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Day 1: 10 Fun Ways to Get More Active

1. Hiking, especially with friends. Instead of meeting for coffee or drinks to catch up
on life, meet at a local trailhead and go for a hike/walk. You will see beautiful
scenery, get fresh air and vitamin D from the sun while talking.

2. Join a rec league. This is a great way to exercise and meet new people. Many
communities offer multi-sport rec leagues, where each week a different sport is
played. It’s kind of like adult gym class.

3. PLAY. Remember when you were a kid and played capture the flag, or kick the can
or tag? Play with your kids/grandkids/nieces/nephews or get some friends together
and simply play.

4. Ditch the car and bike/walk/rollerblade to work, to a friend’s house or to do your

errands. You get from Point A to Point B, save money on gas and get a workout.

5. Dance it out. Grey’s Anatomy fans will get this reference. Basically, when the
characters on the show were feeling overwhelmed, they’d throw on a great tune and
dance it out. You can even sign up for dance lessons or classes if you want to have
a more structured workout – think hip hop, Zumba, tango, flamenco etc. But just
remember, next time you’re faced with something stressful, put on some loud music
and dance it out!

6. Rock climbing is one of the best arm/back/forearm workouts you could do, plus you
feel like a total badass when you reach the top of the wall. At rock climbing facilities
you will have the option to climb with ropes and harnesses or go bouldering, which is
done on smaller walls without the use of ropes or harnesses. This is a great activity
for the whole family.

7. Adult gymnastics / Ninja style gym. Build real world strength in a playful way
without picking up a single weight. Swing from rings, climb ropes, somersault,
balance, monkey bars etc.

8. Play video games that make you active. If you don’t want to leave your house and
you enjoy gaming, this is a great option. An hour of Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Just Dance
on Xbox Kinect, or Dance Dance Revolution is exhausting!

9. Play on a playground. If you have kids, this is a great excuse for you to get moving
while playing with them. If you don’t have kids, go to the park when there aren’t kids
around and go down the slide, swing on monkey bars, balance on the beam. You
can even workout on the playground.

10. Plant a garden. If you don’t have a green thumb and aren’t interested in flowers and
plants, plant a vegetable garden instead. This will provide a workout AND nutritious
food. You get to spend time outside, connecting with nature, while also building
strength from digging, pushing a wheelbarrow and hauling dirt. Gardens need
maintenance, so you will have a regular opportunity to get active.

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