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Spring Flower Show ~rennis Association I Local Ball Team CJ1Je FIRESIDE· Robert E. t
Pattison, Jr., Is
\\.T ill Be Held N ext \ ric to r In :\Iatch Loses First Game ~ N· t J for I.iieutenant-
Of Season \Ii-- \I".I'I"'~'~" "I' <"h,-tllllt I 01111 na ell
Saturday, June 3rd I '/~'(/II/ 1/ '//1.1' (j've!" J)("(//

Ceria r/; /"OuR CIII/;

I \\< .. "".- " "': ,,,I"'r "f Ih,' ,.\,,-- gr', GO\Tern or on Denl. Tic){et
ROJ'CJ, !Jcolll'eJ (II/(/ f,'/J(J "
1J })/j'el//er! By 1/ ~/Y/IC Ill' dllHIl'd
I '\"llhi.'
1111 \\"
{Hlllll}a ....
l·d 111·:-.1:1:"
C 11I1"I'n:dllry
1'\ 1'11111,,:, .\I:IY
~ t. : ------------------------------------------

Fl'oll/ (jill' G(/n/clls :fllllll!,lt

CloJe C(JI//CJ/, fJ-5 ! Th,· ~,,,.I1l"1'''" "\""",-,'- ", .. , \1,,-,,·,,1,· '11 ,a!l' l(l'/!frIlJ S'/;o·u.: Tha! .A {Trotr/I; ~ llan
-------------------- lly IIlt'IIlIII roll Ill' tllt I·~:t .... \\, I't' 11l'ld : 1,
T. ,I
:\,. \ -"!II l:t tit I r, 11 :t111

I -tlJl!.I.' .1lajori~v ()Z',,,. ..11('" j Z'OJ'

• ..... , :, .... 111 .. il r t 11":d,]-!I lltdlg" .11. HII ..... :\·011'::1\ . .\1:1\' ~II. :\t ('t·d:lrllrllll~,1 I' ltll,h..·,l 111'''1 Ilkl' IIld tillJt·:--~ TIlt' \
\1 r. 11",11""" .1. 1',.,.1,\,,, ': ""''''''r;''1-: HaJ
I, 11I\\'! 1l\~1

()~ 111·(.... IIlI! ~;ll1l1 ,1.1 \,!I"!t 'lit' ndrlt·,! in for,·t· flf
IJja('l' 011 Ballot III ...\ ()7_'O!IOtr
!.11 't''':-- 1 ],:111 \ . hl'IIII Ikltf I'll tIll \\:1 .... alld jllst 1'1111

·1' .. '\:1 I 1,1 1'1 II ' .. ,! ,t.' ". -11" \\ : - 1·.,-' (1':'11 1"\" :.1 tiIt· "\\I·l·t tlllll' til .... tl'!llJlhll~I:l-111 :lllti 11t'1'. Thl' "!II'('r'" and Ir",,, " "',,'Ilt "I",r"t,,," II,· ,- "t th, ,
111:11 1 .\ - llroll :1,lll.\ 1. \lIll"" '!lllrl~ lltl' fa.t th:l~ tht' ('I,d:ll : titl' ,:.:.111:111" ",I.!t'111':lld \ill.lf.ltll!,) :11; 11,",'r If:t1III.III:lll IIp'''I!t:l1.

lil:d,!· :111 \\, )1 lllfilt.. 1, :111 t·llll!Jlll .... 'J lit "hat \\'l~ I 'hi' .11111'1'.' . . .\11 1 1 11t,· l:tll" .. ,.:\ \\t'rl' I

';Jl':"~' I "I' :Jit '];1"'- III till' '~.::I~(I'.1 :)It'II' 11"1 :111,1 ~111'\' ,ltill', I,lfld) all!' \11. ,1:Ltlll" \ ....... ,,;! :tll'~ (:11IIl!,. ,11
I' ';1 !',I'II 111,1" I. .... "I ':l~lllll:d It'!I:,I'" '1 01 '1'.' tlll,(I·!I'.' t!l;,11 llllill :trldllld '\:If·
I~I ,rOll,! . . ,"1 \ \ •... '11,tllrl,1 1" ()..I·:I:I


1'1:.,:1'1 .\1 ;,! ..

'I",,,. I' '.",," ,,',,' I,,,-il.,,". "1.,' i
"I. 1,,'I:h "".'. \lId till' k,d-' ~,,\". ,f .\"""' (,1\. \ ..1 ];,-1 ,...",,,,,1.1\. \·.h",.· t1".\,
I •. l'! 1\ '1111 t1.. \:trt'!'llit ll·:tlll , .. :·.'''llid :d\.l· !/I h,;11 "'O!III' ~{'t11Iill{, sar- \\111 "lll' lt d fh.· "'Jlllrtll'l' 111"1111 ...

.... '1: 1 ].1'.' II :':IL :1" III.' Irlt'r.;l. 1)11,1111],. i' :1"111 • . 111"; list.·J1 t'l tllo"(' .\Ollll:.:. .. tllr~.

I :.'.d III \JIIj,I(I~j'l \\"llld 11111 it. 1"'"I!1 ("'II "".111 tiJ, \lIllI-in' till :111 IIl1fa\lllahle

:...:: I, It. "loll 1111~ .1 11 I :l~y 1111\/1111" dt "hiI'll I" 1"11111. :llt 11111'11· ... 11·,1 III tio\\ t'l'~
I', It !Il ,:II~ :,]l till' 111:llll"~it.\ "~to "\'1,1 ~ 1.:111, lIt ':I!I'I'rtll "llllltlll'rt'l! (;1111,.'11". 11 \\,1";\ It':l I I 1:1 1\ g : l l l l l ' : l l'I tl H' \\IlY "1'11 I II' :tllll'."
\ rj'paid \1"'lt til Ih,'
l,ll"'ll' :t!ld 'd IlIlll-t· 11.t :\ ... 011 It LId 1"1);1 111\\ 1,1 d. ;,.\ "('il 1·11\\ .... '\":IIlll'lll1 1111"II~h, :llld .Jllr :\arlH'rth htl.Y.... dl11l10Il· \11'/11111 {'rick, t ('ll:!1 (·:l .. illtl at 11:1\'",.·
! 1" j I I, 1111111 II:.,: t 11111 . I'll I 1:1: I 1111:.: L i : t' It:t \ I :1 f I.':I"! ,i1tt· "1111,\' 111 1111 I :--:I;I~t".] :'1 II I" I' all~ t }
I:lf }t 1('," aft' not , ford til ..... T thl' \IlIJlull Hll"{' alld PI'lllly
ll,,\\! I .. !l1I\\. 111,\\1'\' I, ' .. ""1 '1' t 11:,1 ':'1 1.,_" 'd,Il!J:ll '(111111:11111'111. '
,.' \\ t ' I Illltl,I t Ii l ' \:I",t J1I:tIl .1" (lilt '
til' :---11,,\\ 111'111. 1'1'111, ...\1\:111.:1 lI11r111'llltllr'il!

1'11.1'1'1 .... Itl:1llt .... :I!I\! :11 1 .1' Ill"ltll ;:: .. t .\ ~:I.]('ll "'.llll' l't'
11. 'Ill' :1::ll"}1 ,11 l:l~t .1111111~. :-..- ••• ·j.·1y.

11 \ I" :1 )1 ill~ I I \ 1['1 I,,, \ :1 II' ~ ':1' I., I .. iT, I l't·ol:l' 1 , ] " " I\ '., I 11\.... : 0". \ ..... III, rt' \\,'rt' 11lt' 11"11:11 :--Ep IIP~
11':"::I':I~,'d I,,' ~It,' \II'. 1',.",,1, II, "," itl. "f E",'x _\\1'.,
~'.:rd. lJI:~
;..:r.l\\l·r l
.... , 11:1'll i ..
r ." :,1, ,\ .j] Singles 1'1'01 'Iil·k :tll till' \\ay 1hrc !lgll -
I' '''llt'll,llll~ :1 .. JIll/ ~ \ :ll-:I! '.111 1'1 r'r:llik
1]'1' 11:lt. 1"11' 11'" l h i .. lh:ll \\1] Il,d I ''II II. 1.,,11" :'\:lrlll·rtiJ. Iklt ;ttl.1 l';lld Illlt 111,1"" al1 rig-lit; :h:lt ':- \\lia1 Illakc':o-

t I ., II
\\ It }I
I III rIll" .. It I \\... :111 1 /111 r '
(::11 HII\\I r .... 1111111,\ ~
' I
1\, Frl·t/. :":trhl'rllt, dl·t'l'Htl'd \1.
(;IL],lIli"', ('I'd:lr1"Pld" I~ II Ii. f, ,
'I ).:I:--l'!,:tl:

1':,\"i1t rl:l'lll

\\ hill- alld ;..:.i\·l':--
"OIIII·thlJlg to talk about
11:-0 tlIt'"
: i II (·llll·tl.\·. 1':1.

1,(' at l'l, ... t OJl 1111" .1:1\'. t l .. lllldi .. , ('pdallrrouk. :!-(L 7- ;3, ~--f'L a(ll'r till' ~allle is (I\'l'T,
(;I'! \"0,,1 dt\ ,-,""- ,,"01 :, ,.01111,'" "I, \. T. (;III~"". :'\arl"'rth, ,Io-fl'al,·,j G. Bill "1',,",,11 lIa.' t'nlain\y 1111 tht' j"l, \1,.. \1:11'""" I,allll" "I' ('1"\1'1:,,,01.0.,:
': I I
1'I I I 'II 11 I ~ 1 : III
\ I
I II J! 11 :I 11: lilt.. : I III 1
\1, \1"" Ii ,'l ~,\I
\ I.t .•
. ' • •
'i-~• . III 'loI"lIdiol fa,hioll and h,'I"ed th·' fel· I \\;,- Ih,· gllt'-I la,1 II ""k ,,1' hi- nllllt an'll
"ld" r"",h' f"r ""xt ~"IlIrday and ],rlll!! "'. 101'> all tli,' li'll" \I ith hi' ,'xperi,'n,'e,] i "o,·Iio, ~Ir. "lid \Ir' . . /. ":. Burn·ll. of
I t :-:

i F. Fr,·:z. ",,,r1,,'rth. rld·,·"I,'d

1hl III to th(' Plallt I':x('h:tng-
'. FlIr thll .... ~ :--\111 It 11. ('I'darhrook, ; - d. fl-:2. judgl'lt·n1. .\ntl thl' hll~'~ ('ertainly iook· :'olt'rinlJ H\ l·Jltl('. Robert E. Pattison, Jr. Fletcher W. Stites
\llio ha" .. IIIl 1'1""1S to ,. X dill II 1-:", th"r,' .I. (i . .-\]IioI'. \'lIrlwrth. dd"lITe,1 A. (i. I'd good ill th .. ir UI'W sllit.,. Bobhy Hoo,]
\Ii» Ella ~lIl1'-l'ly. Ilf l.all,·a-I,·r .11111,'-
~ha(\, ""rl"illl~- 10
will I". 1",ttl'oI 011". f"r -al .. lit r""-"Il' Zil'gll'r. (·,·,llIrbro"k. "-fi. fi-I. (litdll'd a 'pll'n,lid game, bul the
,,],1,. pril'!'s. ,Y. Y. :'\arh,'rth, d"fl'"t,·,1 E. "brpak"" \ll'nt rhp other way. \Yayne tioll. I'" .. II:" " vi-itlll" ii' :'\:rr],('rth 'I'll Ih,' ",r(ln,,'. alld th" 1"111" f..llow "'lIll1tiall, ,,""r ('hllrIl's D.
'(" (. 1 I k 6 .) (. II I I I I 1 '11 . I th,·,. "n"k. loI,·a<lIr,· of hi, fri'·lId,. "I .. ,·tioll \1'·.\\"Il.'·, "'Ioldly 0111" f"llll\\' "ountian,
KI'''1' till' ..ilild""11 illl",.,',t"d alld h:l\e' ,"·'g'·r. '" ar 'roo', --, )- . Ja" a ,alll y ealll lInl WI gJ\'P a /roo, ' '
them arrnnge " III"kl'l or \"as(' Ill' wil,l Doubles al"'OllJll of it,plf thi.' season. . rl"l"I"II> ,hll(\ tliat HO}"'rl I·:. I'"tli,,,"., II ho \\"a> thl' hall,Ipi"kl'd "an,li<1att' for
I ~Ii,s .I I'll II ,"'t t ('. Gilli,. of () II .Ir .. of :'\arl, .. rlh, ha, w"" th" 1l,'IIIt'- tlil' l'la,·,'.
flow,'r" sub><tantial "a,h ]'riz(" art' ,,1'- '11 HIlI:-- alii I L an d'IS, ,'-'CI 1ar IJTon k , 1('·
(11' 1 F"r a rl'al h eart- I lfl'aker WP 5"hlllil \ ~ 'I' L"I B ", I'y l'ratit' nOlJlinatioJl for Lit.'utt·IIBllt (lOY· E\·idl'Jltl.v lhtl I\i('kl'r!'-\ o\'('rlookl)d a

ferl',l ill tllI'SI' ,.Illsses, aIHl for IIrrnnge' feall't! Fretz alill Frd?, :'\arberth, 6---1, thl' la,t half of the ninth inning. "'c . \." .. all" ., I," r,11I1 y I'vaa, of ..\rd·
III1'nts of "ulti\'atl'<1 or lrar,l"11 f1ow,'rs. 6,-(1. wrnt to but with the s"ore Ii 10 2 Illorp, sprnt last \\"l'k·PllI] at Atlanti" 1'1"11 or. thing or two ill prl'fl'rring to
" th I' fl' h F'I . t I I 1 ... t City, X .•1. Tli .. nomillation of ~Ir. 1'atti"'Il, hy I'atti,,"]' who \I,,, "" a>l'iranl for thl'ir
• "'1' P 1st 0 "as'I" 111 I I' rll "y, AU ,nt1 a.II,1 Gru,'aJ', ~ Xarberlh, ,lefelltl'<1 ngalJl.' us, fin' w len our n", mnn wen II majority
. \I hi,'h will l'roba~,].,· I'x· l'rl'f,'rrll"". Th .. ~· know 1I0 t h fit tbere

