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You need to have that framework as to what is needed achieve your goals that framework for

succeeding strongly embed in your mind what you need to do to be successful to achieve your goals.
Layout the whole process of achieving your goals’ step by step: you needoto have thth foundation
nthath framework right , yo uneedot have thaht process tahth framework laid out thaht will ehlp you
achhve ur goals your mission know what thgis nyou needot ood hwo oto be and so on to acheh rugaosl
and mssion and besuceful I nlfei or in anyhtig nyou do that is what ti ittkaes to asuceed hwo ot have
rgoalsand soon. Step by step the whole proess inveold in it, that knowledge know how s imp casue
hthats whats gonan help u uachhve ur gals and nbe suceful I nlfe, if you want a chialdto succeed then
teach him hwo to fish what he needoto o dot succeed in lfie, rather than just givng him fish, thath way
he ahs thth knowledge framework he knws what he needsot otodo to succeed in lfei adnsot ahchve his
goals, f o udont give thth frmae work thaht knweldge he won’t succeed, knw the elelemets u need to
suceeed, the secret ofosucesswahtit itakes to succeed in any field achhve ur ogals and dremas and soo

1) Stay on track, have focus, perspective, direction, clarity, clear vision :

Don’t lose focus or perspective or direction you need to stay on track have direction, focus and
perceptive how to stay on track
a) Know, identify, recognize exactly what you want, what your goal is, what your mission is,
what you want to have, what you want in life, have a clear vision of it, have clarity have
perceptive, and know what things you need to do to get it to get what you want. If oy udotn
ahvhe hth estrantio ntht heng goal wehhre u want ot oog u are lsot what u wnato tood you
are lost oy ubasically reft around and goaroudn I nciirlces, yo uavhe no direction, you waste
ur lfie your tiem ,your talents your itnsnlgnce itntnlect and soo n, you lse perspective you
wander around thth is, you are nto working ntwrds a seppcific goal and mssiio nados on
sooa hve goal a msisio na desticnation a target knw wehhre uwnatot ogo what u want
otoachhve soo thth u can focus docontrate direct all your tiem effrtenenrgy towards it
talents inttnect towards it. find ur calling aand o soon. Knw eaclty what uwant tood be clear
about ti. Not be lost knw what uwatotood what u wantoto o go into ththsi. What field
nadnso on.
b) Have a clear vision path laid out infornt of you as to what you wanna do, where you wanna
go, what you wantot o ahchve I nlfei have direcito ndotn be lost, ahe a caler path a vision
and have a plan as to what you needot ood thgsn you need ot odo ot get thehre, and have
strategy as to hwo to odo it and go about ti to getherhe laid out all I nfornt ofo you.
c) Then stay totally focused on it, your mind should be preprogrammed on it, n your mind you
should be preprogrammed to achieve your goal, your mssion “what you want, what you
want to achve, what your goal is, what things you need to do to achvhe ur goals, what your
miison is,that is what things you need ot odo, the takss you need to odo, what htigsn u
needot ogoet doen, to achveh ur goals to achvhe ur goals and on getting them doen fast,
that should eb your miison your objective and so oo n, what you want in lfie what your
goals is what you want to have. Never forget this keep ur cross-hairs o nit, yur aim on it,
your focus ur sight on it, that is keep your ofucs o nti, thaht is it should be I nyour mind you
should remember it and never forget it. It should be ebbed preprogrammed in your mind
d) Be ambtiosu have high energy and drive thath is ahev hth fre isntnity desre ambition power
in your drivei n you fuel in you, fire in you tahth proeplsl u uforwrd, cahrhges u uup, maekks
u uget up and geto towork and get dog nand loo kgforwrd to every day to achhve
urogalswork o nyour dremas ahvea purpose in life a goal and msisio and nwork on ti ,
adranalien , soemthg nt ogetoyu gogin to drieict uru focus ur talents energy istnnlgne
towrdsand so on, thth maeksu u aowrk hard amek u life look forward to every gaday have
hope opitmsim for hteh futueur and so on. life a life of meaning and pupsoe nad os on and u
wll eb happy, if oyuwantto obe happy I nlfei tie oyur lfei to goalsandn missions and urpose
nto ot oppl, quitting gogin o na nislandn to odig nanythgin means death tis a boring
unexicitng life, dull life very dematiavignan d very sluggish life. Ambritn desire passion
matvaiton si the drver! Thath charges you up to o graethtigsn thth is. Nd giveiu u the power
tht force thth energy oto work like hellandwork ahrd ththis and do greathtigsnadn
achhvegreath tgisn. Its ur goals abmtis nthth mke uu work ahrd git give meaning and purseo
ot oyur lfie it acrgegs u uup adngetsi u going ts ur wants ur deseirse tt passion be in passo,n,
be dieirosu ambitosu its htht wants hth abtion, what u uwant I nlfei andooson, and how
mbadyl uu wantti, hth srveis uur to get up n nget ot work givie u htth energy to take action
neowkr ahrd inrder to ogetiti, soo be ambitosu I nlife, be ambtiosu ahppy all diriven and
charged up about and lokig nforwrdto achvign r galsadn nmsisions. Some pp ljsut havei ti in
them others don’t, they are born abotos uthey want otoo things and suceednaoso n the re
more driven thanotehrs others are like unabitosu and laid back ahnd have no meanignand
pupurpseo in lfie!
e) Its you r achvhemntsn nad d acaoopmlishmentsi n lfei thth deifne you., Your achiemetnsn in
lfie will deifne you it wll show uur commetennce nan capcapblrtes and so on.everyhtign
else is just meanignelss will eb temmp ur achvemetns iwl lstay with u toil the end
lerlaetsnships break and so oon achvhemetns sty with u till the end!
f) You should be on a mission that is:
1)“knowing in your mind, preprogrmd in your mind as to what ur goals is mission is, and
what things you need to do, what htgs n u need to get done, to ahchvhe ur gaols tasks you
need ot oto do to achieve ur goals” and
2) “moving taking action, carrying out hth mission doing those tasks, workign taking action
to achhve ur goals andn to get thgis done and tasks done and get htem doen fast”.

secret to suceed in any field

Then you need to know n rmemeebr nad keep I nmind not foreg rmrmebr what u need to do how
oto be what thgsi nt otodo to achve ur goals:
1) Stay focused: stay focused on your gaols your miiso ndotn get distracted dvveitated, jkeep ur
mdn onit ,think focus your mind on mp thgis nonly ,do work and imp thgisn only , stay wfocsudo
nwork and imp tgisnonly kwn what tisimp and what isi not, leaveall otehrhtigsn aside unimp
things adn focus on wahts imp hth is.
2) Work hard:
-you should not be lazy, work like hell, contoisuly nonstop day n nitght, take a lto of effort, put it
100% effrts, no pain no gian, no effrt no reward, be willig nt put in teice as much effrt, as other
put it, take the paisn the struggles andn incovence trouble of ahcivng ru goalsthat is, work like
hell, be willig nt otkae and put I nextraeffrt ot fgethgis ndoe nwork oden ,to get hgisndoen and
work doe nfast and to achveh ur gals thth is.
- Anything you do tis not easy it take a lot n nlot of effort! Without hard work oyu cant achvhe
anything.Whateveryou do tis nto easy , it takes a lot n nlot ofo effrt,
-Soo get this clear I nyoru md ntht huahve to otake effrt you cant be lazy u shud get u p n get to
work psuh yourself to the limits force urslf to owrok ahrd make urself get u pn nget oto work to
gethgisndoen adnwork dotn to achveh ru goalsandsoon and be willgint ot owrok ahrd, knwog
ncalelrly I nyoru mid nahth whtout hard work yo uwotn fget anywhehre
-ahrdwork is painful the brai ndoenst like ot work hardi t wsnt ot be comfratble it wasn’t ot be
reasy ogin hard work is painful! And so othe pbrai nwantos oto relasx uneedot oforce ur self
push urself to work hard gento be lasyzy n nslufggish maek urself force urslef to get up and
ngeto t oowrk psuh urslef to wrk ahrdnadn tkae paisnadn strggles to ahchhe ur ogals andn
dreamsand so on. drve uru slef to work ahrd nad osoon. Knwignvery well I nyour mind tht hu
needoto work ahrd ot achheur galsnadn to gethgisnden and wrok dote u need ot take
painstaking effrts, work fast , u need to put I n effrt kwnign this very well make urlsef frce ur slef
to get up nadn geto to work to gethgisndoen and work doen and os on, get up out ofo bed nadn
geto toowrk kick urlsef out of bed force uru galsf got get up n ngeot otowrok to gehtigsndoen
and work doen ththis. Be high energy activie alert nadn enenrgetic ththis
-eiwhtotu working nhard oy uwont getthgis nndotne thth are needed to be dote to achhve ur
ogals and oy uwotn get anywhere, soo put it n lot ofo woeefrt work le k hardl kfe every mi nsec
of the day dotn wastetem, jkeep working kkeep o nwhcippign like hell to wrsdsahvign your goals
ththsi! Nonstop dayn ngith be ocosntlyatiti it working onit be ococsntly at it.
-the processof ahcivng ur goals dreams goals is nto easy a lto of tigsn need to obe doen work
needs to get don’t , tasksk need to be done inorder toocnverthth goal I nt oreality , and soo u
need ot take effrt ahrdwork needs to be put in! t goethigs ndoen andto achhve ur goals
- happyare the ppl who work ahrd as they are suceful they are nto frustrated wit hlife ,
workgnahrd make uu suful ahigh achhver which makes uu happy in lfei and less msiarable, and
not just that, tis makesu ur mind body work and keeps it healthy less slow sluggish dull and sooo
on lethergicand soo n, it makes u ufeel lalive not dead makes uu flele enenrgtic and so on, high
enenergyn and soo n, active alert hgigh energy warm alive , ti works ur mind nmuslces body and
so oon. It kkeeps uu fit nad os on, you use your muscles u feel good and soo on, its nto easy ot
ahchveur ogalsn adn brign ti to reality it’s a lot n lot ofo work and things thth go on thth need to
be done n a lot going on and so oon. Hardwork makes u uahppy, yo uaare useful yo uahhveur
goals y uare relved u ahvemeny rewrds adnso on, comfrts high ahchver, it makesu ufeel liess
regrtign unhappy miserable usncuful low loser in life deatted adnso n it givie u unenenrgy, and
happiness reenenrgizes nadn charges you andso on, and ahrdwork.
- be higheenrngy work like hell be cosntl owrkignand achippign towards gethgi thigsndoen work
doen be cocosntly workignat iti to achve ur goals ad os on. working o nti and towards it ththsi

3) Action: By doing it iit igets doen by takignaction it happens, if yo udotn ntake action nnothgi
nwill ahpp. Soo wahts imp is to take action , be ococsntly ati tiodig nti working o nti, take action
nt oget ttgs ideon do ti getttot geit ioden, get ti doen make it happn, DO IT! take action
4) Planning: If you fail to plan you plan to fal plan plannagn si imp plan whato to od to wrds
achivng ur goals thgisn u needoto od have a plan knw whatu uenedo to o dot oachvhe urogals
paln u r day
5) Strategy: know how oto od it, hwo ot ogo baoutit, its not just od it u neeot
6) The right way of odoig nti: its not just do it thehr is a way ot oodit knw the right way of odign ti ,
if oy udo it wonrg then you wotn get reustls have ht e method the right way of odgn ti the
techniquues and so on.
7) Be result and outcome orented: you should keep working nadn not care about the results the
reustls will automatically u will get if oy ukee pw on working but you also need ot oeb reustl
oriented, s thth u use hteh rght way ofo odig nthgis not get the results For eg: if in a naexam u
need to score hgh grdes thth is, thths ur relsut htth uwant ot oachve, and u knw tht only past 5
years papers qtns are asked, soo if oyu study a whole book n go then there is no point as u wont
get the results. Soo focus o nteh result and do things thth I n way thth willgive uu the reustl out
ocme u want! But dotn worryabotu the result. Keep working n u will get hteh tereuslt.
8) Knlwedge is imp: without kwneldge you cant do ti if oy udotn kwn how oto odit u cant do oti ,
ga nthth knowledge take effrt know hwo ot odoit.
9) Time:
-Give all yoru item to work and imp thgsn, to doing thgsi nt oaceh ur goals, how much tem every
day you give to od othgis nneededto be odnte to ache urogals, how much tiem you direct
everyday to it, gve al lyoru item to it! gve direct all yoru tiem towards wrk and imp thgis nt
words achvign ru goals your item si limtieddotn waste it,
-make sure you make the most of every min sec hour you have tis too preciso uto waste it is mp
dotn wasteit, give ti t owk nad imp tgsi only andso on, dotn wstei ti odign unimp thgis nliek
playing ideo games thgns htth will give u uno bebefit or gain focus ur iem on work andim pthgsi
-Also as time is limted have a sensen fo urgency to gethgisndoe nfast you cant ake ages to
gethtgis ndone you cant take ages to get thgs ndoen andwork done thth is.
-seze the hday make the most oof the day hyht uahve never sec mi n uahve
-make a schedule paln ur day, how mcu htiem to sleep soo thth u maek the most of oyur tiem
and sals what tkas to odo foro the day towards ahcivng urgoals soo thth uknw u have adreiciton
u dotn waste teim as u dotn kw nwahto to od u knw hth uavhe ot odo this and u have ot ogeti ti
oden in this much time and so ou ktae action to do it geit ioden and maek it ahppn u dotn
waste item in in action as u udotn kw nwaht ot odo and so on u kwn whatto ood towards ahcing
ru goasl u kwn wu have ot odo ths and u get ot oodit.
10) Engage in self-control and self regulation: to make urslef do things thath are idela to ahhve ur
goals and prevent stop urslef for mdig nthgis nhth u knw are nonconducve to ahvign ru gaols
11) Optimsin: Be optimistic and npsptiive have optmstiic attitude tahth things will turn out well,
optitmssm makes u utake acto nadn go ahednadn do thgisnas nyour mind u think tis pssoilbe
the ut come where as pessimins n neagtiivity stops u ufrm takekign aiotn and hold u ubakc as I
nyoru mind ti u thnk negative thth u wu wont get iti and u wont acvheh I t tis not possible or u
uare doubtfuladn soon, soo be opttimstic psootive, motiaveted nhave pasisio neenrgy
enxcitiement drive not be dematvatedand so on have energy nads oon haveththe beactve and
have thth drive not be belllesld hopeless, devletedn low and soon leathrigc giving up and so on
defeated lsoign all cause nadn so on be pstoive motivated about ti and soon.
12) Inveolemnt: have high level of invelemtn in what u do and so oon. Be totoaly I nto it inveodl lost
I not it n what uuare odign thth is absorbed nad neenanged I nti thth is
13) Hope: thht htigsn work out well till uachvhe ur ogals u basically hope thth things work out wlle
u run o nhope
14) Be highly dtmemrmind: Be stubborn, demtmermend, demnidng not crumble andos on, be
dmtemmred ot o maek t happen to push ot odo it get t idoen and so on push ot the mlimts and
so on, van damme dmtemrantio nto break thorugh to maek ti happn to move mountains , to
over ocem all obstalbes and so on ahveh th sntnity neneny dmemtemrnatio nadn drivei n you
and so on to ache ur goalsand ndremas tht is. N propel urslef forwards tht his. Be ditiermed
storngwilled, dmtermemd ot odoit get ti odenand maek it happn thth si, to braek thru all the
obstalbesadnso on, dtemrmedot ot t take masiveeffrts to od it geti ti oden and maek it happn
htth si. Be dmremtmed to obreak thru to maek ti ahppn. Be dmtemrmred ot odo ti geti tidoen
and to ame ti appn
15) Be a fighter not a quitter: never quit never give up kee pfightign to get wath u want till the end!
Eiterh u maek it or break it and so on! dotn give up quit or give in, nenver give up o nyoru goals
and n dreams, winner are nt othsoe who fall down or fail winnersare those who get back up
after they fall and fail and lose, losers are ones who dotnget back up after they fail.
16) Persssitence: eprsiti keep fgithng, keep at ti anddoignt ikeep dgoignafter yoru goal perrestince
pays off, n the end never quit or stop keep doig nt ipeeprisitly commted ot the project, and
soon, keep doig nt iworkgn o nti dotn stop, eprst! Keep at it iand dign ti keep wrkign o nyor
ugoal till u sachve t it stop not till u maek it and ache t thth is. Keep going never quit nnever give
up ennver stop kee pging afteryor goasland ndremas ot name kti ahppn!
17) Fear: Over coe mur fear, fear of failing and soon, fadn all other fears tht hstop u for mgoig
naehdnadn dog nwah uu t want to od and accomplish have nofear fo fialing and so on, real
failure is not failing ti s not not tryng, if o utry nadn u fai lthths nto failing it yo udotn try
soemthign then you are a failure, soo what didi u fail at tody? Enrcrage to fial, encrage to try
soemthgi new! Fi u udidint fai lat anyhtig nit measn u Ddint u trysoemtig new today. Don’t be
afrdoto fial be afrd to not try!
18) Self ebilef cofndince: In oyur mind if oyu beilve I nyoru self if oyu think thth u can then oy uwill
if oy uthink ou cnat hten you wont! “she thinks she can and thths why she does it” beivel I
nyoruself thth u can do it u can achhve t I ti belongs oyto yu, dotn let any wone streel I form
you, you can make it ahppn and o soon.
19) Opportunity:: if you dotn take acton hehters I opportunity cost u lose theh chahces thhte
opporutnties htth u get and u have. Tht are given to oyu by god so otake action make the most
ofo the oportuetnis thth u have and get.
20) Get after it like a bull, put uru crosohars on t, and get adfter it it ooto dit geti iodne and ot maek
ti ahppn.
21) Eat well: if you dotn eat well u dotn have hth energy to work ahrd yo uaredeprrsd lw eenengry
you crack, you can’t function, fo y udotn have good food diet if oy udotn eat well tehn oy uhave
no energy yo uar tired leethergic low dull, your mind and body doest n wrok and so oon. You are
slow sluggish not fast eat thgis nlike 2 bannanas everyday, 2 eggs, protiens carbs chicken , rice
etc.. eat good healthy food vitamin tablets, omega3, milk protiens etc.. etc… you dotn feel
active fresh andso on
22) Sleep well: min 6 to 7 horus of sleep if you dotn sleep well u cant be prodcuitveur mind won t
function, ifoy udotn sleep well u dotn fee lactive your mindcant think strght ands on, u are more
tired and less refreshednand neenrgticand fast and uare lmroe slow nad so on and dull soo
sleep well rest well.

Your main obejctiveand focus should be on keep yur main focus o nthis:-

1) Achiving your gaols wahtgaol to achve

2) What work need s to be doen to achhve r u ogals think fo what work oto od and so on
3) On getthign things doen andwork doen needed to eb doen t oachveh ru goals
4) Wrking fcosntiusly to get thgsi ndone and to achvhe ur goals keep on doworkign doig nur work
5) Andm osto imp odtn waste our tie mdotn waste a s ngle min doing unimp thgisn utilize all the
tiem tth uavhe make the most o f iti by giivgn ti t workand imp thgis nt oget workand imp thigs
ndoen hthsi!

Stay fouesd o nyoru goal ur mission: In yourm idn oy usoudl nto lose peroseopercitve hthsi you
shouldtstay focused on your ogalsnadn mssionsrememebr wht urgoal is what ur msison is what things u
needot ood to ache ru goals and what thgsn u needo t oget odneand n o ndoig nit nad ngetitign it
doenfast thh u needo t ogood oti and geiti odenfast! And alos reemebr and keep I nmidnwaht u need
oto do t ogethgis ndoe n get em doen fast hthsi ! ththsi work ahrd take effrt! Work ocnsotisly nlogn
horus nonstop! Andso oon! Stay focesud o nto od ootehrtigns keep doing thtonyl thinofo thth only dotn
diitsrct uru mid nelse where don t think fo oor ood othertigsn do thth only! Keep doing thth only nad so
on ts like I nyoru mind uare programmed and u run o nauto pilot htthsi! You ccosntly remnd urslef ask
yoruseflsoo thht u odotn forget and u keep urslfeo ntrack, wat si oyur goal what thingsworkk tasksk
acitivies u needo to od to achve u ro glas? Ands oo on, and what u needo to do ot achhve rugoasl and
what uened to do oto gethgis ndoenand geth them doe nfast ththsi work kahrd take pasi nadn effrts nto
eb lazy stay fcsued andso on, wrk ocosntosuly nonstop logn horusn and so on reguatle oyrusefland so on
ot follw ot and so maek ur gfls food ti and getiti doen and so on!

The goals is nto just to gehtigsndoen butto ogethtigsn m donefast at reard speeds rate appce and ntiem
work fast work longh orus ake extraeffrts to odothgis nadn gethgis ndoe nfast1 very quickly! Immdiaitely
ththsi1 at a hggh pseed rate and n apce ththis! T o do thgis nfast at reacrd speeds rate pace aheve a
sensn fo urnngecy be highly focusensd andn fisat nand istnsne nadn high energy seriso udirect nt wastgn
tie madn no nnsen meaning nbuseisn only the imp hgis nfocus on and os on and highly inste nadn drven
ththsi1 and highgh nenrgy ththsi focsedd fast and take reefrt ot oachveh ru goals be speedy have a
sensn of ourgncy otogethgisndoe nfast hthway yo udotn work slow u uowrk fastnadn gelogn hours nadn
u work higghenenrgyn and u are tsne nad gethgs ndoen very fast nadn quikly! And work dany nygith and
ologn hous ot ogethgis ndoe nfast inrecrd speeds rate pace tiem ncredible speeds and only whatsi I mp
essentailadn nnennessry nsneiosu non ose nadn meaning biz no unimp thgisn ththsi strght nadn drect
hths1 sjut cuthteh bs do I and geit ioden maek it ahppn focus only o nwahtsi mp! Take atio nt odo
thgisngethgsn doen amek things ahppn1 noosen n femaengocsed fasrt fdirect meaning biznadn taking
aeffrtnadn makovign fast atincreadiblee fapace to oachhe m goalsand mission! Dotn oveoro omaplicate
things keep t I simple strght forwrdnadn driecth tht is!

wouldnt take logn act fast adn act focus o nonyl whatsi mp and wotn tkae long to o do it and geit
iodnenand make it happn htthsi1 “ fcuso nthe gola o nwaht needs oto eb odenand o negetitign it doen

Fixatedo nteh goal o nteh proze!

Be faocused , fast and effrt!

Do it fast!

Ajldi jaldi lawkar lawkar!

The focsushoudl eb on
What goals to ahhcve
ahchcivng rugoals
on whathtigsn need ot eb doen t oachhve ur ogals
o ngetthing thgis ndoen and on getting them doen fast at recordspeed rate nadn tieme

This should eb your objective Inshrt focuso n our “ogal what goal you want to oahchve, inorder t
oahvhe ru goals you need otogethgis ndoe nsoo focus on what thgisn u need ot get doen thin kwaht
ot ood and get doen, focus o ngetttign things doen and egttign thenm doen fast”

Everyhtgi nyou do working hrard, staying focused nt wasting tiem ivign all yoru item t owork working
cosntouly etc.. should revovel o n do ti for the sake of achvign these objective for geahcvhng ur goals
nadn getting thgis ndoe nand work doen needed to eb doe nto achvhe ru gaols

Everythgi nyou do working hard, staying focused working cnsouly etc.. should reovel around achvign
these objective thths htereaso nwhey u udo ti u do it inorder to achvhe ur goals inroder oto gethgis
ndoen thth need ot be doen to achvhe ur goals. Give a lyoru item t oworkand im pthgsi nt oget work
adnim pthgsi ndoen

Time objectives:

1) Not just gethgis ndoen but gethgisn doen fast at a faster speed rate and ntiem
2) Make the mso t productive and effect use foe ah and eery min hour sec htth u have!
3) Don’t waste tiem! Make the mso of every sec hru min hth uave h by giving ti to work and im

You needo ot eb very fas t the speed at which u get htigsn done should e incredible have a ssnen of
urgency and rush of wanting t oget htigsn doen very fast right now! Get thgis ndoen fast at a n incredible
speed rate and soo on! anything thaht nhelps u uto function nadn perform and get thgis ndoen fast! And
work extra ahrd, over r ide, thth is tryot be as fast do ti as fast as u ucan take extra effrts and n eennrgy
ot gethgis ndoen fast! At incredible speed pace and rate! Not slow! Take tiem I nto consideration the
faster it it’s the better!

Get be fast get thgsi n done fast a very fast high speed and apce and n rate hth si not slow I nreoord
speeds rate and ntiem thth si!

Its nto jstu abou getting thgis ndoen the itme thht u take to gethgis ndoe nsi imp you need ot get htgis
ndoen at aafaster speed rate nadn pace! You need oto wrk like hell logn hours tstay gofcusdo nti
cocentarate on ti not just ot get thgis ndoen but to gethgis ndoe nfast at a reord speed rate nad ntiem
thth si! Psuh to the limtsi work ahrd take extra ffrts dtn be lazy! Take extra effrts ot odo thgis ngethigns
oden and maek things ahppn hth si! Its highly intesnn concentrate ahrd focus hard and tand take feffrts
ot do thgis ngethgs doen make htigsn happen and so on wbe willgi nt ogo thru and take the stress and
strin and npressure nad so on nad yo uaccnat affr o take mistakes one mistake e an you are goen high
sattenion span take cooffe and so on red bull to maek u alert and ttanive and so oo n, ambitossu fast
focse enenrgtic driven isntstne hard owrkign taking paisn adn afeferts oto amek thgis nahpp n get thngss

Don’t waste tie moign otehrhtigsn, every signel min sec hour counts give all ur item to orwrk nad im
pthgis nt oget work and imp thgis ndunn thth si!

Frst he iwl lthin kadn figure out what ot ood once heh has figured out what ot ood othen he will get
going and odign ti fast!

Focsu on it nad ocoentrate on ti to o d io it and geit tidone nadn maek ti ahppendotn o otehrhtigsn be
self reguatled stop uself for mdogi ntoerhthgisn be in control fo oyrusefl! dotn waste tiem fodign
otehrhtigns every min sec hour is imp!give it to work adn imp thgsing only!

Don’t waste tiem doing other things get oto work ot get hthigns done and work done thth is!

Have a goal:
It allstarts with a mission
Soemthign t owake u up arly I nteh morning as u uk nw oy uahve to od thgisn achhve this ecxicites you
soemthgin to wake up ot as u kw I nyour mdi n u cant sleep as u ave things to do a purpose a goa lto
Thths what give uu the mtoivaito nadn drive to od ogreathtigns
Givei ua purpose meaning in lfie
Gieu u direcito nwhich way oy uwant oto go what u uwant otod ahchve
Ur goal makesu uwork ahrd everything u udo oy ud oti to ahhchve ur goals
Have a direction as otwaht ot oyo uwant to oodnot e be lost aimless anwderign around I ncircels ahvign
hno idea asto whato to od hwo to oditnad go about ti1
Ifu uwnat toeb happy tie oyur lfie ot a goal a miiso nnot to ppplppl will let oyu down and dispoaitn you
Once yu have a goal you have a purpose

The Mission:
The mission is to achieve your gaol, to get thgsi ndoen and work done tahth needs to be oden to achvhe
tyour goal and to get it idoen I record speed rate nadn tiem. That suhd be your mission. What u need to
do or acheve. Be on a mission to achhve oyr gaosl to gethgis ndoe nadn to get them done I na reord

Hwow to be focused:, wayst o be focused
Stay focused on ur mission keep in mind wht urgoal is n wh u need tto do to acgve ur goal
-whatu uneed oto o do to stay focused on ti keep on odign and and coosntly at it iadn on to it and nto to
lose track wander, not to lose direction and perspective nd focus. Keep yourself o ntrack towards yor
goal stay o ntrack towards yor oal yoru destiantio nstay o nteh apht keep o nworkign and odign yoru
work and not get distracted dirveted for mti

-keep ur sight o nteh goal be fixated on it , keep ur goal I nmid ni snight what u na see ? I can seeo n
ylthe eye of the bird
-one track mind focused n one thing at a time only

-stay focsued keep ur cross hairs aim, target , keep in sgth hwaht uur gal mision is waht uu wnat ot
ooachve nadn what u uneed oto od to achve ru goals nand msision stay focsed adn fixated o nit
-say no to o toehrhtigns focus difrct ur time effrt enenery phsycail and entla resurces ot work and im
pthgsi nonly
- giveu ur mentla reosruces to work adn imp thgisn only! think fo owork nadi m pthgsi n only be awre of
thhe thogutsh ogin on i nyoru mid ndont think of unimp htigsn!
beb aawere ofo the thotugths ogin o ni nyour mdi nadn be i ncotnrol fo oyur thogtuh s hth is give uur
mid nto work and imp thgsin oly insted ofo fn onsens think fo owrk and imp thgsin only!
-stay quiet nadn focuso nti and ococsntrate o nti to doit and to getiiodne hth is!
-dotn think fo otehrhtigsn and give uur menatl reosruces to to otehrhtigns.
-you needo to ofucso n yoru wrk ot od it nad ot getti oden thth is! to get thgisn doe nandwork doen thth
-stay focusedo n ti and not distracted htht si be in it only nadn do tth only dot get distractednad nvierted
ehhre and thehr thth si!
-stay focsuedo n ti and keep o ndogin ti adn dont get distracted nadn diverted ehre adn thehre
-dnt be distracted ehrhe nadn therhe stay focsuedo n ti ot odoti and t o getit iodneand ot maek t
happen thth is
-u needo to eb lazer focused stay focsuedo nti and cocosntly be attii and doign ti if uare disrtracted n
diverted tehn yo uwil lgetn tohgi ndoe nthth is!
-when uaure foriwng u needo to eb i na very calm quiet nadn focusedn and metativestset andn ablcend
stste thth si gorunded hth si netihrer excited b y sucesss nor discoraged by filaures in a very calmer
sererne state thth si liek a lake ,and keep apdlign stayign odfucsed n odistracitosn in yourm idn quiet
calm more ocnnetrated nadn focsued stse thth is i nyoru midn and on your msision not get distracted
nto mcuh noise and disturbacne nadn so oon, ver y calm er ablanced nadn focused stse thth si , nto
exicited or elelvated nor lwow nadn depresed and dow nandso on, but itn s clamer sate! mroe ofocsed
stse o nyoru missio nn odistraito n s i nmidn keep it i nyoru mdi nwaht u uenedo to odo waht hthgisn
work u need ot odo and be i na mamdedaiteive and nfocsuedn adn lcemer andn quiretstste thth si! n
keep n doign your work and keep ondoign yoru thing hth si!

keep ii mid nwaht ru goal and misiso nadn iobejctives are!

and waht u uened ot odo! to ahchve ur goasl thigsn u uneedo to od to achvhe ur goals hthsi

stay focused o onyoru msisio nwaht oyru goal si waht u uwant to ood and achhcve dont be distracted
and ndiverted fro mthe nmsision! and the goal

feedi i n input i nmidn reemebr dotn forget waht ur goal ur msisio nsi

do woerk and imp thgisnonly! say no to other htigsn!

on misison preprgomrmard to acvhe a certai ngola or objective

in midn gaol msisn in midn as to waht todo wht to achvhe

feed in input preprgremmd rememebr dotn forget!


waht isi your focus your msisio nthgis nu ned oto ot odo gals to ahchve n nthigsn neededo to odo be
oden to ahchvhe htsoe goals!

right now my ofus is on!

waht yoru mind is on! keep in midn what uur goal and misiso nsi!

on ama siio n

Focus:its imp to not lsoe persepctive ro focus

keeep ur sight o ntehmssion the goal
teh diretives waht thgisn you need ot odo
fcosu o nimp thgis nonyl dotn do say not ounimp thgisn!

be areful waht oy ugive yor mental reouces to thoguth thignkign and memery to give your mind menatla
reosureces to wrok and imp thgisnonly think of work andimp tgisn onyl keep ur mid ni nwok and imp
thgisn only, ahve onyl work and imp thgisn i nyour midn i nyour mememry!

This ikid iis focus on a msiio n ad isntsen hth si !

adn has purpseo goal and so on

will help to refocus your min on whatsi mp put you back on track
as to waht your mission goal nad purpose is!

you need a quiet place whhere yo ucna focus no one an waste yoru tiem adnsoo n and distrub oy uadn
distract u for mwaht uare doign htth is!

focsu is the most imp thign if oyu are nto dfocused and you are distracted then you will get nothign
odne keep in mind what u r gaol is and also be awre of the toguths goino n i nyoru mid nkeep ur midn i
nwork and imp thigsn think of work and imp thgisn not unip thigsn! be careful waht u uthink of nadwaht
uu give ur midn to!

stay 100% focsudo nt icocsntrate on ti no diversaion wate of ime enenrgy effrt nadn distractionsandn
stay focused on your gaols nadn misison
- you needo to ofocus o nti adn occosntrate o nti if u are nto ofcused and u aredistracted oy uwill et
nothign odne sa y nto to otehrh thngs
-you needo to ocnscnetratenadn focsu o ntii norder oto to odit and to geit itodne htht is!
-srty focusedo nwaht to odo next what htigsn to do next waht wokr ot odoti next towrds achinvg ur
dnt be dstrcted sty focsued be cocosntly atiti after it and odign ti

-focus o nti cncetrate on it becocnstntly at it n doing it and keep o nworkign o nt icocosntnyl to odit and
to geti ti oden thth is !
-say no I have wrk to do imp thngs to sdo
- b e qiuet adn focsuednand gethgis ndoe nthth si focus on itococnsltreate o nti to doti adnto getitidne i
-dotn liek tlakign ti disracts yoi u caseu then oy ucant think of wht to do necxt oe r wrk n imp thngs
-, wen udo other thngs it takes your mind to other isseus uncesary isseus than t imp thgisn! r mind gets
distracted diverted to otehr issues, your focus cahcens for mwrok and imp thigsn to unimp htigsn, in
your midn yo uforget waht htigsn ui mp thgisnu ened oto do ti casueua dsitraction and dviersion! it
idverst nadns a distracts uru mid nfrom imp thgisn to unimp thgisn! u frget wahts imp!
-high levleof focus be ttoaly I ntoti th this your mind absorbed I nti fully only thht thing ofign on I nyoru
mind giveu ru mid nto it only and nd othth only on ot oterhtigns do only one htign ofcuson oen thing
only at a time

focus keep ur mind in ur wrk thnk of wur wrk not other thngs , therh things u cnathink fo at
aotehrhirtns duirgnwrok tiem think fo work on yl keep your mid ni nwork only knw whatu uare thinking
fo what sing o nin mid dotn waste item thinking fo oehrhtigsn unimp thigns ofuss keep urmid ni nur
--dont pay attention ehre adnn therh stay focusedo n t iadn coeontrate andfocus o nit to odit nad to geti
tioden thth is! ifu u are distracted u u will get nothgi ndoe thth is!

-say n oto to toerhhtigsn don’t do otehrhtigns od whats imp!

Other htigsn ucan odlaetro nat toerhhtime frst od whats imp

-dotn do toehrhtigns, say nto tootherhtigns do oyur work and imp thgsi nonly

-dotn give uu r emtnal reosruces to otherhtigsn thin kfo owrk and imp thgisn only

-if oy udo otehrhitgnsu aur disractednan yo uare nto odig nyoru wrk soo oy uwotn get anyhtign any
work doen , keep i inidn waht uaure hehre r for what uaure odig nall thsi for, what uur gals is whatu
uwantot oahchve whth tigsn oy uneedoto od to ahchve urogals be fixetedo nt ilie ka teremmenatior
dont forget iti be prgrepragend keep it i nmidn in corss hairs in yoru aim adn soo n, in focus and oso n,
dotn lsoe sight ofo ti nadoso n, on oyur mid nadn so on, your aim corssahris o nti on a misio nadn
rpepreagred thth si! casue ifi tis therh isn your mdi nony lthen yo uwil ltake actio and nd othgisn to do ti
if itis nto thehr in oyur mdi nthen oy uwont!
-keep in midn what uur goals is adn waht u uened ot odo to achvhe rugoals! otherh wise ifi tis notthehr i
nyru midn uwont do it! as u uahve lost trakkadn direction!

- -be foscuesdo nwhat uuare odign fi iuare distracted u wotn be workign adn u wil lget ntohgin oden


- keep i nmidnwaht htigsn u enen ot ood ad n wrok needs to oeb doen

now how ot oeb fosed waht do oy umean by focus?

focsu:- -keep i nmind wht wrkto do thngs to do twrdsachvn urgoals

-ccosntrate o nwaht uu sre doi nand stay totoaly focused o nti thth is dotn get distracted here and
ntherh keep ur mid ni nti focus on ti your aim target cross haris o nti o nwah u ut aure dogi nthh t is,
dotn get devaited diverted nadn distracted erheh adn therh thth si! focsu vsdistracion ocosntrate ont to
nti and focus o nti, say no tot ooterhtigns leave all otehrhtigns saside, identify what itis imp adn what isi
not, alve la lthth asdeie thths not imp all tth ucan do it later o nas well

- oy uneed oto focus on it and ncosntrate on ti to od it nad ot get tioden if oy udotn focsuand
cooentrate on and u uare disractedu uwl lget ntghin doen waht od oyu mean by focusign on ti ti meas ns
nto odig ntoehrhtigns ti imean odign thth only give uru mind ot oti only, taek it ifor doign ti and os on,
give uuratteion to it and os on! and n tot o otehrhtigsn thths waths called focusign on it it means
focusign direitng all ur mentla phsyical resutrces attneito neverhyign to o t oit gie it all to it nad oso n!

--tiis like when theh enenrg isi idistpersedwhen sun rays are dispersed then the are nt oeffective but
hwen thse rays are rofusedn adn ocsntraeted o nsoemthig nat a poitn under th e amg galss then thyey
are mroe effetiven and instse and hths why yo uneed oto fus on ti , give all oru attntio nt oti eteverhtign
to it, take it for doign ti giveu ur focsu metla phsycal enenrgies ot oit nad so on, thth si gvie uru focsu to
it and os oncontnrat and nfocus o n on hign tht hsi to od it nad ot geti iodne th hsi!and dotn get
distractedo ro diverted hehre nan thehr to otehrh tigsn hth sii!

-sit idown adn ocosntrate nadn focsu o nti ot od it nad ot geti tiodne dont pay attentio nehren nad ther
gvie all yoru focus nadn attnetio nt otit only thth i

--fi yo uare distracted nadn veirtedn adn if u udotn focsu o nti then u will get nothgin doen!

Stay fcsoued remember Keep in mid nwaht oyur gola annad mission si and what things you need to do
to ache ur gaol “things to do” and thth u need ot aget thgis ndoe nfast I nreocrd sppedand ntime

-elarn t idistingiush recognziewhat tis im padn what is unimp and focus give uru tiem effrt enenrygy to
work and imp thgisn and meatnal reurces physcla and nmeantl energy ot owork and imp thgisn! Not ot
unimp thgis nthth will brign u no nebebfti gai nor progress.

-keep ur mid ni noru wor kadn imp thgis nthink fo work and imp thgis stop urself form thinking nof
unimp thgis n tknw whatu uare htinkig nfo focus yor mid no nimp thgisn
-do work and imp thgis nsay not to ootehrhtigns unimp thgisn
Be obsessed and carzy about ti od it obsessively

Plan what Work to do:

If you fail to plan you paln to fail
Plan & strtegize:
THink of what work to od next towrds achivng yoru gaols, to ahceive your gaols that is! consltl b htinkign
of hwat work to od next towrds achvign your gaols, make a list plan soo htht u know hwato to od and
oso on!
soo htht yo uhavep lanend what o ood next nad you know whato to od next towrds ahivng yorugaosl ,
its thehr i nyour mid wanth oy uneed ot odo to ahchve oyur goals nad so ooy uget ot owork and take it
for odign ti as u uknw thth u have ot oodtihsi if you dotn paln and deicde then its not hther i nyour mind
waht uu enedoto od oyu haven o direciton adn dnohign to od nad os ooy uwill only end up wastign your
time! thath is!

Make a to do list! Plan what Work to don getdun towards achvng ur goal
think and deide waht htigsn yo uneed ot odo and gett doen1
inroder ot ahhve ru gaosl tht is!
make alist nadn a to od list identifuy waht htgsn eed to get doen to achvhe ur goals!
Onc oy uget one thing doen then think of what yoto odo next towrdsachivng ur gaols to do lsit isvery

“the crucial part of a to-do list is in the name — you need to actually DO the things on your list,” says
amek a llsit write down what you need ot odo the work oyu neeed to ood an d get down towards
ahcivng rugoals

think fo waht to od next

cocosntly be thinkign what to od next towrds achivgn urgoals andn mission!

waht uu nwor k u needo to od next orplan

think of owaht work ot odo next otowrdsahvign oyru goals!

think of what oy ucan do abotu ti!
think fo waht work ot odo next otwrds ahcing ru goals be oocnstl hyitnkign!
-think fo waht to owork on nesxt wah toodo next wht work ot odo next towrdachivng ur ogals thh is

Make a to do list n thts wht ur tthht ur miiso nbe ao na msiio n directive to otget thsoe thgisn dne nad ot
follwo the orders and to achhve ur goals andn mssion!

think of whato to od next waht actio nto take next towrds achign ur gaol
nwaht to odo next what htigsn to do next waht wokr ot odoti next towrds achinvg ur goals!

wht are yo udoignand workign on!

what are oy udoign about ti?
to ahchve ur ogals
actio nexeution!
Thik dedce waht to work on next wahthigsn to odo next towrdachvign ur goals thths imp ifu udotn
decde yo uwotn do anyhtign nad u wnot achhve ur ogalsu uwont get anyhtign doen whats needed ot be
doen to ahchve ru goals nadn yo uwill waste tiem idlign or doign othehritgns or dog nothign

decidie whath thgisn yo uneed ot oo to o ahchve ru goasl!

- think of what work needs to odo and be get doe nto wrds achign urgoal!

waht next waht ot owork on next occosntly be eworkign thinkign waht work otood next rotwrsd ahcing
urgoals adn ndotn stop! onceu uahv finsihed one wrk thin kfo wah ot ood next towrdsahcivgn rugoasl
thh si!

-hin kof hwaht to odo next towrdsachivgn ur gaosl tht hsi

thnk of wht to do next wht wrk to do ncxt towards achvn ur goal.

-think of whato t oo next what work to odo next otwrds achivgn ru goals, make a paln whato to od next
and na strtegy hwo ot odo it and go abotu ti

Work Hard:

be ococsntly at it iater it and ndoignt ikeep workign to do iand to geit iodne, be coocnslty be wrokign o
nt it and at it and doig nti to do it and ot geiti done

SSlogn n work like ehll dayn nyihgt nad lng hrus to do it and to geiti oden ando mae e it hapne

Be coonslty into t it and ati ti and doing ti to do ti and to geit iodne fast

Be willing to wrk hard te pains n effrts n do wht needsto be dun for the sake of achvn ur goals, n to ege
things dun n wht needs to be dun to achve ur goals, focsus on wrkn cnrtinustly doin ur wrlk contnusly to
do it n to get it dun. U need to be constantly wrkn be constantly at it n doin it keep on doin it wht u are
doinwrk on it n be cnstnty wrkkn on it to do it n to get it dun n mke I hpn. U need to be cnstntly at it n
wrkn on it n doin it to do it n to get it dun n mke it hpn.

be cosontlyatiti doing ti and owrkign o nti fast to od oti and to geit itdne I nreord speed rate nadn tiem
by bidoign ti ocosntly beign cocosntly ati ti and after it to to do it and to geti tioden thh is!

-by bidoign ti ocosntly beign cocosntly ati ti and after it to to do it and to geti tioden thh is!

-wrk dayn ngit hcosmtnsiuly nosnttop ot acelaerae eeryhtign to gethgis ndoe nadn to maek thigsn
ahpppe nwor kliek ehll to set weveryhtign up put urself invele urself fully nadn toatoly oin to ti on a
msiio nand tkaignacit o tntogethgisn doe nadn make thgisn ahppe n nad os on! soowork cosntosul
nosntop and day nngit t oamek htigsnhappen and ot gethgisn doe nthth is!

-be super intstnsen drivie urslfe hard slog to gethigsn doen wrok doen fast be isntsnte adn detemred to
gethgisn doe nadn work doen fast at a recrd speed nad npace hth tis!

-takek extra effrts wrok cosntostul y nosntop long horu to gethgsi ndoe nadn to get it ioden fast i
nreocrd speed tiem adn pace nadn eb o na msioioon nad oso n!

-itsn to easy heher is a lot oo f owork tht hneeds to eb doe nand get done! to achvhe urgoalnadn u need
ot oogeti t ioden fast i nrecordtiemacelarte teh rgperss of the wroks gettign doen and soo u needo to
owrk long horusnadn dayn ngith ot ot geti tiodenand ot maek it happen!

- u need ot oowrk liek hell slog work dany ngith to maek majic happne to gethgisn doen and wro kdoen t
oachvhe ru gaso l hth is!

-itssimple if u work 18 horusa day adn soem oen else works like 8 horus yo uwil lgetaek 6 motnsh t
ogethgsn doe nand thth epros nwil tkae a year! soo tisi mp to wor ocsntotsuly longh orus ato not jsut
gethgisn doe n but toot get thigsn doe nat a accelarted speed adn antiem to amke progres tht hsi! i
ncreocrd tiem i ngetthgis thgisn doen casue uur tiem si islmtied u uneed ot oachvhe rur gaosl faster adn
gethgisn doe nfasterh hth is!

-why u wrk logn horus nadn day nngith u od it] to ogethgis ndoe nadn work doen to acvheh ru gaols!and
o ot gethgism doen fast at arecord speed tiem adn pace avng sensn of urgnecy to gethgis ndoe nfast

n wrk like hell be cocosntly atiti after it and odign ti work like hell to make it happne
to gethtigsn doe nand wrok doen fast ur item si limtiedu ucant taek ages forever to gethgsi ndoen, yo
uahve to gethgisn doe nfast in record time speed nadn apce and soo slog work ocnositly non stop and
dayn ngith to get ti doen ast quci kadn now and fast and so on! and acelerate the progerss and nmake
great isntse fast progress! work like hell slog htth is! be ccosntly at it iand dogi nti ot od thgs nadn gthgis
ndoe nthth is!

-focsu o nworkig ncosntisuly be coosntl working on ti and godign tit to od it and to get ti oden fatst!
keep workign on itand doign it to odit and to geti tidoen and ot maek it happen!
be cosntl workign on ti and doign ti and takign action nad get after it ot odit and to geti tioden and to
maek it happen thth is!
focsu on workign cosntously nonstop and long hours!
-focsuonworkig nu needo to keeep workig ncostsuyl longh rus non stp get after it focus o ndoign yoru
htign and keep on odig nyoru work if focsu o nthth if u udot nwork noton it thgis nwont get doen and
nothgi nwil ll haeppn keep workign o nti nonstop ot ood ti and geti tiodne focus o nwrkign coosntustly
nostnop t o od oti and geti tioden gethgsi ndoe nadn work doen to htht need ot oeb doen to achhve
urgoals! dot nwrok about the reut ladn nout coeme focus o nwokrign cosntistly!

--yo unendo to beworkign ocosnyll takignacito ntake acito nt omake htigsn haepep nadn gethgis ndoe
nfocus o nkaignacito nadn cocosntly workign o nti and doign ti chippign and paddlgi nadn doign ur thgin
and work to makthgisn happe nwork like hell slog day nnyight be coocsntly atit iadn afteri ti and doig nti
t o odit and nto geti ti oden wit hthe inttnion and obejitce ototo to d oothgsi nadn gthgisn doen hhth
tneed oto o be oden to ahchhve ur ogalsl hth si! caclamly paitnlty keep chippignand doig nur htigsn nad
oso n keep chipping keep pdioign your hting nadn keep ogignnad oso n

- u neno to ofucso nworkig ncostnoiyl be coosntly at ti it and doign ti keep workign on ti and ndogin ur
thign to gethigsn doen and work oden and to achvhe urgoals nad ot getit idoen fast at a record speed
nadn pace,

-waht are yo uworkign o n twrdsachvn urgoals

-ifo yu dotn wrok on ti then yo uwil leget nothgi ndoen tkae effrt be cocosntly wrokign o nt iand
chippignadn tkaig nacito nfocus o nworkigncoosntly long horus chippig nadny ngith to do thgisngehtigsn
doe nan triygn to maek thigsn ahppen adn to ahchve urgoals thth si thigsn dotn ahppe non tis onw
dwork doest nget doen o nits own keep o on doign oyru htigsn keep wtti iad workign o nti nad oso n! t
oachhve ur goals focus o ntht honly!
- wokr to maek ur drms ahepe nadn brig nthem to realtiy nadn exsitncen tht his!
-kee p doig nyoru wokr contostuly keep paddlign calm adn lpadldlign lie ka duck to gethgisn doenadn
work doen to achhve urgoals! foscu ontth on workign cosnislyl and gttign and loto of thgisn doen adn
work doen thths hte goal to gthgis ndoe nadn to get it doen fast in rerd tiem and ot nto waste item

-focus nworkogn on ti onstouly keep at it idonig nanti and owrkign o nti cosntly nostop nadn ocostnyl
chippig nt odo it and ot geth htigdnen and ot maek thgis nahppe ntake actio nt odo othgsi nt ogethgis
ndoen deor t omaek thgis nahppen focsu onwaorkign cosntouly to oo intorder ot ogethgis ndoe nand
wrok doen th need ot oeb doen tkaign aioctn t ogethgis ndoen to ahhvve ur goals thh tsi and to amek
thigs ahppe nto trun ideas ot realtiy!

- becosnstlty at iit n doig it nonstop t o get thngsdun n wrk dn n t get it dun fast to suceed tht is
-keep o ndoign ur thign and kee ptryign as long as yo ukee ptryingth thsi!
- be cocosntly workign cchipping paddlign focus n takig nacito nand be a man of acito n keep odign yoru
work adn ndoig nyoru thing nad ntritng nadn tkaing acito tn to gethgsn one and work doen tht needs
oto eb doe nt oachvhe your gaosl!

how will it happen?achve r goal get thngs dun wrk dunmke progress
it wont ahppen liek thth o nits own progress will declien ifu u dotn work ati ti
its onyl when u work like hell shut up stay quiet nadn work slog work cosntostilu longh rus dayn nyigth
work liek hell thth thisgs wil laehppn n
be willign ahve no problem workig nahd takig nstres puttign ruself thru all thth gruel andn dgrind thth it
iwll ahppen! Or ite iwl rpogres wil ldeclien if u dotn waork
whtat oyu put i nyou get out! i nteh wuvierse you get out Wwt u wrok towrds u will achve! sooo be
workign cocosntlyand dligently! you wil geto tu of hte unvers e wahtu uput in! wor kahrd drema big dre
and so on! take aicotn oput i nall thth ad yo uwill get wahtu uwant!

- work o nti liek carzy take actio nto odit nad ot getitioden and ot maek it happen hth is!
- be willing to work ahrd tke paisn effrts disocmforts to maek thgis nhappen adn to gethgisn doen thth is
neededo to eb odne ot ahchve urgoals
- work liek ehll work like carzy be willignto work ahrd to od it and to getiti doen adn to maek it happen
thth is! be cosntly atiti adn ndoig nti andworkign o nti to do ti and to getit doen and to make it happe
nthth is!

- take acito nt ot maek it hapepe nadn be cocosntly doig n it nadn workign o nti to od it and ot geittiodn
e thth si!
- keep workig nand takign actio nto to do thgisn gethgis ndoe nand amek thgisn happen htth is!

achivng ur gaosl is nto easy therh eis a lot ofo work to od keep workign to amek it ahppen1
thigsn to odo towrds achivng ur gaols!
dont do it laer or keep it for later do it now dont procrastiante work day nn igth to odit and gett ioden
now! nt later
dotn waste teim keep workign towrds yoru goals to do it and to geit ioden and maek it happen hth si!
have asensen of urgency to get everythgi ndoe nfast and easrly teh earler the better better early than
- and keep workgin o nti and odign it to do it and to getit ioden thth si!
-take action to get thngs dun n wrk dun to acheve urgoals tht is
-just keep tyign dotn give up eep on dign ur thign and keep paddling hthth is!

thsiisi snto easy how will all thsi happen? take effrts to oamek ti happen determed effrt ot oamek it
dnt care if it iwll work out or not keep trying!

-Actin isi sithe greatest thsigns tis what makes htigsn happen you can go around tryignt ifnd
formualsandn this and nthat ! the most im pformual ia acito nif oy don’t tatke cation nothing nwill
lahpppen1 spoo odo it take action! only then you can achvhe ur goals and ndreams! Yo ucan go on an d
on anda on abot uwahtu uenedo to od but if oyudotn take acito nntohgi nwil happen!

You needo to work ahrd take acito ntake effrt edavour to amek things ahpen ehtigsn doen!

worign arhd and oocnstly in ot it ! yo uwilleb happy if oy uwork ahrd!

Work maeks uu prosper! Makesu u ahppy

take acito nt oamek it happe nand ot odo ti adn t og et thti done!

Leave nosntsoen untruend!
You needo t be systematically working towards it keep working cooscntly, diligently persitnetly,
nonstop, stick to it hang on ti be occosntly atiti and doing ti, and stystematically adncanvg towards your
goal tth is

Be willgi tn to take effrts to achhve urogals no mater how hardi ti is tough it is leave no stone untred
take graet enaduivaorus in the pursuit of ahchvign ru gosl and ndreams Keep on doig nwaht uaure
odign, awrok ahrd enadvaour and ndtake agreat effrts1
adn wrk hard super ahrd!
Be willing to wrkhard
Get up n get to wrk dotn sleep andn alze around and be lazy get ot owork ot gethgis ndoe nand work
doen take effrt put I neffrtsn nad eenenrgy oto gethgis ndoen and work one to achvhe ur goals.
work ahrd and ntake effrt
consumes effrt energy be active alert eenrgtic willgi nt otake effrsn nadn pais nextrae effrts nt oeb lazy!

The hrder u work the ahppeir oy uwill eb

As y uknwo oy uare gettignclsoer to oyur gaols tth maeksu u ahppy
U are hpeful not hopeless uahope otahchve gur goals u are mre optimstiic cofndientnnad psotive
Not negative and pesismsitc
U are beig nmreo prodtive nadn getting al ot ofo thgis ndoen and work doen thth maeksu u relved nad
nahppy if thigs nare nto getign doen u are nto makig namny progress I nyour work beign doen and
headwyo u y feel stressed wreid in apnic nadn frutsred as nothgi nsi hapengi ngoin o n or getitign doen
Cne u ureach ur gaosl and achhvemetns hehr is no great feelgi nfo happens nadn stifaction
U are like work ahr d its worth it! ur chachvmetnsn success makes u uahppy after working ahrd
U have stiisfyign day after work hardign hard ullfilign day n u knw ur day was prodtuive u got a lot odoen
nad u are moving lcoser to oyurgoals
Oce u uahchveu rogals u knw hth it’s a siesn of relf u knw its worhthe effrt

Ifu uare lazy and do nothing then u will get ntohig n uwont maek progress achve nothgin u will eb sad it
s deprssvie for oyur mnealt health nad npsychology
Thse who sit nadn d othong they og crazy insane and seeandn menta health isiseus as they strt over
thinkgign nadn worrying and beocem incompetent lose momentum and have ot seep syhciatrists, they
feel lie klosers they ar awatign their life talents and so n, they are not achvign there goals and odign
anything wit hteir lives or monvign ahed in lfie or getitgn anyhwhehreh thth is they fell fruuetedan os on
not ahchignanchtign
Also nto have nmoeny to buy htigsn pay bills etc.. and struggle nadn suffer and cnath ave ocmfy lives

its good for yoru pshyic nadn psych

why? causeu u are gettign clsoer to our dremas goals when u work hard
u are makign progers ua re hopful tht htigsn will ahepn
you are gettign tghsi ndoe nadn work doen
u et moeny yo ufeel secure and so on1
u think tu are doign greathgisn wit hyour life1
u are ahchvign greathgisn u aregettign sucuefu adn ns oon1
yo ufeel lfullfemtn adn s on
arhd wokr is worht it
ti maeksu u happy
ift givie u ua stiifscatio n once u urchvhe ur gols
arhd work furits nanre sweet!
ahr wrk is painful but ithe ruits and rsweet
the ahrder oy uwork the happer yo uwill eb
the harder yo uwork the luker yo uwil lget!

tremndosu enenrgy
wkrign maeksu u ahppy!
bck at work!

focus o nworkign odig nwokr taking action wokrign cosntosily to gethgis ndoen if oy udot nwork nothing
nwill ahppne!
nto shy away for mworkig nahrdnadn tkaign extra effrt!
pp lare lazy they dont want too to do manyhtigsn cause odign thgisn takes effrt paisn

and discomfrt
nto shy away for mtakign effrts and doin a loto of thigsn yo uahve ot osepdn

eenrgynand oso n1 be active alert nand enenrgetic!

not be shy to otkae extra effrts nad go the extra mile!

workign ahrd makesu uahppy meantlly psychologically!

ifu uare lazy yo uwil lahven o meoyn and felel uarne ot odignanyhtign with oyur life

ists detrmemantal to oyur mentla health u dotn asucuedahdhhhveve anyhtign wit hyour

lie nad oso n1

waht idid oy ulearn form your father?

he loved to work adn he was happy!
he was a happy man he wasnt one of htose guys who was i ntheir psycharist every day
i say waht do oy udo?
my father was a worker he never had ot go ot othe psychatrist!
my fatehr was aworker if oyu work oy udotn neeahve to go ot o a psychatrist asu uahve

no tiem for otehr htogtsh and worries!

my fatehre was a worker and he lved to work hed wor ko n satrudasay
hed work on sundays
he sut liked it

-tkae effrtso toto od itand ot geit ioden be oconstly workign o nt iand doign it to odit nad ot geitioden

-all firedup take action toodit and to geit iodenand ot maek thisgn happenthth is!
keep o nworkign o nt icocosntnyl continusly be at it n doing it to odit and to geti ti oden thth is !

itsi mp to tale hte exatra effrts!

no hsort utcsts tht hsi!
take the dextra gruel grind nad neffrts htth si!
ppl are lazy they odtn wnat oto tkae the extra effrts go the etra mle
d many htgsn why? cause it takes paisn and effrts! discomfrt
be ilwlign to go the extram ile not be afrd t wor kahrd
nt be i dotn maifnd workign ahrd tkaig nthe extra effrts!
adn strife nadn struggel htht is!
he wouldahve fu ntoo but affetr fun he would go oto work he sut liekd ot owrk!
hed ogo andn chcek o nhsi projectsn adn work!
and he jsut lved it!
i watched him bea happy man! andwork
why workign ahrd maeksu uahppy! whrher as not will make usad
he worked unitl he was 93 he was 93 2hen h e died!
and i isaid ot myself thths a pretty good formula for sucess!adn ahppines
aseu i ahve a lto ofo frends they take vacatiosn for 6 weeks andn 8 weeks and 3 montsh
adn they are nenve r happy
soo iwatched my fatherh
so i like to work!

i ahev no problems takign paisn effrts nadn discomfrtnadn going the extra mile!

take acito nno exciiese amek it happne

- be on the go!
- all tkalk wastign tiem and no action!
take acito nt o gethtigns odnenandot maek it happen and tlak less thhst i!
- be i nteh aciton! whehreh the aciton is put urslef otu therh h i naciton
put urslf otu htherh fodowhat thety do execute

get up adn get oto work take paisn,s truggles strife and effrts to a achhve ur goals!
work ahrd tkae effrts its worht it!

- work otwrsit wrokign towrds it to odit nad ot geit iodnenadn to maek it happen
- i woodtn want execuuses or wastign tiem i want ot omaek it happen

dotn be lazy and get comfy and nrelax adn be easy ay id bakc learn to be to tkae
effrts and nstruggles strifen and pain thht is wor khard discomrft and ntkaepians hard

owrk is painful but hard work makesu u ahpy! casueu uget htigs ndoen, yo uget moeny

oyu feel secure, you achhve ur gaosl it gives uu a snesn ofacomplsihment scurity
achhvemetn ascuess when u uhapienswhn u uahceveu ur goasl and wvevnen when u are

owrkign ahrd causeu h uu gefeell hopeful whe naure workign aherdnadn doign ti yo uare
happy y ou are beign prodtuive gettign a lotofo thgis ndoen work doen and gettiintg

coloser oto yur goals hardwork makesu u happy! yo uare inchign clsoer fgetitign clsoer

ot oyur goal when u work ahrd

if u are nto workign then yo ufstrt eelgin sad as u uare not getttign anyhtig ndoen u

feel liek l oser hopeflell furstrated no fuueur nadn soon! disispaoitned diprresed

ntohgi ngoign o nforo yu, not ahchvign ur ogals or getitign clsoe oto yur goals and

oso n, adn eell insure no meoyn nad oso n, sno security adn soo n! u feel dieeppres d

it hurts you, u feel furrtraedl ie ka lsoer as ifu uare not ogign anywheren to todign

anyhtgin with your lfie wsistng uru lfien dan tlalentsn nad oson! nto getitign

nayhwere hth t is!

wor kahrd to getwhehre oy u wnt to

my father was a worker he liked to work a lot! and i saw him growign up he worked hard

he was a worker he liked ot owork and he was ahppy! working, he worked tilel eh was 93

where as i saw hisfrineds they used ot tkae long vacations 8 weeks 9 weeks vacatiosn

and they were sad and depressed, soo i liek ot work to it maeks me happy yo usee

workig nwil maek you happy causeu u get a lto ofo thgis ndoen! work doen, yo uachhve

great higsn yo umake progress yo ufeel seurcre yo uearn nmoeny and os oon, where as

wehn u take a vacion then you are nto gettign thgsi nddoen not makeign proegress! not

odign anyhtign iwith yoru life you feel fruetatednadn like a loser nadn isneure alsoo

he never had any psychaitric issues causeu eh workd an emty mind is a devlis workshop

u go crazy when u dotnwrk! yo ucan becoem crazy if iyo udot nwork! causue hten yo

ustrt thinkgi nf ooetherhitngs unim pthgisn! and soo i liek to work it akemks me happy

to, it hives me a sensn of accocoplsihemtn fulfillemnt! achemetn! thh itgot a loto of

thgisn doen sucessm, secuirtty feelign of securiy! sucess thh igot a loto of htigsn

doen and work doen! adn achhved great thigsn! hard work wil amek u uahppy its worhti

t! casuethe achhvemetns nadn frutis of ahrdwork make u uhappy!

kick yoru self otu of the bed adn make urslef get up and geto to work!
get up adnget to owrk to gethigsn doen and wok odne tkae paisnand effrts!
to get thgisn doen and get work doen!
not be lazy get u padn geto toowrk ot geth odhtigsn doen work doen nadn make htgsn

i loe ve acito n iliek to be i n the action! o nteh go thth is!

adn iwllgi tn work hard take effrt andn esepnd enenrgy and do all th thhena to ache ur goals
fun wokrign ahrd an love workign ahrd nad beign i tne hacito nlife would be boirgn
wrking takingaction rthingsgoin on, enjoys odign ti and finsds ti exicitngnadn enntertiang thtsi!

high enenrgy active ai nteh aciton

nto shy away for mtakig neffrts nadnwrkign ahrd and be i nteh action

effrt enenput in ergy nto be lazy go the extra mile1

the harder i work the lukier i get!
leave no stone untruened nto eb lazy!
to maek ti happen
yo udotn haachhvegraet htigsn jsut lie kthth
thgisn jsut dont fall i nto yoru lap!
youahve ot otake actio nwrok try hard hth is!
otehrwise it wont happen thigsn wont get doen
progres wil ldeclien if oyu dont work otwrdsti!
be willgi nto put i nteh enerngy take effrt
take the heffrts nd nthe paisn
adn intitaives tth si!
sepdn nenergy fogo the extra mile work ahrd nto be lazy love oto wwrk ahrd enjoy

workign arhd
take effrts nt oeb lazy tht hsi!
o neh move on the go high eenrngy and so oon!
take extraefrts thth is be high enenrgy
work liek hell
weh nu work ahrd yo ufeell ahppy its satifyign feelign cause weh ueteh sweet ruits o

bewillgi nt owork hard take effrt put in not 100% but 200% effrt!
dowaht it it tkaes o the extra mile!
be willgi tn owork ahrd slog dillgietnly tirelessly even if uaure tired work work work
slog day in and day otu to amek ti happen nto eb lazy bw we willgi tn ottkae the etra
spend enenrgy thth is! psuh ahrder og the extra mile!
hardwork its worth it!
oy ushud nto shy away

you needo to eb willign t owrk hard leave no stne untruend to wrds achinvg rugoals
thth si work super hard be willign t owrk ahrd do the grind take the efrt thth si

he works hsi ass off he work s long hours cocnsttly dayn n gith slog work liek hell! be edtermrmed ot o
od it and tkae actio nadn to odit and ot geit tioden nad slog nand work liek ehrll thigsn dotn happen
unless yo uwrok! and tkae acito nand u uare oococnstly workign to maek it happe nand to get higsn
doen! io nthe contnrsr ur progress iwl l go down if uudotn wrok! ht his work in on thigsn progress
ahppensn adn thigsn get odne only hwe n uoconstly work o nit!

as he put it "thgisn dotn ahppe nliek thth oit they hapen onyl wehn u work liek hell ot maek it ppan
isfact hthe rpgerss of thgis nfgetitign oden and na goals achved wil ldecline ifu udotn work"

"i lie kgetthgi n donse"

be ocosntly ati ti and workign o nti andn doig nti and tkaign cacito nto gehtigsn doen adnwrok doen to
achve ur ogals thth si!

focsu o wnrokign cosntstuly long horus dayn ngith non stop to gehtgsn doen thth need ot oeb doen to
achvhe ur goalsnad to amek thigs nahppen

take aiton to maek thigsn ahppen n geththigs ndoen and work doen!

3) he lieks ot ogethgs ndoen

"i fu uwork 18 horus vs yo uwork only 9 housr the nyo uwil tkae ahlfi tme to gehitgns oden than soem
oen who worsk 9 hours"

How ididi eon musk achhve soo much i nsuch a short item soo much progress of wrk?

and fudner ofo soomucnay campnies how didi he do sooo cu h isnuch a short span of time?

leant to otake pasi nad efffrts

hth si takign effrts nadn action to make htigsn ahpen thth is!

work constoiuly be ocosntl yatt iaddoignti to make it happen

focsu onwokrign cosntonstly to gehtigsn doen and work doen fast keep o nworkignand paddlign hth is
be occosntly ati ti and afeter it nadn workign o nti and doign ti to do ti and to geiti odne fand to geti
todenfast! i nrerd pseedn adn time

tke actio nt oamek ti happen!

itsn to jstu imp to ogt ogehtgnthgisn dun its imp to act fast n nget thgis nde nfast wrok fast thh is1 d o it
fast immdiately! urgently1 ahve snesn of urngecy!

act fast take fast action!

stay calm focused nadn quetyl keep paddlign takign action!

actio nexcution thgisn dotn happe nliek thth o ntheri won the progress fo the wrok beign doen and the
goals beign achhved will decline if uu dotn work on it!

wrk taek action to gethtigns done n to gethgis doen fast in rcord speed rate teim adn pace!

keep on workign o nit consotusly and odign ti to maek it happne

focsu o nwrokign cosntuly non stop coocsntly to od tis ngethgis ndoe nand to maek thigsn ahppen!

focsu o nworkign cosntly ocsntisuly nonstop with tu work ouy cant gethgs ndoen1

work lie kehll work costly take pai and effrts detmermed to work ard nad ntake ffrts nadn apis nadn do it
and get itioden work cosntly tkae paisn and effrts to get it dun

detmermed effrt determrmed to odit and geti tioden we wil lget oy uthehr and help u olkay! wro kliek
ehll to detemred to odo ti take pais nadn effrts wrok ahrd wrk liek ehll pt o dot amdn get tioden and to
amek ti aheeppn nadn edvaour ot gehtigsn doe nhth

dnt wate et ur tiem yoru tiem is limtied nadn ehce imp need ot keep o nworkign o ntiadn akignactio nto
maek ti hapepe nt oget htgisn doen fast to aceleargete teh rpogress of wrok ettign doe nadn goals beign
achvhed i nrecord speed rate nadn time!

work nosntop long hrorsu andn dayn ngith n nonstosuly to not just gethigsn doe nbut to gethgsin doen i
nreord speed arate nadn tie maccelrate teh progress of this ngettign doen achvhe great adnvcemntet
and progress i n a short tiem frame nadn tiem span very quickly at a high speed anad rate! caseu tiem si

be comitd to it n wrk diligently n day n night tomke thngshpn

to get thngs dun at afast recrd rate sppeed n time

accelarte the profreso f thngsn wrk being dun

focsu o ntakign acito nadn workign cosntouly o t get htigsn doen and work doen!
focsu o nw workign chippign csstpsnitly contiosuly work ahrd keep paddlign workign be ococsntly
wrokign to do thgis nt oehtigns oden to maek thgisn magic ahppen!

thigsn dotn ahppen liek thth on their own u need ot owork to maek thgisn ahppen t geth thgsn doen!

no mroe talkign be wquiet nadn take action!

quielty keep o ntkaig naction t maek thigsn happen nad gethgis ndoen tht hsi!

quety l keep o nchipping and paddling!

focsu o nworkig ncosntstuly yo ushud be u need oto eb workign cocosntly be ocosntly workign o nti doig
nti stick to it be chippign nsonst p be ocsntly ati ti and doign it doign yoru work to gethgis ndoe nadn
wrok done andn maek hgisn ahppen to achvhe ur goals hth si!

Keep on workign ocsntosuly nonstop

taek action to get thgis ndoen and ot geti tioden fast in record rtiem

wrok long ohorus and ocsntosuly to gethgis ndoen fast at record speed rate and tiem!

take aciton stay focsued just keep workgnocosntly non stop day nn gith toerwrds ahcivgn ru goals and
waht u uwantto oahchve thth si in lfie!

keep working lon horus nosntop ! to amek it happen!

take actio nthigsn dont happen like th unhave to owrk on it keep on workign to gethigsn doen toget
work doen to amek thgis nahpne!

hings not happn liek tth wrok doesnt get doen liek thth

yo uahveto work nonstop long hotusr wor kn ti to get it idoen adn to make it happne!

fcosu on wrkign cocosntly andn wrkign ahrd be cocosntly atiti and doign ti t getgis ndoe nthth are
needed ot be doen t oachvhe ur gaols

dotn sleep adn idle adnwaste tie m o uneed oto eb workign cosntously dotn wste tie mi nunprodcitive
thgisn u need ot obe workign constostuly nonstop nad nlogn horus focus on owrkign coensouly wrok like
h elel inroder to gethgsi ndoe nadn wrok doen tht needs to be doen to ahchve ru goasl

waht are you workign on now?

htigsn dotn ahppen liek thth o n htei r own! you need to owrk thgsn happen get doen goals aget achhve
onyl weh n uare cocosntly workign to maek ti happne

wrok like hell slog literall

fcosuo nworki ncosntluy uneedot ot be cococsntly ocosntly workign chipping be atti ikeep atiti and
bekeep o ndogn ti t o doti nad ot get it oden thth is!

u eed to oeb coocsntl owrki gn atakig naction n doign ti to odo it and to gettiti doen and execute ot
maek it hapen hth is!

let mem do all teh hard work but jsut uspprot me to maek it happen

be ocosntly nosntop workign o nt it a it i and doign it to odit and ot getii oden dotn wast etiem!

soo focus on workign cocosntly nnstop long hours dayn nyigth every second hpur be cocosntly working
be coocsntl y worki ng at it iand doig nti to get thgis ndoen to do it and ot get tidoen fast thht is!

keep wokrign o nt icoosntly ocntsotuly and nosntop do all the work to get t itdoen and ot make htigsn
happen and doitand ot get it ioden take paisn eb wilign to work ahrd take paisn and wffrts and
ndiscomfrt and nstrggles to make htigsn hppen to od it htigns nad gethgisn done and work doen and to
maek it heppe nadn achvhe ru goals tht hsi

actio nacito n aciton

be fast and be workig ncosntsotuly nonstop nad longhorus!

stay cal m and keep shipping chiping! htt hsi focus o nworkig ncocosntly cosntoiuly non stop long hours
andn day nngith! to maek thgisn ahppen! to gethgisnoen nad ot get higsn doen afatst

i like gettign thgisn doen and gettignthgisn doen fast

teh fruits are ahrd wrk are sweet ahrd woerk si bitter but the rewrd fruets are sweet

alzniness is sweet at frist but biter later as n rewrd

fcosu o nworkign owrkign ocsntly non stop nad long hours! wrk for every min secofnd and hour! be u
shud beb ococsntly odign yoru work be ococnstly workign atit it and doign ti to od i nad to geit iodne to
amek thgisn happe nto geth igsn doen and work done!n ge tit ioden fast

be cosntlly atit idoign ti and workign o nti ot do it and to geti ioden htth si!

focsu o ndoign the work work like hell lsg lietterally beb occosntly ati ti workign atakign acito nadn doign
ti to do it and t o geti ioden and ot maek it hapne!
focus o nwrokig ncosntlsy if uu dotn wrk o nti ti wont get doe nso otake it for doign tit work on ti to od
itand to geiti odne only hten the progressof ur work wil lget acelgrated ur goas wil eb ached fastn
adnwrok wil lget doen faster rate pace speednadn time !

als owork fast! not slow! wor ko nti and wro k fast immdiieatley do ti now nto later!

noprorastiante take t ifor odign ti now nand compeclete lti now

be ccosntly workign o nti nonstop and long hpours to odit nad to geit ioden and to maek ti happne!

wokrigncosntostuly nosntp and wrokign arhd wont kil u but bieng lazy surely will

caue heteh n u end up with t umoeny !

work liek ehll slog cocosntly be workign o nti and doig nti nonstop n tkaig naciton to doti and to geti
iodne fast!

becocosntly workign on ti nonstop day nnyight to odti and to getit itoden! n to tgetiti oden fast at record
speed rate tiem and pace

dnt wsaste ite mbe cocosntlyati ti doig nti adn worikign o nti every hour min adn sec to do tiand to geit
tioden thth si! mke hte most efcnt nadn rpdoutve use of the tiem tth u have!

be cocosntly atiti doig nti and workign o tiit wrk day n nigth and long horus to do ti and to geti ti doen
and to maek it hapn fast at a recrd seppd rate item and pace getthgis nden thth nee ot obe doen to
achvhe ur goals htht is

fcosu o nworkign coosnly be coonslty nonstop atiti adn dign ti and workign o nti to do it and t geti tioden
every min sec hour

work be occosntlyworkign at titi and doign it to gethigsn doe nthth need t be deoe nt oahchve ru ogals
be constntl at it after it into it n doing it focus on wrking contisuly non stop evry min hour n sec get after
in be conctntly at it doin itt n after it to do it n to get it dun tht is

i like gettng things dun n gettn them dun fast in recrd speed time n pce acceleraye the progress of things
wrk gettn one achve gret progress n adnvcmn in a very shrt span of time n do wht ever it tkes to mke it
happn tht is be constntly at i after it n ding it n wrkin on it tto mke it hppn n to gt it dun

dnt wsaste ite mbe cocosntlyati ti doig nti adn worikign o nti every hour min adn sec to do tiand to geit
tioden thth si! mke hte most efcnt nadn rpdoutve use of the tiem tth u have!

to ahcvhe amamzign and fast progressi na very short span of tiem by wokign cocsntuy lngh orus
nonstop dayn ny igth and every min hur and sec

think of waht to odo next be ccosntyl thinkign fo waht to odo next rowrds acivgn oru goals thth si!

waht are oyu wrokign on?

be osostnyl stay calmadn keep padlign thth si workign shipping chipping and din ti becocosntly at iti adn
doign ti

thin kof waht to owork o nnext waht to odo next

thigsn odnt appen liek htht things ahppn only itifiu work o nti keep workign o nti the progress wil decline
if u odnt wrok o nti

work csntly nonstop long horus to adnvece the progress ofo thigs naccelarte teh progressof thgis
ngetiign doen and fgoals beign achhved1 speedaccelarteion is imp!

wok e lie khell the speed in which u gethtigsn dun si imp!

thinkcoosnly waht needso t be done next torwrds achvign ru goasl thth si 1

nwork oden ot make it happen ushud be ococsntly workign nad ocsntly be at it iadn doig nt iadn doig
nyoru wr kthth is! to do it and ot geit iodne and ot maek it happen hth si beococsntly atiti work like hell
slog work long horus htht is! work every mi nhour nadn sec


be 100% fully ocmmitted dedcated deveoted oto ti give uru self to it! 100% to od oti and to git ieodne!
and stay focusedo nti tht hsi stick to it nbe ccosntly odign thth only be cocsntly nonstop working day nn
gith to do ti and to geit ioden and to maek it happen be a work aholi onyl the nu wi lgthetigns doe
namek thgisn ahpen and ahchve ur gols

be ocosnltl y ati ti doing it and workogn io nti too dit nad ot geit ioden fast

dreams dont coe mtrue wrok doenst get doen dream dotn wrok tiemll u work!

and takign accti on to amek it ahppen htth si!

Get up and getot owork ot gethgisn doen and work doen thth needs to be doen to ahchve urgaols

adn wr kyoru ass of rememebr work oyur ass of constouly cofcuso nworkign nosntop ot geth gisn doen
and to gethgs doe nfast in record psspeedn and tiem, cocosnrtret on workign work wor kwork to make
tigsn happen to gehtigsn doe ntake atio ne bocosntly yo ushud be ooccosntly workign nosntop every
secevery hour dayn ngith to wachvhe ur gaosl tht hsi an dot maek ti happen agbe ocosntly at it idoing ti
and afteri ti pt dot and to geit iodne hth si! and take actio nadn wrok to maek thigsn happne

bfocsuo n doin ur work be cocosntly workig nadn work on it ad keep on workign cosntsoily lnonstopn
long horus to doti and to geti tioden and to amek it happen tht si and make it happen ffast at record
speedandn apce nadn be highyl produtive!
waht wiare your palns for the week? nothgin jsut work!
work work work keep on worikign to oditand ot geit tioden andot amek it appen htth si1
u needo t have a siesn fo urgncy to ood thgisn adn gethgisn doen fast hth si at reocrdspeed in repord
speed tiem adn apce thth si!

dnt waste tie m and be wrkin cosontly cosnotuyl to maek it iahppe nto odit nadn t oget it done!

“I like woeerking I like getting thngs dun I sleep only 4 tp 5 hours” ether recrhing the bizness n soo on, I
like living my life not sleeping my life e away, u need tpo me the most prdutve use of the 24 hrs u hav,
wrk more sleep less

U shud be oocnstly working be cocsntly atiti and doing ti to to dit htigsnandgethgisn doen tth emend ot
oeb doen tachhve ur goals

Wrk like hell ot od itand to geit itidoen and to maek it ahppne

Wrk dayn yngiht nad long hours take acito n to do it and ot geit iodne and maek it happen

The reaos nfor working the purpseo why you work hrad this si the reaos nget to work take ation work
ahrd long horus ayn ngit ht ogethgisn doe n thth need ot be doen to achhve toyour gaols and to get
them doen fast work ahrd to get thgis ndoen and work done thth needs to eb doen to ahchve oyur
gaols and to ge ti idoen fast, work ahrd ot ahcve ur goals. Wr k hard work like hell work constosuly slog
work lon horus dayn nightot get thgis ndoen that need to gethgis ndun thth need ot be dun to ahchve ur
gaols and to get them doen fast at a record speed rrate tie madn pace, and to ahce our goals, be
occosntly atit iand doing ti and working o nti t to do it and to geit I odne tht his. And ot maek ti ahppne
take acito nto gethgsi ndone ot maek it ahppnto beirgn yoru dreams to reality.
Aching ur goals is not easy hther eis a lot ofo thgis nwrok thth nedso t be doen to achhve oyur goals soo
work like hell to gethgisn doen and work done. Be willgi nt work hardn and take pais nadn weeffrts to
ahhcve urgoals its lie kyo uare o na misiso nbmenaign beuisenn serious no nonsense wilig nt otkae paisn
work is not fun work means bueisenn its buesiin, yo ueman buesin n uare basically o na msiio nif
oyuarwant to have fun terh are better thisn to odo like playing games hobibies etc.. work means beusien
its lei kyo uare o nam sisio n to do andexecute a taks no eamtiosn etc… a isntruemtn f o purpseo to
achveh a certain excte na certain msisio ncarry out a certin maiaiosn, tbe more like ht military they ot n
go ot wr as they ifn it fun and enjy odign ti the do ti to carry out a msisio n soemthign imp a purpseo
hthsi be mo nam sisio nnosnen meaning mbsuesi nto ahhcve the imp creitical thgisn I nlife things imp to
oyu criitclandan crucial to oyu itsi mp to distinguish between workand fun wor ksi work fun is fun dtn
mix the two, fu nsi soemthig thth u do ti weh n ufeel nborednad hten whe n uarebored of hth ustop
woriok is something thth u continue doing ti irrespective of hwthehr uare bred or nto like ti or not
Ththswork oy udo it to achvhe a ceritan casue imp thgsi ngoal mission ciritlcandna circual things nt
ocauseu u enjoy odign ti andos on.

Work slog work ocsnotusly nonstop to geth gisn doe ntht needto eb doen t oachvhe ru goals dotn lay
down n slep get t ot owork and slogto ge t thgis ndoen and wrok dne

I needot gethgis ndone keep in mid nwaht thgisn uneed t o get done

What are you woring on wrk on it to do itn get it dun

Wrk on ti to odit and to geit ioden fast hth si! , b e coocsntyl ati ti anddoign t iworkg ng o nt and

Beoonsclt atiti doig nt iadn wrkign o nti to od itand ot geiititi oden and ot maek it happen

Be dteremidn to do it and to geit iodne and ot maek it happen, take detemrd effrt, be dtermed to work
ahrdtake paisnadn effrts, strong resove reosulte, to od it, firm not backing down a or goovng up
determed to od it fir undertaking to od it and to geti itoden and make it happen. Strong dtmermiantio
nresulte and strong undertaking orresolve

Time Factor:
-your lfiei si a race against itme oy uahve limited tiem soo dotn waste yoru tiem doing unimp thgisn,
lazong sleeping ,idlng or dign ntohign, give yoru tiem to work and imp thgsin only, b e care aasto hwo oy
uspend oyur tiemdoign what, yout iem si an imp rsurce leanr the vlaur and nimp of time, yo uahve
mlimted item yo ushud nto waste yoru item doing unimp thgis nht wil brign yo u any bebefit or gain,
fgive ur item to work and imp thgisn only. Dotn waste it squnder oyur tiem
Asu uahve limtiedi item u shud not ust gethgisn doen but get htem done fast at receocrd speed rate
tiem and pace
How to use your time
Create a routine and shcedul ad nfollwo it

-If yo udotn take tiem I nt oconsiderato nthe nyou will end up doing thgis nat oyur won seweet pace
andn time, thehr wil be n sensn fo urgency to od thgis nfast get hgsi nde nfast, yo uwil lend up wasting
time doig nunimp things, therh is n osnesn of urgency oto gethgisn doen fast you will do ti as if you have
endless ly, at a very slow rate and pace, doing toerh things in betwem unip htigsn wasting tiem and sooo

You needo to og wit htiem tht his take tiem I nt oocsnidertio nfi yo udotn go with time, if u uignore tiem
then yo uwil lend up wasitgn tiem not getiitng thgis ndoen on tiem and oso n taking ages to ot gethgisn
doen, u ahveoto o og wit htime, if oy uodnt take tiem I nt oocnsideariton is a problem, fdotn waste tie
mdoig nunimp thgisn,
we dnt have tiem dnt waste teim giv ur tiem to wrk n imp thgisn only!
nn ot to unimp thgis u hav limited tiem eb careful as to hwo u uspend u r tiem waht u ugiv ur tiem to
doign waht?
its nto jsut imp to ogethgis ndoen but its imp to gethgis ndoen fast at a record speed adn pace thth si!
causeu ur iem si ilimtied oy ueedoto accelarte the sped and pae at wichh u gethtigns odoen is imp!

your item is highyl imp limtredn and critla give all your tiem to work adn imp tgisn, make hte most
peffcent usefu ladn rpductive use of the tiem you ahve be careful how u uspend ur tiem doign what!
dotn waste your tiem dign unimp thigsn tht will brign u no benefit or gain!
giveu ur tiem to work and imp thgisn only, to get wrok and imp hgisn doen and ot ahchve u rgaosl!

waht oy ugive your tiem to mp thgisn or unimp thgisn ,

time is not nver o nyour side, yo uhave limited time \
soo spend it wisely igive it to work andi m ptghsin o nyl to iet wrk and im pthgsin doen
and make max utilziation of the limtied itme u have dotn waste it
-dotn waset yoru item thinkign f otoerhtigsn, doign otrhtigsn, sleeping lazign idligndoign ntohgin doign
unimp thgsin, make the max tutliziaitonf othtet imte hth tu have, by gigivg iti totwor kadn imp thgsin, d
work and im pthgsin think fo owrk and imp thgsin, get u padn geto tootwork to gethgsi nde nadn work
-your ltie is limtied nadn hence imp be careful as o what yo ugive yoru tiem to andwhere your time goes.
-dotn waste ur tiem ur itemisl imtiedgive urtiem to owrk nad im pthgsin onyl ot get
work and imp thgsi ndoen, alotugh tiem goes fast, adn uavheno ocntorl on tieme yo ucnat stop time ti
keeps ticikig nhwo ever wahts isin oyur ocntrol is whatu ugive uru tiem to!
-dnt waet uru tiem doign umip thgisn ivie uru tiem t owork andi mpt hgsin only,
all thth sii unimp dont waste yoru tiem doign all thth, and riuin your time tht his!
you knwo i iahve goto work ot odo then why are yo udistrubign me? a wastign my tiem askig nme ot ood
unimp thgisn! stop forcign me if u uwntoto to odoti then tkae the aludry nan go do ti!
-ur tiemsisi limtied dotn wastei ti be careful waht u ugive uru tiem ot o gvie uru time ot work and imp
thgisn only nto ruin oyur time devote all ur tiem to owrk and imp thgisn only
-dvotegive al yoru item to owrk and im pthgsi nspend ur tiemwisely be carefu lwaht u ugive ru tiem to
thth si!
-dotn waste tie me makteh the msot produticiven adn efficent use of your time
- youhave limtied tiem and so oy ushud nto waste it oy uneedoto give oyur tiem to work and imp thgisn
to get work and imp thgsi ndoen thth is and achhve ur goals nadn imp thgisn i nlie! soo od nt wastei thte
imte oy uahve be cocosntly workign giveour item to work adn imp thgis namamge yoru tiem be carefu
lwaht oy ugive your tiem to oy uahve ltmed tiem so odotn waste iti give it ot work and imp thgns only
not ot unimp thgisn tht hwll birgn u no ebebfit or gain! give ti to work and imp thgsi nt oget work and i
ptghsin done1

-soo oy uwork every min sec f hte day as you knwo thth ur tiem si limtied, and soo oyur goal is to not
waste tiem adn make the most effcient and productive use ans amx ultizlation prodtive use best use
preper use fo the limtied tiem thth u have, thths hte motivation for working , yo uwork as oy uknwo htth
ur tiem si limtiedndn adn so ooy ushud nto waste iti and yo uneedo t make the max use and proudtve
uuse of the limtied time hth u have! yo uahev mlimted tiem adn soo uneeod t maek good produtive use
of i t nadn nto waste iti adn so ooy u work thh every min and sec inorder ot nto waste ite mand maek
max best use of hte limted tiem thth u ahve by giivng it ot work and imp thgsin! so oy uwork every min
sec and s oo nas u ukwn thth uhave limtied tiem adn yo u hsdu not waste ieteh limtied item thth u ahve
nad n y u need to maek the max effcietn prodtuive use of the limtied itme thth u ahve! soo u wor l k
every mi nevery se c of the day i noder to not waste yoru tiem adn to amek the msot effcent nadn
memangiful and produitve effcent use fo the limited tiem thth u have! thsht hthe motivation for wrokign
ever mi nand sec soo thth u dotn waste the limtied item thth u ahve adn u maek the msot effcnt and
productve use of the limted tiem thth uahve good usefo the limtied item u aheve! THe problem with thsi
ocncept is htth the reason for oyu workign is thth u wanoto to maek the most effecnt use fo oyru tie
madn rpodtuve use fo oyur tiem lof hte limtied thiem thth u ahve thhs the reaos wnhy yo uareworking!

well tth doesnt maek sensen! soo uare workign the only reaosn yo aure workign si causeu u dotn
wantoto waste the limted tiem u ahvee odign toerhtigns and u awnato tomaek sure u utilize ur tiem
effetnyl and maek hte most good proodtuve effcent use of the limted teim uahve htths the reaos n goal
or purpseo motivatio nfor workign every mi nsec well thth doenst mae ksensen ... u work every mi
nsecas u uaodnt awnt to otwaste a singe min and sec adn u ahwnat ot omake hte msot effcnt nadn
rpdcutive uuse of ur tiem thth uahve, yo usee the problesm wit hthsi is htth the reaosn for oy uworkign
every min secand nhour is caseu soo thth u dotn wate yoru tiem, doign toerhthigsnand y uamek the
moset prductive use and effcent use fo oyur tiem utltizaiton fo oyur tiem limtied thitme u uahve. maek
god use fo the limtied tiem u ahve nadn nt owaste it by workign, well shudnt it be the otehrway round!


-soo oy uwork soo thth u dotn wast tiem n maek produive usue fo oyur tiem
oryou dotn waset tiem n u work so thth u get tgsi ndoe nadn wrok done

dotn watse tie mdoign unimp tgisn

your item is limtiedn and every min sec coutns
maek te mst proeductive n efficent utilizaion f teo h mlimtiedt pcisou tiem yo uahve
use f oyr tiem by givign ti to work and imp tgsn t oget work adn imp thgis ndoen
time isi nto o n yoru side oy ucant affrd ot owaste tie
-Your tiemis limtied nad nehcne imp you get only 24 horus a day adn you lvie only certian years max 75
of thhat onyl certina years are produitve that is 30 years,

soo our tiem si extrmemly limtied nadn ehnce imp you odnt have etrnal tiem or forver, adn soo spend
your itemwisely dont waste it! give i to work and im thgisn only,

-make mxaimum utilizatoion and producitve use of the limtied item thth is 24 horus thth you have, touy
hvavel imtied tiem yo ugt ony l24 horus a day, soo u r tiem is limted nan hence imp so try to maek the
maximum untilizaiton use of the limteed tiem hth uhave, by givign it to work and im pthgsin onyl and
sleepign less onyl 7 horus, and so on and not wastign time odig nothrheitngsnandigivngm ax itme to
work and im pthgsin only!

-b e care ful how you spend oyur tiemandwaht yo ugive your item to, dotn wast eyour tiem, how are yo
uspendign yr day daoing what waht oy uare doogogivgn ur tiem to?

- your item si limited itsn to jsut imp to gethgis ndoen but also im pt ogethgisn doe nfast in reord get
work doen hth needso to eb done fast i nreord tiem spped and napce

-oyru item si limtednad nhence imp dotn waste it sleping lazing doing unimp thgisn, thinking fo
otehrhtigns unimp thgsin, idling doing othign, geu up and geot toowrk to get work and im thgsi ndone ot
achhve the im padn iiritcla thgis ni nlfie

High level of involvement:

-behandso ni tneh busiesn tootatly inoveld in it nad into it! eneanged I nti!
He isi handso n I nteh details highly inoveld
Be toaotly I ntoti absorbed in it

Work Smart:
-be reruslt oriented its nto jstu imp to work hard but to work smart , I nway thth will ehlp u uget the
resoutl you want and ahchve the goals
-stpidiity is doing the same thgisn overn nadn over agin intehsmae wa ynadn expecitgn difirnet result
- work smart- hw ot raise acoaial for buisen, busien stregeies etc.. location coaltio nlcaotion, mkea great
produt if itsn to graet pp ldotn buy
not jstu imp to work hard but work samrt if uaure wrokig arhd but odign dumb work thth wont gi u uany
gai nthen or grear ewerds the ntis no point!

Opporutunity cost:
-If oy udont act oy ulsoe opportunites nadn cahcnes opportunity cost soo act fast, so othth u odnt have
opporutniyty cost hth si cahcne givnse to oyu hsdu nto be lost! Tit doenst matter the resutll success and
fialrue what matter si I htht form your side yo uhsud act nadn try nadn keep trying, if oy udotn then
thehr is opportunity cost. If oy dot n act and dotn take acito ntehrh si opportunity cost you lose the
opportunity nadn chance tth s given to oyu! Soo take action or htehrisopporunity cost, dotn lsoe het e
cahcne or ooportunity thh u have and is given to oyu by god. Strive work hard try hard endeavour taek
cion take efrt.u have nothing to lose by trying and everything to gain. When u try terh are hcahcnes thht
uwil lgeti it or nto get it ibut when u odnt ry you wotn geti ti n uiwl lremain whehre u are nadn n ot
maek any progress and adanvencemnt. Keep working keep o ndoginwaht uare odign kee ptryign keep

Put it down:
it was o ne of my best wroks!
to date
strt puttign it alldown so othth uahve a program in place to foolow ot suceed and be mreo prodtuve and
-takke pais ntake effrrts to pttit odwn itsi mp to put it idnw what u ud o what makes u uprodtuive
aefficent the ideasnadn thgotush immidelaty to papaepr other wise you forget! Later o nadn hten you
cant rmemebr what worked at tht htime what bebeifl system u ahd athth thime what I u ddiid nan
dfofolwed htth made u prodritve nadthen tis ahrd otrpelicate htth efficny produtiiveity and scuess! And
agin you can lose moemetum, and roll you are no longer on a roll thth is, casue u are nto
follwoignadnodign what u were doig nat hth time hth made oy usucesful and the reasn you are nto
follwongand doing si cause u nolonger rmeemebr or knw whatu u didi at thth time what bielf system iu
had wahthtigsn u follwod hth made u usucesful efficentn ad produtive thth is. You have forgotten and oy
uare no ogent doing it flwoign thth syemte its lie ktthh, what worked at thth item tht made u eficent nad
proedtuuve, tthswhy its imp to write down immidately thth wil slow htigsn down but u adnvce sloewly
but surely knwoign wahtu uare odign follwoign hthts making u aeffcent and prodtuive, beign aware r
occnios ad nreocgnizign ti andputtign ti odwn ot paper immidately beofreoyu forget. Whatu uidi what u
udofllweod whatworkedat thth thime htth u the programmgi nthth worked at t htiem tht made u highly
effective effient and prodtive and take action, wahth igsnu beilved in in your midnadn so on and so on.
-not all ideas are right ocnext is imp, for eg some ppl say they mae decisions in gut nadn instinct with out
knwoign what hthe result will be, well ths a bad idea as u uenedo to knw whaththe resut lwill be. You
needo to reah it a bit, the market hteh outocems of our buisennand os on before ogign itnto it how
muchrpofitble ti wile b and oso n.. itsi mp notto be ignorant and nblidly oflow t follow it if iit maeks
sensen to oyu and agree wit hyou.
Take extra effrt ot put efveryhtign down, soo thth uknw what oood nad follow, n uu have a program I
npalce to follow, soo thth what program to follow, yo uahve a program I nplcae tand htne yo ujsut have
t o feed it I nyour pbari nrgame your brain and floow the process tht hsi1
-work o nti to putti doen soo thth uahve a systes ma program I npalce to follow and oy uknw whaoto
otod oto succeed nadn yo uahve na ideas as to what u uneedoto od in oyur brian to suueed.
- u need oto knw whato yo uened oto od to succeed soo putit down
Put it down and hten put it all together organize nadn complie it prorperly perfectly stsystematically.

Richard Branson “I live my life by writing [them],”

My thought belif system etc..things I hav learn to ehlp me improve self iprovemtn
Learn form successful ppl:
Go to the sidelines and observe how they play know what they do, they have not reached therhe just
like that, they know soemthign, they have figured it out themselves as they are smart or they have
picked up and learnt form oterhs, tis imp to learn read their articles interviews, and so on, learn for
mthem vaabel advice leanr they will teach yo uhwo ot fish they wont brign you the fish but they will
teah uu hwo ot fish what oy uneedo to od to be successful hwo ot be and so on, what proeam to follw
oethcics beilfe system and so on. they are your inflcuen and mentors, your treachers thth ulearnt form,
and have an effect over ur lfie our action, they didn’t achhve graeth thigs nelarn form high ahchvers they
didn’t achvhe graethgisn just lie kt thth, they knw oosemthign what ot ood hwo ot be , wethcis wahtot
ood and what not ot od nad follow, they haven ot achvhed graet success thsjtu like thth they have thse
quailtesi ntehm , I ntehr ingariendi ntehrim idn progrmedi tnehrimid nthey kn whato ood cocnsiuly
aware fo what oto od inroder ot succeed. They didn’t reach whwhere they have reched jstu lie kthth by
luck, they knw whato tood to be suceufl. Tehyh have a set stsysetm a process work ethics to follow t o
increasetheir oddso fosucess luck is just 10% 90% is the beifl system thth made htem who they are.
you need oto know and figure out what oto od either studying graet ppl who ahvem ade graet
achvigmetns they didin to reach thher just like thht, they knw whaht to ood , thths why they have
eahcinved nad ncoaoplishedh tigsn intheri life , thth is high achehvers gfollwo htem, emuate them,
-learn for msuceful ppl and high achhvers, nto form pp lwho haven’t made a cent I ntehri life, they have
been ther done thth they know whato to od.
- when oy utaek in mrmerber it should maek sensen to toyu and agree wit hwhaht they say if it doenst
then proarlby it maeks no seso nto oyu then oy ushudnt ofllwo it same goes for any advne any oen
gieves to oy ulsietn be opne ot ideas buti it I doesn’t make sensnt ot oyu its iu pto oyu ot take it or nto if
it maeks sensn to oyu n you agree wit htit then ake it if not then doen.
-The program running I nyoru brain the software nadn the programming is imp. Tth will determenewaht
oy u do what uufollow oyur actosn nad outocems thth si, ahck in to ther brains hwo they think what
htigsn they bievlel I nits the beif l system e thth makes yo u why they do what ht hey do. Hwo they are
soo eefiictn highy l prodrtve hgigh achhvers wahh they do and follow, what maek thsem tick andso
osoucefu ladn driven nad mitavated and asceufl at whahthtey fdo tisi mp to knw and learn. So othth
uacan follw othe same praeamg andn blelif system. Cark the coden and the formual the proagm andn
the software ruunig n itnehr rbain. The beifl system and so n. work etichs nadnso on.
What to od how oot be ot be successful

Create a system a program to follow that wil lehlp you to succeed:

-you need oto know and figure out what oto od t be suceeful either u figure hth out uyrsefl or u learn for
mtoerhs or yoru parents tell u or u learn form observation, but its imp ot learn and figure out what ot od
, be recgonzie be cocnsisu nadn aware of whato tood m ake a cocnisou aeffrt ot wrds it, nto unciosuly,
or unware but knwlingly doing things thth will elad oy ot sucees.
-You need ot crease a base foundation a system, a formual for sucesss, hw oto be what to o od to be
suecesful and what nto to od, ethichs beifls thth u need to follow a program tth u need ot follow to build
, to be successful, to be highy lmotivatednadn driven, to be highly effent drven and mtoaivtednand
produiveits imp, and nhighly prodicitven nad efficient knw what u uenedo to do t o succeed
- make manual a program a software to succed hwo to be what to od to suceednadn so oon the whole
- oy unedo to have a system a processi n place to follow to maek yourself more eficent nadn rpdotiuve if
oy dotn have a system or a prcess in palce nadn dnt kwn what otodo then you wont be eeficetn na
prdctive or ocmpetnent and be able to perfrom ro funciton.

Program your mind:

-onceu uknw and have figured out htwhaht to od then basically ouu just program the mind you feed
thth program in to oyur brain input it iinyour mememry rmemebr what u uthsudnnshud nto do andn
never forget, soo thth u do it foolwo it take acito nadn execute hth program, ingairn it I ntheri mid nor
ma very young age, program them, it in ther minds, to the very core thth is! Soo tht htits theh ri ntheri
midns they knw I ntheri minds what uthey shud n nshud nto be doing thth programmignsi very imp
cosnisuly nadn subcocnsoiuly aware I ntehri minds whah they shud nnshsud nnt oeb doing. yo uahve a
program I nplcae tand htne yo ujsut have t o feed it I nyour pbari nrgame your brain and floow the
process tht hsi1. The program running I nyoru brain the software nadn the programming is imp. Tth will
determenewaht oy u do what uufollow oyur actosn nad outocems thth si,
ahve a systes ma program I npalce to follow and oy uknw whaoto otod oto succeed nadn yo uahve na
ideas as to what u uneedoto od in oyur brian to suueed.
-praogm mifndso f kids by tellgi tnehm, expalign to htem remindeign them feed ti in their brain ignrai nti
intehr linds prgrma then soo thth they kwn in their midns what otoo an what ntot ood and the rensgin
behind it they reguael tehri aitosn accordignyl
drum it into ur head , put it i nt o yoru head ingrain ti ino your mind hawat yo
uneedo todo then yo uare pregprgrrmed ot odi t nad fllw oit execute folwo the progrma,
the programmgi ni ynour mdi nsi mp thth ilwl decide yoru actiosn wahtyo udo1
ingriaendi nyour brain thth si progrmded as to what otodo and so oon!
Remind yoruslef nadoso n read re read and so on soot ht hudot nforegt, yo urmemebr its tehrh I nyour
mdi n memery what u uened oto od oy udotn ofret and soo u greguatel yourself accordingly nad nehcne
u u do it and follow it

keep i n mind nadn nenever forget what u uenedot odo and shud nt oto od ahchve ur goals feed i n

keep i nm ind waht u uened ot odo to maek thgisn happne! the does nadn the doents thth wil l maek u
super effcient nadn rpodcutive tht is!

feedi i n input i nmidn reemebr dotn forget

feed in input preprgremmd rememebr dotn forget!

Its as iif oy uare pre-pregramed and on a mission fixated on ti , its input , fed in your mind what your
misio nis thth si what your gaos l is what, what oy uneedo to od to ahchve oyur gaol. Yo uare on am siio
nyo uare preprgremd I nyoru mid nwaht your goal si msiso nis what u uened ot odo thgsi n uenend ot
odo to ahchve urogals

Keep I nmid nteh directives what u shud n nshud nto eb doig nt oachhve ru goal

Self regulation:
seld direction, sefl regaution and auto correctin! highyl self regulated

how oto be sefl reguatlednadn slef ontorlled:-

1) udnerstnd what u ushud n nshddutn nt obe odig nadn why thehr esonign ebhind iti reognzie ti eitherh
told by otherhs or learned oyurself what ti ti taeks nand wht u uenedoto od to suceed

2) keep i inmidn waht ushud nn shud nt be doig nand in n your mdi nadn memery nad so o on and dont
forget super alzer focus nadn so on preppraged adn none rtrack midn feed i ninput nadn so on

3) and reguatle oyursefl accorudngly by proocvignself regthgotush isntrucitisn adn socmcmsndsto ocntro
yoursefl stop uurseflform doign impsulvie thgisn adn maek u rlsef od whatu u knw i nyour sensnible
mind u need oto od!

-you need ot oconstly nenge i nsefl rguatlion, keep in mind mmeemry waht yo ushud nadn shud nto eb
doing rememebr dot nforget, feed i ninput program, soo thth its thehr i nyour mid nyo uknow in oyur
mid nwhat u ushud n nshud nto ebdoign, adnthen provide regaultory thgotush istnrucitosn directios
nadn commands to strerr cotnrol and regualte your thogutsh andn actions to stop oyurself for mthinkign
waht yo ushud nto eb thinking and make urslef think waht u uknwo u ushud be thinkign, and to stop
ursle form dogn otehrhtigns thth uknwo i nyur mdi n in ur snesnible memeory ushud nto be odign and
nmkae uurselfdo thgisn work and mp thgisn thth u knw uahsud be doign and t ostop urself do thgsn
uknw oinyour mid nu hsd not be odignadn maek urslefdo thgisn htth u knw inyour midn ushud be
doign, be self regautlroy, self corretign, sefl directign. u dotn need toerhsh to tell u u u knw nad
undersntd what u ushud n shud nto do and nwhy the reasoingi nbeihidn it soo u tell ursel ocentorl urslef
direct urself to make uru slef od it nadfollwo it

-kbw wnaht ne ot be ocntroleld nadn reaugrlted and unrelgauted free let loose free n wild n whento be
reguatledn andn asel ocntrreld out of oocntro lebahviour, ro let loose or outlet free ro hooliganism at
will, and knw hwotoot, whe n uwant to oeb creative have ideas andn fun then let oyur mind loos,e and
fre to thin kad ndo what uwant, whe nu want ot ogetthgis ndoen be proedctven and efficient hten
cotnro ur mid nbrign ur mind acitons hogutsh back I ncotnrol

- to be albeo to ocntrol ur mid nbe awawre fo teh th togusth goin on in yoru m mind, stknw whato yu
are thinkig nf owaht to think of, and so on, stop yourself form thinkg n of oehtehrhtigsn maek urself
think of owrk nad imp thgisn keep ur midn i nyoruwork and imp thgsi nnot put it else whehre yo ucna
think of otehrhtigsn thgis aat toehr tiems, not duing work time, also cotnrol impuslve thgotush thth tel u
to do otehrhtigns thh u knw in your esnsensible memery oy ushud nto be doign identify whats goin on i
nyoru mid neb mroe aware self aware and nrecognize cocnsiou of hte htogutsh impsve thogtush u get
telling yo uto do otehrhtigsn and be are of what uaure thinkig nfo meore conousiu nad less unciosuly,
unknwling tht si u are htinkig nbut u are nt oare thth uarewaht u uare u od it unciosuly, be mreo alert
botu ti, knwo whaot to o think fo what nto to think of decide whatot othin k fo next, lets htink fothsi.
cotnrol yoru thogutsh, if oy udotn enngageni nself reguatlio nyo uwill eb out of ocontrol
-is tht the reason for wrkinghard cauee it makes u happy? Cutth e crap thts bnot the reason for
wrkinghard u do it cato getthngs dun n wrk dun t achve urgoals n imp thngs in life wrk hard take pains n
reefrts n slog to get tngs dun, its like saying tht ppl go on the abttlefeld military cause itmkes them
happy or like to take pains as it mkes them ahappy thts nt wht it is,its u do it to achve tht goal tht u wntt
achve tht mission, tht aim tht objective. U sacrifice wrk hard not cuse its fun wrking hard is t fun n dsnt
mke u happuy its on the cnarty ppainful, u do it to get thngs dun n to achve ur goals n imp thngs in life.

U dnt wrk tas it mkes u happy u wrk to achve r goals n imp thngs

Wrk is painfull how can itmke u happy

Wrk hard take pais n effrts to get thngs dun nwrk dun

Spnd ur effrts on imp thngs not unimp thngs

Dnt be laxzy or u will get nothng dun get up n get to wrk to get thngs dunn achve r goals

Wht is the reasonor purpseo for working ahrd ? causeu ti maeks u happy? Nope to get work doen and to
achve ru goasl and imp thgis nin lfie, hard wrk dsnt make u happy o ntehcocnstry tis painful ladn

Be ccosntly ati ti and doing ti and working o ntit to maek it happen and to geti tiodne

Tthsh nt t her raeos nwhy oy uwork oy uwork to gethgs dneo work doe nhtht nneedso to eb oden to
achvhe ur goals yo uwor kto achhve ur ogals n imp thngs

Have a goal:
It allstarts with a mission
Soemthign t owake u up arly I nteh morning as u uk nw oy uahve to od thgisn achhve this ecxicites you
soemthgin to wake up ot as u kw I nyour mdi n u cant sleep as u ave things to do a purpose a goa lto
Thths what give uu the mtoivaito nadn drive to od ogreathtigns
Givei ua purpose meaning in lfie
Gieu u direcito nwhich way oy uwant oto go what u uwant otod ahchve
Ur goal makesu uwork ahrd everything u udo oy ud oti to ahhchve ur goals
Have a direction as otwaht ot oyo uwant to oodnot e be lost aimless anwderign around I ncircels ahvign
hno idea asto whato to od hwo to oditnad go about ti1
Ifu uwnat toeb happy tie oyur lfie ot a goal a miiso nnot to ppplppl will let oyu down and dispoaitn you
Once yu have a goal you have a purpose
The Mission:
The mission is to achieve your gaol, to get thgsi ndoen and work done tahth needs to be oden to achvhe
tyour goal and to get it idoen I record speed rate nadn tiem. That suhd be your mission. What u need to
do or acheve. Be on a mission to achhve oyr gaosl to gethgis ndoe nadn to get them done I na reord

Hwow to be focused:, wayst o be focused

-whatu uneed oto o do to stay focused on ti keep on odign and and coosntly at it iadn on to it and nto to
lose track wander, not to lose direction and perspective nd focus. Keep yourself o ntrack towards yor
goal stay o ntrack towards yor oal yoru destiantio nstay o nteh apht keep o nworkign and odign yoru
work and not get distracted dirveted for mti

-keep ur sight o nteh goal be fixated on it , keep ur goal I nmid ni snight what u na see ? I can seeo n
ylthe eye of the bird
-one track mind focused n one thing at a time only

-stay focsued keep ur cross hairs aim, target , keep in sgth hwaht uur gal mision is waht uu wnat ot
ooachve nadn what u uneed oto od to achve ru goals nand msision stay focsed adn fixated o nit
-say no to o toehrhtigns focus difrct ur time effrt enenery phsycail and entla resurces ot work and im
pthgsi nonly
- giveu ur mentla reosruces to work adn imp thgisn only! think fo owork nadi m pthgsi n only be awre of
thhe thogutsh ogin on i nyoru mid ndont think of unimp htigsn!
beb aawere ofo the thotugths ogin o ni nyour mdi nadn be i ncotnrol fo oyur thogtuh s hth is give uur
mid nto work and imp thgsin oly insted ofo fn onsens think fo owrk and imp thgsin only!
-stay quiet nadn focuso nti and ococsntrate o nti to doit and to getiiodne hth is!
-dotn think fo otehrhtigsn and give uur menatl reosruces to to otehrhtigns.
-you needo to ofucso n yoru wrk ot od it nad ot getti oden thth is! to get thgisn doe nandwork doen thth
-stay focusedo n ti and not distracted htht si be in it only nadn do tth only dot get distractednad nvierted
ehhre and thehr thth si!
-stay focsuedo n ti and keep o ndogin ti adn dont get distracted nadn diverted ehre adn thehre
-dnt be distracted ehrhe nadn therhe stay focsuedo n ti ot odoti and t o getit iodneand ot maek t
happen thth is
-u needo to eb lazer focused stay focsuedo nti and cocosntly be attii and doign ti if uare disrtracted n
diverted tehn yo uwil lgetn tohgi ndoe nthth is!
-when uaure foriwng u needo to eb i na very calm quiet nadn focusedn and metativestset andn ablcend
stste thth si gorunded hth si netihrer excited b y sucesss nor discoraged by filaures in a very calmer
sererne state thth si liek a lake ,and keep apdlign stayign odfucsed n odistracitosn in yourm idn quiet
calm more ocnnetrated nadn focsued stse thth is i nyoru midn and on your msision not get distracted
nto mcuh noise and disturbacne nadn so oon, ver y calm er ablanced nadn focused stse thth si , nto
exicited or elelvated nor lwow nadn depresed and dow nandso on, but itn s clamer sate! mroe ofocsed
stse o nyoru missio nn odistraito n s i nmidn keep it i nyoru mdi nwaht u uenedo to odo waht hthgisn
work u need ot odo and be i na mamdedaiteive and nfocsuedn adn lcemer andn quiretstste thth si! n
keep n doign your work and keep ondoign yoru thing hth si!

keep ii mid nwaht ru goal and misiso nadn iobejctives are!

and waht u uened ot odo! to ahchve ur goasl thigsn u uneedo to od to achvhe ur goals hthsi

stay focused o onyoru msisio nwaht oyru goal si waht u uwant to ood and achhcve dont be distracted
and ndiverted fro mthe nmsision! and the goal

feedi i n input i nmidn reemebr dotn forget waht ur goal ur msisio nsi

do woerk and imp thgisnonly! say no to other htigsn!

on misison preprgomrmard to acvhe a certai ngola or objective

in midn gaol msisn in midn as to waht todo wht to achvhe

feed in input preprgremmd rememebr dotn forget!


waht isi your focus your msisio nthgis nu ned oto ot odo gals to ahchve n nthigsn neededo to odo be
oden to ahchvhe htsoe goals!

right now my ofus is on!

waht yoru mind is on! keep in midn what uur goal and misiso nsi!

on ama siio n

Focus:its imp to not lsoe persepctive ro focus

keeep ur sight o ntehmssion the goal
teh diretives waht thgisn you need ot odo
fcosu o nimp thgis nonyl dotn do say not ounimp thgisn!

be areful waht oy ugive yor mental reouces to thoguth thignkign and memery to give your mind menatla
reosureces to wrok and imp thgisnonly think of work andimp tgisn onyl keep ur mid ni nwok and imp
thgisn only, ahve onyl work and imp thgisn i nyour midn i nyour mememry!

This ikid iis focus on a msiio n ad isntsen hth si !

adn has purpseo goal and so on

will help to refocus your min on whatsi mp put you back on track
as to waht your mission goal nad purpose is!
you need a quiet place whhere yo ucna focus no one an waste yoru tiem adnsoo n and distrub oy uadn
distract u for mwaht uare doign htth is!

focsu is the most imp thign if oyu are nto dfocused and you are distracted then you will get nothign
odne keep in mind what u r gaol is and also be awre of the toguths goino n i nyoru mid nkeep ur midn i
nwork and imp thigsn think of work and imp thgisn not unip thigsn! be careful waht u uthink of nadwaht
uu give ur midn to!

stay 100% focsudo nt icocsntrate on ti no diversaion wate of ime enenrgy effrt nadn distractionsandn
stay focused on your gaols nadn misison
- you needo to ofocus o nti adn occosntrate o nti if u are nto ofcused and u aredistracted oy uwill et
nothign odne sa y nto to otehrh thngs
-you needo to ocnscnetratenadn focsu o ntii norder oto to odit and to geit itodne htht is!
-srty focusedo nwaht to odo next what htigsn to do next waht wokr ot odoti next towrds achinvg ur
dnt be dstrcted sty focsued be cocosntly atiti after it and odign ti

-focus o nti cncetrate on it becocnstntly at it n doing it and keep o nworkign o nt icocosntnyl to odit and
to geti ti oden thth is !
-say no I have wrk to do imp thngs to sdo
- b e qiuet adn focsuednand gethgis ndoe nthth si focus on itococnsltreate o nti to doti adnto getitidne i
-dotn liek tlakign ti disracts yoi u caseu then oy ucant think of wht to do necxt oe r wrk n imp thngs
-, wen udo other thngs it takes your mind to other isseus uncesary isseus than t imp thgisn! r mind gets
distracted diverted to otehr issues, your focus cahcens for mwrok and imp thigsn to unimp htigsn, in
your midn yo uforget waht htigsn ui mp thgisnu ened oto do ti casueua dsitraction and dviersion! it
idverst nadns a distracts uru mid nfrom imp thgisn to unimp thgisn! u frget wahts imp!
-high levleof focus be ttoaly I ntoti th this your mind absorbed I nti fully only thht thing ofign on I nyoru
mind giveu ru mid nto it only and nd othth only on ot oterhtigns do only one htign ofcuson oen thing
only at a time

focus keep ur mind in ur wrk thnk of wur wrk not other thngs , therh things u cnathink fo at
aotehrhirtns duirgnwrok tiem think fo work on yl keep your mid ni nwork only knw whatu uare thinking
fo what sing o nin mid dotn waste item thinking fo oehrhtigsn unimp thigns ofuss keep urmid ni nur
--dont pay attention ehre adnn therh stay focusedo n t iadn coeontrate andfocus o nit to odit nad to geti
tioden thth is! ifu u are distracted u u will get nothgi ndoe thth is!

-say n oto to toerhhtigsn don’t do otehrhtigns od whats imp!

Other htigsn ucan odlaetro nat toerhhtime frst od whats imp

-dotn do toehrhtigns, say nto tootherhtigns do oyur work and imp thgsi nonly

-dotn give uu r emtnal reosruces to otherhtigsn thin kfo owrk and imp thgisn only

-if oy udo otehrhitgnsu aur disractednan yo uare nto odig nyoru wrk soo oy uwotn get anyhtign any
work doen , keep i inidn waht uaure hehre r for what uaure odig nall thsi for, what uur gals is whatu
uwantot oahchve whth tigsn oy uneedoto od to ahchve urogals be fixetedo nt ilie ka teremmenatior
dont forget iti be prgrepragend keep it i nmidn in corss hairs in yoru aim adn soo n, in focus and oso n,
dotn lsoe sight ofo ti nadoso n, on oyur mid nadn so on, your aim corssahris o nti on a misio nadn
rpepreagred thth si! casue ifi tis therh isn your mdi nony lthen yo uwil ltake actio and nd othgisn to do ti
if itis nto thehr in oyur mdi nthen oy uwont!

-keep in midn what uur goals is adn waht u uened ot odo to achvhe rugoals! otherh wise ifi tis notthehr i
nyru midn uwont do it! as u uahve lost trakkadn direction!

- -be foscuesdo nwhat uuare odign fi iuare distracted u wotn be workign adn u wil lget ntohgin oden


- keep i nmidnwaht htigsn u enen ot ood ad n wrok needs to oeb doen

now how ot oeb fosed waht do oy umean by focus?

focsu:- -keep i nmind wht wrkto do thngs to do twrdsachvn urgoals

-ccosntrate o nwaht uu sre doi nand stay totoaly focused o nti thth is dotn get distracted here and
ntherh keep ur mid ni nti focus on ti your aim target cross haris o nti o nwah u ut aure dogi nthh t is,
dotn get devaited diverted nadn distracted erheh adn therh thth si! focsu vsdistracion ocosntrate ont to
nti and focus o nti, say no tot ooterhtigns leave all otehrhtigns saside, identify what itis imp adn what isi
not, alve la lthth asdeie thths not imp all tth ucan do it later o nas well

- oy uneed oto focus on it and ncosntrate on ti to od it nad ot get tioden if oy udotn focsuand
cooentrate on and u uare disractedu uwl lget ntghin doen waht od oyu mean by focusign on ti ti meas ns
nto odig ntoehrhtigns ti imean odign thth only give uru mind ot oti only, taek it ifor doign ti and os on,
give uuratteion to it and os on! and n tot o otehrhtigsn thths waths called focusign on it it means
focusign direitng all ur mentla phsyical resutrces attneito neverhyign to o t oit gie it all to it nad oso n!

--tiis like when theh enenrg isi idistpersedwhen sun rays are dispersed then the are nt oeffective but
hwen thse rays are rofusedn adn ocsntraeted o nsoemthig nat a poitn under th e amg galss then thyey
are mroe effetiven and instse and hths why yo uneed oto fus on ti , give all oru attntio nt oti eteverhtign
to it, take it for doign ti giveu ur focsu metla phsycal enenrgies ot oit nad so on, thth si gvie uru focsu to
it and os oncontnrat and nfocus o n on hign tht hsi to od it nad ot geti iodne th hsi!and dotn get
distractedo ro diverted hehre nan thehr to otehrh tigsn hth sii!

-sit idown adn ocosntrate nadn focsu o nti ot od it nad ot geti tiodne dont pay attentio nehren nad ther
gvie all yoru focus nadn attnetio nt otit only thth i

--fi yo uare distracted nadn veirtedn adn if u udotn focsu o nti then u will get nothgin doen!

Stay fcsoued remember Keep in mid nwaht oyur gola annad mission si and what things you need to do
to ache ur gaol “things to do” and thth u need ot aget thgis ndoe nfast I nreocrd sppedand ntime
-elarn t idistingiush recognziewhat tis im padn what is unimp and focus give uru tiem effrt enenrygy to
work and imp thgisn and meatnal reurces physcla and nmeantl energy ot owork and imp thgisn! Not ot
unimp thgis nthth will brign u no nebebfti gai nor progress.

-keep ur mid ni noru wor kadn imp thgis nthink fo work and imp thgis stop urself form thinking nof
unimp thgis n tknw whatu uare htinkig nfo focus yor mid no nimp thgisn
-do work and imp thgis nsay not to ootehrhtigns unimp thgisn

Be obsessed and carzy about ti od it obsessively

Plan what Work to do:

If you fail to plan you paln to fail
Plan & strtegize:
THink of what work to od next towrds achivng yoru gaols, to ahceive your gaols that is! consltl b htinkign
of hwat work to od next towrds achvign your gaols, make a list plan soo htht u know hwato to od and
oso on!
soo htht yo uhavep lanend what o ood next nad you know whato to od next towrds ahivng yorugaosl ,
its thehr i nyour mid wanth oy uneed ot odo to ahchve oyur goals nad so ooy uget ot owork and take it
for odign ti as u uknw thth u have ot oodtihsi if you dotn paln and deicde then its not hther i nyour mind
waht uu enedoto od oyu haven o direciton adn dnohign to od nad os ooy uwill only end up wastign your
time! thath is!

Make a to do list! Plan what Work to don getdun towards achvng ur goal
think and deide waht htigsn yo uneed ot odo and gett doen1
inroder ot ahhve ru gaosl tht is!
make alist nadn a to od list identifuy waht htgsn eed to get doen to achvhe ur goals!
Onc oy uget one thing doen then think of what yoto odo next towrdsachivng ur gaols to do lsit isvery

“the crucial part of a to-do list is in the name — you need to actually DO the things on your list,” says
amek a llsit write down what you need ot odo the work oyu neeed to ood an d get down towards
ahcivng rugoals

think fo waht to od next

cocosntly be thinkign what to od next towrds achivgn urgoals andn mission!

waht uu nwor k u needo to od next orplan

think of owaht work ot odo next otowrdsahvign oyru goals!

think of what oy ucan do abotu ti!
think fo waht work ot odo next otwrds ahcing ru goals be oocnstl hyitnkign!
-think fo waht to owork on nesxt wah toodo next wht work ot odo next towrdachivng ur ogals thh is
Make a to do list n thts wht ur tthht ur miiso nbe ao na msiio n directive to otget thsoe thgisn dne nad ot
follwo the orders and to achhve ur goals andn mssion!

think of whato to od next waht actio nto take next towrds achign ur gaol
nwaht to odo next what htigsn to do next waht wokr ot odoti next towrds achinvg ur goals!

wht are yo udoignand workign on!

what are oy udoign about ti?
to ahchve ur ogals
actio nexeution!
Thik dedce waht to work on next wahthigsn to odo next towrdachvign ur goals thths imp ifu udotn
decde yo uwotn do anyhtign nad u wnot achhve ur ogalsu uwont get anyhtign doen whats needed ot be
doen to ahchve ru goals nadn yo uwill waste tiem idlign or doign othehritgns or dog nothign

decidie whath thgisn yo uneed ot oo to o ahchve ru goasl!

- think of what work needs to odo and be get doe nto wrds achign urgoal!

waht next waht ot owork on next occosntly be eworkign thinkign waht work otood next rotwrsd ahcing
urgoals adn ndotn stop! onceu uahv finsihed one wrk thin kfo wah ot ood next towrdsahcivgn rugoasl
thh si!

-hin kof hwaht to odo next towrdsachivgn ur gaosl tht hsi

thnk of wht to do next wht wrk to do ncxt towards achvn ur goal.

-think of whato t oo next what work to odo next otwrds achivgn ru goals, make a paln whato to od next
and na strtegy hwo ot odo it and go abotu ti

Work Hard:

Be willing to wrk hard te pains n effrts n do wht needsto be dun for the sake of achvn ur goals, n to ege
things dun n wht needs to be dun to achve ur goals, focsus on wrkn cnrtinustly doin ur wrlk contnusly to
do it n to get it dun. U need to be constantly wrkn be constantly at it n doin it keep on doin it wht u are
doinwrk on it n be cnstnty wrkkn on it to do it n to get it dun n mke I hpn. U need to be cnstntly at it n
wrkn on it n doin it to do it n to get it dun n mke it hpn.

by bidoign ti ocosntly beign cocosntly ati ti and after it to to do it and to geti tioden thh is!
-by bidoign ti ocosntly beign cocosntly ati ti and after it to to do it and to geti tioden thh is!

-wrk dayn ngit hcosmtnsiuly nosnttop ot acelaerae eeryhtign to gethgis ndoe nadn to maek thigsn
ahpppe nwor kliek ehll to set weveryhtign up put urself invele urself fully nadn toatoly oin to ti on a
msiio nand tkaignacit o tntogethgisn doe nadn make thgisn ahppe n nad os on! soowork cosntosul
nosntop and day nngit t oamek htigsnhappen and ot gethgisn doe nthth is!

-be super intstnsen drivie urslfe hard slog to gethigsn doen wrok doen fast be isntsnte adn detemred to
gethgisn doe nadn work doen fast at a recrd speed nad npace hth tis!

-takek extra effrts wrok cosntostul y nosntop long horu to gethgsi ndoe nadn to get it ioden fast i
nreocrd speed tiem adn pace nadn eb o na msioioon nad oso n!

-itsn to easy heher is a lot oo f owork tht hneeds to eb doe nand get done! to achvhe urgoalnadn u need
ot oogeti t ioden fast i nrecordtiemacelarte teh rgperss of the wroks gettign doen and soo u needo to
owrk long horusnadn dayn ngith ot ot geti tiodenand ot maek it happen!

- u need ot oowrk liek hell slog work dany ngith to maek majic happne to gethgisn doen and wro kdoen t
oachvhe ru gaso l hth is!

-itssimple if u work 18 horusa day adn soem oen else works like 8 horus yo uwil lgetaek 6 motnsh t
ogethgsn doe nand thth epros nwil tkae a year! soo tisi mp to wor ocsntotsuly longh orus ato not jsut
gethgisn doe n but toot get thigsn doe nat a accelarted speed adn antiem to amke progres tht hsi! i
ncreocrd tiem i ngetthgis thgisn doen casue uur tiem si islmtied u uneed ot oachvhe rur gaosl faster adn
gethgisn doe nfasterh hth is!

-why u wrk logn horus nadn day nngith u od it] to ogethgis ndoe nadn work doen to acvheh ru gaols!and
o ot gethgism doen fast at arecord speed tiem adn pace avng sensn of urgnecy to gethgis ndoe nfast

n wrk like hell be cocosntly atiti after it and odign ti work like hell to make it happne
to gethtigsn doe nand wrok doen fast ur item si limtiedu ucant taek ages forever to gethgsi ndoen, yo
uahve to gethgisn doe nfast in record time speed nadn apce and soo slog work ocnositly non stop and
dayn ngith to get ti doen ast quci kadn now and fast and so on! and acelerate the progerss and nmake
great isntse fast progress! work like hell slog htth is! be ccosntly at it iand dogi nti ot od thgs nadn gthgis
ndoe nthth is!

-focsu o nworkig ncosntisuly be coosntl working on ti and godign tit to od it and to get ti oden fatst!

keep workign on itand doign it to odit and to geti tidoen and ot maek it happen!
be cosntl workign on ti and doign ti and takign action nad get after it ot odit and to geti tioden and to
maek it happen thth is!
focsu on workign cosntously nonstop and long hours!
-focsuonworkig nu needo to keeep workig ncostsuyl longh rus non stp get after it focus o ndoign yoru
htign and keep on odig nyoru work if focsu o nthth if u udot nwork noton it thgis nwont get doen and
nothgi nwil ll haeppn keep workign o nti nonstop ot ood ti and geti tiodne focus o nwrkign coosntustly
nostnop t o od oti and geti tioden gethgsi ndoe nadn work doen to htht need ot oeb doen to achhve
urgoals! dot nwrok about the reut ladn nout coeme focus o nwokrign cosntistly!

--yo unendo to beworkign ocosnyll takignacito ntake acito nt omake htigsn haepep nadn gethgis ndoe
nfocus o nkaignacito nadn cocosntly workign o nti and doign ti chippign and paddlgi nadn doign ur thgin
and work to makthgisn happe nwork like hell slog day nnyight be coocsntly atit iadn afteri ti and doig nti
t o odit and nto geti ti oden wit hthe inttnion and obejitce ototo to d oothgsi nadn gthgisn doen hhth
tneed oto o be oden to ahchhve ur ogalsl hth si! caclamly paitnlty keep chippignand doig nur htigsn nad
oso n keep chipping keep pdioign your hting nadn keep ogignnad oso n

- u neno to ofucso nworkig ncostnoiyl be coosntly at ti it and doign ti keep workign on ti and ndogin ur
thign to gethigsn doen and work oden and to achvhe urgoals nad ot getit idoen fast at a record speed
nadn pace,

-waht are yo uworkign o n twrdsachvn urgoals

-ifo yu dotn wrok on ti then yo uwil leget nothgi ndoen tkae effrt be cocosntly wrokign o nt iand
chippignadn tkaig nacito nfocus o nworkigncoosntly long horus chippig nadny ngith to do thgisngehtigsn
doe nan triygn to maek thigsn ahppen adn to ahchve urgoals thth si thigsn dotn ahppe non tis onw
dwork doest nget doen o nits own keep o on doign oyru htigsn keep wtti iad workign o nti nad oso n! t
oachhve ur goals focus o ntht honly!
- wokr to maek ur drms ahepe nadn brig nthem to realtiy nadn exsitncen tht his!
-kee p doig nyoru wokr contostuly keep paddlign calm adn lpadldlign lie ka duck to gethgisn doenadn
work doen to achhve urgoals! foscu ontth on workign cosnislyl and gttign and loto of thgisn doen adn
work doen thths hte goal to gthgis ndoe nadn to get it doen fast in rerd tiem and ot nto waste item

-focus nworkogn on ti onstouly keep at it idonig nanti and owrkign o nti cosntly nostop nadn ocostnyl
chippig nt odo it and ot geth htigdnen and ot maek thgis nahppe ntake actio nt odo othgsi nt ogethgis
ndoen deor t omaek thgis nahppen focsu onwaorkign cosntouly to oo intorder ot ogethgis ndoe nand
wrok doen th need ot oeb doen tkaign aioctn t ogethgis ndoen to ahhvve ur goals thh tsi and to amek
thigs ahppe nto trun ideas ot realtiy!

- becosnstlty at iit n doig it nonstop t o get thngsdun n wrk dn n t get it dun fast to suceed tht is
-keep o ndoign ur thign and kee ptryign as long as yo ukee ptryingth thsi!
- be cocosntly workign cchipping paddlign focus n takig nacito nand be a man of acito n keep odign yoru
work adn ndoig nyoru thing nad ntritng nadn tkaing acito tn to gethgsn one and work doen tht needs
oto eb doe nt oachvhe your gaosl!

how will it happen?achve r goal get thngs dun wrk dunmke progress
it wont ahppen liek thth o nits own progress will declien ifu u dotn work ati ti
its onyl when u work like hell shut up stay quiet nadn work slog work cosntostilu longh rus dayn nyigth
work liek hell thth thisgs wil laehppn n
be willign ahve no problem workig nahd takig nstres puttign ruself thru all thth gruel andn dgrind thth it
iwll ahppen! Or ite iwl rpogres wil ldeclien if u dotn waork
whtat oyu put i nyou get out! i nteh wuvierse you get out Wwt u wrok towrds u will achve! sooo be
workign cocosntlyand dligently! you wil geto tu of hte unvers e wahtu uput in! wor kahrd drema big dre
and so on! take aicotn oput i nall thth ad yo uwill get wahtu uwant!

- work o nti liek carzy take actio nto odit nad ot getitioden and ot maek it happen hth is!
- be willing to work ahrd tke paisn effrts disocmforts to maek thgis nhappen adn to gethgisn doen thth is
neededo to eb odne ot ahchve urgoals
- work liek ehll work like carzy be willignto work ahrd to od it and to getiti doen adn to maek it happen
thth is! be cosntly atiti adn ndoig nti andworkign o nti to do ti and to getit doen and to make it happe
nthth is!

- take acito nt ot maek it hapepe nadn be cocosntly doig n it nadn workign o nti to od it and ot geittiodn
e thth si!
- keep workig nand takign actio nto to do thgisn gethgis ndoe nand amek thgisn happen htth is!

achivng ur gaosl is nto easy therh eis a lot ofo work to od keep workign to amek it ahppen1
thigsn to odo towrds achivng ur gaols!
dont do it laer or keep it for later do it now dont procrastiante work day nn igth to odit and gett ioden
now! nt later
dotn waste teim keep workign towrds yoru goals to do it and to geit ioden and maek it happen hth si!
have asensen of urgency to get everythgi ndoe nfast and easrly teh earler the better better early than
- and keep workgin o nti and odign it to do it and to getit ioden thth si!
-take action to get thngs dun n wrk dun to acheve urgoals tht is
-just keep tyign dotn give up eep on dign ur thign and keep paddling hthth is!

thsiisi snto easy how will all thsi happen? take effrts to oamek ti happen determed effrt ot oamek it
dnt care if it iwll work out or not keep trying!

-Actin isi sithe greatest thsigns tis what makes htigsn happen you can go around tryignt ifnd
formualsandn this and nthat ! the most im pformual ia acito nif oy don’t tatke cation nothing nwill
lahpppen1 spoo odo it take action! only then you can achvhe ur goals and ndreams! Yo ucan go on an d
on anda on abot uwahtu uenedo to od but if oyudotn take acito nntohgi nwil happen!

You needo to work ahrd take acito ntake effrt edavour to amek things ahpen ehtigsn doen!

worign arhd and oocnstly in ot it ! yo uwilleb happy if oy uwork ahrd!

Work maeks uu prosper! Makesu u ahppy
take acito nt oamek it happe nand ot odo ti adn t og et thti done!
Leave nosntsoen untruend!
You needo t be systematically working towards it keep working cooscntly, diligently persitnetly,
nonstop, stick to it hang on ti be occosntly atiti and doing ti, and stystematically adncanvg towards your
goal tth is

Be willgi tn to take effrts to achhve urogals no mater how hardi ti is tough it is leave no stone untred
take graet enaduivaorus in the pursuit of ahchvign ru gosl and ndreams Keep on doig nwaht uaure
odign, awrok ahrd enadvaour and ndtake agreat effrts1
adn wrk hard super ahrd!
Be willing to wrkhard
Get up n get to wrk dotn sleep andn alze around and be lazy get ot owork ot gethgis ndoe nand work
doen take effrt put I neffrtsn nad eenenrgy oto gethgis ndoen and work one to achvhe ur goals.
work ahrd and ntake effrt
consumes effrt energy be active alert eenrgtic willgi nt otake effrsn nadn pais nextrae effrts nt oeb lazy!

The hrder u work the ahppeir oy uwill eb

As y uknwo oy uare gettignclsoer to oyur gaols tth maeksu u ahppy
U are hpeful not hopeless uahope otahchve gur goals u are mre optimstiic cofndientnnad psotive
Not negative and pesismsitc
U are beig nmreo prodtive nadn getting al ot ofo thgis ndoen and work doen thth maeksu u relved nad
nahppy if thigs nare nto getign doen u are nto makig namny progress I nyour work beign doen and
headwyo u y feel stressed wreid in apnic nadn frutsred as nothgi nsi hapengi ngoin o n or getitign doen
Cne u ureach ur gaosl and achhvemetns hehr is no great feelgi nfo happens nadn stifaction
U are like work ahr d its worth it! ur chachvmetnsn success makes u uahppy after working ahrd
U have stiisfyign day after work hardign hard ullfilign day n u knw ur day was prodtuive u got a lot odoen
nad u are moving lcoser to oyurgoals
Oce u uahchveu rogals u knw hth it’s a siesn of relf u knw its worhthe effrt

Ifu uare lazy and do nothing then u will get ntohig n uwont maek progress achve nothgin u will eb sad it
s deprssvie for oyur mnealt health nad npsychology
Thse who sit nadn d othong they og crazy insane and seeandn menta health isiseus as they strt over
thinkgign nadn worrying and beocem incompetent lose momentum and have ot seep syhciatrists, they
feel lie klosers they ar awatign their life talents and so n, they are not achvign there goals and odign
anything wit hteir lives or monvign ahed in lfie or getitgn anyhwhehreh thth is they fell fruuetedan os on
not ahchignanchtign
Also nto have nmoeny to buy htigsn pay bills etc.. and struggle nadn suffer and cnath ave ocmfy lives

its good for yoru pshyic nadn psych

why? causeu u are gettign clsoer to our dremas goals when u work hard
u are makign progers ua re hopful tht htigsn will ahepn
you are gettign tghsi ndoe nadn work doen
u et moeny yo ufeel secure and so on1
u think tu are doign greathgisn wit hyour life1
u are ahchvign greathgisn u aregettign sucuefu adn ns oon1
yo ufeel lfullfemtn adn s on
arhd wokr is worht it
ti maeksu u happy
ift givie u ua stiifscatio n once u urchvhe ur gols
arhd work furits nanre sweet!
ahr wrk is painful but ithe ruits and rsweet
the ahrder oy uwork the happer yo uwill eb
the harder yo uwork the luker yo uwil lget!

tremndosu enenrgy
wkrign maeksu u ahppy!
bck at work!

focus o nworkign odig nwokr taking action wokrign cosntosily to gethgis ndoen if oy udot nwork nothing
nwill ahppne!
nto shy away for mworkig nahrdnadn tkaign extra effrt!
pp lare lazy they dont want too to do manyhtigsn cause odign thgisn takes effrt paisn

and discomfrt
nto shy away for mtakign effrts and doin a loto of thigsn yo uahve ot osepdn

eenrgynand oso n1 be active alert nand enenrgetic!

not be shy to otkae extra effrts nad go the extra mile!

workign ahrd makesu uahppy meantlly psychologically!

ifu uare lazy yo uwil lahven o meoyn and felel uarne ot odignanyhtign with oyur life

ists detrmemantal to oyur mentla health u dotn asucuedahdhhhveve anyhtign wit hyour

lie nad oso n1

waht idid oy ulearn form your father?

he loved to work adn he was happy!
he was a happy man he wasnt one of htose guys who was i ntheir psycharist every day
i say waht do oy udo?
my father was a worker he never had ot go ot othe psychatrist!
my fatehr was aworker if oyu work oy udotn neeahve to go ot o a psychatrist asu uahve

no tiem for otehr htogtsh and worries!

my fatehre was a worker and he lved to work hed wor ko n satrudasay
hed work on sundays
he sut liked it

-tkae effrtso toto od itand ot geit ioden be oconstly workign o nt iand doign it to odit nad ot geitioden

-all firedup take action toodit and to geit iodenand ot maek thisgn happenthth is!
keep o nworkign o nt icocosntnyl continusly be at it n doing it to odit and to geti ti oden thth is !
itsi mp to tale hte exatra effrts!
no hsort utcsts tht hsi!
take the dextra gruel grind nad neffrts htth si!
ppl are lazy they odtn wnat oto tkae the extra effrts go the etra mle
d many htgsn why? cause it takes paisn and effrts! discomfrt
be ilwlign to go the extram ile not be afrd t wor kahrd
nt be i dotn maifnd workign ahrd tkaig nthe extra effrts!
adn strife nadn struggel htht is!
he wouldahve fu ntoo but affetr fun he would go oto work he sut liekd ot owrk!
hed ogo andn chcek o nhsi projectsn adn work!
and he jsut lved it!
i watched him bea happy man! andwork
why workign ahrd maeksu uahppy! whrher as not will make usad
he worked unitl he was 93 he was 93 2hen h e died!
and i isaid ot myself thths a pretty good formula for sucess!adn ahppines
aseu i ahve a lto ofo frends they take vacatiosn for 6 weeks andn 8 weeks and 3 montsh
adn they are nenve r happy
soo iwatched my fatherh
so i like to work!

i ahev no problems takign paisn effrts nadn discomfrtnadn going the extra mile!

take acito nno exciiese amek it happne

- be on the go!
- all tkalk wastign tiem and no action!
take acito nt o gethtigns odnenandot maek it happen and tlak less thhst i!
- be i nteh aciton! whehreh the aciton is put urslef otu therh h i naciton
put urslf otu htherh fodowhat thety do execute

get up adn get oto work take paisn,s truggles strife and effrts to a achhve ur goals!
work ahrd tkae effrts its worht it!

- work otwrsit wrokign towrds it to odit nad ot geit iodnenadn to maek it happen
- i woodtn want execuuses or wastign tiem i want ot omaek it happen

dotn be lazy and get comfy and nrelax adn be easy ay id bakc learn to be to tkae
effrts and nstruggles strifen and pain thht is wor khard discomrft and ntkaepians hard

owrk is painful but hard work makesu u ahpy! casueu uget htigs ndoen, yo uget moeny

oyu feel secure, you achhve ur gaosl it gives uu a snesn ofacomplsihment scurity
achhvemetn ascuess when u uhapienswhn u uahceveu ur goasl and wvevnen when u are

owrkign ahrd causeu h uu gefeell hopeful whe naure workign aherdnadn doign ti yo uare
happy y ou are beign prodtuive gettign a lotofo thgis ndoen work doen and gettiintg

coloser oto yur goals hardwork makesu u happy! yo uare inchign clsoer fgetitign clsoer

ot oyur goal when u work ahrd

if u are nto workign then yo ufstrt eelgin sad as u uare not getttign anyhtig ndoen u

feel liek l oser hopeflell furstrated no fuueur nadn soon! disispaoitned diprresed

ntohgi ngoign o nforo yu, not ahchvign ur ogals or getitign clsoe oto yur goals and

oso n, adn eell insure no meoyn nad oso n, sno security adn soo n! u feel dieeppres d

it hurts you, u feel furrtraedl ie ka lsoer as ifu uare not ogign anywheren to todign

anyhtgin with your lfie wsistng uru lfien dan tlalentsn nad oson! nto getitign

nayhwere hth t is!

wor kahrd to getwhehre oy u wnt to

my father was a worker he liked to work a lot! and i saw him growign up he worked hard

he was a worker he liked ot owork and he was ahppy! working, he worked tilel eh was 93

where as i saw hisfrineds they used ot tkae long vacations 8 weeks 9 weeks vacatiosn

and they were sad and depressed, soo i liek ot work to it maeks me happy yo usee

workig nwil maek you happy causeu u get a lto ofo thgis ndoen! work doen, yo uachhve

great higsn yo umake progress yo ufeel seurcre yo uearn nmoeny and os oon, where as

wehn u take a vacion then you are nto gettign thgsi nddoen not makeign proegress! not

odign anyhtign iwith yoru life you feel fruetatednadn like a loser nadn isneure alsoo

he never had any psychaitric issues causeu eh workd an emty mind is a devlis workshop

u go crazy when u dotnwrk! yo ucan becoem crazy if iyo udot nwork! causue hten yo

ustrt thinkgi nf ooetherhitngs unim pthgisn! and soo i liek to work it akemks me happy

to, it hives me a sensn of accocoplsihemtn fulfillemnt! achemetn! thh itgot a loto of

thgisn doen sucessm, secuirtty feelign of securiy! sucess thh igot a loto of htigsn

doen and work doen! adn achhved great thigsn! hard work wil amek u uahppy its worhti

t! casuethe achhvemetns nadn frutis of ahrdwork make u uhappy!

kick yoru self otu of the bed adn make urslef get up and geto to work!
get up adnget to owrk to gethigsn doen and wok odne tkae paisnand effrts!
to get thgisn doen and get work doen!
not be lazy get u padn geto toowrk ot geth odhtigsn doen work doen nadn make htgsn

i loe ve acito n iliek to be i n the action! o nteh go thth is!

adn iwllgi tn work hard take effrt andn esepnd enenrgy and do all th thhena to ache ur goals
fun wokrign ahrd an love workign ahrd nad beign i tne hacito nlife would be boirgn
wrking takingaction rthingsgoin on, enjoys odign ti and finsds ti exicitngnadn enntertiang thtsi!

high enenrgy active ai nteh aciton

nto shy away for mtakig neffrts nadnwrkign ahrd and be i nteh action

effrt enenput in ergy nto be lazy go the extra mile1

the harder i work the lukier i get!
leave no stone untruened nto eb lazy!
to maek ti happen
yo udotn haachhvegraet htigsn jsut lie kthth
thgisn jsut dont fall i nto yoru lap!
youahve ot otake actio nwrok try hard hth is!
otehrwise it wont happen thigsn wont get doen
progres wil ldeclien if oyu dont work otwrdsti!
be willgi nto put i nteh enerngy take effrt
take the heffrts nd nthe paisn
adn intitaives tth si!
sepdn nenergy fogo the extra mile work ahrd nto be lazy love oto wwrk ahrd enjoy

workign arhd
take effrts nt oeb lazy tht hsi!
o neh move on the go high eenrngy and so oon!
take extraefrts thth is be high enenrgy
work liek hell
weh nu work ahrd yo ufeell ahppy its satifyign feelign cause weh ueteh sweet ruits o

bewillgi nt owork hard take effrt put in not 100% but 200% effrt!
dowaht it it tkaes o the extra mile!
be willgi tn owork ahrd slog dillgietnly tirelessly even if uaure tired work work work
slog day in and day otu to amek ti happen nto eb lazy bw we willgi tn ottkae the etra
spend enenrgy thth is! psuh ahrder og the extra mile!
hardwork its worth it!
oy ushud nto shy away

you needo to eb willign t owrk hard leave no stne untruend to wrds achinvg rugoals
thth si work super hard be willign t owrk ahrd do the grind take the efrt thth si

he works hsi ass off he work s long hours cocnsttly dayn n gith slog work liek hell! be edtermrmed ot o
od it and tkae actio nadn to odit and ot geit tioden nad slog nand work liek ehrll thigsn dotn happen
unless yo uwrok! and tkae acito nand u uare oococnstly workign to maek it happe nand to get higsn
doen! io nthe contnrsr ur progress iwl l go down if uudotn wrok! ht his work in on thigsn progress
ahppensn adn thigsn get odne only hwe n uoconstly work o nit!

as he put it "thgisn dotn ahppe nliek thth oit they hapen onyl wehn u work liek hell ot maek it ppan
isfact hthe rpgerss of thgis nfgetitign oden and na goals achved wil ldecline ifu udotn work"

"i lie kgetthgi n donse"

be ocosntly ati ti and workign o nti andn doig nti and tkaign cacito nto gehtigsn doen adnwrok doen to
achve ur ogals thth si!

focsu o wnrokign cosntstuly long horus dayn ngith non stop to gehtgsn doen thth need ot oeb doen to
achvhe ur goalsnad to amek thigs nahppen

take aiton to maek thigsn ahppen n geththigs ndoen and work doen!

3) he lieks ot ogethgs ndoen

"i fu uwork 18 horus vs yo uwork only 9 housr the nyo uwil tkae ahlfi tme to gehitgns oden than soem
oen who worsk 9 hours"

How ididi eon musk achhve soo much i nsuch a short item soo much progress of wrk?

and fudner ofo soomucnay campnies how didi he do sooo cu h isnuch a short span of time?

leant to otake pasi nad efffrts

hth si takign effrts nadn action to make htigsn ahpen thth is!

work constoiuly be ocosntl yatt iaddoignti to make it happen

focsu onwokrign cosntonstly to gehtigsn doen and work doen fast keep o nworkignand paddlign hth is
be occosntly ati ti and afeter it nadn workign o nti and doign ti to do ti and to geiti odne fand to geti
todenfast! i nrerd pseedn adn time

tke actio nt oamek ti happen!

itsn to jstu imp to ogt ogehtgnthgisn dun its imp to act fast n nget thgis nde nfast wrok fast thh is1 d o it
fast immdiately! urgently1 ahve snesn of urngecy!

act fast take fast action!

stay calm focused nadn quetyl keep paddlign takign action!

actio nexcution thgisn dotn happe nliek thth o ntheri won the progress fo the wrok beign doen and the
goals beign achhved will decline if uu dotn work on it!

wrk taek action to gethtigns done n to gethgis doen fast in rcord speed rate teim adn pace!

keep on workign o nit consotusly and odign ti to maek it happne

focsu o nwrokign cosntuly non stop coocsntly to od tis ngethgis ndoe nand to maek thigsn ahppen!

focsu o nworkign cosntly ocsntisuly nonstop with tu work ouy cant gethgs ndoen1

work lie kehll work costly take pai and effrts detmermed to work ard nad ntake ffrts nadn apis nadn do it
and get itioden work cosntly tkae paisn and effrts to get it dun

detmermed effrt determrmed to odit and geti tioden we wil lget oy uthehr and help u olkay! wro kliek
ehll to detemred to odo ti take pais nadn effrts wrok ahrd wrk liek ehll pt o dot amdn get tioden and to
amek ti aheeppn nadn edvaour ot gehtigsn doe nhth

dnt wate et ur tiem yoru tiem is limtied nadn ehce imp need ot keep o nworkign o ntiadn akignactio nto
maek ti hapepe nt oget htgisn doen fast to aceleargete teh rpogress of wrok ettign doe nadn goals beign
achvhed i nrecord speed rate nadn time!

work nosntop long hrorsu andn dayn ngith n nonstosuly to not just gethigsn doe nbut to gethgsin doen i
nreord speed arate nadn tie maccelrate teh progress of this ngettign doen achvhe great adnvcemntet
and progress i n a short tiem frame nadn tiem span very quickly at a high speed anad rate! caseu tiem si

be comitd to it n wrk diligently n day n night tomke thngshpn

to get thngs dun at afast recrd rate sppeed n time

accelarte the profreso f thngsn wrk being dun

focsu o ntakign acito nadn workign cosntouly o t get htigsn doen and work doen!
focsu o nw workign chippign csstpsnitly contiosuly work ahrd keep paddlign workign be ococsntly
wrokign to do thgis nt oehtigns oden to maek thgisn magic ahppen!

thigsn dotn ahppen liek thth on their own u need ot owork to maek thgisn ahppen t geth thgsn doen!

no mroe talkign be wquiet nadn take action!

quielty keep o ntkaig naction t maek thigsn happen nad gethgis ndoen tht hsi!

quety l keep o nchipping and paddling!

focsu o nworkig ncosntstuly yo ushud be u need oto eb workign cocosntly be ocosntly workign o nti doig
nti stick to it be chippign nsonst p be ocsntly ati ti and doign it doign yoru work to gethgis ndoe nadn
wrok done andn maek hgisn ahppen to achvhe ur goals hth si!

Keep on workign ocsntosuly nonstop

taek action to get thgis ndoen and ot geti tioden fast in record rtiem

wrok long ohorus and ocsntosuly to gethgis ndoen fast at record speed rate and tiem!

take aciton stay focsued just keep workgnocosntly non stop day nn gith toerwrds ahcivgn ru goals and
waht u uwantto oahchve thth si in lfie!

keep working lon horus nosntop ! to amek it happen!

take actio nthigsn dont happen like th unhave to owrk on it keep on workign to gethigsn doen toget
work doen to amek thgis nahpne!

hings not happn liek tth wrok doesnt get doen liek thth

yo uahveto work nonstop long hotusr wor kn ti to get it idoen adn to make it happne!

fcosu on wrkign cocosntly andn wrkign ahrd be cocosntly atiti and doign ti t getgis ndoe nthth are
needed ot be doen t oachvhe ur gaols

dotn sleep adn idle adnwaste tie m o uneed oto eb workign cosntously dotn wste tie mi nunprodcitive
thgisn u need ot obe workign constostuly nonstop nad nlogn horus focus on owrkign coensouly wrok like
h elel inroder to gethgsi ndoe nadn wrok doen tht needs to be doen to ahchve ru goasl

waht are you workign on now?

htigsn dotn ahppen liek thth o n htei r own! you need to owrk thgsn happen get doen goals aget achhve
onyl weh n uare cocosntly workign to maek ti happne

wrok like hell slog literall

fcosuo nworki ncosntluy uneedot ot be cococsntly ocosntly workign chipping be atti ikeep atiti and
bekeep o ndogn ti t o doti nad ot get it oden thth is!

u eed to oeb coocsntl owrki gn atakig naction n doign ti to odo it and to gettiti doen and execute ot
maek it hapen hth is!

let mem do all teh hard work but jsut uspprot me to maek it happen

be ocosntly nosntop workign o nt it a it i and doign it to odit and ot getii oden dotn wast etiem!

soo focus on workign cocosntly nnstop long hours dayn nyigth every second hpur be cocosntly working
be coocsntl y worki ng at it iand doig nti to get thgis ndoen to do it and ot get tidoen fast thht is!

keep wokrign o nt icoosntly ocntsotuly and nosntop do all the work to get t itdoen and ot make htigsn
happen and doitand ot get it ioden take paisn eb wilign to work ahrd take paisn and wffrts and
ndiscomfrt and nstrggles to make htigsn hppen to od it htigns nad gethgisn done and work doen and to
maek it heppe nadn achvhe ru goals tht hsi

actio nacito n aciton

be fast and be workig ncosntsotuly nonstop nad longhorus!

stay cal m and keep shipping chiping! htt hsi focus o nworkig ncocosntly cosntoiuly non stop long hours
andn day nngith! to maek thgisn ahppen! to gethgisnoen nad ot get higsn doen afatst

i like gettign thgisn doen and gettignthgisn doen fast

teh fruits are ahrd wrk are sweet ahrd woerk si bitter but the rewrd fruets are sweet

alzniness is sweet at frist but biter later as n rewrd

fcosu o nworkign owrkign ocsntly non stop nad long hours! wrk for every min secofnd and hour! be u
shud beb ococsntly odign yoru work be ococnstly workign atit it and doign ti to od i nad to geit iodne to
amek thgisn happe nto geth igsn doen and work done!n ge tit ioden fast

be cosntlly atit idoign ti and workign o nti ot do it and to geti ioden htth si!

focsu o ndoign the work work like hell lsg lietterally beb occosntly ati ti workign atakign acito nadn doign
ti to do it and t o geti ioden and ot maek it hapne!
focus o nwrokig ncosntlsy if uu dotn wrk o nti ti wont get doe nso otake it for doign tit work on ti to od
itand to geiti odne only hten the progressof ur work wil lget acelgrated ur goas wil eb ached fastn
adnwrok wil lget doen faster rate pace speednadn time !

als owork fast! not slow! wor ko nti and wro k fast immdiieatley do ti now nto later!

noprorastiante take t ifor odign ti now nand compeclete lti now

be ccosntly workign o nti nonstop and long hpours to odit nad to geit ioden and to maek ti happne!

wokrigncosntostuly nosntp and wrokign arhd wont kil u but bieng lazy surely will

caue heteh n u end up with t umoeny !

work liek ehll slog cocosntly be workign o nti and doig nti nonstop n tkaig naciton to doti and to geti
iodne fast!

becocosntly workign on ti nonstop day nnyight to odti and to getit itoden! n to tgetiti oden fast at record
speed rate tiem and pace

dnt wsaste ite mbe cocosntlyati ti doig nti adn worikign o nti every hour min adn sec to do tiand to geit
tioden thth si! mke hte most efcnt nadn rpdoutve use of the tiem tth u have!

be cocosntly atiti doig nti and workign o tiit wrk day n nigth and long horus to do ti and to geti ti doen
and to maek it hapn fast at a recrd seppd rate item and pace getthgis nden thth nee ot obe doen to
achvhe ur goals htht is

fcosu o nworkign coosnly be coonslty nonstop atiti adn dign ti and workign o nti to do it and t geti tioden
every min sec hour

work be occosntlyworkign at titi and doign it to gethigsn doe nthth need t be deoe nt oahchve ru ogals
be constntl at it after it into it n doing it focus on wrking contisuly non stop evry min hour n sec get after
in be conctntly at it doin itt n after it to do it n to get it dun tht is

i like gettng things dun n gettn them dun fast in recrd speed time n pce acceleraye the progress of things
wrk gettn one achve gret progress n adnvcmn in a very shrt span of time n do wht ever it tkes to mke it
happn tht is be constntly at i after it n ding it n wrkin on it tto mke it hppn n to gt it dun

dnt wsaste ite mbe cocosntlyati ti doig nti adn worikign o nti every hour min adn sec to do tiand to geit
tioden thth si! mke hte most efcnt nadn rpdoutve use of the tiem tth u have!

to ahcvhe amamzign and fast progressi na very short span of tiem by wokign cocsntuy lngh orus
nonstop dayn ny igth and every min hur and sec

think of waht to odo next be ccosntyl thinkign fo waht to odo next rowrds acivgn oru goals thth si!

waht are oyu wrokign on?

be osostnyl stay calmadn keep padlign thth si workign shipping chipping and din ti becocosntly at iti adn
doign ti

thin kof waht to owork o nnext waht to odo next

thigsn odnt appen liek htht things ahppn only itifiu work o nti keep workign o nti the progress wil decline
if u odnt wrok o nti

work csntly nonstop long horus to adnvece the progress ofo thigs naccelarte teh progressof thgis
ngetiign doen and fgoals beign achhved1 speedaccelarteion is imp!

wok e lie khell the speed in which u gethtigsn dun si imp!

thinkcoosnly waht needso t be done next torwrds achvign ru goasl thth si 1

nwork oden ot make it happen ushud be ococsntly workign nad ocsntly be at it iadn doig nt iadn doig
nyoru wr kthth is! to do it and ot geit iodne and ot maek it happen hth si beococsntly atiti work like hell
slog work long horus htht is! work every mi nhour nadn sec


be 100% fully ocmmitted dedcated deveoted oto ti give uru self to it! 100% to od oti and to git ieodne!
and stay focusedo nti tht hsi stick to it nbe ccosntly odign thth only be cocsntly nonstop working day nn
gith to do ti and to geit ioden and to maek it happen be a work aholi onyl the nu wi lgthetigns doe
namek thgisn ahpen and ahchve ur gols

be ocosnltl y ati ti doing it and workogn io nti too dit nad ot geit ioden fast

dreams dont coe mtrue wrok doenst get doen dream dotn wrok tiemll u work!

and takign accti on to amek it ahppen htth si!

Get up and getot owork ot gethgisn doen and work doen thth needs to be doen to ahchve urgaols

adn wr kyoru ass of rememebr work oyur ass of constouly cofcuso nworkign nosntop ot geth gisn doen
and to gethgs doe nfast in record psspeedn and tiem, cocosnrtret on workign work wor kwork to make
tigsn happen to gehtigsn doe ntake atio ne bocosntly yo ushud be ooccosntly workign nosntop every
secevery hour dayn ngith to wachvhe ur gaosl tht hsi an dot maek ti happen agbe ocosntly at it idoing ti
and afteri ti pt dot and to geit iodne hth si! and take actio nadn wrok to maek thigsn happne

bfocsuo n doin ur work be cocosntly workig nadn work on it ad keep on workign cosntsoily lnonstopn
long horus to doti and to geti tioden and to amek it happen tht si and make it happen ffast at record
speedandn apce nadn be highyl produtive!
waht wiare your palns for the week? nothgin jsut work!
work work work keep on worikign to oditand ot geit tioden andot amek it appen htth si1
u needo t have a siesn fo urgncy to ood thgisn adn gethgisn doen fast hth si at reocrdspeed in repord
speed tiem adn apce thth si!

dnt waste tie m and be wrkin cosontly cosnotuyl to maek it iahppe nto odit nadn t oget it done!

“I like woeerking I like getting thngs dun I sleep only 4 tp 5 hours” ether recrhing the bizness n soo on, I
like living my life not sleeping my life e away, u need tpo me the most prdutve use of the 24 hrs u hav,
wrk more sleep less

U shud be oocnstly working be cocsntly atiti and doing ti to to dit htigsnandgethgisn doen tth emend ot
oeb doen tachhve ur goals

Wrk like hell ot od itand to geit itidoen and to maek it ahppne

Wrk dayn yngiht nad long hours take acito n to do it and ot geit iodne and maek it happen
Be dteremidn to do it and to geit iodne and ot maek it happen, take detemrd effrt, be dtermed to work
ahrdtake paisnadn effrts, strong resove reosulte, to od it, firm not backing down a or goovng up
determed to od it fir undertaking to od it and to geti itoden and make it happen. Strong dtmermiantio
nresulte and strong undertaking orresolve

Time Factor:
-your lfiei si a race against itme oy uahve limited tiem soo dotn waste yoru tiem doing unimp thgisn,
lazong sleeping ,idlng or dign ntohign, give yoru tiem to work and imp thgsin only, b e care aasto hwo oy
uspend oyur tiemdoign what, yout iem si an imp rsurce leanr the vlaur and nimp of time, yo uahve
mlimted item yo ushud nto waste yoru item doing unimp thgis nht wil brign yo u any bebefit or gain,
fgive ur item to work and imp thgisn only. Dotn waste it squnder oyur tiem
Asu uahve limtiedi item u shud not ust gethgisn doen but get htem done fast at receocrd speed rate
tiem and pace
How to use your time
Create a routine and shcedul ad nfollwo it

You needo to og wit htiem tht his take tiem I nt oocsnidertio nfi yo udotn go with time, if u uignore tiem
then yo uwil lend up wasitgn tiem not getiitng thgis ndoen on tiem and oso n taking ages to ot gethgisn
doen, u ahveoto o og wit htime, if oy uodnt take tiem I nt oocnsideariton is a problem, fdotn waste tie
mdoig nunimp thgisn,
we dnt have tiem dnt waste teim giv ur tiem to wrk n imp thgisn only!
nn ot to unimp thgis u hav limited tiem eb careful as to hwo u uspend u r tiem waht u ugiv ur tiem to
doign waht?
its nto jsut imp to ogethgis ndoen but its imp to gethgis ndoen fast at a record speed adn pace thth si!
causeu ur iem si ilimtied oy ueedoto accelarte the sped and pae at wichh u gethtigns odoen is imp!

your item is highyl imp limtredn and critla give all your tiem to work adn imp tgisn, make hte most
peffcent usefu ladn rpductive use of the tiem you ahve be careful how u uspend ur tiem doign what!
dotn waste your tiem dign unimp thigsn tht will brign u no benefit or gain!
giveu ur tiem to work and imp thgisn only, to get wrok and imp hgisn doen and ot ahchve u rgaosl!

waht oy ugive your tiem to mp thgisn or unimp thgisn ,

time is not nver o nyour side, yo uhave limited time \
soo spend it wisely igive it to work andi m ptghsin o nyl to iet wrk and im pthgsin doen
and make max utilziation of the limtied itme u have dotn waste it
-dotn waset yoru item thinkign f otoerhtigsn, doign otrhtigsn, sleeping lazign idligndoign ntohgin doign
unimp thgsin, make the max tutliziaitonf othtet imte hth tu have, by gigivg iti totwor kadn imp thgsin, d
work and im pthgsin think fo owrk and imp thgsin, get u padn geto tootwork to gethgsi nde nadn work
-your ltie is limtied nadn hence imp be careful as o what yo ugive yoru tiem to andwhere your time goes.
-dotn waste ur tiem ur itemisl imtiedgive urtiem to owrk nad im pthgsin onyl ot get
work and imp thgsi ndoen, alotugh tiem goes fast, adn uavheno ocntorl on tieme yo ucnat stop time ti
keeps ticikig nhwo ever wahts isin oyur ocntrol is whatu ugive uru tiem to!
-dnt waet uru tiem doign umip thgisn ivie uru tiem t owork andi mpt hgsin only,
all thth sii unimp dont waste yoru tiem doign all thth, and riuin your time tht his!
you knwo i iahve goto work ot odo then why are yo udistrubign me? a wastign my tiem askig nme ot ood
unimp thgisn! stop forcign me if u uwntoto to odoti then tkae the aludry nan go do ti!
-ur tiemsisi limtied dotn wastei ti be careful waht u ugive uru tiem ot o gvie uru time ot work and imp
thgisn only nto ruin oyur time devote all ur tiem to owrk and imp thgisn only
-dvotegive al yoru item to owrk and im pthgsi nspend ur tiemwisely be carefu lwaht u ugive ru tiem to
thth si!
-dotn waste tie me makteh the msot produticiven adn efficent use of your time
- youhave limtied tiem and so oy ushud nto waste it oy uneedoto give oyur tiem to work and imp thgisn
to get work and imp thgsi ndoen thth is and achhve ur goals nadn imp thgisn i nlie! soo od nt wastei thte
imte oy uahve be cocosntly workign giveour item to work adn imp thgis namamge yoru tiem be carefu
lwaht oy ugive your tiem to oy uahve ltmed tiem so odotn waste iti give it ot work and imp thgns only
not ot unimp thgisn tht hwll birgn u no ebebfit or gain! give ti to work and imp thgsi nt oget work and i
ptghsin done1

-soo oy uwork every min sec f hte day as you knwo thth ur tiem si limtied, and soo oyur goal is to not
waste tiem adn make the most effcient and productive use ans amx ultizlation prodtive use best use
preper use fo the limtied tiem thth u have, thths hte motivation for working , yo uwork as oy uknwo htth
ur tiem si limtiedndn adn so ooy ushud nto waste iti and yo uneedo t make the max use and proudtve
uuse of the limtied time hth u have! yo uahev mlimted tiem adn soo uneeod t maek good produtive use
of i t nadn nto waste iti adn so ooy u work thh every min and sec inorder ot nto waste ite mand maek
max best use of hte limted tiem thth u ahve by giivng it ot work and imp thgsin! so oy uwork every min
sec and s oo nas u ukwn thth uhave limtied tiem adn yo u hsdu not waste ieteh limtied item thth u ahve
nad n y u need to maek the max effcietn prodtuive use of the limtied itme thth u ahve! soo u wor l k
every mi nevery se c of the day i noder to not waste yoru tiem adn to amek the msot effcent nadn
memangiful and produitve effcent use fo the limited tiem thth u have! thsht hthe motivation for wrokign
ever mi nand sec soo thth u dotn waste the limtied item thth u ahve adn u maek the msot effcnt and
productve use of the limted tiem thth uahve good usefo the limtied item u aheve! THe problem with thsi
ocncept is htth the reason for oyu workign is thth u wanoto to maek the most effecnt use fo oyru tie
madn rpodtuve use fo oyur tiem lof hte limtied thiem thth u ahve thhs the reaos wnhy yo uareworking!

well tth doesnt maek sensen! soo uare workign the only reaosn yo aure workign si causeu u dotn
wantoto waste the limted tiem u ahvee odign toerhtigns and u awnato tomaek sure u utilize ur tiem
effetnyl and maek hte most good proodtuve effcent use of the limted teim uahve htths the reaos n goal
or purpseo motivatio nfor workign every mi nsec well thth doenst mae ksensen ... u work every mi
nsecas u uaodnt awnt to otwaste a singe min and sec adn u ahwnat ot omake hte msot effcnt nadn
rpdcutive uuse of ur tiem thth uahve, yo usee the problesm wit hthsi is htth the reaosn for oy uworkign
every min secand nhour is caseu soo thth u dotn wate yoru tiem, doign toerhthigsnand y uamek the
moset prductive use and effcent use fo oyur tiem utltizaiton fo oyur tiem limtied thitme u uahve. maek
god use fo the limtied tiem u ahve nadn nt owaste it by workign, well shudnt it be the otehrway round!

-soo oy uwork soo thth u dotn wast tiem n maek produive usue fo oyur tiem
oryou dotn waset tiem n u work so thth u get tgsi ndoe nadn wrok done

dotn watse tie mdoign unimp tgisn

your item is limtiedn and every min sec coutns
maek te mst proeductive n efficent utilizaion f teo h mlimtiedt pcisou tiem yo uahve
use f oyr tiem by givign ti to work and imp tgsn t oget work adn imp thgis ndoen
time isi nto o n yoru side oy ucant affrd ot owaste tie

-Your tiemis limtied nad nehcne imp you get only 24 horus a day adn you lvie only certian years max 75
of thhat onyl certina years are produitve that is 30 years,

soo our tiem si extrmemly limtied nadn ehnce imp you odnt have etrnal tiem or forver, adn soo spend
your itemwisely dont waste it! give i to work and im thgisn only,

-make mxaimum utilizatoion and producitve use of the limtied item thth is 24 horus thth you have, touy
hvavel imtied tiem yo ugt ony l24 horus a day, soo u r tiem is limted nan hence imp so try to maek the
maximum untilizaiton use of the limteed tiem hth uhave, by givign it to work and im pthgsin onyl and
sleepign less onyl 7 horus, and so on and not wastign time odig nothrheitngsnandigivngm ax itme to
work and im pthgsin only!

-b e care ful how you spend oyur tiemandwaht yo ugive your item to, dotn wast eyour tiem, how are yo
uspendign yr day daoing what waht oy uare doogogivgn ur tiem to?

- your item si limited itsn to jsut imp to gethgis ndoen but also im pt ogethgisn doe nfast in reord get
work doen hth needso to eb done fast i nreord tiem spped and napce

-oyru item si limtednad nhence imp dotn waste it sleping lazing doing unimp thgisn, thinking fo
otehrhtigns unimp thgsin, idling doing othign, geu up and geot toowrk to get work and im thgsi ndone ot
achhve the im padn iiritcla thgis ni nlfie

High level of involvement:

-behandso ni tneh busiesn tootatly inoveld in it nad into it! eneanged I nti!
He isi handso n I nteh details highly inoveld
Be toaotly I ntoti absorbed in it

Work Smart:
-be reruslt oriented its nto jstu imp to work hard but to work smart , I nway thth will ehlp u uget the
resoutl you want and ahchve the goals
-stpidiity is doing the same thgisn overn nadn over agin intehsmae wa ynadn expecitgn difirnet result
- work smart- hw ot raise acoaial for buisen, busien stregeies etc.. location coaltio nlcaotion, mkea great
produt if itsn to graet pp ldotn buy
not jstu imp to work hard but work samrt if uaure wrokig arhd but odign dumb work thth wont gi u uany
gai nthen or grear ewerds the ntis no point!

Opporutunity cost:
-If oy udont act oy ulsoe opportunites nadn cahcnes opportunity cost soo act fast, so othth u odnt have
opporutniyty cost hth si cahcne givnse to oyu hsdu nto be lost! Tit doenst matter the resutll success and
fialrue what matter si I htht form your side yo uhsud act nadn try nadn keep trying, if oy udotn then
thehr is opportunity cost. If oy dot n act and dotn take acito ntehrh si opportunity cost you lose the
opportunity nadn chance tth s given to oyu! Soo take action or htehrisopporunity cost, dotn lsoe het e
cahcne or ooportunity thh u have and is given to oyu by god. Strive work hard try hard endeavour taek
cion take efrt.u have nothing to lose by trying and everything to gain. When u try terh are hcahcnes thht
uwil lgeti it or nto get it ibut when u odnt ry you wotn geti ti n uiwl lremain whehre u are nadn n ot
maek any progress and adanvencemnt. Keep working keep o ndoginwaht uare odign kee ptryign keep

Put it down:
it was o ne of my best wroks!
to date
strt puttign it alldown so othth uahve a program in place to foolow ot suceed and be mreo prodtuve and
-takke pais ntake effrrts to pttit odwn itsi mp to put it idnw what u ud o what makes u uprodtuive
aefficent the ideasnadn thgotush immidelaty to papaepr other wise you forget! Later o nadn hten you
cant rmemebr what worked at tht htime what bebeifl system u ahd athth thime what I u ddiid nan
dfofolwed htth made u prodritve nadthen tis ahrd otrpelicate htth efficny produtiiveity and scuess! And
agin you can lose moemetum, and roll you are no longer on a roll thth is, casue u are nto
follwoignadnodign what u were doig nat hth time hth made oy usucesful and the reasn you are nto
follwongand doing si cause u nolonger rmeemebr or knw whatu u didi at thth time what bielf system iu
had wahthtigsn u follwod hth made u usucesful efficentn ad produtive thth is. You have forgotten and oy
uare no ogent doing it flwoign thth syemte its lie ktthh, what worked at thth item tht made u eficent nad
proedtuuve, tthswhy its imp to write down immidately thth wil slow htigsn down but u adnvce sloewly
but surely knwoign wahtu uare odign follwoign hthts making u aeffcent and prodtuive, beign aware r
occnios ad nreocgnizign ti andputtign ti odwn ot paper immidately beofreoyu forget. Whatu uidi what u
udofllweod whatworkedat thth thime htth u the programmgi nthth worked at t htiem tht made u highly
effective effient and prodtive and take action, wahth igsnu beilved in in your midnadn so on and so on.
-not all ideas are right ocnext is imp, for eg some ppl say they mae decisions in gut nadn instinct with out
knwoign what hthe result will be, well ths a bad idea as u uenedo to knw whaththe resut lwill be. You
needo to reah it a bit, the market hteh outocems of our buisennand os on before ogign itnto it how
muchrpofitble ti wile b and oso n.. itsi mp notto be ignorant and nblidly oflow t follow it if iit maeks
sensen to oyu and agree wit hyou.
Take extra effrt ot put efveryhtign down, soo thth uknw what oood nad follow, n uu have a program I
npalce to follow, soo thth what program to follow, yo uahve a program I nplcae tand htne yo ujsut have
t o feed it I nyour pbari nrgame your brain and floow the process tht hsi1
-work o nti to putti doen soo thth uahve a systes ma program I npalce to follow and oy uknw whaoto
otod oto succeed nadn yo uahve na ideas as to what u uneedoto od in oyur brian to suueed.
- u need oto knw whato yo uened oto od to succeed soo putit down
Put it down and hten put it all together organize nadn complie it prorperly perfectly stsystematically.

Richard Branson “I live my life by writing [them],”

My thought belif system etc..things I hav learn to ehlp me improve self iprovemtn

Learn form successful ppl:

Go to the sidelines and observe how they play know what they do, they have not reached therhe just
like that, they know soemthign, they have figured it out themselves as they are smart or they have
picked up and learnt form oterhs, tis imp to learn read their articles interviews, and so on, learn for
mthem vaabel advice leanr they will teach yo uhwo ot fish they wont brign you the fish but they will
teah uu hwo ot fish what oy uneedo to od to be successful hwo ot be and so on, what proeam to follw
oethcics beilfe system and so on. they are your inflcuen and mentors, your treachers thth ulearnt form,
and have an effect over ur lfie our action, they didn’t achhve graeth thigs nelarn form high ahchvers they
didn’t achvhe graethgisn just lie kt thth, they knw oosemthign what ot ood hwo ot be , wethcis wahtot
ood and what not ot od nad follow, they haven ot achvhed graet success thsjtu like thth they have thse
quailtesi ntehm , I ntehr ingariendi ntehrim idn progrmedi tnehrimid nthey kn whato ood cocnsiuly
aware fo what oto od inroder ot succeed. They didn’t reach whwhere they have reched jstu lie kthth by
luck, they knw whato tood to be suceufl. Tehyh have a set stsysetm a process work ethics to follow t o
increasetheir oddso fosucess luck is just 10% 90% is the beifl system thth made htem who they are.
you need oto know and figure out what oto od either studying graet ppl who ahvem ade graet
achvigmetns they didin to reach thher just like thht, they knw whaht to ood , thths why they have
eahcinved nad ncoaoplishedh tigsn intheri life , thth is high achehvers gfollwo htem, emuate them,
-learn for msuceful ppl and high achhvers, nto form pp lwho haven’t made a cent I ntehri life, they have
been ther done thth they know whato to od.
- when oy utaek in mrmerber it should maek sensen to toyu and agree wit hwhaht they say if it doenst
then proarlby it maeks no seso nto oyu then oy ushudnt ofllwo it same goes for any advne any oen
gieves to oy ulsietn be opne ot ideas buti it I doesn’t make sensnt ot oyu its iu pto oyu ot take it or nto if
it maeks sensn to oyu n you agree wit htit then ake it if not then doen.
-The program running I nyoru brain the software nadn the programming is imp. Tth will determenewaht
oy u do what uufollow oyur actosn nad outocems thth si, ahck in to ther brains hwo they think what
htigsn they bievlel I nits the beif l system e thth makes yo u why they do what ht hey do. Hwo they are
soo eefiictn highy l prodrtve hgigh achhvers wahh they do and follow, what maek thsem tick andso
osoucefu ladn driven nad mitavated and asceufl at whahthtey fdo tisi mp to knw and learn. So othth
uacan follw othe same praeamg andn blelif system. Cark the coden and the formual the proagm andn
the software ruunig n itnehr rbain. The beifl system and so n. work etichs nadnso on.
What to od how oot be ot be successful

Create a system a program to follow that wil lehlp you to succeed:

-you need oto know and figure out what oto od t be suceeful either u figure hth out uyrsefl or u learn for
mtoerhs or yoru parents tell u or u learn form observation, but its imp ot learn and figure out what ot od
, be recgonzie be cocnsisu nadn aware of whato tood m ake a cocnisou aeffrt ot wrds it, nto unciosuly,
or unware but knwlingly doing things thth will elad oy ot sucees.
-You need ot crease a base foundation a system, a formual for sucesss, hw oto be what to o od to be
suecesful and what nto to od, ethichs beifls thth u need to follow a program tth u need ot follow to build
, to be successful, to be highy lmotivatednadn driven, to be highly effent drven and mtoaivtednand
produiveits imp, and nhighly prodicitven nad efficient knw what u uenedo to do t o succeed
- make manual a program a software to succed hwo to be what to od to suceednadn so oon the whole
- oy unedo to have a system a processi n place to follow to maek yourself more eficent nadn rpdotiuve if
oy dotn have a system or a prcess in palce nadn dnt kwn what otodo then you wont be eeficetn na
prdctive or ocmpetnent and be able to perfrom ro funciton.

Program your mind:

-onceu uknw and have figured out htwhaht to od then basically ouu just program the mind you feed
thth program in to oyur brain input it iinyour mememry rmemebr what u uthsudnnshud nto do andn
never forget, soo thth u do it foolwo it take acito nadn execute hth program, ingairn it I ntheri mid nor
ma very young age, program them, it in ther minds, to the very core thth is! Soo tht htits theh ri ntheri
midns they knw I ntheri minds what uthey shud n nshud nto be doing thth programmignsi very imp
cosnisuly nadn subcocnsoiuly aware I ntehri minds whah they shud nnshsud nnt oeb doing. yo uahve a
program I nplcae tand htne yo ujsut have t o feed it I nyour pbari nrgame your brain and floow the
process tht hsi1. The program running I nyoru brain the software nadn the programming is imp. Tth will
determenewaht oy u do what uufollow oyur actosn nad outocems thth si,
ahve a systes ma program I npalce to follow and oy uknw whaoto otod oto succeed nadn yo uahve na
ideas as to what u uneedoto od in oyur brian to suueed.
-praogm mifndso f kids by tellgi tnehm, expalign to htem remindeign them feed ti in their brain ignrai nti
intehr linds prgrma then soo thth they kwn in their midns what otoo an what ntot ood and the rensgin
behind it they reguael tehri aitosn accordignyl
drum it into ur head , put it i nt o yoru head ingrain ti ino your mind hawat yo
uneedo todo then yo uare pregprgrrmed ot odi t nad fllw oit execute folwo the progrma,
the programmgi ni ynour mdi nsi mp thth ilwl decide yoru actiosn wahtyo udo1
ingriaendi nyour brain thth si progrmded as to what otodo and so oon!
Remind yoruslef nadoso n read re read and so on soot ht hudot nforegt, yo urmemebr its tehrh I nyour
mdi n memery what u uened oto od oy udotn ofret and soo u greguatel yourself accordingly nad nehcne
u u do it and follow it

keep i n mind nadn nenever forget what u uenedot odo and shud nt oto od ahchve ur goals feed i n

keep i nm ind waht u uened ot odo to maek thgisn happne! the does nadn the doents thth wil l maek u
super effcient nadn rpodcutive tht is!

feedi i n input i nmidn reemebr dotn forget

feed in input preprgremmd rememebr dotn forget!

Its as iif oy uare pre-pregramed and on a mission fixated on ti , its input , fed in your mind what your
misio nis thth si what your gaos l is what, what oy uneedo to od to ahchve oyur gaol. Yo uare on am siio
nyo uare preprgremd I nyoru mid nwaht your goal si msiso nis what u uened ot odo thgsi n uenend ot
odo to ahchve urogals

Keep I nmid nteh directives what u shud n nshud nto eb doig nt oachhve ru goal

Self regulation:
seld direction, sefl regaution and auto correctin! highyl self regulated

how oto be sefl reguatlednadn slef ontorlled:-

1) udnerstnd what u ushud n nshddutn nt obe odig nadn why thehr esonign ebhind iti reognzie ti eitherh
told by otherhs or learned oyurself what ti ti taeks nand wht u uenedoto od to suceed

2) keep i inmidn waht ushud nn shud nt be doig nand in n your mdi nadn memery nad so o on and dont
forget super alzer focus nadn so on preppraged adn none rtrack midn feed i ninput nadn so on

3) and reguatle oyursefl accorudngly by proocvignself regthgotush isntrucitisn adn socmcmsndsto ocntro
yoursefl stop uurseflform doign impsulvie thgisn adn maek u rlsef od whatu u knw i nyour sensnible
mind u need oto od!

-you need ot oconstly nenge i nsefl rguatlion, keep in mind mmeemry waht yo ushud nadn shud nto eb
doing rememebr dot nforget, feed i ninput program, soo thth its thehr i nyour mid nyo uknow in oyur
mid nwhat u ushud n nshud nto ebdoign, adnthen provide regaultory thgotush istnrucitosn directios
nadn commands to strerr cotnrol and regualte your thogutsh andn actions to stop oyurself for mthinkign
waht yo ushud nto eb thinking and make urslef think waht u uknwo u ushud be thinkign, and to stop
ursle form dogn otehrhtigns thth uknwo i nyur mdi n in ur snesnible memeory ushud nto be odign and
nmkae uurselfdo thgisn work and mp thgisn thth u knw uahsud be doign and t ostop urself do thgsn
uknw oinyour mid nu hsd not be odignadn maek urslefdo thgisn htth u knw inyour midn ushud be
doign, be self regautlroy, self corretign, sefl directign. u dotn need toerhsh to tell u u u knw nad
undersntd what u ushud n shud nto do and nwhy the reasoingi nbeihidn it soo u tell ursel ocentorl urslef
direct urself to make uru slef od it nadfollwo it

-kbw wnaht ne ot be ocntroleld nadn reaugrlted and unrelgauted free let loose free n wild n whento be
reguatledn andn asel ocntrreld out of oocntro lebahviour, ro let loose or outlet free ro hooliganism at
will, and knw hwotoot, whe n uwant to oeb creative have ideas andn fun then let oyur mind loos,e and
fre to thin kad ndo what uwant, whe nu want ot ogetthgis ndoen be proedctven and efficient hten
cotnro ur mid nbrign ur mind acitons hogutsh back I ncotnrol

- to be albeo to ocntrol ur mid nbe awawre fo teh th togusth goin on in yoru m mind, stknw whato yu
are thinkig nf owaht to think of, and so on, stop yourself form thinkg n of oehtehrhtigsn maek urself
think of owrk nad imp thgisn keep ur midn i nyoruwork and imp thgsi nnot put it else whehre yo ucna
think of otehrhtigsn thgis aat toehr tiems, not duing work time, also cotnrol impuslve thgotush thth tel u
to do otehrhtigns thh u knw in your esnsensible memery oy ushud nto be doign identify whats goin on i
nyoru mid neb mroe aware self aware and nrecognize cocnsiou of hte htogutsh impsve thogtush u get
telling yo uto do otehrhtigsn and be are of what uaure thinkig nfo meore conousiu nad less unciosuly,
unknwling tht si u are htinkig nbut u are nt oare thth uarewaht u uare u od it unciosuly, be mreo alert
botu ti, knwo whaot to o think fo what nto to think of decide whatot othin k fo next, lets htink fothsi.
cotnrol yoru thogutsh, if oy udotn enngageni nself reguatlio nyo uwill eb out of ocontrol

-is tht the reason for wrkinghard cauee it makes u happy? Cutth e crap thts bnot the reason for
wrkinghard u do it cato getthngs dun n wrk dun t achve urgoals n imp thngs in life wrk hard take pains n
reefrts n slog to get tngs dun, its like saying tht ppl go on the abttlefeld military cause itmkes them
happy or like to take pains as it mkes them ahappy thts nt wht it is,its u do it to achve tht goal tht u wntt
achve tht mission, tht aim tht objective. U sacrifice wrk hard not cuse its fun wrking hard is t fun n dsnt
mke u happuy its on the cnarty ppainful, u do it to get thngs dun n to achve ur goals n imp thngs in life.

U dnt wrk tas it mkes u happy u wrk to achve r goals n imp thngs

Wrk is painfull how can itmke u happy

Wrk hard take pais n effrts to get thngs dun nwrk dun

Spnd ur effrts on imp thngs not unimp thngs

Dnt be laxzy or u will get nothng dun get up n get to wrk to get thngs dunn achve r goals

Wht is the reasonor purpseo for working ahrd ? causeu ti maeks u happy? Nope to get work doen and to
achve ru goasl and imp thgis nin lfie, hard wrk dsnt make u happy o ntehcocnstry tis painful ladn

Be ccosntly ati ti and doing ti and working o ntit to maek it happen and to geti tiodne

Tthsh nt t her raeos nwhy oy uwork oy uwork to gethgs dneo work doe nhtht nneedso to eb oden to
achvhe ur goals yo uwor kto achhve ur ogals n imp thngs

You need to have a process a system a frame work in pace a technique i noacle to help you perfrom or
funtion to maxeffceiny andn produtiivity:

The process system framewrk

1) knw whato your goalsi iwhat u want ot oahchve andn waht thgisn oy uneedot ood oto achvhe urgoals
keep htth in mind! what hts e optimziaiton for odig nall thsi to be sue ful ahve acreer directio nsuceed
and os on, maek soemthgin fo oyursefl, to ahve a good lfie, emnoguh meony nad thgisn u need imp
thgisn i nlfei to sliv ocmfrotabley, adn to

ahv direciton not be aloser or wasted nadn so n have direcito n in lfei whehre u can chaenlize yfocus
oyur skilsl tanelts enenrgy on, menatl reotuce isntelngnce knlewledge on, toerh hwise if oyu aodnt have
soemthgint odo and a direciton purpseo then u ar basically wasted! you feell iek a loser then!

-waht u need ot oowrk on thinkadn dnede waht to owork on

-thgis nodtn ahppe nliekhtht yo uavhe to work on thenm to maek thgisn ahppen and to get htigsn doen!

-stay focsuedo yoru gaol nadn msisio nadn dotn lsoe persepective htth is!

-think of waht work to odo next towrdsachvign ru gaosl, if oy udotn decde then yo uwat e oy uritem

1) The objective is to :

a) get thgis ndoe nadn work doen thth needs to be doen t oachvhe ur gaosl nad to getti iodne in record
tiem thths the goal and obejctiven adn agenda and maisio nthth is! tisimp to oknw whatoto nmeisiso nis
why yo uare odign what uuar odign, why focused why workig ndayn ngth cosntouly why? inrder to oget
thgisn doen and work doen and to get thgisn doen fast thths the opitmiazation! and to not waste tiem
thth si limtied itemu uthth uhave to maek the msot effcint proofducitve usue fo theh tiem oy uhave by
gigivng iti t owork and impthgsin

b) to not waste the limtied tiem thth yo uahve 24 horus thth u have nadn give your tiem to work ad imp
thgisn only! ctiriitcla thgisn oyl thth will ehlp u uachvhe the imp criitcla thgisn i nlfie, dotn waste time
dogi nunimp thgsn tht hwill brign u no bebefit or gain!

keep this in mind!

-to achhve this you need to:-

a) bE fcoused

b) be self-reguatled, self controlled

c) wok hard lon horus day nn igth cntsouly to gethtigsn don e thth need oto eb doen to ahcvhe ur goals
nadn to ahchve urgoals. take effrts adn oso n be actie alert nadn enenrgeticnadnso on . focsu o
nworkign coconsnsntly nadn cosntiuly and keep chippignnad oso n take actio nt ogethgisn doen wrok
doen nad to amek thigsn happe nthgin odnt happpen liek thth on theri won oy uahve ot owork ahrd
take effrts, work to gthgisn doen waht are yo uworkign on!

d) be dtemrmed ot od it nad to geti tiodne

E) give your everyhtign midn body heart soul moeny everyhtign to it

f) put urubest efrts 0100% effrst i nit fiigive it your all

g) have haigh ellvel of inveolment i nti be totaly lasot in wahtu uare doig nadn into ti thth is

h) dotn wastei tiem oy uahve limted tiem resoruce fgivie uru time ot oowrk and im pthgsi nonyl to get
wok r nadn imp thgsi ndoen

i) have a sensen fo urgenc y ot ogethgisn doe nfast as tiem si ilited u uact take acges o to gethgisn doen
yo uthink uahve tem but oyu really dont1 tiem goes fast!

j) dotn preocrasteinate doti now take it for doig nti now

whtat oyu put i nyou get out! ur htogutsh deresyoru action yo udesre dream adn wrok towrds i nteh
wuvierse you get out!


-goo ont oahchve greathgis nbuild greathgisn

-thsi has got nothgitn ood with ti wrk menas bueisn on a misio nti measn sruvuval, wor kadn play nadn
enjyment are two diffrnenthgis nweh nure on work mode it measn u uare n a msion uare odign ti for
oyurself and to suceed achhve greathgi nnadsee how mcu hu cna ahchve nadn waht is tneneded ot
suceedn and so on! teh recie for osuces i nanyhtign yo udo!

