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.. ..

~ :', ,t ...

,I Fall Flower Show
Send In Fireside Ii, ! Next Saturday
Items :I



I Bob fretz pefeats Thorny Grugan and

People to Vote on Get Acquainted I - Wins 1921' Tennis Singles Championship
Recreation Center i
VEMBER ELECTION-WILL not now subscribers to the paper. RUMOR OF ANOTHER BIG BATTLE!
PROVIDE MUCH-NEEDED We trust that those fonnerly
FACILITIES FOR OUT- unacquainted with Our 'I'own will Bpj, 1-'11'1/ ',. II 1111' ~ill:.tll'" {'h:llllpioll tllll'ds tit' tht' 1l11'lIlht'r:--hip \\1In :1.'!I·d at
DOOR ACTIVITIES. become subscribers, This is a no- .. 1111 tit' 111(· \;II'!ll'rth Tl'Illlis \ ...... ll,·i:1 \ :1 rirlll:-- t i 1101'S a~ Ii Jll':-.IIII'11.
' Wells Wanamaker Wins Junior Title,
profit, co-operative journal, the ~:llllrll:I,\'
Th(~ '111(, .. 1 illll III \\ IH'l lit.·r :"nrllt,"th success of which depends on its THE FIRESIDE tillli 1·111' 111:!1 1:ls1
II," IkL'atill;":' 'l'hllrtlY ';I'llg:lll

ill a" hald

\\'hilo- th,' I-'rJ'!z-(;rllgan ,"al"', "'liS
'1 ~hall luk,' "d\'"11"~,' "I' Ih~ "p1)(lrtllll' value to ~ach family, new and fought Hud t""itill~ :1 111:11,·11 :IS hn" I"'ing dpf·idpd :U1nthpr illtpr"~ting

ity ]lOW OP(IJl to <lI'qllil'l' a t ra('t of land Fl'''\l'r Show lI~xl S:ltur,Jay. I'!lallll'illf!""hip c'ollfH~t
prngreH8 \\"11:-- ill
old, of Narberth, tll't'll .. t'I'1I ill '\:lr!II'rth ill :1 Illng \\ hil('.
-in fa,·t, tIll' "Ill." H'llIaillilll{ ll\'ailah1l' The subscription rate is $1.50 \lId \\ hnt '." 11101"1', it \\it:-- :t IIt,ttl'!' :llId 011 IIllt' of thf' other (·tlllrt .... Thi.-; wa~
./ trad withill tIll' h"I',,"~h--fllr all 0111· per year, I·'i r,t .\ ,,,~ril'all l'riIIH.," IIIOH' illtpt"l':"'ol ill~ 1'111111'",1 tll:11l .\ gflOt! th,' ti 11:0 1 III:ot,·h in th,' .IJlnior Singl~s.
door ]{l'I'J't.'atioll ('C1l1lllltillit." l\'JI'ter, lllall~' of thl' 111:111,111'" til:lt \\11'1' pla.\·pd IIhi,·h \\:1' \I'"n h~' \\' .. II~ \\'an,rTllllker
" \\ ill h(' "1l111I1ittl'" til fht' \o1('r~ lit' :"ar· :l \\t't,l, or "II :q.~O ill 1111' \:ttio!l,d ~ill' ill thl'\'" ,tl'llight ,~Is 1'1""11 Hohert Gil-
hl'rll1 :It Ihl' gl'lIf'r:ll 1'1f'c,tillJ) to l\t~ hC'ld !iIl:Jn. IIl1t Ih~ faJ'! Ih:" thl' .Tunior
TlIt'sd:l.'", \tl\('lll}.f:lr .""i Community Club to FUI':'\J)-- SII"ill
( ':d 1 :I 1 I '""t oil;,·,'.
hand hug. ;..:.It.'~
1I1'illl- ,111.1
fllat· ...
TllllI'll l

11111 "l'Jl":d
'Y :It :\1:111

III idt'" "IJ:III1!,i""'hil' wa' ",ttlo-d ill ,hrl'p sets

Ol\r Hllrllll~11 t 'ol1Twit ha""
t'll:ddill;':' IIl'dill:tItCt'. :l1Id if

Illa.itlrit~· Hold First Luncheon ~. ~llIlIrl', .It' \rilld ... nr j
Tht' c·IlIltt· ... l \\ 1'111 111 li\ I' "I·t ... :111 I I i \ l '

hon •. \ ,'r,
l!ap I'llntrary,

(If till' I'ifilt'll" of tilt, llul"tlllg-h "'Ite ill :'\. a\'('1I1I ',
hl,t1t.'1' ~.wt ... Ill' tl'lIl1is, I !"lllll :111,\ :lug'I,' Ill' II \\:1" a 1·11I ... t' nnd hard f(Hlght llllttle,
f:l\"Or .d' fht' tll'dinaW'I', ("lIlllc'il \\ill hi' SEASON'S ACTIVITIES TO BE
:1,"\ •. 1 ttl t 'hil':I~tl,
tht' galllt.', 1'(1\,111 Illd 11:1\1' 111'c'lI d.· .. irl"l. :11'" r"t!".-t,'d " I"t .. I' n,'dit on hoth
t.'1I11'0\\\'rl,.1 111 Iltlrl"ll\\ $::11,111111 :IJlI! al" Bnth pl:l.'"{'I''' \\('1'1' ill 1''\I'I'lln1 1'111"111 alld Ilo~'''. '1'11(' s(·ort':-; \\ "rp, li·:~, ;- . .l•.~-fL In
'1"il'l' Iht' t I':,,·t Ill' lalld. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11TH, ~II'. 11. ('. B,'" l'al11 tnk"lJ tlipy alfordl' I tlll~ :->III'I·l;1tl'1''' t\\11 l\llllr" th,' third sl'l il I".. k,'d 1'''1' u II hill' as
Six Acres in Tract. AT 1.15 P. M. II" \ "1'1'01'01 a\I·1I1I1'. :111.1 iliOn' (If I·\t·t'llt'llt :-:ptll't. tholll-:h (;iItillan mighl \\in. HI' had R
'1'111' :--itl' Ill' till' Ilrll]ltl:·wd ()uldtlHr Almost Unbelievably Close, ;..:t1t1d It'ad :lilt! :"I'('IIlf'd til ht' c'l'rt:lin of
Ht"'I'l':ttltlll l'I'lIft'!' i ... fhl' Id~ luud, \\"1' h:l\,(' :\11'. (;nq.!.HII·" \\ord 1 Ill" il tl,,' ,,'t. 11"1 \\'ana'"ak,'r Iora'·",1 up,
t r:u't
Tlti~ " Ih" ,1,,1,' \\ !"'II Ihe "ari ... rth \ II. I';, I. II.
nhollt :-oi\. al'rp~ ill l'\t\'lIt. whic'h li('~ that ~Ir. 1.'1"11 i~ I'lltitit'd tIl l·\pr.," hil 1,1:1.\'"" thl' \"'1\' h",t h,' klll'\\ how and
\\'01111'11 '", l'llll, \\ III 1I[t. l't \\itlJ ~t'\'pral
l :1\1'11111',

dile,.tl~· Ilorth til' thl' t'lIlhallkllll'lIt lit' lit' I'r"dit tllal I·:tll Jll' u:i'l'lI hilll :tlld lir!Hl1~' euuj.!hf 11)1 III hi ... fI}1p"nf)nt and
.. I It ... rll'lgldltll'lll~ l'lull:-- o\'el' a ta~t."
Otl' I'(lllll~~'h'allia Huill'lIad, aud 1:-- \\ t' arp Oll:Y tlltl g1;111 to :111.1 111\1" '1\\ II l':l,st-H'd hilll at 1;.li, :ll1d thPll won the
~ 11111'111" II 1II lit'" 1I[1l(, lit' t t " I :t t· t til ~t jilt (' d \1,. 1-'. \\'. '\lJ,I,'r"'lJ
IHlllll.II'd oil fltt' Iltlrlb tlY \\'illd!"ior a\'t" \.• ' 11;":'1'11 t lila 11"11" 1IIIt t h:lt ,lIlt'" !lllt III 111''\1 t \\ II 12.:11111· ...
;Illd 1H'11\'1 lilt.·,j fIll' the ycar's work, \\' iIllli II l{t 011 , llt'l.
HlII', till ttll' \\p",1 II." \\'YIIJlt'WOlid I\lIad, :t 11." \\ :1.\' ,[j"l,jH\I' 1 hi' 1':1,'t .. II:' t 111' "'I'.II·\, 1,11' i 11"11 1:111.\' till' .illlllllr Illl'llll.e rs IJut
Thi:-- i,,, thl' .Ia.\ \\ Itt'll l'Vel".\.· lIlIe l·tllIl(~'"
:lilt! till llJl' t':I .. t h." a till\' th:tt lllar:-- :ll1d t111' :11l1i.""1~ ell 11,,' Jd:l." \\hic·!1
\111 :,IIHII' 1''\I'I,llt'lIt [Ilat.·ht.':-- t.hronghout
111 \\ illl -il:ilt', :.tHd :t'll t·ag\.'!' look in \11', .\ II,,' 1'1 IlI'l"\l
111t' rt':ll" of tll,' prllIH'rtil':-- on fhl' \\ .. st ,... hll\\ tlll' 11"l1t j, til 11:1\ I' l'l'l'll "lwWl,\' flit· 1nlll"ll:lllll'1l1 :111.1 thl' :-.lIl·('t~S!o' which
1 lit' 1'.'1';0.. \\. It.\·.' Bl'l'a 11 ," \.' 1 hl'.\· 1010\\ pyillg' ~ n, lit!) ('ht':--tlll1t a \·I'n1)('.
.11'~rl·I' IH',\'ollll att"lIdt'd t1Ji~ .\1':11" ':-- t'\ ,'lIt illditntps
side ld' t'oll\\:!Y a\'l'IlIIl',
It 1:-- til Ill' ;1 11:11'1'," filiII'; a l:w('i~d tiJlle
f.1 :1

