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A Favorite for

rears —


2/(& per

— igL-y '
CONSTABLES DEAD Car Seen Speeding - Wage Conference Fails

Battle Through Storm Effect of Rationing Ban Earlier Record Releases .VSPTAUAtE BACK
SYDNEY, Saturday.
— More thnn in Day 800 MEN AFFECTED BY DISPUTE
HH)0 employes of retail shops In the Constables Lnggett and Bain, of VimK'i-':' t'nre Even,
Sydney Sensation CHEERY AND EAGER TO city will finish work today as the re the motor-cycle traffic, patrol, . rer JpllE
conference between the Meet
sult of the State Government's ban on Industry Union and the casing MR SLATER PLEADS j
ralloniug. ported today that they had seen the today to
PUSH ON TO PEKIN motor, car which overturned on Pt. factory employers failed =
Many . hundreds of others received reach a settlement of the dispute over EXERCISE OF MERCY
POLICE' WOUNDHIM IN a week's notice In their pay envelopes Nopenn Komi, near Dromana, yester-
proposed reductions of. wages. A hold
vcsterdiLv. nnd ns soon as tho sales day, killing three passengers, speed JTORTY-TWO prisoners, it was i
(Herald Special Representative) which began yesterday encl, many up of the whole meat export trade Is
THRILLING GUN DUEL m'nro- men .women will bo out of ing nlong St. Kllda Road yesterday now threatened. The meat export
ascertained today, were releas
COLOGNE, Jan. 2. JoM." . .. .. morning. ed last year at the instance of tho
, .MtjR Anay Johnson, who jeft StAg » 'The secretary of the Retail Traders works will not open on Mondny, nnd
They siUd that tho car was evidently Attorney-General (Mr Slater) before
Lane (England) aerodrome on New Association (Mr Bennett) said today being driven back to Mornington, and nearly
' 800 men will be affected.
that, as a result of the Government's There la still a possibility of fur the expiration of their sentences.
Crowds Held Year's Day on an 8000-miles flight action, a number of employes of re- they'en.dettvbrcd to.get a check on the This constitutes a record . for any
at Bay .
tall firms wore discharged on New speed, but so be ther negotiations to aettlo the dispute.
from London to Pekin, has arrived - The members of the casing workers' one year.
Year's Eve. Others would finish to cause. of the traffic,.
SYDNEY, at Cologne from' Lienre (RoYfriitm). tlon of the Union aro to meet
Saturday. day, and still more next' week. Had the constables stbpped the car When ho waa Attorney-General In
She had a most difficult flight KEPT OX FOR SALES and warned the' driver, it Is thought again cJH.Monday morning, the con 1927 and 1928, 'Mr Slater authorised
amuck with a re
through sleet nnd snow, in the face Some firms, however, notably those that the accident would probably not ference Was today. If further the release of 55 before they had
rifle after he had ,lR a result or
RUNNING peating of.-a hend-on gale, and- her perform in Pitt Street; were working with full have occurred. ) ' - " negotiations ure served the term ordered by the courts.
terrorised the staff of a ance seems to rebut the sugges stuffs, because of the sales. Tt was this meeting, thereSPK,V st'! lie '1
Max Horwitz, 25, of the Albert settlement in' time '.w the export Tn nine cases dealt with last year,
sportsgoods store at Bondi tions in a section or the Ulcely that some of their employes Park Hotel, Dundas trade to resume next vr9eI<- details of which arc published today
English would go when the sales ended. Place, Albert trade. win
Junction early today a crazed press than her flying has deteriorated ' of David Jones Ltd. Park: Sumuet Allen, 20, of Dickens A hold-up of the ex't In page 2, the aggregate sentences Im
Employes mean that slaughtermen "NAnu others ' posed by the cpurts was nine years
Bandit shot two policemen dead as a result of nervous Ill-health, stated today that about 100 of them B. Barnett (Vic.) .wing, out to a and live months. The offenders served
would finish todny. Street, St. Kllda; and Eve Stevenson, will be Idle. The export trail/: begins
before he himself was shot "T, almost think large signboards 19, of Horman Avenue, Hawksburn, about September, and ends V ball from Wall — a during only four years and eight months. Two
an,d The 100 employes of Mark Foy Ltd. , have previous convictions.
should be placed on all riversides to Easter in normal circumstances.' \r\ today', play at the M.C.G.
badly wounded in a gun duel who are under notice will finish at were killed outright ' when the car
On fines aggregating £594 the Attor
with the police guide lone fliers," said Mlsb Johnson, the end of the holiday roster, six overturned.' OFFER 5/ REDUCTION, di
in his owrt to hor adven weeks hence.
/ ney-General in 1927 and 1$2S remitted
house: facetiously, reforrlng Allen was the only son of the late Today a meeting of the memlUB an amount of £418. or 70 per cent,
tures yesterday. of the casing workers' section of al- of total fines.
The incident was one of the most When heading for Berlin from
Mr Samuel Allen, the bookmaker,
union was held at FTemlngton, abjla. PEACE PROSPECTS This practice, It waa ascertained to
sensational Stag Lane aerodrome she encountered CAPITAL TEMPERATURES ON HOLIDAY 200 men being present. They ' n£ day, is still being continued to an un
this State.
in police history in terrific head winds, and decided to
mako for Cologne. She . mistook the
(Official) Horwitz was the owner and driver structed the union officials to agi'er
to a basic rate of £5/8/3, which wot AT BROKEN HILL precedented extent.
Mr Slater, in a statement today, con
The maximum and minimum tem \
Mouse for the .Rhine, and flew along peratures at- tho .Melbourne Weather of the car, which elght-cylln- represent a reduction of a we»nd tended that he was exercising the pre
The victims were :— tho course of the river. She found Bureau from midnight to noon were: der .single-seater. When this was reported to5/ a furthr rogative of. mercy. He denied that his'
Constable Norman Allen,
herself above Liego late In tho af
and consequently
Maximum, 68 'deg. The party had been spending' a . conference with the employers,
employers declined to accept' It. They
thv 4 Conferences Today actions were guided by political In
29, ternoon, ' landed Minimum, 56.9 deg.-at 5.30 a.m. holiday at the Royal' Hotel, Morn had demanded a reduction of 31/ a His statement will be found also in
of Cromer Flats, Bon there. A1"
' married, Today, after a delay of six hours
Following are tho maximum and ington, and came to the city in the week, making the wage £5/2/ a week. !>age 2.
Accord Avenue, because , of Custom,s and other for- minimum temperatures at the various morning. After the conference broke up, though yesterday a general
Waverley. capital —cities for tho 24 hours ended
malities, Mls Johnson left for' Ber They returned to Mornington for leading meat exporters said that the Broken Hill
Constable Andrews, 23, single, of lin nt 1.30 p.m. 0 a.m.: lunch, and wore on their way to meat export works would not open appeared Inevltable/pi
Grosvenor Street, Waverley. She met atrocious weather and n Mnx. Min. Dromana to visit friends when the on Moonday, as the meat . lowing the rejection by the Workers'
head-on gale, which made reaching Sydney 75 64 accident occurred. , were not prepared to carry exporters on until Industrial Union of the mining cm-
The bandit, wlut is now in St. Berlin before dark an impossibility. Canberra. ...... 72 57 Traffic police who were on the the dispute hail been settled. nlovers' terms Inter developments
.Vincent's in a critical Accordingly she turned back to Adelaide 74 60 scene a few minutes after the tragedy, They pointed out .that, supplies. of
Uospilal Cologne, where she landed, hnlf- Brisbane 96 70 said today that the car overturned stock, were not coming forward until promise that there will bo a re
condition, has been identified frozen hut cheery. 94 67 on a straight road. There wero, they Monday, and therefore there would sumption of work rf-t the South, North
Perth. . .
Miss Johnson snys that If condi 96 77 said, no loose screenings on the road, bo no sales and no work for thn nnd YAr\c.Corporation mines on Mon
tions Viro favorable she will cut out. Darwin and It was apparent that tho car had slaughtermen und others. They said --"'ttiy. -
John Thomas Kennedy, 65 54 day week. The strike plan will thus Flight to Ilbilba
" of the call at Berlin nnd fiy direct to Mobart f been speeding and had left tho road be abandoned.
Lawson Street, Waverley. Warsaw. and got out of control.
The secretary of tho Industrial JJERMANNSBURU MISSION (Cen
Kennedy had entered ilio Bondi In Other Pages Council (Mr/W. E. Eriksen) was at tral Aust.), Saturday. — Flight-
.Junction branch of Mick S-fimmonK. VICTIMS OF D ROM AN A CAR SMASH FIVE SHOPS DESTROYED Leader: . "Government® In
work at the In« Corporation 5'ester- Lieut. Eaton and Flying-Officer Ger- V
Hportn goods sellers, utul after 'de-
Buflinesa Show A Sorry dny when ho met Mr W, S. Robinson, rand took off at 8 a.m. on their first ....
nuimllng some goods, threatened the INEUROA FIRE 4 managing director of the company. search flight over tho country between
staff with a repeating- rifle. He wan Record" . , . . , ; . , , . Eriksen that here and Ilbilba. about 250 miles
World Cables 5 Mr Robinson told Mr
chased by Cnnstnhlo Allen, but Sporting Budget. ... 9 the men did not seem to realise the away.
turned the guh on the yoqng constable 12.30 a.m. Outbreak Week In Sydney 10 seriousness of the company's position. If tho search does not locate tho
and shot him twice through the He gave Mr Eriksen Inside Informa machlno in which Capt. Flttendrigh
' EUROA.' Saturday. — The most Woman's World .. 12
which him and and Mr Hamro, geologist- from the 1
heart. disastrous fire in Euroa Cor many Magazine Section 15-17 tion impressed Australian Gold Exploration Co.'s
The ; craved man then took refuge Book Reviews. 16 caused him to ask: "Would you re
years hroko out about 12.30 18 peat, that to the Industrial Council camp at Ilbilba, have been missing alnco
In his own home, which he barricaded. Stage and Screen December 20, the R.A.A.F. machines,
today, and destroyed five shops In Crosswords, Serial . . .... 22 delegates?" still flying in company, will cover the
Andrews, who was off duty, followed, the main business centre of the town. Later, delegates were asked to at 300 miles between tho and Alice
and was shot In the house. Kennedy The buildings Involved were: Im
Markets .24 tend at the- ine Corporation offices, Springs.. T.f. necpssary camp thoy will com
Shipping. Broadcasting, where Mr Robinson and other com
ilirn attacked him with- a bowle perial Dining Rooms and home of Church and People . . . . 25 talked with plete. tho triangle froni Alice Springs!
knife, severely gashing his throat. pany representatives ' to J-fiirmannsburg. j
Mr. R. Beaton, with fruit and con -.Pictures in Back Page them. v - , ...
Kennedy was finally' shot by Con fectionery shop; . the book-Shop ofvMr y Motor Section.) .ta " During the -discussions, ; At, ..vvaH
stat)! . Johnson," of PadQingtonT who ...-(Iqnday poTnte .olitr Ihat. j'if', thb;compon!e«
E. . Davcy; 'electrical Tshop.oF/M.r. A
,were obliged to' close- the mines.4they THIRD RAIL COMMISSIONER'S
showed remarkable courage In rush Surrnon; stationery and fancy work would remain closed for from slx'to TERflNDS SOON'"
ing the house in the van of a. strong shop of Miss Janet Ferguson; tailor that, if there had been no -dispute, nine months. From a financial, point
police cordon which had been sum ing shop of Mr R. Garrett. about GO.000 sheep and lambs would of view it would probably suit tho
moned to- the scene. have been handled for export next companies best to close, and in the
The three occupants of the motor car who -were killed when it over The cause of the outbreak Is un week. meantime dispose- of their surplus Will Finance Be Chosen ? . .
Although badly wounded, Kennedy turned yesterday on the Point Nepean Road near Dromana. From left: known. The fire had a firm hold of Expert
EXPORTERS' STAND products. But of unions took a rea
fought fiercely before police could Samuel Allen (a ton of the late Mr Samuel <Alien, bookmaker); Eve the premises of Beaton and Davey sonable view, they had no desire to The seven years' term for which so as to make four instead of three,
strap him down In an ambulance. when the alarm was given. An exporter said it would be im
During his flight through the streets Stevenson, of Hawksburn, and Max Horwitz, who was driving the car. The members of the Beaton family possible Cor the meat export .trade to close. Mr. T. B. Molomby, third Railway biit. remarked thai, it would - be pos
from the shop to his house, Kennedy were In bed. They hastily donned he carried on If the casing section WAGE REDUCTION was appointed sible to revert to three when a
Commissioner, in
threatened the crowds of shoppers some wraps and' made their escape. were Idle. The byproducts from the
The company -representatives said will midnight on July vacancy arose.
with his rille, bqt did not Are at any FEDERAL AND The buildings, all of wood, were export trade, represented a consider 1921, expire at
ftf. the horrified civilians.
COOL WEEK-END STATE soon a mass of flames. Plucky at able sum of money, and If the casing there must be a reduction of wages 31. "In : these days of competition the
of the revenue and expen
tempts were made to save 4ome,pf the workers did not handle the by-pro their There is much interest in State, magnitude
LOANS by lOd a day to 15/. indicated In diture and of theicapital invested in
Scene In Shop , contents. A piano was rescued from ducts. It would be Impossible for ex original proposals. , circles as to what action the the
Beaton's, and« a spokestltching porters to buy stock at the present official railways, fully warrants the ap
Finer On the matter of hours, the ' com Government will take. pointment of a financial expert to
The first chapter In the horrifying' Days Coming machine and phonograph from Miss rate. malntain the closest possible' check on
sequence/ of events occurred soon
Not Ferguson's, Only a few small The slaughtermen's section of tho pany representatives agreed there Tho second and third Railway the economic side of railway manage
after 9 a.m. A broad shouldered. man cool, according Disparity in Prices articles were removed from the other meat export trade recently, by bal- i would be no alteration before Janu Commissioners, Messrs. W. M. Shan
weighing at least 16 stone, dramati rpHE, week-end will be premises. lot. accepted an amended offer made ' non and T. B.. Molomby, are paid ment,' said tho- Royal Commission.
to the Weather Bureau. There ary 1, 1932. , The was furnished on Novem
cally entered the Mick Simmons shop Justified The firemen worked hard to pre- by the employers for an agreement of £1750 each, and, as the Ministry has ber
and, in a gruff voice, exclaimed: — "l , may be some rain, but ah improve ,vent the fire spreading. for this year. Regarding notice of closing been reducing other State salaries, it 1028.
want 12/6 worth of cigarettes and ment is coming.
The boot shop and stationery shop It was stated today that the- local mines, the companies agreed that Is assumed that there will be a re . Since then the McPherson Govern
tobacco." , , .his
. (Herald Special Representative) . belonged to Mr Beaton. There is some market would not he _ affected, ' as would not give the two months view in this instance. ment reappointed Mr H. W. Clapp,
His expression was grim, and . The official forecast issued at noon Insurance on them and Mr Beaton's there were big stocks of casings, they of stoppage of productive theAnother reasqn why the filling of five years, from September. 193(1.
Chairman of the Commissioners, for
face covered with a durk growth ot LONDON, . January 2?—The finan furniture. Miss Ferguson has some some of which are imported from notice
whiskers. He was dressed in black today read: — cial editor of t«he Daily Mail makes Insurance on her stock. until
vacancy is being watched closely
lead was quoted is that the Railways Royal Commis
and America, for the local trade. operations The present Premier (Mr Hogan)
mat 'and vest, grey trousers, "More or leaa cloudy In the the following comment on Australian Messrs Surmon and'Garrott
' are ab under £15 a ton for 24 consecutive sion appointed by the first Hogan Go was Minister for Railways on August
slate-colored hat, but did not wear a south and cool generally, with clear loans: — sent on holidays. The building in vernment, recommended the appoint 4, 1924, when Mr Molomby was first
collar or tie. their shops were leased . was quotations.' ment of a Finance Commissioner from appointed, and he was responsible
man's hand was a ing showers on- the coast rind hills. "As the Commonwealth has taken -hlch FEDERAL AID FOR GOLD It was pointed out that the offer outside the railway service.
Clasped in the Otherwise Improving to tine gener
owned by Mr C. lrlen, and was In
was to apply only to the North, South
for the recommendation. Mr Molomby
.22 calibre rifle. The manager of the over the States.' public debts a Stock sured. MINING The Commission suggested the was previously General Superinten
shop (Mr Dlbley) gathered valued a parcel ally. West to south winds." and Zinc Corporation. selection of an extra Commissioner dent of Transportation.
of cigarettes and tobacco at Exchange firm asserts that State loans An undertaking was given that if
The rain In the 24 hours ended 9 aro as secure aa Commonwealth loans. Conference Next Week . agreement wps reached during the
12/G, and, wrapping ontlujin in a neat
the counter In s..m. today was light and scattered "It Is not always safe to dogmatise Police Seek Man Who Dived HO BART, Saturday. —? The Minis coming week, the North, South- and
parcel, placed them ter for Mines (Mr C. E. James) will Zinc Corporation would resume pro
front of the man. Thanking Mr Dlb throughout the Wlmmora and Central .where a conclusion deocndH on the To Rescue
leave for Melbourne on Thursday to ductive operations on January 12.
ley politely, the man picked up the area ot the Stato: There were very of an Act of Parila- Plain-clothes Constable Stewart, "of After discussion, tho unions sug
parcel and strode out of the shop ' ' Interpretation Russell Street, wishes to get' In touch
attend a conference called by tho Watches that Watches
without offering to pay for the goods. light tails In tho city. . ment. Nevertheless, responsible Aus "Acting Prime Minister (Mr- Feriton) gested a conference with the mining j good j.
tralian quarters hold tho view- that with the civilian who, on Monday to ennshlpr a ni-nnnsnl Min't tUr> managers today. Tho Council's dele
Wild Threats morning, dived into the Yurra, near Federal Government should provide gates will press for a minimum of Keep Time . /r all Time
Bandit— Continued the Commonwealth Is liable for State Prince's Bridge, In nrj endeavor to assistance for gold mining. currency of the j j
shouted to him. The Sydney and therefore there is reason rescue John 15/ a day during the
Mr Dlbley debts, Stalros, 70, a Greek. Mr James is hopeful that as a re proposed agreement.
stranger turned, anil tt was at this to suppose that tho disparities be btairos was drowned, anil the in sult of the conference it will bo pos The conference met at 11 a.m., and i See Our Windows Wristlet Watches !
stage that Mr Dlbley noticed that he the gun at McGIll and any others tween. the prices of Commonwealth quest has been postponed pending sible to test several promising areas the Industrial Council will meet late for
was behaving qucerly. Blueing the who appronched him. Kennedy con- and State loans aro not Justified." the evidence of the civilian. In Tasmania. I this afternoon. i Catalogue on Request
hundlo hack on the counter, the man .1 -.1 urn U .Inll'n Stripot.
said: "Oh, you've got an order from IKiUvu mij- w«««» ,
me- for those." around Ebley -Street and into Awson
Mr Diblcy answered that he had no Street, where he lived In a small cot FATE UNKIND TO
order, and moved the parcel on to tage. This cottage Is about 600 yards
anothor part of tho counter. from the scene of the shooting of Con
"All right," shouted tho man, "I'll
stable- Allen. MR. SCULLIN'S RETURN Labor Member's Reactions
havo this shop shut up and you'll Constable Andrews and another Swollen Foot Keeps Him From Boys' Camp
have to faco a firing squad." who Uvo nearby and were To a Knighthood
Ho then whipped quickly round and constable off duty at the time, hurried across TATE, in the form of an absceHS
walked hurriedly out of tho shop. street in their shirt sleeves, and Meetings Begin Next Week j Neat Gold W;U Hand. ,
Realising that tho man was a the on the foot, has dealt harshly with
attempted to enter Kennedy's houso 10-year-old Alec Spry. Today, sitting ' .Herald Special Repre«entative) J most reliable, £3. day wear. £4/10/- J .
lunatic, Mr Dlbleyr sent one ot his by the' back door. Sergeant Seery, De on a table in the Y.M.C.A. building, Refreshed after a quiet Chrlstir'ita, . ,ONIXjN, January 2.—"Cut out tho
assistants, to the street corner 20 tective McGIll and Constable Johnson, he tried bravely to bold back tears the Acting Commonwealth Treasy,;. f um still Jimmy Sexton, who
yards away, where Constable Allen unaware of the presence of Andrews of disappointment that camn. when he (Mr Lyons) will return to ns a dock laborer and was fa'lad j A Guarantee The best slock
Melbo&Jt yj-i-Ved j
was stationed on traillc duty. Enter and the other constable at the back wns refused permission to go to the from Tasmania @|Vfaw 15 "bob" a week," said Sir
ing tho shop a few minutes later. 1door, were approaching the front of Y.M.C.A. camp at Shoreham, on West- tomorrow, and
Sexton, the Labor member Cor |
Cifen with
8mBI1lM- K-v of Watches ;.
Allen was informed of the details of the house when they heard three shots ernport Bay. , Monday will begin preparations t%?|(elens in the House of Commons. Every Watch in Melbourne i
tho rema'rkablft Incident, and re on the premises and tho sounds of a Previously, because of the abscess, the return of the- Prime. Minister are# /'&$.> the Liverpool correspondent of |
marked Jocularly: "All right, I'll look terrific struggle. which has, swollen his foot badly, he Treasurer (Mr SculUn). bally Mail congratulated . him on Kvnurkalile Value m Gold Watch on Moire Hand,37/6. Others tr»m £50.
him up." They were the last words conferred on him in J «;
Kennedy had thrown up .barricades was told he would be unable to go The R.M.S. Ormonde, In which Mr ''knighthood,
he ever spoke, Inside the house. A big crowd had But today he went along, full of an the New Year honors.
followed the police and gathered In ticipation, and never doubting that he Scullin Is returning, is due at Fre- Though he admitted that the title T. GAUNT & CO. PTY. LTD.
Shot Point Blank front of the house aa Constable John would be taken with the other boys. mantle on Tuesday. The Minister fo. was "very nice".. Sir James said he | J
Allen ran from the shop and leapt, son, of Waverley, afrom well-known figure When permission was refused again. Defence (Mr Green) will meet hirfc 'did not know, what his dockers would i Diamond Merchants , Watchmakers & Optician,: »
the cro'wd to Alec restrained himself gallantly; , but think of It.
on to the safety step of a bus at ward
Bondi, stepped
the house. Johnson Is a bronzed the sound of the camp songs and the there on behalf of the Cabinet, but In the old days, I bought 337-339 Bourke Melbourne, C.l.
travelling towards the city. After and a shouts from tho 62 who .will not return -in the same ship, be a "When, bicycle on the hire-purchase system,
the bus had travelled 100.yards, Allen crack young man, splendidly built, happy boys cause the j
He was met with a fusil- left proved too much for him. As the the provisions- of Navigation they used to call after me and ask
saw the manlao .walking, along the ado of shot. shots. Other constables accom van moved off he made one last 'dash, Act preclude overseas vessels from rather rudely what had happened to
footpath and pointing a rifle at terri panied him, hut none of the mad and clambered aboard. . carrying Interstate passengers except their weekly threepences." he said.
fied pedestrians. Others not threat man's bullets took effect. . was -kind but adamant. by special permit. Mr Green says that "Tf any of the dockers think that,
ened with the r.lfie considered that It Authority ho finds the trans-Australian train by accepting the title, I have become
Alec was lifted out again, and, sitting
was merely a Joke. 'The footpath
was thronged with Saturday morning
shoppers. '
Constables' Bravery

Allen jumped from the bus near ieapt up. the , steps. and with his re sengers.
In the gutter, he sobbed bitterly as
Undaunted by the shots. Johnson the. van moved oil with Its happy pas
very comfortable, and bo would not respectable, I would like to tell them
accept the privilege
The Acting Prime
of a special r accepted because it was a tribute to
Minister (Mr
TSlr Junics Sexton was formerly gen
Used Pianos
in T PRICES 111.:

Ncwland Street, and racing across the volver smashed the glass In the front . He .was. slightly .consoled by the
of 10 days in the camp when
Fenton) is still at his farm at Mer- eral secretary of the National Union j L,OW
footpath, he placed his hand on the door. He saw Kennedy .;walking ?to prospect ' The assistant rlcks, on the Mornington Peninsula. 6f Dock Laborers, and more recently ....values that mean
wards him the hall, sighting his foot gets better. He also will return to the Common national supervisor of the dock section 'suy o» "m ?,
shoulder of the crazed . man. Tho along director of boys' work 4 thoroughly reconditioned
man whirled round and in a fraction his rifle at him. . (Mr George wealth. offices In Melbourne on Mon of the transport and general laborers. ( g-y
of a second hud .placed the rifle Constable Johnson took quick aim Brlggs) explained that it was impos
shot at sible for Atcc go with his foot so
day .with the other Ministers. He has been a member of the general
council of the Trade Union Congress _Savings...f romonly 8#«J£St
barrel, against tho constable's chesty and fired a single Kennedy, to A series of Cabinet meetings will ..-toj - '
; all! - See and hear those c
and fired three shots. Allen fell to, wpundlng him below the heart. Burst swollen. He conld .-not walk on' It begin on Tuesday. since 1923.) In- :
the ground mortally wounded. He ing In the door, the pollco entered properly, and was suffering great good used' pianos.
and found Constable Andrews shot In pain. jm
had been shqt' twice through the '
heart. - . 1 several places and with his 'throat The boys going to the camp are V ITALIANS RETURNING IN
. slashed. newsboys from three suburban areas CHEAPER WHISKY
. Tlie madman had staggered 'Into a —South Melbourne. Port Melbourne, . OTRANTO
Threatened Detective
bedroom, and when the police broke and Carlton — and -lads from the Mon Lower Melbourne Prices Soon
SYDNEY-. Saturday. All is quiet
Detective McGUl, of. Wuverley, who In., he wak lying. on the bed. with the tague and Carlton -Y.M.C.A,' .clubs. on the R.M.S, Otrnnto. A call-over
was off duty and was passing . Bond! rifle at his side. ' . These boys are In 'donstnt touch with Although the secretary of the showed that all. the 76 Italians who
Junction In :a bus, heard the shot 1 Indescribable, Licensed Victuallers' Association ( Mr
.The-scene was almost tho Association throughout the week, have been prohibited from landing
and saw Allen fall. Leaping from the Constable Andrews was lying on the and. will- go under canvas for 8ovon< Grunt) Hald today that negotiations .were present, and apparently they
bus, ho went to - grapple with, the floor," -beside: a bowle 'knife, with", a days." : . . . .. between the association aiul the dis are 'reconciled 'to their return to'

fellow, but, the .man immediately blade about seven. Inches long. . After This has been made possible by tillers for u reduction in the. price of for before , sailing they, were quietly
pointed his rlflo at the detective. . shooting the policeman., Kennedy had tho generosity of friends of the Ah- spirits, had . not reached finality. It. Is surveying Sydney' Cronv the ship's
"What did you do It for?" McGIll. apparently attacked him
naked. ' knife, for there was a frightful
"I am exercising the law." the man on AnUrowK'H'hroal,
with the soclatlon. The boys .will - bq under
gash the .supervision of Mr Briggs. arid
honorary leaders -drawn '.from their
' '
alex; spry
understood that prices will be re-, deck. /
duced soon.' !
This follows .the lowering
' .
K in expected that the two Kalians
of the who were captured at. Guulhurn -last
. .

replied. ! Kennedy wils quite conscious when owri ranks. Y strength standard;- of aplyits. and tin? Week after their cac'ape from ih'e ship
Tho man then iyalkcd casually froni, found by .Sergeant JSeory,but he would Opo period from U'pccmbnr.lM until 11 to M,, on January 10 to 20, and reduction In ' prices In bydnoy anil wlil he put on board before she sails.
tits Junction. McGllt following some nol . speak.'. Tlioro wcro sty live today preceded this coniIngoiU,;Vhlch tho, fourth and - last period tor. Adelaide. ' It Is v»mcucd that some of tho sevon
yards behind. ; cartridges In his rifle. will remain In camp until Janudry to Hclioolboys. of 14 to 18 years, with an The. how prices proposed arc fid. -for who lui-vc . been missing- since tho
- Tho man walked slowly, and every \Jto struggled madly before he could It will.oe followed by another' for 80 enrolment' of- 45, from January, 20' to local /blind 9d. for Imported, : with ship arrived will return., voluntarily
few yards turned around and pointed be overpowered. schoolboys, their age? ranging! from 30. .' < 1aerated waters id. extra. '

National Library of Australia



Wins on Protest Carrying Heavy Burden and JUDGES' COMMENTS
Great Thought's Plate Surprise OWN STORY Cyclists
Says He Is Giving
Manufacturers of fortHlsors and
FINANCIAL AVERTS agricultural manures are at a dead (By The Hcrnlcl Atlfictlo Writer) 1
end In their efforts to collect portion Postponedfour weeks nqo bccnu«oof wet "Serious Crimes" Prisoners a Chance
I GOLDEN ARROW CONFIRMS NEW YEAR PUNTERS' DEBACLE Madman's Gun Jammed wcjfiier, the fourth annual carnival of the
of tho £2.000,000 owed to thorn liy of nino moro cases In Tho Attorney-General
SYDNEY, Saturday. — Tho pro BtikcnhsraSport Club was hold o:i the local RETAILS (Mr .Slater)
farmers, experts in U10 industry bo- Sergeant Seery ami Constable T. which prisoners have been re today made tho following statement
DAY FORM gramme at Warwick Farm today con
sisted of eight races, owing to large Hevo. II. Johnson, whose shot brought Ken recreationground today. Professionalrunning
and professionalcycling tinder registeredrule leased heforo tho expiration of their In reply to presn criticism of
entries in tho nmidett ovents, necessi down, probably owe their lives to hi
With no prospect of receiving any nedy the fact that a bullet Jammed in Ken forma! the »n.tlnfeaturesof the cmnival. sentences by special authority of the authorisation of tho release of a num.
(By The lleralil Turf Writer) ASPENTtjYXiE PLATI1 tating them being run In divisions, payments from farmers beenuscof the (Mr her of prisoners nt Pcntrldgo Cunl
gun after the first fustlado he l herewore ninny prominentmetropolitanand Attorney-General Slater) wore
Of £175. Second £20; third, £10. Six slump in wheat prices, ami no cer nedy's nt the police. as follow: beforo their torm of imprisonment
The ho'iday racing season ended at filrlonga.
Of £2 Mt'h, with £200 Added. Second,£40: tainty of Government assistance, they
fired interstate competitors, including Tim IJanncr, obtained todav hnd oxplrod:— %
Aspendale today. Glorious sunshine fear that a crisis will bo reached in Johnson was at tho front door former world's sprint champion,who won the HENRY THOMAS FROST, railway
third, £20,(rum the Ukc. Six furlong. smashing in the leadlight when Ken servant, tried nt tho Castlemalno "I have rend tho attacks on thn
ami a fresh sea breeze made con' GREAT THOUGHT (Solforinn— the Industry this year. CasllemalneGift on UuxiusrHay; Bob Broad- Law. Department, nnd upon mysoif
ditions most pleasant. Raid), A. R. Hancock's br g, By., First Division Tho burden of tho accounts they nedy advanced down lite hall with the bent, former Olympic cvrtM, and Sammy on Supreme Court, December f>, 1020.
three of false pretences. particularly, in regard to the re-
The attendance was very large, and eld. 7lb., cd. fi.8 (D. Smith) .. 1
ANCHOR, late Lever (Wcdge-Doucemrnt), the carrying atlimit,
nro present has reached gtin pointed towards the door. Seery
was just behind Johnson. Duwnton,the Vlrturian 100 mfUs recordholder. Sentenced counts to 12 months' Imprison lonse of prisoners, nnd must roinimi
the track wits in canital order. STAR WARDEN. I. L. Foulsham's Industry' it was stated to Mr H.
Victorian Dunney,secretary
of the Leagueof the newspapers nnd those people who
br g. By., 8.2 (J. Daniels) .... 2 . A- Neville's br g, 4y„ 7.9 (J. 8impun) 1
day. 'The three large companies — five Beneath the jammed bullet were Wheelmen,and Mr ClaudeKinseidel, ment on each count, tho sentences to think that a very serious wrong hu
The Hurdle Haeo was regarded ns IDEAL LUCIUS, D. U. Heatou'sch c, Jr., live cartridges In the magazine. (ipp.dand representative, the cycling bo concurrent. Released from tho
It duel between Romeo and "Wake- PRINCE. W. S. Hlcken- 7.6 (F. !. .. 2 Commonwealth Fertilisers and Chemi event on Mmlf of the supervised boon dono/by releasing prisoners Lo.
botham's br g. 4y„ 7.6, cd. 7.7 CENTURYHlckey) TIRE. R. Walder'. blk. g„ 4?., cals Ltd.. the Phosphate Johnson is only 23. He has been frov<rntm;body, white
Mr J. )\ , Sehafram) Mr Jaik l'emt>ertonwere serving only sixBondigo gaol on Juno 7 last nfter
fore their nctunl period of punish,
rife, and tho pair chopped and (A. Cooper) 3 9.8 (J. CoutU) S Company of Australia, Co-operative and
stationed nt Waverley since he joined
Crcsco the force in September last. He the Victorian Athletic U-avoe officials months.. mont expires, thnt it la merely .m
Winner trained by H. Wolters. Winnertrainedby A. Neville. Fertilisers Ltd.— show by their bal had Cyclists wore Mack armbands as 'a mark FRANCIS K. DAVEY. laborer,
changed as first favorite. Romeo was been a telegraphist at of respect for Freddy exercise by Ills Majesty of his pre
'Starter. — Century 9.3 (J. Coutta); Vat- ance sheets that their outstanding previously Pier-oti, the Richmond tried nt the Melbourne Supremo Court rogative of mercy upon the recoin-
heavily barked, tho best price being Slartera: Antontllo, 8.5 (H. McKennx)
8.2 J Star moud,8.10 (W. H. Tire, McLachlan);llurry Scurry, accounts aggregate nearly 40.000. anil Cootamundra and nt tlie Sydney cyclist who was killed in a motor accidentmi on March 1T>, 1020. on a charge of mendntton t>f his responsible Minis,
ft to 2, but In the lust few minutes Warden, (J. UunieU) ; Lady Yarborough, e l. 9.4 (51.McCarit.11);Arolh, 9.0 (9. Cracknel)); that the amounts Telegraph Branch. He holds his ambu N««w loir's night, and for Mr W. Kddy,a former arson and sentenced to two years
». cd. 7.8 (O. CaUinau) 'Besuhanla.7.11 (F. Wapiti, ed. 7.7 (I).
total nenrlv lance certificate, Hfo saving certificate official of the L.V.W., who died yesterdayafter Imprisonment. ter. I must also refer to the wld-n.
big money came for Wakerife, wha Dcmpaey);Rosetta,7.11 (J. Raftnele) ; Ideal 9.0, cil.8.0, 7.7 (Muunlng); Wyeth);
Ethel Ah, £2,000,000.
A'RIvira, 8.0 (K. and bronze medallion, and also his a Inn Illness. Released on March
ing of tho power of recommendation
was gradually levered forward to Prince, 7.0, cd. 7.7 (A. Cooper);OreatThought, Sir Kddy,who was63 yearsof aqe,was born 22. 1020, nfter having served one voar of the Minister by the amendment of
cl. 7, cd. (3.8 (P. Smith); PvAnu, 0.12 (P. Ilornery); Croquette,8.0. ed.7.7 (G. Pownali);
Wallarobba,7.12 (K. Bartle); Whelk. 7.11 (W.
. . FARMERS CANNOT PAY physical culture certificate. at Matdnnand Inn) been connectedwith the and seven days. the last Act made in 1910 and the
favoritism. ligan); Fairy Ilouoe,0.10 (P. liyries). Most of tho I.eacucfor many years. He retired from active THOMAS J. DWYKR, 20, dealer,
Hettinpr:7/4 Star Warden,fl/l laidv Ynr- 7.9 Cook); Royal Top, 7.10 (T. O'Rryan); Anchor. outstanding money Is work three years aco. His .were im tried at the Melbourne General Ses use of this power of recommendation
Romeo has improved by his recent (J. Simpson);Gratian, 7.7, cd. 7.0 ( — owed to one firm, and has grown
raring, anil lie was always borough, 10 (7It BAT THOUGHT,nosetta",Ideal Malcolm);
well Prince. 12 Antotiello,2o Henuhnnia,33 Ortelle' Son, 7.7 (A. Knox); Jock steadily over a period of three or four torred in "Hip Melbourne(7>»ifcr«fi Cemetery"this sions on December 11. 1020, on a by every Attorney-General of State
Rvaum, Mclver,cd. 6.12 (F. Egll); Tcxila, 7.3, cd. 7.5 yonrs. iftc.-jp'oiL n»s brother, Mr Geo. Kddy, is a charge of since that date.
placed. Wakerife jumped scratchlly housebreaking and <tsen
on occasions, losing ground at some Fairy House.
It wasa wry even atari, and for a furlong (B. Reynold); Cyroiuln, 7.2. cd. 7.3 (A. God- This st/ppiidiarysteward of the Victorian Athletic tenced to 12 ."Tho, part of the articles to which
Lucius, 7.0 (F. Hlckey), year's bountiful crop will do months' I take the strongest objection, on
0 fills hurdles. four horsesracedpmrUoidlv on terms. Tlien (lard); Rotting.
Iord —4/1 Valfnmd, 6 Hurry Scurry, G nothing to savo the situation, because Arrangements for todny'smeetingwere in the Released on July 12 10.10—served
Trmdook made most of the run Great Thought movedawav. and h»H a mile 7 the return to the farmers will hand of Mr C.J. Grant,president,and Mr If. K. seven months. account of its being entirely contrary
from home lie wus just aheadof Star Wanlen Luciu. 10/33 other. Century Tire. ANCHOR,6 Croquette,I/Ord amount not to fnrts. Is the suggestion that poll-'
ning. and half a mile from home and Ideal Prince, with Rnnt-ttnnext, then An- to any more than would have Rolls, secretary,of the WkenhamSport Club. MAURICE SOHOTT. 28, coal
Results:— Ileal Influence has been responsible
Romeo ran up to him easily, and. tonelio and I»idy Ynrhorough.with Heaulianiu Dividend (for 10/): Anchor, £2/9/; Lord been received from a drought year lumper, ?sentenced at the Melbourne for the release of prisoners. No poli
although Romeo led at the turn, last. Star Wanlen movedup approachingthe Luciu. 14/; CenturyTire, 14/.
Won by fourand a half length, half a head. crop
In normal times. As fnrtners'wIH HALF-MILKWHEELRACK. General Sessions on -February 3. tical Influence has been used, and. in
Wakerife ran past him on tho out home turn, where Ureal Thought wasstill In Time, 1 min. 14 sec. need every penny received thjg'yeur 1930, to 12 months' imprisonment for most cases, the application for r»-
side at the second to last jump, but position,but Lady Yarltorougii imprrivrd her to carry them Over uexf. Sf.1s'on, the First Heat.—9. Down ton (30 yd.). I; A Released on July 12.
she ran very wide entering the Franklin (80 yd.), 2; R. Rose (70 ), 3 shopbreaking. lease has come from parents or rela
he bungled it badly, losing several straight. Second Division industry cannot iooj£ to them to pay Won by half a wheel. Time, 1 min. 2yd 1930— served five months. tives of tho prisoner, supported hy
lengths. This cost him the race. Helow the distance Star Warden appeared their accounts. h-' — K. J. Ruasell(75 yd.),see. GEORGE
SecondHeat. 1; S CARTER, 30. motor the gaol chaplain nnd other visiting
Romeo headed him again, and. al likely to win. hut Great Thoughtheld him at RASrURA (Tippler—Tehama), It. R.
Payten'i b g, 3y., 7.9, cd. 7.9 (R.
Tho nlternaPJTg jeft the industry
arc to seek F. Andrews(75 yd.), 2; D. A. Breujmer(70 driver, sentenced nt the Melbourne Ministers, nnd In other Instances by
though Wakerife was with him at hay, and evorodnicely hv a length and a hnif. Denham) 1 or from tho astiance from the banks yd.). 3. Comfortable. Time. 1 min. I cc. Supreme Court on November 15, 1929. various solicitors.
the last dlght, he did not gather up wnli Ideal Prince a similar distancenwuvthinl. CHASEMARCH,Extor. late JohnBrown', QllvcmineM. Third Heat,— K. Garnhnm(85 yd.), t; W to nine months' imprisonment for lar
bis full pace again, ;yu! Romeo boat A Httlo morethan a length awnv wasAntntn-llo. h f. 3.v., 8.0 (K. Itornery) .. .. ,. 2 Tho bauksjfthey point out. may not Hert»erlson (50 yd.), 2; J. Johnson(95 yd.), 3 ceny as a servant. Released on May
him homo comfortably. then Udy Yarlviroiigh, Ra-elta, Rvnma and THB Mil YA, E. B. Ball' ch g, 4y., 8.7 be in a portion to finance them next Easily. Time. 60J sec.
lain- House, while neiiuhaninwas Inst. —W. F. Stuart (35 yd.), 1; B 84, 1930—served six months. "In each of tho cases referred t«>
, Romeo is owned by the popular Time,imln. 13|cc. Sturfctl 3.21 p.m. (T. O'Rryan) 3 year, ri already all totheir available Fourth Meat.
Breunnn(60 yd.), 2; F. Linton (50 yd.), 3 BERNARD A. BELL, 38. company in The Herald and tho Argus, all but
paddock bookmaker. Mr Wallace (Winner trained by B. R. raytcn.) YSIiilM' Is being used finance the one wcro cases of men Imprisoned for
They can only carry Easily. Timo, 1 min. 24 sec. sentenced to 12 months' Im
Mitchell, and Is trained by Cecil ASPEN DAIiK PARK HANDICAP Starter.—Sweet»Vala!a,8.12, cd. 8.5 (
Hgf'rnmonts. Fifth Heat. — T. Johnson(70 yd.). 1; T. \V manager, the first time, and not one of tiro
Oodby, who won a race at Fleming- Of £250. frocoml,£30; third, £20. One and William); The Muya,8.7 fertiliser industry next year by prisonment nt the Melbourne Supreme
n miles. (T. O'Rryan); V'+s. money from other in- Bleazby (t.> yd.), 2:1 U Jone (95 yd.), 3 Court on October 30, 1929, for mak
men was n long term prisoner, in
ton on Thursday with Snntorb. quarter Canne. 8.2 (Henry); Snowbound, 8.0 f/jp rjulrawlng lenplhs. Time mln. 2| ec. ing a false entry In the minute book the case of a man in previous trouble
DARK DAWN (AH Black— Golden Cook) ; Carmlee.80 (II. Waternon); C0r ,jiSyltrlcs. of the company by which he was em the reference in — the Argus was en
FANCIED AT FLEMING T OX March, 8.0 (K. Ilornery): WallaceSunrlae./q,,i IllP'ery little hopo Is entertained that 75 YARDSHANDICAP
Dawn), A. S. Chlriiside'a b p. (C. Flndlay); TarnetaOlas. 8.0, cd. 7,8if. /I IIIP Stato or Federal Governments will ployed. Released on May 3, 1930— tirely misleading that a man whils
sentenced to Imprisonment for
By. 7.1 t.\. Fir?t Heat.— J. Lynch <12j«Ih.), I; W, llroK- served six months.
A dual Cnuliield Cup winner In Dewhurnt) 1 PiuvnaU) ; Gocrabul, 7.12 (C. ScahiH); \t/fT//I ||lfe direct aid to iho industry. ma (8yds.), 2; A. Hadley(lljyds.), 3, Won years, was released after
Whittler received a good advertise COKOMANDEL, J. Puync's b m, Statu. 7.10 (Fox); Amanullah,7.9, «»/- / J| firms, fencing suppliers, CECIL H. MONSON, 29. and AL having
ment when Ills son, Golden Arrow, iT,bvVvv7'3,,ct1, 7-4 Duncan) .. 2 (D. MrNamara);Ranpun, 7.8, cd. 7.,,,'//|| Illphichinery firms, storekecl>ers and by a yard. Time. 7 4-lflsec.
SecendHeat.—D, Morri-un (121yds.), 1; J. FRED WATT, each fined EG. In de
served 20 months.
won the. Three-Year-Old R. T. McDonald's Ppuham); Scottish March. 7.7 (K. Rey''/ /I! gsgjnlraclins In that case tho Argus statement of
Handicap in HLNNA, 7.1. cd. 7.3 (S. Tomison) ....
be m, The One,7.5, til. 7.7 (Ror Marsden);1 / / fnks are all owed large sums of Aheru ( 14yds.). 2; it. Morion (11yds.). 3. fault one month's Imprisonment, by the fact that he had served 20 month
impressive fashion. At Flemington on (Winner trained by E. Fisher). 3 bank. 7.4, cd. 7.5 »(A. Stead); Bridge „oney, with no prospect of coUocting Good finish".Time, 7 3-J6ec. the City Court on November 1. 1930,
Thursday Golrlen Arrow was bucked './
' ' .ais year. Third Heat.—A. Ttirnbull (1l|yd«.), I; K. was clearly wrong. Ho had served J6
Bow. 7.0, rd. 6.7 (S. WeB«). Clarke (lOlyds.), 2; F. Spurred(7)yd».), 3. for Insulting words. - Released after months, nnd, having earned tho full
JYom 10 to 1 to 4 to I. and run a fair lwtln,.— 2/1 Tl«. r. k
Half yard. Time, 7 4-Htwc. serving one week remission marks for good conduct, hud
race, and ho benefited by it today. It .so Soull.- 1
.J. -"snrnvlioliml.S IjOr Cannti. Fourth Ileal.—S. Hyde (lOJyds.). 1; C. HARRY ROBERT MANN, carpen but one month to serve to complete
was a good lu-ttlng race, there .being '... / ATorrltf ) Goromundcl,7.3. f-d 7 I 1, 12/25 otlicr.. A picturegram of Constable John O'Calliclian (11yds.), 2; T. Cunningham(0J ter, tried nt the Melbourne Supreme his sentence.
plenty of support for four runners. 7A (A' """Inirsiu >fitdend. — Ranpun, £3/10/6; Chare RESEARCHCOUNCIL'S WORK son. \Ua.). 3. Clotefinish. Time, 7 4-16fve.
Golden Arrow was never far behind »n«. '"Cl.'n,1.l':r:
' I. cl. 7.J "rn'
(S. Toinlwn); " Tlie lUtCf Marrh, 13/; Tlie Muya,12'ft. Fifth Heat.—K. Butson(PlJ'ri.), 1: J. Leach Court on November IB, 1928, on three "In not one of theso cases was the
Influenco, and at the turn Golden Ar Unmor. 7.1 (N. I', Won by one and a quarter length, three- PRAISED OVERSEAS (Uvds.), 2; B. Shaimhrin(8yds.). 3. Inches. counts of housebreaking, housebreiiK- release made without a favorable re
row crossed over sharply on Inllu- JAW.N, , CornmanU.t,H 1- DARK quartersof a length. Time, Imln. 14lire. Ho was extremely reticent and dis Time. 7 1-1(hoc. Inu with intent, and with having com commendation by the Inspector-General
unnv . "6 Sixth Ileal.—W. Butler (njyds.), 1; 0. mitted an nssuult occasioning actual of 'ennl Establishments, nor without
ence, who lost several lengths. Golden Ilvmia, SoiiIIMoivii. "arrlur, 20 MAIDEN NUIISEUY HANDICAP missed the subject with a shrug of Dnrey (11yds.). 2; A. Tobin (Uyds.). 3. bodily harm. Sentenced to two and the prisoner boing obliged, in most
Arrow had not scored before today, at tlip pi»»t. ,Tti.rp.u-a, Dr. A. C. D. Rivett Returns the shoulders. Inches. Time, 7 2-10sec. n half years' Imprisonment, Released
and lie is a decidedly useful -IooHjme nltlo |tjiT f,n In the early stage., "Ono of us bad to get It," ho said. SeventhHeat.—L. Ruhla (124yds.), 1; \V. on cases, to furnish a surety and In ea.h
hut Duncan Of £2 each, with £200 added. Second,£<0; — That the "When I saw Kennedy walking Dc King (t 04yds.). 2; (!. Gilders January 30, 1930 served 14 case to enter into a personal bond t<»
type. He was ridden by J. Rajj flRTVf allowed Commando!to stride along after third, £20. Five furlong. ADELAIDE, Saturday. (131yd.), months. be of. good behavior for varying period
ing the straight, and six furlongsfrom leav work of the Commonwealth Council down the. hall t )i a rifle to his shoul 3. Closetitihli. Time, 7 6-Khsce.
she wasout four length from The Happyhome War FINANCIAL First Division of Scientific and Industrial Research der I aimed straight through the hole FINAL OTHER APPLICATIONS' from six months to two years.
Tv„n BrSmpecl as it he rior. who was followed t»v Dark Dawn, geg. (I'aprr Mnnev— Rcbekah), P. I had made In tlie of the door.
to '"'hlK llilll tO flight. Hennaand Glaive. H. Oabome'i br or blk f, 7.13 (E. had a great and rapidly growing re glass Encouraged by tho success of "CHANCE TO MAKE GOOD"
hhf ln "nil.? V-.
'l putation in Britain was staled by the I had no alternative but to shoot D. MORRISON (til) yd.) ,12 other prisoners, it was learnt today
1LS -iidab y linlshed well, nf- si Dairk Dawn went In pursuit of Coromandel Bartle)
MiaaUna Clift'a b g, 8.2 (A. Dptititv Chulnimn iintl Chief Execu- quick. Had 1 not done so. at least one J. LYNCH (11yds.) "Tho great advantage that has been
a onK way back little further on. but Curonxnideiheld her AUDEEN, U. DORKY(tlyda.) . . . . 3 that applications for release had niso realised from the release of prisoners .
carlj' had until rounding the hometurn. Here the Knox) \ 2 tive OHlcer of the Council (Dr. A. C. of us assuredly wi uhl have been shot." Won by Inches. Time. 7 1-lfisec. been made to the Attorney-General beforo their term under a bond to Iro
was passedby Dark Dawn, who had a slight TORY'S CHOICE.J. S. Reynoldt'sbr c, D. Rivett), who arrived In the Mol HOUSE AN ARSENAL. by Norman Mctver, who is under of good behavior has been that In very
U-ad entering the straight from Coromandel. 7.10 (K. Reynold) .. .. .. ,, 3 davia today from a nino months' trip DISTRICTWHEELRACK. One mile. going a sentence or 18 months for
: SURPRISED la'XTKHS. Scaffight and C.blve (who was wide out). (Winner trained by B. R, Paytcn) The house in Lawson Street was few, If any, cases has tho prisoner
abroad. Dr. Rivett hus been com and by Norman
HennaJoinedthe isue at the distance, a nd in found to be n veritablo arsenal. The First Heat.—It. Smithers (90>cU.), 1; A. perjury, Conquest, been returned to the gaol.
Backers troubled only about Star a prat finish Dark Dawn
defeatedCoromunde) Starter.—Dogwood,8.9 (W. Cook); Ardeen, paring the work of scientific organisa discovered moro than 2000 Franklin (60yds.). 2; A. Cameron(70yd.), 3. who, the police say, is one of the best
"Surely, after nil, if a man can be
Warden and Lady Yarborough in tho by half a head,with Hennaa headaway Knox); ML Quantoek,8.1 (S. Crack- tions overseas with those of Australia. police pickpockets in" the,' world.
third. 8.2 (A. Our Dr. ltlvctt attnded, tho Imperial rounds of ammunition secreted there.
Twolengths. Time, 2mln. I8)sec.
SecondHeat;—E. J. Rns«ell(50yds.), 1; K, given n chance to mako good, and tiro
Aspendale Plato, but there was a sur Two lengths ouiiv, fourth, wax Seafllght, nell); Choice, 8.0, cd. 8.2 (M. Me Conquest lias been previously con result of tho wise use by the Minlsb-r
prise In store for them, as the winner then The Happy Warrior, with Glaive last. 'Carten); TheAmazon,7.12 (J- Coutle); Finan Wool Research Conference in Eng There were several bunches of cart Garnham(79yd.), 2: J. Johnson.(90yds.), 3. victed of having Illegally used a car, of his power of recommending tiro
turned up in Great Thought who, a Time. 2 m|n. 9! see. Started 4 p.m. cial, 7.12 (E. iUrtle); Htppr Leader. 7.12 land. at which plans were discussed in the kitchen. In the dining- Comfortably. Time, 2mln. I7ee,
(K. Homery); Tom Tell, 7.12 (H. Wattcr- for closer co-operation between wool ridges Final.—K..J, Rti>cll (50yds.). 1; B. Smlther bigamy, larceny from the person, and Royal Prerogative of mercy is finally
few days ago, was beaten by Goosestep room there wcro moro bntterieo, and being a suspected person. to reclaim that inan,ns a useful member
at B&Hurat. On today's form Goose- wn); Air Steamer,7.U (F. Hlckey); Me- research workers in Britain. South in a locked trunk in a bedroom there (OOvds.),2:"K. Garnham(70yd«.)»3. Won by
step must bo a smart performer. ASPENDALE PURSE Burner, 7.10 (A. Wood); Toby' 7.9 Choice,7.10 Africa, New Zealand and Australia. wero fully 20 boxes of ammunition. two length; half a wheel betweensecondand He absconded from ball, and- was of society, then no capricious com
(k. Reynolds); Opinion. (W. Lawler); third. Time. 2mln. 20jeec. . rearrested in West Australia. A few plaint should be made against tho ujto
Great Thought jumped away first, Of £175. Sectxul,£20; thiol, £10. One and dartre?. 7.7 (A. Uoddard); Uebehen, 7.7 Tho main' object of the conference In the back yard of tho . house hours before tho police escort arrived
and ho was not again headed. Star a quarter miles.' (C. Flndlay): Slilrvan. 7.4 (.k Simpvon). was to reduce £osts and Improve pro Kennedy had fixed up a miniature PAKENHAM GIFT— 130 Yard. by a Minister of this recommendation,
Warden finished well, but could Betting.—Evens FINANCIAL, 8/1 Ardeen, ducts, rifle range. Against a concrete wall, In West Australia to bring him back nor should it be suggested that in such
' make use a back door way out of prison
no impression on the leader. Lady WALTER SCOTT Dogwood.ML
t 14 to 33 others. Quantoek, 12 Toby' Choice, "One heard nothing but praise." which was chipped with dozens of First Heal.—N. W. Harrison (I3|yd.), 1; to Melbourne, he escaped from the
Yarborough did not get a good run in JENNY COSTELLO Dr. Rivett, "for the way in bullets, was a brick which he had B. Guerln (12yds.), 2; A. Jackson(Ift)yriO. lock-up. is provided."
the early stages, and lost ground by YANESE 2 Dividend.—Financial, 15/; Ardeen, 17/6; said which the late Prof. Brallsford used as a target. Tlie brick had 3. One and a half yards. Time, 12 »cc. He was subsequently re-arrestcd In
wide - entering 3 Toby' Choice.£1/7/. Second Heat.— R. Butnon (UlytU.), 1; A.
running rather the Won by three-quarter of a length; four Robertson planned and. inaugurated been reduced to half Its size from Tobin (12yd.), 2: F.. Farrar.(151 yd.), — 3. Melbourne
by ex-Detective W. P.
straight. Starters. —Arcadhw,8.7 (r. Taniun): Walter length. Time,Imiti. 1|ec. his hugo programme for tbeanlmni frequent shooting. Two yard. Time,,12 7-16 see. Third Hint. '
Ideal Prince, having his first run Scott, S.7 (W. Duncan): Tragedy King, 8.4 nutrition laboratory at Adelaide. It Neighbors said that, although W, De King (141yds-).1: A. Turnbull (IfiydO. Although the police are generally TREASURY BILLS FOR
fPr some time, displayed promise, (II. UcKenna); Vancse,8.0 (A. Reed); Pearl- Second Division was, I think, the realisation of the Kennedy had been living in the 2; C. Glider (17yda.), 3. Inches. Time, 12 asked for reports on prisoners before
while the Adelaide performer. Anton- fisher.7.11 (0. Eaton); Firebreak,7.8 (A. Dew- immense possibilities opened up by house for about nine months, few J2-16 sec. Fourth Heat.—J. B. Stalnor (17 they are released, the pfoc&lure, it Is
ello, was never really dangerous. Great hurat); Sibtah,.-7.7(inch 7Jb. pen.) (H. Mor- BELLE TREIZE (Promised Land—Belle Dr. nobeftson that induced Sir had even spoken to him. Me wns vds.), 1; T. Banner.(N.S.W.), 4)yds.. 2; R. stated, is only formal in' many cases, VICTORIA
7.3 (H, Badger); Trob). C. E. and H. 0. llall'e br f, 8.0
Thought won in fine stylo today, and ri«); JennyCostello,( 1 Charles Martin, in fact of difficulties, thought to bo "rather eccentric." Rutherford (Iflyd.), 3. Inches. Time, 12 as the men tire allowed their free
has struck his beat form for a long Helicopter,16.12, cd. 6.18 (X. Perclvul); TOWN (A. Knox)
TOPIC,G. F. W. Goodrich' ch g, 7,8 to ngroo to the Council's urgent in Tho rifle used by the murderer was 10-16 sec. Fifth Heat.—M. O'Neill (12yds.), dom whether the report Is favorable
time. Notary,cl. lb., cd. 0.S (D. Smith),
(J. Simpson) vitation to take charge of the animal a repeating riflo of up-to-date pat 1: T. Cunningham(t3y<ls.), 2; J. Taig (13 or not. £1,750,000 Worth Issued
CORSAGE, nutrition division at Aedlaldc. He will tern. yd.), 3. Half a yard. Time, 12 9-16 sec.
OPEN BETTING RACE (Last Race in Stop Press when dartl)
H. Longworth'sb f, 7.7 (A. God- Of the nine cases referred to two
received). s arrive in March." Shopkeepers along Oxford Street of the prisoners wcro previously con State Treasury officials admitted
— J. T. Cush. had Been Kennedy almost dally for today that Commonwealth
For some time backers did not Starter. Head Chief. 8.10 (F. Hlckcv); weeks past. He had been in the victed. Treasury
know what to make favorite for the Salient, 8.5 (S. Crackticll); Segovia,6.5 (C. NEW ACCOMMODATION IN George Carter, on March 25, 1929, hills had been Issued for Victoria a
Park Handicap, and at one stage of BURNAIDES Mhtto): Marinade,8.5 (M. McCanen); Cel-- was sentenced to three months' im well as for New South Wales. They
TAKES hrate, 8.2 (J. Munro); DollarPrinces, 6.0 (W.
the betting there was very little to Jolinifone); Belle Trlez, 6.U (A. Knux); Baa- prisonment for larceny as an em pointed to the details given In tiro
choose between Glaive, Dark Dawn, NOVAR HURDLE MOLDAVIA Ho admitted in court three last monthly financial statement i?-
kino, 7.13 (II Wittvpion); Lid.v Rtieco.7.13. ploye.
and Seafllght, but eventually Glaive 11I. 7.10 (J. Pratt); Spearfoot,7.12, ed. 7.18 convictions before this. siieu on ijccemoer ju, wmcn snowpi
had a slight call. Morphettville Races (K. Bartle); Fair Australia. 7.11 (W. Hop Cecil Monson. who is an alleged that, apart from Treasury bills repre
- Tho Happy Warrior, who was ADELAIDE.Saturday. —The S.A.J.C.Bummerping); Borclan, 7.11 (J. Coutts): Merrvgoen, Communist leader, was sentenced on senting £2,490,000 outstanding in
again well backed, led for a short meetingconcludedtoday at Morphettrille with 7.10 (Donkln); Polly Ann. 7.9
Town Topic. 7.8 (J. Simpson);(R. Mariden): Liner Due on Monday May 31, 1929, to three months' im London, £1,750,000 had been issued
distance, but then Coromunde! took a programme of six cvenL. Corsage,7.7 In Australia.
(A. Ooddard). prisonment on a charge of vagrancy.
charge, with Glaive last. Along the NOVAR HURDLERACK. IMtfng. —2/1 Marinade,5 Corsage,0 Town When the incoming P. and O. liner He was. however, released 10 days It was explained that before the
back Dark Dawn and then Glaive BURNAIDES,10,12(H. BraceglrUIe).... 1 Topic, 8 BELLE TREIZE, HeadChief, Lady later by specinl authority of the Federal-States Financial
moved up. and rounding the turn JANOMAGNE, 10 to IS other. Moldavia berths at Station Pier nt Attorney-General. Agreement
10.6 (R. Eddy) ........ 2 Ruern, —Belle Trclre, £3/4/; Town Topic. Act had been passed three years ago
Dark Dawn began to go past Curo- ST. TETJT, 10.13(B. Stuart) 3 Dividends. 7.30 a. in, on Monday, she will In Monson, with three other men, ob banks either gave overdrafts or ac
mandel. and he went on to win nar Starters.— St. Telit. 10.13; Burnaldes,10.12; t4/: Corsage,1J /. augurate the new tourist saloon class tained a meal at a restaurant for cepted State Treasury bills. Tho State
Henna came home Janoiiugne,10.6; Wembley,0.10; Flrt Te«t, Time, Won by a length and a half; half a head.
rowly from him. 9.4; l.tjcky Day, 9.2; Gelebek,9.1; Liurelmond. Imln. 1m»c. In passenger ships coming to Aus- which they refused to pay. He way could nut now issue Treasury bills,
in great style to run a close third. also arrested on another occasion for
A. Dewhurst rode Dark Dawn. It 9.1: Kunyadi.0.0.
Dividend )for £1).—£2/3/, 18/, FARM STAKES - tralia. vairrancv, but the then Chief Secre
and it was necessary to obtain them
from the Commonwealth
was Iris flrst success in the metro The Mongolia, which' wil! berth tary to givo »
Won by two lengths,two lengths. Time: 8 Of £2 each,with £200 (Mr Ptendergast) Intervened, banks for temporary advances for tiro
politan area this season. Earlier in min. 49sec. added. Second,£10; here a month later, will be similarly and tho charge was withdrawn. lean periods of the year when revenue
the week Dewhurst won the Terang thinl, £20. Onemile.
Cup on Kedale for E. Fisher, trainer HELMSDALEWELTER. One mile. BONAWK (Spearhead— Ktive), "O. T. Evil- fitted, and. when the new 20,000 ton In November, 1927, Monson was was coming in slowly.
GRECIANFIRE, 8.1t (It. Mules) l lair'" b m. 4y., 7.13 (J. Simpson) .. 1 liners Struthaird and Strathnaver are also fined £2, in. default seven days' Most of the direct taxation. It was
of Dark Dawn. Fisher also won with ROYALLASS,8.0 (C.. Badger) 2 VALENTINO,E. F. Walker'sch g, 4y., 9.0 put into commission, the four ships Imprisonment, for offensive behavior. explained, was collected in the last
Horoscope at Flemington, so that he DUALITY, 8.1 (R. Fleet) .. 3 (K. Bartle) .. 2 ; will maintain a regular monthly ser Although Stanley F. Beck, grocer, four months of the financial year,
has had a successful week. Starters: Phoenix, 9.6; Dasher Dean, 9.5; PRO NOTE.G. P. Nation'sbr g, 3y., S.ll vice of liners with this closs of ac was released from Pentridge by order from tho end of February to the end
Glaive failed to finish on. and she GrecianFire. S.U; Paul Strange,8.10; Wen- (W. Johnstone).. .. .. . . 3 commodation between Australia an<£ of the Attorney-General, on Novem of June.
seems to have lost her form. Sea. dovcr, 8.7; Lucrasia.8.0; Jeffler, 8,4; Ainalfl Winner trained by C. O. Battye.
ber 22. 1928. he was committed
flight again disappointed, and The tana. 8.3; Duality. S.I; Clarolong,8.0; Great Starter.—Valentino, 9.0' (E. Bartle); Kav-
Chester,8.0; RoyalLam, 8.0; Star Venture,8.0. toun, 8.12 (S, Davidson);Pro Note, 8.11 (\V.
These ships have six grades of ac
Happy Warrior has apparently be February last for having illegally used
come wearied of racing. Dividends:£5/5/. £2. Johnstone) ; Solitaire, 8.8. cd. 8.5 (J. Pratt); commodation in the new class at fares a cur. and sentenced to one month.
Won by two lengths;«te and a half length. What About It, 8.7 (J. Munro); lyirlngl, 8.7 ranging from £38. He was sentenced to a month's im GOLD FIND
Time,imin. JOjsec. (Fox); Treepic,8.7 (W. Lawler); Grecnrnantk. Other ships that will como into port prisonment on May f», 1928, for a
HURDLE RACE 8.7 (M. ilcCarteu); Bctcher,8.5 (J. Coutta);
LASTREPORT,7.12 (W. Turner)
SweetMuilc. 6.3, cd. 8.2 (Mackenzie);Boiuue, on Monday are the Orient liner similar offence.
Of £150, Second,130; third, £20 from the STARCUN, i 7.13 (J. SlmpRon);Whoopee,7.11, cd. 7.4 Otranto on lior homeward run. She Clemency in his case, the police 1H Oz.
lUke. Abiut t»>'0 miles. BELLEOF RICHMOND,
7.12 (W. C. Turner) 2 (Gunning); Samite,7.11 (W. Cook): Red Dift, has a number of prohibited Italian say, appears to have been wasted. Nugget Unearthed
8.10 (K. Wright) . 3 7.11. cd. 7.13 (J. England); GlassBalloon,7.9.
Dividend.—£15/16/, £9/10/. migrants on board, and In conse HISTORY OF CASES At Wedderburn
ROMEO (Wolaroi— Lady Love), Won by three-quarterof a length; two and ed. 7.11 (K. Ilornery); Leila, 7.4 (F. Hlckey);
W. Mitchell's ch g. a, 9.12 (J. New King. 7.2, cd. 6.11 (G. Reynold): 1'ilinr quence of this no person will bo al
a-haif lengtlv. Time, 1 mln. 40) sec. Carday, 7.2, ed. 7.4 (K. Revnolds); Pepper" lowed to board the liner without n Mann, In November, 1928, Harry Robert W E D D E R BURN. Saturday -
Winks) 1 Starters. — Jet Black. 0.6; Belle of Rich Ghmt. 7.2. cd. 7.3 (A. Gotfrfanl). one of nine prisoners re There was excitement
WaKERIFE, P. B. Qulnlan'a ch . mond.8.10; Torluck,8.9; Barter,8.7; Skylight, Belting.—9/2 pro Note. Valentino, - 7/1 special permit issued by the Orient here today
g, 4y. 9.12 (W. J. Howson) .. 2 8.6; blasterBii-r, 8.5; Spcarfilght,8.2; Encliant- BONA Company. leased, attempted to break into the when Robert Crisp and Isaac Oliver,
W E, WhatAbout It, 8 Samite,10 to 23 homo of Mr John R. Cozens, of Wedderburn, who, for tlie last six
TKUSLOCK, C. Caylock's br g, 6y, merit, S.I ; Pelopa,8.0; Udv Bankfleld,7.13; uthcra. The P. and O. Branch liner Ben- chemist, of FJeid Street, Bentlelgh, week have been mining close tn
9.0 <W. Nelson) 3 Iist Report. 7.12; Stnrgun,7.12; Acre Shot, Dividend.— Bona we,£2; Valentino,17/G:' Fro digo w'.li also berth at Station Pier. but was detected. Mr Cozens Inter
7.11; Two Stroke, 7.10; Cherry Ribbon. 7.9; Note, 10/. Ridge Street, .half a mile from tiro
Winner trained by C. T. Godby. ArgosyLad, 7.3; Lady MurirMon, 7.2;-AM>ury Deadheat;" one and a half lcngtiia. Time. She is homeward bound, nnd will take cepted Mann, who atruck him with a town, unearthed »i gold nugget
Starter.—'Triplex, 10.0 (K. Scott); Romeo. Queen,7.0; King of Song, 7.0; Taonul, 7.0; Imin. 42see. more than 230 passengers from Aus bar of Iron and hit hlih on the head wejgning 1x4 oz.
9.12 (J. Winks): Wakerife.9.12 (W. J. How- Woodlace,7.0; Kerlamy, 7.0. A protestagainst Valentinowaa upheld,and The house in Lawson Street, Wave rley (Sydney) in which a crazed tralian ports. Sho will sail on "Wed with a torch. Ninety miners are engaged around
M>n); Tnisiock, 9.6 (W. N«4son);Calcra,9.3 the raceawardedto Bonawe. bandit, John Thomas Kennedy, barricaded himself early today against nesday next. His wlfo came to his assistance, and Wedderburn, and several are work
(L. ,T.Danleli); Sargent,0.2 (It. Swertnam);
lbd blade, 0.2 (D. Wraith:); Talmud, 0.0 the police. Before he was mounded by Constable Johnson, the gunman The Bluo Funnel cargo steamer after a struggle sho sat on ono of ing In tlie vicinity of whero the find
(J. IfcUahon). SEFTON HANDICAP Merlones will berth at 18 Victoria Mann's arms 'and held him by the was made. The spot 1hcast of Sugar-
shot two policemen dead. A picturogram from Sydney.
Belting.—7 /4 Wakerife,2 ROMEO,5 Trip- In Corangamite Of £3 each, with £300 added. Second,£B0: Dock, tho tnotorshlp Limerick at 7 hend until he was securely pinned loaf Hill, where good gold was found
lex, 10 Calm, 20 Tnodock,Sargent,60 Red Jockey Injured
_ third, £30. Six furlong. habit of walking Into a shop and de Victoria Dock, and tho N.D.L. motor- down. In early days. Nearby Desmond and
Talmud, Hurdle D'OR ( ship Oder at 3 Victoria Dock on Mon Tho Jury commended the braveryof
Truriock was the early leader, but passing CA9QUD Bossendaie— N'aroatna),W. manding cigarettes or other articles Mr and Mrs Cozens,
Ronald Robinson founu a tijoz. nug
the half-mile pest the first time Triplex had M. (Julian'sblk g, 5\, 8.9 (J. Pratt) 1 FAMILY QUARREL OVER and refusing to pay for them, say day morning. get a month ago, from Hayes, pros
taken commandfrom Cal-ra, Trualock.Wakerlfv. CORANOAJIITK. Satnriby. — Cora«u-amlt» KILLARNKY, E- IWi'b g, a., 9.S (M. n ing: "I don't pay for these. I'm a In sentencing Mann, Mr Justice pecting in the same lino of country,
Romeo,Urgent, Red LK.i<1" and Talmud. At. Rjcing Club held a well-attendedmeetingon McCarlrn) .. .. ,, FUNERAL Communist." Macfarlan said: "This class of crime but closer to the St. Arnaud Road,
Pirron Yslloak racecoursetody. ERBIE, S. Phillips's br g, 5y„ 7.8 (J.
the fo««d ntirdle m »I.- atnlght Talmud tln» I'. Dowllng was thrown from Quuttasl>e« In Simpson) 3
1h very rife, and It Is the duty of tho found nuggets weighing 2|oz. and
baulked. Leavingthe ktrui-'Lt Triplex wa» ful- the Hurdle Raceand trnkc hi collarbone. (Winner trained hy J. liirden) VICTIM, I'GPULAIt OFFICER Court to dlscourago It." 2oz. Several smaller finds have been
lowed by TrueJock, Wak-rifc and and DOCTORS
hnUa mile from homeTrusL>:"< andRomeo,
Rntnrnue'e Hurdle.—PARDEKN,9.3 (J. Tjit). I; Slarter.—KBlarney, 0.8 (M. McCarten) ; Two Graves Dug Constable Norman Allen, the flrst UNQUALIFIED Bernard A. Bell was charged on Oc made in the locality, and numerous
9.1 (P. Dowling), lost hi rider. Onlv Cannifid'Or, fi.9 (J. Pratt); GrrenhlnJ.g.7
togethera length and a half j! -ad of Wukerife. tasU--, sturter. Wlimrr's price, 5/4 on.- (J. Munro); Cleave,8.2. cd. 7.0 (K Haslcr); Two graves were dug in different of tho unfortunate poiico to bo killed,
tober 16, .1929, 'With the larceny of
£452 ns a servant, and with making a
claims have been pegged out.
Approachingthe last h- hurdlehut oue Wakerife Hack Race. —GUILELESS(W. Watt), 1; Grcenlncli.7.10. cd. 7.3 (Walsh); KrW, 7.8 cemeteries, and two clergymen of was born on November 8, 1901. IJe One Makes £30,000 a Year
dashed to the front, but false entry In the minute book of the
Romeoestablblied a lead ofjumped threepoorlyand
length. Tintano(J. Tuit). 2; Gold Heel (J. Kearney) (;' Simpscai) ; Kinuorth. 7.8 (A. Goddard): different denominations were in joined the service in 1928, and has
Peepitc vigorous riding. Wakeriferotild not J. Corangamite One oilier. Winner',..p'rlce.«t/4. Nfckajav,7.4. cil. 7.9 Longwood,7.2 ! attendance conduct a funeral ser been attached to Wavcrley since April Complaint wns made at the meeting Southern Cross Service Company, of
—EGYPTIAN NEWS, (A. Knox); Style, fl.U."(Fox); cd. 6.7 (S. WcJx); vice at Ballyto of the Royal College of Surgeons, says which ho was manager. SLAVERY IN LIBERIA
Make up bis lost ground and Romeodefeated 1; Handicap.
other.. Win- cil. Carneila, 6.16 (F. IHckev) JMroona,6,9, inagorry, near Stnibane 14, 1930. He was found not guilty on tho first
Mm by a length. Trndo?k win four length ner's price, 4/1 2; l>eura.3. Fiv« 6.8 I recently, the London Sergeant Crough, in charge "of the the London Dally Mall, that owing to charge byAho Jury, but guilty on the
nway third, with Sargent fourth. Then rami' f-.ur on. Won bv three length; (V. Kg ) ; SweetOration,0.9, cd. 6 7 (Ireland), says
TrJplexand CaJrm.with Rod Madea ivid luat. length. —Time. Imln. 45sec. (A. Wood); Workman.6.0 (C. Fliidlav); P«.r- News-Chronicle. SVaverley sub-division, said Allen was the rapidly increasing number of un second.
nelt, 6.8, cd. 6.7 (MoFarlan-.O;Twinkle Star. A dispute had arisen among the a very smart and energetic officer.
. Time, 3min. Usee. Started, 2.21 p.m. Pony Race. LL'CKY STAR, 1; Joywlle, 2; 6.7. 6.12 Me was a credit to the force. He was many doctors Mr Justice Wasley, in passing sen Executives Resign After
' 3LO, 3. Two others. IVlnner'aprice, 2/1.
cd. (J. McXamara). . relatives as to the place of burial of qualified practitioners tence, said thnt Bell was extreme:
Kcrung Handicap. 1 ; Men- ilvlllng; 3/1 CASQl'KD'OR, 6 Cleave,7 a fanner named William McCny. extremely popular with all ranks and were finding it difficult to to make a fortunate that he had not boen
THREE-YEAR-OLD HANDICAP audt-r, 2; Ogmb,3. Winner'sprice, 2/1. Klllantey, Ranworth, C'aniclla, 10 Gr.wnloch. McCuy, a bachelor, died at tlie resi tool; more than an ordinary interest found League's Report
12 Krble, 12/20 other. living. on the first charge. Even a
01 £200. Second, £30; third, £20. Seven Dividend: Casque £1/5/; Kllhm.y. dence of liin nephew, who la a Roman in his work. Ho held a St. John's Dr. Haydon said that ho know of guilty
aud a half furlongs. 13/: Krhle, £4/6/. d'Or, 3 Catholic. The other relatives are umbulanee certificate and also the opt! unqualified man in London who sympathetic Jury had found
on the second. It was a serious
Stancheon'a Victory At Won by half a bead,long head. Time. 1 members of tho Church uf Ireland, certificate and bronze medallion of was making £30,0004 a your, "These guilty (Herald Special Representative)
jGOLDEN ARROW (Whltticr — min. 13 sec. and hud made arrangements for the the Royal Life Saving Society. He chnrgo — that of covering up delin
Princess Aura), B. ChafTey ami Wairarapa
burial 10 take place at the ground of lived at Cromer Flats. Bon Accord unqualified people arc able to make a quencies. LONDON. January 2. — As a re
M. S. Hooper's br g, S.3 (J. Raf- lot of money because they are able to Thomas J, Dwyer, who with two sult of the findings Df the League of
fuele) WEI.I.INfJTON(.N.Z.),EalurJ.v,—lUct. were WARWICK JANUARY HANDICAP the Episcopal Church ut Leckpatrjck, Avenue, Wavcrley. He leaves a wife advertise," ho wold. "They are imperil other men was charged- house
.. l held at Wairanqu today. child. ling tho future of tho medical pro breaking. was described with Nations' international into
SASSABY, A. A.. Armstrong's b c, Pn-eldfulNHandicap.— STANCHEO.V. 7,8, I; Of £2 Mill, withOno £300 added. Second,£C0; while the nephew had arranged to and
by Mr Jus
S.6 (P., Evans) > Whltcfaug, 8.9, 2; Stag Hunlcr, 7.10, 3. 1 third, £30. mile and a (lUi/rlfr, . have the body interred in Clogher Constable Andrews, who was 23. fession." . . tice Moule as the ringleader of the slavery in Liberia, the President of
LITH BEAU. R. J. Lithgow's br g. tuin. 08 2-5 »cc. DON MOON(Don Reynaldo —Full Mom.), Roman Catholic Churchyard. was attached to the George Street Liberia (Mr C. D. 14. King), and the
W. Booth's Wil- North minion, and lived at Grosvenor gang,. Dwyer. he said, hnd commit
. cL.7lb., ed. S.7 (O. C'allinan) .. 3 b g, a.. 6.3 (A. POLICE PRESENT ted a very deliberate crime. Vice-President (Mr Allen N. Yancy)
Winner trained by J. G. Heywood. Ham«) 7 A large number of police Street.
were matt. Me XVaverley. Ho was a single seconds, nnd then strolled round the In addressing Francis K. have resigned, says the Geneva cor
Start#!.— LUh Beau, cl. 7!b.f cd. S.7 (u. Small Fields At Kerang Races , BOSMINA.L. G.nidard)
Ilaigh's b in. 4y.t 7.0 (A.
2 present, while Protestants from the
was born In England.
Like Allen, Andrews whb well tlkcd corner Into Nowland Street, with the who was charged with havingDavey. set respondent of the News-Chronicle.
.. ritle still in his hand,
Calllnm) ;8.6Comic Prince, "8..5 (F. Dun(j»ey;; KKK.tNfi. Saturday.— Race were held here ANTIOCHL'S.W. P. l-Vroft's b g, 5y., 7.8 district turned out in force. nnd had been in tho force a year and ' ( fire to a dwelling house with Intent - Mr King has nominated the
Fasoaby, (R. Evans); GoldenArrow, 8.:j tcl.iv ui fair weather. (J. Pratt) 3 These members of tho Orange nine He wns quiet and un Five or six men who were near to defraud. Mr Justice Lowe said tfrat tary of State (Mr Edwin Barclay) an
(J. luaaelff); Royal Blaze, 8.1 (R. Howr>); Flying Handicap. — PL'LCJIKRIA;walk-over.. winner trained bv W, Boollt. Order and tlie special constabulary months. the scene of the shooting ut tlie time the crime was most serious, and he
TudJcai'-8.1 (W, Duncan); ftossfper,ci. 71b., Trial Handicap.— JACK TRIM, 1; Sharpneu Starter.— (Joslo,9.J, rd. 8.11 (A. Stead); waited in the rain Acting President.
cd. 7.S (P. Egan); SeaMnwe. 7.7, cd. 7.If 2 Duly etArtrrH." Winner'sprice, for an hour after assuming, arid an enthusiastic swim
rner, He was on hie way to the surf Immediately kuvc chase, and on turn could not accede to the request of The Commission's report states that
evens. Don Moon, 8.10, rd. 6.3 (A. Williams): the appointed thno for the burial; ing tho corner were held-up by the counsel and impose' a light sentence
(A. Beed); Influence,7.5 (A. DewburKt)., ' We.-ternLis, 8.4 (J. Munro); Xagruda,7.11 Mr Yancy sanctioned the compulsory
Betting.—3/1 ."GOLDENARROW, 7/2 Influ \ IK. Reynold); Stormy, 7.10. cd. 7.M (E. In the meantime McCoy's brother today when the tragedy happened. gunman, who commanded them to recruitment of labor for road con--
ence.4 LUh Beau, ft Comfc Prince, S Gor.mvr, Bartle); Antlochu. 7.8 (J. I'ratt); Francis attended and .took charge, of the WITNESSES TELL STORY stop. They hastily retreated Into struetlor. and shipment abroad, R
29 Pudica, 13 RoyalBlaze, 1$ Eassaby, 33 Sva Cyllenc, 7.3 (J. Simpson);Uosmitia,7.0 (A. funeral, the remains being taken to Oxford Street. When next they ven , MASONIC FUNERAL condemns the use of the Llberlun
Mawes. Mission Summer School Goddard); Rowan Bi-rrv. fl.7 (S. Wcis). Leckputrick Episcopal Church, where . Witnesses of the shooting said that tured Into Newland Street the gun
Betting.—3/1 DON MOON,9/2 Antlochu. a service was conducted and the re "Kennedy walked out of the man had disappeared. Frontier Force for conveying gangs
/., GoldenArrow was first Awav,but after going Tito sumniur school of the Austra e(2sto.0 Hosmioa,7 A'agrada,8 Weatcm mains placed in tho family burying Tho burial of Mr Alfred Wood, of captured natives to the ' 'coast for
a short distanceInfluence-took up the running lian Board- of Missions will be opened 5/1 LaM, 12/20—other.
Mick Simmons shop with a rifle in Mrs Scholcr, who manages a con commission agent, who died at hlv
from GoldenArrow, Gottipcr, Lith Beau,Pir.iica, tlie Dividends. ground. his hand, and started to. stroll down fectionery shop In Oxford Street, said home In St. Kllda Street, Brighton, shipment.
The report estimates that ,400.000
Saiettbyand Comic Prince. At the half-mile land tonight at 8 'In. Church of Kng- Dm Moon, £1/1/; Boxnilna. Oxford Street towurds the city. that the first Intimation she had of on Thursday,
tftere was little betweeninfluenceend Goldni ut O)mda/und the school, which 15r; Antlochu. 8/6. Allen accosted the gunman near the tiio tragedy wuh when a newsboy Anglican portion of theplace
took In the of .the population of 2.5O0.OUOpersons,
Arrow, two lengthsaway, comingLith Beau,then wiu ..-be-v.Gdntfnued. until Baturaay. Won by three-quarterof a length; one and are living In conditions of slavery.
» I.EIHHRBHOUR. K. T. Curb's blk. g, Gv, corner of Nowhmd Street and Ox Boroondara
Gasx'perand Sasaaby, will at "Bella Vista," Ollnda. - a quarter length. 7lme, 2mln. Gjsc?. M.lI (E. Battle) 3 ford Street. He spoke to him for a
with a bundle/ of papers under his Cemetery
arm ddshed Into the shop and hid Kcw, read today.
Canon E. Sutton, of Mr King, although unaware of Mr
GoldenArrow crossedInfluencerather iharj'lv ' (tJciu'iglit t ruinedby (j. Price; Traymubllc few moments, the service. A .Masonic ser- fancy's action, considered his o«>
Bishop- Cranswlck, of ulppsland IIERi\F,A HANDICAP apparently humoring under tho counter. vice was aieo conducted. There was a
the home turn, and he wa w-?tl will. 'preside, 'and Bishop. Ha Iwe. of t»y W. A. IWa.) resignation to be obligatory.
, approaching
qitat entering the straight. Nothing troubled and other missionary leaders Uf £2 each, with £200'added. Second,£10; h«'at, '— him, when tho man raised his rifle On b
(Mng ordered to' leave, tie cried representative gatherJng.of sportsmen Republic, in West
the favorite in the run home,and he defeated Kivcrina, fiii take - third. £20. Due mile Starter. —Lvh'urc Hour, 8.11 fE. Ikirtle); to his shoulder and fired thrco shots pitifully," "There is a man dead on at the funeral, Mr Wood having, been _|The Llherian
Africa, had Its origin In the efforts of
8aaby by a lenztb and a bkU. Lith JL-auwan . ArcBhfNhon part, Strength. H.8 (A, V. Heterick); Kalvador,8.7 at u range of less than two feet at
Head intends to v.IW GEMLIGHT(Treclar.— -Headlight),"II. Leu-
raliV' h g, 4y. 8.5 (Si. SfcC'arten)....
the foctpath." associated as a club official with several of
s .headaway third, with (Juniperfourth. Tlu«n f .Mlnto); (Jlejiyr, 8.6 (A. Knox): Goiillght, the constable. Two shots pene Mrg Scholer rushed out, and saw cricket and rowing In Rich colonfautia/f societies
camsPudics, Influrnce,ComicPrinceand Itojal tie school' on. Friday, accompanied b> TRAYMOUILE(Tea Tray—Tlrol«i), L. P. 8.5 CM. McCurleri); NolensVuleitf. 8.4 (S. trated Allen's heart. The constable tlie policeman lying on the. ground. football, mond for many years. Europe und America to make perman
JjJaro.with Sea M&welast. ?iis Head; .They4wiII remain until the and it. W. Pluato'ach g, 4y, 8.3, cd. 8.4 Davidson); 8.3, cd. 8.4 (J.' Munro). fell forward on the footpath. The She obtained a glass of water, and Pty. Ltd. had charge A-' A. Sleighf ent provision for freed. American
close of thb school. I Truytnyblle. of the arrange slaves. It Is one of the original mem'
Ticie, lwiu), 36tec. Started2.51 p.m. j (J. Munro) .... y . Traymuble4/l,yJemUght 0/2, gunmun gazed ut him for a few endeavored to give it to him. ments. bers of tho League df Nations. .

