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Send In Fireside

iI Send In Fireside
I Items Items
II ~ ~


Narberth Almost Floats From Moor-

Ings As Big Storm Inundates Town Among the Missing
There was no issue of Our Town last week,
It has been the custom in past years, due to lack of material, to
skip two or more issues of OUR TOWN during the :mmmer months,
As our readers know, this paper is published, not as a private enter,
prise, but as a civic pUblication in the interest of the organizations
Tilt' PI"II\I·,l •. :11 "ll!,k ... t illh:dll·;lllt t, 11(11'111:11 lll·iglit {III t Ill' III Ir! 11 "\i III'. :111,1

faded 10 Ilrill.~ 1'IIrt1l :, tall' Ill' a ralll- II.'"

\\:l~ 0\'('1'
till' tillH' it rl'itdlt'd
it:..; haul,s.
1·:1111\\ pot! :I\·I'IIIIt' THE FIRESIDE making up 0111' Borough,
There are no reporters employed, and the only source of news is the
:-,tllrl1l tn },I:tfl·h th:11 \\ hil,h hit :":11'-
(wIth i:,"1 "'lll·~d:I.\· :lft<'r1llltlll. \ 11l,..;1 Jf' I,r;( ;.:.t· III/ 1 h,' ~rll1//I,j .. "t "'" II. n, Ii,""" j, '" ,rill;""I' material sent in each week by our readers,
It \\ :1" :t hilt. 111 II g;..:.." tillY, ;11\ I tIll' :\11', II, ,\, ,J :1"111.' \\:1" \\ :I ... lII·11 :1\\ By 11." 10\\ II, .\( :t~~.
When it came time to assemble last week's issue, it was fOlmd
C:lth"rillg \,1'11.11:-- ill tll\' llft,-fllt)C)!] g:I\'(' t hi' ri .. ill~ \\ ;111'1', II\Jt \\:l~

1'f\lll,i,,· of ;1 tiJ\ltlll"r~t'IJ'1I1
ill lht' ,·afl.," ~I'I'lIrl'd i..," I"0Pt'~ "hl·fllrt> :\"". E. ('. H:tl.·hl'!I,1' It:l .... )'11111"1,1' 1 that there would be about one-fourth the reqUired amount of' copy, and
1'\-t'II:II~. :-'llllrtly :lft"r livl' 1I"'I,wk 1';1 r 1I11 i 1... \\ :1.\' t (I till' :";I';\. frllll1 :1 1I101l1h ':..; .. 1:1 .... ill \las:-:.:Il·hll ... I'Il .... that several of our best correspondents were out of town,
,.1(111)..; frtlill t}II' IHllth "'I,rink},'.! lhp i For this reason, as in former years, the issue wa.~ dropped and the
The Youngsters Enjoyed It,
t ()\\ II fllr :\ Ii 1 tit, \\ 11 ill' :11101 t h"11 Illo\'\',l
,\I l", H, F, \\',,,,,1 i- ,i'" ilJ~ :<1 \J:" Editor wellt away for a week,
1\11. :--\"lln'!'!Y h;ld tll,' li,. ... t .... 110\\1·1" .. toll :-..:11(1/11.'" :tt'11'r tht i do\\ IIJl01l1" llt'g:tll.
1,1"1",,,01, \Ia-.-,
]It'd. lIo\\!' 't'l'. "ht'J1 a hnllk ot ~dill'k thl' .'"tlllllgl'f {·II'III\·lIt :III!w:trt'(! 1111 tlil' Now the question is this:
f'lolllis roil"ll 111 frOll! till' "'(lllth\\I' ... t, "\1rl't'I ... "lad ill l,a1hillg :-'Ilit:--. TlIt'
Will not our readers help \IS to d~ better than in the past and skip
.\11' .... H. Hnl,d,..; 11:1:"
hrill; \\illd, raill, lightJlill,C- alld hail I .. \\ illlillillg \\ :I~ I"":llly 1·\.I'I·lll'lIt ill JlH rt
,Iohll ,li";\·"litillll"!!

Ill' til(' !()\\Il. 111:111.'" ,d' till' ... trt'l't:..; Ilt'illg Jill' f;:ll'dl'lI 1.1illl·ItI .... 1IIIIil tl", F:d1. but one issue? It is true that most of the organizations have dis-
III :t IIlI':t ... ur,' f(,\\ hil\ l' "\ 1'1' 111'1"01'"
:t1l1ll1~t dl't'p I'Hough for di\'ill~, banded for the summer, but there certainly must be enough news to
~1:l1l." \\I·rt' fortulI:ttl' t'Il'HIg'h til gL't \\,111'11 tht..' \\:llt'l' had !'I'I'i'ded 10 StllllL' \11':";. 1I:'l"r.'" .\. ,1:1('0\1" I~ :";l'l'lldillj,,: warrant regular publication, IF IT IS ONLY SENT IN.
tlll'ir \\ irJ,lll\\ ~ shut Ill'fol't' thl' dl·'~III!l'. (·.\1I'llt, til,' ;'::Ilttl'r~ ftll'lll1'd \\lIlldl·rfllJ ' \ \ tI \\l'I·I\ .... III (kC':l1l ('it.\',
Let's not lie donnant till September. Put your shOUlders to the
:rhi, h"II"'d a litt I", I,"t IIrdillal'," II 'n· 11I'wlks ill \\ lJi,·h ttl fltlnt l'I"aft IIf all
wheel, and HELP BOOST.
dll\\~ 1'11lJ1d !l(lt t'1l1il't'I~' :-.11 lit Ollt 1hl' killd" 1'1'1111' litlJ.- 1,,1:11'01, lIith 11111,"'1'"1' \\'. fi, (i:t:";III·r 11:IS ~lIlll' 10 '\1'\\ I-:II~
1Il:1:..;ls to tht, ('!a!Jorat,·
\ I 1111'lf' III \\:·1 \\ 11 i'';l pHll!"I'!l d(l\\ II, ... til·k llltlll' 11111· 1:111,1 1'111' llil' "'1ll/IItH'r.
""\\ irlill,;':' :llIollt tlil' hon ... " .... 1t':lrill~ dO\\11 till' Ill'i\I'1I SIII.lIlarilll''', :tllil othl'1' 1111'111·

tiu\\l'r hO\t· ... :i1ld 41\\ Jling". :llId Iltilkill~ \11' .... I'. \\-. 1~I'r~rl('r II:," ~IIIII' 111 \':1
it illlplls~ihk tIl ... t'" 111111'1' thall li\',' ft'l·t 11111, \. ,I,. 1'11)' tIll' "'UlIllllt'l. I
The Worst on Record,
Commuters Marooned, :\11', ,'hal"1,',. 1l",'k,'I'. tl,,' ,'ool'l'l'at;'l' .\1, .... ,..... T. ZIHlk is "1>t'IlIlIII~ tht, "'11111 I Choral Society's Outing Narberth Defeats
"),"'1"1,'1' of tI,,· \\','ath,'r B"n'all al
...>'Tht' ,101"111 ),I'"k,' .i"'! as tl\l' :,,1::
traiJi \\:1:'0 \\+'11 UII ;t ... WH.\· to ~arhl'rth,
':\arb"l'tll, d"l'lan" it i, th,' }Il'al'il"l
IIlt'l" :11 (kl'all ('it.".
I Largely Attended Bucks Co. Club
raillfall fpl" tht' f1t'riod :--ill"(, oll~t'r\"a \11', H:t1ph \, H"a,I'.I' Ila, ,,'tlll'lI"o!
"·ht'll th,' tmill ani\'('d, thl' l'ass""g"I'S
frolll I'cdlt-gp.
('To\\"df'd illto tilt' waiting
stutioll to al\:lit a lull ill the storm,
rOOll1 (d' tlit'
n"·"l'ds shol\" tll:t! ill,.l"" of I.,.,,, BERS AND F AMlLIES ATTEND TENNIS ASSOCIATION WINS 6
raill fell in the shol't li1ll" of Ollt' hOllr V ARIED ENTE~TAlNMENTS, OUT OF 9 MATCHES-RE-
~llOl'tly afln, thl')' III'n' .illilll'd h~' thl' :\11". alld :\11'" ,I .. hll ~, ].;"1,,11,"11 "r,'
Hnd tW(,llt~'·n\"(' tIIiJlllt(l:-" froll1 :J.:!o P. AMUSE:MEN'rS AND GAMES TURN CONTEST TO BE
(·OI1IBltltt'r:-:. ffOJIl thl' .-t.l.-I, and }att'r h~· "' O,"'all ('it,I', ;\, .J,
:\1. till Ii,-l;' 1', :\1. Thi, ' I : I ' lillI, 'Irid KEPT. CROWDS BUSY PLAYED ON NAR-
I h",,' froll' I h I' ,-,All,
I." 'Ill'akillg, a ,'Iolldl'lIr,t, alth'dlgh BERTH COURTS
Tht' waiting 1·110111 \\:1:-:' allll' to hold :\11', allol :\ll'k, W,", ~!'Ifl'idgl' alld :\Iis'
\ 1'1'," 1'('" IH'r~(lIl~ 1Ia \ t ' 1'\'1'1" :";Pl'lI a Till' \\t·itllll'r·llntlt lit It! III' III hi ... LATER IN
hul a 'lIlaJl l'a1"1 llj' Ih,' hlllldl'l'oI, of 1':11·11:1 :--',·Ifril)g" un' at (kl'~llI (·it.\·,
III'an'r :lppl"t1lu'h purt:",.
to 011(' ill the:";ll ltpt'lat itlll~ luS't Friday lIi~h, ~.Itt1iI'il'1I11.'" SEASON.
lu·cIPlt.' t l'."i rag to a void t hf' dt':-:'('l'ildill~
:-:'"11" hail ,,1'ollt th,' ,iz,' of a j"'a 1'\'11 I"IIg,' t'll-otl~h to t'lIuld(· tht' ~arhl'rtll
flood. Th,'~' '1"'l'ad IIl1t 111110 Ih,' plal- \Iis..: :\1~II'i:lll F,
durillg ll1t' ~t(.flll, alld thl"" ,,:IS a tPIII· 11:1\\:"; sl"'111 tIll' \\'t'I'!'
(·I\fl(·:d~lll'il't~· In t'lljoy lilli' (d' tli,' IlItlsl .\ gl'OllJ1 of plnyl'f!'\. rl'l'rl'~t'1I1 i II~ the
forlll, Ih,' 11111111'1. lIlId th,' I'IISt"'OIlIl,l "lid ill I'l<-l ,'lal1d, Ohio,
I'l'ratllr{' t1rtl}l lIf o\c'r t\\Cllty ,kgrC'(',!,'l. illtl'I't'stillg out-door aff·air!'! 111:11 1Ia: ~:trhl'rth Tt'lIl1i~ .\:-':"o('i:lt.ioll. jOUI'JlP)"·
waitill~ )·tlOIII. Th()~I' whll (lLt!'lid(l WI'I'I'
ill 11'11 III iJl\ltt':". 1""'11 IIl'ld ill :\al'bl'l'lh "illl'" 'h,' I'ag" "d til l.allgh"I'II" I",t :-::dlll'd:l,l' allel'k,
n'n,i\·('r! Illlt littlt' I'rot('('t:lI11 frolll til{-
I' I ~', alld thl' l11l'nl t:tilor~ did ;1 b,ld
,\J1·ill·all il '''lS .. ';0111" '1"'illkJto," :\1 i."' JllIth lIal'l:1I1 1:"\ \ isit illg 111'1 :111' 1):1.".... '1'111' affair W:I:-- ;..!i\ 4'11 i ,.\' :llld lItl't :11,,1 oI"f'I';d"d tl", tl'lIl1i" tealll
~ttll'lll ItllIg Iw rL'prl·""lltillg thp BlH'lc... ('(llIlIt." l'IH;utry

:11111 :1 r:till 111 l'l'IIH'Ill' 1I1C'lIdl('r~ tit' 1ht· ('hond ~(lf"it't.\,. III
unic'l' 1l\I".;iJIt':--~ I'rl'ssillg l'ltlthl's. till "'I'd- all"t, :\11', ,Iohll H, Brook:--, for t\\11 I!I,'
1'1'I"l'd, \\ I l·k:-:.. \\ i1i(·h tll(' \·i\'I'·Prt·:-.;idI'1I1~ :Il1d thl' :1'" ('1111<,
:--o(·i:l1t' 1I11'ndtt'rH alld f:llllilit'~ \\('1"1' 111· Til,· t ('llt':" \\ II hot 1.\" 1·()lItl\~t·
-- 111:\ I'IT ;1
South Side Hard Hit. l·tI, t he IlI'P(l~illg JlI;I.\·rr~ proving to
,il"'1. Thl' "h.i""t \I:ts tll;{t "ft,'1' tIl"
.\l'l'olrl'lIll~' lliP gl'l'all"1 f"r~' of tht' :
:--tOfIll \\ H:-- 1'('lItpJ't't! in the :'ollnth :--idl I
Lawn Fete a :\II'S, ,I, 11,,,1:'1',1 ,\·il,;oll alld :\li"
":Ii/al",th Wib«11 aI'" at :\alltll,'k..t I, Slll·(·I's:-:.f"l \\ illtt'r ,'xpl'ril'Il(Td It-.'' th.' 11(1 "1I1'11)·i~illgl."
ill ,pili' or Illat
\'ar!,,'rlh', \'ic'
III:th,hpI). But
, ('hdfnl fht' ol1tiTlg· was ('1111
IIt'I"I' tht' \(Jh~'J1t' of \\:t11'f \\H:-o:--O ~If·;tt

tlla t th .. ,II"'ds ill Illany pla"I'~ \\",'1'''

Successful Altair lalld, :\Ia"',
a ·'gtJt·1ogt·~11l'l'I' t1rrair, \\"hil'h
\\'1\'"gh'C'1l on tht' :ld.ioilliu~ ~r(JuIIlI:-, of
tllr,\' \\ :l~ dl·l·i,"ii\ t', fill' tlllt of it total

