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VOLUME 23, No. 27

P S C Approval £ IOriginality Displayed . • IUnderpass Survey

Rotary Leader IBurgess Hall Orders
W ay Cleared lOr . . · ed p e I at Cub Pack EXhIbIt/
n --
lcates ro
I P Cleanup of Health

of Rock1and Avee Brl ge rOJect The Cubs ?f Narbel:th gat~-

ered last FI'lday evenmg with thell'
to Grades 3 and Fire Hazards

,--- I' b I
parents at the Legion Room for the w'n
IDepartment Executives Ordered
Amicable Agreement ReachedlYoUllg Repub Icans . I e . second annual Hobby Show. While Elevation Variances Being Tak-
Among Township, Borough Guests at CounCIl Meeting not so many as last year competed, en III Center Part of to Keep Stl'ict Watch
and Railroad . -.-- . ' the exhibits showed more originality. on Alleys
___ I loung RepublIcans of the to\\inslnp The judges were Burns F. Best, prin- Borough
TO COST ABOUT $7000.00 II and borough will be the ,I!uests of cipal of ~ynnewood School, and CONSIDER NEW STATION MILK BILL IS OPPOSED
, honor at the luncheon meetJIIg' of the Clark L. 1\lIlIcr of the Wynnewood
A clear ca~e for the necessIty of Lower ,ellon- aJ )1'1'
.I i l\1 " N'I th C l c'l of Scout Troop Committee and pdzes
0 In I ' A l l ele\'atl'oll all<1 tOI1ogl'alllll'cal I BU1''''ess JOll11 R. Hall has ordered
. .
wHll'nmg the Rockland avenUl' raIl-I RepublIcan
. ',W
om~n \\'1 llC . I ·'11 1 ' I 'II were awarded as follows:
1 \\1 le 1(' l . ' survey is being made in Narberth to I ,.,
a clean-up of rubbish and refuse in
road brid"',e I
,., to insure the safe.t.. .• of Tuesday at Erskll1e. Hall,'. Have,'rfo,r,d.. CollectlOns:
, F"~"I.'st,,
, Ra111h T Hoyle_, B determine the feasibility of a vehicu- It l lebuSll1ess
' ) . . 0 f N ar b ert I1.
children ming the span, was laId be-I The gUI'st speakeI' \\ III be ~h s. buttons and badge" s~cond, om" ut lar tunnel under the Pennsylvania I .. I dId
fore the Public Sen'ice Commission: James E. Hollingsworth, of New)' ork leI', match covers; thll'd, Fred h.ueb- In a etter .lomt y a cressI' to
Railroad, connectin"', the north and Geol'''' B SUlllee 11ealt)l officer' and
\Yednesdav. , City, who will talk on "Getting
I EI t' Ready l' leI', pennants. south sides of the borough at Essex '" ,.,1' " ,
Charles V. Noel, fil'e chief, the bur- ,

1'\0 0IIIlosition was rp"'istered ,., Ifrom I for the Congressiona ec IOns 0 Handicraft: First, Henry Frye, avenue. g-ess ]lointed out that the condition at
anyone attending the hearing hpld in! l!J:lH.".
Philadelllhia Cit',' Hall 1wfore Russell I 1\lrs. WarWIck Potter, COUll~ll chair; third, Frank CortrIght, wood-
. boat; second, Paul 1\1:Json.' desl, and I b h I f d d h
Wolfe, of Strafford, examiner for the chairman 0 ~oung cpu. Icans, WI burning.
I f v R bl II
Considerable of an engineering jo
is indicated for the proposed under-I
t e rear of severa
,stores along" Haverford avenue con-
00 an ot er

State P, S. C. be the hostess and present the speaker.

Preceding- the luncheon, a panel, I B'1l S 'I,
Originality: First, Ralph Viguers pass in the preliminary work done by
t ~I ." " I the surveyors under the direction of WILLIAM HOL1\IES DURBIN
I stitutes a menace to both health and
safety from fire.
Among those giving testimony w e r e " . . I' . .'11 <In( 1 ~ n~ e cr, puppe ,10\\, SlCOn(, Frell \V. G. Peck. There is a dif- The letter w"as react at Tuesday
Clarence Eo Hall, pH'sident of the! - ,.
'dl~cu~-lOn of pendmg ej!lsJatlOn WI
1\1 ' ' H ' '
I J k ill Q .
L ' ac ' 1 c ulston, e )'('SS1l1g <I e,
I" t' bl . th'rd
I 'ference of six feet in the elevations
lJre,.idcllt-clcr! of the Bala-CUII-
j night's meet ing- of the Narberth
I be' conducted by , IS. ellnan . 11 'J '\' Fr"e match covel' (IP 'ig'n~ wyd-Nm·Z,e?·th Rota ry CluZ,.
, •
l\!erion CIVIC AssocwtlOn winch nas
" . ,
I '.
Schwartz LegIS atlve c lalrman.
I' I' ' ( n. J' ,s ,. of tIle t\VO sl'lles at Essex ,avenue, tlJ{' H<'alth Board, to"'cther wit h copies of
sponsored the Illllll'ovelllent; Lower;' , After the awards a reel of film n01ih having 18 feet clearance and letters ~ent to seyeral of the offending
Merion's township eni!inec'r Walter E. W showing' the opcration of a Cub Pack the south 12 feet, and also North Durbin and Staley business firms by the health officer.
Ro~eng-arten and superint<'ndent of Work Anlong omen with Dens and Den l\Iothers was Essex and South Essex ayenues an' The hoard, with Daniel Leitch,
schools S. Edg-ar Downs; Narberth's p. T ld CI b shown to the great delight of the boys. not in a line with each other. Will Head Rotary' presidenf, presiding, and with 1\Irs.
superintendent of public works .Geol'ge . rlSOnerS 0 U , : Leland Gibbs, . district chail'man . of • tl le pom
.....t . t , a Iso, tllerc are th ree Romaine C . Hoffman and 1\Irs. Eliza-
B. Suplee; Pennsylvania RaIlroad s --- i the Sons of the Amel'lcan LeglOn and different grades encountcred Hayer-I S d T R beth \VilJiaJw', mcmbers, attending,
engineer S. A. Sloan, of Cvnwyd; • '.
1\'1 H • D • JUI11 I) Descrl'bes Re - I, Ralph Campbell, past commander ofI iI fOJ'() avenue sIo]lmg
LV rs.
'. t 0 tl'le sou 'tl 1, E• s- ecretary an reasurer e- went on reeor(1 in ollposition to the
Merion residpnts, Dr. anc! l\Irs. LoUIS I b'I" f I I the Bullock-Sandcrson Post of Arc -I t tllC t I I tl '1 Elected: Club Hears of Hpyhurn l\!ilk Control Bill now being
Scheffev, , !>Irs.' Walter Tait, Geor"'e ,., 1a I Tltatlon I 0 . nmates . at 'n1Pre, oJ1erated the camera, sex lav~l~ue
i'ro'J( l'Ismg to0 tlle wes' cas t anTeIle 1C~Ul'\'eY raJ .. Canada
Gold MI'nes considered in Harrisburg. The bill
Pettinos Jr.. anti :\11'. anc! 1\lrs. NeI- nstltutlollS I. ' . ' " I' --- is held to jeopardize both home rule
son BI Imgton.
'1 .' '
- - - .
b f tl e FIeld Fu"es Endanger
. , meludes the entire center of N arbcrt 1
Ibounded bv Narberth Wind~or 'md
I Bala-CYnwwl-Narberth Rotarians on and estahli~h('d health standards iA
. l\Irs. . ., ump, melll el' 0 1 ' , ,,,' ". . .
Photographs as well as oral testl-
Board of l\10vamen~mg ant
" I H I
0 mes-
Homes Tax Apparatus. NOlih \Vvnnewood aYenue~
,. , . "
I ,
E'lst Tue~daY chose WIlham H. Durb1l1 as the Stall'.
' . .'. . n
mony W('J'(' JJ1troc!uceel. . . tl k t tl --- : \Vynnewood road 'md Chestnut 'n-'- then' tlllrtL'enth Ill'esllient. 1'. R. 1\1, 1\1}', Sup](o(' reported that during
. 'f . burg- Pl'1sons, was le spea er a le .
A tentatIve allocation 0 costs 111- . f J \\7 '. C 't Numerous small blaz<'s 111 the East-' nul'
I • ' L ,
II Stal<'y was elected vice-presIdent, . .
:i\larch tlWI'(' were seyen new cases 0
clude~:, ,
. .
For wHll'nJJ1g a pproaclll's an(
. ..
! nll'etmg' 0 t le
'. ". b tl
Clnb of "ar er 1 on ues( av a er-,
omen s ommun1 y
l' ! ft ern Main Line are taxing fire-fig-hting . D t
' :
d t
a a an a opograpllca map an'
I' I I .
wlnle re-eleeted were Dr. F. 1\1. Purse, scarlet fe\"(:r, two of German measles
blllld1J1g a rt'ta1J1l11g wall-Lower . Iequipment to the limit Penn \Vvnne's, tIt b I f tl P II' secretary, and Hervev C. Keml, anc! two of chickell pox in the bor-
" erIOn, '. ~D ; ., ar Jeft 1. ,~_DoJ.
"'-(l ,. ] I "l'Y" I'
• or
noon. . companv is hardest hit with two pIeces' I ' . . . : expel' e( 0 e rea(
C· . VOl' 1C U1 I
. t I' treasurer.C " oU,l!·h. Two cases 0f scarlet f eyer anf1
b til
']1'(lIlg lootw,l~
.. ... on 1,1111 "I'"g(, ~_.)
"""()() , :\11'-
" " JUI11Il,. who IS tlw only . women
' I
i out of ' . .
commISSIon, whde ,.
In Narberth' : mlll'O\ements
b B ' J! oml1llttee
R H'II I apP01J1
d I f l'(' Chosen for the .
Board of DIrectors one of Gerl11un nll'asles were released
ant I II "I oc...It Ing ' . "1 .. 1 .' .. ' ~'Jo)OO , on till' board ' gave an mtel'e~tll1gl
0\ II lCa( \\ III s. " -- " ,one of the trucks . . ' y Ulgess
IS underg01l1g re- lB' I C 0111 '1 , 'Ia tan 1\1. I a so 01 "
1 are Eugene H. DaVIS Dr. RIchard C.
p. ' J " , account of her work among \\ omen 111' ' 01 oug 1 ouncl a IOU a~. - ,
b ot 11 t 0 b e b ol'n<' b ~' t h e el ,IS~ v,lIlla . ' .' pairs. ! 'I " I 'd ' I b tl Mears and \V. James Drennen, incum- W. Mallayunk Homes Menace
R' 'I . , 1 C ' I'l'Isons and the vunous changes fOJ: i Among ot lei plases consl el e( y le. . . '
al 10.\( . ompan~. 1 b 'tt ' , t f nditions for I Also uncut wee,<Is aJ1(1 dried grass committee is the possible necessity of hent 1J1'e~J(lent, whom Durbm Will suc- I to Life. Speaker Declares
Accordmg' , to :llr.
,.' ',' Sloan. about two t 1l'
. _ womc'n lrisoners. e elmen 0 co . . , , '
Ion Yacant lots, pal tlcula1l~ III Penn i a redeslg'n of the Narberth raIlroad cee Ju ~. " . . . d 1'1 All I ffi"
t le 0 cels arc 1 al- N '
months would be flfjuHtcl fo~ the T~I1 I I : Valley and Cynwyd Estates sections,: station. I berth men except DI·. :Mears, whose Housing- conditions in a section of
road'~ part of tl1l' work dU)'Jng' whIch .t' t a t re'i I 'n e~: '
time it would be neCl'ssary to :Jave the came about gradually as it took herl:\le a co.n~?n men,.e~ 0
Shc also stated that these c langes;, . ofiice is in Bala
'fie ( c "I :\11'. Peck's corps is also working' on '. . ., \Vest :\Ianayunk south of Green lane
bridge closc·d. TIll' ~pan
IS usc'll each a long- tinll'
- . ' , I 1111 the V]ClllltV, accoldlllg to rcnlCn.
to convmce the ofllcm S i f i ' II I I . I :two
1\1 t
'on gomel~'
. Ct. t
oun ~
I opogl
.. I
,lp 1-
PresHlent-elect Durbm IS a Nar- were lJcoelarpr! dangerous to the health
' .
. . . . I . I Local re ca s reS]lOIH e( to In t le;. I . t d ' tl _ .. Iberth counclhnan and realt\· a"ent and lives of occupants by \V. Kincaid
weekday by cJllldl'en attending' the tInt pl'l~oners should be OCCUpICC 111
. . '. . ' . II . I last wee" were:
k Ica proJee s un e1 I '
le superVlslOn
: f F' k ' S I' f · f N 'b' ,tl while the vice-president Dr. Staley Newman in a speech before the Mont-
. '" ,
•1\1el'lon Public Schoo!. . '~onll' ,-01'\ 01 . work, 'as we as to . ll1ve By N ar b crt I1 F' • Ire Companv: .....' pl'l'1 i 0 'ran ...... c Hep el, , 0 ' al.' ( l •1,t is a veterinarian " ,,'omprv County Leag'ue of \Vomen
This Friday c'\'ening a meetmg of t:!l"l11 'md falrlv bnght surrouncllngs. . P BI' I ..., l ' professor of landscape eng-1I1eellng ,1 , . . '" '. .
. , , . " '. I 2, 3.50 . 1\1., j;rass on ac ( 10(.. ,,: tl U· 't f PI" II A d' . f leI II . Voters l\londay.
township and borough officwls will be She declared that kmdness and wor, " ', , ' " , : 1C 11IyerSl yo' ennsy \ aJ1la, am Iscusslon 0 go mm 19 III
. ' . 10,lll, Glad\\\ne. ApIII 3, - P. 1\1., 'b d' t' f tl t· ., C d' ' ·V bef re tIle 11' 1 ~ewmall, a n'Ilresentative of the
held JIJ Narbprth CounCIl Chambers have donc much for the JIlmates. . : . I Y Irec ,lOll 0 le coun ~ coml1nSSlOn- ana a was gl en 0 n n-
to detl'rmme an eqUItable (I\'ISlOn of
. j' . .
Using contributions of moncy, she: loac
field, Fan'Vlew road near Sumnllt I
' . I P enn V'II" 5 90 P 1\1 fi II ,ers.
I I'
leiS a
t th 0
'br k G If Clu] I v PenmyJvania Housing and Town Plan-
a e\, _ . • ., e ( 'I 1\1 P k I I I I IE' E II ... f N b i I ' ) I, ning COll1mi~~ion, spol", at the annual
vel 00 0
costs bptwel-n Lower ;\Ierion alld ~ar- ,'t.] I'-h 'd Occul1ation'11 Theral)" in. ,1'. ec' a so las preparel Jl ans ~. ...... nge lalc, 0
berth. Borough Council thu;.; far has. the Holmp-bur'" PI' i-on
l' ,I 1 J. l "
She 'l1so in- i
(jDG Beacom lane l\lel'lon
I fi I S"
.' .
P ' fOJ' tIl<' regToupmg of the Coml11u11lt y gIlleel' emp oyel 111
I' . I)'
ar ell, an en-
D .. ,
oml11lOn s n ee n~
1 tl' '" Ill'](l ." '111101'1"1 11111 Con~ho
", ..... , , --
, _ I ,I'...'·'" , .1.40 P. 1\., elc,. Umllllt avenue, enn I \\. "I . I . f tl H ' . hocl'en.
(mly authorIzed ~:)(I0 as t •le , town s i \'ited an~' of tJl(> membprs to visit Ii \T,a II' 1'\. ,,'1
•.... pIl 7 1
, . I 4~ P • 1\~,., 1C l,f' 'II! 'ar~.
II D C' emona k, a proJectPt' 0 le. al-1 I mmes. .'t tIle 111(11'111'11'" .-esSI·oll :\Irs. For-rest
share of thc proj('l't and It• lS con- I i thl'''l' Ilri-on~• • Partie~ of -ix will be i S umnnt . . an() F" •mrvICW P enn \T a II e v 10·(' . . ",pea I "man I os, ..... n1('1'1 can "Canada," he said, "has.D5.pel' cent.... L. Gager, of ,..Springfield, .. Chestnut
(lne-fou~,th b~'
'" . . '