National Library of Australia

!/&" ,"fj
Thirteen batsmen Go Today
for 126 Runs — — —— i Oakley 108, and Barnett 54, Bat Brightly
/ No Concessions to
British Surprise ; in Total of 386
SYDNEY. Saturday. Italy HAS A
.. t,Test on tits ' thc,,r f,rst inninss against Australia in S.A.
Sydney cricket ground today — seven wickets ailing for (From Our Special rtuprcscnlaMvc) MUSICAL WIFE i
80 runs before the tea adjournment.
The remaining six Australian wickets fell before lunch for CANBERRA, Saturday. — The first (Bv The Herald Cricket Writer)
an additional (From Our Special Representative)
46 runs, making a total of 13 batsmen dismissed today for 125 The
official confirmation of tho Federal
' Victoria made 386. and gained a lead of 111 runs on South Australia
wicket played well, Government's ban on alien Immigra LONDON, November 27."
the Sheffield
7 tion was given by tho Minister for The Chancellor of the Exchequer in Shield game on the M.C.C. ground today.
When stumps were drawn on Iho West Tndians jumped Oakley carried his not out score to 108, and Barnett reached 54 before
Thursday, Australia had 323 on the like sand-boys, olated at their about unex
Homo Affairs (Mr plakeley) today. An (Mr Snowden) has surrendered to being caught. Lee gained the bowling honors with five tor 106.
board fur tho loss of four wickets. pected sucooss. In his Important point in Mr Blnkoley's an the solicitations of the musical high
excitement, South Australia opened cautiously in the second innings, and at thjs
There was no piny yesterday because Griffith bowled a w'de. nouncement is that special consider brows, including a gifted wife, so tea interval Harris and Nitschkc had put on 38 runs. ,
of rain. ation is to bo given to nationalities
As tho Test Is limited to five days, AUSTRALIA whose migrants have not been subject far as to promise a subsidv of
only two days remain for piny. First Innings to quota or other restrictions In en £17,500 a year for five to grand Victoria, with four wickets In hand, i
years needed 33 to lead on the first
Jackson, c Francis, b Griffith 3 tering Australia. opera — u total of This, ut when Oakley (41) and Barnett (1)
The tenuis nre:— b Scott .. .... Quota countries, the chief of which the nadir of national£87,500. financing, with resumed batting: in
AUSTRALIA WEST INDIES Ponsford, .. 1S3 is Italy, are considered to have had a huge deficit in prospect.! One weather, j
Bradman, c Barrow, b Francis 25 sufficient notice formerly of tho Com with the score at 243. Tt was the
W. Woodfull (c.) G, Grant (e.) Klppax, c Bartlntt, b Griffith 10 Tho rigid economist, the Glad- third day of the match, which will I
A. Klppnx L. ntrkctt monwealth's desire to restrict new ar stonlan caretaker
McCahe, lbw, b Scott 1 31 rivals, and no ordinary migrants from parings and candle-onds," who has end
of "the cheese of) Monday, and the wicket at the j
\\\ l»onfonl O, Hcndlcy Grimniett, b Scott 12 start was still good.
R, Urmlmitit C. A, Itoneh J such countries will be admitted from set his face like lllnt ;
Woodfull, c Barrow, b Constan the present time. numerable appeals
against in
\. .tnckflmi I/. Constantino tino 63 tn the case of non-quota countries, bread-and-butter for grants fur The attendance was 13.000. |1
s. MeCnbe F, Martin Fairfax, c Constantine, b Fran Mesirs. H. Yule (left) and K. Bolton, who unnuccesxfully attempted to « however, Mr purposes, has con The teams arc: —
\, Fairfax E. ttnrilctt cis cross Bass Strait in a speed boat, photographed on arrival in Melbourne Blakeley said he would ceded a tidy sum for cake, and very VICTORIA.— j, Ryder leapt/), K. i
,|f, allow sufficient time for the Govern rich cake at that.
\V. Olclfldil I, Harrow Oldllehl, run out 0 today in the Loongana, ments of the non-quota countries to Tolhurst. H, 1#. II. j
r. Grlnimott G. N. Francis Hurwood, c Martin, b Scott .. It must he all the fault of those Oakely, L. p. J-iendry, Darling,
O'Brien, E. a'Beckett. |
ft notify their Consular and passport of- ninslcul
A. Hurwood H. Griffith Ironmonger, not out 3 iilli witn a view to preventing parties at
the Street, with Mrs Snowden doing the L. Cordner,
II Downing B. Barnett, D. Blackie, H. Alexander,'
II. Ironmonger O. O. Scott Extras 19 grant of further passports for travel honors of the drawing-room, G. Newstead (12th man),
K. Higg (12th). ./.Scaly (Ritli). COACH FOR COUNTRY I PLENTY OF FRUIT BUT to Australia In favor of Intending 'Prime ; and the SOUTH AUSTRALIA.— V, Rich-j
Total migrants who were Minister (Mr McDonald) drop ardson (enpt), G. Harris. P. K. Lee.
Scnly is substitute floldsman for 369 likely to prove ping in from next door to warm his H. Nitschkc, C. Walker, T. Wall, M.
Fall of wickets: 12, 52, 69, 140, 323, NO MARKET ineligible. toes at the fire and listen to the carol- Waite, A. Hack, T. Carlton, B. Tobin,
Tkirtlett (brokon finger). 369. CRICKETERS !
Off tho third ball of tho opening 341, 344, 361, 364, QUOTA COUNTRIES lings of famous singers. By such de A. Lonergan. C. Deverson (12th man).!
over from C'onstantlne. Woodfull was BOWLING vices aro the heart-strings of the
» napped up behind by Burrow. Orchardists' Migrants from these countries, al hardest Chancellors softened— and In 42 minutes against the bowling
O. M. R. W. Plight ready on tho way to Australia, would their purse-strings loosened! of Carlton (Richmond end) and
Woodfull took 139 minutes to get Francis .... 27 3 70 2 H. L.
Hendry's New Job GEELONG, Saturday. — Orchard bo Admitted provided they Of can the young batsmen placed Victoria
his runs, and did not mn'lco a boun Constantine .18 2 ft6 1 with tho complied course, Mr Snowden
dary stroko. After Griffiths had Griffith .... 28 4 57 ists of this district, like those In quirement s ordinary Immigration re argue, and he will have to ahead. Neither took any risks until
howled a maiden over to Ponsford, 2 (By The Tlorald 'Cricket Wrlfcr) regarding health and tho argue pretty beforo this the 275 was passed, two
Martin .... 18- J ' 60 0 northern Victoria, arc finding it diffi possession of £40. forcibly and of Wall's
Fairfax got a single to leg «tff Con- Scott 15.4 0 6(5 4 One of the most progressive moves cult to dlsposo of their fruit. In tho The quota countries which will not remarkable grant gets through, first three overs were maidens to Bar
. .inline. that he is not asking the tax- nett. who defended soundly with a
Constantino continued to make Die Blrkelt .... 10 1 41 0 ever made In Victorian cricket is the Inverlelgh district, the apricot or- receive tho benefit of these conces- paper to find the money, since it is to straight bat.
Griffith, two no-balls and 3 wides. sions are:— -Italy, Greece, Jugo Slavla, come
hall kick, hut Fairfax was remark Francis ono no-ball. appointment by tho Country Cricket chardists. who have established a Albania, Poland, Czeclio-SIovakla, Bul out d£ that portion of the re OAKLEY'S BRIGHT BATTING
ably frco. From tho start, ho scored League of II. L. I-Iendry to coach pro nanio for producing some of the garia and Esthonift. ceipts from wireless listeners' licences The 250 was passed in 310 minutes.
Blrkett, two wldes. which the post-olilce receives from the
vapidly, and in ono over from Con mising players In country centres. finest canning apricots In tho State, As the country with the
greatest British Broadcasting and Clipping Carlton between cover and
stantino put one through tho slips for WEST INDIES No better move In tho quest for will probably dispose of only one- migration Mow to Australia, Italy will hands over to the Treasury. To the point to the fence and chopping Wall Company,
1w», and swung a slow full toss to First Innings bowlers could' bo made, as country third of their crop to factories. be chiefly affected. the
the fence. Constantino had bowled cricketers of promise will have the Because of tho price of sugar, the Mr Blakeley said tho general migra consequent objection, that listeners to 127 boundary Oakley reached 50 HECTOR OAKLEY— By WELLS
only three overs when Francis re Blrkett, c Hurwood, b Fairfax 3 must ho too heavy a fee if the In Two minutes.
Hendley, 1>Fairfax 14 opportunity to develop their skill on cunning factories are limiting their tion restriction would not apply to Treasury paying can afford to disgorge for a cut and boundaries cover
more by Oakley
lieved him. Martin. 1 b w. b Grlmmett ... JO sound lines under the personal guid purchases, and, as a result, there has the wives and minor children (18 £17,500 a skimming hit off ning the ball from the off. he Loot"
ance of a sound and experienced all- been an over-supply of fruit on the years old and under) of persons al year of licence money, the Carlton were
Roach, run out 7 reply Is that it is listeners who will followed by a stolen it well up to the batsmen, and his
CONSTANTINE AGAIN rounder, market. Choicest lines of apricots ready domiciled residents of Australia, single which made the scores level. well-placed fieldsmen on the log sid«
Constantine, c Bradman, b Grim sold at 3/ to 5/ a case this week, and and that in other cases presenting benefit by thfe permanent establish
Victoria had taken
niett 12 Hendry will spend five days a week good lines. at 1/. and broadcasting 340 minutes com- made scoring difficult.
Fairfax touched one from Francis, Grunt, c Hurwood, Iron In the country giving Instruction Good .firm apri special features he would consider ment of grand
pared with 306 minutes by 8.A., but left-hander,
Carlton. th<»
bowled accurately. ro!\ -
and Constantino . standing b at cots, suitable for private use, made applications for landing permits. opera. the slowness of the ground yester ing more on swings than on turn.
botweon monger 6 practice and taking part in any Whether all wireless enthusiasts
Die gully and point, brought off a Barrow, c Jackson, b Fairfax. 17 matches- which may be arranged. lie 1/6. Bona-flde visitors of the tourist and will regard a grand broadcast day after the rain was one reason The rest of the attack was not strong,
brilliant two-handed catch within an . Scott, not out ...... It is , articularly as merchant classes would be cliglblo for onco a week as «abenefit, is a matter for the difference in times. opera
' 4 will begin at Geelong, and visits to disheartening, though Wall and Waite delivery/!
inch of tho ground. Griffith, not out 0 four other contres tills season will the orchardists suffered heavy loss temporary admission. which the B.B.C. declines to discuss. A leg-bye put Victoria In front, occasional good halls.
Two wickets had fallen for IS, but be arranged. due to the rough weather In Decem The ban, Mr Blakeley added, had The B.B.C. believes itself to havo a practically assuring the .State three Missed catches yesterday hail
;ho pilch could not bo blamed. Old- Extras 7 ber. been made necessary by tho economic cultural mission, and in pursuit of the points for a first Innings decision, as South Australia
Mold was run out boforo ho scored Eight wickets for 88 Mr A. Lewis, M.H.R., was ap situation, and the unprecedented musical education of tho masses it Is in the time available S.A. has little ground fielding was good, with
when Ponsford touched a ball to tho

Hendry Is an excellent man for the proached with a view to securing amount of unemployment In Australia. prepared to provide £7500 of its own hope of forcing an outright win. Waite, Richardson, ' Lonergan. and
.overs, and Headlcy, darting in. Bowling tat tea). Fairfax, 2-J2; position. Ho has had years of ex somo reduction in tho money, which, with Mr Snowden's After Lee relieved Wall at 279. Bar Wall outstanding.
Slithered tho ball, and burled It at Hurwood, 0-7; Ironmonger, 1-16; perience In Test and other first-class for canning price of sugar handsome present, and £5000 from a nett on-drove Carlton delightfully for Harris and Nitschkc opened the
1ho wicket. purposes, but jio has in
Oldficld did not know Grimniett, 3-40. cricket In Australia and formed tho "growers that any conces SYDNEY BOOKMAKERS phonograph "company, will bo sulfi- four. When 15, the young left-hander visitors' second innings at 3.1 p:n»!
ho. was out until ho walked back, Fnll of wickets.— 3. 26, 36. 3G, 57, and, being only 35, is youngEngland, enough sion which might be made would not elcnt (so the sponsors of tho scheme skied an attempted drive of ree safely to Alexander, who howled from the
prepared to take tho strike. to demonstrate. In actual play, the be available In time to relieve the behind nlnt. m Lee's third over Richmond end, opposite to the onYl
63, 80. HARD HIT say) to endow Covent Garden and
points ho wishes to mako in his present position. Much of tho fruit, ensure tho regular presentation of Barnett swung one for four and a used by Wall. The westerly breeze
coaching. A sound Judge of the therefore, will rot on the ground, as lofty drive bounced over the fence. blew across the pitch.
is well equipped to It is not worth packing. grand opera in the provinces. The 300 went by in 356 minutes.
game, Hendry a'Becketl'g third hall went for fourr
discern Just what guidance a Several To WHOOPS OF DELIGHT One ball which Oakley blocked from ' byes on the leg side.
S.A. COLTS FOLLOW ON FAILURE NOT ATTRIBUTABLE cricketer needs. young Cease Operate The whoops of delight with which Waite, who relieved Carlton, lodged NJTSCHKF/S TACTICS
Though ho has been out of luck io ROAD SYDNEY, Saturday. — When book the fruition of the subsidy plan has between the batsman's pads and his Facing Alexander. Xitschke moved
TO WICKET MOTOR SERVICE makers assembled at Warwick Farm been received by professional right knee.
big cricket recently, Hendry is batting tho Waite made a good In front of his before each
Victoria 211 Ahead on well, and his methods aro an object this nfterno'on there were a number musicians, Including Chaliapin. have attempt to catch a low drive by Bar ball was bowled. stumps This enabled him
lesson of correct stylo. As a bowler OFFERS FREE RIDES been echoed in modulated tones by nett, who escaped being stumped to tell with
First can demonstrate length, of vacant stands. ( Several book Mrs Philip Snowden. who. as a gover when Walker did not take the ball. certainty when the
Innings Visitors Bowl Magnificently he swerve was pitched on the off. For straictix
—South Aus and spin. makers have not paid their Govern- nor of the B.B.C.. and a director of When ho removed his caq, Oakley balls his bat. was
ADELAIDE, Saturday. Government Ban ment tax to enable them to operate, the new Covent Garden syndicate, showed a strong . resemblance to front, of his pads. By always ready In
tralia (2-26) was faced with a diffi TTendry, who will be paid £5 a week, Defeating declaring that they will not do so will have much to do with its execu Bradman in appearance, though not however, ho was out of position to
moving across,
(B.v IV. II. I'miMford) will return every week-end lo play in — until tho tion. in In
cult task when the cults match with Melbourne. Tho railway fares wlil bo BALLARAT, Saturday.; Free rides Winning Bets Tax is abol- batting style. 166 minutes he score off
SYDNEY, Saturday.-r-The failure of Ishod or amended. In other dffectlons the reception of equalled O'Brien's score of 75, which leg stump. occasional balls outside th»« «'
victoria (391) was contlnuod at Ade the remaining Australian batsmen paid by the Country Cricket League, between Ballarat and Bacchus Marsh, A well-known paddock bookmaker the scheme has been much less cor had occupied 154 minutes.
laide Oval today. and boarding facilities at each centre with a 10/-' fare from Bacchus Marsh said this morning that he would not dial. Harris collected nearly all his ntn<<
this morning cannot be attributed to will bo provided by the local cricket to Why. it Is asked, should this CENTURY PARTNERSHIP by placing the hall either side of
Rain ovornlght did not affect the the wicket itself. Certainly an occa association. AJelbourne, were offered today by be fielding today. "The depression Government chose a time of acute When Tobln bowled at 325 Walker square leg. When he missed nn out-
wlckfct, which again favored the sional ball nipped and the shorter The scheme should be well worth a motor service to defeat the ban on made things bad enough before," he depression to do something which Its again stood back behind the wickets. swinger from a'Beckett, Barnett
batsmen. tho small expense.. passenger-carrying motor cars on said, "but now they are 10 times most affluent predecessors have con Tobin pitched too many deliveries made a smart attempt to stump him.
balls came higher than on the open State highways. Several car loads of worse. If a bookmaker happens to sistently refused to do? After four overs, a'Beckett trans
Uill-Smith and Starr scoredonly two runs oil it passengers left Ballarat this be losing money early in the pro Why. if the entertaining arts are to short, and Barnett swung one for
the first four oversfrom Perratonand day, but otherwise played truly. morning Oakley was lucky when he cut ferred to the Richmond end, and
Eleven rum had been addedto the overnight It was just a little damp on top. STATE on those terms. gramme, he has no possible hope of be subsidised, should the least British four. another dangerously between the wic Blackie came on at 21. With rive-
LOANS TAXABLE getting it back." of them all be selected for preference?
"or c when Shirr was caught by Perratonat and- this caused the ball to skid along The ,free ride to Bacchus Marsh is Another factor is that bookmakers If a State- subsidised Covent Gar ket keeper and first slip," fieldsmen on the leg side fur Harris.
AooondBlip. Songsterhit two foursin one over FOR UNEMPLOYMENT designed to avoid travelling by back are forced to bet over the odds to at den. why not a national Two. overB by Tobin yielded 23 Blackie pitched the ball on the wi?.J
f om Mealy, who. with Boll, took over the quickly. All the West Indies bowlers theatre,
i-owling. Hill-Smith scorednix in the first bowled roads, as these are inconvenient; but tract business. whereby the majority of taxpayers runs. Running smartly between the
ket and made It turn toward the lejf.
hi'ir. Mealy shatteredSangster'ewicket with magnificently. The men of the back roads to Melbourne will be Another big bookmaker said that would pay for the intellectual di wickets, the pair made the partner a'Beckett made the hull do «. little
p-rfcct delivery.. pace were able to make the ball nip Under-Treasurer Explains used. he had lost £800 over the three days version of the minority? ship worth 100 in 03 minutes, and either way, and one which swung ouj
The third appealfor lbw against fllll-Smith, and 'at the same timo doa little both his letter at Randwiok; but by gambling against These are the awkward questions 350 was passed in 388 minutes. was snicked by Harris low, past Hen
rlns time off bowlingof Plant, waasuccess Supplementing to the There was a cheer for Richard dry, to the fence. Blackie gave the
ful. Mehud the batted127 minutesfor 22. Three ways. Both Woodfull and Fairfax Commonwealth Auditor-General (Mr MR LYONS TO OPEN NEW horses on New Year's Day he man which the critics are asking, but they —
lulls later Macksteppedout to Plant aged to win back £200. trouble the muslclanly Mrs Snowden son—who rarely bowls when he re batsmen few balls suitable for driv
and was wore out to balls which went away C. J. Cerutty) on the taxation of BROADCASTING Although the racing on New Year's not at all. As for Mr Snowden, cri lieved Waite and bowled at medium ing. and when he did. they were con?
m:irtly stumpedby Quinn. fill wickets were STATION him, pace. Barnett completed his' 50 In 97 tent, to play 'them.
down for SO. slightly after pitching. . State loans for unemployment pur Day at Randwiok favored bookmak ticism never seems to , worry
isfied with defence, so Ryder brought
Both seemed sat
poses, the Under-Treasurer ers, their profits were Some he did tell a money-seeking minutes, and at lunch the pair had
SouthAustralianbatsmen, apart from Snngster, Our opponents fielded well through (Mr H. A. meagre.
shut their bags quit© early in the trades union deputation that the im
th.ough scored 114 today In 90 minutes. The Cordner on for the last over before
-had shownlittle enterprise,and smart fielding out, and the fall of wickets this morn Pitt) said today that Parliament had 3WR At Wangaratta score was then 357 for tea.
by the visitors further crampedtheir work. ing kept them keyed up and on their deliberately decided that interest on day, and abandoned their stands. One putation that he was the reactionary six wickets-
At the interval.' :1Shad been scored
Quinn tried his sixth howler when.Fontaine toes. Griffith's throwing out of Old-
wa«broughton. Me cleanbowledRichier. such loans should be levied upon.. WANGARATTA, Saturday. — The or two even transferred their wagers and close-fisted member of the Cab Oakley .98,who Barnett 50.
new broadcasting station, 3WR, will to other bookmakers, and there were inet "was untrue, and hurt him Oakley, was limping, because In 57 minutes. Harris was 20. and
After lunch Teagle and Collins scored-freely. field was brilliant, us he had to turn. The loans referred to, he explained, instances of conjoint books on races. deeply." of a slight sprain in the back of his Xitschke. 10. Only three singles had
At 100 Collin was out l.h.w. from Dawson,The throw knockcd one bail off. be officially opened by the come
whohad now taken three wicketsfor 31 on 13 The West Indies in the few minutes had been Issued by the State before Treasurer (Mr Acting Apart from shortage of money in Anyhow, it must be a change for left leg. reached his century in 202 from four overs by Blackie.
left before lunch lost a valuable the enactment of tho Federal-States Lyons) on Monday at the punters' pockets, the bookmakers the Chancellor to be assailed on the minutes. In an excellent display, he VICTORIA 4
Teaglewasthe only memberoi the sidewho Financial Agreement Act. Tho Slate 9 p.m. Other members of Parlia in the main are financially embar ground of extravagance and indul hit seven fours, and his eighth came First Innings . '''
hart shownconvincingform wlih tho bat. Me wicket In that of Blrkett, who per
formed -so well in Adelaide. Savings Bunk Credit Fonder loun ment who will be present will include rassed. Like the average commercial gence to an inutilltarlan cause. when he punched Carlton past mid- l.h.w., b Lee .. .. 'J.?
>».nnot out for 94, compiledIn 100 minutes. out In a similar manner to sonic Ho was were taxable In the same Interest Mr Paul Jones, M.H.R., Mr man of tho they have The B.B.C., the way, an off. Oakley's - best shots had been Tolhurst,
c Harris, ..
Tho innings, which of way. Diffey, community, by ,.(ls O'Brien, b Lee ,. 75
minutes. , " closedfor 180, Luted 220 our batsmen today, feeling at a ball on Commonwealth loans that were M.L.A.. Mr Cleary, M.L.A., and Mr come to the end of their credit, and amazingly wealthy organisation. between point and cover, and the only Ryder, c Carlton, b Lee .... Hi'
which went away nipping tax-free In the States were not taxed Zwar, M.L.C, The Mayor of Wanga securities which at ono time would From Britain's 3,000,000.:;msl'eners in fault In his batting had been some Hendry, e Tobln, U Carlton .. 3,
VICTORIA. — First Innings. 391. slightly. for unemployment relief purposes. ratta (Ct\ F. Dundas), the Chief In be worth tCsolid overdraft at the bank last year it received £1,500,000— and risky attempts to cut. one of which
Probably after lunch, with the strong are had resulted In a chance when he Darling, c Walker, b Carlton .. ;l 1
SOUTH AUSTRALIA. wind and sun, the wicket will be a spector of Wireless (Mr Malone) and for the time being only paper. excellent value i£ gives in pro
was a'Beckett,, c Tobin. h Wall .. J3\
First Innings. batsman's representatives of 3DB and 3U2 have Even assets such as suites .of offices grammes for 10/ a yearof which 36. Oakley, c and b Carlton .. ..
Catohlore,l.b.w., b Dawson 3 paradise. also been Invited. and residential buildings are losing sum It was permitted to . retain near theInbowler Carlton's third over after lunch
Barnett, c Richardson, b Lee r'
fellow, b Mealy . . . . , , . . .. 8 MISSING AIRMAN concerns. ly a million pounds, £183,750 went to dismissed Oakley by stop Blackie. st Walker, b Lee .. ..
Hill-Smith, Lb.w., b Plant 22 The station will operate on 238 ping a hard drive with both hands, in"
>.tarr, o Perraton, b Dawson metres and Mr Lyons's speech will the Post Office, and the Treasury col Alexander, b Carlton
. . 14 GOVERNMENT HOUSE WILL lared £341,949, f dr no very apparent and then clutching the ball with his Cordner, not out
Sangetcr,b Mealy . . 30 be relayed by 3D13; A special pro reason, except that it Is the nature of right, in 21 1minutes Oakley had hit 1"
Mack, dtmpd,'Quinn,b Plant 0 gramme has been arranged for the FEDERAL RELIEF FUND Extras 15',
Richter,b Fontaine 20 BE READY FOR SCHOOL the Treasury to collar any pecuniary eight boundaries, and his partnership
llrldsrland. Quinn. b H.uiett II night. oddments upon which it can lay its with Barnett had added 130 in 119 Total . . . .
6 During the few the No North minutes — 7— 108— 371.
Collins, l.b.w., b Dawson past days, sta Portion For hands. Fall of Wickets: 42. 135. 14b. 156,
Harkcr,e Rush, b Dawson ., . . S tion has been testing, with satisfac Compared with these impressive VICTORIA 100 AHEAD 215. 241, 371. 373. 385. 3S6.
Teagle,not out .. / ; 64 Minor Alterations Needed tory results. CANBERRA, Saturday. — A' denial
F.xtrae 4 that any portion of the Common figures, the £17,500 opera subsidy Two runs later. Barnett followed
An assurance has been given to tho seems trifling, and the mystery is why him to the pavilion, when Lee' re O. M. U. \V.
Total .' .. V. .. 180 Education Department by tho Public wealth Government's £500,000 grant the B.B.C. could not provide the lieved Wall, who had bowled two Wall ...... 21 4-7H 1-
Bowling: Dawson.4—34; Perraton,0—26; Works Department, that tho neces VALUABLE PLANTS AT for unemployment' relief would be amount' out of its own abundant overs since lunch. Barnett drove Lee Tobln .... 1 1) 0 48- 0
Mealy, 2—49; Bell, 0—12; Plant, 2—30; sary alterations to the ground floor spent In North Australia or the Fede revenues, without inviting tho Chan high near Carlton 2 8 7. \":'
Fontaine, 1—12; Massett,1— 13. GOVERNMENT HOUSE ral Territory was the to mid-off. where Richardson Lee 91
of Government House, St. Kilda made bv Minis- cellor of the Exchequer play the gathered in the catch. The left 34 3 106. ' >
Road, will he comnleted in time for ter for Home Affairs (Mr Blakeley) unwonted role of fairy godfather to hander hit four fours In 125 minutes. Waite ..... 8. ft 3/1
SecondInningu Melbourne High School for Girls to - today. the arts. 8— 54—373. Richardson .... 2 .0 8
Catehlove,e Laurie, b ' Perraton .... 7> Future Undecided
Mill-Smith,not out ft occupy It on February 3. "Generous provision has already THE PASS-WEBBS Cordner and Blackie put Victoria (Byes, S; Teg-byes; 2: no-balls:
Teairle,not out 8 Plans have been prepared of the What will bo the late of the beau been made for relief work in these more than 100 ahead. Wall, 1; Carlton, 3: Lee. 1.)
Kxtras . . . . . 4 comparatively minor alterations that tiful palms, ferns and tropical plants, territories," said Mr Blakeley. The "set" against Mr Snowden out
VAs side and inside Blackie showed how to lilt the ball
will ho and as the time Is come under tho direct control the Labor Party has safely Into an unguarded outfield be SOUTH AUSTRALIA
Onewicketfor 21 so required, worth hundreds of pounds, now in the of they
short, special arrangements will Cabinet and the Minister, prompt gained in intensity in recent months, fore he reached forward to Lee and First Innings .. .. 275
have to be made to have tho work two glass-houses at Federal Govern action is always taken to deal with Tory Protectionists denounco his un was stumped by Wallcer, who had Second Innings.
done expeditiously. ment House? any particular situation as it arises." stacle flinching Cobdenism as the main ob missed stumping —
Cordner a little Harris, run out , 2<ir.
INTER-ASSOCIATION The principal of the High School Mr Blakeley added, however, that to the fiscal revolution which earlier. 9 10—385.
The director of the Botanic Gardens. Xitschke. not out " in
MATCHES (Miss Christina Montgomery), has in the event of further grants' being they think will save the country, and Instead of hitting. Alexander Hack, not out. .. .. 0
gone to Thursday island for a holi (Mr F. j. Rae), who is also the State made for the relief of Unemployment the Labor extremists detest the finan
cial orthodoxy which impels him to pitched well up. and was bowled. The
played back to a ball which Carlton Extras
(SEMI-FINALS) day. and will return in three weeks. Government Botanist, said today that generally, the question of including
South Suburban Churche v. ' , ,The .emotion, of a formal or Informal ho had undertaken to car< for the North Australia and tho Federal veto, their spendthrift schemes. innings lasted 442 minutes, and th» One wicket for . 33-
Today's picturegram from Sydney But he Is the strong man of the '
Frankiton-Glenhuntly <-4" ' opening ceremdny .will be discussed of Captain W. L. Piltendrigh, who palms, ferns and shrubs in tho hot Capital territory would be considered. Cabinet, and the rebels despair of get total, 3S6, gave Victoria a lead of Bowling (at tea). — Alexander."
South SuburbanChurches,first inningA,207 with her by the Director Oi rV.;.\cation AIL, with Mr Sl J. Hamre, a raining
houses until tho Government decided
ting rid of him without dislodging Lee deserved his five wickets.
0—10; a'Beckett. 0—14; ' Blackie.
'Hutchinson02, Armstrong 76. Middlcton 16; (Mr M. p. Hansen) on her reu>rL morn hit heard
what it was going to do with them. the Ministry as a whole. Nobody Spin- 0—3; Cordner, 0—3. .
A-sy, X-a-ML; the students will meet on the "«5pert, not been of since He had offered to do so because he Orchestra at Plaza Tomorrow seems to have thought of promoting
Frank&ton-Glenliuat'j.'— First Innings,nonefor ing of the first day In the ball room, December 20. They left Alice did not want to see the specimens get Under the title of "A Night with him to the House of Lords; yet what " "
f 83 (Gardiner 26 n.o.). which will be used as an assembly Springs for l.lbilba on December 20, out of condition. Some he would the fine, Irascible old peer Mr Snowden GIRLS' LONG TRAMP
North Suburban v. Mercantile hall. and were last eeen' Vy qativos flying transfer to the in tho Royal Comics." a programme of a ENDS CYCLING
North Suburban.— First Innings, total 69 There will be room for 800 stu Botanic Gardens.
conservatory popular music will be featured by would make, and how soundly he AT LISMORE
north of tho proper co\i4<y They the Victorian Professional Orchestra would rate the noble Lords! BRUNSWICK AMATFtrns
- U'f 10" k'ns0Q o-\7, Redmonddents. but if 1000 desire to enrol, the are both employed by tho -Austra- Mr W. Bown, who ended 19 years at the Plaza, St. Kllda, tomorrow And Mrs Snowden. how she would Five Milt4 Handicap. — C»\CowIcmCMmm)
'/")' —Second Department will accept them, the
array of 1; F. Thompson (Ijinln.). 2; A. S'ewmiin<1"
N'orth Suburban. Innings, 1— .">! Director of Education says. lian Gold Exploration Co. Ltd. of dprvice in Government House gardens night. sparklo in the glittering Unsuccessful Hunt For Work
mln.), 3. Time-,T3mln. 25s«. Faster Lime
-Mercantile.— First innings, total 118 (Kwlns The Minister for Education (Mr oi\ Wednesday, and who was head of Mr Robert Keers will conduct the peeresses. Not like the wife of that R.
<4. Malgby 12, Robinson 14; Muir 3-20; Sydney. LI SM ORE — Blundell fucr.), I2min. 32ser.
Lemmon) said this afternoon that the thfc\ gardening staff, says that some of full programme, which includes other translated Socialist, Air Sidney (N.S.W.), Saturday, women's Mile Handicap. —j. Sims
lldlone 3-41, Scott 2-20, McColT1-B). change had his strong approval. Ow theM>otted palms there are worth up selections from "The Arcadians," Webb, who refuses even to adopt her With blistered feet, sorely burnt, pen 1; O. -Jones(50sec.>,2; J. CowLy <(
ing to the unsafe condition of the to £4"qveach. Their value rests in the "The Desert Song," "The Fortune husband's lordly appellation. niless. and almost on the point of ex
3. Time. 2ml«.,3?aec. '
REGULATING HEAVY take so and "The Bohemian Court Circular FOOTSCKAY. £
Spring Street building, some tempor fact thltt they long to grow, Teller," Girl." True, the
The remaining items Include "March called her Lady Passfleld, but, as Mrs haustion,
having existed on dry crusts c.. Mile Handicap.
— N'. Annund(15 wv f
Fire in Queensland Town ary provision was imperativenewuntil the TRAFFIC many beui>;-J'bout 30 years old. for the past few 1; h. l.conavd( 1 min. ), 2 .1
State was able to erect a school. When Mr BPwn was first employed and Procession of Bacchus" (Dellbes), Sidney Webb tartly remarked, she days, Gladys Turvcy, pec.),
K; G, Ifristou (i min. 2h <(>.\'
: W. Orr I S
MARYBOROUGH (Qld.), Saturday. in the gardena\inder his father, some of the Hours" (Ponchlelli), cannot be held responsible for what 23, and Madge Salter, 21. two English Winners and fastesttime, IS min. io sit,
—About 7 a.m. today a fire broke out Cmintrv Roads Prohibitions of the palms weNhonly 6 Inches high. Guitars" anceShon Mia" (Strauss), "Two the Court Circular says. Mrs Sidney girls, arrived at Lisniore last niglit
at the rear of tho Regent are now ten feet (Horllck), and "Serenade" Webb she became when, for the more from Brisbane.
Theatre, Notifications have been issued by Tliey elghViifld high. (Toselll). effective digestion of blue books as It Is their fervent hope that Lls-
Gayndah, in the main street, and INCOME the Country Roads Board under Sec One of the glass-hmiaes la artifici A detachment of three officers and well as in pursuit of the bluebird of ntore will bo the end of their long
quickly spread to adjoining buildings. SALVATIONISTS' fine display
tion 11 of the Motor Car Act, 1928, ally heated, and contains"! 35 members happiness, she linked her fortunes trek from Melbourne to Sydney, on to
A cafe, a dentist's surcerv. a nhoto- DECREASED BY 50 P.C. prohibiting the use on some of tropical shrubs andv flowering League will from be
the Young Australia
present at the invita with those of her fellow Fabian So Brisbane, and back again to Ltsmore. , TODAY'S GOLF
grapher's studio, and an auctioneer's highways plants, including Japanese v lantern tion of the management.
office were destroyed. of motor cars tho weight of which, flowers. cialist, and Mrs Sidney Webb she Generous-hearted Llsmore citizens, Monthly medals were competed fur
with load, exceeds five tons, unless prefers to remain, in defiance of the headed by the Eadlea' Benevolent on several of the
Leader Tells Of Difficulties nermlts are eranted bv the Board. The nomenclatural aberrations of her Society, are now caring for the girls, metropolitan couryes
penalty for contravention Is £50. " "Pleasant Sunday Afternoon" husband. for whom positions are being sought. today. The Portaea meeting was con
LATE SHIPPING ADELAIDE. Saturday. — With an The five highways specified are:—" BILLIARD CHAMPIONSHIP At Speaking before the Fabian Society The girls decided to try to work tinued under Ideal conditions, golfer
Portland, —Departed i;15 p.ra., Devon, for Income decreased by about Australia 60 por Main Warburton Road in the Shlro Carnegie the other night on the weaknesses of their passage. home on an English- .having everything In iheir fnyir for
London. cent., the Salvation Army In A "pleasant Sunday afternoon" has Parliamentary Government, she ob bound ships. Their efforts failed in low scoring.
Gabo. —Raisedw«t, 9.30 a.m.,Arkaba;! in of Upper Yarra; Western Highway in
been arranged for tomorrow, at the served that her
1.60 Is experiencing great difficulty tho Shires of Dlniboola and Wimmera; Willie Smith Enters lecture "was not Melbourne, so they set out on the long
J.m.,Talune. Bar 20.76,West,couth-west: aeaameeting the Increasing demands on main Wood's Point Road In the Shire Memorial Hall. Carnegie. Dr J. W. wholly unconnected with the gentle tramp to Sydney. Again they faiica. PORT5EA
rough. . Us resources caused by the depression, of Upper Yarra; sJpiingthorpe will speak on "The man who goes under the fantastic They went on by road to Brisbane.
Ltnuville.— Departed1.15 p.m., Aioona for according to Commissioner \v. mc- Road in the Shire ofHeathcote-EImoro and the (Herald Special Representative) vfclue of Work." Selections will be name of Lord Passfleld/' Falling to get employment there, al The X'ortacaopen, incoming.\«.u
Adelaide, . . for Western Highway in Mclvor;
Point Lonsdale.— Inward: 12.6p.m.,Goulburn, Konzle,
Territorial Commander the Shire of. LONDON, Jan, 2.—Willie Smith irltien by Miss Lyla Ball's orcheatra. When this taunt' was repeated to though they had excellent references, today.
- „
Southern: Australia, who is returning In has entered, unconditionally, for the recitetipns by Miss Norma Callaghan, the noble he they turned again for Eismore. . SitoJrn.
from N'ru?iraeH
the Moldavia after attending a confer Stawell, British billiard championship. lord, her husband, 37—H.competition:-
J. Blisht (7y.:>/40— L". II. I lu-L-
Fremanlle.'— Departed: 12,5 p.m., Westralla, and sol$s bY Miss M. Werner. Mr N. smiled, and, looking more than ever Disheartened by failure/the return ton («).., 41—II. N. Move (7). I'. Firw.«nt,
for eaucmStates; 12,25 Wfnto, for Aden. ence In London on administrative af His decision is regarded as sur Thorpo. McVIlly. A collection like a wise and benevolent old owl, trip to Llsmore is described by the (14),' 42—H. Taylor f9)Y L. Cnru (v., .1.'
Sydney (SouthHead).—Arrived, 10.82 a.m., fairs. PIGEONS DRIVEN FROM prising, in view of the fact that he will bo up for tho Mayor of retorted, 'Any facetious remark of girls as the most exacting and. ardu Balllicu (?.), J. B: Shakcll (7). D. v. Aaron
fkneruaehan, from Shanghai. Departed:10,22 "I was pleased to hear responsible was not invited to attend the con- appeal. that kind is unworthy of notice!" ous part of the tramp, B.-II. Cowan
.in., Makarabo,for Norfolk Island; 10.57a.m.t people In London express undoubted POST OFFICE CLOCK feroncfl to ti-hinli Wqllm T.(n,lr,im Caulfleld's\welfare Madge Salter (10); Helpli
Corrimal, passedsouth; 11.43 a.m., Sierra, confidence In the future of Australia, " celebrated her 21st birthday on the 4;5-—S.Morpeth (plun lV 4it —n. U'Hlnm
mr San Francisco;42.lO p.1n,,Baradlnc,far he said. C. McConachy, J. Davis, and T. > DEATH road last Sunday. ' . . .(plus 1). .48—A. W. Jackaopiplus t >.
Hrisbnne;12.80p.m.,fieatlltro,for London;12.44 , Newman were invited for tho ' .. .
Stopped Chimes snioothing-over of difficulties. .MORGAN.— On iJv'e3rd inct., at. the residence NEWMARKET SALES t KINGSTON HEATH
p.m. Otranto,for London;12.46 p.m., Manumla,
lor West Australia; 12.6$ p.m., Ullmaroa, for No entries had been received, for of her son'Geoffrey » 441 StationStreet,Carl For next week's stock sales at New ' ' '
Auckland. — - ' GEELONG, Saturday. — A colony the' when the ton North, rejiefcof tho late Thomaamarket the .number of . trucks ordered
Newcastle.- Afrlvedi Nil; Departed:4.50 . SWIMS FOft 42J HOURS oC pigeons, .which has enjoyed the limit championship expired on December 31, The
Morgan, o f Maryborough, David aud beloved mother up to noon today la as follows:— TENNIS . , ;t Up— n. w; Cutlerh( a ). . 2 up—11. s.
freedpm of the city, and had been Rk-kardtf (8). 0.' U.' Khvr>. 'inr-
»m., Corrlmal,for Melbourno;5,64;, Car date was extended to January ' of Geoffreyana the lateHichavds, and John, Tuesday, 432 for sheep and lambs; Square—
(14).' J. A -Butt .(TV..'' ' ! l'---
nros, for north; 0.19 a.m., Jron Master, for WELLINGTON. .-Saturday. Miss housed In the clock tower at the closing 21, and the Billiards Control Coun daughterof thetot« i!'8- of Mary Wednesday and Thursday. 256 for
outh; 12.40 p.m., -GoldenKagle, for north; Mqrcedes Gleltze. the. English swim Geelong Post Office (or more than 30 cil borough,Victory0-and »kt«r of Jean, Mary, cattle. ealVAR and bulls. :. For the nie BENALLA TOURNAMENT 3 down——R. AM/'MorcoraJ
2 V, Sa.PStrkes
- - 117.,
I'.ll p.m., Dlmboota,for south. her own endur- has been invited Llndrum, McConachy, . Annie, Kate uCid the late Eater Oeunett; RESULTS .4; down D: GoUbplnii'($>.' 1. .i -
mer. yesterday raised years,
Tim Vili-ris
fpftrtiiflntlv rmlaari nn Newman, and Davis to a conference aged70 i
' ' '
. . market 52 trucks are booked to date. ' '
ahce record to 424 hours. in the of securing their par ycaffl. . BENALLA,Saturday, --IlesuUs ill the Benalla NORTHERN v
arms o£ the clock or sheltered on a ticipation.hopeTho four had declined to
— tennla toumamwit-thia afterno'ttfi.Wereak tol- . ' . t -LO'V.'l''
Qood showingol ledge on :the clock dial, but never enter because of a diaputo in .regard Tneuait The S.A. Government poultry ex ' ifF.N'9 SlGLBS—B "ORAUK "<:..A ;Strinthlj-j'mfda),'
Wrr 4'> , ';)»; ;
»U this View Oil' Wells N.L.-—
morning"(January2): Water»hut off LONDONEXCHANGE
affected the time. Recently, how to the cloth to. bo used on the "VrORGA-V.— The ftWnds of the . lato Mrs pert (Mr C. F, Anderson) Is leaving - E. d.
Kennedy W...CalWugcf,'. 0—
1 bp—Bt
Ftrffuson'(17V.. 8
satisfactorily. Now three feci Into glaucoolte Saleson the London ever; the drain pipes OT the tower tables....';-" 4vAMartha Morgan,/ cf Maryborough,aro In- by the express tonight for<Melbourne .4 doirn—G. 1). Harris ;'v\:
ronng ahead. Exchangeyesterday:— became blocked and the water flowed formedthat her rem.!"" will be InterredIn the. to Inquire Into the outbreak In Vic UNCOUPLED VUIXEU; DOUBLES-AJGRADE
North B.U.. 81/01: lit. Lyelk 17/0: SonsoJ Into the tower, swelling the timbbrs. MelbourneCemetery, \ Carlton. The funeral/ la toria ol Newcastle disease .among Fourth"- K ound.-r-G. Sh»el a nd d; CPMMQEyUTTH/:
Uwalla,"1)3) r Boulder.1'cnteverance, ord,..
Secretary, appointed
io movefret the residence of.her ipn,
poultry, : and to '.suggest .measures, to Gray - - iand'Mfa .O'Dri&coll,d.— JMw.'jslilcl-1 . . ' .-
' ' LAW LIST FOR MONDAY Lake: View and, Star, g/63: Zinc Corp., on)., The chimes wore silenced. that there wilt
Mr TunneclIITe, .Chief Mr GeoffreyMorgan, \ 4 41 StationStreet,Sorth
; SCHOOLBOYS' ; ClfAMflOkSHiR; . -
18/6; Kamontihff Tin, 4/53; Sulphide,Corp., Investigation proved .act Minister for Education Carlton,on MONDAY, \3th Inst,, at 8 o'clock. the Agricultural Department to' pre Flnlr-J.- PurccU,d.-J;/ Okane,
full arbitration court.— In .. no. 1 ord.; 6/3; .WlluntClold Corp., 14/0|; North could bd'no guarantee of the chimes while Mr Jjummon is away Cor a holi W„ G. ATPS & Pty. Ltd. .Tel. Jllio vent, if possible, an extension . of the :>nrther.' roundswero v . 'V up—J. i\J&«?"
vmrt—At 2—Basle vast .inquiry, Kalgurli,.?/0j; T." tod, 0/ Steam,'del,,.86/9. so long as tlio pigeons remained. day for two of three weeks. SOhjb
' 'alayed in - the' lITdriail
' ' .disease to' South. .Australia -UxKii#;,pnaraeaU»U ato'mlhir ; ; - - 3 down—a, a, Htmeroiifc 1
.V v i!

National Library of Australia

New Year support of direct sectional demands upon the
Attractions —

Treasury? According to the Protectionist
creed, as interpreted a generation ago, a In Towd ,
People Say:
THE STRAND bounty or subsidy was justified only in the
case of a new industry that was considered
necessary to the national well-being and did
and Out Danger of Reducing
& UNOS. not offer sufficient inducement in its early
stages to private enterprise. Of more recent
Sun sets, 7.45 p.m.: rtoea tomorrow, 5,3
Moon n\«r.t, 6.5R p.m.; sets tomorrow. Sentences
days we have gone much farther. 3.5? a.m.
Stock Taking Sale Politics and business go ill TApht Up.—In tefwn, 7.45 p.m.; old, 8.15 TO THE EDITOR
Drastic Reductions — Now is the Government enterprise was once justified The Tides.—High P-m'
water. 12.29 a.m. and Sir, — I, with others, view with disgust
Time to Buy 3.10 p.m. Low water. 6.49 a.m. and the action of the Ministry in sanctioning
,VK I'-U'K KRI.'KAND PAV KRKIUUT. only in the case of an industry where it was the release' of prisoners before their tiniA
. A IV.vrof til. M„nv ILrmiin,. '|lioii«amljof other. In our 7.32 p.m..
Showroom., found that the public was being exploited has expired. This Is morn to he wondered
WEI.K.VPIN \ AI.ITMIIVIM: AI.I, ITIK 1 nnd it was held that the Government could at when times aro so bad for obtaining
TISIK.' "Stone Age" Specialist Speeches from the Isle win mum .
give the people better service. Over 95 per classify the Horne-Bowle collection of I These prisoners are released at a tjm»
T OUTSIDE the office of the Douglas Times when It is 'almost Impossible for them to
cent., probably, of the field throughout aboriginal stone Implements and
nnd gathered many hundreds of people, in get any employment, and when tempt,i.
Commonwealth States. Government weapons at the Australian Institute of tions are greater than nt any other time
cluding the Mayor, eager to hear good-will for them to revert to their old habits.
trading projects have failed because they A natom y. M r
messages and New Year's groctlnjfa from
could not give public service as good as that If It were Just for these men to be r®.
George Alston is tholr countrymen in Australia. The speeches leased, then why was not the same treat
rendered by private enterprise, and because, leaving Melbourne came through distinctly, and were broadcast ment given to all those now serving simihr
tomorrow for Can sentences?
loo, they were burdens on the taxpayer. by means of Amplifiers and loud-speakers.
berra. Ho was Perhaps if the Attorney-General cam®
Government industry is always subject to home, as I did on December 31, and found i
asked by Sir Colin his homo in a state of chaos and his h®.
political abuse and to influences that make Sweeter Running 5
Mackenzie, director longings gone, then h« would see Justir \
business economics impossible. Obviously of the institute, to from another angle. My home has been
general manager of a sugar mill In
ihc functions of Government need a clearer carry out this broken Into three times during the last i
Queensland says- the sugar Industry two years. The sooner the law is tight-
nnd more rigid definition. unique bit of work would be greatly assisted by the compul \
ened up on these typos of porsons, the hcu H
because of bis ter It will be for the country in 'general.-.
At wh«t#er nrire 1m»v» loungr utt to»j ran- sory adoption throughout Australia, of luiii f rvL., |
not morp Itnurioit or tnnre t'ornfnrtnMpuphr>1«- special knowledge. motor fuel consisting of petrol and 15 per i,
tpiv than that found In StrnnH Lohiiro Miitoe,with "ON'E OF TUB SUFFERERS." J
scat sprinan of hoavr hich carlnin rcel wim. CAN WAR BE BANISHED My friend Alston cent, of alcohol distilled from sugar-cane. Abbntsloid, Jan. 2. '
all flptibly tied, and sprinx imIkcdoubly si comes from Mnf-
SHADE0OAKBEOROOM SmTE. Wanlrnl.o.nit.,1 wi,|, shelf .ml So... Rorl; ami The proposed fuel, should at least ensure
stitchvd. ree . district. in sweeter running.
Mirror Alston
i.erth tiJ 10 . STOCKTAKING
wii,:,,' "on, T, "'"Ti:,. malted
SALEPRICE .. £10/1/-
"/ 10/
To start tlio New Y«>arw. ofTrrintrr!r.««t
ic r- FOR EVER? north ern South
Mr O.
If"-"'''"1'' |
ilm-tkmHin n\\ our esi-Iunivolvtlcslinicdsuites. lbe ' - Creal Thoughl i
All m'avl!?''n1"7.l''i""' >» («»> «'!« »e£75. Oil and Seethem. suite ilhwtratPil i In distiiirtively /»g/v 14 a / AustPalin, where he has a- cattle run and a 'Today's
store.. For. '25 years he has been in the Out and About
GENUINEVALUE FOR ' £9/0/= / League 11 central and northern parts of Australia. Ho' PRESIDENT of the A.N.A., president
' | llrnllli is the vital principle ot bliss,
And carcrcfse. of health.
of Nations After Years
was In the police force for years, and had . J£X-of the ' I
SPECIAL NEW YEAR BARGAIN! Develop Australia League, and an I —James Thomson.
3-PIECELOUNGESUITE.£7.19 6 charge of Tarcoola and other districts. One active and practical supporter of all move
Eleven years ago this month the of his hobbies is ethnology, and he has an , ments for the promotion' of the
League of Nations was founded. In unrivalled primary
the accompanying knowledge of "Savage Life In and secondary industries of the Common
article Sir Eric Central Australia' — the title of the book wealth. -Mr T. ' M. Burke CANNOT HUM' ROTH WAT'S | |
Drummond traces its development , and celebrates this Sir. — OomniendlnK the appeal to male. 5
he wrote in collaboration with the late Dr. what he called the silver jubilee
j 588-98 CHAPEL STREET,SOUTHYARRA expresses the belief that the future is year may more employment available in the New
197-201 GLENFERRIEROAD. MALVERN i bright with hope. George Home. He has been requested by of- his entrance whole-heartedly Into this, year the Minister for Public Work (Mr
FACTORY:271-3 TOORAKROAD.SOUTHYARRA more than one London publishing firm to work. For years he has been among those Jones), saya that thousand of house
"do" another book oh the aborigines. holders can do something In the wsy of es
who have directed attention to Australia's sential repairs. Unless the repairs ar,
By SIR ERIC DRUMMOND Eighteen months ago. at the request of Adverse tra'dc balance, and to the folly of done, he says, the property will deteriorate.
(Secretary of the League ofNntions) the committee of the Aboriginal Art Exhi The llrst part of his statement was true In
over-borrowing. A spell of rheumatism
bition, Mr Alston brought my rase until a few months oro. T saved
fJiHE opinion la expressed in the hook from Central was the unwelcome "gift" of the recent
a few pounds, which I Intended to spend on
Hbe ©crate on the League of Nations Just
lished by the Secretariat:
pub Australia two aborigines, who gave, displays unusually wet weeks to Mr Burke, who Is, the home, but the Government has since
"During In Melbourne of their primitive' arts and however, now actively about again. come alonpr with It demands for furlher
this space of ten years the taxation, which swallows the whole of It.
League has definitely and greatly grown in crafts. .
strength — that is to say, in its hold on I cannot help both ways. Will the Govern
MELBOURNE, SATURDAY, JAN. 3, 1931 ment e.onalder allowing householders to de.
public opinion throughout the world And Applauding the Locals vote portion of the Unemployment Tax In J
! on the Governments and administrations
.|P..nK en, nrm..nd through which public opinion nets." Message for the Times writes: — Can nnyone tell me provldlnj;. work . and, at the same time. 1m- |
This statement may appear bold in the "J>OMMY" nroviner Ihelr nronertles ?— Yours, etc.. i
; £11/15/- Governments in Business light of the malaise from which the world, QNE of Melbourne's brightest house maga why Australian
. audiences refuse to "HELP US TO HELP YOU." ?
is at present suffering, hut 1 believe It to zines Is "Together," the Journal of the applaud or encourage Australian artists? I Tlurwood. January 2. |
ask the question In all sincerity.
1 ne.)r„!,m,'s,7i|.a.n,'i. i'"'endr,,m'"hlnP. 'I;'"1! I«'l I"
ModernDining dimmer the Imm.iw vxrict, oI he, nevertheless, an Shell organisation in Australia, New Zealand.' At the
u.elu i Roomand LoungeSuite., Iledite.d., Wire Show Record u n d e n lame r«ci. and the, Pacific Islands. In the current premiere at the Plaza last night an Aus NO lilt ICAI) PREFEUnEO 1
, h , .
ImmenseRediienon, Carpets.Lino...
, luring our Stor-kt.lilng Sale.
.ml -all llou,el,old Furnishing,at a Sorry The economic de
issue appears a message for the times from tralian orchestra played syncopated music Sir. — It Is amazing to read of union p
< . Kirn Storagejf rnnnot Inke immediatedelire.r. pression thro u g h with a snap and precision (hat would have officials advising apparently hungry men.nnt
of the questions to be considered which the world Is the General Martager (Mr O. tW. Darch). to nceept the Victorian basic wage for re
passing is the who says. Inter alia: brought the house down had it been an im lief work, and disappointing to learn thnt
J We Pack Free — r-r— We P ay Freight
ONE when readjusting Australian
for a sounder progress is the
affairs P r i m ar y
which has led to a
good deal of politi
"Our national problems are not easy of
solution, and they are liable to be obscured
ported combination. But the audience, al
though enjoying the music, applauded half
only a small number responded lo the offer
of work on country roads at 12/11 -a (lay.
The conclusion ot many people must be that
<'relationship cal and social un heartedly. When I applauded -as loudly as
by purely political Issues, it Is hot for me
of Governments to industry and
rest. and to some-
like an at to discuss these political issues, but 1 would
I was able, several people in the audionce these men are not in the desperate plight
we Imagined they were III.
FT. PRIVATE ROOMSH'PSTAIRS). business. During its last sittings for 1930 tiling looked round at m«r as If I were a little If we are to overcome our difficulties In
tack of nerves. warn you all not to seek for apparently "queer."
the West Australian Parliament debated We hear much in facile ways of overcoming our troubles, but . the New i'ear. a new outlook In required
I 319-321 COLLINS STREET these days of the Americans go to the other extreme- —they by union leaders, and those whom they
Serving rh public 'Faithfully for ' for many hours 'a Bill empowering the rather to remember that the things I am a i-a simnncPfl »i\ liA n£»—Yflll rS Pit'.
Yenre.. OPEN,FRtlUY NIGHTS. danger of the out stick up for their own people probably too M.T.
Government to dispose of break of war. asking you to do for the company, apply
any State trading T am fairly eon-
much. Surely there is a happy medium. Auburn, January 2.
concern without further reference to equally to what you Vtnd everyone should Merit, whether it hails from St. Hilda or
Sir rase Drummond ndent tlu»t those do for the nation."
Parliament. The measure was passed. West . w ii o speaa so Philadelphia, is entitled to Its reward;
freely of the danger of war liuve never "KILLING THE GOOSE?"
Australia's losses on State industrial and stopped to consider iclosoly how mtjch more Sir,— Federal revenue figure published
nading concerns have been only less severe difficult It has become to' make war today, Will thl« evening are moat enlightening. Despite
thanks to the existence of the League. Let A Golf Poem Dyson in London the increased postal charges which Were im
than those on the disastrous community me Illustrate my meaning. posed to augment the revenue from this
In 1914 the JJESPATCHES from London indicate that
jN the. Shell organisation
settlements. Before the war the Scaddan world was well organised for war. and are many ar.dent department, we rend that the returns for
artist "Will Dyson, who was with The the first six months of the financial year
Government established a wide range of little organised for peace. There was no golfers, who, I am told. Invariably do
mutual obligation on Governments to pause their driving in top gear. Hence the publi Herajd for some years, has been warmly are down by f 163,154 on last year's figures.
State manufactures and businesses, at an nnd discuss before mobilising, and attempts There is thus good ground for believing that
cation In "Together" of a golfing poem' welcomed back to the world's capital. Re-
ultimate loss that was not far short of to bring the parties together were stulti markable interest was aroused by his ex- two-penny postage has had the opposite
fied and ultimately wrecked hv fear of which I reprint below. It is headed effect to that which was intended.
£2.000.000. The political history of New being caught nt a military "Lullaby." ntnition ot nry- Treasurers should remember the story
For MONDAY Shoppers f|
South Wales during the last twenty years is Because everyone was too well- disadvantage.
for war, it whs in the pnd found ton dan
Mush a bye, baby , pretty one sleep; ,
.' points last mnn'th about the gooso which laid the golden ear?.
— Yours, etc.,
strewn with industrial wreckage — all paid gerous to keep the pence.
at .St. George's Gal-
Daddy's gone golfing to win the club sweep.
for by working people, with the possible
. " " 1 e r y, Hanover Malvern, January 2.
Position In 1914 and Today if he plays nicely— I hope that he will — Square. .The Tatler,
exception of the relatively small section for
Mother will show him her dressmaker's' bill. has been
Announcing Price Cuts 1 whom political patronage found good jobs.
Despite the losses, the Lang Government
Even over so almple a matter as sum
moning a conference to discuss a threat to
Hush a bye, baby , safe in your cot,
publishing page re
Sir,— Victoria certainly offers the visitor
| is reported to be considering a proposal for
peace there hnd to he negotiations as to productions of his some wonderful scenery. I spent a few day
in the vicinity of the pretty little town of
time and place, terms of reference, the
That Sale Daddy's come home and his temper is hot; works, says that
I Challenge Any Offer j taking over the wholesale butchering
and killing at the abattoirs.
business Powers attending
apart from the initial
the conference,
Cuddle down closer , baby of mine, after having been
Alexandra. The trip over, the Black Spur
is something to be remembered.
States to meet at qll, and the fact that If Daddy went round in a hundred and nine. referred to, during Camping along the banks of tho Rubicon,
The Commonwealth has afflicted the they, were not willing there was no obliga his long absence in we found the climate so delightful that w®
— by tion on them to come together or to cease the South Sens, as did not bother to erect the tent, but slept
public with heavy losses in two ways military preparations in order to give time under the stars. Returning over Mt. Slide,
"the late Will we came upon a view from the top look
entering into enterprises it could not manage for discussion. When. It came to settling A True Fairy Story Will Dyson
disputes, the matter was still more com Dyson," the Artist ing over the ranges that absolutely taks
and by , financing private enterprises with plicated, for, although a certain amount are traditional believers In one's breath away.
funds. The direct losses on the of voluntary . machinery nnd procedure had jY£ANX people imn uviiic oaVK in
Why don't you "tell the world" mors
public fairies, and when the voice of "dear old very vigorous llfp as a satirist of the people
been . set up under The Hague conventions, about your country? — Yours, etc.,
shipping line amounted to anything from there was no. obligation Elian Vannln, with its green hills by the he calls "Our intellectuals." One example VISITOR FROM CALIFORNIA.
on any State to
£10.000,000 to £15,000,000. Cockatoo resort to this method, and, indeed, the sea." was heard in Melbourne on New shows Mr Noel Coward talking to Mr Ep Ripponlea, .Jan, 2.
Island dockyards accounted for a few generally accepted doctrine was that ques
tions Involving honor and vital Interests — ' Year's Eve. they considered their credulity
stein before a group of the latter's sculpture,
Open 1931 with a Record millions more, and the building of war- that is, precisely «the issues that
threaten peace — could riot in any case he
might was justified — although matter-of-fact
"Of course. Mr Epstein," Mr Coward is say- . A -NEIGHBORLY SUGGESTION
Ing, "J speak as a layman— for the moment, . . Sir, — Now that so many people are out
j service homes, an example of grievous scientists told them ft was merely the first
I have done no sculpture." i off work. I would like to suggest that in
submitted to -such procedure.
Fashion Clearance maladministration
responsible for
and extravagance,
a deficit of
Look, by contrast, nt the situation today:
First of ail, please remember the statement
wireless broadcast between the Isle of Man
and Australia..
each street those that are In work form a
committee, and Investigate the condition?
The many millions wasted of Lord Grey and other statesmen, whose It was the idea of the editor . of the WHO TOLD YOU THAT? of their less fortunate neighbors. In my
£4,000,000. street there is a family of eight, mostly
position in 1914 gives their words great '
on the naval bases and Canberra come within weight, that if the League of Nations -had Douglas Times (Mr George A. Brown), that jJOTHER. — "Willie,
, the canary .has yopng children, living on 12/9 per week sus
j j another category. Commonwealth bounties existed, war would not have broken out. Manxmen at homo and 'Manxmen1' "down gone!" tenance. I anv endeavoring to get those in
1, 9 ;p; n b j have amounted to £3,726,000. not including
If there is a crisis threatening
machinery for dealing with it la ready, and
peace, the under" should greet each other vocally for
the first time on New Tear's Eve. 1930,
Willie. — "But mifmmy, ft was there just
the street who are working, to assist them.
Will other streets do the same?— Yours, etc.,
1 £2.000,000 advanced in various ways for nearly all States are pledged to use It. The and a. broadcast conversation was arranged
now when I was trying to clean Its cage J.
and without habit of meeting in conference is now so with the vacuum-cleaner." Moonee Ponds, January 2.
fruit-growing canning, much a matter of course, in particular - for 11 p.m. (Melbourne time) on December
I in Oddment FROCKS . 1 improving
there is
the methods of summoning without delay
a meeting of the Council. the procedure
to be observed, , tho machinery
31. Drs. Herbert and Stewart Cowen. for
merly of Douglas, and now living at Caul-
Sir. —The dust nuisance is with us again.
Withhr'the last few days the principal
used,, and
embargo, which, allowing for Customs ho on, are bo well, understood, that it would field. were In charge of arrangements in Btreets of the city have been surfaced with

| worth up to 3 Gns. to Go At !
protection, is estimated to cost the people
about £4,000,000 a year; the losses on pool
he impossible for nny self-respecting
involved In the crisis to refuse to attend
such a meeting, and hardly conceivable
State Melbourne. fine bluestone screenings, which have be®n
already ground into dust by
This material, after a. rainstorm,
the traffic.
will re
£ Z guarantees; the butler tax of 4id. per lb., that It could refuse to observe the Council's solve itself Into puddles of black slimy'
Keen Sal shoppers trill delight in ff m injunctions, based ,on the Covenant, to re , mud. With the knowledge by experience
choosing: from this Immense 'oddment ff X costing nearly as much, and various other frain from war measures while the crisis of the failure of thU' method of road-sur
rank of frocks which show an extensive 9 / £ schemes that, whatever sectional benefits was, being discussed. facing, it is amazing thnt It. should have
variety of latent stylos in crepe-de-chene, ' g 19 9 /ff Z There has been a tremendous been reverted to. — Yours, etc..
fronuine Spun Silks, etc. The S they have conferred, have meant direct loss ' merit In the obligations nnd machinery develop-
quality and finish will a.t once attract I m HIm #
tho eye, and the popular shades Include ' '
to the taxpayer. settling disputes peacefully — States have - Melbourne, Jan. 2.
JW |H J undertaken to refer every dispute of every
1 Navy, Almond, Grey, Geranium, Black, W H J The trading operations of Queensland's kind, whether or not. it affects honor or
Brown, Linio and Fawn. These Frocks M — S Labor Governments left a burden of debt
were just felling: recently at prices up W S
vital interests, to inquiry through ' the
to 3 jrns. Out they so -Monday at 20/, with which the present Government is still .Council, to settlement by the Court, or to
n HHlHi 'arbitration. The rapid growth of the
The Auditor-General's
presented in November last, showed that
report, Court's compulsory jurisdiction and of Arbi
tration treaties scarcely
and the greatest safeguard
needs emphasis:
of all. In my
£1,669,803 had been lost on State pastoral
judgment, is the experience and authority BRAND NEW
stations, which were to save the profits of that the Council has gained In the Inst ten
I the grazier; £28,014 on butchers' shops; years. . OVER38 PER CENT.OFF SOMELINES.
£36,012 on fish supply; £112,695 on a Nation Are More Interdependent Many Make—Mlchelin, Rap«on,Royal Cord.
j North BritUh, Avon nd other.
I Smart Wool de Chene Coats j
State cannery; £18,685 on a produce On the other hand,, it has become almost
(Fully Guaranteed)
agency; and £65,334 on cool stores. The impossible for a State to foresee to war.
what will 7 X 4.49 £2 7 - 6 32 x 6.20 £4 S «
one profitable concern appears to have been happen to it if it resorts The 29 x 4.40 .2 17 6 33 x fl.20 4 12 «
Worth up to 6 Gns. To Go At nations of the world arc more Interdepen
JS Another wonderful savinc opportunity am f
a State hotel. Victoria,
has gone slowly.
relatively speaking,
It shows losses on cool
dent than ever, and it i«r scarcely poBBihle
for any State to wage war on a self-suffic
S I l:fS "I S S 7.....;
31 x 1.10 31 jl
0 3S0 x 1'in
. 13
.i «
5 IS "
S is offered in attractive proup of latest H gL f Z stores amounting to £91,224, and there ing basis with much hope of ultimate suc S.S. . . 3
cess. But if a Slate runs counter to its 31 x ,.40 t 3 5 8 815820 I 120 5 5 0
lft Coats In superior quality Wool-de-chene. g f have also been considerable deficits on State , 5
J All are beautifully mad featuring League obligations nnd goes to war. It is Aji- |IE. . x 105 15
3 0 8
9 smart flares, and others /f ' least, doubtful how far it can count on jcT "B x 4.05 .3 8 8 715 x 115
on smart. H H research and High School farms; but the at "9 x 4.05 3 8 8 920 x 120 4 19 8
S straight lines. In this group there are M Hi 9 actual support, or on supplies from 1 31 x 4.05 3 0 0 32 X 4 S.S. 3 15 8
/ State coal mine, the Accident Insurance outside 'world, and the risk of isolatj/yjjp
Z a. few stylish Crepe-de-chene and heavy m H H ff S 29 I 5.00 3 8 8 33 X 4 4S.S. 4 2 8
M silks In shades of Beige,. Lido, Bottle, H Z' Office and the Maffra becl-sugar factory groat. Any Government placing its/;1 lhe is 31. x 5.00 3 10 0 31 X S.S. 3 7 8
m "Red, Navy, Almond and Blaclv. These such n position could not count un/'R 30 t 5.00 3 10 8 32 .» i 4 1(1 ?
Coats were previously soiling at prices g more than balance the account. Government whole-hearted and undivided supmf . 9 I 6:25 3 14 8 33 X 11 ; 1 72
B. up to 6 gns. Out they go Monday at 40/, iflh land settlement schemes throughout the of Its own public opinion, whicWJ on the -8 i 6.25 3 18 8 SO x S| 8.E. 2 0 8
when nations' have to organise/,' 31 x 6.25 3 17 8 33 x 6 truck .8 2 0
whole of the Stales have meant total of their resoufccr . is vital 30 6.25 3 12 0 30x 5 8-p).» 8 5 0
- the whole " 28 xX 5.50 3 15 II 30 x 5 6-ply 1 S 0
s i Treasury losses to the extent of scores of Curiously enough, when and strain
_ .out in 19 ! 4. It was regard1, s. .hicau 20 i 5.50 3 12 8 34 ,x 5 . . 6 8 n
millions. Soldier settlement shows a shortage
thing like Incredulity. as/®ar did 30 I 6.50 3 17 6 35 I 5 ..» 10 5
fi.77 4 12. fi 32 « . S

ifHMiHiiiigFrmy of about £23,000,000. losses some 30

Railway piece of madness that effied with 33 x 5.77 5 0 0 20 x 2\ a 21 1 tfiJ JJ-'
" are excluded. case last for more .tluyr' a mistake oi « 34 v 5.77 5 'fi 0 27 x 3 . 2 1J «
Today the possibility .'.ould nt in n-v 30 i' fl.00 4 10 0 2H X » ; . 2 .3« 6
There is an old saying that we want "less ously discussed bjff Wit a ?' 31 f 0.00 4 12 0 28 x 3 . . 2
war is quite sell 1 32 x 6.00 4 2 6 25 | U« 2 10 J» 0
I 5 LATEST M0DEL FROCKS government in business and more business in
Judging by results, it contains
draw from this szq-of
elusion that, wh #.> intelligent
so remote to paradox
-1the con
33 x 6.00' 4 15 6 27 x S.85 2
34 t 7 12 10 6 26 3.50 26 6
14 0
j government." m<ff -eming 28 x 4.75 3 10 6 33 x 6.75 3 14 ft , 0 .
considerable wisdom. Old conceptions of come Homeivhat /reas war in ip
be- 77.1 x 145 4 6 0 33 x 4.05 4 0
I worth to 12 Gns. # To Go At the functions of government degenerated into body a clearly /jst
sibility.. Will unreal,
people as toIs ve
today it toC1! 730 x 180 3 15 '0 32 x 6.50 5 .0
No btrgiia like this In the Ciiyv An ftmarlng M 9 a policy of laissez-faire, wholly unsuited to on the peace Xliaci,jed and terr! ® , Sixea not listed, price on application.
<z rl<?arance of Model EnecinbleSuiU and Frocks ot \ jg f 9 a new country, where the power of the State crisis should fnot this fact weigh if
'Z exquisitequility. .beautifully madein original de- 99 f .9 But I woulrg of the balance a.ieal j RETREADING by the Very Latest "LAN-
signs. The Coats feature,enurt hip Iccgth with f 9 had to be used to pioneer enterprise and CASTER"Patterns,absolutely the Latest
(S g ff and Beat Job In Australia today.
»Z Printed Ifarocain Frocks to tone, also complete g 2 wtth. nil
S suits in plain Marociin and Crepe-de-cheno, some 'H ffff HZ 9 promote industrialisation. It is obviously >'f lbee Full Fresh Stocks.11 sites, Goodyeer,
system.' aparldo not mean
i£ Fhowtngfull
lensth Coats, the F,rocks are very
and smart jUso rich'611kFloral tfoosse- H ff z. just that rural industries should share with nations who i functlon a"®011!'!1,5..?? JS'aneaca
> - - nameI Glass, Dunlop, Perdriau and
(S linef,. aho plain colore of Jfavy, Black, Fawn and H
H ' - HH
H z: manufactures in any system of assistance, helleves tliat x "rom the bel'effs 0fvono Mlchelin. ,.
,S many popular Theit Frocks-are worth up g .9 g wB Z policies aro f e |tH members- and Ife®.y Rl
to 12 all to besacrificedat coe price„ B Z notwithstanding that help may have to be world will jfs.',5r national
ffi 9 g 9 |a Imminent
given in different ways. While the approved for. If, onl," on this oasumption.tho AKRON TYRE CO.
national policy is one of protection, and is franhly reef ltlmnt0|y act Oplnlon PTY,' F.TP.
be cured org\ . .nther hand, "'h®ob,|C nL .r«n
undoubtedly a wise one, w.c have yet to what has bf '"'L ""list I ho woHds Ills
| ELLIS' SHOWROOMS Melbourne reach a safe definition of its limitations. To ready wiiiM;
banish ..waff1'
, „ Corporate action. .a"4
nnP through' the '-cas
' PhonesF3830,. F5340. Private F6185.
£ what extent can the principle >be pleaded in On The Road
rd«plt7nli tho UltMo'Hies ahead,

National Library of Australia

The death occurred yesterday of
Government Overthrown Mrs Wilkin, wife of DivF. ,L Wilkin,
Professor of the Bapllsi College of
$inf of £34,000,000 Scheme Innings Closed M 513 Famous Indian Poet Victoria, nt her home in .Myrtle Road,
Canterbury. About u year kg o Dr.
In Sight As Conciliator IN nnd Airs YVUklii celebrated
golden wedding. Airs Wilkin was a
ENGLAND ONE FOR 98 FIGHTING school teacher before hCr marriage.
bhe wns widely known in Baptist
(Horald Special Representative)
circles in Kcrang, where Dr. Wilkin
ministered for 17 years at Brighton,
OF DISAGREEMENT (Herald Special Representative) REFORM PLANS .PANAMA CfTY, January 2.
where he was pastor of the Baptist
Church, and at Canterbury. In each
CAPETOWN, 2. a sudden revolution today the place Mrs Wilkin was a devoted
, (Herald Special Representative) , iccura ssorc tor January
south Africa (Herald Special Representative)
Government of President Har-
church worker. A daughter and
»n Test cricket was made before the IN niodio Aroscmcna. was over three sons are left. Two sons are In
' LONDON, Jan. 2. the Education Department, and the
LONDON. Innuarv 2 innings was declared closed today Sir Rabindranath Tngore, the thrown unci the capital of the third In a city manufacturing busi
£34.000,000 migration at 513 for eight wickets in the famous Indian poet, essayist and ness. Tho burial took place this
Ucimbllc n:t>'Mc<lInto the hands of n
THE agreement between Britain and
. Australia is practically
second Test against England.
At stumps on the second day of
novelist, who has arrived in London
after a world tour, has temporarily revolutionary junta headed by Hur-
afternoon in the Box Jllll Cemetery.
The Rev. Principal Holdsworth and
the Rev. G. P. Rees conducted a ser
<funct, and the official announcement
of its end is expected to be made
dc- the match, England had scored 98
or the loss of Wyatt's
wicket. .
broken his rule eschewing politics,
and has entered the unofficial ' dis-
cussions at the India Round-Table
mondLs Arias,
who will

President Arosemena was held pri

Harmodio Arosemena, the deposed
President of Panama.
vice iu the house, and the Revs. J.
C. Martin ' and A. D. Shaw at the 'remedUSNEFIT VQI I
w?ftthGr» n crowd of 12,000 graveside, Rheumatism is the most serious of all it quickly ends chronic pain. De Witt's
' shortly after the return to Australia At-. New lands Bflw South Africa de Conference on the communal ques soner by the rebels until he signed a
The Rev. W. liackett, S.J., the health troubles, Starting with twitch- Kidney and Bladder Bills for over 40 ,
of Mr Scullin. monstrate a wealth of batting talent tion, which is still handicapping statement of resignation of his office. founder of the Central Catholic ings of the muscles,stillness in the joints, years have proved a sure, safe and certain
nnd reveal how progress at the conference. Ten persons were killed and -U
ordinary Library, who Is on a visit to Queens ' puins in the back, the trouble gradually remedy for all rheumatic conditions or any
The Mrltlali Government was em tho English at
.Sir Rabindranath conferred with the
wounded In lighting In the streets. SOUTH AFRICAN POLITICS land. will return to Melbourne goes on until many are really crippled body or joint pains arising 41 from kidney ;
dlacuaslons with Mr A truck-load of Amorlcan soldiers Father Muckett Look the
phatic In Its tack. Hindu and Moslem delegates In an ef arrived from the canni zone to pro shortly. and cannot go about their daily work. trouble. A short courseof De Witt's"
Scullin. tliat'tho nsreoment could not The fort to. secure agreement concerning tect the American Legation, trip to recuperate nftor a severe Ill Then, too, the excessof pofeonot acids willqnicklyridyoiiofyourpainand
he fulfilled without assisted nnssngos, previous ness, und has recovered his health. bring
record against electorates. . . Mr Hartweli Move End Labor Pact in the hlood have a serious wr Jceaing you back to youthful vigour and vitality,
which are tho hauls of tho whole England was 501 It is since his actlvltles began that or the New YorkAyres, correspondent to At a gathering of the hierarchy and
eiVccbupon the heart. and remember, you purchaseyour supply
agreement. at Sun, was wounded clergy in Brisbane, which included
Lord's in the Indian Liberal spokesman has of by a stray bullet In lighting, nnd Is If you are tortured by the daily misery on satisfaction or money-back conditions.
Mr Scullin wns o<|Ually emphatic 1924, With Dr. Duhig, the Archbishop of Bris
imulnHt any rcvlvnl of assisted pas- fered, If no other settlement ,1b pos in a critical condition. . Nationalists bane, and Dr. Chine, the Archbishop of rheumatic pains, chronic pain at night Every chemist stocks De Witt's Kidney
races in tho noar future. H. W. Taylor, sible. to concede separate electorates The American Minister (Mr Roy of Perth, Father Muckett made a time when trying to rest, pain udien and Bladder Pills at 3/6. Get your supply
than fD, 000, 000 tho veteran, was for Moslems. v ,
Less of the Irresistible, and Davis) . conferred with the rebel speech on the growth of the Roman going about your work or pleasure, if you to-day. It will be the best investment
f. '14,000,000 liavo hoon spent during In an interview he said that the leaders today, REVOLT IN CRESWELL SECTION Catholic Church In Australia, which lind limbs and joints swollen, knuckles you will evermake. The veryyoungand
batted in mas- failure of the conference wouid dis was regarded as a notable and elo
the flvo yenrs that tho schemo has crly
(President Arosemena, head of the
becoming perhaps too hard to move, the oldest can take De Witt's Pills with
been In operation. It was com stylo 'for rupt Indian society. He did not want Liberal Government, assumed ofllce (HMralJfin#rSaf R/»nr#»ntfltlve1 quent deliverance. that is, if your blood is oeing poisoned confidence. No dangerous drugs, but a .
menced In 1025 and was to last tor his. seventh Test to hco India reduced to the chaos Into on October 1, 1920, for a four-year
century. With which China wns plunged. term. The Liberals had an absolute CAPETOWN. Ian. 2. The Rev. C. L. Moyes, vicar of St. with excessof uric acid, here is a doctor- scientific preparation that will do you
10 years. Cftttorall ho wns Martin's Church, Hawksburn, and Mrs recommended remedy that one-time good from the very tirst dose. Get
With the unlikelihood of moro than Ho pointed out that, whatever the majority of 14 in a Parliament of 46 The ae.ction of the South African son will Melbourne
rt inero trickle of migration to Aus associated In a result of the conference, its decisions seats. Moyes nnd leave suil'ercrs say is " wonderful " in the way " De Witt's" and
forceful part Labor Party, led by Col. F. H. P. on Monday to motor over the Prince's get health.
tralia, It Is clenrly Impossible to con- which
would hnvo to be handled by mem The two principal parties in Creswell, Minister for Defence and Highway to Sydney. The Rev. George IN ALL CASE8OF
,lnuo tho agrcemont to J986. but nership bers of the Indian Congress, which ' Panama aro the Liberals and Conser v. . .«wv\\v\ A\\i 11hiilihl////,/, INVALUABLE
existing works, such as the Wyangala yioldcd 148 in was not represented in London, al Labor, at a conference today, moved Green, who recently returned from
108 vatives, the chief divergence between a resolution declarinor that the con- England, and wns, formerly vicar at RHEUMATISM BACKACHE
Slam, will ho oomplotod. minutes, though It wns the most influential J
breaking tho re
cord for
fourth wicket
the R. II, Caftrrall
In matches In tho
party in India.
Sir Rabindranath said that he bo-
their programmes being on tho ques
tion of public instruction.
Liberals favor an educational system
free from church control, and the
The tinuance of the pact between the
Labor Party and the Nationalist
Party was no longer in the interests
St. Martin's, will havo charge of the
parish In the absence of Mr Moyes.
The Rev. J. C, Martin, secretary
Tt Is Impossible to reckon the numbers .Conservatives advocate instruction of the BaptiHt Foreign Missions, and
|bf migrants already- settled under the Union, mado by Nourse and White in llcved, if the conference decisions under church auspices. In the 1928 of Labor, and calling on the execu the Rev. R. Farrer, of Box Hill, will SCIATICA NEURITIS >
'agreement. Many anomalies, not fore 1909 at Durban. were not acceptable to Gandhi, the tive to terminate the alliance before leave for Tasmania on Monday on
Tho wicket, though easy, was be Indian Nationalist election there was a split in the Libe and all Kidney and Bladder Troubles :
seen when tho ugreomont was signed, serious dlfllculties would Leader, further ral Party, resulting In two Liberal next January. their annual leave,
linvo become nppuront. ginning to crumble. Chapman called be created. candidates for President. There was
Many migrants havo drifted to the fOh all his resources, especially slow Ho suggested three ways out of tho no Conservative candidate. The resolution was carried in the Mr C. T. B. Turner,
famous Australian bowler, of Sydney.
the once
eltlos from ' areas whore they were 'spin bowlers, but tho batsmen gave difficulties:. face of a strong speech by Col. Cres
the same punishment to all the bowl (1) Britain's declaration of readi Panama, formerly a department of IF TIRED OR DESPONDENT
.fettled under, grants from tho ness to grant self-government, tho Republic of Colombia, asserted well, In which he doclared that ter Is about to retire from the homes OUT
£34,000,000 scheme. ing. en her independence in 1903. and the mination of the pact before 1934, department of tho New South Wales
The British authorities regard It ns TAYLOR SCORES QUICKLY abling tho delegates to settle com- when the next general election would Savings Bank, at 65. Mr Turner was
Sttlc less than a fiasco. Taylor scored 117 In only 179
munn.l problems with the aid. of the treaty made with the United States
obliges the latter to maintain this In fall duo. if the present Government known as "The Terror." ITe bowled MY ADVICE TO YOU! n
Congress, lasted the full term, would bo poli right handed,
minutes, and hit 15 fours and oho (2) If communal differences were dependence. Panama, while being
, Meanwhile, Britain Is confronted flvo. After his dismissal, tho re recognised as a sovereign and inde tically dishonest. Mr H. W. Samp with a delight

Qa.B. i
. wllh mi unprecedented migration not th$n settled they should be sub pendent State, Is virtually a protec son, Minister for Posts and Tele fully easy de
. ixiMlllnii. l'resent Indications maining batsmon, obviously under In mitted to tho arbitration of the graphs, who Is on his way to India,
fo tlic fact that in 11)31there point
. lie actually an excess of iinml-
. grants Into llrilain
over inlgrnnls
structions to hit out, threw away their
wlclcots until Doane declared the In
nings closed at the toa interval.
Princes, whonre
Indian politics.
aloof from British-

(3) If the Indians could not agree,

torate of the United States.
left a letter to the same effect.
Few people expect that Col. Cres
well or Mr Sampson will pay much
medium pace, a
deadly nip oft
tonic wine
, outwards. Tills lias not occurred Realising the tremendous responsi tho questions should be referred to the KIDNAPPED BOY RETURNED attention to the resolution of the tho pitch, and a
bility, Hammond and Wyatt grimly break back on \MP High Grade Malt Extract
. for ninny years. set about tho' task of wearing down
arbitration of the League of Nations, conference, and it is ndt improbable
sticky wickets Fine Old Wine, etc.
which was .a disinterested body. TO FAMILY that Col. Creswell may solve his per Xml
Migrations from Britain to all the the attack, compelling Den no to ring sonal problem by quitting the Labor that was almost «i l" BUI1.MS III' TIT 10 SYSTEM
Dominions Is now practically at a the changes with the bowling. a unplayable. s T" Jf% AI-TEH ILLNESS m&BM
One of Hammond's was Party, and declaring himself Playing in Eng
standstill, and tho authorities regard toes
£20,000 Ransom Believed Nationalist. land In 1888, he
c -S. RELIEVES tffjWfE
a-sudden and swift recuperation of troublesome, and he used Farrlmonrt' (Labor is at present represented in Off EXHAUSTION
trado ns tho only hopo of Improving as a runner. Caution was the key Fifty, Years Ago Today took 341 wickets "iVgg."
To Have Been Paid tho Lower House (House of at art average
tho position, note of the English batting, but the by eight members — five
scoro mounted steadily until McMil FROM THE HERA LD OF
belonging to the Creswell Party and
cost of
runs a wicket,
11.12 OBTAINABLE o/fi mo,. SSI
lan, with a slow spinner, broke the 3, 1881.
This could only occur
i«>t foreign wheat crops by
tho failure
or a sudden, promising partnership at 76. Leyland TURKEY MASSES TROOPS
(Herald Special Representative) three to the National Council faction.
The split in the Labor Party Mr C. T. B. and bowled more
than 10,000 balls.
.and Hammond safoly played out time. ST. LOUIS (U.S.), January 2.— occurred before the elections In June, Turner Throughout Australia QUART
Introng demand for wool. Twenty hours after he was kidnapped In 1890 he cap-
Serious consideration may shortly SOUTH AFRICA consequence of the vienacing 1929. As a result of this Labor lost tured 215 wickets for 12.G runs a
he given hero to recasting tho whole First Innings. JN attitude assumed "by the Greek by a bandit, Adolphus Busch nine seats in Parliament
Orthwein, 13, the heir of one of the Cabinet position.
and one wicket; and In 1893 he obtained 160
Obtainable Retail Chemists, Licensed Grocers and Most Hotels
migration machinery. Siedle. c Chapman, b White .. 141 Government , Turkey has massed wickets at 13.76 runs a wicket. In a iiolc Props.: ARNOLD BROS., A.I3. Bldg., 527-520 Lt. Collins St., Mclb.
There Is no Intention of completely wealthiest families In America, was One section, led by Mr W. B.
Mitchell, b Tate 123 100,000 troons on the Greek , «..u,iibu iv mo iiviiiu, uiiiiaimeu, Minister Test match in England he took five
f scrapping it when, as Is hoped, things' Nupen, b Tate 12 frontier. It is considered that ar- Madelcy, the former for wickets for 22 and five for 36; and
: eventually come right again, bitration by the European Pouir Tt Is believed that a ransom of Posts and who was ex b'lllKWOOD GKHAT1A UUDUCUD
but it Taylor, c White, b Leyland .. 117
crs is impossible . £20,000 was paid privately for his re pelled from Telegraphs,the Coalition Government, he has other bowling performances BY LOAD
may be reduced to a skeleton or Catterall, b Tate ........ 56 lease. almost as sensational. In the opinion MALLEE ROOTS A SPECIALITY.
decided to contest all the seats held
Canada is taking only a few Cameron, c Peebles, b White.. 26 One of Melbourne's nouoclte ,
elite, who has lately been granted The family lawyers admitted having by supporters of the other section, of Mr A. C. Maolaren, In his book on T.CURPHEY PTY. LTD.. BURNLEY.
boy Balaskas, c Turnhull, b Leyland 0 entered Into negotiations cricket, Turner had few equals and no Ring J2807. J1927. or Maw.
migrants early In .1931. though bnnk- Deane. b Leyland .. .. .. . . 7 a divorce , loith leave to resume with the led by Colonel Creswell. superior as a bowler. In 1926 he pub-
a«34 .
Sydney News Agents
, era and other authorities -there are McMillan, not out ........ 7 her maiden name, which wc shall kidnapper and the police dropped the The cause of the split was attri Ishcd a book entitled, "The Quest for
! optimistic about the future. 3 call Smith, has had her cards case. buted to the determination of Colonel Copiesof THE HERALD,THE SPORTING
Vincent, not out Bowlers," in which he emphasises the
Extras 21 printed "Miss Mary Smith, nee (The boy was seized when being Creswell and his followers to free the value of spin bowling. GLOBEand THE WEEKLYTIMESmay be
Mrs Jones." driven to <the home of liis grand Parliamentary group from the outside See to obtainedfrom the following Agents:—
domination of the National Mf E. W'. Jackson, chairman of the Mr McKay,Imperial Arcade,Sydney.
SUSPENSION OF ASSISTED Eight wickets for .. .. 613
The Exhibition presented
a busy scene, and it must today father, Mr August for a New Labor, which expelled him Council of Musi's w, and S. Evcrlnshnm,Hay Street,
(Innings declared closed.) have Year's Eve dinner Busch, party. A man in 1928. Wllllamstown bench, has been ap
£ Your Eyes Sydney.
PASSAGES been somewhat inconvenient for The Government is pointed a Justice of the Peace Cor
BOWLING leapt on the running-board, covered Nationalist,Hcrtzog
with the support of the South Australia. He is now an
MIsh Handler, Bookstall, MotelAustralia,
the crowd, which numbered the family chauffeur, Consult us if you are Vv Ci!tkreai;h Street,Sydney.
' . , 0. , M. . R. W. morelargethan 15,000, fo move among Roy Yowell,
with a revolver, and ordered him out Creswell section of the Labor Party. honorary magistrate for all Austra doubtful whetheror not
Ah J Mr Atifcmon,BondStreet, Sydney.
f Purpose of Agreement Tate ,v> V43 ;.M3 79 . 3 . the cases and bates of the wool For that support Colonel Creswell lian States. Mr Rannnrd,272 Pitt Street,Sydney.
of tlio car. He then drove off with and Mr Sampson arc included in the r you need Classes. Pur 1lie
Hammond).-:' 10 . v '2 27 : . 0 display which blockaded the main The Rev. M. FInan, one of the / M\ N.S.W, Bookstall Co., Pitt Street,
f.At tho end 'of 1929,, the Federal Voce 22' the boy. pliouc >' Colonnade,O.P.O.,Sydney.
iKiovornmont notified the British Go-' Peebles. 28
11 '
avenue and large hall.
An extensive flre occurred at
Cabinet. most popular Roman Catholic priests Vappolhtmenls, S. Cent. 10505. OpenHI! $sV
TI10N.S.W. BookstallCo., GeorgeStreet," "
Vcrninont that, because of the serious in Melbourne, has been a patient In y p.m.on Fridays. Coliinuade, G .P.O.,Sydney,
| unemployment
White ..." 46 15 101 1 2 Echuca at 4 a.m. The Daylcsford "Coonara" private hospital for many MossraGordonand Ootcb,Barrackand Clar- "k
position in Australia, Leyland . 30 6 91 3 Hotel was destroyed, and the . NO SICKNESS AMONG Y.A.L. months. His fellow priests havo raised once Streets,Sydney.
Accentuated by the fall in tho prlcq
of wool, and the shortage of whoat Wyatt .... 2 0- ' 4 0 furniture of an adjoining music BOYS £400 for him among themselves, as
The City Stall, Central RailwayStation,'
crops. It could not be responsible for ENGLAND warehouse much damaged. a token of esteem. The fund closes Jr. COLES & GARRARD Sydney.
Mr J.- J. Young.Herald and WeeklyTimes1
Opticians. Pty. Ltd. j BranchAgency, 30 Cnrrington Street,'
continuing assisted migration, except First Innings,
"Healthiest in Australia,"
next week.
37072 BourksSt., Melbourne,CI J Sydney,
for dependents of people Wyatt, b McMillan . .. 40 Says Hospital Sister Mr and Mrs W. II. Pilkington, of 5 (5 Doors from 4
hore. Susponsion of the assisted already HERALOCABLESERVICE J0 ElisabethStreet). I
pas . Hammond, not out ... .. .. .. 43 St. Helens, England, who recently ar (I
sage clause of the agreement im Leyland, not out . .. .. ..12 By special arrangement,Router'sWorld S-irvice, "The healthiest boys In Australia" gramme for their stay in Melbourne rived in Australia, have returned to fj zr////////////zMr
was asked Extras ; 3 in addition to other special sources of was how Sister Steele proudly referred :until January when the party of a visit to other
mediately for. .. . Information,is usedin the compilationof the to the 300 12, Melbourne after
The British Government concurred, overseasIntelligence published(n this issue, boys from Queensland, New 800 will leave for Canberra and Syd States. They are staying at the'
j with regret, and promised to co-oper One wicket for. .... . . 98 and all rights therein In Australia and New South Wales, Tasmania and New Zea ney. Oriental Hotel.
ate in completion of the schemes al- (Stumps.) Zealandarc reserved. Armed with cameras 'of every de Mrs I. Blaubaum, wife of Dr. Ivan
land at the Young Australia League scription and color,
| ready approved under tho ngree- they stormed the Blaubauni, of Armadale, accompanied
I ment, by making its contributions as camp at the Exhibition city this morning to while away free
Buildings to- time. by her son, will leave in the Otranto
theyThe fell due.
agreement, signed on April 8,
13026. Involved the expenditure
I £24,000,000 over a period of 10 years.
BLOODSHED IN PANAMA CITY day, The lads a"o awaiting the arri
val of the big contingent from West Essendon
and South Australia on Tuesday.

. Sister Steele, who is assisted at the display by


they visited the
Aerodrome to see a flying
the Aero Club, arranged
on Tuesday on a holiday trip
Colombo, Other passengers Include:
Mr W. G. L. Spowers and Mrs
Spowers, and the Misses Spowers; and


| The Commonwealth undertook to en by Mr McKay. Tonight some

deavor to make arrangements with temporary "hospital" by Sister Dalziel will be the guests of the Exhibition SIgnor R. M. de Pujadas, the Consul
(attached to the Cairns District Hos for Spain in Melbourne, who is going
i the States for suitable settlement pital), has had two years Speedways, and a party of 50 will be to visit his home country.
areas to be made available, and for
|I such public
works as would tend to
with the Y.A.L. boys, having experience
America with them on tho 1929-30 been
been to
entertained at the King's Theatre.
Mass for tho Catholic boys has The Rev. Dr. Walter Ivens, who Announce their
for 11 a.m. tomorrow, has just published his book, "Island
t develop tho land, and bo increaso the tour, and on various recent trips to and inarranged the evening others will attend Builders of the Pacific," in London,
| tlements of the .already existing set Brisbane, Tasmania and West Aus church parades at St. Peter's Church was for 10 years vicar of St. Paul's.
to carry a greater popula- tralia. of England the Baptist Church Caulfleld. For about 15 years he was
tion. But she says that, so far, tho hos in the city. and

Among such schemes was tho de- a missionary in Melanesia, and wns
i Telopment of tho Lachlan River basin, pital bunks havo not had a single sick On Monday they will go to the for some time tho organising secre
New South Wales, at an estimated youngster. Shell Company's installation works at tary. He also spent two years as
"We believe in early prevention," Spotswood, and the works of the superintendent of the Yarrabah Mis
cost of £1,521,600. This embraced she said today, "but I always try to Australian Glass Co. At night 60
two main undertakings — construc sion for the Aborigines In North
tion of a dam near Wyangala. at an sparo the castor oil. I havo had a will go to the Theatre Royal, and Queensland, and is accepted as a
little bottle of it since the American 30 to the Comedy. foremost authority on island anthro
estimated cost of £1,352,000. to con trip, and It Is still fairly full." After being joined by 330 boys
serve tho waters of tho Lachlan, and pology, native customs and language.
from West and South Australia on In his book he tells the story of how

other streams near Its source, and the FLYING DISPLAY
building of a railway from Roto' to She added that at Christmas the .Tuesday morning, the whole contin primitive peoples build artificial
gent will witness a by firemen islands, beginning with a raft an
Rillston, a distance of 29 miles, at
an estimated cost of £169,000. camp had the., remarkable luck of at the Eastern Hill display flre station, and chored in a lagoon, and finally estab
absence of serious illness,
These two undertakings were au it contained 500 lads. although on Friday 160 will travel to Ballarat. lishing an Island colony on which
thorised. Mr W. H. Ponsford, the cricketer, many trees grow and houses are
Everyone is happy at the Exhibi will visit the camp-on Friday built to the water's edge. He also
tion; In fact, the boys have no time A camp flre concert will be heldnight. that goes deeply into the folk lore of the
to be otherwise, so full is the pro-
night. Islanders.

The Household Bill Adjutant Thomas Leach, of the Sal
vation Arm£. died in 'Bethesda" pri
AIRWAYS PLANES HAVE FLOWN MAN vate hospital yesterday, aged 77. He
Average retail prices:— BURIED UNDER joined the Army in London, and was
City: Eggs, 1/4 a dozen: but The Avenida Central, one of the principal thoroughfares of Panama 1,708,917 MILES on the staff Cor
ter, 1/6 a lb.; matured cheese, City, where 10 persona were killed in street fighting in the successful FALL OF EARTH about 11 years.
I-Tc then joined
1/9 a lb.; currants, 9d. a lb. revolution. the headquarters staff in Mel
Southern Suburbs: Eggs, 1/3 11,327 Made bourne and for 18 years worked in
to 1/4; butter, 1/55; matured
cheese. 1/8; currants, 9d. Eleven thousand, three hundred
Dies From Injuries various departments of the Salvation —
Northern Suburbs: Eggs. 1/2 MAILS AT A GLANCE and twenty-seven flights, covering CAMPERDOWN, Saturday. — The Army here. He was widely known
for a most self-sacrificing and chari Commencing 9 a.m.
to 1/3; butter, 1/5; matured 1.708,917 miles, have been made by death has occurred in Camperdown When he retired
cheese. 3/6; currants. 8d. Letter mails close at ElizabethStreet P.O. PERTHTO DERBYSERVICE.— Closesnt West Australian Airways since the
table spirit. he
Fish. (medium prices): Pike, as under (G.P.O., SpencerStreet, 20 minutes F.lizabcthSt. P.O. every Friday, 2.40 p.m.; according to Hospital of Reginald James Smith, went to live at the Home for Aged
3/3 to 1/9 each; flounders, 1/3
to 1/6; whiting, 1/- to 1/6; sal
mon trout, 1/- to i/3; bream, 9d
(via Sues),H a.m.. Jnn.'d; due Feb. —
. plane haves Adelaideevery Saturday,arriving figures
—Otranto Perth, Sunday. PlaneleavesPerth
AMERICA (North and South). Niagara, MELBOURNETO SYDNEY.—
every Wed
company's inception,
just issued.
In tho service between Perth and
CloseEUz. St. Wyndham. 8027 passengers have been
contractor, of Warrnambool, follow
ing an accident at pits on the out-
skirts of Camperdown yesterday
Men at Box Hill, and until the last
he exerted an influence
among the occupants of the home.
The burial took place today In the
for good TUESDAY
to 1/-; fresh barracouta, 2.30 p.m., Jan. 7; due VancouverJan. 30. Q.P.O.,10.30a.m., Mon. to Fri. No carried. service
mullet and garfish, 2d. to 4d. INDIA —and EGYPT. —Otranto,Li a.m.,Jan. 6. P.O.and The Perth-Adelaide
late tees. Saturdays,at O.P.O.and Ellz. St., has carried 5419, and the taxi and
afternoon. Box Hill Cemetery.
CIUNA. Tanda,.3,30p.m.,Jan. 14. T a.m. and 10.30 a.m. No late fees. Smith was engaged with his Mr G. F. McGowan, secretary of wing to the exceptionally cold and unseason-
Hurray cod cutlets, 2/- a lb.; p.m., "Joyrlde" service has carried 17,259. brother In pick and shovel work, and ''able
JAPAN.— Tamlfi(spec,end.), 3.30 Jan. SYDNEYTO BRISBANE.— at Ellz. St. the Farriers' Union, and a widely- weather, we are holding much
schnapper cutlets, 1/8: rock Ung' 14. C loses Mails carried between Perth and with known figure in both the industrial larger
cutlets, 1/4. NEWZEALAND. —Niagarafvla Auck.), 8.30 P.O. and G.P.O., SpencerSt., 10.30 a.m., Wyndham total 48,6221b., and between working them was a truck
driver named James Kelly. The truck stocks than usual at this of the season
p.m.. Jan. 7. Mamma(via Weil.), 3.30 p.m., at Mondayto Friday. .No late fees, Saturday, Perth and nnd political sides of the Labor period
Jan. 8. G.P.O. and Ellz. St., 7 a.m. and 10.30 In November Adelaide. 47,5441b. had just been backed into the pit movement in Melbourne, died yester same
all restrictions re and also for the reason we have been able
TASMANIA.— Nairnna,2.30 p.m., Monday. p.m. No late fees. — Closesat garding weight of luggage were re
when there was a heavy fall of earth day, aged 56 years. He had been in
moved, and now all luggage is ac
and Reginald Smith was burled ill-health for about three months. to purchase manufacturers' stocks very much be
days,2.40 p.m.; Friday (except Kalgoorlle, G.P.O.and KHz.St., 10.80 a.m., Tuesdays and under several tons. Mr 'McGowan had occupied his posi
Houljler, Northern and Merfidln), 2.40 p.m.; 7 a.m. Saturdays.No late fees.' ' cepted and despatched at no greater tion in the Farriers' Union for many low their usual value. With the of
AVIATION Saturdays,12.30 p.m.- Sundays(at O.P.O.nnd BRISBANE-TO OAMOOIVEALAND NOR cost to the. passenger than if travelling Smith, although badly injured, was
conscious, and, after frantic efforts, years, and had done a great deal for
Elizabethfit.), 3 p.m. No late fees SaturdayMANTON.— Closesnt Ellz. fit. P.O. nnd O.P.O. by rail. The traveller's appreciation reducing our stocks quickly we are offering
or Sunday. SpencerSt., 10.30 p.m.every Saturday.Return of this Is shown by the increased he was dug out and taken to hos the progress of the industrial move
OTHERMAILS—CLOSE MONDAY mall due Melbournenoon Wednesdays. amount of extra luggage carried. pital, where he died early this morn ment generally. He was a former exceptional price reductions in every depart
Lieut. -Col. F, C. Shelmerdine NAURUand— OCEANIS.—Dcebank,4.10 p.m. , CAMOOWKAI. TO DALY WATERS SERVICF. Tho first of the new monoplanes of ing. member of the Coburg Council, and
PAPUA. Cabaritn,3 a.m. (with road nnd rail connection to Darwin).— the Viastra .type will reach Perth this a justice of tho peace. A grown-up ment throughout the warehouse. The various
MAILS INWARD nt Ellz. St. P.O. and O.P.O., Spencer month, and will be family is left. The burial, which was
(British Official Wireless) LONDON.— Moldavia, Wt Dec. 4, due Ja«i, Closes, placed in commis items mentioned below are examples
4; Ormonde,left Dec.11; due Jan. 10. - ' 10.80 pin. everySaturday.
St., sion on the Perth-Adelaide route Im PRIZES FOR CHILDREN carried out by Mr John Allison, took
place this afternoon
LONDON, January 2.—The Air —
SAN FRANCISCO.Sonoma,left -Dec. 23, AMERICAN AIR SERVICE.— Endorse"Via mediately The tests carried out In In. the Coburg indication of the big savings available. There
Ministry announces the appointment due Jan. 14. U.S.A. Air Mall." Fee 4d. half-ounceor frac- England show that the machines will Cemetery, and was attended by lead
of Lieut.-Col, Francis Claude Shel VANCOUVER.— Niagara,left- -Dec. 10, due tfon, addilianul ordinary U.S. posture-(first crulso ing . representatives of the Labor are many others awaiting your inspection.
ounce,-3d.; extra ounceor at a speed of 150, miles an.Community Singing on Monday
merdine to be Director of Civil Avia Jan. i. each fraction,2d.), movement.
tion, In succession to' Air Vice-Mar AUSTRALIANAIR MAIL SERVICES KARACHI-LONDON AIR MAIL SERVICE.—liour, answering the demand for more There; will be special attractions
Endorseletters "By Air .Mull," prepaid3d. For mails from Australia to United Kingdom, rapid transport.
shal Sir Sefton Brancker, who lost
jus intj in . uie mux disaster. ./ per half-ounce additional ordinary postage. Europe,Egypt, Palestineand Persia,
o r despatch
for children at Tho Herald community
See Advertisements in
ADELAIDETO PERTH. — ClosesKllz. St. by Karachi-Londonservice,closeat Ellz. St. singing In the Auditorium on Mon
Lieut.-Col. Shelmerdine has been P.O. every Friday, 2.40 ealiing Cedunu, P.O.,'2.40 p.m. ' c\cry Thursday; For despatch KINGSFORD day. Before the community
Director of Civil Aviation In India Forrest, Kalgoorlle, due, p.m.,Perth 'Sundays to by . Australian and Karachi-LondonAir Malls,
einco 1927. connectwith outgoingmall steamerto London. closesat 2.4<7p.m. every Friday. NOT PRINTED YET starts Charlie Vaudo and "Daybreak
Dan" will conduct slncrlnrr
tions between the children, with prizes (Herald Special Representative) Herald MONDAY
for tho best choruses and solo num LONDON, January 2. — Clark
Simultaneous Release bers. McConacliy, the New Zealander, de
MELBOURNE'S DAY BY DAY DIARY OF EVENTS The special Australian feated Claud Falkiner in a live-day
Buck-jumpingShow, Wirthn' Purk, 8.
Kegcnt.-— "The.Storm."
:State.—'.'Her WeddingNight." — DANCING
t'Uy. MasonicHall, Collins Street: Green modore
commemorate the flights of Air-Com
Kingsford Smith will not be
to Ordinary community
begin at 12. . , .
singing will billiard match.
Ho scored 10,036. his best breaks Argus
White City.—Speedcoursing, 8; Cai>ltol.-r-"An!mal ,'Crackers." Mill, Prince'sBridge. on sale for nt least two months, being 641, 182 prwl 6flft
Inhibition Speedway.
—Dirt, track racing,'8. Atlienacum—"Toiri Sawyer."
—Cycleand motor cycle racing, Majestic.—' "Africa. Speaks."
St. Hilda.—Palaisde Dame,Ern Pettlfcr and
hirt Jlhythtn ihiyd; Plaza Ballroom.
Pruhran/--LeggettV Ballroom.
Tho Director of Postal Services (Mr
H. P. Brown) explained todav that.
PRAHRAN SCOTS TO MEET Lalkiner, who received
scored 8806. His best breaks were
although the design had been ap Scottish song and sentiment will be 413 and 402.
Boxing At Filzroy Stadium; 8. I'alucc,—"Uuylul FUN—ST..KILDA and published, the engraving supplied at the New Year social gath In which will appear a Big Listot prices giving indications 'of the
Hoyt? de Luxe.—
' ..Melba.—'"Halno'r' "Our Blushing Brltlea." Luun Park. - - proved to be. held In the A.N.A. Hall, v- ;
fchinc1.'". SKATING of the plates was an intricate process. ering,
"Top Hole." ' Britannia.—"Murder Will Out." . Wirtlix' I'ork.—Boiler ekutiug. A supply of the stamps would be Prahran. .on Monday night, of the For Tenner Skint
Remarkable Savings available in Every Department. Many of the
Boys!.— "The HoiweThat .TackBuilt." TOMORROW— sent to every post office in Australia; Pruhrnn and District Scottish Society lines are limited m quantity ;, "'
BIJou.-—"Old MotherHubbard." SUBURBS .... . " . -ItoyalZuologfcalGardens, openfrom 1.30 p.m. with strict instructions, early consideration, is advisable as the !
that there The president (Mr W, J. Rose) and
Comedy.— "The First Mrs Eraser."
I layhouse.—"The Old WomanWho Lived In
Palais,St. Kildu.—"Women"Everywhere."
Victory,St. Kilda.—"The Better Wife." .
to 5.16 p.m.
Sky Street Aerodrome,from 2
must, be 'a, simultaneous release' committee will bo escorted to their Cuticura values offering aic exceptional '
a flhoe." Regent,SouthYnrra.—"The Better;Wife." p.m. rides, Dudley ; throughout the commonwealth. places by Piper A. V. Comrie, and the Sliaiing Stick 1' HEIGHT I'UEK ON DnAHEJlX TO A1&
King'e.—"Uncle vTom'# Cabin." Ktnpretf,Prabron.— "QueenHigh." PleasantSundayafternoon,WesleyCentralMis It would take weeks forthe stamps concert programmo will contain LINES 'PAKX&
' s NcwrBurnley.—"The Better.Wife." sion;3 to reach some of the- post offices in Scottish Items. - Old-time dances only will Freeljr Lathering

. . Waza.T—
CITY" NewMooiteePonds. "QueenHigh."
ProfvMioiialOrchestraplays,Plaza,St, Hilda, the Gulf of Carpentaria, North
"The Better Wife." 8 p.m.
Aua-: comprise the second part of the pro Medicinal and Ky»ySf»nt FLINDERS STREET, MELBOURNE ;
tralla, and North- West Australia. gramme. ... J
,:-(! : /' . l\ ' ' ; .v .

National Library of Australia

Monday. with renewed vigor, the Salel vings merrily on! New Year Purchase of a Sample Range

Slimmer 9
I 1 1 .1
| 300 "Celanese" Garments!
occasions —
/ II
small, mcclium
and large-brimmed modes o
tfgk Perfect Some are crushed !

popular straws. The smarlcs Quality slightly
colorings included, attract
ivcly trimmed. Usually 8/11
Mvcr Sale Bargains, 2/11. 14/11, 15/11 Celanese /? /1 1 Bloomers and Vests, all al

8/11 for - '


16/11 Straws 3
£ /II
grwjjfUir ¥
i \ //ft
Vests and Bloomers
LCI. — Less
locknit Celanese
than half price group! Lustrous
Vests in opera top and armholc
Tableful of samples and oddments!
Vests and Bloomers

in Celanese locknit, self-striped


11 / II I f shapes . . . also well-made Bloomers in all sizes. and milanese-finish qualities. Some plain, others

Large shady Assorted dainty colors. 14/11, 15/1 1 ; Myer daintily trimmed. Usually 14/11 to 29/11; Mycf
in A What Usually
tliapcs fancy QWyflHAT MAGNIPic 1PONSE! a wonderful \
ll\\ Sale Bargains, 6/11 each. Sale Bargains — 6/11 to 14/6 each. »
crowd of \
Straw and Crinoline, all th
jmj What a vindication of the
enthusiast !
Misses' and Model Modes !
most fashionable shades IS1Myer policy of inakm Event the most-talked-of
plain or with fancy edging: Sale topic in town.
tr Sale
ning day began, so will Monday
|g iW! Oddment Celanese Underwear at Halt Usual Price!

ribbon trimmings, spe T)
and \ \ L/ Tableful of oddments — no two garments alike! Lovely Celanese Undies, Petticoats, Camibockcru, Dressing Gownaj
effects, bows, etc. succeeding days contini it and enthusiasm must be splen-
Usual! Pcttitoircs and Pyjania Suits, all beautifully made and finished with the daintiest of lacc trimmings and embroidery. Usu-
16/11; Myer
at 6/11.
Sal s I didly maintained in every di
. K
\ P
1 ft a'y lo Mycr Sale Bargains 7/3 lo 22/3 each. -

Fresh lots, from huge re frcsh attractions — have been
rourih I'lOorAl i/cr Main Store brought forward, and on Mi
gains will be plentiful and un Ladies' 9/11> 10/11 Pair A,l-wo1 Bathers lor 7/11
paralleled. These pages i live of this Myer determination I A smart style in jade, royal, or red. All wool quality with striped top, neat-fitting collar and trim pocket.
J S.W., Women's and Out-si/.c fittings. Usually 9/11, 10/11 ; Myer Sale Bargains 7/11.