- ahve diriecio nperspective to o focsu ur skills isntitos nenenrgeis on thth si!

critical ladn crucial thgisn i nlife only sneseible thigsn only and all unimp hgisn goaside ucnessar htgisn
go asdie! focsu only o nthe imp adn dotn wase tiem odign unimp thgsin, also , spend your tiem iwsely
be careful how oyu spend oyur tiem doig nwhat waht u ugive your tiem to that is,

-adn totaly in to it thth is1

--the speedandn pace at whci h ugethgis ndoen si imp oy uneed oto not jsut getthigs ndoen but also
gethgis nde oen fast in record item htth si yo ushud getit ioden in 13rd the time it twould take otehrs tto
getit ioden how? by workin long hoursn and ahrder than others so oas to get t it oden dfast adn and at
record speed tiem and pace and ot accelearte the prorgess fo thgis nand work gettign doe nthth is!

- ythe goal si nto jsut ot gethigsn doen and work doen but ot gethgis ndoen fast at recrd speed tiem
pace inacelrated way soo uneed oto owrk long horus work day nngt h and get after ti to geti ti doen
fast at a reord speed and instse speed nadn pace thth is!

- whehr ithehr rsis awil terh si a way be dtermed ot od ti adn to geit ioden tht his!

n to maek t happe nand u will break thru an budge thru the obstavlcesi nyor uway1

The aerluer u get it dun the better

nooo way y dotn give up adn work liek hell to maek it happen!

-ave biz ideas

-go and directly strt campneis bye o na s coampyn strtign spree
-raise maoney captila
-empoy team adn nppl an dlelagte to pp t to pdp do tghsin1
namek oyur ideas hapen!

-yo uownt get wor kdone, and im pthgis ndoen if yo uwaste tiem adn yo uput yorusefl inovel ursel, in
oehre unimp work! not onyl will y u be distracted form imp work as ur midn goes ntoerhhtigsnand oyu
lsoe focus dvietion ur midn gets diverted and yo uforget abotu work but and get distractednan diverted
isnted of ibngle minded focus but yo uwill also end up losign tiem adn wstign tiem, adn nto get wrok
and im pthgsi ndone. "aap mujhe distrub kar rahe hoon, yeh mera sochne ka tiem hota hai aap baat kar
ke mujhe distrub karto hon, i cnat thiknk waht ot odo next or waht to oto do"

-ifu uwnato t osueed in lfie htth u need ot be selfish not selfles causue ifu uodtn think for uslef who
will, god has given all beigns a brian animlas teth nails etc. .adn otehr abiltiest o porotect themselves
save thisemsves, look after themslvs and so on so otht hthey cna surivie, soo think of yourlsef nadn for
oyurself, and say fuk yo u to th e world odtn waste item i ndistractiosn and wahts ogign o ni nthsi world,
tink onyl f he thgisn thth will ehlp u and will help uau hahchve ur gaosl and imp thgsi dotn watei item
adn ndget distraed yb the goin on s i nthsi workld htth are o no releeanceto oyu, adn wont help u au
mae ur life nadn achve the ip thgsi ni nlife,

dotn get distracteddevaitednand iverted, wen u ugo oto help otehrs u ned up sacrifisng surrfferifngn
ndn alosign. adn when u need help n o one will ehlpu, soo thin kfor ueslef htth is

-you needo to enange i nself regautlion to maek thigsn happnen! to ocntrol yorusefl thth is! and make
urslef do work and impthgisn!

-dont ot odo unimp thgisn u can do oehtehrhtigns late r o nat otehritme dont waste tiem u can do al tht
alter leave al ltht aside frst owahts imp!

-keep ouurm id ni nwork and imp thgsi nthnk fo work adn imp thgisn
- remebr keep i nmidn what u ushud nadn shud nt be doign

- I itoo ka break soo thth icoud solve me socla anixety problems so otht icna put myslef otu htehr hth si
and fucstio nadn eprofrm andn dot be feell werdy awakrd anixosu lakign sometng werdy awakrd nto
good enough nad lesser andn lower than toehrs

- you nee ot be aware of the htogtush goin on i nyour head

-yoru tiem is imp every horu min sec is imp be careful as ot hwo u spend ur tiem waht u ugive ur tiem to
give ur tiem to work and imp thgsi nonly

-dotn waste yoru item sleepign lazign thinkign fo otehrhtigsn unimp thgisn, doign otehrh tigsn unimp
- to ahchve ur goals its imp to be highy lprodutive thth si gtet a lot ofo work doen, cause to achhve
urogals u need ot get a lot ofo thgis ndoen work doen, soo itsi mp to fiuger otu frst hwto be highy
lprodutive hth is! get a loot ofo work doen i ns a day

- u needo to ahve system a processi npalce knw whtoto od and what not ot odo inorder ot be
highlefficnet and nprodtive thth si knw whato tofollow

follwo the system the process ru nteh rpgra tthsi1 exeute hteh rpogram fllw it ththsi !put htis thign
down teh frame work as to awht ot odo adn follwo ot achhve ur goals tth si n to be highy lefficent nadn
rpodtive htth is

-if y ou doubt oyurself then yo uwotn go ahed with yoru dfreams or nietherwill toehrs be convinced
pursuaded by it!

-the harder i work the luker i get

if oy udotn waork ahrd try take actio nthe nnothign will ahppe nwhe nu take actio ntry wrok hard work
towrds it then soemthgi or otehr nwill ahppen

tlak less nad do more htth istake action, all tlk n no action and
wrok hard take action to get thgis done!

watign tiem tlakign and n oaciton

rtlakig nunim pthgsi nwastign tiem and creating distraction

- be cocosntly workign focusonworkign nosntop conotisuly be cocosntly atitiadn doign ti to odit nad ot
geiti odne

be iwllgin t owrk hardtake pisn effrst stress adn isntnseity

if yo uare nto takign aciot nworkig nahrd thgisn are not instste

stress preessre then thigns are not happenign you aren to doignanyhitng with yoru life ti measn!u are
waitng ur item and life whata re oyu doign with ur life then ufeel frustrated ntohgin is goin on and laoser
hth is!

thsisii s where the actio nahppes

be ready to take ontehworkld!

-focsu o wnrokig ncosntsiuylnosntop takignaito nadn doign thgsi nu shud be coocsntly workign tkaifng
acito nt odothgis nadn geththgsin doen to amek thgis nahppen!

be cocosntly aiti adn doign t ito od it and ot geit iodne

i liek gettiign thgis ndoen tht hsi

-ameracan n german atititude of ahd work smart work takihn thigsn serisouly no BS goofiness andn
nosen thhtsis strgith to the point , fdiret efficent proerutve no nosenn and menaign buseisn and
dremangn big

-waht ever yo udo make it big! on alarge sacel not asmall scale1

-fioyu dtn take acito nfast aciton then htigsn wont happen oy uneedo t have thth urge derse not jsut to
gethigsn oden but ot gehtigsn doen fast at high speed rate nadn apce thth si! super focus nadnspeedand
effrts work hard cnsotuly have thth urgencyahst e to geth igsn doen fast get everyhtig ndoen finsiehdas
fast as yo ucan thth si maek htgsni nget done na d make htigsn ahppe nadn achvhegoals fasthth is not
jstu to getiti oden btuto get it idoen fast in reocrd speed rate nadn iem, hget iti doen now make it happe
nnow be fast speedi is imp the speedn adn rate natn wihcih u gethtigsn oden ahvesensn fo eurgncy ot
get everyhtign doen immidalteyl right now thth si and take effrt nadn be super focuesd to get everyhtign
doen fast a t a high speed rate nadn pace thth si

immidiately thth si urgenly htth is a snesn of urgency!

-tkae htigsn seirsouly not lightly be on oyru toees be awre ofo the furuteur sisieus thth cna arise nadn
perapere accordnignyl dont be alx, easy cgoign chill and relaxed thth si unworriedn soon tkaig ntgisn
easily lgihyl jokignyl nadn relxed get on your toes be o nyoru toes liek arbbit active alertn and os on
ofthigsn thth cna go workng!

not be ignorant hthis! andsoo take acito nacorignly to maek htigsn happen

-focsu o nworkign o nti cocosntly oy uneedot be cocosntly owrkign on it odign yoru work and tkaing
actio nt ogehtigsn doen andget work doen thth needs ot be doen to ahchve ur ogals no distraciton focus
o nworkign odign oyur work docsontly getitign thgis ndoen
quietly chipping adntkaignacito nt oachvhe ur goasl thth si be liek a duck keep cal m keep quet nadn
smilign and nad keep paddling hth is

-yo uneed to be stright to hte poitn directno nsoen take ingacito nadn soo nti wil lsave yo ua lot ofo
time and make thgisn simler for oyu to achhve thth si1

-stirght diret nonsoe to hte poitn not wastign tiem adn meangin buseisn thh si!

no jokign goofienss nonsen nad oson wastign tiem in unimp thgisn tlak nosen distractions and oso on! it
iwll dirvert oyur mid nform imp thgis nmind filled with nonsen crap thth is!

-hard wor kadn dedication! n commitment thhsi ocosntly be workign and doign ti

- establish oyru own busesinn " a buisen thh will brign in moeny cash and capital thtis "

- why itisi mpto be serisou and non osen unipmp goofy useless thigsn thth its its cause if uwhen ur mid
nsi filled with nosne not onyl are imp thgis npusehd aisde thth si u dotn do imp thgis nbut it calso
distracts deviates your mdi nform imp thgisn as thehr si nosne grabage fillidn i nyour mid nand so o
ucant do im pthgsin thh is yo uforget imp thgsi nare nonlonger hteh rie noyur mdi nthen be serisou
about life take it seorusly , no nsen thth is, maen buesien otehr wise yo uwill suffer and ife isi not a joke
yo uwill end up strugglign and suuffirenngi npai nif oy uarento seriosu about lie and tkae ti esirosuly
tkae thigsn seirosuly tis a martter fsurivial life nadndeath! ifu utake life serisouly eitehr u wil end up as a
joke no nosen will tkae u sreisouly or ntohgi nyo uwont achvhe greathgisn or oy uwnedu p loser adn
suufrign thth is not achivng anyhtign inlfieh tthis causeu ur mid nsi filled with goofiness smilign lsiouhign
nosenn tkalk unimp tuselels hthgisn1

-thsisi a war agaisnt capitalsim thth will lead to fuk up of hte world! captialsinm is good but thher isalso
evei lcpaitalsim! teh gaol to ocntorl the nautrla reosruces graisn food awater and nso on air nadn so on!
itsi m pto eb a ursader if oyu dotn raise ur voice agianst eveil it will spread yo uknwo an destryo
humanity and good ppl!
--therh is a lot oof work thth needs ot be doen be cocosntyl at it iadn doign ti t do it and to geti tiodne

be to the poit nadn direct

knwowhhen to be highyl slef-controlled nad nregatuel oyurself oyru htoguths midn and action
when uahve work and imp thgis nt ood

and knw when to let loose an let go and gfre your mind whe nu wantot be creatie!
day drmeamig netc..
ro when u wnatot oahve fun!

u hsud be seriosu thth si no nosesn nwhe nu enenge inovel your mind in nonse then it gets disracted for
mimp thgisn!
wen u r mind is filled wit hnosen nadn goodfy thgsin imp thgsinae n longer htehr inyoru mid nyo uloose
focus andn persepctive!

Put it idown what works andn what doesn’t soo htth u dton t forget and you kwn what worked foro y
uat thth itme htth made oy uefficent nad preoducitve!if oy udotn put it donw hth formualta nd awath y
uused and practiced attht htiem or beived nad nfolwoed then yo uwil lforget nad hten tis ahrd ot reapdt

Putting it down will make the process slow and alalysisi and soo n but its slow bt t sure its like tht its
worth it ti takes extra effrt and ntiem ad nslows odwntht e process but it makesu u mre osrue nad
nceritan as ot what works nadn wath doensth th si its loyu r lifes work! t find the secret of suces1

stay focsued nadn dotn lose perespective how to stay focused?

- keep in midn meemry mrmmeebr dotn forget what u r goal si hwat oy uwanto t oahchhve adn what
thgisn yo uneedo to odo oto o achvhe ur ogals

-by doig n your owrk and ipmp thgisn! n sayignn oto othe hri thgis nfocsu on it
dont get dstractdd nadn dvierted stay focused on ti odnt waste your tiem doig nall thht! you cna do al
hth t later on! not wast iteim me nadn distract yoruselfnadn put your pbrian i noterhh tisn unimp thgisn
spne d item o nimp thgisn as opposed ot otehrhtigsn
- nto o nly do oyu feget distrated for mimp thigsn adn lsoe foucs when u u do otehrhtigns but oy ualso
wastei tem effrt nennrgy

-the value of tiem : dpotn waste teim doign unip thgisn!

-focsu vs distractio nelarn to identify what isi focus and nwhat is distraction!
all otehrh itgns unimp to touy adn wont ghelp u auchvhe ur goals or get imp thgsi ndoen or help u
achhve hte imp thgisn is a waste of tiem adn a dstraction everyhtign imp to tyu is focus!

-leanr ot oidentifuy what ii t s ofucs nadn waht is distration

thsi si is adisrartio nyo uwornt get anhytign by odign all thsi dont put ur pbrin i nall this BS and invoel ur
brai nin ti leave it aside htth is! dotn od otehrhtigns unimp thgisn yo unca do al lthth laer on leave lal
athht aside fisrt do whatsi imp adn ciritical and criucaiol ot achveh r ogals do whatsi imp foro yu !
think of oyurslef be selfish!

-tlk less and nwrok mroe

-dotn sdistract iinvoel urslef i n otehrh tigsnand unimp thgisn!

-do ti fast its not jstu imp to t get htgis ndoen but to gethigsn doen fast!
work on it ot odit nad geti ti odenfast at a high speed rate adn pace!

- fosuo nworkign yo uneedo to be owkrign cosntostuyl nosntop to gethgis ndone get work doen adn
maek it hapen!
- if oy uwantto osuceedi nlfei at something oy uahve ot odo nyl one htign and ofcus 10% on onyl on

-alsotits imp to be sriosu adn tkaethigsn seriosuly not lightly thissi o joke not eneage i nnosen andgoofy
thgis cause it distracts the midn thth is!
besrisou about thigsn!
-stop beigngoofy nadn nonsensn nad bea bit formoreseriosu abotu htigsnand lifen
goofy means nosnsen nadn distracito nserisou meansm enaign beusisensi ncontrol i ncommadnnadn
nosnsneo ht is andisntes hthis!
- nto wastign tiem an nd in unimp thgisn adn distracitosn! form impthgisn! sepding energly on
selessnadn unimp thgisn

- i like instseity if thehr is s no stress or tinsity it means ntohsign happenign i liek t be ambitosu and so on
adn ahve bigdrmeamsn an dgoals nadn dtmermeto work hard fdrmen big take amaasivie aeefrts to
achhve my galsnadn ahve big ambitos nadn dreams!

i dotn lie kbeign laid back i felel useless asunrpdotive as i if i am nto odig naythign with my lfie not
aching anythg ng great andn wastign my mlife i liek to be anmbotisiu od soemthgi nwit hmy life be
uselfu and of use onot waste my taentsn and drema bignand get to owork ththsi1 or i feel misearble
hoelss freustrednadn drpesed afgood for montohign nda loser hth is!
nto ahchvign anyhtign wsaistng my life notodign anyhtign with my lifen and da wstign my talents
-be slefassertive htth si1 do waht it itakes to maek t i happen
- yo uwill be knwon by oyru ahchvemetns
yoru achhvemetns ill ame y u ahppy and tis adictive t ahchve more
dotn get comaplacent or rest of n past accomplsihemtns nadn achvemetns!

-rip the maparat

be highy lconfirdnt bossi ncotnrol of everyhtign thth si!
im the man i am the boss here!

- yu needootbe i nt he acito be a man of acito ntth si

take it soersiuly
work hard work liek hell dayn nyigth to maek ti happen
eb cocosnrlty atit iadn doign ti

and beliek the gearmsare thth si no nseo seriosu stright driect and nso on!
make htgns simple be very direct
wehhter yes or no!

-tie your lfie to a purpsoe work and msisn nonose to wor kadn useisen miliatrynadn srieosuand nacito
nadn maenign busiesn ththis1

t the poitn stright direct

detemrmed ambitosu
on am sison!

You will be known your eprofrmcanecapcapbility!

by your victoriesnand cahvements!
there mroe achvivemetns the more good oyufeel sucesful happy oyu feel! waht yo uhave achvhed i
nlfie! its pretty addicitve actually, another achviemetn in your kitty yo uwnat ot oahchve mroe hth is!

dont rest on past achhvemtns thik of hwats nexT1

be srieso uadn ndo nse nsoe ntake ti srisouly nt olightly andn djokign ly and ndonsne is distraciton adn
waste o tiem adn distracito nform imp hgisn and also waste ofo tiem effrt n nenergy in unmip thgisn

be on a msision o tne hgo

dtermed adn drive ready t otaek o nteh world!

be very stright up drie it iwil maek ur lfie easeir nad nsimpelr say waht u ufel le ththsi!
knw when ot be diploamtic!

be fcused
work ahrd
dotn waste tiem1

thgis nthth shape oy uadn amek u uwho yo uare and

wrok rehtigsnncs hgisn yo unbivel i nthigsn thth amek u perform fucion procutuve efficent maek u utick
teh give uu the gdrvenadn amotaivitonand ndersiere to achahve great thgis ntht si!

help p u rpeprfmr fucntio nget thgis ndoen andn work done!

wrk smrt: the dstsretgies t achhvegraethgisn!

Inorder to achvhe your goals you need ot get a a lto of work doen nad thgisn done for thth you need to
eb be highyl efficent nad rpoductive!
how rpodtuive was your da y andn hwo much work oyu got doen, and how much work you didint get

-you needo to be foused ioy uare no t focused and if uare distracted stay focusedo nt oocnstrate o nti
then yo uwill get nothgi ndoen ifo yu are nto focuesdo nti
- give all your tiem to it to do ti and to geti ti odne thth is! maximum amount of oyur item thth u get i na
day oto otit tit oto dio it and getit ioden fast!
- wor khard take effrt s nadn paisn be oocncslty woriign o nti nosntop be atiti nonstop ot do it nad tot
get iti doen!
- take ti for doig nti ot otidt nadn getitiode strt now
-immidiately take it for doign ti
-dont preocratsinate do ti nwo getit doen now hte earler the better, bweetter be a motnh early than a
week late
-dotn do otherhtigns dotn invoele urlsef, or put urselfi notehrhtignsn to only will yo uget distruptedand
distracted for mwork and imp thigsn yoru mind, distracted deviated orm ti focus divated ofrm work and
imp thgisn, as u rm id nogeso to toerhigns, whe nu do otehrhtigsn nad invvoel i ntoerhthigsn and so ooy
uare nologner focusedo nyoru work nad imp thgisn, oy uwil lalos endu p losign your item thth u cud
have given to towork and imp thgisn adn soo oy uwill end up gettign nothig ndone thth is!

-if oy uwaste tiem then yo uwill get nothgi ndoen no work doen if oyu do otehrhtigsn unimp thgsin or
aste im sleepign alzing, or htinkign fo toerhhtigsnand oso n, give lal oru tiem to work nad imp thgsi n ot
geth work and imp thgis ndoen mamange the tiem give max tiem be careful hwo oyu spedn youtr
tiem , yoru tie sisi limtied oyu needo to amamnge yoru tiem direct amx tiem to work nad im pthgisn to
get work and im pthgsi ndoen to ahchve ur ogals!

-soo oyu work every min and second of the day, soo as ot not waste itme and soo as to make ht max
produticven adn effcent use of hte mlimted tiem tht u have OR,yo udotn waste item and you work every
mindn and sec and give lal limtied tie mtth u have ot work adn imp thgisn you work and dont awste
tiem soo as to get hgis ndoen adn wrok done?
soo oy uwork to ake the most max utilization and prpdutve use of the limited item you ahve, and not
waste tiem, OR you work to get hgisn oden and waork done, and give al lthe item limtied tiem tth uahve
to work to gethigsn done and work done!

he isi pre prgramemd hsi fdrive nadn maotiavation is amamzing

you will eb knwon by oyur ahhivetns your coampetienceyis yor ehtigsns yoru eprfmroncae tgsn tht maek
u tickkad suceful !
ehtbeiflssystemandoso n the secret to osuces

Know when ot be strigth up and strightforwrd adn whn to be diploamtic

Be iek the germans it iwll maek ur life easier andn simpelr!
be very direct to he pint srious stright forwwrd man of action no nonsse organzied and os oon! efficent
produtive et...
dotn hdie nayhtign say it istirght nadn yo uwill eb able ot oexpresss yourself more say whats o nyoru mid
nand what oy ufeel nad not hideh tht is
express hwo oy ufeel what u uthink make it easy for oy ube stright up direct nonse nand stright forwrd
tehyare no nsoesn they dotn smile lwhiel tlakignas tis a distraction their brian oges i nsimiign than
htikign of hwath they are saying.

it iwll maek thigsn fvery srigthand nsimple r nadn easy for oyu
why its imp to be seriosu adnstirght faced and nno nosen liek the germasnare

if oy ujoke not onyl is your brin enngeedi nn osen wiwastign tof tiem adn reeruces but it alsoe ditracts
your mid nfor mimp thgisn your brian is filled with garbage goofy stuff and nosnen than imp thgisn!

be sriso uabotu ti take ti serously not lightly no nosen

thth is dont waste meantl ereosruces tiem i nnosnsen thgisn and distrcton from uimp thgisn! wehn u do
nosnen your midn gets distratred from imp thgisn , rmeatl reurces get enenadigned i nuseless unip
thgisn nnsens thth is!

or be diplomatic liek the briiths:

u knw hthtth perosn si bothering oy ubut oy uar still nce and plite as yo ucant afford to spoil the
ralelatisnhip ssoo u are nto direct yo uhide htigsn and lie nand maniualte soo a s to as yo uneed thth
eprosn for osemthign tis lie kthth!
soo yo uput up wi hther i BS

know when to rise adn when standu pfor oyurself stand your groaudn and taek no BS for many oen be
mroe assertive

nadn weh nt eb dipaloamtic

time ot be a bt more vocla stirght up adn nstirgh tofrwrd nadn express rusefl tth si1
to maek ur job much easier! adn simler! say waht you feel!
fcosu o nworkign cnstostuly work cooncslty be ccoosnly doign ti at iti , after it takign action to od thgisn
gethgsn doen and maek thgisn ahppen nonstop work!
long horsu dayn nyigth work hard liek carzy to getht igsn doen work doen and maek it ahppen like a
u hsud be ccosnyl wrkig nadn dog thigsn to amek thgisn ahppne
what are oy uworkifng on
be on a msiion have apurpseo t ahchve soemthignadn work like helll taek caiton
to ahhchve it dremaign and doign!
be cocosntly ati ti and doign t ievery se horu min not waste item what are oyu workign on!

dnt waste tie mwaste nt even na min hour or se be workign cnstisuly! nonstop!

stay focsuedo n ti jsut do ne htign keep workign fcus o nworkign takign action workignocsntistuly every
se hur day n n ngith to get thgis ndoe nadn make it hapen!
be dtmemrmed t odo ti and geti tioden nad make it happne!

havea persepective Direction waht to od which wa ot ogo , foucs, work hard, = suxess

Be self-reguted:
hwo ot make urslef do it and follwo it:-
keep in midn what u need ot odo rememebr input feed in your mind!
and dont forget ever!
thgis nliek
yo ushud take action work work work every sec adn nd hour ot gethigs ndoe nneeded ot be doen to
ahchve ur goals and to ahchve ur goals and dreams!
adn eerugalte yoruself by prodvign slef regaltry thgotush instrucitosn and coammands!

A) Keep in mind, feed in input:

what yourgoal your mission is
be on a mission rmemebr dotn forget
be preprgramed in your mid nas towaht your goal and misison is
and watht u uneed oto od htgisn u needo to od work oyu need oto do action you need ot otake to achve
oyurgoal adn misson.
if its not there in yoru mid nyou will not do ti!
liek a termianotr adn robot in your mid nrmeber mememry waht oy uneed to od odotn forget that is!
aslo keep i nmind what u ushud and hsud nto od to achveve ur gaols and missin thignsl ike stayign
focused, workign hard wrkign conosiuly and oso on
also remebr htth the misio nsi not jsut ot get thgisn doen but to get thigsnm doen fas in record speed
and tiem
keep i nmid nwaht work oy uneedo to do nad get oen to ahchhve ur goals! the gal si nto jsut to get t
thee wrok doen but to geti tiodnefast adn quick i nrocred speed rate tiem adn pace nadn soo the goal isi
nto jsut ot gethigsn doenand work odne buto geit tiodne fast i nreord speed tiem and pace thth is!
soo focus o nti to ido it and geit iodne adn wrk olong horuse cocsnously to do it and ot ogeiti odne!
havea motive th is! soem aim and oso ngialot oachveh idrectio nn to eb lost ht his!
thegoal is not jsut to do thigsnand ot get thgisndone but to ogethigsn doe nfast soo stay focsuedand
keep workign coocsntly to do it and ot geiit odne fast!
keep o nworkign coocsntly oto dit nad to geiti odne

the gal si to gethgsi nde nand work odne nad to get it idoen i nrecord tiem
soo wokr be owrkig ncocosntliy adnocsnotiuly adn nstty focusedo n ti to ot idio it nad ot geitiodne take
acito nto maek it happen to gethigsn doen and work done hth is!

ad get t oo work fast nad becocosntly owrkign to od it and to geti tioden and to maek it happen thth si!

be totoaly into it and focused o nti adn do ti and geti tidoen fast thth i s!
-stay super fcusedo n ti to do it and to get i it doen and ot maek i t happn htht is!

find a job nadn move out fast! dnt be scredo fhe r say fuk off to her!
-be wilignt work ahrd beb cocosntly workignadn takign effrts andn paisnsto toodtihgsinadn to gethgisn
doen adnwrok oden to achvhe urgosl thth si!
waht you give your efforts to imp thgisn or unimp thigns
if u ugiveu ur effrt to ounimp thgisn thth will brign u no beenift or ain then yo uend p havign n enenrgy
left to odo i p thgisn thth is also end up losign tiem htth is no litme left forodign imp thgisn

work ocntosiluy:

be focuesd o n workign long horus nonstp, day nnigth focus o nworkign cosntously long horus nonstop
day nn ith t oame thigsn happne, n to hahveing oyru goals thth si on workig nahr!

be on a msiso ndetermed effrt ot ogethgisn doen and to maek thigsn ahppen t ahchve ur goals thth is!

vceedetetmred effrt endevaioru

detemrmed ot od it and get i tidoen and to maek it happen thth is!
determed to work hard nad ntkae paisn and effrts andn go all into it fully into ti all out in to ti tht his
orwrk long hrus and dayn ngith determed ot odot ot dod it get ti idoen make it happne and to wrok ahrd
thth si!

determeined to amek ti ahppen

determed to wrok hard!
deteremd effrt

be cocosntly doign ti and workign o nti to od it and to geti tioden and to maek it happen htth is!

u need oto eb coocsntly atit idoign ti adn workign on it to todit nad ot geti tioden and ot maek it happen
hth is!

Be cocosntly atti i ti and doign ti and workign o nt ievery min sec of the day dont waste tiem thth is! kep
on odign ti nonstop keep on wokrign nonstop lg horus dany nyigth to do thgisn adn gethgisn doen i liek
gettign thigs ndoen adn work done to get thgis noen to achvhe ru goals to maek thgisn happen n
gethtigsn doe ntthth neeed ot be den t oachvhe ur goals

maek a to od lsit every day a lsit of thigns to work on acit n to dotake, list of othgis nto do to achvhe ur
goals thh is

dnt let oterhs distrub yo uand distract u u to oethr thgis nadn wrok adn waste your tiem! be occosntly
workign o nti nonstop i ahve owrk to do1
wokr every sec be ococsntly ati ti and doign ti and inot it t maek it happen! get mreo done work log
horus ot get twice as mcu htighsn doen in a certia ncourse of tiem!
yo uhsud eb beoocosntyl ati ti adn doig nti thigsn dont ahppen liek th ht goals doen get dremas dotn get
accvhe d o ntehr iwoen! prgress si nto made o nti s own infact progress will declien if u u dotn work on
it! its onyl whe n uare ococsntl odign ti slogging workin liek ehll non stop dayn yn gith and are cocosntly
atiti and workign o nti thand doign ti to make it ahpepe nadn takig nacito nadn doign thgis nt oamek it
ahppe nthth thgis nwill happen n ot otehr wise!

u shud beb e cocsntly workign o nti atit iand odig nti to nonstop ot do it and geti tioden and to maek it
happen hth si!

Dont waste yoru tiem work long hours andn day nnigth to maek thigsn ahppen and getthgis ndoe nadn
to accepalteraete the progress! adn adnvancement work like hell slog be cocosntly after it at it iand
doign ti to get it idoen and ot maek it happne!
work long horus nadn dayn ngith to maek it happen1
wro kslog liek ehll! logn hrus be willig nt otake the stress pressure wrok ahrd no eb alzy work your ass
off be willgi nt o to take the go thru the greu al and grind t oamek thgis nahppen be isnense and
daneriso uadn no nsse nadn seriosu adn so on1 be instse ntht is! spite nadn so oon1
be alpha hth is! pwerful likig nadrnealien rus hand isntsity tht hsi!

be detemmtredi ot owrk hard and to do ti and get ti idoen adn to amek it happe nadn to achvhe ur gaosl
th thsi!

wor k long horus day nny igth adn constouly take action to get higsn doe nadn maek thgis nahppne1
and achvhe ur goals liek carzy work liek hell ot maek ur dremas coem true actio ntake actio nt amek it
be a dreamer dreamers and a doer not jsut a dreamer1 if uu dotn take actio nwork dreams dotn coe
mtrue nadn reami ndrema s wrok ahrd slog take aito nt oamek ti happens get thgisn doen needed ot eb
oden to ahhve ur goals
be cocosntly takign actio nand workign on ti to maek it happen1

be workign long horus and day n nigth to get htigsn doen and make higsn ahppne! to ahchve ru gaosl!
feed on adreamnalien and istnsnity hth si! the strss nadn strian dn aodosn!
soemthgi ngoign o nadn happenign with ot uit it means nothig nsi goign o nadn yo uare lreaxign thh is!
istnsitiy stres means adrenaleie means oy uare odign soemthign thth rush o n amisio nadn doign
soemthgi takig nahtons thgisn ahppengi thth si adremanlien rus htithth is!

yu need t o be cocosntly ati ti adn doig nti quetly workign day nngith and logn horus nt waste tiem get
after it be workign o nti and doig nt ioccosntly to maek thgis nhappen and ge thgis ndoen and wrok doen
to ahchve ur gals and t oget thgis ndoen needed ot eb doen t oahhcve ru goals!

keep workgn day n ngith adn long hours to make thigns happne and get thigns doen !
hav n o porblem workign hard super hard nadn workign dayn ngith to gethigsn oden and get work doen
and make thgis nahppen to ahhve ur goals fast
dot nget comaplcent reled light nad easy goign keep peadlign and wokrign hard!

focsu o nworkign consotisuly and not wastign yoru tiem

be ccosntyl working long hours nadn day nn gith t omake thigsn happe nand get thgis ndoe nadn wrok
keep nworkign coocsntly andn paddlign adn takig nacito nto do tgis nadn geth tigns adn work doen!
focsu o nworkign oocsnlty be cocosntly at it and doign ti
adn wrkign o nti focus o nwrkig noconstly to ethgisn doen to ahchve ur goals
think of waht work t odo next waht to od next waht ot owrk on next towrds ahcivn ur gaosl
ushudnt be wastign tiem ushud be cocosntly odign osemthign dig nthgis ndoen g wrk and wrokign to
wrds agettign thgis noen tht need ot oeb doen to ahhhcve ur goals be coocnstly at ti and doig nti!

work cocnstosuly be cocosntly atit i an do ign ti inrodero to gethgsndoe nawork and im tghsi ndone nad
ot get htem done in reord speed and time! work long houtsrsn dand ayn ngith to ethgisn doen fast in
reord speed andn time!
accelerate teh progressofteh work beign doen,
get up and gt toowrk take iti for oding iti tkae actio n fpaisn and neffrtsandn adstruggles to gethgsn den
and owrk doen to wrdsahcivgn ru goals thth is!
-be cosntly atiti and do ign t iadn apddlignadnworkign on ti to do ti and toeitto doenandot geiti todne
fastth si in recpcord seed pace and time!
-sut keep on odign u r work and im pthgsi nonly
-becoocsntly ati ti adn dig nti bkeep chippignand paddlignandquielty adn doign ru work ot o geti tigisn
doenand work doen hth is
-take acito nt oamek it happe bnebeb occosntly workign to make it harpppen day nngit hand be
ococsntlyatiti and doig nti, thgisn dotn ahepep nliek htht on theri own, you need oto owrk to amek it
hapen htth is! keep pon workignand tkaig nacito nto maek it happen htth si! thigsn odnt ahppe nliek
htth o nther iwon, yo uahve tooowrk dayn ngiht take aito ncocosntly be takignacito nt oamek it ht appne
- thinsdotn ahpepe nliek thth one hteir iwon be eocnstly workifngn and takign acito nt oamek thgisn
ahppe nthth si!

Have sesnn fo urgency ot oget everyhtign doen fas: teh aerlier the better the mroe u uwait , ahve a
seensen of rgncey to oget everyhitng oden right now and owlrk longh orus dayn night ocosntly cocosntly
with our t distractio andn diverstio n to maek ti happe nadn d oti and to geiti odne thth si b teh mroe u
uwait the mroe ahrder andn difficult iti tis oogin ot geth th is!

giv ur time to wrk n imp thngs to get wrk n imp thngsdun to eget thingsdun tht is
-keep wrkin on it tkn action n doin it to do it n to get it dun

-keep workign o nti to odit nad ot getiti odneadn to accelarte the progerss thth si!
-dotn let her push yo uarund

-she is aksign em to take my laptop in a bagadn leave eh door ope nand o my laundry that is!
-takek acito nt odo thgisnadn maek htigsn ahppe ntht hsi

teh websie is nto proper the information is diseprsedehrhe and thehreand not in sequnce! and order!
makignt iocnsfusign to follow!

-dont waste tyoru tiem doen let any one waste yoru tiem and take ur tiem or ush oy uaroudn hth is y ou
dont haveot tood owhatu u dont wantot ood andwhat u udeem is not right dotn elt anyoen psuh oy
uaroudn oy ulet ppl push oy uaroudnand put up with ti
thth si why all thsi happens causeu uare not stndign up foro urslefnadn uare lettign ti go o nand happen
and lettign pll psuh oy uareoudn all thsi is igoign o ncauseu uare lettign ti happen and ogo onand oso on!
causeu uare allowign ti ti ot happen the cosnequcens will be ncie later on! let hthe try to fu ku u up the
ocnsequces wil lbemncei later o nwil ldela with th them later on !

-itsn to easy it ias hard ti requires a lot ofo reserchand be detemred to od it nad getiti odne tht is!

-be ococsntlyatiti and odign ti to odit nad ot geiti todne

-work on ti to odit nad ot geiti odentth si!
-keep tryignnad workign to wrds whatu uwant i nlife hth is!

-well yo ucant eep fukig and girl all day! you need oto ahveseomthgi nto odo somehtign fun exiciting
thth o ucan deveote your giveu urdirect ur talenst intsllegnce itnelelctual to soemthgi
ncosntrucitovenadn so on! adn ou knwwhat u aregood andt soo do thth , focsu ur attnetion towrds
thth , towrds waht u uare goodat giangi nknwledgen adn soo o nfidn ur fields thth suits ur taents nadn
knwledge thth u ahve what u uknw abotu thth u cna do and nwhatu uare dogood at nand have
kwneldge abotu thth si!
buseisn wouldsuti u uperfectlyas u uare itentnlgent itnelelctual intertedi n i nt passoinate abotu ti want
ot oearn moeny parctivcle sell thisngs good s andn servcienadn earn meony thth is u need moeny to
surivien nd a u uu do buseisn to earn moeny its soo simpel o na msiooso nadn so on! namenign bsueisn
nn o nseosn nadnso on!

-on am issio ntkaig nacito nttoodo thigsn and getthigsn doen to maek htigsn happpen thth si!

- be htoguthfu ladn ndciritila resonign ask queistosn think why hwo and ns oon!

-you are prpepragmmed andn o na msisio nt odo osoemthgi nachvhe soemthginadn to get it done htth
is to strt big brands andocamneisnand busesiesn htth is!
-thths causueu he wantso to be his own boss dnot depnd o notherhsnadn wants oto jstu od his own
thing! not be uner anyone or take orders or be diefend by otehrs or have other ppsl influnce over his lfie
htth is! fearofo beign firednandwaht not andnso on! and beign bosed oaroudnandn udner others! n neb
ocntorleled by otherhsnand have othersi nflcenceo verh is lfie hth is!

-takignacito nadn doign ti and o na msisio nt oodit nad ot getiti oden hth is!

-soem oe nwho ahd no knwledge about incoem taxand scl insrnce nmebr how lal thhse thgisn works
even for applyign for a job, orfilig rsnal akxes returns or applicatio nfor jbo TD1 etc.. all of asudden strts
a coamyn and strts t o file axes not onyl for emloesand eprsoanl butalso, fro the campyn tis onyl a gods

-u needo ot be tkaignacito ncoconcslty intordero to maek it happen thth si fast nadn do ti adn geti
tiodnefastth si in record speedt iem and apce thth si! to maek it happen

-takek actio nto maek it happe nt toodit and to geiti odne!

-do waht uwanto t odo and waht u enoy odignand waht suits uur knwledenenad intlelctual abilty

-tis tiem to tostay focsuedn adn take acito nt oteghtgisn doenand make htigsn happne
-itsi mp to set up the whle operaiosn part of it!

-oy uahe sooo mcuh of opotential and ifu u dotn ahve a directio nteh nyo uwil lget nothgi ndoen tht his!
- i needo to fidn a job we nened moeny to maek thgisn happne!

- he isi genuinely kind an d nice!

- beb oocsntly workign o nt iadn doign ti and takignacto n to gethgisn doe nadn do thgins andn maek
htigsn ahppen hth is!

-kee o p takignacto nadn adoign ti ato do it and to goeti tiodennad ot maek it happne hth is and so on
manign buseisn nad so on no nsoensnad on to osemthign!

-make ak to do lsit :
a lsitofo thgsi nto odo otwrdsachvign ru goasl waht to ood next if u udotn ahve a loist of othgis not ood
then u will ahve no irecito nadn u will get nothgi ndoen as u uwill wase uru tiem dog nnothgin or doign
oterhhtigsn as uu ahve no idea as oto owahti tio ood and u areundeciided thths why!
soo othth uknw i nyour mdi nwaht otood andn hence get ooditnad u ahvedeciidedwhtt oodo and u dotn
wastei teim as u due ot indcieiosn andn ot knwoignand notpallngi nwhatotodo hth si! asu u are
lcuelsnand ahceve nn o ideaawaht otodo u ahvae a drieiciotnas as ot awahtot odo1
also iti wil lhel p uu rmember what u needo to od lest oy uforget1 its skips uu rm id nadn so u dotn od it
tht hsi!
plan waht ot ood decide make a deciosn waht ot ood what actiosn to otake htigsn to odo towrsd achivgn
yoru gal ifu u dtn paln whato to od then yo uwotn do anyhtig nadn waste item due to o indicosn and
hecnen ot knwoign wahtoodo, yo uwil also haven o directio nadn uwill endup wastign your tiemadn
wont do anyhtign thth si or idle or do otehrhtigsn thth si!

-decide htin kadn ndecddie wahtot odo maek dieicosn adn then work o nti to odit nad ot ogeiti odne
if oyu odntmaek a to ood list then u will waste eitme due ot indicesio n nto knwoign aor deiciodgn
wahtot oodand get doe ntht hsi!
- thin f owahth to odo nwo whaot ood next towrdsahcign urgoals nadn write iti odnw nmake a to odo
lsit its the most imp thgsin it iwil givieu idrecito n then u knw i nyoru mdi n pyo uahe deidided taken
deiicosns nad plaend as ot owhato tood u kwn i nyour mdi nwaht tood and its thehr i nyour mdi
nwahtot ood u ahve a direciot nas to wahto to od wahci hpath th to take and oso nand waaht acito n to
to tak towrds ahcingvg ur ugaols andn then udo ti and tkae it hth si!

-wor ok o nti be cocosntly at it iadn workign o nti t ot odo tiand to geti tioden thth si!
- tkae acito nt otodo thgis nadn to gethgisn doen and to maek thigsn happen thth si!
- be bcocsontly at t ii adn in to it and doign ti andworkign o nti ot accelarete teh progressof work beign
doen thgisn beign doe nadn gettign doe nand rpgoress acelatreateh progerssfo goals gettign achved the
earlie r theh better!

- keep tkaignacito nadn doign yourstuffadn doign yourwork to toodit thigsnadn to gethtigsn doen thth
- Hhe isi non amsiion hth is takign takign anddoignti to odo ti thgis nadn to gethigsn doenan d get work
thgis nto o acvheh his goalsnadn so on! and istnsne and nseriso uadn non amsiso nad npregpramemed
hth si and soon! and mission feed i ninputted i nmidn thth is! the programmmedownladedi nteh mid
ntht hsi1
preprgremd adn rpe inputrted i mid adn soo on!
-takek acito nto maek it happen keep workign o nti to odo ti and to geit ioden thth si1
- he ie is i nfor madn ion the roll1

-keep o onworkgi natiti iadn doign ti tot odo ti and to getioden thth is!
and se t everyhtign up thth si!
its the hstrt thhts hard once itis doen tis peacicei ofcake thth si!
oceu u kwn hw ot od it waht otodo and oso n u fget used oto ti and u kwn i nyour mid nwahtotood hth

- you needoto cocsntly be thinking of waht thigsn you need ot oeb dign enxt and take actio nadn get ot
oto wrk to d othem!

- think fo owaht work oy uahve nedecidied ot odo onextn and waht u uenedo to odo next towrds
ahcivng u r goals be eocosntly htinkign fo thth th nad take actio andn be ococsntly workign on it
tnosntop inroderoto o do it and getit ioden and stay focuseod on it focuse on it nadn ocoesntrate io n ti
ot odit and ot getiti oden thth si! stay focsued o nti andn eb ococsntly atiti and doign ti to od it and t o
get iti doen1 thth si n odistractiosn

-be calm focsued balcendnand compsed htht si nad thoguhful adn collected th hsi colelctign
oyurthogtush beign aware fo the thgotush aptient nad so on and grounded tht hsi neitehr up nor down,
netehr get ellveated by sucess nad get coamplcentn adn relaxed stay on it keep on doig nyoru work nor
be dperssed discaorged disspaointed low i n low moral in foalre andn figve up thth si! and stop thth si
keep stay focsuedo n toyur misio ngoal and nwaht u uwnat ot oachveh and os oon!

-wh am i i iam a devotee of god god ssves mem andgiveis me knwledge im a figheer i am focsed adn so
on not giveu p keep tying nad figngiht int andn workign t owrds whatu uwant and os on1 adn stay calm
and nfocusedn and keep atiti and doign ti t ot oditnad ot geiti doen adn so on
-stay focsedo nyoru msiion nadn keep o ndogn it to odit nad ot getit idoen thth si!
-bei i nan mediiaiteivei quet focusd stste o nmiof midn nto i n distrated stste of mind eelveaed and
nexciited with sucess adn so olosign focus and getign lhappy nadn alid back nad nlosing focsu and
realxed adn lsoign focsued for myour goal and msisio nwhat uur goaland mssio nsi hth is distractedofrm
i t and nforgettiign ti and hnece n ot odign ti adn gettign low and unabalced and deprssed i nfailure andn
dekjected low moral nad nso o losign ofcsu agian be clam like hte lake adn quiet nadn foucsed o nyoru
msisio nreduce htth nosie thth exicitemtn nad nso on, adn be on a msiso nthth si focused stste i
medieiate trance lekie kststet quiret stste tth si not unblalcned stste keep in mind hwat uu r gaosl and
missio nsi hth si! and stay focsueo n ti i tht hsi sis! eb in a cal m quiet medate ve nadn abalced stste i
nyoru mid nth thsi and focuse s stset focused o nyoru misiso nkeeping i nmind pregpragred input and
rememebrign i nmidn whatu uer goal andn msiso ni s hth si and keep o onworkign o nti and so on!

- heh is recingzed thigsns hht sotp hi madn hold him back and nhwo oto aover coem thenm thth stop hi
mform doig nwaht heh wantso to odo expressign hismefl andn tkaign acito n hth si, the htogutsh sefl
deafrtign thgotush and holidng mabckand nso n ,and hwo oto over ocemt hem and over ride htem ho ot
recgnzie htem and over ride hthsm tht hsi!

-take rissk go foully nadn totoaly i nto ti nadn so on!

- be quiet cal mfocsudu andn i an mmedeitiatevestate andn focesd stset keep o nwokrign and odign
oyur thigsn to amek thgisn hapapenn nad gethtigsn doen1 and make thigsn happe nn o distraciton s
nadn diverstios nfor mwaht uuare odign tht hsi!

- thigsn odnt ahppen lie kthth uahve ot oput tiem andeffrst i nti to odit and to geti ti oden thh is!
-keep o workgin o n it cocosntly at it iand odign ti doooti and to geit ioden thth is fast adn so oo n say
focsuedo n ti and keep o ndoign ti long horus nadn nsntop to maek it happen focuseon it no distracti ons
nadn diverstios n keep on odign ti doto oodit nad tio getitidoenand ot make it happen thth is!

-k eep on workign o nt iand stay focusedo nti ot odit and ot ot geiti oen1
-staty bablcend quiet focuesdo n ti to od it nad ot getit ioden hth si! and keep o nodign ti workign o nt it
ooto odit nad getiti oden thgisn donet ahppen like hth uneedo to okeep o nworking on ti and odig nti t
to odoti nad to getitt ioden!
- u ushudnt do thgisn slowly yo ushud do thgisn dfast! but u ushud do thigsn clamly tht si not be wrreid
but be ocncseed, nto be stressed but knwo avoid ad aertian unwated otucoesm hthsi! fast nadn steady
wins theh race!
- keep workignnand be patient of te utcoem htt si1
- you enedo to ahve a sencnee ofo urgncy ot oget everytign doen fast not slow at a high speed rate nadn
pace htth si keepwokrn g o nt i longh orus to odo thgsn fast! in reoefd speed tiem pace, the aerler the
better hteht mroe yo uwait hteh ahrder it gets mroe ididuclt iti gets htthsi accelater the hprogeres ofo
the thgisn th tis work fgettign doen maove at high speeds andn apce thth si! dotn be solew dotn d thgis
nslelwly nadn take too mcuh tiem to ogethgisn doen accepalrete hteh speednand pace at which u
gehtigsn den maove take effrst s andn actiosn be wilgnt too tkae paisn effrtsnand nacitos nadn work
ahrdo to ogethigs ndoen thth si1

-get yoru priorties rghtas to waht is imp! i have got htigsn to do work do to odo now!
be organzied!
-keep wokirng nno nti chipping paddlignadn doign ti be ocosntly atti it and working o nti nosntop long
hoursnand doign ti adn atiti in rodero toto od thgsi andn gethgis ndoen and ot amek thgisn ahppen th
thsi and ot get them doe nfast at a recordspeed nadn pace thth si!
-waht are oyu giivng yoru tiem to? gve uur item adn effrts to oim pthgsi nnyl towrds achvign ru goals
- be carefu lwaht u ugive uru tiemadn effrst ot odont waste ur tiem tht hsi give ur tiemadn effrts to owrk
adn imp thgsi nonly!
-stay quietnadn keep o nchippignadn dignru ur won thgisn tthhsis!
-givei al lyoru tei meffrt nadn eenrgy ofucs attetio ndecaito nocmcetinent to oti t to do tiand ot geit
ioden and so on1
tit tkaes effrst to oethgis ndoen thgis ndont happen liek thth o ntehr iwon !

- u needoto oshave soemthgi nt odo osoem direction whehre in yo ucan focus ur talenst adn so on andn
not waste tehm, if u ahven to foudn thh idrectio n ufeel liek a wasted resoruces htht si u feel like lsoer
frustrated awasted deprssed u feell lie k uare wastign ur life nand taeltsn and nnot odign nahign with ur
lfie if uu ahve not foudn thth direcito n i reonize ur talens what u uare good at i iknew i iwas a nintellecta
l iahd the kwneldge of bsueesin and htth i was itentngetn highy intenlgntn and intenlctua lineoguh to
figre out and ndiecapher the meangi nfo inforamtion i calud read and nfigure otu and ndunsrestnd
neveryhtgn waht oterhs could nto! less edcuated and intntselctua lpppl coauld nto but i diditn have thth
direcito nas to waht otodo ocen ufidn a thgi nthth suits ur tlants dotn stelelt e tiell udfidn kee
psserchign i ddin havedirecito nocne ii foucnd my direiciot nwaht ii wanted ot ood soemthgi nthh tsuits
my talents then i felt good u know1 be usefu ladn nd ot be a wasted resruce hth si!

-soo now wahto todo next! think fo what oto od next towrdshacivng ur gaosl tth si!
whath shud i ido now? waht to owork on next ? lets do thsi andn comaplete thsi adn wrok on it ot odoti
and to geiti odne and so on!

- keep workgn o nti and at iti and doign ti to odit and to geti iodne thth si
- we need oto roest nwo after htth waht willl we do? work o nthsi thign to od itand to geti t ioden ththsi!
, thin ofo waht toood next waht ot owork on next waht acito nt otoake next otwrds achivgn ur gaol
think decdie nand paln
-sitodwn nwork o nti t take it foro odign it and do o it cosnisuly nosntop inrodero to to odo tian to etii
odnenad ot mek it happen thgisn dont get doen liek thth on theri won u ave to owork on it work hard
oto od itnad ot geti ioden ththis take pais nadn effrst to odoit nan d to otgeti tioden thhsi
- fruits of ahrdwork are alwalys sweet tthsi1 sucess is 99% perepiration (hardwork) 1% isnpration, ifi u
dotn work ahrd nad nkeep workign o nti then nothgi nwil lgetdoen thigsn odn happe nliek thth o ntheri
own, oy uneedo to owork on them to maek it happne
and if htigsn dont happe n or et oden thth are neneded ot be doen to achvhe u oglas thne u udotn
achvhe ru goas l htthsi!
its a lot ofo work ot ood im oggin to go crazy nadn amd doig nt ibut oy uahve oto be dmetmermed to
odit and ot geti i odne nad ot maek it happe nand take extra effrt wrok ard nnad super hard ot oodit and
to geiti odne thth is and to amek it happe nthth its and ocne it iis done the n utis rlelf sensne of relf and
ccaoopmishment nastisfactio and nhappiesn snand so on!

- sheh si cool she does hehr own thgisn and listens to soem anamamzign music hth is she stays happ ny
nand good i n her own odign her won thinG! focsuign on her own career goals nadn thgisn adn so oon!

- htheh goal si nto jsut to gethgis ndoen but to gethgisn doen fast adn quik i nreocrd speed tiem adn
pace thth is!

Pain braerung ability tke he truble put urself thru stressadn strain toake paisn effrts struggleand
disocmforts to maek thgis nhappen adn to gethgisn doen thth is neededo to eb odne ot ahchve urgoals

- be detmemred oto odtiand to maek it happne n o matter hwo ahrdnadn difficult it its, its nto easty but
be doeotmermed oto odoti and to maek t hapepe nadn breka thur nadn
force uru way thru it htth is thru the struggle thth s

- u need to be fully invested i nwaht uaure doignadn put ur slef fully i ntotit thth si! moeny nadn
everyhtign i nti tiem effrt etc..

I have no intenrest in thth biz andn thths not my forte1 and dotn want to obuy his debt and stupidity!
Thth would be a bad deal! His company is ai na debt of 6.8 billion dollars buying hth firm would be like
buygin a debt! Hee was stupid enough to let the debt go to 6.8billio ndollarsi nteh first palce! Thhts
causue he sits somewhere o na an island he is not in tocu hwith his ocampnies, or hands o in to the
buseisn and the details!

Tke risks break the rules ntthe law

im no here to show off but waht i iam doign si not to show off to otehrs but to focsu o nahcivng and
gettign waht i iwant and ndesire thth si1

soo waht t oo do next now?


Be toyoatly inveldnadn enaneged in ti b h ighyl enaneged iand inveold I nt iadn tootatly into what u are
odign go it nt oitrecasciesiadn ndetails

The process how t do it

advncement of huamn race aAi

on ama siio ncold nadn so on no nsoesn and menaign buseisen thth is!

prprgremd and nrobotic

what we’ve achieved

Time factor:

your life is a race agaisnt tiem rmemebr thth

you itemsi limtied! sdotn waste your tiem doign unimp thgisn give yur tiem t work and imp thgisn only!

and dont let pp lwaste your tiem in ucnessary talk adn arguemtns!

faltu andn is nonse talk!

imp or work realteed talk only!

teh goal sis nto just to get tgis ndoen but to gethgisn doen fast in reord tiem as tiem si limtied!

ur item is limtiedand ehcne preciosu dotn waste iti give ti to imp thgisn only

dotn waste tiem doign unimp thgisn waste not even a single min give all yoru item to work adn imp
thgisn only! tht hwill ehlp u uahchve ur goals and achvhe the critical crucial and imp thgisn in lfie!

thsiis is a criitcala andn crucial stage dotn waste your time every min and sec cousnt and is imp dotn
awste yoru tiem ushud not even waste a min doign other things!em not even a min or a sec every single
min is imp!

ur time is limited n hence imp

its imp to not just get thngs dun n wrk dun but to get thngs dun in rerd speed n time

not waste time take ation now n fast swiftly

its imp not ustoto gethgs doen but to ogethgisn doen fast ahve a sesknsne of urgency to getthigsn doen
fast at arecrd speed rate tiem and pace as yoru tiem si limited!

mke hteh msot effitn n productive use fo oyru tiem doent waste your item u need ot o be coocsntly
workign every min every hour every second to ge thgis ndoe nadn work doen! n ge thgisn doen fast
yoru iem sisi mlmted dotn waste ti make the mso t efficn t prdcutive urse of oyru tiem by
workigncoosntly nons top and givign all yoru tie mt work adn im pthgsi andn makign sure yo ugive max
tiem fo oyur day make maxutilizatio nf oteh limted tiem uahve by gigivng max tiem thth uahve i nthe
day to work and im pthgsi nto doign yoru wrk ot get work adn impt hgigns odne ad n give less teim to
shower and noter htigsn unim pthgsi ntt hwll brign u u no benefit nadn gain showr in 10 mins istead of
30 mins or an hour slppe 7 hprus isnted of 10 horus soo hth uigve max tiem t owork , t omake most amx
uitlizziaotngf n of hteh tiem thth u have or get!

he isi pre prgrmamedand o na msisio ntht hsi!

to achvhe soemthgi nsoe mgosl!

preprgrmemd i nmind

on amsision t

and takign actio nt oame thgis naheepn and gethgisn doen tht hsi!

go whehreh the actio nis on the frintlien

taek stress and so oo nto amek thigs nahppne be wiilignto tkae pais nadn sstress to achhve greatthgis
nadn maek thgisn ahppe

n be highyl ambitosu thth is!

nmake hughe big conglomerates

adnavce amek preress fast!

achvhe lot i nshort span of tiem

wrok like hell long horus dany nn gith to gehtgisn doe nfast acelarete the progeresfo the thgis nwork
getitign oden and goals beign ahchved1
amek a lot ofo progressi na very shrt tiem sapen!

fast qucik afdnvnemetn hth is!

speed sisi imp

gethgis ndoe nfast its not kjstu im pto gehtigs ndoe ngethgis ndoen fast i nreocrd speed arten adn tie
mfast qucikly nadn sqwiiftly moves fasth th is!

yo ucant affrd ot otake ages to geththigsn doen1

act fast move fast dotn rpocreastinate od it now!

getit i odne now

everyhtign hsud happe nfast!

on mamsison inpurt feeedi n one track minfd

preprgrmmed ot oachvhe a certia ngoal and ojeictve

if u wantoto be happy i nlfie tie yoru life to agoal or a msion nto to ppl csue ppl wil laways let u don nad
disiapoitn you!

cold o namsiio nmeanign busiesi nmetally tough

all emotiosn and feelgins turned off!

one track midn

highly self regautled nadn coentoroled

adn o namsioon goal oejctiven and target hth si!

wud u lie kto y og oand sit o na beach no way thth wud be borign and waste of my life talent adn
reources make me feel useless pursepless as iifi i am not odign anyhtign wit hmy life lost nadn ahvngn
odirction aim purpseo goal

not workign thths nto the kind of life hth i imaigne1 teh kind of life i iwmanign is workign cause it twill
eb unrpdotve useless borign oterhwise waste of talents reuces fell liek lsoer purpsoeless nt odig n
anyhtign wit hmy life

thth is! nt miss lsoe tie chnchens opportuntiyes take actio nadn act otehrh wise theh rei is oporunity
cost mke hteh msot ofo thechcen opporutnties u uahve

gin out andn oign nothign will eb a waste of tiem sit nand

time isi simp!

adn n iam determred ot odo hwati ti take put myslf go thru the stress tsrai ntake paisn adn woreffrts
dwmtmered to work hard work long orus ocosnely n nday yn ngith everymi nhur sec to ood it and to geti

with oyur enoragement nadn supprot it wand help it wont happen

have asystem a way of workign thgisn to fllwo ot be prdutiven and effcint highyl!

for myour selfdse so othth u sueceed hth is

dnt wate et ur tiem yoru tiem is limtied ot keep o nworkign o ntiadn akignactio nto maek ti hapepe nt
oget htgisn doen fast

dont take thgisn lightly or be easy goign be o nyor toes osnider all eventualites adn prper acoridngly ot
aovid certina eventualtiyes thth si! take everythgi seiorusly no nosens thth is! no nosensn and maenign
buseisen and s o oon.

be seriso uabout it nononsensosen

work is work fun is fun!

'dntwaset your tiem

hve a gao la msision a purpsoe ifuu have no goal no msiison a no purpseo in life hten oy uahve no
direction and its all aimless wanderign! you are basically lost you ahve no idea awaht to do waht u uare
dig nwit hur life nadn where u are goin purpseo less and so on1 aimelss msiion less aimelss wandeign
and wastign tiem effrt andn energy tthhis! ahe ve gaola misiso na purpseo a aim a fdirection and keep it
in midn dotn forget the directive stay focused prgrameedot achveh ru goals tth si!

work is not fun get serisou non osen nadn so on very strutredmeanign buseisn andorganied

4) he has a sensnfo urgny nadn tiem gethgis ndoen fats i nroerd speed rate nadn tiem


imlimentaiton and enfrocemnet of the rules follwo the ruels hteh sstem go by the ruels keep in midn
wahtot ood adn waht notto o do and reguatle yoruseflacordignly si imp!
where are yo ugivign ur phsycal nadn metnal reoruces nadn time ot focus all your item effrt mental
reosurces mind thinkign thoguht nad tiem adn phycial enenrgy nadn effrts andn tiem to work adn imp
tgisn only direct ocostnrte it to it to maek it happen to gehtht doen

giveu ur item your tiem oyur everyhtig nto ti! thik of it 24/7 be ocosntly in it only to do it and to geiti
odne and ot make it happen!

wrk isi swkr f n is wfun whe n pp lgo oto war tehy odnt godo it for fu nthey mena baussin hteyare ther to
achvhe soea goal a msisio nget i nadn get out nadn gethgis nden a certia ndriictev nadn msiso nthth si
imp necessary cuira and aiitral maniggn busesien sim whe nu work or do biz its nt o fun tis ahrd work
apin streses struggelsnad os n basiclaly u udo ti to achveh whati is imp ur misiso ngoal r moeny ciritical
imp necessary cruial thgis nin lfie its nto fun or a hobby!

hbby isi smehtign tth udo for fun adn when u get bored athen u ustop odign ti wehre as work biz i s
soemthgi ntthh udo ot achhve soemthging thth u deem is imp and irital liek mioeny goal msision u keep
workig en nosntp iitrrpestive of whthehr uare bored u ulie kti or nto enjoy it or not cu doit to achvhe
causeu uawnat ot oahchve thsi goal

getting data info form unviers nand god thank oy ugod direitosn ans ot owhat otodo for mthe protal to
my bria ntht si!

im nto kidign you i mena buisenesn!

itsnto thth i lakc soemhtign prise or anyhtign lie kthth o rwant ot ogain praise r

nayhtign liek ht
tis jstu thhi liek the game
i like achivgn thigsn
I am abmbitosu hths waht it itis and want ot ahchve great thgisn
i amhave hth drive! adn mtosivaiton to
ahvhe greathgisn thths waht drives me
nto thth i ahve an unstiated unfufled ego or want or seek prse r anytign liek thth
or am lakcing praise nadn attention or hehrs soemthgi nmsison g no
tis about ahcivng thgisn accomplsihign greahtigsn!
adn knwoign the secret waht it it akes to suceed!

you need to
be fuuly itn oti and highy linvoeld i nwhat oy uare doing hadns on apprach thth si kwn
weeryhtign full levle of inveolemtn totoaly into what uare odign nt odetached adn do

it o nthe surfae knw weveryhtign abotu ti in deatil go in to the deatils

go itn to the detaisl and itnricaeis tht hsi1

sucess and accomplsihments! and ahcivemetns hth si!

go itn toeh details and itnricaces take the heffrts nd nthe paisn

n odetia lsi too small to onsider!

lazy ppl dtn go it nt odetials cause goin int otdetaisl takes etra effrts thinkgi
ntakes effrts too
take effrt fo i tnt o detiasl ahve high ellvel of inveolment sepdn enenrgy1

than kgod its hard caseu tf it was eaysy every oen else otu thehr woud have doen it

you neendo t be i nthe point

eb ambitosu driven adn motivated ot odit tht is!

High energy nandmtoivated thth si1
not lazy and ndemotivated

hei si highy ldriven nad mtivated nadn ambtios unad ster nthth si!

you need oto eb on a a msiiso nand dtermed to do it and achhve i t

adn drema big nadn ahve big drmeas nadn deries ambtisou nad achve greathigns hth si!
driven adn mtoivated

he is isitnse andn eh likes insteity nadn chaos

be i nteh action
i nteh stress and itnsnttiyth thsi1

pusuit fo prospertiy
teh mreo o uahve teh more yo uacn agive!

Ii lie k intsen pp ladn high achevers

liek Trup, like hitler, like ana damme like shwrz like Elon musk!
caues i ilie kt ostud y the secret t socuess waht it itakes to hwo ot mold yoursefl
to suceed thth is!

make it big
he isi i nteh makign workign on hisemlf to imrpove hismelf hth si!
think big on a large sace
i nthe makign
how yo uamek oyursel by what u ubievle in thigsn tht hshape you!

he is i ocnfdient
eh is driven mtiivated
no nsoens n military and os oon!
non sen seriosu
boss in controll!
in coammdn hth is non onsen on am siion mialtray and so on
hardw orkign focuesdn and soon1
workig nsmart and naoso nitnellgent!
coampttiive and nso on!
hgih acio nhighachever!
lraen for mteh madn emualte them htth si!

perfect perfect i love it love it do it!

buildosethtign thh si !

be e appasitoante nadn rdriven abotu it ahve hth mtoiaviton and drive hth si!

he is ahndso n fully inoveld i nti on a misio and no nteh go htth si!

his goals and he enjoys odign ti and finsds ti exicitngnadn enntertiang thtsi!
otehrh wise!
i loe ve acito n iliek to be i n the action!
liek i nthe mislaitry on a msisio andn o nteh go thth is!
u enjy odoign ti tis more fu neixictnnand trhillig nththsi!

the otuside world is riuthles and unforiigvngh th is!

gthey dotn reach wehre tehy treach jsut lie kthth they have soe mgreat work ethics

beilf system i ntehm tht make htem suceed they knw whato ood!


they are to the poitn short direct nonsoesn!

keep iti short and t hte point dpe nwaste tiem hthis!
tiem si valuable and imp
get strgth ot ot hte poitn short direct nadn to the poitn ththis!
ns tirght frowrdnadn n nsoen!
thnk psotoivegooin i nto thth u will win thinkign eg makesu u isenucre!
n less ocfndient to go ahed wit hyowhat uractiosn, or oyur ideas and dreamsnadn wahtu

uwant toodo!

ahve no fear! fear hodlsu u backand nstps u uform doign ti ! fear ofscreewign ti up

amkign mistakes nadnso on!

maek ss acrificies yo uahveo to give up fiu nadn wor kahrd to getwhehre oy uscarifice a few unimp
thgsin to achvhe the imp thgisn!

say not ot oalch drugs and icgrattes they noot onyl ruin yoru life make u uunprodtiive! i ncmpetnet

pppl are alazy they dotn nwato to ot ake hte extra effrt they dotn watnto work ahrd!
they want ot olazye aroudn realx they odtn go into detials and itnricasescaseu goign

go i nt odetaisl takes ahrd work! and troubel nadn effrts, takign effrtsn adn trouble
adn suffeirgn nadpaisn, they odtn wantot othink causeh tinkign also tkaes effrt, they

dotn lie kto think acuse htinkign also theaks effrt yo ueed oto work hard nto be alzy!

observe sucesful ppl waht thehy do be i nteh aciton! whehreh the aciton is
observefor msidelines nadn alern whot to ood nad hten put urslef otu therh h i naciton

dont jsut watch for msideliens!and put urslf otu htherh fodowhat thety do execute and

soo n1 jstu odnt wthac ofrm sidleesn yo ualso be one of them a doer take aciton ocne

uu kwn whato toodo and have figuredo ut what oto od form bervign them lernnign form


be apssioante abotu what uu do if uare nto pasioante abotu ti taotoly i nto it then yo

uwotn make it
! auseu aure doign ti on the surface!

u are too talented ot oeb odign thth thign and work for soem oen elase nadn maek

toerhs moeny wit hth knwledge yo ucanstrt your own biz nadn achvegreathgisn1
Delelgate! but still eb hadns on
if oyuare not in detaisland nahndso n with yoru busiesn
tehyn adn detaehd ofmr it adn leave everyhtign to otehrs and ndotn chekc up ooo

nthgisn tehy illw lrui nyoru buseisn!

yo needo t chek delldagte but chahek teh progerss!
adn still eb i tneh detials the resutsl the balacne shehets how mcuh profts growth how

uch debt and so on1

delelagte but dotn be ot of otouch

ready to tgo and ntake o nteh wokrld!
shrp n;voe it be apsisioante abotu waht u u od love whatuu do!

leave al lthth aside thths into imp

frst do wahts imp
everythgin else na be done later on

well can do itgbiggernadn better job of it

gthink posotive gowith th ocndince!
ifo yu are nto confdient oin yoru d nyo uwotn goahed
or take teh lead or initavite!

ppl find trump cringy adn soo they dotn emualte him
but you see he is a very sucesful adn ahaveahhved a lot in his life!
well he is cringy adn a jerk
but thre ias also osme thign greatnand good abot him thhts why he acchied soo mcu hadn

was soo sucesufl i nhsi life!

ever y one has neg and psotiv
u need t o see their psotiv sideand tkae adn emualte theri poostiive dsdie!
hitler was bad too
but oy usee he was still suceful
he wasahd adraem a misiso neh was focused onti thth was hsi psootive side good side!
he goato al oto of htigs ndoen, goteerhgn ordgnanziednadn oso n1
was abel ot ocnviece ninclfunce ppl pruesdaen and oson1
too keffrtoto ahhveh si goals nadn msision1
was mabatiosu ahd big dremasnadn ahd drive was drivne was nt oa lazy perosn
was stubborn dtemrmed and eprsitn
adn willig nt oto wkrh rad take effrts to get what heh wants
adn ahchve hsi dremas!
Knw hwati isi imp and what isi not put ur item and effrts in imp thigs nnot unimp thgsin

Know the purseo what isi the goal ai madn purseope

And put item and energy and neffrt I nti, waste of tem and energy nadneffrt unim pthgisn

Yo uahchve what oyu set out to achvhe if oy udotn set out to ahchvei t oy uwotn achvhe it!

be driiven ammsibs have thth amnitos nadn drive

thtsh whats gonan maek u take gerat mamisv effrts nad
do thgis nadn fdo greathgis nadn work hard thth ambitos ndere wis what iwll amek u

everyhtig n udo hardwrk and ntake effrts u take tiis to ahchve thth goaltht u ahve
adn ditiermeidn o od itand ot geit idoen and ot amek it happen tht is!

be mroe driven and mtiavatedn nad mabtiosu htth si!

Mosto of the pp lare lazy they hate otowork they odnt eti itnt odoetials nto highy lnveoldi nwaht htehy
are doi nhtey do it ony on thesrurface cause ogin I nt o detaisl akes effrt s andn spianss nadn discmftrt
and they odnt wato to od it or taek ti, go it nto the details

winenr nadn loser!

waht seprpates a winner for ma loser
winner gets up back when they wfall

Nenvenrgive up or givei n
And be sutbbirn and detemred ot odo ti and geit iodennad ot maek it happen

And dream big if oyudotn drema big oy u dotn ahvehth drivenand maitosvito nto do graehtigsn!
Kwn whatiisi it thths gonand drie oy uto bedetemrmed towork ahrd take aeffrst its oyur drmae thh
rdrives u and motivates yo uh th is ma

I lie kaciotn I like intsneity I like stress it meas soemthsin ogign on, otyu are working towards asomthign
if thehr si no acton stress itnstity it means htigsn are notgoing great ntohgisn ahppenign youaren ot
odign greatigsn wit hyoru lfie!

Be otugh I nenoug and willing t pt urlse htorugh the tsress gridn and so on and take the srrres nand
pressure not crack iudner it! for hteh sake ifo achvgn ur ogals!

Year n ot be the dbest of the best not just average the best!
N eb dtemrmmedn and stubborn to od it and geit ti oden and maek it happen

Invest oyurelffs uflly I nto oyru drema!

It as to be best ofo the best!
And do it immaditelty be o nteh go haends on as iif it’s a war its on a msisio nthtsi !

Preprpagemd t oamek th iahepepn and ot odoitand ot geiititi oden1

Thnsk god for the direction nadn the adviceas to what ot odo ot be sucuesufl I nlfeiand ahcve my goals!

encorgage doen don’t discorage! To wrk hard n take action

-its your dremasm thth dirves u gives u the drvemotivation to uto awrok ahrd enadvaour and ndtake
agreat effrts1 eveyhng u sdo all effrst and naedavaiours oy utakedeermeaediatnion scarifices u uamek si
ot ahveh ththdreame is forhet sake of ur dream

The pursuit of prspertiy! The more oyu have the more oy ucna give!

Mke it big make it bet if itsn to the best ppl wpnt buy it

-well thths not how it worksiget the stuff AND THEN I PAY YOU!

nadn o nteh go hth is nad nand fast no wastig tiem nad wtotoatly in toti and
Mke it big and gmaek it great!

Thin kbig hwen u u think big then yo uwll tstrgetize hwo oy uwill ahchve thth big dream, yo uwil think
how wil I get capital hughe caotial to achvhe m y big dremas it shudnt be a mom n and pop store or
busiesn n think big scale is imp! If oy uthink small you will strtergizeacocordngly get small captail hwo ot
ogate small capital its like thht soo think big! Scaleisi imp at whaich u do things!

He isi stern stubborn nand brutatl and so on! he ahs hth newyork ameraicna nadn erman attitude
O stirght direto to othe point organziedan oson sreutiered and effient andn productive
Thhtes are hteht things tht have shaped you and maekdeu u who ayo uare akillig ammchien htht is you
kill wit hyour success and nahcvemetns! And prdotuuveity nadn high eveficen y andn matioavaito nad

I lei khim he is isisnsprationsal and hanadso n and ao nthe go hth si! He didisnt ahchehv la lathshe thgisn
jstu lie kthth1

Thnk oy ugod for giving me the driectio n thogutsh as to what oto od, to ahche my gols ,the, right ppl to
hselp me support me thnk u my lord RKishna and Christ for helping me otehrh wise it would have
nenver happened!

Bedirect stirgh to to the point! It mwill ame klife easy for oyu and ndot waste tiem and beat around theh
bush htht is! Be straight forward and direct nadn to the point just say what u udfeel! No beating aroud
nthe bush hth is! Or runig nin srels straight thot the posit nsay hwat u ufeel! Straight nad so on1 I lie k
him h ei isstrght ot othe point! And direct and nsays what he feles!
-Goals hwo ot ahchve yoru gaols
-buiseisn mind hw obis men think ,think to be oamce a bsueisn man
-how oto dea wit hppl, leadrership wquailtes nad so on hwo oto be and why


-thin psootvei be highy lconfidnet stiubbor nand nfirm assertive self assured and frim thh si nto shaky
covncing not flakey

-itsi m pto eb serisou and nonosensn cause goofiness and nosenne means u are wastignurietm andn
enenrgyo n unimp thgisn, thth si u are basically wasting tim e thth is beign goofy enengign I nn osenn
thth si! Unimp thgisn. Ucessary uselels thgisn, ot spend tiem effrt energy on unimp thgisn! Nonnes
disrations etc… I will also disrtct ur mid nfor mimp thigsn1

-hwen u stop odign soemthign and oy uare nol ogner highly inveold in ot it I nthe details and dogin it
hten oy ulose touch oy uare baisclaly out of toich you are rusty oyu lose momentum! And if oyu lose
mamnetum its hard ot maek a come back nadn ths why yo ushud nto take vactio s not you know, stop
oding it becocosntly atiti t and doing ti you dot nwnat ot olose moemtnum ifu lsoe memntum u lose
trakc, you lseo sucesess,

-doti fast gei tioden now1

Itsi mp to be organized if oy uare disorganed there iwil eb chaos nadn confusion maess , take extra eefrt
to be organized

-Hooligasinsm lack fo ocntroladn unreguatled behaiour! Thiller naughty fun knw wht to let lose and whe
o be highly reauglted! Whe n uwan t oget work doen and whan u uwantot ohave fun or be creative let
loose its lie kflyig a kite knwign when to let losen n flutter nad whnr to ocntorl the kite

Be ocosntlyat ti iadn do ig nti to od it nad t it ot geti tioden and ot maek it happen

Control poitsn to ostay focused and nbe oocsntly atiti and doing t iworkign o nti:-
-Soo hth u knw in your mdi nthth uahve ot odo this and soo you are focused n ti oy udotn waste ite
mdogi ntoerhtigsn, if hehr is inothgin to do o yu wil lend up odig ntoerhthigsn. Due ot oindeciosn u will
do otehrhtisgn nas I ts no theh ri nyou mid nthth u have im pthgis nt ood. Sine u uahve nothgi ngraet ot
otodo u will either sepnd tiem idling or ndoig nntohgn or doin unimpthgsin. Once uua hve things to od
oy uahve a cahl a direiton a way a apth! For hteh da as oto what ot ood
-Yo ukwn oyu shudnt be wasting tiem and u shud maek the most productive use fo oyur tiem soo uthin
kwahtot odo next imp things as u udotn want oto waste item and nand get to work

- Takek ur tiem think paln make a stretgy thgouhgfully as t what ot odo hwo oto do it and og
abotuti have thgotuhful way fo dign thgisn, od it thogutfully I na well ethogtuh out pallned nad
nintellgent way! Not I na hap aahhzrd way uncithoguthfully having no idea as to what otodo and
what u uare odign out thehre what u uenedo to od t oget what resut lacito naoutocem and nso
on. do things I na very thgotuhful thgouth out and intelligent way ahvigna system a process at
ehcnique a way of oodng thgisn, perfectly knw wign whtu u uhdsud do n ndhsudn to do n why
the reson behign d it to succeed and wath atuocem or acito nti will elad ot reust l it iwl llead to.
Take uru item so it thgotushuly proely as ot what ot odo hwo to od it nad go about ti thhsi,
intelligently , ahvign amethodnd natechque od it I na well thoguth out way! A well thgotuh out
method system process technique! Perfecltlyl knowing as oto I nyoru mid nas ot owaht u ushud
do and shud nto do to ahchve urogals
- Doing ti kwnoign ly beign aware and recognziignas to what u ushud nshd u nto be odign
- Put ti it down as to what oyu need oto od and follow to be successful so thth u have s system
and progem and frame work in palce and u knw what tu uneed oto od to and follw oto sucedd
- Be very time o time hav a set system n routine

What maeksu u tick effiintn nad productive and na high achhvemver winner ofrm loser andn help u sced
at whaht u do things ruels beivf system to foolwo

Thgisn tthwill help u ube hgihy lprpdtiive nadn efcentn and driven andmatiated ot oachvhe yoru goals
proporgmammign on amsisio nadn the best ofo the best!

You needoto have stricter a frame work I npalce to follow ot succeed

And then program tit I nyour mid nfeedi n input what to odo programming of the mind soo thth u do it
and folwo nad execute tet ingrained in the core to the corei tneht midn1 extchedi nteh mid nas oto
what ot oodo the knwledgei nforamtion

You need to have a process a system a frame work in pace a technique i noacle to help you perfrom or
funtion to maxeffceiny andn produtiivity:

The process system framewrk

1) knw whato your goalsi iwhat u want ot oahchve andn waht thgisn oy uneedot ood oto achvhe urgoals
keep htth in mind! what hts e optimziaiton for odig nall thsi to be sue ful ahve acreer directio nsuceed
and os on, maek soemthgin fo oyursefl, to ahve a good lfie, emnoguh meony nad thgisn u need imp
thgisn i nlfei to sliv ocmfrotabley, adn to

ahv direciton not be aloser or wasted nadn so n have direcito n in lfei whehre u can chaenlize yfocus
oyur skilsl tanelts enenrgy on, menatl reotuce isntelngnce knlewledge on, toerh hwise if oyu aodnt have
soemthgint odo and a direciton purpseo then u ar basically wasted! you feell iek a loser then!

-waht u need ot oowrk on thinkadn dnede waht to owork on

-thgis nodtn ahppe nliekhtht yo uavhe to work on thenm to maek thgisn ahppen and to get htigsn doen!

-stay focsuedo yoru gaol nadn msisio nadn dotn lsoe persepective htth is!

-think of waht work to odo next towrdsachvign ru gaosl, if oy udotn decde then yo uwat e oy uritem

1) The objective is to :

a) get thgis ndoe nadn work doen thth needs to be doen t oachvhe ur gaosl nad to getti iodne in record
tiem thths the goal and obejctiven adn agenda and maisio nthth is! tisimp to oknw whatoto nmeisiso nis
why yo uare odign what uuar odign, why focused why workig ndayn ngth cosntouly why? inrder to oget
thgisn doen and work doen and to get thgisn doen fast thths the opitmiazation! and to not waste tiem
thth si limtied itemu uthth uhave to maek the msot effcint proofducitve usue fo theh tiem oy uhave by
gigivng iti t owork and impthgsin

b) to not waste the limtied tiem thth yo uahve 24 horus thth u have nadn give your tiem to work ad imp
thgisn only! ctiriitcla thgisn oyl thth will ehlp u uachvhe the imp criitcla thgisn i nlfie, dotn waste time
dogi nunimp thgsn tht hwill brign u no bebefit or gain!

keep this in mind!

-to achhve this you need to:-

a) bE fcoused

b) be self-reguatled, self controlled

c) wok hard lon horus day nn igth cntsouly to gethtigsn don e thth need oto eb doen to ahcvhe ur goals
nadn to ahchve urgoals. take effrts adn oso n be actie alert nadn enenrgeticnadnso on . focsu o
nworkign coconsnsntly nadn cosntiuly and keep chippignnad oso n take actio nt ogethgisn doen wrok
doen nad to amek thigsn happe nthgin odnt happpen liek thth on theri won oy uahve ot owork ahrd
take effrts, work to gthgisn doen waht are yo uworkign on!

d) be dtemrmed ot od it nad to geti tiodne

E) give your everyhtign midn body heart soul moeny everyhtign to it

f) put urubest efrts 0100% effrst i nit fiigive it your all

g) have haigh ellvel of inveolment i nti be totaly lasot in wahtu uare doig nadn into ti thth is

h) dotn wastei tiem oy uahve limted tiem resoruce fgivie uru time ot oowrk and im pthgsi nonyl to get
wok r nadn imp thgsi ndoen

i) have a sensen fo urgenc y ot ogethgisn doe nfast as tiem si ilited u uact take acges o to gethgisn doen
yo uthink uahve tem but oyu really dont1 tiem goes fast!

j) dotn preocrasteinate doti now take it for doig nti now

whtat oyu put i nyou get out! ur htogutsh deresyoru action yo udesre dream adn wrok towrds i nteh
wuvierse you get out!


-goo ont oahchve greathgis nbuild greathgisn

-thsi has got nothgitn ood with ti wrk menas bueisn on a misio nti measn sruvuval, wor kadn play nadn
enjyment are two diffrnenthgis nweh nure on work mode it measn u uare n a msion uare odign ti for
oyurself and to suceed achhve greathgi nnadsee how mcu hu cna ahchve nadn waht is tneneded ot
suceedn and so on! teh recie for osuces i nanyhtign yo udo!

- ahve diriecio nperspective to o focsu ur skills isntitos nenenrgeis on thth si!

critical ladn crucial thgisn i nlife only sneseible thigsn only and all unimp hgisn goaside ucnessar htgisn
go asdie! focsu only o nthe imp adn dotn wase tiem odign unimp thgsin, also , spend your tiem iwsely
be careful how oyu spend oyur tiem doig nwhat waht u ugive your tiem to that is,

-adn totaly in to it thth is1

--the speedandn pace at whci h ugethgis ndoen si imp oy uneed oto not jsut getthigs ndoen but also
gethgis nde oen fast in record item htth si yo ushud getit ioden in 13rd the time it twould take otehrs tto
getit ioden how? by workin long hoursn and ahrder than others so oas to get t it oden dfast adn and at
record speed tiem and pace and ot accelearte the prorgess fo thgis nand work gettign doe nthth is!

- ythe goal si nto jsut ot gethigsn doen and work doen but ot gethgis ndoen fast at recrd speed tiem
pace inacelrated way soo uneed oto owrk long horus work day nngt h and get after ti to geti ti doen
fast at a reord speed and instse speed nadn pace thth is!

- whehr ithehr rsis awil terh si a way be dtermed ot od ti adn to geit ioden tht his!

n to maek t happe nand u will break thru an budge thru the obstavlcesi nyor uway1

The aerluer u get it dun the better

nooo way y dotn give up adn work liek hell to maek it happen!

-ave biz ideas

-go and directly strt campneis bye o na s coampyn strtign spree
-raise maoney captila
-empoy team adn nppl an dlelagte to pp t to pdp do tghsin1
namek oyur ideas hapen!

-yo uownt get wor kdone, and im pthgis ndoen if yo uwaste tiem adn yo uput yorusefl inovel ursel, in
oehre unimp work! not onyl will y u be distracted form imp work as ur midn goes ntoerhhtigsnand oyu
lsoe focus dvietion ur midn gets diverted and yo uforget abotu work but and get distractednan diverted
isnted of ibngle minded focus but yo uwill also end up losign tiem adn wstign tiem, adn nto get wrok
and im pthgsi ndone. "aap mujhe distrub kar rahe hoon, yeh mera sochne ka tiem hota hai aap baat kar
ke mujhe distrub karto hon, i cnat thiknk waht ot odo next or waht to oto do"

-ifu uwnato t osueed in lfie htth u need ot be selfish not selfles causue ifu uodtn think for uslef who
will, god has given all beigns a brian animlas teth nails etc. .adn otehr abiltiest o porotect themselves
save thisemsves, look after themslvs and so on so otht hthey cna surivie, soo think of yourlsef nadn for
oyurself, and say fuk yo u to th e world odtn waste item i ndistractiosn and wahts ogign o ni nthsi world,
tink onyl f he thgisn thth will ehlp u and will help uau hahchve ur gaosl and imp thgsi dotn watei item
adn ndget distraed yb the goin on s i nthsi workld htth are o no releeanceto oyu, adn wont help u au
mae ur life nadn achve the ip thgsi ni nlife,

dotn get distracteddevaitednand iverted, wen u ugo oto help otehrs u ned up sacrifisng surrfferifngn
ndn alosign. adn when u need help n o one will ehlpu, soo thin kfor ueslef htth is

-you needo to enange i nself regautlion to maek thigsn happnen! to ocntrol yorusefl thth is! and make
urslef do work and impthgisn!

-dont ot odo unimp thgisn u can do oehtehrhtigns late r o nat otehritme dont waste tiem u can do al tht
alter leave al ltht aside frst owahts imp!

-keep ouurm id ni nwork and imp thgsi nthnk fo work adn imp thgisn
- remebr keep i nmidn what u ushud nadn shud nt be doign

- I itoo ka break soo thth icoud solve me socla anixety problems so otht icna put myslef otu htehr hth si
and fucstio nadn eprofrm andn dot be feell werdy awakrd anixosu lakign sometng werdy awakrd nto
good enough nad lesser andn lower than toehrs

- you nee ot be aware of the htogtush goin on i nyour head

-yoru tiem is imp every horu min sec is imp be careful as ot hwo u spend ur tiem waht u ugive ur tiem to
give ur tiem to work and imp thgsi nonly

-dotn waste yoru item sleepign lazign thinkign fo otehrhtigsn unimp thgisn, doign otehrh tigsn unimp
- to ahchve ur goals its imp to be highy lprodutive thth si gtet a lot ofo work doen, cause to achhve
urogals u need ot get a lot ofo thgis ndoen work doen, soo itsi mp to fiuger otu frst hwto be highy
lprodutive hth is! get a loot ofo work doen i ns a day

- u needo to ahve system a processi npalce knw whtoto od and what not ot odo inorder ot be
highlefficnet and nprodtive thth si knw whato tofollow

follwo the system the process ru nteh rpgra tthsi1 exeute hteh rpogram fllw it ththsi !put htis thign
down teh frame work as to awht ot odo adn follwo ot achhve ur goals tth si n to be highy lefficent nadn
rpodtive htth is

-if y ou doubt oyurself then yo uwotn go ahed with yoru dfreams or nietherwill toehrs be convinced
pursuaded by it!

-the harder i work the luker i get

if oy udotn waork ahrd try take actio nthe nnothign will ahppe nwhe nu take actio ntry wrok hard work
towrds it then soemthgi or otehr nwill ahppen

tlak less nad do more htth istake action, all tlk n no action and
wrok hard take action to get thgis done!

watign tiem tlakign and n oaciton

rtlakig nunim pthgsi nwastign tiem and creating distraction

- be cocosntly workign focusonworkign nosntop conotisuly be cocosntly atitiadn doign ti to odit nad ot
geiti odne

be iwllgin t owrk hardtake pisn effrst stress adn isntnseity

if yo uare nto takign aciot nworkig nahrd thgisn are not instste

stress preessre then thigns are not happenign you aren to doignanyhitng with yoru life ti measn!u are
waitng ur item and life whata re oyu doign with ur life then ufeel frustrated ntohgin is goin on and laoser
hth is!

thsisii s where the actio nahppes

be ready to take ontehworkld!

-focsu o wnrokig ncosntsiuylnosntop takignaito nadn doign thgsi nu shud be coocsntly workign tkaifng
acito nt odothgis nadn geththgsin doen to amek thgis nahppen!

be cocosntly aiti adn doign t ito od it and ot geit iodne

i liek gettiign thgis ndoen tht hsi

-ameracan n german atititude of ahd work smart work takihn thigsn serisouly no BS goofiness andn
nosen thhtsis strgith to the point , fdiret efficent proerutve no nosenn and menaign buseisn and
dremangn big

-waht ever yo udo make it big! on alarge sacel not asmall scale1

-fioyu dtn take acito nfast aciton then htigsn wont happen oy uneedo t have thth urge derse not jsut to
gethigsn oden but ot gehtigsn doen fast at high speed rate nadn apce thth si! super focus nadnspeedand
effrts work hard cnsotuly have thth urgencyahst e to geth igsn doen fast get everyhtig ndoen finsiehdas
fast as yo ucan thth si maek htgsni nget done na d make htigsn ahppe nadn achvhegoals fasthth is not
jstu to getiti oden btuto get it idoen fast in reocrd speed rate nadn iem, hget iti doen now make it happe
nnow be fast speedi is imp the speedn adn rate natn wihcih u gethtigsn oden ahvesensn fo eurgncy ot
get everyhtign doen immidalteyl right now thth si and take effrt nadn be super focuesd to get everyhtign
doen fast a t a high speed rate nadn pace thth si

immidiately thth si urgenly htth is a snesn of urgency!

-tkae htigsn seirsouly not lightly be on oyru toees be awre ofo the furuteur sisieus thth cna arise nadn
perapere accordnignyl dont be alx, easy cgoign chill and relaxed thth si unworriedn soon tkaig ntgisn
easily lgihyl jokignyl nadn relxed get on your toes be o nyoru toes liek arbbit active alertn and os on
ofthigsn thth cna go workng!

not be ignorant hthis! andsoo take acito nacorignly to maek htigsn happen

-focsu o nworkign o nti cocosntly oy uneedot be cocosntly owrkign on it odign yoru work and tkaing
actio nt ogehtigsn doen andget work doen thth needs ot be doen to ahchve ur ogals no distraciton focus
o nworkign odign oyur work docsontly getitign thgis ndoen
quietly chipping adntkaignacito nt oachvhe ur goasl thth si be liek a duck keep cal m keep quet nadn
smilign and nad keep paddling hth is

-yo uneed to be stright to hte poitn directno nsoen take ingacito nadn soo nti wil lsave yo ua lot ofo
time and make thgisn simler for oyu to achhve thth si1

-stirght diret nonsoe to hte poitn not wastign tiem adn meangin buseisn thh si!

no jokign goofienss nonsen nad oson wastign tiem in unimp thgisn tlak nosen distractions and oso on! it
iwll dirvert oyur mid nform imp thgis nmind filled with nonsen crap thth is!

-hard wor kadn dedication! n commitment thhsi ocosntly be workign and doign ti

- establish oyru own busesinn " a buisen thh will brign in moeny cash and capital thtis "

- why itisi mpto be serisou and non osen unipmp goofy useless thigsn thth its its cause if uwhen ur mid
nsi filled with nosne not onyl are imp thgis npusehd aisde thth si u dotn do imp thgis nbut it calso
distracts deviates your mdi nform imp thgisn as thehr si nosne grabage fillidn i nyour mid nand so o
ucant do im pthgsin thh is yo uforget imp thgsi nare nonlonger hteh rie noyur mdi nthen be serisou
about life take it seorusly , no nsen thth is, maen buesien otehr wise yo uwill suffer and ife isi not a joke
yo uwill end up strugglign and suuffirenngi npai nif oy uarento seriosu about lie and tkae ti esirosuly
tkae thigsn seirosuly tis a martter fsurivial life nadndeath! ifu utake life serisouly eitehr u wil end up as a
joke no nosen will tkae u sreisouly or ntohgi nyo uwont achvhe greathgisn or oy uwnedu p loser adn
suufrign thth is not achivng anyhtign inlfieh tthis causeu ur mid nsi filled with goofiness smilign lsiouhign
nosenn tkalk unimp tuselels hthgisn1

-thsisi a war agaisnt capitalsim thth will lead to fuk up of hte world! captialsinm is good but thher isalso
evei lcpaitalsim! teh gaol to ocntorl the nautrla reosruces graisn food awater and nso on air nadn so on!
itsi m pto eb a ursader if oyu dotn raise ur voice agianst eveil it will spread yo uknwo an destryo
humanity and good ppl!
--therh is a lot oof work thth needs ot be doen be cocosntyl at it iadn doign ti t do it and to geti tiodne

be to the poit nadn direct

knwowhhen to be highyl slef-controlled nad nregatuel oyurself oyru htoguths midn and action
when uahve work and imp thgis nt ood

and knw when to let loose an let go and gfre your mind whe nu wantot be creatie!
day drmeamig netc..
ro when u wnatot oahve fun!

u hsud be seriosu thth si no nosesn nwhe nu enenge inovel your mind in nonse then it gets disracted for
mimp thgisn!
wen u r mind is filled wit hnosen nadn goodfy thgsin imp thgsinae n longer htehr inyoru mid nyo uloose
focus andn persepctive!

Put it idown what works andn what doesn’t soo htth u dton t forget and you kwn what worked foro y
uat thth itme htth made oy uefficent nad preoducitve!if oy udotn put it donw hth formualta nd awath y
uused and practiced attht htiem or beived nad nfolwoed then yo uwil lforget nad hten tis ahrd ot reapdt

Putting it down will make the process slow and alalysisi and soo n but its slow bt t sure its like tht its
worth it ti takes extra effrt and ntiem ad nslows odwntht e process but it makesu u mre osrue nad
nceritan as ot what works nadn wath doensth th si its loyu r lifes work! t find the secret of suces1

stay focsued nadn dotn lose perespective how to stay focused?

- keep in midn meemry mrmmeebr dotn forget what u r goal si hwat oy uwanto t oahchhve adn what
thgisn yo uneedo to odo oto o achvhe ur ogals

-by doig n your owrk and ipmp thgisn! n sayignn oto othe hri thgis nfocsu on it
dont get dstractdd nadn dvierted stay focused on ti odnt waste your tiem doig nall thht! you cna do al
hth t later on! not wast iteim me nadn distract yoruselfnadn put your pbrian i noterhh tisn unimp thgisn
spne d item o nimp thgisn as opposed ot otehrhtigsn
- nto o nly do oyu feget distrated for mimp thigsn adn lsoe foucs when u u do otehrhtigns but oy ualso
wastei tem effrt nennrgy

-the value of tiem : dpotn waste teim doign unip thgisn!

-focsu vs distractio nelarn to identify what isi focus and nwhat is distraction!
all otehrh itgns unimp to touy adn wont ghelp u auchvhe ur goals or get imp thgsi ndoen or help u
achhve hte imp thgisn is a waste of tiem adn a dstraction everyhtign imp to tyu is focus!

-leanr ot oidentifuy what ii t s ofucs nadn waht is distration

thsi si is adisrartio nyo uwornt get anhytign by odign all thsi dont put ur pbrin i nall this BS and invoel ur
brai nin ti leave it aside htth is! dotn od otehrhtigns unimp thgisn yo unca do al lthth laer on leave lal
athht aside fisrt do whatsi imp adn ciritical and criucaiol ot achveh r ogals do whatsi imp foro yu !
think of oyurslef be selfish!

-tlk less and nwrok mroe

-dotn sdistract iinvoel urslef i n otehrh tigsnand unimp thgisn!

-do ti fast its not jstu imp to t get htgis ndoen but to gethigsn doen fast!
work on it ot odit nad geti ti odenfast at a high speed rate adn pace!

- fosuo nworkign yo uneedo to be owkrign cosntostuyl nosntop to gethgis ndone get work doen adn
maek it hapen!
- if oy uwantto osuceedi nlfei at something oy uahve ot odo nyl one htign and ofcus 10% on onyl on

-alsotits imp to be sriosu adn tkaethigsn seriosuly not lightly thissi o joke not eneage i nnosen andgoofy
thgis cause it distracts the midn thth is!
besrisou about thigsn!
-stop beigngoofy nadn nonsensn nad bea bit formoreseriosu abotu htigsnand lifen
goofy means nosnsen nadn distracito nserisou meansm enaign beusisensi ncontrol i ncommadnnadn
nosnsneo ht is andisntes hthis!
- nto wastign tiem an nd in unimp thgisn adn distracitosn! form impthgisn! sepding energly on
selessnadn unimp thgisn

- i like instseity if thehr is s no stress or tinsity it means ntohsign happenign i liek t be ambitosu and so on
adn ahve bigdrmeamsn an dgoals nadn dtmermeto work hard fdrmen big take amaasivie aeefrts to
achhve my galsnadn ahve big ambitos nadn dreams!

i dotn lie kbeign laid back i felel useless asunrpdotive as i if i am nto odig naythign with my lfie not
aching anythg ng great andn wastign my mlife i liek to be anmbotisiu od soemthgi nwit hmy life be
uselfu and of use onot waste my taentsn and drema bignand get to owork ththsi1 or i feel misearble
hoelss freustrednadn drpesed afgood for montohign nda loser hth is!
nto ahchvign anyhtign wsaistng my life notodign anyhtign with my lifen and da wstign my talents
-be slefassertive htth si1 do waht it itakes to maek t i happen
- yo uwill be knwon by oyru ahchvemetns
yoru achhvemetns ill ame y u ahppy and tis adictive t ahchve more
dotn get comaplacent or rest of n past accomplsihemtns nadn achvemetns!

-rip the maparat

be highy lconfirdnt bossi ncotnrol of everyhtign thth si!
im the man i am the boss here!

- yu needootbe i nt he acito be a man of acito ntth si

take it soersiuly
work hard work liek hell dayn nyigth to maek ti happen
eb cocosnrlty atit iadn doign ti

and beliek the gearmsare thth si no nseo seriosu stright driect and nso on!
make htgns simple be very direct
wehhter yes or no!

-tie your lfie to a purpsoe work and msisn nonose to wor kadn useisen miliatrynadn srieosuand nacito
nadn maenign busiesn ththis1

t the poitn stright direct

detemrmed ambitosu
on am sison!

You will be known your eprofrmcanecapcapbility!

by your victoriesnand cahvements!
there mroe achvivemetns the more good oyufeel sucesful happy oyu feel! waht yo uhave achvhed i
nlfie! its pretty addicitve actually, another achviemetn in your kitty yo uwnat ot oahchve mroe hth is!

dont rest on past achhvemtns thik of hwats nexT1

be srieso uadn ndo nse nsoe ntake ti srisouly nt olightly andn djokign ly and ndonsne is distraciton adn
waste o tiem adn distracito nform imp hgisn and also waste ofo tiem effrt n nenergy in unmip thgisn

be on a msision o tne hgo

dtermed adn drive ready t otaek o nteh world!

be very stright up drie it iwil maek ur lfie easeir nad nsimpelr say waht u ufel le ththsi!
knw when ot be diploamtic!

be fcused
work ahrd
dotn waste tiem1

thgis nthth shape oy uadn amek u uwho yo uare and

wrok rehtigsnncs hgisn yo unbivel i nthigsn thth amek u perform fucion procutuve efficent maek u utick
teh give uu the gdrvenadn amotaivitonand ndersiere to achahve great thgis ntht si!

help p u rpeprfmr fucntio nget thgis ndoen andn work done!

wrk smrt: the dstsretgies t achhvegraethgisn!

Inorder to achvhe your goals you need ot get a a lto of work doen nad thgisn done for thth you need to
eb be highyl efficent nad rpoductive!
how rpodtuive was your da y andn hwo much work oyu got doen, and how much work you didint get

-you needo to be foused ioy uare no t focused and if uare distracted stay focusedo nt oocnstrate o nti
then yo uwill get nothgi ndoen ifo yu are nto focuesdo nti
- give all your tiem to it to do ti and to geti ti odne thth is! maximum amount of oyur item thth u get i na
day oto otit tit oto dio it and getit ioden fast!
- wor khard take effrt s nadn paisn be oocncslty woriign o nti nosntop be atiti nonstop ot do it nad tot
get iti doen!
- take ti for doig nti ot otidt nadn getitiode strt now
-immidiately take it for doign ti
-dont preocratsinate do ti nwo getit doen now hte earler the better, bweetter be a motnh early than a
week late
-dotn do otherhtigns dotn invoele urlsef, or put urselfi notehrhtignsn to only will yo uget distruptedand
distracted for mwork and imp thigsn yoru mind, distracted deviated orm ti focus divated ofrm work and
imp thgisn, as u rm id nogeso to toerhigns, whe nu do otehrhtigsn nad invvoel i ntoerhthigsn and so ooy
uare nologner focusedo nyoru work nad imp thgisn, oy uwil lalos endu p losign your item thth u cud
have given to towork and imp thgisn adn soo oy uwill end up gettign nothig ndone thth is!

-if oy uwaste tiem then yo uwill get nothgi ndoen no work doen if oyu do otehrhtigsn unimp thgsin or
aste im sleepign alzing, or htinkign fo toerhhtigsnand oso n, give lal oru tiem to work nad imp thgsi n ot
geth work and imp thgis ndoen mamange the tiem give max tiem be careful hwo oyu spedn youtr
tiem , yoru tie sisi limtied oyu needo to amamnge yoru tiem direct amx tiem to work nad im pthgisn to
get work and im pthgsi ndoen to ahchve ur ogals!

-soo oyu work every min and second of the day, soo as ot not waste itme and soo as to make ht max
produticven adn effcent use of hte mlimted tiem tht u have OR,yo udotn waste item and you work every
mindn and sec and give lal limtied tie mtth u have ot work adn imp thgisn you work and dont awste
tiem soo as to get hgis ndoen adn wrok done?
soo oy uwork to ake the most max utilization and prpdutve use of the limited item you ahve, and not
waste tiem, OR you work to get hgisn oden and waork done, and give al lthe item limtied tiem tth uahve
to work to gethigsn done and work done!

he isi pre prgramemd hsi fdrive nadn maotiavation is amamzing

you will eb knwon by oyur ahhivetns your coampetienceyis yor ehtigsns yoru eprfmroncae tgsn tht maek
u tickkad suceful !
ehtbeiflssystemandoso n the secret to osuces

Know when ot be strigth up and strightforwrd adn whn to be diploamtic

Be iek the germans it iwll maek ur life easier andn simpelr!
be very direct to he pint srious stright forwwrd man of action no nonsse organzied and os oon! efficent
produtive et...
dotn hdie nayhtign say it istirght nadn yo uwill eb able ot oexpresss yourself more say whats o nyoru mid
nand what oy ufeel nad not hideh tht is
express hwo oy ufeel what u uthink make it easy for oy ube stright up direct nonse nand stright forwrd
tehyare no nsoesn they dotn smile lwhiel tlakignas tis a distraction their brian oges i nsimiign than
htikign of hwath they are saying.

it iwll maek thigsn fvery srigthand nsimple r nadn easy for oyu
why its imp to be seriosu adnstirght faced and nno nosen liek the germasnare

if oy ujoke not onyl is your brin enngeedi nn osen wiwastign tof tiem adn reeruces but it alsoe ditracts
your mid nfor mimp thgisn your brian is filled with garbage goofy stuff and nosnen than imp thgisn!

be sriso uabotu ti take ti serously not lightly no nosen

thth is dont waste meantl ereosruces tiem i nnosnsen thgisn and distrcton from uimp thgisn! wehn u do
nosnen your midn gets distratred from imp thgisn , rmeatl reurces get enenadigned i nuseless unip
thgisn nnsens thth is!

or be diplomatic liek the briiths:

u knw hthtth perosn si bothering oy ubut oy uar still nce and plite as yo ucant afford to spoil the
ralelatisnhip ssoo u are nto direct yo uhide htigsn and lie nand maniualte soo a s to as yo uneed thth
eprosn for osemthign tis lie kthth!
soo yo uput up wi hther i BS

know when to rise adn when standu pfor oyurself stand your groaudn and taek no BS for many oen be
mroe assertive

nadn weh nt eb dipaloamtic

time ot be a bt more vocla stirght up adn nstirgh tofrwrd nadn express rusefl tth si1
to maek ur job much easier! adn simler! say waht you feel!
fcosu o nworkign cnstostuly work cooncslty be ccoosnly doign ti at iti , after it takign action to od thgisn
gethgsn doen and maek thgisn ahppen nonstop work!
long horsu dayn nyigth work hard liek carzy to getht igsn doen work doen and maek it ahppen like a
u hsud be ccosnyl wrkig nadn dog thigsn to amek thgisn ahppne
what are oy uworkifng on
be on a msiion have apurpseo t ahchve soemthignadn work like helll taek caiton
to ahhchve it dremaign and doign!
be cocosntly ati ti and doign t ievery se horu min not waste item what are oyu workign on!

dnt waste tie mwaste nt even na min hour or se be workign cnstisuly! nonstop!

stay focsuedo n ti jsut do ne htign keep workign fcus o nworkign takign action workignocsntistuly every
se hur day n n ngith to get thgis ndoe nadn make it hapen!
be dtmemrmed t odo ti and geti tioden nad make it happne!

havea persepective Direction waht to od which wa ot ogo , foucs, work hard, = suxess

Be self-reguted:
hwo ot make urslef do it and follwo it:-
keep in midn what u need ot odo rememebr input feed in your mind!
and dont forget ever!
thgis nliek
yo ushud take action work work work every sec adn nd hour ot gethigs ndoe nneeded ot be doen to
ahchve ur goals and to ahchve ur goals and dreams!
adn eerugalte yoruself by prodvign slef regaltry thgotush instrucitosn and coammands!

A) Keep in mind, feed in input:

what yourgoal your mission is
be on a mission rmemebr dotn forget
be preprgramed in your mid nas towaht your goal and misison is
and watht u uneed oto od htgisn u needo to od work oyu need oto do action you need ot otake to achve
oyurgoal adn misson.
if its not there in yoru mid nyou will not do ti!
liek a termianotr adn robot in your mid nrmeber mememry waht oy uneed to od odotn forget that is!
aslo keep i nmind what u ushud and hsud nto od to achveve ur gaols and missin thignsl ike stayign
focused, workign hard wrkign conosiuly and oso on
also remebr htth the misio nsi not jsut ot get thgisn doen but to get thigsnm doen fas in record speed
and tiem
keep i nmid nwaht work oy uneedo to do nad get oen to ahchhve ur goals! the gal si nto jsut to get t
thee wrok doen but to geti tiodnefast adn quick i nrocred speed rate tiem adn pace nadn soo the goal isi
nto jsut ot gethigsn doenand work odne buto geit tiodne fast i nreord speed tiem and pace thth is!
soo focus o nti to ido it and geit iodne adn wrk olong horuse cocsnously to do it and ot ogeiti odne!
havea motive th is! soem aim and oso ngialot oachveh idrectio nn to eb lost ht his!
thegoal is not jsut to do thigsnand ot get thgisndone but to ogethigsn doe nfast soo stay focsuedand
keep workign coocsntly to do it and ot geiit odne fast!
keep o nworkign coocsntly oto dit nad to geiti odne

the gal si to gethgsi nde nand work odne nad to get it idoen i nrecord tiem
soo wokr be owrkig ncocosntliy adnocsnotiuly adn nstty focusedo n ti to ot idio it nad ot geitiodne take
acito nto maek it happen to gethigsn doen and work done hth is!

ad get t oo work fast nad becocosntly owrkign to od it and to geti tioden and to maek it happen thth si!

be totoaly into it and focused o nti adn do ti and geti tidoen fast thth i s!
-stay super fcusedo n ti to do it and to get i it doen and ot maek i t happn htht is!

find a job nadn move out fast! dnt be scredo fhe r say fuk off to her!
-be wilignt work ahrd beb cocosntly workignadn takign effrts andn paisnsto toodtihgsinadn to gethgisn
doen adnwrok oden to achvhe urgosl thth si!
waht you give your efforts to imp thgisn or unimp thigns
if u ugiveu ur effrt to ounimp thgisn thth will brign u no beenift or ain then yo uend p havign n enenrgy
left to odo i p thgisn thth is also end up losign tiem htth is no litme left forodign imp thgisn

work ocntosiluy:

be focuesd o n workign long horus nonstp, day nnigth focus o nworkign cosntously long horus nonstop
day nn ith t oame thigsn happne, n to hahveing oyru goals thth si on workig nahr!

be on a msiso ndetermed effrt ot ogethgisn doen and to maek thigsn ahppen t ahchve ur goals thth is!

vceedetetmred effrt endevaioru

detemrmed ot od it and get i tidoen and to maek it happen thth is!
determed to work hard nad ntkae paisn and effrts andn go all into it fully into ti all out in to ti tht his
orwrk long hrus and dayn ngith determed ot odot ot dod it get ti idoen make it happne and to wrok ahrd
thth si!

determeined to amek ti ahppen

determed to wrok hard!
deteremd effrt

be cocosntly doign ti and workign o nti to od it and to geti tioden and to maek it happen htth is!

u need oto eb coocsntly atit idoign ti adn workign on it to todit nad ot geti tioden and ot maek it happen
hth is!

Be cocosntly atti i ti and doign ti and workign o nt ievery min sec of the day dont waste tiem thth is! kep
on odign ti nonstop keep on wokrign nonstop lg horus dany nyigth to do thgisn adn gethgisn doen i liek
gettign thigs ndoen adn work done to get thgis noen to achvhe ru goals to maek thgisn happen n
gethtigsn doe ntthth neeed ot be den t oachvhe ur goals

maek a to od lsit every day a lsit of thigns to work on acit n to dotake, list of othgis nto do to achvhe ur
goals thh is

dnt let oterhs distrub yo uand distract u u to oethr thgis nadn wrok adn waste your tiem! be occosntly
workign o nti nonstop i ahve owrk to do1
wokr every sec be ococsntly ati ti and doign ti and inot it t maek it happen! get mreo done work log
horus ot get twice as mcu htighsn doen in a certia ncourse of tiem!
yo uhsud eb beoocosntyl ati ti adn doig nti thigsn dont ahppen liek th ht goals doen get dremas dotn get
accvhe d o ntehr iwoen! prgress si nto made o nti s own infact progress will declien if u u dotn work on
it! its onyl whe n uare ococsntl odign ti slogging workin liek ehll non stop dayn yn gith and are cocosntly
atiti and workign o nti thand doign ti to make it ahpepe nadn takig nacito nadn doign thgis nt oamek it
ahppe nthth thgis nwill happen n ot otehr wise!

u shud beb e cocsntly workign o nti atit iand odig nti to nonstop ot do it and geti tioden and to maek it
happen hth si!

Dont waste yoru tiem work long hours andn day nnigth to maek thigsn ahppen and getthgis ndoe nadn
to accepalteraete the progress! adn adnvancement work like hell slog be cocosntly after it at it iand
doign ti to get it idoen and ot maek it happne!
work long horus nadn dayn ngith to maek it happen1
wro kslog liek ehll! logn hrus be willig nt otake the stress pressure wrok ahrd no eb alzy work your ass
off be willgi nt o to take the go thru the greu al and grind t oamek thgis nahppen be isnense and
daneriso uadn no nsse nadn seriosu adn so on1 be instse ntht is! spite nadn so oon1
be alpha hth is! pwerful likig nadrnealien rus hand isntsity tht hsi!

be detemmtredi ot owrk hard and to do ti and get ti idoen adn to amek it happe nadn to achvhe ur gaosl
th thsi!

wor k long horus day nny igth adn constouly take action to get higsn doe nadn maek thgis nahppne1
and achvhe ur goals liek carzy work liek hell ot maek ur dremas coem true actio ntake actio nt amek it
be a dreamer dreamers and a doer not jsut a dreamer1 if uu dotn take actio nwork dreams dotn coe
mtrue nadn reami ndrema s wrok ahrd slog take aito nt oamek ti happens get thgisn doen needed ot eb
oden to ahhve ur goals
be cocosntly takign actio nand workign on ti to maek it happen1

be workign long horus and day n nigth to get htigsn doen and make higsn ahppne! to ahchve ru gaosl!
feed on adreamnalien and istnsnity hth si! the strss nadn strian dn aodosn!
soemthgi ngoign o nadn happenign with ot uit it means nothig nsi goign o nadn yo uare lreaxign thh is!
istnsitiy stres means adrenaleie means oy uare odign soemthign thth rush o n amisio nadn doign
soemthgi takig nahtons thgisn ahppengi thth si adremanlien rus htithth is!

yu need t o be cocosntly ati ti adn doig nti quetly workign day nngith and logn horus nt waste tiem get
after it be workign o nti and doig nt ioccosntly to maek thgis nhappen and ge thgis ndoen and wrok doen
to ahchve ur gals and t oget thgis ndoen needed ot eb doen t oahhcve ru goals!

keep workgn day n ngith adn long hours to make thigns happne and get thigns doen !
hav n o porblem workign hard super hard nadn workign dayn ngith to gethigsn oden and get work doen
and make thgis nahppen to ahhve ur goals fast
dot nget comaplcent reled light nad easy goign keep peadlign and wokrign hard!

focsu o nworkign consotisuly and not wastign yoru tiem

be ccosntyl working long hours nadn day nn gith t omake thigsn happe nand get thgis ndoe nadn wrok
keep nworkign coocsntly andn paddlign adn takig nacito nto do tgis nadn geth tigns adn work doen!
focsu o nworkign oocsnlty be cocosntly at it and doign ti
adn wrkign o nti focus o nwrkig noconstly to ethgisn doen to ahchve ur goals
think of waht work t odo next waht to od next waht ot owrk on next towrds ahcivn ur gaosl
ushudnt be wastign tiem ushud be cocosntly odign osemthign dig nthgis ndoen g wrk and wrokign to
wrds agettign thgis noen tht need ot oeb doen to ahhhcve ur goals be coocnstly at ti and doig nti!

work cocnstosuly be cocosntly atit i an do ign ti inrodero to gethgsndoe nawork and im tghsi ndone nad
ot get htem done in reord speed and time! work long houtsrsn dand ayn ngith to ethgisn doen fast in
reord speed andn time!
accelerate teh progressofteh work beign doen,
get up and gt toowrk take iti for oding iti tkae actio n fpaisn and neffrtsandn adstruggles to gethgsn den
and owrk doen to wrdsahcivgn ru goals thth is!
-be cosntly atiti and do ign t iadn apddlignadnworkign on ti to do ti and toeitto doenandot geiti todne
fastth si in recpcord seed pace and time!
-sut keep on odign u r work and im pthgsi nonly
-becoocsntly ati ti adn dig nti bkeep chippignand paddlignandquielty adn doign ru work ot o geti tigisn
doenand work doen hth is
-take acito nt oamek it happe bnebeb occosntly workign to make it harpppen day nngit hand be
ococsntlyatiti and doig nti, thgisn dotn ahepep nliek htht on theri own, you need oto owrk to amek it
hapen htth is! keep pon workignand tkaig nacito nto maek it happen htth si! thigsn odnt ahppe nliek
htth o nther iwon, yo uahve tooowrk dayn ngiht take aito ncocosntly be takignacito nt oamek it ht appne
- thinsdotn ahpepe nliek thth one hteir iwon be eocnstly workifngn and takign acito nt oamek thgisn
ahppe nthth si!

Have sesnn fo urgency ot oget everyhtign doen fas: teh aerlier the better the mroe u uwait , ahve a
seensen of rgncey to oget everyhitng oden right now and owlrk longh orus dayn night ocosntly cocosntly
with our t distractio andn diverstio n to maek ti happe nadn d oti and to geiti odne thth si b teh mroe u
uwait the mroe ahrder andn difficult iti tis oogin ot geth th is!

giv ur time to wrk n imp thngs to get wrk n imp thngsdun to eget thingsdun tht is
-keep wrkin on it tkn action n doin it to do it n to get it dun

-keep workign o nti to odit nad ot getiti odneadn to accelarte the progerss thth si!
-dotn let her push yo uarund

-she is aksign em to take my laptop in a bagadn leave eh door ope nand o my laundry that is!
-takek acito nt odo thgisnadn maek htigsn ahppe ntht hsi

teh websie is nto proper the information is diseprsedehrhe and thehreand not in sequnce! and order!
makignt iocnsfusign to follow!

-dont waste tyoru tiem doen let any one waste yoru tiem and take ur tiem or ush oy uaroudn hth is y ou
dont haveot tood owhatu u dont wantot ood andwhat u udeem is not right dotn elt anyoen psuh oy
uaroudn oy ulet ppl push oy uaroudnand put up with ti
thth si why all thsi happens causeu uare not stndign up foro urslefnadn uare lettign ti go o nand happen
and lettign pll psuh oy uareoudn all thsi is igoign o ncauseu uare lettign ti happen and ogo onand oso on!
causeu uare allowign ti ti ot happen the cosnequcens will be ncie later on! let hthe try to fu ku u up the
ocnsequces wil lbemncei later o nwil ldela with th them later on !

-itsn to easy it ias hard ti requires a lot ofo reserchand be detemred to od it nad getiti odne tht is!

-be ococsntlyatiti and odign ti to odit nad ot geiti todne

-work on ti to odit nad ot geiti odentth si!
-keep tryignnad workign to wrds whatu uwant i nlife hth is!

-well yo ucant eep fukig and girl all day! you need oto ahveseomthgi nto odo somehtign fun exiciting
thth o ucan deveote your giveu urdirect ur talenst intsllegnce itnelelctual to soemthgi
ncosntrucitovenadn so on! adn ou knwwhat u aregood andt soo do thth , focsu ur attnetion towrds
thth , towrds waht u uare goodat giangi nknwledgen adn soo o nfidn ur fields thth suits ur taents nadn
knwledge thth u ahve what u uknw abotu thth u cna do and nwhatu uare dogood at nand have
kwneldge abotu thth si!
buseisn wouldsuti u uperfectlyas u uare itentnlgent itnelelctual intertedi n i nt passoinate abotu ti want
ot oearn moeny parctivcle sell thisngs good s andn servcienadn earn meony thth is u need moeny to
surivien nd a u uu do buseisn to earn moeny its soo simpel o na msiooso nadn so on! namenign bsueisn
nn o nseosn nadnso on!

-on am issio ntkaig nacito nttoodo thigsn and getthigsn doen to maek htigsn happpen thth si!

- be htoguthfu ladn ndciritila resonign ask queistosn think why hwo and ns oon!

-you are prpepragmmed andn o na msisio nt odo osoemthgi nachvhe soemthginadn to get it done htth
is to strt big brands andocamneisnand busesiesn htth is!
-thths causueu he wantso to be his own boss dnot depnd o notherhsnadn wants oto jstu od his own
thing! not be uner anyone or take orders or be diefend by otehrs or have other ppsl influnce over his lfie
htth is! fearofo beign firednandwaht not andnso on! and beign bosed oaroudnandn udner others! n neb
ocntorleled by otherhsnand have othersi nflcenceo verh is lfie hth is!

-takignacito nadn doign ti and o na msisio nt oodit nad ot getiti oden hth is!

-soem oe nwho ahd no knwledge about incoem taxand scl insrnce nmebr how lal thhse thgisn works
even for applyign for a job, orfilig rsnal akxes returns or applicatio nfor jbo TD1 etc.. all of asudden strts
a coamyn and strts t o file axes not onyl for emloesand eprsoanl butalso, fro the campyn tis onyl a gods

-u needo ot be tkaignacito ncoconcslty intordero to maek it happen thth si fast nadn do ti adn geti
tiodnefastth si in record speedt iem and apce thth si! to maek it happen

-takek actio nto maek it happe nt toodit and to geiti odne!

-do waht uwanto t odo and waht u enoy odignand waht suits uur knwledenenad intlelctual abilty

-tis tiem to tostay focsuedn adn take acito nt oteghtgisn doenand make htigsn happne
-itsi mp to set up the whle operaiosn part of it!

-oy uahe sooo mcuh of opotential and ifu u dotn ahve a directio nteh nyo uwil lget nothgi ndoen tht his!
- i needo to fidn a job we nened moeny to maek thgisn happne!

- he isi genuinely kind an d nice!

- beb oocsntly workign o nt iadn doign ti and takignacto n to gethgisn doe nadn do thgins andn maek
htigsn ahppen hth is!

-kee o p takignacto nadn adoign ti ato do it and to goeti tiodennad ot maek it happne hth is and so on
manign buseisn nad so on no nsoensnad on to osemthign!

-make ak to do lsit :
a lsitofo thgsi nto odo otwrdsachvign ru goasl waht to ood next if u udotn ahve a loist of othgis not ood
then u will ahve no irecito nadn u will get nothgi ndoen as u uwill wase uru tiem dog nnothgin or doign
oterhhtigsn as uu ahve no idea as oto owahti tio ood and u areundeciided thths why!
soo othth uknw i nyour mdi nwaht otood andn hence get ooditnad u ahvedeciidedwhtt oodo and u dotn
wastei teim as u due ot indcieiosn andn ot knwoignand notpallngi nwhatotodo hth si! asu u are
lcuelsnand ahceve nn o ideaawaht otodo u ahvae a drieiciotnas as ot awahtot odo1
also iti wil lhel p uu rmember what u needo to od lest oy uforget1 its skips uu rm id nadn so u dotn od it
tht hsi!
plan waht ot ood decide make a deciosn waht ot ood what actiosn to otake htigsn to odo towrsd achivgn
yoru gal ifu u dtn paln whato to od then yo uwotn do anyhtig nadn waste item due to o indicosn and
hecnen ot knwoign wahtoodo, yo uwil also haven o directio nadn uwill endup wastign your tiemadn
wont do anyhtign thth si or idle or do otehrhtigsn thth si!

-decide htin kadn ndecddie wahtot odo maek dieicosn adn then work o nti to odit nad ot ogeiti odne
if oyu odntmaek a to ood list then u will waste eitme due ot indicesio n nto knwoign aor deiciodgn
wahtot oodand get doe ntht hsi!
- thin f owahth to odo nwo whaot ood next towrdsahcign urgoals nadn write iti odnw nmake a to odo
lsit its the most imp thgsin it iwil givieu idrecito n then u knw i nyoru mdi n pyo uahe deidided taken
deiicosns nad plaend as ot owhato tood u kwn i nyour mdi nwaht tood and its thehr i nyour mdi
nwahtot ood u ahve a direciot nas to wahto to od wahci hpath th to take and oso nand waaht acito n to
to tak towrds ahcingvg ur ugaols andn then udo ti and tkae it hth si!

-wor ok o nti be cocosntly at it iadn workign o nti t ot odo tiand to geti tioden thth si!
- tkae acito nt otodo thgis nadn to gethgisn doen and to maek thigsn happen thth si!
- be bcocsontly at t ii adn in to it and doign ti andworkign o nti ot accelarete teh progressof work beign
doen thgisn beign doe nadn gettign doe nand rpgoress acelatreateh progerssfo goals gettign achved the
earlie r theh better!

- keep tkaignacito nadn doign yourstuffadn doign yourwork to toodit thigsnadn to gethtigsn doen thth
- Hhe isi non amsiion hth is takign takign anddoignti to odo ti thgis nadn to gethigsn doenan d get work
thgis nto o acvheh his goalsnadn so on! and istnsne and nseriso uadn non amsiso nad npregpramemed
hth si and soon! and mission feed i ninputted i nmidn thth is! the programmmedownladedi nteh mid
ntht hsi1
preprgremd adn rpe inputrted i mid adn soo on!
-takek acito nto maek it happen keep workign o nti to odo ti and to geit ioden thth si1
- he ie is i nfor madn ion the roll1

-keep o onworkgi natiti iadn doign ti tot odo ti and to getioden thth is!
and se t everyhtign up thth si!
its the hstrt thhts hard once itis doen tis peacicei ofcake thth si!
oceu u kwn hw ot od it waht otodo and oso n u fget used oto ti and u kwn i nyour mid nwahtotood hth

- you needoto cocsntly be thinking of waht thigsn you need ot oeb dign enxt and take actio nadn get ot
oto wrk to d othem!

- think fo owaht work oy uahve nedecidied ot odo onextn and waht u uenedo to odo next towrds
ahcivng u r goals be eocosntly htinkign fo thth th nad take actio andn be ococsntly workign on it
tnosntop inroderoto o do it and getit ioden and stay focuseod on it focuse on it nadn ocoesntrate io n ti
ot odit and ot getiti oden thth si! stay focsued o nti andn eb ococsntly atiti and doign ti to od it and t o
get iti doen1 thth si n odistractiosn

-be calm focsued balcendnand compsed htht si nad thoguhful adn collected th hsi colelctign
oyurthogtush beign aware fo the thgotush aptient nad so on and grounded tht hsi neitehr up nor down,
netehr get ellveated by sucess nad get coamplcentn adn relaxed stay on it keep on doig nyoru work nor
be dperssed discaorged disspaointed low i n low moral in foalre andn figve up thth si! and stop thth si
keep stay focsuedo n toyur misio ngoal and nwaht u uwnat ot oachveh and os oon!

-wh am i i iam a devotee of god god ssves mem andgiveis me knwledge im a figheer i am focsed adn so
on not giveu p keep tying nad figngiht int andn workign t owrds whatu uwant and os on1 adn stay calm
and nfocusedn and keep atiti and doign ti t ot oditnad ot geiti doen adn so on
-stay focsedo nyoru msiion nadn keep o ndogn it to odit nad ot getit idoen thth si!
-bei i nan mediiaiteivei quet focusd stste o nmiof midn nto i n distrated stste of mind eelveaed and
nexciited with sucess adn so olosign focus and getign lhappy nadn alid back nad nlosing focsu and
realxed adn lsoign focsued for myour goal and msisio nwhat uur goaland mssio nsi hth is distractedofrm
i t and nforgettiign ti and hnece n ot odign ti adn gettign low and unabalced and deprssed i nfailure andn
dekjected low moral nad nso o losign ofcsu agian be clam like hte lake adn quiet nadn foucsed o nyoru
msisio nreduce htth nosie thth exicitemtn nad nso on, adn be on a msiso nthth si focused stste i
medieiate trance lekie kststet quiret stste tth si not unblalcned stste keep in mind hwat uu r gaosl and
missio nsi hth si! and stay focsueo n ti i tht hsi sis! eb in a cal m quiet medate ve nadn abalced stste i
nyoru mid nth thsi and focuse s stset focused o nyoru misiso nkeeping i nmind pregpragred input and
rememebrign i nmidn whatu uer goal andn msiso ni s hth si and keep o onworkign o nti and so on!

- heh is recingzed thigsns hht sotp hi madn hold him back and nhwo oto aover coem thenm thth stop hi
mform doig nwaht heh wantso to odo expressign hismefl andn tkaign acito n hth si, the htogutsh sefl
deafrtign thgotush and holidng mabckand nso n ,and hwo oto over ocemt hem and over ride htem ho ot
recgnzie htem and over ride hthsm tht hsi!

-take rissk go foully nadn totoaly i nto ti nadn so on!

- be quiet cal mfocsudu andn i an mmedeitiatevestate andn focesd stset keep o nwokrign and odign
oyur thigsn to amek thgisn hapapenn nad gethtigsn doen1 and make thigsn happe nn o distraciton s
nadn diverstios nfor mwaht uuare odign tht hsi!

- thigsn odnt ahppen lie kthth uahve ot oput tiem andeffrst i nti to odit and to geti ti oden thh is!
-keep o workgin o n it cocosntly at it iand odign ti doooti and to geit ioden thth is fast adn so oo n say
focsuedo n ti and keep o ndoign ti long horus nadn nsntop to maek it happen focuseon it no distracti ons
nadn diverstios n keep on odign ti doto oodit nad tio getitidoenand ot make it happen thth is!

-k eep on workign o nt iand stay focusedo nti ot odit and ot ot geiti oen1
-staty bablcend quiet focuesdo n ti to od it nad ot getit ioden hth si! and keep o nodign ti workign o nt it
ooto odit nad getiti oden thgisn donet ahppen like hth uneedo to okeep o nworking on ti and odig nti t
to odoti nad to getitt ioden!
- u ushudnt do thgisn slowly yo ushud do thgisn dfast! but u ushud do thigsn clamly tht si not be wrreid
but be ocncseed, nto be stressed but knwo avoid ad aertian unwated otucoesm hthsi! fast nadn steady
wins theh race!
- keep workignnand be patient of te utcoem htt si1
- you enedo to ahve a sencnee ofo urgncy ot oget everytign doen fast not slow at a high speed rate nadn
pace htth si keepwokrn g o nt i longh orus to odo thgsn fast! in reoefd speed tiem pace, the aerler the
better hteht mroe yo uwait hteh ahrder it gets mroe ididuclt iti gets htthsi accelater the hprogeres ofo
the thgisn th tis work fgettign doen maove at high speeds andn apce thth si! dotn be solew dotn d thgis
nslelwly nadn take too mcuh tiem to ogethgisn doen accepalrete hteh speednand pace at which u
gehtigsn den maove take effrst s andn actiosn be wilgnt too tkae paisn effrtsnand nacitos nadn work
ahrdo to ogethigs ndoen thth si1

-get yoru priorties rghtas to waht is imp! i have got htigsn to do work do to odo now!
be organzied!
-keep wokirng nno nti chipping paddlignadn doign ti be ocosntly atti it and working o nti nosntop long
hoursnand doign ti adn atiti in rodero toto od thgsi andn gethgis ndoen and ot amek thgisn ahppen th
thsi and ot get them doe nfast at a recordspeed nadn pace thth si!
-waht are oyu giivng yoru tiem to? gve uur item adn effrts to oim pthgsi nnyl towrds achvign ru goals
- be carefu lwaht u ugive uru tiemadn effrst ot odont waste ur tiem tht hsi give ur tiemadn effrts to owrk
adn imp thgsi nonly!
-stay quietnadn keep o nchippignadn dignru ur won thgisn tthhsis!
-givei al lyoru tei meffrt nadn eenrgy ofucs attetio ndecaito nocmcetinent to oti t to do tiand ot geit
ioden and so on1
tit tkaes effrst to oethgis ndoen thgis ndont happen liek thth o ntehr iwon !

- u needoto oshave soemthgi nt odo osoem direction whehre in yo ucan focus ur talenst adn so on andn
not waste tehm, if u ahven to foudn thh idrectio n ufeel liek a wasted resoruces htht si u feel like lsoer
frustrated awasted deprssed u feell lie k uare wastign ur life nand taeltsn and nnot odign nahign with ur
lfie if uu ahve not foudn thth direcito n i reonize ur talens what u uare good at i iknew i iwas a nintellecta
l iahd the kwneldge of bsueesin and htth i was itentngetn highy intenlgntn and intenlctua lineoguh to
figre out and ndiecapher the meangi nfo inforamtion i calud read and nfigure otu and ndunsrestnd
neveryhtgn waht oterhs could nto! less edcuated and intntselctua lpppl coauld nto but i diditn have thth
direcito nas to waht otodo ocen ufidn a thgi nthth suits ur tlants dotn stelelt e tiell udfidn kee
psserchign i ddin havedirecito nocne ii foucnd my direiciot nwaht ii wanted ot ood soemthgi nthh tsuits
my talents then i felt good u know1 be usefu ladn nd ot be a wasted resruce hth si!

-soo now wahto todo next! think fo what oto od next towrdshacivng ur gaosl tth si!
whath shud i ido now? waht to owork on next ? lets do thsi andn comaplete thsi adn wrok on it ot odoti
and to geiti odne and so on!

- keep workgn o nti and at iti and doign ti to odit and to geti iodne thth si
- we need oto roest nwo after htth waht willl we do? work o nthsi thign to od itand to geti t ioden ththsi!
, thin ofo waht toood next waht ot owork on next waht acito nt otoake next otwrds achivgn ur gaol
think decdie nand paln
-sitodwn nwork o nti t take it foro odign it and do o it cosnisuly nosntop inrodero to to odo tian to etii
odnenad ot mek it happen thgisn dont get doen liek thth on theri won u ave to owork on it work hard
oto od itnad ot geti ioden ththis take pais nadn effrst to odoit nan d to otgeti tioden thhsi
- fruits of ahrdwork are alwalys sweet tthsi1 sucess is 99% perepiration (hardwork) 1% isnpration, ifi u
dotn work ahrd nad nkeep workign o nti then nothgi nwil lgetdoen thigsn odn happe nliek thth o ntheri
own, oy uneedo to owork on them to maek it happne
and if htigsn dont happe n or et oden thth are neneded ot be doen to achvhe u oglas thne u udotn
achvhe ru goas l htthsi!
its a lot ofo work ot ood im oggin to go crazy nadn amd doig nt ibut oy uahve oto be dmetmermed to
odit and ot geti i odne nad ot maek it happe nand take extra effrt wrok ard nnad super hard ot oodit and
to geiti odne thth is and to amek it happe nthth its and ocne it iis done the n utis rlelf sensne of relf and
ccaoopmishment nastisfactio and nhappiesn snand so on!

- sheh si cool she does hehr own thgisn and listens to soem anamamzign music hth is she stays happ ny
nand good i n her own odign her won thinG! focsuign on her own career goals nadn thgisn adn so oon!

- htheh goal si nto jsut to gethgis ndoen but to gethgisn doen fast adn quik i nreocrd speed tiem adn
pace thth is!

Pain braerung ability tke he truble put urself thru stressadn strain toake paisn effrts struggleand
disocmforts to maek thgis nhappen adn to gethgisn doen thth is neededo to eb odne ot ahchve urgoals

- be detmemred oto odtiand to maek it happne n o matter hwo ahrdnadn difficult it its, its nto easty but
be doeotmermed oto odoti and to maek t hapepe nadn breka thur nadn
force uru way thru it htth is thru the struggle thth s

- u need to be fully invested i nwaht uaure doignadn put ur slef fully i ntotit thth si! moeny nadn
everyhtign i nti tiem effrt etc..

I have no intenrest in thth biz andn thths not my forte1 and dotn want to obuy his debt and stupidity!
Thth would be a bad deal! His company is ai na debt of 6.8 billion dollars buying hth firm would be like
buygin a debt! Hee was stupid enough to let the debt go to 6.8billio ndollarsi nteh first palce! Thhts
causue he sits somewhere o na an island he is not in tocu hwith his ocampnies, or hands o in to the
buseisn and the details!

Tke risks break the rules ntthe law

im no here to show off but waht i iam doign si not to show off to otehrs but to focsu o nahcivng and
gettign waht i iwant and ndesire thth si1

soo waht t oo do next now?


Be toyoatly inveldnadn enaneged in ti b h ighyl enaneged iand inveold I nt iadn tootatly into what u are
odign go it nt oitrecasciesiadn ndetails

The process how t do it

advncement of huamn race aAi

on ama siio ncold nadn so on no nsoesn and menaign buseisen thth is!

prprgremd and nrobotic

what we’ve achieved

Time factor:

your life is a race agaisnt tiem rmemebr thth

you itemsi limtied! sdotn waste your tiem doign unimp thgisn give yur tiem t work and imp thgisn only!

and dont let pp lwaste your tiem in ucnessary talk adn arguemtns!

faltu andn is nonse talk!

imp or work realteed talk only!

teh goal sis nto just to get tgis ndoen but to gethgisn doen fast in reord tiem as tiem si limtied!

ur item is limtiedand ehcne preciosu dotn waste iti give ti to imp thgisn only

dotn waste tiem doign unimp thgisn waste not even a single min give all yoru item to work adn imp
thgisn only! tht hwill ehlp u uahchve ur goals and achvhe the critical crucial and imp thgisn in lfie!

thsiis is a criitcala andn crucial stage dotn waste your time every min and sec cousnt and is imp dotn
awste yoru tiem ushud not even waste a min doign other things!em not even a min or a sec every single
min is imp!

ur time is limited n hence imp

its imp to not just get thngs dun n wrk dun but to get thngs dun in rerd speed n time

not waste time take ation now n fast swiftly

its imp not ustoto gethgs doen but to ogethgisn doen fast ahve a sesknsne of urgency to getthigsn doen
fast at arecrd speed rate tiem and pace as yoru tiem si limited!

mke hteh msot effitn n productive use fo oyru tiem doent waste your item u need ot o be coocsntly
workign every min every hour every second to ge thgis ndoe nadn work doen! n ge thgisn doen fast
yoru iem sisi mlmted dotn waste ti make the mso t efficn t prdcutive urse of oyru tiem by
workigncoosntly nons top and givign all yoru tie mt work adn im pthgsi andn makign sure yo ugive max
tiem fo oyur day make maxutilizatio nf oteh limted tiem uahve by gigivng max tiem thth uahve i nthe
day to work and im pthgsi nto doign yoru wrk ot get work adn impt hgigns odne ad n give less teim to
shower and noter htigsn unim pthgsi ntt hwll brign u u no benefit nadn gain showr in 10 mins istead of
30 mins or an hour slppe 7 hprus isnted of 10 horus soo hth uigve max tiem t owork , t omake most amx
uitlizziaotngf n of hteh tiem thth u have or get!

he isi pre prgrmamedand o na msisio ntht hsi!

to achvhe soemthgi nsoe mgosl!

preprgrmemd i nmind

on amsision t

and takign actio nt oame thgis naheepn and gethgisn doen tht hsi!

go whehreh the actio nis on the frintlien

taek stress and so oo nto amek thigs nahppne be wiilignto tkae pais nadn sstress to achhve greatthgis
nadn maek thgisn ahppe

n be highyl ambitosu thth is!

nmake hughe big conglomerates

adnavce amek preress fast!

achvhe lot i nshort span of tiem

wrok like hell long horus dany nn gith to gehtgisn doe nfast acelarete the progeresfo the thgis nwork
getitign oden and goals beign ahchved1
amek a lot ofo progressi na very shrt tiem sapen!

fast qucik afdnvnemetn hth is!

speed sisi imp

gethgis ndoe nfast its not kjstu im pto gehtigs ndoe ngethgis ndoen fast i nreocrd speed arten adn tie
mfast qucikly nadn sqwiiftly moves fasth th is!

yo ucant affrd ot otake ages to geththigsn doen1

act fast move fast dotn rpocreastinate od it now!

getit i odne now

everyhtign hsud happe nfast!

on mamsison inpurt feeedi n one track minfd

preprgrmmed ot oachvhe a certia ngoal and ojeictve

if u wantoto be happy i nlfie tie yoru life to agoal or a msion nto to ppl csue ppl wil laways let u don nad
disiapoitn you!

cold o namsiio nmeanign busiesi nmetally tough

all emotiosn and feelgins turned off!

one track midn

highly self regautled nadn coentoroled

adn o namsioon goal oejctiven and target hth si!

wud u lie kto y og oand sit o na beach no way thth wud be borign and waste of my life talent adn
reources make me feel useless pursepless as iifi i am not odign anyhtign wit hmy life lost nadn ahvngn
odirction aim purpseo goal

not workign thths nto the kind of life hth i imaigne1 teh kind of life i iwmanign is workign cause it twill
eb unrpdotve useless borign oterhwise waste of talents reuces fell liek lsoer purpsoeless nt odig n
anyhtign wit hmy life

thth is! nt miss lsoe tie chnchens opportuntiyes take actio nadn act otehrh wise theh rei is oporunity
cost mke hteh msot ofo thechcen opporutnties u uahve

gin out andn oign nothign will eb a waste of tiem sit nand

time isi simp!

adn n iam determred ot odo hwati ti take put myslf go thru the stress tsrai ntake paisn adn woreffrts
dwmtmered to work hard work long orus ocosnely n nday yn ngith everymi nhur sec to ood it and to geti

with oyur enoragement nadn supprot it wand help it wont happen

have asystem a way of workign thgisn to fllwo ot be prdutiven and effcint highyl!

for myour selfdse so othth u sueceed hth is

dnt wate et ur tiem yoru tiem is limtied ot keep o nworkign o ntiadn akignactio nto maek ti hapepe nt
oget htgisn doen fast

dont take thgisn lightly or be easy goign be o nyor toes osnider all eventualites adn prper acoridngly ot
aovid certina eventualtiyes thth si! take everythgi seiorusly no nosens thth is! no nosensn and maenign
buseisen and s o oon.

be seriso uabout it nononsensosen

work is work fun is fun!

'dntwaset your tiem

hve a gao la msision a purpsoe ifuu have no goal no msiison a no purpseo in life hten oy uahve no
direction and its all aimless wanderign! you are basically lost you ahve no idea awaht to do waht u uare
dig nwit hur life nadn where u are goin purpseo less and so on1 aimelss msiion less aimelss wandeign
and wastign tiem effrt andn energy tthhis! ahe ve gaola misiso na purpseo a aim a fdirection and keep it
in midn dotn forget the directive stay focused prgrameedot achveh ru goals tth si!

work is not fun get serisou non osen nadn so on very strutredmeanign buseisn andorganied

4) he has a sensnfo urgny nadn tiem gethgis ndoen fats i nroerd speed rate nadn tiem


imlimentaiton and enfrocemnet of the rules follwo the ruels hteh sstem go by the ruels keep in midn
wahtot ood adn waht notto o do and reguatle yoruseflacordignly si imp!
where are yo ugivign ur phsycal nadn metnal reoruces nadn time ot focus all your item effrt mental
reosurces mind thinkign thoguht nad tiem adn phycial enenrgy nadn effrts andn tiem to work adn imp
tgisn only direct ocostnrte it to it to maek it happen to gehtht doen

giveu ur item your tiem oyur everyhtig nto ti! thik of it 24/7 be ocosntly in it only to do it and to geiti
odne and ot make it happen!

wrk isi swkr f n is wfun whe n pp lgo oto war tehy odnt godo it for fu nthey mena baussin hteyare ther to
achvhe soea goal a msisio nget i nadn get out nadn gethgis nden a certia ndriictev nadn msiso nthth si
imp necessary cuira and aiitral maniggn busesien sim whe nu work or do biz its nt o fun tis ahrd work
apin streses struggelsnad os n basiclaly u udo ti to achveh whati is imp ur misiso ngoal r moeny ciritical
imp necessary cruial thgis nin lfie its nto fun or a hobby!

hbby isi smehtign tth udo for fun adn when u get bored athen u ustop odign ti wehre as work biz i s
soemthgi ntthh udo ot achhve soemthging thth u deem is imp and irital liek mioeny goal msision u keep
workig en nosntp iitrrpestive of whthehr uare bored u ulie kti or nto enjoy it or not cu doit to achvhe
causeu uawnat ot oahchve thsi goal

getting data info form unviers nand god thank oy ugod direitosn ans ot owhat otodo for mthe protal to
my bria ntht si!

im nto kidign you i mena buisenesn!

itsnto thth i lakc soemhtign prise or anyhtign lie kthth o rwant ot ogain praise r

nayhtign liek ht
tis jstu thhi liek the game
i like achivgn thigsn
I am abmbitosu hths waht it itis and want ot ahchve great thgisn
i amhave hth drive! adn mtosivaiton to
ahvhe greathgisn thths waht drives me
nto thth i ahve an unstiated unfufled ego or want or seek prse r anytign liek thth
or am lakcing praise nadn attention or hehrs soemthgi nmsison g no
tis about ahcivng thgisn accomplsihign greahtigsn!
adn knwoign the secret waht it it akes to suceed!

you need to
be fuuly itn oti and highy linvoeld i nwhat oy uare doing hadns on apprach thth si kwn
weeryhtign full levle of inveolemtn totoaly into what uare odign nt odetached adn do

it o nthe surfae knw weveryhtign abotu ti in deatil go in to the deatils

go itn to the detaisl and itnricaeis tht hsi1

sucess and accomplsihments! and ahcivemetns hth si!

go itn toeh details and itnricaces take the heffrts nd nthe paisn

n odetia lsi too small to onsider!

lazy ppl dtn go it nt odetials cause goin int otdetaisl takes etra effrts thinkgi
ntakes effrts too
take effrt fo i tnt o detiasl ahve high ellvel of inveolment sepdn enenrgy1

than kgod its hard caseu tf it was eaysy every oen else otu thehr woud have doen it

you neendo t be i nthe point

eb ambitosu driven adn motivated ot odit tht is!

High energy nandmtoivated thth si1
not lazy and ndemotivated

hei si highy ldriven nad mtivated nadn ambtios unad ster nthth si!

you need oto eb on a a msiiso nand dtermed to do it and achhve i t

adn drema big nadn ahve big drmeas nadn deries ambtisou nad achve greathigns hth si!
driven adn mtoivated

he is isitnse andn eh likes insteity nadn chaos

be i nteh action
i nteh stress and itnsnttiyth thsi1

pusuit fo prospertiy
teh mreo o uahve teh more yo uacn agive!

Ii lie k intsen pp ladn high achevers

liek Trup, like hitler, like ana damme like shwrz like Elon musk!
caues i ilie kt ostud y the secret t socuess waht it itakes to hwo ot mold yoursefl
to suceed thth is!

make it big
he isi i nteh makign workign on hisemlf to imrpove hismelf hth si!
think big on a large sace
i nthe makign
how yo uamek oyursel by what u ubievle in thigsn tht hshape you!

he is i ocnfdient
eh is driven mtiivated
no nsoens n military and os oon!
non sen seriosu
boss in controll!
in coammdn hth is non onsen on am siion mialtray and so on
hardw orkign focuesdn and soon1
workig nsmart and naoso nitnellgent!
coampttiive and nso on!
hgih acio nhighachever!
lraen for mteh madn emualte them htth si!

perfect perfect i love it love it do it!

buildosethtign thh si !

be e appasitoante nadn rdriven abotu it ahve hth mtoiaviton and drive hth si!

he is ahndso n fully inoveld i nti on a misio and no nteh go htth si!

his goals and he enjoys odign ti and finsds ti exicitngnadn enntertiang thtsi!
otehrh wise!
i loe ve acito n iliek to be i n the action!
liek i nthe mislaitry on a msisio andn o nteh go thth is!
u enjy odoign ti tis more fu neixictnnand trhillig nththsi!

the otuside world is riuthles and unforiigvngh th is!

gthey dotn reach wehre tehy treach jsut lie kthth they have soe mgreat work ethics

beilf system i ntehm tht make htem suceed they knw whato ood!


they are to the poitn short direct nonsoesn!

keep iti short and t hte point dpe nwaste tiem hthis!
tiem si valuable and imp
get strgth ot ot hte poitn short direct nadn to the poitn ththis!
ns tirght frowrdnadn n nsoen!
thnk psotoivegooin i nto thth u will win thinkign eg makesu u isenucre!
n less ocfndient to go ahed wit hyowhat uractiosn, or oyur ideas and dreamsnadn wahtu

uwant toodo!

ahve no fear! fear hodlsu u backand nstps u uform doign ti ! fear ofscreewign ti up

amkign mistakes nadnso on!

maek ss acrificies yo uahveo to give up fiu nadn wor kahrd to getwhehre oy uscarifice a few unimp
thgsin to achvhe the imp thgisn!

say not ot oalch drugs and icgrattes they noot onyl ruin yoru life make u uunprodtiive! i ncmpetnet

pppl are alazy they dotn nwato to ot ake hte extra effrt they dotn watnto work ahrd!
they want ot olazye aroudn realx they odtn go into detials and itnricasescaseu goign

go i nt odetaisl takes ahrd work! and troubel nadn effrts, takign effrtsn adn trouble
adn suffeirgn nadpaisn, they odtn wantot othink causeh tinkign also tkaes effrt, they

dotn lie kto think acuse htinkign also theaks effrt yo ueed oto work hard nto be alzy!

observe sucesful ppl waht thehy do be i nteh aciton! whehreh the aciton is
observefor msidelines nadn alern whot to ood nad hten put urslef otu therh h i naciton

dont jsut watch for msideliens!and put urslf otu htherh fodowhat thety do execute and

soo n1 jstu odnt wthac ofrm sidleesn yo ualso be one of them a doer take aciton ocne

uu kwn whato toodo and have figuredo ut what oto od form bervign them lernnign form


be apssioante abotu what uu do if uare nto pasioante abotu ti taotoly i nto it then yo

uwotn make it
! auseu aure doign ti on the surface!

u are too talented ot oeb odign thth thign and work for soem oen elase nadn maek

toerhs moeny wit hth knwledge yo ucanstrt your own biz nadn achvegreathgisn1
Delelgate! but still eb hadns on
if oyuare not in detaisland nahndso n with yoru busiesn
tehyn adn detaehd ofmr it adn leave everyhtign to otehrs and ndotn chekc up ooo

nthgisn tehy illw lrui nyoru buseisn!

yo needo t chek delldagte but chahek teh progerss!
adn still eb i tneh detials the resutsl the balacne shehets how mcuh profts growth how

uch debt and so on1

delelagte but dotn be ot of otouch

ready to tgo and ntake o nteh wokrld!
shrp n;voe it be apsisioante abotu waht u u od love whatuu do!

leave al lthth aside thths into imp

frst do wahts imp
everythgin else na be done later on

well can do itgbiggernadn better job of it

gthink posotive gowith th ocndince!
ifo yu are nto confdient oin yoru d nyo uwotn goahed
or take teh lead or initavite!

ppl find trump cringy adn soo they dotn emualte him
but you see he is a very sucesful adn ahaveahhved a lot in his life!
well he is cringy adn a jerk
but thre ias also osme thign greatnand good abot him thhts why he acchied soo mcu hadn

was soo sucesufl i nhsi life!

ever y one has neg and psotiv
u need t o see their psotiv sideand tkae adn emualte theri poostiive dsdie!
hitler was bad too
but oy usee he was still suceful
he wasahd adraem a misiso neh was focused onti thth was hsi psootive side good side!
he goato al oto of htigs ndoen, goteerhgn ordgnanziednadn oso n1
was abel ot ocnviece ninclfunce ppl pruesdaen and oson1
too keffrtoto ahhveh si goals nadn msision1
was mabatiosu ahd big dremasnadn ahd drive was drivne was nt oa lazy perosn
was stubborn dtemrmed and eprsitn
adn willig nt oto wkrh rad take effrts to get what heh wants
adn ahchve hsi dremas!
Knw hwati isi imp and what isi not put ur item and effrts in imp thigs nnot unimp thgsin

Know the purseo what isi the goal ai madn purseope

And put item and energy and neffrt I nti, waste of tem and energy nadneffrt unim pthgisn

Yo uahchve what oyu set out to achvhe if oy udotn set out to ahchvei t oy uwotn achvhe it!

be driiven ammsibs have thth amnitos nadn drive

thtsh whats gonan maek u take gerat mamisv effrts nad
do thgis nadn fdo greathgis nadn work hard thth ambitos ndere wis what iwll amek u

everyhtig n udo hardwrk and ntake effrts u take tiis to ahchve thth goaltht u ahve
adn ditiermeidn o od itand ot geit idoen and ot amek it happen tht is!

be mroe driven and mtiavatedn nad mabtiosu htth si!

Mosto of the pp lare lazy they hate otowork they odnt eti itnt odoetials nto highy lnveoldi nwaht htehy
are doi nhtey do it ony on thesrurface cause ogin I nt o detaisl akes effrt s andn spianss nadn discmftrt
and they odnt wato to od it or taek ti, go it nto the details

winenr nadn loser!

waht seprpates a winner for ma loser
winner gets up back when they wfall

Nenvenrgive up or givei n
And be sutbbirn and detemred ot odo ti and geit iodennad ot maek it happen

And dream big if oyudotn drema big oy u dotn ahvehth drivenand maitosvito nto do graehtigsn!
Kwn whatiisi it thths gonand drie oy uto bedetemrmed towork ahrd take aeffrst its oyur drmae thh
rdrives u and motivates yo uh th is ma

I lie kaciotn I like intsneity I like stress it meas soemthsin ogign on, otyu are working towards asomthign
if thehr si no acton stress itnstity it means htigsn are notgoing great ntohgisn ahppenign youaren ot
odign greatigsn wit hyoru lfie!

Be otugh I nenoug and willing t pt urlse htorugh the tsress gridn and so on and take the srrres nand
pressure not crack iudner it! for hteh sake ifo achvgn ur ogals!

Year n ot be the dbest of the best not just average the best!
N eb dtemrmmedn and stubborn to od it and geit ti oden and maek it happen

Invest oyurelffs uflly I nto oyru drema!

It as to be best ofo the best!
And do it immaditelty be o nteh go haends on as iif it’s a war its on a msisio nthtsi !

Preprpagemd t oamek th iahepepn and ot odoitand ot geiititi oden1

Thnsk god for the direction nadn the adviceas to what ot odo ot be sucuesufl I nlfeiand ahcve my goals!

encorgage doen don’t discorage! To wrk hard n take action

-its your dremasm thth dirves u gives u the drvemotivation to uto awrok ahrd enadvaour and ndtake
agreat effrts1 eveyhng u sdo all effrst and naedavaiours oy utakedeermeaediatnion scarifices u uamek si
ot ahveh ththdreame is forhet sake of ur dream

The pursuit of prspertiy! The more oyu have the more oy ucna give!

Mke it big make it bet if itsn to the best ppl wpnt buy it

-well thths not how it worksiget the stuff AND THEN I PAY YOU!

nadn o nteh go hth is nad nand fast no wastig tiem nad wtotoatly in toti and
Mke it big and gmaek it great!

Thin kbig hwen u u think big then yo uwll tstrgetize hwo oy uwill ahchve thth big dream, yo uwil think
how wil I get capital hughe caotial to achvhe m y big dremas it shudnt be a mom n and pop store or
busiesn n think big scale is imp! If oy uthink small you will strtergizeacocordngly get small captail hwo ot
ogate small capital its like thht soo think big! Scaleisi imp at whaich u do things!

He isi stern stubborn nand brutatl and so on! he ahs hth newyork ameraicna nadn erman attitude
O stirght direto to othe point organziedan oson sreutiered and effient andn productive
Thhtes are hteht things tht have shaped you and maekdeu u who ayo uare akillig ammchien htht is you
kill wit hyour success and nahcvemetns! And prdotuuveity nadn high eveficen y andn matioavaito nad

I lei khim he is isisnsprationsal and hanadso n and ao nthe go hth si! He didisnt ahchehv la lathshe thgisn
jstu lie kthth1

Thnk oy ugod for giving me the driectio n thogutsh as to what oto od, to ahche my gols ,the, right ppl to
hselp me support me thnk u my lord RKishna and Christ for helping me otehrh wise it would have
nenver happened!

Bedirect stirgh to to the point! It mwill ame klife easy for oyu and ndot waste tiem and beat around theh
bush htht is! Be straight forward and direct nadn to the point just say what u udfeel! No beating aroud
nthe bush hth is! Or runig nin srels straight thot the posit nsay hwat u ufeel! Straight nad so on1 I lie k
him h ei isstrght ot othe point! And direct and nsays what he feles!
-Goals hwo ot ahchve yoru gaols
-buiseisn mind hw obis men think ,think to be oamce a bsueisn man
-how oto dea wit hppl, leadrership wquailtes nad so on hwo oto be and why


-thin psootvei be highy lconfidnet stiubbor nand nfirm assertive self assured and frim thh si nto shaky
covncing not flakey

-itsi m pto eb serisou and nonosensn cause goofiness and nosenne means u are wastignurietm andn
enenrgyo n unimp thgisn, thth si u are basically wasting tim e thth is beign goofy enengign I nn osenn
thth si! Unimp thgisn. Ucessary uselels thgisn, ot spend tiem effrt energy on unimp thgisn! Nonnes
disrations etc… I will also disrtct ur mid nfor mimp thigsn1

-hwen u stop odign soemthign and oy uare nol ogner highly inveold in ot it I nthe details and dogin it
hten oy ulose touch oy uare baisclaly out of toich you are rusty oyu lose momentum! And if oyu lose
mamnetum its hard ot maek a come back nadn ths why yo ushud nto take vactio s not you know, stop
oding it becocosntly atiti t and doing ti you dot nwnat ot olose moemtnum ifu lsoe memntum u lose
trakc, you lseo sucesess,

-doti fast gei tioden now1

Itsi mp to be organized if oy uare disorganed there iwil eb chaos nadn confusion maess , take extra eefrt
to be organized

-Hooligasinsm lack fo ocntroladn unreguatled behaiour! Thiller naughty fun knw wht to let lose and whe
o be highly reauglted! Whe n uwan t oget work doen and whan u uwantot ohave fun or be creative let
loose its lie kflyig a kite knwign when to let losen n flutter nad whnr to ocntorl the kite

Be ocosntlyat ti iadn do ig nti to od it nad t it ot geti tioden and ot maek it happen

Control poitsn to ostay focused and nbe oocsntly atiti and doing t iworkign o nti:-
-Soo hth u knw in your mdi nthth uahve ot odo this and soo you are focused n ti oy udotn waste ite
mdogi ntoerhtigsn, if hehr is inothgin to do o yu wil lend up odig ntoerhthigsn. Due ot oindeciosn u will
do otehrhtisgn nas I ts no theh ri nyou mid nthth u have im pthgis nt ood. Sine u uahve nothgi ngraet ot
otodo u will either sepnd tiem idling or ndoig nntohgn or doin unimpthgsin. Once uua hve things to od
oy uahve a cahl a direiton a way a apth! For hteh da as oto what ot ood
-Yo ukwn oyu shudnt be wasting tiem and u shud maek the most productive use fo oyur tiem soo uthin
kwahtot odo next imp things as u udotn want oto waste item and nand get to work

- Takek ur tiem think paln make a stretgy thgouhgfully as t what ot odo hwo oto do it and og
abotuti have thgotuhful way fo dign thgisn, od it thogutfully I na well ethogtuh out pallned nad
nintellgent way! Not I na hap aahhzrd way uncithoguthfully having no idea as to what otodo and
what u uare odign out thehre what u uenedo to od t oget what resut lacito naoutocem and nso
on. do things I na very thgotuhful thgouth out and intelligent way ahvigna system a process at
ehcnique a way of oodng thgisn, perfectly knw wign whtu u uhdsud do n ndhsudn to do n why
the reson behign d it to succeed and wath atuocem or acito nti will elad ot reust l it iwl llead to.
Take uru item so it thgotushuly proely as ot what ot odo hwo to od it nad go about ti thhsi,
intelligently , ahvign amethodnd natechque od it I na well thoguth out way! A well thgotuh out
method system process technique! Perfecltlyl knowing as oto I nyoru mid nas ot owaht u ushud
do and shud nto do to ahchve urogals
- Doing ti kwnoign ly beign aware and recognziignas to what u ushud nshd u nto be odign
- Put ti it down as to what oyu need oto od and follow to be successful so thth u have s system
and progem and frame work in palce and u knw what tu uneed oto od to and follw oto sucedd
- Be very time o time hav a set system n routine

What maeksu u tick effiintn nad productive and na high achhvemver winner ofrm loser andn help u sced
at whaht u do things ruels beivf system to foolwo

Thgisn tthwill help u ube hgihy lprpdtiive nadn efcentn and driven andmatiated ot oachvhe yoru goals
proporgmammign on amsisio nadn the best ofo the best!

You needoto have stricter a frame work I npalce to follow ot succeed

And then program tit I nyour mid nfeedi n input what to odo programming of the mind soo thth u do it
and folwo nad execute tet ingrained in the core to the corei tneht midn1 extchedi nteh mid nas oto
what ot oodo the knwledgei nforamtion

Stay focused on it:

-If oy uwantoo sucedi n life htne focusi s the most imp thing if uu are nto ofucsed andn oyur mind si
distracted ot other things, diverted ot otoehrhtigns thinking fo other htgsn gign else where doing otehrh
tigsn, ivled in toerhhtigns, mind isin otherhtignsand affrs then you wont be albeo to ahcve uru goas as u
awotn do it u are not into it and oy uwill nto get any work done as uuaredoigotehrhtinsg as ur mind si
else where… an soo u need ot keep ur mind I nit only think fo thth only only have only thht htng going
on I nyour mind stay focsed o ti fixated on ti one track mind focused mind, sinlge midned fcus, . fcus
your mind on imp thgisn keep ur mind I nit nt distractnadn divert your mid nelse where beaware as to
whats going on I nyourm idn keep ur mind pfcused not lose perspective, keep ur mid nfocused o nti,
keep ur eye o nteh proze … keep in mindwhat uurgoal is mission isnadhwat uneed oto od to achvhe ru
gaol, only then u will take acito nadn do it… other wise u ilwl nto od it and you will end up odign
toehrhtignsand if thehr areother thigsnon your mind then youwill end up doing toerhhtigsn and not
getting work and imp thgisn done. Unimp Focus isthem ost ip things if oyur midns elsewhere, on other
htigsn, unimp things rather than imp things thenyou wont get anyhitng oden or any work done… and
impthgisn done…and you will end up wasting al your item effrtnandn energy doing unim pthgsin instead
f dign hwats necessary nadn impthgisn..
-Whats on yoru mind whats goin on in your midnwaht areyou thinking fo eb awre where your mid nsi if
oyur mid nis I notherhtigns thinking of otherhthgisn andelsewehrethe youwont egt work and imp things
done and wont be albe to ahcve ur gaosl and you will end up doing toerhtigns you need ot focusyour
mind on yourwork and impthigsn only… keep your mid nin work and imp thgsin lyo fixated o nti ony
single midnedfocus
- keep I nmidn rmmeebrkeep I nmind dotn lsoe perpective its imp ntto lose persoectivek eep your eyes o
nthe prize on what oyu want and wht uu need oto od to getti… stay focused n htth ony rmeebr keep in
midnwaht u goalsi be preprogrammed and on a msiion rrmebr keep in mind what urgoaliswhat ur
mission niswaht oyuwant and wht you need ot o do things uneedo to o dot ahchve hth goal an msiison..
only thenyou will take acito nadn gtito o it if its not hther in your mid nyou wont… if ther are
otehrhtignsi nyoru mdi n uwont be on a msiio nonyl one htign on your mdi nfixated on yur msisio nadn
goalas to wht oy uwant wht ru goalsi andhawtu u needot odo to achve it oonly ifi its on your mdi then
you will do ti and takeacito nt ogetwhat uuwant!
- if oyu ogo to odo too many htigsn you wl get nothgin doen right… focus o noen thing only
- cause if oyu r mind is not in it if itsn to I nyoru mdi nsiyour mind is else where there are oterhtithgisn
going on in your mind and your mind is distracted then you wont doit youwill either not do it or you will
do other things…
-don’t istrub me distractme anddivert me…
- you hsudnt be distracted r diverted yourmind shud be in ti and u hsud be totally fixated on ti only!
- stay focsuedo nyoru goals andn career andn what oy uwant! Keep o ndoign ti andodign what
uuaredoign think for urself seefor urself live yur own life help urslef think for oyursefl your problems
shud besolved, ur work shud get doen thths all u ahsud think about nadcare bout pp lareselfsih too and
ththswhat hthey thin kbout!
- You needt o stay focused on ti be aware of wahts goin on I nyoru mid nwahere your mind is at! No
distractions stay focsed on it do thth only your mind should be in thth only! Think n worry bout thth
only! not think bout otehrhtignsnad worry bout other htigns!
- yo uneedot have a o ne track mind do onehtign only focuso n on th eh tionly t osucced atit.. single
midnedfocused u needot ocus ony o nthe mot imp thgisn and do those things only! Do t ot geiti odne ifu
ur mind is distracted then you will not be aleotot odit andto getit ioden! Get any work doen! Impt hgisn
doen you need ot ofocus yoru mind coocntrate oyor mind on one htign ony l no distraction do one htign
only… if u u go oto od too many htigns yo uwil lget ntohgi nden… keep u r mid nofcusedo ni t od htth
thing one thing ounly … don’t get distracted nadn diverted here and thehr… not think fo otehrhtigsn…
keep ur mid ni noen thing only thin of thth only. Not othink fo otehrhtigsn not put ur mind in
otehrhtigsn, not iveu ur mid nt ootherhtigns, not let ur mind get distracted ehrhenadn thehr
elsewhere… only htht one thing one gaol in mind.. not haveo therhtigsn onyour mind.. otherh wise ocne
uu r mind getsdstracted ot otehrhtigns, nad gse herenadn ther, on otehrhtigns hten u wont be odign
what s imp yo uwil end up doing toerhhtigsn unimp thgsi nthen fcosu yoru mid nkeep ur mind on wor a
n dim pthgis nonly only then u will do imp thgisn and work , fi u r mid nis in grarbage u will do garbage
its like thth.. . ur mid nshud be in work and imp thgsi nonly
- Its best t oeb singlecaseu uwhen uare single u have less distractions and u are more focused less tiem
energy wasted I ntoerhthigsn and less distractionsnadoso n..and turmoil make up break up and o soon…
single and free no tears no fear s ahwti iwant oto be!

You need ot now find a way to get a PR how to get a PR and to extend yoru stay and have money in your
bank accountto be able oto do all thth focus on thth other wise o uare fucked up! And its all over other
iwse! Ifu ure nt toally in to it fdayn ngith working on ti then you are fucked

Focus & Hard work:

-Focsu on your goal o nwahts imp o nwaht u want thth is PR gaol to achvhe thth be fiated nadn obssed
bout thth cocontrate o nthth and what uneed ot ood to get thth aol only thht thing hsud be on your
mind , wat oy uwant and hwo to oget iti ! keep I nmidn what oyu want and how oto geti ti what u need
oto od to geti ti focused o nthth mind focused o nthth on thth one mission and goal only thth is one trak
mind fixated on tht ony l and think of htth only nadn d othth only …. Concentarte o nthtt only! And work
toards allattieton o nthth only fcus o ntht only on thh goal andmsison only, and taking action atient
perstinet determed action to do hth only, if htths the only thing o nyour mind hth goal and msiiso nadn
then thths the only thing thh uwill do if its not inoyur mdi nif oyur mdi nsi dstracted ot goes ot
ootehrhtigsn then yo uwotn do thth and so u wotn sucedd tisl ie kthth keep your mind I ntht only only
thth thing shud be on your mdi n nto distract uru mid lese where ot otehrhtigns. Not let oyur mind og
hehre nadn thehr to othheritngs not inveol enage and focus ur mid ni notherhtigns focus oyur mid no
ntht only keep ur mind in tht only, not let oyur mid nget distratednand verted otoherhtigsn, if oyurm id
nsi in othehritgns yo uwotn do ti then, only thth thing shud be thehr on your mdi neb aware of what
soign on I nyoru idn think fo thth only not of othehrigns keep oyur mid ni ntht nly on lyh then u will do
thth only whats imp if oyur mind geos to otehrhtigsn, then yo uwil l nto odhwat imp and endu p dogin
otherhtigns his si a very crauitla nda ciritla pahse uu cnat affrd to wate ite meffrt energy odign
otehrhigsn u needoto be dofcsednadngive uritem eefrtsnadn nergy to this goal and misiso nPR gaol only,
ot this one htign only, to get iti doen… if uu get distracted uare ogen u end up lsoign tiem energy ffrst
get nothgin doen and u wont succeed in ahcing ur agols and u lose opportunity then soo sbtay focused
odnt loves perspective keep oyur eye o nthe proze o nyoru goal
-Work hard super hard dayn ngith to gethgisn oden work doen all te higsn thth need ot be doen prapre
all ammunitaio napaer work for your PR application now other wise yo uarefucke super fuked! Soo focus
on yoru PR application now! Totally! Be cosntyl working o nti dayn ngith to od it and geiit odne be after
it patent detemrednand eprpstnet effrt s andn endvaour
- have fun an have a goodtime the tiem thth u spend shud be good!
- work super hard be ocosntly at iti an doing ti get after it keep on doing t iandworkign on it to od it
andot gtiioden fast!

Thsisi nto easy nothgin is easy life isi a struggle thehr is no easy way out yo ueneo to otake effrt ot
gethgisn doen maek things ahppe nbe willginadn read oy ot sodg work ahrd therhsi no easy way out..
take assive diitemed extrmem effrts t oamek thgisn happen to gethgisn doen

He was after me and non me he was toatly determedadn toaltly after me and I nt oem! And
focusednand os on. obssed with em and infatuarted wit hme!

You needo t be fast nto waste yoru tiem oyur item is imp… not waste item on unimp thgisn be fast get
thgisn doen fast and quick nto waste tiem.. and make max use of the tiem yo uahve… oyur tiem si
limited u get 24 horus a day soo sleep only 4 horus work like 18 horus make max use of the limited tiem
u have time utlizatio nefective urltization fo tiem by giving ti tomax tiem to work and imp thgisn to get
work and im tghs oden fast nto waste tiem.. eb serisou about it and get work doen things doen to htth
need ot be doen fast to achhve ru goals fast!

Prdcitivity how mch tihgs u uget doen and work y u get doen

Its nto easy to ahchve ru gaosl nothing is easy tis ahrd it’s a ot ofthigsn and work inveldnadn so o oy
uneedo t work ahrd dayn ngith cosntyl cosntsuly work hard and be working nt oslog to gethgisn doen
and work doen thth need ot be doen to achhve ur goals and to geiti oden fast I nn sohrt tiem span as
fast andand qucikyl as ucan so otht u achve ur goals fast!

What needs t o be done? Soo now This needsotbe doen n this needs ot be doen!

Be seriousnadn fusedand mena buiesn sacrifice ur comfrt your pleasrefun enjoyment to ahchve ur
goalas andcareer nadn moei mpthgisn in lfie!

you need to have asesn of haste nadn urgency to gethgisn doen work doen fast!

n soo u need ot owrk long hours dayn ngith to ge and geto toorkwr immdiately nadn work

fast do thigsn fast and qucik at a afaster rate nadn apce to get everyhtign doen fast
ahve a snesn of irgnce accelreate everythgi nahve a sensn of urgncey to get everyhtgn

doen fast and qucik speed at high speedn and rate! n pace not slow

be active alert enenrgtic nad fast

and not be lazy
ad n be o nyour toes
adn giveu r tiem to work and im pthgisn onyl n oto to unimp thgisn!
befast nadn dofucsed

If oy ugdo toomany htigsn u will get nothing doen and be successful at nothing

thsi year is goign to be haste cahos

speed and focus and storm!
lotso of work to oo thigsn to od acitosn t otkae
put everyhtign to practise impliemtn it !
take actio nadn so on!

try wih theh hope htht u wil lget iti be psotive nadn optimsic

thiisi is not easy thher are a lot of thigsn t oit it can drive u u carzy!

Yo uare on a misiion you are working o nsoemthign and working towards osemthign to achve

- Dotn sit thehr and waste yoru item trying to develop a relation hsip and cocentio nadn
freidnhsip with her falmiytieshelp andoso n hse is matlabi she wants 5000$s for myou to pay off
her debt and hes doesn’t care or give a fuck about you… itwill be a waste of tiem stttign ther
tlakig ntto her… and trying to develop arelatio nwith her it didn’t work… she treated u uliek shit
controllgi nbossy itnerfernign I nyoru perosan llfi e through your gf out and put water on
everything thth u were trying to do… all 4 days of itnse effrts standing out hther in the rain 12
ours waiting forher and 4 horusevery day nadn night waitignfor her.. and soo on..

When bill gates and steve jobs and warren buffett were asked what is one thing hth helped them
succeed they said focus
Itsi mp nt to lose persective, yeah Elon mussk wife..

What is focus … you need to do only one htign at a tiem focus only on one thing only! If oy ugo tot ood
too many htigns you will end up getting nothgin tdoen focus on only one way one route thth is sure
shot foolproof way ofo odign ti! Getting ur pr doen! Single minded focus thth is focused only on one
htign on a mission doing only one thing! If

Lotso of thgsn to do wrk ot do I n a timely manner be particular about it dotn delay or youaresrewed
keep a list ofo things to o dot keep ur babay coampyn alve!
It’s a loto of work you will go crazy doing ti its slow but it’s the most secure way ifi oyu doti well carefull
thgothfully perfectly and efficiently andn proelry.. takigncare oto odit right irf oyu gonan do it odit right
od it perpely perfectly eror fpprppoof be totoaly fully into tit! Completely I ntoti!

Don’t waste time ur mind shud be in tht only be constantly be thinking of tht only for every min hour n
sec.. dnt waste ur time thinking of other things n doing other things.

Be fully n ntotally invested I ntoi t! invest yoru mind body money everything in to it!

Think fo it only dany nyigth dotn waste iem only thht thing should eb thehr o nyour mind… nthign else!
Dotn waste tei mdont ivele ur mind think of oterhtigsn or inveovel ur mind I nto otehrh tigsn!
Tiemsi runnginfaast going fast don’t oo therhtigsn be on a msiiso nto do this and gethtsi thing doen and
iveovle ur mnd totoaly and fully I not ti ot do it and to geti odne1
Don’t waste eit m by doing toerhhtigsn ad thinking of other htigsn!
Tr y oto maek urslef secure and indednt soo thth uahve roe ocntorl over ur destiny nadn what oy uwant
and you havem oerhetigsn I nyoru hands nadn dotn have ot beg otherhs oro depdn on others for uer
destiny futuuer and what u want
No distractions n inurruptions
Hitch hike m along for the ride

Not waste your time:-

your tiem is limited , you have limited tiem hence your tiem is prceisou valuable nadn imp, once tiem is
gone its gone you will nevr get it back thth much tiem thth cud have been given to work and imp htigsn
to get work nad imp thgisn doen is gone hten… soo odnt lose item don’t waste your tiem give your item
to work and imp things only.. I odnt wan t owaste my tiem tth mch time htth I cud have given to work
and imp thgisn to get work and imp thgisn den is gone now… and nosoo it gets delayed! You are running
out of item and losign time.spped isi mp getiitgn thgisn doen fast is imp it took tesla just 168 days to opn
a plant for mass production, if it would take 2 years slow work then you are screwed! Ievery one gets
thgis ndoen and work done its imp togethgisn doen and work doenfast and secure yoru status!
I have goto work ot odo .. I cant waste tiem… and hten I wont get any thing imp thgisn doen… I have got
osoem work to odo cant waste my time! I am busy I nthsi work say no dotn waste your item after her…
BS and nonse ..get t o your wrok focuso n thth dotn waste your tiem send and delay and you know
whie oyur tiem away… ie msi itkcign and going and oy uae getting nothgin doen.. mir teim is limited soo
eb careful hwo oy uspend it vlauethe tiem u have maek producitven and effcint use fo ofo the itme htth
u have don’t awaset t yoru tiem doing unimp thgisn tthth will brign u no bbefit and gain give uru item
only to imp tgisn thth will brign u bebefti and gain and help u achvhe urgoalsnand im pthgsin in lfie for
eg ask oursel what I I am doig nright hnow will it help u achhve gai nanyhtign if not thn uare wjaut
wasting yoru item… d o osemthign thht will beirrng u bebenift and gian dotn fool around waste your
tiem while uur tiem away give uur tiem to imp thgisn hth wil lrbig u bebefit and gain. Wha iit am doing
is iti giving me any gain bbafnit or use will it hep me achvhe the im pthgsi ni nlfe igals etc… or is it
wasting my time? Or am I making productive efficnt use of the limited tiem I have… by doing thgisn tht
are imp and will ehlp me achhve the im pthgis nin lfei don’t give ur item to iunimp thgisn dotn awaste
tiem u have limited tiem… once itisi ogne ist gne its valuable resource. Your tiem si limitednadn hence
imp and precisou dotn let unimp things take your tiem away! Your item is limted and nehcne it’s the
most valuable and imp resource you can earn money back if oyu lseo money but oyu cant earn tiem
back soo give your item to work and imp thgsi nonyl …. Not wast tii in ossne! Doig nthgsin htth will brign
u no bebefit nadn gain nto whiel your item away not let any oen suck oyur item away tell them nicely
soo thht the realtion is not destroyed.. I have work oood it cant wste tiem… my tiem is limited thth mcu
htim thth I cud have givemn to work to get work and im thgsi ndoen tth will ehlp me achhve the imp
thgisn in life ciritucal and crucial thgisn I nlife and goals and ambtitosns and dreams is then goen..

He is trying to do a big cahlang thth is drema big aim bignadn do things and prepare yourself
accorndignly brign ur slef to thth lelvel… uchi chlcang marni ke soch raha haa ithth si aim for the moon
then y uwill alnd among the strs… if oyur drmae is small you will do mslal tgisn if u drema bignadn oyu
areambitosu oy uwill do big things try for doig nbig things and find a wat y to rech thth goal menas to
reach thth gaol. You are ambitious u don’t like odign small things! Or small jobs it just denst go alogn
with our mind cause it crushes your drmea for eg ifo yu wnato to be a mamnger and bueisn man and do
museisn world wide I nmillionsn and billions odfo daloolars I nsales and not lie on a small pay hhcek…
mot nth month and work and salve for other ppl… nad if yu are working nas a sales asscoaite it will maek
u sad nad ndepresed feel thth uare nto odign anything great or gaoin any were and fele tht ur gdreams
are curshed its lie kthth u wotn be happy hten! U will feel like a loser thths wahtiti is!

Have a gao la miiso nand wrok to od oto getthere I nyoru mnd:

Ifo yu dotn kwn where to ogo wantth to tood have n odirectio ndestation then you will eb lost nand oy
uwil wander around aimlessly! Wthi h no goal purpose aim direcitn and waste your tiem and foo
Have a a direcito nknw whaich way ou want oto go and what oy uwant to od!
You end up wasting time hwn uare lost oy uahve n direction drema goal and msiiso nthen you wander
around aimlessly oyu have no goal no set mission pupose what ot oachhve destation and soo yo uahve
no driectio nad nwa whato to od cahl what work ot odo to ahchveh thth goaadn msisio nadn purpose
thths when u end up fooling aordn wandeirgn aournd and waitng your tiem as u have not goal no aim no
pusrpose nadn msison thth si destaiton what oyu wantot ood where oyu want to o reachand goand oso
n and hane no direction thth is what work ot odo to geththere what thgisn to do thot geth thehr one so
oyour mind si nto focuseedo na msisio ngoal ahcvigna goal and msiison also its nto thehr I nyour mid
nwaht oyuwr you need oto od thth I haneedo to od othsi wor k to get there then what wil lahpepe n?
you will be lost aimless direction less, mission lessand oy uwill wantder around and waste oyur tiem and
talents nand intelligence and skils1 and potentioanl and os on… tht can help to maek ur progress sovle
ru money problesm,. Mae ursle suceful I nlfei and also to make hmaity porgree u will eb a waste oyur
tialent roesuces itnelgence skilssl wile b a wate then! Giva a man a miiso na dreaem a destination and e
has a the direction whcch way t o go give hm the way hwo oto get htehre. What work ot odo and he will
eb focusd o nthth mission goal it will be htehr ins his mind thth he has hthigs goal msisio nto ahchvhe
and htsi work ot odo to achhve this mission and then he wnt waste tiem folign around wandering
around beign aimless nad oso n and lost.. knot jkwnign whatoto od weich way to go nad what wor k ot
odo .. andos on no path no direction and soo n .. lsot wnaderign arund aimlessly t kwnoign what your
goals is what u wanto tood and achvhee have no gla no direction in mind and what work ot odo to
ahchve ru goals what path th to taek way to ogo.. and then what will happn u will hwhile ur tiem away..
sicen its not thher I nyour mdi ntth uahve this goal to achveh and this thing work ot odo nothgi nimp to
achhve or gdo soo uwill while your tiem and waste you tr item away… doig nunimp thgsin going crazy
lsot wandering aorudn have got ntohign t imp to odo soo uwill waste ur item themn .. wandirng aorudn
aimellsly purpselelsly nadoso n.. os on wandinrgaroudn aimlessly and goal less! If oy uahven o direito
nyo uhave no idea what oy uwant to odo I n lfie hwato yu want otoachvhe gaolno glea or drema the ny
uwil be lost and wander aroud aimells ly nadn waste yoru item and lose tiem! While oyur item way I
nunim pthgsin aprtyign and this andn thth and os on… drugs and this andn thht .. thth will ruin oyur lfie
make u poor waste yoru tileandtsn nadn skills destry yoru health and so on… maek u suffer nadn so on..
giveu u poverty and misery nad so on and suffering.. no food ot eat no shelter cthign hoseu and oso n
addicted oto dorgs wasted no meony I nbak account nand oso n… ur items limted giveu ur tiem to yoru
goals work and imp thgisn ur tiems limited … some oen elsei is owrkign hard otwrds their golsadand
succed nadn mant wasting their tie madn tlaentns nadn resources …. If they don’t hire oyu n acant see
yoru talent or they think ur expriecne is less yo uwstrt a coamyon and hire yourself dotn wat waste
oyour talent
Tie yoru sel to oa gaol a purpose o a msisoion and kthen u kwn u have this ogal to msiso nt oahchve nad
what u need ot odo to get hther work oyu need ot odo then u woant waste your item! And life in unimp
thgisn! Causeu u have foucsd soemthign better oto do a new project a msio nt oahchve y ucan give al
yoru tiem to thth suddenly oyur tiem beocels importnan nand rpociosu csausue its limited nadn if
uuwaste tii then thth tiem tht cud have been given to doig nwork to ahchveu rogals nad im ptghsi nsi
gonne and so on!

she msut have seen something in oyu hth s why hse took you in and is gigivng u direcit n and metoring
you and poitnign out your nmistkaes correitgn to you as to where oyu are going wrong what uuare
doing wrong! You have this knowledge educaito nbut yo uahve not put yourself I nteh industry so
uhaven to put hth lkwneldge to use ato ahchve great htigsn! She msut ahave seen u suffrign and in pain
and beign wasted and also soo hse helped u usuported you soo thth u can like a btter fly delveop
yourself to the full potintioal..
mind body free and opne! Sisnce uuare staying with me its my duty to correct u uas mother! If I isee
soemthgin worng I nyou! Open mind and body say what you feel openly what you are doing wrong!
Point it out or u ont learn!

What are oy udoign wasting oyur tiem?

He must be busy andn on to up to soemthign thths why he is nto on facebook! He has no tiem for it it
seems or he is focused nsoemthign esel or doing soemthign else his mind si soemwhehre else not I nface
book bmay be he got soemthign better ot odo and so oh e is fucso d o nthth thing! Not wasting tiem
odign uni pthgsi nbe useful and productive! Lsto potential inetetnngce kwneldge and know how
skillsand ntalents knowledge educait on and so on tth u have thth can be ut t great use to achvhe great
thgisn ththis thth knowledge nadn enducaito ntth u havei n your mid nadn thth intseggncen thth
uahve… thth ucan put to use by working and achhve graethgisn progress foro yourself meoyn for ursefl
comfrtlbae life foro yourself and suceef ul oyurlef nand progress for humanity is then gone its lei k
ubeocme a wasted resource! Thth is invertebrate wastre1 dotn want to be an inveribreate wstere!

Yo uneeoto tleanr ofmr sucefull ppl take their acdvece what maeks then sucefu lad n productive wah
maeks them tick! Ther brain si programmed hth tway they remember what to od what to nto ot odo and
why nderstnad wh ny o tot waste tiem wah y tiem si imp and what oy ushud do mange tiem and so on
give tiem to imp thgsi nonyl and s on.. they knw whatoto od he values work ethics etc.. and so othey
have done the right htigsn to reach whehreh the are now! Eitehrh they leanr t iti or figured it out
htemslevs or they took it or picked it up for mothers the advice and good thgisn and sugetiosn thth wil
lehlp them be scueful!

I have enugh money money is not a motivation money ocems and ngoes! I can og an d sit o nan island
and nenjoy my life but hthts not what iti want to ood! I want oto be useful not uselesl not waste my
talents and intelligncen nadn skilsl nad oso o n!

If they can see through it … “I wrote I ahe tlents and skilsl” thht can heplp ur aorganziation” they didn’t
se ti dotn hire oyu go andn strt yoru own coampyn nadn hire yourself! If they don’t hire oyu n acant see
yoru talent or they think ur expriecne is less yo uwstrt a coamyon and hire yourself dotn wat waste
oyour talent sitting around eduaciton andn knwldedge hth can help u uachvhe greathgisn! And amek
great progress for urself and nhuamnity ptui ti ot good use!

He msut e bbsuy with soemthign he has got better thgis nto od and entertainemtn htht is why! Ihe is nto
on face boo kadn waitng tiem nfacebook his mind is occupiedfoucsedo n other htigsn ndda doesn’t
watoto waste item doing toerhhigtgns!

Not just thinking si imp I will do this I will do thth takig nacito nadn going ahedn nadn doing it is imp the
most imp thing! Iaction is the mst imp thing doing oits only when u take action thth you get thgisn doen

Do thth only think of thth only odnt waste tiem doing otehrhtigsn don’t distract nadn divert your mind
ot other things and unim pthigsn. U need ot be focused o nwaht oyu are doing mind body soul give al to
htth only! Focs vs sdtration focus no dirastraction! Do imp thgisn only ifu uget distracted u end up losign
ur tiem effrntn nn nergy wasitgn it on unimp thgis ntt h limted resources thh uahve tiem effrt energy
thth can be given to work to geamek progress I nwork lreach loesr to oyur goals and dremas!

Invested: be fully invested I nwaht you are doing give your 100% to it your money effrts iem mond body
soul to thth one htign only be fully nadn totoaly I no t it oyl I oy uare doginsoemthgin oy uened oto
invest yourself fully in toti other wise you cant suced I nti put oyur mid n thinking memery reosuces
thinking rneosruce think fo othth only dayn night be consumed ivneoeld invested I ntth ony commtted
to thth only.. ocne track mind focused o ntht honly body money fiancnes everything I ntoit ! dtn wrry
botu money meony oy uacna earn later at lest oy uwail lahve a buseisn fo oyur own and a vehicle to get
a pr

May be he is busy int oosemthign else nadn got better more imp serious things to odo no nsoesn ical
thgsn menaign busisienes andn so o he is serious about it and doesn’t want to owaste item in nonse
nadn unimp thgisn… n waste his talents reosucesrs and limted waste tiem n while the tiem away tth u
have can be given tot wrk and impthgisn… to ahchve imp things in lfie

Steve jobs strted as an hippy observed htht hippy pp lahd no meony were broek nadn suffrign no money
to buy food na thth they were wasting their mimted item thth they have in doing thgis nthht are
unimp… and thhts when he strted and deicided htths nto the life for him you learn for mmsitakes ur own
mistakes by self instrospection for misndie and form besrvign others mistakes what hthey are doig
nwrong by wathcig nthem these pp lare just whilign their tiem awy nadn what they are doig nwrong…
observed and nlearnt or mthem and so o he wnet I nto echand strted a comapyn as he didn’t wat to be a
waste e saw them taking drugs wandierng aorudn aimelslly with no direcito nadn purpose and wasting
their tiem life talent itnetlgnece skisls and resources…

Contain your item give it to work and imp thgsin!

Yo uneed ot oobserve what oterhs are doing! Right leanr for msuceful ppl and quickly take htht thing
what will ehlp u ube suceeful1 yo usee thth eprosn he has sachhved soo muh soo amny comapneis he
has soo mauch money he can go on a nisland nad nrest whats the mtoicaito nwaht makes him work
hard and geto toowrk and take paisn and struuglesn and strife nadn ahcve graethgsi nwaht dirves him
to odo ti mtoivateds him to do it whats theh progrramign I nteh the software I nthe mind thth s
warokign he values etc… “the softwrare nadn rpogrammgin thhts thehr in oyur mid nstoeredi nyoru mid
nsi mportantn to elon musk”

Whe noy umet elon eh will ask you a lto ofo questiso naand literally just suk lal the information form
ouyr bria nout!

Inveolvement: be fully ttoatly invoeld I nti and in to it I nwaht oy uare doig high lelvel of invoelment dot
nod it on the surface get totoaly fully I nto ti I ndetail!

You needot be determeid to odo it detemr iend to wrok hardn and take apisn and evvffrts tht si no back
track be detemreidn to to take the sturrgles, dteremidn ot push through the hard ships… not igve in or
give up thht si go fori t when are going through hell keep going htth is be stubbornnand detemred to
odo ti ,.. no matter hwo tough or harder it gets.
Take pains and efforts willing to work hard and take pains and efforts

wrk fast work slow if uwork slow take ur on w n tiem then yo uwil end up takig na loto of tie mto get
hgisn doe nadn waste itme emrmeebr ur tiesm limited u cant take too logn ages to gethgisn doe nand d
othgis nas ifi tiem doenst exist nadn u have neless tiem… n do things endlessly forver.. be doing it
ednellsly and be stuck o ntth only yo uwotn be abel t oachhve or hehtgoals and so on or the fruits of
oyur goals and os on..

work contosuly:

-Melissa (strght pinted nose, hiegt 1 inch hsorter than me cap) 100$s for x and for x with out cnd a bit
more 415, on lane after the tent park lane
- Solange
- Laura
- Nikki (shelter)
- Twilas friend (pink top)

Jade (blonde red head, cute face and lips)
Eli sha (hot figure n looks)

Applying for open work permit:

-If you marry a girl and apply your pr application you can apply for open wprk permit
-If you apply for Pr through Canadian expericne alssadn yo uarei ncancanda you can apply for open
work permit
-if you apply fo r refugee status you can apply fr open work permit

Extending your stay:

If you apply for visitor visa 6 montsh you can extend yoru stay

Just starting na buseisn is abn expensive affair never leave yoru day job do it part tiem yu need money
to pumpi n to the busiesn frst! Thehr are epences inoeld regtratio nlayer fee, working capital nad what
not! Once uu strt to the operatiosn and get iti odogign
Whe ncan yo uealve our day job when oyu buesisn is making a lot ofo sales and oyur income personal
income whne u pay yourself is more than what oyu get when oy udo the job … plus oy uleave enough
working cpatial for the busiesn I neh acocoutns for a 2 years and have profits ofr the bueisnen equal to
working capital ofr 1 addicitoan l year thths when u leave your day any job and thesoo thth u get
the income coming I nadn then you can side by side find a better higher paying obot get moere meony
tis lie kththt

Howot odetermeine the health of the busiesnes:-

How much is the sles how many good s are sold and how much profits you made how mch cash flow and
how much money cahsh the busien has I ntis acoutn through profits htth is t made by sale fo goods or
services (not through ivnestmetn or loans) auseu if the busein is has no money then or sles then tis
fucked! Wahtsi mp is salesn and money
Buy goods sell goods and make money soo simple!

You need working capital to strt and run keep the the operatiosns going you need ot pay employees
andn what not! :

Yu will learn hwo ot odo buseisn the procese stspes iniveld hwo ot osrt a coampy nacoutnign ruels alws
reguatliosn early ofmr the strat ocne uu put oyursel inovel urlse in toit! And ump I nto it and idve in!

Soo hth ucan utilize oyru full potential and expres rusefl and takecaito nadn do what uwantto odo and
saywaht uuwantt ot osay to get what you want and achevhe what ut want and perform and nfucntion ot
thehr nand not hold back.!

