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Narbrook Park Public Invited Sill~s Lt'udill~ Role Officers Will be

Two Main Narberth

I, I'lIhlie lIighJl'1\ Protestcd hy 12 10 Hear G-Mall Addrl'.<.1 -"porl",uol Elected Tuesday

Roads to be Paved II",
1"\ :1 'i k. ;\ II

lill.' 1111 '--

\\ 1 ,

RC.lidflll.l al :hllll/al "'!e<'lillg 20111

('x- By tht' \V'onll'n's C. C. of Nar-
H,l\TrforJ and \,'inJsor An'- .\ III tit 11·11 ,d' 1II'IItl·-t ~q!ain-t till' Il, ,\, II I t ~ j (I t '111 I If berth: Dogwood, Girl
n\ll'5 COIllI' llnuer County I' ( ('!'lle I 1'1 '\ 11" 1 I J; I ~. 1)1"'1- lllll t (I l'I"j,,'-al 111"1 lill' I",r"ugll I"k,' ,,;('1' IIll' 1."\\'1'1' :\1,,1'1"" 1(,,,1 al,,1 \;,," \'1"1,, Scouts, Topics
1111111 1111 -tIll"· ... · C\ll"'lng' til IIllt' and llI"k" 1',,1>11,' :\arl>r""k I'alk a,- a .."rdlall" Jl1\'ll", 1111 j"'I-III1- Inkr-
jHlldll' 111,Ldl\\'HY. \\a ... It'ad Iwfltl·t· :\ar~
1:""1 \" ..- lliaol,' 1>:- 1111' Bll-ill"" , Til" -I"';lk,'r-, ,·I,'l'Ii"n "f "fficers,
:lla tl'\I:t!
j·I'\III'·11. tIl I".nil ('''III,('lI :\I,,"day night.
;1\'111d IIH·IIIl\·t'llll·nl·t· ",I"d I" l1I'al' till' fn',' !<-I'I"I'" ,,1' A, and a dll~\\',",d alld plallt sal .. are I
:\\\;lrdt·d 1'1'1' :~l (,lUll:. AId I":ld \1[1
1 11' \\ I I 1":"'lld .-hIIJlpt·I':-•. ~'I!I(l'd I,,' 1\\ ('h'" rl',ld"llle. 1111' pl'- 1!"\I,al" I.,'l'i,i,·. '1"'('lal l!JI"lIt III : '1'1ll'dlJi"d fill' th,' n'~ular nlt·"ting of

.il'('t."'-IIIl'ludlll~ !,,\,. ('1' l!ll·:tl 1111\1111- 111I>,n ,,-k"d t"11 qUI',\llIne, \\'hich it .-hal'l£" ,,1' 111I' l'hilad,'lphla ',!lil'" "I' th,' : Ih l, \\'(ln1f'lI', C"mmunit,' Club of :-':ar-
Hlllllll~h 'liILIC" ellll"" \\','1'" ",k"d al a 111("'lin~ (If the I-"'d,'ral Bun'1111 "I' III\''''tl~all"n, IIIl ~ (,I'rth TU""da,' at tWII ,,'clock in the
tarl('l' III :'\;llll1·ltll.

lll~ \\ill Ill' \\'lllli'lll' ;1\1'11111. fllllil Rotary Elected :\"rl,r,,,,k Pari, Ill1l'n'\"'l11l'llt A,,"cia- th,' \\",rk 111' th" l>t'I'"rtnll'nt ,,1' Ju,-, ! c"mmunll,' building,
1.:_., \ t'l I"t,;I, ;\1111 11;\\"l flllil ;1\t'llllt'. II"n a ,,'ar al!" alld ""\'1'1' \\,,,1'\' -ati,- 111'1' n"xt \\'l'dnl',da,' ,'\'('nll\~ at th" Adolph :'Ilullt-r, of til(' Vl'Kalb :\urs-
() fficcrs 'fllesday, H-'it h Dr. Ra\ mOil facI(ll'lly an'\\l'ITd, The~I' qUl',tions l."gi"l1 R'"'!11. C"Il1Il1UIIII,' Iluildln~, "n,", :\IIrI'IStO\\'n, will gl\'l' a timely
f!"/lIll :\al'llt'l'til a\ 4 IIUt· t l ' :\11.Jlte 1I ltl-
M, Slain Presidellt c(lncl'l'lwd nll'th(ldi' (If widening the :\arhprth, lalk "Il tIll' ~t"r,' of th,' dogwood, Mr,
t'l'\ Illk,·.
1111\\ . . 111'11 tilt \\,I,rk \\111 til ~III ha" I,'ad. \\'hdh"r till' gra,' pl"t \\'ould be '1'111' 11·('tur" \\'ill 1',,11,,\\' thl' bril'f i ~Iulll'r. all authority on thi, subject,

liI't IlI't'll :lllrl11l!ll{'l·d, Illlt tlld .... 1'(11' f\ll'-

n'nw\"'d. \\'I1I'tl1l'r tn'l" w"ttld bl' de- allnual ml'ding (If tl1l' R"d and Gun publl,hl'd a h(lok. "Portrait, of Dog-
,Ir"y,'d "r r"Ill"\'l'd. and \\'lll'th,'r the, Club f"r l,!t-ction of o!fic!'r, and d,,- \\'o(ld" last faiL
111-1I111!! (If 1l1:ttl'I'IHb fIll' road (,'(111·
:--tI'Ul'tltlll !la\l' lH'I'n ;ttht·rtl:--1·d allil rt-
1"'I'"u~h \\'''ltld lay I'urh" and how tribution of award"
...""11 fl'palr, \\'"uld b,' ll1a dl' , and ho\\' Complimentl'd hy :\Iac Parkl'r. radio :\Ir" HI'nry D, B(loth, Jr., chair-
l1lul'h pr"pl'l'ty \\'ould be c(lnfi~cated l'omnll'ntat(lr. for hi, intl'n.,tilll£ and
I" 1\1 d. t111d C O. ('llllkt·, 'U]ll·1'11It f ·11I1·
ll1an "I' tl1\' :\lain LilH' Girl Scout
r"ad . . alld hlldl-!'l·.'" llf :\l(llltg ll)-
in tl1l' pr"I'!'e, "f changmg the ~trl'et. re\'l'aling di'l'u",ion. :\Ir. Leckie ha"
t lIt(If
C"ll1l11lltl'(', \\'i11 outline tl1l' rl'vised
,'ry C"Ullt,. alld hi' ,talf. an' l'Ue\' Sil£ller, "f tl1l' protl'q Wt'J'{' Ald,'ne had a m(l,t acti\'l' can'I'r. HI' ha, Rl'TH \'0:\ HAGE:\ (;irl ScoUI pr"gram \\'hich is being
)'r"j'arilll!' tl1l' ,l'ill'dul," "I' .. ",t,. ,',I i- F, Patl'r",n. :\Iary G, Sharpl'. Da'R)' I>pI'n with the F, B, 1. for fin' Yl'ar~. ".h" 11',1/ "illp 1//1 0'/, ,,; f;/.0,' pUI illt" th,' hands of leaders this
Illatl'''. lllaking ,U1'\"'y, alld "Iall" :'II. Barm'lt". R"lalld F, Ja'per, \V. H, ha\'ing had :::I'n'ice in the t\\'O Caro-' ,lII/i/ r ... "I/, 1/ u; tl/l (;I/f/l'c/ ,'pring. i.,
dc,. ill "rd,'r til gl'1 tl1l' \\'''I'K ,tartl,d Wat,on. H, L. \'11ICI'n(, E, Lee Golds- jina" California and in thl' Ea't. til I" i/i,., 1/ ,lIl/lI Ii 1/1/(/ 7 by thl' : Ollices to be filleo and those retiring
a- ,'arly a, plI~",]'k, It I' "XI'!'l't ..d ,burough. Jr,. \', A, Baill'Y, James \V,' For murtc' than II y,'ar h,' \\'a~ admini~- fI,·C, C"llIlIIlIlIi(y Chor"I, : fn,m thoSI' office's are: Second vice-
that t" a\'llid \\',rklJ1l!' a hard-hip "II 'I" HI' \\' \\' II ' J I ' ' J EI II : pre~ident. :\11'" H, F, Stevens', treas-
;1'\'1111'. ' {, Str,'d, ' ' tc'1n( e 'tl'atI\'e a"lstallt lu , 'l-(ar ou\'er.
thl' ],U,illl'~' ",..tll1l1 ll1ld ,)](1]')"'1''' 'alld Anne Donohue, : in \\'ashington, ,url'r, :'III'S, \\'illiam Ll'vis, recording 30th Productl·on
thl'rt'ill. lit" \\III'K "II till' t\\O I'arall<-I The propu,al to havE' the street I !'I't'n·tary, :\lrs. V. R. Woodcock; and
,tr.",t, \\'i11 ll"t I... d"ll" 'lllIUI- t k
, a'tc'n o\'('r y
b th b
oroug was ap- i roun 0 ur T own Ihn'e directors, :'Ilrs, C. J, Goodyear
Of Narberth Players' Biggest Finall-: :\II", G, W. Orth and :\Irs, J, E. Bur~
i pru\'l·d at thl' rl'Cl,nt annual meeting'
Tht, \\'Ilrk 1:--: h"IJll: apJ'(lrtlllllt'd (I\'t'r 'of tJll' :-':arbru!lk Park Impro\'ement, cial Hit in Grollp's Histor'!' ('I,ll (forty-onl' haH' bl'c'n nominated),
tl11' ""U II I , III all df,,,,t t" mak,' II" Ralph C. IIeath, Shirl,'y road. :-':ar- ,The other OI"'Cl'I'-,' a 1'1' CIJntl'nul'ng a
Association, l'l'rth, ~prained hi, ankh, laH week,: One of thl' bl"t attended nwetings t\\'u'year term,II :'II"mlH'rs of thl' ~omi-
('qual a dl,trJl,utlllll "f th,' \\I'rk a"
Jlll;-;~ild(·. ill Jlint' hI1)'lIugh::-- and t\\'(')\I'
, ' TIll'
h pl·tition
C was
'tt refl'rl'l,,1 to the thl'n.hy ,urprising a ",urpri,,'" part\.· "f th" sea~on wa, hl'ld TUI·sda\.- ni"ht'liatillg Cummittl'l'. who will act as
t"\\'II, hi l'" TI1I' aid j'r"grall1 i, "I'illl! , H Ig \\'ay omml ee., , , '
Otl1l'r council actl\'ltles Included:
~ giwn in his honor Saturday.
Commendation contlnm'" for thl' in Elm Hall. The attractiun of the ,tl,II"r" are: :'III'S, J. I), Sutherland,
\\'"rk"d "ut "II tl1f' ,'UIlI' I>a'I' a, la,t , " f $100 d' . eVl'ning was th,' pn',entation of Faith tir"t \'iCe-)Hl',idl'nt; :\Ir,. P. H. Mar-
t .~pproprJatlOn
th 0 th
t b to recon
h 1-,' new stvle . headlilll's of this pallt'l'. Farm('r', littlt' two·act play ":\Ii:::s:' row, and :\Irs, J, F. Shl'rron,
,,'ar: f,ll l"'r C"lIt "f tIll' ,'Xj,,'n'l' i,'
Ion e)rooms a e orou g , prop- I OClasionally, howl'\'er. all objl'ctiun, ' \1 J
\'"rll" I.y Ih" ("'UIII,' "f :\1 "lItg<>nll'n' U"!,,ri"'. S, II' J., IId,r (·rty. 10:.. Conwa,' avenue, which are, such as that uf Geor<rp Hans"lI. who TWf'nty-OIll'" ably givl'n by a cast of, . rs, ,J, :'IIartin. chairman of the
alld ~(1 I'!'r ('('lit I,y 1 h,' I"cal IlIUII1CI- \, I Cl 'I I H I h C ,... "ight, Thl' Ilrincillal rull" were' (;ardl'n, Lh'partnll'nt, a,ks that mem-
Th,' Bala-Cynwyd-:\arh('rth Cluh t U I,'('I lH" 'II I uy t 1e f11' ('a
h t eliteI', ,a\'" . thl'\'
, mak.' him \'iolentlv 'p ill.l aIfy e d by :\Iarjoril' TUlllis, Fl,vnn and 11,,'rs l>rin~ I'xtra planb to the sale
1"t!1 t ,',
k little IlJ-y"ar-old Rinkil' Pollock, Thl' l'lId that thl'y plan tu buy tho~e they
Tht' CllUllty ('(lllllni:-::--\(IIll'l':-- !'t· .... )11J11- Illll\"'d up from till' vicf·.pJ'l',id,'ncy Dr.; w I111'1 \\'1 nlO\'e rom t " ruom at Anti-Stn'amlinl,-!lI'll<lIiI1l' F"\'('r bl'-
:--tall'\,'. who i" a \''rillarian. and a Elm Hall it ha, hl'l'n u,illg. 'I ' 'I
, ,_ ""!l1"S ('PH l·mIC. yuu I' l'apl'r \\'t1 t<i 'I' I I tI \1 II A J b h
,11.1" f"r 1t1f' ulI.'nlJd",III"lIt-rt,JIl'f I'l'"id,'nt of :\arh,.rth at :1;; A\'oll r(lad. Al'propnatwn (If $1:JO t(l tlw liar· ,t,'p", , , , I'll'a," a,hi,,', A, f(lr a pay wa, \\'(·11 l'I'cl'i\'l'd by all 1·lIthu,i·, n"," leJ'l', . rs, . , aco s. c air-
-I",,'d-tlj' :"'1' Frt',l<-nck (' f' ..I,'I-. Fr", l. I f old D, Speakman P",t. An1l'rican Le- ' a-tic audil'nc!', : man of Cun"'r\'atioll, will be in charge
t,'r (', llil\l-l!lI-_ allol .Jall,"- \\" ('"t, II " h a" ul','n , in e1arge u the im-, I TI' n j , I' the nnual '1~lnAI" I T) lH'lter nanll' f(lr a bl'ltl'l' and hlgger It \\.." ann"lllll'(',1 that tll° 1,'I,"t'' "I' till' 'al<- of dogwood,
p"rtanl ' commltt,'e 1 d' 1 'tJ~(I'\'aIIC
Oil program' anc g I."
I'll' ath bnro\rrh .• ~ "la ,ay II pap('r, "Town and TuwlI,hip" t'"n-~' !'l''',ulal' Ill'll(luctlllll "VI,ul,l" , D"llr", 11",t",~", al th,' ml'l·ting npxt Tul's-
I'U bl It'lty. ant succ('e , III t 11' prl'sl- " , '
,It-ney William H, Durbin. who pr{'-
I' e " 1.. ,
An ordrnanel' wa, pa:::sed oil fi"'t:
i tinues to lead all suggl·,ti(ln",""
:\Iagnolia~ ,
in b100111 at th,. :-':arlH'rth' wa, financially the mo:::! ,ucce:"ful! 01 a ,\' aftt'nl\loll will til' :'I!r" Robert J.
Parking -idl'd at the luncheoll ml'l'ting. hl,ld at n'ading. cO\'l'nng plul11lJing' n'gula- I Station,
()\'l'rbrook Golf Club, tion~ a, n'quin.d under a new S'ate i I
Flowt'ring trl'l" Rowel'lng, production in the hi,tor\' uf tl1l' :\,,-h and :\11'" A, C. Schwall1'nland,
Playl'l'~ and thl'y are now !(;oking- for-!" The Clull Chorus will m('e! at 12.45
'la- la\\', < , ::\ an,' a Jlotted plant and d"I'I,rated egg ward to th('ir thirt\.'.first and final: IUI'"lay 111 the legion wing for re-
Plohlems Beillg Tackled 10 Reliel'e
TI1l' ne\\' \''sident is P111 Conttnued on Page Four 'play of Ihe 1'T1'sl'nt season on April i 1I"ar,a I• wit I1 :'III", W, R. Giles con-
('ougestioll ill Borough
d..lphia Ell'ctric Company', F, Engle 11 B tNt
2(1 and :W, whl·n that ever-popular 'I ,uc.lIn ' g,
:\arb.. rth ha' bl'l'lInw ~uch a bUR\': Taylor, of Bala avellUl'. Cynwyd" Ditter Ba. . c keo anque
,comedy "Big Hearted Herbert" will ex Club members are asked to enter the
Illth. 1'0111111unltv tll'.t ..
,"tl'J)~"111U-t ":,,
0 u. 1>r. F, :'II. Purse, sl'crl'tary, and' I be giVl'n b\.· a cast of thirteen', five of A I't s an d "ra
, 'J'h III'S d ay I or A c t'lye F'Iremen t 0: the olLler members and eight of this 1I0\\'('rs' exlllblts at the meeting of the
C ft s an 0 th e sprmg '
tal"'11 t" 'oh'e ,Jl, parkmg pr"I>iJoms" IIl'f\'('\'" C Kt'im . trea-urer ' " both of B" " "Vete r ani eFr' lId'" s In App reCla,
s" B"r"u~h Coun.-il dendl'd :'Ilonda\' :\arlll'rth. wl're f('-elect('d, Dlrel'tors, tion of Congressman's Work I Boast Noted Guest List 'Year's nt'w ml'mbers. "ontgomery County Fl'deration at
llll! 11. alld a, a }'("ult th,' Planning- . are Dr" R , C ,:\I('ar~
' . who wa"- re-: ' . '''' ' , C' I S'ouderton, Thursday. April 21. Scrap
(" I ,
\. "I11I11IS,IOIl llext ' \\ I'dn,',day night n·tlnng
,ell'e!I'd and John A, :'Ililll'r and the,
, , ' pn'''Jdent , RI'-l'!<'cti"n of :'Ilontl£Oml'ry County's Town and township fin' fightl'rs a n d '
~ .,omlllatlnl£ , ,
Omllllttee wa" ap-
' . ; 11Ill,b will also be judged, 'd :'Ilrs. John
WI con~I' "I' Illa '1Ilg a ,U1'\'I'y of thp di~-'
porntl'd consl,tlng of :\Irs, Grace, \1 Ph'll' ,, '
II I k PI' , "
I I t V rlJ , I tid I Congrl'ssman J, \\'illiam Ditter is I officialdom will be repr(',ented b.v ,
Batchelor. chairman; Bert Simpson, - ' I " I IpS, retiring
' preSl ent of the '
1'11-10"" "H,tion, e:'11 e 1 u rn wa, e ec ('I e 1'-, ,ought hy Frank A, Schr('pfer, past: tinguiRhed n1l'mbers next Thursday F ' h F AI' H k' J e h State Fedl'ratlOll of Pennsylvania
:\Iain cUl11jllieati"ll. acc"rdllJ<T t" gal". with Dr. Stalt-y a:, altcrnatl'. to nati"nal commander "f the :\Itlltar\' 1,\'pnIng at Elm lIall. :'\arberth. thl' \'la I It aGrmer. \\,Ice os In IS , Jos PI ,\\'omen, will spl'ak, ThO!'{, wi~hing
IIII' di~trict conf"rencl' at Bethll.hem,
I ran~portatlon call M 1", P, A. \\ ales,
,... . I • J l'r, racl' t'rnl'r anI OSl'p 1 ' , •
nurg!'s, Frank Schrepfer, i, tht' jJllrk- Order of the Purpll' Hl'art-as a occa'lon of thl' annual ban(juet gIven' II I EI' 11 b T ,I
:'Ilav ~. (I, 10; and the'\' were in,truct('d, " ong I'r. l'ctlOn WI I' U('S! ay, , ' '
ing of largl' trucks on Haverford . .. "fril'nd of thl' veterans. 'by the' :\Iultere, to the actJ\'e volun-' "Ia\' 10 tlan"portatllln chairman.
a\'l'nUI', unloading " "upplll'.:' for ,ton'",!,to vote J' for , Ardmore s Ralph S p' n :\olr,n g e who
Schrepfl'r, r .IS of tl'l'r, of the :'\arberth Fire Company,'", J burgl'~s ' C
onl 1nue d on Page Four
A ,uggestlOn , made \,('ar, ago and orT , Istnct h b' governor. f' i :\arbl'rth,
• ha~ apPoJllted ' Arthur L. i Ed Pollock, £I'('"i"l1 Lee/g'T ,ports'
J'('\,I\'I.d '
n'centl\' at a HusilWSS (ouncIl', , , 0 t I'
' J Ig conR erence I h S In San Fran- Cookl', former commandt'r of the' comn1\'lltatur. will be the prillcil>al "The Red Headed
" CISC" III un\'. a p ,Dunne w a s · '
111l'etmg Uy :'Ilr~, Raljlh Heath i, t·X· I d d I ,Harold V, Spl'akman Post, Aml'rJcan speaker, Next DCYelopment oj Children" Will be
peeled to reC("I\'e" '
eon"ldl'ratlon:" A back e ('cte \'" e egate.
' I dID G E '
'Ll'glon., .
:\arberth. and Groyer 0 .Con- At the dinner, which will start at Stepchild" Will be Given
lSltors inC u 1'1 r. l'orge mer-' • P. T. A. Topic
approach tIl the ,tllft." II 0 b k 'nor. pres\'nt commander of the '\ alley G,30 o'clock. presidents and chiefs of' TIlIIrsda'\l, Friday
.~s for long.time parkillg by indio
A 'on arnes, \'er roo', F
,lIrge Ch aptl'r 0 t I' •• I Itary r< er ,eight :\Iain Line fire companie~ will be j
f h '1'1' 0 I -'
\'iduals, it is pointed out that modest ,of the Purple Heart, to form a local prespnt, togl'th('r with :'\arberth and; Th"r(' will bl' two fl'minil1l' 1<'ad, Parl'nu of thl' children in the Nar- .-.:
11m's are the onh.' ml'ans of l'nforcin" ... Prl·mary Issues "
I committee. bi-partisan, and a detailed I Lower l\1('rion officials from all gov-,I P Ia\'ll1g ' t lIe sam(' Ieal I'IlIg roI 1', 'In <oTh e
11I'rth Public School are invited to hear
tl1l' on('-hour (larking ,ign:::,' that 0111" " ' lIst of worke'rs ' Will
, be published I later, 'ernmental department~. The Philadel-'' R I ' d' H pal IPI I '" C't epc h'll"I I COml'1 I \' d rama
Edward :\1. Twitmyer, director of stu-
h<llIr shuuld be sufficient for anvonl' . to Will be DIScussed Before RepublIcan The orgalllzatlOn will be known as,, phia Department 0 will be repre~ent('(I' t>ei t 1'1 I b \' t h'e S l'nlOr
presl'n ' . L ut 1ler dl'nt personlll'l of Girard College, at
the :\'arberth Parent·Teacher Asso-
shop; that unn"trietl'd parkin" i, per- , ,... Women on 'J'uesday I",\' eteran Fril'nds of Congressman 'I bv Ross Davis, chief engim'er, and' L
, . , "agu!' nex t Th' d urs av atH 1 F 1'1' 'J av
mitted on \\'ind""r and other av\,nul's I "
,Dnt('r" and :\oIl'. Schrepfer is the'I Bert ~ahill,
" battalion chief. I,'\ellmgs ' t at h l' L ut h' eran Ch urc I'1, ciation Ille'ding Thur;<day evening,
April 21, at ~ P,}1. His topic will be
('nly a block or '" away from thl'; :'Ilr" Edna R, Carroll. vice-chairman cou.nty chall'man. .Banq~et chairman for the :\JulIere", \,"o"dbin<' and :\'arb"rth aVI'nul". "Farlors fnflul'ncing the Character
businl'" , Idi'triet; that when cars an. of tl1l' Republican Committee of Phila-' ' Support b.J ofI Dltt('r by the h Cveterans Ii fi\\ omen s AUXIlIary " of the borough I AllIta 'F }lac arjalld plavs "Bes' " IlL-n'lopment of Children."
permltte< t" park unly one hour. Sl'\'- delphia , will addres" " the Lower •1\Ier- IS asell hon' t Ie support I" t (' ongress- re company. " IS Mrs, LllIdll'Y
, Trottl'r,
'T IIUl'"lay night ' and PalrICla '" . '
Dr, Twitmyer has just completed
cour~l' }Ir~.
(.ral can oeeupy thl' ,amI' :::pace in the ion-:\arberth Council of Rl'publican man aR given to eglslatlOn benefit- and her aides llIclude :\I ISS Emma' 'I '
of a day; but that when one Women at the luncheon and annual ing disab!t-d V('(l'ran, and the widows ;\lu(·lIer, J. E. Burrell, :Vlrs. WI I, hike the role Fnday, ender dl- hi, first year a' director of the phys-
, . I h f" Al C' '" h 'I G C"" rl'ctlOn of Vorothv Elwood, the splen-
ear tran~gr('s,es Its time limit, the ' bu:-inl'ss meeting for the election of'i anI orp Ians 0 I'senffICI' ml'n, ' h 'so ap- ,l'Orgl' I 'hlnlCh ener, .' 1'"I eorgl'' ,Ilpm" dul' ca,t IJ1cludl's:
' . Elmer Klapl)('r
. AlI-
.. hological "I'r\'icl' at Girard, handling,
1I~ ort~
lU,illl'S' section ,uffer, and otht'r officl'rs to bl' 11I'ld at \\'hitehall Hotel' preclatl'l are I' m t (' Il1tl'r- :'Irs, E PI' ar< t Mu('lkr, :'III'S, \\i. V" , - ' ' a, the)' ari'e. the individual problems
I • , s f ' I 1 f '1 S h f R E L I guH Klapper, \\ mfn'" Shewell. Jack
W(lU ,-b(' parkl'rs an' incon\'enienced TUl."lay, at 1 o'clock. l·.t 0 natlona 1(' ense, ;. r, c rep er; . "van,. :\11", ,B, E(g('rton and, '. ' . ' "f th" ~1'Vl'ntl'I'n hundred boys. Be-
','I' IIla"k Ilf ,-I,a,.t', ' ,'statl'd ," ' F k A S h ' f. Hm\lll, Hilda HIl\\ell. Dorothy foJ'(' that h!' wa;< a member of the
j _ _ :\11'"
• ," Huh('rlla ,s ll'I'lI111
I J 01 lila t
I' ( a', I ' .nr" ran ,.cnp(r. :'Ilackell, Kathryn Baily, Sara Yoder,
P,~'Chology IJepartnwnt at the Uni-
presldl'nt and :\Irs. II, Tatnall 81'0\\'11: Bl's~ie Rhoad\'s. Lois Shewl·lI and
\'t'r,ity of PeJ1n~ylvania, He is ex-
Delegates From Jeptha Abbott ," honorary pn"i,!<-nt. hl'ad the li:::t, Clean-Up Week I)orothv Rhoadl''-, Building 11I'ril'ncl'd in handling personality
Leave Mon. for D.A.R, Congress "f ll"llI.il1l"" 1'''1' Coulleil officI'S, :\0111"
illa1l'd f"r \ iI'" IIll,,oid"llt, lIl'l' :\II", III Borough Will Start May 9; Col- For March In Narberth Totaled lalla",
' \\,h'
en tran,plant('d
a young cowglr
, I f
to socldy ,rom.
on on-the
probi<-ms below the adult age le\'el.
leetion Schedllie Changed $603,195 and 11 Permits ,:'IIain Line. thl' 1'I',oult i,-worth Sl'l'- Tht· III\'ocation will be gi\'en by the
TIll' de1l'g-at('S from tl1l' Jel'tha ),1.-, H,·\', Rol.l'rt E, Kl'ighton, of the Bap-
bott Chaptl'r to the' 4,th COIlg-I"'" "f li,t Church (If the E\'angl'!. Commu-
the Daughter, of the Americall Hl'\ 0-' lIily 'inging will Ill' lead by Miss
lution \\ill I", :'lIn, .)o'l'i'h J, Klull1i' Friek'·. (If tl1l' Illu,ic departmc'nt uf the Junior Club
and :'Ilr~, Jam,', H, l'allH'r"n, :\arlll'rth Public Schoo!.
The' alterllatl" and "tl1l'r chal't('1' Gin's $25 to Blind School, Plans
m"mb('r' \\'ho will al", att .. nd thl' Mother's Day Banquet Merion Civic Date May 20
nll'l'ling~ include :\Irs. A. (;iratld
Olne,'r, "f tIll' :>I"rion Civic As:-ocia-
FlInte. :\Irs. Her],l'rt Parcher. Jr,. :\Ir~,
ti"n will I,.. el"l't ..d at the annual
Walter E. Knipe, 2d, :'III'" AII,,'rt W,
Jlll'('\iJl~ to be 111'Id :'Ilay 20 at the
D',ugla" :'III's. Allen C. Thoma" J 1'.,
:\I,'ri(lJl \\'ar Trihute H"u,e, it was de-
and :\lr" Josl'ph Y. Wright.
ei,k" b,' t)ll' h"ard of director" this ..... '.
The I!.I'OUp \\'ill Il'a\'(' fOI' W'l,hinl'
tlln on :\(onday morning to II(' i'l'l'S- w""k.
I'llt at till' opl'lIing of the Congress Earl .. IIl'phul'Jl \\'i11 h,' chairman of
that night. Ih .. cOlllmitt"I' "n arrangl'l11ents,

