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July Fourth, ~ffair Narbe~th ~al.l TeamlTbeFlRESIDE Big Public l\lass Meeting IS
.. Succeeds I~ SpIte of HIts Stnde, If Called to Discuss the New
Prospects Are Bnght jf)! 1 Ha.., ,·j,lIl1 al tllda~' Fi,·ld.: ~ll1li':'1I School BUl'idl ng e

I (.'eco/l/,I IJ/1/j' 1 Tl'CtOl'1J :--1I111 II ."1,,. ::-t !"alTOI'd "'. :\"lIrh"rth.

Excellellt }'/rl"7(.'or!u Are $f JJ (, nt, I' .J
-------------- H"dy (iWyIlIW, lit' (",II .\llali alld
Sho'wJI 1Jl E'veJliJJg Tllf' \'arht'rlh tt':l11I
Jill .. \\ 1"0 '1'1'111 Ih" ~Ih "ith
\\tlil :t~ :-:1'\'011.1 Illif'll:11,ls, 'laxpayt'r {lIlr!lJarfllt Sholl/t! Attelld
}1 '''''O)11

.\Iaill LillP I.(':q.~'\Il' \ iell1r.'" fill :--:ltt. .IIlI.\" t h" (''':. I 1'11111, ,,! 1:2.~ ('ht':--! !Iut .\ ",'.,
:\ 11 htlllglt r:l i II Ill:! rrt·d. a IIlI lit':! rly l~', 111':lrillf.! :--:t 1':11)"'11 II II." :1 ~I'llrl' uf 1"1'111rllPd IlCHIlC' 11"1 \\·l'dllt'sdr:y. aCt'OlJl- Gatherillg·. J\"cxt J/rit!ay 1\ liht at 8choo/
Jlrl~\I·IJrl·d altllgl'th,'r, thl' Indt'jJI'lldl'lH'P 1~ ltl d . .11,fTl'ri ...... J1iti'hill~ for :\:tl" I'all i"d I,.,· ~l ;," ,1"'"1 ('hnlfallt. \\h"
J)a.,- 1'1,lt,llrari(l1l ill ;\arllt'rtiJ, tllo""t' I,nth. I"t ~tr"tf"rd .10\\11 "ith ollly \\ ill sp"lld :-:Olllt· titlH' ;11 th"lr 1'01Iag" 11I1i/t!i,J!{
\\ lit 1 :11 t I' III It,d \\ I" 1'1' IIIl alii IIUlll:" ill ,-, It :: hit...: ;llld ;: 1"1111:"\. "hilt' hi:" tt'HllIlllall''l'- j'lI t "wat H i\"\·r.
illg 1111' :lf1':,ir ;1 ~'ll·I·(·"""'. :11111 ill I'lilkilig Illl~llldt'd \"nld"lt 1'111' I:: ""Hft>til'''' ~llld Tht' gradua 11.,- i 1I('1'.·:I .... i II~ lat· k Ill' fllrd ~(·h\}ol 1':1(' i Ii I il':" for :'If.'\ ('1";11 .\ I'" roo:
fOr\\:lrtl til 111 hi'!' ..... 111·11 ~Hfltl·l"ill~- .... 111 I:.! rllll:--. (lit·kil·· [lit I ill~ :111(1 tl,t· \I r. :<1101 ~II-. ". .1. :\(·\\",,11 alljl ""'llll. . . ,·!lolll ;l('I'IlIlIIlIHtI:llitln~ ffll' tilt' dlildl'l'II; 10 l'Ufll\', T1I(' ('OHlIII!lllit,\' 1'111.":':1'01111.1
flit III'" y,.:t ! .... pill'ilillJ.:, of .JI'I1'I'ril·1'1':lt\lI"l'd fiJI' :\ar .1;11' k, lIt' (hl':-I!: II :\ \ t'lIllt·. :Irt' ')II'IJll of ='arht'rth... i:-: thl' (':111:-'1' (If 111~1I'h l·tlll [H:Illt·!" !lB .... 1111\\ al""o ht'I'1I :-I·ttkd :lllll
I'hl' (",·I,·J"·:11 ilill ";I'" ullil·jall.\" (1)11'11"'.\ 111'1'."hill' th l • hillili;.! Ill' IInlllIlIH' ff'a II/l~ tlll-' fll(l/lth :ll \ t I:t lit ;,. I 'i t .". l'I'fll 1t1 lllall." pal'l'llt:-: alld 1IJI' BHard (If flint ]t':I\(':-o tht' Board 1'1'('1' let 11I1'att'
Itt ~ 00',·111I"\.; \1 .. 1•.\' till' r:ti~iJl.~ 111' tlln·,j f"r t~r:dT"rd. ~l'hool 1>irt,('tlll'~. \l11\'I~ III;t."
1111' Flag
L." Ihl' ~:lrllt'rth Hoy ~1·Ollt~. ".\ (WI·:I:TII I \1 r-. II. I). \I:,·(lllilill alit! II:lll~111,·r. "(,hi, i~ Ilnrlidl!arly tl'l11' til' t!l(, t'le-

111'\\' IllIildill:,! th:tt
Ilppll. 1111 fh(,
111't':--1'1l1 alhlt,ti,'
"hil,' 1]", loa",1 I,b.'·'·d tit .. Star
glf'd H:tlillt-r. Till .... \\:1 .... f,,j)IJ\\"d
;11 " r. "1
" a I' f I},·gg.,·.
(111,.". ()!lill.
:11 j' \ i:--it lIlt! fl"it'lId"" lit ~1 ,,,wh,'" J11('ntary
:':'I'adl'~ of

w"il·h ""ft'
lllll:" a\oidillg
IJt'l·t, . . "'il.\r
1111 1'1'0\,.,1

:..'.1.-, Ily n haltd l'lllll'I'I'I, \\llidl t'OIl !li,·!\i". "I during th(' ~1'h()ld ,\'1':11'
,ill:-t (·IIl:-iI'c1. T1H' l,rlllll'lty III ""I Hilt' /lfht,!, 111I":llillll 1"11'
1 illlll't! 1111 I; I ;i.i lll , \\ h(,l1 t 111' 1:11"1':- \\ 1'1'.' •1 1I
i .\ II I'll.
1 I' ,'1 :I1111l11'1I1 \\:1:-0 gj\ "11 tllJ
I·'rJ. ~all1e ~radt,1"
will hi' (Ill part tilll l ' I'll!' I·itill'!' ~c'lll1td '01' athll'ti,' fit'''l II1Ir!t1l~t "".
. Lq,:lIlJ. H:lilt llllt"llrlll,llafl'!Y illll'lft'lf"! .Idr",·ll· ... I'.
" III da.\· . .fllrll· ::PtlJ, 11.\' \"il'~illia Ey1'(1, and nnnt"l'" .'"('ar or :11 If·a.~'t IIlttil :Iddit'illll I Illall'" h:t\'t' ).1'1'11 JlI"l'II;II'l'" flll :, 111'\\
:t~ fbi:, 1 illlf' alld til,' 1'1lt·'· ... h:l,l 1.1 ht' '""'it 11. 11,. II II [I: .11':111 ~t;l/d(·:- fIJi till' hl'lll'lit of til,' :11 hllildill~ is 1'1'11\idl'd. Til" ""t·hOllltllllildilq.! ;llId ... ll!lltlitt,'d til :t f, ,\ 'li-
1'\I.. . llllllll·ll 1111lil ;1 1:1111'1" .1:11,'. BIll'll;';. ".
111ll11Jll11'it, ....
" (I: II "L 0111.,' II",,'t,. Th,,'" takill!.: purl ill h:ls grfl\\ 1I ht'Y"lld ,III' l'IIIl""jll illll 111' 1/.1'11:- fill' \111·]:lllill;JI'.\ ill:--l't'I'l ilJ1:. :'1)

J 'Iif ill~ till' :d't l't"lltllllJ till' alr;t l' l>l"

F:,·,'k. If.
" :: II lLI' 'lll":tl 1I111ltlwl' .... :llId rl"':1atitlll:- \\1'1'" :IllY IIllt' f:llllili:lr \\;111 it ... 1';lrlil'l hi ... (:It' lIlt' I'!:tll" hfl\l' 111'1'11 ;'11111' •. \1'1:, !'Ilt
;.:rt·:-- .. t·d fh,' hnllt!t·:ql td' :1 l"·r... i""t
lJlltlt-1 " " " ".1".-1," :,".1 ".Iill" (·,ddl\t·II. ,1:1 ",·t lnr.'·. Thl' 1'1"":"1'111 j,..:T~IIL· Iljlildill~ 11:1:-: II i:-o Ihl' ,;'· ... "1' PI' t1lt' HU:lrd tlJ "'II':t it
1'lIt fall ,If r:lill. Til,· :-01'11'1'11(':--. \\ hi,·ll
11111111,1,,. I· ..... If. II
II i (·ald\\I·11, \·jr~I1.,n I':yn', :111\1 .J 1':1 II 111'1'1J ill I·nlllllli ... :--iull HIlly ;dlljllt ItHI'I' til"IJI III 1iJl' l'll:irt' 1·1.','1111":1:1' lIt" thl'

\\ 1'1'1' to Ill' hl·leI at ;.1111 II;l.) til Ill' : ,'-.1,,/01, ... 'l':-tl:-- :llld :Ilthollgll it }II'II\ idl· .... l·i;.dl1 H',rl'il~lt f'l'I'lrl' ~:tI\ilL:": !hl' ",·.1· ...... ;11'."
1~ J: rOtllll~ tll;'111 tlit' l,·~:tl 'lI"nl'd l'lIIJill.~
(':tlh'd olf, :llld it \\;t~ lil'I'\\ j"". HI'l"!'''' 11101'(\ I')a:,:-o :--dpllIl 1111 ... :_11·1 ..... 1'11/ ;1 \Oft'
\ I'TOHI) :\1 r" . . f_ ~. II:! rt .... i:-it illg ,:-'I·d it :l11'I';lIly 1"'lId
~:l".\' to ;..:i\"\' Ill' 1.1:111'" 1'01 Iht' outdoor j..; \ ..... f' ... III 1!11!1. 1:-0 gTl·,I'l.\· oil :1 j ..... tll·. 111'11('" 1'\1':." .!:/l'!1
h f"" I )';:I:~". ,I. I .... t·l'·:l1' that additi.lll· Itt' :\":111"'1111 i . . l)rl'~' 111 :It
t1all<,i".~. \1 r. . Iolt" .-\. (',11.11\1,11 1"'1' II 1-:,,-1 \. o'-I'r'·{'O\\t!I·ll. It llrgt'" til JIl'
\\' ,'a 'I'. . . . 11 II
:IJ f:lf'ililj,,~ 111~1 ... 1 III' 1111'1~lltl:': 1" Ill' Il"ill 111 ;111' ~"11'1'11
IlJitlt·d 1111' It:lllr! Itl lJ .... I' hi . . 1"ll'dl :1" :l f'lll'lli""III'I) \'1'1.\'
""hl·11,'1' frlllil Ih(· :--1 Of III. :llld fht, 1I11l ... i.'
I.. l>,' \. ". ,1
" " ~Ir. allol \II". l'l,ill;",. "f .\lgl(·II. 1';1 .. . . IHIII if \"ndll'l'lh "',ildr"11 :11'1' to tdd:lill! :Jlldilltl illili. 1111 ,·\'1'1 iU:.!. ,l l d.\· I-',i'!;l.\·
\\:1:-' t'OII! :1I11t'd t h l"l I Ill..: hollt 1111' .1:1.\'. tl arr YI:--llllJJ! tlll'd d:lllglltl'''. :\Ir:-. I·:. tht' "dll,'utillll \\hit·1I thl' HUI'HIl;.:h (1\\,''''' !Iith, :It ... 11·1·111.·k.
II a III ·n'. ," I II
~1:lr .... h. of \\"lI".!"'iid,' .\\'1' • flit·llI. T1tt' Hoard t't' Pirt·(·ttlr'" \n'n' i TIt arl·lJill'l·t "ill III' 111' .... 111: :111"
.\ t !I.:-;(I j i l t itt' t'\ £111 illg-. :I Itlfl:--t I"
F,'rg·lI. I r. II II II "
IlIlal.l,· til ;I(·t in ,hl' lIlatt,'r \\hil,· lhl'i \\ ill "xhillil 1111' "\ali . . Ilnldi,·'.,·. '·\!'!;lin·
1·('lll'lIt fin'wlld,:" I'xhiJltill1l \\:t:" 111·ld UII
(':I~f"h" . . "'. II
1111' (,11{ 1 t'llll is "1111 rt S :1 t 1·:1111 \\ tllill :11111
Fi.lll 'rp. 1'f.
" .J
" borrowil1g' f·:lpa(·il.'" Ill' 1111' Htlrllll~h \\":1 .... ill/.! Ihl'lll III .ltot;liI. :llld lll't'pa,,''! 'tl

E ... ~l'x :t \·c'lllH·:-<. .\ largc' and Yaril·t!