The idea of slt\'ilJg thi:-- tral" Ill' land IdaiJlly tll:lt 1\1'\1 :-.t';lSIIIl \, junior tonrn-
\\ith 1'''''11''' tl",,' ha\(' 1101. ,;,'1'11 al! \11. ,,"01 \II". Edl\Hl'd:--l. Ha"" \'i,il. ' hplicf. ;llllt'llt \\ ill dl'\ 1·111)1 11;111'" plu.,·ing' partie'·
1'1'0111 h~ing pllrrha~,'rl hy II !,ri\'ale "011- "lllIlltll'I', allil :t tilllt' to II1t
t'1 SOllie of ",I 1111' Tl'llnttlJl Fair 011 ThlirstlH~~. Fir:-:1 Ill' :111, c·lltl ... i.II'1 ItH' SC'IlI"I'~: li··I,
('«-'Tn aIH1 u:-Ol'd for T1lanllfal·tl1ring dr in· :~.(j. -i-Ii, !).;-, li·L T· ,toil 11\ I t h l' g:\ III1'H ljl:lllt,- :llld t'\ I'll kp('!ll'r intt'rest.
111t' :11·11\1' l·lll). \\IIIlII'1t \\11(1 are work·
dustrial Il\lq"'~"~, alld Ih,' flll'th~r plan ill~ ill 1·lldlS :dl :tIlflllt thelli. allol ~·O" \\ill lill" lh"t \11'. Frplz \\ .. 11 Narberth Defeats Bucks County.
Thpy will \:t'\\ IWIIl .Jlliln:-otoll and family n t·p 01'
of having the horollgh 'll'quire th~ site idt·:t~. 1t':II'lIing,' frolll the
:.!X. and ~Ir. (lr\l~an ~7. T1H'J1 lOllk at I II tl,,' ,·I,d, III"l't I.l'l\\'eclI Xarbel'th
1'\I'h:lll;.!.l· l':ll·h I"ipyillg ::!flO C11t':-:tuut :t"t"l1U~,
by purcha~c fruill ib pl'l',,'nt 0\\ IIl·r,- thl' point :-'I'urt':-<. alit! total till'1I1 1I}1 :Iud :11'.1 tit .. 1111<'1" ('IIIJ1"." "OllUtJ'~' Club of
the Pennsylvnnia Hllilroad- and Ih,' '1'111'," "Ill all g"11 hllllll' :-Oll1ilillg' and \'1111'11 finel that ~Ir. 1"1'1'11 "'"1''''' 1\1~, 1,:tIlJ.!hflrtll', ~arh(l)'th \\'011 seven out
,\ r""l'lll ,,1'I';\'al in ='arh"rth i, ill.-.
making of th,· land into an ""tdo,,r .tl'lerluiued to do something worth while ;llId :\11'. nrll~:lll 1.",7. po ,\'t II I gl't 1h:lt~ thl' IIi III' 'll:I1,·ht'~. TlIt' :"ix :-\ingle~
.t .. hll T. Hi,'I', "". 4 Chrstnul a\·I'IIII~.
conllnunit~· n'l'reatillH ('l'lIf{' ... t)ri~.dllat('d 1/' I' .. t,t "', lifl:,,'·li\·I' ~allll'" :llItI tilt:, 1 of II,,,I"h," II ,'1',' :lil \\'IlU h.,' "arlwrth play-
thi:-< ~'l'llr, :;olliething to bUU8t their
about a y"ar ago \\ ith a grollp Ill' plIh· .:~l' jHlil1! .... :l1l.1 1I11!.\· a difl"elt.'II I·I' ,,1' \\hil(' 1111' \j .. itors "oil two of the
,·1111. all,] Illl'i, to\\ II, ",'"~Ihillg 10 hclp
' I ...
\Ii'" 1),,1';" H . . ,,11 (',din left
lie spirite,i citiz"II' whll fOl'loe<l th,"n I !lit' 1!:l1llt.' rilld fh't' point:-- hl't\\PI'1I \\111 :!II"" ,III"bh', e\'l'nl.'. Th~ ~ror!'s 1'01-
IlIak,' ll"'ir ,·llIh th,' h",' .-lllh ill ,\Iuut- \\I't'l.;, lor .\lIdo\"t'l'. ~I:t:-ii"., when'
t"~lve8 into all orgauizatioll. :i~'1 :llld 1I1sl'!'~ 11 \\ ill abll \11' l1ott'll
:":'IlJllt.'I'.' (·llllllt.\·, :tlld that IIlt'an..: 111t' 11:1'" .'lItl'rl'd .\ldlo1 ,\I·lld(,IIl~·.
Meeting Oalled for Monday Night, 1'1"11: 1 1hI' :-i1'1I[I':-- t ha1 Iii IlI't 1'1'11 .,1' t IH' \\·"rlli,·I" ""rl,,'rtlt, defellterl
I ..
llt':--t ell:!1 ill !'t'IIH:--.\·l\·allia.
!':t.\·-li\l' g:Hlllt':" \\I',d to .\t'IWt'. It kill', 1I,",k, ,'o,,"t,·, ,i·l, li-2; F.
This organizatioll, "hi"h haM 10" .. " :\fallY 11:1\" :t!n':ldy IlIHrI,ed th,' dalc T1I"\1l1l1l:II 1-',,11 D"hlin :--II",\\" \\ hi"h
oil fh{'ir 1·:llt'II":tr. .illdgilJ~ fl'Oln tht'
'<lillI' of thl' (.I!'t'g"nilJ:":', hll\\ l'\'l'r, '·',,'Iz, :'\"rh,'rth, 01"1'"";,,,'1 H"tt,'rworth, uncl~r tlw t"IIIIHlI'ar." ",,,"1' "I' \\;1:"' 1'":--tl"IIlI'11, \\ ill \1(' lH'ld ill 1':1111 Hall
\\:1:'" tll,' 11·lllk .... t ... ('II" !'1· .. \'r\,atloJl:-O arC' -~"'ld,l 111' ll\i:--l'\lIl~t rill'" :l~ indir':lting Hilt·ks (·lIl1Jlt~·. '1-1. Ii., ~hnw, Nnr-
tlul Xnrherth ])laygTIl\llIll ,\:-:Hlwiati'llI. t
1\1'11 1\1 tht' :--11ghtl'st dl'I.!,"}'tlt' an,\' d('~irt'
1"'llh, ",'f~atl'd 1',,"1, 1I!1l'k~ \ 'Illlnl.y,
ha~ hl'en f."I"ring t h,' pia II 1"'1' t he' eorning in.
1'1 ~Ilt::d,!
111 clt,tr:tt"f frIJl1I Boh I~ vi(,tllr.\" or Hoften Ii·::, li-:l; Kirkl"ltri,'k, "arh"rth, de-
propo~,'d "OIIlI'luuit~· "rutn: alld \\'ith :\11\\, \\ 110 j'" Tltl' PI't' .. idt'lit
'1'1'''1 II\' " fall from th,' pillllll<'ho Ill' run· f,'at"" E,hl'l'i"k, BII,'k~ (',,"ul~', li·O, ti-O;
'the passage b~' Coun,'il of th,' l'll:lhlinl{ .. t' "lit' tit' tht' largl':it :tl1d IIlust ac-tivp
lin III',. \\"" don'l ,1"al ill Ihal I,in,l of
ordiu:lD"e whi"h will pro\'i,!t' Ih~ fllnds \\Olllell" .-lllh~ ill I'hil",]"lphia, ~ll's. \\ hi(,h ~ 'i I .,. ,
~_'dldH. ()Ill" :tilll i:-< 11lt'I't'I~· to dt'T1lon'
to lI"quir~ the lalld, al,d th .. aPI'I'''a('h !J"l'IIlall 1-1. HilI'''''.'', "I' th,' l'hilo '~, ,I.
:\ruHian c'l1lh, \\ ill g-i\'t" all addl'e:-;:--. .11""" froll' the ot:Jt1l"III"li"al f:ll·t" thnl
of' the elc"tiou, .1 ..1. ('ahr"y, 1"llIp"l'ar."
it II:" SO:'.! t-: "lIllft'st "lid Ihal tht'
prc~ident of t.h .. A"o,·iation, ha~ "al1"d
a !,uhlic 11I1'eting "I' eitiz.'ns to Ill' h,'ld
Thl'l'l' \\ill hI' "'\'1'1',,1 IIthl'r". \\'1'11 \\lIrth
hl':Jl'ing·. (lilt.' 111111'1' H:lIII{' Ill:!." a'" wpll
".'oll(inll~cl on Pug-e 4)
"!'I'I'f:ltoI'S ,,-pre' t.n-lllted to a:-o lillE' U I League 01 Women
IIt'Xt Mondny Ili~ht at Elm Hall. .\t
1"1111i", IIlllt('h

:11: [rrlt·~'.
as 1I1ight hC' "",'pH III a long
Voters Non-Partisan ....
Fretz Excells in PlacementS.
(Continued on Page 4)
Two cents per word It casb accom- Frr-t z \\ lin lal(':\URP ht' wa~ sl ig:ht l.\" Owill~ to the :--illliinrit.v .til the. na·1UC ','
panles advertisement; otherwIse. II VB tIll' Iwtll'r play!'r. \VI1Prl' he' ,'x,'rlh·,1 Ill' th,' L,'ag'"' of \\'OlJlI'lJ \'o!<'I" IIn,1

School Notes Building and Loan cents per word. tllO:-ot \\a~ ill llis pl:u'elll('ut shot"" Hiltl thl' \"'aglH' of 1II oI"l"'lI.-1ell I \'oters,
'Ollie I'Ollfll,ioll has ari~('n in t.he minds
_\nuther ~bance to tnkl' (lut Mt\wk ill ill hi, s('ni,'". III the "lIlire \ll1I1.,·h h"
Ih" new :12nd s~ri~~ of th,' Xarherth
FOR RENT-Pri\'llte Garage. TCII dol- ""1.,11'\'.) ;1.1 phu'(lI1\l\lIt!'i a~n.inst (Jrl1g:ln'~ "I' a ft'W ppoplp, alld upl'arPlltly ill ~ome
SENIOR RECEPTION TO THE lar~ p~r mOllth. 21S Ess,'x ave. (j I-p; I I, all clhad j Itt't':' ngainst Orugnn ':-- 1. ill:-<tanl'l'S an l'rrOIlCUliS illlPf(':·H~ion ere..
Building !lnt! LORI\ A~s'll'illtioll will h"
FACULTY. III 11,'1' lind (llll, thl'~' \\,,'1'\' I'r:idi"ally at"d that th~ L('lIl-:u~ of WOIII"n \'oters
"fTNI',] thl' rp:Jde"ll of 0111' Town on
The l:;;l'uior Class pro\'~d to II(' \'cr~' LOG WOOD FOR SALE-Phone :l!lli-W. ' 1'\'('11. \\'hllJ't'IH~ }<'fl·t7.'~ Rllot:-, fendt'tl to :1'" :Ill orl!anizntion W('fl' l'lI(lorsing tW"n
IIl'xt ThurRdlly l'''~lIing, O..toher lith,
delightful hosts alld ho~te~s,'~ last ='''rherth. 1.I·p) Ill' a 'lit low, I'osting hilll X;j 1\('1.:-;, nru- of Ih,' "all<li,!ates 1'01' Ih .. s('hool Board
at the Fire HOU~l', frolll i ulltil !I
TllUrsday evening \\'h~n thl'.'· ~,,,.l' a "'all dro\'~ his ~hots II litlll' hil{h, ,·",t- at thp 1'('('Cllt eledion.
,,',,It ... k. This new ~l'ri~, ~tllrt,·d with
reception to the High S"hool Fa"lIlty,
th" S"plt'lllbcr rnl'l'ting, and hy paying
FOR SALE-A \\,hit" nih. ill good 01'· ~lIg hilll t·x:ll·tly th,' ~nllle numhpr of 8illc~ the Leagll~ of Wom~n \'oters
AlI barriers of ag~ and positioll, \\ hi"h ' tier. ='arb~rlh ::;,1>-.1\.1. (51·p) OUIR, (;rugun had Iii lIet, 1111,1 rTl·tz has ill 110 way hel'1I Tl'spollsihl~ for any'
the September aud Octoher ,lues you
frequently .. harnd~ri\';·l' gath{'ring~ of ,'alllli,lllll's lit. this el~..tion, it wishes to
,':111 hel'Ollll' a sto,'khold~l'. There will had 71 outs.
faculty and students, hroke ,Iown hu· SPACE FOB RENT in privute garag-c. The di~,'r~pen"Y ill ,lou hIe fnults- ' takl' Ihis lI!,portunit~· of "oJ'l'p('tinq any
hI' no tincs ('olleelt'd, jllst the two
fore the leveling infiul'll~e of st.un". :W:l l';ssex ave. (;;l·p) FI'f'tz had Hi agaiu:-t. OruJ.!Hll'l'I ~-i~ Rudl miJ<unoerstandinl{,
1lI0nths' dues and tWl'nty·ti\·~ "~lIt~ a
gumes and refreshments, and hrought "",'ollllled for hy tlw fad thnt Fretz
shllrl' entrance fee.
everyone present to a "Ol1lIll0n plane of WANTED--Yo1tll~ l-(irl t.o llssist in "Ill" wa~ Sl'n'iug his sel'lllld hull 1I11ll0~t liS
Th~ nl'\\' Short T"I'JII ~"rips ~e!)m to
l'omradeship lind good-will. The "'11..11- ing for ~,hilrlren, Call or write ~r~. h,lI''' a' his lirSot. Thus he got many NEW LATE-OR EARLY-'-TRAlN
he ",'r~' popular; thl'~e lire the shar~~
~rs were first calII'd upon to give" Iheir I,'. G. Hechler, 54 M,llior ROll-o , (:;Ip) more a,'es than Grugnu, hut iu tnking I TO STOP AT NABBERTH.
011 whi"h douhle payment i~ made, thnt
stunt," which Wll~ Il playlet "ullf"! th,' "Ilan"" 011 th~ ~e"ond hull he also
i', two dallare each month in pln~e of II
"Gathering Nuts." 1'his wn~ fullo\\'~d FOR SALE-Baby's Crib, Bassinette fell into quite II good lIIan.'" more ,)cuhlp I; "IIl'1'lI1 :\,oli"e lOll; of till' I'cllllsyl-
,]ollar, :I' paid in the Long- Te.rlll; and
hy a hurrowing "'l'rng~dy ill Thr~" ~bair all,l s,'al~s. :'<Ilrb~rth til!l·M,
faults thau his oppolI~nt. \'alli" Hailroa,] Rtates that trllin :\0.41
:II tlw ~~ptember lIl~eting- :\01 nl'\\' (,)l-p)
Aets" by the Beuiors, iu whidl th,' I'p to within thl' last ~ollple of VlIllles will mnke an "S" stop at :\'arhe.rth•...
,ha I'l'~ wer~ issued in the Short Tel' 111
hero ullowed only the ('urtnin au,) foot· ill thl' fonrth ,,'I il "l'rtllinly looked 'I'll" afoJ't'llnid ='0.41 is t.he tl'nill ·.vhjch
:llId :!I:I in the Long Term, whil'h !Illlkes WANTED-Mnll's BiI'Yl'1,': RenSOllllbll',
ligh-ts to withstand his tempestuous on- 'I' Ihough (l1'IIg'all would \\'ill, ,\ft"r 1<'11\"" Brond Htr<'l't Htation at :1.10
t lli~ Ill'\\' ~erieR arnmlll t to $S):; ellP.h Call at. POllt OffiCl', (Gl-p)
slaught. A "ocal s'1lo h)' Miss Hpenk· losillg the lirs! Sl·t, h,' tonk hoth Ih.· i A, ~1.
IIIUU artd an impromptu r~u,lerillg of "' Oil til.
'I'herl' will he a number of additioual "'('011,1 II1IlI thinl, lind lit Olle tillle to-
The hOllle·loving "iti;r.en who oheys
LOST-September 27th, on Jo'is~ex ave.,
un operlltic selection by a double qual"
shares issued at the October meeting, \('lIrd Ih,' !lltt~.r part uf the fourlh s~t,
th" "nrfew at !I 0 'elo~k or ~o wi.ll be.
hctweep. Woodllide 1\1I'! station, watch
tette l'omprised tbe musical program,
liS "a lIumber of people were' away dur-
IIftl't. that rl)und hllll pa~~e,l ,I .. u~~, Ill'
1I11ruffled hy th" advcnt of this long·
with l'ibb~n hrllrel~t. Hetnl'll to stll'
nnd chn railes Rnd other g-ames con-
ing September and \viIl want stock in wish~d-f()r tmin, but anyone who has
1<',! by 11 wbole gallle lIn,1 had II point
tributed to the eveniug's pleasure, Re- tion, (51-p)
Ihl' nel\' ~eries. lead of 30.0,
"\'''1' IIttl'lI,le" a ]lllrty lit, Ray, Logan,
,freshments, mude by the girls, were alldhud to Ipava before Il o'ciock' to
":\n,l IIny player who ,'lIn cHlllh out
'rom says: FOR RENT-."I·i\'lIlt' '(l II I'll 1""
sen.ed, and, the party ended happilY-. of thnt hole and win is deserving of all
a\'oi'] II long, late wulk, will now he
Do .VOI1 know that there are 10,..,,,1< I'llI'lL' (51-c)
Hi.s to be hoped that thiR is only the theeredit that clln be given him I" is
II hI.. to st.u)" for tbe last waltz. "
Th~ Narbcrt~, >'"
Over 1,80.0 BuildingAlilsociatjons
Jh'llt .of mnny siIriilar occasions at the tIle way Mr. Gnlglln extended his COlli'
truin will stop only at
',s'chilol this "'inter. 11\ the State of Pennsylva,nia, and
Tbo.t they have mllny millions of
WOMAN~RefiJle(lj'whHe; competent;
to lI~sist light household duties
pJiments and congratnlations to Mr,
1111,1 Bryn I\lnwr, implying, nodo\l1'it,' ".':.:,.t',~
that O\U' good neighbors of Merionilnd",
,'. FOOTJl4LL.
,.~. , Although. 'thll~eho.ol .lost . through
Assets' '
Nlll'borth· Building and r...~an· Associ!\."
in fnmily oftwo'ndults; )I1I1St. be use·
fnl COI1\pl\uiolt,: }r1\lasing personality,'
urI' expected to he. i'l·hecJ::
For the very I!Qlllplete score ,and W~·nllewo?d j~~
, .: 'gr~dtiiitiQn ';~ild'.ot1ier: caU.l!68, a large .tion. ... . . . lto()~l pernlane1J.thoine·mliin. line, ·n~llr ' ~Jl1i;iYlli8 ~f,the. Singie~Chalitpionship .by th~ttlllle. ., .. , ," .,', '. ~ '.~l\~
match ~;e arein:debted'· to'Mr.Walter WI' thnnkthePeI11Isylval1iaRailro,a~: -':/i,:
Phil~dclp~iil,for. -right·· party.Wr1tii,
number 'of J~i 'yeliJ:'s team, yet, there
.", . .
Over 8,GOO lIhar68 in
With ABsCt~ of '$500,000;. .
,(JO'w~n, Whorefereed·,a:~dscllred 'the' for nllother Il~ldition to, eiclle!l..e~t.. :~.'~: an-
",. , - '
giving references, 4,'0'; . careot Our
,eontest,ably il.88iste~ ,bY' a.boiit t,wo· trnin service. :"
.~. YOU&,iI1tmiller '1 ·Town.; . . ;, . • (51:p)