,,1' !I 1IJ:,t"}I"~ th,' 10l'al ,\~,o"iatioll won

\11". (', \" 11,'11,,11,," alld falllil~' art'
rlll1l1illg water at a dt'pth of lwo or I :\11', lIill,'g':lS "nd :\11'" ,Iat,(th~, al Elltl Ii, a 1101 ill til" tlln',· IlIat,.)I," II'lIi .. h they
FOUR MEMBERS OF WOMEN'S IW\'I1!'yilJg lhl'ir Ill'\\' h"JlIt, Oil ~It'doll
II",),' 1'\'1'1. III thl' ],:\I'k ."al',b 1It'I',Il"'1I \\'ood :\ \·1\11 \It' :Il1d \\'YIIIlP\\"uod Hont!. 10,;1 tl", BlIl'k, ('11,",1." pla,",'r' lI'ere
('ht·~tJllrt alld :\It'ri()11 a\'l'lIl1t'S a sll\:tl~ Til.' g-rOtilltls WI'I'I' lali!l·full." IlI't'llratl'l} 1'01'1'1'11 to thl"t'l' ""t't:-:. jn pal'h ill:-:.tU1U'C.
li\"t:r at Es~('x H\'I'lIl1t', g:lillillg
tlt'gau :llld .....l!owt'd tlwl lilt' \lIriolI:-o t'IIUllilittl'I':-:' III th,' ,illgll'" ('rllgall, \\'al'lI'i"k, R.
:";l'·"t'iJ alld \,,,!tlllll"> a~ it swPpt do\\ JI thp (Continued on Page 4,) hlld lIladt' illllJdf' }lfl'pHrntioll til ha\p I-'rl't/ allol "'lIitlll'." "al'h 11011 a '":l1l'1I,
g-radt'. (iardpJl:'" alld t'\'l:'11 ~llIall hll:-;ht·~ lilt' :lftl'l'nooll Hilli 1'\ 1",;llill.~ 'lltl~t :-:'1l1·l·I'~"'· alld ill ,II,' dOIll<1I's Kilkpatri,·k allu
'\t'1'1' lIa tl I'll I,d ],~' IlIi,; ""l'n'II't, tlll,l Thl' lall'lI f,'t,' and dall"t' II'hi"h lI'a~
1'" I. F!'l'I/., ,,".1 :\II'I'"hill alld I'i,tli~oll 11'011
I\" h \'11 I Ill' dtllllb t'!l'an'd away ~ollle gi\"'lt ,July IHh for th,' hllilding fuml CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE MEhTS t III'i I' lila t "hI",
~ardt'l1 patehps \\"('l'p found to ht' 'Jlldt'l" ILl' \\ olll('11 S l'Ulllllllllllt,'" ('Iub \\"a~ (Continl1eJl on Page 4) T}lt, ,,'on', ill Ih" III"t"lll'~ 1'011,,11':
a fuut 01' so of water. It hllg" 'IH't't'S', Th" 1'0111' ladil" who Two cpuU ppr word If .easb IlCI."ODJ- Singles,
011 the "OI'lH'r I)f E~Sl'X lind Chestnut' had "}llll'gl' of tlH' IIffair "'pre ~II'~. H, paolps odvprtlsPu... ul; olberwlse, lIye t;r1I~:tll. ~HrllI'j' h, dl·1'l·:tlt·11 AlkillS,
ceo to p'er wo I'd,
'1\1'11111'';, a IlIrg-1' hrnn"h \l'a' ripl't',1
1'1'0111 a lilliI'll' tn't' ltlld f,,!l illto Ihl'
.J, ~1l'('ll'lIall, ~Ir,;, W, ~1. Kihley, Mrs,
~11'\"l'II', alld ~Irs, ,JoSI'I'h l'hllpputtee. Keen Competition For HII,'k~ "011111,1'. 1;-:\, li,l.
I., \\"'lI'lI'i,'k, :\'arl't'l'th, d,'l't'all,,1 But-
~tn·"t. III tht' Khol'tridgt' ESlale, 1'1'1011'
'V:," u IH"W()(111 HVl'IlUt' (also
Thc ladi ..s lI'i~h to l'xpn'ss thl'ough
('nll('l) i 0111' TolI'u th .. ir most ,iurere thanks
C.AR SPAOE-I'ol'lIl'l' of 1)1'i'C.,t' a \·('lIl1t'
ulld ;\arhrook I'nl'k, !'hOIIl', :'\nr· Tennis Rating t"I'\I'Ol'lh, B'\I'k~ COtillt.", tI-:!, li,:L
]':,hl'i,'k, H,",ks l'tllllll~', dl'feated
Quinll's Fil'ld I, tll'O lllrge map],' Ir"es 1'01' th.. donation" from all lIlerehlluts i>l'1'lh 1:?41-R, (41-1') I,il'kp:dri,'k, \'arhl'l'th, .:..,v~, li--l, li·:!,
w"rl' lorn ont hy the 1'001" ltndhurl.. ,l ill :"ltrherth, Also for the l'er~oulll MANY PLAYERS CHANGE PLACES
to the gl'olllid, In ltll pal't~ of Ihi' donut ions from frieu(ls lIud the _wou- FURNITURE FOR SALE-Ilining DURING LAST TWO WEEKS. (Continued on Page, ~;).
.... ' .

tn....t Sill II II bl'lInt'hl''; lI'el'e hl'ok('n off, dt'l'flll eo-operatiou of ~ome' of the 1'00111 ~l't, flllnl'd on k, I U l'ie"I's, pin' GRUGAN RETAINS HOLD
and h"lolI' "'oodsitle IIvenue 1\ linl' pop- 1I11'llIher" of the Club. 'Ve feel we IIlUSt 1I0ln I'lnyer ,piano, fllllH't! oak I'a:<,', ON FIRST POSITION,
lar, "Inwk hy lightning, II'ltS split right ' lIot overlook the Cook Brolhers, II'ho 1I11J~i" ,'ahinl·t, 100 pil'ees hig'h,l'1a~,; KIRKPATRICK MOVES STOLEN AUTO IS RECOVERED
.Iow)) tlu· ('t'utt1f, did all OUI' hanling gmlis, or ~[r, Cltse 1II11.'i,', li,hmr)' tnhle, l'Ot'kl'I'S, "hair,;, INTO SEOOND
The ('\'t'l'k II'hi"h flows Ihrough the ,I"dl'i" fall, Ilodj!" IOUl'illg "aI', .-\11 PLACE, ,\ o'al' hl'loIIg-illg' 10 :\11', Ilollultl BII]·
park l'.lJ"l' to seH'ml fl'et ahovc it- (Continued on Page 4) half I'ri"I', f~"'h"'llIt ,'ollelitioll, :!Ili 1,1l'1< I"IS ~toll'lI \\'t'dllt'~dll,v night of
lJlldlt'~' A \'I'" ;\l\rlwrth, I'a. TI'II'l'hon,', Ther'I' ha:-l hCt'1i :-(0111(' kt'(,1l ('oJlIpeti· Ihi~' IV!'!'k frolll ~II', WOl'hling's gar-
\'a",hl'rth 12-111l. (41,1') tion nmong lit.. lIIl'mh.. rs of the :'\l\r· ":-:", at thl' ,'Orll!'r of \\'oodside and
Iwrth Tennis A""(lt'iatioll durillg thl' :\ UI hel·t h :\ \"l'lllle~,
FURNISHED ROOM 10 let, Apply la,;t til''' Wl'l'k,; ttl ,,)i,nh Ill' Ih .. "lad, 'I hI' ,'lIr W:lH pln(:J'd ill Ihe garage
Everybody' Out For First Game On -Ii I Brookhllr~t Ave, ( 42-1') dl'r "I' 1"llld" fallll,"· .. I" \Iii: thl' rat· W,'dlll'S,bly l'l'l'uillg, alld t.he doors se·
iug: Jist. 1'1I1'ed wilh II I'lld'i(lt'k, Duriug the
'Our New Grounds LOST-Di~uppellred Sunday from As tIlt' rl',;ult of' IIl1nil'rOIlS l'ilall,'nges
ll',ilt, n f,'\\' pln)·el's havl' l'illlnge<1
lIight th" Ic...·k II'IIS fon'I'd alld the ea~
fUI'IIl, Hngy'~ Ford Roau, oppo~itl' "loll'II, Thl' l,owl'r }[l'riol1 I'oli('(> were
~IJ', Roberts' big barn, old, ~lIIall, Jtlat·t'~, ~()II11' going- up, Hlld otht'f:-i, ill lI;tlifi ..d IIl1d a ~I'ur .. h lIlndl' for the
HIGHLAND PARK at NARBERTH rough, blaek and tan terrier dog. J.i. ,!J'fl'n'II"1' to the illunlltahle IIIII' of ('UI",
I',,"~e li,ilO, Reward for recovcl'y, Ad, "whell slllpeholly goes IIp-~o\lllJbody Thlll'~dny lIIorlliul! it II as foullll that
To-Day dl'l'~H Tyson Morris, :'>arberth, Pa. n'lI~t "ome '1011'11," ~lillillg 110\\'11 the t 11'0 IIl'groes hlle! ttlkl'n thl' enr to
(42-c) ""ale II hit. ' Wnyn .., ",he)'(' the~' broke iU\{J a. hartl-
Field atCor~er of· Wynnewood aDd Montlomery Kirkpatriek chnllengcd L, Wnrwiek, wnl'e stol'e, :Ind used the mllC'hine to"
SALE-506 Dudley Ave" 6 rooms, bath, holder of seeontl pluee, allll a enrry II"''O.Y the loot. 'fhe Wayne
Avenues. Bus.e. will rUb from ,Davis' Store modern, lot 50x150, Fairly priceu. hllrll-fought battle finally succeeded in poliee nl)prehl'Jldcd them, and c'Jlgaged
to tbeField. 210 Orozer Building. 'Phone Spruce winning two out of three scts, 6-3. 5·7, in II ,shooting mat"h with thc ·two'
2!l31. '~ (42-0) 6-2; Kirkpatrick thereby going into I hieves.
LET'S .GO! LOST-Pair ,of Silver Aviation Wings"
second place .. and Wtirwick dropping
,down to thinl place.
Thc mCIl ",ere foreed,;;to abandon the
auto. No i'leriOIlR damagc WllS -done' piJ,l. Re:ward. :U8 Grilyling the Imr, other than n llOle in one
Ave., N.arb,el'th." ' (42-1') . (Oontinued on page 4.) ,'he Jnu~I-AuardR,

~'. '.'.:, ~, ...
2 I\ARHERTII, P:\.-OL'R T< )\\':\


IIlI' ~I,hll()! 1111.\· ... l'plltilllll,.1 til f:1I1 ill ~~l' till' '1'.lrro\\" :llId I "ill Illatl'h it with Telephones, course, ••
OUR TOWN lillli' ,\\"11111' I'::'~:III~"IIII~ li\I· ... :llld 11111' tlf ,'qllal intf'fp ... t ill whi{'h tlll' of- 1267 deliver - aD}'
J' 1" 11 11 '1'1.\'. fl'llll"r \\:1 ... ;lllythillg frolll all 0\,1 ttl a
1268 time.
O... u,'d Bud PllhlJ"hed e\'ery t'llturdl\)" Tilt· Hllall! \l1l,11'!" tilt· l,irl'l\III ... talll'I·" hllil lilldl "I' B,J11illllll'l' oriol", hilt for
by the J\lIrhn:h ri"ie A'Hociation. 'II! I I 'Ill( h t" 1111' 1'" !..:.rI·1 II r i I ... 1114'Ild It'!':--. Ih,' "Ik" "I' Ilt'lpfol "hst'n'ati"n 11'1 II' , The Brightest Spot 10 Narberth
":1,·11 tit \\ 1111111, i~ :1 II ;1 I \ twa 1,' (If 1Ia:-,\' Illd 111:1\\ Ilpllll all illla~illati()lI w:tfpI'11
t\nll:1f :llId fifty

eents pt'l" .\ t';, 1

,Ill ]'1'1('(' Ollt'

III :1.1\ :,IH'l'.