:\" "ld'l, ]'.
" ~Ii ••. \11'1111''' L':IId, ,,"t,'rla;" .. <l ~"i,
lilllill'd to :t 1igurl'
:1!"St~'''''St't1 \alu:ltioll.
lla~I'd oil tll(' old ;111 .... \\1'1' IjllI' .... lioll~

~llgL:l' ... t;IIIJ"; :11:11

\\ill ill'
1I111l1lH'r til' 1,.'·!'lltt·l·lllli,·:o' WI'ft' flrl'11 IIC" " "1'.111." ,,' "I,i"g-. . llly 1. a f"\\' of 1",1'
Fitz!.:·d. ,.f. " 1 II
for(' a (·ollsidt·l'ablt· 1'1'0\\11 \\hn 111":1\t'd " 11';('11.1, ill,·III']illg 'I i" Eliz:dl('lh F·ish·
SOl\' thllt th,' \'III11at;"" I,as ],"""
raiKt'fl. tht' 110rI'0\\ illg I'apal'if,\- has ltt"'11
ill \ itl'd.
Thi:-r; is :1 \ I·r.\· illll'llrt:tllt 11,:l1tl'r at .
tb,' 1I11s,'III"cl 1\I':tllll'" t" "itll"" Ih,' :1 "I'. of ~"'ri"lI, ~Ii.s .\!arioll i-'llIilh, of
Totll" ;IH·f(·a .... (ld to a point \dll'l'f' it ",.. il) Ilf' l't'I·,ill.l! tit" iIl11'rt':-t~ of :"::trhl'r,h \ it.dl.'"
,'xhiJ,itioll. I:! \\'."/111 "\\,'I()l1 ; '.\1 I" HlIth ~lIlith; l\[ r.
:\" a rht'rt h . . . 11 II :: II (i n .) 11-
1'0"il,l,' ror Ihl' H"ard t" n"g-oliaf" a lII1d ht'llt"t' :l filII a1fl'lldall('I' :... t'nrw'''''t·
'fliP ("OlllllltJllit.,· :I:' a whlllt> "Wt':-: a
Rt mITord .. ' .... non :1 :t :~ :~ :: fl. - ;; Roy SlIlilh. l\lr. 1-1.; 1'01.1 Hpi"', ~fr. Fl',,", d('~irt'd.
hOll<1 i"SIl", prO\'idillg th,' \,,,tt'r~ auth' 1.\'
d(,ht of gratitlldl' to tho:o'(' whll t·OIl IIl'ttl'lIkll·k 1111,1 011'. Waldo KlIrtz, of
()I'iz,' it. for all a 111011 11 I 'lIfli,·iI'IIt to nf· H"I1I('111hl'r the datI', .Iul.\' Hth.
(",;\",.1 alld ha"k"d thi, I'l'Ojl'd. Thll11k' j ~\ rdlllUr'(l. ..
July 4th
"ho ~o :;:t..tll"nlt1~1:,·

~.-r", ~:":~o::~,~~,,F~~&::i,>
u"n- ,tU(· the Hunl.'"
"olltriltllt('d to thl' fllll<1. 10 -:\(1'. I'ald· III ,pitl' of th" diSl'ollragillg '\t'athl'l' ~[I'. alld ~Ir,. E. ~. )lii"h"I1, of Hi,·h
\\",11 for 1111' IlSI' of his 1111\0 :111.1 till'-
of the Fourth, lh,' :\"arh"11h Ra'l'hall
\'n., ~11l'Jl1 ~(l\'t'ral da~·s wilh Illond, CkALL • -I .,-\-1 ANSWER ARDMORE I,
old tf'nld~ t·tllIrts. aud \\illl hi:--: :l:-,si:-.1·
a lit '. ~f 1'''1''. :-:11' it h. Tri III hI.,. 'I'll." lor
T,'al1l eXpl'ril'lll'P<! '1idfp II r:1~' (If hoI'"
\II', 111\11 ~lr'" If ..\, ,JII"ol,s, of EIIII\\'O",1
awl ('llc'1IuragPIIH'llt ill thl' t\\"{1 galll(· . . .
.\\",·lllIt· :tIlt! \\".\·lIlll'wood Hoall.
011 "','.III,',da~· lIf this \\Pl' • 1I t .• ,1
. ,..
,\. )1., thl' :\"arht'rth 1-11'1' ( lIlllpnll\' \\a~
t\\t't'li tht' 1-:1111 Tt'I"I":I,'(' \1:ll'fll'd \1"11':-'
I '
.. ' 1/"111'.", (·,lfTl'rt.", ~IIlith. Haird (':tld'\'1'1I
1'11I~·,·,j oil tha I dn~·.
TII(\ lIlflrllillg ~alll(·. p1:1.,·('d 011 the'
:-'lllllllloned to aS~I:-:t III qlH'lll'hll1g a fire
. " . .
. ' . "1'1'('11:--1 ' Lt':l!..!.lIt' :llId t!lt'ir :-"1 II S.

111'11111'111·t' 1):\\' III thf' attt rllooll . . \ftt')"

I ' . . 1

alld Fr.'d t·. l'lItlt'lI. "hll ~o aid," 1111111, \II'. . 1. (i. ('. Hailliitoll, thp s"ltll't"r "hII'll IIl1l'l'rJl",1 th,' I"',,s ut a 1111111),,,1' . ,
111 1 )\'1.," pl'f')Hlrpc} grollJld~ kllO\Yll :J~ l :--:'01·
ag(ld thfl fiJJHIl('jll.g; to ~Ir. \\'.VUll1l' and "I' !lartford. ('01111 .. 1111.1 ~fr~. Hlllllill<llI. ( f :\ r( I 1I10l'P rC':-o)( . I
II \\at("hillg' !lit· :--pll1lldid .~aIlH' \\hit'], \"lll'·
l'1I t!".
1'"lri"k \1"('001'1 who a"i,Il'<\ ill halllfl· li"1111 Pit'I,I." twlo\\' H,,,,ldaud '\'·"IIUP. :tl'(, \"i:OOlill;': 'lll'ir ~Oll. .1. O. HHIH:ltoll. , 111C'1'1h \\011 :prllill_.. t Hl'r""11 ill thl' for"-
Ahout $'\O()O.OO "'orth of .lalliag-e was ~,' .
,"j;.' il]~ th.~, finl\\,f)rk~. ullcl ill th.· I!t'IIl'ral
alld '\'ylllll'W(lOt.! HO:lll, :"nrhNlh, \\11' 'd' ~I l'ri"l1 .\ \·t·flllt.'. I I h fl I' I " 0 " " . du' ~I\' I)~ l'ol th"11' 'I""lk up.
'~ a \\'itnfls,,'d h~' lIlI unll~IIIlII,\' lar~p ,·nnl'd. (.ClH-' . ly t.<, nlllt"~, w 114'1 wpre ~x. \\"110 ";IS. it ... aid ,. Thpy 111'\ ('f' I'lllllt~
llalltly ,,"rk, alld tll tIll' :\":tr],,'rlh Firp tll1J!tll~hell III an hour hv ('OJIlpaIlH'~ I .
"()lIsidl'riug tl1l' thr'·IIt<'lIill!.: o\"'fhPlld Thl' \Ii:-O:-l's p(}g:.::.\"I .\IIIH' alltl Tl'rt':-,ll f 1'0111 .:\ r( I 1l10rp, I,")r~·11 '.\' I ' I..... I",,·k. Th,',·
(·Ollll'"ll." 1'111' thl' IISI' of thl' ,·h.~ir,. awr aUI ~,ar- .. did. Th,' raill I,UI a .t·111
B." pl'rllli~sioll of ('olllll'ii. awl sllpl'r· ~ll,'a. ~l i>s :\1 a ri,' ('(Jllill', "1I,1 )1 i..., hprth. H('\"Pl1tl'PIl IIH1mher.... Ilf the .:\"nr- to IJI'IH'I'I'dllll!~ in tht· . . . ",·l'llth .illllillg
Hrr\\,Yll. who ha' 111·1.1 st'eoll,l pIa"" .\"f·lt' C"afr\.'·. arp thC' gIHl:,t~ for la wppk 'oh 1'11'1,,' ,t"'('lIth I \I ith Ih" kill, 0:1
vi:'t'd hy :--itref't ('olllJ1)i-~!'l.ioIiPr :;:'Ullh"p, I,,'rth ,'rew n'spoll.ll!,l to thl' ('all, .
in the )-[nin Linl' L(,lIgll". fell ht'l'or(' (If ~fr,. )I"rk ~f('(;rillas at hl'r ,'ottng,' The new whislle re,'enl!\, illstall",l fhp wrollg- "lid "f a uill,,·pig-hl "'01"'.
th,' ,tr"I'Is a(ljoining EllIlwoo,l nnJ
the masterly pit,'hin!.: of .I:11·k ,J<'ff,'r' at ~l<lll" Harbor, :\" .• 1, :\lr. allcl 2\[rs. , , . Tnl" earh s'de hnn a pilt'her klllll'k",1
1';s'C'x :\ "('/lll,es \\'1'1'1' l'1o'l'cl off dur· al }.}1Jl Hnll, wa' lI'l',1 to ('all out the . I
iI'S, a Nllrherth ho.", 1I0W Captaill of ~r dhilla,. fllnll"rl.,' of Woodsi<l,' .\ \'<' • llrellll'lI. Thi>< \lhi,tl!! (,ollsists of t Wll ,,"I "f Ih,' box. alld the k,ds finll Iy
inl.( the ,·e],·hl'lltillll. Tht' "IH'('('hes
:.,". PritH,eton ]·ni"l'rsit." BlIse Bull lind hn' IlIlr{'ha,,',1 a !JOIII" at Kt. Da,'i.b, .., . I' , ll:ld to I'all td tln'ir a~si:"':tlll·t' ~[e:--:o'r.....
WCrt' to havl' bt'ell <1eli\'ered by )[r. Basket Ball Teams. Idlll i, in :"nrlll'rth
horns, POllltlll~ III opposite' IrN'tlOn"
I'a., \I'h.'re tl"'," \lill 111(1\'" ill th,' Fall. ~1"'"I~..." aud Zilllllll'l'. tI,l' latter I'u,·
"'. H, D. Hall, 1'rt'si,lellt of <,olllll'iI, for th(' SUlllIIIl'r. I'urh of a differeut pitrh, IHo,1ul'ing- a
tilJ~ til' n ~n(l(l pit('.hill~ ;.!'aUll' h11t to
l{p\, ...\. i-'. ])<'lIlrn~', RI'\' . .Iilhll \'nn 'Yhilt' Sl'oreS for holh 1lI0ming- alld Icud, pl'uetmtiug- (·hord. 011 \\'e,lul's'
\II'. Barry ~. ~1,'llor 1111<1 family III'"
110 a'·aiJ. TIll' .\(~If)F "aHII' 0111 slrol,~
Ness. a 11<] ,HI'\'. A. :-:. \\"a 11 " hut, ,IIII' aftt'rtIoon gaUll'S sltow an "X('"" of day, howe\'er, it was fOllud that a UUIJl·
ill lIt'\\ \Illif(J"lll~'" alltl had as a IIIH:-'('qt
to tile continued rain, these addressl's lit 0"1'1111 Cil:". her of the fire ligh leI'S flliit'd to hear
('1'1'01'''. ~·"t ('ousidrrillg- thl' lllu,l,l~' alld
' .. Ila<l 10 hI' omitted. othl'r 1l1lfortull:tte "olldition of thp ~ It, au,1 it was allowed to hlo\\' for a
"Oll.'i-derahll' leugth of tillie, IlIl1eh to
alld 1i"ld"r ~Ii,~ ~f:t,.~· \'O,'UIII \I h" wa,
:1 :-ol1t·(·l'~~. Tlll'ir til'st h:lH1IllHIl Lit"h-
Th" 11I1IIh,'r for thl' dau"illg 1l1u'illoll ~r(llln,ls, no Ulljllst "OIIlIllPllt "all hI' ~II'. \\', II. BI' lIlotored from
was 101ll1l',1 to the ~",ollis h~' , ....
r . ' •
1111<1 sai,1 ill thi" rl'''ped
• •• -
n. •
I' I' S t I ,t'
t.he llllnoYllllee of mUII.v residents who
"'u!" IllIgtOll., ). ("' on ,_tl UftUY, .lul~· Wl'ro kept llwllke hy till' IIIOUOtOIlOUS krlO\'r,
li,,1d hll,1 kill''' lIrpl't"h", too,
ll:"O Hu· 1'(111 101H·h you."
H. r. SIll.."l1e~'. althoug'h ralll pr,'vPlltl'd ... . l
Thfl team llIadl' up I'ntirl'l\' of :"'IT' l:--t, I
to ~pt'n(I t I1" II 0 1'1 n H~;;; at )18
I' 1I'IIllt' Hig-htti"ldPJ' !loS" '}loII"d a thrl'p".hag-g-I'r
I • • •
drollillg of the alIII'm.