.. '

,':~ x:":-"~<:'~,l";:';~' ·/~~;~,.;,·j'~~~:lL·'

.. " " ~: ,.; '.:
','" '. "1.


2 !\:\RgERTH. P.\.--Ol:R TOWl\"

To th(' Editor of Our Town: MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET. Telephones,

Of couree, " . ,;:
If, a' ,tute,l hya ('orr".'I")!ltl"1I1 I:l,t 1267 deliver - aDJ "
"""11. Iltp horoll/<h ofli"pr' 'I"s,'rl th",' 'I ht' \\'lllllt'II'~ Fort·jgll \Ii:-;siollar.'· :"-\0- place-an,
Owned IInu Puhli,},,'d P' ,'1"\' Salllrdav 1268 tfme
h." Ihl' KnJ'hl'rth ('i, j,. .\ •.~,,,:i:l!i,,". . 11:1\'1' 110 IHI\\('" 0\"('1' I'ri"atp PJlt'!ll:">'1I"l'l'I, ,·i,·t.,· ,01 th,· :-IPlhlltli-t El'i"'''pal

:-;ul'Hniptinlll'ri,'\' (11", d"I"'r :Ill'! fifl~'

it \\,lIlJJd .. t't'Ill 'tilllt' t Ilt l ." :If'qtli It"l :til- • ·""r,·h \I ill 1I1t·('t at tl1l' 11011'" of ~I rHo The Brightest Spot In Narberth
tlll.,"it.,- ,II It'il-lt tn l'lltt'l' groll'lcl ..; grll\\ II C' E. 1\'1';11111'1', II~ Forrt· ... t a'"Pllllt'. nil
('Pllt~ Jlr-!" .,"par ill :I'!\':trll'f'.
1111 til ,\ t)I'dR and \'lIt tht'lIl at tilt· t'\ \llllld;l,\' ;I ft<'rllllllll, OC·toIH·r :). :It ~.::lJ. A Drug Store In the Most Modern Sense of the Term
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH 11(·II . . t~ of tllt' OWII.,I". It Ot'tl'lI 1Ial'l'l'l1- I;.t'polrt..; III' tilt, (·h:tllJ!tl'l":",h\lJ'J,.:. ",,"fl'r-
CIVIC ASSOCIATION th:lt 1:111 ,'t'l,d:-o t'lll-roal,11 till Ilt·j~hh(lr· t"ll'(' ., ill Ill' g-h·PII Ii." tltt' ~Ii;-;~t'~ :--;01·
March 31, 1921 ill.t.:" prlljlt'rtit· .. and 011,' :-oidt'\\ulk:-:. \I'i~ Kl1ld/t'II, .\Iil·p \J:dtll~', Ft:tlll'e:; .t
Presid"IIt. Gl'nr~1' A. :\[nhl JIlIn', tht'II, j ... (·('rt:dlll," :"1"111'(' fill' hoI" I\t·illl Hlld 1-:111111:1 ~11l('llt·r.
Vice·President Joseph H. Nash ollgh :ll,tioll. Ho\\ (':til "j,i.' pl'ldc' lit'
A Real Asset to Narberth:
Vice·Presi,lent. Augl"t.," .T. Loos
Mrs. C. 1'. l<'owler
Miss Maizie .T. Simpson
l:l:lilit:.i,ll'll (11I11.'r 1111''';'"lIt \'11'('\1111 MAIN LINE Y. M. C, A.
Ser·retnry Rohert .T. Edgnr '·\~lol.I·.:\. ;..:Tt·at IIIHIIY I'PoJllp \\"110 the
THE LmRARY conducted by this Organization in the Y. M. C. A.
Dire('tors, to Hervc until 1923: Mrs. ..\\ illlllling· plIol during lltt' HIIIIlIII\'l llre
Robert F. Wood, J. Garfield Atherholt, Building is a real service to the residents of this Community. Show
of the opinion thnt it iH not a"',ilaltl,'
1. A. Miller, C. Lnwrence Warwick, Ttl th{· Editor tlr' Ollr TO\\lI: your interest by stopping in and lOoking it over, (Open on Frida.y5
A. E. Wohlert, Philip A. Livingston. .. \rl1l'l! Y\llI h":Ir of g-Hud ill pt'uplt'
I'"r "'" t1ul'in~ th" I\'illt('r III"nthH, n!' if 'I
it· is H\'ailahll', it i~ too ('old for l1~e, from 230 to 8.30)
Dirl'ctors, to serve ulltil 1922: J. J. 11111 iI,
Cabrey, Walter A. Fox, H. R. HilleglUl, .\S a IIlntter of f(H't tht' !(wk('1' rllOll\~. 1
\\"11"11 ht'ar (If :l tull' td' I',-il
C. H. A. Chain, W. R. D. Hall, Harry
A. Jacobs. qll<'11 il-
/.t'! Ih,· gladlll'-S 11l1\·" th" li/<ht.
S!JOWflf baths and ~\\ illlHliut! poo] are
kl'f't \\1I1'111 "lIollg-h I" I". 1I1'I't h.'lpful ROBERT J. NASH
]'1111,1)' .\. LI\'I\(;STO\. In tho'p whu may d"Hi 1',' tn liS" thell1 ELea1"tie>r
1'111 th,' ""il ""t "I' Hig-ht.
Editor. at all," tillle during- II", .vclIr. Th., of,
Make th" lIorld 11(' lin' io I'ri;.:ht
/.ike Ihl' hea,'"o ,d,o,·".·,
fl'r, npportUllitil's t" all "p,.,on, along 1214 LOCUST STREET, PHILADELPHIA
.1\1:\ 1Z I I,: ". ~ I .\1 I •....0 \ , the l\Inin Lill(', who ('arl' tn d" '0. to
Cashier, I haH' uoti,· .. d Ihl'Dllg-h th" "O]IlIllIlS BraDch OHice at Narberth Station Pbone Narberth 1710
kl'ep up their Hwinlluing thrnllghollt the
of Our 1'01\'0. a 1(,1101"11"." 10"" I'd ,'0111'
:'(llld Rll ;lth'(>rli~illg alld 111'\\'" 10
-",'a,., .. r jf tlll'~' ,io not kllnl\' h,," to
ill'llI I'laillt alld \'fil j,·j'lil. oft"l1 (·xl'lI·,s,'d in Member f'hUadelphla Real Eatate Board
1'. O. Box !lllll, -II illl, to It'arn during the winter.
a sHr('H~ti,' ltUlJlllt·r. \,Th.,· i:->. thi:-- Ilt·,'pli- I
01lr '1'011'11 iH "" ,,, I,· a I I h,' <I"J",t ro·
~ar.\"! {'oll~tnl4·ti\",·' "ritil'i~1I1 i~ ,·alll-
lIewHst:llld, alld al II", -,,,I'!' "f 11. J':. WHERE MERE MAN SHINES
na,·i'. ahl" 1111.1 appr,'(·iat,·d.--aod IIhy ""I ,.\.
Eutpr(") :t~ ~t'I'lll)l1 (·1;11,,;..
lIlatt!'f IH'(':-;~ it IIl'ftl'r. iliOn' killdl~"
Ol'lohl'r ];i, 1!11~. a.t Ih,' I'''HI at om,·" :\Ia.\" \'t· 1I0t 11:1'·(' a "t'h"t')''' itt'lil,
() f 40111""" 1111' \\ (l 1111' II \\ ,'a I' fu JlII.\'
No rlH'.rth , 1'(,1111'."1, allia, 1I11dl'l' lh,' II": !ll(ll\ ill.l! ," i 11l.!:-'. Illlt ;1 l·t,lllIllIitl ('(llIH r
if I'H~~ihlt'? \\'t'll~tt'r ~a.v:-o

wqt _trion Witl,

of Mareh. 1,~i!l. l':ll'h \\l'pk,
to ('lIl'('1' Illl·all .... to gl:1ddt'lI, l'IH·O':l'ag,·,

aod :'I'I"alld. If II" "'"nld lake :< few

rl, ....
flU(' (If

t ht'lll.

tlt':lr, if ;t 1Iinn b
nnb wrust
OUR TOWN will gladly print· IlIitlllt", to IIrite ahnut that prai'e·
any news It'lm about a.ny subject
that 11:; of interest to Narberth
worth." i1l't.'t! ~OllJ('OIH' tlid thl' otll(l1" tla.\",
and s"o" it to Ollr TOil 0, 110111"11 't ollr
" r:l/,\" II hOllt 1110111',", ytlll lila."
r,f,',. t" hilll a, a .. /lOlig-hllllt."
<t!nmpnuy of Arbmnrt Ja. f'

folks, but in order to meet the II:lJll'l' 1'1':1 tilly (lit Hlot't' \\'Irth "llil,'!
I:i,~ht 4·ht'('ril~· YOllr~.
printing schedule, all •• copy' •
-manuscripts-must reach the .\ '·'/{IJ-:,\().
FlIl' tll~' Jlllf'JllfSI' lit' llllt:lillilJl! thl' n .... t·1I1
editor by 6 P, M. WedneSday each Ca'j;1tal , . . .. . S 500.000
Id' 1h,' '1l1alilit'd 1,lpt'lllr~ (If til" Hllr" ~'.
week. thf'
oll;..:ll uf :\;JI'lll,rtil to illll'l'a:..:,. ill' Surplus and UndiVided Profits . -t36.000
:-1.1' I" II,' I' il ,"1 III r i .. stlt· (Iflast ,'I'I'k dl·htt·,!/lt' .... of s:lid BIIJ'llllglt 1'111" thl' Total Resources . . 5.000.000
l·t '1II'l'rn i II;':' tIll' 4'41111 lit il'!i lit' tIlt, I'lt :t 1 Illlrp"St' Ill' :l1'l(lIiriJlg" a trat·t til' lalld
SATURDAY, ocr. I, 1921 th,' "om"r
:1'-I'IlIIt' ..
\arl"'rlh :1001 '·h,·'tllllt
illlllll'lli:ltt' :1/1,1 ,.,,1'.\"
III III' lI~t'd :\....
The Council of the Borough of Narberth
:I flllhlit· 1'1:l.'·~rollllri.

