Work erecntrl at for tho purpose of considering
Short Notice. Partnership Notice. easier and you will then ers shall bo respected. The excite-
ment has cooled somewhat.
the proposed re opening of a road-
begin to r, alizu the use-
Geueral Rivai of Mosquito Coast way from the Oceania dock to
Atlas Assurance Go. fulness and benefit of a fame arrived with 800 soldiers. Brewer's wharf. Tho jury upon as-
HENRY A.II Williams

XOXTZ)OX7 have this day ills-tolv- typewriter. Whou drill calls were heard this sembling will first visit the premises
OF the partnership heretofore exlstlnc
between them nmlor the linn name of CHOICE OF A TYPEWRITER morning, followed by lowering boats and deliberate afterwards. Mr.
ASSBTB, 110.000,000, Pioneer Furniture Company ai well as of
Allllams Brothers In the Furniture and from the British warships, all be- Browu would liko those interested
H..W. SCHMIDT & SONS OndertakliiR Basinets In Honolulu, In the
(Bland of Oahu.
4 will either make or mar lieved that an attack was about to to be present.
Henry H. Williams retires from sId your writing happin, ss. bo made. Business houses were
Agent" for Hawaiian Islands drni and buslnesi and Kdwaul A. s Wll-lam-
For the business man closed and a crowd collected on the "Sentences Buspondod."
remains In said business, hayliiR
desiring a machine, that beach. But spectators were only In tho District Court this morn-
City Carriage 'Co., formed a partnership therein with his
'ather, 0. K. Williams.
The new tlrm consists of 0 E. AVIlllama comb ncs speed, durabi- treated to a magnificent mauouvor ing G. Apiki pleaded guilty to carry-
Corner King and BeAhel Bta. mil K. A. Williams, and henceforth will drill by tho ships under command of ing a deadly weapon, to wit, a pistol.
lity, does perfect work,
sarry on said Furniture and Undertaking
Business in said Honolulu, under the firm
:ome of 0. E Williams & Son.
and lastly, has the easiest Admiral Stephenson.
It Is now rumored that a settle-
Sentence was suspended.
Hannah Naehu, disobedience to
Pine Carriages k Civil Drive The new firm will collect all accounts keyboard to learn, buy ment will be made aud that the parents, pleaded guilty but seutenco
To be had at all hoars. iwinR to the old Arm and pay all liabilities
'.hereof. the ships will soon leavo. suspended in her case, as well as
Dated March 30th. A. D 1895.
J. S. ANDRADE, H. H. WILLIAMS, NEW CAL1GRAPH, Over sixty of the crow of tho that of K. Paiwi found guilty of
KD. A. WILLIAMS, playing the truant since April 21. Manairoi I303-2-
0. E. WILLIAMS. i Olympia have deserted, owing to
This typewiiter stands at tho alleged insufficiency of food on
Consolidated Soda Water Co,, L'd G. E. SMITHIES,
the head. It has all this board.
Tho funeral of Coxwaiu Johnson
latest improvements. of tho cruiser Olympia yesterday
HJSFXjA.lSrA.DHS' Accountant, Collector nod Copyist
It now prepare to 'eptlr Grdn
1 Hose,
Let uiu rdiow you a afternoon was attended by about U...I..UI.U 11'utu 'I....- - u. Mil u.

Oor. Allen k Fori St., flonolola. Ofllcewith CD. Chase, Safe Deposit Build-In- New Cai.ioravii '
seventy men in charge of one officer and all klmU ol Tools sharpened, luclnd-lu- x

400 Fort Stroet. Telephone Carving Knives huh hnls,or: Iiwn

from tho ship. On tho way out to Moer. a .jieela tv: aUo Bellini; Class; in
HOFJJSTTBU CO., T V IinRRHrM Anant the cemetery seven sailors suddenly fact ah kinds of jobbing. Work called for
The Collection of Government Bills and returned Kiiik up 8W Mutual Tele A Kent- - t specialty. 127MI r-- T ? T T- T""-- ! - ? -
broke rauks aud lied. phone 1170-t- f
w v"';5fffWf! -- r-'
wnwnm wfmmmmwm m r
mmwWWVW11 "


THE BOWLER 0A8I?. United States; that in similar casos

you will bo glided by tho views
Secrotary Qresham Decidos thnt He herein oxpretscd and that you fur-
LADIES' 11,111. Real Eand Loans CHIC!
is Not an Araoilcan Citizen. nish tho Ministor of Foreign Affairs Thn nnlnrconinnt nf tlin LOAN Market
eu as to cover tlio wants and necessities of STYLE !
with a copy of this instruction. the lare number of honorable people who
At tlio request of several sub-Bcribc-

I am, Mr.
are not owners of unincumbered Kent
Kstato was one of the most necessary Inno-
tlio IIuixetin publishes the
full toxt of tho decision of Secretary
Your obedient servant, vations of recent yearn. To many It has
meant relief from preslni; claims nt the
W. Q. GnnsiiAM. very time wnen most essential, nen
Gresliain iu tho va of John F. Did you notice that wo properly and nonornuiy conuucicu tins
Howlor, who took ,the oath of
to tho Hawaiian Government
allo-ginuc- i)

sor made no mention f the nr- -

business Is of equally jrrt'nl Importance
and value to tho community as Iliilldlnn QUALITY !
and l,on Associations liavo Droved them
in 1885, ha resided in tho islands '
.1 -
irfStf:$k rival ot tin goods purchusoa selves tone.
ovor since, but after boiii? convicted
VMOPr' f
J5' A

for us by mus. fkkimaxn Tbe Hawaiian Invesiinetjl Co.

of iiiipriiou of treaou '.wo month" ".Ir'n'f-'- t
r'.rCxV 't .J
ago has claimed tho protection of
tho United States m a citizen thoro-of- .
mt.-K- i While her reCCllt trip Ifoist?
Oil Makes a of NcROtlntliiR and Pro- -

curing Iiaus 1'ir Ilorroners who are tin- - Four grfat requisites of
Tho deeiiioti ii short, chirp and
. irmA tr-- z v; a,,here was a reason tor it able to discount their Notes at tho Hanks
MU Wll0 do not cro to obiieato them- -
f'.f'fZ,. H, s, 4frv , koIvcm lo Kune friend or nciuialntance hy Men's "Wearing Apparel to-b-

to tho point. It settles not only tho mm !i 811111)11'

t onntlirn
one lOO. ' asking iiiseiid'irsenu-- to ineir noto.
This f'..ttiin,iv will make Loans upon
particular case of Mr. Bowler bill if you will only stop to thinl Household Furniture, Pianos. Organs, found in all the Suits
Hiirsnn. Mules. Wniron. Carrinucs and
lay down tho law for nil similar
cases now and hereafter.
Tho following i tho full toxt:
mmmmm mid everybody
die knew that we were going
1011 KI1UW

mill nil IIUSIIIL'11

Itliiitit vii timttl tirt I li A
1'rotierty from the Horruwcr'a possesion,
111 Mil
made by Johnston & Sto-
rey. Mr. Storey was. for
Washington, April 5, 18D3.J lire. Judoo 1'cclc
to brin": something into this The Hawaiian Investment Co., some yoars one of tho best
AuujrS. Wiui., Km., Honolulu, Dyspepsia
nWPket that was new and i
General Real Estate Agents, known cutters on the Coast,
13 and IS Kanhutnann Streets,
Sm: It appear? from your NV.. 88 Mrs. Judgo Pock Tolls How catchy. There was no n ed !
(Nt-a- lWtOrtce ) consequently the best dress-
of February 23 that on tho 22d of sho Wa8 Curod to advertise it, the jllf.icioilS Notary Public. Mutual Telephone 639.
ed men in town wear clothes
that mouth, J. 1. Bowler was con- Sufferers from Uysiwtnl.t ilmuM rend the fol- -

vieted before a military commisiou lol"K from Mrs. If. M. l'eck, wife of!bliVUl'H of Ilonuhlltl Wdtch the
Judiro I'cck.a luitlceatTracy,Cnl.,niiilawrltor made by
sitting at Uouolulu for partieipa- eomicclca tll Uie A0CuPll rre11l
arrival o our goods, tluy
lion or complicity in the disttirbnneo "ny n deep senne of Bratttmlo for tho (rreit '
or uprising in Hawaii early iu Jauu- - lis.Jr.'iiT, aCveBvl.f.r'jcTi rTtS t'fofSi;"-- kll0W iC thcrc is ")'thing I

ary and sentenced to imprisonment JJjyfcV.lKM to be had We get it, in

Johnston & Storey,
at hard labor for five years and to been " sufferer from dyspeiuU aod
pay a fine of $5000; that ho now Heart Trouble
t iactuiai we Bet inc pace on iXTPOTJCAJJ. 4 13 Fort Street
claims protection as nti American Almost rerythlng I ate would distress me. I
tried different treatments and medicines, but New Goods, Stylish Goods, W. W. AHANA.
citizen: and that tho Hawaiian failed In realize relief. Two years ago a friend Wholesale
authorities .... ho is not ..i:n.l H.revaueel upon me to try lluixl's H.irtapnrlllJ.
first buttle J noticed heiocd icon- -
at prices that arc just right. Retail.
...i. (fiui.uui.iuu uuuuubo n io .! mj fronds spoke of the ImiirovemenL I iutf
iu ouuu ....,....t i i... i. tlnuect uklnif It. It did mo so mucn kooii tlnl
This week, in uddition to
naturalized citizon of that Govern recelrsd such great benefit from It that
ment. Gladly Rocommend It. the regular run, we are going
1 now bare an excellent appetite and nothing I
Whon Mr. Bowler left this eoun-- ! tat eter
try and wont to Hawaii doos not ap--
distresses tn. It also keeps up my to make a hole in our pile of
Japanese.' Goods 1
Mercbaal Tailor,
pear, out on March IS, 1885, be

voluntarily took an oath to support flesh and strength. I cannot praise Hood's
Comforters I Silk and Couoo Dn&t Goods, 333 XTvraiStXiMb QtL
Sarsaparllli too much." Mns. II. M. I'kuk,
tho constitution and laws of tho Tracy, California. Uet UOOITH. Comforters 1 1
to.. ato.. ato., sto.
Hawaiian Islands and boar true alle- Hood's Pills are bant, made, and perfect
giance to tho king, without exprossly to proportion and appearance. Xc. a box. Whilo the counters loaded up Silt LiuM and Crape Shirts
renouncing or resorving his Hobron Drug Co.,
alio-glanc- e
L'd., with
to tho United States. Sec-
tion 432 ot the statute prescribing Bole Agents for tliH Rnpnhlln of Hawaii.
Colored Cotton Ducks,
if OOMFL.KTK riTOl'k KogllsD, Scotch tod Amertc&Q Goods.
Made by Yamatoya of Yokohama Style and Fit Guaranteed.
thin oath (Compiled Laws of Ha-
Colored Cotton Ducks,
waii, 18S1), providos that evory for-
eigner so naturalized shall bo doom-
ed for all purposes a native of the
IF you Insure It Is well to do so In
Wtf When you are In need of any Hue
of Japanese Goods, give ui first noli and
aTf going all around town Cleaning A Repairing .