tbe USl' of tbe slJu(ture for thl' 111· her I>o\'s gl"es promise un,ler 11I1nag'l'r
tendt',1 purpost'. Th,'y have ,'oJlsentpel, rro\l I'll, of d"~'l'loping' inlo a very fa'l
.., . \
t,·\\ II rt - "1', " . Ion ...
It hus beeu deeided that t'he new <>lit alld 11:111 to r"sl 011 thil'" lIa"l', or
il IlIig'ht ha\'{' 1"'('11 Il hOIl'" 1'1111. /lad
type of whistle is uusatisfar!ory, and
howl'H'r, to allow il to remaill, sO Ihat [\~l!n'g'lItioll of h·dl l'hn'rs allel ever\, ~[' I' P II f ~I' \ Ht'c'ldf' put Illt'llI O\'Pf ill g'oot! :o't~'lt",
tht' dlllJ('in r ('nll he hl'ld this Hllturday , ",.'" .,' r " "1" '" . 1'1.( .IIlT", 0 .'. e.rlOlI ~ "('" the old abrupt, des-eelldillg alarm, fll'
.' 1.(. • • " support, po.. lbll' ShOU],,I hl' ,gl\tn It. I' Sl"'lI,iJlI~,>"'·l'ral(I,,~.S\'IS11111g' fnell,ls lI'1iliar to Narherth for over t\ix years, alld Ih,' 0111." r.'al hil' of th" galli" '\l're
e\l'lIlng. pro\'It!l"] SUfll"J('ut ,fUllds ('all :\"0 hetter 1l,11llTe"inliou in this respPl't . Jr I I
. ' " III Itts lurg I. has beeu restored. The firelllell, how- h." Ih,' 1I11llTi"d mell. 1';\1'11 \\""If got
he se"uTl',,1 to pay for Ih" mllsll'. ('lin be sho\\'n thnn Htteudllnl'e at the
ever, hu,,1' 1I0W ordcre<1 an electric a fail' \\al\0l' Ol\l"'. '1'1,1'1'<' was only
The rostpone(l races will 1\lso he rUII ~amr". 'I
.• r. :111' I .,'f 1". I',0' II "y .". " , . arll"r, 0 f sirell, similar t.o thnt employl',1 hy the Ollt) clL"durhullt·t), an llo'UTIlPllt ... h,·t\\"I·'('U
off this Knturl]a~" 'I'll,' <',·ellt.s are opell With 'Tuesday's ~:IIIII'S, I,he first hlLIf NClrth "."llrhnJ·th .\\'n., ha\'e rntllrnt,d 'I Ilwr COIllPIIII~', wile I' II .IS expec t . tht, first l'II't'lIll1l1 all his PIll!, bllt ~'Oll
• .,. • • Bryll .,
t.o all \,hildrPII of Na~hl'rth, a 1111 will of til" Main Lhle Leogup S,'henllle was from II t'Hi \\"'1'1,,' motor trip to ~Irs. cd in the ('ourse of the next t\\'o \\'eeM. mighl 1111o\\' "'ho WOII lhllt lIrgulIll'lIt,
Iwgill at 2.00 P. l\f. T\\'o wry attrap· closed, with the Pxcl'ption of thp post· \\'
JII'JICT 'It I0, I I10111l' .III L'I IUIlih ers h IIrg-, This Ul'\\' instrumellt, whic'h has II range Ih"II. an'] lat.'r. Thut's 011" l\lhalltazo .,
tive priz,'s hll\'e hl'l'll dOllatl'd b~' He\" pone,i guml'S wh"h will hl' plllyl',1 tIll' I •
a" nlll1 a I'0 n \'1'1 . 't I 0 f nell
' d s III . (''c·t of 'Ollll' five or six l1tilos, ruunot be con- of fh"s,' ~l!um!'s. The ,..cyrall,1 'lllnd WIIS
RielulTIl F. Co\\'I~y, whirh will hp · .. '1'1 I(\Y wl're a"" fused with milrolld "'histIes, OlltO fill,'d ",ith I'oot"rs, with Ihl'ir k"itting,
",I. t.,·s I IlIrg- i!n, 1 '·""Illty.
1I\\'lIr,led to the willnl'rs ill this Sntllr· (Continned on Page 4) . I IIo lilt' 1I." "rS.onH\S
'[ Th r . horns, l'tc., II'; was the oltl Olle, aud lIlld thl' 11~.v,'hf)locy.\· "~II<,rt, I\','rt' a II
"olllpllille, ...
", dny's e\'ents. Thi' ra('I'S \\'ill tnkt' pla('e ' . L IIrg, ., 'f , I ., W I10 WI'11 I Il' sholl],1 IIns\\','r its j.lIIrpo'e \'I'ry well. ",ith Ih,' Dads.
;11 ay". 0 f f'.llIlIlIts
OIl thl' oltl tl'nllis pourtll. ROLL CALL th~'ir I.(lIest for a fortnight. 'Vhell thl' rain ,\iSI'I'I'S"r\ thp l'1'owds,
'['he III01l":" collectl'l] for th,' cell" a fpw wiSt1 one~ k lH~\\' whl1rp t h(lr\~ was
b~lItioll amollnted 10 $429,50 of whi"h After a C'Onference hetween represl'llt- Mrs, S. L, ;Tonl's. of Wind,sor Av"., CHAMBLEY-DUNCAN liquid rrfrl'shml'nls. alld, wl'll il wa"
. $265.00 WII" expeJHIl'd for fireworks ..utivl's of the Houthen,.tern Penn~yl. is ~toppiug' for a wl'l'k ut t.he hot ..1 n ~rlllll] IIJld ~lorio!I" IIfll'J'lIOOII :lll~"
lind $160.00 for the hund. The blllanee vauia Chnptl'r of the American Red 1-'1 I'll 11.1, Atlanli,' City. \\":1.Y. \"pxt :!11J111). LHhnr J)lt~·.
~[ ... H. G. 1>1111"11-11, of Khil'pl'lIs11llJ'!.:,
Cross and represent.ath·l's of the WeI·
of $4.511 WlIS tllrned 0",,1' to the seouts
t~ help pay, the i1l'iit-it 011 the I'cfrc"h·
fare Fcdera·tion. it wl1s announced that I'll., lIlurring-c of Ili~
lIJiUOlllll'es thfl
The Reporter. . '

)1 i~"S lrl'ne Boughner, of Hazleton,

mellts. as tIll' Fedl'ration's ('lIl1lpaign is to' he Pa., is \'isHillg' hpr oousn, Miss Estl'lle .1:J1;~hter, ~f'nrg-III'l't hnhei, to )[r, .J,).
s<'ph H. ChnmhIl')', of :"arhrrth, 1'1\ ..
Despito the ,lisappoilltllll'lIt eUllseii held ill Octoht'r allll ,lop~ not, in nn~' Coh i.. , of f,~sex A''c.
hy thebllll well t-h I'r, the affair gavl' monaor (·onllict wilh tho Nntional Roll Hond. Brookline, PlI., "ftl'r AUg'u"t 1st',
~Irs. Mllr~' E. :danforth, sister of
lll'r, New York Cit~·, Mr. :lllll :\Irs,
I'xe"llent promisl' of, the Buceess of Call of the Ameri('an Red Cross which l\lr.. Georg-I' W. ~II,rIl'lIIent, of COll~ Mrs, .Tames P. Rowbotham, passed
ChnmlhIey will hl' lit hOllle 011 Oxfnr,l
.future celehTlltiOlls of this kind, nrid is to he heM' bctweCII Armistice Day wav A \'().. has oprinl'd: UJI attract.ive uwny on Mtllldar evening, June 26th,
~,;:,: ~ies8rs. Pattl'lI IIndCalthn,lI, Rlld the nil,] Thailksgiving. thl' Red Cros~ is to •• ~hoe J1Ja~lo;" "ill Ull' lHalto TllPatJ'e !load, Brooklinn, PII., n !tel' .-\ugll~t I "t,
while visitiug 'her daughter-in-law in ".;
t,':, ).. . " Bpy 'S,:out's can well feelth~lt some- hold its ThoU CIlUse.pnrnteIy, its activo Block, Germmitown. 1922.
Rending, Pa.,
<;' 'tit· l' "b " ' r h 'J 'iticR' hcing' natlomli. , Mrs, Danforth, has been making her
~t,:,~, :,:,·,' ·.~ng.las
. ·.:.', cell ael'omp et. I~
It. lsplnnned ·,·thattheRcdOross. ~{js.~ EhhlJ,Sjoholm spent. the week- Mr,' JIlnd 1\lrs. Henry Smith anll ehil· .homein Narberth tor sevllral'Yllllrs,
'. workers, shall a 8liilit :jnthe. FOderatio.n's ,end' at Eng)esinere•. 'I'a. drell, of Conway Ave., left last Batur': ~nd in that, time has 'made. many
~::" .. : ;Miss':;\lrireellll:,~yn,w '!{/)r¢an" girl,nppealtor'dimd~;ahd the Federatl6n -'--"-'-'
,d1lY. ,for, ~"two \Vet!ks' v.i8ttQTro~', ·riends. She we aeharterniember'of'
'k:;'·.;W~ll./;peak,Rt't~~ ppJQn"~\~'i1ight, ~el';.purp~8e8 to eO:0l'erat!l' witb;.the 'Red' M'ril, , C.R., I{renm~t.bll~'gOlle to.: As·N~;Y., \\'hi\,h:is ~rr8. Bniith's former ,the H~ly Trinity" L~th;e~an'(lJi.~tch,
~t;i:" ·:Yi·ce,JuJY,16;"
r..:_-.,"" . ':'"' '"
to·hear " "
.. _. '."
Gross ill its: Roll Call. her. bllryPnrk fnrthll,su¢ther. , ·home. Nnl'berth. "

... ' ., .. '


, :

i Telephonea, Of coura., we

DENTS :"Ilrhl~)(lk Park wa.' the of a ""'Ill' deU••r - aDJ

Tltt' r,l'urd of autullItd,ih' :lc,('i,lpllts Ilratiull on Tue:-lcln,v last. Tht' ft':,,<tivitics.
n.[\1 olu·fn~hioned Fourth of .July l·elt-·
pI aC'e - aDJ