Speakers on Library Topics

. \",
May l~ \\'11I'n till' Philadl'lphia District
Library Association will meet in Nar-l
berth include 1\lrs. Robert F. Wood"
founder of the Narberth Library, alld I
KeOlleth L. 1\1. Pray, dean of the I
Philadelphia School for SOCl'al WOI'lr, ,I MRS. E. H.-Bachrach
Plans for t,he meeting wer~ discussed Carl H. Zipf, 1\1 rs. E, H. Cockrill,
Penn Valley's
TUl'sday nrght at a sessIOn of the I Mrs. H('len Greenwood and Miss Mar- A Musicale .. :.~

Narberth Community Library trus-l garet Benade. " Association will hold a regular meet-
Will he ope;) to the public-with no
ing 8 P. M. Monday at the Montgom-
tees. M 1'5. J. F. Srull is unopposeo for Lower Merion High's track team admission chal'~e--at the Narberth
ery School. It is expected that among
recording secn'tary, as are Mrs. :\1. E. Church Friday the 22nd, at
the matters to bl, discussed is the in- visited Media High Wednesday and
Narberth firemen extinguish('d a Edgar Felton, Jr., for corresporTding 8.15 P. M. It is sponsored by the
cinerator which with a park will re- allowed their hosts only two firsts out
field blaze at Bryn Mawr and Wood- secretary, and Mrs. Morris M, Gref'n Friendship Circle. Refreshments will
place the township dump in Penn of twelve events. The Maroon total
bine avenues, Penn VaHey, Wednes- for treasurer. be served.
Valley. was 85 to Media's 23 points.
day afternoon. ConUnued on Palt.. Four

~', ,. :. ",,:, '.~ ._.~..;" ". ,1.' ;,"', , 1:"~ ":;- ...: -)."J,.
. :
·I'-I.u,- ,
.,' ..
.'. ~S' ': ;- •. ,~ '::- .' . ' ..; ':" .~~ .--: ..: '"I
, "

.:i. J ~ • ;~ .."..... ,.. __ .:.,' .

~ .;.; ~ '1:' : •.. ·.t "','. .~. "':'!" ,......: '
Page Two OUR TOWN April 15, 1938
" '

Court Rejects Superstition?

Zoning Petition , ,

In junction Against Propo~ed
Gas Station is Dis- lil'lt ('III'i-liarl
- Ij J '\'!'- ~ 11 Jt '11......

t,rlg'lll Id

t 1j l ' t'
Ask the Easter Bunny for
," 11,1 1I1-1I11l;lI,d 11"'111 TIIl'I'" an'
". missed
II", 1," II "I Ih,' 1:",1,.; .IIIIla- 1,,1- '-1''''''01
,j I_I
11' \11
1- ....
td ;1 1,1111,"11

;1 L:;I I r 1 .... 1 tl,t

t 1\ (" 1\1I11~
-.·t·i\; rl~
t', ·]1 ....
C' '111 1 11;\-

1 lOll ('1 I, I r:
II: I tlll('-

' ,f ;\
'I"~ ""111"111- "I' 11". -:.11 ""lla,'; .Iuda.'

: I Ij ]1:111'. \\,. ("allll(ll

1;1,11\\" \\.·!I· 111 I.t·'lllardll·:-- p:lillt-

tit' :--t1I'(' lllut Flowers
III 1"1 ~ III 1.·f'"l·lclr~ w:dl 111' I ht.· lllllll-
L';I..... ldllil· . . . t:LlI"t. ;11 :'1 .fatlH' .... Plat'l'
I '1'1\ c,:' ~:lld;1 ~Ial"la ill
dt,ll.· (;I'<tZlt·
;llld \111111~I'JIIIJ \

lIt 't It l'!lll'!'-- f'l]

;1\-' Illlt', .--\,dltllll't',

tIll' 1111 U Ill't 11111 JII-

1,;1 \ •.
I l' I I".) I,.. 11<11 111'. tl1l'1I IIth,'I',
ll ... t·d 1 ill.- tlJlJl111'1 lJlllt Y t., IIlC:ltl
"hid,' I I'h iI 'I' :'1 ;'Id,',. 1'1"" i.l"111 "f '1i"111
II" Ikll '1"'1"1,11"111' (""I1'1,ally: .Juliu."

Did )OJj
i'.H'~I·t, I,rt':--llkllt (d'
,,," B""I'.1 "f 1'''1111111-.-1''"''''-; \rilk'"1
I!. :\1"('1',';11'), ~II'>. EllzaJ,dh 1{:t"I',
tilt, 1.11\\('1" \11'1'-

IIIl ;l

. . 1l!It'I":--titJld1
VI'lda\" alll!



" I; wl;).
sa)' 1,:.1",,1'.1 :\1. Bldoll,·. \\'. '1', :""111111"1",
lh,',,· aI'"
I'xanlplo:, of "x('"II"1I1
::1'11, :11111 11th,,!' !l' . . . ldl·!lt . . tit till' Ilt'I~!!1
1'/1.11 .,",,"/I}f/ 1/111/1 ,ul'/ /)/111 AII/I- 111;111· . . gl".ql1n~
to the Cn-' l't·:'plln~l'
flllrh'lllii. \'X'ith the fragrant breath of sprtng, flo\H'r, gl\'C lasting
l! "t U" 1',;~!J !I/If iI/ II l,n,,\\'II. But f,",h~h, illlk"d, is that
III dl;-.;II1I .... ~jllg·
till' idil. ,JUil~l· ~J'·lJl).!.I·
"'",·n-,,I' of humaliity "ho thl'l'eful'e
Til, ~dl/ ./, .-\ /11,1 1,.. .·- expressIOn to rOllr Ea.,ter renlt'mbrance\, En'rn'l1e 10\'(',

.1/" ,1,''/ 11/,
('. ('<ll's"lI ru"'d. iJ"\I',·\',·I', thai Ih,' '·"llcl\ld.', t hat all 1'l'ligjlln I' but su-
actl<l11 ,iJould I", Iwld <IIII'll ill th,· "\"111 "'. p. '1', lit loll.
the cheerful color which fine plant- and bl,'onh bring int"
Ihat <l1H'l'atlllll <If Ih,· gas ,tatlllll lat"1'
Th,'I'" i~ ,"ml'lhing happ,'ning llur- a home.
: :-:h(luld lwcnlllt· a IIU1~aIH·I'. 11,' pOlllt 4 ·d .. j\ Iannequin." "Baroness
1I1~ th,'''' daY'S "f Lent that no one
"ut, ill his ,],.ei,i"ll, that II I ' I"eat'·,j and Butler" at Narberth ,'an fully l'xplain. TI1l' Christian
ill a husin,·ss ,jl'II':cl. a., lIutlilll',j by
Then you're \1'·',aJ.!'· IIf this "'u~on is l'iclll'r and
Ih,' Z<lllill~ (1I'dlllall"", alld tll:lt Albrecht's offer yOll a complete arra~' of
1'\111,,1' than allY ,,1' ib int"rpretation"
looking for :lllllthf'r ga~(dllll' ~tat illll ila~ hl'l'll III
1'''1' gn'atl'1' than any ,,1' ll~ in-
IIIH'ratitltl ill til,· ~aln,· ~l'l'tlllll :-:111<'1'
I I . r II 1'1' t l' 1':-- ~ AZALEAS LILIES
I' qUit" "\'id,'nt in our own
('llll~tI'UrtllHI Ilf till' . . . tat ioll I..... TULIPS H'YACIl"THS
"IImmunity. All the churclll's-what-

Maguire ,,,"u~ht b)' tl1>' ~11I·11 l'llillll Oil CIII'-

Ilorat illil.
'\"1' tllt'lr 11l'paro'nt oIilf"1'!'nc,'''-al'l' Cl'T FLO\\'ERS DAFFODILS
"I'-"IYillg- (;0,,,1 Friday and Ea~tel'.
Th,·) :II'!' 1'1'1·.-.'ntillg tho' sum" l1Ies-
l"l'\\ Sen'ice Stati,'1!
-"~". Tlll'il' f<lur ['I'ot,·-tant I1llnist,'I'O'
I ;1'l·,·t, till' lllllt<lnng 1'1Ibl ie, at t Ilc

II'" t"l!"tllt'r in " Tllr",·_!I11UI'-SI'I'\·ice
"'0I'1l,'(' <If I., \"'1' II IJ.! :\1,11 rllad (:\1,·,,1-
:1- ""IIIt-"C" ,,1' tilt' ullity <If th .. il'
lilt.: !I"lI-,' lall'.'." Cyn\\') 01 ('<Ill I IIIU:l-
lI<llI) alld Hl'llll<l1l1 :""'Illil', It i,- ,JII-
'.! I ... ll:tll .... \\ III' 1:11 n·d :tttt'IJd ,in~'
"ph 1'. (;,,101"11'-. Th,· Bah al'ellll""I,

011 the
\\'hll calnl' 1'1'11111 ('ldll)':llill tfl .l~Tallll:ltt'
1'1"'111 tli,' l'III\'I'I'-lt, ,,1' I"'lln-y"'allia

-. alld \'\\'11 Iltlll

lljl' I.· . . ,
CLI'J... tiall:--. \\'JlI
1'."l' I -Illlll't II: I ll! of t hl' AL(j12~CtlT~~
:III" nl,1I'1')' alld !'ai-,' a famil,', ha' III I' "'.I' - I \ <I l' t Ii,' ("'ul'i Ii,.., I.

do ubi e'l)uick, .,j I' ~" 1- nt,1 Ihl' ;lll I'X!lt'nt'lh'(' \\III·th
li\t· ~ \';ll":-- dt\·j·}tlpl'tl hl:-- dl'}Il'v:--:--itJlI·

Illll'lI . . . t·}"\·ll·'· :--tatillll lntu all Ea:--tl'l'll .·,,111\;11 1I1t.:·'~ \\'liy ,III'lIld It Ilt' 1'!'-
:\lai11 I.lll'· i,,-titlltillll. R"cl'ntly, im- -. 1\ "I f,,1' :J p:lrti"lIlal' ",'a,IIn IIf tilt'

"Oi!'? Aye, n\'C, .,ir~ And 1'1'l".-l'd "ith hi.- \\·id('nin.~ I'allg'" of t' \lit·!, Y"al",' li' It dOl'" ""t-"I' elln Montgol11ery A\'enlle and Meeting HOll,e Lane
frll'lld" 1111' ,.\tlalltll' Rl"inlll,~ ClIlll' 1"'l'lIlal' .I<I:ln Crawford and Award- II'" I,,-t. \II' ,1i,,11 Ill' -u-P"l'tl',j "I'
the \'er\' b ... .,t."
l'allY 1'<llIght t)1I' "01'1l1'1' pl'<lI"'I'ty and ,\ ilL II:-~ ~l't Ilt'i':' Tl'a('~' :In' C'll-:-:.tal'rt,d -IIJ,..I'-titl<ln III' 11I'"Il"'l'ity in thought, Phont' Narbalh -IU2U Dt'!i)'en A", Time
art' nll\\' ('cllnplt·tin~ a lIl'\\" ;-;l'l'\'ict, :-:ta- " "_\1,,, ", \lIn, at thl' :'\arl)('rth "' 111,' -1I1""111111111 Ill' shall,,\\' ,,'nti-
lilln "ll it, tl1>' la~t wllrd In mod,' I'll TII'·.II'·" t', - FI,>I",' and Saturday- ltlll'l:il: ....· llI fill" rl':t1 t'lntltl(lIl~. Aln
"A grea,e joh? Jmt roll l'IIn\"'lli"nc,' and alllll'arallc,'. and "il II "\"'nint!'- "I 1.\. Flirt Ii .. m,,1 illl'" Sat- l'wh",' POL.ITICAL. ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT
her up, \\'e're death on l'a"I""- \I ,,1-1':1\,,01 dl'i\'('\\·ay~. Early 11 I'd,,)'. "Tal zan', H,·\'('nt.:·.··· i, th,· f",,- TilE L\~IPI.ll;HTEH.
ll"Xt \\·I,,·k tilt' flll'mal 0lwning will III!',· ~talTlllg Eleanllr Holm
s'lueak... " tak .. plac", "Ith :\11'. (;old"n ('ontinu- alld th"r"', a solid hour IIf ,hllrt-suh-
inJ.!, of c"ur~,', a~ pr"pri(·tor. j"d comedies,

"A car wa,h? Aye, and Air Mail Week

'\\'i11 Ill' mark"d h,·}'(· and nationally, "t8. u.S.PAT.on:
we'll make her as slick as May 1;'-21. BUI'g'I'''s Frank A. Schrcp-

a polished apple,"
fl'l' proc1ainH'u it" local ob,.;eryance
Monuay at :'\arl1l'rth Council meeting,
and "ith Postlllasl<'r Joseph L, Kelley
ONLY 30e Build
"A flat? At ease, Sir, re-
; will nanll' a cllmillittl'" to "upeJ'\'i,,' a
: 1'<I,t,·1' collt,"t fill' gl'ammar school
childn'n, an essay ('ontest for high
New DUCO for
lax, W'e'll put all' in and The EA,;e" 10 Use Enamel

make it stay,"
: "chlllli stud,'nt;;, etc,

, :'IIi"s :'Ilal'\' :'IllIl'ian, daught,'r of l\1r.