Excuse e m can you help me wit hthis form can ou fill up this form for me .. give uru cell phe n name
number! Etc.. can I kisi u? go ahed… we haven’t kisied for a logn tiem … smiign nb lsuhign.. ncie try

Strtign a caompyn si not simple its ocmalicated casue thehr are soo amny thgisn invoeld a lot ofo work
docusmtnaiton paprerwork laws ruels reualgitosn inveold its ocmaplex.. licens permites et.e.t..c.
taxation nacoautnign agreeemtns , also expensyive .. ctnracts.. byut its very strigth forward… oce its
doen then ouy buy goods sell goods make money and hve B2B and B2C soncentions… thhtas customers

His iis the fianl wlay … tiem is not on yoru side remeebr thth so uneedot act fast.. money is also not on
yoru side! Asu uahev no tiem and no money either! And this is the last chance oyu have ifo yu fuck this
up its over then! Ast oporutnity oy ucantaffrdot screw this up! Otherh wise u will be be sent back hme

you will need a lot fo finacignadn money for PR applcaiiton
You needot show 11,000$s I nyoru account!
You need money to pay fees ielts fees,
Fees for education certfiactes
Passport fees
pcc fees,
Pr applcaitio nfees
BC pnp fees
Open work permit fees
Money to pay rent and other expenses livinggn expnse cell phone bills etc.. thths 5000$s therhe

Plus you need ot show money for the busiesne:

Lawyers fees accoutnign fees
Soo oy uneedot do two jobs to get money!
Yo uneeda mi ninvoce me of 5,000$s a month to meet these expenses!

1) Yo uahve no time, oy uahve only 1 year left

2) thehr is a lot ofo work to od: open work permit app, pr application, bc pnp applciaiton, and
doing al leserch for htthe, ielts tsest and so on, doing ob as well thth too two jobs you will ahveo
t work dayn night, plus strtign a bsueisnn and its paper wrok and os on.
3) You need money for all this if oy udotn have money or fiancign to do nayhtign then you are
4) If oy udelay any step the nyo uare fucked! Soo u need ot be fast wrok fast contisuly ongh ours
nadn dayn ngith to do it and to geti tiodne!

Soo ti will be very easy to screw up ifoy ulose tiem u are fuked, if oyu odnthave meony oyu are fcuked, if
oy u screw up any of the wrok thing paper work u are screwrd up1

Dotn waste yoru item doing unimp thgis nevery min sec hour is rpeociso uoce its ogne its goen u wotn
get t ti back.. your item si limited remeebr hth soo dotn waste yoru tiem doing unimp thgis ngiev all yur
tiem t work an I mp thgisn only things thth wil help u achvhe the imp thgisn in lfie

Beyond fear lies vicry soo be fear less go and ask the grl u u love yo uahven tohgi nt olsoe nad everything
yot gain.. in fornt fo ofear lies vocurtry what oy uwant… ahed ofo fear lies vicitrywhato y uwant fear
sotpu uform getting ther taking action nad doing thgsin…

The hippy culture:

The good thisgnand the bad things:-
The only good thgisn about hippy culture wast the dircutiopn the movment to distrpt htigns and rebel
agiasnt existiign thgisn… thth helped apple to maek progress
But the bad thinsg about hts culture was
-If oyu sloth oy ulose n nsufer if u wor ahrd oy uwin! And nsprogressnad succeed the fruits
- I nthe farm oy uwork ahrd nadn toil and yo uge hth e rewrdnad the fruits the other botrhter sleeps and
is lazy and then he ahs no cropsand strves
- the hippy ppl they were gaiagnt the ahrd wrok the 9:00 ot 5 jobs they were lazy they dditn want
otowork and what hepepdn they emended up poor borke no money o ndrgus wasted no direito
nwastign tiem reosruces talents skisland oso n… broke… where as those who worked 9:00 ot 5:00 had
ienoguh money I ntheri mbank accounts ot eduatetheri iss, have food lcohtgn shelter lvie omfrtbley and
relxed manner!
-nther thth lead ot our progress nor the progress of humanity doing othign1
- relaxariosn sloth is sweet initially but its outocem reustl is bitter thth is uno money u strave and nso on
- hard work is painful n bitter intailly but its out ocem is sweet..
-worjk hard take effrt and paisnand struggles remind urslef hth ahrd work si apiful but its worth it! asue
the fruits and rrueslts are sweet..

Tehre are two kinds of ppl I nthsi world ppl who dwell o nthe negative and wont see or apppreiate
yoru effrtsn and what oy udo for them:
- For eg you spent your 1 horu after her causeu u iekd her nad nwated her! Wated ur item after
her sepnt all your effrt nan nenrgy on her, wawere fixated o nehr and she didn’t see tht how
much ulovd her or aprprcated thth isnted she gave u ushit for follwoign her! Fuk it! she didn’t ..
she nenver saw nor appracatied how much u luve her nadn wanted her! see ohhh he wante me
soo mcu hthth hse folwoed me too effrt, sepnt itme on me nad oso n
- - you need ot be with pp lwho wil apprrctae yoru effrts!

I aprpeacte your effrts nadn you trying

- Tehrhe are tow kindso of pp lthsoe who make it easy foro u uand those who make u ustruglel
nadn maek I ahrd foro u
- If o yu aresenstive u uget eality affectednad ndepressed and emaptioanlyl meatlaly hurt nand s I
napin thn utaek drugs and soon… for eg u didn’t give her meony nadn made it harder for her
nto easy soo she said fuk ti and left you hther! Cusuaeh she is snesntive and causeuu h madei ti
harder forher either hsh left u as she is emtiaonl or hse left u causeu u madeiti harder forher to
get what she wantsn and reach hehr gaol of getitgn money for m u for her durgs to ease he r
pain and addicito nadn depndcy and carving .. and she went o ndrugs causeu hsei ssenstive and I
npain and gets hurt easily… emaitoanl person forge thth day oy ucired for her nadn hse also got
teary eyes and said yes you told her thth u louved her!

I it itakes effrt to put everything down to odo thgisnand to get htigsn doen! And complete things and
finish things!

Do thgisn calmly celery and thoguthfully! Nad properly do ti orperly right it hsud be doen porpelyand
right nto just any way otehrh wise u wotn get resutsl and noutcoem

Yo uneedo t odrema big not dream small nad be right out htehr whehre phil knight is soot ht hone day
oy uwil lgive thth speech and the story fo oyur llfie!

If they can do it soo can you leanr form them what thy didi tryo to oreplicate ti be thoguthful and do I

Thinking and ndoign:

be thoguthful figure out whahto odo knw whahto tood think what to odo what nto to do and why .. the
process and oso n hw othgisn owrkk and so on… figure thgisn out realization and hten act take action
nadn do ti! Execute it do ti! One uu kwn whato todo and hwo thgisn work the ntis al fast cause hten aits
htehr I nyour memmery nand wllal udo is then excute it!

the rpogrammign… each and every oen of us is a cahhrter they knw whaot ood … right facial epresision
hwo to owalk walking styleandnso on! they knw whato tood hwo to odo ti and accordingly they doit!
The mmemery stored I nyou memery whatotood and nso on.. also is stred I nyou r ememry things like
confdince and nto caring what otehrsh tink of oyu and so on and kwnelgn why oy ufel anxious anso on!
and hwo ot odela with ti thth information! Thth software is a a work al the time fi oy uodtn put yourself
out htehr the nu are out o otuch you forget what t odo hwo to owakk msulce mmeemry oy uforget
what hteisiseus are anxieties are and hwoto odela with thme thgisn like cocnince nadn so on and so oyo
uget more aniosu and out of touchand wawkrd nadn werdnad so n… put yruself more out htehr soo thth
u are not out of otough and its htehr I nyour mdi nwah ot ood musle memeory nados on.
be fast dothgisn fast! Take action nt oodo ti and to geit iodne fast and quick!

Endeavour take effrts towards getting what oyuwant!

You have nothgin t olose by triyng your luck and aksign causally! Nto maek bi g deal about ti asi if u did
a big crime as causally sif oyu maek a bigdela of oti and act as iif u didi a big fcirme she will too.. as
casueally. Nothing working iwh ti
Come o nsid u can do it hint her htht uliek her!
Work romantic and sxaul escalation!
Maek a pass at her hit on her! Hint it !
Hsow itnerst I nehr
Otehrh wise it’s a boring conversation and o uwil e bfirendzoned thth si she wudnt knw htht uahve a
dick! She will see u uas her femae friend ofr a gay friend no emotion lor sxaul connceito nsut talk talk
about fgnenral things
Yo uneedot toalk gennrla thgisn n topics thth is talk to her hw are oyu doing hws the day ogign ask her
some thing how oto open up strt small tlak
Hi hows the night going? What are oy uup to tonight ? do oyu wnant h ahng out? Would oy uliek to
hang out soemthime? Wee shud be friends? Whoa re oy uwe hsud beto friends ask her number face
book and oso n cocntnct to ocncent to her… we shud grab a cofe sometime… type in… to friend her
initially and maek a ocnention but hten later on you need ot oowk romaicn and compliemtn yo uloo
kebautiful1 if hse is rude or acts hauty and ahrd ot oget or you knw treats u unreal isn to beign rela with
you.. loosk own o nyou hten wor ka neg o nehr! Shkae her cofndicnen and self wrth I wanted oy u but
oy uare nto my type! Etc.. wyh am I onot oyur type! And she will eb moe afteryo uthen
1) Open her up driect indirect strt a covnersatio nor small talk ,
Ntroduce yorusefl.. hi hwos the night going? What are you up to? Are yu form around ehre?
Waths oyur name im sid wahts your name
2) Whci hsong is thth
3) I like your jacket
4) A reason nt otlak to her!
5) I lie your setlye
6) Hows your night oing?

Are you for maroudn ehre? Or do oyo ulvei around ehre Whts yoru name? what od oyu do?

Introduce yorusefl im sid whats your name?

Nce to oemet oyu!

Get her number :

We shoud l grab a cofe sometime!
Wha reoy uup ot tonight?
Yo uwann a hang out?
We should hang uout some tiem?
Who are you?
We hsoudl be friends? Type in

Show itrest I nehr :

Are oyu single ?
Talk gennral thgisn o ncofoe date:
Show itnerst I nehr by asking her queitso nabotu herself
Likes dislikes fav colcouer
Hang out to bacehs parks nadn so on
Thgisn to see senery andn so on

Wrok romantic and sexual esaltion:

By words itnatilly

Ionce oy usit dwn and talk then By phuycial touch:

Be smooth show here stars Kiss her cheeks andos on test her resopcen hodl hnds hold hips get touchy
Show mye your hands I need ot read your future… yoru hands are soo fot thgisn lie kthth
Hodign hr hips
Going for a kissi nad nso on

Hoew can I help u?

By givgn me your numerb
Can oy uhelp m e wit hthsi form
I lost my number can can you type in yours?

Jaan a a deemag maat kha was picking on me and harrasign me andn soocnstly after me! And dtryign to
distracte me and divert my attention nand focus and mind form my goalsnadn work and imp thsigns
intiatonslly to to ruin and destroy me and os on… so tht my mind gets diverted t o thinking fo
oterhhtigsn.. I treid ot not talk to them they were trying to put me down I ncovenrsations saying thgis
nthth I am not good enough nadoso n questitnign my manoodn ad oso n. my ability ot get grls nadn
what not to drsty my slef worth and selfesteem tth I am not ogod nnoeugh andso on so thth I cant do
greatthgisn and then I distncedmy self for mthem and stopped talkgi nt othem and they were isnultign
me during ocenvesisons thth hurt me inside everyhtigm ei talked ot me them my heart ached inside in
pain.. so o istped tlakign to them and dneicdedot ocus o nmy ogals and work but still they were after
me every time this guy waked passed to corridor h e strt tedot enenagei n name calling claing me choar
nad oso what nto when he himself wastsealign my stuffnn ado whatn t.. I stopped tlakgi nt othem but
stil they didin to leaveem and used ot otory ot otlak to me by aclign me namesn nad name alllgi nadn

Tth information gets sent by god and he unviersse ans to whato too dot help u usuceed nlfienadn
ahchve ur goals nd dreams!

Hitch hiketo ahhchehv ur goals … by gods grace!

Hitch hikers guide ot gallxy
Ask for hep
Some oen has a pr strt a biz with th peorsn
Marry a grl who has a pr!

Lsitingign t omusic:
Helps u to fcus puts u I nteh zoen u are more lst I nwhat u uare doing inceirse focuese like 100 tiems
And mesk u uast laert activie nadn ennrgtic I works oyur bria ntht is1
Aso makesu ucreative!
Strtign an bzi is not a joke its nto an easy task thehr are a lo of htigsn ivoevd1

She saw the ptintial I nyo unda saw thth u are a gem… nad tried ot help oyu and support oyu.. and help
u uget a pr and job as well… hwo far you cud go if hse helps u. she sae htht u are agood eprosn have
edcuatio n skneldge ksill itnentlgnce talent u are plte respectful and s helpfuland os on .. its lie a bird
broken wigs she mneded the wings and fed nad nnoruhed you.. tisl ie koyur tie mandgot saved effrts got
soved u felt mro roelved happy supported so othth ucan focuso noyur work and odo oyur wrok and
gethgisn doenand work doen… and reuced yoru stress and wreis regarding food rent etc.. or she was
thth uawere a leaf tht hwas like sad nad n dry and she fed nad nwaterd u to floursh it!

Issues I face d out thehr:

Rrom was small had ot sit on bed al lday
Cant walk aroud nrom and exercees and think
Bed bgus bittign lal night
Very small room cant keep any thgin I nroom all clutered hardo t keep mve find thgis nadn so on n
ospace at all
Suffocation no window!
Stress n worry about food! Money for dfodo go and get food and nbuy food
Sres worry tiem energy I ncookign food nad os on everythgin came o nyou
Rent was expensie at 475$s plus had ot buy bustiicetes
Ppl were nto good low class and jelaosu type ppl trying to distract you and brign u down
Bullies wanting you to do things for them and if ot were trygin to taret you..
Clothes got taken and printer udnerwears, socks, pajamas, banyans, inners (cold protecto nthink ones) ,
printer cartridge, shawls, jackets, hoodies brand new, tshirts nike etc… had nthing to wear for a long
time tht caused delays n also had no money to buy new stuff
Had it not been for her iwud have died f starvation “she is like god sent she saved my life totally! “ its
like while u were trugling siuffering god wa s arranging everything soot ht yu come across nmeet the
right ppl to help u n save u n mke it hpen n mke ur dreams come true”

T get pr you need ot ofind a mamnger joband wrok as a mamger for 1 year
Strtign a coampyn and working as a mamnger or director ro ceo or president beign on apy roll and t4
Thth will free you up to find any job and earn money and you then odnt have t o fiand a job as
amamgner hten!

I dnt think he has the time he must be busy with smething… min d focused on it gt a mission nimp things
o do…

Itsn ot easy its diifcult but once uu put yourself I nto it you will find and way also u invel urlsef I nti then
only thnyo ukwn hwo ot ood it and then you learn nah ten you can do it! if oy udotn put urslef in ti then
you will enver learn nadn oy uwoll never do ti

Yo uwill knw whwo to o strt a oamoyn run oprtae amamgen wht iis required nad nyo uwill know what it
itakes toot strt a oamyn eary on!
ON TI NAD yu need to wor klogn horus cosntouly be after iti to od it and to ogeti tiodne

String a company isnot easy it can drive u mad ncrazy there is a lot of wrk involved

Ocen ugo thru the rpoesss u kwn how ot strt aoamny

- You shd nto shy away from hardwrok work oy uwill have tootdo nay way! Hwhter u are an
employee or ustrt acoampny only diffrnence is when uare an employee u wrok 9:0 to 5:00
when u are an nereiep urnuer u work 9:00 to 11:00

A lot of thinking wondering introspection and pondering to do as to wht to do ho to do it n go about it n

soo on.

-yo uneed ot oeb cocsntly after it an working on ti to od it and to getit iondoen!

-You need oto ostay focused nti to od it nad to geti tioden fast and to not waste teim.e..e nto do
otehrhtigsn not inveole your mind in otehrhtignsand acitivites be supe focused lazer focused o nti od
thht only and ntohign else!

- Everything is at stake here my dreams n desires n ambitions my progreshumanites progress if

this doesn’t hppen then its al over everythins over then.

Mke a to odo lsit think fo what to odo next:

Soo now whato tood?
Lets do this and comapele this thing next!

Doit gain doi gagin lols!

-Soo o nweek days I iwas working a a security gurad for a coampy nand o neweekeends working as
amanger soo o nweek daysi I was he security guradnadn o neekend the COE and director otf my
-I diditn fin an intership soo weh nthe porf was about to arrive a day befor I too kteh bed ot of my room
and made it in to an office! N made a fake coampyn For the interview And then next h theday the office
was ,.. dditn knw hht I would really have ot ostrt a coampyn latro n wit hfulll papepr wrk and
odcumentaition to et apply for the pr its lie kGo d knew wahti wanted thth iwanted to be a bsueisn man
and not work ofr others.. or do a small tiem o9 to 5 job nadn this was a way of putign mei tn oti!

- No ononssen oy uened ot ofocus o nthsi msiiso ngoal and project!

- The ocmapyn beocems a vehiclefor oyur pr and your brothers pr! APPLICATION LMIA n PR

- All u have to do is work take money for mehre na nput money htre! Isme sae nikalo yeh pocket
mein sae aur voh pocket mein dalo .. yo uar working two jobsand putitign the meony salyour
won lsllary I nyoru won coampyn and apyign yourself t osow u are odign a mamgner job!
Certian thgisn liek profeession etc.. yo ucant scale up
for eg if u strt a power washigncoampyn how many custoemrs can you serve at theh msot ?
thehre is a limit ot waht oy ucan do!
if oy uahve a preffssion lek archiecture or engieerign or lawer or accoutning or buseisn cosnultign or
even marketign how many ppl can yo userve therh is a limit to it oy ucantscale up soo you cant be a
blilionare as thehr is a limti ot owhat oy ucan do you can seree only I nthht area you cant expand
beyondtht and oy uca only serve those many customers! Thehr is a limit ot what oy ucan do the area
you can serve the ppl you can serve the buseisnse yo can do bueisnen with… as a result yoru earnig
npotential gets limited it wont go beyond a ecertain limit… even if oy uahve oyru won small lbuseisn n
ad profession yo are stil lresricted… your earnings incolme sales gets restricted oy ucant grow beyod a
certain extent…
but if it’s a goods producing coampny you byu the goods get bank loas buy the goods sel the goods.. you
can expand fo bseisen world over and make profits!
but if oyu ahve comapyn htht prodcues and manifacutres goods or distributes goods produed
by otehr coampneis teh nyo ucan make billiosn fo dolars as yo ucan do busiesn nwith many ppl the
world over so thths hte diffrnec! you frm the oampny you g et meony form share market bank or
investors and oyu buy or rdocue goods nadn hte nyo usell the goodsn and make the profits..

- Wahts the motive for oyu for getting up and gettiign to work and taking effrts:- You get up and
geto to work and take efrts and nget u padn getot otowrk not only to getwor k and imp things
doen as yo uodnt want ot owaste the mlimted tie mththu have to maek efficient use fo oyur
tiem productive use of oyur tiem and nto wate touyr prroeiso tiem horus min and seces by
giving ti to t wrok and ot oim pthgisn .

- Yo uneed ot have a good personality think ththt uare some body… and even if uu have a
weakness inyoru mind dotn think htht way tht u have wekaenss. Also

- Fear: Dotn eb scred of epressiign yorusefl.. you are afrd ot maintaitn eye contact as I inyour mid
nu fear what if oym eyes go bbig nadn so on whati ifi I maek a mistake or give wrong expression
nsoo odnt be afrd and scred! Fu u have no fear I nmidn oy uwill look at the perso nadn do what
oy uwanto tood expression yo uwantot o give as u uare not afrd of looking bad nand mkaign
mistakes soo u go ahed nadn od it th e epxressio nyou want ot ogive o ufear what iifi it
lookabdn and oso n.. and os ooy uavoid lokign at pethth eprosn for the fear of eyes ballign.. or
giing a worng expression or lokign abd or dign ti worng

- Don’t be sacred or afrd of any one or anything hwo not ot be afrd fo any one if u are scred of
oseme on you are then afrd ot express toursef… kids these days they grow up I nenviron ment
of fear due ot educaito nteh are afrd of teachers this and thth these days they are more
respectful and so oon and afrd and chickens where as actors earlier like slamna khan govinda
sanjay dutt akshay kuaamr they are nr t t afrd of any oen they are the leads the boss and nto
chicken and say things to others
- His parents were called and he was laughing as and joking as he was nto screed of the
consequcens… whts the wrst thth can happen

- u should not fear have no fear I nmidn some ppl ar afrd ot odo thgisn… go ahed and do things
try haen o fear. Whtevr happens we will see it deal wit hit later on… odnt beafrdo f the
cosneiwqnces nadn go ahedn and do what toyu want to tood

- doing thh helps uu to focus asi ti ease yoru cravignand horniness nad eases your mind epace of
mind.. th is it calsm ur carving s and eases ur mid nit alcams ur carivngn nad your when ud htth
and fullfil u r disres.. soo thht u dotn have ot ogo out to seek it and clam your hungry and
disorderly mind and waste yoru item effrt nadn nenenrgy. To ease the agiatated the edgy mind
thth carves and desreswatns and seesk smethig soo thth it doesn’t go outside and waste tie
meffrt nad nnenergy trying to seek it… valuable tiem effrt nadn energy thth can be given to work
andim pthgisn to get work andn im pthgis ndoen… ten uget tred and you cant wake up early u
lsleep lateand waste mre tiem as well u goo ut spend 4 horus trying to seek satisfaction and the
n u nto ony llose htth tiem u get tired nad nsleep more nan w ake up alte its lie kthht.. htht tiem
waste d as wellalso oyur mind gets distracted fro mwrok and im pthgsin to otehrh tigsn as it
seeks to stify itself soo gooeso ut lookgi for stisfactio nadn ssoo mind gets distracted fr mwokr n
imp thgis nt oiotherh tigsn isntedfo doing work and im pthgsi nu nd up odign wasting tiem effrt
energy doing oterh tigsn when u do thth then ur mind si calmer andn more at ease… and
relxedand also its more ofcsed its no logenr aggiateandn nd strctedot oterh things and seeking
otherhtigns… its more withign initself.. nad more focused o nwork and im pthgis nthen… do it
whe nu wake up soo thth uare not agitiaitednan gogi nout and seeking thgisn… n ut r md nsi
stisfredn and focused… u wdotn want are not horney andn wanting t olookgin ofr to ofuk some
oen andngoign after em serchign for seom oen to fuk.. nself suffcent nadn satisfaction . dtn hie
be pen nad clear say thgisn openly n n clelrly. U fel more satisfied and stop thinking fo
otehrhtigsn then and can focuso nwork and im pthgsi nthen your mind agigited mind thths
ravignsoemthig siclaemd down and oy uare more reelxed nadn at ease nadn can think fo work
and imp thgisn only .

- What is the motivation for oyu getting upand getting to work takig effrts and gettgin up and
getting to work and tkaign effrts nadn working …. Them otivaiton is not just ot get hitgns doen
and work doen thth needs to be done to ahchve ur goals but also to to not waste time and
make the most efficient and productive use of the limited tiem thth u have… thth is by giving ur
tem to work and imp thigs and notwastign it… or whilign ti away nto odign othehr tigns nadn
unmp thgisn thth will bring u no beeift and gain but only doing thth htth is required and imp and
nneeded to be doen to ahchve ur goals nand imp thgisn I nlife… dotn waste itme sleeping lazing
odign ntohgin doing otehrhtigns than what isi required ot be doen to achhve ur goals, or doing
unimp thgisn thth wil lbrign u no bebet nadn gain. Get up and get oto work to get htgis ndoen
and wrok odne nadn not waste yoru tiem the lmtied tiem thth uahve nadn make most
productivenand nefficent use fo the limited htime htht uahve by doing ur work and iigvng ur
tiem to work andn im pthgsin to get work and im pthgsi ndoen.

- Your item is limtiedn and hence valuable imp and proeicsiou don’t waste it doing otehrhtigsn
unimp thgisn… give ur item to work and imp thgisn to get work and imp thgsi ndone
- Immidately get oto work nto only ot get work doen and imp things doen but so otht dotn waste
tiem and maek the most use fo the limited item thth u have!

- Once uudo o therhtigsn unimp thgis nand waste yoru item valuable and limited tiem, tth time
thth cud have been gvine to work n mp thgis n to get work and im pthgsi ndoen is gone nadn
woyu will enver get it iback soo don’t waste tie m maek the most productive andeffcient use fo
oteht limtiedi tme hth uahve by not odign otehrhtigns and gieing all oyur item to wro kand im
pthgs n and doig nur wrokadn imp thgisn

- Make the max use fo the tiem limited tiem htht uahve, the 24 horus by sleeping only 6 horus
and nwrokign 15 hours

- Freids will come nadn go oyu wil maek new friends you are going there to make oyur life… thths
more imp! Friends u wil lfindany where ever whehre yo uwil meet new pp ladn neicer btter and
nnewer friends more clautreed and more ciivlzed n caring and nicer nad respcign etc.. ppl…

- whirete distracts unimp thigsn get highlighted reduces focus cant nstnd white as unimp thgis
nget highlighted caseu chaos and istraction… to the brain… also I prefer to keep te room dark
only lam p n the palce whehre I am sittign so tth I can focus only o n thh area and other htigsn
are nto visible the mess I nteh room and so on and oteh robejcts I tneh room helsp to icnesre
focus.. also dark coclsours help ot eighlight your looks

- Don’t have tiem for thth to post nosen things on Fb WHERE I AM GOING WHAT I AM EATING.
Ad so oon wtf! Unncessry nadn unimp!

- Yo ucant take too logn to get htgsin doen and wrok doen do ti endless ly andn forever, s if ime
doens t exist for u and be stuck up o noen goal and one thing only nto getting difnsih ednadn so
on, y uou cant work slowly and at yur won apce as if iteim doesn’t exist foro yu oy uneedo to
work fast gethtigsn doen wrok doen fast t cant take foever and nendless tie mt ogethgisn doen
andwork doen as iif yo uahve endless tiem.. cauesu u don’t in pstiirautl world u uahve edless
tiem as the soul lives forever nto I nmater ital world! Hence have a senesn fo urgency ot
ogehtigsn doen work doen fast as u uahe limited item! U don’t live forever

- Look at elon musk he works like 18 horus a day …If oyu work 10 hors it will wataek u 1 year ot
gethgisn doen if oyu work 18 horus it will take you 4 months to get the same thgns done! Have a
great senesn of urgney to gethgisn doen and work doen fast! He mmeanged ot ahchve so much
n soo little tiem.. “ he lieks to not only gt higsn doen and work doen thth neded to be oden to
ahchevh his goals but ot get tidoen in record tiem span” he stretd like 5 coapmanirse in a sapn
of 10 years! And established htth coampny in record tie madn cost “ even by international
lstanrnd only 168 days to strt ththe giag plant with world massive producitn and mnsifactinr g
mas prodcusito ncappcaty, on a great scale … and caositng 60% less than regular coampnes) its
cot costcost (reduction) andtme time time (reduction) – elon musk

- Yo uenend oto work hard and take aeffrts to gethgisn doen be coocsntly constul working o nti
striving edcaving to geth thit odne thgisn doenotn happe nliek thth theigns hapepend work
egets doen only weh n utaek aeffrt… and ware coosntly working on ti thth is work o nti.. drained
determemd effrts ot odo ti and to get it odne detemrmed means not giivgn up! No matter
whaht the pais nhet strgle nevergive up fighter!

- Dotn acre about the mess thths not imp and n ot worth spending yor tie meffrt nadn nenergy
over.. give ur item effrtn nneergy to imp thgisn instead of caling every day and wasting 30 misn
on ti caen once in 2 months vacuum ists like thth I nstead of taking a bath every day taek bath
alter nat t days, take bath on head only nce a week shave alternate days. U ont haveot ot otake
a bath everyday. Iis it imp is ti worth spending yor tie meffrt nad nenrgy oeer tiem effrtn n
energy thths lmtied if u give ur item to it to nimp thgis ntth hwill rbign u no bebeft and gain u
lose tiem thth cud have been given to okr and more imp thgsin .. if u do thth h n give ur energy
to it u get tiredn and cave no enrgy left for wor kadn slep more nad then lose mreo tiem, if u
giveu ur mental resrces hinkign and ennery to it , then u are distracted and so on.. lose foucs
awy for mwrok and imp thgisn.. metal reosruces keep I nyor work stay foucesd give ur memry
and nthinkign to work and im pthgsin only think of work nad im pthgsi nonly don t wdo other
htigsn waste tie meffrt energy to otthehrthgis nadn giveu ru mid nto othrhehritngsk eep ur mind
in wkr nad imp thgisn only . no distraction ndistrubance interference nadn tiem wasting!

- M not gonan do soemthign tth idon want to ood hth is marry an idean girl whe n ilove EU and
caucaisn grls only and have kids in india and fuck their life up, lots of ocompetetion bad govt,
disease nad so on, no facitilites heath care etc.. ucnargin gov,t croewed transport infrasturter
etc.. etc.. lto oof pupoutaiton les resruce colleges etc.. ahrdo to get admisiso n hghe lines for
admiso nhuge cutoffs etc.. if u udotn like the pace uu are saying then maek the move y ucant
chnge it either , abd ruesl for buiz nadn foregn ivnesmttnts .

- If oyu are born poor tis not oyur fault bt if u die poor its ur fault causeu u udidnt try ahrd enugh
to be rich! Soo take responsibility and take action!

- He wil ltkae lqucikly take I nwaht thgisn thth are needed o succeed grasp it and storei n his
memer y the programming the software at work thth maeke s hi mdo what he doe the softwarr
hth t runs I nyor mid nsi imp what wahts the infor stored in ur memery thths whts gonan help u
take acito nrght action n to succeed progress and s oo n , sove ur porlbes I nlfie and maek ur lfe

- If there is garbage storedi nyoru mid n uwil do grbage!

- Be coocsntly after it cosntously after ti and doing ti and atit ito odit and to getit odne!

You need to put yourself into I dive I n jump in the pool get ursef in it.. it if u are int it from the strt
thenthen u knw how to do it how to g abpout it the issues diifulties involved n wht mistkesu mke wht to
avid if u put urself early into it then u have tme to correct themistkrses n over come the iffculties soo on
nthen u can do it once u knw wht to do only thenu cando it…lrn find watys meman s vhicale ot secure
yoru ststus htht is!

Wen ur life is in some one elses hnds then ur neck is in som e one elses hnds thn u are fuked heplpless
out of control thisway you dnt hav to beg tothers for lima pr etc.. go arund beging othersfor it then if u
hav ur own company u can hav ur own lmia…

They are laughing on me and taking me as a joke yrahe keep laughing! While I work hardo to od it!

Soo now what tood owe do think what to odo next towards achvign ur gaosl! And kweep your mind
cocosntly in thth only! To od it and to geit it doen! He is doing soemthignwrokign o nsome thing keep
trying oyu ahven othign t lsoe by trying soemthgin or otherh good witll com out fo it! try yo uahven
tohgin ot lose! Doing soemthign si better than not odig nanyhtign1 be on a msisio nto do it and o getiti

Onceu uare into it then yo uknw wveryhtign about it! the rues reguatiosnnad os o on ocne u idve I nand
put urslef it nto it!

Itritgna campny is not eay therh is a lot o things and work invoeld its goin to drivem e mad and carzy
doig nthis!

When oy uog ot odosoemthgin or ttrysoemthgi nu wil eiathehr suced or fai lbutht hdoenst mean thth u
shud stop trying!

-Whateeer tiem you spend shud be sepnt smiling not cariyng whatever tiem moents you spend lifeiis
hsrt what ever tie madn moents u spend shud be happy not sad! Depressed misery and mroeos and
unhappy low and deprrsedandn s on.. deprrsed sad low energy happy bright energetic positive
dopamine escretion hth is! Serotonin secretion.. cheerful nto sad nadn depressed! Emotiosn not sad
nadn depressed but happy.

-What aotu my parents m my mom nad dad … dot nbreak their hear. .. yes I am seufufrign and u want
ot otake me ot ofmy misery but thth will break my parents heart, my mom n dad heart also .. what
about the boosk thth I have to write… what about the bsuesisen I need ot ostrt nad so on. my work is
nto done my misiso nis not done here yet! I was praying to god, wha about all my stuff out htehr I am
hehre dyign why are oyu nto helping me save me.. and all my stuff is left thehr … out ther… why did oy
uog back whe n iave you tth place.. why didi u come back ehre? Toy ushud have stayed at yoru new
palce… and the nwhen I left thht palce the new palce I lost half oof all my stuff hth iwas gonana lose if I
iwould have died but htht was unimp I think there was a trade thth was doen I nheavenst o t spare my
life in exachg for htht half the stuff! And god deceidnendadn saved my life striched my heart up it was
bleeding inside I was going carazy I was nto able to see thgis nclaelrly everythgin was hazy! I was above
my body I coud see my legs but they looked different my I cud hear my heart beat.. I felt above my
obody separate for mti . I cud hear my thgouths… everhtign the room looked one and hazyand oso n
lifterd up and oso n.. the widnoews looked way too big… it wa s coald and snaow ngiht… itherh I would
have died! I thought I woud either die, end up in a mental hospital of brian ddamge, or coma… my
hands were shaking… and os on, my body emp had fallen and I was cold..

- lifei is hsrt yo ueed t ac t fat tm ove fast have a snesn of urgenc oy to ogetgisn doenfast nadn nto waste
tiem oy ucan die tomorrow soo be fast getthgis ndoen fast be ococnsly working o nit o toot odit and get
it oden take it serisouly nadn so on.

- making a big deal and issue of a small thing! Thth is over reatign fuk it m not gonna be with oyu .. nto a
nice person diid nto appreacte my effrts nadn made a big huge deal of it!

- what drive u to od owaht oyu do whati s ithe programming nthe software at work I n yoru mind the
programming what thgisn oy ubeivle I nwhat help u over ocem fear nerves nadn so on! and express
rusefl freedom of expression.

- what oyu do u need to otake it seirosuly do it propelynadn right n o nse nand os o oon… not joking ly
and os on

Its imp not ot limti yourself Two thigns are imp how big your market it how many ppl you do bizwit hand
buy your product and how many products you sell, if oy ulimti oyurslef ot one r two products you wotn
be very rich yo uenedo t make money of a variety of products ththt have high sales voumes based on biz
ananlysisi, or slaes aanlysis stock many products see which products ell more and stock those products
nadn so on, try ot gain money of everythgin inculdign other partners distributors who might wish to slell
their prodcusts hru yoru cahnnels be he mifddle man to nto sjstu maek money form seelgi nrpodcuts yo
udotn have to manufacture anyhign just buy cheap and whole sale nadn sell at amrekt proce online..
and maek money by selelgi nteh products… huge vaitry of products.. and also via middle men thth is
distributosrs have products theywul like to sell o nyoru channel like thth…

Startign a coampny is all process oriented Its pretty straight forward do this d thth dadada da know
whaoto od nad do it nad its done and d it fast nadn leanr nand know whaot tood… also starting a
coampny is not a joke or nonsense htehr are too many things invoeld in it! and oy need oto be very
serious about it nad particular not ignorant nadn nto over look anything wrok like hell slog learn
evryhtgin about it know keeryhtign about ti soo thht u knw whatoto odo and hwo ot strt a coampnay. Its
nto easy to start a ocmapny thehre are many htgisn involved nadn a lot ofo work inveold u need ot be
focusedfast determeind ot odit now the processes things what to ood! And o soon! You need ot be
highly inoveld in it! to od it and ot getiti done! And detemrmed to odo it and ot breakthrough thth is! Tsi
hard its not easy but oyu needo tb e determeid ot odo ti and ot geti iodne! Ocneu uare intoti into the
process and knw all the steps then you can do ti! There is a lot ofo work and suff thths invoedl I nit! Its
not easy! You need otbe its hard y uenedo t be determed to od oti and break through ocne u uset your
mind to it then yo u are after iti and totally I ntoit and obssesd wit hti and fully into it.. ocne track mind
and y uget after it and fog after it tthth misiso nadn dotn stop nad os on.. enedo t be detemred to do it…
“he will do business”, how prophethetic I knw oyu tyour aims you don’t like to do salll things you have
big dremas and nwato to odo big thgisn and dream bgi.. you cant fixate on small thgisnnad small jobs its
not I nyoru blood to od osamll thigns little things and little jobs and to work ofr others oy uwnatoo o strt
your won buseisn na dh tignsnad oso on” andanother htignis to get revenge for herstealign yoru
clothesnadn stuff! Soo start a coampyn and nshove ii I ntheir face make them fregret it thth they hsud
have kept good cocannetiosn with you… thinking longtern madn looking only at short term gains… maek
em regret it! and nt beign nice to oyu… causeu now htht u are a milioanrie.. hwo ot be a milioanire?
Dotn lmit yoru self… the market should be huge ho many ppl numbers are imp how many pp lyou do
bseueisn with how many ppl buy your roduct hwo big yoru market is and what good s yo useel dotn limti
yourself to one ty pe fo good s only ogi nt o t everythgin.. tooth apste tooth brsuehes try ot maek money
ofall goods… Atlesat yowuil have aocampyn of oyur won and she will eb your biz mentor, enorignign
and support hse knows oy uvery well thth u canth ink small or do small thgisn tht uwanto tood big things
and yo uahve big goals and he doenst like to do small jobs as u uare high lambitious.. try all ways to PR
not just one secure your PR staus by all means . fi no oens hiring you as a mamanger then yo ustrt your
won coampny nad be o nteh pay roll and be the mamnger. When o uwant osmethign by gods grace yo
uwil lfidn some way or the other ot get it i! get what oy uwant! Figure out some way or the other to
getwhat oy uwant. Srt this buseisn to secure yoru PR and do job side by side I nretial o learn hwo tgsn
wor the biz operatiosn hwo inventory is aminted and so on strt for mtop and strt for mbottom.. working
oyur way for mtop down by stritng the coampyn and leanrrign what is required thgis naccoutnign
minutes of meeitgn restgartio nbabalcen sheet accoutnign etc.. top down all thgis nreq to strt a
caompny and working yoru waay for mbototo m up by working I na coampny for mboto msales, vnetory
and s on hwo the organziaiton is run and so on. they can open an nline store n the your platform.. ad sell
though oyur platform. Its lal process oreitned pretty strgith prward know what otood dadadad aknw the
process and ecsxuet eh tprocess.. also strtignan coampny is not a joke I mean… its serious stuff! If htehr
are investors you are responsible for their money nad trust! To get PR you need ot be o na campnies pay
roll and have a director or manager postion.. Wath do oyu do if oy udotn get a job a a amanger psotion
as yo udotn have expericne? Strt yoru own coampyn nad hire yoruselas the mamager o director! GO
FULLY INVESTRED IN TI NOT HALF WAY… LOOK at elon msuk he ivnestedeveryhtign he had dot neb afrd
ot lose or fail ocne uu do soemthign u have ot put yourself 100% nin to it mind body soul thinking
everything I n ot it only no distraction to scure yorusefl and to get outcomes if oy udotn go fully into it
oyu wotn get out ocems u need to pbepreared to take risk and lose and so on… nto be afrdto fail.. and
lose everyhtgn go fully int o t it and invest yourself fully itno it1 all out … all or nothgin put oyrusefl
tootatly into it.. he invested his everything 100 millio ndolalrs and 15 miio ndoallr s and he was
proeapred ot lose everything forhte sake of it! be ambitsu have a goal and an aim drema big nadn igh!
Like hitlerwas he was amnbtiosu and toatoly into si h goal and msisio no na msiso nand his dream.. and
tkaeign action and effrtsn nand was totatly I nto ti.. . detemrmed and fully inveld in to it mind thinking
bdoy sould thinking nfo ti doayn and night doing ti day and ndigth and obssese d I nto ti! You enedo to
totlalty get adfter ti and go itnto it to od it and ot getiti done! You ahveo t find wasy to do ti secure
yourself all way not leave any way in opeiton try all ways to get PR and secure oyur stus …yo uahven
tohgi nt olose. Its all or nothgin… if oy udont get a Pr your dremais over everything si over then tis
finaished its soo imp! So oget after ti try your bes t all emans to get a PR don’t fuk it up! And dotn take
his jokingly caseu thehr are pp lwho have emended up ogign home and nto getting PR. You haeto avoid
hthtat al lcost put yrusefl toatoly in toti ! ivenst ourself fully int it! go all out in to it not half way fuly I nto
ti! At the most oyu will lose everything! But its worthet risk ivensted fully it not it! tie meffrt meon d
money everything . once uu od soemthign put urlsef uly in to it take the risiks lifei is too short n toto t
take trisisk yo uahve ntohgint to olose oyu will lose everything I nteh end.. you are already naked yu
ahven tohgitn ot lose dotn fear losign put yourself in to ti … its too short to not take risks nand do
whatoy uwanto tood! Take he risk nadn so on… not eb afrd of lsoign invest yourself fully int ot whato yu
wanto todo nto half way.. at the most oyu wil llsoe evryhtign ! ut tis worth it and workth trying better
thant the regret of not trying and nto ahchvign ur goadremasand goals life isi hsot I nthe end u wil lseo
veryhtign any way so lfe isi s hort soo try wahtyyu want ot ootry and invest yourself fully in I oyur gaols
nad nrdreams,s.. yo uwil lose everything I nthe end any way so oits stupid not t o try… for the far fo
losign… go after tour fdreams nadn goals and ambitosn… yo uahve ntohgi nt olseo yo uwil llseo
veryhtign I nteh end any way so tis worhth trygn and stpid nto to ot try.! And then regret! I the end u
uwil lose everhtintg any way soo yo umgiht as well try and go uflly I nto deat hive I nt ooyur fdreams.. yo
uahven tohgitn o lose! Tisorht trying or yo uwil lgregret tht u u never triedofro tur goalsadn nd reams
nteh end! It doenst matter wahehther u failed or suceded what m t aters is ithth atlesut uu treidn1… t
osho w them to egian revenge he set out and focused n massive persoan ldvelpnetn nadsuceess
progressadn nadvancement nadn evelopemnt . And so on to besuseful oo hth to noo necan otuch anhi
madn to make htem egret for nto beign ncie to you… and so on. ..

In your meind is imp o be toatoly deslutisonal… tht is thik htth ist posiblenadn tht you can do it! caseu if
oy uare nto dlusioanl then yo uwotn try otis only hwne u thi htth u can try and do it will you try and do ti
and take aiton.. if u utink u cnath then oyu wont its lie kthth … she isgns as she knws hsean!

If oy uare going t o od it do it nicely nadn ppelryand be fuly inveld nadn ivensted in ot it be totoaly I nto
it Trhust yourself in ti and give a l yoru tiem effrt nadn energy oto ti and focus on ti ot od itand ot getti
ioden no distracio nadn diversions then!

Thrust yourself I nto it put urlesef I ntoti dive in to it ocne u ujump in to the pool oy uknw whaotto od!

Get the website up and running!

Psl help me try hardeveryhign is at stake here! She is god sent heaven setn! This si shte best nadn the
laast effrt goflly in to ti for how mcu htiem will you beg other pp lt oemply you as a mamagner! They
need expeicnet hey wront soo u ened to do whatiti takes whatever it itaeks when ur hears is nsoem oen
else hands meonky e say meony do they dotn udnernstnd,.. when u are depend osoem oen for
osemthign I nlfie u are basically fucked! Ur lfeiis ruined hten! Causeu they will loot oyu .. thre is nothgi ni
nyoru control but whne u have things I nyoruocntorl then ucna d othgisn
His is a total act of desperation ther is no the r oute et now… cause no biz willhire u as a manger with
out exprence pus if u can get on this companies payscale nd as a maner position then you get 40 points
n also it frees u up to do any kind of job.

You need ot odo soemthign try soemthign t osecure yoru status and get a PR thth is!

For how much tiem will you beg before others to hire oyu as a mamgner … ree ruself to ado any job! In
retail.. Fuk it strt you rwon coampynand apply your own pr I mean and befast do ti fast andefficntly nadn
propery eprfreclty the ocampny is the bay everytgisn shud be perfect! In life oyu shoud lnt speread uru
hands before thers or beg before others for how much tiem will you do thth!

Take fast quick promt nadn urgent action nt oamek things happen this si the last ahnce nadn
opportunity thth u have now! And you odnt have tiem u have limited tiem1

when yo utry soemthign new mistkeas wil alwlays be made hth doenst mean u shud nto try

God is great he made it happened and helped me and saved my life I udnt do ti or do things to ahchve
my gaosl soo he sent help to ehlp me achhve my goals menotor me and give me direction!

If oy ucna strt a coampyn nad be on it s pay rll as a amamgne r nothgin like it casue then htht frees you
up to do any joband earn money!

This si a an exercise I nstartign a coampny you are 35 years old its about time oyu ogt in to this as u
wantot ostrt a busiesn what iti takes the expenses invoeld andso oon , strtign costs and so oon

-dnt waste teim get back to work to get higsn doen and rowk done thth needs to be doen to achvhe ur

-if oy uaer itnelgent talented butif oy uare distracted thth is oyur mind is not focused on imp thgisn and
u ned up doing toerh htigsn and unimp thgisn than what is needed to eb doen and im pthgis nthe nyou
cant expect to succeed in life! Bill gates and warren buffett said htht one thing thth helped the sucedd
only one quilty thth helped htem succeed both of them wrote “focus” causeu no matter hwo intelligent
u are if oy uare nto focused n imp thsign “leanve all thth aside otherhtigns aside thths nto imp don’t do

- youwill ahng o tu the whole night and then you get tiredn and exhausted oy ulosl iek 4 hrus of work
thth u can give by ahign out an hten you get trednad nexhausted and oversleep cant wake up early in I
nthe mronign and hten you again lose tie mby over sleeping.. soo you get nothing doen no work done…
and oy ualso end up losign tiem the 4 horus at night antd 4 hours ni nteh morngn by oversleeping as uru
legs api nand oy ucant wake up earl nad n u are tried crashed outnad exhausted.
- immideltly wget ot owork odnt waste tiem immidelately geto to work to get thgis ndoen and work
doen fast and to not waste the limited item yo uahve give it all to work and im pthgis nt oget work and
im tgsin doen fast

Lol he is fu nand paly ful he has a over active brain and imagination ht is! Fu khe is iek a jkid and very
playful and fun! To laugh and maek em laugh ful dhamal

Feed in input knowign i nyour midn whtot odo the sill soo htth u can do it
memery test: they test your memery if oyu know i nyour midn mmeory whato to
do how much you know the skills soo hth ucna do it!
thinking test: how much oy ucna apply deciher thigsn application based
thinkign deciopehring thigns!

The hwole preces of achign ur goals i s nstresFu ladn nto easy but oy uahve ot oput ouuyesrl f thru it all
and have high pai nbeairng abilty I nteh process of ahcign ur gaols if you want to ahchve ur goasl! For
heh sake of aching ur goals be willgi nto put urself thru the tsterss and strin and aoso on be willgi nt otp
ut ursel thru the girn an dnthe stress nan stria nhigh pai nteolrance agbilty hang I ntehrh and so on
military opeiostn and nto give I nadn give up I nte he process fo ahcing ur gasl make it big1 why put u
rslef thorugh al lthsi stress and strin? Fo rhteh sake of ahcivng ur goasl thth si1 its oru agosl thh amek u
auseu uaar ambitos ua and want to and ar dermed to achven ru gaosl and do it so o uar dertemd to psu
hhtorug hadn break through hthe struggle andn taek atehe struggles oy uget harder and nimmneue t it
the stress and strain and os n hig hapri nbearin abitly hodign on determed not give up tensilesters nad s
pon1 tis lei ksteel hardesnandn stouhgens with stress, the idifnsutl it gets the more stronger oyur
edtemrmeantio natnencity pepristnc andn high resolve! Strgenr our fresoovle!

Jhol karna padega sabh, find an employer who can give you full time job, and NOC O, A, B position and
support your BC PNP application

Don’t watste your tiem sleeping lazing doing unimp thgisn thinking of unimp thgisn thth will berign u no
benefit nadn gain think of work and imp thgisn t oget work and imp thgisn done..

Go for it an make it happen and have fu ntryign to maek it happen

Be adremaer drema big nadn have the guts to go after theseo dreams
The y are highy ldriven nambitosu and motivated nan they put hthemslves through trmeoundous stress
and strain and struggle and not giveu p and rpersit nadn hig hpai nbaearign stress strgugel braign abilty I
nteh process of ahcivng their golasn and are determed to work ahrd take effrst inroder to achvhe ther

Work on ti t do it nad nt ogetit ioden

Fcosu oand medtate ti to od it nad to get iti done :you need otofcsu on ti only do it only to odo tin ad ot
fgeti itodne not od waste tiem in otherh tigsn unimpt hgisn!
Eb willgi nto put urlsef horugh the stress nadn hardships mn struggle and not giveu p and give in.. and
eppersiti no matter ho ew stresfu lahrd it hgets take and go thrugh the pais nstrggule nad nstress ptu
ursefl thru it all a I nteh process of aching ru goals and be mentally tough and stern and intestine.. I nthe
process osf aching ur gaols and tkaign action nadn effrt to ahchve ru goals

Its yur ambitos and drmeams tth maek u go thorugh put urslef though al lthe stress and stri nabnd be
meantlly tough and nto giveu padn given I nan d be paistn for the arhdhsips sturglels to pass and keep
tryignnad hold on and not giveu p and igivn in
And peprsit

As ifi he is upt otosemthign o n t soemthgi no n sa smiso nadn tdoig nsoemthgi and trying soemthign!

Worj k ahrd og int obuseis noepratios nbeusien opearitosn si very difficult and nstresufl take a loto of
effrt and npeeriitne like u arei tn eh milatry nadn loto fo owkr otodo and gt doen and execute paln nad
ecxrucute ndn takig nacito nthth is knwogi nwhato toodand oson tis toaugh and struugles nt oeasy but u
are mr o tougher as the going gets thoguth you gets more tougher an thrder and sterner memotion less
taking meantlaly tough taking, paisn and stress and s oo nsnad struggle s toen clod thth si emptiosn less
nt oelt the crumple high pain takgi nadn bearig nabailty and so on! more dertmemd nto togive up or
given I nadn to push and work harder nad ndo ti and gtit idoen and try harder!

He isi gonan go don I nteh hstry as the greatest nadn so on

Insorumoutnalben and disitimred effrt and detemrmed to take effrt nadn d oti and get it idon e tkeak
cito and nget work doe ndetemred to ttkae effrt to od ti and to get iit doen t o achvhe rugoal s and
achve what u want taking action nadn effrt to get and anchvie what u utwant determed effrts… ad
stone cold and so on, thth is tkaig neffrts nadn so on, peprrisitng not giving up, ohodlig non, nto rekaign
or giving up and so on,, tkaig nwillgi ndetemred to take hgo otrhgu the paisn and stresnand nstrife I nteh
prusiuit fo ahcing ur goals tkaign the pais nadn so on I nteh pursuit fi ofo ahcivng ru goasl.. to ahchhve ru
goals and get what oy uwant…

You needo t be focsuedo n achivng ur gaols!

Work on tiot od itand togti tione

To be suces ful uneend ot have good work etheice be deemmred focused, determed efrt epprsittint
butaththe same tiem be creative htoguthful itnellgient

Tiem si running out u need ot getthsi htign doen fast !

“Now is the ahcnce to amek it ahppe nt oachhve ur goals your buseisen goasl as welll try super hard
dayn n gith to amek it hapepe nwork cocnstisuly to amek it hapepe n stay focsudo n ti the PR thgin only
to amek ti happen! its now or enver kee pwrkign o nt i keep it inyour mid nd otn forget stay focsued o
nyoru gaol keep i nmid nthh whaturu gals is to ahchveh he pr thgisn and stay doufsedo n it and takign
acito nt odo ti and to get ti oden”

Its those who d o buseisnn tht beocem reich and drive Ferraris not those who do 9:00 ot 5:00 jobs

Be detemreind t do it take acito nad neffrt ot maek it happe maek thgisn happen
It is nto all about money its about money I wont lie oy udo need meoyn but it s alo s about tech
ivoation, and abot aching u r goasl and makig nthgsi nahppen whatiti takes to maek thgis nahhpen –

Hther is no room or margin for errors uu need ot ryi n such a wa y tt there is no rrom ro margin for
errors if u uare fuked u uare fuked tryn be prciese

E was ncie to me dotn owrry thise were very reasuirng words and claomign words… he realsied I iwas
rstresdi nturmoil upset nadn looking nfora job

Thi s tiem I jstu wantot ogo fori fuk it dotn wrry abot uteh cosnequens take action ndotn think jstu go
fori t for …take acti nt omaek things happen… just do it go for it… be a man of acito njstu do it go for it..
dot nthink or worroy whaht the ocsnewuqnes wii leb wahts the wrst th hwill happen take acitn and do
it before any one else does…
Just odit take ation dotn wast it tis the acito nthth maeks htigsn happen… incatio n= ntohgi
nhapens..TAKE ACTION action si mroei mp thn a words ifi u do soemthgin then thgisn will happen, after
he wrote a busiesin paln then e immediately went to jaapn, he toooo kadciton like in themiltary he just
didi it wne t on to executeh th paln tht is takce action nunlessn ad until u take acito nnothgi nwill
happen rmemebr its the action thths gonan make htigsn happen soo just do it take aton dotn thin k nad
wrry much and over think just do it and go fori t, dotn thk much over thnk just odi t tak action dotn think
or care or wrry of what the reustl wll eb success or failrueor r the ocnseuens will eb just do t ogo ofor it
tlake acito nt oamek thgisn happen,,, over thigsnkign can stou for mtkaig nacito nfear wrry etc.. can sto
u form taking acito nadn if u odnt take acito nthgis nwotn be o tn the roll, the wheels wont turn htigsn
wotn happen, acito ns iahwt maeks things ahpen soo be a man of acito n go ofri t ijsu od it and make
htigsn ahpepn. and said I am an maeracna buseisnm anlookign to distribute yoru shows want sole
distributor tirghts to distribute yoru hsoesi n American market… he lied he was nto a bsuesineman hadn
o coampyn hadn o money to his account he went hter with te only suit hth he ahd a blue shitrt and a
balck tie and said the all bowed to him ofcoruse they would they thoguth I was an American
buseisnman,,, and the yagreed nadn asked him what his coampnys name was he lied saying ti was blue
ribbon, they agreedot meet him and bowed ot him and sent him 12 samples then he and his firnd
formed a the blue ribbbbon company nad they ordered 300 more samples… and hence goesn o tneh
stry of nike…

Eu are very tim e to timefast and prompt the calling tiem awas 10:30 and she called me exactly at 10:30
And she had sent me an email 3 days abck askig nif it will be okay to have a call 3 days after wards at 10:
30 and I responeded to her on the morning fo the 3 rd day at 9:00 sent an email and her respocne was
immediate and prompt! And not nyl thth she asked me the cell phone number to call to and thank god I
checked her reply email thth too 30 misn befre the call interview and sent t her my number.

Work ahrd day nn gith and be determedi to do it and to get tit doen
We neeed to odo this and get this thing doen fast and qcuik and promptly

Dotn wrry botu thht we will deal with th later right now ewe have got osem other htigsn to od
U kwn I nyoru mdi nthth uahe got work ot od and so o ucant affrd to waste tiem and effrt and nenrgy
physcla nadn meant la resrces doing toerhthgisn unim pthgsi ncause ifu giveu r tiem effrt energy to
otehrhtigsn then u will have no tiem left all tie mgoen nad lost energy left to and u will eb ted
ehacausted to do oyur work and im thgis nadn so o usay no to oot her htigsn

Make a t odo lsit thin kadn decidie hwat work to d oad n get doe ntowrds ahivng ru goasl u knw I nyour
mid nhtht uhave this work ot od it and get doen and so o u sit oncsotuly and take action nt odo ti and
to geti tiodne.
Thin kfo what work ot odo soo now what ot ood lets do this nad competle his thgn soot ht uknw I nyru
mid ntth uahve this s work to od and get doen and gti ioden fast and soo u get to odo it and take action
nt odo ti and to getti oden. And be ococsntly working nto do it and to geti tioden as uu kwn thht uahveto
to od ti and to get doen. keep chipping away and wrkig o nt iworkign to odo ot iand to geti tiodne its nto
gonna get oen o ntis own u ahveot work to odo ti and to getit idoen. And to amek htigsn happen
Stay focusd on it totally no distraction. now ooy uare in the groove, I nmaotio nfaocusdo n achvign ur
gals no distractions and atkaign action nt oachveh ru goals, and I nteh gear and o na roll and focsuign o
nand working non achvign ur goals back to oti tth is
Knw whato todo what work ot odo maek a to odo lit decide remind recall ask urslef what we need ot
odo now soot ht u kwn in oyurm id nthth uahve this work otoodo and get oden and u are focused stay
focsuedo nti to do t and to geti doen say nto ototerhhtigsn as uu kwn tth u uahveto odo this work and
get this thig nand work doen and so ou cant afrd to waste tie meffrt enenergy dogin other htigsn.
Unimp thgisn.
Soo now what to odo lets do this thig nand work o nthsi thing to od it nad to get ii odoen.
Make a too d olsit decidie what wro kto od and get doen make a list, then remid nru self recall thin
knrecall what ii need oto do and get oden soo thht u kwn in your mid n uits htheri n ur mid ntht uahve
ot od othsi work and get this work doen, l You knw I nyoru mid ntht hu have ot odo this work and get
this work doen and so o u geto to do ing it and take action nto od it nad to geti t idone.
Strive to odo ti and t ogeti tioden and keep wrkign o nti to odit and to geti ti doen andto achvhe ur goals
Keep trying be coosntly aiti ad doing t I to od it and geti ioden kee op worikign o nti and at iti dot nstop
no matter whththe results rejctiosn dotn get disspoitne dejected and stop persiti keep tryignand at it .

You needot be working day nn gith inrodero to get htgis ndoe nadn work doen and to get tiodne fat an

Your tie msi limited and hence valuable oneu u lose tiem you will enverget it back soo odnt waste your
item sleeping lazing doing unimp thgisn get up and get ot owork give all your item to work and imp
thgisn to get work and imp thgisn doen to achvhe rugaosl and imp thgisn in lfie.

Work hard now and enjoy the fruits later or sleep and relax now and suffer later on tis like that , tths
asueu u were determed and driven at htht time and all peped up. T o doit.

Understnand the cosnequcnes if yo udotn take action now you will eb fucked and u will have ot go home
then. Tis like htht htth fear and cosneucens of inaction nshould rdrive you to take action. shold be the
driver for actin scarmbl e do what uu can to get what uuwant.

Dotn wrroy aap tension naa low not be stressed aap kaa PR vagaira asabh akrva dengi kafi sare
companies hai friends ahi buseisen ahi mla cnceitosn hai traders sae bhi pehchantae hai..

Once some one strts tellgi nyou not take tension tths when ushud strt taking tension ause if u stop
taking taknetios nand stop wrring this menas u become relaxed, and easy goin and ustop trying nad
takig naction! And if ustop taking aiton wrry bout iit tstreign and takig ntemnsio nabput it wis what will
amek u stake cation conducive to achvign ru gals u will work dayn ngith t odoti and to get it doen for
the fear or wrry thth u may lose the cahce nand opportnutiy given to oyu n streseign out over it iwht iif
it doenst get doen and what ifi I lse the chance nad oprtnity given to me what ii the portal clseose nand
os onand so o u take acito ndayn ngith to prevent th form ahpenignadn do wahteverit can and whtever
it takes to prvent thh for mahppenign. The ocsnequcneof iancito nfor mahpepnign hth t is u uare on
your toes iifii dotn do this or gethtis thing don e iam fuckedi tsl iek thth

Just work on ti to finsi hti off!

Work fast be coocsntly tat iti and working o nti to od it and to get it idone ! to ahhve urgoasl KO

Ifu uapply then uwill eb seleslcted nadn then ti will happen naa not othr wise
“The gaol is to ocmpelte this thignand to compelte ti fast soo keep on working on ti to odit and to geti
tioden fast “

We have to oget htsi thing doen neow andn we have to move fast getthsi thing doen fast and now
otherh wise we are fucked now!
We nedot work on ti and finish off this thing quik

You need to be paranioid effect or the cosnequcens of not takign action … Only the paranoid survive…
one uu knw the efft odr ocnsequcnes of not atkign acito nteh nyo uwill take action.n

Keep applying and find a job don’t edepend nothers to help you stick t o your plan apply online n in

You needo to take action neb coocsntly atiti tryignti and doing ti and be etermiend to od it


Stay fcusedo nit keep o ndign ti to eti itodne

The goal si to get work doen and to get ti idoen fast!

“The goal ist o get the work doen and get the work doen fast at resord iem in record tiem and speed”

Wor kon ti be cocsntly working no nti to finsi hti off nadn to get ii doen

The time factor: You have limited time you you dotn live forever u live oyl for 80 years and you get only
24 horus a day yoru tiem si limited hence tiem is valuable and preociosu and should nto eb wasted, as
your tiem is limited soo thth seperates the sensen for m the nonsense, and unimp for mteh imp and soo
u need ot focus only on imp thgisn therhe is only so much tiem you have soo give oyur tiem only to imp
things. Dotn wate yoru tie mdoign unimp thgisn give oyur tiem to work and imp thgis nt oget work and
im pthgsi ndne,. if y ou give yoru tiem to unimp thgisn the nwork and imp hgisn reamin aside nad hten
yo uahve no tiem left to get work and imp thgsn, denotn waste r teim doing unim pthgis nas uur item
silimtied,diont squnder yor tie mwawy once tiem si gone its gone u uwil enver getit iback. Your ite si
limted and soo yo ueed to get yoru wor k doen fast and qcuik, you cant tae ka ges to get things doen or
work done, yo udotn lvie forever u have toget work doen fast to ache urgoals faster pace and rate. Yo
odtn have forever. Tis lie kthth. Your item sisi militemnd tths why oy uneed otgethgisn doe nfat s at
afastr acpe an rat acvhe ur gaosl fast ndnao soo n not wast t oot mauch tiem andtake toot much tie
mtogethgisn doen and work doen and acvhe ur goals thth is wor klogn ehour os tge everything oden
afast achvhe rugoasl fast, y udotn live forever, have asnsne fo urgency, nto only thth , if u utake toot
mcu htiem to achvhe ur goals oy uwot nachvhe ur goals. Ur tiem si limited ehcne imp… dotn waste tie tis
lie kyou ahev only this mcu h water soon t owatae it se it carefully wisely properly, efifcntly if u had ltoso
of water its idffrent value ur tiem respet ur tiem, do im pthgsin u cant take forevr to gethgis ndone .y ou
have limited tiem onceu u lose tiem tis gone you will never get ti iback oso oodnt let anyone take away
your tiem, your item si limited so oodnt waste yoru tiem gve ur tiem doing unimp thgis nthth will nto
brign u any eebfit and gain r help u achvhe u r gaosl give yoru item only to work and imp thgisn to get
wrok and mimp thgisn doen thth will ehlp u achveh ur gaosl and imp thgs I n I nlife. Once u lose item u
lose opportunity soo dotn waste tiem in inaction, taek action use yoru tiem taek ation. Yur tie si imp and
valuable dotn waste it once tiem is gone its goen u will enver getti oback soo odnt wate tie m in unimp
thgsn give tiem to work and imp thgisn to get work and im pthgsi ndone . this is a race against tiem, you
need otgeth work doen fast wrok dayn ngith to get thgsn doen wor dokne fast htsi si a critical sitauion
nad a race against tiem! Be cocosntly wrokign t ogethgisn doen and wrok doen fast in min time! The
item in whi hu gethgisn doen is imp nto take too long work logn hours the gehits doen fast as u dotn
have forever! Yo uahev to ahchve ur goals isn shorter tiem sapns by working longer horus if u tae k too
logn toachhve urgoals, or to gehthigsn doen then u wotn be ableto ahchve ur goals, or wont benefit it r
be aleto oachvhe otherh goals stuck up o n o n oen goal tforo too logn n o time left ot achvhe otehrh
gaols. Or yo uwot be able to beeift the furits results of oyur gaosl fro a logner period. Remmebe ht isi is
arace agiasnt tiem o ucant afrd to take tot mc htime to gethgis ndoe nyou need otgethgsin doe nfast
wrok logn er horus like 18 horus a day to gethgis nde nfast, if oyu work only 5 horus it will take you a
year to gethgsi ndoen ifo yu wok 18 horusi t you will geit itodne in like 4 montsh and tiem si imp, you
nee ot ot ghethgisn doenfast an achve urgoals fast yo udotn live forver this I s a race gaisnt tiem soo
work dayn nyight slog to getgsn done at afster speed and rate. Dnt waste time time is precious nit sips
aay yu need to be cnstky wrkin givn ur time to wrk n imp thngs to get things dun.
Your tiem si liitedn and thth si why oy unee ot get htgis ndoe nfast wrk fast and achvhe ur goasl fast, yo
udotn live forever, if u u work asi if u have enless lime wrokign only 5 horus a day or at aslow pace,
endelssley , as if yo uahve eternal tiem, and item simply sdoens exitst for oyu then you will enver get
anyhtig ndoen or achve urgoals, and the nit iwil ltake u ages to geth gisn doe nand wrok done, and
cahheev ur goasl and ot othe point thth u wotn even be able to oahche ur goals yo uened ot be fast and
nqucik get thgsi ndoe nwork doen fast. And ahche urgoasl fast orwrk like 18 horus a day instead of oony
l5 horus soo thth u get htgisn doen work doen fast and ahehveu ogals fast and quick! And get a lto ofo
work doen nad almaek acelaeterat the progress, soo thth uahche ur gaosl I nshort span like 4 months
instead of lie k1 year. yomur item is limited u dotn lvie forever, yo uodnt have time, you have limtie
hence tiems ivlaurable and preiicsou and yo ushud n nto waste tie, and yo uened otgetaccepleater
aeveryhtig nadn gethgisn doen fat s achvhe ur goals fast get wrok doen fast. Work cocosntly to get
everything doen fast
And hth is why oy ushoud lstriclyty notwaste tei mand mamange yoru tiem even money if u lose u can
earn it back but dotn let pp ltake ur tie mand waste oyur tiem, give all yoru tiem to work and imp thgsi
nonly, amamnge yoru tiemwaht tiem to give to what acitiviy be thoguthful an d careful as to hwo u
spend ur tiem doing what and gvei urtiem to wrk and imp thgsi nonly.

your tiem is limited thehr si sonyl soo mcu htie myo uave you dotn live for ever u live max till 8 0 and the
last 20 years 60 to 80 are unproducitve years or retirement years whe nu get oladn haven o enenrgy to
do anyhtign adn n oompany will hrie you when u are old adn not fit ot work unable to work, soo u ahve
onyl 60 producitve years of which the frst 25 years go nt oedaution to get degree quaification soo thht
uaere capcble of wroking, soo in short yo uahve only 35 prodcutive years soo dotn waste it, you have
very lmtedi hsort item withi whcih to acheive anyhting, you ahve only 35 years withitn whcih to chahe
anything, and do anyhtignso o uahve nvery short nadn limted item ence uru tiemsi mp and precso uadn
doint waste it by giving ur tie tm unim tgsi ntth hwill bring u n o bebfit gain result haim, gaol or imp
thgis ni nlfei achhve im phgsi ni lfei give uru item to im thgis nwro ketc. Tth wil ehlp u achve the im
pthgsi ni nlfie
ty uahve limted tiem your item si limtied, soo dotn waste it, try to save sas mu htiem as ayou can thth is
do all otehr htigsn fast, lie ktakign bath cookign and so on not spend too mcuh tiem on it soo
htht ucan give max of oyur item to work and imp thgisn, see hwo u can reduce time on toerh htigsn,
your item is limited and hence inmp soo don’t waste it or while squander yoru tiem away, dogi n
uncessary uesnell unim pthgsin aimless things thth will help u achhve ntohgin, no aim or ga and so on
particaulr wot nehlp u achhve nay ogal or reustl, ro anything imporntn to oyu, criciaulc cuica l vlaucable
ot ouy, worthless manignelss things, aimless or result less goal less, destianto nthgisn purpsoeless . like
wandering around aimlessly u wate tie meffrt nn energy na get nothgin I nreutrn, but leanr to do htigsn
ake acito nwit ha ertian msiio ngaol to ahchev a ertian purpose imp misiso nadn goal, and objective.
Thth is I want t oachev this goal result and ibjective aso o take action naccoridngly or dothigsn
accordingly to ahchve hth ceitan gao lmsisio npupose im pthgis nobjecitve o na msiion or result. And see
why uare nto achivgn thth rruest nadn what u uened ot od fdidifrently to ahchve hht rueslt reustl
oriented menaign ful purpose ful not p urpsoeles goallessaimelss wandeinrg takgin acto nt oachvhe a
certia n imp thgisn aim, gao ladn esutl and soo n, nto aimless wandering , and if uare not ahcving htth
result then what uu diddi worng whatu n eed ot imp rve upon how u can triy difirnently to ahchveh tht
goal and msion and objective. Thhtsi goofying around flooign around , maingn elss ucnessary talk
banter, purposeless reason elss nad oso n, aimels,s faltu ueslelsl ,, unessary, useelsl purposeless, faltu,
uncessary sepidng weffrts and joking wating time, or talkig nwith out a reson or purpseo , wasting tiem
and energy ai ntalkgi nadn chit chat with out a reson nad purpseose, uncessary talk and banter ad n u
get ntohg I nachve nothgi nout ofit waste tiem and then in cithi tcaht u ar e wasting my tiem thth
procesou iem thth cud have been given to wodign work and imp things to achvhe ru goals and im pthgsi
ni nlfie. O nam siio nand puprseo. No nosnens menaignelss uesltessthigsn unimp uncessary caht and
chait aht, wastig tiem effrtn and nenergy sqnadeirnfg fo tiem in purposeless meanignelss ucnessary
htgisn. Unim tphgsin. Uselsel es things waste.

Aimless purpseosellse,,s , having a aim reustl gaol to ahcve doing things with prupsoe hth is taking action
nadn right way of odign ti right acito nt oachvhe a ertian result purpose and gaol. Not aimless htth is
dogi nanyhtign whithotu taking I nt oonserdaertoa nthe rueslt, thth si nto acrign botu reustl but only
caring about doig nur work or surides , it doenst waork tth wa,y u need ot strt wit hthe ereuslt, what
reustl oy uwant ot oachvhe and take acito and nright way ofo dign ti right acito naccoridngly, for eg if u
udotn care wabout getting good marks nad fcus only on studying tht si acito nteh n u wil study the
whole tet boo kad n go and not pass or get good makrs cause , , to score ogood marks u need ot ostudy
on yl last 5 year quetiso npapaer and go. Causeu everyhtin g thths asked s for malst five years question

Yo ushoudl nt owast etie m once uu lose tiem you will enver ge it I back and hht ththime thth could have
been giv e ot work and imp thgisn si gone adnhten work and imp thgisn ahcivng urgoals gets delayed.
Postponed pushed further and you cant and it takes uu onger tiem to achhve ur gaosl, or you run out
ofo tiem and u have n tiem left to ahhve ugoals

Its wa waste of item u wont et anything or ahchve anything by doing al lthth

Be highy lreguatled nadn eslf docntrleld ot maek urlsef do what u kwn I nyour smsne ible mmeem u
shud be dign and stop urslef form doig nwaht u ukwn I nyoru ssneible memem u shud nto be doing

Do what makes sensen to oyu and what u u follow wht makes sense nt ooy uandsas lper thinkgi nadn
reaosnign not be other persosn thinking
Watign tiem dign unimp thgis ntht hwil brign u no bebft and gain
don’t wast e your tiem in to them.. in to fairweatherh inferehdsis thhes rfrends wil ntot help u wen uu
need htem uare wasting tiem no oen can on yl u can help urlsef

I dot like talkgi tn othehese guys every tiem thei talk to them hete wil try ot insult me humialte me cal
me names chor nad what nto we nth ear the oen who take thgis nfor m me na d the nput the balem o
me put me wdoen and isult e nad oso n try t omaek me question nm y ability whe n ver I tal k wit
hthem i get angry and hur t I nside .. nto get too mcu h itn ofirndhsips nadn do our worn thing

uneed ot be fast do otehrhtigsn fast soo thth u dotn wast too much tiem or take too mcu htiem doing an
enenrfgy nadn effrt doing unim pthgis nadn spend al yoru tiem and max time energy nad effrt doginimp
things, and so othth it saves u utiem nsteadofo takeing 1 horu to take a bath take a bath in 15 mins soo
thth can can give max itme to work nad doent waste nadn sepnd too muc htiem on unimp thgsin as

time is limted nadn ehnce imp save uru tiem nt do oen thign mroe than aht si imp adn required dotn
waste our item doign unimp thgisn

Together we help empower you to achieve what’s important in your life

Do imp htigsn give all ur item to imp thgisn thht will help u uahchve whats imp I n your life

With ur eye fixed firmly o nteh goal and the rpize! Thth si keep I nid nwaht ur goals is hwat uwant
otoachvhe dotn forget soo thht udotn get distracted and deviated fr mur gaosl nad mssion .

Keep trying eprsiting and at it and doing ti

I cant afford to do thth now I have some work to od o, learn to say no to those thgisn

Therhe is a lot of work ot be doen and stuffot be doen now .

Moen has nenver been a driver for me what has been the driver is self-improvemetn, agals waningto
ahhvhe my gaosladn knwign working o nmyslef ot brign ysefl toto thht lelvel whehrei n I can I am
cacpble of achvign gaosl dreamgi nbig nad hten working on mylsef to brign myself ot thth lelvel the
quialtes required into maek myslefcapcbel to achvhe my gaosl

U have to be insne thth si drema big be higyl ambtosu and driven and then you need to be itnsent
demtemred work hard, put urself throguth the stress tpsuh urself ot he plitms be willgi nt to take the go
throgu hthe sress ad n strife and stuggle nadn nto giveu p and givei n the intsneity the adrenalien rush
and so on, hold o nadn oso n in the process fo ahcivgn ru goals.

Wor kfdanyn n ngith and logn horus as u want ot oacoem plrete the work and oy uwant to coemptel
the work fast I nmin tiem
Sleep less just 4 to 5 hurs and work for like 18 hurs a day. To get work doen fast at a faster speed pace
and rate soo thht u ahche ur gaosl faster . and get thgsi nadn work doen faster. In less tiem casue items
is limited. O ucant affrd to take age tost have urgaosland get thgsin doe nb y working only few horus
aday or working slow
Come on y ouca do it we coutn on you

Wahti isit eh motivation to do all this to be of use nto towaste yoru talents and skilsls andso oo n put it
to use and oso n fruu r progress and progresfo ciilvazation n humanity.

U need ot oeb working coosntly be doing ti coosntly to get iti done fast and nqci kadn prompt , to geti
tidoen fast I nthsi mcu h tiem I nrecord speed nad tiem

Determined to wor kahrd psuh hard nto give up or givei n and d oit nad ot get ti doen
Work hard and ntake action nt oturn thgis naroudn now!
Keep trying and perstign and applying only then thgis nwill aheeoeppn if u usend like 1000s of
applciaitosn a day , get toatltl after it ito odit and to geti tiodne .

Pateice nsi an imp virtue not giveu p keep trign and persitign results take time to ahppe nbe patient nda
keep ryign. Rme was nt obuil ti itn an day, any effrt u utrkae and edeviaur to tu taek it takes tiem to ge
reustls u ened ot be patient for the reustls and hope nadoso n nad have fait hthti t will wowkr out nadn
nto givu p and keep triyng be cal madn not panikyign and and stay focused nyor ugaol and keep trying
thin kwit ha clam mind no panic mind think and paln with a a cal mmidn no panic, and wrryign and
ushed up and pal niwht ha coo lcal m mind and take action and effrts. Calcaulted action nadn aeffrts,
thinking thgotuhful not pancik rushed , witho tut hiking. Chaotic

Dotn wast and lose tiem dogn oerhtigns unimp thgsi noehrhe wise htth tiem thth coul have gbene given
to work is ogone and u have limited item, give all ur tiem t owork to getthgisn doe nadn wrok doen
toahchve ur goals. Therh wise work doenst get doen and u lsoe tiem thth u have. And the nelss tie
mreamsi nadn work and goasl get delayed nad uahve no tie mlet or ur n out o tiem .

Be cocosntly at it iadn keep on doing ti to od ti and to get idoen .

This needs ot be doen this needs to be doen take extra effrt to do ti and t ogei tiodne .

Also u need ot take fast quick prompt urgent immidaite aciot nact fast nto slow nto delay!
Also u need ot be willgi nt ood whatever u u can ot acahveh ur gaosl, do what ever t tit keas to achvhe ur
goasl, what ever it takes ii wll do
Motivate yorsef and tll rusle remeidn urslef and psuot osuh urslef to the limt and drivie uru slef t odo
what it takes to reach u r aol and take action nt oreach ru gaosl ,and goes trhoguh and and doestn stop
and pushes trough ad so oon. It’s the last thre or ofour reps tht couts, and htht builds the msules tell
urself this remind ruself to t o motivate ruself nadn drive uru self to take action to reach ur gaol.s
Take fast action ndon tb e slow

Just causeu oterhs are helping you it shudnt mean hth u shud stop tyrign o nyoru own! Infact u u shud
put I n100% more effrt for myoru side hjstu incase they are nto able to help you , u have ot use the
blizkerign technique hth is try all ways to reach a gao lnot leave any way I noption.
Try all means throgu hall means to reach a gaol!
Deetemrmeid nt ood it and isntnsen and taking determed effrt s to do ti and to geti tidoen fast
Be serisou no nsoen nad
Stubborn and detemred to do oit!
Risk and return take rsisk higher the risks heigehr the returns srisk the ocnseuqcnes ands on
U dtn take acito n as u aure afrdof irsks of ur acitosn lie kcosneicnes etc.. soo risk te cosnequcens

-Shift supervisor positon and min 30 hours a week

We are looking for talents who:

 "push it to the limit" - do NOT wait and hesitate, but always ready to decide and act;
 is looking for challenges; - ready to make mistakes and find right solutions;
 fully understand and practice "go heavy or go home" ;

 are looking for a very stable work without difficult challenges;

 are not used to work hard and act fast;

you need to coosntly be at ti and doing ti to od it nad to et iti oden

no matter hwo talented yo uaresmart yo aure intelligent you are, if oy udotn have meony and yo udotn
have coancts and concentsions ti wilbe hard and deififuclt whehre u want to og and reach, or even
impsoosibel if u meet ppl who have coocentiosnandcocnsts then they journey becomes easier .

How didi u go about doing it:

“talk to ppl who know ppl who have conatactsand cncnetiosn” – Elon musk
Make concnetiosn tlak to ppl who ahv ontacts and coocentiosn.
You recoginzithht uare trying hard but tis nto wrokign out for oyu, and yo uobvisouyl need sepailsit help
for mppl who know ppl around ehre!
They know ppl they have cocnentiosn estableshd from before they can help you

Be determeid o t do it and to maek the chnage

Plsu u need some oen to get after toy u unless and unellteii some one gets aftry ou and superivises u
keep u I nchcek and driect you keep u on track nad o ndireciton remind uwaht ot ood what uru goalsi is
hwatu uneedo t ahcve and so on soo htth u dotn laose focus gaol or get misdirected, and directs you tsi
is not gonna happen , two brains ar bteer tah none don’t take th risk and screw up the PR process htsi is
it , its the end and the last of it! u dotn wan to screw it up I nteh end, ucant take ht ecahces. Soo ur bria
nplsu his brian to it! apply to it two are better than one. Go full fledge full forcei I nt oti

You shud not waste time sleeping lazing doing unimp thing or u en up losing time once ul lose time its
gone imp precious time tht could have been given to get wrk dunn imp hings done.thth tiem thth cud
hae been given to work and im p thgisn to get work and im pthgsi ndoe is hten lost n u wile nvergeit
tibackand hten work andim pthgsi ndoen t get doen nad u cant achvhe ur goals it gets delayed psuh
ahed further.

Inorderto oacvheh ur gaosl thher is a lot oo f work hht needs ot be doen! N soo u need ot give la lyour
tiem to oyur work toget hgis ndoe nadn work doen u cant afford oto waste tiem as u have limited item!
You need ot get ot owrok I nroder to get work doen fast and wrok for longer hours , in rofder to
gethgisn doe nand work done in shorter tie msapns, periods fo itme, causue uu have limtieid tiem and
oy cant take ages t ogethgsi ndoen and wrok doen ad ahchve ru goasl work olong hours to get wro
kdoen fast, wor k dayn ngt to get work doen and geto ti doen fast, its so osimple if oy uwork ong horus
say 18 horus a day you will taek 4 montsh to get tth wrok doen and ifi oy u wro ksay 5 hrus a day it wil
take u a year or more to get thth same work done. And tie msi s of essence u have limited item and
soo yu nee ot get hgisn doe nadn work doen fast at a faster speed pace and rate.

Yu need to move fast take fat action take min time to get things dun achve ur goal in les s time, as ur
time is limited, , be the frst mover,

If u utake reffrt then ti will aheppe nterh wise it ownt happen

Leave everythgi nelse asiden and focus o nthsi on l t od oti and to geti tidoen

The time factor: you need to figure out and understand this time thing why time is valuable and imp and
why you shud not waste it.
You have limited tie myo udotn lve I forever and you get only 24 horus a day …. U basially have limited
time not etrnal endless time , as if no time exists for you, and soo time is precious time kepps slipping
away and keeps running this I s arace agasnnt time every sec you lose, you wil ever get it back its gone n
oce u lose time u will never get it back, weh uwaste your item doig nunimp thgsi nisnteadofi mpt hisg
like sleeping, doing unimp thgisn thth wont beirng u any abbfti and gai ntehn you end up lsoign tiem,
and then yo uahve no tiem left to get wrok and imp hgsi ndoen, and wrok and imp thgsi nget delayed
and doesn’t get doen and you cant achvhe ur gaosl thenas you have n time left , you ahev limited tiem
soo thth spereates the imp for mteh unimp give ur item ontl yo t imp thgis nto get work and im pthgsi
ndoe nadn ahhve ciritcla and im pthgsi n not waste tie mdoign unimp thgisn, otehe wise u uend up
lsoign tiem thth uhvave and wro kadn im pthgis ndoenst get doen and then u have no iem left ot do
work and im thgsi nand it gets delayed nad nthe n uant get work doen and achvhe rugoasl, soo u shud
nto waste yoru tiem doing unim thgsin You basially run out of time and then you have no time left to get
work and imp things done and acheveur goals u fall short of time and so ooy ucant get work ad imp thgis
ndoe nad nachvhe ur gaosl , you nahev limited tiem soo uneed ot be careful as ot hwo u spedn yoru
tiem, give ur time only to work and imp htsi n to get work and imp thgis ndoe nbe care fu las to what to
give uu r tiem roto od ign what nad what notto give urgtiem to, n giv u r time only tio werk n imp things
if u waste time leeping idling lazing doing unimp things tht will brng u no benefit n gain, then you will
have no time left you lose time basically the limited time u have and wrk and im p things don’t get
domene nor get delayed and you cant ache ur goals as either u have less time to achve it or u run out of
time.your item is limited oy uahve mlimrted tiem and tehrhs is only soo cmuh tiem thth u have and so
ooy ushud nto waste ti focus oyur tiem only o na few thgisn and imp thgsi ntehr si only soo muc htht is
little tiem h uahve only 24 horus a day you get, tiem goes fast, and keeps running, onceu u lose tiem you
will never get it iback its goen then, and hten you run out o item aor have less tie m or no tiem left for t
ood owork nad imp thgsin then, soo be careful what u gvei ur tiem to hwo u pesnd ur item don’t waste
your item doing unim pthgsi ngive all ur item to mp thgisn ony lt oget awork and imp thgisn doen.
You don’t lvie forever u dotn have eternal r enles tie mas ii tiem doestn eists foroyu, and ht is why u
need ot ahchve ur goals fast and quick,

Think ndecide what work to do and comeptle, think remign urself keep in mind as ot hwat work aks u
rslef remind urslef recolltet recall hwat work u need oto od and ocmaplte, keep I nm idn what work to
od o and comaple soo tth u get upadn geto to work n geto to odign it as uu knw in ur mid ntht u have
this work to do oand ocamplte and get doen . so oothth u knw I nyour mid nthth u have this work ot odo
and get doen soo hence oy uget ot o work and take action nto od it and to geti tiodne and dotn do
otherhtigsn nad say n oto oterhhtigsn as uu dtn want to waste item doig ntoerhhtigsn asu u kwn htht u
have htsi work ot odo and get doen and so o usay n oto otehrhthigsn a other wise the woke wil l rmeai n
undone nadn u will lose tiem and ownt be able to oget work doen I have hgisn to odo and work to od
oadn get doen. Wro kdoayn n ight ot accelerart eth rogerss o the work getting doen.
Yo uare on a msisio nyo uneed ot saty focused nadn nto distracted, as u kwn htht uahve work do toto od
nad get doen and you cant affrd ot get disrated n do oterhhtigsn other hwise work will nt oget doen,
and uwill en u pl osign tiem thth cud have been give n t o work to get wrok doen and then uahve no
tiem left and energy left ot get work doen, tiem si lost energy is lost, and s o u cant get work doen.
Thin kfo what ot odo what work to od and get done .

Yu needo to think what uwill do how u will maek ur money thths the most imp thgin u need money to
be self –suffiecnt , established and t o settle down u need meony to be stable to have osem stablitiyto
gethgs oidn gs doen wrok doen with out money oy ucantget anythgi ndoen.

Be cosntyl after it at I it and doing ti roto odit and to geti tiodne .and oto nto waste ite madn losetiem

Keep working n on ti and takig nacito nand eprsisitng to oit and geti itoden taking effrt persist dot ngiveu
p isnpite f o the struggle and nahrdships! Or evnen fi u dotn get reutsl keep trying striving and persisting
and takgi nacito n be patient for the resutstl if u usget disipoitne d nang ad giveu p causeu uare nto
getign reustsl and hgisn re nto ahppengi nadn working out foroy u and you stop trying ad ntakig nactio
nadn striving thts when u are I ntroubel causeu then if u ustop triygn then nothing will ahepn ifu u keep
trying then at least u uahve hope thh soemthig nwill ahpepen and at lest u uavhe the psoosibleitiy nadn
cahcvens o seomthgi nwrokig not and happening but ifi u sto p stryign ntakig neffrts then nothgi nwill
happen. So u need ot okeep on triygn itirsepetcve ogf the rueslt and out come, it doenst matter if u ge
rekecjted don’t let thth affect uu disspaoint u discharge yo u and maek u stop trying n emaolrze uu thth
ntohgisn workgin out and its not happengi nfor me keep trying nad tkaig naciot nisnpite , if uu keep
thriyngn o nly the nsoemthign ro the otherh will aheppen I fu uget disspointed nadn stop stryign then
nothgi nwill happen.
I cant afford oto waste tie mdoign thth thing! I have tood my own thing!

Decidie what htigs nu need to odo and get doen… so othth u know I nyour mid nthth uahve this work ot
odo and get doen and soo u get ot ood it it and get to od it immdiaitely not wste iemte, get to od it now
not porcrastiiante or later get ot ood it now, and be ccosnl y at it and doing ti and taking action to odit
and t o do it and to gettit done.

Focus on ti to o do it and to geti ti doen

Your tiem is limited and hnce valuable nad prociosu once oy ulose tiem you will enver get ti back! And
soo odnt waste yoru tiem doing unim pthgsin , give all ur tiem to wrok t oget wrok and im pthgis ndone .

Your tiem si limited yo uahve limited time nto reteranl tiem, you odnt live eternally and oy uhave to
achhve your gaols within a certia tiem sapn and limti, and ocneu ulose item its goen you will enverget ti
iback, tiem keeps flowing and running, think of the conical beakers with the sand runnig ntthhts the tiem
running and thths the only time yo uahve left si I nthe top of the beaker tiem si runngi nut its like thhtt,
life is basically a race against tiem, and one u lose tiem you can neverget it iback and soo o y ushoud lnot
waste tiem u need ot be careful as to hwo u spend ur tiem ur tiem s imp and perciosu ocne u u lose
tiem u will enverget hth tiem back, soo give uur item only to imp thgisn and not waste tiem odign unimp
thgisn, like sleeping lazng and so on, doing unimp htigsn tht will bign u no bebfti and gain, make sure u
giveu ru tiem to wrk n imp thgsi nonly.

Yoru tiem si a limited resoeurce, hance iits preiocus and valuable, be careful hwo u spend ur tiem and
odign what and wahtu ugive ur tiem to, dotn waste it, You have llimtied tiem yorutiem si ilimtid ne u and
once ulose tiem yo u will enver getit I back its gone, and soo u shud nto waste tiem doing unimp thgsin,
give all yoru tiem to work and imp thgsi ot get work and imp thgsi ndoen. .

You don’t lvie forever u dotn have eternal r enles tie mas ii tiem doestn eists foroyu you dotn have
forever, and u get only 24 horus I na day, As yoru tiem si ia limtid resource. Hene oyur item is valuable
nad precious You ahev limited item tiem si a limited resource and thth is why oy ushudt be wasting
tiem, caue if u give uur item to iunimp htigns thth will rbign u no nebefit nad gain then either you run
out o item or u have n tio itme eft to give t toi mp thgisn, and imp thgisn work doenst get doen and
remain nsasideand soo ucant achvhe ur gaols and imp thisgn, as u uahve n otiem left or ur run out of
item, one time goes it gone u will never get I t bacjk you have limited time and tht is why you shudnt
waste time shud not eeven waste a second. Give all uer time to wrk and imp things to get wrk n imop
thingsdone. Y ushud not wase yoru tiem as ur tiem si mlimteid ocneu lose item oy uwill enverget it iback
once it s goen si ts goen u will enverget itiback soo don’t wates tie mdoing unimp thgisn give lal your tie
mot iwork and im pthgsin to get work and im thgsi ndoen t oachvhe ru goals .and imp thgis ni nlfie. Dotn
waste it.

Gteh drivie the motivation si to be of some use nadn n o be a waste nto waste ur tialents knowledge
creativity intelligence or skilsl

And why do oy ua care? Cause goig nforwds the future every day thth u wake up t o shoud le b bright
good, optitsmitc, eennrgtic happy to siexze the day not filed wit hiiseus problesm, incocvnicen, misery
suffering, and dark troemntign futuuer with every oen havignto wear gas amsks, and the air pollued nad
so oo n. the tiems thh u livei n shoud le bgood and enjoyable worry free bright enenrgtic happy and so
oo n, not filele with meisry and suffrieng, covnient, amkgi ti easy t oachve ur gaosl goot work and so on,
not fhave ot think n worry about toerhhtigsn lack of resources, or inadequate resources or polluted
aclimeate and so on. thth hinder your rogress and ahcivng ur goals. And so on. or hidner getitgn ur
goawrok doen.

He intneiallyy made it harder dififucl fro me to find a jbo by not sending me enough money tth is ifi I
need 600$s he will send me only 500 of which 15$s taken by bank and 450 rent nad I lvie only on 35 $S
one time food, no energy and maign me lethargic nad os on either he wanted ot intaillly stop givignme
money soo thht I go out and find a job causeu eh thoguth thth if I give him more money he wont be
ableto find a jbo or he wanted to pusih me saying I telig nyou to find a job ofr a year including for
intership why are yo not fidnihg a job his ego pormbelm u are nto listening ot me soo now I will pushih
u , and cosntring constructing me, stifled me from dmocignvggn and my abiltyt od what I want tood, I
only had meony for rent nad oen tiem food no meony for cell pone or travel, hwo will I find a job, cahlt
go walking ato find a job 10 kms daily, and back, and he inatianlly made it harder for me and intaioanlyl
made me strgueles and after ht hhe says tht h every oen has to go through struggle, its thst es surivial fo
the fittest, yeah ut u are making me struggle intatinally, rakhdavaun thaivaicah, soo instead fgiivngme
resources and making em easy it easy for me he made it harder for me and then, icnvonet for me, no
huam n decency eh ahd meon to tt si 10,000$s to sepnd o neurpe trip thth mcu hmoeny cud have
easily helped me to move t Vancouver ,or meon to buy ticiekt ot find a jbo I ncnaimo even if he would
aheve sent 1000$S a tyear or 100$s more I cud have been able to fid a job he inatillyl fcukedm e up just
for a 1004s more a month, soo I nstead of worrying about findig a job I ah dot worry about wehre I can
get the money from. Wory abut resources where to gethte roeuses for mto feed myself orto find a job,
he ade it more harder ad ndifiuclt for me. The process isnteadofo making ti smoother tstress and wrry
free and eaiserfor me to find work find a job or ahchve my goas he isnttially made me strugelsand made
it harder for me and hten he says thth only the fiittiest sutirive the reason ni was nt aot able to ahchve
my goals or find a jbo was casueu fo f him causeu he was initially nto giving enough money to me.

Be focused on t iadn keep working o nti oy uneed ot make sure thht u do ti prpelry and get t ioen
peorpely no ahlf aherted effrt do it rght and do I prorperly!
If uuare odign ti maek sure u ud o it prepry l ly put I n200% percent effrt ot od it and geti tine peopelry!
Do Everyhtig ntth needs to eb doen to not just geti tiodne but geti tiodne rpeperly onl yhthen u will see
the results.

If uae goanna do it od it right If you are doig nsoemthgi nthen u need ot od it properly, fully complete
and full ahreted efftrs if u do a shoddy job, nto od it fully incomplete or half harted effrts the nyo
uwotn ge hteh results, you nee ot maek sure you do ti comspeltey fully and properly tht is you take
effrts put in 200% effrts and d owhat iti takes to do it properly only then uwil get he resiutls and the

Itgives em a purpose to live havng a goal something t do be absrbd involved in, look frwrd to eachday
other wse empty mid is a devels workshop u strt worrying being sdad depressed lonely uas ur mind is no
t absorbed in something doing something achivng a gaol or mission or doig nsoemthgi ncosntrucitve.

Understand hthe seriosuenss and the criticality fo the issue thth is what iwi laheppn if u udon take
action andn get on yoru tioes and take ation be on yoru toes and take fast qci kprompt urgent
immediate ation

yo ushud nto wast tie mas u u have limited tiem te si o nyl soo mcu htie mtth uahve you get on ly 24
horus a day and you live only max 80 yeasr soo your tiem si limited u uahve to achvhe evary thgis
nyorugoals dfast to ebebfit and so on, once u ulseo tie myo uwill never get iti back its goen and the
ntthh item thh cud have given to work and im pthgs nt o et work and im this ndoe nsi goen and then u
ahven o imte left and work and imp tgsi ndoenst get doe naro gets delayed, and thth si why u ahusd nto
waste tei mo uy dotn have endless tie meternla tie myo uodnt lvei forver eternally asi if tiem doisntexist
fr oyu, soo ogvie max tiem to owkr and im ghsi nt oget work and im tghsi dnoen ,and make productive
usue of oyur tie ma nd ad nto waste it hth si utillze it. fdiret it itowrds im pthgsi n ur tie msi limited
don’t waste it dign unim pthgsi nor wrk andim tghsi ndoesnt get doen and u have no item left ot do
work and im pthgsi n and achveh rugoasl and os on .
dnt wste ur item u have limtie d item gvei ur tiem t owork and im pthgs n gs only once u ulsoe tie m tis
goen u wotn ever r get ti back and then wro kadn imp thgis nremain delayed and undone and hh tiem
thth cud have been given ot work and im pt thgsn to get wrok and imp thgis nsi gone and oy ucantt get
wro kdoen and acveh rugoasl then, as uu ruen out of tiem or have les tiem left.

Fcosu on ti compeltetly to od it and to geti ti oden

You need otmaek sure thth u just dotn get do it but u geti ti doen properly no shoddy wrok causei tiif u
do shoddy work u dotn get results and the whole this is a waste if uu dotn od it fully comapelltel y and
poerrpely, it has to be doen fully cosmpeltey andn peorprely and make usre u pdo everything u can,
take all effrts, and do what uu acna t geti ti doen properly.

You need work fast and wrok cosntistuly, and work for long horus like 18 horus a day inroder ot get a lot
oof thigs ndoen and work doen I na short amount fo tiem, cause of tiem u doahve limtieid item and u
cant afford ot take a ages togethgisn doen you need otgeth htigns doen fast I na shorter sapn fo time.

Thin kfo it this way, you send a raoket to the next satra system it takes 100 years for the rocket to reach
thehr thth is the taks or atiivity, is the rocket raehcign thehr , the goal si the rxket reahcign thehre, and
the tie msi 100 eyars if oy ulive only for 80 years then its no point yo uave ot reach htehr I n say 1 year
tiem, in a shorter tie msapen. Achhveh htht goal ad gethth acitivity doen the journey I n a ahsrter sptei
msapn. So othe tiem I nwhich u geth tigsn doen is imp casue tiem si ilimtied yo uahve ot achvhe ru goals
nad agethigsn doen in a shroerter item sapn as uru tiem si iimted. Otherh wise u uwotn be albe to
ahcveu ro glas and ivien if u do have r goasl u wont be able to ebebfit form it for mteh reustls

wen u do something mke sure its dun properly other wise u wnt get results.
-Think of hwat work to odo otwrds achivng ur goals, we need o get this hgin doen toady thin kf owhat
work to ood oand get doen towards achving ur goals.

What will you do by doig ntthh waste teim? Keep on doing oyru wrok ot gethtgsn doen

Give all l your item to oyur work to gethwork doen and im ptgshings done ,doent waste teim or u wont
have tie mleftto get work done

You will have to take intense effrts wrk super rd be detemrmeied to work ahrdn and work day nn igth in
rode rot ot od it and to get ti doen at a record speed and pace work cosntisuly dayn n gith and long
horus in order to get it idoen fast, in short tiem spans, get a lot of work doen in short tie msapns and
achhve urgoal in a shorter time spans. Its soo simple if u work long horus you will achveh ur goals in lessr
tiem and if oy uwork les horus it will take u ulogner tiem t oachhve urgoasl and time isi limited and imp
you need ot ahchve ur goals ata faster speed and pace. Not take a logn tiem t ochahcve ur goals asu u
don’t have tie mur tem is limited. Not take too logn to ahheu rogals. So woekr intsely determed t otake
effr nt and nwro kahrd instsnee effrts logn orus ot get thgis ndoe nwok doen fast and quick.

Why yo uned to rush up and work lon g hours and day n ngith tthhs causeu of the tiem factor toyu need
t work fast and work consttnyl and be costsiuly working and work logn horus be focused o nti and at iti
and cocosntly dig nti inroder ot oget htei wrk doen and get it idoen fast in min psoosible tiem.

The goal si to not just get ii oden but to geti tiodne fast!

Why isi ti taking soomcu htime to gethgis ndoe nfwrok cosnitsuly nonstop like carzy day nn gith t oget
thgis ndoe nadn work doen to achvhe rugoals
We need ot fisnh this thing off till this mcu htie madn fisnh this hign as well!
Opportunity cost: if oy udont maekthe the most of othe opporuntity or chace thth u get or have by
taking action, then you lose the tiem cahcen and opportunity thth s given to oyu and htht uwill ever get
back again, so otake action to maek the most of othe cahceh nad opporutnirty htht u have. Soo ifu
uahve chavnece and oporutntiy dotn lsoe it taek immdiaite aito nt oamek the most ofo thth cahne or
opportunity or thehr is opportunity csot. U ownt get het hcnage and oporutnity again.

Tiem is a very imp thing this is a race agasnt time yo uahven o time its lie kthth

Keep trygi persitingo nylethen it will happen ifu u keep triygnthen ti wil happen otehhrwise it wont

Things doen happen o ntehri won u have ot take amasiveeffrts to gethgis ndoen
Your progress gaoes up when ukeep weorkig nyour progress declines when u stop working
I am trying but things are nto working out for me or I don t see the results nothgin seesto be happeng it
all seems the waste maybe u are nt otryign hard enough maybe ur the way of doig nt iis worgn ifu do it
the wrong way u get wrong results cehnge the tehnque .. its easy t o feel disappointed hopelss and
disraged and give up whrne u try nandthgis ndoe nt wrok out and so oon. But y ushud keep trying
irrsepctive f the resutsl cauesu if ustop trying the nnothgin will aheppn n ufeel hopelss if uu k ee trying
the ntehr si hope naned thhgisn happen.

Patience isi s difrent htigsn to be patient means to work ahrd nand be patient for the result nto get
disispaoitnedn and giveu p and have faith and hope thht htign iwllw work out

you are talented but htehr are 200p pll as talened as u educated as yo uwit hetter expeircne than yo
usoo yu ahve ot try 2000 tiems ahrder hthsi try ahrd appyl for mre o jobs ists lie kthth ther si a lot of
ocmeptetion i weh nti ocems tofidnign jobs u ahve ot deal wit ha lot ofo recjtions till u fianlly gt one

-You need to keep I nmid nwaht work ou ne dot od it has ot be hther I nyour mid nhtht u bneed ot
dothis work and get his work doen if it s ntothehr I nyour mind you wotn do it. soo thth u knw in your
mdi ntht uahve this wrok to od and get doen and hence u g tot it thth si take action nadn take it for dign
ti. Asu u kwn htht uhave to odit and etiti odne soo thth u do thth , keep I mid nremeebr what woerk oy
uneedot odo and get oodneot ahhve ur goals and don forget it has ot be thheri nyour mdi ntht uahve ot
get ths wrok odne and getiti odne fast no distracito nadn diversion ndotn forget. If I s nto thehr I nyour
mid nfi u forget tht wrk u needo t ood n get doen and ts no logenr hthter I nyoru mid nteh nu wotn od it.

The mission si to get htsi thig ndoen get wrok doen get each and every rowk done, thht needs ot be
doen to achveh ru gaol taek t I for ofdign ti and geti itodne it’s a race agaistn tiem u neo t geti idoen as
fast as u can I nrecord tiem I nmin tiem cause tiem si imp you ant ktae ages too logn togeti tiodne oy
uahve ot oget htgsn doenfast acahveh rugoals fast casueu u dotn have too mcu htiem ucant agtake
achvegs to achvhe ru gaosl .you nee ot be fast nad quik
The pace spped rate at which u get things done shud b e fasyt n the time in which u shud getthings dne
shud be less not tke ages to get it dun.

You neeed ot otake a lto ofo effrt to odo thgis nt ogeti ti doen keep on workgn on ti kae massive effrts ot
odoti and t og etti idone
Meditiaiteo nti and eep o nwrokign on it to odit and to geti tiodne

Oyu need otwork dayn ngit hto gethigsn doen fast I nrecord time nto take too mc htiem t ogethgisn doe
ncasue item si imp you cant kae ages to gethgisn done .
You need tbe fast paced ge thgs doen work doen afast time si of essence.
Not od it endlessly as if u have edless time , not taek forever to gethgs done

Yu don’t have tiem u n eedo tget hteh work done fast

We will get this thing done.

and it simply doesn’t wrk out for oyu thigs just dotn happen for oyu instead yo usee very extermly ugly
guys around you thth are like abmnormal looking 100 tiems uglier than yo u ahngin g our and aditng grisl
who are lbeautifu ladn exatyl theh kidn fogirls thth uwant with sright sharp pointed nose! An d oy uthink
hwo is iti possible thth these girls are turning me down and saying yes t to thhse guly guys who are dark,
or balck or have no fearutres big broa d nsoe coorked nose, abnroaml faces, no ppropreiton in fcaei l
dfeaitures, very small lface or haed or abnormal looking guys, or werd lookgi nugly looking nguys long
ebarss long ahir curly rasta or nest like hair, shaort heaight or thin and so oon, ugly lookgi nguys whehre
as they turn yo udonw and say nto ot oyu? Hwo is iti possible? Ihtht its easy for hthhes guys nadn ot
easy form e inspite of me lookgi n100 tiem gbetter and handsome than them? Thts auseu women don’t
care for loosk they dotn ggo ofr perfection they will eb wit hsoe oe who rwans oto be wit hthem and
thyey only care for love and if they get mtehy are emaotioanl beigns nad if they get emaotiaonlyl
conrnnected by beign friends and by strike na chrodn and oanenction and chttignand covenrsation,
thehy will be with th person even if thth person is ugly lookgi nwehre as men are less emaitoanl and
cmreo sxual and care only for looks,

We need t gethsi thgi noden and get itidoen fast

U needot be detemriendot do ti no matter hwo tough it itsi o uneed ot persti and keep on working arhd
and take effrts to odoti and to get iti odne
Sit constiuly nand work on it ot geti ti oen gethgis ndoen waork doen fast. N quick

-think of it oconstly it has ot be hther I nyour mid nhtht u bneed ot dothis work and get his work doen if
it s ntothehr I nyour mind you wotn do it.
- think and decide what work to od .
- think fo what work to od next. Keep ur wrk and imp thgsi ni nyour mind.
- You need to keep in mind tht and get this work doen you have ot do this wrok
Take effrt nadn acito nt oge theth ework den and thgisn done
Take effrt to get your work doe nand job deon fast

You need ot keep finish each and every work

Soo now what ot ood?
Lets do this and finsi hthsi thing off

Ek ek ekek kaam sampvat zaycha

Coo l calm collected and on a mission!

Time and activity hwo mcu htiem ti will take to geti tioden? Tem ur acitiites put deadlines , not tae t oo
much tiem to geti ioden get ti doen in less tiem why? Nto 1 hour but 30 mins why? Caseu u have limited
item u ened ot get ur wrok doen thgisn done in less tiem. U ant taek ages to gethtsi ndoe n instead oof
takeign 2 days do it in one day! Instead of takig na week and doing t iat ur won pace do it in say 1 day
and ahvign n oconsideratio nfor tiem nt otakign tiem I nt oocnsideratio nadn doing t I slowl and at ur
won pace and so on, intead ofcus o ngettign ti oden oi none day, yo uhaev limited item you cant ignore
item and wrok at r won pace nad take ages to geethgis doen u have to not onylt get thgis ndoen but
getiti oden at afaster pace in min tiem not amx tiem, thhs cause tiem is limited oterh wise u uwotn
ahvhe r goals ifu take ages to gethisn doen. Have snesn fo urgency oto gethgsn doen fast.

- You need to keep in mind tht ur bjectiviiev misson is sn to just to get the work doen but to get it idone
fast and quick , you objectivie msiso nsi to get hteh work doen and get t iodenfast your goal obejcitve
misiso nis to get hteh wrok doen and geti iodenfast whteverwrok thth needs ot be doen t oachvhe r gaol
- You need ot keep in mind tht need to be fast focused continus wrk hard , etc… I n order ot get the
work doen and get tiodenfast , u need ot be oconlsty wrokign getafter ti to geti ti odne fast get yoru
work doen fast, u need t o wrk contoinsly n super hard to ge the job dne n wrk dun. Your mission is ot
gethte work doen and geti tioden fast andnsoo slogwork hard take paisnand effrts work cosntoily fast
nonstop danyn igth ot get the job doen be o na mission, take action nt ogeth eht job doen hustle
struggle s t rive to gethte jbo doen be o na miiso ntht si u knw I nyour mid thth uaveh to acveh htihs
obejetve or gethts job doen as oo u take acito and d o tgisn to geththe job oen htt is are o na msion u
are progregrmed in ur mid nthth uahve to get this job doen and soo u take action t ogetti idone. U need
ot work tirelessl seamlessly to get thgisn doen and wrok done.

Only if u keep trying it wil happen if u dotn try it wont happen! Also only ifu keep trying yo uahve hope if
u stop trying the ntis hopelss sitatuion u ahven ohope at all tehn, irrespective of the result wheter its
failreu r rejction u need ot keep on dign ti and keep on trying. Not let rejection fialrues disspoitnemtns
stop u fro mdoign ti.

On a amsison and read to do what I can and ready t o help scale up the comspanys operatios nadn goasl
I ma here to help n d o good ! to ghete best of my ability 200% effrts. I m a here ot ehlp and have good

Keep trying keep taking action only then thgis nwill happen if u ustop string ntohgi nwill happen then.
Keep doing what uare doig nand keep doing ur thing and what u uwant ot odo and say fuck yo to the
rest fo the world!

nto only thht u have hope soo ukeep rtryign if u lose hope u ustop trying and tkaignaction,

Things don’t haeppn like hht on their own u have to toil endaeavour hustel striggel takie paisn and effrts
taek action inroder oto gethgsin oden and wrok doen thh need ot be doen to achvhe ur gaols and get
what u want. You need ot work to gethigsn doen thth need ot be doen to achveh ur agaosl gyo cant
achveh urgoals unless u strive work ahrd ot gethgisn doen thth ened ot be odnetoachvhe rugoals.
Goals dotn wrok unless u work to gethtigsn doen thht need ot be doe t oachveh rugoals.
Things don’t hapepen like thht on their won oy uhavote t owrok to maek higsn happen thgisn happen
only whe nyo uwork dany ngtiht , to gethgis ndoen wrok doen to make it happen.
Thgisn don’t ahen like thth on their own, thigns haepn on ly when u taek efrrt thth si work til day nngith
work to maek them happen.

You need oto wrok ahrd take action nadn effrt I nrodeott ogethgis ndoe nadn wrok doen thth need ot eb
don’te to achvhe ur oals thgisn don’t ahpepen o ntehri own automaitccaly effrt taken =equals work
doen, yo uened ot strive work wohrd taek cocosntly effrt wrok costsiuly, cosotnly in orderto gehtgsn
doen and work doen tht need ot be doen to achvhe urgoals .
You need to eb coosntyl art tiand coocsntly wrokign an wrok fast inorderto ogethgis ndoe nfast at a
faster higher pace spped nand rate. Haveasensnfo rngecy haste to gethgisn doe nfast take fast quick
immidaite prompt action

To maek it happen work to maek I hape take action nt omake it happen things dotn happe no nther
iwon u have to wrok hard and slog.

Not be a waste not waste yoru itentlligene talentsn and soo n be of some use be itne hindustry wrok do
a job or stsrt a busiensen ifu sit on an iland nand be idle the n are basically a waste wasting ur rtleants
resorucesn ad oso on. ththt can hep to progress. Ur own progress and prges of humanity.
Wrk like crazy to mke it hppen mke things hppn nget wrk dun.

Whats there on your mind, what do oy uthink of do oy uthink fo work what work oy uneed ot ood :
You need ot ocosntl think stress and wrry bout it, tht uhaev to do this work and get this thing doen work
doen ti has to be coosntly thehr I nyoru mind thth uhaveo t get this thing doen if its n to their nyoru
mind fi oy udon t think n wrry bout it then you wont do it, its only thweh n uthink fo it thth u have this
work do odo and comeplte and thth its therh I nyur mid ntht uah e this wor kot odo and finsi hten you
will take action nadn get to do it., take it for doing ti nto other wise. If oy dotn think aobut it what work
things u need oto od the nyou wont get ot odo ti, or taek action or take it for doing ti as it is not theh I
nyoru mdin htht uahve ot odo ti. Yo u get ot oodign ti asu uknw I nyour mdi nth uhave to gethsi work
doen and uar worried th the worl will nto get doen and so oy uwot nachveh ur goals nad ip thgis nand
soo u will suffer iteh cosneunces misery of not achvign r goals.

Keep in mid nwaht goal you want ot achhve think fo oyur gaol thht uwna toto achhve coocsntly:
Dotn lose sight nand persepctve stay focsuedo nyoru ogaland focused o ndoign thgisn thth need ot be
doen to ahveh u r gaols.
If oy dotn think aobut it or wht r goal is hwat u need to achvhe tehn u wotn get ot odo thgisn or take for
doing thgisn thht need ot odbe oden to achveh rugoals

Thgisn don’t hapenen like thth o n hteri won oy uneed oto owkr ahrd slog to maek htigsn happen to
gethgis ndoe nwrok doen tht needt be doento ahchve ur gaosl take action nad effrt endeavoru and so

No matter whah the results the failures reejeciton fi oy don’t let it affect u uad nge tdisipoitned and
dsciraged by it and think thh ohh I am trying soo ahrd and its nto working out for me naadn its nto wroth
it no point trying and oy ugiveu p and stp trying, Ifu u perssitnadn keep trying then thigs will eventually
happen if u stp trying then the wont

The mission si to do the work geth th we work doen thth needsotb e doen t ao ahhve ur ogals nad for
thth u ne dot be focused work ahrd work cosntosuly nonstop in order to get the work doen ive all ur
tiem to it in ordero to get ti doen, sorry I cant ocem I cnat waste tie mdoign unimp thgisn iahve got
things t o do and wrok ot get done. Stay focused on it inrdrre to be prodtucive nadn get a lot of work
doen in shor t time, work logn horus and cosntiuly ot get thigns oden and work doen work cosntly be
ocosntly oding it andafter it in rode rot get a lot of work doen and things odne an d eb highy l eficnet
and productive.
Study great pp lwho have achvied great thgisn they kwn whato to od and follow they have not reached
thehr sut like thth they knw what right htigsn to od. Learn form them whtot o od. Hw ot oeb
producitvenadoso n hwo their brian works wht they follow values work ethcics etc.. wath maeks he n m
tick and prodctive
You kw nthth uahve work to od and get doen so say nto to otehrh tigsn dotn waste ur teim doing other
htigsn unimp thgisn give al lur item to oyur wok and imp thgis nt oget worka and im pthgsi ndoe n and
be highy lprdotucive

Pordcutiiveitiy how much work u get done thth needs ot be doen towards achvign ru gaosl how
productive your day was if not then why are oy unot getitgn work doen , o t ahchveu r goal a lot ofo
work needso to get doen, ou eed ot be ococstly working to get htigsn doen and work done.

Inorder to achvhe urgaosl a lot of things work needs to get doen, soo you need to focus o nbeign highy
lprdocutive hth si get a lot o f wrok doen in a day thht needs to be doen to wrds achvign raols.

Thin kadn fdeicide what work needs to get doen towards achvieng ur goal what wrok to do for the day,
- Keep in md htth uhave this work to od, and get doen think and worry abotuti coocnslty fi it is
not thehr in your mind then u wont o id t I wrry bout it thth u need ot get tit odne and ficnsi hti
toff ad get I idoen fast.
- Keep in mind htth ur msiio nsito get work doen and fgeti itodnefast
Stay focsuedo nti and work cocnstly nonstop slog cosntisuly inorderoto gethgisn done work doen and
job doen thht needs ot be oden to achvhe urgoals

The gaol is to get the work done , be coocnstly working on ti t ogeti ti doen and stay focsudo nti to get it
it done .be o a msiis nmode get it oden fast dotn get distracted dniverted ehre nad tehrhe
You knw oi nyour mdi nthth unhave oto get urwok doen and soo ushud nto waste tie mdoign unimp
Keep ur goal n missin in ind tht u have to get thi s job dun n keep wrking n stay fcused on it inorder to
get toiit done. Progrmed in ur mind tht u have to get itdun.constly be doin it n wrkn on t it to get it dun

Rmemeebr when u take u pa new thgin ucna fail, tgis ncan go worng thths a part of it if u dotn want ot
otake risk or are afrd to taek risks nadn theh cosneicesn then uwotn take acio andn if u don’t take
action then you wont acheh ru goals and what u uwnat u have to accept the risks , the ocsneunces.

Seems like thehr ia a lot oc f comsptetion and many pp lapplyign for jobs soo keep trying and applying
on lythen yo uwll find. A job thths all you can do trytrytry keep applying nad giving interviews.
Companies ant the best of the best if they are paying you money.

Whe nti comes to achvign ur gaosl its not easy therh are a lot of things to do! You need to get a lot otf
htgisn doen wrok doen , eb highly prodctive. Soo stay focuseod n it and keep o ndoign ti no distractions
cncslty be working on it ot od it and toget iti done.
Fcso n it keep o ndoignti mediate on it to odit and ot geit it odne.
Itsj sut nto imp to get htigns doe nand work doen the ace at which hu get htigsn doen and work doen si
imp too u need ot get work doen at a faster pace! Wrk cosntostiulry nadn dnay n night to gethgisn doen

The goalsi to get the work doen and ge iti doen fast be fast work oconstly be oconstly afrter it to
gethgisn doenand get work doen fast!
Have a sien of o urgncey immdiateyl get ot oowrk to geti tioden fast! Do it now get oto it now not later
no procrastination o it nowo to gei tidone
Dream it d o it takre action do it to get it done
Lotso fo thgis nwork to odo nad get doen keep on working o nti to odit and toge ti odne

Dedication, is imp…

focusing most of ur time and energy at work. Being successful involves dedication and courage to
achieve your goals
too tired and fatigued all the time to do anything, at all.
You will work but oy uwont do thgisn like addictions, as t tiakes away all ur energy.

-yu need to be fousesdo n the taks the work thht u need ot od keep in mid nadn remember what work
you ne dot odo o nly then u will do oyur work think n deicde maek a o odo list as towahthtigsn and work
oy uneed ot odo words achvign ru goals nad keep in mid nrmemebr what work oyu nedo to od think
cocsntly what work to od only then you will do ti get to odo ti , if is not htehr I nyour mid nwhat work oy
uneed ot ood then you will waste tiem odign unimp tgis and otherhtigsn keep your mind I nyoru wrok,
think fo oyur work keep in mid nwahtththgisn oto do and wath work to odo. Thik what work ot odo
next? And soo n, nda then ememebr hth u need ot get eth work doen and geti tiodne fast and quick.
How ot achve ur goals be more slf –rdrectedm reo productive and a man of work
Keep ur mid ni nyoru wrok think of what work to od next otwrds achvign rugaosl it hasto betehr I nyoru
mid ncocsntly knw whatot othink fo think f our work ad imp thgisn, fi its not ther I noyur mid no uwot
ndoit it hasto be thehr I nyoru mind wath work tood, rmemebr don’t forget refocus mind back o nwork
and imp thgis nthink what wrok do I need to be doing or had ot od? I ah dot od this now. Wath wrok do
it need ot doenxt or shud d onecxt towards achvgin my gaols. And thht u need ot get your work doe
nfast nto st get the work doen but getiti doen fat htsh ur gaol andm siion keep ththt in mind.

Not hsy away fr mwokrign hard and akign effrts to gethgsin doent oacvheh rugaosl

Give ur time to wrk n imp things dnt waste ur time doin unimpthings.
U need to be dedicated to it committed tpo it devoted to it giv r time effrt energy focs everything mind
boy to it t o do it n get it done.
Be cosntnyl workignnad doing ur work in order ot gethgisn doen and wrok done o achvhe ur goals
bE cosntly wrokin on it and doin it inorder ot od it and t oge t it done .
puti tem limits to ocmspelte this I nthsi much tie mput tiem to it otherh wise u uwill work slowly at ur
won pac onceu u kwn u have ot ge ti oden I nthsi mcu hi tme the nu wrk fast!
Iprovign performance and producitivity identify flasws mistakes weaknesse

Be constnly wrking on it to do it n to get it dun

U knw in ur mind tht u hav to achve this gal n to achve this goal u need to get this wrk dn n to get it dun
n u need to be focused cowrk conctiusly giv all ur time to itn soo on n hence you do.
The goal obkejctiveis to get the work doen and fgeti t ioden fast thths your aol obkejcive nad nmsision
and soo stay fosuedo n ti work cosntouly and n osntop to gethgisn doen and wrok doen

U need to getafter it the process tog et it dun

U need to be fast do things fast get things done fast

Focus: Focus on your work and keep on doing ti to get ti idone don’t do oterhhtigsn focs on it n
odistractions and diversion focus o nti to do it and to geti tidone. No distracito ninterferencen and
distrubacne. U need to be fused nto distracted say nto ot otehh r thgisn focus o nyoru woekr nadn imp
thgis nto get wrok and imp thgis ndoen frst do whats imp and critical and crucial frst do wahts imp
andciiritical and curcial all otehrh tigsn can be doen later on everything else coems later on

Time: your item is limited you should not waste teim doing unimp thgisn, give all yoru tiem to oyur work
and imp tohigsn to getwork and im pthgsi ndone t oachhve urgoals. Amamnge tiem run o a n schedule
paln oyur day be more organized to amek the osot use producitive use fo oyur tiem thth is wrok and
cactiivites be fo some use. Dotn waste ite malzign sleeping gvia lla l tiem to work an im p thgisn to get
htgis ndoe nadn w rok done u uahve limited item dotn waste ite giveu ur tie mt wkr and imp tgis nt oget
work and imp thgisn done. Don’t waste tiem doing unimp thgisn give all yoru tiem to work and imp
thgsn to get work and imp thgisn doen frst everythingelse ltr on.

Self reguatrded nad self direct nad self controlled: control and reguatle yourslefoccosntly to prvent
urlsef for mstryign brign oursefl back everytim you stry and kmaek ur slef do things thth u kwn I nyoru
mdi nu shud be doig by telling urslef directigncomcmanign sntrtucting urself to do it .

Action, action, action: be a man of ation, all talk and n o action action ntakign effrt and dioign things is
whats gonna make htigsn happen.All talk no action acitos is what makes things happen ony l hewn u
keep working taking action ntak e action neffrt thgisn will happen not otherh wise! Action si erythign if
oy udotn take action then theign will nto happen. U enened ot be take frt nt oshy away rom working
arhdnan taking effrt froots fo ahrd wrok are sweet

Continous: you need ot be cosntoisuly fodign ti and working on ti to odit and get tidoen get afgter it to
do it and to get ti done , keep working o nt iadn doignt icocosntly ot finish ti offand get tidone.
Be cocosntly working o ti to odti and to get tidone. You needotbe fast fast fast fast be cocosntly and
ncoinstisuly working o nti taking acito ntring hard doing thgsi napplyign I nroderto otodit and to geti
tiodne fast. The goalsi to geti ti doen ad to get tioden fast soo be coocsntly working on ti and at it ato d
oti and t oget it idoen fast.
You need othave good wrok ethics thth si work constiuly no nstop tth way isnted of taking 5 otns ht oget
hthe oewrk one you get ti odne I n 2 weeks if oy usleep a lot and soo n then and work on yl 2 t o5 horus
a day it will takeu 5 motnsh to get heh work doen, if oyu work 18 hours a day it will take oyu like 2
weeks to get heh wsame wrok doen yo uenedo to work long hours cosntisuly work super hard and work
super fast ot get eh work doen fast achvhe progress fast at a faster speed nad nreate etnto just get the
work done but tget the work done fast the tiem I nwhich u get hthe work done or tiem take ot geti tie
he work doen is imp.

U need to up ur game soot ht uare not depndt o nany one for anything nthtsi u are indepndt andn self
sufiicnt cause wen are depepndt o ntoerhs foer soemthgi ntehy fuk u u p and take advanctage fo oyu

What I need ot odo now? Think of whtot ood next toachve rugaols!

take rgent actio nt otrun thgis naroudn and nto amek the rectify the apst msitkes u uare in a dires stisio
nunderstnnd hte srisounes the riitaclity of sthe stistuion fi u dotn geet a pr theywill get u back if u odtn
get ajob. so othatke acito nfasto odo it and to geti odne nto be elrexd at ease and laid back sta ocuseodn
o nyoru miison
not givu p or give in uahve come soo far soo try harder.
Eudarnce and eprsti nad keep o ndign t iand at it and dotn give up enrve giveu p
Keep wokrign o nt iand fdgi nt itake aeffrt t odo ti and to geiit odne nad fincsih ti off, make things
ahaeepn! Gethtigsn doen thgsi ndon hapepe nautoamtiaclely u have to ork ahrd taek action nput in
efffrt to gethgisn don aand maek thgis nhapend ot get wrok don e htheris lotso f effrts invoeld elarnt o
work ahrd! T ogethgisn doe nand work done.

You need to hurry up taek fast quick prompt urgent action to gethgis ndoen and getti itodne fast!

Try extermemly hrad akea effrt take isntntse action to get wat you want, fi its difficult then isteadof
sending 100 applcaiitosn send 200 paplcaitiosn go and give applcaiosn persoanlyl it maek s kak dififernce
thtna online its mreo face to face they see uget otknw u and so on its more ersanizled thth uu are
good peros nand so o ncahecs are ehigehr and so on and ncie person wel lemanig nadn so on, instead of
making 200 calls maek 400 sales calsels an so on try harder to get what uuwant if things are not
ahppenign and uare nto getting resurlstn and getting reejitos nuse all pspoibel ways to get what uwant.
Just lkeep sending trign and applying

Music helps t prvetn depression nmakesu uexcitied and lifts uru mod and energy to work wroks uur
brains diiffenrt regiosn of our brain makes u istneligent nad creative,
Keep working o nti abe ocosntyl at iti and doing ti keep o ndoign r uthing to acheh wht uu want and get
what u want keep working on oru gaols. T oget what u uwant.

Dotn disturb hi mfor m what he is foindoig nr odistract hi mor divert him let him keep doing his own
htign. Beasilaly he isolates hsiemlfand his imind is preoocmpid I nthinkign thgis nadn doing his won
htign he just wants ot be letft alone to do his own thing and n ot be dsitrubed distracted andn botehrhd
for mwht he is doing. Or itnenrfernece.

Not be lazy be willing t owork hard tr hardtake paisandn effrts to maek things happen and gethgisn doen
and work doen effrt take n = work doen , ahrd work u put in equals work done to geth thethgis
ndoenandwork done. Inroder to oachveh ur goals be wilignt otake effrs struggle aspi nnad strife work
ahrd day nn igth kee pworkign I nroder ot mamek things happen gethigsn doen waro kdoen thth needs
to be den t oachhe ur goals. Thgisn don’t ahepn like thht on their won uhave ot take effrts t ogethgisn
doe nwrok doen no be lazy.

Keep working o nti to od it and to ge iti odne

Be cosntly atti doing ti and wrokign on ti in order to doti and to geti tioden.

U need to keep I nmid nth uahve ot do thgis work and to geti tioden fast reemebr ti thths yoru misio n
progreemd to od it I nyoru mind dot nforget and keep in mid nadn remember what work oyu need
otood nd a get done. Th g

Do oyur own thing focus o nyour won thing and progress.

tryign ahrdot to od itand to geti ioden ifi ti gets harder and nddiifcult to oyu to achvhe whtu u want
tehn ushud nto give up instead u ushud hangi ntehrh and persit nad n dtry harder.
you need ot try harder
adn tkea put i neffrts
try harder the harder ti gets a
d nteh mreo dificut it gets hteh more sterner and deetnerme nadn older ushud get like stoen cold and
tougher yo ushud getnand nto giveu p or give in.

And be focused on ti to od it nad to geti tiodne fast. Not distracted be totaolyl focsuedo n ti to od it and
to geti tiodne fast.

I lie kfast sports lie kkarkarkte and soo on and any thgin tth maeks ur brain faster, fast walking and so on,
or thth si maeks uru bria nru ndaster F1 fast sports, formuala one faster feni, and fast cars with quick
acecelration, not ncessar high speeds but speed limti but qcik accelatratio nwhy cause it maeks u uwork
faster saves tiem, getthgisn doen fste more alert a nenergetci.
Keep trying eprsiti and eventually u will get thehre .

You need ot be fast be cocsntly working on ti to do ti and to geti tioden fast.

Ifi ti gets harder then tryharder take extra effrt s to find a job.

fi oy udotn take action1

fast qucik prompt nadn cosntiso detemreid nactio nadn effrts
frutis of ahrd work! are sweet adn stisfactio and nahvhemetns soo

leanr to work ahrd it s worth it!

tiem s not o nyor side u need ot work fast

work on ti very dafst stay focsuedo n it and detemreidn effrts to

o thgisn adn gethtgisn doen1

thsi si i s a seriso uamtter, think about it coonslty have fear worry about ti fear is ia gereat driver
aderenalne secretion for qcik prompt nadn rgetn action.

you need otbe willignt odo wahtever ti aks to achhve r g aosl

wahtever ti takes i will do even if it meas sepndign 2 hours
travellign or learnig na new s kill thth needs to be learnt.
t shy away for mtakign exter struggel and iscomfrt suffreign i n the process of achvign ru gaosl tht si go
throgh it to od it nad to geti iodne be determeid nt odo ti no to geti tiodne.

Put in like 200% havei ntnergitty be sicne r nand serious about it dotn cehat on yoru job d o ur job good
nan d well. Thtsi no shortcuts or uttign corners or chaetign thth is fooling intregiy is imp, tthsi do oyur
job wel, train urself to do it well learn new skils so thth u can do ti well. Delvier the best intergiritiy is
imp tht si nto be a cheat hth is do ti well seinerly, if they are apyign yo u u need ot gdo oyr jbo to the
best ofo yur ability hthis perform well and so on if oyu dotn pp lsee ti they are nt ofoosl. Giethe best
uqialty work possoilbe with results. And so on.

Ahvea senesn fo urgency:

work on ti very dafst stay focsuedo n it and detemreidn effrts to o thgisn adn gethtgisn doen1
thsi si i s a seriso uamtter
human vicivilaiztio nwill perish soon
fi oy udotn take action1
fast qucik prompt nadn cosntiso detemreid nactio nadn effrts
frutis of ahrd work! are sweet adn stisfactio and nahvhemetns soo leanr to work ahrd it s worth it!

tiem s not o nyor side u need ot work fast

You shud nto be relaxed and nlaifd backand easy ggin be serious abtout it wrry be afrd and fear ful so
htht utake afast quick prompt and urgent action. to od thgs and gethgisn doen fast and quick and
promptly. Hyper cars hyper teanriosn yo need ot wry fear and nwrry can be a fgraet drvier for ation
taking fast qcik urgent prompt acton adrenalien secretion.

Be determined and focused to od thgis nadn getthgis done tae akctio nfast quick prompt urgent acito nt
do thgs nad gehtigsn doen

Uderstnad the imp of workignadn ebebfits of wrokig:

You ned to work be in the industry or u will get rusted, if not knowledge ti will at least giveu uthe
oragianziaiton skilsl tiem mamagenet scheduling ahrdworkign ivveu uthe work ethics to succeed, get
work doen be self reguatlednadn so on and takig neffrts to gethgisn doenandwrok doen plus socislly its
good caseu uu g out have areso nt ogo out and u meet pp lyo uliek and get I nt orelaiosnhps u getheh
opprotntiy to see and meet pp lyo uliek whe nu go out sie ofor the reason orexcee f work to ogo tu, plsu
u get meon t osovel ur issieu , food etc.. .isntead of sititgn at hioem

Eat foods thth maek u more enenrgetic keep u away and producitven add fast lie kcofee adnso on, cocke
carbs sugarynad oso ngiveu u nenergy ot work. absene f it will maek u slow sluggish dull carbs give uu
renrengyhtey are lie kbattery cells they giveu uenenrgo y towro k so does acffine
Musi fast music hsoks your brain and wakes u up and makesu u brai n work faster andn elss slwoeradn
dull and sluggish.

Persist keep trying and taking action nad neventually you will get tehrhe . u need otperrst not quit keep
at ti and doing ti keep cocosntly at ti iand doing ti. Notgive up or give in, only weh n u keep trying tht
things wil happen, for eg this guy got rejected so amyn time, he didn’t keep up and he epeprsitiend nadn
kept trying thths hwo htigsn happened. Its nto gooan happen lie ttht easily over night it wil ony lhappen
if u ukeep at itisoccosntl y and keep rtrying.

focsui on it ot od it nad to geti iodne

keep i nmidn what wrok yo uneed oto do
keep i nmidn tht uahve ot getthsi work doen andgeti tioden fast!
wro k fast to get teh ob doen and woerk done!
taek effrt wro kocnsotsitly to getit idone
dotn wor kfast u needo t get th je ob doen andgetit odenfast

you need to be fast get things done wrk done fast take action wrk on it day nnight to get it dunfast
the aim is no t just to get things done but to take fast quik prompt urgent action o get thingsdun fast

u neknw I nyour mid nthh u need ot geth tigs nthgin doen and get ti idoen fast and soo yu wok cosntiuly
and fast ot get iti done .

you need ot be impatient elimante uncessary steps to amek the process faster

yu knw I nyor mid n hth uahve this work to odo and u needo t geti tioden fast soo don’t waste ur tiem
doing unimp thgsi ngive al ur item to oyur work to get work and imp thgsi ndoe nfast.
remeebr tht os work fast taek fast qucik prompt urgentactio nt ogetthe work doen fast!

teh body cannto survie with otur twrok weh n ugo ot u knw i nyoru mdin uahveo tood his work hth wrok
soo u wro kfast walk fatst wrokdfast your midn anad body runs fast it helsp to keep mid nbody ativie
and wrokign if uu are at hoem u beoem slow laid back and slufggish!

u need ot kep i nmidn thth uneed ot bgethtis wokr doe nand geti itodne fast
tht hway o yuwotn do oterhhtigsn work fast nadn cosutly i norder ot get hte work doen as u ukwn i
nyour mid nth need to geththe work doen

If ucan do soemthign tis now not later on soo taek fast qucik promt and urgetn actio nt do ti n ow and
eget u ru pr doe nand ppaly for a PR nw!thsi Pr THIG IS WAHTS GETTIGN TO MY NERES AND IS WHATS
CAUSIGN EM STRESS! AND insecure and making em fele miserable casue ifu I have pr I have hope if not
then thehr is no hope then

not mind reejcitons not let rejeciosn dissapoitn youor discourage you u need to keep tryign! onyl wen u
try soemthign or the otehr will happen

when you try and you fail many tiems u get rejected 100s of times then, you strt t othink tisn to workign
out for me, thsi is all a waste all the tries thht i am doign adn all the effrts thth i am puttign i nare all a
waste thths wht u strt to think, but its nto a waste as long as uare tryign tis nto a waste if u stop tryign
then tis a waste.
You need otwork fast move fast to gethgsi ndoe nfast nt obe slow!

if its not hppenin it means u need to try harder

only whenu take actio nand yo utry thadn kee ptryign thgisn will happen soemthign or the otehr will
ahppe nnto oehr wise.

its to persist n not gie up tht is try harder

Inorder otahcve ur goal a lot of work needs t o be doen oyur focus objective should be on getting the
job dun, and getting ti doen fast and quick, if the jovb iwrok is nto getting g oden and is nto getting
doenfast and quick then you must, figure out why why is it not getting doen? Are you nt owrokignf
fast ineugh areoyu not focused are oy udistractedare you not regualtign urlsffe are oyu ntoworkign
cosnotisuly long horus beign cocosntly after t, are you not focused nteh job htth needso t be doen ,
thth is thin kad ndecide d what job eneds to be doen keep I nmifnd remember what work needs ot be
done, think fo what wor k needs ot obe doen next to ahhve urgoals. Thin kadn decidewaht wrk o odo
next. Towards achivng ur goal. Are you not workingfast enough.

Your misiso nobeeitive it otget he workd oen tth eedsot be doen to acvheh ru goals, soo keep ii mind
what work u needo t ofisnh and get doen in order to achvhe ur ogalnad stay focsuedo n ti o ntht misio
nhtthsi odntforget dotn lose epeprositive mrmrebr bkkeep in mind thth uneed ot ge thgis nthgis doe
nwrok doen fast.
I oru mdin your msiso nshoudl eb to gethhte work done thth needso t be doen to achveh ur goal and
you need oto od what u nca stay focseud orrkw ocsnitsuly , and so ni norder to get hteh work done
knwoign I nyour mdi nthth uahve htsi work tth needs toeb doen.

You needot fouso n it 100% in order ot odoti and to geti tid one
Keep I mind wht ur goals is what work oy uneed ot oomplete and do
your tiemsi limtied oneu u lose tie mu wil neverget ii back, adn hten uhave no time left for im pthgsi
nand work adn work adn imp thgisn are left aside nadn nto odneand so ogoals and imp thgisn are nto
achvhe d as aresutl you suffer or lose or suffer loss dueof oprotutnes cahcehs or progres or or lose
out o nimp thgisn thth are criticla for u , to getwaht you want you shudnt waste your tiem doign
unimp thgisn give all yoru time to work and imp thgisn to getw rk and imp thgsi ndoenand ot achhve
your gaols and imp thgsi ni nlfei curcial na d citircla to oyu. It hsud be I ntour mdi ncosntyl your misiso
ntht u needo t gethsi workdoenandso ou need t be focsuednna d working cocsnltyooto ogethe work
You need tkeep in mind thth the wrok needs ot be doen, soo thth u are focusdo ndoig nti tis thehr I
nyoru mdi ntht ahvue got htsi work r oto od oadn coemplte nadn to do ti fast and the n uneed ot be
cosntly at iti and keep on doing ti to get ii odne.
You needo kwwpi n mid nwaht wok oyu need otood , and thth u nee do t do this work and ocempetle
it fast, thh way o uare focused o ndogin the wrok thths one way to incrse eh prodcutiveity you know I
noyur di n tht u have toodthsi work ad ngeti tioden and geti tioden fast, and soo u take action nwork
cosntositly and nostnop and are cocosntly after it ito do itand ot getit odne if tis not thehr I your mid n
uwotn doit.

We nneedo t ifnihs htsi fast!

work o nti to ifnsihti offand to get it odne! fast!
take aeffrt t do ti d iand t fgeti idoen
fast ofcsued osnitsu nostnop itime seldf regulated
inorderoto get hteh work doen o uned ot be fast osnitus and focused o

be focsuedo nt iodnet getdistrated ehhre nadthherststy focusedo n it
hwo ot st y focused?
say not ot oterhtigsn asu kw nu ahve work o oto do and get doen dotn

tdo otehrhtigsn, keep i nmidn wahtu ru goal is what wokr u ned ot od

htink of it ococsntly if its not htehr in yur midn uwont do it.

or nto lsoesigt ahd n perseptive of urgoals.

You hsud nto be inactive u shud be doignsoem thing

Strt soemthign
Learn to work hard to furits of hardwork are sweet.
You neeed to b e fast and wrok fast to get hteh wrok doen fast and quick

Remidn urslef of what oy ur misisonadn oal si soo thth aure refcoused on achvign ru goaslan d odign
thgisn and takign action t oachevh ur gaols and takign effrt to ahvhe urgaol

Its autalyl difficult when it cosem to achvign rugoasl casue u keep tringadn thehr areosbstacles, reejcitos
netc.. and htigsn may nto happen very easily the way wyo uant them to happen what is imp is to nto
giveu p keep trying be ocosntly at iti patience eperstsitnce nadn dtermed ffrt massive effrt, its nto easy
any pers n wud give up you need to keep trying any oen will feel hopeless and dsipaoitend and giveu p
due to failures fee l discaurges disspaoitned hopeless and gieup, u need ot persrit keep triyng be patient
and not giveu p.

oy unened ot be highy lself regutaled if oy uare to amek ur slef do anyhti nro keep yourself o tnrack be
ocontly tellgn istrucitong direcitgn ur slef o nteh absisi o waht ukwn in yoru mdi n us hdu nshdu nt obe
doig nu kw nwaht u shdu n shud nt obe doign soo uonly tlel rusfl be self reguated direct ursefl to meke
urself do ti adn follwo it isntead fo beig ntold to od it an follwo it.cosntly ennagei nself reguatlio nt
ocotnro lursfl direct rusefl strer coammnd urself , auto pilto if oyu dotn htht porg shud ocsntly urn in
our mdi n if oy uodnt itnseioanlyl knwoignly prodie dreg thgost hthe n u will eb out of oocontro l uwotn
do whatu aure supposed tood and u wil end up soign what uau re not suppeod sto od due ot implvie
thgotus hand memery, impsulv part of otehr brain uneed ot intistanyl ylkwnlignly prodicde serlf regu
tgotus histnrcuitos ncoammdns to make uslef to wahtu ukw ni nyru mdi n ushud be doign n prevent or
stop u rlsef ormodign what u kwn i nyru mid nu shud nto be doing.

the proces of oself reguatlion:

you need to remmeebr keep i nmid nwath u shu n shud nt oeb doig ns oo thh u kwn i nyou r mdi nwht u
shud n shud nto eb doing, u knwo i nyoru mid nwhat u ushud n nshud nto eb doig nsoo accoridngly
reguatel yorusfl by providiegn self reg thg
otsu hisnts nn commnds to ame kruself do ti adn follwo it
You know in ur mind thth oyu have this work to do and get done, and egt it dun fast thth u have
htiswork to od adnthht u have this work to od ad nget doen and you also knw thth soo u need t o be
foused, work hard work ocnsotily I nroder togt the work doen and soo you do.

strive to mek it hapep nwr kahrd nad nstrive otmae it happen leave n ostoe untruend!

-stay fully 100% focsuedo onti adn keep o ndoig nt it o dgei ti odne
-think psotivenad be cofndient i nyoru mid nthth yo ucan do ti.
Focuso n I 100% to od it nad to get itiodne

How come u dotn udnerstnd recognize or realize r figure anything out?

“The mission is to get the work done tht needs ot be doe nt oachveh ru gaoland to geti ti oden fast”

The goal s to gethgis ndoe and get work doen thth needso to be oden to ahveh ur gaosl and to get iti
ode n fast soo dowhat oy uan to get the wor k odenfast, stay focsud cocosntreate o nti dotn wste tie
mgive all yoru tiem to oyur work to geti t iodne, I have thgisn t ood work to do, I cant waste tie mdoign
toerhtigsn unmp things, I need to ogiv tiem t omy work to get orwrk d andi m pthigsn done,

Oy u knw I nyour mdi nth uahve work ot odo imp thgsi nt odo and get doen and soo u shudnt be wasting
your teim doig ntoerhritgns , and u nee ot orkfast wrk cosntisuly ot odoti and to get itiodne

You knw inyoru mdi ntth uahve thsigoal toahhvheh and u need ot odo this work to ahchve ur goal nad
hth u need ot gethiswork doenand get ti idoen fast adnthht uneed to wor kocnositsuly nonstop, longh
ous,aayn ngith , nto wast tie mstay focused work fast and consitusly in order to ge the thgsi ndne nad n
work doen thth needs toeb done t oahveh ur goal and soo oy udo.

Things dotn happen like thth o ntheri ow nyu have t ta e massiv e effrt n nactio nt omaekthigsn happen.

The gola is nto jstu to gtet the work doen but to et the wro kdoe nfast soo dotn wate tei mgvie all yoru
tem your work and imp thgsint oget your wrok and imp thgsi ndone. You neeo t be fast wor kfasast ot
oget he work doen fast wr kconostiusly and istnsley and n osen to p to get iti oden andto get iti oden
fast . take ffrt to get the work doen and geti ti oden fast.

Understand recognize identy learn wht u shud n shdu nt odo and why inorder to succed

Feed the data I nyoru mdi n keep I nmid nrmemebr bear I nmidn wht u ushud n sud nto be oding, what u
ushud nshdu not bedoig nyo uknw I nyoru mdi nwht u shu d nshud nto be doignan d hence oy udo ti an
folwo it

Yo need oto eprsisit keep o ndoign ti cosnnly nonstop ot do ti and to get iti done.

Think of whato todo what work to od next. To achhve ur goals need to do this now!

You nendo tbe ocosntly in your work htth si odign oyur wrok and working , be coosntly owrkign, keep o
ndogi nyoru thgi nyoru wrok, in orderoto gethgis ndoe nand work doen to achvh ru goals take action
keep o n working and doig nyoru wrok ad soo n to gehthgsisn doen andwork oden to achveh ru gols be I
n yoru work keep otyur mind I nyoru work.
Keep psuhign even if oy ufeel tired exhausted maek urseldoit push your slef tell ourslef “ keep odign it
dot nstop d ti till tis doen” tell urslf to to mae kurself push oyurse motivate urlsfe to direu elrsf to od ti
and oer iride theh disre to stop or quit an rest sleep and relx

You need ot be reruslt orienteandn focus why its imp to be result oreintdand fcosued some ppl are to
reust loriented nad nfocusd they dotn care abot uteh end goal for eg: just keep o ndogi nyor uwrok and
the end goal and resut lwil eb therh , thhts not how I t wroks, why? For eg if yo udotn take I nt
ocosnidertiao nwaht resut land goal uwnat otoachhve and you keep woekrign and wth ethgisn youa re
doig nwtn help u to achvhe a partiicaual goal and result then yo uwotn achveh hteuslt no matter how
much yo uwrok or keep working, for eg: your gaols is to score hig marks I nteh exam,fi oy uare nto rueslt
or gaol oriented y uwill think ohh just keep studyignand you will get high marks, and oy ustrt studying
thewhole text book, and stil u en u ps coign low marks, why? Thths cause I nteh exams only past 5 yesr
question paparer s were asked, soo if oy uwere resut lorineted and goal oriented hten you would have
only stured the apst 5 year spappers snted of the whoel text bok. Ifu are resut or gaols loriendted u uw
llstrt back wrds lie kwht do I need ot odo to achveh rhtos goal and oy uwil do only thth hwat isi
neededto acveh thth goal nad result nothing else. Causeu u knw htht anhytign lse will nt oehlp uachvh

You needo t be cosntyl atit iand after it and ofign ti and working o nti cosntostuly nonstop to doti andto
gti tidne, wokrirgn on it working o nt it ad doing ti to geti tiodne, if oy ugt tired I noen psotion then
chahge the psotion sit I na diffrnt way soot ht u dotn fell the proesure o nyour ceritn apitsnfo oyur body,
but don’t stop doing ti. Keep ait and doing ti.
U need ot take a lot of effrt oto d t I and to geti tioden efrrt take n equals work doen

wokrign o nsoemthng must be working no nsomethginad doenst want to obe distruebd or distracted
and nstay focused nwaht heris doing, tie your life ot agoal or a msiion I f oyu wan too be ahppy. In lfei
and accelerate the progress.

The goal s to get te eowrk doen hht needs to be doe nt oahveh ur gaol and to get iti oden fast as fast as
you can and soo wor kconstositly nonstop for long hors focus cocontrat work fast odo what ucan to do
it and to get idoen fast. You need ot owork fast andn wrok constoisuly and nonstop inorder ot gethgisn
doenand wrok doen to avhe u r gaols.

Giveal lyoru tie mto oyur wor k to gethigsn doe nadn work done to thth needso to eb doe nt oacheh ur
goals, be o na msiso ntkaignacito n to gethgsin doe nadn work doen to achvh urgoals.

Dot nwaste tei mdoign otehrhtigsnu nimp thgisn. Give al tiem to work to gehtsign doe nandwarok doen,
to ahhve urgoals, I have got work to od. I coant be btotehrhed wit htoerhhtigsn and waste tiem doig
ntoerhhtigsn unimp thgisn.

Be o na mssio nstright sriosu and straight forward,nononsnsne and takginacito nadn meanngign
bsueisenn tkaign aciotn and fdoing thgisn t ogehthgsi ndoen and work doen to achveh ur goal.

Dot nwaste tei mdoign otehrhtigsnu nimp thgisnl iek sleeping nalzing idling doig nunim ptghs nget up ad
nget to work and take detemreid neffrt I norder otogethgisn doennad work doen tht neds tb e oden t
oachveh ur goal.
Misiso nt ogethgis ndoe nadn work done and getit idoen fast, and o namsiiso nthth si taking action
working moving in mtoi ndoig nthgsi nto achvhe hth misisio ntht is to get the htigsn doen . achveh the
misiso nget the wro k the tsk doen.

Also, oy uneed ot owkr farst do thgis nfast inroder ot gethgisn de and work done fast.

Ahva a msiiso ntht si to get this caertia ntaks doe nth hneeds to be doen to achveh u rgaosl or objective.
On am iso ntht tis takignacito n to achveh tht msio nt ogethe taks odne and to acveh hht goal .

Rpeproggemd I nyr umidn thth u hav this goal to ahchvhe hth are o nam siion, andu have hti s taks
obejcitivie to odo thths u r misison, ad nthen o a msiio n o nthe roll tht th is taking acito ndoign thgisn to
acvhe htht gaol and msiso nadn getting thh work doen .

not be sleeping nand lazing be working and be coosntly owrkign ahrd I nroder to gethgis ndoe nad work
doen to achvhe ru goal.

U neeo tb fast work fast nt oslow and awokr ocsnislu y no nstop I norder to nto just gethgis ndoe nbut to
gethgis ndoenfast at a fast sped and rate nad pace.

Preprgamend I nyoru mid feed I ninput remember ntht u have htsi goal to ahchve and u have to odo this
things to achhve htht goal Oy au have this msiio ni nyour mind to acve this goal and to do thghsi work ad
nth geth is work doen and fget it oden fast and hten u are o na msiion thth is takig nacito ndoign thgis
setting out to

U have limited tie myo ushdbt be wasting tiem doing torhtigns u uahve work and imp thgsin to od oy
uneed ot give all your item t owork and imp thgisn inorder to gethgsi ndoe nad work doen andimp thgis
ndoen htth need ot eb doen t oachhe ur gaosl and to geththe done e fast.

U need to be coosntly working to get thgisn doen and wrok done thth needs to be done to reach yoru
U need ot be coonstly contsiuly working nonstop inordero togethgi ns doen getheth thgin doe nwrok
done tht needs ot be doen t achvhe ur gaosl and wrk doen to achveh ur goals. U nedo otbe constntly
working to gethgisn de nadn work doen t oacheh rugaol and geti tioden at a fast speed and pace be
constntly at it and u need to be constantly doing it I after it to doti and to get it idone. You need ot be I
nowkr keep your mid n inwork keep on doig noru wrok keep working keep o nworkign to do it and to
geti tiodne. Gethisgn doen and work doen to reach ur goals achvhe ru goasl. U need ot be I nyoru work u
need ot be cosntly cosntisuly b e odign your wrok to gethgs ndoe nwr doen to reach ur gaosl . u need ot
be cosntisuly working doing your wrok, kaam karte rehna kaa tht is keep on doing your work. inorder
to gethgsi ndoe nwrok done to achveh ur gaols. Just keep on doing oyur wor thths it keep our mid ni
nyor wrok. To gethgsi ndoe nadn wrok doen thth needs to be doe nt oachveh rugaol. Eep working
nclamly conositly keep paddling calmly and cosntously. Stay calm and keep chipping ati ti lie kawood
pecker or a dcuk, keep paddlsing stay calm and keep paddling thth si doing ur work calmly quetyly,
non stop inorderto gthgsi ndoe nadn wrok doen to achveh ur goasl. Apna kaam karte rehne kaa keep
o ndoign yoru work thths it! keep doing r work constnntly nnsop thts whts imp,inoder ti get thingds
dun wrk dun tht needs to be dun to achve ur goal. Focus on keep doig ur wrk.lkeep working nkeep o
odig nyoru wor k cosntouly tht shud be your mission and fouscs I orderot ogethgisn doen and work
doen thth needso tbe doen t oachvhe rugoals. Keep o ndogi n ur thgisn keep o ndgi nur wor ksjstu
focus o ndoign ur wrok cosotsitly keep ur mid n inyoru wrok, calmaly and ocsnotily keep on working
chipping in order to do ti and geit tioen persrt nadn have patient keep working logn hours, cosntistyly
nosntops I nordert o gethgsi ndoe nwro kdoen and t oachvhe rugaosl. Keep o ndoign ur work lkee p on
doing ru thing, focus o ntth kaam karte raho, kaam karte reahne kaa rest everythgi nelse wil lfolow.
Kaam karte rehne kaa, keep on doing ru work ur thing cocsnlty thths ti thth shud be yoru focus keep
ur mid n inyoru wrok cosntly. Do what s needed ot eb doe nt oachvhe ur gaosl identify wht u uneed
oto do to achvhe ru gaosl and do wahts needed ot eb doe nt oachvhe ur gaosl and keep chipping. Be I
nyoru wrok kee pwokrign coosntly ocsntisuly. Keep ur mind inyoru work ocused on doig nyoru wor
kcosntiul y thth shud be oyur ofcus. You need ot keep o nodign ur work , keep at ti , keep doig nwaht
uare odign, keep doing oyur wrk refocus on tthht the rest everythgi nwill follow. Kee pchiping kee
ppaddlign coconstly be at tit keep on odign yoru wrok conststly waste nt oa singly min,inrderot get a
lto of wrk done thh needs ot be doen to achve ur gaosl to do ti and t otget it idone . be coosntyl
working ofcuso n doig nyoru wrok occosntly and clamly I nrodoer ot odo it and get it idoen, calmly
keep on chiping , keep cal mmad nkeep chipping tt is working t geth hetjbo doen work doen a lot ofo
wrk doe hth needs teo bdoe t chvehurgaol.keep o ndoign ru work thth shud be your gol a be a peros
nof wrok karma yogi! Thth is kee p working nndd doing your thgin focuso ndoig nyoru thgisn nd rest
everything will follow. Htth shud beyour faosu to kep o nchippign to keep takig ncaiton and doing ur
wrok inroder to gethsgi ndoe nwokr doen and to achhve urgaol.adn everything else ilw lfollwo. Be
ocosntly owrkign chipping I nroderto gethgsi ndoe nan work doen to achveh ur goals. Be ocosntly
working nwhy and for wht ? I doer ot gehtigsn doe nand aework doen to achveh ru gaosl. Get ot work
kama la lag. From your side simply focsu o ndoig nru work keep on doig nru wrok the rest everyhtig
nwill happen nad follow. Be ccosntly after it ad at it keep on doin ti keep chipping ot od it andto egt
itiodne. Strive keep after ti ad n keep o nworkignadn doing yoru work costosuly inorder ot geth te
work doen thth needso tbe doen t oachveh rugaosl whit hthe goal and msiio nf ogetitng he work done
tht needso t b e doen to acheh ru gaosl. U need ot be oocsntly ati ti be coonstly working and doig nt
iand after it inrodoeoro to gethgsi ndone and work done thth needsot be doe nt oacveh rugoasl, be
highly produitve gat a lot oof work doen and thgisn doe ntht need ot be doe nt oachvhe rugaosl , keep
o nococnstly doin yoru wrok keep ur mid n inyor uwrok an db e cocsntly odign yoru work to gethsig
doe nand work done hughe amount o f wrok doen proditiive hth needs to eb doen t oache rugoasl and
o get it idone fast and quick nquiety ad calmly keep tstriivgn cosnsntly cosnotuly be working n keep o
ndoing it to do ti and to get itiodne.u nweed ot be I ntoyur wrok ad keep doig nru wok. Inrodoeor to
gethgis ndoen wro kdoen fast and qcui kadn get a lot ofo work doen thht needs ot be done ot achveh
yoru gaol, and be highy lroodcuive. Keep o nworkginad clamly and coosnlt y be doig nyor or kw your
thing in order ot od ti and to get itonde. Un eedot keep o ndig nyru work cocsnly costoily dayn ngith
keep ur mid n iynour wro konyl sta focusd o nti say nto to otehrhigns dotn thinkf oor do ohrtigsn keep
at it and keep o ndoign ti inodrdert ood oti and to get itidone .yo uneedo t be cosntly working I
nrodeoro to get a lot o owrok done lot ofo thgis ndoen t obe highly produitve, out ust get a lot ofo
things doen wro kden I na day htth needso to be doe nt oachhe rugoal so otht the wro kdoeget doe
nfast I nrecord speed and at record pace. u need ot be coosntly workig ncosntisuly be workig nad dign
your wrok inroder to do ti adn to get itiodne . keep o ndoig nyoru wor kadn keep on doig nyoru thing.
Just kee pqiet and do oyru thgin thth si keep chipping. Un eed ot be coosntly workgi ntth si be I nyoru
wor kadn doing yoru wrok. Get ot work and keep o nwokrign t ogehtisngdoenand work odne thth
needsot eb doe nt oachvhe urgoals.

You need t be highy lrpdcutieve get a lot ofo orwk doe ntgs ing doe ntht eneds ot eb odn e to achvhe
ur goasl have a sensn or urgency o t get a wor kdoen fast nt otake t long to tomcu htie mt ogethgis
ndoe nand work done the speed and ntime I nwhci h u get hgis ndeo andda wrok done is imp.
U need ot osrt early strt fast strt now beter srtrt early and finsh early gethgsi ndoe nearly thn to strt
late and gtethigsn oden I nteh last meemtn and keep it or last moemtn ot the end of dealiens casueu
anyhtig nworgn can happnd at the lsast mmeont oy uneed a week or two bffer period for unforsee n
thgns and eenvnets for eg last meememnt isiseus, tht nca arise causeign delay and over shooting the
tiem lien and hten work is not doen I ntie madn you cant achveh ru goals then it emends t oe bdoe
nfast nad o nime soo strt early strt now dot nwat dotn dptprcarstinate do ti now, take it or doig nt
inwo and fisnh earl and get doen wit htit better to be two weeks early than a ffday late. Have a buffer
period. Keep workgn o nti ocsnstuly to od it and togeti tioden fast. In min itm b e ococsntly working
and doing ti to od ti and to geti tiodne.

its akignt oo logn to dothgis nadn gethitgns doe nhwo iwll ti happe nhtis way oy uwnenend to not jsut
get work oden but geti tiodne fast soo be workgi nconstnyl to od it and get itodne yourfocsu aim
obejcitive shud be not jstu to get work doen but to odget ti doen fast soo be owrkig ncosntously to
geti tione fast at a fast spped and pacce!

Ie yoru lfe t oa goal nto top lif oy uant ot ohave a happy life nad keep o nodign yur won thing.

Neded to get this thing doe nwork o nt iadn be coosntly working o nti to doit and get it odne
you eend ot be coocsntly workign cocsntly keep ondoig nyoru work,
be i nyou r wor kadn eb ocsnitly workig nadn chippign away dn dodig yoru wrok to gethgsi ndeo nad
work doen thth eneds to eb done to achveh ur goasl

soo yo uahve htsi goal to ahchvhe hen lsit out wha are the thgisn tth uneed ot odo to achvhe ur goals
maek a list o htigsn thth u will ahve otood to achvhe ur goasl soo thth u kwn ahve idientified recognzied
wht u uened ot odo to gethther wehre u wnt o go to ahhchve urgaosl adn so on. adn then set out to
achveh it

dotn d otehhrhthisn focus on ti o od it and togeti tioen

You need ot t stay focsudsd o nit stay focused n ti to do ti and to get iti oden focus vs distraction say no
to toerhthgisn. Focs comaptel tly on ti don’t do otrhhtigsn dotn think fo otehrhtigsn do tht ny l think fo
thth only inorder ot odotiad to get it odne. If oy uget distracted n ndivertedn and do otrhhigns then yo
uownt be abloe to od oit .
You need ot odo ti quick and gei ti odne quick and fast
focus o n r wrk keep on doin ur thing keep ondoin r wrk

1) You need to keep I nmidn what yoru goasl is what yo uwantto oachhe , not forget, keep in mnd,
so othth u know I nyour mid ntis htehr I nyoru mid ntht uahv eve this gaol to ahchve, thth uahve
ot ahche hgis gaol and hence u are on a msiso nthtu take action nt oache v eve thth gaol yo
ugetot oowrk and dothgis nto achveh thth gaol, keep I nmid nwahtuur gaols is wht iisi tti thth
uwnatot oachvhe , soo tht uare ofcsued o anchivgn ur goal , tht is doing thigns andn tkaign aito
nt oreach and achve urgaosl, soo thh uhave ur goasl in your sight nad you dotn loose
perspective, if oy ur forget abot uoru gaosl and its n longeerthher I nyoru mid ntht uahve this
thgn hit sgoal to achveh then, you wont, take action to ache htth goal yo uavhe lost track and
perceptive, its nologner thhr inyoru mdi nhth uahve to achvhe htigs goal or htsi goal to achve
and so oyo uwot nbe akign acito nrodoig nthgsi nt oneneded to be de nt oachhe ru goasl. Think
fo oyur goal occsntly, what ur goals is what uwantot oachve stay focused keep ur mind focused
o nyour goal keep I nmid ndotn gforget wht ur goals aim mission is. Keep in md nwht ur gaosl
aim and mssio nsi soo thth u dotn lsoe isight lsoe perspective think f oyur goal cocosntly. Fi it
snto thehr I nyoru mid nteh nyo uwotn be owrkig notrwrd it t t words ahcivng ti, brign ur mind
ur focus back o n ur goal so otht u take acito nt ocaand aowrk ot achveh ur goals. N to lsoe focus
or perseptiven t olsoe sight of oyur gaol, stay focused on yoru gaol tt his keep I nmid nwaht ur
gaol si mremeber wht u r goasl is what u want otoachvhe keep I nmidn so othht uare o na msiso
nht si focsed o ndoig nthgsi ntth neeed to dbe doe nt oachveh rugaosl. Keep ur mdi nfocsu o
nyoru goal, not lose sight of our gaosl. Keep I mid nwht u r gaosl is soot ht ukw ni nyour mdi ntis
ococsntly thehin your mdi nthth uahve this goals to ahchve soo u get totoo do thgisn and take
aito nt oachveh ur goals. Thhsi oy uare on a msiio noy ukwn I nyru mdi nthth uhavv this goal to
ahhcve and soo you take acto ndo thgisn get ot work and dign thgsi nt oahchve htth goal thth
mission what u want ot oachhve. U are o na mission ntht is preprgremeamd yo uknw I nyru mdi
nthht u ahe this goal to ahchve so o uare takig ancito and ndoign thgsin set out to do thgisn
taking acti and ndo thgsi nt oachvhe htht goal and mssion.
2) Decide aht you need ot ood what work thgis nu nee ot od to acheh rugoal. Yo uahve this foal to
achvhe soo thin kadn deicid e coocnstly be htignkign what are the htigns u need ot od oto
ahchve hthgoal.
3) Keep I nmidn what art h thgisn u need ot odo work you nee otodo t oachvhe rugaosl , wht your
msiiso nsi thth si wha t thgis n uneed ot odo t oachhve ru gaosl and so oyo uare o na msisoioo
nthth is doing thgis ndig nwrok to gethgsi ndoen to get the wrok done. As u kwn I nyru mdi ntis
hteh ri nyour mid nth u have this things to do this work to od o soo uare o n a msiio tth ui s y o
ugetto do thgis ntake acito n to odo thgis nt oahchve htht msisio nof getitgn thth work doen.
4) The fosu should be on getting thgis ndoe nwrok doen thth needs toeb doen to acheh ur gaosl
and most improntnly getting it doen fast have high snsen of urgeny thth si get it done fast and
5) You need to have a set sytem methodand process t ofllwo I norder to contro lyoru self
coammdn oyurfl s amek ursfel work thth is follow and do what u uknw yo ushud be doing,
engage I nsefl regulation to maek urslef do ti and follow it. whatu ukw n ushud be doing. O t
keep urslef ontrack reguatled prvent urself for mstryign cotnorl and commnd ursefl. Have contro
lover oyursefl. You need to enagage in self regulation to dricet commnd nontrpol urself.
According to wht u know in ur mindu shud n suhd not be doing to mke urself do it n follo it whtu
knw in ur mind ushud n shud nit be doing. You knw in ur mind wht u shud n shud not be doing
soo regukte urself on the basis of tht by providing self reg tughts instructions n commnds
inorder to mke urself frce urself to do it n over ride whtu r impukive thghts n mmry tells u to d.
to be in commnd n control of rself nto mke urself frce urself to do wht u knw in ur mind u shud
be doing. the process of self regutation: 1) keep inmin d whtu shud n shud not be doing soo thtu
knw in ur mind wht u shud n shud ntbe doing 2) you knw in ur mind whtu shud n shudnot be
doin so on the basis of tht provie self reg thoughts insts n commnds to mke urself do it n follow tke chrge control n commnd of urself frm the implusive memsensible memtking over
impulsv mem nmke urself do n follow wht u knw in ur mind in ur sensible mem u shud be
doin.provide reg thgotus hi nroder oto drive urslf make urslf do thgis nthth u knw I nyour mid
nyo ushud be doig nfor eg tel lyoru self “ u nee d to eb bcoocsntly working nahrd to gethgs I
doen and wor k odne to ahheh ur ogals” to maek urself do ti . or to stop ursle omr doig nthgsi n
uk wn u hsud not be doing or eg tell ursefl “ dotn wast tiem doig torhtigsn lazing nad sleeping
get t oork to gethgis ndoen wrk doen “ be coosntl reuagltign ruself ocmmndign nad controlling
nadn drircitgn rusefl be inconghe control f oursfl. Youn eed ot eb highly reugated inorder ot
maek urslfdo thgisnand follow htigns enagei nself reguatlion, also notheh ht I nrodero ti
neengei snelf reguatlio you need otemember keep in mid nwahtu ushud nshud nt oeboign
causeu if itsnto ther I nyoru mid nthen yo uwot nbe abel to reguatle yorusfel acoridngly. Soo
enenagien isnel ruegation babsedo n what u uknw I nyour mind ushud n shudn ot bedoign
inroder to maek urslefdo ti adnfolwo it. to make urself do ti to motivate urself fdrive urself to
do it, its simialrt ot gym whe nu try hard and maek urslef to psuh hard by telling yorusefl, dot
ngieve up one more set 2 more reps its the tow mro reps hth maek the msule grow. Simiarlly
you tell ursefl wro kahrd geto t work and so on to maek ursfl do it. “dotn at tie mdoign
toerhthgisn focuso n work to odit and to geti todne” “dotn wate tie mdoig noterhtigsn ur item si
imp give all ur tiem t oyur wrok to get work and imp thgsi ndone” the question is hw oy ucan
maek ursl f do it by ahvign auto pilot ttsi nto beign told by otehs r but telign rusfl and correcting
ursefl, gudign ursl f directing urslef dself contrlle nad self rdriected based o nteh information
stored I nyoru emememry, telling ruself what otood and what not otod self guiding guiding
rusefl thth si. Auto coreciton syetem. To amek urslef do ti an foolwo it regualign rusfl ococsntly
pmonitoritg oyursefl and as ot what uu are odign n whyt u shud be odign and cotnrollgi nrusfl
cacaoridngly to make ursefl do it and follw oit. you need t omaek urslf do ti adn follow it!cosntly
regautlte yourself absed o nwht u ukn iw nn oyr mdi n ushud n shud nto be doing. Reg urslef to
psuh oyurslf to the limti make urslf get up form bedand get ot work and tkaignacito and ns on.
to amek urslf work hardandso on psuh yoru slef to the mlimit , make ursel do thth u kwn I nyour
mid n shud be oding. “tell rusfl dotn give up keep spsuhing, be dtemred to reach ur goasl be
determeid to od it and achhve I t and so on, work hard be on a msiiso ntakgn aciotn t odo ti and
to achvhe it ster nadn dtermedi isntnetsly to od it and ot achvhe it” work hard try ahrd psuh
yorusefl to the lmti drivie ureslgf to do ti and to achvhe it.

Focus on just three things now completely now:

Fulltime (Day): 9:00 to 6:00 Job
Part time (Evening): 6:00 to 1:00: BC PNP, PR, GF

1) You needot keep in mdn what work oy uneed ot odo and get doenthinkfo it oconstly soo hth u
knw I nyour mind thth uneedo get this work doen, thin kfo what orwrk u need to get doen, if its
n thethheri nyour md htht u have oto od it then u wont dit
2) “The mission is to get the work done and to get it done fast”keep youer mission I nyour mind

U need to sit continsulyy n fpcius n concentrate on it to do it n to get it dun not think of or do other
things waste even a min doing other thngs unimp things no distractions.
U need ot be willig nt work ahrd and be willing t odo what iti take s whatever it takes “whtver it takes I
will do een if it’s a tough job I odnt care “ tis like htht not shy awy for mwroig nahrd and taking stress
nstrain and effrt t oreach yor ugaol! N achvie urgoals .
Today we need to work ion it send applications like crazy finish this thngcompletely
Need oteb cosntly after it owrkign o it to od it and to get I the wok r done inroder ot odo ti and to get
the work doen wor kahrd super hard t od ti and to get it idone!
You need ot odo thsifast and get everything doen fast work fast at a very high speed

u need ot be wilgi tn owrok ahrd tae apsi andn effrts stive strife i nrodoero to gethgsi ndoe n wro kdoen
th hneeds to eb doe nto achhe rugaosl
you need ot owr kahrd ithh si o uneed ot be cocosntyl owrkig be cosntly at ti doing ti to do it and to get
it done get a lot oof thgisn doen work done! Be constisutly working nt ogetthte work doen and htgis
ndoe ntht needs t o be doen t oachveh ur goals

these pp lar highy lambiosu and ehcne drien adn mtoivated tis theri ambitosn dreams thth drie them to
take efffrt wro kahrd dermed effrt adn do waht they do puthterseles throgu halltth hstress tresin adn so
on for the sake of achivgn ruteh r goasl ambtiosn its theri goasl thth drive them motivate the mo work
ahrd. eeryhtign they dothey doti for teh sake of achvigntheri goasl.

be willig nt od whati ti taeks to reach achve ru goasl owaht ever it takes i will do
i dont want ot obe distrunebd or disracted itnruttped devaited form mwaht i am doing

take dtemrmed effrt be detemred o come out of it cahgne oyur lfie ht is breakthth barrers ththos
obstacles and so on

say n oto toerhthgisn laeve everyhtign else aside adn toatly ofcus o nt to od it and t get tidone ione
track mind

Kep tiem for evryhtig ni nt he day focs on ly on doig nyoru wor keveryhtign else all toerh enangeemtns
keep it for th ngith time! Keep everything eles do everyhtig nelse later on in the night I nteh day tiem do
only work focus o noru work only al lfun enetriatnemnt keep it for night tiem! I nteh day do ony lyoru
wrk prserve your energy dotn waste yoru enrgy pahsycai and metla resruces and nenergy doig
noterhtigns give all ur energy ot oowrk do otherh thgisn I nnight only. Otehrh wise u uwil lget tired
exahustedand ngfall asleep! Keep everything else for the ngiht , u wile b tred exhausted sleepy and wont
be able to work , keep all toehr htigsn fu nenentrianemnt, and lesure pleasure, and thgsi nlie ktv face
book vide gmaes al lenjoymetns in the 1 hour I nteh night tiem, I nthe day u n eed ot give al ltiem t
owork and imp thgis nall energy to work and imp thgisn only do oyur work and mim thgis nonyl to od it
and to get it tioden to achvhe ru gaols. Kee peveryhtign else for alte be ococnslty working and workgi
nard ot ahhchve u rgoals.
Have a snesn fo urgency to do thgisn and gt htgis done fast and qcik to get wro kdoen fast and quick.

Be csontyl at it and doignt iadn working on ti lie kcarzy to do ti and to geti tiodne .

work kliek ehll work like carzy conisuly non stp day nn gith t ogethgis ndoe nadn work doen t ao cahhve
yoru goasl be on a roll! Syuerply driven and itnsnets and ambitosu dream gbgi and try ahrd abd ve bw
illignto do wahtver ti takes to reach u r gaol, what ever it tiakes it I wil l do.

Think about it about rwrk and goalsnad imp tgs nonly if uthink then u willtake acito ntowrsd it ifi tis not
o nyour mid n uwont
Focsuo n I t and keep on dign ti to do ti and to get ti done.

You need ot try ahrd try harder t aek effrt to do ti and to get ti done.

Don’t lay dwo ndotn sleep move around if oy ufee ls sleepy, and lazy, causeu ifu dgot ot sleep then yo
uwil nt ofall aslpee for lie k3 or 4 horus, if oy ualy down n oso get up and get ot owork and keep working.
Move aroud nif oy ufeel sleepy talk a walk to kep ursle wawyke the blood flowing to oyru brain, to wake
uu up, shock oy ufor mthe sleep, soot ht u dotn fal asleep and u are owrkign keep wrokng.
its imp to execute and do hgis, be costly at ti and atrti and doing ti ot doti and to get it done.

takign aciton nexecutign nto odig nti

acito ns iexcutio nand aciton is imp to oo to gethgsi ndoen
take actio nwork to egthigsn doen wrk done
thgisn dotn happen lifke htht u ne dot work towrdsthem to maek htem happen

Be constantly at it keep on wrkingn slogig toget things dun nwrk dun to achve r goals.

Do ti fast work o ntito odo ti fast to gethgis ndoe nand work doen fast!

If uaure disractdnadn fnot ofucsedthen u iwl l get nothgi ndone

Iff oy udotn ave a goal or a msiio nwaht otod a purpseo a future laid out I nfortn fo oyu then you will
just waste item dog nunim ptghsin wast tei mflaot aroud nawander aimelsslly menaignelss ly its when
uahev goals the nyo ukwn what otod oto ahche r ugoasl wht u need ot odo to ahhve yoru gaol uhave
msiion and u ar on a msii o nthen and yo u kw what u uened ot ood ot oahchve ru goaland msisonad to
geth hter and o soy udont watst etiei m u get ot od thgisn t oachhve th htgoal and mission. Causeu
uahve got ntohgi nto ache and nothgi nt do n om iso nt oachvhe and no wor k to do to ahcheh th msiso
nsoo u do otherhigsn unimp thgsi nwaste ite mdouig nucenssary thgis nocne uu have a gola a msiio nu
hvave direito nadn u kwn hawt u emend ot o doth achveh th tgoal and oy ufgeto tood ti and dot nwast
iem then. Have n osmsion and so on, no goal to achhve and soo u dot n od things t har nrcessary y
ouwatte tie mdoig nunimp thigs nthen, as u avhe n ogoal no mosiso nt oahhve ocne u find a goal an
misiso nt oahhchveh then u kwn what uneed ot od otot ahchvhe thth goaladn mssii and hen uar on a
msiio nad ndoig nthgsi n takignaciton work t oachhve ur gaosl ur msisson, ur goals motivates uu to take
action nas well, aso u don waste tie m doig nunim tpgshi n udo thgisn wor khhts necessary to reach ur
oals causeu ocneu uahve agaol a nmssio n uthik okay wht I I need ot odo to reachthth goal and sio o ugt
ot doti and tke acito nt od ti, and u ahd n omsison after htth thths wht ahpend! Lost direito n ocne u
have agao la msiio n u have dirieicot n iwant ot odogo this way nadn I needo t do thgis t ogo this way
nados on.
For evryhtign to fall I npclae don’t wste tie mkeep atiti nad keep o ndoign ti to do ti and to geti tiodne.

do ti fast n nqucik work o nti to od ti fats nad get itidoen fat as fat as yo ucan! U needo towrk fat no
slow, nto at a slow pace or rate work at a faster rate and apce be alert andn energetic work fast!
T ogethgis ndoe nfast! Wor kdoen fast
Wht u giv or allocate ur tie mto imp thgis nnly
You need t be fast move fast work fast to gethgis ndoe nwor kdoen fast a a high speed and pace and
Don awwte tie mbe coocsntly working narhd and workogn t oget the PR assoo otth h ucan apply for the
PR be sefl sstiaendand so on dot ndepedn o notehrs for it! its very ahrd ot do tthroguh others, oyu wor
kahrd do two jobs to do tin ad to geti tiodne. Sleep only like 4 hurs but do it and geti toden go out work
ahrd try ahrd take effrts ,apply to 100s of jobs, zor mar, work super hard try ahrd and goes through and
idont care what happen try lie kcrazy, wwro ksuepr hard send yoru applcaiitosn very whehre nad be fast
sepnd all eyru energy to apple 100s of jbo sappclaitosn t oo ti and to geti toden aso tthh uget interview
alls wor klke kehll do two jobs to do it nad getit iodne. Goafter I likecarzy! Ia m a wilig ntodo what it
itaeks to achhve my goasl, u need otbe willgi nt odo whatever ti takes to achvhe ur goasl I dotn acere
what happens ifi I die if ii fall down and so on , read seevidieiso ot maticateve toyu ro to work harder
driect ur giuide you as to what otood to ahvhe ru goasl. Tht giesu utheright ridirecitn a s to what uuneed
ot od to ahcvhe ru goasl.

Thin k ndecide hwat nends ot be doen what u ened ot odo to ahchve ur goals
Work otwrdsi t be coosntly working on ti ot do it and to get iti done .
Wht u need ot od in rode rot ache hth aprrticualr gaol and try ot maek asmcuh progress inthth direction
n a sp osible by getignwor kdoen thth needsot be doe nt oachhe thth goal be o an mission

Ima busy I dot nave tiem for this I have imp thgsi nt odo.
work kliek ehll work like carzy
be o n a msioion
worign hard takignacito nt oachveh ur gaosl!
be pre prgramemd i nyour mind, as to waht yorugoals iswaht yo uwant oo achvhe adn then be o na
msisio nyo kwn i nyour mdi nthth uahve htsgoal to ahhhve and oy uar ocnstly thinkgi nf ot it tis aways
thehr i nyoru mid nto lose perfective ndn sight fo yurgaol
adn uu soso uare on amsio ntht is workig narhd dg nthgisn to achhve hght goal to gethgisn doe nthth
ened to eb doen t oachhve thth goal
u kwn i nyour mdi nwaht otodo what ur miison is an d soo utak e cacaiton t ood it and ot geti tidone.
itsl ei krpeprogrmemad o na msiion to ahhcve ru gaosl the misiso tnht u havei nyoru mid ntht I need
otahchve ht sig aol , soo uare on a msiio ntht is takignacito ndoig nthgis nt oahchve tht goal
o na msiiso to gethgsi nodne wro kdoen hht is achhve ur mission hth u ahvi ntoyur id ntht I need ot
gethtesthgisn doen.soo uae o na msiio ntakignacito ndoig hgsi nt oachvhe hth mission. Tth si gethgsn

not be alzy be iwlgitn totake the strife thestruggle t oachhve ur gaols for the sake of ahvign ru goaslmsio
andn gaols, ahrdwor ksi painful bit its wrth is remind ursefl tlel urself ocne uu reach ur goals cause
uscuessi s weet then.

The msiso ns into over still have ot get the PR soo dotn be compalcnet dot nwate time see what higsn u
need ot od oadn get done to get the PR. Try ahrd for the PR fast.
Thin kwaht ot odo what ot owork o nt oachveh u rgoals.
Yo uneedo t work on it to do ti and to get iti doen! Tgisn don’t hapep nlie ktht just lie kthth.

Whats next whts the next msiison be o na msiso nwaht u need ot ogdo ? to ahhcheh th goal and msiso
nfi oy udotn have a msion and sogla u wil lwantder around d amilessley I nshort u iwi ll wast ite mdoig
nunim pthgsi n uahve ntohgi ngreat odo and achhve and sio o uwill waste tiem, wandirgi around
aimlessly doig nuimp things soo, oneu achvhe oen msisio nu need ot go o n a next msisio nwaht next,
what misiso nent ooahchevh so tht u have a diriecito n ukwn have a uuter alid out yo ukwn what u
wnato od hwere you want ood and whatu n eedot od the work u need ot ood ot geththere nad u dot
nwate tie mu geto toowrk t ogeth thwork doen to ahche ur goals nand mission.

Acvhgin your gaosl is nto eay thh re are a a lot of thgis nto be doen work to be doen u ne dot be coosntyl
working wrk ahrd slog work dany ngith t odo wor kgethgis ndoe nand wro kdoen,
Thgis ndotn happen like tth o ntehr I won u need ot work on ti to do ti and to get ti done. Effrt aekn =
work done

think of oyur mwor kwhat work to odoadn u r goal ocsntly hwat goals ot ahchve
u neeo to be prf nadnframl not waste tie mto the poit nadn so on. mangin bsueisnen and talk about
wok r and im pthgsi nnto personal things! Talk about work and im tgsin

I n oyur personal life with freds etc.. ucantalk about personal things but at wrok ppl at work care only
about the wrok tht huare doig nas logn as u are doig nwork and and s on agettign work doen they will
keep u tlakig neprsonal things to build a realtiosnhip at wrok inrodero t stay wotn help u stayhtehre ,
casue at work pp lonyl catlak about work and care about work only. The work thth u do. Ifu uthin kthth
u can talk about personal thgisn ask about eprosnal thgisn car and s on, family frendsnand stay at wrok
thth b busing raleitos nadn ccontos n then thh wont work if oy udotn gt any work doen, yo uneeodo t
be profession o na msiio nmean bsueisnn tlak about work and ip thgsi nonly.

Accelrlaete th progress fo the work work ahrdnad nwork fast t oacelelarte th rpogres fo the wroks

Think and decide what are the things you need to do. Adnhten act o non ti work hard lie ksuper hard
slong to gethgsi ndoe and wrok doen t oacheh rugoasl.

You have a good chance now dont miss it... work super hard in these 4 days send like 100s of
applciaitons! Try extrnemyl hard to get a job and apply for a PR.

Think of it thehr is a huge posilbitires and opprotunties work like hell work like 18 hours a day t oget hgsi
ndoe nwor kdoen sleep liek only 4 hours adn 2 horusfor oterh htigsn. Nto t earn money meony sin t othe
mtiavtor her re but t build ocampneis and busiesnese.

Keep at it iadn doing ti cosntisuly nosnto pot od it an to get it iodne! Kee papplyign cosontly fdayn ngith
get after it ot doti and to get tiodne

-Work hard super hard, be o nteh roll work

- the fruits afo hard wrok are sweet, remind urself hardwork is apinful but its worht it as its fruits are
sweet learn to wok hard!
- and be fast wrok fast rsuh hour donw waste teim be active and alert
-bw e willgi tn work ahrd goes thrugh the pais nadn effrts and nstrivfe to od it and to get ii oden and
beign determeidn and so on to od itand to get it doen
- what it takes t osuceed give advices as to what u shud n shud nt odo hwo it shud be and so oon, wht u
shud n shud nt odo advices and isnruciotsn t osuceed an bear thth keep tht I nmind.

Work supwer ahrd work on it be cocsntly working o nt iday n ngith t odo ti and to get tidone! Be at I iadn
cocsntly afte tr ti t to do ti and to get it oden fast an quick and promptly and uergently.

You should nto be lazy you need to eb coocsntly working nt oget a lot of thgis ndoe nadn work doen to
achveh rugoasl

Als oeat a lot ofo carbs soo thth vhea ennrgy to wrok fast! Carbs give uu enenrgyto wrok fast , if oy ueat
nyl rpotientnand no card wyo uwill feel sleepy all day! And u will eb lethargic nad itred and nto active
fast alert andn enertic you will eb alzy lsow and sleepy and sluggish! Arbs make u active nad nalert thts
why ants lie ksugar nad s on, but dotn eat natruall carbs not coentrted carbs. It maekusr brain fast and
nalert nadn cabsr arelike fuel eenenrgy orhte bdot y to do eowkr itmaeks oru bria nfrejsh and alert,
carbs giiveu energo oyoto ork or if ou rktkae onl y protient you will e bsleepy all day and udl laeenrgy
less no energy ot work and sluggish.carbs give u energy to work this guy is soo enenrgtic resh and
aciitven and alert why caus he eats rice at ngith and rice I tneh monrign and bread I nth after noon. He
told u nto go n a all protient diet yo ueend carbs fi u eat oy lprotien u wil ahven o energy to work oy
uwil eb dull, I nslalpy ahze dream lie kstete, nto eb tartrit active alert eennrgtic to orwrk
Food to maek u fast active alert anenrgetci:
Caffine – coffe ennrgy drink

U need tb e fast get htgis ndoe nfast wor kdoen fast!

U need ot have a snesn fo urgncy and feel impatient to get htei job doen nad wor kdoen fast for he fear
fo losign the cahcen nad opportntites if oy udot nge it idoen fast!

The spepedat whci hug eth igsn doen si soo imp its nto just imp to get thgis ndoe nbut tis im pg et thgis
ndoen in a timely manner wihting a tiem lien at a very fast ccelrated speedadn apce! Ahvign a senen fo
urgency speed rsuh to geteerythgi ndoen fast not slow! Acccelrate manner highly fast speedn
adnproductive! Get a lot ofo thgis ndoen I n a given time!

Dotn want to wast my tiem doing tth do only imp thgsin! Thth wil lehlp u achhve ur goals focus only o
nimp thgisn n odisraction dotn wate item doing oen thing tths unimp!
U ar wasting my tiem bro! it takes tiem to make it! I need ot spend tiem dogi ntoerhtigsn. Dotn elt pp
ltaek ur time.

The most imp thgis ns into just getting the work don’e but fgettign the wor kdoen fast you need ot have
a snsen rush to get thgsi ndoe nwro kdoen fats accelerat the progress of the wrok!
Wro kfast not slow insntsely work at a very high speed

U need ot owork hard try super hard to make ur ccanndia n draem come rue nadn not lose the cahce
and opportunity!
How u spend ur item sepdn ti dign imp thisn not unimp thgisn

Tehr is a lot ofo work thth needs ot be doen u need ot be cocosntly a t iti and working o nti and doing ti t
o do ti and to get iti odne!
Stay fcoseudo n ti to o dit and to get itiodne
Wor kcosnotusly to get a lot oof wor kfoden fast!
Youhsud nto waste tiem! Work like hell like carzy!slog! to do ti and t ogeti ti oden work super hard try
hrad put in itntns effrt t od o thigsnad get thgis ndoe nadn wor kdoen fast! At a very high fast speed
instnse speed and apce! Work like carzy! Have a sense of rgency and fear or misiisgn out or olsogign the
chacen and pprotuntiy dn ad wor kliek hell take fast quik prompt urgent action to save oyursefl and ndo
ti and get iti oden fast!
Take fast quik imidait urgetn action to do ti and to geti ti odne fast! Or u will regret it or lsot the cahen
and opprtuintiy work wfat super fat nto work slow!

The tie myo utake to get work doen is imp if oy uwork slow and take a long tiem to get work doen or if u
owrlk only 5 horus it will aek uages to gtet ro kdoen u needot work fast and work cosntosuyl and logn
hotus r like 18 horus to get the wrok doen thgis ndoen fast at ahighy lfatst aspeed andn acecelrtaed
Itna time lagta hai kya nt oeb slow an lazy spedn efrrt move fast t ogethgsi ndoen wrk doen at a fast
speped and pace! Spped at which ugethgisn doen is imp! Teim utaek to get hgisndoe nis imp u need ot
geti tioden vry fast at a ever y fast speed and pace!
Soo this is done lets move t to his now!

Worj ahrd try hardand ngetit idoen fisniht it off put I nextra effrt edetermeid effrt and geti ioden finish ti
off KO it

Try hard ot odo ti and to get tidone

You neend ot be active enenrgticandn alert and fast nto lazy and work super hrda inrodeoro t not stu
getthe job doen but to get the jovb doe nat a superfast accelerated pace and speed high speed and
pace! Take extra efrt be tar tarit t odo the jbo nad get the jbo doen fast ant avery high fast speed rate
and apce!
Keep workgi ntowrds it to di tand get iti doen!
You need otb e very fast and quci kfidn ways to get thgsi ndoe nfast reduce the tie mtaken t ogethgsi
ndoen gethgisn doe nat a faster speed and pace and in less tiem.
Te h speepd at which u gethigsn doen and wro kdoe nand ahhcve rugoals is imp oyu need to be fast very
fast getghsi ndoen and wrok doen fast at a quick speed and pace!
Taccelatrate the progress of the work the speed at hwcih u gethgsi ndoe nsi imp maek rogrssi si imp.

Nows strt now dnot delay, take ti odfr doing t iimmidately andget itidone get doe nwit hit!
Take it ifro doing ti immdiaitely to od it and get itidone
Work on it to do it and gti iodne fast!
Work logn horus like 18 horus a day ot gti tidoen fast!
Accelerate eh te speed at which u gethtigsn doen and wor k doe nnto tkea uur twn tiem or wor ok slpw!
Wr kfast t o oti fat n ngetiiodne fastand get down e wit h itfast!
I u dtn wrok or dotn take effrt and delay or u dotn have the kwneldge then yo udont do ti and u lsoe the
cahe nadn opporutny as u don get thgisn doen fast enough and then tis too late then. U have no tiem
left then

Be highy ldeternemd to do ti fast get ii done fast!

Not take a very long time to do it or get it dun.

Becosotnyl at ti and after it and pplyign and be contisuuly working to do ti andto get it iodne

You need ot beself regulated, tth is keep in mid nall thsiwhat u need ot ofd nadn coconslty ennagei nself
regaution to maek urself do tin ad follow it if oyu odnt ennge I nself regualiton oy uwont odit nad follow
How to regulate yrusfl:-
1) Keep in mid nwaht u shd nshdu nto eb doing: inorder ot reugalte yourself keep in mdi nwht u
shud n shud nto eb dig soo htht u knw I nyour mid nwahtu uhsud n shud not be doing and hcen
you think acccoridngly and hence you do ti andfollwo it, I itisn ot htehr I noru mid n if oy uahve
forgoettne what you need o too do then yo udowot nod it and follw oti its like sining yo uknw to
sing hth way so ooy using thth way wit ot uthinkign tis msulce memery yo ukwn to walk this way
so o uwalk tth way with out thinking an oy uknw to breathe soo u bereateh automatical iwtho tu
thinking tisi nyoru mmemery soo u do it oy uknw whaot ood so oyo udo ti oy uknwo hwo otie a
show leackce so ou do it without thiking, causeu u knw I your mdi nwahtotood nad o soy udo ti.
If itsn to theh I nyour mind yo u have forgttn then yo uwotn do ti.

2) ENEGE I NSEFL REGUALTIO NT OREGUALTE YORUSEFL. also u knw I nu rmind wht u shud n shud
nt oeb doig nsoo on the basis of thht tlel ursel to od it by providing self re g thgosut inst n
commdns to maek urlefse od it and fllwo it eengign in self reguatlion to make urslef do it and
follow it. inorder to eneagei nsefl regulation.inordero treguatle yourself oy ushud kee p I nmid
nwahtu u shud hsud nt oeb doig nsoo hht ukw I nyur mdi nahwt u ushud nshdu nto eb doig.
And o nteh absiis of hth regulate yourself enangien I nself rgultion to make ursf do it nadfollwo
it. fro eg yo uknw I nyour mdi n ushudn be wasting tiem odig nump thgis ns tell yoursfel dotn
waste item doing unimp thgsin. Uk nw I nyoru mdi nthth u shdint bewatign tiem odig
ntoerhtigsn nd u nimp thgsi nsoo whe n uar re doig noterhtgsing or get a thgotuh t ood
oterhthgsi ntell urslfe”odnt waste tie mdoig noterhthgisn unimp thgsi nt omek urslef stop”

ths why its imp to stay focused o nthe goal and not get distracteddiverted or lose sight of oyur
goal adn waht u wnat nad lose perspecritve!