.I"n" 211'1, i"np of "Our Town." ~I".-\I"rr nil'] ~mith, ('I',]nrhrook, 6---~, out th{· 'eore was 6·;) nnd men on seron,! alit·.....,· ""I'd 1;;,000, is III\{' of th" ]'il!g,·~t >ur i- ,olol'1hillg ill th,' g!alllour of n nnme.
-3. Rnd third! Talk ahout exriting--Q, ::'Ilis, Dorothy "'il,on. of \\'aylll' ,\\"1'., I'rises of th" rl'"put \,rilllllri,'". The ThpI"I' ,\"11' 110 ,'\"id"lwl' Ihat young ::\fr.
LUIII' all,l ~1"Killil'" ;\arhl'rth, d," Boy! it wa~ no pln~e for a person with al\{l ::'Iriss Florrlll'l' Hurd, fornlPrly of Dl'lIIorratir l,n\\"l'rs-lhnl·],1' hllJ fix,',l it Putti"", \IUS lIIakillg llln"h Ilf nn effort
f":I1"d n.. il-:"r alld Z"igler, ('",lnrhrook, hrnrt trouhlo! \'urht'rth, 1I0W of Ri\'prton, :'\..1., 'llt'nt all np that ('harle' n. ~I"A\(,.\·, "f ~or' to smash thp !,art~· ,Illtp. Rather his
Mrs.JohnH.PatmantoSingatMusica.l ';--1. (;-fl. DOli 'I wll,te yonr lillie or 1II0Ile~' Oil Inst \I""k-PII,j at Chlllldll'r>],nrg, Pol .. ri'Ill\\II, \IllS to I", Iltlillirnlt,·,] for th,' ,irtor~' h,,, a 'I'0lltllll""'," ring to it,
Lawn Fete. .\ surI'Tl-" I'"rty for \'arh,·rth 1"'11' "rot'!'»ionul hall. Follow your hOIll!' I "i,itillg ::'IIi,> \Iar." ('halfallt at \\'il""1 I'o,itioll. Th,'~' lallghillgl.\· refll"',j '0 :t I,.il,"t" I" th,· ",,·llIor." of thp only
:\In. .lohll Patlllun will -in~ Ihe Jlis t11t'I1I11I'r .. , and in 1'11('1 for n11 Illt'lIl· t(\HIII, alld you \'..-ill he guarautr(\d a {'ullt·fTC'. ~ I I-:i,(' 1111\' ,'onsitl"ratioll to ::\Ir. I'"tti'o'" ])"III,,,,ral ill h"lf u ,·elllnr.,· to 1<,' I'le"J~tl
""I'rano '" 0 \\"Ill . I fI nt(' °I 'Igatn
j' in the I,el"' "I' th" ,·ol1llllnllit,.· is hrell ing unt!"r real I<ail gllll\{' \I'hl're e\"l'r~' lIlan is try-I R nt I h (Y~' till
"1 P, I to t a k I' . ,
11,10 "oll"d"r, ;,:",·,·rll"r. a'" l,I,','t ,., 1 III.t "n 1~. 0111'1', I 'lit
('antala "~ight," to hI' gi\'en at the th,· ],omll'! ,,1' I'rl'z Bill.\' E\"llll>. In ing hi" 1,,\"('1 hl'.,t to hpJp hi, tClIlII win. \Iis' .\,] ..1.. ('IH"\·. "I' 'Yood'i,i,' '"e .. ation thp grl'ut illflneJ1re (lf :tn "ollon.,11 Iwi,·,'.
)11I,il'ld t.1IW'II -t'1!te of the Community hi .. l.wd B¥uu'x Bill;v -tt'll.. ,hi~ IIIY8t.,,.i- 1:'",,<, ont ,,<'xt '~8t\lrdR: nno h,·lp "" I'lIlt'rrninl'o 'I'v"ral fri"no!' nf t"a i lin 1111' . .\Ir. 1':l1ti")II', lin lilt· \\1,- tir-t: Of ",",r-'·. I", ,\;,- ]"t"r ,I,·fl'nle·(
,'~Ilh '('horll', Frilhl~' 1'\'I'ning. .Tllnl' ::!nc1, "II> ,tor~', "~"" "pah. 01,1 ,]a81"'r, w,' with \'(lur ('11""11 1"'1 1-:"11"'11 t to ,1ef""t ollr "~1I1,,1:1\·. \'a~' :!j-l. 011 thl' hall"t. an,l it W:l~ th. tll"'II' i ' " :"". f",. 11,,· ""'.""r"lt." "f l'hila,l",l·
:tt 1lit, hOllll' of ~fr~. l-I . .Tfll'oll:". ';1\'(' :t lli~ Jlaht~· \\-P 'Opl' til put HlI-\"anrient l'Ul'lIly, .\rdlllllJ'('. (jalllt' I . ~ \\hic'h hi~ fathl'r hpfllft' ldlll 11:1.1 !'I'"I: !'lli:l l..\' ,ran,11-1\ III 1.... ~',\ alld for lhe
'dr,. 1'"tll1"n ha.- a ,'oi,'p "f tlntl'lIaI i ,-r"" _h",th·." ['ailed lit :1.:10 rlaylight till,e; lipid \.~ Ihl"llllgh t\l" "I,·,··(·"flll t,·",,- ", th,' ~ ~,.\, rll' ,-Irq'. '" tl". 1,,<t Ill' h,- thrl'"
r:,ng" ,,"01 ri,.hll"'-. lin,] "illgs " h;;.:h (). .. \\",·11. II h"t " il.·' -llid H,oI, 1'atli· WynIlP\I,,,,,] Hoal! ant! :lIontgollll'ry: \I". \\". \1. ,...11,\,'.'-. of '-"'~ """'r ,,"ly 1),0111'"'1"111;,' (;"\""rllllr "f 1"'1,11-."\ t, ,,,1-. 1·." I', """I''''}'' I' ' " 1!1I1:!. Hilt
\\ith 1lIOf(' I'a"l' titan 1I1;l1l~' "'llpr:11l11l" "1111. l·.l/II'IIL: li"1I11'11:lnt g(l\I'r11 0 1 of avenue. (,-,.I Hoa.!. t·1l11'r1:tllll'.) fllrt~· l:ldi.·~ \:lIlJ:l ill (>i~lIt.\· Yf'ar~. It ;lJld, ... :, .. il' "j':dt'''llll'' 1" :-.1ill a
-h"" "n high ('. 1"'1111. .. \11." "I""".,· fllr III(' to >I'll TIll' -"ore fllllo\\"s: 'Ollt ~l. .\I1oall-· I·hal",·r. O',]"r "I th,· Th,' ""1'\" "\ool"1i,,,, r,.tlll'I'- """"".\ ." . ' ,.\ :', """ ;11',' II "h '" ·lh,· 1"'111".'"1
TIJ,' ll'a.lilll!
,_ l,lIara •. tt'I" ill till' Ionian \ . . '1111.' ;..::lr11'r ... :" E:l .. tl·rTl :"1:1r at 1':11',1- till T1111r ... l:IY· I
"'HI\\ t I1~11 .tr.
\ :'o11·.\\{Iy It;ld \\111. 1,\' \:11.1:1 I). ,llllt·I:I'·\. "'I!}I t}ll·ir l:lre
1J('\l' ~tllr\' "ill lIt.' ":lfrlt.d h\' ')rr ... ,10- ".\11,1111\\. Billi. quit .\'11111' K:d,Jill'." \\"AY~E. !'lllor-ldl' all~1 lhl' hllf1.1rt·,} \\:1'" p1a.\'t'l1. l' . I' .,i f:t",]II\' II! :11. '\y .. ,illl:l'.! thl' wrong
-"1,]' H"""]a\" . .\11'-. ,\rtl,,]]"
~t:\.j,]' _ "",]
l "\\",.11, \\"I"n ;, ,t a\1 ab"1I1." II ,,_ H. H. O. A. E. \1
. r,.
r\at I"'rll'"
. H I II
'" '''' """ all ,.
,.g n"'.!"llt.". n fal"!, "011]" ·\·.' .... 11
\:,-t """k ""-II"ll~' ,",."tio","\ th, f",·t I :l,ill~ :tt th,· 1I,~ht till"'. II", i'tate
..\11-. FlirllIl'r. I tllt' 1':q,,,,:I')' thfll .. t Ill' I"I'H!,III;": ('lart'II'I' ~. 1)(lls:u\('tI. rf :! 3 3 d (l 'ril' Inlll 1'111' 11J1' hight, ... t ... t·lln'. and of ..\Ir. 1):tfti"'llJI' .. dl'fc'at . .\" fllJ:lH I' ll.llll ... r:lt~" 1
:l·:t,llr .. 1 \1 rlllokill tlli~ fac·t
\1 IB ']1] I 1 'LifI1,' I. :lIlIrl'h~', If , I ,)
th,· \\"l'rth\- \llItroll \Ir,..\. L""\1"I,}"'r"
(l . . :,:'01 '~II"I"01 :I ,·:1I1oliolllt,· "itlt
,,"a~-.- .,~,' ~,I"I,ort"
(1 1\1I1'1I'."
_ r-. IIr,· lIy, \I III III 1 I ' lfi"e, I' I' f "111111' 111 troll' :III ","'r th,' :'t:I1".
'I \\j\flll \\P}collll' jll :"arll('rth. ,\ill sing ",II:-t "1l1111'! 1111J.! It'a t 1:t1 \\t' rll ('X \\'ullar"t', g.... 4 - 11 \\Ilii H pair II lilll'll to\\I'I~ f~)r tlu' ('OIl- hC)\\('Yl'f. it 1il'l'HllIt' illl'rl'a .. in<rl\· ('\ I' :111 11111101'1'.1 II;I!III'. Tht>~· Illig-ht h:l\t~
tl". \,art ,,1' "\\'a'\;1111a~'s]'I"" the rap' l'I"'Iillg I" ],"t ,,,',,h." '"y-t,'ri,.,,,I.,· 1"" H. ~Illrphy, s'. . . . . (I (I (I 1 () ·1I1"lioli. H.. fr,·~hIIlPllt- '\I'r,' -('n,',]. ,]I'nt Ihat 1']'1I11"'I"llIi'\ ]I"",,,,·;·,·t, h·,'] ,],,",. -f,lI I",t\..,. It::01 Ih,'\" l'i"k"01 Patli-
t .1\ I' 1I1ltll
. 1• •\1 r :-.;,'1 ap I 1':--, \\ I
1(1 'j'"
a I so fllrll,'01 Hill n- h" jlflllI']',] in hi, Blli,·k Mather ' (' . II:l;) 1 0 \Ir-. (l""r",'
""" Fi-k" 111It! liltll' 'l:lll"h-
,.. .
IOIl};;t'.) to \arllt'.' 11h ' .
tnr . , I -011,. I lltllOr, IHI 't t' II!. \'.
' tlil'd' 1';llitli,l:tfl' 11\1 t·,·
(11.111.' " " rnllr.
, ... '\·Ir""("r • \,',11 "11'1"1
' ti'e 111,1"',n
' "Il,l "11 thl' ·motor. "It'll h,' a 'Yo ])or'llnpn, :lb. .. -',,,t 0 1 1 lJ . . .,,1'
1(']'. Om,,],a, \'"Ior:"ka.. lIa'l' b""11 f orl ' -
.1f'utl'IlHllt (tOYl ' r1l0r, :111" tlt:l! tllf'l'1', ' "I 1"'1' II,·t ~t, '\'1'" 1'1,:"II
.... , "1 :-t,.
i"n'I' lind ('hi"f, •alld ~Ir,. Farm,'r, 1",,1'''111111:'''''''
,_ I thai 11 1I111"~' \"i, .T. j)orsnnclI, lit. . . .
II I\ill 1 brillg 1\ .) ~)
(l () ,,·,-,III'L:
\ .\Ir,. ",,\1:.,.01 \\·h,III'·'·.
. "liE" Plll'l1 1ar I IlIrtlllg-ll
I't (' \\:1" . I
Ittlllllll:l'I·'. '
I \''''II',\,
.'" II h'" • "II".
.... ' , .,
";\PIH'lIloo:--hll " a tlisranletl .!"\\eet. :tor to .,ar Wf 1 aJlI al ( 0111' JIlort' \\'ah.h. ~lt , (I (l _ ,1 1 l'''\. VI nllt'. II., IlIt·tlJill~ tll:lt 111 1 tIl fhi tilllt' hal" hl'l'Jl
fllrtl,,'r tl'llillll'h to th" T'·lIl1i • .\,,,,,·ia· "')foO k t', p., (. j' . .... II 0 0 4 (I. ~Ir. I'atli,oll" ,idol'y
., 11,,- I-"'11",·, IJ!I'lIlal!111'~Y g-i\I'JI h\~ (lthflr~ to ".\fr,
h"'lrt. t' ") II 1 1 k 1 1 :1\\:1." H II 11 f () 1 1 n':\f ,... 1" J) \1 I I' without an \\or11
~Ir. '\~ayne .\tll~· \\ ill playa <.'l'110 I HilI, r~.
(':llJll'HIg-JIJrIg- 1111'11- • . .
If' l'a ('. )ll(' as 11' !"1H'f 11 H\'\(' ,(' " p. . . , (I I . r. Il'for . . It'. (I '1,'.\\ lin til (·om11l! ... •
_"Ill. \IT. ,10"'l'h Xa,h a \'i"lin ohligato,
"t 1:! lIlil," all hOllr.
I\' I k \
. 1 h

. ar ,ro" .. """ "1I1"rt'''IIl'' t r('1' I,dd,"

tillJ,inj!. Hp i, II tra",,1Iill;: -,i1">1111111
{'fat ,on'.
IIY. \\ j ... 1111\\ °IH'11

;'11,[ the' IIlu>i,."lnllllll<,'r, \lill he led Ity Tolal~ Ii II ::!7 14 :1 "f bri,]g" Oil Frjda~' "\"'nilll-:, \Iay l!1t1i.
I\'hi,·h I'larp, him ill" I""itioll to lI1llk,' Th,. \'"r},"rt" 1,:tl1"t for II", H"l'"b-
j'"lIowl',1 b.\' dallriJllT. thp llr'luailltall"" of 1"",,1 I'"rt~· ],oad"r,
~Ir. Davi,] 'Xpralt, Dirp,·tor of the SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVICE AT I "'.'.\I>I'L',I,':I'H.
" \ >t" '" in di!fprpnl part' of th,' :-'Iat", :II,d 111' li,'''" ",,"o1iol'I1" f,oIlow,. "",, r,'prodlll'"
"l'oru.-. THE BAPTIST CHURCH I IL H. O. .\. E. ~
jjiCH? indu 1grd in a few ~ppl'('hl". Oth"r thall ,d,o"·. th,· pi,·tlll'" ,,1' blllh ~Ir. P"tti,
111 ,'a 'I' of rain, IIll' prllgrllll' wil 1 1,e
. Hi"klill, rf. I I
I 0 0 0
Ihn.t. h,·s. n"l1ln nllrr,'n,] hl'Ill thr",."I,.
~Ii" EI,'alior \Vurt! w,,, !'''1'1I brrak'" .. '" ...
,on and tIll' "1'11·kll"wlI ,'oul,!l'nall"c "f
;"::\'('n 1111 till' f"JlO\'ing I'\",'rung, S:t1llr· Oil "",,"i"g, \Iay :!'i. at ",,\I I'll, ,.f. 1 I ~lIl1du~' ~.I:'I' 2 0 I illg" thp sppe,1 lu\\,' iu hl'r "Xash" "-Th,' EVl'lIing BIlIll'till," ", all ar. ollr f"TlII"r Bllr;.:,'''. alltl nrxt Rlatl' X"II'
.:ay, .Julle :lrd. 'I I I
I" ,. 0"'. I It' "wlr
I' of th,' R . t
aptl~ I~. HUII'l'hri,,>, :lb 1 I I ~ 1 0 h"t ",ullda." aft"rllooll alolll! 1he pik". tiP]" "'p,]nl'"du~' night, wllxpd fll"l'tioll-,
utOT, Fll't,·h,·r ,Yo ~Iit,,>. The rl'lllrll':

' ('hlll.,'h \lill I'l'l1dl'r u 'I"'"iul "'USI<",] HI"'k,'l, "
\ "'01-:rt1 til 0 . 11111" h ''11 I I'I'{" t .
!':,'"rv 0111' wbo atlt'll,ll'd II", ,,·r,·i,·,'s
:-; 1 . '11
Ila vi" :!b..
k If
II 2
) , ]
~r 1". I'ow" II, of ~I i It 011, "I'TlnOIl t, a r·
( rl\'l" on Tue"I,,~·, '.fay 2:1r,], to 'i,it
and ilitinllltpd thut tilt' f"d thut \lr.
I'll tt i,on ,"" 11 S\I>!"'IIt!Pr >1I1,'sll,a II !'" t I .I I
him I'n 1011l·h "'ith II lTr'''.,t 1"',ln.v !!'I",I la\'\' .-\. {p"d
~ ~
U. S. Senator
(:-;hnrt Tl'rrn)