25/-, 29/6 Hats Maids' 59/6 Frocks they are

be presented.
an earnest
of the I
calls for your
of values
, Third Floor —Myer Main Store

t 51250. — One of the many at- mr 111 "M and immediate

m f_ ruptcd atten ne M onday . . . shop here all day.
tractive styles front this low-priced #11
42 Leather and 29/11 €A
«|ivll ea.
. . . every and of pleasure.
group of floral Crcpc de Chine
Brocks (or maids' summer wear. .1.11
# A A
II /ifA J aN
V-k facility provided I if saving;
/7==rv 1- Rayon
straws to I | I II All very well made along the new- ftjJj. V/ysKft,
JHK| est lines, with flared skirts, jabots
complement Fabric Handbags at Wraps 19/11
/lBMP3z frocks
. . shallow
brims, chic
and other clever details.


Myer Sale Bargains 35/U.

and -12 inch lengths. Usually
in 38
59/6; j&jf jfl \ I'jKSif
Wra, l'-/t-4W4afJ,5w!TA8
| iry!
200 only in this clear-
ancc of distinctive/ m f
Wrap of lustrous Rayon in
ivf HaSs - hardly two II ft |

FJ mMMf 2
mings. Good colors to choose /
Children's 21/-, alike — all new! Lea- mm I # lovely colorings, including

Jy O from. Usually 25/, 29/6; 12/6 Mj ther and Fabric, with
W H I I rfisc, green, helio.. wliitc and Gkft" I
Mver Sale Bargains, 15/11. H /f/7 novelty latches mf
t Fourth Floor —Myer Main Store
Jmm, Frocks for r
/11 and1 'ans- lor
xy // a llr clasps, some with new

// Ills ll "Pyrstal" handle
YC222. — 100 only /II
I AX 3 II ' many featuring inner zipper fastening. All
SI \
S?>- of these dainty Lawn shapes, sizes and colors 1 Usually 42/;
79/6 Berlei Controlettes for 39/6 mmf J
) Frocks for small girlies
—mothers like tlicm, too, because they / ) (1 Half /Ml in
CjasPj; Myer Sale Bargains, 20/ each. 24/11 Hanni
Black Satin Controlettes with brassiere sections of firm lacc, clastic tub back to their original freshness.
Jra4»Ag|KiW It Price range

SjisA/d j
sections over hips, elastic gusset in front of skirt, four rubber-grip sus Floral patterns in assorted colors —
an of WhWfcMwk 10/6 -
penders. Assorted sizes 32 to 42 Us uaily 79/6; Mvcr Sale Bargains 39/6 ''-f'al
2d, 26 and 2S inch lengths.
12/6; Mver Sale Bargains 5/11.
Usually //Jjlfftf
ijiWX'sX /
Less 6God shades
My Y/1/' / V/
only! Noomy Bags of genuine
Coats at 15/11
GG119. — One of many stun-
ning futuristic and geometric
n\\ /lj

52/6 Berlei Girdles go for 22/6 Wpr 400 Children's 5/11

IDA/f' . ..
All-wool and ificial silk Jumpers and
Cardigans in a p ,f .Shades. JF162. —V or
f \
V X:-'..
; '
A Hide, indispensable
x 8 inch size, with
stitched designs in heavy quality Rayon
?2?s|lp=?? |) ! VV-N
® j

Side-fastening Girdles in silk floral material, cut low above waist,

Lrew-ucck Jumper >acl<nift'.s, 1(10only, usu UxQti. '/ ''//' 'y/'/''/-,/; ' handles, broad gussets, secure fasten- Happi Coats for the beach or
firm elastic sections over hips, clastic gusset in front of skirt, four \
Bathers at - -
Q /ll \\ \\ f 1
llj 21/ to 25/11. itsize and lixtra Outsize 1 wU C \uy /jJllOJ
o \
crs, outside ,ockets and coin purses. boudoir. Practically all colors qfMrl W C-2svJri
Trimmed embossed designs in front, for 40in. '
rubber-grip suspenders. Sizes 25 to 32. Usually 52/6; Myer Sale Bar / / 1 \ Special Purchase of 400 /IB i.aily 25/11; 29/11; Myer v selectbn. length. V
JsXffi Usually 10/6 each; Myer Sale Bar- 11
gains, 22/6. I / \ Children's Bathers 1 ALL I JUL \ \
pppiii y'v
gains 6/6.
| / \ WOOL one-picce styles \ \ \ \ 29/11 Jersey Jt n three smart styles and CC 1 —
f;raitnd Floor Myrr Main Store Third Floor— Myrr Main Store
LGIia 1X119 I ' ' 1
21/- to 79/6 Imported Corset Oddments I I
\ in two-tone shades of red, blue, fawn,
navy. Myer Sale Bargains — sizes 20in.
I \
\ \ I 11 lovely colors fort
p-f \ \ 29/11 Sport Ss Elation skirt, knickers and | I
\C222rn t0 24in„ 5/ll for 3/11; sizes 26in. to by Vn blouse to match I:
10/6 to 35/- pair y 30in„ 7/11 for 4/11. 1/
I j '.
f'iril > Main Store. I '
Third Floor —Myer. Main Store First Floor —Myer 3fa hi Store \rlt3v
ZjJ A remarkable Revelation of Sale Price-cu tting in thousands of yards of Summer
45Mored 5/6nd69/6
Housewives and others buy now — -
here are some exceUent reasons why . /27/6Ve I
forWel Day&Eroning

Coats for Coats at Frocks for Frocks at

Bargai Hosiery! vi 4 y/ll Frocks, 7 to 16 Guineas I Silks, Cottons and Woollens!

Mver Manchester Bargains 37'6 35'H 33'6 14'll 14/11 Full Fashi I Silk Hose for 6/11
ace V 50- lovely Frocks for misses'
dav'taqd cvjening wear. Smartest
stvlPs on new long lines in' good colors.
Usually 6 to V gns Myer Sale Bar-
gainised at 40/11 each.
Fashions to thrill style-alert women . .
ordiimry at this price Day and evening Model

(.mvnS in Crcpc de Lhinc, ha tin/ Moire," bilk, plain

and floral Ninons and Ocorgettes. Illustrated arc two
of <he ntany lovely Frocks included: — ,

7/11 yard Patterned r/T "|
2/11 yard New Cotton 1 //?
2/6 Horrockses
Horrockses' fatuous ( guaranteed
white Twill
Sheeting of pure cotton.
at l/6i 45/- Artificial Silk Quilts
29/11 f
NC22. — Black and
navy blue artificial
NC21. — Good qua-
Hty Worsted Suiting
NF28. — From
group of fancy artifi-
a N F27. — 150 only
to clearl Cool Voile'
45 dozen pairs! Scrvicc-weigld lose,- brittle slightly
pointed heels, fully fashioned. G« Bee to choose from.
Sale Bargains 6/11 pair.
imperfect! Panel or
Usually 14/U; Myer MlfiSPd'
40/fi Floral

ff "T|
MM97, ill brown silk inoirc, features flared skirt,
new cape, beige georgette collar; MM98, of heavy-
weight floral Georgette in autumn tones of brown.

Crepes de Chine
New shipment of rich all-silk Crepes de Chine, just opened up. re
Q J_ J. Basquette Weaves for
Basqucttc Culton Suitings in most effective designs and colorings.
Lovely brocaded designs in these artificial silk Quilts, finished with K Silk Crepe de Coats, with tailored cial silk printed Chif- .. Frocks in a wide flUUISO p "g wine, beige, usually 15 gns.; Myer Specials, 79/6 vealing attractive white spot, floral and diminutive patterns — offered at Decidedly chic and practical for summer coats, suits and frocks. 36in.
Strung weaves, soft finish. 54 inches wide. Usually 2/6 yard; Myer Sajc corded fringe all round. Rose, hclio., blue, green or champagne. Size Chine Coats, well cut NM29. — uidc. Usually 2/11 yard; Mvcr Sale Bargains, 1/6.
Bargains. 1/tiJ yard. SOin. width, 3/6 for 2/6 yard. 71in. x 95in., with one pillow sham to match. Usually 45/; Myer Sale
on smart straight lines
and sleeves,
pockets, waist-
and Georgette
Many attrac-
-variety of
" smartly " made 6n the
18/11 Heavy I Silk fashioned Hose 9/11 53 only)
each. IvgZJv this keen price! Navy, black, green, red. beige, axc, etc. 40 inches
wide. Usually 7/11 yard; Myer Sale Bargains, 5/11.

Bargains. 29/11. Also double-bed size, 95in. x 106in., with two pillow with tie ends at back Small tive styles and a wide- Voiles
each "Strongweave" Sheets - I shams. 65/ for 45/ complete.
of, collar and on
length linings.
women's and women's range of colorings to ' '
newest lines. Cmall
50 dozen pairs! Heavy weight t B5C. full fashioned, featuring slcndcx heels, Spun stik 10 Guinea to 40Guinea Llame Bro- #/M\ at - 1/11, 2/6 yard Floral go for 1/6
6/11 White
Myer Twill Sheets in guaranteed "Strongweave"
4/6 H sleeves to correspond. sizes, in light shades select from. S.W. and
and out-size
self colored picot edge, sonic a trifle feet, but wear not alTcctcd. Wanted shades.
Frocks, in a good variety of youthful
cade, Satin, Silk and Velvet M o d c 1 B 8/11 yard Mousselines clear 6/11 Cool Summer Voiles of finely tvovon texture clearly printed in the
quality that Assorted sizes. Usu- for summer. Women's sizes. Usu- Usually 18/11; Myer Sale Bargains
will give splendid wear. Myer Sale Bargains — 54in. x 24 yards, 0/11 19/11 Hand-made Bedspreads for 7 /ll ally 55/; Myer Sale
Usually .
45/; Myer Sale Bar- ally 59/6, 69/6; Myer
with fancv orintefl
fectl Usual v 27/6-' om!csw«d' madc'seveiMs'or with." Evening and Bridge Wraps all to be B Soft, sheer all-silk Mousselines for day and evening frocks. 33 to 40
inches wide, displaying large flower and diminutive designs in exclusive
prettiest fiorai designs imaginable. Light and dark grounds. Full double
widths. Usually 1/11. 2/6 yard; Myer Sale Bargains. 1/6.
for 4/6; 70in. x 24 yards, 8/11 for 5/11; SOin. x 24 yards, 9/11 for 6/9 H Bargains 37/6. galnised at 35/11. Sale Bargains 33/6.
Beautiful Kcru all lacc Spreads, hand-made in the loveliest filet de Sale' 'Bargains, ' 14/U sleeves. Usually 49/6 each; Myer cleared at HALF PRICE ! I B I patterns. Usually 8/11, 10/11 yard; Myer Sale Bargains. 6/11.
each. Second floor— itycr Main Store
3/11 Hose 1/74 Sale Bargains 35/11. Dress Prints go for
sign. Size 72in. x 90in. Usually priced at 19/11; Myer Sale Bargains, a.t
7/11 each. Also double-bed size, 90in. x 108in„ usually 29/6 for 12/6. pair Super! layon Third Floor —Myer Main Storo Second Floor —Myer Main Store
B 1/3, 1/61 yard 1/-
llid. each Damask Serviettes at 6id. 70 dozen pairsl Superfine qualil >sc,every pair perfect. Ideal for holiday and
4/11, 6/11 yard Rayon Silks go at 3/11 Dozens of women will choose these delightful Cotton Prints for
sports wear. . Good color range inch lly 3/1! pair; Myer Sale Bargains 1/74.- Onc-pricc group of Rayon Crepes dc' Chine, Satins and Marocains in vacation frocks ami children's dresses. Extra strong quality! Diminu
Belfast Damask Serviettes in three splendid qualities and newest
Size 22in. x 22in. Myer Sale Bargains — BD1. 114d. for
101d. yard Chintz Cretonne sells at 5d. I 12/11 to 16/11 Gloves go at B black, navy, brown, beige, green, red and blue. 36 inches wide. Usually tive prints! TUBFASTI oOin., 36i». Usually 1/3, 1/61 yard; Myer Sales
floral patterns.
(jld.: BD2. 1/54 for !0d.; BD3, 1/64 "for 1/ each. Chintz Cretonnes in small, neat flower designs! Blue, green, rose,
mauve, grey, orange, fawn, black. Jaspe and mottled grounds. Usually Oddments only to clcarl High-grade
Kid, Suede and Wcarclean
-Q /llI I I 10/6 Full Fashio Mixture Hose -5/11
8/H to 11/6 Milanese
Heavy weight pure Milanese Silk Gloves, from well known
go at Q /1 # I
4/1 1, 5/U, 6/11 yard; Myer Sale Bargains, 3/11. Bargains. 1/.
Fir, it Floor ——Myer Lonsdale St. Storo

Spun Crepe at 2/111

Sale Bargains in Damask and Cloths! priced at 104d. yard; Myer Sale Bargains, 5d. yard, or 12 yards for 4/9. B featuring straight and turn-back cuffs. Latest shades included. Usually/ SH , 50 dozen pairs I , Finely wovenS id pure Sfilk reinforced with superfine manufacturer. Popular'' styles, with clastic wrists, one-dome open wrists, sac W 9 f II IB
3/11, 4/11 Stripe in Soaps and Perfumes
Table Damask .... Specialised
H 12/-11, 13/11, 16/11; Myer Sale Bargains, 8/11 pr.
raydn, silk to 4 inch Itslc suspender uve-rose, mist, steel, etc., with slcndcx
heels. wrists, etc. Palm, beach, pine, butternut and holicy.
Usually 8/11, 9/11, 11/6 |H ALL. SILK heavy weight Mellow Spun Crepe-dc-chine, one _ of Bargains ;
Lb; yard 54-inch White Myer for 1/
2/11 yard Reversible Cretonne at Some slightly imperfect Worth 10/6 !e Bargains 5/11. Myer Sale Bargains 3/11. IB
Fashion's favorites for sport and beach frocks! Unusually smart stripes,
2/3'yard 54-inch White Table Damask .. .. Myer Specialised for 1/64 1/6 Ground floor— Myer Main Store. Ground fl yer Main Store Ground Floor Myer Main Store |H rich finish! 29in. Usually .5/11, 4/1 1 yard; Myer Sale Bargains, 2/115.
4Ti y3id 72-inch White
2 b each Colored Border
Table Damask
Damask Cloths
.. ..
.. ..
Hwv u't'iht Cretonneswith handsometr-vcrfibh-floral printing In blue, ffrren, srrrj,
ttwuvp,hruwn, rtisp, Mark, mavtie and creamon jacfjiMrd grounds. 48In. for furniture 12/6 French Suntan Lotion for
covcrv, cufhlonn,etc. Usually 2/1! jard; MyerSale Bargain, 1/6. Silks for
2/6, 2/11 Stripe Fuji go 1/81 150 bottles! "Au Soleil" by Ritz, Paris—French 111
1/- yard Pillow Cotton for 6id. yard Fabrics It will liimiricrperfectTj! Mvit Standard.EmporiumGradeALL SILK Fuji! 70 rilv suntan lotion ! Produces a charming, even suntan

r as
21/- yd. Furnishing mUahlc (or (racks,bhirtw, pyjamas,children' wear. 20in.

8/11, 5/11 (Inutlv different tripfd di'sfcna Buy at this' substantial III
Ubuafly3/0, 2/11; MyerSaleRarsaimi,1/8i. complexion! _ savinpf!
lu-t on bail usual prkc'. Special liiien-fini.hrd Pillow Cotton tliat Vrinled Wlvrt. ( 1"»lvet,ColoredVelvet,

Myer Star Bargaii the keenest

Printed Linen, hand-bloekcdprinted I 1

Sale-time 12/6 bottle;

Cri'toimc, phiin Kepp and Vrlour in this oollectlon of mnartfumUlilnc fabrlce. Uiually Usually Myer Sale Bargains, 3/11.

\\ ;tj wear and launder splendidly. 40-inchcs wide. Usually 1/ yard: Mvcr
Sale Bargains. (Ad. Twelve yards limit! »t'Uliig at P/ll to 21/ j«rd;- Mytr SaleIlurgiint., 5/11 yard. Silks at 3/11 Limit of two.
4/11, 6/11 yard Lingerie
3/6 yard Beach Robings at 1/11 yard Fadeless Cotton Nets for 9£d. Oddmentlengths! Tableful cumprLsinuLlneerin Spun Crepe ToMe-de-SoJc, Crepe Wantedplainpastel tones. Rich floral bilks and crepe.Ubually4/tl to 0/11 6d. Tablets Bourjois "Ashes of Roses",
1/3,Alhurr1/6 «. 29/6 Oddment Fur Card Knicker « Spoons and Forks yard; MyerSaleUarffalns,3/11.
1 'i »:h in ' biiritiinc. fast-ndon-ddesigns. 33 inches wide. Ideal
I mi" f r', '.Mutt-- for fuik-h'.«Ctitimi Curtain Sets!
p;iH«Tni'iJ Self-colored,rolored btripr ami botder JMar. 1/- ,-J IjAr 3/11, 4/11 Crepclla >y
''i -i" t.-.-yldfbench"nips, Usually 3/H yard; Myr Sale Bargains,1/11. AInn onIvory, self mid t'vo-tonprulorines Al-o alloverrose,Mie, old gold, tnauveand Ivory net. ISfe Bloomers for i Ladies' Worsted Coats 29/11 Tablet '
Silk Crepes for 2/6 Wool Crepe- 0/11 \L Soap, 1/- doz. or lid.
jturf Tau x Sets for 14/11 jiuk YiJt jstx Largainised !
I0|ti. Usually Syit, 1/fl; SlyerJi'ile llarfjalni, Old.
50 oddmi'iii only! Fur Ifcla in /"N.
Elastic for 7jd
670 cardal CottonKnicker Elas 5/11 Fuji 2/4 49/11 1750 yarrisl New seaaoii'adt>- 'J w> x
Limited loll "A" quality Hur 3/11, 4/11, 6/lLyard
hare, coney and other itopular furb. All tic of best boiling quality, 3-8 incheswide. 200
only! Outsize Silk Fuji Bloomers; the majority in natufi 50 only! Good quality Worsted Coats In fawn and grey tonmgs; signs and the smartest"color blcndlngrtIn 0
ling fiilver-pluted Spoonsand Forks. — 1000 Tablets 1 Bourjois popular "Ashes of Roses" perfumed toilet
Sets go at - - - readyto um, l.'nwlly au/tJ. 30/6 wt; 9 Usually 49/11# » Ihrato reliiihle Crepclla Crepe. Usually and Chaly selling for - -
23/6 i.iiicn
Dinner 14/11
with fai-t-colorcdthnnds in the m-wr-.ttior«ntf rie
.. l-,„i ..,n!«r..iiit-r.'.J
3/11 yard Silk
Small im'di Kialierweaveshi populardoublerjuare ratterns. FADKLKSSelf colorlnc nl
Nets at 2/3 IB Monday,-Oroiiml Floor, Mnln 8tore, 14/11. Usually 1/, card of Bix yards; 9 Monday,
Ground Floor, Main Store. 7id.
shade, a few only, in colors, Good washing quality. Usually
9 Monday, Third Floor, Main Store, 2/4J pair. Two pairs
5/11 ptf nartly cut on tailored lines and lined to waist.(
limit to' londay, 2nd Floof, Main Store, for 29/11. One limit to a customer! 3/11, 4/11 yard; 9 Monday,1t Floor,
New-Store, 2/6 yard. Six yard llmltl
Monday,2n«l Floor, ramsdalcSt. Store
Teaspoons, 4/9 fo? 3/3; DckscrtSpoonsor
Forks,10/6 for 7/3; TableSpoonsor Forks
Tableful onlyl 27 to 40In.
Llcht texturedWool Crepolulneand Clmly lu S/U. wj"'"1
f soap. Attractively wrapped high-grade French
each tablet; Myer Sale Bargains at 1/ a dizen,
toilet soap. Usually 6d.
or lid. each. Limit of i
M.'iV'm "i ..if "" V >«;«;..t litre, six in t lOfn. doilies and 6ix 0 x Bin. fawn, dark fawn. blue, obi srold! loin. Usually 3/11 yard; Myer Sale"Par- H -iMir 1/11, 2/6 Fancy customer! or Soup Spoons,15/ for 9/0 hnlf-dozen. Flora), stripe, .pit .ml novelty p.ttcmto.1 , New.era'. tonlnRS. Ueuaily dozen tablets!
0/11 yard; Slyer SaleBargains— -all at -2/111 yard. „ , 0.
1.,,,'llt Uy.-r :.!e U:.ruains.11/11 «'t. Koinlsedat 2;.'? yanl. TjJv Belts 4-1 d each jyLr. 3/11 Collar and Misses' Frocks for 19/11 VH. 2/6 Cotton Myer Ncio and Lonadale St. Stores. Ground F/oor— Myer Main Store
Ground Floor — FnrvlsJiiinis. Fii '.xt Flour—M-j/cr T,onsdtile St. Sturr. H j| 49/6, 69/6 JMW. 15/ Jardinieres First Floor—
11/6 Beach Coats for
Maiirhcstrr, g 50 tlu/9'iij AurtitJ Vucd.-, Iff.l- Cuff Sets 1/9 Ladies'
HH vntj I'kilrd Btrlls in knurt rhadr. 1 to 2 ilfi'w % 600
only! Guipurelace-trimmed ' ' 4/1 60 only I Spun Silk" Tennis Frocks, sleeveless ?leeves. or with ifvfl Frockings 1/- Reduced to 7/11
fl Indie# wide. Usually 1/11, a/0; 0 Monday. i repe-iie-chlne. Doiible-wldthcot
Grodod Floor, Main Store, fid. each- Collar and Cuff SetsIn imart 100 only! Floral Cotton Beach Coats styled with long ins harming colors and styles . , , some with hand-drawn threadwork. Tablefulonly!
ton weavesIn charming printed patterns
' W ao onlyl Oxidisedbrass-flnisliefl «
B| styles and wanted colors. Usually s/11 sleeves, rever collars and pockets. Store, 19/11 Jardinieresin bciitcn design with nilw.J
et; 0 Monday,Ground Floor, Main Store
40-inch lengths. Usually 11/6; 'sually 49/6, 59/6, 69/6; 9 Monday. Third Floor, Main for cool summerfrocks! Usually 1/11, floral bundncurtop, 12 InchesIn diameter —
#r 2/11 Half Dozen 1/9. Monday, Third Floor, Myer Main Store, for 4/11 each. Two limitl tcli. Two limit. 2/fi; t) Monday, 1st Floor, LonndnleSt Ur.ually 16/; 9 Monday,2nd Floor, Lons
B Store 1/ yard. Twelveyard llmltl dale. St. Store, 7/11 each. v Men's
B 4/6 Half JO. 18/6 Tweed
_kAj- 11 I.oelustitch Ar I. Babies' 8/11. 9 /ll
xMl M/ll Full-rash. .,1 27/6, 37/6 High B
' s 6u0 dozen I
Hankies 1/6
Colored llankb:
with contrast colored borderk and Item-
3/11 Bathing Caps m Maids' 9/6, 12/6 Skirts for
/II, 21/
Jj 15 Cardigans & Jumpers 4/11 4B ft# 6/11 Featherweight yJiAf. 8/6 Each Bathroom jy lOd lb. Muscatel
Fruit Cake 6|d
8/6, Men's
Shirts 4/11 JTjC
Hose for 1/11 7 JJt- Trousers 12/6
1/11 I Frocks for 5/11 ititclitd cil'ea. Full JAlX pairsl Fancy wool and ioo pain only! Serviceableweight
VuV Silk Bloomers wt ' w' N Pure Silk Hose 5/1 1 ut t goo Grade Shoes, 14/11 B Usually 2'11 Reduced to 2/6 200 only! Maids' and girls navy all-wool Repp Skirts, sniarfl ,r':
100. only I Oddments in ladies' Cardigans and Jumpers ... xUS Tweeds 2/9 Yd. loi Shelves for 7/3 000 Iba.1 Rich and wholesome 3oo onlyl Oddments In zephyrs, 1,500
artificial silk Half Hose In smart deaigus all wool Myrall Tweed Trousersin dark
W ....111 (inod .|U»III v lio onlvj Cream radianta aii.iI 50 do»-u |ttirft! Heavy aiid pairs! Oddmentsin Shar- B half-flloxcn;'J Monday,GroundFloor, Main 30 .dozen; 'and silk qualities. Some slightly shop 'WI N 72 onlyl Oleor ptate Bathroom MuscatelFruit Cake. Usually 10d. lb.; 9 poplins and other fancy material the ma combination. All sixesfrom 10 grey shade. Cut full to size. Sizes3 to.
"Lwh; tit"h" :ir:itUria!si':' Woonur-In S.W. nurt.«»nili,ic.also "ivory crope tie chitv' mvdiuu) weight pure t-llk Ifoae, vJth ri Ik wood, Whybruw,etc. Black patent, black BB Store, !/6. Cap |n the smarlext Imported Bathing
helmet, beret and pleated and attached to white calico bodices. Sizes 22 to 34. Usual! rscy artificial silk and wool 800 yardsl FeatherweightFrock-
Shelves,18 Incheslong, 5 Incheswide,com Monday,Ground Floor, and Third Floor. jority with soft collar to match. Neat and color
to 111. Usually 3/11. 4/0; 9 Monday. 7. Usually 18/0; 0 Monday,2nd Floor,
; ,.,j Wi-'mm', Httin" A U'1"1.i-'snrtmentof Inxks, u hit Macvar x-oko. I'lnUhed wit)i rlfhi over l$uv. AH full-fa-hlomd. Son ne erlacekid. browncalf with pump or welted trimmed style. Usually 3/11; 9 Monday, 9/6, 12/6; 9 Monday, 1st Floor, Myer Main Store, for 2/11 each. Tts ped. Usuallv 15/11. 19/U. 21/; 9 Monday, 1st Floor, Mam Store, tng TweedsIn two-tone, fleck and novelty plete with nickel-platedclip brackets to Myer NewStore, 04d. lb. designsand jronrantcodfast shade in sire
.hud-s.. rnwllr «' « ,n- iiKieliif.cembo-slnff'.I.uallr SMl, f / 11 : I sHchtly Imperfvcl. Smart shadM. UsualIt soles. Various styles. Usually 27/0 to /H Hide Shopping GroundFloor. MainStore 2/6. Itmift '11 each. One limit) cftects. All-wool, also wool 0and artificial 14 to 17J. Usually 8/0 to 12/0; O.Mon Ground Floor. Men's Store, 1/11. Three Men' Store, 12/0
"t'-i Kbx'r. Mvi-r Mahi More. 1/11i Monday.l>t Floor, Main Store. 3/11. 14/U; n Monday. Ground Floor. MaIn 37/0; 0 Monday,GroundFloor, ShoeStore. Miletextures. Usually 0/11; Monday.1st fastento wall. Usually 8/6; 9 Monday,
day, GroundFloor,Men'sStore.4/11.
Two pairs limit I
Store, 6/11 pair. B tu
' r N 100 onlyBags for 7/11 Children's ?Ji9t 4/6 Each Holland . Floor, Lonsdale.
St. Store,2/9 yard. 2nd Floor, LonadaleSt. Store, 7/3 each. 25/6 Carpet limitl ai iAj. Men's 30/ Felt
I . link Shopper. mt» 1/3, 2/- . 4/11, 5/6
Children's Pair B. 1/6 Artificial Ladies' le 24 Frocks
jSJt 13/11 Blinds for 2/11 9/3 Tin Mixed 5$ Samples 10/6 Boys'
75 Hats for 13/11
Ladies' 8/11, 10/6
Coolie 2/6 1
3/11 »Mjr 6/11 Pair Pure «Mjr 21/
9) x 13 rich, wlth btrge guueta,strong
lumdlte, aecurvclasp, outbide pocket, to JAtX Flowers 6d each jd£
' Games for lOjd fit /
' -BOO-onlyl -allolland Blind In- 5/11, 7/11 Assorted
Paint for igo onlyl Urltiili manufacturer's
Can»et. 1 Men's 7/6 Athletic Tennis Shirts 2/9
210 onlyl
00 onlyl Importedpure fur felt
iiilA Straws for 2/1 1 jm! C Coats jJt Silk Hose 2/! ) uu 14/11 tcrior coin puree. Usually 9/11; 9 mod- /W!S CounterfulonlyI A wide 430 only! Ludo, Snake and- 100 onlyl -Dainty loo nd sleeveless Frocks of fancy ate. Mounted 3ft
beige, n1|(Kor,:green;complete. on Cushions for 3/11 yaflw 6/11
' Samplesin super quality Axminster din. White merccriK-d fluid in smart vhupeswith (lick brim and
L' w"w" 6y 'FIw' frftfe 'W1 160 tlnal "Bungalow" ready- Smart desisnnond colorsIn 4ft. x 2ft Twill Shirt with polo collar and pockets.
! i" .1 StT_tt.
£,«» „„)y: Sr:Ot\ 11'ltlHIH only! Delalnettc C«»oli<
t.oaie, in d aoodassortmentof newestcolor pair/! Fine, even\y 3oo pairs! Plaltcil Shoesin beige
with red Interlacing; perforatedSandalsin & 1A
day, GroundFloor, 51ln Store.7/11. of artificial flowers (or millinery or range
taiddere,Raceand Motor Games,also new
Karnesfor children. Usually 1/3, 1/fl, 2/; printed Voiles. Charming P> colored groundings. Usually droiiff spring rollers
x 0ft, dropj Usually 4/0; 0 Monday.
Size 100 onlyl Kapok Cushionacov
ered"with cretonne,artificial silk, duck and
mixed paint for interior or exterior use on f 3in. size. Usually 25/0; 9 Monday,4th t2b Singlets 2/11 Cut full and doubletnwn. Sizes11 to 14. hound edge styles. Finished whh satin
linings Size9 09 to 7 In.; goodshade,
Ifntr. with small. Hi-hum and luiv' brli and d.->iKt.s. Hl/j-s 30 (o 83-incli
woven pure silk. Uomj,with spliced hcela
and toe?. Good range of shades. Few rod, white, green,beige, navy; also T-btf 9 Jou. 15/ Leather wear. Some crushedor soiled in display. 9 Monday.GroundFloor. New Store. lOd 24/11; 9 Monday, 2nd Floor, Jl 13/11. Two limiti LonsdaleSt. Store, 2/11 each. wood, iron, plaster and atone. GUuswhite /J Floor, Myer NewStore. 10/ 0 euch. 400 only! Artificial »1k Singlet# Usually 4/11.
cream Men's-adore, 5/0; 9 Monday. 1st Floor, 30/: Monduy,3rd Floor, Men'
vv.intci eohiriiiL'. lvoallv s/11. 10 / 4;; i.-uillv n/ll; 0 Moitdav, 1st Floor. Myet 12/6, Usually 1/0, 1/11; 9 Monday. Ground each, or 3 for 2/6. GroundFloor, other fabrics. All color. Usually 6/11 and colore. Half-gallontin. Usually U/U; In sizes ?4 to 40; also first quality ('sually
Store. 13/11.
M.ukIjv, 4ih Moor, liter Mam ticinr. 2/ 11" | puife imperfect. Usually Q/U; 9 Monda; y, styles with interlacing to tone. Usually Floor, Main Store. 0d. each. - to 7/11; 9 Monday, 1st Floor, Lonadale ' 0 Monday,'2nd Floor, LonsdaleSt. Store. flfiBk. cotton Locknit finWied with ilk 2/9.
Main atcre. 2/0. GroundFloor. Main Store, 2/9 pair. 21/; 9 Monday,GroundFloor. ShoeStore. Handbags 7/6 >Mjr . 19/6' Jointed Ar 4jd Each Raffia 3/11, 4/11 Waste- St. Store, 3/11 each. 6/11. Two'tin of- any one color limitl |£ 5/6 Printed Sinslet
hrald, in outsize only. . L'Hually7/6; J
Boys' 3/6, 4/6
Snil 76 only! GenuineLeatherHand -xMfc Men's 19/11 Leather
12 6 Oddmei 't I/"- Wi bagsin Tarlctyof newestdesignsand colore- JMj. 4/11 Bridge Scores Sleeping Dolls 7/ u Boards for 3d Baskets 1/11 VjBpwB Linoleum 4 '6 Monday,1st Floor, Myer Store for Men. Mr
8/11. Mir. Children's 4/11 okAjr 6/11 Full-fashioned JltJfc t paper Yd. vA' iju? Hats for 1/-
8/11 Each Meat
vpfo Misses' 17/6 Bar V Well lined and convenientlyfitted. UauaUy 1/-, 1/3 Ribbon 60 only! Large rcble-i0 150 only! Hound and ova! 1/3 1000 ysrdsl Gooil quality' Lino 2/11. jalfc v Shoes 14/6
Corsets for 5/1
tit Hose 2/11 i j&it-
12/6, 16/; 9 Monday,GroundFloor, Maio
Mjr. jAiT 75 and Pencils 2/4| Dolls with life-like face, lovely curly1 1 H«af»l for blikets, tray, etc. Bored 60 onlyl Dainty shapesIn (fold w|ja# Striped 300 oddmeuts onlyl Summer Sports
W mldmetitr.! 7lL ' 100 Bathers for 1/11 Lisle Shoes for Belts 6d only! Attractive Bridge and silver cane. Stand 12 inches high Curtain Net 7 U1 . Safes for 541 aiM leum printed in good-deolpnaund colore llata comprl-ing Indian Head,Foplln, Cam- ioo pulra! Ton or brownChlf
| on Havk-luciut;. wr.
tin and «hle fasteninggirdles, in silk b 'LJ! onlyI All wool Bathersin,
onn.plecestyle and «i2cs, 18 to 20-Inch
45 dozen I Serviceweight mn:
cerUed Lisle ilose. with reinforcedhceIs
100 pairs! OddmentsIn black,
f 1
Store, 7/0. JAIX
B 8W only|
Striped, plain and Ecoteeand PencilSeta each comprising(out sleepingeye
ecoresand four pencils, daintily decorated lor
and long eyelashes.tȣ
8 t for nre. Uwolly 4jd. to 1/0; 9
wy. Ground Floor, New Store — 3d. Usually
3/11, 4/11;
9 Monday,Ground
St..Store, l/ll each.
600 yardal Fancyfisher weave# )2r100 onlyl PerforatedSafes In WJMU:
for alt room. Floral, Matllnq, Tile and
Carpeteffect, 8 desfqnaonly. Usually3/tl 'Yj Boys' 4/6, 5/6 hrie und Lltiene. Neat shape. Usnallv Shoe with durable crepe rubber solesand
full heel. . All size. Usually 10/11; 6
cades. Newest shapeswith four sunpendt only. Somein plain shades.Bright color ond toes. Australian make,in five smai 1 brownor (awn patent one-bar shoeswith WmTAB 10/6 Each Fancy fancy Rlbboo Belt, eyelelted and fitted wltb wax. Usually 4/11; 9 Monday,Ground 7/11. "/ each. in florat
' design with fadelessstrip of sipiare shapewith movable truy and two nnB.
fm yd.; 9 Monday, 4tb Floor, LonadaleSL 5 3/0, 3/11, 4/0; 0 Monday,Ut Floor, Men llouduy. 3rd Floor, Men Store, 14/6. 1
Odd sicesonly. Usually 8/11 to 12/(1; J ings. Usually 4/11; 0 Monday,1st Floor, shades. Sotn.' 6llghtly imperfect. Usual!j low leatherheels. Plain or trimmed styles. . with buckle. Assortedshades. Usually 1/, rose, brown and gold on ecru ground huoko. strong flyproof catch on door Store, 4/0' Singlets 2/6 '
Uonday. 3rd Floor. Main Store. 5/ 11. . <1/11;9 Monday.GroundFloor. Main Ston lax Sunshades 5/11 1/3; 9 Monday,GroundFloor, New Store.\ Floor, New Store. 2/41. jOy 6/11 Each Suit Usuully 1/2; 9 Monday,1st Floor, Lons 000 only! Stnoolh flnifh, all
Main Store. 1/11. Sizes 2 to 7. Usually 17/C; 0 Monday. w AYJrA 9/11 Clockwork llHually 8/11; 0 Monday,2nd Floor, Lous- Boys' 5/11 Canvas
2/11 pair. GroundFloor, ShoeStore, 8/11. Wr io0 only! Fancy Foulard and Cd. each. Ujte Ar 1/3 Needlerun Cases for 4/11 2 dale St. Store,7 d. yuid. dale St. Store, for 5/U. 3/11 Yd. Coir pure wool Singlet in natural ihade with jUf. Men's 6/11 Canvas
2/1 l j Each Turkish half sleeve. Also Athletic style with
'Yr 2/3 White Calico Children's Floral CretonneSunshadeswith plain col
Jiff- Trains for 6/ ioo. onJyl 241n. crocodile- Shoes for 3/11 Tennis Shoes
, 2/11 JiSg. Children's 2/6 Ladies' 4/11 Beach K orcd border to tone. Fancyhandle aud
13/11 Dress Towels for 2/- 'PB- 30 only! Train comprW«f X Tops 6d Tww
fibre Caseswith metal -Mr 2/6 Yd. Double- 2- 6 ,b Myer Jf ' Matting 2/11', houndneck and armlioles,cremeandnatural
4 209 pairsl Strong white Can 'yySt 4/6;
150 pairel" Goodwearing.white
if TJt Brassieres 1/S \i Bloomers for 1/6 Ti/fr Half Sox 1/5' tips. Usually 10/6; 9 Monday,Ground 9/11, jsdt
'WI 120 dozen! Heavyquality white carriage, tender, signal, tunnel andM
30 dozen! -
Lovely ecru net top
grained compressed
reinforcedbody and lid. vulcanitecorners, Limited lot I FancyCoir Matting 9tunes. Size 22 to 32. Usually
vas Shoeswith reinforcedbacks aud vul CanvusSh<x>fitted with vulcanisederep
330 only! No. 5001 Orassiei jMr
' " ' '%IlX Shoes for 2/9 i | Fluor, MainStore, 5/11. Enginefitted -with strong spring na ' needlerundeilgnt In «e1Cand poatri 35$ width Cretonnes 1/3 TAiX Famous Tea 1/llj of heteyqnuhty f-uitablcfor kttchrns, vertn- Monday,First Floor,.Men' Store, -/0.
of firm white calico, in popular front f nu 200 only! Artificial JerseySilk 400 pairs! Platedartificial sil I /r»v 300 pairs! Bathing Shoes. in
M FJouncings 4/11 or coloredTurkish Towels,slsa 24la, x 48 Neatly boxed. Usually 9/tlJ 0 mptal handiesttwo sliding locks. Usually 660 yardsl Reversible and 3000 lbi.1 Pure, cleanly packed
' | _ |
datis,etc., 30 Incheswldn. Umuliy 3/11; canised solea of het Creperubber. feU'1
10 to q Usually.5/11; 0 Monday,Ut
rubber soles. Alt size. Usually 0/11, 9
<>tyle. I'hiin and L'oodtitting, Li Bloomers,in wantedtones. Finishedwith and lisle Half Sox, with fancy lisle topi, tmort crow-bardesign. Wantedshades.also .. 1 vMr. 2/ Watch Ribbon J Artificial
a f?0,,.?"/1
45 io COIn.Voile fn. - Usually 2/111; -9 Monday, Ground UttitUy i/3; 9 Monday, Ground fl/1 1; 9 Monday.Ground Floor, Ixmsdale
floral and Teasucha Is usedIn the Myer 9 Dining tlall ! Bll 9 Monday,Fourtli Floor, LonsdaleSt. Store. Monday-3rd Floor, Men Store, 4/0.
double eussetsand strong elabtlc at waUU Australian make,in sixes8 to 8. Season and Silk Houndngi in embroidered. Floor, LonsdaleSt. Store, 2/ each. 1st Floor, Toy Store, 6/11. New-.Store, tid. each. St;.Store, 4/11 each - ShadowetteCretonne in charming Floor Meu'a Store, 3/ 11.
ally ?/3; 9 Monday,3r3 Floor, Main Stor- ami kn««. Slwa . to . Usually 2/11; 0 uble toning. Usually 2/ti; 9 Monday multi-colors. Assortedrises.- Usually.4/11; . and Clasp 6d 60 Indies wide.
tmail cliintsedesigns. 48 to1st and Cafeteria. Usually 2/d; Monday. 2/ ll yd. yfr. Men's 70/ Tweed
1/yj. Munday,1st Floor. Main Store, Z/y,
' W Monday,GroundFloor, Main Store",2/9 r 200 onlr| Indies'
Hainty colore. Usually 9/11,
l-/d, 13/11; U.Monday,GroundFloor, New 2/11 Yd. Kanebo Usually 2/0; 0 Monday, Floor, Lons Cubhi Carrv Dept., -3rd Floor, Lomdalfl 'W. m. .jJ . Boys' 22/6, 24/6 Men's 18/6 Flannel
GroundFluor, Sfaln Store, 1/oJ pair. pair. \
watcb nib-
fctore.4/11 yard. 5/11 Each Luncheon Mr3/ll Beading 8/11 Yard Lace kjAr dale St. Store, 1/3 yard. Si. Store, l/'lli- Save bonuslabels and
Jyu 77/6 Rattan <7jf Suits for 39/6

2/3, 3/6 Books
1000 only! UddmeulJ.Inrlt,i
, -M
Tub Frocks
2/11 Jkkf.
iX '
Children's 1/11
Half Sox 10 d
Infants' 1/11
Shoes for 1/41
bona... majority black ... with rolled
gold ciaip attached.- Usually 2/; 9 Una
day. GroundFloor, Main Store, Cd,
Each Car
2/6 <
' x

Sets for 2/11
Blue, gold, rose or
one 36 x
" Photo. Frames 1/
72 only! AntiqueBeafilngW
!n gold or. silver." Siae to hold I;
t Frockings
! on yard#!
fS| ..
Fuji 20 Silk l/9j
1230 yard! woven
in. finely
natural spun fuji of famous"Red Stamp"
-J0I 3/ Each Tea
exclungufor useful iirticleti!
9jd Tin Dessert
fa? Lounges 57/6
20 only! linporled genuineRfri
(an lounges with pull-out foot rel»: omn.
100 only! Extra quality al':
.vsgdI .Myrall TweedSuit In medium and 7a
dark grey shades,nl»o wm# fawn;
W> jT
Well Suits lu doiibln-h.'etisted
Suits 12/11
ion onlyl AH wool Flannel
style wirli
madeand etrongl lined wultshi size#3 lo knickers,line«iHiksla. Grey nut! lovat .p'aln
WW mi) rtuly!
Trousers 11/6
AH wool FUndil
Ttouserawith, aide strap and belt loop,
front plcatr. #ldc and hip pocketsapd ciiff;
ll-oks. Siiniv beautifully illustrated. Usual
200 onlvj
iJaint" tlural
icmcd Tub Frucke,k, .i>soricddesiguaMini
40 dozenpairs! Pure anil arti
H'-lalsilk mixture Sox. with ,plain les sint
vibhrdlopL Ifcltiforcedheelsand toes. AlI
1000 pair! White can\a«itrap
tboM with leather solos. 0' Monday. 1st
Li — S5 && 1/n' 3/11 NovcHy
uj w' Sponges for 1/3, cloth and fourcomprising
serviette. Usually
6/11; 9 Monday, Ground Floor. New
wood" Photo. Fitted with back andJ|
Usually 3/11; 9 Mondky. Ground
'riiiM kirt Frqcklnw to lace and net
»' lly, P'ttrrn#: lull dre#« width. Ovid
#/U y»Ptl: 9 Honda?
quality. LaundersbpTendidly.-Usually 2/11
yard; 9 Monday,1st Floor,New Store,1/J>i
Caddies for 1/11
130 'only! Mhite muui-pbroelain
Peaches for 7d.
500 onlyl GuaranteedllrRt-grade 1.
Lj— I
fortably shapedhacki. Uuallv £:i/17/K; 7 Usually "0/; D Monday. 2nd Floor. In nixes2 In 8. Usually 22/1 1" 21/0;
fl Monday,Filth Floor. LomdaUSt. St»»r«. Myer.Store (or Men.8U/H. ti Mutidjy, 1st.Floor, Men Store, 12 11. to.T. Usuallv;
Ixittoms. Grey and fawn Qiadtr Mre/?!,
a-.Monday,3rd Flftoffc
i/-L 2'0, 3'»1; 0 Monday.Ground Flo'jr. eoloritiffs,with tmliastintf ttunmlturj. Siro P'M-lurt. Sizes3 to 7. Four tdudr. U«u Flour, Shoe Store — Infants' '3 6, .1 I Jewellery 1/- 300 only! Goodquality Sponge# Store, 5/11. ' LonsdulaSt. Store, 1/11 each "Id l.oftr, Ntw Store, 4/9 yard. Vfir'l. Nix yard limit! Trade wtll nut be Tn Cuddle with wide border decoration dcHsertPruehciiIn 36 o. tint; halved or . J Men" Store., 1T/ -jq '-.V;V - '
>.w ftture. 1/4-1 each. 18. 20 and. 22-incli. Usually 2/11 j » ally 1/11; U Munday.Ground Floor. Hair, 1/11 for 1/4J; Children' 7 to 10. to2/11 9 only! SIIkrovered fluxes, for car or householdiuo. l.irge aire, (re supplied 1: in murunn and black: black loitering v
hiiced. Umtjll t)Ad.: \i Monday,'Cashand .
for 2 >H' 11 to 1, 3/11,-for 2/0; 2. fb-'-f. A . PowderPuffs, Coatlungersdaintily colored (rum und and grit. Usually 8/0; 9 Mon 32/6 D.B. Marcella 1/ each Stamped VHtially 3/; i> Monday,'2nd Floor, New te 31/6 Kapok -JML r. Boys' 27/6. Sports 65/ Spalding Tennis
Monday.Ut Floor. Main store, J/d. Store. 10id. for
Al Neeklctdand other novelties. Usually 1/11, day. Ground Floor, Lonsdale St Store. Uatjr Ar Ladies' 3/6 Black 27/6 Each Electric Store, I'll each. Two limit!
I'any Dept., lied Floor, (joirsdnleStfllcri! jy Jfa 1/11 Each Briar
iMt 4 /11, 6/11 Toilet 4/fi 3/fi pair. 2/11, 2/11; D Monday,GroundFloor. Main (or 1/3. for 20/- Towels 2 for ' Jtdg.
fii? Mattresses 22/6 latT
Suits for I9rtl,
N 123 only! A'l wnnl Aurtraliiin Iaax
Maids' 12/11, 15/11 .3/11" Milanese 2/11, 3/11 tore, 1/ f«"h Lu Quilts
130 only! Udubh-U-d Whit . k Glass Kettles for 16/6 10/6 Pendant 2i»Uonly! 3ft. Mattrewe with ijhjf Pipes for 1/- Racquets 39/11
Ls Tabic Jersey JA 200 only! pure linen; P a Overalls l/ll tijfc
' i 16/6 Radio "B" . .-'aoonlyt... A.'"(?i-SpaldiagDvi»-
' 2(U»enlvj Fatter m! Silk Gauntlets 2/3 MB 2/ Tube No. 4711 Marcnlb Qulltl. size Hlin. x lOOIn,, in Towels,borderedwith rod. oaxeor J"1,,. 'lis "Mi' only! Black Italian Cloth' 50 only! 2-pint
' 'aluminium , 4-inch border, royercdtuncy utrlped tick- r.OO niily! A«aorted popular twerd Suit with plain hack and plaiuYnleV-
or#,linedalleila. Size 5 to .13 in prey'aud . Cup di Luxe Racquetatrunr'iO' high ton-
l'owder Itow!i" illk Tub Frocks 7/11 ' w' % .Ml jSut Brassieres 1/31 ytito. Infants' 12/11 fix handsome,satin-finisheddi-rtigns.Usually - embroidery dM'1 lioimrf with floral oretouiir and Kettle with quick-balling element,i-Com- iGix Batteries jidt Light Shades 6/9. Ins, stitched siriea; filled pure "kapok. riiuppfiin thcKcFrenchBriar Pipe/ Usually.
' loilct .'rays. PocbetNo»e!fiea,Udlrs Ua" 120 onlyI al2M tor girl ftotu dozen pairs! "Ladv K.lite'
Milaneie Silk Gloe. 2"0 oddmentsin silken jersey 2? S2/«; 9 Monday,Ground Floor. Lonsdale;
stamped in .unusual
N1 »' Willi pnekota. Uauallj 3/S: 9 plain'with cord and plug. Usually 27/n;
13/6 . ' wi' » go only! Opal GlitasShadesIn Usually £1/11/6; 9 Monday,Fifth Flnor. 1/11' eaf.h ; 9 Monday,GroundFloor,'Men' and fawntones, l.Tuil1y-HT/fi'; 9- Monday, sloivwitn wper- Rnaliih cuL. . Usually.0-r/|.
hruthef,. Cloth Brushes,rortoikshell /a\"i 70 t" 17 vear» in th've i>tnarl Tub Froek, with embroideredI Basinettes 7/11 TdiX Shav. Cream MHd Uiually 1/ each:.9 Monday.Ground
- . 9 Monday,2nd Floor,N'ewStore,16/fl.eacn. 25 nnlvl Well-knownmake of htore. for 1/, each. , 1st Floor, Men's Store,.-19/ 11.. "./?' .; P-Monday.-3rd Moor; M#ftiJlto«ir'38/ll«!r
turnback eulf«, double-tippedfingers, one- Brsiiierrs. Sometrimmed with lace.Site's «5 -only! Hundy Wartociltj.nt St. Store,-20/ each. New Store'.— 2 for 1/. 'q. lit Flnor,«„r Main Store. l/tt. Radio,"R" Batteries in 60 volt #Ire: lialit langerine,blue, row, 9brownand muuv with - Lonsdale'-St, Store,.22/R.
Axlctti Mirror, etc Usually in I. .5 1 L in a 'wide variety n( fabric. fc(ylesand rj». dumefalenlna. Popular toning. Usually 28. 30 and 32 inch only. Usually ?.!J I. A? 150 onlyI . No. 4711 Eau"de- inch ala«. UfUally ' 7
Monday.Ground.Moor, Main 8tore. htronr canvas made on wooden frame. Lologne'Sluviny Creamof highest quality. ' duty. 9Guaranteedfull vollagH. , Usually futuristic - desisns. ' Don't miss an item.
-n'Mj.P vjjrn.. l/kuallv 12/11. 15/11; U Munday, 3/11; I' Monday,GroundFloor,Main Store. , 3/il; p Monday.GroundFloor. NewStore. Usually 12/11; Monday,at 9. 11 «Floor. Monday, 2nd Floor, -New Store, lri/6; 9 Monday,SecondFloor, Lonsdals Further Myer Sale News will be foiu rd on Page 17.
fer 3/. . lot Floor. Halo bture.7/ It. 2/3. for 1/3 j. VI SjAffi Myer Main Store, reducedto 7/11, Uhuallypricedat 2/ lube; 9 Monday.Ground
Floor,Main Store. 10 id. Two llmltl The Myer Emporiui n Ltd., 314-336 B« >t., through to Loi isdale St., Melb. C.l. IB/Or
13/0 each,--" bl. SluWi0/9.


National Library of Australia

(Continued from 1'ttgo J) DRAMA PRIZE


Flier Says She Never Felt

Judging to Begin
One hundred and seven manuscript?
Some Inmates
Notice to
The Minister In charge of austen
to Get

ICG EST More Fit

have heen received In response »o the
joint Invitation of tho Society of Aus
tralian Authors and the Melbourne
nncc (Mr Kicrnnn, M.L.C.) has GOqp.
plications on hand for admission to
Repertory Theatre for a three-art the Botter Days Camp, Broadmeadows.
(Herald Special Representative) Australian drama, entries for which About 20 will bo admitted at tho be
('!nuo<1mi nnpumhnr 31.
LONDON. January 2.—The Dally Severn! manuscripts were unmarked ginning of next week. Room will l>«»
Mail says that when Miss Amy John- with nom-de-pluines, and writers of found for others by weeding out thosft
sun sought its support for her Lon- such are requested 10 send In their already In enmp who havo no legal

don-Pektn night. It was pointed out nom-Ue-plumes to Drama Coin peti right to be there.
that.. In view of the severe strain tion. The Herald, taking care In so '
Imposed upon her hv her Australian doing that they do not rcvenl their A close scrutiny Is being made of
flight, the paper thought It undesir correct names. tho declaration forms signed by those
able to encourage embarkation on The work of judging will he enter who wont to Broadmendows originally.
nnother hazardous enterprise. ed upon Immediately Tho judges are Married men nnd men who havo r,«t
Miss Johnson was undeterred.' and Professor Cowling. Mr Frank Clew- been resident in Victoria for

MmOURNE —--2/ replied: "I know that It Is hazardous.

That Is why 1 want to do It. What
is the good of doing easy things?
am tired of being nothing but private
low. and Mr Bernard Cronln.
prize Includes the £50 donated by Mr
The months or moro arc to bo given notice
to quit.
Already a list containing tho name

-C-W II I I II1 IIIMII I I lllllll— » —— — r secretary to Miss Amy Johnson, of, 10 or 12 men who are alleged in
which is all that I have hoen since be ineligible) for theso reasons has
inj- vr been sent to tho Superintendent
returning Trom Australia. I wont ad- SECONDATTEMPT TO CROSS (Mr
Men's and Youths' 63'- ventu re. J. J. Scnnlan).

W' 79'6 suits - -

"1 realise the danger, particularly
in Mongolia, where. If I am obliged
to make a forced landing, the natives
There Is a special aoctlon In tho
OiUlnu'nl Group oT (10 only ill this are likely to bo hostile. Sydney Men To Try Again Unemployment Relief Amendment Act
|||jg|l| |||| / sftU. "I nm taking a revolver with me. empowering the Governor-ln-Council
pltononu'iiul prioy-rcllluUoii! Mon's SB. M' gs. A second attempt to cross Bass to authorise tho establishment
unci Youths' 'I'liroi'-Giii'nioiit Suits. jfflffif ®Wt '-'"-''llll I have been boxing and wrestling at of
V smart ly st.vloil from All Wool Stun Jif g||ggglf l|i the Aero Club, and I hnvo never felt Strait by speed-boat will bo made In camps or homes for "unemployed
more fit." March by Mr Hunter Yule, of Crc- workers who are unmarried."
\ Sorpc1. i'"i us Worsted alul Tweeils. JM/ vY.l4 morne, nnd Mr Ken Bolton, of Dar- The Governor-ln-Council
\ 1'siiitlly IIS/ to 70/C;. Monday, Morn- ASL-. faggM W&Jm may make
- \ Ins Hal-Rain. opp. G.I'.O.. 29711. gvAlsJ Unghurst, tho two Sydney men who regulations with resnect to—
., TWO MEN SMOTHERED BY put back to Burnie on Thursdav after
Limit one to 'H oil yiislonior! i Admission to and dismissals from
Yyj jJ | encountering heavy sens.
camps and homes; accommodation,
FALL OF EARTH Both arrived in Melbourne In the maintenance, and duties to bo carried
k. Vff / F
90'- Palm Beach Loongana today, on their way to Syd by men whllo In residence there; pow
\ 84'-, ney. Mr Y'ulo Is a Sydney manager
of O.T. Ltd., and Mr Bolton Is a direc
ers and duties of overseers and offi
Sandpit Accident The cook and his young assistants preparing the mid-day . meal at the cers; cleanliness nnd sanitation of ths
Suits For - - -
t'oLAC. Saturday. — Working
tor of McLeod. Bolton and Co.. ship
In ping agents and merchants, of George establishments; maintenance of order
/F junior Y.M.C.A. Camp at Shoreham. and dlsclpllno: medical Inspection.
Wonderful bargain "snap" for a sandpit on the Glen Aire-— Lavers Street. Sydney.
BR early shoppers! 300 only!
Tnlm Bench Suits
1|||| F
s|||| I
Hill Road, about 16 miles
Beech Forest, yesterday
from Mr Yule, who acted as skipper, snld
afternoon, It would have been foolhardy to con
Tho costs of running such establish
ments aro to bo defrayed out of ths
,r Two-piece
sports and holiday wear! Plain S:u
||||i ||||f f Peter Cowan and Reginald Mitchell tinue. They wore at sea for about an BRAVE RESCUE ATTEMPT POLICE BELIEVE YOUTH Unemployment Relief Fund.
ivr wore smothered when one ot tho pit hour nnd a half, and were making
r runts or with pinchbaeU and half ||f t||$ Mlf WAS STRANGLED Tho section gives tho Minister
belt: Trousers finished cuff bottoms. walls collapsed. Httlo headway. The boat, which was authority to provide or arrange for
Two other workmen were slightly Why Firemen Did Not the provision of employment to the
Usually SI/, 90/; Opp. O.P.O.. 29/. capable of a speed of 30 miles an
injured. They dug their mates out, hour, was only doing 10 miles. The Wear Smoke Helmets inmates.
5 but both were dead when recovered. main essential on tho trip was speed.
Firemen Cecil Clomez and Charles
a Hubbard, of the Kensington brigade, FI3RTH, Saturday. — Formal evi Noxt week tenders will bo invited
who yesterday made an heroic at dence of identification of Uva Trenathrough tho Tender Board for ,tlm
I2'6, 14'ii Work Trousers UNIVERSITY RESULTS: Intermediate Examinations tempt to save Mrs Martha Wimble, McCnsUell;
an '80-year-old invalid, when she was McCnskell; their baby son, Robin; and
her husband, Victor
supply of foodstuffs and other pro
visions to tho Broadmcadows Canm.
Enormous reductions on Mbn's and Youths' Work F trapped in a burning building In Race- William ITalbert, victims of tho Bruce Slnco It was opened tho Government
Trousers! Navy Cheviots. All Wool Tweeds and fl|V / JL Further results of University public 7405, 7474. 7475, 7(84, 7480, 7408, 7503, course Road. Flemington, and were Rock farmhouse tragedy on Decem- has been obtaining
Twists, in serviceable shades of prey; w M F supplies under
heavy-weight examinations were announced today. 7617, 7530, 7546, 7550, 7552. 7553. 7556, themselves almost axphyxiated, had ber 30 nnd December 31, was heard at the contracts entered Into by tho Sal
stronglv made throughout. Various widths and Ice M I SIHUKHAN AND COUNTRYCANDIDATES 7657, 7558, 7574, 7681, 7023, 7030. 7033, completely recovered today. Bruce Rock today. vation Army for the Jolimont meat
lengths'. Usually 12/11. I I'll: Monday Morn, 7,Mi. FP 7036, 7658, 7005, 7075, 7076. 7O0O,7704, The men did not wear smoke hel On tho of tho police,kitchen. Among tho principal item?
Limit one! INTERMEDIATEALGEBRA 7716, 7720. 7733, 773S, 7700, 7705. 7790, mets. nnd tho official explanation was tho hearing application was adjourned to January are meat, bread, buttor, tea. sugar,
tossed.— 7003, 7003, 7004, 7008, 7000, 7814, 7823, 7330, 7857. 7800, 7803. 7804, given tho senior officer at
7012, 7U13, 7030, 7033, 7030, 7037, 7080, 7807, 7S80. 7881, 7884, 7885,-7894, 7902, headquarters today by 26. Jam, and tfoa'p.
7044, 7(140,7051, 7064, 7005, 7007, 7080, 7904, 7010. 7017, 7036, 7930. 7046, 7947, (Mr Llndsey, the third Whilo no otffchil report of the post About 10 direct requests from em
7078, 7U83, 7100, 7100, 7112, 7118, 7122, 7900. 7073, 7075. 7091. 7003, 7095. 8003. officer), in the absence of tho Chief mortem examination held on the body ployers for skilled labor havo been
7130, 7141, 7148, 7153, 7155, 716l»,7102, 8004, 8011, 8016, 8007, 80G6, 8082, 8004, (Mr J. T. Wllklnn). of Halhert has been made public, It is fulfilled by tho Camn Superintendent
Bargain Table 7170, 7 178, 7170, 7182, 7180, 7187, 7103, 8115, 8110, 8121, 8125, 8100, 8170, 8174, "About one station," ho said, "in believed the yo.uth was since Tho Herald published a list of
) ifrffe/ generally
7104, 7108, 7201, 7202, 7205, 7200, 7210, 8178, 8180, 8188, 8107, 8207, 8211, 8216, every two. is supplied with tho hel strangled to death and not hanged In tho occupations represented. A care
Men's Clothing - -AW/® 7215, 7218, 7228, 7235, 7285, 7237, 7238. 8210, 8232, 8248, 8200, 8280, 8202, 8318,
7230, 7241, 7261, 7261, 7266, 7200, 7252, 8332, 8345, 8340, 8350, 8353, 8357, 6307, mets. used.
but it is rarely that they are circumstances
Tho necessity arises in ono tire told by Victor suggesting suicide, as
McCaskcII beforo he
ful analysis of the census of call
7205, 7272, 7278, 7277, 7284, 7288, 7202, 8880, 8889, 8390, 6440, 8442, 8450, 8464, out of about 35. ings shows that 62.5 por cent, of tho
| Oddment Table comprising? Men's and .Youths' All Wool 7208, 71108,7318, 7330, 7340, 7852, 7857, 8457, 8501, 8500, 8520,.8524, 8625, 8520, stations Usually when two blew himself to pieces. men follow occupations other than
f attend, the supporting station
Tweed Sports Coats. Flannel Sports Trousers. Alpncca Coats, 7305, 7374, 7877, 7381, .7388, 7880, 7387, 8532, 8535, 8530, 8544, 8571, 8572, 8507, —
in yesterday's firo It would have
laboror. . Employers requiring men
Towelling; Bath Gowns, etc. Usually IS/6. 21/-, 25/; Monday 7307, 7401, 7410, 7413, 7416, 7410, 7420, 8600, B003,
7438, 7445, 7462, 7456, 7470, 7484, 7480, 8084, 8087, 8010, 8010, 6024, 8029, 8003, should communicate direct with the
Morning Bargain, opp. G.U.O 19/-. 8708, 8710, 8711, 8720, 8721, boon tho North Melbourne stntlon — camp (telephone F8333),
::rn. Fannv 0 /_ 1 7495, 7503, 7505, 7608, 7617, 7626, 7582, 8782, 8740, 8740, 8751, 8781, 8792, 8809, has thorn.
7530, 7540, 7643, 7648, 7662, 7668, 7566, 8811, 8813, 8822, 8823, 6834, 8848, 8850,
' "Gomez and Hubbard did not know
:r !!HaI£ Hose
r»rd quality Half !!,
to rlr.n ' |
7551, 7670. 7577, 7680, 7603, 7600, 7500, 8801, 8891, 8896, 8890, 8022, 8033, 8034, that
, 7005. 7509, 7514, 7023, 7028, 7086, 7040,
7049, 7054, 7055, 7059, 7005, 7000, 7070, 8043, 8950, 8958, 8904, 8007, 8074, 6980, building
8992, 8990, 8998, 8090, 0003, 0011, 0019,
anybody was In tho
until tho firo was almost
burning INDIA
j.w— .jfct a fraction of roal worth! N«ui'-t i!ipik<l rn>s<io\r«.»1 ar.?.eflect-. B 7075, 7094, 7600, 7008, 7000, 7706, 7708, 9020, 0020, 0033, 0034, 9030, 9040, 0050, under control. Then, instead of
, itc. ; extra. splicedIippU am) im'\ Sin- Ht-llJ. I'sujlly 'J/11. I for tho smoke helmets, In pages 20 and 21 of this Issu.
v. 0 ; Opp. G.P.O.. 1 a. V pairs for
I Men's IS;6 Derby 7717.
7726, 7735, 7737i 7738,7756, 7703,7704, 9071,-0070, 0081, 9087, 9001, 9104, 0106,
9106, 0112, 0142, 0154, 0150, 9102, 0183,
dashed into tho smoke to effect
the Scheme Takes Shape Craig's announce that
summer sale will commence on Mon
their great
6'6 -» I | 7772, 7774, 7779, 7807, 7811, 7814, 7817, 0187, 9104, 0201, 021?, 0256, 9259, 0282, rescue. They knew that every second It is claimed that th
S;Men's Tourist 7825. 7827. 7830, 7830, 7837, 7839, 7840, 0200, 9312, 9331, 0333, 0336, 9337, 0340, counted, day morning.
'/jr 7343, 7851, 7808, 7870, 7884, 7800, 7804, 9844, 9347, 9353, 9357, 9392, 9407, 9410, themselves., went
and withmit considering (Herald Special Representative) delayed season has caused 'heavy
< /Shirts ------ D 7902, 7906, 7020, 7027, 7028, 7030, 7038, 0414, 0419, 9137. 9444, 0440, 9469, 9471,
7941, 7040, 7047, 7067, 7003, 7060, 7070, 0481, 9 102, 0405, 9508. 9611, 90,
right Into danger."
LONDON, January 2.— The Ncws- stock, accumulation and, on thai ac
Substantial savings! Mon's Covered-ground Tour- 7071, 7075, 7000,.7002, 8004, 8011, 8010, 9553, 9554, 9567, 950B, 9588, 9000, 9544, Chroniclo (Liberal) states that, as a count. price reductions throughout
|m 9019, ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS result of important informal talks tho storo are of a particularly drastic
Shirts, showing neat two-tone effects in blue, helio., 8923, 8024, 8020, 8035, 8037, 8042,
1 8007, 8072, 8073, 8076, 8078, 8070, 8083,8006, 0031, '0040, 0641, 9670, 9073, 9670, 0088, Answers to correspondentssppcnr in The
> wrpclar and champagne: best make and finish. All sizes. 0091, 9700, 0718, 0738, 9743, 9754, 9735, Herald every Saturday. behind the scenes at the India nature. The public's eagerness for
8080, 8002, 8004, 8100, 8101, 8102, 8106, 9750, 9702, 9765, 9771, 9775, 9782, 9784, Namemid adrirc?«.not necessarilyfor publi Round-Table Conference, the main bargains Is now more pronounced
? T'sunlly 9/6: Opp. G.P.O.. 3/6.
8108, 8117, S121, 8126, 8135, 8144, 8100, 9780, 9700, 0706, 0790, 9803, 9804, 9805, cation, must accompanyeachquery. outline .of a now Indian federal con- than ever beforo. nnd this ovent pro
:l 'Men's 8'6 Tennis 8102, 8171, 8174, 8t80, 8107, 8100, 8201, 9810, 9822, 9823, 9839, 9851, 9857, 9808, No questionwill be answeredby letter. stitution Is now emerging. vides notable savings for keen buyers.
I -HT 8203, 8207, 8211. B216, 8210, 8217, 8210, 9803, 0805, 0808, 9013, 0917, 9019, 9922, Legal and medicalqueries will be answered It includes full responsible self-
------ A JL 8225. 8229. 8232, 8283, 8241, 8247, 8207, 0023, 0042, 9006, 9007. 9082, 9087, 9901, In Tin Wcrklv Time. And snortlnc flurries In government, with reservation to the
Shirts 8270, 8278, 8283, 6300, 8318, 8332, 8337; 0003. 0990, 1C0J7. 10018, 10021, 10022, The Herald sporting section. of certain vital subjects, In
8338, 8340, 8353, 8360. 8357, 8370, 8386, 10038, 10043, 10053, 10060, 10082, 10002, The Chief Libra ; Crown Do you like making neat and use
lm "' Special "Throw-out" of oddments: Fine quality Aug. J. Tantan, Itelgrave.— cluding defence, external affairs, and ful furniture for your own home?
Mercerised Twill, Oxford, Matte, etc.: collar and pocket 8400, 6417, 8420, 8422, 8440, 8442, 8450, 101C0,10109, 10114, 10122, 10130, 10131, rlan of1the Public Library will idvlsc von con also safeguards concerning finance.
8452, 8453, 8454, 8450, 8467, 8468, 8403, 10130, 10145, 10140, 10150, 10151, 10187, cerning the work you wish to put before(he Tho Homo Beautiful for January pub
V.' 'attached, double sewn and gusseled. Sizes 14, 14£, 8475. 8478, 8487, 8402, 8408, 8501, 10191, 10238, 10241, 10247, 1025S, 1C272, Kelton HequcstTrustees. ' (Other references in Pago 5) lishes directions for making a com
,ybnd 13 only. Usuallv S/6: Mondnv Morn.. 11/11. 8502, 8505, 8500, 8510, 8610, 8621, 8523, 10281, 10287, 1028., -10301, 10317, 10322, "Vic." (Preston) and "Anxious" (Elstern bined coffee table and bookstand that
;! .MHnBHHHHBBansHnBH 8629, 8632, 8536, 8630, 8542, 8661, 8600, 10330, 10346, 10340, 10353, 10401, 10402, wick). —Your questions will be answeredin Is as good to look upon as It is simple
8501, 8603, 8671, 6578, 6581, 8684, 8604, 11404, 10411, 10413, 10442, 10444, 10148, The Weekly Times. »U is Archbishop Head will deliver a to construct. The amateur carpeu-
SOOO,8005, 8000, 8007, 8018, 8010, 8027, 10450, 10475, 10400, 10407, 1O506, 10507, H.N. (Essetidon).— possible<0buy and
8037, 8050, 8058, 8061, 8003, 8008, 8000, 10508, 10510, 10517, 10525, 10547, 10558, pell a house in Canberra,but the land itself, New Y'enr message to men tomorrow tor can also learn from'thls Issue how
/ 17'6 Imported Felt 9
8070, 8077, 8080, 8087. 8007, 8701, 8708. 10501. 10505, 10576, 1C602, 1OG08,10623, tinder a 9 -year lease,belongs the Govern to afternoon In St. Coluntb's Church, to 'make a porch for tho back en
8711, 8714, 8710, 8721, 8723, 8746, 8740, 10642, 100M, 10653, 10600, 10667, 10069, mcnt. Hawthorn. trance.
8751, 8773, 8784, 8787, 87B0, 8704, 8700, 10701, 10709, -1U720,10748, 10763, 18707,
P 8801, 8808, 6800, 8811, 8818, 8817, 8827, 10770, 1C782, 10787, 10B04, 10809, 10836,
HATS 5'il Bathing Costumes £or - - -
8820, 8833, 8848, 8858, 8860, 8801, 8802, 10838, 10841, 10854, 10865, 10015, 10D26,
8864, 6807, 8877, 8883, 8801, 8809, 8900, 10034, 10055, 10072, 10070, 10087, 10003,
8910, 8911, 8010, 8033, 8038, 8043, 8046, 10098, 11023, 11035, 11042, 11050,
SniiMtlonal haiB«ln wllinB '! UatliliiR L'i»- - 8957, 8958, 8904, 8007, 8070, 8071, 8900, 11082, 11105, 111Id. 11030, 11125, 11130, 11133,
him.. I.t LiJie. it Mint l.islil-weislit, Dwil- / 8982, 8989, 8002, 8093, 8000,' 0008, 0013, 11145, 11160, 11105, 11174, 11103, 11221,
tiltinu' pirm.-iiu ill Oni'-liirci' ami A|».« ftvti-'. W / 9017, 0010, 0020, P033, 0040, 0041, 0043, 11230, 11240, 11250, 11201, 11202, 11204,
I'-uallv 6/11; MondavMorning Hargain.opp. 0 /

9014, 9940, 0052, 9050, 0095, 000(1,9087, 11265, 11300, 11300, 11310, 11325, 11327,
(i.P.t).' Wll 9104, 9105, 0100, PA07, 9112, 9116, 9120, 11887, 11852, 11853, 11354, 11355, 11382,
| ----- - S'6 Bathing Costumes
laulim ami M-i's llallilrs markfil 'ivjv. ilirati __ I
£or - - - -

9131, 9130, 9140, 9142, 9148, 9144, 9149, 11390, 11304, 1139B,11300, 11404, 11405,
0153, 9154, 0161, 9102, 0163, 9175, 9179, 11408, 11468, 11471, 11461, 11400, 11499,
9105, 0190, 0203, 0212, 0240, 0242, 9243,
_ 9245, 0253, 0250, 0257, 9260, 0201, 0279, 11506, 11615, 11522, 11528, 11535, 11537.
11648, 11667, 11563, 11604, 11611,
. .
Inr mrlv niTPplanrcl Sims-tlttlliB '"nl lli-Kiltattmi I W 0201, 0200, 0302, 9300, 0312, 9320, 9326, 11622, 11636, 11502,. 11686, 11637, 11039, 11640,
ami Simril tnotlfl. In npwpotiln.iKll, color.. f ' 9326, 9328, 9333, 9340, 0347, 9949, 9368, 11667, 11066, 11607, 11080, 11713, 11718,
All Lc, up to 40in. t'.ually S/ii: Oi l". 9257, 9373, 9379, 940R, 9409, 9410, 9418, 11768, 11784, 11819, 11821, 11841, 11801,
W" . 9414, 9418, 9410, 9432, 9437, 9444, 0449, 11876, 11878, 11886, 11806, 11907, 11919,
9450, 0457, 9481, 9487, 9492, 0494, 11920, 11923, 11024.
Ties 9405, 9504, 9509, 9511, 9625, 9520, 9628, MELBOURNE CANDIDATES
rX. How do you lik&
11 Fancy
13'iliu-i-iitor MoniiayMonilnKonly!
Kino oualilv Wulooml Tie. <lm«tlcallyirr-
Hm rancc of H I / Jf_
. 9530. 9532, 9536, 9537, 9589, 9644, 9564, INTERMEDIATE
1 / 9673. 9577, 9581, 9564, 9688, 9501, 9594,
9595, 9597. 9004, 9018, 9020, 9023, 9026,
oil ilio-rn ilo.icn. ami rolom to clioow Iro m. Ml —
/C'| 9027, 9034, 9035, 9037, 9038, 9040, 9041, Passed.4, 19, 20, 27, 44, 46, 50. 68, 65,

«® I OB
- 7'll W oven - Stripe
bon't irtisR this wtsidrrlul opportunitrf Pyjamas - -
r.unllv 11/11: Opp.G.P.O.. Melbourne.. 1 <1
3 for 4/n.
4 —
/ / ' 9042, 0045. 0647. 0055, 9008, 9070, 8072, 72, 82, 86, 89, 04, 101, 105, 107, 110,
9071, 9080. 9085, 9688, 9090, 9001, 0005, 110, 163, 166, 174, 185, 188, 196, 203,
9000, 0709, 9718, 9720. 9725, 9730, 0743, 210, 211, 237, 238, 260, 260, 290, 200,
Your Tea?
wovrti-tr;po Pyjamas frntaring Mtiart Gripes in Jm I flftA Collars - - - - 9751, 0755. 9750, 9758, 970S, 9V6P, 0775, 827, 332, 838,' 303, 360, 885, 886, 388,
hhjr, pink and Imlio.: fully nizedand doublerowii. U O l'- Dressed Fancy 9783, 97H0. 9790, 0799, 9803, 9812, 0810, 306, 300, 403, 411, 415, 427, 436, 440, |
.Ml Rizw. Usually 7/11; Opp. U.IVO. .. i /«/. Men'. 11 reused1'ancyCollar, prlee.l at a frue- t / 0 9825, 9830, 0840, 0867, 0858, 9808, 0070, 442, 446, 454, 450, 470, 484, 507, 516,
- - tioo ot real wortb! Choiceoeloetlnnol lalc-.t iH l/ |1j 9676, 0662. 0885. 0880, 9802, 9803, 0808. 530, 630, 601, 662, '575, 670, 500, 600,
51 "Crossbar" Underwear
UncquallM vnltic in lien's ColoredCotton Uud« r- t 1
ile.isn. ami toumifl.
1/ each; Mooftuv Mornine Ilarirnin, opp.
17?.- //9Bfl
90(11,0900. 0011, 0013, 0014, 9917, 0019, 600, 012, 618, 64U, 658, 078,
0022, 0928, 0302, 0033, 0036, 9052, 9067, 719, 720, 751, 754, 701, 707, 775, 777,
080, 003, flaVQQi
.var! Athletic .Singletsand Trunk Drawer in pink, _, . a ;<f. ' — 9000, 9000. 9007, 0060, 0078, 9981, 9083, 781, 700, 803, 810, 843, 661, 866, 860,
/ dfakj L
«!>:'.h«'lin. and lemon. Fast color.". Usually 6/11; I w? it for II. - A -|| 9987. 0091. 0000. 10001. 10000, 10017, 870, 801, 80L, 904, 000, 088, 053, 057,
MondayMorning,opp. G.I'.O 2/t»i 10922, 10024, 10033, 10043, 10053, 10003, 065, 082, 805. 003, 005. 006, 1031,
Braces , 10000, 10009, 10077. 10080, 10002, 1087, 1047, 1001, 1004, 1077., 1080 1086,
6'6 ArtiSieial Silk - - - 2'6 Elastic Web 10094, 10100. 10100, 10112, 10114, 10130, 1088, 1001, 1106, 1121, 1123, 1133, 1158,
Here'sa bargainyou shouldnot miss! Men'sCreme Pig Rarenin In Men'sIlrnws! llrnvv rpmlity 1 >f 10131, 10138, 10141, 10140, 10147, 10148, 1187, 1100, 1222, 1226, 1244, 1248.
/n« Kinetic WicdortuK a«i<lriMtic- 10155. 10150, 10157, 10177, 10179, 10181, 1160. 1257, 1200, 1272, 1278, 1?17, 1838,
A;f. Silk Singletswith short sleeves,for romfottaWo
7" summerwear. Si;:on34 to 40i«. Ustnllv (i/d; Mnn- JSm / J1J»
H WVbhinir, d rone
-d.kol flttinss. Full dzo. Usually 4/9 ra " J. "| // JL/ fCft 10187, 10191. 10207, 10222, 10228, 10238, 1254, 1341, 1342, 13G0,1361, 1302, 1387, 1880,
dav .MorningPargain 2/11 MondnvMorningRafgaln,nnn. 1 P.O. .. 1<da 10241, 10252, 10253, 10257, 10258, 10208, 1404, 1417, 1420, 1428, 1434, 1430, 1438,
J£ ri 10271, 10274, 10280, 10285. 10280, 10287, 1440, 1470, 1400, 1501. 1525, 1528,.1530,
I 10269, 10290. 10295, 10207. 10308, 10820,
10:i:i0, 10240. 10242, 10245, 10340, 10863, 1640, 1500, 1582, 1505, 1003, 1020, 1087,
1 072, 1074, 1677, 1070, 1085, 1088,
3 10254, 10250, 102011,10307, 10808, 10401, 1044
1 10404, 10411, 1 0431, 10427, 10144, 10448, 1008, 1727,
1007, 1702, 1703, 1712, 1722, 1725.
1730, 1740, 1750, 1765, 1700. 17S8,
B 10450 10400, 1040. 10400, 10472, 10476,
I 10170, 10481, 10407. 1810, 1824, 1827, 1839, 1870. 1894, 1807,
| 1034010342, 10602, 10500, 10607, 10520, 1002, 1005, 1038, 1050, 1061, 1055, 1067,
! I 10547, 10153, 10664, 10658, 10601, 10606, 1958, 1080, 2008, 2021, 2022, 2024, 2028,
1 10371, 10684, 10588, 10603, 10002, 2064, 2055, 2078, 2084, 2086 2104, 2145,
I 10500,
10008, 10000, 10615, 10027, 10C40, 10044, 2215, 2260, 2250, 2257, 2200| 2265, 2274,
po pairs to clear!
- - - - r - 3/H
Hard-wearing Knickers of
35/- Long 10048, 10070, 10082, 10685,.10600, 10696, 2278, 2282, 2302, 2311, 2316, 2381, 2350,
10090, 10701, 10706, 10709, 10710, 10718, 2r-58, 2308, 2370, 2372, 2387, 2889, 2400,
II 1072(1,10727, 10724, 10741, 10763, 10766, 2413, 2414, 242G,2427, 2420, 2440, 2442,
I 19750, 10701, 10708, 10709, 10770, 10774, 2440, 2458, 2402, 24G4,2470, 2473, 2461.
All-wool f!r?rsereite, in medium grey shade; strongly I 10767, 20701, 10802, 10804, 10800, 10810, 2483. 2487,
i' made and lined with extra heavy unbleached duck. I 19612, 10822,.10832, 10838, 10841, 10844, 2483, 2487, 2500, 2503, 2500, 2510, 2518,
-7?. Sizes 4-10; Monday Morn. 3/11. Sizes 11-1-. -I/G. | 19648, 10852, 10809, 10604. 10605, 10884, 2530, 2531, 2630, 2558, 2583, 2501, 2596,
I 19888, 10890, 10891, 10002, 10908, 10016, 2621, 2022, 2037, 2061, 2055, 2058, 2050,
Limit two! _. 0 19910, 10020, 10020, 10040, 10041, 10066, 2002, UH05,2074, 2675, 2091, 2710, 2740. 2713,
1 19001,' 10003, 10070,- 10080, 10088, 271-1, 2710, 2720, 2728, 2730, 2745,
?? I
z-piece f
10904. 11000, 11023, 11025, 11031, 11035, 2753, 2700, 2703, 2700, 2771, 2785, 2802,
11030, 11040, 11047, 11048, 11061, 11053, 2307, 2808, 2827, 2829, 2872, 2884, 2888.
11058, 11059, 11008, 11077, 11100, 11105, 2800, 2000, 2904, 2021; 2046, 2062, 2901,
| Boys' 1Q'6 Long g/4r« 11107, 11110, 11125, 11130, 11181, 11133, 2906, 2961, 3005, 8012, 3062, 3073, 8077,
i. Trousers ----- «P' «IL Suits / 11137, 11145, 11101, 11174, 11181, 11182, 3082, 3003, 3098, 3117, 3135, 3184, 3107.
11187, 11197, 11217, 11227, 11230,. 11248, 3222, 3220, 3232, 3234, 3237, 3248, 3253,
"2i 80 pairs only! Boys Long Sports Trousers 11250, 11250. 11200, 11208, 11260, 11273, 3201, 3273, 3279, 3281. 3208, 3311, 3316,
11282, 11200, 11290, 11302, 11800, 11327, 3325, 3320, 3332, 3350, 3307, 3370, 3372,
of All-wool Flannel, in light grey and hlue 11335, 11343, 11360, 11358, 11364, 11360, 3387, 3301, 3300, 3402, 8400, 3428, 3131, No one
grey; well made with belt loops, side straps, 11300, 11372. 11382, 11383, 11380, 11300, 3480. 3401, 8400, 3611, 3409,
3433, 3441, 3412, 8454, 3470, 3480, sugar, lump or two? Milk or lemon? It doesn't
etc. Sizes T-l'J. Usually 10/6; Opp. G.P.O., 11305, 11300, 11308, 11300, 1!400, 11401, 3520, 3540, 3550. 3551, 3513, 3614, 3510,
S/ll. Limit two! 11405, 11408, 11400, 11421,-11426, 11427, 3552, 3672, 3580, matter as long as your taste is suited. What does matter ,
1 1428, 11435, 11455, 11476, 11470, 11400, 3618, 3022, 3028, 3035, 3038, 3017, 3654,
11490, 11500, 11510, 11512, 11515, 11522, 3660, 3000. 8670, 3095, 3098, 3703, 3704, is the flavor of the tea itself.

f ,\T
Boys J7f6
Bargain group of 40!
Double and Single

Suits nH
I &
1 I7'6 fWl 11523, 11637, 11548, 11501, 11502, U503, 8723,
11571, 11572, 11570, 11584, 11580, 11600, 3788,
11504, 11004, 11611, 11027, 11028, 11033, 3803,
11007, 1.1000,11718, 11744, 11740, 11747,
11637, 11052, 11657, 11601, 11004, 11005, 4033, 9000,
3730, 8767, 3758, 3708, 3709, 3773,
3790, 3805, 3811, 8820, 3641, 3854,
380H, 3000, 3003, 3913, 3025, 3933,
3004, 4000, 4018, 4020, 4027,
4085, 4051, 4053, 4058, 4000, 4003,
4008,4002, 4093, 4102, 4105, 4107, 4112,
The flavor
of young buds is richest.
So rich
So rich that it gives
-r-, of All-wool Tweed and Worsted, In 11740, 11751, 11763, 11702, 11773, 11776, 4133, 4130, 4143, 4160, 4180, 4103, 4194, you enjoyment. that, once you taste it, you
zz" plain and fancy designs; plain Amazing Mali Price 11784, 11708, 11807, 11820, 11821, 11828, 4100, 4200, 4202, 4213, 4236, 4250, 4332,
ff Sizes 13, 14, 13 only. Usually 37/G; Opp. 11842, M850, 11801, 11875, 11876, 11884, 4339, 4345, 4353, 4354, 4359, 4300, 4302, are never content with ordinary tea again. ; . 0 ,
Knickers. Offer! 50 only! Boys' 11880, 11888, 11000, 11007, 11019, 11023. 4304, 4370, 4372, 4373, 4380, 4300, 4307,
"£" G.P.O.. 18/0. Limit twu! Double-breasted Two- 11030, 11032, 11047.
v 4300, 4400, 4425, 4430, 4422, 4400, 4401, An to
piece Suits of All. Wool INTERMEDIATE DRAWING, SYLLABUSA. 4402, 4471, 4475, 4404, 4501, 4500, 4518, inexpensive way buy young tea buds is to ask for
- - - -
Boys1 12'6 Sports Coats
Tweed in clerical grey Passed: 7114, 7117, 7108. 7225, 1 4525, 4533, 4540. 4541, 4542, 4545, 4561, Blub. Label Tea.
J5I 55 only! Boys' All-wool Tweed j ap and Flannel, in- silver 7255, 7518. 7319 7345, 7352, 7400, 7413, ' 4569, 4508, 4600, 4579, 4580, 4507, 4003. Then you get buds that have bei n
Sports Coats in smart fawn and greyBM| £ 7134, 7445, 7163. 7601, 7508, 700(1, 7607, 4000, 4011, 4047, 4051, 4062, 4G01,4062,
' 4603,
/ M grey shade: semi-Oxford J 7732, 7745, 7754, 7774, 7707, 7700, 7830, 4605, 4701, 4708, 4700, 4711, 4712, cured to retain their natural richness and
Xp tonlnps: styled with yoke and pleated — 7810, 7879, 7900, 7028, 7000, 7005, 8041, , 4720, 4734, 4743, 4767, 4780, 4791, 4796, slowly mulu >
Z, back, finished three patch pockets. Un- trousers. Sizes ,10-15. J , 4828, 4837, 4808,
Usually. - 357; 8973, 8122, 8175, 8254, 8200, 8273, 4817, 48C0, 4887, 4891,
gm lined. Sizes 8-15. Usually 12/6: Opp. G.P.O., G/G. Monday££| 8291, 8576, 8403, 8233,
8420, 6448, 8478, 8486, , 4007, 4015, 4021, 4037, 4051, 4057, 4074, refined to ensure purity. From a single pound of Bluu -v
Limit two. Morn, opp. G.P.O., 17/6. 6504, 8510, 8521, 8561, 6688, 8692, 8602, , 4082, 4985, 4080, 4003, 6002, 5005, 6034, —
8695, 8662, 8007, 8701, 87011, B007,, 5037,5002.6000, 6070,5070, 6066,600R, Label over hundred .
5 4' 11 Tobralco Blouses £or-3'6 Limit two! 6800,
8003, 0054, 0140, 0160,' 0230, 0264, 0271, , 5108, 6110, 5122, 6132, 5134, 6160, 6162,
you get two cups seven big cups of
0286, 0307, 9118, 0441, 0487, 9600, 0600,, 5153, 6101, 5105, 5107, 6177, 6103. 5100, delicious tea for Id.
9527, 0628, 0545. 0647, 0662, 0087, 0734,, 5213, 6230, 5240, 5251, 6271, 6277, 5280,
3'11 Washing f lm 9735, 0776. 0702, 0011, 00S2, 5206, 5308, 5312, 5315, 6323, .5332, 5340,
1 4f6 Tennis 9 /« Boys1 4'11 -ff /4k
Hats AI& 19001. 10045,10040, 10062, 10060, 10072,, 5341, 5352, 5355, 6893, 5308, 5410, 5427,
10073, 10004, 1A134, 10100, 10218, 10208,, 5433, 5435, 5442, 5449, 5454, 6460, 6470,
£ Shirts Bathers M.I%T 10280, 10285, 10523, 10588, 10640, 10600,, 5470, 6470. 6600, 6609, 6610, 6525, 6527,
Hoys' \Yohinc Hats,amusinglylow-priced! 10568, 10013, 10681, 10685, 10724, 10700,, 6540, 6551. 6562, 6500, 6568. 6586, 6596,
Sk..- Spvefiil TTalf Pr«o« ofT.r! Made from Tricedregardlessof costI PopularApron PeterPanshapeIn white,cream,fawu,dark 10792, lOfilfl, 10885, 10061, 10078, 10900,, 6001, 6002. 5018, 6028, 6629, 6030, 6039.
.. -m ' jiuperior White Beatrife Twill, with collar , and Combinedatyles in goodquality cotton. and light bine. All sizra. Usually 3/11; 11000, 11006. 11010, 11117, 11167, 11109,, 5007. 5077. 6079, 6080, 6087. 6696, 5707,
'5e» and povket attached. Sizeg11-131. Usually Naw nnd Hlatk onlv. 1,'stislly 4/tl; opp. opp. tU'.O., I III. 11248, 11273, 11286, 11321, 11335. 11340,, 5710, 6711. 6732, 5734, 6735, 6737. 5744,
-f/0; MondayAlotn. 2/«. tJ.P.O., 1/i|. 11359, 11395, 11427, 11428, 1 1430, 11438,, 6790. 6KQI. 5881, 6819, 6856. 6801. 6879,
11509. 11530, J1690, 11596,11601, 11027,, 6871, 6808. 6000, 6012. 5914, 5910, 5920.
Boys1 Tan «/«
11058. 11725. 11737, 1 1739. 11717, 11708.,, 6001.
5012. 09(5, 6917. 6902. 5005. 6079. 6983.
g 4'11 Tourist a
Mil Ifr-er
J'6 Athletic
- - - - '»
1 1 fa Black Shoes - 3F' 11773, 11770, 1 1817, 11S05. 11872, 11903,
11032, 11042, 11001. 5094. (iO'il, 0023. 0038. 00(0 0002, 6061.
| Shirts- Singlets O'Mm'-ntlot to rlcarl Boys'. Tan mid DRAWINGSYLLABUS0 0008. 6097, 6110. 61J 1, 0117. 0119. 0136,
tpear 2/ saving here! Hots' and Youth' Hoys' iind Youths' C olotrd Colter Siniflrt with Ih-sI Java rrepe ruhln-r INTERMEDIATE 016:t, 6172 0175. 0177, 0178 0105, 6196.
;2L- Tourist hirt«, with roller to - match: rein- at li's than Half! Sleeveless Athletic tyle or leather soles;everv.pair perfeel. Sire Fussed: 7003, 7013, 7010,. 7030, 0220, 0231, 0237, 6241, 0233, 0257, 0207.
Mr . rorcerf.neric. Smart drsigniand colon, .S»e in red, gold. sk.v. m< and navy. 7-9; opp. G.P.O..S/U; Size?10-13.6/11; 7033. 7030. 7037, "043, 7044, 7046, 7054, 0278. 6282. ((280, 6288, 0307 6315, 6324,
12-14. Csualiy 4/U; opp. O.P.O.,2/11. Usiiall.y :i/ 8 ; MondayMorn. 1/8. 1-2, 7/iij s/n. 7000 7005, 7067. 7070. 7083, 7084, 7097, 0839, 6344, 0347, 6862, 6354, 6360, 6304,
7112, 7110. 7122, 7123, 7150, 7157, 7200, > 0306, 6873, 0403. 6428, 0430 6441, 0449,
7202. 7203, 7206, 7209, 7210, 7224, 7285, . 6460, 0460, 6464, 0409, 0470 6504, 6510,
7230, 7245, 7267. 7277, 7288, 7202, 7209, 1 0521, 0520, 6539, 0506, G500 0614, 6015,
$ LONDON STORES Ltd,, opp, G.P.O. Melb. 7301, 7303, 7321, 7331, 7342, 7.840, 7800,
7367, 7374. 7428.
> 6020, 6023, 0025, G0S4,(iOIOj 0051, 0656.
7386, 7410, 7411, 7410. 7410, 6673, 6077, 0081, 0690, 0710 0725, 6730,
7417. 7119. 7420. 7431, 7452. 7403, i 6743, 0750, 0755, 07O2,0702.'