Be awre ofo the thogutsh goin o ni nyour mid nstop urslef for mthikign ofo tehrhtisnunimp thgisnamek
urslef thinkfo wrok and imp things
100 calls make 2000 calls ptu in 200% effrt in ti get after ti to do ti and t oget ti done!

U need t wrk hrd p t in like 20 hrs a day be constantly wrking t o get things dun nwrk dun to achieve ur
Tere is a lot of work to be doen u need otbe oocnstly wokrign on ti to od it ndot get it tidoen
Y uneedotbexternyl ahrd working be drivn hae htth firei nyor ueyes wor kliek ell carzy and super hard ot
gethgsi ndoe nad nwork done .
Do wht u can n wt it takes to achive ur goal u need to wrk very hrd n slog like hell to ACHIVE UR GOAL.


you need ot try hard very hard hth si keep tryign try hard hths all yo ucan do for mour side oy ushud try
oyur best put in 200%efrt
send 10000 job applcaitions!
try hard very ahrd to cvhe ur goals not 50% effrt or half hearted efrt applyig nfor 100 or 200 jobs yo
uneed apply to a lot ofo kjbos try super ahrd for myoru side!

Deicide hwo much tiem u spend o nwhat acitivity u shud nto spend more thn 2 mins this mcu tim e on
one app it apply like carzy!
Time ur acitiity we need ot get tis thig ndoen till tom morning nad oso n thth way you are focused n ti
wro kahrd nand dotn do toerhhtigsn . you nee od t see hwo ucan get thth work doen I nteh least
amount fo time. Get rid of uncessaryhtign thht delay the process fo applcaito nfor eg if u si t and read
eerythig nthe nti will ktae more itme, just apply dotn sit and read everyhtig nwht u need ot od, imena it
iwl take u ages to gethgsi ndoen, then, directly aply send aplcaito nfi see its coordinator ten appl digital
then apply who has the tiem t ogo thru all thth sirt andread veverythgi neahc job psoting it iwl ltake u
ages if udo hth it ilwl take u a mont ht o apply u need ot od it I an day. Send the apcaiiocnt
Be wil gint owrok ahrd nadn d woah ti ittaeks to have urgoala and get where oy uwant
Lets do this and then get abck to work and the n wrap this thing up!

wokr hard nad nwrok fast to od thgis nadn get thgisn doe nadn wrok doen fat wrok slog liek helll
work like cosntostuly day ngith log horus
to do thgis nad get htigsn doe nadn wrok doen fast nad qucik!

yo need ot try hard ot doit and to geti tiodne!

take effrt to odit and to get tiodne! Fast

how fast u achve ur goals is up too yu how focused u ar no idstractedn nhow fast u uwor kadn fat you do
ti and gti tiodne

yu need ot be fast move fast and wrok at st not slw if oy uwork slow it will take yo umro tiem t oget hgis

You need tkeep o ndoign yoru wok coocsntly t oachveh ur gaol

You needo t work fast hth si move fast not work slow, its only whe n uwork fast, thht uwill eb ableto
gethgis ndoen and wrok done.

u needo t work long horus like 18 horus a day t oget it idoen fast.
u needo timdeiatyl take it for odign ti inorder otdo ti and get ti doen fas have a snen fo urgncy.

teh goal si to get hgisn oden nad work doen fast soo dot n waste your tiem give lal yoru tiem to oyur wor
kto do it and to get it odne

dnt waste ur time lazingn sleeping u need to get up n gt to wrkn keep at it constly keep wrking to get
things done nwrk dun ht needs to be dun to reach ur goal

give all ur time to ur wrj k to get thingsdunn wrk dun

dsrry i cant come i cant waste my time i have got things to do n wrk to do n i need to give all mytime to
my wrk to get thins dun n wrk dun.

fcus vs distraction, need ot stay focsuedo nt inot od otehrhtigsnnt o thin kf otorhhtigsn , think fo thth
onyl do thth only inroderto od ti andto get ti odne, ifu u get distractedn nd toerhhtigsn then u wont be
able to get iti oden it remaisn nisnhed hten itnrnrefernne dsitraction and inorder to get things dun nwrk
done dun tht needs to be done to achve ur goal

think n decide wht wrk to vbe dun frr the day towrdsachivng ur goal if u dnt deide then u will waste time
as u have no idea as to wht to do to achve ur goal.

itsn to easy to achvhe ur goal ththrsis a lot of work tht neds ot be oe nadn soo u ened ot be ococnslty
wrokign t odo it and to get it iodne
You need ot be prepared and willing t odo what ever ti takes to reached anchvie urgaosl if oy udotn
want ot odo ti , then yo uwot nreach ur goasl, I goes thru and id otn care hawat hppen ifii fall dwon,
hardwork dnever killed any bod ly elarn to push urslef ot the limti work ahrd take pais nadn efftrts strive
to reach and achivne ru gaosl and get htgisn doe nand wrok done. If yo uar alzy and dotn work ahrd then
u will not get anything doen and yo uwot nreach ur goals, t orach nnachve ur goasl thehr si a lot ofo wrk
thth needs ot be doen and u cant ffrd to be alzy u nee to be ahrd working nwillgi nwantign, nto shying
away form taking apis nadn effrts, or be haeesntn totake pais nadn effrts thths caseu kwn and
understndi nyoru mdi nhtht uahv to work har do tgethgis ndoe nif oy uarlazty then u will get ntohgi
ndoen ad n soo u work hard nand u psu hurslef othe limti u tlel urslefnad u kn w htht its wrht it.

You need otbeaware fo the htogutsh ofgin on I nyoru mdi n know what uar thinking of and regulate
yoruthignkignknw what thgotush aregoin on I noru mid nstop urself for mthinkign of nim tp thgisn ad
makeu rlse think fo work and imp thgisn, dtn awste tie mthinkign fo unimp htgisn. Te ocntorl should be
at hthe micro level nto jsutat the macro elvle tht is the action levl but also at hthe micro lvel
thogtushlvle be aware of htehtoguths goin o ni nyoru mid nwhen u get the thoguth inscrtiron
coammdns to do therhtigsn say no t oit , resitst it , also stop urslf for mthinkign fo unimp thgisn and
mke urlsfef think fo imp thgsi nonyl be are fo the thgotush goin o ni nyour mind procatis htoguth
reguatio nadn ocotnrol not just aciotn reugaltio nadn control, reguatle yoru thinking thgots as well, not
just your actions, whe n u geththe htogutsh to dootherhtigsnsay no, be awre of theh toguths goin oni
nyoru mid nkwnahtu u are thinking nfo, the ocntor l and regulation should be right ah the thgotuh elve l
as well not just aththe action lelve hthis be arwar re fo not just whtat u are doing but also be awre of
what u ur are thihinkig nwahts ogin o ni nyoru mid nsiit as ot what u knw u hsud be thinking. Also be
cocostly thinking fo work and imp thgisn only not unimp thgisn ony lrwrk and im pthgsi nshudb ee goin
on I nyoru mind. I f oy ufind urlsef htinkign fo otehrhtigsn unimp thgsin watistgn time thinking nof
otehrhtigsn unimp thgsi nthe ntell urself to stop thinking fo unimp thgisnadn maekurlsfe think fo work
and imp thgisn. Not wast tie mthikign fo nimp thgisn, if oy udifns urlsef wasting tiem doig nunimp thgsin
then stop urlsfe dfro mdoign unimp thgisn and make urlefse do imp thgsin rpcatise acito ncotnrl,

you needo ot be fast very fast wro kfast cosnitsutly non stop not od oterhhtigsn kee pworkig no nto it to
do it and getti oden fast adn qucik
it hsudnt take such a long tiem forit to get done yo ushudbe doig nt ifas t fast!

whe n udont eat good food u are slwwpy tired, lazy, dull your brai ndoenst work u feel lese nrgticnadn
efres h nad dull and enenrgy less when uahe good food lie krice etc.. u feel energticnand alert

It’s a lot offo work achvign r goasl u need ot be ocsntly working natit I doing it ito geti ti oden the work
Get it done! Wor ahrd ot get idoen!
U needo tb oosntly at it iadn working nad doing ti rot gethgis dneo nwrok doen tht needs to be doen to
achve urgoals , kwn hh it iwil l eb worrht I al lthth hard wrk and effrt I nterms f ogals acivng

ur time is ilimtied once tiem is gone its goen u will energet it back soooy ushoud lgvie your item oyl to
wor k and imp thgsn to get work and imp thgsi ndone, not ot uimp thgisn otehr hwise u ahve n item left
for owkr and imp thgsi nad wrok adn imp thgsi dotn get done nad u cant ahcveu yoru goasl then. as ur
tiem si limtied soo fitler waht its imp adn waht is not imp and d o only imp thgsi ngive ur teim t imp
thgisn nly not wast tie me doign unimp thgisn do imp thgis nonly.
You needo t be ocosntly orwkign slog lie khell take pai nadn effrts inroder to get htgis ndoe nand work
doen thth enedso tbe doen to achhve ur goals , soo uhve this ogal to ahchve ocuso n what work needs
ot eget doen wht htigsn need ot be doen to achvhe htth goal adnhnte take painand eeffrts wor kliek hell
lsog I nroder ot do thht work get hth wor kdoen h needso tb e doen t oachveh ru gaols

Stay focsuedo n ti keep o ndoig nt iot od itand to geti itodne

Soory I have got work ot odo I have got ths thing to get doen soo oicant waste my tiem doig

ifu sleep mroe u will feel mro sleepy u need ot lsep less
lie sleep only 5 hours to 6 hour r max and hte ncotnrol not lseep if oy ufeel sleepy walks
casueu need ot gethgis ndoe nwrk doen
stues doe nadn so on!
ifuu sleep a lot fo tie mteh nyo uwill fall asleep.
and u wil lfeel mroe sleepy
not only thth
dont sleep mroe the mreo u sleep trhe mroe sleepy u feel
soo u shud nt obe slppgn mroe!
also u cantget work doen then!

You need ot keep oin mid nwht your gaosl and mission is so othth uare focused o ndogi nthgsi
ndoignwrok t oachhve hth goal, thth is yo udotn lose track or eprsepectiie its hehr I nyoru mid ntth u
have to ahchve this goal and so oyo un eed to get ot owro kadn gethgsi ndoe nadn wro kd oen to
ahchvhe htth gaol, and take action n be dogi nthgsi tn oacheh urgal, now ot ahchve ur goasl, o uneed t
oget a lot fo work doen thgis ndoen thth ne dot be done to achveh ur gaol, soo you need ot knw owat
are the things tth uned ot odor o get doen to acveh ur gaols, adthen u need ot set out to d oti and get
iti doen your mission shoul be goal should eb t ogett hth work doe nget as mauc hwork doen as you can
I na day and as fast as you can, hht needs to eb doen to acvheh ur goal, and thin kf owhat work u need
ot get done, keep I nmid nwhat htigsn u needotget doen what work u need ot get done .
Be ocosntly ati ti and doing it nad working o nt it ot od it nad ot get hhe work doen fast

f you want something done, you get on and do it

You neeeed to oeb highy lproductiiveand get lot ofo work doen if oy uwant to achveh ur goals thth si ,
soo oyur focus mission shuld be on getting a lot of work done beign productive hwo productivewas yoru
day? Measure oyur rpeown perormae hwo much work didi you get done , and if not the nwhy diditn you
get tht hwork doen for wath reasons and what u need ot odo to improve ti.
Wen udt n have thgisn o nteh paltter and yo uahveto work to achvhe thgisn ti helsp to ashape you it
maek u relase wht u need ot od to succeed, also by reaidgn other pppls interviews u learn what uuneed
to do thto sucee d the sercert the ble proint tfo success. Ti shapes u to the core.

Soo thehr are three thgis nehre:

1) Keep I nmid nyoru goal what goal you need ot achve , weh n u have goal u have direction nyo
ukwn o whhci h way oy uwant otogo the destination where yo aure ehadign and then uknw
what you need ot odo what thgis n uened ot gtdoen wht work u need otodo to get thehre. Not
only thth if oyu keep sight o nyoru goal and mleeekp I nmdien d n what urugoal si then yo aure
focused nahcivng thth goal, u dotn lose sight or persepeecivei nad u kw nht ahvethsi ogal to
ahchve soo oyu set out toowrk and d othgis ntht hened ot be doen to achvhe thth goal if its nto
ther I nyou mr idn thth ua hve htsi ogal to ahchve ifuu lsoe sight of our galsm then u ownt do
what snessary t oachveh ru gaosl caseu u tis no logenr htheri n your mdi nthh uahvet o achvhe
htsi goal soo u lsoe track irection, or lose perspective. Andu are lsot. Misdiriected nad os oo n,
also its yoru goals thh drive u ut owor kahrd everything o udo basically si t oachvhe thth goal all
sacrifices u maek all efrts u put in is to achvhe thht goal thth end rewrd knwlign ti will be wrth it
al apis nu take is for tht goal to ache thth goal, hh rewrd will eb sweet, tis ahrd but u remid n
urslf hth success si sweet ahrd work si painful but its wrht it once uu get the rewrd. Ils ei ktht
hadn victory. Soo go for it!
2) Now oy uknwo tht hyo uahvehtis goal to ahchve soo decidied figure out wht are the things oy
uenedo to od work you need oto od or get doen t oachvhe ru goals. To ahchve this goal hwt
uened ot odo what thgisn work uneed ot odo or get tdoen wht do oy uahve oto do tot achhve
this goal.
3) Keep in mid nwaht work oy uneed to do or get doen to achveh ur gaol, your mission si to get
thht work done ttsh yoru mission. Soo thth ukwn I nyur mid nthth uahve ot odo this work na get
this work done.
4) The aim is to be highy lprodtuive to get a lot of things doen and wrok doen I ns ay , casue the
ony lwa y t oachhe ur gaosl si to be highy lprodtuie to get a lot of rowrk doen every day caseu
its not a joke its not aeasy to ahchve your gaol thehr si a lot of owkr thth n eeds to eb doe nadn
get doe nand u need ot strive slog to tkea detmermed strong willed rellrtnless effrts , no giving
up and so o nkeep ppsuhign hard sloppggign takgn mpais nadn effrts sacriisifinsg al lfu nbe
drivien worign non sto o pw orikgi narhd cosntisuly inroderto get a lto of work oden tsigns doen
so othth u achvhe ru gaosl, high ellvel f effcien y output nad prodtiivity. Yo uneed ot eb isntes
and get a lot ofo thgis ndoe nand work doen t oachveh u r gaosl, other wise it wont happen yo
uwot nacheh ru oaglas other wise. Yo uahve to reaslie and recognize thth the only wat y to
achvhe rugoals is ot get a lot of owork doen be highly effienct nad nrpodutive htth si get a lro t
ofo work oden tht hneedso t be doen to acvheh u rgoals, so hth shud be yoru oaland focus and
iobjcitive to get a lot ofo work done every day, itn s oteas to ahchve ur ogals to achveh ur goal
alt oof things work needs ot be doen soo lsog ahrd take stress and neffrst work hard nto eb
alzy t oget a lot fo thisg doen and work done be eocnslty working chipping hard ot get thgis
ndoe nadn work odne. Focus on getting nas mcu hwork doen as you can I na day, beign
rpodcutive, yoru focus should eb t oget as mcu hwork done as you can, and have a productive
day, the measre r ethehr ur day is rprdouitve or not , depens o nhow mcu hwork oy uget doe t
words ahivng ru goals, yo uwll achve ur goal only I oy uget a lot ofo work doen, t oachve ur goasl
a lt o work eeds to get doen, so ooyur focus should b o ngettign thgsi ndoe ngettign work doen
as mcu hwork you can gt odne as you can I na day. You mai nfocuse shud be to get as mcu
hwork doe nas u cant owrdsaching ru goal to be highy l efficnt and productive caseu u will only
wy yo uwil lahchve ur gaosl si by getting n al lteh work doen tht needs to be done thgisn doen
thth needs t o be doen to achveh ru goals. ur obejtive fcsu shud be to get as mcu hwork doen as
uucan i na day. T obe highy productive na nefficnt have productive da measure of proeudiitvti h
ow productive ur gdsay is desi based o nhow mcu hwork oy u goto odne.”your goal bectivie
shoud lbe ot get a s much thgis ndoen and work doen as you can and get ti idoen fast” to be
hgihy lefiecnn nt ad productive I na day eery day nt owaste tie mcasue thth time cud be given to
work to ge thgis ndoe nand work odne and nto delay wor kgettign doen, soo y ushud be working
costnyl working hrd slogging work lie kshti like ehrll work like 18 19 horus ad y t oget a lort ofo
thgis ndoen and work doen t oachhe ru goals. Recognize hth the only wa y o to achhve ur gaol si
to get a lot fo thgis ndoen wrok doen thth needs to eb doen t oachvhe ru goal. Soo focus o
nbeign highly effcint nad prodcuitve and rivien, having great out put work hard ot get a lot of
owrok doen every day, like work like hell 18h orus a day to get a a lot ofo work odne be detrmed
to strive work ahrd take imminse effrts stress strife to get htigsn doen and work oden to achveh
ur gaosl dnadn n to be lazy.
5) Then thin k and rexcgnize understand waht u need ot od oto be prodtuive, and get a lot ofo
work doen I na day, thgis lie kyo ushoudl work yur as off wor kconstoisuly be detemreid nt
otake apis and neffrst , stay fcsued and not distrcted, e b sefl regutled, nto wast tie mdoign
unimp thgsi ngive amx tiem 18 horus a day to your wrok intruder ot get a lot ofo work doen tis
lie htht. so hth shud be yoru goaland focus and iobjcitive to get a lot ofo work done every day,
itn s oteas to ahchve ur ogals to achveh ur goal alt oof things work needs ot be doen soo lsog
ahrd take stress and neffrst work hard nto eb alzy t oget a lot fo thisg doen and work done be
eocnslty working chipping hard ot get thgis ndoe nadn work odne. Goes htorugh take insntes
effrts determeidn effrts work like hell nonstop lie crazy tr y ahrd work ahrd instnsely determed
effrt, un budging,, urneltnign effrt to gethgisn doe nand work doen to achveh ur gaols. “your
goal bectivie shoud lbe ot get a s much thgis ndoen and work doen as you can and get ti idoen
fast” to be hgihy lefiecnn nt ad productive I na day eery day nt owaste tie mcasue thth time cud
be given to work to ge thgis ndoe nand work odne and nto delay wor kgettign doen, soo y ushud
be working costnyl working hrd slogging work lie kshti like ehrll work like 18 19 horus ad y t
oget a lort ofo thgis ndoen and work doen t oachhe ru goals. Recognize hth the only wa y o to
achhve ur gaol si to get a lot fo thgis ndoen wrok doen thth needs to eb doen t oachvhe ru goal.
Soo focus o nbeign highly effcint nad prodcuitve and rivien, having great out put work hard ot
get a lot of owrok doen every day, like work like hell 18h orus a day to get a a lot ofo work odne
be detrmed to strive work ahrd take imminse effrts stress strife to get htigsn doen and work
oden to achveh ur gaosl dnadn n to be lazy. The reso nwhy oy udotn wate tie moy udot do
otehrhtigsn you work hard day nn gith 18 horus a day and slog is cause u knw u ne dot work
ahrd tale pais nadn efers t be coosntyl working I and give all yoru tiem to ti antd not wate tie mi
ntrodoero to gethgsi ndoen nwand warok doen thth needst o be doe n tot reach oyru goals tth u
havei nyour mind tht ukwn I nyoru mdi n u want ot oacheh and reach keep ur oals I nsight and
dot nlsoe dight and focus of yoru goal.and u stay ocused avoid distracitos nscrfiice al ltoer
hthgisn as u want ot ogt thgis ndoen and work doen to ahveh ru gaosl. Thth tiem cud th hcud
have been given to work to get work doe nsi gone and then u dotn get wor kdoen and wrk is
delayed so odotn waste tie mgive a ltie mt owork to ge t thgsi ndoe nadn wor k doen stay
focseud ot odo ti and to geti tioden, dsay nto to other htigsn don’t do torhhthgis nt o do ti and
to geti ti oden ,wor kahrd slog work ocsnotisly long horus determed efrt t ot odo ti and get it
idoen, or oy uwi lget ntohgi ndoen.
“lets put htsi down “ – George micahel
“lets get thsgi thgin doen”
I like getting tgsi ndoen” I lie kto eb productive – elon msuk
Eb ster n nitnesn determed wrok like hell try ahrd ot gehtigsn doe nand wor k doen
Stay foscsued nto distracted say n o tot owothhrrhtigsn inrodero to do oyur work and get thgis
ndoe nadn work doen.
Dot nwaste tie mdoig ntoerhtigns to gethgsi ndoe nadn work done.
u neend to eb okwitirign coosntyl keep o ndogi nru wor kcocosntly contisuly work liek hell tot
ogt a lto ofo thgisn oden and wrok doen t oachvhe ur gaosl
adn no idstracitos nsay n ot to wohrhtigsn try had push hard, work ahrd slog work liek 19 horus
a day sleep only 4 horus wor kliek hellp t be higy lporducitve nad nnto eb alzy adn get la ot oof
thgis doe nadn wrok doen t o achvhe rugaosl strvie hard tkae itnsnte determed effrts t o gt hgis
ndoe nadn wrok doen to aachhve urgoasl.! Also nt owaste tie mgvie lal yoru tiem to work and m
pthgs o ony lt oget work and imp thgsi ndoen , caseu if oyu lseo tiem the n u dotn get work doen
and thht tiem hthth cud have nbeen give nt o yu r work t ogethgis ndoe nadn wrok doe nis
gone , and then urun out of otie madn cant get thigs ndoe nterh si n tiem elft and cant cahve r
ru gaosls then.. need ot oslog wor k ocsnitly work like hell work no nstop inroderot ogethgisn
doe nadn work doen to acheh ru goals. Cause its not easy to ahchve ur goal s uhae to ralese
thth achvign ru goals is nto ajoke thher sis a lot a I mean a lot of work thth enedsto get doe nt
oavheh ur gaosl. Tis not easy soo slog work like hell work constiutly long hours stay focsuedo n
tin say n o tot toerhhtigsn, nto get distracted and ndriverted for mwork stay focussod n oyur
work and keep o ndoig nur work to gethgsi ndoen and ork done t oachvhe urgoals dedicated
sincere r srios ueffrt nadn no nsoense. And be driven nados oo n. nto wast time doing unmp
thgisn yo uahve 24 horus I na day give lal yoru tiem to yoru work to gtet thgis ndoe nand wrok
doen t oachveh rugoals. dotn wate tiem give la lyoru tie mdevote dedicaite all ur item to oyur
wrok to ge t hgsi ndoe nadn wrok doen fast at afast accelerted pace, acclearlte teh progress.
And be sefl reguatled enagei nself reugltio t oreg and control urself maek urself do thgis nwht
uushud be doig nand stop urslf or m doig nthgsi n ushud nto eb doing.stay focseud nto
distracted I nroderto oget ghsins doenand wrok done .
tehr reson why the reason nwhy why re yo ufocusifng and nt odistrctign why ar yo uworkign
long horus, why ar yo unto wasting tiem why ar u scrfiisng everyhtgi nwhy? Casuu n ee ot get a
lto of othgis ndoe nwro kdoen be prodcitve and get it idoen fast, why oy ueened ot get a lrt fo
owork doe nand why oy uneed ot geget it idoen fast so otth uachve rugoas thth uwanto
oachhve fast. Wrk hard intorder ot gtet a lot ofo thgis ndoen wrok doen to acvheh rugaosl!
causeu uknw hth uneed ot oget iti done soo u need ot focus to get it idone.
Dotn lay dow nadotn sleep get u pad nget ot work and keep o nworkig ncostnyl in order to
gethgsi ndoe nand wrok doen fast tth needs to be doen t oahve ur gaol. U need ot b u padn
ccosotny lworkgi ntakign pais nneffrt t kkeep o nworkig ncosntly I nrodero togethgsin doe nand
wrk dun tht eneds ot be odine fast to ache urgoals.
U need ot work super hard wro kahrd foreery sec and never min to get things doen and work
doen to acvhe urgoals. Dotn ahv tie mforthth need toie lal tiem to eowrk to get work doen fast
to achveh my ogals slog sit at oen place contitustly adnwbe wrkign take pais nadn effrts and
wrok ahrd super hard hrd wrk ont likill u, sti at one palcecosniuyl an f cosu and meditaite on it
take paisn and effrts r k ahrd slog discomfrt icnonivne I sntred fo sleep ign na dsrelaixn,g put
urslfe thru pshyca nadn mental stress eb ococsntly working sloggi ntoiling, inroderot gethgis
ndoen wr k doen t oachveh ru goasl. Results oriented with a desire to get things done siitng
ocnsotlsy at one palce for 2 horus willgi nt otake pais nand effrst and discomfort nad
nicnovne, istnead of sleeping nrelaxing and beign docomftable and at ease, wilgi tn work
ahrd nadn taek paisn and effrt for the sake of getting irodero t gethgsi ndoe nwor kdoen
tht enedso t be odne to achhve urgoals.
u need t oslog be ocosntyl at it an d after it be coocsntly workign work ahrd take pians nad
effrts psut ursel thorugh stres n psuh urself to the limti, be willig nhave hgi pain baearing abiltiy
be wilig nto pu t ursfl thru the pais nteh disconfort the struggle the inconvicen adn wor kahrd
slog arhd take pais and efft keep workgi ncostnyl inroder to get htgis ndoe nadn wrok doen to
achveh ur gasl.
Work is painful tis inocvncnet its chaigngi nadn bidnign, the brai ndoenst lei kt o wor kahrd the
impuvsl brnea it want sot sleep alze relx, not o yl thth ahrd wor k si binding u a get trapped I nti
cahidned ot it, you cant d oanyhtign else enjoy have fu netc..,. uahve ot sacrificie everything
else, all fu nenjy ment, remind urself thth its wrht it, be willgint otake pais nadn effrts psuh
ursefl to the limit put uself thru the stress and so on ,ad ninivence pais naetc.. and work work
slog work hard wrok logn horus ocnstously nonstop inorder ot gthgsi ndoe nwro kdoen htht
needso t be doe nt oachveh ur gaosl, effrt taek = work doen., keep working, htigsn dotn get
doune o ntheri own or happen o nther iwon u have to take efffrt and wro kahrd ad o it keep
working ot get itoden.
Be determed ot work hard psuh yrsef l to the mlimit the extra mile to get thgis ndoe nadn wrok
dne! Thth needs ot be doe n toachveh ru gaosl, a litile bt I more get moe work doen weh n
uwant otoget up and stop psuh orsefl, reguatle yoruelf.
Wrk hard tstriv leave no stone unturendtoake pais nadn effrts I nroder to gethgisn doe nadn
orwrk done htht needs otb e done toahveh rugoasl.
just keep doig nru work and dogi n ru thing!
and dog nwht neds ot be doen t oacheh the resutl
adn te result wil lautomtaiclly arrive

doit fasti nroder to get iti doenfast

go adn do ti fat t oget it oden fast
go and egt it idoe nfast to odit fast
taek fast actio nt odo ti and geti tioden fast!
take fast qcuik prompt urgent immdiitate actio nt ood it adn to get itodne fast
take fast qui k prompyt rurgent action to do it n to get it dun fast.
Get to it fast keep o nworkig nfatst to get th e wor koe fast!

Don’t waste tiem lazing nad sleeping get up and get to ork to gethgis ndoe nand work doen to
achvhe ur gaosl.
And work hard slog work consitsuyl nonstop, inrodertogethgis ndoe nadn work doen thgisn
doen happen like hth yo uahve to slog, work hard wkeep woring, keep working no nit to gethgis
doe nand work doen tthh need o bt de doen to achveh r golas
Keep doig nwahtu uare dig nadn working o nti
Don’t waste tiem be oocosntyl working nt ogethtigsn done and work doen to ahveh u rgaosl.
Dpotn waste ur item lazing nad sleeping immdiiately get to eowkr ot gethgisn doe nadnwrok
doen to achvhe ur goasl.
Workgfastto gethgsi done nad wrok doen fast!
thigsn dotn happen liek thth automatically on its own work doestn get doen thigsn happen
work gets doen when yo uwork liek acarzy to maek it happen to geti it done
u need ot owrk cocosntly dayn n gith to get a lot oof work doen adn thgis done!
Alwsys ber I nmid nthth tiem is not o nyoru side timekeeps running, coniusly soo dotn waste tie
mdogin otherh tigsn! Be quick work fast , give lal yoru tiem to work and imp thgisn only to egt
work and imp thgisn done!
fuk i need ot be focsued and ncant be distracted
ineed ot get this thign done ant waste my tiem doign thth now, dotn let ppl take yoru tiem, give
ur item to wor kadn imp thgsi ntht wil ebneit oyu and help u achveh ur goals not odign thgis nfor
others thth will ebenfit otrhes and nto bebfit you. All tiem wasted thth u caud have sepnt gviign
t owork and imp thgsi nt oget wor kadn imp thgis ndone, dotn elt pp lsuk yoru tiem, tiem sukers,
suikig nyoru item and makgi nyo udo thgis nfor them, weh n ucan give ht tiem to work oimp
thgisn or fidnign a gf dogi nthgsi nth ilwl hlwp u achveh ur goals nadn wil lebebfit oyu.
-u need ot eb coosntly workign dan nigth sleepless nihgt s togethgis ndoe nadn wrok done yo
ustay awke the whoel nigth as uu kwn hth uened ot get thsi thign doen and u ahve this thig nt
odo and nfinsih!
- you need ot ocosntly be htinkkig nand wrry g abotu the thigsn hth uneed ot get doen tht shud
be alwalys o nyoru midn thgis ntht uened ot od and get doen to achveh r ugaols, .. cant affd to
waste tie mdoig notehr thgisn and unimp thgisn ineed to get thsi thig nodne first!
Be coosntly working takig n effrt nan wrokign arhd in order to get thgis ndoe nadn wrok odne.
Dotn waste tie mdoig notehr htigsn uimp thgsin get ot work give all yoru tiem to yoru wro kto
get wok and imp thgisn done fast and quick and promptly dot naste a min or asec give eac n and
every imin is proeciosu give it to yoru work to get yoru work doen fats and quick ,ad nwork
cnsotnuly long housr 18 hors a day to get yoru work doen fast thth needs to be doen to achvhe
the goal thth u knw I nyoru mid nyo uahv to ahcvhe move fast act fast.
Thnink nad decidie what ot odo and then take action nt o od it fast, I yoru mdi n uneed ot be
cocsntly thinking nas to what todo.
you need ot thin kand worry about it cocsntly and taek determeid neffrt s t odo ti and to get
You need to work fast to do ti and to get ti idone.
Think n ndecide what work yo uneedo to od what thigns oy uneed ot odo towrs d achivng ur
Plan thin k ndeciide hwat work to od owhat thgis nt odotwords compeltign ur fogal awht ot ood
nwext soot ht u kwn wnahtt oto do … soot ht u knw htth u have ot odo this and get this hitgn
doen decide what acito nt otake e awhat wrok needs to be doen towards ahcign ru goals, if oy u
odnt kwn whato to od and have nto deicided what otood nto take n a dcieiso nas othawto to od
towrdsachivng rugaosl wht ot ood next what taks step action nt otake next maek a todo list soot
ht u kwn what otood next if oy udotn knw whato tood then yo uwot ndo anything due ot
indicieosn yo uwotn do any wrok and oy uwot nachhve urgaosl and oy uwot nget any work
done. As yo uahven o idea what ot odo next soo thaek a deicison as ot hwato to od next, so
othth u kwn whato ood nad nyo uwaht work ot od angd oy uwaht acito nt otoake next and you
get ot oowrk t ood oti. Whtt od next lets do this thgin elts comeptlet hs thingnow,. S otht uahe
deiicded nadn oy ukwn whato tood next if oyu odnt kwn what oood then you will ony lwaste
yoru tiem and n to d oanythgi nro get any work doen ro maek gprgress twrdsachign u r goals.
Caueuu ar clueslel due ot indicson o u have n oidea as to hawto tood u naheve nnto take na a
deicso n as ot whahtto onext. Soo uwon do anthytign and jstu wantte tiem or do iotherhtisng as
u have no idea as ot what oto do next hw oto proceed and so n.
Dotn waste tei mgive la lyor tiem to your work to do itnadto geiit odne fast.
Dotn waste tie mdoign oterhh tigsn and unimp thgsi nget oto work to get thgis ndoe nwork
doen fast
take actio nkeep workign t omaek it happe nto gethgis ndoen!
You need ot do what it itaeks to achvie yoru goal knw learn everything thth ucan, if oy uahve ot
learn a new sftwre then learn it tis like tht do what yo ucna whterver ti tkes iwill do t oachevh ur

u need ot be ocosntly at it and after it and at it to keep o ndoign ti and to eget it done!

dont waste teim immdiaitely geto to work to get wrok d oen and to geti tioden fast adn dot
nwaste itemeodign othehrtisgn unim ptghsi ngive lal yur item evry secnadn min t ooyur work to
get hgis ndoe nanda wrok done fast thth needs ot be doen towrdahcing your gasl

you eneed ot be self reguatledadn in order to make urlsef do what u uknw I nyour mid n uhsud
be doing and stpop urlsef form doig nwahtu ukwn ushud nto be doing to gthgis ndoe nwr
kdoen or achvhe urgoals.
u need to owrk take acosntnt acito nbe cocosntly cosntisuly owrkign be onstntly at it ndoing it
takig npaisn sloggign tkaig napis and neefrts nadn wrokig narhd i nrodoeroo to od thgis nad
gethgsi ndoenget wrok doe nt oachveh ru goals.
Not be lazy keep on doing ur wrk, he who doesn’t wrk tht is inaction gets nothing dne n soo
desnt achve his goal n crucial n cirtial n imp thihsgs in life so sffers wen imp tings like money
etc.. is not achved due to lack of action n inaction, he who wrks hrd gains imp things.

Dotn waste tie m doing usels htigsn give all ur item o work and imp tgisn to get wor kadn im
pthgsi ndone tht need t o eb den to hacvhe ur goasl be sroosuad nheardworkgi and isntese work
lie karzy drive ruu slef mad and crzy workg itn take stress and proress wor karhd logn hurs tkate
ht hpais nteh gturel the grind, high api ntoelarnce capcppbitiy t o gethgisn oe nanwd woark do
en and to achvhe ur goals.

Be resolute unbudiign psuhig nhrad trying hard no giving up and so on take intse and determeid
effrt t odo thgisn and gthghgisd doen

sirf kahan khata hai

gana gata hai
aur ganja phukta hai!
bekar baihta hai!
kuh kaam dhan da nahi hai
seesm liek he doesnt aheve anything any wrk to od!
and soo he whiels away his time!
lisitng to msuci i nleasure relatison plesure aluhgign ot serios uat

all, ennreitanemn nt ad fun

and lack of ocotnro la
d nhtwt hsi mimpuslvie midn telles him to od
isalck fo cotnro lad nreugaltoion sitead ogf makgi nhismeslf geto to

work to gethgs ndoen adn work hard take pains nadn effrst stres nstrugles adn strfe to achvhe
hsi goals. dont wate tie mi n ieles,s uselseness, lesrue, cofnrt pelsrue relatiosn enjoymet fun
ennetraitnemdn, lauiggn, nosnsne (meanigelse pupeosoles thgisn aimelss uncessary thgsin th
thwatse ur item uwnatned i anim les thigsn and nosenestigns wathci nnosen thgisn o nteh net
aimelss thgisn uslsel unimp thgsin or nseosn talk thth ameks u alsuh menagnelsthgsn) or
idlensnen adn odign thgis tht hare usesles wont help uachhve anythign unmp ntth u r imspuvel
midn enjyos oding and tlele uto od , and ndoig nothgin get u padn get ot owork slog takie, apis
nad effrst ptu urself thruhg hthe sress, hdiscomfrot adn so on struggle to gethgis ndoe nwrok
doen, nto ahte ottake or shy awy for mtakig nstrigefn fn nad sturggle leavign n oseto ne
untruend willgi tn ogot rugh nad put urslf thrugh struggel and strife to sti contostuyl nad wokr
logn hours to gethigns odenand work doen toachveh rugaosl. bieng isnnste determeid ntryign
ahrd leaivgn no stone untruend i tneh prusuit of ur gaol, enadeorign, o na msis ntakign acito nt
to gehtigsn doen t oachveh ru goasl and smiion, determed effrts puttign edetrmeied effrt to get
thgis ndoen, and ork odne to achvhe ur goals beget seriosus no nosnen mangi nbuseisei nhtth is

only meangiful thgisn, purpseofu lthgisn , necessry thgis wantned htgisn , get ot obsueisen adn
so on, nthth dotn watse ur tiem,
you needo tbconstl y wrokig work ahrd nad nwork fast! Iek carzy lie kmad isnttseyl To gethte
work done! And to geit tioden fast as fast as you can!
He who is lazy odenst get imp thgsi ndone, or wor kdoen and so osurrfers due ot lack of inacio
nadn not beign abel to achhve gals n ciritical imp hgis nin lfei lek meony cuuircla for surutirival,
Soo don’t be lazy work ahrd take pais nand efrts I nrodoeorot gethgsi ndoen thth ened t o be
doen t oachvhe ru gaosl stife! Ot gethgis ndoen. Wrk oden tjkae efffrt ot gethgis ndoe nwrok
doen, effrt taken = wrk done

be cocosntly at it and afrter it and doig it, contiucly take pains n effrt go thru all stress strain
pains n effrts, itakeing effrts to ood ti and gti ioden yo uneed ot work hard slog be atit it
cocosntly at it iadn doign ti inorder ot ogethgs ndoe nadn work done tht needs to be dun to acve
ur goal

be cocosntly at it after it adn doign t i to doti and to geti idone

wrikgi nahrdn n sloogig nadn takign apis nand efftrt workign csntisul nonstop dany n ngith ot od
ti and to get itidone! to get thgis ndoe nadn work done.
How iw lthi s happen? How will all ths thing get doen? It wotn appen or get done automatically
on tis own the only way all this will happen and get den is fi you work hard nadn srive cosnstnyl
and are wrokig n like carzy t odo ti and get t iodne.

htigsn dont ahppe nautioamtically on ti s own thgis nahppe nweh u wokr liek carzy to odit adn
geti tioen and oy ugoes thorguh and u dotn caere waht happens if oy ufall down if oy udie
workign ahrd work neer killed any body its paindufl but it nver kilele d any bod,y
and remid nursle to tkae the apsi n and effrts kwnoign thth tis orht it hth uare gettign thgsi
ndoe nwrk doen and reachgi nclsoer to your goals and tth it iwl l eb wrth ti when u achvhe ru
gaosl. thgisn ahppe n whe n take acito nt odo them and t ogethtem doen, wo kr ot maek it
happen to do things n get things dun nwrk dun
achivng a goal si nto easy its very paisn gufl uneed high pain tlrance ability casue thehr si a lot of
work invoed soo much work thht it wil l drive yu crazy, dogi nti, u needo t bstayf ocsued be
cocosntly atit I doing ti , take the paisn the discmfrt of cowwkrig, drive ursefl isnane and crazy
wrokign cosntly inroder to get tht piel laod ofo work done. Tt hneendso t be doen to achveh
urgoals. And u uneed to be deortmed ot od it push trough eprsit not give up be tenacious and
be tartarit be deretmed to work ahrd take effrt nadn do ti to do it and to geti t oden nad u need
ot be wilig nt owrok hard, har d wor ksi apis nful, oy unened ot be willing t owor kahrd to
gehtgsn doe nandw rok doen to ahhe ru gaos.
Be willgint work hard take the strife wpais nefrt d what ever ti takes be oocnsntly working
nlsoggign dayn ngith cosntoly I nroder to gethgsi ndoen and wrok doen to achhve urgoals

Take effrt be coosntly working stay focused dotn wate ite giv a l u r item to oyur work I nroderto
ogethgsiongs oden wro kdone to acheh ru gaosl . its nto easy to ahhve ur gals nd htehr si a lot
ofo work inveodl and u needo t be ccosntly wrkign inroder to get all the wor kdoen, taking api
andn effrts be will to take the pasi n determed t opush and not giveu p or give in, be wilgint tot
kae the piasn nad effrts do wahteer ti takes to gethigns doen and work doen t oacvhe ru goals.
much work that needs to be done, so be ocosntyl working to od it and to get itiodne
deciide what work need s ot be doen t oacvheh rugoasl. Tihink n decide.

Dotn waste item on unimp thgisn u have limtieed time other hwise work si nto done give al ur
item to oyur work ot get work and im pthsi ndoen to achvhe rugasl.
Thht psuh to work hard strive is worth I t as it bears fruit in terms of goal a hcive d
Quikly take it for odig nt iadn get itto it ot get it idoen fast.

be cosontyl at it adn workig no nt iadn doign t itakign pasi an effrts not shy away for mtakig nais
nadn effrts be willig nt otake paisn and effrts detemred ot tkae effrt detemred effrt topsuh
thrugh nad nto givi nadn giv up and costnously workign o nti adn doign it to do ti adn to geti
how much work didi u get oden i nt eh day!

Yo uahv lited tiem dotn wast your tiem doing toerhtigns ocen tiem si ogne its ofnge, and you hae
no tiem elft to get wrok doen then and oekwr remaisn unfisnhed, give lal your item to oyur
work to get thgis ndoe and work done never waste tiem not even a min or a sec doig ntoerhigns
give all yoru item to your work to ge thgis ndoen and work doen to achveh ur gaosl.

Yo uhavelimtied tiem don’t waste yoru itme dogui nunimp thgis ngive all oyur item to owkr and
imp thgs nt oet work and imp thgis ndoe ntoerhthgisn u can d oat otherh tiem during the itme
allcaoted forit later o ndurign wok r do only work soo thht work doens get itntreted and
nstopped and delayed. Give all tiem to work during work tiem do only work and so oth ua r
focuedo n it nad odign it nyl and their s n oditstracito and ndiversio nand interference otherh
thgisn u can do at otherhtime during the tiem allocated ot it, ay no t oehrhtigsn during work
tiem for eg social media etc. at otrh thime . during ur orwkr tiem u shud do o nyl your work, do
everythgi nelse later o ndurign the tiem allocated for it.

if yo uwork at a slow pace at thsi pace yo uwill get nothig ndoen, or oy uwil take ages to get
thgis ndoe nadn gaes to ahcei urr goals yo uneed ot gethgsi ndoe nfaster tt si work fast wor
kcosnoutly nosentop to gtet htgsndoe nwro kdoen fast adn hvnceachvie urgolas fast!

nto shy away for m tkaign extra effrt takig npais nand effrts endrvauriign striivng leaign n ostoen
unterd gogi nthe extra miels
pushign urslef ot he imit wilign totake stress ndaos on, adn inovncie nadn disocmfort inroderto
gtethgis ndoen wro kdoen t oahvh ru goals.

Engngei slf regutlion, regutle yoruslf to make urlsf o dh tigns whn t u shud be doing n nsotp
doing thgisn ushud nto be doing.

6) At the end of the day you need ot reflt how mu hthgisn work oy ugot done hth needs to be
doe .. nt oachvhe ru goals nad if you r day was nto producite thth t is u didn’t get an wro koden
or a lot ofo wor k doen then why yo udidint get wrok doen for wath reason? Were u lacing
cotnro lreugalton where u uwastign tiem doing otehrhtigsn dan o os on. soo oas ot improve ru
alef work o urself ot mek ur self better nan dm ro proeuitve eac h day. If oy uare nt getting thgis
ndoen work oden or beign prodtuie the nyo uened ot knw why are u slepeign too mch , are oy
udistrcted are oy unto working narhd wenoguh, and s o oon. Doesit it lake so logn to get itidoen
and so on. what yo uened ot odo to be productive nadn get mreo doen I na day cause the only
way to achhve ur goals is to get a loto o f htigsn doe nadn work done.
7) Make a t do lsits diecde what thgisn to owdo what work to od for the day towards achvgn ru
gaosl, think fo what work ot od next towards achivgn ru gaol. Wht t od next lets do this lets
ocmspelte this thing now
You need ot be detemred ot work ahrd and take instnsnte stern unbidgig nreletless detemred effrt t odo
ti and to get itidone. Hard wro ksi painful bt its worth it ocne uachvhe ur goals soo remind urself ht tis
worth it .
Wor k ahrd super hard nad nwrok fast nadn istsely inroderot ogth gisn doen and work doen to achvhe ur

Triyng tofigure out what u hsud do and what u husd nt o do and why the eresoning behind ti, inorder to
succeed, tish su be like this not lie kthth I t shud be doen this way nto tht way for this reason! Yo
uneeed ot ood it this way nto thth way ofr this reason ifo yu want ot osuccedd.
You neeeed to og all the way I nt oti nto ehstate go all the way itn toti work ahrd give your 200
5 dotn be shky or ehstet or unsreu be cofndent nad or half eart effrt amy be and so on, go fully I nto ti t
put urslf totoalty I nt oti not half wa y invoele ursefl ully ive fuly I ntotit to od ti and gti tioden be o n a
msioion tkaign action nto o ti and to get tii doen.

-“keep in mind keep yoru sight o nyoru goal, soot ht u dontlsoe focus and perspective sas u kwn I
nyour mdi n hthth u have this gal to ahchve and also remmeebr what yo uneeed ot oodo wor k u
things u need oto od o r get doen to achvhe r goals, and then your msisio ns hould be to get the tigsn
doen get wro kdoen tth needs to be doen to ahveh ur goals.”
-Your mission nshould be t obe higy lproduditve to get as micu htigsn doen I na day as you can, casue to
ahhve ur gaosl the ony lway ot oahhchve ur goals is ot geht the things doen and work doen tht needs to
be oden to ahhve ru goals soo think about it thshht hsud beoyur msiiso nto tgettignwork doen and thgis
ndoen a lto ofo work odnte thth is beign hihgyl productive, measure your day I nterms of how
rpoducitve ur day was and hwo much work u need ot oget tdoen.
-You cant afford ot obe e alzy to achvhe ur goal oy uned to geth gis ndone be highy lproductiv e geat a
loto of oowrk doen caseu its nt oeasy to ache urgoals tthrersisi a lot ofo work thth needso t be doen to
achve ru goals soo yo ushoudl ocus on getting thgis ndoe nadn work done and you need ot be owrkign
hard working ncocosntly becocosntyl after it work your butt off t oget work doen and thigs ndoen bee
coocsntly working t and doing ti be willig nt oork hard and take paisn sn ad effrts adnsturggles and ahrd
work to gethigsn doen and work oden to achveh ur goals.
- y oucant ast tie mdoign unim tpghsi ngive all yoru tiem to work and imp tgis nt oget work do en give 18
horus a day to work sleep only 5 horus, odtn waste ite msleepign lazing tinkign of unim pthgsi ndoign
otehrhtigsn unimp thgsi ngive max tiem t owork to get htigsn doen and work doen be aware as to hwo
uspend urt iem what uuspend uritem on.

”dotn waste your tiem doing toerhthigsn unimp thgisn, do oyur work only givelal yor time ot work and
imp thgisn only o get work and imp thgs ndoe nfast downt ate item lssepign and os on stay focsuded o
nyoru misiso nadn on your goal thth si keep o nwokrign doig nur work to get owkr doe nand to achhve
ru misiso nand ur goal”

hhhtehr are lot of othgisn i nhsi mid - elon msuk

as to whto to od thth is he is progremd
to not lsoepersepctive of his goaland mssion!
adn wht he needso to do to ahchve htth goal and msiison!
work o nt it be takig nas nadn efft enadvaorign and tring hard be ococsntly workign o nti to do ti and to
geti tiodne!

thehr si onyl soo mcu thei myo uahve oy uget onyl 24 horu s s o oyo ushud nto wast tit give ur item onyl
to imp thgis ndotn wast item doig nnimp thgsin!

not hsy away hesttet turn away for mworkig narhdn and goig nthe extra mile and tkaign all pais nedvalrs
adn efrts i nteh pursuit o f ahcivgn ru goasl be dtermedto t kae effrts t odo thgis nadn gthgisn doen to
ahchve ur goals relelntlss leabivng no stone unturend workgi narhd takign effrt to od thgis nand gtthgis
ndoe nadn wrok doen to achveh urgoals.
firm detmermed relantles nto givign up detemred efrt unabigign effrt ..massive effrt and enandvoru try
ahrd to ahchve rugoalsand gethgisn doen and wro kdone and nto gie in or giveu p nto bwign afrd ot go
the extra mile willgint orowr kahrdn and take extra effrt I n the pursuit of ahcivng ur gaosl. Zorat try
keep ur try ongoing then soemthign or the hoterh wil happen I f ouy strop triyn ntoghi nwill ahpen and u
anhe to try hard tht si alppyl to 1000s of jobs then u get 10 inteviews nt oeb alzy try ahrd o uahv too wrk

You needo tb e willgi nt work ahrd nadn od whatever it takes to achvhe ur goal nad gget thgisn done1
htht neeed ot be doen to ahche urgoal

U need oto be willgi nt work hard ot gethgis ndoe nwro kdoen for the sake of ahcivng ur goasl rmeaigd
urslef hth hard work is painful lbut oy uhvaeo to od it fro the sake of ahcng ru gaosl and reqrds nad the
reand its wrth it cause uthe rewrd is sweet italsl for the good the ahrd oywurk u do or sacrifices oy
umaek I nteh process fo nt oodig ntoerhtigsn saciifign fu netc.. for the tsska e fo givng al ltie to work for
the sake of ahcvign ru goasl

Dnt wast etiem doing unimp thgis nget otowork now!

u have to owrk hard causeu thehr si soo mc hwor k thth needs ot be oden wahen ti cosme ost ahcivgn
your goals thht if oy udotn work ahrd logn horus u will get ntohgin doen adn o u wotn hachve ur goasl
dotn giveu ur tiem to uimp thgis ngive it to imp thgis nonly!

itsn ot toatly about moeny

caise ifi it was onyl abotu moeny
hen after earngn his milliosn he wud have stopped
and after ahcivng hth goals he wud have rested and
on a ebach adn relxe
istned of workig nahrd tkaign all tht stresn ad pustiitgn hisemlf
throguh all tht htrouble nad work
be use thts the mtoivaiotn adn driv thh
fro everyhtign hse isi sodign aall the stress he istakign all the
ahrd wor keh is doign ebign detemrmeid nadn putitgn hismelf throguh
it all
the qustein is nto th h ineed meoyn but why i mneedm eoyn i dotn need
i need meonty to caret huamn prores nadn advnneemnt
tis baout beign o na msiion!
to acceelrte the progers of hman ccivlizaiton!
to be uesful
to adnve create adnnvemnt of huam nciviliziaot n
rpgress tech etc.. maek life better nadn mre ocnvient!
thths what rrives y ou i it was moeny
then elon wd have after ernign meony he wu hd ave stopped
adn rested d osem hewere o nth br ech he is o na msiio nt odo
osoemthign create progress accelarte huamn civsitaozn forwrd
i ntiem its leithht soo thth huamsn beocem multi panalentry or soalr
system civlazaitons space faring ciivnaliton!
hths it its strted hsi misiso n has strted now!
it seems!

he isi serisou diditemreidn

no nosens n
adn on a msiion!
- elon musk htht is progrmed i nmid nt oachhve hsi goslas
nto lsoe persepctive of oyur goals and sights!

To gethgisn doen and wrok doen strive dterrmed effrt

Now I need ot get his thing oden now!

How ot be more productive get mre “wrk, thngs stuff”doen thth needs t be oden to achvhe ur goals

“ur tiem si limited and hence imp and procivosu, and valuable realse the imp and value of time, tdotn
wats ti oy ugot only 24 hurs a day and you live only 60 produive years so give oyur item only to imp

Time management: mamnge your time: give oyur item only to imp things your tiem is limited odtn
waste it doing unimp thgsi, ocne uu lsoe tiem yo uwtis goen u wil never geti ti back soo spend ur item
wisely be careful las o th wo uspend urtiem doig nwaht, dotn wate tiem doing umip thgsin hht wil brign
u giveu u n obeebft nad gain,, I cant waste my doig ndoign all thth I have more imp things to do. Be
careful and cautious as to hwo oyu spend your item doign what! your tiem si very limtied and hence imp
dotn waste yoru tiem doin unimp thgisn give youritem onyl to impthgisn do onyl imp thigsn work and
imp thgisn to get wor kand imp thgsi ndoen t oachveh ru gaols, dont waste tie mdoign uimp thgisn liek
sleeping, lazing realxig, doign unimp thgsin, or thinkig nfo unimp thgis, give all yoru tim only to imp
thgsin to get work adn imp thgsin doen, tie mmamgemtn what oy ugive yoru tiem to is imp, giveu ur
item to imp thgsi nonyl dotn waste yoru tiem doign uni phgsi ntth hwill bring n u no bebefti and gain, u
get only 24 horsu a day, soo spndu ur tiem wise yl b consdireate nadn carfeul as otwhat u usepdn ur item
on lie kwate r oy ushud lnt owaste yoru tiem once tiem is gone ists gone uu will never get ti back! soo
spend gvie ur teim to imp thgsi nony luse yoru tiem wisely dot nwaste your time, ghwo u spend ur item
doign what otn waste oyur tiem doing unim pthgsi ncausue if y ud othen yo ulsoe tiem, adn then imp
thgisn are nto done, and left undoen and golas are no ahchve d na hten u ave no time elft ot et wo karn
d im thgsi noden adn u cant achhve urgoasl then and it get s dealyed work si delayed and nahcivgn
urgoasl are delayed.
Frst uu wast your tiem al lth tie mthth u have doig nunimp thgis nisntead of odoig nimp thgsi nadn the
naure like whehre th fuk didi the time go and the nyo uahve no tiem left to od imp thgsi and nthe nip
thgis ndotn get doen and are delatyed and nyo urun out ofo otie madn dotn get htgis ndoe nadn ehcne
dotn achveh ru goasl. Better strt early get everyhtig ndoe nadn achhve ur gaosl and do everything else
later on than t ood everhtig nelse unimp thgis frst and the nrun out of all the tiem tth uavhe nthe nkeep
imp thgsi nfro alter whadn run out of tie msuc hthth u dotn have tie mletfto to od owork and imp thgsi
and soo ucant get work and im tgs I ndoe an ncat achvhe ru goals

Better t strt early and get imp thgis ndoe nfrs wro ko nimp thgsi nfrst and keep everyhign else for later o
nadn and do im pthgsi fnrst nadn ache urgoals and after thth uare fre to do ootehr htigsn than to do
unimp thgis nfinshh uof unimp thgis nfrst nadn lose all the tie mthth u have, the nget ot owork ot od imp
thgsi n nad u realse htht uahve n otie mleft u run out of tiem and o ucant get imp tghsi ndoe nand cant
achvhe ur goasl

U hsudn to waste yoru item oyur item si limited u shdu give ur toem only to imp thigns.

Thehr is soo mcu hwork to be odne otn waste ite mdoig niuinimp thgsi ngive devte al your tiem to oyur
owr lk to get work doen and achhve ru goasl fast.

Hwo u spedn ur itemt si imp

Speed at which uget hgis ndoen si imp , dotn delay wait nadn waste tie mact now doo it no w get ti iodne

No item to od oethehr igtngs give ru teim t owork and imp thgis nto get work and imp thgis ndoe nfast
don’t while u rite maway. Understnadn nrelase the imp of oyur tiem. Do it fast get iti odne fast.

Does tii ttaeksoo muc h tiem t odo it and geti itodne work o nt icosntisuly get after it ito odti nad eti
idoen fast n quick dotn wast eitm doing unim thgsin.

Move fast take fast quci kprompt urgent catio nt to od it and get iti odne fast.

Dotn act as ifi itiem doentst exsit for ou

Does ti take soo mcu htiem to geit itodne? U need otwork on ti ocsntly to do ti and to get tidoen fast!

oden faster than later. Better to geti tiodne a few motnsh before thn a few moentsh later

Ur item is mlimtied make productive use fo oyur tiem , give u r tiem only to imp thgisn odnt wast ti oidgn
unimp thgisn. Casueu ifu do unimp tgsi nthen u lose tiem, tht si lited thth tiem tht cud have been given t
oimp thgsi nt oget work and im ptgsi nsi gone ad then work is not doe nadn gaosl are nto ahhcved and
ndelayed nadn then u ahvn o item left to get work doen and impt hgsi ndone u strt rungi nou t of tiem an
d then you cant ahchve urgoasl then
Be ocsniderate caereful a ost thwo u spend ur tiem doig nwaht dt nwaste item odig nunim tghsin whilgi
nru tiem way on iunimp thgsin.

How u spend oyur tem doig nwaht? Spend ute I mdoign im pthgsi nonly

Bevale oyur tiem realse the imp fo tm e ur item si ilimied say o to unimp thgsi nstop odig nunimpthgsi
ndotn wste yoru tiem doig n unimp htisn g give ll l u rite t owork and imp thgs nt oget wrok and imp thgs
ndoen. To achvhe urgoals. Give max tiem to work and imp thgsi not get wor ka nad imp thgis done
evelote ur item to work n and imp thgisn give uritem to work and im pthgsi ndot nwaste while your
limited tiem away by doing unim ptghsi ndotn waste you tir item by odig nunimp thgsi nocen thth tiem si
gone yo uwil enver geti tiback nad hth time thth cudh av been given to work and im pthgs I nt oget work
doe nadn ahcvie ur goals nadso on is goen and u will enver get it ibackm and before y knw it you are
oldand u have n otiem left its all gone then wasted vhield sqandered away awawy.

Be careful as to hw o uspedn yur item , what are yo uallocatign your tiem to work, recreatiosn etc…
when orwrkign do oyur wrok ony ldotn odo thrthigsn draw a lien between wok r and recreation whe
nuare working u hsd only be wokrign nad nto odig ntoerhthgisn.

Be considerate about urtiem dotn toake toot logn to get hgisn doen dilly dallying do it fast get it ioend
efast, be considerate as to hwoyo uspend ur item what oy uspend oyur tiem on if oy uwant ot osucee it
memmgt is imp nto waste n lsoe ur tie mdoig nunim tghsin. Be cosndierate careful as to hwo u spend ur
item and what u uspend ur itme on. frst u uenedo treasie the imp of tiem why yo ur tiem si imp and then
spend ur imet only on imp thgisn nto waste tiem doig nunip thgsin.

Inoreder ot be producitvenand get more done You need ot be highy lextremyly eextermely considerate as
to hwo yo u sped yu r tiem, paln your tiem down to th e lats t detail lastte minute ever y min and single
sec cutns nadn nto let it slip away, le I kdown to the last min, eapln every 5 misn slottht way yo
udotnwaste ur tiem tiem doig nunimp tgsi nu are careful even for 5 misn htht si h wo u spend your 5
misn for eg, if oy u paln for hour then yo uiwll sepnd say 30 mins reaign uncessary articelsn and 30 misn
owkrign but if oyu paln u r tiem to 5 misn then u wotn waste even a 5 mins. Ntolet even 5 mis nslip
away.y caue then you are htinkig no be hour but min be min, and enve 5 mis naar imp to oy uwhe nyo
uthin kabout hour then 5misn are ntohgi naure lie kohh I can waste 5 misn reading this article btht the
nthsoe 5m is no got o10 mins its only 5m is nafter all I have na nhoir to gethis htign den, but when u
think min by min enve 5 mis nare imp to oyu

Also oy ushud not dilly dally tktth is take a logn t iem ot gethtigns oden u need ot be fast, yo uahve got 5
mosnisn to do this thing, if oy uodnt tiem your activity then yo uwil ldilly dally nadn take a logn tiem to
odit, but if oy utiem oyur acitiity yo uahve 5m is nt o do this then you will rush up and do ti fast and take
action nto delay action. as u ukwn tht uahve just 5 mis nt ood it an u hve to gti tioden I ntht mcu htiem .
And ht hacelartes the action and doesn’t dilly dally hth is delay theaciton.

Be cre fu la s o th wo u sepdn oyur item pesend uru tiem doing only imp thgisn
Yo uahve 24 horus so owhat will you give ur itme t odoig nwaht practice tiem boxing , make 1 hours iem
slots and dedicde what yo uwil lgive aeach hour to. Htt hway oy uae mreo care as ot hwo u spend u r
item doig nwaht donet waste tie mlsoe tie mby odig nunim thgsi n th thwi lebign u no ebeft nad gai
nadn wont help uahcve ur gaosl. Give max tiem t owokr and imp thgsi nt oget work and imp thgsi ndoen
don’t waste tie mwhiel away you ir tie mdogi nunim pthgsi nocne u lose tiem u wil enver get iti bac k ti s
gone, andhten work and imp thgsi nleft undone.

If oy uwanot osucedi n lfe I u need otbe really good wit hitme and get betterwith tiem. Nto ac t as if tiem
diest exist for oyu.

Ify uwant to sueed in life you need to be godo wit htie mget better wit htie mfor hth unee ot realse the
vlaeu the imp of tie mtth ur tiem sihighy lepricosu cause tis limited onceu u lose tiem its goen uwotn geti
ti back soo odnt while uur item way doing unimp thgis ngiveu uritem to imp thgisnonly, need to value
your tiem, and mange your tiem and be really good wit time, for htht u need ot udnerstdn the value ad n
imp of tiem and sepnd our tiem wisely dot nwhile oyur tiem away udenrstnd the imp fo time, dont give
tiem to uinmp thgis ngive ur item to imp thgsi nonyl thth will ehlp u achvhe ur goasl and imp tghsi ni

You get only 24 hours a day,spen d yur item wisely 6 horus sleep don’t sleep more than thth give the rest
of tiem 18 horus to work and imp thgsi nonyl t oget work and imp thgsi ndoe nfast, and to ahchve ur
goasl dotn waste ur item doig nunimp thgisn.

What u spend ur item on wher you spend ur tiem? Give ur tiem to imp thgsin only odtn wast tie mdoig
nunim pthgsin ocen u do iunimp thgisn and u lseo tiem its gone u wotn egeti tiback, and imp things are
left undone and then u ahe no tiem left foto do imp thgsin as a rsutl u run out of otiem and wrk and im
pthgisn are nto gdoen andgoals are nto have d or they get delayed and soo is the rewrd and so oon. U
lose tiem and get nothgi ndoen and o soon.

what are you ggivng ur tiem to give urutiem to imp thgsi nony ldotn awste tiem doing unimp thgisn.

All tiem spent doing work and imp thgisn very little tiem for recreation, hwo o uy spedn your tiem is imp
sped oyru it m eproducitively, doing work and im pthgsi nyo uahve 24 horus a day, soo give uru tiem to
work and im pt hgsi nony ldotn waste while your tiem away, doing unim thgis nand waste your tiem
doig nunip thgisn, if oy uwast tie m yo uachveh ur goasl and get wor doen delayed nad neither y uwot
nahve tiem leift nadn wontachvhe u r goals as it will eb too late or yo uwil lacheh them very late and u
won be albe ot nj y the rewrd for a logn tiem.

SucessCuesful ppl value their time , they paln their actiivites to the minute or even 5 min s they realse the
imprtnatnce of tiem thth tiem si limited they give tiem nyl to imp thgisn they odnt let anynone takeaway
their tiem, they knw once u lose time u will never get it back, I have ip htigsn to do , I must giv my tiem to
imp thgis nonly doen taste tie mdoig nunimp thgsin, causeh tn imp thgis nare nto done and u lose thime
and then yo uhavn o itme left to do imp thgsin, and to achvhe rugoals andit gets delayed , achvig ur
goasl and getting wrk doen and soo the furits and rewrds get delayed foreg, if oy ubomce a miloanre at
30 vs yo ubecoem a millioanre at 70 and oy udie at 85 thehr si a huge difrnece you will eb abl to nejy the
rewrds fo your sues and pece of mind security hht ocems with oit for 15 years only vs the 45 years.

Thths why u need to be very fast nn n quick and strt early dot nwasti dotn keep it for later dotn dealy n
ndotn losechacen nad pportuntiy by wasting tiem and nto doing imo things.

“Very little time for recreations, 80% working tie mspent on sapcex and 20 % spent on Tesla, how much
tiem a girl needs? 1 hour a day? Thht means 10 horus a week?”

You shud not wate ie m give lal your item to work adn imp thgsi nt oget hwork ad imp thgsi ndone to
achvhe ur goasl! yo uaheve 24 horsu i na aday dotn wate ti give max of oyur tiem deveiote ma ofo yur
teim to work adn imp thgsin t o get wor kadn imp thgis ndoen fast adn t oachvhe ur goals and be seriso
unad no nosensen!

Work ahrd be take pasi and neffrst be ocosnyl working o nti to do it and to geti ti odne get oyru work
doen .

Think n wrry about ur goal constntly:

you needo think and worry about it dayn nigth

hwo to get a pr - omapyn thht wil lsponsor you for BC pnp
and how to get jbo think and worry about htse two thigsn only!
yo uneed ot oocnslty be htinkgin n wrryign about it!
only then you will think n wrry abotu what htigns work yo uneed ot odo ot ahcvhe hth gaol , and onyl
then yo uwil ltake action if its not inyrumid nif oy are nto coocsntly thinkign o f yoru gaol thth si PR and
job then you wont be doign tgsng work thth needs ot be doen to acveh urgaol. Get after ti to d it and to
get iti done. Focus o nyoru pR only take effrt to od it and to geti tiodne be cocosntly after ti to do it and
to get it done.
You needo t be fast and nserisou aheve a senesn of urgency d o this thing and get this thing done fast
nto slow! Nd be serios uadn no nsoens nad to the poit nadn sincere now nto twaset tiem and be very
direct and srght forward.
You need ot apply for BC PNP and pr qucik dotn wait for 1 year , dnt miss the cahcen and opportunity
take fast quick prompt urgent action. in thes forumontsh yo ushoudl finfih the BC PNP nad PR

speak your mind be very direct straight forward n osneo nad dicspliend thth is man of acito namn of
wrok! Serios usicnenre strgith forward no nosnesn nad meaning buiseness,
Other wise the y will say he is good for nothing, he is useless, he is not a perso nfo work. be a amn fo
work, say wahttalk wahts improtntn work stuff only.

Think of what work ot od toarwds ahcivng ur goal this goal what shud we do now what shud we do
next? Lets do this thing you need ot ood this by oyur own talet n I nlfie never depend on anyny one if
oyu do then tis unpredictable you are at their mecy and will and shish, and also it takes mroeitem to
gethgisn doen cause its ahrd ot ocnivnce others iffo y ucan do ti then go forit so othth u can geti tiodne
fast at a fatste r speed rate nad npace, try wit hyour best effrts now to od it and to get itiodne!
-raelsie the hufrgency of the stiatuion and fdo ti fast nadn get itiodne fast dont lose or missi the cahce
or the oprtinity work o ti dany nigth dotn sleep and ay dwon take fast qucik prompt urgetn fast isntnstes
actio nimmdiate acito nthis is is an energecny t od it and to get it doen fast! n be safe an secure! htth si
seucre ruusefl.

-you need to get after it apply for BC pnp and PR fast as fast as you can dotn delay the PR thing you need
ot star working o nyoru PR applcaitio nfor mnow and for yoru BC PNp aplciaiton fr mnow onwards. Get
taolly I nto ti dedeaite and deveote all yoru tiem effrt nadn energy to thth only. Don t waste yoru tiem
doig nunimp thgsi nbe serios uadn n o nosensen now! An dsicpliendn and dtermed. And driven. And
sincere bout it.

-Yu need ottakefast qcuik promptand urgent acito nt odothgis adget thgisn doen fast and quik and

-Don’t wate your item sleeping lazing thinking of torhhtigsn unimp thgisn

Tpo regulate yorusefl keep eo things I nmidn this is what u ened ot od 1) keep I nmidn rememebrwhat
oy uneed ot odthigsn like “you hsuld nto wats tie msleeping alzign u ahvel imtied tiem, you get only
24 orus a day soo give all yoru tiem to oyur wrok amx iem to work, make the most ofo the tiem you
have by odign as much work getting as much work doen as oy ucan and beign prodcutivem akign
productive use of oyur tiem,” and things like “you needot work ahrd slog ot geth thgosndoen willgi nt
ottake paisn and effrtsad n work cocsntly isntnsely to get thgis ndoen and work done” and “enengei
nself regaution privde reg thgotus t oame k urslef do what u ukwn I nyour mid n ushud be doing

O uknw I nyour mdi nhth ushud nto eb watign tiem nd it occurs to oyu and so oyu think accordingly
lets nt owate ite mdogi nunimpthgsi neltsget to work and so oyo ustop doig ntoerhthgisnadn get t
oowrok , the process is automatic most of othe teism and atiems you need to nengei snelf reguatlion.

you knw oi nyoru mdi nwha u ushud nshdu nt ot be dogn n nhenceoy u thinki accoridgly and hecne
you do ti and follw oit, iftis nto thehr i ynoru mid nthe nyo uwont doit and follwo it. for eg yo uknw in
your mdi nthth ushud nto eb awaitng yoru tiem so o yo uthink lets nto wate tie melt s get tot oowrk
adn so o u y get oto work. you knw oiny or umdi nthth ushudnt be watign tiem odign unimp gtigsn
and so oy udotn wate tie mdoign unimp thgsin its lei ktth its lei msuvlece mmeemry yo uknwo hw oto
sign and so oy using ththway oy uknw hw oot walk so oyo uwalkt hth way tis msuvle memery.
Sismalry itsi nyoru mememry what otodo and sd so oy udo thth follow hth . you knw I nyoru mdi nthth
u hsudbnt be wasting tim e odign unim ptghsi nsoo oy usay no to unimp thgsi nadn dot ndo
otherhtigsn unim pthgsin and yo uegto ot owork to od work and im ptgsin, yo ukwn htht u hsud t be
smokig nciragrets nad its nt good foro yu r health and so oy udont smoke cigarettes! Itsl ie kthth usay
n ot oti t. yo uknw I nyoru mdi nwaht to odo what uudhsu n shud nto bedoign thgsn like “ yo ushud
nto waste item doig notehrtigsn unimp thgisn , yo ushud do oyur work and imp thgisn etc…”and hcne
yo udotn do otrhhtigsn say n tot o otehrhtigsn and you do oyurwork and imp thgsin “ you need ot
work fast nad o soon” and hence oy uwork fast and so oon, yo ukwn whatoto od and hen oy udo ti
and follw oti. Itsl ie kyo uknw hwo ot drive and so oyo udrie with ot uthinkgi much tis automaticitsl
eikt hth, if tis nto thehr I nyoru mdi nhten yo uwotn do it, yo ukwn wahto tood so oyo uthink accrodnly
and hne u od it nad ofll oti

u need ot keep i nmidn waht u ushud n hsud nto be doign soo htht u knw i n your mdi nwht u shud n
hsud not be doign n hence you do ti n follwo it

keep i nmid nthgsi liek oy unee ot be very fast do thgsi nfast nto wate tiem doig ntoerhtigns unimp
thgis nthth way y uknow i nyour mdi nwaht u u need ot odo adn hecen u do ti and follw oit.

keep i nmid nthgsi liek oy unee ot be very fast do thgsi nfast nto wate tiem doig ntoerhtigns unimp
thgis nthth way y uknow i nyour mdi nwaht u u need ot odo adn hecen u do ti and follw oit.

1A) Enage I nself –regaution

yu needot eb highy lself regaltedi noddero t maek urself do ti and folwo it if oy uare nt oself reugalted
then yo uwill eb out of ocntrol thth is yo uwotn do waht uare supposed to od yo uwill end up doign
thth waht u are not suppoed to eb doign.

- y uneed ot enange I snelf regatli o nt oamek ursel do ti and follw oal this
-you need ot remember the last rule is thth u need tormeemebr all these es rules keep all thseseh ruels
I nyoru mdi nsoo hh u mreeebr to od oti and yoand follw oit and yo udotn forget! And ifi its nto I n ur
mdi nteh n you wot ndo ti And you need to self reguatle o nthe basisi of thth or you wot ndo
ti.ennegei nself reugaltio neb ocosntly reguatign yorusfl to mek u rslef d owaht uu kwn I nyour
mssenble memeory u shud be doing n t stop urself for mdogin what u kwn I nyorusnesneible memeory
u shud nto eb doing. If oyu odnt enange I snelf reguatlio nyo uwil eb out of ocontro lyo uwont do
whatu u are suppseod ot be odign n u will end u doing unimp thgis nthth aure not supposed to be
odign due ot inmpslive preomiteive memery telling nyo u to o o so oproivign thgots htlelig nyo u ot
odo so, h e whio si in control fo shimlsef cahchve shsi goal and path he who is nto wnaders else wehre.
Adnlsoese track oy uneed ot keep yorusel o ntrack consntly. Thht si taek th reins taek control fo
yourself by cocsntly eneagign I snelf rrugeltion to stop ursfl form doing ohehrhtigns unim ptghsi nthth
u knw I nyoru mid n ushud not be odg I n nmake urlsef do imp thgsi ntth u kwn I nyoru mid n ushud be
if uare alckign cotnro lthth si nto odig nthgsi tnth aure suppsod to eb dign n isnted doign otehrhtigsn
unimp tgsi nthen yo uare lackgi ncontro u lakign self reguatlio nn nu need ot eneagi nselfreguatlio
ncoocsntly to amek urself do what u u kwn I nyoru snsnebiel memry ushu be oding.

If oy uare more reguatled thht sis lf regautled and nococsntly enneagei nself reguatlio nt okeep urslf
o tnrack thth sis doig nwaht u need ot d ond nto yourse off rtrack and correct ursefl everytie m u stray
or go off track tth si brign ursefl back o ntrack or prvent yourse fro mgoig noff track, if oyu are
regulated thth is oy ucosntly ennagei nself reguatlio ntehn yoru chcen ofsucess and achivng your goasl
are heigehr cause theny ouw ill do thgis nthth u are suppseod to o dot ahchve thth goa ladn get a lot
of theigns and work oden nad not od thgisn thth u knw in yoru mdi n ushud nto eb doing but ur
impsulve ememry tells u to do as iti enjoys doing but is unimp no ncnsdusive to ahchveung ru goalthth
si waste our tiemdelays work for mbeig ndoen and so on
u need otget a cotnro la grip hold n nahgn uo nurself

t ostp ursle form dign otehrtigsn unimp thgis nthth u r ipsvel brai ntells u ot ood and maek urself do
thgisn im tp thisg nthth u knw in yoru sesenbel memry oy ushud be doign htht si ocosntly ennage isn
self erguatio nt ocorrt urflse! keep ursefl o ntrak towrds ru goal thth siodign thgsi nwrok and thgis
ntth hu need ot odo hth u knw u need ot ood or follwo to achveh ru gaosl. If oy uhave ocntro lisseu
then it meas htth u are nto enenaging I nself reguatlion

if uare nto doig nwaht uar suposed to be doign and doig nthgis nthh ushud not be dign then ti emans
u alck ocntor lad nregutalion tis a cotnro lisseu u ne to ocosntyl enange inself reguatlio nt ost stop
ursefl form doig ntoerhtigsn sn ad mek urse f od thgsi ntth u kwn u need ot oeb doign

ergautle oyursefl tell yorusefl" dotn wast t item doig ntoerhthgisn , elts do thsi thig nfast lests nto
watse tie mprovide rdrctios ncoamnds istnrcutios nt o drect cotnro ladn reguatel yorusefl maek urself
do whatu u kwn uhsud be oding"

keep urself o ntrack and so on. keep urslef focusedo n ti,

it itakes effrt t ogethgis ndoe nif o uare slacker oy uwot nget anything doen take efft odntshy away
fomr working nahrd! Thgis ndont ahppe nautioamitaclly and work doenst get done o ti o own.

to maek urslef do ti and folw it whatu ukwn inour mid n ushud be doign

tis lie kcotnrollgi na car whe n u sit i ns ac acear yo uare cocsntly ocntrollgi nteh car adn makignteh car
obey, by dreciton whever it voersestse or moves whehre it shud nto go , yo uuse hte sterrign wheel to
ocntrol brign ir back o ntrack.

govern oyusfl camand ursel direct ursefl contor lrusefl steer ursefl

who si i ncotnro you or your impulsive mind if oy u dotn ennge i nsel rugeltaio nteh nteh imsuvel mind
mmery automaitcally taes cotnro lif hte snsenivlbe memery thth is oy uare nto i nfdontol adn
rpintnetisoanlyl provide self regautlry thgsohts. o t ake cotnro lf oyurefl. its all abou ocntrol over
yorusefl. hwo uca n cotnro lulesf ot maek urslef o waht isi dered adn dersed acito ncondusve to oyur
gaol and sto pdoign toerhtigsn udnered uenated acito nn os ncdusive ot oyur gaol. yo uned ot kwn
whaen oyt e be sefl fregautled nand contro lyorusefl and whane o t let loose,

you hwn uare palyig yo ulet loose n free n ocotnrol let go whe nu want otodo owror ketc.. and im
pthgsi nthe n aur mre ore self regautled.and cotnro lyorusefl stter drect urself nregautel yoruself by
rpoficivng intioanylyl on purpose koiwgnly proocign sefl regultry thgotsu ht ocmmdn direct steer
yorusel to amek urself do waht u uk wn u ahsud be odign n not od htigsn ushud nt oeb dioign. .u need
to ocosntyl enngei n self regautlio n if oy udotn then uwil e but fo ocnrtrol, you needo t be mreo
you the sens ialbe memer should taek contro ltaek cahrge take command for mteh impulsvie meemry.
intiaonalyl knwoignly orcefully on pursoe , eange i nsefl regautio nrpovide self reglatroy hgotush
istnrcutios ncomdns cocsnlty to command cotnrol direct yorusefl, maek urself obey follow t maek ur slf
do follow

“well lets nto waste tie m lets get t owork to gethgisn done nad nwrk done”

1) First you need to decide what goal you want to achieve

2) Then you need to deicde every ay wath work you need to do to achieve ur goals, know what oy uneed
ot otdo and what oy ushoud l nt odo what ruels pricneple thgisn to follw oadn wyh what to od nad what
not oto od inroder ot oget work doen be productive, and gethgsi nde ntht need ot be doen t oachvhe ru
goals, hwo to make urlsef d othgis do wrk or do thgisn flwo htigsn nthth need ot be doen t oachvhe r
gaols or otget hteh work doen. Knw whato odo and awaht nto t ood and why the ressosn nad reasing
behindit inorder ot be productive and gethgisn doe nadnwro kdone otachvhe urgaosl.

3) Then your misison should be not only to get tht work done but to get tht work done fast at a faster
speed rate and pace! Keep ths ny oru mdi nremeebr hth ur goal si nto jstu to get work doen butto geti
ti done fast isn to just imp to tgethgisn doe nbut its imp to gethgsi ndoe nfast at a faster speed rate
nadn apce the speed at which u get thgis ndoen si imp.

4) thne oy uneed to knw woath thgisn ou eed ot od hwo oy uneed oto be, waht ruels to follwo thgisn t
follwo inorder ot nto ony laget the work doen thth needs to be doen to achhve ur goals but t o get the
work doen fast Rmemebr thht the goal si not just to gethhte job du nand work dun but to geit itodne

5) you need ot keep in mid waht oyur gaol is waht goal you need to ahchhve and also keep in mind waht
work thgis nyou need to do and get done for the day to achhve ur gaol, waht oyur missin is waht thigsn
yo uneed ot asksk oyu need ot get doen to ahche urgoal, soo as to stay focused o nti ,think fo oyu r gaol
cocosntly adhtin kfo what u need ot ood t othgsn uneed oto do ot ahchve urgoals work oy uned to o
tood and get doen to tasks u need to get doen to achveh ur gaosl, it hsould allways ibe inyoru midn if it s
not i nyoru mdi nthen yo ulsoe track andpersepctivenadn yo uwont doit, for oyu to nto lose perpective,
an ot be on track adn workign to achvhe ur goals nadn workign to gethgsi ndoen thth arenecessry to
achev ur gasl, orhht t need ot be doen t oachhve ur gaosl oy uneed tokeep the i n yoru midn. soo as to
nto lso perspective.soo as ot ostay focused nahcivgn ru gaosl working anddoign thgsi nto ahchve ur
goasl as it is ocosntly thehr in yoru mdi nhtht uhave thisgoal to achhve ahd n u have this msiiso nt ood
othis tns wrok tasksk to od. Not waste tie mdoign toerhhtigsn you ne dot ostay focsuedo nti not od
otherh tigsn do thth only to od it and geti tioden. Sta focsuedo nyoru misiso ngoal and o nteh wrok
taskoy uneed ot od oto achvhe urgoals, only then you will do ti if tis nto thehr I nyour mdi nyo uwill nto
od it keep ur goa loyur mission, tghgsi n wrk u need oto od it nyoru mdi ni ynor usight I nperspective
othehr wise you will lose perspective and track, s to what u wanto to do need to oad and ahchve and oy
uwot ndo it fit is nologenr thehr I nyour mid nstay focused on ti keep I nmid nrmemeebr what ur goal is
msiio nsi work task u need ot ood and so on ot ahchve thht goal, think fo it ocosntly o nyl hteh you will
do ti I if I its cocsntl y o nyour mind. Think fo it ocosntly only the nyo uwil ld oti if its nto ther I nyour mdi
nthh u have ot odo ti then oy uwot ndo ti. B e ar e fo ththe ogutsh goin o ni nyoru mind kwn what o
yuare thinkgi nf ostop ur sefl form thinkgi nfo otehrhtigsn and think fo work and imp thgis nfocsu yoru
mind o nwor kadn imp thgisn. Odtn waste tie mthinkign o nfu nim tghsi nnd da get distracted bfro
mwrok b yhtinkign f ootehr htigsn unim phtigsn keep ur mind I nyo ur work and imp thgsi nfocsu ur
metal resourcse thinking etc.. in work and im pthgsi ndon consume yoru mid nur metna lreoruces
thinking fo otehrhtigsn, think f work and im ptgsi nony.

6) you need to keep i mind thht yo unto onyl need ot getthe work doen but get the wrok doen fast at a
faster speed rate andn apce.

7) Hardwrk you need otowor kahrd iof yu want ot oetthgis ndoe nandwro kdone! You need to owork
ahrd other wise o uy will get nothgi nget do e n oy uwotn get any work doen. If uaure alzly wu iw ll nto
get nayhtign doen yo ufgetthgisn doen weh n uslpg take paisnand effrts work o nti to oti nad to geti
tidoen. Y uaev t wr kahrd slog work constiusly logn hours to geththe work doen and to get t idoen fast
taek apsi andn effrts to gethete work den adacrifice fu nrelaitio ncomfort. Thgis nyod nt ahppe nlie
khthth they happen whe u work o nthem give all oyru energy to ti to geti todne. Wor k ahrd slog ot onto
just get he work doen bt to get hteh work done fast and wqucik. U need ot work o nti ococnstly
ocosntisuly be after it it to od tiand to geti tiodne thgisn odrn ht appen lie kthth o ntehr I won they
happen whe nu work o nthhem.

8) Focsu you need ot befocusd o nt ido tth only dotn wast e tie mdoig ntoehrhtigsn dotn get distracted
divertedesle where do thth only to od it and ot eigiti ti done. You need ot ococnestrate and focus o nt I t
o get itidone, leave all oterh htigsn aside all distractions diversions asdie, nto ood otehrhtgsn say n o tot
otehrh tigsn d tht ony leb fully invoevld iand in the zoen lsot I I nwaht oy uare doing absorbbedi nwath u
are odgi nto do ti and to geti tiodne. He is doig nhis own thisng nadn wants ot od ohsi won thing I will
elave yo u tot what yo uaredoign oy uare gogi nter hto maek urlfie,. Working o nmakig nr l ife focusing
nyor uwn thing and to iimprove ur sitation seeing r own thing. Sovign ur isues andn problesm. Y uneed
oto ofcus on ti in short lazer focused inorder ot ood it and to geti ti oden stay toatly lfocsued o nt
icosntrate on ti dotn do otehrh tigsn say n oto otehrhtigsn, no distracitosn and diverstions don’t eenagei
nveold ruslef in otehrhtigsn and acitivites stay focsud o nti to do it and ot geiti itodne, lazer focused,
and think fo thth only and do thth only ot do ti and to getiti odne, one trakc mid nod o no ne htign ony
loucso no ne htign ony lat a tiem to odoti and geti tiodne ocne hth si oden then move oto next, don’t do
tw othgisn at a time ocen yo uifsnh thth thing or the itme allcatedfor hth htign is over whe n ud ooen
thing doitwit hfull attio nadn focus, after tth h ucan do next thgin duirgnthe tiem allcaed for I it, all mind
htoinign energy give it to it only, focs u it on it only odnt think fo otherhtigsn thin kfo thth ony ladnso
oon, dotn do otehrhtigsn do thht only. Inorder t oodti and to geti tioden and ot geti ti doen well. Ful
laitio nand focus oon ti if oy uare distracted dirverted u ud otohrehtigsn then yo uwot neb able to ogeti
ti odne yo ulsoe tiem effrt nenenrgy and yo uahve n oitem effrt nenrgy left ot oodit not o nyl thth its
hard oto get back to it when u get back to it o uais lei kswtiichign na dan off and whe n uget back to it
then y uforge t ,its ahrdo t o brign ruself back to it, caseu u ldisocnenct and orget lsoe trakc, I ntth
tiem,.forget things I ntht htime. What uuare suppseod ot ood where uare going thehris I inturruptio
nadn distracito n thhs why. Fcsuo u o n it only and ndo it ony lt o do oti and get iti odne stay focused o
nt istrictl say n oto toehrhtigsn. Nto do otehrhtgisn otn distratu ursel yoru meidnto oterh thgisn nt
owatse tie meenrngy doing toerhtigsn stay focsud o nti to od oti and to ogeti tiodne sa y nto to
oterhtigsn don’t do toerhtigns, do tth only to do it and to geiitit iodne, fi oy udotoehrhtigsn the nnot ony
ldo u end iup lsign tie mandn nergy thth ucud have given to od it and to geti tiodne, the nwork is
delayed nadn ntohgi ngets doen eeryhtign reamis nasdie nand aundoen and unffisnehd and ti s gets
frutratign as u u waste d all tie mpprotunty dig otehrhtigsn nad work is not odne, tht hite mand nenergy
thth cud have ben given to work to geti tiodne and work rmaisn udnoen ufisnhed nt oyl thth whe n ud
od otehrhtigns oyur mid ngets dstracted o tot oterh thigs nfor mwork oy uforget about yoruwork and
what work oy uneed ot ood an so on, yo u fret oabot utue hknweldgei fnroamtio n yo uagdh I nyoru mdi
nas ot what oy uened ot od and the kwnwlege thht can lead to prgeors I ntrai nfo thgotuh g t deciso
nmakgn and coming t oconusions recogniiizgn hgisn and fugrrign thgis nout and so oyu aheot re read
strt it all overagain and then yo uahves u uare out o f otuh u have to refresh everythgn tis lie kstop n
ngo strt n nstop lie kthh u lsoe tuh not onylt hth ocne u are distracted it is ahrd ot get abck I tne hmood
ot wrok to refocus remid nrself of hwat u nr neend t odo and so on as u are ure mind si no logenr I nti
not onylth tht its ahr d t o get abc ot it as y u forget most o the mthgsi nand oy uahveot strt al over
again, the knwledennad so on. focseud o none msiiso nadn goal and rowrkign o nachvign ti. U needot
ocsntly keep your mind I nthth only think of thth only . yo ahev limited tiem ifi you go ot odo toto mcu
hyo uwill getn tohgi ndone focus o na few goals oly max 3 gaosl.

9) take tiem in to ocnsideratio ndotn waste tie mdoign othrh her htigsn u have limited item don waste ti
give all your item ot it ot od it and ot get ti doen! Give max tie mot our work slweep only 5 horus so
ohth out of 24 hrus y o ugeive max tie mto oyur work to get work doen and ge ti doen afast and quick.
Give all of oyur tie mto oti focus al yoru tie t m ot it to od it and to egt it tiodnefast. Dotn waste tie m
gieeve al lyoru tie mt odo ti focus all yoru tiem o nti ot d o it and to geti iodne. Dnt waste whiel awy
fdestry yoru tiem doing otehhritgsn unimp thgsi neveryhtign lese can wait frst o this thing get this thing

10) you needo to eb fast wrok fast to ood ti and to get iti done dotn wrok slow

11) tiem yoru acitivites tht hway yo udt nwaste item doing toerhtigsn and oy uwork fast nto slow at oyur
won pace as uu kwn thh uahve ot get htisthign donme I nths imcu htiemadn so on soo u wr kfaster nadn
n to sloe w aso oy uodnt waste item doig ntoerhtigsn taek tiem I nt oocnsideratio ndotn ignore tiem or
think hthh tiem doestn exist or uand u have endless tiem tie meverhtgin al lactiivtes, I haveo to get htsi
thing doen I tnhs I mc hti me u have limited tiem soo value yoru item and dotn wattei it doing unip thgsi
nuenssary things! Dotn sdstrty your item! Give lal oyru tie mto it o nyl and nto to otehrhtigns to od it
and to geti tioden

15) make a to do list for the day: wath igsn we need ot owrk on?
let do this lets comeplte thsi thign we also nee to owrk o nthsi thign
thin k n decide wahthigsn u need ot odo owrds achvin ru goal wah twrok oy uneed ot od ofor the day
towrdsachvign ur goals and ahcivng what u want!

be on a msisio tnaek efrt to do all yo ucan to ahchve ru dreams and

gaols! put oyursel tooatly i to it and work ahrd!
lear to owrok ahrd slog to achve ur goals andn msisio nadn ur purpseo and
t oget heh work doen tahchve ru goals!
cahgne hte world!
ptu urlsef otu therh er ot change huamnity
to propel huam nciivlaizito nforwards
why do oy uneed ot he meoyn
to prpel human sciiavlzatio nforwrd!

My tiem si imp I dotn have tiem t owaste I have im pthgsi nt odo!

get back towork

refocus o nyoru goal msiso nprortties
obejctive hwat y uwant i n lfei awhto uwant ooahhve
n do our thign kadn kep workign o nti to achvhe ruogals!

17) you should nto waste yorutiem doing unimp thgisn, like sleeping et.. didlign doing nothgi nyo
ushould give all oyur tiem to oyur work to gethgisn doe nadn work odne to achhve urgoals get up and
get to woek to gethgisn doen and work k odne to ahcve urgaols.

18) opportunity cost: Inaction leads to opportunity cost take action , dotn lose o r msisi out o tne
hcahcen and opprotutiy taek cation fast quick prmpt gent action nt o jump o nte hpoportuntiy, if oy
udelay the nyu lose and misis thee chance and the et opporutnit y soso tak e aast quik prompt urgent
acito nt o maek the most of the cahcen and the opporutntiythth uahve. Don't miss your next
opportunity take action fast.

-Tie yoru lfie ot a gaol or a mssiion then you will eb happy oyur lfieshould relvel aroudna goal or

-Wro ksuper ahrd to achvhe ru gao ladn to gethigsn doen work doen thth needot b e doen t oahchve ur
goals, yo avhe to work like anythgin lie kslog, aseu if oy udotn work hard wowrk 18 horsu a day if oy
dotn wro kahrd yo uwotn get thgsi ndeo nadn wrok done

-Nto ony lthtah work like 80 to 100 horus a week, if osem oe nwaorks like 40 horus he will only getthgsi
ndoe nand achvhe gaosl in like 1 year if oy uwork 80 to 100 horus yo uwil lget ti doen I nlke 4 motns han
d thhts imp o n a tie msacle it maters caseu tiem si limited oyu need ot not jstu gethigsn done but get
them doen at a faster apce rate and scale!

- You need ot have good work ethics knw hht u needo t becosntly after it ococsntly be doing yoru work
and working to gget htigsn doen and work done if oy udont wrok then thgis nwill nt oget doen and o
uwotn achveh u rgaosl, yo uahve towork o nti t o get t it done. With ot uwrkign ahrd working o nt you w
illget ntohgi ndone nt eo be prodctie and ifo udont get work doen tht needso tbe doen to achvhe
urgoals yo uwot nacheh ru goals. Yo uneedo t be ocosntly at it after I work constlously be cocosntly at it
and afrter it to odit and to geti tiodne.

-Yo uneed to decide what work t odo for the day and I nhow mcu htiem to fisnh what wrk, thth way y ou
kwn I nyor mid nthth uahve got this work ot od, yo ukwn what uuahve otodo what work u have to oot
do nd a d oy uknw thht uahve ot geti tidoen I nthsi mcu ht itme limit and so ooy get to work and wrok
longh orus nadn ydotn tdo otherhtigsnand awrok foast t o get ti odne nto slow or at your won pace tht si
yo uork ahrd oto get hth work done. Toi lt ogethth work done.

-yo uneed oto amek qucik rpgoress now! toamek u p for the lost item u need ot strt makgn qcik rpogress
o u will lsoe ot onteh chacen and opproutntiy! now thth ur isseus havesoelves d ad thehrshas been lie
ksoo mcu hdeelay!

- You needo t be o na msision man o na a msiso nahve apupose stay focsued on yr ugaol have a
gao lt oachvhe a msisi na tnd htigsn t odo and achvieve. Stay focsuedo yoru misisn! To achvhe
ur gasl adso o n. not lsoe perspective keep ur misiso ngoal and what u emend ot odthigsn you
need ot odo in your mid nadn I nsight . keep ur goal I nsight, to lsoe sight of oyur gaol, if oy
ufroget then yoarue fufked, yo uneedto ekep I nmidn what ur goalad msiso nis so othth ukw n
what yo uahve to ahchve and you are focuesdo n ti and yo ukwn I nyoru mdi n thht uahve this
goal and msisio n t oachhve soo you are absialy o na miiso nthth si you work hard and taking
action to achvhe urgoal and mission. Ambiton goal pupseo is what drivie oy ut odo thgisn and
wot work hard aeks u udetemred to work dahrd gie u uthe fdrive and mtivatio nt owork hard. Is
the case the catalys the reosn thth maeku t wro khard.

- Whe nyoru gaol beocesm soo imp thth everything els takes precedence and is iunimp , failure
shaem emabrrsemtn you literally pt ursfel ot uthere causeu u are its lei k eeve if oy ufeel
unocmfy out htehr o u put ursefl tu thehr cause the cause is soo imp to oyu tt h tis workht
putting urself out thehr forthth cause, hth nerves emabrrsement eeryhtign else doesn’t matter
o oy, orw ht tryignadn yo uwil I of y udont then ts memnginelss oteh wise.

-His mmeemry is good acutally he filters everyhtign he rmembers onyl thth thign thths imp to hi madn
he doesn onyl tt h htignthths imp t him adn will give him ebebfit nt ounimp thgsi ntth he ses wotn giveh i
many beebfit1
- yo uahve ot work lie kcrazy to amek thgisn haepepn get workdoen t oachve ur gola thth enedso t be
doen to achvhe ru gaols its like both ways , in short, having ur goasl I nsight motivates yo uadn rdriveis
yout t oowrk ahrd I norder ot oachveh ur gaols, and to gehtigsn doen and wrok doen, and as yo uknw I
nyour mdi nthth uahve this goal to ahchve nad u need ot oget wrthgisn doen and work dne to achvhe
yoru gaosl and s oyu wor kahrd to acvhe ur gaosl, and as yo ukwn I nyoru mid nhtth u need ot work hard
if oy uwant to oachveh ur gaosl thth si u are ion a msisio naking acito nworkign arhd doing things inorder
to achve ur goals, and gethgis ndoe n t achveh rugaosl, and soo you work ahrd. Its both ways.

It wroks both ways:

1)You knw I nyour mdi nhth u have htsi goal to achveh ad n so ou needo t gethtissn work doen t
oahhhchve this goa ladn so o uwro kardto get wrok doen and to achve r gaol thhtsi oru gaol drives oy
umtoviaes oy to wro k hard uneed t work ahrd ot achvhe this gaol. And so oyur gaols rdries oy
umtoivaes yo u to work hard. Thts one and nxt
2)Yo ukw nhtth uneed ot work ahrd ot get the wrokd doe nthht emends to eb doen t oachvhe ru gaosl
and so ooy uwo kr hard .

-You need to filter what htgisn are imp and what things are nto imp what things to giv ur tiem to and
what things nto to ot give ur tiem to

-If oy uwant ot o suced oy uneed to have high pain tolerance cacpabilty caprpacity, as work is painfukl
ppl are averse to working cause work is uncof pp lant ot relax and lay back and not sit and wro ktis
hcaigng its binding tis painful o uneedot be willgi nt otake paisn and effrts and stress and nto relx and be
lazy and sloth andso on be wilgi tn owrok ahrd and takethe piansn and stress nto shy away for m tkaig
paisn as thehr is a lot ofo work ot odo and oy uneedo to eb ocosntly working ntt ogethitgns doe nwarok
doen to achvhe yoru gaosl , be cocosntly takig napsi nisnted of sleeping relaxing nto shy away for
mstress and and apsin yo uahveto take the stress if oy uwant ot osuceed be alert and enenrgtic nto ne
lazy nto shy away for mtakign steressn anpisn. N effrts.and endviaorign and going the extra
gethgisn doen and work doen for the sakeo f ahcivng goyoru goals remind urslef thth all tth hard wor
kpaisn stress wil le bworth it when oy uachve rugaosl and whe n ustee rogress and get cacleratio nand
see thgisn getting doen. Be willgi nt toake the discomfort and icnaocnvnce andn strgguel to osucced. Nto
be averse toworkgn ahrd and tkaign pais nadn strescauseu hardwork si apin fu licnovncient, andn tesful
be willgi nt otake the stress and apis nand trouble nad go through ptu ursle thur the stress. Nto shy
away for mti. Thths hwat maekst hthe diifrnce bwtween those who work ahrd nad nthsoe who sloth and
relax nand sleep the dotnwant to op ut themselves tthru stress paisn and discomfort cause when uwork
its apinfu lforhte body tis tsrresfu lfor the mind nados on and the mind wnatso the body wants ot lay
own slweepp lreax sloth andso on as hardwork is apifnul. If oyu can thake the pais nadn endevarorus,
and leaving no stone uentruendnad takig nal lapsi and nserffrrts to ahchve ur gaosl then
And to gehtgis ndoen work odne u needo t be working coasntly, cosntusly logn horus to get h wor kdoen
thth needs to be doen, and to ahchve rugaosl. B willgi nt otake pais nand effrs t s not be alzy and averse
to arhd wor kadn wanting to relax o if oy uwant ot osceed oy uneed to take the effrt and apisn1 and
tstres to sucedd. Nt oshy away for mtakig neffrt. Do a lot of work get a lto ofo work doen the reoasn pp
ldotn get work doen hth needsto eb doen to ahchve their goasl si cause they ae alzy they want to orelax
and nto take stress! And apisn ntoput urself thru stress npaisn . wor ksi painful its ibignidng chacingin
uncomfrtaobel discomftrt and so on , intentianyll kwnoignly taek paisn be trarait and alert, high pai
ntoelrance ability, ebwillgi tn toake pais nadn effrts bptu urslef thru strsn npaisn to wrok and t
ogehthgisn doen war k doen, be occosntly owrkign t ofconstisuyl takig paisn and ffrts tis goodthign if
oyuare takig npais nand effrts nadn astress it means you are wrkign aktaign acito nadn getting thgsi
ndoe nanad wrok doen andlnto slepizng lazing relxign and getting ntohgi ndone. Most pp ldot nwark
ahrd cause ahardwor k si dicomortign tis bidnign, tis painful its strsesfu lfor th e rbai nteh brai n doenst
leikt ork ahrd oy uenedotbe willgi n tot go thru the apsi nadn sttrssn nstrguells and workahrd. To
gethgisn doen nto sleep realx be easy to taie paisn and stress , learn to put urself thru stressi foyu ar
taking apsi and disocmfrt and putitgn rusefl thru stress thths a god sign cause u are goettign closer to
oru goasl causeu uareworkgi narhd and caue sr ur are workgi ntowrdssotmhgig nand progrssign towards
getign thgsi ndoen anad wrok doen thth eneds otbe doe nt oachhve ur gaosl.. hwo ot motivate yourself
to wrok arhd and take paisn adneffrts you need ot eb working hard wrko kconstisly work logn hors to
gethgisn doen and work don e hth needs to eb doen to achhve ur gaols, hwo ot motiavet drive urself to
work ahrd remn urself thth ahrdwor k si worth it hard work si paisn fu stlres ful discomforting but its
wroth it, the satisfatio nfo seeig nteh working progresign acomign to frtiitn and beign doen or getting
doe n with and over with the rewrd of achivng ur gaosl and the fruits tht huget once u u ahcve ur gaosl
thth apisn and effrt you take iwl be all woror htit, nt obe a waste , remind ursefl this , also whe n uwork
hrarsd and taek pais nadn stress instead of feelgi nunhpyp and sad felle ahppy thth u are workgi narhdn
adntkaign apsi nand stress why cause it means thth u are workgi nahrd dogi nwrok taking acito nadn
getting thgsi ndoe nadn work doen. Be happy thth uare takgin stress and pasin and workgi nahrd casue
hten it means thh uare reachgi ncloser towards achivng ru gaosl istnead of feeling asad and depressed
nadn hffign nad pusfing feel mreo enenrgized and more derign twilgi nwantign to work ahrdause inyor
mdi n uk wn htht theahrder oyu wrok the mreo work oy udo, the lgoenr oy uwork the closer youar e to
getittign work done things doen acelartign the progress of the work u sse the working coming to
furutiosn and happening and yoaue reahcign lmroe lcoser tooyur gaol so be ahppy, also rmemebr htht
ahr workd is lapinful disomfortign stressful lt the brain as well, and htth si why the brai ndoesnt like to
work hard the beran wants to go o tneh beach and relax, nto tkaee strsn and napisn , and stturglgle, be
aesre to dismfrot andn so on, nt owork hard chill realx oy uknwo, it doens like owrkign arhdi t wants t
sleep it want ot laze why? Causeh ardwirk os I nbindign u cnat dootehrhtigsn more enjoyable thgisn thh
uawnt ot odo its frurstratign causeu u cant have fun and do thgisn uenhjyo odign tis chaingin ri t s
binding ti takes away yoru freedom but its worth it causeu u sacrifice unimp thgsi nalthoguh enjoyable
you are doing t iffor htegood ot ahchve urgaosl, ahradw rok is also painful, yo uahve to sit a t oen palce
get up sepnd effrt take pais neffrt enenrgyn ado so osn, discomfrt ivnocnvece nad s on, stresufl the
bairan wantso trealx , nt otake sress pais nsdiscomfrt,, yo uneedto have high pain tolerance ability ut
urself t the limti psh yurslfe to the limti work hard, put urslef htorugh hthe gridnand the stress learn to
work hard, n nt ogive up, wor klogn horusandn so oon, have high apin thrshhold, and be willgi nto talke
paisadn effrts, nad stress and push yorusefl to the lmmit, if yo uar lazy yo uwil l not work yo uwil lget
nothgi ndoen and oy uwot nachvhe ur goals itf oy uare averse to working ahrd, soo , be wilign t otwrk
ahrd take pais nand effrts, elt me food al lthe hard work, enedeaoru leave n ostone untreund take all
pais nadn effrts bewillgi tn owork hard, psu hurlsef oteh milti talek pais nptu urlsf thru the gridnthe
tsrsse, I nteh process fo ahcivng ur goalsandto gethgisn doen y unedto eb dooncncslty working work
long horus, dany ngith to fghetigsn doen and work doen, oterh wise nothginwill eb doen and u wont
achvie gru goasl causeu to ahce ur ogals, ytherh are a lot of thgisn ht work hht needsotb e doen and u
needot becoocsntly workifg t ogethigsn doe nand work doen working o nti to geti tiodne, wobe
ocnstousl cocosnly nostno pbe after it at I and working o nti to geti tidoen nto be alzy and lacker be
willgi nt work hard wro kcosntisly logn heorus take paisn and effrts, and put urslef throgu the tress, tis a
god sighn if oyurrae putuign rsel throught the trsresnadn takig npaisn and effrts ti means hth uare
working ahrd. Tkagi nacito nworkign o n it And doig nwork getting work done, to ahchve ur gaosl.
Reachgi nclsoer to oyur goals accelearitng the progress fo the work getting doen. Hardwrok is the most
improtnatn ingredient of success. Loo at tt builder at the age of 90 he goes o nteh site, those who are lay
and want ot osleep and relax endu p I nprovert y the get ntohgi ndoen and they odtn acvhe their gaols,
those who are willgin to pwork ahrd knowing thth its worth it, get thgisndoe nand wrok doen and
achhve their goasl, loo ka t arnl shwrnegger he is tar tarit he got soo mcu hwork doen, eh si not laz,y he
has learnt to owr kahrd for movie as an nactior as mr olympianado so on, “the more is putt myself
htrough the strss thet take the paisn I feel more happy nn enenrgtic and joyous, totehrsr around me I
setehm sad depressed un happy, I feel hapy as I ikwn htht I am reachgin closer to my gaol hete harder I
wark ad os o iwant to o t wro kmroe harder to reach me y gal ia m more wntign deriving, eager to work
harder wehrhe as toerhs ahte to do the nextset as its apinfl” “youenedot have hgigh tolenrcne for apin
cause work is pain ful and strssutlf be wilgi ntot oput urself thru the pais nadn strse work logn horus
slofdg to gethgisn oende wro kdoen” –elon msuk” “ effrto taken = work done – principle of sceince”
“hard ork drie ur self wto take pais nadn effrts mrmmeebr tis all worth it be willig nt owrok hard and
take psinsn and effrt wroks wfor klogn horus be oocslty working to get hgisn doen and wrok doen to
ahhve urgoals work slog dany ngith t oahchve urgaosl and get htgsn doe nand wrok doen thth needs ot
be doen to ahchve ur goals rmeeebr its all owrht it its painful stressful disocmfortign btu motivate urself
topush frutuer and wrok ahrd by remidngi nrusefl thth its worth it wh n uachvhe ur gaols”
“a lazy man who enenages I nsloth, and slacker who si averse to working ahrd taking apis nadn effrts
discormft and ivncovennce and strigigesl and stress thth person, will ntony lsleep ad relax as he wfidns
work paisnful and doenst want ot owork is averseto working, e hw ants ot osleep ad relax, an be weasy
gogin, and nto take reffrt and be bttoerd with ti, and so o thth rperosn wil nt ogeth igsn doen, or work
doen and soo thht prerosn wil l nto ahhchve his goals and may also end u I npoverty as he is nto working
and has no meny and miser nad suffering lazyiensn sloth , wanting to relax nnt optu urself othtehrh nto
work ahrd means uu wil nt owork nt oget any work done means u uwill nt oachhve ruogals means thth u
will nt oearn meony nad end p I n more poverty n and sfferign, I f oy uwork ahrd nadn taek pain ad effrts
then its painful but it give u comfrt and a cofmdottbale life u uahve money to eat god fofod tths real
ocmfotoy uahve a roof on oyur headot protectu u ofrm eelmts yo uahve meon y to get htgisn oende byu
things u neednadn so on liv ocfortbly but fo yu aslazk and alze andn wdotn work hard vsue uwnt
otorlaex then thth si real sufffreign causehtne yo avhe no meony to buy htethgisn u need u endu p o nte
e road oy ustrve u ahven o money to buy fod and so on so nt obe a slacker or lazy caesu u mayh tignk
thht relaxing nto taking strss and leading an d comfy life is good beter than owrkign ahrd but thth
ultimately lreadto pverty and ruiantio nccauseu then oy uhaven o meony and you suffer” hthh s what
happened to the hippes they anwt ed t oa free life freet odoance listen t omsuic no t wrok they ahted
the office culture western culteru of wor ethics going to the office working 9:00 to 5:00 thesieesnible
brain , they werem roe of the impsulve prrimtive rbain free to od thgisn they enjoy doing nto borignthgis
nlikfe wrok the wantedto realx enjoy, have fun, nt owork sleep laze around andso oon, nto work thy
thogtu hthths the best life and ppl who workd they lived a miserable bchend life full fo apisn and
suuffrengs, they tgoth this is rela freedom, fre to odo what uuwnttood othigsn u enjoy doing, and alze
around sleep arodun relax, nto take stress ais nastruguesl discomfrt, u the thogut hthe y weer lviign a
better lfie of cofmrts ultimately what haeppend is others cud seet thth not inly is this life a waste as it
oens t leadto any oogodo or progress but the hiipes then ahd no meony to buy food they were strvign,
suffeign I napin, they hadn o shelter to protect htem for melemets, no meony to buy they streted to
steal meony andod soo n most of them emend up I npovert y nad suffernign and thso who workd ahrd
in office they enendu p in luxury comeofrt makgi na good life for htemslves, lvivignocmfortably.
Vcreatrue comforts. And having enough money ot buy gfofod thgisn u need nadn so on. the lvied a
better lfie althogut hhrdwrd or k is painful and stressful, its wort h tit caseu the rewrds cofmrots thth ti
brings, the ups your stntnrd fo living give oy umeont y ot but y htigsn hht u need to make progress achve
ur gaosl gethgsi ndoe nwork doen, fro eg if oy uahve no meoyn u cant buy a ticket soo you cant get
yourwork doen, etc..etc.. ti elvates stress fo meoyn, it wroth taking the effrts and wrokgign hard. Caue
thth give u real cofmrotable life, ups ur stnsnerd fo lvgin maek a lfie for oyursef, tuh apna life ababne ke
liye jaa rahahi, frinds u wil get anywhere. Also they saw thth the hiipes were basically wastigntheri skilsl
knweldge itnntlgnce talent adnso o n t thcna leadto progress for huam nwatste by not dgi nanyhtign.

The braisn is averse to aworkign ahrd it wants ot nto move sit at onel ne palce the bodt cannot evne
sruvue withot uworkign it cusueus heart poblesm andso on, alzyness weigth gian heart irsesu msulce
detrioataiton brian detoerioant it maeks uu dumb” when u work u beocem smarter active alrert ur brain
the bod is maovign uare wusign urmsueiels its good ofr the body. The brai nwatnt ot rela x and lay
down and nto take much struggeland effrt this si cause it like to be alzy cause hardwiokr is painful, tis
stressful ti doenst want ot oput istlefl throgu all tht hrstres and ndiocmfrt thebrai nseeks comfort as
itsincovnet discmft adnso on it asol o whatos to be free ot o do thgisn thth it njeyos doing irresprtivei o f
whtherh tis imp or unimp but htigsn it enjoys doing nto eb chained bindedot wrok, tth si boeirgn nad
idoesnt enjoy odign”
Yo uave t o slog nto seep and relax work logn horus nad ocntsiuly to gethgin s done and work one to
ahchve rugaosl. Be will gint otake all psiasnnd sand stress neffrst to wor kahrd be wrokgin o nt iwork
ocsntosiluy o geth gisn doe nadn accelarat te he progress of work , get thgsi ndoe nwor kdoen fast andn
achve urgaosl fast.

Stay focused o nyor uwrok! To get higsn doe nand wrok done1

Yo uneed t o work ahrdand

You needo to do all toerhhtigsn fast eat fast shower fast in like 5 mins soo thht u can give give max tie
to yoru work to get thgis ndoen and work doen thth needs to t be doen to achhve rugasol
he does have great wor ktethics mad grit ad ns oo n pai ntolerance abilty t owrok ahrd logn hours to
gethtigns doen

not shy awawy abnd be acverse to workgi nahrd taking struggle apis neffrts discofmrt and stress
knwogin tht sit worth it! ocen u achvhe rugoasl th fruits of ahrd work are seweet ahrd work si paisnful
stress adnso oon, but tis wort hit, once uu achhve ruggaols, ahrdwrok si biiter and painful but the fruits
of ahrdwrk the rewrdthegaoslachhved seeing the work progresign scceltratign getting doen reachgi
nlcoser ot oyur goals, finally seeig nru work odme to fruition after all thh efrt yo up tu I npaisn utake
anad ahrd work happengi nadn getting doen are amazing. Worh ti t.! soo whe n uare like I cant odo it
htsi is to strsesufl and painful iwant to go soemhhehhre and take tiem fof and realx, wh ne uare averse
to working haerd soo eremidn urself ogf this tth it iwl eb worth it whe n uacvhe ur gaols and nrewrds
nad motivate ruslf drive ursefl to work ahrd nadn take apsian sadn effrts.

Ii have seen rich pp lwho ar nto lazy who ar soo ahrdworkgi nand have a ssyemt and high pains tolerance
ability, thth they are 9 year olds and they fogo to office nad go ot wrok! O t oachhve theirgaosl!
Causeu they knw they drive motivate themslef to work ahrd go thru the apis nand stress they are ahppy
when thehy are working arhdtakign apisnadn agoign thru stress and psuhign themselves to the l itmt
causethey kwn hht they are taking acito nworking doin sg soemthgi ntowrds ahcivngtheri goals , dogi
nwork taking action, csause thths imp thth wil lehlp them reach goasl, and gethgisn doen and work
doen, in action, they are worried and fruturated if they are nt otakig napsi andn efrts dn wrokig narhd
caseu uhtey kn w hth ths imeansthey wont achvhe their goals ro get work doen and thths bad. They
dotn want tthht. They ar happy weh ntehy work hardand eager and wntign to work harder casue tis a a
sign thth they are reachgi nlcsoer to wrdstheri gaols and getting nthgsi ndoe nadn awro kdone. If hteh ar
nto taking apis andn effrtadn stress and wnt oworkign out then they get frustrated and unhappy, casue
it meas thth they wot nraeh hterigaols, and tis a sign thth they are wotn gethgis ndoen. Sme ppl whne
they wrok arhd a ntake e stress and paisn they want to oqucit they ahte ti teyh are averse e to I t the are
nto lookg nforwrdto the next set. The dotn want toodoti, but yo uweh ni wor kahrd and taek stress I am
ahppy cause I kwn htht the arhder I wrok iam rachign on setp closer to gettignthgsi ndoe nwork doe
nand closer to my gol. Hw ot drvei ruself to take ais nand effrts and nnt oebalzy, th e rbai nsi averse to
working hard soo hw oto motivate urself to work ahrd? Rmenid urself thht its worth it, ahrd wrk is
painful but the rewards are sweet ocne u reach urgaol. Yo uneendoto work hrard oto gethgis ndoen and
work doen to areach ru gaol.

Yeah hths a good rpogres!

He lososk mre ofres hand can get abck to work wit hrenewed vigour and energy.

Yo uneedot work hard u need toslog cause to achhve gaols u needto get a lot of work doen to achvhe
urgaosl and wor kownt get done like thht I mena y uu have toork t oget work doen, wor kdoenst get
doen io n tis own thgis nsut dotn happen like thth effrt taek n -= work I mean uahve to work to get wrok
doen , I mean u needot be kkeep okwirng in o ntito get the work den get itioden and u needo t have a
high pain tolerance abilty casue thehre aia lto of work ntht needs to be doen and ahrdwork is apisnful!
Work is painful soo be willgi tn work ahrd endeaoru taek apsi andn effrts and nstres s be working o nti
ocnstisuly cosntly for logn horus to gethgisn doen and wwro kdone to reach aur gaosl and and geet wro

I have see npp lwho are like 90 tyear olds goingto site to work, big bsueusinemen,, thth rold 90 eyar old
wmn with furnituter busiesnen , then tth onld chiens 9-0 yearo ld realestte tycoon, the ndan pena who
ahs 470 million dollars and he can relax at hme he gives lecture os nyout ubes, they can relax at howm e
wit hall their fortune but they hae trained their midns to wrk hard it ahs beocem a n ethic for them they
dotn find ahr workd or tkaign pais nad effrts inconient any more they are have mlearnt hwoto wor ahr
take pais nadn be tolerant to the paisn,s high pain tolerance and whw ot omotie and drive theslves to
get u pand get ot owork and take apis nand effrts soo its beceom second nature to them they don’t feel
averse to working ahrd, if oyuare lazy and like to relax and not wor k arhd oy uwil nt oamek it as u will
nto get anyhtig ndonne and work doen and yo uwot nachvhe ur gaosl. They are nto avrse to working
ahrd and taking apsi andn wfeefrts and work costisnyl logn horus they knw hwo t omaek themselves wor
kahrd drie mtoviate themselves to work ahrd, and soo they ar nto averse to working ahrd, they are
instead willgin wanting eager t otake paisn and effrst push themslef put hteslves thru stress and eapis
andn effrstand much happer when they do soo, causeu they knw thth hey are rehcig lcoser to their goals
when they do thth, nto onylt thht they reimd thht meslves tht if oy uwant ot achve urgoals gethgisn
doen wor kdoen, the nyo unedd to work ahrd and take pais nadn strsese and effrts, and wro kahrdn an
dwrok logn horus. Nad they tell thselves tht hard work si painful but I t is worth it when ocen u ahchve
ur goals tiwil eb worth it it is painful now but it isi worth it. iif ouare taking apsi andn stress tis a good
sign thth u are working tth uare getign work doen and reahcign closer ototyur gaosl and accleartign the
progress softheor kbeign done. If nto then u shud be wrreid cofnnred frutsutred causeu then you are
not getting lcsoer to otyurgoals and ggetign work done.

SUCCESS REQUIRES MENTAL STRESS and phsycail apisnand efveferst nad nendavorus leave n ostone
undenrnted I nteh pursuit of hcaivng ur gaosl endeavlor urn ad o s oo on take effrt and pisasn.

Dotn wast eyoru tie m selepingnad alzing, Don’t be lazy and sleepy get to to work to get thgis ndoe nand
wrok doe to achvhe ur gaosl.
get up and get oto owrk nto lseepign and lazign and be ocsntly workign o nti and workig no nti to geti ti
odne! to get thgis ndoen and wrok done. Nn to be alzy. Get u aodn be working rwrokign o nti get to
work to gethigsn doen and wrok done to achhve urgoals . nto eb alzy, n to eb averse to ahrd wrok yo
ushud be working ncosntsntyl ocsntusly , and 18 horus a da toy t gethgis ndoe nwrok doen to achvhe r
guru gaosl.
Tell ruself thth tisi I worth it ahrdwork si painful but its all worth it!

- be fosuedo n your work not dbe distracted dot ndo theritgns unimp thgsin. Stay foused o nyoru
work and what oyaure ding.

Thgsi ndotn aheppe nle k thth on their won wrok doesn get doen o ntis own oy uavheto take aeffrt and
-Thgsi ndotn aheppe nle k thth on their won wrok doesn get doen o ntis own oy uavheto take aeffrt and
execute taek action towds making t iahppe nand not wait taek fast quick prompt urgent action.
If uare lazy yo uwil lget ntohgin done!

Nop ai nn o gain Putting in work is the only time when I let all my pain and stress out!! It’s time to sweat
pain leanrto embrace iti not avoid itwithotu apin thehr is no growth

Yo uneedot ogethgis ndone wro kdonrefast take fast quick prompt urgent action nmove fast wrok fast
get thgis ndoen work done fast.

u need ot eb fast move fast get thgisn doen wor koden fast!
work fast
u can eat whiel workign to nto waset tiem
an so on

u shud nto eb alzy, get up adn get t owork take effrt piansn struggle
try hard, not elave any n stoen unteruend or spare any effrt i nteh rpocessfo gettign ru work done not
bealz,y be ahrdwrokign,
it takse effrt ot odo thgis nadngetthigsn done adn if uare averse to workign hard tkaign effrt and apisn
and strife caseu tis painful inovnint disomfrtig then you wotn wor kand yoyu wil lrelaxand sleep csue
ththt feelms much beeter than worign hard whcih is inocnt nadn painful, adn soo yo uwot nget antign
any work doen or any stuff done u shud be cosntyl workgi ntakign piansn , ti takes effrt to gethgsin
dnenadwork done.

You hsoudl nt owati yo ushoudl work fast gethgsi ndone fast! Have a sensen of urgency ot ge t
everyhtgin done now not wait or procrastinate or delay do it now! N get doen wit hti!

The time factor:

You needot keep track fo tiem ntowaste tiem! Tht is tiem yoruwork soot ht u kwn thht u ned to geths
thgisn done in this muc htiem thth way o uwork faster and not slower! Tth awy y ou get more doen I
nless tiem, cauesu fioy uwork slower then ti will take u a logn timescaleto get hgsi ndone ,and u wnatot
o get hgis ndone fats I na ahsrter tie mscale as itme si limited soo value it, dotn ignore tiem, also make
sure that you give max itme to oyurrork thht si work logn horus 18 horus a day hthth way you get more
doen I nless tiem, tis imp nt o just to get work odne but t o geti ti odne fast soo yo uned to oowkr logn
horus and ocntisuly, work like 18 horus a day, soo htht if oy uwork only 10 horus it wil take u age to
gethgis ndoen and work doen twice a s mcu htiem, your life is absicall y the time limti hth u have, the
sand isfallign itn eh funnel, cosntnly, and ur lfie is getting over very mind u dotn have tiem ndo so oyu
need ot work faster long horsur t ogethgsi ndoen fast, Also don’t waste time make sure oy udotn wate
yoru tiem dign unimp thgsi ngive ur tiem to work and imp thgsi nonly. Yoru item si limited.

yo uahve to be wilgi nt o take extr a effrt n nstress to gethgs doen not shy away for m workign hard takgi
neffrts adnstress adn so o nand discomfrot i nteh prceoso of geititign thgis ndone rowrk doen knw htht
tit sworth it as ti help u ugethis ndoen and achhve ru gaols
the fruits of hardwrk are alwlys sweet i tnerms o scuess
you dotn acvheh anyhtign sititign at home ogo tu ther put ursef otu hther work ahrd
wor kconstisul becocosntly afteri t get after it keep workign o ntit to od oti and gti toden thgisn odtnh
appen liek thth u ahve to work onthem to maek them happen neend to be coosntly after ti to do ti and
to get it idone

y o unened o be fast adn wor kfast

yo uenedo tb e fosued toaotly i nto ti nto od otehrh rtigns be i nthe zone focus 100% o nti superfocused!

and u need to be highy lototaly lsot abserbed nand involced i nawht oy uar re oding toatly i nto ti think
fo thth onyl mid nshoud leb i ntth onyl not alof fro mti be tooatly i nto ti high ellvel fo invoeletn in ti!
thth si go fully totoatly ocsmpllet i nt oti not od it on srufae and be dateache dgo omceptletly i n ot it i n

you need ot owork ahrd and by ahrd wrk means work long horus, wro kcosntisluyl cocosntly nosnstn get
after I t keep o ndogin it take pasin nad effrts to doti andto gti I ti done.
Wor k ahrd work super ahrd nt oeb averse to run away or hate or not be keen easger relucntn heststn to
takig napsi nstress etfrrt be willig nwantign deriign , aeager t otake paisn and effrt s looking forward ot
work ahrd take pais nand effrts knwogi nwell I nyour mdi ntth htsits iwrth it ocne u uraech ur gaosl and
gtthgis ndoen no pai nn o gain and knwign well tht weh nyou wor kahrd youar geititgn thgisn doen fowrk
doen making progress and reaching nthth much closer tooyur gaol.
Whe n igo to the gym and I do the sets, and take the pais nand stress I feel good and n dhppy nadn
enenrgized, cauesu I knw o I nym mind tth iam reachgi ncloserto m y gao land I want ot owork harder ,
and push myself and tkepa mro reo pais nadn stress as I iwant to reach closer to my gaol wehhre as I
see others aroud nme after they take the sets nadn the apis nadn effrts they dotn look forward to
thenextset as tis painful ladn they want they arhate dotn lie k tot take paisn and stress, they sit around
for a logn tiem and keep thinkgi nadn are relautnncnt unwantign to work ahrdand take paisnand
andtstress. Adnn thths the dirifience bwtween a eprs n hwo reaches the gao ladn doesn’t hei si iswillgi
ntwantign eagser to wark hard and take apis nadn effrst he kwnso hwo ot driven and motivate hsiemfl
to take pai nadn effrstnand wrok ahrd to gethgsi nden wrok doen and ahcive his goals. It’s a good sign it
f oy uareworkgi narhd nadn tkaig napsi nadnefferttst ifoy ukwn htht u will eb earger to wor kahrd
nadntkae apsi nadn effrts oy ushud neb wrreid if oyuare nt oworkig narhdnand tkaig napis nadn effrts
cause itmeasn thth uare slaking and hhtth u wotn acheh urgaols anro getowr kdoen orthgsni ndone.
Ythgis ndoen happen lie kthth work doenst get done o nti s own yo uahvet o work ahrd be wiliign to
work ahrd nto be lazy and rlelacntnta t prroatsinatign form working nhrard. Ahtign dislikgin nto wanting
t otake stresse effrst pains nadn dsilikign it. and so oo on. vs wantig neager willgi nt otake aps ianad
neffrts and wor kcosntnyl and wrok ahrd kowign ti will eb wrht it tis al lfor the good. Mtoiaviaitng drivign
ruself to work hard b remiendign urself wh y tis imp to work ahrd and psu hthe limits, thth its wroth it
thth cne u acvhe urgoals it will eb wroth it htht reard is wroth ti, adns o on. if oyuare no t working narhd
tkaign apitns na d effrst and wrokgi ncostnyl takig naciotn towards urgaols doing thgis ntowrds achivng
ur goals, yo ushud getwrorreid casue this is ia sign thth u awont gethgsi ndoen work doe nand achhve

Successful ppl who achve their goals get work done, they knw hwoto amek theslvesget u padn geto
towork They knw hwo ot odrive htemslves and motivate themselves to wok ahrd and make themselves
easger wantignderisign willing looking nforwrd to wrok ahrd and wlork like anything, slog, if they ar nto
working ahrd they strt otpanic worry nad frustrated and sad , whehre as losers failures they are lazzy
they are averse t oworkign hard and dotn lie kt owork ahrd and take pais nad effrts and are ehhstsnt
rleucitnt to work ahrd use hard work is ainful and disocmfrtign ti doenst gfeel good otht e body its
icnvoent,, nto wnatign to take strggles nad no so o on.

What are o uspendign yoru item on sfilter ebtween imp n n unim pthgsi ndot nwaste ur item spend it
only o nimp thgisn not nimp thgsin!

Be careful lwaht you spend ur time on not spend it on unimp thgisn thth iwl brign u no bebfit and gain
what oy uspedn your tiem on oy ushud spend yur item o nimp thgisn
how much % oftie myo uspnd o nwhat?

Yu need to work on ti to maekit happen work like crazy!

laz y unwilgi nrelucntn nunwatignto wrok hard

what are you doing? What are you doig nwastign oru time , what areoy udogi nwit hyoru life? What
have u udoen soo fatr wit hur mba

Self Regulation:
-You need ot oremmeebr keep I n mind what u ushud n shud nto eb doing if its not htehr I nmind then
you wont be able to reguatle yorusefl accordingly, and so oy uwot nd oti.
-Also oy uneedo t coocsntly enneage I nself-reugation inroder ot be incotnrol fo oyuserlf thht is stop
urseflfor mdoig ntoher htigsn unimp thgsi nhtth u knw oi nyour mid n I nyoursesneibl e memery u shud
nto bedoig nn maek urself do imp thgis nthth u knw I nyour senseible memery yo ushud be odng.

Determination: masssive detemrmed unbeiging not igivng up effrt to gethgis nden it

too kmassvie dtermed efrt t ogeththe thgisn doen and achhe ur goals! take effrt massiive dermtmermed
effrt to o do and to odgieti ti doentht si detmermed means unebdigng, nto giivng u pand gigng in un
relentign stern subborn1 nto turnign back, detemrmed to do ti.

you need ot keep low (to oavid, attention dstracatio ndiverson chaos as if yo are simply not thehr its lie
khtht, tths stay low kee puqitet and keep doig nyoru won thing quetyl, likre a duck paddling, beaeth and
looking nclam on the surface nadn paddling hard beneath, if oy uare nosi y and maek too mcu hnoce all
attnetio nsi on yo uadn then ppl strt to disturb you frends aetc… and tehr is chaos then) stay focused no
distraction adn d ooyur won thign keep quiet nad do oyur own thig noyur won work nto waste tie
mfocus o nyoru won progress, yo uknow now what u uened ot odo soo fouso n ti to od it nad geiti odne
dont waste tiem now focsu o nit to od it nad get it done.

frst do im prthgis ntoerh thigsn do side by side after wro khours and imp hours simuatliaosny l gradually
sid e y sdie dotn eb lie kfrst ogi nunim ptghsi and ocne u are doen wit hunim thgsi nthe nthink fo owrk
adn get ot oowrk oterh htigsn u need ot odo side by side after wrok hours! correpsondignly! nto le kfirst
let me do uim p th gis nand ocne i ahve doen thth and gootten thth out of the way i i will focsu full y o
nwro kadn do work onyl not lie kthth thths acuse those theigns will take a lorot of otie mt odo and then
und up deelaign, adn losing tiem adn moeny and opprotutneits do thsoe htigsn sie by side after work
hours simultaniously
worign systems:
Your wrokign system is not right:

Single tasking system:

your wrokign system is singel tskign system, tth si you will do only

one thing at atime fcosu only on one thign 100% adn leave everythign

else aside at hteh cost of everythgn else.

you are like first let me do this thng and finish hten i will see job

adn toerh htigsn later on,

for eg:
-you sepnt 3 months searcignh lookign up girls on facebook and hten

thth was al lla waste cause u u made a diretory of all girls went

through 1000s of profiles an oy uniehter added nor sent a mesage to a

signel girl.and you were liek first let me get thsi thign doen and

hten once this thing is doen then i will think of doig na job adn so

oon let me focus o n one htigsn at a tiem adnocne thth thign s doen i

will think abotu job etc.. thhts not how it wroks

-for eg if oy uwill rad thth boo yo uwill spend 3 motnsh readign thth

book onyl to learn hwo ot ocaht wit hgirls or waht u uned ot odo hwo

ot sedudce girsl or learn how ot osolve ou r scuis lanxiety soo once u

uare done wit hthht hten youwil lget to findign a job

its liek once i am ready i ahv eo slved my isseu and knw whto to ood

ocen i have doen all this then i will do the job. yo uare basically,

losign time, thth tiem tth can be given to doign a job nad work, and

os oon , u are losgi ntime basicaly ththway, thth tiem is then lost

nand wasted, in which u cud have doen a job and work.

ifu u do one htign u get totally lost and inoveld nthth hign ony

landdo thth thign only and nto odo otehr htgsn and forget abotu eotehr
hritngs. htht is super focused in it. its liek tht. you are lsoign o

nehte most imp prprrty thth si wrok nad job. its lie ki will do all

unim pthgsi nfoirst and ocen i no lognetr have any unimp thgsin to do

hen i will do imp thigsn soo thht i can focus ttoally on imp tgis nand

all unimp thgisn ad n issieus are out of the way nd the ni can d omy

work only , but hte thigsn is i nhtht porcess uare losign tiem years

ealyign imp thgisn and prorrityes. its liek tht while uu awork o nyour

self ot make urslef ready nadn prepared to put ursefl ot thehr. .

thsi way f worign is not good cause, it ocems at doign one htign at th

e ost of another, caues then thth much tiem yo uspend nto odign a jo b

beign unmplyed havign no pmoeny strvign and suering. if ocmes at a

doin n focusing only on one thing at a time, not multitasking,

frst i will do this thng n then once this unimp thing is dun then n

out of the way n i no longer have to do it then i will do wrk, soo

tht i can focus fully on wrk n put myself out there

thts a wrgng way of wrking cause u are deelaying wrk priorites n ipmp

things , you need to do this simultaniously so thth u dotn fuk up

and missi out on anythign, nt keep work and imp thgisn for later on a

theh same tiem nto imss out on self imrpvement and otehrh goals. cause

ifi yo udo onyl one htign and focus o no n e thign onyl the nti will

come atthhe ocst of otehr im pthgisn. as you will lose time. you will

ose out nn misis out o nimp thgsi and lose tiem. u need to ojuggel and

balnce everything.
it wil lals ocauseu u mreo stress n tension as u ar msising out on imp
thigsn and lsoign tiem and delayign im pthgis ni nteh mean tiem otehr

thigsn its lie kodign oen thig aththe cst of oterhs, thgins imp

thgisn, and uuwill eb mreo idsspaointed sad nadn depressed and as u

uare loisgn tiem and missing out n im pthgisn adn so on more tensiosn

adn stress, no moeny cas u uare nto owrkg and fodoign tht

onyl strvign thehr iwil be impabalcen nad isiseus.

Fro eg:
you have to do say sel imrvement: readign books on solvign social

anixety and readign books on how ot get a girl

yo uahve ot find a gf: look up gris lon face book
you have to wor kadn find a job
then as per this prcess waht oy uwil ldo is:
you willspend 3 montsh lookign for gisl n face book
ad hte nyou will spend 6 months readign boosk o nself imrpove metn n

haow ot over ocem ru socisl anxiety

adn the n oy uwil sepnd 6 motnsh readign books on how ot chat wit ha

gil and seduce grisl

adn hte nafter thth once everyhtign si doen and all otehr hi siseus

thigsn are out of the way hen yo uwill get t ofidnign a job
thsi means yo ulose 1 year 6 motnsh of your tiem, and incoem moeny

etc. etc.. adn ustrve to death while u d oal tht thehr is imbalcne.

why do yo u do it or wrok this way?

casueu u want ot ofully focus o none htign adt a tiem keep your midn i

na single thing only thth way yo uwill do thth taks more efectively

with min distraitosn for eg if oyu go oto work then oy uwill coem hoem

get tried nadn wont be ableo to to do thsi thing adn then yo uwont

have tiem for this tihng, or if oy udgo to work or do a job then your

mid ngets distracted esel wehrhe an d tyou forget msot of hte thigsn

thher is a breka i nteh link and its hard ot get back to it oyu forget
msot of hte thigns as to wht ot ood nad hwo it needs to be doen, yo

uforget hteh link hte track, you mid ngets dvert ed to otehrhtigsn

,and isieus, ad then thehr is a disocnnect oyur mid nsi not coocsntly

in it, adn soo you forget the knwoeldgei nformation, and oso oon,you

lose trak of thigns, tehrs is no continuty thth can help u to ocnem t

onusliosn anm kd ecidiisison figuere htigsn out, thehr is a break i

nknlwedgeyo ufroget hte knwoeldgei nforamtio nwaht oy uare supposed ot

thi kadn do, adn hw to porceed,

fro eg
-u are readign a book, then yo uare lie k oaky soo hte books say s

this thing, you remmeebrh th knweodlge but oyu go ot owork come back

thehr is mmery losos u forget hth knweldge and so oy uant ocem to

conslusoins nand decipher htigns also, you forget what u aresuppsoed

to od orsoem inforamtio nthoguth soem idea thths ther ei nyour mid

nyou g oto work adn forget ot oput iti down.

-or yo uare of hteh opinio ntth ocen u ustrt workign then oy ugecoe

mhome get tied and yo uwotn get tiem to work on your porlbesm and

solvign ur problem s adnso oo you eleave wro kaside nad focus go

totoally ocmeplte ly fully into it nad focus o nti only.

- yo ufear hr hth i f yi dgo ot odo too amny htigsn at a tiem yo

uwill get ntohgin doe nprproepy; -

you fear or htink thth if oy uwork then yo uwotn get tie mto solve uru

isseus as u uwillcoem hoem tired exhausted nadn oy uwotn get tie

madneenrgy ot owork o nyour issues. and smarteign imrpovign urself.

single tasking stystem is a wrng way to wrk case u focu s only on one

thing at a time n do only one thng ata time n once tht is done n
finsihed then u move on to othe things as a result u end u eeelaying

imp things nriorities you are like let me get thse unimp things dun

frst n move them out of the way soo tht there aere no uimp things

remaning n i can do my owro k n job only n dfcous on mty wrk job


for eg you may lsiten to msuic and study aththe same tiem you may, be

drivign at hteh smae tiem tetign thsi way of workign is bad ads yoru

focus is not on one thign at a tiem or yo uamy this way of workign si

nbad as yo u are nt ofocused on any task yo uwill get ntohgi ndoen


ADHD taskign system short attntion span o none task:

in thsi system yo udo many htigsn at tehe same tiem, as resutl yo uget

ntohgin doen proprely for eg u work for 20 mins then paly video games

thth si on of swichign form one task to other short attneio nspan n

one task thsi way of workign is bad ads yoru focus is not on one

thign at a tiem or yo uamy, stady for liek 20 mins and hten for 10

misn paly video games

as thehr sis dicsonituntiy soo htht task doenst get pdun proelry thehr

is a break i nteh link trian of thogtush senqunce of figuirng thigsn

out giaing knledge deciaherign thgisn, and reaihgn relasiizng thgisn

rechign conuslitosn as hete midn gets dstrated swqithces fro moen htis

to another alternated for mo nth ign to oanlter h it forgets the

knwwledge and so oocant decisher htigsn and reach concuslions. it

ofrgets the knweldge adn the n it cant get back to teh task, an ocne
it gtets back to the task then if cant do it effintly and has to strt

all ove r r gais asi it forgets information due oto the distractio

nthth occured whe nu didi soemthign else. soo u get nohgi ndoe


here yo uare swtiich on and off, yo uare nto dign one taks for long,

thehr is disconttinuty, for eg yo udot nstuy fr liek 4 or 5 horus,

isntead or wrok for 4 or 5 hturs instadu ustudy for 30 min then paly

games watch tv or lsiten to msuic, short attenion span o noen thign as

result yo uant get thgisn don or make proggress due ot ocnstl on and

off swthich you breka link its ahrd ot oget back, adn when u do get

back u ahve ot ostrt all over again as uforget

singel multi taskign system:

the best way to wrk is single mlt tsasking system
this way you devide r day in theree parts
you sleep 6 hours
ypu work do job
and the reaming hours int he evening n ight u are free to do othr

things tht way you neither wmiss out on wrk and job n imp thngs n

priorities or do u miss out on self impvemnt n achivng ur othe r

thsi way therhe is a balcen you dotn msisi out on anyhtign neitehrwork

nor fun nor self imrpvemetn, thehr sis otoal balacne then, also whe

nu work for thth tiem thsoe many hours, you do only work thth si u do

only single oen htign fous on thht thign ony l yo uwork and whe n u

are doign toerh tigsn lie kwrokign o nself imrpemetn or partyign or

fidng a g or readign boks i nteh even thign you focus on thh thign

only adn do hth single thign only thth way i na day yo uare doign
multiple thigsn s thht way therh si a balne u dotn lose out or miss

out on anythign btu ath the same tiem u are highy lfocused, on ti, and

hther si s n ditraction as when u do hth u do htth thing only.

Fro eg:
you have to do say sel imrvement: readign books on solvign social

anixety and readign books on how ot get a girl

yo uahve ot find a gf: look up gris lon face book
you have to wor kadn find a job

then as per this prcess waht oy uwil ldo is:

you willspend 3 montsh lookign for gisl n face book
ad hte nyou will spend 6 months readign boosk o nself imrpove metn n

haow ot over ocem ru socisl anxiety

adn the n oy uwil sepnd 6 motnsh readign books on how ot chat wit ha

gil and seduce grisl

adn hte nafter thth once everyhtign si doen and all otehr hi siseus

thigsn are out of the way hen yo uwill get t ofidnign a job
thsi means yo ulose 1 year 6 motnsh of your tiem, and incoem moeny

etc. etc.. adn ustrve to death while u d oal tht thehr is imbalcne.

you are more happy as gradually yo uare doig neveyhtign uare workig

nearnig nmeoyn athhte same ietme evenigns yo uspend fing a gf or

readig boosk o nself imprvent or cahtiign wit hglrs o nface boook u i

nwekerends u go to payrying to find a gf so ott h way thehr is a

balcne u are doign enveryhtign u aren ot misisng out on any thign or

leacivgn any imp thgsi nor gaol, thre isi a balcne, u are happy hten

althoguh the rpogeres might not be fast for eg if oy uread self impetn

books it may take u u3 montsh to fifisn h it the nif oyu areigivng

onyl hlf ofo ur te m it wil ltake u 6m otns ht ofifinsh it bu at last

everyhtign si beign doen gradually , and u are mroe happy its not
lie k uare doign on thing at the oset fo another imp thgis nand levgn

htht dealyign thth imp thgis ntotlly.

i iwl lfirst o thsi thign and work on ti and diidfnsh thsi thign off

nad ocen it is doen focsu o noen thign single thign at a tiem one ce

thsi thign is doen the ni will wor kand do a job as resutl ulose

tiem, thths nto the way to owrk, thth si doign one htign at hthe scost

ofo another,
dveviei your day, adn ive ur day to all impthgisn, htht way you thth

way yo uleave npthing aside.

thth how its oden in the mornign uwrok and eenigh u ea;ve it for

otehr htigns. oteh rhimp thgisn thth way, you prgress wieb slow in

otehr imp thgisn but at least u are not deelayign oen thing ithth s

imp yo uare doign everyday o aure doig nal lthigsn thth are imp.
tht way t ties you up in oe thng only and it comes at the cosy of n

deelay n loss of time to other imp things as y u are not doing other

imp thins uare leaing ther imp thngs aside then. its like ttht. you

need to earn to do things simlatinusly tht way yu ann wrk on multiple

imp thinsgs.
yo uare nto dealyign one imp thign at the cost of ootehr im pthgisn,





and make dieotry lsit of girsl i like, and hte nocne htht is doen

then i cna i will do the e job searc hthign,

soo basically u are msising out lsoign out on jbos ofro one eweke,
otehr wil lgeteht job u are lsoign otu o nicnoem and meony,
instead if yo ucan do thth pof thingi nteh evenign as well,
search job i nteh mornign do pof htign i nteh eeveng time, instead of

one week thth s i 7 day sti might take u two weeks tht si 14 days to

get hteh pof thign doen, but atleast yo uare doign both imp thgis

nsimulationsly working o nbot hthe gols simautlaiosnly,

tht si i nteh meonign the job thign an hte evenign teh pof thign thth

way, yo uare not lsoign delayign and laosign tiem and loaisng one imp

thgin onverh the ohter athth e cost ofo another.

your ststem and way n nmethod of workign was wrong! of focusoign o na

single thgi nand taks and odign one taks onyl is wrong,, you need ot

leanr to o thgings simualtaniosuly. lsoign ot uoen htign oveth he othe

r what europaens od htey work i nteh mrnign form 6 to 5:00 and i nteh

eenign they do pof and otehr hitgns hang out in bars and chill otu and

on week ends they party its liek tht thth way they achvhe all work on

all theri goasl ththsi wrok moeny socialziign findig gf, readign books

nad os oon. htey are simaultaiosnly workign o nall imp thgis nthht

way. you need ot leanr ot manange tie mand actiivity.

ifu u will do one htign then u will do one htign onyl focus o nthth

thign onyl, till ti goets doen let me get thsi thign doe neverhtytign

else cna be doen later on, aththe cost oof thotehr im pthgsin casuign

deelay to otherh impthigsn u needot work on all im pthgis

nsimualtionsly. every day nto misi out on any imp thgin htht way yo

uwill eb mroe happeir, and less deprrsed and nstressed andn aniosu and

suffering, due ot lack of moeny or ebebfits due ot not tkaign aciton

inacito nadn not oign one imp thgis nfor eg if oy udotn fidn a gir

ladn do onyl work then uare asd as u ar msisign otu on a gf and htehr
si imbalnce u uare msisign out on one of oyur dreams and goals, if oy

uonyl go after glrs and nto work then u have no moeny u stre t odeath

and os oon. nad haveo the r iisseu soo work o neeryhtign

simautlaiosnly learn to flip for mone htignto another but rmemebemr u

whe n udo one htign o udo thth thin g only for htht ration, and dofuco

o nthth thign onyl, its liek thht. tth way o u are also focusd o n

signle thign when u do hth singel thign but ahthte same tiem u do

multiple thigsn, multiple imp thgis ndone not like losign one thign

over otehr at the hsot fo otehr as uaure doig n onyl one htign the

whoel day and focusign ony on otheign till ti gets doen an leavign

ecveryhtign else aside.

at theh soct of everyhtign else.

ur way of oworkign was wrong

wor k on all gaosl simaultaionsly every da y thth way yo udotn misso

ut n any imp thgsi nand u are mroe ahppy as and less trses andn

deperpsed as u uare wokrign on all imp thgis nsimulationsuly

yo uwere lie klet me frst do thsi thign and let me get thins thign otu

of my way, let me frst sovle my problems isseus read boosk to fins

solution to imy isiseu nadn hten once i ma ready, andocne i iahve

gootnte thsi thign otu of hte way nadn it no logner, affects me ,adn i

no longer have thsi thigsn to do , the n ican d omy work nad focus

uflly totally on my wro kadn d omy work only, and htehrswill eb nothg

ot distract me, aseu uif i am doign my wrok and doign ti

simlautatniosly tehn, i wont be albeot oread boosk and slove problesm

as after coemign hom e i will get tired eahutsed and have no tiem and
enenrgy left ot odo it. all tie mann dn enenrgy will eb take n by work

then and m porbles andn isues willreami nunsovled, i wudn t knw hw oto

odela iwt hthem nadn sovel them, soo tht i cna fucnstio nand eprofrm

otu thehr and put myself otu htehr!adn wrok! bu i nt hte process u

left ur job and work aside and lsot item what u shud have doen is yo

ushoudl ahve wroked done wkr and side by sid e ismultaiosnly i nteh

evenigns u shud have wroked o nreadign boosk to oslve uru prolbmes and

isisieus it wu have taken longetr tiem but yo uwould have not mssied

out o nwork an d im pthgis then.

yo uare lie kfrist let me do thsi pof thgin and maek a list of glrs i

kliek then once hhts doen i na weeks tie mand is out ofo teh way fast

the ni will think of job and i am freet ofo cus o nwork and job only,
and i wont be ditracted diverted ot otoerhthigsn, as htth htign is out

o fhte way then, and its a istracito if i am ot work, soo let me get

this thign doen frst and move otit out of hte way, and then focus all

my tiem effrt enenrgy o n my job serach onyl, as result if cause a

weeks ealy i nseracignh for a job, i nhth th htiem u misso ut and

lsoe on job s nad tiem adn meony and creates stress as u uahve nto

strted ur job serch yet nad oso oon, you need ot odo it simualtionusly

yo uca do the pf thing in the evenngs as well o uwont hvaveo to od ti

whole day i neh moenrignyo ucna do the job serachi n teh evenign u can

do the pof thign.

ypou feell thht if oy ufogo oto do tot amnyhtigsn then u get nothgin

doen right soo oy ufocus onyl on one thign! its lie kthth! n do only

one htign ath the cost of everyhtign else!

your wa y ofo wrokign and system of workign was wrogn doign onyl one

thign at a time!

you need ot o be ableto flcsutatue i na day for moen taks to to the

oterh rtask, tht is nt omsulti task but, when do amny tgisn i na day

an when u d othenm do them as a singel task focus on it only

adn hten when u do soemthign else, focus on htth only. soo thth u are

odign ti icicntosul when u do it , not swtch on and off o nand off.

you need to do evertyhtign simautlatiosnly all imp thgisn deveiide

your day i nt oparts thth way, you do mautliiple imp thgisn every day

, soo thth u dotn misiso ut on any imp thgisn or gaol a hthe same

tiem, yo uare focsued as whe n udo thth thign for htht duration of

tiem u do thth sigle thign only nad ofucso n tht sigle thign only when

u wrok u ownl work when u read book u uonly read book when u aptrty

uu onyl party thth is u are ocemplte i nt otheh activity only.

itsl ie ktth thth awy yo udont misiso ut on on one imp thigsn when u

d o other, and fee l strssed as uu wrry thth uare nto gettign htis

imp thgis nden n wastign osign tiem an deelaign it delayign findign a

job and u sufer due ot lack of ebenftis and agians liek moeny thht

comes romf doign thth imp thgisn htth u misi out on, doign one htign

athe ocst of otehr, if uu do onyl oen thign at at iem adn focsu o

ntht onyl and forget everyhtign else aside nadn leave everyhtign else

aside at the cost ofo everyhtign else then u are fucked up then,

toatly lost andn invoel i ntht honly and at hthe coest ofoeverhyting

- talent shoudl eb enocraged nadn developed adn nurtutred what happend
u udotn understnd or catn fgireu out anythign ur msitakes he is

stubbro nand doesnt liestn and he is a kid nad hwane h e palys whit

htoys he is toatly i nto it nad does thth thign onyl hie s mind is

ltatly lsot and abord i nwhat hhe isdoig neh doesnt notice anyhtign

aroudn him and dose thth thign onyl and forgets everyhtign else then ttoaly magn a lost highly absorbed
high lelvle of fous and inveolment mind totaoly olost nadn absorned ib in it, and forgetting everything
else around him whe n he is doing soemthign,. Forgetitign all toeh hr thgisn, nto thinking of tht thinking
fo and doing one thing only and beign totoaly lost nadn abrobedi n t I and focused o nti. Totaoly lsot int
opalyign wth the toeys nad hmind tooatly aborebd I nti and he oesnt ot notices anything else around
him, and forgets aeveryhtign else, adntoaotly aborbed I nwaht he is iodign.

Learn to od thgis nsiuamtlatiosnly.

Soe mbady take away his video games

His focus thing nad doing on yl onte thing at a tiem ahs goen too far

Three thgisn are imp in life

Health: if oyu have lots of money but I oyu odtn ahe good health u are weak deisseased etc.. the nyo u
are fcuked u il ldie u wont even be albe to work or ear nnmoeny soo dotn paly with food or cut corners
on food eat s much as you want eat good food.dnt try to save on food tht is you can buy food at
discount and I nbulk to save meony but dotn try to save meoyn by not eating and strvign rusel case hten
you fall sick an d hten you end up spenidngm roe nto only thth ur bran and body cdoesnt work u get
tired easily and cant think and ur bria ndoesnt work and then you cant wrok or earn meony. Soo eat
well. Eat as much as you want. You might try to seek out food htths low cost but odnt strve urslef r cut
corners or save money by strvign.

Wealth /money: without money you cant getwoekr doen or do anything I nlfei if oy uhave no money ot
buy bus ticket then oyu cant go ot owork you need ot meony to get work doen and earn more meny,
thths why they say meoyn attracts meony.

Time: tiem si more imp than money when u lose money yo ucancn earn it back but if oyu lose ie mt tyo
ucant earn tiem back

Action plan Journal:

Action plan what action will you take everyday toachve ur gaols andwhat u want wrte it dwn what are
you tring everyay oignevery day towrdsahcivng urgaosl how ared are you trying:

How to be productive and improve enahcne ru prdicuutivty and perfromacne be more effcienint:

Inoder to achveh ur gaosl you need to see what are theigsn thth u need ot odo work oy uneed ot odo o
in doer ot achvhe oyur gaosl, u need ot get a lot oo htigsn doen wok doen. Soo focus on what are theh
things tht u need ot ood ot ahchve th goals, and the nocsu on getting ti doen hwo u can maek urlsef
productive effcint iroderoto get it ioden. Hw u will get it id one nad oso n. what u uenend ot odo to
getht it oden wath to o folwo things to wolwo to be prorditive to gehtigsn doen wor odne.

Remeeber ththsi this si the most imporratntn, keep this in mind: The the obejctiive the tpurpseo the
msiison is to get things doen get work doen thth needs to be doen t oachveh ru goal and t ogetiti odne
-reemebr hth is the obejctivei the miisosn and Everythgi nyo u do, everythgin you follow should revel
around achvign this mission objective this purpseo, everything you follow everythgi nyou do should
revle around achving this miiso nadn this purspeo and this objective, e.g. stay fcoseud and
concentrate o nti I norder to od it andto getiitodne, owrkign ahrd takig napsinadn effrts t ogthgsi
doen wor kdoen. Nto wasting tiem giving all yoru tiem to oyur work I norder to gethgis ndoen and
work done fast, or u uareeft wit hno item for work and work hgtes left undone, giigvng directing
focsuign all yoru tiem eennergy effrt to oyur work inoder to getiti odne and getiti odne fast and quick.

- fifisnh ths thgin first persirsit oy uaheeve strted t so oyo uwil lfisnih wrte iti down quick beforeoyu
forget it thth thogut h it goes for myoru mid n whatu needt ood take fast waction t omaek the most of
otheet opprotutntiy
-Keep I nmind what your obejcitve is your msisio nis what oy ur goals are and also keep I nmid
– keep I nmidn nrememrb ur obejictve yoru wmisio nwhat u need to od what task swrk oy uneed ot odo
t oachhvve ur goasl, what work oy uneed ot odo fisnh, yo uwll do it only if tis thehr in urm id n thth oy
uahv ot odo it not otherwise. If tis not theh I nyoru mdind yo uwil nto do it.
- things dotn happen like thth thgisn don’t happen or get doen o ntheri own take paisn and eefffrts work
ahrd ot food thgis nadn gethgisn odne work doen.
-You r tiem si limited dotn awaste ti, give all your tie mto oyur work inroder to do the workandto ge the
wrok doen fast oterh wise therhis no tiem elft for work nad o udotn get the work done. Ad nothi ngets
doen I oy uwaste tiem gieve all your item to oyurwork to dget iti done do oyur work only dotn do
toehrhtigsn dotn give item ito inimp thgsin otehrhtigsn, otherwise u uhaveno item for work adnwork
leremains undone.
-things dotn happen on theri own yo uneeed to take apisn ad effrts t oget thgsi ndoe nwrok doen t
oachve ur gaols.
- Focus: u need ot ofucs o nti fully 100% I nroder ot odo ti and t ogetit iodne
-give all yoru tiem to oti to do ti an t ogettidone, get work doen thgis nde nbe rpretuuve devilr resutsl
- Action: take acito nrpompt quick fast urgent action strive to od it and to gtiti odne
- take determed effrt to do ti endvaour ot odo it and t gethigs ndoen work done
- effrt taken = work doen things don’t havppen ntheri own oy uneed o too be cocosntly owrkign io n it
work on it to odit and to get itiodne.

keeep o ndign yoru work cdo oy ur work to d oti and to get ti idoen
- What am I doing?
- Take effrt nand nactio n inroder to ogethgsn doen wrk doen thth needs ot be doen to achveh ur

- Keep in mind what work oy uneed to o do things oyu needto od o to acheh urgaosl you will do
itand take action only if it s thehr I nyoru mid nthth un eed ot od oti ask yosuerlf remid nruself
what do we need to odo now, today, thin k ndeicide what otodo ero the day what work to od
otwrds ahcivng ur gaosl keep I nmidn what thgsn u need ot odo for the day toarwdsachvign
rugoals oy uwill do ti only if its thehr I nyour mid nth u have to do it complete t ifinsi hti,
otherwise you wont odit. Nly the nyou will get ot o it it take it for doing ti and do it take effrt
nadn acito nt o t and geti tiodne not otherwise if its not thehr I nyour mid nthen yo uwot ndo ti.

saggitatrisu :
arrow means fcosed on ne gol one taks oenmsiisnon singel mided
fcosed andn thinkign of one htigsn only doign o ntheing oy l ttotaly obssed with ti adn goign fafter it only
pussitgn all ru tiem effrt eenrngy i ntit ot odo ti to geti tiodne na achvhe it siddh means to achveh it
arrow menas aming hihg dreamig nbig
adn takign amassiive dermtmemd effrt t oachhve it nad focsued effrt
arrow with strern back and soo on uptirght pose means warrior fighetr not gogni nback but chahcirgn
ahednand finghth itng back
as to how dare you mess with me
horse means warrior fighter nt giiveu p fishgitngpepsnent ndetmemreid ntakig nall effrst nadn edaviosur
to achveh urgaosl!
He si detemriend epprsiritnen nad instnste and unbeudign nad hatti and not giignvg up nad os on.

-Thths cause is was I an passive subdue d stste, I nshort be ncieandn good to get oyur htigsn doen, I kwn
htht icant throiw rtantrums or wi will eb kicked out n soo I was odign ti I n a nicer way! By beign raelalyl
ncee and ngdo ot othem talkig nsweelty even if they were rude to me and tlakig nnciely, if yo utlak
nicely then theywill too if oyu get angry then they wil alos react angiriyl and it will, get hem s going as
well. And they iwl lalcma dow n ifo yu tal ksweetyl ad nd nicely.

- yo ushodl epprsrit keep o ndogi nt ikeep working o nt I takignaction, evnen if ailru rejection nn to let
rejacito nfailures dificults stop u form doig nit or discarage you keep at it iadn doing ti taking acito and
naddoign what uar odign toachveh urgoals. If oy ustake catio nthen soemthgin will hapeen if oy ustop
takiacng action nteh nnothgi nwill ahpen.

-You neeed to keep I nmidn what u ushud n nshud nt od remember it reemebr and keep all this in mind.
-You need to reg yourself to make urslf od it and ollwo it
-Rmemeebr keep I nmid ntth u need ot work hard take effrts to achvhe rur gaosl, nothgi nahppesn o ntis
own, (efrt taken = work doen) inorder to mtivae urself to work ahrd drive urslef ot work hardnadn over
ocmetht hrstsnt ce aversion nt oarhd work as the brai ndoensl t iek workgi nahrd as it is painful the bran
wants ot realx basically.
- u need ot be focused not get distracted diverted here and there
- u need ot remember keep I mid nwaht or kr t oodo
- u eed ot ocosntly htin kfo oti wth yru goa is misio nsiwhat yo uwnatnot oachvhe heo oyu wil lachve ir
oy uwil ldo tiand take action nony li fo tis o nyoru mind cocosntly nto otehrwiese! Only hten yo uwil
lwork otwrds ti and amek ur diestiny if its on your midncocntly htinkgi nabotu ti riteratign ti what uened
ot odo and hwo oy uwill do ti and oso n ony lthen yo uwil ltake acito nadn soo make ur deistiny if
oyuodnt think about ti then yo uwotn take action nadn oy uwotn maek u r destiny. You can make ur
destiny just by thinking about it icsntly wht wrok things u needo to od, it shud be hther on your mid
ncocosntly htin kfo tht only , istnioanyl lknwoginly casue hten oy uwil take acito nt odo it and maek it
- u ushudnt bewastign yoru itme odign toerhthigsn unimp things! Yur time is limted dotn waste ti itodign
unimp things give llal your tiem tth si 18 horus adayhht ht u get u ujstu get 198 horus soos odotn waste
tii give ll uar item to oyur work to ot gethgis deandwork doento oachvhe ru goals
- dotn waste yoru tiem lazing and seelelping get t owro kto gehtigsn doen and work donrre t oahhcve
uru goals be coocsntly owrkign asriivgn to achhve ur goasl.
- dotn distract nn divert ur midnehre nn thehr n nelse where
-time to tke actinoot odo hgis nadn getthgis ndoe nt oachvhe urgoals!
focsu o nti to od it andto get it dne!
fast nadn quick
-u shudnt be wasting tiem u need ot take fast quci kadn promt action nt o gethtigsn doen as fast as you
can, you nened ot not sut get thgis ndoen wor doen but oy uneedot maek suer thth uget ti idoen fast
ths isi casue u dotn have tiem o udotn live forever, the mro logner ti takes the lesser your chance fo
ahchvign rugaosl as and the less tie myo uahveto achhve ur goals as oy uget older r ot o enjy the furits of
oyur goals or t oachvhe more I nlfei and move oto other h gaols tiem si the most imp thing tht huams
have you need to o take fast acut oadn and gethigns oden wok doen fast as yo udotn ahee tiem yo
udont live forever.
-You need ot have a sensne of urgency to get everything doen fast and so oy uneed ot t taek ast quci
krpomt and nurgetn action nt o gethigs ndoe nwor kdone fast.
- yo ucant afford ot be slo oy un ee d t oahve asensen of urgency ot gethgis ndoen wro kdoen fast as fast
as yo ucan
This si s the goal and misison: “to getwork doen adnto get iti oden fast as you d otn lvie forever, yo
uahve limited tiem you cant take ages to ahchhve ur gaosl nad work slowly at a slower rate nadn apce
and get things doen slow taking ages to get things doen and wrok doen oy uneed ot move fast get work
doen fast”
Paticne doenst mean thht u work slowoly patience means thth u work fast but as t oachhve ur goals u
need to get a lot f owork doen so ooy uare patient enough t oreach oru goal thth u dot nfgiveu p oy
uahve paince, hth is to achhve agoal a lroot of work eeds ot be oden an d t achhve a gal ti takes tiem ,
so u uare atinet but yo umaek suer oyu get the work done fast. Ad all the work getting doen wquickly
then add s up to oyu achvign you r gaosl and you are patient throguht the process fo all the work sum of
work dettign doen.
- U nget ony l18 horus a day nadn dot nwatst eit be careful as yo hwo u spend yur item give al lyur
tiem to oyur work to gethgisn doen and work done fast at a faster trate and pace!
- Be determeid nadn driven to do ti and get it dorne fast yoru work doe nfast and prompt nadn
wqucik yo uneedo tbe fast and nquick!owrk a tat a afaster qciekr nadn speeder pace
detemrmed pace and rate

Thth inforamtio nmsut be htehr some whehrei nhsi brai nthth he needst odo thh an the neh ptus it o n a
hold thinking eh will do ti late as he ahs other im pthgs n moe re imp thgsi nt ood or be done , and the
nreemebris ti after a logn tiem!
how wil thsi happen?
whher a m igoi nwrogn wit hthis all fo a suddn hwo com my producitivty has dropped and i am nto doig
naythgi nor gttign aynthig ndone?
all fo a suuden
wht is ithth I am not follow in I nym mmeery thth iwas beeivlgnnad floowign before thth has led to losi
n prodcuutivty!
Why am I nt getign thgis ndoe nhwo coem my produutivity has gone down!
Where am I ogin worng with this?
Wht isi ti thth I am nt obeivelin or follwoig ni nmy mid ni nmym mery thth iwas olwoign before!

Hwo ocem I am n to doig nanyhtign and nto getting nayhtig done! Wrk odne!
And wasting tiem doing otehrhtisgn unim pthgsin

- Oyu neeed ot ofocus o nti stay focsuedo nti concentrate o nti to do ti and to getit idoen not gt
distracted diverted ehrhe and ntehrh nto put ur mid ni ntoerhritgns strictly not od otherhtigsn
and do thth only oinorder toodo ti and to geitiodne. Fast! Not getsidstractedn dn iverted ehrhe
nn tehrhe, focus o nt icoentrate o nti nto odo otehritngs enanegei novel I ntoerhtigsn focus on ti
to od it and to getit idoen.
- Be seriorus oaobut it meamngi nbsueisn nad no nsoense!
- Keep yoru mid n iynor uwork think fo thth only not waste time mthinkign fo otehrtigsn no
distractios and diversions, fcosu oyoru mid no nyru work only . thin kf ooyru work o nyl and do
oyur work only! Do oyur work o nyl to od ti and to geti ti odne! Thi kf oyour work only nto of
otheritgns dotn iviele ennge your mid ni ntorhrthgisn stay focused nti nto other htigsn thogutsh
ogi no n inyor umd n be awarr efthe thogtsh fogin o ni nyoru mid nadn thin kf owork only dotn
thin kfo otehrtigns , put yoru mid nivenovel yoru mid n I ntoerhtigsn unim tghsin , don’t do
otehritgns focus on yoru work your mid non your work keep ur mid ni nyru work ot od oti and to
ogetit oden
- I uuet distracted diertted ehhre nadn tehrhe for myoru gao ladn what are doig n by thinkgi nf
ootehrhtigsn or enenagign I noterh htigsn the n aure ogone and oy uare fcuekd and yo und up
losign iem and nto odign what uuare supposed to odo and doing thgsi n uare nto sppseod to od.
And getting ntoehign doen then.
- Stricty l nto do otehrigns not enenge I notehr htigsn unim pthgsi nsay no toot otehrtigsn, and
focus cocsntrate fully o nyor uwork and im tpgs o n ly t ood it and getitioden and nto get
distractednadn iverted awa for mti and for myor umsision and what u ened oto od. Ad dot nthin
kf otherhigsn as well thtin kf ooyur work and im pthgis nony lkeep ur mid ni ntthth only o nyl the
n u will do t ian dgetitionde nto therwise, also say nto ototherh tisnasu uahve work roto od and
get done.
- Wht to odo what u eed ot odo ad wahy t oeb procutive keep it in mind. Yo uare nto odign ti as
yo uavhe forgotten what uneed ot odo tis no logenr htehr I nyur mid nwaht works wht ushdu
ndo nd nfolwo ans ooo on.
- Also anoterh htigsn is ikeep I nmid nwaht oyur goal and kmsioo ns istaty focused on t ikeep I
meemry what oy antto oachveh what uahve ocmehere for whatu r pupseo is and what is it tth u
need ot be doing, what io uneed ot ood thigs nwork oy uened ot ood it shud be htehr inyoru
mind and oy uhsd think fo ti cocosntly as to ahwt to odo hw oto odit hwo to og about ti you will
do ti only if oy uthin kan dwrry of t iconstly and its therh I nyoru mid ncoocsntl y not oterhwise.
- wel leh si nto creadign t ior resplyign caseu ti wil eb fuitle m, caseu he doesnt want to eh wil
lbarrcade eeryhting thth s unim pand dosent sere hsi pursep and focus onyl o nwahts imp adn
crirital c adn d crucial, if u dotn focsu o nt iand if yo uwaver ehre and tehr then you are fcuked!
- he is not takign calls etc.. as he watnst to ocus o nti if he gest diststractedndn viertd ehre nn
therh even an bit then he knws he is gone is he lseos ocus andn ocentration, adn doesnt want to
distracte adn divert hsi mind esle where thth is! he filters whats im pand waht s nto imp, and
focuses on lo n wahts imp, he si nto tatkig nthth message as he doesnt wnato to he doenst want
toogetsdtracted and dviert hsi mind esle wehre nand botehr with it, so otht heh can keep hsi
mid ni nshi work and im pthgsi nadn focus o nti and nto thin kf ooterhtigsn nad nto dget
distracted for mwaht eh sidign or traing to achvhe and dothth onyl adn thin kf othht onyl not
thin kfo otehrhtigsn forget abot everyhting else leave all oteh rhtigsn aside nadn focus o nt iony
lto do ti and geti tioden think fo hth onyl ot od it and geti tioden o na msiio no nly thth thing on
yoru mind not thin k nwrry botu toehrtigsn put ur mid nt ootehrhtigsn discatrct yoru mid nelse
wehre t otehrhtigsn, nt oodo therthgisn leave everything lese all unim pthgsi ansdie u neeed to
oofocus o nthth thing nad d othth thing only and leave aeveryhtign else asie at the cost of
everything else. Focus o ntht hthign do thth thing nad hth nthign ony ladn ntohgi nelse and
leave everyht fcukgi thgis nelsel aside ot od it and to geit it doen focus o na few thgisn only and
nto do thrhe thgisn uim tgshi n gie all l ur tie meenrgy effrt mind to oti t ood it and to get ti tone.
Do only on e htign at a tim e focus o nly o noen thig nat a tiem taek it for doig nt iadn do ti and
get ti oden and the nmove on to the next thing. Set yoru sigth ony lo no en thig at at tiem.
- Elae aeveryhtign elsel aside thths nto imp do wahts imp everythgi nelse u can do ti later on.
- Tis lie ki nrarchert y ou focus cocenntrate on l o nte htraget and ntoehtign else no toerh
distractios ndviesiso nehr and ntherhe remid nyorusefl to tay foscuesd.
- Be I nte hzone thth si focused nwaht uare doig nand no distracitosn and diversions here nadn
thehr focus oyur mid nfully and ntoatly I nto tit nadn thignk of thth ony ldayn ngith
- Yo nennd ot ofocsu o nti and ncoentrate on ti I ndeor ot do ti and getiti doen aelve a al
ltoerhtigns aside don’t awste tie mdogi ntoerhtigsn nto nveo li ntoerhtigsn do thth only to odo ti
and getitioende focus o n thth nly to do ti and gettiodne fully 100% elaeeveryhtgn esel asie
athteh cost of everything else give u psacrifice veryhgi nelse!
- Cancel all distractiosn nad focus only o nwahts imp t od it and to getit ione
- Ths aint working out for me all fo a sudden I am not beign productie hth si I am nto odig nwaht I
shud be odig nand I am doig ntoerhtisn the quseriotsn si why? Have I forgotten what ineed ot
od what it si thth I was beivelig ni nebfore follwig nbefore what wastehreh I nymy memery thth
made me productive before and now all of a sudden I have forgotten ti and I am nto beign
productive. M w astign tiem doig ntoerhtigsn unim pthgsi instead fo im pthgsin .
- Dotn do tehrhtigsn say no to other tigs if oy uare distracted hehre ntnehre the nyo uare gone if
oy udo otehrtigns nand thin kf oerhhtigsn inveol put ur mid n inteorhtigsn then yo uownt do
oyur work and im pthgisn then. And yo uwotn achvhe ur goasl then.
- Whether am I ogin wrogn wit htheis? What is it th thi have am nto doing follwoig nr oorgttne to
follw as result I am nt obeign rodcutive tth s nto getting work doen thgis noedne and end u
doing o therhtigsn I snted of odign my work and im ptgisn.
- Fosu vs distraction.
- Everyhtgin else is a sdstractio nfi oy uget distracted uaure goen woy uwot nget anything doe
nwrok done and nto achveh ru gaosl soo stay foscued you need ot okeep urlsef dofuccesd
ncocntrate o nti say not to al otehrhign leave all oterhtigsn aside nnead focus on ti cocnestrate o
nththting only your mid nt odo it and to get idoen, fcos ucoentrat o n oen thing only to do ti and
to getiti t done, do thth ony ltt thi of o htht things only keep thgis nthign I nyoru mid n I nyoru
sight nyoru mid n ony thth thing shud be thehr I nyoru mind invel ur mid n I nthth ting only
rmemeber kee I n medn thth u have to od ohtth o ny lthen u will do ti, thin f othth only hwo to
odo it hw oto odgo about ti and so on, cocoenstly only the n you wil ld oi thin k nworry about tht
only if its not thehr I nyoru mid nthe nyo uwont do ti ti ahs to be on oyur mid ncocsntly. Only the
n yo uwil ld oti think of it wrry about ti hwo oy uwil ldo ti and so on, only the nyo uwil ldo ti hwo
ot od it go about ti what tood and so on nto other iwse. Rmember keep I nmid nd otn forget kee
I nsight keep I nmidn what ur goal si what ur msisio nis what work you need ot odo and so on
only the nyo uwil ld othe work. how will al this happen? How will al this thing wrok fget doe n
how ican maek myself do all ths ia nd be proeducutve t od it and get iti oden and dlveir nadn
nto waste item doig ntoerhtigns.
- Thda sa idhar udahr ho gaya to h gay a ifo u get distracted diverte aeen a lttel bit here nntehr
the n uare gen your mid noyur atio nad so on.
- Do thth ony lleave everyhtignelse give up sacrifice foucs o ntht thing nyl at heth cost of
everything else!
- Dot bdo oterhh tigsn say not to otehrhtigns sit down and cfocus o nt icosntrate o nt and focus o
nt I ony lt inrodert ot do ti an d to get ti iodne.
- Say n oto oeveryhtign else leave everythgi nesle aside dotn enneag iivneol I nteorhtigs nwaste
tiem doig ntoerhtigsn give ll ayoru tie m tot it aony lfocsu on t it do thth only thin kf otht ony l t
odo t and get it idoen cotnro lsay nto to otehrritngs and do tht nyl to do ti and geti ti odne
restthe temmtatio nt odo other thgsi nadn fosu o nti 100% cocenstrate o nti to od it and geti
tioden as oy ukw n htth this is imore imp than otehrhtigsn and otehrhtisn are nto imp thth si
your snseible memry I nwhic hyo uk wn hth htsi is more imp, should control or over ocem your
primitive memory imsvel memery thth wats u uto od unim ptghsi ntht ur bria nenjoys doing but
are unimp and wot n help u auhcve anything r oattain anything. Focs o nti to do ti and to get ti
done. Leve aeveryhtign else aside. Tis not siidcloel or beign ahrsh its called underatidn doig nt I
ina nintetlgent way udnerstnadign in oyur meidn I nyoru mmer y th tht his si more im so I need
to do othsi over otehrtigsn thh are unimp. Ths itaeks priaorty rpvefernce over oterhhtgisn. U
need ot oput it idown as to what works and what doesn’t and wath takes priporty. And
rpvefenrce over oterh htgisn.
- how wil thsi happen?
- whher a m igoi nwrogn wit hthis all fo a suddn hwo com my producitivty has dropped and i am
nto doig naythgi nor gttign aynthig ndone?
- all fo a suuden
- what isi ti thht I have forgotten what isi ti thth I am nto follwoign htht iw as follwoign before,
thth maede mre productive
- hthts is why oy uneedot put everything down so othth uknwo thth what uuddid bielve I
nrmemeebr keep I nmid nfollw oathth tiem tthht made u rpodcutive.
Be seriso uadn strictly no nonsense focuse on ly o nim pthgsi nnto odone thgisn mreo that nahwts
U need oto tofully tootly cosntrate andn fosu on it to do it and get tii oden no sidstracitosn and
dvierseiosn n to od otehritgns not think fo o tehrhtigsn nto inveol ursel or ur mid ni noterhtigsn focus o
nti to od it and to get itiodne

- u need to be in the zone and totally focus o nti only to do it and to get I it done n nto do
tehrhtigsn say not to all oteh htirgns , indoer to do ti and geti itoden nto waste sepdn ur tie
mefrt energy doing otehrhtigns unim ptghsi nadn focus o nti od oti and gei tiodne cocsntrate on
ti yoru mid no nt to od oti and geti iodne no distracti ndviersion say not ot everyhtignesel dotn
do otehrhtigsn don’t enage inveole ur mid n inteohtritgns fos o nti to od it and get itidone
- single minded focus thth is
- its tie m t oconsntcetrare be focseud and nstay focused onti hgihy ltotoaly
- its about item t obe focseud to remid nurself to be focseud o nyoru gaol and mission!
- It’s a rinmeder t obe focseud o nim pthgsin!
- N nto dviae aand waver ehre hn therh focus o nt icocsntrate o nt il1005 fully to o do it and geti
- Tis tiem t ofocsu 100% focus focus o nyoru gaol and msiison and what you need ot do o no
distractiosn and diversios nehre and tehrh elimante al distractios nadn dierseiso nadn focus
onyor uhting what u ened ot odo band be totaoly serious about ti no distractions.
- Fcosu vs distraction say nto to al lotehrhtigns
- When asked arjuna what do oy usee I see only the eye of the bird thth is the target , no otherh
distracitos nsimialry focus fully on it o nyoru work taks at ahnd ocmpsltel ty o nti to do it and to
get ti doen. and leave all otehrhtigsneveryhtign else aside. Al nim pthgsi naside, voh sabh kuch
chod.. hthts not im padn focus o nthsi only to od it an ot getti todne. Focus o nths I thing to do it
and to geti t ioden elimante all oter hhdistracitos nadn diversions. Its tie mt obe focsedu . on
imp tgis
- Be itnsentsn dstermed deiorsu and nfocsued , ppersitientn and nto give up and keep o ndoing it
at ti and trying to od it and geti ti oden and be totaoly seiosu about it
- One track mind and sinlge minded focus
- Thths for me a reminder to ostay focused nand n ot get distractednd nidevretd to otehrhtigsn
unim pthgis nuseles htigsn
- Hwo ot ood it hwo o tog about ti
- How wil lthi s happen?
- Kee p working o nt iand toaotly cosntrate and focus on ti only to o do ti an d to get ti todne.
- Get back to basics where oy uare goin wrogn what u are doing wrong
- Wht u shud be doing, and flowing and why, soo htth u udnennrstd whehre uare ogin wrogn wht
u orgeot to wfofolwo or ahv forgotten and thhs why uare not beign productive nand doig nthgsi
and getting work odne thth si diversitso nsdstracits os ndoign unim pthgsi ntoerhtigsn isntaead
of oworkign doing ur work nad gtettiing ur wro k done.
- Thth u need ot be folwoign abut are nto fooflwoign.
- You need ot osty focused o nti if oy lsoe focus and get distracted divertd for mt ithen o uwotn d
oti and oy uwil end p doig ntoerhitrtngs
- How to stay focused:
- Think fo thht only dotn think fo oterhhtgisn
- Do thth only syay nto to otehrhtigsn odnt iviele eeange urseofl I n oterhtigsn unim thtigsn
- Give al lyoru tie meffrt energy ot otht only odtn waste tie meffrt energy dogi ntoerhtigsn other
ise u uahve no tie meffrt energy left to odo imp things nand work
- Kep hth thing I nyoru mind kepe ur mid n intth only kepe ur gaosl msisio nadn what work u
need to odo I nyoru sight thth si
- Thin fo it only cocosntly wht todo hw oo yu will do ti it has to be o nyoru mid ncoocnstl thin k n
wrry of it only oy uwil do ti only I f it is I nyoru mid nif oy udotn thin kf of it if tis nto thehr I
nyoru mdi n uwot nd oti fi oy dotn thin k n wrry abot ti and if oy uar e thignkgi nfo otehrrigns
thre are otehrh tigsn going o n inyoru mdi n ru mid ns iidstracted diverted else wehre
- He wants t ood semthgi n he msuht be up to osemthgi nadn doing soemthgi nadn doesn’t want
to get dstrated ndn diverteved , else where … doing ti At theh cost of oeveryhtine g elsel ealvig
nevertyhtigsn else laside he msut be focsuign o nsoemthig nadn doesn’t want his mind to htin
kfo or wrry or botehrh about anything else . eeaklvign everyhtgi nelse aside al nim pthgsi naside
nadn doig ntht only and nfocusi ng o ntht honyl lazer focus 100%
- . ----
- What t odo hwoo to od od it and go about ti to be proeducieve avoid all distracitosn and unim
pthgis nadn stay ofsuedo nt I say nto t oeveryhtign els al lnunimp thgisn n fsou on ti 100%
cosntnrate o nt it ot do ti and geti tiodne nto odo otehritgns nto enenge I ntoerhtigns unm
pthgsin do only wahts imp.
- Keep doig nwaht uare odign cstnyl to odit and gei tiodne
- Fcosu ur mid nttaolyl and fully o nt into get distracted dniverted ehrhe n ntehre .

- Feel lfear strognyl of hth t unwated proababilty taek fast quick prompt urgent action ne
baprpanoid fel fear storgnly nadn take acito n quci kacito nt to avod I the h t probability thth u
wdont want.
- Be aare fo the thoguths goin o ni nyour mid nfocsu o nyoru work thin kfo oyur work not think fo
otherhtigsn nt obe distitrace diverted hehre nthehr fosu o noyru work keep u rmid ni nyoru
wrok think fo oyur work to od ti and to get tiodne. Stay focseud o nit
- Where am I goin wrogn with this wh y am I nto doig nwht I needot odo or am supsoed ot odo!
Andwhy an I do ign toerhtigsn unim thgsin!
- What should we do today now? Towards achivgn our gaol?

-why are yo uputtign rusefl thru htht stres , why are oy utakin al lthth stress and putting ruself thorugh al
ltht trouble and nstress, caseu i want to o.. cause i want to o achveh rmt y gaosl

-fdrect ur mid nur enenrgy effrt to p rudctive htigsn im pthgsi n hth will brign ubebfit andn gain help ot
make mrpeogress adn imrpve ur ugaoslvfe seomve ur problesm ahvhcve the imp thgsi ni nfle i not nim
pthgsi nhthth wil rbign u not bebfit and fgain

- N odistractiosn and diversiosn stay focused o nti don’t do otherhtigs keep o ndoign yoru work
and kee pati it and doing ti to odo ti and getiidoen
- Maek a litst dofo thgis nto odo every day work to otod to achhve rur gaosl.
Think and decide wahtto odo for the wday wahtwork ot odo to achvhe ur gaosl.

- As I idont nwat ot ogt distracted nadn iverted for mwaht I am doing. And want to ostay focsuedo
n what I am doing.
- How iawas aabel to get soo mcu hwokr doen ath th tiem, what I was doig nadn following , thth I
have forgotttne to od wht was isi odign athth tiem and follwoign hth iahve forgotten now and
nto ndoigt it and follw onow, as I iam nt obeig nablet o get anything doen.wejre am I gogi
nwrogn wit hthtis? What isi itthht I am not odignthth follwoign tht I shud be following to maek
myself mreo prpedcuve
- Take fast quick prmt urgent action nt to get htigsn dne work doen fast.
- Dnt o otherhtigsn stay focused o nti to od ti and geti tiodne, dotn waste tie mdoig notehrhtigsn
unim pthgsi nkeep at ti iadn doing ti to od t and to get itioden
Where am I gogi nwrogn wi hthtis whay y is I itth ht iam not gettign anythign done work doen
andwastign tiem doing otherhigngs,? Lacking control all fo oasudden what isitt hth iwahve
forgtoton to od? Tht hiwas odignnad ofllwo bn before when iwas gettigna lot of owork done an
d was focsuedo nti andoso n. what iti isi tht I aheforgotton oram not dofllowign what I was
folwoign at thth tiem when I was gegettigna lot ofo work donehth is why u need ot write ti an d
put ti all downso thh uwkn what worked at hth tiem we n uwere highy lproductive. Soo thth
ucant refer back to oti and ofllw oit. What isi tth th I am nt odoign ro wfofolowign tht iwasfollwo
nat hth time.

- U can do thth later on frst do wahts imp. Dnt wast tie mdoign ti tth not imp
- Lets take this for doing ti lets put one daonewnn and move to next!
- Taek fast quick prompt urgent acito nt d oti and to geti tiodne. Fast!
- As dfast a you can tiem si imp
- The apce sepd at wichi hu get htisn done si imp acaue tiem is imp.
- Thin kfo what work ro odt ood o next. What shoud I do now? Lets do this lets ocemtetl this
thing thin k taeka deicos nyo uwil ldo ti only ti of yu htin kadn deced ewand kw naht oood nt
ooterhiese as if ts therh nyru mid ntht hauveh todo it nn ukwn htht uahve otoodtihs
otherhwise u uwil waste yoru ite m deue ot indeiodsn nand nto kwnign whatoood.
- Whts he t issue wh anm I nto dign ti or getting t idone.
- Soo now what do we do? Ccosntl y be thinking nwaht to odo next towars achivgn ur gaol… so
now wat do we do now? Think n n decidie what to odo! Atw work to odo towrdsacign ru gaosl.
So now whato ood thin kfo what oto od next towards achvign ru goasl.
- -Taek fast and qci kacio nadn dceceiosn.
- The goal si to sovel yoru problesm your problesm should be solved
- I have ther thngs rto do imp thngs to be dne
- Think of whaht tood soo what od owe d now? Whw oto od it and go about it!
- You need ot try all wasys he is yoru frid n ot oyur enemy try all psosoible routes thh you can
- Dotn wast yoru tie mby odign al ltth u wont get anythgi nby doig nall thth

Don’t wase uru tie m doing toerhtisn ur tiem si limited give al lyoru tie mtot oyur work to get work and
im pthgsi ndoe nfast

Yo ushoud nto waste tei m yu need ot seize the cahcen and the opporuttnity ogo to the city thehr are
no jobs here you wnt be able to fdn a job I Nanaimo. Thehr are no jobs hehre at all ti ill be impososible
to find a job here

-u canmke ur destibny bu coctly thinking bout it as t o wht u wn ttoachve how u willl get it n schve it
cause u will ake action only if its there in ur mind concty if its not there in ur mind u wnt do it or take
-n uur destivny is the choices tht u mke by mkin the rght choices u can mkeur destiny
- it was done paisntakignly thth si take apsi nadn wefffrts to d ot I and to get itione.
- take effrt ot odo it and geti iodne, iam goig nto go mad drvie myself carzy doig nti, ti tiakes efffrt , m
gogi nt o gocrazy doig nt I btu ti has ot be oeden and its worjht it.

- soo now wht to od ? lets do this lets compete this hign lets fisni this thing off.

- life si a struggle you have to toake the struggle and go thru the struggle n doer to maek it instially ti
will eb harder strtign out. But uneed ot be detmrmeid nadn you need ot ocntineu to persisrt. To maek it

- uneed ot be n your tose and oy uneed ot oslog basically to maek things happen!

- oyu r time si more imp than money yo ueen ot do higsn I an an accelerate d manner haeve some
headway! If o yo uneend ot act fast and nquci ki oyu lsoe tie myo uare fucekd its like that.

- take he is now desperate take fast quick prompt and urgent acito nt odo hgis nadn get thgis ndoen!

- I can do this I can do thht and os on!