! ,:1: I III :11'.\ 1,1 lll'r 1·!I·:.IJ flll'lil Id' 1"1' II.'" !IHdi ... lt, 111:l\l,llin IlIi~JlI:ll,,'d "'Yll1 A Drug Store In the Most Modern Sense of the Term
•. ; I'" I illli. \\ :1" 111111~I'.1 I (I 1'1'1'\1:-1' 1'1'1'1111'" p:tlh.,"-
~'''II fl'l" llil' Ihl' 0: Ih,' ~rlllllld!"\ III II!I' I·'. \\'. ":. STI';!lI';~I,
CIVIC ASSOCIATION \l:ltl. 1.11l!' 1.":J~Ijl'. Till' 11:1"'1' h:dl
March 31. 1921
., .. (ie()r~t' ;\. ~tahl
"lIl' 11',
It'l", h


"liltl t'

ill, I lit· .. illl:tfiHII :Iltd

II f 1 Ii l'lll, :11"1'
Yi<'e,I're, d"lIt ,Jo'('ph Il. ~aHh 11:1-'" 1"'1'111','1 'i1 11·:!~t 1""1 ~'I':I""" 11\11 GAS AND JACOBS WE WILL MOVE OUR CITY OFFICE TO
Yin" l'r,,:-i,!I'llt ,.\lI~ll:--tq:-< ,J. I.oos \fr, \\':11/,,1' III Iti~ 11':II-!' ha~ f:.ill'd til
\'j('('-!'I'l':-.idt'llt ~Ir:--. ('. I). l·luwll'r OUR NEW BUILDING
'1.:1 k, :111 \ 1'1' I I I't'lll'" II' t 11 I' I'l·:t 1 fa I·t ~. TIll' \:111"'1'111 ('!lor:ll ;-';ol'i"l.\' "i ... Jll· ...
Tn·a~llr\'I'. . ' .~li:-o:-" ~IHizil~ ,J. :--\iltlpsoll
}>irl'l"tlll". til :-t.'P"(' Illltil Hl~::: 11rs.
I~41IH'rt .J. Edg-ar Iii
ill'" • ll1ll

til 11\ ,·1'1'011:'

"1":1 ii'll \\ :1'" 1'11"1'111:11 I',j

111,' H4I;lnl':- "l'
\\ h il,h

'I I,,""i,' l'xI'I"P.... Si ll ll
th"ir killo! 1",,1,. \II'. lIill,'
of :l1'1't't.
Hol'"rl 1-'. \\·""d. ,I. <iarlicld Atherholt, \\.1" .. i~llt'd j •.'" :1 I:II~" 111111,111'1" (If 11111' :...!:I'" :IIII! 'II'. .I:lj·lllls. last ~:l11Irda.\· artl'r ADDITIONAL SPACE AND MORE CONVENIENCES WILL ENABLE
1. .\. ~Iill .. r. ,'.\rt'II'·(' \\'ar\\'il'k, .\1 :111\ 1,1 1111' .. i~lll·r~ \\ I'rl' '11IPII :t 1,,1 1'\ I-I; dl~ \\ 111'11 :t (;:11',11'11
1 1, I . ;1",1 I'! 1\ 1l1"III],I'I"'" It!' I hi' HCl:lr,1 I '., "I -' \\il" .'...:1\ "lilly t!II' ~o,·it·I':,
1)II"I,\'t'II':", to :"1'1'\"P IJutii IH:!:!: .J..J. TIlI'sl'
:t1I,J if '!,.\ 1'1111 '1,.1 t !I;l! Illlt 1111,· ill Ii \ " \I'ry 11!:I:1ll:llIilllllll ... gl'Jltll'l11I'11
Cal,rt,,·. \\·"it .... A. Fox. H. H. llill,'gaH,
C. II.' A. ('h"ill, W. IL D. llall, Harry
A .• J a\'oh~.
1I11 "

1 ... 1"", I

.. h, \\t1ll!d
I' \ i·: ill!.!.
1'111111111 II II '.

h,' ... Il:tll·,j


11 I' 111':1I1;1tl',j

~ 1','1111' I.... ;1 I
lilt· 11"1'
1':1111\\111 .. 1
';II'ir 10\ 1·1,\'

\\'."" Ill'-
... 1:': I, I I!~, i r . . i ~ II i II!.: :t I :111. 111 fa,·l. \\ ",It I \ .. 1'11111':-- for thIs gllrdl'lI B.ea1'tor
1'1111.11' .\. LI\·I'.;(;"TO\, Ill:IIIY :..;i.~III·ll \\ illl 11111,'" thl' 11:l/il·... t illl':I," f,'lt·, :Iltd lht' :tlrair \\:1" 1111"·(' thai' I'll·
Cl1Y OFFICE (after July lst) 1214 LOCUST STREET
Edlt~r. (\1 "II':I~ il \\.1" :dl :""lIlt. :111,1 :tdlllitl1,d jtl\'I'd 11\· (':I1·h alld I·\,'r.~· l':lrtil'ip:llll.
:I ... thn"'l hll 1'(1111,1 1l1d ,jOill ill thl'
Branch Offlc. at Narberth Station Pbone Narberth 1710
',I'I t'! \\:t I·d, l

MAIZIE J. SnfI'~N. I :1 I'! ,II' I:t 11.\ i 1 ,II t 111111 1,1' ,.. t.\ 1I" I t 11:ll 1.:.:11111· ... :IlIl! :ttl raet 1\ I' prl 1,!.!.Ta III 1'011111

Oasbler. •.... 1 htlld I)il"l'c'tqr .. sll_:.:.gI·st,·d 111 1111' I'll'· Ill' ... pt ' (·t:\lor.... :llId 1:1 11.:.dl .ill~t :1" har,1 Member Phll.delphla Real utate Board
,·111:11.'1· ... IIf Ihl' III'1ilioll Ih:lt Ih,',\' :tI'Jd.\· :1" thO"'I' \\ 1111 a f'f 11:1 11,\' c I jlt'ft'llrllll·.l.··
Send all ad\'ertising lind n..... items to III 111" 1'1'''1 kIll .. III' lhl ' ~;thillt' ,\\,. '1'111'1'1' "11111.\ ht· 110 111111'1' idt':~1 SJl"t
P O. Box ~I;fi. 111'~' Ii t i f Itil.,
1111" I r"!"'r: it· ... :Id.i ll i II ill:.! t hi' ~t'hlltll 111:1 I I t 111''';1' 1:l i,j I) 11 t 1:1 \\ II".
Our To"" IS on slile at th~ depot :1 \.;; II'~ 1 Ill' 1:1111'1' 1 II .. i:':'11 :1 1I'~:ll f{It'lll :Itrrl flit· 111""'1 ~"I1I'rllll"; prllll'I'f" \\~I'"
l1ew8stand. "nn at lh(' store of H. E- l',lt':I"'II:':' tbl' HI 1'11l1~11 :11111 ~,'llol1l Ililll'l' 111:111 111""'\\' :Il'!lrl'('i:lt I'l! 11.\' 1111 1

Davie. :t I:' 11 I q'i 1 i,'" r It 1111 :111.\ 1'I'''I'"II ... i 11 i1 i I ,\' ill I' rg :111 i :I:, t i 11~1 :111' I 1111'11' f ri I·II'!:--.
Entered R8 ",'l'ondclas. matter 1':1 ~I' 'I r :11'1' i,' t' II I. I r "1l1·1I :1 I: 1l!'11 1111' III TIll' I 'hllr:ll :--:'Ill' :1'1 \' Ill ' t l lllS it 1110"':
Octobl'r 15. 1\114. at the Post Office rt clIllld ha\l' 111'1'1/ "1'1'1111'1\. til.· Hoard fllrlllllnll' to 11:\\ I' 1'lIllllt'l·t,'d \\ itb it
"'arberth. P"nnByh'onili, unoer the act \\1I1Ild l',nl1:11,ly 11:/\ t' 11I'1'11 ... ,dl'IIII:t!

i:tdlll'I'II til th":--I' t \\'11 1'-1 ill'Il' :\ .. HOllora!'.\·
3f March, 1879. ~o
I'}I,I il~\' it ... 1~1'1' i ~ i'lll. Illlt :1 Pi 1:1 n'lIll.'" Till "i'·I· l ' rl'sidl·l1t ... \\ htl :11'1' Itfr,'riu!.!."
~1' 1-:" II'" I' I 1'01' 1 \\:1" Ili:1 .II' 1 (I t 11:1 t ~'I1,j, Itilll·], "'lIll:--I:llIti:tl l'I1'·"llr:I~I·l'II'!It t'l tlH'
I '\, I I'" id\ Ill' ill' ~ III :,.1 I' 111 till' pt til i till. ·!lllnl .... ill 11l:l11.\" \\ :1.'"";,
OUR TOWN will gla.dly print t1.I' I., :1_~I'I' 1'1'111'1·,11'.1 til J1~I' lhl' g'follllil \ Till Ililt lIIlI.\ \\ :,,,, t 11 j.. ill \ i 1 :11 illn
any news 1t~m about any subject I \1111111111 1"'1'111; .... 11111. il IH'il1~ l·lIrn'IlII,\· :,:i\ t'll. 1IIIt "t'l,"1J111 "Il':.:::lgl'llll'llt··
that is of interest to Narberth r, 1"11"1',1 IIt:lt :1 l'I'rt:lll/ 11'1':l!l,t'l I,f 1!lf' ,li .... ,I) ..... ",1 :111,1 \\(,11"11'11' :.!11:11':llltl·I,,1 System in saving -- as in business-produces the greatest results.
folks, but In order to meet the 1111 ·1] ,.1 11 11 h::d 1'llIhi:2,ltl"j tIll' ~I·n(lili :It 1111.\' 1 i 1111' llil' ('11111':11 lili ~h I 111""\
printing schedule, 11011 •• copy" I): 1'1'1" I If'", I II 1·1'1'1 :li II 11 igt'ty 111l"1"1'! 1111' 11.... 1' Ill' Ihl':--l' :.:. rOllnd .. , A fixed sum deposited regularly with us means certain growth. for
-manuscr!ptB-nmst reach the pi :11'1', "~:' 1h:11 Hid, I Ilb.\· \1 Ilil'I"~"- :"'1,01. :,' ('h,,'r"I:lll "r
III:..: 114' \\ hll";" 1'-. the principal is always Invested, no mattet' how little or how much ill
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each 11:111 (III 1111' ,,·lIll1d :':'l"lltl·":~ ill "'Iitt' 111' I h,' ;--;'\1 !'111'r ('0111111 iI I t·I'. :11111 III I 11101't'
week. may be, earning interest that is credited regUlarly.
11'1'!' '1'111 rt'll :".11 1111' ~1·11'1411 '.. :11 t Ilf· ,'o':'I,j'1"1I1 hl·n.1 ,·(lIII·! 1i:1\1' 1\("'11 flllltl,l,
11"\' \\:1- 1':111"'11111"\ :11111 hi:-- :I,l\'in' lIC'II'I! 11I1'!' 111 I 11"1' g 1:1 1'11111 ~ :. tl,l 11I",,!,i 1 :11,lt, a
Let us give you further information.
1111 11\· Iili' St,llllfll I)irl,,'tor... 110 .. 11''':--'
SATURDAY. JULY 3~, 1921 Till' 11:1";1' 1I:tll pl'"J'!I' II:! \ I' kllH\\ 1\ for D. :ectcrs of Narberth Choral Society.
:1 lnllg: t illil' that Cll' l-ol'ho:d grollnd:;

:--: c'p'" ... !l01l1,1
for thl·ir
!!t' t :t1\(111

A VISIT TO CAMP DELMONT. m~r itrrion mUir nub mruBl arompanu
Fire, 350
Poliee, 1250 " ,lIit:d,I,· 1,]".,·iII '.' Iit-I,I. '1'" "II ''I'' Thl' \\ rdpl", hpillg illtt'rl':--tl'c1 ill tlll' ·uf ArbUturt. 'a.
1'1'''1':11:1'\':-' litl1,' l'xl,nilll1 11:1'" hl'I'1\ lIt:ldp
B(I.'· :--\1·Pllt .... :11·I'I'ptt·" ~"Otlt )1;\ ... tt'l Ardmore Narberth Bala,Cynw 1d
I III lilal dirl"fill:I, 111t' ('11111 ;lpjl:lrl'lItly
P:lttt',,· ... ill\ it:diull to \·i:..;it (':lIIIJI nt'l·

Editorial I

:t11l'l'1 til lllH'l~ :lllt!

t/l \\:lit \illtil t1,,' ~l'a:-'lIT1 Wtl:--
IIIt'11 falliJlc,' h:tl,k 1111
tllllJt. \\lIil·h i~ ItW:tt(ld 011 a hfalldt of
th,' Pl'r1.;iOlllt·1I ('rl'fll< "'1·\·I'ra1 Il1ih's
,Ill' (II,! ,'\"1\"'\' tlt:l~ it h:ld 1111 l.!rolllld ... :i1I1I\ I' (;1'1'('11 1.~'IlI', \fnlltg'Ollll'l'y (·lIlllIt.\·.

ell mmunications ;!

1: 1111· ..... Illl' :--I,lllln1
tl!I' ~"lJllld P;rl'(-t·tJr .. \\ 1'1'1' 1"""I~1I11
li"]11 \\ :I~ nlll'III'11
T1I""gh it ,,~,-
to thl' (':11111' \\:1:"; 1'11':lsall1.
hOlt Ia-t Sllllday, th!' I


dri\-I' .I": tilt'
,ild" (, r till' i:ll·l\ Ill' h:Uo'l' h:d! ill :"nr· I'll:lll 1',0110,,'" tllt· .. trl':l1l1 IlIo~1 Ill' tilt'
A STATEMENT FROM THE BOARD Ilt'nlt, " ,,\. :11,,1 I hi' /'I:CIL l'I"I'I'/t" ill t iiI' ... ha,ly
lllll (lIlt' 1'III'JIO~I'
1 hi' I'lIhli,'
... 1 I ,·t t· il I'" \\ t' 1'1' 111111"11 l'·I" J. :: Or Simply a TASTY MEAL
To flit' 1-:1.::' t- .1\ ()'jl" '1'11,\11: \ il'·.\. 111:11 lwi {'OIl"I'!'\ ('
,\l'ri\'ill~ at tlll' ":11111' at :lhout .' 'I
'I'hl' HLJ: {:I ,f 1):I"I'I'1fll''' Iii till' \ar illl.'It"... t ... I''',trll~~t'd tll it ... {·Hrt'. :'\11
P. ~r.. 111,· ('I!firt' l'I'IIIP:IIl~' lIf ~t·llllt ....
!; We SUlfifut A Trial of Our
Iwrtll :'1·htlOI 1Ii~lrll·l t:t' .. il"t,,,, ttl lllak,' III'r<ollal 1'f1llsidl')"at illll": lit' :tll.\' killli al'l' 0111' hlilldl'f'd \\'1'1''' and firty· ... ,,\·t'lI,
.\s ~1:t1t';J Ih\' H(I:lrtl
a :",t .. ft'IIIC'::l H·I:lliu' to
thl' Illattl'!" lit thl' 11:->1' Ill' 111(' :-\1·ho,1I
il" 11I1~itilll1 ill ill\ 01\ I'll.
will II lit 1'lItt'r illto :111.\' ('(Il1tl'f1\('r~~'

fOlllld Il.:tl'l'ltillj.! :"itq.~ll' nit, thfough tht'
ro('k:-, :lllrl tl'('('S til "('hapl'l.'! ",hit'h
Rye, Bran or Wheat Bread, Pastry
PlnY!!:l' lI l1l1d" ill 1"'1"." I" ~I r. W" 11.1'1'"
!p,fpr apl,j':'l'ill:! ill tll(' last i"'~lIt'. It
tIll' 11"", H,d1 ('Ill" alld IiJisfl'''''!< :tlld,
\\ I' liopl'. ('1(':11' st:ltl'lllt.'llt i.s filial.
is ('olldlll"1t'd ill till lllH'1J air ~:tJJ('t\l:lr.\'
""Illir:,}".'· """1'11''' for th!' \,111'\,0-" . .\
and lee Cream
i:-- II-ot fht' il,fl'Jlt:1l11 01" th,' Hll:lrd I'llh,,!' Boarj of School Directors, ll:Jlllr:" rlll·k 1'111' th,' \,llll'it :lIld "I'"I" , A S AN ADDED CONVENIENCE we are now making
to d"II." ' ,. :illillli "h", \11. \\,,,1"'1 11:1' Henry Rose. 111011 ... l:rwk . . s('n'ing- :1" ~I'at .. for tht'
ttl l"-u.\· or to l'll!l r illto :IIlY l'IIIIII"I\I'I'~." Secretary. I II \ .. ;1 II I \ i.. i' IIf'S. I
n\'(~r 1hl' 1l1:11:t·l". l,ut 1111' Bllar.1 Ill' It \\ :1'" illt('n'still~ to IIlltt' th:11 till' PHONIII US YOUR ORDlIlR
lip\'t>:-; :t 11 ('x piau:! t ion of it ,.;. a' I it \III" i:-- \;"rlol'rth troo\, Wl'rt' ri~ht tI\, frllllt
'1'" th,' '·;ditlll' of 0111' '1'0,\11: , Opposite
tllH' Olll" l'ifi:ll'lI:' ll:l I III'!ll'" "h"l\rfIl1I,\ 1It'Ill' tIll' :"1H'nkl'I'!'i: n!~ll that tll<'." ,,"(OJ"('