New DUCO is the easiesr·to·use enamel
you ever tried! And you can do a small
table or a large door, wlthuut any danger
lalld :\ll's. Clark .. II. :'Ilm'ian, of Anth-
I \\'\'11 road, will I·nt .. rtain at luncheoll,
1 h':idg'p, and sho\\"'r, nil Fl'iday, April
whatever of brush marks!
DeCO " .. arks so easily and covers SO
solidly rhar ir is truly "One COal MagIc"!
You ha\'e your choice of IS modern
: I.'i, ill honor of :\Iiss Jail'" Kirk Hall, OLCO colors-try DCCO today!
i daug'htpr Ill' :'II r. alld :'III'S, CbrPIIl'I' E. (oepo:,>: IS WORTH 25(, on rhe
purchase of a half·pint of DL'CO or
i Hall, of Fipld"tlllll' Farm, Langhol'lil',
larger. Limited time only.
\\'ho"p engag'l'nH'llt to :'III'. Jllhn Jal11e" ._--------------
- -- ----------- --- - -- ---- • To build a new, vigorous and united
Boerickp. "<Ill IIf :'III's. John J allll" i- flf ,\'''1'/11').(/, THIS COUPON WORTH
l3'll'rickl', of \\'ylllll'\\'ood, and th,' lat"
:\1 r. Roerick .., has h"('ll a11nllunel·'1.
:\I"n,!:>y and TUl'sday, thp Illvely
\ 1'II;d."lI:, "ill 'Iar "ith William
on the purchase nf a half-p'nt
or lar~er of Brush OVCO. S,gn
25 C Republican Party

1'"",·11 'n "T I I' Harlin,'" and till'

and bring it (0 our store today! • To nominate a candidate to
Marx Brothel's' Comedy Plays, "llt'"I'," MURTA, APPLETON & CO. represent YOU
at Egyptian This Week-End \\"'''111',da\' and Thursday, for a rl'- 12th & Sansom Sh., Phlla.

Spring TI1l' Egyptian pl'l"l'nt~ thi" Friday

and Saturday, "A Day at the Rac"s,"
Ill''' 'n ':t:,,'·nll'nt. "Fil'l.tI~,,, "ill hring

"':'1'1'1'" :\1111'1) Imt11 alld Allan Jones,

"C,·l! j, \\'}11'1'" )'IIU Find It" will
Cily & Slale

Give your vote and support to

Samuel E. EwinD, Jr.

featuring the :'Ilarx Brother" Allan ,," ~ tho \"""\; "th (;'~lrg-I' Rrl'nt and
Fever? ,Ion,·s and :'Ilaun"'n O'Sullivan in a 111:''-1 P"l!a\'i ,Ind. EXl'I'I1l'nt film
I'ar l ' I!' T\'chn:l' dol'. from Montgomery County
hilaril)u~ conll'dy,
"Happy Landing," a l11u"ical CO!l1-
<d)', ('II-,tarring- Sonja Hellie and Don
Anwclw is playing' at the Egyptian
1,\londay and Tu,"sday, April ItI-I!I.
"Then you'd better let us
I "Charlie Chan at :'Ilonte Carlo," fea-
slip on a set of new tin's ,luring \\'al'm'r Oland is playin~ at the
I';gyptlan 11I'Xt \\'I·dnl·~day alld Thurs-
so you can skip over hill da,', April :W-~l.
and dale as carefully as a
..Intel'l1a tional Settlement"
Plays at· Suburban Theatre

:\1 <I I't' th!'llIilig' thali th., -t<lr)' thl'

We'll be seeing yOll Ilt'adlilll's ",11 is th,' 0111' th,·y hU\'I'
""\('1' t"ld allllut th,' Illilltul', oC"upa-
I i'''1 of China. ..\n ,l1nazillg dranlu
at "'ithill a dr:lIl1a, laid in an aillazin~'
,cil,' \\'ithin n city. "Int"rllali<lllnl ~,:­
Forest and Han'rfnr \ 11'llll'llt" I' th ..· plcturl' ,,1' till' h<lul'
. alld a hundn'cI hig Ill<lllll'llts,

/ctfP-rfJI? I
Narberth 2440 ! :'\0\\' at th,' ~uhurhan TIll'atn', th,'
i film f..atur... , Ilol<lI''''~ D .. I Rio, (;"org'('
'~alldl'rs, JUIU. Lallg und Dick BulcI-
, "'ill,
PI'IT)' :\lal'lllont, \'I'tl'ran sel'l'I'n
Then telephone the folks bock l~
'"Ia""r "ho "as a ~tUI' ill tl1<' sil"nt
1 days, i, gTadually clilllhing' kirk tl: home and let them know \
: his f"l'nll'j' 1'l11inl'ncl'-this tinl\' as a you're coming. , , let them to.
arrange the details of your ~
: charadl'r pluy('r, Ill' is l\o\'a Pi 1-
Ill'am's SCI'l'I'll fatlll'r in Alfred Hitch- visit. Make the call tonight 1
cock's CUI'l'pnt pictuJ'l' for Gau1llont, after seven ... when long J'
I "TIll' Girl Was Young," at the Suh-
distance roles are lowesl. ,t~
I urhan Theatr... , Sunday, l\londay and n,'l',,·,·.~ n, I R,~o nllrl (;eol'f/" The rates on long dis·
TUI'sday. l\lal'll1ont rliccntly r('tul'll ..cI S"'''/'·I'., "",' ("I/(lIrt'd ill t"I' nwnz- lance calls are reduced
fl'nm a trip around tIll' "orld., includ- ""1 "',.",,,,. ,,( "", ""'II', "["(1'/,//1/- every evening ofler seven
ing Holly'"ood in hi!' ititlel'Ul'y, 'iflll'// S,'ff/I""I'II(," 111,/1'
/'{,'Jli"!1 -011 day Sunday, loo!
, Hudyard Kipling's "Captains Cou- (/t ,,,( 81/l/nh,," Til "II (1'1', i/l An/-
!'t1J!"OUS," starring Spencer Tracy, ilion'.
Fi'l'ddi .. Bartholonw", Lionel Barry-
.'~.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=.iiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiii~i11101'e, TIll' ~'ant Ads in hrin~
'J I l'etums next
Wedne!'day and
i "('sulb" Use them.
this [JapeI'
:!. -.. -

OUR TOWN Page Three

A/nil 15. 1938

The Fireside Merion Wynnewood rJlO Barbcrs Let Dall do your

So Jlaitil1~ Barhering at home
.\ I, II i \\ I I. \\"n,," \I,. :111,1 .\11'- I~;III F . . \. Ilill, .. t'
EG''''PTIi\~ >, ,,:,:." ',.~'_i';II',:-II~':,,'_~I',':' :1;," II .,",!I'I"';',:, L~: l'I,;:,..i"i ~~I/:':::I' ".·da.\· at ~I:-- \'\I'g"",, H,,·lilll·.- :-': I
Dan 5
/. ,'I, I.",'. ,.\' 11;",·,'1'''1'01 " .. "II" I:, ",.!, TI" ,I' '''11 ..\1' \\. 1\ \\'l!t"I-,
'!III, 1111 \\", \\': 11111'\\ IlIld I'tl;ld, In hll1Hlr
Barber S/'oP
',;,11.(11) ']11_ \\('1\\ llli Tllt·:-d;'I~· .It. \\!}ll I'" ,\ -llHI.111 :111";111,1'1.1-
., I N. l"arhcrth A\'(' .. 0'arherth
III "t' tl" II d:lIlg"hlt-l. ~ll-- :-'"znl1lll' II ill
\11 1:;1 j I"1l \\ :1' th. I!IH -I .,f 1111111.1' ,11 -il:" III III t f" 1'll!l~ ,;11',111 1 ,11
.'Il-- 11111 "Ill 11:1\1' ;l.~ Lt r ~lll· .... t- II\t r Ph"",,: Sarnerth -120<> \1:·on1<'n'. and Children's
,I' 1!,. 11;11,11;111 lIt lill 111 1 1" III I'hJl;1 ,\111, :!:I"111 .II :\IJ;lllli.
",·,·k ,,1,1, \1,-- I:,·tt\ .\h I'l III, ~II.
rorn",rl\' St,'pl",n Girard Bldg, H"ir Cutting Specialist
',1:. ' ,.1 :llll! .11 11.1 \\"'1111 Il'- :\d\"l'\I- ~II". ,11111 .\Ir:--. I\l,lll'l't B. 1{l'Jn!l;ll't, II"
Now Sh""illg .\1"
, i,,1, "I' 1'1,.1;11 1<-1 1'1'1;1
\\',1:1, I' I. 11,,11,:1101, IL",·,f",·oI
\, \'. y",L "I',IIII~ h,·,· ,', II;I~·'· III (';" ... ~Ia,..
h, ,I' 1'" III iI ,', \\. ill 1',,"1 (.
I 11,;ti h 1''':1 d, "nol
I" ,,,I th,
\/" E"-I""
1-:011111'1101- :\1,01 ~I, ...\I',·h'·r
1:,·,1;,1', "I' lIal,f:lx, \':1.

\\<·l·L "1,01 "t II' Your Car Washed by Experts. , , , , .$1

MARX BROS. " I:, I" 1" II,dil;11 d.
.\1,-. I'alll ('. Edmulld-, ai-II Ill'
.11,. :,",[ ~l, - . . I"hn ('harl,·- t·l"rl,. ";t1I(:'~. \'a., "'111 I,,· tl,,' g-u,,,t "f ~ll'.
Phone Narherth 2603 .. , St,'rage Space A\'ailahle
ALLA:--; lO:"ES
Malln'l'll O'Sulli\'an
.\1,_ .1"[,11 \\. 11"11111-, .·\IlIIl\'.," "I' L"f"y"\ll' r"nol, ~lt-I'I"n I'arl-;, IJ:I\'\' ""d :\1,'-. Hill at that tll1)(·.
1";1':, \l,lil t·I~lt·t1<ll11 ;11 illllel],','ll :lllci :1- tilt'll' }!lll· .... t fpr a 11IClnth. ~Ir:--. \11' alld \11'- . .1;111"'- II. ~I,·\·(·,,-,;n
Narberth Bridge Garage
\\ 1".!til -,.:I~·. "\\11"11 ~-;. ("J:ll k'- IlltdIJ f 1". ~II"."', Ellll'lltl 1'11\\"4'1':-, ,"01 tl"'II' dHu~hll'r', ~Ir-- :\1:ll'Y' Stl'- Narhcrth Avenue at the Railroad

I '.L"

.\11 ,tIl j :'\Il'~, Ill/gil H. ~IJt'. d. ",1111 ll:l~ llt't 11 ~Jll'lldllll: lht· \\'jlll. r i l l tOII-.f'tl HilI! \11 ....... ;-':'\14' ~lt,\'t'll:--\Ifl • ....:ailt·d

I j t·~: IIdl ~llI'tlt tIlt \\\,,1\ III Illr lcla , "n I h,· (JIII"'1I lit' I!,rnllltia fl'''lll :\,·w
Thcir Frl/lllie.~t Pictllre :1\' llllt',
~II'. and ~I ,.,. E. Hur",· \\'df"rd, "f 1'l,d,; ·Cllt· ... dit~· fClr ;i t\\'(1 \\'c't'k-' ~ta~'
\\'e specialize In
thl' in B e r m u d a , " :
~l.-- ,Iall< t .\Iv(·lay, "II" 1- "ll.·,,,j
.llld"1\ lalll', WI'IT thl' j:lw""t:-- lln'1'
Tlll',r ",n ;Ind d:llIg-ht<·, ,ill·law, :\11'.
\"..I,-,·I,d "I' ~Ir. and ~lr,. ,J"nllthull
\\ lil'~lll'll ('(Illt'g·t,. 1:- :--Ilt'!lillllg: till'
\\ltll 1,,·\' pa)"'lIt-, ~I)'. Il,"j :'. \\'df"rd, "f \\',nd HlI,dl Ilarl'or "lid :\11'-. ,1:1111"- II. ~!l·\·,·n-,,", ,JI'., "I' .~re.lel·if.·
1"" 1'111, <I:d"rd, ~I d. ~I r. :md ~I 1',. [ludll'y' a\"'I1II1', :\ad,,'rth, "ill "c('upy'
Monday and Tue,day .\11',.1. II. ~r..llay, "f E.-,l·x a\,·lIlll'.
\\·,If",.d .-I"·lIt ~I"nday ,n \\'a,llIng-toll, fllt, ~tl'\·t'll . . tlll hOlllt' at ·llj(J ~allint.· , I' Perl••allellts
SONJA HENlE ~II-- Hail,'y i, at h"l1ll' \\'llh
Iwl' I'a"l'!l\" :\11'. and :\11',. w,·~lt-y 1'.
P. ('.
~l,,, :\Ial'i" \\'. T,,";~','lId, dall~hll'r
:I""lllll', dlll',"g tlH'il' ah-l'II\"'.
~II'. flnd ~Ir'. ,Jllhn C. H,·II, IIf l.,.,
Let\ get acquainted . . .
Quccn of thc lec H:I''''y, Ill' :\ul'bro"k Park. ('I"eh,·" will l'ntl'l'tain at H [unelll'1I111
~lr,. A. S. Kl1app, Il"l'('h"'ulld lunl',
"I' :\11'. lIlld :\11'" ('a"p,'r \\'. H. T"wn- I ', , 3 spccials for $1, daily
HAPPY LANDING ~'llt'lIt th,· Wl'L,I-;-"nd ill Brll"klyn with
-t·ntI. (If :\11'1'1(111 alld G rL'y~t(lllt' l'pi.l<l:-"
"lIt"l'la,n,'d at a cocktail party SUllday
"n ~atllrday.
:\11'. and :\11'" f'1l'1'l'" Arclll'r, III'
I : II

'h,,)' 11I',tlll'r, ~Ir,. Enlllla 13. Eldl'r.
.........,,~I!W,.l!I i ~I ,.-. Knapp ga\'" a t"a dUllcl' at Ill'r
"fl<'rn'",n ," honor of :\1,,, Lalitl'
I'q'l"·r, daug-ht<'r of ill'. and :\11'''' U.
l.aTle,,;;t,·1' a\'I'nUl', will l'lItl'rtain in-
fllrllllllly' 1111 Ea~tl'r aftl'rnoflll In hlllllJl'
Tile Sisters Hea•• t~• .. SalOl'
1',,'lIl' \\'('dll""laY in hO\1(Ir l,f hl'r "I' thl'ir ~lIn,in-law Hlld daul"ht,·J', :\11'.
II. I"'rry I'q'pl'r, of Ithanka, hhall, Phone Narberth 4177
ugh t" I' , :\ a n .. y';
b"r, III' thl' , .. ho(>!
gu ,., t ,; \\' l' J'l' IlW lll-
alld :\11'. Franci" A. Ll'wi", Jr., >on of and :\11'" Roh('rt S. Inl!l'r,(,II, Jr., of
()ak Hill. P,'nn \"alll'y·. I
240 Haverford Avenue
for prompt appointment
~Ir. anu :\Ir~. Franci, A. Ll·wi~, of
i :\Ir~. Ralph C. Hl'ath, of Shirll'Y
Suzanne Bryn :\Iawr, who~l' murl'lagl' will take
r"ad, g-an' a :\1l'xican party Saturday
plan' on June 17_
Joret Gill l'\"'n,llg til c(·lebratl' :\11'. Hl'ath'~
:\Iid~hipman G,'orgl' R. R"inhart, Ju,
-For expert care l'lrthday·. The Hl'ath~ haw a, thl'ir
of thl' C, S. >;and Acadl'my, An-
of skin and hair, g-u,·,t" thl' Kl'nneth Root, and thl'ir
napoli" >!1l'nt the "'et'k-l'nd with his
",n, of Wilmingtun, formerly of St.
216 Dudley - Narberth 2324 parent~, ;\11'. and :\lrs. Gl'orgl' R. Rl'in-
hart, ,Jr., of S. lIighland a\'l'nUl',
Till' j)lIl1ald F. Tllrn'y" S;HI HrulIk-
II" l,rothl'f, :\Ir. Jack R,'inhurt,
E. C. GRISWOLD hlll'~t
ay,'nu,', will lllllYl' Illto thl'ir
who i, at Franklill alld :\Iar~hall CoI-
11,·\\' 1111 nll' , ;llil ["'nn roud, Wynne-
is now associated with Il'gl', "'dl '1"'llll th" \\'(·,'k-end lit IllS
Fidelity Investment Ass'"
'\'IIt1d, lin Friday,
h',nlt'. formerly with Antoinc dc Paris
:\1 i~, Emily Edg-l'rton ..a Ill,' hllllle
"Fidelity Incom~ Plan" :\11',. (;Jt.lln A. \\'illiall1~ and hl'r
I \\,,'dlll',day frtlm William and ;\lary and WANAMAKER'S TRIBOUT SHOP
Life, April 18 ",n" (; Ienll A. \\. ill iam~, Jr., and
1 Chestnut Ave, NarbeMh 4095-J C"Ii<-gl' in \\'J1lialll,burg, \'a.. tll
Bruc,' \\' i1Jial11.-, of Rocklulld wad,
"1"'11.1 thl' Ea,t"r hlliiday~ With Ill'r
11'1'1 Thllr"lay 1'''1' Altoona, wlll'n:
pan'nt" thl' L1"yd H. Ed!!l'rtlll1"
H. C. Fritsch, Jr.
Fire & Casualty l" .... ra"ce
Chl,llIlIt a,·,·nu,'.
, TIll' Ed .J. j'lIlluck" ..\\'1111 r"ad, an'
1':a,ll'rlllg' ill \\",~tfil'ld, :\. J., gUl"t,
th,·y· wil ,pl'nd th,' Ea,t,:r h"II<lay"
w,th :\lr,. Will,al11< moth,·!', :\11'-. D.
B. Connor.
Invites You
A. M. Fritsch ~Ir. \\'i1liam, will j'l1n th"1ll th .. n'
"~I' ~Il'. I'"Iltll'k'" l,rotl1<'r and ,i'tl'r-in-
for thl' w('(·k-"lId.
to visit his llew
Nolar:>' Public Real Estate
la\\, ~Ir. alld :\11'''. Waltl'r T. Pollock.
109 Forr~st Ave,__ ~a~._41.!2-J :\Ir,. C. F. Trowbrldg.. , "f S. :\ar-
~1 r. and :\l r~. 1ll'l'1)('rt H. ['I'll'" and
l",rt h a \','n Ul', l'n t<'rta inl'd th,' nll'I111,,'rs