- you needo to take effrt be fast be cnstisul becoosntly owkrign t ogethgis ndoenwork doen t oachvhe ur
goals! And get theh work doen fast at a afsster speedier rate speednad napce.

productive - Getting wrk done

-you need to think fo thht nly you need ot htink of pr ONLY the whole day nadn ngithonlythaht thin
hsould be hehr i nyour midn hwot oapply andge the pr
-ask your friends talk to them get inforamtio nknwoeldge as to hwo to get PR
- dotn waste tiem apply fast tiem is impornant adn precios dotnwatset it doet wait ill thelast moemtn
strart now and apply now.
- dnt htink whtheh ir ti will happen or nto, waht ifi it doenst happen adn so on dotn let fear of failure
stop uyou dofrm doign ti instead htink thth i fi oyu dont apply then you will be kicked outh they wil ask
you to pac k your bags adn go this 3 year work permit it oacnt be extended, soo you need ot have hht
fear i nyoru mid neb on yor toes so thth yo utake fast wqucik urgent actio nto avoid nadn prvent htis
situaiotn for mahppening, this eventuality and proobailtiy form ahappnign ifo yu odnt act noe u are
fcuedu uget kicked out nad yu dotn wnat ot ot go bak and stuff soo start urgentyl nad fast.
take fast quic kpromptnadn urgetn action.
- adn if oyu odnt act now w if yo uwait and keep it forlater yo uwotn be apbel to do it at hthe last
moemtn mnand hetne yo uwill regretit tthth uhsould have strted earyl soo dont have t avoid thth
regret oy uneed ot put oyru entry in ti now irght nwo,
- see the process hw oto go abotu ti and oso nad take action to ge t it dont , inorderto take acito nyo
uenddot knwo waht ot ood if oyu odnt knwwhatoto od hten you cant teka e actio nsoo taek acion nwo
and gtiti done,
- you neeot ac nt ow and act fast and qucik , and you need ot be highy ltotoaly focusedo n t aind take
actio nonpen oyur account thehr nadn get ti doen adn doen with ti quick
go toatlly in to it rip it appart goi tnto detail know what are the thigsn you need ot apply for pr day andn
nigth u should only htink abotu hwo t et PR and be obssed withit thths it think fo ntohgn esle and keep
- and do it now not keep it for later o n or till the end or last moeemtn otherh wise u will totlaly regret it.
- whtat s therh i napplyign waht od oyu have to lose by applying appl i all pososible ways through
express entry totrhough this through that thorugh marraige nadnwhat not, apply thsi way andn that way
all pososibel ways nto leave an y ting i noption send entr i nl mmaneras and ways.
-When it coems to wok adn gettign thgisn doen u needo be like do i iek miliaetry thth si as iif u are on a
misiso nt ogthgisnd doen getthigsn doen ro get work done, adn oaurefocused on doign ti hht si u are
progrememd u are n a msiiso nits htehr i n your mid nthth u ahveo to od htsi and get thgis thign doen
adn yo uneedo t do ti liek F1 FSAST FOCSUED NOSENTO P AND continous!
u need otbe fast do thigsn fast getthgisn doen fast work on it to geti ti odne ast nadn wquickly!
- you have thsi route to get PR diffrent paths and wats o t get and apply fo rpr then apply i nall pososible
ways not ksut oneway try all paths and routes toget pr nt oleave anyhtign i noption. try hard htht is adn
dotn wast etiem1
-and u uneed torace agaisnt tim tht is tiem si the msot precios tuhign dont wast eteim do thigsn fast
fethgisn doen fast and nquick its a race agaisnt time dotn waste tiem doign toerhtigsn, give all ur tiem to
it only do tht onyl nfocus on ti onyl not get distratednadn diverted ot othr htigsn and nto gdo otehr
htigsn!, time ur atiivite to gethtigs thign doen i nthsi mcu h time, you need ot taek tiem i tn
oconsideration. ur itm si the most imp and precosu thing.
ARTS CREATIVIITY ALL POSOIBEL WAYS YO UCAN FIND to raeach ur gaol employ all means and take alpll
paths nadn ways
dont leave an thign i noption.
- u need ot be in detai lri p it apapr t down o the las detia lge ot oth botom of it knwo and learn
everythgi nabotu it, go int oddetail knw nad learn everyhtgi nabotu it go deeply in to it knw eveyhtign
abotu it waht about htis what abotu thth and so oon.
- dotn be ocmpalcent preapre ur papackege as ifi u will fail adn ejet yo uand see all teh poitns htth htey
do to reject ur profiel reasosn for rejctio nand prepare your paacjkege accordingly soo thth they dont
ave a chance to reject ur application. get rid of all posoibel thigsn thhtat cna coasue rejection.
- u need ot apply for PR in all possibel ways, waht do oyu have to lose waht difffrene is it ognna make ot
oyu you dont havea PR any way soo apply and see as long as u get whts wrogn with applyign throgh
reugee status thehr are soo many refugees ocamign i nany way, soo apply and see. onteh basis of lack
offreedo madn in hope country and targetign adn prosecutio nfo gays and laws. thth ar e agaisn your
personal eeifls.
- htherh are diifirent pathsnadn ways to ood it or to reah thsi pr goal oy uneedo t oofd it and aply
through all ways and paths!
- go totoally into it and rip apaprt the app process
- deciide which hay to go andwhich paths to apply through adn whatu uneed for it! to apply
- see it study it go fully i nto it how ot odo it and go abotu ti kwo everyhtign abotu the applciatio
nprocess waht u uneed waht uu need ot odo yo ucan d it only if oy uahve the konwledge as to whato
tood nad hwo ot od it not other wise!
- the mroe you depnd on otehrs the hrarder it will be ot get PR
forexample in stratup you neeot frstget ur biz approved get fndign adn os oon o nylthe n uget a pr, for
atlantic u need to ahve emploerys for mcertia nstatets only . the ahrder it isi cause the logner tiem it will
o take to fianigh the applicatio nadn then apply
- the mroe ur aplciaito ndpends on you the more easier it is to get PR. thth wa hte wrok gets one faster
ou get hthe documents apply and ndoen!
- wahts thehr i napplyign apply i nall possibel ways nadn means u have ntohgin to lose andeveryhtign to
gain start now fast and geta pr fast thhs the mai ngoal now! if oy ugo back ot indai u are fucked uwill
ener get married and idn a gf!
- the best way is thorugh spousal entry tis pretty straigth forwrd yo udotn needlanguage tests adn waht
- moral policing not allowed to wear jeans and couples are harrsed
refgess opressive cultere which is agaist my beliefs for freedom and livberation.thehrh are certia
npolitiacal grousp i tne hctnry thth enange i nmoral polciign and dont allow us to have wesren inclunce
waer jeans nadn so oon ceclbrate alentiens day adn so on! and caste system and os oon. not allowed ti
nceria ntempels nadn so oon!
whci hare gaisnt my prsoanl belefs for freedo mrlibraetions f choice adn so oo n eawua lrights and i
face a thraet casue of my own perosan l belefs for such grousp. adn segmensn adn eleiemnts fear
meongeign elemients i nte hsoicety. so oia ma pplyign for regure i can nada as i risk beign eprsecuted
and ntaegetd therhtedn fo r my perosan lbeebfsl and my bebeisl are not i nllien and i odnt approve of
waht thyare doign i tneh coutnry ecerian plitical groups!
- kisnebpl hai yeh subh kuch karne ke liye all this u are doign t oget a PR , all thth effrt u uare takig all teh
ercise u uare odign nso oapply directly for a pr shtth way yo uare free for mteh stress n nhead aches, ifu
u get a pr u can buy ur own home u dont ahve to live with ppl who treat uu bad try to epolit u for meony
and to maek u od fwork for them, or treat u ubad d yl andtal kdwon o nyou. or try to kil u harm u hurt oy
upansuh you threten u with cosnequens paly and expolit on my waekness and thertn to senduu back
hme and waht nto and file cases gaisnt you and os oo n. takign advantage fo u and opress uas u are at a
- sit dwon focus n it go int odetai ladn gototoally into it and rip it apart know everyhtign abotu it!
leanrwhat oto od hwo to od it an goabout tiwhat documents u need knwo whte process hw to apply
onyl then yo ucan take actio nocenu knw what uu need what ot ood and then ucan do it and then ucan
apply send aplciaiton. go toaly into it focsu o nit na be fully tolaly losti into it and highy linvoed i nto it
-chan bin kar thh is resrch it serch and gain all information, go throguh ti all. waht otod waht
docusments to send how ot apply and so oon.
- if any oen can takeit serisou and go totoaly i nto itghus janekaa and goo deply into t it and gethighy
linto tit andfocused o nit adn knw oeveryhtginabtu it the process adn rip it apaprt hten its you, go deep
in to tiknw weverhyitgn baotu ti go totoaly iadn fully in ot it thn e its you
- thin kday and night ony labout one htign thth is how t get pr onyl thth thignshould eb thehr i nyour
mind. now
- frst contempalte yur options get rid of al lthe paths wats routes to our gaols to reahign ur gaosl discont
all the paths htth wont work, ansd why teh resons and resonign ebhidn it cause ts too diicult logner path
tiem cosnuming, is ahrder, h ave ot depnd on otehrh tigsn and experneal thgisn agencies at hthe merc o
other ppl u have to gethgisn approved for mtoerh pp lbeforeo yu can even send an applicaito nand thht
wil be hard adn diificult an kae mreo time , soo hth yo ucan toatlaly fouso n l y on hte pathsh tht will
work is fastest esaiet adn wherne i neveryhtign depends onyl on you yo udotn have ot depne on toerhs,
so otht ucna apply nad ndifnsh ti off fast nadn quik ur app and get the pr n the fastest nadn shoertest
tiem itht min effrot. adn hustle, elmiant htisng htht are ou of qutiosn ahrder difiicult logner paths. mreo
iem cosnumign, and seleslct paths thth ae r quickest dfastest easit ways to ge tthe pr iwtho it u much
hassels and effrots. or htigsn thth are too ahrd or wil lnto work so ohth u can onyl focuso n thgis nthth
iwl lwokr
-diffret paths to reach the gaol see whci hatosh to take adn which atps ht ot elimante so oth u focus on
ly o nteh best paths whcih path wil lwrk adn waht will work and wah will nt owork o fll yi nto ti!
- once yo uahve a dirieito nwaht to odo adn wahtot ocsu o nand hwo to od it adn what u need ot ssee
and chchek he gave yo ua diretio nadn a head way set you o nline and on trakc as to waht otood, yo
uneed otsee teh expressentry eralier i was cluelss i didint know what ot odo , i mean beforei i knew
whato to od thh u nee study permit then u need post gardaute work permeit wehn it ame ot pr i was
onfused ii didint knwo whato tood whwo to go about it and whato t osee and which path to take and
way to apply once he told me htht hth u need t osee pnp, express ntry adn the wrok letter fo
memployer then i t set me i tne hright direito nadn gave me a head way i tjen jknew what it ineed ot
odo see adn og int odirecito nt ogo itn to what itineed to
hecek and reserch and then i was ttooaly oivnvoeld in ot it ad deciited to rape it rip it off adn go deeply
nadn fully intoti eraleir i was nt goin i nto it as i iwas lueessl es i simply didnt knw whoat ot odo he set
me o na right path, and told me htht i shoud lhurry up and not wait or hte last moemtn otherh wise i
was goign to wait to get work repxicen befroe applyign sttign my aplciaiton. i need ot strt now it seesm
- focsu o nteh most efficient paths thth can work and gettotally and fully inot the applcaiio nprocess adn
do thth onyl and be totoaly in ot it only nad keep doign thht onyl
- dotn elave iti incmplte unfisnhednan ad hlf way once uu ahve streted soemthig ngo fully i nto ti to the
boototm of it and rip it apaprt adn fisnh ti off and ocmeptle ti knw evetythign aboutit as to hwo to
oapply the whole preoess odtn wati for the alst mement
strt now
- have a sensn and feelign fo rgnec y be fast and ndo it fast!
- whatot odisoutn waht will nto work adn why soo thht u cna onyl focus o nehte most imp
-Apply ing for PR is similar to appyign for study permit but its easier than applyign for a study permit as
yo udotn ahve to put htsoe docuemtns like to prove hthth u dotn itnend to immgrate liek showing ies
back home, prprerty adn stuff, adn its ahrder tha napply ign for a psot grad work permit.
-u need ot take fast qucik urgent nad nimmdiaite actio ndo everyhign fast and apply fast fast! and fidn
an job work ot get meoynto fnd yoru test aielts andn applicaiton costnsn and stuf! and to show u uahve
enough moeny ot supprot oyursefl! focsu o nteh pr proces s frst!
- resrch itgo full intoti adn deeply int oit to knowwhat uu need to apply for PR
- you need ot fidn the best quickest hsortest fastest and the easiets way to reac hyoru goal htth si ahssel
- i thin kfindi a gf is the best way ro soem one who can marry yo uadn el pu apply fo a prfor moeny is the
best way thth is theeasest quiest ad the fastest way t oget a pr thehr is n oother way better tha nthat!
give meony to soem one moeny talsk and aks ehr to help yo uwit ht it i am seriosu i really need your
help i will apy you like 10,000$s if i get a PR! thths the best way to get a pr it will sae ou all the head
ahes and the ahssels of giivgn tst s waiting for express entry adn waht not! al lthth BS adn yo uget ti in
one years time!
- you need ot be samrt yo ucat kkee p doign al lthsi wastig tiem ove this u need to fidn a route thht will
help oy uget a PR i nth quiest and fastest possible way! find soem one who can ehlp oy uwit hit dotn go
through the logn tiem ocsumign sressful unrpedcitabl e adn efort takig nway! thsi is liek too mch express
entry and all thth frst they will do thsi then they wil ldo thth then yo udo thsi then they wil lsee, fi it
owrks or nto then yo udo thh th en they wil lsee and your life depends o namny oterh factors adn on
many pppl for it to be aprpved andn so o nocen i lfei uar re depednt on otehr ppl then yo uare fuced
ppl exploit oyu formeoyn and oso o n. once uu are at hthe mercy o soem oen else. be smart fidn osem
one who canehlp you fdn hte shortest easiest, less effort and the fastest pososibel way and route to it.
yo ucant affor ot kee pwatign nad spendign tiem o nthsi thign, adn o uknw o put urlife in otehr ppls
ahnds yo ud othis then they do thsi and thth they n they will see adn so oon adn then u udo thsi adn so
on , an ti takes ages adn ur lfie is i notehsrs ahdns , y uu ahve to take great efrot to freac htherh or to get
ti. think smar be smart dotnbeattached to moeny meony is irrelvan t, apy soem moeny get it idone fast!
tiem si mroe imp than meony and yoru mental peace fo mind is more imp the logner ititkaes teh mreo it
ddpends on oterh ppl mroe ur fate hangs in oehrpp ls ahnds the mroe stresfu ladn ahrder it will be. teh
bst way to get a pr is throguh a grl thh si thruogh marrigae fidn osem on wh ocan help you, fuk i wish i
had a pr thsi si ridiclouls i mean h ow can i ot have a pr! all my issues wud have been sovled and my
stress woudl ahve been considerbabal y resduced if i had a pr and i wud be mroe ahyppy and at peace
adn relvd! all thsifuk hth i doig nand htis stress si casue of PR
it wud have relveid sress icud have doe an jobi earned moeny and hten focusedo nfindiga gf ti wud have
bgive n me mroe freedom!
and edued stressn nwrreis plus i wud have been able to get my own hose and not ahve to lie wit hadn
depend on other ppl. who explot me treat me bad dotn care abotu me wantot otak e money form me
or useme adn so n adn fukme up or harrse nand trouble me.
- n p oint i ndealign with ur dad u r dada wotn do anyhtign nwo eveythgi nthth has to be doen and needs
to be doen ahst o be done by you only! majhe poitns hotant poitns hotat then why odnt u appyl oly
quetisign cehkign resrch and braggign but no action ro olwo up.
- make the process faster quicker and easier fro ursefl set a jack sooas to maek it as easest for u as
- the goal is to win by hook or by crook i am teelign you be fast be smart paly you r cards right yo uahve
to cheat i nlfei if oyu wantot oscueed casue if oyu aretoo stright hter is onyl obstavlces i tneh way they
fuck u up and make it mreharder andn diifictul for oyu if oy uare honest and paly honsestly i nlfie, ppl
fuck you up an hcet you if u are honest i nlfie!
- lifei is unfair if u paly by the ruels u aget fuekd nadn ppl fuk u up, u slog and ncoem here andn strugel
and otehr s just enter i nfor free, ether they have moeny adn so oon or tehy are given ti jsut liek thaht,
you have ot use the cheat card inroder to od it. adn get ahedi nteh game, save itme andn effort! be
smart fidn soem oen who can ehlp you.
- I u are hnest then pp ltaek advantage fo oyu. seh wants verythgi nat ehr covnivnece, she wants u uto
leave then shewants yo uto pay adn seh wnts yo uto leav exaclyty at thth tiem how will thaht happen?
- You have t thin kahed htth is think lognter think i nthe fuuture waht u need ot achvhe adn paln adn
stregize andn take actio naccorindlgy prpr accordngly right now i nthe rpesent! think ti nteh futuure
hthu wnat ot get pr adn s stort now and taek actio naccoringly see wahts the process to get theh e pr
and apply fast andn qucik dont aste tiem if oyu wait ti will be too late bythen and u will be illed with
regret soo str now strt quci kadn early
- thsi is fantastic actually they have opened up soo many paths and opportunties for u to apply yo
ushoudl amek hte most of it!
thsi si antastic they have created soo amny waysandn opportinties for oy uto immgiarte
-Start your permanent residence application early
- At now takeaction t ogetthigsn doen and work done
start filling out the online form right away
-whats imp is not akitng pictures of cacnada and hanign aroud here and there nwahtis imp is pr thths
mostimp soo focsu o ntht htign first
-fuck why ididnt i do thsi before we need ot act fast adn move fast we shoudl ahve appleid fora PR
before thank god
thth god put me o nthe lien and gave me adirecito nas towhto ot od! after u get a a pr you can hang
aorudn as mcu has u want nand take as many pictures as yo uwant! soo focus o npr first n dotn waste
tiem doig ntoehritgns unim pthgisn
- and make conencitosn with pp lemployers nadn so on soo htth u cna get a job offer! or letter of
supportnadn what not.
- be obssed with gettign a r and be afterit day andn d igthand rip this thign appart now! the whole pr
process be determeidnadn apply fastnadn quick like blitezrrag throguh all orces all ways zorat, tth is is
do it with force, full force, throught allplyl and attck the prc rporocess throguh all pathsand ways ivnest
totally i npr apppicaltions, adn get fully inveted i tnth only now put oyur tiem effortnenrgy meony soul
mind thinkign effoto totally into this only htis is waht isi mp nothign lsei is.
- you want it thsi is waht yo uwant soo study i t reserch it adn apply for it throguh all means and
processes apply for pr in all possibel ways! you eed to get after thsi thign now adn gettii doen ocne
andfor all and free yorusefl for mthsi pr stress! everythgi ntth uare doign si to get a pr soo why not jsut
directly appyl for a pr and getit idone!
- work with small busiesnn not corporation thhat way yo uahve irect contact and freinship ad coocention
with the owner of the buisensns who can support your pr applcaiiton.
- the process is pretty trigth forwardi fi oy ukbnowwahto todo
-you need ot be ast very fas t and nquik I nroderto gethgisn doe nrok don’t fast, at afaster speedrate and
pace as tehrhe is a lot of work htht needs to eb done, tlak fast dotn waste tiem and most imp, wrok fast
n dotn talk nosenn a d oso on. Fta fat fata fat khatam kar
-you nee to od it I nfull flow n do ti and gti tidone!
- seskt he te path the way the route the process thths fastest ,easiest, shortest wil lgiveuu pr wit hthe
least effort and time so htht u odnt haveto waste tiem I nall this, sepnd some money to geththe pr your
tiem si more imp, ad n also it will save you the hasel and stress if oy ugethteh pr fast, with min and less
ahssesl to amek the process easy for oyu.
- you needot not only do it fast but also od it properly thth is if oy uapplaition si nto proper then it gets
rejcted soo perfetio nadn detail out here is imp you need otssee all psoosible things why your
applciaiton can be rejcted and do ti accooridngly pep ur app accaoridgly soo as the cahchges of reejtion
are minimum, al ldocusments are genve hthtsi u increase yoru odds of success by redcuign ur odds o
failure by taking intoc ocnsidertiaon all resosn why it can fail and then proepargin accoringly.
- once u ureasel how iidifult otherh routes are then yo urealsie the significance of htsi way the eay wasy
and how imp it is! Thths why he says oh hwe are family he triesot build bconencitosn we are family we
are immigrants here
- YOU NEED T OGFULLY AND TOALLY INT OTI NAD knwoeveryhtig nabotu it
- oy u odnt waork hard kowign thth u will die oy uwork hard and arem bitosu and have goals knwoig
nhth oy uwil llive
- - simialrlly yo u don’t work hard thinking thh u will fail yo uwokr hard and try wit hthe hope thth u will
iw nnda suuceed nadn hopefully achve ur gaols. yo udo ti as u ahve the hope adn expetiato ntht h uwill
suceed yo uare hopeful hh i t works out hths why u u try.
- go through those forms ucnendnrntadn figure out everyhtig nteh format and so o nso othth u have an
edge! Know hwo to make annsend ur applcaiiton yo uahev an aedge as u uahve doen this process
everythgi nyorusefl before nad you haven to taken external help so thh will be f use andn bebfiital now
nadn helpful now oy udonthave to relie on external thigs nand agencies to fill out oyur applciaiton for a
pr, thth will be o use nadn help now, oyu nkwn whato to refer to what docuemtn ot maek the format
and everyhtig nadn so on th whole prcess reresh ti go thogruh it andvoeri ti again, yo uahve an
advantage here as oy uahve doen all this process before and o uare familiar wi hmst of the things! Soo
oy ucan do it oyurslef lean nreserch figure out maek the coucmentns format oyrusefl you dotn have ot
depnd o n or pay money to exptrenal agencises lalwers etc.. p o do it for oyu. Ou know whaht to odo.
- you need ot be very particaular take everythig i nt oconsideratio nadn not ignoreanyhtigni mean if oy
udo then your app will berejectedeverythgin you give lets say work exprience, funss you nee ot show
supportign docuemnts to prove it
- go back and see and revise what yo udidi before when u applied for study permit htth will give you
some idea and perspective as to hwo to og abut it.
- knwoeldge nenvergeoswaste know andleanr boutti as muchas o ucan
- whats imp is pr pr is the life nadn deat hsitautio noy uneed ot send your aplcaitio nfast and d othgisn
and gtthgisn doen fast!
- u need ot odo ti now strt now apply now, not keep it for later on not wait, what ifi oy udie tomororow
thths why you need t o work ocntisnuly work nonstop wrok fast andn get iti doen right now get yoru
appclaition n process ppackakge ready apply nadn ffisnih ti off once nad for all be sreirosu about ti do ti
serisoul y adnsicierly and properly and ngget after I anda getiti done, ocmeplte it and cgeti ti ode fast!
- wh has said for all thiese headaches go fully itn to itand apply diriectly for pr and finish fo htsi stress
and headache nce and for all. Get totoaly after the pr thing like carzy and nisnacadn I na very detrmined
tenacious way.
- what do oyu aheve to lsoe by applyin wht diifrnece does it make to otyu directly apply for PR nad jahn
jaht hi kahtam, who will keep stressing out over pr ocneu have pr you can do any job you want all this bs
sna stress headache si agoin on for pr and oen u hae pr you can bu a huse u dotn have to live on rent, ia
mjsut frusuturatedandn tied of this bS just apply for pr and fisnh off htsi headache
-prep yoru applcaiiton very neatly andpropelry
- see what ar the reasosn for refuals and prep yoru applcaition and documents accordignyl to aovid
- quikly fata fat apply an getit done!
- work back wards what ar the reassn o for rejections and hwo ot avid the mwaht docuemtns to submit
to avoid them.
- you need ot see wht docuemtns you need and the nstart preparing yoru applcaition packcage get yoru
application packakge nadn docuemtns ready to apply for PR
- this is the last nadn the ianl effort once you get your application appackage ready tehn it maeks the
process like 90% easier once oy uaknw what oduemtns ouy need and what u need ot odo hwo ot appl
the nyu can pally like in once weeks tiem soo keep everythgi nready nand prepared t oapply.
- apply fro pr get a pr and nfinsi hti of, the stress nhaead ache nadn worrries once and for all , what do
oyu have ot lose by applying.
- go ot toally and fully I ntoti into the process.
- u need ot apply through all paths and way s thth you can apply hough pnp, epxres entry, through
marriage, etc,… what do oy uahve to lose as long as you get the PR thths wahts imp.
-this is the best nadn the last effrt put everythgin togetherand just apply.
- even if u ifnd a gf u uwil lstill have otgo thru this app process so obertter do it andgetit iden an keep ur
docuemtns nad app package ready to apply
- all thth thing werarign gold chain, putting can pis I nyoru profile and hsowing off to others is BS, cause
after yoru work perpmit gets over they will aks you to pack our bags and leave, you need ot get a PR
thths waths imp you can do all thth after yo u get a PR then u have the right to do all thth. Here your
feet are nto properly establsihedadn shaky and u do all tth . rst focus on pr thths whats imp.
- no time ot waste directly papyl for pr nw right now or oy uare fucked you need ot get a pr in like 6
motnsh or you are ufked up big big time othe wise they wil laks k oyu to fukign pack oyur bags and leave
home. Vande lag jayege sabh, if oy udotn ac t now nad apply now
- you need ot take ti serisouly be very serious about it be spooked up and on yoru toes alert nadn
alarmed if oyu dotn do it the nyo uare fucked up, its lie thth an d get comeptely toalyl after it this
process now day nadn ndight and getit ideon and be odne with it once nadn for all, end this pr stress
and insecurity feeling soo thth u have some stability. At least.
- enoruagemetn come on you can do this go for it , apply y o uahven tohgi nt olsoe nadn everyhtig nt
- be careful ldo ti ceruflly thth is do it properly I ndetial knw o everything baotu ti getto o the bottom fo
oti! nail it get hthe pr and nail it thehre oen nadn for all. And hten you can tlak .
- take extra effort andn go mmad nadn get comepltely after it.
- you need ot ogo ot he bottom of it tth is indetails go itn oevery sigle minute detaisl thth si what about
this what about htht be highly totolaly inoeld I ntotit thth is get fully lost nadn ineenaged nadn highy l
magna thth is ivnveld in to ti and foceusd I nto ti t, deeply in to it high livel of cfocus nadncontrtation
and invveolent htht is I ndepth be ttlaly lost into twaht oy uare odin dand be totoaly int oti and go int o
depth nad I ndetails, go deeply I ntto it what about this what abotuthth know everything about it down
to the last detia ladn taek extra effort ot go itn to detial. Thth si do it prorperyl if oy udotn go int odetial
it doenssnt get doen properly andif it is not done prrely oy ucnat expect to succeed all effort is waste
tehn, for the outocem to be succefu ladn not falure oyu need ot do it properly and ot odi t properly yo
uneedo t goi tnto dtial , tht his everything baotuti knw eeveryhtign about ti down otto the last detia
lwaht ot otodo .
- this guy is amamizng he wishes well for everyone and sets you n a right path and right drietion as to
wahtot od, eh gav u adirecitio nwahtot ood whato to refer to and ocne you knew whahtotod o basically
u didn’t hav e any idea as to whatoto do and hwo o tog abotuti ocne yhe toeld u uwaht to od then yo u
were able to go itnto detia labotu it for eg, for stud perit oyu knew yo uahd ot apply for stud permeti fr
pgwp y o uknew what t ogo itnt osoo yo uweer able ot ogo int odetia land get fully total in to it for pr yo
uahd no idea wahto tood hw oto og about it as thehr waaere many routesand it all seemd confusing
once he said pnp and expres entry then thaht elped you gave yo udirecito nwahto orefer to and go it not
and hten you could fully o into ti he wisies well for oy uhe veve n asks you are you hungry didi y ueat
anything he is very ncie nadn caring and helpful and hten he also, like teellsu u u can have this or he
says you can eat anything oy uwant and you can use any thing thth u want aroud nehrhe he is mamazign
- have a snsen of urgency just apply quick and fast now
- you need to go through rpcesses thth arer sure shot and confirmend, for eg, refugee statsu is very auge
I mena what do oyu apply I nthth,at here if oyu get points you get accepted to appl. For PR its very suere
shot process.
- this is the final effrt this is th e best and the last effort oyu have to toally get ater it its nto easy! Go day
ad nnight after the pr process you need to htbe thinking fo this hing only now and only this thing should
eb thehr I nyour mid nthe pr process, job nad gf think fo this only and ielts.y uwill have to like sleep only
5 hoursor 3 or 4 horus a day only t oge t all this thing doen fast work day andn ngith only then ti will
ahppe n not oterhwise.
-u need ot owrk on ti to getththe owrk doen other wise it will not be done whiel otehrs take pciitures at
beau sennerises astadig wn withtheri arms open and psotig it o nfae book like in tianninc yo uwork and
bnot realx or be mpacentn and work o nyoru pr applcaiiton afetr u uget a pr the n u have the right o t
dstnad wit hur arms open o nbeau senenries liek titianice ad take as mcu hpciutesr as ucan! While
others wer taking pictures wit htheir arms open on beautiful senseries but inside beign unsure about
hteri stus but shoiwgn off to everyone on facebook about their cncandian adventures but inside beign
unsrue due ot ther I no npermamnet stus and ousde showing of, to everyone I was working o nmy pr. To
mak m sttus epramntennt and the n psoe at hthe edge of titianice with my arms aopen ,
- u need t thin kand worry day nadn night about it as to how ot do it and getiti done and get rid of this pr
stress andn ehad ahe ocne nadn for a get after ti be toatoly and cemplytely after it iadn getiti odne only
thth htigsn hsoudl eb thehr in your mid nbe obssed abotuti as to hw to get pr
- un eed ot toake tenso nadn worry abotuit day nand night only the nyo ucan getiti doen
- u neeed constnancts as well wi halwers and nstuff who have been ehrhe nad who know the the
process who have cocentiosn and conntts an gvei u u a job offer wit hlima and what not , think be
stressed take tension nadn worry abotuti day nand night ast o hwo will it happen oyl then yo uwil lgt
after it nad get ot oowrk aon ti and taek action.
- u need ot be extremely particaulr and on yoru toes thth si extrmemly ths iabout it , adamant about it.
extrememly spooek ndan n alert and o nyoru toes about t I hthth is nto take it lightly laid back and ight
serutiy nad nso on. Be tight abut it .. knwoign fully well what hthe conseucens will be and so
oacocoridngly be spooked nad ntake acito n to avoid them.
- once uge ta pr you can do anything you want you need to g through a process thaht will give you sure
shot entry.
- basically PR is all about contacts and connections, having theright contactswit hsmall busiesns directly
with buseisn o wners, who can give you a ob offerwith LIMA, so othaht you get more points I npr system
like 200 poitns and soo oyuareinvitedot apply either that or you , get a PNP with yur job offer thth is you
get 600 poinsandoy uget invted to apply soo oy uneed othave contacts the right ocnntacts with small
buseisnns and localemployers thth issmall buisesnn owners thth is indiivaiduals who arebusienssn
owners soo thth they na giveuu a joboffer wit hlima. Concats isithe msoti impthign, with ot
ucontactsnadnconentions you cant get a PR. Event get 600 poitnshtorugh PNP you need a job offer.
- hwo ot omake contnactsandconencitosn cold call goanddirectly apprachthem the buueissnntalk to
them, beocemfriendly wit hthem, network wit hthem commnuicaiton takes intent itneton, energy, , you
eed otleaveyour ego and pride aside, and be hiumble soo htth yo u coomnuicate with pp lifo yu think
ohh why should I go nadtlakormaek the first movew why shud I ask for help it willmaekme look weaker,
why should ibeg, t some oen then oucantcommuucatenadthe nyo ucant maekconeneitosn wit hppl, ask
and youshall reeicive if oy udotn ask then ppl don’t knwowhat oyu want youavehamout h oyu needot
otalk tht is use it askand see hwomuch how far you can go, and hwo much ppl can help oyu some
pplarencieandhtey hvaegoodinventoiosnanadtry ot help you, you haven tohigntoloseby askignadnseeing
if they canhelp oyu with ti or not.wahts thher in asking what do oy ulsoe mby asking yo uahvenothign to
lsoe by askignandseeign. Fhow far you can go and they can hel yu, if they help u thths great if nto then
youcan ask some oen else then.soo set out building ocnenitosn wit hlocal employers small bizowners.
- u need to do this very properly carefully no uit has to be pefrfect and u need to get all the right
documenyts. Not a single document here n there
- need ot be fast very fast do everything nfast get verythgi ndoe n fast nad quick not wait march fast
advance fast accepleret the progress get thgis ndoen work doen fast nadn quick nad promptly apply
noew sttrt now od it immdiiately . not later the tiem t od it ad ot get odnewithti is now righ nt now!
- whe nit ocems to these applcaitiosn you need ot odo them very proferly carefully thgouthfully soo thth
thehris not one mistake and eooror you not only need ot subit a fool proof fail proof compelte
applciaiton but you also need to, make sur hhtht all inforamtio nthth is needed is poviided I nteh
applcaitio nthe drafting should eb perfrect foral ldocusments everyhtignththts needed. You need ot
maek sure yo uahve all information nyou need and all oducmetns are properly and perfectly dreafted as
needed. Each and every single dcuemtn is crafted as per requiremtn with all need ot do
it exptrmemylcarefully lcalmly properly patiently andn thgotuhfully not I na rushed uup way soo thth
htehr are zero mistakes I nyoru applcaition haste is waste caue when u go to odo haste the nyo
uoverlook thigns nad ignore things I nteh rushed up process as result you miss out on docuemtns
information and so on dotn be ignorant you need ot do ti fool proof, way thht is do it in a way hth is see
what re all the psoiibletes our applcaitio ncna be rejcted, aeveryhtign each and every document you
need nad I nwaht format soo htth the cahcens of yoru applcaiiton rejected is reduced thht si u sueed by
reudcign the chances of rejection thth and fuailure thths what u ened ot odo. Oyu have ot rpeapre ti
very very perfectly I ndaetia lt operfection.
- This is a lgn process this pr applcaiton you eenend ot od oit slowoly patiently carefully and properly
ahste is waste. Get all the dcuemtns ready acucumualte all doumets htth are needed andn then apply.
Frst asse what thgis nare needed amek ur applcaiito nfool proof fail proof like whe n u sendn a ship to
mars yo u dot njsut send it o uy frst build it test it to see fi itsi fail proof its lei thth .
You need ot get after it but u need ot odo tiarefully patiently and properly othehrwise the whole effort is
a waste if oyu doit I nahste and do it improrpely thehr is no point I nti as ht e outocem will eb failure if
oyu do it properly by reducing the cahcens odss of failure the the outocem is success, for eg if oy u send
a crat to amrs and oyu dotn do proper testignandso on and yo ujsut launch then r it explodes and the
whol e effrt isi s a waste but if oy utest it reterst it properly lsee ifi it works then u luach hten ur odds of
success areheigher asu u rprpeprd accordingly propely carefully hoguthfully ot aovid fauilre.
-take oe topic do it expptemremly properly what is required move oto enxt its like thth
-onceu uare invoveld I tneh proess uu know most oo fh the htigsn uare faimilar wth ti n it beocems a bit
easier as u uare accosuteodm to it.

Applyis lima exempt as I iam working for the employer I ncannda for th e apst oen yarn an d o na lima
exeptwro kwpermet, as the wrok permit is pgwp open work permit lima exempt

-coomunicaiton is everythgi ncoomunicaito ncan make htigsn happen get thgisn doen work done
aks and oushall reciive, if oyu dont ask yo udont get as sinmle as thth askandsee hw ofar yo ucan get adn
hwo far the agreee, how far ucan push you ahve nothign to lose by askign and openign your moth
andsayign what oyu want and everythig nt ogain, igve up your pride and n ego hth i wotn ask wh shud i
ask and ask go ahed adn ask. you wotn look weaker or lesser ofa erso nif oy uask for help i need o ur
ehlp can you help me with pr, i neend o show htht iahve a year expricen htth i ahve worked udner a
cacndian emoyer or a year t o apply for a pr. thhreh is nothign worng wih aksign for help thy also so
thigsn to suit htheri cause for eg they uhrie temp workers adn otn n gve them satus and wha nto . ask
an see hwo mcu hth person is willing t ohelp how far o ucan go or psu hoyu ahven tohignt olose b askig
nad see ifi ti works. if nto the n find soem oen else to hwlp oyu
- We neend to end this pr headache be determined ot odo ti now is the ittme lsog nadn eb serious about
it , dotn care or thin kabotu money if he nca help u thth fnatnanstic, once u uahve a pr you are free to
owaht oy uwantot od we need ot getthsi pr done in 6 months time any how other wise it will eb too late,
if ou can do soemthig nyo ucan sdo it now not later on! Whe n uare here nly the n ucan do some thing
ot later . free urself for mtheis insecurity nadn stress and unpredicitablitiy of not havigna proper status.
Do what oy ucan take caiton be desperate to gtiti hsutle ake cito neb detmerinend and get afer it and
be seiorsu about ti ot do it and getiti done.
- u need ot hurry up accelerate this and make up for the lost time.
- take i very ery serisouly andn ot i na relaxed and light way be very adamant serisou enforign abotuti
adn stubborn about ti and be fearfu lscarednadn o nyoru toes knwoign fully well if oy ufodnt gethtigsn
doen the nu are fuked the wil lask oy uto pack oyur bags and ngo abck howm e soo wake up! adn work
on ti to getit iit odne! I dotn want oto fuckign go back if I go back then iam fucked its all over then soo I
need ot geth tis thing doen now , whe n iam here fuk the moen y ge the pr thig doon now don’t be
attached ot maeon y work day nand ndnigh and invest all meon y I ngettign pR and reduce yoru stress
once andn for all tehr is a right way t o odo it and go abotuti follow the process the sure shot process
apply nadn getiti odne if oyur applcaiton is proper f oy uahve the points then they have to stamp it then.
- ahev a sensen o urgency what iif I u di e tomoroorw do it as ifi oy uwil ldie tooammrw so otht huwill
get after it and get it I doen now!
-Bc vaat lagaya ha isabh ayah pe all causeu u udidinot work or cud nto work! due to ur social anxiety and
nalck of funds
- go and tlak t an employer catch hold of some employer who can help oy uif oyu dotn ask for help then
nothing will happen. Pay se mmeony if oy ucna 1000 to 1500 $s and getiti doen once andn for all atleast
oy uahve the papaers with you. Tel them I have htsi nad this issue mera aisa aisa problems hae thoda sa
hlp kardo, please ehlp me a bit. Yu cnat get ahed I nlfei ie ktht otnacts ar re imp, if o uy don’t have
cocannts and concnetios n you can get ntohign done , cocants makes things happen nad easier andn
gets wthgisn doen and wrok done.
-usek le liaya pais a cahihiye uchi uchi pehcahn chahi ye
bahi mera bhi kuc h bhal a kardo bahi plsase oaky okay!
yo uneed ot have coacnnts nadn conenctiso andn maony to make htigsn aheepn and sucuedi n lfie and
most inmp you needot aks pp lfor help beg them for ehlp i have soo and s oissue mera ais asia paroblem
hai plese help me mera bhi kuch kardo pr hel p kardo pls bahi pls
-I think the best way to go is through PNP express entry catch hold of thaht lawyer he will elp oy uget
a job offer and a LMIA giving you points in the express entry, making the process faster, I mean how to
these people for mIndia come to cancnada o na PR wit hotu any Canadai expreicene? They come
thorugh PNP express entry. This lawyer is a blessing I mean work your ass off apy tha lawyer getti
odne faster oyur process you need ot ge t the PR I nthsi year, at all cost oyu need ot get this thing
doen fast communciaito nsi mportatn notnacts isi mprotant get all yoru douemtns ready and
prepared. Dotn care about money PR is more imp even if oy uspend like 5,000$s its nto a big dael
cause u spent 5,000$s any way that time for oyur preMBA money is into imp pr an ntiem si imp and if
it helsp you get rid o f htsi stress and unsurity and insecuurty due ot not ahvigna status then thht wil
leb great. Its worjth the ivestment. Take two jobs t oget the money but do ti and getit idone. Yi nu
nenend lotso of meony neow t ogetthgis ndoen get your awork done. And oy uneed contacts
andocoentiosn , tehshe lawyrres he has like 500ccnentiosn o nlinekdi n thse lawyers they hare settle
d htherh they know ltosofo localbuseissen andos oon, cocnentiso nare everythgi nhe can easily get u a
EXPRESSENTRY AND THE NTHE PR. I mean and most imp concnmunation is imp you need ot
ocnmmnacate send energy iahe instnt to oncmanicate stay I ncommnuaito ncall and so oon to ge
tthgis ndoe nand work done.
-You need to give the IELTS and have to get a score of 7 or more
-You need to find an employer who can give you a certificate stating that you worked for a year and 5
months in NOC 0 or A that his as a business operations manager ,or marketing manager along with
salary stubs, that you worked full time 30 hours a week at a pay of 13 $s an hour along with jb
descriptiosn as per the NOC category, thaht is direicited organized, arragend and so on, and alogn
with leeter of offer acceptance letter and so on and pay stubs.
- You need to find an employer who can give you a job offer valid for 1 year, with LMIA Certification in
NOC 00 senior mamngement psotion lke chief eratign offer COO of the company or chief marketing
officer, CMO, or NOC 0, A,B, in position like marketing mamanger, mammager et… satign thth the
work is fulltiem 30 hours a week, and apy scale, 15 $S and hour and alogn wit hjob description etc..
- you need to get the apply and reester for PNP nomination
- you need ot maek a list of all dcuemtns oy uneed in what format, draft and start making compiling
those doucemtns.
- you need to work day andn igth preferably two full tiem jobs, to fund your PR applcaiiton tests pay
rent and so on you need any wehre between 10 to 15,000$s yo uahve ot show htht you have 12,000$s
I nyour account and you need 1000$S for ielts, wes evaluation etc… 2000$s for pr applcaiton, 1000$s
for PNp application, 5000$s to give ot he lawyer if needed to get your job offer with LMIA done t oget
the PNP applcaiiton done. You need t money to gethgisn doen if oy udont have meoyn u cant gaet
anythi ng done
- you need the job not just ot have expricen points but you need it to have suficent meony ot fund
your pr applcaitosn soo amek usre oy uave two full tiem jobs like 30 hours a week, day and nd ight
and make sure oy utstikc to the job nadn you keep working and make sure the job is NOC skill lelve 0,
- go and tlak t an employer catch hold of some employer who can help oy uif oyu dotn ask for help
then nothing will happen. Pay se mmeony if oy ucna 1000 to 1500 $s and getiti doen once andn for all
atleast oy uahve the papaers with you. Tel them I have htsi nad this issue mera aisa aisa problems hae
thoda sa hlp kardo, please ehlp me a bit. Yu cnat get ahed I nlfei ie ktht otnacts ar re imp, if o uy don’t
have cocannts and concnetios n you can get ntohign done , cocants makes things happen nad easier
andn gets wthgisn doen and wrok done.

-I think the best way to go is through PNP express entry catch hold of thaht lawyer he will elp oy uget
a job offer and a LMIA giving you points in the express entry, making the process faster, I mean how to
these people for mIndia come to cancnada o na PR wit hotu any Canadai expreicene? They come
thorugh PNP express entry. This lawyer is a blessing I mean work your ass off apy tha lawyer getti
odne faster oyur process you need ot ge t the PR I nthsi year, at all cost oyu need ot get this thing
doen fast communciaito nsi mportatn notnacts isi mprotant get all yoru douemtns ready and
prepared. Dotn care about money PR is more imp even if oy uspend like 5,000$s its nto a big dael
cause u spent 5,000$s any way that time for oyur preMBA money is into imp pr an ntiem si imp and if
it helsp you get rid o f htsi stress and unsurity and insecuurty due ot not ahvigna status then thht wil
leb great. Its worjth the ivestment. Take two jobs t oget the money but do ti and getit idone. Yi nu
nenend lotso of meony neow t ogetthgis ndoen get your awork done. And oy uneed contacts
andocoentiosn , tehshe lawyrres he has like 500ccnentiosn o nlinekdi n thse lawyers they hare settle
d htherh they know ltosofo localbuseissen andos oon, cocnentiso nare everythgi nhe can easily get u a
EXPRESSENTRY AND THE NTHE PR. I mean and most imp concnmunation is imp you need ot
ocnmmnacate send energy iahe instnt to oncmanicate stay I ncommnuaito ncall and so oon to ge
tthgis ndoe nand work done. Pr is adiicult process and these laqyers he is god sent they ahave
coannts thth can help u get job offer with LMIA nad thgisn make the ride easy for oyu. Pr is adiicult
process and these laqyers he is god sent they ahave coannts thth can help u get job offer with LMIA
nad thgisn make the ride easy for oyu.
- how do these ppl fromm indai who have n ocnacndian expericen nothing come to cananda on a PR
thth too through expres entry? I mean wtf! Hwo do thy make it ot the points list? They go through
PNP nomination and express entry 100% thths hwo they do it! thths why thth lawyer is imp. This is
the only way to get the PR! The lawyer will help you get a job offer with a LIMA for your pnp. Thth
will give ou more points I nexpress entry. Thhtsh ow these pp lfor midnai come ot Canada on expres
entry and withtu any candain experience .
- life iis actually a race oagaisnt tiem every second yo uget older soo u need ot have a snen of urgency
to work extra logn horus work extra hahrd gett thgisn doen fast at afaser rate and apce tiem siwt u
udotn have
- ask for waht yo uwant thehr is no harm i nasking
yo uahven tohign to lose by asing elave your ego aside ask andseifit happens how far yo ucango, adn
tht eprosn agrees you haven tohgi nt olose whti i s thher i naskig nadn seeign if thht perosn agreess
then great if not then ask soem eo nelsle, wht od oy uhaveo to lose by asking nad ssign whati is hter i
naskignand seeign, waht diffrence will ti maek it o oy uif oy ugo andn ask, ifi ti hapens and hahapen
ask and see. Ask forhwato u want if oy udotn ask yo udotn get, it doesn’t costanythign to op noyur
mout hand aks for hwatoyu want or ot ask forhelp have no ego. Wht is thehr I nasking, vicahray la kai
ha,e vicharun bagh, tula kai ahe, tula kai farak apdtoh
-kai naai help karel toh ask adn he will help u if oyu ask then no one says no to help you
-left scambign at als moement due t my stupidity of not working nad due otmy socai lanxiety
forgetabotu working I cudnt enven go out and walk o nteh roda athth tiem without getting nervosu,
now I feel more cofndient ofo mylsefi nym mid nadn less isnecure thth mae me nervosuandn naxisu
nadn uncomfy maikign caallsl askign for help
pleasencna yo uehlp me with this
askadn seee if htey can hwlep u if oy udotn ask yo udotn get
waths htehr i naskign yo uahven othign to lsoe by asking
i have ot shwo htth i have a 1 year expericne wit ha cnacndian empoeryer to apply ofr pr so ocna oyu
help me with th
can you give me a 1 year expriecne letter
- This has to be doen thehr is no other way thth s hwo ppl for india come to cacnda through
expres entr its logner nadn enxpensee patience andtiem cosnumign and more tedious
requirngg mreo effort but tis the sure shot way thehr is n oother way
-think ahed knw what oyu want and so oaoocoridngly waht yo uneed ot od irhgt now prenstly paln thth
is what u ened ot oodo right noew goig nahed so othht waht acitos nt ot take soo thth uget waht yo
uwant inte hfuutuure
- u ahve ot think long term hhin kahed plan ahed
- once uu get a pr y o uilwl be a bt mro clear relxe and stable, and less anxious and can do thigs more
patiently nad nthoguthfull y cool y nad ncalmly, other wise you will eb ocnstly under stress , yoru face
will also be reivield amoeny is nt imp now PR is imp. Soo u are nto wasting our money u are invetign it in
pR and I ndvleoping remlatiosn ocnencitos nwit hlocal ppl. Here
- you have ot odo it now whe n uare here y o ucant do it later on its simply nto possible, cause u wotn be
earning thth mcu h nd o uwotn have hteh meony to od it then , and it will be harderto od ti as o uwont
have any conatncts either and os on thhts why yo uahveo tood it when uare here and hurry up, if oy
ucant do anything wh ne u aure hehre hen t hwo will oy udo ti when u are thehre .
- ho knwoswhen u will ide youaheot hurry up get after it hae sensne of urgency an get thsithign doen
before you die..
- its tiem to start making ocncentiosn with small biz owners the y arhe the ones who can help yu.
Go make any excuse say thth u do marketing, say you are lookgi nfor partime jobs andso on. Connect
with them.
- Now htth u knw whahtheprocess is and what u need for the process go ahed and do it!

we have tp o ge tthis thng done fast immidiately quik n urgently no time to waste gtet after it ebe totall
adfter it wht is needed req and get it dne thi s tress n head ache pr stres s once n for all
- you used to wonnder how tehes ppl frm india get points without canadan expernce or education n
come to canada, u had no knwledge waht to do now u knw wht to do soo take fatst quick prrompt urget
nt aday n nightaction/.
- lets get this hng dne mnow dfast wrk on t get after it and get ti done

- be consttntly after it n focus on it n get t it done

- you need ot have contacts and conentiosn with small buisensn owners directly with owners they are
the ones who can help you working I nalrge multinationals where I nyoru seniors are just employess
wont help you.
- ek eke kekek ek kahtam kar get after it and do ti and geti tit oden ocen nad for all end htis pr stress tth
is lack of surity nadn thsi uncertianity unstabilty n frsutrtiaon and lack of proepr statusif oy udotn o this
nwo htne u will ahve ot fukig ngo back to indai o uneed ot be fast ucik ahve a snens of urgency an do ti
and get andftrit and getit idoen fast
-ththsh ow they coem to cancanda through pnp itsn to hard work its smat work tu needo t knw
owahtotood ot be able to odi t if oy udotn knw whato tood nad hwo ot go abotu ti then uwotn be able
ot odo it
--yo uneed ot be fast hae a senesn fo irgenc y ot d it fast nad getit idoen fast and so oaococridngly act
fas promptyl nadn qucikly nadn not wait d everythgi nget everythign doe now fast ast adn quick
- actually the more oyo uare dependet o ntoerhs thth I ppl thh yo udotn knw the harder it gets
-in rdert o maek ur dreams ocem true yo uneed ot take action eb acocosntly at it iadn doing itot geti ti
odne and be afterit to do it and getiriti doen fast and i na record tiem as fast andn quikly as oy ucan get
after it betotoaly ater it ot do it and getiti odne nwo is the tiem- do thth only be after thsi only andn
othign else, be cocnsltly after it to od oti and getit iodne be after thsi only to do it and get it done
-go after it toalyl into it be lsotint oit reserch everythig nand knwo everythgn abtu it and go totally i nto
- tiem is runig nout every second you go oy uare dyign soo getiti den fast! And quick for oyur fam.
Havesenesn of urgncny to getiti doen fastas fast and quci kas u ucan as iem is running out
- onceu u undersntad the process then oy uknw whaoto o hwo to od it and go about it
- you also need ot odo it carefully properly patenly nad clamly thth is knwign everyhtgn about it.
- you neeed ot sse the whol e prcess what ocusemtnsare required I n what promat see it do it calmly
quetly and peceafully and proeoprly nadn perfectly ahstte is waste. Spend tiem n it giveall yor itme ot it
and be totoaly into ti fully absoebe in it and lsot I nit od it I ndetail.
-I made a hghe msitak it seems instead of wasting all my tiem and nmoeny doiang all this and casuign
this great stress an head ache and isneuurty unahppienss nad unsuirty, and stress thth is I nmidn and
heart , I hsoudl have diretly applied for a pr and come the way. Now don’t maek the same msiatke again
nad focus totally o nteh PR thing now. How ot get a PR be obssed about ti day nadn night, how do
thhseh ifdeians get PR and cme t cacnda fro mindai thths how they do I t htrogh pnp.
- ow odnt maek the same mistake again don’t loose this cahcne and opprotunirty eb totoalyl serious
about it and go totoaly after the PR thing and be obsessed about it pr is what isi imp nothing else is. If ou
ahe pr oy uahve security other wise oy uahve no stateus , it s al ltemeprory then you go back o the cage
then. Yand your lfie gets fuked up aagain. Soo get strern nand serious about t I and do everything rtry
hard ot avod htt isituiso ntake aio nt oavid thth sitoan otherh wise u are fcuekd up
- u need ot kee pat it keep on doign ti ill tis doen u have to od thsi before oyudie u nennver knwowhen u
will die soo get hsi doen fast befreo u die
- what do oyu have to lose by asking and seeign ask and see what happens!

-focus on your thing dotn waste time i nall tth salvign for some oene lese at theh cost of oyur lfie ebign
screwed he isn ot eve iwllig nto give u ua wrk exp letter or help you out or you know gieve uua
permamenrnt job offer wahts the point focsu on our thing see your PR thigsn doent waste your tiem and
life for 100 200$S focsu thth tiem o nyour PR thign nad on getttign a full time job ofer thth u can use to
apply for oyur pnp he will jsut use u uliek everyoene else to ocunt inventrory wht happens happens for
hte good! good htign i woke up late i diidnt liek hth job either adn wnted ot say n oto it actually, it was
takign tiem of my schdule h tht i cud have given to apply for my PR and it was screwign me up causeu i
cud have used htht tiem toapplyto fidn a ulltiem permaament job. stay focusedo nthsi thign on your pr
thign htsi is more tim p thths more imp all thth is not imp workign and slavign ofro hters for soem little
moeny nadn in turn screiwgn oyur own life nadn progress awhne u cud give allthht tiem reserchign ur
pr and pnp stuff nad applyign fora ful tiem job.whtever happens happens for the good if oy ucant help
me hten i cnat help you i dotn care abtu moeny anyway, fo r some 200 400$S i canr e for self imrpovent
pr nda all tth thigsn! tthhs mroe imp to me now, you owkr for him just ofr money nad u dotn like the job
its unitelelget work coutnign inveotry dumb work doensnt need nadn hyigntnkign I don’t makes you
dumb not intelligent and in your mid nyo uare thinking I am wasting my tiem here when iccan use thth
tiem to apply for my pr oyu knw htht uare losign tiem nad thth uaregogin down but oy ustill do it as yo
uahte to say no to him, as u got his refrence thorguh a friend, and asol for htemoeny htht 200 400$S is
nto imp right now waahst imp is seeing ur pr and npnp thing and applying for a full tiem job thts whats
imp. You know y uare ogign donw ,in your mid n uknw hth uare screwing urself up butu are ehlpelsls as
u dotn say no I cnat do this , thehr is interal conflict oign on I nyoru md in ohh but I iiwl ge hthe money
450$S or soot ht will ehlp to may my bilsls but in oyu mind u know u are ogin down asu are nt ogettign
afull tiem work hth can help u get a pr oy uare losign tiem u can useh th thtiem to geta full tiem ob nad
as you are nt using thth tiem to see ur pr thing.
-You need to be fast do thigsn fast get everythign done fast nadn quick time is nto on your side! thi s is a
race agaisnt tiem soo wor k fast wokr ocnstinosuyl odnt waste item kee pat ti oad n doign ti and keep
wokirng on ti to geit it onede fast wk logn hours nadn ocntisly andn work fast nadn dotn waste tie me to
doit fast nadngetit iodne fast
-u needotowor kfoast do veveryhingg fast ot ogeti ti oden fast tie mis wha u udot nahv, be cocsntyl atiti
jkeep o ndoign waht uuare odign to geti tiodne
get thigns oden nad work odne
- you also need moeny oto gethitngs oden and work done if oyu odne ht hae meony u can t get thgisn
doen i mena veven for pr u needo t have 5000$s to apy appl fee, pnp fees, to pa y ielts med, adn wees
all otehr fees ad o nto pfo htth ahve aroudn 15,000$s to show u cna support yourself, if o u dotn have
money u cnat gtehtigns doen work done or take deicisons.
- thisis a race agaist n tiem the speed at whci h ufgethgisn doenandwork doen is imp tiem siwhat u
udotn have dot nwase tiem don’t do otherihings be coocsntly ater ti and keep o ndoing it only focuso n
it and occosntrate o nti to do tin ad ot geti tit done, be cocosntly at it and faer it to od ti and to geti t
- o uneed t o sit dqwn ery calmly quetly andn epcefully with out any nose and focus o nti adn calmly
quetly peacefull read it absrob infroamstio nthink and deciide waht u need ot od what doucmesnt oy
uneed and so on to apply haset is waste do ti very calcamly quetly pecaefully i na fcused manner. Do it I
na cal colleted peaceful lthoguth ful way what things you need what documents you need hwo ot apply
and so on.
- o uneed t o sit dqwn ery calmly quetly andn epcefully with out any noise and focus o nti adn calmly
quetly peacefull read it absrob infroamstio nthink and deciide waht u need ot od what doucmesnt oy
uneed and so on to apply haset is waste do ti very calcamly quetly pecaefully i na fcused manner. Do it I
na cal colleted peaceful lthoguth ful way what things you need what documents you need hwo ot , do it
neatly properly patiently clamly rppperly fign thorughti wit ha alm quiet peaceful mind, tkaig ntiem to
od the resrch and so o nwaht is requrednad so on fo through all inforamtio nabout it soo thth its fool
proof error proof, and so on and do it porpelry otherwise I u do it hapahazrdly fast rushed up min a
haste more prone to error improrpely the tn all exercise effort is a waste as then they rejet the
applcaitio nif itsn ot done prorply.apply and so on. pateitnyl withotu amkign any ahset do ti properly not
i n a rush adn hurried way i nan ahzpar d way whci his htht is doign imprrpely nad wit herrors you need
ot minimze eerrors od it ropelry cause if oyu apcplciaiton is nto porepr thn e lla effrot is a waste caseu
then they reject it if hther is any docuemtn misisng or if ther is lack of inforamtion i nteh doucmetns n
-thth si why you applciaito nneeds ot be very organize make a lsit of all the docuemtns yo uahve
attehedi nsurrport of oyure docuemtns maek ur itnetios nclaer i nteh loi letter o intent, put whic
hdoucemtns yo uahve atteached mae ka sepsrat form showing al lthe lsit f douemtns attachedn adn
udner what acetergory i nsupprot of what soo thth he has the indforamtio nclealrti y i nfornt o fh im as
ot waht douemtns o uahve appleid i nsupport of what if oy uincliude all docuemnts lets say all
inforamtio ncorrectly but if oyur app package is no organized tht is he has t oserach everywhehre what
doemnts yo uu pldd and nwhat nto then he has ot hguess didi he upload htisi or not why he didnt puth
tis doument so oit might be tehr hhe must have gone thorugh uit gut still eh thinks hth u ididnto
oupload , and so oyou need ot create 2 forms shwign waht oumtns yo uahve put i nsupport of what, tth
a y its in front fo him at a falvece i nview and persepcive what douemtns yo uahve upladed. its ery
organzied adn so on , soo even if u uplaod all dumstnes but your app is nto oranized adn clalerly
showign what dousemtns u luoded nad he has to serch or eveythign adn mguess or misio ut o nthis then
it defeats the purpseo soo oyu need ot link have a doument papaer lickign everyhtign together.
-well she ave u a goo ad ivce actually thth u ahve to think ahed! adn paln accoridgnl y adn take action
right now i nteh rpesent inordder to achve the fuuure hth u want or dream or desire and hth u eed to be
hopeful tht it will work out have hope hop hhtht i t will ahppe nand work out hopefully, and so otake
acito naccoridngly thsi go after it icause u have hope! tthh ti wil lwork out goign forwardsoo try and act
take actio nas u are hopeful and optimsitici hth i t will wrk ut, htht is u hope fro the best thth thigsn will
turn out good nadn ou prepapre for hte wrost thht si you do it thinkign tth ur app will et rekcjeted nadn
perpe accordngly to aovid htht form ahhapening.thth probaiailtiy ofrm ahppengi nnadp aln nad tae acito
n nn rpepr ur applcaiito nacaoridgly, to maek it fool porr, soo thth myou suceed nto causeu u prepr for
suess but u to aoid failrue or rejeciton.
-soo now e go to the and hten finisht hsi thign work on ti calcalmy patiently peacfully properly
thoguthfuly ththroguhy lknwign learnign everythign abotu ti waht to od hw oti works th process , waht
docuemtns ainfo is needed i nwaht format very systemsatic organzied manner nnad n geth tis thign
-I hsud ahvae also applied of r a pr at hth tiem thth would have made me more calmer and less stressed
out! A n felign insecure. All thhes indieans they have no canandain ducaio n or work expricen an hey
come to cancanda on a p. not ahvign a pr or pernamrnt stus cause d a grea deal of stress and anxiety
and nwrory I was cocsntly feeling isnecure , fearing sent back hoem and returning back thot hthe cage.
Wehre thehr are o pporttnites for me, to get what I iwant, hopeless siiatuion. Miserable =
oportutiy ot get what I want, if I ihave pr I have hope ot hget what I want , oif u I go back to indai hten I
am fucke nad nscreewed its all over hten, I have no hope it would be the end of everythgi ntehn all
dreams and whishes nad nwants. I will be cuekd up then. Will eb alive but dead I nside
-do i cal lmly aptienty l quietyl proprly thoguthfully , thorughl y doit slowly but surely wit hapteince not
amign haset and ahste is waste, very meticuliosly adn properly if oy uame k erros nadn msitakes then its
all a waste, al leffort nand exercsei andn endeavor is a waste if ou y do it improrpl then uit sgets reejcte
and evenryhtign is a waste tke uru item do it right d t i once bu yt o it properly and eprfectly instead of
doign ti improorely nand doign ti again and agian and wasting tiem effort andn money, and be very
particaiulr abut htigsn certia nthgis nn to eb ignorant and be sriso uabotuti nto light andn relaxed takign
ti easy nad os on

-when it coesm to thgisn lie kthth whee i nperceftion accursasy core ctnness srgiht doign ti right
proeprly is imp to get a result o r afvorable outcoem deisred otucoem, you needo t od it calmly quetyl
pecefully wit ha colelctive alm mind, thoguhfully, steaidly i n steadfas t manner, slowly but surely and
coosntly octisuly, eprpfectly, adn properly take ur tie madn d oti right adn with ful lfosu and coentnratin
to mminzie errors and so on be mroe accurate adn so on, causue if oy udotn gdo it irght, propelry thne
the uoutscem si nmneaitve nad nso ooyu cant suceed nadn then all effort is execrisie is a waste f ou do
haste hurry misio ut on imp thgisn informato ndoucemtnsn nd s on. get after i t do it coosntly with
stead fast contisu effort take ur iem and do it right, u might tkae a bit longer and to ocnutnrthth u may
work long hours to ocnter it, tht is if o uogo otod it propelry u end up takign a longer tiem and ot
ocunter thth u can work cntisul thtis steady stead fast contisu focused slow effort, but hthis workig
ncocnsously sbut steadly ofcused manenenr coacnnstly logn horus but dign ti prorplry i nstea do f
fgettign it doen fast makign ahse andn rush and bdoign ti improrpely skippign thgisn rsuhign thigsn
msisng thigsn and os on and hten nto getitign the out ocem an dreuslt and all effrt i s wasted hten
exercisei goes waste rome was nto beuilt iin a day be lie a torotise focused andn steady and patient
conitsu stead fast focused effort reahign thehr solowly nad surely dtermined prpesitintly and os on,
styign o ntrackand nfosued foer cetirgn n htigsn whehrei n accrasy perfeito n si imp for otherh tigns be
like a hare fast andso on. slowodn take u tieme doit patetnyl andn rpoerly nadn do it right instedof
maign haste and doign ir t worng nad hten the outocem beign neg et aftr it iot odi t nad get it idone neg
get aftr it iot odi t nad get it idone stick to it and eb after it ionly and keep on odignti to od it nad get iti
odne nad think fo thth onyl ay nand ndight keep in mnd waht u ueeed ot ood nad focso n thth nly keep
ur mdi nfocsudo n ti as well. onyl thht htigsn shud goo n i nyoru mid ndayn n igth nh oowo to get a pr,
wha t oodo how oto og abotu ti an do oson.
- u wil ahve t be exptremly dast now causu uahve already lsot a lot ofo tiem!
- I need seom oe nwho can give u a job offer ot get the pnp points and employer or sume oen ha ve
make ocnenitosn wit employees strt making cocentiosn wi hlocal busiesnesn naa d employers wih osem
pttext say yo ucand omaerketign wok r or inteniror design owr k go and naprprach themand make
constns they are the ones who nagiveu jbo offer onceu u have constnctsn and conentiosn they can help
u strtnetwrokign fast! With local buseisn owners maek as many cocsnetiosn asu ucan
- u wil ahve t be exptremly fast now causu uahve already lsot a lot ofo tiem!
- odo oyur research chan bin sortign etc.. to see waht is requiredand hwo to apply the process wahht
douments to asend nad i nwhich format adnoso n study case ofreejcton why profielswere reected what
was the reaso nfor reejjcito nwaht doumens uu needot oocunter thth
-onceu u ahe a job offer ththts high paignnad high psotoion the nyo uget a pr its as simple as thth. Soo
you need oto cncnect with employers.
- do this process get after it and et it idone
- ask for help, they are nice ppl I need help with my pr applcaiiton, they are nice ppl and they will ehlp
-I mean there are pp lwho apply and ocem for mindai to cnacnda o na PR the stress of not ahvigna pr is
too mcu hto bear. Yo uar tiooaly insecure and usre f yourself , and nto calm I nside.
- yo uneed ot od it oy uneedo t odo ti follw othe process the rels to get what toy uwant everyoen ahsto
odi t htth is go through tht proces nto jsut ou, d o the process. go through th process, ever on e hast o
od it it denst missi es any one. Everyone has ot go through tht proess nto just oy an so odo it ast go
through ti fast nadn quci kadn finsi hti off.
- haivgn a job nadn sticking to thth job is very imp til oy uget your pnp nom. And even aftr thth , keeo
wriokgign and kkeep on doing ti keep at it.
- firs ive ur uielts thths whts im pteh scores are valid for 2 years
- collect and getready all prep all documents to apply see what duemtns yo ueed ot o apply
- get after it iand go after this process think f this only day nadn night nad keep o doing nad perstiingnad
trign for this only soo thth u get a pr and yo udotn have ot go through ithsi stress felign of isneucrity and
unstabilty usnurity anymore, and work o nti to get it idoen and make it happen.
- what dosuemtns oyu need here take these doumetns fast, go and nqucikyl put all yoruseltufu in terh I
nteh drawer , she was trying to ehlp yu she was like let me maek the process very easy for ou.go and
quickly do it and getiti odne, go and nquckly put I nall your stu before any oen else does.
- u need ot odo it fast get after it and geti ti doen and accelerate the process. Keep o ndoign ti to geit
-get after irit and keep n doignti adn workgn o nti to doit and get it ioden
-and think fo thth only day and ndight onyl hth thign shoudl eb thehr i nyru mid nas to hw oto get a pr
stay ocusedo nti and be obssed abotu tit
- fif oy udotn get a pr all this si a waste tehn and yoru lfie is fuked all yoru dreams are fuked ithne its all
over then they will ask ou ot pack yoru bags and ngo home nad so othth is why u eed ot get toally after
htsi process and od it and getit idone fast ! and quik as fast as you can psosoibly can be ery aprtiicaular
veery alert and nvery this abut ti , thth is spokek d considerate about it.
-get after irit and keep n doignti adn workgn o nti to doit and get it ioden
and think fo thth only day and ndight onyl hth thign shoudl eb thehr i nyru mid nas to hw oto get a pr
stay ocusedo nti and be obssed abotu tit
-Hurry up tiem is proeciosu work day and night get after it it t odo it fast and gtit iodne before yu die, yo
ucna die anytime who knw s what dadmaged it caused insdie, give a gift to oyur parents for all thth
effort and sacrifices they made for oyu, free health care and what not , soo thth they dotn have to worry
about nyhting.
- these need tobe done now soo work on ti to do it and get ti odne see waht is required get falimair and
usedo the process, cacostomed ot it knw everthgi nabotuti waht is required what uneed ot od owhat
documetns u need and soo on
- take a litile bit effort now spend soem tim oen it t oudnerstandwhatdocuemtns are requiredi nwaht ro
mat why app are rejjctednadn so o n so othth u send comcpelte applcaiiton wit hal docuemtns nad i n
nceesarty ormat soo thth hte odds of prob of ur app beign refused are min and rpepr ur docs aocoridgyl
cuuse if ou are ignorant and send nan aplcaiio nwith outreserhcign wit hcertian msiign docusemtnsthen
all the money getswasted tiem si wasted effort s wasted and soo n. if the app is rejcted yo ushudu do it
one iem nad do it perfectly . take ur time do a lot of reaserch what doumnsare req in wht frmat how to
aplly what I s the process wht to do why app are rejected through research u have to do it nce anddo it
rght its expensive and time consuming the processing of app soo if u do itwrng andmiss out nany doc or
info it gets reected spoo tak e effrt take ur time n do itrght ir ap gets rejected if n ten u end up
losingtime n oney soo do it once n do itr t properly n right.
- wrk on the process to get a pr and keep on doing it n wrking on it
-know what od if oyu dnt kn w wahtoto do then ucant do ti ,
-just follow the set process do this od htth do this od thh n hten its doen!
- you will have ot owork two full tiem josbsto get nough money to apply for the PR incase u need ot to
give to lawyer etc… who has concnetiosn and can offer you a job and so oon. This pp tign is imp once
you get pn p you get 600 poitns and your score just shoots up and then thth age factor gets irrelevant.
U will have ot go thorugh tht processs.
- read everythtign carefully nadn see andn udnenrstand what is required
- Go carefully through ti and over it and gain all the inoramtio ntth u need.
- sit down nad read carefully what thigsnare reqwaht docuemtnsare req I nwaht ormat and then go ont
ot ocllelct those doumentsnad make them.
-Thsiis imp focus on ti and work o nti to do it nad getiti done.
-Thank yo god god directed me t o it as ot what oto od infact the express entry website says ntohig
nabotu this , I went to the express entr ewebsite many tiems bfore nad cudnt get hteh points the only
thing I was figuring out was thth I need work expricen cancnadian if I needot get a pr and thth doesn’t
give much points infact the ge goin down is taking aaway the points, infact I claculted my socres and got
450 at age 35 with 1 year cad expericne and pitns of 470 with 3 years expreicne and you need min 450
to be sellcd I nteh pool, and invtired o apply, soo I was ownderign hwo todo these indeians come ot
candna with no canadnian work experience and no cancndian educitoan so othey odntget points for tht
so ohwo o dthey make it to the points? They lie saign oyu need ot get high ielts scores even with high
ielts socres you don’t get the points they do it through job offer and PNP nom which shoots up their scre
to 600 every oen oy uask they say get igh scores o nielts the truth is y udotn get ti by getting high ielts
scores, they mislead oyu they ar lie kwhy shudi tell u who ar u like thth, go find it out yorusefl, thths
when irelased they must beogin throu pnp, I realsed this as goddirected me t htth website ofan idena grl
who came to cananda, and she lied saying hhth u need ot get high ielts scores, and gave ah itn tht ur
points shud be more htan 450, thn e albert told em about the guy who told hi mthth u shud leave llala
htth invest thth money in this lawer he wil lehlp u uget job offer pnp nad pr hence pr, whe ni got his
number nad wnet ot his website all it talks about is the pnp express entry pr prcess thths when idcidd to
reaserchthe BC pnp instead of th e express entry and hth s when I realsied thh hthths hwerethe secret
lies. Inshrot god reavledti ot me the secret ot PR. Ihad goen on the eprss etry ewebsite many times
before only ot be disspointed asi idont maek it ot the poitnsnsad felling frustrated.
-To understand the program requirements and determine your eligibility, you must review this program
guide before you register and/or applyPlease carefully review the information in this guide before you
register and/or apply. Please carefully review all the prog requirements
-sit down focus o nti toally ocmstlely readiti and fifnsi hti off and nadn getit idone !
- getafterit ido it and fisnih ti off and nget it idone! Yeah knoked it off. Tryignahrdot get through it beign
detmeriend nad eprsting nadn d not giving I up and holding steady and stead fast to od it nad getiti
- kwn whtoto odo hwo to od it and go about ti hwo didi he do it? hwo do thse pp lome for midia with ot
uan y cad ednu and exprcie nhw ood the y ge hthe potisn so onwo oy uknow.soo now oy uknwo soo
now be sted fast try harddotn wats e tiem organize all forces and getot owr thth si get after it mbilze
troops andget after this thig nand d defeat this , getto owor hth is. Its acio ntime get gogi ntaek action nt
ogti idone. Fast quci krpompt contiosu ndnad urgent action.
- knw whtu need ot ood this g get after it be stren detemriend nadn very spooked nadn cocsderate tis
the papranoidh h seuurive htthsi s wrtyign tht ifo yuodnt kaea cito nteh n uare fucked or be very
ocsniderign articaulr stern about ti andod it nad geti toen.
- we need ot get ater this and get this process doen and compelted I na record
-What tood oyo uneed? Woy uneed this here take this give me the pr its lei kththt tell me what tood nd I
will do ti. They wotn give u the pr htth aeailyys they will put u thru the grind
-its nto jstu the codumets thth are imp u neneed to rvie the right contnt nadn info I nth e doumtns
- you needo to eb fast thth i getthgisn doen and work doen fast at a high speed and traethth
sifowrkfattst work logn hours dotn watste tiem syaty focusedo nti cocnetreate o nt i t andn keep o
ndoign ti onyl and keep at it onyl andn do nt do otehrtigsn put oyur midn to it give your midn ur
thogutsh to i scarifice say no to all otehrhtigsn give p all otehr thigsn be on a misision to od it and to get
it done!
htth is dotn waste tiem and opportnity wrok fast getthgisn fdoen fast be sead fastm , thth si scred of
brieng distracted nadn o nyoru toes keep i nmidn rmemberto stay focused andn nto getdistracted keep
give ur mid nt oit do tth onyl odnt od othrier nthgisn to do it and geti ti one fast t wrok on ti to od i nad
getitiodne fast
dotn do otehrtigsn nad say focuesdo nti dont invel nadn put ur mid ni ntoerhhigsn stay focused on ti
only adn think fo thth onyl
dotn think fo othriernthigsn onyltth thg shoudl eb thehr ni nyour mid nadn dotn inveovel nadn ennge ur
slef i ntoerhtigns stick to it onyl and focuso n ti onyl nad do thth onyl o do it and geti ti odne
take thigsn inyru hands now to do it and getiti odne!
you need to be focsued on it stay foceusd on ti oocnetrate onit to do ti and get it done:
how ot stayfoceusd:
keep in midn and remerb t he follwoign thgisn
1) keep in midn rememebr what ur msision is waht u need ot od osoo thth you knwo inyoru mid nthth
uhave toodo it soo yo uget to odit nad yo uare focuesd on doign ti, if oyu r mid ngess distracted
elsewhere andmemery gets erased its nologner theri n your mid nthth uhave o odo ti then yo uwotn do
2) dotn waste tiem doign oehritngs do hth onnly, say not ot all toehrtigsn adn do thth onyl dotn do
tehrtigns , be cocosntly doing thth only
3) dotn hink fo otherhtigns hink fo tth only onyl htht thign shouldbe thehri nyouerm idn day and ndight
hwo ot get PR
4) dtn wast ur time effort eennrgy odign toerhhtigsn u ahve limtied tiem once uu lose it oy udotn getit
iback dotn waste ur effrot nand nenrg y doign otherhtigns say no to tolal othrer thgisn and give all your
tiem effrt andn enenrgy to thth onyl ato do ti and gtiti odne
5) do thth oyl dotn do otehrigns focus and cocnentraete o ntthh only
-well u have o od it if oy uwnatot he pr u ahve toog thrugh his proces herh is no other way oso kwn
everyhtign abotu the process wah u need what docuemtns u need waht expricen u eed and srrt workign
o nti and getign ti maek up forth lost tiem now so on adn srt workign on i t da gettiign ti colelcitng it ad
od it to get tit odne, better late than never.
- stay focuesdo nt iand cocentrate n ti adn keep odoign thth ony ldotn do otehr thgisn doe nn t inveole
urslef i notrhtigns nad waste ur item in otehrhtigsn adn do ti t ogetiti oden get after it to od it iadd
ngeti ti done nad keep a iti do ti fkeep on doign t ikeep on doign waht u are doign to do it nad geii doen.
- you needot oread it all carefully and ngo through it lal to gai nknweldge know hwo nad incormatio nas
to what docs u need hwoto register apply hwo o upload odcumetns inwah t format, and in what pairs,
andso n, itso nyl when u have the knweldge and nkw n whao tood then can you do tin dad goahed with
ti not oterhwise.
- read carefully take effort and time go othroguh ti all and gain all the information nso otht uknw whaot
tood hwo to apply, yo ukwn the processand what docuesmtns u need and I nwhich format and so on.
You must review I a llg o through ti all soo thth uggai nknwledgen nad infroamtio naas to whaot tood ou
can do I only if u knw whato tood nto oehrwise.
-you need to act fast and move fast you need to accelerat hsi thign and beextremely fast and nquci kadn
get ti doen fast and qucik!
- work o nti fast owrk on ti keep wokrign o nti to getiti odne! fas quick adn urgently nadn immdaiitely
- thiss not a one year prcoess he prcess strts fro mnow kae fast quick immdiaite nadn urgent action to
get thgisn doe n what is neneded requirednadn meet an fullfil lteh requiremtns.
-we dotn ahve tiem all hi needs otbe doen and wrapped up as fas as u can tim is nto on our side go day
nn gith and finsi hti off! lieksleep only 2 horus get after his and get iti doen fast
ork liek over tiem o t do i and to get ti idone and fisnh ti offand nwrap it up
-elarn everythgi nabotureaial biz retail biz is high deman occupai here
- hisis nto a one year prcoess he prcess strts fro mnow kae fast quick immdiaite nadn urgent action to
get thgisn doe n what is neneded requirednadn meet an fullfil lteh requiremtns
-dotn waste even a singel min idling layign sleepign doign otehrtign s unimp thgisn you have limtied tiem
yo uneed ot give direct all your time to oyur work to ge thigsn doen and work doen to achve our gaol.
- keep workign o nti you needto owork o ntit to od it and finsi hi off ad getit iodenfast!, keep patti iand
oocnstlyb be odign ti ,dotn waste tiem give all your item to it nad stay ofcusd o nti andocenntrae on ti
andwork o nti o od I nd to get ti doen fast nd nqucik. Give all yur item to oit to geti tione fast nadn fas ad n quick as you can you need ot ogetit ioen fast andnqucik as u uahvenlimted iem soo oyu
tis a race against tiem, you can wrk slow andtake age or forever do ti endless ly as ifi yo uahve endless
time to ifnsi ti asu udotn live forever u uavhe toahcve this gast ahcve urgoasl quickly get your orwkr
odne fast n quick. Keep doing t andworkign o tit goei ti oden nad to get ti doen fastandn wqucik give al
lyruitem to it o geiti one andgeti t ioden fast andnqucik.
-keep workign on ti say focusedo n ti nd a keep on doigni to do it and get ti oden fast and qucik
adn don waste tei myou have limtied tiem yu get onyl 24 hours aday soo dotot nwaste tiem doign
toerhtigsn give diret all yur tiem to it to do ti and getiti doen fat and nquick
-you needot ork do weeryhign oy ucan to aoivd hth propabliy of oyu beignsent or going back home!
- read It to undnenrnsntand it and figure it out read I t and re read it till u udenrnsntd it nadn fuigre I
out wha titi means hth is till uget it, mn it ti maeks sesen , I kindof figured it out! Now wha it meansn
and says the meanignand wahtto od and what I ineed nadn so on.
- keep workign o nti you needto owork o ntit to od it and finsi hi off ad getit iodenfast!
-i odtn kwn i n eed ot oge his thign deo nfast and nqucik keep n doign ti keep at it iand workign o nt
ichippignaway sloggign workign arhd occnsntly stead fast dayn night to fod tit nadn fisnh ti ioff andto
geti tioden nd ad complete it.
- work on ti finsi thsi thign off frst ge thsi dne and keep i soo tht u knw what you need, he process etcc
and you yknw what docsuemtns u emend I nwhch format so othth u get t oget ont ti ot srt collecign it.
- fuck we are fucked, don maek the same mistake again and work o recify correct he mistake nad amek
up for he olsot tiem and oportuntiy do what u ucan o get after it nad do ti and getiti odne! Yea I
iahveepxricne I nretial. Retial si the high demand occupation soo og in reial you ahvem roe jobsi n retial,
don’t ogi nto markeing now
-ou nened oto eb exptemrmyl this on your toes thh is ocnsder the ocnsequcens iif u don t kae action
nwah will happen, and os oaake action nquick and fas t nadso on. You needo tbe strern nadn strict tth
his doi as if oy uare itehe military. Tht siis be lwillig to toake paisnand effrtsnandaciosn to getthigsn doen
and effrt struggle srigfe to ahchve ur goal nad misiso tn to gethgisn doen work ode not ahcve urgaols,
and imp thgisn , htth is be o n a mission programmed to achve ur gaols, thth is be iensntses , thth is kep I
nmid nadn not forget what ur mission si what u uneed ot odo osso thth uare focused n doing ti as your
mdi nsi focuesedo nti you will do ti only if itstehr I yur mind hh uahve totoodti if u forget tif itsn ol ogner
hther I nyour mid nthth u wotn do it.
- dotn wase ur time not eve na min doig toerhtigns giv all yoru tiem to oyur work ot ge thgis nde nand
work done fas to achve ur gaosl!
-u haev to put all yoru tiem i ntoti t o get htgisn doen and work done fast to ahcve ur ogals nad nfoucso
n it nadn do ntohgi nelse get after ti tn dn do it o gei tidone! put all your iem in it to geitiodne thth si
work like 180 horus a week.
-be determedn t oowrk hard and nto give up adn slofg work dayn ngith contisuly to do it andgeti tiodnE!
- work on ti finsi thsi thign off frst ge thsi dne and keep i soo tht u knw what you need
- god thing god showed this to me just at the right iem just before I was ready and I was ready I was to
strt working thth I need to get job offer leeter and fill thth form when ige a jobadn soo tth ican apply for
pnp in int grad category and hth I need to get 2 years expricen in one field like reatialwhich is high
demand whehrei ntherhe are many jobs available, to eb be eligible to apply under skilld immgiariotn
category if I ge a jbo offer itnhrhh filed. Soo now I knw I need two years expricen I nretial under skilled
immigration category where in 2 years expnce is req nad I need to fill thth job offer form, to apply for
pnp under itn grad category wheeri n expricen is not req .

- This is a big proess actually nad ntherh are a lot of othigsn invoeld I nti and u need ot kwn the
process get al leh docuemtns.
- You need to try hard now very hard nto res and nrelx arise awake and stp nt hth si kee pwroking
and strvign to gthtigsn doen awork odne to achve ur gaol til u reach yoru gaol, , you need to try
ahrd now veryvery extremem and detemriend effort gianrmosu effort to find a job and to apply
for oyur pr and stuff, its just one year of struggle! Dotn rest and nrealx be stern o na misiio nand
on action and keep trying ahrd now to get the pr.
- You need o get moving takig naction b I nmotion be otne rol thth is stirivng owrkign ahrd
takignation to gethigsn doen work doen to ache urogals nto sitt ndn realx and beconfmtrable at
ease, and elsur andenjoymetn learnto take effort hardwork pasisn straisn nadn nstress I npursuit
of ourgal psuh oyurslef to the limit nadn max nadchallege yourself drivie ur self hard tgo
through paisn nstress hgihapisn stkaignandtolreace ability stress tkaign abiiltiy gethtigsn doen
thth iswork super hard take bewillgi nadn detmeriend o push yourself t htem limit nand gruel
and ngrind and tkaepaisn and aeffors to gehtigns oden work doen strive struggle husle work
hard ot gethigsn doen work doen in the pursuit f o achvign rugoals, o ahcve ur goals thth is.
- Get back to thth thing!if oy ustrt workign now then ti will ahppen if oy udont take action adn oy
udont wor kthe nnothign will happen get after it to d o it and get it done!
- str workign o ntit for mnow if oy udotn work o nti to do ti and get it dne then nothgi nwill happe
n you need ot oget after it strt working on ti take it forodign t ig e after it get abc k to ti t o do ti
and to get it done!
- Know whah the process is and oy ujsut havet follow th e prcess o t d o it nad get tiodne! Eh
ruels regualions to do it and geti tioen knw what iis requredand expeed first read do your
resaerc knw what is expected nad n just olflowo he process down ot the last detail o do ti and
geti tidone!
- Fo yu dotn work hard w and get orwkrign o nthsi thing now then yhtey will send you back
- -you need ot maek cncentiosn wit hlocal employers thth way yo uahve consents wit hthem nad
they canehlp you , conentiosn are everythgin if oy uahvea job offer then yo ucna ome ot
acnanda if oy udont have job offer hen you cant , and tis ahrd ot get a job offer whe nu are in
indai a s you need lmia process and all tht and as you dotn have any ocnacts nadn cocnentiosn
and they odnt advertise jobs wit lmia, soo basically only if oyu have cncentiosn wit h employers
some one in cnacanda whom oy uknw they can help oyu with lmia nadnstuff and igveu u a job
ogffer cocneniosn areverythign and money is everything you need ot show u uahve meony I
account bank balance
- Its harder ot get a pr for mindia as the pp lwho come her are the ones who have a mtched job
offer, for eg if they have an limia joboffer for cooks he nthey will look for cooks, its lie kthth , is
hard ot find a job offer matching yoru skill, educaiotn andn so on, soo oy uneed ot either, be I
ncnacnda and find a job offer or you need to knw hoave ocntacs ocncentions with employers
here who cagiv u a job offer.
- Frs let me get my thing doe nand thien I will tell tehm, if oy u tell everyone then I ges croweded,
wrdof louth gets around then thth eprso ntells the ortherh n the nteh other nadn so on it
spreads then all apply the nti gescorwed n then and seats are limtiedn nthe nis aheard ot ge
selscted. Hth si why u needot hurry up ad n do all this get all ths hign doen fast, soo htth uare I
nteh pool for logner duration. Which icnrnaennse ur chances of getting in.
- He process migh be difficult but if ioy uapply nadn take acti o nthe nyou wil gegt iif oy udont
then how will yu get
- You will lhaevo work dayn n gith now super hardot maekup fro he lost time!
- otmkae haste do ti properly, dotn do ti i na haste yo uneed ot ood it carefully dotn lose
accuracy and eprfectio nand doign i nperfectly in he process of doign haste whe n ugo o odhase
o uy lose the ability to spend time o nti think properly adn lswoly and carefully adn do it
proeprly thoguhtfuly as to waht ot ood hwo ot ood it nad hwo ot og abou ti, hths why u need ot
tkae ur own tiem for thigsn thth need eprfection, caeu ahste is waste when yo udogo to ood
haste yo u dotn think mcuh as yo u do thigsn fast i na hase so o yu ondt hahve tiem to think giive
it thogut has to hwo oto od it hwo ot ogo abou ti and so on waht ot ood and so on, then as
aresult you dotn do ti properly. So oo yu lose the prerfectio naccurasy, doing I perfectly for
speed oy uend up trading thth for speed.
- You havoe ottake efforo ot odoti and to do it properly to do the work prorply nealy crafly and so
on, group stematically organize everything so otth the itnforamio nsi s clear makes sensen , nto
misso u on anyhign ttake yoru tiem think as to what otood hwo o ood ti hwo ot ogo about it
inorder to suppor wha infrotmaion documns o prodie I nsupport of what argumens nadn so on,
and what arguemtns and inforamtio nsi eenedd to prove what reuqirmens andoso n, what
information nto give nadn so n oy uahve ot od it very ery thgotuhfulyl you cant maek haste
cause when uspeed u p you don’t think much have no tiem to thin kas resut l I acffecs eh
accuracy he rperftion yo udotn do it properly hhs why hey say haste is wast e caseu then you dot
nget success resul outcome asnd he whoel endevlour effort is waste d tehn whe n umaek hase,
as you didn ood the job prroprly you need otodoti properly perfectly and neatly nad accurately,
inroder ot ge he reustls. Ake yoru tiem doti very very proerpyl nadn perfectly and nthoguthfully
as oto hw oto odo ti and hwo to oog about ti dotn mae khase haste is waste when u make hase
tehn you end up ingoneirng things nto thinking nthroguhly nad through and properly and as ar
esut lyo umaek mistakes errors msisi out on thigns do work improopely and the nthth affects he
otucoem yo u cant succeed the nnot have a suceefu loutocem then thth is accuracy, and
perfectn doing I properly neatly and hinking thgotuhfulyl thkignign prorpely as to what ot ood
hwo t ood it etc.. takig nthgi I n oconsidertiaon ebign pearticaulr no ignroign thgis nadn facs is
affected whne you do ti fast. You end up trading erpecio nadn dogi nt iprorpely nad hgoutfulyl
hwe no u do ti hastefully.when u make hase te you end p trading perfection bdioign ti prorply a
theh cost of accuracy, abnd for takss thht need you to be accurate and do it properly in roder for
the outomce to be sucees I nthsoe aks o uend up failing and hten the whole earcise is a waste al
levffer t is wasted, tehn, for takssk wherei n ht e outcomes fo suces depends on how prorpely or
perfectly oy uahve doen the taks in those aks ouy endu p fialign oy uamek a rush and haste miss
onut on imp thgisn dnetails and end up failig ntehn. And the wholeeffrt is awste then. Thths
why take yoru thime doti very very properly think ti horugh and do it propely.
- Why are you doing al lthis? This exercise, to work and slog nadn so on? to get hthei PR the
nfukign apply for he PR and get the PR!
- you need ot demandif you dotn ask you don get
whats i nyoru mid nyo uneed to say aricualte adn see if ti happens or
notyo uahve ntohign t olose by saksign mndm ost of he tiem ppl are
kidn andwant to help they don say no
can you do me a favour?
waht buy you a cofee
yea i forgot to get my wallet today!
if oy udotn ask oyu dotn get
yo uahveto use our mout o exress yoru thgotush waht oy uwant nd os
comunicatio nsi soo imp
communication helps to get work doen thgisn done!
- Sir can yo uhlwp me with my PR process, I need to apply ofr bc pnp for thaht I need some
documents nadn forms to be filled, can you give me the psotion as a mamnger , I need ot hsow
thh I am working nas a mamanger and I iahve a job ofeer as a mamanger. I jus need the psotion
o npapaper htth I ma working as a mamanger
- You have o acceleraeand nhurry up every one is about doen wi htheir pr prcess you are the only
one left behind! Focuso it try ahrd be demrmiend nadn keep working o nti to od it nad geti ti
odne fast. The pr applciaito nasfast as you can. You need ot be very fast work on ti fas andn geti
ti odnedo ti fast nadn quck rush up hurry up and get tiodne fast nadn quick! Rush up hurry up
do ti fast be coconstly at I and doing ti to do it nadot oget iti oden fast take fast qcik promt
detemriendinesne andn urgent action.
- Alos tiem teh clock is teckign every seconds is imp soo get moving fast tiem is very imp you
should nto waste eve n a sinlge sec doing otherhigns unimp thgisn every secis criiacla nadn
crucial andn imp now giveall yor tiem to oyur orwkr to ogethgisn odenandwork done fast at a
faster ae and npacece you get only 24 horus a day soo odoet waste yoru tiem doing oehrings
andn unimp thgisn give all your iemto oyur work o gethtigsn doen andwork done fast a a faster
rae and apce, to achve ur goals. Yevery secisi prciosu and imp doignt waste it doing unimp hgis
nyou needot give all tiem to oyurwork to get hgisn doen and work odne ot acve urgaol, be
driven and be aii to geti ti done,
- Its good when u have pp laroudn you t osupprot you and eduge and you are thehr I nit together
to rmeidnoy upush you keep u fcosedu on it and give yo udirectio nadn right adveceas to wah ot
od , asnd to t thin k tlak and deicide as to what ot odo hwo o odo t I nad g oabout ti, well
meaning ppl who have the he smaele goalsnadn intnetsitons as you do, to direct oy ugive oyu
good advice as to what you want, yin your mind you needot be cocosntly thinking about, to
supproto y u psuh oyu givie yo u the righ advce nad ndidrecito nt ose u p o nteh right path like ,
you are odign this worng, dofocsu o nteh rp htign man, wha idi iyo udo about the pr? If oy udon
do it theywil laks oy uto pack your bags and og howm don isolae yourself, focus onthsi hign after
yu get hteh pr u can isolae ursel as mcu has u can, if u dotn do the pr things they will kecik you
out. Otn wait for later on is harder laer on if oyu can do anything you an od osmethign now
hwen u are I ncancnada its 1000 tiems harder if oyu go back home. T ood ot ofrm thehr. So odon
lose or waste this chance andopprouniy.faer is a great driviesr thth maeks u urush up hurry up
quick and ake action, fast quick prom urgent action driveu u t o tak e action and giveusu the
eennrgyn and adrenalie nrush and quick burst of oenerg kekep u alrert onyoru oes spooked nto
ingoirgn thgisncosniderng thgisnandsoo nadn maeksu uinsnensne andso on, seriso uadnsooson
and alert maeks u uakce rpaompt quick urgnent acio nt oproroect urself fastactin, adnamkesu
uakea fast quci kprompt nadn urgent nadnacio nt oprortect urusefl.
- , I am programemdi nmy mind nto to odo I , as my mom told me noto t o soo and why its bad for
oyu soo thher
- Well its good htht uare atleas ttoaly after I t adndn ocsntly at iti, hth si inot it, and cahhsign ti.
What you want goig nafter andcocosntly I nto what u uwant.
- Its imp to be ambitosu to hink fo making progress and how to pmaek progress and advancement
and so oon.
- You can maek your luck if yo ucocosnly htin kabou ti I nyoru mid nasot whautu nedoo odnad
hwooto od it to get wha oy uwant, yo cua namke ur luck happen if I nyoru mid n uare ccosnly
thinking abnbou ti as o whaht ot odo hwo to odo it ad the nakecaion accordingly.
- Sleep is imp if oyu selpp less the nyou can do oyur work proeply as your brain cant work or think
preprly nad nfuntio nadn infact the speed a which yo udowork he effcincy and he prerfcito nadn
properly at ht wich yo uwrok doen is reduced accuracy is reduce mental acumen is reduced,
and so n, yo ucanthink well nad work well and get workd done if oy udotn sleep well infacact it
maeku u work slowrer maeks u elss effficen t and mreo tired nadn exhausted draiendadnyo
ucant think well as a result your spepd beocems slower and even the wrok hh u do I s nto
perfect or proprer and more error prone and iaacurae thth s why sleep I soo mip if oy uwant to
o get wrok done fast nand do I proroely , but ifoyu over sleep u end up lsoign iem soo sleep mo
more than 7 to 8 hours. And no less thatn thht.
- You needo tbe liekF1 beoccosntly ait ianddoig ti odign t ifast andn the pitstops every second
- - hurry up left, scroignggn, andswannderign do ti now, maek u p or the lost time, wahts wrogn
wih srtignn ow nadn doig nti now get after I to geti tiodne!
- You nendo tb e very ncieadn swee wih elmpoyers kee to htigsn nice and nsweet, be obinent say
yes to everything h is lel me what to od and I will do it yes I iwill do it , your life deoepdns o
ntehm your pr everythgi n be ncie nad nswweet nadn bdieint say yes t oeveryhtign they as you
to ood and theyn they will propmote yo uhlp u wit hpr nadn get ur work done your pr thing
- jsut be good adn ppl will help u if youare good the nppl do help you!
- whe n uare nice o ppl ppl help you, they aslo see he is a good and nnice peros n iahsold help
him, ehy brign you i nocuh wih hter i contacts adn cocoention s nadn wah not,
- -therh was thsi guy he used to fight wiht every one not maek cocncntats nadn cocenntis n he
used to be reude to pl to his bosoes to eomployers, and say whetere thth cam e ot his mind and
soo n adn hen the neh left the job when osem hehhwer else nadn left hth job as well, was
unccooperate used to kae no oens BS , be goodo nad ncie o pp ltrea pp lnciely if oy uare good to
pp lthe y also see thsi guy is good he treats me well adn then hey go to help you yo ucrea et
relatios nand coenitonsnadn hen htey ry t proeptect oy uand help au as they kwn hwhtt uarea
good eprosn adnncie erson. adn derve to be helpedn adn hey knw htht how good u were tohem
soo they try ot help iu then
- -oh hdotn owrry i wil do it , be obidinet be good talk nciely be helpful envner say bad thigsn, s
speak goodnand so on tlak nciely n n be good and so on teh ntehy will elp u after seeig ntth heh
si agood perosn and needs o be helped beign ncie topp ladn good ot pp lalawys help they wil
lthemselves tell i u i wil lget ur pr doen youare such a good and ncie eprson.
- It s tiem to acclearete now and maek up for the lost time
- Hurry up rush up make up for the lost tiem and make thing right
- Yo need otb ecvpppre my lalert o nyour toes andn cosnederate and naprticualr about things
- Kee wokrign o nti oy uare nto ou of the rut or the hole yeyt soo don’t get relxed and nat ease,
you nene o be spooked woroeid coccnenred o nyoru toes th si keep on doing ti dotn get rlexe
coampcent whe nu come close to ifnsihig ti tis not done till tis doen so okeep o ndoign ti till its
doen, you are not out of the hole yet or ru y till ti gets doen soo keep a ti and keep o ndoig nti n
do I to get it idone! Keep a ti I and stiivng nadn doig nti till tis done, be constntly at ti
- Go fully I nto ti now all I nand through out in oti ! to od it and getiti odone!
- gofor it go in th e diriecito nfo oyur gaol
- u need ot be insntsne driven and ambitiosu dream big nadn go for it be brutal and hgihy
lconfidnentnh hu cna doti thh uare derivgn capcaplbe adn hh uderve i and os on! htth sits ur
brith rgit hadn ti belogns
toy uadn soo u are takgi naciton o get waht atb elogns to oyu itsl ie khh! ifi n toyur mid nyo uare
onfidne of ourself if oyu hink thth aure cacapble dervign ti belogsnto oyu then yo uwill aek acio
nto get it i not oterhiwse its lie kgive me wahts mine hhs mine ! if you think h i doens the nyo
uwont! if oyu hink i am incacpalbe i don deve ite no good inneoguh not i nteh league the nyo
uwo naek acito nt o get iti orgoa for it or go after it! "go confdiently i nteh direcito nfo oyur
dream, go ofir ti goafer it pursue it be ocfndienthth u derve i adn it belogns to oy uadn seze it
an d lvie the lifeh th uwant nadn yo uahve imgained" itsl ei khh mine it belogn to me give thth
to me!
- Stay totoatlly cfocusedo nti ony lthe nyo uwill do ti ad take I t for doing ti think of nothing else
theh re should be ocosntly only one htign o nyour mid nhw oto oget a pr and what u ened ot
get a pr think fo thth only now and nothgi nels e and what u need ot oodo to gt get a PR hhs it!
n take action ntot od ohth only towards work towrdshth only , if oy cocsntly think of it nad if oy
uare onbsbsed botu ti andn oy uoccosntly think fo h th only andn only hh thi gns is hher I nyoru
mid nday nna d night then you will do thth only andn be focsuedo n doing ti if its not thehr I
nyour mdi n uwotn do it its like tht.
- U ar left scrambling now yo uahve already lost like 1 and a half year nadn you are left with only
one and a half year lmore so ooy uneed ot take afast quic kurgent action nt omake up for the
lsot tiem!
- A little bit put I n more effort a liitle bit effort nadntiem t odti right to do it proeply I na fool prrof
way, isnteadof rushing up and ingnaorign imp thgis nan details and doing it improperly nadn
imperfectly and amign mistakes which may result in he out ocme beign failure andwastign al
lteh effort . istnteaddo ti once do it right and ndo I expteremly perfectly nand properly
- U need to hurry up wrk on it to do it nge it dne, there is a lot mre tht u have to achve in ur life
not just this
- Hast isi waste u eed ot spend tiem o nti and get this right thh is do ti right and perfectly and to
eprfectio nadn properly od it once but do it right , ratehrh tha nmakign ahste making eers os
andn mistakes and the nout omce beign failure nadn the naall effrt iem money wasted nad
nhavign to od it again.
- God is great th hhe gave me this at the right iem n wo I feel mreo eneenrgetic hopeful ladn
reved up and o my toes tht is takeing fast quci k urgen acitn to get back get ti iodne fast , before
it is oo ale thth si hurry up, accelaerate andn amek u p for the lsot tiem and make thigns right
again, quickly, get thsigns abck o nrack,o not lose htsi oppportuiy, other wise I was lie ksleepign
hopelss and lost track now I am back o ntrack by gods grace tahnk god for shwoign me the way
showing me thins as to what otood. God saved my life by igigng htsi to me and set me back o
nrack oehrh iwse ii was feelgin hopeless fruurated nto kwning what otoodo and had no ambition
or gao lor pupse less not driven and confused nadn the boat was going down and sinkng. Now I
iahve this drive and nambiton nad fel more motivated and I am doing this to achevh this goal,
tht his working to achveh this goal I ahd no mtiavaito nto work before as I ididint knw hw oto
achve this goal. Or gao about ti. It was a losign casue. I was goig ndown aimless just wnadeinr
ign ccircles I had this goal but diidno knw hwo ot get thehre god showed me the way, and thth
ahelped me to get back o nrack again the direcito ans to wah toodo hwo to og about ti and soo
onw ican do it and get back o ntrack again ake acio nt oamek it happen n nget doen. Thh si now
I can aget afeter my goal and nachve my gaol again I have the mtiaito n ot wrok, for the sake of
this and so on. I am revved up and nenrgetic again. And insntnsnn e and on my toes hh is fear
ful of mission opportntiy nadn taking fast quick acito nto no misi ot o nte hmoportutiy.
- Racign yo uneedot race is a race agaisn tiem the clock is ticking you ne dot od it fast get ti idoen
fast as fast as you can.
- Very fast nad I nto I and to tally stoked up anbotu it
- U need ot be fast wrok fast get hgisn done fast
- How ot odo this hwo wil this happen? We need ot get this hign doen fast get afer it thnink fo oit
and cocosntly worry about this only day nadn night nad work o ntito get iti oden fast and quick
as fast as you can.keep ur mind I ntht only dotn think of anyhign else only this thing should be
thehr I nyour mind now how ot get a pr thths it! nothing nelse ythink fo thht ony lget after thth
and do thth only its soo imp.
- If oy ume al lteh reqadn have submitted al ltehdocuments properly they will stamp it and give it
to oyu put a stampandgvie ti to you.
- If you want oy ucan taek a week more bu do this thing properly without any mistakes and errors
- Dotn put ur mind I notehrhtigsn don’t inovel ursefl in oehr htigs unimp hgisn think o this only do
this thignonly fully involve andn enge andn occupy urself in this thing only ot od it nadgeti t
- Thh I will do it laer on casue hh wil lake aa lot of tiem as I ireally have to go through hit sepdn
time o nti think it through and sso n ,frst do thgisn thth are pretty strgith frwrd and obvious
wehre in you dotn have to apply any thoguth, or thin kadn come up wit hsoem thing on yoru
own and yorusefl , but jsu have to ioll ow hete ruels as specified.
- You ahev ot folwo te process thh is go leagally horugh a proer process. To get it. taeke the effort
ot go through tht process, ake apaisn nand effrts to go thorugh it and follw oti he process down
to the last deail.
- Dotn put ur mind I notehrhtigns, keep ur mind I nwork and imp things only think of wrok and
imp thgisn only. Ifu u distract ur umid nt ooerhhigsn then you won be able ot odo oyur work
properly caseu u need to think through andhink o oti ococnstly in yoru mind to be bable to come
up with irdeas wahtot odo hwooo od I go abotuti t and so n, andso oy ushould ebhinkig n of
oyur wrok only , but if oyu give ur mentalreosurces to oehrigns and think fo otherhtigns then
you wont be thinking fo your work, and so oy uwont be abl o t ocm up with solutions ideas
diicison s as to whatio odo cause instead of htinkign f our work ur mind is invoeld I notehrtigsn u
areigivng ur mental resurces nenergy time to otehrhtigsn andso our work suffer,s yo ou can t do
our work proeplry then as u uare nto putting yoru mid nt o it nadnthinkigno of oit. You ahev o
give oyur mind to it think of it only to be able tot o do it orget it done properly.
- This is taking more tiem but this si imp this is everythgi nthsi is what I came here for! Its worth
giivgn ur time over. This is the most crucial critical thing ever this si he route to freedom for
mteh cage, this si the rotu e to full all yoru dreams hopes nadn opporunties, thsisi the kety to all
dreams and all opporutnties. Realse the improatnncn and he significane of it and get after ti and
take extrmeem determeid and ninstse effort nadn ge it iodne.this is time consuming but this is
the last of it the end of it this is everying his is sexurity stability tht is no sstus unpredictable
fuure, unconfimed unsure wh to do, lack of stability future unpredictability uncertainty this is
certainiyty, soo get after it n get it dne gpo after I mke I t happen n get I tdne.
- Stay focused nti and keep on doing this thing only keep at it ito odi nad to get it idone. Be intsnn
and driven tth si go after I cahrhge after ir t kee patit I and be ocnstly afeter I think fo thth only
day n ngith only thth thing should be thehr I nyoru mid ndayn night , stay foceusd n it to doti
andgetti idone.
- U need ot hurry up doit fast fast wrok day nadn night to do it and to get ti iodne!
- Frst do this thig ndothsi thing rst everythgi nelse later on.
- Get after it taek paisn and effrts to od ti an o get it idone
- Now u uneed ot odo this only focus o n this only work on this only to do it andget it I done!
- Keep ondoign t iand keep working on ti o wrap it up o odit and to get it iodne!
- Its nto oe till ts doen so odont be cosmaplcent stop and relax oy uneed ot kepeat ti and keep
working on ti to od it an d get ti ti done.
- Speed at which you get thgisn odenwork doen is imp don’t waste tie mdoig ntoerhtigns be
cocosntly ati I and doing ti to geti tiodne.
- - dotn kee it for aler do ti right now wrk on ti o finish ti off and geti ti odne!
- Get after ti and geti tiodne need ot get this thing doen fast . keep at it iand keep working on it to
od it and to get it idone.
- Zor mar and get it done
- Onceu u are afeter iti then u are toaotly after it and into it and you are obssed abou ti hh is one
track mdn and hink fo thth only andn do thth only at hthe cost of everything else nadn aleave
everythgin els e aside, hht si oy ugo the bottom o it and rip it apprt dwn to the mines detail till u
ge it iodne.
- Go day and night for two days andget tis thing doen accelerate the progress.
- It has to be doen oyu have to goafter it get after it nto be alzy yo uahvae o be itnsentse nadn
driven thht si work ahrd take paisnnad effots to achve rugoals andn agetwaht u want, thht is be
determremiend ot work hardnadn ake apisnand effrts to achve ur goals and gethawt u uwant.
- Nothing comseasy tis nto gonan fall for mteh sky inour laps what uu want oy unenedotb e wilign
t ostrive work ahrd take paisnadn efforts t oget what you want,t its worth it wro htht effr be
detemreidn to take paisn and effrts to get hwat u uwant. Take pasinand evvrs to ge thgisn doen
and work done to get whatu uwant nn ahcve what u uwant
- Yo ushouldsleep less sleep only 6 horus hh way oy uget a lot more work done, sleep from 3:00
to 9:00 am
- You needo tkee p evrythignready kee pall docuemtns everythgi nready, soo thth u can apply aa
moemtns notice.
- If oy udon aply hwo will yo uknw oy uahve to be hpoelful thth best will hapne hope for the best
soo thth u try nadn rpep fr p the worst prer as if oyur app will be rejected nad nprep o aovid hh
e rejection, then uwill succeed, also taking effort now will eb good as it will ehlp to keep u
everything read nadn prepared. All docuemtns everyhign. And he process as well.
- uu need ot oget serios uabout it and d oi fast and nquick! get afetri
- i and get it ioden fast!
- use all possoible means nadn way s to get iti
- do a lo of resarerch to knw everything about ti soot ht u can do it. read a lot about it so thht u
know more whto tood
- ths is soo imp
- COmniicatio nsi the key to get thgsi ndone n amek things happen ifu udotn say or show or
epxreres or convey throgu hcomnuiaciton yo udont get thgis nodnt happen be seriso uabotu it
no nosens nand make a very very strong and conving applaiiton
-uu need ot oget serios uabout it and d oi fast and nquick! get afetri i and get it ioden fast!
use all possoible means nadn way s to get iti
- Take it for odign ti keep o ndoign t isaty focusd on ti and od it andn geti ti odne fast!
Keep on doig this keep ai ti keep o nworkig ntowrds ur gaol
Wrk on it day nnigh to fiish it off gneed t get thi s hng done fast
- Take yoru tiem go hroguh ti properly research sit down and seewhath the process is! Gain kinfo
know whato to od only hen u can do it if oyu odnt knw about ti oy uwotn doti and oy uownt get
reustls then, if oy uare ignorant nadn dotn kwn it the n uwont doti and thn e u dotnget reustls.
Readgai nkwneldge info
- You endoo cncetrae andn focuso nti tht is do h only and not odanyhtign else think foh only do
thht only say nto toveryhtign elsl full 100% coconsetrae andn focuso nti to gei tiodne and keep
ur mind I ntth only thin kof htth only. Sit cosntnyl andn contiosuly to odoti and ot get it iodne

- Need to get this thing done fast keep on doing it nwrk n on it to get it constantly at it to
do it n to get I dne.
- -Everyoen ahs o go throgu htht process and do ti not just you.
- Be obssed with the whole process knw everythgi nabotu ti
- Get after it bbedrvn n dtermied to do it n to get tit dne.
- You needo tbe ver fast nadnqucik tth si doti fast get work doen fast andnqucik! Getaeter I fast1
work like long horus wrk fast nadn quick and get tii oden not work slow work a a faster raee and
npace.speed at which u d this gt things oden si imp.
- U need to keep at it and be constntl doing it and after it its not done till its done.
- U need to stik o it be at it da nnigh n keep on doing it constly till its done.
- U need to sit constlycontinusly nonstop n kkeep wrking constly for longhours to d I n to get tit
done fast n qui k as u ca no onne died by wrking hrd.

- U need to bever y serois about it and do it very seriously ake I serioiusly.

- Hwo ot accelerate this? Things tht hdotn require oy ut ohink for eg, where in you dotn have to
use yoru breai ntht is just read and nucenrdetand what htigsn docs are req those things yo ucna
work extra hard and do ti finsi hthem off day nn gith.
- he rate at whcih the pace at whcih yo uge t work doen si exremly imp you need ot get thgisn
doen get work doen fast at a faster speedier rae an d apce! thth si do waht oyu can work dfast
nt owork slow, wr k as fast as yo ucan , work cotniosly nonstop, be focsed o n ti ocncstraete on
ti odn do othrings work day nand ndight work long hours stay up the whole night and keep
wokrgn take paisn and effros inroderot get higsn doen work doen at a faster speedier rate and
pace, the tiem limti i nwhic ho ugethigsn odne is imp if oy uwork say 18 horus andn som oen e
wors k say 9 hours you will get heh work done in ahldf as mcu hiem as thth eprosn. and tiems
imp , tiems all you ahve oyur item si mlimted hths why un eed ot gect foast nadn gethgis ndoen
fast soo thh u get allt eh work doen thgisn doen thth need to ebe be odne oachhve ur goals and
the nahchve ur goals a a faster rate andn pace soo hth u can move ahed nto get stuck up o noen
thign t oother gaols, o achve otehrh goal. work exra hard take sloog take pais nadn effrts wrok
18 horus dotn sleep sa y up la lnight mvoe aroud nadn wor kcosniosuly be coocsntiuly cocosntly
afer it ito get hgisn doen and work de t oachve ur gaols! Not be averse to working hard be willgi
nt o put in extra effrt take pais nadn effrts drive ur self craz mad take stress and psu herself ot
the lmi insteadof lazing and realxign learn to work exptra ahrd ot gethgisn doe nadn work doen
to ahchve ur gaols. And ahcev the imp thgsi ni nlfie.
- if you want to do it badly enough, you'd be able to do it. cause u wil try hard r it do verything
for it. go to all lenths to do I n get I n b serous stern bout it.
- u need ot keep wokrign kee pat it ikeep doing ti day nand night to get it idone!
- you should directly apply ofor pr I nsteado fgetign in to all this mess lei kapplyifng for wrk
permit renewing it and os on. Now is he imte or get after it go fully after it. and get your pr thing
doen, some pp ltehy directly paply for pr they don’t go itn oal lthese headaheces study permit
andn this and thth .
- wne uare applying for a PR you cant be lax, you needo tb e perfect everythgin should eb
perfect ad toally organized all documents thehr its lie kthat you are apyign money like 1000$S
you have to ood it right once. Other wise u lose money nadn iem.
- you need ot oaovide htht eventuality for mhappnign do what u ancan right now soo as to
prventn th for mhappeign thth is going back o he cage.
- you need ot attach everything all douemtns as much as you can dotn give them a reason nto
turn down your application, by not attaching nany docuemtn you cant afford ot be lazy. An oy
uneedo t be organized hth tsi mention at three different palces what docuemstn oy uahve
included one I ndocuemnt chceklis one in leer of intent casue if oy uatach a document nad oy
udotn organize it or mention ti then they may misss it and diny oyu on soe mdgrund htht
uudidnt attach pcc or settle ment of funds ro wathever. . Do I have to attach any proof of funds
statement? Dude u are applying ofr a pr you ant affrd to take caches what od oyu mena do I
have to ofcusrse u have to u cant affrd ot be ignorant or make assumptiosn thth he iwl l give u a
leeway thth u dotn have o t aatach prrof of ufnds as u uahve a job why take the chance?
Attachaeveythign wht do u lose mby attaching he more the btettr, even if thehr ar atow or three
extra douemtns its fien but htehr should nt oeb less to give them resosn or grodns forreejciton
wht od oy umena do I have to ofcusrse yo uahve ot u have ot be particular abou everyhtgn o t
ingnring (dotn be lazy take the risk o nto attaching a document give as muc has you can, be on
yoru toes thinking th if oyu odnt attach a certia ndocuemtn your app will be rejected so otaach
all necessary oudmetns). Itsl iek kmmilatry you are spooked on yoru toes take everyhtgn in to
consiederatio nadn not ingonre andy eventuality, and on yoru toes and so ooy ufear strongly
feel fear and yo u take acio naccoridngly rppvetiv.
- be spooked about ti be toottly I nto it fearful labotu I n your toes of getting fucked up, and
tkaign acito nand palnnign accordingly ot aovid hh evetualiy prvent hth ievnetualiy or
prorpabilty. Only the paornoid survue. Casue they fee flear strongly nadn hen they rtake cactio
nt oaovid hth eventuality preventive acito nthe forsee the forethink fowr hink the higsn. Tth can
happen and they are on their otoes nadn ry to avoid thth eventuality.
- u need t be quik get all these things dne n applyf or it fast.
-Another option is to talk to your employer regarding your situation maybe he/she can help you
out somehow.Options are limitless, just need to look...
- this is tim consuming but oy ucan accelerate it if oy uwok r hard I nneough then oy ucan geti t
iodne quick.
- get after iti and keep o ndoign I to ogetiti doen be oaotly intoti and inveold nte hprocess.
- dotn awste tiem doing oterh htign s saty focuesdo tni dn realx u need o keep on doing ti and
keep aiti to get it ioend ecosntnly cosntiosuly nonsetop be afer it like crazy!
- u need to do a through research on it.
-foucs n I n keep workin on it n keep ondoin it
-- u shud be deemridn n not give up nenver let rejcio naffectoy u kee tryignand cocosntly kee pat
iti thth si persevieiere!

I oy u want ti ibadly u will keep triyngg forit til ue t i.

- Forget about thth sar now ad ndotn waste tiem what wuld you have oen if oy uwould have
gotten a 2 year pgwp? N dot name keth same mistakes again its iem to save ur ship for m
sinking. Get t oactio nt otake measure fat qci kurgent to save our ship fom m sinking.
- having the right documents to support your case is of absolute necessity. It is thus in your best
interest to assess all refusals thoroughly to avoid making the same mistakes.
- Try this through all ways andn means!
- You need ot od htht only be in th only fpcus on tht ony lnd ad keep ur mind I nht o nyl in
orderoto od I and geiit iotdne fast and nquick as you can.
- Take yoru tiem work on ti and fdo I right hth is raeserch well everythgi nwha to odo hwo to odo
it and go about ti
- This is the last ann the bees effrt yo udotn have t oo do ti again once its done! – its done, you
need ot finish what u started
- Do two jobs and nikal ake I ou by doing two two jobs do do jobs karke nikala hai.
- Take your tim e sitcontisuly day nn igth take two or three days go through each and verythign I
ndetail and knw everything abot tu the process slg take paisnand d effros to od it and to get it
idone! Work super hard exptremly hard ot ood it and to getiti odne. You needot owk hardi nlife
id of yu want otosuceedi n lfiwe any way if oy uwant to omake progress, once y uare int oti you
go totally and fully andn ocmpeltely in to it. be serious and intensne and get to to work to get
higgnsd oen and workdone to achvhe rugaols
- Anhtign in lfie to make it hapne ists nto easy it’s a lot ofo work even if oy uwan to omae ka
cartoon or a video game, tis a hugh e loads of rwork tth si why u need o slog work ahrd dayn
ngth t ogethigsn doen andwork doen its nto easy hthtere is a lot ofo work thts inovvled.
- Also work two jobs to make up for it! and to get maoney and to get expreicne.
- Take your item take pais and effrts acrefully go through ech and everythgin to do ti and o ge it
- You need ot dream big think big have big dreams and then be highly dtermeind to ahchve them
tht is take fast instne massve ginarmousn and dterminedaction and effort to make htigsn
- Get serious about this hign and the nslog to get things done go after it now get after it it odo ti
and get it iodne!

- You can make your luck by gods grace and by planning that is deiciding thinking what you need what is
required and then how to get it, how to tog about it and takgnacito nacoridngly to get iti, htht is
thinking about it, putting your mid thinking about it and putting your mind in it that is only that thing
being on yoru mind day nad night soo that you take action thth isdayn nigth ocnstntly workign on it thth
isdayn nigth ocnstntly workign on it and tryingfor it. keep yor acito nries on goin and no stop taking
acion even fro a min caus only when utake acito nsomethign will happn, thehr aer chances of htigsn
happening only I oy u try if oyu stp taking acito nhe nnohtign wil lahpen :.:

- itsn to easy oy uahve to keep trying adntryignand basically persitst snadn try ahrd to get where yo
uwnato toget.

- you need ot otake extreme and instnse efforts o get hgisn doen wor k odento ahcve your gaol.
Extrmeme itnsne and detemriend effrt to fget thgis ndoe nstren effort to get higsn doen and work doen
to achve yoru gaol. Be extrmemly hard working t oahcve your gaol isntnse! Slog ahrd try hard to reach
yoru gaol andn achve ur gaols. Work super hard day nand hdcght to ahchve ur goasl.

- you need to eb stern thth s hold o nadn nto gie up th is try hard taek extrememe nstese mamssive
determedin action nt ohget thgisn oden and make htigsn happen! Thth is hold on nto give up keep trying
and odig nti and taking action. Thth is unbudgign persiti detemrmeid efffrt nadn antio nemtally tough
and sern andn tight and hld on, tht is keep o ntryign ahrd stick t I t push hold on thth is unbidign eprpsiti
action nnot give up keep rtryignand kaign g effort dtemrmeidn efrt nadn nacito nt omaek htigsn happen
nad get thgisn doen. Thth I s tight cold emoton less stern nadn detmemrd thth si nto give up keep trying
ahrd t o gethtigsn doen and make hgisn happen. Hht is hold on uptight stern nad metaly ough nadn ot
give up o r giivei n, stick to it hold on hango nto it and tighemn up, and unbeuugig detemrmeidn
epprsitntn effrt ennvergive up lie khh hhisi intsnens ery serisou stern and unbudignand not giving up.t
hth tstenrn ntnens tough enen hsh tt is nto giving up touchgign up and beign highy ldemrmeidn and
ntryign hard
-You need to try hard like nto just 100% , you need ot otry 20% to make things haepepn get after ti to
get things doen and to make things happen.
- without effrt nothing gets done
- u need to eb determeid to od it thth is persii sit ocnsistly cocnsitously dayn night n do ti nadn aget
itiodne take asuper human effort to do ti and geit ti odne.
time is not in my favor and that I have to hurry :'(
- Oy uneend to od ay n night think fo hth only be after thth ony lstay focused ntht only not get
distracted diverted to other htigsn and do h only , only hth thing should eb hehr o nyour mid n
hh si thin kadn worry of htth only as to hw oyu will do ti and gtet it tiodne o nly heh n yo uiwl
ldo I andn be afer i.
- Yu nneedot owor on I to od it nad get iti ode hh si si day n nigh an dget afer ti and ge ti I done!
As fast an nquickly as yo ucan
- You need ot work hard nad nwork day and night to do it and to get ti idoen thth is sleep only 2
horus nadn wrok 22 horus to do it and get it idoen as fast as you can. Lsien to music ot keep u up
and ge t goig hh is rasie uur energy nadnadreanline to wrok.
- i have been soo bas latelyto many things to fdo too lilttle time need to rush eeryhing nwo wokr
dan n igth lssepign onyl 2 horus to get thigs ndoen! tryign ahrd super hard ot oget thgisn doen
wro kdoen!
- This year will go in tryigno right or correctwhat u u didi wrogn the mistakes thth u made last
year nad new nneed ot act now and act fast as we dotn have time. And sut go for it
- You need othurry up hth is go for it thth is work to get thgisn doen as fast as you can.
- Come on work day nand night o nthsi we need ot accelerate this and ge this thing done fast. As
fast as yo upsosoible can and do ti right andperfectly as well sern and I ntnese. Work oncitnsuly
long hours get adfter it do ti dayn nadn ight to get iti odne we dotn ahv time we have to get this
thing done fast andn quick. Zor maar. Psuh harder put force in to ti. Zora t kar do it forcefully.
- Stay focsuedo nthsi thing only done e waste e even a second doing toerhhtigsn focuso nhsi o nyl
do this only odnt give your tiem to other thigns everythgi nelse is a sdistractio and ndiverstion
and taeks away yoru iem rpeciso u sedcdns thth could have been given to oyur work and
impornnn ath tigsn to help you achve urgoals andn imp thgis ni nlfei and to help oy umaek
progress ti interferes wih oyur profgress, caseu when u do their thgis nuimp thgsn n then
basically you lose time thth could have been given to imp thgisn.
- You need o be very ver quick thaht is get thgisn doe fast and nquick.not waste a single second
doing unimp thgisn give all yoru tie mt ooyur work o get hgisn done work doen to achve
urgoalsachve to maek progeres to better yoru life irve your the imp thgisn in lfei focus oall your
item on work and imp tgisn, nt owate ur tiem and do oyur work and unimp things you wont get
anything gain anything by doig nall hth only end up wasting yoru tiem e dign nohign and getting
ntohign ndone.
- And yu need ot be extremely fast nadn quick work da y nndna dnight to geth igsn doen its lei k
done there its doen now! Go andn quickly put your stuff efore anyone else doesn, ththis not
lose oppoertuny and nchance tke fatst quic kurgen acion for the fear of losign the opprotniy and
nchance, impulsive be quick ad nfastn and impslve I fear shoud ldriive oyu to ake fastadn quick
aion andn protect rusefl,
- You can relax calm down n lay back a bit afer you get all yur wrk dne n things dne, but till ht time
you need to be hghly spooked n alert n fastn quik n not waste ime n fear nwrry about ur wrk
notgettign doen lsign ou the cahce tiem and noporiniy and losign the chace to achhve ur goals
nand ge what oy uwant nadn so accoridngy take fast quick urgent action h is energy nadn
nadrenalien rush isnsnteisy, paparioa fear and nsntsnifty thth giveuue eerngy and ameks uu do
thgis nfastnandn quick sudne bsrt of energy nadn alertness and maeks u udo hgis nafast and
quci kt get thgisn doen and work de n oachvhe ur gaosl.
- - You can relax n rest calm down n lay back a bit afer warteerds after msot of oyurgaosl
are achvied , il tehn be onyour toes laert, ararpniod, spooked fo losign and nmssiongo nth e
opprtuntiy and the train to progress and take fast quci kad urgent action, you get

- all yur wrk dne n things dne, but till ht time you need to be hghly spooked n alert n fastn quik n
not waste ime n fear nwrry about ur wrk notgettign doen lsign ou the cahce tiem and noporiniy
and losign the chace to achhve ur goals nand ge what oy uwant nadn so accoridngy take fast
quick urgent action h is energy nadn nadrenalien rush isnsnteisy, paparioa fear and nsntsnifty
thth giveuue eerngy and ameks uu do thgis nfastnandn quick sudne bsrt of energy nadn
alertness and maeks u udo hgis nafast and quci kt get thgisn doen and work de n oachvhe ur
gaosl. tiem t get ack to owrk to bisueissn n n be tnisetn nadn extermae nadn seriosu abotu it
and take fast quic knad promop nan d urgetn acit no nand have fear thht is nto be ocmaplcent
tht si aawrn oyuselfrf soee the cosnequcens of iancion hh is get htigsn thign doen fast thsi
cannot be pgwp canno be etennded once it goes then yo uare fucked, ocen thsi imen an d
aopporuniy goes if o ucan do soemthign u can do soemthign nwo when u are here not later on!
casue its ahrder ot find a job etc.. from outside! soo take fast quci kpromt nadn eurgen acito
nadn work hard extrmem ly ahrd now be spooked fast nadn istnsen nadn serisou and laeert an
do nyour toes learnr the imp reasile the imp signixifacnce of oti be parprnoid leankwn heh
ocnsequcens of inactio nfi oy udotn take acito nnwo ua re fucke hey will tell l oyu ot pack oyur
bag and n go howme so be spooked about it.
- it yo utake aeffrot nadn aciton towars it to get htisgn doen thth need ot be doen t omaek it
ahppe nhen it will aheepepn if oy uake aefrt and nacito towrds it to maek it happen cocosly
workin towrds it takincg action tht needs ot eb aken o gethgisn doe nwork dont to maek it
happen if f oyu take effrts and nacio ntowrds ti to maek it happen hen ti will ahppen otehr wise
it wont ahpen.
- Get after it to get it idone get after it to do I and to geti tiodne
- You should nto eve nwaste a min doing oerhtings you need to give all yourtiem to oyur work ot
get hgisn doenand work done to acvhe ur gaol. Everythgn is at stake here all thisgs thth u
worked to achve all the searches andn his and thth if u udotn ge ta PR all effrt goes waste. You
need to focus 100% on it. to do ti and to get ti odne.
- You need to be fast thht si get thgisn doen fast work fast dn wast teim stay focsuedo n o get
distracted bye cocsly after it iadn doing it, dotn waste tei mdoign toerhtigsn give all yoru tim e to
yoru work to get hgisn doen work doen your tiem si im padn limited u uget ony l24 horsu a day
so oodnt wast eti give all oru tiem to toyur work and imp thgsng s to get yoru work and imp
thgis ndone. To ahce urgaosl and imp hgisn in lfei. And maek lprgres and bteer yoru life, dotn
wsste it doing unim ptgsi nh hiwll beirng uu no bebeft and nfgain, all tht tiem thth cud have ben
given to imp thgisto get imp thgsi nwrok done to help u achvhe ur goals and help u uahcve n t
oehlp u achve the imp thgis nin lfie get wasted tehn, tiem is imp and preciso utiem si all you
have, tiem si wha u udotn have soo get serisous about ti hht is no nsoen do only whats imp
nadn fouso nly o nwahts imp, you need ot geive al lyoru item to oyur work to get yoru wor k and
nimp thgsi n don’t to haelp u acve ru gaols andachve the imp thgisn I nlfei critical and nd crucial
thgisn I nlfei. To gethigsn doen wrk doen fast as yo udotn have tiem udon live forever u cant ake
orver o get htigsn doe nand o ahcve ru ggaols u need o be fast lei a n express get it oden fast.
- Dotn distract uru mind else whehre dotn nd otoehrhitsnn and divert your mid else wehe do thh
ony land nthink f otht only keep ur mind I ntht only also odnt waste een a second doing
toerhtigsn unimp things keep o ndign ru work to gethigsn doen wrok doen fast figve all yoru
tiem the tlimied tiem thth u have to your work togethgisn doe and work doen to achve ur gaol.
- Think fo what ot ood next,hink and ndeciide soo what shud I do next , soo what to ood next?
Now hth needs to be doen. What thgsn to do next t oget higsn doen work doe nadn oachve ur
goals get afer it ista y after I be tit in be cocsntly doing tht only to doit and ot gti ti done.
- Your time is importnatn dotn waste it give all your item to oyur work to get higsn odne and wrok
doen to achhve ur goals dotn waste a min doing uimp thigsnalzign sleeping, give 18 horusa daya
to your wrok to get work odne htigsn doen to achve ru gaols!
- You need ot panicnadn takeacito nkwn the cosnequcnes of inaction nadn soo accordingly
panicand taek action.
- Faer isi a great driver for action, apnic fear and nac take cfast ucik prompt urgent action to get
hgisn done fear of losign the opportunity ofear of mesign up fear of scrweign it up fear of not
able ot maek it, panic fear the cosnequcens outocems of inaction nadn take action to avoid hth
peoroability. Thth si fear adrenaline rush. = energy acive -= urgent action.
- Only hete paparanoid suruuve, cause hety see he cosnqucens fear andn take action quick action
nadreanlien rush.
- Be cosnsnly at it iand doing ti to do ti and to get it iddone!
- leave every thgi nelse aside nadn focsu on his thgn onyl to do i and to ge it iodne!
- get afer ii t odo ti and geti tidoen odnt get disracd dont do otehrtigns elave everythgin else aside
thth s not imp fcsu o nths only ot od it and to get ti tiodne!
- leave every thgi nelse aside nadn focsu on his thgn onyl to do i and to ge it iodne!get afer ii t
odo ti and geti tidoen odnt get disracd dont do otehrtigns elave everythgin else aside thth s not
imp fcsu o nths only ot od it and to get ti tiodne! leave everythgi nels aside, hth is nto imp, you
wont get anythign by doign all thh focuso n your work to ethgisn doen work doen to achveh ru
gaols. Leave al ltht haside thth si not imp you own t ege any thing by odign all th and involeign
rusel I nall thth focuso nwork and imp thgisn o gege thgsin doen work doen t o achve ur gaols.
And achve the imp thgisn I nlfei and gieur lsef commtiti urslef fully to it.
- you neeed to be I ntht only stay I ntht only yacaht as aso, do thht only and keep o ndoing it t get
tiodne. Lose urslef in ti, thth si invevle gt lost I nti eneange abosred I nit think fo thht only do
thth only be bssed about it and do nothing else oucos o ntht only and keep ur mid ni nt iand hin
kadn ntht only be cosnuemd absorbed nadn totally naenaged nadn lost nadn eninveoveld I
nthth only .occupied I nhtht only. full mangna and gungha nasha in thh only
- you need ot be fast ththsi u need ot get verythign doen fas thth si nto ake ur own sweet tiem o
get thgisn doen as ifi oy uahve endless tiem oy uneed otbe exprtemremly fastnadnuick ththsi
yoru gaolandn aaim should be to gethgisn doen work doen asfast as you can so thht u can
achveh ur gaol fast, keep this I nmidn thht u r aim obejcive isi t o get the things doen fast thth is
wyh u shud nt owaste tiem oyu hsud wor kdoncusilty and nday n ngiht do what ucan to get
htigsn doen fast u u shud have fear if I dotn get htigsn hign doen I am screwed u ushud fear fear
strongly hh is have panic wrry andn fear realse the ocsneucens cosdier , take in toaccooutn the
cosequcens if oy udotn act now what uuiw lahpen nahtht fear fo thh cosneucne will maek u uact
also you should fear losign he opportintiy yo uahve or get and soo yo usoud lact fast nadn act
now to maek the most of the oporunity htth uhave.
- What akign you soo logn to do higsn and to ge htigsn doen, you should nto waste tiem doing
toerhtigsn you need to rmemebr thth keep in mid nh uneed t ge htigsn doen and work done
fast as fast as you can soo keep odign ti dotn waste tiem doing toerhtitgns and unimp things.
- You neeo t be fast and nquic khh is no tiem to waste need otgethtigsn doe fast and so oyo
uneed o work fast thth is work intensely fsast to ge thgis ndoen and work doen fast.
- Keep working on ti to do ti and to get it idone do it fast acceleaet it fast.
- You needo tb e very very fast to act fast t otake action nand get thgis ndoen fast as fast as you
can have a sensen of urgency to get higsn doen asfast as you can, otehrh wise for the fear of no
be ignalbe to get htigsn doen o nime nadn nto beign able ot achvhe urgaosl thht si have a sense
iof urgnce emeemrgecny and response, and quick response, prompt response, thth is no time to
waste lie k I t s al ife and deah situation nadn every second is ritical and ncrucial. Ththsiu need ot
kae fast quci k prompt urgent acio nfor he fear fo no beign ableto get htigsn done work odne on
time and no beign able ot achve ur goal. Have hhh snens of urgncey of fegetign thgisn doen fast
wor k ont e fast for the fear hth u wotn be able to get htigs doen on tiem and hence misiso ut on
lose ou on cahcne and opportunities and not beig able ot ahchveu r goals, so take fast quick and
prompt action to gthtigsn oeand work dne fast.
- U need ot be very expermemly serisou aout it no nosese nad mean acio nand mean buseisnn u
need o moe fast aek fast quci kprompt nand urnget action you need to have thth sennes of
urgency ot gthtgsin doe nwrok doen fast ad nquick for the fear fo not beign able ot ge thgisn
doen and w rok doen fast and hence nmisiong out nadn losign out nteh pooportunity faear of
the cosequcens fo inaction if u dotn act nadn take action nkwnign what will happen and the
fear of not beign able ot have ur ogals casue nto fgeettig neh things nad work odne on time. And
soo work consiosuly nosenstop dayn an night na d take action ndo higs ngethigsn doen fast and
- Achievng ur goalis si nto easy ththere is a lto of work thths inoveld a lot of work thth needs ot be
get done, and soo oy uneed ot otake cosntnt action nday nadn ndight action to do things and to
ge things oden to achvhe urgaol.
- You need o tog itnot it tht si prep your application as ifi it wile b rejected, un eed o tog itnto ti
htinkign thh uwill fial or u will eb fucked up and take fast qck prompt action nt oaovid failure, ur
app wil be rejected hthis I na pessimistc wawy, nto optimistic way andthen you need otsee all
reasosn for rejection nadn prep your acppplicaito naccoridgly to counteract all reasosn for
rejection so othth yo usuceed by avoiding failure. And take ast quick prompt urgent action nto
od thingsn and get hgisn doen to aovid failure.
- You need ot be toally serisou about ti and focused ni to do ti and to get ti done!
- Now is the cahnce dont lose thsi cahnce or opportunity take fast quick exptermem and intsen
actio nt ogethgisn doen work doen to achhve ur goal, fear o losign the cahcne nadn opportunity!
Go tooally after ii and do I to get t it done!
- Now is the chance you neeed to move ast andn quick and take action t oget it done!
- You need ot be exprpemrmly isntnsee driven and determiednadn sericosu about it and do I and
get iti oden fast, work day nadn ndight on it to od it and ge t ioden fas be istnsne andn
eextemrm and on a miiosn and seriso uabotu ti no nosnesn nt wast tei emin ucnessary nonsense
- You need ot act fast ad quick work on ti and get it idoen fastnadn quick, keep trying for ti and do
ti and get tiodne fast and nquick nto aase t tiem and effort work on tito od it and to gti t iodne!
And achhve urgoalsandn get doen with it once and for all soo thth u dotn have to worry about it
any more its doen and u have peace of mind and then you can move on to otherh goals, focus
your mind on achvign other goals think fo otehrgoasl other wise oy uwil endu p gttign stuck o
none thing only and stress g nadnwrryign about thth only oy ucant maek progress then oyu cant
move ahed andn move on hen to other goals achhvign others goal
- Be determeidn work ahrd try hard don’t give up keep ati ti stick to it and keep wokrign on it ot
do it to get it idone, goafter I keep ati t I be stren nadn deemridn and unbudingi nadn nto givng
up and do it to get it idoen ficnsih ti off once and for al ladn get ti tiodne.and be free fro mti so
othth ucan move o nt otoehr goals. Nadn o nolnger worried and stressed bou it. think of oherh
goals and so on.
- You nenedo tbe extmermly dretailed go deep I nt odetaisl each and eeveryhtign ti msut be
perfect, not even misso uto n a little thing or infaormtion be very peraticualr abut ti and perfect,
highy l into detaisl nadn intricacies. And go deeply and nfully in ot it.
- You have o go on htht si keeeep on odign ti and not stop!
- Work on ti keep working on it to odit nad to get it ioden as fast as yo upososibly can work on ti
keep going keep on doing ti to help advance to progress and os on.
- Work n it day n night keep at it n keep on doingi t calmly to do I n get I done to finish it off n
wrap iit up.keep o nchipping nad wrokign calmy nto panikign but beig n concerned, thinking
wrried about ti but not panikign keep on hippign clamly n quetly n focsed to od it and o get it
- Dotn realxadn be complacent when uget near and closer to compelion you needot keep on
working nad keep on doing t iits not doen till tis done! Ill tis really done! Soo odn get relaxed
nadn comaplcent! Keep on odign ti and trying and at it iadnworking on it.
- Don’t be lazy slog work ard take effort o do ti and to geti ti done. Work day n night get afterit it
odo it and o getiti odne!
- Wkr super ahrdnand remove it all the back log, pendinnd delayed and lost itme
- Wath are yo uthinkignand wasting time, ihe work wont get doen auomaiically get ot owork take
action, take it ofr doing ti to get I doen and wrap it wup andn finsh it off.
- Keep working on ti clalmy and doing ti chipping to do ti and to get it idone.
- You can mvearoudn but odnt laydown don’t sleep u need t o keep on working n I to do it and to
ge it idone.
- Go through all hshe pages get ths I hign doen get a basic idea wrap it all up.
- Time your aciivites till this hime we need o do his nad get this hing done, work till this much
- No reason to waste this ITA. so go ahead and apply.
- a tough race against time.
- You need ot work ocnisnouly nonstop to get it idone thth is not sop doing t ieen for a min be
cocnstly doing ti and at it resii the temptation to tstop.
- You need ot work like a mahcien thth is keep o nworkig nadn doing ti nto worry or take stress
jstu be calm and take acion to do ti and get it idone thth si action and nexecute thths het only
way to get hgisn doen wrorryign wont help, you want oto ge thgisn doen he only solution nadn
way t o it is to taek cacion execute keep o ntakign acito nto odti andot gt it iodne, thth si
peorfrm the work nad nget it idoen lik a computer. Systemacti and organized
- Calm down and do ti right properly take ur ie m od it well oyu rush I and then do ti wrong and
he nhave o re do I agia waste of tie mnadn nenergy
- Don’t coutn ti like htht how muc his left just keep o ndoign t iocosntly
- You neeed ot be afteri getafer it hth is socnsnly be at it keep on doing what uaure doing csotnyl
keep on doignti, go after iti to odit nad to get iti done.
- Don’t waste yoru tiem doing otehrthigsn adnunimp thisn keep o ndoign yoru work to get htigns
like sleeping lazing, and so on or idling, relaxing keep at iti and ocsntly keep on doing your wrok
ttakign paisn andeeffrots to get hgisn doen and work doen to achvhe ur gaols, odne and work
doen t oachvhe ur gaols.
- Hurry up you need ot acelaerate this to do ti and to ge iti oen fast as fast as you can!
- You nened oto get after it iand keep at iti and keep on doing ti to geti ti odne!
- We nti oemstothse things u shud not take it as you go, you need ot prep and know whato tood.
- You need ot be prep for mbefor knw everyhtignwahto tood before hand not try ot figure things
out a hthe last moement, also you need ot be ready keep all docus prope fro mbefore.
- I odtn care just tell me what I iahve to od forom my sidewaht qwork I need ototo od thths all I
care. Who cares what thehr p roeess is I mean. Wt do it have to do whit h what
porcessestheyahve I jsu need ot knw what I ineed o od resposniblities I enendot full fill for m m
y side. Fcsuo n yoru own thing just dooyur thingnand keep odign ur own thing, you need ot be
very selfish I nlfie think fo oyurselfnad nfor yourself if oyu anwt t o succeed cause no one les will
help you you have to think for oyursefl and be self-absorbed. If yo udotn think fro yorusefl then
whose will yu think of, cause other s are nto ogign t ocare foor oyu u ahveto care for adnthin
kfor urself hhts why godgaveu ua brain t oloo katfter yorusefl. and gaveevery oe an a brain for
their own protection nadn see forthemselfvs think forthemslves surviaivl and oso n good
progress andn so oon.
- Fata fat fata fat sabh khatam kar kya hai.
- Work o nti and gtet iti oden fast.
- Fata fat ata fat khatam kar kya hai.Do ti fast work o nti and get iti oden fast and quci knada
- You need to sit coconsterae ta nd focsunad nmediitate o nti thth is nto do toerhtignsnot get
disractedandn divertedto other thgisn focus o nti to doit dnad to getiti odneandkeep o ndoign ti
be after ti occnsntly o o it andto get iti done.
- Get on with the real grind
- Yur goalshould be o fihs of the work, work day nadn night o get thewok done. Yo ushoud l not
stop working till yo ufinsiht he wrok.
- Take the action nht needs to be taken to maek I happen if oy udon have meony then do three
jobs and get money do whatever I takes o mae kit happe no get what you want….do whr t u can
to get wht u wnt.. if it needs to be dne then go ahed n do it… go for it tke action theehn do it…
- U shud not accept defea t life is a struggle u need to hng in ther en fight.
- Get after I as iif thehr si a war do or die, eiehrh u do it or u die h si get fucked, thth si dha dha
dah dah dha dad ha, blizkeraz, do ti fast nadn get I done. Keep working on it to fall eacjh and
every work. tthsi to comsplte to tollple each and every thgn yo ueend t odo.
- Is like no osensoe nits as if oyu are on war h si on a msisio nhh si serious eehrh do or die as fi it
is a very inense seriso ucrucial andn ciriital fphase, ththsi u will get fucked up if oy udon kae
acito nadn do thgis ntisl ie khh fel the sersoisouness the instnesiy and the criitcaliy of the
situation asi if its an ememrgency, thht is no nsonse. Crucailnessof he sitistaon. The serisouenss
the isnnsiy o thesistuaiton , not give up take pais nadn struggles fight andn so on.
- Just focus on it to do it and to get it done. Don’t distract anddivert your mind ehre nad hehr and
else where.
- U need to hustle a bit.
- You need ot go all out and fullyandn toally and ncompeltely in to the process.
- The hign abotthis is tht hehr ia a lot ofo completion and so oyou nee o tog through htthe process
hey wont give I yo yo usu like thth. You have ot follow the e whole prcess. Theyer are amny
applcaits and they need ust a reason nt oturn toyu applcaiit on down and so oo yu need ot be
prefect at it.
- You needot be in prcess htht is keep srivignand working on It and keep o ndioignti to od I and
geiti ode n thth iscocosntly keep o ndoign it and kep at it to odit and o get it done.
- U need otdo thisthign fast wht iif you die omorrow? You need o t do this for your parents the
efforts ehty put in for you, money time effort, sacrifices made, thinking foro yu elal the effrt pu
inot yo to maek u oyur edcautio nangging you going ater yo usacrifisng their personal
wneoyemns for oyu, and looking nafter you cookig for oy usendign you to school and so on.
They have to be rewarded, gfor their efforts.
- How muchmore time u have to wrk day n night n accelerate it
- Nothing I nlfei coems easy everything I nlfie takes a lot of struggle or eg just to construct a
building ti takes soo mcu heffort.
- I dnt knw n dnt crae much bout her process I jus neeed to seemy process wh I need to do.
- block out everythign n focus o thisgive ime to it se time to allocarte for it 5 hurs a day n so on
n d itlve everythign else aside get after it adn do it adn get ti idone
- allocate time say 5h hours to to dedicate to it committ deveote urself to it
- once u have strted osemthgi henu need ge adfter t ot work on ti and finish ti off till its doen taek
paisn and effrt to od it and to getiti oden ocne its doen tis done the nyou don’t neeed ot r have
to wrry bout itany more.
- If uuare doing oen hign then do thth hign only and nfous on thth thig only and nelave
eeveryhtign else aside nadn ndont do oterhhigns, get after it ikeep on doing ti to d ti and to get
it done. Nad fisnih ti off and get ti idoen once and for all soo thth u can the nfocus on
otehrhtigsn. You have ot get after thth only compstletly get afterit ot do ti and to get ti done.
- We have toget afer this htign and wehave to od I o get it it odne.
- Keep a ti I do tht only andkeep on doing I till tis doen soo hh ucanocus o noerhtigns tehn. Keep
your mid ni nhh only o do it and keep on doing ti o ge ti iodne.
- You need ot be stressed alarmed and nwrriednad nfocus on I o od it and to get it iodne
- Fearisi a strong driver thht can make yo uaekaction.
- If oy uare nto lucky like oehrs the nwork hardnad ntry ahrd nadn work day nn igth to make ur
lcuk be coosntly at iti and working on ti to gethgisn done work doen hth needso th be doen to
get wht u want achve wh u uwant n to make ur own liuck.
- ek toh ek khatam kar get after it adn get it idone, keep on dign it to do it and to get ti done.once
you are done with it its doen you odnt have to od it again or work on ti again soo get after it and
get iti odne fst soo thh you can quckly move ahed ot the next thing. And next aks or work or
next goals other goals nadn dotn get stuck up on it once its doen tis done so therh ! get after it
itake effro keep o ndoign ti do hht only and dotn do oehrigns get afer iti stick to it stick to dhh
oyl keep on doing ti and get ti done.
- get after ti tand geti ti done
- ek da cha zala mahaje zala mag tuh sutla tyacha tun, and youare relivef, and feree yo uneed ot
get after t and get it idone, ocne its doen tis doen hen youare free nad relved for mti nadn no
logner have to owrry botu ti adn then yo ucan do oterhtigsn ake up new taksks and wrok nad
achvhe new goals not ahve to be suck up on ti adn yo ucna reap the rewards of thth effort then.
- Getafter it ad n be detemriend to do ti andto get it idone! To achhve ur gaosl nenver give up and
be detemred o work hardn and try hard ot odo ti and to geti ti dorne take paisn nad effrts nadn
do whatever ti takes to do I and to getiti done. To ahcve your goalsnadn to gethtigsn odne thth
need ot be doen. Be mad nadn carzy after ti and try hard
- Alos, yo udotn have any gf or anything tth will ehlp u get a PR as of now, like oterhs I mean yo
uaren to been luck y I ntht sensne for nw, soo ry hard oy uawill have to try like 200% harder
than toerhs to get this, but oy udo have god byyour side ot help oy uand leadl yo uadn driect
you as to wha ot ood. Soo try hard nad nget adfter it like 200% ahrd and be detmeeid nadn
isntnees effort o try ahrd to getti doen. And take extmrem effort be detemrmeidn to do it and
geti tioden thh is ahchve wha oy uwant and be isntnsen nad driven.
- B iei sntely ambitious an be detemreidnan unbidgisngstorng resolve to get want h uawnt nadn
to woark hard try hard to get andgo after what you want.
- patience keep on working on it u will get this thng done have patience keep working on it and
have patience you will get this thng done keep at t n working on it calmly.
- Nwow is the cahcne work o nti odnt lose iem and dotn lsoe this opportniy maek the most of it
dotn lsoe this mess this opportunity and nchance! You need to be alert andn fear losign thand
mssiing out on this opportunity nan hacnce. And so otake fast quick urgent acito nand paln
what oy ueened ot ood soo thth u dotn miss out or los o nthsi opportunity nadn cahcen. Think
what ot ood how ot od it and hwo to go about it.
- You ened o have faer fear of losign out or misisngo ut o ntechnace or opportutity hth oy uahve
or have been given opportunity cost if oy dotn ake catio nyou lsoe out on or missi out on the gie
opportunity fear of the proappboilty thh u dotn want to happe nhappenign an thth fear can be
a great driver t o tae k fast quick and urgent action nget after it and do I and get it iodne.
- Need t o nfns hthsi thing ffo fast qwork o ni and keep o ndoign it to get it idone.
- Get afer it and keep on doing ti t oget it idoen and finish it off afst andn quick as quick as yo
- Dot distract or odivert ursefl else wehhre keep a it and keep on doing ti o do I and o get ti
- We need to wrap thisthign up quick nad fast thh shoul d be your gaol and obejcitve remeebr
thth keep in md I nthhs yoru goals nand objective to wrap this thing quick and fast, so o stay
focused n ti to do ti and keep working on ti and working long hours t odo it and to get it done.
- Lests do this lets d oti t oget it idone!
- We need to take action nfast take fast quic kadn urgent acio nadn work on I nad keep on doing ti
to do it and ot get it done.
- You need ot get it idoen fat a s fast as you can no wst e ie mwor on ti day and night for logn
houer tos get ti den as fast as you can speed at which you get thgisn doen si very imp, tiem in
which o u get thgisn dne nadn work done is imp, not oyl getting work done is imp but the speed
at which ime in which yo ugeti ti oden is also imp, is rucia ladn veryhtign you dotn lvie forever
yo udotn have foerever. U can do ti endlessly as if oyu uhave aenedless tie madn getting stuck o
nti for a logn time. You need ot udenrstnadn the value of tiem and get better wit the time factor.
- You need ot be fast talk fast nadn so on get thgsi ndoe nfast.
- Keep at it ikeep working on t to od it and to get it iodne once nad nfor all once is done is done,
you only have ot odo ti once, ocne I sdone its doen yo udotn have to do it agai nadn the nyo
aure relved nad nfreee and dotn ahvve to wory about it ad n you can move on to the next gaol
to yoru next gaols.
- get after ti tand geti ti doneek da cha zala mahaje zala mag tuh sutla tyacha tun, and youare
relivef, and feree yo uneed ot get after t and get it idone, ocne its doen tis doen hen youare free
nad relved for mti nadn no logner have to owrry botu ti adn then yo ucan do oterhtigsn ake up
new taksks and wrok nad achvhe new goals not ahve to be suck up on ti adn yo ucna reap the
rewards of thth effort then. work hardn adn ake effortsn and pais nt oget iti odne adn get i doen
ocnenadn for all once iitsodntee hen tis done oy uodnt hve to od i again nce its doen the nyo
uare free for mit, ekdacha sutla,m ag, eda ah karala ghe hhis relsed from it, adn relveid once is
doen tis doen then ocne and for all by gods grace! soo tkaefast qucik adn urgnenct acio nt oge
thigsn doe nand wrok doen as fast and quickly as yo ucan. you need t gethgis ndoen thth si work
long horus to ge thgis ndoen as fast as oy ucan hh si accelare the progerss at whci hyou geth
tigsn doen work doen, soo thth u can cachhve eh gaol adn the nmove ot otehrh gaols fast adn
achve mroe in yoru life, not jsut get stuck up on one task or thing for ever, adn ti enver gets
nfished as yo uwork slow or work onyl few horus a dany nadn keep draggin ti al hsi while
and the nyou cant ahchve ur gaosl, and yo ugt stuck up o noen thign adn one gaol for a logn
tiem, focsu o nt iadn do hh onyl keep o ndoin ti to do ti and to ge tit idone as fast adn qucikly ans
yo ucan. hehrs is a lo of thigsn ot odo and work to od be cosntnyl owkrign on ti to do i and to
get it idoen o achve ur gaols waht neds ot be doen he wrk thh needs ot be oden to achhve ur
gaolteh pace a whci hyou get htgisn doen wor k odne isvery imp, its nto jsut ip t o gethgis doe
nand work done but it s imp to get ti doen a a faster rate e and apce cause uu dt lvie orver andso
o yu need o wrok dayn n gt and logn hours t o get t hgisn doen and wrok done at a faster are
adn pace, if oy uwor only 10 hours yo uwill get ntohig ndoen it will ake yo uages to ge thgis
ndoen and work denand achvhe ru gal, adn oy uwil lget stuc kup on one goal and on one task
wrok forver, adn yo ucant maek progrss lie kthth m, yo uwotn be albe to mvoe on to or achvhe
ohre goal.s
-knwoledge is soo imp only if oyu have knweldge wha ot odo hwo ot odit then yo ucan do it if oy uodn
have knwledge the nyo ucncat do ti soo work hard dread andso nabsorb knwledge learn know everhing
about it knwledge help t p dispell all quesiosn liek waht t odo hwo to od it hw ot go about it onyl then
yohgsi nbeocem clear to oyu onyl the nyo ucan do i ifo yu odt have knweldge yo ucnat do ti adn it
helspot dispel ignorance hht is not knweign anyhign adn lack f k nwoeldge thth is darkness ignorance isi
darkness where in yo ucan t see any thign one ce u have knweldge eery thign beocmes clear to oyu u
undernstnd everhin like light. If oy udon kwnanthig nabtu it oyu cant do tiand you wont be able ot od it
ans you simply don’t knw wha oto od and hwo ot od it nad go about ti.also oy uwill have lotsofo
questions and doubts I nyour mind as t hwo to od this hwo ot go about ti what ot odo andsoo on.
-you need ot ococsntly thin kabdnd worry about it oyu will do ti only if iso n yourmid n24 /7 andn yo
uarecocsnly thinkig nandworyign abouit if its not hehr i nyoru mid nthen yo uwont do it.
-now isi teh opporutnity adn hcance dont klsoe htis opporutnityn andn chance do what oy ucan work
hard htsi year day nandn dnigth to get hgisn odne to achhve ur ogals! this is the only cahcne !
to suceeed!to free oursefl for mteh cage otehrh ise u will eb put back i nto the cage if oy udotn amek the
msot of htis opporutniy!thsj si i the only chacen for oy uto free yourself form the cage if oyu misis out
on thsi cahcen htey will put uyo uback i nteh acge soo work ahrd dayn n ngit hbe detemrd thake
isnnesse massive effort to get hgisn doen work doen to achveh ur gaosl you shud beworkign cosnttsiuly
dany nadn ndigh to get htigsn don o t cahce rugaosl!dotn be alzy and nsleep dont misis out or lose his
-you need ot oufcso nt ithth is no odotehrhtigsn not waste iem doig oerhthgisn tht is focus fully on it
only and lave everyhtign else side nto think fo otehrhtigsn not invoel oyur mid ni notehrh tigns not do
otehrhtigsn not waste tiem doig nterh htigs stay i nthth onyl od htht only keep your mdi n i ntht onyl be
fully inoveld i nthth only no distracio nadn divertstio nto do it nad ot get it iodne!
- itsn to jstu imp to get thigsn doen bu its imp to get thigsn doen at a faster pace and rate! for eg: if it
takes 18 hours to get a wrok done and if o uwork for 6 horus every day the nit wil ltake yo u 3 days to
finsi thaht wrok but if oy uwork for 18 horus a aday the nyo uwill ge t thth work done in one day and
hhts whts maeks a hughe diffrence! tehrh is a huge difference beteween takign 3 days to get a work
doen adn takign one day to get a work doen, itna time lagta hai ka? does it take soo much time? work
fast work logn hours contisouly dotn waste tem doign terh tigsn focus o ni cocosntreae t on ti do thht
only i norder ot geti tioden as fast as you can rmemebr its not imp to jsu get theh work done but its imp
to get iti done as ast as yo ucan! at a faster rate andn apce if oy uteak 3 days o get one taks or wrok
done an if to achve a goal you need to do say 125 tasks liek thht eh nti wil lake you a year to achvhe thth
gaol, that pace, but if it takes o u1 day to get task doen yo uwill acvhe thth goal in
125 days thath is 4 months time.
- theh goall adn objecitivei s not jst ot gt hthgsin doe nbu tu o get hteh htigsn doen asfast as yo ucan a
afaster rae andn pace, y ucant get thgisn odne endless ly yo ucant d othgsi neldnlessly as ifi oy uahve
endless tiem adn s on, if oy uwork slow ework o ly 5 horus a day adn take ur own itm e ot gethtigns doen
ti it wll nenvr get doen causeu thehr er ar many tgis nto od ot o achhve ur gaol and soo u wotn be balge
to achvhe ru gaol tehn adn soo you need ot owrk logn hros uowrk ocnstinusly staty focsued o nit nad
keep on odign ti to geti ti doen as fast as yo upspobly can!
-t oget iti doen fat s yo uneed ot ofcus on ti 200% cocosntrate on ti nto odo thger thgisn yo uneed ot
ocnstinsuly keep o ndoign ti adn yo ueed ot ood it for long horus,lisen to msuci or soemthign to maek u
do it fast igiive u eenrgy and so o nt he breats maek u do i faster! andwake u uup! listne to msuic for like
10 mins to maek u wake ur brain up giei u uenergy andn the fatst beats makign ru brina work
faster nadn makign ur bheart work and nmaekign work faer!be instnse to od oti fast andn getti odne
- itsnto jsu getiting thigsn oden ththsi mp its getiign thgisn doen fast the pace at wichi hyo uget thgisn
doen si most imp, if oy utatkae years to ahhcev a gaol then its poitnelss mneignels oy uneed ot ahchve i
in 3 or 4 motns hltiem work fday nnan ight od waht yo ucan slog work logn horus to ge htigsn doen fast
focsu o na single thgin and do thth ony land ngei t iodne ! and hten move ot onext goals not get stuc kup
o none thign forver , or on one gaol forver if oy udo thth then yo uwll never get htigsn doen work dorne
andn yo uwont b e abel o ahhccve ru goals cif u take a logn time ot get work doen caseu yo uneedot do
a lot ofo work thehr isa lot of work hth needs ot be doen ht foes i nt oachvhe n g a goal, fi oy utake long
tiem to get thgis ndoen work doen then yo uwill ener be able o ahchve rugalos adn ifu u take say year
tost ahcve urgoal thenit mmsenaignelss.
- the way yo uare ogin at hthsi pace nad nrate nothgi nwll be doen or get doen yo uneedot be fast wrok
dayn ngith work ocentsuly nosnt t op be focsued cosntnrae o nti adn stay focsued be coocsntly at ti i
and doignti to do it nadn t oget t it done1 u need ot get t thgsin doen wrok doen at a faster rate adn
- your tiem is imp adn limtied yo should nto waste a singel second u need ot ogive allyru tiem to your
work to gethigsn den and work doen to ahchve urogals, yo uge 24 horus i na day 6 horus sleep u need
sleep to be albeo think prorpely for uru bria nt owork adn fnston fi oy udton t sleep well then you cnat
work as ur brian doestn fusntion ti cant thin ksright, adn then you are left with adn 18 hours soo you
need ot maek hte msot of htese 18 hours by givign ti to owrk and imp thgisn and ntowasting ti diogi
nunim ptgsin nto waste a sec doign unimt hgsin!
-rember is not just o do it or ge tit done for the sake pof doing it tht is just doing i t o surface but to do it
well do i properly in detail d it accurately and perfectly.
-is nto jstu odign ti o oget iti dne andfortheskae of doing ti i mena obviosuyl oy uahve oto geth the work
den btu oy ualso want otood do ti nd age t idoen proeprly soo od it solowly andn cerefullly, nt amki ng
haste make sure yo udo ti and get ti doen propelry! withotu mistkeaesn and errors!
- its nto jsut abotu getttignthgsi ndoen its also abotu gettign ti oden proeprly ahste is waste yo uneed ot
kae your tiem adn do ti irghth th is do it thgotufhully carefully properly withotu any msitakes or errosrs
causeu if oyu maek msitakes or errors the ny uf fail adn all effrt is a waste tehn!
- if oy ugonna do ti do ti right! yo uahve oto do ti propelry nt just do it o nteh surface for the skae of
odoign ti and gettign ti dione obviosu ly oy uneed ot oogeti ti odne but yo ualso need to odo ti right get
ti idone right be totoaly into it and absrobedi n ti and nivneod l in ti t o do ti right accruatley andn d oit
proprley! perfectly! take you tiem, d oit right, take u r time think, do it thoguthfully as to whto to odo
hwo ot od ot ihwo ot ogo abotti do it accrautely , and propely nand prrefcty l be thtotoatly nadn highy
linveold i ntig fully int oti nad i ndetal int iathht si abosrebd in ti not do it fo nteh sruface nand for ma
distance thth is not too inveold i nit, eneanged ad nabosrbed i nti! totally in to it nad n lost ii nt ot i high
levle of invelment to do ti proeprly get tioden peorpely! ahste is watse , cseu if oy udotn do it prorpely
the n the utcoem is failure, and all effrot is a wate tehn! Be highy labordend I nt iadn totally in to it ,
dotn just do ti for the saek of odign it thth is on the surface and be aloof, and you know averse to doing t
iand doig nt ijsut fo rhte sake of getting I tdoen, and gettitgn doen wit hit, but be oaly in to it and maek
sure you not just do it nad geti tiodne but do it right bdo it well d oti proeplry prfctly t operfectio ntakgn
yoru tiem to od it tright! failure, and all effrot is a wate tehn! Be highy labordend I nt iadn totally in to it ,
dotn just do ti for the saek of odign it thth is on the surface and be aloof, and you know averse to doing t
iand doig nt ijsut fo rhte sake of getting I tdoen, and gettitgn doen wit hit, but be oaly in to it and maek
sure you not just do it nad geti tiodne but do it right bdo it well d oti proeplry prfctly t operfectio ntakgn
yoru tiem to od it tright! the hdersre to nto just d it and get it ione but alsoe to od it right porpely and
perfectly wiht out errros causeu if its nto odne tirhgt then the outocem is falre and nall fffroti si a waste
and so oyo uneed ot be toatoly highy labosrbed i nt itkae yoru thme od i t fully wrll thgotuhfully, go
tootalty in to ti and losot i itn to t it to odit and to ot get it idoen right! and propelry! Be tooaly I nto ti
and absrebd I nti to d t I right go toltaltyi n to the detaisl o geti t idoen right and do ti properly andn d oti
right nand do it perfectly! The goal si nto jstu to get itiodne but to ge iti odne ruight get iti doen propely
nadn perfectly! Take exrra effrt eb highy lt toaly invoeld I nti t to od it right nadn geti ti oden right!
And peroeply nadn perfectly! Nto just do oti for the sae k fo doing ti and getting ti done htth is causeu u
have to ood it, thth si u are averse to dign it and dot nwant to odo tin ad hate to od it but udo it as oyu
hva etoodo ti and egt I it doen and so oy are aloof, distn t for mti, and you are nto too keen and inveld I
nti, and away fro mi, and do ti on the surface, instead do ti nto jstu to od it and to geti tioden bu to od it
right prorpely nadn eprfectl causeu if y udotn do ti irhgt yo uwot nget th e reustls soo do it to od oti right
nadn eproely, so oeb otatlly highy linvoeld I nti and lsot I nto ti and nabsorbedi nt ithth si taks oriented
gola to to od it ropelry and so on. Htthsi take itnnetrst I nti ne kkee to od it , be totoatly higy l in ot it ad
ienvoeld I nti to o maek sure you do it rigt nadn do ti prorpely not jstu do ti o nteh surface forhe sake of
odign ti and getting it doen aobvisouyl oy uneed ot od oti to get iti odne bu o yu alsoe need ot maek
uselr thth u do ti propely csueu if oy udotn do ot I wel ladn eorpely then all effrt is iwate sen andn the
ouocem is failre, soo u nneed ot maek user u ned oto d it prorpely and for hth u need ot get int o it be
lsot I nto it nadn tolaly int oti ofucso nti and go itn t odetials nto do it o nteh surefece to meak user htht
u do ti right an d properly nadn perfectly! Taking care thh uar odign t iright nadn propely!
And beign highy linto it andn inveod I nti t ot do ti right nadn propel nand geti tiodne!
- now is the cahnce fosu on i acelaret it cncenrrate o nti to doit and to geiti tdoenfor the fearfo screwign
everyhtign up adn messign ti up focus totoaly on ti to do ti nad to get itidone! Cocentnrate nadn
fouso nt fully tooaly 200% for thefear of getting dittsrctd here n ther it crucia ritcal n imp not odign ti
and fcukignandmsesign ti up! srewing it up
-m n dotn wry baot ujob interviews if yo udot nget ti i yo ustil ahve hth job open for oyu
- now is the cahnce fosu on i acelaret it cncenrrate o nti to doit and to geiti tdoenfor the fearfo screwign
everyhtign up adn messign ti up focus totoaly on ti to do ti nad to get itidone!m n dotn wry baot ujob
interviews if yo udot nget ti i yo ustil ahve hth job open for oyu
- it has to b e dne properly n carefully take ur time n do it right , haste is waste think thrugh AS TO WHT