islands and subject only to their whose reputations hnve built


Piquk, Pique, Pique, ITOHA2ST lotntl Tele. 868. f. 0. Box 144.

upon strong foundations.
laws and ontitled to their protec
will also bo nn attractive aoa arort Cuatam Kotw S3t IfMlWUn
tion, and no longer amenable to his
native sovoroigu whilo residing iu
the kingdom, nor ontitlod to resort '
to his native country for protection
THE Companies represented by John II.
Wni.G.IrwiD&Go. Beautiful
tSK Horses
or intervention j that for every such Dowsktt (succestor to the late 0. O.
Herder) liavo tdood ell the tests ne- Wm. Q. Irwin. President and Manager !
resort ho shall bo subjeo etl to tho cessary to convince any ono that Glaus Sprockets, . . . .
pouallies annxid to rebellion, and thnlr capital Is ample and the prin-
ciples niton w lilch they are governed, HOP HING & CO., W. M. Glflard,
Ttino. 0. Forte'
Secretary nd Treasurer
that having been thus naturalized the highest.
The Celebrated Ilayswater 8talUon
ho shall bo entitled to all tho rights ' m HOTKL STHKKT
Sugar Paotore
and immunities of a Hawaiian sub-
ject. I am informed that the Su-- ;
promo Court of Hawaii has hold that '
Commission Agents
Also the Bplendld
arc paid promptly and without
tho takiug of this oath operates to j delavs. The assets ot a
company Is tho best prnot of Its so- Wholesale Dealer In AGENTS OF THE
naturalize tho alien and admit him lidity and ability to pav loscs. The By "Ivanhoe" are for sale. Apply to
to full citizenship. It is uot claim- list Riven will satisfy even "The One Oceanic Steamship Company,
ed that sineo 1885 Mr. Bowler ovor
Hundredth Man."
LiQK aofl Manila Cigars
Of BAM PKANU1BUU. UAl 1301-t- f
Day Horse BUbles.
roturnod to tho United Stales or re- The New York Life, AID
sided elsewhere than on tho islands.
Assets, $155,453,428.73.
Bell Tel. 881.
P. O. BOX 32L
Mutual Tel. R07. USAVE MONEY"
This Government has never hold General Chinese Merchandise
to tho doctrine of perpetual allegi- & Lancashire Fire Insur-
ance, oil the contrary from its or-

ance Co.,
ganization, it has maintained that Mm OUh, Rice, Matting, Practical Carriage Trimmer
tho rights to throw off one's natural
Assets, $2,641,029. Chinese Bilks, Teas, Kto. Carriage Manufactory (Has no connection with any car-
U. 8. Branch. Bnglirih and American Qroceriea riage shop.)
allegiauco and assume auothor is 128 & 130 FOKT STREET.
"Expatriation," said Atto- Hartford Fire Insurance Co., By Every OoaBt Bteamer. TOPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION
rney-General Black in 1859, "in
cludes not only emigration out of
Assets, $7,378,092. MUTUAL TELEPHONE M7. Carriage Builder Fenders, Dashes, Storm Aprons, Etc.,
at Lowest Possible Prices, and
Workmanship of the Uest.
Palatine Fire Insurance Co., AND REPAIRER. I use First-clas- s Material of my own Im
one's native country, but naturaliza-
tion in the country adopted as a Assets, $2,255,974. BEAVER SALOON, BltcksmiUiing in,k,ahkh.
juanuiaciurer oi ail Kinus or
future rosideuce." Tho offoot of U. S. Branoh.
Orders froqi the other Islands in
Workshop 210 Kins Street near Maunake.
naturalization is to place the adopt Thames & Mersey Marine Insur- The Bait Luicb io Tow P. O. Box 490.
ed citizon iu tho same relation to BilldlaQ, Trtxualng, Painting, Ete.. Etc,
ance Co.,
tho government as native citizens or
subjects. The right of the Hawaii-
Assets, $6,124,057.
Promptly Attended to. W. M. SMITH,
an Government with his consent to W. W. WRIGHT, PRor. ICleotrioia.ii.
adopt Mr. Bowler as fully as if ho
had beon born upon its soil is as
W3F Policies for oithor Lifo,
Firo or Marino Insurance) issued re. etxid OoWaa
piibbk jokes.
(Baoeessor to O. West.)

t. A. smrsoti, Elcctric BcIIb. A

clear as his right to expatriate him- in any of tho above named Com- AT ALL BOUM Dininef-roo- Bolls,

self. He manifested his intention panies at tho lovett rates and on JONES & SIMPSON, Burglar Alarms,
any of tlio numerous plans ad- THE FINEST BRANDS OP
of abandoning his American citizen-Bhi- p
Accountants and Gommlfsiun Agents. Private Telcphonee,
vertised. Your patronage is so-
by takiug tho oath to support
tho constitution and lawa of Ha- licited. Cigars and Tobacco HOD8E, LAND AND Everything in tho Electrio a--

waii and bear true allegiance to tho ALWAYS 0M HAKD. General Business Agency, Lino.
g. J. K3S Eofera to E.O.HhII & I
king, and, so far as known, ho mani- JOHN M. DOWSRTT, TOILiTB3. Farop. Conveyancing and Legal Documents
Drawn Up. Son, where orders may bo left.
fested no contrary intention before
1200-l- m Merchant Street, Honolulu. DRAWINQB AND TRACINGS MADE.
his arrest. That oath is inconsist- Regan Vapor & Pacific Gas
ent with his allegiauuo to tho Unitod vsss. Transitions In French, German.
HO YEN KEE & CO., Spanish, Portnguese. Dutch, Italian and
Statos. By taking it ho obliged Hawaiian. Illlla Collected and Accounla
himsolf to support the government
of his adoption, even to tho extent
41 Nimanu Htrt-f- l Engines & Launches Adjusted.
Offloe, SOB Merchant St.
ttx 3Cvtlt
VsuXt S
vdtr Uf Nt 1U
of lighting its battles in thoovont of
war botweou it nud tho country of Tinsmiths. PlnmbinQ, Etc. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. O. B. DWIQHT Cmymw' Hnr xHIt tie
Does bit kinds of Work In pvomyttu MMtnAMttf.
his origiu. IIo could uot bear true Thoy cannot be snrrassed for tnollvt
allegiance to both governments at nnnOKKKY nd OI.AKHWAKB. power. Ctment & Stone Sidewalks & Corbie.. Mom nCmlmt1rkOtmm IO.
tho pa mo time. BKNU FOU 0ATA1.0GUK- -
Is kept on flle at E. 0.
Tho President directs that you JOB PRINTING &X& He has on hand a laree snpply of
Uranltn Curb and alwuyr tepn Ha-
e Chi-ner-
rAr 1jI DAKK'B Advertising
inform Mr. Bjwlor that ho is not en- Ilui lktih Puhlibiiinu
(Joinniorclal Work a biclnlty. Ksilmatet
Co.. Ld. Klrst-cltt- st
JOS. TINKER, waiian Curbing Btone. given
and lowest prions asinred Dell Telephone
A;enRy, 01 and '(n Merchant's Exchange,
San Kruncipco, Calllornla. where contiacts
titled to tho protection of tho Ctven. Orders promptly executed. 1UW-- U Bole Agent, Nuuanu streeu t'O. UW-t- f for advertising can bo made for II.
"f """""It?


!!! 7l II 1

MMWpBJWWWII Jg IMIIIMWglllll Mil Hllll n

The Honolulu "Suspocts" Unboom

Themselves and Tell Startling
Thn Samoa Weekly Herald hat A INT)
the following:
Thn Maripom arrive il lu port from
San Franoisco on Saturday lat,
having considerable cargo for Apia
and a very full passenger list
through. Among the passengers
mm is I SEQUAI
were three gentlemen Messrs. Levy,
Bailey and Swift who tvore doport- -
V sipneTrial will proejheir rryerir fS- -

ed from Honolulu on account of
their supposed connection with the
rocent trouble there. They toll
fI B! I WiiKRtAt, Mr. L. Ueickk of M Mer-
chant Street, and in
Honolulu, diil complain, lief ore n
well-know- n

rather startling stories about the large audience on Monday night

Stop That Cough! treatmont accorded them by the

Government of Hawaii, ono which
they all affirm the truth of being
last in tho old Armory, on tho cor-
ner of Berotania and Punchbowl
Streets, that Rheumatism had
been torturing him for the past
that Mr. Swift, who was confined IK) years, Mr. Beicko( stated that

in jail for forty-tw- dayB, was tor-o he bad tried even thing he know
tured during that period, so as to of to obtain relief but all ended in

ummms failure, ScqCAn upon be ink' ap-

Cough induce him to divulge information

the Oovernment supposed him to be
possossed of. His wife acted as Maid
of Honor to the deposed Queen.
plied ti, immediately suggested
that the Hheumatism had been in
possession quite long enough, and
proceeded to give it notice to quit

by applying tho Seqoaii Oil to
Those gentlemen, all being subjects tho parts afllicted ami in tho pre-
of Great Britain, have appealed to
ure sence of a number of gentlemon

pi s I
their home Government for protec- from the Midi once relieved tho
tion. Their passage was paid to sufferer from his torture; and,
Sydney for them, but, as Mr. Levy's Whereas, tho said Mr. Beicko, pre-
vious to the treatment, could not
property was confiscated, tho Ha- walk without tho aid of a stout

waiian Government was probably stick, is now to be seen about town
not much out of pocket over the as lively as a kitten, feeling as

oughs sP transaction. If these stories are not

exaggerated it would stem as if the
pleased as a dog with two tails.
Others besides tho above have re-
ceived the same wonderful relief
olds. hitherto peaceful Hawaiian Islands
wero to bo exposed to many of tho
( F
3 n
au 1 1 ft ami Slqi'ah's fame is spreaumg
far aud near.
evils of a roigu of torror. No doubt
tho spirits of tho above mentioned
h sr & Ciipplns with Rheumatism aro
now pouring into tho old Armory
gontlomen wero not very high when ovory evoniug, wlioro Sequaii lectures
HOLLISTER DRUG GO,, they ombarked at Honolulu, butthoy
cortaiuly could not have had any
at 7:!J0. All invited. Seats provided.
National Baud in attendance. Ad-
mission free.
B23 Fort Street. fellow-passouge- rsmoro calculated to
sond them up to concert pitch than
those on this steamer, as nearly ovoty
Marseilles Seol'aii attends at tho old
Armory each day at IJ o'clock for
- sale of bin Remedies aud to receive
Medical Hall, - 316 Fort Street stato room was occupied by mem- persons who wish to undergo his
bers of "Tho Londoji Gaiety Girls' treatmont.
Troupe," which iB going through to

C.E.Willianis&Son Sydnoy. Judging by tho way this

merry band took possession of our
peaceful town wo venture to predict
that seats in the row of bald-heade-
Spreads !