JI!)\\' tll'l'ur-ling all O\'t'l' the l'(Hllltr,\' ;;0; I "hif'h wt.'re plUlIllt',1 tllllh'r tht' flirt'l,tioll
Owo!',] ano puhli~hed every Saturday
:'I'l'allll,g, hili il ,'all 1,1' f!',]uc·,'d, In ,t :\lr. (h'org" A. :\[1l11i alld )Ir. .\. K I The Brightest Spot in Narberth
h~- th!' :"arherth Ci,'il' Association.
I"t,. "f 1'''1'"lar 1"lIol"III'i,'s to rl'l'kl,''', Wohlnt, b"gllll at l)"'I.",·k. in the11 A Drug Store in the Most Modem Sense of the Term
!-t'lIdllt.t. I l1Iorning \\ itl! a progrHIll \\"h"'h IIwludt'd
('dll""Il~1 f(':ot~ (iallle~
Olie Dollar ano Fifly Cents per year In II"!J"il. a "an'1,,,ign to for hoth yOllng all,1 j,ld.
.- I'hl' JllIldl,' III :ildOfl1l1llilt' dallgt-'rs ha~
all dt'sf'ri}ltion for the t·hildrt'II, \\ith of
in advance,
j . . ,1.t'I'I!111 III (·\I.tlillg t!l(· lIulldll'r of ra.t.'t':"., for \\"hi('h JllIJllt'rou:-o p!'il.t'S \\t':l'
l'hl''''(' f:lt:tlilit'''; ill :t -,"I'HI' 1'1'11111 :! .. n 10 llWHnlt'd, ('amt.' fil':-<t. ~llld t'Olltillllt'd 1111
. .':':~.1"
t." ..,,'J..
i 1.:1. III .\Ia.",,·hll-,'tl, III lH:!tl tlll'r,· til tl\U U ""wk, \\h"11 Ih,' uldl'l' 1"'''1''''
'l'll' 11.1I.-,.-j dri\l'l' .... alld 1':t . . ~tll:4t'r~ III tried tlll'ir ~kill III sl'\I'ral (·(IIIII'I·t:tl\,t·
I We RecoInInend .'
. . :tlll1olll(ll.i;I'''' il1.illl"t·11. .\ 1':lllIPl1q,~1l for gltJUt'~, jllt·lulling a 1IJ1I~t t'x\·ititJ~ 1'10
The purchase of ground as a good investment!
111·ttl·r Ill'i\ ill,~ \\:1:-. II1'oll1lltl',l ill I!I:!I. I(uet tolll·llaIJlPlit.
• ,"'~ "'",
"irlt till' I"l"'lllt thai tIll' !lulIllll'!' of Ht'('I\:-;~ follo\\'l'd fJ(JIII 1\\11 ulltil :-'IX. Have you noticed the growing scarcity of desirable .
:IlIll Sll:l~:-.t·llgl'I·'" illj',:r"ll \\ ;, .. :t[ \\ hil·h 1141111' tht' faillilit':" g-atht'I"'11 Oil
Philip A. Livingston
11ri\ 1'1"'"
1"1'1111' I,d til .:,~~ I. Ihl'ir r'l,sl"'I·ti\·(, pOl't·hl·:", (II' \ i~itt'd Ilal·!\.
building sites in Narbrth?
'I'll'" YI';I1" ,II ~1;1 ... :-..:tI·hll~t·I·'" :-l't'l·j·tl :klld forth lllltil (li~ht u·t·l(lc·\\', "ht'fI :t We have a few really good lots that we would be glad to
I 'flIrt ... 1I:t\ I' Ilt'I~'1 Illiltl!' :'1 (,1111':111' It'lIt!l'Z\tHIS IWI{ lH'l'11 :llrUJI:.!;I'd fCJI :11 tell you about.
1t'I!t, ... lli:llh to ... 1111\\ !lllllt' 1';11'1. a~ lil thl' bCIIlle Clf thl' \'~oh1t'rt:-'. Hl'I't.~ J't' .
.\,L!rC'R8 a,ll (lHll·SI'0IlII,'IIC·t' to I'u,t 1
Ollhl' Box 966,
(lI,r TowlI I' Oil sale :It th,' II el'0t
r . . 111.11



tIll' Ultl· ...

HI' [lit'
!,) Idalllt'.
frt'!"hl1ll'lIt;-; \\\'1'1' :-'1'1". I'd, frout (l laq!,'c
tHIJle set 011 the l'U I"l'h , allli l'\'l'ryolll'
"all', drank, :\11.
ttl·" "tlllld. and at the' st"I',' of I!. Eol
:1,·,·i,I'llt ... :111' 1"11::.11'1'11 \\1111 1'1111 alld Illadl' IIwr"."."
lIt illltl lill' ;o;tl"l'('l III fl'Pllt III' :llltOTlIlI \\'ohll'rt lt10k till' IlJlpttrlllllity to :Ill"
lI:.\·i.... 1 I 1·1 tIlt I,~ tl\(, a\\ard a :--il\t'l' tu 1214 LOCUST STREET, PHIL~DELPHIA
E!.~(\r('d a:" :-t..'('tllld·l'}as:, llI:ilti,,'r, Ol·to-
II \':". :II" '1.1
ll2 \\ It 1
III :I :-'111
I 11111111"1' 01 l'lI}'

bel' 13th, Hl14. at the I ;:11 1',,,1,1"111.

l'o~t Onice :Ill' II,,' Iliad,' by hilll lor Ihl' lo,·,t k"l'l Branch Offic. at Narberth Station Phone Narberth 1710
, l' I I ',I'" 1)l'i\ 1'1.· .... 11111 ... 1 1;1'\ 1'1 I'X!II'('! til:tf I'hit 1.l!1'1It111l1..; of an.\" hotl:-ot III thl' Park. Tltt'
:"arloerl I1, I ellll~Y "IlIII:l, \III' ,'r tIL' • I Memober PhU.delphl. Real Eatate Board
of :\fnrch 3, 1879, \\ til :-... ·Il~I·, tlIt'\' l'OJllfH'titillll, \\Ilit·h i:- to ht' all .\111111 tl
Ihl' .... Plliid '\1('11 :'lId
rtlll ,111\, I.,' ,,!tile I'a,,, ''': ~I'Otlp', 0111'. \\ ill doS!' in th,' 1':111. alld Ih,'
:1111-1 I
d' tllt'1I1 :d'~ll!.! tl~t, ..;idl· ,.d· :h1' fond ..... \\111111'1' for Ihn't' :-lII·!·t'..... :-i\-l•. Yl'ar~ \\ill
('l c'R Tll"';>; ·,('ill fl,'adly prill I allY TIll' h:lloit "t Ida.'·tll;.! I,all III lit, ,;lrCI·t, , 11l"'01ll(' pl'rIllall"tlt hllld\'1' 01 tit" CIII'.
11t",,'S abo Itt ally sl,hjccI u'/iic!z i~' of I-
lIltl' r>f tIll' Illl"l fl'l".I'I""1 .. "'atls\' of' The "O"IJ"'"Y ""xt pr<Jl·,·,'d,,',1 til till'
LOP,vl ",., I,i,·"t" \[:"1." "htldl'l'" \\I,I.""I",I,t l'OI',.]Il" alld ;!l'll1llld, 01 :\IL.:\lahl, .fron~ ".
il/toesl 10 .\'orlltTth folks
is dltc (II/ TIt,'sdl/.\' of eaclt '('I'el,'. at til I "'till:': :tlll'1' " \'all "h"/I II fnll, "hl'r,' till'," hnol ,'x,·,'l1"/It ,,,,\\, 01 tIll
(, I' .11. L(:tc C()r.\'ll'(ci~·cd /I.'ed-II/I fl"Ollt or :tit :tppro:t"h:llJ,: I'"r. till." liri'."ork" d~'l'lay i/l IIll' tO\\ /I .alld ,i,
There Can Be Only One "Best'"
IIl'sda.\' (,'.·CIII/.'f! ,('Ii!
hI' prill/I'd olllYI th,'." fr"'I''''/ltl.' ,10 '" \\h"11 "/11" 1'll'llIlt.", mal<tllg :111 al'l'loprtat,· hll:sh ~o 1"., AND WE HAVE IT
Ii stacc IS stIli a7'(l/labll'. ,,' Il"'" th"1ll thaI Ih,' oIrll I" "'"11101 ,·.hat "a, IIl"lllll",",h "otl''I'I\<'oI ,I I" I·
1'1I:",~ihl," :-;to)l 111111':'0:-- !Ii:-o l11:lt'ltilll' i:-- Ilt.t'l Ptllll'th. Try Our
SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1922 rtlllllill" ,,'1'\' ,10"1.".
Th,' 1",oI"rtl dlild - --.,- -, DAILY SURPRISE
!Il'l'lb til 111' t'dn"llft'd ill ~trt'l't dallgt.'r:-o ~Ir. (h:lrlt'~ ~l. JI'\-\jll nlld fa.lllily
il· .... t :-t:-, IIllll·1! a:-; ill arithlllt,tit·. 'Thll:"'(' 1 h:l\t' fl'fUrIH'd l' rt JIll a trip to Ho~t(ln, In Quality and Price
E)fERGEXC\' PHO:"!': CALLS II'at ,ho'" <1i''''\'l-:'nl',] of "'lI'h ill'tl"lIdio/l I --- CANDY-ICE CREAM
Fire, 350. ",t:oI "'llll' ki,"] of n l't'"ally ltal I Ill'."I' 'LO~T Oil. Thllr~da.". . luI,,: :!:!."'I . ."" -of the Better Kind-
Police, 1250. 1 \\ ill l't'lItt'IHllt'r. \\BY to :-:tatloll, gold 1.I't'HS-tIl1H ~('1 ""lth
Tb,' \'"st \\"," td .'01/1,'at" oIrill'l", to
'I \ amethyst anti p,·arls. ,"nlll,'d lb k\'c'p,
,1:<' """.1 for "",tl'l'II'" "allti"" i" r""l1ill!.:
! tlll·ou;.!h "I'(J\\flt'd ,trt",t~ i~ to takt'
,ak,'. H,""II"". I'hl<l'" J:!4:i )1. "\,1-
l'dl'l'S" )[, I'~'nl'h, :!lfI r:~s,'x A,'e., :"ar·
Hand dipped Chocolates-Cream, Fruit & Nut Center.
.. :,'

WEET You'll Taste the

Tht' IlHW PIau:-. SOOII I () I)l' :llllltlIIJlt'I'1
h\" thl3 Board of EdlH'atioJl. for a \'Utl~
: II I
!"Idt'ra ,t' PII arg('IlIt'1i
our pl't"l:-'l'll
I a\\'''' Ihl' li""I1"" of nil I\ho "I"l' "allght
\'\'r(lJl.~ .1111Il g :.;.
. .
Iht' ... 1111Wll'd~I·1
t th!!1 !l Il1all \\ til pl'oh" 111\, lit, takt'n off
. .
~('h"nl f:l(.lliti,'~. i,. "ilhollt "ouht. the th,' hlirh\\·".,·~ If h,' ,10,'" 1I0t ,I, .. " I'I'U'
. . , .

.\IIII1'UII'·"lIl1·lIt ha~ 1""'11 iliad" th:11
White's S HOP Difference .... ,.

, .
tllO!oit itllportHlit qUP~tlOll l'V('r .foUgl '
I 1 t \ .1"11,'" a",] "OOl'tl''''' is 1Il0re i'du"utional Ihl' 1!1:!:! ('OUllt,· and :--1 a ll' tux,'~ WIll
' .
. I .. f" I th:tn a 11\' \lunlillg~ III thl' shal'e of;!,!, p,q'ahll' at th'·. oflil'I' of th,' )I"r!on
ht.'fort..' t l(l ('ltlZI'Il:-- 0 .,al· It'rt I a~ a ' 1 •
, 1"1I'f!' \\"I'd, and thn'at,.; '·:tn I",. Titl<' IIl1d Trust t'01l11""1~·.
whole. . Thl' hllnk now hll' ill its [11"~~'ssion
"'ith four i{rll'll's now (II' half 11I1tl',1
. I duplil'atc tax r('t"or(L; frolll Ih(' ollin's
with ('row,1l'd 1'00 III s, o\'e,·tuXl'd 1,·al'h·
. ffi' . I tl
of th{' Count\· Trea.'<\Il'ef, nnd 1111 lIIat,
cr~. and .lOSU H'lenl l''1UII't1I't!. u· Ill'!' --- . '
Hn"illg' a pi"ni,' on t-Ill' Fourth of t,'r~ I'!'laltn~ to th,· payll"'lIt "f th.·",
spnt ,.nllllitioll of our 10,' Ii ,du, atiou:,j
. . 1
,.. ,
I I'
~VStt·lH IS alHHIJlO' ~IIHd-'r n grt.'llt 1:"lt I" .JiI1~" (111 Latr'h ':-. 1.:"1\\ Jl has h('I'OIHt' an
'. .
tnxps 1I1'll~' Ill' I'ompl"led at this Otlil·.·.
Tht' tH'W arnui'g"l'tn..,nt will he u hig"
that dries hard and dust free. It gives a brilliant I
('up. (lnulIn1 (·t1stoltl, For IIIHn~' ~~t.\HrS :'trr, lustre to furniture because it has a wax base and is 1

i,"pron'ment o\'I'r thl' fOI'IIll'r nll·tho"

