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Class : XI IPS 5

No Absen : 01


"Natural Disasters - An Exposition"

Page 46

1. What is global warming?

Global warming is a phenomenon used to describe the gradual increase in the temperature of
Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.

2. Is it a severe problem? Why?

Yes, it is. Because the climate change is apparent everywhere. And global warming start
showing the impacts such as failed crops, economic slowdown and deforestation.

3. What kind of text is given above?

The kind of text above is exposition.

Page 52

Argument 1 + Elaboration

The tv programs sometime show the viewers about some bad things and bad
can herm the children since they can’t filter which good and bad for them.the children will
copy everthing they see from the TV. Without parent’s guid. We can imagine how dangerous
they will be.

Argument 2 + Elaboration

Some Tv programs have many commercial ads that may influence the children to be
consumtive. They will try every way to get something as they saw from Tv. They will ask
money from their parents and spends a lot of money and time to shop a lot
Conclusion (restatement of this statement)

Parents should accompany and guide what the children watch from Tv or they can filter
the program suits to they children age.

Page 54

A. Passive smoking is a silent killer

Student A: do you know that passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking?
Student B: i know but i think it is not as dangerous as people say it is.
Student A: A:Why do you think that?
Student B :Because they doesn't smoke,they just sniff it
Student A:But,they who are active just smoke,but doesn't sniff it
Student B:I think smoke is more dangerous
Student A:Buy you have to know,if you sniff some of the smoke,your lungs will choke and
you can't breathe
Student B:hmm,how about the effect of smoking?
Student A:is make your lungs swell,but not as severed as sniff one
Student B: Ok.i am understand now,passive smoke is  a silent killer

Page 55

B. Why ia learning English Important

Student A : learning English is important because it is an means of communication with

different people around the world.Student B: I don't think it is important

Student A : I do not agree with you

Student B: why dont u agree to me 

Student A: because almost 50% of the world use english for speaking

Student B: but why dont you just hire a translator

Student A: because its expensive and not efficient

Student B: well ur not rich

Student A: even if you are rich what about other people

Student B: well thats right

Page 56

Corona Virus

The fact that the pandemic corona virus infected more people and invited more victims.
People should stay home to ban the pandemic disease, for these reasons.

The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people will be
easier infected each other.

The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected can't take the
virus to infect others.

The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.

From the reason above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease causes
more victims.

Page 60

1. the most interesting thing i learnt in this chapter was

2. the part i enjoyed most was
3. i would like to find more about
4. the hardest part in this chapter was
5. i need to work harder at

Answer :

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