National Library of Australia

Racing Stewards Need
to be Alert Cape Borda Over HAZELWOOD'S NINE EASY WORK AT
Hurdles CAULFIELD ..
Extraordinary reversals of form
by D. M. Ulcnnon, CAPE T ITTLE Flemington Work
by several horses running in the ijlDDEN fast galloping was. at-
metropolitan area in the last few BpRDA was given his first les- 'tJ this Big Muster on Tracks
weeks have given rise to much dis s()n" over hurdlos at Flomlngton this tempted, at Flemington
morning. Hq olourcd five obstacles was morning, although the gruss track fPHLRF was a biff muster on tho
cussion among regular racegoers: in satisfactory Later Cape available. Caullletd tracks this morning, but
stylo. Hnzolwood (A. was
rpi-IE R E itro lens discs of horses bo-
Borda did usoful pacing ' over a limed to run nlno Dcwhurst) furlonirs on the and
few 'fast gallops were done. Woodcnd
miouie distance on tho inside sand, Mornlngton candidates sot
Ing non-triors lltitn ,the run I, ttntl BAUYTHON (A. Armsdon) and grass in 2.1, tho first mil© in 1.47. through tasks.
file of racing followers hdlcvc. . hut
SAHitElirt (T. Dynon) . were . com ov«rthree SWKKTAHHKY,n Kdinoolllly, movednicely Mystic pleasing 1'oak showed that ho Js doing
tho fiict Is Indisputable Unit daring Ilia furlotiRRon tho tan In.38 sec. TOM In his preparatlon. by running
last fow weeks there 'havo been some panions In a fust' school over six TIT (U, Ynten whsii quiirtrr of a secondlonger nlcoly sovon furlortgs on tho tan .with Repast
nights; E. J. Courtney's Divine Com overtlio wthiodislnnee.VK1.OCF.TTI':
performances which many racegoers edy goicllng Knncliill) got over dispoiwdof kIx furlongson.the 65
(It. Hones)
«nndin 1.1fJJ in. 1.36. Both moved froely, but wero
contain) should huye been the sub threo hunjloH ami then sprinted four MOTIIAM'. (J. nuiTiichdrecorded src?.for four nol at their top at any stage. Details:
ject of Inquiry by the stewards. I uii the I
furlongs on ho grass In 57 sec, A tcrcd J.6 for their five together,and six easingJin. I.KJK1JNK nnd JtHQUKNA re jcIh- A TRACK(SAND)
In some cases liorsos that hnvo run ridden, A. tip Two' Furlongs.—
very lmdly one week, havo won as Cistercian geiding tB)MEOmoved'freely In 27;
Mul'huo jumped five bnUeius, by In 1.21. WeeBeau,after striding, 20.
they liked n few days Inter. If any On the THti.-MUI.CRA (W, Clark) nnd the Three Furlong— I.K/UJDCRY and a com
Inrinlry wero m/ttlo the stewards did KASSUAT AT THE HAKIUKR rievi/us>8iitilLMiirlo lllly (I. Tnngey),.four fur panion. 4»H SANTORB. oventhirn; Eublto,4J.
not disclose the fact, and It Is to he longs In 621 #i;p.; lA YIK4N, four ln 6dj' sen.: hourhtirlungrt. —CROWDKL movednlcoly with
assumed that If they did make nny HhYue his arrival in Australia from C. A. Goodfellow's The Night.Patrol—thinelllly b'AYWAUPled BKANX-
Knglnnd Uuzrat has shown miruli- Hv« (J. .Mclicrmod ), two In 26 hoc.; LORDUSHKX,?»".» iW-2(S.0,K .1"
In nllj.
Inquiry they satlslled themselves that iiosh at Iho post In his races. He was nee.;inH1Z7.MAID. 1.7; CLK'AItICK (T. Roe), tour in 51 HOLME Five Furlonga. —POITREUX,l.JOi.
thorn was no cniisn for action. three in 40 see.:INFLUKNCK Six Furlong.—WKILGOcamehome
lmdly left in tho Slitncllsh (A. Phyhmd).two In 26 sec.;fPBAL PRtNCK 1.21; well in
WORTH CONSIDER!, NT. ni jriemingtou oii Thursday. Handicap With A. (K. Ti'hun), two In'251 sru.;GRACUI.ETTK LUMINOUSGROWfrjk 1.26.
(CJ, ' OneMile.— LAMPRA
Anothor isriea of .kelclic. by Woll» of enthusiiuts nt tho M.C.C. and BONNIEDOBwent
ground. Dewliurst in the saddle, Ifaznit was Power) iimi AKO.NONK (P. Teimu), a miln in In 1.67. —
It Is suggested by several authori given bnrrjer practlco at tho machine 27 .1.61; KATONfQUK and LADY HAILKY, two In easily Nine Furkhgs, 2.5; COI'PETTE,
ties that a steward should bo em on the flat at headquarters this morn see.;ANTONEI.LO, throe In I0j sec,;FRRN- BEKNESK,
ULIFFR,ihren in 41 see.;LA JOCOSIlK,two in '
ployed to maintain a eeaseloss super PROGRAMME AND SELECTIONS FOR RICHMOND ing. Ho behaved well, and did not 20 n<>e.; OWENDKNNISand CARNADINK. two
vision over bookmakers' volumes dur dclny in jumping out. In 28 hcc.; ZANIHAR,two In 25 «.; DICK (hm Furlong.—LDORANO.13.
ing betting operations. The sugges ON MONDAY TOM TOM (Vy. J. Jiowson) gave TIjRPIN and BAANYA. four In 63 sec.; DARK Two;Furlong. —SILVER-BILLY finUhcrfwell
tion Is well worth considering. The a hotter display than RED SEA (K. ItOPK homingLADY PEVISKR,four in 65 sec.; In 26J ; RESERVE FUND, 27J; PEARLFISllER
lorm In a number o£ Jumping races IHvislon.s have extended the TUch- Scott) over half a dozen hurdles at COROMAXDKL and HYA.MA.two in 26J #« 20. Three furlong—M1NIPA, 42; ATTORNEV
lately has been exceedingly hard to Hawthorn Handicap.— Main Bazil, Caulflelfl. WINEBERRY (J. Nanki- .SCOTCH GUARD (J. Murphy) and UAILSKO
follow. Some of these races havo mond (rotting programme on Aron- Groat was over GOWIHK, two hi 26 sec.;BANGKOK (H. Haw '41: PKCUNIA,134.
been run in a most peculiar manner, U«y to ton ovonts. The first race is I; Miss Major, 2; Dorby, 3. vell) tried hurdles. He two in 28 see.;DKLKICCIOand QCKAN-1 Four furlongs —IDEAL LADY easily lv\it
timed to start 'at 12.-15 p.m. AHSociftUon Handicap.— -First Divi Jumped threo small and threo high kins), BF.YAN.throe in see.;NKANGAIt(W. Ncl- SULfAN'S TOY In 633; RUSSETWINGSand
and racegoers would havo been better sion: Sparkling Spocd, 1; Grand Lulu, hurdlos in nice style. four in 64 Reo.;PR1NCKMOSS iiMifrtodby BOB AVON finishedtogether in 54.); VEJ1.K
satisfied had the stewards questioned bSeloctlons:— « haSlflHtonp,looking \v<?) 1 after a xhort let-up, SOU), DOR, hard held, 68); VAIN LADY and CY-
the riders and given the public a Progressive Handicap. — First Divi 2;' Klnnlo Bazll; 3. been takfii in Imml WALLACK MAIN. live.In 1.7: NKW IIOPK (W.
sion: First Saloon, Second Division.— Countess Grattan, CuulfluhJto Im preparedforbytheFrAfllumnrachiu Foulxlmmnt Nelson), throe in 10 sec.; PIPINGLADY and ANtiS werekept,well In hand In 58); MISSLE
statement that there wore no grounds 1; VIow Voyage 2- II. King's Ethiopiangelding,four in 66 sec. and VALETUDO,531.
for suspicion. Dandy Vin, 3. 3; Master Dolavan, 2; Violet Bells, 3. carnival. On thoSand.— WINDANNO(J. Ruffaelc),four Five furlongs.— QUERY,3.12.
Second Division. — Dido' Huon, 1; Richmond Handicap. — Abdullah
W. Koroih
the Nassau
hn taken In hand nt Mentonefurlongs In 62 sec.
—l.eifrim Six fnrlotigs— MITHRASmoved nicely in
Gay Style, 2; Major Beau, 3. mare Mhtnrcn, who hn« On the Grass. —SHADYNOOK,fivefurlong In 121: BEBNEIL w«i going easily alongaldoa
Bells, 1; Percy Direct, 2; Alredo, 3. lifl'l n Ir>ngRpidl. 1.8: MYI.ORA and WEF.JEAN, «ix In 1.21; male in 1.26.
VICTORIA AMATEUR TURK CUUB Flying Handicap.— Almont Wilkes Novice and Trades. — First Division: The importer!u'eldirtgAttraction tin arrived AMY four In 621 «<.: IUZ7,INI, two Sevenfurlongs— "PRINCF. AM went fast carlv
1; Dolnvan Gold. 2; Vin Direct, 3. Morris Bells. .1; Native Voyage, 2; nt Klcmljiiiioii (mm Wngga In clmrgu of S in 26 STAR, see.; MOKE NOISEand At.KXANDROS, in 1.38); SIR DOUGLAShad assistance in
SATURDAY,17th JANUARYJlliETINO, 1731. Trotters' Handicap. — Crossy Wood, Dandy Vln,v3. Heiislcy. four in 66hoc. 1.401; COSMKwent strongly.
7; Birdie Dustwood, 2; Ocean Queen, Second Division.— Edna Major, 1; One mile—VUROKBkept an even pace In
F.ntrlci cloin .it 3 p.m. on Tuc.clavnext. Nollio Mauritius, 2; Huon Marvin, 3. 1.52; FLAVKUOfinishedwell in 1.51.
Olh January,1931. C TRACK (CINDERS)
HAWTHORNHURDLE.£350. Two miles and Order Of Running: For Ri chmond Trotting Meeting One furlong—CONSUELA, 12; LIBERTY
65 yards. BELL, 14.
MONDAYNEXT One and n quarter miles.. An Unusual Race Entries and Acceptances LULLABY, 26; DOMINANT,20.
ANNIVERSARY HANDIUAU.£650. One mile MONDAYNEXT. First Division. Four furlongs— BEDONIA,63; OQF BIRD,
and three furlongs First Eventto"Start at Quarterlo One, Week
KOWENAWELTER,'MyO.' For steeplechase Coursemay be reachedby. tram, motor-car Derby Vale (6) To start Rt 2.35. AUCKLAND. Saturday. — Com
Due Next 531.
scr. SparklingSpeed Five furlongs
jockey#only, (Lowesthandicapweight Ost'1 or cab'from City to R»cecotir#o g ate#. Proud Abbey (1) . . . ser.
menting. on the race for tho Clif
ACCEPTANCES for the Woodend OF THE MORNwent evenly jn 1.7. ,
Sevenfurlong#. PROGRAMME (2) ... scr, v Yds.Bhd. ford PJnte yesterday, which Night- A Sevenfurlong—THIRD KINO, 1.37); SON-
KOAKARlBHTRIAL, £360. Apprenticeriders £100. PROGRESSIVE ANDORDEROF RUNNING: meeting on Wedncsflaj'. artel for MCA,
(Lowest HANDICAP. £100. Major Mac (3) ser, MeadowLark 12 march won after earlier failures, The the Mornlngton fixture on Thursday 1.43: I'AKKWOODcnntcrcd and ST.
7«t.) One mile. Herald says: "Tho race was ryn
HANDICAP. £400. si furlongs! Nine furlongs. HuonJenn (5) scr. Klnnlo Bazil . 12
HonestVin (4) scr. Rally Huon . 12 In the slow time of 2.17. Some idea will be declared at 2 o'clock on Mon
Nomination#. ,£i, To Start 12.46. Burllo Chief Hue Wind . . 24 of the pace set gathehod from day, while on->Thursday next accept
First Division (9) .... scr. Nervic Mauritius 24 ances are duo' at 2 p.m. for the meet- IHhIKr" J- - \ n n
A. V. HISKKNS.SecretaryV.A.T.O. the fnct thn-t the Grandstand Han
<82 Bourko Stfcct, Melbourne. Elm Sigrv (7) . scr. March (3) , . / «er. Ribbnnhand(8) scr. Dux Star ... 48 ing at Sandown Park on Saturday. Mid-Week Cricket Draw, U100TWEAR.—High-gradeStation! Brand,rc-
Bronte Alto (1) cr. Bazll Wilkes GrandLulu (7) scr. dicap over the same distance was On Tuesday next entries are due - duccd to Win.
Vin Hope (6) . scr. Fixtures for A and B Groups in the ; 22/0. Luttgcna,corner
(10) ... , scr. SecondDivision for the Victoria Amateur Turf Club's Midweek Cricket Association are: — Lvgon and (.rattan St.. Carlton. BOTTLED IN BOND
MOHNINGTON RACING CLUB First Saloon .ViewVoyage To start nt 3.25 meeting on January 17. The pro A Group.—Sixth Hound;Jan. 0-13: Brighton-
c.or.n oup mkf.tinh, (12) .... scr. (2) ..... scr. Dclavan'sJewel TexasMauritius gramme is. an attractive one, con Sports v. Wanderers,nt Brighton, 1.30 p.m. TAOOTWEAR.
— Lidien' or Gout' ChoiceFrench
thursday, JANUARY8. 1831. Dundy Vin (11) scr. yds.bhd. (1) ... scr. (8) . . . . scr. sisting of the Hawthorn Hurdle Race, (umpires,Dsirnctt.. Nichols). Jan. 7-14: Fire
' Kid, mado to order; tender feet carefully
135 ENTRIES 135 ENTRIES. Long Voyage(4) scr. .Alice Dohle ... 12 Xotus (6) . . . ser. Yds.bhd. Holiday Stakes, Anniversary Handi Brigadev. C.iulfioldSport. Fitxroy, 1.45 p.m. treated. ' Win. Luttgen, Lvgon St., Carlton.
Acceptances on Mondayneat, January 5, at Maud Voyage Sailor'sImage ..32 .Prima Donna(5) scr. MasterDolavan, 12 cap, of £650. one mile and three fur (Rooke. Sooor) Tattorsall'ft v. Aririi. Oloit.
(9) . . , . icr, I'roudwood.... 24 Violet Bells (7) scr."'BaHyhsndy . .. 12 Kookaribb fende,1.45. p.m. (Sharpe,Rachurn). Emerg UIOOTWICAR. — Ladies' Choice Hand-sewn
Trainersami Jockeys'tickets availablefrom Huon Marvin lamrlc Voyage'. . 24' Rubin Bells (2) scr. General'sSon . 12 longs; Rowena. Welter, ency umpires:WetlcnhaU,Goodc. L Pumpsor WdtM, for tenderfet, fit guar-
.Mr Uordon !.ockln«tton.p/o V.R.C. ItaiMim-a,' £») ..... scr. Norman Vovage. :6 Countess Grattan WhiteChief . . 24 Trial, and Tooronga Handicap. B Group.—Eleventh fi; Argus mteod. : Wm. Liilteens, Lygon St.. Carlton. SUPERVISION
Jlrlbournt. NO REFUNDSwill be irlvni. Pelcr Oslcrlcy jVHnMarcus... 18 (I) . - . . scr. DaphneRibbon 2» Entries for the Kyneton fixture on v. Corinthians,Richmond,t p.m. (Glassou,
' JOHN houfi3, Secvclrtry. (.S) ... . scr. Austral Direct . Ititlus Diiect . . 36 January :L6 close on Monday with Mr t'rellln). Jan, ii: Ambulancev.' Telegraph,
ritonp: .Mornhiglon13. ' -SecondIleal, (3) . . ? . #cr. ' Gordon Lockington, V.R.fJ. Buildings. Brunswick,!» a.m. (Dent. Conley); Caulfleld
To Start nt t.lfi. . £200 RICHMONDHANDICAP £200 Tho principal event will be the Sum hporln v. Cable-Beam,Caulfiold, 3 2.30 p.m.
BITTERN RACES Gay Style (II) . cr. Tea Girl (9) . . scr. One mile ami a half. mer Handicap, of £60. Other races (Mclean, McLaren).Emergencyumpire: Cohen.
WEDNESDAY, ,JANUARY 11 Alladln Voyugu GrandDerby (3) #cr. startat 3.50. include the Welter Plate and Purse, Twelfth Round:Jan. 12: Ambulancev.- Argutr,
(4) . .' . , scr. C'leveStone(12) scr. TooraIjus (1)To «-r. Perey
flS.— RI1TK11NHANDICAP. (Inn miln.
J! --
NOVICE HANDICAP. Six fiirlonn.
tin.— 14,0 PONY RACE. Four furious,"
Sl» furious,,
Scipio f71 . . . scr. Betty Marvin
ter (8) . , . #or. (&)-. .
Perinmi ( 5) . . ser. Hov Major . . 12
' . . "cr. My I'mI (7) , ser.' Dnrhv Divine . ' 24
yds,bhd. Royal Irish (81 ser. Abdullah Bells 24
Direct . 12 Maiden Platen Novice Handicap and Richmond,
Handicap Pony Race.
An attractive programme
framed by the Pakenham
has been
1 p.m. (Crellin, Glasson). Jan.
13: Telegraphv. CaulHcldSport, Port Mel-
houii)'-.!» a.m. ("Dent,Cohen); Cable-Beam
Corinthians,Prahr.ut, 12.30 p.m. (CooU»y>
Racing McUiui). Emergency:McUren.
tin.— 14.2 NOVELTY PONY. Four and n MajorBenti(2) . scr. Dido Huon.... 12 ChiefAdmiral(2) scr. Golden Gift . 36
half furlongs. OakwnodIjws i'yramid 21 GovernorWHkcs The Admiral . 36 Club for its meeting on January 22.
£S.—MAIDEN PLATE. Flvn furlongs.
(1) scr. Sir Doblc . . . 21 (3) ....
Kres (fi) scr. Utor Direct ... 21 SomeQualUy'(fi) per. Alredo . . .
BubbleDirect '
ser. Dun Sloper .. 36
Among the races is the Pakenham
Gold Bracelet, which carries a stake PONY WORLD NOTES
O. Lockinglon, 101 Bourko Street. HonestVoyage . 36 Smart Argot (1) per. Great Derby . . IS- of £100. Nominations close on The Ascot trainer, T. HnokhoUfc,ha added
H. DOWNWARD,Secretary. (10) .... scr. Yds.bhd.Burnealto. . . 66 January 12.
Divithis ... 12 Direct Home . 84- tho STAR ROST.V,to hi team.
£150. FLYING HANDICAP. £150. The three-year-old,
filly fs a half-sieter by StardrHt from
16th JANUARY. To Start at 1.40. One and a quartermiles.
—Richmondtrota, settlingoverAspen- out
Dream Lady to the McntoncTwo-year-Old
winner,Coolite. Backhouse has turned Dhulina
Speed Coursing
Rail .Freight Paid, WinnersExcepted,60 Miles Vin Direct (-4) . ser. Almont Wilkes . . 12 Monday. for a sued.
Radius. Main Razil (t) . scr. DclavanGold . . 12 (To start at <4.15) run in 2.0 3-3, when tho going was dale racesami past events; Mornlngtonaccept RONZER,si 14.2 pony by Carwclkin from
Con Derby (3) , ser. Direct Home... 36 CorrectDonlgn Mauri Boy(0) Scr. considerably slower than when this ances(2 p.m.), IVoodendacceptances (2 p.m.); Pilgrim' An attractive programme of
(1) . . . . Scr. rctefOsterley first forfeits,Adrian KnoxSlakes(V.R.C.offices), and Crown, has arrived from the country
ISO—RUMMERHANDICAP. SJ hirloncn. Dollar note (5) scr. Harold Pronto . , 36 Oddwood(8) . Ser. (ft) .... Scr.
race was decided. is 16 work. events will be contested com
f30—HANDICAPMAIDENPLATE. 5 lurlonzs Kit Marvin (2) scr. Lulu Lady . . . 36 "Nlghtmarch might have won In any Kyneton entries, Maryboroughentries, Bittern HABVEYS"?/ s USHS 7/6. IMRTINS&'e.
ytls.bhd. Rim Sign («> . Scr. MorrisBella(3) ' Scr. entries, St. Arnaudentries. . , SIR DUDLEY,who recently brokedown, has
been gentout for r
i'";dlvldod. Plulr, 0 '' r,' PUnSE, equally Burnealto 12 Glen Abbey(7) Scr. Yds.bhd. circumstances, but why the riders Tuesday. —Bunylp ponies,Gosforuraces,Jueii- (. Carroll has taken holiday. OBTAINABLE AT
furious,; Purse,1 mile, .... Ernest, Wilkes GrandSailor . .12 of the other horses allowed him to raond pony ncccptnuccs. GOLDENSAMMY in richardson's.
£20—HANDICAPI'O.NYRACE,11 a.u. I lur- £150. TROTTF.RS' -HANDICAP. £150. (10) .... Scr. Dandy Vin . . . 24 stride along so slowly in front with Wednesday.— Woodcndrace, Sydney pomes, The country pony, RONA, handat Richmond. Flat and Hurdle Races wine and spipit store
Two inilea. s Yarra Wilkes Vin'#Hope ... 24 out making any effort to go with him Nar Nar Goonpony entries, j\scotentries,Shop- is trained at I5B RUSSELLS. InEII iou«l!
£20—(NOVICEHANDICAP. 5 furlonK«. . To start at 2.5. I (2) . Scr. Molly Harum . . 48 until reaching the straight is diffi partoii races. „
Ascot. with Golden Rone and Bluer. - the exchange . wine and spirit store
All Nomluxtioiu-,10/. uloscWilli M.- P. Con. Dixie AHUter.- Rex Nazi (16) sor. Nat be Voyage M.volnTjjm . . , RO — WHITTIER'S STAR, who was In Races 259 LIT.
idine, V.R.C. Building. MoU>ournc. . Scr. Pyramid . , . . 81 cult to understand. Altogether It. was Thursday. Morningtonraces,Sandownaccept- Flemington,is now. work at Whippet COLLINS ST.'ncxt sw.Nr.roNsr.)
or with (13) ;.-,' #er. Kent Freedom (t) ...
a very unsatisfactory affair." .-<- visiting Ascot. the town hali. .wine and spirit store
Secretaryat.Kyneion on Monday.Mh January. Proudwood(IT) scr. , (12) . . . scr. SecondDivision Friday.—Towongraces. , . Regular track workers sfc-Ascot include Trains Jcavc No. 5 platform. 67 SWANSTONST.(ncabcollins sr.l
G. O'FAKHIXL, Alexander Hotel,- Kyneton, Gity.Style-- (3) '. ser,. Royal.. ' (9) Voyngo scr. (To start at 4.45) .Nightmarch had a mixed reception Saturday.— Sandown,Towong,Avencl. Ararat, MELGU1DE, SALLYAN,CHISEL,-"VAltQUADOR
Secretary. Phone o. .
First Saloon< . . . .... when ho returned' to the sec Ccssnock, S.A. I..V.A., BeL and BILL BREW (late Namo). Flinders Street, at 6.38, 7.0, wine and spirit
scr.' TortorDirect (I) .ser." New (3) Scr. Joiu Bells(10) Scr. tion of the crowd scale, Cohunn,Canterbury, mosies store
(5) . . NcllinLady
Mauritlua Bazil Wilkes(7) Scr. hooting and count-, mont (W.A.):. 7.28, 7.44 nnd 8.14 p.m., direct ccnNCi!ELIZABETHST.a FLINDERS St.
The Pluml>er Ocean Quetn (8) . . .'.Scr. Yds.bhd. ing him out. Nightmarch was' ridden to "White City Station, and re
CLUB. (2) ... cr. (7) . . . scr. JennyDerby (fi) Scr. RubbleDirect . 12 by Roy Reed. y
FREE CITY PARKING turn immediately after tho last
the alexander wihe and spirit stcme
122 SPENCERST. (ore. nailwat station)
Voygencs (6) ser. % Yds.Bhd. Timely Mac (2) Scr. Tea Girl ... 24 ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS event.
(SUMMERMEETING.) Creasy' Wood GeneralVoyago 36
£20 HDCP.MAIDEN PLATE. Six furlongs. (4) MajorBeati (5) Scr. Drum Nett . . .18 TURF Park your car under cover at Car-
120 HDOP.PONYRACE, 14.1 a.u. Four and Birdie ' .Dust . . scri."Night Sign . 64 KalkceLu (9) .-Scr. HuonMiirvin . . 48 Kuromin,Wongawii!and Woriotha,who had "Morris Cope" (Thornton street, hew;.— lyon's Garage, where you pay 1/ for RETURN RICHARDSONSWlNESsSPIRfTS
a half furlongs, Jeff Mauritius 72 Deceiver(1) Scr. AliceDoblc ... 72 a brief stay at Flemingtonduring Christmas,At his last start, at Pakenhumon December 18, a metal token which FARE. I/.
» wood (S) . scr. Eduu.Major(4) Scr. CreasyWood 96 havo returnedto Vale, unplaced. is accepted at A SINGLEBOTTLEATWHOLESALE PRICE
£100 PAKENHAMGOLD BRACELET. About , . Bonny Little Hedfernwas Carlyon's Hotel at its face value of 1/ A OMISSION 2/; LADIES l/«
s J furlongs. £100. HAWTHORNHANDICAP. £100. at time and (which includes Tax).
£.70 JUVENILE HDCP. Four and a half fur Nine furlongs. any
— (Atlvt.). in any department auiifuuohoursa a.m. 6 p.m.
- To 2.30.' m saiuroavs incuiflco
long. (For two-year-olds.) i
'£50 NOVICEHDCP. Six furlong. (£50 con- Toora Lass(5) scr. Myrtlo Bronte HERALD LEARN-TO-SWIM CAMPAIGN FIELDERS HAVE TO PAY TAX
ditions.) . JudgoSlam (0) scr. (4) . . . . scr.
£30 WELTERHDCP. Six furlongs. Flying Daly GovernorWilkes ON "NODDED" BETS
All nomination!10/, except Bracelet,£!. (11) . . . scr. NEARING RECORD PROPORTIONS
-Nominationsclose with Mr ,G. Locklngton, Lesnagar(1) >cr. SomeQuality
4 03 RourkcStreet, on Monday,12th January, Model(7)
and the Secretary,PakenlmmEast P.O. Free
carriagefor horses,aUke-winner excepted.
-M,J, BOURSE.Secretary,
Silent Knight
. , scr.
(12J . . . scr.
Divltius (13) scr. Miss Major' . 12
(10) . . . scr.
Buzil (2)
Yd. BIkL
Enthusiastic State-Wide.
Missing Punter
SYDNEY, Saturday. — Bookmakers,
H. DOWNWARD;Assist.Sec.
" Bonnlo Denver Great Derby 36
Response over the winning bets tax,
Phone:PakeuhamEast 67. (8) ..
Ohlcf Admiral
i . scr. Diana Wood
.Dclavan Gold . 48
. disgruntled
are now lamenting the fact that a big
(8) . . . scr.
punter failed to put in an appear-

A SPECIAL TRAIN for horsesand pas rntlE grassand tho sand were both used at
more organisations
and individuals linking
ance at the settling over the New
Year's Day meeting at Kandwlck.
has left the fielders short of more
sengers will leave SpencerStreet at. 10.35 -L Ascot this morning, and the going was TXy/W up with The than £500.
a.m., stopping wlierc required,and for .pas fair. . frfr Herald Learn-to-Swim Campaign daily, fine weather is all that
sengersonly at Ii.30, a.m., running express. On tho grass;
OltVONIA, C'AROUIDE'and Among the missing punter's wagers FASHION SHIRTS - -
12/6 Trousers -- -
First race starts at 2 p.m.
SPLENDID MOTOR ROAD. BOUNCE,5 furlongs in 1.6);4 KATB CLANCY,- and
is needed to make the State-wide drive between January 17 was a winning one, and he supported Sports ,
GOOD 5 fur. In 1.10;- YANAROO, fur. out of tho February 7 the biggest thing of its kind ever achieved irii tho horse with several bookmakers. 25 only to go ! Men's Fashion Shirts. I / Mcii'h Grey Flannel Sport Trousers,made Wf t <f A
CATERING. THIS IS THE PRINCIPALMID chute in 52), , The result is that the bookmakers A Shop soiled, 1 limit customer. Gush In all slees, s ide .traps,belt loops, euff liot- _
WEEK MEETING- Australia. tax on this win I /- w!rth Annual hummerSale, //II
J. E. KEATING, Hon. Secretary. Ohthe sand: LONELYBOBBY,4 fur. In 67; will have to pay tho at counter only. I
/AX 9
POLLYMINE. OUR BREW, i fur. in 551; Swimming and life saving clubs, Councils, Progress Associations, ning Jnvostment, including, of course, J j
TDQXING, Wrestling, Physical Culture,Jlu- TRUSTYDORA,4 fur. in 57; LITTLE PHIL, 3 Returned Soldiers' League branches, schools and other bodies are the stake. But in this case, the stake
JA. jUau, Broadsword,etc. Graham'sAthletic fur. In 43; TURBULLA, 3 fur. In 13; CAR- is only a mythical one, the bet being 2/11 Boxed Braces - - -
Club, 178 Collins St. Phone0658, LAWN, 3 fur. In 43; LOKOHU,2 fur. in 28; combining in an 'effort to give every non-swimmer in Victoria the "nodded" with the different1 fielders. 2 3/11 Black Shirts 12/6 Men's Bathers — 5
BOBSIR, 3 fur. in 43; SWEETBERRY, 4 fur. opportunity to learn to swim, free, under instructors. So these bookmakers will have to pay Mons 6ilk web oIubuo « //% . Men Strong Italian Cloth a lf\ Moii'n Artificial Silk and frt 4
/"YRDERyour XmasSuit for '2/6 Weekly at In 54); QUEER MISS, 3 fur. In 44;
tho. Government various sums of brace whh suedeor leather I /% Shirts, attached collar and 9 / « Wool Bathers,latest united % //«I I
Cassell's,343 Ella. ST.; 332 St., BACHELOR'S PAL, 2 fur. in 281. endsin fancy boxes.Worth
P. Yarra; 45 PaisleySt., F'scray. Chapel WEB BEN, short 2- fur. in 10; MISSOLIVE. was published in Tho Herald
The first "Whoro to Enrol" guide learners can enrol with him at 53 money out of- their own pocket, and a 2/11, AnnualSummerSale
JL // U pocket,all sizes,Worth 3/11; M/ ' l9
AnnualSummerSale, 2/3.
style, latest designs. All %9/XX
U>ual12/6; Annual /
BLUF.Y 3 fur. in 43; ENSfGNA,once round yester Blackwood Street, Yarraville. they have ho legal means of making SummerSale,5/11.
In even-time; SAICLON.4 fur. in 55; CAP- day. Supplementary lists will be pub PRESTON AND NOTtTHCOTE the punter pay his debts. .
VTT BITE CITY , TAIN DESMONDand LUBRIGAN, 5 fur. in lished in the next two weeks, and the From two bookmakers the punter - - -
FOOTRUNNING 1.11; PICNIC, 4 fur. in 55; BUFFUNE, 1 final complete list will be given on the Jion. secretary (Mr
mile In even-time, eve of the campaign, January 10.
Preston Life Saving Club, said the
PER. Huthnance) took £100 to £25, which means that 2
7/6 Men's Bathers
Men'sTatefltunited bath- A /9 <f
7/11 Men's Shirts 4/11 Boxed Handkerchiefs-
TUESDAYNIGHT NEXT. today, would have 12 instructors avail the bookmakers concerned 'will each crs, assortedshades, < / I I Men's Fashion Mlg\ 1 Men's ikdt English /9 m f
NOMINATIONS CLOSE MISS SALONA,4 fur. in 66); SELECT," 6 Non-swimmers should the free able for classes at Preston Baths. have tQ Pay tho Government £12/10/. allHizc. made from Reppo Shirts, Twill, /% /UA Cambria llandkcruhief. I I
\ MONDAYNIGHT,WITH SECRETARY.' in evriptime; PRINCE PILATIS and KING'S classes now. Several of jointhe clubs Class times will be 11 a.m. to noon, The punter's losing wagers greatly
Usual 7/6 value. Annual J/ 1J, etc., assorteddesigns,wilh t in box, eachoneworth 1/ / 119| A, .
' FOLLY, 3 fur. in 42: BROADFROST and STAR- SummerSale, 3/11. / collar to match. a!» V 2 1/ each. Usiully sold /'
3o8 COLLINSSTREET.CITY. will to ' Worth
MELLA, 6 fur. la 1.8; STARROSTA,3 fur. in havo notified that they provide 3 4 p.m., and 7 to 8 p.m. daily. Mr outweighed his winning bets. 7/11; Annual SummerSale, 1/9). 4/11 box: AnnualSiinnncrSalo.1/ i 1 j.
£15—75 YARDS SPRINT. 42. special classes for parties of office, J. Donnet, a brother of Mr Y. Donnet, Included among the bookmakers to
shop or factory employes who wish to of the Blchrqond Baths, is superin suffer are men to whom the punter Men's Singlets - - -
join up in a body. tendent of the Preston Baths, and will owes £200, £180 and £160. Children's Bathers - - - 1/11 Carpenters'
Werribee Amateur Swimming Club assist In the lessons. Intending ® Aprons
25 only to go, 1 £»J
is helping again. "Tho weather is our learners can enrol with Mr Donnet at' A limit, ' 1 Customer, QbI - Children's2-piecoBather#,
trimmed with red, white or
4 /
I /_
Apron, large pocket, |Al
1 '9
only drawback now," said tho secre Preston Baths, JW378S, or with Mr BEST MINIATURE LINKS FOR v Cash at Counter | I ' A
when Huthnance. TITLE PLAY a-. blue. Worth 2/11; Annual X I strong tape tics. Well Xl/2lli '
tary (Mr Fred. Stewart) today, Only. EACH Summer Sale, If. / worth 1 /ll; Annual
announcing complete class plans for instruction Already 30 learners are receiving the miniature''golf champion Melbourne of Summer Sale, 10-)d. »W
his club. at Northcote baths, where 13 a manor a woman,an nilult or a child?
Northcote Herald
Classes will bo, held at the pool, the Life-Saving and Swim ThegaipeIs 8osimplethat winning The
of is . £5/5/ - Men's Suits - - - -
Chirnslde Park, Werribee, as follows: ming
Week days, 4 to 5 p.m. and 7.30 to
Club has an army of instruc
tors working enthusiastically.
to nnv nlavcr.
the little links a possibility
Tho lendingminiature links ot Melbourneand A 'Men'spure wool navy r%a rg\ ./ .
Men's Underwear - - 63/- Men's Suits
' AM
- -
8.30 p.m.; Sundays, /10 noon, classes
Non-swimmers can enrol for the suburb are availablefor play in the champion Twill Tailor-madeSuit, A" « / % /_ Regular 4/11 value. //%" Men's All Wool Navy
SergeSuits.Theyare tailor / ' A
by applying to the honorary ship. Rounds may be cn the following 9 .Hymo Interlining Boll J Men's Brown Cotton 9 jm%.
and 2.30 to 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 2.30 to secretary, Mr J. A. Hogan, 3 Wool- played ' ' Underpantsor Singlets; made, guaranteedfnat dye, 9%9 '/ ' 1
B.30 p.m. Private tuition will bo ton Avenue, Thornbury, N.17; at the llrst-clojw lay-outs:— Arcadia, UpperEsplanade,' 'Lapcld, padded should
.era, trousers pants have reinforced and we haveall sizes. A »—
St, Hilda; Decoration,291 Collins Street; The madewith extra high rise. f splendidsuit for the well dressedwork«i
arranged for thoso unable to attend Northcote Town Hall, or at North Beacontiflcld, BeacofisflddParade,St. Hilda; The AH sixes. Worth £5/5/. AnnualSummer crutch; all size. Madoin Australia.
the regular classes. Learners can en cote baths. Classes wilt SwanstonStreet; The Dell, Block Sale,£3/3/. Wortli 4/11; AnnualSummer ing man. Worth 63/; Arj&ual Summer.
rol by applying to the club captains, bo held Ambas&tdora, StateTheatre"Miget," FlindersLane; 2/6. Cosh at counteronly. Sale, Sale.35/. -> 9
afternoon, on Wed Arcade;
Mr T. Heskcth, telephone Werribee every Tuesday,
nesday, and Friday evenings, and on WentworthHouse,Collin Street;The Grevllle, - - -
53; Miss A. MacDonald, telephone Prahran; TheAcacia,Richmond;. Top Jlolo (2), 2/6 Panama Hats
J 25/- Sports Trousers - - i
Werribee 112: or, Mr Stewart. Dixon Saturday Mr
afternoons and evenings. St. Kilda; Mayfalr.
today urged those in Balaclava;Btishlands,i'rabran; and TopTop, Pt.
St. Hilda; Tht>Balaclava, Boys' Panama Hat, oosortcd / - - - Mon'a Tailor-matle -a M / P
Avenue, Werribee, telephone Werribee tending Hogan ' fancy band,, all sizes. Worth I /_, 42/- Beach Robes Sport Trousers. Very I #l / I H < ARfe
170. to join these classes to enrol Ormond. „ 2/6. AnnualSummerSalc,"\l/. / lateut- shades X X'X i'
The enrolment list 2fen'aBeach or Bath f of fawn, mf'
will close at 8 p.m. on January 17, at Robe, made from best 3 LI / | |
« silver, grey, plum, etc. ,» <1
A SEYMOUlt ENTHUSIAST I I Checked,striped and plain designs,made, 't
Northcote. tors: — Mesdames B. Cohen. R. Baker, quality all Terrv Cloth,7/ With fancy 2 button top, pleat.
Mr W. P. Farreily, who Is teaching MadeIn sineswith Worth, 0k
at Seymour, and has more than 300 At lihssendon baths good progress W. C. Shaw and J. E. Youlden; Misses
enrolled already, is one of tho most Is being made, and many learners M. Pearson, .T. Coxon, E.. Morri9, R.
are joining up.
15/6 Men's Trousers--
Men'sAll Pdre Wool /« «
girdle'.A nice assortment
to choosefrom.
of pretty shades 25/; Animal SummerSale.14/11, . 4

enthusiastic instructors In the cam Selleck, N. Ambler, M. /Peddle, .B. #

Ballnrat Iweed Trousers - -
paign, East summer he spent seven COUNTRY CLASSES McPhcrson and May Tweddle; Messrs In. navy,- darW>grey, J/ (|/1 1 1 I 12/6 Nap Trousers
hours In the water almost daily dur At Ouyen the swimming club will ,T.
C. Martin, Y. E. Youlden, E. >J. light, grey. . They aro /, 12/6 Men's Hals - - - Men's GenuineAus /g « A
ing tho ''peak of The Herald cam have classes throughout the campaign Muntz, K. Jeffery', C. T. Thomas, Tre made with extra high rise. Best Men's Australian Felt pm im 4 traliun Xnp Trousers,k / I I a 1
paign, and taught several hundred to period, the hon. secretary, the Rev. vor "Peddle, G. I'. Heard, Jun., Frank tnllor make. Worth 15/6; Annual
Hats, Tliey havelatest flip / / I I Guaranteed 100 per O/ 1 JL X A
swim. Rex Dakota, reported today. Seven Webster," IT. .B, Linton-Smith, 'G. hrim. Shades, grev, slate, I / I I cent, pure cotton. They (
Tymms, F. Dixon, J. M. Hammond fawn, tan.
' Worth 12/6; / have extra high rfcc, double fewp A '
One of his methods of Instruction, instructors will bo working. Annual SummerSale,7/11. scam, all „izeis. Usually 12/0; An-
he said today, was to stand in the . Boort Rowing and Swimming Club and M. McBride. - nual SummerSale, 8/11. fP
Twilight Sleep Dentistry water several yards In front of a pupil. will begin Its classes on January 20
The pupil would stand in water a with a carnival on Boort Luke. At to
8 a.m.,
and from 3 to 5 p.m. for children.
8 p.m.
4/11, 3/11,
Completerango of wiilo
2/11 72in. Duck - - -
least 12 instructors will be available. - - -
TEETH OUT WHILE YOU SLEEP — NO PAIN Jittlo tovcr tho hips, leaning forward,
arms outstretched, and hands about Intending learners can enrol with the theIntending learners can enrolLinton- w(th
end Ties,all to go at 1/6.
They comprisesilk), artlfi-
X /fm% . ?2sihchea /wide .'Duck, . 9 /%, 1 7/11 Denim Overalls
JfTULIi SETS I'KOM 2/3/, — —SETS WITHOUT DEPOSIT three inches below the surface, and hon." secretary, Mr J- B. Barling at hon. secretary, Mr H. B. clal silk and art. silk and / V suitable for . Tents, Motor | /il X
tho thrust woll- forward and Boort Post Ofilce, Smith, Bank of Australasia, or, with cotton, dozens of nice designsto choo&o Car Covers, Blinds, do. X/2fO KoS bSS" Bib8 nod C /I 1 P' ' f
CONSULT US TODAY — ApVICE right leg Borth 2/11 yard; Annual
FREE,. '
' ' resting on the bottom. At a jvord from At Sunbury, the swimming club is, tho assistant secretary, Mr Ken Jef from; AnnualSummerSale, 1/6.
SummerSale, 1/0):- yard. .
/ Br.'un"Overall. They havo %9f XX
t A
1 REPAIRS WHILE YOU ->VAIT. . Mr \ Farreily the pupil pushes off arranging classes, and the Bulla Coun fery, Post Olfice. largo bib, full .set of
pockets. All 8: Worth 7/11;. A "
« ' l
Albert Park Club will - --
gently with the right foot, at the same cil 1s assisting. The secretary of the hold Its classes
time bringing up the left foot, and swimming club, Mr W. J'. Higglns.
p.m. and 7.30 to
daily from 3,30 to 4
p.m.; Saturdays) 3
-6/11 Boys' Knickers
The strongest ' knlckcr. m
/4 f - 7/6 Men's Trousers - - - -
. Annual SummerSale. 5/lt,
. '',
sweeping the arms bnck in tho first Sunbury. Hotel, Sunbury, will ' enrol to 4 made.. Boys' famous TUF- /I / I I 5/11 Boys' Knickers
rpovement of the breast stroke. Intending learners. p.m., and Sundays, 11.30 a.m. to WEAR Knickers, all: sixes. Tr/ JL Jl , L.TmS'TMMmTv', mo' to -.0 ,/T 1
- Additional support from Hastings 12.30 p.m. and 3 to 4 p.m. Learners Boy'n Navy Knickers, A /9 'j
"The progress thus made through enrol by applying at the reel shed ' -They, arc inude from the / nil size up to 8. Theyhavo'":«J7 H a.
ilia water toward tlio instructor," has come from Mr D. W. Harlow, who canthe well-knownWavcrleyTweed, Strong and high rise,, strong pockcU, lined throughout. All sizes. '. < / I I - fP ' "
tho with Mrs Harlow, helped last season. at foot of Mills Street, Albert durable wearing. Worth 6/11, Annual douhl« .sown i. Wpcth Annual They aro fast. guaranteed all %9f I L a
said -Mr Farreily: "gives, pupil; Park. The hon. secretary is Mr P. C. 7/0; Bum- pure-wool, dye. Worth
confidence. It is not. long before he Is Ha will hold classes at Cemetery Road Kennedy, There will bo 20 instruc
SummerSale, '4/11. mcr Sale, 3/11,
ri/lj,; AnnualSummer-Sale,3/11. ":A''
able to take several strokes, and thon Beach. . ' .
it is oniy a matter of Umo before the St. Arnaud, .Swimming Club, the tors. . Blackburn Progress the
pupil, is (swimming.''.' ... hon. secretary ' . (Mr G. Gray) reports, hon.
secretary (Mr.
Alex. 'A) Jtimle- J 8/11 Cream Trousers - - - 5/11 Sports - - - 5
Another instructor who did excep Learners are invited
will condubt classes at the pool.
to enrol now son) reported today, will co-op"orate Men's CreamGab&rdinoTrousersmade In. ' . Men's Fuil Do Luxo Sport Shirts ..'.Umyv. '. ' .-.v'l
tionally good work in thq. last drive with Mr Gray, . . . with the Blackburn and Miteham a8'?C!, TbeyMiavosido strape,bolt' ioop. - look liko silk,, only tlmy wear8hlKa; better. All 8%: /HI .- - ''i
At this Addressfor 32 Y«tr— -
_ Hoora9 «.m.. lo 6 n.m. : ,« \vas Mr It. S. McDonald, who taught NUMURRAH KEEN Shire Council in forming' classes. , ' cuff bottoms, Suitable for cricket, tennis,
etc. . 8/11, el size. Worth 5/11. A»mual-Summer"Sale, "
_ - and Fridays till . / 123 awim at Newstcad. Mr! / J ; Class plan# arc still wanted from bowls, Wortfe Anuual Bummer /II ' 3/1J- 'A
McDonald will have; classes at Wil- . Numurkah .Swimming Club is en several jelubs helping. Tho next sup '-Salc,-.-5/ll. f U/ l/l
Swanaton St. , yaffil liamatovvn Baths in this campaign thusiastic over the campaign, and plementary enrolment llbt will be pub V:
from 6 till 8 p.m. datiy< Intending has appointed the following instruc- lished on Wednesday. ;

National Library of Australia

THE WEEK IN SYDNEY LONDONSAVINGS BANK J. C. Williamson Ltd., Melbourne's1 Chief Theatres
MannglugDirector: Sir (JeoTgeTallin, K. J..'fait, , Frank S.-Talt.
With bright, 'tuneful music. gy diuidug. jokeji really fit for children, nil In fresh
Betting Tax Failure
. pretty /tftlngs, there !i enoughIn ''The IImim<That Jack Built' to keep'children of All
Agesiiiteiestedami minimi fm the momtwo mmilhs."
Exchange Rate "It's the Lest pantomimein' ytwi hi fact,ARE
» prrfect-pantomime."


todnv on the eahle THEATRE ROYAL —
' from London that the London agency TKM'.l'IlOX'i: IMOKlMSS: IIINT. 77(1,1(J lines).
(U.v John Dnllcy, The' Herald's Special Keprcsentutlve in Sydney) of the State Savings Hank of Vic J. C. Williamson Ltd.
toria had received Instructions to re
fuse deposits, the general manager MATINEE MATINEE
SYDNEY, Saturdny.— The Government's attempt to capitalise the PERFECT
(Mr Alex. Cooeh) .«nld that th« deci EVcry
community's admitted passion for racecourse gambling is going to be sion was entirely due to the hitrh rate Every
'. I
of exchange. 2
an even greater failure thqn
this week's figures. .
' was originally anticipated, judging by It' was Incorrect to state that the
l.ondon agency was being closed. The
usual facilities
Day at
Day at 2
It was expected that the Winning Bets Tax Act would return the , provided by the
agencies would be continued. Persons "The House that Jack Built"
Treasury £2,000,000 a year. On Saturday tote investments fell by with .deposits In the hank there would ('omprihitig a Miccmdouof novel!it, spoclalties, hits, stage spectacle.-,
Tlie finest cNewx more than £10,000 compared with the corresponding
and the attendance fell by about 10,000.
day of last year, 1 '
be able to continue' to draw on tbom.
If they desired to transfer money
from r-ondon to Australia they would
miies, ami sketches,mul A favorite panioinhnestorv interwoven—.
will delight both the toting ami the gii.Winnpi. Threehoursof jovl
an entertainmenttlnu

For the most part, the missing race hove to draw the money and transfer Bookino for R.S. and D.C. at Allan's tlx day ahead. UPPER CIRCLE may b
rmioubtedly one of the factors that It through a private hank. In view of RESERVED for Mat. and EveningPerformance at Allan's dally. Day aales.TheatreRoyal
Year Resolution goers represented people who
the. Government's taxation,
are accounted for tho absence of thou
boycotting racing as a protest against sands from Rnndwlck was S.P. betting
and, of In the city and suburbs. Tho police
the high' rates of exchange, the bank
could not expect,tho Treasury to pro
vide funds thafinlght
course, everybody has been .betting on sny it reached unprecedontcy propor be required In TlIK MATINEES. '
the course in smaller sums. Many tions in the past week; and, in spite London to cover the transfer of
t'oinr to MIDGETGOLFat wkntu ORTII-HOUSE,next PIumTheutre.Collins Strret
you can make is risked n pound where thoy formerly of some smashing fines imposed on
risked live.' Over the whole meeting the few who had the bad luck to bo
the State has lost close on CG000 in caught, it is Jlkelv to go on. Recog
Oprn from 10 a.m. (ill
dolly fur the heatcard.
ll.U'i p.m., Suiulny2.'(ill 10 p.m. Free llieutre ticket nicsenied
admission tax alone, and the debacle nising this. Cabinet moans to put for Member Of Council For 21

to use oburTea appears to have only reached its pre

liminary stages.
ward legislation when
meets later in Ihe month to licence
' An inevitable effect of ihe now tax S.P. shops, and increase the penalties
Parliament Successive Years
Shire President Saturday. — The
of Prankston and

must bo to cure thousands of the for backing horses anywhere but in Hastings (Or. W. J. Ontea) has .lust London's Latest Triumph
racing habit altogether. The depres licensed shops or on racecourses. But completed 1!1 successive years as n WonderfulSiicccmof the plat I hi,I ha Comedy
taken English and Americanaudiencesby
sion has reached a stage when almost will the public bo any readier to bo loenl councillor. He Is now serving
every kind of luxury is being looked mulcted in a licensed S.P. establish his third term as oresident.
nsknnce. and -.metropolitan racing, has ment than on a licensed
become extremely costly of late years. Ninety-nine racing men out of a hun
With A decrease in tlie number of dred say no. and that the police will
courstf? Or. Ontos, who Is a business man
In Frnnkston, first took ail Interest hi
municipal affairs when he joined the
In whkh
uppt ai a >pe.iallv >»hete,|
racecourse punters, ri corresponding have to be vastly increased If the lvangwarrlif Progress Association E'lllUL MORRISON. l„ni|M»i\-
decrease of bookmakers may be Government Is to achieve any rosulLs inuny years ago. .1.II. ROWE.MARY M\( GREGtlR.
looked for. The movement has begun In this direction. < NOELBOYD.LESl.lE VICTOR.ROtJERBARRY.JOHN WOOD,KILKKSMORRIS.
already. This wefck 30 per cent, of tho "The First Mrs. Fr:wr" tins W-rn In l-ond-nwith mormon atmee. tnr murh
CHUROU SI1EME ATTACKED i\\it rear. In New York it has a.ii.vr.l a ..iitiilnr Iriumpli. It i> a play t.f tiniiptc
paddock stands were empty. Some of
of the bookmakers who .declined, to The Government's attempt, In con interestand apjnal.
operate nro not renewing their junction with the Council of Churches, ROOKINtJAT ALLAN'S, PRICES; Sat. and Holiday Nighla. U.S. and
licenses, and others are deserting New to raise £250,000 for the hospitals LEGGETTS D.C. ( booked1. tW tall pais T.iM.
South Wales for other States, notably TONIGHT
' Victoria. A good many are still -sol doesn't look liko succeeding either. If THEATRE — Last Performance
KING'S Tonight
. : '." vent. but others are liberally on their the Angllciin and H.C. Churches, repre BIGDANCE Of the SpeiUcuhu Prodm11on«t
1. , last logs financially, and only needed senting between them nearly 75 per
the legislation which the Government cent, of the population, hud backed the BIG BALLROOM
he« brought forward to finish them.- campaign, it might have had a reason BIG ORCHESTRA "UNCLE TOM'S
These arc th& - unfortunates who put. able prospect of success. However, a
Admission:2/ plus tax—No Moorage Willi A mil I'll UKLS ASII IIAI.I.KI' -- KXriHUI.V NF.WSCIIN IIIIY AND (ll-TI WI'.S.
- their life savings into city shops nnd well-known Neutral Bay priest attacked
» suburban flats which nro now tenant- the scheme unrubuked in a sermon, t'asli Prir.o. Classas usual,
loss, got accommodation, 'from tho and he was followed by tho Anglican SIX SOLNKS OF MI(SKI AND IIK\MA — I'llW'FIIFKLLY U I'll!) '
banks, and are being pressed to dis
Rector of Lisniore, who In a long letter
Right at Prahran Station WOSKF.IIFKI.HOLIDAYI'HK'FS; I /. ! i . ) (II,.. I rvlm).
In The Sydney Morning Herald asked
charge their liabilities. members of his denomination to have
SMALLER STAKES IN CLASSICS nothing to do with it.
Their recommendations- are likely
With decreases In attendance and to be widely followed If only because WIRTH BROS.
, .. . ... ,< betting, decreases in the stakes of the It is so easy to mftke u of de
| Derby. Loger. and other classics may clining to givo money virtue away. Tho
in course; and if There's
be looked for due
and when that happens, .the whole struggle
standard of racing must
In New South Wales
owners say.

or so the
for the £250,000 will still go
to be daunted
But there Is u general impression that
It are not
difficulties. No Depression
or dull momenta at
GREEN avikths' i'aiik. city
the Is the alternative
The parlous plight of what is often tho lottery, which
Church and State drive for hospi
to Qurtiiit HiR nnd Wonderful — the Atmospheric licuuly rii-HyMed
claimed to ho Australia's national tal Miss Amy .lohnson.
sport had the natural effect this week, futuls, Is now Inevitable.
The Lottery Bill was ono of the
of causing rumors to be spread that dlstnsteful
the Government was panic-stricken,
and Intended to repeal Us disappoint
measures which tho Upper
House passed before the Christmas
adjournment ns an alternative to
ing measure. But the only basis for worse things. Not only were tho
: the story and its fairly wide accept M.L.C.'b reluctant to sec their cham

/ "
all o

Happy ance was the old-established principle ber Hooded with Trades Hall
that men are prone to believe what flcocs, eager to serve the State in
they want to believe. Tim, Govern sideration of a
ment has no Intention of changing its tlify cherished agold
pass apiece; but

hcrpe that the lottery Start the New Venr Right.

/ New Year policy In this respect,. .The theory 1 would never actually
that Australians muBt bet somewhere, Once It does there is said comq tojmss. Attend their Popular Dances. OLD DANCING
to bo u pos Knshionnble nnd Select
that the boycotting of the Randwick sibility that tho confirmed nnti-
ring, and tote was a mere flash in gnmblcrs of the Council may refuse to Every NEW BAND
the pan comparable to the boycot temporise with what
ting of the City dailies when they lirsl evil any longer. There are many, thoy regard as
Saturday Night Mi- (». .1. Spark, Master of t'?erehinnies.
put up their prices Inst year, nnd that ns Mr J. S. Garden, at the Trades ADMISSION— LADIES 1/1, GENTLEMEN l/l. INCUDES IAX
' all will be well if firmness Is exer Hall, who hope sincerely that this is Masonic Hall Ring for Doges, M3231,
' " ' '
cised. . so. Tho legalisation of SAV betting i»
the form of a bill to license shops and OU/JXK STUKHT, (.MTV.
I ' - bookmakers is a Itunllo that. a numbcr
! I of Nationalist Councillors will rind it
very hard 'to take. But immediately J

- .. |
they live up to their
principles by rejecting a measure of
the kind—-.ono that
will bring the
And the Bay
From Aloft TP/. L/?yC 3R
'"/Mg Phone C 8843
temptation. to:bet to everybody's front
door, Bpeak—-the Governor will
be nskcu to co-opernYe In swamping SKY |c/5/"
the Opposltlon majorlty In the Council 5/
Commencing MONDAY, 9 a.m.!
wlthvIO or more trusted supporters of RIDES
Mr Lang.

It Is unlikely that the question of
whether the Council Is to live or die
Ruses letivo Flinders SI. Railway
Stntlon (Sun list on St. Entrance)
at frequent Intervals between 2
i££A be'z B |

will be settled definitely for another and a.45 p.m. on Saturday and
Sunday Tor
twelve months, but for the reasons
Indicated above It is In a woefully MELBOURNE AIRPORT
fulso position ns n chamber of re DUDLEY ST. (Pnst Stadium)
view. It Is liable to be bombarded
with measures that outfage tho con
victions of some of its oldest. and
ablest members— the legalisation 'of
night betting, and tin hnres-nnd "A NIGHT WITH THE ROYALCOMICS"
whatever protests it may make Will
be discounted In the niind9 of tho TODAYAT >.!»).
public by their futility.
To sum up, nothing but a shortage — PLAZA
of money is going to save Now South TIVOLI Wirths'
Wales, and Sydney in particular, from Olympia ST. KILDA
what critics of the Government de THEATRE WIRTHS PARK
scribe as "an orgy of gambling." It , . TONIGHTAT 8 O'CLOCK:
is all the. more anomalous inasmuch TWICE WORLD'SBEST IIUCK.IUMPINGAND ROBERT KEERS
as tens of thousands of those who WHIP CRACKINGEXHIBITION. Ccndiicliugthe
voted to f>ut the Lang Government in DAILY
power arc more hostile to JACK I1E1I1Rand Ifls RoughRiders,with
betting M hor»e#(outlaws), 8 Bullocks and Victorian
than most Nationalists. And there Is 2.30 & 8.
no certainty that the Treasury will . Poniea,and Donkey.,
benefit to anything approaching the The contest tonight Is BetweenALLAN Professional Orchestra
extent that has been forecast. McPIIKK and DUO. GALLAWAY, two
champions,for £2S aside. . In
WOMANALLEGED TO HAVE "TOP HOLE" held t'Verynight during next week. Major
Cornierunci Mr. W. KInnear
to be judges
have kindly
'at . all contests.
I I conwnted
PLANNED BAGSNATCHING JACK IlEltlH challenges all comers. ProgramIncludes"Marcli aiid Procession
' Prices. Thrills for everybody. Itacchus" (DelibeR),"Dance of the Hour"
— HUGH D. McINTOSH — —1/, 2/, Xf, 41, plus tax. (Ponchlflll), "0. ShonMia" (Straus.),Over
Children half- price. On amount of the ture "Mignnn" (Thomas), "Two Guitar"
Four Remanded GLORIOUS ennrmuu niicreasthe management Iiuh do- (HoTlIek). "Serenade" (Tossell).
e.ded lu exttnd the season for auotlK-i
At the City. Court today Alfred MUSICAL " GKtr .
ANDERSON.. Manaeei. -
Rolands, 29, laborer; James Harrow- r»OVAL 200L0GIQAL GARDENS
field, 24, laborer; Percy Palmer, 29. — COMEDY LI
laborer; and Jnno Matthews, 47, were lake Brunswick Tram at .EHxabethStreet,
charged with having robbed Henri Featuring nnt alight at Walker Street,or West Brunswick
etta Macintosh, widow, of £234, in tram, at corner ofsWilliam and Collins Street,
Lytton Street, Carlton, yesterday. -
They were remanded to' the Carlton
Court on January 6. Bail of £100, in
Just ucrow Prince'sBridge.
or electric train Flinders or Spencer
Street, to Royal Park station, Coburgline.
each case, was granted. Tho inen were EVERYDAY AT 2.30; NIGHTLYAT 8 THE COLLECTIONOF EXHIBITS IS AMONO
Save " by Spending— arrested late last night and early
by Detectives Davis and |
' NurseryBrightest
nnd Best
Rhyme Fairy
' In applying for a remand. Sergeant x FOR CHILDREN.
f .
Ripper said that It was alleged
about 3 p.m. yesterday one of tho
that : THE 'THE OLD WOMANWHO tlrst'Clau Band of 20 Performersplays on
: ALL DEPARTMENTS OF accusod snatched a' bag from Mrs ADORABLE
LIVED IN A SHOE" OpenWeek Days, O.flO a.m. to 5.15 p.m.
Macintosh, and jumped into a waiting Sundays,from 1.80 p.m.
car driven by Palmer. They drove COMEDIENNE Bring the.Kiddle to secthe Old Womanand
away and wore later joined by a ; ail her Merry Family. Admission:Adults, Gd; Children, 2d.

DRAPERY third, when they shared the money, A Pricesto nuit the times.
one man taking n share for the ; Od, 1/, 1/0, 2/, 8/. ChildrenHalf.Price
' A. W1LKIE,Director.

L , - -
woman, who Is alleged to
planned tho robbery.
The police further allege that
Palmer's car £40 was found, that
OF A i
__ ' all part
Plan at Glenexcept
and Theatre.
ALSO . from Rolands £03/30/ was recovered, THOUSAND
and from Matthews £60. NOW OPENTO VISITORS.
JOYS Luncheon(Grills when ordered in morning).
andfop?'". Price. Il« Plant at Allan', luf 'l-rnKniinmc— "(0 -cr''''" '
_Ifj j|o,t llvllllant Voir.
A large crowd attended Melbourne Clcn'a ami Tlicatre OlDcc. Phone.
Central 02D. - Hi RUTH CHAtTERTONand
i HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE CARPETS Airport, Dudley Street, yesterday
afternoon, nnd witnessed the first
public demonstration of the Lark sail
which was wholly
AT 11. IS , ',The Better
designed and constructed In Australia
by the Larkin Aircraft Supply Co.
A ParamountPicture.
Tl,e Fx -MovleloneUus

; .V. . ... .... . f - ; . : . Ltd.

"Women Everywhere"
f . V , ;
During the afternoon several suc
cessful glides were made. At a later PANTOMIME I |fi
AHRJ with J. Harold Murray..
date further demonstrations will, be (Children over 6 and under lfl
Hm3 1 riot
arranged. MICKEY THEMOUSE 541 il admitted to either picture,)
Reservation: Windsor 74GU,.

The first summer sale In the re - ALL CHILDRENCOMPANYOK ARTISTS
constructed store of liicks, Atkinson Morning .Jfutinee Prices,2/ and 1/.
and Sons Pty. Ltd. is announced to Children Half Price. No Extra for
open on Monday .morning at 9, with


outstanding values in all sections,
i This old-established store has re-
cently undergone entire reconstruc
' 1 tion, and it now offers excellent facili
: ; - c : -y
; . ... ,
' ' .
. ; h- , ties for shopping. Attractive depart
mental displays with reductions
price clearly Indicated on all mer
chandise will be a feature of the sale,
as It is definitely intended that all DANCINC
, jj THE MUTUAL STORE LTD. Opp. Flinders Street Station summer fashions and fabrics must be mm
cleared in record time, Other depart TONIGHT 1
1 ' ' ' ments are also participating in the HH Admltdon,2/2; no. 9HHI
it ' ' ' ' ' 7 Dincino Charot
y.'i . ... '' ' . " » -t .. ' V ryf, general clearance, and provision has Sg|
i l . ; : been made to cope with the opening-
day crowds by considerably augment
ing the staff.
Details of the more conspicuous
offerings will be found In page 22. MaUrjustm -a.
i v v

National Library of Australia

F OR CHILD AT NIGHT '$ MONIMV, and every morning next neck, mwf.licr
Great CHILIMIKN'S SHOW Starts at 10.15 a.m.
Showing NOW! p (Doors Open 10 a.m.)

M /M —at I'OtJit siissi<j\s daily WONDERFUL STAGE PANTOMIME
jfm M) Marvellous Children, lojcrether with Uncle .Monte
€ 10-50, 12-30, 2-JO, S as ".Madame Grundy." In the
Acrobats. Vocalists. Tumblers, Specially Acts Galore.
goes on her New Scones, New Costumes, all Kntlroly New Show.
On the Screen, .Mickey Mouse Cartoon. Comedy." . —
n Unparalleled Entertalnmentl "HOT DOGS." and RICHARD ARUEN In "THE .SEA 2«KJ
\ STARRING ENGAGEMENT COD." Also Uncle Arnold at the Orgnn. Uncle Bobby
Community Slnfflnj?. gJjl
Rluegum. Ea

tf1".rk..iIrnl"'L. "
ol b"yh0011
m,d" iv"<iv ".» on
Until Friday
ShoT'rilina TLcatip'.
ill ns vl ,!'?' t, II .1 n "" ,or from 6 "> 60' ll GJI) iHl HHVaS' Mutual ami 4
. ft:,,- -'"h;;:;;: , M 6J-

lalAieKrone TLeading I

her wildest,being
foughthy 0
this untamed daughter of '
ia '

£. . 0&b>anta \4

SIM BS/lc !
fax "fafa



Tha YoungestBoys' Band In the World—and each onea pro-
t»'s'onal nlayer. dlree»fromtriumohsof a world tour.
mMomHer \NeA&bn$ Night"
Continuoussessionsdaily from 10.30 WILL f:UiK. and tKr R«Ciit On- I
a.m. Eveningsat 8. Seatsmay be re- r„rt Orr-hfMir.t. KDDIF. FITCH xf I
IfUMIOM THEATRES SUBURBAN CIRCUIT || servedsix days In advanceat the Regent wurlitrnr Organ Afternoon I
(F3131) and at Allans. as „,,u a, eveningsessions. i

i EMPRESS W "'MOOMPOflDSi STRANDGOLFiES(BourkeSt.). Melbourne'sbest miniatureGolf Course.

Jj Ch.D«l St. Wind. J279 Inr Rm. A PuckteStreet. FU6533 (or J
1 TONIGHT.MON. A TUES. CY Reserves. ;
J Mnini...-,2.1:, p.m. Hull, A TONIGHT.MON.& TUES.
Paramount' Mwiritl Hit. with
Charlfli Rugg!««,Qing«r Rogers.
Children .Not Admlttfd.
Paramount' Mimical Show
with CharlesRugglai, Ginger
PJ oP For One HIk Wcok
1 OOROTHYMACKAIUL H S wondroua atory of a woman
2 in Fifel NiiliAiml Vitxphone A ChildrenRogers.
Not Admitted. who «Howed her own lister to

A Comrdy. <? y&fJI % 'l,r
S tJTHc Flirting Widow" Sally O'Neill. Molly O'Day 2 man she loved to hie
For ,1'T.ii Kxhiliiiioti. H in Cnhttnhifl'NComedy Drama £ f r/ destruction ... and then, when
CIlAItMK CHAPLIN in A J > jj\ a j ouI !«! been seared by tha
3 "THE RINK." For Ceii-mi Exhibition. Jj,s
flame of love that was always a
g < ;AJB fc4 /
J ,r-6«Iy- »h. «t out to win him,
Cjfik 'iffflhll to regenerate him, and to
SwimSt. J1993 for Reserves.
i WESTERN I i Jt ,
him what love, really was.
|£ TONIGHT.MON. 4 TUES. Melville Rd. Bruns. 1646 lor ff
| Reserves. m
BROOK % fi Prngrnmmc I
JK in Paramount' bramatta Hem £ BROOK A
| had
in Paramount' DramaticTriumph
DorothySftbaHlan.Nell Hamilton Q
| "THE BETTER WIFE" « 1 3=
in Columbia' Neil Hamilton.DorothySebastian h H Yur f _ r v/aroin® ,, „nd SO' I th, Thfatrf
H in Columbia's Comedy Cr AOV j EDDIE rllt' 0
"Ladies Mutt Play" "Ladies Mu»t Play" O 1 n
£? ' "" \ (TmLZ I
fe/ "'""/foi
5 Children
x Not Admitted to 'iiMinu > Chihinn Not Admitted to thin® , guo 16 I I iwfip P/U,KES/ IF\
S F.ilhnr Picture. y Kitimr riiturp. £
11 I J

! at
Nothing like it before.
Nothing like it again.
m il
1 3

l\\d>)7/ie MARX \w>H v
tain 'an IJail REMEMBER

Animal Crackers bb' i
A Paramount Picture. For GeneralExhibition.
Presentedwith letit be said thai you failed to see the
parey Burrastnnat the Wurlltrer Organ.
.353®', NEVER
year's most sensational
that has now come out
picture — lite triumph
I EDDIE CANTORin "INSURANCE.;' of darkest Africa to be
And ON THE STAGEAT 2.16 L 8 P.m. JOSIE MELVILLEIn £— i| the most talked about picture in Melbourne.
ThreesessionsDally— _ j||
E 11 Box Pl«m «t Thi'.lre. Phon."Ctn't.110S5. M
\t 9f.
jf J
g "pammounts
S tji ittAWFORD
181 818 |V|y _ sfwatro llaqtuhcent I |V jwwI III HIRBIIKHINGj A»
. y
Vjjy ,.
. m
m Iftira
„ (0 -


l.nJL 0-mrfA
glrl't lipi comssthe cry V n
Ft'l.I, 1 ,.,na"0n4'A \ S®)3 of the unwantedwomen of H V H 55
SKSSIOXS , aoA a \ Kf'fJ the world—not once, but In .1 H
sceneafter sceneas thedrama Rjl 5
of her life carries the tears
and fleeting happinessof theirs. i% W

Only once beforehas the screen
madeyou laugh, ery, live and
love with its people so com-
pietely. Ooyou remember"Over
the Hill" —that masterpieceof
yeersego? Since,then "Common
Clay" is the only productionto
capture such. superb emotional
oLirflLi 1
J|s! M /BtA
B \ NiH

CODING jflflflfl yrznfAwk&
power! t t ,5

"QUEEN HIGH" 3QQQ/ CONTINUOUS SESSIONS from tl n.m. to B p.m. Then iRnln M 8.

STANLEY end BIJOU THEATRE Ueacrve at the Theatre (C. R8R5). (Children 0-1(1 not admltictl.) A COLUMBIA PICTURE
cSMTHGINGlROGERS TPTPTPTj DIRECTION... STANLEYHcKAV. Released by Greater Australasian Films Ltd;
Businessand boudoirswon't mix— A riot In the garter' A A- A| Daily Toy Matineea,2..10; Nights at .
trade —- The butler makes,up to the master'swife BRING THE KIDDIESTO THE'TOY MATINEESOF YOU SEE
Hilarious fun and revelry—A Paramountcomedy with The lierce struggle between the King of the Forest —
new songs,snappydancesand foyous romenee. Children
over 6 and under 16 not admitted.
"OLD MOTHER HUBBARD st.kildasVICTORVtheatre I the Mighty Lion —and a Native Hunter;
L.ocust Plague; the battle for supremacy'
the weird
Commencing MONDAY NEXT " strange animals— as you wander o'er the veldt in the
Basil with Mackail

Rathbone Dorothy never-to-be-forgotten expedition that gave the secret ol.
t( will betheir moatenjoyableHeir of the festiveacaaon.The east of favorite includes:
Africa's heart tp the world.
Flirting Widow" '
ike Detavaie.IWt Ray,,Joe Rox, Robert Raymond,ReneDixon, GraceQuiner Dorothy;
. Brown,ClaraKeating. Dot Arnold,'and thoseexcellentSpecialtyActa—
She Inventeda husbandto. pleaseher family and then THE FLYING GARCIAS(in their SensationalAerial Act).

killed him of— How dlrf she..gst out of It when ha» THE TEN I0NAS (MarvellousAcrobau and Tumblers),
suddenlyappearedto claim her?. fAAAi Thousands Itace seen it once, hundreds have returned twice and
F>emA. £. W. Mason'sbook"Grain Stockings." LEON,LEIGHTONand LEMARRE(Adagio DancoSpecialists), three times to obtain again the mighty thrill tram its wonder story.
Paued for GeneralExhibition... ThiaIs the Most EntrancingProductionof the NewYear Seaaonl' y BOOK Y OVFl SEATS TODAY t Plans on view at Theatre and Allan's
for all. matinees and nights. Phone Cent. 7076 for reserves. Per-
PRICES: farmahkes' continuous.. Sessions, 11, 2. 5, S. Attend the Early Shoppers'
Matinees,2/, 1/6 / ; Nights. 2/5J, 1/6 1/; Children,Gd. and' 1/. SeasIon atlL,a,m. Avoid the crowds, benefit by the cheaper prices.
"WOMEN EVERYWHERE" All TaxablePricesPlua Tax. .
Children,between6 and 16 not admitted, to either. . A.A
Box Plan at Wills 6 Paton. and Theatre (Win. 5565). L

' ' '"
Flinders Street, Near Railway. Direction: Union Theatres . Ltd,
I hereby enter for The Herald Miniature Goif Championship, and | ' Managing Directors: Stuart . EV Doyle nnd Edwin Geacll
I agree to .abide by; the- decisions of the judges. | ARTHUR LEWIS at the Organ Evcy Evening.


| BETTER THAN EVER Coming soon. In United - Artists, Samuel Goldwyn
and Florene
Roller Skating Palais ' Ziegteld production—
Open,for the Past SH Yeare . B
- -A WORLD'SRECORD i This ;coupon must be cut out' ami handed in before playing a 'I Rulh Chatterton I
' and Clive Brook "THE
(Children fi-tff not admitted)
Mil in iiuiH
... . 8 8easlone,'':lf4)lvv.
TABLE TALK ANNUAL -- . competition round. >
''. 3/1/mi
i Also Dolores Del Rio in "THE .
: .Location:Wirths,':Park,'.. ' j P11111)11 IIIHM
BAD ONE" \ Play a uiund of "MUct" Gnl r nL the STA IT "MUltlf" > UNIii,
llllll IIMltlltlll.i Flinders L.tno, mar of St. Pauls, tmtay. ,

National Library of Australia

"".'uuu ..SEEa
j 1U5-OPKN1NQ JANUAltV ti. Sack Fate of
There are many ways of
removing superfluous hair,
Eugene Permanent
Waving £2
Coats j the" Neil's fro in Here
woman's world
Topics of rcmininc
Holiday Frocks 1

i I.e., by the i Full Head — 30/-

5 ELECTRO-CHEMICAL (Including Shampooand —— Quarter
Ancl There Interest
\ PROCESS OF Selling)
5 ELECTROLYSIS. For your hair's sake,In-
itit on Eugene. It's all
RuthlesslySlaughteredto RaiseCash!
2Pn tVntiHfu) New _ t SOCIAL LIFE HAS CHANGED : Little Money Spent On Parties Now
5 Which rrocess is Vscd by \ "Woi'llrry" |»e / S&
1.»m>Otrdfcan. .lumper H bent a graceful retreat During (he winter there was always Of course, this new social rational-
Mr C. Carlson rntj LumL'rjiU'kctx— tint- // T.' HEI'IXC. Ill ttino with the times, couples
to some, little cottage hi the hills or a large, number of more or loss Ism has played havoc with trade. In
nore C2-«rn a mere 10 soelnl life h'ts tnlton a frugal
Mondiv am! TuesdavI Such liutlrs ! Suprr turn. at the seaside, whoro they could get fashionable subscription dances, and other days hundreds of pounds
whenever Melbourne was in gala mood were distributed , every season In

LV. s-v, „„,i
L'ol'iH. ctrirt. Ln.
Phor. F6B62.
Wool! Fine, Finn Ktiltl Silk Flushed Tailor-
madcl Can't Sag! Snappv i !»:t Stvlosin
latest 19S1 Toning! .So Smart for Stnrt.
True. .there were a few brlcht par
ties to tislier in tho New Year, but
times, little
the festivo season
spending moro than was absolutely
' without
certain notable hostesses generally
mado things gayer by staging a few
brilliant parties.
decorations, flowers, food and music
for balls and parties. Once a society
through the
\ With Hor Wonderful American \ Sport.,Sunnnor,Winter! All obex.(O.S.Kxlra.) compared with other In some' Instances, Now Year matron spent more than C300 to Tip-toe
While They Ln.t money' was squandered In tills direc rovollers made fun of the "hard hit" Thoso matrons have dropped 6ut of decorate the St. Kllda Town Hall for a
tion. Several Melbourne hostesses Friends of ono things and the younger ones do not a private party. Tulips in frock
i Multiple Needle Machine =: 50 All Wool £1 who tor years, navo ueuii in ino mum spirit of tho times.
hostess arrived at her home on New appear anxious to take their places. Tho good old days! — but wero they
made of
Each patient is personally
treated by Madame Uae,
; Ulcers Eating Leg Away Ml SPORTS of gathering All their friends about
thoni nt the close of tho year, felt
that the money could bo used more
Year's eve in rags and tatters, pro
testing that they hadn't a sou. Pieces
"When a smart matron with young
daughters suggested glvihp n
Year party In her own home there
so good after all. Surely things have
changed for the better when wo see
1 whose years of export- < Healed by "VAREX" of brown paper torn from parcel so many young women of leisure tak
2 enoe guarantee entire satis- ; "Vtinvi," (the orlyinnl ami Genuine) M COATS wisely this season. Ono woman who wrappings were used as invitation was a how! of protest. "Oh, Mumslo, ing an Interest hi welfare schemes
spent pounds nnd pounds on bon bons forgot It. Nobody likes those kind of
cards for another party, given In a

f faction. \ ha permanently and doing their bit- toward helping
healed,without rcstintj, to decorate tho table for her last brand new home. The environment parties. Let's luivo a littlo dinner nt suffering humanity. not unv
i 'Phone F2&05. Ladles Only. \ New Year party, cut out tho festivity Menzlcs." i of
\ 7th Floor, Capitol House j
e.itiiip (he lec awnr. Simple, home
treatment. Get five hooklet fimn Vurex
Ltd.. Ilurlfnislon Chamber., 92 rolHna
Snvet. Mrllmurne.TelephoneNo. F(53»3.
Sample 1931
Knit. Coats
4/Ii this year, and used tho money she
would havo spoilt on this
things for thoso who had fallen on
to buy
gave tho merry ho to tho povOrty-
strlckon entree card.
But. in all seriousness, social life
has undergone groat changes In re
This seems to be the spirit right
through. Tho day of lavishing hos
pitality on n eouplo of hundred people
sphere useful service
ferable to the aimless existence of
tho social belles of long ago, to whom
"going visiting"

was a vital phase of

L/TheWonderCloth-36iir |
hard times. cent years. Long before the economic for whom a hostess hud no real life. in 40 new shades.
Now to 22/6 Numbers of women accustomed to setback, big private parties had gone regard, has passed. , Women may have lost somo of their
Crash! 12/11 ' These days old-time graoes, but If you sigh for
SuiiU'liieii. ni'«- "" f"r hi'., keeping open house during the holi out of fashion. people gather about if colour fades S
til1j I whit.r: l.ts< 11,
an IhilM'ric! day eolobrntlOns had to economise In tho old days— which may. bo them the friends they Jike best, give lavender and old Ihco do not forget Replaced
6 v
taken as the days before the .war — them a charming dinner, nnd enter that In the change from the old to
ypyip|% PERMANENT Cl/J' Boys' & Girls'
this year. What with taxation ami
economic reverses, husbands could Inrge sums of money were spent every tain them at bridge — an arrangement tho now women have shed a few

42 not faco any more music. Many year on private entertainments. that seems to please tho -majority. superfluities and affectations. PERMANENT WAVING
Inrludliifj 2 Shampoos. Trim and hi'ttmi:.
I |
j/riv Shingle.-£1/1 /; S. Bob.25/; L. &
90/. 1;h1 (\ to fi Months.
JTTl ( Blill I'll to 6/!l COME TO THE FAIR
he THoliday Season: Seaside fashions FIGS ARE IN. Also Water WavIiik, Hair Treat-
ment. Fvohrmvs.Face ami Head HB5f
Musrairc,Manicure.i;tc. !» ,

Summer Sales in Full Swing Beach costumes

- Add Variety To Your Children'sHair n «prplality. ' I
ALL 0THER BEAUTYSERVICES this season have Book Now. AvoidfHcippoinltm'nt.
\ . Preserves

TheWOOLLERYS Bargain hunting
been subjected to
a great deal of (Yuit shops arid strce) barrows look - 121 Collins(Sister
M«1b.« Tol. F6966.
2tfd Floor, 163-165 Swmieton St., City most women dearly enjoy,
0(2$ifo//fof/dh//7rfJa/ott Above Ezywnlkin Shoe (lifl or stairs) One has hardly had tlmo to recover
wheii it comes to
but- most attractlvo Just now
tnoir woalth of fruit tn ttianv colors
/ N JFvzoop Cap/7X>l House . j&tC299S from the business of Christmas shop nnd varieties. Tito hue uT
the swimming suit brlpht
ping, with much depleted purses, smart orange mingles nutf with the warm
man me shops with uioir tempting itself, brown of llgs. This fruit does not last
women usually long. It. will llA In
prices are encouraging her to coma, until..
and spend freely.
This is a time of real temptation,
choose the simple
wool suit in black,
Ilg preserves to add varletv to tile jam
cupboard. Here are a few recipes: — NlfntlLSOKS
A Record Bargain Giving for In many instances goods havo
been reduced to half price and even,

Take (lib, of llrm tigs. Bib. of sugar,
ono pint of vinegar, one pint of water, ji
"Women go to
various reasons.
bargain sales for
Mary rings up Jane, and suggests
that they have a day In town and do
the sales.
1 The simian back
last season
It Is not necessary to skin the fruit,
but the hard stem must tie out off. |
Make a syrup by boiling tile vinegar, j
water and sugar together for 10 mln- |
this summer, and utos, then put in tho llgs. whole, and i
one may choose_ simmer very slowlv for four hours. !
They ar© thc typo who wander between the regu The fruit remains whole, and when I
aimlessly from shop to shop rum
maging the articles on tho various
tables and often coming away with
out buying a thing. H Is their idea
model and
low - cut

backless m od c I
finished the product should be of n I
otcnr, reddish-brown color. |
of passing tho day pleasantly. with a strap A GOOD I'ICKI.E
Some From Nine Till Six
Then there is another typo, the around the neck. Dover the llgs with vinegar. Slaml
systematic woman who waits for the It is in the aside for thrco days. Then pour oft' Others Till All Sold.
sales and with a list of articles which bench accessories nil exeopt four quarts. Add -Jib. or No Mail or Phone Orders
can bo bought cheaper at these times that imagination sugar, a teuspuunful of cavennc' pop
is on tho mat on the opening day and has played its role. per. Tor., of salt, 2oz. of allspice. I nr..
gets what sho came for nnd vanishes.
Ono woman was overheard to re
Bathing capes and
robes are of
of cloves,
U hours.
and 2oz. of ginger.
Hour over tho llgs while
Hull for 25a
mark yesterday that sho had waited very hot, nnd then cover. They will
simple design, but he ready to eat In one month.
six months to got hor sitting-room use tow
make ' of
sulto covered, but the waiting
been worth while, as she had secured
elling in gay DELICIOUS SWEET 19/11,29/6
Just the furnishing tapestry she re colors and pat This shape cun he served with
quired. reduced Tronv 18/6 to 7/6 a terns. Striped
yard. She also wanted new curtains awning materials
either boiled custard or cream.
Take Lib, of llgs, about 1 or
Crepe de Chene,
arc smart far water, 3oz. of sheet gelatine, pint 2oz ot

j—MODELFB0CKS-1 | Children 1cIth their live, quick

bags, parasols and
even for beach
sugar, 1 largo loinon, J teaspoonful
of vanilla, a little eurtnlne. Slew Spun Silk,
and aped people coats. Sometimes, tho figs with water and sugar and
| movements, thinly peeled loinon rind for about an
1 whose Joints have stiffened , arc rough h and-
| flaftfc to slither on the smooth
i surface of u porcelain hath. Many
btockcd linen is hour, or till the
Mash them well with a fork.
ngs aro quite soft.
Marocain, Crepella
used effectively. solve tho gelatine in a littlo water,
| nastj/ accidents happen in this
Ensemble and Coat To lop the beach add lemon Juice to the and Rayon Frocks
Bargains | way.
| R7irn takinp a j/ioit'cr in a
I porcelain or enamel bath Uvhlch
mode, there are
still the large
vanilla, flavor and make up
pints of mixture, with water It neces
sary. . Return .It to the saucepan' and
tigs nnd
to li

— | arc very conducive to slipping ), rough straw hats,

Frocks Jumper Suits , etc., for Ell H
I 1| place any old towel in the full but the wide let It boll for a mlnuto
Into a mould rinsed in cold, water,
or two. Pour 9/11
A DECilDKUPICK IIBKK. A colle.:;.,n -4
Special clearance! Rack of Frocks in Printed Crcpe-de-Chene — Evening I length of the hath. Then stand floppy hats of put In a cool place, and turn1 out about260 SummerFrocksoffered herefar !>>
/ mm firmly upon it, and so doing linen or cretonne,
V Frocks — Imported Sports Frocks in Jersey Tweeds — Tennis Frocks — # 9 Bw / 1/ V |I an acc/dcnt (such a.?bya sprained sec-
when set. Actual rost. Included arc frocks of hln.-k erf
Imported Jumper Suits. All Below Cost. CANN'S SUMMER SALE. 59/6. with shallow navy spun fmrl rllk. In O.H. and K.u.S.>i/n.
| ankle) icill probably he prevented . ni/nut crvn'HS uuu ; Frock of tloral crej>ede chine..Fro'ks cf
1 It is a very good precaution in
stitched brims, arc' newer and more flexible than the straw ones. The A SHOPPING SIDELIGHT floral crepeeropellu.Frock of plain and fl-Md
| the case of children, who may marocain.and frocks of floral raton. Mr t
lOiGiis. Model Frocks, Costumes | /iiire to he left for a few seconds simple diving cap remains the best to lake to the water, and white rubber
Yesterday, as a husband Joined his ftnart stvlc to choose from. In S.S.W., S .W..w ,
V Model Frocks in Printed Satin, Imported Costumes nnd Sports mju 1/
A\f VJTm
I | by themselves.
is the smartest of these.
To carry chic to the tips of the toes —French sandals of canvas, some
wife in the lift at a city shop
a sale was 'In progress, he whispered.
where and" OUT SIZES. Were19/11, 20/6; M-m-lay,
Suits. Tennis Frocks, Lightweight Coals in Spring Woollens. Re- JL jl m # ft times striped, sometimes plain, arc the best choice for the beach, although "Are you suro It fits you? You've
never been ablo to wear' the one
tjj duced from 84 and I0J Gns. CANN'S SUMMER SALE, 4$ GNS. j £ to match, and was ablo to get tho the plain white canvas slippers arc also light-weight and comfortable. If bought hero Inst year."
you 15/11, 19/11
color she wanted in striped rayon, 50 one wants protection in the water there are the bathing shoes of rubber; It my fault that It couldn't "Well,i.» wasnt.
hmhes wide, reduced from 4/11 to uihlifl is the hest color, here. too.
121, 14 Gn. Ensembles, n /i
/ a
| I //» Vogue HerviceCopyright. tored to tit me,"
though I would get thinner."
snapped his wife.
Washing Satin and
This Is just an example of an effi
Costumes for j" f) I I M I |:ih cient method.
It is a much better plan to con
.iimmrTiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiimiiiiiimmmmmmiummiiimmiii >111>1
l llltll!' Illlll BUS HIII retort
the first
being too
on deaf ears.
small In

iji Ensemble Suits, in Printed Crepe-de-Chcne, Shan-

nnd Flnminga. Georgette Afternoon Frocks in
on what you
ENGAGED Crepe de Chene
tung really to go Into a shop
Marocain. Satin. Crepe-dc-Chene Summer-weight Coats. Included are Imported Tailor-made Costumes. i$» with no tlxed Idea and wonder aim SOCIAL GOSSIP The engagement Is -announced of
usually 12$ to 14 Gns. CANN'S SUMMER SALE, £6/19/6. V lessly from ono .department to an
Beryl Buchanan (.ludy), second
permanent Blouses and
v — —— — —— — — i— i — — — — yv other. It is a waste of time nnd on- In Today's News ! daughter of Mr and Mrs M. B. Finney,
V orgy, to say nothing of tho nuisance |
you make of yourself to tho genuine
buyer and tho saleswomen.
20 Mercer Road, Malvern,
.lames Hume Wilcox, of Melbourne,
Commander R. N. Duke, R.N., who son of Mr and Mrs S. J. Wilcox, of
to 'Mr
flwrb waving Jumpers 6/11
About 200 In all —Ionstdcevetuck in Im-vA
I 59/6, 69/6 Assorted \£\! Reverting to furnishings,
want new cretonne curtains or loose
if vou served for two years as navigating
officer of the Australian fleet, is now
The engagement Is announced of
New Year
and open front bandedjumpers, of all "'<
In shadesof pink. fawn. H
Also turk In bloua of white all <1

covers, now is tho time to buy mater f BOB WAVED,WITH rropo do chrno. S.W.. W., and OUT Sl/.tS
ial cheap. stationed at Malta. His wife and his Currlo, fourth daughter of Mr D. CURLS.
Tailored \ J Were 16/11. 19Ml; Muidav Special, 6/1 .

A wonderful range of smartly

effects. All well
nnd Wool
» WiiB' iilfl 1 you
Dainty-patterned cretonnes are be daughter Joan, who visited Australia
ing sold as low as Dd a yard, and if
take a dozen yards the prjee is during
Commander Duko's term of. Mrs.Bowdern,
Bowdern, Brunswick,

servico on the nagsnip auh- Thomas, youngest son of Mr and Mrs
friends C. of
and £he late
of Laceby, to John
< 91 /
(25 CurUri),.
Georgette Coats. Straight and fl finished. tralla, and who made many South-
Moorwatha, "ROSKARDS"
shades of Navy, Black, Fawn, Lido. All sizes. Usually 59/6. CANN'S SUMMER SALE, 39/6 In Melbourne, are going to live at
One of the bargain sales
1b the wonmn who insists on plagues Malta.
The engagement Is announced of
Flnt Floor (Upstairs).
Knit Wool and
on" 20 guinea models, and ends Fred ChaUingsworth,

|V 39/6, 49/6 Assorted Coats for <V4/

1 1
| can'ttaking something at G9/G.
ufford the higher priced frock, of "WiUIscroft,"
Mr and Mrs
Ida Isabet Kelly, younger daughter
with ; Mr .of Mr and Mrs JB, Kelly, Wellington
One rack only of assorted Coats comprising Flannels, Silk and fleck j .wmAs /mm 'V but sho gets a thrill out of seeing and Mrs R. M. Cuthbortson and
their Street, Maryborough, to
older son of Air
William Jacquard
yt Hopsac. well tailored throughout. ln all shades.' AU sizes, 39/6. CANN'S A / JL iA how she looks In them. son, Mr Alan Cuthbertson, left Syda George Brownblll,
SUMMER SALE, 24/11. Now Is the time to pick up smart ney by the "Aorangi" this week for and Mrs G. 3U. Brownblll, "Grace-
.J Permanent
jjj woollen sports
suits, suitable for next three months' visit to Honolulu,
French models with pleated
dale," Victoria- Street, Maryborough.
Wave, £1/1/-
Cardigans 6/11
200. Cardigan, mediumand heavy uo„'»l
The engagement Is. announced of
skirts, and fancy patterned jumpers Ladv. Hennesey and Miss Valerie LONGBOB or SHINGLE. garments,finely knitted of wool and silk. " '
| 29/6, 39/6 Sports Coats -
10/11 with color interwoven, are obtain
I able at 59/6, having been reduced Hennessy
they have taken a furnished
at Mornlngton, where
Leila Mary, eldest"
and Mrs A. McICirdy, 2 Stanhope
daughter of Mr Shampooand Setting
range of this seuson'a shades,showing
jacquard designs,and color contrasts,inMona
150 Smart Sport Coats in flannel, some featuring m and W. fittings. Were 16/11. 19/11;
»< polo style; others I m m "J many guineas. Street, Mont Albert, to Claude Leo at NINE. 0/11.
Bnished stitchings, belted at normal waist-lme. In all sires and shades. mm V Looking ahead Is a good plan when Mr and "Mrs Robert Knox, of
U.uaily 29/6 to 39/6. l-J the purse is not too long, and lovelv "Greenknowe/; Toorak. with their nard, eldest som of. Mr and Mrs T.
i little berets with scarf to match, of family, are Hpendlng the school holi .lories. "Royles," Alexandra Street, y LATEST OIL WAVE OR
49/6, 59/6 Black and Navy
i the novelty type, can bo picked up days at their country homo at Gls- Thornbury. , 'T C
lr«« soft waveswith ''
for a guinea. borne. Marocain and Crepe de Chene
| 49/6 ORIGINAL POLO COATS for 39/6j Tho summer hasn't begun yet, and Miss Mollie Anthony
The engagement is announced of ringlot flnda. Expert operatorsonly employed.
daughter .of Floronce, second daughter of Mr and MarcelWave,2/0; \V. Waving,2/6. All other
girls who may have had a fancy for Mr W. Anthony, "St. Clears," Mrs H. J. Dyason, "Thelrene," Suth
erland to
BeautyTreatment. Coats 29/11
the two-toned shoes, brown kid and Stawell, who ha» been abroad for Ernest, eldest Street, Murrumbeena,
son of Mr E. A. Bil CHICAGO SALON 100. Smartly- tailored Coats, of black an'
white buckskin, which look so well nearly two years, is expected to re of and the late BeautySpecialists, navy art tdlk marocainand all wool crept n
with light frocks, but who were un turn to Australia at an "early date. lings, Qucenscliff, Australia — Downstairs,274 Collins St. .chene. In S.S.W.,S.W., and W. fitting. Vtffi
able to pay 39/6 a pair for them, can Mrs Billings, grandson of Mr and Hotel Phone:Cent. J.120.— Kstab.-60 years. 40/fl. 60/6; MondaySpecial,29/11.

flS obtain tho same shoe now for 22/C— Mr and Mrs Rex Winch, of Gar- Mrs W. J. Ambery, 32 Neerlm Roml, NICHOLSON'S BLOUSES PTY. LTW
a big drop. denvale, are the guests of Mrs Wed- Oaklelgh. Collins St.
Shoes are down, oven the exclusive dcll — Mrs Winch's mother —at

The engagement is announced of
I skin makes of crocodile and snake Forest Street, Bendigo. eldest daughter of
j ! skin are reduced 10/ a pair. Marjory Catherine,
Mr W. Bolton, J. P.. und Mrs Bolton,
MONDAY EXTRAORDINARY! Clearing line of .mart Frock, of M/ >J
Miss Margaret Martin,
i South Australia,
of Glenelg,
Is on a visit to her "A'MaJuba," Balaclava Road, Caul- EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT
V Floral Spun Silk, Figured Rayons, Prints and Fuji Silk Voiles. Well 11 Hil III friends,' Misses An6tcy and Patricia fleld, to Valentino Robert NoviUe, We havejust receiveda Large Stockof a special line of genuineFur ' Necklet
made. Newest styles, in sizes S.S.NV.. S.W., NV. Usually 39/6 and 49/6. /I .AILXIL A of Dendy Street, Middle only son of Mr and Mrs S. J. Blrda from C. & W. .Martin,London,which will be offeredto the Public from
Brighton. "Rossnowlagh," Beach Avenue, El-
jtj wood. 9 . a.m., NEXT MONDAY, 5th JANUARY
Mosquitoes Troublesome Mrs E. M. Ricker, of East Malvern, The is announced of TheseFurs are speciallyselectedpelts in two-tone shadingsto match any garment.In
her baby son Roy, left today for Hilda, engagement Single and. Crossover"style. Guaranteedgenuinefur skins that will last for yean.
| 29/6 to 59/6 Assorted Frocks ID 111 I
"\TOSQUJTOES are very troublesome with
this year. Those who do their
a brief holiday at Portsea. She Is Mrs Barnet youngest daughter of Mr and
Goldstein, 412 Canning The Receiverfor the Bank has instructedus to sell tliCAOmagnificentfura at the 1
at the Ncpean Hotel. following ridiculousprices:—
X Marvellous Clearing Offer in Frocks of Figured Voiles, Rayons, Prints, m M m m X own gardening get numerous stings, staying Street, North Carlton, to Henry
A Daytime Harmony. All smartly fashioned, perfect fitting. Sizes S.S.W., Ab AL JK not only when watering In tho cool of "Mrs Shields, of Loch Street, St. son Emanuel (Mnnnfo) Davis, youngest 22/'6 30/- Crossover Style
y of Mr Henry Davis, of Mosinan, Single Style
S.NV., W. Usually 29/6 to 59/6.CANN'S SUMMER SALE, 13/11. the evening, but at any hour during with her Miss
$ the day' should they decide to do a Kllda, daughter, NOTE ONLY ADDRESS:
Peggy, has a house at Portsea for Sydney, and the late Mrs 'Davis.
bit of weeding, or other tidying up. the holiday season.
39/6, 45/- Rack of Frocks for I 29/6
Cardigans for - - This agile Insect seems to have a Tho engagement Is announced of 229 Collins St., adj. "Age" Office
| i;j penchant for hosiery, and as long Mrs Tom Gray has taken her young Mary Frances, second daughter of
Another remarkable offer in - Table of All Wool Jersey i P ! 1 skirts have not yet become the fash family to the seaside. She is staying the late Mr Alexander Fullarton and
Frocks of Fuji and Figured Rayons.
1i m
well cut; finished X ion Cpr workaday styles, women gar at Tho Grange, Portsea, where she Mrs Fullarton, 583 King Street, West DAVEY, PURDY & CO., Agents for the Receiver.
A Also oddments in Evening Frocks. £J / | Cardigans; / /% // / / will bo joined for tho week-ends by Melbourne, to Albert Leonard,
pockets and buttons Pink, >J« deners get many a painful nip.
S.S.W., S.NX'., W. Usually 39/6. CANN'S I Red, Lemon, Green, Blue, etc, S.SAV. SW Every housewife should sec that no her sisters, Mrs Jack Gray,, and Mrs younger son -of Mr and Mrs Robert
%5 X old utensils filled with water are left E. C. Tronson. Stephens, "Nlagdala," 74 . Napier
X SUMMER SALE, 21/- j W. Usually 29/6. A Crescent, Glcnbcrvle.
; tho garden or yard. A dis-
Jt i CANN'S SUMMER SALE, 15/11 ®I abouf
carded tin lid that has caught a few Miss Grace Eraser, of Parnell,

yX 1'
1 IJ x i drops of water while the hose was In Auckland, New Zealand,
1 action will provide these troublesome been here on a visit,
who lias Tho engagement is announced of
begins her Nancy, eldest daughter of Mr« Mit
homeward journey on Sunday, when chell and the late Mr G. B. Mitchell,
! pests with a temporary resting place she leaveH by the Sydney; express. "Oakburn," Harcourt Street, Auburn, on BeautyMatters'during the Popular Poinpa-
ttciSRw. /g&A
Oddments Smocksfor i much to their liking, with a little She Intends to seo the home. Blue Moun to Lindsey, second son of Mr and Mrs dour MusicalSeMlonfrom— 1 ISS
12/11 in 6/11
| ii ammonia
Touching the spots O. Yuncken, "Frlsla," Harcourt Street, 3DB,
Monday, 7.30 to 8 p.m.
jf 13/11 KL-d j 4/11 Overalls
Wrapon for J water,
or baking soda, mixed with tains before sailing for
vinegar, or any
is recommended for treating mosquito
kind of spirit, .Miss Marjorle
fluid, Is the guest of Mr,\and
Bowman, of Caul-
3UZ, Thursday,
3KZ, Every Day at 11 a.m.
8 to 8.30 p.m.
| Allan Wlddls, at Roacdale. . direct from' thc-MulsonPompadour. fSjnim .
1 Pure Silk Hose-- -
i bites.
i Thoso. insects also dislike kerosene OF GOOD
1 | 7/11, 8/11 Assorted Underwear 3/11
| < or lotions made of aromatic oil. laven- such The marriage of Mary Cherle, only SECRET
TEA" Always good muelc,and helpful Beauty Hints
- After-. -
for the Ladles.VwjfWytf
J as peppermint, oil of cloves. daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert Musical Sessiononly every Tuesday _
noon at 3.80. LISTENIN.
|l sL., M / !
3/11 Suede
Fabric Gloves - - -
1/- %ii dcr, hergamot. turpentine
'or eu- Claxton, 95 ivooyongkoot Road, Haw
thorn, to Mr Geoffrey Holden, of Syd cup
That delicious flavor In your tea
you like ho much comes from
Many people And tho oaor of clt- young tea-buds, rich In sap-juice.
1 Floral
9/1 Silk Mousse lines - - -
3/11 ronelln effectual in keeping mosquitoes ney, is to take place on January 9 at You enjoy tea-bud flavor at its

I sL /n/|| J at bay.
'< with pennyroyal.
Others smear themselves St. John's Church, Toorak R9ud, at finest when you
7.30 p.m. Miss Claxton, who is a
use Bushclls
Label Tea since It contains only the
Blue l-a Pompadour '
V 1
t: No Mail SSB II II
I 10/6 Fancy Crepe-de-Chenes
-4/11 «< For treating mosquito bites, a granddaughter
, bushwoman pins her faith to tobacco der Llndcman, U.N., one of Sydney's
of tho late Comman tiniest juiciest leaves.
These tea-buds are cured with great FOOTSUFFKREItSwill Amiprompt
AmFhlT WAVFm%/
or early Naval Commandants, will be at earo to -Imprison, all their richness roller lor all loot trouble, at the r
B .RtlflWlB.n I TTrWr LSI 1.
Orders ash. Sho rubs either cigar
llil 2/6 Figured Rayons for - - - - 5
1/6 tho
affected. tended Miss Minna Clark. Mr uml multl-rctlncd— a Bushells process U"K0,,DV
I j j \
| yA cigarette ash Into parts by
Stale ash Is no good ns a remedy. She Oliver Claxton/ brother of the bridc- —to .ensure purity.
- i'.caW.l'0M1,AD0UI1" CompleteHead...No Friz ... UU|
Cor. Swanston and maintains that by using fresh ash the : olect, will support 'the bridegroom. So. rich is Bushclls Blue Label Tci
I !;< pain nnd burning sensation will van- After the ceremony Mr and Mrs Clax- you get 200 cups from a pound— seven 64 Elizabeth St. Phone' F4235
MADAME POMPADOUR Just Lovely RinqletMllMfl
j country customers
| CANNSltyTLtdc" Lit. Collins Sts., Melb. J ddeasr add kreigrt. J
I 5« Ish after /the paste lias been on
$rI few minutes,
a. ton "v/111entertain
at their home.
about flfty guests big cups
— (Advt.)/
of- delicious tea for a penny.

»' ' ' '


National Library of Australia

Ill o/w « n-imicM j asmoiica with scam .and strongly
( house from nude, Frctich blonde, rose-bcigc, Paris grey, patio atoma,
l/i i
Monday! Hose Clearance ftf
Of Surplus A
Stock! —

FuU Fash.' Siik Hose viV 16/11 f.f. Silk Hose 7/n j "Finlay's"Double D. B. Sheetings fl/m Striped Verandah Duck At
ti "ik'iV | pimni-Vi'l"!"!
"""""'"i1 Ka!ijm!eTi''iL'T
p'.rr'Hiik'! i-Trio"' (tin/.!!;! H "1'inlay's" Bed Sheetings sacrificed ! These White II || || 3j Striped Verandah Duck with broad Brown or Green Stripes! |l || ||ST
1"i'V'i ''"r0 iininiiwiwiui i-oinipx million,iioiiywuMi,' II weaves arc extra heavy qualities 1 Full 80in. wide, and II II DB F'nll 72 inches wide and soundly woven 1 Suitable for outdoor II In JB
l,:,'Ti.rirvVT->;("l«iiTr'"cl m"rro"
Twill ligfl |H
„ ""T . II every yard stamped "KinlayV! Usually 2/11! IR II MM blinds of every description I Usual price, 2/1 1. JJH JAMAS I

Boys j/b All Wool ! bolter Hose II- S 3/6 HemmedTwill Sheets At 2/6 2/3 Bordered Damask 1/6 Yard -
3/11 Fringed Lace Curtains -
' " Bordered
ThoseColored are extra weave in width? SOInches!
Ikunnsks heavy Thesefoiee CurtatnameasureSI inches long by 3»5in'h's! They sluiw
« - effectiveIice patterns, with h'-avy fringe at iNifinm and plain tup!
S,t' sSifhSiFSt;, ££z to, "ja tsa «— Heavily wovenwith while centresand fancy coloredbordersof blue/gold, rod/
map blue, and blue/rod, Knst wiisliimct Usualprice, 2/3 yard!