~[H:-t of ollr taxf'~ go 10 thp :"o,'hnoh.: alld ~lr" "'i,dil'I,1 Latl·h huvI' \\1'1,·om· of l'oll!'t'tillg- thl'8~ taxI's. It ,\<lS th,·
guaranteed not to injure the finest of woods. Closely
tht' ,',IIIt'aton of th ....hildn·1I i" th,' l,d tht.'ir fl'if'HII.... rilld llPig-hhor:-; to thpir plall, in the pa~t. for t.hl' Count.\· Trell' allied to it is the Renovator, a composition that when
g!'!':!t ..,t singh' ,pTohlPIII of a "01111111111;1." ~pal'iou, la WII un" fi['ld~ for Iltt' F""lth ~url'l' to s"lId out no noti,'l''', lIlId nllll's" diluted with water makes an ideal cleaning and scour-
an,1 :"arherth luis a ('hild pllpllialloll of .July fl'oli,' all,] 1','''_1. .\ f\'aturt' of a taxpay,'1' wrote for information. till'
ing compound.
far out of prop"!'t iOIl to thl' a ""t':q.!.,. TI1('sol:l." '" .','('at, ' \ l l ; Ih.· hall game fir~t illtinllltioll h!' h:..1 of his ill,lehll'tl,
TIll' q~(l~tion of st;hool ll'ain t t'IHlI1 I 'l' h~l~ h,·tw.·.'n sin~],> alld Itlarrj,·d IIII'll. "alled l'eo<" wn'~ n hill from the D!'Jinqlll'lIt MODOC PRODUCTS have been carefully tested and
Hh,~ays h('pu OJH' of thr' hig-g('~t suh· at :: 1'. )1. 011 a("'Ol1l1t uf raill the (·oll.,,·t 01'. with :I p!'ualty alldl'l!. are good.
jeeti' for dlsl'u~sion In :"arheth. lIlId the gunw wa' ~to\llH'd at the (,11,1 of the 1'he COli II t.\· rate i~ ~ mills, altd -th!'
!'c'hool now fa"es its i{,'nt",t prol"!'ll1. fOltrth IlIlting. It wa, c'laill,,'01 ·thllt the ~httl' lax J'i 4 lIlill~. Taxes will 1)('
,'l'u1'" WIIS thl'lI j'.1i ill fa\'or of the sin·
The Illns.~ 1lll'"Iin/r, ('nll ..,1 1'111' III'xt n"'l'i\'eo at th(' Tntsl Oompall~' offil'l'
gh' Itten. :"" "It(' kilO,,", "'hat it "right
F!'" night. should he atten<1~d hy from .Iuly ht ILntil .Jal.\' 28th. The
h:\\'C' IH'-t.'u (·::dll!f.' 11 had th(' pl1tirt.' g:llHC
!,\'l'ry parl'"t in th,' Bornllgh int"·,l ~ .. r\'i,·!' is r!'lIc]-l'rl'.} I'lJrelyas a 1'011 \'l'II'
bl"'Ji pla~'t'd. ~(r. :"" t" )[·{J1I t :.l"llIer)'
in thl' welf,nr!' of Ih" ('hildl'l'II, 111111 tI,,· il·lIt'e. ancl it is nr/rl'<l that Ihe matt!'r,
pit"~ed 1"'1' tlt(' Itlarrit',l In"lt alt,l Post·
intl'lli~ent hnndJini! of thl' ,,"hli.· flllll1, IIlast!'r Ha\\'~. "I' :"arhl'rlh, for the he alt,'n,h',1 til h.\' thl' taxpa."('r~ with· j
repr£'~l'nt",1 hy his tnx",. "n othpr ""' {Jut ,It'Ia~·. 1i:";;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1
,iugl,' fl'l:"\,,. )11'. I.lItl1l'r ('. I'ar,ons
gngem£'llt shollll1 illtl'rft'l'e "ilh thi-
(Ifti,~ialt'd ilt a Itl",t l'r,'oIitahlp 1ll'1Il1lt'r
nleetin/r; 110 oth"r matter i" 1Il01'P iUI'
LoIS UlllpiTl'-.
.\ pillnl'hll' g-~'IIl(' org:lnize,1 h~- ~fr.
l.ateh, {'ultsistillg' of )[e'H~.. linws,
Some Special Prices •
PAY AS YOU ENTER. KI'l'(ls, (; I','i lIer a IItl ~[p.'~rs. Browu·'k, ~[uorl' au,1 Lntl'1l. re~ulte,l ,lis- MEN'S WEAR
tl:-ot l'olJ":;,;I~' t.o thl~ lattt'r nggre,gathJll.
Th ... ~'\'e nOIll' it. While the E,1itor ".
was out of tOWII thl' railroll'] I'ompall.\'
Good II",' \\'a~ Ittadp of the pi~tllO dnr- Belts, good leather SOc
ing- lh{' l'\'t'llillg. \\'hea all gathert',1
took advantage of the opportunity' tn
:-:.nllg- n \'{'r~r
t'on~'ert 0111' ht'l'l'tofore tlig-nifie,1 tmin
:lJ'IH:nd HUtl t.'oJllplete
r"l'pl'tuil'l' of popular a Ill! }Jatl'iotie
Pongee Shirts . $2.00
Sl·rvil·e into n nea I'·trolle,. lim'.
,.. ungs,
It i .. a Illatter of great ,Hsplea"IIr!' to .\ltlong tho,t' prt'''l'lIt "ere: ~lr. Jill ,1 Good Madras Shirts IA9
motori .. ts and trn\"l'I(lrs to, 'haw the 1\Irs. Churlt's '\-.·Lateh and famil~', ~fr. Monday and Tuesday
JoighwoYiI and rail rl)lIte~ wnlle,1 ill b~" IIl1d l\11'~. Geo.G. Lntt'h andfalllil~.. Mrs. Pure Silk Hose, $1 ~25 value. .89
colI~lr~ loverl' to 1~II"c th.t'. pana"e:l for 1\[r~. Belloit allll'family, Mr. uud·Mrs.
high poc\ter siglls; it hurts tl1l' l'reS (}f Cha,'. i,atl'h, .Jr., all,1 famil)', Mr. ana
Larry. Semon in A Pair of Kings . ,
their lI\'er an.] klllney IJI~ hnrle I at jlliontg-Ollterr , :)Ir. lind Mr.s. Moore an,l How to Make a Ratlio for 60c WOMEN'S WEAR ....,-:.
them fr~m l'"err harn. hut to hnYl'flllllil~" ~[r. an.J ~Irs. Douglas, ~Ir, ant]
p.osters hned up ht'for£' t.he "yes of the \ 1\11',. Dort'.lIlUs !L1I'.l famil~",
tIred I'ommuter.' is lIelHI,. the last 1\1 r. alld l\lrs. Philip l\fuller, l\lr. r:ha~. W~dnesday
Bungalow Aprons ...............'. . .. 1.39 •
straw. C. ~ehlllidl, llr, Owell Schmidt, Mr. I GEORGE ARLISS Brassieres .. , ... .49 ....
The suburhallile who lL~ed t,o brag, Hnrn'~' Bl'owllback and fa 1Il ilr, Mr.
ofth'~ dig~ity and rcstfuIII~ss of o~lrl'Rlld ~frs. Eh1r, ~I,rs. lrthe, Mr,lllld :Mrs.
EnvelopeChimese .98
electric trallls, )IO'~' hangs. ~II~ hea,l 111 Jnll$ell, )fr. lind l\lrs. Luther Pllr~ons,
fillaml'. Now, while awaItIng' supper, 1 Mr. l\lld ~fr, .•Tneoh Greiu£'r, Mr. \VIII·
must he 'hlwe the virtues of his hreak- tel' Ln tl'h niHI famil~', Miss Margaret Silk Hose .. .$rJ)0, $1.50, $2.00
f.ast fqod told him. Luteh, Mrs.•~. Keech, 1.11'. RIL~s.el Mar- Thursday
NoW', whcn speeding bright and enrly kle, ~-rr. l\foore, l\1r. lind Mrs. Stewart,
Rex Beach's
Gauze Vests , ..35c. to $1.00
to thecity,mutft t.he waitit,g hand .of Mr.•\Iid Mr~.Krepps, Miss Sam~lLtch,
dea:t~be. ahpint bYJ~ol1le hlsursllce ad Mr. Joscph Wood\\'o.r<.l, Mr. lEaI'I Wood- THE IRON TRAIL We Carty a Full Line of (jeneral Merchandise
o:r otbet•.'. \"'Md, ,Miss Edith Ingram, Miss Ruth
'Now, Ih~ee~" is . the time ripe· fori Wool1,wnrd, l\Jji'Ol Peggy Nice, Mr. luid Friday '. .
~~raps t~ i~Lstnl\ed,
be fpr ll. '''li ny as l\1rs.E\hVurd·. t\.. Hll.-ws, Mi,ss., Marian ". '. e' N" e'
Th' ar'k AU'a··I.'·t·y' Shop
Y<!,~En~e,r'" Q~ ~i1dred
. 'p '

l!ign to pniiJfll.d,on the ;Haws, Miss Ruth 'Hnl\'s,lliss THE B A R R I C A D E . • '" '. """, . '. .
··c~r8,i1.nd fo.r" .thelloudU'lltor 'inerriiy til Mel\iorRn; }Ir•. Januls· r.aveil,:h~i8s oS. ",'ThPJnas, Proprie.tor·
, '> ring the, fare iil.dientoras thecomD\l\t;'Mri.iy .Lee> l\lJs8 Lqey Christian,. 1ft'· , . Saturday '.
~~ '~f:;thO:,· ~l!lilt~Y.1l114fl1)Llo118~·~itin.J:dlil1··.'Lllc.ki1Jal1;o' '.:M,r.:Dl'acion., M:,,":J;ohnTa~·'SON·. OF' WAL~INGF9Jri> .': .2"'''3':'''-6"y. H'".-,,::.: :" 'j:':'d'.,~.
'A';'.'. "., ".,'
i.iite.~dnrd:tbe':Cll.r8 •.
, "".' '.:> (VN..illsb~:i\[r;Ed"'llrd'Noiari,.Mrs •..Gil~ ,.'.., .... " .' .• ' ", ::..' 'avertor" .: . vee .'
'., .: .. :n"i.ilis.:h·~·dime;o~r,j9y'.{vill:b~ e~;rt.l~t~c.~d·.:·i~llIilYi·. ¥!8•• :Sel:i;midt;·.o'¥r; '·;t?:~2"~ .~~.,•."."..:. '.. .'.:, <:,:'
...>Z·';::::;P=Z.'·":: '...... ' .. : .. ,.... . ...' .
:::';~,;':j<' ~l\!t~~' . - . . . . . :) F:d'\'ih:Beyer,~ Mis~:,Peg" .N)I''ee. . ~ _ _ '~~~~=~~$iee~$~~!i$Eee3~~=e$;~52ji=E~~5~EB.'n
',' ",".:':' ;.:: .
... , " .: . :. ,'., ~:;.

~.;!~;~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

~""'IOI"""''''''''''"1I11 I11...,III'''''''''''.. '"III'''''''H'"''UUm''lI1'''''"''lIIl1l11~:'=~'::::::::~ii i! I


.... n''IO'''''''''U"""""""",,ml''....11"",,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,"..'''.....'''''III''II.H'''''.., ' "'"I1"III"..""""I1""'''••''''''''"I''U'''"I1I1...'','III"tl'",
t1.... " .." " " " ...·",....
9"UIIIIIIII""IIIII'.'"l1l1mlll""""""'"II""OI,m"'''U''''''III""1II",,,,"I,",,'II,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,''''III'''''"'lI''loI" NtlUS 'of tltr cnlJur~!t"!lf:\' ..,

IIH 0 , II~! .- . . r h o n
o. ~ oDlQ Tbe- .
Announcmg .
THE OLD MERION'F1UENDS' 11'11: 'a 11. :1 It. . ...... 2 2
MEETING HOUSE, H('l! '1111. 2h. . . , .. , .. 1 ,) 2
..... 01
Ea,,,. World.
SIft ID 'Ile

~I ,'('111'. rf. ..,(I o p.,.topl.y.-CoDtIDaOWt 10 A. M. 10 . . . . .

The Lig-Bel Company Montgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab-
lished 1682. Here William Penn wor-
shipped, as well as many other noted
Filzg'lrl. d
Tro,t, 1' II
PhU... P ..

Electrical Contractors· Friends. One of the historical spots of L/'wi" If. .. ,

II II 11

America is open for worship every 1":Iist.,. '5. . . . , II 1

I)ollgl",. ('. .., II ,1
F'in't·day (Sunday) morning at 11
o'clo,~k. Addn'ss all "Spiritual :-iigni Kirk. lit. II !I ..1

fl(':Ull'C of the ~on,Violellt Revolution WBBK ep JULY 10

1t',1 by :\lah~lll1ill llandhi." by \lr, Tot:d, 1 III ~~ III :1
• Hllridas :'lin ZUl1lt111r, of BOIllha~·. Irlilia Ht'r\\,.\·11
Philadelphia Branches:
Fir,t·du,\" :'>..J1001 (·111,<'(1 dUl'in~ .Julr :\nrlwrth
11 II :l ;j II II 0 II 11-7
~ I I II 1 II 4 0 x-!"
" Recklels Youth"
921 Chdstian Street and 55;~ ~orth Sixty-third Street ,,"01 Augu,t.
'1'\\,0-1,,1'" hit,--!lollglas, \\'. 111110·


"hl';I". Hil·klill. II oil\(' rllr,,·-,.'t'ff('ri,',. HAIN PRODUCTION START8 A8 HS".
f:. ~'I,'('k. B",,' oil halb-Otf .J('tfl'i,',. A8 P0881BLE TO· 10.00 A. M•• 11.00, 1.01,

II House Wirio: thea~:ette;~~~::~g Furniture Ii :-;ulldllY IIl1ls'e, nt 7 0 '<·101·1< fin,l 10

Tro,t. I.
::; T,·o:-t,~.