(LolIg '1'('1"111)
Thl' Tl'nlli, Cluh is pll1l1l1iag to ha"e on ,'I' I'r , IIIIl II~' """lIIng WI r"III1'III' YO\\ I'll, 1h., rf. II () 6 0 0 !ol'r ,IlIlIghll'r. :\Ir,. ~11I1"011l1 Trottl'r, ,.f ,ul'l' 0 rft'r'. Trlle it is, th"t. ,1P,pitl'
II ('fif"I,'ria :-;ul'l"'I' at th,' ('!uI< 1I0tl,ej'"'r lIith II gn'al ,Il',,1 of grntifi"lIfi oll n. 1.'1<"'k, rf. I 4 2 II \\'oo,l"i,lp A"I'. I'arty amlinliol". hI' will 1,,· till' "111"" .\. J{.,.. tI ~a~idl fill
Oil \1 .. 1I10rilll Illly. ,y" h"l'l' IIII the Ihl' >I'I"lIdid \\"ork of th,' ,.JllIir, alld "il1 ,' (I I Bllrll~, 6 I " of 1I11111,\' 'l'lit hllllots ill \'urlll'rlh IIl'xt •. . ,owry 10
tl'lIl1i> play,'r, will hrillg thl'ir fllll,ili,'s 1\11111 fo hp"r thl'1I1 fil!uill. Thr ('hur"h 1I01ld, 1' n 0 Hor"th \Iullrol' has rl'lurJ]('d ~Iis, \'''''·Illl<pr. U. S. Senator
"II.10~' i :-;ulldu~'
allll haH' a jolly I illll', Win', -hould h,' filll'd to '·al,",·ity 011 - I to hl'r hOIll" ill ,Iohn>tO\I"I1. 1'a .. nftl'r Th.. follol' illg "ditori1tl, frolll the Grorgl' "'harton I'ppppr 61:{
'.1 1",I,',llIV "'h,'I' till'" ,1',1,'1 h',I\'" 10""", II' 1 lh till' ,·11O;r and \lrH. K,'nl(oI' Tota I' "- I() 27 1 0 ) :. >I'\'pra I WI'"k", stuy \lith h"r "ousin, "~CJrristollll JIl'rllltl." honll' Ill\lll of Etl\lllrd H. t ,~oo,] 22
I'r!'jlllrr s·llj1IWI'. Th,' j"ri('p, will hI' n'a. hn\'1' 1""'11 untiring . ill thrir l'lforts III \\'uYlle 0 I I 0 ,) 0 0 0 :!-ll :\I'
. ISS ""Ie, II e ('ohi,·, of Es,l'x .-\VI'. i ~Ir. ~1 .. Avo~·, th" def"atl',1 a'pirlllll. \\'illilllil .f. Burk,'
Governor 34
sonuhl<'. If ,uitahl<' nrrang"lIl1'lIt, "an lila k
111'1111 fhi' ~I'I'\ Il'" 11111' IOllg to hI' r"- :\'al'h.. rth
" ,'n"] 0 0 0 0 () 0 (l 2 ~-,j :'\arl"'rth Gl'orl!" Eo .\lll'r .holiltl hI'
81 of intl're>t tn
Itl' Illlllll' th,'r,' I,ill h,' duul'illg In till" , . ~fr. fin,] ~frs. HoI"'rl Durhin, .Ir., of F. P. ('roft 1',,01'1,·. 12 '-.,
'I'll e ('I,ur·11
" 1llllrlntt'
" I I,hl',h • '·llrllll,'.
, a TI\II-·11IIs" hits-'.Iathl'r, 2;- 'Vallal'e, \'arhrollk Park. h"I,1 1I I]allre at llwir , 'He Laughs Best," Etc. Gifforl] 1'in"hot 51\:\
\Ii>s \[a.,· F"ili', SOI,rnllo', '.Iiss Katli· HUlllphri,", Heekel, Davis, Y. Flrrk. I101111' " '1"] nesl] a "\'enillg, Ma~' 24th, to Th,' hil!/rt'st laugh of Ihp lIallll'nign .Iohn Clinton Pinker 0
"ri,"' Trol\ hri,II-!'" ('lIl1trall"; ~Ir. Wal- l"tun'k ollt-By Brooke, ,j; Hood, ;;. "I'I"hra11' thl'ir !>t.h wp,I,]ing annh'\'T' ,'OIIiPS ill Ihp uttl'rlv ullI'xl"'l'1I',] n'.. ,John ~. Fis!t,'r 1
SHOWER t"r B. Tait]', T,'nor; '.rr. Lewi, W. B,,,,l's on halls-..O ff Hood, G. l'mpire- >lIry. The por"b IInr] lawn WI'f1' effpr· "l'r,"1 of forlll "xhihite,1 h~' tilt' 1I1'1'1Ir'l Lieutenant Gov'ernor
tift 'I' I" ":a sl", , Basso, \I ill III' a..' 8i,te,1 hv ~Ir. LortI. ti"I'l.\· ']I"'orlltn,1 "'I'tl, ,I,IIJan".<n 1/111' "Ilt !l"IlIlIl'rati,' nOlllinlltion for liput"II' .Tohll T'. BTI\pkill !l7
"~11 un .ny a prnOOll, .\ :t." :'1.11"

On . ' . , , l- ,,-

. 'I k' f -\ \1 t In'llIg froth'r, fenor; :\Ir.· Char"', tl'rns. Ahoul '10 "lIn". ts.· I",'r n pr""Pllt. nllt pO"l'rllOr, of Holtl'T E. 1'1Itti",", .Jr., Da\"i,1 .J. Dfi~'i, , 529
~Ii," ( nrn ~,ac' lP, 0 .) • ClII' gOIIlI'r~' I .. . . . . , _________________________________ ~
(I ... \'" ,,- i' Secretary of Internal Affairs
'" , tl 'I' II I\.n'n]('I·. noI1l11'1, and \IT. Fran"," \\. Bermyn 7' Rosemont 3
H\'t'lIl1P, _"nf'llef 1, gnve H ..,lJOl.('P un. , t , •

"01" ,ho\l'pr in hOllor of ~Iis.' Edlla A,II'Ihergpr, Flutist. Rosemont, Pa.., i}{IIY 20.---Seusationlll .1a1llt':-- F. \Voodwnnl ,., .. 612
~tong of Phillldell'hill.. Thosl'. prL',,'nt Program support as well as brniny pitching en·
CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. State senator, Montgomery County
wl're '.Ii" Emma Leister, ::'Iriss ~hy Prl'luue--Alldnnt" iJ~ G .. , .. Hllti<11' IIbled Paiste, pitebing for Berwyn, to Fldl'!lPr ·W. Stit,'s ..... , ......•... 642
X,'lson, ~fi!<8 1\larinn Wougl', '.-Ir,. An'IOffl'rtory T'1I,torall' turn hack Rosetnont bere tOllny in fi Fb'ed Meeting Dates. Congress
thony Hinderer, :Mrs. Georg" Troulw,'in, RI'I'k YI' the Lor,] R"lh<orts ~llIiJl Liue League game. Score, 7..3. Il,'nry W. Wnt,nll ' , 589
Borough Oounell Monthly-Second Monday Oouncil Chamber
}[iss Be~sie Endlich, ::'Iris, (hac.. ElltI- . Tenor Obti~lIto l·'ivl' eatches by Centrefielder Fitzger.. Representative
Narberth Bldg. and Loan Ass'n Monthly-First Thursday Oouncil Chamber W. R. Faries ......•...........•. 133
l:"h, Miss Bl'rthll Brill nll,l ::'Iliss E,]nn ~he TWi~i!tht 8hndows Fnll.Dadd WO:"] ahl, of the Berwyn team, at critical
American Legion Bldg. &: L'n Ass'n Monthly-First .Tuesday Legion Building nrnjamil1 H. Ludlow ...........• :496
Stong. Rnllro· ,II PRseolar ' De Bprtot lime.' rut off a floek of 'Roscmont l·uns.
1 Narberth Oivic Association Monthly-Third Thursday Oouncil Chamber State Oommittee
Yiolin, Flute and Piano
1'·01 11 J E
. I'SIIS lin' Q In
t ,ver 1' ••••• .o e son'
,Bl'rwyn 1 1 ] 0 0 4 0 0
3 . Narberth Fire Oompany Monthly-Last Tuesday Fite House FrPfiR Rtyer ..•................ \ .. 557
TI)l1 J{ lt1g 0
f T
.love nty
81 I
1 1
I Hosl'J1Iont 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Home and School Assoc1n.UoD Monthly-Fourth ThursdayWgh School Gertrude '.r. Wright 566
:llrs" W. '.l\L Sibley, of G07 Havl.'rford
Road, will give n cnrd pnrty on ber Xen'l1aae .....•... ,
Gounod StraJ(i)rd, 3; Ardmore, 2.
I --- Board of Health Monthly-First Saturday Council Chambtl1

lawn Wednesday, June 21Bt, from 2.. 5 Flute Solo Ardmore, Pa.., May 20.-":"Witb both Date. Name of Organization and Event. Place. Hour.
F:lwrry alld '''nnl,' Xnrbertb dealers
P. Y.> for the benefit of St. !Alban 's How Beautiful Upon the l\[ountnin, leDlus llisplaying II. remllrkably clean
in rnrlio outfit~ nn'] supplieR, bave uu·
Chapter, Order of the .Eastern Star. Wolcott brand of ball for so early in tbe sMBon,
Any ~{as';nic lady or any lady in Nar- Tenor Oblignto Strafford nosed out Ardmore herl'! to- .Tune 2 ., .•Musical Lawn Fete W~-unl'wooJ 'IInd :Elmwoo,] .. 8.00 p, M, nOllnced the opening .of Il uemoJlstra-
HQn room at 417, ~arberth Avenue.
'bti~tli"lil most.. cordially' inyited. . An ·Postlude-Po8t1ude·"., . , •. ~ ,'. ; .. Elliot .day, -3~2iin, ,the' optming t:Jf the Main, Jjune S .......strawberry Ji'cstiynl •••• _•••• ¥etb~)(li8t yhurcl1 •• ','.' ••• (i.3D P, ~I...
Th~~e be" 011 exbibi,tiQ~. mlilii. 'of~ ""in'
Itdmi.ssion of. twenty-dlve centll will ,be Mrs. W. F, Kempf, organist Rnd di- 'Lin~ ·Lellgue. ' .' June 3 ., •• Annual Spring Flower Show
'Stratror.d ~ Ju~e tl1e llitrerent typeR of outfits fot. home
..cllarged, .d!lme and' spend a pleasant reetor. . 1 0 ci 0002 0 0 H 3 Home. Bake .o 250 Haverford A"CJ1Ue 10.00 A,l\I.
a,ternQon•. Plenty of .pdze8~ A cordial \Veleome ext,e Jl d.e«1 to ali. ,Ardmore'" ''', •• ,I. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 June 3.,; .Fzench.p,lay ".1.,., ••. , " School AuditoTium·" ,., 8.15
installation. .
P. ]\(

-I.. .....
.. '
2 OUR TOWN " !

, _1_....._ • Of court~ ".

OUR.I.\ ,W
'1I10~\t 71\..1 \.nulr ht
.1 ~
ill th., I'v-,'nt of a hlaze.
HOWARD'S deliver - UQ
place - &IlJ

I ,h,','r'f' r,',',',',' \\ I'll h'llIS",l of Ulna.
"hic'h 1111 c'nIl \\ou:d t""l'T gil 12188
Fir(l ~airl
Own ..,1 1111,1 puhli>h ... cl every ~aturday

.. , c'tiOII";
tIJI' ('IlIIH'

;llt' \\ lthill

fht' \"arllt'rth

The Brightest Spot in Narberth
"." thl' \"rl,,'rl" ,'ivic As"ociation. lall.'·· ... I'r,'ll'j'tl\!' ZOllt'~-"'a\I' III thl' A Drug Store in the Most Modem Sense of the Term
t g \'111' r:tl tIll'

Saturday, May 27, 1922

:11:1 1 l'r... l' I' 111:11'111'" ,\ 111' II
"1·1\~("HIpTI()" PHICE
,"car \.lr\ll·r:h :11'1':llalll ... woIl1.( ~H :111."\\111'1'1'

Oil" Il"l:ar :",,!
ad \ n 11('P.
Fift~· ('Cllt, r~r .. ,':I'",':":II;III"\. :1" \\ oll!,l llll' Hal:l ('.'"11\\ .,"o!

. I

I" \
I )~ ! I' , I

.. ' ',' ,·It,t

\ \

:" IJ

:1 Illd,l,; ill~ h 11,., do\\
\\,' 111 ... 1 ilil'! i\ i·l."
t (3.30-Daylia ht Time)
We The purcha..-.e of ground as a good investment!

, Field: Wynnewood Road and Montgomery Ave.

I Have you noticed the growing !'carcity of desirable
huilding sites in Narbrth?

I Narberth
I .,! '.'. ! 01. t ·1111"1' lin \ I t L:":'
We have a few really good lots that we would be glad to
vs. Ardmore I
" I :"1 ..: II 111:1' 1," I II \\ h II"h
Philip A. Livingston \\ itll.· ...... ·,1 tll\" :1\'1·;11 tell you about.
1·:,Lt'H. 1IIl'i ...... ;I'Il ld 11H' 1'!"
u_ ... ,
.:•• ~_~.-.oH " , _ , , ,_
, _'_
. _'_
. _' " O _ _"H_ _'H_ _ _ _ _ _...
"~_ _...'~

t "I !',) . . t·" .'t \ I ....... I \ I,',· \\ II i"!1 ":11'1" I'",:i '11:1'"
.\' 1,11",·...... ;1 II \·,11'1"·· .... J III II tit' II '0" ;1; \\ :','" ;.!..\:t ,11," I' \ It'll .ll"j :111,1 \\ III .' \ , r
1.;llld :<1 hUI "i.ol.. I h'
"II. I" frolll
Ilil.n· I \. IX ~It~li. .• 1': !I I:,' '" 1':-..II'lj'{ t., \1"1'1"11 ill' I' '111,1", n.ea~1;or
,.,. n k, "f 1111'11 ill.,tl':l'!. L,'"
t )11 r Tll\\I,

t : I ~ 1 tl .
I .. I'll .. alt' at
,,: til,' ,I"r,· of II. 1<.
tllt' tll'llot ;\ I " .. 1 (Ol::.! I,' Il'II!]11 ".\ 1" 11':1 \,' ,ill THE TOWER 1214 LOCUST STREET, PHILADELPHIA
I I \ \ ... .. "r :t:l "~i'i Ill'l' IIII 11111 11'-' t i l l k,-
: II' pI,":), \11' r 1'111 :111' I t' \ 1'1: :":(1 ";0 t :11 :\ .. :
OF BABBLE Branch Offic. at Narberth Station Phone Narberth 1710
It':I niP' I (l f a I If' 11111/1 t'f] t ,i1111 ,1.
k :11"'1:": \\ I t II Ill! \\ i Ill" ) \'. Il) I . . lltll·....
I",' 1.'111. l~II~. :II tb,' I'",t olli,',· ',l By Collum Righter I lb,' \\ Ito 11l"-:IIIII' .... 11. Member Philadelphia Real Eatate Board
T:,,' 1<:1I,1",t 1"'1. 1,,,,,jJ,I,, :" ,,"""," :d t :It-hll,J hI": ! II-I rtlllll'll t I h:lf Ii I' i --: 11~ ~

\:.rln'rtll. 1',-1111-."1\ :lui:t, 1I1l,j,'r the :l,'t· 1,) . . 11 I I

If' ,h,' dill'!' lit' l l l l l l : t l l ' 1"\ 1 l't! i
t:(~k \\111'1'1' 1111' ::llllll" ltllt flIrt}} :11\1\ tIll' I Til,· ('011111111 ,il'\\S "ith alallli al.;.ill t .. I Itl:l dl' pro\ i:--i IlI1 fill' it.... hllria I \\ it 11 hi Ill. I ,:;:;~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;i!;~

"I ~I:tr"b :'. 1~;\1,

\rhil·h :--pllr:-. 11:-- tIl !"l·tllark tllat Wt' Q;ill' II '1
,ll'"rl "XII\'lld,'d i ... 1I1l:tJ'prt·,-i:ttt'.J, 1111 p:IIJ II·. 1hi' rl,-igwil ion Ilf Ollr popular
(·I·rt'I.\· t I"ust 111111. ~hry(wk':", llltl~i,·al
()\'I{ '1'",,':--; ,,'ill y!adly prillt allY rl'l nrdt·1\ Iltl11 1II1hlt·~;-'t'd. '1'1"I·a .. III"":-- .... "'hik ,h" \,.,1.1 '""~. ''''
t \·llIil't1I·il·:'" \\ ill ('Ollt i II tiP, t-o l't 11't er 1