HuhJl1jt~ till' follo\\ ilJg: I

With .""" killd "l'rlllis,i,," "ill "tl"'n'" "ith th(' H;Il!!:illg. Station
,,:.:aill lak,' ,,]' th,' ~anlltll't ill d"I'I'IIHI'
II :'"
11:11'1 :1.\' In r~I'
(''IIIII:.,d1 "I' th" 'l"ll'rO\\. Th,' hiI'd fandl.,·
Th.:· ~t'r\·j('(l \'\':l~ 1Il()~t illt"ft, ... t ill~.
tlte ' prilH'ip:ll di:-oc'lJUI''':1' lH'ing tlp]j\'("f(,,1
ar,':! til
h.,' -tlie'
tlll' pl:l.\·ill.~
hoy . . :lilt! hl'III'p
lit h:l",· 11:111
i~ t"\ l'1I
.. Frillgillidal .,
fOlty \\I'II·kllll\\11
i~ Illlldl'
111' of
h,' " ~Ir. <:illl"I'II', \lh" h"d
fol' t hi' h(l~·~.
" n'a1
-_.~._.~--~._.-._.----~._.~._.-._.-._----------_._._._.-. __._---------------
11101'(' 1I1l ... uilaldt' for ... illlillir 11NI' 1'1,\' Iht' Ii,·d. ill 'thi, IlIlrtl,,'1'll half of onr w",t· .\ ftt'!' ., "h:lJH'l" 1'\'1'1'." hoy Ht'I'JIl(·t1
01t1('r bll.'":-' altd lI:t'lI \\ htl l'OJIlJIClSt' thl' 1'1'11 hl'l!li:-ophl'I'P, ()f th(':o;.(' ~HIII(, tWt'lIt~·­ illlPHtipllt til I-:'t·t into his hllthiJl~ to::....
"~Ilh:-, of lilt· \laill l.itH' tllrl'(' an' ~p;trro\\"~. Hlld with

"""'I't iOIl of t I", EIIgli,h "I'a 1'1'011

till' ~illgl(\

:111 11 it was a g't ' 11 IIi III' JlItI:J~lIr(' to \\:ftl'h I

Prp\'ioll'" to this :;1':1:--011 tll(· J1rllll(.·l't~· :11(' indiJ.!lllllll:!') tIl 1hi:-- luud. Tt'll Of'
th",,' 1.-,7 h"y, '"ld tlll'ir gnul'1l, .Ii,·"
illl" t1,,' 1'",,1 "hl'll tl", iustrlll'1nr hI .. "
l'I I wish to inform my munerolls friends and clients that I have
Iwlollgl',) III ~rr. Sh'llt! whll 1<'1'." kiuo!l.\' IIIOn ' '·ariptips :In' Iloll·lIligTatot'.'·. thl' whi,tll'. I opened a Branch Office at
pun·hllsh' thl' 1'1111 II f,'w .",.,,1" a~\l a"d 1<-t of ~'nllr hh·d l)h!"['r\'t'r~ •
hpltl it \llIIil sliell as lilt' sl·1Illo1

11'11 I" IIhil'!, of th(',,' t"11 Inl',"\,,'r, of

SO Ill() I-:\·t'I',vlhillg is dOJlII ill f'lliular ortlt'f
I 1415 ~Ocu8t Street, Philadelphia

authol'iti,'''' \' "I" j'Il:lII'·i:lll.'" 111't'p:lrl'd 10 th,' f:llllily an' thl' Ii!!:ht,'r, "I' th,'
:If th,' 1':1111)'.

I" "Iill'\" Illl' '''It''r I1II th,'y gl'l_ tIll

Boys :ll'l' not IH'rlll;ttl'd
•I in the office of
t:t1<t' it 11.1'1'. ·1" " :"'1·1111.1 ~1·(ldil'l'l pll ... ,. Bnll." thl' :""arro,," of onr '·lItl'r· ..;~gll:.J, alltl \\ hplI tillll' i~ 111' t11('-," gt·t II
Jo'.I'S~iflll ill (),,:,,' l'r. ln~ll. :1: tlil' Ilri'T laillill;': fri"lId T. \\'. Bllrg"". thl' ~iJ..: :II:d \\ ldl·h lIlt'all:" thl'~' Ill'I"'~ gI't I FREDER ICK HERMANN
~lr. ~halld I'pid ;ll)' it, 1.111:-0 i:I\I" lIltd 011,' IIf 111." ('arlil'st J't·I·Ol1('f·t ilIJl": i~ lIut Ihi' This sP.'lIIPll to
Whil,· ~Ir. :"hal d ":J- t111'
of \\'atl'T". 1'0111(
Realty and Mort g.grs
ill It· 1""1. that "I' th" ","th', hd\\""'11 hln" hiI'd, tOll Slltlll to ~lIit 1I11lst (If th(' ~c·t111J"", •
OWII('r, 111(' \;".-I,,'rlh Ila,,' Ib'l ('1,,', Ill:lrtins for tltt' }lns:,pssillll of tit"
.\ f""tllr,' "f th,' da.'· wns ';11 ,',hiloi II Rel1able and prompt services in all branches. Phila~lelphia, Central
wa~ gi\"'ll IH l'lIli ... siClIl til tlSt' tit.· pIn!.
1l11IlIl'rOll~ llird IIOllst'~ ahollt JlI~' fatlll'r'q li,," drill "11 th" I'alllp"- .hy thl' :'\ar I :'.I:d Main Line Suburban :t ...
\,:ith thl' t'\pn'~~ 1II1dt ' l'st:tlldillt!, 111:1t
al1,]iti(l:,:t1 ~Hfl'gllttrl~s Ill' 111'0\ idt·c! ttl
I'arn and nthl'r nnthnililing,. Th"H"
hattll'H alllll"t :lIl\'a~" ...·SIJlt"t! iu "i,'·
I.l'rth tro"p aft"r "'1']'1'1'. (:'\0 lI'(' t·" I REALTY
d"l"I'rihl' thi' ~C'('IIl' ill tlll' IIlPS'" tt'l1t nt
protC'l't SIIl'l'(llllltlIJl:~ 1'1'IIpl'I'ty ll\\ IIPI" t,,!,~' f"r th,' IlIal·tin, :lilt! thl'n lIur hit", , PI,,'r tillil'. \\'1' all kll"w, what th, Building- Association and other mortgage funds available for Phlla-
nud IlH""S(')":--·h,\· :~~:lill ... t til" 1':IIl~~'I' fl'Oll1 hiI'd' fl';"lId, ""lit 011 fnrth"r lIo!'tll. I",y, I'nll 0111 til th,' ('ats.1 ~Ir. Pattl'lI celphia and Main Line properties. Fire Insurance in all its branches.
fOlii halb "",I "Is 1 I" i""I",' ~rl'. :--:ha,,'! This ,in!!:1I1ar fad fon'"d lilt' tn thl' "011' di n'd i III,!' t till 110.":-; lI.v hllg-Ip olll~·, fl n tI Philadelphia and New Jersey Notary public, P.ennsylvania Conunissioner
n~nill~t the dllll:':;I'1' of 1'0"'lo\ildl' tl:lll t;!I' 1·1",i,," th"t th,' hlnl' hirds 1'1'1111.,· did \\1', who \\'l're \'iHiting frnlll Xnrhl'rth of Desds for New Jersey.
suits. lI"t intent! to !'Plilaill, hnt lil,,'d th(' \\1'1'1' ind,·..d proud of our tl'llOp, and
Houses for sale, fUrnished und lmfnrnished. Best list in Narberth,
Th(' H:dl ('I,,1t did lilth- Ill' 11111 hi,,!!: sport HS Jllnllif('~tt'd ill n goo,1 fight, :lud thl'.\' gol a spll'ndid hnnd from tIll' ,'n
rrices reasonable and terms to sUit.
to c'nrry Ollt it.s I'lll·t Ill' th., ti'.!;I'1'I'''"'1I1. II ft "I' " fl'w days of I'l',t Illld HIII'h tirl' l'OI'lll'all)' IIl1d tIll' ""l'mhh'd \'isit-or-
fortllllllt"I~' lin nil" has 1""'11 ph.'·Hi ,'a II." l'l"'I'l'lltiou UB th" muny hlltll"H 1Ifl'l'rtll'tl lit its ('OIII'llIsh'n.
in,iured, hut thl'r(' wen' HIlIIlY Ilart'o\\' \\,'111 011 Illl'ir wa~' gladly all'll li:lI'I'.'·' It would hI' hnrd to filHI n pla ..e h"t JOHN A. CALDWELL
cseilpeB hy SlIhiul' A\'l'lIl1l' 1"Bid"lIt, '11I,j I 11111 quitl' ('l'rtuin that I 1'1111 mut('h tl'r lo('ated Ill' h('ttl'l' ndnptcd 1" its NARBERTH. PA.
pnsBerH-hy IIl1d I1S II rl'sult tIl(' iion \'II all~' ·,tor.," of s)rIIrrow d"llI'l',Llltion with usc thnn Cump Delmont. Twent.\· hup
'r,&el'h'c!(1 IILnll.\' CplIlplllint's. 'l' ,SPll' oue of equnl ntroeity of 'SILY tWl'nt,v' Narberth Telephones:
'nre the ..e frollt Nnrlwrth withM:l.. Pal
son, it wtts fll'ddl''' toeh(lllj.!e the 111'- 11\"" othl'r Illembers of the fentht:'rl'd. ('ffice:Narberth 1733.
t('Il. The tri.p to the Cump w"lls Illude
rnngl'meJltOf Iho field ill the hope fillll hipell~. So h·t us hl'gin. in fi tt'ul'k, und it has hl'l'1l urrnngl'll ResiC:ence:Narberth1687,
'beliei"thnt tIle 'dl1l1~er would he mini, Have your "'spnno\\' l'nemieM" fnr their rl'turn in till' slim" IltalUil'1' PhUadel'phia, Ben Phone Connection,
·'mi'zerl, but thl'result wns cli811pl'ointin)!. '. huckll' on their armor UiHI tell us all
Even ocelisiolloilJ. fouls from the hnts of thl' IIwfnl things thl'r rnll rl'cul1 \ubout