tcnded that . only I' ahout l' . I' tl of i conducted through them appoint-! "
45 P 1\1 r'"
• 1 ., gl ass a
t' 401 \V II""
OO( line 'Leg'lOn, Nar 1ert 1. of the. deep-seated I . goldI) vems . m North
. $1" Hill, was ell'cted county president to
t I1(' terl'ltory at eCll'1 IS WIt lIn '1'le Iment. I.,,l'>enue., N'b'aJ ell. il A pll.'1 8 1"- 05 ...... • T A S d G I l Amel'lca an( Its go ( output IS ' - succc,pd :\lrs. 'Y. :'1. Gehmann, Jr., of
borough limits, Boroug I1 CI ounc] I~ II ."no • tIl e I' s'Il"'ll'el'
,", , \V'IS
'.,,, 1\li" Joan; l\~
'B., l ar er 1
N' b tl St t' I
a)(ln]l a orm; no t ' f ' Final P. . , tu y roup 4t 1 pel' capita, as compared , Ctoy 50n cents
expectpd t? act fu.rthpr 0~1 t 1C ~latter Wollaston, of Ardmore, who spoke on' damage. The final meeting' of the Paren.t- Iwr capita in the United States." :\Ir~. Gehmann was elected first vice-
I\!onday l1Ig-ht at It~,' Ap,nl ~eSSlOn. behalf of the United Campaign, which Education class of the P. T. A. wIll Dr. Theodore J. Grayson, of Rose-
• I t t 1 th I f f fi I jlresident; 1\lrf'. W. E. Wirebach, sec-
:.... I~lOng- t. Ie partl~s In en's e( . e opcned Tuesday. be held \Vednesday at 10.30 A. ::\1. in mont, pro essor 0 n~ncc at t le
clllet questIOn now JO', how ~oon wII! I .I "Heads-Up Baseball" Picture the American Legion room of the COl1J- Wharton School, spoke m behalf of ond \,ice-pre8ident; ::\11'5. n
Jessie Royer
the P. S. C, give . . ofhCIa
Its .. I O. I'... to TI.' Irs. RalIlh C,. Heath,
. t le IlreSH~Icnt at N ar b ert h M •E • Tonlg . h t munitv Building', i During the veal' " W(' the UnIted CampaIgn.
~, .tlll'l,(1 . \'I'Cl'
L, -IlI· sl·(lellt· 1\ll'S H
, ••
' f 1 1 I I of the club pal(l a tnbute to ,.rs. . ' . . ' . \V. Po~t, of \\'ynnewood, secretary,
the work. I t IS e t t lUt some ((> ay .' b I I :\1' have studied and discussed the JIlfiu- Appomtment of two comnnttees was .
will be occa~ioned by the l'('cent ap- LucretIa Blanken urg am a EO • rs. Arrangel1ll'nts have bepn made to ences of health, safcty, efficiency and announced by President Drennen, : and 1\lrs. Ha1'l'Y :\laxwell, of Menon,
jJointml'nt of an entin' new I!:roup of JumjJ. , show the new American League Talk- recreation on "Home and COl1Jmunity The first, consisting- of Guy Croyle, I treasurer. ,
cOlllmissioners and subsequent change Two .new members of the club are! ing Film, "Heads-up Baseball," in the Life." "Radio as a Source of HOl1JP Dr. Staley and Dr. Purse, will draw I, Among nll'llltll'r~ of tile Lower 1\
in office personnel. :\Irs. LlIJdley Trotter and !'III'S. \~r. J'i Narberth :\1. E. Church, on Essex ave- and Community Education" is the sub- up a letter of sympathy to 1\lrs. Ezra i IOn Lpag'uc' who attended the meetmg
Othc'rs attc'nding the hc'aring in- :\Iulholland. ::\Irs: W. E. G. 1\hll~r, i nue, Xarberth, this Friday evening, ject selected for the final meeting of S. Deubler, whose husband, a member', w~re I\! 1'''. GC'!llnann, ~Irs. Thomas
cluded thn'e solicitors: EarJco Hl'p- a~slstant art chaIrman.. gave. an I.n- at H.15 P. 1\1. the school year. and past president of the club, died, 1\1111", :\Irs. Ch,:rles II!. 1hompson, Jr.,
burn, :\Ierion Ch'ic As~ociation; tl'n'stmg talk on the C.ll'culatm!? PI~- This outstanding' film on baseball is 1\Irs. \V. Grier Briner will conduct! last week. I :\lrs. Frallk C. SmIth, l\lrs. H. C.
Hel1l'~' A. Frye, Xarb('rth Borough; tun- fron~.the Art AI!lance whIch IS being- presented throup:h the courte:::y the meeting. A social hour will fOJ-1 The second, consisting- of Dr. Bar- I :\Iaxwell., Mrs. P. \V. Knauf, 1\Irs. J.
Jaml's ;\1. Brittain. Lowl'r 1\!C'rion by Paul (,111, of W~'nnewood. of thl' Philadelphia Athletics and lo-! low the meeting, when tea will he clay L, Jones and Davis, will make a; Alden TIfft. :'Ir.s. Robert \Vetheral~,
Township. and William II. Durbin, The Literature Group, 1\lrs. E. A., cal fans are fortunate in having an! sen'ed by the group hostess, ::'Ill'S. Les- I sun'(>y of th(' nc'eds of the community '2111'S. Hl'l'])('rt 1\1111(')', Mr~. A, C. Frel-
Public Safety chairman and I1ll'mbl'r Jamieson, chairman, announced that: oportunity to learn more about the'lie l\Ioxon. fOI' industl'ial training' for young peo- ~ hofel' and :\11'''. James GIlmore.
of the Narberth Hig-hway COlllmittee. the Ill'Xt meeting would be on Tuesday I gn'at national pastime by watching pIe. I
at the home of :\1rs. Edward H. He~'- the ~tars of the Ameriean League 11er - Schrcpfer Not a Can d i d atc : Narbcrth Fire Company
Mulieres to Close Season mann, on Shil'1ey road. :\lrs. William form for them on the screen. Political rumors (always g-ood for Child Stud)' Group Formed Fills Directorate Vacancies
II. ;\Iuller will be the co-hostess and headlines on a dull day) that Frank The Junior \Vomen's Community
With Meeting and Party
:\1 rs. J. S. Ehrichson will review tile, Main Line Baseball League A. Schrepfer would be a candidate for Club of Narberth organized a Child At th(> Bourd of Directors' mecting
w 'I u I'len's 0 f t Ill' ",~ar 1IeI' tl1 F'
" 'Ire "Turbulent Penderales" by a Phil a- 'I WI'II I l1C IU d e T en CI u b S borough councilman this fal!, jlossibl~' Study Group on 1\1 . onl Iay evenmg ' at: 0 f tl le ,. "arIIeI' tl I F'H'e C ompany 1\1 on-
ompany WI 'II 110 II ( t IJell'
. Ias,t I '
IUSIIless dellihia writer. 'I on the Democratic ticket, have been t IIe Ilon](> () f 1\1 1 rs. FIG 'rc( ,ray, c I '
1Ulrman . I
I (ay .
e\"('nmg, J ames P urse reslgne 'd
meding' of tIll' s.~ason ill Elm Hall on The fellowship luncheon and card' Rather than disappoint the fans of scotched. of c'ducation. There were fifteen' from the Housc' COillmitke and Harry
Monday at 2 P.;\1. All n]('mbc'rs an' part~· will be Ill'ld at the home of 1\lrs. two communities, officers and man- In a volunteered statement 1\11'. membprs pn'sent. 1\Irs. Samuel 1\lc-! Holhll' was appointee! to fill his place
urgeel to be present. Verna R. Woodcock, 1128 .illontgolJ1- agel'S of the Main Line Baseball Schrejlfer said: Cartney gave an inten'sting' talk on' as chairman. Oth('r members of the
On W('dnesda~' at 12.:W. in Elm ('I'y avenue, next Thursday. League bave reversed their decision i "I will not be a candidate for Nar- child psychology. This group will: committee arc \Villiam S. Howard
Hall, the 1\Iulieres will givc their Jast ;\lrs. HalTiet Heath and ::'Ilrs. 1\lary to keep the circuit at eight clubs, and, 1berth councilman this fall. In par- meet e\'ery month, with the next meet·' and :\lrs. Ebl'rhardt 1\Iueller.
card party of the season for tlw I)('n('- :\Iilll'r werc' at the table. 1\Irs. F. C. in a week-end ballot by telephone, ticular, I will not be a candidate on ing at the home of 1\lrs. Monroe Pur"e,: Gold ml'elal~ \\'('n' awarded to Vin-
fit of the Fellow~hiJl Work in the club. Stiefel was the hoste"s. have voted in two more teams. the Democratic ticket." Narberth Hall, May 3. cent Cunning-ham, newl~' elected as-
Mrs. Charl<'s L. Viguers, Jr., and 1\lrs. The next meeting- will be held on The newcomers are the Twin-Bol'O sistant firl' chief, aIHI to George Gil-
Stanley Haigh are the chairmcn of April 20 when the election of oflicers I nine, representing Royersford am! !<ospil'. also assistant. fire chief, in
the committee planning' the affair, and \\'ill take place. I Spring' City, and a Pottstown team. M ulieres Outdo Previous E florts r('cog'nitilln IIf thl'ir service to the com-
those assisting' are 2111'0'. E. B. HnsI,ins.
1\Irs. l\!an- 1\1 iller, :III'S. Edith Gilpin,
Mrs.•Toh;l L. :'Iinick. :\Irs. Wil.!i:lIll
I Notes of County Federation
The l\lontgon1l'ry County Vocal En-! Twi.n-Boro,
The season will open May 22, as
'~cheduled, with these teams:
PottstOW~I, Coatesville,
I n p roVted·tng DelOtg httJ UJJ.I Banquet' ll1ember~ l'any.
Thl'l'(' of th., fire compan~"s active
attelldl'd the meeting.
1\lulholland, !'lIrE. Frank C. Stlcf"l, semh!<o. IIndel' thc direction of IIeh,n' Dowlllngtown ancl Paoh.
1\Irs. Nelson C, Rowley, 1\IrE'. La\\'- Riddell Holcomb, will meet at the ~l'\\" Xarberth, Gladwyne, Brooldine. Each Yl'ar the l\Iulieres of the Nar-' Daniel l\lcGarry, Joseph Bark('r, Vin- Food Laws to bc Discussed
rence Altl'nllls, 1\1rs. Charles Haist. Cl'ntury Guild, 1307 Locust strcet,: UPIW}' Darby and 1\Iedia A. A. 'Ilerth Fire Company try to improve Cl'nt Cunning-ham and Richard :\lc- Th(, :\11·rilill bralldl IIf the League of
Mrs. E, H. Cockrill and :;'III'S. C. C. April 1:), at 11 A. 1\1. I Waltel' E. HanleY, Paoli, is presi- on theil' previous banquet to the COlll- Dcvitt. Charles Young' \\'on thl' prize \Vomen Vllt('r;-; will nll'et at :3 o'clock
Tyson. Prizl's for l'a('h tab!<o. Rl's- }ll1ntg-onH'r~' County Federation's: dl'nt, and Charles Harnden, Penn pany's active members and officers, fo}' retired ml'mbers. \Vednesday aftl'rnlllill at the home of
ervations nUI~' be madl' with any melll- Illl'l'ting- at Red Hill, as gUl'sts of the I \"all('y, is secretary of the league. and E'omehow every year the Iadics Stellar honors of the evening were .illrs. A. C. Goldsmith, 11:,n i\lontgom-
bel' of the eommittl'l'. Pl'rkilln](>n ValIPy \\'olllen's Club, will I succeed in their attcmpt. shared by the Keystone Quartet of the c'ry aVPlIlw. Narbcrth. iIIrs. Arthur
hl' April Iii at 10.15 A. 1\1. to last all Formcr Political Leader Surjlrisl's at last Thursday eve- Pennsylvania Railroad with their har- B. Gabel and :\Irs. J. Bruce Byall will
Penn Wynne Wins Title, day. :\h'mbl'rs will bring box lunches.! Suffers Second Stl'oke ning's affair included the announce- monious and robust numbers and Dr. he the as"isting' hostc~scs.
i ment that gold medals \\'ould he Barnes, \\'ho talkcd on art, Narbel'th, Tlwrl' will bl' a (Ii~cussi()n on food
Beats Boro Third Time
LUlher Lcague to Give Play Charll-s Johnson, fOl'llH.'I· Rl'publiean 'awar(led to Vincent Cunningham ane! :\l<-riOIl and fircmen in Dr. Bal'lH'S' laws and I"g'islatioll by tilt' following
The Scnior Luther L<'ag'ue of tbe' leadel' of ::\llIlltgomer~' Count~·, suf- ~ George Gillespie in recognition of their o\\'n particular styll'. members of thl' 1l'ag'lle: :\Irs. J. B.
J iIII lIen(lerHln's 1"l'nl1 \\' ynl1e fi\'e Wells, .illl's. Rol}('rt \Vdhcl'ald, iIIrs.
WOI1 the :.\Iaill Line Bask ..~tball League HIII~- Trinity Lutheran Church, Nar-; fl'rl·d anotlll'r slight st roke alH) hl',11't ,llIllg servicc as firemen. A baskd of A stilTing' address Oll Anll'rican
E. Holt Eliason, :\Irs. Henl'Y \Y. Post,
champiollShiII 1\londay nig'ht at lIa\'- hl'l'th, will give "Pulling the Curtain,'" attack at hi:; home in Plymouth Town-: fruit \\',IS IJl'('Sent('d to the pl'l'sident. pl'ineil'h's \\'as g'h'en by Congressman
a thrce-act comedy, on April 2D and ship Saturday nig'ht. His condition TL'istan R. du1\larais, and hnme-hakcd .J. William Ditter and othcl' speakt,rs :\h·~. Jallll's Gilmore allli ~Ir". \Valter
t'rford College, when tlj('~· beat Nar-
berth for tIll' third time in the 1'layotl' 30, The cast includes many who ]Jar- was l'L'porfl'd a" still critical. pies to Dr. Albert C. Barnes, head of included Peter C. Hess, township H. O'SulliYan.
for circuit laUl'els, 4D-·12. ticipated in last year's successful ]Jro- On \Vl'dJlc'sday Iw was admit ted to the Barnes Foundation in Merion, and t reaSUI'er, and Ross Davis, chief of
Th(, Browllil's and Troop ·[7 in-
Penn \\'ynne manaJ!.'cd to pile up a duct ion, "The Village Choir." the l\Iontgomery Hn"pital in Norris- to John H. Jdl'erie:", Jr., the toast- the Philadelphia Fire Bureau.
Dwight illackell and Sam l\IcCart-: town. master. 'fables \\,('re decorated with bowls Yite all t!)(' Girl Scouts and their
13-D lead in the first fjunrter aIHI kept
friends to a l110yie party to be
increasing' it until the final period ney, who scintillated in Lower 1\1er-1 1\11'. Johnson retired from active Prizes for the actiYe members were of tulips, red candles and place fa-
when both teams scored seven points ~on plays, hav? leading roles in "Pull~ II pol~tics following his first stroke, \\'on by \Villial~l Bailey, Emest Bou- Vol'S, while shrubs and ferns on the, giwn thi" Friday eYcning at 7
apiece. JIlg' the CUI'tam." whIch occurred August 31, 1934. lay, Joel Rublcam, Guy Mosteller, Continued on Pagt Four I P. 1\1. in the scout room.
',j,:~~~,-.o;~f:-r~I"~' .(!:<,..;.. .. "',..\.'t.>~.:."".::,.,.:: .... ~'!'o';;.~.';.:-'_-~ ..., '-'!":'~·.~'7,i:,'''lf~,;.J}'':;,',,~~·':,:'"l\'<·;·.'':~''''''':'''I''!~r,<.',.,~,'ltf\,,.~. ~~!t,~II'!~:;,,~,:~ ... ~~r~·.""J~~;~'~~1r:r.~;ft,~~~~!';":'?~'1~.w.~~M~~~~ ..__ ~
",:f .