Swing Along
tlt"lr dallg-htl'r, :\li;;" Durio Prin', "f
~kr"'yn r"ad. :\ll'l'i"n, arc g"illg t"
Baltllll"l'l' f",' thl' Eu,t"r \\'l· .. I-;- .. nd,
"I' h"r duh at lunch,'on and bridgl'
"" \\·,'d/ll',duy. Tho"" pl'l'~cnt \\'t'rl': Beautg Solon
this spring, with SWING :\11',. C. F. :\lc:\lillun, :\11'~. Thl'"dore
music-taught by ,,·lI,·,to of :\11',. l)riCl"~ m"tlll'r, :\11'"
1"1 "'h('l', :\11'''' H. A. Thol11o'I1I, :\11''', For Main Linc Women of Discrimination ',',

MARGARET SQUIER t;l'''rg-l' II. Elnll'r.

t;I,'nn A. \\"i1liam" :\11',. Spl'Ill"l'r
Studio: 305 Grayling Ave, ~ll'c. :\. LI\\'l'l'nCl' .-\ltl'lllll', \ro"d-
Smith, :\11',. j{"l)l'rt 1'. Pricl' and :\Ir"
Na~ber~h_ 410,2-J I,inl' a\','nlll', I'ntt-rtainl'd Iwr club at
hridg-" :\lollday l'\"'lling: :\11';;, Stanlt>y
lI11yl,' and Ill'r g-u('~t from I'itt;;burgh,
t;. II. \\. yckotf.
Opening Special ~

Store Hours 9; 30 to 5; 30
i~lr_ . .-\. II. l."ng; :\lr~. Hay,'~ F.
Ilaln"-, :\11'-. Ruth Ll'anhart, :\11'"
Penn Valley for this mOllth only:
..\lIlt,ng- th,,,,' who \\'ill b,' till' gue~l~
William Y. 1I11tl'hin~on, :\lr;;. Harry ;<t a hlltrl'1 "''1'1)('1' on ~aturday night
1I"lIar and :\1 i,,, Ann :\1. lJollgla;;. Our special
~Ir. I{alph Izard, "f :\l'\\' York, \\'ill
I,,· tilt' g'Ul"t "f hi, pal'l'nt~, :\Ir. und
10 I,,· gl\'I'n hy' :\Ir. and :\Ir~, Frank
..\. Bl·df"rd, .J 1'., of Hnu'hurn lanl', will PERMANENT WAVE." , $5
I", :\11'. and :\11',. :\"I",n A. \'aughan.
111-. Cllarll" .-\. Izul'd, "I' the Park- :'III'. alld ;'Ilr~. Paul (;"lzl'l', :\11'. and
"".". ApartIlH"lt;;, for till' Ea~ter :\lr~. ,I. Hichard ShyTuck, :\11'. alltl FREDERIC and El'GEl"E .. .. p.50

I ""l'\;-"IHI. :\1 1',. .Janll'~ Town>,('nd Sl,lIer>', :\1 r.
I Dl'-ART and ZOTOS .. . .. $10.00
~II'" Hicha I'd Law)'('lIl"', Kl'nm"n' and :\Ir~. \\'illiall1 C. Snyd,'r, ,Jr., :\li,~
i road, :\h'rioll, will ,'ntertain at lunch- I)ol'oth"a Hl'ek~cher, :'Ili~~ Linden
t112·24 CHESTNUT ST ! "on and bridgl' nl'xt Tue;;uay,
I :\II'~. Kennl'th E. \ril~on. Dudll'Y
Cra wford, :\1 i~~ J o~l'phinl' :'II ustin, '
:\11'. Hichard ~1acFarJand, :\11'. (;,'orgc 108 Forest Ave., Narberth . . . For Appointment, Narberth 2180
PHILADELPHIA I !In'nu,', l'nt,'rtainC'd ut luncheon and l'l'terson anu VI'. J ucob Kohla~,
: bridg,' last Tuesduy, :\11';;, :\ orby .,.'
:\lr~. Bl'dford and !\Ir~. Yaughan,
,:\lackenzil', of St. Da\'id~; :\1rs, W, A. ..r Pott;;town, will Il'aye on April 30 W c arc glad to gtve consultations for the coiffeur that tS most pleasing and distinctive for you
Brother and Sister E~lgar and :\lr~, Harkey Rl'it('r, both
for Wa~hington, D, c., to attend a re-

like peas in a pod I

lit Bryn ;\Ia\\'r; ;\>11'5, Jo~eJlh A, Popc 'Inion at :\li~~ ;\1adeira's school.
I and :\11'" \r. Stanley Kite, of Swarth- Miss FJol'l'nce ;\le:\el'ly, formerly of
! nl<'\'('; :\11'" Latiml"r H. Coleman, of :\Il"filln, i~ occupying her new home at \
: Ch",tnllt Hill. and :\lr~. O. L. Coward, -;~() Clal'l'ndon road, Pl'nn Valley.
i "f \Vynnl'wood.
Captain and :\11';;. Paul \\'hitney,
I \\'ho "','re th,' gut',b of :\11'. and :\11':'.
:\ll's. Emma Schmidt, of Philadel-
phia, is now occupying a hou~e on WE TAUCHT THE FARMER HOW
10 Turn
Rightl'r's ;\Iil! road, formerly occupied
i EI,.. rhardt :\lul'1It'I', E~~l'X ayenue,
: han' rf'turnl'd to thl'ir home in Wash-
: iIlg-toll.
It's (( Girl
:\11', and :\11',.. \\'illialll H. Jl'ffl'ril'~,
hy :\11'. ulllI :\11'" \\'l'sley J, Webb,
:\11'" John H. Jl'ffP!'ief', Jr" of Ar-
lington road, will l'ntl'rtain the mem-
h,'rs of hl'r c1uh at luncheon and
hridgl' Ill'Xt \\'l'dn,'>,day.
leanliness into Cash ,i,t


'"t' \\"a\'I'" an'nue, :\arbl'rth, art.' rl'- :\11'>'. Stanll'y (;oeddel, of Long lalll',
,'"i\'ing l'ung-ratulations upon thl'
l'ppl'r Dal'hy', "'ill gin' a showcr next
ll,"·tlt "f a daul-(hter on TUl,,,lay, April
TIII',day !'yening- in honor of :'11 iss
: ~. Florpnc!' Hai~t, daughter of Mrs, F. K,
,\11'. alld :\11',. ,J"""l'h L. Illlr~t, of Hai~(, of :\Iill ancl :\Ianor road, whose
\. :\arh,'rlh an'nul', arl' 1'''l'l'iYing '.: ;~
maring" to :\11'. Pl'r~ifor Fl'azpr Smith,
"""gTatlllation,, 1111 till' birth of a will tak,' placl' on :\Iay 14 at All
dallg-htl·r Tm·,day, April 5,
:-,,,illt< Churl'h, \\'ynnewood, at four
:\1 r. and :\1 r~. Hob,'rt Bank~, l"na
'a""IJUl', a,',' bl'ing congratulated on the
i Itirth uf a daughtl'r Friday, April tI, Engaged
: ~Ir,. \\'illialll C. Clag-horn, of Chcf't-
:\11'. alld :\1 r~, Raymond A, Cro"" of,
: IIUt a\,('nul', and :\11'" :\. W. :\lcCull,
Iln'xl'! H iI, announc,' the l'ngag-,'n1l'nt;
'"f :\ll'rion, Wl'n' allll1ng th,' gtll'~t~ at
til' tlwir daughtl'r, :\Ii,~ :\Iary Cro",,:
: a lunch,'ull Ull \\"'dI1P~da)' g-i\'cn by
to :\11', Richard :\1. Heinhart, ~on of
~ll", \\'allacl' Laug-hton, of Jl'nkin-
:\1 r. and ~I r~. Rob"rt n. H,'inha rt, of
~lr,. A. \\', :\.1'1lI~tr(lng', of O\'l'r-
Heath road, :\[,'rion,
:\Ir. and :\11';;. ('rtl~s ,'nt,'rtailll'd at i
hroo\;, ,'ntl'rtainl'd hl'r f"ur~ome at
a party Thur,day night at thl' Wl';;t'
IUII"llI·"n alld bridg-l' on TUl'~day, Thl' To provide dependably safe milk for babies, we
:-'id.' Clu], in honor of tlll'ir daughter, I
glll'~(;; w,'r(' ;'III''', Clag-horn, :\1 r~. A. introduced in 1914 an entirely new method of
Th"l'l' Wl'n' So ~u('~t>" among who
:\1. Buck, of Way Ill', and ;\11',. \' ('1'a milk production-rigid sanitation on the farm,
w,'I'(' n1l'1111",,,, of tIl(' Phi Sigma fra-
l.y·II", of Philadelphia, under expert instruction and laboratory control.
~II'. VOllald CI agilOl'Il , M CIll'~tnut
ternity of Franklin and :\hll',llllll Col-
ALL WOOL kg'I', of which :\11'. Rl'inhart j, n n1('l11- To reward the farmer for his extra cleanly care,
;1\"'II:1l', i, ,pelHling tIll' Ea~tl'r "aea-
h,'r. ;'III'. Hl'i"hart is a melllber of we originated our famous Cash Bonus plan.
11011 "'it h hi, grandmothl'l', :\lr,. F, E.
tl1l' c1a~;; of 19:W, This new system resulted in a partnership'
Regulation Coat . Otting,'r, at hl'1' home in Ocean City.
: \ II clate ha~ bt>en ;;et for the wed-, with the farmer that produced the first milk
and Hat Set, $4.95 Narberth Bridge Club
ding. of "A" Grade in Pennsylvania and Southern
New Jersey - pure, wholesome milk, always
Saturday l'\'ening, April U, top
'I C Watch for Joseph P Golden's At- ,. safe for babies and children.
I smoot h fi nish nav)'
All \\'00, ",'oj'(': n.rt luroonl'y and )ll'~, Allen lantic ad next week. . (advt.) Does :your child ha"e the protection
' S Ilubt>rt; ~eeond place, J, H, Baker
Cheviot. Double-breasted
coat alld :\In;, Arthur Coone\'. .------- ----------; I assurecn;; Abbotts de luxe" A" Milk 1
with raglan sleeves, shiny but- I ;'I[ol1day e\'ening, Apl'ii 11, top score: Office Hours by Appointment i
tons. Scotch
cap for girls.

Eton cap for boys.

Children's Shop, Third Floor
Sizes 2-6.
i Ihly (;rl'el1\\'oo\1 and Dr, Fl'llnk Mor-
'g-all; ~el'on<l place, Arthur Cooney
: and :'Ililforu Fox,
The new Atlantic station will have
at Residence Office
417 Anthwyn Road, Merion
D r. Wm. G. Walton
Phone: Narberth. 2464
AsH .. For service, order from the Abbott! Milkman, or telephone Ardmore 358

(\/.C~~i.i.<.i.f•k.'.'W':, ~.:j.i~.'~.-:Sj.; ·.~ ·,it<·,.;~lI:t· ·,'-·;.:·..ltl!l;~·;~·:,:·:,~·i·iL·.,"_·i!I· .I~·;,£~: :=: :oi.~ Iliki il·: : i: ~.~! l:~ilidi ·v~ti tl·)li ·~I; i l·.l!i·.i: ·ilililit~n~o~a~·~l l· ·g;Wili: I'~li :'i; l."N~"'iali: 'lAb~ ;rli ; '~lIi:&I'1.I25~7i°i;·iJl litl l~ Ii i~AiBiaB~°tliTi TiS.DI IA~'ilR~'iliEIS~'i'ilNIiC~· iJ-.Di ililJt~r.ibrilU.'~OlrJi: '~:~ iWil.Gitl'likie~T. ~GI~ ';i.~ .Oi·ni'li'~ ";~ li."~'Pi"ei'~i';-IMi~i·' ~ki'liP~hi liG~"i' ~C~G~m.d~ein~ .~s~.~le~r~Jie.Y'.Sie~GJ~hiOIT.eli i l
. ··,·..
~'.' ' :·r : .• ;I~.~" :~~" '" .. ,...•:,' ~. ~.~.~

April 15, 1938
Page I'our

Merion L.W.V. Hear

OURToWN Talk on Civic Service
S~venty Years a Musician SHIRTS HAND DONI: TO
[ND[\'}DU:'\1 ,L\STL
A t'l)pjj/1l :l1f", ("JIIIIIIIII/dti \"'!I ...;/''1/ 11 '"

jflll/ttl,,1 III 1:1/~ ".'1 rl" '\'//11"",1,

( .i 1"/1' ." \ 1I,""If '" II ,1/, (, I' I ',,1 {."'" It I ,I .\111111.11 R.. porh of Chairl1l.. n
(' /", /':1 /-',"/II'/!I II f ,\/1,-/11'" h. 1'" (;1\ l'l1 ,Il :\ kl'ling H .. ld in
1'1110111:1"'; \ I "\.,,,,j J.\II,· ,\ I ,1,
1'.. l1n \. ,lll .. y \\' .. dn .. ,da \

Office -
;"l',!"':;t: 1:1,11.-:1-.. ...... '"

20') 11.1\t'rlord A\,· .. :".1I'\'0 rtb

:.\: I',t
\1, '-' , 1. . ,f I "

II, ., I" ." 10- N. Narb..rth An'l1tlC'

1-:1l11-' I,d :1" ",,,,,,,',d ,LIS": II I · · . · ... 1.. !
13. ]~lll, ;'111". 1',,:--1 II'!.., ;11 .-,,:1""1 1 ! ,I I.,. I .' \ (I
Pa., IJ!;ll.',- 1!:.- .f\. I "f .'1.1' :" - ,
\\", ': r' :: I.' ;I I 'I !! . t' ;1 tIl \t i; "It H "f

rrid.". "\I'ril J '. 1<)\1'

.. --====------.-_.::, -

I', " \'" II. '.

I.' r ;11.1. ( >1: 1 !I, "I Illil i'i: I ",t
Flowering Plants
.\ I !
\ I,
~ I., ! I
.1. '" I. \\
I :! I. ",

::., -' " I .

~ I' ~ 11

t i l I j t , "I

\\" -
for Easter
Tilt'rl' 1- II'prl',;III'! d 11, 1111~ !,:qH'1' 0111 -Carefully s.. lcct ..d. In a complete
.,;I \ , ; I II j I' 1, !' - 1 II~' I' - til I ! 1 "I' III'
f-'.lTlll' ,,1' ;1 11'('\ 1\1 \'1 :\-i: lill I. 11,\':1-\\'1
l·ar;.·!) a5 lOll a.~ ,5,'
, ,~ : ~' II I ' :' 1 II' ;I - - , 'I"" : I 1 I' , I , ; I r I ' I :\1 ... , ;\
pikl' :\1 " j , L l l l ,\:1. 11 11;1\ - 1" oJl \1
:;" I t o ! / " ... t· 1 I) ,I : "11 "r .'; It· II "f 11- ,/0-
('ar"llllly I ) 1. I ' If t i Ii' II' \ \. 1 ; 1t' t I \ ~
]';lltl'I' r:t-
1, 1 Ill' II, 'II _I ~,/ 'I'!" 1- 0 :--:,. l' \ 1, 'I', spl'l-ially pric..d for gift-
Around the Town \\' I II 1I ('I,ll, 1111'1,' II 'Il \\ 1'1111' I I :11'1 ... t r 11
Mrs. Norman Jefferies
II ill \ t III II" 111/'''' " f ,h"-I' \\ 11 r' :11'1' 11 I
C"'olltllllJec1 rrorn i';u.:e nll~ ,111'\ Ll;\!' "\, l' tfjl' IIL:II';I~I'~lH'llt "I' ,11/' 233 Haverford Avenuc. Narherth Narherth 2H(J!
in till' IL1\'l'l'fll)'11 ;1\'t'11111' Illl,... ln'· - -\'l'-
t jO!l. ( '11 i 1cI n'll he 11111' II" 11 \l'. f 1'/ ,Ill {.I1(1,,\.
('huI,.I".- (ull "I' II "r-"lJ'I""-. II "Ill"- .\ -I,,,,: 1.'1-./.' -- 1'\0"'\ II,," II ,,- ",·1,1
full "f "~I!_. Itaill-. tl,,"""-. (':11'01- :11l,j 1'1' """- t" II" I" "c """ \'. til, lit,· Hartzell's
q"l!I'''I!I!. lI"I'I'y 1<,,-!o'I:
:\1:1\";111',,2 111111-1,11'
,I,,,,, 11",1
\1,- .1 .\1", 11 T,tl'l. I"'"
:'11 \I\JI1,j lIlt' -I,j r . . . . . \ 11!IILt! 1
1"'11'" \\ I'll ~ 1\/'11 L:,
h(lll~'" ,I. (; . .\111'11, .I~' (;J1pin I'el:ld, tIp "f1il" 1 ... :11101 lIlt \;ll,"l!- ('!I:lll'llll'li olfer.~ a large sclat;on of
1't'1l11 \·all,·y. l'h"I'I"'d hi- thllll1\, \\llh .1', "11,"1:11"-. Rc\,nwr', Fruit. 1':ut and Con'anut Eggs
11 hat .. h,·1 l,,-t ~"llll'day n' '1"':1 11:1- -"1\".1 \\I11t ~II-. \\'. (L Quak .. r Maid D orated Eggs
qUlrill h InailY' a.-tit,.}\. 11·.'1l111\ "II. \1, - 1:,.1""'1 \\·,·th'·I'"loI. Sh .. 11 (joods Baskets . . . Cart-
Lutlll'l' C. l'ar'"I''' lI!Jo ha- 11\',·,1 \1, -. 1I"lll'y' \\'. 1',,-, "I,d ~ll'-. LI,,\,j Plush Rahhits
in LI,\\'I'1' :\Il'ncl/l Il'll)!t'l' th:\l1 :lny'lJll' .\1 ('!llIl'I'II, ;1- ;1-"'I ... tll1~ !J,I . . tt· ....... t· ..... Conductor at the Metropolitan, Easler Cards. elc,
('I,p. 1- no\\·. 1I'lth :'111'-. I'ar-"n-. 11\'- '1'1,,· li,,,'\ 1I\1"'lllIe' 1\111 I,,' 1\1'1.1 III
lng' \\'ltl1 :\11':--. Par:-ll]l< hrlltIH'r-ln* ~Ll~ \\lH'll 1111 "!l'l'tltlll l l f 1,tli("'I',- \\lil
W ALTER DAl\!ROSCH, dean of
Aml'rlcall musicians, climbed as
a tiny ehl1d upon the plano stool of
Impresario of his own German opera
company. conductor of the l\'"w
:\""ott,~ he Cream For/1/5

his parents' home In Breslau, SI· York Oratorio Society and of tho Phone 1': a rherth ~l):-I
lall allol -I-t,'r. tl". J-:,j \k\)'·I'III"I'-. 1:'\,,· 1,1:1",. 'I'll' 111'\0' :11,01 1.1:11'" \\1:1 l\'ew York Symphony Orchestra.
If'sia. more than seventy years ago.
21~1 \\'aYIH' :1\'t'IItIt', ;\;I1'l.wrtll. ()n' LI ;[111;1111111'1"\ 1:111'1
to l'mhark upon an unparalleled mu- compospr. author. lecturer aud edu·
\\·,.d\\O'-ti",· :11,,1 Thul-day "I' 111:- _ - - - ~--- !'kal care"r. Today at seventy·slx. eatol'. he has Iwen a leader of
>lymhnl of AIllPr\can mU>lical cui· Anwr!can music for more than five
!lIIU .... '·!lCdd
"·"I'\.; ,I .... alt, (d' g'cllld ... :It till
Church News 1111'(' the \\'orld OVl'r. the tall llist in· deeadl's. HI' has heen honored with
Par'dlll .... • 11111111', :;11] JI:! 1' ..... ,11 ...