11 r liTrl IllAVAC
fl/H A
m j
3/11 Unbleached Sheets
well m.vl- o( llnblrurtH Twill Sh.vl!»ir-1 Th-
limine! Slio-t.
2/6 9ld. Plain MowCases 6d. Each Stencilled Curtains At 12/6
StencilledCasementCurtains in groundsof V, rose, fawns, bine, brown,
1 1 uauiilici H
1 1/1 II I ll f„U '
Itediieodfrom Old.! Plain Pillow Cosesin- heavy White Calico! All full mauve,etc., with effectiveetenHl designsto contrast! Each Curtain measure
ut UlUYCo IIUtY II 1JK o Shite 'sas
l/.e and well made! Tapedready for Immediateuse! 10 Inches wide by 2$ yard long! Usual price, jt»/l| pairl

.clr.uglit ur tuincd-b.u.k cuff clTccts! All riclily embroidered! Tontngs

19 \H
W D 2/3 Double Bed Sheetings At l/6i "Horrockses" Buttoned Slips
1/- Large 10/6 Satin Cushions 5/11
,1I(' liascra, dago, grev, nut, etc. Al size I 7 MHfl Ktill an Inehe wide nnd heavily wovenI TheseDoublenod Shorting?nro TlorroekW Iluttonrd Tillow Slips! Well madeof "Hormckaea"Pillow ReautlfulSatin Cushionsin variety of «ff.'efivefhapesl Manyin roundand
fh'M pipings and generouslyfilh-d!
Cotlon with buttonedendat All measure30 inchesbv 20 Inches! oval shapes! Other squaret Triinm-«Iwith black
include rnso/biack,hetin/ohick,blue, !

S K Uomlht Glovr witt, tr«igl,t onll and patenttipped
11..'-r<! fitto nicely embroidered! Alt >i/«H in Arab,
hoggur.tilld"'. „asiF, f.»lr«kh..mocha!
hroid.-ml id |S"J
ros-Mvond faxvi.
" Traliht or
Hotk At 2/6i
it hVel V",,n'lf nVd
Regular 1/I I ColoredIlord-re.l Damask(Moth?sacrificed. Thosemumure5n
«»»>V(t P«''» «ldto centre?with fancy colore,
| larders <.f
3/6 Mercerised Damask For
Ib'dueedfrom 3/0! MoochedTable Damaskin width of Of Inches! flight v
weaves,with satin finish! Kofuowith Swan/Watorlilyand Kookaburra
2/6 Large 1/11 Colored Towels At 1/-
D'hirnentgroupof large ColoredTowels! \ anionsgex-,dmakesfrom leading
wii mm » 'm —nnH,. ii!i,le
ma —' T!e,vrrV mtie!
red. (due. gold! Bordersare mmninlecdfimtl designs! Otherswith Ifci-kcf/TrellU or R«.'/Sno| effects! AustralianMilts! All measura22 inchesby H t-Miallv 1/11!
Q/11 I A 1 1 1 IT 1 t ff U 2/11 White Verandah Duck- l/9i Large 2/11 White Towels At 1 /1H 39/6 D.B. Kapok Mattresses 28/6 17/6 Verandah Blinds 12/6
//II I f\ f\ / I I 111 A/H7 YA7 An% /If , ral m A HeavyVerandahPuck for VerandahMinds and Outdoor Our famous 2/11 "Monster" White Towels wirrlflced! Double Bi'd Mattresseswith tilling of PurifiedKapok! Si/e lift, wide, with 8ft. drop! Madeof strongWhite
Heavily woven with thick lerrv tlnWi and fringed ends! Well coveredwith ColoredStriped Ticking and strongly Duck and ready to attach to ,\«uirVmandahor Sieep-uut!
LI 1 1 IU 4/ 1 1 ncthWCal nl l/iill S wa She 21 Inchesby Soft Texture!
4fl Inrlie! Kxoeptiramlly buttoned! All are I feet rt incheswide! Completewith solid OregonPolesand all Itttings!
i and Cuff Sets! Crepe de Cliinc. Fronts! II
Apache Scarves! All
s.uriliced below cos! ! Tlicse comprise regular 2/1 1 to -1/11 .values! Collar/
( itlf sets conic in Crepe Gazelle with lace trimmings! The Fronts are lace IH IB IB O !
trimmed! The Scarves come in all coloringsl ABL AB IB. M Striped Zephyr

lhantilly rlouncings
from 2/11 and 3/11 yard! KlTeotlvet'luintillv
1 /- Opossum Chokers 30/- 'House
100 neat
Frocks 1/-
Reduced Reducedfrom £3/3/1 Oporsumdiokera, in favored II I 2/1 StripedZephyr 1lnu»e
VlounclhgIn variety nf desigltsl All full 27 Indies wide'l Ikimnartenand BlueFox totilngsl Fashioned
of full furred II Frorka sacriflcerj
| Well madein inagvnr
j .l(d>Includesky, lemon,beige,pink, apricot, lime,flame,
( pelts in favoredCrossoverstyle with attractive head I stvies with belt, ami pocketI Ncativ
and sipiirrel bru<hro! Neatly linerll || ' houndat neck and sloevea! Full W.
TX I «1 A fittings! Strict 1 liinitl
4/6 Overalls-- -2/111
Leather chopping bach
j/li oags Z/b g
i' Rorlucedfrom I/A! "Hoyle's Print"
Overall in Wrapnn styles! Floral and
, fancy designswith cuitRist facings!

bilks! thousands Ot Yards Bamamised ! Look! 8/11 Wool/Silk Cardigans M I

Sensational clearance of 250 Wool/Silk Cardigans! Regular 8/11 styles ggaJgMl ff
in tv.o-touc colorings of fawn, green, blue, red, rose, etc., with self facings BtflnB
and cuffs! AH firmly knitted, with two pockets! S.W. and W. fittings! IB

6/11 Spot Crepe De Chine Strict 1 limit! J»»M.

/iiii 4/11 D.W. Silk Georgette ULiai n

At 10/- Silk For II-
kcdiicctl from 6/11! Crcpc dc Chines of Pure Silk quality in latest
Pin S,»ui ucsifyns! ! till tlouhlc width and beautifully woven, with cofi- mfr
Below Half Price! Pure Silk Georgette, in mauve, sky, bottle, lemon, H IB B 2w S 19/11 Cardigans Lumberjacks
saxc, henna, almond, red, cerise, brown, cyclamen, coral, dark hclio., H IB B ® Oddmontgroup,comprisingregular 10/11 AH Wool nr Rcducei!from 12/11! Art if. Silk Knitted faimborjaik'-M
frjistin spots! Principal tunings include sky, copper, pink, saxc, navy, IB H »jh 1 Wool-SilkCardigan! Varietyof smart styles in two-iono with tight ribbedhipband and cufM Thee buttond„wu
black, nilc, almond, citron, electric, petunia, coral, turquoise!
Q ||
turquoise and delphinium. I'ull double ,widths and Iicavily woven of pure JB Khades with self facings! Somewith collar?! Toning of front and liavo muuII revnrccolhirhl Snmll p:ilb-rueddo-
silk with crcpc texture! Usual price, 4/11 yard!
rrenie,mauve,rorl, ruse,powder,?axe,lemon,etc.I nigiH, in orango,fawn,red, bruwn,bid", alnion-l,ei«:.»

12/6 Floral Mousseline 4/11 Plain Colored For 6/11 Spun Silks At 2/11
MCnvr in lurg<»and mediumfloral pattern! Thpsc Floral
jire PureSilk wnvi tn full douldewidtli! All extra goodqualitiesI
yd. 1/11 Fuji
Reducedfrom 1/11! ColoredFuji, in «axe,red, hello., pink. jade. turquoUo..
Nile, aalnion.bnia tie rose,almond,reseda,lemon, peach,and V. rouct Heavily
1/- Striped
Reducedfrom fi/11! Striped Spun Silk- In latest. Hair-line and nvdium
stripeddesign for .lumpersor Blouses! Heavily wovenand pure silk! Toning
Smart 12/11 to 15/11 Bathers Now 5/-
Somewith navyand black grottmUt OtherKin Inningsof lloi d<»U<vp,almond, wovenand full 20 in<h<vwhb>! of blue, fawn,champagne, light saxc,beigo.cinnamon,brown, Air Force! fn Oddment group of smart 12/11 to 15/11 Bathers! Included arc United or Palm Beach styles
r-irrlimciil. «kv, pink, ran de nil. axure,etc. Usualprire, !2/d yard! in latest plain colors or striped designs! Pure Wool or Wool/Cotton qualities! Maids' to O.S.

Heavy 6/11 Crepe De Chines 2/11 4/11 Double Width Crepella l/l b S fittings! _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Double Width Floral Satin At 2/11 F.xtra and full
heavy doublewidth! ColoredCrepede Chinosof PureSilk I 11
Rednredfrom /! MCrepell.V,Frockiuga,showing navy and
yard Fancy M
r-pi'Hal rlearanct?nf regular 1/11 Double-widthFloral Sjillnsl Numemuo weave! Regulari»/M qualities, tn Mis de rose,saxc,fawn,almond,grey,reseda, Mark grounds,with delightful design, in almond,saxe.botsde rose, new green,
r\\f> designsin tilutotid, fawn, tdaek,navy, fnxc, hrowtt,electric/ V.-rcis", hello., akv, eitmamon,magenta,plum, mauve,pink grey, eau dc nil, medium powder red a/.ure,lemon, grev ami apple! Full doublewidth, and beautifully
ski .. tniKhroom.etc.! All ileslgturichly blended.

6/11 Floral Crepe De Chine - 3/11 4/11 Colored

brown,ewlanwn, l.eige.fawn, lime, oyster grey. mole.

Spun Silk 2/11 yard Z/H"Kanebo" Fuji Silk l/9i

wovenin small and medium patterns!

yard 5/11 Double Width botins -

LI 1I 2
8/11 Trimmed Straw Hats Wig |
All >iIk crepe de Chine, in wonderfulvariety of Floral SensationalClearanceof ColoredSpun Silks! Fvery Genuine2/11 Natural "Kanebo Fuji Silk sacrificed! DoubleWidth Weave?In old gold, turquoise,wine,navy, 11 Below actual cost! Wonderful variety of Fancy Straw or Lacc Straw H m
and Scrolldesigns! Full doublewidth uttd heavily wnvml thread giiamutecdPure Silk! Choivode from rkv, hclio., Kvcry yard stamped"Kanebo," »nd every inch roundly black, cardinal, gold, white, sky, Nile, salmon, medium, IB Hats, in small or large shapes, withtrimmings of two-tone corded ribbon! flL— 4 9 H
Ihcry wantedcoloring,with beautifullyblended dcsigusl black, pink,light green,navy,fl<di, eau nil, turquoise! wovenof Pure Silk! Width full 20 inches! brown,wxe, V. rnc, flame. Heavily woven! II
Dainty styles for Ladies or Maids! Shades of pink, lemon, saxe, fawn, 9hB3 Bfi 9 .
black, green, etc. I Usual prices, 6/ It to o/lll

Visca Straw Hats 15/11 Latest 10/6 Straws 4/11

Double Width Check Zephyr 014 « 1/6 Ribbed Cotton Vests At
Vests with dainty IBB
s clearanceof regular23/11 Torle ViscaStraw
il.'itei SomeHlightly dnwpcd! Otliernwith uplift fronw!
Trimmedwith cordedribbon! Shadesof black/white,navy/
white, saxe,beige,rose,green,linen, etc.I
Reducedfrom 10/6! Fancy StrawH«r« in, mediumor
largeshapeswith wide Crin,edge! Smartly trimmeil with'
wido ailk ribbon! Coloring include kuxc,black, bniwn,'
fawn,champagne, white, henna,rcl. etc.!
Genuine 1/3 Double-width Woyen Check Zephyrs sacrificed! Numerous lfl |J Special clearance of Ladies' Ribbed Cotton M |
different desiKtis! Some with small and medium block checks in pale fl|H 29 II lace fronts! Soundly woven in opera top styles with lingerie braid Q
blue, rccii, hclio., brown, navy, red, black! Others witli fancy broken II BMl M
checks in saxc, fawn, red, hclio., lemon, green, brown. II Lhreadings at neck! Usually /6!
Matrons' Smart 21/- to 25/- Hats 15/11
At 32fl.
Frockitig.-.! Many
KHd. Floral Voile Mi
Redurcdfrom lOjd! "New' Trie" Floral Voiles,with
U 3/11 Jersey Vests 1/114 Jersey Bloomers -
2/114 Below actual cost! Black and Navy Satin or Georgette Hats for Matrons! Splendid variety
of shapes, with clcvcr trimmings of Straw or Ribbon I Usual prices, 21/ to 25/ each! \
«irh Pin Spot »nd Checkdeignson ground nf hlue, pink, small de-ign. in medium and Hark toning! Somewith KJ i Well-known3/11 makeof JerseySilk V«d?with
tubular DiscontinuednumberIn popular 3/1 J make! JerseySilk 11
aj.ricot, hclio., fawn, red or Mack! Other with small ro»cbudand dire effects! Other?with star and fancysquaro bindingsat tieck! Thesearediscontinuednumbersin pink. nile, lemon, junk, tnnuve,mastic, k«y »nU
T»-chud and jwltrrns on grotmd?of pink, blue, helio., designs! Coloring of pink, turquoise,hello., cinnamon, Fl apricot, mauve, mantle,skyl ivory! Finishedwith largo gussetand tuck gathered! ||
ttliite, etc ! Full 27 imtufl wide! royal, green,grey, black,orange,red! II

1 /II D.W. Colored 1 s 6/11 to 7/11 Corselettes fVttt n

1/11 to 2/11 Infants' Wear ML
1 11 yard!
Rayons lm
m II Oddment group of Side fastening
Corselettes in Pink Silk
|H I II a
Infants' Wear sacrificed! Two-tone Linen Rompers! Floral Voilcnc
Frocks, in assorted shades! Cambric Play Aprons in double style, with

Redjtccd from /
Double-width Colored "Rayon of Artificial
Strong wearing qualities with silky appearance!
IB Broche! Lightly boned at back, and front! Fitted with 4 stts- AjH II JJr
pocketl Creme Winceyette Nights! Creme knitted Bonnets and Caps! All
rnernlai 1/tl 7/11 TfnlfiA<sl 7 Hniifl
weaves! IH I II 5J
Choose from pink, pale hlue, hclio., cream, saxc, lemon, black, navy, grey, IB 11 nenders I Sizes 30 to 38! Usually 7/11! WkW .HJAflDf II
rati dc nil, fawn, salmon, wedgewood and cream! IBB ||

At - Maids' 6/11 Frocks 3/11 Crepe Chine Frocks 5/11

Fancy Marocains At 8d. Fancy Haircords
4/6 Brassieres
Reducedfrom 3/6 and 4/6! Artificial
Silk BrassiereIn
Surgical Corsets
"Nautilus" Surgical Cornots,in heavy Pink Broche!
16/11 II
Reducedfrom 0/11! Floral CamhricFrocksfor Girls
from 8 to 14 year! Dainty styles with short sleevesand
pleatedt-kirtl Toning of red,ease,green,pink!
Reducedfrom 10/0! Infant's Ivory Crept!do Cliinu'
Frocks with Vat. edging at.neck and sleeves!. All are
daintily embossed
and havesj»»ketitchedfront!
Mowlerfulvariety of 1/ FancvCrepeMarocaln/aerified! from 1/3! Spotand FloralHaircordsof strong
Reduced pink, creine,mauve,lemon,white nnd bluet PopularUp TheseincludeWraponor Back-incingl\qips,with innerelus- ||
Manywith flower-budor rose dcigti»! Otherswliii Dice wearingweave! Manywith smallPin Spotsin mixedcolor- 11 lift styles)!'Somefastenat shiest Other fastenat hackI tic beltai AH havereinforcedelastic sectionsin skirt and PB
and ' L17(I« 1.(Jroumlnof helio., maize,grcco, waistline! Fitted with fourhooksnnd six suspenders!
hi... fancySpot
A ..I.,fpatfcri!
Jug! Other with 1.1..
li'llll.. small,rosebud
j. jmi , designs! Grounds of II
U AH perfect fittings! AssortedsizeI

6/11 l obralco School Blouses For 2/11

c Reduced from 6/11! Maids' While "Tobralco" and "Sclkcip" Blouses for School Wear!
Well made with Golf collars and buttoned cuffs! Sizes 1 to 4!
Huge Reductions For Men And Boys! a
Almost Half Price !
fI 55/- 32 Piece Dinner Sets
it not Wlllcin SqijarpB,Kt x (1(1.Pin. .. Sail- Cl/n/
('!/!«/ AxtiiIiisIit, nrt. x 7(1.illn. .'. .. . . Sale £o
t;i/lu/ I 4/11 And 5/11 Fashion Shirts 2/111 Oddments ! Boys' Smart 21/Suits 12/11 II
32 Piece English Dinner Sets in fine white semi-porcelain I Cobalt
F7/1IJ/ Willon Hnuarm,lilt, x (III Hale I ' u ln blue band pattern with gold-line and edgel Each Set comprises six each g IB IH IB
(17/10/ SuperWlltoin, 0(1.x (1(1 Sain (7/111/ I II SensationalClearanceof Men'sCambricnnd Repp FashionShirti in tlzca 14 to 161 Oddmentsin regular 21/ SulU for Boysl SomeIn Nar t - "« In H .
£10/(0/ Wilton Sonar, Pit. X (Oil. Oln. .. Sale (II I Regular 4/11 and 6/11 qualities. With imart stripesin mauve,grey, blue nnd black. Al! Wool Tweed! All perfectlytailored! Coatscome In Fia.u "'ih s;.\u u.;,i ,uuvo dinner, pudding, cheese plates, coupes, 3 meat dishes, 2 vegetable dishes \flB
£17/10/ SuperWiltcaia,pit. X 10(1. Sale £0/10/ I I
Knchshirt well madewith reinforcednecksand largogussets! < pockets! Both Coatsand Knickersare well lined! Sizesarc 3 to 121 and gravy boatl Superior English make! Usually S5/I QUB
£0/10/ Axinlnster,oft. x 1Oft. Itln Sale £.1
(1.1/10/ HeavyAxmiti.. tilt, x 10(1.Oln. .. Hulc £7/10/ #
(1.1/10/ -Wlllim Souarea,fXt. X 12(t Sale it %
At 2/6
(10/10/ SuperWlltrais, (111.X 1 2ft Sale £11/5/
Sale £0
hi Strong 5/11 Bib/Brace Overalls 3/11 Boys' 3/11 Drill Play Overalls Q 2/6 School Cases
- -
1/6 Complete Tool Sets ! /-
£10/111/Axinliistrr,0(1.x 12(1 Sale £8/10/ I |
StrongA/11 Mb nnd BraceOverallssacrificed!SomeIn Navy or Khaki Drill! OthersIn Boys' Play OverallsIn heavyGrey Drill I Thceoare sturdily madewith largo bib and
£11/10/ HeavyAxraln.,011.X 12!t l
pockets! All seamsarc doublestitched! Sizes0 to 4. Usually 3/11 ; now 2/6! Reducedfrom 2/61 Strong Fibre School Caseawith Reducedfrom 3/11 1 Handyman'sCombinationToni
£18/10/ Wilton Sqnarea,12!t. x Hit. 5ln. . Sate £10 heavyUnbleached DrillI Alt well madewith largebibs andhigh backs! Finishedwith full set strong strong cornersand wooden frame in Hdt Finishedwith Sets comprising7 useful tools and hummer! Thesesets
£10/10/ WiltonSquares, llllt. Illn.x Utt. 31n. Sale (II M nf tinnkntjiunit l,i-i«aUlfines! &viniHilntiblp fifIIrhrHI fibftt are 3 tn 71 Slzi>a
5 to 12. Usuallv 4/0: Now 2/111
strong handlo nnd two clasps! compriseall the toola wantedbv the amateurcarpenter?!
£10/10/ Axnilnalcr,12ft. x lOtt. Illn Snle £l> #
— - 1/3
£17/10/ Axinhaiter.13ft. Gin.x lOlt. Oin. . Hale £10 J Men's Athletic Singlets Men's Strong Hose - - - 4|d.
i Men's 12/11 Boiler Suits For 8/11
Reducedfrom 2/11! Cotton Athletic Singlets,In 8.M. ifen'3 1/8 WorkSoxsacrificed! Tlicseare "seconds"In
Width Shadowette At KM
1 Reducedfrom12/111 BoilerSuitsIn HeavyKhakiDrill! II

1/6Full Double
Best 9/6 Linoleums Now 5/- Yard I
|I I and M. fittings! All full size and soundlywoven! Neck Heavy Black Cotton or Blue Grey Cottonl Every pair Well made in heavy Prill with full set of pocketsl All
seams 3 to
Oddmentlengthsof best"X" quality British Linoleums! and sleeves are boundwith White Silk Braid! strongly splicedthroughoutand guaranteedstrongwearing! arc double overlooked! Sizes 8!
All six feetwide ntid suitablefor room up to Oft.or 1Of1.! I 48 inches wide! Double Width Shadowettc Cretonne in effective Floral and colored
Varietyof dcriigmtand coloring! Usualprice, U/6 yard! I I
I Boys 9/11 All Wool Flannel Blazers (Sizes j to 6) Now5/- |J designs! All regular 1/6 qualities! Splendid variety of colourings!
10 Id DATPAHtnililn 117AA1 DIIAA -_ 10/. -
a?/ u ncvcidiiiic ituvi iuiga iv/
AlmcvitHalf l'rlce! Wool ReversibleRug?,In sizesfit
inchesl.v 27 Iticlieal ' Numerousattractive designswith
fringed Midsj Tonhigsof fuwn, -grey, blue, pink, mauve,
orangeand tantrerlne! Usual price, 1f>/0 eachI
21/-E.0.S.Fuji Silk Frocks IA/«i| 9
5/11 Stamped l ICjl
D Reduced from 19/1.11 O.S. and E.O.S. Striped Fuji Silk Frocks llll
sacrificed! Well made in smart styles, with turned-back collars! Finished IBB
witli Belt at waist! Skirts are side pleated! Tonings arc brown, grey, IB
Smart Summer Coats Below Cost !

Bedroom Sets 1 ' saxc. lemon, almond, salmon, fawn, ctc.l OOLJOL 1 1
fl Smart 25/11 Colored Flannel Coats 9/1 1 Latest 12/11 Floral Sports Coats 6/11
19/11 Pique Frocks
Iinitatifin MnenBedroomSetsreduced-fr/un 5/11! The?o II
comprboTwo I'ilhnv .Sham(30 Inchc byJ0 inches). One II 22/11 Voile Frocks 12/11 9/11 |J Reducedfrom 25/111 ColoredFlannel Coalsin latest Semi-fitting or Belted styles! Oddmentsin regular 12/11 Floral Sports Coats sacrificed! ,Somein Fancy Pique1
Centre(20 liichenby 12 Inches),Four Mala(tt Inchesby 0 II Perfectly tailored and finishedwith stitching on the collarsand front panels! S.W.and W. OthersIn Floral Fuji De Luxe! Perfectlytailored in slraightliuestyles-.wttlipatchpockets!
litL'h")I Ail arc ucatly spokestUchcdand ready to cm- II j Reducedfrom 22/111 Dainty Floral Vpilc Frocks In Smart10/lt ColoretlPiqueFrockssacrificed!Well mado fittings In navy, burgundy,lemon,brownand saxc! Manyhavestitching on the collars nnd iront panels! Nowesttoniiigs!
I or Ixig Sleevestyles,with turned-backcollars
Sleeveless In idiort sleevestyleswith two-waycollars! 8kirU In lilp
or 'V" necks! .SomehaveCapecollars! Skirtsare smartly effectwith side pleatsl
yoke white, almond and IcttlslShade Includelime, apricot, -I
Lengths 38 Inchesto 42

ExtraLarge i
I flared1 NewestFloral designsin vaxc, lemon,nav/, red,
lime,almond,fawnandroseI S.W.and W. fitthigsl
Inciieal II 29/11 0.S. & E.O.S. Sultane Coats 19/11 39/6 Taulored Worsted Coats For 1 9./11
4/11 Reducedfrom 29/111 Slenderising O.S.and E.O.S.Black or Navy ultane Coats! flfi/fi Worsted Coati sacrlficedl Smartlytailored in Soinl-filttngor Boltotlwtyle
lltied and finishedwith patch pockets! SAV,ti

Lampshades At
D 39/6 O S. and E.O.S. Rayon Frocks 27/11 S
Perfectly tailored with plain collars, finished with Inset piccca on the cuffs and front
pnueU! All full flttingl
with plain collani and -evcrai All
O.S.ttttingi in' brown,bottle, saxe,partly
l»!go and grey-tonings! r

l' Reduced front 39/61 O.S. and E;O.S. Rayon Frocks, in newest Fancy designs! Smart styles
large 12/11 Direct Lampshades lacrlficcd! These
prh« Dome shapewith diainrter of 10 incltre! Complete
wi'h all flttlng! <Plain or Floral designsIn hello., white,
II .
- .1 1
with turned-back collars or. inlet fronts of contrasting color!
Tonings arc riavy, brown, saxc, fawn, beige, black and.whitel
Skirts" are Flared or Pleated! II
II 1> A ViyVG '
50N 19/n LO.S.BlackCoats 9/11
blue,green,brown-'girdV. rosel 'M I M KM Slenderising O.S.and..E.O.S:THaoie-?R»ysimnc'.' Coafi tUCnflcfdlAVol
HI ivli"YRm .ni. tailored'in largo IVrap''atyles,xviift plain.cqliaraand ravexaJ.-
- Mil W 91 mtmmm. with patenpocketnl usual pThej1 a/
5/11 Polishing Oil Mops - - 1/1 li
pHi T-
W. 4. WKARNB; Smart Pola - -
(InmliwS/IL HoIWiIik:OIl'Mnp.wcrldtod! Well-cliurKeJ "II
Mith Oil! -.Completewith Four.Foot-.Handleand Tin'ecu ' "II Sets At 5/11 s MANAOXMO DttUEOTOR. 39/6 Flannel Goats 19/11
taliierl Tlie-actuariiop |« detachablefrom the Framoand
M1, be'edrkped
' ' rencwedl''WlU'lnit twice.aA long tl . : PI I
Alflwiniuni Saucopan
froni Wit set! Set' of- Four Heavy Aluminium Saucepans with Capacity from U . II
I tfl
1 mA
» «» » AvU
1 iXalAA'
'AM 9%
nAUVlfA SrViifSr a m m r
« -Half
N®vv Prlce'OlearBnce'of/iitMtstj/ffL.Goiitrte
Tolo eollaraarid largiy/Patch p'ockeUlVcifwtly.'.ttfnorqlfj.'effev
ordinaryAlopsI' with perfect fitting lidsl
/ tijr
WIUrC%5fc.. . tivc belted akyleawith.Hurned-Uack. 'cuffid'-3'buUt©if
Udo,atr force blue, etc.t ' SAV.ami W. ilttlngal
' are'raadr,:
'>'' q
QI to 5 Pints! Made of hard rolled Aluminium U

National Library of Australia

| 9/11 Ready-To- Wears I &
A variety or itosdy-to-Wnars
5 assorted shapes anil a
in 1 !
_ rood riuiKC of colers i"y-v f 4 — 5/11 Men's Fashion ! |
m lu-K'P nod fanny straws.! I 1
m trlinmod ribbon. mostly Fl / I I
in self colors. Usually# J. < SHIRTS

h 1
5 i1 11; 0\T. Annual Sale i?
S—Price. 2/11. Splendid, vnluo In Men's Fashjnt» $
m — — Shirts, in a smart range of dosigivi |fl p,
and colorings, Hilly cut. sizes, Koj);n«. S
ate eoWars to match, rc.oa yl
#4 <i I
19/11 Semi-Trimmed this outslnndlng
ft/1 1.
G.T. //
fl f fl | 5 S
Usually | 1 ! 4
Salo Price, tf X JL
lleeomimr shapes ami wanloil enl- 'vij
ors In a variety of now straws, itt- Jj "
j eluding lace on edco
m and lirltns
or crowns, mm / 4 f
trimmed 2/11 Men's Cell, j
1<« /II
lions. Usually 11; / I I
Annual Sale Price, /f 1
C.T. j
Men's Cellular (J'wcnr In elth. r
Kntcks or Singlets, a
J! -ft
l 22/11 MILLINERY strongly woven quality I S
that will give the ser- | / | 1 J |
B Trimmed and Semi-trimmed Mil- vice you so desire. Usu- I / m I M W,
Ilnery in groat variety, including all- ally '2/1 1. C.T. Annual X ' / Xi I 1
.Sale Price, 1/1 I.
JJ over
lace, plain
.stnnvy. combined !
r fancy straws, etc. A la rue S
r assortment of shapes and all wanted
colors, daintily trimmed with ribbon
or ribbon and flowers, 30/- Men's j
5 also matron's Millinery # fl 4 |
m in smart shapes, princl-l If ff II I
r pally black and navy.f fl Lumber jackets, etc. \ |
Usually 215/11: C.T.fl/# 11
g Annual Sale Price, 9/ It The sensation of tho year, a sp. . «j
elitl purchase of Men's Knitwear, S $
comprising Lumber Jackets, Coat fl
Sweaters or Pullovers, all the better
I 32/6 POLO COATS styles apd qualities that
fl f4
Tltu popular Polo Cent 111 hiKh- at the price will prove m tf / /> Ja &
" erode quit Uty tiannol and wanted an absolute gilt. Don't III jL. ft
B shades, smartly belted, hesitate. Usually 30/. Ill
C.T, Annual Sale Price, XX'
B with patch pockets and III V fl
B gauntlet cuffs. S.S.tV. "! /|| RiflaflaflflfliflflfliflflflflflHflflflflflfliflflfliflflflflflflflflflflflflfliaiiflflflliflflflflliflfllflflflfllflflfliflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfla n/6.
to W. tlttines. ;v|
Usually F F / ||
S 32, il; U.T. Annual Sale UM
g Price. 22 11. /


i Printed Marocain well woven and splendid wearing, 2/11 Boys' Sports f l

in a wide range of fancy designs in all the latest
jP®' 0/ J
I 19/11
A clearance i>i Frocks in superior I I
1| showing 1 jk /l SHIRTS S 1
quality Marocain, Satin, British Celancsc in
flh B shades. Usually lOid. C.T. Annual Sale Price, 5:d.
I VOILE FROCKS g Black, Navy, an, '.van ted shades, smartly dared skirts, featuring' a variety of nov B S I I g
' Boys' White Mereeris««d Twill
new Sports Shirts in perfect fitting siv.s.
These dainty Voile Frocks collars, and other in and shades. S.S.W. to M
M iti attractive
figured designs, shewing jj jabots finishings plain contrasting flpr Jg, g that will prove saiisfnc- <fl fflfll / 5
L>.S. littings. L'suallv 0,?/'-. C.T. Annual Sale Price, .v '1 1. tory, in sizes 12 to DLL I / o I fl/ fl
long sleeves or sleove-
less styles, new flared «R a : —— — ; ; : s
1/3 C.T. Fancy Daynticord 8|d. D.W. Fancy Printed Dimity 8d.
111 g I aSSS? ..K: 1/11/2
5 effects. S.S.W. to \V. lit- H II III C.T. Fry.. Daynticord Just opened a Double width Frv. Printod IHmity, f i
r tines. Usually 16/11; I II f || new shipment of this well-known .Ideal for sorvlreahle frock, etc.. comos 1/116. 5 ih
C\T. Annual Sale Price. XV
I 11 I 7i Gns. Distinctive Frocks -
8/II Frocks, Smocks, Jumpers,
reliable wjish fabric, comos In a won-
derful assortment of new designs In
in a wide range of designs In fast wnsh-
g a hip one prlrp offer —Gnod rjtialily |Ri ing colors.. Usually 1/3. C.T. Annual
r Now Season's Garments. Hnerilleort. every color hnaginnhlc. Usiiallv 1/3. Sale Price ' $Ad.
r Distiiwtivo Frot'k styles in the most
l.inone House Fr»»eks, n good range of a / G.T. Annual Sale Price. s?d. 3/11 Men's Cotton f !
wanted materials. Including a large pfl shades, short sleeves, cmllar and pockets >fl / T 1
g 14/11 Figured Voile & g variety in the much wanted Black and I I bound contrasting shades, finished em- /I / IS
B Navy, and a l-<"„1 ranqo of colors, thoy. ta'lli omhroldcry dcslqn. s.w, to Itx.u.s./H Bin - - UNDERWEAR |
4/11 D.W. Fey. Mousselines 2/11 Crepe de Chene f
g Dimity Frocks show thy fashionable skirt lenpths and
a variety of new llnlshlnqs. Jalmts. enl-
lltliUKS. also Imllatlon Idncii .Smocks
colors. Ilmired cotton frocks, "artificial
T fi"
fl Sj Double width Fey. Printed
1 / 1
Double width all silk TJIuck and Navy.
If Men's Brown Cotton U'pants or 5 >1
Dainty Frocks of Fi/jurcd Voile in
g effective liirs. etc.. self or eontrastiny: shades. f silk Jumpers, etr. Usltallv S,'ll. U.T. 5I lines, the latest for smart froeklng, Singlets in a t«>vely soft t fl
range of desicrns; some feu- Grope de Chene, excellent value, every weave, coal nn.i con.- B 1 a
g S.W. to i).S. Usually Ti Una. U.T. Aaaaal S.alo 1'rlre I'll. aI showing In smart designs and colorings. thread pure silk In black and navy only. . fortuhle in sizes to 42. w / 1_
r tare now shoulder cape. g Annual Sale Price. BI Usually 4/11. C.T. Annual Sale 'Price, Usually 2/1 1. C.T. Annual Sale Price, flfl fl
others have long sleeves "fl 1/H4. 1/1 1i. Usually 3/11. C.T. An- yf Vr fl k
H and flared skirts, alsnfl— f B I | nual Sale Price. 2/6. J
45/6 Shantung & Crep. Frocks
Jj smart designs in Dimltyffl# I I
s | aiuimiiBiiiiiiHiiiiiiniiHiuiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHimii
Frocks, llnished jabots.
S.8.W. to W.
19/11 FLORAL COATS - -
Frocks of good Shantung Silk.
quality OB
- -
Good quality
attractive designs.
Floral 1'lque Goats, in
made In newest 1/1/1
i „g 4
Figured Grepcilas. etr.. In a variety of
samrt styles, showlnk ilarcd skirls, ntl

/ 1 1
g| 1/ Strong Pillow Cases
t\l 1 I PRICES j|
I DOWN COME g styles, realurlns- dared skirls and scarf 811/ I I
CdesSs'ln' llayon KroeiTH': O.S.' //' I I
i Main I'illow
g dard size with
Cases, made from pure pillow
well finished.
cotton, stan-
/Oi g
B collars. S.S.tV.' to S.W. fittings- Usually J, \J JL and Bx.O.S. linings. Usually 45/6. C.T. ttdfmi JL JL i tape complete, Usually 1/-. m>Ub 3
19/tt. C.T. Annual Sale Price. 10/U. Annual Sale Price. 22/11. C.T. Annual Sale Price, 6Id.
3/1 I


j STOCKS ! I.adies' superior
some have deep contrasting
quality crepe and
bands at
neck, with
Fuji Nights.
short or
full fittings in A

1 1
Jy J
il/9 |#3

sleeves, dainty embossing

Usuallv " 3/11 ; C.T. Annual Sale Price, 1/1 H. White Face Towels, Osman quality, size 34 x 18. B 3 5/11 Men's Pyjamas
I 4/11 SILKEN colors. Jj genuine perfect dryers,
Men's Winceyette Pyjamas,. In a
J j
C.T. quality that will wear and wash welt
MIXTURE HOSE ! Usually 1/9. Annual Sale Price, 1/- g 'smart designs and colors - I /t
| to secure excellent 1/11 Ld Cot. &
Wool Vests 10id 1/11 Ladies' Bloomers ---!/- 5 that will not fade, full 3 / fl. 0
R An opportunity : shzes. Usually %
R wearing hose at a ridiculous price, a Ladies' cotton, and wool and cotton. Ladies mercerised Stockinette, British
5711. C.T. Annual Sale
/ flfl J
Crepo Bloomers, gusseted, . %J I \J Z
g perfect hose of pure silk mixture, some have short or no sleeves. uji-and '
g guaranteed for wear and appearance.
. . . ,
others tubular », ,« 1- ... n,. 1/11.
1/11 threaded elastic, some white, others are i WL Twill Tea Towels 54d. 1/3 S.B, Wht. Twill Sheeting - 8£d. 3 1
Price. 3/6.

' S |
r fully seamed. Choose from tonings of COIorH Usuilly 1/11. C.T. Annual a Strong Twill Tea Towels, good size, hemmed ready for use. Single-bed White Twill Sheeting; 52/5 lin. wide, having a r
R Criole. Sunskln, Valencia, bb /ill
Kasha. Duinesse, Cedar. I
C.T. Annual Sale Price. lOfcd. sale Price ' 1/ J
I I Usually Sid.: G.T. Annual Sale Price, fGd. soft, dry finish. Usually 1/3; C T. Annual Sale Price, Sid. II
r 1 1
I / III/
Usually 4/11: C.T. An- I / 1 1 /<) g 2/6 Wide End Ties S
nual Sale Price, 1/111 |
g AjlI/£ 4/11 Ladies' Crepe Pyjamas 2/6 3/11 Ladies' Coolie Coats - 2/6 i 1/11 Damask Cloths - 1/- A wide assortnicnt of Smart Ties.
- - - 7/6D.B. Super Eleph. ea 5 Sheets 5/ something different in designs, colors
Ladles heavy crepe Pyjamas, Jumper Ladies' serviceable coolie Coats, suit- JI White Damask Gloths for Breakfast use; size 45 x 45. - Full double-bed size super Elephant quality White Twill r - and qualities, to be
style, with contrasting hand at neck and able for beach wear, in Moral designs, | These have neat colored borders.' Usually I / 11r "| / u
14/11 Full Fashioned pants, dainty embossing in front, pink,. light and dark colorings, to suit all. |J C.T. Annual Sheets; SOln. x 2 Jyd.s. Obtainable only at our 3 Stores. cleared at a throw-out | / H
g I I Sale Price, 1/. price. I / » B
sky and crenie. Usually 4/1 L C.T. Usually 3/1 L C.T. Annual Sale Price, Usually 7/6: C.l\ Annual Sale Price, 5/ each. Usually 2/6.
C.T. Annual Sale Price.
Annual Sale Price 2/6. X' S
S Better value has never been of- fl
n fered. Extra heavy servige weight
pure silk hose, fully fashioned, every
pair perfect. Colors include Spanish
Cedar, Beechnut.
3/11 Lock-Knit Jersey Bloomers 1/lli curtain nets'1 15/11 SingleBedBlankets- 12/6 pair 2/11 Men's Blk. Shirts
| |
g Brown, Gunmetal, Men's Black Twill Work Shirts In
5 Black. White. Sand.R I |
Dove Moderne. L III a. superior quality yarn that will
Grey. J q
4/11 Single Bed Honeycomb Quilts
Usually 14/11; c-'r- I I give durable service, finished with fl |
g Annual
J 5,11 pair.
Sale Price, fl /I X X
10/6 Ladies' All Wool Bathers -6/11 3/6 collar and pocket, sizes
S.M., M.. O.S.
. 2/11.
C.T. Annual Sale / / 1 /O
I J 1/
Price, 2/34. Li' O/O fl
3/11 FANCY SILK " |
2/11 Strong White Brassieres -
1/61 12/6 Double Bed Quilts
- -
7/6 — —
g GAUNTLETS 39/6 DoUbie Bed
H U'ldios fancy artificial silk gaunl- 5/11 Boys' Navy |
lets in every style and shade, pull-on
r effect, elastic at wrist, straight
tdrn-back cuffs, all neatly embroid-
5/11 Reducing Corsets - - -
3/lH 10id. Fancy Dress Prints -
61d. Chev. Knickers j
g ered in self tonings, available in nil tress, best quality kapok filled, well Hoys'
Navy Cheviot
and serviceable,
Knickers. U
5 sizes, in now shades | f%A / t f\"\ / 9 'h
r Brown, Nut. Hazel, Mex-fl If- cut roonty and have ay/ i
R lean. Usually 3/11; C.T. W / |fl A)
1/11 Crepe de Chene Collars -1/- 1/11 29 inch Cot'd Fuji Silk -
-1/31 solid lining. All alzes. \ / M Al
Usually 5/ it. C.T. flfl /
III/ 9
9 5
g Annual Sale Price, 2/6iXfl . C.T. Annual Salo LiT! 11 Annual Salo Price 3/94,

g pair. B !«
5 5/11 PURE SILK Lace Tops - - 2/6 29in. D.D. Natural Silk
1/11 Nightdress 1/- suit cases Fuji 1/104 10/6 Men's Navy \
Our genuine 5, 11 hose, extra heavy Cheviot Trousers
g pure
silk mixture hose, fully seamed,
a perfect fitting hose that will give
R service and satisfaction.ot Colors are
9/11 Milanese' 36 inch Flouncing 5/11 iinfllMSr-
reliable locks.
1/11 D.W. Chiffon Voiles -
lHd. Men's Na\y Cheviot Trousers, our
usual cut and finish, faithfully
and will stand the hard-

the newest shades / "fl «fl est wear, usual pockets. / 4 «B

Arab. Mocha. Alesan,fl /II / | | J
g cuff bottoms.
5 Seasan. Gorgeous. Usual- J /II
H ly 5/11 : C.T. Annual fcR# X X 3d. White H.S. Handkerchiefs 8 fori/ c-t-'
2/11 Stamped Shams Pair for 1/11 2 10/6.
Price, 6/11. »
Usually flfl / I I
C.T. Annual Sale \J

Sale Price, 2/11 pair.

2/11 Ladies' 4/11 Child s Art. Silk Sunshades 1/.1 h 10id. stamped Calico Aprons 7id. 21/- Men's
S Gauntlet Gloves assorted mounts, silk lined. Inner .
S Choose from different styles in Sports Coats |
Ladies' Gauntlet Gloves, silk and lisle
mixture, also Kayscr, in suede fabric 3/11 Boys' All Wool Golf Socks -
1/1 H 1/- Cream Art. Cable Silk - -
Mon's atl wool Tweed SportB Coats,
fashionable garments In
sniart dressy colors and 4
f g% 9
g gauntlets, perfect in fitting and wear, designs, tho usual cut I f / f_ S
r available in ail sizes in ff\1 / with pleated
r a good range of service- I / J 1/ back. I F f || fl
Usually 21/. C.T. An- lfa|/ V
able shades. Usually | /
2/11: C.T. Annual Sale X
l /€1
! U 1/11 Child's Silken Socks -
10id. 1/3 Wire Lamp Frames - -
6d. nual Sale Price. 12/ii,
g Prfcc. 1/3& P"ir. I6/11'1/AD1ES; BAGS

7id. Domestic Cretonnes - 4ld. 1/6 Chenille - - - BE AT THE I

I CASH Wallets Is available at this special Fringe" 1/-
, '

I ORDERS 2/3. Hygienic Pillows
- - -
-1/9 able shado includes Navy, Black, 2/1 1 dz.
Hand Made Laces
. .(
dz l/l ' li EVERY ARTICLE i |
f ACCEPTED 4/11 36 in. x 72 in. Roller Blinds 3/6 IFLIH?'1' 12/D 1/1 1 Fancy Silk Laces - -

National Library of Australia
Magazine Section i Section | |

[?] -Sfts? -

have sung of the long wash of Australian seas, and a dozen opposition. So, notwithstanding those wlio were opposed to us, we went |
steadily on, gathering in the cheques and making the Road.
POETS miles south of Gcelong, as the crow flics, one reaches the south- .
I want to emphasise the fact, right here, that no private trust, or com-
western coastline of Victoria. There there Is a long sweep of littoral |
n picturesque blending of seaside, river, mountain and bush, pany could have organised and carried out this great scheme without the |
lovejincss, guiding hand of the Country Roads Board, with its enthusiastic and
making as fine a scenic ensemble as ntay be found anywhere between Cape |
York and the Leeuwin. indefatigable members. I
T The work draws near completion. The linking-up of the seaside resorts
Along the beautiful section of the sea coast, between the Barwon Heads |
| TUB HAifi PIN a heat and Cape Otway, arc many noted resorts, much already in existence will form an important feature of the general scheme. | TUB an BAT OCEAN HOAO AT
ocean no ad. —favored_by holiday-makers. Resorts such as Barwon Heads, Torquay, Angiesea, Airey's inlet, Lome and |
| Places like Torquay, Airey's Inlet, Loutltt Bay 90 miles from Melbourne, Apollo Bay are familiar to most tourists, but the country in between is MOUNT DEFIANCE.
where Lome, supreme among Victoria's watering-places, is situated — and |=
so on to Cape Patten and Apollo Bay. possessed of such wonderful scenery and surroundings for seaside resorts
that it will be surprising if new townlets arc not built during the next
Between these well-known points of scenic charm arc others not so few years.
widbly known. There are thickly wooded ranges running down to the sea, As the large area opens up and attractive features present themselves,
JacKaro© crystal streams babbling along their rocky beds, ferny gorges, rocky cliffs,
and rugged headlands, mountain nnd valley, and clean, wide beaches,
I consider the Great Ocean Road will offer attractions and inducements Tlhe ILittle
Yanras which will keep tourists from going into other States, and spending their
forests and ferns, and waterfalls. And always a seascape of unrivalled money there. Slhoips
charm. Settlers and property owners will benefit also. Land on the route and in
(From a Correspondent) Yet, strangely enough, ever since the first pioneer settlers came to this the nearby forests will be greatly improved in value. At intervals there is By MYRA MORRIS
LONDON, November 20. . attractive coast, the only means of reaching it was by bush tracks and good rich iand, which has a good rainfall, capable of growing large quan ttWTHAT were tho bis shops like?
ft crocodile bark? I have more or less uneven nnd rugged roads from the main highway to Wnrr- tities of primary products. That is a question that th«
nambool and Portland, now called the Prince's Dairy farms and butter factories already exist, and as years go on
DOES heard that on occasion they
can bellow like a bull, but j
Highway, which runs from
east to west, always 20 miles and more north of the seashore, and with these, and cheese factories will help to swell the proceeds of the adjacent
yy traveller
from London or Paris can hardly
Frank Hives,., who tells soma forests and mountains in between. districts. Areas of land for building purposes have come into the posses hope to escape. And the answer ia
sion of the Trust, and much of it has been disposed of at satisfactory
entertaining stories of Queensland Perhaps from the first people dreamed of a great ocean road which prices, the proceeds of which are used for building the Road.
invariably couched in lyrical terms,-
and has to do with the great namesi
In "Tho Journal of a Jackaroo," should follow the picturesque coast line, link up the townicts and make
Just published by John Lane, has this lovely area more accessible, but if they did it was only a dream which Reference must be made of the splendid organising work of the Secre in the history of London s traao.
There will be Liberty's, llarrod's,
no doubt about .tho nolso that they seemed impossible of realisation. tary of the Trust, the late Captain E. Morley, M.L.A. Some months
Carnage's and Selfrldge's.
after the Road was started, Cr. Hendy, original organiser, thought it advis
make. Describing a night which ho Certainly one old and esteemed friend of mine, the late Honorable E. able that he should resign his position in favor of a returned soldier. This
For myself— -I am vague when 141
comes to the mention of those great
spent alone in a hut on tho Upper H. Lascellcs, whose breadth of vision made him the founder of the great he accordingly did, and later on the late Captain Morley was elected to palatial palaces. it la the HttlQi
Herbert River, ho.says;— "A croco malice settlement scheme, did put this dream of an ocean road into words.
the position. Afterwards becoming a member of the Legislative Assembly, shops that Tshall always rcmcmbefl
dile on tho river bank only a few He proposed a road from Gcelong to Lome, but nothing came of it. and thus coming in contact with political leaders of the State, he was able most clearly — the little, lost shopg
yards away chose tho time to glvo Tile coming of the motor car, which did so much to open up real roads to render very special service to the Trust in many directions. Much of tucked away in tho narrow street#
that touch the edges of! once
vent to one of those sharp, blood through Australia, gave, a fillip to the dream of on ocean road to Lome. the success of his efforts was due to his enthusiasm and.general interest l'ashionablo quarters. There is one
curdling barks characteristic of tho I romdmbcr one day I was sitting on the BlufT nt Barwon Heads, and I in the scheme. winding street that I shall never
brute." thought of how fine a thing it would be if such a road could be made, The opening of the first section to Lome was an unqualified success, forget. It ran through from Ken
It was that night that a naked winding in and out of the ferntree gullies, twisting around bluffs and and thousands of visitors and tourists visit this resort every season. sington to Netting Hill, curling like
headlands, and so running oh and on under the shadow of the giant gums As the day had gone by for donations, the Trust considered that the a river.
bedfellow, with a razor In his hand, All little shops here! Quaint
tried to sneak into the hut and and rugged rocks clear to Warrnambool. What a fine thing that would establishment of toll-gates was necessary to provide money for the upkeep. that the children from
assassinate tho writer. As this hap buildings
be, I thought. Much as the members of the Trust disliked the establishment of tolls, it "The Blue Bird" might have lived
pened before tho beginning of this Well, that day-dream has materialised at last. The road is not quite was felt that it was the only reasonable way of raising the money. Accord in. Most of them had liiamcmd-
century, this lad seems to have
been tho original razor gangster in clear all the way to Warrnambool certainly, but it will be very soon. ingly the flrst was erected, and later on, when the Trust purchased for paned windows framed in brilliant
Australia. Twelve years ago we started to make the Great Ocean Road, nnd in £1850 the road which the late Mr Lane had built, a second gate was green. Some were to be reached by
One of the stones with which old our enthusiasm and optimism we thought to finish it in four or five. way of shallow steps, and had doors
' established.
"As Lane's Road, or as it is known to the Trust, the Long Beach Road,
ot' orange and scarlet and deep Lido
Harry Winter used, to astound Well, it is good/to aim at a high ideal, even if we fall a little short in its blue, and queer haunting names —
trusting visitors was about a for its upkeep, and sufficient money was raised from the tolls together, "Green Gardens," "The Fairings,"
warder In the old days of Port attainment. paid and
T/ic writer of this article, Alderman Howard Hitchcock, C.M.G., O.B.E., it was recently decided that this toll should be closed, the road taken and "The Corner Shop." Next to a
Arthur who put his finger Into When the Great War was over, nnd everyone was anxious that some over by the Country Roads Board, which undertook to keep it in repair. room where lmnd-weaving was still
Harry's check feeling for a possible concrete memorial should arise of the brave men whose spiritual ideals M.L.C., is President of the Great Ocean Road Trust, and the completion of in progress, "The Vanity" displayed
plug of the forbidden tobacco. "I made them defy distance nnd defy the road along the south-western coast is the realisation of a dream which Half of it has now been splendidly formed, and the road users in the near a window of sheer delights, and
bit tho black linger off and swal death, the idea of the Great Ocean future will have a perfect road into Airey's. over the .way, "The Merchant Ad
lowed it," said old Harry. , Road was seriously considered. It was the flrst fallen soldiers' memorial has been his for years. The creation of the road is very largely due to ' on the original rates.
to be mentioned, as it was the first to be commenced in this State. Only one toll now exists and at reduced charges venturers" presented a brave front.
History repented itself one St. Mr Hitchcock's energy, initiative and boundless enthusiasm. be very soon to have this also removed. Who would not buy at "The Mer-
Fatrlck'j Day in a North Queens The idea was that the returned men themselves were to make the road. Efforts will made
Ocean Road will stand as a . chant Adventurers" with the very
land township. Tho author de This would give work to many, but only those who had been previously And so our dream comes true. The Great a as a name a challenge! There was u
scribes how a storekeeper came to accustomed to road-siaking, or other heavy work, were to be employed. construction, a finished surface, or a width necessary for the ultimate monument or persistent, self-sacrificing elTort. it is highway made colored sign swinging outside with
him 'with his hand 'wrapped in a requirements of an ordinary road. The main idea was to open up the the deeds of our scratched "Dieu nous
And so the scheme began to shape itself. Councillor E. E. Hendy, of fitting memorial of lettering:
handkerchief, saying that he hail country and get through as soon as possible, leaving it to future genera soldiers, but it is also a convenient domic 'bonne aventure." The win
got his little finger Into a police the Barrabool Shire, had invited a large number of municipal officials — tions to make the necessary improvements. means of outlet tor tramc riuiu dow, framed and latticed in green,
man's mouth during a mix-up on mayors, presidents and councillors — as well as other friends, to a social was full of exquisite eggshell pot
the floor of the hotel coffee room, It was to be expected that tile scheme would receive some opposition, mote hills and valleys, a stimulus to tery that had the tinge of sea
gathering on the occasion of opening a road in the Paraparap district, a settlement, and a scenic roadway

and that the policeman Had bitten few miles from Geelong. There were the usual speeches and but the large number of those opposed to the building of the road seemed water smearing it . . . pottery from
it off and sjvallowed it. The flrst congratula to me to be excessive. However, I always had recognised that the greatest which is unsurpassed in the Com Germany and Holland. Primrose
joint of the finger had gone all tions, and one speaker, Mr F. W. Fricke, of the Country Roads Board, successes in any public effort were brought about by fair and reasonable monwealth. pottery made Into tho intriguing
right, and, in spite of a close search, said: "I wonder why you Geelong people do not tackle the making of an shapes of animals. Persian pottery
no trace could bo found of -tlio ocean road round your part of the coast." — rich dark blue shaped into Ink
missing piece. wells and jars and bowls. And
That was the genesis of the movement, f was mayor of Geelong at there was glass, looking as though
Speaking of snakes, the author the time, and I hastily convened a meeting at the City Hall, at which
mentions the hoop snake, which is- members of the Country Roads Board explained to the gathering the
it had been blown from bubbles of
sea-water. Meadow-green glass in
supposed to put Its
and bowl itself downhill
tail In Its mouth
like a possibilities of such a road. A brief report of this meeting appeared in a flow I Became aiadi Faiifomimes delicate goblets and slender, jugs.
hoop. He admits that he has never city paper and attracted the attention of the Apollo Bay Progress Associa I remember going inside that
heen lucky enough to see one. By NORMAN CAMPBELL shop — to look not to buy. There
a tion, with the result that Mr Edgar, M.L.C., Cr. Hendy and myself were was an aroma of incense verywliere.
he did see
One day
diamond snake (which has
in those parts) swallow its young.
There were only three or four of
a hood
asked to Apollo Bay to confer with local residents on the matter. The
net result of these preliminary talks was that the Great Ocean Road Trust
was created at a crowded meeting in the Colac Town Hall on March 22,
A Novelist WMEN
I was a boy we had
no telephones, typewriters,
tomimes In Australia. Harry Ric
hards imported tho Martinettls, a
At the top of the narrow wooden
stairs was a second room
rare pieces. A great tray of beaten
filled with
movies, talkies, electric trains troupe of splendid pantomimists, brass with glasses'' of golden glass
them, and they were six inches long. 1918.
nr trams, aeroplanes, wireless, and Mens Marlus gave a single and a match. I pictured tho
Another curious habit observed in I was elected president, and Cr. Hendy was appointed organising secre VANCE PALMER . motor cars — goodness gracious, we handed show here in which he en jug to
snakes was that , of making a noise Lady of Shalott sitting by her
tary. _ The elected members of the Trust were all representative men. As sense of hadn't even got a fountain pen! acted the part of a gentleman who river-window with such a golden
like their prey for finance, we had promises at the meeting from various enthusiasts of hits a of success at such an age, and But wo. had pantomimes. Real was expecting a lady to supper. loveliness at he side.' I saw a
lie was lucky enough too to see comedy, all right. True, that young Vance Palmer' decided he That was the motif. It was merely
black fellows catching wild ducks
sums varying from £1000 down to a modest fiver. DESTINY gouien-neaoea, cuioc«»j, great ruby goblet with queer wavy
Immediately after his return from the war Major W. T. B. McCormack, sense Is rather wry nnd Ironi could make a good living out of spangled, gas-lit and glorious pan a man in evening dress waiting for . markings) and a wide, shallow dish
by a method that involved skilled cal, but it must exist or why should Wo paid,, a. shilling .to. ,,a lady.. Not a syllable was uttered.
watercraft. Having spotted tho M.Inst., C.E. (the present Chairman of the Country Roads Board) took writing in- London. He :w,ent there . tomimes, that was like a carved lump- of
' that omnipotent oUF man planfTrt' go into 'tho pit at tho Theatre Royal, ''"'Marlus single-handed kept the au ice. . . .
ducks-asleep Jon the 'water, the
collect reeds
personal charge of- operations. / Australia a writer of the mental, when ho was about 20, and' stayed and had a shillingsworth that — dience deeply interested for twenty Next door was a little shop all
blackfellow would The making of the road provided employment for many returned men, Palmer, and for two years. He wrote for every all, well! you black and silver. Tho owner ,
'which, he held like a fan In front' fashion of Vance sa.v
nnd the nature of the work and the healthful open-air conditions have to him, "Work out the pattern or magazine, from Answers to The don't get such specialised in chandeliers, so the
Of his face. He would then creep been instrumental in restoring the physical fitness and morale of many your life as I have designed It" V . Nineteenth Century. He turned out shows no w- window was full of chandeliers and
into tho water, sneak down on tho whose nerves had been shattered. As a novelist, Vance Palmer has to articles, stories and verse with anights. immense silver balls that held tho
ducks with his fane hidden behind catholic impartiality. It was a 'Why, when Mel color of tho big scarlet buac that
the reeds, and when close enough I well remember meeting one party of seven men at the Geelong rail contend with two characteristics valuable apprenticeship, pruning
ducks the feet that, from a mercenary viewpoint, bourne had but went lumbering down the street.
. dive and get two by way station. We had breakfast together, but they were all suffering more are handicaps — his innate sincerity away little clumsy elbows and cor 300,000 inhabi Pure and delicate tho chan
and drag themunder. The other or less from war strain, poison gas, and the like, and could eat little or ners from his style, mellowing and we had as
and his Intense Australlanlsm. Tho tants deliers hung, each piece a drip of
" ducks would fly away, but the hun- nothing. These chaps were on their way to work on the flrst section of the flrst compels him to write of the rounding it. It did one other thing, many as three rain that had set Jnto solid crystal.
ter bad his supper. Ocean Road. Three weeks later I met them at work on the Road at Cape life and the flowers and the 'odors too. It enabled him to give fresh puntomimes in Silver and black. Black and silver.
The aborigines would send a values to things he had never seen full blast at I thought of black tree-boles and a
spear right through a sheet of gnl- Patten, near Apollo Bay, and I was delighted to see that the fresh air and that are nearest his heart; the before in their true perspectives. once. And now slant of thin, clear, rain. ...
. vanlsed -Iron at a distance of 50 the tang of the ocean had turned them from invalids into healthy, second surhounds his heart with As lie says himself, it made a bul
vigorous, the life and the flowers und tho a million people There was a seller of antique
yards, hitting a sheet six feet by sun-tanned men. . odors of Australia. lock dray stand out fbr him, be are content with jewellery a little further on, the
two with hardly a miss. It Is stated We decided, however, to shift the work from the Cape Patten section, cause a bullock drdy is something one. tiny window as full of gems as a
I that the points of the spears were and begin near Lome, because it was felt that if we If he had been a German or a you don't see anywhere else in the T can remem
sometimes poisoned, a view which wished to get the Fiiilander or a Norwegian, or, best world. cottage garden Is full of flowers.
motorists and the public generally interested in the Road, it would be all. an or an Ameri ber Father Time, There was the same confusion of
: some other authorities do 'not
better to have it easier of access, so that the people could see the
of Englishman "Then I got tired of London," or some equally color. . . . Trays of old necklets
.accept. progress can, his desire to write only about he said. "I felt a yearning for. big
The author describes the abori- made and judge of the importance of the work. his homeland would have been Ills Australia again. I came back home impossible brought from Florence, heavy with
chief, saying in garnets and turquoise; buckles of
t glnes of the Herbert River and From the inception of the scheme the various Governments have shown most valuable asset. Since he is nnd went out to Western Queens the prologue of Kussian paste; jewelled snuffboxes
elsewhere as confirmed cannibals, the greatest consideration for the Trust, and confidence in its administra an Australian, it makes of him a land. I was there for the next "Cinderella" at and tarnished scent horns.
: with perhaps preference in some tion. greater artist, but possibly a poorer few years. I was teacher, drover, the Royal:— But the most
for but with no This from Premier Lawson's day down to that of our present man than some of his infinitely less atmion overseer. And in my spare d's" In all, X remember, delightful shop of
regions Chinese, Premier, Mr Hogan. "Sinba stood not very
, objection to eating white men, or talented, compatriots who are will time I went on writing. In 1910 good hands far away from an old grey rain-
: black ones either, for -that matter.. At the start we were told that the main thing would be, as far as the ing to sink every ideal and senti I went back to London. Since and will bring bleared church. Here again were
As he says;— . Trust was. concerned, the paying of the wages and the carrying on of the ment in their pursuit of the illu then I have been solely a writer. MAKING A PANTOMIME MASK gems in profusion, and behind tho
sive crock, of gold at the foot of gold
"They were, at the time of which scheme. In our simplicity wc thought' this would be easy enough. We I have been overseas Ave times, I (Excuse the window sat a lfule woman thread
T am writing, cannibals, and prob- the literary rainbow. And yet, think, but I have never seen any rhyme) to Al
battled along and got enough money to enable us to make the road from Vance Palmer Is happy enough in minutes, and the curtain fell to ing beads. She was a witch-
ably are 'still when- 'opportunity
Eastern View to Lome,, and the through road was opened by the State thing there that has made me want lison and Rignold! woman, I felt, a fairy-godmother
occurs. They were . most partial to his comfortable home in Chrystobel to stop writing about Australia. Stewart was Cinderella enthusiastic applause. out of an ancient story, and should
Chinamen, whoso flesh they found Governor, Lord Stradbrokc. Crescent, Hawthorn. Since he was Of course, I have written reams of Nellie.
that year, and lier sister Docy £he
The movies "evolved a whole bat have been weaving spells with a
. less salt than that of Europeans It was never intended that the Road should have, at the start of its old enough to have an ambition, stories abroad about America and was the talion of brilliant - tapering . The v words,
he will tell you, he has been guided / the Islands, but I have never taken Prince, while Maggie Moore Pantomime is, in fact,pantomimists the essence' spindle.
"Court- Htessmaker"
by a determination to write about them seriously. A writer is not - valet. All the pantomimes were of motion picture acting Now that worn letters at tho side of the win
stood out In
Australia, which is the land of his like a musician, who is less subject written in a kind of slipshod jingle, the talkies take precedence, how dow. And such a window! In
birth and of his dreams. vto tho Influence of national boun punctuated with the most atrocious ever. the art of pantomime must fail the centre had been- placed two
And no man of Vance Palmer's daries. He is tied to the things puns. into desuetude. bowls cf flowers.
before nie as I writ© the Rosy godetias,

Sea Salvage _
quiet, yet purposeful, 'character,
could find anything but happiness in
working at the Job that has always
attracted him more than any other,
that have impressed him as a boy.
"I know Australian
have gone overseas and made tem
writers who

porary reputations by writing about

, I have
book of the words of
Christmas pantomime produced by
George Musgrove for the 1890-91
a "Cinderella"
In the last centaury pantomime
very nearly disappeared from the
stage owing to the decline in the
art of the. ballet.
lay in - the
It is pleasing >quartz, and lapis
cornflowers, larkspurs
All the colors that
lazuli and rose-'
amber, and turquoise

fltted - "In our Australia as magazine, editors season. King Quartz soliloquises: — > to observe that the "new dance" that were
loss of the salvage, steamer really a floating" workshop and giving the wreck sufficient family, everyone wrote a Tho' made of stone, my veins are which is displayed for sale. Neck
wanted them to. But those repu being developed, mainly laces were in
THE Artiglio off the west const of
France while on a salvaging job
with most modern contrivances.
Salvage vls essentially, work, where
buoyancy, and there Is also the dif
ficult case of uprighting the cap
bit," said Mr Palmer. "The craft
Wt'lHVli? wn a unmntliliio1 f,-i Un of tations donlt last. Public taste is purest gold. in Germany under the leadership
or Rudolf von Laban
terns above the flowers.
geometric pat
Rones of
human skill, experience and deter sized vessel lying on its side. » spected. I suppose I can say, truth and Mary delicately tinted beads were swung
is a reminder of' the risks that sea Wigman, has revived the art cf across and across, and- strings of
salvagers run, though there has mination; are- pitted against wind The modern salvage ship is fully, that I don't remember the time
when I didn't write. the pantomime. The dances of gems were caught against the glass
and sea. and usu I can never
never been another example of a small, but complete, recall seriously having any other Pavlova,- with their combination of in fantastic spider-webs. It was
jimp ueing uvei wneiiTiuu uuu . de . Formerly wrecks sunk at a great ally built of wood. Modern ambition. the old art the ballet and the an Alladin's cave behind the glass
depth were regarded as unsalvage- ' pumps are capable of discharging My father used to write new expressionist dance, arc also
stroyed by a mountain of water a little, and my grandfather contri of a Tiinetcfen-thlrty shop window!
mused by a teyrlllc explosion. The able,- but a new and great advance . 5000 tons of water in an hour; buted to Sydney Punch away back'in striking representations of the A LITTLE gliop! Tea, the littlo
has been made in diving, the old- instead of working in darkness the feat pantomime dance.
disaster is unique in that respect."
time helmet and dress- being super diver is equipped with electric the dim days, three-quarters of a shops are th shops to remember! .
The Artiglio was a must inter light century ago. When I was a young
seded Cor deep . work by. tho new
esting and valuable vessel, repre chamber; v
conveyed through
cables; and In recent years a com-
watertight ster, literary names were as familiar
senting the new type of salvage ship diving to me as the country round my own
as compared with the old. There nre various methods of . ptete group of working plant for home. My father used to tell mo
Tho art of sea salvage, has ad under-sea has been
raising wrecks.. One Is by sinking operation
evolved. This includes submersible
about the writing folk— friends of his
father —whom he had known as a
vanced enormously since the war,
and feats which bad hitherto been
pontoons and then fllllng them with
compressed air so that they . float oxy-aectylene plant for cutting steel
plates under water, submersible
boy. Weritwortli. -Kendall and Daniel Mow's Your Acc emt
regarded as Impossible have been the wreck 'to the surface; another
pneumatic hammers and drills, and
Denehy. The literary life of old
frequently accomplished. is by filling compartments in the Sydney was very real to mo because
- driven submersible of tho yarns ho told.
The modern salvage ship, specially wreck with compressed air; a third electrically we go through life wo re if the accent in "canonised" were
. built and equipped for the work. Is Is bv Installing pumps pumps, which are lowered Into the "I was brought up lu the
powerful water from a derrick and can pump
water to a height of 80 feet.
districts of Queensland. We country
around from time to time, but the
moved AS alise by slow degrees that
some things are more im
not on the second syllable, and on
"make" in the flrst line? Rightly
It is scarcely an exaggeration to life and the scenery didn't vary much. portant than others. ,3ome people stressed, these lines have a linger
say that nowadays salvagors and . It made a deep and enduring impres know instinctively what others have
salvaging plant are so advanced sion on my mind. I decided then to learn by painful experience, that ing fall that makes them unforget
that no Job is considered hopeless that I wanted to write. And I tllAPfi ni'fl nnMHSHrPM In Hfo tlmh mm; able.
unless ut a great depth. wanted to write about the life around be stressed and passages that Accent in painting is more an in
It Is, for example, quite Impossible me. It seemed desperately hard should bo passed over lightly. In
then, though, because tho landscape speech, in music. In painting, tensity of emotion directed to somei
to salvage or even to reach the was empty. It lmd no in
Titanic, wljich lies at ocean depth. slgniiicance the theatre, perfection only comes aspect of the idea conveyed in the
for the people who were in it.
Tho diver can work at 200 or even lived in a land of unnamed treesThey "l WOULD SNEAK DOWN TO A GULLY AT TUB BACK OF TUB when we know what to stress and picture than to a deliberates stress
2.10fathoms for a brief spell, but he and IIOUSB WITH LAWSON'S HOOK UNDER MY ARM, AND PORE what not to stress. To stress heightened by tho use of line and
cannot descend to 2000 fathoms. For? queerly named animals. Tho land OVER IT FOR HOURS AT A TIME. everything is as fatal as to stress color. I-lereln lies the difficulty of
tunately all around tho oceans is the scape always does seem empty until nothing.
shallow continental it i« rendered in art and literature, very fickle,- and when it changes the That melts when love's flame Whether. we have, received a clas out-of-doors, where tho
comparatively don't you think? ' artist is so surrounded by material
shelf, mid wrecks lying in water up' writer who is caught in the col banishes its cold. sical education or not. we know
"When I was a boy, I got hold must think up some new My passion's vicious, I've a crooked that there are pitfalls in the pro-, that concentration awl accent en
lu 00 or 70 fathoms can be reached of a book of Henry Lawson'a short lapse, tail a purposed neglaat of objects
and searched even if they cannot be stories,
device -or go to the wall. When nutur, nunciation of certain words. Among
raised. it was a revelation to me. was my flrst novot published?" Which may. seem strange since I ant scholiasts these arc known as that would claim an equal right to
But the two jobs are entirely dif Before that I had never corno . Vance Palmer sniJIed, his grave found in strata. "false quantities," and we all try honorable mention. TV-is game of
ferent and require different plant and across any real writing about tho eyes twinkling. "Well, tlio flrst Which Is pretty poor kind of dog to avoid them where we can. cross-purposes between the picture
treatment. Thus to search for the people around me. Those stories novel under my name was pub gerel? but was duly printed ami Women are much more successful and the scene Is best stated by
bullion room of a sunken liner and showed me things in a new light; lished seven years ago.: But I have bought with apples, oranges, nuts in this than men. but there are cer Degas, who said to the champion
to extract therefrom the gold and they gave to the old, familiar Written other novels and, short and lemonade by an avid audience. tain. false quantities that are by of "pleln-alr," "But ope breathes
send It to the surface is an entirely things a new signlffcance. In tho under a name that is locked This year, I understand, is to general consent accepted. "We are a different air In a. picture to what
afternoons I would sneojc down to stories see a revival of pantomime, but the . more one does out-of-doors." .
different job to that being carried on away in the old oak chest. But tolerant now of such Nothing
at Soapa Flow, where ships of the a gully at the buck of the house those novels have no significance modern pantomime is a spectacle- things than the famous scholar who enraged Degas more than to .be
German fleet are being raised,' and with Lawson's book under my arm, for me, they signify nothing except cum-ballet grafted on to a vaude one morning directed his gardener told ho should paJnt outside. Asked
righted in shallow water. „ and poqp over it for hours at a the money they realised, which ville show. The ' harlequinade, io take up all his gladioli — his where he painted his famous pic
The diver's main bugbear is a time. I went to Ipswich Grammar meant quite a lot at the time. And which Introduced harlequin, colum as we should say. He tures of the seaside, he said: "I sit
strong current or tide which sweeps School, about 20 miles from Bris the name? Well, It's" — Vance bine, clown and pantalocm, is as explained that he cculd. no longer tlio model on- the. studio flooir and.
him off his feet and also makes the. bane, as a boarder later on. and Palmer smiled again— "I think dead as Grimaldi, the greatest clown endure to '.hear his "guests admire . sprinkle her with the wateringrdan.
task of those on the sulvuge ship, while I was there I used to write we'll let it stay with-the ghosts." of all. his gladioli with the accent on the That's all!"
difficult. Darkness has been over for all sorts of Uttle magazines. Yes. it is. certainly bad luck for But probably an earlier genera O. instead of on the flrst L It was The absence of' accent in photo
come by strong electric lights, but "When I was 17 or 18 I did up pome Vance Palmer that he was born in tion of playgoers still would have , more than he could- bear, poor mau. graphy. it both, a gain and a loss.
wind and weather .still remain the stories, and sent them to an agent Australia. It all depends how you deplored tho decline of true panto Accent. however, has lost: none of It depends whether Sve are asking,
dominant factors. For work of this In London. By some mysterious look at it, of course; Probably, ho mime, which- should be, of course, its Importance dn some things, and for a. picture /or; li priht. -It is, only <
lclnd the weather must bo'set fujr"; means I broke into a couple of would not agree,, and neither tho representation, without spoken it never will... In poetry its linpoi't- - , tlio. landscape ;painter-that can -glvo1.
the slightest . "joggle" on tho sea magazines- there. One of them would any Australian who realises word, ..of emotions, action .and . so.. .. anee is . supreme. What.!- for .In stress -to " the 'pttrtlcuiar v passage ,
complicates matters and adds to the published one of my stories with that real 'literature about thls coun- ; on?" entirely , by movements of : the- stance, would, . become . of . th©: thut.lntorestji-h|m:/nere''the;plioto
risk and consequently most of the big a full page illustration. When I try deserves an honored place hi . body,, gesture and Bteps. rhythm of those lines of- Constance;
salvage jobs In in European waters are look hack now, I marvel how such « ' the, -scheme of things. It. Is. only, The Same-thing can be traced in when she overwhelms the: Pbpo'sV) graph6ir/is?hlplCMKv!Vi)Vhlsscorn emsi-
carried' out . the summer. The rubbish . could ; have been printed. our top-notch writers who can tell' all primitive atuges. of civilisation, legato, who has charged her with %: lated the phbtographrerADGas de-
: not.
Artiglio was working in December,, ) It was about the dead limit.;, of the world that Australia is-- : expressing ..itself iiv. war-dances,, madness-— -ry-. v iivQicd hiiflself ofthJA ttitlhitttum-
but it is believed that she was at idiocy, . and purported to tell vthe V populated 'entirely by , murderous mimicry, and sacrificial, vltos. . Tho Preach' some/,philQsophy to1make
.vork on; the: \vr'ock';of ,the Flprenc© story, of,-,some romaritio bushranger ' ' -.'--aorigliies;7 and' :silent . gum "ttvees.i pantomime proper 'shoUld, be, ' a; me mad,
inside the' sheltered ', " channel
' 'off. or another." Australia, In these days, has! -need dumb show, ; V'. 'i. . rr /v.Ahd vthou .vhalt
- ' ' ' :'be. canonised ' '' f two or thxQt tld -thrushes and
.Quiberoxv V L penmen attain-even- this amount' . «£ htoryanc©- Palmers, i JV© have had same notable pai\« 'in/. jcardinal»; ;,1 V ".x

V' ;;A- , , :v

National Library of Australia

TO RANK AND FILE Recent Bootis Reviewed: By "Touchstone" i
New Methods Reduce Cost of Production
developments in the Tho Developmental Commission THE SHORT STORIES OF VULGARITY IN LITERATURE, CERTAIN PEOPLE . bv
gold mining industry in Australia recommended tho amalgamation of N.S.W. Move SAK1. (H, 11. Munro.) Complete by Aldous Huxley. Whnrton. (London: D. ApplelonKdiih T
with an introduction und
are Imminent, according to mining by Christo THE NEW PROVIDENCE, by Co.).
existing companies, and pointed out pher Morloy (London: J. Lane). R. H. Mnttram.
authorities. The introduction of Im as one of the advantages that experi SYDN EY, Sat urd ay . — A n amend- fJMfE six short sketches in thh
mental work in connection with the fpHIS "omnibus" volume of Snki's EURIPIDES' A LCESTIS, Trans hook aro .excellent examples ..r
proved methods of prospecting and niont of tho "Bed" rules to restore lated by I'Melum! Aldington. (Lon
flotation process would becomo pos control of tho Labor Movement the art of tho short story, m,,.
working is expected to rehabilitate sible. in delightfully witty short stories don: Chatto «nd Windus.) W h a v t o n Is
Now South Wales to tho rank nml (it contains live out of his eight really a fin
tho industry. "Tho Commission recommends," the DOLPHIN BOOKS" is ono
For some years gold mining lias report read, "that, subsequent to tllo will bo tablod at tho A.L.P. hooks) Is further proof. If such Is "rjMIE ished crafts
languished under the burden of high amalgamation, steps Bhould bo taken needed, that you can't keep a good of the most finely produced man. She has
metropolitan conforenco at the no great depth.
costs of production which, with the to Install a large-scale experimental Trades Hall on February 2S. book down. All of thoso talcs wore series we have seen for some time.
lower quality ores that now have to flotation plant, and It considers that n<> vltnl point
The motion will bo that the politi published long before tho War, and They will appeal instantly to all of view, yet,
be worked, lias precluded tho making the Lake View mill would bo an ap booklovors quito as much for their
of profits. propriate place for the installation." cal groups be reorganised to give yot their popularity, with tho right within the
Tho estimated cost of operating the attractive format ns for their con limits she sots
, At. a meeting in London of sharo- their members complete control of readers, Is steadily Increasing, Ami herself it
.Idors of tho Lake View and Star flotation plant has proved to be sev the election of delegates to the A.b.l\ Hector Mupro owes his posthumous tents. Tho throe
eral shillings n ton below tho present titles mentioned would lie hard
y«J. ( West Australia) Company do- method of roasting. A . saving oC central executive nnd tho conference. fame not to tho praiso of any one above are the to hotter her
f-.ioptnents in tho Golden Horseshoe f 23,000 In'.the cost of power alone is a c hievements.
Vnlno wore pointed to as confirming Tho Idea Is that tho groups would clique, but to tho recommendation first, but hooks
tho existence of an important body of being mrido by tho installation of up- be constituted . on the . basis of three that goes from friend to friend. h y Ly t t on "Atrophy." tho
to-date plant. D.ivld first story in
ore, and the success of the new flota delegates for tho first 50 members "Have you read Sakl?" "No." Strachey,
the hook, is a.
tion process was emphasised. . The Teport from London empha and one delegate extra for every Garnctt. T. F.
' sises, just as tho Commission did In additional 50. members. "You must." And another admirer P o w y s, and clever study of
Those 'developments are in line They would two women, a
with recommendations of the Develop Its 1027 report, the need for co-opera have the same powers as electorate is born. Richard Hughes
man's sister Edith Whurtnn
ment and Migration Commission, tion between employers and employes councils to call for nominations and That it should bo so is not In the are shortly to
made In 1D27, when the need for the to obtain the greatest, possible effi conduct their own ballots. Under the least surprising. npponr.
changes which are now taking place ciency from labor. present system tho A.L.P. executive Despite a touch Mr Huxley has tress. In their happiness the lovers
in organisation and methods of "It Is believed that a complete un calls for nominations, and tho bal of affectation, the affectations of chosen a con hnd Ignored the plain, devoted sis
working, was strongly emphasised. lots are conducted through its gen 'his period, Sakl Is oxtremciy mod genial themo in ter, hut when illness overtakes hrr
An extensive geological survey of tho derstanding of the position will make eral returning ofilccr. "Vulgarity in brother she has her revenge.
possible an Industrial agreement ern. Like Sheridan's, his wit is "A Bottle of Purrlor" is a study in
Boulder belt at Kalgoorlie, under which will servo tostabiliso conditions Tho AshticUl A.L.P. will ask con Literature," nnd
taken by .Dr. F. b. StiUwell ut the of employment over a period ference to carry a motion calling always alive, dependant neither handled It bril atmosphere. It deals with loneli
of ness and murder in the African
Instigation of tho Commission, raised years." was the view of tho Commis upon the Federal Government to ro- upon time nor place nor changing liantly. After
Although rather long
hopes of the discovery of appreci sion in 112 7. and tho omptoyors aro leaso Now South Wales from tho manners. In his introduction 3)1r defining what ho Aldous Huxley desert.
able quantities of ore. stilt- appealing for tho samo thing. means by vul- drawn out. it is undeniably effective.
Loan Council. Morloy (ono wishes for nu editor "After Holbein" Is a tragic-comedy
more In touch with the themes on garity in literature, ho goes on to and
glvo some based on the Innno futility
iiiiiiiiuminHHiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiimuiimiuiiiiiiiiimiiiiinBiiHiiiii which Sakl writes) pays a proper practical examples. empty selfishness of tho lives of
trlbuto to his author's Edgar Allan Poo Is his first. Ho
two elderly society people. "DFu
"delicate, describes Poo ns "ono of Nature's D'Amour," a tnlo of mediaeval
nlry, lucid, preciso stylo," and adds, cursed with . Cyprus, Is the least successful of all.
t \ with justlco that "Sakl writes so Gontlomon, unhappily
s s bad taste." "Mr Jones" with Its. hint of weird-
Incorrigible Poo, ho f ness, Is another that Just misses
lightly that you might hardly notice holds, protested too much. When '
how beautifully also." But to apoak being' really good, hut "The
ho wished to bo poetical ho "was so Refugees" makes ample amends fur
of him as Mr Morley does, "purg both of them. Tills sketch of n for
detormlnedly poetical that he of Is purely
ing tho decorous amenities of an fends. "Diamond rings on every lorn and pathetic spinster
English week-end party with blasts delightful. It is a comedy of mis
of cyclone force," is absurd. flngor proclaim tho parvenu." Tho understanding with a totally un
next to come under Mr Huxley's expected climax.
For thoso who have not yqt made
Saki's acquaintance there is a raro displeasure is Balzac. In "Seni-
phlta" Balzac tried to wrllo about Thumbnail Reviews
trout in store.
THE PRINCES S ELIZABETH mysticism, a subject on which, de JJcnton's ncrbi/, by Uoroth.M/
KACJfALOLA, or the Earl/ Life Cnnyers (Hutchinson). A , freshly
and Adventures SIDNEY spite much reading, ho was rtot nnd r;tq-
OF PRINCESS Sho have a qualified to speak. Then comes written, enjoyable, hunting
(Lon .THE STORY appears to been happy, Ing romance,
don: P. Davles.) ELIZABETH, Told, with the sanction lovable Dickens and "The Old Curiosity
Anno (Lon baby, little given to Nlphlnhmlr., by II. M. Imbcrt-Terry
of her parents, by Ring. troubling her attendants, and pos Shop." In this, states Mr Huxley, (Skeftlngton). A crudo, yet effec
JT A—CIIALOLA don: J. Mun'ay.) "Dickens' sentimentality tive, "thriller."
a name sessed of that great asset, good is truly
given . to the "JVTISS KING describes the Princess health. Miss Ring describes her
the pathological" and ho speaks of "the Hume's Sons, by A. 11. Weeks (Con
author by tho Elizabeth as "the world's best toys, her childish amusomonts, Inter Pickwick nnd the Cheeryblo stable). A mother watches, helpless,
natives of East known baby," nnd adds, "what a sober routine of her dally life; her
Brothers, of Tom Linkmwater and tho struggle between Iter sons tor a
Africa — is one delightful thought it is that the companions, and those little inci Mr Garland ns so many gruesome worthless woman.
of those books baby herself is unconscious of it." dents which endear children, whe old Peter Pans — snugly ensconced Darkness from the Dast, by Serge
Princess Elizabeth of York was ther of royal or common blood, to in their mental and economic Do Chessln (Uarraii). A detnlle.l
that poises the born on April 21, 1926, at 17 Brti- all hearts.
conscientious re Elizabeth remembers womb-substitutos and sucking, be study ot Bolshevism In all its nspecls
ton Street, the London house of her Princess tween false teeth, their thumbs." artistic, moral.
viewer on the grandfather, the Earl of Strath- what she Is told. It is related that —political,
h onis of a Mr Huxley is a stimulating critic. The Island of J'cnr/iitns, by Cherry
mo re. on one occasion His Majesty the Tn "The New Providence" Mr
dilemma. Con It Is a difficult task to make a King left a door open as ho went Koarton (Longmans). A fiiscitialiiig
sider his Mottram reports with faithful de and wonderfully illustrated record of
posi book about a four years old child! out, but he was soon stopped by a tail an Incident In tho domestic life
tion. He re but Miss Ring has managed to do clear young voice, calling "Grand bird lite.
ceives a book so. Naturally, tho material at her of Dormers Bank.
papa Grandpapa, you've forgotten To translate Euripides Into Eng The Redman Cane Murder, by lllsti
from a reput command is slight. She traces the to shut the door." Tho book Is Barker (Sears). A clever detective
able publisher little Princess's development from lish prose so that those ignorant of
splendidly illustrated with 32 beau tho original Greek can appreciate tale.
purporting to her cradle days to the present time. tiful photogravures. Its tragic beauty would seem an The Farmers of Lckkcrbat , by Nora '
give the life iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiiitiiiiHiniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii
Impossible task. In "Alcestis" Stevenson (IButtcrworth). A South
ami adventures Mr
Aldington makes a gallant attempt, African romance. Above the aver
of a man who but he cannot galvanize into life age, especially in Its descriptions
lias played many S. S. these life.
narts in
of the way places.
nut Z?roo»i//e/tZ
No hint is
A Sunday in Cliicafifo =
heavy figures from tho past. Boer
A Merchant Venturer Antony Dir.
Sea Gypsies, by L. Ainsworth (NL-
given that the adventurers are of "By C. R. BRADISH r Our List
Library bet). An Interesting and readable
a De Rougcmont quality, and evi down from Niagara to tho while their wives bathed the account of life among the natives of <
dence as to the author's reality Is Deepening Stream, by Dorothy the Mergui Archipelago.
Chicago COMING one Saturday night- children, pressed bootleggers' noses Canfield, 6/6. The
supplied by an actual photograph, Shepherd of Uuadaloupc. h.v
recently, and being possessed against tho glass fronts of depart Mosaic, by G. B. Stern, 6/6. Zane Grey (Harper). One of Xane
biographical details, and a specimen by the ennui that comes of seeing ment stores to note that derbies ' Grey's usual spirited romances.
of his signature. On Forsythe Change, by John The Men in Her Life, by Warner
the Falls at supernatural expense. (i.e., hard hats), long past the eclat Galsworthy, 6/6,
And yet — and yet. 1 listened for lack of better diver of yearning to sell themselves for
Fabian (S. Paul). A cheaply sensa
Dr Broomfield (he qualified as a sion to a Pullman raconteur who, Seed, by Charles Norrls, 6/6. tional, allegedly "daring." romance.
five dollars, were wistful with the Dictatorship on Its Trial, edited by
doctor of medicine before ho be to his own announce Over the Hills, by Jeffery Farnol,
according hope that a cut to 2 dollars 88 cents Otto De Battazlia (Harrnp). Twenty-
came, in turn, ivory hunter, pros ment, was eight years removed from might bring a trade. I took my way
7/7. two essays by eminent hands on poli
pector, specimen collector, pioneer Ho was a The Office Wife, by Faith Baldwin, tical thought and practice in Europe
Buda-Pesth. cigar to Michigan Avenue, surely a per today.
and pearl fisher) was born In 1847. : drummer who talked with the ex 6/6.
fect rendezvous for tho local pill Wanderer's End, by Dennis Clench
He is thus 83 years old, but Ills ; pansive, virtuosity of his class, and boxes and Fochs, but spoiling the Since Then : Post War Europe, by (Murray). A delightful novel of a
publishers tell us he is still cn- his theme being the city that was vista of vacancy was 4only a tall,
Sir Phillip Glbbs, 15/. wandering life in. England.
gaged in his dangerous -way of liv then whizzing towards mo at the his nationality
natty gentleman,
' ing. Ho recently returned to Eng rate of about 60 miles an hour, I
bashfully asserting itself in his
land after an absence of over 60 listened with considerable attention.
I \wp> Rtspf H H
years, but soon became tired of He was full of tit-tat from the black morning coat and sweetly
civilisation and departed, without front lines, and after
going about half an hour telling of
ho had been striped trousers,
in an assertively held up copy of a
tho while he read
What to See in Otar
NO. I GROUP. leaving an address, for parts un gang lights and rivers of blood, I London daily some leader on the
NOW 8/11.— Ultra
smart bass in Calf
17/(5, known. It may
comes from a vigorous and long-
bo so, for ho fled in terror
" porter and begged him
the nigger Pullman
of 'the Seven Saints to use all his
in the nume punctilios of Greenland diplomacy,
or It ipay have been the adminis
NatiosmJ Gallery
and Morocco Lea lived stock. His1 father died at tho infinitesimal influence to have tho
thers newest age of 104. He fell oft the cob ho trative dilemmas of Thibet. . . .
in train stopped and backed back to J I may .as well tell the whole de
I tunings, beauti was riding and broke his neck. Niagara, as I didn't want my dead
fully finished and body to be. added to the ot plorable story. Now terribly lonely
strongly made. In 1868, then a youth of twenty- intended in
piles and secretly pining for tho slgnt of
one, the author went out as a corpses Chicago's a bloodstain, however old, I went to
streets/ Tho unshapely blob of mid the Lincoln Park, where part of the
trader and hunter to East Africa. night, who answered to the name of
NO. 2 GROUP, He spent four years there. Then Cyrus, was fresh from Georgia, Chicago proletariat "was listlessly
where his countrymen were learn strolling, much in the manner of the
USUALLY 25/, followed a in Southern Asia'
n NOW 12/11. — year ing their place in the universe In plebs of Regent's Park, London; the
i Beautiful and the Dutch East Indies. Ho ap lead drives and strangle Tiergarten, Berlin; or tho Champs
a a /to— |i model a small regi frequent
bags in modern parently travelled with parties. Perhaps on that account Elysees of Paris. Some had lunches,
ho was somewhat coolly philo some had not; but on no counten
designs, made' ment of retainers, fighting pitched ance could I detect any sign of the
from genuine lea with Arab slavers, treacher sophical about my case. Anyhow, he
thers, including battles head- opined with a roll of his saffron strain that one associates with life
ous native chiefs and Dyak nearer among barbed wire entanglements
') Morocco, Calf and
huntcrs. Then he came eyeball that 1 need not worry. In
and bursting shells.
! Calf Morocco. All
home.' The years 1875-76 were fact, I would probably get away
the latest shapes It is now that from Chicago wiLh only a flesh I followed many of them into tho
and shades, inclu spent in New Guinea. lulled. wound, and for final consolation he Zoo, mingled with them In the mon
ding two tone one's suspicions cannot bo threw In the news that the death-
key house, where I believe, there is
« e effects. Dr. liroomflcld is a difficult man
to follow on an atlas. His spelling
rate among tourists
from about 009 to 0S6 per 1000, duo
had dropped the greatest collection of those
I his own and
illuminated simians which make you
of place-names is all
he fol
cither to tho carelessness of the doubt whether they are going or
his accounts of the routes sharpshooters or the lessened coming. An elderly chimpanzee,
lowed are, to say tho least, quaint. venom of the machine-guns then glaring through the bars with eyes
From Batuvia he sailed his in use. With that I had to be glutted with superiority complex,
I " schooner to Timor and "at last content, and thereon I climbed seized tho collective fancy for a
entered tho Banda feoa and ran for tremulously into an upper berth, while and then the mass wandered
t Banda Neira." As he was bound where my last waking thought was off in docile twos and threes, cir
for New Guinea, this little jaunt whether it would be painful dying' cumspect and orderly to puch dis
took him some hundreds of miles on a full stomach of American pie. graceful extent that they apologised
out of his course, for Banda is Next morning I awoke to an ap with silken courtesy did they collide
almost due north of Timor. From parently peaceful Sabbath, hut I was with each other in passing through
Banda ho sailed "through the in no mood to appreciate its mag turnstiles and doors. Excepting tho
Banda Sea, across tho Gulf of Car nificent trophy of blue sky. Includ elevator functionaries of tho Chrys
pentaria. round Capo York— down ing In my dress a bullet-proof ler Building, New York, all, T sus-
to Cooktown and then right over under vest and pants, I descended pct of royal blood, these Chlca-
to New Guinea." from my bunk to spend my last goans were the most astounding
In following this route the author hours in reading the service for tho victims to la polltesse that I had
does not explain how he missed the dead. By this time we were hurry ever seen. I'm certain that not one
Arafura Sea, why or how he crossed ,ing through the suburbs
and .ny nose wa3like
of Chi
of them could show a scar.
the Gulf of Carpentaria, why ho cago,
in the Suspecting by lato afternoon that
ran another few hundred miles out leash ready to pounce on all the guns were spiked or that tho
of his course to Cooktown and first sniff of burning cordite or high ammunition had been left out in the
But there was no smell,
then »"rl£ht over to New Guinea," His
no unusual sound. When we rain, t in (lesperato mood boarded
which lies directly northward. reached the depot, arriving with a trolley-car for the lowly negro
partner In this venture was the that monotonous adherence to the quarter in the hope that some
notorious Bully Hayes. "With such Ethiopian might at least poke out
time-table which robs American
beginnings we are not unduly sur train of all of his tongue at a policeman or heave
T prised at the adventures that hap travelling
home, I braced myself and muttered
thoughts a rock on to the roof'of one of his
pened to him on the Sepik Hiver. countrymen and await a fray. But
309&8BourkeStMelb. A beautiful red-haired cannibal a prayer In full expectation of hav even this excitement was denied me.
| g princess becomes his devoted fol ing to run for my taxi through a The niggers were encased in for
81 All Suburbs and Geelong There are pitched battles storm of bullets. In place of tho
ft \\ — lower.
8 with head hunters that leave the bearance; their children were stone.
hop-over there was merely a nop- I went to the end of one almost
down at the bidding of a nigger Red
' ground strewn with corpses. He interminable strada for

1 —
i \ Extraordinary
Offer— i strikes a tremendously ofrich
8 still
field, the whereabouts
his secret, and punishes with
Cap, who, taking my bags led me
out to breakfast
was like a deaf and dumb conver
sazione in Koroit.
amid a silence that
violence or even mirth, and had to
return at 5.45 p.m. with not even
the memory of a bloodshot eye.

god-like severity the barbarities of

thought, but perhaps an armistice
Coming to a taxi-driver as I crept
the savages. He is Indeed a super had been declared or the troops down from the trolley, I spoke
I 11 Large 4/" Aluminium man. It must have been great fun
| writing this book. were resting before hostilities were pertly to the lad In this wise;
it runs into a resumed. "Say, friend, I'm a stVanger. I've
8 Preserving Pan ROpt.) If, by any chance,
second edition, Dr. Broomfield Nevertheless, when I commanded
bacon and eggs I inspected as much
travelled 18,000 miles to see some
thing startling In Chicago. Whero
| should consult a good atlas and of tho waitress as was visible for Is it?"
\ A remarkably timely offer in heavy- H rectify a few small mistakes in the wounds, extended the quest to her "Hop in," he answered briskly.
5 \ = / weight aluminium preserving pans, 9 M I M m map illustrating the New Guinea colleagues and a swarm of assorted
5 \ / made in pure aluminium, convenient
Make jam-making a
m I ffl A
M I Bl|
H episode. Americans who were orchestrating
"I'll show you."
I trembled at that, but with my
\ - / 1> Pnt size. n the eating of grape-fruit and cereals
H \ / pleasure. A sensational bargain. J I H g Books for Review to the point whero It almost became customary icy nonchalance I
D _ r - / Available at all Edmfcnts' Stores, City. SLjX U U H Received stepped in, determined that if 1
a musical morning. No casualties were spared I would take home
Bran Mash, by Edith Young. here, no perturbation either. Look Hugh Ramsay died at the beginning of his artistic life Australia
something to stagger Aunt Lizzie
Lisa, by Capt. H. V. H. Hallett.
ing furtively through the unfrostcd
window to my right, I saw naught and Uncle Joe. Whereat
through various avenues along the
we fizzed WHEN lost an artist of whom great things were expected. He did not lpave
a great deal of work behind him, but what he did bore the Impress of
but bare street and a strolling water-front, scooted past mansions a clear logical mind, great sincerity and the power of
placing upon canvas
I EDMENTSDOWNSTAIRSBARGAINSsrLIs'SS'SS j fliKcinciitK. ami we quote a lew ferrXMj
Pam's Own Story, by Baroness
a racing nmbulanco
Here also no sign of
— and not a
of unparalleled worth, and at long
last drew up before a secluded, un
the appearance of things as he saw. them. .
examples. 3?. y Von Hutton. (Hutchinson,)- body. Funny, very funny! Then edifice that This self-portrait is an excellent example. We see him in his studio
ft occurred to me that I might linv<» pretentious surely with canvases behind, and in front the simple materials of his craft that
' " housed a retired philatelist or a
Sjjraj/s from Bush, Sea and Moun» been out of the war zonp, or that are very beautifully painted — so well, indeed, that one wonders whether
6d. Garden Hose - - - 4Ad. foot 2/11 tain, by A. S. Middleton. it had been temporarily matched
past president of the Arab Jongg
liarnot that, wt-ply , good quality. Vacuum r League. Deeply wondering, I said: he might not have come to specialise entirely upon stili-iife. The figuie
3E S Kenneth Grahame. up and mislaid one of the con "Well,
Day Dreams, by tending parties.
by what does this mean?" itself is good, but one can think of other artists who could acquit them
Glass Mixing Bowls - - 6d. to 2/- Tendencies of Modem Science, by At this point I went boldly out
"This means," he answered, "that selves almost equally well in that branch of painting, but not so the glass
! In sela ot live. 6d„ 9d., II, 1/6, 2/ each, in. 1 n - S you're looking at the house of A1
or 6/9 Sete! 5. kIrtujg and Professor A. M. Low. Into the duy, determined to get to Capone." and other objects in the foreground.
« 1/6 —Tenon Saws B the bottom of the mystery. Chicago
' S 112. -Madein quality ideal, well linislied In n ? B Pantomimes, by T> E. Ellis. With an imperial gesture he Very noticeable is the broad feeling of indoor light that embraces
H ve.-v liait'Jv tire, Kittird villi .trniig
6d. Children's Mugs - - - - - 3d. black japariiiP/l Bk B is laid out with the geometrical cheeked my yell of surprise everything in the picture. This sense of illumination comes to us from
Funey chaw metal oasing,with £0 More Points of View, Ed. by Geo. dexterity of Melbourne, and In its whispered:. "Now, listen!" find
aluminium c tip i Ltd Velasquez, the great Spaniard, whose intluehce at the time that this picture
8 I'aaJle!1 EDMENTS
w/„»» 1/11 China Salad Bowls - - 1/3 ami shoulder.Kb- : B Allen and Unwln long, wide, straight streets there Is
amide room for a hundred hemes Trulyycnough over the balmy air was painted was supreme among artists.
8 lllllCli ilKNTS PftiCK . , Outlaws of ChlWerp's Valley, by of that golden evening and fat with
Two designs,nice quality.- to perish nbreast. I reflected on this a quaint sardonic
H 1/- Magazines
- - - - g | Wesley Sunders. (Collins.) as I went along with import, there Ramsay painted a few landscapes which possessed a marked individu
M.T.r— mounting issued from that building the very ality, and very occasionally they find their way into the market, where
I'vntilur icrlcr. "True Slory." Costumes - - - 2/6

g, 3/11 Bathing in Fine Frenzy, by J. A. V. aplomb. Battlefields In profusion Methuselah of u snore.
f""1 '
-w< -
Women's children's; nil ami
kisses colors.
i/u I
I Stevens. (The Argonaut Press.)
Girls Frlenefa/tlp Boole, by A.
and not a battle.
Verdun or Beaumont Hnniol 1 be
In the stead of . When I came to I said to the
taxtnmn: "when did peace break
they are eagerly sought for by collectors. It would have been interesting
to see how the revolution of modern painting would have affected Ramsay,
» | Gertrude held a pathos inane, a dreariness out!" for the Velasquez influence could not have held its sway over a long life
I Jacob, B.S.- (Christopher unutterablo. A few tristful hus "Oh. a long time. We ain't, had 4 in the face of so much
opposition from all the newer doctrines.
V SaUUIHUIUlHHMnill IlinillllHIIHIHinBMHIlIM Stcvcns-Kicluirdfion I Publishing House.) bands, turned loose on tho streets a murder for near two days." . .. .. . BLAMIRE YOUNG. ,