tlage Two OUR TOWN April 9, 1937

QURToWN In the Mailbag

.t CO-OIJcrative Com.munity Newspaper
founded in 1914 by the Narbel·th
J Wins Award at Mercersburg
Edward Beetem, of Narberth, has
been awarded his varsity ":\1:" in
The Book Club of the Junior Wom- track at Mercersburg.
i Prominent

Women's Leader
Junior Book Club Speaker

Civic Association, and published The Dcbate Proceeds Merrily en's Community Club of Narberth will Beetem, the son of MI'. and Mrs. See the
every F-riday at Narberth, Pa.
Philip Atlee Llvlngllion. PUblisher
To the Editor:
Com;iderable doubts I'est in m3 __
Ientertain the Senior Book Club next I P. E. Beetem, 144 N. Narberth ave-
. ,. I nue, broke the preparatory school CHERRY
Edwin L. Paxson. gdltor "'!", .... TOM M V MAC KLIN ,Monday evemng at 8.30 0 clock III the IrecOl'd for the shotput during the sea-
Anne Morgan Itobel'1s. Social I;:dltor mind as to whether this letter will be
• . I . Legion Room of the Community Build- son. He entered Mercersburg last BLOSSOMS
Office - 209 Haverford Ave., Narberth recognized, but, slllce several letters, I
Lowe I' Merion's baseball game with ing. 1\1rs. Ellsworth Clark, chairman, fall. I
Telephone..-Narberth 4100. Cynwyd 811 though wl'itten by "Democrats," were I Haverford was postponed on Tuesday and her committee, which includes ~ I:""' .. IN