('YII\\', d. \\,,- 1\0'101 1"'1' ~II·. (':11'.-"1'-' ",[

~lIi~hpd,l()okinp;. vigorous and alert
Ilamro>lch hridges a gap between
doctorates hy ;o.,'ew York 'llnlverslty,
Princeton. Columbia. Brown. Ppnn·
>I)'I\'3nla. l'nivPl'slty of ,",pw York
Giye him a gift for Easter •
in thi.- 1':11"'1' I:I-t 1I·,·,·k. ~II'. 1'''1'-''11-. S.-lIWERTIl METHODIST Ihp l'1a~slcl"ts ()f the last centnry
EPISCOPAL and 11ll' mod..rnlsts of today. His State and \\'ashington and Jefferson
h"I,,\'o',j "ldtiml'I', i, 1'1',"11 10-11 t "t Ih,·
1:,·\'. \\'. \"'1'11"11 :'Iliddl,·I"n. :'111111,1"1' ColIegl'. The nl'\\ Palm \,'c;1\'e \\'ashahle Ties. ';'k. 2 for ~l
prond .. st hoast Is. "I am an AmPr'
LO\\'l'l' :\1'Tion ~Pl'i(·t~ ful' t II" HI'· He Is president of the National
." 'I 11' 1:" . .\ I' r,j I ~ :
il'an mnslcian."
eO\'I'l'y' of Stolt-n 11,,1'''''- allol 1',,1' till' Instllule of Arts and L('tlers and a F,'ulards and Botan\' Ti ..,. 51.
J-:,\~TEI~ \Yalter Damrosch's earliest me-
Det,'cll"l1 "I' 1101'," Th\l·\·'·-. "I' \\hll'h, mories of his father. later the fa- memhl'r of the Aml'rlcan Academy
'.' 1'-, .\. ~I. l'llllr,'h S .. h",,1. 1ll0U8 AnlPrlcan conductor Leopold
of Arts and Lettl'rs. Inlerwo\'('n S" ..ks.
I". ha' 10',<,11 " Illt'lltlH'l' 1'''1' h"lt a Hi~ radio hroadca>lts on music ap-
II ..\.:'11. J-::I,Io-r \\'"r-llIl' ;-:"I'\·I .. ". Damrosch. are of his being host to
e..ntllry·. preciation have heen received with Set' l'ur ..omplete lin .. of a ....essories. including S II ullk key ..hains.
I :'JlI'('I:i1 11111:--](' ~1'1'1ll111l: "Tilt, p()\\· ...~r ! 11<' "lite of European musicians.
The Damro1'ch home was a rendez· gl'owlnp; acclaim for ten years. wallets. huckles, ti .. Iwlden. etc.. and Pion .. er helts and hran's in
1,,1' tLI' I{t·-tll'1'tTtlllll." ;o.,'o\\'. with a weeklv audience of
"ou~ of artists. Here were enter'
The Political Pot 1':1'""1'111 I.,·al!lll'.
1'.:'11. I':a,t,·1' :'Illl'It':tl S'·1'\lc·'·'
';.1'-' ('.:'11.
~ ..j.-,
!aillt'd \\'ap;nN. Liszt. von Bulow,
Clam Schumann. Joachim. Auer
more than seven mllilon. thpse lec-
tun>s are gpnerally rl'garded as his
the Itt'" ,pri ng 'lyles.

an,1 Rnhlnstein. \\'agner was p;od· crowning educational achievement.

1'ldltillUt,tl flom l'age nile

Th,. local l'"uncil ha, "l!t,'rtailll',[

\'''{';l! and in .... tl'llll1l'lltal nlll~IC.
\\·,·dll,·.-day·. Aprtl :!II:
father for anothl'r Damrosch boy.
his oanlP~ake. who died In early
One of his foul' grand operas,
"The 1\lan Without a Countr","
at their ]ulll'hl'(jn, many prlllllin,·nt. 111.:;0 A.:'II. Till' Ladl"" ..... id S", childhood. first performed May 12. 1936. ",:as Theatre Building - Narberth r:-1
The elder Damrosch brought his selected for reproduction by tho
men and women as their gu,',t ,ppak-:"I,'IY Ilwl'l, t" ""\\'. l\Ietropol1tan as a feature of Its
family to America when Walter was Open Every Everling
er5 and ill sl'curilll!; Edna Carr,,11 to' I :!.:·W 1'.:'11. Luncl1l'on. nlllE' and soon became a leading 1937-1938 Ileason.
discu,s the i:,su,', of th,' ('oming I 2 1'.:'11. Ladi,',' Aid Socidy Bu,i- figure in the New York musical A vigorous exponent of American-
---~-----"-,--- ._-------~-'-~'- ---~------------

llrimary, th,' council ha' J"l'acl1l'd it,' ,,",- ~I ..l'lil\g. scene. \Valter's education was ex· ism In music. Damrosch has con·
peak. i ;-, P.:'II. :'Ilid-Wel'k Sl'r\'icl'. tended b)' trips to cultural centers
of the Old World. during which ile
ducted premieres of many American
compOsitions. He Is a member of the
-- --~------_.. - - - - - - - --_.' ------1
There is no woman in Pennsylvania Tltur,day. April 21: rpnewed his childhood acqualh- Amencan Society· of Composers. I
today better qualified to di,cu"" tl1l'';'': 1•• :\11 P.:'I\. .Jun:or Clwir R"lll'arsal. tances with Wagner and Liszt. He Awliors and Publishers.
i"sues than :111':', Carroll. H"r work
as \'ice-chairman of th(' H"publil'an
,0.: I'.:'I\.

CommitteI' of Philadl'lphia. n'conling': :- 1'.:'11.

C1l11ir HelH'ar"al.
I,'rl"ay. April 2~:
Fri,'nd,hip Clrele Bihk
was twenty-three when his father
was fatally stl'lcken while conduct·
Ing a >IeI'll'S of Wagnerian operas at
th" Metropolitan. and the young
man took over his baton. promptly
Recently. upon being felicitated
on completion of an Important mu·
slcal task In the midst of many
duties. he remarked with charac,
teristic energy, "So much more re-
A priceless ingredient
secretary of the Statl' Couneil of Re-I Cia'" :'Ilu,icak.
to become recognized as the leading mahtB to be done that J long for at
publican \\·oml'n. and S"crt'lary' nf tl]l" pxp0!lpnt of \Yagllerian opera In the Ipast one hundred more yeara of That money won't buy cOl11es with e\'ery
Legislatin' Conll11itt"e uf t}]l' :-;tatl'. BAPTIST Cf!UR.CH 0/ the EVANGEL New World. life,"
Council, has given Ill'r a widl' knowl-' Robert E. Kelghton, Mmlster order of food from Whiteside's . . . It
E'dge of practical politic" and an uno;
derstanding of the rl'al i,.,.Ul', of thi,'
:'Ilu,ical Ilin'ct"r-II"nry H"tz
I-:a,t,'r Sunday: Women's Club Penn Valley is compounded partly of 5erv;a--eour-
teous, intelligent. whether you phonc us
campaign. :1 ..1;', A.:'II. ~"I'\'Il'" PI' th,' Church "nldlflued. trom P&£,e One l\lr. alld :III'S. H. \\', :'Iladal'a. of
for deli\'ery or come personally to shop
A [I illt,·r,·,tl'd club member, are
Mrs. John Y. Huber, J 1'" 1'1'l'-idl'nt Schoul. Ha~)'sf"rd r"ad, will ('ntl'l'tain at a
Sen' ice. Ser- :I-I;"d I" att,'nd till' Publicity Forum :;upp"r dallc,' at tilt' Barday oil Sat- And partly of a selection of thc
of the council, will pre,;idl' at the 11 A.:'II. \\'or,hip
I l1lmortal ity." I" b" h,·ld by junior ane! senior pub- urday ,·\·,·lllng·. Api'll :10. in h"lIo!' ,,1' \'ery he't foods-guaranleed down to the
meeting and will introduc(' till' II1"n: "Lif" Look, At
speakpl'. : \Iu-ic hy th" Ijllarlt·t. Ordinance of 11l'lly cbairnwn of :'Ilontg-omery County
:'11 iss Anll \\'illialll~ Il"'''''nhruch. la'l drop, to the last bite. to give you
TllIlr,day e\'pning-, April 28, at 8
Rp:,ervation< fill' thl' 11IIIclll'''n i Bal'ti"m. daught,'r of :\11'. alld :\11',. H,·rIlHllln entire ,atisfaction.
should be mad .. to :'Ill'" .Jo,,·ph C. ~, 1'.:'11. \"'-pl'r S,·r\'iel'. I'reo"nl- ",<·I,wk. at th,' \roman', Club of Bala-
:'Ilatkll' H,·"",'nliruch. of \\'ald-Eck.
Fergu:,oll, :3rd. Tel,'phone Ardmo!'t·: 'Ill!' th,' ullu,ual drama: "The Dl'ath- 1'.\'11 \\·yd. \\'l'lI-known Philarlelphia
\VYlln"\\',HIlI, alld tlwir "Oll, :'Ill'. Ed-
4686. 'I"s, \\'orld." An Engli,h prizl' play'. :llld local n..w,pap..r people and Mrs.
II' a J;ll :-.. :,Iadara. W!to,;l' IllUITiag'" will
7 P.:'I\. Younl!; People's Sel'\'iCI' . .\. \r. \\'"m'·r. Stah' publicity chair-
t;,ke I.\ae· ,,', .JUII'· II. Th,· gu,·,;t,
: L"ader: :\Intlt· lIag-er. '11:111. will 'I"'ak. :\Ir'. L"on \\'.
will includl' th,· lllt';lllwr, of th,' hridal
, \\'I'dne,d~Y, April 27: :\I,·kh"r. coullty chairman of pn',,, and
:-; P.:\1. :\Iid-\\'I'l'k nll'l'tin~ of Ih" !,IJiolicity. will preside. party.
"hlll'cit. A !'t'vi,'\\' and l'xalllillatiul\ :'Ill'" C. E. :'Ilc:'llillan joim l\lrs·i • • •m -
I, ,I' the L"l\t,'n S..a,un. l'h",ll'r C. :'IlcKibbin a" delPgate from \


till' );arlJl'rth Club to the cunventiun:
"I' Ih,' :-;Iat" F,·,kratioll of Penll""I-:
Suburban Theatre
Rev. Cletu~ A. Senft, Pastor - iI
\"lIia \\'om"11 in Pittsl.lurg-h in l\IaY'l
:'IIi,s l\largaret Squier, Organist
Friday', April 15:
I l-i 1',:'11. Sal'rl'd Canlata hy thl' aug- Th,' III1-pitalily' Committ"l' will hu\'l"
\11'" .J. H. Sp,,(,k will b.. alt,'mate. ARDMORE
Also-Vogt's. Felin's.
Swift. Arl11our's ..,29c
IlIlI'nt,'d church choir: "Th,' Cruci- 'I- r"h ular m'·l,tinJ.( \\'eolllL',day, April l
I tixioll" hy .John Stain"!'. '211. at Ih,' hollll' Ill' till' chairmall, :'III',.' NOW PLAYING
I Ea~tl'r Sunday': \{ l. Ill'"tll. pl',·c,·,.kd by IUllcheoll at Burk's Lunch Roll. .12-lh., 1'5c
I; A. :'II. SUllri,,· ""n'lc,' with "n,· ,,'clllck. I .12·1h .• 19c
,I':a,t"r "·l'mOIl. :'III',. \rillianl B. Yog-ts will be ho,t· Burk's Butternut Bacon ..
: II A.:'I1. The H,dy Coml11Unioll. ,." at I Ill' ]unch""n and bridge of thp
: I,',·II,.\\·-hip ronllllitle(' at her home
i THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I,'r,day·. April 2:!. and :'111'';. H. F.
: RQ\'. Archer E. Anderson, Th.D., Pas- 1):11'11'" "'ill I,,· c"-Ito,t",,. F"ur ta"I,'~ Strictly fresh
tor. 11',11 play. Large White EGGS POI. 34c
lU5 A. :'I\.-nihll' Scho"l.
JUDGE ~RTHUR. H. JAMES i 11 A. :'I\.-Mo1'ning- Wor,hip. Ser- Fresh Dixie ASPARAGUS 29c
Mrs. LOUise Cocknll, COll1t11ltl,'('-: nlon hv the pastor.
woman, and Joseph P. White, recently'i 11 .~. 1\1.- Thp junior church, COIl- Juicy ORANGES Pn/. 19c, 29c
appoint,'t! committeeman of Narherth', i duetI'd hy :'III'S. Dighy. This Friday and
fir~t election dis~rict, went on record I 11 A. l\l.-Childrpn's nurspry, unoer Saturday-
tillS week endorSIng Judge Arthur H. the supervision of Miss Tibben. Nights onl -
J,ames for Republican nomination for 6.45 P. l\L-The three Christian I Extra - Latest "Marcil 0/ Time"
Pillsbury's Best FLOUR 5-lb. bag, 25c
Governor. Enoeavor grouJls. SUN. - MON. - TUES.
Penn Treaty APPLE SAUCE. . . . . . . No.2 can, lOc
Magistrate Franklin P. Kromer, 7.45 P. l\l.-Narherth's Happy Bible
Cyn\\·)·d district leader, swung into Hour. Sermon by the pastor.
line fortnight ago. Wednesday: 8 P. M.-Prayer meet·
:10va [/Jilbean1 Budget brand Sliccd BEETS 2 No.2 cans, 19c

Withdrawal this weeK of Joseph H. ing. . Penn Treaty Golden Bantam CORN. , , .. 2 No.2 cans, 23c
Cochran, popular Jenkintown attor-
Campfire Marshmallows , , lb. pkg., 15c
ney, left three candidates in the run-I ALL SAINTS CHURCH
ning for State Senator: Franklin
Spencer Edmond>l, Harold C. Pike and
Montgomery Pike, Wynnewood
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector
I Astor Coffee Ib. can, 25c

Samuel E. Ewing, Jr. Eastel' MOl'ning. Communion at 8,

19 and 11.
Tagged Trees and Shrubs \
Monthly meeting of the Pennsyl-

held last Thur>lday at the General

Wayne Inn. The new president, H.
M~in Lin.e's newest, most modern
vania Nurserymen's Association was servIce stahon • • • next week.
(advt.) ,
Saturday Matinee-

Rudyard Kipling's Immortal
237 Haverford Avenue - Narberth 3668
G. Seyler, presided. It was pointed REVENGE" COURAGEOUS"
out that Registcrcd Nurserymen wel- Oil . . . So
come inspection of their plants and l"ou H(IlI(' n Book! -and an added hour of Fish, Oysters, Fruits, Vegetables, Groceries, Meat .. 1
Freddie Bartholomew
-trees, which are certified free from Don't let that deter you short subjects - cartoons, I' Spencer Tracy Lionel Barrymore
Phone, 3637 co edies etc

:-~.~ ~ i}~ ~ ;,t:~ ~ ;j~ :-~ ,~ ~ .;!>O:'_;~ ; ;~.~ ;:.~ ~ ;:·.1~_~ ~ :'~:~i?,i~t!~ 6,~ ~l~i~i.i~ ~;".':->il· 'i~ii;·~·~·:::::~~:~~~::~~:~:~:::::::::::::::::IiiiiiM.~Ii.i6~iilillii~u.iiiWlii"I""'ilI'~'
.<:'~ .;I.:·~ 'iiI~'!IIiiIil~~~~~~~itIl1iiiiliil.i"~~ilj ..iilii.iiIlilililiiliiiiliilii~.~~• •iiltliil~iia~iii.iiiii
disease and in good condition. Box 447, Narberth . m. , .
.:, .~ ", ,:~.;; .. '.... -. -',-~ ,.,. . ;-. ~
."'-< -",,' , ... '. ~.i ",

Page hvt> "



111 ' I', 'I,,' 'H o. "1. I " d - .\ ~ ;1 1'1 'J: t 1 :1 - \ T).,. 11l;;I.l".

"I' 111 11, - I: \\ i, j\·f l' :il·" -I '11ll'\\ ILl! frl·l' in!"" 1"111.
,'" ",,' ,I i" II' i "I :11111"\111,:' x '1'1,,'
\\ ,'! j.. \\:1 _ L' 1\ l'I, :1 \" 1:_ II Ill' I" :\11: Ill'
II' i, -" 11 "I' 11,- :11101 ]lll flo]·lll:III'·I· \I~' ~II ()IIII;llld~
1'!'II:"ll·lj,flj;,. :11:'\ tl,,' 1;1', II] .\1"11"11 :l],d 1111 ll11rlllll'l"~ lof tIll' 1'lt·Ilt',t!';\' :llld
)I~l 1- (,f "\I;l-La. " j, LIL. "I, ~Il ~1('I)I'II;\id
),;;1\"' \\;t- (·;dlt-d 110 thl· -t:l,l.!l \. 'I,: ~II. III :--: 1 11;,I1!·'
~l"lld;\\ ,ll'li I })'"'11. \1'!.: J .... ;\1 ~ 1
:1 • _1\ I 1":11 ',1 I l I I ' :1 t t hI' (·jl '--l', ( :. II 1,11, ()\ l'l"ll J l II I J....
~11'IJI'Jl ~It·t,t II. ;~I.