ESTABLISHED 1 859. the theatre they occupy will always

command a premium. Fourteen of Rheumatism
San Francisco's gilded youths ac-
companied tho trqupo as far as I have just received a com - your own benefit, KFor
The Largest Stock of Bedroom Sets Honolulu where, without exception, pletc line, in the Latest come, see, hear and judge for

they all received their conge and rw yourselves.

Ever imported to Honolulu. Eight Different Styles departed, certainly sadder, if not
to select from. Prices are a clinchrr wiser men, and incidentally con-
siderably out of pocket.
AJso a Fine Lot of CIIIFFONIKKB of the Latest Designs and Patterns
Now that tho war of tho revolu-- I
tion is ovor, it is tho duty of ovory
Genuine Sequah
Special Feature No. White Seamless Hatting mau to support tho existing form of

Per lioll of 40 Yards,

govurumout. Although things may
not move with tuat cordiality that
And a Pine Quality for $9 per Roll
would ensure an everlasting peace,
still they may bo allowed to subside
into that indifforeuco without animo- Spreads Speaks !
sity that would allow either party
Headquarters for Baby Carriages I to work out their best interests.
things considered it may bo for tho
All 1307-- tf

17 1M
best, but time, tho only arbitrator in
such cases, must alono decido that
James T. Stowart is a Plumber and
The qualities and patterns
are very choice and were im-
will do your work in good shape The business of tho country it
I and at figures that will give you ported specially for my fine settling into it former groove. Our
Pioneer Furniture House tiaiaifiitti
James T. Stewart.
15 Bothel Street, Honolulu,
gentlemanly driver has roturnod
trade. Also have a full lino of from his vacation, the cows in the
pasture switch ins instead of bul- -

lets with their tails and the cream i

Honeycomb and richor in consequence. We believe
Encyclopedic wo have satisfied every ouo of our
customers who have taken milk from
Imitation us and we aro in a position to sun-Pl-
great many moro The people

III n term that lias been justly
wno irotn cnoice or necessity visited
applied by ninny to the treat-
ment Klven anhjectH In tho
Marseilles Spreads Waialao during tho past two weeks
havo had an opportunity to soo just
Smoking what sort of diet our stock foods
upon, and no longer wondor at the
Tobaccos New At Keasonablo Prices. richness of tho milk from our dairy.
Our facilities for delivery aro the
(jjQir While you are wait- best. With tho exception of a day
from all the Celebrated
Factories In the United ?
acaraflBA mm: mm,
Standard nLm,jr nv in. n
or two early in tho lato unpleasant-
ness our drivers have always been
ing for the car come in and on timeatourcustomora' residences.
States V5V
ftMiin MW'uwnt.Tc.' iiiagr Dictionary see them. Wo tako this opportunity to thank
those whoa havo boon pattont with us
aud to solicit a continuance of their
Pipes and patronage. Wo will bo pleased to
fill all orders telephoned to us and
A. dozn new wayB of fit dln
Smokers' the word you want. A KcltmtlflQ
guaranleo all milk to be pure and
Alplinbet to aid lu the iiromtn
c ut ion. Ib recognized authority.
514 Fort Street freo from adulteration.
Articles For partlcu'ara address The WAiALAE KA.NC11.

Beach Douse To Let!

(leneral Dollvury
Havana, Manila, Mesdcan and JSmerican Cigars.

First Consignment of HOOK 11KKH

arrived at A PUKNISIir.n HOUSE
A Chaoce for Horsemen
oo. .v

HzoxjXiisrrEi XX. Is to let or lease at



"THE ANCHOR" Walklkl bench, a few niln- -
tltcs' WHIK iroiu tlio tram-- 1
l'Klt AU8TKALIA ear. It hat Coolc lloui-o- , Hath House, and
Fort'and Cor. Merchant Streets.
l Lattsi ImpioYtid Frazler
Good 8e Ilatblni; IIoiiHehold Utensils
Salky From the Freilerlcksherp Ilrenlug Co. and Dishes are all cnnmlete. Rooms mav
of Han Joxe, Cut, ho let with rmthinKVrivdeges, It the whole
With I'neutimtlu Whet Is. Alto, premises are not taken.
Huveothtr Houses in town nncl suburbs

' -
Daily Bulletin 50c. per Month All In
l St
Ball During High Wlmli.
Flftt-clu- Bi Order. Inquire of
2-- For 25c.--- 2
to let, furnished and unfurnished.
Also, liulliliiiK Lots formic.
1321-t- f 0. W. MAOKAKLANE. 1300 WM. CUNNINGHAM. lw 1277-- tf 4.' Merclunt streeu

'S- 7 i

The Infamous ruport to the effect

BY AUTHORITY. that Robert Louis StovHtson had
been engaged iu tho importation of
"fimely Jopie IT PROVED .
WATER NOTICE. arms for the uso of Samoau rebels is i
forever rqtu'lclieri and sot at rest by
Orvinj; to the drought and scarcity of
a recent Jeciniou of Chief Justice April 13, i Si) 5.
to me that good goods and low
water, tho resldf-n- t nbove Jildd street nnd Ido of the Satuoau Sujin me Court, The same old cry of "No prices are still appreciated in Ho-
on the bIojips of l'mclibowl Hill are re the stibtatice of u hie h appear iu Water" is again heard in tone
nuo-te- to collect what water they may
rs'illre for household pnriot)S between
another column. Tho family of tho of voice as loud and as tierce
latnotited novelist sued the writer of as ever.
nolulu. T therefore intend to nve
But with the new
the hours of 5 and 10 o'clock t u,
AKMIUW KHOW.N, the libel for damages and pres-nte- il pumping station almost com- my customers and the public in
overwhelming evidence iu his favor.
Siiiicrltitcndent Honolulu Water Works.
Honolulu, April 11, 1KB. 1311 tt This preponderated to such an in-
pleted the complaints against
Works Department
general another opportunity. I
tent that even Chief Justice lde iu the Water beg to call attention to the special
WATKn N07I0E rendering hi decision almost ajiolo will soon be a thing in forgot-
gizd to tho Sleveron family that ten history. It looks just now bargains in our line of
Holders of water privilege)., of tht inch a suit had Ihoii rendered as though the government is
jmyltig ntir rates, ate Inrchy Jiotlfled necessary to protect the fame of doing everything in its power
that tlm hours for Irrigation vurpoes are tho dead author. What the Chief to alleviate the misery and re- Wool Goods, Cashmere, Flannelettes & Flannels.
from 7 to 8 o'clock A. m. and 5 to flo clock
- vt.
Justice of Samoa gracefully and op duce the annoyance which na-
portuuely said the whole world will turally ensues through lack of
Superintendent of Wnter Woris
Approvrd: echo. Too late, ata", wo all realize sufficient water witlf which to
Sale will commence MONDAY, April 22d.
J. A. Kiwi, that Siuioa uevur had a bettor and make a cocktail.
Mmlitor of the Inu rlor.
Honolulu, .March 12, um. J2-"-
truer friend than Hobert Louis
Iere 1
are some tigures over
which you may ponder if you
Examination for Primary Certificates.
From a more thorough examina-
tion of tho accounts of the lato big
are interested in wire fences:
The European wire which we
fort Street
An examination fur Prlmnry CertlUc-itc- s
fire iu Apia, as published iu the Sa- carry in stock has been tested
will he he'd fit the SchooMio c, Walhiku,
I'HIDAY, May 17, mid SATURDAY, My
inoau papers, it would appear that
although all hands were on divk, to
use a familiar expression, they wore
at the Iron Works and shows a
tensile strength of 2760 pounds. Havana Flats
Insin'ctor.Gf ncri.1 of Schools. The galvanizing passed through
137-a- t n iu a disgraceful state of intoxication all the tests it is possible to put
from the chief of polio" of Apia to it and shows that it is as near is tho latest novelty in cigars. This is a per-
ttThr --
Jhult! 3Jllriin. tho cabin boy of H. M. S. Wallaroo.
Although the fire had been iu pro- perfect as it is possible to make fectly Hat cigar. The filler is Havana of a
gress for hours Captain Grahame it. The American wire we re-
ceived a week or more ago, very high gradt and laid in, like the sheets of
of the Wallaroo did not laud his
Pl'dyed to nrillier Sect nor Parly, mariuei until it was nearly extin- (and it is the best to be ob- a book, in the same way an cigars that cost
Hut Ettabtlihed for th IUntfit of All. guished. A conflict of authority im- tained in the States), was tested $150.00 per thousand. The outside appear-
mediately ensued between the British at the Iron Works and shows ance of the cigar conforms to the filler, and is
F1UDAY, MAY 3, 1895. captain aud the chief of polico of a tensile strength of about 700 perfectly Hat. Those of our cigar customers
Apia, during which opprobrious pounds. These figures show
We acknowledge that the editor epithets of all kinds woro bandied to which is the best wire, and who have sampled them pronounce tho Ha-
of tho Advertiser is better posted and fro between tho principals. which you should use in build- vana Flats of excellent quality and of unique
on bifurcation and fin de siocle than From tho published accounts it and attractive shape.
wo are, but he cau't spell worth a
ing the Jones Locked Fence
would appear that tho affair was a
cent. disgrace to overy one concerned iu
the best fence in the world.
The growing desire on the
it, and especially to the captain of
It is surprising that considering part of trie people to save mo-
how hardly worked government of-
ficials are, some of them can goner-all- y
Her Britaunic Majesty's ship Walla--
roo, which sailed for Now Zealand
the following day and is now, like au
ney accounts in a measure for
the demand that has been made
Havana Cigars
bo found ou tho corner of Fort upon us for the Dietz Oil Stove.
ostrich, tryiug to buiy in tho snud,
and Merchant streets. The people who have been us-
the disgrace its captain has brought
Laboratory is a good word. It is on the British navy. ing them here during the past by reason of their superior quality and name
found oven iu Webster's dictionary. six months are so well pleased are unuaHy sold at high prices. "We have an
Hut when it appears iu tho shape of THE REVENUE CUTTER. with them that they recom- excellent line of theso cigars direct from Ha-
"labratory" it makes one think of The necessity of a swift, light mend them to their friends.
draft and revenue cutter The fact that they cannot ex- vana. While the quality of theso cigars w at
Labrador or some other warm placo. well-arme-