EMFJRGE;,\('Y PliO\, E ('AU,S :--:tti... ra,'tl,r~· Il'stllt..;. Does Ordain:

}'iJ'~, :~;)O Till' 101 b:I'" III't'll 1'111 ill lillI' .. !l;t!lt'. ~1'I·ti(l11 I. fl'h:lt it j~ tlat· dl· . . in· of
Poli .. !'. 1~,)11 tilt' old lilt\.;. tn'l' ('Hrt'fllll." II'illlll1l'd, HII.! tll(, 1'\lI'I'0I':lt" authnritil'.": flf thp Hor- Interest Paid on Savings Acconnts and Certificates of Deposit
tll .., pil'l·t· of g"rdllll,l l·hallg-~"ll frll1ll :til ",,:.:11 ,d' \'arl",,·th that 11", illrl~ht('r1Il"ss
I'Y~'·"(ln' tll :Ittrat·ti,·~' lilt. or :'ai I Borollg-h of \'arh('rtlt lop in' Acts :IS Administrator, Executor, Trustee and Guardian of Estates
Editorial \\ i~h tu

th:lllk Dill'
ing ~J1:lI't' t(l thi .. n'qlll'st, and tllt'
'1'0\\ II fllr ~i\'­
"r,'as('d It." Ib,' '11111 of Thirt.,· Thtlll-llnd
[l"llar, ($::0.0'111, f"r th,' l'"rl'0H" of I sure, Titles to Real Estate
.. ,

"f th,' 1,,1 for hi- 1'1'01111'1 :<t l"n· :il'qIJi1"ill~' :t I nU'1 of 1;llId to11(' t1:-l'" a~
', .
t illll t ,. t ht' Ilia ttl'l", ;1 lJllh1i{' pl:t.'·g-rollnd, .:/
,'/.\111·;\\'1·: .f. (;.\/./.\(;HI-:H. ~t'('l JOI1 :!. That :iBid ]0.:111 i ... to 111"1
III tht' )':1:-<1 \\ I'j'" 01' .... , ""l'\'l'ral I't'nfl. i
~I'l·llrt·d 11," hlllll)~ flf tlat' Borollg-h of
er~ hll"1' ,'alll'd nil" :"I<'lIlioll to tl",
\arh.. rth. :l.lJti that a pllhli" "I('l'!i'lll h.,
H:I<l 111',>,1 of a Iittl,· pailll 0.11 th,· 010"1"
lI'a." of t hI' r. :-1. ('..\. "lIildillg.
It is "1'1'.1' 1I0ti,'\',,"I,' th"l th,' ,'II·
WOM_~ h.. ld on TII ..,da.", I Ill' .. ig-hth (,~Ih Ida."
,,'f \',1\."".1",1'. l!I:.!I, h"t\l"'PIl thl' hOllr~
r=Don't Kid y ourself !~~l
,'I' , .\. :-1. and i 1'. :-1., at EIIII 1Inll,
traJlC'p to till' IJllildillg ha:-- htlf'OIlIt' l'X
T1J" ;llul\ t' iH 1hl' 111111I" of a littl,' ill Ih,' .-aid B"r""gh "f \'arh('rth. for The fact that we have a neat and attractive
treillel." bla"11 alld IIl1k"II'1'1 ill "I'I','ar·
fillet 1 ill tht' last yl':lI'. JII l"UJlJlll('tillll
jourllal "ollfailli'lg" 11(\\\:-' untl illf(lrTllu- I'''t:lilling thp H:'!"'t 1lt of tht' ('l(lt·tllr~ of
shop does not indicate that our prices are higher
I ill'l f'JI· \\'111111'11 ill :\Iollt}.!()JII('r.\" ('Ollut." , said Hor01lghof :'\arlwrth to th" Hai']
with th,' ""furts of thi' {'i"i,' A,"oda'
tioll, through OUI' '1'0\\'1', 10 inll'ro,'" th(' \\ h',·h i, 1'1I1d"II"d ill \'orriHtoWII. 11 1"'''1'''''',] ill'·J·"a,,· of Thirt.,· Tho1lsllnrl than in the city-THEY ARE NOT.
\\ iii nill; til !\t·t'l' t.lIl' \'utpr illformed Jt:-l ll"lI'lI"s ($:10,()()()) ind .. hte,luess. and
appC:lI';lIl{"(l of our hll!'\ifl(,~l'i se(-tion, it
is felt thut SOIlIl' all ..lltioll Hholl]<\ ;1(' lu L:IPII,'lli"'~,,, in llt'r 0\\11 HUri Ildj:u·('nt
that untit·(, of :-laid 1,1(,(,tion Il(' gh'l'JJ Our Candies, Baked Goods and Ice Cream
,lirectl',j to till' ('Ollllllllllit," CI'IIt",.. t'rrittll,jp:-o. a"I'ording- til la \I. I made especially for particular people~ those who
..... itl,~I·riptiol' 111 thi:-, paper i·s Ju (>('uts, I'(ls~"d thi, Sth ,]a~' of AIIA'''H!. 1!1:.!/.
'11le eost of gi\"ill~ ,hi~ duon\:!'" ;111.1
hal<'{lll~' a "ollpk of ,'oat, of' 1"11 lit ' III \·t·lIt ... 11" thi~ (1111011111 will rClllain ill W. H. D. H.\LI., , appreciate quality.
" h.. 1'\1'" I t rl'a'lIr,r . I'reHirlellt of ('01ln,'if.
.woul,1 not be Inrg-(', '11111 II,,·J'(' aI'!' dnuI", Phone Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered. Call Narberth 1705
;--':I'J1d YPIII" "1I11:-'I'riptiol1 tti nllr ullin'r (,HAH. ,., ~Of:L.
less a good lIIall,\' 1"'''101(' ill \'al1.,.,.th
lit' i 111' LlI('al Lt.~:q~nt1. Re(·T('tnr.v of Count,it.
wllO would I", \lilling to dlil' ill ''''
t11is proposition, wlli"h is ,"'1'1 .1'1 ,.. d." " '1'11(' illitial '''lill·h,'r will IH' i"II.-,1 ill -'I'pnll'c,] this 9th da~' of 8"l't"".I,(,I',
":kto}.l'r. In:.!l.
btlsinc.~s, hut 110 Oll"'~ ""sl"JIIHibilt.",
PerhnpH the orgalliZllti.o'h II hi"It IIH,' CARROLL [)()W"'EH.
Chipf Bllr:!('!!s. OPPOSITE STATION
thi:, building aH th .. i,. hl'anqll"l·ters SUBURBAN ASSOCIATION
won1<1 hI' glnd to Hh:lI'" I he small .. o~t
of lhis joh, whi"h II ill 11.:':'(' ubi:.: dil', '1'1", 11"\1' dp\,('!ol'llH'nt of ><tores along POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT
fCI'l-~n("e ill ill'i uPIWHrnltl'(', AllY 01'- IAII"'a~t"r pill.· in Ar,lllIore is Oil th.·
gnllizutioJ'H nnd illdi"idtlulH wilJill~ to
eo'opernte in this cX"{'lIellt id{'u :In' in,
'vited to eommunlcut,· w.itll Our ['own.
,ll'\\ I"Jildi"" lilli' ,,~tllhliRh",1 I,.,' th,'
:--t":,, Ilt'l'arllJlt'll,t III' Hig-hwlI.v" and
I>e/U' Indepeudent Voters:
In last wel'k's issue of Ollr Town
""!.,,, ,·"·arl." ,ho\\H tIll' lill" of l'"t"I'" YOu seemed to ohje('t to my praise of or rent, furnished or unfurni.hed.a home in Narberth. we have the
.I,., ,,1"1'''"'''i ::0'[ ad,·a"I:tg-." or 111" Mr. Roh,'rt ,T.eDothnrtl as II l\llndidate best list in Bny part of the town at prices and terme to 8l,Jit.
",id"IIl'd ),ik,·. for r",pl"t'tioll on our 10l'al R('hool 3 % COMMiSSiON FOR S£LLlNGPROPER1Y
Communications Thl' i:'\lIhllrbil/l .\-so,.;"t i"l1 I'II"li~"I't1 Boar,l. 'Vhe.1I ."011 "nn I'rodu('l' n mou


" ~tllt('III1'1I1 t",I"." thllt II lla~·"\·I'l.:·(J1I
"II III" dUll II t I", '1,"111'''''((-1' Pik,'. .\
of IlPUI'r ability for thl' position. trot
h;'11 Ollt all(1 get. his lIame on the
trll"k "lIlll" th .. otlt,·!· wa.". .II ""lIldll't hallot. :a.eai m.,1ia"tie
To the. Editor of Ollr TII,nl: I'''SH: '" it 1111'111'.1 uff--alll! '<:IS .IITrn· T rl'pl'lIt thllt nn~' aHempt to usurp Phone, Narberth 1687 NARB£RTH, PA.
'The writer wiHh('R to pr"t,'st lIg'lIinst ,'tI, 1\1 r. Dotllllrd's pinel' will not be to the BRANCH OFFICF, 1415 LOCUST STREET. PHILA.DELPHIA
thestutellleut ill till' polit'i,·:!] alh·el·tise· .\ "'orp /If ~Iaill Lill" 1111,ill\'H" 1111'11 I"'sl itltl'restH of Xllrberth's ta.xpayers
lIIelll. ill inst w"l'k 'H issnl' of Our TowlI I!oillg' to tllt'ir ,.flil·"s .'111111' ,1011'11 ; Ii,' all" studentH, III using- tlH' ,,"or(1
thnt "0111' High Rehool do,'~ Illlt re('"j"e PiliI': tllpl'!' IIII~ 110 1'0011I for tl,,-,", '.t ",,,urI'," I hovp 1101. in mind nnv
·the Ilropel' reeog'nitioll from the "olleg'es all. They 1I1111lt" d"toul's. 1''''''('1' handed lIown frolll kings, hut'~
I11H1 IInivCl'sitie~." "'hn,t wa~ th,' tl'Ollhle'/