Subscription rate, $2 per year in advance

Entered as second-class matter O"to-
ber 13, ] 914, at the Post Office at Nar-
published, I'm. taking tl~at chance.
In the ApI·II second Issue of OHI'j
because of wet grounds. This game Miss Marjorie Carson, Mrs. George
will be played just as sOOn as the two I Albert, Jr., Mrs. Daniel Leitch, Mrs. I
I The little Engineer says: WASHINGTON SUND,\Y. A.·.lIL ••
berth, Pa.. under the Act or March 3, Town, a letter (if such an unmiti-1teams can arrange a suitable date.' Monroe Purse and Mrs. Albert i
.-::' /. "It's got

.a 53.30 TRiP
g'ated oub'age may be deemed such) Haverford S.chool', Sprin~ City and Weih~nmeyer, will prese~t Mrs. Lewis I I IF evcrything"
Friday, April 9, 1937 was published, under an appropl'iate ,Overbrook WII! be met thiS week, the R. DiCk, of Overbrook, l\l a number I -Buy
. "A I t S k" first two games to be plaved at Pen- of spring readings and as soloist, Mrs. I EXCURSION TRAINS
captIOn: n ngra e pea ·S. ' . - ' f N b 1 Tydol
' k f t'- I I f nypacker FICld. Cletus A. Senft, 0 ar crt 1. I
Th e \\'I'lter spea s 0 ll'~ ac, 0 M D' k " . I b I Gas
Lv. Phlla. (Penna, Bta.. aOth St.) 7.44. U.IO A.M.
Next week the team goes to Upper f prs:1 dlel Ihs. a Phro\l'~lIlenbt e u woman I Ticket.' ~ood on roorular trains to Philadelphia

Boy Scout Notes intestinal fortitude of the :lugust

b od~'O f S ena t ors an d ye t {oes I no t Darb\!J to engage the league's year in 0 III a 'de p la, aVlllgN een Cone 0 f Walter G. Case's ft
~ Speclol bus trip to view the
13 \ e enoug 1
I f t't 1
.01' I U{ e to sIgn
. h' and year out ace ball club.
IS , . ..
the presl ents of the
Club and Browning Society and also
ew entury I TYDOL-VEEDOL Station
cherry trees. LeGves t:4st end of
Round Trip Union Stotion
Main Line Court of Honor and name to the eillstle. Coach Fetter s squad IS stIll III the h' f I't t f I F d Montgomery Pike at Woodbine See Flyers or Consult Agent.
. e au' man 0 I era ure 0 tIe e- Phone: Norbert!, 2947
Board of Review will be held at the He does not blame the New Deal formatIve stages of development and ed CI b f Pl' At
.for the a dd ecI c h ange 111 . h'IS pocket t IllS . wee k' s engagemen t s WI'11' h'
give 1m erat t 1 .u s 0
h ennsy
h' vama. f h CARS GREASED & WASHED Pennsvl.....ania Railroa
Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church on " . . b presen s Ie IS t e c airman 0 t e
Tuesday at 7.45 P. M. Scouts to re- nor hiS new car, nor hiS extra money a more defimte Idea as to what oys M d
.III t IIe ban, k b ut h e does not h eSltate . ' WI'11 ma k e up tIe I startlllg
. I'me-up f or C on ay 1>
1\I . CI h N
b ass at t e ew
ceive awards include: to blame the New Deal for the present the rest of the season.
Bala-Cynwyd No.2-Gordon Cal- labor difficulties.
Coach Drumm will take his track 1
In his opinion America and Liberty! team to Non'istown tomorrow for a
entury u.
Bryn Mawr No. I-l\1ariano Ba- are synonymous. Liberty and Pro- meet with Norristown High School at
rone, Robert Siman, Ivan McLean, g-ressiveness under the New Deal were Roosevelt Field. On Wednesday of
Daniel Reynolds, Francis Nash.
We chute Conveniently located on Belmont Avenue 011
sanctioned, upheld, and mandated on next week Media will come to Penny- rolling hills above the Schuylkill River-217
Merion No. I-C. C. Beyer, II, November 3, 1936, by an overwhelm- packer Field for a dual meet.
Reggie Kimble, Robert Miller, Ray ing majority. Joe Leidy, who did fine track work
the works! acres. Family lots as low as $150. Perpetual
care assured by invested fund of well over
Watrous, E. 1. Stouffer, John Mraz, It seems that Narberth is poisoned for the Junior and Senior High $500,000. Visitors welcome.
Robert \Vatrous, Richard Ferguson, by several of these ingrates who are Schools at Lower Merion some years
Edward Harris, Paul Blakeman, John not good enough sports to admit that ago, will finish up his pole-vaulting
$11.00 value-now
Egg, Nut, Stove 9.25 Belmont Ave. near City Line, Cynwyd
Hepman, Russel! Belfield. the added advantages and improve- career at Duke University this spring. I ton
Merion No.2-Charles M. Evans, ments in our economics, so obvious to
L. Fielding Howe, Jr. 28,000,000 voters last November, were
Narberth No.2-Carroll Weston, attained not by their beloved old 01'- V

Get Pea Coal - - - - 825
A. Townsend, Al Townsend. del' of government, but by the liberal ~ I
$9.50 value •
ton our Herbert N. Boothe
Penn Wynne No.1-John Cox.
Rosemont No.2-James F. Jamie-
and profluent and American New
The above Is for genuine
GARDEN 130 Bentley Avenue Cynwyd
son, Jr. with the "ingrate." Let Detl~gree Jeddo- Highland Anthracite. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR
Wynnewood No. I-George Wood- us cast aside party affiliations. Let "Monitor," the high grade
row, Edward Miller, R9bert J:\ord- us be good sports and admit that the
Lehigh, is $8.95 and $7.95
in above sizes. These prices
I Started Planting Pruning Spraying
New Deal is doing more to "provide
Ardmore No. I-Paul McConnell, for the General Welfare" than anv will not endure. Buy now. I Lawns Cared For
J. Edward McCracken, Walter Brown, Administration since 1779. Let us
Jr. do away with unions in politics. Let I Ralph S. Dunne I

NOW i by the week or by the month
Phone: Cynwyd 1131
us do something for America. Let us I Walker. Gordon Cow Ma.
Holland Furnace Co. Opens all realize that what is going on in nure, Corson's Pulverized I NARBERTH I,.!=:===========::;::::===~.
Division Office in Borough this country IS benevolence and not
Limestone - Rototill them Hue.Forel e,
COAL • COMPANY il~~--~~-~~'~~~~~~
The Holland Furance Co. of Hoi- under the guise of it. Let us give our arberth A _
land, Michigan, has opened a l';ales wholehearted support to the Adminis-I into the soil, and you are I

ready to plant r I The

and service office at 104 Essex avenue, tration in order that it might pass \ i
Narberth. such legislation that will provide for THE SAME DAY I
K. R. Dorries, division manager for the al'ising economic difficulties that
ninety cities in the East, also will modern civilization brings about, and
have his headquarters in thc bor- Let us do it now.
Sales and Rental of
Nights, Sundays and Holidays-
Narberth 2651
(Free Calls for Subscribers Only)
National Bank of Narberth
Recent expansion of the company
Cordially yours,
_ _10280
Hilltop _ _Bryn _Mawr _-...1,10280

I ROTOTILLER • Deposits Insured under the Government Plan •

has caused the opening of three new P. S.-No more than April second's along the Main Line =========1 • Member of Federal Reserye System •
offices in the Philadelphia area. ingrate do I crave publicity, but PloWS, discs and harrows
• •
neither do I give to a newspaper an in one operation. making • Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience •
a perfect seed bed. Cui.
"Man of Affairs"-Narberth opinion unsigned and disowned. tivating without change
of equipment.
Shows Arliss in Dual Role
Spring Brings Relief Drop
"Man of Affairs," at the Narberth Seasonal activities have resulted in I Visit Our Ardmore Store
this week-end, is a melodrama, with a decrease in relief cases in both i 24 E. LANCASTER AVE.
George Arli"s in a dual role--a sIl1up: Lower Merion and Narberth in the
cabinet minister ancl his twin brother, 1:1"t wcck. The rolls in the borough
who has found exeitemcnt travcling show four families instead of six;
in the Neal' East. Al'1iss, kidnapping \ LO\l'('l' Merion's
his brother and impcrsonating him, dropppd from fifty-eight to fifty.
solves a murder case that thrcatl'l1l'd
indigent cases


J. C. Jackson Ballagh i
,- :
...... EQUIPMENT ~ ~
to involve the State Department. * ~
An added feature Saturday at ]
o'clock is the "Columbia Happy Hour." You're Next,
Ardmore, Pa.
Phonc: Ardmore 5120 !
"You Only Live Once," l\Iollday and SALESMAN ~ In all matters affecting your eyesig ht, Q ua Iity -C\Eo
Tuesday, is a stark drama, with Sir, for i? should be the first consideration. For that rea- ~
Henry Fonda as a paroler! convict and
a Real
t3: son, Winfield Donat Co. offer only first quality
Sylvia Sidney as his wife. Falsely ~ lenses, ground by our own skilled craftsmen, t:
accused, he is returnPfI to prison,
"I'm a salesman. Sure I amI Don't Lose ;3: in our own modern laboratory-and fitted with .t:
escapes and flees with Miss Sidney,
only to have their attl'm]Jt to Ill'gin HAIR
Not when I'm down here in a :;3:
painstaking care. Four Stores-one near you. r;
life anew ended by police guns.
CUT *~
manhole splicing cable, maybe,
Wednesday (Cash Awanl Night).
I sell a lot of telephone serv-
"The Great O'Malley" J!r('sl'nt 5 Pat but :;3: GUlLO lIPTlCI,\NS -:H YBnS' EXPERIENCE -~;-
O'Brien as a hard-l1l'arted policeman
Your Children's Barber ice, just the same. *
?-~ 18 24 C H EST NUT S T R E E T ~
who lives by his hook of rll]r·s, hilt
who becoll1e~ a changed man thl'oug'h (Thcy cnjoy it hcre) "Why just last night a neigh- :;s: 5445 GERMANTOWN AVENUE t:
+~ 24 E. LANCASTER AVE.. Ardmore ~
the misfortunc h(' causps an ulI('m-1 • ~'i> ~
ployed workl1lan allli his Cl'ippll'rl
Harold M. Klrscht bor of mine was telling me he
missed an important cal! because
222 OLD YORK RD .. Jenkintown
Suburban Slor•• Open Mon., Wed. Qnd Fri. Ev••.• 7:0q. to 8:30 ,

Next week-enrl, Il'ving Bt'l'lill'S "On 41 N. Narberth Avenue I he was out in the garage and
the AVl'nue" will he till' f(·atlll'e. \' - - - ,
didn't hear the bell ring. So I
I /n \\
said, 'Do you know you can have
I ARDMORE Your Head an extension bell put out on your