has uever been so well demonstrated plode is a point in their favor; tho
top-not- ch
our prices have been scaled down
Tho steamer Australia arrived just as iu tho past week. At prosout economy of fuel is another, to bring these popular cigars within the reach
as tho Bulletin was going to press. thore is really but one vessel at the and the wish of people to have of all.
Tho paper was held back half an immediate servico of tho Hawaiian a stove they can cook with
hour iu ordr to give its readers the Government aud that is tho tug and not get "all bet up" is an-
latest uoivs. Tin may bo summed Elou. A good idea of the value
other, bvery one who uses a
up in a word, ami that word is of this vessel to the government
may be cstimatod from her recent
trip in search of "opium smugglers'"
Dietz Stove will tell you that
it is the best they ever had.
Manila Cigars
The conviction for libel of Hoahi-u- n
After two day's steaming she return- The time is here and house
aud Arai, two Japanese autiug as ed to port completely used up and owners should begin painting
editor aud busiuess manager of a is now undergoing a thorough over- up their dwellings. In the se- need very little said in their praise, for they arc
newspaper, will set people to think- hauling as well as having her boilers lection of material the fact that
ing. Tho iudUidual who was pre- well known here to overy smoker. It would
renovated aud cleansed. Hendry's Ready Mixed is bet-
sumed to bo libelled was duly con-victe- d
During tho absence of the Elou a
be diilicult to get a better cigar for tho price
ter than any other should be
aud sentenced by a competent vessel was outside tho harbor wait- considered. This mixture is at which Manilas arc sold. "We allow no one
court as a common vngraut. For ing for a tug to bring it to tho wharf to undersell us in this line. "We compete with
commenting on this case theso two made of pure white lead and
and was forcod to stand off and on any nationality. Remember that when look-
Japanese were this morning convict-o- d
all day. It is neither fair nor right
oxide of zinc and the best qua-
of libel iu tho second degree and to the captains of merchant vessels lity of colors obtainable. The ing for Manila Cigars.
sentenced to pay a lino of $100 each. for tho govorumeut to use tho only paints are made especially for
Tho caso has boon appealed by Paul tug iu port for two or three days at us and are guaranteed to be
Neumauu, the defendants' attorney. a time aud posiibly leave thorn at first-cla- ss in every respect.
Tho Iudepoudent, in its issuo of
tho moroy of the dangerous reefs and They are good spreaders and
this morning, intimates that bocauso shoals which surround this coast. retain their glossy appearance HQBRON DRUG CO.
Mr. Hatch is drawing a salary of
Tho one and only .remedy is for longer than any mixed paint
about $.)t000 a year as Minister tho government to purchase a light solq elsewhere or even that
of Foroigu Affairs he has no right to
and swift steamer, which can be in which is mixed to order. We
practice law. Thore is no man in readiness for any purpose at a mo- have them in quarts, half gal-
tho Hawaiian Islands who is bottor ments notice, even for chasing opium lon and gallon containers and
posted as to his rights to practice smugglers, filibusters or phantom in all the shades desirable for
law or go fishing on Sunday than ships.
either inside or outside work. New Goods ! New Goods !

Mr. Hatch, and all wo have to say is While in Stockton, Cal., some time In localities where water is
that if Frosident Dole will givo the ago, Thos. F. Laugau, of Los Banos, necessary for either irrigation Suitings, Serges, Trouserings,
writer the positiou now held by Mr. that state, was takon very sovorely Linen Duck, Linen Drill, Flannels.
with cramps and and diarrhoea. Ho or household purposes and
Hatch ho will swear by all that is
chanced to meet Mr. O. M. Carter, where nature has left an ach-
sacred ho will not attompt to prac- wuu wua Biiimuriy nuucieu. nw says: ing void by its absence, or at
tice law, ovon beforo Judgo Perry. "I told him of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, aud least where the fluid is so far Lace Stripes, Organdies, Pongees, Ginghams,
Tho Frioud has made its monthly j wo wont to the Holden Drug Storo below the surface as to be in- Sateens, India Linens, Victoria Lawns,
appearance on our editorial desk, and procured a bottle of it. It gave visible, we would suggest the Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ribbons,
Mr. Carter prompt relief and I cau -
While it contains muclt olso of iuter-os- t vouch for its having curod me." For digging of surface or artesian Laces, Flowers, Feathers, Etc.
it eulogises Dr. Hyde and in- wells and to the owners or
cidentally refers to tho attack made
ou him by one Thomas G. Shear-ma-
in a recent issuo of tho Now
sale by all dealers. Benson, Smith
& Co., agents for the Hawaiian Isl-
lessees of the land that they
erect Aermotors. If
we could Mosquito NetR, Art Muslins, Cretonnos, Madapolains, spe-
York Post. This matter has boon FOR SALE write up the profits which cially adapted for Ladies and Children's Underwear.
written and ro written so often by have accrued among people on
these Islands who use Aermo-
ouo of our morning contemporaries
that Shearman, Dr. Hyde aud the
general public must bo thoroughly
and harness) Harness
nnd.I.Ulit Easy Drake,
The outfit $b0 cish.
to saddle
jNcr' tors it would surprise some
folks who don't use them.
Renowned "PEARL" Sewing Machine!
well sick of it. Dr. Hyde's reputa- Address ".," thlsOIIico At tho marvelously low price of $30.00. Guaranteed
tion is too well known in this com- equal if not superior to any machine ovor imported.
The Hawaiian Hardware Co. Ltd.
munity to need any refutation at JOB PRINTING a'on&eWft
the hands of any newspaper, espe- Jlui I.KTIN runusuiMi Co.. l.n. First-clus- s (IIKmtto Brreckvla mock,
cially ouo published iu Honolulu. Commercial Work a Specialty. Estimate
given. Orders promptly executed. Ul PORT WTRJffilSTC. L. B. KERR, Queen Street, Honolulu.
TfVHMBMVPnVvllMIHIHHHiRfT 1?"ffJ ,VW'Jppp-TriF-(7nf- t

j, ,

j y
' r -"T

4-r- . THE DAILY BULLETIN, MAY 3, 1895.


-- ...
iuu VkTfl mc mnTITIU"

Whnt has bncorae of the Hawaiian Why Are We Thronged?

Annexation Olubt Japanese Newspaper Men Have to
Tho S. S. Australia came down in
Pay a Fine of $100 Each. What Is the Attraction?
six days and three hours. Tho long-pendin- libel suit against

tho Honolulu Hochi, a Japanese

Tho wind no longer blows through
George Malison's whiskers.

publication, was finally brought to a
close in the District Court this fore-
Combiuml baud roncort at tho noon. The libellant was Mori. Tho
Hawaiian Hotel this livening. Japanese paper in two articles called
At the Right Prices --
Island steamers brought in 0786 Mori "a vagabond aud a loafer." It OUK NKW LlNi: OF- -

bags of sugar from Kauai to-da-

also accused him of "procuring wo
I'lUNTED MUSLINS and CKINKl.l.l) MUI,LS-Cn- n't help but attract;
V. II. Corn well will leave for
Maui by tho steamer Hawaii this
men for immoral purposes." o.OSV they tire nen, nut nlone In Material but also In Patterns.
Hoshina, tho proprietor, aud Arai,
editor, tostifiod that thoy were re-
m a fm "

iSof1' PRINTED and 81MI COI.OU COTTON DUCK-- ln Cream, White and
Kcru, in pretty Polo Dots and Strips. There's wear; there's style
Dr. Yates Miss Yates and P. P. sponsible for the articles published, PrtA1 and only l!0cts. a yard.
Tuckott loft for the Volcano by tho and had grounds for doing bo. The CHINK I.KOREI'ONS and FANCY DKKSS GINGHAMS-- ln Strides and
Kiuau. to-da- y.

man had boon found guilty of being Pla1d, fast rolors; 8 janN for $1.
Tho W. H. Dimoud brought twelvo
horses for the Club Stables. They
a vagrant and spent one month in
jail. Both defoiuUuts, Hoshina aud
the latest

are fine animals. Arai, were found guilty of libel in PRINTED PER('AI,E8-- ln pretty Stripes and Figures; just
the tbliiK for Ladles' Sh'rt Walst.
Tho Boavor Saloon received a tho second dogreo and souteucod to
consignment of fresh frozen oysters pay a line ol SUW eacu. 1'. j.ou-man- n,

by tno S. s. Australia to-ua-

who appeared for defendants, Art Denim ! Art Denim !
Tho uatiro paper Makaainana has noted an nppoat.
moved to the office on King street m
V nice If tuts In Odd and Pretty Shades, the most serviceable material for
formerly occupiod by E. B. Thomas. Iieer and Oysters citvorliiB Cushions, Pillows, etc. They are Washable and they near. Don't
(nil to see them.