!\:ARBERTH, P.\.-OUR T()\\':\" 3

Narberth Opens Second

,~.IHI 1'. M., Wl'dnl'sday EVI'IJlng- Editorial---Continued
Nrws of tilr QI.llur d lra l"lIioll Pra~'t'r :\1C'(ltiug in the' Pn·shy· (Continued from 2.) FIDes' ....o.oDl.,.. The- '.
t,'ri,," ('hllrd>. L"".Il'r. Ill"'. E. ~1. :-;t,,·
1'11l'IISllll. II. II., of thl' .\lIlt'ri"all Bal"
Hall With Victory .'re 011.. sIze la abe
£DUre World.
MEETING HOUSE, ti~t Puhlil':ltioll ~()(·i(\t~·.
~II' . .J. .J. (':tbr,,)' \"t'ry g,'n"rons!y pro' P....opl.y.-ConUnnoWl 10 A. M.
'0 II.SI
,idln~ th .. trall,ptlrlatioll.
You would Ill' \\I'kolllt' to all th('~t' I
Montgomery Pike, ~l1rberth. was estab· .-\:-0 tIll' t'\'(\uing- ~had(l\\:-i hegan to Phil... Pa.
~l'r\'i{'e~, .1""1"'11 I\(' rl'llld:tnily I,'!'t th,' hoys.
Iishell 1682. Here William I'enu wor· PARK TODAY.
shiped, as well n.~ llIany other noted hringing- 1l1l1l!t'rl,lllS Il\t·l-'Ha~l':-\. for deli\"
Friends. One of the historical spots of t"".'· ttl Illotlal'r"" :llld frit'llds. A8 we
America is opeu for worshi p every "ro""d th,' ,In';II'1 I\(' h,'ard thl' hugle
First'llny (:-:uuday) lIlorning at 11
Essex and Price Aves .• Narberth, Pa. 1·,,11 fo,. th,' bo.'" tu llSSl'lllhh' aroulld
Hr.,·1t ~Ia" 1', I·a., .July ~:I.-·Bunl'hing WEEK OF AUG. 1
hit ~ ill thrl'I' iJlllillg-~ alld assistt'tl It~· (,f·
a 'clock. First·day t)ehool hegins at 10 th,' ":11111'1;1'1', "h"fl' thl'." \I,'re ttl hear
A.11. \'i,itors l·ortlially in,·ited.
Rev. Arthur S. Walls. D. D .. Pastor. :-.:t Ilril':-- frtllli Fralll·('.
EIl\\'.\HIJ fl. Il.\i\'~.
1'111'''; :It ('ritif':d tilll('S, :\ll1'ht"rth Iwat
Ill,·1t ~Ia" I' ,,, n' toda." in a ~Inin,' "The Bronze Bell"
The First·,lay 8chool is held every I.t-:l_:":'ljt· galli". !I til :!.
""11 oI:t.", .lld.'· ;: 1-t :
First·day morning at ten 0 'clock. There
!I ..I:, .\. ~1.'-·:-:III101a.'· ",·ho,,!. .\11 FOUR NARBERTH HOBOES ON
HHY:-\ ~[.\\\'H.
is a class for adults as wl'll as for r. II. '1. t'
~r:tllt'''''' CAMPING TOUR
childrl'n. a nd we IHI' vl'ry glnd to have 11 11
11.1111 .\.:\1. :\Iorllill,!.!. \\·or .. hil" I~l'r- ('111"\1'11. II AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. ~I .. 11.00•••00.
anyone who is interested in knowing Equipl't'd t·:!\"h \\ IIh :1 Id:lllkl't. !IIJlII·llll
JlIOII IIY tllt' Pa,tor. 11'1. 'lIgl"::1,. il I.JII. 11.411. '.411. 9.10 P. ta.
more ahout our Society of Friends and Illt'-~ I\il, :11101 "'\\t'~II'·I. tlllll" .\·flll".~ 1111'11
7.::11 I'. :\1. ~ {"nioll T\\ ilig-ht :--\l'r\'il·t'. H,"kl'. ,I'. 11 II 11 11 11
tbe Friendl)' ideas visit witb us .. ot' .\",.1'''1'11111'1'1 \\.·'ill,'"I".", .Iul." ~'II..
,III till' 1:1\\II,-I·:~.. t'\ and Pril'(' .\\·\'11111· .... t '11 r\ ,'11, I" f, II II I, 11


Ily thl' 1\,.\...Iohn
:\1.'l'tillg-. \rt'JIlPsda.\,.
till a



1'011'1 ... 1"01



,llIhll \\"il"'llll.
Ii .~
',.-, II •. I'.
::11. II
Rev. R. F. CowleY. Rector. .\llg·\I . . t :~rcl. at t111' Pn·:"hytl'riall (·hurt'll.
1 1
:1111 Bradl'll, Tholli:IS .\Iartifl :Ind
Hllrns, ;;1, 11 1 1) Raymond Wei••• Proprietor
Early 1Iass on Sunlln)'s at i A. M. I) 'worth. t·f. .. ',., II ~ II 11
PhdlJl Li\ il.,.:. ... ltll!.
I rill \\ :1:-- til rt':I\·11 .\
Tht' Oll.i'·f·t
1'\\ LIlIllloll
j i l t \\
t h~'
~l :Igllrrt·. ('. , . ., 11 11 .GASOLlNE, OIL, SUPPLIES
MassI'S on holy dnys. 6.all and 8.30 '!:Iy," II.'" llf "hOI I... " (1I11t tilt'
I-'n 1'1111111, If. . fl 11
A. M. \\"l'l'kdnys nt 8. EVl'ning devo· Rev, John Van Ness, Minister. lInrl.:JlIgIJ, If. 1I 11 II
1111" ':- ill Iln'\\ ill:": I ttll t tluri II},!; (":1 r .... T .Iephone Narberth 1633
tions aur! other senicl's at regular 11 11 II II II

times. :\It'I'till~S 1011101'1'11\\' • • llIly :~ I:

"1'1'.'" guod 1111·k Itl:trkt'd thl' trill ttl --'>--------------
:\t \. 1,1'111:'''1. '1'11".'" 1".':11·11",1 :\1'\\ \111"1\
IJ,4:, A. ~1.--:-:lIl1d"." :-:"1",,,1. .\ 1'1:1"1' II.\" Ihn',' p',·lIW\.; lIt' til., first day. l't'III:Jill
111 -, 11
ALL SAINTS CHURCH. :111 :l" .'!nlllll· fill" :111.
11.1111 .\. ~1. -~I""lIillg \\'or,hil'. :-",,..
illg- UlIs"!I:lr:ttt'll t!lrllllg'llOlll alld oidigt l
.: :-\.\HHI·:I(~ . Justice of the Peace
WYNNEWOOD, PA. tll ,,:t1k Il1lt tlll"t't' four lIliJt'~ of tI.lI' I'.-h.~ :1.
llHl1l l1It'lIlt': ., Thl' Tll\\('}' III' H:dH'J. or

!lilll·l.\·· .... ·\ t'li. Till'," tlll'lI tnok tlit' slilt , .... ,., II oJ --t
Hiliidillg" (·it'·." ~[,.. \'''11 :-\,'s' "ill
\\ : 1.\ - I II L~ r,~ II ~ :1 III I 1'0 t :1 1'1 t', I 1111 t It t·
I II t· "tit,·-. 11, II 11 11 Fire Insurance-Best Companies
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector. 111 '1':\1'11. Bo:--tOJl Pll~t I('\lad. 1'1':ldll::": (;rt'f'll If! fI \\ t' 11, f' r. II II 11 II Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate. 7.::11 P. :'\1. -·I·llioll T\\'i1i~ht ~ll'l'tillJ.!.
\\ il·iI, ('UIlIl('('! It· lit. :I! 1;'::11 \\"t'dllt' .. day. IIllnll'hri,',. d. 11 11 11 II
~('rlllllll tlll'llIt': I ' (·hri . ..;f III' (·hao:",.·' ~1r.
.\ glllld :"l1llllt'r :111.1 :t Illtll'h alllll'" \. F1""k, If 11 II 11 11 PAINTI NG
S.I;; A. ~I.-·Hol~· COllllllunion. \" II :-\ I'"~ "ill 1'I'I,:... h. DECORATING
l·i:,:t,t1 I"t·:-t \\:1" II:ld:&1 tltt' 1:11111 (If :\Ir. II '"lll'h I'i,',. ~I,.
l'llion Pfa.\·l'r )I"t,tillg TI(·,t \\" I,d 111':--:-
!U;; A. ~I.-(,hureh 8rhool. F. :\1. Li\illg· ... tllli. TIll' (;. FI",·k. 1'1'. - (I 11
11.nO A. ~r.-·-:\Iorning Prn~'l'r an,l Ser·
Ila~' p\·t'lIilll.! ill tllp Pn· . . h~·ll'ri:tll
Ill'xt IJl111"1I111~ tilt,


hl'B,!,'.l 1111 tlll' 1.:ll·t·.\', :: I,. " 11 WILLIAM NEWBORG & CO.
t'hlll',.h, l\lth 1""01,,,. flll'llish .. 01 h,' tlil'
tnoll. l·ll:I .... ! ;lg':1 i II 1111 til t· 11
(1:"'1 I~( lilil. Bllfll", I'.
II II Painting and Decorating
H"l't ist (·hur,·h. .JtllllI \\'ib(lll':-- 11l:1~III·t il' ItlJlt' ( :) I',"\'~ II 11
11"",1. I'. 11 212 Woodb ne Ave .• Narberth, Pa.
and ~11'~. Yall :\.·s... are plan'
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE ~t""llrt'd :1 lift for hill;~t'l! :11101 IJall1 , Pllo~e, Ardmore 1436 W Narberlll1768 W
lIil!}! to :dtt'lld a Hildt' ('onfl'rt'lll'l' tn
EVANGEL. Br:tdl'lI 1'1'0111 !)arit':1 to \:I'\\" Llilldllll, TI","ll.. . ... " .. ~l 1~ :!j ~ .)
Ill' hl'!d ill :\1\llltrCl~e, Pa" 1lt'~1 \\l't'k.
"rhl' I·at'. :t (':ldill:Il' rIJ:ltl~tl'r, IIladt' tht' '-:al'l ... rl], 11 ~ 11 ~ .. II 11 II II-!I
Th,' plIll'it "'I'pli,', f"r thi, ('!lIl1't'h
Rev. Avery S. Demmy. Pastor. Ill,'"' IJdlf'~ ill thrt't" :lilt! ollt,-half hour:--. HI'.'"11 \1:1\\1' . . .'.11 Oil (1111 1 (I O·_~ I
,lliring- tllt· Illllllth tlf AUg-llst art' a~
t'll:ddillg thl'Ill ttl I'I'adl :\t"w LUlldo" T"·,,·),,,s,· Itit,-Farlllllll, \'. J·I",·k. For Bowling and
~t'r\"i\·('~. ~t1nda~·. .1111~· :n. 1!1:!1:
.\lI~lI~t j- Ht'\', :'\nrlll:lll E, Kfl\'hlp1',
la.\' 11l1t)1l: a t rip ,d' :,!,ill lltilt'''' ill :t tI:ty lJlIlI),l .. l'l:i."--Di"ki .. , \\'. HIlJlIl'hrit',
!I.;'II '.\.

~1.---~loruiJlg I'rn~'l'r ~[1'1'1·
.\ t h"lIs. I'".
alld a half.
'j'h .. tlth('r~ \\t'l't' 1I0t :-.u furtllnat(' :Il1d
alld :--:titt':', :--:tnl(·k (llIt-·B~· (·{)(IJl"~·. :!:
Hfl:.!.,'r", :!; HlIod ...1-. B:I~('~ 011 h:tlb-
PoeL et Billiards
.\lIgll,t 11-- ·H,'\. \\·:tltl'r L. Hittl'l',
IIA~, .\. ~1.--:-;uJl,la~· :-;1·ll1Jol. had tu 111:11", th,' tril' ill shurt,'r altd OIl' ('1I01It'.'·, ~: 1IlIod. 1. (·lIIl'ir,'-Far· come to the
\\".'" III'ot I'. 1 :1.
J !.tIll .-\. 11.-1lol'lliug Wor,hip. :-;1'1" l"'lo\\ Ill' iJ()l':"i J :-on thai t ht'y did 1I0t rt'arh • I'l'l I.
.\llglI,t ~1--Rt'\. H. H. Ongl', D. D.,
ilion h~' thl' I'asto,·.
i.::O P. ~1.-I·nioll Twilight ~[l'ding \\""lIollah, :-\ . .T.
:-\"\1 IJultd,," till .1.~1I. 'I'll" ""'lId"'rs of
th,' 1'''1'\.'' figlln'd Ihat th,' tra\t'lling
.\lIgll't ~s-H,',·. I.. ~L K,'illl. ~Ilr' WAYNE. 3: HIGHLAND PARK, 2.
at tIl(' "'lI'n,'r llf I·;,sl'x and 1'ri,'" . \ \'t" ('XIIt'Ill'U':':. il1(·!tldillg food, I'llI' thl' :!,)ll Highland Park. Pa" .Tlll.\' ~:L--Tit'ill~ No.1 Forrest Ave.
1"'1'1 h. I'". Illilt-s \lflS a littlt, It"" thalt n dullal th,' "'"1''' ill th .. lIillth Oil " dOli),! .. ),~.
\,hil'h. ill lhl'l'H' lla~' . . tlf hig·!I·llrit·I,.• t
(,:leh. Hrotlk,' and a sillgll' h." L. ~lul'l'h.,·,
IlIil~':lgt'. is Illtt ~o hud,
"'ayll", lil',t half ~Iaill Lill" I."agu,'

F'I'OIlI :\t'\\' 1.1011"011 tht' hoIHH'~ took l·ll:llllpioll:':, 1';,1111(' throllJ!h ill tht' "tt'llth -

Narberth Register a trull('.\· tll (;rotoll Lilli;.! I'llillt. \\hl'r,·

th ..." ga\(' t1l,' faillil." of .1. It. 1I",,,toll
a n'HI :"'t1ri'ri~t"
and \\1111

lfln~ hit h~'

1):Irk 11I'1't,
011 J):\\'is
~. ])(lr~arJ('(',
tllda~', :~
:.:iII g-lt'.

to 01
:I ~tf'HI :11101 a
(j);l'r H·i~hlaIlIJ For Pe.rmanent
Two Line., 10e per inae; 5e for eaeh additional/in.
.\ t"II·t
l',tahli,h.'d lin
\\:I~ IHIITO\' l'1i

a I!ill"id,' half a IlIil,·

Hlld a ":(111)1 \\. ".'·'It'
Highlalld I'ark..
II (I 11
II 11
11 (I
(I 1 1 .,
11 11 (I.---:!
L008. l:anDY H. Plano teaclJt~r.
GnU.hall. II. K. Publlc Accounlant. 303
:;1 ud I... Areltde Bldg. Phone, 3111·J. frOlll tilt' l11'HI,h, 1.I:1WI'('II(·t'
SOTA·RY P(,lBLIC. thl'lt Jltadl' th,' lifth nlt'llI·h .. r of thl'
Conway Ave. Phone. Narberth 1667-J. BERWYN, 11; ARDMORE. tl.
&elm. B. (J. CerUlled Public Account&nL oI"lI'"rleo• .I. U. 111 Narberlh ave. I'a rt~·.
202 Dudley .._ Phone. N..rberlb 100-W.
........ Oaraif_Repalrlng. EIC. Phone. 110•.
See dlsVlay advertls~lll~nt In llll~ Issue.
Phooe, 666-14.
Simpson•. Uarry A. 232 ESBes Ave.
Phone, Narbertb 636.
T)·.on, "'arren R. 200 Wood-blne Ave.
Phone, Jliurb~rth I~O~· W.
I'ar·t of th .. nlt'al, W .. !'t' l,r"l'an'd at
th,' ,.,,111'1'. ~[l's. 1I0u"ton in"i"ting Olt
t'ltt .. rtllining th,' pHI·t.,· I'art of th .. tilll ...
.\l'dIlIOr,', I'n., .luI,· ~:'.-\\"ith th,'
'1'01'1' t il'd in th,' sixth inllillg alld thl'

hast's tillt'd. I.lIrr~· Higgins did th,'