~q~~!ct~ THEATRE Whcu Buying a Suit! back porch where you can hear YOU HAVE PASSED L~i
Sunday Movies, 2.11 P. M. it from your garden or garage?'
Friday and Saturday Friday April 9
Be sensible about your clothcs.
Get the corrcct fit and tailored
"He was mighty glad to know our place of business many .,:r:;.. J.-'-
David Lamson's Story about that-and I got a kick out times without thinking that in j/ ~:;1> :
ttMAN OF AFFAIRS" "\Xle Who Are About to Oil'''
smartness that only a made-to- ,-~ - ~~


Preston Foster Ann Dvorak order suit can give. of fixing him uP." OUt· variety of products and
t "')'(\\~~~ .
in a dual role Saturday April 10
Adelizzi Bros.
• • • vel'satile service you will find i"':'--- ,,~ !," \.\~ (,..." //'0
Robert Young Ann Sothern There are many different kinds that we I"._'~.,l.._-l..
=-,l~--, :;~'l ,~'~;:'
,..~ .... ,~-\.' .,',n,l' :~:~',f"1
. 1-'~';.I:
Added-Saturday at 1 P. M. FURRIERS, CLEANERS, DYERS ~~,'-' . ,·c,,!., -il!::Il'~lUi_C;;]_'
"DANGEROUS NUMBER" of telephone equipment, de-
COLUMBIA HAPPY HOUR R{'ginald Owen, Cora Witherspoon 228 Bala Ave. Cynwyd 928 Frame Paintings, Maps and Photographs
signed to meet the varying
Extra: "Fishing Thrills" 102 ForeS! Ave. Narb. 2602 Build Valance Boards, Bookshelves and Cupboards
needs of every home, office,
Monday and Tuesday Sun., Mon., Tues. Apr. 11, 12, 13 Create Recreation Rooms and Studios
shop and factory. If you have
The Screen'5 Newest Romantic
Hcnry Fonda Sylvia Sydney Idols any telephone problem that's Wc recommcnd aud scll Mllrphy Vart/ish Company
bothering you, tell us about it. Outside Paint and Inside Enamels
in tyou Only Live Once' ANITA LOUISE
In Any telephone employee will Super Spar Varnish
"GREEN LIGHT" be glad to help.
Wednesday (Award at 9)
Margar{'t Lindsay
The seasou is approaching when )'011 arc gowg to nced some
Sir Cedric Hardwieke of these items.
Wed., Thurs., Frl., Sat.
April 14, 15, 16, 17
"The Great O'Malley"
Joan Crawford Wm. Powell Shull Lumber Company
Robert Montgomery The Link Between Forest and Home
Corning-April 15-16·17
29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd CYNWYD 662
Frank Morgan Jessie Ralph
• •
April 9, 1937 OUR TOWN Page Three'

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Edgerton, of of Essex Avenue, thence along the said side
Ch es t nut avenue, spent t h e week ·en d of Essex Avenue North 11 degs. 30 mlns. 1i1:4I)LI~I:§!
__________________ : at their place near Bellhaven, on the
West 100 feet to the place of beginning.
Being known as No. 226 Essex Avenue. They're most important right now! Come in and let us
Mrs. William Wilson, of Pittsburgh, Eastern Shore of Virginia. UNDER AND SUBJECT to certain build. show you the new coiffures--one of which will be exactly
formerly of Narberth, is spending two MI·s. Franklin R. Lindsay, of ing restrictions as therein fully set forth. what you're looking for.
I weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wynnedale r?ad, attended a luncheon I
The improvements thereon are a SUZANNE JORET GILL
Charles U. Herpst, of Grandview road, Thursday given by Mrs. Eugene 2',1., story stone and frame house. 26 feet
A r d more.
Marsh and her daughter, Mrs. J. R.\ front by 30 feet deep. with 2'story stone
. " and frame addition 10 feet by 12 feet, with
216 Dudley Avenue Narberth 2324
Mrs. J. B. Ballingall, of the Avon i Hendelso~, of Ch~stnut Hill, In honor I.story stone addition 20 feet by 16 feet.
. . . .. of Dr. Alice Hamilton formerly a pro- with 6 rooms on first floor. 4 roomS and
Apartments, IS 111 Montreal vlSltmg f t H d U" t bath on second floor 2 rooms on third

1111-24 CHESTtiUT ST
M r. an
. d 1\1' Cl'
IS., arence
mington and their daughter, Miss
essor a
00 Falls
arvar mverslty, now a floor. cellar. gas, de'ctric lights, Spring.
H \V 1- the Women's Medical College, East field water, heating system, porch front.
4·car plastered garage 40 feet by 16 feet.
Ladies' and Men's
. t f N b k P k Seized and taken in execution as the
R ut h W 00111ung 011, 0 ar roo' ar', pro pe rt y 0 f El'Iza beth E. . Presco t t. M ort· HATS
'HILADELPHIA spent several days in New York last N ew PI'ke T ra ffi C L'19h t gagor and Real Owner. and to be sold by
wee k. An overh ead traffic 1igh t Ilas been EDWIN H. BELLIS. Sheriff. Cleaned and BlOCked Good Work-Good Leather
Mr. and Mrs. C. Alfred Peeney, of, installed by Lower Merion Township Reasonable Price

· t B d . hssexE
Elm terrace, returned last Thursday: on Montgomery avenue where the pike Down Money S200.00 on each sale
N ar- I Sheriff'.
(3 D oars F rom N ar berttlI Th eatre )
f rom a t l'Ip 0 ermu a,
. Wit avenue, March 30Office,
1937, Pa.

regcnt of a D. A. R. chapter, w~o IS I Penn Valley.
on her way to attend the National I The light is one of the projects re-
Congress in Washington, D. C., on ccntly sought by the Penn Valley As·
April 19, will be the guest of Mr. and 'I sodation.

• •
Mrs. Hugh B. Speed, of Chestnut ave·
nue, o.ver the. week-end.
Thclr son-m-law and daughter, Th P
"Budget" Talk for Garden Club
V 11 G d CI b '11

~ ~~' Lieutenant and Mrs. A. R. Hartman, I
'". g I woe
• ,.. r\:
C\ -')J'o;;;;L~A,~,
h 1 f t b y au t O1UOb'l
'1 d Th d f
I e f or C a I'f
I orilla,
e enn a ey ar en
. I' dmeet at
W the
od home
u WI
of Mrs. Eugene Jor-
bme avenue, Penn Valley,
,,~ \ J ; . sal e urs ay rom an rancisco M d t 10 30 A M
• I~
tf3 'f

F t 1\1'11 .
d f t
ista lOne or wo years.
1 s m e l Ippm s,
Ph'l' . e on on aya
M J hn A G'll
.7:). '2> 11 where Licutenant Hartman will be "T ~s. °t B l' I eNsPlte, w~ Bsped tO~
. "
rymg 0 a ance a ure s u ge .
'11 ak
"";'::-.l~'~ "I \
Mr. William Whiting, son of Mr.\

~,.•. t> lll~it:~ s~~~~~~~t~heM;:~::;\a~;~:~
'I: and Mrs. Edmund Allen Whiting, of! NOTICE
'i>1iNarbl'ook Park, has returned to Wes- OF PUBLIC HEARING
~ .
........ ~
with his parents.
Notice is hereby ~iven
that a Publlc I
Hearln~ will be held in Elm Hall, For-
reAt avenue. Narberth, Penna.. on Wed-
).. Mrs. Martha W. Bloom, who has nesday evenin~. Aprll 14. 1937. at 8 P.
~ . •. . . .lbeen spending some time in Califor- of o'clock,
M. Thll BryntoMawr
Trustthe appllcation

Company. for
nia, will return about May 1 to her Max F. Schoenberger of 1236 Mont~om-
' . •. . . . )..
.. home on Shirlev road. ery AvenUe (Wynnewood Inn), Narberth,
. . \..1
. \, '\
B .J
Mr. Harrison I\L erry, r., 0
f N Penna., to erect a sign approximately 41
ar- feet by 10 feet. on trellis work. sur.
~61 brook Park; .Mr. 'Valter Krause, of rounded by shrubbll'-y, and will be built
~ P d M W It F' f that the middle of the sign will be ap-'
V ottstown, an r. a er arIes, 0 proximately at the height of the eYe of
C. • Cynwyd, havc returned from a weck's a person sittin~ In an automobile on
~ And that's not all ! These
Naturelle v.e;,.
l b
automobile trip to Miami, Palm Bcach l\fontg'omery avenue.
d All persons interested are urged to at-
and the Evcrglades, Fla., an Greens- tend. brand new Gas Ranges
Soie C), .J bora, N. C. By Board of Adjustment of Zoning'.
W. D. R. gVANS, Chairman, have automatic oven
'k~" Mrs. H. l\L Berry and her son, Dick, WALTER I. DOTHARD,
From Switzerland! e!J spcnt several days in New York last WILLIAM IGRKPATRICK. lighting. It means an end
't'£i' weck, where they were the guests of ~(O=4-~~~)============~ Whether you bake once in a while to matches ... stooping down
Pure Silk Pastel .'U Mr. Berry's brother-in-law and sistcr, I
Prints in unusual
• I!>~ Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fossett. I NOTICE or every week, you want good . or peering into a dark oven.
Mr. and Mrs. Berry and Mrs'l Notice to holders of Participation Cer-
results. That means you must Just turn the key and the oven
Alpine patterns. ,
Bcrry smother, 1\ rs.
'[ AI' L B tificates issued to Depositors of the Nar- I
Ice . erry,: berth National Bank: I have a perfectly dependable oven. lights. Model pictured at S 1 04. 50
had as their guests on Tuesday, Mrs. 1 Upon llresentation of the above Certi-
Lovely frocks for
misses and women.
Berrv's brother and sister-in-law Mr. ticate t1~e .first dividend will be IJa~'able
~ , at the NatIOnal Bank of Narberth on and
I The new Quality Gas Ranges cash. Others as low as S68.50
and Mrs. William Clark Berry, who after April 1. 1937.
Exclusive with ,\I'C rcturning from their wcdding trip TRUSTBES, give you this feature because of cash. Slightly higher on budget
to Bcrmuda, cn routc to thcir home (n-4/~3) plan - EAS Y TERMS!
Dewees! improved oven insulation.
in Portland, Mc. =~~=~===========~I
~25 Mr. Paul 1\1acGuffin, of Libertyville, SHERIFF'S SALE
Ill., was the gucst of his brother and! By virtue of various writ•. i••ued out of
finer Dresses,
sister-in-law, Mr. and 1\11's. Ralph D. I the Court of Common Pleas of Montllomery
. I County, Penna.. to me directed. ......ill be
MacGuffin, of Lmdcn and BrookwaY,1 sold at Public Sale on
Second floor Merion, last wcck. i . At Our Suburban Stores or See Your Dealer
!\Ir. and Mrs. E. J. Pollock and thcirl WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28. 1937
family, of Avon road, spent the weck-, at 12.00 o·c1ock. Noon. Ea.tern Standard
end in Trcnton N. J., where the\' vis- i Time, i~ Court Room "A". at the Court
. . ' . ! Iiouse, In the Borough of Norristo\'/n, said I
Iled relatl\'es. I County. the followioll described Real ES'I
Mrs.•Jamcs Tilhury, of the BalTic 'ate.
House, is Ic~\\'inp: Saturday for a two' ALL THAT CE.RTAIN lot or piece ofl
wceks' stay at Asbury Park, N .•J. "round with th" buildioR. and imprOVe'
1\1' I 'Ro' N ttl" of Boston ments thereon "reeled, Situate in the Bar,
l\\t ~i\1'\"tt.\"l~'\\