Nigel Jauk?ou came down as cabin California people claim to bo the
boy on tho barkentine W. U.
yesterday from San Francisco.
most progressive of any on tho faco
of the earth. Thero is one of them JSI.".
During tho abonco of the
V. O. Atwator will
bo tho responsible man at the Post-ofBc- o.
in this city and his name is Seoly
Shaw. Ho owns tho Merchant's
Exchange Saloon aud wishes tho
5SO Fort St Honolulu -

Bulletin to advertise the faot that

Johnston, cook ou tho S. S. Mio-wer- a,

jumped overboard from that

steamer when two days out from
ho has just received au immense
consignment of Enterprise and !f
Bock beer. Ho also pays the Bulle
Look At This i HIRES' ROOT REER?
Tho Hoalaui Boat Club's ball tin threo dollars extra for mention-
takes placo oa Thursday evening, ing tho fact that he is prepared to I; anil tonlln ;!
Mar 9. instead of last ntgnt as ro- - furnish nico oyster cocktails in ;
ported yesterday. which Eastern oysters
seven-year-ol- d

Mechanics' Home, corner Hotel are not used, but only good fresh v
and Nuuauu streets, lodging by day, California ones direct from the
week or month. Terms: 25 and 50 oyster beds off San Mateo.
cents per night; SI and 11.25 per
The steamor James Makeo towed
JustReceived 1 vl
if nK'
the barkentine W. H. Dimond into
yesterday, tho tug Eleu being
off while her boilers are being
The now steamer of the Inter-Islan- d
Steam Navigation Co. is
here a week from
2 Ml Jill
Mian ffH N iijjwjV X ?NzJV
What namo will be given her
is not yet decided ou.
The dredgor is at work deepening Fine Soft Kid Button !

the harbor in the vicinity of tho

cattle pen. Several island Rteamors OYSTERS Boot, new diamond tip
a Tilsit's WtLsit
have stranded there lately while
landing cattlo, owing to the shallow-
ness of tho water.
United Carriago Company's stand,
and Spanish arch, only
es.oo. Everybody likes HIRES' .Root Bkkk because it
I Like."
besides having superior hacks al-
At tbe Beaver Saloon, Oat of Sight ! gives everybody health as well as pleasure. It's the purest
ways roady at tho call of "290," fur-
nishes line livery outfits at tho short-
H. J. Nolte, Proprietor. Elegant French Kid Ox- beverage that human skill can compound from the purest
est notice good horses and nice car- ingredients of nature. There is not one drop of anything
riages, from buggy to wagonette. 1310--
ford, Pump sole, patent in this delicious temperance drink but what promotes good
The Bulletin' is requestod to
make special mention of the fact
OOEA.2STIO back stay, for health and happiness. It's debcious flavor is acquired by
that tho Australia will leavo for San the skillful blending of the most wholesome herbs, roots,
Francisco on Wednesday, May 8th,
at 4 p.m. W. G. Irwin & Co. are
authority for the announcement.
Steamship Co barks and berries, and not by essential oils and flavoring
extracts, of which tho many counterfeit ' Root Beer" are
FOR SAN KRANC1SCO. composed. A package of the Genuine
G. R. Harrison, practical piano

Hires' Root Beer

and organ maker ana tuner, can fur- THE Al STEAMSHIP
nish best factory references. Orders
left at Hawaiiau News Co. will re-
ceive prompt attention. All work
guaranteed to be the same dnn tt AUSTRALIA" makes five gallons of good, pure, health-givin- g Root Beer.
In faekiry.
If you want your watch repaired. WILL LEAVK HONOLULU
Kff A your storekeeper for it. Made
If you want jewelry made up neatly. only by the Chaklhs E. Hikes Co., Philadel-
If you want souvenir spoons, or any-
thing in the jewelry line. H. G.

Wednesday, May 8th,

Hclnerny phia, U. S. A.
Biart, at C. Gertz's store, Fort street,
is your man. He was for ten years AT O'CLOCK P. M.
Shoe Store
tho practical watchmaker for Wan- The undersigned are now nrenared to
"I havo tibcd over fifty bottles of jour Hoot Ilucr uiul alwaya
ner & Co. issue Through Tickets from this City to all I.-..--.-.-.wm-

points in iiib umteu states.

havo it on luuul. Mits. J. II. Walkeu, X. E. Cor. H. It. Ave. it
At the AT For
meeting of the Freight farther particulars regarding
or Passage, apply to
Schiller St., Alamcdu, Cul., U. S. A."
"Young Hawaiiau Institute, held
yesterday evoning, the entertain-
1330 Ol
CO.. L'o.
General Agent i Jewelry ! "Vt havo used your Hoot Ilucr for yours and do not
believo it could ho excelled. 1). HakMeh, 2210 Hancock St.,
ment committee was authorized to l'hilu., Pa., U. S. A."
prepare a program for an entertain- ELECTION OF OFFIOEBS.
ment to bo held on tho eve of
March 24th.
Our stock of tipring JOBBERS:
A MEFjTINQ OF THE 8T00K-holder- s Goods is acknowledged by Hobkon Drug Company Wholesale Druggist
The Japanese theatro on Mauna-ke- a AT of the Telifiionk Kona-Ka- u
everybody to be the finest Benson, Smith & Company " "
t Teleobai--
street is again running in full day,
Company, Limited, held this
following Officers were elected for Hollistep. Drug Company, Ltd. .. . " "
blast. Liquor can be drunk on the the ensuing year: on tho Honolulu market,
premises while tho show is on, if one
and consists of everything
Lewis & Comtany Grocert
carries it in his pocket before going President .0 O.Hewitt,
in. Tho theatre is advertised by a !.. ..O.D.Miller, nt

Secretary it Treasurer... .L S. Aungat, Useful and Ornamental.

Japanese going about the streets
btating a tomtom.
Auditor ...M.K.Scott.
Our prices are moderate. The Favorite Gurney ,
If you want to buy a really good C M. Walton, Geo. Clark, E. 11. llarthrop. Jewelry in special designs
dock or watch at Coast prices in- LUTHER S. AUNQST, manufactured to order on
spect the stock of Brown & Kuboy,
at No. 1. Masonio Temple; there you
will find the largest variety in Ho-
Kallua, Kona, Hawaii, April 25, 1803.
short notice. i

Refrigerators and Ice Chests;

nolulu at the lowest prices; clocks
and watches sold on weokly and K00M8 AND BOAKD. JACOBSEN & PFEIFFER,
monthly payments. Brown & Kubey
mnko a specialty of rubber stamps. ROOMS fewAND HOARD
persons can be r.."jk"j"b
P. O. llox 287. Fort Street. REVERE GARDEN HOSE !

Soquah will lecture this evoniug

liad at iianiwat, on tno
vai-kl- itf
P'Sultm Dr. LIEBIG & CO.
at tho Armory hall, Berutauia streot,
ou tho efficacies of his remedies, aud
rofor to porsons who havo already
117&-- tf
Proprietor. MEN Spccinlt Doctors for Chronic
J-u.s- t
HORSE FOB SALE. Dr. Moblg'a Invigorator the grcat-h- t BY
found great benefit from their U30. for Bumlnal Weakness. Lohs of .Man.
To those attending lecturo

HAY UII). hoou and Private Diseases, overcomes I'm
a pleasant ontertainineut is promised; LIGHT Ilorbe, good- - niaturcncaa and nreimros nil for innrrluL'a
admissiou freo. His discourse) sized and bhowy animal,
will bo devoted especially to indi- for sale. Also u good
life's Unties, vleaMireg ana responsibilities,
l trial bottle (,'lven or sent free to any one THE PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., LTL
Mlloh Cow. describing symptoms; call or uddress 100
gestion, liver complaints, kidney dis- MRS. 0. W. ASHFORI), deary St., private entrance 403 Mawn St.,
eases and rheumatism. 1300-- tf Near Ice Worke, Kan Pranrlscn, lUIUi't ly FORT STREET, HONOLULU.
Jl W'5?lfPPHJPI 'tmW?' "' "TWMj

Tho GanadinnAustralian Lino.

Alato Syduoy pnpor Bays that
Theo. H. Davies & Co. Mocsrs. Huddart, Parkor & Co,
Limited, who are ai ranging to lako
National Cane Shredder
up the managing agonoy of tho
Canadian-Australia- n steamship line PATENTED UNDEK THE LAWS OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.
on and after May 1 next, have taken
ofllces at tho Exchange, corner of
LIMITED. Pitt Street, and will shortly remove
to those premise1, which will be the
head ofllco of tho company in
Sydney. Their Margaret Btreet of-
fices will still be available for tho
IMPORTERS OF conducting of their wharf business.
Messrs. Burns, Philp St Co., Limited,
will continue to act as joint agents

White Brothers' Cement,

for the booking of panrongers over
tho Cauadiau-Australia-

line and Canadian-Pacifi-


Railway c
Mr. John A. Scott, Manager of tho Hilo Sugar Company, gives tho follow-
Corrugated Iron Roofiing, Flro Last Night.
ing wonderful record of tho working of tho NATIONAL CANE SHRED-
DER, which was erected by their workn at tho commencement of tho crop
Au alarm was sent in for a fire on just harvested:
" During tho past week tho Hilo Sugar Company's mill exceeded any ol
Galvanized Water Pipe, Liliha street about 7:30 o'clock
its former records by closing tho 125 hours grinding with an output of 300j
yesterday evening. Tho depart- tons. This is fully 10 percent more than the bent work of former years.
ment turned out promptly, making a "Tho thrco rollor mill being 20 in. by C4 hi. nuil the two roller mill 30 In.
Paints and Oils, very pretty sight as the engine went by 60 in. '1 he first mill doing this amount of work in un efficient manner
and with great oaeo, compared with work on whole cane, owing to thorough
along King street. Company No. 1
was slightly in tho lead. The fire, preparation of tho cane by tho National Cane Shredder, recently erected by
tho Company.
which had been extinguished before "And by its use the extraction has been increased from 3 percent to 5 per-co-
tho department arrived, was found on all kinds of cane, and in somo caecs 80 percent has been reached ;
CKOCKERY I GLASSWARE to bo in a house occupied by Georgo
Voiui, engineer on tho steamer
mo Rverago ooing o to u percent, nccording to quality.
"I continue to find the megass from shredded cano better fuel than from
wholo cane.
Kaala. It was caused by tho ex- "The shredder has been working day and night for hovoii months and ho
plosion of a lamp. George Woolsey given me cntiro satisfaction, having shredded during that timo nbout seventy
put out the (ire, scorching his left thousand tons of cane, and a largo part of it being bard ratoons.
Roche Earbor Lime, hand while desiring so. "Tho shredder and cngino renuiro verv little care or nttcntinn ."
m laus nnu speculations of these Hlit cutlers may be soon at tho olilce of
Beyond Comparison
C. & C. Fine Flour, Aro tho good qualities possessed by
WM. G. IRWIN k CO., L'd.
Hood's Sarsapnrilla. Above all it
Hill Adf"" Hf t. Unintttnn Untult
purifies the blood, thus strengthen-
Ray, Grain and Groceries, ing tho nerves; it regulates tho di- - Baldwin Locomotives.
gestivo orfjaus, invigorates tho kid- -'

Hardware and Cutlery,

unys and liver, tonus and builds up
tho entire system, cures Scrofula,
Dypousia, Catarrh and Rheumatism.
20 lbs. W Your doctor
Get Hood's aud the only Hood's. will tell yon
It Is the
Hood's Pills euro nil liver ills,
safest diet
Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. biliousness, jaundice, indigestion,
sick headache. 22c.
r . j ii pm.
Nestled .j) for baby
Intorost to Sportamon.
Twenly Wonga pigeons were re-
ceived by Harry Whitney for local
sportsmen by the S. S. Mariposa
The uuderalKned having been appointed
Sole Agents (or the Hawaiian Islands
IB JL. r
yesterday. Tho birds wore turned
Baldwin Locomotives
tigorter and Dealer in Eoropaii Dry stil Fancy Goods
Ladles' Wares o! every description. Alto, fresh line of Chinese Goods.
loo jo duriug tho afternoon at
near the Electric Light Works.
Sportsmen hopo that tho birds will
Lua-kah- a,


' GEL h wCKr
Burham, Williams & Co.,
Pongee Se "Wliite Silk Fajanaeis. bo lot alone so that their uumbers

No. 1 White and Colored Mattings !

might increase.
Dilating Mail Boca.