!loll\ll,' play-Hl'(·klr-.
~tl'\lI'k out hy-.) ('U"t'ri\';-;, 1..11. 11.41. "'6, 8.10 P. It.

~~!,i~7ii:~~~::';~c~~: 'R\; :~i~,~r~ x t7g\~ nagd~: ~i: \I

f o·l'1o"k. 011 first alld third 8ulI,lay'
Did,,'. "lid YII\\('II. l·nIJ,ir,·-Hool1".
111(' late ~rllSS is a High :'lIn". f"ll,,\\e,l

1,.\' henl'didioll.
Daily :'I1",s a: ~ _\. )1.
'\, Il"r·". rf . . , ,1 I

I.J:::::::::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::: : ,: ',: : : : : : : : :':, : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~: :;: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :U I EPISCOP AL CHURCH \\'1111",'1'.

~(,J!I,,'r. 1'. . . ,
'S. • ", II

\\'. Ilor'o, :!h. o .)

• Arthur S. Wa.lls. D. D.. Pastor .11
L. ~rllrph~·. If. .. ". I II II II

:-;1111 ,lay . .1111.'" !I; .J. I )or 'II. 1h. " .) ,~ ,)

Eatabli.bed 1872 !1,4:i A. :'II.-:-i,,"du.'" :-i('hool. H. :'Ilurl'h~', d.

11.00 .\. :'I1.-·S"1'1111111 II,\" lilt' l'a,lol'. 11,,1111I.... ]1. ['. . , , .. 1
WM. G. HOPPER & CO. 7.:1Il 1'. )1.--I·lIioll T\\ilight :-i"'·Yi,·e Hrool,,·. 1'. . .. ,II I)
o Hardy
IUS South Third Street. Philadelphia 1111 la\\11 at 22~ :'\orth :\arl"'l'lh .\\.(',
Memb.ra Phil.delphi. Stoc:k £"c:hao•• S,'I'1UIIII h\· til" H,·,.. .\. :-;. P"I1I1lI.'".
... ~ ~ :!; I~ Ever-Blooming ROles
We do a general investment business. t'llion Prn~'PI' ~I('t'tillg \\"(ldnt':.-dll.,"
:'\.\ HHJo:HTII
$10.00 per dozen
Careful attention given to odd lot orders. "\·'·lIilll!• . JIII.\· 12th. a,t Ilh,· HUl'tist
h " " ('
Commission orders executed (01' the purchase or sale of (·hllf<'h. Ll'ad('l'. H.·,., ,IlIhn Yall :,\"". I )j(·k il'. :!h. . ~ II II Ask for a list of our thirty-eight
listed and unlisted securities. FI,'ck, I f . , II I II I) varieties
Stocks and bonds carried on conservative mal·gin. BAPTIST OHURCH OF THE HUfils. ". . ,I III I I
EVANGEL .Il'tfl'fies. III .. p 1 ;j II II
Li.ted and Unlisted Securitiu Bought and Sold
Yo\\('II. [' .. II.. .) II II
Rev. Avery S. Demmy. Pastor. THE GARDEN NURSERIES
II 1',·k,·I. ". .." II II
II. lIulILl'hr·i,',. ;;1, 11 II
~l·r\·i(·tlo," ~l1t1da.\·, .July ~'. Hl:!:!; II MODt,olDerJ' Avenue Narberth
Hi,·klill. rf. , .. 1
!I.;'II A. :'I1.-l'ra."('J' :-i,'n·j,·". \\'. II UI1I phlil", d. ,.11 II
Something New !1.4;j .\. :'II.--~ulld"y ~('ho"l.

Narbcdh Ta~ S~rYioo

11.00 A. ~I.-\Iorllillg Wor,hip. :-i.. r Total, ....... " 1~ :!~
SEMI-TONE STIPPLE IlIOIl by the l'a,lol'.
: \ " I' b., 1'1 b .. , I I II (I I :! I I 11-- 7
Semi-Tone Stipple effects,· produced by a manu- 7.:,11 1'. :'11,- ('lIiOIl 01'1'11 .\ir :'I1l't't· Patrick F. Donllhu.
facturer of established leadership in American indus- ing.
"'''.''lIl' .. , 0 0, II (I ;! .j (I 1I x-S
trial art, give assurance of artistic worth, finest ,~.1I0 P. :'II .. \\'"I1:,,',,111.\· e\·ellillg-t'n· Two-baH' h it,-lJi"k iI', \'owl'lI. 3. Open Dar and Night Phone 1633
workmanship and sure practicability. i"ll l'nl~'l'r
:'I1,·.. tillg ill this ('huJ'(·h. B",(', ou halk-JOff \'OWl'lI. :'!; .)effl'ries,
.\11 are \H'h'Ollll' to tlkse sl·f\'i(·('s. ~; Brookt'. I. ~tru('k ont hy-Hallow('11
MA.RSHALL CO.· .j; Brookl'. ::; ,J.,tft'l'il's.~. l'llIpire- The NarbertbElectricltSbop
Contracting Paperhangers THE PRESBYTERiAN CHURCH [(,·lly.
. . Phone Narberth 1661...J. Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. 1.EA01'E ST:\:\1>I:\(; We repair, sell and install anything
Electrical. Old house wiring a specialty.
w. L. P.L'.
Ask about our three payment pl""l, in-
\I.'eting, for lIext !"nnlla~': \\'U."lIl' ~ 1 .~~~ cluding fixtures. Phone 1633 or J95W.
M.-t;UII,llI." SehGal. ('Ia,s,~s !l.~;j :\.
Ill'r W." II , . . . . • • :i ~ .555
ffi§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§~~11(or all. Comhint'd Bihle Cla"l" taught
h~' :'Ilr. "an X.,s,.
BrYII :'Ila\\ I' . . . . • . . . •j
.\ r<lIlI"I'I' ..... , .... 4
,j .GoO

-11.00 A. ~r.-l'uhli(' Wor,hip. :'>,·r· Ii <'Jolt a Real Good Car"

WHY THEY SERVE :\" rh"rt h
ilion theme: "Life's Pilgrillll1gl':" ~t r:l Ifol'd 6
Our employees are representative citizens of i.:lO P. :'I1.--l'l1i"lI Twilight :'Ifl'dillg .:!30 I' DORAN MOTOR CO.
this community. Many of them own their with Sl'rmou h." R('\·. A. :-i. D"mIlly. Notes of the Game
Sales and Showrooms

4T5E L·ELpHanoc~.a.stE :l~RVDe~loARrEdml~rle

homes. They are interested in all movem€nts Xl'xt "T('(lnesdll." ("','nillg th .. l·lIi'.!1
for civic advancement. They constitute a
happy and satisfied family. Their heart is in
Pr:a~'t'r ~reetillg will bl' hl'l,] ill the
Baptist ChlJrl·h; Mr. Vall :\1"'. Jelllll'r.
their work. We believe this is because they
:Mud! II Service S~:lon:
,e,r bl: Y Avenn,e

work not merely for money,. but to render to :-itrafforrl plll~'s Xarherth lit ~arberth I ~~~~=s=~~~~~=s====~
their fellow citizens a service which brings un-
HOLY TRINITY LU:rHERAN 10,luY nt Hullivml Fil'ld at :~.:1O o'cloek.1


~old comfor~ and happiness.
mude three twO,hll'C hits at
Dr. S. D. Daugherty, Acting Pastor.
Wayne in the afternoon. Home rerord PLUMBING, HEATING·
750.0'00 ,WOMEN . RecQmmellet the
S"f\'ices Sun,lll)' IIlorning ill the Y.
~I.C. A.ArluitoriuJII.
for one game. ROOFING
Sunday ~ehonl ut fl.~;j A. 1r. Thc Narberth Rooters were ill evi,
Jobbing proni/itly atlttzdtd to
Regular Senj',·(> III 10A5 A. )r. d"nce n t Wayne in hath games, Good NllrhtPhoDe. N.rberth 817
Da7 "hOD•• Harb.rt" 302 J
All ar(> invih·d. "lean rooting is wholesome and boost,
ing, I~~=~~s~~~~~=s=~~~

... ",.. .
Baseball On .July IGth, the first game of the
FOT Permanent
Electric Washing Machine (Continued from page 1) seconel half of th(> Mllin Line League
l'oming Saturdl,lJ' nsf<lllows: Warne at will be plny('d with Xarb!'fth nt Arel,
Bl.'rwyll, all,1 Strnfl'ord lit Xa'rberth, m'Ore. BUY A
011 Rntufdlly n week, the s(,l'on<1 huH

opened, wit,h ~arberth at Ardmore, and

of th(> Maill DJine 1.(>l\l\'u(> will he 11 is sad that two thousand Wayne'
rooters witnessed the Wayne,Narhcrth .. ..... ..
·Sm·cd·lc,· ·Ou··,·ll ··U ·om·c
, .... '.. . .,: . ... .. ..
find it is hoped diat the NarlH'rth. teal1l game on Tuesdar, to sec their team
Equillped .H•• motor .will give n· ·far better nceount of itself elinch the ehampionship of the first
with Dew driven thull d·urillg the pAst first hnlf of the half of the Muin Line League. It was
~e.nMn. a close shave for 'Vnyne thllt Nnrberth
The aft(>rnOOtl ~IUl1e pla)'erl lit Wtlyne did not r(>giRter a vietory, for it w lS
IWM. D. &: H.T~ SMEDLEY , '. ~

\Yo's n, Ree-Saw and h-enrt-hrenkillg nf· nnyhody'~ gnnlc until tho very purl.
fair, during tho grco.ter part of which
time the rain fpll hellYily, and while Surh a large crowd was fulJy un·

~urbpth ('.nllle out at th(> losing end, expected at the morning at Sul1;~; JUST ,ARRiVED
;'et the WnYtll\ltellm wus outpinyed Ilt vnn Field, at w.hich now location the I . AfullLin~.f
SEE THESE· DEMONSTRATIONS ulmost e\T('·ry'p~rt of the gUllH'. parking faeHiticR afforded 11'1llnusuaUy I O.oodyear TellDis S.·
YowelJ'R three two-hll$o· hit,fea, good opportunity for Yiewing the game. ~~~~=~~~~==::::;;::::~
To be Ileldinourshowroom Jqly 10th to 15th, and you
too will:agre~ that-the. Thol:: is the most eflicien.twash.. · .
iilg tnachiQe on tile market to'day. . Costa but8c an
hOU1~ 1JO~pel'll~,. The savings ~nyourweekly laundry
I."d. NM,"E:"lf~;;;~::-~::£~::::.;:~,:;,~~:'":~\I·:·.:,.'·~tlIPD
:~~~~'~~~>: ::: : :,~ ~2 C.I:.~:~;. ;~~ ~:. I~t: . dO~as.p~.; '~:.~'_I· · .':.;:':'O":':'A,::
. f t ,.' ...:. . .:., ':.'.'::.
bill will· more than the'.
" , ' .' " '; ',' ,. "

.J(!1feries, p. . . ; 3
: ."•.
0 teams, we welcome yOIl! Nnrb,1rth is "
' 0 ',1 1 . : 5,·.:'·.
. · . '.·.·1·:.·····f····· .•....
Yowell, Ib; .. : ~1 3 10 0 !l(>ver prOud of her boys ,who 110 fO.\' ,.. .. .
H¢c1t~lj"88: 0 t~l~ueh to ~ho\v the outside worill th~t '~t'l1..K·AND.;:CREAM·:~·
1 34
:1:I. H.ulilphr:ies;~b.~.·2" .0,1 1 ,.tteanproducc'r!lol~an.y.f"l~owtlwJ1(J .,. ',", .... ,..." .;"
e' .··.·:V,.· ....
::R:iCkHp,rf; .... ;.;l t 0·0; ·,0 excel-ifl 'Athletfe8.:.. :Muehw~ ·sli\d·7S8.LANCASTER.AVE~
. :"W:.)J~·niphr.ies,ef~ :•• 0 . ,2 ·'2 .0··'2 ';~o~eti~~.~~: ~e¢arding·6s,l,tai~.6Wa'n .. '. . .. MAWR~' B·FlYN··, ,'
' . . : ". . ~ ,. ';';;" ~ ...... Humphr1elH)f the· .l\,nnapQlis,B1l88Ba:ll _. \, '..,.' .~.l:{ t"l' i':'\- ;'f."''',~;, ' ..