National Library of Australia

A Car to Startle the World i

The spec ial
COM by enthusi
asts n L ji
Australian Record. Breaker body Nears
only If) Inches
chassis coat of wide, whilo Jt Is
f ilOOO,an Auslru-
Uun-bullt motor
Completion 26 foot
Sale Bargain lists

<;ir will be. sent

overall, from pages 6 and 7
By K. NVALLACE-CRABBE art. 2in. high. M Hf vftk.
from Sydney to Ins I ti e . this VwA j&aBKJKik m Only the Mycr immensity of rich, right stocks
Now Zealand 70001b. armor- could produce such arrays of Bargains Groups, but
next month, and
"early In March plated strejimllno ffS w3Up9 VH merely touched upon in the 2 J pages in this Herald.
shape Smith will RB —
H Read— then make for Myer's Monday to your certain
may capturo for sit between the BOB and profit.
Australia the twin shafts trans- HB
world land speed mi 1 11n g tho
record. power from the
In price, slzo
and design, it is gear-box to tho
back axle. At his .
a car to startle side the giant
the world. road wheels,
The present re pumped to 1401b.
cord stands at Inch,
2:11.3 m.p.h., to ' a square
yet' with rubber

1)10 credit of the .. treads only l-64th
Into Sir Henry of- an inch thick
Segrave, but Mr THE FIRST OFFI ClAh nit, AWING OF THE FUND II, STEWART SPECI A L -a prec a u 110 n
Norman ("Wiz The driver's head, it will he noted, is level with the top of the hack wheels. centri
ard") Smith, of against
fugal bursting —
.yuncy. is eonu- will spin at 3100

liont that he will increase ' the
cent: of the wind resistance of Se- Australia — a nation that docs not revolutions a minute as his car
i-.-.ord to 300 ni.p.h. . Hashes nwny at 147 yards a second.
gravo's "Golden Arrow": at Day-, build motor cars.
Ills estimate la based on four tona: ( U.S.A.) Segravo had only a To protect Smith against possible
actors:-—'Tho British Air Ministry Throughout it In of Australian
SoOO"Hush Hush" Napier engine nine-mile stretch of beach, whereas and British matorlals only, and, ex bursting of a radiator — a failure
in his ear/ will develop twice the the 90 iqlle beach' at Kaltala, New that resulted in Segrave being badly
cluding the engine and the special scalded— Markncss has designed a
power that was available to "Sc-
Zealand, Smith will, have a 30- of much smaller
siave (000 li.p.): tho ' Australian.
mjlo run of smooth sand, 1000 feet Dunlop wheels and tyres, It Is Aus special radiator,
slzo than that carried by tho Gol-
'ifsignerJ and built car will be
licliter and yet have only 83 per
WlflC. tllUn nrnvldlnrr htm
greater distances for accelerating
tvlth tralian-made In every part.
When Segrave established the men s ana coys near
and pulling up. world record In his Brltlsh-huilt car
Recently Smith wns in Melbourne1 the British experts claimed that tho
consulting with the engineers of the was the most valuable world
Vacuum Oil Co., whose fuel and oil
will be usod in the record attempts.
He -then made available, exclusive
the year.
Britain received for 6/6 Sports Shirts at 4/11 7/6, 8/6 FancylSocks 4/11
to The Herald,- many new facts re If Smith succeeds, therefore, Aus 400 oddments! Men's Tennis or Sport Style Shirts, in reliable quality 1000 pairsl High-grade full fashioned Fancy Socks. GUARANTEED
lating to his car. tralia should receive ono of tho big white poplin, mercerised twill, cotton taffeta. Generously cut, well FIRST QUALITY! All wool and silk and wool mixtures, in the
While Smith,, as our most famous gest Boosts It yet has had. made garments! All sizes! Usual 6/6, 7/6; Mycr Sale Bargains, 4/U. smartest styles!
race driver. Is most commonly as-' Not many 'motorists would care to Usually 7/6, 8/6 pair; Mycr Sale Bargains, 4/11.
drive a car In which Ground Floor — Myer Store for Men
soclatcd with tho record the gear
ho gives the most credit to a Syd
ney sportsman. Mr Fred H. Stew
speeds are 100, 200 and 300 ni.p.h,,
but those arc tho speeds for tne 3/6, 5/6 Wide-end Ties at 1/6
art, who, by financing the building
uf the car has enabled tho record
attompt to be made, and to Mr Don
"Fred IT. Stewart." Obviously no
normal clutch 'could transmit power
nt such speeds, so Darkness has
500 only! You'll want several at tills remarkably low price, so come
early for best .selection! All wanted colorings ami designs in this group £3/15/- Sac Suits at 55/-
Darkness, n Sydney racing driver fitted the car with a special clutch FREU. If. STEWART (left), the oi very smart wide-end types! U.Mially .3/6, 4/6, 5/6; Myer Sale Bar- « 75 in this group! Men's Sac Suits, fashioned from fine quality FAST
and a brilliant, automobile en In which dogs positively lock tho financial supporter, and. A 073/ .-liV gains, 1/6. around Flour — Myer Store for Men DYE all wool Navy Blue Twill! Smartly cut, well trimmed! Usually
gineer. who has been responsible plates after each gear change. (WIZARD) SMITH , who will drive £4/15/; Myer Sale Bargains, 55/.
for the design and construction of Other record cars have suffered the car.
tho car.
This responsibility, has entailed
from loss of power through clutch
clips. den Arrow, yet carrying 'tho same Boys' 2/11, 4/6 Singlets for 1/9
months of patient work, much of It
experimental, and has called for the
Next, the car has had to be built
so that it will keep on the ground
capacity of water.
Few can Imagine what a speed
50 dozen oddments! Half sleeve and athletic Singlets for boys and Men's 35/- Dust Coats at 17/11
production of Intricate and on a straight course when of 300 m.p.h. Is. A good compari youths! White, natural, and cream cotton 'with lisle finish, cotton and 50 at HALF PRICE! Double-breasted Dust Coats of heavy-weight,
diagrams artificial silk, cotton and wool. Sizes 22in. to 32in. Usually 2/ It to
calculating to decimal, points all travelling at maximum speed. The son would be a Journey from Flin fine quality Sicilian! Choice of faint pencil-striped' black or navy!
factors, such as stress, wind resist special shape of the upper surface ders Street to Elstemwlclt In one 4/6; Mycr Sale Bargains, 1/9. Exceptionally well made coats, with two-way collar, full belt!
ance, and lifting effort, which the and the flat underneath has been minute.. Yet pn Smith's attempt Usually
, "Fred II. Stewart" car wHJ have 35/; Myer Sale Bargains, 17/11.
provided to guarantee the first fac 3J 'tons of men and machine will Second Floor — Myer Store for Men
to overcome to achieve success.
In Britain Important scientists
tor, while giant twin stabllator fins
are provided to keep the car
have to move at that rate to win
success. and. success achieved, it Boys' 5/11, 6/6 Shirts at 4/11
and laboratories did this work for straight. In addition, special spring will take about nine miles for the Separate collars to match each of these Tourist Shirts for boys and
the British cars that have attacked
the record.
Now the Australian car Is almost
ing,' giving the axles both fore an't
aft and up and down movement,
car to stop after the engine has
stopped. Though brakes are fitted
youths! Made in the Myer Workrooms from blue and fawn fine
quality striped British Cambric. Cut full to size, with reinforced necks,
Men's Golf and Sports Suits
The young Sydney engineer who is though very alight, are Incorpor to the car, It Is almost certain they
complete In a workshop on the ated for the same purpose, also In will not be used, for to brake at double cuffs, Sizes 12in. to 1-iin. Usually 5/11, 6/6; Myer Sale
responsible for the construction
the car. "
of . historic Parramatta Road, and the
construction alone Is a triumph for dependent steering to each front
300 miles an hour could mean only
tho wrecking of the car.
Bargains, 4/ 1 1. all HALF USUAL PRICES
Rackful of 30 suits! Golr and sport styles in the season's smartest
Boys' 7/6 Knickers go for 3/11
200 sturdy Knickersfor schooland hoUikivweir: all-wool medium Grey Tweedand
fawn and grcv tweeds! Plus four and long trouser types! Sizes to fit
37in., 38in.. and 39in. chest. Usually 6-gn., 7-gn., and 8-gn.; Mycr Sale
Germany's Biggest I
all-wool Fr»-elyout. wo11 mutlo .mil Roundlylined. Size to 13.
Usually 7/0, 7/11; MyerSaleBarzainn,a/I I. First. Floor Myer Store for Men
Bargains, 3-gn., 3&-gn„ and 4-gn.
Third Floor — Myer Store for Men
Flying Liner
From a London Correspondent
10/6 Scarves 3/11
LONDON, November 33.
VERNE, who imagined,
the Clipper of the Clouds,
the chief engineer, and
his assistant, their ears
the dreadful din,
watchful eye on the behavior keep
of tho
Sale Bargain Shoes! 7/11,
600 only! Crepe do Chine Scarves, in Triangle, Windsor, and Oblong
styles, and a wonderful variety of clever designs and color blendings.
nevor thought of an aerial engines. Between tho Usually 7/11, 8/U, 10/6; Mypr Sale Bargains, 3/11.
wonder like the Do, X. As the room aft and the control engine-
forward .is the navigation-room, the
station- 32/6 Plaited Shoes
world's, largest flying-boat ap- . real
proached Calshot seaplane station
bridge of the captain of the
Do X, who has before him in the 7/11 Sleeveless Blouses at 4/11
at the end of her flight from Ams-
terdam on Monday, she looked -to
control station the
officers, with duplicate controls pilot
and Y. 21/- pair 300 only! Heavyweight Fuji Silk, Dimity,- 6r Linen Sleeveless
the watchers by the old castJe instrument boards. RS55.— Imported Plaited Blouses, in collared styles, or with V necks, finished Jabot, pleating,
tower below like a -giant albatross Captain Christiansen, the Do X's \\ etc. Good colors. Usually 7/11; Myer Sale Bargains, 4/11.
\i Shoe, in T-bar design, with
among a flock of'soagulls, so dim commander, is a remarkagle charac Ground Floor —Myer Main Store.
inished in size did the ordinary ter, and . immensely popular with i " fi
/?/3/5 Cuban heel; also one-bar
planes escorting her appear. Yet, the passengers. ' Not once since I . . style, with spike or Cuban
as she roared lnJ.o nearer view, the departure from Lake Constance I heel. \\ hite with red or blue, beige with red, blue, or brown, etc.
there was seen ,ttf be nothing un
wieldy about the Do X. She has
has he left. the Bhip. and this week
he could not be persuaded to visit
I Usually 32/6; Myer Sale Bargains, 21/.
12/6, 14/6 Satin Cushions 7/11
the most graceful lines imaginable, London, or even Southampton. Bis- Magnificent Cushions, in lustrous satins. Rucked bands in contrast
her beautifully streamlined hull re- fore the war he commanded ing tones ! Round, pillow, half circle, fan, and square shapes. Well
xombllng that of a luxury speed
yacht, .an appearance enhanced by
steamers running between Hamburg
and South America, but after the
I 29/11, 35/- Shoes go for 26/11 filled with best quality kapok. Rose, black, blue, gold, brown. Usually
12/6 to 14/6; Myer Sale Bargains, 7/11.
ihe rows of curtained portholes in outbreak of hostilities he entered High-grade one-bar and Court Shoes, in black Glace, Patent and
the saloon, and even thq monstrous the naval air force and was sta !
Black Satin. Spike and junior spike heels. Usually 29/11 to 33/ pair;
spread of wing ,seems beautifully tioned at Zeobrugge. the ex |I
ploits with which he Among Mycr Sale Bargaitiistcl at 26/11.
proportioned to. the curving
Onco the Dornler giant, circled over
the. destruction
is credited aro
of a British air
Ground Floor — Mycr Shoe Store 14/11 D.B. Mattress Cases for
Southampton Wafer, then down. she ship and the crippling of a sub Double-bed Mattress Cases, in stout quality blue and whitc/"\ / -f -f -
swooped, lightly brushing tho placid' marine. It was on Zeebrugge mole"
surface of the sea, and alighting that he found the British horseshoe striped Ticking. Full 4ft. bin. size, with 4iin. sides. WcllSc! I 1
with hardly a splash 'or a tremor of
the great wings. Experts estimated
.which now adorns the' navigating
room of the Do X, and from which
Ladies' 5/11 Bathing Shoes 3/6 bound and sewn. Usually 14/11 each; Mycr Sale Bargains, U# JLJL

her landing-speed at 80 or 90 miles nothing would induce the A STRIKING PHOTOGRAPH OF Til F Uo.X ON SOUTHAMPTON V X. S123, S126 — 200 pairs — every pair pcr- Ground and First Floors— Mycr Lonsdale Street Store.
an hour, a very high rate, higher ' stitious sailor-airman to part. super Jt4s
than that of the Schneider Cup to be his mascot on the flight across : WATER AT CALSHOT. THE PICTURE SHOWS AN IDEA OF ITS J' Smart Bathing Shoes, in one-bar and
racers. But the necessity for strik the Atlantic. . HUGE DIMENSIONS, / court styles, with solid rubber heels. Red,
ing the water at such a speed did
not seem to trouble the pilot of the 5,9' ?ft,er
Now, at the age of
many years at sea, Captain
Christiansen finds himself in com selected for the trans-Atlantic Jour
blue, and green tones, white trims. All sizes.
Usually 5/11; Myer Sale Bargains, 3/6 pair.
5/6 Stamped Tea Cloths 2/9
Do X, who made a perfect landing, mand of tho world's hazards of an Atlantic crossing In Ytl Yyl
largest flyirtg ney. She carries complete , life- the late autumn. If the flight suc Ground Floor — Mycr Main Store.,' 100 only! Pure Linen Afternoon Tea Cloths, 40 x <10 inch, with
though the spectators could not ship, charged with the responslbll-. saving apparatus In tho shape of ceeds it will bo d tremendous adver spoked edges, clearly stamped designs simple to embroider. Usually
help wondering What would happen ity of navigating the craft across rubber boats and regulation cork tisement for German aviation, but
if the heavy craft had to corns vast tracts of ocean, upon which, 5/6; Myer Sale Bargains, half price, 2/91-
down at such 'a pace In a fairly at one point, between the ,Azores lifebelts, but the real risk to her it will not, prove that flying boats
rough sea, Tho strain on .the hull, and the Bermudas, she will have to passengers and crew would arise have any future as a means of com Children's 9/11 Shoes 4
from a forced descent in rough wea mercial transportation across wide /II
which is of duralumin plates an
inch thick, would be. terrific. There
alight in open water, to re-fuel from
a motor-ship. ,
ther In some remote part of the
> . ocean. . The stabilisers, resembling
stretches of ocean. The British I
— 600 pairs only! Strap Shoes, in black and Ladies' II- Aprons, 3 for 1/11
arc other features of the Do X upon It Is a unique, as well as a designers of the greafnew passen Y — cherry patent leathers, fitted with strong
which the experts are suspending stub wings, projecting on each side ger-carrying flying ship which is 250 only 1 Aprons of dependable wearing and washing cream
hazardous enterprise, that the Do of the hull, take the place In the j leather soles, white linings. Myer Sale Bar-
Judgment, such as the daring of Dr.' X Is attempting. being built to the order of the Air embroidery cloth, stamped in simple-to-work designs for embroidery.
Nobody knows Dornier craft of the floats ' favored at Southampton rather Si 20 gainising brings — Sizes 7 to 10, usually 9/11,
Claude Dornler In- giving his boat how she would behave If forced to for British Ministry
for 4/11; 11 to 1, 11/9 pair, for 5/11
Usually 1/ each; Myer Sale Bargains, 3 for 1/11.
a considerably ..higher engine and . alight' In .flying boats, and are look to the possibilities of services — pair. m
fairly rough water. The ; more 'or less of an experiment. It along sea routes broken by archi First Floor Mycr Shoe store Ground Floor —Myer New Store
wing load than British designers X in her name stands for the un is not certain that they would avail
regard as safe. For ' the present, known quantity, and thus far she'- , to pelagos, such as the route from
however. Dornier can claim to havo is un unknown quantity -as keep the Do X on an even lcee . India to Australia, where shelter
over his regards and preserve the giant wing, laden and .fuel are available at moderate
triumphed European her ability to meet adverse weather as it is with the weight of the
critics, who said that the Do X conditions. Her flights have been intervals... Here, it may be, the
would never, rise from, the waters motors, from, damage .by waves. flying boat, which, as the Do X
timet! with meticulous regard to the- The Dornier 'company "is showing shows, can be built of enormous
of Lake Constance, where she was weather, and, naturally; the sou the of its. convictions by
built, She has risen, and flown i thern or smoothest route has been courage size, can beat the airship in opening
far as Calshot. where, as she roda proposing to expose the Do X to. the up the dirways of the Empire.
at anchor, Asilhouetted against the

j.unset on Monday evening, shu
looked a thing of ifoauty, the latest
ntarvehot the wonderful flying :ik«.
The Do X had. 36 people aboard
on the flight from . Amsterdam.'-
Probably she will not attempt to
THE ROAD I b3 YLtuissfoFdl
carry ao many"if and. when she has to be a- story about where near L'averton, adopted the
ssays the ' experimental flight, and Stephenson and tall huts, and
serosa the Atlantic," for 'weight, THIS
rouds. It was to. have, been Tod Sloan posture and thus countered " "men
' preceding such a contrivance,
will be of the utmost Importance a song „ In praiso . of the the wind somewhat. Their , gunny
on the long voyage. But on Lake bleycle, thrift remnant of "mcchgnlsa-. , biigs, fixed to the backs of the waving a red flag, of derisive para
''Onstancc during the trial flights tioii' remains graphs in tlie sobbr. English news
she onco bore 370 passengers atuJ ' which, to the old- saddles, were bursting, with" good
, rew— a remarkable papers, and the flights of fancy of
load, by far f;ishioneil. . L ana somewhat' pld- things. Their troubles, tool The ,
t ho greatest ever carried In tho air. t fashioned, but since a ' the ' caricature artists, it . blotted
Her normal passenger' accommodu- t on Ansae year: ago, when determined/ untechnieal progress of /
Day I It from ' lads riding » fixed . out the landscape, or a good Part .
i Ion -Is 73, and this number can be .footed ' sturdy country
provided for, if not in luxury, In ; VVerribee . toward Geolong, 1 found
comparatlvecomfort. The seats In pedestrlunJsm too slow.' Also, ttoo
wheels was slightly mortifying,
It clearly showed that there' is a
for' ofvit. It shrieked at a crossing. - It
Certainly the passengei;s 1/-, 1/3 Cotton Dress Fabric 9!d. 2/6 yd. Twill Sheeting at 1/3
several of the saloons are con-, risky, for was I not caught in' a about bicycling which I wei'e riding 'In , Splendid Bargain Table! Woven-check Zephyr, fancy Lingerie, Lawn and 500 yards, half price —buy all you need! Excellent wearing white
vertlble' Into sleeping-berths. The . rain-storm mystery comfort,
runs five miles from Lara and have not thoroughly mastered.- Or people in the' first class com colored cotton Fuji, in assorted designs and colors. Usually 1/, 1/3 twill Sheeting, in full 90-inch width. Usually 2/6 yard; Sale Bargains,
passenger accommodation for
drenched before i reached the haven
tha, ' yard; Sale Bargains, Downstairs, at Myer's, 91d. yard. ' Downstairs, at Myer's, for 1/3.
practically the full length of the else it is one of those mysteries partments, that is to say.' And they
ship on "the middle or main deck, of that township's hotel? This year which in the course 6C a life-time . were carried some five or six feet
a central gangway dividing the7 I went out on the same road from
saloon compartfnents. The loungo Yarravllle. It was not so cold but
one . solves twice.
mystery about the way all the cars
There was no above the ground.
so much Ironmongery be projected
But why should
1/ 61 yd. Floral Voile now 1/- 1/84 each Pillow for II-
amidships is 23ft. long, and. like
the smoking-room nearer the bows,
less pleasant on the whole, for a head
wind Is the least amenable of all swept along. The road was filled upon tho horizon, iu one great livcn-tcxtured Floral Voile, in double width, displaying Floral and con
is equipped with tables and leather- conditions for d to with them. All went about the 800 only! Good .quality Pilldw Slips, neatly hemstitched; full, size.
weather cyclist same pace, a motley society, from - .mass? .Something else caught my ventional designs on light and dark grounds. Usually 1/6-J yard; Sale
Usually priced at 1/8 each; Sale Bargains, Downstairs, at Myer's, I/.
upholstered. chain and settees. Tho face.
tlie bloated Stutz with fancy &reon Bargains, Downstairs, at Myer's, 1/,
smokerootn,' so. far, is a nominal Now, a bicycle is not a. bad friend eye, more metal, conveying more
! affair.. It faces the small bar. — a in the slush. It gets you there, and red pickings, conveying Its calm passengers, down the Bay. But the
young gentleman and lady friend, 'Steam-ship seemed tranquil.
feature of the ship to which tho
Dornler people point with pride—
and Is carefully shut off from tho
especially on a princely
But In the teeth of a. gale It. Is a
highway. and the deshabille rattle traps filled
with rabbit trapping parties. We were who begrudges such specks upon
1/iii yd. Cotton Suitings 1/- yd. 1/31 each Turkish Towels lOd.
responsibility. Going that la to say. all down very close to mother earth. the vast bo'som of a water-way? Oddmcnt tajyle of Fancy Cotton, Suitings, Basquette and Waffle Cloth, 100 dozen, to clear! Towels for the beach, of absorbent Turkish weave,
saloons, but Dr. Dornler has not Coming, it Is a kind little thing; it Of the opportunities of this road air
yet made up his mind to allow his is like the mind's fancy, a pleasant The'eye has grown accustomed to also plain-colored Sponge Cloth, in good colors. Usudlly 1/114, 2/6 good colors, 20 cc -13inch size. Usually. 1/31; Sale Bargains, Downstairs,
passengers to smoke. He desires, the motorists were la equal posses yard; Sale Bargains, Downstairs, at Myer's, 1/.
thing to sail upon. But the road sion; Such as the young father such a sight and condoned it. Will at Myer's, lOd.
so one of them -told .me, to find out "got" me when the old bike, a digni
more about tho wind currents fied. English roadster, rebelled on the with flying bair-'Who bestrode his such a sight exist only In pictures
motor-bike and ahead,, in a hundred years time? What
which are set. In motion when tlio riso beyond
. was blustering Kingsvillo.
Tho wind piloted gaily
then, will the Zeppelin passengfers i/liz yard Fuji Silk for 1/64 1/- Pillow Cotton 6kL
ship is aloft, and the possibilities
of a spark being carried to the
in froija tho west. Or _ shielded
rather the two roads. On nay road,
while Mum . held her baby cosily
behind the mica of the side-' have to look at In the long, Indian
29-inch Standard "Emporium" brand Fuji, all silk, dependable for wear.
yd. '
! on, the no- car; and Jim, aged eight, dressed Ocean run to FremantlcT Over 546 yards 1 Heavy 40-incli Pillow Cotton, for holster cases, pillow
petrol vapor. Later the first embarrassments were the like the little toff xhe Is, stood Black, navy, ivory, and 100 shades to choose from. Usually 1/11; Sale
smoking rule relaxed.. cheerful fellows who sped citywards there, above, the clouds and sky slips, etc. Usually 1/ yard; Sale Bargains, Downstairs, at Myer's, 6td.
and precariously on ibo were at their game of Turnerlsing Bargains, Downstairs, at Myer's, 1/65.
The fuel and oil stores are car- at twenty .miles per hour or more, 1proudly axle botween his father and his between Sunshine and 12 yards the limit to each Customer!
j Hod on the lower deck; for a trip "getting there" In what to me- everything
mother. Jim will never havo the Mordlalloc, and dignifying tho
| of 18 hours' . duration .the Da X-
takes 0000 gallons of petrol, .and
seemed . altogether
Tho first man who passed me, less
needless haste.
mystery of tho road , to learn. Good
luck to him. When I was dallying
stodgy outlines of flour mills and 5/6 yard Marocain to go at 3/11
she carries 250 gallons of oil. Her
32 Curtiss" water-cooled Conqueror
well mounted . than 1 was, It must
be confessed,- felt this too. Ho met
with the idea of tacking off to Point
such'-like 'on this side of the Bay.
Of course, the entrances, to -harbors '
Double-width Colored Marocain, of heavy weight and, even weave,
30/- D.B. Marcella Quilts 18/11
Cook, doubtless he was eating cakes ' are well spoken of as roads, seeing
engines, each of,G00-h.p., give her' . the challenge of that speedster with with his dad In Werribee. that they lead to the highways of
suitable for frocks, coats. Blue fawn, beige, brown, wine, green,, black, 120 only! Large size (86 x 100 in.) Marcella Quilts, for double beds. ih
a total horse-power much greater derision. "Don't Opperman go good navy, "ivory, etc. Usually 5/6; Sale Bargains,' Downstairs, at'-JVIyer's. Assorted well-raised, 'designs. ...Usually . 30/'; Sale- Bargains, Downstairs, „
ihan that of the ill-fated IilOl, with the wind be'ln, "im," he . But it was with the other road, the world. Over there,' there is' .3/1 L vnrrt n \f vnr'o 1Q/11 r''
They, are ranged in pairs above the , chuckled, as lie plugged ahead. . the iron one, off 'to the loft and the' . room, as on the Prince's Highway,
enormous wing, an arrangement Opperman certainly did go good. His view beyond, . that my, thoughts for as many conveyances as care to I
| which '"might be thought to tnako troubles.' His eye was fixed 'upon, were chiefly occupied. "Only one muster on it at a time.
But the Iron road is different.
the Do X top-heavy; ,nnd each pair the Exhibition building as he came .
|I H In charge of a separato engineer, ; down that rise. It, was .very obvious thing, one big thing at a time. could Stevenson is lagging on the stage,
who gains access to his motors by- that ours were the jaundiced eyes. go along it. It wept along. About and Diesol and Ford remain. Next
|I five hundred tons/ more or leas, -

means of -a narrow passage run-. When he reads this he Will clearly Anzac Day perhaps Zeppelin will
I see how poor was our. sportsnaan- wlth'slx or seven carriages and an announce his . arrival on his high :
Plng/ through .tb'e wing! In" the'
I central oiiglne-roorn,: . among shin- 't 1 ship. A little party- of nippers who engine ahead of it uhootlrig smoke road. There will be room enough
I lug rows \of gauges fine! other in- passed, mo and' wobbled off' some- into the air. I thought ur..Watt there.

National Library of Australia

stagh a x n $cni:r;n RTAfW A X D

Now for Australian Musical Comedies

AUSTRALIAN writers and com handicap. There is a prejudice in authors and composers should lie different from . any which Mr
posers arc !o be encouraged by the minds of Australian people eiieouragcd. The work of many O'Hagan lots yet written k>r i|,c
Mr Hugh D. Mcintosh, who iiii- against .Australian effort of the kind. had been accepted for the London theatre. That' composer provided
nounccd today that lie had secured Ill order to overcome that prejudice stage. Only a few days ago came the. light score for the Australi,m
a colorful musical comedy, "Pas 1 will stage 'the piece in the best the news I hat Dudley Glass's music production of "Turned Up," m
sion Flower." and would produce it . possible maimer, and provide the for "The Toy maker of Nuremberg" , which Elsie Prince, Bertha Ric.
at the Tivoli with imported artists. added interest of a specially import had been most favorably commented cardo, Leo Franklvn, Cecil Krlla-
The music of "Passion Flower" cast. on.' That young Melbourne com way and- Bobby Gordon are now
was composed by Jack O'Hagan. ' ed
"There used to he a prejudice poser had attracted considerable appearing at Her Majesty's, v,V(|. '
Mr Mcintosh it is of ex against z\ustralian stage artists and attention in London. licy. I
ceptional merit and comparable with singers, but that had died out since "Passion Flower" is to be pro "Passion Flower." which is
the best of scores written for many had gone abroad and demon duced immediately after the scries three acts, is laid in Ecuador. The
modern plays of the kind. strated their fitness among the of .five musical comedies already story is' based on a legend t lint any.
"I think this musical comedy will world's best," announced for the Tivoli. body who comes under t lie spell
he a great success," he added, "hut Mr Mcintosh added that there "Top Hole" lias been revised and of the- passion 'Dower must rciuru
I realise that it will begin with a was every reason Why Australian improved considerably since it was to it before lie' dies.
given its premiere on Boxing Day. The passion Dower of the musical
This piece will continue until cariy comedy is Yolanda, a beautiful gj,-|.
in February. "The FilniiGirl" will Site is friendly with a gang of ban-
ROLLICKING PLAY OF MURDER AND CARNAGE . lie the second production, and "The dils who roam tlie Andes, and in
Gingham Girl" the third. Each tend lo capture a parly of Britishers
Edgar Wallace's Latest Efforts musical comedy" is lo have only a
' who have tiic .plans of mines, liirl;
short rim. . Trejit, (he hero, is in this pam,
the ro-nppeftrftnor of Frank was produced at W.vndhain's Theatre.
vyiTH on tho Australian London, with Margaret. Rattnerntan Negotiations have already been and Yolanda gives him wannne!
Harvey stage Cronln-Wllson. both of whom ap entered into 'with English artists, lint Dick is led to believe that .he
there will he a fresh Interest in Edgar peared here In recent years, in. lend and it is probahle that some will is merely attempting lo lead hnu
Wallace's plays. ing roles. arrive before the production of and his companions into a tr.ip, .'
Mr Harvey, who reaches Melbourne . The author agreed that there wore "Passion Flower." There arc many exciting moment.'
on January- 12. will begin his season some dull patches In. the opening
'to Though called a musical conwdy during which shooting and slabbing
In that author's "On the Spot.' performance, and 'with . n view ' this
, This piece has- been very success- eradicating these he -Invited' members piece is really a melodrama occur, before llie hern returns to ,
with music and strong comedy re- llie passion Dower for the hanpy 1
; ful in London, and was recently given of the company to his country house
a most cordial reception in New at Bourne Knd. They took down from , lief. Much of the music is very ending.
| York, where it was described as a dictation entirely new dialogue for u
| rollicking play of murder and number of scenes In the play. The
carnage. dialogue was composed by the author JOAN »
"On the Spot." which deals with as this novel rehearsal proceeded.,
Chicago gangdom, is now reported to "l ain attempting to do what I do Still Another Company MAY BE STAGED soo/v,
be drawing £3000 a week in New' not ihink has been dono before," Mr
York. Wallace told the correspondent. "I A nno C. Williamson Inurlnrj
Gregan McMahon
"I nin certain that London Is suffi am determined to transform a play roMipdttj/ will hr ort/anised soon Players'
ciently interested in the American which has not been too favorably for thfi prcurntatlon of "The .Ynu Plans
gang warfare to justify my giving criticised Into a success by means of J/ooh," "The Relic of Xric York,'
I them another play on the subject." two rehearsals — the first here today
nnd "A CommD-i/Girl" in various
narts of (he Commonwealth.
'hie grokiin M i.'Mnhon Player, will
give their first season foV 1031
Mr Wallace told a correspondent. "All and the second, on Wyndham's
the scenes of this new piccb, how stage." . It will hcfiin in' Tasmania -about at the Comedy Theatre early in
'ever, will he laid in New York, and The demonstration of Informal play- , Raster, and p/ny at Broken Hill, March, when Bernard Shaw's grerq'

Annual i 1 have most of them planned in my writing to which Miss Bnnnormnn and Xnecastlc, and other ventres be work. "Snlni Joan." will probable h-
i mi nd already. There will certainly he her fellow-artists were treated had fore proceeding to Queensland for one of the attractions.
i a sf'ene inside Sing Sing, — and the not proceeded far before they reallsod the winter, A vomprchcnsirc tour Next wed; the Gregan McMahoit
:ec trio chair will he shown hut not that Mr. 'Wallace's methods were not wilt he made in that 'State, The Players will be asking for renewal;
; in action." The play is to he pro- lacking In audacity. For he Introduced enmpanit of from 50 to 00 trill of subscriptions for the coming yea-
: d u red almost immediately. into the play n new character who will No as far north as Cairns. Stnnlru from members, and the addition i.f
Last month "The Mouthpiece." nn- never actually be seen by the audi Grant, who has manaped snreral sumo two hundred new suhscrii-nc,
ivher play hv this prolific, author. ence! successful tours, will apain he in io enable them to enrry through their
vharpr, interesting' programme for 1031.
j The minster of activities to
Some members of the, rampant) j
which 'is now plauinfj "The Xrw J Comedy and King's Theatres fronuhR

CLARA BOW ACTS A "THE STORM" IS VIRILE Moon" in .Xew Yiealand wilt prnb- j Bijou 'calls for nn Increased outl.ty,
STAR MELODRAMA old p he in the new combination. not only in the matter of stae appur.
FILM tenaiu-cs, but In the upkeep of nrnr
j .spacious rehearsalI and club room-,
Farce at the State Old Stage Play Makes w filch will now he .situated In Hu'
Good Talkie ANN HARDING OUTSTANDING Majesty's Theatre. The change of
'LARA BOW nppcnl'K lis n soplilslt- address will ho made on January U.
cmted movie star In "Her Wed men and a woman, snowbound IN 'HOLIDAY"
ding Night. based on Avery Mop- fpwo
in a cabin In the Canadian wlltl This Is Grace Qulne. the tall ami
wood's fat rival provide much dramatic interest In happy "hoy" of "tild Mother HuJ'-
comedy. i his is f OOD crisp dialogue, clever acting 'bard." at Uu' Bijou, where Bert K;c.'
, at the Stale "The Storm." which appears in talk and direction make "Holiday" an
with ing picture form at Hoyts Regent. excellent picture.
.Theatre Theatre today.
"The Sea God. This tnlkle. which is conlnk-nilv as the Usuir.
The plot has been taken from the

'Ralph Forbes, expected to have a .long tun at There i- i
Charles Kugule.s, stage play of the same name by l«ig- Plaza. Is adapted from the stage play tlim transform.;-
i Gal- (Imi Mn'ormirko. Several years ago h.v Phillip Barry, with very little lion scene hi
j: and Skecis /I was used for w well-produced, silent change in dialogue and action, and is M he!
Ingher are pro- picture in which House Peters appear chiefly notable for the brilliant acting
"Old <v
I minently cast In ed, but now it is much better ex of Ann Harding. She represents a
11u hhn rd." uIm
;i this comcdv of a ploited. strong-minded girl who wants to free cupboard is an>.
thine hut li.ur.
: marriage
which is carried The outdoor scenes, sotno of which herself from the shackles of her I 1) e spccialr,
were taken in the summer, and others home, where money is the only god. acts'
I along to a breezy by ih-»
and happy con In the winter, are of arresting Inter and to live dangerously, joyously- I I vtnc (Jan-la?.
est ;whllc both the anting and direc Her rebellion sets the mainspring of
clusion. tion are pf the highest order. Lupe thA Ton lonas
The nctl o n the play. and Leon, l#eieh-

and the Annual place in Velez. William Boyd, and Paul Cav- Apart front Miss Harding's work. ton and l»
takes anagh represent Ihe three leading which has Kdward
France, w here dura How "Holiday," Marro are fa
uiara bu«. «» characters. Everett Morton as Its leading "comic." Grat e (Mine litems elves
Norma Martin, film star, „ , her Those who like virile melodrama can be commended for its snappv
will certainly be Interested In "The lines. Humor flashes out richly in charged for the whole entertainment,
self- with time on her hands and Storm." The blizzards and avalanches
monev to spend. She becomes ac are a proper accompaniment to some
the early stages of the picture.
The story opens when
quainted with Skeeta Gallagher, very Julia. Maurice Mosooviich is to begin a
much the man' about town. And no of the tempestuous acting. Linda's sister, comes back from American tour as Shyiock. in "Tin
sooner docs this happen than trouble Lupe Veiez, as the heroine, acts Placid, where she has met Johnny Merchant of Venice."
hilarious most vividly, from the tline when the Case, a young man AiJtli an urge play which brought, him This is tin
begins, trouble that leads to' girl's father is caught by the mounted for freedom and a dislike of the End of London.
to the M'pm
She helps him to escape, but more unnecessary social idols. As Shyiock h.
As the result of Clara Bow's acting police.
a taltot ends his freedom, and soon opened in Australia.
in ibis film she is to be cast In similar afterwards his life. and
"1 want to play while I'm young
work when I'm old." says

types of roles in futtlre productions. Before he dies. the father asks the
Both Sheets Gallagher and Charles Johnny, who proposes to marry Julia

hero to take care of the girl, and all and go into retirement.
Rugglcs are very diverting. Ralph
Forbes is the composer hero.
Many realistic scones of pearl
would have been well
hero's closest friend.
but for the
Roth men fall
Johnny, a young lawyer, is no social
asset to any family, and his views STARTING 1931 f
contained In love, and become bitter enemies.' are not at all in agreement with I
diving In the south Seas are A fight occurs in the cabin, and just Greater
in "The Sea God." Taken from ft those of Julia and lieV father. Rut With Still H
when it seems that the hero is likely
I short story which appeared in "Where to kill the other man. the girl Im
they appeal to the .rebel of t He
B Price
ihv pavement Ends." by John Russell, family. Cutting 1
Richard Arlen. as hero, appears in ft plores him to desist. So the hero Mary Aslnr plays the prettv hut
three more days—Monday, Tuesday, terrific light with a giant clam on the
thinks he is the odd man oiit. and spiritless Julia, and Robert- Ames is I |i Be Wise — Come toi
in the approved manner leaves the capital as Johnny.
ocean bed. cabin for the blinding storm.
and Wednesday—in which to share the Fuv Wray makes an attractive Then the girl implores the other
heroine. . , . , man to follow and save him. Every person who enjoys good i
The Alvaraflos, a sensational adagio "Love Dreams." with Lois Moran. uomedy should make a point of see-! j
tremendous bargains of these mighty Sales— act. "Madame" Korsakov, an unusual Robert Antes, and Walter Byron in Ing "The First Mrs Eraser" rt thrj
soprano, and some dancing special leading roles, is a well-acted second Comedy Theatre. This witty amil
ties by the ballet, are features of the feature. human play should have, a long sou-
but what days they will be! Fresh bargain lots stage 'presentation, -"Hullo. 1031." A new attraction on the stage Is son. In London it has been running !
the Young Australia League Band. .since July of last year, and the man-i
Melville Watson, aged 11. conducts 30 ngemont Is confident that it will reach!
have been brought forward .... reductions LANCE FAIRFAX AT instrumentalists. its second year.
more drastic than ever have been made ....
of New Musical j OST iii-ourag- j
Hero Play j ing has been
a complete clearance is assured— the price- Lance Fairfax, who took the i
baritone roles in the last Gilbert
reception of "The
Hoiij-e that Jack
and Sullivan operas, and was a sen Built." and J. ('.i

cutting is so radical, the bargains so numerous sational success as the Red Shadow Williamson Ltd.
in "The Desert Song." is now the feels tempted t«i
cincinrr hero in a new all-British tako thp panto
and You cannot AFFORD to miss musical plav at Drury Lane. Murie mime to Sydney
so genuine. Burke is the heroine. and New Zealand
When the last mail lett England a fler the season at
the final days of this great money-saving event. ' it was said that this piece
the most spectacular ever seen at
I Drury Lane and would require the
would lie uie rcoyaj.
Some of th <
I presence of elephants and other am- under.stu d i e s in
« :
The chorus "The House Thut ; Big After-Holiday
I B-/gains too numerous to mention abound in Every Section
5ma Is on the stage.
j would number 150. and there would
: lie II scenes, one of which included |
Jack Built" at the
Royal have been -
clean-up of Latest
i a polo mulch. ; able lo reveal their » FROCKS AND COATS
8 i The highly dramatic story was orl- »alent in other pro
! glnallv set In India. The hero was ductions. Ja ne H L.|!.mU.Z S-MlLlCnul S.'Mil'-' k
CORSETS — Heavily Reduced ! Secret »Ser- Douglas, who un H Mr. Slum.- t"'rMti.ilh ovnii.iute-l H<"-< - \
Exceptional Frock Values! )
! a British officer who for
; vice reasons caused himself to be derstudies I he< ztiii J .rtat.-s
» gimii- 1
tliri-c wowK-rM!o'Mni.-n.
li.i l form Im.mug for MonJ.i" >-
out of the army. The graceful 'Kathleen
8 British and American Artificial Silk and Cmlon Pique, novel 59/6 Gossard Corset 32/6 i
; -drummed"
villain was a rajah who was plotting Goodall as Fairy m iinrit altril nr»m.vr«' i»» Hi F»t>.
designs and attractively contrasted colorings on white and light GOSSAJTD CORSKT. strong, non-lacing model. firm lloral j against Great Britain. tueen, has had a
B i oinrcr grounds; several practical styles specially selected for each hrocade and panels of heavyweight surgical clastic over hips, strong ! I An agreement between Sir Alfred varied experience.
B fitting —small, medium and otit sizes. Sleeveless styles I A /f 1 busk, well boned, reinforced panel at back, six hose ! i Butt and the Karl of Cromer, the YO
g&l V
OO // M las Douglas
Q and elbow sleeves, smart vests and collars of organdie M/ supporters attached. Sizes 29 to JO waist. Usually >X/h i 1 Lord «-hamberlain. that no risk
:wmm go (
8 muslin. Usually MM!: SALE PRICK I .Ml/fl; SALE PRICE Xfihdf V i should be run of causing offence to played with Maisie
Gay in "This Year
i India, led to a sudden alteration in : at
! the production. of Grace" at the l
79/6 Locknit Milanese Frock . Bien Jolie, Nemo Flex and Gossard ;
Sir Alfred at once had the script Royal, and sang
RIKN .10 LIB. NE.M O FL EX. AND GOSSARD CORSETS. Includ ; , altered so as to ooike the seone of a nd acted in
|B imuKlnary one, sketches' at the \
F HOCK OK LCh'KNIT M ILANESE, .attractively designed for the ing step-ins, side-hooking models, or elasp-arounds; with firm husk ; the plot a purely
medium figure, teaturing the flared skirt with inlet vest. of in front, well-honed corsets, strong floral brocade and surgical \ | even the settings' ami costume# bo- Tivoli. Recently
; Worth 19/11, 15/11, 12/11
R she understudied
R georgette; colors are cardinal, almond. Naples blue, Jtf\ /I I elastic; assorted fittings and sizes ranging from -6 to JA / ; j log hurriedly re-designed. Lilian Crisp in
m Ihr, I'mk « ihf,n»tor les« thanffu f
n and Puritan. S.W. and W. sizes. Usually 711/0: £g,M / AI I 34 waist. I 'sua 11,v 7!», fi. 72/fi. H7/«. r»fl/fi; SALE End" of malt-rial. '1.dikfiil of oddments
Jm I ' The "Journey's company. "T h e Cingalee," h Voilf, IJaioii a ml Jmoy Frocks, l"Pi fT
SALE PRICK "v/ i i which has hecn organised h.v Edward and soon she will M d.ori .!poh«, \lso rnlorctl l.iiwn
i I Maurice for a lour of Australian pro probably be sing ('oau sm-irtlv t.iitorpfl, t stialiv 1!> 1' . ?
vincial centres and New Zealand, ing again in Gil H 1,7,11an.| l j <11. thrown nut at " -
woven underwear makes Its debut in Sale
company sails for1 the Dominion
tonight. ihif
bert and Sullivan

LINENS drastically cut !
'9/11, 10/9 Artificial Silk Bloomers
January 22.
The Art Theatre Players are lo Wells makes a pictorial note of tome of the people
"U nclo To m s
Cabin" will have a
pathetic end at the
t TO M0 la

DAMASK CLOT HS. — Just received direct from the mill a huce of silk non- hegln their year's activities In, the in "The House that Jack Built" at the Royal.
purchase artificial oilv in about three .weeks' lime will) King's tonight.
shipment of pure Irish Linen Cloths and Serviettes, bought at a big laddering in delightful colours of pink, beige, "The Kugl-
discount. These are new and perfect goods', comprising some very bloomers, a season of Galsworthy's
I live and .lov." Under the. direction & COATS
smart designs, and are offered at greatly reduced prices.
mauve, black, peach, apricot, Nile, sky.
of .1. Beresfofil Fowler, this company the Gilbert and
There .will .be a trial of voices 'for Robert Olilsholm, the Australian FROCKS
Usually 9/11, 10,9; Sullivair Opera Com baritone who appeared In a number
/it £. / it recently staged Shaw : .and Noel of comic
; erleff, has operas with Gladys Mon- Worth up to 49/ 6
Cloths, fig X US in Usually 13/6: SALK PRICE, 9'6 each. sale price 5/11,6/11 i toward plays heroic Bendlgo audl- pany In about a fortnight's time. a leading role with Joan- A ..rai.lerfulmi.icly r.K'k. . |
fig X Sii in. Usually 16/6: SALE PRICE, 11/6 each. When children, go hack to. school, otto MacDonald
' In "The Lotted
72 X 72 in .. Usually 19/6: SALE PRICE, 13/6 each. Joan Crawford, as an -artist's "The Old Woman Who Lived in a Bride," a spectacular United Artists i
72 X
72 X
nil in
106 in ..
.. Usually
PRICE. 17/6 each.
Bathing Gowns model who knows all
I despises them proportionately,
about men. and production,
Anita Shoe" will leave the Playhouse and at the Stale Theatre next Saturday.
which is to be screened (€ Kr..'ks' »nwrl Moire
>4 lined. Mnrili ll|> 1" I'J.fC "" !
PRICE, in all wool, American and Australiap lover, and go on tour. ( j
BATHING GOWNS, with a' wealthy The thrilling film of the Jungle.
Serviettes .. .. Usually 16/6, 25/6, 35/6 dozen. manufacture. \ Dorothy Sebastian with a marriage of Vernon Scllars
Mul- "Africa Speaks" Is ap outstanding suc
SALE PRICE, 11/6, 17/6,25/6 dozen:
Usually — American, 29/11, 35/11; Australian, 13/6 to 23/6; BPage convenience, are the. leading ladles of and Billy
"Our Blushing Brides." the latest oney produced
cess at the Majestic, where It is now
in Its sixth week. No date has been
PERFECTA SHEETING, made expressly for Buckley's...Plain or modern life affair, at Hoyts de Luxe this pantomime fixed for the revival of "Whoopee"
tw ill linen finish, unequalled for: wear. . , , MARKED AT HALF PRICE 'Ihoatrc. ,
The poignant and picturcaquo circus aa: the Demon
.and appear in it wfiich Is to be the next attraction
54 inch .. /J.,; .. Usually 2/6; SALE PRICE, l/l I yd. lb also at 'King and Simple at the Majestic.
72 inch r. .. .. Usually 3/6; SALE PRICE, 2/9 yd. : picture. "Swing High," Simon
Hoyts de Luxe. respec "Murder Will Out" Is at the Brit
Si) inch Usually 3/11; SALE PRICE, 2/11 yd.'
underclothing "Rain or Shine" is now at the
One of
annia. Jack Mulhull, Llla Lee ami
Noah Beery have helped to make it ;"
latest Frocks I
HEMMED SHEETS, 54 x 90 inches .. .. Usually 11/6, 13/6, 16/6 pair ; Metbu. . Louise, Fazenda and Joe Cook prettiest fea talked about. Worth 2 and 3 Gns.
SALE PRICE, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6 pair A TABLE OF GOOD QUALITY FUJI SILK BLOOMERS, sssortod cause fun in this talkie. tures is t Ik
colours,embroidered. Usually 6/1 1,7/11; SALE PRICK, 4/11. children's ballet M Itcttoi Mian a g'HJii Xmj.1 fins ihr I
SO x 100 inches :. .. Usually 17/6, 21/, . 27/6 pair SMART COLOURED CAMBRIC PYJAMAS, tuck-in style, in pink, merriment of "Animal
Those who know the play "Lawful H JLrgalii fi cm In tbl« riirkful cnntaiiiinz i
. SALE PRICE. 13/11, 17/6, 21/ pair The mat which appears at Larceny" will expect, good entertain -I tintin 'J.'." mmvl IlolHay FrorkR I
inaizo. nil, sky Usually 11/6; SALK PRICE. 6/11. Crackers" is proving very attractive its best in Toy ment In the screen version that has A, Floral Marufaiii Crept'-vMiicc,Lockntt j
WHITE SHEETING.— Super quality Osman Sheeting, in line twill, FUJI SILK SMOCKS AND OVERALLS, lurn-over collar, buttoned fare. This is the four Marx brothers' land, ami dance.', Bebe Daniels ami Lowell Sherman in f j .li'iwy amt Jtia«'k:in«l Na\v Yrarocain-|
don-n front, and pocketa; in errmo and natural. Usually W., 18/11; O.S., second picture. With it at the Capl- for Santa Olaus. the leading roles, and they will not be M 3 gns. and giu. ' Out thry e»
perfectly pure and recommendedfor wear.. 23/6; SALK PRICK. W.. 12/11: O.S.. 16/6. tol Is the pantomime "Gregory the T h « Mickey Vcrnor Sellitrs . dlsifppointed. This talkie Is at the
.74inch. .. .. .. .. .. .. ;. .. .. .. Usually 3/6; SALE-PRICE, 2/3, yd. HANO'EMBROIDERED CREPE DE CHINE NIGHTS, in colours and Goldfish," in which Josle Melville. \f AllwA rt-it.ti- (ti Palace Theatre, where "Conspiracy"
SUinch Usually 4/11; SALE PRICE, 3/6 yd. . white. Usually 42/, 55/, 59/11; SALE PRICK, 29/11,35/, 42/# Charlie Vaude and other well-known the Baron's Kit provides thrilling entertainment in tile
players appear.
Now on his way hack from America
i-s Tom Holt, manager of Kfftce Film End
chen Is nIAo very entertaining.
"Young Woodloy." with the West
star. Frank Lawtnn. 'Madeline
first part of the programme.
Love is the chief figure in this drama.

A.. sound engineer and Garroll. and Frank Livesev in the months' run at Hoyts Plaza. Is re
"Common Clay." which had a two
3UCKLEY & NUNN LIMITED, Bourke Street and Post-office Place, MELB. cameraman,- who li.ix been gaining east, will he presented at the Athe vived al the Paramount today. Con IflEXT STRANDTHEATRE) , 1
experience in Hollywood, arc accom naeum after the "Tom Sawyer" sea-, stance the wronged hero-. soubke street. f
| panying him. spn. Ine Bennett',!
of this screen drama. 1

National Library of Australia

s s
£ I'll 18'6 Garden Boy's 8/11 Blazer Boys' 5/6 Shirts

Dnlnly — ,
s Singlets jj 5/11 Sand 3|
14'6 Canisters $'6 Bread £ 3,1411. — Splnn-

S 333FT.— Splendid
n Viil. I,» oi- Oulpuro W jm i Trellis for - | dldly cut pure (n/V i
H quality Shirts Tea- 4/la
B1 tVilliirlUKs 111. as- JB / m s Half Price Shoes Cor f wool navy Flannel I turlng striped de- —
Hoi'lfd widths n nd
In uehro of vni'lous odd hIukIcm,
Ideal f of ordhifs and cuffs —-
Singlet Oddments — some
S i —
j !
331 IF. — .Already « am Itt
for making
rone-arnh, fernery,
into M / MB
injj.s nnri niiou
| with hinged lids — Usual 34/6,
/ V M/#» | Bins for Blazers for holiday, travel or
sports. Usual —
Foy Gibson
8/11. for 5/9 at
Maclcllan Ac
sins in Cambric or Oxford
.Shirting. Usually 5/5. for 3/!i
at Foy & Gibson — Madollan
HI I !s11; 11 1/(1 and I / II-, for 1/ yd.
lightweight all wool, some wool \ Zlb I sunimor and ao on. BmJ
for 11/15 at Koy' & Gibson —
, Co.
m Co.
at h'oy ,t Cllhsnn — MiKdolinn
& t;"' h
and cotton, some merino finish,
some . all cotton and some 303II. — Right for the holidays
32ft. x 5ft.. whon oxtrmlod.
smooth whlto timber droawMl
fur painting. Usual 18/6, for
I j Madel Ian & Co.
S i 3/6 I BOys' 30/- Suits
S Boys1 3'6 Blouses
® Metal —made of strong white canvas, 15/11 at Koy & Cllbson— Mao- f — 38511. — Boys' (A /«« |
S'll « fleecy lined in X.O.S. — also — a lollan it Co. i Bathroom Cabinets J 328H. Keep bread 'fresh and I
B iiiliiil. — Roys' m
few fleecy-lined underpants Jj- and many show a colored trim- 5I j sweet in one of these Rread Con- ai
better quality 11a/
» BJH A/ff
Cloths lor . ' 1 in a asoir. _ White as/fl "Cl I b s o n I It" » .splendid wearing M.I
gj ruing. Odd sizes, from infants' Garden Seat \ ennrnelled fuhlnols I .MM taincrs. They arc well made, Tweed Suits of lino appear- Cninbrlc washing m9'
U nor.II. — llcnvy quality Medal 5 men's size . . . any garment on fours up to maids' twos only — | 45'- j
« tn nil the odds » B have close-Httinfi lids and are in ' h nnce and cut for comfort. |B ISlouses. available in a lare S
Clollis In rich cvcnluK color- this table half its usual price, 5 no sizes or nines. Usual 3/1 1, £j lllisrr. - - OnrilrnA A |B j5 andhnhl Suits that are Kuarantood to i
B variety of designs at l-'oy &
inas and IMln. widths. Usual n onds of the bathroom, nicely shaded colors. Usually M
g Come early Monday for widest 4/11, 5/11, for 2/0, at Foy and .Heats, fifl. long, " I 5/b —now give long wear. Usual 30/. for Gibson — Maclellau & Co.
ra r,/ t I , ror l/l I al Kov .li- tilh- Gibson-Maclellan and Co. I nnd nindp tif liluek-" Ia itojidv 1for attnehiner to wall. 5 3/6 at Foy and Jj
J9/JI at Foy & Gibson —Mac-
Usually 3/f, 3/9 3 ' I 1.
n son— Maolollnn X- Co.' - / 5 choice. aI wund un' Iron togs—-uuin for liihlu Usual 0/5. for 7/11. n Gibson-Maelcllan and Co.
lellan & Co.
J Now at 2/1 I 3/3 3/5
In sit mi. Usual Ifi/, fur :il)/l I. N g
j |
ciaaaBBaBBiaaaniHnHaiBaBaB BQBRBBBRRBBEIBRRRBRBRBRBBBBI a! »( IIIIIIIIIIIflllllllBIIHiailBflll IBailfllllllllllllllfllBRIIII DBBBBaaaaBaflaBBHaBBaBBBaaaaaB

at at Al a
f Buy what you need Lower Prices Foy's!

3ac/e/;n - Iff
"I B I

IW 14/11 Sheets at i
Travel Rugs at :
i 7A IP 011 r 1 i 2/3 Cambrics - !
C. de Chines I
g 308FI. — Hemnicil 313H. — Made in 323H. — Charming S
J! It fl

/ £
Sheets by the pah'-
made df a closc-wovcn
white twill

sheeting Jj, farf /

nnd each sheet 2.1 yds.
# g/ ir«
sonia" Mills — the make'Bfl
that stands the wear.
x 60 inch size, neat fawn,
1 /

l/n E
7-9'b bilk r rocks i
Cambric is in great de-
and smart
combinations BtJ
abound in these lovely
floral Crepe de chines, /
JL i
H n
j| grey or brown grounds ___
tt long by 80 inches wide. Splendid wear- i with an ovcrcheck design to contrast. £| 337H. — Just a rackful of them — SO don't delay
MBS rnand. Many floral designs in smart > and — you make a saving of four shil- n
a ing quality nnd softly finished. Usually i Right . for travelling, bungalow or ' I .1 .1 r 1 1 iBH iSBUEBk EB colorings. Double width. Usual 2/3 lings on every yard — decidedly worth g
£ these, come m
14/11 for 12/6 at I-'oy & Gibson — J sleepout use— 20/.
seeing they figured crepes-de- Jwg Hwt g H for 1/6.V. while. Usual 10/11 for 6/11.
n ft\nclellan & Co. i J chine, marocains, satins, and floral georgettes of
aB Mm g ) /II
' Cl if 1/11 i
Curtain Nets for - 1/3 £! choice designs and attractive colorings. Smart m B Ifl B| 5
rloral Lawns 1/11 j
12/11 Floral Silks 4/11 £
1 1/9 Colored Towels 1/6 3 H II. — In Aral. diad.. onlv — evenly woven II 1 £ 11 I BS SB HE Ifl A00 3I!I". — Aln-nyi.poii.ll.irfor ilninty yet some.- I 924n. — Onor-ultrs. ...uusscliii, ninnnrs — 5
i| Cm-lainNets madeof mtlni) an.)to a designthat £i and httings tor small women and women. Sa H in » » "l'1" lr"dfs ,lorai «n, i» variety ?r i nil printed In lli<<iovohckltienignHnmi i:o1oring>tm
I styles
_ JSoM MB prr'ly rolorliiirn.u,"s;:.
Wear ami well. Double I imnglnnble. All are nplnndidqtnility nnd suilufilo m
I is neat tint (ileasim;— a <,uality that will irivo 5I . . . , , „ . , , , MT ffiSWBRBa
1 » SI salisfaotc.rvsfrvire and also drapesirraeefullv. 1/3 JJ marked at 79/6 — the will at B I m s/'' y.i-: sioek-takinesale unr- i for diiy or eveningwear. Usually 10/11 and m
5 sfrip'h, iliti-l, ;hkI al'.'-nrlii'iif. INind 1/U !I van) at Kov and Cihsou— Mat-Mian and Co. Monday, g 12/11; Now 4/11 yard.
for 1/5. at Koy and Uil.x.t. — Ma.Mian and Co. J
g J i go at 49/6, remember, make an early visit, for BL — H J IBnBfc, S n i D D i /ci »
Two- Nets Blk. C.-de-Chine 6/11 S
Blue Willow
Cloths 7/11
-- I himi lllii,. I ininiiKp rl„Mis fiviturliiK
tone for 4/11 £| there is only J one rack of them and they J cannot
«I .Ml. — Artilleial Silk Curtain Nets in elfee- S
tive t wn-tone coloring of hlue ami trd.1. rose =8
UC vonon fori
VBa flV
BR Jf W% B
.ijoir. —
Delightful f.ihrioafor tiny tols' frock
Houiperbuils are thesello-peepPrint in dainty
32MI. — Riell Black Crepr-d.-chino.wovenin a
Htm.evenweave. Goodswrvi.eguaranteed.SpU-n.
Ihr l>"|"ll;ir \\ llloiv (I.'SILUI
it, g11.1r.i1111, I f;)sl culdr. i — Indoles tonimrs tt.o, Slrelv woven - S| iCjJCaLGU. JBH ljwBt Jj' B desigtifi.3| to 3:'.InclieHwide. DsUiiliyl/l 1 I did quality and smart,for busines or str'-et, wear. B
|t ami
H Wry ill.-.- idc.ilis iiKMsuriiii;7(1 Ml. IJmiuiI8/11 I itod u-old
in ratineof nh f
e desists. I / I yd. at Fuy S I
|Hh8 juBr
B yard; Stock-takingSilc Bargains,1/6J. I Doublewidth.1 Usually 12/11; titocMaking Sale B
tn (it 7/11 lit pi mill— Sluulul l.iii and Co. iI ami fiilison — Maeleilanand Co. Bargains,(6/1 . Q
rj M.n-MiikiiigSid.-, , g
j g 1/6 Kimona Crepes 1/3 | 5/li C.-de-Chine 3/11 £
1/6 Striped | Art Serges for - - ! 6/6 92(111.— all pun.
1/- 1A Gossamer .Ilk ami in allu.ivy IWlBlit Crnpp-.ln-i-l.iiip,
| Ticking |II 31711.-- "(tihsonin" Art Seiyfe.sIn reon. hrown,
sum' — extra tine <|ualitvam stiital.le for tahle HI
I'oversor tlrapiittfs. fit) Inrli — fi/d yard — 70 Q
Matrons Frocks /II 79/6 JQ/t | ! wiilr assortimuit
nf «lm.l..«»uit;.l.l<.
rithrr day or cvcnir.irwar. Will pivc suod near.
I.uul.Ic width. Usually u/11 yard, for 9/11.
fur ®
U uitl«\ and in liltm an-l White striptrf. Usual | /r, I inch — 0/0 at Koy and flibson — Maeleilanand B
24/11 11 TweedCoats ®j
for 1/ at Knv an.l (Jilnnn — .Maehdlan
— —
and Co. I
| C...
338H. — These come in Voiles which feature fvrrt 339H. — Reduced £ clear Thirty Shillings to
4y/D.i b a2j j i. — For iw«h» and hoiMny coats, wiueh «
i us
19/11 Crepe Satins
32711.— Beautiful Floral CrepeStUinqwith a . B
ra E designs and colorings becoming to the Matron, clear the last of these popular sellers — these are ( rich, soft surfaceand crepeback. Manylovely d'- B
n 2 "voU ru/tl'io Mtpr"tiinn1 ntcJ > signR ami luxuriouscoloringsto choosefrom. 'Fan- B
g ' and there are many effects to make selection nice Coats for summer and are length of thin /ofton pinxone coiiting. Double J ally Id/It and 19/11 yard; stocktakingSale Bar- B
j light-weight they
1 from. Rightly styled and nicely finished — usual in tonings of brown, green, red, saxe — usual :,/n fnr 1/!>- gains, 8/11. B
| All the hot weather still to come ! s — — mmmmmm — mmmmmmm-mm— mmmmmmmmmmmm H
| 24/1 1 for 19/1 1 at Foy's or Maeleilan & Co. 79/6 for 49/6 at Foy & Gibson-Maclellan & Co. 5 b
i I H

Get an Ice Chest— usual for 22/6 Fancy Knit Jumpers & Cardigans B B 10/9 Silk Princess
| 75/- j

340H. —
Nighties, Slips j
m 306H. — men 1 Only a table of them, and it will be impossible to repeat fiiRB,' 3 319H. — Quick selling is sure to be witnessed here — it is jiBi m
Medical tell us that an Ice Chest ' fff
fff them at the price — these are in fancy artificial silk and wool, - I seldom that a chance like this comes one's way. Made of good MT 3
is a
essential during Australian summer- g i|k Bf \
! well made and in popular colors. See these quickly Monday morn- Bl II 1 1 3 quality all silk Fuji — a silk that wears and washes well. The
Jb Bf g
time— here are the lee Chests right which are Jf If II S \ — such — Nightdresses are cut to magyar style, spokestitching on neck Rm,
for the average ! ing bargains will go rapidly. Previously 22/6 now 6/11 SlI' || 3 W
g home— built of seasoned timber, IlAv It IB/ S
! on this table. 3
and sleeves, dainty embossing on fronts. The Princess Slips IRHi R R! 3
any garment | are in 38 to 44 inch lengths, spokes on necks and armholes and H
g roomy food
compartment, insulated with
H||l g
cork and — embossed on fronts. Both lots sell at 10/9 usually. — Monday — HI I| E R
g granulated complete with drip pan II If /T | 6/11 buys either garment at Foy & Gibson — Maeleilan & Co. Hft 17 I E 3
» usual for 69/6 at
75/- Foy & Gibson-Maclellan X (|| 5
g and Co; V E W I I
Maids' 11/6 Frocks Girls' 9/6 Frocks at |
iv 34 1H. — Neatly styled Frocks
| 342H. — Ideal tubbing Frocks — «
Silk Bloomers Cotton & Artif.
J Ice Chest Bargains at wood Store ! Ii
showing the full cape and sleeve-
I /% g Fuji 2/11 |
Colling f |1 J they are in fancy washing prints jf 1 a
307H. — — — less vogue to a nicety, and, they I that will withstand the rigors of 'M| 1 3 Usual 4/11 . for Silk for . 1 Vests If £
Only 3 of each kind left but the reduction to clear is a
Pounds on one lot and a full Six Pounds Five
full five j
are made in Voiles of. pretty de- qjj / 1 j the washtub- and also wear well. g 31 1H. — Bargains that are sure //II /II Q
312H. — Down to this ex- I J
Shillings on the other lot. Be quick kj J
ra to Store to one of Chests. i signs and dainty colorings, fabrics Smartly styled and well finished. to be appreciated — the Fuji is tad' JA tremely low price to clear the JL a
Collingwood get sensationally bargain-priced Ice £ j
! which are of nice even weave and soft finish, 23 inch size — usual 9/6 for 6/6. 3 pure silk, even weave and an Cut to Full line before stocktaking. Come
made g
Usual 11/6 for 9/6 at Foy & Gibson — Maeleilan excellent wearing quality. and participate Monday. Full length, Jj
Enamelled Lining Galvanised CCL IC / £j ! 25 30 33 36-inch S
| Jp7 /I fl / Lining roomy size, garter leg finish, and good elas- . of fine cotton and artificial silk with fine b
| £12/10/- for £//lU/- £12/10/- for &/>/" Sj
& Co. |
Usual . 12/11
Now . . 9/11
13/11 14/11 15/11 tic at waist. Usual 4/11 for 2/11 at Foy artificial silk tubular shapes. Usual 2/11
for 1/6 at Foy & Gibson-Maclellan & Co.
« i 10/11 . 11/6 12/6 m and Gibsbn-Maclellan and Co. jj %
R«»iBBiKiiaaBimaflaBfl»iiHnnH»mD. LRRflllllllRIIIIIIRHIIIIIIRI bhbbhbhhbihishhHBBIBiJSi

6 to 12 gn. Frocks for fOY & GlBSONS«i#/:MAGLEtLAN&(? Fashioned Hose 7/11

.p-i|| Evening
A wonderful range of Kvening Frocks in assorted 42/- CITY V ST PRAHRAN
14/11 Full Silk
va'"ct' at rHm ® 10
.styles, sizes,
materials and colors. All arc splendid quality and smart. UsuaUy
guineas. Monday, 9 till 12, all at 42/-. &_COlNCWOg
|| |r| J | |CHApEL Odd .makes of

imported full fashioned pure silk Hosiery in service
ind semi-sheer weights. All first quality, highly recommended for
Assorted shades and sizes.
Monday, 9 till 12, 7/1 1.
Usually 12/11 and 14/11. i/>Ss

8 to 12 gn. Model Frocks go at 84/- 'Kayser" American-made Hosiery

Illl 8/11

SSm ra.c'! 'nc'0' Frocks for day-time wear. All smart styles, ir Pure' silk fully fashioned imported American made "Kayser" Hosiery
"'any different materials, sizes and shades to choose from. \Sy. 1 iffi
1 & Usually ,vith slipper heel. All genuine American article and all first quality. ?> 'Kf
E"incas' Monday. 9 'if I2- 4 gns.. Noted for service and satisfactory wear. Monday, 9 till 12, 8/11 pair. '
- Personal Purchase Only — Monday 9 till 12 — Unless Sold Out Sooner! 25/- Pure Silk 4/11 Pure Silk and M
® Procks now 39/11 Fasli'n'd Hosiery 12/6 Rayon Hosiery . . 2/6 illffft
rac'5 5rnart styles in wool-de-chine and wool Repp Frocks.. Non-Stain Fully FashionedHosiery, pure "Hk Sphmdidvaluein pure silk and Hayim
iVA \\tffff. Cut to lit neatly and nicely made. Light weight and suitable for 1/- "Gibsonia" 2/3 Ribbon Trimmed JMj W® 40/- Ice-cream Cutlery from top to too and highest qualily, Hosiery— verv strong qnalitv, suitable
xSxrfrB. changeable weather during .the summer. Usually 69/6 to 9 guineas. Wool . . 7 jd. Coat Hangers . . 1/6 SSft' Vm Freezers, 4 quarts 32/6 Half Marked Price Some "Zo slightly imperfect, but will Tor sports,holidays ami everydaywear. OMlf UgA
Sparkle Make your own Icecreamat neverthelessgive every satisfaction In Mock fashioneiland a good range of i 'tB/B.
Monday, 9 till 12, 39/11. Sofc nnd dainty wool with artificial Fancy Coat Hangers,beautifully trim- I home A wonderful range of Cutlery with wear. Usually22/0 and 25/; Monday, slnidea. UsuaUy-i/11; Monday,U till . BS
silk addedto give an effective, mod with ribbon and daintily flntHlu'd JO /j vj willt one of thesedependableIce-cream blades of high-grade non-stainsteel
' 9 till 12. 12/0.
"sparkle." Ideal for infanta and chil with pretty posies. Afauy lovely colors. ,m— Freezers. Useful 4 quart size. Well firmly fitted to strong handles. All 1,2.2/(i. t A.ta
2/11 Double-width 5/11 All Silk dren'sgarments. Availablein all alludes. Usually 2/3; Monday,9 till 12, at Foy madeand strong. Usually 40/. Uou- marked at HALF PRICE from 9 till
Usually 1/ ball for 7Jd. J: Gibson—Big Store, 1/0. nj'. 0 tl'l 12. 32/0. 12 noon. Monday. 6/6 All Cane 42/6 "Acme" Ball-
Floral yfoy
Piques . .-1/11 Washing Satin, 2/11
I,nr r'10 12/6 "Beatrice" 3/6 All Hair Laundry 5/6 Bearing Wringers 33/6
ClothesWruigersut BargainPrices— Kt|m|
Juiket Krneksnow o > Takeadvantageof this saving oppor Australian Baskets,
"itieb iti votfiie, FloraI Piques'sticir ani Get tltis Washinff Satin for
Woodwork Ladies' 35/ "Marshall" A splendidhelp on washingdayis one
tXtiltlffi nr'' !,anl 10 UrintcfdIn frenli (unity.
your collars, ruffs, vcst>,Jumpersami Half Marked Prices Golf Shoes . . 18/11 AVl fn Stoves, for only 10/6 Broom Heads . . 2/6 of these LaundryBaskets. Handy size. renowned"Acme" make. Ball-benring WNVMM
ooliirinjfH and niro iJesiu'n. Double i lingerie. Doublewltlth Usual6/11 for For A bargain for housewives— Hair Strongly madeof high gradecane.Usu for easyworkingnnd 14 incii size.Usu-
uJU„l 2/U tor 1/11. Beautiful Australian timbers, highly Brown Calf one-barGolf Shooswith JJJJJlWmM strongly country or suburbanuse these
ally 0/0; Monday,9 till 12, 5/0. ally 42/0; Monday,9 till 12, 23/0.
2/11 polishedand designedwith typical Aus buckle fastening. Weltedsolesof nib- VNW' ImmA .splendid. made "Beatrice" Stovesand are t BrnomHeadsof thick, bushypure hair,
Vl/ -
tralian bird and Howerdesigns.Trays, her composition,correctly patternedfor
Vases, Candlesticks,Ash Trays—all at gripping. Well-known"Marshall" make.
Half MarkedPrices. Usual35/ for 13/11.
,u''- oasyt0
Will give good
ilonda), 9 till 12, only 10/6.
with each
12, 2/0.
tuft securelyfastcneiT. No
Usually 3/0; Monday,9 till
- -
o/iiMarvellous vesis now oniy z/n Coojgardie Safes now
12/6 10/6
values Aluminium
aWJ?£ S'W" W" 'S'
in artificial silk Vests in all the daihtiest
lingerie shades. Well made in the favored opera top style. Sizes-
Usually 5/11 and 6/U' M0". 9 tiff 12, 2/11.
5/11 Imptd.
Sunshades 2/11
A delightful range of imported Sunshades for little folk. Many
City Store only — Bargains in Saucepans
Saucepan Sets 10/6
high grade aluminium.
Country and suburban housewives will find one of these water-
cooled Coolgardie Safes a big asset. Stfongly made and covered 9£iRI|A
with thick Towelling. Usual 12/6 for 10/6. . Mnlln
F've useful sizes in each set. Splendid value. Usually 14/6. Mon-
quaint figured fancy and striped designs in pretty colorings. Chubby J5H1WlwA day, 9 till 12, 10/6, at Foy & Gibson-Maclellan & Co.

Mf .A ' /i;
7/11 Jersey Bloomers
Special Values in good quality artificial silk Bloomers. Strongly
made with double gusset and dainty garter finish. All the popular
go for 3/11
handles, fancy tips. Usual 5/11 For 2/11 — Monday, 9 till 12.

6/11 Lace Flouncings go for 2/11



jjj 7/6 Aluminium Kettles, 4 pint

Aluminium Teapots,
7/6Strongly made aluminium of Teapots the well-known'
make. Retains the heat a long time. Useful six-cup size.
6 cup 5/11
lingerie shades. All sizes., Usual 0/11, 7/11 for 3/11. Smart all-over designs in artificial silk Lace Flouncings in wide a jRI
Good quality aluminium Kettles, a well known make. 7/6. Monday, 9 till 12, 5/11. 8b IZ®
SsM'aSS choice of rich colors. Splendid for day or evening wear; 36 inches Ml Quick boiling, and reliable. Well made, and easy to keep shining
wide. Usually 5/11, 6/11 yd. Monday, 9 till 12,2/11. fSM IfS and height. Four-pint size. Usual 7/6 for 4/11.
Double-width 2/11 Striped All-
ftllfjn 7/11 Smart 12/6 Knitted Men's 5/11 All Wool
Crepe Satin 3/11 Silk . . 1/6 Irish "Gibsonia"
Linen . 4/11 half-doz
6/U Cups 60/- Seltzogenes, Scarves for'Men. . 5/9 Tweed
Ivory Fuji 3/11 B0|l Wfi Caps.. ..3/9
Nltf valuesfn rich Ivor.v CrepeSatin Almost Half Price bargainsIn finely and Saucers for 3/11 8 pint size, now . . 55/ Black, white or creamScarvesdoubly .For shooting,golfingor motoringyou Kfll/l!
: with a Itintrou natin surfaceand dull and evenly woven pure silk fuji In a
Stockinette . . 2/11 Damask Cloths . 4/11 SSw \JM china You can always. liavo a supply of
knitted in good quality artificial Rtlk, will needone of thesesmart, comfort- fM
SN ,1 iff. crepeback (Joi>dquality. . Doublewidth wide utsortnient of striped designs fn
Cream Stockinettemade In the "Gib- I'ufo Irish Linen DnmuKk Cloths, fn vW> \ 'mrKal,,s quality
WbA .Cupsand Saucers. Canadianshapeand sparkling, Splendid for dresaand other wear. Usu able Caps. Made of pure wool Tweeds
"SFVik 'A Usually 7/11 yd.r Monday.1) till 12, smart colorings.- Usually2/11 yd.; Mon-
Bcitiia"mills and wovento a good qual a Hue,closeweave. Finishedwith fast S? / refreshing soda water with ally 12/6; <— Monday,0 till 12, at Foy in nrat tonings. Usunlly5/11; Monday, 5S y Ufp
a/M' day 0. till 12.-1/II.
ity for underwear,40 incheswide. Usu colored double bordersin blue, green |\ showing three gold Hue decorationef- one of those efficient, reliable Seltzo and Gibson Big Store, 5/9." 9 till 12, 3/9.
rs foots. Usually -l/l 1 half-dozen. Mon- genes,8 pint size. . UsuaUy-OO/,...Mon
ally 3/11 yd. Monday,0 till 12, 2/U. nr gold. Size 50 x GOinches. UsuaUy dJy' 0 t,u 12 3/11' day, 0 till 12, o5/i
0/11; Monday, 0 till 12, 4/11.
5/11 Floral Rayons, 1/9 Bright Floral Jgk 2/6 All Wool Men's 5/6 Smart
1/11 White Twill
Mm Double Width . . 2/11
Thereis certainlya croat demandfor
Beach Prints . . 1/-
Particularly smart for cool,summery
Sheeting, 80in. .. 1/6
8/11 pair Hemmed
84/- Artificial
Boys' 18/6 Navy
Blue Suits
|f Natural Flannel. .1/8
Good quality all wool NaturalFlannel
Wide-end Tics . . 2/6
A large assortmentof smart. designs KflN
XMrnnBrnl —and thesearc worth tlcmundhitf. Coats for beachand holiday weur are Sheets . . 7/6 iln Dress'g 39/6
in - Men'sHigh . . 12/11 rMVMV
' aNXuuBui Dayons Evenly woven whlto twill Sheeting Twill l\\l| IwiMm Prlce«Bargalns Smartly styled Navy Blue Suits for In a nice weight for men'%and boyu' .and popularcoloringsIn Men's Wide-end BHVIMi
: A\|V|ffJrH Splendidquality, and in a variety of de- thesesmart FloralBeachPrints In bright In a, good mediumweight. Will wear Good value In splendid quality twill llll I lamgt Grade Artlliinhl Silk DressingGowns. boyu. Sultalilo for schoolwear. Well wear. Will give goodservice.28 inclus 1'icB, Strongquality and.neutly finlKhed. MnlfffM
ftuAV.'mBWi dtnu' and colorings. Double width. colorings. Usually 1/0; Monday,9'till
» and 'washto full satisfaction, 80 inches wovenwhite Sheets,size00 x 70 Inches. klHl I If fa A Well madeand nicely finished. Suitable made nnd strongly lined throughout. wide. Usually 2/0; Monday,0 till 12, UHtiully4/6 and 5/0; Monday,0 till 12, BMhIIV
L'oual i/U. 6/11 for 2/11. 12, 1/. wide. Usually 1/11 yd.; Monday, 0 Usually 8/11; Monday,0 till 12, 7/0" 'or benchor bath-roomuse. 0 1/3- 2/a'
J yK till 12. 1/fl. All! \'faWA
' BBS fU/« VfrmdnvO H1119! JIO/O Usually Usually18/0; Monday, till 12, 12/11, - . Wm
Black Crepe-de-Chine for 4/11 Men's Flannel now -
6/11 Basket China Dishes, 3/11 for 2/6 63/- Suits 32/6 25/- Fur Felt Hats at 14/11
Splendid quality, rich black Crepe-de-chine, in a fine, even fj/ Bargains in men's Flannel Suits for summer wear.. Well made, Latest shape in men's good quality fur felt Hats. .Cut edge
weave. Will'makc up sniartly, and give good wear for business or Attractive Basket china Dishes in rich white shade. Oval shape
style with smooth finish and in light weight for summer wear. . New ; JmImE
j/'kllfffl Sjfl MS neat fitting, and strongly finished. - Will give comfort and freedom ''
and measuring 9 inches across. Stfongly made. Usually 3/11;
»! XwmkWm street wear. Double width. Usually 6/11 yd. \ Monday, 9 till 12, - 41I of movement for sports wear. Usually 63/-. Monday, 9 till wWllfk
Monday, 9 till 12, 2/lj. Ml 12, 32/6. shades to choose from. Usually; 25/; Monday, 0 till' J2,:,.Wri l-;,T .'.7"'QMIMj V..\

Aim ======== — — — IKS

National Library of Australia

" jBiigHaBUHiDNHiNiHiiiiHiHiiminnuHiHuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiuiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiuiiniuiiui
Reductions that tell their own story! Startling savings on s
Bought - -
(at a huge cash discount) for inclusion in Sale
- .
w/ j\ J/ A r£X J' T/l 1 i I 1 |

Et mA A yri \ A, i

& k v I (

Carpets, Rugs Furnishings! j
I Bedroom Furniture
16/6 Axminster Room
Starts Monday fr Be There at 9 am , , i i— ,
Carpet (made up)
aiul coloring's.
I i
- -

at stupendous reductions! f
S :A matching Border; artistic 'dcsigN (Can only l>c
"oW with border to match.) Usually ky'<> yd. Made up to any

- 1 steads, will he cleared next week at reductions that must occasion a "sensation" S

16/6 Axminster Runner 10/9 yd 3
m tllc rctail tratlc- Each Piecc isexcellently made in hadsomely-Iiguretl S
8 timhcr an(,» without qualification, Craig's claim the following to be the best values 5
' "
" I - ... offered for a long, long time. It's hard to believe that such Furniture «
P| XvistJ high-class
would ever be ticketed 'at such astoundingly-low
3 SI ' f ! , f ! r\ , fl r'-/-rAA\ S prices. Space permits but

8 Carpet HaLocks SALL,0)l''

\/t Belated Summer Causer Stock /Iccumulation /I » T i ( h/pf / ntf TDK thp flnpninn WooUf / .-MQm \ 3
brief mention of these
outstanding groups:- . _ 8

8/11 bxtra Lutos. 1 T \ '

Heavy - U j

a size i2ins. x sins, x ..i„8.; - 8
a Covered
Wilton S75 yds. Extra Heavy <|i.alitv I.inos in designs!' II 8 \ but these Prices wit I work Reduction Wonders 44 I Be Prompt/ Watch for Further Listf/l I
J» only!
« only!
- -
£ !33/10/-
7 only.
Suites £24/10/
Those "DURHAM"
8 Carpeting suitable for all rooms; 6ft. wide. Usually 8/11. 8 OAK Modern <lcslf?n, in Kiured Oak, ROOM SUITES, of Floured Oak.
J K I I // \\l l 11 £ "Tlin Taunton" KIGmtHD HUITUS offer the latest design in m
SALIC 6/11 vd. KM . >\ II VJ l/l S SUITIOS. 10 onlv! uoni- comprising -Ift. Sin. Robe, with j'jach Suite consists of -Ift. 8in. )<'IgureiJ Oak. Tho Gft. 'Robe has
8 fr— 5
/j / „ prises Ift. Rln. 'rol.o, with Welled shaped hovelled mirror: Talde (3ft. 'Robe, with shaped bevelled mir- tl Ited shelves and shaped bevelled n
s £8/19/6 / n mirror: lift. i»in. Tallin and Clothes Oln.) and Clothes Cabinet (4ft. ror; 3ft. l»ln. Table and Clothes n ilrror; 3ft. 9in. Table and Clothes
s Efgjj (I
hitfh x 2ft. wide). Regular value, Cabinet, Regular value, £31/10/. Cablnet.
Regular value, £33/10/.
t:; 45/> Dip-back
Lace Tunics Misses' 21/- "Rayon" Frocks fi?isses, 19/11 Fuji Silk Frocks - 8/11 Brassieres - 3/11
,-jvS/ 11 8 Sift?1'1
j::i2/io/. saj,e, £23/tr>/.
Gin. Itcdstead to match, £i»/10/ fur
ift. SACE. £21. -Ift. Gin. Bedstead
to match, £5/5/ for £1/10/.
SALB, £34/10/. -in.. Sin. Bedstead
t<) match, £6/10/ for £5/15/.

Scotch Wiltons £6/19/6 «»©
mkm! Ma '
l9'6,22'6Rugsl3'6l Axminster and W.l- 8
iz- 'it
'<V "8I £\ I II Sketch shows fashionable
style, obtainable in rose-
Almost given away I Smartly-fashioned
Floral "Rayon,"
Frocks of <Ty I -a .KS N|„.il<.1- brocks
with V. neck, plain colored collar jj /
|1 tSIisvdiT libic,
I I (7
oftriColorec ,
Silk, in saxe. pink, -fl £\
or rose, sleeveless style with new button I
- F2...I7. — "B E R L E 1"
style, in pink cotton brocade,
6M Ml 13 WSfU
./i A S
£1/15/. .. .. 1111

8 20 only! In 3 designs. Cannot be re- nam -4 I I 1/ | beige, fawn wine and bur-. Long sleeves. Lengths. UP / | Hsul .mil flared skirt. Lengths 38 and 40 in. 1 /, /II (i f '''I I'i'J-!/' \wSh ®
5 nontorl -it thp M-feUW" ton RcycrsiWc/Woo1.
Bile qualities. In ! awn. Brown and f
X Yf
and cuffs, finishers pipings.
" ' ' " fastening at back, all clastic Here's Bargain Excitement ! Too important to be omitted from
the nrice I Size
atze 9ft
yrt. xx Oft
ytt., R. fHfff1 "J-j 8- /W'-i Kk Vf gundy. Were 45/; SALE. 36. 38 and 40in. Usually 21/; SALE. 9/11. 19/11; SALE, 12/11. J ft 'IsiSiji wWui' g | 1 |
8 Pea'Cd price! fepTijif' :jf k;N£1 Mm- Oriental effects; size 4ft. Gin. x 2tt.
10/6 each. Usually waist. Size 48in. only. Usu- sj i fr A nvTlnVf- oS?'.',. n
" —
usually £8/19/0. SALE ib/19/b. Larger Jaaj| fFf-jM/M -t< Wen- 19/6. 22/6. ONLY 250 TO 8 / ally 8/11; SALE, 3/11. this Sale announcement: 1
sizes: —
(.'LEAK AT 13/0. 8 - | |
bi-iu; It Lace Frock Misses' to Frocks and Frocks MW'1'
Lengths 59/11 B9/11, 59/11 Suits - 5/U Vf3!
15/11 105/- 7/11 Corselettes 8
8 12ft. x lift. 3in. . ..,£10/10/ £7/19/6 S> - \T 5 Handkcrchicf-point Lace T f1 I 1 Dainty styles in Crepe de Chine, Georgette. fkiTV MISSES' Jumper Suits and Frocks in assorted Of
I I Deck Chairs 1
i 12ft. x 9ft £12/10/ for
£9/7/6 f.l MAIM (Vtll 1 lCStn Nptc ! I J
/ / Frock Lengths, in light and r\ I I "Celanese," and "Crepella" — both patterned and Byi | /
j naj
Kgolorlngs of "Milcsc" Artif. Silk, Linen and Voile. I II
Pink Brocade, lightly
honed in front, fasten at side,
$ \ ! Tp2-18 8
a I 150 on,V! 9 //? fl.\W llllm lv-'- i S
8 12ft. x lift. 3in. .. £16/10/ for £11/15/ LdUl lVLO 8 i - // dark grey, rose-pearl, beige, tjl X.X. 65/ and 105/; / , M /
' W'ttSifl' 1
3/ 11 , 4/11 CURTAIN NETS, 1/6 yard.—
1/ mauve and chocolate. Were
plain materials, Usually 59/11, UHJ l \
Htsually 39/11. 49/1 1, 59/11; SALE
jLtJ I ll two sections of clastic in front of 8
value! selection w
I frames covered in r%er
0/V MlIlM
0 ffi ) > / I !S /
Va !
i |Ea
'' 4 Incomparable Early
9 n
// /I A
AIf Rn? tt Jj£b
|'\'AV-Tr'l.. Good assortment of patterns in fast tones of
Rose. Blue, Grey. Brown, l?a\vn and Mauve.
vSbIS'.i K4tSmSs j) 15/11;
SALE, 5/11 per length of
& 3o:h"a»L"'KX 25/ to 79/6 Oddment »
urged! 43 only! Gents' Oak 'Robes of first-
j k!
S"t a = virenble striped Canvas. fl l/iU'l ral //A'. I tt
S Vk / ft I f\ I ri 4ft.
5 O/'O
V-" V tictUIillra
V1 VWVWIW "4/0
Ids. X» v Usually 3/11. 4/11; SALE. 1/0 yard. Others 8 Corsets 17/6, 19/6, 27/6 I class construction, nicely cleaned down. a J| | yl
8 Lt/'yV \ - ' r;;T jS i" Colored Striped /Effects, 2/6,' reduced, to 5 io);,SeLE'5./"' " " " x with 3 sliding A A I
5 IV TTD \t t c i it \t p /""p i?'Pfi\T\7 ttc
in , vat ted
ill .

, -_,LJer.
1/11 vard. Artii. Silk Nets, in various designs
;im| colors. 4/11, 5/11. for 2/3 yard.
lo/ 11 \<0rS6tS
120 Only I PINK BRO-
l /1 1 Table of Oddments, in Front-
lacing, Back-lacing, and Wrap-
5ft. Cin.
high, lilted
rack, large-sized adjustable mir- Q QS
I 1 42/- Lounges 32/9 % j
range ol Moral designs on light and dark 4/11 STORE CURTAINS, 2/11 each.—
g V \BiiT 'i'<ySraBS/'F 'i CADE WRAP-ONS, F2... 18, on Corsets, of Fancy Brocades 8 ror, boot-rack and coat-hanger.
grounds ; widths tip to 30ins.' Usually 8/6. (%»??:! '/"£? '\'r"aBKBAt>l I " "i 300 onlvl" Fringed Net Curtains, Icaturing panel 8 and Coutil. Three sets of sus-
rtTects, - 1 yards long. Usually 4/11; SALE, with long skirt, firmly boned; These arc attractively and present a handsome appear-"
8 SALE, 4/6 doz. yds. : ' g, panelled I couiU ol£ list price! .'// ..- \\\ | j-j
- Hf B.r m 2/11 each. 5 elastic at waist and over hips. pendcrs. Usual prices range » AT CRAIG'S UNTIL SOLD, 79/6. constructed, ." V p
ancc. SALE, | Properly \\ |
. 1/11, 2/3 CRETONNES, 1/1) yd. — Rever- gy8MBg4.'?. '.V'j 4/11 FANCY CASEMENT CLOTHS, 2/6 8 Three sets of suspenders. Sizes from 25/, 27/6, 35/ to 79/6; 5 1 well-nnished LounJ?es.i>, \\- , "»y I
8 sihle double-width fabrics displaying allovcr dc- S YARDS 23 to 36. AT' 2 Most comfortable. »', = IS
-j v'to rli'iiA yartj 8 Usually 18/11;
' THREE CLEARING fl I tV. .... I »
some border Usually 42/. MONDAY,
striped effects) on SALE, PRICES, 17/6, 19/6, 27/6. 1 U N T I L
B signs (including
I'ffl" and dark grounds: 42-50 ins. wide. TO
; Eh
„ fuii range of Art
CLOTH, 'l/ Yard.— In
furnishing shades, 38in. "
S 7/11.
| 32/9. ,
8" =— i3»m
CLEAR, l/l)"yd. vide : SALE, 1/ yard. 8

-4/11 Duck - 2/6 - - 8

Fancy Goods Sacrificed ! Card Tables !
12/6 Furnishing Satin- yd.
SO-itich Oriental Satin, in Black only. Was
3/6 Verandah
Hearvweieht WHITE COTTON
Blind yd.
Blind Holland
Ur""' j(""'
in Nigger 1 45/ 59/6 Millinery 2/11 Covered Coat-hangers 1/
8 72 inches wide; SALE, 2/6 yard. nri'DnHa Table of assorted MODEL HATS, in Para-
4/11 yard. CLEAR, 7Jd. yard. m j rf'® 9d.
M <if\
J 1/11 Trimmed Feather Dusters
Baku Panamalac and other straws.
Season's favored tonings and black. Usually 45/
jg J
8 Manicure Sets on Stands 5/11
/I i 3/11
Art Silk Scarves 1
/= 49/6 and 59/6; ALL ONE PRICE, 29/6.
"Ha Yff
/£j v / H w
Table Powder Bowls PRICE!
" of HALF
" Diaries
Calendars and HALF PRICE!
SHEETS, Similar design to Sketch E255. In blue/ grey,
fawn / blue / brown, rcd/green/brown/navy. 21/-, 25/- Hats -12/11 12/6, 15/6 Hats -1/11 1/3 Comb Sets to clear . .
( i.ikIIcs'. firm's., »«e unit Oust Comli)
9d. Set
Were 3/11; SALE. 1/ each. MATRONS' Stylish HATS Oddments in Ready-to-wear
in various fittings; choice from Colored Straws, also Unlrimmed 1/ Sun Glasses to clear . . ........... . . ,. . 6d. pair
4/1 1 ODDMENT 3-COR- 3/11. 4/6 LACE VES- 'lUllllllllllllllimmUllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIillllHIIililllilllllllliliililllMIM
black, navy or brown. Usually Straw Hats. Usually 12/6, _
NER SCARVES, 1/11. Smart

| Saucepans, Safes, Spoons colored design. t on fawn and

1/. Sketch E77 shows
of in Paris
21/. 25/; SALE, 12/11. 15/6; ALL ONE PRICE.