Phlladslphli, Penn.,
Are now prepared to K've Estliuatos nud
receive Orders for these Kugines, WmSt
of any size and style.
Best Black and Green Chinese Tea. Crepe Shawls, Ktc. Another mail bag doitiued for
Honolulu turned up on tho S. S.
EROHLAJKTT TA.II.OR,I2STO Miowera yesterday. It had gone
The Baldwin Locomotive Works
tm Fit Guaranteed. Prices Moderate. --
M right on to the Colonic?, where the BTYJ.B OK 1.0COJIOTIVK
na- - JMAifruieil Teleplione 548 -- w mistake was found. Tho bag con- 1'AKTIOULAKl.Y
tained papers only. Tho orror was Adapted (or Plantation Purposes
on tho part of tho postal authorities HOLLISTER DRUG CO., L'D,
?l.PHON 11 P O. BOX 872 A number of which havo recently been
at British Columbia. received at these Islands, and wo will hnve Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.
pleasure in furnishing plantation agents
CHAS. HUSTACE. aud managers with particulars ot same.
Illustrated Catalogue


(Vom U. 8. Journal oiMtcine.)
The Superiority of these Locomotives
over all other makes Is known not only
here but is acknowledged throughout the
United States.
Fraa-l-- 4i
We EXPORT General Famllv and Planta-
tion Supplies in any quantity. Bend fox
t'rof.W.H.Pccke.who mkr a fpcclslty of Epilepsy,
Las without doubt treated and curid more cane than
WM. 6. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., our Yearly, Monthly and Daily Price List.
any living l'liytlclau ; hla nuccct la uatontblni;. Wo
Presb CaltlornU Roll Batter and Island Battel bavolicardofcaKeiof'iOyrara'ttandlujCuri'duyhlm. 8oU Agents lor tbs Hawaiian Islands.
BT ALWAYS ON HAND J03 eenda with a large bottle of In abtotuto cure, free to
any auffererhomaycnd their P.O.nndKipreid-drrt- . P. O. JONES. E. A. JONES.
We adv le anyono w ifbln-- t a cure to addn ,
w Goods Hoceived by Every Steamer (rom Sao Ftnocisu, l"rof. W. II. PKEKE, P. U 4 Cedar 8U, New York.

All Orders faithfully
.iinltnl tnd packed with cure
attend ti ntlufnntlnn iinrniiu-- i (imi iiir Valuable House Lots
Limooui Block, Kino Sxkkkt, Bet. Fobt and Auiaa STiucn.
Poi Sale I Safe Deposit! liivdmeiitCo. 414-41-

8 Front Stroot,
il BOX
Wall Paper
840 297

llave for sale a few Shares of !

Lots on the premises formerly I'AIA SUOAIt BTOCK Wo havo Jnst Received direct from
Ill FORT STRMET. owned by J. A. Hasslnger, Esq., locnted
between l'cusacola and 1'llkol streets.
New York the

Theso L'.ts are of uniform s zn, 80x170, AUo, HAWAIIAN OOYEUNMENTand

Largest Invoice
Importers, Wholesale k Retail Gram which Is as largo as moat f ersons like to
have the care f. The noil is very rich and
1st Mortgage SUQAK PLANTA-TIO-
Greatest Variety
there are many well grown Fruit ami Or. Ever brought here at one time.
Provision Dealers
Ereth Qoodi by Every California Steamer.
& Naval Supplies namental Trees on all of tho Lots.
If you want a home In a good, quiet, res-
pectable and healthy neighborhood, take
one or morn of these Lots, which we ollbr
For particulars apply to

Hawaiian Stfa Depoilt and Invest-

Patterns of 1895 Prices Reduced I
ICE - HOUSE - GOODS - A - SPECIALTY. ment Company,
Islands Obdkbs Souoitbd. Mt K0T Satisfaotiom Qdabatbi.
at reasonable prices and upon easy ternif
as to payment.
For particulars apply to
TBI.MPHONB W- - -- P. O BOX lr The Hawaiian Safe Deposit ami Invest- California and Hawaiian Froit W. P. OHALLAEON,
H. K. MLolNTYRK & BRO ment Company,
mroRTBU Ann dialim r AND PitODUCK COMPANY.
40S Fort Stroot. Carpenter and Builder
Groceries, - Provisions - and - Feed. non-t- f Opp. 0. R. & L. Depot, on King Street.

New Goods HeoAlved by Every Packet from the Eastern Btataa im Knrop Merchants' Exchange Orocerles. Prnylslons and Ico Home -E- STIMATES GIVEN ON -
Goods, Fish, Vegetables, Frozen Oysters,
H, I. HHAW.l'roprleuir Etc., received liy every steamer from San
(Jor. King aud Ntiiiuim Streri. Honoluui, Tue Shipping Trade supplied. Brick, 8tono ft Wooden BnUdinis.
u Ordsn iKithfnlly attended to and Goods DellTrd to ant
Hart of tb Httv KIIKK.
Choloe hlquors and Fine Bear. Jobbing promptly uttended to.
LAHD OftDBU SOUOITVO SlTTMAOTlO tOAAPTa' Goo. Cavanagh, - Manager.
ART OOKNBK l'i ANb KINU RTKKKT. UKLL TELEPHONE Wl. TELEPHONE No. 765 73 King Ptraet, Redwud'a 0U Btao.
if ".'f. .'
? .V .

-- i m " THE DAILY BULLETIN, MAY 3, 1896.


New Furniture ! His Family Wins a Suit for Libel in

tho Samoan Court.
following is copiud from a re-
cent issuo of tho Sauionu Times:
Tho family of tho Into I. L

New Furniture Stovt'iison have just brought and

! wou a libel suit beforo Cliiof Justico
tele. Taylor, tho dwfondant, a young
of some education, iiad
half-cast- e

been spn ading reports to tho offuct

that Mr. Stovonson had beou involv-
ed (in conjunction with tho captain
JTJST .AJRRrVTEID and officers of thoouhoonor Equator)
in landing four hundred rtautl of
Pur burk " Andrew 'Welch," Schooner "Robert Lowers" and rifli'S and two hundrt'd thousand
rounds of fixed atiiuiutiition. Taylor
Steamer "Austrnliu." supplied the Samoa Times with tho
most specific detail, and was re-
3T Every vurioly, style and price in the Furniture line. Tho sponsible for a written statement
being circulated through tho town
host and most varied in Honolulu. Gall and inspect cur stock. that tho lato Mr. Stovenon was
deeply implicated in the illicit in --

portattou of arms into this country.

KCoid & Co.,

It is scarcely necessary to say that
overwhelming ovidonco was brought
to prove tho falsity of those alle-
gations, and Chief Justice lde, after
TSTo V- -l King Street. a summing up iu which he spoke
very highly o(. Mr. Steveusou, sen-
tenced Taylor to pay a fiuo of XI r Zola Quser
H. Hackfeld & Co., 10s, or 90 days' imprisonmont, as
well as tho costs of tho Court.

Combined Band Concert.

Colfax, Indiana.
Wc herewith present above an excel-

heavy heart. On tho fourth of July I met

lent likeness of little Zola Miner, tho my father's family physician In n neigh-
six year old daughter of Mm. Olllo boring village, and he, at my request, ex-
Offer to tho trade on the most liberal terms their The Philadelphia and Govern- Iluser, a milliner well known by the amined Zola's eyes and
ment bands will give a combined residents of Colfux, Indiana, and
large and varied stock of concert at the Hawaiian Hotel this towns. Tho child waHiillllct-c- d
Advised Mo To Try Hood's
Barsanarllla. I went homo and tirniriil
evening at 7:30. Tho following is with Iritis mul wan treated without a bottlo at tho drug storo and began to
avail. Finally, a noted physician ad-
the programme: vised Hood's Sarsaparllla and good
glvo It as directed and waih tho eyes with
March Liberty Mn 1 Bouia
health now reigns Mipremo.
the following letter:
warm water. Soon I began to noto an
Improvement and now, having given the
child over a half dozen bottler, her eyes
Oveilure Unlit Cavalry Supptt " Colfax, Ind., Aug. 10, 18M.
ranias'a i n tsmnn's Hong feiienber; are greatly Improved and she can eet as
"C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. :
Boota and Shoes, Hats, JShawls, Belectlon Koie of Castile Hullo
"Gentlemen: As an act of Justice and
well k any one. Hue U scarcely nix years
of age, yet I sent her to school for n short
Clothing, Saddlery, Etc., Etc., Etc. Fantasia
Hutatlng Scene ...Bnccatossi
ti. for the benefit ot other mother who, like term this summer. When sho began to
Waltz Springtime lloutquet myself, may havo afflicted children, I take llood'i ttarinparllla, she had to eat
Two Marches a. National Guard of write you this letter. About tho llrit of her meals in n darkened room, hut now
Furniture & Hardware, Hawaii,!). Palolo
The Star Spangled Banner.
Hawaii l'oiiol.
Ilergor February, 1803, my daughter Zola, then
three years old, contracted soro eyes of
the worst form and In a fow weeks
hbe Is ablo to sit nt tho tablo with tho rest
of tho family." Mrs. Om.ii: .

Known to Loading Citizens.