, '~',::,'1'Ot~ls,:);,;~;.:~;'~;';9,
'. ia,2iJO- '." 4- t,C'$/.w~~'iilllk'e'wI8ila Narber:th·h:c,~..
,',,' .'
....", Phone, ,B.'iri ~.w; .'''&2,'".
., ". .
.... >.\
. •,.J.
, . " ",.,' " .:
':' • , I" .' •• ' . . . ' . . . '.. • ' "

i3~ :;~" ~·'~ " :'i ~ .~·: ·ti~L:~r':~·;:~iJ:':-~"':·~~""'~~~~Il~~~~~~~~il~~~~~~~~dfili

'.J. __ ••••
•• " ••1'•... , · .. """, . '.'"

4 OUR TOWN , .,''';'


~.;\O P.)f.
3 shows dllily. ),Infinee,
Evenill).,'tI, 7' aud 9 P. '.1.

'1'11<' Lig-RI'I Compul1y, e1l'dril'ul 1'011-

1ra.-tor~, hovl' IIl1nolln"I'<I th(' .. ~Iu,b·
\'uudl'\'ille begins at 3,:10 P.M.; 8 P.
'.1.. ul1,l 10 P. '.1. Admis"iOlI: ~IUliul'l,s'l
Justice of the Peace ROOFING
~i~llIlIelll of a hu,illl's." ;11 :\'llrhl'rth, 10 UllIl 20 1'('lIt" l~v .. l1illgs.;1I •· .. nl'. REAL ESTATE 6202 LANSDOWNE AVENUE
War Tux, 4 "l'lIt~:
T'h,' C<lm pall y. with offi,'e" lit lO.; T<ltnl. :1;; ("'lIls, Fire Insurance-Best Companie8 PfllUI)ELPHIA, PA.
WHAT-WHERE-HOW? Thurs<1l1y, Jul~' 1:1, EIII:n,' I1111111l11'f,f"in
\ a rliNI h A \"I'll U('. i, prl'pll n'd 10 (10 Cornice. Skyllirbh and Ventilatlq
.,Il'f"lril':tl t·ontrlll·tillg' work in ""'hy AlIlIoul1l'e YOllr Mllrrillgl' I "
of all Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave. Heater.. Itanlrea and Sheet MeW Work
"'hal i~ il "I"'ns I','('r~' Friday 01 ~ ](;n,ls. ('hri:oitit' l'OIlH'dy, "Hoc'us PO(·u~."
]'. )1., dOKf':o' at .).:~(I, 0Pt'IIS ag'ain frolll \[ovi(' ('hnl :\'11. 1:1. Frida~-, .J II 1." 14.
7 to H.:W P. '.I.! Thl' :"arh.. rth 1'0111-
Jlll1Uitv Lihran', of (·Ilt1r~p. Anll do
~I rs. LouiH :-4hPIlPllltlIl. of
.\""11'1<', i, ill Butfal", :\'. Y.
Shirley ~IIIM)n in "\- .. ry Truly You","
l·l'nlur." ('I1I111'd.", "Hl'd Hot Hi\'fd~." GLEAN··-SAFE·_·WHOLESOME Thos.A. Kerrigan &Son
lh,'.,· l'lan' II", ;11'' '
hOlik, Ihl're a, thp)" ~('h·1'f :\'"ws. Hatllrday, .Jllly J;;. Th.,
do in Ihl' hig ('ily lihrnri",t YI'S, in- PALACE THEATRE. ARDMORE. PA, l,il!g'·'1 ~how for Ih" 1lI0npy p,'pr plnyed
OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED Building and Contractinl •
11"fol'l' all lluditIJl(.(\ Etllt~l Cla~·tol1 ill UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
dt·l·tI, :Ind you h:t\,(., a h('ttpr (·hH1\('(' to Homes FOr Sale Or Rent
"TIle ('rn,ll .... " \llItt find .I"tf: "TIlII ------~----
~:"t 11""11 in :\'arherth Ihan in I'hila- Week Beginning Monday. July 10
d,·I"h ia, fnr Ih!,fl' an' f,'",,,r ,,<,ople .\1 "ndn," a lid TIIt',da~' .. Inly 111,11. (',. \lu,·h Hap." Io'ox \I'\\s. "\\'inn"r~ of
Harold IAII~'d
Paateorlzed Milk 1 DELIVERIES Plans & Estimates
FumJshed For
hl'rl' Ihan in lite .·it~'. ,\n,1 you do ,·il B. 1l1'\lil"", gl'l'1I1 SI""'la"lIlar fl'lI' Ih,' \\',·,t" \11. E. BrynCIO~~lkCertllled WEST PBILA.
Alterations & Repairing
lInl h:I\'" tn h.'long to th,' ('ollllllunity 1111'1' "hi"h 1'11I."'·d at thl' ~lalllt'~· 's Karl, ('(llIlt'd,'" . f Pipt th t • 'Yhi:-;k(lrs," in ad·
(Pedrlalle Soelety) OVERBROOK
<'lub. You jll.... t gh't~ \1:-' your, fOil Tllt'atf"(1 for a fOllr wt'(>k~ I fUJI a! l:itioll to ;: ),:g llc'lH of '"l\utlf'\'illn. ),1:.- Speeral MGuerlllle)'" MERION Write, Phone, Call
lilll't' .\dllli~l'·;jnll 10 nlld ~u (·put:-;. E'"t'lI·
':llld IlIal1 or W(lillan, ~'llli 1I1a~' l,hollSl' .ill ('I'llts HIIII)i:-,~ioll. " Fllol ':-, Parlldi~t'.'· Milk ' WYNNEFJELn 429 BROOKHURST AVE.
I t t
your tOll k :-'---' ('II ('('II :-' a \\('t' k t' 0
I' tl'l
l Th.· l\lfJ~t la\ i:·d). IH'Hulifu] and J!or- itlg~. :.! ~ho\\ .... 'j :tlld H P. ~-r.. ~:) ('I'lIi:-;. (Rober1I1' at Sbarplellll' BALA-CYNWl' D
~( II j' III,' "lller gt'lIU:-- )' Ilof0l'llV
lll'\\ ('" t I11'0 k t", alii 1 j' !"t'l' ,,'. I . I h II Will' 11
III I . II BTU IIc \'""d," illl' h"gi", at :\.::11 I', \1.. ~ I'. Dairies) NARBERTH
l'llClk~. ~{I jilin flit, lo\','r!oi lit' hooks 1.ln,"d l'OIlII'd.v,· " Brid.' :JIll! <:rnOIlI.'" 'I., :Iud ]Il 1'. ~1. Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
;ll1d· I"PIIII' ill til th t , Y. ~I. (', .\. )I\I:ld- "oTlday---l':pi:--odc' ..... "(;11 (11't "':111, Table and WblpplDU
WYNNEWOOD For Bowling and
TIIl' .... d:l.\·~~(.t,lli(..
il:g SPlIll' Frida,'" :llld vi:-,it 11:-'. IllIt,·II. 'I "()ld BELL PHONE. Narberth 1256-W Pocket Billiards
Oil lhl' l..ft "f th,' I'l"·,'i,·;,,g d,>,k H,,01~,"-'" \\"'<111"'.1".,, . . 1111," I~. \\'il, GEORGE W. BOTTOMS corne to the
you will tilld " sl:u'k IIf hook, "J;,r1,,·d
!'l''''I'\''','1. ,.II."I'l' an' .-I~cl~ ,b:'l)k~ :,I~ Tar,k-
li:111I ~. ,Hart ill .. T!I(· .\1'\""1." :--;t,,1'
('I"l)",J~" .: ,\ 11 B,dl,·" I'".'" Ki"".:,.""" -Contractor and Builder-
1"0. 1 Forreat Ave.

t.." "

46th and Parrish 8ts. C L. PARKE

I I)
("'1111" .1111'11
'1'1 \'
'''I<) 101ll1ng",
alll~ 11llg
I" t "I
\", Ih(l. 'II "dd,tIlJlI 10 :: I,ig 1\1'1R of Caralle Building G Specialty
420 R A b I .',
lI\\t'ioll H'

~,:,,:,;,. ,,':::,';d :;;;:~, ~,~I'~',."r:~I:~'i,':lr,: ~~'~t

O:J1, [------------------

PAfNTING GLAZING ockland ve, Har utb, Pa. ;.~::::::::::;~~;;;:.;:::~~~';::~~~=::;;;~;~~~:~:::.~:~... ~.~.~ ..,...''''''''''''''. , ..... "..""''',,...."".''',", Ii
ill': it ":1'-" ill I!I" !I,tJ"tlll,,'k. I','rhllp, DECORATING JOBBING HORACE E. RUCH ; Potato Salad have quae a FrcEh Fnllt Pic3 and Tarts "
~"" :tn' II ,llId",,1 :tlld 11",'1 r"ad .'01111'- WILLIAM NEWBORG &CO.
5414 Market Street I' :'~",' reputation. l'j~de dally. 11
:!li1l~ 1,,·1',,1',' I Ill' 11<'\1 ,.'!I",,1 t"I'I1I. \\". Painting and Deooratlng ~j
l,a\(' "\("d,"" 1'>,,1""'" (·dit,·,J by Roofing, Gutters and Spouting A New lC'ealu're ~
• ' .', t· 212 Woodb'ne Ave. Narberth Pa. Il'" j
,>1"1'1".": II1"dl'l'll Hi'll'" 1'",.!,.",. IIt,'r'i • • Heater aad RaUlle Repair Work 1'1,,- i
", " f k' I " 1 .' Phone,Ardmore1436W
1l"·."I'I': .. II,,' :--.t"l'." "I . "" 111', '.' I
Narberlh 1768 W
Orden taken Narbertb 388 M.
b CIa
-.::! I d
a an
d D eVI.) e d e
rabs F resh D al'1 Y j