1I1',"S 0/'0111 all\, .whjcct which is of 11 i . . har,1 to Iwlit"I' 1111It il is trill' hall f'I .. I"I"I',1 ~lIll:t' f:lillt hllpl':'" td' n··
illllTesl 10 .y;/Ybt'rlh folks. Copy '"·\I'rth .. II'" I th"t the ~ll'fill!l ,·j,·i,· ,."i, i,,~ "lIr J,,,,'k ,t il'clI'l. .\Ia,. !lOll \\ ht'r(' th(',\' [JO~\ do alld riot ~\\'(1n'(' Mr. and Mrs. P. White announce the change of J.
lO\\:lrd thl' piallo h,'flln' Ill' '·t'1l111rt s 1

is dlft' 0/1 Tlfl'sdo\, of (aeh 1c,('/,k, at \",,,·i,,ti,,,, 'h,,"I,1 h:II" ,.','" lit t" "'" it III ;1 II lllUg; I 1 t:"0 t 'I ' "';1.1,' I1 a II'
Illig art· 11\1 I the name of their store from
(, I' .11. rOI,' c,')/,y' Il'c"i,'ed Il"cd- (r(llil tht'ir l·artlpai.l!fl kttt'r ... aAlY r"f'·I"· 'Hill ll1l'ntal w:llldt·rillg .... "·1' ha\'t' lIot Ill] thl' (;rt'at JOllfllt·.\".
",'sday c,'(lIill!! 11'ill he prillll'd Dilly 1'111·" "hilt .. ll "\'·!" ttl that '.l.llilltr.y-"idi' a" ~·P,t IIHlIlIlf':H·tUft'd a fllrlJl:ll :,,·qllain· THE BETTY SHOP
i( spa(,' is slill 'f"ailaMe. !"'III'\\1I 1'1! pr'lll'I't'\I' lIf:.,::tIlIZ:tfll l l l • (lllf talll',' \\ith tht' 1\('\\ ill(·tllJlht·lltt l :--:"o, al Th" • ',,]lImll hn, \""'11 a"pused of Icad·
,:,rlll'111, F.rl' {·olrlll:!II.\·. tll ll ll,!!h \\t' hllid ht'r ill high 1':--lt't·l1I. hilt :>,~ " tlolI"Jp lif... ""t Ilog! Xo such
SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1922 Itll' 1111'\ 1i:1\1' IItllll I),,' 11' ...... ,!tIlW I"n!lald\ .. Itt' \\111 It-arll ttl llatl' II:". il!" III' k Th,' 1I.'are',t \\,' ,,"er name to it WHITE'S SWEET SHOP
\ r: ! t 'I' \ It I \ I :111 (,j lill \\ \"1'1\· . . .1111 .. 1"1,'11 t I .' ;I .. I I tl IIIHIl." othl'r ... :tlllllll~ \\:1"'1 all atfl'lIll't al ht'ill~ frlnk an I h\'1 .
E ~(I': IW E\ (,y PliO" I·: C.\ L1> jilIn:.:, thl' :'\:11'1111111 1'.111 "I'X l·arlll'''t. Alld thi:-l- ('\"1'11 thi ... · \\ ill :--~ld We are now manufacturing our own Ice Cream. and
\11 \ ..... IlI I · l f l ' I:dillir O\"l'r SOTllt' hends.
Firt~. :1.;1). will make every effort to still further improve our service
1'"li,"'. 1~.;11. 1)\II;Ilg- th,· IIB"it \\t'"k wI'lI\'t'rhf'U1',j to the people of Narberth.
a ('IIIl\l'f':"ontio lJ ill whic·h \\t' \\t
n 1 gr:tt·j· Thl' l"t'latilJJl of :'\a1'ht'1'th'''l T"lIl1is
n'fl'rl'l'd t (I a'" a ,. slah·:-,ddt'd hOIll"
\ It'fury 11\ Pf WHITE'S SWEET SHOP tht' Boxhorough t(':tlll took
lil'uJ.'· WEEK ENDING MAY 21
.\lId \\ithout lllldi"I' "I' pfO- II" l':ll·k ill 1II\'lIl(}r~' :"Ollllll' yt'ar:-; to n.
",'1',] t" hllrl thl' opprobrium hn"k in .·I·rtaill hol, dalllp ~atllrday aftl'rllooll
.\lId itO" (·tllllt' .. tht' ~ood !ll'\\~ that
1.0\\ th.' tl','lh of thp "hilom geIltl"lll:ll1 wh" 111 \lIgll"'t. \\"1' "Pfl' pla~·illg tlollhl" .....
Hll!\('rt t·:. l)atti:--oll •• 11'.. h:t~ \\011 th,'
IJclll(H"rati,. ll'llllill;ltioll for 1.kutl'n:l!lt 11~:lr,qllt·t,·r
, . ' .::,1.111 ~~I.l.j i '-"IIC'III'lt'd it, kllo\\ illg that lit' \\ ill I"l'ad JII hrand 111'\\ whltl' dW'k 11'011:--1'1':-- t~n
I Tl'1II!l\'r:i1 111"1' ......... ~ ;,1 I thi, w,.,'k', I,al,,'r alld I'rllhahly ,hr;,·,·1 : Itt' :,!,ra ..... I·tlllrt~ at fh£' 1I~ I~HLJ:"dowl1t' ............. "'~._" ....''''''''.".. '''''"''..".'' ' ' ' '.' '.::::::::::::::::::::::::"":::::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....,...."....,, ......"'...."'..........·..·. ' '1
(; 'I \·1' r II () r.
This f:ll·1. C'ollpl('t! "ith t II" lIt1dp'
I 1I111IJidit \.. Jlpr 1·1'111.
. ., . _ '
;:11 up ill ,ha,,,,' at tl,,· l, .."ri"g of Iii, \·ulllIll.\" (·IIll!. 1)llrillg- Ulll1~lIall.,· fa~t I
po:-lt'd IlOll1illal1011 of )otr. ~titt'" fllr:
Prt'(·lfiltatlllll. 1.-..:.) ludl. II nli,·io\l . . :ltt:t,·k. Iwt 1>1"y Ill' Iliad,' " I.. , ialltan ,wat at
:'itatl' ~""al"r all'! ~Ir. "'ohlnt foI" T"t:<1 -1111'" ~1:1I' 1. ::.~~ I
I II ("bt,:",.
IIIl' II ""I "I"d sph,·rt'. I",t our halan,·p I The Blessing of Gas Service
,l',-.t,·,"t~ TI'lIlf l "l":ltllrl' '·Xl·l· ....... ~111,'l' :'II :I~' 1. l'ltl
'r"111 I To hl slah ... idt'd" judi('aft':-- ('on- "' th" run·lIp. I:.n'],·,j plunk upon "a· I H
liellpral A,~"lIIhl.'· l t lis -.. I dt,nT'tlp", l ,.

., .. rla;nl~· pllt, \arlH'rth 011 tht' pohtl,':<I, ~ . I'trnrtion' alll'lg 'lIpt'rillr li"c,-h ... in;! 1IHP':-- l·ll.shioll HI)l1 :-,lid a full dOZl'lI Have you ever considered how our modern .;
map. ]f \\1' he ptlrmittpd to 1IlUkt' a: Tt'II!JIt'1'attlrt' ('x(·P ........ ":1111"
of a ,ub,tulltia!. illlPO,ill/.( hllil,!. "" fl,·t \\hilt' 011 HHIIlP. "·hpl) \\f' nrC):-,t} life would be affected if gas service were sus- l!

I \" "I r .) 1 dt';.!rt)\'!". \\,' 01l:-;('r\"t'd a :-\t'lIIhlalwt' of unl.ridlpd
,ugg.',tioll. it might 1I0t hc a had plall!'" ,- to :-oprnk. \\ hi"h our ('ritit' i~ most 1'111

for hi, fricll'b t" ",II is!' ~Ir. Hr~;al1; phati,·"ll.,· not. "or I'H'r lIill Ill'. \y" ,,,;rlh hllr"lillg fmm th., h'·!lIlt~· "",j
to take up hi, f1"ic!PII/·.· ill thl' Y,':<r' ,1""111 GE"'·I-' H(':\T a, hi, proppr c·hil"lIlt·~· adol'lling th.· Cluh Ho",p
'HlIun,! II o'lI" TOil 11. Thl'f1' 1II11,t h.,!
l'\oIllPthillg' ill th .. atlllO:-;phl'rp rondul·iYl' j
to tht' attractioll of thc elusivt' hal· I
.\III",u~h th .. Cioh ha' <1i,,·ontillu 'd
rlH:-- ...
h"a<1 ,.
ifit'ntinli. :\~ rpgard:"

art1 ~ati:·dil·d to ,11(l:l\p it In.v."

thfl "hOllP- I"",,'h, It ''"a, nnt without
of th.· indidlllt'nt, W,' our illlJ1lfit'tJlntp ducks hor~ fin imprint
Far of thf' map of Jrt·lnnd on thl'ir postl'rior
ren~on, for
without gas service.
it:-- rt'g'ular IIlt't tillg:". during tht' ~lltll­
lot. lupr lJIonth:--, thtlrt' \\ ill htl 'nriol1~ nc-

ht't f,'r to 11:1\,' an ostflo-t'rallial pro- "XI"lll'l'. Anel thf'y l"arr~' part of it H
Th,'rl' art' mallY friends of ~Ir. Patti
SOli cxteudillg their hl'nrti",t ,·oll!~ra·
ti\'it it'''' ilion' (If a :,,-o('ial IInturl'.
Anno'"I""""·,,t" will h... ma,l., throngh
tuhn:llw., u.hon' th,' shoul,h'r~ thal~ to thi" da~·. Bllt th.' melllorial "irt"lll1l'
OIlt' pllrpl~' \ :It·uous. ,tanr<' ju,t reluted is l>~' uo lllelln~ to
tulation~ to ollr popular townSlllUII; and he .'on,t nIP.] n' matl'rinl for pxpo~it ion Queen of the Kitchen
th., ,'olnlllll' of thi, pap('r ,lllrilll( tIlt'
frOl1l tIlt"' hottltlll (If it:", t'llitoria1 ht--urt, !'llllllllt'r. ~n it 1:-- :-o.lIgg p :-;tt\t! that tiJl'l
* * *
.\\'" .h{'.~ lt~ he alll)~\l'd .tht' pri\ilpg" np"n Ih.· rhalnfJua platfoTlo.
Of course, we mean the
"Our 1"0\\11" ,·ollgratlllatf':-' "Youug dllh IIlPIIlhor, \\alch th" ('ollllllunity "t C"'"tIOI.: I" th .. BIrd (ount. Thn,·
Hoh. " {~Itlh :'\"oft'.. during tilt' :--Ullll1lt'f i:"':-'Utl:.1 arc' lJuittl St'\ tlral "hir.d~" in :'\arhprth woman who does the
:-'honlo1 tht'r" !". "" .. \\""k failiog to, "'ho arlO ."ot 0" Ih,' lJ~t and the 1'1<-',
cooking, But next to her, !
UNTRUTHFUL CAMPAIGNING I/.(i'·., ")111> 0"\\ '. 1\ ,,:..!, y,r th,' f"I1,)',\·· I 'lire' d"n' "d ill "rltill/! th"I1\ .<IOWII ~ a white enameled Gas
ll1g i:"o~1I11. i \\ hl'rt th,'~· 11I'!'lllg \\duld far tI\·('rp:I~· FIRST ANNIVERSARY l

\\·~l ha\t' had halldt'11 to 11:-. 11.\" a

fair-IlIindPt! .:\Jl'riull gPlltlpll1all, a (·ir- 111' fhi:-- j .... 11l' of :t 1I1:I ... jl'al tn lit' gl\t'JI
,'lIlar Il'lt"r IIhi..!1 ha' n"·"lItl.,· I,,'"'' 1,1" th., ('1111, ,·horu, "11 .11111\' ~n<l, it'l
\\ill 1'1':ld ill allothtlr "Oll1l11ll! II'" ft'l th,' I:dlol' put fOl'th.
.\ ...,"Oll

J,n,,\\ in;..: lI"n. 'Ih',". \'"'1. "'ohl"rl'~

RPllt to rt'~id(,lIt:", of Ihat ('lImlll11llity 1 1I~ rl'~I:lt' .... t 111\1' gOIl'] 111(1111 1II'r ... tfl 1"111\ IYt'arllilll.2. fill' politil·al n"'ogllition Hlld
TIHl ofli,·pr .. alltl Il1l'udH f:-: of' Bi~h{)p
j,:"nri,'k (·o\llwil. K. of C., of .\ro1ll1"r,·. ~
:)("1' hll:-;ily t'lIga;.!I'd ill prpparillg- for tlll
I Range can well be con-
sidered the Queen of the
Kitchen furnishings.

'Hitlen o""r th,' signaturl' of the BO:II'd th"ir III~i:", rll).!' an,1 Ofllallll·"t, to; ,,·:!li/i,,/! Ihal I l,,' I,id, fa;r to ,ati, I"'" ,·.'I,·hratioll of th., ('onlll'il'" first :illlli·
0:' 1.)jrt'('lo~:-- of The ~!('ritJn Civil' .~\~:-:o-: 11Illkll thi .. t,\tlT1il1~ 011t l,t' door~ iI "lIl"1 f,\ it
('!afIOtl. 111p )('tfpr 1~ rouC'hed 111 lIn .....
\\t' 111'0:(1,11 tilt' :"tatt'lIll'lIt thnt :J
('all :'\aI'I111l'th HH:.! .J. or fit'li\I'r l1llt!1 lila.'· :-;t·t·11 t't' JlllI:"ot :III.'· prZt' to\\:Ir,l
\':q':'lI~' I, rll.:'" hut ("olltaiJl~ all anlput alld 'them to tltt' rt':--idl'nl'11 of ~Ir"" II. .\.!" hll"h ht' a:-;I'ir,':-' if ht' III1I.," hn ... patiI'JlI·t'.
\t}r~:Ir~~. °Il :\Illuday l'\·('lling. ~ta~· :!}lth.
wht'll n hunqllt't \\ill hi' :,,(lr"t'd ill tbt'
"·olJll'n ':-: ('Iuh of .\nll1lltrt'. Owing' ' ' I ~~
Ii Cheer is imparted by the immaculate white porce-
lain enamel finish and sparkling nickel fittings. The
food is cleaner ·and tastes better. A damp cloth in-
~I\iritt.d :11'1"':11 fliT fl1lltl~ "ht'rf'\\ith .1:1I.1.}' ..... :; EI1I1,,·tlod .\'-I'IIIH'. ,,!lPt'tl thi:o;lO ur E . . fl·l'lIIt'd 1)1 111. :'\0111. ha:-- had
til n'habilitatl' thl' appal'Htu:-, of Th(, lllll:--il"ul f"t" i . . to h(' 11\'ld.
l'llio Firt' '\"~lll"iatioll of Hala·(·yll\\."'I.: HI'lIH'Il,fl('r tllt' t';lrtl
i P:rtil'1l1'P for StllJll' ,"t'ar" :Inti \\1' do

pat·tit':'" llt'ill~! 110 ill II.\' rt'IIJ:lrkillg 'that .. lit' j .. t.\t'l'.'"

Inq,!t' ·utllIIbt'r
IlH'mht'f:"- nllll th"ir
attt'llll, tht' ,'0111- i!
in ('hargl' has ..;t"·IIr1-1i thv hall .. f ~
Ii sures spotlessness-no rubbing or scrubbing required.
See the white enameled Gas Ranges at Ol\l' Sbow
\\ hi"h it sla\," ., i, "1,,,,1 .. 1., ,,11,1 ,,!to!· i /.(i'·"11
.. ,·.'r.,· "'tll'"llI." aflt'rT\'"J1I "II Ih •. : illd' " Yil'tll'·. oil hoth n""r, of thl' ,')II'hholl"· for tl", ~ ~
A Small Payment with the Order and the bahlnce
1." illa,lt1'l":lI,' aud 1I111 .. t 1,1' rt'plll("(11 at StPI'IIt'.'. PIll,.t'. Thprt' will t · Ian II'" tl{"('ll:--ion, whit'll will start at 1'\1'\"t'll 0 ,- ~ ~ in small monthly amounts.
at Ollt't' if pr'1J1l r Filt' P'·ot",·tioll i- til al\\a.'·:", ht, room for (llit' lIIore. Tht' ~ Ollt' 111' ldll' II UI'I't'ul!'l (\\hn h,~ th" {·Ioc'k. Tht' ball(!lwt will bl..' folln\\t'd
('flst for :III." aftprllollll' .. plPa:-:.ur{1 j ... \\a." attt'lIlb Prof. "·il:--on's ,l!('flll 'ladl ll l'~· a daH('\,. ~lIt ()1l1:,~ will tht (·OUII· H
!I •...
Ga. :~ ~~ric Com::~

he 1IIaiutaillt'd.·'