Bags, Bagging, Building Material, Crockery and Glass- Any ono who has ever had an at- Was Entirely Blind "Dour Hlrs: We hereby certify that wo
tack of inflammatory rheumatism being unable to tolcrato light ofnny kind. are well uctpjalnted with Mrs. Olllo ltuscr
ware, Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Etc., Etc. will rejoico with Mr. J. A. Stumm, ' Tho littlo one suffered and cried until 1 who nin'dic tlio above statements, and also
220 Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, was almost crazy and heartbroken. I hid with her lltllu girl, Kola. Wu billcvo and
SOLE AGENTS FOR over his fortunate escape from a the best cyo specialist in tho city of Frank- know tho fact-- to bo truo and correct In

siege of that distressing ailment. fort, our county town. Ho treated Iir .ery rwticular as stated. Wo reside In
Mr. Stumm is foreman of Merriam's for sonio four month, but tho even did Colfax, lad." John I). Ilurici:n, Trustee
Oolden 0-a.t-
Flour, confectionery establishment. Sum not Improve, In fact they bceumo vrowo. I'crryTiiwaihlp; W. 11. Cou.v, Druggist.
Sperry's Flour, months ago, on leaving the heated
work room to run across tho streot ,
My friends advised mo to take tho child
to Indianapolis, and though I felt n Whnt tho Doctor Says :
Diamond FMour, on an errand, ho was caught out in though I could not well afford tho time "Cltntlcmen: While I do not bellevo in
Merohant yiovu. the raiu. Tho result was that wbon
roady to go homo that night ho was
and money, as I have to make- my own
living by my personal labor, I conclud-
patent or proprietary medlelnw and sel-
dom preserlbo them, yet I want to say

Fort Ss Q,-u.eei-

Streets unablo to walk, owing to iuilatnma- -

tory rheumatism. lie was taken
homo, and on arrival was placed in
front of a good firo and thoroughly

ed to make another effort to savo my
daughter's sight, If it landed mo In tho
poorhouBo. I thcreforo took my child to
tho best oyo specialist in that city. Ho
that I know tho statements nmilu by Mrs.
Olllo IJuscr of Colfax, lnd., to ! true."
Jamih A. Hkiiuyman, M. 1)., Darlington,
rubbed with Chamborlaiu's Fain examined her eyes and said that ho could Hood's Pills act harmoniously with Hood's
Balm. During tho evening and night do nothing for her. I camo away with a Sarsapirlll and aro ceotle, lollJ and ellectlr.
he was repeatedly bathed with this J

ltnimont, and by morning was re- HOBRON DRTJO COMPANY, WHOLESALE AGENTS.
lieved of all rheumatic pains. Ho
now takes especial pleasure in prais-
House Furnishing ing Chamborlaiu's Pain Balm, and
always keeps a bottlo of it in the
house. For sale by all dealors, Ben-
You may have
Building Lots!
son. Smith & Co., agents for tho Ha-
waiian Islands. LOST $200, $250, $275,
TO LB1T. many hours of comfort by not $375 D $550.
Several Cottages at Moderate Rentals. having worn Easy Payments,

House Furnishers
Houso Lois, IU miles from Post Olllco, on
good reliable
Excellent Location,
Magnificent View.

$1000, $1200, $1300.

A 1.80 -
and near King Street, a few steps
beyond the Kainehiraeha
Hchool grnnnds.
fsa- This oirrs a good chance to secure
- Inquire,

FOR Homesteads at mo lerato prices. With an-

nexation d In the near futnre, a

H utt Ijot so near the business center

forms one of the most desirable Invest-
Wichman's O. 3D. CHASE
Safe Deposit Dnlldlne, 406 Fort
ments for a s mall sunt of money.
skw Corporations or auyone desiring
to Invest in Large Tracts of Suburban
Land can be accommodated at reasonable

figures with Trads of from 6, 10 to SO

Acres. Take the hint. Don't buy
Corner Nuaanu and Hotel Bts.
I1V Land on the other Islands, in
People Tracts suitable for a Dairy, Hog ltanch or
Cotlee and Sisal Plantation for sale or
lease. Enquire of
1282-3- m

K. N. HEQUA - - Mantgai

Gboice Wines, Liquors, Ales,

N. F. BURGESS Optician..
is ottir .ir.
Yours Artistically,
Is now prepared to repair Qirden Hose,
Dprlnklers, Water Taps. et. Haw Filing
and all kinds of Tools sharpened, Includ-
ing Curving Knives ana bcitora: Lawn
Per S. B. "Australia"

and Half on Draught,
e Sour Hash
MoersnpecUvt: also Batting Ulasat In A Bl'KOIALTY.
fart ali kinds of Jobbing. Wor called for A SMALL INVOICIC OK
and returned. King np 85J Mutual Tele.

Ordway & Porter a FOR SALE OR LEASE

Valuable Fish Pond j

Genuine German

Bologna Sausages Suits Miido to Orde?

Fine Cassimoros, Serges,
White Linons, Eto.


Hotel Street, "Robinson Block."
Yielding a rufe Income. Address KG J. ISrOLTE
"II 0 "
HciikWofllce. mo-- u
Fort Street.
O. AKIMA - - 40
Nuuanu Street
mwwn H-

' p? Tllf,'WW 4p.ilw.j1'


Y, K. 0. A. Meeting-

Wilrter's Steamship Go.

This organization held its regular
Canadian-Australia- n Line
monthly meeting last night and
TIIK olected Rev. Douglas I'. Birnio, pas-
tor of the Central Union, to active
mombirship. Rev. W. H. Peck was
TIME TABLK chosen to take charge of the secre-
Bteamers ol the above Line, running In connection with tht
0. WIGHT, Pre. B. H. KOBE, Beo. tary's work during Mr. Corbett's
Vh,t. J. A. KING, Tort Supt. bridal tour.
DMLYBDLLET1HC0. The Treasurer's roport showed
Stmr. KIN AU receipts of $287.05 and disburse- Htw-- i, Vanroatur. B. ).. and Byduey,
Honolnln and
N. B. W.. and raillun ai Victoria.
8tra (K(JI,

CLAVE, Couuitfat, ments $209.05, leaving a balance on

Will leave Honolulu at 2 t. m..
Lahalna, Maalaea Bay and Makena the
touc-uitiKa-i hand of $17.10. A.FLE1 DXJHJ A.T KTOlSrOL "CJTTJ
Are Receiving New Invoices ol
same aav: Hanuaona. wiwunsn uu
pahoeboe the 'following dav arrMnr at
iu M. .A. R. 1 3T tZ M JJJ W On or abut the dates below stated, vlt.:
Hllo tke tame evenltiK
ud Suva, tor Victoria Krotu Sydiiuy From Victoria and Vancouver, ft O..
and Vancnuynr. D. O.: for Suva and Bydny:
Friday May 31 Friday.... ...May 10 Thursday. May 2. June t 8tror"MIOWEBA".. ...May U
May 14 Tuesday.. ...May 21 fltmr"WAKRIMOO"
Tuesday 0 A BS Mlowera, Stott, from the Colonies Btmr"MIOWEHA" July 1 Htmr"WARRIM(M". ...June W
Friday May2t Hriday.... ...MayHl via Fill Btmr"VARKIMOO" August 1 8tmr"MIOWKKA . ...July 24
Tuesday.... ,Jime 4 Tuesday . ..June II Uktnc W H Dlmonl, Nllson, from San
BOOK AND JOB STOCK Friday June 14 Krida ..June 21 Francisco Thrnuqb Ticket Usnwd rrow Hnnolulo to Oanads, Onlteo States and Enropa
Tuetday June 25 Tne-da- v July 2 FnitiAT, May 3.
Vriday July 6 Friday July 12 XlKIUHl AMI' rAHKKNOBt AU 11 It" Kor Kreluht and i'astaue aun Ij
Tuesday July Id Tuesday jniyi&j Bktno Arrher, Calhoun, 10K days ''oni (4enoral Information, apply to
irlday JulyW Friday Aug. 2 Han Fiaticiiro I). McNIUOLL, Muntrenl, Canada.
Tuesday ....Auk. 13 B 8 Australia, Houdlctte, from Ban Iran- -
Tuesday... .AUir. 0
Friday Aug. 10 KrldKV Aug. I I SCO
RODKRT KKKK. Winnipeg, Conhd
M. M. BTKKN, Ban Franchico, Cal.
Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ld.
BY EVERY STEAMER Tuesday Aug. 27 Tuesday. ...Fept 3 Stmr Kuala from Wnlannc 0. MoU nilOWN, Vancouver, B. 0. AgtnUor tht IlntaaHim hlaudi
Frl.iay Seji. 0 Krlday Kept. 13 Btmr Iwnlunl from Kanal
Tuesaay Bept. 17 Ttiesdy... Sept. 21 Btmr Kcnnlioii from Makawrell
Friday Sept. 27, Friday Oo . 4
Tuesday Oct. K Tuesday
Oct. 15
Oct. 23 (immrtiirei Oceanic Steamship Co. Pacific Mail S.S. Co.
Friday Oo.lO
Tuesday Oct. 29 Tui-sdo-
....No. 0
Tiu'rhhay, May 2.
Frldav Nov. 8 Friday 15 Nov.
Tuesday Nov. 10Tun day.... Nny. a OA88 Mlowera, Ktott, for Vancouver A ft I
riuav ov to rilday Dec 1
Fkiiiay, May 3.
Tnif!ftv Dee, 10Ttie'doy ... Dtc. 17 Btmr Kltinit for Maul and Hawaii at 2 p m
Friday Dm VIM Friday Dec.
Returning, will leave Hllo at 1 o'clock
Btmr lliiuull for Hawaii at 4 pin
Htmr Kaala for Mokuleln nt 12 m
Btmr Kciiuhoii for Walnnnu nt 2 piu ystrallan Hail Survut
Ocoitirjiuai m Oriental S. I Co,
r. m., touchiiiK at Laupaboehoe, Matin-kon- a
and Kawalhae same day; Makena,
Maalaea Ba and Lahalna tliu following Vouaoln LoaViui;
day; arriving at Honolulu tha afternoons
of Tu,si1aSHiid Fridays Pur San Franotkco .
jar- - No Krelgltt will b e.- -i nMar Fur ro&OHAMA and HONUKONQ.
12 noon on rtay nt snillliK Oargoos from Iwland I'urtt. 1'i.r Nh ana Fine Al Btenl Huaiii'iti
Bteamera of the aoove Companies will
Stmr Kuala 2023 bsgs sugar, 60 bags banes' "AEAWA' call at Honolnln on their way to tho abort
and tildes.