-first get thgisn den thth aredificl ndnahrder and thth u need to do ,thgisn hth u need o use yorubrian
thinkgin itenllgence to do ro get done, an things thth are pretty straight forward and process oriented
keep them for laeter o nwhere in you dotn have to think r research much mcu hjsu t folowa processs
keep them for later on! first focus n thsithign to doti and to getiti odne what is harder thth needs more
of oyur, intelgnce thought and thinkgi nnad yo uahve to od it do thth first thgsin thth are obvisu and
straight forward and process otritned jstu follw oa set proes do them later on. Thgisn th har simpe ladn
straight forward first do thgisn tht hare ocmplcaied and intricate.
- you need ot be ocosntly after it and a t iit thth is be coonstly workign nonstop dotn stop doing it, be
ocosntly at ti persi cahrge go after it iget after iti be coocsntly after it stviign and ncahrgign after ti and
doign ti to doti and to geti t iodne! nt sotp even for a mi nn owate ite mbe cosntly at it inroder to odo i
and to geit tidoen stick to it , eprpsiti put in effrot an d tkae psins bigd yourself to it, inrodoor to od it
and to ge it done! be ocsntyl doign ti ot do it and ot geti ti done! be totoaly and nfully invovled i nti
spendenenrgy pais nnad effrots to do it and to get it iodne!
- you neeed to get after iti to get itidoen thth iscosntly beodign ti be ococsntly afterit ibe coodign ti
nosntop ocsntosuly woihtotu tstoppignn to wate tie m not od otheritgns be dign ti coocsntly cosntisul be
at i t kep o ndoig nwaht u uare odign n nto stop! even fora min! to geti tioden n ncosmptelt e it take
apsi nand a effrots bind urslfe commtit urslef toatly ot it! devoe urself to oit cahin n bind urslef to it!
- u need ot get after it iinroder o et tiodne not take braeks no stop doign ti be ocosntly doign ti and after
i cosntisluy inorderto odo ti adn t geti tidoen thth si persit! take pais neffrots bidn commtit cahin
yorusel to it ot do ti adn to ge it idone! e cosntly a it ito do ti and to ge iti done!
- frst do the harder thgisn thth are not soo obvious adn hard ot figure out adn hard ot od, you hsoudlfirst
do thgsin thth require your effrot nadn intellect, ythth reqire you to think, adn be thoguhful and thth
reuqre yo ut ood it do the wrok thigsn thth ar procdeureal andnthth require yo ut ojsu ollwo a set fo
rules and instrucitosn which are clear nadnsimpleand strgihtforwrd cna be doen laeter on.
-dont stop you need ot obe coocstly at it ipersiti cahi nyorusel b ind oyurslef to it be ocosntly atit i nad
doign ti to od ti and to geti ti odne! U need ot get after ti and be occonstly after ti, you need to
keep o ndoign what u uare doing keep o ngign to do ti and to ge titi odne. Keep o ndoign t iand keep o
nstrivign to do ti andt o get ti done! be after iti be cocosntly atiti n doign ti dont stop tille u get hawt u
uwant till u geti t iodne u ahv strted so oyo uwil lfinsih waht u came here for! to achve . perstii kee
ptryign keep oyur tires cocnsntl cocntinsus and ongoign dont stp, if oy ukee p trinygn nad doign ti and yo
uare ococsntly oidng ti and at it ithe nsoemthign will ahppen if oy ustop odign ti thn nothign will
aheppen soo keep at it ibe ococnslty at it takign actio nadn doign ti to do ti andto get iti oen be after ti
get after ti to get itidone!
-you need ot persti oy u need ot be ocncstly doig nti and at it t odo ti and to get it idone , keep o ndoign
t istop not evne for a min, be after ti stik to it do hth onyl, focsu o ntht thign onyl do hth only! focu o na
singel thign do one htign only . keep u mid ni nti ony ladn keep o ndoign tht onyl isoalte oyursle andnto
do it and to get it doen n to do hht only.
-you need ot persti oy u need ot be ocncstly doig nti and at it t odo ti and to get it idone , keep o ndoign
t istop not evne for a min, be after ti stik to it do hth onyl, focsu o ntht thign onyl do hth only!
focu o na singel thign do one htign only . keep u mid ni nti ony ladn keep o ndoign tht onyl isoalte
oyursle andnto do it and to get it doen n to do hht only. get after t i be cosnly constisuly doign it nsontop
to doi t and get itiodne and finsih ti off once nadn for all t oachve ur ogal!
- dotnstrictly dotn dooterh htigsn dothhat only otn invoel your midn i notehrh tigsn andwdistract
yorusefl adndivert yoursefl fom r imp thgisn and delay and waste tiem pricosu time htth nca be given
oimp thgsin yo udtn have tiem to squander and nwaste,put your mind i nthaht only keep your mind i
nthth only do thth only! give all yor tiem t tht only to ge t it doen as fast as yo ucan!
- this is a race against tiem odnt fuck it up every second is imp and pecious and ticking by, dot nwaste
tiem oding unmp thgisn give all yoru itme to ip thgisn to get imp thgisn oden, only t oimp thgisn dotn
give our tiem to unimp thgisn say o to all unimp thgisn dotn enege yourself invoel yourse f in unimp
things, don t do unimp thgisn. Time is what oy udotn have font fucks it up by wasting yoru time doing
unimp things. Give all tiem to imp thgisn to get imp things doen fast you dot n have time!
- Dont wast your item doign toerhhtigsn, give all your tiem to oyur work do oyur work on ly od nt od
otehrhtigsn, this is a race agiasnt time, you need ot b e areful as o hw oy uspend your tiem yu simply
dntn ahve time thsi is a race agisnt tiem soo dotn waste even a single min or a sec doign unimp hgisn
otherhtigsnstrictly dont do thgisn thth will give you no bebefit and gain siaolte yorusefl cut off
everythign else, fo onyl l thaht waht is imp and will lead to oyur progeress nto enang in nonse and
menaignless thigsnandwaste your item in uncessary thgisn do only whats imp. you dont ahve time and
htis is a race gaginst tiem do ony limp thigsn think for oyusrelf do whats good for yoursefl and
waht will help u suceed i nrpogerss. This is a divine revalation godsdirectign nad giinvem e inforamiton
guidance and dirrectiosn ast owaht ot od.
- You dotn have time this is a race gaisnt tiem soo donet waste time doing unim pthgisn give all yur time
to only imp thgisn things thth will help u maek progress and lead t oyour bbeefit and gain. You simply
odnt have time now.
- dont waste your ite mdoign other htigsn and unimp thigns! yur tiem si precious and important, soo
dont waste it! strcitly dont do toerhtigns dot ninveol urslef n otehr htigns give all yru item to your
wrok to get higsn doen and work done don wase you tiem ime is waht yo udotn ahvE! this is a race
agaistn time yo udotn ahve time! soo give your item onyl to imp thgis nnto to menaignless nosensen and
useles and unimp thgisn thth will brign yo uno bebft or ain give your tie mto imp thgis nt oget work doen
imp thgsi ndoe nfast as fast as yo ucan mas long as yo umaek the beast use rdcutive use of our tiem by
giivgn ur time to imp thgis nadn not wastign time doign unimp thgis nyou are fine! fear of fukign
everyhtign up adn messign everythgin up, thth is losign cacen and oportnity by not doin tgisn thth are im
pad wasting ime doign unip thgsin, adn nehc not gettign imp hgis ndoen and nto ebgn able to ahcve ur
goal i nitme nan hence losign teh cachen nad oportuntiy , make sure oyu maek the best use of oyur tiem
pordcutive use of oyu itme, by nstitcly not odin unimp thgis nan d ding givign ur item onyl to imp thgisn
the nyou will be fine as logn as yo ud o this.
- Focus o nteh PR thig thths msot imp if oy udotn ahve PR yo udotn ahve any oportnites o get wath yo
uwant nd t ahce ru gals nad yo uare back i nteh cage tehn, and thsi time is imp now! cause this one and
half yo uu only ahve one and half years now, if oyu lose this cahcen and opportuntiy yo uare fucked, fear
of messign it up adn losig teh cahcen and oporutnity, to get the PR yo uonyl ahve one and half year,
only have thsi mcu hcahnce nadn oportnutyi to ge thteh PR, if oy umess it up the nyo aur efucked fear
fo sig teh cahcen and oporutntiy to get the PR soo be on our toes hustle take effort be determied take
isntne effort t odo what is dneeded to be done to get ITA nad get hte hPR if oy ulsoe htis tiem and thsi
chacne and ioportuntiy hten yo uare fucked! soo dotn wast etie mdoign uim thgsi nocsu your itme only
on imp thigsn yo uahve no time, if oy ulsoe tie myo u lse the chacen nda opprotuntiy, soo maek sure to
give your tie mnyl to imp thgisn do on ly im pthgs dto nwast tie mdoign useels nosen nmeanignless
unimp thgsi ntth hwill brign yo uno bebefit nadn gain! This si the only chance now get seriso uabotu it
and get it iodne no nsne and memanignyles thgisn. Dotn waste ite min unim pthgsi nyu have n tiem ,
make sure yo udotn spend u rite mdoign unimp thgsi nadn do on ly imp thgisn!
- you hsiuld nto strictly not waste your tiem your itm is imp dotn waste it maek the best max use fo oyur
tiem your tiem si limtiedn adn thsi is a race agaisnt tiem soo dont waste itme not even a single min
doign unim pthgis ngive all you tiem t oimp thigsn do focus your item on imp thgisn only, ththsit and yo
uwill eb fine, fear fo wastignand lsoign tiem and hence nto gettign thgsin doe nwrok oden and hence not
makig progress lsoign chacen and opportitnty, not achhvign ru goal, csause of wastign tiem doign unim
phtigsn! as long as y o uare careful as to hw oy ou spend your tiem and yo udotn waste time doign
unimp thigsn u are fine! and give all tiem to imp thgis nyo uare fine! as logn as yo uensue thth much!
you dotn have tiem dont loste time waste tie mdoign unim pthgsi ntoe hr wise you will lsoe the cahce
nadn ooporutntiy hht uhave to achiev your gaols. Tiem si what yo udotn have, ifoy ulose tiem doing
unim pthgsi nthen you end up wasting the cahcen and opporuttntiy to gethgis ndoe nadn to achvhe ur
gaols, soo maek usre you dotn squnder yoru tiem and make the most of your item by odign only imp
thgisn and you will eb fine. Your ite msi iim pand preciso ube siorsu do only imp and nmemfu lthisgs thth
wil ehlp u ahcve ur goals nadn imp thgsin I nlfei.
- As ong as y u maek sure you mae teh msot fo oyur tie myo udotn waste your spend or squnder your tie
mdoign unim pthgis nad focus your tiem on imp this nyo uwill eb fine!
-fear fo lsign the cahcen and opporutntiy you dot n have tiem yo uhae only 1 year nadn 6 montsh, if oy
uwast etie myo ulose the achneese andn opportunity to ahhcve u r gaol, As logn as you d otn waste your
ite mdoign unimp thgsi nastriclty say no to all toe hrh thgis and fcus only on imp things and do only imp
things you will eb fine! Cut off all toer h enenagemsetns, dotn waste even one min doing unimp thgis ntt
hhs ould be your objective andn gaol, udnerstadn this yo udotn have time yo uahve to give al your tiem t
oimp this nonyl dotn waste even a mi ndoign unimp things as long as yo u do thth you will be fine! Do
gve all your item only to doing imp things! Cut t off all uncessary enenagemetns nd focus only on two
things do only a few thigns, focus your item only o nimp thgisn! Dnneratnd the imp andn value of tiem
once yo ulsoe tiem dogi nunimp thgis nthn e yo ulsoe cahcen nadn opprtuntiy to ahchve tyoru gaol!
Casue yoru item si ilimtied and pricosu and oce tiem si gone its oen then the cahcen and noporutntiy is
gone, thth tiem hth cud have bbeen given to ache ur gaosl nad get imp thgis ndoe si ogne and the nyo
uacnt ahchve ur oals soo dotn wate tiem, don’t do unimp thgsi nsay no to iunimp thgsi nstricktyl do only
imp thgisn1. you need ot filter what is crucial critiacla and imp, and what is not imp, all tth can wait thth
is not imp this is more imp! Filter what is im padn what is not imp, and d oon ly thht what is imp, nyl
thigns thth are imp and urgent need to be done, and should be doen, all thh can wait thht si not imp.
Your mind should filter as to what isi imp and what is not imp, first of all undnertnadn and relase the
fdiifrence between what is imp and what is not imp this tht hwotn help u achhve anything and will ony
lwaste ur item and things thth will help u ahchve things, and maek progress and ahchve imp thgis nin lfie
and focus on o nthgis thth u wil lehlp u achve the imp thgsin I nlfie. Cut of all oeh rhuncessar
enenagemetnsnadn focus only on two ro htre imp thgis ntths it.
- u odtn ahve tie mjsut odnt waste your tiem, if yo uleso tiem u lose opportunity and cahecn, seu the n
yo uan get work doen and then yo ucan ahhve ur gaol, soo your focus should be nto to waste tie mdoign
unimp thgisn give all yru tiem to your owrk to ge thigsn doen wrok dotn to ahchve ru gaosl , cut out all
unimp enenagemets nad focsu onyl o ntwo or thre e thgis nadn do onyl two or there thgisn strcilty dotn
do anythign else don t waste your tiem nto even a mi ndoig nanyhtig nelse yo uodnt ahve tiem dotn let
tiem flow dont wsatse yoru tiem! your itme ie s limted and rpeociso hsi is a race agaistn tiem yo udtn
ahve time! soo dotn awste it! have hteh urgncoto geh tigsn doen fast!
-Cut of all oeh rhuncessar enenagemetnsnadn focus only on two ro htre imp thgis ntths it. dot wnate
tiem! striclty say n ot oteveryhtign else thth s unimp and focsu on adn do only thth waht is imp and
beebfitilcal and help u achvhe ur goasl nad nimp thigsn in lfei and dotn tdo thgis nththt wont help u
ahchve anythign dotn do unimp thgisn! ur mid nshodl recginie a nidentyfy was to what isi imp and
waht is uimp tlearn to difinretiate between thth waaste of tie mwont help u ahcveh iahting meaningless
unsesn ucnessry purpseo les thigsn, ad n focus on thth what is iimp, ad oo nyl im pthgsin! Separate the
sensen for mtthe nosnesn.
-make prdcutive use of oyur tie mgive your tiem onyl o imp thigs nodnt wast eit in nosen adn unimp
thgisn yo udotn ahve time! rmemebr thth
if oy ulseo item the nyo ulsoe chahce and ooprntyi to achhve ur goals as yo ucant get hgisn doe nwork
doen thth needso t be doen i na timely manner ot ahcve ru oagls, soo dotn watst tie m, doign unim
tpghsi ndo only imp thgis nsoos to get them done give all ur item to onyl im pthgsi nsoo thth get
thisnme doen ie n atiemly manenr soo thth udotn lsoe the chacen and popprottnyit to ahcve ur
goal.fear of lsoignt he chacen and oprtutiy, and not ahchvng ur gaol nad wstign tiem doign unim pghsin,
just maek sure htht you dn waste your item, doign unimp thgsi nsay no ot evryhtign else adn o al l unimp
thgsi nstrctly odnt do unimp thgsi ngoive all yru tiem to your wrok adn imp thgisn to get work and im
pthgsi ndoe nt oachvhe ur goals, ame k sure o udont wate tie mmaek srue o udotn do say no to unim
pthgsin, adn do onyl imp thgsi ngive al yru tie mt oimp this njstu make sure ensue r thht muc hdn a dy
uwill eb fine!
-Time is the most imp hign don’t waste it make productive use fo oyru tim dotn do unim pthgsin thth
wont brign u any beenfti or gain your ite msi limited dotn waste ti tehrh si only soo mcu htiem thth u
have soo do nly imp thgisn ocus only on imp things.
-Rmmwber you ave limteid time soo don’t wate your ite mdont waste even an single sec or a min doing
unmp thgis nstrcitly say nto to all unim pthgisn nosenn andn menignelss sensenlss ucnessary thgis thth
will brign uno beenft or gain, or progress nadn do on ly wht isi mp. Give ur tie mony lt oimp thgsin. Do I
t sericelny and nsencierly wit hitnergirt and all earnestly be sriosu nad nno nsoense n b e isntnes. Dot
ngo itn onsesn nmeanignlyes useless ad nucnessary thgisn. Don’t wast your item you ir tme si a ll yo
uahve strictly say no to unimp thgsi ndotn do unimp thgsin, maek productive use f our tiem, give your tie
monly to imp things do only imp thgisn, otherh wise oy uwill lose the chacen and opprotuntiy thth u
have if oy ulose tiem, yo uwotn get the tiem the chacen and opporutntiy again I oyu lose tiem by doing
unim tpghsi nthene u have no tiem and yo ucwotn be albe to get imp thgisn doen and u wont achhve ur
ogals then and then you end up lsoignthechaen nad opportnty soo dotn waste tiem maek sure oyu dotn
spend nad waste tiem doing unim pthgsi nadn give your item only to imp higsn to get wro kdoen and im
pthgsi ndone. And ahcne nahche your goal nadn lnot lsoe cahe andopporutntiy hth uahve, al l you
needo to od herei s to maek sure thth u dotn waste tie mand lose tiem doing unim ptghsi na oyur item
is process and limited once uu lose it oy uwotn get it itback yo udtn have tiem tiem si limited, so oodnt
waste ti, tie msi all yo uahve, soo dotn waste ti sticirlt y say no to unim tgsi ndotn od unim pthsi nand do
only ip thigs igve all your item only to imp thgis nfocus only on two r ther imp thgsi ththsi and do othth
only don’t qwaste naned asqunder your tiem doing unimp thgsi nthths all you need ot maek sure
nadnensrue, if you do thth then you get work odne adnthgis ndoen and ahchve urogalsn and then u
don’t lsoe the chace andn ooportutnyi. Yo ushould just ensrue htth u dotn waste yoru tiem tth u give all
yor item to oyur wrok and don’t waste tie m doing unim tghsin , strictly say no to all toerh htigsn and
unimp thgisn odnt do oteh hritngs and unip things, and do only oyur work gvei lal your tie mot oyur
work o nyl maek prouctive use fo oyur tiem, your time is limited, prciso uonce u ulsoe it u won ge it
ioabc k thecacen and opprotuntiy is gone soo maek sure you only do oyur wrok focus oyl on two or
three im thgis nadn do thth only ensrue maek usre yo udnt wast e a single min or sec doing unimp thgisn
and thht u give all yur tiem to imp things only nadn do im thgsin only strictly say no to all unimp thgis
dotn do unimp thgsi ndotn watets yoru tie mtht hu hav, your tiem is mlimtedn and pricous ad valuable
tiem is all htht u have, you don’t have mc htiem soo give all your item to im pthgsi noly if oy uensure
thth then you will be fine, fear andn worry of losign tiem wasting tiem nto oidng imp thigns and gtetign
thgisn doen and hnce losign cahen and nooprutntiy by not aching r gaol. I ntiem. Dotn squcnder
ndnwaste tie m doing unimp seusle uncessary meeigles purpseo les things yo ushoudl only ensure thth
muc hadn you will eb fine!
- Dont wast your item doign toerhhtigsn, give all your tiem to oyur work do oyur work on ly od nt od
otehrhtigsn, this is a race agiasnt time, you need ot b e areful as o hw oy uspend your tiem yu simply
dntn ahve time thsi is a race agisnt tiem soo dotn waste even a single min or a sec doign unimp hgisn
otherhtigsnstrictly dont do thgisn thth will give you no bebefit and gain siaolte yorusefl cut off
everythign else, fo onyl l thaht waht is imp and will lead to oyur progeress nto enang in nonse and
menaignless thigsnandwaste your item in uncessary thgisn do only whats imp. you dont ahve time and
htis is a race gaginst tiem do ony limp thigsn think for oyusrelf do whats good for yoursefl and
waht will help u suceed i nrpogerss
- u need to eb serisou andn nsicnere about it no nsosnen do onyl imp thigsn ad menignful thigsn not
uncessary nadn nosensenthgisn! not waste adn squnde ur time mdoign unimp thgsinn ucenssary adn
maningles things! be serios uadn nsicenre abotu ti!
- u needto be no nosensne thth is nto waste your ite mwhile wawy squnder your tiem and hence your
chacen nadn oporutntiy when u squnder yoru ite mbasically oy uare squnderign yoru cahcen and
pportunty to achvhe ur ogal soo don waset ur e m lfow away squnder spend your tei mdoign unim
pthgsi nyo uhave lmiited item tie mwis waht u dotn ahve soo give ur ite mt o i p tgis nonyl strictyl say no
to iunimp thgisn dotn wast etie mdoign unimp thgsin adn d oim pthgsi nonly if oy ucan ensrue thth
then yo uare fine
- you odnt have time , ti me is what oy uodnt have when u los e tiem u lose cahcen nad oporutnity to
achhve ur ogal, dtn waste yoru te im strictly say n oto all unimp thgis nand otherh thgisn and do onyl
whats imp.
- dnt wast eur tie mdoi unimp thigsn y udotn ahve tiem, yoru tie mis limtied, and soo the msot prceiso
and valubel thign, ocne u ulose tiem udotn get t i bakc, soo be wise how u spend ur item spend ur tiem
wisely, amek user yo do nly m pthgisn whe nu waste tiem yo uloose cahece and pportuntiy caseu thth
tiem thth cud have been gie to imp thgisn t oget imp thgsi ndoen wrk doen and hcne achvhe ur goals is
lost adn so o yu odnt get wrok oden and thigs ndone nad yo udotn ahcve ur gals in time and soo yo
uend up lsoign the chacne nadn opporuttniy you ahve soo dotn waste iem oing unim pthgisn strictly say
no to unim pthigsn as u udotn want to owaste you item casue they are unimp and
nywont help u uahcve anyhtgn thths one reason adn so ono poitn spendig nyoru nenergy nadn effrt itn
it and causeu u dotn wantto twaste yoru item prcso utime thth u have limtied item tth u have, give all
yur tiem to imp hgis nonly to get work done and imp thgis ndoen as long a y ou ensure hth u are fine.
Dnt do unimp thgisn as yo udotn want to waste yoru tiem. Dotn do unim hgisn cause they are unip and
no point spenign ur efrtn n energy on ti as u dotn get anything by doing them it wont help u ahchve
anyhtig nin lfie, wont help u uahcve im pthgisn thth energy hth ucd have ben gien to work and imp
thgisn is wased, and cause uu dotn want to waste ur tiem oyur itiem is limtiedand u yo udtn have tiem,
and so odotn waste ti doing unim pthgsi ngive ur tiem to imp thgisn to get wrk and im pthgsi ndoen t
oahhve ur gaosl, strictly say not to unimp thgisn don’t do otherthgisn doe nt waste yoru tie m, give al
your tiem yto oyur work and imp thgisn do oyur worknad imp thgsi nonyl fi yo umaek sure thth ensure
thth as logn as u udo thht uare fine!
- be highy ldetemrined to od ti and to gti t i doen take thigsn i nyru ow nahnds now, adn take fast quic
kprompt urgent actio ndot nwaste tei me doi ti fast a s fast as yo ucan get ti idoen as fast as yo ucan
get after ti work dany nn gith to geti ti done as fast as yo ucan! dotn waste tie mdoig nunimp thgisn
give all your tie mto oit t o get it idone as fast as yo uacan. The spepd at wihci you get work doen is
imp work day nn gith be coocsntly after it it ot od ti and to get it idoe nsay n ot otoer rtigsn gie all
yoru tie mto thth only inrode ot odo ti and t oget itidone as fast as yo upossoibel can speed isi imp do
what you can work long horus be deermeid to do ti and to gtit iodne wrok lng howurs wrok dayn n
gight to ocmstle it t odo ti and to get iti oden as fast as y ou can.
- dotn waste yoru tei mdoign toehrhtigsn gieve all yoru tie me ffort nadn nergy o oit as oy uneed ot
geti ti doen fast yo uahve litied tiem oy uget onyl 18 horus a day nn yo unee ot geive all yoru ite mto
oyur orw k to get work doen fast! At a aster raet and pace nt waste oyur teim doing unim pthgsin
ensue maek sure hth much and oy uwil eb fien gieev ally ur tie mto oyur work to get work doen and
im pthgsi ndoen as fast as yo ucan. You need ot get yoru work doen and get it iodne fast hhtat shoud
lbe your goal nadn objective nadn mission I nyour mid nso tkeae cation do what oy ucan wrok dayn
ngiht long horus to gt het work doe nand geti tioden as fast andn quick as you can! If oy udon get it
idoen fast the nyou rsik the chace of losign the opporuirty andn chacen thth u have . wasting the
chance htht uahve been given. Soo don’t waste tiem geto toowrk ot gethigsn doen work doen to
achvhe ur ogals.
- come n you can do this, beivel I nyrsefl thhsi si yoru right, it belogsn to you u derve it , you are
itellgent skiled tlaentd y uderve ti, try for whatts ur s and what beogns to oyu work onit to do it and to
get ti oden as fast as you can.
- take it for doign ti fast, t ogeti ti doen asfast as yo can thth shoudl be your gaol and objective to get
it odne work doen as fast as yo ucan i nrecord speed nad ntime to advcne quickly and fast towrds
yoru gaol withotu losign time, as fat as y ou can, nto mssi the cahnce and opprotuntiy take fast qucik
prompt andn urgent acton.
- you need to work o nit to do ti fast get it doen fast!
- you need ot ofully foucs on tiand cocnetrate o nti inorder ot odo ti and geti tioden as fast as you can
and be determeid to do ti and to geti tti doen as fat t as you can taek action bedetemred ot do ti and
to geti ti ode thth is bedaetermeid tnto work ahrd take action nstrive and d owaht tu u acna nad trtry
ahrd inorder to do ti andto get ti iodne as fast as you can.
-I ts your goals ambititosn nadnderes thth rves yo u to do what udo!
-take fast quick oernizedchharg ahed in motion mv ahed taek prompt nadn rugent serisou instnesn
acito ntry ahrd to get thgisn doen work done as fast as yo ucanto achve urgoals march ahed as fast as
yo ucan t oahchve rugoal as qucik as u can.
- yo uahve limited tiem dotn waste yoru tiem dogi nunim thgsin givie all yur tiem to oyur owro kto get
wor k doen as fast as you can imp thgsi ndoen as s fast as you can! Othehr wise yo uwotn ahv any
tiem left to odo imp thgisn and then yo ulsoe cahce and opprititneis aus yo ucdotn get im pthgsi
ndoen and u cant ahchve urgoals I nitme!
- stay put keep on doing ti and keep at iti to doti and to get it idone!
-he isi acutally pretty dtemreidn adn isntnse fet after it it to od it andto get itidone!
keep o ndoig nti be ocnsntly at t it dto do ti and to getit ioden as fat as yo ucan n nadn take intsne te
actio adnnd effort nadn do wahtveer yo u ca t ood it and ot get it ioden as fast as yo ucan!
-Oy uneend t ofuso nt iand coenstlrate o nti and n oy uneed ot be coosntly at it ikeep workin o bt
icocsntly inrodero to get it idoen fast asfast as you can , at a fast rate aspeped nadn apce, ofor the
fear thh you amy lsoe the scahce and the opportunity I oy udon get iti oden fast. And soo you need ot
work dayn n gith logn horuse cosntostiluy nsnsntop, and stay foscued on ti and andconcnetrate o nti
and keep at ti iadn fkeep on dogi nti nto od otehrigngst not waste tiem doig ntoerhtigsn give all your
tiem to to it to gti tiodne afst as fast as yo ucna at a speedier rate nadn pace.
-keep striveng keep takign acito nadn keep on marcign at iti dt and takgn acito nand doign ti to doti it
nosnetop to odit and to get iti done as fast as yo ucan.
- keep amrahcign nosnstop you need ot obe ocsntly at iti and pdign ti in order oto d ti and to get t
oden as fast s you can “ ui have work to odo thgis nto do” dot naheve tiem for all thth, remeebr your
gaol and objective is into just to gt work doen but to getiti oden as fast as toy uanca and so ooy uneed
ot say no toto all toehr tigsn nto odo otehrtignsnto waste item doing other htigsn and give uru limited
lvauable eprisou time to oyur owro kto get hgisn doen wrk doen as fast as you can. And wor fast work
day nn gith logn horus ot get work odne as fast as oy ucan. Rmemebr you rm isiso ngoal objectiivei si
to get iti doen as fast as you can soo work fany ngih logn horus dot nwast etiem igve ur toem to work
andn im pthgsi nt ogeti ti oden as fast as you can.
-the goalsi to nto jut get it idoen but get ti doen as fast as quci kas you can speed pace at whci hu get
thgis ndoe nwrok doen si imp, maek the move is imp, as you can thth shoud leb oyr u objective toerh
iwse uu are fcuked, and oy uned up losing cahce and nopprotunrity you need o take cfast quick urgent
action nt o get ti oden, thth should eb oyur goal, for the fear of losign the chacen andn ioporuttntiy so
our goal shud be to get iti doen as fast as you can, and so otake action nt ogeti tiodne wrok cosntsouly
logn hrsu tay focsuedo nti don’t waste tiemd oign toerhtigsn dotn do other thgisn say nto ot
otehrhtigsn work dayn ngith and logn horus to get iti odne as fast as yo upsosoibly can. Soo work dayn
ngith and wrok constiusly to get ti idone. The ogal si ito geti ti oden as fast as you can so oeb soesriosu
abotuti and no nosen cahhrge march ahed maek pgerss I nyoru work getting doen as fast as you can
be o na roll I nmsotio nadn tkaign acito n doing thgsi ntryign ahrd to geiti doen as fast as you can stick
to beit be faer ti get after it ido it ocsntly and ncosntly to geti ti one anosnstop to fgeti ti doen as fast
as you can, f rot he faer fo lsogi nout n the cahcnce and nopprotntiy if oy udotn get iti oden I nritem
and achve r gu gaosl the nyo uwtn be aleot ahchve ur ogals and nyo umsisi out nadn lsoeo n
thechahen and opprottntiy soo be srisou abot uti and nosnen no memanignelss thing and get adfter ti
iad ngeti tioden as fast as you can and dotn waste tiem doig ntoerhhtigsn do thth only to geti ti ode
stick to thth ony ladn nfocus o nthth oyl o t odo ti and togeti tiodne. Odtn waste tie mdign toerhtigsn
don’t do otehritngs u get ony l18 horus a day give all your tie mt ooyur ewok to get oyur work done as
gfast as u can weh n ud o therigngs the n usoe tiem and owkr rmaisn asiden and the nyo uahve n
otiem left oto do yoru wrok, and you cant get work dne the nadn you can tprogres andn move ahed to
words yru goal and y ucan ahhcve ur ogal and nget thisgn doen and ahcve ur ogal I ntie madn soo oy
ulsoe the chance nad nopprotnty so owast ento a min igve all ru item t ooyur nto am in doing uni tgshi
ngive al ltiem t oowkr to gt yoru thgis ndoen work done im pthgsi ndoen as fast as oy uancn donet
waste tiem I nnsoes nand eneamnless ucnessary thgisn, tht hwil beirng u no ebebfit and ngain. Ad
wont hel pa uahchve ru gaolandn ahchve anythgin and move aehd, and ony ldealy your wrok,
-dnt waste ur time ur time is limited u get only 24 hurs soo spnd ur time wiselt y be areul as to how u
spend ur time be seruious bout itn intense spend ur time onlyon imp things not unimp thngs n
meangless things tht wnt give u any thig but will only waste ur time tht cud have bee given to imp
thngs n wrk dne n then u have no time tleft fr wrk n u cant get wrk n imp thngs dne n u cant CHVE UR
ur wrk to gt things dne wrk dne as fas as yu can, the goa lsi to ge the work doen as fast a s y can and
so oyo ushud nt wast tiem and givea l lyoru tie mt ooyur wor tk the hlitmed item uahve to oyur owr
kt oge the work done as fast as y ou anca. Be coosntyl after iti and doing t ito get ti odne be o nti to od
it and gt iti done be constantly at ti t oget it idoen! Gviel al yoru tie myoto ti yoru tie ms islimtid be
cosntyl adfter iti to od ti and oto get it odne!u need ot eb coocsntly at it and after ti to do ti and t oget
-the gal is to ge th te wrok doen as fast as yo ucan
yo ushould be wrooreid abotu nto gettng the work doe n fast o ntiem adn hence nto beang able t
oachvhe ru gaol and hence lositng the hcae nnad opporutnity given t oyu u shud fea r thth , u need ot
htink n wrry baotu thth dany nyght abotu not beign able ot get hthe work doe on tiem ad hencen o
ahchven g urgoal nadn losign teh chaen and opprortnyty and mesign fukgi nenvyhtign up, n wry thth
dany nigth , the goal and objectiivei si to be fast ge thte work doen as fast as yo ucan, get thgsi ndoe
nfast, at a faster seedier rate and napce, if u udot geit tiond e o ntiem th n ucant achhve r goals, adn u
lsoe hte chacen nad opproutntiy adn so get to owrk fast taek fast quick action uggetn acti nt
ogethgisn doe nwro kdoen as fast as yo ucan,
work dayn nigth n long hours to get hgsn doe and wrok odne adn dnt waate ite mu have limted iem u
get ony l 18 horus a ay give al lur ite mto oyur work to get the owrk done.
-Soo get up ad get t oo work fast wrok day ngith to ge the work doen fast
-work dayn ngith and accelerate i t accepaler eteh procgress of oyur wrok to get ork done fast ad nt
omove advnce towrds oru goal
take acito nt oamrchad nadvacne twrdsyoru goal at a faster rate speedier rate nan apce.
-work hard slog work day nn ngith and get the work doen fast!
- you need to be fastso d it fast get I odenfast att a faster spepedier rate and apce d o what uu can
work dayn n gith constoisuly to get heht work doen asfast asyo ucan be detemiedn to work hard try
ahrd work constisnouly to get theh owr k donne fast as fast as y oucan.
- nto ahave apasiive attitude, be active get isgn doen otherh wise u missi the oprotnties waste the
ahcen given yo otoyu if oy udotn taek action nt ogeth isn doe nfat at a faster speped area nadn apce.
Ists not just imp to tget higsn doen btu the speed at whc hyo uget higsn doen si imp, yo ueend ot
owork dayn ngith to get ti oden fast give allyoru tie k m to it ti o geti idoen fast ata faster speed rate
nadn apce, toehr iswe you cant get htigsn doe I ntiem nadn you cant achvhe ur goals and u lose
cahcen and opprouritnties.
- how iwl lthsi happen ? work o nti take actio nt ood itand get itoden get anfter iti kee p o nworkign o
nti ococsntly nadn csntusiuly nand doign ti to gti t idoen as fast as yo uacan get thgisn doen wrok
doen as fastas yo ucan taek actio tn oge ti ti doen as fast as yo ucan execute t geti tiodne as fastas yo
- He is I man on a mission to get thgisn doen andtkaign action nt oget hgin tigsn doen work odne as
fast as you can , to achhve ru goals!
- pn am aiison and piobejecvet progresd to achve the goal nad to get higsn doen and takgn acito nto
geit ti oden fast quci kurgnet action nt oget iti doen , tis I nhsi mid nthth he has to ahchve this goal and
nthh t hhe needs to ge ththsi thgi ndoen fast and so o he takes action nth his on a msisio ntakign acito
ngdoig nwaht he cant to get itidoen! A man o na am isio nt ogachvhe his goals andn to get htigsndoen
andtakgn action nadn doing what he dacn t ogeit ti odne.
- sriosu instnnes driven t odo it andot get iodne!
- seriso uad n intentsnen and mo na ma isio nadn taking action nad nendeavorign and firin to geit I
odne get this ndoen and work done and no nsoe n nto watign tim I ncnsosnrical thgis ntakign it
serisou sly taking great effort enadvaour sesericne and itnenrgrity nadn earnest andn on an mssiio nt
ogeth igsn doen work doen to ahchve ur gaosl, and taking action, ad nto wasting tiem whci his limted
and epricosu doing unim pthgsin meangless things , nsoenselcal things uselsess thgisn cesnsnary
htgisn tth wil lbrign no gain or benefit,beign strict and its all good for the good, scariifnsgn taking
effort eig ndetermiendnndgoign for itandn trying hard nadn tkaign action nfor the e good to asucued
to better nan id mrpove ur lfei tomake progress , ggivng lal tiem to owk andn im pthgsi nt oge t owork
dn animpt hgsi ndoen to achhve u rogals. Taking alleffrots and endavorus to geth tisn doen to achhve
rugaols. Sriso uinstnesne nadn detemriend to geit I doen get work doen as fast a s y oucan. Eig
ndtmemreidn working ndayn n gith working hardn and trying hard ot get thgis ndoen work doen a s
afast as you cant o achve ur goals. Detreidn t owork hard take pais ns stress tesrgugels ut urslf
thorugh the apis nsn adsterss t ogethgsi nthgis ndoen elavign n osotone untenruend to get htgsn doe
nwrok odne t as fat a you can t oachhve utgoals.
- he isi progremsmed I nhsi mid ntitsh thehr I nhsi mind thh he has his gal to ahhcveh and he has this
thing to do a s fast as he acna this work ot ood or oto dbe doen as fast as he coan to achve his golas n
its thehr I nhsi mind nad os oh e takes acito n to o n a msiio nt odo ti and to geti tidoen beifng
gdnentemrdn taking acti odnan effrto edeavourign nad nstrivign to do ti and to get iti odne.
-keep o nworkign o nt iand sttirivng to move aehd towrds yorugaol to icnh clsoer move clsoer toyour
golato maek progress gradually and ngethgisn doen adnwor done o achhve urgoals
eep o ndoign ti adn wokrig o nti and striivngnosnsentop t o inch mov claose r to it aek progrss towrds
gettign the work doen maek progress towrds complttign the owrk and gettiing it oden
-keep on striivng and workign o nt coocsntly keep o ndoign ti no matter hwo slo w the prgress break
htorugh the wall keepe o ndoig nti to inch clser to oyur gaol and maek progres i noyur work towrds
comcotign your wrok keep o ndoitnng it ito do it and to geti tiodn!
- u need ot keep o ndig nur work keep ur tires goign keep o dnoign waht uuare dign keep on doign
yoru work to od it andto geti tiodne!
- keep your tries or oyur wrok on goign in ordeoro to do it adn to goet it iodne! not sop workign keep
o nworkign keep atti and doign ti! cocsntly cosntisluy to od it and to gei tiodn!persist
- you need ot be csontyl working o nti and doing ti onstop inrodoeor to do ti and to gei tiodne get
after ti the wrok should go on cosntnstnly, iroodeoroo t do ti and geti ioden as fast as you can, the
work should be ocosntly goin on nonstop inroderto odo ti and get it doen as fast as y o ucan, keep
striicng and working on ti constnstnly. To do it n to get it done not stop jkeep at it persrist e stubborn
not give up keep at it to do it n get it done.
-keep on striivng and workign o nt coocsntly keep o ndoign ti no matter hwo slo w the prgress break
htorugh the wall keepe o ndoig nti to inch clser to oyur gaol and maek progres i noyur work towrds
comcotign your wrok keep o ndoitnng it ito do it and to geti tiodn!
- u need ot keep o ndig nur work keep ur tires goign keep o dnoign waht uuare dign keep on doign
yoru work to od it andto geti tiodne!
- keep your tries or oyur wrok on goign in ordeoro to do it adn to goet it iodne! not sop workign keep
o nworkign keep atti and doign ti! cocsntly cosntisluy to od it and to gei tiodn!persist purse you need
to be cocosntyl at it adn after ti adn doign ti to geti tidoen ad nt ofisnh ti off as fast as yo ucan teh goal
adn iobjective isi t oget ti doen adn to fisnh ti off ad cosmpelte ist as fast as yo cua neb detemreidn to
do ti adn to geti tioden and to fisnht ifof asfast as yo ucan and soo do wahtever u can toget tidoen e
coocsntly at it and after i and doign ti takign apis nadn efforts and strife to do ti adn t ogeti tidone
'cosntly e at ti iconsntly be doign ti contisuly be doign ti oindeoro ot do ti adn nad to geit tidone as
fast s yo ucan tht hshud be yor gaol your obejctive to gtit ioen fisih ti o comsptler ite as fast as yo ucan
and be cosntly doign ti at it adn afte it iconstitusly be doign ti pruse be after ti to odo ti adn geti tidoen
be determed to fisnht iocsmplte it dot i nad geti ioden agnd do waht yo ucan try ahrd wro khard worj
k long horus slog t odo ti and to geit iodne wro kcosntislut y be sosoncstly cosntisuyl workig ntake
paisnand effrtas adn nwrok ahrd to do ti adn to ogeti tidoen get t he work doen coeptle teh work
- yu need to work hard nadn slogi nrodero to do ti andto get t he wrok done!
- get after it and be coostnyl doign ti t odo ti and t oget it idone
-don’t waste your tiem lazing nad slepign get up and get to work gvie al your tiem to your wrok to get
thgisn doen work done to achvhe ur gal
-remmerb keep i nmidn waht u r misio nyour objecitve is thth is to ge t hte wrok doen and geti iodne
fast , adn be on a miison thht is takign aciton, in kotion doig nthgsin, to get ti done
- dotn watee yoru tiem doing otehrhtisn uimp thgsin uh ave limited item you get onlty 18 horu s a day
give al lyoru tiem to ouyr work to ge t work and imp thgisn doen as fats as you can to ache ur gaol
otehrhiwse if oy udotn then u lwil lget nothgi ndoen yo udotn have tiem then t oge t work done for ur
wrok and work doenst gt oden and goals are nto ahchcved and u lose the ahcne nand opprotutniythh
uhave then.
-dont wast yoru tei mdoign toerhigns uu ahve limted tiem you ge t onyl 18 hoturs a day give al yru
tiem to oyu r work to get htigsn doenwor kdoen to achhve rugoals focsu o nti sacrifices say no to all
toehr tigsn keep o ndoign yoru work only coosntly ot odo ti nad to get it idne as fast and ny u ucan.
-keep workign o nt ioocsntlusly nosentop coosntly be atti keep workign on i to od ti and to geti
tiodenas fats as yo ucan. keeep o ndoign t cosnly nadn nosnt op introodoeoro t o do ti and to ge htit
oden as fast asyo ucan thth shud be your msiiso nt oget hthe work don and geit iodne as fast as y ou
can. adn strie to ahchve thth goal and nmsison. bedermtmend t tkake weefrot nnd apis nt o and go
through ti strive and try ahrd ot d othe work nad to geti tiodne as fat as yo ucan.
-keep jsut keep workig no nt iadn doign ti ot odo ti and to geiti odne be ocosntyl ati ti selnd effrtn adn
nergy tkae pansi nnsad effrts be detmeriend ot work ahrd nad ntake pais nadn effrts to od ti and to
gtiti odne,
-wr k n it to od oti and t oget itioden be coosntly at it nad odign ti cosntiosunyl ocostnyl nosntop be
ccosntly owrkingon ti to odit a d t ogeti tioden at a faste rate and napce and t mae k prgerer pgress
nadn advnce to ur gaol or towrsds gettig teh wrok done at a faster trate ad nfpace and to fisni ht i
offand nget it dne as fast ans uucan keep ososnslty at it iand workign on ti and odign ti senidng effrt
nand nergy to do tiand to geti tioden as fast as y ucan. E be cosontyl at it iworkign o nti and ndoign ti
to od oti nad ot ogetit ioden asfat as you can sepdn efrt nadn energy to do ti and to geti tiodne as fast
as you an.
- keep o nworkign costnyl cosntisuly nosentpp be odoncnstly odoignt iadn keep at ti t oaodvanen and
porgress afst to wrds gettgn teh work done t oinchclsoer towrds getitign the work doe nadn finsht the
work t o achve ur gaol mveoclsoer ot compeltign the work ! maek progres towrds gettign the work
- you need t o focus o nt iand memdiatie on ti thh si sinlge midned fcus think fo thh y ldo thth only not
inveovel ur sefl i noterhtigns nto do otehr thgisn todo it and to gei tiodne! as fas as yo uposibly can gie
all your ti me effrt ne ennergy to thth only n nto to otherhtigsn to od it and to get tiodne!
- keep on doing it keep wokrign on ti , keep at iti tadn i ncomtion takign actio nadn doign work on a
msision, keep o nmovign and doign ti takign acito ndoig ndoignhte work workign on ti, adn ahrge
ahed marh c ahed adanve progressahed oawards yoru gaol adn totrwrds gettign ru wr done
- dotn wast tei mgive all your item t ootit ot od it and to get tidone!
- dont waste your tie mnot ennven an sec or a mi ndoign torhigsn unimp memanignelss sels
nosenthgisn tht will brign u no bbeift nadn gai nad nwont hwlp u maek progres snad nachve anyhtgn
mp ti nlfei uhave limtied item yo uget only 18 horu s a aday so oeb seriso uabotu ti give oyru tie mto
useful prodcuitve memanigulf imp thgsi nto gethisgn doen wr k odne fast im pthgsi ndoen to achvhe
your gaol say n toto otehr itgsn doen t waste sepdn tie meffrt eenergy doign unimp thgsi ngvei ur
lmted tiem weefr t nenergy to imp thgsi nonyl yo uwtn get anyhtign by doign all ttht.
- Just be at t it and be coocsntly after ti to do it and geti ti odne!
- be o na msisio nwor k hard strive ennadvour work cosntyl and ncosntiosuly t ogethigsn doen get
work oden to achvhe ru msison ur goals nad s oo n and never give up and keep trying andbe ccosntly
at I and doing ti to get ti ode
- try hraad wrok ahrd dtemrm iedn efort beign detemrm ined to work hard o odo it and to get it
-Dont waste your time give all your tiem to your work to get htigsn doenwrok doen to achvhe urgaols!
- you ahve ot oslog work ocsntisly work hard adayn ngith to geiit odne the goal is to gei ti oden soo
work to geti itodne!
- you need ot be seriso uitnesne nand fast dot nwaste tie mwork day n ngith be accostnyl afteri ti
adnthink fo ti ony ladn nget iti done fast other wsie you are fucked! They will ask oy uto pakc your
bags nand senf u uback homw nadn u need ot avoid htth. This is like an emergency. Soo be coosntl
afterit iget afterit be coosntly afteri ti at it and doing ti to get iti doen as fastas y oucan! Tink fo thth
ony land ndo thth ony layn ngith now ofcus o nthth only now. Hwo ot get pr nad be working ndan ny
git htowrdsit fast. This is memrgency nand urgenncy now. N be itnesnne nand seriso uabotu ti.
- Wokr on ti dany ngith to get ti doen and finsh ti of fast as afast as y ucan!
get after oit and do it and get ti done
- prep all the documents get all the docuemtns ready and prepared soo thth yo ucn apply at a moments
notice! Work on ti oconcstl ocntsiuly be doing ti wnand wrokgin o nti to do ti and to et t iodne
-Just do thsi mcu hfocus on t adn geti tiodne as fast as yo ucan waht to odo today lets do thsi jsut do
thsi mu hfocsu o nthsi mcu hadn d oit roperly adn geiti oden.! focsu dthsi mcu hthtis thign ony ladn
do ti and geti tiodne ! work on ti to do ti and to geti tidoen adn to finsi ht iof!
- Get after it accelerate it and do i t and geiti doen tth is keep o ndoig nt ocsntnyl indoer to fisnh ti off
fast thh siaccelerae teh progress adnve the rpogrees towrs yoru gal andn get hthe thigsn doen ro
kdoen fat st be sriosu aboutti stay focused o nit adn do ti and be cosntyl atit iadn doing ti geit iodne
as fastas yo ucan! Work o nti fast cosontl ocsnitusl waste nto a min not eve naisngel mind I norder ot
speed up the progress accelaret the rpogers of the work to geit ti odne fast andnachhve rugaol.
- itsn o t odne till tis done go getttoti done fast do ot ifast! quick to odit nad to gei tiodne! dotn wast
tie md o it fast do it quci kdo ti urgently! andn quickly! go for it and d o ti fast! get iti doen fast! go
nadn geti tidoen fast befoer oyu lose theh cahen nadn ioprtuntiy d oti fast adn then heisi fast nand
quci kadn n cocosntly at ti ti doadn didoign ti to geit itodne!
- Dontwaste your tie mdoign toerhh tigsnbe coostnyl at it iasay not to oterh htigsn keep on doign ti
give all your item t ot itto geti tiodneAsfast as y ou can
- yo need t owork dayn n igth to acccelrat teh progerss nto waste time , get tigsn doen fast wrok day
nngith to geti ti odne fast! work coocnstly ot getiti odne fast as fast as yucan!
-be coosntly tat it ion ti keep workign o nt icoocsntyl steadfstly inroder to advance march progress
towrs it to ge it idoen get yoru work doen thgsi ndoe nt oahchve ur ogals asfast as y oucan dotn waste
tie m be ocosntly odign ti donet waste a sec doign otehrhitngs give all yoru tim to it to do ti and to
geti tiodne! as fast as yo ucan at a faster speedier rate and napce.
- be cocosntly at it icocsntusly steadfastly nosntop odign ti to od it and geti itdoen to marc advnace
maek progres towrds it gkee po n doign ti goign for it, goig nafetr ii rersiti determeidn effrot, to do it
and geit itodne!b e ocostnyl at it and doing ti.
- take oyur ite m o it righ do ti proeprly and hoguthfully if oy ujsut do ti for hte sake o doing it and
gettign ti doen adn nt care abotu if its proepr ly de nro nt and yo urush up maek haste the n u maek
mistakes nnad hten the effrt is fultei ans u dotn et htei desred otucome and nresutl soo do it well do it
perely and proeprly.
- you need ot doi t proely thht is thoguthfully knw owhat otodan waht u uare odign o ut hther dotn
maek haste shaste is waste focus o ndign ti prorpely d ti right! take ur item ad ndo it right work
cosntnly ocnsitustly steadfastly nadn d od i tright eprfectlyann proeply wit hout mistakesn and
- i am alread late i ishoudl ahve done this thign last year i made a msitake and we cant afford ot amek
the same msitake again we ned to work on ti be srisou instesne nonot waste teime be fast aspepd up
and ndo it and to get ti done, wrap it up knock it off work on ti march advanece towrds ti be seriso
uadn nsicennre abotu it determeidnadn focus on ti and keep io ndoign t iwrok on ti t to d it and to gei
tiodenasfast as yo ucan! ko awork on ti and gti doen with it be sertn and nistnesne andn do it and
work o nti to do ti and to geti tidoen and wrap it up ad nfisni hti off. qucik hurry up do it fast work o
nti t do ti ad t oget iti doen as fast as y ou can pososibly can! therh si no tiem to waaste now do ti to
gei tiodne! It has to eb doen be detemriend and stern and winstnen sand wrok on ti keep woktirng o
ntit to od ti and to eti iodne not waste tiem! Wor kon it cocsntly t ofod ti and ngeiti idoen as fast as y
oucan yo ushud have gotten this thing doen last year yo aure laredy behid ntiem! U need ot womaek
up for it so leave everyithg else alside all nsensen ical menaignelss thigs and work o n it to od it and to
geit tiodne! Be serisou sisicne do only thth what si imp odnt waste tiem I nrubbsih doing unim tpgsin
and get seriso uadn nseice mean biuseisnnand do it nad ngeti itodne as fast as you can psosobily can.
-you need ot get afetr it iadn do tiand get iti doen as fast as yo ucan possoibly can ocne nadn for all!
ko knock it off, try hahrd work har dd ne daown ad nt woto ogo thht si finsi thhe work get it ioen wro
kdayn n ght nosnetno padn geti ti odne fisnh it ofo knock i t offo rtry ahrdn and gettiidoe nbe
dtermmeidn to od ti and geti tiodne detmedn instnesn effort unbusigign ster istnnse te effr t ood it
and to get iti odne as fast as y oucan !ad nfisnh ti off!
- Just work n o nti you need ot owrk on ti to od ti and to geti ti odne once and for all!to fisnh ti offand
to get it odne! ocentis doen tis done its cempeteed then yo uare relvied nadn freeto do waht oyuwant
y un o logner hwhave to thin kwrorry or baotehr abotu ti yo uare mreo sercre feel mroe steady happy
nadn secure y uacn relax and lay back a bit before thath y uo ueend to work ahrd strive thin kan wry
abtout it dany ngith be o nyoru toes stres over it, and tae k pais nnad stress and astrie to od t an d get
ti one dand focus o nti and do thth ony lscorifce nadn leaveeeryhtignelse aside it comes at a cost, to
gai nsoemthign you avehe to ive up lsoe nadn sacrifice soemthign i nflei, causeu u onyl ahveso mcu
htiem bind chain devtoe urslef to it adn focus on ti and do tth only oncsntly ndn a siocalte
yorusefland nfkeep o ndoign ti do thth onyl to do ti adn t get tiodne ocne and for all!
- do what oy ucan do whats needed nad nndecessary what needs to be oden to achvhe ur goal and
achhve what u want I n lfei. Know hah toy uwant and knw figure ou t thin kad ndeicide gai nknweldge
and know what u need ot do ot get what u want and go about ahcivgn it .
- ntohgi ncomse for frees or easily or for free yo uahve to work ahrd strie take paisnadn effortsnadn
strggle, to get it and achve it, soo work doayn n gith ocnstly to od ita ttainit geti tidoen what needso t
be doen t oahchve r aols! Be detmemriend to t take pais nadn efforts strie psuh yorusel to the limit
the extra mile to do ti and get itiodenando ahche ur gaol. Be determiedn to take ais andn effort tost
break thtorugh the brraers andn obstacles to ahcve r ugaol and taiain what u want t to achve r attain.
-keep workign o nt iadn doign ti be oocsntly at ti and doign ti to do ti and t o geti tiodne ocne nad for
all!jsu get oden wit hit! ocne its doen its dont e the n udotn ave to wrry abtu ti oy uare fre relved adn
yo ucan ralexand lay back and nenoy nad youdot naheve to otstrive hth mcu hten! strive now to get ti
doen and realx later o n ocen its doen adn uare fre then isnteadfo relxign now adn n to gettign ti
oden and the nretgtetrritgn later adn sufferign later for n to achivng rugoalS!
- wokr onstisuly be cocosntly after iti t take paisn and efforts nadn strggulel and strive nwo do waht
ever ti tkaes what t isncesary to ahche waht u want n then rela x leater on!
-keep at iti keep on chippign tood it nad nto gei tioden keep on wokrign o nti nonstop ocmnsiusl kep
on gn yoru wrok, to od it and to get i itdoen syo ushould keep on dign your wok keep o ntakign actio
nadndoign yoruwrok to do ti nadtogeit iodne!
-Dont waste uru tie m u have onyl 18 horus a day you nned to givea ll yoru tie mto our wrok to
gethgisn doe nwrok doen t o advance quickly to oyut r goal keep o ndoig nyoru wrok to git itodne afst
- dont stop doign ti give al lyour it mt otoyur work dot nawast t e a sec tdign torhtigsn be oocnstly
owrkign to make progress march advncen quickly to getting the work done fianh nad coampelted nad
nreahc ur goal fast nadn qucik uneed ot be fast nadn qucik get work doen fast and nqucik work logn
horus dayn ngith cosntoislu y to acceltatre and n davncethe rpogres fo oyrue wrok to e titione fast
soo h huacdhhche ur goals faster get work doen at a aster i nrecordspeedn adn time by ococnstly odig
t and wkrign on ti!
- if it ahs nto happen the nit can happen a smart person does his thign before nadn doens wait fo r hte
last moemtn soo be qucik hurry up and do it fast! what prpepapration sh ave y uamde aciotns ahe yo
yu taken inrdooer ot aovud htht eventuality from ahpenig fi yo udotn thehn thehr will eb floods
everyhtign wil be ruined then!a samrt eprson doesnt wait for the flood ot happen a smart eprosn
doeshsi prearpaiton befre teh flod arrives. causeu he is afrd waht iif f hte flood arrives.
- if it ahs nto happen the nit can happen a smart person does his thign before nadn doens wait fo r hte
last moemtn soo be qucik hurry up and do it fast! what prpepapration sh ave y uamde aciotns ahe yo
yu taken inrdooer ot aovud htht eventuality from ahpenig fi yo udotn thehn thehr will eb floods
everyhtign wil be ruined then!a samrt eprson doesnt wait for the flood ot happen a smart eprosn
doeshsi prearpaiton befre teh flod arrives. causeu he is afrd waht iif f hte flood arrives. wht
arrangements and npreoaprtison have you made incase thehr are floods, i am tlakig nabotu the
arrangements for the flood, the warnign signals are already therh and coming dotn wait
of rthe last moemnt strt now prepare now do it nwo onyl get it idoen adn be freee adn ndoen wit ti
dotn wait til the end get ti doen early and nafast get aftert it and get it doen and then yo uare ree
nadn relved if oyu keep it for hte end anyhting wrong can happen so oododnt wait o ti now take acito
nnow, causeu ifoy urwat y ulsoe tiemand anyhtgi ncan go worng an u lose the cahcen and opporutniy
then, teh floods should no arrive be on yor utoses for all ennvenualtiy nadn perpapered dot wait of
hte last end mement, do advance palnngi nt ostop it take rugennt evasive action do adnvace pallign t
op rvnet hth evnetuality form ahppening, make veryhtign i nadnvcae take fast quick urenngt
rpevnntiave actio o n before anyhtign happens! be rppearped i nadvance! for a l elvnaualites thth si
doent be cosmaplcentn anddont rest nadn reax or be loose and liennt be tight and highyl regualted
and nconsdergn thigns not ignorign thgisn be particaular about ti thsi i s nto the tie mt oraelx thsi is
the time to takce acito nt odo ti to avid the evnuatltiy prabily fro mahppign feel fear stounlyg nadn
take fast qucik urgent prnvnetive action, you need t o check everyhtign again and again
take fast quci kurgnet action tiem si impornarnt, hwo much tiem yo utae k to get thigsn doen si imp,
taek ful itnenst in it be tkake proactive action, inrodoeor ot prenventn and stop it thin kwhath to od
waht actio nt otake to prvneth th proaboity nadn evantualty we needt ot think ahed think for hte
fuuutern adn tak e actio naccordingyl, revntive action, t ostotp it we nned to thin kaehd to stop it we
need to take prvent it ne nnw ways andn measures methtods i am thinkign htht we have to odo stud y
htth why it doesnt happe and so n take evasiveaction, maek arrangemetns for mteh strat nadn
before, do ti fast get it idoen fast! do it now right now take fst n quik actin.
- keep on chippign strivign doign it be afteri i t and nkeep ait ti eprpsiti nadn be after iti to od it and to
geti ti dne!get aer it take actio nwor k ahrd strive to do tiand to getii tone as afast as yo ucan!
- keep on chippign strivign doign it be afteri i t and nkeep ait ti eprpsiti nadn be after iti to od it and to
geti ti dne! get aer it take actio nwor k ahrd strive to do tiand to getii tone as afast as yo ucan!
you need ot ofcus on ti thth si nto get ditractedn adn diverted haehre nadn therh say no to everythgi
nelse, be fosu on ti and o ti andgetit iodne, thth is stic kto it , get after it adn keep after it purseu it, be
ococsntly after ti adn do ti adn geti toden!
- keep on chippign andtkaign actio nadn cosnly consituly workign on ti adn doign ti t odo ti and to gti
iodne! kee pat it ibe afteriti and cosntly be dogin ti nonstp with otu stppign to do ti and to get it done!
- so othehr are ow thgisn to do nwo elest wor kon ti adn doti adn geiti odne keep workign o nt
ioosntyl to do ti and to geti iodne be ocsntisl y at ti cipign t o egti doe nt obreak throguh detmemrend
effrot deotemeid nt owork ahrdn adn breka thorugh one dow to w o ogo , keep wokrign o nt ikee patit
ibe bco sntosil at it it nonstop doign it adn fter it to gtit iodne be ighy lrpodcucitve get a lt of owrk
doen be coosntly cosntosuly at it iadn chippignand doidnt i afeter it get after t cahrge afterit get after
ti psureu it get after ti ad keeep p at it adn doign ti kee p odnoig waht oy uare odign eprpsti and not
give up t od it nad to gtiti odne! stay after it i t odo ti ad t oget it idone! keep o nstriivgn tth si atiti to
od it and ot ogtiti odne! nevenr give up adn keep a it iand doign it determeidn aeffort ot odo ti adn to
geiti odne and fisnh ti off!
- if oy ucna od soemthign hne u cna do it now nto keep it for later on yo uownt be able to odit laer
on! it will bre 1000 tiem more harder than ti is nwo if oy ukeep it for later o nsoo wor kdy n nigt logn
hours and do ti fast get it idoen as fast andn quick as yo ucan you cnat do all thsi later on if oy ulose
htis cahecn and opportuntiy hten its gone , yo uneed ot ood ti at ttt tiem oly not keep it for later on
work on it nad o di tnadn fisnh it off once nandfor all!
-taek it for doign ti work o nti andn do ti and geti ti odne now once nadn for all dont keep it forlater
on yo uave ot getthsi thign doen now as ast as yo ucan te mroe oy uwait the slower o uwrok the mroe
time oy utkae the ahrder tis gign o et to geti ti odne soo befast and do it now whe u have the chacne
and the pportintiy thee logner toyu teka the more time yu tlae te lesser wil l be the chacen nad
nopportuntiy! Nw is the chacen nad opporutiy nadn tiem to od it dotn lose it dotn wait, don t work
slow nad waste tiem or wati thinking toy uhave plenty of itme, yo udotn have pleanty of time, the
logner you wait the harder it will get and nto the poit nthth it would eb impasosibel then later on so
ood it now , and work on ti be o noyur toes and naon the laert , and fear ful fo lossign the chaen oand
opprountiy and be spooked about it unnvered about ti and do ti and geti tiodne as fast as you can
pososibly can. And patiiualr anobut it not laidback lax losoe relaxed ingonroant not consreridng about
ti and ignoring thgisn take everytign itn oocosnidertiao nand prroepare accordingly and fee flear
sotirngly nadn tae k adereanlien rush and take fast quci kurngget action n to od it nad to geti tiodne.
- dotn waste you tiem be o nt he alert n and b esopooked dotn work slsowly andn loose tie m the
mreo tie m utteka to od it the lesser yoru chachce t oachvhe ur goals nadn get iti odne , the harder it
will be for oy uto ahchve r it and oy uwned upl soign the chance andn oporirnty yo uahve to get iti
doen now nadn geti ti oden as s fast as you can ,y o ucan wait and n deeelayand d oti later on or
postpone this si highy ly imp and criitcla and ncruciacla, “dot listen to what they say, ehty don’t know
anything about the process and they are talking” if oy uwait nadn delay andn do ti later on then it will
eb 1000 time harder it cnat be doen later on it will be harder impossoibel maltr on fi oy ucant do it
now then hwo will you do ti later on, you can do osmehtin only now when u are here later on ti will
be 1000 tiems harder, also odnt wro kslow nadn take a long tim e ot odit tiem is what u dotn have, if
oy utkea a logn tiem to od it by wokrign lslwoly at yo ur onw sweet pace, working on yl a few hoeurs a
day o nti and tkagn a lonoooong time to geti tiodne then the mro item you take the harder and
difficult t it will get, t ogetit ioden, andoyu lsoe the cahen and nopporutniy, tehn to odit nadn get
tione, soo be spooked worrid stresedfafrd nad no nyoru toesnand do it na d get itioden now! Dotn
keep it for later o nd oti ow it will be 1000 tiem sharder later o nadn impspsobel dot lsoe this cahcen
and opproitnty, tht u have,
-go in to the process be i nto the process you ened ot be in tiocosntl ny ot get out oftogh for mti caues
thent yo uforget and yo uare no logen in to ot it hten yo uforget andwha t uu eend to od hwo th e
process wroks and then its ahrder to get back or do ti and yo ucant do it hten cauese its nolo nger ther
in your midn adn yo uare out od f touch! for mti, thth si why u need ot keep urlsef i nteh procsees
keep ati ti and keep o doign ti, ocen yo utake a break stop oing ti and yo uare n logenr i nto it and out
of touch form ti oy uforget everyhtign then and then tis hard ot get back, as ot hwo the process works
and what u need otodo and soo o nsoo u needo tbe oni nteh oprcess ocsnntly! be odign ti!
-It as to be doen proeprly and nthoutfully not jsut for hte saek of getitign it doen haste is waste1
- u need ot keep at it iand keep o ndign ti to do ti nad to get itidoen! keep workign o nti t od ti adn to
geti tiodne!
-dont postpone or procratinie or keep it for lateron get i t done now
n dont work slw atyour own time taling ur own time to do it wor k on it coniusly n constnly n get it
dne asfas t as you can at a speedier faster rate n pace. the more you wait or the more time u take to
do it nget it ne the hrder is gonna get,.
- You need ot be cocosntly doign it nand workign on ti to doi t nad to get it done as fast as you can.
dotn stop dogin it nto vnen for a min or sec dotn waste tiem be oconstly at ti iadn doign ti nad
workign o nti to do it nad to geti ti done as fast as yo u can work on ti nonstop and for logn hours to
od itand to gti tiodne fast! at a faster rate nadn pace.

- you need ot owrk fast and wk r ocnsiotusly nadn wrok nlong horus nadn be cocosntly art ti iand
workign and doign ti indoer ot do ti as fast as yo ucan i nrecord speed atnd tiem nott waste tie mdoig
ntoehrtigns be cocosntly ocnstiuly odign tht onyl be cocosntly atit and doign ti to do it nad egetit i
doen fast1 soo thth u aren to stuck up o nti and oyu cnamvoe ahed ot oteh htigsn wrok nad achivng
otehrhgoalsand oyu re free nadn reivled ocne its doen adn yo uare asafe then, if oy utake to logn do it
slow, or procarstnate the chacnes of fialign lsoign opporurnties and cahcnes are heihger! soo work
coocsntl ocosntuly be att iandget t ioden fast and maek uelsef asafe, then ucna do what uu want nad
o uy are releived then! free then to od hwat u want tillthth nto relax be o nyor utoes worrie sd o nteh
alrert andn so on and dadrenalien and stressendn and soindgi tto odit nadn geit iodne! take effrt nadn
nenerygy spend effrot to doti and getit iodne fast!

- be o nyru toes aworriedadn arad and spooked abotu it and take fast quick urgentn andprevnetive
- yu needo to work fast wrok ocsntilsuy nosntio pwork long horus keep chippign akeep ati ti and doign
ti detmeriend fast insntse effrt to do tit adn to geti iodne asfast as yo ucan!
- The rate nadn apce a t whcih yo uget thigsn doen si im pyo ueedo tb e cwrokign cosntisuly and
ncosntly nd nad gt it idoen as fast as you can!
nadn KO thth si wrap it up one dow ntwo o go liek thth lets put thsi thign down to get a lot ofo worjk
dpne ad be rpeoucdcitve1

-u need ot b e seiros uno nosenn be fas t andn constinouisu inorder t oget oyur wrok odne keep i
nmidn wht your goal mison oyur objective misison is ot get the work done asfast as yo ucanso oo do
what oy ucna stay focused, beseirosu, beocosntly at it iodign it onosily nonstop odnt waste tie mget
ot owork fast be ococsntly workign andwrok f fast t oge thteh work doen as fast as oy ucan to fisnht
hte work as fast as yo ucan! tht hhsud be oyur goal to get al lteh work doen fast as fast as yo ucan
soo be detemred t o take pais nand effort wrok ahrd dayn nigth t oge th te wrok doen strife to get
thigns den wrok doen as fast as yo can.

You need to strive cocosntly be doign ti and workign on ti to do ti and get iti odne! as fast as y ucan
ththsi be willign t owork hard detmeriend ot psuh yorsel no stop no matter hw o ahrd it gets be
detemred to work hard try ahrd endavrou go thorugh ti psuh yoruself put ursle thorughthe tsress
andn apis nt ood it and to get it oden ads fast as yo ucan

wel l you have ot slog nadn work ahtrd thsi one year i mean thigsn dotn happen jsut lie kthth be
seisou instnene nosnsene to the poit nn to wastign itme driect and work ahrd slog for htsi one year!
teh nyo ucan let go an nrealx.. if oy udotn take acito nn ow and get thigsn oden no w andn take
eintsnee experem me effrot try ahrd and nwrok ahrd now hten n othign will ahpepen thsi is sthe last
cahne everythign will eb a waste then i f oy udont wor kahrd now and taek actio nt oget htigs dnone
now hten its all a waste nadn u lose all lchacne s nadn ooportutnes i tehn!soo stay up all nigh all day
be ccosnlt afeter it bget seriso uand instnesn and work ahrd nadn get after it to od it nad geti tiodne.

-Be serisou no nsneesn stright and menaign busiesness! dotn wast etie meennrgy effrot in useless
nosnsen andmemanginelss thigsn ucenssary thigsn!

-you ned to eb fast get ti oden fast as fat as yo uposoibly acan take fast quci kadn urnget action to
geti tidoen doentwati and work on ti day nn gith t oodit nad to geit iodne fast

-be fast take actio nteh goal is t o get yur work doen a s fast as yo ucan, keep thth goal nad
nobejctieve I nmidn.

-Do ti fast work o nt idayn n gith the goal is not only to get hthe work doen but to get it doen fast! Keep
tht I nmidn th his the goal everything oyu do sould relvel around thth for htht reason t oget the work
doen and get itidoen as fast as you can ,working nfast nto wasting tiem, owkrig nfdnyn igth logn horus
etc.. wrokig nahrd eb ocosntlyat ti iand odign ti all this is to not just get the speidng energy
owrkin hardn and getting thework doen fas epifng enery nto jstu to get the work done but giti ot doen
fast. Everything yo uod working long horus dany ngith wrkng hsard tkaign effrt neenrgy is to get oyur
wor k doen and geti iodne fast asfastas you can be sieorisi u baotu it and siienr to odit nad ot gei tiodne

we odn hahve time be fast work hard dany n gith afor logn horus thth s is a very critiacla cruual
eemrgency nadn urgent satege now if oy umaek one mistake u are screwed its lie ktht hhths causu u
dotn ahve tiem, one msitake one or two montsh if oyu los then uare fucked hth si why ake actio n to et
thigsn doe nwork doen fast wrok dany n giht yo ucant affrd to maek mstiakes adn effrots be alert to ame
ti happen! u arei n a criaitlca stage wherei n yo udotn ahve time one msitake nad oy uare gone! hhts
hwy be stiosu dotn waste tie mwork logn horus dayn ngith t oget higsn doen wrok doen t oahchve ur
oals!be laert be cautiosu and so on be soppekdn nan d o nyou r otes! u can t affrd ot maek msitakes out
hehr is t s curical and iirtalc astage now soo r super hard now.

u dont ahve tiem u need ot get higsn odne fast and ucant affrd to wast tie minto nosen hign s odne only
imp thgisn no nseoseneand be siosu meakign actio nn buseisenn and take actio ntake fast quci kurgent
acito n serisous n o nesn nand maenign buseisne n r h rad be determeid ntake pais nadn effrts nadn KO
get ti odne take actio n oget h it doen and achvhe ur goals! take fast quci kistnen se seriso uurgetn acio n
n osen t ogethigsn doen wrok doen to ahhve ur ogals! dotn be stsntgent ndoign othgi nbe n the move, i
nmotio naking acito nt ogeth igsn doen t oachhve ur ogals thth epriod of thinkgi nadn reserchign figurign
otu whto tood is iover now its tiem t odo thigs ntae k ciot n execute be i nmatio ntry hard toi lwork hard
dany ngith t ogeth igsn doen t oahchve ur ogals

if u can do somethingu can do smethng rght now while are here spoo tae fast quik urgent action to
get thigs dnewake up and smeel the coffetake aciton wake up adn get ot owork to get higns doen and
wrok doen o ahchve ur ogals!
U need to keep o ndoignti cocsntly nonstop andworkign on ti to do it and to getiti done! As fast as u

-thsi is a very diffcutl carucial adn nciritalc tiem tis tiem ot be no nsnen and stright up and serosu and
meanign buseisnsn ! thth si totalyl no nsosnse nto waste tie mi n unimp thgisn adn distracions if oy u
wlsoe tiem hen uare fucked nowtis tiem to take quick fast and nurgent action now! to get higsn doen
work done toahchve urgoals! its tiem to be fast nwo adn isntsetes if u mess this up u are gone if
thigns og wrogn even a little bi t hre n ntherh the nuare fuked up basically! its tiem to get seriso un o
nsnsn n o t waste itme in ucenssary thgisn nsoen thigsn adndistracitosn anddiversio nds and be
totoaly serisou hsi si lie ka critiacla nadn cricual moemtn now! otherh wise u uwil eb fucked! Amrne
kaa tiem aaa aya hai BC eerythgi nsi going donw!

- you need ot be coosntl at it ibe ocosntly wrkign at it iadn doign ti t oget tgsn doen wrok doen to
achve ur goals nossntop jsut keep at t ikee doig noyur work htth si , eep o nworkg ncosntly nostnp
dotn waste even a mn adn dot nstop wrkign be cocsntly a it iyo should keep on dgn your work, keep
dogn your work to get htgsn doen wrok doen work shoud lgo on cocnslus nosntop keep at ti iocnstly
at it iadn doign ti to get tgis ndoen adn wor doen to achve ur goal, kee pat it iand dig nti roto o ti and
to get it idoen kee ptryign stribingnad os on!keep doign yur work your karma the rest wil
lautomatically happen!fi oy ukee pdoign yoru work yo uwill obviosu l get hte workd oden thgsi ndoe
nadn get t ihte results so oyu should make sure lyp ukeep o doign your work nosntosp, kaam karat
rahi cha hth si be coosntly nosntop be doign yoru work, the novbiovusly hte work will get doen and oy
uwil ge thte reslts soo maek sure yo uare ococnstl y wrokgn osnto nand nto wastign time!Jst se to it
ensure make sure htth u keep wokin karma yogi thh si keep o ndoign yoru work the rest
automatically will aheepnd the work will get the doen the results will eb achved dotn wrr botu tthth ,
ad long as yo use to ti and maek sure tth u kep on doing yoru karam th is work then you will get hteh
resutsl and outocems andn cocnstly owrkig nthth si nosntp not waste tiem and kee pat it I keep o
ndoign ti… osnstop trintg taking ffrot nadn coocsntly workgn to get hgisn doen and work doen to
ahhcve uogals then you will automatically the the reustl the fruit he rewrd h e outome and the get the
work done. But if oy ustop if oy udot nwro kcosntisuly if oy ustop workg nand striving and dign ti and
taking aiot nthe nyo uwont get things doen and then o uwotn achve ruresutls soo u just need ot make
sure hth u keep o ndoig nyoru work.As u lon g as you keep ndoign yur wok maek usre oy ukep
working nkee p odign thgis nkeep triyngat iti you are ien the day oy ustop wrkin u are ucked.
Ausehthe nwork wil lnt oget oden and oy udot nachve the goals nadn reustls hten as long as you make
sure oyu are cnstly doing yoru wrok and trying and at t it the nyo uare secre and fien .

-karma yogi

-a perso wo keep on triygn eeps ait i t and keep s o ndign si wok adn then everyhtign resutls
automatically happen yo ujsut need ot wrry abotu doign oyur wrok, as logn as u kep o n workig
ntryign at it i dig nt iyo uare fine! as logn as u unusre yo uar keep on doign ti yo uar fine! Just keep o
ndoign yoru thing and the results wil lautomaticall happen. If you stop wrkign they wont happen. Dot
nwrry botu the results worry about not working causeu if oy udont work then you wont get results.
Tis lei kthth.
-keep o ndoign yoru work, kaam akrat rahi cah thth is unee ot keep o ntaking acito nmovign and so
on, i ncmotion keep o ntryign hardnadn so on keep at it and doign ti and eprfromign aioctn nad hte
reuslts wil ahppen automaitcall patiently, not worry about reutls jstu worry about workg ncocosntly
nostnop wrry about not wrkgn or stoppig te work, orwastign time nad oso n, wrr y bout thth, wrrry
botu nto takign aciotn casue if oy uare not workgn or takign acito naor stop worig nteh nu ahsud be
wrried cause then the profgerss sos p hten work wil nto get doen and hen yo uwont achvhe rht resutls
... soo cocsntly keep wokirng tthswht u shud seee wht u hsud maek sure htth uar ococnstly wrking if
oy uare workign as logn as u are coocsntly taking acito nto geth igsn doen t o ahchve rugoals nadn
ahcive wht u want uar ifne the day u sto p workg nadn tkaign acito nthen yo uare i ntrouble
cause hten work wil nt oget doen and thigsn wil nt oget toden an d yo uwotn achhve resutls. soo
strive! Apl a kaam akrat rahicah keep o ndoig nyoru wor k thth is . ke the owrk on goign be coosntly t
it iand doig nt ito d oti and to geit iodne as logn as u uensure htth u keep o ndoi noru wokr yo uwil
lautomaitcaly gth ehreustls, soo dotn wrry bot the resutls wrry abotu nto workign. or nto tkaign
aciton. Be coosntly at it iand doing ti to geti itoden as logn as u uensure hth uare fine! U need ot
coocsntly kee pdoign your thing as logn as u are ocosntly at iti and doignti wy aur rer fine cocsntl
ykaingactio nadn wokrign tochhve ur goal you are fine! As logn asu uensure th u dotn waste tie mand
you are coocsntly at it iadn doing ur work uare fine cause the nyo uwil lget higsn doen and achve the
results you dotn have towrry about the results wrry about make sure hth uare ocosntly workifgn and
taking acito nadn doing thgsin, cocsntly a it iadn d oign ti to geiti odne, nonstop don’t so p even for a
min get after it and kepe pon doing ti and kee pat it cocsntly nostnop, if oy ustop taking acito ad
nworkgn the nyo uwont get thgisn doen and ahchve he reslts.

-you need ot be workign cosontly nosnto pdayn ngith nad fast for long hurs iorder to get hgsn doen
and work done and achhve ur goals!

-you neend to beoccostly be workign nonstop inorder ot oget htigsn oden wrok doen fast at a rfaster
rate and npace tandahcve urgoal fast

-yo uave t o od everhitng fast get everyhtig ndoe nfast before yo udiw e yo udotn ave tiem1

-you ahve limted tiem onyl 18 horus a day dotn waste your tme doig nunim pthgsin ucnessarythgsn
give lal your tie mto oyur work ot gethigsn odewn wrok done fast say n oto otehrhtigsn

-yu need otbe ocosntly atiti workig nanddoign ti nosntop ot od it and fgeti itodne afst nn wrap it up
thht si ko get the task doen and wrok done fast

-stay fcosued on ti n odistractiosn nad diversions, focus o nti keep o nworkign o nt iadn doing t it
nonstop to geit itodne fast

-yu need ot be ocsntly atit inosneotp and doign ti indoer to odo ti and fget it idoen as fast ans yo ucan
strive try ahrd tkae paisn and effortsnandn acito n to od it na dto geet it iodne tae k discomfort
struggle work ahrd be wilig nto totake apsi nandeffrts to od itand to get itidoen

-learnt otake pais effrts andn wor k ahrd try hard leave n ostoen untruend i nteh pursuit of it get after
ti adn go after it!
-yo uenedo tbe ocstl owrkign dsicomftrt takie pais nadn efffrst adn stiivng to ge the work doen b e
iwllgi nt ogo thrugh the rridn the stress th pais nanddsicomfrt to gethgisn doe nand work doen t
oachvhe ru gaosl!

-nto be averseto ahrd work be willgi nto takeapi nsn andeffrts nadn struggle to get htigsn doen
andwor kdone to ahcve ur agosl1

-thehrsi nsoos mcu hfo work ot o d whe nt cosem to achvign ru gaosl thth if u dotn work ocsntisuly
and if oy uare nto takgn apsi nandeffrts adn dispcomrt and strruggles ae andtriyng ahrd and doign ti
occsntly nosntp u wil lget nohtign doen yo uowwnt get any work doen adn if oy udotn get thsgi ndoe
nwrok doen then oy ucnat ahcve urgaosl!

-you need ot be coocsntly at it it and ndoign t inostop takgn paisn andeffrts to finsht hte taks to do ti
andto geti tiodne yo uget ony l18 horus a day soo give all yoru time to ti to doti and to get tiodne

-what matters is beng wfast enogu ht oexecute it taek fast quick prompt andn urgetn aciton, u neeed
ot be asfst and nd ot lose the opportuntiy dotn tnae too mcuh tiem be at nad nquic kget ti oen fast
and if oy utake too mc htiem to geti tiodne or if yo uwaste tiem teh nyou lose oporuntity execute it
fast and geti tiodndony waste tiem keep o ndoign ti and workgn o nti o do it and get it ioen fast!
u need ot be ocosntly at it iadn ccosntly workgn t ogeti tiodne fast a fast as yo ucan so othth ui
nrecord speed nad ntiem so thh u odnt lose iopporinttiy

you ahve limted tiem onyl 18 horus a day dotn waste your tme doig nunim pthgsin ucnessarythgsn
give lal your tie mto oyur work ot gethigsn odewn wrok done fast say n oto otehrhtigsn

taek action fast nadn wquick soo hth u dotn msis out he oppeortuntiy!

-“te h gal is nto jsut to ge hthe owrk doen but t o geti tiodne fast as fast as yo ucan adhe goalsi no jsut
to get the work do ne but to eget i tidoen properly, not jstudo it for the saek of doing ati and get iodne
nad e distance form it or aloof nad wawy for mt ibe fully toltaly I nto it maek srue u do ti right get it
idone proreply be totoly highly fully iiveld I nto it to get iti done right”

i thik perspective the way yo uloo kat iti is imp, is very imp you hsouldnt see it as a burde n tht si
soemthign tht i yo uhave ot od for eg sayign tgisn lie k why od oi have towork? i wis i was a bilioanre
thth n i wundt haveto owrk, or sayign thgisn liek why do oi have to od all thtis hth is go through this
process foapplyign fora pr wh idint i have a PR for mbirthtifo yu think thth wa hten yo uwil l hate to
od it an be averse to odignti ad disliek oign ti and yo uwill not be able to get yorusefl out ofhte bed
you will be low energy less, and ahte to do ti, isntead see it as an oopporutnty then yo uwill be ahppy,
thht u agot htsi wooportuntiy t owork htt oy ugo t thsi job thth thth tehy seelscted you adn gave yo
thsi ooporutntiy to work htth yo uave htsi oportuntiy to apply or PR see it as an opprotuntiy and
cahcne tth way y u wuill eb exicited overoyednad ovrborad hth ugo th thsi cahcen and opporutnity
and thenyou will be eager ot od it a nd make hte msotfo the chaennad opportuntiy and not lose it or
missiout on the hcaneand pportutntiy adn then yo uwil be easger ththsi take qucik rpomt urgen acti
nto maek cvnert the oprrporntity and nt lose the oportnty and nchacen thht s been give to you for the
fearof msising out on the chacen and losign teh cahcen and oporutnity thth s given to u. n then yo
uwill go otseize the opporitny nadn maek te mst fo it and be ahppy nenrgticna dpsptoive thth u
exicited verjoyedhth u got hth sichaancenad opproutntiy nad work to seiize it and maek the msot of
it! work fast day n igth to maek the ost of hte chacen and opportntythhts given to yu and to seixze het
eoportunity, you wont get the is cahae or the opporuttiy agains oo siee it make the most o ti.
Wor kfast doti fast be excitied thht u have htsi opprotuntiy nad worf k fast , to seize the chac ne
adnthe opportuntiy nad not let it go! o r lose the cahce work ahrd dayn n gith to maek the msot of the

cahcen nad ht eo pportuntithths give nt ooyu dot nhtink liek tht hth why do ot iave to od this nad go
thr allthsi i wish thth i ahd a pr or was born with ti, thth qudh ae seved me the troulbe isntead thank
ogd thth u got this pportutny to apply for the pr and hte cahcne and seze it and maek the msot of it
awhat are yo udoign go after it fast and ndotn lose the cahce nadhte opportuntity

wor kfast logn orus dayn ngith to get tthe work doen fast to amek the most ofo the oporurtny and
seie ti and not losethe cahcen andthe opporuttnty!
see itas a nopprotuntiy yor only nand alst cahen andso oon
and odwaht yo ucan strive taek effrt struggel apis nto maek hte msot of it endeavour to maek the
msot ofo ti

you needot be fast wor kfast work logn hours be qick and fast inorderto seize the opporutntiy nad
maek the msot of it!
and lot lose the chace nadn the oporutnity
bt thinkful and happ htth uahve the opprtunity nad greatful adn seize maek the mos t of it thtsi dotn
lose thechacen fearfo losign hete cachenceand opportnity tht is wor kda nn igth nad logn horus nadn
wrok fast to amek the most of the opporutntiythth u have.

See itas aan opporutntiy not as obgiation burden see tias a cahecne and seze the moemtn and the
cahecne not verse andn ahte to od it or kanala, leahtrgic low I nenenrgy saying why od it have to
odothsi andso on and avrse nto eager willig ntt oodo ti be willgi neage r to odit and and s oo n and d
oit fast rugenlty before oyu lose the opproutntiy t andn cahcen htsi is like gold this is the chance nad
opportitny, the golden opporuttnyi nand chance. Work fast dtn waste item owkr dayn n igth to size it
before oyu lsoe it .

u needoteb quick tth si be o na msioos nbe n o nseoen take at quick promt and urgent actio nt oget
hgisn doe nadn wro kdoen t oahve ur goals.

hae no fear and ngo ahed go ofrti nto el fear stop you dotn be afrd and nscared i am wathcighn yoru
back, god is thehre to support you
and back yo uup no fears adn worries go for it
take fast quick prompt urgent acito nt ogeth tgisn doen

u needot ahe asenesnhigh ssenfe of urgency t geth igsn odenas iif oy uondth have much time nadn if
oy udotn get iti doen yo uarefuked! Ru nas ii htehr is a dogafter oyu
yo uneedo to work dfast do things facst andn promptly and immdiitateyl take be fast take fast quick
prompt nadn urgent action nt oget higsn doen get work doen fast!

you need to get htis htign doen fast i nthsi year itsel the PR and PNP
thth i s yoru goal focus o nthat!
you need to get htis htign doen fast i nthsi year itsel the PR and PNP
thth i s yoru goal focus o nthat!
ethehr hgo thr u the shaem or embarrsementoftkaign hsi help
or hte shem nadn enmbarresment fo goign back

“think wahtot and tkae a dcieion as to waht ot odo think ndeicide hwhaht t oo take a dicison and the
ntake action!
take a deiciso nthi kad ntaek dcieion as ot what otodo
adn take acit n fast and qcuikly ntth needs otbe taken!
and d oti !” and the ntake fast quci kprompt andn urgent action
know I nyru mid nwaht todo and what nto to od hth si be programemdand th ntaek fast quci kpromt
andn urgent action nt odo thgisn and to ge things doen1
dotn not wait for hteh last mement t odo othgsin
you need ot be fouscesdo n ti hth is keep o ndoig nthth ony ladn do tn do torhigns a
and yo ueed ot keep I nmid nwaht u uneed ot odo what our goal and miiso nis and not forget it ioy
uwil d ti only I ftis hehteri nyru mid nht avheu ht odo a certia nthgsi nso orememebr keep I nmeidn
what uenend to od , as k yourself remid nurslef what u need ot d wht work tgisn u needo to od wht
ur msiis n si so othth I nyoru mid n aure progremmd o na msiiso n thth u have to odo this tithsi si s
oyru misiso nadn o utake action athth si u are o na rrol ladn take fast quick prompt isnten detmred
acito tn odo oti and to et iiodne. Yu enendoto keep I nmindwhat u emend ot odo what oyur goal si
miiso nsi hawat wor k u need ot od and comcepte the tasksk yo uened ot odoadn ocmelte if it is
ntothehr I nyour mi nd then you wont do it.
Go totally inand fully in ot it to do ti an to get tiodne keep pyor

optoions open!
thin kadn dneicide what ot odo taek a cdeicison maek up your mid na
d nteh n taek action fast quic kprmpt urgentn action tooditand to oget

iti doen
do whath needso tbe doen to achvhe ur gaosl!

time to take ation!

get srisou ad n aek action!
on a masiison
keep i nmid waht need to be odign tth htigs work oy uenend ot od o
so th huremeeb r you need to coocsntly be htinkign abt thth only soo
th urememebr i oy dotn thin kabout tui t hw to od it hw to ocmspelte
ti what otoocemlte nad itifi its to therh i nyru mid n coosntly then
yo uont doit adn you wont take actio nt odado it !
u wil do it onyl ifi its on your mid and oonncslty hther i nyru mid
nthth uahve ot ood this htht is preprogremmd inyoru mid ntht is oyu
rmemeebr it keep it in your mid thh uhvaveo t do othsi task work or hu
have othachve thsi ogal soo keep our goal i nyur mid md keep i nmid
nwaht u uenend ot odo work u need oto do tasks u need ot odo think of
thh ony l dany nigth dayi nda out! ur midnshud be tootaly intoti tth
o ny lthin fk fo htht ony ladn nstay focusedo nti. if oy ureleve it
iagian andagian i ynoru midn nhitk f oti then utak actio nt ood it
and the noyu acn maek ur dstiny hapen! jstu by tccostnyl thinkgi nof
oti and onyl thht thign beign i nyoru mid ndayn ngiht, fi oy udotn
thin kf it hten n its not htheri nyoru mdi nthe n u forget abotu ti n
its cocosntly nto thehr i nyoru mdin uwotn take action or make it
ahppen, adn so ooy uwaot nachveh ti then. yo ucan maek destiny happen
by htinkgi nabotu t it havgi nony lth thign nyoru mdi nfocuseodn
nyru goal msisio nand what work thgisn yo uenen ot od thinkign fo tht
ony l dany ngith relveivng it i nyoru mid n aayn ngith for then when
its inyoru mid noy utake acito n if its nto theh i noyur mid nyo uwot
ntake actin to maek it hapen!

u need oto e highl detmereid t odo ti besrisou aboutit no nsnenadn take effrots to odoit! dnad
ahcheve ti adn not be afrd faerless nto be sercdnadn afrdof anythign fears tosp ur for mdogi ntiadn
you neend ot tkae rsik ahve nofear taek trsisks, fear fo socneseuqnesetc.. leave iti asde over riie yoru
fears knwoign thth no risk no rewrd and ahven o fear wahthshste worse htth anca happen fear fo the
cosequcens adn oso on. afear stops u fr modign ti have no fear, override th hferawahths the wrse thth
can happen , remend oysrlef n orisk n orewerdnad ntake rissk
ad n you need ot be ocusedo n tithth si keep oyur mid n o nt think fo th ony ldayn nith to maek it
happe nwhen u thin fo it and are ofucsedo n tht onl then y uand thth thing is nyur mid nddany nigth n
ueare i ntth ony lthinkign fo thth onyl as ot hw to maek t happen hten yu will aek actio nt ot amek it
be detemreidn to do ti!
bedetmereidn to od it and to get itidoen

all iiseus ar solved nwo its tiem or oyu to put urself otu thehr!
u knw hw oto oslve ur issues!
fast withotu wastign anytime

Its not just imp to get work doen is imp to get work doen fast the tiem yo utak e ot ogethgis ndoen si
very ery imp you cant wrok slow! U need ot get work doen fast do what oy ucan take extmrem effrt
work long hours dayn n igth to gethtigsn doen and work doen fast

Yo uneed ot be very straight forward nadn direct thth is nto have fear in your mind for mexpressign
yorusefl and n saying what oy uwant to say. Thad tha tad tha d be very strgith forward nadn direct, say
wht u feel I ni n your mid nno be ascrednand frd of any mone only then yo uwil eb albe to get htgsn
doen and work don’t ,if oy uare sfrd ot spark and oy uare nto straight forward nad ndirecththe nyo
uwotn b e albe ot bget anything or any work odne! Or move ahed I nlife. Be very stirght n ad direct not
only thth beign straight up ad n direct will maek things easier for oyu for eg if oyu like a girl and u are nt
oafrd and scred nadn u are straight up and rectly og tlel her hten it wil make I easier foor yu to be wit

The time factor:

-You get only 18 hours a day productive hours yo uahve limited tiem soo odnt waste tie mdoig nunim
pthgsi noterh tigsn unimp thgisn, give all your tie mto oyur work to get tghsi doen and work doen to
achve ur goals.
-You get only 18 hours a day you shoudl nto waste your item sleepinglzaign doing unimp thgsin thth will
brign you no benefit or gain, you need ot give all your item to oyur work and imp thgisn to get work and
imp things done. Othehr wise work and imp thgis nget left asidenand hten yo uahve no tiem to get work
oden and wro kis undone and then oy ucant achvhe ur gaosl.
- your item si limited oy uget on ly 18 horus a day soo sepnd oyur item wisely , be careful as to hwo u
spend oyur tim what oy ugive yoru tiem to, yo ushoud l only gie yoru tiem to work and imp thgis nt oget
work and imp thgis nodne to ahcheve urgaosl and achvhe theim pthgsin in life citiiritalca nad ncruaial
thgsin I nlfie nto waste itetm doing unim tpghsi nthen u have no tiem left ot od owork and im pthgis
nadn work and imp thgsi nget left aside nan unfifnshednand dn undone and sthen oy ucant achvhe ur
goals as u run out oofo tiem and oportuntiy nadn cahce. Oen tiem oges opperutny chance goes its gone
- yo ushoud lnt owatste yoru item yo ur tiem si limited , yo uneeedoto give ur tie mt owor ot imp thgsi
nt oget work and im othgsi ndoe nt oachveh our gaosland achveh the rciritcal curial andi mt gsi n inlfei
waste nto a min. or a secce every second counts.
- don’t waste tie mevery sce nad nmi nsi im padn counts once u lose tiem u will enevner geti ti back so
give all ur item to work ot get work and im thgsi ndoe nt oachveh r gaosl. Otehrwiseu uwil have no itm
el eft for work and imp thgisn wotn get doen and yo can t ahche urgaosl then .

-Tell em what ot odo and I wil ld oti you need ot knw who tot odo and how ot odo it thh si the skill I
ndoer to be able to odo ti have the knowledge whwtao ood and hwo oto todit.
- you should nto work slow u uneed ot work fast, to gethtigsn doe nwor kdone fast and ocen in record
speed rate nad ntiem casue item si imp, wrk ast work cosntosutly nonstop dayn n igth to get work doen
fast caseu long hours to get work doen fast as u need ot get work doen fast as tiem s imp and also ocne
u are odne with work and nfisnehd the uare free to have fu nadn do what oy uwant badn let loose but
during work tiem neeed to be srisosu n osnene n and menaign buseisn nadnso os n. nfollw oruels nad
nrelations and so on. you need to get oyur work doen fast at a faster speedier rate and pace.nto work
slowly or at your own pace ths isi cause oyur ime is limted soo u need o accepaltarte the rpogres and
nget work doen fast achveh ru gaosl at afaste speedier rate and pcae.
- yo uahve mlimted tiem uget only 18 horus a day limted lfie every sec is imp and coaunts tiem si prcisu
odnt waste you itr tie mur lfie doing uim otghsn hht will brign u no bebefit or gain gvei al lyoru tie mto
oyur wrok d toyur work to gethgis nodne work doen fast t oachhe rugaosl and to achveh th e im
pcrriitcal rucial thgis ni nlfie. Othehr wise u whave n otiem left ot o d work oand im thgsi and wrk and im
thgsi nreami naside n oy uru notu of thei madn oy ucant get wrok done imp thgsi ndoenadn you cant
achhve rugaosl, soo udnennartd the vlue of tiem and gie imte to wok and im pthgsi nonly don’t waste iti
dong unim p thgisn. Uelselless, dotn waste your life spend urlife or waste your teim tie msleepign
lazying, doing othign idling relaxing or doing unim tghsi ntth hwil brign u no bebeift or gai nyoru itu have
limted item give al lyoru tie mdirect focsue al lur item t oowrk to im pthgsi n t oeget work odne im pthgsi
ndoen to achhve ur oaglad na achvhe the cririatucl cruaitoa l imp things in lfie,
- to gethgsi ndoenadn work doen to achve your gaol.
- you have limrtd tiem yo ushoudl nt owast eyou tie msleepign lazing raleixng doing otehrhtigsn unim
pthgsi n, get u padn gtt ot owork t oget hgis ndoenwrok doen to achveh ru goasl giveal lyoru tie mto
your wrok t oget work doen to ahchhve ru oagals, once u ulose ite m uiwl never geti tiabck nad htn eu
relase u have n tiem left t odo work and do im pthgis n.
=- you have limted tiem uget ony l18 horus I an day you ir mtsi is the most im resource s so odon waste
it once u ulsoe tiem uiwll enver geti t I back eve nan secnad nmi nsi mp soo sepnd your tiem wisely give
all ur item to work and imp thgsi nt oget work and im pthgis ndone to achvhe urgoasl. Sodnt watset
sepdn tiem doig nunim tghsin, or dilaign odnt ign nothgi nslpeepgi nlerelaxing every mi nand sec
caosutn s gtt upa dn gt to owork give all yoru tiem to our work et og et wrok and im pthgsi ndone to
ahelp uauchve urgoalsan imp thgisn in life. Focus and diret al lur item t owor kadn im pthgis n uahevel
imtiid tiem don’t waste iti doig nunim p htigsn tht will nto gieuueve any mebebfit or gain or worn t hel
pyu I nany way. Youri tem is the most imp tgihi n uahve lited tiem soo dotn awste it, gve all ur tiem t
okwr and im thgsi nt oget work and im tghsi ndoe ntoerh wieset you run out o tie m uare left with no
item, to odo work dn aid mpthgsi nso o ucant get work and im pthgsi ndoe nsoo ucant achveh ru
gaoslandoson not only thth u dotn lvie form evr uahve to achvhe ur gaols adngethtisgn doen work done

-You need to do work ina timely manner its pointless if oy utak e too long to get work dne and things
done. Yo uant work as if oy uahve got endless teim, asi fi stiem simpl doesn’t exisittthht is at you r won
pace wasting tie mdoig notherhtigsn, working lonely a few horus and doig nwor kat you rr won set apce,
as fi I I thatkig neternity to do thgsin, as if tie msiemply sdoesnt exist , doig nt ienedlesely, taking ages to
get work doen you need ot ood work I na timely manener tie ms iimp, caesi fi its not done atthhe irrgth
ntime, the n uare fcuekd, whe n it needsot be oden or eg if oy uodtn get food or meoyn whn e uu need
it then u are fcuekd its msilar to thht if work doenst get doen at thhte right tie m aure fucked.
Or eg: if ou y have to go ot andormda and it takes 100 eyasr by thth tie mtu wll eb dead but if oyu can
maek the journey I none year then you can d something. Caeu u have tiem limit oy uliveo ny lfor 50
years say til 80 and u astrt out at 30.
-The concept of tiem tiem si an im pthgsi n ushud nto wate it..
-ur item si lmited u waste ite mdoig ntoerhtigns unim pthgsi and the n uare left with no item to od
- take pains n effrts n action, to get wrk dne
- give ll ur time tour wrk to get wrk dne n imp things done.

The concept fo tiem:

- U shud not waste ur time ver y min n sec is imp, n counts dnt waste even a single in doing unimp
things once u lose time u will never get it back learn to value time n learn the importance of
time give ur tme only to wrk n imp thngs n get serious bout it.
- Taek fast quci kregnt action nt ogethgisn doen work doen fast this si a raece against tiem have
concept of tiem, yo uened ot oget hgisn doen fast caseu uu dotn have tie mu dotn liveforever yo
uahve litmed tiem. U cant take agesn neneterntiy to aochveh ur goasl ad ngett ighsi nden
uneed ot have a snesne fo rurgnecy to get teveryhtign doen fast work doen fast as yo udotn live
forver tom oyu may fie u have lmteid tiem. Lfei si hort nad os on yo uahve to achveh
aeveryhtign fatst. Yo ucant take forver t ogethtgisn doen and do thgis neledlessly as yoif oy
uahve eternal enldes stie mforver ad n tiem doesn’t existi mfro you. As ifi oy uwil lvie forever.
Yo uneed othaveh th tfeear f ont ebig nable to oachvhe ur goasl and get wkr doen thh ffear fo
losign thgsi nopprorutntiy cheens lositng tiem and so on, and have hth sense of urgency to
gethgis ndoe nfast work oen everythgin doen fast take quci k immediate urgent prompt action
nt ogethigsn doen move fast and seiixie theh opprotutnity ad ngethgisn doen fast. Taek fas quci
kprompt urgent acito ntth si . for the fear of olsoign the cahce nad oporuttniy. Nto to lsoe
achahe nad aoprotunty take quci kacito nt ogain cahcen and pporuttntiy.
- You r ti me isi mp nto work soslowly as ifi oy uahve got endlesstei mwro kfast.
- Do hawrt you can wor klogn horus wor kcosntustly to get t thgis ndoe nwro k oden fast ata
faster rate an n apce. The spee at wih yo get work ode is imp, u need otget work doen fast nt
otake ages a long tiem t oget work doen the tiem I nwhci hyo ugt wok doen or take to get thgisn
doen si imp get wrok done fast at a faster rate and napce, cacepaltret the progress fo the work
wok logn hors wro kahrd adyn ngith to get work doen fast and I na shorer tie me sapn and
period. tn ottake a lot ofo tie mt oge thgisn doen work doen the tiem I nwhci hyo uget work
oden si imp oeorntn tiem si imp. Casue u dotn lvei forveru eennedot gethgsn doen fast achveh
urgoals fast at afaster rate nen adpscae, hth is pseerdier pace nt otake too long or very long
itemt odogethgisn doen ad nwork doen be fast and nqucik and peormpt.
- The speed and pace at whci hyo uget thgis ndoen and wrok done is imp u cant affrd ot take
endless tiem t ogethgis ndoen and work done aforever as fi itiem doesn’t exist for oyu.

The concept of tiem I cant figure it out, icant wrap my head around it and nderstnad it:
“you need to work hard to gethgisn doen wrok done”
“ you need ot otsy focused to gethigsn doen adnwork done”
I mean thsiis very clear, single and straight forwrd here the purpseo here is to get the wor k
odne and so o you d a certia nthing inroder ot get the work done.
But when it coems to time? What is the purpose?
Your tiem si limtieed you get only 18 horus a day soo Yo u hsold nto waste teime doing unimp
thgsn oy u should give al lyour tie mto oyur wrok and im pthgisn to get wor kdoen and imp thgis
Why yo ushoud lgive al lyoru tie mto our work and imp things What is the purpseo here? “to nto
waste teim t osave teim as time is limted?, to get wrok doneadn im pthgsi ndone fast or y ou
wnt have tie mleft for wrok? Or to maek prdocutve use fo youer time htat is utilize it”

- U nget ony l18 horus a day nadn dot nwatst eit be careful as yo hwo u spend yur item give al lyur
tiem to oyur work to gethgisn doen and work done fast at a faster trate and pace!
- Be determeid nadn driven to do ti and get it dorne fast yoru work doe nfast and prompt nadn
wqucik yo uneedo tbe fast and nquick!owrk a tat a afaster qciekr nadn speeder pace
detemrmed pace and rate

The time factor: -

- Spend yoru ti me wisely stay focued be foseud , dot nwaste tiem give all yru tiem to yoru work
to gethgisn doen and work done fast and quickly, you eget o nyl 18 horus a day, you need ot
give al lyoru tiem to oyur wrok to gethgisn doen and wor kdoen fast and qcik.
- You have limited tiem you get onl 18 hours a day so sepnd your tiem wisely and dont waste it!
gvei all yoru tiem to oyur work to gethtigsn oden wor k doenfast!
- Your item si limted and so otis os t precious and imprtatn thgis nadnresource u dotn live forever
soo don’t waste yoru item on nonse and unim pthgisn thth will beirng oyu no bnefit adngain
give yur itemonly to imp thgisn tthh will give u uebefit nadn gain seprperate the sensenform the
- U have limtie ditem yo udotn lvie for ever and u get only 18 horus prodctive hors a day soo be
careul as to hw oyo uspend our iet doentspend or waste yoru tiem in on unim pthgis nthth will
brign u no ebeft and gain sepnd ur tiem wisely give it to ony limp things htht will brign u bebeft
and gain. Speerate the sesen afor mte hsnsen the imp for mteh unimp . n the irgency o getting
thgsi doe nas yo ur time is limited.
- It would have been a diirnet hign if oyu lvied forever etermanlly and never got old then it mean t
htht u have plenty of tie mand u can take logn tiem to get htigsn doen work doen and aes to
ahhchve urgoals but hths notthe case only ecyo uknw hhtt ur mtiems limited o udotn live
forever and htht uaheto ahchve certia nthgsin only I na certia ntime limti then and yo uahve 18
horus a day then tiem beocemsan improtatn resorcue and soo as yoru item is limted yo ushoud l
be focusin only on imp thgisn give all yoru tiem on ly o imp things, not aste tei mdoig nunim
pthgis ntth hwill beirng u no bbeft and gia nadn I nsnonsnsne, give uur tiem t ocrticla crucai
lthgisn only, and yo uahve hhtsi urgency fo gttign wrok doen fast, to achhve ru goals fast as yo
uotn have tiem. Yo uened ot gethgisn doe nwrk doen fas and nachhve ur goasl fast. Tie msi an
imp resouerce U have limted item soo oy ucant affrd to wast teim, doig nnosnsnecial uslsu nim
pthgisn you need ot ofcsu oru tiem only to imp things give ur tiem t oim pthgsi nonly. And uneed
ot have the sens fo urgncy to gethigsn oden wro doen awuickyl as yo udotn live forever u need
ot ahchve rugaosl fastand uqick.
- You cant wro kdo thgisn as ifi o uahve endless tiem and tiem sis an illsio nand it simply doenst
exist, and o uwork slowly at oyur won pace, wastigntiem doing unim tgsi nadn working lsoewlly
oyu wnweed ot gethgis ndoen wor doe nfast. At a fast er quicker speedier rate nadn apce.
- Tiem is an improartn factor yo u need ot get wor k doen fast yo uneedot have hth sensne of
urgency of getting the wrk doen fast as fast a s y ou atrecord speed rate and pace this is cause
yo uanct be patient or affrd to wiat whe nti ocems to getting yoru wor k oden oy uneedo to
know wwhere to be paient nadn where n tot obe apietn, whn e it omes to achhving ur goals you
need patience t o stic kthorugh the process fo al lte work getting doen, thth si nto give up or give
uin, you need o have hists sensnfo rgency of getting yoru wor doen fast, so otake afsast qci
kpromt contisou focused dtemred urgent action nand effrt wor k ahrd ot gethgisn doe n wro
kdone fast ou needo tb cocosntly cocnsitusly nonstop working to get thgis ndoen and work
odne! Fast at a faster quick rate nadn apce.
- - you need ot oget oyur worj k doen fast, you get ony l18 horus a da y soo give all yoru tiem t oo
yur work t ogte the work doen fast dotn waste yor tiem, otehrh wise you wotn have any tiem
lieft to give to ourweork and y uwont get yoru work doen the daealty and then yo udotn achvhe
ur ogals.

Thre secnariosu or objectiee sehrhe why why do oy ueened to do this htthsi do only im pthgis nadn nt
owaste tiem, whts the reason , nto able ot undestnad the cocnep of tiem…
Why nto to wast tei mro what reason?
Acaseu tie msi limted
Or caseu yo uneedt oget wor kodne fast
Or caseu u need ot be making productive use of oyoru item.
M nto good wit htiem ths isi casue the cocnept of tiem I have never understotod it
Thths why I work as ifi therh is endlestie m and tiem soiply doenst exist for me!
As ifi iahve eternal time
Thth si I take my own tie mt ood thgis nadn gethtgis ndone wrk doen wsastign time ,doig notehrtigsn nto
ahveig na sense of urgecnym beign patient and calm, nto odig ntgsi wfast wasting tie mdoign unim
pthgsi nucenssary useless thgsi nadoso n. instead of im pthgsn, and doig nthgsin slowly at a slower pace
and rate. Taking my own time tood othgis nadn gethgis ndoen , tkaign a logn tiem t odo thgis nand
gethgis ndoen as ifi tie msimply doestn exist for me!

I am consfused abou this thing what is the purpose here?

- reason purpse or gaol is to svae tie madn maek productive use of oyur tie madn ultilze yoru tiem and
nto wate it. Do yo uwork and do imp things so as ot maek productive use of yoru tiem and dotn waste
yoru tiem, thth is the. Do you not waste yoru tiem, doing unim pthgisn and utilize yoru tiem, and os on
amek productive use fo oyur tiem
- reason purpseo or gaol: is to work get yor work doen fast and get imp thgisn done. as you have to
work and do im pthgis nand get work doen fast thth si the u need otget ur work oen fast nadn quci kthth
is the goalso oodont watst eitem doing unim tghsi ngive all your ti me to oyru work to get work done
fast and s qcuik and stay focused nadn work logn horus to get work doen fast and need otget
hteh wrok doen fast and quickly and thth si why yo ushoudl envenr waste tei m inorder to get the work
doen fast and quickly. U need to give al lyoru tie mt oyoru wrok to get the work doen fast and quick.

- reason Pupose or goal tie ms ilimtie d and os ooy ushoud lgive ti only to owkr and imp thgsi nt oget
work and im pthgis done. You have limited time and so ooy ushoud lnt owate t doig nunim pthgis noy
ushould geive al lyoru tie mot owork and im pthgsi nt o get work and imp thgis ndone. Thth si as yoru
tiem si limrited so ooy should give it only to imp thgis nadn to work, as yo uownt have na y tiem left for
work and im pthgis ndoen, and so oy uwt n be alebe to get work and im pthgsi ndoen and you want t o
get work and im pthgsi ndone. As you need ot oget work and im pthgis ndoen and so oyo uned to give
all your tiem to work ad imp thgisn!

ur time lis limietd u dnt live oreer n u get only 18 hours a day prodctive hourse soo be acreful as to ho w
u spend ur time ur time is imp limired n precious resource once u lose time u will ever get t vack soo
only he imp sch prevail aut ot all onse n unim p things n eagemnts ther is only soo much time u have,soo
focus dierect ur time give ur time to wrk and in p things to get wrk and imp thngs dne... dnt wast et time
doing unimp thing

the clcks tiking this is a race aganst time.

- yo ushoudl direct yoru tie mon yl to imp thgis nonyl imp thgis n not occupy your time in unim
pthgisnthth will brign you o bebefit or gain.
-Once tiem si goen its goen oy uwot nget t ioback agai nadn u lose the cahce nadn opproruttniy, as wel
laws u ulsoe tiem, thth si why oy ushud nt owate it doig nunim tgsn htth will brign u no ebebfit and
fgain, give ur tiem only to imp thgisn.
- youtr tei m is the most im pthgis n thth si why oy uwneedot oget wok doen fast achehve rur gaosl fast
Yo uhave limted tiem you dot live foreve, if oy ulveid orver the nti woud have een a ddifienthign, have a
aensn fo urgency ot gethgisn doenfast work doen fast, coe nyo ulsro item yo uwil envergtiti oabck yoru
ite msi limted resource givei to only to im pthgsi ndo natse it, you et ony l18 orus a day soo sepdn oyur
item on yl on im tgsi ntth wil rbign ubeebftn and gian and ahel uachhe ur oalsand what want I nlife nna
di nm pthgsi nrwrkig ntakein g efrt speidng thiem doing thgsi ntth will help uget wha o uwant I nlfei and
im tgsi ni nlfei nt ounim pthgis nhth will ebignr u n obebefit gai nwotn ahelp u auchve urgaso lderes
andn watns ndaoosn.

Te k teim in tocosniderato n nahve a conept a sense fo time,

Be fast iterh things doothgis nfast inrodoer ot save tie m nt o lsoe tie mso tht ucan give thth tiem t oim
pthgi s le kwrok and soo on.

Yo uavhe ot achvhe scertia nthgsi n ia ncertia ntie mframe you cant do ti later on, whe n fget old lie
keuaiot neetc.. biusiensn etc..

- Nto elt unm pthgsi noccupy our tie mtht hwill thigs ntht hwu il l memnigesl thh wotn give uu any
mebebfit and gian, puproeeslese aiels sthigsn. Cnenssry thth wotn hel p ua achehv any goal and
out oecme or result. Or achhve anythgi emaenign ful “we saw a uo out htehr but we diditn tell
tehm this si cause it owudl avh occped our tiems and waster prcisou memnts distracted form
our mesiiso nadn have achvhe d nothing” snted whe agave thh toie mt op prapre for aldig thth
was mreo im pa s we were runngi notu of item and fuke
- Ur tie mis an imp resource. Yo uget only 18 horus a da y so odnt waste it doing unim tpghsi ngive
you r ite moyn t o yoru workadn im pthgsi nt get work and im tpghsi dneo nfast as fast as you
can gie lal your item ot oyur work to get work doen fast oterh wise oy uwotn have an tiem lefrt
for owro kadn it delays wok and affects the progress.
- - ocen oy uleso tie myo ulseo the cahe nnad the opprotutnty.

nt lseo on the chaeh nad opprotunty jump ion it,

- Nto lose ou to n th opprtunty or the cahce nor misi out o the cahcen take fast acito nbeofroe o
ulseo tie madn opprrtiny and nd chaen and mment. Gven to oyu nto waste the cahe ngive n
- Yo uave limitedtiem be careful wehhre yo uspend oyur item on don’t wast tie mdoign unim
pthgsi ngive ur tiem only to im pthgsin. The snesn for mteh nsoesn the useful form the uselels
ony lteh im p and useful lthgsin thh hlesp t o sort betwe nthe im padn the unimp. Giveu ru tie
mo nyl to imp thgisn acritiacla nd acruauialc things.
- Gvie la loyu ite m to oyur wkr to get work doen fast
- - tie mmangemetn is imp be aarefu asl to hw yo spend oyu r tie mdoig nwath do oy lim pthgsi
ntth hwil lhelp u achveh ur goals and what o uwant spend ur tiem igve ur tiem ony lt o dogi nwro
kthth wil lehlp uachhve ur goals an im pthigsn I nlfei and wath oyu want I nlfei.
Yo uneed ot oge toyur work done fast nad nachve ur goasl fas t as y oudotn lvie forever, yo unenedo to
tokae fast acti n long cosntisu acit o nt to get yoru work doen fast as fast as you can and achveh ur goasl
fast this si casue u dotn ahv e tiem! U havel imtied item, if oy utake a long tiem t ogthgisn oen and work
doen the n wil lnnever achvhe ru goasl.

Tiemsi the most im pthgisn I nlfei everyhtgi erelvovesl around tiem, if oy udotn achveh ur gaosl I na
timely manner its of no use for eg ifoy uget a n a MBA degree weh nyouare say 80 year old of what use it
is? Cause then you can do nothing nwit hyour aMBA yo uwot nwork earn money andso on, or strt a
buseisn when aure 8 0 year so ld oy uneed ot ahchveh hth t gaol of getting an mba whe nu are in 20 s
or before 33. Tis like thaht soot ht hucan do soemthig nwit hit and yo uacn bebefit fro mthth gaosl orm
yoru mba thh si aern meoyn put it ido use doosmehitgn wit hit, what ae yo udonre soo far wit hyoru
MBA and sooo n.
- Tei mamgemetn is imp.
- Onlyehth imp tricles through sort beteern ahts im pad nwahtns ot and giveyor item to im pthgis
nonly, whe n uahve n oitem u have s nsne of urgncy and ufocus o nliy o nwhats imp ,and n too n
necessary nosens thgisn and only on riitacla nadn crical thgis ntht wil ebefit you. As a u hev n
- Doem ne waste tiem doing unim tphgsin. Tth wil lbeirng uu n obebfot and naigan faocus o al
lyoru tie mt to im pthgsin.
Thehre is only soo mcu htiem tthht uahve give al lour tiem t o imp thgis nadn to wrok! Other hwise oy
uwill avhe n o tiem left for work and imp thgisn. Andhen work and im pthgsi nget left aside and
unfisnehdnadn undone and hten you cant achvhe urgaosl then.

Thie thgis nsi thth U have limitid tiem u get ony l18 horus a a y toerh wise then u don t have tie mleft fro
to give ot work and im pthgsi and then work and im pthgsi nget undone, ucant affrd to otaste tiem doing
unim pthgsin, have to give ur tiem t owork and imp thgisn ot get wrok and im thgsi noe nfast. As fast as
you can… at a faster seepd arate and napce as u udotn live for ever

- Tiem is the most precsious and imp thign! Once u ulseo tiem yo uwil lenver geti ti back so
ospend yo r item wisely gie it only toimp thgisn! Thth wil ehlp u u ancve imp thgsi ni nlfei nto
waste tie dong unim tghsin
- And gethgisn doenwro kdoen fst at a faste r sepeder trate and napce, dotn waste teim working
slowly, and taking agaest oget thgis ndone anwnd waork done working at your wo n slow pace,
you need ot owork fast gethgis ndoenfasat! As ifi yo uahve endless tie mas if tie mdoesnt exist
fotro yu and yo u wastei tme doig ntoerhtisn awork only 5 horus and and so on, work slowly at
tksign your wonr sweet item to gethtigsn doen no pe oy uneed ot gethgis ndoe nfast work doen
fast. At a speder rate and napce. As oy uadotn have riteme yo udotn live forevr u ened ot
achvhe ur als and fast andn get work den fast.

Raelasie why tim si imp, dotn ignore tiem underatnad the improatnce fo tiem, pracsitise tiem
mamgemtn. Put this I nyoru mdi n iynor usubcocnsosu mid nrogrammgin the imp t of tiem.
- U need t oget wor kdoen fast dnt wrok slowly, taekign ru onw sewwet item t ogethgisn doen dig
nt endelsselly
- U haveliemted ite mu get only 18 horus a day so odnt wate titi tiem soedn tiem doing unim
tpsgsi notehrhwise yo ur work and imp thgisn will nt oget toden andremain asdie n uwont be
able toahchve rugoals as u awil lahve n otime left for orkw nad im thgisn, soo giveu ru item to
owkr and im pthgis ony l. ot od uni mtghi s nth wil bring u n oeebft and ngai nad nwotn ahel pa
ut oacheh what want I nlfie. Gve iru tei mt eoim pthgsi ndo im pthgsi tth ht iwl help u uachveh
what want na achhve rgoals.
- Dnt waste time give all ur time to ur wrk toget wrk dne n imp thngs dne
U cant ataek ur won tie m t o gethsi ndeo nadn wrok doen and aahche ur gaosl ucant work slow andso o
n yo uavhe to gtheigsn odne wrok doen iacahvhe ur gaos ast at a faster speedier fpace and timely
manner soo do what you can work cosntisuy ldan nny igth ling hours to get tgis ndoe n wri kdaoen fast
this si casue teism si imp yo uaveh limrted tie m udotn lvie foreve u cant take ages to achehve ur gaosl
uhve at otake fats qaciotn t ogethgsi ndoe n fast. I nreeord tie mspeeder r item rpogres maek progress
fast gethgsi ndoe nwrok tdoen fast htsi si casue u dotn have tiem. Nt otake ur own item t od higsn.

- U need ot oget ur work doen fast why u need ot oogeit ione fastas yo uahve lmited tiem so o
ucant work slow take uur onw tie mt odo tgis ntake foreer t oget wor kd oen nad agchvhe

- Ur r ite sis imp y suh ud nto waste iti u shud nto waste eve nan single sec or mi n gve I all yoru ite
myo ot oyur owk to gthigsn doen wor and nim pthgi nden to achvhe rugaosl

- Soo spend u ritme wisely once u ulsoe tie m u wil envergetit iodabck ,ad the n ua hve are left
with n o tie m tot od work and im pthgisn.
- Dotn waste tie msleeping lazing doing ntohgin or oign unim tghsi nget u padn get ito owork t
ogethgsi ndoe nwor kde nt o achveh ru goals.

- Ur tie msi lmiitied you get ony l18 horus I an day so oodnt watae ur tie mdoign unim pthgsi tht
hwil lgive uu no beebft and gain ngive all yor tie t oyour work and im thgsi ntht hwill help u
uachvhe the im pthgsi ni nlfei, otehrh wise uu wil rlease thth uahve n oitem left to do I mp
things. Or get im pthgsi ndone.
- Ur tiem s ilimited u uget ony l18 horus I na day soo gvei al lyoru tie myoto oyur work to gethg
wrk and im thgsi ndoe nfast. Othehr wise u uahve n o tiem left for work and the work gets
- Ur tiem is limteid u shudnt be wasting tiem nto even na min ro asec doing unim pthgsi n you
need ot ogive all your tiem to your work and im pthgsi nt oget wyour wrok and im pthgsi ndoen
fasyt and nqucik as fast as you can.
- U neeed ot odo all other unimpthgsi nfast or yo ushoudl n to waste teim spend time on unimp
thgsi ntht way y uca ngive ur maximum tiem to work and impt hgisn t oget work and imp thgisn
done. For eg you can shower only once in two days, orwahs your hair only once a week shave
only nce I ntwo days thth way you save tie mt ogvie tie mt oimp thgsin. Or oy ucando io ther
htigsn fast and qqcikyl unim pthgsi nfast soo thth ucan give maximum tiem to our work to get
woer kadn im pthgis ndone.
- Give u rite mt oimp thgis ndotn divert distract ur attio n to nim tghsi nwaste tie mdoign unim
pthgsi ntht hwil bgvei u un obebeft nadn gain waste oyur lifei n unim pthgsi nwhe n ucan
givehtht tiem t oim pthgsin, hth wll help u uachveh ur goalsad n imp thgsin I nlfie.
- Tiem si the most im pthgisn wast item tiem palying cards and video gamse and htign tht will
brign u no bebft and game, isnted of givignthh tiem t oimp tgsi nt oget more imtphgisn work
doen edcuatio nadn soo n, I go out I see them palyign cardsi tneh mroign and the nwhen iget
back hoem they are palyign cards at ngiht, they are basically dwatign their lfei speidng their life
odign unim tpgsi n al ltiem wasted lfie wasted doing unim pthgsi ntth wil lrbign htem n obeebfto
and gain wen yo ucna sepdn thth tie mdoign wrok and imp thgsi nearnign meo ny tht wil ehlp u
u live well sovle problems of life whlp u ahcve ur goalsm achhve the cirirtcal crioca thgsi nin lfie
lie kedudcaiot nemney etc..etc… achveh ur goaslandos on.
- Finite amount of time get srted with it
- Yo uahve limted tiem evry second nad mi nsi im p and counts tiemsi the mosrit rpiceosu thgin
soo don’t wasetie me doing ui mtpgshi ngive ur tie mt oimp thgsn only to get work ad im thgsi
odn e to achveh ru gaosl! Cen ulseo tie myo uwil lenve r geti t iback so odont awste tiem, tht hu
caud give to work and im ptghsi nt oachhve ru goals nad im pthgis ni nlfei I oy uwatste ti m doig
nuni tgshi nteh ntth itme thth cud have beend given to work and im ptghsi nt oachveh im pthgsi
n I nlfei is gone and wil enver get iti oabck and hten udot n achve urgoals or get work doen and
the nyo uahve n oitem left oy ukeep moving I tne hfuutre, and oy uahve nlessn n elsstiem left
and everythgi ngets dealtyed and ahgwrod doen gets deayed ahcing ur goals get delayed andso
on, and you run out of tiem then or have les tie mremanign, yo uened ot achhve everyhtgn fastn
and early nadn qcik as u uahve limited tiem yo ulvie only max 80 years .
- U can die tomaorow soo have asensn of urgency to gethgi ns doen fast.
- U shd nto waste even a single mi ndoig nunim pthgsi ngive la lyoru tie mto oyur work to ge work
doen and im pthgsi ndone.
- U shudnt be wasting yur item dig nunim tpghsi nevery min sec counts nnda si prociso uocne u
lseo item yo uiwll nevr get it back ts gorn e soo give ur tiem on ly to im pthgsin only! Be arefual
csnsdearte st owaht u aspend ur tiem on doig nwaht.
- Dot waste your r ite mdoig nunim pthgsi new u can give hth tiem t owork and im pthgsi n other
hwise u uahve no tiem elft for work and im thgsi and work and im ptgsi neflt incomeptelr e and
- Once oy uave udnerstodo the occnept of tiem the n you will aheve htth urgency the need ot get
everyhtgn doe nfast work doen fast as oy udotn lvie forver u kwn hth uahve limted item n o
uened otgethgs ndoe nfast work doen at a faster rate and pace acceparte the progere of the
work beign doen, and oy uwil lwork ahrd dany night logn horus to get everything done as fast as
you can. Beforeoy udie yo ueed ot geti tiodne, who knw s u may die tomarros soo have hth
sense of urgncy o t gethgis ndoe nfast y uachave limted tiem, ocen u thth knw htth thenoy
uahve thhs senof urgency to getveryhign work doen fast achvhe ru gaosl fast nw right neo w
and take acfast wuquci kprompt acito nqui kacito nt ogeteveryhtign den ast and nto ony lthth u
wil lwor kahrd logn hwours dan night to get work doen fast achvhe urgoasl fat at a faster rate
and pace. Nnt owast yoru tie mdoig nun ip thgis nadn oy uwill dififnretate between what isi im
padn wahts unim pand focus only io nim ptgsi nthth s esis snesne useless and nsoesne nadn im
pthgsi nad give ur tiem only to im pthgsi nto get wro kadn ciriital and im thgsi ndoe nfast.

Hwo ocem I am n to doig nanyhtign and nto getting nayhtig done! Wrk odne!
And wasting tiem doing otehrhtisgn unim pthgsin
- U need ot move fast take fast and nwuqick acito ncasue item si imp y ucan die otmaroow so
have asenne of urgnc to gethgis ndoeneveyhtign doen an hapeng fast.
- Quick respcne u need oteb fast have a sese nfo urgency o to gethgsi ndoe nfat ths isi caseu rtie
msi imp impororntn, yo udotn live forever, eternally. Yo uahve to get work doen fast achveh
urgoals fast so othh unca move o n tot otehrh goal s not be stcu kup o nteh same goals.
- U dotn want to be wasting tiem losign tiem cahece nad nopprutntiy thth coesm with ti yo
uneend ot otaek fast quci kprompt yurgen acito nahve a sense fo rgcny to gethgis ndoe nfast
rowr kdone fast adnceh rgoasl fast. Tie ms imp. U have limted tiem so o uneed ot gethgis ndoe
nfast wk doen fast
- - do what you can work ocsntoustly work fast nto slow take fast wuqucik promt urgent action
constiustl y wok ahrd logn houesrs to gethgi ns doen wro kdoen fast hts isi s aarce agiasnt mtiem
- Your item si limited, be cosndierate about tie mteh tiem factor. Oy uahve a tiem limit you odnt
liveforever so oawalys be ocnsedaret about tie ma sot hwo u spend oyur item nto wast oyur
itme andso on.
- Its nto jstu about getting thgsi ndoen ro work doen u need ot get htgisn doe nan wrok doen
fast , caseu its of on use if oy utake agaes to gethigsn doe nand wrok doe nadn achvhe rugaosl,
caseu tiem the tiem I nwhci ho ugethigsn doen si impaoraotn, you need to get it idoen I an a
timely maenenr,
- For eg: if oy uahve to go o na adnromade it takes yo u100 reays to gethter its poitnelss caseu
you will be daed by htth tiem , but if oy u get thehr in 1 year acivng it I none year the nyo ucan
do soemthgi nwit h ti.
- Fi ou dotn get fod or when aure hungry then tis poitnelss or it f oy udotnget meony whe n
uneed it tihten tis positnelss. Tie ms I im poroarnt
- Its nt ojstu getitign doen ththsi mpooraort n but if yo u take ages yor tiow nsewwet tiem to
gethgsi ndoen wor ksleoowlsy, work on yl say 2 or 5 horsu a day the nti will take u a long tiem
ages to get hignso dne and the nyo ucant achvhe rugaols and even I oy ud ahchv u rogal tii wl
ltake au ages to achvhe hth goal and the nyo ucant eebfit the furrits of ur goals or oy u cant mov
o nt oor acvheh other goal yoru otehrgoasl yo uahe n o time foritthn as u were stuck o n oe ngoa
lfor a logn tiem, and oy uahve mimted tie m imean you dot live forever and htht si why tie ms I s
the most mim ptgsi n uneed ot get work doen achveh ur goal I na timely manner tiem s I s the
most im pthgisn. Ocen u lsoe item its gone uocant affr ot tae ages to get work doen thgisn done
acncheve ur goals the tiem I nwhci hu gethgisn oden wrok don e hwo fast the seped the apce
rate at wihci h uget work doen and thigs ndoen is aso im pits o no use if oy utaek acgers to
gethgis ndoen uneed otbe fast, getwork done fast cause tiem mater,s foreg if oyu ge an mba
when u are like 50 eras old vthe ntis of n use cause they ucant do anyhtgn wit hit, yo ulreire at
65 or soo, if oy uget an mba when uare 25 the n its of use cause ucna do soemthgi nwit hti ,
bebnft form ti earn money do a job and s on what have u udeo nwt hu rmba soo far. And so on.
- Ur problesm si wih tiem ueteirh dotn udenrsntnad the concept f o item, or tie msimply sdoesnt
exist for oyu or , yo udotn value tiem ro don’t udnenrsntad the imprartnce of item or have n
oconept of tiem ro consideration nfor tiem, and so oy udotn warok fast u work slow u take acges
to get work doen and toachveh rugaosl cause uu have no ocnsederaito nfor tiem.
- Yo ucant tae k ru own tie mwork slow an ad take ages to getthgis ndoen wrok done!
- Yo ushoudl nto wast ei mte or let tie mflow away lie kwater take fast quci prompt acto
ntgethgis ndoen fastwokr doen fast nto watie not deela y nto wast eteim gtitiodnefast witi nthe
iem span the tiem limti the tie mfactor the teim lien! In reodrd tie madn speed aand apce. Yo
udotn have forever the tie myo utaek to gethgisn doen acwork adoen and achve your golas s the
tie m I nwhic hyo ugetit itodne is timpaortnn the tiem span
- U get only 18 horus a day have cosnidreatioa nda n ah eve some conept of tiem Ur tie m is
limted shud nt owast it iodign nsoesn and nim phgsi ngve iur item to imp thgis n fgive ur tie
monyl to imp thgisn t oget work and im pthgsi ndoen fast. Or u if u wast tie mdoign uni mtghsi
the nthth tie mocen its gone rrits gone and lost nad u wotn get itidacbk and thehr will eb no
item left tot do im pthgsi and im pthgsi n and work will left undone nand the n ucant ahchve
- It ahs t be odne andn acveh d I na tiely way dot nignore or over look tie mu need ot have a
coenpt and nsene fo tiem, tkea tiem I nt oocnsideriaos nget wok odnre fast at a faster seepd I
nmin tiem and work fast nto slow, dot ntake ages to get work doen wrokig nslowly, taking a logn
tie mt ogethigsn doen and gaers to gethgis doen working nonyl 2 or 5 horus, ahvign n o ocnsept
f tiem , ro dwasitng tie mdoig nunim pthgsi n inebtween and wrkign lslesoly andso on , dworkgi
ant oyur worn slow pae taking yoru won swet tie mt odo thgsi nahvign no cosndertiao n for tie
mor occnept of tiem, tie meewuals opprouttny nadn chaen ocne u u lose item cahcenand
opprotutny it wont yo uwil l not get itiodabck then.
- - take fast quci kpromt urgent action and ndeicsons.
- Immidieately geti towro ktaek it ofr odign ti rto odo ti fast getti idoen fast.
- The spepd at whi hyo udo tigsn tie m utake to gt work doen is imp oyu neend otget iti oden
fastwork done fast, achve ur goals fat at a faster sepder rate ad apce.. accelater te hpeoges sfo
ru wrok.
- Nto waste tie mtake it for doig nt iaimidiately
- Once u lso e tie m yo uwil enver geti tidoabck soo odnt wat tei m doing unim pthgsi n u have
limted tie m, soo give al lyoru tie m to owork t oget work oden and imp this ndoen oterh wise u
have n o tie mleft for work and im pthgsi nand u acant achvhe rugoals and nim ptgsi andn get
wok doen. And orwr k rais nundone.
- Yo u neend t be quick work fast eowekr dayn ngith work long horus to get work doen I n record
tiem thth sig e theh work done fast work ahrd ot geth tieh work doen a nrecord tiem at aafster
rate and apce work hlong horus otget ti ioden fast
- Take fast action prmpt action
- The tie mthth u take to get work doen si imp. U need ot ogeti ti doen fast nt otake ages to geti ti
done does it take soo mcu htiem to get iti done yo uwil ldie b the tie myo uachveh rugaolaadn
andreach uraogls or get stiukc up o nonehtign foro otoo long on oen goal for toto logn u cant
move oto other agaolad ad nachve oterhgoalsndan maek progress I nlfei hten.
- The tie mi n which hyo uge htigsn doen si imp oy ucant take forver o t gethgsi ndoen or work as
if oy uahve endless tiem. U have oto work fast work ahrd work logn hours cocnstsituyl I norder
ot oget it idoen fast accelaete and nrdrive the progress fo the work.
- Y u need ot otkea fast quci kdecisosn not tdealy the longer you wait or oyu take to make
kdeiiocsn the more tiem oy uend up losg nadn wasting, and spending, as thth delatys action soo
take fast deiocsn and fast action.
- Fr eg: fi some one wokrs say 5 horus he wil lachvhe htht goal I na year I f some oen work say 18
horis he iwl lacheh I in 4 months
- You t ritem is avlaubabel and nlimted resutce u odnt lvie foreve so oodnt wate ti doig nsepdn it
doig nuni mtpgsh I n thth wil give u un obebfit and gain sleepign azign and rleaxign give uru tie
mto imp thgis nt oget work and im tpghsi ndoe nt oachvhe im pt and ciritalc things I nlfe iotehr
wis ifoy uspedn ur item the n uwast enand spend u ur lfie nadn u have n otiem to elf tot odo
work and im pthgsi n and to ahhchve ur goals.
- Yu need ot be cosndierate as to hwoyo spend ur item and wahtu spend u r ite mo n ,
- Don’t wast etie m odi gn unim pthgsi nlazign lseepign etc.. rlaexing give al lyoru tie mto your
work to geth gsn oden awor kdoen to achvhe urgals.
- U get only 18 horus a day oy unendo t give al lyoru tie mt ooyur wor k to get wor k done fi oy
uwast tiem the n uwill have no item left for work ad work reams undone and aside thth is why
yo ushud give lal you r item to work and not waste tiem and iigve titi o work and im thgis nt oget
work and im pthgsi ndone!
- They are basicall wasting their time palyign cards cooking for each toerh spending hurs to cook
for each toehr palyign caards games cahttiig netc.. the whole monedy evening si gone then,
they aer basically wasting their life, weh nthey can spend thth time towards more mim pthgsn n
to ahhve their gals nad imp thgsi n inlfi ie I nshort they ar digiging hteir won grave and occipiedn
and caught up I nwhaththey have system ht they have created weh nthey can free them sleves
and give thth time ot more imp things. Baicsally it’s a obligation or enrtrapment. Whe nhtey can
give heri tiem to more im pthgsi nliek earning money ,or findag a gf or

- You dotn have any tiem once you lose tie myou lose the cahcen and the oproutntity thths given
to you, ocen you waste tie myo ulsoe tiem adnonce u ulsoe tiem oy ulseo the chaena nad
opprotuntiy tthhs why oy uneeed ot oact fast to gethgis ndoen work doen fast so othth uont
lose time andhcaen nadn aoproutny nadyo ugett everything doen fastand nwrok done fast. Hthh
si why yo uneedo t goet work doen fast oos hth u odnt lose tie madn oprpatuntiy nadn chaen,
caseu u udotn live forover and yu ahvelimtied tiem.

- You need ot work fast gethgsi ndoen work doen fast as yu dotn lvie forever, and if oy ulose tiem
yo ulsoe cahceah and opprtty wit htime if oy udotn take acito ngethtgisn doen wrok doen fast
ttkae decso nadn take acito nast he tn you waste end up lsogi nwasitgn iem adnhecne the
opprrttny nadn dhcens thth ocme with ti. Due ot the dealy yo umsisio ut o nal lthe opprotutnies
hth u fget win hth tiem thht u lost yo uslto the opproutnties hth came canens thth came ur way I
ntt ime. Thth ulsot the delay due ot onto working not taking acito nadn so oon.

- Yo uneed o tot kae fast dceisisoand na fast action nso othth udotn lwaste and lose tie m and the
cehsnes and opproutnties thth it brigns alogn wit hti. Uf oy udotn take action ntehn yo ulsoe het
time adn y ou lsoe the chance and the oppprtuntiy.

- You need to seize the meoemtn totake fast quick prompt and urgent action, soo that you odnt
lose tiem adn cahcens and opporutnties thth it brigns wit hti, once oyu lose tie madn chae nand
iopproutntiy thth tiem sapn and cahens nadn oportunites thth si bigns with ti alogn wit hti duw
o inacito nteh n you will enver get it iback it stops u ur progress it stops u ufor machving yoru
gaosl deres and what yo uwant to achevh .

- Yo uneed ot ahchve urgoasl ast get thgis ndoe nwork oden fast as the more you get stuck up o n
one tgis nwrok goal for a logn tiem, yo ulse tiem so oucant achveh orhter goasl move o n the
other pgoals, maek progers I nlfie achvhe other h deierse, you take logn tiem to achvhe ru aos
aso o ucant get bebfit the rewrd of it for a logner tiem, you asl olose tie madn opprotuitens
nadn chenaes thth you get I nthaht time span thth oy ulost. Thth is why you need ot ac t quci
kadn fast oy ueened to take fast action and you need ot get wrok doen fast and achhve ur gaosl
fast. Causeu u have limited tiem, yo udotn li forever, so othht u cant atake ages toget wrk doen
and acveh ur goasl, so otht u enj the furites aealry o n so othth can move oto toerh goals and
maem kprogress so otthh u dot nlose tie madn caneens and coprotnty it birgns wit hti, so
tahtmake afst deicosn n take fast action soot ht u cdotn lose tiem cahens and opproutnites it
brigsn iwh t it.once u ulsoe item yo ulseo the cheapens and opproutnteis it brigns with it.

- You need to get thgis ndoe nadn work doen fast caesu you dotn live forever and yo uacant
afford ot olsoe chacen and oporutnites. Fear is is atrsng rivier for action. Fear fo losign the
caengethe oproutnity and the tiem and the cahe and opporutntiy ti brign is wth it.

- What haepepsn whe n uawate tei mdoig nunim ptgsin? You lsoe tiem, yo udeelay, work taeks a
longer tiem t oget done, yo dotn have nay tiem left ot get work done, yo ulseo tie mchaen and
opprouttnity it takes u uogenr ot get work doen and to achveh rugaols, and tie msi what oy
udon have o u dotn lvie forever,adnso on. youwork remaisn unfifsnhed u get frustrated cause
wok doenst get doen an d oy udotn achveh ru gasol fast and quickly you get stuck up o nte
hwork and o nteh goal s for a logenr tiem ands oon.

- Oneuu lsoet iet its gone u w ill never geti ti back oy ulsoe haeh oy ulseo opproutnity thth tiem
brigsn ,I ntth htime yo u lseo tie mtht cud have been give to work and I tpghsi nt oget work doen
im pthgis ndo en to achveh ru gaols. Soo u shud nt wste item.

- Your tiem si limtied oy udotn live forver and you get only 18 horus a day yo ushold nto waste ur
tiem and ur life squander away yoru lfie mdoign unim tghsi thth wil brign u give uu no bebeift or
gain and wont help u uachveh r I ugaosl aor achveh anything imp I nlfei or achveh ru
dremasnadn derseie, nyo ushoudl give yoru tiem nyl to imp thgisn. Your tiem si limited so obe
care fu la sot hw ooy uspend oru tie mdoign what,

- I have work to od nad more imp things to od I cant affrd to waste my tiem doing unim pthgsin. I
need ot give my tiem to my work to get work and im thgsi n doen als o icant distract my mind
else wehre. Away for mwro kadn im ptgsin.

- What is he doing I dotn kwn ieh is doing his own thing, not want to waste item doing uni
mtpghsi nthth will brign me n obebafit and gain, give my tiem to im pthgsi nthth will ehlp me
achvhe my goals and nim pthgsi n inlei nto squcender mt y time and waste my tiem and my lfie.

- - yo dot nlvei forever tm otoruw w u umight di e htth si why oy uritem si litme and im p,, s o
odont waste tie mdoign unim togshin, and have the regency to get thgisn doe nwrk doe nfast
and nahhcve urgoals fast. As u uhave limited tiem o udtn live foreer .

- Itsn to lie kyo ulive forevr yo uahve limted tiem, yo ulvie ony lfor a certia nage and you get only
18 horus a day so odont waste your item doing unim pthgsin tth wll brign u no bebfit andn gian
give lal yoru tie mt oi m pthgsi nto get work and im tghsi n doen to achvhe rugaosl and imp
thisn I nfle iur diierse and ciritaclannd aruial thgisn I nlfei. Maekproductive use of oyurs tie
mdioign imp thgisn.

- Undenrnstnadn the imporatnnce of tiem uahve limted tiem your ite msi valuable andn reociosu
so odotn waste ti odign unimp thgsi nthth will brign uno bebeft and agianand wont help
uachveh ur goals and nim pad ncurilca nadn criitacl things I nlfie, give ur item only t om imp
roorantnthgisn thth will ahepl u achvhe rugaosl andn imp thgis ni nlfei.

- Dotn waste tei m slelpign lazgin, dign ntohgin idling, or doing unim tghsin, or rlxaign get up and
get ot owork and give all your mtiem maximu mtiem to work and ot itm pthgis nto get work and
im pthgsi ndoe n to ahchvhe ur goals.

- Dotn wnast ite m n life doign uim pthgsi nth hwil l rbign uno bebfit and gain like palyign cards
and so oo on, gve uru item t o imp thgis nonyl to get wro kadn im pthgsi ndone. Other wise y
uahve no tiem left for work and im pthgsi n and hete nwor kadn im pthgsi nremain aside and
undone and so ooy uant acveh rugals. As u run out o item.

- Yo uhsoudl nt owaaste eve na nsingle min or a sec every mi nadn sec doucnts once u ulsoe item
u wil l bever get ti icback soo give all yoru tiem to work and to imp tigsn. Dotn wast ei mdoign
unim thgsin. Ur item si limited dotn wast it. oru item si valueable and rpeciso uresource. Learn
th value and imp fo tiem item si all u have. Ovne uu lose item u wil never get it iback so o odnt
waste tie mdogin uni mtogshi n tht will give uu no bebefti and gain sepd n u rite oo n im thgsi
nwro kim tphgsi ncriritcal criucal things hh wll l hel p uachvhe urgoalacveh the imp thgsi ni nlfei
and acvheh urgderies nadns on maek u happy nadn scedu l makre progress I nlife. Wase t nt a
single min ro sec dign unim pthgisn.

- Be fast do other htigsn fast soo soo thth u spend less tiem on unimp thgsin and y uahve more
tiem left to give to im pthgisn lie work e.c… I nshort sleep only 6 horus, and take bath only oncei
in 2 days , shave only ocne I ntwo days, thth way y usve tiem on unim pthgsin and give more o
oyur tiem to imp thgisn do all other htigsnfast likunimp thgis nfast like dresign up, taking a bart
hetc.. soo hth ht u can give more o oyur tiem to imp thisn. Like work and oos on.

- Do thgisn tht hwil ehlp usave tiem o nunim pthgsin , lie kcook o nly twice a week, enough t olast
for 3 days, save tiem o nunim ptgiisn htht way yo u can givem roe of our tiem to imp things

- Manage yoru tiem, what acitivity to give oyur tiem to giv your tiem only to im pthgisn.

- Your tiem si limited dotn waste it, every sec and min is imp and counts give ur tiem only ot mim
pthsign like work. otn waste tie mdoign nothing idlign over lssepign lazing, relaxing, doing
nothing doing unimp thgisn.
- Yo ugot tsi thing wrong about tiem yo udotn work and not do unim toghsi nso othth uy save
tie mand not waste tie m and maek product use fo oyur tiem an utilize your teim, the whole
oncespt of tiem oy uahve got it wrong! Basically you dotn waste ei m dig num I tghsi nso otht
ucan give hth tiemt o work and im pthgsi nt oget work and im pthgsi ndone.. u dt n waste
tiemdogin uni mtogshi n casue ur item si limted and oy ueedo t give tiem to work and im pthgsin
nt owaet iti doing uni mtogshin and waste ur item and livfe awhe n ucan givehth tiem to
achvheign ur ogals nand I mpt hgsn otherhwise wokrand oi m pthgsi nget left aside and hten u
dotn ache r ugalland im pthgsi ni nlfei. Asialcly u uwndu p loasign tiem wasting tiem and life its
lei ktth. Its lie kthth yo udotn drink water to sve water and nn towaste it, oy u save water and
nto wast te ti soo tth ucan drink it.

- Yo uave litemditem dotn waste yoru item selelpign and alzign direct hth tiem gie hth tiem to
work and in thgsi nt oget work and im thgs I nd odne to ahchve ur goalsnan work and I mtghsi
niiciritacl cuuraicl thgis ni nlfei.

- Do uni mt oghsi n fast so otht uncan gie maximum of oyur tiem to imp thgis nad unim tpghsi
ndotn occupy your tiem, so o udo otehrhtigsn unim toghs n fast and give les s iem t uo uimp
thgis nsoo tht ucan give max item to work and uim pthgs n ot get wor kadn im pthgsi ndone.

- Dotn waste tie mdoig nunim thgsi n uahve limited tiem gie al lyoru tiem o t owokr and im pthgsi
nt oget work and im pthgsi ndoe ntoerhwise work and I mtghsi n reamin un done and you cant
maek progress and so oon. And ahcve ur goals. And u have n o tiem eflt ot odo work and im

- I have got work and imp things to do, I have got im pthgis nt ood, I cant affd to wast ettiem
doing unim tghsin

- Your iem is limted don’t waste yor tiem and life doing uni mtoghsi n ht wil brign you no bebeft
and ogain give all oyuritem to work ad im tphgsi n ot get work and im pthgsi ndone. Every single
min and sec si imp. Dot nwast tie , t diret it ot work and im pthgsi nt oget work and im thgsi
ndoen to achveh rugoals and achhve the im pthgsi ni nlfei.

- Dotn awst tie m once uu lsoe tim ue will never getiti back yo uahve limited tiem so give ur iem
to im thgsi n waste ont a signel mind and dec give al l timeot otim thgsi nt get work and im
pthgsi ndoe nt oacheh ru goals and cahhve im p thgsi n nflei dotn wast tie m alokyign cards
doing unim tghsi n tht will bring un o bebeft and gai nadn on lwaste ur item and life tht hu have
tht hcaud hav b een gien to im pthgsi nt ohelp to improve uru golie maek ur lfie better atchve
money and achvhe rur goasl deserise ehl u acheh wath u want . for eg u aure single and u waste
tie m palyign cards wt hfriends when ucan go otoa bar and club whehre ur chacens of fnfidnga
gf are ehgehr. Ur friends ar basically taking tiem out of oyure shuchdle they are sukign out ur
life , for myo uy hth proiso item tht cud have been given to im pthgisn to help uuachvhe the im
pthgis ncirritcla curical thgisn I nlfei. They are taking ru tiem and life away tis lie kthth. Htth tiem
tht livefe htth cud be given to achvhe yhe itmthgisn im tpo oyu. And u dot nsay n oto thtem, say
n otot thme, iahve work ot o dim thgsi n ot odo.

- What yo uahvegot wrogn about tiem yo udotn wrok or nto do other itgns unim tghsn to and
work soo asto maek productive use fo oyru tiem utilie ur tiem and save yoru tie madn nto
waste it, hths nto hwo it works. You basically save tie madn nto waste it tt sin t odo im unim
pthgsi and so o n so othth ucan give our item thth tiem hth litmed tiem tth prciso utie mthth
uhave to work and ot im pthgsi indoer to get work and im ptghsi ndoe n fast nadn qucikl n and
not delya I nrodeorot achve urgoals and im tghsi n in lfei t ospend ur item life orkign towrrsd
ahcivng thgis nthth aru imp and not waste ur item and leife by dign unim othgsin an hence not
achvign im pthgsin. Dotn nwate oyur tiem doing uni mtpgsh in so otht u can getive max tiem t
owork and im tghsi nt owget work and im pthgsi ndoen direct uru tiem t owork and im thgsi n so
oas to get wrok and im this ndone, casue uahve limted item other hwise work and im hgtigsn
remain nundone and get delayed nadn oy uacnt ahchve ur ogals thn as u are left with n otiem,.

-Say no to unim pthgsi nthths casue utie ms imp, iaancat affrd to wate tiit, I have got htigsn to
od work t odo im tpghsi nt odo I cnat waste teim dogi nal lthth ineed to geive la lmy tiem to
work and im tpghsi nt odget work and im thgsi ndone. Nto waste yoru tie squnder yoru tie
madn life doig nunim tgsh intth wil brign uno pbebfit and gain gieeu rutiem and lfie to im tphgsi
nth wil lehlp uachhve ru goal maek proegres maek u ahapy nand have ur drmemas nadso on
and ahchve meoyn and iritlca thgisn I nlfei im pthgsi ni nfle ifor suruival and oso n. nto waste
tiem life spend life palyign cardsand so on, thth wil lbrign u n obebfit nad ogai no nunim ptgsin.
Focus o nwahts imp do whatsi mp leanr to distinguish between whats im padn wahts not, what
iwl lhel p uget what u want and nwaht wotn thths not imp, learn to regnize as to wahts imp
andgive uur tie mt oim pthgsi nonly.

- Be ocostntly be doing ru work to get work doen and so on.

- U odnt lvei for eever tis nto thh u have pelanty of tiem to endless tie mt osquner Yo uahve
limted tiem ocne yo ulseo tiem yo uwil enver get ti idoback soo don’t wste yoru te mdoign unim
pthgsin ,u r item si imlited soo give all yoru tiem t owoker and im tpghsn give uru tie mony lto
im prootnant hgisn indoer to get the im pthtigns work and im tphgsi ndoen tehr hwise you wt
nbe aleto get hgisn doen wrok oden I nitem and achveh rugoasl and na hcve the im pthgsi ni
nlfei. And nehcne suffer. And reret. Wsste nto ven na min or a sec. ever single min and sec
Counts , gve al loyu r tiem t oim pthgsi nto nto uselse things t oget wor kadn im thgsi ndone.
- Tyor tie ms ilitme d and ehnce epricsou soo odnt watst eit, Yo uahve llitmemd tiem you get ony
l18 horus a ady dotn waste oyuri tem doing unim ohtgis ngive ur item t owoke r and im tghsi nt
oget work and im tpghsi ndoe nevery signel se min si imp give ti tooyur orkw and im tghso n ly!
Gvei all your tiem to oyur wro k I nroder otget wok doen an d im thgsi ndoe nd odnt waste tei
mdoig nunim pthgsn.
- Yo uave limted dotn waste it, tie msoo be acarefu la sot hwo u spend u rtem doing t wast etitem
doig nunim tpgshi n, give ur item to im pthgsin spend ur item on im pthgis nt oget orkwr and im
othgsi ndone.

Dotn wast ite mgve la lyoru tietm ot work and im pthgsi nget wor kadoe nadn im pthgs done

- Dot nwast etim e thinkgi nf otheritgsn, get to owrok to get htigsn doe nanda wrok doen
- - dto n waste even a s min ro a seec I n n unim thgsi ndrect ht hthitme to work and im tghs nt
oget work and im tpghsi ndoen –
- Ur time msi s litmed and im pp doig nt waste tie idoign unim toghsi n tth wil ebrign u n obebfit
or gain give hthtiem t o im pthgsi t o get wor kadn im pthgsi ndoen . ocen ulseo tie myo uwil
lneve rgeti tieback. Soo don’t waste ie tm direct it focus on im pthgsin only. To get im p thgis
- Soo thth u can give manximum of oyur tie mt o your owkr to get work and im thgsi ndoen, fast,
sepdn less tie mo nunim pthgsin. Soo thth uan give maximum ti mt o oyur wro kt oget oyur
work and im tpghsi ndoe nfast and quik. Asu uahve limted tie muse it wiselfly spend I t only o n
lim things .
- Every sec and nmi nisi m padn cutns dotn waste eve an single mind doing unim tghsi ngive all ur
tie mto work and im tghsin to get work and im tghsi ndone
- Ce u lse tiem tis ngone the itme si gone oprotntiy is gone nad u w ill vergeti tiback so odotn
waste ti be fat s odo thgis nfast gethsi ndoe nfast work doen fast!
- You have got the concept of otie mwrong: So ooy uwork and do im othgsi n and nto do nim
pthgsi n inrodoeoro t o uitovie ur tie mmaek rpdcutie urself of oyur tie mad n save ru tie madn
nto waste yoru tiem. Casue ur item si limited so o yo usoud lnto be wasitgn eve n an msi n or a
second doig nunim toghsins, so ooy uwrok thth si do oyur work and do im pthgis ni nrodert o
utivielze ur teim maek productive ur self do ofo urtie ms and nto waste your tiem.. thths nto
hwo it works, tis like yo udrin kwater soot ht yo udotn waste water, thths not how it works, you
save water u dotn waste water soo thaht you can drnk water, so o oy usave tiem soo thth u can
get wor k doen, you dot nwatse yoru tiem so oth ucan givei ti t I work and im thgsi n t oget work
doe nand im pthgsi ndoen. Why think of it this way why wudl oy uwant ot o save ur item and
nto waste it? causeu u wnt to direct it ito wroak dn im tpghsin. Soo htth ucan direct ur ute
madn giveu ur tie mt oim pthgsi n to get wor kadn im pthgsi ndone. N nnto wast iti odign unim
- Every sc isi mi nsi imp dotn waste ti gdirect oceus give la loyur tie mto oyur work to get work
and im pthgsi ndoe n to achveh rugoals ad im t ad ciritcal curialc thigs ni nlfei. Its nto like this …
thth is you wkr soot ht ucan save teim and and nt owate item, maek them soto of oyur tie
mmake porducitve uruse of oru tiem utilxie ur toem, instead you save tie madn nto waste tie
mso othh can direct ru ietm to owrka dna im thgsin t oget work and im this ndoe nso thth ucan
give max of oyur tie mto work and im pthgsi not get work and im tpghsi ndoen. N nt owast oyu
tie m and life odign unim tpghsi n tth will gve u no bebit n ngian ooccupy ur tie m doing uni
mtgsh iand the n uahve n otiem left for odign im pthgsin. This si nto how it worsk ,ever y sec
counts every min counts u shoud lspend all yoru tie mworkign in rodeor oto make the most of
ohte itms thht uhave and utilize ur item nad maek productive urself of out tie mand nto wast et
yoru item… hhthts not hw oti goes, instead hths isi how it goes, exvery min and scec isi im p dot
nwaste it direct iti to work to get work and im pthgsi ndoen, doen t waste tie mdogi nunim ptgsi
n give al lyoru ti mth ht uhave ot owr to get work and im thgsi n doen.
- Yo uahve goti ti worng about tiem yo udotn work so oas to save tie madn nt woate item and
maek the most of oyur tiem th huahve maek oroeducutive ur usefl oyur tie madn s on thths nt
the purseo instead you y udot nwaste tie mdoso sothht u ca igve iret a ltiem tooyur work t goe
twork oden im pthgsi ndoe n diveote al lyoru tie mot oyu work nto waast etie mdoign unim
tghsi n the litme d tie mthth uhave, instead givie it it oim pthgsi nt oget im pthgs I dnoen .
- This si nto how it works: oyur tiems is imp yo ushoud lnt owaste ti ever single min every seingel
sec is im padn counts soo keep o nworkgi nand keep doing yoru wrk I nroder to utilxie ur tie
madn nto waste ti and mkea productive use fo oyur tiem.
- This is how it works: dotn waste you r item so othth ucan igvei al lyoru tie mto oyur work to get
work and im ptgsi ndoen. Ever y sec iever min is imp don’t wast titi direct it to oyur work to get
work aod n im tghsi ndoen.
-Everysec I si m padont waste ti igvei al lru tie mmax tie m to work t oget work and im toghsi n
done, toerh wise wor ks n im pthgisn doesn’t get doen reamsi n undone , r delayed. Give ma it
met ot work and im pthsin.
- yo uahev got hthe occnept of item totoatly wrong: you dot ndo work or d oyu r wrok wro k I
nrodoeorto save ur tie mn to waste yoru tie madn utilize ur tie madn every min seth huahve and
maek procuive use fo oyur tiem and n to wats it , thths nth so w iti tworks o tne hrcocanntray
you dot nwaset yoru tie m u dot nwaaste every sec oro imi nsi mp to oyu as oy uwant to gvei
tgive ttht tiemto work and imp thgis ngto oget work and im tpghsi ndoen fast and quckikyl.
Thths hw oti works. Yo usave tie mn t wast ieti oososhtht u can igve hth toime to im pthgsi n t
achche im pthgsi n inlfie ot oodo u r work and nod im pthgsi nso otht ucan give max tiem hthth
u get of u rite mto oyurwork to get work and im thgis ndoe nfast. And u need to oodo get work
and im tghi s oden fast as uahve lited itme and u dotn live forver. Ud otn wro kso as to save u
rite msave every mid nand sec nad nmaek the most tuilze uru tie madn a maek productie uru f
it, instead yo u save ur tiem so otht u can direct urtie mt oowrk to get work done n im thgis
ndoen hth is idirect mamx tiem t owork to get work doen fast. Nt owaste ie madn dnriect ma
tiem to work to get work doen and thgis ndone.

- So oy u basically wrok hth si do oyur work I ndoer ot save yoru tie madn n to waste your tiem
Or you save ur tie m and not waste yoru tiem inoder ot give hth tie mt oowrk and get work

- By not tkaign acito n or makgi ndiicosisn yo uare basicially wastign your ie mtiem and cace ad
nopproutntiy tth can be given t oowrk and im pthgsi n t oachhve im pthsi ni nlife.
-u were sititgn at hoem doing unim thgsn, u lost thth tiem i nthth time u cud ahve foucs nd a jb ob goen
out and found a gf andoso n u lodidinto wor towrds ru gasl adn so o ulsotth titme achd the te cahcen
and poprrutnythth it borught aogn ithwt iti u wasted tit all. u lsot hte ite madn the cahea nnad
oprotutniy, by nto takign acito nn to odign im tghsn and doign unim thgsn!

- Urenenrgy is limtied you have limtied eenrg y give your energy to imp thgisn other wisei if oy
uwaste oyur irneenry doing unim tohgs I nthen u get tired exhausted and sleepy your mind your
body and ur brai nsi sexahusted, and u have no energy elft for imp thgisn. T ogood im pthgsi nad
get imp tgsi ndoen.
- Dotn waste tiem sleeping nad lazing geto to work t ogetwork done givelal yoru tie mt ooyru tkr
to get work and im thgsi ndoen. Fast.
- i am stresed andn worreid abou the jbos frst i need to get a job first, i am strres s and wrreid
abotu ti oteh reiiwis i iwilleb aplyign foot balsl and thth not waht it iwant to obe doign at hte
back of my mid n i woudl eb strresd dnad nwroroeid abot the kjbo thinkgi n ia mwastign m tiem
palyign foot ball whe n iahsoud le b giivng thth tiem t oinfidng a job adn i will eb sreesd nnda
wroreid abotuti oy uodnt ave toot doo soamehtign thth uwdot nwatn totood say n o ot it, i wil
be thinkig and wryi gn abotu it no tiem to owst doig ntoerhtigsn unim otgsi n freidsn paaskig
nyo to paly foot balsl aay n osay i ahve work to od , i cneed ot give my tiem to wokr to gethgis
noen an d work done, so osay no to them iahve wor kt od now i need ot give my iem to work.
daru peeke aya ahi jkaya bc I dotn have tiem fordoign thth. Ineed ot ogive my tiem to wrk nad
imp things.
- You wrry thth you shod lbe giigvn ur tiem to work t oget work doen instead ua ur re watign tiem
palyign foot ball, so oven if u are paying t iu are strsed wrreidn and oyur imid ns into it n it tis
else where tth is why you shud say no tlel them sorry I ae got owork ot odo ihneed ot give my
tiem to oymy work to get titodne I cant afrd ot waste tiem palyign football, caseu then I end u p
losing item and wrok remaisn undone and I get strrsed nadn wrrednadn frsturued thth work is
nto getting doen, and os on and mnt maign rgpress towrsd achvgn goas tell them hth u can paly
wih them some day alter later o n not waste tiem palyign foot ball andos on tths nto im p yu nac
do h altero n aswell ti wotn help u achve anyhtig nfocsu ur tiem to work nad im ptgsi nto get
work and im ptghsi ndoenfast to ahchve ru goals.
- yo uhsoudl nt owast eit mdoign unim pthgsi n yo ushoudl give all yoru tiem t o oyur work to get
get work doen and imp thgis ndone!
- we nneeed yto befast get wrk dne ast
- as u knw tht u need to be gvn tht time max time to wrk n imp things to get wrk n imp things dne
n not waste time limited precious time htht u have by doin unimp tngs tht will bring u no benfit
n gain not do one thing thts unimp nmore thn whtsreq not waste time oing it.

-cause i dotn have free tiem i am too bus tryin to work on I mp thgsin
thth i dotn ahve tiem for tth ot have fu and soon!
i need ot ogive my tiem to wior kadn im pthgsi nto get wor kadn im pthgsi ndne everhitng lisle can be
done latr o nn o poit ngiivng ur item to oti . frst r do what isi imp and prirtozecurcai lad nciritacla gigve
all ru item to im pthgsi nto get work and im pthgsi ndoe nast.

Ht htime uu anca use diret towards work and im ptgsi nt ohel op u uahche urgoal as and im pthgsi ni
nlfei they will friends etc. suck away ur tie madn n d eennrgy thth tim e is alaubel u can use it to for
moere I mtogshi n in lfei than jstu wasting ti palyign cards they are life suckers and tie msukers, they
suck ur tiem thth thiem tht si limted and can be given to our wrok help u uahvhe rur gwork and ur gaosl
and mreo imp critical nad ncrucial thgsi ni nlfei.

not waste item i ndig nunim togshi nn osnsne nan d sueseless thigns thth brign u n oebefit and gain
gvie all yoru tie mto wor kand to im toghs nt oacheh hthte im aoadn and criitacl dcurtial thgis ni nlfei liek
moeny ecuaitosn
firnd and g f andoso n hel o u auchveh rugoals nadn so on go otu ad n ifnd a gf

- I avhe limted tiem idotn ahe tme for all tth BS wasting tiem palyign cards whe n ican say no and
gie thth tiem, t mreo imp thgisn ,, to help me ahchve my goalans and im ptgsi n in lfei fast and
quick other wise im ptghsi are left aside and get remain undone, occpuyignnad nenagin tiem I
nnonsen uno thgis nthhtiwl brign no bebfit nad gain, they ar basically tiem suckers and nscu
kyour tiem. Thth can eb given t oim pthgisn. More im pthgsin. Like work adnos on, I have mreo
imp thgsi nt odo.
-u have limted tie mdotn aawst eti give ur tie mt oimp thgis nt oget work and imp thgsi ndone
-frt s do this this is what isi imp thths whts ip eerythgi nelse ca be doen later on … give uru tie m to im
pthgsi n thths not imp t it can be doen atler o nfrst do what is imp give al loru item t owro ak nad im
thgsi not get work and im tpghsi ndoen
-it interferes wit hur progess we n udo otehrtigs then it ooccupeis ur tiem thth cud hav neeeb ngivn to
owrk and im thgsi nt oget wrok and im othgs ndoen, n amek progressi tne hwork, adn soo owrk reamis
nnfiifshed adn u dotn progeres and mvoe ahed clsoer to wrd ur gaoslandn getign wornk doentth needso
t be doen to achhe urgasl ur progerss gets delayed, your tiem gets occuped, it itcase itnenrernce with
the rpogress ur pgres the progerefo the wrok and movignclsoer ot oyur ogal u wste or lsoe tiem htth
ucd have bebn gieno t im tpghs in like work t aicvhe hgiur aogls naoson
- u need to ahe sense of rush to gurgncy to gethgis ndoe nwork doen afst as u udotn live forver
and ofr teh fear of losig ncahcen adn opprotuntiy if u dot n taek qucik actio n ngethgsi ndoe
nwrk don e fast'
- u need ot ogive all our tiem to work and iM pthgis n to et wrok and im ptgs doen nto wast ei m
dogin unim tgsi n ocen u lose time its gonr u wil enver get ti back u ahve limted tiemt tth htiem
thth cud have beengiven to your wokr t oget wrok doen and im thgsi ndoe nsi gone hten.
- N u will eb lie kgood htig tht isadi no cause I ahd work to odo otehrh wise the wrok woul ahv
been undone, and n o progress would have been made, and all tiem would have been lost tt hh
ud have bbeen ive to work rot get work doen, and u awoule d hve anot only ened up lsgi ntth
htiem, but als oeelaiyng hteowrk, and yo uwoud lahve been freustrated.
- Just wasting tiem losign tiem not tkaign any deicsn or action .
- Once you lose tiem you lose tiem, its gone, you will never get ti back… soo take ast and nquci
kacio nadn qcuik decision, tkaequc kdeciisons dotn take soo long ot take deciso nadn take qcuik
action, to amek things happen. Casueu ocne u lsoe tiem the n oy ulose the achacne and
opportunity and hten once tiemis wasted and nlsot hten you regret it later on. ocne tie m is laos
tnand gone. The nyo uwil have to beg others and spread your hands ot others then! Yo uwil eb
fucked then. Hw muchtiem ae re oy utakign t ofidn a job, dotn waste tiem, onceuu lsoe item oy
uwill enverget iti back and oy uwil ose cahcen and ipopprtuntiy, do t I afast and quick, dotn
waste tei mat all, tiem si the most imp thgisnadn rpeciso uthin, dotn waste it do ti fast! And
quick take fast qaction, ad dcieison as towaht ot odo caseu once u ulseo tiem, then its gone yo
uwotn ge it back. And u lose chen nad opprotntiy nad hten yo uregert later on.
- Ocne u lso tiemt oy uwil never geti tieback ur item si limtired don’t wsaste ur item doing unim
pthgisn or idling and nodign ntohgin you need ot be coocsntly working to getwork doen to
achevh urgoasl be ccosntly working towrdsachvign ru gaosl arise aawye and keep wokrign and
stop not till uget ork done , and areachadn achve ur gals.
- Dotn waste otyur tie doing unim thgsi nfocsu o nyoruwork nad imp thgisn Give al lyoru tie mt o
ur work and imp thgsi nt oget work and im tghsi ndoen.
- He wishes well for everyone he si actually ery goodand helpful! Take fast quck prompt urgent
action nadn save your self fast! Get your thing doen fast take his help he is good, dotn depend o
nyoru dad!
- No tiem to waste anymore!
- You need to stp doing aa baaa and beaitgn around the bush get very much strugth t teg poit
nadn direct and n stop wasitgn tiem soot ht u knw whaththe situation is… n n whatever u u d o
uneed ot fukign do ti fast!
- Dotn rely o nyour dad if oy urealy o nyoru dad you are basically fuked take help form other ppl
for mfriedns and relatives and so on, ths I is because ur dad doesn’t care about you if he didi
he woud lavhe taleke nna small loan nad ngiven yo umeoyn and so oon, and he not only that ,
vaat laga diya bc sabh he doenst care mcu hfor you, not onyltaht, he has abig ego, hughe ego, he
isi like wh y are yo unt ofollwoign my istrcuitosn , syo uare nt osoo I iwl pusnih oyu I nstead of
trying to udnerstnnd oyu rstiatuio nwath ti I is and triyngo t help u as to wht the problem si issue
si and oy uant even rltell him anythgn caseu if oy utell him anything nthen he ges angetry on
you. He will scream amdn strt shouting at oyu, ata majhya kade paishe nahi ahe.
- Thths nto imp do something cntsrutie nad nproducitve is I wrotht spending oyur tie over?
Wasting yoru tiem ove thgisn tht hwill rbign oy uno bebfti or gain! Lie ksom eone growing thei
hair soo logn hth it takes an hour to comb t clean tin ad htnelceant the bathroom msiti worth
sepndign your tiem ovehthht yo udn eget anything by doing thth, you can give tht ime to mrpe
im tpghsi ncotnrucive productive things tth wil ehlp u aachhve urogalsnad im phgsi ncriitcla
curical thgsi n inlfei tha waste tiem doig nal lththt thgisn tht will rbign u no bebfit or gain .
- Yo ushva to show thth intenrstn and maek thht intiatieve naa
- Scrambling at the last moment for a jo as u wasted time n then u will hae to beg ppl tp with
fokded hnds to gi u a job.
- U cant wait for the job t come to you hoping tht there will e jobs oping up in naim nwasing ur
time tht will not happen u need to move where there are jobs.
- Ou need to take fast and urgent action , take fast deiciosns and fast and nquci kactio nterh si not
item to lsoe andn waste tiem is very pericosu now, and improarnnt, dotn waste yoru tiem! It’s
the ost important thing. Once ouy lsoe tie myou lseo oprituniy, now even money is nto
improantn tiem is important.
- You need otake fast ad nquci kadn prompt action book a place in Richmond and movethere fast!
Dotn stay I nnanaim othehr are no jobs here! You will eb screwed if oy ustay hehre your lfie will
eb the dieocsn actins and choceis yo u maek soo don’t ame k wrogn diecosn acitosn and choices
and careate a struggle for yourself! Andamekit harder and tougher andn difficult for urefl. Move
to a place ehwhehre therh are jobs!
- Take fast action and qucik action! and decision, not lose tiem or waste time, whathhver u u want
ot od need ot odo do it now take fast deicso nand acito n s not later on! do ti ifast odnt waste tie
mtaek fast quick prompt urgent action ngethgsi ndoe nwork doen fast atake action nad nget
thgisn doen fast quick deicisons at record accelartred maek p rogress, cacaelrted seppdy
manener, pace, not delay the more item u lsoe the more chaes opporuttniese u ulose the more
oyu wati nad het n you regret it .
- he is such an ncei guy he is fast andn aqucik to help! He een offerd me htth ican stay there, he
wishes well fr oterhs.
- INCREASE cREDIT CARD LIMIT! – max out credit card increase it ot 1000$S – loan money
- Ask money from brother for help!
- Stay focseudo n now to do it and to geti tidoen!
- Nanaimo won work out for oy uthrhe are nooo jobs here! Ugach rakhda rakhdat raahcah…
hthtsi the car beign stuc up tis lie ktryign to drive a car thth doesn’t drive… dhakka marke gaadi
cahlcane kaa.
- take fast quick prompt urgent actin for myoru side dot nwaste tie and don’t depend o nhi
meitehr moeve to vancoiveur fast! Who knows hwo mcu htiem he wil ltke from yoru side move
to vncaouver quickly and finda jobi nvacnovuer it wont work ut here.
- He was like why do oy uneed meoyn? Earn meony here I nanimo yo ugotheh work eprsmit soo
eanr and go to Vancouver.. but thehr hare no jobs here.
- Don’t realy o nhim conpeltlet y and ntoatolyl if oy urely on him and not take action nyou will eb
fucked up! Caseu who knows what whtehrh herealyl wants to help u o r sjtu realx uu for m
doing things and waste yoru tiem and so on! itsl eikocme ehre stay wit hus and waste yoru tiem!
- You should nto wait oy ushoudl take afast and quick and prompt action to od hgisn and gethgsn
doen and make htigsn happen
- Ur life is goin ot be the choices and cdcieosnsthth oy uamke.
- Whatever yo uahve o odo yo uahve to odo ti now don’t wati til l the next month.
- Threh ris plenty f money I nthis owrl d oy ujsut need ot knw hwo to o access it learn to ake the
risks , dotn be soo safguardeda nad nrpoteced go takea laon o rosemthig nyo uneed money I
ndoer to progress, taek a loan orsoemthing, or credt, cto move ot osem other place dotn stifle
yorusefl, money attracts meoyn how? If oy uahve meotny toyu can move oot aplc e whehre
there ar jbs when u get jbo u ear n money.taek risk take the laosn to get the meny soo hth you
can move to oa pacle whehre you can get a job don’t be like low risk and safe guraded no risk no
rewrd or progress. Other wise yu wil end u p stifilign yorusefl.
- Thehre is a lot ofo meony I nthsi world u need ot okwn ohwo to access it I mean look at elon
musk tesal otok out sooo many loans hths hwo they get meoyn to run the buseisn they take out
laosn, I mena oyu dotn haveto stifle oyur slef if oy uneed meony then go gei t iit. Ohethrwise oy
uwill never progress, cause it’s a vivicosu circle not having any money will hodl oy u back , ofrm
tkaign decision and doing thgis n uwanttoo do, and s ooy uwotn maek progress. And sicen you
cant maek progress u dotn aheve any meony ti beocems a circle then. Do what o yucna to move
access capital get a loan o r seomthgi nelarn t otake risk s oy udotn live forver ltie ms ilitmed ifo
yu wase tie m and dotn take acto io nadn dicosn fast the nyo ulseo tiem o uneed ot get thgis
ndoe nat a record speed nadn pace right now nto wait for alter. Taek alaon or soemhgi nf ioy
udotn have meony get acess to capital but move to palce whehre yo ucna idn an djob ndn move
fast dotn waste teim, o r lose time. Tie msi imp cne u ulseo im uu losechehcans andn
opprotunteis soo od it now have a sensn of urngcy take fast waci o n timw ot oti is now nto
tlater on. if o u don t search or a pacle now nad mve now what will ahppe nis thth if oy u deel ay
the nyo wuil have to end u pspendign like 475$s more on the rent and so oon. You dotn lvie
forever what are yo uafrd fo a little bit of debrt wont hurt! Leanr to take rsisk , yo aure gona die
anyway! Soo nto be safe guarded be a a bit risky, lean to aek rsitks nor t be very protetcted nadn
conservative ifi oy uneed money og take a loan nto be stiled by lack of money therh s plis lenity
ofo meoyn I nthis world, dotn let money stifle oyu, lack of meony stifle you. For odig nthgsin and
getting thgsi ndoen. This si casue if u oy udotn ntake risk I nlife oyu ownt move aehd n to
maove agaehd ame kproegres u need be risky hth si learn to take risks! tht si! No risk no reward,
what iwl lhapprne oy udotn live foreer you die, so oodnt be very proptective abot urrusefl or
tryo t safeguard yourself learn to jump I nteh poo lad ntake risk nadn go forti! Nto eb
safeguarded. Lei k uanwnat oprotect urself nt oget int ot det, so ooy udot ntake meony out oy
upalnt ot work ere for two ro thrreem eontsh to get meoyn so tht ucan move esel ewehre but
then therh are no jobs here and only low paying lw end jbs and if oy wu wnt t omove else
whehre yo uened money, and nto ony ltht if oy u take 3 montsh to o do a jbo here the n it iwl
lend up wasting our iem instead be quick t omove to palces whehre hthere ar jobs taek out a loa
nor soemthgi and move and so on and the nreap hyh hth lan back! But atkeast oy uahve good
job. Causeu if oy ustay out hehr ntohgi niwl lahpepe n uare just awstign toru item and tiem si
imprarnt. Oce u lseo tietm oy uwill enver gt it back and u lsoe theh shcaen n nad oportutny soo
thaae kacito nfast take fast quick prompyt urgent action. take a laon ebg g bororow money
formfriends do what you can to maek progress nados oo n havr ufl support nadn difnancia
lbackgin and support knw whehre toethigs ne meotn y for mto maek the move to a better pacle
whehre o ucan find and jbo nad stuff! Amxout oyru creat cards borrow money form frdns do
what yo uanc o move maek the mve. U will jstu end u pwastin ur item here at a pacle whehr I
ntehrh are no jobs noc o a b its better to get ffaical backing and move fast before it is too late.
Soo tiem si im t taek fast quci kpromtp urgent acito ndot nwast etei m this si the cchaen tiem
and opprotnit one u ulsoe tie manen d achecn u wil lenver get ti iback so o do ti fast act fast and
prompt nadn quick. Do what oy ucan taek laon and ahwt nto take hthe rsik don’t be very safe
guraded , about ruself aabout nto taking risk n ot palyign ti safe nto getign itnto the debt , dive
righti nt ot th ppol and take the rsik . other wise u uwil l envenr move ahed I nlfei or make
oroese loo akt resla the elleclric car camny its making no profit the whole buseis nsi beign run
on loasn and ndebts, when they need meoyn t o ru n the ocmapyn when they run o tu o meony
they go take laods nan d ad baorrow for mteh bmarket, and keep mbororowign mreo nad more,
And enlon maeks promsiese lie ksel friiding retantuansou tech will ame kcomapyn writ h500
billion inests his own oeny whehre the mout this by showing thth I am also buying shares of my
own coampayn nados on to gai ntust, so othth ivenstrso gvei them money andso ooo on. ter
hsssi a lto of omeoyn I nth market odnt let lakck of meony stile you form what oyuwantt oood,
boroow mony ifo yu wdont have it.
- It w ill be the best dicison thth yo uver made causeu u have the talent and the skills and
itelslgnece Yo uare just lackig nthe money to maek the most of yoru talent.
- Iits lie kne htign elad s to another for eg you get a job I nconsutlayn then you get a job as an
analyst its lie kthth or oy umove to some pale ce then exnth tign ahahepsn you study then you
get a jbo and then andso oo on. oen htign elads to anoter tis a process thth u need ot ofllfwo.
- Things dotn ahpepe n lie ktht ti taeks effrt to gethgis ndoen effrt and action nt oget things doen
to achvhe yoru goals.
- be fast take fast quick prompt Not waste your tiem. And so o on.
- iu need o odwn size fast soo thth you can move.
- Make htth biz ananlyst or cosnutltl resume armed iwt hthe resumes.
- The more poitsn oy uahve the better, kuc hnahi ielts mei nachcha soce re mila t oh ho jaye gaaaa
who told u uthth… thts worgn info, uske bhaorsae pe mat reh, ad be relaed and so o nadn
coampalcent .. and laif back be on yoru feet anciso uenrovs and o nyoru toes, get a job and noc
oa,b as well soo htht u get maximum points.
- kya pata ekdam yeh hai voh, he is very emandign and hatti, torth du, hth si very epepsriitnte and
nagiging , … iwotn gtell u thht, why cant oyu tel lem thth? Thht is makgin her more demadnign
and carve more. Throwing tantrums!
- Y udo need cocnatncst nad ncocentison , but when uask for help, then dotn just realy o nteh
and get relaxed ladi back and oso n, and wasting tiem odign ntohgi nadn nto triyng yorusefl
thinkgin thth oh hthth person wil do ti for me casue then you will ony l end up losign tiem what
if ithth peros ni s not able ot hel oyu soo myo uneed ot do osmethig nyrusefl as wel keep ur ties
r and effrts on going as well and nto waste any mreo tiem no tiem to waste nad oson.
- Rape eeverythgi ngo toaotly I nto ti and get all information andn k nwledge about it! I ndetial
deep I n tot it to the bootto m ofo tit!
- Its time for disruption nadn rvelution!
- Take fast quick pormot urgent action nto odo things gethgisndo ne or aachhve urgoals otherh
wise u end up wastignand lsoign yoru tiem adnlsoign the cahe nadn ooportunty give n to oyu.
- Beware of thehtoguth goin o ni nyoru mid nmkw nwaht uare htinkign foadn sto p ursefl for
mthikign footehrh htigsn adnfocsu oyur mind o nwaht you are doing.
- Armed wih th e resuems keep a ll your resuems everythgi nelse ready.
- You lost thh much tiem but oy ucan still do it do it now!
- How mxiciht item deosti take to todi t yo ushoudl nt get suck up oy unee ot move ahed nto
gbesticuk up on one thing for logn timegetserisous taek fast quick prompt urgnetcatio nn to
waste tie mlose chaeh tie madn ooprtutiy tkeafe fats action how mcu htimdoesi tit kae otdo it
andgei itodne shud n tot take a logn tiem nto get stuk up on one thakign for a logn tie mbe
particualt r abotuti seriso un osnne takefast urgent quick dmmeterd ster prompt acito neb on
aleertn and o nyor utoes and tkaefast urgent acito na quci kacito n no be relaxd laz coamplcent
so what u can to get whehre you want!
- Ytiem is the most imp thgsi nyou need ot do wrok very fast get wrok doen ery fast. Thths caueu
u have lmited time. Achveh htgs nfast at a faster speeder arate and pace bbe sirosus no nsnens
odnt wast tiem in nsons nad nuimp thgsi n be point t opoitn and d oonyl whats imp.
- Just causeu some one is helping y udotn realx and be comaplcnen tn and stop trying yrusefl be
on yoru toes, and soo on, take fast quick prompt urgent action nadn effort,
- Humans dotn like distrctuio ndn ahcengse caseuu its incovncetn and risky once uu ar settled I an
job or I na town oy uend up satin thehern aadn ebocem comoftrable hhtehr u dotn want
otomvoe then thths ibwhy oy uneend ot move ot obigger cicites adnso on, tak e the htrisks nto
be comfortable ad ncoampclent. Evey one has oto ood thth if oy uwant too maek progress
- Beg boroorw do what oy ucan and qcuikyl move ot ovcnavouer. Dotn waste tie mtake fiancnei al
help to relocate tehrh at least yo uwil eb albe to get a jb hehre yo uwot nget a job
- And learn t obe fast do thgis fast orwrk fast to ogetit idoen fast as quci kadn u u can not to loste
tie mtime once lost u wil enver geti I back u lsoe chehs and npporpttny you get olderthen, u
have ot odo everyhtig nfast whe n uare young.
- Your dad is nto of calm tempara,emt e gets angery and nscodl s you so oyo aure afrd to tel hi
manytign fi you odnt let the kids tell the small lthgisn no w they wotn tell u the nbogge r htigsn
later on.
- Now all the tie mwil lg trying to u ndo al lth the wrongs yo udidi and mistakes oy uamde I tne
hfirst ahlf! And scrambling hehre nadn tehrh a t htelast moeemtn as u leae everything tti l lteh
ended thinking thth uahve enough time and the ntiem dgoes fast uuget distactartednad nso o
nadn u run out of tiem then.
- Khat pat kar,, thth is hassel andso o n ot do ti and geti idotn e take struggle nadn effrt and
action nt to doit and to get itioden.
- When uare highy l intenrstedi nsoemthgi nlei doing bseuisen n making meoyn and ahcign
soemthgi nosme drema some abmiton innvatign new thgisn th drives yo u to od obusien help
humanity ropel forward or maek meoyn nad do bizo r selfllf best proedcts thgis ntht drive yo u
to do biseusens hthtne u are like tootaly keen o nti and motivated and totalty into tin ad eager
to learn, and knw everything about ti and s oo oy ubasically wantto knw everything about ti
nto just oen thing one area but all raes afo o it uts lei kyoru bran beaocems a computer o
uwantto knw and inveold ursefl totoaly I nt oti nad full I I no it and knw everything about ti all
aslpecs of it nto jstu one cathth s cause uu are itnetnedted I nti how bsesien si done hw oto od
nbseusien u are keen about ti, u wantto learn abotuti ans to hw otood oti and so on, nad hwo its
doe nso othth acau n do it to achhve our goal and objecites.
- Waatitem te itme wen ucan d im pthgsin! Meeetigns are awaste of item just deidce o nthe
phone who will do hth and thehy od it oy uodnt haveoto og all the way and awste tie mt
- Icnentivei simimp tit acna mtoiaviaite uru to taek acito and nefert to do tgis fast as oy uknw hht
h ot geit ito need ot try ar d nad ntaek acito nteh mreo itisi n I t for you the harder yo uwrill try if
thehr si nothgi ni nti foro yu then yo wotn try.
- Soo wht do we need to do now?
- Get ot owork and gethgisn doen and work doen fast dotn waste tiem too much time lor taek
too logn oign ti and don’t waste tie mstayign ehre if you stay hreh nto thing will ahppe nyo uwill
be effed! You got ot o go to the city oyl the nsoemrhtign will ahppe nout hhre yo uwot nfind any
jobs here.
- Lack of money should nto consrint ou formachivng urgaosl taeka laon o r soemthign!
- you hsold stick to moen thign if marejtign the nstick ot thth onyl caseu omapneis need
exprienced pp lthey hire onyl pp lwith exprienc i none field lie kor 5 or 6 years the want
specailsts! For eg if iyo uahve marketing expriecne and oy uwanto o go in to reatia lteh wotn
hire oy uas yo udotnave retail expricne.
- Beign kicked out was the best thing thth happened ot me, ti was a blessing in disguse it made
me fee t o go elsewhere! To better pacles and more dtmered to its lie k iwill show you1 n hsove
iti I nyoru face make progress and shoei ti right it noru face oy uwanted ot opunsih me and see
my go odoewn and rgret it and so oyu kicked me out nadn you wanted me to sufer nad so on!
For nt ofllwoign oyru orders and so on,
- Frst do what si m p odnt awaste yor item on thth other hwise im pthgsi nwill reami naside frst
dow ahts im pcirrical and ncrciaul oh sabh kuch chod liaeve al ltht aside nad nfrsr t do wahts
imp. Dotn wast ite m doing unim tghsi n oeh rwise im pthgsi n will reamn aside undone not odne
and you suffer then. Yo ushoud lalalwys do frst thth what his imp. Ad ncnriictal and curcai l
toehr hwise oy u lose tiem nad im thgsi na re nto odne and oythen you are fuked. Nto odo
uncessarhitng unim ptghsi nfrist do the im pciriitcla nad ncruiacl things frst get the im pthgsi
ndoen eeveryhtign else oy ucan do ti later on.
- Y uneed t ob e selfish if oy uwant ot oscuedi n lfie na make progress, dot nbe with pp lwho asuc
k yoru lfie an suk yru tiem, tiem suckers, maek u uo thgisn or them whe nyo ucna gi hth tie mt
oimp thgisn ot maek prorgress inlfei. And achve yoru goals and m pthgsi nd na dciriitcal and
ncrucial thgisn and dreamsnadn wantn an desires.
- You need ot otake fast qcik prompt action go to vnacourver thehr are jobs I nvalcouver odnt stay
I inanoim, you need ot otake fast action, and take fast dicisosn I would have nenver taken soo
mc htiem to take deicisons, once oyu lsoe tie myo uwill enver getit ioback u lose the chaen nad
opportiy then yo uwil l rgret it thth ushoud hve take done it fast done it qciker na os oon, the
chen s is goen then soo be fast hurry up, take action, what he says maek s sansne, he isvery
particular brilliant nad n itentlgietn and sensneible, he udnersntands everythgi nadn wishes wel
lgenuaienly for others,
- -not get i nt communal lviign situatio nti sucks ur tiem! Getting doing unim tghsin maek u do
nmimp thgisn
- a tiem si more imp than moeny even if oy ulseo moeny then
- tyo ucan earn it back bt if o uy lose tie m yo ucan never get teh ime back adn nto o nyl tht u also
lose chnce nad aoprotunty its nver goign t ocoem back then
Gaol misison: need ot do soemthign botu it find an noc oab job faast and ifnd a
jobh th will ehl u get bc pnp and find two jobs so othth u get 15,000$s in a few motnsh toapply!
- wor k take actio nt oachhve his goal now! adn fast otehr wise u are fucked

- no tiem to wast etieake wquci kacito nt oacheh hsi goal tod it and to getiti done keep wtrtign nad
wrokign o nt iadn trign hard ot ood it and to geti tiodne!
working o nti b att it t od oti and to getiti odne fast!

Inorder oto ahchve your goals you need ot get a lot ofo thgisn done work oden to achvhe your goals its
not easy! And to get thgisn oden and work doen you need ot be highly eeficent nadn productive and to
be highly efficnt and productive you cnat be highy eleficentn and prodcuitve by chance or luck you
needo thvae systesm a proeces to follow and fraeme work I npalce I nroder ot be highly eficent and
productive know what to odo wahtn to tood what ot follow a process to follow to be highy lefficent and
productive and oy uneed ot think and iidentify nadn recognizes relasie all thgis ntthh will amek u
aeeficntn and all thgisn thth will make u ineffcint and ge t rid of all ineeficenes for m yoru isde oy uneed
ot perofmr to 100% and get ird of all ineffcienes, itsi mp to have a process a rfrmae work a formula laid
down I npacle to folloe thth will ehlp u ugeth igsn doenwrok doen be highly productive nad nefificnt get
more doen I na given tiem and help oyu succeed nadn ahcivng your goas l tghten all screws relate d to
not wasting yoru tiem mkaign htemsot pordutive and effcnt use fooy ur tiem .

You needo to be ambitious enough to do it im ena it’s a lot of work if oyu arenot ambitosu enough you
cannot do ti! Its yoru ambitosn and dreams tht drive you to do what oy udo thth is!

Thehr is a lot ofo things thth go on I nhsi mind thinking reserh as ot what you needo to o dot succeed
htth is and achvheign your goals having thth frmae work thth formula in palce, you needo thave htth
systems laid out hth prrame work I npalce

Tghten all screws get rid of all tiem wasitgn flows ineffcntcies thgis nthth will maek u lackigi nprodtivity
weaknessesandn so oon, all wasting and flowing of tiem waer and so on, soso thh you et 100% efficncy!

Don’t worry botu the rueslts/outcome focus o nyoru wown perofrmnace improving yoru performance!
Form yoruseide oy ushoudl be 100% highy leffcint ad nprductie htthsi… and deliver1

Get oyru mojo focus back o nfor myorusdie yo ushoudl eb highy efficient

It take s a lot a lot ofo effrt to amek soemthgi nof yourself and build oyuself up! And u cant beb aquitter
oyu ened o haveh ht anmbiton thth instifty nadn fire and rdrive I nyou t omaek soemthgi nof yourself
not be dull and lose energy nadn moeemntum thth is thth ambiton fire nadn dirve thth therisis I
smehtign in him not run dry or fika thheri s somthign I nhim thth moeitvatio neenrgy nadn drive desire
thth passion thth ambitosn thth wanting asomehtign a goal ad soo n, stogn want for osemthing thth fire
thth isntity aggression thht drives oyu to do what ever ti takes take pais nadn effrts and work ahrd and
ot succeed and ngethgisn doen andwork done thth is.

Thanks for oyur he lap and support!

Be kidnand nice to ppl htth is!

Your success nad ahcivnmensts define you it means hth uahve it I nyou thth u have soemthgin I nyou hth
dtermeinatio ntht hdesre tth drive and thth work ethics and htth formaula forsucess and ot to suced I

Knw the secret formualee awht to odo what ot oit takes to scueed and so o on have stystm a mrocessi
napcel to follow

Be highy lambitos uadn driven passonate I napsiso nad nderisous hth si deire nadn want and t oodo
achvhe greathgis nthths thste motivation fire thth dirives you t opush yourself to the limties and take
stresn and nstrsi npsu hthe bourdarios work o nyoursefl improves uurslef brign urseflto thth level fo
ccocpapcbiltiy knwoig nwaht ot o do in otrder to succeed andn eprofrm and be highg perofrmign and
prodtuive and cpacpble tht si and ahchve hence ahcvhe ur goals

Take the lead the effrt s endravours reisn control andn command

Fight O Arjuna to maek it happen

Dbe dtmermmed to od it and geti tdoen and make it happen dot nsto

Sit down focus o nti be 100% focsedo n ti se th tigsn get thgis nrllign no distracitosn and diveirsio nt odo
tiand get iti doen and maek it happen!

Seet hteh cahncenadn opportunity now is the cahce nadn opportunity don’t lose it or missi it

When uare going thru hell keep doing dotn quit nad so on

The gaol: know what oyour ogals I s what u want otod and ache hth si

“if y uwant ot o be happy hten ocus oyru lfie give dedate commit oyur life to a msiion or gaol” –Albert

Inoder to ahchveu rogals oyu need otget a lot ofo things doen and wor doen soo your focuse should eb
on achvign ur goals andn o ngettign thgisn denandw rok doen thht needs ot be doen t oahvhe ur goals
and everyhign u do revoeles around thaht.

-You have ot oachve ur goal

-You need ot get thgisn doen and wrok doen in order to achvhe ur gaosl
-Yoru focus is more on getting thgisn doen and wrk done to achveh ur ogals and on what needs to obe
doen enxt what work ot odo next towards achivgn ru gaol
-And veryhtign your do thth si focus, tiem effrt, action working hard… reveolve s aorudn thth is
for getting thgis ndoen .. everything udo all acin u ake measure u take like being focsed tking action
wrking hard not wasting time it all revlves arunfd tht sooo tht u can be hughy effcnt n productive n get
things dun nwr k dn needed t be dun to achve ur goals

The objective/mission:
-To ahcve yru goals
-To gethgis ndoe nadn wrok doen thth need ot oeb doen to acvhe urgoals and ot ethgis ndoe nfast at a
record speed rate and ntime
-antherh tigsn is time yo ushud take item in to ocnsideratin nto waste itme ahev the goal and msiion
of making optmum use of oteh limited item u have mAke the most effcent andn prodtuvie use fo the
tiem thth u have by giivgn ti to work and imp thgsin
Be preprgraaemdand focused I nyou rm id nt oachvhe ur goals and msisosn htht is ! feed ii n input in
mind and drmemebr and ndot nforget r lsoe persepectivie lei ak termiantort keep or a mshcien keep
working ati ti and o nti

Your focus shud be moreo o nfgettign thgis ndoen thth ened t o be doen to ahchveh ur goals and hten
ouy wil leb a doer! You have htoguth and deicde d what to odo next and so on, Thths is oy uwil lthin
kwaht otodo next towards ahcing ru goals, what to otake up next what work orto od next nadn take it
for oodgi nt iadn take acito n and nget ot owork to odit ad ng iet ioden take ti dofoor odig nti
immediately as u ukwn u need ot get this doen u wotn waste item thth si as u uavhe soemthig nt odo n
uavhe htogut hadn deicided what ot odo and u kwn wahtot odo ththsi

Work ahrd lie kcarzy be ososend about ti work like ehll like super ahrd ot make it hapepen ot get higns
doen and to achvhe ur ogals thth si

He ahs an over actiivve highly acitive itnellectal and poewerful brain caretvei brain he cant rest with o
tut soign dignosemthign eh needs a lot ofo feeed nad nennrteratinemtn and so on he gerst broed easily
and so o nentnernatinfment for fu nelarnign et.c. iamgiantio nad nad oso n caretivitynadn so on

Stay focseud o nimp thgisn stop odign unimp hgisn wasting ur item effrt enenrngy on unimp thgisn
uselsess meanignelss nosnesne thth will get giveu u no beebftit and gain aimlesswanderign give uru tiem
effrt nadn energy ot wrk and imp thgsi ntth will ehlp uachveh the imp thgsi ni nlife

Your mid nsi mre od rrected focused o nand geared towards what to odo next what acito nt otake next
what work to odo next what htigsn t ood and get doen next towards gachvheign ru goals and you get ot
owork and tacek action to odo it and geti ti doen and so on. yo ubeocme a man of acto nyo ulie
kagettign thgis ndoe n and bsbebsd wt I hgetitign thgisn doen, yo utkae acito nt ogethgis ndoe nthth are
nenended ot be doen to ahhcve ur ogals and so on and hence u ahchve ur ogals as u udeicide what ot
odo next nadn u geto toodit and getit ioden and maek ti happen and achhve ur ogals ththsi! Its soo
strgit forward! yo uahve a goal to ahche, for hth u need ot gethgis ndoen, yo ufocsu msisio nsi o ngetitgn
thgsi ndoe nadn wrok doen and oy ugeto towork and tae k caiotn and do veryhtign hth u do it reovels
aorud ngetitgn thgsi ndoen and so ooy uachhve ur ogals as u uget hgisn doen. Thths wht u uahsoud
focus on thnk of what itot ood onext what acito nto o take next what ot owork on next wtwrds ahcivng
ru gaosl focus on getting thgsi ndoe nwrok doen thth neends to be oden t oachveh ru gaosl adnd
everything else uu do shoud rlvel around it and shud be for the sake of getting thgsi ndoen ,and getting
nthem den fast I nrecrd speed rate and ntie meb obsbed about resutsl prodtuivity effcny and ngettign
thgsi ndone htth si! The foucs is more on what otood next towht action to take next what work to od
next what things to od next nadn get doen otwrdsahcivng ru goals u eboce la doer a man of acito nyo
uimmditiately get o toot work thin kadn ndeicde what ot odo enxt nadn take acito nt odo ti and ge iti
oden and everhying rellvels around getting thgsi ndoen! Its faster process mreo ocnented ot oyur gals
and so on. ocsuign o ngetitig thgis ndoen n nadn nneeded ot be oden to ahchevign ru goals takindeicing
diciindng whato tood next towards achvign ru goals what ot odo and taking aito nt odo it and getitidoen
and bbeing foused reugalted et..c. .givign ru tiem effrt nenrgy ot oti to od it and getiti oden and oos so o

Ahvign this ofucs mission helps u ugethgis ndoen as oyur mind isi fixated o ngethtgi nthgsi ndoen, as
your mind gets focus misiso nattenio ngets focsud on gettign thgsi nden
Focsuign/objective.miison o ngettign thgis ndone
Keep Focsus yoru attnetio on, persepctiive on imp thgis nthth si working what work to od oot ahcveu
ru gals
the ofcus msisio neprsepectivie is cleear deifned n right getting nhgigsn doen thht is oyur obejctivie
nadn focus1 related linkd ocnenceted to ahchivgn ru golas mkes logical sensne
reason why u are giving u ri tme to work and or worreaos nwhy oy uare odign work is causeu uwant ot
gtte htigsn done

as ur e mind is fixated fixed keept fucsed on a ver y improarnnt objective tth si getitig nthgis
doenadnwrok doen thth si! N so ooy uare htinkgi nf ogettitign thgis ndoe nadn wrok doen and what
htigsn t odo next take up next to achhve ur goas l and su soo u get ndoen1 n n to achhve g ur goals

mid n is kept on the focused on teh mai nobejcetivie nadn msisio nfo getting thgis ndoen yoru mind si
focused o ngettign thgs ings dun And what t t iti ot odo next torwds achvign rugoals as a result uget
things doen. As thtsh ur mission focusnadn objectiiven adn wahts o nyoru mind soo ugeto to od it and
os on .singel midned focus thth si .

yo ur focus shoudl be o ngettign thgsi ndoe nadn thth shud be oyur mai nobejoive nadn everything les u
udo should reovel around it1 why cause ?

yoru focus attion obejtiivei si to

if thhs ur oebjtivie and msisio and nfocus
l tis related to oachvign ur goals cnented to it
your mind is focused on the obejtvei and a mission the corss hairs get fixed ona msiion attio ocsd on
getting thgis ndoe nt
as a resut lur mid nsi ofcusedo n getthging thgisn doen and foucs o nwaht ot odo next to wrds ahcivng tu
r ugaosl as a result you gethgisn doen n u dnt waste itme eidle tiem and so on1 and u ahchhve urogals
focus attitention misiso naobejtive is oon getthgin thgisn doen
as a result ur mid nsi oo n gethtgi nthgis ndoen and work doen and what to od next torwrds achivgn ur
goals nadn so on, ts thinking about htth as result u get thgis ndoen1 as aresutl you are thgisn kign about
what oodo next to wahchve ur ogals tis thehr o nyoru mid n and so oyu have direciotn and so on1 what
odo nxt and so on,
yoru mind si I in to awaht htigsn to od o next ot oachhve ur goals nadnso on its uru obejctiive its there I
nyoru mind and so o u gethgis ndoen or geto owork to gethgs ndoen as aresutl oy u get thgis ndoen
thths the obeive cocneted to achvign yoru goals link ocenton to oti
focued on oyur mai nobejovceve f fo getitgn thgsi dneo and nwrok doen as resut uget thngs ndoen .
related link connect ed to yoru goal
your mission mind attneio nadn focus on gettign thgsi doe nadn wrok doen and so ou have I nyoru mid
ntis thehr I nyoru mid nthsi msisio nf ogettign thgsi ndoe andn wrok doen and what ot odo next andn s
ooo n as result uget nthngs ndoen!
Not wasting yoru get hgsi ndone

Your focus objective should eb mreo o ngettig thigs ndoen tht neeed ot be odtn wordsachvign ru goals
,adnnd beign proeidtve nadn effcent thhsi getting more doen and o nwaht to oo dn ext words achivng
oyru gaosl ,your mind si then more odrected towards ersepctive assros corssharsi foucs atnetnio nmisiso
nobejctive is more directed otowrds getting thgis ndoe n towrdsahcivng ru goals, and what ot odo next
wht things to od o nextn and work o nnext nad nget doe nneatxt take up enxt towards achvign ur ogals
what toodo next thgis nto do onext towards achivgn ru goals thth need ot eb doe nt oachvhe uro glas
and nu atkea action to od it and get htgis ndoe nad s on nad get to owork immsidately to od it and geti
tidoen u dotn waste iem idling doing unim pthgsi nas u uahve a direcito n a route a path a chal u kwn
whato odo and get doe nadn so on.

Whe nur focus si on getting ghsi nde nthe nyo uthink what to od next oowrds achivgn ru goals and yo
ugeto to od thgisn thth need toeb oden to achhve ur ogals1 yo uare focused oy utake acito n to od
othgis n and gehtigsn doen and so on!you think whatot odo next otwrds ahcivng yoru goals nad ns oo n
y becem a doer and ndoign and getttging things doen is imp! Otherh wise you cant ahchve urogals cause
to ahchve ur goals a low oo ofo work is inilved and nyo uened oto focus o n getthgis nthgis ndoen and
work doen inorder to oachvhe ru goals

Whe nyoru fosucsi si o ngetitgn thgis ndoe nyo uthink fo what ot odo next and yoru ocus oges o nteh
right ridirieciton o ngetthign thgis ndoen, you think fo o what otood next and you take it for odign to od
it and to get it idoen yo uavhe a reason nto focus to work aherdo to gdirect uru tiem and so on causeu
to gethgis ndoen a purspeo ad n oso n1

Your focus/mind ur attention gets directed to wrds wahts the most imp what maters hteh most ht hs
igettign thgsi ndoe ntht need oto eb doen to achvhe u rogls, and oyu become a doer! Tthis you thin
kwaht otodo next otwrds achvign ur goals thths all thth you are ocnerned abut and everything relvels
oaorudn hth everything thth u do foucs effrt acito n nt wasitgn tie mis to gethgis ndoen, you think what
ot odo next otwrdsahcivng ur goals , yo ubeoem a mman of action nyo uget all the things doen thth
need ot obe oden to achhve ur goals, yo ubeocem a doer, its hther in yoru mdi nwaht things u needo to
odo next hths ur objective nadn mission, soo u dotn asti mtiem idling doing ntohgi nasu uakwn u have to
odo this and so on thth uahve this thing to od and so oyo uget ot oowrk and take acito ntthhtis to maek
things happen.
oyur focus attention is on what maters the most o ngeththig nthgsi ndoe ntakign aciot n to gethgis
ndoen and so o on . why isi this so oeffective

Thth shodl eb yoru mind oyru atitentio nfoacus o no n getting thgis ndoen and everything oyu do styaign
foacued giivgn all tie merffrt neenrgy nto beign sdstracted nt owastign tiem effrt energy ivivng al lyoru
tiem focus effrt naenenrgy to ot it shd be for getting thgis ndoe nth hs hud be athe reason nadn purspeo
for ti also weh nyour attnetio obejctvie msiiso nand focus is o ngettign thgis ndoe nthe nthths hteh right
thing as it helpsu u ahchve uroglas , hths ur obekjiveh ten you tin kwaht to od onext it is in oyur mid n
uahve a direcit nn what toodo next, and yo u are adoer you take acito tn to gehtigsn doe nadn so on to
ame kthgis nahppe ntthgis ntht hened ot obe doen to achvhe ru goals and s on yoru perspective focus
msisio nobejicet vei is o nteh right ithgns and os on1 yo utake are a doer you lie kgettign thgis ndoen
and so oy uahhchhve ur gpasl one u ugehtigsn doe nth hare nened ed oto eb doen t oachhve ur goals1 ,
you mind atitin focus isi o nwaht ood o next otowrds aching ru goasl1

Thths why its soo effectivie tofocus o ngettign thgis ndoen and o nwhat work to od and get doen and so

Soo thth I ts I nyoru mid nwaht to od enxt nadn yo ugetot ood ti thth si takeacito n stay focused to od it
and getiti oden gethgsi ndeo and ns oon and gie la lyru time meffrt meony reosrucces everything to it
oinrdoeoro to od itand get itidoen and geti ti dun fast

To get more odne I na given tiem thth si!

Thaht should eb yoru fosu

Focus o nththt
Evethgi nyou do should revel aroud nachvign this misiso nadn obeective
F thgis ndoen and work doen thth needs ot eb codne t achhve urgals soo oyur focus should be on getting
things doen thth need to be doen to achve tyoru gaosl thth shud be yru focus, objective or mission so
think of what needs ot be doe n next towards achvhing urgoal, I like getthgi nhtigsn oden and wrok

Be a man of action nton amsiion on am siio nt oahchve urgoals nad nt ogethgis ndoe nand moving tkaign
action to od it nad geti tid doen and make it happen

Think of owaht to odo next work to do onext towards ahcivng yoru goals

Vie lal yoru tie memoent y effrt eenrngy fous to oti t oo od it and ot geti ti doe ne ot gethgis ndoe nwork
doen hht t need t eb doen to achvhe rugoals ht si! Be obssed botu getitign thgis ndoe nadn wro doen
and getitgnthem doene fast!

No distractiosn say sno to other htigsn and focus 100% on ti ot od it and geit ioden

Give lal the tiem thth uahve to odi t effrt energy tht h uavhe to od it and geti idoen and amek it
What is iteh purpose of it? of oy uocusign of oyu working? Of oy unto wasting time? Ts ot oghtei thgis
ndoe nt o achhve r ur goals thehr ahs ot be a raso n an focus na pupsoe fo r odign what uuare odign!

Inorder ot oachhe ur goals u uneedoto get a lot

Learn to disngish between whats im pad naht s not imp and fcus o nwahts im pd owaht imp give yur
tiem eeffrt nenrgy oto m thgisn spend your item effrt ennrgy on im pthgsi ntthhs not imp soo don’t
waste your item effrt ennrgy odign all thth tis a waste fo tie meffrt wnnenenrgy dotn waste yoru time
effrt energy doing all htth u wont get anything doing all thht

Think o what oto do next wotrdschachivgn your gaols and get oto do it take it or doing it

Dpo oit thgotufully as o tot what ot odo hwo to o od it and go about it inorderto be effcnet andn
produtiven and soo on have a set system process t oollw oto be productive nad neffcent!

Have a clarity or idea as to what tood what system process to follow the software thth rusn I nyour mid
nlocgicla makig nsens thth si linekd related and so o nccenntioed ot everything each other and so on,
knw whaot ood and oflow to be proeduicve and so on and eeffcitn . thin kfigure out what ot ood have a
stsme procesm ethod techniwuqe in place tht hwill ehlp u u be productive nadn effcent nadn perform
to the optimum gethgsi ndoen and work doen htth si!

The process/framewwrk:

Havwa set process and a syemte in palce inorderoto eb highy leffecnt and prodtuive

Stay be focused cocnentraito nhigh, fast, high energy action itnnsity lie ka Ferrari, car and micael
shumacehr (fcused fast continues) be ocnstiu be occosntly ati iti and doing ti to od it nad geti ti done
nadn make it happen

The link what o uare odign and why the lfow the resinsign should make sensen the purpose

e.g: you wnato ott oa hchve a goal and so ooy uenedo to ogethgis ndoen to achhve ur ogals soo your
mission is to achhve urogalsnadn to gethgisn doen to ahchve ur ogals hths your miison and everything
you do revovels around thth owkign hard, staying focs givgn all ur tiem to it the limited itme thth u have
etc.. inroder oto gethgisn doen and work doen thth eneds ot be doen to achhve urogals nadot ahchveu
ur goals.

Why oy ustay focused why oy uwork ahrd? Why oy ugive all yoru tiem to ti the reaos npuprspeo why
oyu odtn waste tie mwhy oy ugivel al our tie mefft energy ot oti inorder ot ogethgis ndoen and wor
kdoen tht needs ot be doe nt oachve ru goals1 thhts hthe goal the purpseo hehre1

Plsu ifu ufocus o ngetthgi nthgis ndoe nadn wrok doen then yo thin kfo what tood next towrdsahcivng
uru goasl o uaveh a direcito nwaht to odo and so on, ocen u dicede whato to od u have a dirieciot n its
thehr I nyoru mdi nthth uavhe to od tihsi, and oy ui mmidteatly taek ti for odig nti and getting ti doen ad
n to achvhe ur oagls u naeeedo to get thgis ndoen hth si1

To do olist!
Take thgisn seriosul ny ot lbe laidn back lightly or jokingly!

Focus vs distraction focus o nwork and imp thgisn

Reuguatle oyru thinkin stop thinking fo ohtehr htgisn adnthink of work and imp thgisn1

Work hard taek apis and effrts dotn sleep relax lay odwn get u ap nand get tot owork to gethissn
doenand work done

No hsme ask for la lteh help ad nsupor thth u ned

Everhitng else oy udo revels around this one objecitive the reason n u focus not waste teim take effrt
lsog is to gethgis ndoe nthth is1

Whts hteh raeosnfor focusing taking efrt pupseo behind it? ot gethigsn done1

If y ou are dsitractedn ad nnto focused u uwil lget nothing ndone

Th h goal si to be highy prodtuuve and nefcent get more thgisn doen I na given span of tiem I nte
hlimited time resource 24 horus thth u have get mreo thing doen thth is! And mreo work doen ththsi! In
the givne 24 horus hth uhave!

Be luseful euse oyporu itnellgence talents nadn skills nto eb wasted!

Recgonzie realsei knw ah tot ood inroder oto be highy lefcent producitven and successful htth is!

Why are oy unot gettiig nthgsi ndoe nadn wrok done and beign ineffcnt and unproductive hthsi!

Work like hell ot gethgis ndone and to achvhe ur goals!

-Dot nwaste yoru tiem doning unimp thgisn caseu al ltthh tie mtth cud have been given to work and imp
thgsi ns igone give oyru preciso uim eot work and im pthgsi nt oet work and im pthgsi ndoen tth is
-Dotn waste energy doig nunimp thgisn all thth energy tth cud have been given to work and imp thgisn si
ogne an d csnumed and then aure tired ad nnexhustednadn can get nothgi ndone
-Also whe n ud o unimp thgis nur mind gets fodistracted and u lseo focus for mwro ktht needs to eb
doen and its ahrd ot get back this si cause once the mid nemmery gets over written b y oter
instoframito nadn its no logenr hter I nyr umidn thth uavheto get htigsn thing doen work doen and wht
u were doing tis hard ot oget back then get yoru focus back gaign o nit. Don’t distracte n divert
oyrusemf our mifn d for mwork ad imp thgsi nby odign unim pthgsin. Say nto ot otehrtigns unimp thgsi
ngive lal yoru foucsn and attneio nt owokr and im pthgsin. Mind to work and im pthgsin.
Have system a frame work a process in palce to follow! It hsuld be logical and make sense for eg Inoder
to ahchveu rogals oyu need otget a lot ofo things doen and wor doen soo your focuse should eb on
achvign ur goals andn o ngettign thgisn denandw rok doen thht needs ot be doen t oahvhe ur goals and
everyhign u do revoeles around thaht.

And wrok like hell work hard ot oachveh ur goals yoru goals drvie uu u to work ahrd and take apsi n and
effrts everyhtig n uu do o u do it to achvhe urgoals and work, fosu o nworkig nosnotstuly ocosontly
deadte commit deveote urself 100% to it long horus nonstop wrok ahrd wrk like hell to gehtigsn doen
and work doen tht needs to be doen to achvhe ur ogals ,

be oocnstlyati ti and doig nt iget after ti t working nn ti coocsntly to odo ti and getit idoen fast

give our mind to oit dotn waste item thinking fo unim pthgsi nbe awre of the htogtus hogign o ni nyoru
ehad , stop urself form thinking fo unimp thgsi ngthink o woak and imp thgsi nand doont do otehrhtigsn
do only work and imp thgsin focus ur mind 100% to it! say no to otherhtigsn no distracitosn and
diversios ndont iiveld urlsef I noterhhtigsn unimp thgsi ndont do otherh htigsnadn unimp thgisn1

wrk ahrd dont be lazy relaxing, lazing, comfortable get up and nget to work taek pais nadn wefrts t
toachvhe ur gals and to gethisn g doe nand wrok done get to work to get thigsn done and wrok done!
Take effrt and pains to gethgsi ndoe nadn wrok done

the harderi iwrk the more suucesful and happer I get

the harder I work the hapepr and elss miserable and frestuated I ifeel as I am reacign closer to me y
goalsnadn I mgetign thgis ndoen and work done neededot eb doen t oachvhe my goals

if I m not getitign thgis ndoe nadn work doen or reaching nclsoer to my ogal I feel frusaednad nsasd as
ot why I m dotn getting thgis ndoen and wrk doen why I am I beign ineffcnt nadn unprodtuive!

Just kep doing yoru thing and keep working be tenacious to ache ur ogals thth is !

Dotn worry about hthe outoem or result prepare nand work I nsuch a way thth result is success to get
susufucl reustl but result oriented palnnign, but at hthe saem tie mdont worry but reustl andn keep
doing your think, and working try til u die otget what u uwant and never give it its like that! And do
wahtver you can everything tth ucan to get what oy uwant thth si! Eitehrh get what oy uwant or get
nthgi nat all scruife ce single midned focus andn obssed about it sacrifice nadn give up everything else to
get what u want tht is!

Lot fo day dremaign thinking nfigurign thgis nout discovering thgsin, recofgnzing relasiign thgisn the
process fomraul and so oo nwah to do and why the resonign ebhidn tin ad so on1 n hwo ot odo ti and go
abut tin ad os on

Fosu o nt iadn ndcoeontrate o nti 100$% gvei all your mind htogtush thinking focusattenio nt oit 100%
say no to totehrhigns dotn ennge and invei l in other htgisn unimp thgsi ndo thth only and keep on doig
nthth only and focus and occentrate 100% on it to od it and geti ti doen and make it happen thth si
Waste precisou energy tiem and so on o nunimp thgisn thth will beirgn u u no beebfit and ngain and oy
uwotn get anything by gdoig nthth wotn help u uaachvhe ur gaols or imp thgsi nin lfie!

G fully int oti full force I ntoti commit urslef ot oyur goals nadn msisio nivnest yourself ully inot it in to
oyur projects msisio nyour item effrt meoyn put everhying I nti money time effrt are jstu resources
catalyst needed ot maek ur goasl msiiso ncome true they are imp but your mission is more imp tha
nthath money ocmse meony goes your msisio ngoals are more imp to maek things happen and maek it

It feels so ogood ot be doing thgisn and working o nthings feels exicited nadn ahppy to be odig nthgsi
andn working o nthis and be sucessfu ladn working towards your goals and dremas and gettiign loser to
yoru goals and ndremas to maek thigs nahppen feel happy exicited psptive doing soemthgi nwit hurl fie
nad ntlaents useful ladn ns oo on not felegi nsad deprrsed uhappy miserable unprodtivie not dgggeitgn
anything doen morose and unscuceful I nlfie thth is unhappy nand miserable I nlfie hth is .

Get ot o wk r all talk and n no action ntake acito n to amek it happen! To gehtigsn doen and to achvhe
yoru goasl and make progress do greathgis nadn so oo n, direicit ur enenry ocuse talents roeurces
towards buldiig nthgsi ncreatign thgsin achhvign goal and ndremas and beign ahppy and ucsceful thht is
working ntowrds didlgietnly nonstop cocnsotuly mtovated and nriven and owrkgi ntowrds achhcvign ru
goasl and ndmsiso ns nadn so on. firect uru talents towards constructive thgisn not destrutctivehtigsn.

Than k oy ugod for helping em nad ngiivgn em the riht ideas nadn istnrcuitosn and tlelign em what ood
and so on directing nad nguidign em and so on.

Be good nice to others happy enrogucgn pstoive supportgn helping and buldiig ndlveipoign thgis nup
makeign thgis you know

Be Highly ambitosu miotivate d and driven thth si to do greathgisnadn ahchhve great htgis nthth is to
achve greathgsn I in lfie, do great htgisn what are oy udoig nwith ur lfie when will u do osemthgi nwit
hurl fie , psuh the bars nadn boudnries im trygin mom im trying tht hwa s when he had strted vigin and
ailrnesn adn so on be demanding psuh the ot the boudries and limits infact ahven o lomits be freeot
thnk beyond the nine ot five jb nadn psu hteh bousndiresn nad limits to achvhe greathgisn drema big!
And be cofndint tht huare cacooapbpel t achvhe it and build tht hwork on oyruself to build thth
coacpapcabitly to achhve greathgs nadn advance cofndiently in the direcito nfo oyru dremas , e ha igh
ahciver andn eprofrmer! And be highy litnsnen and driven th htsi andwork like ehll ot ahchve ur gals
nadn do everyhitgn u can and it itakes to achvhe ur goals

Keep working o nt iad nbe cocosntly ati ti and doig nti to od it and ge it idoen and maek ti hapne

If uaure nto doig ngreathgis nwit hyour lfie and working o nyoru goalsadn ndream u u will fele like a
loser failure unhappy sad diepepresed morose in lfie waste unprodtive of no use nto odig nanyhtign
great wit hur life hopelss adnso on frututred ad nunahppy as iif ur lfei is not going anywhehre ocne u
uavhe soemthgi nt odo a busiesnsn a job a goal to achhve then you are happy as u uar odig ngreathgis
nwit hyoru lfie eanrign meony beign useful lprpdtuive pututgi nru talents ot good use and os on building
nru life nadn amkin g soemthgi nout fo oyursefl!

Be confident supiirorr supreme of oyourself take achre lead xocmammdn control lei kt he ntzis thth
were supremely ocnfdient nadn so on.

It gets up up and ndogin e is highy lambptiso u high energy made for great thgis ndtmemrred and driven
tht his to amek achvhe great hgis nadn so on ! graet ideas and porpel huamty and mankind forwards

And isntsersse and psuhign to limts nadn boudnires willgi nt otake pais and neffrts nadn stresses t
oachvhe and work ahrd and leave no stone untred and nendavut take mamasive eeffrts dtmtmrmed to
take big effrts and nendavaiours massive effrts move moutnaisn to achvhe greathgis nthth is not shy
away for mwrkign arhd nad ntakig neffrts andn endcuaing wrk like hell work ahrd to gethigsn doe nadn
to ahchve his goals htht si get ot owork to get itiodne tht hs awht it iis take pais nad neffrts take acito nt
ood it and geti tioden and maek it happe nthth is

Highy lambitosu motivated nad ndrivne

Strt great comapneis nand big nsbessn htth si ! n go ofr it amek t it big make it great!

U wil leb a mman is defiend by his achvhemetsn it ges ht to show htht hhe as godo formulae for success

All this is BS menaignels waste of tiem o uneed ot wathc htigsn thth will ehlp usucced give uu kwneldge
info rot succed

Sitign o na nbeach doenst appeal to me its awate of life tiem eresourece uufelel hopelss sad dprpresed
hunhappy andn msierabl e as u uare nto doig ngreathgis nexicitng htgisn and u are not doig nanyhtign
wit hyour lfie and working ntowrsd goals and so o nu feel lfrtuured nad nunahpyp with ur lfei! U are nto
owrkign o nur goals nad nmsiion and so on.