. : I. .J!" ~. U .1, . ' ou"h of Narberth, County of MontgomerY'1

.lomed hIS fanuly at thc Harrle House. and S'ate of P~nn.ylvania. bounded and I

10 ~\i'" \\Vai\l
for the \\teck-end. : dpscnbl"d ac:conhni~ to a c~rl'lIn survey'
Mrs. J. PelTY Horlachcr, Jr., of E!l1ll
I thereof made as follows. to
., , ..
. .
I'l'ace, \\'ho wa.s opcrated upon to.r., BEGIN:-JING at a pomt 111 the middle lme
. . . . : of Mont~omery Avenue 66 feet wide at the
appenr!Iclt \S last Thursday, IS reco v -: di.tance of 429.84 feet Southeastwardly
ering' nicely. I from ~ spike markin>; the intersection of
i\1 1'. F:rl\';al'll Ross Proctor 1\1 1'3. I'ho> middle hne of Sflld MontRomery Ave· I,
' nue and Nnrberth Avenue 50 feet Wide;
Proctor Leahy and hcr son, Mr. Proc- 'henc,· alon" the middle line of Montllom·.
tor Leahv, w'ere the week-end gucsts cry Avenue South 59 de~ •. 32 mins. 30 I'
~ . • • - Sl'conO!i Enst, 60 feet, thence South 30

of Mr. and 1\11's. 'V1111a111 Bally Good- d....:•. 27 mins. 30 second. West 176.24 feet
al1, of Durllev avenue. to a point. thence North 26 dellS. 18 mins·1
• " \Vcst 71.68 feel to a point. thence North
Mr. and !\Irs. John 1\1. Dcnnls, of, 30 deI'S. 27 min•. 30 seconds E.ast 137 feet 1935 1936
i Anthwyn road, Mcrion, wil1 spcnd thc 10 the first mentioned point and place of
'weck-end in Ncw York. beginning. Being known a. No. 920
lA25,209 2,019,839
bought Us. Cars from bought U...d Cars from
!\Iiss Jean Ryal1, daughter of Mr.
Mont~onwry Ayenuc (formcr1~' No. 47).
Ch."roIe woea
l• rs Ch."....let Dealers
and Mrs. J. Brucc Byal1, of Bryn UNDER A:'m SUBJECT to 1st MortRage
Mawr avcnuc, Pcnn VaHey, and Miss
of $4500.00. BUY USED CARS FROM
Pcggy Barnes, of Ovcrbrook, spent the :rho improvements thorc'On nrc a YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER

wasting " . , d' V'.I· C

and Mrs. Charles R. \Valsh, of, front porch.

Latches . lane,. . has rcturned to .

2'." 'story .tone and plastered house 16
\\eek-cn In \ as llng1.on, D. ., \\ lCIC I feet front by 36 feet ciCCI', with 3 room. onl
tlll'V visited the \Vhite Housc. i first noor. 3 room. and bath on second
I\:Iiss Helen Walsh, daughtcr of MI'. I' I:oor. "ttic. cellar. gils. elec'ric lillht.,
Springfield water. heating system, enclosed I'

S' d '
Your Chevrolet dealer has
the flnest selection of used
cars In his entlr. history.
AU makes-all model..
Big volume enables your 1933 CHEVROLET COACH - Ad
today if you walll to huy a
COACH -- Ill·;tllliful nUl'n tilli"h,
Chevrolet dealer to give
295 525
. : . rll(" nnd token in execulion ns the I Hli,L.:"iltlY lISt~d, :-:iX-t'ylindt'r Kllt'I'-i\t'tiO!l wht>t'].s, I't'st lui
Colleg'e In Vlrg-ll11a aftcr spcncltng thc: property of Guy Croyl.. and Marion Lewi. you bigger value ••• at C'ht·\:l·olt·t .c 'oal'\\ at :-:0 111\\" Fi:·.:!It·1' hlldy. Ht'lhlt'l'd $"i;l
spring vacation with her parents. Mr. 1 Croyle, his wife. and to b" .old b;- lower prlcos.-- - :l 111"11"', (\llly . to Oldy .

and Mrs. Walsh recently rcturncd' Chevrolet dealers employ 1934 CHEVROLET TUDOR-Was 1932 CHEVROLET TUDOR SE·
EDWIN II. BELLIS. Sheriff. I racit·d ill Oil a lH'\\" 4 'ht'\'!'olt'l ~\1a:-;­ DAN-Hod." and upholslpl"Y like
fr0111 a month's trip to San Fmncisco, the highest standards and h'I' ('o:lt'h aft!'!' lJadlll.':: h"t'lI dri\'I'I\ tit·\\". Fur ~:t1t' "with an Ol~ that
Los Angeles and HoHywood, Calif. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot with tenement the most expertly trained only a ft>\\" thotl~arHl IItill's.
ill ('XC'pllelll cOl1ditiotl-lllt·-
395 iH 1'{)Ullts"-
tl) tilt' lin·it 111l"I;;y hnyt1r at
thereon, situate in the Borough of Nar· mechanics for efficiently chanit.'ally and in :qlJH'at'- this low prh·t' , .
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgc Rosc, of New berth. Montg. Co.. Pn. reconditioning used cars. allt'P. Only ' _.
York, spcnt the wcek-end as the guests CHEVROLET MASTER SE·
Only Chevrolet dealers can 1936 PLYMOUTH SEDAN-Its lin- DAN-It, ti,·"s, finish, uphol"tlll'~'
Money is wasted of 1\11'. R osc.'s mo tl Icr, 1\'[ rs. A gnes 250' BEGINNING
N in middle of Homewood Ave. i:-;h. tin'~. and \lphnls11~r'y :-;how IlO show Itt-; 1110tOl' haR heen
. 20026'
W offer used cars backed by 110 \ ...·Par.
. . from junction of middle Wl'ar. Itt-' llIotor. tran~ll\i~~itHl alHI ('an'fllll~· tUIlt'cl allel checked. Back-
when you pay more Rose, 0 f \Voodsldc avcnuc. line of Hon,ewood Ave. with middle line of
Miss Mary Allcrton Ncwhal1, daugh- •Sabine Ave. '!'hence in front olonR I-lome.
the famous Guaranteed
OK Tag-for eleven years
axil, havt' lH'eH earefull\" ('lIt·I·I\4,.1
for c1f.,pl.'lldability alld du):a- 550 PI) hy "all uK that c{)unlt.;'·
-at ll1l' 1"t'dllCetl !-lale pricp
than you should for hilit~'. of llilly . . . . • • . • . . • . . • . . ' . , .
t ero f l\ d M D ' I A N ' wood Ave. 2,' and extending in depth the nationally recognized
that regular house· 1'5. aJl1C . eW-1151.57'. A !"l'al tiny fnr only .
symbol of SAFE US~O CAR 1935 CHEVROLET COACH - Act
hall, of Narhcrth, entcrtained at din-I 1934CHEVROLET MAS T E R today if you want lo huy a sli,.;htlY
hold necessity, good
ncr at the Bcl1cvuc-Stratford \Vedncs-! The y improvement. thereon are a
1 2,stor pla.tered hou.e. 30 feet front by
Knee~Al'tion Whl'I'I:4, n'~t-
J 'Ul'n lillish.
395 u~{l'd, SiX-(·Ylilldt~.I' ("'he\"-
I"o!t'l ('o;lch a t ~o Inw a
coal. . .
day In honor of MISS Ann S. Lea, 16 feet deep, with 3 room. On fir.t noor, 3 ful Fi~ht'r hody. l{l'dUl'ctl IlI'ice .
1934 $ifi to only .
DAN-Duco finish, clean uphol- 1933CHEVROLET MAS T E R
There are two ways
'Ell' L I
daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland room. and buth on .econd floor. celIar. ga.,
electric light.. Springfield water heating HtCl'y, tirps that ~h()\v
Thoroughly reconditioned and
little Wt'ar. 1933 CHEVROLET COACH - AN
toelay if you want to huy a
COUPE -It" f'L1l1nUx "ix-cylinder
ha~ lUlled to delivt1r
ea, of Dcvon, and Mr. Henry system. porch front. .
to a void this waste. IS
I backed by "an OK that counts." xlig-htly uHlHI, HiX-l'\'IiIHit'r 295 t'1Ig"111l' Ill'pl!
fleW cal' pprfOrnH\lll't>. It~ 265
The first is to buy
St uar, "I
t oC, I
Ross Watson, son of Mrs. Gcorge H.
f V'II I
Seized ond taken in execution a. the C.' ol1l llletel Y eq.uIIlJled. :,;pe-
('ial "ale Jlrice. Hurry for
395 Chevyoll·t Coach at ;'0 low
~L 1)I"ICt' •••.••••••••..••••..
roolny FlslH'f" hody provides
hig- ("ar I,tlling' e:tHe., .
coal at the low April 0 I anova, W IOSC en- property of William T. 1~larri., jr.. Mort. I' this Ollt' . . . • • . . • . . • . . . • • • • . 1932 CHEVROLET SEDAN-Tid, 1935 DODGE SEDAN-Bi~. "OOI11Y,
Prices. The second
gagclllent has becn announced. Aftcr- I~ollor. nnd Lo~anion Building and Loon
ward the gucsts attended the perform- Association, Real Owner. and to be .old by'
1932 FORD TUDOR-Was traded
in 011 a l ~hc\'roh·t l\1aster Coaeh
1l1OtOl" t'at" i.s in Ilerfeet rUllning'
condition. 225
t'olllfortahk', dupt~llliahle. L.ikl~ lle\'.~
ill t'\,pry I"t>:-;Pt'l'l. Baekt'd 1)\' ":lit
is to buy Newton ance of the Hasty Pudding Club. E.DWIN H. BELLIS. Sheriff.
aftel' ha vin!\' been dri ven only a
few thou"and tniles. It i" in ex-
1:pholstPI'Y cannot lw lolli
fron1 nC'\\' •.•.• ' • . . • • • . . . . .
OJ{ that ('()tJlIlH."
Hpt'cial t-:alt> llrice of
Coal, the coal that Mr. Joseph P. Holt, of Bowman avc· cellent condllioll-lIle('hanl-
('all~~ and in ap{)l'arallce.
lJuI'n tlllish. <'It'all