Toys almost given

A, 65/2
Ictnon Kayon grounds, also . only
K. ,, .many n n
17/6 School Hats 7/11 away - -
17/6 I
7/6 Spoons, 2/11 half doz. 12/6 Saucepans, 7/11 set colored floral designs on pale-
others Paris
Some all
with 65/-, 89/6 Coats 49/ 11
1 D/ 0, Z 1 / - HatS
- - c/11
3/ 1 1 6/11 and eriic nv ins.- ctowust). . . . for 1/11 Boys' 22/6 Suits
STaMNLESS Nlckol-SItvcr Table Heavy i;nufte Saueepans, tltted green and mauve crepe Jersey. interwoven
No. 27. — One of many strik- No. 28 — Selected at n
CHILDREN'S SCHOOL "Flips Flops" 2-PIECE SUITS, in Navy aft - wool S
i-A or Vetretable-servlnjr Spoons — with oxidised bundles. Set of -I No post orders accepted. Were dainty pastel shades. Were 3/1 1. No., 33. — 84/ MARO- HATS, in fine, real Tuscan READY-TO-WEARS, in 10/6, 12/6 "Zag-Zaw" Puzzles 2/11 Cheviot ycrge. Knickers have plain knees.
guaranteed to wear. White (14, 1!,3, 5 plnUt) — 12/6 value for ing styles in navy or black artif. from a rack of equally chi Ino. 32.-21/ FUJIETTE For boys 6 to S years, 22/6 for 17/6; a to =J
Straw, lined navy straw, trimmed black, white, fawn, saxe, almond,
1/3 Cricket Balls 9d. each
throughout. Usually 7/6: SALE, 7/11. Set of 5 <H, 2, 3, G, 7 4/11; SALE, 1/11 each. and 4/6; SALE, 1/ each. crepc de chine. S.W., W. and Frocks, in .brocade voile.I ®OCKS,
13/11. Natural CAIN FROCKS, 55/. fn to go at 12 years, 23/ for ia/6; 13 to 15 years, 32

band and bow of navy ribbon. &c. Assorted styles and fittings.
2/l£s tialf-Uoz. pints)-— 17/6 for 12/6. O.S. fittings. Usually 65/ to artif. Marocain and "iu Btkground, printed in contrast- navy or black, featuring new 4/6 Celluloid Baby Dolls (14 inch) 2/11
small design. Self yolk, fin- Three fittings. TO CLEAR, Usually 15/6. 18/6, 2!/;
and Pleatings 89/6; SALE, 49/11, fabric. AH wanted tones,iIB bolero front, flared skirt, finished
ALL ONE PRICE. 5/11. 6/11 "Ma-Ma" Voiced Baby Dolls .. .. .. .. .. 2/11
2/6 Lawn Broom-Rakes, reduced to 1/6 6/11, 7/11 Frillings 1/11 yd.
No. 29. — MATRONS'
W" 'S' Hod bows of self-lined contrast,
Mpcd skirt, belt all round. S.W.
belt and buckle, collar and cuffs
. of contrast crepe suede. S.W., -
7/11. (Others H/l I for !!/tl)
12/6 Navy Blazers
Complete with extra head. A boon in the garden during Summer
Be- No. 30.— 29/11 FLO!
6/11, 9/11, 19/6 Mascot Dolls 2/11, 3/11, 7/11 |EE
IP=1 Pillow Cotton Mon. yd. For making Collars and Cuffs, 3in. wide. Attractive two-tone 79/6 FROCKS, 59/1 1. SALE, 13/11.
||W. W. SALE, 55/.
Toy Animals all to go at HALF PRICE! In all-wool Navy Flannel with
Autumn months! Usually 2/6: SALE, 1/6 each. 1/1 J
8/6 Hemmed S.B.
(54in. x 5yds.)
effects, in beige and red. beige/ blue, orange/grey, fawn/red,
' multi-colored striped borders, on navy, beige, fawn and pink. Were
' coming style in navy or black
artificial silk marocain. The vest
eral sly'es from wl,'c ' cia No 31. — 54 GN. FROCKS,
some snow cape at back. Basing
65/. This group comprises 3 10/llPure Silk Hose colored corded edges. Sizes 3 to
H), I2/G reduced to 9/G; sizes

11/6 Hemmed D.B. Sheets x 5yds.) 1 r. , , , . , , , , styles, one only pictured, in floral pure silk crepe de chine.

| Cork Table Mats trom 6d. %-doz. 1 / 1 2- Plain Pillow Cases

(19 x 29in.) .
8/6 pr.
6/11, 7/11: SALE.
4/6 to 7/6 SHOP-SOILED
1/1 yard.
jabot and finish to frock picurcd has a flarC(j
f|! in fashionable designs, some with V. neck and no collar. In navy 400 Prs. Fine Gauge and Service-weight
Pure Silk-to-welt Hose, fully fashioned. Some are OA
I 4
1 Bags - - - - Needlework !
Underwear = =

9£d. sleeves are of contrast georgette; the collar and jabot bei:|8 black patterned with contrast. f I B 1/11
— HANKIES, 1/11 doz. White TOON LACES, 1/11 yard, W., O.S. and X.O.S. fittings.
but silk perfect. In 15 I J, \Jf 200 assorted
' |=
Plain Mats necessary to protect polished tables:
and Colored Embroidered Lawn, Exquisite designs on deep Paris
skirt gracefully flared. O.S., plain voile to tone. S.W..Bually 5) gns; SALE, 65/. slightly irregular,
== Uuuml — tin. .. tJd. half doz. Oval — llln. k Sin.. 3/0 half- Border X.O.S. fittings. 79/6; fittings. Usually 29/1 ;I S/ tones, including gunmetal, beige, sunbronze, boxes, containing good-quality Paper, in plain shades of cream, azure, v/flx/fa A
'TJLAR Singlets or Trunks. ==
= Itouml — oin. .. 1/ half dor. doz. also Colored Striped net, interwoven with lovely pas- Usually sun-tan. SUa y
bask, rosewood, beaver, SALE, 6/10 pair. helio. and assorted colors. Usually box.
Oval— Sin. x Gin. 1/11 Uair-

Oval X4in. x» lOIn., 4/3 half
doz. Towels, Quilts, Damasks Handkerchiefs. Soiled
and department displays.
in window
tel colorings
to 15in, wide.
and silk thread.
Were 7/11;
13 SALE, 59/11. 16/11. and 6i Gn. T weed Ensembles
J2 Of lightweight
69/ 1 1
6/1 1 PURE SILK HOSE, 3/10. Service-weight Silk-to-welt
2/11 3/6; SALE, 1/11
Others, 4/1 1 for 3/6; 6/1 1 for 4/1 1 ; 8/1 I for 6/1 1 ; 11/6 for 8/11.
' iW-MQ SALE,"l/ll each. M

1/ Fancy "Osman" Turk Towels (15in. x 29in.) .. 8Jd. each

4/6 to 7/6; SALE, 1/11 doz. SALE, 1/11 yard. Matrons' 39/11Artif. Silk IS jf|

fancy effects.
Tweed, in fawn, brown, saxe,
navy, black/white,
Full-length Coats, tailored on newest lines; half
with double lisle tops. Every pair perfect! In shades of' Brazil, 13 PIECES OF STAMPED LINEN FOR 5/11. Two Pillow
Shams, 5-piece Duchcssc Set, Centre (14 x 20in.), and 5 d'Oyleys (10
Si 3/11 Bathers =
2/11 |=
7/6 to 10/6 DOZ. LINGERIE LACES, 2/11 doz. yards. Limited number only, in Navy and Black. Made with « cedar, beech-nut, crystillc, rose tone. All sizes. SALE, 3/ 10 pair.
1/4J Colored Turkish Towels (20in. x 40in.) .. .. 1/ each Linen; edges spoked for Vrvl J' fiT BOYS' AND YOUTHS' COT-
I 67/6 Ice Chests— (and 7 Supplies 5/6 Blue and While Tick. Mattress Cases (S.B.) .... 4/11" Many pretty shaped
woven with artif. silk.
designs in Paris, also Paris and colored, inter
Were 7/6 to 10/6; SALE, 2/1 1 doz. yds. . O.S., X.O.S. Usually 39/11; SALE, 19/11. (No post or i
collar and cuffs, inserted band down centre back, trinmu'il b:i!.'
and finished self trimmings;
Banned self stitchings.
skirts cut with pleats at sides,
S.W. and W. only. Usually 5), 6) gns.; 3/1 1 FULL-FASHIONED
x 1Oin.) . Each piece of "Meadow-Bleach"
crocheting. Usually 7/1 1 ; $ALE, 5/1 1 set. (Mail orders cannot be
I ' IJf
Black only
or two-piecc style).
29/6 Large D.B. Marcclla Quilts (82in. x 104in.) .. . 19/11 420 prs Black Silk Hose guaranteed.)
Sizes 24 to 34. Were J/3 to =
Damask Cloths (45in. x 45in.) .. .. 3/11 each orders!) 69/1 1. j\LE, LISLE, 1/11). Chiffon and 2/. 3/11; NOW 2/11. =
6/11 All-linen 4/1 1. Natural Pure
| of FREE Ice) . . . . for .tllCL 2/11 Colored Border Breakfast Cloths (54in. x 54in.)« 1/11J
». t
weaves. Every
(silk below knee) ; .some full-
)ashioned. a'nd 9in. slzcs
Silk Fuji Nights (3 yds. long), and "Princess" Slips, clearly traced for

S Soundly constructed Ice Chests from well-seasoned f
Australian Oak, packed with granulated cork. Com-
8 f 1/6 All-linen
12/6 All-linen
Tea Toweling
(20in. x 20in.)
ll$'d. yard
8/6 dozen Silks Dress Goods For Lower Prices and Gre lues —
Come to Craig's Sale! pair perfect! Light tones
gar, grey, champ, and mid.
of hog-
only Qui,e pcrfect i Usually
working; neck and sleeves spoked. for crocheting. Usually 6/11 ; SALE,
4/11. In pink, mauve, lemon or sky, 7/11 for 5/11.
Men's 13/6 Sports Trous. |=
Bleached Table Damask - 8/1 1, 9/1 ; Senil-Oxford style in LIirHt -4
= plcte with drip-tray. With every Ice Chest sold. Craig's offer 7 FREE 2/9 (57in. wide) 2/3 yard LDS.' 39/6 I M PORTED I | // I I j4 JS# —-
brown. SALE, l/l I) pair. ANCE, 2/ pair. STAMPED OVER- Grey All-ivool Flannel. Usu- IT
V| 'f JL
£5 3/3 Unbleached Linen and Cotton Damask 2/6J FAST-DYED FUJI SILKS I I =
deliveries of Ice. Act quicldy and make the most of this gift opportunity. (58in.)'.. 1/11 J ally 13/6. SACK, 9/11.
. Othors in both Grey and J- TXffitN, =
I / 64. Fully-guaranteed Silk, in a big
range of colors, including pink, shell,
ments of durable unbleached calico, vfrr wu
jn b,ackj nayyi greyf fawn> or
Fawn Flannels, 13/6 to 16/9.

12/6 "Coolgardie" Cool Safes now French Suede Gloves

|= Strongly made and covered with White Towelling. Secure one while
9/1 1
2 1 6 Blue & Gold Teapots k3 saxe, powder, nil, lemon, hclio., scar
let, fawn, blue, &c., also navy and
black; 29in. wide. SALE, l/6£ yd. .
' 9/11
320 prs.. Turn-back Embroidered Gauntlet / <S «fl
- traced in easily-worked designs;
bound bias tape. SALE, 2/1 I ea.
bVOwn. Usually
SALE, 19/11.
35/ and 39/6;

Fancy Fawn or Grey Woollen
Coats 18/6
fli |—
jj= this saving offers 1 Size 19£in. high x I5in. wide. Usually 12/6; SALE, FRENCH SUEDE GLOVES, in tones of J> / All sizes. -7/6. -I
Royal Blue and Gold Tea- | | Tweeds. Usually
4/11 PLAIN SPUN SILKS. French nude, pastel, beige or grey. Usually . H 8 SALE, 18/ti. Others, 32/6 and 67/6
pots (pure wiiitc china inside), 5-cup
capacity. Usually 2/6: SALE, 1/3 «s ' rsnt 3/3. In a huge selection of wanted
such as
9/11; SALE, 3/11 pair. , /
Trimmings I
shades, grey, flesh, pink, lemon, /"I A L n l
hclio., fawn, saxe, powder, tango, scar- f 3/11 ELBOW-LENGTH 7/1 1 WASHABLE DOE- Od
vu. Art
i-iii. Ivory, I.lBUt Cream,
Mauve, Salmon.
LISLE GLOVES, 6d: pr. 600 : Uos£ aiXB oi. Pale.Plnki No. j(i
reel 63/= Sports 49/6 I=
let, rose, purple and brown, also black SKIN GLOVES, 5/11. Elas- Usually (Id. SAU3, 21il.

I 75/- Utility Sets 55/- and navyi 29in. wide. SALE, 3/3 pair,s English lisle elbow-length
Gloves, in sizes 5).and/6 onif
lic-at-wrist Pull-on Gauntlets, in
chamois shade only. .English
% OllK "


ZyQ. T061
or- 1/11 doz.
(No poet .orders!)
M' A R A B O U T
In Fawn or Grey Fancy Wootton .
Tweed. All sizes.
SALE,' 49/6.
Usually UJ/., Mteft/KtefSsafcj! =
White, grey, black or brown. make. Sizes 5f to 63. , Usually TING WOOL, 9 Id. sk.. 2. '3 FEATHER TRIMMING 7)d.
23 BKSSnEBRMHBd Pieces) SATiN, 6/11. Washing and wearing shades of
SALE, 6d. pair. 7/11; SALE, 5/11 pair. and 4-ply Super Fingering Wools, yard. In dehghtfu
5 Each GO-plece Set makes un 1 Dinner Set, properties absolutely guaranteed. saxe, lemon, rose, '75/- Sac Sails 55/- IM
== in a good range of shades. Usually pale blue ntle,
Latest styles, in Fawn Wool Tweed,
CTxX ZyYaroSShM 1 Ten Set, one Fruit Set, and 1 Supper Set. In fast-dyed shades of flesh, lemon,
salmon, cherry, mauve or apricot,
0 lj|\ "|
S Kg v\'fV VSr 1'ietured arc but a few pieces to show tho design, helio., nil, coral, pink, ivory, also navy
1 0)d. ; SALE, 9)d. per loz. in briar-proof effects. All sizes. , Usu- , & ,

= Which is ill blue. The full set comprises 0 each Usually 1/rSALE, 7)d. yard, SALE, 55/. '

18/6 Fabric Shoes

Ey jj Klty 9 skein. Other lines similarly re- ally 75/.
n| \»'/ Cheese, Pudding. Dinner Plates and Soup Coupes, and black; 38in. wide. SALE 6/1 1 - - -
14/1 1 2/11 PINK CORSET I i\ \\ Bj
N » \ f . wMglff 1 Carving Dish, Vegetable Dish, Gravy Boat, Sulad duced! 1
:z=g gH For the

\ I / LffKA. MA KonvI and GFruit Dishes, 1 Sandwich Tray. Sugar
Basin. Cream Jug. G Cups und Saucers. Usually
T5/: SAL1:- (50 pieces).
Excellent designs, all guar
--izl e.w.ap
pair. Silk and rubber shields,
making or
1/6 yard.
repairing of corsets,
7)in. wide.
sus- Shirts, Pyjamas U1 vl 1
anteed; 48-54in. wide. Limited quan- » COURT 3, m pink or white. pender_ belts, &c., 6/6 ZEPHYR SHIRTS, with Collar , . jgrtlt, B
U'EA-SETS, I - !L —-C0111u i su i eucli tity only — be prompt! SALE, 2/11) in figured blue, red or plain green OF TAPE, 2/3, 12 knots of assorted white to match, 3/11. show neat woven U mm. B
cups, saucers, and plates, 1 cube No. I. — LDS' 7/11 . No. 4. — LDS' Jo. 7. — LDS.' 2/11 No. 10. — CHILDREN'S
2/11 BUNDLES stripes on White grounds. Sizes 14 ;W,|® !$.& B
5 Glass Mixing with calfat toes Usually 2/11; SALE, 2/3 bundle. ,
|S Bowls 5/11 plate. 1 cream jug, and sugar basin.
dark bluu "Willow" pattern.
aqagffl jU 3/6. "DOUBLE - DOUBLE"
SI MOCKS, 5/11. In brown, HOUSE FROCKS, 3/1
STS, 2/3. In pink, sky,
' 4/11 FROCKS, 2/6. In floral
fabric, matching
.tape to each liundle. t0
17'Ajf''3/118/tt FLANNEL- tr/T B
A MB Ul CAN GLASS MIXING BOWLS, in 5 Populai FUJIS, 1/11). Fully guaranteed saxe, or, green artif. Silk Jersey. Sizes 18, 20, and 22. and backs. Leather soles and /JS&J » ETTE PYJAMAS. W>\ ' B
r==i green, linctte; long floral material, made to materiai. 4/0. Block strtplngs . Kasa
"«eful sizes. SALE. G/ll set» a"3'"t wcaves: 29in. wide. ' ' if Louis heels. Usually 18/6; f a B
"TOBY" JUGS FOU 4/lN— 'These display Tall Gum Vases - - - j "aLE s|(:eves. SALE, 5/11. at side. SALE, 3/1 1..J SALE. 2/6.
No. '37— Men's 25/ Sports Shoes 21/ lj!
OU i I
||a Gi« popular dark blue "Willow"
"Toby" shape, so casliv cleaned.
design; squat Pottery
Stand 12in. high. In two shades, Bronze or Green — f t
O/ll I B 1/1 1) FUJF SILKS for 1/3). No. 2.— LDS1 4/1 1 Nn .. ,ns- OOMERS wuES' t 3/t!
' '
No. 11. — CHILDREN'S . No. 37. — In Brown Willow
iE=j( — 1. If, and 2 pints, s/6 value: Three iurge FROCKS. 2/3. In dainty
IB. . SALE. 4/11 , with decorated panels in Itght-hiuc vermillion and yellow, faMm JRJL Guaranteed all silk; natural
only; 29
H OUSE FROCKS 2/6. Wei! or green Irtif Silk Jersey 3/11 | —r Calf, with crepe rubber soles and
set"«r 3. (OnJv 13U Sets to clear!) finished with gold; SALE, 2/11 each. in. wide. SALE, MONDAY, in;ade -from pretty rloral VESS. i/Y In fine
Sizes 18 and i ,f
21/- now 12/11 Usually
1/3) mate- „ Cai LE, 1/11. Also in colored spotted- materials. Shoes, . heels; neatly punched.
i £-ai r- t ,r cotton weave. SALL,r II crie material.
j£=3; tl. SALE, 2/6. 3/1 I for 1/. 20 in. SALE, 2/3.
1 ftl//| STRAF SHOESin
1 Use Credit Upright Cabinet Be Early - - for Oddment 1/6
Gingham Frockings
reliable washing weaves for overalls, house
3. — LDS'
1 0)d.
In attractive
6. —
Jo.. 9— LDS.'
STS 3/1 1, .4/11.
. or green Artif.
4/11,' 5/11
In sky,
Silk Jcr- 1
No. 12. — CHILDREN'S
7/11 FROCKS.
pretty floral material.
.4/11. In
Sizes 30
enamel, neatly punched baby
Louis heels and pump soles (all.
sizes, including half sizes, except -
SlBgte '
25/% 32/6
50 pairs Gents'
mm IlHlElr 3/ ENGLISH
fur felt hats,
Bathers- 1
I; Terms Plan Phonographs Record Albums Player Rolls frocks and beach wear: feature two and three lone' ovcrcheck nd iral material. SALE, 10)d. SALE. 3/11. SALE. 3/11 and 4/11. and 32 in. SALE, 4/11.
5 and 5)). Actual value,
' 21/; .
' Boots and Slioes, I ,
from to JL %JI
1/ .
'Km lllmlimll , 10/9. The popular snap lirlm and =
fancy effects: 36in. wide. SALE, 10)d. yard. i 7% _ " 25/ IjllMr l)mn'Huluninm\V!VuiwEKa I framed shapes. Ill Orey, Fawn, Slate, .
= SALE, 12/11. V TO etC' A11 3lzes' 6i 10 71' SALE- 1G/9-
n! U,r. iiiowlir, dciir"' to pur- Handsome
£>Q / C / 2/ A splendid zelec- = = /6 = Frocks 32/6. ALL CLEAR AT IWllllR 1
,10n „f ncw, demon- "1/ /J Frocks
If. Frocks 2 1/11 / l-«/« to 22/6 BATHERS. S/H.Odd--. =
= 1 vliasc Furniture. , Carpets. upnglit Malio- . l/l I PRINTED "BRIT- 3/11,4/11 FROCKINGS. /II I/- 63/ Frocks 5/11 5/11 CHILDREN'S ENAMEL M&//, irrHlTBlMl m'Mr : :=
Hi Lino.-.. Flionos. ami Uajio. - finished /
/|J/ / in- and used
/ J The popular l/l I). Marquisette, Ray de-
4/11, 5/6 BATHING WXWlllmtBEuSStSfmvEmnll ment range or "Speed" models and . - —
gany ' pepnon a| RI IMS ' stration, . WAY," 1/ yd. Impo 1'l<ocl':s' in SHOES, 1/11. English-made COLTSKIN SHOES, FROM ¥ others. Including "Uolilen Jileccc.'
— l'ianos and Flayers, Vacuum Cabinets, fitted with non-scralcli Player Rolls. Titles include for Chene and Artificial Silk Frock-. LDS'HOUS-'VROCKS - CHILDREN'S r'."LS'
some have long, others J7"1' wn'ViLDLOOXfERSlOCTO
White Shoes 4/11 M. and O.S. tltllugs; =
I "it e fabric coat, frock and overall d APRONS,- in assorted Frocks, in rcpe-de-LU"
ri .sleeves. Sizes 24 to 30 in.j
MATCH, in assorted washable . "Porous" Rubber Bathing Shoes 6/11. One-strap style, with .....
5/6 Wr//fi/l!mrm\wlv >»ak otcS.JL.
Silk Tersey, 24. « materials, Sizes 18 to 22in. ALL in Children's apd Maids' sizes, solid leather soles. Sizes 7 to 9.
for rt- "ri.'ptci" -rt
Guaranteed. nnmhers ALL TO CLEAR .
, .
Shows various printed
, on .. , , . T'"8
.spot patterns, also "r'T" three-tone -
/Ics, ALL TO
1/ each.
Were 39/6, 63/; Now 2« l.E, 5/U. TO CLEAR AT >1/11. 7 to 2. Women's sizes 5 and" 6 Usually 8/11; SALE, 6/11. \ No. 25. —.WHITE CAN- 'Ut'hl/fnT
' ftmfyli'lf iMUi I
3/6. 3/6 FANCY HALF,riOSH, l/« ..
bilk und .Wool., alat -Hilk -and ;
' =
mi Inquire
full particulars
bALE i9 15/.
ralc compartments to hold twelve
1 2in. Records. SALE. 2 '3 ea. AT I /6 each. _ r designs white and colored woven stripe . effects, in newest '
\ : only. Usually 4/1 I. 5/6; ALL Also 10 to I 3. 10/6 for 7/11; ' '
VAS SHOES, suitable for gene- / 7 1/7/
f| Al '/'' f
! htlo rjiuiUticu,. in 4 big rang? of co!oi> ==
i: . grounds; colors guaranteed fast; tones, on light and v ral sports wear; Usually 5/6; . ' u l /'If " und deislgnt. -Perfect 'All. v
colored. ONE PRICE, l/H. 1 to 3.' 12/6 for 9/6. ' - " " 1 . '.'aized:. SALE; ; tl/'pairr:4-.'- v
double width. SALE, 1/ yard. 1/I I ) yard. LIZABETH Gl. SALE, 4/11. : =

ifiiiiirillgiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiMillllllllllllllllilliilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH illllllllllllllllllfllllllMllllllllllllllllW llllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllliliiilii illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM

— . : . ;
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimMifl r7

National Library of Australia

fe i
at Monday at
1 Commencing Monday Morning 9 1
By the
SH "

Commencing j

& Serial Story ————— |j

1 Late Followers Moss-CroWn Rocks ;

"TJETUfAPS you will unrtortako the "pROM where she' stood the rocks
task of hinting to— or Gladys went almost sheer down to tho M
or Kmmn that -—or — followers sen— a hundred feet or more, she -
should not stay quite so late. It reckoned. To tho right the hill rose "
might come more delicately from sharply, hut when she had climbed to Jj
vnu, my dear. Enrly to bod and its highest point, she saw that It „
early to rise. I hope — and maybe sloped again, and presently dipped >
I shall not have to complain again down Into a narrow gully, where, In
of the coffee, or wait half an hour winter time, a little creek should run,
for mv hot rolls!" Tie pursed his possibly a tributary to feed the crook Jj
lips and frowned at Kmmlo as sho beside the bouse, „
entered. That plump lady looked She found little dlfllenlty In seranib-
modestly down and simpered and
'ing down to the creek-bod, which had J
blushed. eaten deeply Into soil and rock, and t
"Will you take one hegg or two. was bordered and over-arched with >
.Miss?" she inquired,
"ff your theory's correct. Uncle
Kathleen said, when the
tree ferns, and embroidered with soft,
lace-JIke tendrils and fronds of smaller
ferns. The rocks were moss-grown
The Men's Departments
maid had gone. "tlto man hehavod and slippery. She believed that the
brutally to old Crump," ercck would run a miniature torrent offer many examples of value!
in times of Mood, hut now scarcely a
"Probably the other man had a
trickle served to keepferns and foli In no section of tho store Iw there renter evidence of iin«
grudge against him," Stokes said, age freshly green. - determination to effect swift reduction of stocks than in the 'Men's r
carelessly. - Departments. Items have been, in many Instances, reassessed J :1
Stokes left the house, when ho had She was very active, and very ven without repard to original cost, and in nil cases without eon k
Jlnlshed breakfast, so possibly ho had turesome, and had boon accustomed J
„ sideratlnn of cxisttng selling- prices. Wc list here hut a brief
some work to do or superintend, nftor nil her childhood and "arly girlhood « selection of the' amazingly keen values In Men's Wear that this
| nil. Kathleen arranged fresh llowcra to accompanying her father en his Summer Salo makes available; nnd ovory single line is'lndlcatlve
I in dining room and parlor, then many expeditions to hush. and cruises
moun " the bargains throughout all sections. Be lieriv Monday at 9 for (
i carried a bundle of socks sho had tains. as well as on long, lazy " host values. F
in his littlo yacht.
j found in her uncle's bedroom, to tho for nff i t\ i m i ni i \
verandah, and darned diligently
Difficult Climb
I an hour or more. n lourist Miirts
Her lmad aehod slightly, after her days. :
| there rpHEY had pnssed vory happy
disturbed night. Apparently she and lier father, nnd now tho
wore few duties for her In tho house, breath of the son wind, tho wild beauty Smart Designs / 1 "1
B of tremendous r'
Monday will witness "» event importance to all For weeks past preparatiims have been In progress— stocks have I so she put aside tho unmended Rocks, of this hush spot, the loneliness nnd
5 who seek real value— the opening of lUrks, Atkinson's First. Summer hern examined, cheeked and reassessed for the o|HMiing days of the l and strolled through tho garden, in- quiet, brought crowding memories of Usually sold / | | rj
I Sale In the Reconstructed Store. That the event will prove memorable sale, without regard to original cost or present prices. Knllmsinstle I haling Mower and hush scents, en- hlin to his daughter. Possibly they at NOW II B
In Melbourne's Rargalnlslng History Is beyond doubt, for the ainazlng response is certain, ami since many of the feature offerings arc limited i Joying the cool sea hroozo. made her reckless, for, when the creek- 9/11;
B keenness of the savings nnd the splendid variety of merchandise so In quantity, we urge your attendance Monday morning right on the J Sho wondered If Donald Frazer bod turned aside, and made by a cir A Side offrring ofwoven
great Inlored In M.n' H
S liberally displayed will he Irresistible to the thousands of shoppers stroke of nine. Owing to limited quantities, Mall Orders cannot in most I would come today, and if he would cuitous route for the larger stream, Tflurlst Shirtsin firm stripe poplin, in .» Q
visit log' the store. instances lie guaranteed; hut wherever possible they will he supplied. I ask her to accompany him, when he sho gripped n friendly bent tree, and rangeof smart patternsand «i»b»reffort-; r-o, C
he scrambled downward In the opposite forn-d iii>i-ks,Roubleh.-wmthroughout;,-,,nq.l.;- o
| visited the islet. What would
! think of last night's doings In the direction toward a strip of wot sand with tsdliir to iiMtrh. Sires j:t| to 17. M.nk..| p
1'rirr, 9/1 i; Salo Prion,5/U.

he fashion showrooms ieature Drastic Concessions i
I garden?

ij Racing Rollers
sho could seo far below.
Onrc or twice she slipped, nnd was
saved from hurt only by a heap of Men's 8/11 and
of outstanding Importance to all who seek value Is this decisive clearance of smart Summer Fashions at prices In tunny Instances consider- £ I (SlIK sauntered dried drift nnd kelp wedged tightly into Tennis h
B alily below half usual selling levels. Many of tlie keenly priced groups are limited hi quantity, and letter orders In every east emmet be giuirmi- 5 through tho gates, n crevice. She hnd to Ho there for some down to 5 11
J leetl. As an example of the extraordinary bargain offerings, wc mention:— ami took tho path to tho cliff- moments, shaken and hreathiess. lie- Sports Shirts, h
Jj| edge, but sea-haze dulled the scene fore she went clambering more care A tlmnly Sainredth'tlonof CreumPoplinT'-n- S
hvenmg Crocks reduced !
r rencn
Frocks summer loats to clear ! s
I ami shut out the Islet. The water was
I misty blue and grocn,
I as oil. Tho tide was high, but ebbing
and sluggish
fully over tho plied rubbish, and let
herself down to slippery, mussel-
covered rocks just left uncovered by
lirarq)ll nls and Sport Shirt; well mmln, comfort.
rut , gnimrouH
prion, 8/11; Sain Prion, 5/U.
titling. sl/a-»,J3j to 17. Mailod
"7 nnlv cnnilirisim:A yleotlim of distinctive style, in Reduced !
A strictly limited numberof superiorSummerCoat in fast. a narrow strip of tho tide.
S <icont»tt»" Ml. Print-it ITillIon tm.l TatTctn,nil arc lull Specially Silk MrtmnUn,Repp, I'repo(h-chitir, S.Itit and Georgette, | sodden Already rock, strewn with sholls, kclp-
3 tittlnR. well madeami limiilsomclyllnMii'ii. A verv specialelection of excellentquality hnml-made markeddown to amazinglevel. The color are Xntv, H Tho climb had made her feel very
Lkigerte' Frocks, attractively relieved We band faggoting, Black, Green. Ik-igc. Brown; all poftrayujg'the latcn I pods and drift showed at the base of hot and bedraggled. She cast longing Men's 11/9 and 12/9 n In
5 £8/8/- Values Reduced to £5/15/6 fine tucking ami rehired embroidery. describe 'wo I the cliff. glances nt weed-grown pools, and
from a seriesof pricegroupsto indicatethe splendidbuying 69/6 to values now j She could see ,tho jagged fangs wished for bnthing-gown and towel —a Tourist Shirts I / U
13 Gn. to 19 Gn. Values at £9/9/- opportunity HctnomlM'r, one onlv of each style. 89/6 .... 49/6 — the highest points of that uneven jj
5 I bathe there would ho very pleasant. A rnmark.iblvknnnIwirgahloffering,notnj.ris-
£9/19/6— Imported Frocks 9S/6 to £5/15/6 values . . now 69/6 I roof or bar running outward, to tho She scrambled doggedly, obstinately Ing Men'sfine quality shirtN iu tourist
5 25 to 36 gn. Values, 14 to 19 Gns. . . £7/7/- I islet. They wore stuck thickly with onward, finding difficulty at tho sharp, and f.ishiound iu ligured ami plain Poplii».
Wc briefly ib-reribetwo styles indicative of tho range No. i. A smart Frock <>fKm Pink Georgettewith £6/6/ to £6/16/6 values 79/6 E outermost point of the ellff where It
for choice. Attractive bolero bodice, high tucked waist Hue with . now mussels and limpets, and many gulls atid l-Ttji de Lnxn, in tonings of f.r.\-i,
7.,'jvhvrs. H
B S«. 1-—One on!v; attractive model in fine black 1-tcc; tuck running Into flaredskirt, whichubo has flaredwal to 12J-gn. values now £9/9/ rested there, or Happed and dived guarded tho cove from tho northward. blur, and <dsostrlpndnffnctKin thn !«:- H
kick waist with half bolerotied bowat b.i«pof ib-wIletHge; lops heavilyembroideredwith multi-coloredsilk. Marked ll-gn. I into deep waters close to the islet. Sho hnd to leap from rock to rock, nt rqb»r rombbuiMons;all rnmfortably no, H
verv becomingskirt in circular fullnessof tulle and lace. Price, fn/lf/l. SummerSale. £7/7/. 14 to 16 values . . now Kathleen leaned languidly against trusting to luck that she would not with reinfornn.lmnk and gaumlnt.cuff. n..m-
33 Guineas,SummerSale, £19/19/. gn. £11/19/6 | plntn with 'matchingcollar. Usual )J/9, 12 )
>;0 2.—A delightful hock of black Georgetteshowing 12- Gn. Embroidered Frock, £9/9/- g a gnarled, wind-bent old sheoak. slip and plunge into shallow, tinkling value. reducedto 7/6.
No. 2.—PrimroseLinen Frock finely embroideredand 22 guinea values . . now £17/17/ I lazily watching the oily sons, the waves. R
high wabtline. finished narrowbelt and dlameatobuckle. work and M'e briefly d'tvribo here three «>fthese keen value: H
Bl rane back. Tim skirt features tiered flares. Marked featuring hand dmwn-thrend pin tucks, de.p are DI rollers swelling, then gathering speed,
Price, 16 Guineas,Summer8.1 b\ £9/9/. yoke with in«t of hand work, nnd full skirl with fltiely otlor
No. 1.—(tne only! CopperBrown Silk MaroenHiCoat. u I and raring toward the cliffs, stirring
equallyattractive. Strange Happening
— embroideredmotif nnd deep hem. MarkedPrice, 12j tuckedhip-hne and cuff; semi-flaredskirt; ami attractive m| an<l twisting tho ropes of kelp in the
121 to 33 gn. Model Frocks Gns.; SummerSilo. £»/»>.'. T COKING hack at the reef, she saw Men's
clear-, Otherprice In thk rangeof ImportedfashionsInclude: scarf attachedto neck, O.S. only. l.Dually R4/; SjiIc m angle within tho reef. She caught the
with shuddering horror how the \ 14/9 Pyjamas
Price. 49/6. sound of a motor engine, but for a jj
ing at Half Price and Less! Frocks . at 57/6 No. 2.-—One nnlyl Navy Satin-barkedConl Silk Coat b time could see no sign of tho boat current raced through that one nar m Men's greed tilting Summer welprhl Pyjamas In splen- /> / 1 "i |j
5 Sixonly J All different, a selectionof high gradeModel £6/6/- Imported 1ia<«titcb«xlwelting in self color acres back and sleeves; DII through the soft haze, which was row cleft, swirling through in a sullen, m did qua lit v twill; well out and finished: extra strongly pi / I | n
S Frocks of particularly nttnicfivo designs. Tlieoeare sure scmi-flaml .-kirt. Usually £5 / 1f»/ r,; Sale Price t59/6. n billowing and rising It reminded her of lh»»
5 to sell witnin the first hour, «o Mall Ordersmmiot be £5/15/6, £7/17/6 Imp. Frocks, 98/6 slowly, disturbed oily manner. sewn: neatlv Dntterned. Sizes S.M.. Men's and ti.H. |J/ XI II
No. 3.—(hie onlyI Vivian Porter Model In Ttlack all | strong muscles rippling beneath the J .Marked Price. 1-l/fl: Sale Price, 15/11,
S supplied. Wo describehere three styles only; superior at Frocks £6/16/6 Silk Marofwln.finely tucked .Milltnrvcollar with smartly cut E bv the breeze, and drawn upward smooth skin of some great beast of J
B model frocks priced usually IS) to 33 Gus>, to clear £8/8/- Imported capefalling over shoulder Into deepV centreback; cuffa Ej like thin clouds by the warmth of the
aUo tucked;flared frill over skirt. Usually 22 giss. Sale EI sun. prey. She wondered If old Dr. Frazer C Men's 16 9 Poplin and Merc. Twill Pyjamas . . 1211 m
2 Model Frock in Helgc Xin«i skilfully designed 114 Gn. Imported Frocks for £9/9/- had come to grief amid the whirlpools,
She wondered if old Crump were '
B with long bodiceline. trimm-4 HI Kitin baudsto tone, "j or have been dashed to his death
B f"H flared skirl: Marked I'nce 12J gns.; SummerSale.
£10 /10/ Afternoon Frocks . . . 69/6
14 !
Only Evening and Bridge Wraps j I suillclently recovered from his night's
j carousal, and from the damages In-
against one of the fang-like rooks of
Men's 69/6 A. W. Dressing Gowns 49/6 5'
No. 2.—Summe/weight FiguredVelvetModelFrock in Delightful Aftcmwti Frocksof Floral Nittcsi,Crep'-de- the reef. H .W« All W,»il Iinfill; ,!.«», in 'a qnnllir ri.'lily nftntivr I'l.nli. ,.l.,j.i M
B much below Half Usual Price! E I : Mlcted on hint by his companion, to
B mixed tunings of wine and grey; V and neck line; long rhine, Tonkin nnd Georgette,In navy, black nnd want's! 14 only! to be cleared. Eveningnnd Bridge Wrapsof SI be out and about In his boat? She She puzzled her brain to find a rou- j Willi I'llt'i11j 11>dicrl, „,n,r.. "ll.'cliv.. ,-h.rk 1'ntl.i iw n.tli plain ...lUr-: !1
B sleeves, skirt featuresshapedhip yoke flare, parked coiom;someare hand-madewith rouleaux,hand faggoting son for such an expedition as his—such x . riillll'l.'t.' Willi Iwo pookol.;,nlltllr .11walsl; sir.. I, ... ...
-.Vi'llliliis'.!''!, t'-.v tif1111LT
B Trice 29 gns. SummerSale, 134 gns. atid tucking, finishedwith duintv roHarand cuff. Si' superior quality in Li#suc,Velvet and Lice. Each por- ®
instance a f<w 51 j had often heard It said that drunken a sudden change of mind of this keen . M» «j X..»- H. (J
B No. 3.—Fine Frenchlbffgo DaceModelFrock nicely fin- S.W., Women'surn! O.S., but not in evervcolor. Summer Iht#— tray a distinctive design;we below rnim- men were difficult to kill or injure.
fisherman of creeks nnd rivers, who - Usually
ished with long fittinr sleeves;delightful half hack cape Sale Prices £10/10/ value at 60/6: 1210«. value at othersnot listedhereshow equally k'nui value. g
nnd high wait belt line give a .mart effect; trimmed £0/0/; IfijGn. vulueat £11/11/; ltij to ISiGn. value Boat in Mist would try his luck with the sea—a rea Men's 19 6 Fine Corded Weave Pyjamas .. for 14 6 j
B 79/6 value . .... reduced to 42/ m son for his urgent call to his son be.
B satin roiih-nux. Skirt portrays ilarrd panels. Marked at £13/t3/. on this Men's 16/11 All-wool Bathing Suits, 34, 36, 38, 5/1 1 S
B Price 33 gnM SummerSale. £19/19/. 5 TF Unclo and Kdwnrd had guessed cor- foro setting forth expedition. ;
, £5/15/6 to £6/16/6 Tailored £7/17/6 value . . . reduced to 69/6 it had been Crump who She felt instinctively thatto there was
£6/16 /6 to £9/19 6 Frocks QQ/fi Suits keenly Sale Priced at 9S/6 134-gn. value .... reduced to £5/5/ was set on in the garden, surely ho some connecting — link nil these
An essential to cverv woman'swardrobe,these charm- 26-gn. must show some signs of such rough strange happenings if she could but

Men's Pure Fur Felt Hats

5 and Ensembles, one price .value . .. ... reduced to £8/8/ told find it. Because of her dislike of him.
fi 40onlv: A uniqueSaleofferingof smartly styledfnshicxis Inglr TailoredSuits presenta worth-while buying oppor We briefly describeiwo here:— handling. Had Uncle Edward
iu Marocalnand Crepe stylos include hip length or sevrn-eiglith S her what he really believed had hap- she sought always to lead her evidence ;
B de-thine mid coveringatogord range tunity. Timexpertly cut And nicely finished. Handsome lindice No. 1.—niack Moire Velvet MMrl Wrap, seuii-fitt.-d S li pened ? In the direction of the old fisherman.
B Of wantedshades.-MarkedPrice. £P/19/6; length Tweeds
coat, and black. We with fully flared skirt; slightlv »h.ip-d to rcntto S |
SummerSale, 98/ ff. Mixed in navy describe<«ieonly front and ela«pedwith brilliant luicklc; small white fur mI Crump. m
B hereas an Indicationof the styles Included. Tlds particu ami cuffs. Usually 26 gn. ; S.xh> ' The beat of the motor was growing - It was easier going, whqn she hnd A Direct Mill Purchase— AH First Quality
59/6, S9/6 Summer Frocks . . 4d/9 lar Suit featureshin yoke,plents at side front, hip length collar Pthv, m louder.
No. 2.— Bridge Cwtt—Floral PatternedTinsel Br.aade; n Il the launch was making for the Jetty.
Kathleen was convinced that
A rnilrrlion of f>n. roiniirMm: 'kli.-litfii!y marie frock semi-fittingdoublebreasts!cont. SiresS.W., IVomen's nnd pnssed the outfiung barrier of rocks, Priced B
S In Summerfabric of S.inTo.v.Crrpi'ili-elilno anil Print.-.! O.S.,but not in evervcolor: Summer SalePrice £fi/lf>/6 hip length; .scalloped
with heavy weight CP-encn-pc-dc-
collar ami lcrvpj lined throughout BI She seated herself on a dry clump of
chine. Women'ssize. m silvery
but once she stopped, and drew hack,
to lean, sick and shaking, against the
j Usually -J| 6Y If
. 9 recti" in a svlonili. a««nrtnuntof ne»T>t drslini ami
colors. MarkedTrice .jH.'il to SH/tt; SummerSale.45/!'.
nnd £6/16/6 values now Dfl/fi; 12J Guin»-avalue now
£0/10/6; IS JGn.N-nluenow lfljGns. Usually £10/10/; Sale Price. £5/3/. g | downward. tussock grass, and stared
Presently she saw the cliff wall — seeing a long, dark shape =
19/6 and 21/- I / R /h
2 | her. the 1 I v
. 32/6 Crepe-de-chine Blouses g I boat emerge from the mist, and glide lying on tho beach before NOW R
' in the direction of the little beach. waves rippling softly about It. Surely ThU I grnulnr xalun of the high- Q
S Just a brief reference to the keen S ale Values in — and Golf Shirts fori Q /ll I! She could see that there were two It was not what
sought, and feared to
Frazer : est order A Dlrnnt Mill Ihmhasn -d U
- . Rich .Pure Silk Crepc-de-clnneand B / I | RI men aboard, one at tho wheel, the I superior Fur Frit Jlat. pre- U
| j She was grateful to see, when she j >nu«I nr almost half prim — and K
Spun Silk l-lf Shirt and Blousesrue JLV-/I XX t! I other standing erect In the bow, hold- they have only just been deliveredm H
bracing a number of different designs RI ing a boathook. Tho Jetty was hid- dared look again, that it was merely J
and a varietyof the nnt succps.fujcolor. One R den from her by a projecting a water-logged, worm-riddled piece of us. First qtiatUyonly, iti n Hplnndidiy H
1 Millinery, Hosiery, Shoes, Gloves I ntylc .ily from many U featuredin bmg length and with Rj of the cliff — a
strappingto gnrtmsitrising fr-'in ktit; plain tail- Rj rough and rocky pro-
timber, an old pile from
jetty, drifted pshoi'e.
a ruined
ftU mussel-
varied relncthm of fashionable,shad-1-, M
including light and medium grey, shire, R

1 ored collnr and cutf; color in thU parti,mlar design. I montory. crowned with hush, nice), mist, fawn, lirnwn, almond, burgundy, n
Mauve.Rr-e. lndge. f-uallv S2-'«; Sumtn-rSab-.In'II. wore encrusted. There was a grey-white
Curious still to know if Crump rust, ovstnr,'nigger, fattest cut-edgestyle, Q
£9/9/ Sale Clearance j aboard the boat, she glanced patch near its upper eijd. where a h nnd perfect head fittings. RIwh Hi In 7j, Q
I £6/6/, Imported Hosiery! j j at
her wrist watch, and, assured that
hastily splinter had broken n'way. Brown Hatsthat arc soldusually at 19/6 and 21/; J
| j seaweed floating around it, had given Ralepriced at 12/6. H
of High-Grade 19/6 to 27/6 Table Ladies' I there was plenty of time before the
i | Model Hats for
10 onlyl We expect clearance in/ll I
j | I luncheon gong should sound, she
I v.alked along tho cliff-edgo, searching
the impression of hair about a dead,
face. !« Men's 6/11, 8/11 English Caps, at 4/6 H
I of this croup within half an | M W/ | |
/II Imported Silk Stockings f Underwear, all -
1Jt/ll s
J for a way of gaining the beach with-
7/11, Sample
5 4 hour of opening— mail onler. J- This keenly interesting offer i rto l-idie?' of the n»t- |
I out going by the road. (To be Continued 1
5 I of course, cannot \ be r-up- standingSalevalue in MellHiurne today, high- s v:sc!S,p.1S!s,' 10/ II 5 Famous Underwear
9/-This Morley's 5/8
5 plied. Distinctive Imported Mmlel Millinery grade super-qualityImportedSilk Uo'-lery,jr.chidlng | CainiiKK-ker and Cami-knickers pre- I 1
4 <lirei-t the Pari? well-known French. un.i Anu-riran c J I
B I from leading designers.Superior German. I M-ntedfor swift clvaram-e a; nne keenprb-e. Tlic materia! « M is ."Stra.iriliilMrvv.iltii.,
lor this fsmwnshraml Is noli'.l diiwlnu marni- H
productionscomprising finequality material In various u;»crior makes. Really beautiful; fascinatingquail- are Crcpc-de-chine.lknit. Artificial Silk and llilat»ec g N farture and supremewearingqualities. J. and R. Morley' hard-wearingrollon nnd
color: attractively trimmed. Marked Price £0/6/ tie; all 'fully fashionedand faultlesslyfinished,eoin- f u
t.) £9/0': SummerSale Prire, 10/11.
21/- .Summer Straws at - 14/11
prising Iwlaneeuf stocksimported l-efore the r»'crt»t |
Tariff and Exchangeincreasi-s. Someof tin- gruups |
are detailed below: f
cf ilcISghtfuIlv„oft finish and rich appearance,mostly p
Plain tv!cs. hut a f.-w lac. trimnm«L Marked f'rrec.
19/0. 23/6. 25/6. 27/6; SalePrice all reducedto 15-11. ftj
Herald Crosswords —
1568 M
wool umiervests,with half-sleeve aho full-length Fmlerpants,snit.ihl,: for present
wear; i zj-s 3», 36 and 1H in.; T'ndurvi-sts,usually 7/, 7'fl imd 8/: l.'nderpann.
usually8/, 8/6 and «.»/. ALL riduced for wile selling to 5/8. Size. |U, 12. it in.
A group of smartly shapedHats in fine quality 11/9 Fuji Nightdresses for . . 7/11 I 14. Conjunc- J usuallyS/rt, 0/, 9/11; Lnderpau'i.usually9/6, 16/, iU/9; at 6/8.
UinbrrVests, 4
B I g THK CLUES 58. Compensa 3. Beneath.
H | Straw,suitable for either Ladies'or Mailt' wear.The Marked Prices range 1 i #11 ! latdlfc' fin«- qualitv Fuji Silk Nightdres-esdaintilv fiti- ftJ tion. 4. Vessel. tlon.
B » a-sortmentInclude a variety of pond color ns well bbed iti attractive spoke-tItcbf-d dcsipi; lovelv d.ade I Across. 59. Showy. 5. Cover. JR. incline.
B I as n few black; MarkedPrices.10/11, 21/, 4 2/; Sale from 18/11, 23/6 up to | ZL /IB11 | of Mauve, N ile, Salmonmid Maize. In SAV. uid 'Women's I \
El Price. 14/U. x iz.-» only. -Price.11/9; SalePrice, 7,-11, I t»0. Tried. ' " t0P"
| 27/6. All one price. I 1. UpHhot. 5:' MenUcal. C/ratQ
S 16/11 Holiday Straw Hats 13/11 27/6 "LE GUI" FRENCH SILK HOSE, 3/6 Suspender Belts, 22 to 30in. 2/6 S I 7. Ejected. Down. S. Hideous. Cap.
j PAIR |
14/11. This ffl one of the best known of French Silken 1 12. Iteluctuntly 9. Killed. 21. Ore.
Girls' 9/11 Hats reduced to 6/11 stockings"LE GUI" PureSilk Hc«e,first gradequal« I 4/11 Rayon Bloomers 2/11 ! 13. Led. 1. Wise. 2-- Brutes.
j tty, with fine openlaceclox. Fully fa«hi«:edand fin- ; 2 3r». Pass away. 2. Leave. it'
3 1. 1lilted.
Dlied Continental heel. In shadesof Silver Grey 11 03. Chopped.
J 17. Compete.
g 53 . 6 to 79/6 English ami Flesh only, all sizes,markedprice 27/0 pair;
Sale Price 14/11. I 18/11 All Pure Wool Bathers \ ni ja
24. Lure.
25. Prise.
j 27/6 PAIR RICH FRENCHSILK HOSE14/11—. . l.ujir. Wool lkilliinc SuiH tJL I II J 20. Surrender. 26. Bounded.
S ! Sample Shoes .... OA If A popularline of FrenchSilk lb— our own dln-ct 1 n>mpris!tigthe Kilauce of a fortunatepur- X 0 X JB 21. Fashions. 27. Gun-lock
B I ExclusiveEnglish SampleFont- 11 I inqHirtation—discontinuedOn aeernint of the pro- . rims-. PLiiti c >h,redpkiru vitli strijird J 23. Obscured.
|I wear,including Black EnamelKid f.wi I I hibitlve Tariff. PureSilk, fully ftishinnedprr-luclinn I lops In ctb.r .-"nibiuatiiujjof Naxv and White.Greenand JJ! 25. Generous.
28. Trial of
B court and strap shoe, with spike with fine lace clot and Cotitliiental heel; pah-shades ' lawn. Hennaand Fawn. Navy ami Grey; :.Im.all Fawn 01 27. Ttesort. metals.
B | and I.oul heels. The reason's of Grey, Stiverami Klcsli. Size fij, 9. 04, 10 Inch. with colored Mlk at bottom of >kirl. LimiMl
B smartestshadesof Brown,also Blondeand Grey Kid Marked Price. 27/6 pair: SalePrice. 11/11. M qtianlltv and in S.W. and Women' Hire ml.v. Actrul a 29. Team. 30. Tank.
B I shoe in finestqmility; ColoredBrocadeEveningslices 23/6 AMERICANPURE SILK HOSE14/11. — value iS/ II; Sale Prh-, t / 1! . nt, Vorslitp- 32. Number.
B I in smartand dainty style and variousd«igns; also "Biddings" famous Americanmake. Pure Silk Ho?" pers. 34. Seat.
j Black Satin strap and court shoes,somewith trim- nf rich finish; lovely and sheersilk weight; with nlcnt 29/6 Floral Silk Coolie Coats 21/6 |H 33. Subsided. 37. Weapon.
g J ming of .Gold and Silver; high and mediumlieeD. tops; fully fashioned finishedwith Fronohtied. B 33. Diminish. 38. For snap
g A particu'arlviniprcsslve collectionall madeon pood A beautiful production in a color range including ' 21/- Frocks
B !| lilting ami cumfortablclasts. Sires 4 and 5 onlv; Grain.Suntan.Tan San.French Nude, Allure. Naive, j Misses' /C!/|l i
36. Private, shots.
I MarkedPrircs, 53/6, 5fi/«, f.0/6, (13/, 69/0, 79/6 etc. MarkedPrice 23/0 pair; SalePrice 14/11. Reducedto jut on one third actual value, g | f I I Ig 39. Kinds, 40. Destroys.
g f rr,1'llcpdfor definiteSale clearanceto one Mi.-' 41. Period. 43. Obtain.
g /j" lovelv White Mulm Frock., ideal V/l IX Ig " facturer'scost— 1/ pair. No Mall Drder.
French "Lys" Lisle Hose, 7/11 for wear c, "warm sunny daxs at Ilea, h or I
11 42, Plundered. 45. Instances.
Prompt responseto this offer certain, well I elsewhere. n«it fpotted design iti dainty colors. Tlie>e I 44. Pronounce. 47. Cautions.
1 3/11 -French Hoseof silky feature»tnart how. Lengths I
H 46. Cripples. Men's 3/9 Fancy Boxed wide
g Elbow-Length Mousque- known "Lvs" superior
fine lace
3S atid 39 iti.
cap- collars
hiii-hed rildiou
Price 21.': Sale Price, H
48. Stepped. ; Garters, web, at 2/11 !
taire Lisle Gloves at . . £. 1 J fttlly fashioned,and fini-dicd open clox. 6/11. 43. Track. 49. Measure.
ga Horiery tnnw of Caha. Reims,Claude,Motet—light 51. Catch, 50. Cuts. Men's 2/11'Strong Elastic Braces, good quality,
1 Elborw length MousquetalrcPlain I )9l A 1 # .shade only, arnilahlein two SI and 10 inch. i 21/ Children's Pure Silk
K/ll ' JJ
j 52. Deposit 52. Footwear.
g | and Mercerised Lisle Glow; extm fine MarkedPrice 13/6 pair; SalePrice 7/11. R Men's 4/6 pr. Silk Half Hose, size 10, 10 only, 1/10
q | quality in white nnd enquired-forcolore; all first Kiminos, Hand Embroidered O 11 ! ories.
B 53. Fixed.
gq i grade. t>rditutry3/11 p»>rvalue, n-duccdfor swift 8/11 Pr. "Lucille" Hose at 3/11 A star bargain for the Sah-Chlldren's All Pure Silk B 55. Parson. 54. Germs. Men' 4/9 English Wolsey Half Hose, all sizes,
f Saleclearance to Old. pair. 1 hand-cinbroidered and lined with Jap. idlk; nilor J 57. 56. Beam. ; 3/11
m SpecialMill Purchase, "Lucille" PureSilk Hosiery; Kiminos. Expres-
every pair guaranteed —no M-cr>rel« or sub-grades;a ratic; includesRre Pink, Saxi Blue ami PalePink; length g| slon. 57. Match. ; 4/11 Fey. Wool' --Hose, "seconds,'' size 10, 11, 1/11
| Wash-in-Cold-VVater Gloves 2/11 perfect silk weavein all sizes;Continentalheel, in a 22in., 21in.. 25iii.t 26in. Sea<otj's price, 21; for the earl
B I Our entire tock of 5/11 quality "Wash-in-eold- full range of the Renin's most wanted fchade. buyer, relling 5/11. NO MAIL ORDERS. ; Men's 3/6 Smart Fancy Neckties, good colors, 1/8
g » u:i,VT Sucib' I'abric Glov«, including Dent's Pure Silk Ho<o.usuallyP/U. now selling
.j I w.-I Knowni,t„. with h..nd-ewneffecton fingersand JJLucUle' 15/9 Lace Fl'cings, 25to35in. 8/11 ; Men's 1/U each Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, 1/ >
S i point ; ohtainablein shadesof Mastic.Pastelleand
10/6 doz. Laces and Insertions, 4 /ll
g I MsrsedPrice 5/U pair; Sale Price, 2/11. 18/11 "Mignon" Pure Silk, 13/6
|r 1S/9 V trt VU , 6 Silk — Bi-ese Fi-nnte 11 /ftV
V - - /

I Sheets marked down!

; Men's £5/5/- Ready- ra/C j

Finlay's White Sheets
Note Price is per pair NOT
b inlay's WhiteSheet, Unen-facod,
. . 11/6 pair
filngle sheets!
the nameguaranteethe
2/11 yd.
and Cotton
Genuine /ll 1 'Kanebo'
1/11 yard Fancy Voiles
Fabrics keenly
1 / 9
reduced! ;
for-Service Suits
An minimalnavinir Apjiortiliiilj.
at 0 «/'
M-» ti,r nrvlc. Sulla Irf IlL-lit-uriuht
tweedsand flannel. Two nnd three piece g:mnent In greys and fawn-; correctly
U 'i
H quality. TheseSheetshavebeenmadefrom a pure evenly
22 wovencloth absolutelyfreefrom dressing;launderingquail. Fuji Silk offered at -/ 2 36 inches in width at ... . x/ " N
tailored in Mie latestfor holiday and sport wear. Pricedoriginally nt £5/5/; Sale
Price, limited numberonly to be clearedat 59/8 each.
S ties unsurpassed.All keenly reducedfor sale:— -Size54 x Genuine'"Konebo"Fuji Silk at almost half actual 36-inch FancyVoilrs in a well-viiried rangeof small
g 9"in., now ryrt pair; Size63 x 99in., now 15/11 pair; value; etampodon selvedge;29-inch width. A heavy-, designs,mostly with favorite yellow ground?. A par
weight pure silk weaveof surprisinglyhigh quality and ticularly fine 'quality which makes up attractively for Men's 21/-, 25/- All-wool Flannel Trousers at 12/11 I
Heavyquality Linen FacedSheet for full size double fine finish, BUltablefor diverse purposes, including RummerFashions. Priced usually at 1/U yard; J
H b.'ds,splendidvalue. Size 88 x lOSin.,Sale Trice 10/11 frocks, lingerie, etc. In natural shade only. Priced Sale Price,1/3 vard.
ordinarily at 2/11 yard; Sale Price. 1/11J yard.
5 HeavyTiviii Whit» Slieetsmadefrom a pure Rheeting
exrellentquality. Sire 64 x 90in., SalePriced11/6 nr. 13/9 Fey. Silk Mousselines, 5/11 7/11 yd. "San Toy" Crepe 5/11 : Men's 27/6 pr. Shoes Down to OK
l( i
, B Size 70 x 99iu.. now 15/6 pair. A newly openedcollection of FrenchPrinted Mous A FplendidRummerweight Fabric at a saving of a Mvn'sII lack BuxCalf anil Tan Willow Calf FIi.hmIn cimifurlalili- amd I V#
g selinesincluding the new "3H#t" patterns. Theseare 2/ on each yard. 36 inch RanToy Crepe,the Ideal un- « nwlllum anil brnail fUtliija. Man fn.m lilirli-p-ail..l.-jlln-r anil calf ,
PureSilk of crurhnble material for frocks; presented in a wide range » Unci. First quality wcltnl anlns.a Hpl.-n.ll.l /
all quality (nut artificial silk), and nre ly mrvlcrablnbtyle; avallaliloIn half sizes. ,
3 1/6 English White Turkish 1 /
delightfully soft appearance. ThoseMist pattern can
of goodcolors, includinghlnck and white; usual price, MarkialPrice, 27/lIj SalePrice, 25/11pair.
" ho 7/11 yard; Rale Price. 5/11 yard. J ,
3 Towels, to clear at I ' worn over practically any color, as tho MoussoHne
showsonly the color beneath. HQ-inchesin width; for
5 200 only Wliite Turkish Towels,nice medium sizefor usually 13/9 yard; Sale Price, 5/11 yard. 5/11 yd. Crepe Fleurice 4/11
homeuse, 32Sn.x 17In. You will pleasenote that these One of the most successfulof this reason' weaves,
B towels are importedEnglLh manufacture and not Japanese. 13/9 and 16/9 yd. Printed H CrepeFleurice in 30 inch width; a perfect pure silk j 42/- Genuine "Jaeger" Rugs at !
B Keenly priced at 1/6; noxvreducedto this tremendously1 JCL atid cotton fabric for I-ulies' and Children'sFrocks; " ' I
keen price. 1/ each. We expectthe lot to be soldbefore de Chine down to . . '/ fadelessand fast washing;obtainable in a splendid Genuine"Jaeger" Rugs, L.V. quality, madoavailable /m « I
Crepe range of colorings and pattern. Usually 5/11 yard; " througha uniqzu purcluhuat one-thirdbelow their true hill --v /IB 7 -
8 midday. All Pure Silk Printed Crepe-de-chlnein the newest
Frenchdesignsmaketills an extremelyinterestingoffer, RalePrice. 4/11 yard.
" value;exceptionallygooddesignsand colors.The superiority # /II a
H 2/3 Unbl'ched Turk. Bath Towels 1/11 "" of theseworid-reuuwned products U too well known to f / I I i
and an ideal fabric suitable for morningand afternoon 10/9 yd. "Georgette Sylvia'' 36in. 7/11 requireemphasishere— the outstanding featurefa that they /j
31/6 White Blankets, Single Bed 18/11 frocks; 3Mnches in width, Usually 13/9 and 10/9 Blk. Crepe Marocain, are genuine"Jaeger"product of standardgrade. Full size. ( 1/ | A| -I 1
yard; Rale Price,7/6 yard. 18/11 38in. 12/11 Actual value, 12/; Ralu Price, 25/11, /
1/6 Striped Twill Winceyette, 30in. 1/- J ! s
12/9 Bord. Dmsk. Cloths, 60 x 60 9/11 Equally conspicuous values in all Men's Departments
18/6 doz. Pillow Slips, full size - 11/9 , f Mail Ordera-for Items listed here cann ot be guaranteed, but will be supplied where possible
Hicks/Atkinson & Sons Pty. Ltd. j

5 Hicks, Atkinson & Sons Pty. Ltd., 348-350 Collins St. to Little Collins St., Melb. C.l. I
; 348-350 Collins St. to Little Collins St., Melb., C.l. :

National Library of Australia



Commences Georges Sales have always been and the
UtcI!! :

S Half-Yearly -re cognised by the woman of fashion thrifty housewife as a "not to be missed" oppor- g
tunity for wise spending. This PHENOMENAL TIMES DEMAND PHENOMENAL PRICES — as the lists below show. Remember See Also
" year
£ always the supreme quality of Georges stocks, and avail yourself of these. Bargains On g
atN1NE' BackPage
— —
— > r
w _ :

| Entire Sports Wear Stocks Reduced! Ensemble Suits, Coat Frocks and Coats and Skirts Summer Coats, Dust Coats, Opera Coats, Winter |
Cardigans, Jumpers, Suits and Shetland Wear! to go at Marvellous Reductions \ and Rain Coats at Extraordinary Prices 3

3 17/6 and 21/ 8 and 9 gn. Coats and Skirts -----

Jumpers -
English coats and skirts, all perfectly tailored, lined with i
/a 29/6 Indian Head Coats - - - - "
h Sill, mid art. silk in very attractive BBW Indian head cloth liiotor
woolancl jumpers styles silk and of the best quality. A variety of uncommon tweeds and coats, all perfectly cut on this J L—
and colorings. Some with turn over others round season's newest lines. With stitched
collars, materials. Arc offered at marvellous reductions. Were 8 and 9 Gns. AT 65/-. collar and facings. A M
necks. Were 17/6 and 21/-. ALL TO
g GO AT 10/6. good assortment of colorings and sizes. Were 29/6. ALL TO GO AT 19/6.
8 and 12 Gns. Ensemble Suits - - - -

g 60/- and 70/- Cardigans and Jumpers - A collection of ensemble suits and tailored silk coat frocks. (9
\S% 84/- Summer Coats 0 a
/ £
1able of assorted
XT \ m
Imported and our own make, both long and short coats arc
Navy and black summer coats, cut on this season's newest
cardigans and jumpers in all the finest '
Scolclrnnc! showing with silk frocks. Extraordinary bargains are to be obtained this collec lines in heavy-weight silk and wool' de chenes. These coats J)
hng'lish weaves. Of the best wool. Uncommon
tion. Were 8 to 12 Gns. ALL TO GO AT S9/6. arc all well tailored. S.W., W., and O.S. sizes. Were 84/; ALL TO GO AT 59/6. q
£ styles and colorings. Were 60/- and 70/-. A LI, TO GO AT 21/-.
11 and 12 Gns. Coats and Skirts - - -
gw/ 5 and 6 Gns. Summer Coats "
7 and 8 gn. - - Coats, fashioned front this sea-
Jumper Suits -
-£>#%/ JL Imported English coats and skirts all of the best quality in M /2 tUlloe Remarkable value.
son's newest materials.
Silks , Wool and
M Wonderful bargains in
inipo rtcd wool jumper suits. ' All of V9 tweeds, also navy and black suits, and tailored in the best Eng- georgettes, light
w the. finest Knglish and Scotch lish bouses. Lined with silk. - Suitable for carlv Autumn wear. 'Were 11 and tweeds. A variety of styles and colorings. Were 5 and 6 Gns. ALL TO GO t-
weaves. Every suit uncommon
y and smart in style and 12 gns. AT
colorings. Were 7 and 8 gns. ALL TO GO AT 59/6. ALL TO GO AT 74 GNS. 42/-.

18 and 25 Gns. Ensemble Suits - - - 14 and 16 Gns. Model Coats

I 45/6 Golf Coats ......... . aaI,
1/ Tmq This
Ensemble suits in importe d models and our own make. jA 11 i Ulld season's newest imported model coats, also our own
suede finished golf coats, with helt and patch pockets,
all very well cut. Colors, Brow n. Red. Green.
S»m / 9 of exceptional value and exel usive styles. In a variety of .make. Fashioned from all the newest silks, and light weight
VV. sizes. Were beautiful materials. Silks, Georgettes and Woollen materials. Every suit a woollen materials. Lined throughout with silk. Navy. Black, and Fawn tonings o
j 45/6. ALT. TO GO AT 29/6. Were 18 to 25 Gns. ALL TO GO AT 9i GNS. are included. Were 14 and 16 Gns. ALL TO GO AT 6 Gns. 5
' genuine bargain.

6 gns. Model Evening Frocks a 4 / 10 gns. Silk Day Frocks r 35/- Voile Frocks
Maids' - - - 7 gns. Afternoon Frocks - - - - m »
g -cr
A few only! Model Evening / JL
n $sm /
shop-soiled. 10 BE CLEARED
Frocks slightly
AT 29/6.
An extensive range of plain and floral silk 2 lf|1C Maids' printed cotton voile frocks in dainty JHL M f?00d variety of Maids' afternoon frocks / vCB Q
gg afternoon frocks in a variety of attractive styles patterns. All colorings. Featuring the popu- 9 Marvellously reduced. Marocaiu. Crcpc de 9 o
lar bolero and cape collar styles. Sleeveless or with Clienc, and Georgette. All newest colorings and O
6 gns. Wool Frocks a Id l .i.'./'o -' filws' "i/uS, io gns?, Al? PR /tin, 5 GNS. long sleeves. Usually 35/; PRICE, 17/6. designs. Including Black and Navy. Usually 7 Gns.; SALE PRICE, O
3W V 14 gas- Model Eg -. Frocks -
JL r_„ 29/ 6 Maids' Sleeveless Tennis Frocks <gr JL
5 gns. Maids' Light Woollen Coats - - a
/ _ >
our own workrooms. The shades include Red, Model evening gowns, in delightful night ton- 111 IN Maids' sleeveless spun silk tennis frocks. _BL. OB# .Maids' lightweight woollen coats of Kasha,
co Bois dc Rose, Grey, Saxc Blue, Navy and Cocoa. v revere pockets, and stitched .Summer Tweeds, etc. In sports styles with
W SAV. and VV. sizes. ings and becoming styles, fashioned from Cob- with collar, patch
belt and pockets. Also ensemble designs. Half
Usually 6 gns.; SALE PRICE, 39/6. y web lace and chiffon. Silk Moire. belt. Colors white and lemon. Usually 29/n; O
Faille, lined with Jap. silk. Colors Natural, Beige, Green and Grey. Usu-
an' : TO G0 SALE PRICE. 18/6.
12 gns. Day & Evening Frocks - - A r c,t?TM ,Vclvct- ..Usu1Jally V,"8 A6 & Dance Frocks -- -
Afternoon and evening frocks; attractive IlIlS A 14 Ge0rgette EnSemWeS " " JL fllllN„
7 9 gns. Maids' Pno c'VL0 "MaMc'V rklna vneAmi.ii>e
MaiQS C. de Chene EDSeiTlbleS
i »
OS styles in this seasons popular shades. Materials Smartly-cut floral georgette ensembles in this Delightful dance frocks for Maids. Included
in this range are dainty chiffons in Shrimp, BTlR IjUS# .\ fcu, only 1 Maids' crepe dc chcnc en- JKa
I m
arc Crepe de Chcnc, 9l9 9
> Satin, Bcaulc, Chiffon, season's becoming styles for the Women's ami Red, Primrose, Green and Rose tonings. All -cmbles in two-tone effects, coloring rose with
Mmre, Georgette, Marocain and Lace. SAV., W. and O.S. Out Size fittings. featuring the fitting bodice ami long flared skirl. NO TWO ALIKE. beige, ivory with green,' beige with blue. Short D
S NO GOODS SENT ON APPROVAL DURING SALE— SHOWROOMS. FIRST FLOOR Usually 7 and 9 gns.; SALE PRICE, 2 Gns. or lull-length coats. Usually 6 Gns.; SALE PRICE. w


39/6 Imported f
49/ 6 Assorted Footwear 49/ 6 Tuck in Blouses
24/ 9 21/- House Frocks - - -
/fa 18/11 Wears - - -
fft/L Tuckin lllousrs in itrcpcde clicnr.
Cotton /j - Ready to
SO pairs only! Colored Kid, Enamel Kid. and
Black Glace Kid Shoes. In a wide variety of KntiiiH,jirorKClU'». In Ike dreasicAtof Kt.vleswith knife
fuitgotiniw.etc., in a larce
Printed cotton house frocks in neat and easily JSLb&I
laundered styles. Guaranteed fast colors. S.W.
Handbags Wonderful. value in ready-to-wear o
unusual designs, in court and strap styles. Colors are blonde. pkMtcdfrillft, jabots,hand value! Im straws.- Various of straw.
y brown, putty, champagne and mushroom. variely of eolorlncs,also Ivorv. 8.W. and 5V,ttttings. and W. Here's marvellous qualities q
Brands include Ksuallv Ul/S. SUMMERSALE PRICK,g-l/n. Ladies' Leather Hand Smart shapes and good coloring's, and Black. New O
E_i Parker. Rodggood. Sharwood. Jones and Bwann. etc. Odd sizes - - - ported
W only. Usually 4U/G to 4/; SALI3 PRICE. 19/H. 29/6 Floral Voile Frocks Stock. Usually 18/11. SALE PRICE, 5/1 1. g
bags in calf and morocco, .in
59/6 Evening Shoes - /4L ODDMAKESIN BLOUSES Dainty floral cotton voiles, with long sleeves,
flared skirts, and waist belts. S.W. and "W.
bunch and wallet Usu - - at
->-|A shapes. 39/6 Hand Blocked Straws A
/fJftJK2 h
pairs! Evening Shoes in satin brocade
tinsel materials, fit plain and smart styles. AND JUMPERS TO CLEAR 4 Gns. Wool Frocks & Suits - - - - al! v 39/6. Best value in Cilv at
. Smart shapes in hand-blocked
W Home with unusual trimmings.
English and West Australian
to match any frock.
makes. Odd sizes.
UMiallv 20/. 9AI.E PIIICK ..
lisuilllv .21/: SALE PRICE
.. .. .. 15/9
9/11 Astounding bargains for our many, cool days.
2 1 /" 17/6! straws made in our own work-
5 2 piece wool suits and frocks, <
Usually uO/a to 15/: SALE PRICE. I Usually 12/11; SALEPRICE 5/11 some imported, 35/- Assorted rooms. Fancy and plain braid straw. Also all over.
6 and some our own make. The materials are wool georgette, wool Bags Usually 39/6. SALE PRICE, 18/11. w
£ 99/6 Reptile Skin Shoes
TLfZlm de chene, Jersey, tweed and novelty jerseys. S.W. and' iv. sizes.
Special range I
Genuine Crocodile and Lizard Skin Shoes of
highest quality materials. The soles are welted
21/- Spun Silk Blouses
Pure'Silk SpunBlouseswith tail
12/11 35/- O.S. &
E.O.S. Voile Frocks
99/ of assorted bags 42/- Blocked Straws -
or pump, neels are particularly smart. Colors are grey, brown ored collar and rever and buttoned to waiAt. Long Well cut floral voile frocks with smart colour in morocco, calf, Assortment of blocked straws, JL /
2 and fawn. Best imported and Australian makes. Odd sizes. sleeves, colorings. S.W., W., O.8. Usually combinations, including grounds of black and . S
41/. SALE PRICR.12/11. in bunch and wallet shapes. Zip good shapes and colorings. Large cn
Usually 1)9/6; SALE PRICE, 35/. navy. O.S. and E.OiS.
fasteners. and small fittings.
5 Imported Evening Shoes -
A / £ 21/- Jersey Jumpers O /IX 49/6 Crepella Frocks - -
Shoes, made of dainty -
Imported Evening
materials in a variety of up-to-date colorings.
Art ifluiul .ilk
In fnnrv <icnl«!lK
jrrst'y jamprrs
in two tone!"flccta. Including Blnr«,
Floral crepella frocks, fashionably cut
flared skirt and flounces, trimmed with contrast
9 5/11 Smart C. de Chene Scarves 69/6 Hand Blocked Straws a/JL H
O Modelled on round toe last. Rluck. blonde. Oriental, silver. 11ml.ninl Pawn. S.W. anil «|7.«. Lsunlly 21/.
ing georgette collars and jabots. "\Vai3t belt and W. Choice "Windsor A / Range of Baku, Sisol, Pardan,
X Rally's" Vlenesse English. Odd sizes. Usually 81/ to 59/15; SUMMERSALE PRICE,11/11.
and O.S.
Scarves % in heavy Straws. Blocked in W
Crepe de Chenes in a
CREPE DE CHENE JUMPERS BELOW COST. our own work-room. In this range are shapes very q
Footwear ASSORTED COLORINGS AND SIZES. - - - charming range of fashionable designs
5 gns. Crepe de Chene Frocks /4Q/A and color effects. SPECIALLY PRICED suitable for the Matron. 224 and 23 fitting. Black, O
Rally's and American latest footwear. In OWN TAILOREDSTYLE FOR GOLF AT GREATER Just purchased! A range of this season's allflBWf BEFORE AT 5/11; MONDAY .ONLY, Navy, Brown, etc. Usually 69/6 to 84/. SALE PRICE, 2
REDUCTIONS THANEVER BEFORE. silk crepe de chene frocks, in a variety of the
fn colors, suitable for present wear. Half 39/6.
BLOUSEDEPARTMENT.FIRST FLOOR. newest styles and floral patterns. S.W. and W. and O.S.
' w
CjJ Oddments. Usually 84/; SALE PRICE.


6/11 Silk Nets - -

- Hose -
Heavy Weight Two Tone 6/ 6, 7/ 6 Men's "Jaeger" Half |
s 1/3 Forfar Tea Towelling- £d# 2/11 Fabric Gloves - - -
2/6 Black and Henna, Gold and Black, Fawn ' and Rose, Blue
XX 18/11 Handsome Chinese Brass Vases
Genuine "Jaeger" half-hose.
Excellent drying quality linene Fabric gloves in all. shades and 80 only. Handsome "Engraved t jM 49
and cotton, in heavy qualities. ARD sizes. In fancy cuffs. Usually 2/11. bALL and Copper, etc. , Chinese Brass Gum Vases, lOin. Perfectly made pure wool cash- fKf
. '/ g j mere. Fully fashioned reinforced 5
PRICE, 1/6. high In two distinctive shapes. #
1/3 Colored Border Forfar
Ojd 6/11 Slightly Imperfect Gloves
- - 6/11 Best Quality Silk Filet Nets - - -
Wide widths in Rose, Brown, Blue and Gold etc.
-2/XX An absolute Gift at 7/lMaeh.
iole. Extra spliced at heel and toe.
variety smart distinctive patterns. In
all sizes.
Extra good drying quality v-nr.
\Aliu VARI,
4 red or blue borders, in all pure
linen Scotch forfar.
tn all fancy styles and sizes. 49 1 9 9 7|d. "Yardley's" Lavender. Soap 3 for 4/11 Silk & Cotton Underwear - - -
Real kid and nappa and French MUf - - - -
< 1/11 Linen Finish Pillow Slips /
J «
fabric gloves. Some very slightly
imperfect. Usually 6/11; SALE PRICE, 2/11.
Dainty Filet Nets
silk stripes for bedrooms in fawn grounds.
"2/XX Yardley's
guest sice.
CAKES FOR 1/, OR 3/11 BOX OF 13.
cake: 3 J IB
Extra strong quality silk and 49 1 9 49
cotton binglets for men. Athletic W B
Good quality pure linen finish, 19 a: Taju> stylo. Neatly braided., All sizes.
Q 29. Every slip with good tapes and each - Splendid summer garmentsJ guaranteed unshrink- H
O buttons. 6/11 Real Silk Gloves
Real alllc and art. slllc gloves ln
%j XI 3/11 Fadeless Silk Nets for
- - - - -
"X/XX 1/8! lib. Absorbent
Cotton Wool - - - able. M

- - smart fancy cuffs and alt good shades and sizes. All shades. Plain and floral effects. Fine quality English absorbent cot- /_
1/3 Lace Sandwich Mats 6d. Usually 6/11; SALE PRICE, 3/11. ton wool in largo lib. packets. Limit 17/6 "Kanebo"Fugi Shirts - - - -
Beautifully hand made in ecru 1/11 Glass Window Curtains - - - - - -
3 to each customer. lb. g
w shade. Splendid for washing and each - jr '! Perfectly tailored shirts 49 /
I U / 49
9- O
H wear. 5/11
These gloves, the
Simplex Gloves
wear of do®
... ...
Ivory and white filet nets with small conventional designs.
39 to 40 inches wide yard
2/3 3 Flower Travellettes - - - -
for. men! Genuine "Kane-
bo" pure silk fugi of supe-
rlor quality.
- Procurable In cither sports or ten-
s Serviettes &Sandwich Mats skin gloves, and are very good fitting. Obtain
Smart week-end outfits of "Hud- nis styles.- s.
Madeira Serviettes and Sandwich able in beaver and chamois shades. Usually Manufacturers' Sample ! Pieces nuts" 3 flower toilet requisites, eon-
9 I
J9 / 9
In flno TwVC'H 5/11; SIALE PRICE, 3/11.
Mats, very daintily worked . An unusually large collection of manufacturers' sample pieces in artistic taining face powder, perfume, cleans 4/ 6 Cellular & - - -
cd quality Irish linen. Knickers g
3/11 Waterproof Rubber Cot Sheets designs and useful lengths. We quote only a few prices at random: — ing, and vanishing cream. Singlets
SUNDOWN PRINT SQUARES 1/ each Extra strong unshrinkable cellular / £
9/11 Fey. Crash Bedspreads -g/|| Fine quality Imported pure rubber 49 J SILK MADRAS PIECES, 4 YDS. LONG .. 2/11 each underwear. Half sleeve singlets and 2/ t«4
waterproof cot sheets, size 3 x 9 f l> Ribbons! Ribbons! knickers were made in good roomy 50
All In fast coloi'H. Floral effecta with reinforced corners for tying WOVEN GRENADINE PIECES. 2 YDS. LONG 1/6 each 3d. to 9id. » .
and serviceable crash color grounds. EACH CREAM MADRAS SQUARES .. .. 1/6 each sizes,
down. , Thousands of yards of corded
OS Full 90 x 72, also 90 x 100. Double bed size to CHENILLE CURTAINS AND CORNERS 3/11 each silk petershams,,, fancy -faille, -
Ed clear at 7/tlxeach. ' - 2/11
Ceylon Tea X/9 TAPESTRY CUSHION COVERS 1/ double satins, black moire, etc., Hose - - «
Special each Fancy Half
Georges special Ceylon tea In lib. _ HUNDREDS OF OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. 5 to 2 in., 8d. dozen. DOZ.
o 3/6 80 inch Twill
"Elephant" Sheeting packets. The last available at this JjB, , Special offer! Gent's, fancy art. 9t /_ u
Elephant white silk mixture half hose. Extra strong ,7m 1 0
Splendid quality 19 price. quality. Splendid, variety smart pat-.
ch twill double bed sheetings. Made by
the famous Osman people.
4 - - - Special Attractions at 1/- per yard 2/11 Nightdress & Petticoat
- - - terns. AU sizes;
I 4/11 3-Row Pearl Necklets A big table piled with soft furnishing fabrics cut into conveni
: Dainty nightdress and petticoat 49 I.I
3/6 Osman & Christy's Dainty 3-row pearl necklets flnely ent lengths of 3 yards and -5- yards, 7/11 Men's Bathing - -
o Big ihrow-out of' Osmans and
Towels 2/2 graduated, splendid sheen,. . Hnlshed.
with wire ends and largo ' brilliant
49 I
tops ln, Paris and cream shades in
applique and needlerun laces, also In
lace with
Strong quality bathing
con. i
- -

o bath each". 2/11 DOUBLE WIDTH CRETONNES .. ...... .. .. 1/- novelty pastel colorings. M
Christy's colored beach and :lasp centre colored atones. tumea, well made, Unshrinkable "B .
Q towels. These well-known brands of Osman and -
2/li CREAM FILET NETS WITH COLORED BORDER . 1/- fabric. AU sizes, good colors.
Christy's good 'wearing and drying towels in largq'» 3/11 ColoredGlass Vases Futuristic 2/6 HEAVY TWO-TONE NETS''.. 1/- 2/11 Smart Lace - - -
« heavy qualities. all TO GO at 2/2 each. 2/11 HEAVY FISHER NETS. KEY BORDER IN COLORS X/- Collarings 15/6 Men's Wool Bathers
colored Choice collarings and cufllngs ln » « »
Charming Continental 49 I 2/11 CRETONNES. PLAIN COLORS IN FADELESS rows of Val. lace, width 4 to 6 inches.
£ 9id .Flannelette Suede Dusters 6d. ea. glass vases, smart jazz nnd futur- Li COTTON NETS .. .. .. 1/- In Rose, Beige, Vellum, Fink, / 4 Heavy knit Speed model: puro gam I' gc,
istic designs, average-. 8 Inches 2/11 CRETONNES AND SHADOW TISSUES .. .. :. .. 1/- ' Green, / woo Bathing Costumes. - HALF, I
- high, ticfi Oriental colorings in orange, red, . B1Ue' 1
« 9id. White Towelling 4-Jd. yd. , ? YARD PRICE. Shopping Arcade. m
lemon, etc.

National Library of Australia


s Price Cutting
___ _

It Day . Federal Responsibility

All States' Debts
The ropbrt. from Sydnoy that the
Now South Wales Trotnlor
I' or

. New


Treaty Will. Help

Australian Roma

Uoma Oil Ltd. stale that tho tL


Concluding a long roport to shnm

holders, tho directors of Ausii-ah-in
velopments mado on tho- itoina tioirt
have added much to tho better know

I proposes to, carry hla fighl lodgo of tho oil strata and to a r.l S
for tho abblillua of tho Loan Coun BIGGER MARKETS FOR DRIED AND , CANNED greater degree of precision In this a

on Monday at Manton s
location of now wells. Tho Kirn $
cil to the Federal Caucus, 1« Inter- Superintendent (Mr rt. Evans) in hi,
eslhtff;' Mr Lang's Government Is FRUITS, SUGAR AND WINE report says:—
lu-lng finnncod by tho Commonwealth g
which lifts Just advanced It "It has been provon that mnrkst
Canada Wants to buy less from able petroloum exist 4n 'the district i
£1,508,000 of Treasury 13111swith fhe gj
approvtJ of the Loan Council. the United States and more from The most favorable structure hn' #
Hofore Mr Lang' may borrow out Australia" and the other British however, not yet been rtetormin»\i' $
side Australia in the name of Now ' Therefore, tho only course i>«<-ii,|r'
Drastic Reductions In Every Department! F.»tith Wales and l»«mo' securities for dominions. The new tariff of the to ptirsuo Is tho elimination
as far as posslblo by scientific -njt
or .iSL
money borrowed, ho must soeuro the Bennett Government has been
logical surveys, and following on tin
unanimous approval of the Loan
1 % » _ _ m . .. » jpumdma <a sm. Council —a most unlikely cofitinyency. framed to facilitate the negotiation by rareful drilling methods.
sr rice Ho tuny Influence tho Federal Labor of reciprocal trade agreements. "This is the recognised prpetir,- u„. S
tuning mik ana j uress sale Caucus, but this would avail little.
Hven should New South Wales hot-
low money abroad, tho Common
IVith higher duties against foreign
world over, therefore, Jnvostl::
over a wide area. Is essential t.,
development of pc.troleum. The m

wealth must )?tmrantcn that the goods, it will now be possible for parries havo followed" this course v,T
on Manchester State will perform all lis obliga Canada to increase the margin of wisely, nnd will, I believe, uUltnateh
6/11 - - Marocaln - - tions to bondholders In respect of locate n favorablo structure.
Crepe Marocaln 1 1- Crepe the moneys so borrowed. preference for Australian fftod i/cc. tindoitbtodly exists In Ihe lliyMwtMe
Linen For£a oSin. Crcpc Marocnin Heavy- Mr. Moloney Mr. H. H. Steven 'p
l'4i J7iii. Crepe Marorain in neat London holders of Australian se .district. The dovolopniont at. Itlvi;,
J7in. All Linen lVr- weight, nice Crepe finish. Suit- A/ llx J .Floral designs. This is the my V-1 H|
curities have hot))! apprehensive If the Federal Minister dale proved for tho first I lino Unit
Z for Mar Tho high duties Imposed against ,t!
far lor Tea Towels U /4 able for Frocks and Fnsem- type of inaterial smart women about the relative position of Com kets (Mr Pnrkor Molonoy) brings United States products should facili oil sand exists, therefore, furtbp.- %
and general use. bles. The shades arc Beige, Fawn, Powder. arc choosing for house frocks. Showing in a monwealth and State loans. There bark with him from- Canada u tate tho arrangement of a satisfactory drilling in tho vicinity was Justified m
Nmnd wearing and quick drying. Saxc. Y. Rose. Red, Brown, Navv nnd Black. large range of colors. Usually 1/; Manton's has been n controversy In the Lon trndc treaty that will confer some, treaty bocaiivso the margins will bo
All wells in this vicinity were rirr
don Fiuaiieinl News on tho question real ndvnntagoy upon Australia, Iris fully cored and tested. Perfect w.nrr S
Thrifty shoppers will not miss this Usually 6/11; Silk and Dress Sale, J/1H. Silk ami Dress Sale, 63d. as to whether both classes of sneurl- trip round tho world will have been
groater. The statomont of the shut olTs wero ofTected rtbovo the on W.
bargain. l.'Miallv 1/45; Manton's H ties have nn equal claim upon the Canadian Minister for Commerce bearing horizon in onoh well.
worth while. shortly nfter his appointment is en i;N.
Manchester Sale. OJd. Commonwealth. The point raised Is The cabled reports of tho negotia haustivo tests, however, proved tin w.
Silk de Ch. Ho said: "I am not labor
10'6 Wht. Flannelette
4/U Crepe lOd.Col'd Fuji de Luxe of
interest to Australian bond tions between Mr Moloney and the
ing under any Illusions about tho
a high head water sand was pro«..-.m
so close to tho oil sand that It u „
_ 38in. All Silk Crepe dc 0 lAA 1 30in. Fuji de Luxe in nice J Under the financial agreement
Canadian Minister for Commerce problem of making a now agreoment hn posslblo to produce ono whhou; ?jf
JUin. White Flannel- Chene showing in full range of jE# I In TMr Stevens) indicate that, whilo tho
cttc. range of pastel shades, includ- H g mtulo between tho Commonwealth "Doniinlon Government is anxious to
with Australia. It Is not a question tho other, and as water is the ®S
heavyweight. M shades, including Sky, Powder. ing Lemon, Coral. Salmon. and tho States In 1P27.— which has of Canada soiling more goods to Aus mon enomy of oil and gas, it. has b.,,
I suitable fur nursery renew and extend the existing treaty,
Saxc, Red. Pink, Salmon. Rcige. Fawn, Nile, Apricot, Sky. Nile Green and Cream, suitable since been Incorporated In tjio Con-, it wants to ho sure of substantial tralia., In any event that Is not tho decided that tho prosont bore 4,-
I and other uses. Will improve with Jade, Reseda, Bottle. Wine, Grey, Brown, for underwear,' etc. Here is quality that will stitution — the Commonwealth defi benefits.
question today. Our problem is to Nos. 4, 5 and 8. aro on the od::r n'
washing. Usually 10-'6 do/.; Man- Ivory, Navv. and Black. Usually 4/1 1; Man- meet with your immediate approval. Usually nitely iissumcd "as between tho Com The agreement negotiated discover how wo Can enlnrgo our buy tho productive struoture. From p,
ton's Manchester Sale. t» 11 dor.. monwealth and the States" the liabili t»y tho ing from Australia.' Wo havo nothing fact that oil has been nrov.-.i i0 M
top's Silk and Dress Sale, 2'IH. TOJd.: Manton's Silk and Dtcss Sale, 5?d. ties of the States to bond-holders on Uruce Government
In 1035, .while
has : certainly against tho United States, but wo in exist In three separate arena, inmnp
d. Roll existing loans. Theso debts taken over favoring Canada havo, grown into tho habit of
lO Towelling - helped our trade In-dried and canned BIythdalc, Roma nnd Hlock 16 M
Silk 1 included all those debts outstanding buying everything from our rich and that the Oils roeovorod are nil n'
It- in- Ht'.ivyweiijlit 1-fl 9/11 Floral Georgettes 4/U Pique, 36in. 'in ,iuly J. 1929, the date on which
fruits. Returns compiled by the .De
neighbor Just because he ds such a a very high quality, contninirm n,P
Colored Roller Towel- partment of Markets show that since @
-J JSin. Heavyweight Floral jp JAA Join. Silk Pique. Showing in /|| j B the permanent provisions (if the' Canada granted a preference on close neighbor. It may take time to most valuable fractions of petroleum ia
ling. Splendid a large range of designs. This I Agreement came Into operation, nnd swing these purchases it. Is my personal opinion that nerro
of stripes in various colors. Sound Georgette in the newest and jKLf A these debts are now doomed to'" be
dried fruits, admitting our products away, from
ieum will be found in or about uk
new and serviceable material fl free and charging the American and America in favor of Australia, hut wo
I| wearing and very absorbent. Here's wanted shade? and designs. -
is so much the style for beach and spoils wear. 9 debts of the Commonwealth, which CaiifornJun fruits Ct f a ton duty, aro earnestly trying to work out that Roma Blythdale district In commm- ES
suitable for frocks and ensembles. At a price Is responsible for their whole scrwieo. cial quantities."
5 value at practically halt price. Usually that ordinarily you could not expect to be so Thrifty Shoppers' will acquire material for our exports to the Dominion linvo plan."
fl Future borrowings, nnd those ar grown from 775 tons in 1(125 to 5000
| 10)d.; Manton's Manchester Sale. 55d. low. Usuallv 'VI 1: Manton's Silk and- Dress several garments at this low price. Usually I ranged since July I. 192P, for. State WINE AND SUGAR EXPORTS The accounts of Australian Knu.i M
tons for the year which will end In Oil No. 1 show that, tho cost nf .p.
1 I'll Colored Towels Sale, 5/1 1. 4/1 1; Manton's Silk and Dress Sale. 2/1 1L purposes are equally definitely February next. If Australia can secure somo con
work to June 30
liabilities of the Commonwealth, cessions in respect of wirto and sugar vclopmontnl
I Large <izv heavy- / slnco ihesTnre subject to tho Jurisdic The growth of trade In canned the export trade should benefit. No £84,200. Subscribed capital ninouiu-
- - - fruits lias been still more remark to E150.S03, Sundry creditors
g 'weight Colored Tow- 6/11 Celanese Satin 1 1- Fancy Cambrics tion of the Loan Council —a body scL able. Under the. treaty our fruit is
doubt Mr Moloney has had theso owed £156S, nnd tho ba!ance"«h. e»
el- in stripe and up hi pursuance of the Agreement — two products In tho forefront of bis total Is £ 162,569. Included in !>>
g for oSin. Uelancse Satin in /fl<l 1 .Win. Cambrics, in fast wash- free, and there is ri duty of 2/. a mind In his negotiations with Cana ;rp
g bright cheek designs, suitable and, with a Tew exceptions, are dozen 30oz. tins against our Cnli- assets of that amount cash Is £17 ::\a
ht-avb and home use. Don't miss this shades of Powder. Saxc, Red. q|/ 6H B 7 ing colors, showing large range B'/t fffla actually arranged by the Cotmnon- dian Ministers. the rest, being dovolopniont and plum %
g Royal. Lemon. Jade. Reseda. of neat designs.. Suitable for forninn competitors. Our export Trade statistics slnco tho agree
opportunity. Usually 1/11; Manton's wealth "for or on behalf of the trade, as a result, jumped from 8.700 Expondlttiro on development at
| Apricot. Salmon, Pink. .Beige. Fawn, Ivory. children's wear .and bouse frocks, etc. A most B State." oases In 1025 to -on estimated
ment became operative In 1925 indi trallan Roma No. 2 to June 39 w-n«
Navy and Black. Usually h/11: Manton's Silk notable reduction. Usually 1/;, Manton's Silk fl Since, therefore, all debts incurred cate that Canada has received more £69,615.
100.000 cases for tho season ending than a quid pro quo. Canada's exports Subscribed capital l«
I 1 s'll Elephant Sheets and Dress Sale, 3/U-L and Dress Sale, Sid. B for Stato purposes, no less than debts next month. havo doubled, but Australia's exports £160,851. Assets nro £154,459
B incurred for Commonwealth pur- WHERE N.X. HEATS US havo Increased only as three to five. which £25,393 Is cash.
l| (IcnuiiK- "Elephant" B poses, aro equally liabilities of the
Shorts made bv the de Linen - - - Tho balance, however, was In favor
Sfc oolohrau-d O sma.1
/g/ gg 5/11 Spun Crepe Ch. 1 1" Imitation fl Commonwealth.
no question of New Zealand .Is beating Australia
In the trade in butter of- Canada before the treaty was made
All Silk Crepe dc In B priority arise; for the very cs- with Canada. WHEAT MARKETS
IP makers. Etdl Double Bed size. SOm. !jpun lAH 1 «>6iiV Imitation Linen. B sence of the Financial Agreement Our exports havo fallen from |
wide by 2! yards lone. Splendid Chene in plain colors, also a Bmo shades of Reseda, Rose, Saxc, SB VT KM fl was to centralise all Australian bor- 2.500,000 lb. (approx.) valued at
large range of thr newest de- &
Ss " shins and will yivc every satisfac- Brown. V. Rose and White. B rowings under the control of the Lonn £172.000 In 1020, to 1,000,000 lb. The first, wool sales of tho Parcels In Moderate Demand i
sign- in stripes. At a most special price eon Here again is value that will prove a distinct B with one authority, the valued at £71,500 last year. Austra year open In Sydney on Mon
HtS i:nn. I'snallv 8'11: Manton's Man- cession. Usnallv 5/11; Manton's Silk and Council,
day, and a special review, of tho
rooster Sale. 4/11. surprise. Come early for first choice, Usually B Commonwealth Government, priifiar- lia enjoys a distinct advantage in
Dress Sale. MP. !/; Manton's Silk and Dress Sale, 83d. H ily responsible to bondholders. The Canadian preference for Australian
markot by Tho Herald Wool (Herald Special Rec>reientntivi>l 1
|| fl In their -turn, are, of course, mutton and lamb. This season our: Export will be published In Tho
— — States,
liablo to the Commonwealth for their exports will bo nearly 4,000,000 lb. Herald on Tuesday. LONDON. January 2. — The mar-
flii zr z "ZI 7TT Brine Your Cash Orders! ket for wheat cargoes was quiot 1,.
H agreed share of the servico of their valued nl about £107,000. Though
- loans. we have Hie advantage of ft Cana day. and offerings were made at :?«i.
fl to 6d. a quarter lower, except, for Ar M
dian turlff preference pn chilled eggs and it will continue to bo, because tho pontine wheat, which was steady, nw- &
Price Cutting on I our trade in this commodity is un Dominion's shipments to this country
important so far. It is that iocludo two products,
ing to the exchange position. A cargo
TODAY'S MARKETS hoped Importantand tho motor by the Gooliatan realised 23/9. a
J the negotiations will provide for a cars and newsprint, has
more helpful margin of preference. had very little, if any, effect treaty on them. at Parcels wero in moderate demand M
Millinery 1 I Good Demand For Potatoes
Australia's chief imports from The former Australian
Canada under the existing agreoment Customs (Mr Gulletl) pointed out In
Minister Sd. a
for A pnrcel quarterthedown, to
by City of
and Onions are . motor chassis and parts tho House of , Representatives somo January shipment, sold nt 23/9.
j (£1.674.SSO> last year; newsprint time ago when he had occasion to February futures were quoted .it
There was a further rise of over £955,207, tinned fish £487,539, agri defend tho treaty, that tho alternative 19/4, and April, 19/7, Liverpool
Cl a ton hi potato prices this morn cultural implements and machinery to Canadian /notor cars and news futures for March wero quoted at '?
ing. and the onion market was very £31 1,732. dressed timber £105,037, print were American, and if those al 4/1 7-8 a cental; May, 4/2 i ; and July.

firm nt £8. This makes n. total ad and undressed timber £77,539. ternatives were accepted tho position 4/3 7-8. . %
vance since the Christmas holldavs The Prime Minister of Canada /Mr of our trade with the United States Spot trade was slow, with price?
of practically £3 a ton in both com Bennett) is a champion of Empire would bo Infinitely worse than It Is Irregular. An Australian pnrcel. ex V1
modities. Preference. He left the Imperial today. , ship, brought 26/6. £r
POTATOES. —Three trucks arrived at- Economic Conference in London Australia concedes to Cnnnda Bri VANCOUVER. January 2. — Th» | v
Spencer "Streetthis morning,and light supplies disappointed that the British tish preferential rates on seven tariff grain markets started tho year with
cameby road. In addition 'to good local busi greatly
\mml /
/ -
\mw '
/ ness,there wasa sustaineddemandfrom Svd- foodstuffs in
ami Queensland
Government refused ' to tax foreign items, and the intermediate rates on substantial gains, chiefly due to specu-
favor of Empire pro six other items which apparently pivo lativo interest in corn, which ad
/fwMn, B noy
buyers. was,
consequently,again firmer, prices rising- more ducts.
greater advantages than tho 23 Items vanced 3 cents a bushel. f#
mfMIIh / Um !/'/ 9 than 11 a ton over yeaterdnvmorning. West The tariff brought down soon after on which Australia recolvos conces CHICAGO, January 2. — March 5
sions. if the now will wheat closed
/ jW 7
9 Hrighton Carmenswere selling At £7/19/ to the new Conservative
I £7'15/, occasionallyhigher.
m and
Only n few loadscame bv, assumed
were no fresh arrivals at. 'Spencerown Canada
office is an. indication that
means firstly to
build up her
our trade with
primary products, such as dried fruits,
canned fruits, sugar, wine,
nt SO cents a bushel;
Canada in May. 8 1 cents; and July, 65 cents
January 2. — Heavy

c/Ti/n and industries with the aid of bufter, buying of wheat advancod quotation?
Street this morning. local interstatedo- pro cheese, etc., to expand substantially 2 cents a. bushel today. May quota- .»
H ,,,anJ givxl, and supplieswere insufficient tective duties and secondly to givo wo should not wofry over much about tlohs closed at 56 cents a bushel
H to meetall requirements.BrightonGlobeswere substantial preferences to Great diversion to Canada of trade In goods %
B sellingat £8. occasionally higher; lota io second- Britain and the other .Dominions. 'Tho uncertainty created by rccnt
m hand bags lower. wo now import from other countries. legislation is still affecting tho Mel £
9 CHAFF.—Six truck arrived thin morning. bourne market, and conditions wor
"MISSES1' Satin Straws H The market was quiet at the following un. very quiet -today. Farmers' lots wees $
Dainty Hat in Satin Straw, with trans 9 changedrales:—Mill cut, £3/15/; prime oalen, METAL MARKET: Weak Tone In Holidays quoted at 2/3 a bushel, on trucks, Nv I-
9 £8/12/0; gi«od, £3/7/0 to £S/ J 0/ ; heated p
parent Silk Crin Edge. Trimming of Satin 9 lower. tVheutcn:Prime green (nominal ly) , nftal ine noitday spirit prevailedon the tonifon Yesterday'sI/unionmiddle prices,as received liamstown, t
Ribbon and Velvet Flowers. Blue. Fawn. market this week,and,as U customaryin by the Australian Mines and Metals Associa According to a cablegram received
I'ink, Rose, Ctrceii and White. Manton's B| 9 OATS.— Little business is le?IngdoneIn either the Christmasperiod, pricesgenerally declined. tion: —. by Mitchell, Bellair and) Lees. th« t|
9 milling or is feed, but the rrtarketfor goodmill- Early In the week lead registereda small COPPKR. —Standard,spot, £45/18/9 a ton market closed . yesterday 3
g| ing oats, fairly steady. Milling oata are decline, hut. yesterdayspot fell away 1ft/ a fdnwn 10/7J): do., 8 months.£45/10/3 fdown 11(1. Livcrpjool
a bushel under the best quota-
qmdedut 1/6 a huehel,speciallota'up to 1/9; ton. and forward 7/0 a ton. This made the 13/10: electrolytic, £48/1ft/ to £49/10/ tlon of tho was a disap-
B feefl, at J/3 —
to 1/5. total decline since peeembor2/ 18/9 for (down 10/); do., (wire bars), £49/10/ (down
day. TheVo
B HAHLKA, Tlie markcl for all kindsof bar- spot nnd 15/ also the forwardposition, ft/); host selected.£47/17/0 (down £l); pointing consumptive demand. )jS
B Ir.v ,s vcO' — quhd, and quotationsare nominal, Spot spelter underwent...a substantial American electrolytic, 10.5 cents a lb. (un Quotations —for futures.— $
»h follow: English malting. 2/8 to 2/10; declineyesterday,but the forward quotationw« changed). Liverpool. March. 4/1 -7-8 a cenrnl |
Ktigllsh feed, 1/to iv.'i/i Capebarley Ls al- affected to a lesser degree. Since the market LKAD.—Soft, foreign, spot, £14/ft/ a ton (down Id.); Jlay. 4/2 J a cental
mostunsaleable. €?Io«h1 for the Ohrlstmnaholidays,spot spelter (down |S/)« do. forward.£|4/7/fl (down 7/6). (down- 3-8d.); July, 4/3 7-8 a cental |
B —
PEAS. Victorian dunsare nominal at 5/ a lapsed 8/ft a ton and forwardfi/3 a ton, —
SPELTER. «pot, £12/6/3 (down 8/9); (down l-8d.). g
"Hie movementsin tin have lv?cnrather er forward, £13/10/8 (down 2/8). — March. 79 5-8 cents
H MAIZE.—Prime dry flat red Victorian is ratic slneeDecemlier24, though the net result TIN.—Standard,spot, £110/11/3 (unchang bushel Chicago.
D selling at 4/ a bushel. has beenan Improvementof 13/9 or spot and ed): do., three months,£118/1/3 (unchanged ). (up 3-8c.); May, 81 1-8 cent!
B FLOUR.— TJje Associationprice Is £8/5/ a 18/9 for Inforward. Substantialadvancea were SILVER.—Standard,spot, 1/2$ an oz (up a bushel (up — l«8c.).
ton, deliveredin Melbourneor suburbs. recorded the early part of the week, hut 1-lOd.): do., forward, 1/2 7-16 (up MOd); Winnipeg. May. 561 cents A
— AwocUtioai rates the market then weakened,hut for the last fine, spot,
IB , OOOlbs.,delivered , J'OLLARD.
In Melbourne or suburbs, two days It hasbeensteady.
1/31 (up 1-lGd.); do. forward cental (up 1 7-8c.); 'July, 57 5-8 centv
1/3 9-16 (up I-16d.). a cental (up 2 1-8c.).
9 »revre.wim.fe
respectively£4 and £4/15/. Z
H —»n._ ... . ...
i--. ior
mi! juuiivck
H ami beansremainsover-suppliedimchDOtnpeas . $
Wholesale prices at tho Victoria very weak.

