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They say happy ending starts with great beginnings.

I can still remember the first day when I entered school. My

mother asked me… “What is my dream? What do I want to be
when I grow up?” I simply answered… “I want to be a Pilot”. But
that person who always ask me what my dreams are… will
never get the chance to witness my dreams unfold as she left us
some years ago.
That was the loneliest day of my life. I was at my lowest
point…. I got depressed and I was wounded greatly. There were
instances that I cannot see myself having a future but then I
realized… we will be wounded many times but let those
wounds turn into wisdom. Through that experience I’d realized,
I need to conquer things to make my mother proud.
A principal from my previous school Mr. Lamar always say...
“Dream. Believe. Achieve.” and it stuck in my head that… At
first… we need to dream. And while we are dreaming… we will
learn how to believe even though we’re the only one who’s
believing… Time will come… that the dream we dreamed is
something that we’ll achieve.
There will be instances in our life where we will be judged and
brought down so many times… but as long we will decline all
the negativities we can conquer everything. But please don’t
ever feel entitled to win. Just keep working harder. Losing can
be the best motivator to get you even bigger wins. There will be
wins and losses. There will be tears and laughers but please
don’t you compare yourself with others… You just have to
continue believing in yourself and move forward.
In our batch I could say that I am not the smartest neither the
most talented one. I am just an ordinary student just like
everybody else who has a dream. But I choose to be myself and
showed to people that no matter what I do…. it is something
that will make myself proud.
A lot of people judges me because of my ability, they always
see me as someone who is not good enough. I’d been rejected
and looked down so many times but I always see this as a
challenge… A challenge that brought me braveness to avoid
negativity. And whatever my choices are… I believe that this is
me and you should too.
This school year brought hardships to everyone, but as students
we have the power to turn these hardships in to opportunities.
As a student leader, I encourage everyone to prove that we
could act and be a good influence to each and every one. Let’s
continue to be the voice of the voiceless. The fact that the
future, our economy and society lies on us is something we
should never decline, and pursue what we have started.
Tanauan Institute was our home where we learned things not
just from the text books and power points. We’ve had friends
we won’t forget and teachers we’ll always love and remember.

To my batch mates Class of 2021, CSS 12-E, My Adviser Sir

Rodney Mendoza who helped me a lot in my journey here at
Tanauan Institute, Sir Sid Enriquez who guided and inspired us
as an SSC Officers in fulfilling our duties and Maam Shandece
Gerarcas Thank you all so much.
To my friends who I already treated as family DRG and GLAM
and especially Marc Eldy who are always behind me… ready to
catch whenever or wherever I fall. To my Inay Justine and Sir
Meljohn thank you for the love, especially Inay Josh who
guided, supported and shown me greatness in the things we
do, thank you so much.

To PAPA who is my super hero, and the bravest person I know

who would do anything for our comfort, I am here because of
you. The greatness that you have is something that I am proud
of. But today I am here making you proud. To my MAMA,
please guide me and my brothers and sisters… I know that
wherever you are right now… You are happy and proud of me.
Lastly, the Almighty I raised everything to you. This would not
be possible without you. Thank you so much for the gift which
is my life. The moment I started believing will never end and it’s
because of you.

Once again… Congratulations Batch of 2021! Don’t forget to


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