Ii,'ro ad and kllol'k,'d a hOlJll' 1'1111 for
Smedley Built Home
Narberlh Garage. Ph()n~ Narberth 1633. OPTICIAXS (Bo"t Oil ha k ..d 1lt'IIlts a ltd hn,\\ n hr"lId
Bl'}'\\·.'"!! ill a l\fnin LitH' Lpagu(' ~alllll
!\p~ .llsplay 'llh·prtl.pment In thIs Issue. F.... ton. Carl F. 606 aYe. Pbone, S.8-" d,It,,,It't tllk .. insi"tin.~ l. ('Ia,l ill
Al:TOlIOBlLE SEII\'ICE, "lIlla. address, 1(\31 Chestnut st. Spruce'ii:Ji
Zeotmayer. dooeph. 228 S. 15tb st.. Pbll&. hnlTowpd whitl' trousp}'s and arlllr
h"n' t.llla.". Aft,'r that Ar,lnlllrl' w"111 WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
Donahue. Patrl"k Jo'. Phone ](\33. til pipl't's nlld lkr\\'~'11 fillisht'd 1111 t0l'.
See dlsiliay Ildvl'ftiselll r nt In tbl. lssu~. PAINTING. s1l0.." th .. hoho('s at.t"nll,'" a ,1alll'" at
11 to :i.
BAKERY. N,,\\·bnrg. "·m.• & Co. 212 Woodbine Ave. the Casino ~atllrtla.,· ni/{ht, "h.,!'t, ,. a
Ilt'rw.'·11 (I (I :1 (I (I Ii (I 1-11
Betty Sweet Shop. Opposite stlltlon, Pbone, Narbertb 1758· W. g'ood t inll' "a, had It.,· all."
.s ee display advertisement In Ibis IBBue.
See display advertisement In thlB ISBue.
Wailler. Freel.
117 Wlnoor ave. Pbo\1e. 1247-J.
Bt':lf'h )Iar-tit's, hathillg, boatillg find
.\rdlllort' (I 0 -, 0 (J " I l - I ;
Ipltni" lIla,l .. thtl'l' tl:ly" diMlppl'al' "'1'."
)Ierlon Title & Truol Co. Pllone. Narb'tb 398
See dl8pla)' adverUlement 1D tbla laue. PAPER HASGlN/;. qlli('kl~·. It \\'a:-- 1I(,(·t'sk"ar~· for Living-
:-"'I·otHl Half.
BUILDERS Boyd, Hora"e S. 313 M~etlng HOllse Lane.
I'hone 350. ston and ~Ia,·till to gl'l hOIllP h." Tul''''
\\' 011. Los!. P.C.
8hand. AI'ell. Coo Jr.Pbone. No. 1710. da." night. hut th., othl'rs (and on,' in
Narbertb Station. PHOTO PLAYS :-\"rli,'rth . (I I.(JOO Jobbing promptly attended to
8mrdlr\', Wm_ II. & H. T. Pbnnp. MO. u Arcadia." 18lb and Cheolnul st... PhUo par1it'lI!nr) \\(In' hll\'ing- too g-OtH} a
see display advertisement In this IBBue. 8ee dloplay adverU.amenl In lblo luue. \\'a)'II" .. 1I 1.00n
tin\(' It) ].. a\'(', SO tIll' party di, i,ll'd. N~ht Phone. No.herth 087
PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS. B"f\\)'11 . (I l.OOn Day Phone. NarhB1'th 302 J
CANDY. ETC. "1111' fir,,1 half of thl' group 1·"II(·hl'd
1'11100 Tuning and Player Pianos BI'.'·11 ~Ia\\'r . 1) .000
Davl•• H. E. Pbone. 1264-W. George Abele. Phone Nnrberth 1255·J. hOlllt, ill t",o days h~' JllI'nnS of (I\-pr.,'·
Bee adverll.ement In tblo luue. Highland I'ark . o .000
·PLUMBING. ETC. Ihing frollt Fm'ds to' lIu""ous. h:I\'ing •
CARPENTEBS AND BUILDERS :\ rdlllon' " , II .000
. 'enILln.. Ch... L.
101 Dudley ave. Phone, 16,<l4.
Cook Oro... Phone 302-J.
See dlBlllny adv.ertlBement In thla 188ue
Wall. B. B. Phone. Narbertll 16(J2-J. .
"I"'ltl tht, 1i!'1 ni'ght a.t ~laph'woo,1.
:\t'W .J(lrspy,
Tbe Narbertb Electrical Shop
See dlopl..y adverll.ement In lblO luns Brad"1! alld \\'ilsll" an' I'xpl'dl'tl 230 HAVEBFORD A VB.
James Fratantonl" Son8. 2311 Bllmpden An REAL ESTATE h01ll1' today. ELECTRICAL CO~TRACTORS
, Bee display advertiBement In this IBBue LIARD TOURNAMENT WON BY
Cahhvell. J. A. Phone. 1687 'I'hl' trip" a;< I'rtlltonn"(',l a conll'll'!l' We repair, Bell and install anything
DENTiSTS See dloplay ..dverUoement In Iblo luua M'CARTER, SECOND WINNIE.
Hl1('('P~"'" a nil ot 11 pi)" s1Jll'i In J" OIlt'S :ne Electrical. Old house wiring a'specailty.
Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 IIllm..ood .... Phone•• II·W. FrlltICb. H. V. Pbone, .n-w. THIRD ·.JENKINS
Pbll... Pbone, Fllberl 4UlI. Kellh BId•. See dlopl..y adverllsemenl In lblo luus. !'l'illl! planIH"l. Ask about our three payment plan in-
S"hemb8. Dr. John.. Pbone Narberth 816- W. Ball. Albert.. Spruce ;4111,
Cor. Grll111ng and Windsor aves. Land TJtle Building. Phl1adelpbla. Pa. cluding fixtures. Phone 1633 or 395W
Om~e HourB untIJ D P. M. dally. Neab. Kobert J. Phone. 10•. Third Round.
Money for First !Lnd Sscond Morl....e.. PALACE THEATRE. ARDMORE. P A.
DBUOGIST8 G,'o. FI(,l'k. handi,'up 15, tl"f"Uo1,'d .1.
.Ho...rd'•• Pbone.. un. 8Imp....n. Jame. O. 283 Ill_es Progl'ullI \\'l'l'k of ~IOlldllY, AlIgll"1 1:
Bee · adverUoemenl III Ihlo luue. Pbone. 681. or 1420 Cbeslnul .t. ~loll,lu.,·. Augnst 1, 1..011 ('halll')' anti :-:. Hall. "("J'll-t"h. S"Ort' IOO-i5.
C....e. W. G. Phone. 395·W.
. ,see ",Isplny Ildvertl.Remen,l tn this IBBue.
" Pil.h•. VerlZn Ion., ave.
Recreation Room. No, 1 Forreat Ave.
See display advertisement In this tBsue.
B"tty BI~·thl' ill ":'\otllllll~ of th,'
:-\ol'tll." I';l'i_o,1I' 11 .. ~Oll of"
Tnl's,la,v, August :!, Thl' Iini50h"t! lldur
Frank "-illlli('. sl'Tat,'h. t1l'fpnll't! "'.
G. ('a,<'. hllll,lieall :10. :-:c'orl' 100-!lii.
(', n. ~h·Carlt'r ••Jr., sernt"h, cll'fl'lltl'tl
James fratantoni &Sons
. Nar,Pbone, l60.W. Ard. Pbone, Iil-J. Contractor. o.f
Gara-MeOlnle, Co. Phone. 1UI-W. yon likl', Bl'TI L~·tl'll ill .. T1ll' Mi"lelltl· Lkn. Withl'l'o\\,. ",'raleh. K.'nf'l' 101l-f~l.
ISSORANCE. See dloplay adverll.emenl In this luua.
Hiller•. Jobn A. UI Iona Phons, In-,1 illl! Lady." \Vl'tlllesdll~', An/{nsl :1. EI'JI,'sl .'l'nkinA. hll.ndiclIl' ];i. tll'ft'at,'d
.·..o..m.n, SamUel P. (Life.)
. '116 Elm..ood "Ve. Pbon., UI-W.
t'totter Broil. (Fire. elc.)
Shop. "I H..v.rford a..... Pbons. lUI-,1 Gl'orge \\'ulsh ill I I Drnatllit" Alll'n.·' ,IillI Foolt" Ael·at-eh. Ht'ol'e IOO-i:!. STONE WORK .,"';
-'08 Wood.lde ave. Pbon., lIU·R..
.Wltnier, \l'm. WGod. 106 Fore.t Annul'. Good Wear Sboe Repal~ Sbop•
Conotantlite. B. G. 'W2 Hliverford ave.
Thnrsdny. AUl!nst 4. hy rl'qn""t u
I"l'sho\\"ing' of Charlie Chlllplill lIllti Io'l'nnk \Villll,ie, sl'ralt'h. tll'f,'atl'll
·PhouP..82f\ ll. . . Phone. Narbertb 1700-W. • Gl'lll'gl' }o'lc'ck, hUlItliellp I;i. ~t'Ort' 100--
.Jnckie Coog'lln in "The Kit!. " A
"Campbell< Frank D. Autontobl1e. Fire. I!te.
'4. Stunrt Ave.Pl)onp; BOG· It. Torch,'" COll1l'cl~', ,A Chester Onlillg. A liO.
239 Hampden Ave., Narbertb, Pa.
UwYERS ' Tbeab".... ·.dep.rtment .hould be or. lll.
.reate.I uoe lo lbe !lommunltT•. lhell.t OOn Brny <Comic. This is II hot \\'ell.t11l'I' C. II. Cartl'r, .Jr., !<Crllteh, defl'lItl'tl JOBBING Pbpne
~:;"'. oliro,•. "oIlD... '11 .1ll..fis ..... Pbon.. 1I.n-o. l&ln. lbo nama of' profe_lo....1 m.n Ern{'sl. .Jenkins, hundicap 15. Spore
" .•... I:'bll... ..ddr"..,Lln!loln·Bld•• tradeamali. 'm.c.blonlc. .bopkeep.r.eta.. Wb~ speeiuI. Give the kiddies n l'hllncl'.
i"·I,,~·.JI'leteh"l' ·W. 4U HanrfOrd ay.. 4"•• '~r ,o..n· .1n,....n7 .wa7·.••r.v•. hl8·f.llow.· 100~88.
Friday, August 5, "he lust Pearl Whit<>
~'\'" :'Phon.; '1~ •.W .P'hll&" .•"'dr.~· .Bld,. lo,,:n.mail•.and. wbci.18 PrO....." •.•no_1I
picture, Penrl \'e in "Beyont1 Special Matoh for ThirdPrlze
it· " , '. : .LIORTDl~ . nxornll:8 . to :'.dd~e to.·lIilt 'of R.~.r., .
Aa .Il I•..dlllloult: ~or, tb~•. ·!lOnlrlbiatlq
fit .
,;," .lIeDQnald Jobn.· Narb.rth ,bon.. till.
;~~I~~C.~..t;::i1~, }'hl1~ 'bOu.. ,SptUO. Ill.,
~".:" ' . ' .
their .lIm•.and .•lroN to tb.·:Pz'cidUCltIOD ot·
"Our· ·Town": to ....noh.n, ··.Ilber ,._no,,· .ill
Int.rvl... all nob, ·tt ."ould be 'In. '1I81p.,
Price." Saturday, August 6, A snappy
farcecomdy, 0\\,('0 },[oor('ill "A Di-
Ernest .J.l'nkil1s,bnntlieap 15, d('-
feutod. Fleck, handicap 15. Score
. .. i MEATS, BTO.· .
~"i::'.~.' Jlo".rd ";"'~o~ U'" .. . . rul .If.tb_ nci~. itow touii4 'In 'lbl ,:prlaWt ,·oree. Qf Coqvcni~nce." . ],[ubt· and' Jeff 100-75.
j":;,,,- ..... dlop1ay.·.dYBrtl_.ill In .thl8 18ft.. 118t would iMJId In' a m.mO"of ·lb.........., iii II GuutShol! Work."" Merilillltl Final·
addr"; pbOn.· 'nulqlben -.nd· bae1D_ _ .,
gj.~;;:.:, ".. , ".:.;, . ~': .. MJJo.C:.. ' . . .prof~oDliorll8tlq; TbI8 'Will GMt . . hi· Comedy: "Bnng." Purlile Ritler No• e, II.·M-cCnl\ter,
Jr" scratch, d'afewted
1,t,,:.:.· ·iJ~ckao" 'AnDe;" VI"t1n:Jn8truetton; .10....:' 10 c.ntll ~II'~ 'fori' IIn..::I._b
"1\,' '., 'TelephQne, Nar~erth 816-J.· • for'_b addltlo~.I1_ .' .. ' , 13. Frank Winnie, scratl'h. Score 100,-8.4.
. ".' " .
4 ;\ARBERTH, P:\.-Ol'R Ttl\\':-';

\I .. ('ahill nn<1 I'nttison. Xarherth,

dt'!'e'<!I'<1 l\fnrAhall nll,l 1'nlllll'r. Hllrks
who wlln Bniley.'s originnl rnting a
"ouple of we"ks ng'o, rhnllenge<1 Rhnrp THE FIRESIDE
( '011 n t,\·, I)-:~, ~·fi.