Go all out I nto it and take massive instiates and effrts ot odo ti and geti tghsi ndoen tht his and maek
things ahppe nearly o n strt early and so on

Take all ehlp and support thth u need ot maek ti hape nadn get what u want ot oget and need nad os o
nadn achhve urgoasl and so o n fast fast fat th htthths i

Be willgi nt work ahrd take pais nadn eeffrts to achvhe ur goal to gethgis ndoe nput urself thru trses trsin
in the pursuit fo ahcivng ur goals for the sake f ahcivng ur goals I lie kliek intsity stresnad nstrin apisn
struggles it means hth I am doi nseomthgi nwit hmy life, wokrign towards ahivng ur m goals it makes
me happy it means it am mvoign closer ot my goalsndn adogi nseotmhgi nwit hym lfeife nadn so o on.
all dremaabroken nad destroyed and so on uhappy sad misriable nadn s oon

Not felelig nmesrble sad dprrresd hpopleess failure loser life nto gioign anywhehre nto gdoign anything
great wit hmy lfie or aching greathgis ntht his and os o on and nto working o nur goals nadn dremas
nadn so o n
A ma n is knwn by hsih achhvemets

Momentum continuity and so on keep dogin ti and os on not lose momentum m and so on keep ati iit
and doing ti no nstop! Dotn lseo meoentum and touch and soo on, rusty and so on , NOT LSEO

Be high energy drivne isntnste deirosu willgi nt work hardnad ntkae effrt to ahchhve ur goasl and so on,
ahtti ziddi demanign and so o ndetmted and so on

Trum psi a killer eh si highly instes drive nadn mabitosu what an great guy soo inspirational!



learn for msuceeful ppl what toal k to them read interviews leanr what oodo ot succeed nadn so o nadn
ahchve urgoals and dremas thth formual for success

be I ntth bsueisn leageue and ncommnity investors nadn so o n for mthe strt! Focus o nbuldign ndan
making bsuesi nad nmakign meoyn and doigngreathgis nadn makig nexiiciitgn prodtuviesce beign
prodtuive using ur bria nadn intellt and ntlaentn nad beifn fri mcofndientn and doig ngreathgis nnot
beign shaky nerovsu inside … empahsisi and firmnesnsn hthtsi!

Fuk this kid isi highly intense nad driven

Go fully in ot it make it big thth is be highy lisntse ambtiso uadn driven some pp lahve it in them some
pp ljst u dotn high energy inteis over active brai ninttnselctal and rive nadn so on, drema n big and so
on .. be highly dersou wanting thgisn ambits ufdriiven and dnrntmred to od it and makie t happen dn
abd reak thur hth is

Ptu urlsef fully it not it otwrdsahcivgn ur bigger goasl and nddremas tis like if oy ufal ldown hwo mcu
hlowest oy ucan fall uahe reoruces to proct u u ucan leave by eathign food at ugm and so o ngvot can
support oyu and so on , so ofocus o nyoru bigge drmeas u ucan survey if u fall, u dotn need much to live
and suriive u can live on like 150 $s a month for food and 600$s rent ath the lowest knwoign thth go
fully after yoru dremas bigier dfdrmemas take the risk don’t paly safe, make ti big, make it oor break it
go big or go home, dotn work for others casue it maeks ur mid nthen comfy asitified, emantality wit
hthe meoyn u earn uare happy nad hten u dotn wrok o nur bigiger goals and ndraeam nad so on. gie
uru tiem effrt ot bigier goal s dreamsnadn things, commit urlsf fully ot it

Make it or break it!

Go big or go home!
Be dtmermed iend to acvhe ur big dremasn and goals thth si hghly ambitso uad ndriven to breal through
budge thru and make it happe nadn stren nad isntse thth si amnd frioesu and ndriven thth si! And colad
nad ntogu hadn so nadn goal and smiio nroeited thh si posoed and machine like to achhve a certia ngoa
lad nmisio and nmake somthgi nfo oyursefl, do osemthgi nwit hyour lfie1

It takes a lot ofo effrt to work ot make soemthgi nfo oyursefl and you need to be willig nt owrok ahrd
tlake pais nadn effrts go all out to amek it happen and get it dun!

Some ppl just have it in them they are hghy linstse and ndriven and ambiotus thth is! Oto gethigs ndun
and make things ahpen and so on , they have soemthgi ni nthem thth frei tht hinstity tht henenrgy th h
drive and so oo n

Dnt work on saml lthgsinfulyl commit urslef to oi give uru tiem effrt energy to work on bigier htigs and
oso n ur bigier goals other hwise u feel frueutred I wit hur lfei as u uare not doing anything wit hurl fie
and wrkign o nteh bigier htgisn all ur item si wasted working no nsmller thigns thth wiwon ht elp u
ahchve anything or achhve urogals limit to what u can achhve in lfie now is the tiem go fuly I nto it and
after it tis like

Ueitherh make it or break ti!

Dotn be afrd of falling cause u kwn htth have been at the lowest and oy ukwn hth ucan surive u dot
nneed otmcu ht osurve at the max 650$S a month plasu ucna surive by govts help and so on soo foucso
on ahcivgn ur bigger goals nadn dreams you kwn how much ucan fall and u have been at ur lowest and
u kwn thth cucan suruuve and u don’t nened hth mcu ht osuurve like max 650$s a mont hsoo giveu
uritem erffnrnt nenergy working on ur bigger goals its risk thth u take! U have take nthe fall and been ot
oyur lwest nadn sruuved u kwn hwo mcu h ucan dfall And so on! work on ur bigiger goals nadn dremas
hth si!

Maek it or break it!

High energy instesty and fdrive to odo ti and get it idone and make it happen soe mpl have it in them
some dont1

Put urself go fully int oti , put al lyour money tiem effrt int oti bakcing help support evernyhign it nto it to
achhve ur goals and msiiso npur yorusel invest yourself fully I no it and take the risk and storable nad ns
oo on! take the tisrks have no fear not be afrd invest yourself fully I tno ti!






Keep dign t I keep working o nti to od it and geti titi oden nad maek it happen

Figure ut whath to od wahteh process system to follw osoo thh ucan be highy lprodtuive nadn efcnt hth

Bewillignt owork hardnadn take paisnand effrts discomfrt struggle andn trsivign and so on dotn hestset
for mwrokign arhdand ndtkaign paisnadn effrts to gthgsi dnoen and to ahchve ur goals endavour wor k
ahrd strive elawkeep wrkign dany ngith work karhd dotn ne b lazy comfrtabl relaxing leave n osote n
unturned towrsd ahcing rugaos l ahrdwork si painful bt u tis also u nadn ennxicitng asu uarrrer working o
nsoemthgi nadn doing soemthgi nisnted of beign lazy and so ond relaxingand it maeks u ufee lgood and
happy thth uare doig nsoemthgi nwit hu r life moving towards ahcivng ru goals and so on u fell ahppy
the harder oy uwork yo ugthigs ndoe nyo umvoecloser to oyur gaosland ndareamsnadn so o n . if aur
lazy u are mreo unhappy sdda drpepsed and futrstefd as u udotn gethgis ndoe nwork doen u adotn
ahchve ru goals u are nto sucefu lflaiure loser y udotn gdo anything wih t uru lfei and so on. dperresd
sad low mrale and nborken and so on …. harder uyou work hapepr y uwil lgbe and nget and more
exiicitng ur lfie uwil be and more atiivenerngtic ale rot oy uwill eb andbria nbod mind wrkig nadn fit
muscles working nadn fit .. ahrd work is biter but its success is sweet rewrds goasl are sweet those hwo
work ahrd live a meter comfratlbe life as thelesss struulges as they have more money . to buy higsn they
want nadn dneed those who are lazy end u pstivng nand strigglign afnd a dsuffreng

Fortune facovusrs the brave be bold and go aehd and ask

Keep at it iworkign o nt iad doing ti ot od it and geti ti doen nad maek ti happen

Do it now get oto work o nti nw ot achhve the fuurue carve out the future possibleites tth uwantot
oachhve hthsi if oy uwoodnt work o nti now hten u cant care out the futuurer path hth u want

Leave all distracitso nad ndiverison aside stay focused on ti and keep on doig nyour work and thing!

Ask for all the help oy uneed beg helps to keep ur pride and ego I nchcek! Ask for be shameless ask for
all the help hth u need to get what you want and to go whehre o uwant o go I life1
He isi more ambiotsu and nriven I nteh making working o nhismelf ot maek it happe n and os on!
forming himself ththsi as ot hato odo learn ntgis nwaht o odo and hw oto o to odit and go about ti thth
is in agood way though!

do whaht is necessary nadn dneeded ot get whehre o uy wnat to oge t and be wehhre yo uwant to be

dot n lose moemntum drive or run out fo osteam fika pad gaya fika padne, contuneot be cambitosu
driven motivate continue ot ostive work hard do nto stop htht si cocosnt to stirve nadn work towrds
ahcivgn ru gols thth si1 and to get what oy uwant t o get andn be isntstnes thth si !

fuk he isi sitnstne deiros udriven motiagvted amabtis uad nso on1 demandignadn s on high intenstity
nadn enenrgy adn so o on!

he gets frurutsted if he is nto getign hgsi ndoe nadn so o nor makgi nrpogrestowrds hsi goals as he is
ambtis uad ndriven and drieosu adn wanitgn adn wants oto od greathgsi nthth si1
fuk eh is ihigh enenrgy driven ambtiso umtovated instsen and drivne nands on

wahth disitster acutally he si highy lambtiosus and hte nhe gets sad deprrsed frestited easily and
npushes hrad psuhes the limtes tsl o ahchveh hsiadn tries to figure out wht worksnadn doesnt to
achvhe hsi goalsh hth si

eh is the bosos he is alpha oy udotn stand a cahce he isi n cotnro ladn connad nand so on!

work non stop logn horu n adn dniligently to doit adn get itidoen adn maek it hapen
thth si1 be o na war foothign

be a fighter to get ti doen fight ot make it happe nand to do ti adn get iti oden
and to ge t what oy uawnt dotn eb a quitter
be a leader ht hsi1
stay focused ot odo ti and geit itoden

think fo owaht o od next what to owork o nnext oosntly towards aching yoru goal

tiem to od ths now and work o nthi s htign now!

Mke the most fo the day hth uahve every min hour sec thath you have!

be ocfndient work o nyourself be icnontor lthe boss lead the way be incahrge in comand lead theway!

Fuk this kid isi insistnentse nadn over bearing tht is he has big dreamsn and dogals nadn wntign to do
great thgis nadn achve graet htgisn I nlfie si demndign and he will psuh to the limots he isi extmermadn
isntsese nad so oo n adn take all effrts nadn endavvorus to maek ti happe nthth is nad be successful tht
si he isi driven tht si willig nt otake all stress effrts and nendvours enery to maek ti happen //. Rsi all
stoked up mtoviated highly detemrmedn and driven t oame k it happen and tkaign a leffrt ot odit and
geti tioden and maek ti happen. He will stop at nghtign t giet what he wants

D o o ti properly

Gviei it your all and your bes t effrts th his

Yea don’t waste ur itme doin tht hnwo give lal your item t owork adnimp thgsi nslog work like ehlll like
usper ahrd!

Beafighetr not ao wuitter fight foro yur right figth to get what u uwant fight for what belons to oy and
soo n whyt u uthink is rightfully yours and oyare entited to fignth t gethgisn doen fight ot maek ti
happen figt tot get whatu want thtsi be instes ambtiso uad ndriven thth is in a good way thogut h

Get la lthe help and support hth u need ot get wehre yo uwantto oget th his and ahchve ur ogals thth si
and fugre out wasys to amek it happe neb suucesful hw oto ogethther pways nad nstretgies to get
hherheh and gethgis ndoen and achvhe ur goals money is just a menas to achveh ur goals and msisiosn

He is shrewed the only thgin thth he cares about is his goals and mssiosn and ntohig nlse if ti I helsp him
ahchve his goals then fine and good if into the nhe doenst care ofr or give a fuk

He isi on a mission tht si to ahchve his goals gethtgisn doen and so on, doing thgsi ntakig nacito nt
oachveh his goals, His mind is aborbed, cosumed preoccupied in his goals missions ahchving hs goasl
and nmsisons and getitign thgis ndoe nadn so on.

Yo uavhe a goal a msiiosn soemthgi n itneh mrongi nt owakse up to and look forward to and so on
soemthgi nexicitng of u wanto tobe happy I n lfie have fu nthen tie yur lfie ot a goal and mission tis
itnsnte its fu ntis exicitng nadn s o n

He isi highy lambitosu and driven want ood ogetrt thsgin I nlfie has big fdremas nadn so on aand so ofor
htht he knows he needs t be highy leeficnt nad prodtuive nadn get a lot oo f work done I na day, every
day needs ot be prodtuive and effcnt sieze the day yhth si go foro ti and so on, and ifi its not then he
gets highly frtretated as he is not getiign anything doen wasting tiem and ththen it means thth it’s a bad
day nand he is not achvhign or proegreisgn towards hacivng his ogals andn so eh is frautured and sad he
isi highly dmeanind and pushing and foricngh ismelf ot perform and trying hardnadn soon , psuhign th e
ltmism and oboudnreis the stkaes expepctiaitosn are high thte edeamnsfsds performance ellve is high, o
nhisemfl and he is triygn hard and psuhgi nhimself cocosntly to figure out wasy thth he can sudceed
what owrksadn what desnt nadn so n I m triyngo t od osemthgi nehre andn I odnt wnato to be
distracted distruebd and nboathehres you know my mind si I nit thht is I nahchivng my gals nadn bigger
htigsn thth si. Hti s kid isi instiset he wasntto ood great thgisn and eh has big dremas tht is. If things are
nto gogn wrlelel he is nto beign proetuuehten he gets frirtsrted easily as he is nto getitign thgis ndoen
and achvign his goals or moving towards advnceign towrsd makig npeorgresto werds getting thgis doen
and ahcivng his goalsl causeu it means then he may not ahchve his goals and so o he is in panic nadn
ftuurested nadn agnery and soo n, o nteh edge thth si, and he tries h ard and forces hard, psuhis minself
hard ot the mlimtis nadn boudraies to ifnd wasys tth h wil l help hi msucccedandn when he makes htth
break htru and disrvocefrs ti then he isi happy causei t means thth he is getitign work doen ten and
dadnacvign tofast twords his goals, and os on, he isi ntssnen thth is , thehr is on ly oen htign I hnhsi mind
to ache his goals and so on , his mind is fully abosrebd obsessed with and scosnumedn I n thth only in
achivng hs gaols andn missions and so on

And he isi fast also his brian works very afast thth si in voer dirve modethth is t ahchve his goalsndan do
great things

He learns form everthgi neh pcisk ti up eenve form cartoons wht wil lehlp him scicuceed his inspraitos
ngo to many evlels, and fields tht hwil lehlp him succeed learn wht ot ood he grapss it to be sucefu
lnadn highy leffcnt nadn prorductve

He si amamsign heis is soo isntpiariotsnal and serisou and wnatign to do greathgisn and achhve
graethigsn eh is ambitso ukid and nhighy lisntsntn and driven thth si wantso to shot ofr the stras

Encourage him go foro ti seesm like he wansto to run the show help him support hims to ofdo greathgis
nachvhe graethtigsn thth is

If everyone beocems an employee? The nwho will be busiesnn men? I wnatoto take the risk and put
evenryhtign o nteh line and and stakes are high I want ot ostrt busiesnens and amek it big nadn break
thru htth is and make it happen ti wil leb f n ennxiicitng to do gtreathtgns the istnsntity stress reefrt fire
endeavorus wllgi nt opsut urself thru it all for the sake of ahchvign ru goals and ndoign greathgisn good
then it means uare doing soemthgi nwith ur lfie is good sing ifu uarogign thru stresstreuggle istnstneity
and stria nad oso n , I have got amny bususeisn ideas by gods grace to ahchhve and work on

Those vides thth he posts are for hismefl ot remind himself, he knows ththt it’s a rmeineder for himself
he is doing ti for himself and for no one else! So ohth he is rmeneded rrmmebers hawt to od and focus o
nadn so on, to succeed, he is on a roll thth is got his ojo back get all reosruces you need ot achhve ur
goals help u need ot oachvhe ur ogals and to et where oy u want t oo get thth is, soot ht ocne u uahce ur
goals u are mreo calmer and at ease and peace then more quet and cool and chil ad nthen u can calmly
work on things oy uwanto tood and ahchveh on oyur opporutnties htt mean soo mcu ht ooyu,

You wotn win against him he isi isntsen highly ambitos uadn dnriven andn high energy eh will stop at
nothgi nt oget what he wantsh thht is you will lose agiasnt hi mash eh ahs hth burign firen and deire I
nhim to wi nadn to achveh his goals and ndiitermeanti on istnity power by the grae of goad and

God andn the unveirse give the isntrucitosn htogtsh and power wahto otdo to help achhve ur goals!
When u wantsomehtign god and the nunveisrse conspires to help u sendns hteh irgh thlep suppoertn
and ppl to help you to get what u want!

He isi eaxamtmrmely subborn deamanidn determeind hatti, stern unbudign and so on firm forcing it to
make ith amppn and ot find wasy ht hwil ehlp his succeed be prodtuive achhve his goals and nbreak
thru istnsen pshing forcing to the limti to maek ti happen t achhve his goals triygn to fidand figure out
ways thth will hel phi msuceed and try ahrd tht his trying ahrdnand soo n and taking effrt ns and so on!
Not go down wit hot ua fight keep trying trying trying till uget what u want! O after it be isntsnete
stubborn nto be quitter try ahrd kee ptryign eb a fighter!

Sieze the day make the most of oteh day n nth e item thth uahve by giving ti to work and imp this nadn
getting work and imp thgsi ndoen

Anything thht inspires yo motaivates uu drive u to work hard and achve ur ogals and ngets u ugoign
thth si! Soo isnpirign what a great guy he is amamzign person a o getter going for it rutehless going all
int ot I a killer nad oso n, wnatign t osuceed derosiu passionate about ti and I na good way andn well
emanig nthtsi, leanvgn no stone unturned goig nall out t osuceed and so on, it doenst matter hwo oy
udo it and o g about it gogi nal lway oyut to succeed and nwin!

He isi highy ldriven and n ambitos uadn has big dreams nand series and wants and nsets the bar high
thth si1

Get after it to do it and geit ioden n make it happen get to wrk to maek it happen take ti for odign t ito
mgeti ti oden and make it happen gethgsi nduenand work dun

Give all your focus tiem effrt energy oto ti to do tiad getii dunn n make it happen ththsi!

He iwl lgo o n to do great thgis nstrt busensn and achvhe great things!

Get a lot of things doen and work done hwo good and effcnt nnad productive was ur day? Hwo good
was ur da?Y what did u accomplish hwo mc hwork didi u get doen and if not hten why? What u can do
to be mreo prdtiocve and highy leffecnt? What the isseus are what works andn what odenst work figure
it oout towrsd beign haighl effcntn andn rpodtive What work did u get doen today towards achivgn ur
goals that is, how mcu htime idi u give towards getting wrok doen and achvign ru gaosl, hwo u spent ur
day doig nwaht? How effcntnand prodtuive was ur ady how much work dodin u get doen and wht iddi u
do and get doen towards ahcivng urgoasl ththsi! Sieze the day the tiem the 24 hours the and the
opporutnites thth u have nad nget I nthe day htth u have by gigivngi t ot work and imp thgsi ntht si and
working t oachveh ur gaos thth is. Mae the most ofo the day thth u have the tiem 24 hurs dthth uavhe
by bgn highy lprotuive nad ngettign amzimum work den thth si. Mae k the most oof the tiem efficient
usefo oteh tiem andn the day hth u hve by bign hsihgly prordtuvie andn effcent knw whato u needot
odo to o succeed adnso on

Engienneirng art/creativity, itnstsect and biz is a powerful lcombiations

He isi isntstes thehre is soemthgi ni nhim.

To od osoemthgi nand achhve somehtgi ngreat wit hyoru life be highy lambitosu isntse and ndriven go
on t od ograethgis nbe pin apsispn have thth drema thte deiries the wanting be deirosu and so on, hw
badly nadn strongly u wnatti and so o ntht si the fire thth helps u uachvhe ur goalsnand drems

And put ur everything I n it to oditand geti ti odne and maek it happen marhci ngo full force I nto it t
omaek it happen
Dotn pput limtsi o nyorusfl, the unviesres is limitless endless you need to think beyond and so on, dotn
put limits o nyour dremasnadn what u can do and achvhe, and a cecling to it, thehrsi sno limti fo to what
u acna d and achvhe and so on, whe n uthin kof a jb you are putting a limit istned think abig think about
bsuesin thnk about blliosn not thogusandns thin kabotu space think about putting human beigns o nteh
o n ther paltns star systems thin kabout adnvgn the workld and humanity namkig nprogressad soo on!
zomme out don’t be lsot I nteh lifei si more than thth, ti can be bigger and oson , lifei s mor than jstu
doig na 9 o 5 job and getting a small payhceque nadn beign herd mentality and a prodtuive of the
system and a a albougn manchigne and then fallgi nint o thegrave nadn ditch like every oen else dogi an
9 ot 5 job eanrign small py check and the nflaig nto oyur grave nadn ditch think beyond thth thehris mro
ot lfie htan thth strt bsuesin go o nto do greathgsi nachveh greathgis nreovlautize everything, proeprl
humanity forwards to space strs solar ssyem agalzies zoom out for mthe daily life and intothe unveirse
and nearth see the bigger picture hthehrsi s more to oyur lfie then this life is short and so on taek tth risk
and s o on, take the risk, you break ti or make it, omaek it or break it take the risk, ehri you go ot othe
top or ufall, yo uame kti ro break it take tht rsik, pshu urslfot the limits, giveu p thth 9 to 5 jbo and go
ahedand nstrt bugig bsuesi nadn think big and so on take thth risk either u makeit and hahchve urgoals
or u fail, or u bu t give it a shot a try thths hw our lfieshud be, don t be a risk the small er thgsn in and
comfrt sadfty and protection and protcito nf oa jobto strt achhve graethgisn. Yo uahve htsi one life this
one shot htsi on shrt life yo uwil ldie and lseo everything I tneh end any any so odotn be safrd to lsoe go
for the your gaols uare naked alredy! Go togivie it ia shot go otrerwrsd achinv ru goasl bgigier ogals htth
si In lfie, a be a rebel and na machine think beyond think big yoru drmeams sbhud be graet nadn big,
take the risk put uelsefi ntito it to amek it happen ! don’t neeb narrow minded emwm indeed keep an
ope nmidn thhre is more to life than this yo uknw wado what u ulove nad nwant ot odo and work
dootwrds your bigier goal s nadn mssionsn thth si and graethgisn dot npaly safe its more exicintgto odo
grreathgis nbigg I fish and to achvhe your bigger gals and staifyign yo umaek it r break it , you reach the
top or u fal ltake thth rsik sto ppalsiyng safe protredcteddoig an 9 to 5 jobnadn work otwrds str to owork
doent awasteitme tke a risk eiethehr u hit big or yu go broke odign ti but dotn seetltle for small thgsin
you take thth risk o uknwo you give up tht hsaftyl net nad protcectio nadn go after the bigerhtigsn and
goals I nlfei htsi. Dotn eb narroe m midned doigna 9 to 5 job and getting a small lapycheque ndn hten
gogi nt ooyur grave a wrokgi namchien like everything else there is more to life than thth thnk big work
o nyoru bigger goalsadn ndreams. Lfie isi short u ahven tohgi nt olsoe take the risk u amek it or beereak
ti! Taek the risk meaning give up palyign saml and protected and ngo fully after uru bigger goals, risk the
small lthgisn , th his safty and sprotictio na jobad nn al lthth and dotn wste tie mwadnworrk to wrds
what u ureally want oood thth si trt bsuiesne and so on, thth will maek u more happy and stified hth
uare giivgn ti a shot nadn workgi ntowrds yoru bigger goals instead of doing what everyone else isi doing
u are odiggn after what u u really wnao ood u are rebleeiosu nto herd mentaitly nad ns on. tehrh si more
to life than ttht hsmal lthgisn, zoom out go after ur bigier goals and ndreams, see the whole earth and
nuniverse tsteh life see the bigger picture yo uamy as well shoot for the te stars yo uahe ntohgi nt olose
lfie isi short oy uiwll ldie and lsoe everything I nteh end any wasy so ono poin t palayign safe go after
your bigier goals takethth risk nad os on.!

Careate a frame work for suces tht hwuil lmaotivate yo uisnpire you drivei you yo u to do greathgsi
nachvhe gaethigsn do greathgsi ni nlife
Be highly ambitious motivated n ndriven to do great thigns and acvhe great thigns

Have the knowledge if u dnt have the knowledge u cant do it as s u dnt knw wht to do how to do it n go
bout it

Wrk to gethngs dun n wrk dun n mke iit hppn tht is

Work o nti questly and calmly be workogn on it

Focus o nworkign cosntouly just keep on doing yoru rwork and thgis nwill happen focus o nwrokign o
nworkig ncalmyl quietly praceflly apteitnly and so o ndiligiently keep o ndogi nyour work, yuou neeed ot
keep o ndoig nyoru work, cosntsitlu be working fouscos nwrokig nonstop cosntisotuly to gethgis ndoe
nadn wrok doen thth ened ot o be doen t oachvhe ru goals . be ccosntly ati ti and odign t coosntly
workgin o nit cosntly be doing your wrok! Focus o ntthh t keep chipping and working towards s it to odit
nadn git iodne andma ek ti happen csntsotily nostnop1 keep workgn work li ke hell1 focus o nwrokign
cosntsotuly keep on doing r uwork and ur thing hthti s

Work on ti to maek ur dremas andn ideas in to reality, and have the knowledge the knw the palns
strategy what ot od hwo ot odit and go about it to maek oyur dreams busiensn dreamsi nt oa reality to
brign them I nto exisitnce and then work like hell geto t oowr k ot maek it happen

Fcosu o nwork and imp thgsi nand on ahcivgn ru goals1

Ocne u have soemthgi nt od a fielda lien bsueisnn career the nyo uahve direction inh wich u can ofcus
ur energies and ntalents and so on

He doenst like oding small thgisn with limits o nit he feels unahpyp and nmeirable as if he is not oign
anything great wit his lfie nadn working o nshi bigger goals thts cause he is highly ambitosu isntnset
andn driven and so n, yoru lfie isi short u have nothing nt olose oy umay as wiel lgive it a hsot ot work o
nyoru bigger goasl and ndreams take thth risk work o nyoru bggoer goals

Let theh fun begin it will eb fu nand super exciting and full fo joy thth si t o satiifyignadn happy and
nsuceeful I nlfei working on ur goslas busisesn nad dreams and so on and focusing on god Hare Krishna
eternal happiness and joy keep doing ru thing I nthsi world abe passionate edirvne ambitso uadn diereos
u t maek adcnacnve meant nadn progeersse uur and thth o f human beings beyofn this solar stystem
dna ot otehrh tpalnts strive ddilgntly aththe same tiem focus o ngod and you will eb the happiest epron
eternal happienssand blisis tis nto even about material thgisn its about success about ofdogi ngeathgis
nwit hyoru lfie its fun tis instste its exicitng

Absorb ur mid ncosnuem oyur mind cosumd I nti and doin ti only ad ns oo n

Getto work immediately to maek ti happen thth is

Imdoign soemthgin oaky im working on wahts imp to me!

Tisfun and exicitng ot odo its godo tht h uhave osemthgi nt od stoked up and exicited about ti direction
a direiciotn fiel d carrer etc.. to put ur talents ocucs oyur tientnlgncen and tlaetns I nand make
osemthgin fo ursefl and nur life not be frustrated wasted msirable depressed failreu soer wasting ur
lfieandn killgi ntime and taeltns and wandeeinrg aroud nhoepelslly aimelslly nothgin todo and so on

Put all ur stakes I nto ti take the risk go all in! tpachvign ru gals and mmsisio nfully I nto ti ad nd s oon

When uahve soemthgi nt oto s oa ield ad career a callig nsoemthgi nthth u really want tood the ntis
more fun exicitng and and u avhe a direction t oput urtalents I nfocus ur talents in and u to ame
ksoemthgi nf oyur lfie nad so on and to achhve ur goasl ad ndreamsn and uare happy causeu uare
working ntowrds ahcing ur oals ad ndnreims u avhe ardiericiotn soemthig ntood focus your talents on
and u dotn feel eawasted loser falrue , drppesed sad ccaus ur lfie is goig nno owehre u are wasting ru
telants oign ntohign and felelig nfruutsred with lfie and just wantdeirng naroud n nto doig nanyhtig
ngreat with ur lfie felelign low loser msirble good ofr ntohig nwasted lkillig n ur wasting ur item ththis1 ,
e is nto a waste he isi useful wanting to be prodtuvie nadn d osoemthgi nththsi

Quietly keep chippignand working ntowrds yoru goasl to gethgis ndoe nfosu o nworkign ocsntostuly

Put yourself 100% fully I nto ti go all out and all int oti!

Focus o nworki ncosntostuly and calmly thth si! To gehtgis ndoe nfocsu o nworig nonstop dayn yngith
logn horus jstu ous o ndogi nyoru work costostuly ad nclamly peacefully quetyl keep working ekee
ptakign action nkeep chipping inorderoto gethgis ndoen1 yo ushud be owrkign cosntostuly just kee p
dogn your work and working o nti and the rest will follow! The reutls outcosme etc..jsut focus o nwrokig
ncosntouly quietly calmly peacefully!sut keep at it keep working o nt iadn keep dogi nt ithsh botu it
nonstop be ocosntly ati ti and doing ti calclmly quietly peacefully jstu keep doig noyur work thth si keep
doing ti and working o nti to od it get itioden and maek ti happen

The why si imp the reasn the purpose mtoivaito nbehind doing ti, weh nu think why am I eevne doig
nall this? Should ieven be doignall hthth is thths when yu read this and rmeidn urslef as ot why! If oyu
are doing ti only for the money then don’t t do it, money isis imptantn reason nfor odign ti causeu u
need money to surive and lvie and so on, money isi crititcla but also do it casue yo uwantotoeb sue ful
and ndproduvie be of use not waste , you are ambitsous andahve big drmeamsnadn goals, wah to to od
grea thgisn , and achhve greathgsin or caeu u uwanttoot maek aediffrnce change the world propelr
humantyi forwards or, caeuu esu dotn want oto wate oyur lfie skills talents, itnentct and so on doig
nntohgng felelgi nemsirable lei k loser, wasted wasting kilign passisign tiem and dnoig nntohgi nnto
makig nsoemthgi nf oyourslef and nyur lfie and ns oon. Fellig nsad dreprrd hopelss and s oo on nnt
oodign anything great wit hyoru lfei and so on. yo uavhe a direiiot nacareer a calling aure aworkign o
nyoru goal s ahcivgn ru goasl, you are ahpy felel god suceedufl you are not waaistng yoru lfie u have a
htgis nt odo thank good u have a carer a callgi nseomthgitn to focus ur talents on and so on
Thnk u god nadn univeesres for giving me godo thgosuth isntrucitosn and coocamnds nadn guiding me
ot achhve my goals htth si to get ti idu nadn maek ti happe nthth si

Time thing:

Dtn waste yoru tiem dog n unim pthgsi ngive yoru teim to t work and imp thgis to 1) mek the most
productive use fo oyur tie madn 2) t o gethgis ndoen and work done

-Give/ direct all your item to work an im pthgsi n ot get work and imp thgis ndone, other wiseu u end up
lsoign tiemwastign tiem and get nthgi ndoen, I ntath much itme o ucud have gottn a lot ofo thgisn doen,
and its wasted tht si, and hten u ahven o tiem left oto gethgis ndone,
-U have limited item, give amx tiem to work and imp thgsi nt oget work and I tgns done, get maximum
doen in a the ivne 24 horus hth u have! Waste nto a single min every min ssec c is imp givi it to workadn
im pthgsi nt oget work and im pthgsi doen. Give al lyoru item to work and im phgtigsn
-Amamge yoru tiem, do otehrhtigsn fast so othth u can give max item to orwk and im pt hgsi nto get
work and im thgsi ndoen more done I na given tiem and be highy leffcnet and nprodtuive thth si!
-Get mamximu mout of the mlimted item tt uavhe by igigng it ot work and imp thgis n to getowrk and
im pthgsi ndoe nfast!
-Dotn wste uru tie mo uy have limited tiem other wie u are left wit hno itme ot ogive ot workadn im
pthgsin give la lyour tiem t owork and imp thgis nt oget woerk and imp thgis ndone!
-Dot nwaste yoru tiem doning unimp thgisn caseu al ltthh tie mtth cud have been given to work and imp
thgsi ns igone give oyru preciso uim eot work and im pthgsi nt oet work and im pthgsi ndoen tth is
-Give lal oru tie mthth is limited item tht uavhe to wr akd nim pthgsi n limited item 24 horus thth uahve
to work and imp thgsi nt oget work and imp thgsi noden to get maximum work done I nthe iven 24
horus thth u have!
-Gia al lyoru item to it the limited time hth uavhe don waste iti div lal oyur tie mto od it to do it and
geit idoen1
-Yo uwanto t oneo t wste item so othth ucan give hth limited tiem thth u iaveh tiem to work and imp
thgsi tn oget t work ad im ptgsi ndoen! N ot get them doen fast
-To get maximum amnt ofh tigsn doen I an given tie m or a day thth is the thign1 n be highly productive
-Give all your item to wro kadn imp tgisn t oget work dnad imp thgis nyou have limited tiem get the
most work done in the limited item thth si 24 horus yo uavhe!
-Thereaosn why oy udotn waste tiem and gie la lyoru tiem to work and so on
-How porducutive awas yoru day? How much oy u got done I nteh given 24 hors to get more doen I n
agiven tiem
-If oy uwaste tie myo uget nothgi ndoen and oy uavhe n time left t oget im pthgsi ndoen , I ntth much
tiem ucud have gtten soo much doen and reached clser to yoru goals1
-Spend as much tiem as you can working give a smuch tiem as you can t owork inorder to get thgis ndoe
nadn wrok done! Do late nights work timem down lets give 3 more ahorus to 6 min lirke that give as
mcu h tiem as u ucant to work to gethgsi ndoe andn work done. Give lal yoru tie mt oit as muc haitem as
u ucna to it devote nadn dedicate to odo it and get it idun tht si! . tsi lie ksend 3 more horus doing ti give
3 more hurs to it.. to od it and geti ti doen

Put I nyour best effrts 100% effrts I nit give oyur everything to it devte decdiacte commt usefl 100% ot it
t o do it and get iti doen and maek it happen thth si
Be occosntly ati ti and doing ti for myoru side keep trying be atiti tcsntly keep o ndoig nyour work to
geththgis ndoe nadn wrok doen and to maek it happen thth si be ocosntly chipping at it doig nt iadn
working o nit

Beoosntly working o nti and at it iad doing it to od it and get iti doen and maek it happen thth si

Dotn be relaxed and comfy at ease thin kfo ti as a nenenrgecny and be o nyoru toes this si a life and
death sitauion now

havw aset processn n a sysetm in palce ot ofollow in order oto eb effcnt nadn prodcutive!

You otn want oto be goofy useless good for nothgi nadn waste meaneingless and nosnsne ical thth si!
Lol! Do thgis nthth will ame ksensen thth si

Wastet preiosu tiem and energey

Wor klong horus ocntosuly nons tp t oget thgis ndoe nand geit itodne fast slog like hell so geth tgis
ndoen fast!

Think dreaem day dream hallicunate ponder wornder reflect andn so o nas to whato tood nwaht nto to
od recognize disover relaise wnht to odo and what not to ot odo ot ahchveu rogals thth si

Out all ur reosruces into it tiem and give it oyur everyhtig ntiem money invest everything I nt
oachvheign ur goals make it or break it! useu money to ahchve ur gaols money ocems nad ngoes but
opporunites don’t soo give uru weveryhtign to achvhe ur goals missions and have hteh opportuntes ito
achhve ur goalsandn missions and shahchvie what u uwant thth is pur all ur resoreuces itn oti money
comes meoyn goes use your money ot oachvhe ur gasol msisiosn proejecjts and so on soo thth u have
hteh opprotunteis to achhve ur ogals msisons nand progejcet dremas deriresandn achvie what uu want
to oahhcve

Focus o nit focuso n work and im pthgsi ninorder ot oget work and im pthgsi ndoen

Be ocosntly working on ti nonstop inorder ot oget work and im pthgsn

Don’t be fast and nfocsuednadn consitiosu

Dotn work slow work fast super fast to do it and get it done fast that is!

The arleir ou do ti faster you do ti and get it idunn the beter it is!

Beccosntlyat iti chipping a ati ti doig nit wnad workgi non ti cosntsiuly nonstop p day nn gith to amek it
ahppne thth is! And geti ti doen tth si!

Eb dtmemrmed to od it and geti idoen and maek it happen be detemrmed to work ahrd nad ntaek
aeferts to do ti and get ti doen and maek it happen thth si
Be a fighter not a quiter fight till the end to get what yo uwatn and to gethgsi ndoen and wrok doen and
the job done thth is nt oachvhe ur goalsadn so oo n

ppl are feelign very deprssed gloomy defeated hopels low morlae pessimistic due ot htis whole covid
thing ver y negative and feeling hopeless nad misersble! low enenrgy sad deprssed glomy low mrale and
dull adn defeated

you need ot be hopeful see the ray of sunhsine think psotive high morlaesieze the day high enenrgy high
mrol psotive optimsitic only hten yo uwill get thgsn doenand work done and get ot owork nad tkae it for
odign ti

see the opportuntiy sieze the opporunties ppl see the closed door for soo logn an d enagitivitve thgisn
feel hopelss thth they haven memergy nrgy ot do thgisn you know, its pshycohlogial, tehy feell as ifi
htey are ahve lost hopelss and os on, low and os on, defeated and nso on, its very defeatign regretful
they feel hoplesss they cant get anyhtig ndoen then as tehy see no poitn i nit,

etherh they get stuck o nregrets waht htehy shud have doen and dewll o nti thht htey dotn see the
futurue opportunties or they stare at clsoed doors for long thth they dot nsee opportuntes nadn ope
ndoors adnor htey are negatvie htinkign n hopeessn addefeated thth they dotn think posotive and

weh n uahve meoyn and resoruces to geth tgis ndoen oyu feel psotiive and hopeful other wise u ufeel
sad defeated and nhopless thth is as ot where ot get the resoruces from!

yo uneed oto eb psootive optisimitc see the chances and nopportunteis you ahve be hpapy smilign
uplifted high eenenrgy adn soo on and seze the day and nget to oowrk

i like ot think psotive nadn optimsitic about it ! thth way i can take aciton if oy uthin kthe out ocem
resutl will eb neagtive yo uwot get to ot work adn yo uwornt takeaction

see theh chacne nadn opportunteis then yo uwill go ahednadn take acito n to maek the pmst ofo the
opprotunteis hth u ahve seize the day carpe diem1 go for it go ahed with ti full force mtoivteed seze the
day thth is

te climate is sad hopelss gloomy defeat pessimisticnadn negative then yo uwil lget ntohgi ndoen , yo
ufelel hopelss abt ute pessimistic abut thteh future and you cant geto to work then or geto to od thgisn
then you are low enenrygy deprrsed unhappy disspaoitned hth is

be high energy optimstiic about theh future nad happy bout ti

go foro ti siaze theh day be high enenrgy adn produtivie nad nisntsity and so oo n

work o help support each otehrh and build each otehrh up1
its imp t o thinkign sptoive and be otimsitic! i like ot think psotive abotu the outocem adn futuuer andn
reustl and be optimsitic if oy uthin kengand u are pessimsitic it brigns u udown bgs oy udoen mkes u
ufell hopelss demoralizes yo uadn oy ucant take actio ntehn yo ustand fele hpopelssand defeated ht hsi
asad deprsednadn morrse ann d sturgglign thth si

nt be a burden o nyou if the coem here tit iwll eb a burden o nyou!

Stay at home stay focsuedo n yoru wrok what oy uare doing to gethgisn doen and work doen doet waste
yoru tiem effrt enenrygy going outside you know! Also oy uget distracted nad ndiverted from your
msisio ngoals things ou need ot odo they are no logner ther o nyour mind memmery gets over written
wit htoerh infroamio nwehn ugo outside yo ulsoe focus nadn perspective you need otget your focus
back the cross hairs back o nyoru gasl and msisio nthth is! Soo thth u can get ot odo it and keep on doig
nti hthsi !stay focused o nti! Dotn wander aroud nehrhe nadn thehre and waste precisou tiem effrt
neenrgy thth could have bbeen given to work and im pthgsi nt oget work and im pthgsi ndoen get back
to work, yo uwantder aroeudn ehre nadn thehr then oy ulsoe focuse perspective u get distracted ru mid
ngets distracted diverted form yoru gaosl work and miiso n tou lose tiem efft neennergy nd oy uget
nothing done you need ot get yoru mojo focus backandn get back to work thth is! Stay fcsuedo nt ito od
it and geti tioden fno distractiosnand diversions dotn wander around ehre ndn ad thehre

Carpe diem used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give thought to the future.
Use oyur rpesntn time based o nteh future oy uwant ot ocarve out and achvhe size theh day be
optimstiice hopeful botu pthe futuutere and psotive and so on adnenenrgtinadn high eennrgy thth is

Be pstoive sext ful hopeful smilgn happy opitmsitic high moral energy sptists and so oo n then yo uwil
lget to work see the oporutnies and seizie the da y and be fast th this

Nto deprrsd sad gloomy cheerful unhappy low mrale and so o n! peesimistc eneagtiven and os on feleig
nhopelss about the dfuturue nadn defeated nadn so o n be happy nadn super happy nadn exicited about
ti and so on

Not be gllomy somber low energy and moraland spirits thth is be hapy nad size the day thth is high
eenrngy nad hopfu ladn get ot owork th this gethgisn doenand work doen high spirits nadn soo on

Sieze theh day maek he most ofo the day tht u have! By giving it to work and imp thgisn

How fine was yoru day how productive was your day! How mch yo ugot done? Motivated to sieze the
day when u wake up I nteh mornig nmake htem ost of the day nadn the opporutnties thth uahve high
energy and nspitirits and nahppy oget a lot of thgis ndoen and work doen thth is , a new day an new
bgeiegng ot work towrsd yorugoals andn misisosn your goals and missions maek u uwake up I te
hmrning and os oo on and sget to work to seze the day.. how much work you got done fnsnedh
compelted hw prodcuitve was yoru day?
Don’t be quitter be a fighter fight to get what you want!

How prfien and prodcuitve was uur day nho me uch u things u got doen and ocmpelted! Work
compelted work dfor the day ocempelted! Hoewo good and nproducitve was yoru day hyht is

Comptle yoru work ofr the day

Seize the day!

Think fo what ot odo enxt otwrds ahcivng ur goals oamek a to do list every day other hwise you will end
up just wasting your itme either idling doing unimp thgis nor doing nothgis as u uavhe nto diecided what
to od and s its not htehr I nyour mid nthth uhave htsi thing t od and so oy ushud nt owaste tiem and get
ot odoign it and so o on and take it forodig nt iadn so on, whe n udiedcde thwaht t odo then its therh I
nyour mid nthth uahve hthese thgis nto od and so oyo udotn waste item doing toerhthgisn and oy uget
ot work to doing ti as u uknw u have this htigsn t odo and comceplete rending task t oclcepmte and
execute nadn get doen tis hehr I nyoru mind and so o uget ot ood it and take it for doing ti.

Be bsed about getting thgis nden and getting the m doen fast at a record speed rate andn tie mtth is
wrok logn hurs dayn ngith to do itand geti ti doen and make it hppen thth is! N to geti ti doen fast

Be quiet and focsed palce no distractions no one ot botehrh you quiet calm focused palce whehre oy
ucando our wrok

Stay focused dotn divert nadn distractyoru selfto otehrhtisgn unipmp thgisnstay 100% focused nwaht u
are doing and so on.

He his highy lambirosu driven has big dremams and gets easily frustured when he is into gettiign htgshsn
done and unhappy and ndisipotnedn ndejected nad nhe isi oconstly tryignto improve himself ad ntryign
to figure out and find out when t heh needs to odo o what ot odo and so on what recgnzie what heh
needs to odo thth secret formulae tgis nt ofolw oprocess to follw htht will help him succeednad nhachve
his goals thth si thths it this procesworks and helsp me to be effcnt and ni found the formalua eureka lol
what orwrks and nwaht doenst work towards beign prodtuive nadn effcnt thth si, and triygnto figure out
whth the issues nadn probles are to be highy lprodutive htth si! He is doi nsoemthgi nadn doenst want
ot oeb disturbed on the verge of break though triygnto fiure out wht oto od to sueednand be highy
lprodtuive nadneefcnt 100% perform fomr his side soo thth he ancn gethgis ndoe nwrok doe nt oachvhe
his goals thth si! He like sto od his owrn htign work o nhimslfadn imrpive hisemflandn so o n. what isi
worng what hth e isisue and problesm is wh are nyo uneot getitign thgis ndoen idnentify nadn recognzi
realizaiont e the isiseus problesmad nsolutos nwaht to od ot be prodtve and effcnt htth is, triygn to
figure out what isi wrogn1 wht the issues are, why he is not beign highy leffcntn and rpeoduive nadn get
frurustrated unhappy ahvignna bad day if he is nto gettignthgis ndoe nans he lieks to push the bourdes
and nlmtis and forceh ismfl to suceednadn perform nadn is highly ambitosu drems nadn ders and so on,
and wnatns and want otoachvhe greathgisn soo gets easily frutursted if hse is not gogin any whehre
then he ahs a bad day as heh si nto getting acnyhig ndoen and workgi nt owahchve his golasnadn nto
reachgi ntowrds his goals and tries to fiure out what is worng trecognzie think and recognize the issieus
andn prodmels nnsd oslutiso nt oit. Triyng ot think the formaual improveh isemlf soot h the can succeed
eth gisn doen and achhve hs goals thth si , thht it now I iknw why im nto ebign rpdtuive and so on.
everyhtigns worn ihave lsot my moemtnum not beign prodtuive and efcnt nad so on. read interviews
grasp it what will ehlp u be effcntn and maek progresnadn sucedn and beh ighyl productive and oso n
thgisn aren to gogin soo good nto ebign rpodtuive, thths it I knw now why wht I need ot ood thin
kreocgnize nadn identify the isseus nadn problesm and so on and figure thgisn out what wil ehlp bee
hgihy ly prodtuive soo hth ucanget htgisn doen and wrok done nadn ahcve ur goals thth si the formulate
ofr seuces read interviwews elarn for mother s grasp what u uned to odo to ausceed get thth formulae
and so o on. thth it now ii knw whato tood and so on.adn wrte everything down so otht hits not by
chance yo uknw what u didi at th thtiem what worked whe nur performance was 100% optimum and oy
udotn forget. Wrte everything down. Have a styem a sprocess inplace

Its for himself it’s a reminder for hsmelf thhsi to be productive secret messages

he isi highy driven ambitso uadn optimistc adn nwant ot od ograethgis nahs beig drmeams and nachhve
great htgis nthtsh what ddrives im mtocivates him and soo eh pushes teh boudnaries and limtis thth si
he wantso to imrpove hismlef he grapssp everyhtign thth wil work and help hi mscueed ahhcve his
goalsnad be prodtuive and so on, adn he wants ot opsu hthe limtsi and nburndares and d ogreathgis
nadhchve greathgis nadn soo he is isntses adn thth s iwhy he gets furtstarted easily n deject unhappy
and ahcivnga abd day nn derrsed upset esily asweh n thgis nare nto owrkign whe neh is nt ogetign thgsi
ndone as he wnats to psu hthe litms and nboudraies is very demanding, and watn tos ot gethgis ndoe nt
oachvhe hsi goals thth si the bar isi high an he wnats to perm and imrpove hisemfl soo tht hhe can d
oggreathgis nadn achhve gerae thgis nahe works on himsefl to imrpve hisemfl so otht hhe cna beingr g
himeslf ot othth levle fo chchavemtsn and ahchve his goals and greasp andn elarns adn recognzies
everyhtign eh needs ot ooddto od wahts waht works andn wath doesnt towrds ahcivng hsi goals he is
instse its hsi ambitosn drema dser thth ameks him driven adn istnsent and so on willgi nt otake strses
and nstran and nistrugugel i npursuit fo ahcivng hsi goals nadn getitignthgis ndoe and nwrok done hth
is .and he blelves I nhimsefl th he can do it and so ohe does and goes after his ogals and he things
kpostive is hopeful lad notimstiic about the resut lad notucoe madn so ohe does it and get s ot odoig nt
iad nwrok and so on.

most fo the day the opportunteis hth avhe sieze the day get to wrk every day isi a new opprotuntiy new
strt beiggign to work towards yoru gaosl be excitiednad nhappyp tp o be alve and gto work towrd u ur
goasl and nepxpricen this world and so o nim happy just t eb alve nadn see and exprence htsi world
nadn unveirse

think psotive aopeful fo the fuurue opitmsitci excited of the future nadn result and outoce m and then
yo uwi leb high energy happy nad nget ot oowrk to gethgis ndoe nif oy uare pepssmitic negative then
you wont as u ufeel low morale and defeated I nyoru mdi nthth out ocem will nt obe great hpelss and so
ooy u do nt geto to orwk thth is thth psotive optimtsiitc thigsnkin felelign of behing hopeful of the
pfuutturue is imp nto hopelesnsnad meisrbale and glomy and sodasdan dn os on /.. I like to think
psotoiven and b e optimstiic and hgihg energy nadn exicited about ti rather than dull unhappy dfflelign
defeated low rrmela sad and ndprsed and so oo n

And feelgi nti as burden somehtig nthth si a compsuion and rellcutintn t odo it and focrign urself ot ood
it excitiied oto do ti ti and have to odo avs seomthgi n lie kto od oand want to odo tht is happy lookgi
nforwrd and licking doing ti and enjoying dign feell eixicitiedn and happy good odign ti palyign asnd os o
nenjoy odig t I like a paly or agame dfeel excited nadn good odgn ti vs felegi nmsireabledoign t iout o fo
mcsmpusio nas u have ot oodit and so on. but odnt want ot odo it forcing ur slef to oit doing ti relcuunly
and felelign like tis a burden doing ti enjy leanrign wrkign doing bsueisn its like alyign a game be ahppy
exicited hadve fu nenjoy odig nti loo kforwrds to o ding ti be eixicited to od it tis lie kaplyifn g a game
thth is

Wrte everything each and everything down so othh u knw what worked at thth tiem what process yo
ufollwed at thht item thth made u highy lprodtuive nadn effcnt and so othth udot nforget soo thth ucan
replicae it by follwoign htht prces memthod sstem program

rid of all ineffcenies I nteh rpcoess, things are nto ogign good, triygnto figure out what toodo , what
works soo thth uw ill eb highy leffcnet and prodtuive ththsi make break thru and so oon the segot it the
secret osuceed kwnwign relasign what toodo othth formauale for success to be highy lfgigureign it out
recnziing it and realsign it what to odo and nto to odo ot succeed hth is! N be higy eefctive effcntnnd
prodtuvie hthis , ahvign an bad and wrost dayn to getitign anyhtgn dun frstiirterd trying to figure out
whats worng what wrks nadn doenst work, awaht the issue and problesm si wht ot odo and follw oadn
so on to be highy leffcnt nand proeducivee frustrated as nto getting anything dun, highy lambitsosu and
ndriven nad gets easily unhappy and nfrurstred deprsed if he is into achvign his goal and msisio nadn nto
getting nanyhtign dunn htth si. Tryignto figure out whats wrogn seomthgsi nstill worng but what? Wth
the isieu and prolbsm is thth meaks uineefcnt hth si and s oo n. he is ambiosu and driven for hth he
needs ot get work doen and be highy leffcntive effcnt nadn productive and soo he tries t o figure out
what needso tb e doen to vbe sucefu lefctive rodcutvie gethgsi ndoe nadn wrok doen to achvhe urasl
goals, and if thgisn are nto getting dun then he fges frutsred and so on, and unahpyp thth si he is driven
nad pushes hsimelf to the limits thth is hse is over bearing and psushy ad you knw demndignadn hatti
cause he isi driven ambtios uderisosu and if htigsn are nto going well nwrok nto getting doe nthe nhe
gets over the edgae and nfrustrted disspointed hth is casue htigsn are nto working not ufor him and h ie
snto acchvgign his gals or getting thgsi ndoe nsoo eh thi kad tries ot figure out wht hteh issue and
probles is whyts wrogn and so on, soo thth he can think and recognize them n what ot odo ot over
ocem them so otht hhe cnaeb eefcntn and prodrutive again and ahchve his goals nadn be happy agai
nthtsi. Figure out what works nadn wnt doenst work inroderoot be prodtuive nadn effcnt thh tis. E h is
highy lanmsbtisou and driven and isntennse wahts ahs big dremas and wants to ahchveh greathtigsn
ansd so oalwalys trign to figure out how he w ill go about ahcivgnthem, and what needs to be doen and
scret of ocusesnadn formual for sucessadn so on, nadn soo n and if thgis nare nto ogign well and eh is
not getting thgis ndoe nthe nhe gets easily frustrated thth si! Unhappy as then he wot nachvhe his goals
and dremasadn so on, he isi isntse nad npsuhy nad likes ot psu hto the limits hthsi to getting thgis ndoe
and nahcvign gals ththsi and ambtiso uad ndriven thth si , And tries to o figure out whtas wrong and
whereh he is ogign worng and soo on thnk and soo on to come up wit hbetter processes. Operating at
optimum efcnecy

He is intsen nththsi and hatti and demanding ahthsi derisous pasisionte nadn driven to achvhe his goals
htth si! U wnt win yo uwil lhave ot oaccept defast against him casu he wanstoto win by hook or by croo
thths i!

Frustrated haivgna bad day not getting anything doen thath is towrsd ahcivgn ru gaosl nto beign
proeduve and effcne t and getting thgsi dneo nt oachveh ru goals trying to fgire out what isi wrogn ,
everything going wrogn ntghign getting doen beign ineefctivenand prodtuive triygn to figure out what ot
odo ot succeed thh si

tths causeu he is ihighy lambitos and driven adn ahs big dreams n do and ahchve greathgis nsoo for thth
he figures out andworks o nhimself to imprve hismefl adn fidn the formauala tth works thth wil maek
him hihgly efcnt and prodtuvie what ot odo to suceednad nso oon uadn he wnats ot ofigure out waht it
itakes to suceed and waht wrogn what worksnadn waht doesnt work adn improve innfenfnceis and he
gert s frsutarted unahppy sad deprrsed if thgisn are nto goign well if hei si bnot gettign thgis ndoe nand
beign ineffcnetnadn prodtuvie

Leave all tht haside u ucan do all thht later on frst dowhat si m pfocsu o nwahts imp all thth ucan do
later on thths not imp you wont get anything by doing al lthth

Work on ti a nd keep wrkign o nti and get it to work on it to od it and to get ti idoen and to maek it
happen thth si

Figure ut and recognize what to odo inorder oto eb highly effcnt nadn rpodtive hth si what works and
what doenst what system and process to follow thth is

Befast keep at t it idoign ti and owrkign o nti keep doing yoru work be ococsntly atii it owrkign o nti keep
o ndoign ru work thths it be cococnslty ati t itiryign dgi nt iworkig no nti to od it and geti tioden for
myoru side u ushud not stop not quict not giveu p keep doig nti ekeep ati t ikee p trying focus o nworkig
ncnsotuly iresptivie of the what ht e resoutl si not be disspaoitned dejected be ococosntl ati it doig nt
ikeep ati t I tht his

Do ti fast ofcus o nnot just getitign ti oden but getitign ti doen fast

Endeavoru put I ni nefft t take effrtn andennergy to doti and geiti ti oden maek things ahppe nthth is

Lookin forward to odit to odit nad geti ti doen nad maek it happen thth is

Fcosu o nwahts imp don’t wste item energy dign unimp thgsi nyou wotn get anything by doing all thth
focus o nwahts imp do wahts imp. You ownt get anything by oin la lthth it wont help u uachvhe the imp
and n aciritcal and crucial thgisn in lfie ofcosu o nwor kadn imp thgsin thth will help uauchhe ur goasl
and imp criiitcal crucial thgisn in life
Don’t give up be perstiint e be a fighter surivial f the fittest tkeep trying to get t what oy uwant til the
end till you die htth si noever stop!

Don’t waste yoru prcesou iem doing unimp thgis ngive al lyoru tie mt work and imp thgsin to get work
and imp thgis ndun hth is

He si si a ferrai hi performance car made for bigger htigsn thth si

Figre out what ot odo processws system to follow oto succeed n perform to 100% opintum and erfcnt
nadn effct gethgsi ndoe nththis

Music helsp me to be prodtuive it puts me I tne hzoen tht is! It increase my focus 100 tiesm it mpust me
I na haze and focuedo n wha I mdoig nad I nm yow nworkdl and nthgoutsh and wh t I mdoig nadn I
forget everything elsle nadn high enenrg y and nkeep o ndogi nwaht I m doig n cocntiuty thth is I nwaht
im doing!

U needoot owork had dayn nyigth oto od it and to geti tioden and to maek ti happen and to adncveand
nprogress I nt eh direcito nf oyrugoals!
Becoocsntly atiti doing ti and workgin o nit to od it and get itioden and maek it happen
Give lal your item to oit to do it and to get ti doen thth si ‘
Work ahrd super ahrd take pais nadn wffrts work day n nith be hard working to do ti and geti I doen and
maek it happn thth si
Work like hell wor kdayn nyigth non stop drivie uru slef craz doing ti put all ur effrt I n it work
contostiluy nonstop logn horus dayn nyigth to do ti and geti tioden and to achvhe rugals and to maek it
happen maek majic ehappen take effrrts to maek it happen to odit and ngeti it dun
Learn to work hard dotn shy away for mworkign ahrd going the extra mile taking apisnadn effrts to get
what yo uwatn to get and to get things done work doen and to achhve ur goals thth si
Sleep only 2 to 4 hrs rest fo oteh tiem eb wrkign calmly focseed quirtly patiently to od it and gethgis
ndoe nadn wrok done contistluy and I nrelaed manener pace long like runngi an mararthon give it iyoru
best effrts like runngi na mamrthon yo uwrok very quitly peacefully calmly patiently but long horus thht
si nonstop yo udont wantto oexhaust yorusefl, soo uwaork calmly its lei krunnign a marathon

Work fast the apce at wcih u work shud be fast nto slow gethtgisn odne fast and nqucikly!
Adnvce cofnidnlyty I nteh direcito nfo oyur gaosl

Busiesnsn is exicitngnadn fun tis creative process and so on and its like aplyignand amamngin a game
mamanig nevveryhtign settiign u peveryhtign all operatios nsellig nteh prodtucs expanidngnadn so on,
makigna product desinggi nti amniupcatiuign it tis a fun cartive process to maek a too ladn prodtuct th
hpp lcan use n the nsell it and so on niche products and amek money doig nti ! have fun have a good
item doing ti be excited doing ti to strt soemthgi nfo oyur own your aamdn maek money odig nti and so

Stay gfocsuedo nti to maek it happen and do ti and geti idoen he msut be up to osemthig nadn on to
soemthign and doig nsoemthgi nadn doesn’t want to obe disturebdnadn boterhd and nwaste his item
thth si
Don’t shy away fr mwrokign hard and ntakign effrts take massive effrts to od it and get it ioden and
make it happn htht is

He likes oto eb left alone nadn not be btotoerhd he keeps o ndoig nhsi own thing and work he isi highy
labitso u and dnrnrven drieosu awantign deriesi passion and oso n and dmeanidng nadn psuhign t olimts
and boundaries and if htigsn are nto going well eh gets fruutstred and so on

It takes away a lot of tiem and energy thth cud have been given to work and imp thigns and alos
distracts you and diverst you form your goal and lose enenrgnyn and then uget tirednadn
exihasted and can get ntohgi ndoen as u are tired exhausted thth energy hth cn be given to work and im
pthgsi nis lost and drined, also time is ogne htth tie mthth nac be bgiven to work and imp htgsi nn to o
nyl thth whe n udo other htigsn you lr mind get diverted for mwrok and imp thgis nits no lgenr ther I
nyoru mid nwaht ur goal is mission is as memery gets over written by other htigns and information you
get oru mind gets distrced for mworadn im pthgsi nthh goal nad nmiiso nthth u nneed oto do and
ahvcve it goes else whehre then thehr are otehrhtigsn in your mid nyour mind wnders get divertedot
otehrhtigsn distracted ot oterhtigsn thn and its hard ot focus o nwork and gegt b ack t work htth is
refocus o nwor khtht is get oyur focus pepprepctive mind back o nwokr once u uare distrced and so oyu
get nothgi ndoe nthth is. Thth is why oy uneed ot oostick to oit and be oocnstly odign thth only ,stay at
hoem avoid al ldistritons and ndiverstisn and focus o nthth on ly and work on and do thth only ot
oditand geti ti oden and maek it happn htth is and not lsoe ocus form what uaure odign.

Yo unedo to ot stay focusdo nti focus vs distraction nsay no to otehhritgns tdotn waste your tiem effrt
energy doing other thgisn unimp thigns!

---your item si limited nad nehnce proeciso and imp, it’s a limited reosruces oyu get only 24 horus I na
day every min sec hour is imp and counts dotn waste it, Don’t waste your tiem doing otherh tigsn give all
your item to orkwr and imp thgsin ot get work and imp thgis ndn. You have limtie tiem you only get
24horus I na day give all your item to work adnimp thgis ndirect all your tiem t owork and imp thgis nto
get work and imp thgisn done, if oy udigve uru tiem t ootehrhtigsn then all tiem gets wasted ad ntht
hcoud have been given to work to get work and imp thgsi ndoe nand then wro kgets deelated and
doenst get doen fast and so on and no work is doen and tiem is lost htth tiem thth cud have been given
to work to get thgis ndoen work ad nimp thgsi ndoen si lost nadn wrok is nto doen. SOO GIVE ALL THE
anything by doing al lhtth ,gisnted give thth tiem o t work nad imp thgsi ndirect it to work and im pthgsi
nt oget work and imp thgsi ndunnn thth is.
-the goal si nto jstu t gethgis done but to gethigs ndone fast, dotn work slow work kfast soo work fast
not slow be fst nadn quick work long horus dayn ny igth to gethgis ndoen fast
I only think worry nadn care about getting htgis ndoen and wrok done hth needs to be doen needed ot
eb done t o achve my goals thths all I care and igve a fuk bout I dotn care bout anyhtig nelse!
Good soo hth ucan focus o nimp tgis nwatns im pirirtilca nad ncrucisl I nlfie and gethgsi ndoe nadn wor k
doen hth isthths all I care about and is imp to me nadthths all I give a fu kabout all I care about is getting
thgisn doe nadn work done nenended ot eb doen to ahchve my goasl lets do this now lets get thgis thgin
oden lets put this thing down go for it and so o nmake it happen
If oy ustrt a biz a bran d a corportaio nyo uwil lalways be rich either by selelgi ntehht corporation to
others after building ti or by expanding nad gorwign the shareholder value of the coroprotatoon

Not till iget this dunn!

Work o nt t odo ti and geti idoen and maek ti happe nwrok dayn yn gith t omake ti psosoibel ork like hell
ot maek it h appen! N amek it paososible ad nachhve ur goasl and ndreams nadn so o nand to gethgis
ndoe nadn so on. work like hell slofg ot amek ti happen to achve ur gdremasn and dgoals dreams dotn
wrok uelss oy udo slog to gthsgi ndoe nadn so oon wor like hell to gethgis ndoe nadn eb

Be serious about ti dotn take it lightly nadn joking ly tht h is tae life serisouyl these thgis nsersisouly hth
Why to do al this? Causeu if u are not doig nanyhtign wit h ur lfie u eel frutrsed lwo deprrsed sad
unhappy miserable if oas ifi u are nto achvign ru goasl and nto odign anything great wit hu r lfie hth si
why! Wu kwn hth feeling whe n uwere working I norbit and movig up ad ndwn the strs staring tuside
ahd felt miesralbe as u were nt oodig nanyhtign great wit hur lfei and ahchvign and wrokign on your
bigier goalsadn dremas and tth feeling of defeat miserable and frutrstin whe nu ahd no direcito nadn
ddint kwn whato tood whit hurl fie ocne uu got to strt a buiesne n u ahd a ray of hope further hapiensns
eiixitement soemthign t odo with ur lfie nad ntlaetns and nt ogoinvg wasted and so on soemthg nt ofucs
ur talents o noy uaad a direcito nsoemthgi nt odo and so o oon t achhve ur oglas and maek
sometignand ahchvhe soemthign wit hu r life hth is

Take maasiive ninatives nadn be confdt to odo it and knw the mmehtod way ot odo ti and go about ti to
amek it happen and so on
Work hard take pais nadn effrts get up and get ot owork

Once u uavhe done thth then ukwn htht uahve this calmness isndie of oyu! Onceu have the ppl and
resurces nadn have thgis nset up to help u uhachahve urogals form then o ntis all smooth sailing
By gods grace kindness and mercy then ujsut need ot eb calmer and npatient thth is to od it and get ti
idunn and maek it happen and so on and keep ur figners corrsed thth si be hopeful thth I t will hapne

-mAke the most effcent andn prodtuvie use fo the tiem thth u have by giivgn ti to work and imp thgsin

Figure out htsi time thing: cant get my or wwrpa my head aorudn ti this mystery what to od about ti and
so oon

The otherhtigsn is tiem another htigsn si time : -

Value yoru tiem tiem goes by eand is timickign this si a race agiasnt item u have limited tiem each every
min sec hour sis imp make the most prodtuive effcn t usue of the item thth uahve by not wastieng ti and
giivgnti to workadn im pthgsi nt oget work and imp thgsi ndoen thth is

If oy udotn take tie mi nto ocnsideratio nteh n you will waste item odign oterhhhtgisn and delay and
dilly dally take ur own time to gethgisn doen soo odnt waste even a min and sec and hour ding unimp
thgisn hth wil lbirgn u no bebeft or gain and wont help u uachvhe imp thgsi nciriticla thgisn I nlfie get ot
owork to maek the most prodtuive use o the item tth u have thth way yo ugethgis ndoen faster and not
waste tiem and so on and odtn delay or gethgisn doen at yoru worn sweet pace.

Gettig nthgsi ndoe nsi well and good nather thgisn si time you need ot eb considerate about tiem your
goal shud be to not wste itme and mwak the most effective prodtive effcnt use fo oyru tie mtht su have

So one goal should eb to achhve ur gaosl and to gethgsings doen other hgoal msiso nobejctive hsoudl eb
t onot waste tiem make most prodtuive use fo oyur tie mthth way yo ugethgis doen and u gethgisn
doen fast and yo udotn waste tiem thth si oy uavhe cosnideratio nfro oyur tiem

Eery mi nhour sec isi mp and yo uened oto maek the most proper prodtuive effcnt use of the tie mtht h

Do ti fast get itioden fast at record spped rate andn tiem ththsi

Well getting thgsi ndoen is fine and doig nthgsi nsi fine but the thing is if o uare inconsiderate of oyur
tiem and have no coesntiderito nadn coern fo tiem then you will keep delaying getting thgsi ndoen and
waste tiem you know, procrastinate and delay and so on, as u uavhe no coenrn for tiem soo it donest
matter when u get doen and soo n, asu uavhe no ocnesideratio n for time, and oosoo u waste tie myo
uneed to tighten the screws, tigten the program so othth htehr is no tiem loss and ineffecneices nadn
wekanesses are elimaitned, and urun o na tight schedule and process and progm and technquie and so
on, method, thth si put a cap o ntiem soo thth u don’t waste tiem tiem doesn’t flwo away and oy udotn
lsoe tiem hht is, tighten for mascrews for mall sides so otht ht there r al lineffcneies are elimainted and u
have tight process of working. And method ot follow, . it woudnt matter to oyu when yo ugeti t idone
and you will keep wasting tiem if oy uahven o ocnsideratio n for tiem yo uwil ltake oyur own sweet tiem
to get ti doen and get ot owork and keep wasting tiem tht si and sooo oy uneed to tighten the screws I
tne hprocss the method the program thth si tighten the scresws so othth time doenst flow away or get
wasted and all ineffcneies are elmianted make the program more tight and effective thth si

As u uget ot owork causeu u dotn want ot owaste tieme andn want ot maek prodtuive use fo oyur tiem
so oyo uget work doen and thgisn doen I nteh process soo ooyur other goal should be the other reason
n fo gigivng your tiem to work an id mp thgis nadn forgetting to work and wrkignand odin imp thgisn
ishuld be bto maek the most effcentn nad prodcuive use fo oyur tiem and not ewasitng ti thth si

Don’t waste tie mdoig nunim pthgis nthth and actiivites thh will give u uno bebefit or gain give ur utie mt
work and im pthgsi n distinguisgh between wahts im pa dn what s n ot imp thths not imp you ownt get
anything by doing lal thth focus o nwahts imp thth will ehlp u uachvhe ur goals and im pthgsi nin lfie

Dotn waste yoru item effrt nadn energy odign unimp hgis ngive ur tiem effrt neenrgy oto work and imp
thgsi nt oget work and impt hgsi ndunn tht is

Thth way oy udot nwaste your tiem you need ot tigithen the screws thth si put a cap on time thht is, not
let tie mflwo and get wasted I mean getting thgsi ndoen is one thing but if uu don’t care about tiem then
you will taek ages to get thgis ndoe nwont gethigsn doe nfast, wil ltkae ur own seweet tiem t ogethgis
ndoen and waste tiem and so on , and deealy getting thgsi ndoen get ot ogetitign thgis ndoen take up
for doig nthgis nat your won sweet tiem weh n ufeel like ti, and u will end up losign and wastig tiem tth
si and delay getting thgsi ndoen, as u uavhe no value for tie madn cosnideraito n for time thth si as ii fit
me simply doenst exist for oyu. As a realsut you will take ages a really long tiem togethgsi ndoen and to
achvhe ru gaosl , wihci hwi amek ti harder ofro oyu to gethgsi ndoe nadn achhve ur goals the earlier the
faster the beteer rmemebr thth . so otyorutoher goa l should eb ot maek pmost prdtive nadn efcnt u se
of oyur item and nto waste item so othth udotn wstei mdogi nunimp thgsi nadn immediately geto
owork and geo tot odign thgsi nand so on . if oy uhave no oncesidieirato nfor item you will sut end u
pwastign tiem and take ages to gethgsi ndoen get ot o work ,waste item doing oerhthgisn geto to o work
weh n uwfeel like ti or delay getting thgsi ndoe nyo uneed ot tighten the sreews the process the
schedule te tehncique get rido f all inenfnencnes, and mistakes nad so o n o nerrrors, identify whats
worng and so on what mistakes inenefncenties thehr are to over come them and maek a ofool proof
process method ot follow, tight process method ot ofollwo oso thth u u ahre highy lpordutive nadn
effcent get a lot ofo thgsi ndoe nadn therh e re is no flow ofo tiem wasteign of tiem and so o on . identify
all ineffcenies and otake maek the process tigthnret the rocessto over ocem ti to maek urlef hih
lprodtuive nadneffcnt knw what otood and not o do o nad why the resnign behind it. f oy uavhe n
ocneisderait on f otiem you will end up deelayign prodcrastingign , getting to work to gethgis ndoe nat
oyur own sweet tiem take ages to gethgs doen ,waste tie mdoign otherhtigsn unmp thgsi nad so on aas
ifi tiem doenst exisit for y uadn thths why u shud run wit htiem. Ou need ot o tightent he screws get rid
of all ineffcenies I nteh rpcoess, soot ht pt a cpa po nte htiem so othth it doenst flow and waste and so
o n.

What a fien day how good and neffcentn and prodtuvie it was how much u got done?

Value oyur item be considerate oo yu r tiem each and every min and sec is imp give oyur tiem yoto your
work hth si!

Another thing is time your goal should be ot maek the most effcnet and prodtuive use fo the item thth
uavhe, and not waste yoru tie mthth is

You needo t move with time rths si a race agasnt tiem be tiem to time htht is
u shudnt ignore tiem over look time or be uncocnerned about time or be ignorant of tiem take tiem i nt
oconsideration be cocenrned and worriedn adn careful thoguthfu l fo oyur tiem pay atentio nt otime!
your itms is ia limtied reorsuce adn hecne valauble and mp
be care ful how u uspend ur item what u uspend ur item
tryo ot maek the msot prodtvei use o hte limted tiem tht uahve nad neffitn use ofo the item htth uahve!
Every mi nsec haour si imp
Get ot owork to make the most prodtuvie and effcnet use fo oyru tiem so othh aodtn waste oyur item
Give all yoru tiem to work and im pthgisn
What oy ugive otyoru item ot
be bcare ful ahw oy usepdn ur tiem doig nwaht!
Be care ful cocenrned of oyur item what yo u do wit hyoru ite m what oy ugive oyur tiem to
Give oyur item to work and imp thgsi nonly
How oyu psend oyur tiem
Maek the most optimium use of oteh tiem thth u have!
Ahcive theh optimum effect of oyur time tht is
Wastet preiosu tiem
The gaosl si to maek the most optimum effient nadn productive use use of the limited tiem thht uahve!
Amxium use best use fo the tie mtthht uahve!
Every min hour sec is prriocsu imp and counts put it to good use by giigvng it to work and I mp hgsin
Make max use fo the prodtuive use nadn utilziiaiton fo the 34 hrus htth uahve!
Maange your item
Do all other htigsn fast so o hth u can give max tiem to wor kadn im pthgsin
Sleep like nly 4 hors soo thth ucan give max tiem to work and im pthgsin
Amek the most fo the given get maxim protodocitive uitlszaiotn f of the given 24 horsu itm et htth u
By getting maxium work done towards ahcinv ur goals and imp thgsi nin lfie and what u want and so on
Get mammxium prodtvei use utiliziaotn
Put every min sec our oy uavhe to best use prodtive use good use dotn waste it every min time is ticking
away every min sec hour sis imp and matters

Tiem yoru acitivites and your wor kthth si the tiem I nwhci hyo ugethigsn doen is imp don’t ignore iem
tis not just imp to get htgisn doen but to gethgisn doen fast

Maek opuitmum max use ofo the item you have

Be ossbbsesd about tiem
Dotn waste your item every single hour min se is im padn counts hth is
Be care ful what you give yoru tiem t obe caonsederate about your item, dotn waste you ri tme doing
unimp thgsin every min hur sec is imp put it ot goodo use max and eccfent poriuctive proper use fo the
limited tiem thth uavhe!

Don’t ignore or overlook time don’t waste yoru tiem1

Since time is imp t not only matter s getting thgsi ndoe nbut the tiem speed rate pace at which tiem I
nwhcih yo ugethigsn doen si imp too! Fi yo u take ages to gethgis ndoe nyo uwllill never achvhe ur goals
soo work conotsily long horus dayn night ot get thgisn doen fast its siple if oy uwokr 10 horus oy uwil
ltkae 10 months to gethgis ndoen if oyu work 20 hours a day oy uwil lget tht htigsn doen I n5 montsh
and thhts imp

Be cooreful and thogutful and cocenrned about ru tiem be care ful as to hwo oyu spend yoru tem?
Doing what? Give uru tiem to work and imp thgsi n only every min sec hour is imp!

U wont get anything by doing all thth don’t waste your tie mdoign all htth focus on imp things!

Don’t waste yoru tie mevery mi nsec hour is imp make the most prodtuvie use of the limited item tht
uavhe, think fo wahrt work or imp thigs nto do next ot od next to give yoru tie mto soo as ot maek the
most effcent use fo oyur tiem theand so on andn get ot oowrk take it for doig nti get ot odo ti inorder ot
maek the most proeduive proper use effectiveve optimum use fo the limited item reosruce htht u have.

Think fo owath tood oenxt what things to od next wrok ipmp things to od next and work on next inrder
to acvhe ur gaosl towards achivgn ur gaosl and soo thh u dotn waste item dilly dallign and iidling, and so
on soo on soo as oto maek the most producivet effcietn ause of oyur tiem every min sec hour u have
and not waste iti .. it also helps uu to get ot owork and gethitgsn doen this goal of making most
proeduivcve nad neffenct use of oyur tiem not only does it help to save tie madn maek the most
proeduicvet use fo oyur tiem ti also help u uget ot oowork aadn get ot odo imp thgis ntowrds ahcivng ru
goals to ot odo thgis n and so on to wrds ahcivgnru goals

When tiem coesm in ot paly and you knw the and relsei the value fo tiem and every min sec hour is
proecosu to oyu then y u have this sensen of urgency to nto just gethtigsn doen but to geth tigsn doen
fast in record speed rate nadn tiem, you know oyur item si mlimtied yo udotn lvie for ever and u have
limited itme and resources, and so oteh tiem I nwhci hthe pseed rate tiem apce at wichih oy ugethgis
ndone becoesm imp orntant o oyu then tis not only about getign thgsi ndoe nbut getting nthgis ndoe
nfast at a very high speed rate andn apce thth si soo oyu work dfast not slow, and you work logn horus
to get iti oden fast the tiem I nwhci hyo uget htigsn doen speed rte pace at which u get hgns doen
beocems improatntn to oyu, ts imp to mveo fast not sjut to gethgis ndoe nbut to accelerate the progress
fo things ebign doen r getting doen, the tiem I nwhci hyo ugethgis ndoen speeeed rate at which h
ugethtgisn doen beocesm im proantn to oyu. So oy uwork fat dayn n igth di ti fast speedily t oget itidone
fast hth si. Then tis not jstu baotu getting thgsi ndoe nad wrok doen but geititng htigsn doen and awork
done fast at a hgh speed rate nadn pace

Size the day a new day new beigineg fresh exiciitgn strt ot work towrsd ur goasladn n msisio nmaek the
most fo the day tiem 24 horus opportunteis hth avhe size the day ever mi nsec hour is imp maek the
most of the 24 orus oy uahve

Soom cuh work soo little tiem …. The work amout nfo work to be doen to ahhvcve ur ugoasl is intentnse
drive urslef carzy doing ti!

Every mi nsec is imp precious and conts don’t waste yoru tiem doig nunimp thgsi nthht will birgn u no
beebfit and goai nyo uwtn get anyhign by odign thth , n wont help u uachvhe ur gaosl and nciriticla
crucia and imp thgisn in lfie focus o nwork and imp thgisn geto to work to get work and im pthgsi ndoe
nand to maek the most effcnt nad proditive utilzaito nf othe limited item thth u have

Don’t waste your tiem doing useless unimp and menaignelss hgisn thth will give u umn o bebenfit or gai
and won ht lwp u uachhve ur goals n im pthgis nin lfie gie al lyour tie mt owork adnim pthgsi nonly to
ame kthe most effcnt prodtuvie best use fo the litmed item resource htth u have keep wrkgi nadn slggi
ng hth si

How Beign ocsniderate about tiem will ehlp oy u gethgis ndoe nadn achvhe ur goals faster thths auseu
inrodero to maek the most prodtuuve use fo oyur tiem you give lal your tiem to wrok and im tghsin and
you get to work as a result u ugethgis ndoenand oy uachvhe ru gaos ththsi I nteh process
Every min hour seci is imp dtn waste it think of making the most effent usefse proper use of evey min
sec hour oyu have by giving them to work and imp thgsin only. Every min hour sec isi im pdont waste it
maek the most mek the most effcnt and prodtuive use fo oyru tie mby ggivn ti ot direcitgnti to work and
imp thgis nnto iunimp seles things menignelss thgisn thth will giveu u no bebfit or gain

Carpe diem Sieze the hday see every day is I s fresh stsrt a n enw strt a new chance opportunity given by
god ot oyu glad ot be alove to ahvhe ur goals soo sie the day go for it maek the most of I t and so
on1 .. .get up early I nteh mrongi and get ot owork to achhve yoru goasladn ns oo on

Fcosu o namkig noyur meoyn! Focus on you goals anim pthgsi ni nlfie!

Be ococsntlyati ti and doing t ipeacefully ahpply alcamly keep wpokrign o nt iadn doing ti

Pt urself I nit 100% and fully

Wahtare oy uodgn? Im thinkign dotn yo uhtink think what works and what doenst wah u uwneed ot odo
ot be prodtuive effcntnand achhve ur goals

Get to towrk and keep o nworkign ti cocosntly nonstop ot gehtigsn doen and work dunn!

The software the program thth runs I nyour mind si imp thths what will dtermeine what you will do and
what acito nyo uwill take and oso on.

Figure out the frame work , the process sthe system m what u enedo to o dot beh ighy leffecntn and
prodtuve gethtgis ndoe na chhve urgoals and to succeed and so oo n

The kid is highly ambitos udetmemred and driven ththsi, and hdeirsous and wanting thgisn to od
greathgisn and make progress instnly ambtos uand ocmsttive and ndriven and so on achhve greathigsn
and he isi on a msiison to achhve his goals nadn getghsi ndoen his mind is ocnsuemd aborebd and
oocuped I ntht honly and obssed wit hth only s he is demanding unsafited pshues himself to the limets
nadn boudareis to sued tries hardot sued andso on so o nadn wants and so on and then he teies hard
pushes ahrd pfrces hismslef ahrd ot override things and figure out wasy thth he can succeed be highy
lprodtuive nad neefnt and so nadn if things are nto ogign well tehn he fgets unhappy frustrated and soo
on cause then it means he isi not pmakign prgrressnand headway towrs aching his goals

Be fun ahppy palyful exicitned uplifitng and havign a god tiem nice peros npalyful and so on,
encoruuagng go for ti gog og and so on mtiaitgn helpful and so on supprotignand so on

its a quiet palce whehre i n ican thnk focus and so o on no distracitosnadn diversions day daream adn
ssoo o nahllucainte thin kpodner be i an haze get cooenct to godand nuivesrse gethgosuth
isntrcuitosform god and nunifere is sublimal day darmeign state, podmerig n sub cosnius stste wehhre
in u ar re recpetive to gto recive ththso ehtogsuht coammdns instrucitso nf rom god as to waht ood adn
ns oon n ogig nforwrds nanc d ogi narhedandn s oo n getideas istnruitosn drieiiotsnguadane whato todo
no distracito ndistrubance diversions lsot I nmy own world thgostu itnrvered go within I nym m idn and
tap I nanda ococent togod and uvnersre istnrcuitso nthgotushadn so on transmsiison recivend for
mdgodandn uvnerse

Accelwerarte and nadvcne the progresss of things getting doe nadn wrok getttig ndoen ththsi.

He is io an msiio nt oachvhe his goals and gethgis ndoe ne ad n his mnidn is abosrbedand ncosnumed in
ththat only ,thaths all eh cares about thths the only thgin o n his mind thth si ahchvignhsi goals and
getiign htigsn doen and he pushes hard and ndtrieshard ot ofiguere out wassys what nehe needs o toot
odo to vbeh ignyl effcnt productive and gethgisn thgns oden and work doen and os on and ahchve his
goals ththsi

Try hard push tto the limits leave n ostone unturendand ndnedeavour to achveh ur gasol and nget what
uuwant ntto od get and so on

waht to owkr on adn so on! next towrdsahcivgn my gaosl1

thi nwantoot work do oto next and s on
get towor kto gethgs doenwor kdoen t oachveh urgoas l hthtsi!

The process of self reguatlion:

1) Knowgn/recognizing what ot o do nad what not do
2) having thth software thth fame work in palce thth system process laid out as to whatoto od
and what not tood a sytem to follow
3) Keep in mind in memery feed in remember input and don’t forget what yo u shud n nshud
not be doig nadn so on
4) Regaullate yoru thinking/thoguths be I ncotnrol of oyur htogtush and acitosn accourdingly ,
control your htogutsh and actions. Stop yourself form thinkgin fo otehrhtigsn ressit impsulve
thogutsh tht tell u to do otehrhtigsn make ursle think of certain thgisn, stop ur lsef orm
doing otherh tigsn maek ur self do wahts imp what ur snsenible logialca brain tells u to od
and o soon.
5) Enagae in self regautlion by providing self regulatory thgotush instrucitosn and commnds to
command direct regaulete govern and cotnro lyourslef.

Enage in self reugaltion:

1) Enagae in self regautlion by providing self regulatory thgotush instrucitosn and commnds to
command direct regaulete govern and cotnro lyourslef.
2) If oy udotn enenage I nself regualtio nyou will eb out o ocntorl oy uwotn do what u are
suppdosed to od and oy uwil lendu pdoig nthgsi nu are not supposed to odo htth yur
impuslve brain tells oy urot odo you will eb out foocntrol thth si lacking self control
3) Be cocosntly reguatlign yorusefl and ncorrentign yorusefl to keep urself o nthe tack make
urself do and follow what uknw in your mind senseible logical memeory oy ushud be doig
nad follwoign tht is and recigznie if u are nt oodig nt iadn correct it accordingly by prodvign
regaultry thgotus ht omake urslef od it and follow it all systems runngi n properly and
optimumly and u doing and folwo n wht ushdu be odig nand ofllwo ign thth si

The time factor confusion:

There are two theories here,

Your tiem is limited resource and hnce valuble you get only 24 hours a day
-So dotn waste yoru tiem by giving it to unimp htigsn
-Be care ul how you spedn yur tiem doing what
-give your tiem o t wrok and imp thgisn only
- mamnge yoru tiem
-the goal is ot make the most effective prodtuive use best use of the limited item thth u avhe the mos e
effective nadn efficient use fo the limited itme thth u have..
-make ht most of the maximum utilization fo the limtid tiem htth uavhe by ivgn ti t work and imp thgsi
nonly , best use fo the tiem thth uahve.
-get the most of the 24 horus you have
-make the most productive use foyru tiem b ygiivng max tiem fo the 24 horus to work and imp thgisn
-every min hour sec isi mp and counts maek htem sot of oit max use fo it

Soo the reason/purpose motivation for oyu getting to work is:-

- not just otget imp thigns and work done
- but ot also Make the maxmm produtiv e and efcient use fo the limited itme thth u have, , make
the most of every min hour sec thh u have by working, ever min hour sec is imp maek the msoy
fo it by foing work and imp thgis nadn giving it ot wor kadn imp thgsin.

However the reason motioan purpose for working nadn getting to work inorder to maek the most fo
every min hour sec thth u have caseu eery min hur sec is imp and u shudnt waste it , and to maek the
most priodtve efcent use best use and utilization of the limited tiem thth u have doesn’t malke sense
cause the soe purpseo fo u working should be to gethgisn doen and wrok doen, if oyuare getting to wrok
just causeu uwanto to maek the best use fo oyur tiem produtve use fooyur tiem adnhth bein your
mtoaiviatn and obekctive and purpseo and reaos nfor getign to work and dgin the work then ti doenst
maek sesen. As it deviated form the main objective of working to achve a certain goal ro to geth tigs
odne thth needs o be doen get work doen taks done thth needs to be doen it doens make snsen its like
uare working cand getitign to work cause u wnato to make the ebst prodtuive use fo the tiem thht
uhvae, thths the reoans u uare working, it maeks no senesn, th sole reason nfor working should eb to
gethigsn doen and wrk dne. To achhve ur goals. Tis soo disocnencted the reson u are workifngn nad
getitign to work and doing ur work is causeu uwnato tomkae the best use fo oyur item aprodtveu use
ofo yur tiem its soo superficial and doenst maek sense thhrei is no cocnetio ncausue the reos nfor
working soudl eb to get acertian work done. Aorgachvhe a ceritan goal, it maeks no soesnn is soo aloof.
It makes sono snen at all, therh is no cocoentio nat all as the purpose for dign wrok. Its soo discocneted
oto the wor thh uare odin thth it doenst maek sesnen tis very superficial. If thhts the reason for working
its very disconnected its causeu u are doig nwork just as u udotn wanto to wate tiem no particaulr better
reaos nfor it, not causeu uawnat to ge t soemthig ndoen, tis ver superficial. Thehrs a disconnect. Therh si
not a enuien reson for owrign to get a certin taks doen or t oachveh a certain gaol. Its every superficial
aloof mioosn purposeless, discocoente mission! Its like saying Im driving as I want to make the nbest use
of the fuel I have in my car, instead of driving to reach a destination. Thehr is a discontent between doig
nsoemthgi nwork and the reson for doing ti thth is working to get ac cerit na thgin doen or achvhe ur
goal misio nvs working just cause u dotn want oo wanst e tme and maek the its soo aloof nadn
disicneted thehr is no cocnetio nand link to oti its very aimless, meaningless puptoroseless dethhresisi n
ocoentio nebetween what uaure odignadn the reosn for doing ti, im wits superficial im working reas on
forworking just causeu I want oto amek the most prodtuuvei use fo my itme tis lie ksounds very dumb…
cause thehr has ot be osem purpose for u uworkign th hs ocented ot odign u r wrok. Thher is a
disconcent between whatu u u are odinadn the purpseo fof odign ti,

This is a bit confusing soo figure out this time thing/I cant figure this out:-
This si confusiong I simply cant figure htsi out!

The time factor confusion:

What you need to do:-

Take tie min t oocsnidert iaon don’t ignore it, Your time is a limited resource soo your item si valuable
and important and precisou every min sec and hour is imp soo
-Don’t waste your time
-Give or direct all your time to work and imp things
-don’t wast eitme sleeping lazing doing otehrhtigsn thinking fo otherh tigsn unimp things
-manage your item soo thht ucan fdirect maxi tiem to work and imp things
- fdo all othehr r unim pthgsi nfast soot ht ucan give max tie mt owork dnai mp thgisn
-get to towork soot ht udot n waste tiem and give all your item to work and imp thgisn

The objective/mission/purpose:-
-Inorder to get work and important things done caseu if oy uwaste the limited time thath you have then
you will get nothing done and then you have no tiem left for work and to get work and imp thgis ndone,
and all time thaht could have been given to work and imp thgisn t get work and imp thgis ndoen is gone
and lost. And inorder oto get more done max doen I nteh limited item thth u have. Be more rprdutiven
and efcitn thh tsi get more doen I nteh tiem thth uahve.
-Inoder to make the most productive and efficient use of the limited time that you have, maximum
effective use and utilzaion of the limted tiem thth uavhe.

Everything else isi fine! Solve the time thing that is!

Tsisi cnfusign I catn figure this tiem thing out! Cant wrap my head arudn it! : -
Im not able ot oget my head aorudn this time thing and gufgrue it out or undersntnd it1
When you have this lsuperficial focus missions obejietsvse like making most productive uuse fo oyur
tiem and so on meanignelss things uneefficnt htigsn thth have no link to oyur goals! And wont help u
ugethgis ndoen as your mind gets focus misiso nattenio ngets diverted for mgettign thgsi nden to
making the most porducitve use fo oyru tiem.

Focsuign/objective.miison o ngettign thgis ndone Vs a very sperfiical thing like working to maek
productive use fo oyur item and so on or, gviing la ltiem to work and im pthgsi nt omaek prodcuive uuse
ofo yur tiem fi thth s your goal to make prodtuive use fo oyur tie madn reas nfor gigivng tiem to wrok
and reason nfor working and so on the nhth goal is not occnented ot achvign ur gols nadn so on1 its
diverst yoru attnetio nfor m imp thgis nthth si working what work to od oot ahcveu ru gals and nso o
nthe reason why u are giving u ri tme to work and or worreaos nwhy oy uare odign work is causeu
uwant ot omaek proeodutive urse fo oyur tiem and so on it maek s no snnse! It the ofcus msisio
neprsepectivie is not caler or deifned or wwrng cause iti shud be getting nhgigsn doen thht shud be oyur
obejctivie nadn focus1 tifrst fo all making most prodtuive use fo oyur tiem beign a msisio n or objectivie
si toaotly unrelated to ahchivgn ru golas plus its diveritgn and distracting the mind form a ver y
improarnnt objective tth si getitig nthgis doenadnwrok doen thth si! As a ure no lgenr htinkgi nf
ogettitign thgis ndoe nadn wrok doen and what htigsn t odo next take up next to achhve ur goas l and su
soo uend up nto getting thgis ndoen1 n n to achhve g ur goals ththsi1 , its idisrativng yoru mid n and for
mteh mai nobejcetivie nadn msisio nfo getting thgis ndoen yoru mind si no logenr focused o ngettign
thgsi ndoen! And what t t iti ot odo next torwds achvign rugoals isnted the focus is more on making
prodtuive use fo oyur item soo as a result uget nothigndoen1

Whyo yo ushoudl focus o ngettign thgsi ndoe nadn thth shud be oyur mai nobejoive nadn everything les
u udo should reovel around it1

Lets say oru focus attion obejtiivei si to amek prodtuvie use fo oyur tiem eitehrh by giving ur tiem to
work and imp thgis or by wgetitign to work and doig nyoru work if thhs ur oebjtivie and msisio and
nfocus then frst of al l tis unrelated to oachvign ur goals discnentedo to it secondly your mind gets
iverted to a difinet obejtvei and a mission the corss hairs get diverted ot ao difirnet goa lobejtove or a
msiion attio ngets diverted form getting thgis ndoe nt o pmakign productive sue fo ooyur item as a resut
lur mid nsi no logenr ofcusedo n getthging thgisn doen and foucs o nwaht ot odo next to wrds ahcivng tu
r ugaosl as a result you no lnger gethgisn doen u waste itme eidle tiem and so on1 and u dotn ahchhve
urogals then1 your focus attitention misiso naobejtive is no lgoenr oon getthgin thgisn doen itsnted it
igets doerverted to to makig nrpodutive useu foo yru tiem as a result ur mid nsi no logenr oo n gethtgi
nthgis ndoen and work doen and what to od next torwrds achivgn ur goals nadn so on, ts no logenr
thinking about htth as result u dotn gethgis ndoen1 as aresutl you are no loger thgisn kign about what
oodo next to wahchve ur ogals tis no longer thehr o nyoru mid n and so oyu have no direciotn and so
on1 ., what yoru mind si I nol genr in to awaht htigsn to od o next ot oachhve ur goals nadnso on its no
logenr uru obejctiive its no logenr there I nyoru mind and so o udotn gethgis ndoen or geto owork to
gethgs ndoen , its distracted for m ti diverted form ti , as aresutl oy udotn get thgis ndoen thth si its
naed its all about makig nmsot prodtuive use fo oyur tiem instead thths the obeive not only is it
idiiscocneted form achvign yoru goals no link ocento nto oti but it also then which beceos am
mdistrcitoon fom oyur mai nobejovceve f fo getitgn thgsi dneo and nwrok doen as resut uget nothgi
ndoen . oo if oy uahve this obejrceitve fo omakign eh mst producitven an d effcitn use of oyur tie mby
eitehrh doig nyoru work to maek the most productive and neffcent use fo oyur tie mor giving ur tiem t
owrok and im phgis to make the most productive nadn effect use fooyur time then the problesm with
this is httht ur mission objective changes to makig nteh most poredutivie usue o oyur item thths a
msisio andn objective thth u have now, soo u are giving ur iem to work or oyuare working in odert ot
oahchve htsi misiso nfo makig neh most productive use f oo our item the problesm with ththsi though si
thth its unrelated no link and disconnect ed to yoru goal thth is making the m ost producutvie use fo
oyur tiem, and it distract u divers toy u your mission mind attneio nadn focus for mgettign thgsi doe
nadn wrok doen and so ou no logenr have I nyoru mid ntis no logner thehr I nyoru mid nthsi msisio nf
ogettign thgsi ndoe andn wrok doen and what ot odo next andn s ooo n as result uget ntohgi ndoen!
Cause the ocencept of giving tiem t owor k to maek productive use fo oyur tiem , or wkrign to make
most produive use of oyur tieme makes no nsnesen and so o u on he ocntratry end up wasting yoru
item. Its like sayign I was just driving around for fun isntedofo no rela reaos nfor driving around isnted
ood f getting to my goal. Like why oy uwant oto work to maek prodtuive use fo oyur ite mti doenst maek
sensen! Thehr si no link to oyur goals ththsi!

Soo what happens is thth the reson why o uy are working nad the reason nwhy oyu gvei or driect yoru
tie m ot work and imp thgis n is causeu uwnatoto maek the most producte andn effcen t use of oyur
itme and not caueu u want ot ogethgis ndoen and to achhve ur goals and sooo on,

not only thaht this “makign most productive usue fo the time thth uahve” it distracts you and deviates
ur focus attention, from your real goal htht uwant ot oachhve and the miison mission of getting thgis
ndoen and also this “makign most productive usue fo the time thth uahve” in all beocmces a dififnrent
new goal I nitself and a new mission nas well, itself becomes a goal thhta is another h goal apart form
the rela goal thth uwant to oachvhe and a mission apaprt forom getting thgsi ndoen to achveh your goal
whci his a miison, also it isi unrelated unlinked ot achhvign yur goals. U lose persepctiiveform wahts imp
yur rale gaol u waot ooachve and msison of getitgnthgsi ndoen to achvhe urgals

Thigns to remmeebr waht u need ot odo to suceed:-

know whatu need ot do n what u shud nto be doign n why the resonign the reasons ebhind them to be
sucessful t oahcive ur goals etc..advices thigsn to keep in mind

know what u shud nshdu nto eb dogin to be sucessful, n why the reasonign behind it. n remember keep
tht in mind n dont forget

Your time is imp n u shudno wast eur ime doign unimp thigns, tigns thth wont give u any benefit or gain
wont help u to ahcive the imp thgisn in lfie make progress, thigns tth wont help u get anwhere, goign
nowhere, no progress, nto ehlp u achive the imp thgisn i nlfei ur goals etc... and onyl waste ur iem dont
waste ur tiem in nonsenens in unimp thigns, u need ot od whats imp thigsn thth will ehlp u ahcive hte
imp thgisn in life. ur goals etc...
u nshud nto shy away fro mworkign hard n ntakign pains n efforts to ahcieve ur gaols,

u shd nto waste ur tiem sleeping lazing relaxign nadn idling lesure nad doign ntohing. or doign thgsnthth
are unimp wate of tiem nosnennse usless, and wont help u achive the im pthgsi nin lfie like
entertainemtn watchgn tvv paltiynfg video games. etc.. u need ot keep seeprtate tiem for these
activietes thth u enjoy oding are entertaingn and plesure bt are unimp adn wotn help uachvie anyhtgn i
nlfie keep seeprteate tiem for therse actiivtes n ndo them onyl durign the time allocated ofr them and
not during the work time, durign work teim u shud cocnstly be workign n only ebe odign r work ot
ahcive ur goals. keep a seprete tiem for all thse o actiivites n ndo them onyl durign the itme allocated for
it not do them durign ur work time. durign ur work tie m u shud only be doign ur work.

everythign esel canbe done later on first do waht is imprtnat prioritize do what is imp and criitcal and
urgetn and mroe improtnat everhitng else u can do ti later on leave all otehr htigsn aside adn focus on
whats importnatn n do whats important.

u need ot be driven nad ambititous the goalis to win by all possible means n at all cost.

its ur ambition goals thth drive to motivate u ot wrk hard take paisn nefforts everythgn udo u do it all
paisn n efforts u take u take it for ahccivng ur goals.

u shud nt o give a fuck abut unimp thigsn thigsn thht are not worth wastign n spednign r tiem n energy
over n thinkig nover do only what is imprtant spend ur time effort n eennrgy phsycial n n menatl
enenrgy oly on thgisn thth are improtant.

thhts not improtnatn n is a waste of tiem n nnot worht spendign u r tiem n effort nn energy over

learn to distinguisnh between waht is importnant n nwhat is not importnant not worth spendign ur tiem
n neffortn n enrergy over n thinkign about it worrying about it or spedign ur mental reosruces over
nosnensen unimprotnant thigsn, useless thigns, wwaste of item uncessary thgisn focus only on what is
imprtnatn spend u r tie m ffort nn energy only on impor tnatn thigsn do only what is improtantn be
extrememtly focused, focus only on importntn thigs.

ththt nonsense thths not improntantt its totally uncessary. not worth spending ur time nn effrt n energy

u need to learn to distinguisn between whart is imporntntnt nwhat is not importnnat n is it worht
spending ur tiem htough physical nn menatla effort nnenrgy over, thgisn thth wont helop u ahcive
anyhtign n thgisn thth are unecessary n are a waste of time wont help u progressn ahcive imp thgisn in
lfie if uwaste ur time on unimp thigsnthht will brign uno beenfit or gain ur tiem n effort n nergy then it
comes at the cost of not able ot ahcive imp thigsn cause thth tiem n nergy thth cud ave been spent on
workign towrds ahcivng oimp thigsn u spend it on ump thgisn n then u lose tiem n u are physically n
mentally exhaustedn n tired and soo u cnat spend it on imporatn thgisn. thigns acitivites thth wont help
u achive anyhtign help u get nowhere nto amek any progress, spend ur tiem effort eenrgy on thgisn n
activites thth are importatn n will elp u ahcvei th ei mportnat thigsn in lfie n nmake progress etc..

dont do thth cause thths not importnant u cna do all tth h later on know learn to distignuish between
wha t is imp nn whats not impornntat not worth spednign ru time effortn n energy over.

thigns hth will only ocnsume u drian u n waste ur tiem n physical n nmenatl effortn n enrgy nad make u
drianed n nexhausted, thth tiem cusdh ave been spent on doing im thigsn on doign work to ahcive hte
more imp thigsn in lfie, n then u get itredn nexhaurtedn ndrianedn physciallyn n mentally n nu cant do
the imp thigsn. thigsn liek clenaign ru room, many times spendign all thth effortn n eergy on it, instead u
dotn give a fuck about it u ignore it and focus only on whatsi mp like studyign n keep the mess lyifng
aroudn n nn ot pay attnetio nt oit cause hthths not imporantnt u cant afford to waste tiem enenrgy
effort noticign thgisn ththisngs thth ar unimporntnat. uncessary instead spend time studying, effortn n
eergy studyign instead f wastign ru tiem, effort energy clenaign the room. everyday calen it only once in
a a few months. insteado f spenign wasting tiem takign bath twice a day take bath only once a day.
actiivites thth are unimprotannt n onyl comsuem ur tiem effort enenrgy waste ur tiem n physcial effrtn
n nenergy n nwotn get u anywhere, wotn help u t ahcive nayhitng improtnatn odnt waaste ur itme in
thsoe acitivite.s

Intense stubborn n ndetermined.unbudging htigsn can get really serious n nintense.

u need to keep a seperate tiem for these actvitsn n do them onyl durign thth time.

not od too mcu hof nonsesne uncessary facial expession, etc.. its totally uncesaary goofiness nad
nonsense. its a waste of tiem effortn n nergy be serious be on action, mena busienss

not waste tie mdoign unimp thgisn goofinessn nonses nn uncessary thgisn onyl do what s improtnant
nn whats unecessary uncessary talkig nnad chatitign n nnsense. uncessary talk thth tdoesnt make sesne.
falutu useless, gogin nowhere, purpose less doign thigns sayign thgisn uncessarily iwhtout any
purposem meaningless, or any obejctive goal, unimp wont help u ahcive ur goal or any htign or reach a
destibantion. or ahcive anyhting. settign otu ewithot u a destination uncessary, wotn helop u ahcive
anyhtign nosnen talk etc.. talk onyl improtnant thigsn. uncessary expressions, talkign nosennse
goofinessu ncessary smilign isntead be rsrious and striagn forward no nonsesnse, and only whats
improtantn, on the move, action intense etc.. straight faced, action on a mission, goofines n nonsese,
totally ncessary talkig nthgis nth ht are unimportnant, flatu useless gdoign thgisn n actiivtes thth ar a
waste of tiem uelss pupose less uncessary wont help u ahcive anythign or get u anywhere, or without
any reason or, gogin now where, wont help u ahcive anyhtign. goign roudn in circlesn n reachign
nowhere, settign out withotu a destaitnion wont help u get anywhere u are goign now here wotn help u
achvie anyhtign improtnatn or ahcive ur goals or improtant thgisn in lfie. ownt solve ur problesm and
issues. or make ur life any better wotn ehlp u progress, faltu useless, withotu any purpose, nto helpign u
ahcive anyhtign
u need ot b oseriosu on action n on missio ncut outall the nosnennn d hwats improtnntat. work towards
achivng whats importnant

u need to be fcused if u want ot be sucessful in lfieifu are distrcated n diverted if u waste tiem effort
enenrgy in doign unimp thigns thth wont halp u achive naythign, then u arejsut wastign r u tiem effortn
nenrgy hth tiemeffort n nenergy thth ucd have been spent o nahiave imp thigsn on doig nwork to ahce
ur gogals nn imp thigsn in lfie is being sepnt on unimp thigsn n soo ucant make progress or ahcive ur
goals or imp thgisn in life. distraction vs focsu know what is inmp n nwhats not imp distnguish between
imp n n unimp thigsn n nosnesen, u needto leave aside alll toerh actiivitses not enneagei n acitivtes thth
uare unimp n wotn help u ahcvei any htign n do engne only i nacitiivtes thth are highy l focused
focsu on ly o nafew thigsn n imp thgisn n leave all otehr htigsn aside. all othe r thigsn are unimp n are
distractions nn deviations obstabcles from unncessary htigsn soo dot n enange nthem. fcos onyl
onwhats imp do only whats imp. leave aeveryhtign else aside cause they are unimp wont help u ahcive
any thingownt help u make progress and are onyl diversitosn distractiosn for mimp thigns. will l distract
u for mim p htigsn nwaste ur tiem efforn nn energyn nwont helop ua hcive nayhtign make progress get
anywhere or go anyhwere..

plan ur day thth way you odnt waste ur time doign nothgin due ot indeiosn n nnot knwign whato t odo
ocne u pla ur day n u have deicded made a listo f htigsn thht u will do for hte day work thht u will do for
hte day towards ahcivng ur goals then

u knwo i nur midn htht u need ot od this htht u have this work to od, nsoo u get ot odo it n u dont waste
time doig nnothgin idlign around cause of not deciding not knwign as to what ot ood havign n o
driection cahl asto whato t ood. ocne u have dieded wht to do thne uahve a direction.

soo hht uhave dicided what u kned to od n nu knwo i nur mid nwhat u need ot ood for hte day n nu odtn
waste ur tiem doig nnothgin n idling around due ot indesions n nnot knwoign hwtt t o do n nahvign n o

u need to be fast n nnot slo u need ot wrk contiously nfast cocnsntly keep workign towrds ahcivngur
goals. n doign work thth needs ot be doen o ahcive ur goals.

think n ndeciede what to od to ahcive ur goals hwo u will go about achving ur goals wht work u need ot
od o to ahive ur goals.

first of all u need ot be highly focused n nnto waste ur tiem doign uncessary n nunimp thigns everythign
else isjust a distraction n diverstion. do onyl few thgins a few imp goals to ahive focus on them only.
Distraction from thgisn thth are imp n waste of tiemn n effortn nenergy thth tiem effortn nenrgy thth u
lose u have limtied tiem within whcih to achvie ur goals, sennse of urgency, n speed, n uhvae ot ahcvie
ur goals in thth much time, u dont live for ever, ooo cuant take ur won tiem otoo dhtigns u ahve to
ahacivecertain thgisn i na certia ntiem , ur tiem is limtied, n soo dotn waste ti doign unimp thgisn in n
osennse n goofiness, do onyl what is imp. thth time effortn n enenrgy cud have bee sepnt in dign imp
thgisn workig ntowards ahcivng ur goals beuildign na carrer, gaign knwoledge, edaution , imp thgisn i
nlfei n u waste it dogn unimp thgisn n the n u get tired n exahusted u ahev lost item, n u dotn have ht
enenrgy hysical nn mental t do imp thigns. n thth is why u needo t ofcsu onyl o na few imp thgisn

leanr to disticnguish between what isi mp n nwhat is no t what will waste ur tiem nwotn help u ahcive
the imp thgisn in lfei or ahcive anyhtign thths not imp.

n then uneed ot be fast u needot owrk hard n contionsuly n ncosntntly

u needot work fast cause ur tiems limited u cant afford to od thigsn endlessly n ntake ur own sweet tiem
to od o it.have a sennse of urgency.

u nneedot ofiucso n one thign take slelsect chooes one field one line nn go n nbe the master in it knwo
everyhtig nbaout it e passionate about it , be aspeaclist in it if u go ot odo everyhtign then u will end up
gettign nothgi ndone jack of all trade n nmatser of none.

if u wnat t o be sucessful i nlfei u need ot be highyl dfocused focus on only a few thgisn in lfei few gaols
if u go ot do everythgi nn many thgisn u will end up gettign ntohign doen work onyl towrds achvign a
few goals. taek one thign n focus on it n ndo thth only.

u need to be hghly fosued focsu all ur tiem attention eenrgy effort phsycial and mental (thinkign
invovelmnt) into a few thgisn only, liek when u fcous cocnentrate suns rays thru a mag galss at one
pioint it efffective n btu whe nits dispersed everywhere its not

u have been misdirected itn nosnensne goofiness not knwoign waht ot do forgotten etc.. thth is u have
become lost, u needo t get ru act toghter deicde hat ot ood what nto to do etc.. u havebeen distracted
diverted deviated lost track, mistirected lost ur wy unneedto get ur act togther n nfocus back o nur gola
whats imp etc.. hwt u need to d o t obe sucessful etc..

u cantavea laid backrelasxed n ncauslaeasygoign attitude u need o be serios u n i ntense nn urgent on

the move spooked up etc.. n u r toes be quick nand fast etc.. takig itn oocnsideratio nall consequences of
action ro inaction nad be sppoked up and prerparign for all scenaiorus,

u knwo take everyhtign itn o account n reaserch well, u need ot csnider thht uwill fail or rejected nad
takesteps measure to prp acridnglinlgy inorder to avoid failrue or rejectin

u need to make a shcedule right pt an alarm etc.. paln ur day mkae a schedule soo thht odtn waste tiem
over sleeping or doign unimp thgins. n make the most of ur time, utilize ur tiem n dotn waste ur tme.
spen d the maxmium tiem thht u get i na day doign imp thgins. u know depvete max time thth u get i
tneh e 24 hour da to wrok n imp thgisn nahciveign ur goals
make a to od llist decide what you need to od every day, what work u need ot od oto ahcive ur
goals.think n ndecide whatot ood waht workto od n ncomeplete for the day towards achivng urgoals or
miscellnious thigns make a to odo list.

if uare nto seroious right then u will end up faltu thth is onse a joke n nuseless and also pp lwill not take
u seriously they will theink uare a joke ood for nothing, or goofy thth is not a eprson of wrok, u kow
when i t coems to work ppl want action work to oeb doen no nonsnese no goofiness and nonsesne they
will think thsi guy is nonsennse goofiness useless he is nto osem oen thth ucna rely on or count on, or
he wont be able to do the work caue of the image thth uahve put up, thth u are a useless n nosenen
person, n no one wil take u seriosuly, also u will end up gettign distracted n nlost in nosensen n
ngoofiensss laughign jokign taklkign nosense, istead of doign what is imp, action, ucnessary thigsn,
rather than what is imp tht is eign serious, action action, n focusign onyl on whats imp n n ucnessar y
rather than crap n ngofiness. falutu giirr useless n uncessary thgsn unimp thgisn.

tehy seselct oen line nad go fully itno ti and dedicate n ndevete tehri whoel life ot it all theri enenrgy n
ntiem to it, ek line pakadke chaneka selelct oen line one field nad be hte best i nti.

think ofhwat work to od, consnstly be thinking of what to od next what work to do next towardsachivng
ur gaols, what should i do now? lets do this now think n ndecide waht work to do conanstly be htinkign
n planning what to od necxt decide what wokr to od onext towardsacheivngurgaols

once u make a paln for te day n ndecide waht work to od , right think waht work shud i do n nfinsih n
ncomeplte today n ndeicde it the n uahve a direction u knwo what u need oto do for hte day. you know
inyour midn thth uhave to od htis work, its liek in ur midn uare liek ihavework to od i have thsi thing to
do, and soo u dont do otehrh tigns or if oyu aredoignsoemthign lesee thths unimp u quicky stop doign it
cause u know in ur mid ntht u have htis work ot od.u knw i nur mid nthth u have htis work ot do and so
u dotn od otehrh tigns and if u are doig toerh htigsn hh uare unimp then u stop doign them cause u
know in ur midn thht u have work to od.

Always be thinkign consnstly what shud i do now wht shud i do next, think of what work to od n
ncomplete amaek a to do list. write down a lsit of thgis nthth is wrok htht u need ot od soo thth u
remmrebre n incase u forgeet hten u can refer to the list thth way u dotn forget what u need oto od ,
adn you can think n ndecide what ot odo next lets do this now lets finish this now, think and decide
waht work to do towrds compeltign ur gaol, what work ot od ncomeplte, makea to do list. lets do this
plan waht work to od n compelte towrds ahcign ur goals.
make a to od list htht way u put down whtat u need ot od thin k ndecide what uneedo to do ot ahcive
urgoals u get an idea as to what u have otod waht work n thigsn u ahveo tod, n soo u dotn waste tiem
due ot indciesison n n not knwoign whato t od, alos incase u forget any work i mean it skips for mur
mind tehn, u cna refer the list tth way u dotn forget wath u need oto do , also u ahve palnned n
ndeicded what htigsn u enee d to od. u cna go backto oth e list nand see waht ot odo next what work is
don e nad waht is pendign nad waht work to take up next. lets do this now, think n ndeicde hwat work
to od make a list.

think f o whatot odo next soo nwo what odo we do

set tiem limtis t o all activiites takign bath 10 mins etc.. thth way you do it fast nadn u dotn watse
spedtoo mcuh time doing unimp thgisn n u give max tiem to imp thgisn tiem all actiivites ur time is
liimited nadn imp soo u hsud nto waste it time everythig nsoo thth u do ti at a faster pace as u knwu
have ot get this doen in soo mc huh time thth way u dotn do it endlessly at a slow pace ro dogin otherh
tigns i nebtwee.n or takign ru own tiem ot od it u knwo i nur min d thht u haveo to cmetle thsi thigsn i
nsoo mcuh time right and soo u do ti fast nad u dotn waste ime doig ntoerhhtigsn or odign thigs
slowly.time ur actiivites to od this in this much itm e fnish this work ai nthsi muc hthime thth way u dotn
do it endlessly or takign ur own sweet tiem to od it.

wrote it dwon soo thth udont forget u rememebr what u need ot od soo thth incase u forget rightehten
u have it ritten on the lsit what u needo to od write itr down soo thht ucan calmy quielty thin k npaln
what u need ot do and write down all the thigns u need ot od. tht is jot downall the thigns u need t od.

if u keep tryign then sem thign or the otehr will work out but if u dotn try then nothign will workout.

in lfie tis very easy extremly easy to get distracted, diverted, stray awawy, lose track, lose ur way, to get
diverted n ndistracted for mwhat uwnat, frm ur golas frm what ur gaols are. and thth is why u neeed to
be extremly focused and for thht u need ot realise understnad nad distignush between what isi mp n
nwaht is not imp , what will ehlp u achvie urgoals and what wont wha will sovle ur problems nad waht
wotn solve ur problesm but onyl waste ur tiem. ifu get disteracted diverted n misdirected n nlose ur way
then u wotn be able ot ahicve ru golas, u wont be albe to achvie what u wnat and u will be unhappy.
cause u are nto workign twoards whats imp whtat will relaly help solve ur problems instead u are
workign on thgs unimp thgsn thht wont help u ahcive anything, u are doign thgisn thth wotn solve ur
probmes may give temp solutions, u are doig nthigns tht wotn help u go anywhere, doign thgisn tht
wont help u achvie ur goals, help u maek progresss etc. n thth is why u need to make a lsit of thigsn thth
u shud do n nshud nto do or enagein n the reasons why the reasonign behidn them, thth will help u to
understnad what u shud be going in to n ndoign n what are the thgisn thth u shud nto eb goin into or
doign n why the reasosn behidn them, standedize the thigsn, thth will help u stay o ntrack to oyr gaoln n
nto waste ur tiem doig nunimp thgisn precious time thth is lost doign uimp thgins, as a reasutl fo whch
u have no time letft ot do imp thgisn thgisn thth uwant workign towrds the thgisn thht u wnt n nwaht u r
gaols are, n gettign distracted n ndiverted for myur gaols. sooo htht u knwo inyour mid nwaht u shud
get int on what u shud nt o be doign ro gettign into, or avoid n why the reasonign bhiendit, cause once u
strt doign unimp thgisn n u are diverted for mwaht is imp then u dotn ahve time left tood imp thgisn
causeu uwaste tiem doign unimp thgisnn soo u cant achvie waht u wat in lfei and soo u losen n u feel
miserable n nsad i nyoru life caues of ur goals nto beaign achivedn n life nto turdign otu het way u want
it to turn out. n thth is why u need ot strnadize every thgin soo thh u knwo what u shud go into n what
nto ot go into, n avoid tht way u knwo in your midn whatu needo to od and soo u dotn waste tiem
doign unimp thgisnn u only kee pworkign towrds imp thgsi nnn u are fcusded nn not get idvretedndn
istreacted wawy for mwaht s imp u dotn get lost or lose track. standrde mke a todo listn nnot to do list
n nwhy hte reasnoing behidn them.

these thigsn wotn help u to solve ur problems and are emanignelss wotn help ugo anywhere.

u learn mre from ur mistakes n nfailures thna from sucess cause u try ot aanylze trigth what u are doign
erong soo u get to knwo a tost wahtu shud nsud nto be doign. u smarten up n nlearn waht u shu do n
wnaht u shud nto do n why

u have limited tiem wihtin which to ahive everythgi nonce u lose time n opportunity u will envrer get it
back soo dont awat ur tieme doign unimp thgisn thth tiem thth cud have een spent on workign to
ahcive ur goals what uwnatn nimp thgisn in lfieu end up spendign ti on unimp thgisn n u lose
opportunities u lose teh tiem thth u have n nsoo u have no time to ahicve imp thgins. thth iswhy
remrmeber u have limited tiem within which to ahcive everythign, n soo u hsudn not waste ur tiem
doign unimp thgisn be focused distignhgush between what isi imp n what is nto imp what will ehlp u
ahcive teh imp thgisn in lfei n nwhich thigsn, activiites enagements are unimp n nemanignelss n nwont
help u ahcvie anyhtign in lfie but a waste of tiem nexercise, n wont help u reach anyehrre or achvie
anyhting, goign nowhere stayign where u are nto makign any porgessn accoridngly be focused dotn
waste tiem doign unimp thgisn ndo only imp thgisn tht iswork acitivtes etc. thth will ehlp u achvie ur
goas n imp thgisn in lfei mae progress etc. n nsoo u cant ahcive the imp thgisn in lfie cause hthe tiem
spent doing imp thgisn uwaste ti doign unimp thgisn n soo dotn have any tiem to od imp thgisn cause u
have limtied time, n cause uare lostn ndistractedn ndiverted u ahev lost ur way u are distractedn
ndiverted form imp thgsin ur goals etc... n into unimp thgisn uselss ngoofiness menainglessn n nonse
thigsn n acitivites thht wont help uget anywehre reach anywhere go anywehre.

tryigntoget my act togterh figureout wehre i am goignwrong waht i am not odign right waht i shud be
doign n shud nt oeb doign etc.. why i havel ost my way n nhwo ot get back to whts imp.n nn stop doign
unimp thgins. where am i goign wrogn how didi i lose my way, why have i become distracted n ndvitedn
n lost my way, thth is ding unimp thgisn instead of doign imp thgisnthth iwll help me achvie thgisn i want
need, my goals imp crucia l crtitiacl thgisn in lfei etc.. n how can iget back how xcan itop doign unimp
thigns what i shud n nshud nto be doing n why the reasoing behind it.

how ot be more focused:-

make a list of htigsn thth u shud do n nu shud nto od n why the reasonignebhindit, (cause it wont solve
ur problem, it will only waste ur time, cause tis a distrctio ndiversio nwaste of tiem n nenergyn nsoo n,
cause itwill waste ur tiem n effortn n enrg physical n nmental n u gt tiredn nexhausted n u cant do
whats imp u know consume ur hyscial n nemantl enenrgy ditstractu deviate u n then u cant focsu or do
whats imp, n u dotn have any tiem leftot od imp thigsn ) soo thht u strandrdie it u udecide what u shud
go into n nwht u shud nto go itnot n why the reaossn behindti n so oyu knw i nyour mid nwaht u hsud go
int o nwht u hsud nto do n ngo into n why

focsu only on a few thgisn goals at a time ifu go to do many htigsn u will getnothgin done. focsu o
nahicvng a few goals at a tiem i nyou go to ahcive many goals tehn tehn uwill end up gettign nothgi
ndoen cause u have limtied tiem adn u cant od many thigsn at a t ime. soo slec t three golas focus on
ahxicnvg them then move to next imp goal.s

selelsct one line oen field tth uare comfdortable with n go into thth onyl be the master of it. select oen
field one lien nad go.. .fully in to it.

thths not imp, dont enage in uselees nonsen n unimp thigns.

all thth fuckign uncessary drama.

dont waste ur tiem doign unimp thgisn cause once u lose tiem u will never get ti back, n then u dotn
have any tiem left ot odoimp thigns, u leaveimp thgisn aside do unimp thgisn n then u dont have nay
tiem left ot od imp thgins, n so u lose end up losing, u cant achive r goals n imp thgisn i nlfei n n udont
make progress u end u pgoin no where in lfie, u dotn maek prgeess nn uwnd up becomign sad caue
urgaols are nto ahcived n nur lfe didin trun otu tto be the way u wanted it to be, also cause u are
distraced n ndiverted away for myour goalsn nwhats imp n uahev lost ur way casue u ar diverted away
for mru goals into unip thigsn sucked up into lost ur way form imp thgisn cause u are enagieng in n doign
un imp thgisn goofienss nosnese thigsn tth wotn help u achvie naythign mae progeress etc... soo uend
up losign time soo u eneed to be focused nn nto ene in ump htigns. thth will ehlp u get back o ntrack n
workign tords achivgn imp thgins say no to unimp thigns.

opportunity cost:-

u have got an opportunity n nu ar ne ot makign the most of it n soo u are losign all the moeny spent
etc... n u are doign otherh tigns nn u are not makign the move or tryign hard and soo u are losing the
opportnity thht uhvae.

u need to be non nonsense u shud nto do one thing more than waht is imp , nt one thign more than
waht is necessary, nto waste ur tiem, effort energy in doing unimp n u ncessary thgins n neb highyln
nextremy lfcosued.

lost ur track, msidirected lost ur way means u are enageing in uimp thigsn than waht is imp, u knwo
wokrign on ahcivng what u want n nur gaols not get distracted divertedn d neviated form waht is imp.
get back o ntrack thth is refocused back to achivgn ru gaols n wahts imp n nwhat u wnat thth i s nto
enange in unimp thgisn nto wastign ru tiem effortn ne ergy i nunimp thigns

tht is not imp, thth is uncessary al thth nosnense n ndrama u wontget anyhtign by doign all ththt.
first of all u need to realsie figure out know n nudnerstandwaht u shud n shud not be doing, n why the
reasonign behidn it then, eitheru figure it out urslef or soem oen tells u waht to od advice pp lwho have
been sucessful etc.. then

u need to keep in mind rememebr not gforget wahtu shud nn shud not be doing soo thth ureemebr u
knwo inur midn what ushud n shud nto eb doing n as u knwo n soo u do it n nfollow it u knwo i nur mid
nwahtut hsud nn shud nto ebding soo u shud regulate ruself accorindlgy n namek urself do it n nfollwo it
n stop urslf f rom doign what u know u ahudn or not be doign n make urslef do what u knwo i nur midn
ushud be odign by cocsnlty enageing i nself-reagultion.

take up thgisn sit dwon n wrap it alll up! what shud i do now? lwets do this now lets finsih this letswrp
this thign up KO finsih this thign up lets put htis odwn lets put one down. n htese many thigs mroe to ot
go thnk what ot ood now lets do this now finsih this noe complete this now

u have lost track n nnothign gets doen cause u have bcoem diretedn n distracted u have los t rack lost ur
way u are not oding imp thgisn u are wastng time doign unimp thigns n soo uare not oging anywhere, n
soo u loes time u have no tiem left ot ood imp thigsn n soo u odnt maek any progress u beocmfe
frustratde cause u are not achving hteim thginsnn thgisn u wantn n dd and y u are nto workign towrds
ur goalsn n imp things. u are lsot dirstacred diverted u are doign unimp thigsnawstign tiem losign time
soo uare goign no where wstayign where u ar losign timee n nopportunities nad nto lbeo t ahcive the
imp thgisn in life. casue u are awhilignn wastign ur tiem away doign useless thigsn unimp thgisn thth
ownt halep u amek prgress or go anyehwere reah anywhere. achivne anyhting, u wont get nyhtign by
doign all hth leave thth aside do wahts imp wht will ehlp u wok r actiivtes thth will help u to ahcive ur
goalsn n imp thgsi nin lfei be focused

keep in mind what is imp n nwhat is not imp waht uhsud go into n why the resons behind it, wht u shud
enage in n waht u shud nto enge in, learn t distingusih between wht is imp n nwath is not imp waht wil
waste ur tie m effort n enrgy n ngive u nothgi ni nreturen wotn help to ahcive th imp thgisn in life, thgns
htth are moere imp, n only consuem ur tiem effortn neergy n maek u tired exhausted tth u cant do io
thigsn cause u ar o hsyally n nemntally drained, thth is ur resources get consmed, and u lsoe tiem n u
have no time left ot odo imp thigns, n nwaht u shud nto do or go into, wht is necessay n wknwo inur
midn what u shud enagei n n what u hsud nto enage in, what is not necessary waht will ur problem n
what wont help u solve ur problem tht wont help u aoslv ur prblems in lfie lie moeny etc.. et.c.. lvoe
etc.. leeae llal thth aside u can do all tht later on n do whats imp focus on whats imp. thts not imp. what
is worth spendig ur tiem effort nn ennrgy over n nwill ehlp u ahcive ur goals n nwaht sre distrctiosn
ndiverstison form whati si mp n wont hel p u achvieve anything, biut only waste ur item effortn nenrgy
physical n mental (thinkign) resources , cosnumed, n u ge t ired n exhausted n ucnat do im thgisn n have
no time left ot ospend on imp thgisn. n no eenrgy physical n menatl left to spend o nimp thgisn cause
uuare tired exhausted all psycial n nemtal enenrgy effort is spent onsumed in unimp thigns. u can do all
thth later on leave all tht aside thths not imp, thth wotn help u achvie anyhting, fcosu on whats imp.
havea senesn of urgency to do ti fast or u will lose the opportunity be on ur toes alert sppooekd up not
relaxed dont waist till thth t happen n tkae action take prea-action n be quick nn fast.hvse ssennse of
urgency to get it doen fast mm quick

knwoing n deciding what u shud not be doing n enenging n why is as imp as knwoign what u hsud be
oding. decide based on is it imp? will it solve ur problem iwll ti hep u to ahcive r gals n nimp thgisn in lfie,
make progress, or iwll i t only take wawy n ndrian ur preciosu tiem effort (phycical n mentla) effortn n
neergy thth cudh ave been spent on more imp thgisn.

knowing in ur midn waht u shdu not be doign is as imp as knwoing waht u shud be oding tth will ehlp u
be more focused, cause u knwo i nur midn thht ushud not do this cause ti wont slve ur problem n thth u
shud be odign this. n soo udotn get distractedn dn vierted to otehr thigsn uare are not lost uodnt
ennge i nthsoe thigsn cuase u uknwo u shud nto ebe odign it ause its nto imp wil onyl waste ur
tiemwotn solve ur problem etc..

t apple teh best deciisosn we have taken is not only knwoign waht we shud do but also knwoign what
uwe shud not be doing.

teh en mind - fcused minialsitc less clutter mreo focused on a few imp thigns. all tiem effort enenrgy
spent o nfew imp thigns.

i am nt odign tthht thts not imp.

selfregulation:- u need to keep in mind what u shud n nshud not be doing so thth u rmemeebr uts ther
in ur mid nwhat u need to od . you know i nyour mindwhat u shud n nshud not be doing, right, soo
accoridngly u need to enage inself-regualtion consnstly provde regulatory thgouhts insrtrucitons nad
commands to stop urself form doign thigsn tht u knwo i nyour midn u shud nt eb doig n or thinkigngand
t maek urrelf do thigsn tht u know i nyour midn ushud be doign n thinking. soo accoridngly cosnnstly
reguate your thinkign and you actions. reg ur thinkign thth is stop urelfe form thinkign fo unimp thgisnn
mekae ursef tink of imp thgisn resist say no to impulsvei thoguths thth u get thth tell u to od unimp
thigns as ur pimitive impulsive memeory wants u to od, make urself think of imp things, n reg ur actions
stop urslef form doign thgisn thht u know in ur sennsible meemory u shud nnto be doign n make urslef d
thigsn thht u know u shud be odign.

How to be more organized:-

plan everything, plan your day make a to od list soo tht uknow in ur midn what uneed to do for the day
waht work tood for the day, n u havedeicided what work toodn nocmeplete towrds ahcivng urgoals or
misc thigns

make a not to od list:- soo thht uknowi n urm id nwhat thgisn u shud not do n the reason why caues they
waste ur tiem effort n nenenrgy thth will help u to be mroe focused thgisn like (uncessary socailizing,
watching tv etc...) soo thth u remmeebr nto ot enage i in certain activiites thth u may get sucked up
consumed into, or thth u tend ot do unknowingly uncocniously thth end up wastign ur time effort nn
enenrgy prerciosu itme, thth u lose tiem thth u cud have spend on imp thigns tie meffort enenrgy tth h
ucud have give to imp thigsn ahcivngthe imp thgisn in life. thigs thht will distract u dirvert u from waht is
imp, or consume ur tiem effort n nenergy. sittign ther n socuailign with her she isusign u to get ridofher
boredom cause shewants soem oen to talk to n chatwiht. dotn sit there n chit chat with her. do ur own
stuff u wil end up losgn wastign ur time, thth u cud have spent on imp thigns, tell her i ahvework to od,
see ur own lfin ne future, ther wise u will end up losing. sorry i cant come i have work t od, say no to
these actiivtes. sit there n chit chattign wit hher nn wastign ru tem u dotn have enough time, u hae
velimited time, focsu on achving ur goals wokring to ahcive urgoals n nimp thigsn in life. u cant sit there
chatiign with her n waste ur time. u have to spend ur tiem doign imp thigns utilixe make the most fo the
tiem u ahve by speidngign thht time over imp thigns workifg towrds ahcivng imp thigsn in life.

to help u get mroe organied, help u get back n track towards ahciveng ur gaols, soo htht u know what u
shuddo thgisn activites work u shud do for the day n nthigns thht u shud nto be doingwastign ru time
oding, to help u stay on track and keep foused on ahcivng ur goals, n keep o nworkign towrds ahcivng

make a schedule:- waht time to wake up how mucht item to spend sleepign etc... not mroe than 6 hours
soo thth u dotn waste time oversleeping. or waste toom cuh itme in uncessary actiivites n nu have a
shcedule in place. thth way u go as per the schedule n n u spend max time for imp thgins keep seeprte
tiem for unimp things etc...

time ur actiivites: set time limtis for all u r activiites decidie how much time to spend on each actiivitty
for eg takign bath 15 mins do thisn work compelte this in this mcu thime tthht way u speed up u dotn
take ur won sweet tiem to do thigsn or do it slowly at ur own pace u d o it at a faster pace, and u dotn
do otehr htigns cause u know in your mind htth u ahve ot ocmpelte this in this much tiem soo u dotn
waste time odign otehrh tigns. once u time ur actiiites to do this in this much time n till soo mcuh time, i
nfivehourstill 5.00 then u do it at a faster pace continously u dotn do otehrhtigns waste tiem doign toerh
htigns as u knwo u haveto finsih this in soo mcuh tiem, n u do it fast n continously n nu dotn do it slowly
at a slower pace, n take ur own sweet tiem to od it, or do ti endlessly and forever as if u have endless
tiem tood it.

Get everythign i nroder n norganied soo asto help u keep on track, towrds urgoal,s increase ur
productiivit efficiency maek u do work to ahcive urgoals, to keep thigsn in perspective as to what ot od
wahtu need to od ot ahcvie urgoals etc.. so as to keep u on track wowkrign towrsahcivng urgoals n
nprevent u fro mstraying n keep u focused n workign on ahcivng ur goals nn prevent gettign distractedn
ndiverted. get more orgainided t o work maange ur time, dont waste time, help u be more focused,
keep o nworkign towards ahcivng ur gaol, maek u keep on dogin ur work towardsahcivng ur gaols, keep
u on trakc an dcosntnsly workign otwardsachivng urgaols nn keep u focused nto get disrracted divered
towrads otehrh tigsn n unimp things.
keep a seeprtate time frwork and activiites like leasure pleasrue entetainment nand enjyo ment thth u
enjoy doing but are unimp thth way udont do them durign ru work time durign ur work time u are o na
mission uare seriosu no nosnnensne n ngoffienss nad u are sraigth nad on a mission on work during, ur
work time u dotn do these thgisn u do them only duirgnthe time allocated for them. thth is during the
lesure time. durign ur work time u are on na missio nn serious n ntakie pain n efforts to od oyur work to
ahcieve ur goal u onyl od oyur work to ahcive urgoals u odnt od otherh tigns durign ru work time. during
ur work time u shud striclty do only oyur work all otehr htigns cna be done later o ndurign the time
allocated for them. say no to otehrh tigns dont do otehrh itngs during ur ork time durign ur work time
do onyl ur wokr, do all othr htings later on durign the time allocated for them. durign ur work time u
shud only be doign ur work, u shud not be doign other things, ushud say not ot all oterh htigns u hsud
stricy not be odign otehritngs, otehr thigns u cna do em later on or durign the time allocated for htem.
strictly not odo oterh tignsdurign ur work time, durign ru work time only do oyur work dont waste tiem
odign toerh htigsn do otehr htigsn alter on durign the time allocated for them. durign urwork timeu
shud onlybe doign ur work and nothign else, keep all otehr unimp things things u enjoy doign but are
unimp to do durign the night at the end of the day when uare tiredn nexhausted ifu do them i nteh
mornignor drign the day then uwill eb tired n nexhausted and u wont be able to od ur work n imp things
soo i nthe mornignwehn u are fresh metally nad physically d our work i nteh mrnign anddurign the day,
keep unimp thigns liek entertainemtn etc... durign the night weh n uare tired nadn exhausted. Not do
unimp things during the day say no to all unimp thigns impsuive thgtush thth uget in yoru mind telling u
rot d unimp things urges thht u get telling uto do things thth uenjoy doing but are unimp, dotn get tired
n exhausted by dign unimp things n waste ur tiem doing unimp things say not to them, during theday u
need ot be strictly n ncosnntly doing your work, keep all unimp thgisn n things thth uenjoy odign but are
unimp for then night, don’t waste ur time doing ti durignthe day, n get tiredn nexahusted by doing ti
during the day soo thth u cant do ur work nad imp things. Dotn spend waste phscal nad menatal effort
n n enrgy doing them during the day n then u get tirednn exhausted n ncant od imp things keep them in
the night at the eno of the day. In the day n I nthe morning u shud consntly be working towards ahcivng
ur goals n say no to other hunip things nto od other un imp things. During ur work time u shud only be
doing ur work and nothing else, all other htigsn can be done later on or during the time allocated for it.
Leave all thth aside thhts not imp.

earn your livign doignwokr workignhard ot earn your lviving n nimprovin ru standard of living. cosnnstly
be owrkign workign hard to improve ur stnadnrad fo lviing, mkae progress, improve urself, keep workign
o nyoursefl, hebestinvestment u canmakeis in yurself, sel-imprviement etc..seflhelp obooks etc..
edcuatio nknwoeldgeetc..keep workign to imprve ursfle make urself better, learn thigsn thth will ehlp u
knweodlge infortmtaiton whato to dowaht nto to do how ot go about it etc..

not havign moeny is the worst thign ever u cnat buy the food htht uwnat u starve, u feel insecure not
knowignwhere to get hte moeny form, u feeldesperate u feeel unsureo f hte future, u cant bu y the
thgisn u need soo u get suck up and cannot make any progress, (eg u want ot buy ht hdd but u cant n
soo u cant do thigsn cause u have no space) ustraveu cant buy hete food u want, u cant bu hteclothes u
want, the shoes u wnat to go for hte interview, u cnat buy the bus ticket. soo u cant og ot thei nterview
there are many issues if u dotn have the moeny u know. once u are cosntrained nad u know feel hte
crunch. u cant taek the decison ro mak deisions thth u want to make due ot alkc of moeny u cant, do the
thgsin thth uwantot do due ot lackfo moeny, u cant ravel to better places cause thigsnaremroe
expensive theere u get stuck up, once u dotn have meony n nu have to suffer n be miserabel then u
knwo how imp money is n u tstrt vlauign moeny nthinkign of hwo u can make moeny usign the
knoweldge educsiton talknet resureces deegres tht u have. if u dotn have moeny then ti becoems hard u
cant take the dicsions thth u wnat to take, u cant move to the palce u wnato t move, u cant buy
thignsthht u need thth will ehlp u progress etc.. it beocmes very dificult it limits what u cant do it limits
ur progress in life. n as a result u becomefrustrated n nsad causeu cant get to whaere u wantto get to n
ahcive thigsn thth uwant n nlife doesnt turn out theway u wntat soo it beocems frustrating.

The hippy lifestyle whic hinovles not working u knw enjoyign life beignfree to dowhat u wnat not doigna
9 to 5 job thht kind of lifestyle is nto freedom si nto the real freedom why? causethen u end up poor and
broke nad u suffer teh pains nadmisery thht coemswith nto havign nay money to buy the thigsnu wnat n
need u need to beeilive in workign hard andearnign ru living thht is the real freedom cause then u
havemeony to buy thigns u need to live a comfortable life, n enjoy things thht u wnat ot enjo y thth
gives u the real freedom. workign hardnn earnign ru livign iswhat gives u the real freedom.

U need ot og out nad work soem work or the other to earn your living, the hippy lifestyle is nto a good
lifestyle, the lifestyle in which u dotn work and u know u onyl enjoy nn avhe fun u are rebellious nad u
dont work, hthth kind of a life style is not a good life style, where in u dont wrk, n all udo is havefun n
enojoyment thth doenst leadto freedo mti only lead to poverty adn misery cause u end up suffering
uahe no moeny then n lack of moeny menas u suffer ucant buy htigsn u need the basic necessaities for
suivial u are in pain misery sufferign u starve etc. n ththt is hwy u shud belviei i nworkign ahrd wrokign u
r ass off takig apins nand effortsn nadearnign moeny earnign ru living. n thth is the real freedo mcause
hten u ahve meony u can live a comfrtable lfie u cna bu thigsn u want nn n need. improve ur standnrd
of lviing. u need oteb consnstly thinkgin of what work to od next waht biz to strt next hwo u will earn ur
moenyn nur living.

make a to do list work thht u need to od ot ahcive ur goals n imp thgsnin in life. or misc work tthh u need
ot od, then go o nfinsihgin them owkrign on them, tick markign them, tikig them the work thht u dfinihs.

Why all htis cause u are ambitous, achvie uurgoals n ndreams n ambitions, the purpsoe of all this, waht
it takesto be sucessful, what u need ot do ot be scuessful the sercret of sucess doesnn dotns etc...

organizer to help u get mroe oeganied, keep u on track, prevent u from straiyng, help u keep on workign
towrdsachivng ur gaols, help u to stay focused.

n nto get diverted n dnistracted, make u do the work to ahciveu rgaols, help u stay o ntrack,

mange ur tiem better, time ur acitivtes work fast at a faster pace, help u mamagne ur time n not waste
ur time etc..
cocosntly be htinkignplanign deicidng what work to od next towrds achivgn ur goals waht work to do for
hte day soo thth u have deicidewhat work to do adn u knwo i nyour midn htht u ahve thsi work ot do
soo u dotn waste tiem dueto indecsiions.

to organize everything to put everything into perspective as to waht ur goals are, to maek u think
ndecide n paln every day as to waht work u need ot odo to ahcvei ur goals to keep u on track n on path
to achvieng ur gaols, n help u keep workign towards achieveing ur gaols, soo hht u think n plan n deicde
what work u need oto od everyday towardsachivng ur gaols, soo thht u knwo i ur midn thh uhave this
work to od for the day soo th t u knwo inur midnwaht u shud do what work u shud be doign n what
activites u shud nto be doing n neenagieng in. soo as to amagne ur tiem effectively u knwo nto waste
tiem doing unimp thigsn know how much timeto spend o nwhat activity, soothth u knw o thth u needo t
finsiht htis i nthis much time n soo u work fast nn ot at ur own pace.

hvaea sense fo urgency do it fast , race against time.

persevere keep tryign n never give up

Constnatly be thinking as to what work to do what work to do n ocmpelte towards achiveign ur

goals,Taek one thing do ti comeptle it then move to next and like that

U got misdirected as to what u shud n shud nto be doing n lost track thth is got deviated ndiverted n
nlost focus as to what u really, want what is imp what ur gaols are awaht u shud be doing n shud nto be
doing, n why the reasoning bhind it, wht u shud go into n nwht u shud nto go itno n nwh the reasoning
behind it.
Thigns to remmeebr waht u need ot odo to suceed:-
know whatu need ot do n what u shud nto be doign n why the resonign the reasons ebhind them to be
sucessful t oahcive ur goals etc..advices thigsn to keep in mind

know what u shud nshdu nto eb dogin to be sucessful, n why the reasonign behind it. n remember keep
tht in mind n dont forget

Your time is imp n u shudno wast eur ime doign unimp thigns, tigns thth wont give u any benefit or gain
wont help u to ahcive the imp thgisn in lfie make progress, thigns tth wont help u get anwhere, goign
nowhere, no progress, nto ehlp u achive the imp thgisn i nlfei ur goals etc... and onyl waste ur iem dont
waste ur tiem in nonsenens in unimp thigns, u need ot od whats imp thigsn thth will ehlp u ahcive hte
imp thgisn in life. ur goals etc...

u nshud nto shy away fro mworkign hard n ntakign pains n efforts to ahcieve ur gaols,

u shd nto waste ur tiem sleeping lazing relaxign nadn idling lesure nad doign ntohing. or doign thgsnthth
are unimp wate of tiem nosnennse usless, and wont help u achive the im pthgsi nin lfie like
entertainemtn watchgn tvv paltiynfg video games. etc.. u need ot keep seeprtate tiem for these
activietes thth u enjoy oding are entertaingn and plesure bt are unimp adn wotn help uachvie anyhtgn i
nlfie keep seeprteate tiem for therse actiivtes n ndo them onyl durign the time allocated ofr them and
not during the work time, durign work teim u shud cocnstly be workign n only ebe odign r work ot
ahcive ur goals. keep a seprete tiem for all thse o actiivites n ndo them onyl durign the itme allocated for
it not do them durign ur work time. durign ur work tie m u shud only be doign ur work.

everythign esel canbe done later on first do waht is imprtnat prioritize do what is imp and criitcal and
urgetn and mroe improtnat everhitng else u can do ti later on leave all otehr htigsn aside adn focus on
whats importnatn n do whats important.

u need ot be driven nad ambititous the goalis to win by all possible means n at all cost.

its ur ambition goals thth drive to motivate u ot wrk hard take paisn nefforts everythgn udo u do it all
paisn n efforts u take u take it for ahccivng ur goals.

u shud nt o give a fuck abut unimp thigsn thigsn thht are not worth wastign n spednign r tiem n energy
over n thinkig nover do only what is imprtant spend ur time effort n eennrgy phsycial n n menatl
enenrgy oly on thgisn thth are improtant.

thhts not improtnatn n is a waste of tiem n nnot worht spendign u r tiem n effort nn energy over

learn to distinguisnh between waht is importnant n nwhat is not importnant not worth spendign ur tiem
n neffortn n enrergy over n thinkign about it worrying about it or spedign ur mental reosruces over
nosnensen unimprotnant thigsn, useless thigns, wwaste of item uncessary thgisn focus only on what is
imprtnatn spend u r tie m ffort nn energy only on impor tnatn thigsn do only what is improtantn be
extrememtly focused, focus only on importntn thigs.
ththt nonsense thths not improntantt its totally uncessary. not worth spending ur time nn effrt n energy

u need to learn to distinguisn between whart is imporntntnt nwhat is not importnnat n is it worht
spending ur tiem htough physical nn menatla effort nnenrgy over, thgisn thth wont helop u ahcive
anyhtign n thgisn thth are unecessary n are a waste of time wont help u progressn ahcive imp thgisn in
lfie if uwaste ur time on unimp thigsnthht will brign uno beenfit or gain ur tiem n effort n nergy then it
comes at the cost of not able ot ahcive imp thigsn cause thth tiem n nergy thth cud ave been spent on
workign towrds ahcivng oimp thigsn u spend it on ump thgisn n then u lose tiem n u are physically n
mentally exhaustedn n tired and soo u cnat spend it on imporatn thgisn. thigns acitivites thth wont help
u achive anyhtign help u get nowhere nto amek any progress, spend ur tiem effort eenrgy on thgisn n
activites thth are importatn n will elp u ahcvei th ei mportnat thigsn in lfie n nmake progress etc..

dont do thth cause thths not importnant u cna do all tth h later on know learn to distignuish between
wha t is imp nn whats not impornntat not worth spednign ru time effortn n energy over.

thigns hth will only ocnsume u drian u n waste ur tiem n physical n nmenatl effortn n enrgy nad make u
drianed n nexhausted, thth tiem cusdh ave been spent on doing im thigsn on doign work to ahcive hte
more imp thigsn in lfie, n then u get itredn nexhaurtedn ndrianedn physciallyn n mentally n nu cant do
the imp thigsn. thigsn liek clenaign ru room, many times spendign all thth effortn n eergy on it, instead u
dotn give a fuck about it u ignore it and focus only on whatsi mp like studyign n keep the mess lyifng
aroudn n nn ot pay attnetio nt oit cause hthths not imporantnt u cant afford to waste tiem enenrgy
effort noticign thgisn ththisngs thth ar unimporntnat. uncessary instead spend time studying, effortn n
eergy studyign instead f wastign ru tiem, effort energy clenaign the room. everyday calen it only once in
a a few months. insteado f spenign wasting tiem takign bath twice a day take bath only once a day.
actiivites thth are unimprotannt n onyl comsuem ur tiem effort enenrgy waste ur tiem n physcial effrtn
n nenergy n nwotn get u anywhere, wotn help u t ahcive nayhitng improtnatn odnt waaste ur itme in
thsoe acitivite.s

Intense stubborn n ndetermined.unbudging htigsn can get really serious n nintense.

u need to keep a seperate tiem for these actvitsn n do them onyl durign thth time.

not od too mcu hof nonsesne uncessary facial expession, etc.. its totally uncesaary goofiness nad
nonsense. its a waste of tiem effortn n nergy be serious be on action, mena busienss

not waste tie mdoign unimp thgisn goofinessn nonses nn uncessary thgisn onyl do what s improtnant
nn whats unecessary uncessary talkig nnad chatitign n nnsense. uncessary talk thth tdoesnt make sesne.
falutu useless, gogin nowhere, purpose less doign thigns sayign thgisn uncessarily iwhtout any
purposem meaningless, or any obejctive goal, unimp wont help u ahcive ur goal or any htign or reach a
destibantion. or ahcive anyhting. settign otu ewithot u a destination uncessary, wotn helop u ahcive
anyhtign nosnen talk etc.. talk onyl improtnant thigsn. uncessary expressions, talkign nosennse
goofinessu ncessary smilign isntead be rsrious and striagn forward no nonsesnse, and only whats
improtantn, on the move, action intense etc.. straight faced, action on a mission, goofines n nonsese,
totally ncessary talkig nthgis nth ht are unimportnant, flatu useless gdoign thgisn n actiivtes thth ar a
waste of tiem uelss pupose less uncessary wont help u ahcive anythign or get u anywhere, or without
any reason or, gogin now where, wont help u ahcive anyhtign. goign roudn in circlesn n reachign
nowhere, settign out withotu a destaitnion wont help u get anywhere u are goign now here wotn help u
achvie anyhtign improtnatn or ahcive ur goals or improtant thgisn in lfie. ownt solve ur problesm and
issues. or make ur life any better wotn ehlp u progress, faltu useless, withotu any purpose, nto helpign u
ahcive anyhtign

u need ot b oseriosu on action n on missio ncut outall the nosnennn d hwats improtnntat. work towards
achivng whats importnant

u need to be fcused if u want ot be sucessful in lfieifu are distrcated n diverted if u waste tiem effort
enenrgy in doign unimp thigns thth wont halp u achive naythign, then u arejsut wastign r u tiem effortn
nenrgy hth tiemeffort n nenergy thth ucd have been spent o nahiave imp thigsn on doig nwork to ahce
ur gogals nn imp thigsn in lfie is being sepnt on unimp thigsn n soo ucant make progress or ahcive ur
goals or imp thgisn in life. distraction vs focsu know what is inmp n nwhats not imp distnguish between
imp n n unimp thigsn n nosnesen, u needto leave aside alll toerh actiivitses not enneagei n acitivtes thth
uare unimp n wotn help u ahcvei any htign n do engne only i nacitiivtes thth are highy l focused
focsu on ly o nafew thigsn n imp thgisn n leave all otehr htigsn aside. all othe r thigsn are unimp n are
distractions nn deviations obstabcles from unncessary htigsn soo dot n enange nthem. fcos onyl
onwhats imp do only whats imp. leave aeveryhtign else aside cause they are unimp wont help u ahcive
any thingownt help u make progress and are onyl diversitosn distractiosn for mimp thigns. will l distract
u for mim p htigsn nwaste ur tiem efforn nn energyn nwont helop ua hcive nayhtign make progress get
anywhere or go anyhwere..

plan ur day thth way you odnt waste ur time doign nothgin due ot indeiosn n nnot knwign whato t odo
ocne u pla ur day n u have deicded made a listo f htigsn thht u will do for hte day work thht u will do for
hte day towards ahcivng ur goals then

u knwo i nur midn htht u need ot od this htht u have this work to od, nsoo u get ot odo it n u dont waste
time doig nnothgin idlign around cause of not deciding not knwign as to what ot ood havign n o
driection cahl asto whato t ood. ocne u have dieded wht to do thne uahve a direction.

soo hht uhave dicided what u kned to od n nu knwo i nur mid nwhat u need ot ood for hte day n nu odtn
waste ur tiem doig nnothgin n idling around due ot indesions n nnot knwoign hwtt t o do n nahvign n o

u need to be fast n nnot slo u need ot wrk contiously nfast cocnsntly keep workign towrds ahcivngur
goals. n doign work thth needs ot be doen o ahcive ur goals.
think n ndeciede what to od to ahcive ur goals hwo u will go about achving ur goals wht work u need ot
od o to ahive ur goals.

first of all u need ot be highly focused n nnto waste ur tiem doign uncessary n nunimp thigns everythign
else isjust a distraction n diverstion. do onyl few thgins a few imp goals to ahive focus on them only.
Distraction from thgisn thth are imp n waste of tiemn n effortn nenergy thth tiem effortn nenrgy thth u
lose u have limtied tiem within whcih to achvie ur goals, sennse of urgency, n speed, n uhvae ot ahcvie
ur goals in thth much time, u dont live for ever, ooo cuant take ur won tiem otoo dhtigns u ahve to
ahacivecertain thgisn i na certia ntiem , ur tiem is limtied, n soo dotn waste ti doign unimp thgisn in n
osennse n goofiness, do onyl what is imp. thth time effortn n enenrgy cud have bee sepnt in dign imp
thgisn workig ntowards ahcivng ur goals beuildign na carrer, gaign knwoledge, edaution , imp thgisn i
nlfei n u waste it dogn unimp thgisn n the n u get tired n exahusted u ahev lost item, n u dotn have ht
enenrgy hysical nn mental t do imp thigns. n thth is why u needo t ofcsu onyl o na few imp thgisn

leanr to disticnguish between what isi mp n nwhat is no t what will waste ur tiem nwotn help u ahcive
the imp thgisn in lfei or ahcive anyhtign thths not imp.

n then uneed ot be fast u needot owrk hard n contionsuly n ncosntntly

u needot work fast cause ur tiems limited u cant afford to od thigsn endlessly n ntake ur own sweet tiem
to od o it.have a sennse of urgency.

u nneedot ofiucso n one thign take slelsect chooes one field one line nn go n nbe the master in it knwo
everyhtig nbaout it e passionate about it , be aspeaclist in it if u go ot odo everyhtign then u will end up
gettign nothgi ndone jack of all trade n nmatser of none.

if u wnat t o be sucessful i nlfei u need ot be highyl dfocused focus on only a few thgisn in lfei few gaols
if u go ot do everythgi nn many thgisn u will end up gettign ntohign doen work onyl towrds achvign a
few goals. taek one thign n focus on it n ndo thth only.

u need to be hghly fosued focsu all ur tiem attention eenrgy effort phsycial and mental (thinkign
invovelmnt) into a few thgisn only, liek when u fcous cocnentrate suns rays thru a mag galss at one
pioint it efffective n btu whe nits dispersed everywhere its not

u have been misdirected itn nosnensne goofiness not knwoign waht ot do forgotten etc.. thth is u have
become lost, u needo t get ru act toghter deicde hat ot ood what nto to do etc.. u havebeen distracted
diverted deviated lost track, mistirected lost ur wy unneedto get ur act togther n nfocus back o nur gola
whats imp etc.. hwt u need to d o t obe sucessful etc..

u cantavea laid backrelasxed n ncauslaeasygoign attitude u need o be serios u n i ntense nn urgent on

the move spooked up etc.. n u r toes be quick nand fast etc.. takig itn oocnsideratio nall consequences of
action ro inaction nad be sppoked up and prerparign for all scenaiorus,
u knwo take everyhtign itn o account n reaserch well, u need ot csnider thht uwill fail or rejected nad
takesteps measure to prp acridnglinlgy inorder to avoid failrue or rejectin

u need to make a shcedule right pt an alarm etc.. paln ur day mkae a schedule soo thht odtn waste tiem
over sleeping or doign unimp thgins. n make the most of ur time, utilize ur tiem n dotn waste ur tme.
spen d the maxmium tiem thht u get i na day doign imp thgins. u know depvete max time thth u get i
tneh e 24 hour da to wrok n imp thgisn nahciveign ur goals

make a to od llist decide what you need to od every day, what work u need ot od oto ahcive ur
goals.think n ndecide whatot ood waht workto od n ncomeplete for the day towards achivng urgoals or
miscellnious thigns make a to odo list.

if uare nto seroious right then u will end up faltu thth is onse a joke n nuseless and also pp lwill not take
u seriously they will theink uare a joke ood for nothing, or goofy thth is not a eprson of wrok, u kow
when i t coems to work ppl want action work to oeb doen no nonsnese no goofiness and nonsesne they
will think thsi guy is nonsennse goofiness useless he is nto osem oen thth ucna rely on or count on, or
he wont be able to do the work caue of the image thth uahve put up, thth u are a useless n nosenen
person, n no one wil take u seriosuly, also u will end up gettign distracted n nlost in nosensen n
ngoofiensss laughign jokign taklkign nosense, istead of doign what is imp, action, ucnessary thigsn,
rather than what is imp tht is eign serious, action action, n focusign onyl on whats imp n n ucnessar y
rather than crap n ngofiness. falutu giirr useless n uncessary thgsn unimp thgisn.

tehy seselct oen line nad go fully itno ti and dedicate n ndevete tehri whoel life ot it all theri enenrgy n
ntiem to it, ek line pakadke chaneka selelct oen line one field nad be hte best i nti.

think ofhwat work to od, consnstly be thinking of what to od next what work to do next towardsachivng
ur gaols, what should i do now? lets do this now think n ndecide waht work to do conanstly be htinkign
n planning what to od necxt decide what wokr to od onext towardsacheivngurgaols

once u make a paln for te day n ndecide waht work to od , right think waht work shud i do n nfinsih n
ncomeplte today n ndeicde it the n uahve a direction u knwo what u need oto do for hte day. you know
inyour midn thth uhave to od htis work, its liek in ur midn uare liek ihavework to od i have thsi thing to
do, and soo u dont do otehrh tigns or if oyu aredoignsoemthign lesee thths unimp u quicky stop doign it
cause u know in ur mid ntht u have htis work ot od.u knw i nur mid nthth u have htis work ot do and so
u dotn od otehrh tigns and if u are doig toerh htigsn hh uare unimp then u stop doign them cause u
know in ur midn thht u have work to od.
Always be thinkign consnstly what shud i do now wht shud i do next, think of what work to od n
ncomplete amaek a to do list. write down a lsit of thgis nthth is wrok htht u need ot od soo thth u
remmrebre n incase u forgeet hten u can refer to the list thth way u dotn forget what u need oto od ,
adn you can think n ndecide what ot odo next lets do this now lets finish this now, think and decide
waht work to do towrds compeltign ur gaol, what work ot od ncomeplte, makea to do list. lets do this
plan waht work to od n compelte towrds ahcign ur goals.

make a to od list htht way u put down whtat u need ot od thin k ndecide what uneedo to do ot ahcive
urgoals u get an idea as to what u have otod waht work n thigsn u ahveo tod, n soo u dotn waste tiem
due ot indciesison n n not knwoign whato t od, alos incase u forget any work i mean it skips for mur
mind tehn, u cna refer the list tth way u dotn forget wath u need oto do , also u ahve palnned n
ndeicded what htigsn u enee d to od. u cna go backto oth e list nand see waht ot odo next what work is
don e nad waht is pendign nad waht work to take up next. lets do this now, think n ndeicde hwat work
to od make a list.

think f o whatot odo next soo nwo what odo we do

set tiem limtis t o all activiites takign bath 10 mins etc.. thth way you do it fast nadn u dotn watse
spedtoo mcuh time doing unimp thgisn n u give max tiem to imp thgisn tiem all actiivites ur time is
liimited nadn imp soo u hsud nto waste it time everythig nsoo thth u do ti at a faster pace as u knwu
have ot get this doen in soo mc huh time thth way u dotn do it endlessly at a slow pace ro dogin otherh
tigns i nebtwee.n or takign ru own tiem ot od it u knwo i nur min d thht u haveo to cmetle thsi thigsn i
nsoo mcuh time right and soo u do ti fast nad u dotn waste ime doig ntoerhhtigsn or odign thigs
slowly.time ur actiivites to od this in this much itm e fnish this work ai nthsi muc hthime thth way u dotn
do it endlessly or takign ur own sweet tiem to od it.

wrote it dwon soo thth udont forget u rememebr what u need ot od soo thth incase u forget rightehten
u have it ritten on the lsit what u needo to od write itr down soo thht ucan calmy quielty thin k npaln
what u need ot do and write down all the thigns u need ot od. tht is jot downall the thigns u need t od.

if u keep tryign then sem thign or the otehr will work out but if u dotn try then nothign will workout.

in lfie tis very easy extremly easy to get distracted, diverted, stray awawy, lose track, lose ur way, to get
diverted n ndistracted for mwhat uwnat, frm ur golas frm what ur gaols are. and thth is why u neeed to
be extremly focused and for thht u need ot realise understnad nad distignush between what isi mp n
nwaht is not imp , what will ehlp u achvie urgoals and what wont wha will sovle ur problems nad waht
wotn solve ur problesm but onyl waste ur tiem. ifu get disteracted diverted n misdirected n nlose ur way
then u wotn be able ot ahicve ru golas, u wont be albe to achvie what u wnat and u will be unhappy.
cause u are nto workign twoards whats imp whtat will relaly help solve ur problems instead u are
workign on thgs unimp thgsn thht wont help u ahcive anything, u are doign thgisn thth wotn solve ur
probmes may give temp solutions, u are doig nthigns tht wotn help u go anywhere, doign thgisn tht
wont help u achvie ur goals, help u maek progresss etc. n thth is why u need to make a lsit of thigsn thth
u shud do n nshud nto do or enagein n the reasons why the reasonign behidn them, thth will help u to
understnad what u shud be going in to n ndoign n what are the thgisn thth u shud nto eb goin into or
doign n why the reasosn behidn them, standedize the thigsn, thth will help u stay o ntrack to oyr gaoln n
nto waste ur tiem doig nunimp thgisn precious time thth is lost doign uimp thgins, as a reasutl fo whch
u have no time letft ot do imp thgisn thgisn thth uwant workign towrds the thgisn thht u wnt n nwaht u r
gaols are, n gettign distracted n ndiverted for myur gaols. sooo htht u knwo inyour mid nwaht u shud
get int on what u shud nt o be doign ro gettign into, or avoid n why the reasonign bhiendit, cause once u
strt doign unimp thgisn n u are diverted for mwaht is imp then u dotn ahve time left tood imp thgisn
causeu uwaste tiem doign unimp thgisnn soo u cant achvie waht u wat in lfei and soo u losen n u feel
miserable n nsad i nyoru life caues of ur goals nto beaign achivedn n life nto turdign otu het way u want
it to turn out. n thth is why u need ot strnadize every thgin soo thh u knwo what u shud go into n what
nto ot go into, n avoid tht way u knwo in your midn whatu needo to od and soo u dotn waste tiem
doign unimp thgisnn u only kee pworkign towrds imp thgsi nnn u are fcusded nn not get idvretedndn
istreacted wawy for mwaht s imp u dotn get lost or lose track. standrde mke a todo listn nnot to do list
n nwhy hte reasnoing behidn them.

these thigsn wotn help u to solve ur problems and are emanignelss wotn help ugo anywhere.

u learn mre from ur mistakes n nfailures thna from sucess cause u try ot aanylze trigth what u are doign
erong soo u get to knwo a tost wahtu shud nsud nto be doign. u smarten up n nlearn waht u shu do n
wnaht u shud nto do n why

u have limited tiem wihtin which to ahive everythgi nonce u lose time n opportunity u will envrer get it
back soo dont awat ur tieme doign unimp thgisn thth tiem thth cud have een spent on workign to
ahcive ur goals what uwnatn nimp thgisn in lfieu end up spendign ti on unimp thgisn n u lose
opportunities u lose teh tiem thth u have n nsoo u have no time to ahicve imp thgins. thth iswhy
remrmeber u have limited tiem within which to ahcive everythign, n soo u hsudn not waste ur tiem
doign unimp thgisn be focused distignhgush between what isi imp n what is nto imp what will ehlp u
ahcive teh imp thgisn in lfei n nwhich thigsn, activiites enagements are unimp n nemanignelss n nwont
help u ahcvie anyhtign in lfie but a waste of tiem nexercise, n wont help u reach anyehrre or achvie
anyhting, goign nowhere stayign where u are nto makign any porgessn accoridngly be focused dotn
waste tiem doign unimp thgisn ndo only imp thgisn tht iswork acitivtes etc. thth will ehlp u achvie ur
goas n imp thgisn in lfei mae progress etc. n nsoo u cant ahcive the imp thgisn in lfie cause hthe tiem
spent doing imp thgisn uwaste ti doign unimp thgisn n soo dotn have any tiem to od imp thgisn cause u
have limtied time, n cause uare lostn ndistractedn ndiverted u ahev lost ur way u are distractedn
ndiverted form imp thgsin ur goals etc... n into unimp thgisn uselss ngoofiness menainglessn n nonse
thigsn n acitivites thht wont help uget anywehre reach anywhere go anywehre.

tryigntoget my act togterh figureout wehre i am goignwrong waht i am not odign right waht i shud be
doign n shud nt oeb doign etc.. why i havel ost my way n nhwo ot get back to whts imp.n nn stop doign
unimp thgins. where am i goign wrogn how didi i lose my way, why have i become distracted n ndvitedn
n lost my way, thth is ding unimp thgisn instead of doign imp thgisnthth iwll help me achvie thgisn i want
need, my goals imp crucia l crtitiacl thgisn in lfei etc.. n how can iget back how xcan itop doign unimp
thigns what i shud n nshud nto be doing n why the reasoing behind it.
how ot be more focused:-

make a list of htigsn thth u shud do n nu shud nto od n why the reasonignebhindit, (cause it wont solve
ur problem, it will only waste ur time, cause tis a distrctio ndiversio nwaste of tiem n nenergyn nsoo n,
cause itwill waste ur tiem n effortn n enrg physical n nmental n u gt tiredn nexhausted n u cant do
whats imp u know consume ur hyscial n nemantl enenrgy ditstractu deviate u n then u cant focsu or do
whats imp, n u dotn have any tiem leftot od imp thigsn ) soo thht u strandrdie it u udecide what u shud
go into n nwht u shud nto go itnot n why the reaossn behindti n so oyu knw i nyour mid nwaht u hsud go
int o nwht u hsud nto do n ngo into n why

focsu only on a few thgisn goals at a time ifu go to do many htigsn u will getnothgin done. focsu o
nahicvng a few goals at a tiem i nyou go to ahcive many goals tehn tehn uwill end up gettign nothgi
ndoen cause u have limtied tiem adn u cant od many thigsn at a t ime. soo slec t three golas focus on
ahxicnvg them then move to next imp goal.s

selelsct one line oen field tth uare comfdortable with n go into thth onyl be the master of it. select oen
field one lien nad go.. .fully in to it.

thths not imp, dont enage in uselees nonsen n unimp thigns.

all thth fuckign uncessary drama.

dont waste ur tiem doign unimp thgisn cause once u lose tiem u will never get ti back, n then u dotn
have any tiem left ot odoimp thigns, u leaveimp thgisn aside do unimp thgisn n then u dont have nay
tiem left ot od imp thgins, n so u lose end up losing, u cant achive r goals n imp thgisn i nlfei n n udont
make progress u end u pgoin no where in lfie, u dotn maek prgeess nn uwnd up becomign sad caue
urgaols are nto ahcived n nur lfe didin trun otu tto be the way u wanted it to be, also cause u are
distraced n ndiverted away for myour goalsn nwhats imp n uahev lost ur way casue u ar diverted away
for mru goals into unip thigsn sucked up into lost ur way form imp thgisn cause u are enagieng in n doign
un imp thgisn goofienss nosnese thigsn tth wotn help u achvie naythign mae progeress etc... soo uend
up losign time soo u eneed to be focused nn nto ene in ump htigns. thth will ehlp u get back o ntrack n
workign tords achivgn imp thgins say no to unimp thigns.

opportunity cost:-

u have got an opportunity n nu ar ne ot makign the most of it n soo u are losign all the moeny spent
etc... n u are doign otherh tigns nn u are not makign the move or tryign hard and soo u are losing the
opportnity thht uhvae.
u need to be non nonsense u shud nto do one thing more than waht is imp , nt one thign more than
waht is necessary, nto waste ur tiem, effort energy in doing unimp n u ncessary thgins n neb highyln
nextremy lfcosued.

lost ur track, msidirected lost ur way means u are enageing in uimp thigsn than waht is imp, u knwo
wokrign on ahcivng what u want n nur gaols not get distracted divertedn d neviated form waht is imp.
get back o ntrack thth is refocused back to achivgn ru gaols n wahts imp n nwhat u wnat thth i s nto
enange in unimp thgisn nto wastign ru tiem effortn ne ergy i nunimp thigns

tht is not imp, thth is uncessary al thth nosnense n ndrama u wontget anyhtign by doign all ththt.

first of all u need to realsie figure out know n nudnerstandwaht u shud n shud not be doing, n why the
reasonign behidn it then, eitheru figure it out urslef or soem oen tells u waht to od advice pp lwho have
been sucessful etc.. then

u need to keep in mind rememebr not gforget wahtu shud nn shud not be doing soo thth ureemebr u
knwo inur midn what ushud n shud nto eb doing n as u knwo n soo u do it n nfollow it u knwo i nur mid
nwahtut hsud nn shud nto ebding soo u shud regulate ruself accorindlgy n namek urself do it n nfollwo it
n stop urslf f rom doign what u know u ahudn or not be doign n make urslef do what u knwo i nur midn
ushud be odign by cocsnlty enageing i nself-reagultion.

take up thgisn sit dwon n wrap it alll up! what shud i do now? lwets do this now lets finsih this letswrp
this thign up KO finsih this thign up lets put htis odwn lets put one down. n htese many thigs mroe to ot
go thnk what ot ood now lets do this now finsih this noe complete this now

u have lost track n nnothign gets doen cause u have bcoem diretedn n distracted u have los t rack lost ur
way u are not oding imp thgisn u are wastng time doign unimp thigns n soo uare not oging anywhere, n
soo u loes time u have no tiem left ot ood imp thigsn n soo u odnt maek any progress u beocmfe
frustratde cause u are not achving hteim thginsnn thgisn u wantn n dd and y u are nto workign towrds
ur goalsn n imp things. u are lsot dirstacred diverted u are doign unimp thigsnawstign tiem losign time
soo uare goign no where wstayign where u ar losign timee n nopportunities nad nto lbeo t ahcive the
imp thgisn in life. casue u are awhilignn wastign ur tiem away doign useless thigsn unimp thgisn thth
ownt halep u amek prgress or go anyehwere reah anywhere. achivne anyhting, u wont get nyhtign by
doign all hth leave thth aside do wahts imp wht will ehlp u wok r actiivtes thth will help u to ahcive ur
goalsn n imp thgsi nin lfei be focused

keep in mind what is imp n nwhat is not imp waht uhsud go into n why the resons behind it, wht u shud
enage in n waht u shud nto enge in, learn t distingusih between wht is imp n nwath is not imp waht wil
waste ur tie m effort n enrgy n ngive u nothgi ni nreturen wotn help to ahcive th imp thgisn in life, thgns
htth are moere imp, n only consuem ur tiem effortn neergy n maek u tired exhausted tth u cant do io
thigsn cause u ar o hsyally n nemntally drained, thth is ur resources get consmed, and u lsoe tiem n u
have no time left ot odo imp thigns, n nwaht u shud nto do or go into, wht is necessay n wknwo inur
midn what u shud enagei n n what u hsud nto enage in, what is not necessary waht will ur problem n
what wont help u solve ur problem tht wont help u aoslv ur prblems in lfie lie moeny etc.. et.c.. lvoe
etc.. leeae llal thth aside u can do all tht later on n do whats imp focus on whats imp. thts not imp. what
is worth spendig ur tiem effort nn ennrgy over n nwill ehlp u ahcive ur goals n nwaht sre distrctiosn
ndiverstison form whati si mp n wont hel p u achvieve anything, biut only waste ur item effortn nenrgy
physical n mental (thinkign) resources , cosnumed, n u ge t ired n exhausted n ucnat do im thgisn n have
no time left ot ospend on imp thgisn. n no eenrgy physical n menatl left to spend o nimp thgisn cause
uuare tired exhausted all psycial n nemtal enenrgy effort is spent onsumed in unimp thigns. u can do all
thth later on leave all tht aside thths not imp, thth wotn help u achvie anyhting, fcosu on whats imp.

havea senesn of urgency to do ti fast or u will lose the opportunity be on ur toes alert sppooekd up not
relaxed dont waist till thth t happen n tkae action take prea-action n be quick nn fast.hvse ssennse of
urgency to get it doen fast mm quick

knwoing n deciding what u shud not be doing n enenging n why is as imp as knwoign what u hsud be
oding. decide based on is it imp? will it solve ur problem iwll ti hep u to ahcive r gals n nimp thgisn in lfie,
make progress, or iwll i t only take wawy n ndrian ur preciosu tiem effort (phycical n mentla) effortn n
neergy thth cudh ave been spent on more imp thgisn.

knowing in ur midn waht u shdu not be doign is as imp as knwoing waht u shud be oding tth will ehlp u
be more focused, cause u knwo i nur midn thht ushud not do this cause ti wont slve ur problem n thth u
shud be odign this. n soo udotn get distractedn dn vierted to otehr thigsn uare are not lost uodnt
ennge i nthsoe thigsn cuase u uknwo u shud nto ebe odign it ause its nto imp wil onyl waste ur
tiemwotn solve ur problem etc..

t apple teh best deciisosn we have taken is not only knwoign waht we shud do but also knwoign what
uwe shud not be doing.

teh en mind - fcused minialsitc less clutter mreo focused on a few imp thigns. all tiem effort enenrgy
spent o nfew imp thigns.

i am nt odign tthht thts not imp.

selfregulation:- u need to keep in mind what u shud n nshud not be doing so thth u rmemeebr uts ther
in ur mid nwhat u need to od . you know i nyour mindwhat u shud n nshud not be doing, right, soo
accoridngly u need to enage inself-regualtion consnstly provde regulatory thgouhts insrtrucitons nad
commands to stop urself form doign thigsn tht u knwo i nyour midn u shud nt eb doig n or thinkigngand
t maek urrelf do thigsn tht u know i nyour midn ushud be doign n thinking. soo accoridngly cosnnstly
reguate your thinkign and you actions. reg ur thinkign thth is stop urelfe form thinkign fo unimp thgisnn
mekae ursef tink of imp thgisn resist say no to impulsvei thoguths thth u get thth tell u to od unimp
thigns as ur pimitive impulsive memeory wants u to od, make urself think of imp things, n reg ur actions
stop urslef form doign thgisn thht u know in ur sennsible meemory u shud nnto be doign n make urslef d
thigsn thht u know u shud be odign.

How to be more organized:-

plan everything, plan your day make a to od list soo tht uknow in ur midn what uneed to do for the day
waht work tood for the day, n u havedeicided what work toodn nocmeplete towrds ahcivng urgoals or
misc thigns

make a not to od list:- soo thht uknowi n urm id nwhat thgisn u shud not do n the reason why caues they
waste ur tiem effort n nenenrgy thth will help u to be mroe focused thgisn like (uncessary socailizing,
watching tv etc...) soo thth u remmeebr nto ot enage i in certain activiites thth u may get sucked up
consumed into, or thth u tend ot do unknowingly uncocniously thth end up wastign ur time effort nn
enenrgy prerciosu itme, thth u lose tiem thth u cud have spend on imp thigns tie meffort enenrgy tth h
ucud have give to imp thigsn ahcivngthe imp thgisn in life. thigs thht will distract u dirvert u from waht is
imp, or consume ur tiem effort n nenergy. sittign ther n socuailign with her she isusign u to get ridofher
boredom cause shewants soem oen to talk to n chatwiht. dotn sit there n chit chat with her. do ur own
stuff u wil end up losgn wastign ur time, thth u cud have spent on imp thigns, tell her i ahvework to od,
see ur own lfin ne future, ther wise u will end up losing. sorry i cant come i have work t od, say no to
these actiivtes. sit there n chit chattign wit hher nn wastign ru tem u dotn have enough time, u hae
velimited time, focsu on achving ur goals wokring to ahcive urgoals n nimp thigsn in life. u cant sit there
chatiign with her n waste ur time. u have to spend ur tiem doign imp thigns utilixe make the most fo the
tiem u ahve by speidngign thht time over imp thigns workifg towrds ahcivng imp thigsn in life.

to help u get mroe organied, help u get back n track towards ahciveng ur gaols, soo htht u know what u
shuddo thgisn activites work u shud do for the day n nthigns thht u shud nto be doingwastign ru time
oding, to help u stay on track and keep foused on ahcivng ur goals, n keep o nworkign towrds ahcivng

make a schedule:- waht time to wake up how mucht item to spend sleepign etc... not mroe than 6 hours
soo thth u dotn waste time oversleeping. or waste toom cuh itme in uncessary actiivites n nu have a
shcedule in place. thth way u go as per the schedule n n u spend max time for imp thgins keep seeprte
tiem for unimp things etc...

time ur actiivites: set time limtis for all u r activiites decidie how much time to spend on each actiivitty
for eg takign bath 15 mins do thisn work compelte this in this mcu thime tthht way u speed up u dotn
take ur won sweet tiem to do thigsn or do it slowly at ur own pace u d o it at a faster pace, and u dotn
do otehr htigns cause u know in your mind htth u ahve ot ocmpelte this in this much tiem soo u dotn
waste time odign otehrh tigns. once u time ur actiiites to do this in this much time n till soo mcuh time, i
nfivehourstill 5.00 then u do it at a faster pace continously u dotn do otehrhtigns waste tiem doign toerh
htigns as u knwo u haveto finsih this in soo mcuh tiem, n u do it fast n continously n nu dotn do it slowly
at a slower pace, n take ur own sweet tiem to od it, or do ti endlessly and forever as if u have endless
tiem tood it.
Get everythign i nroder n norganied soo asto help u keep on track, towrds urgoal,s increase ur
productiivit efficiency maek u do work to ahcive urgoals, to keep thigsn in perspective as to what ot od
wahtu need to od ot ahcvie urgoals etc.. so as to keep u on track wowkrign towrsahcivng urgoals n
nprevent u fro mstraying n keep u focused n workign on ahcivng ur goals nn prevent gettign distractedn
ndiverted. get more orgainided t o work maange ur time, dont waste time, help u be more focused,
keep o nworkign towards ahcivng ur gaol, maek u keep on dogin ur work towardsahcivng ur gaols, keep
u on trakc an dcosntnsly workign otwardsachivng urgaols nn keep u focused nto get disrracted divered
towrads otehrh tigsn n unimp things.

keep a seeprtate time frwork and activiites like leasure pleasrue entetainment nand enjyo ment thth u
enjoy doing but are unimp thth way udont do them durign ru work time durign ur work time u are o na
mission uare seriosu no nosnnensne n ngoffienss nad u are sraigth nad on a mission on work during, ur
work time u dotn do these thgisn u do them only duirgnthe time allocated for them. thth is during the
lesure time. durign ur work time u are on na missio nn serious n ntakie pain n efforts to od oyur work to
ahcieve ur goal u onyl od oyur work to ahcive urgoals u odnt od otherh tigns durign ru work time. during
ur work time u shud striclty do only oyur work all otehr htigns cna be done later o ndurign the time
allocated for them. say no to otehrh tigns dont do otehrh itngs during ur ork time durign ur work time
do onyl ur wokr, do all othr htings later on durign the time allocated for them. durign ur work time u
shud only be doign ur work, u shud not be doign other things, ushud say not ot all oterh htigns u hsud
stricy not be odign otehritngs, otehr thigns u cna do em later on or durign the time allocated for htem.
strictly not odo oterh tignsdurign ur work time, durign ru work time only do oyur work dont waste tiem
odign toerh htigsn do otehr htigsn alter on durign the time allocated for them. durign urwork timeu
shud onlybe doign ur work and nothign else, keep all otehr unimp things things u enjoy doign but are
unimp to do durign the night at the end of the day when uare tiredn nexhausted ifu do them i nteh
mornignor drign the day then uwill eb tired n nexhausted and u wont be able to od ur work n imp things
soo i nthe mornignwehn u are fresh metally nad physically d our work i nteh mrnign anddurign the day,
keep unimp thigns liek entertainemtn etc... durign the night weh n uare tired nadn exhausted. Not do
unimp things during the day say no to all unimp thigns impsuive thgtush thth uget in yoru mind telling u
rot d unimp things urges thht u get telling uto do things thth uenjoy doing but are unimp, dotn get tired
n exhausted by dign unimp things n waste ur tiem doing unimp things say not to them, during theday u
need ot be strictly n ncosnntly doing your work, keep all unimp thgisn n things thth uenjoy odign but are
unimp for then night, don’t waste ur time doing ti durignthe day, n get tiredn nexahusted by doing ti
during the day soo thth u cant do ur work nad imp things. Dotn spend waste phscal nad menatal effort
n n enrgy doing them during the day n then u get tirednn exhausted n ncant od imp things keep them in
the night at the eno of the day. In the day n I nthe morning u shud consntly be working towards ahcivng
ur goals n say no to other hunip things nto od other un imp things. During ur work time u shud only be
doing ur work and nothing else, all other htigsn can be done later on or during the time allocated for it.
Leave all thth aside thhts not imp.

earn your livign doignwokr workignhard ot earn your lviving n nimprovin ru standard of living. cosnnstly
be owrkign workign hard to improve ur stnadnrad fo lviing, mkae progress, improve urself, keep workign
o nyoursefl, hebestinvestment u canmakeis in yurself, sel-imprviement etc..seflhelp obooks etc..
edcuatio nknwoeldgeetc..keep workign to imprve ursfle make urself better, learn thigsn thth will ehlp u
knweodlge infortmtaiton whato to dowaht nto to do how ot go about it etc..

not havign moeny is the worst thign ever u cnat buy the food htht uwnat u starve, u feel insecure not
knowignwhere to get hte moeny form, u feeldesperate u feeel unsureo f hte future, u cant bu y the
thgisn u need soo u get suck up and cannot make any progress, (eg u want ot buy ht hdd but u cant n
soo u cant do thigsn cause u have no space) ustraveu cant buy hete food u want, u cant bu hteclothes u
want, the shoes u wnat to go for hte interview, u cnat buy the bus ticket. soo u cant og ot thei nterview
there are many issues if u dotn have the moeny u know. once u are cosntrained nad u know feel hte
crunch. u cant taek the decison ro mak deisions thth u want to make due ot alkc of moeny u cant, do the
thgsin thth uwantot do due ot lackfo moeny, u cant ravel to better places cause thigsnaremroe
expensive theere u get stuck up, once u dotn have meony n nu have to suffer n be miserabel then u
knwo how imp money is n u tstrt vlauign moeny nthinkign of hwo u can make moeny usign the
knoweldge educsiton talknet resureces deegres tht u have. if u dotn have moeny then ti becoems hard u
cant take the dicsions thth u wnat to take, u cant move to the palce u wnato t move, u cant buy
thignsthht u need thth will ehlp u progress etc.. it beocmes very dificult it limits what u cant do it limits
ur progress in life. n as a result u becomefrustrated n nsad causeu cant get to whaere u wantto get to n
ahcive thigsn thth uwant n nlife doesnt turn out theway u wntat soo it beocems frustrating.

The hippy lifestyle whic hinovles not working u knw enjoyign life beignfree to dowhat u wnat not doigna
9 to 5 job thht kind of lifestyle is nto freedom si nto the real freedom why? causethen u end up poor and
broke nad u suffer teh pains nadmisery thht coemswith nto havign nay money to buy the thigsnu wnat n
need u need to beeilive in workign hard andearnign ru living thht is the real freedom cause then u
havemeony to buy thigns u need to live a comfortable life, n enjoy things thht u wnat ot enjo y thth
gives u the real freedom. workign hardnn earnign ru livign iswhat gives u the real freedom.

U need ot og out nad work soem work or the other to earn your living, the hippy lifestyle is nto a good
lifestyle, the lifestyle in which u dotn work and u know u onyl enjoy nn avhe fun u are rebellious nad u
dont work, hthth kind of a life style is not a good life style, where in u dont wrk, n all udo is havefun n
enojoyment thth doenst leadto freedo mti only lead to poverty adn misery cause u end up suffering
uahe no moeny then n lack of moeny menas u suffer ucant buy htigsn u need the basic necessaities for
suivial u are in pain misery sufferign u starve etc. n ththt is hwy u shud belviei i nworkign ahrd wrokign u
r ass off takig apins nand effortsn nadearnign moeny earnign ru living. n thth is the real freedo mcause
hten u ahve meony u can live a comfrtable lfie u cna bu thigsn u want nn n need. improve ur standnrd
of lviing. u need oteb consnstly thinkgin of what work to od next waht biz to strt next hwo u will earn ur
moenyn nur living.

make a to do list work thht u need to od ot ahcive ur goals n imp thgsnin in life. or misc work tthh u need
ot od, then go o nfinsihgin them owkrign on them, tick markign them, tikig them the work thht u dfinihs.

Why all htis cause u are ambitous, achvie uurgoals n ndreams n ambitions, the purpsoe of all this, waht
it takesto be sucessful, what u need ot do ot be scuessful the sercret of sucess doesnn dotns etc...
organizer to help u get mroe oeganied, keep u on track, prevent u from straiyng, help u keep on workign
towrdsachivng ur gaols, help u to stay focused.

n nto get diverted n dnistracted, make u do the work to ahciveu rgaols, help u stay o ntrack,

mange ur tiem better, time ur acitivtes work fast at a faster pace, help u mamagne ur time n not waste
ur time etc..

cocosntly be htinkignplanign deicidng what work to od next towrds achivgn ur goals waht work to do for
hte day soo thth u have deicidewhat work to do adn u knwo i nyour midn htht u ahve thsi work ot do
soo u dotn waste tiem dueto indecsiions.

to organize everything to put everything into perspective as to waht ur goals are, to maek u think
ndecide n paln every day as to waht work u need ot odo to ahcvei ur goals to keep u on track n on path
to achvieng ur gaols, n help u keep workign towards achieveing ur gaols, soo hht u think n plan n deicde
what work u need oto od everyday towardsachivng ur gaols, soo thht u knwo i ur midn thh uhave this
work to od for the day soo th t u knwo inur midnwaht u shud do what work u shud be doign n what
activites u shud nto be doing n neenagieng in. soo as to amagne ur tiem effectively u knwo nto waste
tiem doing unimp thigsn know how much timeto spend o nwhat activity, soothth u knw o thth u needo t
finsiht htis i nthis much time n soo u work fast nn ot at ur own pace.

hvaea sense fo urgency do it fast , race against time.

persevere keep tryign n never give up

Constnatly be thinking as to what work to do what work to do n ocmpelte towards achiveign ur

goals,Taek one thing do ti comeptle it then move to next and like that

U got misdirected as to what u shud n shud nto be doing n lost track thth is got deviated ndiverted n
nlost focus as to what u really, want what is imp what ur gaols are awaht u shud be doing n shud nto be
doing, n why the reasoning bhind it, wht u shud go into n nwht u shud nto go itno n nwh the reasoning
behind it.
Still be surprised.

Its soo strght forward, there is nothing to it, just make a list n execute, just plan n nexecute, go n do it.

To achive ur goal it’s a 4 step process, its all thinking, planning, strategizing, n action n execution once u
have decided n u knw what ot od then u need to excute thht plan, go accrding ot the plan, if u don’t take
action, then its all a waste, its all talk n no action, u need ot go for it, enage I naction, once u are done
with all th thinking nn planning research n nstrategizing, n uknw in ur mind what to do, wht the plan is
tehn its all action, if u don’t engage in action, all u do is thinkingplaniing strategizingbut u don’t go for it
take the effort pain struggle n execute the plan n take action, tehn u simply wont be able to ahcive ur
gaol, soo action is most imp, without action u simply cant achive what work are u doing what action
uare undertainking to achive u r gaol towards aching ur gaol, make a daily to do list, what action to
undertake to ahcive ur gaol, be a man of action, go for it, once u have done all the thinking research n
strategizing, n u knw I nur mind wht to do, wht the plan is tehn its all action, u just execute the plan.

N the third thing is time, u need ot time ur actiivtes time I the most imp things u need ot take fast action
nurgetn action, act fast act quick, dnt waste time n opportunity, once u lose the time n nopportunity,
the nits gone n u wont get it back again, n soo act fast n act urgently, once u lose the time n nopportnity
then u will never get it back, n soo u need ot act urgently, u need to act fast, move fast n nact urgently,
once u lose tiem n n opportunity u will enver get it back.

Singer george michael on ambition:-

dream determiantion
strted soo u will fnish lets put one down
adn os on drive

From the age of six, he knew he wanted to perform, and that he wanted to be famous. “I had two very
strong ambitions and they’ve always fought against one another,” he told Michael Parkinson in 1998.
“One was a passion for music and an ability to communicate through music...and two was this desire to
be… filthily famous.” His eventual fame was almost a byproduct of his insecurities, an attempt to totally
dissolve his lack of confidence and his low self-esteem. “I was a very unattractive adolescent,” he said
elsewhere in 1987. “I had glasses know, spots...I don’t see that person in the mirror anymore,
but I know that deep inside I’m still making up for the fat kid.

You have this insecurity, as if oyu lacksoemthing not goo enough thth there is soemthign alckign I nyou
feel iandewuate, and then ubecome extremely ambitious to break the barrers thth hod uback to
compenasate or over come thth insecuruity to make up for it. U felel thth uare indquate incompete
ulack soemthig and hten u get itnetsily ambitious to compesant for it oso tht u n logenr lack something n
over ceome what ualck. N soo u want to pull urself up soot ht u no longer lack sumthing.

Throughout his career he would say in interviews, “It’s not the something extra that makes a star. It’s
the something missing.”

Iits cause u are not content with ur life nsoo


You don’t start at the top. You start with the foundation.- Donald Trump

When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough. - Donald Trump

A slow starter is always the fastest finisher. - Donald Trump as they taek tiem to research and work on
the core the ofucndation sole their isseus thth hold them back

Never let yru fears be the boundaries for oyur dreams and hold ubak nad stp ypu -DT

his monthly digest of inspirational messages, fit perfectly into the Trump family culture of never
hesitating to bend the rules, doing whatever it took to win, and never, ever giving up

Event No. 2 in the early 1950s—and in the development of Donald’s personality and style—was
the emergence of modern branding. At the dawn of the 20th century, most makers of consumer
products focused only on selling as much as possible. But by mid-century, manufacturers of
everything from laundry soap and baked beans to automobiles and airlines were taking their
focus a few steps further: concentrating not just on how much rolled off the assembly line but on
polishing and enhancing the aura and attractiveness of the product.