\'111 1.'''JlI, IIII,J "1'1' ~trl':l1l1," b." I.lld,: U Lar~er Quantities Made to Order
Irara -
, :
\\;~ 1.,,\\ i.,h"llI. M~Ginle IJ -- ~
1 "'''.
1!I"r,,"t" 1'1',,'" tlll',~l'lli"r ~I"'-IU 1708&1710LudlowS!Phlla. ~
1 ",,' I",,'" a,"l ~1I1, rl'a,ltll~
C • •
III! Narberth Delicatessen !
l<""k~. talllill" }",,,k,
"".I tli,_'·lIs_in;..: the,
I Bell ~bone, Sp'"ce
38,96 ",nd 389'
Keystone Pbone. Rice 0-14
,f11 104 Forrest Avenue Opposite Fire HOUle I1
J! II' r it:- t I f \\ 11:1 I t II (' \. 11:\ \" l' r l' a I I.
'" " \'i,it '111.1 )",'"d 'II ""I' '\la,:"zin.'
~II P:l.,"
GARAnteed Roofs Meats, G1" oce ries t,~:::::~:::::::::::::::::.::::::::~::::::::::~:::::::'::::::::::~:::::::::~:::::::::::~:::::::::::::::~::::~:::~:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::;:::;:;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~
t:,JoI,· \\ hil .. .""" \\al .. h tl,,' \\"r],illg' and Provisions
of 0111' :-'111:111 lInt fllthll . . ia~t if' lihr:tr~·.
Phone, Narberth 663 When money is deSired for a new home, improvements, children's educa.-
,I Plumbing, Gas Fitting tion, investment. etc., by making regular deposits in our SavIngs Depart-
~t"~ll'l.'" ~nll't' ment.
:t of I'l"OllliUl'llt )'1':--1-
and Heating 223 Haverford Avenue
d,"I' "f I'hillldl'll'hi1l ,'null' 10 Xnr- Deposits are credited With interest regularly, and their growth is steady
Ionth "II .July 41h 10 "l'J<oltral" th,' day NARBERTH PA Narberth and sure.
:.' I Ill' gll"st, of '.11'. nil,] '.(1'.- .•John Phone, Narberth 1802-J Begin depoSiting today-at least give our officers the opportunity to
\'lIrli" 411{; ~oulh :\'al'ltnth ~1\'rll\ll', explain more fully the advantag,es this institution offers.
Th('fl' \\ (')'(1 g':lIIIPS :ulCl :-:port:-: of various
kinds, aud 1'1\\'01'" tnking off 60llle hob- aJQr:!lrriou wttlrullllUIrusl C!tllmpany
" ,
I,\, 01' I'hll ra,·tel'istie of ('l.ll·h guesl were
.:isll'ihuleu. The pJII"1' ",a, h:lIlt1'''llll'ly N arberthRflgis[,'er ARDMORE, NARBERTH BALA-CYNWYD
..h·("unltpt!, and ~lIPlwr WH.... :-:l'TY(loll (I)) I Two Lines, IOc per i..ue; Sc For each additional I :
fhl' pOI'!'h. Th .. """11 illg \\ as d.·\'(,1 I'd to t=====================================~ I
1I1l"i(', ACCOUNTANTS 1 KINDERGARTEN SUSPENSIO'N! No coal Is being mined In Ibe Antbraclte Region. We cannot
tell how long this suspension wl1l last.
'.11' CUl'ti' i' "11 th,' ('ditorial ,talf GoUahaH. H. K. Public. Accountant, 3031 \IiS" Z~ntma~'er's Kindergarten. A little coal In your cellar' ",1.11 give you a feeling of protection tbat wJ1\
-. ' .' . . '. Conway A"e, Pboue, Narberth 1667-J. , N. "'. cor. Essex and "Windsor aves. more Ibsn counleract any cbange In price.
(If Ih" Buill-tIll, '11101 IS th" fl"'o~lllzl'(l K..lm. H. C. Certlfl....l PUb)lc Accuunlunl'l LAWYERS "'~,
, , . . 1 :!O~ Dndlev Ave. Phone Narberlh 300-W.. , .... ,-,,,
"uthol'lt" III I'hlladl'lphta ~llld !' al'" Ilalro~', John. 211 ",ssex a....,. Phone 1245-R.
. . .
\\ here 011 til(' hl.. lor.,' of gralld "I"·ra. Uoron 'Iotor Co•• Ardmore. Po.
AUTO'IOBILES Pblia, addreRs. Lincoln Bldg. I
Stl~P•• F~~eher \\'. 4131 Haverford avl'.
partieularlv in J>hilad,'lphill, ",h"fl' hc ~ee display advertl.ement In this Issue. I hone 3,_-W. Phlla. address, Crozer Bldg. 8j.ruee tlOO ,27 Ynrds In P,blla-
.' l' " . fi - . I .' , Sorberth Garall'e. Phone Nllrberlh 163.1. LIGHTING "'I"jI'URES delpbla and SUburbs
ha' oIlfl,,·tl'd I 1111~-l\e ]11'" '1<IIOn8, See display advertlsemenl in fhls Issu.... I ". Ardmore lot
III Your service.
, ,'_. . .'IfoUonald. John. Narberth phone, 12SR
~Ir. \'urt", .11'.• 18 a wldcly kllo"Jl 01'- AUTOMOBILE SER\'ICE I
];;33 Chest, st.. Pblia. Pl'0ne Spruce 3138.
1'1l1"tra 411111 ehol'us !'ouduelor. I'oluposer Donahue. Patrick F. Pbone 1633. lIIEATS. ETC.
, ~ee dlspluy advertisement In tllis issue, .
lIllIl t ..aelter uf I U U ' l l · . ' \\ m. T. 'kintyre. PhoneI' Narberlh 6G.'1.
. BAKERY :-:"c dI8pla)' advertisement In tbls Issue,
Among the gU('.,ts ",,'re Arthur 1.!''''IS \,...It .... Sw....t Shop, OPllOslte ~tlltlon. MILK AND CRlllAlIl GEO. B. NEWTON COAL CO.
']'u 10 lis, l1rlllllllti(' and J111"i .. !"lit"r of Sec dlspla)' advertlsl>ml'nt In Ibis Issue. IlIlChland Dalrle•• Inc. lIlAIN OFFIClll: FRANKLIN BANK nUUILnING,
Ih .. Bul\l'til1; Dr, 1111,1 '.1". Fredr-ril'k BANKS . S<>e display a<lvcrtlsemenl In Ihls Issue.
•' " '1']1 . \ -I 'I ..rlon Title 8< Trust Co. Phone. Narb'fh 3!lS scott-Powell Dalrl...... ,
"11(·OX. HU"'I'II h.lIlg -, I 1.'1', Ol'g-.ln. See display advertiSement In tbls Issue. See display advertisement, In this Issue.
alltl ,liredor "f 11I1I,il' nt fill' Pennsyl- BUILDERS llUSIC
\'Huia In,litution for th,> Blind, O,'er- Bottom., Geo. W. Phone. Nurberlb 1256-W. Lo~,s. Fan~~' H. Plnno t"ncher. We invite you to make use of QUI' prompt Delivery Service.
.• II k . I Sec dlsplny a<1verllsemenl In thIs Issue. Studlo.:l:. M. C. A. m<1g. Pbone 31G-.J. Your needs can be supplied quickly.
brook; !-('WIS ba,h~.. WI' 110\\ n lass Thos. A. Kerrlll'an IIJ. Son. NOTARY PUBLIC
",h,i,t of :\'al'h... rlh all,l )Ira. Ea,hy,
, ' .
See display ndvt'rt\SeDlPnl In tblS. Issue.
Shand. Alex. C. J~. Phone No. 1710.
J If I. J U
• .. er es, ......
111 N b th
III' er
a, e. Main Line Drug Stores pr.?~E.
J\lalld(' Holzer }o,nll..." ('on('"rl arllsle Narberth Station. . Phone 6OO.M. MeDlbers, Army and Navy
, >, ,,> .' 8medle~'. \VOl. D, 8< H. T. Phone 600. simpson, Harry A. 232 RSBex ave.
nn,1 ,oJlrllno or :,.;\. 1 \lui s I resh~ lenlln Sec diSplay advertisement In this Issue. Phone Narbertb 636. KODA.K!· FILMS. As.oclation.
'h h u· v1' h tl D " c r l T~·son. Warren R. 2()(J Woodbine ave.
• nr.. ; lH I~S r, IZ:l (' I oprr,' On" CANDY. ETC. Phone Nnrbertb 1202.W.
violinist, lind .To«eph ){o".. t, baritone Davl., II. E. Phone 1254-W. OPTICIANS
soloist.' See display advertisement In this Issue. Filmton. Carl F. 506 Essex av, Phone 638. W.
CARPENTlllRS AND BUILDEltS Phila. add.• 1631 Cheslnut st. Spruce 7797.
•Jenklns. Cbas; L. Harry E. Palmer. 209 !Ia\"cl1'ord nve.
103 Dudley ave. Phone 1684. Prescriptions 1I11ed nnd repairing.
lentmayer. Joseph. 1006 Locust st.• Phlla,
,,' Np~'·I.ark Quality Sbop. 236 !Iaverford s,'e, S .. wborg. \Vm.• 8< Co. 212 Woodbine ave,
St'<, display advertisement In this (ssue. Phone Narbertb 171)8, W.
Two cents per word If casb aeeom· ,COAL AND COKE See display advertisement In this 18SIIe,
pan les ael vertlsemen t; otberwlae. II Yf
cpnts, per word,
I Narherth Coal 8< Building Mat. Co.
See displaY advllrtlsementln tbls Issue.
Newton Coal Co. Pbone Ardmore 104,
\\'N7e'VI~~~~'ave, Phone"1247-.T.

WANTED-AI"('ll\llll,odIlIIOIl~for t"lll'h-
l:'ee dlsp.lay adVertls,~1Dent In this IS8I1e. ,Iio)"d. Hor....... S. 313 1I1eeling HOllse Lane.
DENTISTs Phone 356. •
> • . , \Iarshall Company, Contrnctlng Paperhang,
1'1', for :-iarlJ('rfh 8,.]IO"b. I o~1 Ollll'c Orr, nr. A .• L. 101 Elmwood av. Ph, 393-". l'rs. 300 Price Ave. Pbone Narberth 1661.J,
. . Pbila. Pbone Filbert, 4252. I<:eltb Bldg. .,
Box 0;;1. (.I!l-p) Or. J. Schembs. Jr. Phone Narbertb 316-W. PHOTO l'LAYS
S. E. Cor. Grayling' and Windsor aves. .'Arcndl..... i6th and Chestnut sIs.. Phlln. :-" .

Omce !Iours: Tuesday. Thursday. Batur· See dlspla:r advertlsem"nt III tbls ISSIIl!.
FOR SALE-Hix l'ylill,1<'I', ~t.'\·(.'11 PH~' d~Y. !l.30 A. M. until 5,30 P. M'i Monday. Ardmore Tlieatre. Ardmore. Pa.
Rl'IIl(el' i"tu.]ehllkl'r "III'. "ednesday. Friday, 6 P.M. until
COlllpll'1 (,I.,· Dr. H. F. MeDull'ee. 209 !Iaverfol'd ave. 8 P. M. Sec display advertlsetnent In this Issue.
... quipped, gO(lll (·ollliit ion. 1'... II,ollallll,. Omce, 644·R. ·House. 327-.T. Dours: 9 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS
..... C:I!I-(' )
A. lIf.-li.30 P. 1\1. Eve. by appointment. Plano TunIng and Player Phlnos. THE .last. quarter ,century has seen a big
Phone Nurhert,h :146. DRUGGISTS O ..orlre Ahele. Phone Narberth 1255-.T. J. change ~ t¥ngs bl;lil~-a change largely . ...,
Howard's Phone 1207. PLUMBING, ETC.
FOR RENT-)Ji('e1y furui"lwl front . See dls~lny advertlsemelltlntbls Issue. Cook Bros. 'Phone 302.J.
caused f)yb~dlDg~te: ...als--ll,c.hang~trom
~Ioln LIne DrUg Stores.Pbone 1620. See ,dlsp.lay advertlscment In this Issue. temporary 'to permanent struetlIre8. ' '
room, 1I1so rellr 1'00111. Cool. 160!l-W. See display aavertlsement In tbls Issue. W.... H. B. Phone Narbertb 1602-J. The alcYscraper,the efticiebt factOry, the modem
2:?7' Forrest A H'. (a!l-~)
ELECTRICIANS Sec dlspl~y advertisement In tbls Issue. home and farIbwowd beimpollible as we fiDd them
Case. W. G. Pbone 3DlI.W. . REAL ESTATE todaY....withoutcollcrete. . . ' . . .'
See display adVertisement In this Issue. Frl's~h. H. V.Phone 252-W.
w'mOW}<~R. with two yellr son,' ,,'u II ts Pullh; Veri. 22510'l1a n've. See display advertll!emcnt in this' Issue, The col1Cftte ~tru!=t11r8~ mOJle)'IDveatec!,
Nar,, 000.·W. Ard. pbone, 163-J. N",.&b.Robert,.J.Phon.e... Narbertb 17.1(\. sa(egua~1ife, ariel safeguards the pro~ or.r.oc:k I~
Itol\fl1, where rhild will receive moth· '. . , Money for FIrst and l:lecond Mortgages.
CODtaiDs.'~. T b $ 8 last quarte.. . r cen~.'.
('I"S enrll. Cnll i"nrbel'th 6:l0-.J. (:l~),P.)
~I!!tz. Earl E. Phone Woodland 4163-n.
'. REOREATION . till· . of b ' 'Atlai Pordaud cement ~haa Ob
S .. ~ . . .J L..
the •.taaWIEU
.!' cl..'

.09 S. 521ld $t.~ Pbllad\\lpbla. Pa.

Reer""ttotiRooni. No.1 :Forrest ave.
See 'dlaplay advertiSelIlent In thIs Issue, come typeI ...._"
to. ue , 'i't.:..._ ,',
NUJWQ . • ,", tiT
wbith alIOtber lDlikes.ilNDteaiured."
'!lud; good ,condition. rClIsolll\l1lt>.
Bercner Hardware Co., 211 Haverford ave. ..... . B"
See display advertisement In' this Issue. uavld Ode1l1 elmout. Track. Riding es-
. ...:' sons. Badale ,Borsel! to hire. Telephone
' I TIm
. .
" .
f'h9neN"ilrberth 122311[. (3!l·p) Narbe.rtb 12\11.. '
lNS'1RAN()E , &ita Oni~., New'~odt--~Pbifecftlphla'
.... ~ ....." •. . .> '1'"
BoWqaen.:Samuel P.(Llfe.)
··t·h·'·· i16 Ellt1wooiLave. P·bone illi3-W.
.. "<. ROOFINO•. ETC.. .'
Gora-:UcGIDley(jo;',Pbonc 12li8·W•.
. ."
. . ,',. .. ...' ".,~..;H~N;
'," ' , .... ", ',,-,',.' ... y.-........ AfL ..
'.' '.:.. ".
,...... ,
~.. '~IRhc.s steauy ·emp .Qyment WI TlI'otter BI!'08.: (FIrei' etc,)' . : seedlBplay" advertlsement'in this ,Issue•

.·.~g,=:;,~~?iEt.:;?:~{.~~I~~;!i!~~:i::,·I;~£;£~~~~:~~ . . ~:~\~~,~~~~~~~J;
.. :

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