.-\ft"r thc' IIlulrlll" thl' ,,"rhrrth 1'1n~'­

, ill an l'!Tort to Tt'gnin Xo. If). But
"Huhe" prll\'ecl til he II liltl" too
(Continued from Page 1)
Cotter's Meats
1'1', "'PTt' I'lIt"rtninc',] at lllllc·h. "trllllg a'Il1 WOII, {i.-I, S·IO, Ii-:>.
\f i,s 1·:11'11'11'1' ~hal'Jll·. Ill' :'\ 1'\\'1 ill,·, I
Th,' Bilek, ('Ollllt.,· ('ll1h I'rm'l'd til I", I·:. \\·ar\\,i,·k ,.]Iallpng,'d all" "ef,'atc'd
an 1"'·"I'']il'l,d.'· .. or"ial 1111,] 11IIsl'itllhll' \\'right, Ii-I. (;·1, '111.1 th!'sl' t'I'1I l,layers
JIB .• Slll'lIt thl' WI,(·I, 1'lId \ i~itilJg fril'lld!'\ A Quality For
: II :'\ a 1'1 t1'rf h.
hll~t, 'Illd 1)l't· .· ;jdl'llt I)atti:-otlll, ·'Ilt·aking ,·h:llI~t'd pl:u·pl".
People Who
011 hc'hlllf III' thl' "arhl'rth _'-'A,w;lltioll, ~harp i", n'l'"rtl'd tIt 11(\ burnillg the

thalll,,'d thl' IIlli"c'r, ,,,,,] 1IIl'lIlhc'r, of th,' 1\ iI"" ;11 all ,'fTort tn <1,'fy Krlls!' illto :\1 r. IIl1el :\1 r,.•Johll B. Brollk, IIl'rc' Want The Best
c'llIh for thl' "pry fric·II,]I.,· 111111111,'1' ill ('olllin~ nut 1'111' huttitO for ~o. l,"'i pol"i- th,· gll,',ls III' \11'. alld \Irs. " .. llr." .1.
ti,,", 111111 F"lIill 1111.1 11'111 are , .. hl',IIIII''' 1':1;':1'. Ill' F!":lIlIi-flll·d. O\I'!" thl' \\1,t'k"I'lId.
II hi,·h thl'Y ha,] "lIt,'rtllill",] III<' "ar-
herth 1'111~'l'r'. .\11 illYitat;c'll II"\.' C',· to .. go til tlll ' I1l't" \\ ithin a da~· of
Groceries and Provisions
Il'n,]l'd til till' HIIl'k, (""ll1t." 1'llIh til 1\\11. "\I i~:" l\.athl'riJIl· ~i1dt,,\, 1J:l~ {" .. tIlTlIl'1!
('pllll' to ~arll('rth latt'f ill th,· ~1':l~nT\ Here's How They Stand. ! rr(llli t\\O WI·(·ks' 'Ht'alioll in :\t-
til pili." " r,'tum IlIlIt ,·h. Th,' fllllllllillg i, thc' ratillg of p)a~'- la II t i ,. (' i t.".
f{l'plyillg to thl' ('orrt'splllldt'll1 of ()lll"
I' r~ til ,1:1 t I':

\ : (I, 1-- (; fuga II

\II'. Ed"ald 1'. :---Illil h. <d' :!11t} :-\.
'I'll \"11 "hn talu'~ i~ ... u(' \\itb IIt~" :ll1H,·k
Oil :hl' 1':T1gli~1I l"pan·(I\\- I \\ i~h 111 :--t:I1(',
HmITION TOURNAMENT. '.;11. :!--Kirkpnt r;,·k '":lrll{,rth \\1'., h :11 Filll,'.", Jil,', Oh i".
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
that ,,"bilt' I IIn\I' 1"'1""'011:111.\· "i11l1· ... :-OI·d
:'\11.:: -I.. \\'arll i,·k for :t fl'\\ \\ 1'1' k~. and Heating
tht, attat,k:-: Ill' this ""parr(l\\ Illl "'I'\I''-:l.l.
"·hill' thl' rl'gular .Jllllior .. '1'11111"11:1 "0.
4- - Slia \I'
1I1l'IIt of tht' :o\arht'I'th TI'lIl1i:-o "\''''Iwia" :'\ P . .'J---:\I c·( ',d, ill
·flf 11111" ~Ollg- llird:-o, :JIld kIIO\\ hy Ill'r- "r. ('(lllst'llll illt', tht' ~htll' l!l'IIII'f, Ilil
tioll II a, p""tp,,,,,'>1 IIIIt il ,'ar1v Loll, on '.;II.I;--\\'ill;alll' Phone, Narberth 1602-J
~nll:tI flXIH'"ipllt't' thl' II(lJlI'II·S~lIl's..... (If II:l\I'rfllrd tIll' tfip thro\l~h
atlraC'1 in}! (lur ll11ti,"p hirds to prt'lIli:-:t':-;
:\1'I'0l1l1t of "'II thl' h(l.'"~ Ilt·ing
IIlall.," of

\':!,·atioll. :l 1111111111'1" of thO:--I'

"0. '--\\·hitlll'." thi' (in':t.f


:l\\:t." 011 ~(I. 100;-- Patti"oll

ill its PO~~t':-:si(lll. ~·l't I ",htlllid hl'st it:I'!'
\\110 \\"('rl' ill tel\\ll ,d:t"\·t'd :tll I'\liil,i:illll
to 1,"I>1i,h am' stall'lIl('lIt I,a,,'" so!.,I,I· "". !I- - Stapl ... ,
.\11'. alld \II',. I·:..\. \[u,,·hallll hal"
011 IllY
p('rstlllal tlh~t'f\:ttiolls.
tht' ":ng"lish span' n \\
"Olltt'Ht Oil .TlIl,\· 14. \\hi,·ll \\:lS ","/Ill h.\'
Ed. (;ilfillllll.
:'\ II. 1I1~- \I ,. Kc'lI
:'\ II. 11---:'\c'I\I'1I
rl'lll J"Il4'd fl'lIlll a \ i:-'It at HI"a t11\'1.01'0, DAVIS'
\" l'rlliOIl t . A FULL LINE OF
All th,' IIIatl'lIl" 1\ "I'I' hardn fought :'\ p. I:!- lIa 11
illl,lllclt' s11"1'h tlHtllralists as 1I1'IJ~h:I\\".
Pllrhush, Ha~·llt'!". :llld s(,il'll~ j:--.ts of'
tllHlI i~ illdi":dl'd hy tllt' . . ('orl' .... a :nrgl' '\'11 l::--rl'IJIlO CIGARS
Pl'fl'(~lltagt' of thl' g:tllll'" going to 111'\11'1'. 1·1- \1 II"..JIII "'1' \[1', . . 1. s. 11"""1111. of ('lIsla Hi'·II. i, Stationery. Mag.zinel. Candiu
I"'tlltl' Agl'i."IJitllml EXJ,,'rilll"/It St"
_\lId tht' (·11:1r:ll·tt'l" (If play illdil"att'd
:'\ p.
I,.ilil,g hI'!' ,i,t",·, \[1'" II. H. lIillt-· i
t iOIl", :llld III(,ll1hl'I'~ of tlll' I'. ~. Bin
:'\11.1:,- Krll"" I
\"l'r.\· l·!toarl.'· tll:lt \\hl'l! thi' 1""~111:lr \'11. I li--~ ~Il:t rp
logil'al ~11r'\ t'y. 1111'11 sl'arl·I,ly to h~'
10111"11:11111'111 "1:111~ rll\illcl 1.:IL(l1 1 1:1.'". :'\11. Ii-Hail"."
1-la..,;St·d a~'" ":lrl'II':-O~ "llst'I'\ t'r:-.
fhpft' i~ g{lill~ to )", "tlllll' g"llod ,ill Y "lIi1t' :'\0, ),10.;-- \\", 1>, H. }:\:III" \I a-I ''I' \\';II;alll .\),',a"d,'r. or \\'0".1-
'rllt'il' tpstiIlIOIl~· is pnll'ti":IIl"," :111 til
t,'lIl1i, tlrat lIill III' 111'11 lIortlr . "II,·h 'IJ lH-"-:---IIJI'dll'y. .. id.' H\I'IIIII', I~ \i:-.ilillg rt'!:It,j'I'S ill GEO. WERNER
t 111' :-::IIIIt' pfft'I'!, 11111111'1.\", t h:it •i 1I;1·t 1\ C'
ill)..!.. 'II, :!11---...B:H'r
Ball illllll"l'. ART METAL WORKS
hir·}s haY~' slIff'l'rt'd a t1I'('rt':Il"t' ill 1111111"
pf flit' Illatl'ht':'; ill t11l'
Till' ""('Ofl'S 1'\" :'\0. :!I- Sl':llilill
Ill'r ... throtl~h lH'J'sl"'lItiotl h~' thi..: ill- 44;1 Brookhurst Ave., Narberth
llillitioll tournaUll'Tlt follow: \1 i:-os EIIJ~I~· ;-';ildt,y i~ ,i:-oitiIJg: frit'lId:-;
t Ttlllu(,pd slJ(·I·il'~. '('st ill~ ~itl's nrC' '\ o. :!:! --I. itt ""
I·';r,t I'IIUII"---\'alll'tt" ,1"f""t",1 (lll 111 \\'ild" 0,,,1 thi" 11I,,'k. :--;h" "ill 259 North Fifth Street.
\\"I'l·~tl'll frlllll 11101"1' ll~l'flll :l11l1 lll' .... irahlf,
:'\tl. :!::- E. '1'0\\11
\"jl'~, li"1. fi·(J; \\'HII:lIllakl'r dl'ff':ttl"l Hu "'!Il'jll[ lilt' foll(l\\ill~ \\"~'l')\ \-i:-oitillg hl'l' Market 0471, Philadelphia.
""t ill' sp,',·il'." or their eggs and young' :'\11. :!1--lIart,,"."
destroyed." ,Ohill Hulll'till :!:ill.) "0.
dlllph, n·I, (;.(1: I·:. (;i1lil1:111 d,.(,':II,'d H.
(;i1tillall, 1,-1, 1;-4.
"". :!:,--\\'. \\'. E,nll,
"". :!'i-- ~:. \\' a I'll i,· k
1·\,11:00111 :tl Pt'III!lt'l't 011, ::\, J, We Furnish Refinish and Repair
B,rass Bedsteads, Andiron Fenders,
I :qrfPI' \\lt11 ollr ('orn'sIHllldpllt thnt
~l'l'lllld HO\llld·--\\':tIl:lIIl:lkt,J' dl'ft':Itl'd -",II.:!i .. \\'right \I r. F. \(i"h,',i1s,,", of :'11:: Hal ,'rford Lamps, Chandeliers,
tIll' \I'o"cls 1I,'ar :'\""),I'rth al'l' 1'1111 of
"a I1l't t ,'., n-II. I;.:!: I·:. (; i1filla II 1\ Oil .\\1'., \\:l~ th,' Illl·k,\" I/IHII at lht, la\\"n Brass and Bronze Railings. Gr1lles
hir.I~. ]'ufortllnat,'h' tIll' )'irds ill thl'
frclill ~il .. r I,." ,),'falrlt. fl i". II.'" \\ illllilq.~' lhl' tllil of f'o:-d for Church and Moving Picture Outfits
'\,Cl()(1... do liCIt Ilrott-'c'1 lliiT 1:1\\ II..; Hill!
~nrdpn!'i and I :-ohould
Filial rllllll,)--J::, (;illillall d,.(,·"I,',)
III Ill'll prt'fl'r to
\\':lllalll:lkl~f, s.H, li"1, li-:!.
Choral Society's Outing -I:, l·t'llt s. Electro Plating
hll\"(lo thPtll 1It'!'\t ahout our hOllll'''':, :l!'\
IlIfllI,\' of would do. if 1111111011· ...11·11.
Largely Attendell :"01
\1,·. a,,,1 \fl·'. I). Warr"11 \\'right ,,">1
HI _\rllIur, of \\'oodsidt, .\'"t'JlUf>, afl'
BELL PHONE, Narbertb 1256-W
l,t '"'" in tIll' hopl' that iatl'r,-,t Illig'llt
llt :lrlJlI:-opd in nttrJlI·ting mort' hil'd~ in-
. ('Ollt illllrcl IIIl Page 4) :"llt'lIdill~ a l'IHlpl .. of WPt'ks Ht ('oaft's· GEORGE W. BOTTOMS
til thl' town its"lf. that thc'l' arti,·I,'" Eurl.'· ill tht cia.,', tb~· tlll'lIdlt'IS hl'J.!,:I11 -Contractor and Builder-
\\ ('TP writtf"H_
Hapi,J progress is heing mad,' with to a"l'lIbhlt', all,) at fhl' ',·Io,·k thl' ° \1 r. c. L .. onard
Bulin. of T:\A.'ony. Gara.e Baildin. a Specialty
,F'iJUllly. ~rr. :-'Ht"ld(l1l1 is iIlHI'I'lIr:1fp \"ltriou!i galla"s wpre hl'g"UIl, tht' Will'Ill'I'S
till' work of l'(luipping till' l'Iuh Louse \\'IIS th .. dill'III'r gUt'sl of :\11'. alld :'III'S.
in his stllfl'lIll'nt that an thl' othl'r
of Ihl' :\'nrhl'rth Tl'nni, "\",,ol'iation of "hic·h aT<' gil-PII .. lsl'"h .. rl' in this ,Iohn B. Brook, oil \\·I'd,w,da." of last 420 Rockland Ave, Narberth. rao
'1n"IIr1"'rs of thl' Iri)'c' an' .. ill 1hl' arti,·I". :--;upl','r "aA ",'rn',] lit ;;.4.; 0'-
\I ith lo .. kl'rs, sho\\,pr hath, and dre's,,- 1I.,,'k.
~PllLhlall,I" durillg tIll' II illtl'r. ':\[r. ,·)o,'k. Frnlll Oil .. hllll'!Tl',) alld fift~·
iag roolll fn,'iliti ..s. Jt is expl'etl'd that
('h:lplllfin li:.;t!"l Ht }Plt:",t :~11 ('Ollllllnll P~lf­ to two hllrdlff>d 1I1t'lIdu'rs, lIRslIl·intt·
this \\'ork will h" ..olllpll'!e,1 "ery short· \II'. Jllld \Irs..\. U. ('01111'1011 Jlnd .\11'. NOTXOE
nWIlPnlf" T(\:"i(l('nt~ find wintpr \1iHi1HlltK IIlPItl·hf>l":-: alltl falllilit\~ \\"PfP ~(\r'"~ll. Th ..
I~·. possihly hy .-\ ugust n, :111.1 \II',. \\'ar-r.. 11 (i. Ty"on II ill 'I"'nd
for ahout this lorat ion. .\ "'Ollg Ihc"1'
,,·i.ltC)r hirdR. tlu' jUllt'ON, ~llll~ ann trt'£..'
"'p'ltrows, pllrpll' fin,·h". ,loll' "" alld
.\ IIt'W ('OJ1('retC' floor hns lwt'll put in

th,' Wl',t \\'ing' of thl' hui[diag and all

th" piping "olllph,tl',l for ,hn,"'rs and
priz"s wl're aWllrcjpd I'." :\[ ... H"ltzer, II
l'fOft's~i(l11111 ('llt~ttaillt'r, !\'I'<"lIf( d
I'l'of"s.'or Xi"l', Din",·tor of till'
by l

their \":ll':I·t JOIl
t c111ri Jig t ht, Alii rondat' k
Narbcnh Taxi
Patrick F. Donabue
l1Hil'.v WOOtlpp{'kt'f:-O, l·hi1·1,:!11t'p.... , 1I11t· III'rtll Choral :-;'lI'i"t.", alld :\11'. S"ItZt'T'S
toild fal'iliti"s. ('ollll-('iIfllHII ('urI ~1(':i'.~(lr who j"" :-'11111" A utboriud Tax! Service. by CcrIHi-
1lO:1tf'hps :lnd ('HrditlHl~ lIIn.\· lu ('onxPd l