II A~::::~ea

'1111' Il'lln fllltlll'1" gilt", forth thr'

followiug illfllrlllati"u III .~I"riou d,\I·II·!
!I\l'lIt.".fil·., 1""lIt", \lhid, lIill go to tIll' 1 IIalb IIf L<'"ruillg, iuforllll'd ", n'r'l'lIt1l' "il', hirt.hdn,'" hI' " ..1t'hrn.t.·,] iu thi,
\,uildiu~ fUlld. Ihat II,,· /!ir:dh \1:1, uudouht ..dlv th,' 'U:llln.'1' ou :\Iollda~' e""lIillg. hili th.·
('rs,"'~'l\~.!.'rt, d"I"'~'d'''UI ul":,u.t,h •• ,·ol:'~l·i ('Iu" 1II"Il1".. rs :~rt' IIr~l'd tIl p"trllu~z., hi~h"'1 forll' of "uill~al lif ... ·Th .. r'·I CO t1I1('il':-;,:la,in. ~he Hl'~.~. 1. Pllr-
t"'l'r ". f'\ II I' of Ih. '"1IlU I," .\S""I.,· till' ,a 1., of 1'01'1''''' for th ••.\ulPricall hl'lllg all .,I,·ulI'ut ot trllth iu th,' 1,,11, f1,,'tor of 1-'1. (olIllHII , ( hure'h of l~:::~:~~:::=::::::::::~:::::~:::::~::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::~::::::::::::::::~:::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::~~::::::~::::~:~::::~::~::::. ~ ...
tioll. lIInitltaild'~ h~' ~~o\lr Ilpjghhor:,,- in Lf'~illll on Ih'('oratillll n:t~r. ...tatl'lIIpnt. \\l' c!t)l'idt'tl 011 foq~i\·('np ..;~ • . \rdlllon'. h:l~ arrallJ.{t'll for n Pontine·hl
eyn~~-(] for tlH'i,. 0\\ 11 l:rot .."tiou. Thi- I
hut .,haug.. d our 1I,illd altllg1'llll'r \I h"11 :'Ilnss nt \I hich th.· HI. H.·,·. Hi,hop
s"n h'e they Ill"',. 1I11"<.lh,ll1." ngr..... '] to, UpOIl :!,killg wh.'r., th,' hook of .Ioh ('rail ... II ill ofli .. i:\,!t'. Th ... Ill!", II ill
l'xtell.] 10 tlll'ir lIeighhll\" ill ~ll'r;('II! NEW BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY lIIighl II(' foulI,l '\1' rt',."iv"d th ... an'''l'r, "Ollllllpllep nt III A. M. on SUllda,', ,11111'"
nn.] .Bn.ln . . (, lIot "1I"h pllhl;.' sPirit.",II'
"' rl"\('e "lItltll'<I to ~'Ol'" 1I10nd alll] hll' ~"'lIIoir, of n :'I'li,lgel,
andal support?" Wnll"r ,le Ia ~rart.
"J" th ... Lihrar,'"."
Hh, at 1-'1. ('olmall'" Chureh. Previoll'
an 1I(1U1l1'ell1eUt of this mass ~tatl',1 it
We ha\'e rea.l with great iutere~t would he on ~rny 28th, hut it has 1)(,l'n
CommGnclng SundaY,Junc 4,1922
Bllt thi" i, h~' no nlt'n'h "II. .\ ,lll'l'l \ (;,'nl],' .Iulin, la~t fontl'] ue",'s~llr~' to postponl' th.' ("'pnt
1I ...... k', nrtic'l ... urlring lIlelllhership

printed ill rl'd lind h'''''k al'colllpnni,',1 Boolh TarkingtOn ill tIlt' :\arll('rth Choral Sncipt:,·. Por ulltil th .. following I-'unelny.
the Real Estate 0 ffices of
the parti"ular hell ... fit of p~lc'CIlIl'el Prof.
th,' Ipttpr alII] :lInollg 'lh,' various II h"!l' "Q."
for"'R enullll'rli!l'tI a~ tn II h~' the :'Ill'r I Xicl'. W" holell~' stntl' that WI' po~ses,
.\n"thl'r important pn'nt on thc
ionitc should l'('spon,1 l"ontl'ihutionalJ.,·. Hi/.( I".t"r
nppcnrc.] this. " TIIJlSK IT UYER-
Kath,'rine X. Burt

Arl'hihal,1 ~lar,hall
u '·\Jli.]tllin' I!ood " "oi('e nnel wou],]
lik., nothing heMN thnn to ,'ultivatt'
l'otln,'il I, <'nlt'nelnr is tht' t'x,·mplifi.··\·
tintl of thl' thil"] d ... grt't' on ~unduy
Ilft,'rnoon, .Tun ... 4th, nt two 0 'P!opk al
John A. Caldwell
Thc Fnion Firp A,"o"iatioll i, th., ~lIllnY f'nn I 'lillie.. Bllt thl' fad i". it's '" dry in St. Kutharint' 's new hnll in \\'anll'. and
ONI,Y protel'tioll to homl', YO;lr ~'nllr OIlOto \\"atanna I ., :\arherth thnt w... "annot 10"tltt' 'nll\,' rnndi.lntes frolll the cntire TWf'nty.tilir,1
helonginl!~ anu ~'o"r flllltil~·."
To one way of thinkillg, this i' noth. II
~tor\' nf l\fnnkind
Hell,]ril'k Yall Loon
Ihing sllitnhle whl'rt'\\ ith to irrignte
Di,trid will rc,'l'in' tlIP Illlljor ']t'grt'1'
on this o" ... asion. un,1 as this i, tlH'
Robert J. Nash
illg shorf of nntruthfnl ('11 Illpniglli u/.(. Thl'n ('ame )Io]]~', * first mujor tlegre(' to he gin'n hy thl'
W ... ha\'p no qunnl'1 to ,eek with till' Harrit't Og.I"n With thp pr",~pnt nn'] I'n'r·growing Ar,lmore ('{)un ... il, nothiug will hI' left Will discontinue aU Sunday business and their respec-
'gn]]nnt Filion Fin' AS~'l("intion uf Baln. Th., ":lIIishing Point hnhit of kn"'l'·high skirt~ Illnong thc undone 'to lIlal,e it IIlI Iluspi,'iou, on.'. tive offices will remain closed on all Sundays.
C~-n\\'yd. Xo, iuch'ec1. Jt is n, wt']] or' ,ConiJ\lr,hy Dnwso!l pow,len',1 spl'ejes of our lU"'inn~ Bor· Aftt'r the pt'r... mony, "uPlwr will he
glllli'?ed eaterie of hrn\"p pitizl'n.volun' I!OIl'(' of Rilllmon ollgh, we fin(1 our e~'e" hl'.'oming mor... "en· ... tI hy thc IIl,Jie~ of Sl. Katharillt' 's We feel that this is the only right position to take.
teers awl otht'rs Ilnwng whom we num' ~rary T. \Ylltl, lik ... sllanow, e,'pry ,!ny. M~·. how they pnrish, We are confident that this day of rest will enable us to
ber friend". !rnrJ a rellitive. Tn faet we .\tlri ... nnp TonN do IHlIrsi,t in flitting from limh t'o Tht' ('oun"il nH'mhers 1If1' pointiug
eneouJ"ngc no ,icHl"t with the EstL'eIlll,.l Allu(' DOllglu~ Rt'dgwil'k limb. II ith pride to the forwnrd ~teps whi"h
still better serve our clien:ts during the week and give
Board of Dircl'tors of the ~{erion Civil' Ilinghnt of Arl'll']~- * * * ,the" hnl)y" ,'ounril of thc distri,·t has to our business ·renewed epergy. Then, too, it is only
Association eit1leT, hut we feel the ~rllrglleritc Wilkinson We do not agree' with HO!l, Bergncr. tnkl'n rluring thc first yenr of it" cx, fair. to our office assistants and our families, and above
urge to J"emurk that full credit should Yollop "ot hy n jugful. Ht' will -hll\'e n joh istenvc. .comfortahly outflttell, \cluh,
all of these cOllsiderations we know it is right from the
be given ollr Narbcrth Fire- Laddies . Geoq~e Bnn McCuteheon On his hnnds eon"ineiJlg n~ thnt the rooms in the· Lyons Building nt Arll'
who; hnvo estnllIished an envin,llle rec' ~ilh(llJett(>s of my Conlelll]Jornrics, ,Jim~n~i{ln~ of' II gllr(]en hnve nnv detl'r, more have proved quite II. drawing enrd standpoint of Sunday observance.
mining influl'nr,(> upon thl' 1('~gth of to the lII,en in their spnre momcnt" antl
ord for extinguishing nnd otherwise put' Lymnn Ahhott
Soliciting the approval and the co-operation of our
ting out. divers c.onf1ngrntion~ in the Lncly Bonntlful ho~e, 1"ron\ >our 'oh~erv'!ttion (Imd nil af the I'lOcial affa.irs hcld by thc
territory 'tother side .of Rockllllld Aye' G. A. Birminghalll there haVe hcen many) we ha\'e gn· Conncil hnve becn extremoly suecc"s, fellow townspeople on this step, we are,
n,'e townrd O\'crbrook, .inste.nd of' ig- '.'hc, My~tcry Girl, thcrerl thnt the graccful grulluation of ful. During ,the pa~t ycnr the nWIIl'
noring them entirely. Cnro]yn 'V,'lIs whatgelwrall~' i~ u~cd to 1111 hose is bership hus illcrenlll1d more than one Yours fOI' service,
It ill qui.te evidcnt thnt the worthy Trnv('l" Through the Rockil's with n the. one and only thing con~idl'redt when hundred pcr ce~i., beirig compo~ed of JOHN A. CALDWELL,
. body of :Merion .c.iviecrll Were not ~um. Poet Stephen Grah'nm it eome~ to the qucstion of settling the men from vanousl poimt,lll along the
cielltlv infor~cd on the subject of lo~ length. Mnin Line from Overbrook ,to Wayne,. (Signed) ROBERT J. NASH.
,~~~.""-,_cCa1;:l!)ire;;.prote~tlP»,,Wh~nJ]i~~)~~lfg,ll,~>• ,_" . '",. " , _ .". , •.c ' _ .•_ II. . ** * " . ,A~pIieationll o.r: still coming ,in una. ..'.
Ilted. their enmpaJgn, Owing ,to the,,'·. ~n.YD~onil B1S}iOP,;· of DUdley . "What -kind'-of'lI:'h$bllnd"-sl!o1ilI1'-I .Biahop:::It~iclt;.a,,mI,,fQr.:
;".. ::-. ,'Narberthj:MaY-1O,·1922. c - . ~ '

a c,e'rtD.bibeWilihi~ngl1 at- wo.r.d. ~Q .t!te dQywh~n ·their· COuncil

, ZOrie lIIbthod nnw il1etfeet 'the location Avenue,<week·itnd . as tlte ehOOllef
"':ilf, ti .fire·has 'eonsiderub1: to d~ ~i~h guest ol Mr~'ltnclMrs, A, ·.L Shnrp" <if tractive llic'nl:miss n,s~edus·;la8t~ek.wtllbe the large~t intlie!weiJ.tithiTd
th!!o.~dof '18 BordentowD, N. J. ..., . ~hoQBea. hU8..;Di,trict.
the ·'lI.t>Paratilll
'which We advised her not to
'. , ' f . '
' .. :
., ..
~ .. .
.. :.::
; '." • l~
.. '.
,'. " ,'"

··RCAD·;I'A;· .... ··
Two noti('l'nhlc illll'rO\'l'II11'lIt, hu\'e
rl'el'lItly 1)(,l"11 IIIn,l" 011 Hn\'ertllrd a\'!"
..._r . o~Tb..
....e or ... SIzeIa tlie
b.are World.
A . CIlES~oreL
letll tit

III By the Choir of the II llUI'.

Th,' fir"t IIf th,·~,·. i.- th,' IIl'W
P ....op..y.-COD..DUO_ to A. M. 10 ...

window whj('h ha..; llt'l'll p!nt'I',1 in:

PhU... ? .

Nurbrrt~ lJJapti6t OJ~urr~

frllllt of tIlt' otli,·" IIf tIlt' :'\'\1'1,.,-, 'I ,',1·,1
llJld Building' \lat,>rial i ·il.. ~111·'·I'~ .. r,r'4
'I' l,.,j;.,. :!,.'.::"l

St:~DA Y EVENING, MAY 28th, at 7.45 o'Clock til (', P. Cook. Thi:-- j .. :\ \'~rY ,t;1r"II'
:' q ti\I' :\dditioll til fhi", ,'ItJ'nl'r. Tht'
'H ~~ \',indll\\". i:-- ~I:-Ol'.d til dl"l~hy lh •." ;11'\11.\"'
~",: ••:".j 1'llId ... 0.1 II1Idd.lllJ.! Ill:lll'rl:11 Jl:l,1 :,1,,1 1 "'1
1 WEEK eF MAY 29
MA Y FIE LIS, Soprano 1 h i.' Ii rill,
,,"! "The Spanish Jade"
Thl' .... 1141\\ \\ llldtl\\ 11\ Ih" .... t.,,· tlq'

I: 1i ""\\'I'ark t~lla:il." :-'h,,1' ha- ,",'

KATHARINE TROWBRIDGE, Contralto !t t:tr~t'd. alld \'llfIH,ly f,·j.ll;l:. '1'1,. Il,'\\!
I LEWIS W. EASBY, Bass ~"~'~"_~ i ... Il;l··t~:':·~'

:lrr:lIll!I'IIlt'llt \l'!"," ;I].! \\ 111
MRS. W. F. KEMPF, Organist and Director 1:;\"(\ tl11' IIt'\\ I1rlJl'rit.tor 'I:. "'1 qll'III.I\- UAIN PRODDCTION START8 A8 NBA.a
" t,) oIi"I'I'I\' 'I .. ,tt,'r th,- "11'1"li,'~ ,r, ,,:', A8 P088IBLE TO 10.00 A. &I .. 11.00••.01.

Assisted hy
IRVINe; TROTTER, Tenor Ii'~:,:: -'::':';; I":':';:":""";'''::':;:; ;~,~:' .". P ....


!I; ~
, ~;
P. year ago- I" 1i==O=L=A=S=SI=F='E=O=A=O=V=E=R=T='S=E=M=E=N=T=S:=;'i

A Cordial Welcome extended to eveQ'one. COME!

almost unknllWD 11 Two eents per word If eash aeeom·
'''''''''''' '''' ,.", .:,:,,,,,,::::,,,::::,::::::,,,,,,,,,:,,,'" ,,,,:::::,,::., "::::,,,,::::,,,:::,,,,,,,:,:::::::,::::::::::;;j panles advertisement; otherwIse. ftH
eents per word. !7heGARDEN
Today-a '1 HE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I,===========!I NM~S
Nrws of tl1r Q1l1urcl1ra i WHITE MOUNTAIN CAMP f"r I.o~·"_
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister, Ilt'ar Dix"ill,' :""II·h, for AlI;{u,.t olll~·. ;
THE OLD MERION FRIENDS' 'I.illlitl'd til t\\Pl\-l' .";t1lected hoy ..... Log! Hardy
A sweeping verdict for QUALITY MEETING HOUSE, (·aI1ills; nn tI'J1t~; 1111 Ilextr3s,f; ever,,· I
\1"l'tilLj!" for .\fa.,· :!~:
~I'Jl1tgouler)' Pike. :\'ul'herth, was estab· '
~I,-t.' ,\. \1.- '~lIl1da.\· ~t·htHd. thing- furni:-ihl.')'l. Pl'r:-,oual ~l1per\"i:"i~n I
lish",i l6~~. Hl'rl' \Yilliam Penn wor·
11.1111 .\. \1. \I"1110rial 1):1." :-'1'1'1 i,'". "I' '(·""llt.\' Boy ~1'''lIt "flil'ial, with i
:\11'. '-:til :\1' ...... will dl,li\t'r th,· :--,'!'IllOI! of (':lIl1'p t'XIH'ril'Il('t Per"ullul inter, 1 1
,hipped. as wl'lI as mallY other notl'd
th"ml': .. Th,' ('hallt'ng,' frolll Fin n,kr', \ ipw:-, only,
Fril'ntls. Onl' of the historical spolS of F i 1,ld .... , Th(, :\ 1I11'l'il':l1\ Lq:illll a IHI
Edg-ar :" :'\a ... h, "'.,'nr·ote.! $12.00 per dozen
AUll'ri":l is opell for worship en'l)'
th,' \\',,",,,"', ,\u:,;(iliary \~ill

The Newpark Quality Shop

Fir"t.,la)' (:-'un,lay) mornin~ at II Ask for a list of our thirty-eight
till .. Illt·t'till~ ill a hody. 1"OR RENT-Two uufl1rui"he,1 :'oonl~
o'clock. First·,la)' Sehool hcgins at 10 varieties
LillI I), ~J. -.Jullior I':II.1t':\\'1I1" :\It'I'l :ll1d huth. :!)Ii F"rrl'st .\Vl'. Ph"lle
:\. ~r. \'isitors eordially in\'itc,\.
:::III\\' C:l~'p )
Under New Management Th" Fir"t·duy ~ehool i" h"ld ever)'
:- _1111 l' \I .--TIt 1',',' THE GA.RDEN NURSERIES
First'llny morning at teu a '~l"ek. There
is u class for adults as well as for
childrl'n, atHI we are Yer~' gln,l to have