!'",itioll to whi-eh Mr. Dothard has been
"'ill <the writer of the IlId")Jpllllent The Illaill hi~hw:,.,·s "" thp :-lllill Lill" ,'l!·<'te,1 hy his fellow-town"men aue! has , '.' .' . NARBERTH
· Voters/Committee oblige me by hring. hll\'" ~ro\\ 11 irlll"I'(lI ll1te . II plI (·al'lll·tlduring his term of office. . 'G''
; ... ". G·.·..·.·O·.Dom.·)·.ca'·
'. .. .')'. . 8 and.. Pie.s a. t the
. B.uY Yo.urCa.k.e
illg fOl'th II single ill,~idellt whel'e a :';0 the Hllhul'hllll Associut.illn \\"'111 You use the term "autocratip eon-
h;.j'alll,ute of alII' High Heho,,] haH not to work through its Roarl GOl1lllli tt 1'(', trol" in connection with Mr. Dothard 'a
. ..'... ' •... We do our own bakinl daily.
. j'"p·cived recoguitiou 011 u por with a of ",hit-h :-11', Salll\l(·1 Rell, Prcsidl"lt of' re-election, nnd thereb~' ngain show n Try our home-bak~d Ham, home-made. Je~lie9 and Mayonnaise.
. gradnnte. of any puhlie prepnratory thp 1'f'IIIlH."Jvllnia HuH 1'''''", isehllirnulIl. "('1'." pOQr, if allY, knowledge .)f 8ehool Orders taken for large Pies and Cakes.
. :~chooljll thecouutl'Y? 'JIld in ('o,o\'('rlliioll with till' ktl\I1,' 1IIIIII'l.l affairH,
. EverY Nnrbertil grlltlullte noi,· iu col-
ll;geis 'UWlll'~ of ,lefe~tH ill his or her
IH~h"'lI~' j)('pllrtlllpnt, lI(ll'essllry legiHia·
tioll Wll~ sl'~.uretl, :llHl tllllt nt'llnrfnll'nt
W1Hl>t is tbe issue1 1'0 improve ollr
s,·hoob. or to simply tenr flown to
Narberth Belicttessetl and Bakery .
· ~oll~ge prep~ration, it is true, but .tbe iH mnkillg' surveys, show that it cnn be donlJ? 104 ForrQt Avenue Opp~litef"lI'e Hotlle
· j'tilli·ding.of the 'loel\1 High SchOll'! is
'stiU·unquestioiuid.· "
Lam'oster }Ji)u.' "'ill '1I0W be wideue<l
br the Rtn¢e to 80 feCIt from hOtlse to
When yon (lan show n constrnctive
progranlthevoters oJ; Nurbel'th are
1.!:!==!8~Si==~=='= ======5==~==~=====' ~'=
.. ' . . .
, . '::!'N.arbotth: '~i~hSehool/coiI8idliriug bouse) all the wnyfrilin Qver,broo1t to .with you, blit it 8ee.msthlit ·.they.. nrc ,. ." '. ' ., •......
'': gs' s~ze~ . has r.eel!iVed unusualreeogni· RosemoJitnJl(lpo8~j,blytbr(lughWnyne, nil ,l1bt f~llyco~viuced"':"dcli.pite'y<ll1f .'MAKE' .OU.R. : STORES' YOUR .STOR:ES: .
';':,tt~~ . t~~~. tJ\e:firwt;,el~8li·iu~titU.~iol!-8, So ,vin'Wt'~tChester tllfrtpiki'. '. . .ilffor·ts tiisprcndwider'tJiidde~th'llt ' ..'. . .. " .. , . : '. ." " . . ., .
~,.nn.a:ae¢(lrding,t.othcbe!lt·nvliilJ,11>l(j ih-, Atin:rltniil Liile niall' snid:rcct!lltly: olll'sehoolsnrealfwl-ong.··· ..· ·
·?:iorij.lti.t.~,on~-.t~.i:s· reco.'guiU(lrt ~is:~ still c?t:~.·" >' i. The :.·~~.lJli~l~\I~'· A·~·B;O~-ili~'iqn -.~&~. ~)og,i~~~. . Wat~b': .'~ilr:· ~ae~8; .,·:,be: C( ~
. . ..
M",a 'I'N'" ..;. 'L'IN:E"
,,'.. ·.'D'R"U~
. ~
'. ···S···1;""
~.'O···· ·R
. ·'£·.···,5·' : .
\tciillOd.< .' , .•'. .... . . \" "Il'iligJo rlo.thingll,';Jjtrutt dC? u\or~ nh'(l'w;e shl\l1·'N(jve"lber. ., '. . :ARt)-;'QRtL:';;b~~~ U l·S... ·, '.;: " ~"; ~~R~."',"'i'PItO~ •. ~8ao· ..
;.. ~., A:N:A~.U#N.l.TS.:hltt;ilOt alone. . . '." ·.'··ItPBE.:aT'J;~DdAR;·· . . . . ,.... ,'~ ~'.' .',. . . ,...... . . '.'.

'.',', ". ",':' ," <, ' .. ,.'


A Bs~ur~.2 !A·
us he going: he hold h(' iH at. hall(1 that THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.
NrWB doth het.rny nH'." FlDesl PboioDlaY Tb.-
:!.;1O 1'. ~I.'-Hall.,· Day 'ervi,'" h.v the Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. eire 01 I" SIze la ibe
EDtire World.
THE OLD MERION FRIENDS' HllndllY i::ldlOol. Exer";scH hy the "hil Pb.toplavlO-conlinuollll 10~. M. to ...Ie
MEETING HOUSE, drclI all.l all a.ldn'" h~' Dr. \\'111. E. TO-lIlllrrllW. (ktolll'l ::, \\ill III' t1l,' 1l1I'
('halllll'l's. Edu"at ion a I :->"l'I"ota r.'· of th,' 11,,:11 Hally Da." ill this ohlln·lt. a,,·1 the
Montgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab· Ph"... Pe.
Haptist "uhli,·"tioll :-;,,..i"t~·. rl\II~'injl; 'I'irit \\ ill I'('rya,)(' all t,hl'
lished 1682. Hore William Penn wor-
shiped, [IS well as llIany other noted i.ilil /'. \1.,- YOlll1~ I'l'opI.-" :'Ill'etill~. lllC't'tin;.rs.
:-;lIh.ied .. , \1 is"ion"r." \\"ol'k ill (·h:lla." [II tilt' :-;lIl1da." :-;,'hool at !I,~.-, ,\. :\1. PROGRAM
Frienus. One of thp historical spots of
TIll' 11'''.11'1', \Ii" ElI\llIa :'IllIl'lll'r. at, then' will ht, slll'l'ial (·xt'l'l·i~e:-,. ('l:u;~~~
America is opell for worship every
First.dlly (Hun,la~') morning at 11 tl"l1r1pd 1h(' \lis~innar.\· ('oUf'PI'l'IH'(l in will h .. I'r"I",.t"d fr"l1l thl' Begillner,·. WEEK OF OCT. 3
Prilliary alld .llIlIior J)l'l'artlllt'ats. It
a 'ciock. First·day ~chool begins at 10 ('halllht'r·dl\lrg- thi=-, S\lllllllt'f.
A. M. Yi"itors cordially ill\·ited. i.,I~' 1'. \1.-EV('lIillg ,,'or,hil'. Inspir,
ing' ~OllJ! Sl'r\'if'l'. H~:"l:.;t(·d h,\' tlH\ Of·
i" hop('d that th"l'(, will I", IIlW,; at·
"Scrambled Wives"
Tho First-dny ::;chool is held every
"I""tra, IIndn the dirl'dion of :\fr. F. \t II .\. :'I\., th,' hOllr (If morning FLOWER SHOW NEXT SATURDAY.
First-day morning at ten o'clock. There
,,,: ,hiI', th,' l'a,l"r will (Ieliy('r all ill\l~ OCTOBER 8. ELM HALL.
. is a class for adult s as well as for
children, llnd we arc n'ry glad to ha ve
(t. 1':lt 11'11, fl,1111\'. t'll I,,"

h.,' thl' I'"stor,

:1 (;'1"'111'1 lllt' .... rlgt'
I ::lIed <l'rlllOI' 011 "The Light lIf th" IIIAIN PRODlJCTWN STARTS AS HIlA.
anyone who is interested in knowing ,'i.lltl I', :\1. \\'.'dlll',da~' I'v"lIin~-nt',
\\', 11,1," ill \\ !lif·ll :1 larJ.!t· 1I111l1 1q'r or :-;1'(' Our '1'0\\ It lIext week for ('0111-
A8 POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. &1.. 11.00. 1.01,
Tltr",' I'hri-tinll Ellllea,'or nlt'dillg' ••,111. 11.411. 1.411. II." P. II.
more about our Roeiety of FricndH and votional I'ra.\"I'r 11I.'etin~ and Bihle ,detl' li"t of (·I"S'"s alld prizl'H.
the Friendly ideas visit with us. stud,'-' ('Olllt' and }r-HTll (·hildrell will I'artioipatt!,
tht':.;e grpat Uos-
1"'1 ,on~s. It will I,,"ke th., whole will he 1t('ld. Th .. Junior C. Eo will

ST., MARGARET'S R. C. CHUROH. \\ et'k hrighter.

The puhli,' is invitl'd to nil thl' servo
nl('('t at 4 1'. M., llnrl will hI' in l'barge
of ~'r. alld l\lrs. Walter H. ·raitt. Th ..
Rev. R. F. COwley, Rector.
i",', of this "llIlrdl. InterJlIl'dint" C'. E. will meet nt 7 P. Thl' Penns\'lvania Horti .. llltllral Ho, Raymond Wei••• Proprietor
Early Mass on Sunuays at 7 A. M. M., :lll'! will he in ('harge of Mr. \-an "iety will hold their Annual Dahlia.
Late Mass, 10 A. M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. :\e", alld Miss Ruth E. Haws. The ~ho\\' at BrYII \Iawr ::;atufllay I\ft('r- GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
Masses on holy days. 6.30 and 8.30
A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo·
Rev. Arthur S. Walls, D. D., Pastor. :-;I'n i"r ('. 1-:. S<\('i('t~· will also nreet at
7 1'. 1\1.. alld will h(' led h~' the Pre,i-
"0011, Odoh,'1' ill t'ollll"dion with

t h,' Hor"" :--ho\\.

Harvest Home and Rally Day. :\arherth ('xhihitors will ('0 III pI' tl' in Telephone Narberth 1633
tions' and other services at regular d"111 of t h,' :-;o,·i"t~·. Mi'R Franees M.
times.". Ol'!olwr :!: Keilli. s,,\'I'rld of th,' dill'""'. If you ar(' in,
!lA.' .\. \I.--H\lnda~· H('hool Rlllly tPI'I"t,'l in t1o\\,'rs, 11I('('t u" at the Show
Da~·. A tt('ndllne(' g'Oal, :\00. Prolllotion H
At i,~~, 1', l\1. th,' past,,1' will ,lelivl'r
Hally lIa~' ,('rmon 011 th,' thl'me. t hi" afternoon.
da~' for grad('d ela"es. Our slo~l\n: , ":-;ollnd, "I' Marrhing in thr Tops of J ustiee of the Peace
" E\'t'ry tl'aeher lind .'v('r~· "'holar pr(", t I", :'II ,r1I,,'rr~' Tfl'es." REAL ESTATE
\'i,itor, weleol1le. MAILS TO AND FROM NARBERTH.
Rev. Gibson Bell. Rector.
1'01." Church Notes.
Incoming Mails Arrive.
Fire Insurance-Best Companies
Il.illi A. ?\l.-l\Iorning worship. Fes· On :-;Ilnda'·. Oetoher n, th., ('onlllllln'
Rev. Robert B. W. Hutt, Associate. ,;All A.M.-From all points.
Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
t i\';l1 of H'1I"\'('st HOIII!'. R.'rlllon hy the ion will h., '·l'lelnat .. d, with th(' usu,,1
pastor. Thl' <'lllln·h d,'eorntt,1 with the :',no A.M.-Loen) from Paoli.
Kl;, A. M.-HoI~· COl1llllllnioll, pr('parntor~' !lIe('ling next \V('d,ws(la:v t ".-til A.M.-From all points.
ftl,it, of th .. ~'(,IH'S hllr,·esl. Speeial in· I .'v('ninjl;. PAINTING GLAZING
!JAr; A. M.-Chur('h R,'hool. 1.45 P.M .-Frolll all points. DECORATING JOBBING
"itatioll to all former m('mher~ t,o "isit '1'1,., d,':II'ons alld' tllt'ir "ivc, "ill .;.:10 P.M.-Local from Paoli.
1\.00 A. M.-'1I!ornin~ I'ra~'l'r Iw,1
I IH'P 1l10ft' t1l(- h(llltp {'hurch. ~: .'I,t Il"\~ 'i'ltI'sday 1·\'('lIill:.!; lit tbt' \1"1111' L'I;; P.M.-From all points.
ti.;;n P.:\r.-Loeal from Paoli. WILLIAM IEWBORII • CO~
7.01l 1'. l\1.-EI'"',,rth \."ag-lle den" "I' \11'. alld \II's . .I:<lIIt" \1. Fail',
The Htlnior ('hoir will r(\~lIll1e it.~ reg- Pllntlng and Deooratlng
t jnn:t 1 ~l·r\'i(·t'. Thl' \\'olllen '" Auxiliur~' will IIle('t lit
IIlar ltppearan"e this :-;'In"a~·. He, Mails Close for Departure. 212 Woodbine Ave., Narberth, Pa.
7,~.-, 1'. 1\'I.--I-:,'ell< II;": \\'"r,h il" ::;er, 1111' .-I"<1".\r Ilext \\· .. ,hlt'sda~· at 111 ,\.
h('nrslIl, start,'d last 111'1'1<, with I'v,'ry Phone, Ardmore 14311 W Nlrberlh 1768 W
A.~r.--For all points.
lllClllber of la~t .\"l'ltr·:-- (·hoir rr111ruil1g. '''''II I,," th,' I'astor. \1., ,<lId tlte \fi"ionar~- HO"iet" at :! l'.:\f .-For nil poin tHo
Church Notes.
Th., Ho~'s' ('hoir al'o start- it- re, I', \1. 1',~1.-, Local to Paoli.
'1'1,,' ,·hlln·h will h" "1"'11 afternooll 'I'll(' :-;ellll'l'f Fi,lelis Bihle ('la,s "ill 1'.\1.-, -For all points.
hpnr~RI ... nf'xt "('l'l\.
,1<,01 '·"l'llilll!. :-;atlll'da~·. O(,toher 1st, to P. \I.-Local to Paoli.
It'l,\,j \ 1 ' dona t ill"'" for t h4. 1 HnrveRt
Illl'l't at the hOIll(, IIf ~Ir,. Vun :\,'~s
lIt'xt TlIllrsda.'· (~\·puiJq!.
1',\1.- For all poillt~. For Bowling and
HOIIIl', All the' .. tok .. ns of the harvest Th(' cl(lers all'] tlwir wi,'es will n1,'et
\', ill I", Sl'lIt t" the l\ld1ro(li,t Epis('opal
HOIlI!' for t.he Agerl. Philu,)('lphi:l.
at th(' home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Taeob K. \1 nil a rri "es i.l 0 A. \1. Pocket Billiards
L('ss('y next Friday evening. \11.i1 ('Ios('s 5,~5 P. \1.
Rev. Avery S. Demmy. B. D .• Pastor. Th" Rtantlard B"nr('r' ,Yill hold their come to the
IIl'xt 1'l'g-IIIar Illet'ting at tIll' ..Jl11reh,
~('rvi,'I", Run,1a~·. Odnhl'T :!. l!l:!l:
Tlll'sda" ("'('lIing-, O(,toher ·Un. 'It 8 "Thl' Long lIncl Short of it is, we RECREATION ROOM
Rally Day. I', \i.
.\ laq.~·t'r pra."l'r 1l11'('till~ e\"pr:,' \Yro<!·
Bob Fretz Defeats Thorny will do (lllr very hest, an,l hop(' to
No.1 Forrest Ave.
11.UO .\. M .-( 'nllllllullion ,er\'i('c.
Mcrlitalioll Oil ~latl. :W: ·W, "Ris(', let 1I1· ... lla~· t'\'(')1 illg-. Grngan and Wins 1921 win," sai,l :Mr. Fellllo.
\\"arwi,'k nllll EUllIS rl'adwd th(' c. L. PARKE
Tennis Singles Championship fiullls h~' ,Il'fl'atiu~, la,t :-;n 111 rd a.",
Krlll'(' IIl1d Mu,,'ltalup, ~-li, ti,~, aud thl'll