nuc, Merion, is sailing this Friday for ALL THAT CERTAIN Lot or piece of Only . upholslery, til'PH that ~li()w littl.. toda.\" if you W:Lllt to lIlly a ~lig'ht ..
gi ves more heat and ~round with the buildings and improve .. 1935 FORD COUPE - It" alllH'ar- \\"t>ar. ThorollJ.,d1Iy !"l'l'o)lClitiollt'd ly lISt,·.1. Hix~cYlitlclt'r Chevrolet
,a month's hip to Europe. ' atH~e iH very Httlart and attractive. anti ha<,kel' hy "an OK that ('c)ad) a t ~o lo\\' a pril·e.
more value and costs
less than ordinary I menls thereon erected, Situate in the Bor-
.Mr. A. McKnight Sy~es, of Rightcrs ou~h of Nnrberth. County or MontRomery.
nnd Stilte of Pcnns}rlvanin. bounded and
HUrry. 011 Hale for tWo
da.YH onl).· at l"clnal"kaltle
350 counts."
Completely "quippPl!. ~pp- 395 l'xtras ~1I('j1 as .sea.t ('O\'-
l'I'~, :-;pt'l'ial horlls and
,1\1111 road and Woodb1l1c aVenue, is described as follows, to wit: 1)l'lce , , . cial ~a]e Ilril'e of only ..... radio , .
coal in the end. I
recuperating in J elfcrson Hospital
i from a rccent opcration for appcndi. BEGINNING at a point on the We.terly
Stop wasting coal dollars. I,CI 't'
side of Essex Avenue at the distance of
652.5& feet from it. inter.ectlon with the
1\11'. J. Q. Mackey, of Montgomery· Southerly side of Price AVenUe, being 0
Order from NEWTON
Ardmore 2550 or ALL 8400
I " ! corner of land now or late of \V j Baily·
avenue, spent last Fl'lday 1lt Bnlti-' thence leaving E••el< Avenue b~ i nd of
more attending a banquct given by!·nid w. j. Baily, South 76 deg •. min.. 3; KIRSCH CHEVROLET CO
the Baltimorc Pharmaceutical Asso-: ii~·t 135 feet to other land now or Inte of
Ask about our Budget Payment Plan ClatIon.
. I hzabeth E. Pre.cott, thence by land of •
Hc represented the Dela- .ome South II degs. 30 min•. En.t 116.65
ware County Association
feet to n point; thence North 70 deg•. 36
mlns. East 136.29 reet to the Westerly side'
214 216 Data Ave.
- Phone, Cynwyd 81
... ,.; . ,~."""~"' .. , ,··~r;~··,

Page four OUR TOWN April 9, 1937

7.45 P. l\1.-Narberth's happy Bible Mulieres Outdo Previous hardt Mueller, president of the auxiIi- I Decorations, Mrs. George Gilpin,
ary, '\;as in general charge of the af- Mrs. Charles Haist and Mrs. Viguers.
Church Notes hour. Sermon: "The Living Christ."
Rev. 1: The Sunday evening service
Efforts in Providing
Delightful Banquet
fair. On the serving committee were Mrs. The Sports World
The menu committee members were Haigh, Mrs. John Minich, Mrs. John
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
for April will take up the study of
Rev. The mid-week the book of Miss Mary Zentmayer, Mrs. E. B. Wetzel, Mrs. Harry Hollar, Mrs. OPENS UP
Continued from Page One
Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor Daniel. Hoskins, Mrs. Edward Haws, Miss Charles Harnden, Mrs. Frank Pur-
stage fUI'nished by Albrecht's Nur-
Flora Kurzenknabe, Mrs. William cell, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Gilpin,
With Spring comes Base-
Margaret Squier, Organist Tuesday: series added to the room's attractive-
8.15 P. l\1.-Community Bible class. ness. Rogers, Mrs. E. C. Griswold, Mrs. Mrs. Haist, Mrs. L. B. Edgerton, Mrs. ball, and right here in Nar-
The Second Sunday after Easter. berth you can find a com-
Other guests present from Narberth Walter O'Sullivan and Mrs. George Ben Taylor, Mrs. J. H. Baker, Mrs.
9.45 A. M.-Bible School.
Baptist Church oj the Evangel were Councilmen Robert F. 'Vood and Martin. Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Gri~- Nelson Rowley (who also won the plete selection of equipment
11.00 A. I\L-The morning service. Robert E. Keighton, Minister wold were co-chairmen. prize for the ladies), Mrs. Charles -from "dime" balls for
Roland Fleer, Borough Solicitor Henry
Theme, "On the Way to Immortality." Stanley T. Reiff, Organist Members of the supper committee Hammer and Mrs. Isaac McHose.
6.45 P. M.-Senior aand Intermc-
A. Frye, Tax Collector Ed,vin P. Dold, the kiddies to the best for
Stmday, April 11: Borough Treasurer Walton M. Wentz, were Mrs. A. E. Burgstresser, Mrs.
diate Luther League. professionals.
9.45 A. 1\1.-The church school. Superintendent of Public Works Robert Compton, Mrs. Charles Mick- Lawn Mowers
7.45 P. I\I.-The Vesper Service, ley, Mrs. William Evans, Mrs. Mary Repaired and Ground
with a Bible quiz and sermon. 11 A. l\1.-l\1orning worship. Ser- George B. Suplee, John Albrecht, J. F.
Rebuilt Lawn Mowers For Sale
Wednesday, 8.00 P. l\1.-Teachers'
Association meeting.
mon: "Twenty Years Later."
7 P. 1'.1.-Young people's meeting.
Leader: l\Iarie Baker.
PUI'se and Horace Smedley.
Active firemen attending included
Chief Charles V. Noel, August Bailey,
Miller, Mrs. Lindley Trotter, Mrs. C.
C. Tyson and Mrs. Henry Kast.
Entertainment, Mrs. Edith Gilpin,
For reliable work and
quick service call
Smedley's Lock Shop
Friday, 7.45 P. l\I.-Senior choir
rehearsal. l\Ionday, April 12: William Bailey, Joseph Barker, Rich- Mrs. Stanley Haigh, Mrs. Hoskins and 104 Dudley Ave. Narberth 2966 224 Haverford Ave.
2.:30 P. l\1.-Religious education ard Blessing, Ernest Boulay, George Mrs. Mueller.
meeting of the Women's Association Cm'r, Thomas Casey, Meryl Clark, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •iiiiii• • • • • • I• • •
Narberth Methodist Episcopal at the home of Mrs. H. P. Newell, Vincent Cunningham, George Gilles-
Rev. W. Vernon Middleton, Minister pie, Harry Hollar, Bernard Keane,
:Wli S. 1\arberth avenue. The pastor
Sunday, April 11: George Knapp, Daniel l\lcGarry,
speaks upon "The Contribution of the
9.45 A. l\L-Church school. Richard McDevitt, Howard l\1 iller,
Negro to American Civilization."
11 A. M.-l\lorning' worship. Ser-
Wedne"day, April 14: John Miller and Paul Miller. JOHn m.GE//LER.:r /on/ Inc. mEmoRIAL/ /lnCE 1868
mon: "The Adequacy of God." Also Guy Mosteller, William New-
H P. l\I.-l'.Ii<lweek meeting of the
:1.:10 P. :II.-J 1'. Epworth League. borg, Albert Nulty, George Potter,'
church. A class discussion of the
6.45 P. l\L-Intel'll1ediate and Sen-
ior Epworth L('ague~.
Beatitudes. Howard Powell, Emil Roessler, Joel I
Rubincam, James Smyth, James Tier-' BELMONT "VENUE & LEvEorNc ""LL 00'0 B .... LTIMORE AVENUE & 3g T ... STREET
Friday, April 16:
7..l5 P. l\l.-Evening' worship. Dr. ne~', \VilIiam Torchianni and Paul PHILADELPHIA, PA.
H P. :'>I.-Minstrel Show. The CYNWYD, PA.
Arthur Jeffrey, of Cairo, Egypt, will \"ohlert.
l\!en's Association present their an-
speak. Dr. J etfrey is a member of For the MuIieres the supper was ......... 0 :;.. 'c(,
nual min;;lrel show. Enjo~' an eve- c~

the faculty of the American Uni- supervised by Mrs. John Burrell and
ning' of good fun with us!
versity in Cairo. SIJl'cial music by :\lrs. Charles L. Viguel's. Mrs. Eber-
a trumpet quartet.
Tuesday, April 1:3:
S P. l\1.-Church School Workers' In the Schools Classified
Wednesday, April 14. Miss Force's fifth grade made over Advertisements
10.30 A. 1\1.-The Ladies' Aid So- forty Easter baskets for the Bryn
ciety meets to sew. Mawr Hospital. The baskets were -will be charged only to residents
12.:10 P. 1\L-CoverC'd dish luncheon. woven out of paper and fillcd with whose names appear In the tele-
phone directory or to subscribers
2 P. :\I.-La(lies' Aid Socidy busi- candv and Easter tovs. A letter from I to OUR TOWN or the NEWS OF
ness meeting'. the ilOspital thanki;lg the boys and I
8 P. l\l.-Service of praise and fel- gil'!s proYed that their work was 15c a line
Heritav;e. "
Th(~me: "Our

Thursday, April If,:

l\lethodi"t highly appreciated.
The teaehers of Telford School Dis-
trict, Rucks County, visited us
for Both Newspapers
Count five words to line
-will be accepted up to Wednes-
6,:30 P. l\1.-.Junior choir rehl'arsa!.
8 P. l\I.-Choir rehl'ar"a!.
\V l'dnesday, visiting each classroom.
Thl' fourth grade, to complete their
study of China, visited the University
day, 5 o'clock, for Frlday's Issues.

Phone: NARBERTH 4100

File Presbyteridll Church 1\1 useu 111 I a st F ri day. l' hey a Iso he a rd 1 t,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J •
Rev. Archer E. Andprson, Pastor a talk on .i\Iareo Pol". I'
Lost and Found
FO\-XJ>-'Vhitc Schnauzer dog; male. OCEAN WAVE AV~7~~N;e~r' J.
9.4il A. l\1.-Bible schoo!. :\'ar. ~-l;;·L (~7) Sail the ('o\'es of Captain Ki,hl; hunt for I ndh'idllally Desig"ed
11 A. :l1.-Communion ,,('nic('. Wh ile interviewing Mr. Schall he his huried (16fl!l) treasure! South Jersey
For Sale heach. Usual sports, GO boy~. Director
Meditation on "\Vhose I Am and talked ahout the sports we are going trained in Psychology and Hygiene. Hus-
\Vhom I Sl'rVl'." to han' this spring. One of the most BOOK HOUSE-Complete with 8 vol- sell Hog-eland, Associate. Bool{let. Main MME. lOUISE
umes-practically new. Phone Cynwyd Line references. 1714 'VVALNUT ST.
11 A. 1\1.-The junior church. COil- ill1po!·tant of these is softball, which 924. 6-8 P. 111. (tt) W. M. LUTZ, M.A. PHI LAD E L PHI A 1714 Walnut Street
ducted by !\II's. Digby and Mrs. Cooke. t hI' l'ighth-gTade girls will begin next Penn A. C. Rittenhouse Square. Phila. ",ee slo"e fll,..' " PE~ 0510
11 A. l\1.-Children's nursery, un- \\·eek. On ApI'il 16 the bo~'s will start At Your Service
de!' the supe!'vision of :\Irs. Gilfillall. t hl'i I' ba~ehall and the last hockey screenings. Gottlieb Esslinger, 122 Con-
6.4il P. l\1.-The three Chr:"tian ganw of the g'irls will be played this \\'ay avenue. Call Narberth 3748-R. (to For 42 years we have supplied many
prominent Main Line families with S~Cotuuet
Endeavor groups. \\",,(,k if thl' weather pCl'mits. DRAPERIES, Slip Covers. Veneflan
blinds. Awnings. Furniture, Upholster-
BOTH LADIES' and MEN'S ~horth;n:'l~y;t::. B~~kk:·;:'III'
On April 1 l\Iiss Dell showed a mov- Ing. Beddings, Rugs cleaned, repaIred If your llat npNl!-1 t'(·llovatillf.!". ('all on \l~
lng, EngU.h. and Filing'. etc.