;11 lIlt' ,!,:",' 1111
l~11 '1\11' (;ralld ()111'1':1 (Iltl111:111~· Id· .\1 !<!1;111111" \1. III r-lil"~. 'I-II-I llf

)j"lIt~lllllll'\ ;I\\'!llll. \;tIIJl 1:1

/'1111",10- 11,111:1 ,\III ,,:1"'1 a -IIITllIg 1"- 1111 111·,dl·. \' I!] III 111l" lll:1 ;,1 l't' III 'Ill II
.\1:~ . . L1l1111:l (·ll';l~d;ljl·. "'1 ... t. I (,f 111\' "I: a .. :l1I,1 ,\It'. ..\11'1',01 II \\', FI"'lInol, \\,\1
I,! III I ... th,·
\1\;11 lOt' YI·!lil·'" TI,,\':ltlll'l'" It ....
I, ,j,!" II _:1, :II"j ".,,1. :11 II" "I1.l ,,,-: I'll' :"11.
Ilk, \\ Ill;lld t,( 1.,11;11]" :Ind lill:tI LIlli,," ILl --t':t ... (Jll al thl' :\t·i.tdt·I1)~ :1('1 a- \".-1 111;111 1'"" II,', II \\ III, '1'1,,· , it \ c ! ~ I' ". t I . I 11t' I :\"1 j I ~ 11, I I 11111 \' ('1 1;'\: I I! t I':'''' I \ c': 1
II", I" 1.1'-111:11.1- '" I I" ,\11' \\1111:1111 "I ""-I,' "" TI1I1I-oIa~ ",,'nllH-[, "\1'11\ 1,_1",,_ \\ iI: I", II" 1'"1'1''' ,\11-1111. 'II'
:11 lillirl \\t";l!l\~·t". 11 ]Il\nl . . __ ;,I\\i:. c·\t·11h. :"':i\1\J:":
,-\, Ba 11"\, ,11'" -I -I ,'I' ,,:' II" 1'1'1.1,,, ~1. TI}l' !ll'l"fl 'l'lll;t 11('1' ... hlluld lIt' t'~llt'­ \\'111",," 11,,1"',1,-, Ill' I{"J,"I'I 1\"11<1"",
',1'11]" "",,1 "/11"'1111 "1 1\<,:11 111,,'·k,1 I" I",,'!' \11:\1
gl"""1. ",id 11,-- ,\gl,..- \\ ;,:1,1, "I' ,\lI- 1.1:.]; \. \\I·]t·lllllt' til 111\1 ,p' 11 ,\"1'1' ..... "'lllt'I' Ill' 1,'rllZ ;\",'I~', 'I, .1"-"1'" (;,Itlill"
'1'1'111:': ,11,:1 [1'''111 :111' 1t,"I-I' :11l,1 I" L"I'!' II",
d I J 111 JlI. :'\ . • J. 11,,1\\',111-1:111111111.: 1111' :lUII1"III,,' "I II- III, 1-:0I1l1111l" 11"111 1"-[.\"1 :11101 III',
1,:11111\ 11'''1l1 :':1'\1111:': "],nll:..: l"I,!- \-L ,,1"'11\
I II, \ \' ,[ 11:1 III ,\, H; III ,'" ' .J 1',. W,[ 1 a cI 11I1"'lt ]I III a" ;t ... t;\ndard <:1;\:--:--1('. 11: '!lldl-
1 111]111 ~. BOUI'--_ .JT". 111' 1'lIn!:llld,
11.1'" "1 \\ lel' ;1 1\;1 \ " l·' I;t: t
H- III'--t n1:111 .tnd tIll \I"'!li·r- illcluck. (1\1... dranlat "11 11'11\";\- ()r·t'e,·llil.
Ie. a ITt .... t 11lj.!,
:\11 I.a\\ It'TH'" ('rll;t ... tbk. Iq"'lllil'r cd' :\ rl'{'t'lll II III \\-]]1 fl d ]11\\' till' ('I' I"t·1l1111l~· Ralph S.
t"r,', .. 11", 111"'11 al".'nt 1'1"111 till' l"c:l1 Dll/lIIe
III,' I,!'I' 1<-, :I lid III', !l:l \' id T,'If',,!'. ROY E. nRO\\,:OOIILLER IIl'ard ...: fur a nunlht'}" (If ~t·a:-:oll~. ;11 (;"""11 lIill Fa 1'I1l " <h"'rl'I'""k,
,\ -Illall 1"'C"I'II,," ",,[1 1',,11,,\\ 11\1'
cI·lt-lllllll.\" 1'111' th"
I), 1"lt,/ ,,,',1'1', fl/I'!I HOfl E. HnT\"II-
III,f/, "1'/J/ll/1tl d II!! (;01'/ r1/U)'
llllllll·dlalt· fallll!lt":--
Sh -I,-h, Ili~,-
Anita :\, /larding'. daug-ht.'r
Iff till' Illldl' anli hnd".l!I" IH illl.
r.:1/ I II III .... ,I('f·' I rl fl" /"f, "'a rn JI
/)1/''-1 turO (If lJi!lh- II ,,'" did -Ill' g'''1 tl1l' ldack "f Ill', all.\ 'II'" (;""I'g'" IIallh,,\\'~
\"111 fl .....· .,,', (',',

1/1/! I I" '1 i ."'.('/' II !II k ii' II"", did III gd th,' hlal'k ,'y,,"
II arding-, of Bl)x"'o"d. will pnlf'rtuin 6-
\X' .. ddillg Attclldallh ,I /1'1.'-, I,", 1/
at a dinn,'r on April ~:: })('fl)l'e the
('I,,,,,l ,, III !l'1/"': 11111'11 .llarr}, .1,
II!-, H;dl'h (', HI'\:lII, ,11 .. ,1'1.:, l
I tir'l of tl1l' ,eri,', or :\Iaj;ic Danc!-"
,1,"'1/1 .""·}'II.',I/.-,II 1111/" Ii. flI1I1
\",'1;1, (',d .. "iii In 111;111 'II ,,1" ]1<111 1 1
'II) 1,,- 111'101 at tl1f' \\,plling-ton,
,!"/""",,,..; I" . .' n .... i,/, /If',' 111 !'lIft,'{-
a! till 111;lITI;l:";t Id' ~li-- \'II;';I!I,;1 NAR.BERTH 2-1 ~O
11//'. .1L. 1:"f1II'IIIII,f!, I /1"(/ ..... (I/,-
HI :l1!d,I, ;\"\\ h"I.\, .\:lll~lil'! "I' 'I!, Watch for Jos.'I>h 1'. (;old!'n'~ ,\t- (:-';lghlS. Slll1davs, Holidavs: l".lrhcrth 2(,'; I)
~11"...... Elll!'4'1I1' :--:. :'\t·\\ Lilli!. "f
I",,/,f, /1,1, !''It!1 ..:, ,'/', fill'!' 0'\"1',1 1, \ :
(;J,.I1,,,,'k~, ~t. I I:J\ ,.1-, :111,1 II,', .1"1,,
, .' '" 11/,,1 " II:"': ,,,. I, ,·t, II II!! .\/,'. \ .(11/
for a good time-
'lantic ad next WI'l'k. (ad\'t.)
1).,,"" II I! II /111/111/ II f /1'11.": ("[ f/.~' I!f
\\'i1":lI'I- . .II' .. ,"" ,,1' III, "".\ 11,-
f"1 f}'1
.J,dlll \\'i1II:1I1I" ,,1' ;\:"'\" rtl" \\ h,,'II,
\\11\ lak,' "Ia.'" ~"\ur.\",,. IJ;I~ 7, III
~1. II"rllll', ('''ulch, H".\lI'",
"The Red Headed
r.,,'hal'.\ II, (;urJ,.~ \\'111 "l1i"I:I\,', Stepchild"
1''',' "th,'r a\I,",hlll- ,\Ill \" 111'-, Harl !\!,I),lllald', f'l\lrth (,i\'C1l fill!'
;\",1,,,];,- Walll 11,,1'1'" '1,-, EI,!;,J ... th R.cading hy Phila, Orchestra
h\' the SCllior
Look What You
,\"". ;\,\\1",1.\.111-- 11:"i"rl" II, Ilu Luther Lt·aguc
11\'1' and Ili-' Ik:lt rix \\'alll .. r, "f lIal, 11,11,,11:11.\, ,.1 ~t, Il:l\'i"-. :In"
II; II : 1'1 i. ("111111.

II,', .T, jt"r:lll \\',\Ii;'lIl- \\ill \" 1",<

''':111 1'''1' 1,,- 1'1',,(1,,1', :1101 lh, Il-III'I,
llf (Ill" p( p:Il'tnll'll~ Id' )lll...;jC ld' t\1,'
\'Ill\,,"-Ily "I' !'d\Il-yh'altla. "'I','nll"
I,a.- ""'111'10-1"01 It,- j"llrlh -ylllplt"IlY,
Holy TI-init) Can Get at Shea's
Lutherall Church
\\ ,II }", III', ;\, .. ",,1;1- \\':111: 11"1'11-, "h",1t \\<1- h":I'oI 1'", 11ll' til','! tmll' 1\1I
II,', ..\lfl"'.\ <;, ~calt',I'~""'1. ::,1. III',
11",'1",\ (;, :\"t1'..Jr.. Ill', H"l",rl H,'ad,
II,' .J. :-;"i"l<'y ;\"\\ lill, :\11', \rill,:",)
Fnda\ at'tl'l"tltlllll at thv l'nn('('rt (If
IIII' l'i111:1,lo-Jphia ()rclll',ll'a. Cl\ltduct,'d
I,y !':lIl','I'" ()I'lllandy,
Narberth and \\'oodhinc
for Easter!
11"",.}1"ll-". II,', ,1"bll Ed",:",I- :11101 :III', 11"II<'I,alol',- -Y111plt"lly 1'1'11\'1,01 IUO P. !\1.
:\1 ", RIl--, 11 Hrall11d.,. "f n""I' 'II, I" I", ;11l ,'xl'",IIo-nl \\'''1'1" "'lwciaII>' ill
I tit" 1\I'I'I1"-lrall"n which I~ full "I' CO,III/ctio. Per/llmn-mallY an attractin' gift.
Receiving Congratulation.. : I" ,1111' <I Il' I \"'1',,' ,'11"'1'1 in', Th" 1'0111-' Thmsday and Friday
"I'.alld :l1t'~, Jollll :-;, :\lc(;"",in. of. 1"'-"1' ha, lI-,'d IIII' .,,,'elic ~t~'I" IIf e"111-
H",,'nwlI a\"'llU", :\I,-rilln. an' l'l'cl'i\'- I p,,-ili"l), III Ihal th'-lI11" fr0111 the pl'l'-
April 21 and 22
Eggs-pure rich dt·liciou, dwcolatc ,oyerI'd egg' at moderate
111l' c"llg-ratulation~ upon tlte birth of: ,...oIinl' !1111\"'lIll'lIt- appeal' in th,' tltr""
a daug-hte'r, Janpt Sl'l'1'ill :\Ic(;owin, latn "Il'-', Th" g-('n"ral atmosph"r" Adll1is~ion 3'5c price, in all th.· popular ",17(''''.
"n ~unday, April :3. ,,1' tit" ,,,'111ph,,ny, with th" exception
:llr~, :\IcGowin i,; thp for111pr :'otis, of tIll' Ihird nlO\'l'llH'nt, i,; somewhat
.lalld Hayes, daug-ht"r of :\Ir, and ' l11p ]anch"lic, .'s])('cially in the slow Sec our di~play of f/oll ns,
:\Ir~, eha rl.·s Hayes, of Pro\'i,!ence,! 1110\"'nll'nt and in n1l»t of the finale.
R, I., formerly of Wynnewood. J On a ~ing-J<o h,'aring-. the third move-
Whitman's Candies 1I1 Ea~ter wrappings.

Abbotts lee Cream 1I1 fancy 111llld~ for Easter .

TO THE MAIN LINE At the Narberth Station -

Prompt Delivcr~'
Narberth 2838

No printino firm ln this section has

Grown so rapidly as The Merion Press
in the past three years. Perhaps our
motto has had somethinq to do with this:

Printing as you wish it to be done

+,,,· l
-delivered when you request H- 1,+0·
' ...., ..•. ~ .•..

at the price you expect to pay.

"5ace-oflfi '~ou,. .J~tchen

Spring is hen'! And why nol rf'juyenate your f'ntire kilchen-makf' it a lwau-

THE MERION PRESS tiful spot-wilh a orand nl~W Hll!lp.r <";as Hange? You'lI find it will take a hig
load of worries off your shoulders throul!h giyinl! perfect cooking results all
the time. And it's economical lo operale. tool
Model pictured. Essex l:HOF, ff'alures "SupN-Speed Low Temperature" O,'en,

"Smokeless" Roll Broilf'r. large slorage compartmf'nt and "Insta Flame" auto o

Subj.c1lo Chnng. matic top and oyen lighting. It's a barl!ain at $80.50 cash. Slightl~' higher on
without Nolice
• budget plan-$2 down and 2 years to compll'te payments.


At OUf Suburban Stores or Sf'e Your Dealf'r
. .",~,. :~..;.1 'I.~·' " ~'-"- .:~ '. " I:,',' ,.. \
" ,: -:: ..... - " . " ,::"". .,.~':'.-; ,,;'.' " ":"~ ~.~~,} '. ", ,.' .. ~~. ," "'..~'" ~ i'.


,.- Page SIX OUR TOWN April 15, 1938


-Mw15i"gwear Hosiery
For a bright Easter, folio» the IJtlI/IIY to
Sell ,<pring ,< h£lele.' , 7'9. to $1

D A \'rl s • FilII line of Lillgnic .

224 HA \TRIORD :\ \'ENl 1 [ 1\1,4 RHERTH -1035
Elizabeth Shop
Two door~ from the 1\'arl:wrth Theatre

Yours for better times

H. F. STELZER Visit Our Ardmore Store

Cnri(ieJ fe ... cler aJlJ Walch aJld Clock ,Haker
F"rllleriv of Riggs &: Brother
18 \Car, nf'",ieJlce. abroad QJ"i here. "'ark g,wraJltccd

232 BaJa A\'C. below Montgomery CYNWYD 3250

-I'hflto by courtegy of neorg-e F. Pf>ttinoR . .II'
The car on the right was out of control. Both people in its rumble seat died
FLAT WORK---Our Specialty instantly

20 pieces, $1 Narberth School Honor Roll Children's Glasses

For Third Quarter in Narberth Pub \\'int!eld Donat Co. are famed for Children's
CALL NARBERTH 2266 FUlirfl,(;,.,u/l Arfil'iti, 8
lic School Lists 7V
(;Ias,e,. Mothers have implicit confidence in
and we n.. ill hayc our tTl4ck call \Ii" 1I.'nr~' i, a fourth gTadl' hC'I1H'- ollr reputation for firsl quality lenses, skillful
for )'Ollr laundr)'. r""m tl'ach.'r, but tl'achl', thl' fnurth fitting. patient service. moderate prices. Visit
and tifth gradl" al'lthl1wtic, Flr"t h"llllrS "'l'nt to: ollr Ardmore Store.
Grad,': RIchard B",,~on£', Bllb
NARBERTH HAND LAUNDRY Thl' fllurth gradE' at the heginning
"f thl' )'{'ar !'l'\'i"\H'd till' table~ and
\\'.·11" Pl'gg~' Aul. Ekan"r Haywood,
107 N. Narberth Avenue Katrina Hoyt. GUILD OPTlCI"N8-:lll \'E"RS' IlPERIENCE
rq('ular addition, ~ubstraction, multi-
plication and divi,ion, They u~e ith Grad.. : Thomas Butler, Bob 1824 CHESTNUT STREET
"Fla,h Cards" for accurate and rapid :'Ilillpr, :--:ei! :\Ioxon, Warren Vincent, 5,l45 GER:\IA:'IITOWN AVENUE
work, :-':ow long di\'i,ion i~ being .Jack Young, :\Iary Olive Bates. Vir-

2-l E. L:\:"iCASTER AVE .• Ardmore
,tudil'd, ginia Durbin, Pho{'be Jane Ezickson. 222 OLD YORK RD .• Jenkintown
The Mth grade i" ,tudying addi- .JUlll· HpJll'r, E!panor Stam. ~ubUTb8n ~turC80pt:'n Mun .. Wrl'.& Fri. ["ea. 7l08-30
A,<k Yourself
tinn, "ubtraction, multiplication and 6th Grach>: Ralph Hnyll', Dick Pru-
'fhis Questioll ( ., c di\'i~ion of fraction~, Th ..y ha\'e re- itt, Bob Tripician, K{'nneth Wilson,
Ie C lay race~, That i~, each row IHi"ses Dick \\'hiting, Barbara Bailpy, Claire
l\2. to th{, board and are gi\'en a problem, DI'Hart, Loretta Lilli~, Jean Sargent, ~~!!:!!!=~=~==~!!:!!!!!:!!!~~!!:!!!~~=====~==~~!!:!!!== _
\J Th" child with the fir,t correct an- Ih,tt~, Sin1Un~, Pl'l('gy Spark" Barbara
Hcre's what our ex- ~w"r is winnl'r fur that row, Th('n \\'n"drow,
perts n'ill gladly do for tlw ,,'innpr~ ha\'(' a race. S'Tnnd hnnor, Wl'rl' rl'c('i\'l'd by:
)011T fuTS: \Iis~ Dall' is a IlOll1P ron III tl'aclwr hth Grad,': Alle'n [loty, Victor
for till' fifth grad,' and tl'ach{'~ hi~- 1I.'ath. lIarr~' \Iiddle,tlln. Edward
Reline to,r y aIld ci\'il'~ to till' f"urth and fifth I ,\1 iller., Janl'" Pruitt" G{'orl('(' \\'Ol~d­
Remodel glad"" I
I'll"', I',dna Andn'w, Suzannl' Au"tln.
Fr"m th" Iwginning of tilt' yl'ar th .. Ih,tty BollaI'. Bl'!t~, Schdll'ntrag('l"
Repair f"urth grad" ,tudll'd ahout thl' l'arly, Ha rl';lI'a Sn1l'dl,,~'. Kathryn Chit-,
Clean and Glaze 1'''''I,1<-s ,,1' tl1l' w"rld, :\"w th{'y an' ith (;ra,I<,: Bill Kain'r, Fn'd Kul.'l>-
~tudYlllg till' tra\,,'ls of :\Iarco Pol", I'T. llick :'I[cCn'a. Hoh Phillip". :\Iary
Buy them frool
And ,tore In OIlr Th"y mad., a eatl1l'dral in connpction \\'"d .. c.,J\'n", :'Ilan' .J" lJunnington, the publishers
cold storage \'aults "'Ith thE' ,.'arly t"wn, and bpcausl' it i :'ILtrjori" Enz, lJllr:,thY lIutt"n, L"i"

-fresh for next sea-

"'as tlw thing' I'riz"d l1J,,,t highl~' in ~dll.'nck, Carol Schrod{'r. through your
SOli! Call lIS 1I01l!
th'N' tinll's.
Th .. fifth gTad .. studi,'d the settk-
Gth (;rad,': Barn'Y Au,.:tin. Howal'll
Bldd\". 1I,'r!ll'rt F,'u,:ht, Billy Griffith,.:, local publisher,
nH'llt of Aml'rica and ih l'xplorers, Edward Gorman, Th"ma,.: H~nry, Paul
Thl'~' al,so leanlPd of the stru,ggle be- \la~oll. Ralph \'igu"r~, Sara Bul'!1s,
and save 100/0
Adelizzi B.-otlters t\\'('l'n r rance and England. :\ow they
an' 1)('lI1g taught of the nlO\'t'm{'nt
''l'ggy Burn,-. Pat~~' Cook. Charlotte
('rll\\'no\'('r, Bl'tt\, :\Ial' Ilarlb, Loui,,'
Custom Tailors Cleallcrs, Dyers, Furriers wl'sl\\'ard, In eonlwcti(ln \\'ith th{'ir !,','\!(lIIZO, :\Iar~an·t I),·.'l', Eh'anor TO.lI EIA'\~OOI.
w(lrk, thl'Y arl' constructing a colonial Klappl'r, Barhara :\Iilkr, :\Iarilyn Box 447
228 Bala Avenue Cynwyd 928 kitchen'in the Nll'!1er of the room. Th,' :'Ilitchl'Il, Joan ""ar,.:on, Sarah Shellen-
c1a~~ is divided into six committees. IUTg'T. Narberth
102 Forest Avenue Narberth 2602 Thl'Y an' as follows:
I. W"rking (In walls, fin'place and Narberth 4100 and 3637
Appointed as Headmaster
2. Working on laddl'rback chair, a At th{, Coulltr~' Day School of Scran-
trunk, ('h,'st, ean,lll' dripper, a but- ton, .J. Fol\n'll Scull, .Jr" will a,~ume
24-Hour Kcystone AlltO Club Emcrgellcy Station hi~ duti .. ~ there on July 1.
t"r churn, and a gridiron,
3, Pewter dishes, candle, hour glass. Mr. Scull, who lives at 507 ?llerwyn
SPECIAL - Spring Tune-Up
'candle mould,
4, Lantern, bellows, brush
broom, sho\'e! and tongs, warming
ruad, Narberth, has b,'pII a~~istant
headmastl'r uf Friends Central School,
(J\'('rbrook. for thp last three years.
pans, snuffers, cradl<-, wooden spoons, This spring he will complete ten years Now is the Time to Decide
VALUE, ~3.85 . . . all for . . of "er\'icl' in thl' history department
bowls and pitchers,
5. Andirons, wooden basket, musket, of the school. FILL YOUR BINS WITH NEWTON
He was a track and football star
Sunshine Garage & Service , powder horn, table and kettles,
both at Lowl'l' :\Ierion High School COAL AND BE ASSURED OF