Htmr lwatutil ."811 baf h supar and 20 pkgs

Uf tne Oceanic Bteamahlp Coruiauj will
ports on or about the following dates;
Btmi Kca llio'i 3).'0 bags sugar. be due at Honolnln from Sydney and Anr.k-lan- d Jane I, ISM
Will leave Honolulu Tur&ur.) iif r. n.. nn or about Btmr "COPTIC" July 10 189J
touching at Kahtilui Hiina, Hainoa and 8tmr "CITY OF PEKING"..........
Klpuhnlu, Maui. Ketarnlng rrive hi Vnmoaetrr May 30th. AiiKUstlO, lh9i
Wbcro they urc fully prepared to do al, Hnnolnli. btindav mornlncs Stmr "LOPTIC '... Stutember 19 1896
kinds of work In the liitcst styles, at Will cull at rini K'mpo on erond trip ARBlVAl.b btmr "CHINA" Octoder B, le'JS
the shortest notlco and at the ol each mouth. From Kauai pur Muir Kvauhon, May ."
Mrs Humliaubcuatid fumily, and 1 deck.
Ana riil leavi for the abova wltn
Malls nd PassenKorti oil or about ihaidatp.
ijh Stmr "COPTIC"... .November 28 18a'
most Reasonable Rates. No Froluht will ! rniTrt Urr
4 r. m. on aay of (.alllnp.
From the Colonies per S 8 Miowfra, May December 2. ixu
Mr and Mrs Lone, Mr llrldle, Mr biiilth
Pur Sydney anil Auckland :
and a children, and ill In transit. for SAN FRANCISCO
This Company will reserves the right to From San Fruncln'o per bktno W II I'.ifi New and Fiut-- Al B--
make changes in the tlmeof departuio and May 2 Mrs Capt N'llson, Mrs A 1". tileauiem ol tot abut Ocnipauib will
arrival of its steamers without notice and Miss J Ituclianian, H H call at Honolnln on their way from
it will not be responsible for any c

Marian, Laura and Paul McClosky.

" ALAMEDA " Yokohama to the ahoy port on
Hong-komran- d

' arising therefrom. or about the following dates:

Fins Job Work In Colors a Specialty (.onsijinces niusv uu v vuu ihiiuiuk '" DXPABTCBIH. Ot ilir Oceanic Bteaiutnip Coiuiuj will
receive their Freight; Company will 1iir Vnnrfiiirip hup II M KXItnivAra fa un uue ai cxiiiiiJiuiiit vriint nno rrnniwri, Stmr' CHINA" May 20, 1898
not hold Itself responsible for freight after o- -I) W Corbctt and bride, Mis T Smith on or Knt Btmr "COPTIC" June 17
It has been lanueu.
ljlTUOWVK uuiy muHii'i d ijbi -
nral 2 children, II U Terry, J U Ariiisiiomr,
Mrs J brymit, A O Henjamln. C 8 llalley, May 9th. Htmr "U1T i OF PE KING" . ... ... ,T
ThU Cmntinnv will not be lonslblefor 0 Ooodnan, K J Claxion, J A Lojrgle, Co- - Btmr BK1.G IC" '. '. ! '. '. ! ! August";
Money orvalublesof passengers unless nn r jacKson. And rUI baye prompt deipaioii wlia Btmr "CITY OF RIO dk JANEIRO"
tilnrnil In the caru of 1'nrpcrs For Maul and Hawaii ior stmr Klnau, Malls and ratKenger for tbe nboy( tiortx. September 0, 1896
Vnl.....w.. 11. .....u lt Stmr "CHINA" October U 1880
.'.?re, 'l",."ir.kL' B J'i""8. f. ?.? 'JJ F FTocketu Wav iort-- : Ml Nuncs Dr The unuersiKDed are now prepared to tsiue Btnir "COPTIC"
November 6 1896
charge of twenty-liv- e r--r cent.
AVIBlit. Miss ChainberNln.
I F W Damon,
M France daughter. M G Carnal ,! 7HROU6U TICKETS TO ALL POINTS
8imr "COPTIC"
Ilerember 0,
January in
rluos, 0 Kalcr Maximo F A Btmr' CHINA"
Jones. Mrs Ah Kol. Mrs C K tjtlllmn, IN THE UNITED STATES February 24, 1898
WM. 6. IRWIN A CO. MrsM Hoick CBtoeckleand lOdcck.
Executed In the Most Attractive
tW For further particular'
Krwishi or Passage apply to
rxvnriiiiK um or passage abe as follows.
Manner. Shipping Not The barkentitiH Archtr, Calhoun master, WM. G. IRWIN 4 CO., Ltd.,
ro toxo- -
ro BOB-

- OFFEU FOB 8ALK - arrived thli uftcrnoon and docked ut the

new wha f near llrcwer'x laudiug. 'J ho
Archer wa 10J5 days coming down. Hie
aenaral AgsuU
Cabin, round trip 4
J150 Ot 1175 00

BILLHEADS. LETTERHEADS Uruuglit general e.

months ,. an lttt w
Cabin, round trip ID
STATEMENTS. NOTEHEADS FKKTlLiK!. The It. M. B. M lower arrived lioru from
Sydney N. B. W., at 0 p. m. yettenlay She
kfiltil frnm HviltiMV fin tliH ffctli i if Aurti Mr.
.. ... ut
Oceanic Steamship Co. monthi.
Kuropean Bteerage
. m
5 Ot
si nm ut
00 00

ill., n.l....... n. (J..M.. ...1 .l.r..lltl. ...I.

, iiiuk .ifc
.'.ihu.i tiioAiii,, nuviu a... Passetieert uvtuv (nil iHr will h

ALEX. CltOSS & B0N8' a ft ay of tev nil Iiouh was made; then ' allowed 10 peroent oil' return far tf return.
prnueeded on her Journey, experiencing In? within twplTe month
pleasant wiatlier on the mil. 'ihexmator
CfliBDraiBd Hlftli Gr&do Cant iuoum was crossed on Baturdav, :! h April, at 7 Kor Pan., apply u
Freight and
Read the following partial list ot spec-
ialties and get tho Bulletin's prices be-
p. m , In lmg. 171.18 V and the Warrl-mo- o
was passed on Blindly, li
una a. m. hi xi
Mno wather tlirouuhout.
. ..,
April at
.ca 12 w.
rime Table H. HACKFELD k CO.,
fore placing your orders. By so dolnj We are also prepared to take orders for
you will save both time and money. sn7 u Agenta.
Umam, 14. Orile.xicit A. 0'.
Letter Heads,
Note Heads, Insuring prompt delivery.

KKK-- In tlilacity, April SO. 18M,
wife of F, 0 a dnughter
Arrive Honoluii.
ffllfor lluuonilti
Bill Heads, Irum B. F
B. F
Bills oi Lading
BOILED LUCOI. Criterion Saloon May
June 21
June 21

July 15 July

Circulars, This U saierlor Talut Uli, umi- - Fort, near Hotel St- -.
Aug. 9 Aug.
Contracts, amlnK less pigment than Linveed Oil, and Be pi 2
At Walklkl on car line and on Palama
giving a laming brilliancy to colon. i!iiai. J. McCarthy, - Manager. Sept7 Itoad near Kertllitlne Plant. These Loti-a- re
Agreements, Daecl with drli M giye a nilndti' bept.30 Oct. 2 Very Cheap and Sold on easy terms.
Shipping Contractu, nrfare Oct. 21 Oct. 27 Desirable Acre Tracts near the city and
Check Books, Popular Brands of Stialght Goods Nov. 15 Nut. 20 other Properties for Sale.
Legal Blanks,
Dealers in Lots and Lands.
Wedding Cards, Keflned Sugars, Salmon, Trv. the Great Apiietlzer Tin Bbownib I1 rum Ban Krauciwt Krom Sydney iu
1211-- tf 603 Fort Street, near KIur.
Visiting Cards, Ooi'ktaii- - a si.cctalty with this retort. lor Sydney. Ban Francisco.
Business Cards, Ftlrbanlc Canning Co.'a Cornad Bbo( METROPOLITAN HEAT CO.,
nrroT or tub Jtrive Honolulu Leave ionolnfu.
Funoral Cards,
Admission Cardh, Famous Wieland Lager Beer ALAMEDA. .May 0 MARIPOSA. May 2
Fraternal Gardb PAltAFFINE PAIKT CO.'S MARII'O8A..June0i ARAWA....Ma SI

Milk Tickets,
Meal Tickets,
Timo Cards
Componnds, Roofing & Papers, Boon for Dairymen
AKAWA Jnly 4 I ALAMEDA. June 27
ALAMEDA. .Aug 1 MARlP03A.July25
MAU1P()BA.Aub.2'J AKAWA.... Auc.22
AKAWA....Bept.?0l ALAMEDA.8ept.19
jjj nrii.ii 5g
and Al.AMKDA. Oct- - 21 MAIUPOflA.Ont.17
Theatre Tickets, I

Scholarship CprtilicatCb, Itid'i Patent Steam Pip r.ntirliu OWNERS OF COWS! Wholesale ami Kottll Butchers
Corporation Ccrtiticutcb,
Marriage Certificates
Receipts of all kindB,
Plantation Orders,
Jarooea' Diamond, Enamel
laating Paint

Promissory Notes, For HI eti Cows and Youug Stook.
Pamphlets, , Especially designed for Vacuum Pans jfBKOaiiruw Wul.jv " G. .1, Waller MnnKtr.
Catalogues, Acts ns a tonlo and creatly Increases and
Programmer Jose Do Espirito Santo, enriches the milk. Young Stock will thrive
Labels of overy variety, ond develop fully 00 per cent, by Its use.
Bold ill 7 ib, baits at 15s. per lb.
General Business Agent California Fruit Market
Petitions in any language
Envelopes & Letter Circulars, C W MACFABL.ANE, P. O. Box 411,
Sporting Scores & Records,
Perpetual Washing Lists,
General Book Work
CruitarMaker Audit for Dr. Pottle's Remedies.
1IIJI aw
Corner King and Alakea Sis. )

flumurinn'Q IliifriffAiiuiniic
Eta., Etc., Etc., Etc.,
Taro Patch & Ukulele Guitais Merohants' Exchange Oyiuor Cocktails I .UIUHIIIIUO iuui6i;iaiuio

S. I. BHAW, Proprieiot oinuer Brunnun I

Made of Hawaiian Wood. Vroderickeburif JJoer I

By Every BUoiner from Bn
Printed and Blocked when desired. Cor. K1n tf nnd Niinium, lltiiioluui, Franelfco with
Straight and Mixed Drinks
"Fresh Fruit, Oysters,
No Job Is allowed to leave the
fice until It Rives satisfaction.

130 Fori Street. Opposite


Club Stables.
Choloo Uquors and Fine
Of All Kinds and Best Quality.
Soolbweil Dnrnor Una a Nunaan St. Salmon, Poultry, Etc., Etc.

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