def('ating llllllu aud Reullion Ii·O, !i-O.
Whitney. :\ar!>t'I'th. d"f"at"d Williams, Fl'lInn nud B"I'""r had a hard 1I111!,·h ia
BuekR COllnt.~·. Ii·::,; ~I,·('ahill. :-;"1' tllt' ~H'llIi·lill:tI"", c1t'ft'atillg Snlt'dlt'r and For Permanent
H:lt'r Ii· ~, :!-li. I).~.
herth, rl('fpnted \1"rrl'll. Hlll'k- "(wnt.v.
(i·o, 6-0. What Ho! What Ho! Satisfaction
Atkins anti HIIlI1t'rwortll. Blll'k, It i:-o :lb.o flllllof('d that two \'('1',"

J.ckson. Aune. Violin Inst.ructlon.
nuslc County, defeat I'd F. Frl'lz lind .I . .\lIl'n, 1'rolllinent l'itizens of our borough. who BVY A

SrnctlmyBuitt n_
GOUlliaIl. B. K. Public Accountant. 303 Telepbone. Narberth 316·J. Xnrberth, 6·1, ~.ti, Ii·;:: AlIewl'lt allfl arl' nH'mloers of the Asso .. iatioll, hllv ..
Con'WaJ A-ve. Phone, Narberth 18l1T-,J. Looe, t'anDJ' II. Plano teacber.
..... B. 0. CertUlod PubllO AOcOlIDt&IIL \\'illiams, Bu{'ks (·"llnt.". dl'f"atl',1 Kirk· "halleng('d l'a,,1t otller to Ill('('t au th"
, III Dudl.,. . _ PhoDe. N....berth SOI-W. Studio. Arcade Bld~. Pbone. 316-J.
NOTARY PUBLIC. patrick and Whitn('~·. :\'arl1('rth, :l.ti, (·lIltrt. at da.\'light ~Olll(' mornin~ next
AUTOllIOBILB8. ,IIell'erle., ,II. a. 111 N.rbertb a"•. (i·3, 6-2; \Varwil'k und Rha\\'. ):ar),('Tth. \\ 1'1'1,. lind that. l>"t'rything i" reaoy for
N'arbertb G_e•. Pbone Narberth 1638. Pbon.. il8-1I. til<' fra.'· ('X(·,'pt the .. hoi('.e of se('onu,.
Sll e display advertisement In tbla asue. Shop.on. lIen7 A.. 232 Ellex Aye. defeated Esheri,·k allfl Palli. Blll'k,
Phone, NlITbertb 836, County, 6·3, 6-3. Hl1rg','s,,-to·hc l\1etzgt'r and Apothoeary
A.UTOMOBILE 8ERVICE. TY8on, Warren R. 200 Woodbine Ave.
DOOMUe, Patrick F. Pbone 1633.
See display, advertisement In tbll Issue.
Phone. Narbertb 1202·W.
Consolation Doubles Finals Today. Howard d,'n.,· that they knoll" anything
ahoot the fortl]l'ollling hattll'. Mnybe
WM. D.. & H. T. SMEDLEY -.,,~,
Weather p('rmitting. the final lIIntc'h

Fenton. Oarl F. 608 mae>: ...... Pbone.... -w nltr Oos"il' ('orrt>'!HIlHlent on tl,,' S.29
BAKERY. Pblla. address, 1631 Cbestnut st. Spruce 7797 iu the Consolation DlIllhlps TOUrIllllII,'nt
~, S"''' Shop. OIlPolite ltation. Zentmayel'. Joseph. 1500 Locust Bt., PhUa. will be played tl1il' aft.('rnoull hl't \\'('en g-ot the wrong ,lope. Anywa)", IIItlrder . .:\::
~ displaY a4vertlaement In thll lalne.
Newborc,Wm•• a Co. 212 Woodbllle Ave.
Phone, Narberth 17118·W.
Borrer lIn,1 1"('nno allil F.nrl \\"a!'wit'l,
and W. W. Evans.
\\ill al"".\"
:- t r r.'· ."pt!
Oltt "nd \\ .. '11 g('t this
1lleri0ll Title a Trost Co. Pbone, Narb'tb 3!l8 See display advertisement In tbl. luue.
'Se. dl.pla~· ad.. ertl.em~nt In tble I_ue.
. DUILDBB8 111 WtnSOr ."•. Pbone, U4T·J.
ootto..... Geo; W. Phone, Narbertb 12li6.W. PAPER IlANGI:"(;. SCORE AND ANALYSIS OF
... 8ee display adv,ertlsement In tbls Issue.
Shand., Alelt~ C•• .II'•. Phone; No. lnO. 80y<l, Horace S. g13 Meeting House Lane.
Narberth Station. Pbone 356. SINGLES CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH. Jobbing prompt', attendtdto ,
Smedle'•. \Vm. D. II H. T. Pbone.rtOO. PHOTO PLAYS Nleht Phoo•• Nerbert" .a7
Bee dl8p1ayadvertlaement In !hIe luue.
"Areadla," lItb .nd Cbe.tnut IlL, PbU. First Set. Day P"_e. Narberth 302 J
ClANDY. B'l'C. See dleplay advertleement In thle l_uL Ii4-39 (i
De...... a. Eo Pllone, 1I6.-W. Fretz . . . . . . . . • . .. 7 :! 0 2 4 fi 4 5
'aoo dlepl.,. .AlYert1lilmont In tble laue. PIANO TONlNG ANDBBPAIB8. Grngn n :; 4 4 4 I :\ o 7 4 1--3~ 4
Plaoo TuDl... aodPI.,.. Plan"
. . (JARPENTBBS AND BUILDERS George A.bele. Phone Narberth 15·J. =".. t " Outs. PI. R:A. D. }'.
.I.eiiJdu•. C
lOS Du!!loy'
· L.. '
Pbo"e, 11184. PLUlIlBINO. RTC. Fretz ....................•..... 1~ 11 4 o
4 I The Narberth ElectricalShop .•. .
Cook Bro.. Phone 802.J. Orugan .........•........ 1:1 20 !i 2 280 HAVERFORD AvE. . ...
See display advertleement In this Illue. Second Set.
Wall,H. B.Phone, Narberth 1602-J. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS
Seo advertlnment In tbl. ,..". Fr('tz ....................•..•... 4 4 11 :; I 2 2 4 1--34 :\
o We repair, sell and install anything.
Grllgnn ......•................... 2 fj ~l 7 4 4 4 4-40 Ii
S.A. D.F. Eleetrieal. Old house wiring iI. ·specailt7.
Xob. Out,t<. PI.
Ii 2 5 Ask about our three payment plan in·
Fretz .......................... 17 Iii
2 o o eluding ftxtures.~one 1633 .or S95'W·
Grugan ......................... 12 14
Third Set,
Fretz :! :; 2 Ii 4 :\ o 1i-:1Ii, 4
Gl'ugan "'. I :1 4 4 2 5 :I 4 8-t2 6
X('l~. Ollt~. PI. B,A. D.F.
Fretz ..........• ,.............. 21 IS 8 1 1 Cotter's Meats
Grugnn 1~ 14 2 o 0
Fourth Set.
Fretz 1 40514441 2 2 4 4 4 4--·W 9 A 'Quality For
Orl1gnn .. , .. .4 2 4 3 4 2 0 2 4 4 4 3 Ii 1 2 0-45 7
Out.s. PI. So A. D. F.
People Who
17 o 2 Want The Be~t
25 2 1 0

4 5 1 4-3·1 Ii Grocerieaand Provisiona .

o 3 4 1-27 4
PI. B.A. 0.1".
8 4 4'
3 o 0

'S,A. D.F.'
7 16·
) 2
:.',' ......


nskl'd for a ~ellt, just SplI'~ one

A Free Musical Prize Essay Contest .\'l't
,1"11,, .. II ilh y"llr nlllllp to :\·Ir~..In'·ohs Ze:l1"t:r:n.ayer's
Training lor Boys .\ .. i11l1l111l1l1'l'd ill thl'~p C'cdllJlII1S lust
:",Ild :1 pllilot' \\ ill
l'l,i, j, fill' Ihe IIlpmhers of Ih,' WIl'
Ill' rt'~H'1'\ c'd fIJI' ,VOIJ.


c'I'I" l'r!/.,,~ :LIIIOIIIII illg- to tt'll lollnr!" 1:;111· . . ('dlilIl11Iuity ('llih and fell thp
TRAINING IN SIGHT SINGING AND 1,: , \" """11 ,,11'l'rl'd III th,' ~""'Ilg' people
Reopened. Sep"teJ:Xl.b e r 19, 19211
I, 1"1,,1"'1~ Ill' fht' .'lulinl' ('hd,.
VOICE CULTURE OFFERED "r .'\;1 rhe'rtll foJ' e:'<l":l.'·:-; 011 Ollt' of four 19B ~:l.nd.sor A.oven.u.e
BY ALL SAINTS CHOIR. _;.;, " .. I t'cl ... :111.1t·C·t:o'.
,"l, ill lil~t "t'l'k'~ 1'01'.\ for detai1:--, COl\lMUNITY CLUB CHORUS TO RE-
Modern Fashions Demand Smooth Skin
1"1I1111t'I'tillll \\ il! in the
·.. II,dl 11(' I'IJidi:-iht'd llg'ain ORGANIZE OCTOBER 6TH.
.\11 :--::lil1t ... \\'Ylllll'\\IHIII HIIII lIPlIl' flit 111'('. Thl' II111J) who ofl'erH thp~e
.\11'111':.::1111:1-1'.'" :1\ l'IIIIl'S, fill' Ihl' "Hllling )']1/1'''' h:l:oi lliadc' it a I'onditioll th-af fit Tilt' ('OlllllllllJity ('1\111 ('horll~ 1'111' wo° Use Long's Depilatory for removing superfluous hair. The kind that
tilt' dll,inll:t .... 1,'!" hHl" .-
\\illll'r. :l1l1l1'11111'I,d :,";1:--1 "',c'llly Ii\t' It·tttlr:-, he :"uhlilitted II,c'l! 's\oin':':' will I"t'organize fur the never fails. Priee. SO ct •. On sal" at
th:d t .. "'lIitahll' "1I.'"~ of :\:II"I"'rl11 a that tht.' 1'1'. ',\ ;111,,1", II Ilr!, "",itoI' ).11'. Da\'id ~I'ratt,
frl'l' t I;tillillg ill 1I111 .... j(· \\ ill til' IdTt'I'f'd.
lll,ll'! Dtrt'" It('c'Ollll'

lli,..', tol'. 'I'll" fir,t r"hl'ar~l\1 will he

Tllis \\ ill ill{"ll1dl' si~ht rl'adill~ ill ";'!tc' 1 lillI' lilliit for tlat' l"lllltl'~t will 1,,·ld al till' hOIlI(' Ill' ~Ir". ~ti,·kl"'.'·' :!15
('hoil" .. ill:..!.ill~. illthidll:tl ,'"it't· !'ldtllfl' I,,· i . . :-Ollt'.

c. P.
altlllllllll'l,d III all l·ar).'" to- "cllTc':;1 :!YPIIIH', Th\lnllJa.v af'tl'rnOOD.,
14''' ... 011 ...