6. Rug, and dressing a doll.
Montgomery Pike at Jona Avenue and lall'r at the L'niY{'rsity of Pl'nn-
,~'I\'anla, H.' i~ a broth{'r of Paul NEXT WINTER'S COMFORT.
Narberth 2235-] or -M los. M. Simons The fourth and fifth grade litl'l'a-
ture teadll'r i~ l\1i~s Rarick.
Scull, fornH'r P,'nn football captain.
Enjoy the Best at No Higher Cos f
CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED In thl' fourth grade the pupils had
a rubber exhibit, and also made pl'! Red Cross Gives First Aid
booklets, Thl'Y studied the ehi!dr~nl Th., :'Ilain Lin,' Branch :-':0, 1 "I'
of all ('ountril'~ and had an auditorium tIl{' Anll'rican H.,c! Cros, ilnnOUI1C{'· Phone: ARDMORE 2550 OR
program about tlwm, :\ow they are that a Fir,.:t ,·\id cla~" i~ I,,'ing h,'ld ALLEGH ENY 8400
The ~tudYlnJ.:' China, The studl'nt~ planted ill t h" 1."\\"'1' \1.'ri"ll T"\\'n,hi,, Build-
-WEST ~'01

lihl''': "f the vall,'y for Ea~ter gifts. ill,l(' f"r 10() n,,'nlhc'r~ Ill' tl1l' LII\\"'I

National Bank of Narberth I

Th,'y are making a ~ .. ril" of illustra- \Il'ri"n p"lic,' f"r(','.
tiulb (If childn'll of \and~ that W{'n', Th"
1'l",I~1 ~lb~lut ill. ~,ibr~ry. books., .. "
f"Il"\\':ng ,.:uh,i('cts will Ill'
' taul('ht: C.. ntr'" ..f hl{'('ding, artifici:l!
• Deposits Insured under the Govf'rnment Plan· , I il, !lIth gl,ill, \\ .. ~ II1tU(,te<l In ""~I'lrat,"", tr"at Il('nt (If sh(lck, appll',
\\'Inl,'r 'port~. They r and \\'l'(lte I'a: illll .. I' __ 1,l'lIt- "Il fraetul'l". tran"
• Member 01 Federal ReSerYf ::'ystem • ,t"rll'. about ,ports, They studied I'ortati,," "f al'ei,h'llt ca~.'s, fir-t aid
h'T'" ,ueh a~ Hell'n Keller ,\lid 1',,1' "lin,' r(lk,'. Iwat ,'xhau-ti"ll alld ill'
• Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenrence • l,'arl\(·d t" n'ad braill,'. They drew "l'Ilal 1,,,,'OIl:;,
illu,trati(llis (If the :\Ul'l'lllburg StOll'
bl'1'on' "'ping th .. play at the Erlanger
New Board Member
'1'1" at ... r.
:'IIi,~ \\'Iut!' tl'ach,'s g .. ography ill

For your conven- th., fourth alld fifth gradl's.

The fifth gradl' is studying the
ience we sell . ~ . L'lIit,d Stat('~. The fi\'('-(lne made a
palll'! (If thl' N,'\\' England States.
ICE CUBES TIll' fin·-two gan' a dramatization for
(lll" of th"i r aS~l'l1lhly programs. The
ICE CREAM SALT lJoy~ 1'l'P1'l'~l'lIted :-.: ('w Ellglaml alld
till' girl~ th(· Wl'st,'rn states.
ICE- Th(, fourth grade is ~tudyillj.(' dif-
WHOLESALE and RETAIL fel"'1I1 Il('opl,'~ of tlH' l'urth. TIll'Y aI'e
Illakillg a frieze of thl' countries thl'Y
lIa\., ,.tudi{'d.
118·120 SIBLEY AVE.
Pl'nn Valley Property Sold
ARDMORE PENNA. J),d la' F. Lei~teI'
has sold his three-
,t,'1'~' ~tonl' dwelling" and garage on
TELEPHONE Fail\'il'w I'oad, Penn Valley, to Waltel'
S. Chittick, it is reported by Clarence
NARBERTH 4058 - ARDMORE 1155 .1. Gallaghel', the broker. The prop-
'l'I'ty had been h..ld ,for sale at $18,500.
All our ice deli'Very mcn are local
Main Line's newest, most modern in your own community.
service station, next week., '

, I
(advt.) .. ...,
' ~

~'. ··:~~·,;lL:;;~i~~~~i(~~~:>;~~il~~~~~~~:~~'~'~~',::'~L~.:'_'~;i~;~'~~~1';~,:,:i
. : ~'.: ~ ~'/~';':f;':~ '~ :';~ ""'~'~~::·~:~.l.~~;'~~i~~~~/;iZ:i,~~i{i~_~;~~~~~~~k~; ~,·t:~~~~~~\~d,~~,~~~~~~L~{j .i ~ ";~:~ ~; . j":~;,:.~:.:'.~'.t. ~ ,:~ :,.~.' i.i'.tij';'~';:"li '~:~~~~i~~~i~i~w.~ii'illlllil.~~~~ii~ili~~~~~~~~~~ill
•,,~ is: .'-,' ,.':,,' ,,:" ':'.~
.... ' - •.... ~ .. .;~>

,,, . ,. '. -. ~,~i,' .•':' '. ,";,,','.':'

April 15, 1938

Garden Pilgrimages
Planned for Club
count on
U,,/Jnt .J.
;\ Ir~.
Culli na n Chair-
rJH .111 ,h
of Trips for Bala-

PI.l '1\1/11:'-:(
HEAl 1:'-:(,

C\'n\lyJ Ol'ganilation

TI,. 1'"II""'ln~' I't1~TIIlI"C"" I" >,al"-

MATTER how good your
lawn was la81 year or how wf'1I
<1"11- 111I'''ll~I1''llt t Ill' ~Ia ill l.il1" al1<1 It ha.s CODlP Ihrough 11lf' wwter.
1(1<1 F"rt"1 AU'IlII<' \,'''1.1:- 1::1\ ,. 1""'11 I'lal1ll"<I Ly :'111"'. .. -

Plea", Plll'lll' :'-:arherth 24H'J '1'1,,,111:1- (·lIlllllal1. ('l1alll1l;ll1 "f >,111'-

It n,·,·d" a good raklng--roiling
and r"rtilizalton A mO,lpral" rp· Radnor Race Blanks
(Houle I'hOJlc: 2222·!If) ,10-11-. 1'''1 \ 11,· 111"nll>"l"e "f tilt' (;al"d"n so.,'dlng will help to thIcken
Go to 300 Stables Make your present Radio
('lltI, "f H"I"·(',n,,,,·d.
(In .-\ I' I tI :;.', 111"111111'1"- aI'" t" 111,·,'t
grass this s·ummer.

IN SOWING grass seed It I!' hest an Automatic Receiver ...

,,\ th,· \\','l1n,·\\'""d H"l1'" nn ~Innt­ •Spring Meet at Berwyn May 11
to hr01c!cast In twO dlrE'ctions-
LOOK g"nl,·tO" a",'nll", :\'arl,,·rth. for lunch- at right angles to eacb otber and 14: Billy Barton on .~
\X'e'll install the Sparton original Push-Button Tuner- .",".,

[or Arthur L
,'"n. 1-'1""111 Illt'r" tllt'Y will \i:,it thl' and uSing one-balt 01 tbe set'd 'Chase Lists for any "et .. . . $1 'J.
gard,'n, of :'III". ,I. Howard P.. w, :'III'S. each way ":,-

COOKE H"I'I'rl Ilt·dl"rt. :'III". t'. Frc'dl'rick C. • Entry hlallk .; for tIl<' Radllllr HUllt It will enable ynu change your station quick as a flash:

~t"UI :1nd :'III". Jnhn B:1rnl':' T"I\'n- WHERE GRADING has been ! Rac"" t'l I... Iwld at Ch("t"rhl'<lld, no waiting for any "tation, Specially dt:>siglled for usc with
done on your new lawn, be Bure
"'1111. Farlll, B"l'wyll, Oil :'Ilay II and 1-1, any make set.
when \ ou need tbe ground has fully settled be-
~Iay I:;. Iunclll'on al Bungalow Inn, "',.1'<' ';"Ilt la:'1 ~aturday to apprllxi-
fore you seed It. It Is dltl1cult For S I. 50 extra we'll in~tall tht:> Sparton Magic Eye.
t h"n I" t h,· ga rd,'n' of :'111':'. John L. to get rId of tbe uneven ness af· Illal,·I" :1Il0 prolllill,·nt racilll! :'tah],os ill
l.arz,·I"I'<'. :'III". G. Eo Landt, :'111':'. B. tel' grass bas come. \'al'loU' part:' of till' coulltry, \\·ill,alll I'
Bro"k,' Barr"tt, :'111''':. Lnllis ~tritz­ • • • C. l!ulln"lllall, .Jr., chairll1an of tIll'
Narberth Electric & Radio Co.
walerproofin~ ing"r and :'lIn;. ,John H. Halford. THE PRESENCE of moss on Rac,· C"llll11itt"", allllilullc"d. Entri("
palchin~ :'11'1,' I~', ~wllrthmorl' Day, lunch- your lawn IndIcates eltber a sour will do",· :\Ionday, :\Iay 2. Narbcrth 4182 Walter G, Casc
or tmpover1sb pd soil. For the
"on al tlw F:nglpnnnk. In thp mnrn- Tlwl'<' al'!' tn hl' thl'l'" st""I'Il'chas('
first, flpply bydrated lime flnd for Narberth Avenue nt:>ar the Tht:>atre
for rst;male- ing tIl<' nll'ml)('r' will \i,it tht:> Scntt and tll'll !lat rac,'s (Ill I'ach (If tIll'
tbe second usp a good Quality
F"undali"n and in the afU'rnoon tho' l'aC lilt:' day:,. Th,' ca I'd f,,1' Sa t u rday, LiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _iiiiiiiiiiiO iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;J
Narherth 2754 of fertilizer. PractIcally any
:'Ila" 1-1, ,,'ill f"atul'<' th,· ,·I"\'('l1th rUIl-, 1"i~~~~~~~~~~~ ..-_......~..~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~
gal"d"n:, of :'111':'. \\"illiam duPont. Jr., Boll, however. will bE'nE'fit by fln
and :'111':'. (;""rgl' Zimnwl". applIcation of lime followed a : Ilillt! of th .. Radllol' Hunt CUI', and th,' 'Ii ------ - - - - - - - -....
207 Lantwvn Lam', Narberth
:'Ilay :;,;. P",·I,·:,t"wn, 10 A. :\1. ~Il'm­ week or two later by fertilizer. falll"u- Billy Bal'lOIl St"l'I,),'rha:,l', a
h"r' will ha"(' tl1P npportunity to visit Do not apply botb too close to-
1l'1;""ic \\'hich carri,':' \\'ith it thl' award
tIll' l!'al'l!"n, I)f :'III'" .lamps ~hcllpn­ getber,
,1If TI1I' HUllt CUi' lIf :\lIwrica alld a
1l('1'~"I'. :'111':'. haa" ,'an Art,·:,dall·n.

WHETHER ON the lawn or In , pur",· lIf ::; 101\1\.
The :'lIre, I'ul'd,' \\',·i--. :'Ili-, Laura And"r- tbp gardpn. dppp mol~t\lrp pn· ]lrior III thi.; y,'ar. Ih,· Billy Bar-
Th(' h'"11l'
Harvey Roofing Co. -"11 alld :'111':'. H. I. ~h'H·lllakt'r. eoUragP8 deE'p rootIng Onp I hor- 1"11 Ita:, 111"'11 I'lill a:, a f"atu\'I' "f lilt'
~1"IlIJ",I" \\h" 11<1\,\' 1"""11 in tlwil' Olu:,:h wptttng that gpt~ thp watpr :lllllual 'i'I"I~ IIl""lllJl! al l'iIlJl,,'(O, hUI I
ROOFING alief HEATING oppp clown. 18 hNter than sp\,prnl that i, II cll
,'; I I' I. I t ; I III I~ Ill' I' 1
lilt '11 \ 11'1' t 1 f t 111' cIII \, \\;1'" trail"'!" I'/'I·d t(l till' C!jf·:--ti·I·!l!'(lll!-,:

tht, ... " \\ hll wi ... h t I'an:--plll'tat iun fflr light 8pr1nkllngs. l'11UI'.":t' tbi . . ~-l·;ll' \\!It'll -tl'eld,'('h:l:-:iIlL~
C.. rtifi ..d !Jam'lI Shin~le Ap- lit'
plicalor: Kedsl", &: Manison all" "f Ih,· al"",· I III". 1''''11-'' call
• • \\;1,": t l'lllllt 1)':1)'11 ~ ;11,:111111 IIlt·( 1 ;\ t t 111' paperl'd.
Cellt"r)' A,l>r.r'o. S/rinKlc", ~II'_. (',,11'llall, ;\\ Cynw,'d :;0. '~\;ln"",01 .1",.1"." ('IIIi,', track. Tit"
Lawn EnrtrhPr or rpHillzpr. J?O
OVE'r t1lP lawn with th,- ha('k of 1:1:;:; \\ 1!ll\l'I' \\.;\:-- ILlt tlt·-hlll, ;1 :--1111 ,d' painted. and
H. /. Cook. !lfgr.
~Ltll ,,' \\'a 1', "I\lch \\ "II I h" Brit i,-It
29 N. N,lrhcrth Avenue Books for thp rakp 80 R~ 10 rp!llo\,p It from
thr- I,'an,s a!lcl tlt"11 \\,pt thor (;1':11,,1 :\'ati,,"al at .\llItl""· 1:1-1 Fri
Phorrcs: Narberth 40·10 arrd 2999
the Garden ollghl,- Sf) Ihat tit" f"rtlllzE'r \\'111 oIa,'. Bdl,' Bal'I"II, aft,'r \\hlclt Ih,'

11'/,11/ ttl !i/·/IIII. Tn

II,,, I ... ,f l,."d {If 11I1,,1,·s. (/"(/lllIh/1 IIf It
}dflHt. ttl ]JIliN:' ..
gE't down 10 Iho· 1'0018

RAKE YOUR GRASS b..forp Cl1l·

1':11'" i..; lIall1l'd, lall ''''c''lloi ill I h" Brit-
I i-It cl:t-,ic ill 1 ~I:;~.
i~ the home

di . . clIlll'f t/"'1I11!lh 111l/1( lu(,,,1 !'llh'i:·:}1t /' tlng, Crah grags anel olhpr ,,"p,-ds that PilI' client-
Hood's YOllr ! f 1/1111111 '\'"l'ill ,-f), .if;.:;).
lip clogf' to thp ground and this
makp8 ~lIre gpttlng Clli \\'ith
Si,tn Heir of Eddie Allen
~II'-. K"llIlt'lh K. ('",,jl,augh. :\1.111
mall jor TIlt' (;al'd"I)('I":' ()Illnihu,. r:dit,·d h~' like. and
most wp ..ds, thE' ~rowth Is at thE' \\,,,,,,j-id,' l\\,I'nlll', :\'arl)l'rth, ftlrm"rly
LANDSCAPE Eo I. F:Jni!l~I"t1. :<::L~;). :\ "cry l'lllll- entls wbile wltL grass It Is at tho.' , ~II'_ I~",.;,· Allt'll. wa, llan1l'd ,,,I,· l1l'ir
pit-I,. Ill,,,k, I It III pag":', "",'1' .JIIO illu:,- basE' I "I' tl1l' ~1111111 ,'-tat,· It-ft b,' 111'1' brotlwr, that \\ e like.
GARDENER trallllll-. ~"\'l'ral hutldl'l,d l'tllltl'lhu- Edward II. B. AIIt'n, \\'ho di ..d Fpbru-
tors. lunatl'tll' and Jll'(Jfl·~:"illnal, includ- GRASS IS fully hardy and a
I :try ::, 1~1:{~, In \\'I',t Palm Beach, in
Reliable, and kllOllS
his bllsiness
ing tilt' h.. ,t kll""'t1 gard"n nanH':' III
tlw country.
lawn that Is \'Igorous ano 1n
good condItion should not be
protectpd during the wlntpr. In
I hi:, \\'ill lil ..d fllr prllball' ill Philadel-
phia thi:, \\,pek.
HOBSON & CO. Let liS estimate.
Thl' Gal'lit'n (;uid,·. ::;2.:i0. Ctlndl·n",·d AII,'n \\,a,.: aCCluit!etl in tht:> slaying' Reasollable prices. All »'ork guararlteed.
Robert Hood and Son fact protE'ction does morE' harm
cyclop..dia of g-ard.. ning ftlr th .. ama- than good. of hi,.: sister·s :,uitnr, Franci:, A. Don-
105 Conway - Narb. 4027·W t('ur. 5~G pagl'~, o\'Pr :WO illu~tra­ aldson. 3d, at Gn'en Hill Farms, 0\'1'1'- , I 105 N. Narberth Avenue, Narberth - Narberth 2340
hrook, in Itl32. !I I ;
Ad\"enturt's With Hardy Bulhs, hy man's School and Mr. Oram is a
Len'ring Mill road and Belmont
Louisl' B. \\·dd,·r. $5.00. C!mduatt' of Princeton and the Law
Htlrtus. clllllpilt'd hy LtI)I'rtv H. Schuol 1)1' th(' Cniversity of Pcnnsyl- an'nue . . . see next week's ad. i,~'~~~~-"_-----""'~-"'---~"_--"""'-"--_·"';-~'~~---- iiiiii_-~~_~_-iiiiii-~~1
Bail,'y and Eth .. 1 Z. Bai"'!·. $5.00. A \·unia. (ad,,!.)
1'1/ estimate
Ctlnci",' ,ltctionary of gardl'lling, gen-
.. ral hllrticulturp, an,i cultivated
Have you a
Hendel-son Supplee Voted Head
Specialty: Jobbing