1111111 th"tlII
P. :\1.-E\'t'lIill).:
F'or PI'
\\'lll',h i 1'. :-;"1'
:q::1 ill:-,t .Jt'SlI'"
MANICURING, ~hnlllpooilLg,
Tn'atllll'ut at hOllle.
\11'.,. ,J"nuil' Hou"toll. l'hnue. :'\'urherth MODtaomerr AveDue
MEN'S WEAR :lnyoll(' \\'ho is iutl'r,'ste,1 in knowillg
(·It ri-t ...
: "

J:!II-t·W. p:l·p)
1lI0re about our :-'ol'iety of Fril'nds and
White and Tan Pongee Oxford Shirts. collar attached, Church Notes
the Fril'ndly iolens \ isit with us. WOOD FOR SALE-Cut for fireplace.
Narberth Ta~ Service
$2.:'0 quality. at $2.00. Th t , IlItt'flllt'diatt ' Elldt\:t\ll1':-' arv plall
lli,,~ a trip til tht' "Zuo" tlli ... \\l't'}.;.. :!Jli Forr.'''t .\"1'. l'hllue :1(\0'\\'.
Good Madras Neckband Shirts. $1.:'0. Tht' IIIt'mlll'r:-- of tlit' :"'t'lii II' ;--:'Ut-it't.\·
Novelty Ties, special at 50c. CHURCH. :-:'1'I't iUTl 1'.\ ,. t'xlwl't to ha\"t' a pit'lll"
at Burlillj!tllll 1"lalloi ill th,' 111""' futLln', PAINTING GLAZING Open Day aDd Night Phone 1633
Sunday ~Iu.sses at i o'clock and 10 I'ra~'er l\1el'!ill~ ""xt \\""dllt'"I".,·
('dock. On first and third Sundays 1'\'t'liJllg. ~lIhjt\('t. Tilt' n·ll.spt'l ill I.
Fine Dress Ginghams reduced from 45c to 29c yard
I he lute ~Iass is a High Mass, ,!Illtll :\: IIi,
Oil SUlloln~', .1 Ill\(' -to th,' .ILlninr Ell'
Pllntlng and Dlalratlng NARBERTH GARAGE
Daily Mass at 8 A. M.
dt';l\·or:-io \\ ill rl'l'itt, ,It IIIC1rrlill~ \\"or:-.hip
212 Woodbine Ave., Narberth, Pa. Raymond Wei••, Proprietor
Best Imported Ginghams reduced from 75c to 48c yard
Voile, Lawn, Organdie, etc. thl' IOlltlt l'"allJl "hi,.}l "ill h,' th,' tl'xt
Phone, Ardmore-l43& W N.rberlh 1768 W
Ibe NarbertbElectricalSbop EXPERT REPAIRING
of thp ~(lr1ll01l.
NARBERTH METHODIST (,hiltlr"Il" Dll~' "ill 1)(' 1l1>"'rl'{',1 ill
236 Haverford Ave. EPISCOPAL CHURCH this Chur.. h 011 th .. II10rlling of '!UIll' 230 HAVERFORD A VB.
TelephoDe Narberth 1633
,\t ,th,' ~lel\1orilll Da.,· 1,,·I .. br:ttillll
Rev. Arthur S. Walls, D. D" Pastor
We repair, sell and install anything
1IJ0rning'. ('aptain II. t:. Electrical. Old house wiring a specialty. DURANT
~UJ\(la,", ~[n~' :;-;: ~pnrk" will "ing. keat" will 1)(' ]"('. Ask about our three payment plan in· "J08t a Real Good Car"
eluding fixtures. Phone 1633 or 395W.
9.45 A. ~1.--SundllY ~eltool. "l'rn'd fill' Ihl' AlIll'ril'an LI'J.60ll and
11.00 A. :\I.-l-\crlllllll. ,. ~"II AlIll'Ti., tlH'. "'nml'n '" Auxiliary until Ill ..;.; II'· DORAN MOTOR CO.

For a ~l'\\ Anll1ric'u," a Prt.')~~.[(·I1'· I ('1<H"k.
J>:I~' Ill .. ditat;oll. DAVIS' SHOP I
Holes and Showrooms
45 E, Lancaster Ave. Ardmore
1\,4;; ~I.-Epllllrth L ..a;,(ll...•. CAFETERIA SUPPER
JUST ARRIVED S"nke St,.Uon, Sibley Aveoue
7..1;; 1'. ~1.-'~'·I'III1JII, "lbll1:Ih 01' )[iz'
We announce the opening of a demonstration room A Full Line of
pah.' , .\ ('a fl'l ,'ria ~III'P('r. follo",',1 h~' ,Ialll" TELEPHOSE, ARDMORE 171
at 417 North Narberth Avenue. Church Notes illg. \\ ill I,,' /.:i\'('11 1,.\' th(' Ladie" .\UXili·1 Goodyear Tennis Sboes
"('o'"I"'l'atilill" II ill I", th,' to\,il" '1I'." of th,' :'\arlll'rth T,'nlli" ,\""ol'ia' 1!i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 ESTIMATES GLADLY FU~ISHED
We will be pleased to demonstrate our outfits at I hpi 1lg" tll(' tioll at th(' ('Iu]' 1II1u~,' 1111 Tu",.dll~·
any time.
11 "·I'd II t·:-..d a.\'
tlxt t'\ I'll i llg.

\'i~hth ill a S(l'll· ... IIf Pra.\"\·r :\It,t'tillg "'·"lIillg. )111." :Wth. :\1"IIll1rial !Jay. 1111,( I HARRY B. WALl.. ROOFING
t:dk~ tln " ('hri;.;ti:lllity alld ~l·r\·il"l'." all tl'lIl1i, "11,,"1,,'1", alld . fril'llI" aI":
Appointments may be made by calling Narberth 6202 LANSDOWNE AVENUE
.\lIl1ual :-'tralllll-'l'Iy F""tint! ,11111 '·'Il'IJJ:t!I." IlInt,'d. 1 ho"" III l'\larg,· of: Plumbing, Gas Fitting PHILADELPHIA. PA.
1255-W 01' 1630-W, or by mailing a card to P. O. Box \.allll F,·t .. : .11111 .. :!lId. 011 th,' Churl'h Ihl' aft'air an' )[1'''. \\'. D. H. E\·ali'. i : Coroiee, Skylights aod Ventilatinir
995. Lantt. E~ ... t'x alld Ilrin' ~\\l'~.. lH'g.illllill;.! )(,,,. II. lIartl,·.". \II'''' \Y. H, D. Hail. i and Heating . Heaten. Range- and Sbeet Metal Work
SPERRY & WARD I" ::11 1', ~1. )11'''' \\' .. J. l~il'kp:Itri<'k. ~[I'''' .J,''''''' ~.I NARBERTH PA
lIl1ni" all d :III'''' .-\. T. (.rll/.:aII . ..tlail'·: Phone, Narberth 1602-J
Radio Outfits and Supplies
CHURCH ------ BELL PHONE. Narberth 125&-W
The World's Best Varieties.

,::,, :::: I_~~~~~~~:..~~~~~- Over 200 New Dahlias.
Rev. S. D. Daugherty. Acting Pastor.
Ord!lrs ShoUld Be Placed Now.

~('n'i,"'" ~lIl101a~'
Il\(,rnillg ill th .. Y, (Ia.'" \nll pn'"l'lIt till' Olle·II,·t farn', Windlor and Conway Avea.
SERVICE· QUALITY· RIGHT PRICE , \1. ('. •\, '"I,li·t"rilllll. I.I'"h J)"IIX l:'ollrd,., \,ar .Iull's :'I[aillallx, GGTa.e Baildinll a Specially
Phone, Narberth 1861 J SUII da." ~.-l\ll,,1 "t Il.-t,; ,\. ~1. ill the au,liloriullI of the High ~ehll,)1 420 Rockland Ave, Narberth, Pa.
We handle exclusively .. The Line of Character."
n... gular ,..·ni .... at lOA.! .-\, )1. 011 Saturday ('\"t\llillg • • hIlH' 'nl, at ~.L)

o'l'1o('k, with th .. following ('n".!:

For Permanent
J)nmoieSll'il , , ... <.'lil1ltoll i-lhnw HORACE E. RUeH Satisfaction
A splendid selection of wall coverings that are the
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE I'laei,le Thorna~ :,\ll1nllillg 5414 Market Street
highest quality in each respective grade. EV~GEL Egl:lntilll' ,., , ... Ella Dothanl Roofing, Gutters and Spouting BUY A
Rev. Avery S. Demmy. A, M,. Pastor. !'lIgnrt!" .. " .. ,
,. LOlli,,1" Englllll,1
Iosl'ph D'Alonl.o Heater aDd RaDle Repair Work
Contracting 'Paperhangers
300 PRICE AVENUE Narberth. Pa.
~ervi{'p", kunduy, !lIlly ~~th, 1!l:?"'2:
!UIl .\. )l.-I'ra~'('r Hpnil'p,
All who lire inll're"te,1 ill the "lass
or th£' sl'hool ar(' i'lI·ill.t! to nttl'nd, Orden takeD Narberth 388 M. Smedley ·Built Uorne
11,4.;; A. )1.-Hulllla~' ~(·hoo1.
•• I_D_Ill_a_lI_D_D_ll_b_~_II_U_D_P>-.o .._.....r__'_"'__'''_'''''lI__'_"' '''__D__'''-.·
11.1111 A. :'\l.-)[orlling Wor"hil'. Talk PALACE THEATRE, ARDMORE, PA.
to the ehildrpn uud ",'rIllOII h~' thp pas'
Justice of the Peace WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
Week of Monday. May 29 . REAL ESTATE
Fire Insurance-Best Companies
NO HOME COMPLETE WITHOUT i.OO 1'. )l.-Ymlllg 1'p0I'I("" )Ip('t·
illg. Lpad,'r, ~li"s Eill'!'n :'\"etlhu111. i )[olltla~·. ~[IIY ~, a fir"t rUII 1"11';1'
Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
Gives instant relief and
prevents BLOOD POISON·
;A5 1'. M.-~[u"i"al SprYi,,!' ,lif"l'tpl1!":ount 1'idllrt', .Ja('k Holt iu "('all of
hy )[1'''. "'. K, K'·IIJJlf. The ('hur"h tl,,' :'\'orth." Epi:'olll' 2 of "Go (Jd Thos.A. Kerrigan &SOn
·0 ING. Also goo d for
Cutarrh and Hay Fever.
'1ullrtl'l \\ ill hI' n""i s tel1 by :'\11'. 'Em Hutl'll." Tup"da~·. ~Iay :W, Hnfl'Y
1\11', ('a 1'1'.\', ill .. :\-Iau 10 ~Iall." ('omed~':
Building and Contracting
The Healing Wonder.
W. Jnillg' Trotter, t!'nor;
Frnll('i" A clplIH'rg,· 1', Flul ist, ulI,1 Mr, "Expu"" :'\~e kh('l"iff." \'·pdU(>Slbl.V, COOK .BROS. Homes FOr Sale Or Rent
Worth its weight in gold, Chnrlp" KrPlllpr, Yiolillis1. :'Iiny :\1"t, nll,l Thur"lluy, .lulIl' I, Hi .. h,
PLUMBING, HEATING Plans & Estimates

Every Indy should keep a R.OO P. :\1.-"'('!lllestlnv-)lill w('('k arll Bllrlhl'll1Ia" in " Experien('l'," Thl" Furnished For
hottle on hund.
"I'I"\'il'l' of thp Chun·h ('on;tu('!l'r! hy the grl"utest cOIIIl'lly 1'\"('1' mude: "'I'll<' ROOFING Alterations & Repairing
Sec Circular. pustor. . Wise Duck." Fridlly, June 2, Panlille
Jobb,ng protnptlyattendtd to Write, Phone, Oa11
Church Notes E'rederieks in "Two Kinds of \\'on1<'n.'·
.SAVOL .is an ideal ANTISEPTIC, DISINFEC- 'Plaus ure heing cOIJlplete,1 to ('I'll" Saturday, .June il, Be'llty Compson ill u Nlaht PhD.. e. N...h.rtb 817 429 B:ROOXBURST AVE.
TANTand DEQDORANT. The First Aid to the In- D.~ Pho.... Narh.rlb302 j
hrute Childrell '" Duy the first SUlldny lirst run Purnmount show, "The Little
jured. Good for man and all kinds of live stock. Heals in .June. A specinl '('OIlll1littel' i" pre. :\fiJlister." Comedy: AI St. .John in
aLl kinds of Wounds, Ivy Poison and Skin Diseases. l'nril1~ u great progrum. ,Mrs. Trow· "l-lpe~fal D£'livery."
The Liquid and' Cream should· be in every Home, Barn, hridge will lend 'the singing. A host ~'f SUSPENSION I. telIbo\V
Nocollllsbeing mined In the A,u~raclte Region. We eannot
Mill and Factol'Y. Ask your dealer for this World . long :thls .suspenslon' will lllst. '. ..
of ('hildren \\'i11 ·hring their message, A little coal In your cellar will give you 11 feeHng of prJltectlon that wlll
Renowned Remedy. If he does not handle it a bottle or ([he plIstor wll1 give II Gos!,1'1 )Iessnge
1\Irs. ~cott 8<,II<1on, of MOlltgollH'ry more than counteract Rny c!bange In .p.rice.
jar will be mailed to any address on receipt of the price, ill un ohject. serllIon with the wonder
Ave.. , entertnilled lit hridge IIl1rl tt'll
50c. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded. find lIlagic elements,
On Frida)', )1 a)' Ill, ill honor (If her
sister, of 81. Louis, '1\10. 27 Yards tn Phlla·
The Church hns nppointed nnd will 8prnce HOO
THE SAVOLCHEMICAL CO. s.end the pnstor Rev. and Mrs. .\.. S. Ardmore lOt
delphia and sUburb.
at your service.
MERCER, ·PA. DemlllY ns lIelegrates to the Northern The Doran Motor CompRny of Ard·
Bllpttiii9t CoinrenHon which coil\'ene.8 ill more bu:sjust received n big shipment
FOR SALE BY IlldianapoJis,Inrlia;ln, .Tune 14 to 21. . of, Durant .Automo,biles,and can supply
,'·"·"HOWARD'S"DRUC'-sfORE" "'A-lt-Wi!ctd'ii- niit'-:regiilnrli\V:Qrship'tht'l'equh'cti!tlnfil- ot· thoi!'o ',,'110 'dicfitOt
. . . . '" ..
• ", l '

. .'.. ".'
else'where .lI,l,'einvite,d to .worship ,with "'hi. th~:purant thnt WJlS chanced ,'oar
. ~s:·· .., '. 0« by the' 'C:a'Bs,tOi Club, '~f: Arairtore. . ~
•· •• r ,
" ': . .',.,
,~.. , ., .' "" ....... l.;--. '. _.~ '.


lliscovl'rN1 at the time ad' ~cing to

Unnatural History prl'ss. ,
A B~ Variet}' of

I\It h, t hI'
--- --- Far ••1• •t
~C(l\lt:-; prt':-'l'llt ed lin l'llt(lrtniulll\'llt
th ,t MET LAST TUESDAY I B.v I'a rl'flll IHl'l'ding of IOllg flnnl'll
UNUSUAL Main Line Drug Store 1820
Member•• Army and Navy
:--U fJ 1:1",,:--1'11 al\ Ilt' 1111'1 r prt'vjou:-- at t "1111'1, ---- go]d fl,h a \·ari(lt~· has hcl'n de\'l'lopl'd --- Asaoclalon.
l,a,·k",1 hOIl:--t' alld a \ ,'r~'
Ii ,d' LO\\I'I I \"d,·-Tht'ir autIH·lItic·ity i~ llOt \\ hi,·h in !'lOnlf ' 1'1':",pf'('t8 rl'sellllol". th"
I" a \ t·f.\· Th" :---tllli' 11.'alih ( 'nUIlI' I

th lI,ia>t i,' aud 11'11,'1'.