11""':-:1111'" .'11
thn";'4' \\ Iill

tIll' pi:lllll


:,.I'lh,'r"illt the' 1I11lllc'~ of-lhl' .illdg-l-~. tkf"llt'!' lilh, at
l'1l:"\\' :--l'll~ctll i~

P. ~1.

;\~ 1,.

, ,I
,·i:I1).'· girt,'d ill IlllIl 1ill". ;11'1' :lsl\t>cl. to It'llllrt promptl.'"_
Thi ... lIIT,'(' 1... tlpt·" t i l 11It'lldlt'r~ tlf HII."
'I'll,' "11"1'11., II ill ,illg 1',,1' th,' \Vo-
c1t'J101Ilill:t1ioll. and tlli' tilll!' I"t'qll;II'd iH lIf \\'p~t ~o­
~o :trr~ll1gt:'d a .. IIllt tu !1J't'\ellt Httt'lId-
" :111· ... \'lub ('ht'stt'r during
Coke, $8.00, Chuted
illt('l'tl~tiHg hi:-ltorit· "aro)
:I Ill'" ;tf tlapir ()\\II :--\11111\:1." ~(·h()(ll. Re·
Th,· \,,, ",,'r! h I '''Mt Ill' the :\ '"eri"I1/l
'1'1111"'1'; all
Nut Coal 14.25, "
}I(';I r:-'lIls H rt' 11l·ld t \\ i('!' a \\ ('t'k. 'l'lIt'M-
'"~IHII !In ... :I111101l1l1'pd it:-i lin.t dUlIe·t' of
,,·n i,'" i, 1'1:lIllIl'd fill' Ih" holidl\" s,'a-
SIIII, and Mr. Spratt ha' fllrthl'r ,'11-
Stove " . 14.25, "
" .
I h,' 11,'\1 "':"'''I\. It \lill tak,' plal'e ill
da.\" ilud Frida.,", at -t o·(·IOI·k. a! thl'
1-:1111 1I:t11 Oil Frida.\' lIight, Od"l",r 7th. ~;lgC'lIlt'lIt:, ill J1rmiJlf'i~t. to he HIIIlIlUJ1C'od Pea 11.00, "
:\JOlJtJ!0lllt'''Y Sf'}IOIl), :Iud tht' hoy:,'
"!lflir n-Ill1rl" at th!' c"hlln·h :--\llfl(I:t."~ Ht
Tilt' \'OIIJlllitt('l' is planning au c!'ipe'
I,d,'r. Egg " 14.00, "
ThCllJ~h thi~ ('horll:' origiuatl'tl a~ a
,"ill/I,\' :lltl'uc·ti,op d:1J1t'l', Hod it lS ex· SOc per ton extra when Coal or Coke i. carried
,·I"h dt'Jlllrtlll~nt, .""1 the ,·llIh icll'1I1 i~ "/
11I',"tl,,1 that tht'!'H' ,Jall('\,:" \\ill e"t'H sur-
Thi~ i ... ;111 j'\c'('ptitlllal t·ellle"altona} I"lllllllillnity Hervi(·(', HUtI all \\"Olll('n of
Ila ...... la ... 1 .'"1':11"· .... whidl were l'xt"t'lIle}y
0PIHlI'tllllit.', ;l~ tiJ(' tr:lilling j ... t'qllul to \::lrj,,'rth who Hre ~1't'I'il\II~' int.'re"t",1
1" IIHlltt r. \\'" ,,',' that th,' J>rp,h~-terilln Chur~h
1hllt 111' :lily largl' c·it.'· (·hoir. aud lIone
IllJ1 tllt' 1.1':-.1 r·l:ls:- Ill' 11I1"\'s art' lIH'lllhf'r8.
in musical work will he eligihll' til tIlt'
'hili'll'" \\ ithllut tllt' rt'quifl'llIf'ut of dllh
I"" 11:101 t Ii"j r I,art "r Ih,' t 'hllr.. h Hull,'·
',It 1111:,,01, r"I"lt .... ",1. l~uil,' an at·
(;olcl 1"1'0:-0.'\1':-- :!n' H\\arclf"c1 fClr illlprt1\'tt' Plumbing, Gas Fitting .:

1111'111nlld illtt'rt':--I, aud ;1 tl'IP nf SOIlIP School Notes membership,

alld an' "lIr,lilllly II "I !r;tl,ti\,· ,ink
and Heating
stlrt, til hI' 1I1111011llc",'d latc·r. i ... plaull!'d Dill'S ill tilt'll ,'horll:-i are-lIl1Hlillal and
:'II r. Hellry .\. 11'rye. who ha" hpl'll
fllr tIll' 1'lId lit tlll' :--1':t~C)n. rc·l!('arsal .. illl'lucll' a lutlf-hollr St'SSiOl1 NARBERTH PA
It'll'" elf nJ11 JlIHYl'r~ a:"t)lIlld Ii, illg' thi:-; SUlllJJll'r "ith hi:, 11111'It', He\'.
.\I'l'ly ,·ithc')' to ~II'. 1J:I\'id ~prall. lc'II,;IIII' :l 11111
in hreathing-, tOIlt' l'ro,llldilln, IIl1d 'o"HI Phone, Narberth 1602-J
'\ hi,'h til hllild :1 g'IOd tt':I1ll for the 1I:lIn' ~1.
('half HilI. hilS r"tlll'lI,'d to
l-to~ Ell ... t ~lll.'":tIlIt'n,... illg a\"I'HUt', I'hila' tp,"lalliqUt· of J!,11'H1 \·altl(' to sing't'I':-.
'111'St'lIt ... t'a~()Il. ThpTt, is i'1l..'lIt~· of ~ootl ~la~;oO, \\ hen' h{' is a stl1-
t1('!phi.£. 01' at till' \1(Jltt:.{olll{'r~' Da~·
"\II~'l)nt' iJltt'fl'sted in joillin!_.{ the
!11:llc'ri:tl ill tbt' :"1,11(0) if it (.'0\1111 ht"' ,1"/1, ill tl", Ibn'ard Law t)1·holil.
~··':l('h(fnl. nod alld ~I olltgol11Pr~'
,'hol'lI' 11I:1." lIotify :\11'. ~I'ralt. Ilirl',·tor,
a\,eHlJt':"o, 1I",t T11(':--d:l.'". frol!t :~.:~f1 to 4
o'(,ll)l·k. Bn.'"~ llt'h't'~11 the ag""!'! Ill'!l
~'l""giJt Pill. ,\ ... tlit' sjtll:l1iull ... tuuds.
~ Iii' tc'alll \, jll Ill' light und grep'l. 11\11
\11". A. B. Ilos", (·hairlllllll. or all~'
'I'lli' \1I11'lll nll o
I.t·gilill \\ ill U)ll'JI tlH'ir
""'/llhl'\' of thp ('hOi'll'. Ill' fall :lnd \\ illtt'r daJll'ps next
,,".1 1:: ;I)''' ,.Jigihle. ... , c'll:" \' illilJ~~' tCl \\urk. T\\tl l,lc\'PUH art' "'c'II,',"
,":.I,"tir·jll;':' daily ullc!pr ('uat-h HI'rzug-. 1'lld:I' lIighl ill 1-:1111 Hall. Thesp dlllll"'S

It:!\t· :11\\:1.,· ...
l'l,i, i, th .. Iir,1 .'·.'ar al :\arherth for JUNIOR SECTION WOMEN'S COM Ilt'\'l1

II You Act' Quickly \1 r. HPl/.llg. \\ Ii!) I"oilies frtJlll TI'Jllplp

I Ili\c·l'.. ity ;HId prinr til that \':.~ at
1('HtuJ't' of thl' \\ illtt'r Ht·ti,·jt.ip:-,.
Pasteurized Milk DEliVERIES
IJrYDdO~~lkcertllted WEST PHILA.

"t,'d lIith th,' \'arh,'rth ('horal

IH_~ :ddt' ttl ht'~'Oltll~ :dlili-
'.",tl:":,,t High ~dlO"1. :'Ilr. Hl'rzllg', i/l
;\,'clitiolJ to ;lC·till~ a~ t·tlat·h of tIll' TIlt' lir,... t Illt,(,tillg" III' 1.h.' JII'\\" St'a~nll ! People to Vote on tPedrl.lle Soddy) OVERBROOK

an.d ht' pli~"ihlt' tu 8iug- ill\ fir:-:t ('on-

('pt't of t 1)(1 !'it :t~HtIl. t () 111' gi "en iJl the
\ ;lri'lll . . tt':lll1 .... is al~41 Physi"al Ui;-e('tor
or tlll",·hOll1.
for thf' ..Jllllio!' ('ollllllllnity ('luh
IIg plallllecl p:""p\.'t'jall~· to \, l'1C'ollH' UP\\"
j:-. ht'·
Recreation Center Speelal M"IGlkDern..ey..

(Roberts' &0 Sh.rple...•

1\letropolitnn ()p~rn HOII,e withill tll,· "\1 !'tTSt'llt 110 I'uptain ha," hL1t.'JI t'ltl(·t· 11(·lIlh<.'I',"; to it~ lI!id ....,t. find a IlIo~t intt'r- (Continued from Page 1)
lIt'xt t\\"11 Jllollths. "d. I'llt thi.' ..}Ioi,·e lie~ het" "ell Martin ,·-ting Illl·(·tillg if; eXIl(l('tcd. Th(l ('lull
Cre.m Buttermilk ARDMORE
HOIl ahoul ~'()u, :\1i~s c'olltrn1to~ Mr. and Di.. kie, vl'terans of last year's Illvite, 1"'('1')' ~'Ollllg girl in '\arl"'rth Ihi.' IIIt'l,ting \UI,YS alld metlllS \\:11 lo".·:
T"II''''! :\11'. Ba~~o f I,." III. Di"ki,~ "'ill play <]1I"rte ..-hack \\ 110 is Itot :1t pre:-;eut a JI)('III1'('r to "on'i,lerecl for acquainting- en'ry resi-
Table _ d WhlpplDD

~orr." ':\'Ii~, ~opr:tJlo, th,' 0111.,· thing "lid ,)i .... d Ih,' t",,"1. Hp handles the ,·,lIllt' allrl :-:et' what n l'hatH'" ~he is ,1('lIt of the horollgh \\ ilh the urgent
w" "an do for .'·Oll i, to a,],1 YOllr name I'll :""ho01d he' It g'lIod leatlcr. lI,i.",ing til he a li"e, wide-awnk,' hell' IlUt't1 fllr jll~t tilll·h a I'l:u'e
:J1'\ wnll~d hp

tl':IIlJ ,\ allel

to our waitillg li,t of soprano"~ as that If" i~ r:l~t

all,) hll .. k, Ihe Iiue well. til hpJ' (·Ol1ltllilllit.v, Hnti what Illllllhers pr(IYidt·c! hy tht' IIt'\\ lIutdoor rCt'f('atioJl
part i~ Iill,'fl, hilt we "hould he plea'ed ~1"l'till II ill play fllll·ha.·k. He hits the til' good t i11lPs and g'oud frif'ndr\hi!)~ she (·,'
to hllv~ ~'O1' I'l'gisll'r with liS for the lill" h" .. ,) "lid ;, th,' hpsl lin" plung-er " lelting ~Iil'. Tlte (,luh is ~or,' Ihnt. Ordinance Passed by Co\mcil. 45th and Parrish Sts.
filst \'ac·anri" .... ... illl'l' till' dn.\·s of Dllrllill. "fIn" "firsl trinl" Ity any "non· The ordinHllt·" :I' I'as~t'd hy Ih., Bol"
"1'1'1'1'." alld Hp"kle, Ill'W IIlell 'n the ""11,)"'1'" it." roll \I ill It" alll;l;f,ingl~' (l\lgh ('cllltl('il i ... :l~ rHIICI\\~:
)'on will'·"11.ninly "".io~· Ih,' 'pkn,jid
g":llIlt', ,Ill' l110killg after the otht'r l)a(~k· : II l"t':l,,,,,'d. Or th£' ('Iub t'Xppf·ts
variet.,· of "'"si,' ,,'I,'d~d for thi, eon-
,·..,.t in Ihe' :\1.,trol'0lil;lll, :lIl1ong "hieh 1i"I,J Ittl."ilioll.". Hoth arp fa~t an,l
I' ('Olll"SP