Walter ("Pete")
of Supplee-Wills-Jones Milk Co. little garden?
1I"t\,kr"JIl Suppl..... Jr., uf :'Ilat:'on-
Miesen [,Ird r,,;td, Radnor. wu:, 1·ll·ctl'd presi- --or a big one'? \'i:'c've tools, fertilizer, and
832 Montgomery-Narb. 4044 ,knt o[ the suppl('c-\\'ill~-Joncs :'Ililk
Company al a mCl'ting of thl' Board seeds for all sizes and kinds of gardt:>ns.
"I' DII't'ctor, :'Ilollda". Hl' :,ucccpds
Frank A. \\'ill,.:, who rcmain:' chair-
And that isn't all \X'atch our windows
man of th .. board.
Suppl.'" attt'IHled Epi,.:eopal Acad- for the big paint evcnt ., and for tht:> i
For years Albrecht's have
,'my and graduatt:>d from Princeton i
Cni""r,i:y in 1!12~. He is a member Where arc you going, my Pretty Maid? distinctive new line of woodenware fl)r i
becn mixing I,
of tilt' Ritt"nhou",', Gulph :\Iill;; Golf I'm going to Shull's, the maid. she said, spring and summer culinary delight. I.
'and Philadl'lphia Cnuntry Clubs, an,l

pl'l'sid"nt of thc board of nHlnag'('r:, or
Since Eastt:>r is one of the most colorful times of the year, you
th(' Babil"" lIo:,pital of Philadelphia.
A\\TS '
H. H
will be interested to learn more about'Murphy's Da-cote Enamel
-in order to give the best
Engagement Announced and other products. You lovc beauty-and it's Spring-need ARDWARE
possible seeds for the do/-
:'Ilr. and :'Ill',. Charle;; J. :\Iurphy, more be said? Stop in and gl't Murphy's Book on Color OME APPLIANCES
of Call1l,ridg''' road, Cynwyd, announcp Harmony.
Our SHADY SPOT tll1' t'ngagpm"nt flf thl'ir daughter, 241 Haverford Avenue - Phone Narberth 4134
and MAIN LINER mix- ;\1,,- Kalhr,'n LubkeI' :\Iurphy, to
tures are guaranteed to :'III'. .Illn\l','; \\"ililam ()ram, ;;un of :\11'5. Shull Lumber Company .'j

have no equals-and the Lllui",' ~. ()ram. alld nt·phcw of :\11'. The Link Between forest and Home
prices are in line with n 11" :'II r,. F I':lllcis J. D,'a \"pr, of . "~
those of others' grasses. 29 Bala A\'t'., Bala-Cynwyd CYNWYD 6 62
Ed h I,.Ill' 11l,
:'II ie' :,>Iurph,' attl,"d ..d :\Ii:,s I1I-
J oh 11 A lbrech t' s
Montgomery Pike at
Meeting House Lane

Narberth 4020 INOW • •

IS the time

to have your
J 0, H N S~ 0 N '
We'll save )'011 money by laying fire-resisting
st i Paperhanging shingle right over your old wood shingles.
Or if you prefer a nell' Toof, let us give you an
~. Liquid WAX Ii Painting estimate on a Barn·tt Specification Roof.
For Floors, Furniture, Wood- I' Floor Re- Tile and slate roofs also repaired or furnisb.:-d
iJOHN$Q!! work, Leather, Etc. new by our skilled workmen,
How about your porch roof? Your gutters and
~ gal. .. $1.59 I
done by SPOlltS?
'= Let us check them for leaks so that
Spring rains won't ruin 'your flower
Ricklin's NIEDELMAN BROS. beds, warp your porch floors, or
E"erything make your cellar damp.
for your home and garderr Prices Reasonable All Work Gllaranteed

203 Haverford Avenue

• : ol Hal'e"fol'd,

cr of PCl/n'~lJll'al!ia R. R" who

ORsiHtaut cOlllpfroll-
Estimates Cheerflllly Given
Financing ,wder the FHA if desired.
Narberth 25,55 t('([~ reel'IIl/11 /Irescntcd leirh ,lie 39 N. Narberth Ave. - Phone Narberth 2438
111 Forest Avenue, Narberth Phone: Narberth 2920
We Deliver 1'ai{roaall' gold lllltton, cmb/clllrtlic
~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ of 50 l/l'U1's' cOlltinl/OIlS service.
;-'," ~ -

OUR TOWN April 15, 1938

Pagc Eight
R'he Tree HUll! 1\lee{
L. M. Commission April Bride M. L. Girl Scouts Will The Bachelor's Aid
Till HII..,t· T"l'l' :'!llllll..!. 1~;II'I' ~It"l"t • • •
Seeks Z'one Change Broadcast Over WIP JII~ lil! \\"\drl,·,-d<t.\, \1:I~ 1,..... :ltld ~:lt
We do all mending, sewing of
llld;l~. \LI.\ ~I. Iq"llil~l - til til filii
buttons. etc.-FREE. Special
B.d.\ - Cynwyd Nl'ighhodlOod
r".11I1 \X'ill COll1pete in r our- I !. till' 1111' '" t I III t ~ t ; I III II II:"':' t 1! t '1 ' I I r I 1...: - t II: \ t
care taken with hachelors' bun-
J:, Tit'" 1';1- II'!.\ 1'", 1I1;11l~ \ 1"1'>
District Spelling Match
Cluh Board \'otl'S to dles. Phone-Narberth 2266
I nlorm :'\ 1c1111wrs SHERIFF'S SAl.E -or bring in to the

II' ,1 1"\.111


10- N. Narberth A\'enuc
\\ 1',1111 d.l~ I \ I'J:itl~ ;11 l·I~lll.
II L"'IJ,ll 111,111!1:·. 'I"'\\ll,lllll \\ 11".1 'It \1 \ I'H 11 t " ....

tll'l ',ilL' ,', 1 2 III. I d .. l ' l n ...... 1 ,11l,LITo!

(,.Ilil 1{''''11. ,II t h.· I... ,,(I rt
III 1 h,- I~I' I' III ~ II "I '\,"111:-1"\\ 11, :-"101
t Ii.· 1<,)1,,"\ In,.: d.· ... , Illp'·j H,o,d L!'>
Two Choice Apartments
Now available, Narberth Hall,
first and second floor.

Robert J. Nash;
At the Narherth Station I
Abo W'ynnewood Road I
and Montgomery Pike

Narberth 4009 . . . Ardmore 2400

OUT Neighborhood Storcs Dcserl'c Our Patronage

You will find ours a servIce

We specialize in
croquignole or
A lid Haircullillg .


3 for $1, Mon. - Tue~. - \X'ed,

• • Beauty Shop • •
231 Haverford (second floor)

L':-;OER ..\:-;D SLBJEl T to (n'a,o bulid,
Classified ; iog rt·strictions.

Advertisements I The improv~mt'nts tht"rt"on 11ft" a Saturday, April 30th, 193R. will he the last day
j 21:.: ~tnn.· plastt"rfOd hOUSfO 18 It"d front by
H\ f("tot dfOr"p, WIth , roorns on fast floor. ~ for payment of 193- Property Taxes.
rooms and hath on sNond Aoor, attic.
-will be charged only to residents
whose names appear In the tele-
I cellar. gas. r)fOctric. 5pnnlo:t1rlel ....·att'r. ht"ut
In~ sy'Strom. porch lront I tar plastrort'd LIENS WILL BE FILED MAY 2nd, 19~R,
pholle directory or 10 suhscrlbers, garHge- 10 f("<:"t by 12 ff"t"t

20c a line S,.i7f"d ann takf"n In ext-cut Ion as thf" Office in Borough Hall will he open to receIve
propt"rty of J
James L. Sanford for 3 newspapers
Count five words to line
Lloyd R1<"krrt flnel \'t"sto
Rkkf'rt, hIS wlft", \'or1KHg()r~ and
Ownt'rs, and to hr ~old by
taxes from 9 to'" daily. Saturday, 9 to 12 noon.
fUllcral Held T//l'sdtl\, IHt>1llll/g; 1:0\);'1" Il BELLIS, Sh~f1rl
Died ill Alltnmonile Crash -will be accepted up to Wedn6ll-
day, 6 o'clock, for Friday's ' ....ue•.
Ruth W. Grace
Oown \looey S200,
Sht"rHf's Oftlct". :"ornstown, f>a Deputy
:\1 r. ~:lIlf{lI,d. \\' )II \ ..',1'" III all'! jlll·t!
at ~~:-.. C]('nWtllld I'Had. ~1{'n(JD, dit,c\ a~
th,' re~u!t (,f injun"" 'll,taili ..d in th,'
I Phone: NARBERTH 4100
10,4·1 S I
2'1, 1'138

accioellt on tl1l' aft,'rn,,\'n "f ApI'i1 G, i

S(·T\·jce, \\'l'n' l1eld at !I ,,'clock at Lost alld Found I1 R. R.
2,0 South 20th ~tr<'l't. Philadl'!phia, I.II~T-{·HY~TAL & .JET Hll!'ary on 8il.
Mrs. Yohn Heads
Tuesday morning. follow",! by " ~tll­ \'d' ('ll:tiTl f'Ij('IO~t'd ill purll!p (,Hse. He·
Bringhurst Your hands will last a life-time. R"l]ui,'m :\Iass at 10.:;0 A. :\1, at I: I" Cancer Control Soc.
t W.-t·1l ('~'Tlwyd & HUH-munt. Call (~yn"
Your clothes won't.
St. Margan'!'" (l1urch, &: Co., Inc.
2\11'. Sanford "'a- n'tul'ning fl'"m Main Line Women Open Cam- Help W IIntf!d
a bu~ilH", trip to :'\('\\' York wh"11 th,· \"1)I'X(; .:\IA.:'o:, ~('r\'it't.. ~tatioll attt'ndant Over a Century of Service
paign for Funds This \\ 1111 fullo\\ illg'. 1{("si<i(·llt of ::'o:arberth. How Long your hands retain the loveliness that Ivory
accid"nt ,'ccurn,d "I",,,; ~ ,;" :\1
Itt' .. so, Box 44';', ~arLerth, (2lH"'I Funeral Directors
on Rout" 1. tiftt·,'n mil" ",ut" ,; :;('W and Palmolive soap ads talk about-depends on how
Brun~wick. Situations Wanted 1924 Arch Street well you safeguard your skin while washing.
According to policp, a car going in l\lr~, John A, Yohn. of :If> Lodg-ps, I'A\':-: Work n('lialll", Bar, (,;,:,7, (30) RITtenhouse 5690
the oppo~ite dir"etion bl,'w a tin lanE', Cynwyd, ha~ bp,'n appninted,
and era~}wd into ~anford', car. ~('\'- captain of l\lnntgonH'ry County in th" At Your Sen/ice Your laundry requires utmost care, because its dirt
eraJ other, w,'n' ,.aid tn ha\''' I)\'('n Wn])wn's Fipld Al'llY nf the' AnH'ril'an HI,:UAIlLE CARPE:-:Ti':R. alterations & i We served Hamilton Vii· is washed out only once a week or so. And fabrics
seriou~ly injun.d, Socil'ly for th.. COlltro! of Canc''!', )oltltllil', f",rppnillg-, Gottlieb Esslinger,
t~" ,'oll\\ay a"p, :-:arb, 3748-H, (tf) lage, Hestonyille, Falls of are not as strong as flesh,
Sanford \\'a~ sal,',- mallag,'r of the Assist illg- ar.. :'>1 n, All,,]) B, Sut- !'IA:-:ll Tt· :-:1:-:G-CoOlplete reliable serv- Schuylkill-in 1822. The
By-Product, St,,,,,,l Corporation whicl1 cliff", of Ha\,prfol'll. \\'h" i~ lieutenant 1,,1' lIy [aetory expert. All work guar- Main Lille, 1938.
is a suusidiary of the Lllk,'n~ Iron, of til,. :llain Lin" district; ;l.Jr" Fn'd alltH'd, ArrlnH,re ArdmoreH~6,
I'iallo S.,rvlce, (0-5-1) phone To prolong the life of your laundry, call on St. Mary's.
and St,·,,1 Cnmpany. H" was a gradu-, Hpttenuach, :\1 r~, E, Ros~ alld :'II rs, I'll!' ('A:\' :-:I:\,I; het lel". Fur \'ocal In- Inspect our plant in Ardmore, and see for yourself
ate of Lt'high L'ni\,,'r,ity \\'h"n' hp Jnhn R. :\1(Jntgom"r~', In til(' Bala-, "trll,'liltll pholle :\'arherth 3637,
played f"othall and wa~ a Iwa\·y\\'t·ight' C\'nw\'d district. [t1:!,;:-::-:;lIAKI:\";-Hcmodeling-, Coats and Local Representative: the tested excellence of our equipment and personnel-
b " , suits rt:lilled. Jt(>as, I'hone Narb.
the modern scientific methods that make your laundry
oxel'. Tile drin' for fund, )..'gan thi, ~!H)~. \Y, (30) : Raymond L. Watrous
During- tIll' war' IH' was in th" '('1'\'·1 \\'(,l'k and will contillul' until ;<'Ia\', It l'PlIOLSTETU:-:O and rep, Springs ot' last longer.
' a n]('1ll I)('1' (l f t h ' ' .
P ."n]('t'Ican; i~ 110pl'd that thl' w<>n]('n of thi~ 1,,- 3-piece suites repaired, $10; Chair re- I' 215 Avon Road, NO'b,,,h ,
Ice alH I IS
L"glOn. H .. wa~ (IIn'ctor of the (ath-
, 't. 'I" "
" " c o v e r e d , $5, 00 ,nywhere. Call Lewis,'
I callty will f'('slJllnd tn thl' \'Ital cause, 227 E, LanC'RRter "ve, \\'nyne 1496,
Narberth 2216 I
() I Ie oung.' PJ):-, ~'"\~:'()Clatl(ln, an( " .' .
' f) L 'R by c"ntt'luutl"n~ ttl' },UYlllg' tlekd, ftlr \\'ILL IJIA:\' ';ar,lt'fI plot in ""fin \'alley, :1,!;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~
H\"Jllt'n ~ l.:OIIlI !--llil. tl, n':-:l'llllJ-'ildt' II,~·nwll. • .:.-------------------------------------~
Cap t HID (J 'I I t H'
L ('agu.. at .• a \'t'rtl.
(·treat . "
a 11l0\'i,' },t'nl'llt at till' Egyptian
TI1l'at n',
,~:, [I ~'iu .. !'t' , '.. II "Iii,'" ,,[ "Our Town," I "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
H(. "'a:-; a~~i:-:tant tn'a:-:urel" of the ~:tllff'rlll 111111. t~S):r Clothes are Cleancr
Narbl'rth Ba"'ball Club. coach of the' Thl'n' \\'ilJ Ill' 1\\0 spll'lldid pi('(ul'l".
Rooms for Rent
£luI. R_..... Cran4
pion Baby. 01 2405 S • ......, ...
C""_ and Last LOllger-at
ApI'iJ 2~1 and April :W, ":\Inl'il,' \r"
~arbl'rth Boy:;' Cluu f<>otba!1 \l'am, AltnH'ti\'e (urn. rooms. Con\"', to trnnFp .• , S •• , Ifil eolu .
LIve," alld "TIll' Big Clt~," ,o\pt'll 2!i 114 :\'0, :-:al'bel'lh a"e, ;o.;... rb, 251S, (51)
and pn',idt'nt of the ~arb.. rth Howl-
ing Club, 'an
d A I 6
]in ,2, ~ook, fol' Ilwlllh,'r~hip' 1:1·:II·~ITTI:,\:I; 11111111
His wifl' wa~ at hi,- lll'tbid(' wlwn 111' ($1.00) WII! be III local ston'~, Th.. I'e
l"Illbl., ht'(lrfHQ"l) St. Mary's Laundry, Inc.
" will also be a door to door Call\'a"
r",· llll:-.:illl·:-' .... "fl\1111,·.
l'llflrlt.· Sarll,1
'"~I i IITHERFS A Know Where Your LtJundry Goe,
(IIe,1 at 2,30 A. :'II. Thur,day. Tht' I
Garages for R tnt PHONE TODAY ARDMORE 4400
last Tiles of thl' chu rch wert' admin-'
i~tl'rl'd bpfor" hi, death, Main Line Girls in Art nA HAqE~. :'\t,\\,ly l"t'll 0 VIJ. I ed, Single. WEALTH
:\Iolllgfltllt.>ry a\·t'llut-'. ('yuwyd,
In addition to hi" wifl', h.. is ~ur- Exhibit at Sketch Club f;1
\'i\'l'd by hi, Illotlwr a si~tl'r and two
\\'ILI.lA~l 1'1";11, <.')'11, 3f,00,
childn,n, II .. had ue('n a r .. sident of All exhiliiti"l1 (If oil painting,-, For \alt' Frankellfielt' FURel-al Home
till' l\lain Lin(' f<>r till' pa,t t('n y,'ar", \\'at,'r c"I"I", 1"'11 alld ink ,k"tcJll'~, I' :--:1·:.\I~:-' :.: \\,111·.,1 Irallt'r Lik" nt'''-. $~n'l
h,'illg h(')d at the :-;kl'1ch Clul, ill :tll! Trt'l.,::11'I1I1 1'0;111. f'hlJllt, ('""\"11. 7fll.
''I':-:T,';I! m'ttl .. W("",,; awning-s l Simpson Road at Atht'ns Avcnue
Alice L. Berry, PiJila,I<·lphia h~' the Ikta (;arnllla ~i"" ,,1:1\'
\Yifl' of till' late William B. Rl'rry, of Ilia :-;t1I't1l'it~· of th(, l'iJilad,'lphia
\\111 ~1'1l at rt'c1U('t'd prkt'. :'\arll. :'::11:4.,1. 1
(~8) :
IN Telephone Ardmore 9
.. 2646 Ardmore, Pa.
Gardinl'r. :'1["" di,'d ~uddcnly Sllnda~' ~dl,,(ll of ll..,igll,
at thl' home (If h('I' daughter, l\11'~.. Alllong till' :'IIaill Lin .. girls who [U'(' ESTA TE NOTICE
Harrison 1\1. Bl'l'ry, 27 Narbrook Park.: ,'xhibiting an' :\Ii,-~ J,.l'I'y Snow, of'
She was 71. Outli\'ing' her an' her! Anlmore, whn h::s SOI11(' distincth'.. ESTATE OF EI1:\'A TlICI~, latp of EASTER FLOWERS
daughter and her son , \ViIliam C,'1 fa~hion . .
dl'awillgs; l\liss Virginia Kih- N'lrb"l'th,
;llontg-unIeI'Y COli IIty, <!et'pu"e,l. t
AdlTllllit;trattoll l', t. a, on
A "Flower Show" of Easter blooms is now on
Berry, of Portland, !\Ie, !\Irs. Berry, leI', al,;o (If Ardmore, who exhibits:,Ihl' nho"" ....tale hRving- II", ..., g-ranted to

who had been spending the past few some striking oil paillting~; lVliss: til,: ulI<!erR!J;n"'d, all perROIlS indebted to display at West Laurel Hill Cemetery, Belmont
Mr•• Belen T. Rober'..
• , . " Hl1ld pstate are reQ\I('~ted to muke Imme·
winters III Narberth, was a member ofl\largaret TIlTt, of MerIOn, a group of: ,lIall' paymen!. and those having- leg-al Mother 01 Grand Champion Bob, Ave., West of City Line. Visitors cordially
the \Voman's Club of Bala-Cynwyd. water colors, and Miss Helell HaI1l'1, I <'1allll", 1o 1"'<'8ellt the same. without Rowena. welcome. Easter orders carefully filled for any
Funeral services, conducted by Rev- of Narhl'rth, a group of wate!' colnt's,l delny, to PES:-:A n. JI.;NKINS lot or grave in this Cemetery. Phone, MAN.
ercnd Gibson Bell, of All Saints' !\Iiss Snow is the president of thl': 10!1 Pr1<'e A\'el1tJe
ayunk 1122; Mail, Bala-Cynwyd.
Church, were held Wednesday at Beta Gama Sigma Sorority, :-:arberth, I'a, (Llcen.ed Producers &. Distributors
eleven o'clock at the Stuard Funeral , ')1' her atto;:;~rllI' A, FIlYl'; under Trademark) WEST LAUREL HILL CEMETERY
Parlors. The interment was at Gar-I Need household help? Tr~' a classi-; 160S Walnut St. Wayne, Penna. 'Phone Wayne 1121 Belmont Ave.• near City Line, Cynwyd
diner, Me., on Thursday. fled ad, ' (0-4-29) I'hlludelphlu. Pa,

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