Th",,· illlpro\'l'JIIl'nts \\ill add grl'ally , h\lJI~Or alld goO(] natllJ't' \\ t'n' \"(,f," llllJ(~h IIIt"'dnJ.{ lit :\\"·aloll, IlroJlM info tOWIi ttl cate from Public Service Cammls-
tn OUf hllnlP~ if {t,t! [Iud prllfl'!'f('tl frtllll :IJlJlf(~('iatt'd ~I." thp c'rowlL pUI1ic·1I1arl." 1100, dated November 16, 1920.
11\ thl' attradi\'l'n,"s of ,·Iuh IIIPlllher- SP(' us oll('ll in a \\ hilt" alld abu to
thl'il' 1'1Il"1I ips. Taxi meets all trainl.
,hi", and llIay I", tak,'n '''' a fon'run· in :",--"rdillg thl' prizc's. In thl' 1'1'1'1t· I :... p(' lhat l',·pfything i~ running ~lIloothly Store orden promFtly callrd for and
nc'r of ,till othl'r illlpro\,PlIIPnt, \\ hil'll iJl~ ht'" g~I'"{, \-nriOllP'l ~t'I~,(·tions in sing- II ith th .. Borollgh 1I1:1I'hill"r.,·. delivered. Ba~J!'age callrd for and
lh,' Board of Trustl'Ps has plunn"d and ing alld hanjo playiag, whi.·h \\'a, fol- ddlvrrrd. Freight delivrred.
II ill ""'C'utl' as rapidly a, thp tinall"ial lo",·d hy iaforrllal singin.!! of popular EIIIl\\ood ;\\l'lIl1l' l(Jtlk~ \1'1"\. filiI' )Iq\y. Open Day and Night Phone 1633
statlls of th'l' A,s(l/'iation will l"·J'Iliit. ~Ol)g'!'" Ity r1l1 tho.....r prp~t'J1t. LntPT tht' Jill tl", 1111." I' rll II , \:rrl"'rth to \\'."111"'-
On" of Ih .. ·hUHses of fhl' "arhl'rth·
Philadl'lphia Hns Vinl'. dril'en hy .lallll's ! :'\al'h"l·th ('hont! So.'iely n'l(l thl' Or· wnoel road. fOf :-\t rt'pt ('OIlIIlt18'SioIiPr

Pro~fpr, Ill!"t with an arri.1ent 011 \\'ed· KEEN COMPETITION FOR TENNIS c·III,"tm took l'1lf1rgl' of t.hl' ent"rtnin' HUJdt'(, HIlll hi!'\ HU'n IIn\t' .iu:'t finil<\l!pcl
IltPllt nn·d ,"'urio\ls st'I('I"tion~ wefe given n'hl1illliJl~ I·;~~('x
JJ!'~la.,', ",h<'ll it was strurk b~· a large RATING. tht, hl(wk Ilt't\\t't'll
'I" I\'C'I'I' sUlig In "arhl'rth and at thl' Jllld \(JlP"" .\\· .. nul's.
('Old trul'k, (Continued from Page 1)
~Irs. Alina ArtllS, 1-1 :'\01'111 ::!Oth SOl'il'ty's "isit -in .-\tlalltil· ('it.'·. In-
Rtr!'l't, Phillldl'lphia, \\'us .. lit b~' glass, Battle for First Place Is On, tprl',.ting aa,! lillll'l.,· achlressp~ w"'r,' :\11'. lIlId \Irs.. 1. T, [J"l'1illhr1oll, of ::!1::!
bruised and slllfer,,,,1 from sho(·k. 8h!' Kirkpatril'k then .. hllllengl'd (irugan gi,,'n hy Prl'sid"at Ha.,·ward of the """'1"It'1I .\n'., h",'!, J'('tllrn,'d from a
wn'" tnkl'n to the Bryn ~[a\\'r Hospitnl. for first plare, hut suerel'l!<'d ill Will' Choral ROl'il't.,·, as 'H'II liS h.~ H'·I· ..John Illotor trip to 011""1, :\'. Y., \lheT<' they 'Yoil Ret;25 'tGl1J~
\'1111 :\'ps,< and Dr. O. • 1, Ra~',ler, all yisll!'d thpir SOli, .1. 1.... 011 D"rlingtoll, Actrlal .Ove,.trencth
NOllP of thl' othl'r [J:l"Rl'ngeTS II'US in· ni.llg only one set, Gruglln rl'lailling the
of :\'lIrhl.'rlh. In .Uellinaer Exlr.
jured, ,'ovell"! first plal'e hy thl' followin!{ alld famil~·. :Ply 'fIre. Danccr.f
"'OTt': 1;·;1, i·ll, Ii·::!, Bllt Kirk i" IIndis·
mn~'{'d and says he i~ ,letprnline,l to
]11 thl' 1"'l'ning l'rofl',sor :\i"l' alt-
nOlln"l'r! that Oil Odt>lwl' ::!-Ith. till' :\11'. all,1 :\Irs. A . .I. "l'wl'lI, \II'. and tnlnhoam.
etonebrulse or b!ow-
fe reclacecl to ..
MeW:I:;er Ji:::tra.

Iflrbertb Defeats Bucks follow Gl'llpral Omllt's lI,l\'i,'", ""pn if Chornl ~ol'il'ty 11'0111>1 siag at thl' :\[,·tro- :\Irs. HolH'rt E. Patti",,", \[r. alld :\11':', PIT .Tire. .re Daud M::de
of Super-Vitalized. Wb ite •
it takes ulltil col,l wenthl'l'. .·\ncl as ,politall Opl'ra 11011"', I'hilad"lphill, lIad C. L. Warwi,·k alld ~Ir. all" ~Irs. A, T. Rabber-h:lve" the VlICllDDl •
County Club
(Trllgan is right thpre nll thp tim!', Int .. r on llIak<, othl'r illlportant lIpp"lIr· GTllf,.'1I11 nlacle up a ><\\'illlming party at
tread art: erll •

(Continued from Pllge 1) Tl'ady and willing to defl'nd hi, posi· anel"', and llIpationl''' c'O'"'!'rning the \[~trtill 's Dam last TIII',d,,~·. A pi .. 'I';'· GUARANTEED
tion, we nre assurl'd of sOllie l'orking pnhlil'ity whil'll \\'nA gin·n to thl' (,hor· IUII .. h WIlS "'I'\'l'cl nfft'r the swim. 8000.MILES·
R. Fretz, Xnrherth, defented Hagar, good llIatches ,heforl' the su III III!' !' is nl ROl'il.'ty's rN'l'nt I'i,it to .-\tlnnti,· OarrepreaeJitath'ewUJ ten :roll
('ity. 'tbe ..vIDa- "011 Plake in buYiDlt
Bucks, County, fj·2, (j·3, past. \\'1'1 II s{',1/1i1l1! mai out the Itd·tll·t·ss Me1IIDpr TI!'e" Abo aak about:
:'I[es~rs, Hillegas and .Tn,·nhs, as hOAts ~UelllDser Bpc~lal Th·el. _
Mllrshnll, Bucks County, ,1efl'all'cl Williams nnd Whitllev had a hl'oth· should not· he omit te,I-\'ery frpqtwlltly
I.~~ IIIUIIUt7. ~lrfl at ... Popal&&:
:MrCahill, :\'nl'hl'rth, 5·7, 11·4, t3·2. erly ~etto, the forlller willning -I./i, li-::!, of thl' ol','asion, did l',·<,r~·thing possihle wp fill" h·tters nnd eurrls wit.hout n,!· :Price.
... - Whitney, Nnrberth, oefentecl l'aln1l'r, 1;·4 anti thpreby <1i~plal'pd his dOllhll's for thoR<' pr!'sent to get thl' he9t out of drl'''sl's IIlld it is hettl'T to Ildd postng!' DLmlBUlEDEXa.tISIVELY BY
partller as No, 6, t·\"(\r.\· JlIOlllPnt, lind p\('rYOIH' went hOlllP tOil, for whl'll lettl'l's arC' clepositpd
BuckH rouuty, li·2, 6·4.
fel'ling thnt Ihe uftl'rnooll nn<1 en'n·
Doubles, Pattison IIclvnnred from ith tn ~th without po" ('oll",ic],'rHlhlp dp]ay Ol"
iag \\'I'rp \\",11 ~ppnt, allff thnt it W:L< 528 Dudley Ave.
Aikins nn,l Butterworth, Burks COUll' (1111"1', WOII 1\\'0 ~tTllight sets, li--I, li--I, rur:"l.
ty, defented Grllgnn and Wnr\\'ick, :\Tnr· li·2, aao·thl'r Bnnnl'r Day for the :\Tllrherth
berth, 5'7, 1i·4, 8,6. IMcKell challenged Xewell for 10th Choral Snril't.~', ns wpll as lInot'her pagl'
Kirkpntril'k and Fretz, Nl\l'herth,
defeated Eshr~ck nno
place, won two straight set, li·4, 1i·4,
Hagar, BUl'ks
in Ih,' history of Xllrol.'rth.
allll move<1 "I' a pPg. Winners of PriZes
County, 6·1,4·1;,8·6. Bai]"y, sel'kiJlg "rpvengl'" on :-;hllrp,
Potl,tO R41/'1': Clothps Pill Har!': (CoDtinued from page 1) OUR PRODUCTS ARI! GUARANTEED
:\[r, Alexlln,l!'r Earl Dil'key nll,l Mr, Xllsh, who helped us so won·
Thrn·willg Ball: Crn"ker RlIl'e: derfully with our lighting system. Patlte,grhBed Milk DELIVERIES,

c. P.COOK :'I[iSB Smith

)frs. )Iitchell
Cookil' Gallle:
~fr, HaywaTlI
)fr. )!itl'hell
Pnll1e Race:
We should indeed be proud .to have
so kind nnd thoughtful a Street Com,
JIIisl'iOller Ks our 0\\'1\ Oe-orl-(e Supll'e,
B17Dclovla Certllied 'WF,STPUlLAo
(Ped..lallc !Ioclety)
Special .. GuerDae)' "
COAL AND COKE )Irs. Bradley Mr. RUllolph who took cnre of the detour nnll al, Milk WYNNEFIELD
(Roberta° a SbarpJe. .• BA~-eYNWY .
Mr. Abel :l\-fr. Niee lowed our daneing to proceed without
Coke. $$.00. Chuted Aiddie Rar RHet' Suit Ctlse Raee: interruption. NA" lIERTU
Nut· Coal 13.85. " .Mil'S Hn,ws Mr. ,r. Nash The receipts for the afl'air were
Cream Ballermilk AIlDMOitE
Stove" 1385, " Mr. MeQarrity Mrs. Keirn $324.51; expenses, $8..4.73, leaving II bal· . Table _d. WblpplDD WVIifNEWOOD
: ,
P.. ··e'a..'. . " l' 0 .'75'
. ....
" ;j.Leggl'tl ,Race Wllter Bottle Raee: ance of $239.78 for the fund. We are' ":'.,.:;
".:~~_.." 1.3~50, . " Mr. Keirn
Mr. Smith
Mrs~ Keirn
Mr. K/>im
only sorry that we could not presllnt to
the Club twice tllll.t amount, as we
.50c; Per: tOri'~tra.When ..Co.ior~kei.CIlrrled. N6WSptLp'er R~ce: know only too well what a·' good Club
John H.~megntl house will _mean to Narberth.

'.J" '. ,

,······,··<;~~.i~~~;~~~;\~~~it,i~:.~~~f.~,~I~~~~i~~·.:~:,~·(~)~: ~>~:·'~,:·'~:;:~:~ · ~,·;~\~·:· .i.~·~'·~·,·~;:.~./,~,: ~',: ~:;~';'~.,:~,.~;~;~-..~., ~.~ ;,:.~,:-~,~'&; :fu,:~i,~':;~: ~"l~,·,~ ·Q;~. ,~\:~<~ ·:~>~,~';~! "~,.~, ,'&·,:~'i"~':'~;·:i,':·~·"'~; ~:,'~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii)~iiii~~i.i~~~ii~~~~L~~~~~.1it.~i

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