a hnn,lre,j 1)(;1' "I'nt. attl'lIt1:II\"p "I' IIld

A:\ OIWI:\.\;'\(·);
Ftlr Ihe 1""1"'''' of ohlllillillg Ihe
al'l' ,ollie or thp ,.]Iorll"es 1'1'0\11 thl' ol'ght til ,hllll III' well. :'I1l'l'artpr s"ellls 111t'1I11tt"'~t rt'lld.,' to :"otart the' • 1It'\\ j
a'sellt of Ihe <Jllalitil'd ,,!<odtlrs SHOE REPAIRING
;':-1':I1Id 01"'1'11", all,j ""'prnl hallad, with I tll he tilt· log:i(':11 dloice fllr (·elltrt'. H{l "\(';11''' \dth :1 \ojlll, and put a goollcl til' the Bortlllg-h or \'arllt'rth ttl Shoe. Made to Order.
. 'jll"h" illto all Ill<'. ne'W affnir,'. thl' Repairinlr of All Kind•.
appealillg ~tOl'~· thrIHt':-'. p,\."ses wl'lI, i." ~I'(·,'dy "nd 1'1:ly, I " ill{'r(la~e thl' indt'!Jtt,tlIICl"S of Faid
rllving ('{'uteI'. ,'I,,1t j, planlling. Arcade Buildia. NAk8ERTH. PA.
1I"11('ar,al,, aI''' l,el,1 ,"','ry :'Ironda~' Borough l' til' Ihl' I'lIrp(M" ,,1' a,·-
l""II;lIg at ,~ o',·I"I·k "harp at Ihe Y. Foote' alld ('unning-haul ha"" heen The Ill~etillg will lw hl'ld at tit., Y. <Jlliring a lrad til' land to he BELL I HONI>, Narbcnh J26ti-W ,
:'II. I'. A. hllilding. I htllding r1H\\ /I thp ,IJld pnsition~. They ~J. (' ..\. till Thur,day evening. Odohl'r IIsed a" a I'"hlil' playgrollnd.
Hequirc'II"'"I~ to j"in Ih,' '\arh"I'lh :11'1' lighl hilI ~pI't'dy and shoul,] h:lndll'

ror" ar.! pas:""l':' ill good sl~'I(" Er,ll1lUfl

(;tlt, at S o ',·hwk.
"'\"'ral "th·,,1' .Iouior l'luh"
Repr{)~t'lltati\'f'~ t'rOIlI

in nl'ighhor·
The Council of the Borough of Nar- GEORGE W. BOTTOMS
("horn) :-:'lI(·jpty arp thl) pnS:'ieSSiOIl of R berth does ordain:
fair or 11I'O\llj"jllg "oi"e, and Ihe kllowl- I "lid :'IIIIJ1<'1' :..... at la(·kIP. They wen' illg- ('OIlJllllluitil'o art' exp('(·1tl . ) , uut.l St'\'· ~el·tion l. Tllat it i~ the dl',II'"
-Contractor and Builder-
pclgp of th .., TudiIlH11lt.l" of' "l1lllsi{'. lasl y,'ar and ought to hold ","I,," nnl illtel'l'"ting feaftlr"ll, inl'lutiing a of tl,,' I·tlrjJorat" allthoritie~ of th.· Gara.e Buildin. a Specialty
Then' is H ,"e'fy lJolllill:ll l'nfl'filll'!' fpe. "I' th,' I'l',t of Ih,· lillt'. \\lIi .. h \" for "Olliall 'I','ak,'r, will IlInke' np thl' 1'1'0' Hortlll~h of :\arltt'I'lh thaI thl' in-
XO J}I'!'::-;. the lI'O"t part ~ ...'ell IIlat,'rial. \":l!lplte ~TItIlI . ..\nd, of C'Olll':-<l', rt'frl'8hl1l(,lIts~ dl'1,t,',lue,~ of ~aid Btlrtlllgh of :-:1\1"
420 Rockland Ave, Narberth. PI.
H"l)up"t ),11'. F. H. :'Ilit.-hell ('\arllt'rth :ltlcl Fratalltolli :.t ;.!uard art) liP\\, at. Wilh ,,"·11 illl·enl;'p. th,' l'lul, an- IIl'rlh he illl'ransl'd Ity Ihe MUIIl of
tIll' gaIlJt-'. hut :In' ~t rUIIJ!: and willing, i; il',d,', a "1'011" attl'ntlalll't' at the -
l:!i~-!lI) tll ,":I1,e al'l'li"ation for YOII, Thirt.,· Thousand I)tlllars i$:lII,IHIO) ,
, .--- ,
alld with a littll' t'~lll'rj('n('f\ ()lI~ht to \'. ~J. oil Thurstla.'-. ~o ("·l'I'.,·olie, old for the pllrpo~e ,,1' at'(jllirillg n trad
llJ' tel"pholll' Prof. ;'\i"e ('\arh"lth
]fillS) for all nppointn,ent to a~",'rtain ,1'011 III' II .. II. lJll'lItlH·r .. and lIt'\\, J'('tlll'lJI1H'r to 11,1 on of lalll] to he 1I,,'d aM :I I'uhli,' plny- I DAVIS'
",}]('ther .'·ou I'nll l)lIalif~~, .".','ure ~·our "hl'l' mt'n ont are B. 'PrRger, Bar it "1111. grollll'l. A FULL .LINE OF
III1ISil', :1I1<1 then ~tart with O~ Ilexl :'lIon· .. lay, .T. Pragl'l' :,11111 Knig-ht. In :lfJ,li-
tion to the ahoY<' I h,'rp a rl' "IIIllIgh
Red inll 2. ThaI 'aid Inlln i~ t.1I SUELLENBElfiERCDOCOLATES
da~' e'l'ning. Odoher :lrd. Ite "el'ured h~' hOllll~ of the Bor-
1\llIsi,' is the OIW jlldi~I)('Il,ahl.. reo hoys ill school to 1'01'11I allot 11<'1' very
gooll eleven if they would only come
THB FIRESIDE ollg'h "f '\nrlwrth, ;llId that a 1'111,- -
quisitl' whil·h "1111 Jift yon ont of cJaily (Continued from Page 1) Ii" eledioJl he held on 1\lI'sday the
Illonoton~· and Iwrp,'tlllltp :I rllsy out- out. eighth (8th) day of :-:ovemher,
look on life. Try it :llId see. ~oJl)e out, hoy"! Your sehool Leeds HI:!I, h,-tween thp hOllr~ ot' 7 A. 1\1.
Mr. R. F. Wood has moved from
YOIJ. .-\ Vlln Hoad to hisii.ew hOll1c at 237 For- and 7 P. M., at EIJIl HalI, in the NOTxom
NARBERTH WEATHER REPORT. rest n venue. ~:lid Borough of Narherth, for oh·

Por-Week Ending September 25. .Commonity Clob to Hold Mr. A. C. Wilkie, of Montgomery
taining the assent of the elel"tnrs
of said Borough of Narherth to thc
Narberth TaxiScrVicc
PatrIckF'. I)ola.hue ,." .:
High. Low. 'aid proposed inereasc of Thirty
Barometer 30.30 29.94 First Loncbeon a\"CllU~, has
.:\. Y.
removed to Brooklyn,
thollsand Dollars ($:lO,OUO) ind,'ht- Authoriud Taxi Service. by Certifi-
cate f,om PubUcScrvlu Commls..
'rempern.tll\'e 82 52 (Continued from Page 1) 1'.,lrll'"S, and that noti"e of ~aid IloD, dated Novlnllbcr '6, J920.
Humi<1it:v, p~r ('ent. 98 36 W .•J. Henderson and family have re- elel'tion he given :u"'onling to luw. Taxi meets all traJol.
I Precipitation, 1,30 inch. 1", Ollt now, or the President's phoDe tllrned from their sUJIlmer stay at the Pa~se,1 this 8th day of AUgIlMt. Store on:lus promft1y called for &lid
Total sillce Septemher I, 2.69 inches. IIlay be ringing every day to he an- ,hore. 1fl:! J, delivered. Barrare called for &lid
d~llvercd. Freight delivered.
'remp.erature exeess since September ~wl'J'('d hy, "Yes, Mrs. Prentiss H,
], ]38 degrees. :\ il~ltoJs win be' with us again at the .1~nlly Day at the Presbyterian Sun·
W. R. D. HALL,
Prcsident of Cflunei I. Open Day aodNight Phone 1m
f:dl Juudleon." day Sehool tomorrow. Offering will he A tte,t: CRAS V. NOEL,
THE HEAVIES'l' RAINFALLS ON Will there be music! 'rherc will he givcn to the Bala Home. Secreta I'~' of Coun,'iJ.
RECORD first.dlulM nlU~i~ Rnd ~ome jolly songs '\Pl'rovl'cl this Utll dny of :-;ept"JIl'
for all to sing. The Women's Auxiliary of the Pl'es. h"I', W21.
Wilile Nnrberth wus vi"ited during Will there be allY new feature I The hyterian Church will hold its fir~t meet- CARROLL DOWN EH, Program Monday, October 3.
.•July by the hen.viest rn.infull of record ,lllltior Department of the Club h in· ing of tho. fall seasou IIpxt We'lnesdny. ('hit'f BllrgeMs. Montla~', O<'!lIl",1' :I-·}). W. (Jriffith
'f,or t'hc tilUC in wltieh it fell, the .Cn· vited to n.ttend. This will bring fresh f u ,Ii~,'ussing the JIlel'tillg called fOI' pr'('Sl'llts WI·hnrt! HlIrtlll'hness and Carol
ci.peflttivl! Ohser\'er of the Wen.ther enthusin.slll, Mr. Daniel Huird hUM rl'tllrued from next. Monday night, ;\11'. Cnbrey ~nid Dempster in ,. TIll' Lov.' Flower." Ep-
Bureau points out that it (wuld 1101. Seniors and .Juniors are urged to be ~ummering in New England to his home that he hoped every ~iti7.en who possi· isode No. '-', .. Yl'llo\\' Arm." Tuesday,
compore with the heuviCRt lIf record: lin their ml't.tle on Octo'ber .1.1 and lln South Narberth I\Venll~. Illy eould would a,ttend. The women are O"tober 4 Bessie Love in "·Phe Mid·
.A1;: PortQ Bello, Pllllamu, 2.,18 inclles ~how the neighboring c1uDs what Nar- us. dceply interested in this. matter aM lunders. " W edl1l'"ln~' all<1 Thursday,.
\vere. reporteddur:ing II. pCl·iod of fivc berth women mean by welcomc and !Mrs.•Tn.mes H. Hou~toll and family the men, and they too nre urged to be October 5-(l-<'lrlra l\:imball Young ill
:nlinutcs,:N'ov.29, 1911, llt 2.07 A.. M, hospitality. havc rcturul}d fron~ GrotOiI Long. Point, at Elm Hall Monday evening, and both her ver~' latest ph·tl1\·e, "Charge It.;'
,.·.<At .·Quriea..dc. Argos, RUllUlJlln, 8.07 'Due to th'e illness of Mrs. E. H, Conn., wherc they spent the summer. by their presence and their' sugge!tions Added attraction hoth d!lYs, Larry .Se-
.• hi;~h~:fell·:in . twenty nlhlUte~, July 7,Cockrill, . the' llddress .fo.r· luncheon ~ ailt and llupport the plan to provide Ulon in" The Rent Collector, "Frl.daY,
.:1889: -, ..Tlie~e .nrc~lI.eJieflvie.!I~:r~in~all~ .reserYa~iqn:ha8 beenchil'nged to :M1'lI.. Mi's.J',HownrdWilsoll lUldMillS I" Narberth with the faeilities flO Ua.'dly. 'Oet'obei . 7-cthe . Atl\cri~an .J3eautYj
: ~f 'l'e'ootd,:but 'they may ;have been'H;< A:.rli.cobs, .. 'S'Elmwood' .aveilue;.Wii8~n.h~ve retirrned fromNailt.llcket rtecded foroutdoiir~.~~eiltio'naiO:ctivi- Kat1i~rii1ilMaeiJon.dd, in' '.' My Llidyiii
. . exc~ded' .by:eloud.btlfsts'·: iiI'.' which lIIelt- . (!;)iORillllrendy' sent i~ ~ii~e \;~eiv~d'Iillali~; Mass';, \yhei'~' thcyspent·the· iics:and whieh: La~chK~yJ' S~hirqay;October,·~.
8\1I;ell,en~SWer&)ot.lIuidc. . ~ttcntion,llii'tto: thos~ .:~hobave·:i1otliinDm.l'; . •.... fncilitiea .~oilOti)ri)vitle. . . ' • Bebe DiiJlitihdll "One·VWd Week,.~'.
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