H mornings —Peas,1/ to 4/; beans,
9MI 1 1 beetrootnnd silver beet, 9d. to 1/;2/cabbages, to 0/; The Weather —
j|| 31k. Navy Fuji Silk Frocks H JBfl
| 3/; carrota, 1/6 to 2/6; oelcrv, 2/ to 8/;
garlic, 6d.; homerndisb,1/; lettuces, 1/ -to K a |> 1 d prrsuim
2/; spring onions. Pd.; parsley, od.; parsnips, changes have tnkcii -
Cloudy: Improving to Fine I

II 1/0 to 2/0; railisliea, pd.; rhubarb, 1/6 to place in the

||! Floral Rayon -Frocks - -
|| 19 V m II IB 3/lli 2/ J spinach,1/0 to 2/j turnips, 1/; Swede o! Auklmlin and ailjn ,
to 4/. 1/0
to 2/; vegetable . marrows, 2/ cent watcrti in tho Irist
. 24- hours. A UoprPMlnn
Striped Fuji Silk Frocks - II JKJ J II II HAY.—Deliveriesare'-light on a quiet market. suddenlyInlonsidrdover
|| Prime old bundledtnangersheavesarc celling rasmania where t>K>
Jersey Locknit Frocks - - II II II nt
at-ra/lft/; new, £2/10/ to £8.
.barometerat Hoturt nt
6 p.m. dropped to
||j Chaff: Primegreen
Floral 'Indian Head' Frocks II II II i I)) light; marketquiet), £5 to £5/5/.leafy(supplies Hay (none 29.07 nml squally wrut-
ottering); Best (nominally), £4. rrly winds were blow-
RUBBER.— Quotationsfor futures on the Ing, rcaehlnir « whole
Floral Voile Frocks - - - 11 IS59 II II. London market yesterday:— Kale nt Flinders Island
February-March,in flio tilght
|i| | SUN 4jd. a lb. down fd.); July-Scplcmber,' 44d. . With the
(down jd.); Octobcr-Docenibor, 4jd, (down subsequent r<ipli| In-
errahe In pressureeon
DvnnbJio Id.). —Ordinarylines, Pd. a dozen;
Price Underwear \vftg3 EGGS. private ating from the moder
<IUlous arc now
| Ciitting oat ! Iturn, lOd.; new laid, lid,; repackedhigher.
CII ELSE.—targe, new, 04d. to 7<f. a ' lb.; Theniin areawasm;itri
loaf, 7 jd. » conflnedto the south
#i/m HONEY. —Choice,44d. a lb.; medium,84U.; east scition of the con
poorergrades,from 2 4d. tinent and nloug' the
—Choicest,135/4 a cwL| second slope und tuhJelanfls of'

3/H 4 II Ladies' Overalls . .
1 — .
JUTE. —Market nccordlngto gra'dc.
for cornsacks
N.S.W. into the south
very steady,with coastal districts of
fair country demandcoming on. Quotations:— with many
Ladies' mart Wrap-over Overalls, fAA 1 Linen Hats 2/6 I Cornsncks,8/3 a dozen; branbags,ft/9; wool- Sticerislarid on the lundcrslonnK
B as illustrated. A nice variety of dc- I || | Ao I Kicks, 8/10 each. const, tuhlelands and
signs on l»«iu gnamd?. Bound in con-
iV \ Summer Hats 1/ dupeuof N.S.W,- .The
maximumfull In the lat
trusting color. Sizes for W, and O.S. Usually 3/11, vK. ter fa'tulnwasl(»2 polntN
4/11. Manton's I Vice Cutting Day 2/11-i EXCHANGE RATES at Taree and In
J&SSn | queerislund 00 points
nt Woinhii,In Victoria
5'll Voile Flouncing » B
«/ (British Official Wireless) falls were chleilv on
and south of tiic'lllgli
2/6 Bathing Caps l/6i -pHnl Voile Flouncing

and deep embroidered

edges. All .colors.
54 inches wide.
Full length for .Frock. Plain tops
border. Scalloped

B FariB
B New
I.ONDON,January2.—Ratesof exchangeon lands,and
B I/HiUoticomparewith those of 'January J ai> very light wcro
B follow:-—
Far. Jan.
York 4.80 2.:<dnl 4.3ft 21-32 4.6ft 19-32 of S..\.
while sonic >howers
oerurredalso In central
nnd south-eastdlvlsksts
to ilulit,

15/11 Girls' Blazers . .

8/11 tft-82 4.86 lft-88 In West Aus
\| S'll Tinsel
Heavy ' quality
Tinsel Brocade,
«/|il 2
Montreal4.SG :>-8dol.4.86
20.13m. 20.304- '
92.4Ulirc 92.754
tralia fine weathercon
20.384 tinues,as also In North
' 92.724 Australia and nil hut
- - Newest Oriental colorings in Itrur.M-ls Sfthelgus34.78 81.76 the south-east section Hmm
12/11 Camibockers 5/11 / several designs with Silver Tinsel.' Idea! Cor Anntirdam 12.1011.12.061-
Stockholm IS.lAUKr: 18.131 " '
12,06 f (illwrisliinii. lliirornctcrshave maiJea maikeil rise In Vlclorla, mill Hie wriulier sliuuld he
ehlell.vline In Ihe wcekrnil.
) Bridge Coals and Evening Cloaks. Copenhagen ts.lftOKr. 18.164
'18.164 Fine,hut weatherprevailed in the city fttormn, with light and with — "
Oslo IS.lftpKr. 18.10 18.16 today, t cloudy, . rain on northernami rain, some, heavy WHSTFRS. Portland. 9; IVarrnamhoo!,-
lieUhigforst»3.23Fmk iu;t IU3 . south-westslopes and Uipe Oiway.
Bloomers plains. Somethunderstormswith 20; ApjriI. «; II;ihtlarat, Apollo Hav, 17; llamtU.n.
2/11 OS. Fuji 1/lli fiilil/A 9'll
Pure Silk
Pure Silk #! AA
j/|| Oe'ticva 25.22jfr. 2ft.0:»4
Vienna Sl.ftBfavli. 34.504 ,
Prague 16(.8tKr 163
84.47 south, and
108? showerson coastand
More or - less cloudy In the central wt-st
.aenorally with clearing hall on m rtlicni
hills, otherwiseimprov showerson slopes,otherwisefine.
slope. Forecast.— Clearing 30; ferang. 21; t'ol.T.
t»; Cnsterlon,t:t; Cotprnlne,15; Merino,
Hranxlirdnic.jr.; Cav.uidtfJi,10; Penshurat.1-'>; J
Hose in service or sheer weight iiuchan-st . . 618 ing to generally fine; west to southwinds. qUKKNSLANP.— Chieflyeleur.t.Iglit to mode- Diwikcld,22; Wllluiira, Id; Mortlake,13; Heau- |
2/11 Maids' Bloomers 1/lli JSIIIu 1 qualities. Some all silk, others with lisle tops.
French or V Heels. Fawns and Browns.
Athens SUI.ftKbll
Madrid 2ft.224pata. 40.30 " '
l.lftbiin 44 cbcudos106.25
Duciiok Aires "
37odrucli' 87ft 87ft —
OUKAN. Frolt to ulrurig and equally we?t
46 ti» Kiulifweat wind to gales aroundTu»inaui;tconst south
108,25 Mild.fti aoulhci'ii M'ction of Taninnn.S'jt. with downs.
nither rough- to rough seas, hut iiuideratlng -on
rate #rjln with Rome thunderfairly generalon fort,
frenn Hundahcrgnnd on south-east7; XcUm, 10; lleywoml.
Kiluted light on itorlh' coastdivision. Koroll, tS; Camperdown,
Wondul.00 points. Forecast.
south coast, otherwise line.
—Further shower
Smytluodnle, 20; Sklptnn.I2;.l.isniorr,
1 ; Port 'Fairy, 12:
1ft; CoUIcn,28; Beeae, I
12;mrngurra, 20; Port Campbell,20; River-
Full Fash.
.1/11 White Cotton Vests 1/- 1
S'll Hose
Fine Bcmbcrg Silk Hose, with
' «/||l Uio
47.ftfid. per peso . 35
p.met»to mil.' 4.19-32'
35 from
' 4ft "iioderute.
tho eastern bight; otherwise
smooth to
SOUTHAUSTRALIA. —Clear In' Interior, half
clouded to overcastelsewherewith' misty ruin conrie, NORTIIKHN, —-RcmJIgo, tl; Dookie,3; laane- I
Hombayittd. per rupV 1/53 1/5/ THIillMOMKTKIt. — Highest, to noon, G8.& at a few places. Very light rahi i/> central 6; Dunolly, I; Avora, I. I

7/11 Girls' Wool Bathers 4/114
R; S'll
lncc clox. Full

fashioned and .
with doable heels and toes. All colors.

Gloves -
ShunglialSlcr to t«el,' 1/4"
Yokoiiutna 2t.ft8d.
to yen '2/04
'Hong Kong to dol.. 1/04
1/lJ «h-g.r.!owe«t,<it—5.20 u.m.,
2/0 17-32 rifting.
50.9 cleg.
HAUOMKTE1I.29.935 ut 12.00 p.m., nnd culture,
The weather In tins country diutrleU ut 9 file.
ami south-eastand parts of lower North Agri

to ovcrcflftt TASMANIA,1

NORTHCIINTHAL.—Frycrstown, 0; YnncJoir.
Forecast—Clearingahowera,otherwise 10; Daylr-sford,24; Trenchant,7; KHmore,1;
Heatlicnte, j; Morysvlllc, 30; Kyneton, ft;
Overcastwith jntMy rain or Seymour.2; Clone, ft.

||| Heavyweight Art, Silk Gloves

. Hnluviu I2.1(J7guil. 12.06 12.064 a.m. today waschU-liyhalf cIomh.Ml
J. It. WKKK& SON,Share,Financeand Ex- tered placeshours
und dull throughout,with rahi ut a few scat fhowem
on utid south of the Ulghluuds. central
in west ami extremesouth.
ofut. elsewhere few clouds to
Clear hi' . CKNTR.VL
— Melbourne1; Oeelong,I ; I.trire-
held,-2; Romfcy, 3; Italian, 9; .Meredith, 10:
9/11 Lacing Corsets 3/1 1| Brassieres
MI for Summer wear. Fancy turn change llrokeis, 340 Collins Street.' Central For the 24 ended f> very light' to to 1.lglit to heavy rain in west and very light Itannoekhurti,
light alni<4t generally elsewhere,
ft; VanYean.0; Toorourrong Re-. I
Creffenta"Barfi- JL /f 4 White Bras- f \yL> Tslk back cuffs and points' to match. All shades. 326 (four lines). Central 4964 (live lines). light rain wasrecordedahno-itgenerallyoncUc-- ami central ,wist. Fureeasl.— hurther ,hotels, except 10; WnilaliyCreek, It; Lilydale, 8; flandcnong,
laving. Corsets, P / mmH micros In tlnn/#!/ w m -£ , | k'-.x-A/, Trunk Hues— TL200 (three Hues). ftoutliof the Highlaiich,hut only hi-Hllorcd Improving gcnerallv.
oui 2; (iemh'-nuk,22; Jlartlngs, 6; Cowex, -3,
r vith ,ptrontf Pink Calico. Cros over SVl Mf . l> lUTUT; Wh<ri!' VVK>TAUSTRALIA. — NORTIf-KAST/— Heeehwnrth,1; Yackandan
Cmillf, F.Iostlc top, low 4 bust,, otyle. wide armholo, huttorj and TBn|fyA"P . I-«J /r 1- " ' ;i M'ARU k CO., -MVihIkthoL StockExchange, . OTHERSTATES out. No rahf reported.Chletlv ' ' clear through- diih, 1; .latnicscui,ft; U'ocxl'aPoint, 38. 1
loajr rkirt, ueT) bonf'd, kus- buttonholeat back-and tap,, at LBlrurv J Ml»l| v/ll ; Melboume, Delx-ntun?and .Share. luvcblmciii to NKW SOUTHWALKS.-Chictlv Iplf clouded (J!PPSLAXD.-r- UTIsun'aPinty.,. 3; Hrouin. '
- ponders,stsei 23 to 3fi. Ps'-ially" waist. Lonecrlino. Sic S4 to « , ,\a overcastund dull hi central and southern « RAINFALL 23; IVarragul. 13: Korunibtirni,|»; lx-ongatha, I
Uinlou'i I'ritc CuUiiiji I t. Usually
price Cut-
. .(Lifj Kill

J MANTON'S Itrokcrn,363 -Collins.St.; Melbourne, Phones: tableland
Central 7870 \tfour lines), F4350.
II. ItYHON MUOltK.DAY & JOURNKAiiX-/centra)"tablelands
west, with misty at at' one"or
iiiid fitcqn-s, Riveriuu and
two place on
—clear 'elsewhere,"bitm, l»;
MA1.1.UK.— llvuhih. 2.
WIMMLR A.—Serviceton,
St. Arnauii;,'i; fh.roke,
NhllJ, j; Hoi- gon,
J; WallfaHa,24; Tiafalgar, 1ft; Mue,7; Trarah
HI;' rjtm.
Hi;. Koftpilnlc,8; Filler, -ii'TatTani
Port Albeit, It;. Liken Entrance,,3.

SharcJtrukers,.E.ri.k A, liuuk Ridge.,870-360 hazy intoparLsof northern''nnd-easternareas. Nulhnulv.; IMmhonlii,.;!;Murlmi,8;2;Apdey. area wtf
«240 BOURKE ST. MELBOURNE St. Cent. 42, 43'and G8. Est. 1878; Light mode rate' rahi with many thunder- Olcnorqfiy5; Mlnylp,0; Thetiighcki fall hi the inetropuUtuu r
' Collins Wychepruof,1; Harrow, 9. 11-points at l\ew, T \
\ I

National Library of Australia

I SHIPPING MOVEMENTS JiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMaiiiiiiiitiJiiiaiitiiiiiiiiiiiin
| |
SUNDAY SERVICES ! Broadcasting Programmes \ -!
BLAIR". — On December28, nt 2 ManorStreet,
i In things essential, MltMlo Brighton, I/wis Stewart, dearly be
loved of the late and CHURCH OF ENGLAND
MOLDAVIA (Macdonalrt, Hamilton LIMERICK (Mcllwraifh, McKacharnLtd.). | Unity, htiffluml Mary Feuton,
— 3LO, MELBOURNE — 37 1 METRES Countryman's session. 7.25: Prof.J. A. Gunn,
;nu| Co.). 'Tho 1'. and O, linor will After
horlh at Station Pior, Port Molbourno, will herlli
a voyagefrom Liverpool,(he Limerick |
at 7 Victoria Dock, on Monday In things doubtful,
Liberty, CHURCH and !
loving father of Emma,Arthur, Daleyand
Eva. Aged SI years. BALACLAVA
Holy Trinity, 8, 11, 8. Sum-
m p.m. AH seatsfree. All SATURDAY,JANUARY 3
"What if wo Scrappedour Existing Calendar."
7.46: News. 7.46: Mr A. C. Wilson, Motor
nt S a.m. on Monday, nftor a voyage later ' SJ' wiI' 'or y>'('riGytwo days
In oil
"Blpssc'dare they Umt die in the I/)rd."
welcome. Young peoplespecially invited. 1L 5.45: Children'ssession. 6.40: Sportingre Cycle Notes. 8: "NJob-," comedy in three
r,(uii Uindon via Sue7. nnd Colombo, | things, IIAMMOND(nee Wetzel).—On the 2nd January, W. Doudncy,Vicar. sults. 6.56: Music. 7.1: Countryman'ssession.acts. 10.15: Reaiimcof play in the Second
I vo» r will will for Sydney fthd Brisbane The Mcssngerles
KUIDAN (MftodrttnldHamilton and Co.).—
Maritime motor ship will ar-
S Oharlty,
PEOPLE nt "Janelleld," Ivy, belovedwife of Reg.,
ehleil daughter of Mr nnd Mrs J. Wetzel,
7.25: Mr CharlesNuftall, "Arc WeConvalescent."Test match, Australia v. West Indies, relayed
7.40: News. 7.45: Mr ii. j. G. Eamonde, "Hud from 2FC. Sydney. 10.30: Mel Morris will
,m ho afternoon of tho following day. Eefil!1 V,cfor,fl',)nck on Wednesday from Mar- | j
Durehln Street, Northcnte, loving sinter of PRESBYTERIAN son's Bay Trading Post Factor." 8: Transmis discussSheffieldShieldmatch, Victoria v. S.A.
oTKANTO (Orlont Co.).— Ifome- TA8MAN(J. Sanderson —Takingthe : Fred,Nellie, Rosin (Mrs Wallace)and Alice. sion of pantomime,"Puss In Boots." 10.15: 10.45: British wireless,news,weather, 10.55:
A Co.). A patient sulTorerat rest. MEMORIAL, Powlett St., East A resumeof play in the SecondTost, match. StudioDance.Band,
w;ir«1hound foe London, via Colombo, place nf the NIeuw Zeelandon the Singapore I Conducted by tho Rev. C. Irving Benson « CAIRNS
,l,o 20,000-tnn Orient linor will borlh run, tho Tasmanwill arrive In Victoria Dock liitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiaiiiiiiniiiiiiaiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiaiiitiii Il<lll!lllllllllll1lll|1||||f||||||1||||||||||tl|||||!|f HERBERT. —On tho 3rd January,ut his resi .Melb. Morning and Evening. RF,V. F. Australiav. WestIndie. 10.30: Mel .Morriswill
,i station Pior, Port Melbourne, on onKKNARKN Thursday. ||HillJn|i|HIlulutlltllllllll llif dence,99 NelsonRoad, Box If ill, William A. IIAGENAL'ER,M.A. discusstho match,Victoria v. SouthAustralia,
Frederick,belovedhusbandof the late Ester 10.45: British wireless,news, sportingresults, 3AR, MELBOURNE — 484 METRES
M.indny morning. Ths Orient Co. Swedishmotor (Howard Smith Ltd.) The of Alice (Mrs Taylor),Jack, G1AMBBRWELL. — 1 1 a.m.. Rev. R. W. weather. 10.66: Studio DanceBand. SATURDAY.JANUARY 3
:iriviso that no visitors will bo allowed ship, which berthedat
toria Dock this morningfrom the PacificConst 12 Vic and lovingfather
Maeaulny.7 p.m. Annual United Services. SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 6.16: Dinner music. Stumpsscores.7.3T:
,lM board unless Uiey bear nit ofllcinl of America,will sail for Adelnldcvia Dcvonport DOES GOD COUNT HEADS? William, Ester(Mm Marshall),Edward.Mary
(deceased),Annie, Olive (Mm Halliday); ( I ) Rev. W. N. Guiisou,il.A. (Congregational 10: Latestcricket. Programmereview.10.10: Sporting. 7.45: Music. 8: St. Vincent,d-.
j.nrmit to board. Theso aro obtain- onODER Mondaynfternorn. nged 72. At rest. Church).
Records. 10.20: Expres strain information. Paul's Band. 8.10; Mary Hothurn, mezzo
,b|o at the offices of tho company nt (J, Sandersonand Co.).—The Nord- NICHOLLS.— On' 3rd January,IsabelEInia the wireless, news. 10.30: Bells of St. soprano, 8.17; Descriptionby Mel Morrla nf
lififi' Collins Street. She will resume deiitacherLyold liner will berth at 3 Victoria S new as the New Tear yet as old as Job and older belovedwife of GeorgeFrederick, youngest QCOTS CHURCH.Collins St. Preacher.The BritishCathedral. 10.45: Records.It: Service Dirt Track Racing. 8.32: Versatile Guitar
l,rr voyago at 5 p.m. on Tttesdny, Dork, from Continentalporla,on Mondaymorn- daughterof ElizabethReadand the late James and 7 Right Rrv. W. Borland, D.D.. 11 a.m. Paul's IndependentChurch. 3 : PleasantSunday Trio. 8.38: J. Clarke Srott, tenor. 8.45:
is the puzzle of Providence. The coming and going
Read(late of Port Mcllmurne),loving mother Anthems. p.m. EveningServicebroadcastby 3AR. from sendeefrom Church Central Band. 8.55; Dirt Track Racing. 9.5; Mary
of years emphasise our insignificance. We are not of Linley and Jenn. — Morning: "I Will Mention." Sul Mission fi: Children'sWesley
session. 7.6: Captain Hotham, 0.12: Band. 0.20: Dirt. Traric
livan; Offertory: "Like As The Hart," Allltscn;
.so much troubled about the hairs of our heads being "PeacefullySldeping." Evening: "How I/ively Are The Messengers,"Donald MacLean,"At Home." 7.40: Review Racing. 9.30: Guitar Trio. 9.36: J. Clarke
SHIPSDUESOON HOW TO REACHLINERSBY MAIL — nt Mr of the week'snewsby "Tho Watchman." 8: Scott. 9.43: Dirt Track Racing. 9.5,2; Band.
1 passengerand cargo vessels,now en I tnumbercd as to whether the Great Architect counts PALISL On the 3rd Inst., 96 Millswyn Mendelssohn; OrganRecital by Arthur Buss Concert by GustavoSlapoffskland the Vic 10: Lyric Four Quartette in Coon Songs.
, .,io in Australia, are scheduled(o nrrlvo as byLettersp.m. postedto reachO.P.O.,Spencer Street, Street, South Yarra, Maria Concerts,dearly (sub-organist),at 6.16. torian ProfessionalOrchestratransmitted from Choruses,etc. 10.16; Guitar Trio. 10.20:
MM :— nect1.60 on the following dateswill •con Iheads at all. Is the Creator interested in individuals? belovedonly daughterof GuUcppcand Kosiun Weather,news. 10.30: Meditationmusic.
Next Port. Due On. DueHere low:—with incoming liners, en route, as fol Pallsl, loving slNterof Snlvntore. Aged 14 hawthorn (ToorongaRd.).—11, .iiiuimHiiiHimuiiiiimmriummiNmimmimtmrimmtimMiimrmmfMi' SUNDAY,JANUARY 4
Is there such a thing as Divine guidance in human years 11 months, SOUTH Rev. R. MeCnc(Prohibition League); 7,
\>.ufs Muru Thorn.Is, Jan. 6 Jan. 17 ,
Rev, (. MaekleBalrd, r.a. I See This Week's Carfoon i Records. 11: Service from Wesley Church, 12: It, (.'alrua Kong Jan. f>
A Jan, 27 Mongolia
,<lnGr« At Portof
16 affairs? STEVENSONi— -On the 2nd January. 1931, nt I I 1.46: "Questionsand Answers,"by
rturmH' Jan.
— .Inn. 15 Jan. Dromana motor Eva Presbyterian Church,Rosamoync tiic Rev. Irving Benson. 2.16: Arnold Cole
, n,i hi q Melbourne Jan. 7 Naldera- Frenmntlo Jnn, 8 That Sven criminating, oven unfairly, for them (result, of accident), THE LISTENER IN | man, at the Wiitlltzer. 4.30: Records, Bells.
, ,,,....'I. rroimmtle Jan. II . ,lnu. 19 Orainii Nnnles Jan. 8 Kcdln Intrepid path-flntlcr
was oneo overtaken by disaster or against, them; but that Is our ignor Caroline,tho dearly loved daughter of JJvn THORNBURY Street..
Rev. 8, C. Hadlev.
Now on Bale, Programmereview. 0.47: St. Paul's
i luy ITemaulle ,1nn. 8 .Inn. 15 Orontea Colombo .bin, 8 Sarahand the late JamesWilliam Stevenson, | | 7: Servicefrom ScotsChurch. 8.30: Simerman
M PerlNald Jan. fi Feb, 2 Dronsay . . Colombo Jan, 22 In crossing a Gentnil Asian desert. ance: Ho Is always good. Whatever of 3 NormanAvenue,Hawksbimi;aged 17 11; "Blessed is the Man."
7; "The World Full of Hundred of Things." String Quartette. 8.42: BiddyLoughnane, con
UoPhvU Melbourne — Jan. 6 Ormonde Adelaide Jan. 8 Dying camels and men were strung uso wo make of tho term 'interfer years, 8.49: flute. 8.55:
Colombo Jan. < .Ian. J|i Oraova Fremantlc Jan. 16 tho route, and Hedin ence,' It is plain that it can only Requlcscat In pace. RennieSt., 7 p.m.: Rev. W. Mabin. The Plaza,St. Hilda. 9: "By the Fireside,"tho tralto. O. RichardChugg.
,t„r Capetown Jan. 23 Feb. 8 later. Letters by air mail may be postedone day out along
battled on alono trying to find water. have a meaning from tho human Sundowners' Quartette,with Arnold Colenutnat Monica Miller, soprano. 9.2: Sissonnan
tho Wurlitzer. 9.20; Continuationof concert Quartette. 9.14: Biddy Longlmaue. 0.21:
nrrimnde Freiitrtnlle Jan. fi Jan. 12 He tells the story in "My L!£o as An point of view, and indicate some WINCH. —On the 2nd January,nt the Alfred CONGREGATIONAL
by ProfessionalOrchestra. 10: British wire- Piano recital by Victor Stephenien. 9,36;
,i|nliir« Gibraltar Jan. 7 Fob, 9 AT THE WHARVES limitation of our knowlcdgo or in Hospital,Yvonne,Nell, the nearlylovedeldest
Mvxnva< t'olnmbn .Ian, 10 Jan. 26 North Wharf.—Loongana, Explorer":— lew, news, westher. 10.10: Music. 10.20: MonicaMiller. 0.43: C. RichardChugg.9.50':
Svilnrv Jan. 6 Jnn. 8 —Tanda, 20- Colac, 24; Nir "I knew that tho coiirso of the sight." daughter of Jamesand Nell Winch, of 85 STREET INDEPENDENT CHURCH. Epilogue. SlssermnnQuartette. 9.65: Weather, police
i i.mviu trAns-pacific Victoria"Dock. river was almost duo north," ho says. The effectiveness of Divine Guid ToorakRoad,SouthYarra. Aged11 years11 COLLINS REV. A. PENRY EVANS. MONDAY,JANUARY5 messages.
vaim, I; ScotlandMaru,8; Kknamj, 12; Goul- ance must necessarily bo conditioned months. Result of accident. 11 A.M.: "THE TWO POSSIBILITIES." MONDAY, J ANUARY5
Next Pert' Due On. DueSyd. burn, 23. "Tho shortest distance to tho right-
7-8.15: Breakfast,session. 10.30: Sport.
s-ni'inx l')?" -Pago Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Sonfii Wharf. — Werrihec,26; Hebburn,27. hand sliore would Lhorcforo bo by tho susceptibility of the individual. 10.45; Records. 11: Expresstrain Informa 8.16: Records. 8.46: Weather, 9.1: 10.40: New.
—Aroona. straight onslward. Although tho moon This is where prayer becomes a tion. 11.3: Records. 11.30: Description by 9.6: Records. 10.1: British Wireless.
THE TIDES Yarravlllc. FUNERAL NOTICES BAPTIST RodMcGregorand Mel Morrisof SheffieldShield Announcements.10.15: Records. 10.30: Ar
WMHamstftwn was up, and I watched tho compass, supremely important factor, because
High water today: 12.29a.m.and 1.10 p.m. Bay.—Kumcralla. t was all the time, and unconsciously, it opens tho way for God to do a great —The friend of MR REG. HAM match,Victoria v. S.A. 12.1: Mr R. H. Owen, nold Colemanat the Wurlitzer. 10.46: Daily
: 1.55 a.m, and 2.35, WUHnitatown. — Mernoo, Ollvchank, Coolana, MONDare informedthat tho remainsof his /CANTERBURY.— Dr.-F. W. Boreham.11 a.m. shipping activities. 12.0: Records. 12.16: broadcastservice. 12.1: Descriptionby Rod
11.morrow being drawn toward tho south-east. many things which He could not do HAMMOND. wireless,stock sales. 1 : Weather. McGregor
low water today: 6.19 a.m. and 7.32 p.m. Floyeslan ' Maru, Junyo Afaru, Surada, Tenpei There was no use lighting this force. where prayer is absent. late dearlybelovedwife, Ivy, will beInterredIn VJ A Motto for the New Year. 7 p.m. A News,British News. 1.30: Records. 2: Mr A. An toria v. South Australia, nt MX'.G. 1.K»:
and Mel. Morrlaof cricket match, Vic
T'lnnvrnw:8.15 a.m. and 6.54 p.m. "Marii.-
Town Pier, Port Melbourne. — Nomura. i walked ah though tod by an Tn lives so attuned, God's Provi the FawknerCemetery. The funeralwill leave SeasideQuestion.Communionafter Morning 1.15; tonio, GardeningHints. 2.16: Music. 2.20: 1.30: JHrs StephanieTaylor, "The
Port Phillip Heads lils residence, 28 Darebln Street, Northcote, Service. GuslaveSlapoffskl, of Records.
Art of Illuminating RookR." 1.45: Records.2:
High Watertomorrow;-11.6 a.m. and 11.1f Woolgnr, Prince's Pier, Port Melbourne. — Dtimosa,invisible hand. Finally I resisted no dence can control overy happening of TOMORROW
more, but walked toward tho south whatever kind, and thus perfectly (Sunday, 4th Inst.), at. 10 a.m.
Opera at
RoyalResidences." 2 .35: Music. 2.40: Description of cricket match. 4: Mr J. Howled,
r — J. FERGUSONand SONS.FuneralDirectors, AUSTRALIAN CHURCH Jiattic Knight, "The Why and Wherefore." "The 4.16:
Uiw Mater tomorrow; 4,18 a.m. and 5.28 StationPier, Tort Melbourne. Hygela,Wee- east, where tho moon was. causo all things to work together for 712 High Street, Thornbnry, Telephone 2.65: Music. 3: MetropolitanFire Brigade Cricket. Ross, 6.1:SydneyZeppelinFlight,"
p.m. J.W.3037; and 140 JohnstonStreet, Collitig- Weather. During afternoonpro
"I had gone about one mile when tho good of those who love Hfm. Knight,contralto. 3.15: of Test match, Australia v.
tho outlines of the forest on tho east- wood. Telephme.1.1084. CHURCH, RUSSELL ST! Amy Strnlger. mandoline. 3.22: Band. 3.30: West Indies, willSecond
Band. 3.8: Madeline gressscores
be broadcast as they cometo
orn shore appeared below tho moon. THE PREPARED- MIND —The friends of the late Mr AUSTRALIAN Morun IJolford, basso. 3.37; Band. 3.43: 6.15: Dinner music. Stumps cricket-
bushes and reeds God works upon tho prepared mind. HERBERT. WILLIAM FREDERICKHERBERTare re- Morning Worship:REV. SELWYNEVANS MadelineKnight. 3.50: Bund. 4: MoranMl- hand. scores. 7.32: Sporting results. Acceptances
ARRIVEDTODAY , Brighton, from Omn; 8.45 p.m., Walotapu, Dense thickets of informed that his remains will he Anthem: I Was Glad (Elvey). 4.7: Amy Stringer. 4.12: Band. 4.20: nnd barrier positions for Woodendraceson
Tkniren. fmtn Parifio Const,at 12 Victoria ftom Melbourne; 7.29 p.m., Tisnaren,from grow on tho terraced shore. Tho rlvor No one knew tho reality of Divine upectfully
guidance more Interredin the BoxHill Cemetery. Thefuneral EveningService:rf.v.Wo DR. CHARLES Acceptancesand harrier .positions for Wood- Wednesday.7.35: Music. 8.1: Rev. W. Boi-
p.wV. HowardSmith Ltd. Gothenburg. bed still remained dry ns before. It intimately than George is appointed(o leavehis residence,99 Nelson Subject;What Shall Strive for in tho New end race on Wednesday During afternoon tomley,"Buddha." 8.16: BrunswickCity Band.
(bullhorn, frmn Newcastle,si 23 Victoria I»art; Sailedyesterday:2.10 p.m., Talune,.for TIo. was not far to the shorn where I must Mullor, of Bristol. Here is his testi Road,Box 11111, MONDAY,JANUARY 6th, at SheffieldShieldmatchwill be describedthrough 8.26: Carrie Cairnduff,soprano. 8.32: Edna
3.46 p.m., Wm. Macurlhur, for New- Ho Anthem;Thou Wilt KeepHim in Perfect Peace Station3AR, and progressscoresin the second Davies.xylophone. 8.38: Tom Downie,tenor.
l».k. Huddart, Parker Ltd. 1 down and die. My life hung on a mony: "God guides us, not by a vis 1.30 p.m.
I.nongnna, froir. Riirnie,nt North Wharf. ''H.s(le;3.56 p.m., Maiiiigauul,for Wellington;
6.22 p.m.. City of Cunbcrra,for Melbourne;fi hair. ible sign, butfcby swaying the Judg A. W. PADBURYand CO.,FuneralDirectors. (Williams).
Dame Test match, Australia v. West Indies,played 8.45: Band.3.65: "In FairArcadia," Burlesque.
I star tod, and ment. To wait before Him, weighing 203 WhllchoraeRoad, Box Hill. Phone Organ solos;prierea Notre (noellmanns)
' at Sydney,will be broadcastas they come to 9.25: Band. 9.35: J. HowardKing, bass-bari
Nirvana,from Calcnlta, nt I Victoria Dock. p.m.. Time, for Queensland; fl.16 p.m., Maranoa, "Suddenly stopped W.X.271 I. and March Prooeetdomdle ( Gounod), by Mr hand. 5.45: Children'ssession. 6.-10: Captain tone. 9.42: EdnaDavies. 9.48: Carrie Cairn
for Melbourne;7.14 p.m., C'orrlmal,for Mel short. A water-bird, a wild duck or candidly In the scales every consider
H.tcilniinld,Hamilton and Co. bourne; 7.32 p.m., Northern Firth, for Bris- goose, rose on whirring wings and I ation for or against a proposed course,
CharlesTuckwell. DonaldMacLean,"El Drague, the Terror of duff. 9.55: Rand. 19.5: J. Howard King.
After eveningserviceNow Year Greetings to the Seas." 0.55: Stumpscricket scores.7.1; 10.12: Band. 10.20: Weather,news.
DUE TODAY heard a splash. The next moment T nnd In readiness to see which way the Dr Strong and Rev, Evans. .Commonweal for
Nil. Arrived today: fi.2 a.m.. Aldington Court, stood on the edge of a soventy preponderance lies, is a frame of rnlnd Januaryavailable, editedby Dr. Strong.
DUETOMORROW from Shanghai; 7.57 a.m., Idant, from New feet long and ilftoen feet pool wide! The and heart in which one Is fitted to be
cily of Cantwrrn, from New York, at fi water looked as black ns ink In the guided; nnd God touches the scales Stevenson.— Friendsof mrs. eva sarah CHRISTIAN SCIENCE
Vuioria Dock, uncertain.
.MellwraUh, Due tomorrow: From New York, New Or moonlight,
leans, From Bluff: Walkouniti; from Rlsdon, and makes the balance to sway as He and the Into JAMESW. STEVENSON
Informedthat the remainsof their late dearly
Niiirana, from Lnunccrton.nt fi , North C'abarita. "In the silent night T thanked God will," daughter,Eva Caroline,will be interred rpHF. Following Branches of The Mother
6 Huddart, Pnrker Lid. Due Monday: From London.Jen-la Ray; from for my miraculous deliverance. Had Some years ago t came across a sot loved in the BrightonCemetery.
-l- Church,The.first Churchof Christ, Scien TODAY
Wharf, Itnmolo; from Hamburg, Rendsburg; I continued eastward I should have of directions for discovering the will in Boston, Mass.,U.S.A., hold Services
Unrenieii, from 1/oincentnu,at 8 South Grnoa, The Funeralwill move from their residence.tist,Melbourne. : 6.30 p.m.: Metro-Goldwyn-Mnyer Session. 9 p.m.: An Hour with Scotland'sMusic. \
\\ barf, evening. W. Holytnnnnnd Rons, from Fremantlc,Karoola;from Melbourne,Can- been lost. Tn fact, if I had touched of God which are worth writing in No. 3 Norman Avenue,Hawksburn,on MON in FIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST,SCIENTIST, : 7 p.m.: StudioProgramme. 10 p.m.: Studio Programme.
Iverra, Kowarra;from l/mnrenton,Korarml;from shore only a hundred yards north or the New Year's diary: — DAY, January 6th, at 3.30. St. Road \
DUE MONDAY Queensland,Ormlston,Macedon;from Hobart, south of Melbourne,cor. Hilda and Dorcas 10.45 p.m.: SlumberSession. :
ntranto, from Sydney,at Station Pier, Tort Zcnlitndla; from Geelong,Ch'lllugoc. tho pool, I should have be 1. Pray. 2. Think. 3. Talk to wise Street, TOMORROW,11 a.m. and 7.15 p.m.
Af-llmurne, 7.39 n.m, Orient Line. ADELAIDE.— Arrived yesterday:11.15 a.m., lieved the entire river-bed to be dry. people, but do not regard their Judg SundaySchool for pupils up to the age of
twenty 11 a.m. Subject of Lesson Sermon: TOMORROW
from Portland, nt 2 North Wharf, Liurcl, from East. Today: 3 a.m., Oder,from Later on, T christened this pool ment ns final. 4. Beware of tho ob "GOD'." Wednesday, Testimony Meetings, 6.30
morning.„ Howard Smith Ltd. Hamimrg. Khoda-verdl-Kol or 'the Tool df jection of your own will, but do not and 8 p.m. Free Reading Room, Colonial Instead
Moldavia, from lxmdon, nt Station Pier, Sailed yesterday: 1.35 p.m., Wonnira, for God's gift/" be too much afraid of it.. (God pever B. MATTHEWSPTY. LTD., Funeral Direc MutualBuildings,3I t CollinsStreet,wherethe of the usual transmission of Divine Service tomorrow
Fori Melbourne,cnrlv morning. Mnedonahl,LAunccMou.
Hamilton and Co. How aro wo to account for an ex unnecessarily thwarts a man's nature tors. Bible and AuthorisedChristian ScienceLitera | evening, 3DB will present, for the first time in Australia, Carl |
FREMANTLE.— from Arrivedyesterday:8.45 p.m., perience like that? Was there some nnd likings. It is a mistake to thlnn ture may he read and obtained. Opendaily,
Limerick, from Liverpool, at 7 Victoria Jufuku Maru, Shanghai.
—Arrived yesterday: 9.2C p.m., latent water-finding instinct at work? that His will Is always In the line of INCH. — Friendsof Mr and Mrs JAMES Monday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday, 10 Goldmarks's beautiful Rustic ren- \
Mock,morning. Mellwrnlth, MrKnehnrnLtd. HOBART. WINCH, of 85 ToorakRoad,SouthYarra, 7 p.m.; Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 7,30 p.m.; Wedding Symphony,"
Mcndigo,from Sydney,«t Slatlnn Pier, Port Plume, from Sydney. Or was tho subconscious mind of the the disagreeable). S. Meanwhile do the are informed that the remains of will their late Saturday,10 a.m. to 1 p.m. dered by The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.
Melbourne,morning. J. Sandersonand Co. LAUNCESTON.Entered — Low Head today: wild goose radiating messages? Or next thing, fi. When decision and ac in ;! j
dearly loved daughterYvonneNell bo SECONDCHURCHOK CHRIST,SCIENTIST,
Meriones,from Liverpool, nt 18 Victoria 5.51 a.m., Nalrana,for, Melbourne. Is It a clear case of Divine guidance? tion are necessary, go ahead. 7. You terred In the FawknerCemetery, The Funeral Melbourne.— MasonicHall, LaunderStreet, Glen-
Mi»k,morning. J. Sanderson awl Co.
3 AVEUAOKSTEAMINGTIMES TO MEL- A PERSONAL GOD will probably not And out until after will move from the residencyof her grand ferric.—Sunday,11 11
a.m. and 7.15 p.m., Sun
Oder, from Continentalports, nt Victoria HOURSBVIA IVESTCHANNEL. wards that you have been led nt all. parent/,Mrs Annientid the late GeorgeWinch, day School a.m. Wednesday Evening,
M.x'k,morning. J Sandersonand Co.
Ii-plnmr, —Milts per Uour— » Are we entirely dependent upon The man who makes such an experi 34 Oroville Street, Prahran, on .MONDAY,mony Meeting,8 o'clock. ReadingRoom at
Maruuoa,from Rorkhninpton,at 13 North From— 10 12 15 the cunning of our brains and the ment will end with a great experience. JANUARY 6, at 11 o'clock. HawthornFree Library Building, BurwoodRoad, MONEY RADIO GOODS
Wharf,morning. Mnedonahl. Hamiltonnnd Co. Sydney, 676 miles.. . , 67hrs. 48hrs. 38hra. skill of our hands, or doos God come He will dwell in the centre cf rest. Tnnrak B. MATTHEWS PTY. LTD., FuneralDirectors, Glenferrle,open10 a.m. 7.45
to 5 p.m., exceptSat.
Mamindn, from Sydney, nt 12 North Wharf, Adelaide,600 miles .. Allira 42hrs 34hrs. into human life? Rond.SouthYarra.and Branches. and Siui.; Wed., to p.m.; Friday, to 9 A -Lv make your faulty phones,speaker,trans
Everything turns He will abide above all fear as eagles p.m.; Sat., to 12 noon. £3, £5,— £10, £60 Upwards.
morning. AdelaideS.R.Co.
from flohart, 474 miles.. .. 47hrs. 40hra. 32hrs. upon tho nature of God and His above the arrow's He will walk LTD., THIRD Masonic Hall. St. George's WILSON WILSON — WILSON former, eliminator or set like new.
Arkaba, Queensland,at Yarravlllo, Lnuncetlon,269 mites.. 27hra. 22hra. 18hrs. flight A . A. SLEIGHT PTY. CHURCH,
Elsternwlck. —Sun., 11, 7.15 (H. School, 7 and 0 ElizabethStreet (C.7183) P. & I WIRELESS S UPPLIES PTY. LTD., ;
morning. AdelaideS.S. Co. Ilurnie, 207 miles.. .. 21hrs. 17hrs. 14hrs. relation to man. onward nto the unknown future with Melbourne'sLeading FuneralDirectors, Rd.,
Northern Firth, from Brisbane,at 15 North One of tho best books published In confidence nnd peace, because he is 11); Weil., 7.45. ReadingRm.2.30-5,Mon.-Sat. 180 ChapelStreet,Windsor. 387 Post OfficePlace. C.I. FI333.
Steamersover2000 fons will proee.ctlvia Embalmersand Cremations. (Windaor 7463).. and ConsoleModels,to suit all sets.
Wharf,morning. Jas. Patrick and Co. South Channeland take one hour longer, 1930 was Dr, Thomas Stevenson's under Divine convoy. NOTECAREFULLY.— No harmful inquiries— TABLE . Richardson 576-580 St
SAILEDTODAY Fernley Lecture on "Divine Provi SALVATION ARMY no security —- advancesameday — absolutely Bros.. Elizabeth
Canberra,for Cairns. HowardSmith Ltd.
AROUNDTHE COAST dence In the Light of Personality private— lowest interest — easyrepaymcntolargestmanufacturers In Victoria.
GABO ISLAND.— Passed north yesterday: (Sharp, His central thesis is that OLD STAWELLITES' SUNDAY'.— courtesy and fair dealing. VCJIRKLESS.— All Electric, I valves, lamous
Casino,'for Portland. HowardSmith Ltd. 8.45 p.m.. steamer. 5/). PICNIC HEAD OFFICEAND CHAPEL: MEETINGS connection with LoanOffice Vt screen grid and 245 powervalve amplifier,
Jervls Bay. for Sydney. Aberdeen nnd Com- Passed inward God Is personal and deals
with man Old Stawcllites will hold a basket SPECIALConductedby ColonelHarris, In the above we
mnnwealth Line. WILSON'SPROMONTORY— and Supportedby Mrs Harris and Lt.-Coloneland — also conductTAILORING— LADIES',GENTS' attractive floor cabinets,with oxpenaive built-in
yesterday:9 p.m.,Qonlburn. Today; 0.15a.m., as personal. fact we picnic in the Fltzroy Gardens on 138.110 Flinders Street, Melbourne, McClure. easy terms; two up-to-datecutters Wc en our speaker,gramophoneattachment,new, carries
Karoola, for Sydney. Mcllwralth,McEachnrn GroatCity. Personality Is the greatest at 11 a.m. Suburbs. Manufacturers,Importers of Finest THORNBURY, 11Mrs EAST. 8 staff. One Windsorshop, also 12 months' rare bargain, £14. 207
Ltd. AVERAGE STKAMINO TIMES know in tho universe, and it is im January 26 (A.N.A. Day), an Quality Funeral Furnishings, Metal Caskets, a.m.; NORT1ICOTE
All supply everything In
other city.
Gents' and Ladles' Wear. Ascot Vale guarantee,
Rd., Ascot Vale.
toranah, for Lnunceslon.\y. Holyman and ; TO WILL1AM8TOWX. Tho object is to form
to conceive of blind power and an Informal discussion will take
association, p.m.; NORTI1COTE, 7 p.m. welcome. Cashor on
easyterms.Large stock to choose
—Miles per Ilour— possible personality, of unconsclous- nlace. and
and CremationUrns. —In the CityTemple,60 BourkeSt., from. Country clients,write for self-measure
Mnrrawnh, for Stanley. W. Holyman' and From— 10 12 16 producing arrangements made to Telephone:Central410 (2 lines). TONIGHT.
8 p.m.,and Sunday,all day. PublicMeet ment forma, etc.
GahoItland 33hrs. 28hrs. 22hrs, producing consciousness, of rton- hold a meeting. Further particulars All-, 8 - v A.A.A.
Rendsburg,for Sydney. J. Sanderson and Cave Nelson 20Ura.17hrs. 13hra. Bess intelligence. ings. welcome,-Monday,- p.m.: Grand A.A.A.
iteliigenco 'producing. us©
Jesus taughf us to our own appear in the Missing Friends JU ' tinns, atWreaths-
"J7MJNERAL and Designs.AH dcscrlp-
shortest notice.. Deliveredany United Meeting. Welcome Hometo Lieut. Com A.A.A. £5 to £600. aXA UTOMATIO COMPUTING SCALES.
Rnmolo, for Sydney.W. nealo Pty. IPifson'j Promontory.. llhrs, 12hrs. 9hra. or God— — column. Eiiatern 6183. missioner McKenzlc. Commissioner Maxwell, With or Without Security. Every Style,Size and Price.
CapoOtwoy.. . , .. .. lOlTrs. 84hrs. 7hn«, nature as a Key to Reality where.Ireland. Market. Cent EasternTerritory,will be present. Comeearly. Strictest Privacy. Madein Englandby
CapeSchanck frlhra. 4|hrs. 3|hrs. "If ye know how to give good gifts Comein crowds. O. ALLAN, 4 th Floor, LondonStoresBuilding, W. & T. AVERY LTD.
Aroona,-for Adelaide,irom Yarravlllc, after- Point Pfa Lonsdale
3fiirs. 3hrs. 2hrs. unto your children, how much more 152 ElizabethStreet. Tel. 3637. The "Asco" and "All British" Sllcers, variou
nnnn. AdelaideS.S.Co. hour less. Heavenly Father?" .There can HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE MOTOR DIRECTORY — to to to sizes. Solo Victorian Agents—
Halcairn.for Continent,from Geelong,after- Toa RiverRerth—One hour tonger. your the UNITARIAN A . I have up £26 lend private WALLING. SAUNDERS <t RENWICK,
he no hesitation in describing — 1HOHTAT MALVERNSTN. A .—A.—SPRINGS,Motor, all makcastocked. people,no security,no publicity. Finance. 416 Bourke Street. Phone:F1S15.
noon. Vic. Wbeatgrowcra' Corporation.
Power behind the processes of the CAULFIKLU BRANDNEW BRICK BUNGALOW — THE: -A- Repairsdally. CentralMotor Spring Works, Herald Office.
SAILINGTOMORROW CHRISTIAN CHURCH, in your old coat and have it perfectly
Nil. OVERSEAS MOVEMENTS Universe as personal and Individual. LATEST. Six hugo roomsA s/o, terr. vor., SpicerA Armitagc, Sturt St.. S. Molb. M1030. UNITARIAN GreyStreet West, EastMelbourne. A BSOLUTELY CONFIDENTIAL LOANS. BRING matchedwith' new pants for £1. Mycrson,
Now to a person individuals will pan «nt. hall, flbro etnbos.ceils., Dutch mils, Servicethroughout the Holidays. REV. WILLIAM BOTTOMLEY, iY. LOWESTRATES 265 and 329 LonsdaleSti, near Myer's.
SAILING MONDAY (Herald Special Repreaentative) Indlr. lights, tapratry brick tires, cupbds., A .A.A.—Motor Springs Pty., 72 DorcaaSt.,
Rknaren,for Davenport, from 12 Victoria necessarily come first. God's provi 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. On Any Security. — seeour Windowsfor New and
Dock;afternoon. HowardSmithLid. LONDON,.fanuary'2.—Arrivals:—;At London: dence, therefore, must put the needs presses,M.W.floors, dblc, gls. connect,doors, ! S. Melb.,off St, Hilda Rd. Openall the Evening: ANTICIPATIONS! H. MAYER FINANCECO. Tel. F1709. CAMERAS.UsedModels. Camerastraded. Herbert
Nnirana,for Launceston, from 6 North Wharf, Barraltol,Oronaay, City of Dieppe,Rhesus. At of His creatures before what we call tiled ext. bathroom,Roman bath, hot water, int. holidays. Phone M4039.
of SmallPty. Ltd., cr. Collins and KHz.Sts.
4.30 p.m. Union S.S.Co. Port Said: Fordsdale.At Marseilles:Cathay. mid
the general laws of nature. If God is cupbds.,encl. buck ver, GARAGE,CEMENTBRAKES lavs., Ige, tiled kitclien, heaps need expert attention. Same day 49 Elizabeth Street. 2nd Floor. , BaconCutters,Scales. You
Perini: ' Motor OTHER DENOMINATIONS Registers,
l)opnrturos: —From Templar, IMako,Caldare,
Port Said: Clan Mae- personal
and deals with man as P©r- PATHS,FLORALBOXES.ONEOK THENICEST service by specialist. Combined East
Pty. Ltd., 96 Wellington Parade, Anyone in constant employment CASH can't do better than sec Klrkwood,175
TUESDAY—- . aonal, It follows that the whole order BE REPAIRED,Price, Garagea CANBORROWWITHOUTSECURITY ClarendonSt., South Melbourne. M2332.
.Clydebank,from Nauru. Britfah Phosphatetaviah, From Colombo: Bnllarat. From Gib ing of the world is governed by this IN DISTRICT.CANNOT £1703. TERMS. Inspection arranged dur
Melbourne,.13707, ./CHRISTIAN Israelites'Sanctuary,Fltzroy St..
Fltzroy, 7 Type, Israel delivered from
£2, £5. £10, £20. ON HAND. —Owing to the depression,
Commission. raltar: Sheiifcrown, onlyholidays. RING castings need not worry.— G. MURRAY LEFT
WEDNESDAY— D«p»rluresfor Australia:—From Mamcllles: relationship. - , lug L1SB4. Broken BLIRXHAM,50-01 Little Lutrobc Street, Pharaoh through affliction substancenow, G. MURRAY and bo much unemployment,menwho or
Port. from London. Glbbt, Bright Mongolia. From London: Port Bowcn. From God is not. locked up In a closed Central. —U.K. Villa, 4 re., e/out,, OXYWELDS EQUALTO NEW at a fraction of through trouble and famine, Israel delivered 17 QUEENSTREET(GroundFloor) dered suits whenin work have beencompelled
— there'sabout
nndCo.Fremantlc, Panama:Port Victor. mechanical system. Natural laws are PRESTON, nearlynew,side drive, ewd. Terms,£075. the cost. Machineparts from a typewriter to a from Bondage of Satan,.«ouland Body,without MELBOURNE. to leavethen: on my hands
of them,all tailoredout of purewool
L',from Marseilles. Mnedonahl,Hamil ix-purturc for New Zealand. — From New the habits of God— His orderly ways Howgate A Roberta,007 High St., Thornbnry. tractor repaired,If worn, cracked,or broken. corruption,Sanctifiedwholly, Vile bodychanged. CASPER,272 Bourke St., cornerSwanstonworstedsandperfectly
ton and Co. Port Pirie. . even we can Interfere — Please note telephoneNol— F2H5P. IjLJ twills in the latest shades,and
York: of working. But Close Railway Stn., W.B. changeof Street, First Floor, Upatairs. sizesranging from 3-4to 40 chestmeasurement.
VILLA, 6 rme. and convs.,tiled roof, 00 a reiiablo UsedCar at A genuineClear MEETINGS AND LECTURES BranchOffice:225 ChapelStreet,Prahran,and 1 must disposeof these suits before the end
P. To l/ONDUN,via COLOMBO, EGYPT.MAR them to our purposes. Must it not be x 135. Owner must realise. £725; £100 BUYancePrice during January, Don't fail to 4 GordonPlace, of tliis month, so I'm offering them to the
rnnda.for Ruhuul,Gibbs Bright and Co. ElFtemwIck.
Otranlo. for London. OrientCo. SEILLES. ALTERNATECALIFSAT BOMBAY, the same with God? deposit,25/ weekly. call, write or phoneAUTOCAR INDUSTRIES, theatre, nouRKE street.
advances from £3. public nt less than the cost of the material.
WEDNESDAY— ADEN,PORTSUDAN,GIBRALTAR,PLYMOUTH " us on to the miraculous, COGHILLA HAUGHTOX. 104-112 Russell St. (enter via Little Collins Empire Rationalist Association. On Deeds,Life Policies,Pianos,Furniture, 55/ buys one—you get the benefitof the for
liciidigo, .London. J. Sanderson and Co. Sl.-atiR'i, Tom.. - This leads to 9 p.m. Ail kinds securities, B ills discounted daily. feited deposits,besidesa substantialreduction.
Commander. Noon a- miracle, according to Br. Stephen 70 SwanstonSt., Melb. Cent. 2703. St.), Melbourne. OpenFriday nighlo from. SundayLecturesby Mr J. S. T/ingley. Repayments t o
AT OTHER PORTS 4MALOJA . . « 2I.OUOJ. B. Browning Jan 13 duo to Blvlne
Over100 A.l Carsand Trucksto choose
Usedcum and Trucks traded as part deposit. 3 p.m.: THE CATHOLICCJIURCHAND DE suit borrowers. MYERSON'S, The People'sTailor, 265 and 329
BRISBANE.— Arrived yesterday:1.10 p.m.. MOLDAVIA.. 16,556 <J. II. C. Aliin Jan. 27 son, being "An event MOCRACY:Reviewof Government Blue Book HARRY HALL for confidentialand dignified l/onsdnleSt.. n<-arMyer's.
Titan, from south. tNALDERA.. 16.088 R. Harrison Feb. 10 action can of another order from that Termsarrangedconfidentiallyfor balance to suit
on the MattaDispute. advance, at reasonable rates. 4 Queen's Furniture. — UsedDesks,Tables',
be codified by science. FLATS AND ROOMS TO LET you. Only address— 104 Russell S treet. (Busi- Walk, near Tourint Bureau.Phone Cent. 6519. OFFICE Chaira,every requisitefor the office. See
Sailedyesterday:3 p.m., Pakihn,from north; MONGOLIA- . | Hl.DUU11. R. Rhodes Feb. 24, which nesfoundedover 30 yearsago.)
I.29 p.m., Orungal,from north. tL'alls nt Bombay. THE OP15N DOOR AST MELBOURNE,Balaclava,Albert Park, PULPIT: Three Obstaclesto Civilisation. OANS,lowest interest. No inquiries. No Tye's, 112-116 BourkeSt.. Melbourne.
NEWCASTLE,— Arrived yesterday:6.51 p.m., FARES TO LONDON take mod;s.c.(lata, s omah.w.n., from <15/,others (CYLINDER Grinding,up to 18in. dlam., glass. security. ServiceCash Orders,130-132 bacon slicers.
Dimbonla.from south; 10.5 p.m., Wm. .Macar- Itit Saloon,Single, E98-E134; Return, £172- Can God, or does He, ever any J like finish. Churchill grinding machines. Bourko St., throughshop (2 doors Faync's). Scales Durable,Dependable,Dayton's.
rimr. from Sydney, £235; 2nd Saloon,Single, £82-£86; Return. special action within tho physical from 32/fl. Coppanl.243 CollinsSt. 02409 Geo.F. Cooper.15 LonsdaleSt C8311. PUBLIC NOTICES Write for Catalogue.
— 5.32 p.m., Noora,for north. £141-£IG1; Tourln Saloon, Single, £38-£50. sphere for tho succor of any particu reply DUCO,
bodyand mudguardrepairsspecialists.
A boxes. to Cash or Terms.
SYDNEY. Arrived'yesterday: 6.20 p.m., Return, £68-£00. lar persons? Dr. Stephenson's Hoods,trimming,battery,lug. tool Visitors Melbournearc ad DAYTON SCALE CO. LTD.,
Office Place,opp. Buckley fc Nunn.
ReturnExcursionTicketsare Available00 Days, and Is that Divine guidance iswithin Personal, visedthat "THE NEWS"and
while It works chiefly the
ANOLKSEA -\YOTOR CAR InsuranceCola Lessif you in- can be obtained A LL DISEASESTREATEDSUCCESSFULLY.rniME RECORDERS,International, World's
and arc interchangeable with OrientCo. limits of law, It may and 1tJL surewith SouthernStar InsuranceCo., 317 McOILL'S AGENCY,
MR T. S. GOON, J- Best BundyClocks,Dial and CardRecord,
1 NIGHT PATROL MAKES Ut Saloon,£63; 2nd Saloon, £ 40; Tourist regular TTOTEL Angleacafor your next holidays, prc- ColHnaSt. Why pay more? 179 ElizabethStreet.
Saloon,£31, sometimes does go far beyond this. this mier position Great OceanRoad. Under (Opp, Q.P.O.). ChineseHerbalist. Established20 years. era. Repairs,.supplies.Dayton ScaleCo. Ltd.,
26 NICHOLSON 272 Poft OfficePlace. Cent.4202.
' '
All ohson go moneypuid on booking in Aus- - The door is open "even in personalmanagementof F. O. Murphy, prop. PHOENIX Motors have removedto Phoenix OF ST. KILDA.
1 TWO ARRESTS iraliu Is now subject to tho addition of ex world of marvellous orderliness, for Phone.Anglceea1. Court, 32 High St., St. Klldu Junction. CITY HEALTH ACT 1028.
OppositeExhibition Gardens.
TAKE NOTICEOF THE ONLY ADDRESS. SEWING Machines. —Don't pay high prices;
change. which goes out Tel. Windsor 4050. rave 6/ in the El. Call or write. Ward
For Full Particulars apply to the unprecedented _ CHELSEA REGISTRATION OF PREMISES. A HOLER'SSileparTeeth,upperor lower, from Bros.,Ri-puirsrs.Errol St., N. Melb. F3985.
side all ordinary rules." If freedom iN Beach, 4 and 6 r. House,50/, 40/. ADIAT0RS, Mudguards.Bonnets Repaired, Proprietorsof tho undermentioned establish
MACDUNALD,HAMILTONk CO., is anything real for human beings, V Wetwa,CliadwellGrove. etc. Motor Sheet Metal GalvanisedPro- mentsare remindedthat they must bo regis v.
£2/2/. Gaa-.OxygcuExtractions, X-ray MACHINES. —Dropheads, £3; Singers.
1 Sequel to Milk- Jug Thefts Tel. Central 9706. 467 Collins Street. ducta Pty. Ltd., 8 Grant St. South Melb. examination. £3. Written guarantee. Johnstone's,
Joint Passenger Agentswith abovefor Tourist Cod must meet and them on the level of tered annually. Application must be made SEWING
York House,294 Lit. Collins St.. Melb.-
At 2.20 a.m. today, No. 2 wlrelcsu Saloon; their freedom adjust His guid MARYSVILLE T>ADIATOR Specialists, Unking, Damaged, in
forthwith respectof the current year for all: F. .T. BENNELL. Dentist..129 Collina St., Floor.
8 — 1\ or now cores,see us. ConnBros., 1. SCALES .
8 patrol. In chnrgo at Senior ConstaDlo john sanderson a co.,' Street. ance to their needs. God's actions "j\TARYliANDS. Newest,large house; tennis, 261 boiling Citv Road. South Melbourne. M2490. 2.
Boarding-houses. near RussellSt. Phone; Cent, 723. rpOLEDO Honest-Weight
JL of the
S Capunno, rcuoived a wireless nicasage lei. Cent.8563. . ill William arc equally normal to Him whether crroquet,golf, billiards, riding hacks, H. Eating-houses. ! A RTIElLTALTEETHrepairedwhile you (A PRODUCE BRITISH EMPIRE.)
U. BRANCH SERVICE. they fall within the region of what and C. all rooms. Acoom.110. Tariff, £3/15/. PR I NG —
, 3. Premisesfor manufacture of Ice-cream, a1 pyorrhoeatreatment specialty.Cashorders wait; BERKELNo-WasteSLIC15RS.
8 tH<atsuspicious persons had been seen PANIJ Central,Tel. 4 City, F1197. MOTOR,stock,all cars, truck repairs, one of
aeratedwaters,etc. Forms application for JACKSON INSTANTANEOUS BOILERS.
8 or. the corner of Brighton Bond and ONE CLASSONLY. we call nature or not. day service. Ask your garage,or telephoneregistrationmay be obtainedat the Municipnl accepted. Open Monday and Friday nights. CAKE MIXERS.
To PLYMOUTHami LONDON,via Suez. As Augustine said long ago: warburton FederalSprings,Alfred St., 0111 ces. Platesmadesameday. Terrasarranged.Isaacs, ALL SIZESIIOBART AND PRICES. CASHOR TERMS.
8 Alfrlston Street. St. Klldn. CALLINGAT-COLOMBO. PORTSAID, MALTA. can that bo contrary to nature that _ —Victoria's latest swimmingpool, F2673. Henderson's 483 ElisabethSt. FREDK. CHAMBERLIN, Dentist, 10 Bourke St. Cent. 9415. TOLEDO-BF.RKEL PTY. LTD.,
S The patrol dashed to tho spot, btu Steamer. i Tun». Captain. Sails. takes placo by the will of -Qod, see "/ylAI.KT." w golf, tennis,riding parties. Sundayilinnera. North Melbourne. Depot. — Best Clerk. tho MelbourneMedical Institute (Reg.), 69 BOURKE STREET. PHONE7168.
8 was unable to find anyone there. HHNDIUU.... 13.000 F. N. Wyutt. . . Jan. 7 Booklet. PhoneWarb. 88. rnYRES on Terms. brandnow tyres, Town AT 11 Collins St., City. "Privately specialis
9 After ing tliat the will of the Almighty tubes,batteries,at 1/ in theat £1 per week. Town Hall, in Diseases in Both Sexes."Latest GermanYOUR own material perfectly tailored Into
cruising around some time, BAltAUINE.. 13,000 H. K. Smith... Jan. 17 Creator is the true nature of every AIho Retread,Second-hand Covers lowprices. St. Kllda,. ing
and French treatments. Hours; 9 a.m. to 9 and 329 LonsdaleSt., nearMyer's. suits and costumes f or 47/6. Mycraon,266
8 however, tho police saw three young BARRAHOOL. 13,000 J. Slieepwaali . . . Mar. 18 created So that miracle is not 2nd January. 1931.
9 men who Immediately van. One BALRANALD.I3.l>0f'\Q. K. Short.... Mar. 28 contrary thing? PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENTS \ Star Tyre Service, 134 FlindersStreet, Mel- p.m. Mon., Wed.. Frl.; Tues.,Thura,. 9 a.m.
9 escaped, but tho others were over- FARESTO LONDONFROM£38. k to nature, but only to what bourne, near Perdrlau. Phone 4071. obtainedall countries;'Trademarks to 6 p.m.; Sat., 9 12.30p.m. Phone:
nature." Albert Koch. 47H Collins Street. YRKS,Tyres.—All slaw. new Job. Slightly PATENTS registered.GeorgeA. U'Rcn,Patent Attor F6876.
9 taken.
The aboverate are subjectto the audition SPECIAL
Oils. Cordials,Waters,Food and Munufac- usedand retreailedtyres alwaysin stock. ney, Henty House,409-603Lit. CollinsSt. Pills and Sal Matin work for WANTED TO BUY
9 ft is alleged that, when they were of
exchange on Loiidui.
PROVIDENCE lured Productstestedfor purity. Compare our prlcca and big discounts. for your Horoscope, with 1/-P.N., birth B.ll. your health, removeuric ncld;together 3/fi & 2/. A .M.D.P. Co., of 166 ElizabethSt., opp.
B taken to tho police station, they ad- The numberof berths In variouscabins has Tjiemachine universe Is not a cold, hcart- PICTURES —The Public ure warned Akron Tyre Co. Pty. Ltd.. 480-401 Elizabeth SEND dale, stamp,addressedenvelope,to Horo ! H. "goon — Chinese Herbalist, can G.P.O., buyers of Diamonds,Old Gold, .
3 mitted that they had been searching beenreduced, and an additionalLounge(a being lesH running on with no re MOTIONnot to invest in Companypromotionsmak St., Melbourne.PhonesF3739.F2340. Private scope,19- VauciuseSt., Brighton. be consultedonly at 2 Harlston, 18 Silver, Antiques, etc. Tel. 510.
9 for money left in milk cans and jugs. provided. gard for Individuals. Some of us be ing speciouspromises,or so-calledSchoolsand FB1B5, Evelyn Street, East Melbourne. All diseases A NTIQliK GOLD and SILVER JEWELLERY.,'
S Subsequently, they were charged with -Joint Passenger Agents:
A CO.. lieve in the guidance of God in every Film Clubsfor touchingMOVIEPICTUREACT Harley,light twin or single,elec treated, internal and external. -cX DIAMONDS.CURIOS, BROKEN JEWEL
9 having been found on premises at JOHN SANDERSON situation of life. 1NG, etc., where fees are solicited, without WANTED, tric, solo or outfit. Cash. 12 Mell St., TRUSTEE COMPANIES
Ill William Street (Tel. Cent. 8563), number of events this makingthe fullest inquiries.It is better to he Toornk, Win. 225<1. ENTAL PLATES repaired while Patients LERY. HIGHESTCASH PRICE.CRAWCOUR'S,
9 night without lawful excuso, MACDONALD HAMILTONA CO., Tn the vast sure than sorry. Reliable information mav al ' trustees, executors and wait, painlessextractions.Setafrom £2/2/, 49 BOURKEST. Est. 60 Yara. Tel. 5025.
9 Tho chief of the is carried In tho midst Secre R N I N Gl National Mr McMahon. 27 SwanstonSt. C6650. J AMERAS, Home Cines, etc., purchasedfor
plainclothes 467 Collins Street,Melbourne(Cait. &9706). guidance a routine which
attracts no wayshe obtainedfree by consultingthe W A
until you
CI Cash,or
9 branch (Inspector Currle) said today Freight Agents:JOHNSANDERSON co. of par tary, Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association Don't have any repairsexecuted LIMITED. R. MARMADUKEROSE, National Bank Exchanged. H. Small Pty, Ltd.,
9 that during the last three months and commonwealth link. ticular attention, hut now and again (representing thy industry), Theatre Royal get our quote. Workmanshipguaranteed.
L. A. PRINCE,RepairSpecialist,11 Wellington Directors: Edward FitzGerald, Esq., LL.D., and Adults. Chambers.273 Collins Street, Children cor. CollinBand Elizabeth'Streets.
8 there had been a revival of this very Aberdeen ONE CLASS events occur, the unique appro Buildings, Bourkc St., Melbourne Old Gojd, Guns, Field
9 old line of petty thieving in St. Kllda, Pnsrtcnger Service(Hull cargoonly) to London priateness of which strikes the eye. St., St. Kllda Junction. PhonoWin. 1313. Chairman;SenatorMajor-General John
H. E. Elliott, reducer. — Take ObesityCure. Safe DIAMOND Glasses,Jewellery,
Musical Instrumentsbought; liiph-
via Colombo,port Said. Malta and Southampton.Religion calls , theso events "special U.B., C.M.O., D.S.O.,D.C.M.; I. Winter IfUTand effective,3/6 packet, 12/ four pkts. est prices.Albert Cohen.197 RussellSt. C0182.
Klsternwtck and CauHleld. Two By a special providence MOTOR TOURS, ETC. Irving, Esq; Ctuw. R. Murphy, Esq.; John 3. Lewis ft O'DonnclI,20 Royal Arcade. bought within halt an hour of
months ago two offenders were dealt JERVIh BAY 14,164 tons Jnn.24 providence." Fcehun, E sq.; EdwardRyan,Esq.,M.B. et Ch.B. TjURNITURE
8 14,164 tons Feb. 7 we usually mean an event or disposi rn o AT REDUCER.— Rayola,simple, certain, call, any quuiitity, anywhere,spot cash.
3 with in tho Children's Court at St. LARGSBAY MORKTONBAY 14,176 ton> Mar. 7 tion of events so brimful of purpose X By Rail and Car,
l 0 it n e
via Blrregurra.Tourists
improveshealth. Gibson,Moloney,chemist, Arthur Whitford, 98 ChapelSt. Windsor 4328.
9 KUda, and for a while there had been HOBSON'S — BEAUHAMP'SPrivate Sale Room#. — CJIAS.CROMIE,Manager.
BAY 14,198 tons Apr. 4 as to appear a striking expression of require to leaveMelbourneby Tho Flier, 8.20 Offices:113 QueenStreet,Melbourne. LygonSt., Carlton. Two stampsfor booklet. — Any quantity, anywhere.
B a lull In that class of offences, but KSPKR AXCK BAY.... 14,176tom« May 11 tho Divine Will. a.m. or 4.45 p.m., arrives Lome 12 noon or purchasing, Have no after regrets. Inspecthero before TRUSTEES T7WKE. — Every womanis entitled to good FURNITURE. Prompt inspection. Prompt cash. S. M..
and ravepounds.OpenFridaynight. rpilE EQUITY COMPANY J- health. If yours Is not
9 lately it had again revived. FARESTO LONDON: But, as Dr Stephenson wisely points 0.30 p.m. Onreturn Journey,leavesLorno 8,45 —HEAUCIIAMP'SPrivnto Sale Roomsstock -L RegisteredOffice: No. 85 QueenStreet satisfactory,write Allen, 195 GlenhuntlyRd., Elsternwlck.L35A3.
From £38 Singleand £68ofReturn. out; "What wr call 'special provi a.m. or 6.45 p.m.,arrive Blrregurra 10.15a.m. This Company is Special for our freehealth booklet, whichshouldbe in Gent's, Child' Left Off Clothing."
Faresare subjectAto addition Exchange. dences' are occasions when wo have or 7.16 p.m. everything,for the homo at LowestPrices. to performall classes empowered
of Trustees' by Act
Business. everyhome.Send3d. in stampsfor postageto LADIES', Beat prices. 8 Lit. PageSt., Albert Park..
i STATE HOUSES TO BE DALOETY COMPANYLTD.. Travel by the First-clnsaTrain and Car Bar- 319-321 Collins Street. Boardof Directors: Hon. DonaldMackinnon, Dept. 1L. LADIES' COLLEGEOF HEALTH, GOLD, Silver, Platinum, Diamonds
461 Bourke Street. Central 288 (5. lines). specially felt and recoghlsed the vice over splendidroadsand through beautiful —BEAUCilAMP'Sprivate Hale Rooms Up- chairman; Sir Edward Mitchell, K.C.M.O.,K.O., SecondFloor, 327 ColHnaSt.. Melb. OLD bought.
I ABERDEEN ANDCOMMONWEALTH LINE, divine activity. It may have been sceneryto the Queenof WateringPlaces. Btain, completeHouse and Office Furnish- vice-chairman;Ivor Evans,Esq.; Hon. J. G. /J.ALL STONES. Sufferers,read our test!- Streetfnpp. Q.P.O.) Dixon, CromwellBldge., Bourke'
PROROGUED 447 Collins Street, Melbourne. even more wonderfully at work on era, 319-321CollinsSt. OpenFridayNights., Latham,C.M.O.,K.C.,M.P.; Sir StephenMorel! LT monlale.Troubleremovedin 24 hours. No
Telephones:Central 9500-10-11-12. occasions which have slipped our W. T. FLETCHER, Phone12. — BEAUCilAMP'S. —Seethe finestdisplay in K.B.; Alan Spowcrs,Esq. operation. 0. Pearsch,6th Floor, Centrcway,
B Proclamation on Jan. 12 LINE notice altogether. And It Is none the Melbourneof the latest designs. Bedroom JOEL FOX,Manager. » Colling St. Hours: 10 to 5. F5886. TENDERS
I A proclamation signed by the Act- ORIENT ROYAL MAIL STEAMERSTO LONDON, less real In those numberless events MISSING FRIENDS
Suitesat LowestPrices. We pay freight. (j, t. MARTIN,Assistant Manager. ALONEY'SMedicalInstitute Pty. Ltd., 613 A RCHITECTS,Engineers, —"Plan;
Ins Governor (Sir William Irvine) Via COLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID, NAPLES, which make up the daily life of ord —BEAUCilAMP'S.— Thousands of pounds' Eliz. St, Molb. QualifiedMedical Practi -cX tallm" Hyaratea-Llmo;hContractors ighestgradeguar?
B will be issued on January 12, pro- TOULON, GIBRALTARand PLYMOUTH. inary people. Tho recognition Is for HuwelUtesBasketPicnic,Fltzroy Gardens, worth of reliable Furniture, Carpets, L ino. tioners in attendance. All diseases carefully 63
Steamer. Tom. Commander. Sails those who aro spiritually awake, and EX A.N.A. Day, Jan. 26, 1031. Associationand Lino. Rquarea.Heavily reduced. treated,'Advice and medicine,3/6; letters, 6/, antecd. AU leading merchants.Warehouse,
roguing tho State Parliament for six names G. Rogers, — Ax. WANTED KNOWN Hours:11-12, 2-3, 7-8; Saturdays, 11-12 only. Rooncy.St., Burnley. J4220. PeninsulaLima
weeks or two months. , The recess OTRANTO. . . 20.UUU0. G. MathesonJan, 8 0 it may be in itself a great achieve being formed. Forward Mr BKAUCUAMP'S. Carpcta,£4/10/, and Fertiliser Co. Pty. Ltd.
will bo extended montli bv month ORMONDE...14.868 L. V. James Feb. ment." 37 Tlarte Parade,Hawthorn, 11.8- Hearty In A— £5/17/6. £6/15/; Ax. Ruga,13/6, 16/6, Reconditioned, Sterilised, Re- — UseHAEMA,Instantrelief, positive /COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT OF WORKS.
vjtation all ex residents. BEDDING PILES.
until the time for opening tho next ORSOVA. ORONTBS.
. . 12,041 O. O. Tliome Feb.17
. . . 20,000 F. It. O'SullevanMar. 3 GOD'S PROVIDENCE HOUSE
T LOVD'SMissingFriends, Next of. Kin. — A —BEAUCilAMP'S.
17/6. SplendidValue. . modelled or Refilled, either' with hair,
— 3-pc. LoungeSuites,ir i fibre, kapok or hygienicwool. If required,orders O'DonnclI.20 remedy,2/6; posted,3d, extra. Lewis&
Royal Arcade.
TendersInvited returnable-to Work#Direct
. tor, Victoria, 316 Post OfficePlace,Melbourne,
session Is fixed. ORONSAY... 20,000 F«P. CameronMar.17 Every visitor to Chester goes to see. JLi UnclaimedMoneyOffice,80 SwanstonSt, j-ju Damask,Genoa,Moquettc,etc., £10/17/6,. called for and attended to daily. E. R. Cox, "DSORIASIS. —J.
I On December 24, both Houses nd- ORAMA 20,006 II. G. StauntonMar.31 Box 1958. G.P.O.,or PhoneWindsor 6133. A- 142 Russell Meyers, Consulting.Herbalist, at II a.m., 2nd February, 1981—
B .lourned nonilnally until January 13. ORFORD. . . . 20.000 A L. Owen Apr.14 "God's Providence House,1' the one Melbourne,Australia.
house in that city said to have been
£13/12/6, £17/10/, £18/10/ upwards. — Street, cures thla1distressing "Supply and- fixing Jarrah Wood Block.
Issue of the prorogation proclamation FAKES:MELBOURNE TO LONDON. BEAUCilAMP'S.— Period Dinlngroom BRIDGE CHAIRS. "Welbilt" Brand, fold complaint. Consultationfree. Flooring at. .Commonwealth Bank, Perth."
by during the Great Plague. A—Suites, £0/15/,' £10/15/, £11/16/; Side Hut to Sin. thick, 6 lit in ploccof one or SLEEPLESSNESS, Unstrung Nerves.— Take Ptam and Specificationsat .WorkaDirector'!
a wiij rcleaso members from atten- HALOON : I-Tom£98 Single and £172 Return. passed name suggests that the other MOTOR TOURS, ETC. boardsami Tablesto match. All prices. chair,. Cheaperthan kitchen chairs. lo NEUROTONJO,8/. 6/,' posted0d. extra. Office, Melbourne,
1 dance on that date. THJ R|) CLASS: Front£38 Single,
' Excursion £68 Return. The families In Chester were not equally —BEAUCilAMP'S. — 3ft. Oak Bedsteads dinary
Weigh only 81b. Support 30at, A - boon for Lewla fc O'Donnell,20 Royal Arcade.- . Tenders'; to be.endorsed , "Wood -block flood
Return Tickets to Colombo: can i . go sunday! a ndI
Halls,Guut Houses,Clubs, etc. ing. Commonwealth
j Saloon,£63; Third Glass,£31. under God's cure. What of the cases yyilere Wire, 34/6. 47/6, 00/, 63/; best valur,. Cafes,Hotels, SuppliedBr 10 shadesof waterprooflacquerat
Tito aoovorules are subject to the additionof of unanswered prayer and the situ Downto FlindersSt., oppositeBall and Welch , offering. Wire Mattressesand Beddingat bed all stores. rpHREE-PLY H.IV firsts— 8 x 3.' x 3-lfl, 3/3 '
9 Girl Badly Hurt By Motor-Van exchangeon London. ations where no special . providence (railway side), whereluxuriousscdunjdaraleave i rock prices. X sheet.-.-Wallpaper, . Od iroll. BARGAINS; -:
B ARNOLDW. JOHNSON, B ranch Manager, brings deliverance? for alt beautyspots within a radiusof 60 inilcc i mVE'S UsedFuruituro Burgnltis.—Department! i T ADDERS.Safety, Wire. Bound, Extension BUSINESS AND PARTNERSHIPS D. h J.. EVANS,Cambervvcll.' Tel..Haw. 2831,. . -
BALLAFtAT, Saturday.—-Joan Chap- 366.'Collins St. Melbourne.0.1. Cent. 7801. All airs registeredand pa -L at BourkeStreet,Melbourne, a mj Step, Trestles, e tc. Clum. I I. Kennett,City
9 rnan. 14, « Jeparit school-girl, and a from Melbourne.
"We must allow," says Dr. Steven sengerainsured In accordance with Countrj' 226 ClarendonStreet, SouthMelbourne. 112-116 and Clarke St., S. Melb. M141C,M3810. News agencies for sale.
. PASSENGER SERVICE R<1. < .Buyersare to
9 ?in ' ®ey.v Kills, 12, daughter of' a
JCast draper, were knocked BayFrom (CinMmwtanoM Permitting)
son, "not only for differences of in
sight on the human RoadsBoard Act. Expert and careful drivers, LTD., Furnituri
Consult the'
-Requested POULTRY
9 .Jfaharat the Port Melbourne Station Pier. side, hut .for Travel in. safety and enjoy fhe ride, Can WIIITELEY'H Bedrock PTY.
Prices. ;
«hwn by a motor van ip Sturt Street TOMORROW (SUNDAY). — WEEROONA,difforonces of action on the divine leaveeverySundaybetween1 and 3 p.m. A! 1 TJ" YLANDS.— -Frch Fish. Poultry.and Gam'. :
I last night. 138 GrcvllleStreet,Prahran.. CIRCULATION MANAGERS
10,50a.m.,Queenscliff; and Sorrento. 11YGKJA,sido. There may bo situations In public holidays,10 a.m. to 3 p.m. DOMESTIC HELP Of the ,X-L Town or.Country;The placb-tobuy'or sell
I or some Iiouir Juan's life was de- 10.50a.m., Momlngtcn,DromaiiAand Sorrento. which God lias good reason for some Co. Newspapers Concerned. . ' ' Hylaiifjg;456 FHndenaLanc. Meib.,
f paired ol, as she received 4/; Return, 6 /. A .A.A.—RelianceCleaning — Windows Before a Newt
t dangerous Single, monday.— weeroona, 10.10 a.m.,Queens-There may bo quite
special and unusual action. . Carpets, House Cleaning. Furniture Re UnlessPurchasing this ia done prior toAgency
9 »?' iujurics,«hown but she was reported to- purposes for particular LOST AND FOUND SECONDHAND BOOKS movers.-Richmond.J277G; Haw. 4683. tho transaction i. Printedand Publishedby EDGAR:BvVBAIWe/a:
8 nYi slight improvement. cliffTUESDAY, and Sorrento,
persons which determine special and
. caking place,the tranaferwill not be-approved,.r.of
Cleaned,Alterations and'.Rspaire,' By orderof THE;NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS' -Herald' a3K5-;paUu!«v'Rirtd>C'i|ldv'.,Qrv.Xhft,
8 escaped with shock and TIYOEIA. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY.—-unusual
10.10 a.iti.. Queenscliffand Sorrento. doliverances or OST.— White PomeranianDog. Seenwatch BOOKS.-— Buy or sell them second and--Weekly: .Timex
air I sufferings for log train, Hampton;'Pleasering X.W.0038 COLLEGE hlttid at Hanley's Book Exchange, 7' CARPETS "New Carpelsfor Old." RcversoCarpets , ASSOCIATIONOF MELBOURNE. : officer- corner Fllndcra Street-v iMd,
Fares— Single, 3/0; Return, 4/6. them. God may appear to Uo dis- CharlieGoon,106 HamptonStreet, Hampton. BourkeSt. (DearEasternMarket). Melbourne. 1616 ChapelSt., SoulnY'arra. Win. 8024. ROBERTMYER3,Secretary. Place,Melbouroo. . ..r-

National Library of Australia

— these are our Imrgniiis roi-
Government Gardens
5-: Camp -- — mill we've plenty more Just ns
Newsboys' 1 1" ' '
throughout tlio store.
In pliilu ilsiires.
All muri-l

nunifr-W li«®

Sou Buu4''

HURRYING Lady Somers, wife of the Acting - - -
Governor-General of Australia (right), photographed in Adelaide on her | 6H British Fuji 3-jd.
way to England to visit her sister, Lady Apsley, who was injured in the ; Lri\im, lemon, l(.v, pink. Minimi
I wlm\ fnwn. i ;» v.inl limit.
hunting field. With her arc Captain R. G. Spiers, A.D.C. (left) and Mrs
Ian Hayward, of Glenclg.
. EUROA BLAZE: The main street of Euroa in which five business houses were totally destroyed by ! 2/11 Collar &Cuffs --1/-
fire which broke out at 12.30 this morning. | CHF.VK DK OIIEM-: A SATIN'
J» till 10 o'clock imlv.
CHITJv-U of all "Ilk rrqio tieCollar
.mill. Willi... etc.
3/11 Gloves for - - - 91(1.
Newm''rinI.vIch,in mockmMo -nm-
1<;k. Silk onihrnidorivl—silkpoinln.
4/11 Plated Hose-- 1/41
Mlk eiirfan; from top to tnn — I:,,,",
i wiih lisle tliroilri ft»r \vi»ur o.-i
I nnurnrt. All perfect! Full rauur ...

3/11 Men's Half Hose 10-Jd.

:<>t-aio with unv suit men. .\u
! mt.v.1, perfect. Limit 2 pair-.
I 1/- Fancy Haircord - 8
I Umh nhite aml enl..rc.J"V|H.
j -niall ami large Far was',!,-.-

9/11 New Cardigans 3/11
TEST MATCH IN SYDNEY: W. H. Ponsford, the Victorian batsman, tries to hit a ball to leg but CAMP: Newsbovs from Carlton and Fitzroy leaving the Finely knitted LanlluatH uf puro »
fails to connect. Grant, the West Indies captain, is in the slips. Burrow is the wicket-keeper. A picture Y.M.C.A. building today to go into camp at Shorcham. pocket. Nnn-siR-ingqinlitv. Mij:«
color etfeeta with predominatingco'.ir . i
durifig the Test match between Australia and the West Indies in Sydney. wtr, fawn,pillly, elieriv, roi-e,etc. <,-'.M

19/11 Flannel Coats 7/11

it'rt real nil-wool flannel. Kleeknloil.v:..
Stitched(Miliar. Itched. T,v<ipocket.
19/11 Tweed Coats 10/11
Pure Wool Tw I Coats. Tailor finis!
Itched, Light, fashionabletoning.
4Gn. Marocain Coats 29/11
S.S.W. up t<» o.s.
Clearanceof MimtmirCoats —in silk. 111.0
ram ami silk crepe dc du-ne. »la«k
navy. N'arioiiHutiles, tucked, llun-d. -re
S.S.W., S.W., W., U.S. sixes, All iupcrxn
I'natu, ;t iru. and 4 ifiu quality, for '-".i li
1 O.S. & X.O.S. Frocks - 9/6
ACROSPJRE IV,, Victoria! challengerfor the SeyonerCup—the "AmericaCud" of Aut- Fullest titfllip- n.S. ami X.O.H. i".
trail'! yaohtinfr—
leading the N.S.VV.defender VanessaIn one of the heati last year. IS, fMi hips. Slenderising.hires in l-Tj.-i
The Victorian boat waa left in Sydney wators last year, and with a new mastand riu >i|k ftiji. I lye guaranteed. Limit our.
will contest the Cup again this month.
SYDNEY'S NEW 59/6 Satin Frocks 29/11
Alderman Jackson, A Hack—comprisingfrocks of plain .-ml
who took over the
reins of Civic Govern fancy z-itk maroca' voile ami on-
ment this week. satin. Stylos Include (lures two tier, a-H
Itetjr, draped effectswith bolero and rain
in silk voilt. Mack. nuvv. fawn.iilnum.j.
wine. etc. S.S.W.,S.W., \V. Limit our.

2/6 Nittibo Fuji Silk 1/41

Famous brand reduced. lU-aw-hcW

2/11 Blk. &

Navy Fuji 1/5
AM hi'.k. Heavy weight. Double .|.M

Floral Crepe Chene 4/11'

8 '11 usuallv. til inrli pure silk --rr;
lie chene. Magnificent»hw French«!e»is:.s

8/11 Crepe Back Satin 4/111

5/11 Jersey Bloomers 2/ 6
AH Uesf
perfect: washing elavfa-
Almond, blue, viisc, pink, u till H1..1
12/6 Maids' Frocks - 2/11
A Tni'k. eomprlsiri; Maids' Frocks.
SwissVoiles, Orirantll,Crepelia,and Flnr.i!
Ravon. f/mir sleevesami sleeveless. Srm.
"MISSTAMARA,"a youngRussiantrapexlst, belted(with buckle). All oolorH. ,10on!.
DRUMMAJORSBOTH: Thesmallestand talleit drum majorsat' a
.ANN HARDINGstars A QUIET fOT AMID THE CITY'S ROAR: "The Dell" in who reachedMelbourneIn the Jervlt Gay —Jim Mackenzie,aged two, end A.
in "Holiday." now today. She will appear In an Australian Highlandgathering in Sydney HOLDERS, opposite Meltm Tlieutn\
SUNBATHING AT LORNE: On the beach. Misses E. Adams (left) being screenedat the Government House grounds— a beautiful spot almost within a stone's
Bourke St., C.I.
and V. Steward sunbathing on the beach at Lome. -Plat Theatre. throw of the St. Kilda road. circuit. Graham,exchanginggreetings.


ill 16/11 PURE SILK HOSE-r 12/11 SERVICE HOSE g

Service weicht Dure let? to wclt.Lv
« ,HBSSkiy%/llEERr .
hose, hantl embroidered
HOSE --»/««
E m

fully fashioned inPfu» «nBe oMi AllUVllVC LAKITI A V A T "1% 7<U'
tonins-s. Usually 10/b; SALE PRICE. 4/11 pr. I 1 Ah
w Jfm 1111 IWlWi | A ; .


S SILK BARGAINS! 360 To Wear Hats - - -
Hose Verandah Blinds
Ready 2/11 Ladies' Art. Silk 25/- Striped
Linen - -
S 4/11 30-inch Silk Oddments - Felt, straw and stitched hats,
2S0 prs. for Monday selling. Good /_ Heavy duck blinds for verandah or ££ I m
2/3 3& inch Irish Dress 8
ladies and children's sizes. All present 1 ' m eleepouts. Red, green and brown
season's styles. SHOPPING ARCADE. range of sizes and colors. Art. silk
Size 6ft. x 8ft.. 15/: size 9CL 630 yards genuine Irish dress linen. 4 &
2f»'j yards only! Absolutely gifts! full length over kneo. Every pair guar stripes. weave, for frocks, xa
Range includes tussore. Black fugl. Lf 9 anteed perfect. SHOPPING ARCADE. x Sft.. 21/; size 12Ct. x 8ft.. 27/6. SHOPPING AR seinl-uncruHhable
coats and hangings, fast color. To bo
slightly soiled. Taffetas and satins,' and Straw CADE. >
crepe de cbene. NO MAIL ORDERS. 8/11 Visca & Marl Hats 4/11 "Prestige" Art. Silk Hose had in . Red, Cherry. Mauve only. 12. yards Umlt to
each customer. SALE PRICE, ild.
& Chiffons Newest summer ready-to-wear mil- Turkish Towelling Ends from ,
8/11 36-in. Plain Silk Georgettes linery. Everv fashionable shade in lat- A/ A B 193 prs. of .superior artidcial silk I
est shapes. SHOPPING ARCADE. mW hoSe. Prestige and perfection rnanufac- Mill ends of Turkish towelling. Odd 4m 1/11 36 inch British Patriotex o
W Wonderful range of all pure «illt f /f f turers. Newest shades.
georgettes, of perfect quality and »:olor- Every pair pieces of roller towelling much be)ow
S perfect. SHOPPING ARCADE. regular prices. Short pieces for faco One. of England's best productions, /D w
ing. including Salmon, lio&.
Green. Mauve, Flame. Peacock, etc.
.3/11 Voile and Zephyr Frocks washers, tea towels, etc., 2d. Larger pieces for bath every yard guaranteed replaced
fades or fails to give satisfactory wear.
If -JL 5d
ft towels, roller towels, etc'., 6d., 1/ and 1/6. SHOPPING
Pretty frocks for summer wear, for f 1/11 China Tea Pots Clood range of shades. UnsurpnHsed for Frocks, Coats,
« 10/11 36-in. Silk Crepe de Chene beach or moihing, in new sleeveless
styles. SHOPPING ARCADE. White china tea pots with newest I m
Coverings, Curtains and children's wear. %
;> Genuinely reduced. Secure a dress A
length from Uils range of seasonable
floral and colored band round top. and 2/6 Christy's Bath Towels - - -
1/11 36 inch SUky Chenes
- - -
Useful size and attractive
/j fabrics. Good assortment of Avanted 7/6 Fadeless Catnbric Frocks - gold lines.
turkish towels for bath and
beach use. Colored and white. Limited I Newest designs, in a nice-soft silky
colors to choose from. 1 chene finish. / w2
Smart washing frocks. quantity for Monday only,
Potter's fade-
18-Piece Tea Sets - - - - -
£c. 18/11 36in Stehli Crepe de Chene less anil tub-fast cambrics.
made summer styles. SHOPPING AR-
In well- B
CO Remarkable reductions, all pure silk CADE
Hand-painted lustre finish tea sets,
comprising G cups. Gsaucers and Gdes- I 4B 3/6 Blanket Wrappers - - - - -
1/3, 1/- 36-in., 29-in. Cotton Materials
Q crepe de chenes and crepe satin eaeri- 9/ BL sort plates. SHOPPING ARCADE. Jr» Gnbleached shoetlne. lengths of -i. A Table comprising of very useful ma- 03
flced! Range of newest designs and / m. tcrlals, suoli as lloral lingerie, crepe W
0 On Saxe. Pinks. Red, Green.- Fawn grounds, 3/6 Locknit Vests & Bloomers and Kid Shoes yurds by 54 inches. Useful ,£or single A/ overall cloth, British cotton fugi. nur-
etc. 21/ Satin Strap bed sheets. Limit of 6 to each custo-
sery cambric, black mervine, muslin, etc. "?
Jersey cloth .in non-run knit. All t a
sizes and colors in both vests and I Oddments in ladies' good quality
« 8/11 36in. Coatings, Spun Silks bloomers. A JL shoes, including Paragon and Parker 4/
Verandah 12/11 60-inch Wool Suiting
- «
H Colored Broche. black coatings, shoes. Satin, Kid and Suede, and bro-
72 inch White Duck
I u cade for day and evening ARCADE. All-wool, nice medium weight, good A I 2
H drawn thread spun «ilk of esrcsptlonally Bloomers duck -for ,,,verandah ' IA fine weave, for tailored costumes and
M good value. Ideal for summer frocks 2/6 Fugi and Jersey - - -
Heavy weight
blinds, sleepouts, motor "covjers,' etc. H /
coats, frocks, skirts; newest tonlngs to
II q
W and coats etc. I 15/6 Enamel Ankle Strap Shoes
silk and llsjo jersey knit and British i English manufacture. Usually 2/11. « select from: Lomon, Grey, Blue, Lime, Fawn, etc.
Ladies' black enamel shoes in m SHOPPING ARCADE.
4/11 30in. Fancy Shantung Silks fugi de luxo bloomers. S."W. and "W. Jl / fashionable shapes. Sizes 2 to 0. Me- I M 2/3 36 inch Floral >
Limit 2 pairs to each customer. SHOP
dlum heels. SHOPPING ARCADE. 21/-
Dimity 1/11
Shantung silk at extra even weave, 4 I 4g PING ARCADE. White Verandah Blinds -
White, colored grounds.
pure silk, featuring spot and serviceable
2- floral designs. Idcul for
3/11 Drill Blouses TOYS ! Half Marked Prices White duck verandahblinds, size 6ft. I 1/11 36in. Printed Batiste 1/6 o
ft washing frock. Boys' Striped Hundreds of toys to be cleared at half price. Yachts,
x 8ft. drop, 12/6. All fittings of best 1 I Wm
quality. Straps, pulleys, cords, timber, Guaranteed washing.
12/11 38 inch Chiffons - - - .Very strong drill blouses! All sizes I 4 Indian costumes, carpenters' tools, wooden motor cars
« Silk Half price for Monday. White, and lino / g R and other wooden toys, big dolls, building blocks, fur etc., included, also
Sft. x 8£t.f 17/6; 12ft.- x 8ft.. 22/6-
2/11 38in. Floral Voile - 1/11 S
colored stripes. SHOPPING AltCADii. toys, large wheelbarrows, trains, etc.
;> Defilgnii exclusive to Georges in the M / Fergusons, and Potters
S all-sillc new patterned »chiffon mousse Ml Grafton,
. J,
> w
line feature both large and small de-
evening of seml-evenlng
All Wool Blazer Flannel 4/9 s
j H
sign. Idea) for bridesmaid'
SEE HUGE BARGAIN LIST ON PAGE 23 Only takes 13 to mako full size blazer. .

National Library of Australia

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