G. Howard Rcesc ing' picture on Gl·l'l'ce. and stored. Challenger, 281 Montgomery
avenue. Cynwyd. Phone, Cynwyd 86.
"Completc Gas Cookiug Sen'icc
for Homes Beyond the Gas Mai,IS"
and \ve will serve you as We sl'rv<:d your
III Individual Inst:rUClion
De,. SIS-Monthl,.-Night $6
FUDl'ral s('l'\'i,'"" \\'('1'1' lwld Tll,'sda', Formerly with John '''anamaker. (ttl PHILADELPHIA FURNACE CO. L. T. MUENCH 178. 16tb Street - LOCun 45llG
for G. Howard Rl'e~(', ;;;0.:. \\'!J" di,,;' I ================ UPHOLSTEHING and rep. Sprlnga ot 1813 Sansom St. RIT 8763 29 So. 17th St. Spruce 1540
37 S. 16th St.• Phlla. LaC 4560
suddenly last Frida~' at hi" hllilll', :! I:
Hampden a\"('llUe, 1\ar],('1'I::. I,,',,'
Cons tip at ion 3-plece suites repaired. $10; Chair re-
covered, $5. Go anyWhere. Call Lewis,
227 E. Lancaster ave. Wayne 1496. CAMERAS PHOTO FINISHING
Convenient to all Terminals
It constipation causes you Gas. In-
ment \\,a;; private. dlgestiun, Headache., Bad Sleep, Plmp- CAIU'E:'o:TElt - BUIf,DI';H - Estimates Your pictures deserve the care and
!Y SI,ln, g, t quick reliet with ADLE- ~hel'rful1y furnished. ,lohbing- promptly PRACTICAL ARTS
l\I r. RC'('se was el11plo~'ed h~' t 1](' RlIe\. Thorough In action Yet en- attend,·d 10. Leander \\·icl'man. 305 Con- 'I The finest and widest selection of attention our laboratory will give
Pennsylvania Railroad for thirty-six tirL:Y gentIe nnd sate. way ave. Xarloel'lh 3,88. (tf) them. Art: Co~tunle Design: DresBrnaJ<ing;
all foreign and domestic cameras 24·Hollr Ddi,'ery arId JlOIne :llanag(-lllPllt; Interior Decora-
years and I i\"('d in Narberth fOI: thc
last twenty-five years. He was a
Help Wanted MacCAllUM STORES Mail Scn-ice lion: :'Ililliliery; Brides' Classes.
At all Leading Druggists :'1101'11 Ell'S
HELI'EfL Lig-ht housework.
mcmbcr of the Brotherhood of Rail- One child. Write JH 309 S. Narberth 110 So. 16th St. RIT 9200 MacCAllUM STORES SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE
road Trainn1l'n and of Lodge No. ·l:l~, a\"e .. NarbeJ'th. (26) Evcrything Photographic 110 So. 16th RIT 9200 Broad and Spring Garden Streets
F. & A. :\1., a railroad chapter of till'
Masonic Ordl·r.
Survivo)'~ a 1'(' his wifl'. :\Irs.
Highest prices paid for
Situations Wa"ted
YOrXG :'IIAN. colored. wants job as jan-
itor, pOl'ter 01' handy man; highest ref-
E"erything Photographic

POP 3106 Philadelphia


Amanda Lm\'l'ry Reese, and a daug-h- Papers, Rags, Iron and Metal l'r"nees. Phone '''aYtle 2153-R. (27) For three.quarters of a Gentury the first PHOTOGRAPHS THAT LIVE CHAS. E. SCHELLINGER CO.
N. W. Cor. 66th and Vine Streets choice of discriminating Philadelphians
tel', Elma. Philadelphia ALLegheny 0132 Serving the Main Line for 35 Years Diamond Afcrcharlts al/d Jcwelers
We will call at your convenience No"dties aud Favors WM. SHEWELL ELLIS STUDIOS We specialize in Longines and Hamilton
Mrs. Mary Grace Enz Watch Repairing
The funeral of 1\1rs. !\Iarv Gracellll• • • • • • • • • • • •• • •1I! MARO N 1425 Chestnut Street All Work Guaranteed
1525 Walnut Street RIT 3680
Enz will be held this F!'ida~ after- Rittenhouse 9803 27 So. 17th Street LOC 0119

FOlllltai" •• Tca •• Luncheon
noon at 2 o'clock from her h~te resi- of
dence, 317 Conway avenue, Narberth. Discriminating Vacationists CHIMNEY CLEANING RUG CLEANING HAIR REMOVING
Mrs. Enz, who has bel'n ill "inc(O
3erre1lillft ftYo~ . Superfluous Hair

January, died at her h0111e l\londa\'. STONE HARBOR, N. J. A Modern and Complete Chimney,
She was a mcmber of thl' Hnlv T'rill- Call us in Philadelphia
or see us in Stone Harbor
We correct your chimney worries.
Chimneys Scraped. Brushed and Qr/iji(d B1JG CLEAN~NG f.
• 1
,End worry over unsightly hair, on
~ face. arms, legs or any part of the
ity Lutheran Church aIHI ha:1 lind Vacuum Cleaned d Advertised 10 • . body. Call and have us remove it
QUICK . . REASONABLE GuarnnteetlO"tJsSEKEEPIJIOG tb. Mi·RITA Way. Safo and Sur•.
in Narberth for fOUlil'en \"pars. DIllER &. FISHER Estimates Cheerfully Given GOOD n NO X·RAY - NO ELECTRIC NEEDLE
Survivors arc her husl;untl, L(lui~ 96th Street and 3r.d Avenue PHILADELPHIA CHIMNEY SWEEPS DR. MARGARET RUPPERT
Enz; threc daughters, Lois, Dora and 3731 WIU.NUT ST., lult. 802-Rea. Estate Trust Bldg.
Stone H arbor, N. ]. 33rd and Arch Sts. EVE 1680 " .•. Cor. Broad A Chestnut-KINglley 0180
Marjorie; three sisters, the Misses 1700 Sansom Street-Phila.
Dora and Dorothy l\1enough, of Phila- LOC 7550-51 LADIES' TAILORS MUSiC CONSERVATORY OPTICIANS
delphia; a married sister of l\I in-j • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •'1
Chartere,1 by the CommolJwealth of
neapolis, Minn., and 1]('1' parents, l\1r.I I!!!!!!!!!!!!~• • • • • • • 1 0'0 MIN I C J. E. LIMEBURNER CO.
l'elJn~;'lvania since 1R70
and Mrs. HalTY Menough, of Phila- VERANTI, INC.
1721 WALNUT STREET ZECKWER.HAHN Dispensing 0 pticia"s jar 44 Years
TAILORED SUITS 1617 Spruce Street
DOMINIC CUSTOM <J.65 W~~E SUMMER COURSE begins JUNE 28 Rittel/llOuse 9090
TAILORED SUITS 'P (A full season's credits)
Funeral Designs 1·'01' over a third of a ('enttll'v Dominic . 5 n', Ch I
has heen cut lin/-:. lil.ting arid person- Regular FALL TERM begms Sept. 13 1 w. e ten Ave. 814 Lancaster Ave.
Bryn Mawr
ally superintending the making of (Registration week of Sept. 7) Germantown
each and. every garment. '


Groshon Florists
215 City Line Merion 1301
BROOKMEAD wishes to
announce THE S I L V E R
Since 1840
Luggage That Lasts
You can now
own a New
€1 '7Jj
per week
LEARN Specializing in Children's Corrective
Shoes. Foot Iwalth is important to
the normal growth of children.
MILK at the Harrisburg, Pa., Saxophone Pay for Both-
AND GLOVES FOR Xylophone a Brand New 01/1' book 0"
Farm Show was won by Ches- Banjo I nstrument and
EVERY OCCASION or any Musical 55 Private Les· "CARE OF CHILDREN'S FEET"
terbrook Farm, owned by Mrs.

CEMETERY J. Packard Laird, Berwyn, Pa.

This outstanding herd is one
of the main producers of Leather Goods

1031 Chestnut Street

gralis all request
1623 Chestnut St.
IUT 8570'




arc bringing their (- II C l' rayc I S
.. or IJJV'/ ' NPKTS.-$2VALUE
Guernsey Dairies, Inc. PICTURE FRAMING _
''"' I S ' d
1/00 wa nut trcet
Plula c1pllla
(1Ih' lilt' 1'1,1, f'at'll IIf Bl'atl~, BpC'L Dl'oc-
,·oIi. (·,d,h,,:.:,', (':< .. rot. <:el"IT. Curn. cu-
lVest Lal/castcr Ave., lVayne
EDW. A. CARROLL CO. The Only Authorized Producer
and Distributor under License of
• .... • l'1I1ulh--'l", )-;Ildi \"', Lpt 1\1('(', .:\luRtanl, :\Iu:-::k
StCc1UHllJp TIckets :'Ih'loll, \Y:ltl'1'lIlt'!tlll, ()Ilion. 1'a 1":-; I(';\", ])eas,
Fort';~rJ dUel D011lCstic Tours 11l'ppt'I', 1~:tdi:-;iJ, ~\ ..:j~~ CIHlrd, ~pillaeh.
Incorporated the American Guernsey Cattle Club 134 So. 15th St.. Phila. " . II' T' Sqllasll. T","alo. '['ul·ltip. I{ulaha~" and
\JUI1l1l1er acatlou YIpS I_~-Ih. lillio!l ~t~ts. All Bc~t Val'icticH.
Belmont Ave. & Levering Mill Rd. of TRADE MARK GOLDEN InJepetlJ,'nt Tral'c/ Arrangements AI"" 0111' SI.1-I'a["e Catalo/-:-all for $1
GUERNSEY .. po:-:tpaid.
Thif: l1irp('tory :ll'Jlcal':-:: ill fi\'(' :'\Tain
MILK and CREAM PHILADELPHIA SUBURBAn Line IlP\\·spapl~rs - ArdlliOl't.', .:'\(aill PENNYPACKER 6618 I. N. SIMON & SON 529 Market St.
Lillt:r-Bala.-Cyllwy<l, Xe\\':-::-llav-
Dept. N. Phlla.
on the Main Line
Telephone MANayunk 0166 Telephone lVarne 1121 for WATER EomPAnv erfore] Towllship. N"l'\\"s-Xarucrlli,
our 'fowll-\\"aYllc, ~lllnl1"1nln utHI Tirnes. Our Philadelphia l~t'prl--,sl'lItatiYel';;, Xl:\"ille <'\: 11Itchilll;~, Inc., l~ South
trial order l~th Street, wlil furltlsh full Information, telephone \\'alnul O~I"I.

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