Th.· pia.". ., .11' fry IS .1,,10, .. \\ll .... :I 11ig at
\1 t'rJ IIII 'I'll\\ ll ... hlll lIlId t h,· H'HoUgh "t i .jnlild I·d for thl'
.. t (ltT"rillg thl'1I1
\\ 11'" "'\I,'h
(If t h,'
fish. B~ takillg ,,'!I'd 1',1 fhh Ol1t
Wit t f'r f"r f"", llIotlH'nl1" I'al'll
'\ a rI"'1 1 h h.·;01 ,1- :tlllllllli llll't't III ~
(I' r 0111' t'XI·IU~1 \'1' itlll
. I
thl' tllll(\ i - "
11,,' 11,·"1:,, ,', Iltl·l.
Ill' t111' t'll t t'ft a IIlIH"llt , \\'. I.:i1lt·:I .... l1·! I :I Ilil',. :t !lpl'arJIJ yUllUg IIIltn) d:ly alld gl':I,lu"ll."
: t':, t III','


rats are really dangerous. At this time of the year

they are usually more prevalent and measures should
he taken to combat them. There are two kinds of
traps in use: spring and cage. The spring is effective
for a time until the rats get educated, and then the
cage is necessary. We have hath traps at reasonable



t hi' ,·Hil· t'lll .111.' THE DILL PICKLE \1 II1111'1~. t 1l1'1'1 \\ i II II,' 1111 !ll'l'l,.,: ... j t \.
1 tl 1,,'

.... , IIIlt
11\ \\


H\ ,'I

.. • 11'1 rY "
\'\1'\1'1' \\1111, \\lli.·\,

111,' ,""""1'111" 'I \1,1'


\\ I.
'Ir~{llll/:1111111 t'"
I,., \11'" II: Ill, I
II ~111\1'll,i 11.\
H:t\:lf.:1I1 II,d.]I. 111
1\:III ... II:III~. 1111

\'011 dllill~ :lll~'
I :11\1' II!"
lllllllli IIg • • 11111"
lill':ld hal,
::1 Ii.
\\ :1' !l1~111,\' II~' When money is desired for a new' home, improvements, children's educa.-
~'""''''"~ \I',-:I'~:~'"1111'I.:',',',~ ~"'::"'I';';"":"; :"'~"I":'I"'~:,;:I',lJ~II.:J /':.'::,.·I·~i1:I,:.
rd "'h/' :--:/'II!lIr t·):J'.... (If \:trllt'rth 11i;..:1J

jl:1 I
'I 1.' lilill
:II! "!'. ."
:, 11:1 \\ .11
"",,10\ I", ''''':
tIll' ph,\'. :I"'i It I
I':' 'I.
l. fIr "'::1, '
',',It' II:',::
a ~llill t ,"1 ;-"'1 iJlIlIl 1I1·,'d .\'11111' "'1:PIHlrt. :llld :In' hId,!
tion, investment, etc., by making regular deposits in our Savings Depart-
ill~ tlll:-- Ilollll' H:lI,t~ III ('Old, ·!
,tl/l'll~ :dk:l!i. ,lill' tlllt·d \\ it h
1 Brothl', ...
h •. ,,! t11l' :111.111'111'1' fllllli ... Iarl tH li1l1 . . 'll ", tIL 1111' \1:IIIJ L Ill' t \ ..... 1'1'1 'If ... llllllg Deposits are credited with interest regularly, and their growth is steady
_I" 111",,".01 aollllir:lti,,". I"""· \ ,-,I;,,~ ,\,"", :-"", "... :I,,", tl,,' i I'""c'·'.t -",,"' "I' II,,· ,Jill. UrigilJ:,[:' ~tllrl'. ~.lll 11,\\ l'rl'llr,\ .\\'1'1111",
and sure.
\1 1':.111'11" !'•. r"r' """ :" ~ \,11" "" I;,.,J , I"". \1:1111 I.,.,,,· ]\",,:, h I ',-",1 '11 li"11 "I' :I -1III,dc " t" .I is l" ,-, 1)'1"" Begin depositing today-at least give our officers the opportunity to
....;" Illlt . a ... tl'l' \lJ, 1. 1'ld,]II' 11. :tl111 :111·1 t 1111d \'1,1 1111:111 I ;l'irl~ IIl~t" t ... II. 11"'1'1It tlIlIP'" 1'(1] explain more fully the advantages this institution offers.
. III I';'''' t \'1';1 I .... \\ I,rl< II f t 11 " :\:, I 111'1'11 • :1 r, (" II, 111'1 t t '. ' " 11 ""t' :1 ,1" 1'1 t 1,IIi I' :1 IIII I J I '..... l1l1111:1 II i 1 :,1 ,:, I! Idlt'jlll .... ' .... Fir-: STRAWEERRY FESTIVAL.
1''''''1' 11:'- lI,t,·I't,,·tilJ~. E-
:II", , .... ,.
","l:dl\' "'0 \\ :,'" t111' f"!,Oft IIf 1}11' t'lli
... 11:t I I' 1'\ III II ... ".... :11 . . 11 '"1 ,,11.. I' r 11\1'", :,11 II III
,.... 111' II :1 Illllll.t'lil 111' 1'11'lIly
m~r flrrion WUir al1~ IDrusl QIompuuy
;1 III" .. t' l!lt It,,:tllh ('ollll' I I 'fliT 1I It':' h:ll1' \\ '1, TlIl' 1111111 111:111 1'1'1'II\'t'l'p,1 11 j ... Thl' L:ldi~'", I .\ic1 ~{ll·it't~· :tIe gi\ il~i!
: illl l '\" 1'1111tl, ... t fill' tht' Ita ... t ~'I ar \\ lli,·!l
I "I,",,·. 1:"I,[tll. 1,"1 II i... 11111111 \\ :1'" III \'1'1' il ft I r thl,il' ,\11/111:1] :-:'tra\\lll'rr,\' F., ... ti"al Fri
\\ ;,'" '" till h\' ~1'llU1 ,J O~t'l'h :--:-11,"dt'r. 1... 1 11,.. "':Illll'. '1'111' 1111lJ'(' lllOdl'l'lI d:t:' l'\ ll1;Il~. • 111111' ~lltl. \111 tilt· la\\11 nt
Ptii'l'. a gllll'l folliltaln PI'II :11111 g,dd 111 '11 th" ~Iplho<li,t J-:1,i"""I,a\ '·hllff·h. I'll""
\ I' r~: llJ] \\ ~l'" lI";I'd :1'" :t \\ 1':1I II ill - 1I:--1I :dly
,...... t:t!I. ('lllIil' :\11. 117. ga\ I' :\ Illll ... l Ill-
f'll. prl':-'l'tltl',1 b~' ,rill. ~. HC}\\Hrd, of llllrkt'('II('I'" in thl' nn,1 E!'!'('x Aves.
'1'1 I' ... t ill.:': 1"llIlIt HI' nil' \ \ t l l k Ill' th,' Idr"Il",i\ I'. 1'1'\\
11"",alol's Prllg :-,tor<'.
l.alll'. ~J1d Priz\'. a t·ut\·lu'r 's ~1()\'1'1
.\1h.'rt"l1 H.
Tlllll'II'\llu"''''' (·Iill:'·. 1)1'. )til"'" 1I11·'ltiOllt·,1 rUlIgllr'1' di:--11 il'l:-: \\ 1'1'1' t'\ t'r \\ ithout :\
(·"11 \\ il\ fill<l '·:I,,<Ii.,-. I,,'allllt-.
tll:l! thl' ... llIall 11111l1}1I'f of 11111I'fl·U!o ... i:-- pro1.'I·tillg- 1ljc'kll' \\ithill 1"\':II·h. :\fany to.,' hall()llIl'l Hnd otllf'r tilings (If ill
We have a Large Stock of LAWN
1'r<"l'ntt'oI Io~' ~Ir. B.'rgll.'r of th., B.'rg ~tra\\hl'rri('",. ie'l' {'ft'HIII and I
IlI'r l\arol\\lIrt' :-ltoft, of :'\arhl'l'th. HIlIo
l.a ... 11'110111'11 III I.II\\t'r :\ll'l'iIIIl To\\ JI- l'alloll'" \,ht'll IJIlIIt'r tht' itltlll(,lIl'l', lid'"
I ....

... hip illdi('at,'d tllat all thl' "nSt':-- W{'ft' tllok


tIlt, g-n~\'Jl lllllS:-- fur food, frolll ('al,t', n11 for :t!) (·('lIt~. lIollll'Tnadp (·ak., I MOWERS and GARDEN HOSE
I'rt l'a1t«'Il, ;~d Pri7.p, n .Junior 1I11'11I11('r·
,hip ill lh,' Xllrh,'rth Tl'nnis Clnlo, 1'rl"
Hut h"ill~ IlrOl1J!ht ttl 11lt attl'J11ioll (If wl,i"h l'radi,'., all IIlIhol,v al'pt'tit" "a' l
at thot. I
thl' prlll"'r autlll'litil", alld IIrg.'d that "f('a11'11 \\ hic·h 11(1 othl'r T1ar('otir Pfluld Don't forg('t thl' <lilt." III'xt Friday ..
When you need aame, come to aee You will
-1'lItC'11 loy ~Ir. tr"ra.·" K"ItJ1't,,", of 11\11 .Iull" 2n<1. 6.:10 P. ?>L
thil" Ill:dft'r ht' gi\"'11 l'uldi'·lt.\". Thf' sati,fy. Thl' pi,'kl,' hll' ne\'er bel'lI
aave money
.\ "1111 Road. pr"gralll of th .. :-itatl' ll"l'"rtllll'nt of :-<1l1'('1':",:"f\lll,v tlOJlH ' HtlC·:If('fl. n:- its lif,' ill
Th,' ~IiTl,trC'1 show Wl'llt off like a 1I.'alth i, tu ,'art' fur the hOl'l'ful <,ust's "aparity is short.
profl'ssioTial IlI'rfornutnl'e, There W:lS ill the I"tatc Hallatoria allil. thl'rl'fort',
Tlot a hitl'h and lots of good jok"s an.1 thl' 111'1',1 for the County Tuberl'ulusis THE GLOW WOBJl/l
CLEAN···SAFE···WHOLESOME He Ricklin's Hardware Store
,,,ngs. Rrout A thl'rton Lane, a' in· "I)!'pital for ol1\'lIIII'ed ,'a"" is "ery Ilr- 1t ha:, bl'l'n but rel'clltly disl'over('d OUR PRODUCTS ARI! GUARANTEED
terloC'utor, hall,Ill'I1 his part '" an 0111
gent. that thc Glow V'orm i, the cause of UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
timer. Mis!' Hl'll'u CoIl' ('artl'r, EXI'(·utiv .. thl' I'arly dl'lIIisl' of I'lectrie light bulh,.
Eat.b1iahacl U1Z .
1'anl Longle)' in sillging •• In I"unny HI'C'rl'tnry, l!an' a rl'l'ort of the ",ork While the 1'!t'''l'r mallufo.<:turl'r Iot.s co'"
Tl'nnl'ssl'e," 11ill "I'ry well. Although 1I1'1'0mpli,hC'd hy thC' Htatl' lll'alth COUll' l'fl'll thl' 11111111.'nt \\ ith a protecting Pasteurized Milk
Bl')'lleIO~~lkCerll"ed WEST PUlLA.
it "ould bl' notil'e,l that it "as his cil during thl' year. Contrihu1ioll' "er.. bllll. of glIlSS. thc more e1l'\'t'r in<l'(·t.
tir.t I'xpl'ril'nr" a' hI' \I a~ a littll' IIt'r· mlltll' to tl](' Fly ('ampaign. Thl' I"eal h.,' tllrlling till' light fill', is .'na,hl"d (PedrlelieSoelety) OVERBROOK IUS South Third Street. Philadelphia
\·ous. Sale was eonduf'\I'd an.1 it wa:, \I'ry 10 rt'al'1, th., filallll'nt an.1 to .'xtral'! Speelal Guerasey .. M MERION
M.mben Pbil.d.lphi. Stack Ezcb....
H"lot. RIlSs ~al1g "'V.,.'1' :'\0 ~Io!'e." succe,sful. .Iue to thl' c'o-o1'I'ratioll of ("Oil! it thl' .,l,,<'tril' jui('". The juicC'
(Roberts'" Sbarpless' BALA-CYNW\, D We Sugge.t-
:111.1 wa' \'.'r~' w,'ll al'pll1udl"l. the whol" COlllmullity. Tn .Ianuary th" III'ilrg ,jig-htly pUllgcnt makes the wurll' Dairies) NARBERTH
{'ar!".lJll }{lIight, n!'i an elHl ll1H11, was Intl'r.RtatC' J}air~' (·ouIll·i] signifi.'d its g!nw l·ontl'ntl'll1~·. hl'JlI'1' it nanH'. Tho,e
Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
Empire Gal & Fuel Co. 7~1 @ 98~
"'Ilnpp~' and hi:, :'-llllg-." You Bon," WI'llt ",i\lingn ...-s til fnrllish lIIilk frl'" :llld to atll·llll't.illgtll rai,,' 1'1.'1"1 "i., lig-ht plant-
Table _d Whlpplau WYNNEWOOD Metropolitan Edilon 6a @ 99 %
off likp /I .. h:lm\. Will' \V'llllllllak.'1' ":IS ('o-opI'ratp \\ith th.' H1·tt., JI"lIlth >h,,"ld .. r.. ..! >ign_ H'adillg: "Thi" Cream.
tlll'f1' with hi, jok,'~ a, lIsllal. :111.1 ('olllH'il in Illal,iug a tll'IIHll\:.,;fl'a1illJ1 of lig-ht otlt lIf ordpr." iIlIIllPdiat\II,v aftt'f Liated and Unliated Securitiea Bought and Sold
\\ ~l"" all old tinH·r.
... }l 0 \\'1",1 htl Ihl' 111'.,01 allol ,allll' IIf \'lItritioll WlIl'k loI:,"tilll! th .. ],1I1b.
.In"'('l'h :--:'11,vdl'r :tHo !""ll()\\f'd hi' \\:1:" ill fhl' Hllhllrl'all 1'1I1>1i.· :-'.. h""ls.
1111 old tilllt'l' n:-- :111 f'lld 1l1:lH. :III" ... allg
Th., (;JO\\ \\"onll,
'1'111' \\I,tI., illtl'llig-"lIt. ,- \'.'r~· gllllih!l'; III'
lIa,·.'rfnro! '('1'\\lIship :",·h,,,01 Hllarol \\:is \\:1\ 1" aol lh.' -igll :11101 tlll'lI \\itll a sic:h
45th and Parrish 5ts.
"Tht ' ~hl·ik," \\ith n lot .If iJltl'ft· ... tpd ill 1hi:-- :Il1d llli fhl' 11:I ... i ...

H")l('rt' I'al t "II Ii iHt III ,fj rt" "i lI,h r,lI of 1111' f'HIHlitioll' fOl1lld nll'H', th,'
work \\:1:-- he'gllll ill tIlt, :"'1·11,)111 .... <"]a ...... I' ...
\l lI 111" l'llfrl'llt

Narberth Register
Two Linea, IOc per iaaue; Sc for each aJditionalline
:lfl~ Jlll\\ Ill'iJlJ,! ,·oIItI1l,·11·d 1,.\' 'I j ... :-- .fl·:I11
1l"I'''lt 1',,11.'11 1'111 hi, j,,!,I'- "n"" o-:--tnf\t' " HllitllHi 1,\

\('fV distin~'11v, and ill :--itlJ!illg hi ... "'Oll~,

I'tll' Hli". IIr thl' ]'1'1I11-"I':llIi:l Ht:<1,' 111· ... :--illli tll· h-t":ld :ltld altrlli ... ti,· f(l{'t
('ollp,!!t' E\tf')ll-i(lll ~e'l'\·i(·('. at ('1II':-:'111I1t g-l·t ... it 11:101(' 1'1'0111 a )l(lptllnr llfand Ilf
hili I ,\'.

For Bowling and I .-\C('Ol·:"TASTlS I KISIH:IU'AICTE:"

·'r)apPt'l' 1):1;1." ;'\·I'r.\' \\Ol·t! ,,;l'" til . . ·
1 1I,·tly 1III,I"TSt"",!. 1\,,\\ar.1 \'"Ill'!tl' a~
\\0101 H,·h",oI; an,1 ],V ~[i"" .\111'."11 ('1111111. "i~:tf('ttl'~, JlI'oh:tldy hI'C'Htl~t' IIf tlit' t\\ n
Pock et Billiards
I tt I
I '~'o~~'ar Ave Phoop, l'\arberlh 16lli·,I.
Keirn. H, C. Certltlt'd Public Aecountan~.
I :-;
all H, K. Public Accountant 303, \II •• Zenlmll~'!,r'ij Kindergarten,
\Y. ,·or. l,:ss"x nnd Windsor aves.
:Ill l'lld 1nall wa:-- \ ('r:,' funny alld ~l1r·
of thl' IlIt.'r·statl' ]lail'~' (',,"n"il, ill th., h:t\ illg a :.-iIllilaf artlllIH-ll~-t'd :t~ a
Oakll'"l1t :11101 Llalll'!"'h H.·h,,,oI,.
I ~O~ Dudl.. v Ave. Phone Narberth 300·". I 1,lIro~· ..'ohn. ~tl ENS'" ,,,·e. Phone 1245-R.
Ilri!".l'd t'\ {'ry 011(' tht' WH.\· hI' handlt'll Ilt"a ... t of llllrdt,tl 111 :--lllllt' ('utllltrit' ... nud come to the .\I:TO~11I8ILE" I'hlla addrt'NS. Lint'oln Hhlg.
I'lIt..... Flel"h..r W, 41:1 Haverford ave.
hj~ !"ong-. . . Lt'a\'t' llU' with a ~llIilf·." ~li:--~ ('}Iillll nHlch. a 1l111,.. t illt(lr,,~till~ as n :,-i~1I of thl' 1illlt
l ill tlli:--, tht' 1alld l
:", ·/loran ~Iotor ('0 .. Ardmorc. Pa. I'hl,nl' 3i~- W. Phllu. IIddress, Crozer Bldg.
~e ...llspln,· adn'rttst'nll'nt tn thIs Issue.
II"uald Bro\\11 wus iUIIIII'I1'I'. Ilis .i"kc- rc'I"lrt of tht' progr.,-" oil' thl' \'lItn' "r thl' -pr.,,, !tnd th" hOllll' 111' 1h" I·ra'·.'. RECREATION ROOM S8rberlh GBrlllre. PhonC' NurbC'rth 103:1. 1,IOJlTIS(. . .IXTURE8
see display adnrllsem"nt In this IssuC'. ."I'I'onold. John. Nurberth phone. 1288.
,n'rt~ g-f1fH1 and thp IHlp h\l put illto hi~ tion \\ork ill thl' Llaller"h alld OUIUllollt
No.1 Forrnt Ave. :'\orherth 8UN Line Gara"e. 10i Essex A \'1'. 1.-,:::\ Chest. st., Philo. Phone Spruce 3138
,oug ., E\'I'r~'hl(l.,· I"!<'p,' I hrought thl' ~C'!IO(lls. HI,,' olltlilll',1 th., 1I",tlw.l, thllt THE LOUNGE LIZARD :-;I't' dlspla~' advertls.'m.'nl in this Issue. .
house 11.1\\ II. Thl' ('horus was I' s l",,'ially are bl'ing us('d to IlIl1kl' plaill to 'IH:dl A(;TO~IOlnLE SER"){'E MEAT8. ETC.
..\ "Iipp.. r.,·. slilll~' ullill1al with a hen II' C. L. PARKE I ('otter, Howard I'. PllOne 1298.
gooll. ]11 f,,1'! the .. utire sho\\' \\a, a I'ltil<1rl'lI rull's for good hl'alth, Hh.' tifu! ,kill 1I1111 n 10llg wild tall'-in' /lonahne. Patrick F. Phone lC>33. < s"" <llspla)' ud\'t'rtj~""H'nl In tbls Issue.
Sloe dlspla~' ad"ertlsPluC'nt in this Issue.
told that a~ a n':--llit thl' H\ {'rngf' for ftl~ts thf' ~oft 'Slll111~' !'potl-'-i~ ('nlIJl(ld RARER\' MILK ASII CREA~I
thl' rlnss ill g-ain hilS ,Iouhh',] thnt for 1o~' thp s"'''leI of IIlu,i,' IIr thl' 1"lIttll' 1I,.lt~· Swe..( Shop. Opposite stntloTi. IIl lC hllljid ~)alrlei' Inr
Illlrillg th., ""I'lling ~Ir. E,lw, 1". 1Ia",s
1'1."1'1'1'.1 liP 1111 fh., plntfortu all.1 1'rl'- norlllal ,·hildrl'n. .\\1 of th",1' ..Jlil,lrl'lI of (·oill-i,.. pa~... il:,· donl('~1 ie~atl'd h."
Wl'rl' mort' than In pl'r 1"'111. ullfll'r' trusting fC'!lInll's. I,ut ollly fill' short U
rara - M!;Ginle ~
1708 lie 1710 Ludlow S1 Phlla. ~
:-,(->e dlspln)' n<l\"ertitwJflPnt tn thts tssne.
In thIs Issue.
l't'" display ulh'erllsl'lIl.'nl In this Issue.
,,'ntl'.1 :'\1'Ollt ~I:l,tl'r FrI'.l ('. l'attl'n \Ierlon Till.. 8: TruNt ('0. PhoTle, Nnrb'tb 398 ~IUI'IC
with n h('autiful \\nllet. fillish.'" ill ,"lid Wl'ight. ]11 ad.1ition to tIll' "onrretl' nll.1 il'regulnr intl'T"als, Lik., th" 1IIOs· Be II t bon.; Spruc. 38·96 .nd 38 97 S"., .llsplu~· ud,'erl isement In this Issue. .'nc.kson. Anne. Vioiln Instruction.
gold with $]25,00 ill onl' of tIll' Iltll'kt'ts cln,ss work. n I!,,"ernl iutl'fl'st in hl'nlth '1uito. it lI,a~' ha\'c ~oml' '''I' in this Key.ton. Pbone. R.c. 70-14 BUILDERS T .. lpphone Nnrberth 3HI·J.

GARAn teed Roofs

has hel'n cr.. utcd throughout the ~"hool" \ alll of te-ar!".. hut tha1 1I~(1 hH~ Hot bl'(lll Bottomo. ('eo. W. ,Phone. Nurberth 1256· W. 1.000. »-annJ' H. Plano t"aeher.
for his devotl'tl ~I'rvi<'l' to the Xnr!wrth ~I'I' di8pla~' ad"ertlsemenl In thl.s ISSIll'. l'tudlo. Y. M. C. A. HlIlg. PhODl' 316·J.
Boy Srout Troop for the pnst fi\'.' Dr. Hohl'rt ..\. Fol'h11's", Assistnnt til Thoo. A. KerrllrBn 8: Son. NOTARY PUBLIC
~·ears. The gift was madl' hy 'e\','ral the l'h~·si('ian·in·Chil'f, n"partllll'nt of l'el' display ad\'l'rtiseroenl lu thIs Issue. .Ielferle•••J. H. 111 Narberth ave.

:f~~?~:~~~~::i::~I:;;e~~ ~;~I~~~~O?~;,e.1 :f~~~~~,~g1~~t~~ik2"~~:::ln:Ye~ve.

Narberth Contracting Co.

. E'S
Puhlic WI'!fan', Philadelphin. anel XII-

citizens of Knrbl'rth who havt' nppl'l'ci·

ated his faithfnl Sl'r\"icl', :Mr. l'nttl'n trition Fielc1 Physic' inn of thl' fo'taff of 'Phone Narberth 1213-W \

. I A''1 R'
. . I'
was so surprisl'<1 thot he was unahll' to thl' Phi1a,1"lphia Hl'alth ('ounl·il nn,l . CANny. ETC. 1'1111111' Nurbl'rtll 1202·\\,.
Cement, Stone and Brick Work
SRy anything, hut the llIlMen('" ,·onl.1 Tulll'r('ulosis ('Ollllllittl'l'. gn\'(' :In :111- IIn\·ls. II. E, Phone 1204·\\'. . llPTICIANS
dres' ou tlll' work of thl' l'hila,lclphill Excavating, Grading !'I'l' displaY advertlsclllent in thIs Issue. \ .... nloll. ('arl »'.500 Essl'x nY. Phonl' 638-W.
!'ee how milch he Ilpprl'l'iat"d th .. gift.
HClllth ('oUTlC'i1, <11'nlillg I'spC','illlly with Lawns Mowed
I CARPENTERS AND IIULIlERS l'hll'1. add .. 1~11 Cllt'stnut st. Spruce 7797.
Zelllmn~·er. J08eph. 1500 Locust st., phl1a.
, .Jenklns. Cbao. L •
.:'\utrition Clnsses.
~'I'ars ago, thl'
Ono :lJIII Oll['·half
l'hilll.ll'll'hia H"alth (Bruah or Spray) D I
103 DUdlecyoaAvL'" AIN'hDon:olK68E4.
'- :'\ewborll'. "·m., PAINTING
& Co. 212 Woodbine ave.
Pholll' Nnrberth lillS·W.
Counril 1lI11.I(' a .1 .. lIIollstrlltion of thl"I' All Kinds of Cleaning MILK AND, CREAM Sarberlb ('oal 8: Bulldln" :IIat. 1"0.
\ S.'!' dlspluy udverlisl'ment In this I,sue.
:-;"I' Illsplay odvertlsement In this isotic
Wnher, I·'reel.

Say, dill you go to thl' (;onN'rt 'I'Ul'S-

cla~,l's, followillg thl' plnn or Dr. Em·
I'rson. of Boston. ~rll!'" Today, as a
Lawns Cut, WaJIs Scraped
758 LAN CASTER AVE. S .. wton ('oal Co. I'houe Ardmore 104.
; S.'e dislllay ad"ertlsl'ml'nt In this Issue.
IIi Wlusor live. Phone 124i·J.
George Alexander BRYN MAWR. I DENTISTS nO~'d, lIora..e 8. 313 Meetlug Honse Lune.
uay nightf 'Vhllt I'oncl'rt~ You Hre result (If that <1C'!Tlon,trution. then' nrl' Telephone: Bryn Mawr 282-J llrr. Ill'. A. L. 101 Elmwood av. Ph. 3\13· \\". I'houe 35(1.
behind the times! Why, the Elm Gil'" eighty ,,·hool llUr,I" hC'ing trainl'll to 53 PROSPECT AVE., Bryn Mawr Phone, Bryn Mawr 882 Phlla. PhOIH' 1"l1b..rt 4252. Keltb Bldg. '~Iarohall Compan)·. COTitractlug Paperhang·
Club Concert, of course. It WHS l!Tl'n t . take 0"1'1' thl' Xu1ritioll work ill thl' IIr. J. s"hembs, Jr. Phone Narberth 316-W. I'fS. :lOO Price Ave. Phone Narberth 1661·J.
~. E, Cor. Gl'ayilnlC and Windsor aves.
.. Professor" Stanley lind those hays Phih1l11'Iphia Puhlic i"l'hool,. This will 1\ \
Office 'Hours: Tuesday, Thursday. Satur- I'HOTO PLA \'8
r dllY. 930 A. ~1. nntll 5.30 P. M.; !\Ionday. "AreadIll." 16th 'und Chestnut sts., Phlla.
in Mr. Bailey 's cla~s surC'ly 111'~I'rVe llIeaTi approxillllltl'ly thrl'l' huudrl'll ,I W"dnesdaY. Frldo~', (I P. M. until 8 P. M. l'1''' disJlla~' adverlisellll'nt lu this Issne,
IIr. ~I. I'" MeDuO'"", 209 Havl'rforll ave.
eredit. They. did 80me mighty lilli'
singiTig. Thl'Y had ~01Jle outside tHlellt,
groups of chiIt1r('n. All IIl'propriatilln
of $i'iO, ha~ hl'l'n ma<ll' hy t h,'
An Important Office. 044·U. House. 32i·.1. Honrs: 9 I'I,\SI) TUSISIl !\ND IlEPAIR8
li.. ~1.·5.30 1', M. E,·e. by appoilltment. 1'llll1o TunlnK anel PIa~'er Pianos.
DIlI::GGISTS ('corK" ,\bele. Pbone Nurberth 1255·J.
t.oo,-~h. Walter Hnrshaw, bllsso. 'Hng.
The folks eou1<ln't enl'ore him enou~h
City Counl'il to the Philadelphia Health Development lIoward'.. Pholle 126i. I'LU~IIUSO; ETC.
('ouncil to ma intaiu Call1l' Happy, n 8ee dlsplny advertlsement In this Issne. ('ook IIroN. Phone 302-J.
to suit thl'lIl. I heard someone say thnt cllmp rim on stridly 8cil'ntifi<, lines to in Building Main Line Drug stor.... Phone 1620. B"l' dlsplo)' o(!I'erlisement In this Issue.
See dllrpla)' advertlsemeDt In this Issue. WaIl, U. B. Phone Narbertb 1002-J.
it was a good thing the Churl'h win compll'te thl' work in thl' Rehool Nu·
dows Were open, or he'd bust out the trition Cla8~l'S, by takiug the children Construction ELECTRICIA:"8
Cas... W. O. phoDe 3!1lj.W.
See displaY advertisement ID tbls Issue.
walls! Thnt's the kind of a voire he wbo ha\'e not made their nonna1 weight See dlsplll)' od"ertlsl'meDt In tbls Issue. Frltseb, H. C. Phone 252- W.
Pu"h, '·erl. 225 lona ave. See displaY nd\'l'rtl.ement ID tills Issue.
has. Mrs. MeGllrvey, Soprnno, sang and kl'eping thl'm in the couutry during Nar. phone, GOO- W. Ard, phoDe. l03·J. Nash, Robert J. Phone Narberth 1710.
chnrmingly. Mrs. George ~rerritt DlI v- the snnuner. This camp will ar<,om·
is furnished an entertainln~ bit, to th. modntl' five llUn<1red children all till' These Blocks are \Vaterproof, Sound Proof, Non- ~1l'1". Earl E. Phone Woodland 4103-R. RECREATiON
iOO S. 52nd st., Philadelphia. Pa. U....r ....tlon Iloom. No. 1 Forrest a\'l' ,
program in the way of realliug. And time. The J'olie~' of the Philadelphia Conductiyc to Heat and ,Cold, Labor Saying and Non- HARDWARE See displaY ad"l'rllsement ID tills Issue.
~Iiss 1'he1111a Bates, of Camden, the Hl"alth ('ouncil is to dl'l1Ionstrntl' whut . Breakable. They are ideal for stucco, and nails hold Bl'rll'ner lIard ware Co•• 211 Haverford nve. RIDINIl ACADEUY
snme. can be done in a eommunity and then perfectly. May we suggest that you call and see our· See dlsplli)' advertisement In this Issue. David Odell, Belmont Track, Riding les-
Illeklln. H. 203 Hllverford aYl'nue. sons. Saddle Horses to hire. TeIephoDl'
One of the I{ay's il\ thl! Knyl'l'l'kny turn the work over to the JIIunicipa1 or exhibit?
See dlspI8)' advertisement in this Issue, N h th 12D7
Trio was unavoidably detained, hut Atate authorities.
INSURANCE ar er ' ,'.
Bowman, Ssmuel P, (Life.) ROOl'-ING, ETC.

the duet was top-not<,h. 116 Elm\\'ood ave. Phone 653- W. Gara.3IeGlnlllY Co. Pbone 1258· W.
'l'rotter B1'os, (Fire, etc.) See display advertisement In tbls Issue.
And I must not' leave out a word IIf 200 Woodside ave. Phone 1262.R. 3UUer, JohD A, 243 ronll ave. Phone 66t-.T.
prai~e-·f.or,iMrs •. Prof."i,-tiie . IUleoril, : <M·Iss Peg. B~rrell-attended..a.IWleheon. '
J'~NARBERTI1::. ' .PENNi\.~· ...•... J;t
'-Cliinl)1iilU;-?ftDIt- Do - Auto%nobt1~, Fire, ete, . 8bOll, 246 - Haverford· ave.· Phone 122lI.J'.

. p'nnlst of tho ev~nlng.

. it W!lS ~ieed that" a good time
at··the hOIne of her ·slsterln·law, 'Mrs;

R. Newfon Brey,of GerInllJltD~n, IM~' . . '- " , '.~."
: l~ •
..~.. , .... ,... , .. , . '-
, 4 Stuart, ave, . PlloDe 3911·n,
WllIlWn G, Hop!!1lI' •. Son.,
See dlal)lay advertlse!llent·ln tbls issue.
Oood WetU' Shoe Repair Shop,
Con.tantlDe, D. 0, 2112 Haverford ave.
Phoile Narberth 171l6-W. •
had. by . all, II' . ~hursd8.y~ ,

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