From now on, marketers would not simply tout how well a product performed. Instead, they
would study how consumers felt about the maker of the product—and they would bend every
effort toward making everything associated with that name as positive and compelling as
possible. – creating a brand (ststus pride ego boasting icnreaisng sefl-worth quality price and oso
n pride the human psychology showing off to toerhs to inscrse thir sefl-worth self-esteem and
gain attention satus impress oterhs what oterhs think fo othernm want others to think hgihyl fo
them and oso n) its called value for money een igf uhae to pay a lot of money for it. No one wil
buy the product if is nto good.

red Trump was an early branding enthusiast. At the 1939 World’s Fair, a futurist extravaganza
for which the theme was “The World of Tomorrow,” a billboard for Trump Homes was a tutorial
in the use of basic branding principles. Employing a striking modernist typeface for the name
Trump, the billboard incorporates the fair’s eye-catching Theme Center pavilion with its iconic
spire and sphere (known as the “trylon” and “perisphere”), tweaks the fair’s slogan to read “The
Home Of Tomorrow,” and boasts of the homebuilder’s success (“6,000 People Live In Trump

In the years that followed, increasingly assertive branding, now broadcast nationwide on
television, would show up in every sphere of American life. By the early 1960s, when Fred
Trump built a cluster of 23-story apartment buildings in Coney Island, the largest project in
Brooklyn at the time, it seemed a matter of course that he would name the entire complex Trump
Village—and that prospective buyers showed up in droves.

By all accounts, including his own, Donald Trump did poorly in the classroom in his early years.
the importance of branding. Branding was on full display by the mid-1970s, when he took over
his father’s real-estate holdings. His initial step was to ditch the pedestrian corporate IDs Fred
had used when building in Brooklyn and Queens (for example Trump Village Construction
Corp.) and to give the company the imposing name Trump Organization; his next step was to
launch his first major project not on his father’s home turf but in the far more challenging
environment of Manhattan.

The project was the makeover of a derelict old hotel, the Commodore, into a glitzy tourist
magnet. The hotel was named the Grand Hyatt because of contractual obligations, but Trump,
ever the Peale disciple, insisted on calling the main restaurant Trumpets and incorporated such
signature touches as packing in the maximum number of floors to make the building seem taller
(by conventional measure, the top floor would be the 26th, but at the Grand Hyatt it was the
34th) and claiming that the ballroom was the biggest in the city (it wasn’t).

With his next project, Trump Tower, Donald’s surname made its Fifth Avenue debut. Mounted
over the main entrance and rendered in all-capital 3-foot-tall brass letters, it was so out of scale
that Der Scutt, the building’s architect, joked that visitors to New York could read the name
before their plane landed.

From then on, Donald Trump would put his name on everything he did, including high-rise
buildings, casinos and a reality television series, The Apprentice. In 2014, he graced the facade
of Trump Tower Chicago with his name in all-cap 20-foot letters—once again, grossly out of
scale, but when Mayor Rahm Emanuel complained, Trump pointed to the fine-print approval
included in contracts signed with city officials.
Over the years, as the public has walked by the buildings, gambled at the casinos and watched
the TV show, the name has become ever more associated with overwhelming, gargantuan, and
seemingly never-ending success. And in the process, Trump has created the armor-plated
branding juggernaut

Trump’s tireless self-advertisement will be enough to gain the Republican nomination, much less
elect a president, is unknown. Pp ldont knw of ur achiemetns unless u tell tehm, and if u dotn tell
them they dotn knw n so othey are nto impressed. Some may call ti beign shw –off but thts the
way it is.

That’s when I was taking myself a lot more seriously. I’ve lightened up since then.’

I wanted to get out of my own head and stop taking my work so seriously. I’d had enough. I was like

I take it very seriously and am very serious about getting it right.’

Learning how to say no is crucial to thinking like a billionaire. - Donald Trump

When he finally got down to business, though, he showed he does know a few things, like how he got to
where he is and what he needs to do to stay there. –Dt

he did fulfill demonstrated he’s smart enough to understand what’s really important to him


What do you do that you just can’t stop doing, even if there’s a dozen, more ‘important’ things to get
done? – focus do only whats imp!

High achievers what makes them tick what they beivle in

learn as much as I can from them regardless of whether or not I agree with their ideologies. So
what can we learn from Mr. Trump? I think we can learn a lot actually. Here are a few consistent
themes that I have taken away from Donald over the years.   

1. Decision Making – As it relates to his business dealings, Donald Trump appears to have
made some good decisions. On the surface, it seems as though he is a bit of a loose
cannon, and probably takes great risks. However when you listen to him speak (if you
believe him) he is actually very conservative with his business decisions. He tends to buy
properties that have less of an upside if they also are a safer choice (i.e., less downside).
Taking risks is part of business, but making sure the risks are calculated and you know
the upsides and downsides is key.    

Donald Trump Quote – “Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make.”

2. Goal Setting – This has been documented to death and for good reason. People who are
2. set goals for themselves and many times they set BIG goals and have high expectations
for their own performance (and for those around them). Even when they don’t meet their
goals they outperform their counterparts who haven’t set any goals. Donald Trump is no
different in this regard.  He has high expectations for himself and those around him and
that is, at least partially, why he has been able to accomplish so much in his lifetime.
Having a clear vision is essential if you want to accomplish big things. 

Donald Trump Quote – “You have to think anyway, so why not think big?”

It is a critical part of business, particularly when you are regularly involved in complex negotiations. 

4. Labor of Love – Individuals who have likes and dislikes that are in alignment with their
job duties have a higher level of something called “motivational fit”. It makes sense that
those who have alignment in this area have higher levels of job satisfaction. Donald
Trump is no different.  His personality and interests are a perfect match for his various
business ventures. He is passionate about what he does and he motivates others around
him with that passion. 

Trump Quote – “If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance
them. Instead, make your work more pleasurable.”

5. Judge of Character – Being able to judge talent is maybe one of the most difficult skill
sets to have or master. If you are good at it, you can surround yourself with highly
motivated and highly talented people. Although it was for TV, Donald Trump’s show,
The Apprentice, was a decent showcase of how he judges talent. Organizational leaders
need to be able to hire high performers and also say “You’re fired!” every once in a while
when employees are underperforming.

Donald Trump is not that much different than many of the effective leaders in the world. The
amount of wealth he has and his personality are definitely differentiators, though. His “in your
face” style is off-putting to some but refreshing to others. No matter where you land, the fact
remains that Donald

“It’s mean, it’s nasty, it’s vicious, its paibful hardwork it’s beautiful. When you win, it’s

Trump has been an effective businessman. We can learn something from everyone, even The Donald.

Determined to Win
As simple as it sounds, many times the only thing that separates winners from losers is pure
determination. While the winning difference may be slight, the thought process that makes the
difference is huge. Amateurs spend a substantial amount of time negotiating the price of victory.
The most successful performers like Donald Trump have made the decision to pay any price and
bear any burden in the name of victory. Champions are the warriors of the world. Their
outstanding preparation makes them unstoppable and ferocious on any performance field. To
them it’s not winning that’s everything, but wanting to win that is.  

Embrace Conflict for Growth

Most people will do almost anything to avoid conflict. It’s safe to say that Donald Trump
welcomes it, and so do most world-class performers. In fact, they embrace it. The great ones like
Trump see conflict not as a threat, but as an opportunity to gain a three-dimensional perspective
on a problem. Champions see conflict as a healthy function of checks and balances in an
organization. Business leaders who suppress conflict are too tightly bound to allow opportunities
for growth. When you welcome and embrace conflict, you are destined to evolve exponentially.

The Takeaway
Donald Trump said, “I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as
well think big.” I couldn’t agree more. No matter what you think of Donald Trump, there are
many lessons to be learned from his leadership style and bold approach to life and business.

. Ambition

To quote the man himself: "If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big".
As president of the United States, setting large goals is a given. Yet, the vision it takes to push
for change is something a great leader needs to have if they want to inspire others to not only
trust their judgment but contribute to the cause as well. Ambitious leaders make things happen in
an organisation. 

1. Aggression

While persistence and confidence is a necessary quality to have as leader, pure aggression can be
anything but constructive to achieve success. In the lead-up to the election, Trump often failed to
pause and listen before declaring his opinion. Giving others a chance to voice their points allows
a leader to tailor their response to what is being said. 

2. Lack of empathy

Trump has shown a lack of empathy towards immigrants to the U.S., promising to deport
millions during his election campaign, and imposing temporary travel bans on certain countries
since becoming president.

Through globalisation the world is becoming more connected than ever. So a lack of empathy
towards those who are different to us is less likely to reap success for leaders in the long term. 
3. Not admitting mistakes

People make mistakes. Yet Trump seems to have trouble conceding to even the smallest of
errors. There were times during his election campaign, for example, when he quoted false
statistics and claimed anyone criticising him was wrong. 

A leader who wishes to gain the respect of employees and the public, while at the same time
attaining the goals they have set for their organisation, should be able to take responsibility when
something goes wrong. 

“If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then
never, never, never give up.” – nvp

“To experience the satisfaction and enjoyment of success in life, a definitive goal is essential. A goal
gives a purpseo I nlfiei t helps uto make progress,

“The greatest risk in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is
nothing and becomes nothing.”

“Fear is never a reason for quitting; it is only an excuse.”

“The controlled person is a powerful person. He who always controls his mind will get ahead.”
Regutlated mind under ut r control

“Nothing of great value in this life comes easily. The things of highest value sometimes come hard. The
gold that has the greatest value lies deepest in the earth, as do the diamonds.”n uhave to toil work hard
ot get tehm, nothgi ncoems easy u have to take action psins effort work ahrd for it.

When we start focusing on things things really start to happen

“Often we have no choice about doing things, but we can always choose how to do them.”

All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and
what he wants to be or do.” – NVP

“Never react emotionally to criticism. Analyze yourself to determine whether it is justified. If it is, correct
yourself. Otherwise, go on about your business.”

“Go at life with abandon; give it all you’ve got. And life will give all it has to you.”

“There is only one person with whom to compete and that is yourself. Keep aiming to surpass your own
best performance and ever strive to reach higher levels.”

“Begin where you are. Don’t wait for someone else to change things for you. Do it yourself.” Caseu no
oen else will
But because the going was hard, they grew tired and discouraged and finally they quit. And afterward it
was often discovered that had they persevered just a little longer, had they been able to see just ahead
of them, they would have found the result they sought.

Thus there is no reason why anyone in health and strength need acquiesce to the idea so generally and
supinely accepted today that an arbitrarily set retirement age must necessarily mean an ipso facto
disqualification from new and fresh forms of useful activity. No person, at any age, needs to remain on
an uninspiring level of accomplishment.

If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then
never, never, never give up.

We struggle with the complexities and avoid the simplicities.

Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the
strength you think they have

All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and
what he wants to be or do.

U have to sttrt somewhere u know , what wil you do which filed or line will you go in selsect one career
and be good at it be the best in ti the master at ti know everything about it , ek line pakad ke chalna
rehta hai, selct one fieldon ecarreer one line and goadn be the best in ti, know what oyu want ot do
what fieldor line you want ot odgo in!

The goal is to get the best out of the talent the ppl thht u have n how od oyu do thth:-

What work are you most proud of?

I’ve never thought in those terms, ever. For me, pride, and working in the music business don’t
seem to go together. After spending several post-school years wondering what I would ever do
with myself I fell into the business quite by chance. I’ve never thought of anything I’ve done in it
as something to be proud of. Certainly I’ve learned the art of management, of organization, of
getting the best out of people, that sort of thing. But to apply what I’ve learned to creating
egomaniacs out of teenagers doesn’t seem to be something particular pride-worthy.

If anything is to be proud of it would have to be the creative things I’ve done – so, three books
and a few songs. You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me came out too easily to engender a feeling
of pride, though retrospectively it looks like a good set of lyrics, and sure, yes, it came from me.
But it wasn’t done with great attention or thought in expressing myself in a useful or worthwhile

My three books were hard work. I don’t find writing easy or straightforward. I have to force
myself to sit down and do it.

Perhaps to have been completely without a way of seeing what I should do with my life, and then
to have found ways to get through it without creating any major disaster for myself or anyone
else is sufficient to engender some sort of quiet satisfaction.

a) I’d be willing to be more organised and self-disciplined at work so that I could leave at a decent time.
b) I’d be happy to go in earlier and leave work earlier.
c) My career is important to me and I don’t think any changes would be necessary or desirable.
d) I’d never make any sacrifices in my career
I’d be willing to find a different job, provided it was a suitable job,

sit dow n focsu nn editate on ti n compelte ti qickly. dont do otehr thgisn dont waste ur time doign
otehrh tigns nimp thigns.

dnt give up keep a it we are just there

no matter how slw the progress

u need to sacrifice everything els soo tht u ca focus cmpleetely on whts imp n not waste time effrt n phy
n mentl energy doin unimp things.

n its all or nothing.

tke the pains n effort sit thru it n compplete it

think n dcide wht to do think of ur rwrk wht wrk shud I do now? Only then u will do ur wrk not other
wise …soo now this s wht we nee to d we nee to sit dwn n wrp this thng up

it wud have been a distraction frm imp thangs taking up unecessary things n activites. waste of time

if u want to sceed i nlfei uahve to put in the extra efffort 100% effort is nto enoguh you have ot put in
200% effort, thth is work day n ngiht day in day out be cocnsntly after it workign towrdsahcinvg urgaols
takign paisn and efforts nnad struggles chignign yoruslf to oyur work, commeitted to oyur work,
sacrifisign all fun joy n pelausre n nworkig nru ass of f takign all paisn ndad efofrts to ahvie rugaols,
sittign tghorugh itwillig nto talke apisn and efforts workign day n nnight jsut puttign i neffort is nto
enough u ave t take all paisn nad efforts pt in 200%

effort instead of 100% effort is nto enoguh to ahcive urgaolsm, its a race agaignst tiem get lot of thigsn
dotn in a day, mroe thigsn doen as many thgisn u can getn done, in a day, lots of work to be done,

lots of work thth needs ot be done, get back to odign your work get todoin your work, get as mcu hwork
as ucan get doen i na short span of time by workg ncocnstl y conctinosuly day n ngiht

so what’s stopping you?

make the most of the opportunity
do things properly
if you’re going to make the effort, you may as well do it properly
and learn how to not waste your time.

Dnt wait , take action immditaely,

U need ot sit through it n do it properly put I n a lot of effort, to get thgisn right n create thgisn it’s a
work of labour n effort n it’s a work of ltos of eeffort, “this book took soo many of paitn nad horus of
labour” to create osemthign great nce beautiful ti takes a lto of effort and htths why its valuable, n
worth it, it’s a work of art a work of labour. U have to sit thgorught take paisn labourn nefforts to get it
doen n get it done perfectn nebaitiufiul n right. N u need patience n neprseverance. U need ot take
effort nwork on it.

u feel more inseciure bout the future as u dnt knw how thngs wud wrk out in the fuuture, u cud see the
stress nstrain the knw axiety wrry or u know hopefully, how things will wrk out in the future,
anticipating inanticiaption fo the future. not knwoign hwo thigsn ilwl turn out or work out stressed out
baout hte future. which is unknown as ot waht will happen hopedfully thigsn iwll work out. not wknign
wht wil lahppen uncertain fo the furutre n nso on. U can see the stress o nthe face.

I need a man who is responsible for himself not a wannabe.He knows who is and where he is going.A
man who alreadyhas his profession and knows what he is doing. Someone
who loves what he does and whose work makes him happy.
A man who is not happy with his work is emotionally
dangerous, because a man who is not happy with his work is
usually not happy, period. A man’s work is so important to
him. If he is not doing the work he wants to be doing and
wants to be doing something else, then he is emotionally
dangerous to be he is frustrated n unhappy iwth his lifen nhimself

u shud see ur own life ur own affirs mind ur own biz n nnot goo too much into otehr ppls affaris
see urwon life your own profgress work towrds uar own progress. keep working occnnstly dont waste ur
tiem into otehr ppls thigsn its pointless useless u will onyl end up wastign ru won imeeennrgy n nfocuse,
u will gain get nothgint out of it tis a waste of time, effort u will end up stayignwhere u are n not makign
any pogress cause the tiemenenrgy n effort thth u cud have spent workign otwrds ahivng urgoalsn n
seeign ru own stuff and makign progress uend up wastign into tother ppls nosnese, distraction, n end up
lsoign n stayign where u are n going no where. all thth tiem ewasted time thth cud have ebeen spent on
imp thgisn. on ur own life n progress. dont waste item u ahve limtied time do oyur own htigsn keep
workign on ur pwn progress n ndoign what uare doign thth is see ur own stuff. know what u rgoals as n
keep workign towrds ahcivng ur goals veverythign else nn everyoen else canfukcof, see ur own stuff.
mindur own biz, dotn get itno to otehr ppls shit stuff and affirs n waste ur item talkign about oterhs.
keep workign towards acivng ur owngoals. see ur own progress ur own life ur own stuff. dotn waste ur
tiem gettign nafd fallign n to oterh ppls stuff nad affairs hwat othrs are doignwaht they are gettign
andsoo on, you shdu see ur own stuff what u are doign n waht u are gettign n how you cna imrpve urslef
make urslf better thths not imp spend ur time n neffort nn enenrgy o nmakign ru own life o
nwahts imp o nahcivng ur own goals. focsu o nru own goals o nworkig nto ahcive wht maeks u happy n
nwhat u wnat. what have u got ot od with wht otehrs are doign , see ur own thign wrok dotn waste tiem
keep workign t wrds achving wht uwant ot oahcive. dont waste tiem doig nunim ptghsi ndistractions, be
highyl focused. Leave all everything nese side n focus n achivng ur own goal.s pending lal ur tiem
working towards ahcivng ur own goals rather than wasting time doing unim ptghsin n distractions.

development of skills

why are u doign lal thsi hwy allthis for?

whts hte prpose fo aall this? Knw the purpseo the reason why u are doing ti if oy uare doing ti then why
are you doing it? What are oyu dign all this for? To ahcive what goal what outocem n then u knw what
ot od n how ot od it better to ahcvie thth desired outcome , what u wantot ahcive by doing all this
thrugh doing all thth what are the final outocems uwnatot achvie?

single minded focus do on et hing wrk n one thing at a time fully totallyinto it.

always has its awkward moments and proceeds in increments,
often more slowly than we’d like. Be patient with yourself and
watch for the small and significant advances.

Nceu have a goal then u have a destination u know where u have o tog, n reach u are nto aimless
wandreign around in circles purposeless, u knw where u have to go n what u need ot o dot get therer

Nce u make a list nonce u dicede wht to do then soo u have a directon as to wht ot od. If u ar undided
then u have no dirction n soo uwast t tiem doing nthign or idling around or doing unimp tgisn once u
think n deicde wht to t do then uhave adirection as to what ot do.

Mke a list
write dwn al pointss o tht u reemebr nn ot forget
n soot ht u know I nur mid nwaht u need to od its therhe in ur mid nwht u need ot od n nehcne u do ti
once u see the list u are reminded of it incase uforget wht u need to od
n not only thht u knw I nur mid nwaht u need ot od once u make a listn n decide wht to od as ot what
tio do n as u kwn I nur mid nwhat u need ot od soo yu get to od it as u knw thth ihave ot od this soo u
get t odo it .
wait to see if it jars your memory. n u remeber it n recall it, reminds u of it.
Thth u rmemeber it again, reminder, soot ht u knw I nur mid n u remember thhht u have to od it

single minded focus do on et hing wrk n one thing at a time fully totallyinto it.

othrs cant help u u have to help urself, each one to his own.
When ugo to help others u end up losign! Remeebr thth to be successful u need otb e selfish think ofo
yur won. Each one ot his own. U dotn owe anything to anyone. U were nto sent here to o any favours for
nay one or to help anyone.

External environmentnn focus:-

External environment can caeuse focus or distraction,

If the hosue is noisy n ndisruptive then u get distracted pp lfightign nad trying to occntly blame each
othern n so on chaotic environment, peace fo mind distrubacne n ndistraction. Ppl trying to accuse
others n nso o nthen the other persn tries to harrse n nrieprimand. N so on trying to incite things nd da
turn eah other against others cause hate n gifghtsn ncahosn ndistrubacne n nso on.

Quiet room no noisen ndistrubance

Comfortable cahgne psotions on bed n so on

white light is too ahrsh o nteh eyes, i prefer the yellow light its warm ad it reduces distractions aroudn
soo you can focus o nteh task wrk u are doign gettotlatl y losyt n n invoveld i nti where as white light
increases the distrctio naround it highlights everythgin around

invovlved n absorbed in what u are doingfocused.

When you get to university there will be no-one to tell you what to do, so start learning how to organise
your own time.

to be sucess ful u need to be ambitious hae a goala deam, but haigna dream si ot enough you need to
htink n plan and stregixze do reserch think paln stregie as to what u need ot od hwo to do it go aotu it
inorder ot go aobu ahciveng ur gaols and then after thth only thinkign plannig nstretgizing is nto enough
you need to exectue it impliment it take action towrds ahcing ur goals. All thht thinking planningand
strategizing is good casue u need to know what to do to ahcie ur gaolsnad how to od it and go about it
you now hte rigth way fo odgin thigsn but whats more imp than that is action exeution and
implimentation cause withotu action! yo usimpyl cant achive yorugaols soo go for it!
i mean yo ucan do a lot of thikign plannig nstrtegizign as towaht to od hwo to od it hwo ot go abotu it
and what u need to do to ahcive urgaosl but if oyu dotn go ahed with it and actully od it and implient it
put it to practse execution take action then yo uwont be able to ahcie yoru a doer be cotntly
on it. and actin si not enough need t fast action befast be quick what ever u nawo to do do it fast,
immidietley ndn at a faster apce, coemplte everyhtig nfasy work cosnntly dan nyn gtin n work at a fster
pace nn get it doen, fast. seppd fast action iswhts imp mvoe fast. u need ot move fast do ti fast dotn
wast time do it at a slow pace at ur own sweet tiem n pace be fast do ti fast finsi hti quickyl get doen wit
hti n then uar free for mstress worreisn of it pendignn ot beign done n can enjoy het reewrds of ahcing
urgoals n u are free to moe on to the ext goals. acing other goals. n doign oterhh ingts.

To be successful
you need to
1) Have a dream a goal dream big, be ambitious
casue its onyl when u ahve the ambiton oy uahve the motiatio nadn drive nad everythign udoall thinkign
palnnign action etc.. si for the sake of ahcing rdreams and ambitions.also by haing a goal u know hwae
mroe clartiy as to what u wnat otdo where u wnat ot go whci hway u wnat to reach and then u knw
what u need ot od to achei ur gaols n what u shud nto do what wotn help u to ahcive urgoals u are mreo
focused. wahts imp waht will ehlp u achvie ur goals n imp thgisn i nlfie nad what things wont hwlp u are
unimp are distractios nadn wotn help uahcive ur goal.u ahem roe clarty. u knwo where yo uwant oto og
and waht u needo to do to gwe t there nad doign waht will heplp u get there adn what wotn help u get
there soo u shud not do htigsn thth wont help u get thhtere tht il ldistrat u take awau ur tiem effort
eenrgy n nwton help u get thehre ahee ur goals n inmp thgisn i nlfe.
2) Thinking, plannign, stretgzing
3) Action, implimentation, execution work hard taek action. withotu actio nyou simply cannt oache ur
goals (take action according to oyur plan n stretgy, puti t t opractice) be a doer be a man of actio ngo for
it take action learn to moer ur hands and feet aroudn an d work hard to achei ur goals. only thinkign
alnnign all tht thinkign plannign stretgizing is of no use if oyu odnt moe aroudn and take action! actiosn
si the most imp thgisn to wrs aching ur gaols u need ot og fr it u need to take action.
4) Time: you need ot be fast do everythig nfast mov e fast fee la senes of urngency to get it doen now
get ti odn e immditely dotn waste tiemn do thgisnat a faaster speedier pace. casue u if take too logn to
od it then if u ahcive ur gaols and take a logn time to ahcive them then its not owrth it caues tiem is all
uahe for eg fi oyu acei ur goals at hte age of 50 or osemthig nand u ahve only 30or 40 more yeras to live
then its pointelss causeu dtn ahe muc htime ot enjoyn nrepa the rewrds, insteda ifo yu achve them
when uare in your 30s then u have mreo time to reap the bebefits of ahcign urgoals. time is all uahve
the earleir the faster the better, i mean hav sensne of unrgency ot od it now do it immideatly nad do it
fast go for it, and ork ocntiosly owkr fask have a sense of time. itsl ie kthen u are donwe with the stress
worry qcikyl n free, doen it quickly n nbeen free with ti. otehr wise u will be worryign till 50 abotu
gettign it done adn after hth u repa reawrd s fro less time , with mco st of ur goals achived early on then
u hae less worries u can have fu enjy life mroe nad also repa therewrds for al ogenr itme. wahts liefe
made of its made oftiem tiem is all uahve. the earleir hte better soo mvoe fast get it done fast/.

u shud not get complacent htinkign tht u ahe a lot of time u dotn hae enough time at all soo work dayn n
ight and work ocntinously nad work fast.

It’s natural for people to find themselves drifting off during a
You might
start thinking about what you need to get done later in the day or even putting together
your shopping list in your mind.
When that happens, it’s important to refocus
when you’re just tired and your brain is having a hard time
focusing on the matter at hand.

when uread u need ot speak i nyoru midn. itsthe vocie inyoru head your thinkign voice ur speakign
vociei nyoru haed when uread u read i nyoru mid n uspeak i nyoru midn .

u need t be thought ful b e aware know exactly what to do n wht u are doing a well thought out
technique. patent relxeed take ur time n learn how to do itright if rgonna do it do it right. take it slow
do i t right know how to do it welll , properly cause if u do it wrng then u wont get any resulyts.

tink write down all teh poitns soo thth udotn forget em, nad hten elaborate on them u knwo go itn
odetail – essay wrting.

u are not ready till u are read til u knwo whato tod
its not done till its done
u odtn maek it till u maek it!
til thne u are itneh making.

dnt wrry bout tht just keep fukin doing wht u are doing.

u might feel frsutratedhpeless n not knowign if wht uare doigwill help i nanyway u wil lget theresults or
not n everythgin seems difficul nnmiserable n n ufeel unsure and anxiousn nworried of the future
anticaotry, u know but u know u need ot keep tryign n never give up.

i need ot od thisn ncomeplte this first

u need ot leave no stone untrend nn g all otu ntake al effrots to ahive rug goals
nt wate ur life u knwo doign ordnairty thgisn adn u know jsut lviign work ahrd ot create a change to
innovete maek progress adn s on. work for a larger goal thh is bettermetn f humanity think cem up with
ideas! and so on adn go all out to maek thesoe iseas come true nadn happen, for a heihger cause wrk
towards imp thgisn no time wasting things on unimp thgisn talking botu other ppl and so on. Things thth
wotn berign any gain nbeefit. Iuncessary cahtter n banter.

rememebr htsiis a race agaisnt time

u nee ot be focused cocennterat nto waste time odign unimp thigns n noterh htngs
keepwrkign to ahcive urgoals

u need ot be fast nad u nee ot be continous rememebr htth u needo t get a lot of owrk odne i na single
day rememebr htis its a race against itme u needo t owrk extpremly fast nad u nedot owrk cosntnatly
contniously nto waste tiem doign otehr htigns lseepign etc.. u have limtied time every signle day is an
opportunity oncel ost u will enver get htht tiem back agian ssoo make htem ost of htht day get as muc
hwork as u can get done every signle day by workign fast workign contiusly logn hours nad dnotwastign
time odign othehr itgns unimp hthgisn sleeping lazing etc..
the goal is to win by hook or by crrok by all means possible b y all costs

u needot be mobile and take action fi oyu dotn then u will remai nstagnant.
n not maek any proegress.

dont waste ur ime n opportunity do whats imp dont wast tiem doign unimp thgisn
oportnirty costs if u dotn make hte msot ofo yurre opportunitythen u are losign wastign tiem n moeny
caseu u wotn get the opportnity again or the time again.
soo mke the most of the opportunity u have.

dnt forget the ppl who helped u with otu theri help u at every step of the way wud have nenver reached
wehre u are it taeks only one borken step on the ladder to stop u from reachign the top and achivgn ur
gaol. n suceeding.everystep of oyurway there must have been ppl who ahve ehlped u cotnributed ot
reach where uare.

learn the skills for ur ambitions

ifu dont put anythign u dont get anythign out!

u have to put soemthign i nt oget soemthign out of the piggy bank

a book a day keeps ignorace awway

why knwoeldge is soo imp:-

ti helps you to knw wat otod sovle ur isseus problesm
helsp u to work proeply do oyur work, efficntyl
be soical selfhelp books etc.. elarn what otod do ti right
get resutls,

many distractions to our best goals n intentions—both of our

own making and from ouside hwo to ocut dwn n block out external distractions, blankers.
Nope no mba games a distraction n waste of time, will make u do work for free n nto pay u n what nto n
distract u from studies. And imp thgisn. Sorry I cant come now ot play I have work or studies to do.
Learn to say no!

is extereme intnse ambitiosu nad ndriven

be ttotally obsesed with waht udo with your work get totall invoeld into it!
Selct oen thing one line n go totally into it knw what uwnat otdo n wht u wnato t go in to wichich field d
learn hwo ot o d n manage bi n go fully intot thth only. Using ur beign knowledge itnellgence
mamngement skills n white collar job.

n pain no gain remeebr that

sucess is 99% perspiratio nad 1% isnpiration
if u dotn tae apisn nad efforts tehn uwont achive ur goals
u need ot be willing ot take paisnand efforts
for the sake f ahcivng urgoal
do it for hte sake ofachivng ur goals
u need ot work day n ngiht for the skae f ahcivng ur gaols cosnntl nonsetop be ocnstl after it

and work a lot work ur ass off,work dayn nigth to ahcive ur goals
goals dotn work unless u work!
u have ot owrk hard work day n night take pains an efforts inroder ot ahcive rgoals if oyu dotn

work hard u will enver achvie u r goals

work for long hors work contisuoly
be concsntly after it
workign towrds ahcivng ur goals
lots of work to od
its not easy u have to bidn n chiag ur self to work its nto fun either , its no fun, itl s iek u
have ot do the work for htesake ofahcivng ur goals its lie k uare on a mission militray mission,
tehy dont do it for fun they dont go on the battle field cause htey fidn it fun they od ti to
ahcive the goal, u need ot be seriso uabotu your work no noensne
or crap whe nti comes to work be seriosu about it.
u are on an mission

be focused and alaways tay fouced 'knwo whats imp nwhats not imp
know what ur gaosl are what u want n nwhat u dotn wnat.
know what will help u ahcive wht u want nn what wont help u ahcive wht u want
thth way u know wht u shud get itnto n nnto get itno n wht wrok ushud do nn not do
keep ur mind on the goal, keep in mid nwaht u wnat ot oahcvie wah ur goal is.
u have ot make sacrifices for hte sake of ahcivng ur gaols give up all thgisn thth are unimp but
fun nn u enjoy doing

have a gaol soo tth uknwo what uwant , wehr u have to og , ur goal motivates u to wor k ahrd
everyhtign u do u do it for the sake of ahciveng ur goal, if u have no goai u ahve no direction
u are ogign i ncicrles. u set out withotu knwoign where uwnat ot ogo

risk it all make it or break it there are no two ways aboout it! no middle way
eitehr u make it big or u die trying. Either u get what u want or u die trying but u dotn settle for anything
less than what uwant.

time and work:-

the more you work the faster resutls u will get!
6 hours sleep
3 hours otehr things
15 horus work!
clocki nhow many horus of work do oy uclcokin!
toahcev ur goals!
thts 105 hours of work per week!

its perfectly okay to dream t oahve gaols adn be a bit naive! N impractical caseu yu try differnent thigsn
at differntt item n nlearn diffrnetn thgisn some of oyur goals might be naive adn u may not be able to
ahcive them but thths fine cause soem of them u will.. some of the goals may nt work out, but u learn a
few thgisn from them for eg u may want to eb asinger but u were nto able to maek it but u knw how to
speak better thth made u a better speaker imrpved ur lanange skills made u realsie what msules to use
to speak how sound is produced nn soo n. how the human voice works which ucan use I nyour work to
ocmmnucate effectively, so on. Expressruseopiniosn feeligsn freedom fo expression.

wtf are tou doign wit hyoru life? work to do great thgisn dotn wste ur time nad life work for innvatio
nrpgres fo ur selfn n humanty! dont waste ur timen n ur life!

go for it!

itsn t just about knwoign hwo to do it but its alos about correctign mistakesn nerrorsn n klinks nn flaws

immature childish bullshit n nonse be serious not nonsnen n unimp thigns

go toldmewhtto od god gaveme the thgotush intellgencen ndirections asto wht t d.n henc guided me n
gave me direction and thgotuhs as to what to o dot succeed. Thnk ugod for everythgin.

u need to tkae ur respnsibilityveryseriosuly

u need ot be seriosu abotu ur work no nosnensen no crap straight otbe point al thht dramam
expressions is toatlly uncessary.

The need to remind yourself constantly of why you joined is important. wht ur purpose is, wht ur goals
are wht u really wnt wht u shud n shud not do.
They have
forgotten why they were there. wht hey really want.
They have
forgotten why they were there. wht hey really want. Mis directed ost ther way forgotten wht they really
wanted , inorder to get ur focus back u need to self-intropsect sto n think for a while eanalyze get ur
priorities right know wht u really want n wht u are doing will it help to getwht u wnt or not?, remind
urself sas to wht u really want. thts just a temporary thing tht wnt solve ur problems n get u what u
want, it will slve it nly temporarly, its an illision of solving ur problem, escapism or trap otr foooling, Its
actually a trap or msiguidedcause uthik thth itwill ehlp u to ahcvie urgoals n fulfill ur wishesn n desries
but it doesn’t.
there is the capability to separateu slowly get pulled away from
their initial reason for what u wanted cause I t hlepsu to temp satisfy whatu wanted creates an illusion.
It’s very important to remember why you joined in the first place wht ur goal is wht u really

want n dnt want n wht will help uachieve it n wht wont as it is easy to forget.
dont foerget what u wanted hwat ujoined here for. help u stay focusded n nstay o ntrack. ththiwll help u
to stay focused, n stay o ntrack n u know knw what uwant n nwaht u dotn want nwaht ushdu od nshud
nto do to get it, n what u shud get int n shud nto get into.

more eanign to oyur life mroe purpose, reason, to live enagement satisfaction accomplishemnt,
freedom fro mboredom somthtin to od, if u have a purpose drvien life, u knwo goals set goals nn wor k
towrds achivng them, ore excitemntt thril ladnveture,

i dont car e waht oterhs a re doign i midn my own stuff my own biz and keep workgi no nymself

its imp not just to do it butalso to do it properly cause if u dotn do ti right or do ti properly then u wont
get the results, u will fail not suced u will succeed only if udoti right nn do it properly.

once u have a trstegyn nplan in palce nn once u knwo inoyur midnwhat to od hwo to go about it step by
step waht to etc... then its just a matter of implimentation of what u already knwo u shud be odign or u
are suppsoed to do. It’s the figuring out wht to do thths the hardest part! U need to research and os on
but once u knw wht to do n u have fgirued it out as to what to do then its just a matter of

the hughe load of work seems over hwelming like a baggaba moutnian,u know heavy u feel stressed
hwo will i do soo mcu hwhta u need ot od is break ti down n g o step by step focus o noen thign
finsih thth then move ot next. gianoormous u feel stressed how iwll udo soo much, it dirves
ucrazy big n whole rgiht, u need ot break it itno parts and go step by stp finsih oen then mvoe
to next, focsu o no nethign fnish it ff the mvoe to enext.

oblivious to not pay attention to otehr thigsn blankers focus fully on ur work o nimp thgisn n o nur
progress, ignore, just do oyur work n focus o nur work n imp things leave all everythgi nelse aside not
get int ot other unimp thgisn. Wast e time goin int other unimp thgisn. , thths nto imp, do whats imp.

whats the poitn of all thsi its pointless?this is totally uncessary! n nonense. Be serious take it serisuly not
joking ly or lightly, beseriosu about it n no nosnnse n nonsensical things

oragnizing goin over and u know categaorzing systemizing makign ti

perfect n proper
in detail and wrokign over it to maek it perfect.

I research and write about some information as I go.

pre-planning, research, worked-out plan. Thinking wha to do.
how will all thsi happen?
how to go baout it
with careful planning
Thinking about it
Thinking ti through na thoroughly
a lot of thinking and a lot of re-reading

reap what I have sown – hard work

save a lot of time and effort

why it is so important wht is imp n wht is not

Reserch follow scussful ppl their interview, their advice as to wht ot od nwht nto to od n why the
reasoning ebind it they have not been successful just like thth, what maeks them high performers, and
fcosued and u know o whth they do n highly successful whtgoes on their midnhwt thgisnthey beivei n n
so on
What exactly did they think
What did they learn?
waht thigsn do they beivle in?
reserch sucesspful ppl ppl hwo knw whato tod
they have nto reahed there just liek hth
they are smart they knw wht to od
what thigsn the yfollow n nbleivei n
u know waht mkaes them tcik!
nmkaes them wth they are,
regulated and u know,
wht makes them do waht they do,
wht thigsn they beivle i nn follow,

focsed- which is something I avoided all the way through my journey

I can promise you that not

everything always goes to plan.
wen thngs didn’t go according to plan u keep trying n ot give up n u have plan b I npalce
to fall back on, have something to fall back on plan b incase ur goals dotn work out hten u have
other htigsn to pursue, foreg u want tobe asinger incase uwotn then get a education before u beocem a
signer soo thth uhave education to fall back on.

second opinion to be sure n to ocnfirm - be particular

steer things back to the right

direction. bck on tack

kichlakt highly detialed

jsut rape it! tht is go deep itno it
to the bottomfo it
rip it apart
dwn to the mintutst n th last detail comepltely fully into it
high lelve of invoelemtn lost itn otit

i dotn give a fuck if aliens exists its escapism,

cause aliens cant solve ur problesm o nearth. – escapism n distraction from real problesm nad issues

slselct one field one line ad go for it tehre is no two way s about it make up your midn either htigs or
thth n then stick to oit tis like htth

well he didint stop till there he ahd to go n get thth aswell thsi menas he is ambitisou if oyu are nto
ambitious righth tne ur progress stops n u remain where uare .
tis ur ambtiitosn n goslas thht make u tkae pains n efforts n do all the thgisn u do. n helsp u to make
soo never get conntetnd always want for maore havem reo dreams n derisers theday u stop dreamig
nand beign ambitiosu is hte day ur progress stops n u remian where uare.
Whats NEXT? Next goal after u achive one

During urwork timeu shudstrictly be onyl doign ur work and nothign else

wrk to have teh opportunity, and hav teh lfie hth u dream of havign
earn ur livign if u dont put soemthign i n udotn get anythign out
thths the way it works do oyur own takign paisn effrst etc.. to achve urgaols

he willdo it very thgotushfully n sophisticatedly as to hwo ot odit hwo ot go aout it n so on, think it
hroguh htoguthrly. Ifi do this then thisiwll happen soo I shud nto do this I shud do this hewill think ti

its simply there is soo much fo work to od inorder to ahcvie your gaols, soo much work thth needs to eb
odne inorder to ahcvie urgoals that u have to give not 100% but 200% effort oyu have to workday n
night taek paisn nad efforts cause if u dont work day n ngith n put in 200% effort thne u will never achvie
all ur gaols,
cause then u will end up taking a longer time,
if you sleep for like 9hours adn work onyl for 12 hor s then it will take u like a year t ofinsih all the work
and ahcive your goals vsifoyu sleep like 5 hours
and work 19 hours.

one track midn focusing on only a few thgisn or one htign at a time n leaveign everythgi nelse aside
sacrifisng everythign else at thecost of everythgin else. n doign onyl oen thigsn at a tiem, n goign fully
into it into detai ltotally lost n nabbsorbed into it.
all tht

it can be hard to remember

be more particular oderly and organized

stop palyign safe n nstrt takign risks... there is no poitn owrryign abotu losign or failign cause uwill lsoe
everythgi n itne hend anyway! soo take the risk, I mean uare going ot lose everything in the end anyway
soo have no fear of losign thth stops u from trying, n go full on, go big orgo home! Thth is use ur life to
achive great thgisn big things aim high.take risks. Dream big, nopoint playing safe (taking risks doenst
mean doing dventure sports ththscalled stupidity taking risks menas dreaming n ainghigh string bi
instead of doigna job n so on)

stop palyign safe n nstrt takign risks... no risl no rewerd higher th risk higher the reewrd I f uplay safe
uwotn get anywhere or make progress u or get anyhitng u will stay where u are. U have nothgin to lose
n neverythgi nt ogain.

get rid of thsi fear of losign fear of failur e i nteh end u hae to lose everythign anyway, so stop palyign
safen nstrt akign risks life is about makign t or beakign it!, its abotu epxriences, pusrsuign your passiosn
your goals ur dreams. No risks no rewrds rmemebr tthht.

wen u feel bored n sleepy n dull n slow n n lsuggish listenignto astmusic wakes u up, n makes u faster...
helspt to giveu enenrg y adrenaien nad u knw wakes u up and makes u goign n fast.

beign stubbornn n adadmant n nunbudging notgive up steely. Metally tough n unbudging.

u need ot befocused not distracted not waste ur time n nenergy doig unimp thgisn n otehr htigsn n tire n
exhaust yoursefl. do whats imp only put all u r time effortnn enenrgy i ndoign impthgisn.

music pepes u up focuses ur mid nand makes u highyl invoeld in itas is f yo uare up to somethig no nan
mission, it makes u fast and ttoatlly lsoe t i nlivledi nti n pepes u up, as if iu are o na missio nn maeks u
fast do ti fast n lostn n inoveld i nti as thgotuh u are up to soem thing n n o na mission.

n wakesu up makes u fast nn energetic.

he was the real deal tis integrity,

u know beign honest wrkign ahrd towrds teh craft adn skilll cause if u are nto good at ti then u cant
suceed ppl are nto stupid!
onl y real talent can sruvive,
integrity, - eogn hoentstly good at ti!
not fake or farud u knwo msirepreantatio nn misleadign
real talnet, rela oenst genuine
“I hope ppl recognize me as some oen with integrity” –GM

well u are nto wastgin r time uare workgin o n urslefdoigntthigns thht will
help u solve ur problesm n reach ur full potiential. knwoign awht t odo the process

Keep on doing ur thign n ndoign wht uare doing

every day sia new opprotnity to work towrds ur dreas am ndgoals dotn waste timeseize the day don’t
waste ur time laotign crying dewiiling n thinking over lsot opportunities, move to the next opportunities
u hav e no tie ot cry instead seek nserch new oportniutes u have be quick to move on, maek them ost of
thth day n ntime by wokrign to ahcive new opportunities, make the most ofo tikeep owrkign towrds
achign urgoals go for it makse the msot of the day tht uhave and work cocsntly spend all the tiem u have
i nteh day workign towrds hacivng r gaols.

it hink eh is intentse determiend and ambitiosu n stuff he has dreams an dambiitosn.

onceu have the certificaten nwualiifacito ntehn u can read many boosk thersi plenty of knwoedlg ot ut
hhere! reosurces to mkae u smart

more stubborn

ifu gonn a do it do it right nad when uhave to od it right then i t takes time u knw o reaserch and os o on
soo take ur own time do ti properly. thoguhtfully thinkgi nit through as ot hw ot od it what ot od nhow t
ogo abotu ti! solign the problesm n nissues

think what ot od hwo to do it n go about it

knwo whato to do

causeu dotn wanto to waste time thinkigb n about itn bother itngabout it as tis unimp uawntto allocate
ur mind lall ur htinkig nru resources, to imp thgisn only n not be bothered with other thgisn be highly
dnt wry boutti dotn botehr with it
dotn htink about it!
dont botehr or worryabout otehrh tigns
ur midn abosrbigni notehr uncessarythigns
thth si ur mind ur resources absorbed cosnumed i notehr htigsn
thnk only of imp thgisn allcate ur midn ur thinkig nru resoucsrs
ot imp thigsn not distract n divert ur mid nconsume ur mind
with other ucnessary thgisn ennge invoel i notehr othgisn n distract divert n dveiate
focsu only o na few thgisn thin kfo tht onyl imp thgisn only
jsut focuso na few thigns
u shud nto do things at ur own sweet pace this is a race against time soo be fast work nonstop day n
night be consntly after it work very ahrd taek paisn nefforts

do things properly
if u gona do it do it right
go back to the basics
You’ve got a lot to learn
you could be inundated and not have time to do it properly
but take your time to do it right

Misguided mis directed lost regian ur focus wht is it tht u want really ewant? What uare doing will ti help
u to get what u want?

choose carefully

thik of waht work u will do whcih field u wnat ot og int ohwo uwill earn ur moeny n nso forth

if you make great efforts to pursue

focuses the mind - remifndign refuiuginrg realanlzign gettign a clear perspective as toahwt u
relally whant waht ur gaols are n what will help n nto help to get thereer soo tthh u knwo what
u need ot od waht u shud nto do n get itnot

make best use of your time by spendign tiodding imp tgisn workign to ahciveru goals n nimp thgisn i
nlfie rather than wastign tiem doign unimp thgisn

concentrated on my career
just concentrating on my career for a few years
trying to work out how to get back
into life again
it means he’s taken the trouble to gone all lentghts to take effort, leavign n ostione unturend
u have ot take paisn and efforts, taek extra effort, go through it sit ocntiosuly taek paisn nad
efforts go to the rxtremes push ahrder work ahrder, put in 200% effort 100% eeffort si not
enoguh if oyu wnat otoachve urgoals thth is.
ambitious enough to pursue their career

dautnting ovr bearing too much load

this is one area desperate for growth, progressor stay wehre ou are if u dotn keep cosnslty wkring to
achvei ur goals nn im pthgsin i nlfie, n u do thigsn tth hareu unimp n nwotn lead o any grwoth progress.

wrk smart wrk cleversurvival of the fittest the smarter n more intelligent. brainy, outsmart

jsut keep o n doing what u are doign keep workign on it.

this is not thht dificil itdoesnt require much of thignkign jsut organizing n soo u can do these thgisn in
the night when uare sleepy and ur mind cannot think straight. N are monotonous Where as tasks tht
require thinking those u can do when ur mid nsi fresh I nthem ornign till evening.

U have strted soo oyu will finish don’t leave it half way through finish it off.

too muh clutter n complicaed chaos confusion its an eyes ore distaciton u need ot maek it sleek simple
no distractions.

If u dotn try then u are missing out on many opportunites if u are wasting ur time odign otehrh tigns.
Rather than doing whats imp n needs to be done to make the most of the opportnteis thth u have at
present. Instead u do otehrhtigsn thgisn thth ushudnt be doig nnow, as a result u miss out on the
opportinites thth uhave I nthe present n then u wont get these opportinutes again. n make he most ofo
the opprotinites thth u have now n nthth u wont get later. Be opportunistic see n recognize the
opportnuties hth uahve now n hth u owtn get later n make them ost of them seie those opportinuties
instead of doing otehrh tigns other htigsn u can do latr on as wll make the most of the opportiunties u
have now u wont get em later on.

sleelct on line chose one line waht u want to do what is it thth u wnat ot od, wish nderisre to do and
then then put all ru efforts in ot th one field only, stick ot one field taek oen field nad go nad be n the
msater i nti.also, if oyu dont lek the feidl n nuare nto comfortable i nti then change n dotn stop
serachign till u find htefined u want. n once u fidn then sleslct htth field n nog into thth only fully into it.

wht am i doign ehre will this work? m thinkign as to what to od hwo ot og abouti t! m trying .... thth wht
m doign triyng ot wrk towrds achign my goals tryign to get an idea as to wath to do.

Grow up and be useful. Stop rotting away at home.

Take responsibility for yourself and find meaning.

efforts = resutls

fianlly the effrts thth uhave made have shwn results.

lern form pp lwho have beenthru n one thru thth process, read theri book info etc.. expericnes soo thth
u lrn frm thenm as to wht to od wht nto to do n not make hte same meistakes hthht they made.thsi is of
great ehlp n nthey can proivde u with good tips and right direction,

I was so distracted I stayed away from that corner, because otherwise I thought I was going to get really
distracted and forget the words. - geroge Michael (focus vs distraction)

“I think we need to take a break. I need to concentrate on my career.”

i cant do this cant spend n nwaste my time n effort n enenrgy doign this.
forgot that for a min
occupy their minds some of the time, I mean only wrk n imp things not other unimp thngs.


rely on ur own judgment analysis thinking n insight n intuition on individual circmstances to act
accorndgly n do wht deem is right as per the situationn in tht moment the foreseen outvomes
consequences n results take action accordingly

easy reading
n u will make ur lfe much easier.

You cannot get clearer than that, can you?

waht is your futuere aim or gaol:- to go int obusienss manangemetn

get ur life back o ntrack
jsut need ot focuso ntwo thigsn now 1 is finiga job otehr is findign a gf,, knw wht ur goal is n work fully
on thth only.

learning experience

is the goal

Career strivers wanting to have greater impact in the business arena

correcting or looking to improve upon

reminding me how important it is

opportunity, rrecognie the opprotnties thth u have at the moemetn n work towards them n make he
most of them instead of ewastign tiem odign otehrh tigns, u wotn get those opportnties again.

if u go to do too many thigsn u cant suceed cause u will get nothign done ifu go to do too man yh tigns u
will end up get nothig ndone, u wont get anythign doen properly and soo u shud only focus on a few
thigsn few most imp thgisn hht uwant t oahcvie.

n focus all ru time enenrgy n neffort onyl o nthose few imp thigns.

For anyone else, you will reap what you sow in terms of the

effort you put in.

Why waste my time? Ur tiems the most imp thing rmemeber thth once u loose time u will enver get ti
back soo never waste ur time! Thths the first n most imp thing u shud remember never waste ur time
doing unimp things.

i dont knwo whats he is upto and whats on his mind need ot give him osme time be patient with him

it really is worth breaking your own rules

it makes you realise that

if u dotn do this now thenwen will u do this? wen u get old? Do it now ! dotn keep it for later get it done
now! Don’t keep ti for chritmas whne no ones around! N everyoens o na holiday, act fast act now act
urgenyl the time ot do it is now not postpond it, or dealy it,

tht can be put onhold thts not imp it can be dun later on, it can be oden later on , leave it all asiden
nfirst do whats imp, leave all thth thing asiee thths not imp first dowhts imp.

think fo oyur work think of waht to do soo now waht to do?

u need to work hard be exptremly hard owrkign, do it for hte skae fo ahcivng ur goals
work continosuly work nosnesetop
and work fast

dontwaste your time effort n energy doing unimp thgisn nthen uhave no time ot od imp thgisn n u get
exhausted phsysicallyn mentally n ucant do im pthgsi nsoo focus o na few imp things, you wont get
anythign out of it. not worth wastign your timeover.

the check boxes and lists we tend to make – organized.

wen sum1 mess around iwth u keeps accusign u nn so on u have this pent up enenrgy n nagression
inside, u feel like bashign thht perso nup, n cahrgign but udotn od tht u put thht energy
into oyur wrok, tht pent up neenrg y to od your work direct it in your owrk in osemthig nconstructive.
once have a creativ e tulet soemthig not puth tht enenrgy to good use.
then u are fine u put all ur agression i nyour work n imp thgisn i nstead fo goign ther pickign fights wit
hothers casue they make ccastions o nyou n blame u n os on, n poke u, pin u,
soo tht u wud react to them n arge n nfight with them n ns on. Putting thht energy to ogood use instead
of wasting time fighting arguing, which hwill gian unothig nonly lack ofpeace ofmind instead put thht
time nn energy in ur work in achivng ur goals n imm ptghisn I nlfie.channelie thth pent up energy I nyoru
work thth anger agressio I nyor uwork, as an outlet I ndoignsoemthign constructive n imp instead fo
fighting, “what do u dowhen uget angry wit handrew what do it do ohh I just make a song”- do wht I am
good at GM

prviosuly it was a dffrent thign u ahd ot study and u cudnt affrod wastign tiem doign unimp tgis nn
wastign ur spendign ur tiem nnenergyn n effort goign otu n doign unimp thgisn u jsut ahd ot focus o
nyoru stdies spend all ur tiem effort n nenegy o nur studies. nnot tire n nexhaust urslefn n distract urself
oto tehrs thgisn n waste ur time.

yh tigns u will end up get nothig ndone, u wont get anythign doen properly and soo u shud only focus on
a few thigsn few most imp thgisn hht uwant t oahcvie.
n focus all ru time enenrgy n neffort onyl o nthose few imp thigns. Selct a few thgisn to od n focus all ur
time n energy completely on tsoe few thgins only few goals achivng those few goals only, select a few
goals to achvie two or three and focus all ur tiem n energy on those few goals only, do everythgi n ucan
to achive thseo few goals, learn everythgi n u can as to wht tood hwo ot od it n go about it n oso n, focus
o na fe w thgisn u have limited time there is only soo much ucan do I na day if oyu go ot do too many
htigsn u will get ntohgin done. if u go to do too many thigsn u cant suceed cause u will get nothign done
ifu go to do too man

u need to take responsibility of yorusefl ur won life, i mean u cant goaround blamign oterh ppl, its lie
kevery oen else is to be blamed except you, you need to take resposnibility n onyl then uwill work to
chagnenn imrpeveo urslef to beignr ursletf to tthh levelwherei nu knw what to do whatu need ot do to
eb suceesful n work towrds earngin ru own livng andm kaign ru own lifen progresss. not depend o

be independt fiancially etc.. edcuation and oso n.

no nosensne all seriosuness adn pallnign and excution and action no nosnsen rtalk on a msisison,

adn no schthign as enjoyign the work passon etc. alll ththt nosennse, work take paisn and efforts to
achvie urgoals marines dont go to the feild cause they enjy it they do ti to ahive theri missio nand goal.

all plannign and exucitions, thinkign and knwoign waht otod n then executing it . turn of ur emotiosn
fear etc.. adn be the isntrument of purpseo n namn of aciton.

Be aware of the thgoutsh fgoin on i nyour head stop urself from thinkign of unimp thigns wastign time
thinign of unimp thigns n mkae ursefl get to work.

u needot knwo whattodo to get waht result

soo thth ti works
know what t od od ot creat aht outome.

stubborn unbgidign steern steele

itnentsene .
metally toguh.
intensse detrmined.

"whne u are goign thrugh hel then dotn stp dont gie up eep going"
tinennse stern toguh. unbreakble unbebiguiding

he went all into it

its liek make it or break ti!

there is a goodside to eery one and a bad side t oeery oen taeks eery oens good side it teacehs u wahtto
do n learn form theri bad side theri mistkes it teacehsu waht nto to do! n why the reasongi nbehind it

geroges good side - cofndicne, slef esstem mhelped hi mt perofrm o nstage n pull ti off ghigh lelve fo self
-onfidence. persontiy style ambititous dream big etc.. etc..driven freedom fo epxression signign

georges bad side - sex caseual (diseasese) drugs intoxication (heath isseus) got him in teh end

instead of giign thenm fish u need to teach em how ot fish soo thth thy canfish temseles.
unlcik theri ful potnetal break all brarriers htth htold em back
no oen shud be unahpy in lfie
if god gives u the thgotush the knwoeldge thth hepsl uto maek progress imrpove ur life then u shud
help otehrs casue uare the meduium tehn. Soo thht humanity can beefit form it others can use it to
make progress ndo osemgood, and soo tht whe n uare reborn uahve ready made, all the wrok thth u
have doen I nur previous life, n u or other ppl other humans they dotn have to spend their tiem n nlife
working on the same issues they can work o ntoerh issues other imp problems n issues.

Makes life meaningful and fun having a purpose.

taken care of yourself, know hwo to beinfdepndt take care of urlsef look after ureslf be independt
financially and foodn n toehr wise. Have a job a career education eear nur living n so on.

reemebr keep in midn thht ur time si imp u shud not waste ur time sleeping lazing idling,doing nothign
adn doign unimp thgisn thth wont help u achvie anythign i nlfei, any gain or progress. once u lose time u
will never get it back
soospend ur time max time doign ol y imp things

first get ur life in order n try to improve urself make aa career educaton everything eslse can wait frst
wrlk towrds imroving ur gself building urself.

the mroe independt u are teh freer you beoem less adnvatage n cotnrollgi ppl can eb of you, mreo
freedom u ahve, no one can say anything to oyu then, if u are dependto nothersppl tret uliek shit n
treat u badly n ntakeadvnatge fo oyu, n keep pushing uaround

our focus.
Let’s see where you are today. introspection n where u wnat oto go

the (learning) process is as important as

the result. cause when u knw the process waht ot do,hwo ot od it n how ot go abotu it then uget the

knw hte process as to hwo thgisnwork what leads to waht n nso on n what hpappensn n goes on onyl
hten u can fidn a solution. fro eg, first thsi happens then this happens thne it leads to that n soo n ,
understand hte prcess first hen u knw hwo thigsn work how ur midn works how social anxiety works
only then u can knw how to control your mind n reg urslef n how ot deal with social anxietyn nwhat
goes on when uhaveanixey n nso on.

keep working on t i on ur sikislls

Positive actions will create positive reactions in your life.

u neeed to have some concept of time not waste tiem hvalue the tiem, onece itme goes its goen u wont
ge tit abck soo wrok fast nsntop dotn waste tiem doign unim pthgisn do wahts imp

spend a lot of time on

We think that’s a basic responsibility of anyone you’ve have to take care of yourself earn your livignnsoo
n dotn depend o ntoehrs. To support you.

Once u knw wht to do then ti beocems saecodn nature t oyu, its only a matter of executing it.

put his energy into imp things. It's an important piece of work it’s work of labour

make a conscious decision

don’t shy away from asking form help for many one there is no shem in asking for help pp ldo help u n
dnt say no, u wont get any lesser urvoalue wotn go down if u ask any oen for help, it wont make u lesser
ofa person too proud to ask for ehlp like why shud I ask for ehlp n so on too egoistic n proud to ask.

its not needed its not neecessary cut down o nuncessary thigsn unim thigns.

Stop talking nonsense n doing unimp thgisn.

life is hsort
strt thth biz
do thth thign u wnat to od before uregret
take htht risk make thth move u ahve nothign to lsoe n neverythgi nt ogain

which traits are the most important for becoming a

, professional, and leader.

Think about someone who is very sucessful to you readtheri itnerviews advices learn waht they do learn
for mtehm and
list the traits that make them so . Try to model some of those traits and
incorporate them into you .

he is a bit extermem adn itnentse!

follwo ppl wh ar highyl sucessful learn form them waht to do and what nto tot o pp l hwo ar expterem
passioante in arsts movies, msic buisness
n driivgn ursefl mad andn crazy takign exterem effrot leavg no stoe unteruend to achvie ur goals!
exterem intnets determinatio not ahcive yoru goals
stern and stubborn!

the American dream:-

te stras o ntehameraican flag - means dream big, maek it big dream big lok up at the sky the srs n
ndreame big and the strips on the flag means go for it!

he will go all otu n use all the resources thht u have, go full o nand all otu
goign full on n all out not stop totall y after it, al out oafter ur gaols all otu everythgi n uahve got give it
to achvie urgaols

u don’t kwn hwo imp it is to d o lal this its only wen u knw how imp curcail n critical it is then u take

u have to maek the mot of the opportunity tht uhave nn make a career for ursfl a white-collar jobi mean
if u didnt have htis opprtnuity htne uhwud have been sum1 where in india workig ni tneh hot sun and i
nthe dirt

rebelliosu ppl ho cant be bogged dwo ndestroyed n ncahned who make a diffrence.
who odnt follwo the rules and who maek a diffrnece.
the antisocial wh oodn t follwo the crowd who make their won way and maek a changen ndiffrnece i
nthe world

its ahrd ot cahin dwon contro lput ruleso n ppl who are detrmiedn nad rebelliosu n want their freeodm
n indepnce tehy eenbreak ruels set by societeis adn thths why they make a change
be rebelliosu break the ruels set by socity if oyu follwothe same rules u wotn maek a diffrence or ame ka
cahgne brign aobut any cahnge

by breakign ruels doesnt mean speedign or bign reckless caseu they will hadn ur ass i nprsn by breakign
rules means the norms set by stocity think beyond hte dialy liign jsut doign a bo ad ns o n
go for it

if uare ever sucessful yo shud never turn your back o nteh pppl wo helped u get where aure even th
smallest contriubtion wihot hte ppl tht helped u u wud never be where uare

dont knwo what to do, hw to d it ngo bou t it, how to nproceed by doign ti wrogn makign the worng
moves n ndoign ti wrognly
there is a rigth wa ot od it and thehre is a wrogn way fo odign ti.

u need ot cocnetarte nfocus on ti not waste ur time,

keep o nworkign on it keep on doign ti keep at ti keep on doign waht uare doign workign on it.
u need ot do it ocnsntly day nn gith nto waste ur tiem doign unimp thgisn do ti fast ur itme is imp

I dotn kwn if wht iam doing I nmy life all this if this will work or nto n will come to fruition or not, but I
havefull faith in gods palns for me I nmy life!

go al ot un totaly itno it hgih level of invovelmetn

wen ur itentiosn are good then ufel ocnfidnet n god n nthe unviersse helps u wen u want huamnity to
maek progress n nsolve problesm n maek lfie better forallebigns

be passionate abotu it interested i nit luv ur studff waht tu fod keen o nit, eager to od it n have fun doing
ti rather thnajsut seeing it as a compulsion. Or obligation.

u are nto ready yet cause u dotn knwo what to od out here n u are in the makign yet workign o nti
reserchig nsoo thth u knw what ot od
u need ot work towrdsdevleioping htth skill konweldg e knowhow taletn craft.

if u wnt to be suces ful u need t o be able to get a lot of work done ina single day vcause neeed to do a
lt of wrk t acheve ur goals

he keeps o ndgin his own thigsn high lelve of invoelment and eanegement i nit

however ii do enjoy the rush the adreabnline the stress the hurry the ya know action!
it helsp me to keep me o n my toe and d alert ya know
the intentsity beign pushed, know
toahcive thigsn beign pushedbeignnagged the u know
ahos the drive the expectaitons the stressto eprform the pressrue to perfom n deliver adn the psuhign
to ahcive thigsn. no oen kicks a dead dog!
the ickign toperform n drieve nad progressimrpve et..achivethigsn etc..
th intetnsity.

u shud not waste ur time in otehr pplsaffaris , dotn even put any energy n ntiem itn to it
just kee p doign ur own thigsn mindign ur own biz n ndoign ru own stuff!
in pursuit of sucess wht u need to do to be sucessful

ask fr opinions n advice asto what ot od for mppl who are successful or who are high performers who
dotn feel sociall anxious who can go n perform on stage ask ur teachersask for adice form sucasful pp las
to what ot od. Thth will ehlp u knw wht to do, nimrpvoen oso n
This is a good habit and if you really take the opinions seriously you’ll also be able to improve what you
keep on doin wht u are doin kreep wrkn on it

just wrk on on e thing at a time finish it n

n then moe on to the nect focus on one thing at a time take one thing do it then mve on to the nest

u loose ur way tht is distraction misguided misdirected vs u reagin ur fcus back on trak n working tords
achivng ur goals u know focus back on acievnh ur goals refoused, no longer distracted and deviated.

how u do u lose track:- u have forgotten wht want wht is it tht u really want n what u dont want n not
go into cause it waste time, n u are going into something tht u dnt want, either cause u ejy din it but its
unimp or it temp satisfy wht u want but not permanently.

how to get ur self back: rember know wht want wht is it tht u really want n what u dont want n not go
into cause it waste time n will only temp satify urneeds not permanently tht way u know in ur mind wht
u shud be getting into n not begetting into it gets more clear to u as to wht wnt n wht u dnt want, is
defied clearly there is moere clarity and u know wht u shud be dingn shud not ebe doing. n soo u dnt
ggo into or do wht u arenot supposed to get into or do n u do tings n get into things u are supposed to
get into. n u rgain ur focus on ur goals n wrking twrds ur goals n not doing other things.

get ur life bak on track tht is not distracted dverted tht is stayingfocdsed n wrking constnly twrds
achievng ur goals

Work faster! Work harder! Prove the haters wrong!

focs only on three things:-

n findin A GF
thts it
work only on these three goals.
direct all ur effrts only twrds achiving these three goals
everthing u do shud be directed twrds achievng these three goals
only 3 things 3 gols to wrk on just keep wrkin on it be highky focused
ek toh ek kar naa focus only on a few things at a time
focus vs distraction
distraction doign thgisn spendign ur tiem effort n nenrgy o nthigns tht are nosensn n nwont give u any
beenfit or gain
fcous puttign ur time effort n energy on thgisn thth will give u beenfit or gain n help u maek progress.

was more -- quiet and more like a -- more of a thinker. He was -- you could tell by lookin' in his eyes he
was always thinking,"

He just didn't really operate in that -- in that arena of -- emotions. He just didn't. He was just very calm
and logical sense."

people hate moving and travelling altogether either cause it causes disturbance, disruption from their
set schedule, work, goals, distraction or waste of item and energy or disturbs their day to day life. N
then once they come back hey have forgotten their golas nad its hard to refocus and get back n strt
again n u know refresh their minds they have forgotten wht they were up to doing and oso nn hard ot
restrt the goals n get back to the normal life. Refresh the memeory as to wht they were up to wht golas
they were pursing n doing n so on. What was goin o ntheir midns wht they had ot work o nn os on. The
htogtuhs the ideas n nso on. U end up forgetting nocen uahve gotten distracted nsoo n when u trabvel
then u haee otehrh tigsn o nyour mind n then u forget what was goin o n inru mid nat th ht time what
things uwere working on ideas n thogtush n nso on. U become rusty out of touch u forget n nits hard to
refocus n nget back.

how to manage ur time dont do things at ur owbn sweet pace ur time is imp if u lose time u ewil never
get it back, u need to tk e time into concideration.,
do this in this much ytime time ur activites
complete this in two hours till 8:00 tht wayu wrk ffast as u knw thtu have to finsigh off this in this
muchtime n soo u dnt do other things
time ur day u have to wrk for 17 hrs a day m sleep only 7 hrs. nort mre thn tht.
u need to take time int o consideration alnog with action time ur activites be fas t do this in this much

what is more imp thhts not imp u need to od thigsn thth are more imp.

thnl u gm fr the muic the passion the ambition the inspirationthe purpose in lifethedetermibation
fr being an inspiratin as to ghoew to be
be determind about urgoals n serious agrssive with golas only
have a purpse a goal thk u fr the style the sefesteem the dnce the self wrth
the mission pasiion up to somthing ambitin determination ding sumthin on a mission purpose gol
to achiee something

u need to tke it seriuly n do it seriuky not lihghtly

u hae t mke effrt go looking for a job a job is not gonna come lookin for u.

keep doin wht u ae ding dont stop keep working o it

continue to wrk on it

just keep wrkin on it n dont stop

who cares what oterhs are gettign see ur own life ocfcus o nwaht you want u can onyl eb happy i n lfei if
u getwhat uwatn! wahts it to do with oterhs,
ther eis no ocmettion ehre life is about workign to achive thgns dreasm thth will solve ru problems
isseusn n maek u happy. Do ur own thing keep working on ur own progress dotn get itn o toerh ppls
work thing isseus probelsm n affrias dotn waste ur tiem odign thth . spend all ur tiem tht u have beifngn
focused staying focused nworkign on achivng ur own goals. N minding ur own bizn n doing ur own

give it ur all ur evertyhting put urself completely into it, pour urself in it all ur effrt energy into it, go fully
into it high lvl of invlment
either mke it or break it

its hard for everything in life to trn outright

edu career biz money right place luv kind of gr u want n then to be happy
but alll u cando is not lose hopwe n keep tryn nwrking towrds wht u want in life
thts all u can do till then u cant settle n be happy, u will be only happy if u get wtt u wnt in life.

its hard for everything in life to trn outright

edu career biz money right place luv kind of gr u want n then to be happy
but alll u cando is not lose hopwe n keep tryn nwrking towrds wht u want in life
thts all u can do till then u cant settle n be happy, u will be only happy if u get wtt u wnt in life. Its hard
for ur life to turn out exactly the way yo want to be happy I nall depratnmets I mena get exactly the kidn
of girl u want, enough money , god education, carreerm, business and what not, health to be happy I
nall deptratments of life, however all ucan do is keep trying n not settle till u get what uwant n nwaht
will make u happy keep fighting n strivng to get what uwnat n nwaht will maek u happy. For eg:- if
uahave all the money I nthsiworld n u are successful but u dotn havelove or u don’t have the kidn gf girl
thth uwant then still u cannto be happy, I eman u have a good n conmfy life goodo food to eat palce to
live n many htigsn to be thankful for but still uare nto happy soo there is always soemthign or the other
in lfei htht can make u sad, depressed unahppy. All ucan do is hope n keep trying. Who kws whaththe
future will brign n until god deicdes t o reval it ot man man hsud simply wait nn hope n ntry n nwait n
hope nn keep trying. Hthths all u can do wait n nhopne nn keep trying to get what uwant nn settle for
nothing less than what u want. Make al sit this iswaht iwant.. n keep working to get it n settle for
nothgin elss than thth. Even if it means uhave to spend all ur lide working to get it.

- u get soo cuahght up into all thse things i mean.u hae imited time so focus on only the mst imp things
do onlythe most imp things.
- u need to be focused be highly focused only wrk on hings

knlwedge know how n info

tht wll help u secdd the most few most imp things
wrk edu knowledge info tht will hep u wrk better
its not just do it there is a ay smrt way to do it right way to do it to get righ reults intergrity cant foo l
others ppl realse wenu cant give results ppl are not stupid soo u need to be earnest n wrk to develop yur
skill n craft.

there are ceratin things tht help biz suvceed u knw whttogo into wht ntto go into n wjyhy common
semnse finamce economics n so on prdyut is rellacable or not n so on. how much to price n so on. mny
mny things.u need to have the knwledge.

no physical labour nbonded labour only intellectul wrk n smrt wrk inocvlng the ise of knowledge books,
thinking analyzing nmind.
knweldge i s abosilutely inmp the mstop imp thigsn when uhave knwedlge it help su to od our work
right way to work also it igve su aa lot of ocnfidnce surity nn certianity i nyruself n nremcoves all self-
doubt when u knw a lot of thigsn thth u feel mreo sur certian ncofnidnet ofo yurlesf n thht u can do the
josb n nu are the one for the job n hth give s u the confdnce to appl for big posoions.

u ahve to sacrifcise seomthign i lfie to achvie soemthgi nsacrfice urfun ru comfrts relaxation etc.. nwrok
hard ot ahcive urgoals take the stress n hte paisn nefforts work day n ngith take paisn n efforts struggle
cahin urslef to oyur work , take paisn nefforts toahcive ur gaols. pian tolerance, pp ldotn lke workign
ahrd ot ahcive theri goals, u need to udnerstnad hth i norder ot ahcvie urgoals u needo t igveu p sacrifce
the fun the plesures the comforts the realzation the ease and get up and get to wrk work ahrd strive
takep ains neffortsto ahcie ur goals.

u need to do the work ata faster pace, think aboutfas doign ti faast moe qickly do tifast, not od it at a
slower pace, causethen u end up takign a lot of tem u end up takign your own time to od it u need otbe
fast. n quick not wast tiem do ita ta faster pace soo thth ucna gt more done, have sennse of urgency n
rush to get it dotn fast, do ti at a faster speeider pace nto slower

sit thru tke ur time n do it properly thoughtfully.

take my mind off the stuff

to rember n forget
dnt pay heed pay nerver no nver I dont mind
dnt pay attenio nto it keep ur mid nonyl i nimp thgisn lek work n nso o n

write it down n fix everythgi nas to what u shud nshud nto be doing to succed soo thht u stndie
everythgi n n urmembr it all n dotn forget n incase u forget u can reread refer to it again. A s to wht u
did right to succeed.

stay calm , cause if u panic n ndon stay calm hen u cant think calerly as to what od ther is panick anxiety
worry chaos confusion, nervsu jittery soo stay calm soo thht ucan think clamly n clearly as to what tood
make a plan i nyour head nad execute that plan

Readign speed:- 70 pages in 15 hours

max 100 apges a day.
u need to take exatra effort to make it perfect make its rught. youknow classify n catgorize everything
properly in order n systematic n make it look goodnice n perfect.

it can be hard to remember

U learn a lot form sprts u learn to be mentall tough, nevr give up n keep trying u know dedertmiend
keep pushing no matter wha the painsn n efforts keep stryingn n psuhign to reach ur gaol. N destination.
Dermiend ot od iit. Stern determeind resolve. Never give up n nintesne.

u ealr na lot form sports speed focus seriosuness etremiantio neffort cotinuity conentration and driv nn
ambition - F1

Use this opportunity

to Focus on improving your life all round, so when
the major obstacles have moved on, you’ll be ready for
another change in your life
fixed up, your job/career sorted
you’re better off on your own
after all?cause tht gives u th e timeto focus on improving ur life. all time for ureself.

n u an get addicted to tht life style peaceful less wrries etc...get out oftht rut.

u have to be fully invoveld in what uare doign hth is think f o thht only, n do thht only not od otherh
tigns n od thht ocntinously nosnetop n get fully lost into it. its called high level of invoelemnt, absorb
urself totaly int oit not od otherh tigns do thth only nto think of otehrh itgns think of thth only.
be totally lost nad highyl invoveld into it.

it for two hours n then take 10 mins break the mroe breaks u take the more distrcted u beocme intstead
of takign a 5 misn break u end up takign lie k30 mins and also its hard ot get urself back t oyur work u
needo tlearn to sit contiously for like 2 hour and then take a 10m isn for walkig etc.. nn then get back
if u sit for 30 mins then take 5 misn break the n htht 5 misn becoems like 30 mins nad then u are
ocnsncslty distractign urself cause u udit n settle down n then u unsettle agian u lose focusn n its hard to
get bakc make urself get back to wotrk again cause u get distracted. soo sit nonstiop for lie k2 hours
then take liek 10 minsbreak.

keep doin it wht u r doin keep wrkin on it

u need ot eb fast I nyoru mind uahve to take time I nto ocnsidetaion move fast race against tiem not
take ur own time u know. Keep track oftime. Awawlys, remember thth. Activity what ot od n hwo much
time n soo n. move fast do ti at a faster pace

if i had a PR thigsn wud have been a lot dffrent i wud have felt a lot secure adn not isnecure.
adn sad. a lot more patient.
less rush n hurry n owrry.
cosnntly continousy l keep workign on it dont stop or give up no matter how lsoe the progress don’t stop
or give up out offreustartion n dejection keep working o nti n persevignndoig nti no matter how slow the
progress n nenventaully uwil get there

lot of work to do

u need ot ostay focus nto dirstract urself to otehr hitgns onetrack mind stay focused o none thigsn do
thth onlyn ot put ur mid ninvel dirstact divert nn engage ur mid nt otoerh thgisn n to od otehr higgns.
keeping perspective o ur goal n what u need oto od ahcive yoru goal not divert yoru mdi nt ooter htigsn
unot do unim p uncessary faltu useless purpseo thigsn waste tiem n nenffortn n enrgy in odig nthgis ntht
hwont brign u any beenfit or gain. keepign thgisn i nyoru mid nremmindign as to what uwant n what u
ene oto od to get htehr keepign p ti in oyru view i neprosepetivei nyor mid ncan help u stay o ntrack n
stay focused thths ur mission. u knw remidner.
to remind u as to what ur goal nmissio n is n what u need ot o d tht will ehlp u stay focused n do thgisn t
oahcive ur goals n nnot od otehr hriggnsn ditstract ur mid nelse where. Remind u as to what u want n
what uare doing will ti help u get n nchievwhwat u want? Ifnot then u dotn do it cause it wont help u
achvie wht u want itnsed u do imp tinsg htht will help uahcive wht u want.

For longterm
success thnk long term

pushing pressuring answerable acconuntable explining to do kicking u out of the bed ...
for ur owngood n progress sooo tht u
do it fast n get to it n nt do other things

time ur actiivites thth way utake time I nto ocnisdertiaon this to do n finish I nthsi much time tth way u
work fast put I nmro effrtn nenenrgy nn don’t dohtgisn slowly at ur own slow pace n wrk at a faster n
speedrier pace

time is imp, u have to ahcive certia nthgisn within a ertain time frame not when u get older, u have to
act fast, time = take time I nto onsidertaion,u have to ahcive certia nthgisn I na certia ntime period
onceu lose ur time u wotn get it back, soo do thgisn fast taek tiem I tn ocnsidertia ntis the most precious
resource n ndotn waste ur time doig nthgisn htht wotn help u succeed.

oportnuity,once u lose the opportunity u ownt ever get it back soo act fast, do thgisn thth will help uto
make the most of the opportunity thth u have at present recogniign thth u wotn get this opportinutiy
again, later on, n soo oyu odnt do otehrh tigsnwast time odignotehrh tigns instead u go all out take all
efoforts do everythgi nthth u can to make them ost of the opportunity hth uhave at presnt n nto not od
other thgisn but only work o nthe opportnirtis presented u at thism oemtn I ntime, cause u knw htht
uwotn get it again n oso n. soo u work to make the most of the opportunity hth uhave now. Nact fast
take risks n ngo all out do everything hth u can do ot make htem ost ofo the opprotunties htht uhave
now n htht uwotn get later. If u do otherh tigns hth u can do later on n dotn work towards the
opportunities thth uhave now hten u wont get those opportunities again, n chance again. Soo maek
htem sot of othe cahe thth uhave now.
eirther be a billionare or be a beggar
either go big or go home
either get what u want or get nothing at all
either get what u want or die trying
its all or nothing
either u get what uwnat or u sepnd ur whole lfie working ntryign to get what uwant but udont settle
foranyhtign less thanwhat uwant.

whtt will u get or gain frm doign thth it ownt hep u to ahvicve ur goals n imp thgisn i nlfie playign vidoe
games n all htht its a waste of time, ts a waste of time n efffrt n energy u wnt gainget or obtain anything
tthts not imp its unimp. focus on more imp things in life wrk tewrds avchivng spnd ur time effrt on
achivng h e more imp things in life intead of doign all thht . spnd ur time effrt n eergy wrking twrds
achiving the imp things in life on imp things tht will help u acheeve ur goals n mke progress etc.. u ewnt
gain or acheve anything by doin all tht its unimp n its nonsense. thts not imp.

whtt will u get or gain frm fighting arguing with her its a waste of time n efffrt n energy u wnt gainget or
obtain anything tthts not imp its unimp. focus on more imp things in life wrk tewrds avchivng spnd ur
time effrt on achivng h e more imp things in life intead of stiking to herface. spnd ur time effrt n eergy
wrking twrds achiving the imp things in life on imp things tht will help u acheeve ur goals n mke progress
etc.. u ewnt gain or acheve anything by doin all tht its unimp n its nonsense. thts not imp. Spend htth
tiem energy effort on imp thgisn constructive thgisn thth will help u ahcive more imp thgisn I nlife on
goals purpose stop beign goofy n wasting tiem doig nnosnennseical unimprootnt useless n aimless

I believe that this is important as it wil help me to ear nmy livign

pay attention into the words – understand its meaning. wht does it mean if udotn udnerstand then read

lets wrk on it n wrp this thng up

one trakc mind odign onyl oen thigsn focusign only o n few thgisn imp thgisn a the cost nof verythign
else- singlem minded focus doing only oen thing. focusign only on oen thing.

if i had a pr i wud havefelt a bit mroe calm cool patinet n nrelxed nad felt mroe serucre!
less stressed, rush hurry worry, anixety n nsad!
ya know

Time to take action n act on what u knw in ur mid n ushud be doing.

stay focused:refocus their efforts, concentrate on the task at hand, Distractions are adding up
The end of a major mission does not mean we have achieved the other goals
Without continued attention and support
early initiatives, proactive gettign ti done asfas t as u can not waitng till the last moemnt cause many
thgisn can go wrng at the last moment
maintain a conditions-based (dont do this dont do tthht do this do thth folloing rules set of rules)
and focused, "eyes have to be on the prize" and anything that hinders distractns will impair broader
objectives, It's complicated enough as it is. Let's not make it more so,"
are a primary concern
has proposed a boost
took aim at
"all parties to remain focused on
should not come at the expense of
will also focus on

I’m too stubborn to

itsverydififuclt its nto an eaasy job teh kai kami kaam nahi ahe, itsn to less of a wrok,
to sign liek thht u have to give ti all ur everythig it ocnsumes u toatlly all ur time eenegy effort nad then
fine tuen everthgn get rid ofmsitatkes kinks coacntl y keep wrkign o nti improivng.

they go fully int oit n laeve everythg neksle its liek maek it or break it!

Whtever u wnt to do do it fast we dnt have time. Be fast wrk fast n finish it off quikly.

Get everythgi nother revalute naditnrospect if oyuare doing ti right

I decided against it as the constant act would break my concentration

Its ahrd its tough but its worth it its worth the effort Just keep trygn dotn give up

its now to excute every thign thht isaction. The palnnign stage n strategizing stage as towhat to do is
doen u now knwo i nur mid nas to whatot do n so on n how ot goabout it n now its all action makign the
move, excutign ti accordigng to teh plan, the action nn execution stage

some tiemsu get frustratednn uthink is this even wrth it, will this even work what I am doing or is ti just
a waste of time, wht m trying or just a waste of time will it even wrk? keep wrking twrds
doing sumthng trwrds achivng wht u wnt, u r dreeams irrespective of whther it willl wrk or

I found most to be boring and more of a distraction than an asset

make ur own life do ur own thing.

dnt go into all tht wht will u get by doing tht mind ur own biz see ur own life n progress u
wont get anything by doing all tht. waste ur time effrt energy n distrct n divert ur mind frm
imp things tht time effrt u cud hav spent ddoin imp things.

they do work,

u need ot e b fast do thigsn fast not at a slow pace or at urown pace

fuck need ot work on everythgi n n finship everythgi nup n nwrap everything up fast.
Fast fast work o nit fast and finish it off everythgi noff fast. Take it n work on it.

therus strugges n nsufferigns coems strong will menatla tough neess determiantio n ntenacity to wor
khard try hard, steel sdetermaitnio nextermee will to break through try hard adn change ur life around.
Mke progress n so on.

ur own progress ur own life see ur own life.

think about uself

lack of knwoeldge ignoarnce not kwnowign wahto t od hwo to og abotu ti can eb a barreer to sucessand
soo oy ushud knw what ot od gai nknwledge nad info
foer eg if u dotn kwn abot tazation hwo to file tazesn nretruns thths a bareer. it hold s u back
for m doign thgisn

he isvery thgouthful and he thinksit thorugh and he is aptient and he takes hsi own tiemto think it
through asto hwo to od it how to go abotu it and to do ti right, n do ti thoguhfully hsi technique is a
wellthoguth out technique,
he does ti i na very thgothful way as to waht u need to do ot get waht resutl. n if u do wat what resutl u
wilget. it s a well thgouht out tehnique nad he is realxed, and he take his own time ot htink ti thorguh
nad od it right as if a resercher.soo thth hhe knows eactly waht to do n exactly what ht e is doign nad he
istotally i nto it n highy linvovledi n it nad lsot into it. abosribed i nti.

not give up
finish it off quickly
thinking about it what ot d o hwo to od it how to go about t i etc.. spend time thinkign planign etc..

do it another time
fill them in later.
nope do ti now hte time is now
finish it properly, do ti properly
think it thorghh for mall sides all angels etc..
well thoguth out,
think about how I want to go abot it.
well reserche reaserch everythign knwo eevrythign about it, what ot od hwo ot od it hwo to go about it
go in full details

aplnnign sccehmeing

go full int odepth i ndetails know everythig nabot it just rip it apart down to the last detail.

hig elvle of involvement fully lost nad invovled into it, not aware fo the surroudnign ro anyhtign else.
intentse. n nserious.

n be highyl driven nadn ambitiosu. its ur goals ur ambititosn thth drive u o work hard mtoivate u to work
ahrd n take paisn nad eforfrts strufggels sacrifices u make n ndo waht udo. u do ti all for hte sake of
ahciveng ur goals. everythign u do u do it for hte sake of achivng urgoals.

find the time

to finish it all?
find the time
to finish it all, tht is keep tiem to work on your profile it keep 2 hours a day to work on cit if oyu odnt
keep a tiem for it, in yoru shecduel nad work on tie every day then you wotn ahcive oyur gaols.

its time consuming but its worth it! u shud not shy away for mtakign paisn nad efforts be willgint otake
effort to achvie urgaols sti thorugh n finsh ur work.
work ahrd put in 200% effort nto just 100% 100% effort wont work need ot work extra hard go thth
extram ile ut in extra eeffort if u wnat otahcive ur gaol 1005 is no t enoguh u have ot owrk contionously
work hrad, work fast, work day n ngiht. u have to put in a lot of effort n take effort put in the extra effort
if u wnat ot oahcive ur gaols.even if I had to stay up late to do it. u have ot put in the extra effort if u
want to ahcive ur goal go thh t extra mile, only then u canahcive urgoals not otehr hwise

what drives u n what makes him tick. Wht makes hi mahcive his goalswhat are the y thgisnthey beilve in
like metnallty though beign steely tenacity determination stern resolve, never give up, n so on.
Unbreakeable resolve. Survival of the fitteset, extreme determination. Tough n steely,

they are very systematic n organiedn n take extra effort to keep everythgi nclena make everythgi
norganiednn perfect. they dotn shy away for mtakign effort, They take extra effort to make everythgi
nproper perfect n ncie.

It’s a good time to reflect on what u are doigng if uare doig nthe righth tigns and what u
shud be doing to get results if oyu are getting resutsl or nto if nto then what is it tth uare
doing wrogn, take a step back and relect and reanxlyzeeeverythgi nn have a palns as to what ot
od the rihth tigns tood. Right way ot do it n go about ti.

pp lare sefis hthe whole idea of helpign otehrs is stupid ppl dotn car e abotu u they dont give
a fuck abotu u if oyu og othelp ohters whos gonna help you? u need ot help oyurslef each oneto
his own n see theri own.

Stay on your toes be alert, spooked up o n ur toes, not relxed n u know laidback, on ur toes for all thigns
htht can go wong, n preprre for all forseen evantualitties to get things right for oyu,

characterized by high drive, determination

There is no mistaking the fact that you have a specific

agenda that you are trying to accomplish. By
highlighting your own goals

If you allow yourself to get

sidetracked n distracted en route to your new destination
Staying focused on your own agendamuch more productive than doing unimp things purpsoeless

thgisn tht wotn brign u any beenfit or gain. than just aimless priuposeless wadirng aorudn i

ncircles goign no where, no end goal reustl or obective doning nosnenseical thgis nthth wotn

achvie ay goal or obekctive.

Keeping track of your own progress toward accomplishing your objectives

help you gain the motivation

your goal

Mentally check your agendato forward your

goals. to verbalize it to accomplish it

You are still focused on your own agenda

to accomplish your goals
If your goal was to
wandering around aimlesslyhave a clear destination
in mind. what uwnat ot ahcive n nwaht u needo to do ot ahcive it, if oyu dont ahve a goal or

destaintion, the n uwill end up odign unim thgis nwantderign aroud naimelssly doig nthgis ntth wont get
u anywhere ro ahcvie any thign purpseo or gaol or make prgress.

think of hwo uare gonna make a lfie for yoursefl. how u will earn ur lvign nsurviival nsoo n

know how tht can slve problms chngen imprve lives, help make progress.
things completed
evaluations at the end of each workshop


competence in my field.

on the right track

Let’s get down to business!

u need to FAKE I T T I L L YOU MAKE IT

It takes effort and practice

to change habits knw wht u were doing wrng nwht u need to do right.
I suggest that you write down one statement
reflecting what you want to conquer. Focus on that
one goal and then move on to
the next. When you stay focused, it won’t take long!

maek a lsit of thigsn nad take oen thgis at a tiem focus on ti do it n nthen move ot next.

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle everythgin shud fit right for thigns t owork out.

u learn a lot for mexreciizng u leanr ot be mentallty tough determiend keep wstriing psuhign nad not gie
up n nkeep workign towrds ur goal determiend expteremyl and never give up take all paisn strggle never
give up n work keep workign to ahcive ur gaols and leave no stone unturned and u learn to work hard to
achvei urgoals its ur goal thht drie u motivates u to work ahrd take actio n to ahcie ur goals! eerythgin
udo all psuhig nstriign strugglwe u do it to acive ru gaol. all sacrifes u make all the fun relazitons pelasure
nad oso n and all apisn n effrots utake schignign rusetlrf to ur work u do it for htesake ofahcing ur goals n
nbeign higyl ofcused nad no distractiosn n diversions. keep psuhign no matter hwo tried exahusted uare
nn ener give up keep pushign for hte sake ofo ahcing ur goals

i mean exprcise is nto just good for msules or helath but it also helsp u leanr hwo ot ahcive ur goals be
menall y tough and detemrined stuboorn nevenr gieu p kep psuhign nadwhat not. u leanr a lot ofrm sports.
tke paisnns effrots toahcive ur goals nadn os on.wrkign hard psuhignhard n ntakign efforts to achive ur
gaols n leaving nostone undterned I nthe process. N going ot all lengths ot ahcive ur goals.

i liek the cat i lkiek his dertmianton and he is very adamant he wnatswhat he watns. n tries to sconge n get
tries hard maeks hi mdeterminedn n hatti and tries ahrd ot get what he wants.

one of my fridns who was an enegg now didi mba nad he is i na cushy office comfy ac office job white
collar itnellectual kjob i wish i ahd donethth as well then i wudnt have to be out htere in the harh
enviornmen t thth is dust, mud eheat sun no toilets etc.. lot of phsysical hardwork goign up andn down
buildign sairts climinbg the lafdders on udner construciotns buildign with hazards pointed reifnorcements,
safety ahazrd and irsks of gettign injsured hurt phsycial rsiksn ad safety, and no proper facilties heat,
water toilets etc.. no proper facilties i nthe nosie dust adnharsh rough enviornmetn sdust ogin i nlugns nad
waht nto , if udotn have agood education nthen uonly ned up suffrign hardships. Wht kidn fo wkr u
wnato t ood intellectualwork I na cushy comfy office , with high pay or physical laoburous work in harsh
dnageriosu hazardous enviormentsn n low pay.

its oaky t obe naiveand impracticle u know u need to ahvemany dreams

some fo them work out osem of them dont! from teh ones thht dont
u learn many thgsin formt them ti never goeswaste!
some of them may nto owrk out but it may help u develop certia nskils
for eg if oy uwant otbe asigner u may not b e a signer
isntead umay be an engineer but sinign can help u speak better
and so nincrease ur mood levels, improve ur langen n learn hwo to sppeak soo
nothign goes waste.

this learning wil also help you in doign your wokr hwo to od it go abot it n ndo it effectively.
be cosnnstly at i t be consntly workign towrds achign ur gaols
lots of work to od.
no time dotn waste time doign unimp thigns
sooo mcuh to od n soo little tiem dont spend tiem wsaste tiem doign unimp thgisn.
do onyl whats imp work on only thigsn thth are imp.

sense of responsibiltiy , unrelaible.

incase ur singing or actign goals dont wrok then u ahve soemthign tth isaa good edcuatio nto flal back o
nu knwo u still are secrue, see ur security first,
be caustious.

incase ur biz etc.. doestn work then u have ur job enxperice work to fall back on. u nee d to work do ur
day job n biz u shud do it on the side.
soo tht uget gain wrk expreicne. thn ucan taek a break to focsu o nur biz. once uhave earned enough

wht will uget by doign all ththt its nto worth gettign int on spendign ur tiem n energy vover. u shud only
go itno thgisn thth will brign u some benefit or gain not itno thgisn tht wll onyl waste ur item n n birgn
un o bebefit n ngian. nt owrth it.

dont let i t distract u from whats really imp stay focused on it

keep doing ur wrk n ndoign wht uare doing.

put ur dertmeination effort towrds ur gaol not direct it to otehr ppl. hsow it inyour goals right. to ppl be
nice. shw ur srisouenss etc... i nutr goals n work.
whats imp shud be the prorty and rest everyhtign is unimp ntaeks precednce. in the back ground.

keep it on hold either dotn do it alt all do it later or dotn sepnd too mcuh tiem over it.
pu o nhold. unimp thgisn do whats imp.

OT DIRECT N NGUIDE ME if u are conencted to god god n nthe universe helps u sndds u thgotush
instrcuitosn n directs guides u n helps u towrds urdgaols. as to wht to od n nwhat not todo.

in ur head u shud knwo waht ot odn o it accordingly take action

s eriosu and determined wen it ocems to achivng ur goals meanignbi

be more awrae pay more attention to the things you’re doing
Look at the specific
distractions that you face and work toward a plan on those specific issues.
u shud nto waste ur itme doign unimp thigns. stay focsued kepe o nworkgi ndoig nwaht u are doign t
oahvie ur goals
Being aware of your weaknesses is the first step towards eliminating them.
focusing on your work dotn be stdsitracted stay focused o nworkig ndoign ru work to ahcive ur goals!

Ask to critique how well you do or where you can use


ifu wnat to od it then u need ot od it properly

n u need ot psend tiem over it n have paticne cause rome was nto built i na day
xpect quick resutls.
ahste is waste cause u do ti improperly
ad n then u dotn get resutls
u need ot ot do it prperly prpreprly reserchgn etc.. soo thh u get good reustls
n u knw what u are odign. outh here.
igf u gonna do it do it right
do it properly

u dont strt a biz hjsutfor hte sake of strtign a biz

ustrt a biz for htesaek of helpign ppl proviidn a service solvign soem pobelsm n so on.
similarly ujsut odnt write a book for thesake of wrtiign a book u wrte a boo kto help t osovle a seppcif U
have a goal or purpsoe issue a mission behind it behidnu doignsomethign srtign or taking up something.

adn u need ot be organized

ifu watn t ahve fiu nan denjy o a good comfy life then u have ot work ahrd for it n ntake pais n efforst
thts the real freeodm t olive comfy bu y what ucwant u know
lazyness relaxation hippiness (seems liek a good life freedom for paisnn fforts but its not) its an illsuion
it leads to mre pain n suffering nto freeodm will nly lead to misery and suffring and poveryty no m oeny
to buy anyhtig nbasci necessaiteis poerty suffriengn adn stration nad pain

u need to recognize the opportunities thht u have nto take it for granted n work urass off to make them
most of the opportiunties thht uhave.

Beveil I nurslf thht u can do it u do it cause uare cofndient I nyoruslfn n ubeilve I noyurslef thth ucan do
ti n hence u do it, if oy uare nto ocnfidnet in urslef n ndotn beilve I nurself thth u cando it n nahcive it
then u wotn be go ahed with it n ndo ti.

u need to eb mroe organized ifo yu want ot suceed i nlife mamange ur timemroe efticvely paln your day
ur week maek a schedule u know wo kr schedulewaht time n for hwo mcu htime to do what acitivty how
htie t osleep how muc htime to work hoe many hours to put in every wokign wrokign to ahcvei ur gaols
n nobejctiven n waht uwant towads what uwatn, dotn watn to waste time adn then uneed ot stick to
thtt hschedule as mcuhas u can. uknow thth routineform a routine.
u dotn want to waste time over sleeping or doignunim ptghisn u need ot spend ur tiem utilxze it make
the msot of the tiem u ahve by doingur work wrokgint oahive ur goal, cause once u lose time
u will never get ti back soo make usre u spend ur time wiesly o nimp thgisn doign ru work to make
prgress nachve the imp thgisn i nlife n not waste ti odign unim tighsn i nlfie.

u need to be process oriented knw thwe how tos of the things, this applies in life in biz in evertything its
nto jsut do ti thereh is a way to od it the process as to hwo to do itn hwoto go abotu ti is mreo imp caseu
if oyu odnt kwn hwo to od it then hwo wil u be able to d it?
if u dnt knw wht the fuk t do how to do it how to do it no idea as to wht to do then how will u do it?
either u will end up doing it wrong, n get the wrng result or u wont be able to do it at all as u dotn knw
what to do or knw wht to do n n soou wudnt be able to do it at all u wil end up not ding anythign not
knw wt to do wht to do
if u dnt knw wht to do u wnt be avble tto do it oru illdo it rngly n nt get any results plain n simple.
its like u hav gld but u dnt knw ghow to mine it then u wont be able to mke the most iof the opportunity
as u dotn knw how ot act on it n make the most of it or wht to od to get it its right hter I nfornt of oyu
but u dotn knw whato to dot get it or make the most of ti.if u dnt knw wht to do out thre how to do it n
how to go abut it then how will u do it?

makes you feel you're doing something important urpose on am ision o na purpose.

soem uncessary talk and information, get to the point be sriousn n get ot the business,

they are no nosnense ! its theri way or the high way hters no two ways about
it n nthey have a one track mind!

thther er a soo many thgisn tht hneed ot be ocnsideredot progress maek preogress
rules thth u shud follwo
inroder to be sucessful n maek proegress n nknw owhy? to follwo em the reasinogn behin it, n keep it I
nur mid nmrmeeber it.

we got tht out of the way

lets do this
n prioritize whats more imp

The concept of time:-

u need ot have someconcept of time.if u have no concept of timethen u will just end up wasting
yourtime n doign thgis n at ur own slow pace andendlessly. have a concept of time, Remeber yout time
is importnant u have to acvie certain thgisnwithin a certain time, once u lose time u will never get it
backu have limited time, the time u have isa very limited resource, n u have to ahcive thgsn iwthin a
certain time peirod, ur time is limtied, once u losetiem u will never get ti back, hence u need ot feel a
sense of rush nad urgency, do thigsn fast and dont waste your time sleepeping mroethan 7 hrs, lazing,
relaing, idling,doign nothign or doign thigns thth are unimp n wont help u to progress achivve anything
or thei mpt higsnin lfie.
ur time is imp soo dotn waste it,doign unimp thigsn thth wont brign u any benefit nad gain. utilize ur
tiem spendurtime doign urwork and doign thigsn thht wil ehlp u achive the imp thigns in life.
not waste ur tme get backto work quickly, work cosntly day nn giht. u need to get morework in less
amont of time, by ntowastign oyur time by workign fast , dayn n gith n consntly, not spendign al lot of
itme on nimp things.
What are you doign sittign otu there lazyign sleepingall day, idling or doign unimp things thth wont hellp
u ahcive anythign , any thing imp in life, or achive ur goals and just wastign your time.
eg:- in them mornign u see them out htere palyign cards and then in evening when ucome back you see
tehn palyig cards. just wastign all their time instead of doing soemthign im pand constructive
andowrkign towrds achvign theri goals makign progress etc... just whiling all the timeawawy.
stop wasting ur time sitting ot there ndoing nothign ro dign unimp thigsn ,make htemost of hte tiem n
nthe day thth uhave by spendign it doign imp thigsn wokrign towrds achivng urgaols dont waste even a
single second evey mi nnad second counts.
dot waste ur time, keep wotrign toreds achivng ur goals n doign whats imp. doign thgisn tth will ehlp
uahcive tr goals, make progress nahcivehte imp thgisn i nlfie. u geto nyl24 hours a day 7 horus goes
sleeping then rest 3 hours goes i notehr hitgns ten yo uare left with like 14 hours adn its up to oyu hwo
oyu spend htose 14 hours whther u waste ti doign unim pthgisn or u make htem ost of ur dayn n the
tiem thth u have by workign towds ahcivng urgoals. once u lose ur tiem u will enver get it back soo odnt
waste ur item doign unimp thigsn. make htem osst of evey second n min htht uhave bey spendign ti
doign your work and imprtnatn thgisn towrdsahcivng rgoals.

everythign else can be doen later on put everythgin else on hold and stay focusedn n be focused nad do
whats importnat. keep on doign ur thign nad keep o ndoign what u are doing.

stop urself from doign unimp thgisn u knwo i nyour midn thth ur tie m si limtied, n soo u shud nto waste
it doign unim pthgsin so tell urslef "stop wastign ru time doign unimp thgisn , get up and get to work
and cocnnstly be workign towrds ahcivng ur gaols" waste not a single min or a secodn every secondn
and min coutns. be quick, be fast, immdieatly get to work to ahcive ur goals, n dotn waste time doign
unim pthgins. u als need to maange ur imtecaus ur tiem is imp nn ushdu nto waste it by prrper tiem
mamnge ment nnad scheduling ur day u amamgne to organize ur daypaln ur day n namamnge r tiem
bettter, thth way u dont waste tiem on unim ptghisn n u give max time to imp thigns.

no point wasting ur time effrt n nenergy doing unimp things tht will give u no benefit n gain n wont help
uu achecve imp things in life spend ur time doing intellectual wrk. using ur brain yhinking gaining
knowledge learmning self-iprvnmnt things tht will help to solve ur problemds issues n help u to suceed
wrk better mke progress in life.

dnt waste ur time its a race against time, have a sense of urgency, get up adn get to work to ahcive ur

know what ot othin kabout deicde wht ot think about htink of what ot think about.

u need to ocnsntly keep on workign the pace at whcih u shud be fifnish thigsn shud be fast its a race
gagiant imte connslty be at ti n doign ur wokr ot ahicve ru goals. its a race gaisnt itme u have limtied
time soo cconsntly keep workign towrds ahicvng urgaol. finsihg thgisp uttign thigsn down lets finsih n
finalize this lets put this thign down. lets omceptle this thin k ndeicde what ot odo n nfinsh n cometpel
nad keep workign on it, tlets fisish this today lets ptu thsi down lets ocmeptlerthgisn.

thnk u god for this divine knwoeldge as to wdreicitgn me in my deam nn i nwaking housrs snedign
instrcuitosn as to whato tod divine knwoedlge ot save me .
wrk twrds constnly wrk trwrds corectingng ur self n getting ur life backk on track everytime u stray. its
like u get distracted drveted misguided n u are lost to bring rseslf back on track u need to rember wht u
really wnt n wht ur gaols are n wht will help yu really achive ur goals n waht will not n niwl onyl waste ur
time, n tehn once u knwo thth in your mid nthen u wotn do thigsn thth wil lwaste ur tiem , n nu wont
get itno thgisn thth will waste ur time n wotn help u achvie waht u want, n u will onyl od thigsn thth will
ehlp u ahicve wht u want, u ar mr ore clraer i nyor umid nas to twhat u wnat n nwaht u dont want.
wht ushud get int on doign n what u hsud nt get itnot n nnto oding n so udo n udont.

Fuk m goin ot go mad doing thigns but u need ot consntly beat it keep at it, n keep o ndoign ti. Keep
wokrign on it day n night t finish ti off.

if uwantt oachive a goal learn from the marines the marines are good at gettign thigsn done, they dont
go there cause they enjyo odign ti or like doign ti they do it to ahcive ther e gaols they are o na maissio
ntehy take paisn and effrot st o thacive their goals not cause htey liek it or enjoy it no one gos o nteh
field cause they enjoy it or have fu noding it they are on a msision to ahivcve a goal , tehy take pasin
snad efforts to achive their goals

u have to literally strive work hard take llal painsn neffortsto ahciceve urgaosl not be lay u know, take
efforts put in 110% effort. More effort htanwhat iis required n striv hard, nbe willgi nt otae all paisn
nneffrts to ahcive urgoals. N wrk to ahive wht u want.

neither m itnellietn smart or anyhtign lie kthth tis jst thh god saved me esnt the rightppl to help me,
gave me the right htogtush direcitson n resoruces so othth i knw what to od othacve my goals, without
gods help u wud have never reached anywhere inur life, praying to god n god had mercy n cared n sved
me. Heard my call n prayers n ahd mercy n his kidness n grace thth igot saved.

what I’m trying to accomplish here (and what I’m not).

My goal here is to

i dotn give afuk dotn be waawn be botehrehd with it

jsut sepdn all tiem nnergy on wahts imp
its not possoible to work n sudy at the same tim e n ngo to ocllege i emanau cant do ti! u will gettired
nenxhausted u wnt have any time to od your asignments hoempwrk studyignnad projects yo uwil fall
asleep it will drai n u n exhaust you totally
u wotn be albe to focus ur mdn ocne ucome form outside dirstracted adn os on.

if oy uwnat osuceed i nanythign udo u need ot take it seriosul y nottake it lightly

That’s worth working towards. Don’t give up, and don’t settle.

goin in to details makign ti perfect is painstaking it takes time patience and effrot nad teancity.

take small but steady steps atwrds ur goal

goal o mater how saml lt the progress or slow hte progress keep trying

help you accomplish that goal.

Don’t worry if the first time you attempt the goal you fail – remember, failure
is not a big deal

he is up to osme thign o na mission

he will go all otu and all the resources thh eh has he will alucngh to do it n go full o nand all otu to
he will eb after it

goign full on n all out not stop till u achive urgaol ifnsih it comeplte it

goign full o nn all otu not stop till u finish it compelte it ,

its not don till tis done. itsn ot over till ist sover takign all effort nn leaing no stone untruend toahcive
rgoals ltakign all paisn nad efforts to ahcine urgoals.

A busy life equals a life of substance

once uahve plannedn ndeicdedn n uknw owaht otod u need ot practise it exercise it put it ot practise
do itaction

a bear has to hiberante adn a larva ahs to go i nto a coocoon to turn tno a butterfly sismialrly u need ot
invest thth tiem n rnegy in ot reserch to knw owaht t tood in roder to be smart adn to knw whato todo
soo thth u are smart nn u can do ti well, its hsoe phses thth are difuclt ause all u a re doign si resrehc n
learnig nn no results but u need ot be patint hangi nthere keep on doign it cause en ce u fiugre out what
ot ood then its all impliemntation . applciaiton n then u strt gettign rrulsets, those moementswhen uare
working to learn thgisn n research thht will ehlp u to mrpve urself n nlearn wht to od are nt oa waste be
patient hang I nthere casue once u knw wht to od, then u make prgrss, where as whe nuare rerchign
ntryign to fiure out wh to od u dotn see muc hprgree everything is on holdm, but uare working non
ursefl, but perevire be patienet dotn be frustrated, caseu u are out of action n nresrching cause n once
uknw wht to od then u take action I na better way, the progress isfast cause then its only a matter of

uncertianity nto kwnoign what will happen i tneh fuuter, ancipatryo ucnertian abotu the futuer. Hope
thth things will work out well. Hopefully.

i dont knw he is very intensen n very drivenn n ambitious, n he wrks hrd n tkes efffrt to ahcivee his golas
leavign n ostone unturned.

u need ot be seriosu strt takign ti seriosuly and cut out hte gofiness stupidity and nonsense

From the 70s to the 2000 humans produced enough muci to last em a laugh time, performance rar t n
music, the wordl doesnt need anymroe music, tis nto even worth itany more, before there was cds etc...
now u have itnernet, pp lcan easily dwnload songsn n musicfor free. Also, its all awate n makes no nsese
it s good for entertainmetn but it ownt leadot progresss fo humaity, huamns need to usetheir brains to
solve really imp problems liek sicnce techanology, medicine computers etc... nn innvoaitons etc...
otherwise itsawaste of human itnelligence n life.
i mean musici s good for enetrtianemtn the lyrics dont mean anythgin are just gibbereisngh n ncrap, n u
know its jsut awaste ntohign imp. i mean it can heal u n is good for fun n entretainemnt. but its not rela
progress, innovation of anykind to ehlp humanity.
i mean dont get me wrng musicis imp, to hela to uplift to u know ur brain, creatviity, ot ligthen up
diffrnet regiaons fo oyur brain , u knwo add fun to borign lfie, make u happy adn get u going, fast nalert
wake u up etc... but humans havemade enoguh music, thel yricsare gibbersih and u know , tis a waset of
life, humans dont need anymroe music, therisenoguh nmsuic created to enjoy a lfietiem of msuic.
istead if oyu use yoru brain for siceteechnology for progress n soo on to help. maek humanity progress
osvlerpobelsmnn isseus.
soo humans hsud use their brains for u know advancement of humancivilazation. theworld doesntn
need anymroem suic humanshave enoguh music prodcued catalgen n material prodcued ot last them a
life temi to enjy, humans shud focsu heri midnsnn intelelct o nsciven tech nn progress.

A book a day keep ignorance away!

book are imp cause they giveu knowledge know how , how -to, elighten u things u bnever knew of
before thingsknow-how tht can help n biz n ewr k in daily life selfhelp nboooks, soo tht u know wjht to
do to progeress, mke ur klife better help u do ur work n so on, be social etc.. etc. slve ur problemsk
nwoeldge as to wht to o dot solve ur issues n make ur lif better.

there is no such thing liek competition in lfei its not liek i shud g ahead and others shud not,
i mean u wotn get any thign if sum1 losese soemthgin n u wotn lose anythign if sum1 gains sumthign
in lfie everyon e hsud be happy n nno oneshud be sad.
also, u shud wish well for all pp lwho are nice to oyu
in lfie there is no such htign lie kcompetion life is only about imrpvign ur own life makign ru life better
foro yursefl workig ntowrds makign ur own lfie better.
therer is no such htign liek competiton , thth i shud be better thano thers aroudn n ohters hsud nto be
better than me, u need to see ur own stuff, its mroe about imrpviign urslef, makign ur own life bettter n
nworkiggn ot make ur own lfie better.its about keepign on soding ur own thign , workign cocosntly to
imprive r own life n nmake ur won lfie better.

dont pay l safe dare to ttaek risks

remember no risks no reward
teh heigehr the riskts hte heger the rewards

put all ur enenrgy n ntiem to do somethgi nabotu yorusefl rather than on unimp thgsin.. osundsgood?

to be sucessfu li nlife u need to do thereee thigns you need ot be ambitiosu u need ot odream , u need
ote athinker htht is think paln stegize hwo oto od it go abouti ti n ahcive ur gaols, u knwo reserch paln
etc... hwo to doti n ngo abotu ti what u need ot do n soo n, and u need to be a doer be alwlays o nti
action casue with ot uactio ntkaignaction doign t i you wont be able to ahce anythign, only dearmign nad
htinkign wont help u get nay wehre u aslo need to od it impliment taek action do the wor l k ahe owrk
ethci regautle urlsef to od the work toahice ur goals.

full of pointless talk n Bull shit

nonsesnen soemthign tth deostn make sensne, u know obejectivelss uncessary, talk n nonsense talking
stupid thigns n beign goofy and joking n so on not all thth be serious ntalk only wahts imp.

be strght up n nstright forward u know be a man ofactio ntalk wahts imp n nso on. N say ti strigth up if
oyu like osem one then go nsay ti straight up n tlak to her show interst I nehr be verystgth forwrdn
nstrght up.

will this wrk or not? i haveno idea but there i s no point in not trying u need to keep trying n keep
working on achivng ur goals n wrking twrds achivng wht u wnt or desire irrespective of whther will
suceed or fail n itt will wrk or not.

i jsut keep workign towrds my goals i odnt acare if i willsuceed or fail i mean ido try ot sceed n nensure
thth idont fail but if i fail n all thsi effort i put in doesnt owrk then i dotn care it doesnt matte r all id o is
i keep owwkrign towrds achivng waht i want irrespectiveo f what the reuslt may turn out to be sucess
orfailure. u may hthink ohh all this effrt i am puttign is it evenworth doign all thsi will it work? waht if it is
all a waste tht is i fail n i am not able to ahcive what i want or desire, well it doesntmatter, jsut keep
waorkign n tryign to achvie waht uwnatn ndeisre urgoals, tths all thth matters.

. The more u know the more u can do.”

grow my endeavors

you have taken your time over it thoughtfuuly

For the sake of a few extra
minutes, why not take the time to do things properly?

In addition to saving you time

mastered it

ur work shud be ur priority n shud be on ur mind alll the time the tought tht i have to do this work i have
tofinsish this tak today. tht is what shud be constntly on ur mind, in ur mind, rember tht, tht u have to
get this thing done today onky then u will stop doing otherthgisn cause u u know in your mind thth
uahve to get this work done, soo u dotn waset iemdoign oterhtigns u otn spend tiem doign oterh
htigsnn uquickly get back to doign your work.

if your work is not on oyur mid nif ur work is not ur prioprtiy ifu forget if its not inyour mid nthth uahve
ot do htis owrk finsiht htsi work today then you will nt odo it cause tis not ther inyoru mid nthth uhaveo
t odo it. soo alwlay keep imp thgsin in yourmin d rmember thth u hav to ifnsih thsi today till ths
tiemremmeebr htth u needo t work fast rememebr thht u neeed to owrk cocntinously and sit for 1 hour
nn take 5mins vbreaks

dont wast ur time lazyign sleeping and ding nothign

get up n nget to work toahcive urgaols

dotn waste urr time thinkign ofo otehr htigsnn unimp thigsn get to wrok
make htem ost of the day thht u have ur time is imp every seccoutns, dotn waste ur time, keep on
workign for ever y secaond towrds ahcivng urgoals n ahcivng htei mp thgisn i nlife. dotn waste tiem
doign unip thigsn.

keep trying till u die but never settle for anythng less than what u want.
obstacles will not destry me biut only stregthn my resolve

mnot shy awawy for mworkign ahrd n ntkaign paisn n effrots

the only thign thth cna help u suceed ishard work lots of haerd wrk not be lazy be willign to

take paisnn ad efforts its 99%perspiration n 1% inspiration.

there is onyl o en way to ahcive your goal n thth is through hard owrk n sheer determiantion.
even if oy uwork smart u sitll ahe v t owork hard cause therhe is a lot of work thth need s ot

be done i tneh process o f ahcivng urgoals.

keep ocnsntly workign on it.

u dotn achvie urgaols by lazingn n sleepig nad nto orkign towrds ti oyu ahciveourgaols by

workign very very ahrd.

dnt get int oall thth just ignore it will just ocnsume u n ur midn n emtal resoruces it will distract ur midn
n it wont give u anythign in return. u dnt have time n effort towaste on alll thhtuownt get anythgin by
doign tht ucant afford to waste tiem neenrgy doign all thht thinkign doign all tht u need tofcus it on
mroei mp

nncosntrcutive thgisn u wotn get anythign by doign all tht. dnt waste ur energy on itu

wnt get anything doin tht.

u knw thinkign wht tood next

consntly thinkign whtotod next wht wor k to od n nso on how ot od it n how ot go baout it

define everything in detail

if u want oto be successful then just working 9 to 5 that is 8 horus isnot enough uhae ot work 15 to 18
hours evey day. U need ot put I nextra effort.

achieve your goals thru

must be kept in mind at all times.

one goal onemission i nmind
what u have in mind imp thigns or unimpthigns

make a lsit of ruels n nstik to those rules strictly

keep wrkin on it cnstntly continouslly n slowly n steadily get it done.

metally toucgh resiltint n ndetermiend n not give up keep tryign to ahive urgaols
or die trying but not give up1
orgive in keep fightign n ntriyng otahcive urgoals
driven n determined, ambiitosu

i mean tis alot ofwork

desire is wath motivaetesn n drivesto od thigsn.

it does come a t a cos t ightu have to sacrifise otehr thigsn casue u have limited tiem and ou cnat afford
to waste tiem spend ur tiem enenrgy physical na d mental enenrgy n neffort, on thigsn thth are not imp
or less imp.

used with responsibility it depends on hwo u use it if u use i responsbily it can eba grae t reosurceto
help u

u hsud stritly say no to other htigns, durign ur work time u shud onyl bedoign r work and nothign else.
n ay no to all toerh htigns. not do oterh tigsn. do otherh tigns at otehr time when u get a thgouth i nyour
mid ntellgi n u to do otehrh tigns say no, or say dotn waste tiem doign ti now u cna do ti later on during
hte tiem allocated for it. at the end of hte day once u are done wit handfinsihed ur work.

dotn do otehrh tigns in the morning when u are fresh, oterh wise u will be tired adn exhaustedi tneh
moernign hwen u are fesh ur midn isfresh n nu can think well ur body is fresh, u shud spend ur tiem
doign ur work put htht enenrgy i nyoru work,
if ou do unimp thgisn first thign itn the mornign then uend up usign up all ur enenrgy, ur eyes get
strined u get tied exhausted n nu cant do imp thgisn u cant do oyur owrk, all ur enenrgy physical and
mental is drained u are tired n nexhausted,
soo keep unip thgisn for hte night

Great altitude takes great Attitude. We reveal how successful people consistently think… and how can
we harness this, to get the same results.

Making big sacrifices fr ur wrk ur goals

No matter where we start, we can get better
Setting Goals
a jourbney wihout a destination n goal u won knw wht rout e to tke how to get there hgoin nowhere.
setttn out n not knwn where u rare goin.

Where are you now? (right now), where uwanna go? (goals)and where are
you going? (are u goin in the right direction towrds ur goals )? wht is ur goakl? wht u are doing right now
will it help u reach ur goals? if wht u are doing wnt heklp achev urgol then u aregoin in the wrg
direction, whts ur aim otr goal hep things in perspective.

read till u understand

read again till u understand

absorb everything you can

Spend a bit of time at the end of the day to think
through your goals.
You should have specific goals in mind as u rrwkt acheve em.
it’s hard to stay motivated if you don’t have clear goals
Having clear goals allows you to track your progress towards that goal
and stay motivated.

learn and grow my skills

practice and
persistence are the two biggest keys to your success. Be diligent to practice
the things you learn

how you change is up to you

You will
change as you go through life. and learn n gainexperrnces.

it’s important to know where you are and where you’re going.
When you don’t, it’s like trying to make a long journey without a map. You
won’t have the first idea of how to start, and you won’t know if you are
drawing closer to your goal or just walking in circles.

But if you understand where you are and where you want to go, then you can
draw a map. You can plan for the journey and prepare yourself for the
obstacles that you might face along the way.

more clarity as to wht u want n wht u need to d to ehelp u get there.

not give up.
you are focused on your goal.
plan for reaching
those goals.
where you are and where you’re
going and where you want to go?
think through them in depth
questions inspire your thinking
What are your goals?These are goals that
you think could be accomplished in the next few weeks or months.
Take the time to ask yourself “Where am I, and
where am I going?” every so often, and you will make sure that you keep
growing in the right directionintrospect.
Also, remember that slow growth is still growth. It might take you a long
time to accomplish your goals, or even to see clear progress. But don’t give
up. Every time you try something new or learn a new skill, you are making
hat’s important is that you
keep movingforward

to getsoem thgi n uneed ot put in 200% effort not jsut 100% but 200% efforto to get hwaht u want.
withotu action beign mobile takign action tryign u wotn get anyhting.

if uare clulessn nahve no idea as to wht u wnat ot do n where u want otgo then u dotn knw what actio
nto take as u have no destination i nmidn soo u are liek aimless, u dont knw where u have to og soo
udotn kwn wht to do hwo ot reach ther nwhat route to take ocne u knw waht ur gaosl is n where
uwnato togo then u knw exactly wht u ned to od otachvie it.

where uare goign with htiswhts the purpsoe ofall thiswhy uare doign it wht do uwant ot oachve for mti,
then u knw hwo to do it right soo as to ahcive the desried result tthht uwanwto oachve thth is wht u
need ot od inrder to achvie the desried result.

encourage someone not to

give up n to beivle i nthemselves soo thht they have he ocnfdiencei nthemselves thth makesthen do
things to n purse thigsn to achvie their goals,

mastered his craft

So we prepare.
We study. We practice. We train.

What does it actually mean? understand themeaning fo it, and if u dotn thne read it again till

u udnernsntd it.

then give them a detailed description of ever inch

These are important issues to resolve
worth the additional time and effrt for those seeking something specific
all the sacrifice suffrng pain effort taken will be wrthh it

gofully into it
jump fully in to it.

u need ot be consntly thinkign fo oyur work wah owrk to od next what hud i do next? now lets do thsi
lets completete this now.. lets finsih this off nwo, waht shud i do next what shud i do now lets do this
now think fo oyur work thin kdo of waht work to do n comeplte , think n ndecide.
Do something different to break the mould.
just keep at it keep doign what u are doing

makign r lif beer e.c..etc.. readign book interviews of pp lwho are sucessfu letc.e.t.c.

eitehr u can feel sad nndepressed abotu it or you can kee pstrivign keep tkaing efforts and keep trying n
keep at itand kee pworkign o nti till tis done
tenacity. not stop till tis done
its about keep on goign prersievRNCE, and wstrufggel to survive nad keep at it and achvei urgoals
isntead of giivgn up and loathign ts about keepign at it keep ing o nfwrokig no nti n not gettign
distracted n diverted by loathing n stop trying n give up
its not easy keep workign o nsolveign your problems n nissues

exptreml y stbborn and damant owhen he wants osmehitng he wants osmethign eh keeps srcthign o
nteh door, unstoppinly. determiendly.

if u are gonna do it the ndo it properly

befocsud odotno distract urattnetio nawawy fr myoru dreams!

how much time are you spendign towrds achivng urgaol how many hours fo work are you puttign in
how muc heffort are you puttign i ntowrds achvign ru gal u have ot work really ahrd

also its nto jstu work ahrd bu twork smart! as well

its liek see ur wn ife waht have i got to do with it? soo good for her! If she gets married thengood fr her.
I am busy working to ahcive my own goals n my own life what I want. Wht will maek me happy.

perseverance - keep tyign n never gie up just keep at it!

i dont liek workign i white lights cause white lights are too strogn they highlight the thigsn around you
and interfre wit the screen light also yesllow light doesn itnerfre wit hscreen lights and are a bit dull thth
is darken the room soo craete more focus when u wor kon our ocmputer as it reduces the distractiosn as
eerythig nelse in teh room is darkened soo u are more in teh zone mre focused on wht uare doing.
wehre as white lights hgihlight everythign i tneh room . where as yellw lights dont. helps to put you i
nteh zone reduce the distracitosn fo the surroundigns more focused n i noveld i nwhat uare oding.

i was fustrated i wassad derpessed i wans nto happy cause most of my dersis wer unfulliflled n ni still
ahd to work on my dreams adn it was thsi uncertiantiy feleign of vulnerabltiy u hope thgisn will work out
but u hits fear nad thsi uncertiantiy inside u look in the balnk n u feel stressed n nworreid if htigsn will
work out or nto! thht felig nof uncertiantity cause u dot nkwn what fuure will bring. All u can do is keep
working no nahcivngu rgoalsn nhopefor the best.
wen u have the knwoledge u have mroe ocnfidnece u are mreo sure andcertian f oyursl hth ucan do
thgisn handle thigsn maange a biz and soo n soo u apply for high levle postitions big psotivons if udot
have the knwoeldge then udcant be ocnfidncet sure and ecertian fo oyurslef thht uar fit for hte
jobevne i f uhave the qulaifaiciton and so ot of fear of the interview andoso n u dotn appl y for big
psotions as u htink ucwotn be able ot answer the questison fr u wont get sellcted or u cant handle the
job andoso brusihing up ur kwneldge is very imp.

professionally pursuing your networking goals

as logn as u keep tryign or doing osemthign or working otwrds ur goals its pokay its perfectly fine to look
foolish make mistakes n not let em affect u u nknow laugh over your mistakes nto teke em seriosuly or
let em affect u or take u dwon!

stay follish make mistakes if oyu diditn maek mistakes or end up lookgi nfoolsih u never tried anythgi
nro soemthgin new! jsut laugh over ur mistakes humour not let ti saffect u not care what toerhs think f
oyu, not take it too seriosuly or badly nad be bogged down by ti nto let ti affect you. if u ddint make any
folleis then u didint try anythign new.

u need to keep on tryign n keep workign to ahcvie ur gaols, no matter how slow ht e prgresswt hte result
is , isnpite of rejection n waht not dotn stop or give up feelign frustrated, depressed, disspointed, or
disheartend keep wokrign o nit thths whats imp, if one says no then be quick to move on to hte next,
one who iwll say yes, dotn waste tiem dwellgin o nher be quick to move on. be immuen ot rejection
dotn let it matter u or affect you,

The hippy illisoon:-

u think tht ohh i shud pack my abgs adn u knwo not work take paisn and effort less stress n wrries go
soem where n nrelx n then my life iwll be good well ti wont cause then u endu p poor n nbroke nad no
moeny to buy nayhtign n u end up suffeirfngs n nahrdhsips.thths not an easy lfie or a ocmfy life nfact
workig nahr d tkaign apis nn effrtsn n earnig nmeoyn soo thth ucan live ocmfortably thths wahts the
comfy life.
life is not abut pakign ru bags and beigna hippy n not takig napisn and efforts infact dign thth will lead ot
overt y msiery sufferign pain no moeny ot buy anythign food or naything, tht is nto a comfy life, thths nt
ao a life of ease nn cofmrt but misery, lfie is about workign ahrd puttign ruslef out thehr takign apisn and
effrots and lvign ocmforrtably earnig nmoeny thth need ot buy htigsn u need nad lvign comfy thts whats
real cofmrotable life, all the hippies got back to work cause they didn’t have money to buy food.

take time off to work on yoruself caues if oyu odtn sole ur isseu they will hold u back nad preent u from
moign had tkaign time off ot work on your isseus takes time n patience ocne u kwn wht to od then u jsut
apply itfollwo it ,
itsl ie ka sling shoht you have topull it back to move ahed soo the tiem thht u spend wrokign on yoruelfsf
donot htink of ti to be awaste caseu durign thth time u are thinkgi nresrchign learnig nans to whatot od
it will help u thth knwoeldge to osle ur problmes nand isseus hth hold u back n propel u froward.the
times when uare workign o nyoursefl learngi nthgisn tryign to improve ursefl the tiems when u are out
of actio ntake a step back n so on althoguh u feel freustrated cause uwnato tget abck i nto action, n the
wait is killig u , drivign u carzy hwo ever, u need ot be patient n perseviere, nto rush up, cause thths the
time whe n uleanr thigsn thth will help u propel forward. trying t oimrpvie urself learn things reaserch
make urslef better learn things thth will help u to achvie urgaols n soo n. once u kwn what otood then its
all action n go forit.

music helps to wake u up frm seleep boredom

its gets ur heart going! n pumping
rushign up bign fast workign fast workign dayn n gtih nn continusly it puts u i nthe zone maeks u
focusednn highyl inovledi nto it!

take a few days off n focus on just this thign foucs o njsut one thign ant a tiem work on one thgi nat a

learn form your past mistakes think of the future have a visio nfor hte future adn plan accoridngly adn
work ahrd i nteh presnt to ahcive urgoals d the warok asper your palns to ahcive the future goals.

I dint ahav time to shift to disturb not get adjusted to new place change n move everything get
distracted diverted etc… fro mwhat iwasdoing. Soo I didn’t do thth

as ifi he is up to osmethig on a mission!

to ahcive his goals



I rather liked its no-nonsense approach.

I’d just put it to the back of my mind. It’s no good to

get distracted by things like that at work.

One way to solve the problem is to think about it dwell over it , reserch it n resoures n nso o n

U feell frustrated caseu u are not taking action n out of action n nothgi nsi working notu foro yu u are
nto workgi ntowrds ur goals, however those tiems when uare resrchign n trying to figure out wht to o
dot solve ur problems, are not low times, thth drag u dwon, these are tiems thth will help ot propel u
foreword to wrd s ahcing ur goals cause then uahve a bteeer imrpved verson of oy u ukwn I nur mid
nwht to od, n so on, how to do it right to get right resutlsn n so n, u can only shoot it forward when
upull the bow stign back ward the tiems when uare working o nurslef u are pullig nthe bow strgn
abckwrds, these are nto tiems when u are dragging ursefl down c feelgi nfrustrated as au re out of
action nthese are times when uare getting ruelsf ready smrter working o nurself I nteh making
preaprign urlsef to porpel ursef ofrwrd. U feel frustrated as u are nto takig nacito ntowrds ur goals usee
no results n nso on.

there are no shoert cuts to sucess u sud be willign t oworjk ahrd take painsn n efforts i mean even if oy
uwork smart o uy still ahve to work hard cause goals jsut odnt get achvied lie kthth uneed ot do a lot of
owrk ther is a lot of work tth needs to eb doen i nroder otahcve ur goals.
its lie kabiltiy to take paisn nd a efforts determnation stubborn ness teanancity for the sake ofahivng
Starting a biz achivng ur gaols is a painful process ti invoels a lot of work focus n neffort, its lie kchewign
o ngalss, casue u have to cahin urslef to the cahir n work ur ass off tis pain ful process make sacrifes nall
pleasure fu nenjoyments, and be focued n ntotally lost n highly invoeld I nti n give all ru tiem n effort to

he is hatti n determined
wen he wants to go out he has to go out
iits hrd to stop him

keep on doing it wht u are doing.

remember tth u need to keep all oterh htigsn liek fun entertianemnt etc..etc.. unimp thigsn thht uenjoy
doign pleasure fun etc.. at the night at theend of theday.... when u are tirednn exhausted cause if oyu do
it durign the day n first thign i nthe mernign thn u will eb tired n nexhausted, n aeve no energy at all,
to do imp thgisn n fall asleep ur eyeswill get strained, u will be physically nn emntally tired, when uwake
up first thign i nthme mornign n ur mid nsi fesh n energetic then u shud be doign ur work nadimp
thigsn. kdotn do unim pthgisn liek fun leasure etc....
in them ornidn or durign the day, keep them for later on i nteh day. otehr wise u will ony lendu p
wastign r time gettign dirvertedndn istractedn dneviated, n gettign tired sleepy nn exhaustedn n u wont
be able to od im pthgisn.

U need to take it seriously its nto funny be seriosuabotu ti take it serisouly its important etc.. no
nonsense n nstupidity. N crap talk.

sucess is 99% prespiration hardwork n 1% inspiration rember that. U have to ewor k hard very hard day
n ngith to succeed also, u need ot be highly focused not get distracted nto od oterh tigns n unimp thigns.
U have to work hard if u want to succeed I nlfei work day n night there is no other route or short cuts to
success other htan hardwork, ifu want otosuceed u have ot work hard , do al ot of work wor k day n
night, there are no two waysabotu it. U have t take effort do a lot of work, work hard otards it day n
ngiht, caseu u dotn have tiem u have to ahcive I t within a certain ntiem period. N soo day n ngtiht. Get
more doen I n short tiem.

which made them even more determined to break through

I don’t have much else to do. just wo things sleep nstudy nothing else focsu only on two thgisn sleepign
n studying. dotn do anythig noterh thna thht. no disttraction full focus.

it was certainly a long journey that led me here, but it was

to be a journey where I learnt a very valuable lessons

It wasn’t long before

I started to break things down, analysing and evaluating every part then got totally into it in

have a personal reason for writing this book

do not dismiss English when picking your

subjects at school. Which languge do u speak I n I nur mind when uthink. Conciousyl nn knwoignly u
shud think I nenglish.

I began to study and realised I had finally found a subject I was very
interested in.

Another was also simple and I thought of it while sitting locked up in my room
I would take my time and read it and then work out what to do. Does this sound calculating?thinking
how to do it wht to do ho t o go about it soething thtmakes u think use ur brain wondern analyze.
take effort work to ahcve yoru goals
take paisnad efforts sit thru it .

my enforced freedom
made me concentrate on getting my working life back
together, and I am passionate about what I do now

So now you’ve absorbed all this information

to see if you’ve got yourself sorted?

if u want to suceed in life u just puttignin effort is not enoughu need ot work very very hard lot of hard
owrkwork contiosulywork fast work day nn ight u need otbe obssed abotu it u need ot put in extra
puttign 100%effort is nto enough u need ot put in 200% effort. much moreeffort than what othres put
in. hard work hrd work is imp you have to take efforts to succeed u have to work not only I nteh day but
also I nteh ngiht eget max work done in lesser tiem if u want oo tsuceed nnsee results, ut in exprtra
efforts work hard owkr day n ngiht. If uwnato tosuceed I nlfie. Achvien things urgoals I nshort tiem.
Other wise it will take u years if oy uwork slowly working only a few horus very few horus everyday then
uwotn maek it, if u taek ur own tiem wrk at ur own pace then uwill lose out o nopportunties. N nto

Bull shit we need to wrap this htign up finish this thigns off till tomorrow morngi nwork dayn ngith n
nget it done, taek extra pains n nefforts t oget it done.

i am nto smart or annyhtign liek thaht waht ever knowledge iahve n thgisn i ahve learnt god
andtheuniverse gave me tht knwoeldge thth knwoeldge whad already existed i tneh univese, godand
the unvierse gave me tht knwoeldge and know-how as i ma cnnected to god. meditiating on god on hsi
form (the creator fo this world theuniverse thsi is his pklay, his dance) connected to god, and in
conversation with god, praiyng, askign begging, at hsi eet,worshippign serving, thakful greatful,
gratitutde, soo thnk u god. u get it form thegod nadn the unveierse, the knwoeldge the rosurces god
sends ti to ou i nsome form way or the other, putitng everyhtgin togther liek all pices of a puzzle, also
god sends the thgotus hi n ur mid ndirecitng u as to what u hsud do n nshud nto do.

adn wahtever i haveachived in lfi e soo far its by gods grace cause godhelped me and sent the right ppl
tohelp me at the right time adn worked miracles inmy lfie at hte right time. to elp me sail throguh. adn
saved my lfie, maek it easier for me. whithout gods help fgrace kindess n nmercy i wud be no where in

U need ot read all thes thgisn soo thth u remmeebr wht u shud n hsud nt be doig ni norder to succeed I
ncase u forget nits no logenr there I nur mid ncause if its nto there I nyour mid n uwont do it or follow it
as it wont occur ot oyu.

wihtout goals life wud be borign u need a new cahllenge adnetrue fun activty pressue u knw oto push
urelsf furthehr learn thigsn withotu goals life wd be really dull brign passion aimlessp urpseoless
ahvigngoasl is fu ntakign painsn neffrot s to achieur goals it keeps ur mid and bd y active or u get pretty
bored easily ahvign a fun cahllenge nand oso n exitement n nadventure! delagi nwit thht stress pressrue
wht iti taes t os succeed and oso n, reinforcing inyoru midn nad u knwo , the effort nand rewrd.

be highky focsed eertyhing else can ewait now i he more impthngs to do

very thoguhtful calcaulted planning nsystemtic nn detailed.

pointlesss crap nosennse uncesssary uselesswaste of tiem n effort aimelssp urposeless nosennse n

u need to constlt be checkign the time okay soo its 7:30 now i will sit till 8:00 and hten take 5 mins break
dotn take frequnet brekas, cause breaks are distractins nad its hard to make urslef get back, soo sit
forlonger time work for an hour then take 5 misn break like that and cocnnstly see the time time all ur
ativites,, connstly watch hte time u know, ur time is imp dont waste a single min odign unimp thigsn
make sure you spend maximum time all the time thth u have in a day workign toward achivng ur goalsn
n doignwork ot ahcive urgoals.

thsi is a race agaisnt tiem soo you need otbe fast andcontinous n quick.

its lieku are doign some thign it puts u in teh groove up to soem thin ona mission
they arehahard wring n dont shy awawy frm taking effrt they tke a lot of effrt to mak things look hhood

he will ahve his way one way or the otehr

be ambiitosu n take paisn nefforts to ahcive urgoals n nleave no stoen untrned ot ahicve ur goals.

u are nto gettign any resutls otu here sit back reflect os some resrach as to what oyu areodign and what
mistakes uare makign n what uneedo t be doign hwo ot get itright
if u dotn kn wowaht to od hten hwo will du do it
n if u do it wrong then yo uwill get wrogn results

just keep dong ur things.. dingwht u aredoing

keep wrkin on it

nothign is easy i nthsi wrold everythgi nis diifcult whtl u want, everythg n is difficut, here u have to take
lotsof efforts move moutnains n sturggle a lot for everythign.
some pp lget lucky n dotn ahve to try too hard where as otehs snpite of tryign theri best and too ahrd
dotn sucedd its all werid. n drive u mad crazyn nfrustred n msierable nsad caseu thigsn not turnign ot
uthe way uwnt em to. Uhave to take tremendiosu struggeln neffor to tahcvie thgisn nwork hard
tremendiosuly nothgin coems easy here if uwnato t ahcivesoemthgin have to work very hardn n striven
nmvoemoutnains. U have relasied it, now, once u step on stoen n fall then u kwn hht u have to avid the
stone released ur msitaeks, n leanr for mthem , its nto easy u have to work very ahrd take paisn
nefoforts trive n nsturggle ot ahcive wht uwnta I nlfie.

no one can help u ppl are busywith their own lives u have to help urslef1

be hgighly ambitiosu and drien think bigdream big!

thth way you learn waht it takes to suceed its not jsut abotu money its abotu knwogin the formuale the
sercret to suceed i nlfei what uneed to do to suceed.
amek proegress

if u dotn wokr for oyurslef n urdreamsn n towrds urdreams then sum1 else will hire you t build theris

inspiration and

roe models ppl who have been sucessful who knwo what ot od and giveu advice as to what ot od
ppl who hae learn fortn exrpeicne doign thth n share their idea with u knwoeldge n nexpericne

singledom is a necessary
part of most adults’ lives at some point, I do hope we’ve moved
on, u can focus on imp thngs u have all time fior ureslf to focs on career goals no distractions diversions.

Its nto thth difficult u hjsut need ot learn be willgi nt work hardn n take effort kready to take effort knw I
nur mdi nthth u have to work hrd ntake effort f uwant ot osuceed n nahcive urgaols, nto be la y
nlaidabck n rleacxign, u knw o success is 99% perspiration.

if uwant ot oachie ur goals learn for mteh marinnes the special forces be a man fo action

be o nyoru toes paln take action

they do thgisn not caseu they wnjoy odign but to achvie a missio nn a purpsoe a goal. They dotn go out
ther forfu nas they njoy it , they do ti to achvie a specific goa l apupose a mssiio nthey take effrt to
achviea goal. Not cause they enjoy ogign to war n nfightign n beign injusredn ndyign rmemebr hardwork
never killed anybody soo work aherd, its nto as bad as what they do in the mariens rsikign their life fear
pai nn what not.

earn for mstoprts determiantio n keep pushign to ahcive ur goals n nso o n

nn action cofndience to take action
no fear thth stosp caction
fear tgood fera thth makes u take acitosn drives u to take action fear fu lthgotsu hfear of

beign poor makes u work ahrd ot be rich fear of losign opportintiy makes u work hard dyn nigth

to make the msot of the opportnity thht uahve,

ahve asensen f urngc y fear fo losign thth spooks u up n drives proepls u umtoviates u t odo it, intsne

u cant affortd ot relax be cool n comaplncet n nofmrotable an at esase be spoekd up alert o nyoru toes o
nactio n on the move u knw be instnse.

Uare too rlexed, laid back n comfy n ntakig nt itoo easy n no t seriously u neeed to move fast
haveasesen of urgenycy ocne u lsoe a chance n nopportnity u won t get ti back clock istikign time is
runnignsoo work ur heredset take all effort, u know, best effrt u can owkrign day n ngith doing everythgi
n ucan to ahcive ur goals!

Wahts ogin o nwaht is h e upto? He is on am ission ot find the kidn of girl thth he wants ,this kid is intens
n determined, tis hard ot destroy n nbreak pp lwho re steely n ntough minded who dotn let rejection
etc… hwo are immune ot rejctio ndefence mechaninsnm n n who odnt let rejection failure
etc..etc.. naffect em or matter to them, he has turned smarter its his defence menachinsm lagh ito ofo
laugh off the follies not take em badly n n strt over gain n ndotn let rejction, fialre etc.. affect u taek u
doenw affect rusefl-estemm n nstop u from trying rejctio nwotn affect ursefl esteem, caseu there might
be many resons she aid no to you amy be she ahs a bf tits got nothing nt odo with the way o ulook or
nayhign like tth.t.

U need to do ti htoguthfull y as to what uare doing hwo ot od it , put thoguth itno it, n put effort, do it
thgotuhfull well thoguths off as to whatot odo hwo to od it n go about it

Our Family feel, that the time has now come to share some decisions we have taken around our
new reality That means we have had to come to decisions about many issues, some of which are
more sensitive than others.

All of these decisions have been difficult but, they do need to be taken, ultimately keeping all
things and all people in mind. One we have thought long and hard about, are the

we do appreciate your recent efforts to

this is what we feel we now need to do.

Deciison what dieciosn you take?

Action? What u need ot od now?
Efforts ? what efforts utake? How much aeffort u put in to it. I nachivng ur gao
Thoguths? Do ti thoguthfully
This will take time to do properly u need to do it properly n ntogtuhfully nthth taeks time soo be patient
have paticne n ndotn give up perseveire so we ask for your patience whilst trying to improve
Its was done thgotuhfuly n ncarefully n when u do things thgotuhfuly n carefully as to aht uare doing
nwrotign n so on taking care to do ti right then it taeks time. Be thoguthful as to what uare doingn n do
it carefully, the letter was wrttin with thoguth putting lot of thgotuh into it and care as to what ot write
ntakign care n nconsidertaion for thefeeligsn on bth thesides. Not ot offend n nso o.

Yog liked his privacy, his homes were true havens for and, ultimately, long term, we know he would not
want to disturb or change the quiet neighbourhoods he so loved, (quiet focus no disturbance n

Sometimes it’s those little thoughtful things

charged with making decisions

to think ‘what u need to do’

will continue to take decisions

do as u think u would have done.

We are hoping, into the future, to….. hope hoping things expecting thgisn for the future …

some more thoughts on ways and ideas to

stronger resolve and fight

u need ot be expremlry rorgaanized classif y gorup everythig eb fetremnidn tencatiy adn sit through take
paisn nad efforts to classify verythign nd maitnain eeverythign valuse nad peropelty stre arragne
organize n keep everythign and classify griuop everythign catgorixze i ntheri respective folders take extr
paisn nad efforts t o do thht tht way thigsn become more clear

oragnaized and accisible easy to fidn and also lessconfusing. and chaotic.

u ned to lrn to take pains nad efforts u need ot cbe cosntnyl at it work hard wokr constinously work
nonstop if oyu dotn work hard you wont ahcive any progress uwont get anythign done u wotn get htigsn
done, you wont achive your gaols, you wont be able to get the work doen thth needs ot bedoen for
ahcivng ur goals, workign hard menas takign paisn nad efforts and workign ocnstiously nosntop , and
fast, oyu need ot be ocnsntly at it contnstly be workign towards ahcivng ru aols nosnsntop if oyu odnt
work ahrd n take psians nad efforts u wotn suceed i inflei u wont make progress and reach anyhwere
layness and idlensess leads to naothign

u need to chagne your attitude belivei i nworkign hard taking paisn nad efforts and u know
earnign yor own liviign ur own comfrts belivei nworkign ahrd nad beign independent sefl-suficnet nad
soo on u shud nt belviei in beign lazy idle and u know lethargic u need ot be lvie i nworkign hard and
earning ur own lving nnot beilve in a hippy life style where i nu sleep lazy be ocmfortale not take nay
pains nad efforts sedentary lethergic lifestlye addicted to lazyness

and u know live on preexistign welath belvei i nyworkifng hard takign paisn nad efforts nad

earnign yoru livign comfort lazness will elad ot povety and misery nd no moeny to buy hte thgisn u want
nnneeed endign up starvign nad stuff more moisery hadships due to lack of moeny u cant buy hte thgisn
uwnat n nneed thths not real comfort or freedom or u know eassy adn fu nlfie working hard takign paisn
nad efforts nad earnign money lead s to a comfortalbe realxed life.

not having a PR is very bad u will be frustrated n inseucre cause then u hae no surity u hve less time to
build ur life if u have a PR then u havemroe time if u dont have a PR thn u will be insecure cause u knw
once u go back to india ur lifes over! u r screwed up big time

u need to be serious n sincere nt talk nonsennse n unimp or uncessary thigsn nad crap
be serious be on a missio ndo wahts imp tal kwhats imp not uncessary crap
do only imp thgsin n nspeak nly imp thigns not talk nonsense uncnessary talkign n bullshit n
nexpressions. waste of tiem effortn n ennrgy n ndistraction for mwahts imporantnt. Be on a mission be a
man of action be scred of ntohign n no one like u are in the military or army u know have no fear be
fearless brave n nbold, n do what wantotood without any fear, nofear I nmeind, hthth stops u for mdoig
nthgisn. N be no nnosnnse be a man fo action. On the mission. Its like no nonsnsne gt I nand gt the job
done be ferless bold nand so on, n be ot the point n soo n meaning busienssn no nonsense n stupid
unimp thgisn ntalk. Be fearless n nrbave not be scered of anything or nay one, no fear thth stops u fro
mdoign thigns, not scred of any oen or anything, well uwotn die if u go n aks her like I nthe military, n
be o na mission to ask the kidn fo girl tht u want, working to get the kidn fo girl thth uwant. Get the job
done, be on a purspeo a goal a mission. E sriosu no ononsne meaning bizness no nosnennn
purpseolesnsn n uncessary thgisn o na mission to ahvie a gol a pusroseo n nso on.

menaign bizness o na mission or purpose, t oachve a goal, no nosnse thth is unecessrythgisn, aimless
thgisn, purpseoless thgisn stupid htigns, doign thgisn wihtotu any purpseo unnecssary

wen it comes to wrk u need to on a mission, tht is yu need to be serious not smiling, jesting n a tht
nonsense uncessary things unimp thngs n drrama, u need to tke ur wrk seriously n u need to on a
mission intense go there get the wrkdone n only the wrk deivaring the wrk on time n to precision counts
at wrk rbuilding realyions all tht smiling being nice sweet rama doesnt count wht counts is only the like yu bare on a mission u are no supposed to smile u are to be serious on a mission not nonse
get the job done go for it etc...u cant be goofy n al tht nonsense

u need to swear n so on. be serious aklso be mean relations freidships dont count only the wrk coubnts.
alll tht goofiness is just a pretence to not appers too serious n threateningn agressive thts not who i
really am.
skills set waht ua r e capcapbel of deleop those skills set s nendsed for hte job
ocnfidnet notcocky knw owaht i am capcpable of what my skill sets are

Focus n ndistraction u need to ocncetrate focusonly on a few imp thigsn i nlife not get distracted ehre n
fcous on a few goals only 1)... 2) ... 3)...

reduce the ampunt of work save only waht s important to save ur time! n n effort

Patiecne si imp causeif u do thigsnin a hast i na haphazerd way, tehn u end up makign mistatkes
n then its a waste caue u dotn get the desired reuslt but if u do thigsn i n awell reserached manner, you
know reserachign goign thorgh it thorguhly as ot what ot odo what not todon hwo to go about it i
menareaserch takes time, if oyu od it right the n uget heht right results. if u gotta do it do it right n
ndoign ti right
tkes tie n soo u need ot have patince do ti patiently by rieserchign ti goign it throguhyl sowly but
steadyly n ndoig nti perfectly nn doign ti right think it rthrough throughly reserached mto think ti
through to od reserch etc...
and soo haste is waste.

Where are u goin with this? Why are oyu doig nall this what are you tryin g t oachvie here?

when u are on teh job u are mroe serious u dotn smile uare on na mission to od thigsn no nonse talk u
swerar god dammit! u are on teh move on the go action action action! no nonsese talk or unncessary
expressions nad gestures, to go there get thigsn done on a msission get hitngs doens as per the plan the
htinkign n the schemingng, no unncessary nonsenstalk nad gestures ! i dont liek ppl who do a lot of
deramma n pull off lot of expressions nn nnse tlak causei ts all uncessary waste of eenrgy, u are on a
mossion ot go there get thigsn done , on time on shcedule, as epr the deadliens, u are on the goo nteh
move action action action, serious, no nonse, go out n nget thgisn done, ohh i htough u were workign
what are u doign sittign u shud be u nad workign earnign moeny! gaigning knowledgen nexpreince, not
wait hte job will not ocem lookign for ouy i may sound harsh n nmean tbt hhtts the trught u have to go
otue there take effort go lokign for a job send resumes rn around heren nthtere take hte pains n
nefforts, u are o nna miission og there go out htere serious rughsh quik quick stealth fast, og there go
otu thehr n get hte job done as per the plan the

schmining, imliment execute! actin action action, and fast n nad qucik, and sweraign damiit! yu dont sit
ther esmile beign nice talkign chatitign balberrign nsnens and uncessary gesture on the move actio ngo
gog og! tis lire thth on a mission adreanline nand rush intentsity!

If pp lodnt push u aroeudn then uwil eb lai back n relxed n comfdortable, when uahv rpoblesm n nissus
then u want obe indepndet soo thht u dotn have to delawit those problesm,wen ppl push u around n
stir thgisn up n u know, casue a then uget going.
do ur stuff hwat u are doing be determined n nevergive up. Irirespective of the result the filures
diassapoitnments nad rejections dotn let fairue etc.. et.c. rejciton affect you. n also humour why
humour? to down paly or not let failures frustrations affect u!
humru is a defence mecahnism ot lauhg it off
soo htht uare immune ot it n not take failrues nad frustrtions badly
tht is nto mind it or get affected by it or taek it too badly or seriously the mistakes u make
thth i nto get frustrated diaaspointedn nad give up but laugh over it andcontinue to
do ur stuff hwat u are doing be determined n nevergive up. n it shudn affect u

thht ambition htht seriousness nn thht drive1

its a hopelss sitution but hang i nthere ur lfiei si not as bad as the one who are on drgs nad o nteh streets
n nthey are still surviivng n alive nn lving
sooo u shud hang i nthere
n keep tryign keep on workign nto give up
n keep tryign n workign towrds ur gaols
n soem thign or hte otehr will work out
n never give up
if they can live out there o nthe streets I nteh harsh enviromnment n soo can you

Take Your Time (Do It Right)

if u gonna do ti do it right
its nto just do it there is a wy to do it
knwo hte right way to do it
if u do it right way then u get right resutls
if u do it i na wrognway u get th wrng reustls
do it in well thoguth way as to hwo to od it how o og abot it
well resrched and studied n nthoguth of way
if u will do what then waht resutl u will get

LOOKS goodn nwhat doesnot , rpefrence, waht soundsgood n waht doesnot
detailed. its ver y dificultfor nteligent pp lto be happy i nluv cause they are choosy they have a sensne
as to what looks good and what doesnto n there are a ery few goodlooking ppl i nthis ppl.

U get advice frm successful ppl by reading ther nterviess nwht not give u adive as to what to do n nwht
not to do to succeed to make them smarter

come o nthis is hte best nad the las t effort!

wrk day n ngiht wrk hrd cocosntly!
its now or neve
make the most of hte opportunity u have the 3 years
dotn sleep dotn lay dwon be ocncnslty at it
keep wokring on it
work ur hardest
try ur heardest
do everyhtign u can
dont wast ur time sleeping
keep plannign how to do it
how to achive ur goals
keep wokrign on it plannign
strategiizng working o nti t akign action implementing

musci is better than watching movies ause its short comapred to movies jsut 4 mins u dont waste much
cause u can do otehr htigns
thth is u get lost i inyru thgotush uit helps u to stay awake
u can think and not pay attentio nmuch
u can get lost i nyour thoguths
its good for thigns which are very monotonous where u dont have to thik musch

have go ther pruiorites right at a very yung age they knw wht they wnt
they give u advices tht make u smarter as to waht to do nwhat not to do to sceed. Wht makes them tick
n maeks them efficient nad u know control theselves n work n so on. to leanr n nbe smarter n

hurry up do it fast hawt u want otod

rmeebr no risk no reward. Move fast make ur move.

He will go all out to ahvice wht he wants he is stubborn he will take all effort to get what he wants.

Opportunity cost: recognize the opportunirty hth uhave, n maek the most of it u wotn get this
opportunity again soo work hard dayn n ight n make htem sot of it. u need ot use this opportunity that u
have dot nwaste it. This is the only chance u have soo take all risks n namek the most of the
opportuntiythht uhave. Higher the risk greater the rewrd no risk if oyu dotn take risks n put eeryhitng on
the lien then u wotn ggetanything.

u need to usethe resorucces tht uhave the skills

the knowledge the degrees to earn moeny u know

u need ot work hard

be money minded cause moeny is importnat u need moeny for everythign i nlfie!
well moeny doenst matter once u are dead u know
but as long as u are alive money is importnt
uneed moeny for everything!
if u are not moen moneded u will end up becoming poor!
n broke al lthe tiem sufffering hard ships
u need ot work hard no matter waht put urself in there no matter
waht ur insecuriites strt soemehwere get a job strt earning u know
fg oout there no matter how scared ufeel even if oyu dotn have expreicne u will leanr slowly
even if u are a slow learner even if oyu get fired
u learn as u go u dont need expreicne u learn as u go!

if uare not moeny minded u are bsically screwed

aslo secondly u need to be selfsufficent n independent
not depend on otehrs for moeny
not put ur parents i n bad sitaution for moeny!

u need ot use this opportunity to earn moeny

gian expreicne learn thigsn when uahve moeny atlest ucna take dicisons
do thigns if u hdotn have meony then u wont even be able to do thigsn hth uwant to do!
cause the alck of moeny will hamper orprevet u from doign whatu wnat ot odo

think of hwo u will earn your money, belivei n gettign up i nteh oeriongign goign to work workign hard
thth time fr oselfimprovemnt eetc.. is over now its time ot perform!
put in to practise use what u ahve learnt!
u cant sped ur whole life istting at home n tryign to imprve rlsef
gain ideas its time to get to actio nget to busienss action!
the hardest part takign effort nad puttign into proactise everyhtign thh u hav lanert n n u

u need to act as if its urgent urgency and high prority

leav everythign aside and do thht first!
wht is imp n urgent

u need ot take hte intiave u cant expec ur paretns to supprot u takign moeny frm ur old parents
i mean tht too with thth currency differnce where will ur parents get th moeny form
u r parents helped u enugh for two years not only ur colelge expenses but alo ur rent n nfood
n u didint even have to ewrk a single day
now its time for u to support ursefl... n take intiitiveeverythign htht neeeds ot be odne u have to do it
now u have ot take ur own responsibility1 use whatu ahvelearnt
teh skills u have dveveloped the resorce s u have edcuaiton knwoeldgeetc...
the escoaicl skills, self-regution etc.. goals ahcivng skilsls u have
thsii s reidiiculus to ask u r parents for mny i mena for how long will ur parents support u

u neeed ot work very very very hard work ur ass off,if you want ot be sucessful in lfie cause there is
ssooo much of orwrk thht needs to eb doen its nto easy to ahcive ur gaols u need ot od a lot of work u
know u need otbe consnstly workign towrds aching ur gols finsihing tasksa activiites thth need ot be
comelted, etc.. inroder ot ahicve urgaols, soo ucant waste ur tiem oversleeping, doign unimp thgisn or
in indulgence, neign idel whilign awway ur time doign nothign,

u need ot work consnstly work fast work for long hours be ocnsntly at it and after it,
work ocntinously nad keep wokrign hard nad workign fast, be consnstly at it!
no nosnenens nad dramam nad uncessary thigns onyl whats important not beign goofy seperate the
sensne form hte nonse to the poitn etc..
u have to work ur ass off wor kconnstly and be conntl after it work very very hard
prodicitvity effocincy and ut put
not get iddstracted n nlsoe focus
pace:- do it fast spped matters
be seriosu be consntly after it
no nosnnnse no goofyness n unimp thigns
to the point only whats imp
no nsoens unimp htigsnn drama
cosntntly :-
work for long hours:- a eprosn who works liek 18 hours a day
vs some oen who works only 8 hours a day will end up ahcivng his gosl i nlike 7 months
and hte erpson wil lend up ahcivng it in like a 14 months. soo it maeks a huge diffrnece
urgence sennse of urgence immidatiely get to work n get t o it do it immidiately then n tehre
no procrastination

do iffernt thigsn at diffrent ties a variety of expreince itnelectual stimutlation, music et..etc.. helps to
stimulate the intellect, put u in the zone fosued n high lelvle of inovelment totolaly lost I nwhat uare
doing n thesoudns help to stilutle ur brain n nitnellgientce,helps to wak u up when uare sleep y gets
ugoign n nso on

u need t aim for diffrent thigns nadftry difrent thigsn at diffrent times
till u find hte one thth suits ur u r talent etc..
and then otehrs will just reamin as hobbies
for eg i wanted ot be an actor i joined gym adn karrarete it maede me mentally tough and determined
but hten i was nt otalent ted eough to be an actor
i wnated to be a signer as well but hth didtn work out but i lrnt many htgns
as to ho w t osing etc.. and had many icons who taught me many thigsn beign social inspirations
adnvices etc...
keep ur midn iopen soo isngign jsut became my hobby
igot bored of exrecisign nad monkeyign around n nphysical effors
and then deicded humsn are intellectual beigns use ur brain
soo enginerring
then i got interested i nbusienss os did biz
u need ot keep aimign big nad keep chicng till u find hte oen thht u like nad hht suits ur talent
do iffernt thigsn at diffrent ties a variety of expreince itnelectual stimutlation

he is stubborn adamant determined.

u knwo how he is stubborn adamant determined. cause he wont be happy if he doenst get what he
wants soo he is stubborn n hatti he is detremiend to get waht he wants,

kee po nfdoign this we will do this we will get thsi done

keep missing on many oprotnitiesm, if oy don’t move fast if oyu dotn act n ndotn take action nthen
uwill keep missing o nopportinties.

its all or nothing either get what u want or loose everythign i nteh proccess!
but dont settel for anyhtign i nbetween n nlesser tha nwhat u want cause whats the point
u won be happy anyway! ifu settelr fo r less than soemthign tht u want u will eb more misrable
u will regret it and u will eb sad n unhappy it will brign mroe misery with it
in terms of responsibilties and no hapinness at all. n u will get tied up thht is u wont be able to work
towrds what u watn tehn, u willl be trapped then

u are wasting adn whiling ur time awway doign all thesethingsrememebr tht
u have got thisopportunity u have been given this opportnuinty dont lose it

opportnuity cost
1) be focused dont do unimp thigsndo only thigsn thth re of utmost importnace thth is urgency
work only oterds thigsn thth re highly imp. u need ot be working only tords imp gosl dont waste time
doign unimp thigsnfocus only on feew utmost imp thigns, leave everyhtign else aside, and specially dot
n waste time odign thigsnthth are unimp. only three thigsn

2) dont waste ur time while ur time away doing unimp things, do what is imp, alsodont waste uyr time
sleeping u need ot be consntly working towrd ur goalssleep only 6 hrs or so nto more than ththt, ur time
isextrememyl imp dont waste this iopportnuity n ntime

Do only a few thgisn foucs only o na few thgisn u have limited tiem u get only 24 hours a day, thht is only
15b hours a day t owork, if oy ugo to do many htigsn u will get ntohign done soo only focus on a few
most imp thgsin n do nothgi nelse, or uwill get tred exhausted, n drained physically n n mentally then u
cant focus ur mind, u cant think clearly, n u get distracted n nuare too tired n nexhausted to do
anything, n udotn have time, t ogive to thht htign, nor the energy, physically mentally exhausted cant
think strigth sleepyn n dirstractedn ndiverted its hard to get back to whatsi mp. Ur studes n ns on.

time to go into a trance ilisten to ,music nad be totally lost into it

u need ot be tally focused on ti take ont thing do thth only be totally fcoused o nti and
comeptel it be doen with ti finish it n then move on to the next thing

u have nothign ot od with them!

dow hats good for oyu, see ur own good
keep workig towrsdsmakign r life better
teh rest everythign n everyone else can fuck off
see ur won lfie not pay attention nt otoerh thgisn n other ppls affirs n biz if uwanto succeed I nlfei u
need otb selfish think fo oyurslffirst. Everythgi nelse gaya tel lagan eke liye, if oyu dotn think of yourself
then who will no one else is going to think foyu, or care for u u have to care for ursefl. Mind u row bi z
see ur own progress nthing work towards getting wht u want.

u dont move ahed i nlfie by dragging others down nad whsih bad for others
u onl move haed i nlfie by mindign ur own biz workign to lift urslef up n ad whish well for tohers
just odnt give a fuck abotu all thht
just live ur own life
mind ur own wrk n biz
n do ur own thigsnn n ur own stuff
keep workign o nit
not pay atten to otrh things everything else is a distraction
aa wast e of time eennrgy n wont get u anything or help u achvie ur gaols or what uwant I nlfie the imp
thgisn in lfie everything else is nto wrth it! Do whats im p focus all ru tiem effort nenenrgires on imp
thgins I nlfie

learn to recongnien ndistignuish between whats imp n nwahts nto imp I nlfie.

to all the less itnelligent kejelaosu ppl i nthis wrld who wish bad for others
bitch anotu others behind hteir back in order to put htem down in toehrs eyes
and derive happienss from others misery
who take eforrts to destroy otehrs either by owrds or actions
humiltie demorialize orethers by theri words
or humilte nad emabrras otehrs by theri actions
or try to destroy others metnatll emotisnally pshcyologically
we are all i tnhsi toghter
u dont move ahed i nlfie by workign tords brignign others down
u onyl move ahed i nlfei by workign otwrds lifitng urlsef up

keep at it keep o ndoing it

avoid ocnflict itwonthelp userve apurpsoe or urcause

morethanahindrancenn obstavceli nyourway to suess cosnumigtiemeffortn n nenergy, are utryigntoput
obstavlcesi nmypath,
dotnwaste tiemeffort enengy i ncolfictswith ppl its ntoworthirt its totallyunimp not worth
wastignurtiemsepndignurtiemnn energyovergive urtiemtoimp thigsn. ththwillehlpu sucessdbuild rlife
nahcivetheimp thgisni nlfie.
Bill gates psychologist:- dotn fight with him causeu will loose, also dotn waste tiem fighting dowhat imp
u ownt get anything doing thth focus on wahtsi m pspend ur iem effort enrngy o nwahts imo p wht will
ehlp u achive imp thgisn I nlfei thth s not imp n nwotn help uachvie anything soo don’t wast ur time n
neffort n energy int oththtu wotn get anyhtignby doignallththt, focus o nwahts imp, wasting ur time
beign goofy nn doing unimp thgisn.

obstacles cannot crush me or deeat me theywill only make my ereslve stronger

If u wnt to suceed in life u need to befocused not wateur timedoingunimp thigndoonly whtsi mp
focsuonly on afew imp thigns n work towrads thoe thigsnoly achvngthose thigsn only
u need towork fastwrk hard workconitonusly nontop
n u nee to be quick n fast
firt of all u need to behihgly focused u need to get ridofll distrctions things thht willl waste ur
timeconsume ur time effort n nenergy nadnot give u anything in return. no progresss no gian wont help
u to make ur life or help u toaxhive imp thigsn in life.
u needo t focus only on a very few imp thigsn in life, focsu on whats imp only
like job, PR and GF thts it make acarreer for yourself hoose which file u wnta to go in n so on.

then you nee ot be extrememyl hardworking, work contionuly ,work fast, work hard, work day n night
dontwastetime sleeping,lazing, around idling n ndoing nothing or doign unimp thigns
need ot takefast aciton responce,
make to od olists be mroe organized,
to keep urself o ntrakc put yourself back oo tnrack, u know otwards yourgoal
thth is plan everythignwhat activites to od etc.. etc... think n ndecide what ot od on nso on.

organzier to keep u on trakcto wardsahcivng ur goaln ndoign htigns towards ahcing ur goals n workign
towards achivng ur goals, so htht u knwi nyur midn what goals u need ot ahcive u knwowhat wrok u
needoto do to ahcive urgoals u havep lanned n ndecided and u implment thth is work towards it

u need to focus on a few imp things, u know andwork towrdsthth ony canel out all otehr unimp
tigsnleave all otehr unimp thgisn aside n nd only hwats imp.
thignsaciivtes thth are uncessary thht will wast your time, and wont help u to acive ur goalsn achvie the
imp thigsn i nlfie hte distractions the diverstions thigsn thth will waste your time n nconsume your
physical nad mental effort nnad energy and drain you make u tired exhaused, and wotn help u ahive
anhtingi mportnatn u have limtied itme u need to focus all ur enenergies towards ahcivnign hte imp
thgisn i nlife spenad all your itme doign imp thigsn n work thth wil help u ahcive hte imp thgisn in life.
work towards ahcivng hte imp thgisn i nlfie.

This is more critiacl n crucial, n leave all otehr thigsn aside. do whats imp focus o nwahts imp, ont waste
ur time effort enegy physial nad mental in doign thigs n unimp thigsn thth wont help u ahcvei the imp
thgisn in life.

if uwnato osuceed u needo tb eh ighyl dfocused, u nee od t be organized, u enee dd to be fast, work
fast, movefast, wokr fast, work continuosly for longer hours, thht is be ocnsnstly be at it n nkeep at it at
ahciveng urgoals, n workign towrads achivng ur gaols, n u need ot work whard work your ass off cuse
thehre is lot of ork to bedone f you watn to acive urgaol.

there is a process to be followed u need o t follwo the process if you look for a job right then you will
get a job if oyu look for agirl pull the right stings then uwill get a girl,
u neee t oapply ou need to try take hteeffort only the nyou can be rewarde for oyur efforts if you
dontfollow the processgo thru the process n ndont try i nthe first place then how iwll you get the
reward? u need t keep tryign its nto just do it there is a way to od it a process to be folwoed, go through
thth process, know hwo to od it hwo to go about it what u needo to do tp reac theere.

u need to eb quicku need ot finishoffur wokrquickly notspendtoo mch timeovr it or get stuck o nwone
thignfor a logntime then you cant move on to other imp thgsn ifu do itslowly u are stuk on t for a long
time if oyu dilly daly waste timedoign unimp thgisn idlenss doign ntohingdoign itat ur own ocnvinice nad
place slowly, akign endless amount of tiem to od it, you needo t put a time limit finish this i nthis much
titime thth way yo uknow u uhave ot get htis done i nthis much time right n soo u work at afaster pace
need to movewquick spend effortn n energy action! befast bequick, get to action quick actionresponce,
n do itfast do ti quikly dotn wait too much tiem n nspend oto mchtime, u neeo tbe on the go , go getter,
on teh move, be fast n nbequick increase ur pace, sepnd efffort nad enerygy ntomove sluggishly n
nslowly, befast, do ti fast. nad quick.
finish it off quickly soo lets take this n put htis down, get it done quickly,
soo thth u can move on to the next thing imp n dotn get stuck oup on one thign
for long, rmmemrb thth dont forget keep thth in mind nathink n act accordngly reguatle yourslef
accordngly imnput it feed it in your mind n reguatel yoruself acoridgnly.

giigng adives as to what u knwo n what uhave learnt n makign u smarter soo thht u can ue it for urr

music etc..etc.. makes u faster wakesu up putsu i nthe mood in the gorrve
maeks ur brain go faster and makes u work faster

hhe isn ot like htht inside he is seriosu determiend n ndriven

he protrays himself to be soethimg else
its all a cover up thth he is not!
he is not goofy inside!
its a façade soo as not ot revel what maeks him tcik.
Cause hthts his trade secret n case unto t revel it to assholes

teh use hth towrds ur goal show thht towrds achivng ur goals why are u posting o nfcabeook nmkn a
shw off it, then use it to ahvie ur goals usse thht towrds achivng ur gaols

smarter, give advice what to od n make em smarter uwil lahcive go n nachive it n use what u are to
ahcive ur goals then
make a lsit of action nwhat u will do things u will do towrdsahivng ur gaols.

u need ot direct ur agresio nnot towards achivng ur gaols show thth determiwnation dive etc..
sriosuness towads achivng urgaols chanellzie ur enrgy ur dertmiantion agressio ndrive sreiosuness
intnetnsity towards ahcivng urgaols u need ot keep thht to urself to wrds achign ur gaol shwo htht in ur
goals seriosu instese determiend seriosuens agression determination driect channilze ur agression
energy isntneisty determiantion towards ur gaols so as ot hlwp u i nahcivng ur gaols nto dret it cahnnilze
it towards i am determiend i am seriosu ur smrtenss I nimp thgisn towrdsahivng ur goals
studies nn imp thgisn I nlfie. when it coemsto work and ahcivng urgaolsu need ot be srious on a mission
to thee bsuienss, adn ut ur innsteity serisouness agression enenrgy in ot thht not drect it towardsur
goals n imp things not towards unimp things tht wont giv u anygain n benefit, use it for ursefl for ahcivng
urgaols too serious, agressive, cold, determiend, etc

he is vey determiend nad will have his way one way or hte other!

rebellioua n livnglife on ur own terms doing wht u wnt to do, itsn to ppl who follow the herd the ruels
set by soictey n with her mentality nad who follow the nroms htth maek the difference tis the rebels
who make a mark and stri everythgi nup and innvate and propel things further, progress of humanity
tme to listn to muisc go int ota trance focus on ti and do thht only

iska accha hai he isn ot ocncerned iwth anyhtign lese he listents to music goe si nt o a trance is nto
botehrehed iwth it ndad int ot a ahze n ndoes hsi o nw thigsn minds his own biz

ifu want ot make proegress in lfei u need ot be open minded open to a vairty of expreicnes, n influences
thth can serve as inspiration to help u shape ur peeornsltiy kwn wht oto do n make progress. For eg:
iknw of aguy who dint listen ot music who dint fllwo any sigenrs and as a result eh was socially inept,
cause he didn’t have any role models tth were socially good tht from whom he cud learn how ot be
socially smart. U need ot be socially smart if uwnat o tolak to ppl n go palces n get thgisn doen.

obstavelces and diffiultes will always be there inyoru way waht u need is persistnce to over ocme nn
climb over the obstacles n challenges nad keep movign otwards the pth to our gaol n nnever give up just
t cuse u have ibstacles n ndifiiculties..

this is just a samll prject a little bit of effort its worth it soo thth u imrpve ursefl, n make pregress n kwn
what otod o

i dt know what hte fuck i ma doign n whther this is even worth it or it will all be futile
or waste of timeenrgy n effrt but even if its a waste at least i wont regret causei i knwo i tred eeverythig
ni cud, its never a waste! U have to keep trying to wrd s r goals n nkeep doig nwaht uare doing
irrespective e of the rejection dotn get dissapoitnedn, dejected disourged ngive up keep at it!

To od anything nprerly it takes lot of ivoelemnt time n neffort!

it will take enurmousefforts takign great apisn n nstrigugle sitting contonosuly n ndoing it
a t the cosnt of everythgin else but now this is more imp soo work o nthis only

msuic also also focus nand cocnetratio nu get tolaly lsot into it to hte point hth u are aloof ofo
otehrhtignsmagna into a haze! it helsu to ofrget ur worries n nur nub the pain n put u into a haze it has a
healign effect totoally lsot n highly inoeld inti I nyour own thgotush ndoig nru won thing, involved ii
ynoru work, n what uare doig nu get immersed in ti. Music has this effect o nyou focus n cocnetration.

U need ot plan everythgin what ur goals are waht u neeed ot odo to ahcive ur gaols
shedule mekae a shcedule follwo a schedule
soo htht u dotn waste tiem
timelimtis do this in this mcu hitme soo thh uwork fast
not at ur own pace.
cause u knwo i nur mid nthht uhave ot od this i nthis mcu htiem soo u dont od toehr thgisn n u work fast
n nu dotn waste itme.
u need to paln ur dao
paln what work u needo to do ot ahcive ur gaols
plan what stretgy u will ue

plan everyhtign n impliment

thth ill help to put everyhtign int opersepcive
as to what ur goals ar nn wht work u needo t odo n stragies u need ot ouse ot ahciveu r goals

n thth will alos hlep u to get mroe organized

know wht u need ot od n wh the reainongbehind it to succeed n remebr keep it in mind

He is a professional at notdoing thigns

that hedoesnt want to do.

take it slow whats teh hurry… nope u shud nto take it slow the faster th e better.

fight ohhh arjuna keep tryign n never give up

plse save me frm thesi wrld god its very difficult
kep finghgitn keep tryign never giveu p

try hard ot ahvie urgoalsn n fukign eat them alive khaliya

ko take extremem effort and pains push ahrader nan d kock it ou ifnsih ti off.

she knows wht she wants

n she wants what seh wants

let them rejoice n tke pelasure n satifaction

in thth in waht they did to me n stay there while i work towrds movign ahead n make progress n imrpve
my life n stnrd fo lviign raise ur sntntdr of lvign work ahrd ot get money etc.. to lvie comfortably. N
peacefully if oyu odnt have meony u have lots of worreisn nproeblesmm n stress nhreadcahes n also u
sufer ucant buy thgisn u want nn so on. U strave n nso on. Cant afford shelter rent out I nthe ocl n
nsufferign nso o n.

to suceed i nlife uneed ot have a strign work ethic u need ot go otuthere taek action
work hard u know be a man odf action casue finally eerythign udo is for takign aciton!

l help u to reach ur goal.

U need to tell oterhs to fuck off n nsee ur won good survival of the fittest!

If u don’t knw how ot get it what u need ot o dot get it then you cant get it

a very well thoguh off technique where in you know waht to do u knowexactly what to do n waht yo
aredoing , adn what u nee ot od ot get what resutl nad if you do what what result oyu will get, and if oyu
are doign some thging hten why are you doignitwhts thereason behind it to get what resutl
don't let it (rejection failure disappointments) discourage you ngive up keep trying. U need to
persevere, “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave

“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration (hard work).”
"There's a way to do it better - find it."
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
There is no substitute for hard work."
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves"
- ED

Why haste is waste:- when u go ot do it fast then u end up not doing it properly nad perfectly take a day
more to od it but do ti well do it properly thoughtfully , ifo yu just wnato t ofinsih ff the task quickly but
at the cost of nto doing it right n doing it well n doing ti prpeorly then you wont get results, u need ot
take the effort take the tiem work on ti to od it properly. Thoughtfully taking ur own time n putting
thought into itt ,take one thing and spend some tiem on ti some thoguth into it n doit neatly do ti right n
nod it properly soo thth u get better results nand itsdone nad itsm roe effective right nad proper if its
nto proper ly doe nthen u wotn get the right riesutls n it wnt have the right effet or outomce. The
goalshudt be too do it fast at the expense of not dign ti right n doignti properly, n not getting right
reustls doing ti like garbage its useless nworthless, doing ti fast just ot get over with ti, just to get doen
with ti n nfinsih the wrok but at tehcost ofprecision effectiveness the work is not eeffective n isgarbage,
trashy n useless the goal is to do ti right do ti properly soo ttht the wrok it is effective and worthy , and
valuable and gives results.

If uare misdirected, worng influsence or direction lack of knwoign whato tto do what is right , right then
u are lost
u hae lost track of wht u want i nlfei waht u wnat ot oachive waht u goals are etc..
adn u will end up causeign ur own detsrcuion oflack of progress. to help u head dwn the down the right

don't let it discourage you keep trying.

Stay Focused and On-Track

will help u stay focusedn n on track n not get dirvertedn ndeivated.
When I first started, I also wrote out a statement describing what I wanted to accomplish
These statements and a well-kept journal will
help keep you focused and organized. Organized endeavors always
yield greater results than haphazard approaches
jump in your skivvies and take the dive!

contains the essential information you

need to know in order to help u do ur work
Read and use this information
right information - the thigsn thth make sensen to u for mtheclutter
Keep in mind

shut hte fuck up and stop ur nonnsese n ndo whats imp be serious n do whats imp.

Do not allow yourself to become discouraged. if u dont get any responces keep trying.Therefore, be
patient with the process. and have grit and determiantion dotn gvie up and keep trying, u know.
persevarance not giveup.

you have
the opportunity to take things learned from previous efforts to make your next one even
better. Learn as u go learn form doignas to what u shud do n nshud nto do n why and what works and
what doenst work become smarter.learn from trying

Take time to think ponder n reflect :- take a serious look at your past mistakes to determine what went
wrong.N learn soot ht u know better as to wht u shud n shud not do. you need to see where the
weaknesses were so they
can be improved upon. Once you have identified the problem, you can correct it so you
do not take it into new endeavours.not make the same mistakes again. Learn from them,
wht u did right nwht u did wrng wht mistakes u made n learn frm them soot ht u dontmake it twice.

donot let failuresrejection affect u keep tryignirrespective of the resutl n nenvergiveup.

prepare for the worst see all the thigsn thth cna go worng adn take precaustiosn accoridngly

some of the infoisnosnnense take nly tht thth makes sense to oyu.

is not all fun and games

may seem to be the simplest thing in the world but it is not.

It should be viewed in all earnestness or things could go haywire. Every game has its rules and unless
you know all the rules you just can’t become a good player and eventually a winner

making the right choice

good to get a few pointers - point out where u are goin wrng wht u shud do etc...
on the process
prepared so
get the best out of it

reading an instruction manual.

aims to leave no stne untrned go all out take all effrt to acheve ur goals

use this book as a general guideline to streamline your hunting venture

you can keep coming back to it to make sure of every step before you actually put your foot forward.
you use this book to guide you, there is no need to fear at just won’t stumble.

the idea and the process

dnt write unnecessary information tht will waste ur time n are totallly out of perspective n context not
related to the topic at all wont help at all.
talkingabout the history of the internet cultures instead of getting to the point as to wht u shud be doing
n not doing conversation skills etc...
for dating

But you do not have to worry, the home work has already been painstakingly done for you and all you
have to do is run your eyes along the following lines and you will be all set to strike gold.

ge to the point n stop wasting time talking uncessary things

It is then your responsibility not to deviate from your plans

Now is the time

take charge of
your life take control of oyur life over ur impusles be i ncotnrol be focused.

has made the whole process a lot simpler now

open minded learn things cultures on to new expersinces n adventures.

Now what you do and what you want

its interesing knowldge readinng it helps u learn things as to wht u shud n shud not do to get better
results. how to do it how to go about it wht to do etc..

involved in these two quests

is on every one’s mind. whats on ur midn

waht u wantot oachive. consumed by this.

The reason the purpose f odign thigsn know the reaso nn pupose behind it it why u are doign what u are
doign waht u aim to ahive.
we will be dealing with
through this
be prrocess oriendted knwo whatot od n what not to od n how to go abou t it its nto just do it there is a
right way to od it n nthe worng way to od it, if u do it th ewrong way uwotn ge results, u need ot od it

will most likely not get the results you desire.

distracted misdirected otehr htigns on ur mid ndeviated and the purpose is defeated

it not workign otu for me, no matter how hard i try, maybe doign the worng thigns , lhave
patince nn keep trying.. thigsntake time solowly but never give up keep trying. wen u keep
trying then u have hope nsomhing or the other can happen but if ugiv up nstop trying then
nothing will happen wht was supposed to happeen will also not happen if u dnt try.

make the most of the opportnity tht u haveby taking risks making ur movve n putting in ur best try n
effrt once u lose the opportunity u will never get it back then its gone soo dont miss the chncesn
opportnities u get tke risk thke the effrts make the moves

So instead of going into a what you could do is, you could try the whole thing out from a
different angle. You could try working backwards.

They might have their reasons of course,

but I, for one, feel that such a decision based largely on

they biggest mistake u cant make is teelign other person what they should want. cause thths
the height of stupidity cause thht perso nknwo what he r seh wants. n wont be happy till he
getswhat he wants.

u have lost rtrack ththt is misdireted as to what u want nwhat u shud be doing. thth is lost ur
way.misdirected as to waht is imp n hwat u hsud n shud not be doign timee to think ponder wodner n
nreflect thth conocnience. wht is it thht u wnat what uare doign will ti help u toahcivewht u
want? or just foolign around goign no where n nwaste ur time. Refocsu everything. misdirected
thth is lost ur way, refoucs s ot waht ureally want wht u are doig nwill ti help u ahcvie wht u
wnat? or just waste ur tem, get back to workign towrds achivng what u want, what to do ot
achviewht u wnat try harder psuh ahrder do it seriosuly. be seriosu abotu ti take it serisouly.
ost the gae ,lost ur way. distracted deviate msidirected.self-correcting. introspections. get ur life back i
norder take cahrge nn cotnrol of ur life from ur impuslesthth is nto get distrated stay focused, keep
workign n doign what uare doign n workign towrds ahcivng urgoals, keep urslef on path n track to ur
goal n cocnnstly workign towrds ahcivng ur gaol n not strayign nto odign unimp thgisn n deivaitng.

where am iogin ewith htis ? why am i doing this to acheve wht result n purpose? waht si it ryign to
achvie no clue? once u knw wht ur pyurpose is n wht u want to acheve then u know wht u need to do to
achive it.

If it does, then well and good;

saves you the effort.

some of the thgisnare really nonsensen n doesnot make sense thsi is ridiculous.

mtoivate urelf push ursleffdirveurself harder be determiendtell urslef t keep goign keep
pushing, ya know, no matter how tiedn exhausted u are, ur legs pain n urmidn tells u to stop
tell urself t o keep psuhign ngoignmind over matter, be detmreiend htht will ehlp uto be mroe
determiend nand not igve up n n keepp tryignnpsuhign to ur goals.

it became an amazing and therapeutic experience filled with some unexpected results

It’s an emotional rollercoaster that will shock, amaze and hopefully enlighten the reader,

u do ti cause ua rehopeful of finsidng soemoenofachivng somethgn nto cause u uare hopeless

optimsim, expetaiton hope.hoping somethign expectign something.

U need to be fully engaged involved in the process. Put ur mind body all time effrt energy soul opour ur
everything into it.

U shudnt be worryingabout htht u shud be worrying about wrk n imp things

smart n tell thme whato ot od

give adivces to them as to wht to do n make em smarter u knoe
become smrter n use ti for hteir progress

its hard ot destroy him cause it doesnt even matter to him

it doesnt even affect him
n he doesnt even giv a fuk
or let it affect him

the goal is not to do it fas t but also to t odo it wlel to do ti properly if u are doig t ifast but u are nto
odign ti properly u are doig nti at the expense of or cost of doing ti prorpely, doing ti right n ndoign ti
well then ur work will eb garbage n nwotn be effective produce give u results or make sensne u need ot
take the time to sit thgoruh patience n ndo ti well do ti properly soo thth its doen right tis effective n nso
on n gives reustls. N its worth and valuable nto garbage n ntrash. Uhave ot be patinct od it carefully give
ur tiem effort thgotuh to it sit through n do ti propely do ti well do ti right. U haveto take additonl paisnn
efforts sti thorugh the discomfort, sit through n do ti right do it wlell put 200% effort to do ti right

If u want to suceed in life then u need to be highyl focused! to suceed i nlfie u shd only focus o na few
imp thigns 1) 2) 3)

u shud nto help any oen why shud u? u dotn owe anythgi nt oany body each one see their own life nad
their iwn good nad rgress pp lare selfsih they dotn caer botu you! i uar nt oobligated othelp any oen
when ugo ot help otehr u end up losign all the tiem thth u cud have spent on ursefl effort n nad so on.
no oen will ocme to help u sovle ur problmsn n isues whe n uneed em,
u have to spend all ur tiem effort energy seeign ur own welfare n nur own good. if you dotn see ur wone
welfare n nown good n nwork for ur won good who else will? See ur won good nn ur own welfare do
htigsn tth iwl ehlp u to save ur won ass! Everythgi nelse gaya tel lagan eke liye.
If u want to suceed in life then u need to be highyl focused! dont waste yoru time n life
to suceed i nlfie u shd only focus o na few imp thignsif u go to do too many thigns then sicen uhave
limtied time right then it will end up one thign at hte h cost of the otehr you wont be able to achive all
teh imp thgisn i nlife focus only on a few thigns strt puttign thigsn down, dotn wast ur time
itlsi ke u put one thgin donw thne focus on otehr imp thigns like buisnessetc..etc.. focus o nan few things
, if oyu go ot do everythign n many thigsn u will get nothign done it will eb chas n ndisstraction, focus o
na few higsn at a time! otehrwise u will end up nowhere nn in circles! end up achivng nothign liek ja ck
ofall trades matstr of none!etc..etc..thts why u shud not waste ur time doing unimp thigsnn focus only
on a few imp thigns time is the most imp thign once ulose time its gone the time is gone hte
opportunites uhave rare gone nn uare screwed then! soo never waste ur time n have sense of urgency
mak e the most of hte opportunites thth uhave by not odign unimp thigsn ndoing whats imp cfocusing
only o njimp thgisn. bing highly docufesed o nahcivngh a few immp thigsn. not waste ur itme in nosnne
n nunimp thigns.

dont spend ur enenrgy on ump thigns

these ppl they pay attention to unecessary thigsn
thht u basically over look nad things not worth spendign wasting oyur time n enenrgy over
when it ocmes to big busienss itsp ointless to lookinto all samlldetails nad micromanange it will drive
you crazy u need ot give authority ot ppl to taek deicisons freedom to do thigsn to take responsibilteis
nadn overseethigsnyou cant look everywhere nand over seeeverythign. cause it will drive you crazy and
its simply nto possiblethth why unee od t o hire hte best ppl and givehtem resonsiblitydelegate . thth is
u need to

Go for it encouragiagn motivating drving positive

mind ur own biz, do oyur own thing, see ur own good do oyur own good dowhats good for oyu do
waht you can for oyursefl caseu no oen else will do it for oyu, n do wht will ehlp uahcive wht uwatn, do
everythgi nu can for oyursfl the rest every one esle nad eveerythign else can go to hell what tothers
think how u look i nfront of otehrs what otehrs say etc...

why are you gonna help me achive my goal? then fuck off, n dotn hurt what iam tryign here.
keep on doig nwaht uare doig n nwahts good foro yu fr oyursefl.
workign o nachivng ur gaols n nwaht u want

on a mission, serious, the thinking hte planning hte scheming as to wht ot od the rush the
adrenaline the execution, on a mission, meticulios exection as per plan.

serious n non a mission the ruh sht te adreanline, plannign nadshcemeing,

on a mission rush the adrenaline srious, on a maisison go thehre n get htigsn done, as per
the plan and he scheme,
execistuiion implimentation the rush the adrenaline, the speed the fast, sriosunress
inntesity, n to ehll with it nn fuck it! meticulioslyu as per hte plan o na mssion! get hgisn
doen on the go actio naciton action!
navy seals o na mission very serious not smiling action action o nthe job on the move right get
thigsn doen fast quick within a time span n n in deadlines, within a certai nspan of time i am
nto tryign to be a smart ass i am tryign ot help u got ot take pains effrots be particualar, eb
more organized, not take ur own time to od it be serious nad be on the mveo not nonseese
unncessary talk be seroiius n nge hte work doen damit!
within a certai ntime not take ur own tiem ot od it!
teh thinkign the plannign as to what ot do!
the scheming hte implimentation nad execcution the rush hte aderenaline hte seriousness the

the rush the hurry hte seriousness the drelnaline the rush hte intentsity
serious o nan mission, objective, this is the plan the thinkign the schemeign hte rush
the exsectuion the seriousness the dadrelanalien rush the thrill the exictement the the speed
the meticulious execuiton to the paln, the speed od it fast n quick,
the the meticulios exceution and planning, knwign what ot odo what ot say n nso n, I nall circusmtnce
considering all circunsmtnce. Pre planning.

u needo tbe fast hurry up n ndotn lose time dont lose th oportunity hthth u have, work logn hours day
nn gith n extra horus n nwork fast this is a race against time the clocks ticking.every se is imp n ncoutns
soo hurry up

not worth it wastign tiem n enenergy arguin with ppl do ur own wrk imp thingsconsume u n drain u take
away ur enenrgy emotoan lan mental peace of mind strain u distrub u, adn u know wast e ur tiem
effortn enenrgy thgisn htth u cud have spent on imp thigns liek ur tim effort n nnenergy thth u cud have
spent on imp things. its a waste of tiem effort enenrrgy totlyl uncesary u wont get any bebnefit or gain
otu iof it by doign alll thth insted if u spedn thht tiem effortn n energy doign imp thigsn liek achivgn
urgaols. therhe is no point wastign effort arguign with her n ntime, its nto worht it. the best way to deal
with ppl liek htht is to not pay attention to her

thsi isgonna be a mammoth task mamoth effort!

exterme intense effort
its gonna drive me crazy n nmad
lot ofwork
takign pains nad efforts sittign contnously nad goign through it
chained ot it!

just do one htign at a time n nfinish ti n move on to next

take one thgsn focs comepeltely on it be totlaly invovled i nit
n them move to next fter uar e done with ti

u need t o act fastbe on a mission n act fast

each one to himself n see his own n wrk on improving his own life.

do it fast n nget doen wit hit soo thth uare free ot do oterh imp thigsn.oteh wies u will be
trapped n nstuck up on it. n missout on otehr goals nn opprotunties. its a mamoth task tis tiem
ocnsumign tis chinign binging u can t do oterh thigsn, n its painstikign but take the effort n
get it doen sit throguh n get it done soo thh uare free t odo oterh thgisn, move on to otehr
htigsn n not get stuk up o nit.

What are you working on what things issues are u woking on to solve n improve urself tht will help u
acheve ur goals . we aee working on three things 1) to slve n overcome my social anxity tht mke me
uneasy when I go out there or have to d oosomething even simple tasks like waking n mke me nervous n
hold me back from doing things. Soo tht I no longer feel anxious n uneasy when I go out there n I can
expres myself freely N how I canbe more social n socially smrt 2) how to get the grl I want conversation
skills what to do n so on 3) freedom of expression wht stops me thoughts fears etc.. from expressing
myself n asking out the girls I like.

sitt dwn n wrap it p quikly get to wrk on it n get done with it soo th u dont get stuk up on it n u are free
to move on to achivng other things n other gals.

n being i na haze, being lost in it , highly invovled it init tis called lost into it thth is put in a ahze,
a daze, lost totally in to it, high level of invovlement.
being totoally magnaa thth is focusd in it.
lost inoveld itno it. highly levle of focus inovvlement
he is on a trip osmeewhere lost in his own worlddoign his own thign mindignhis own buisz in hsi
own thloguhts wrking ot improve his own lifen n nto beign occnerned abotu anyone else waht
orthers are oding etc... doign hsi own stuff seeign hsi own thigsn workign to make hsi nw
progress. o n a t rip adn emediitaitong on wrk imp things focsuign mind on it n totally lost into it.
if he cmes odwn or awakensform the hae n nthe trip he is in then right odign his ownthigsn lost
into what he isdoignn n ot aware of anyhtign else.
high level of invovlement
totally magna thht is lost into it
losese himself into it
thts wht music does to you.

care free lvie less worries n nehadaches nto botehr with it! Dotn worry about unimp thigns.

once u make a list of thigsn to od then ur midn is free to think fo othrh tigns causeu dotn ahv to
remmebr nn recal lit again as to waht uneed to od, u have a perspective as to waht u need ot od
thgisnto do, n also i nyour midn its like u knw u have a lot of thgisn to get doen soo oy udotn wast te
tiem uwork fast casue u knw uhave got many thgisn to od to tick off form the list, soo u strt to work
faster n immdiitely get ot it to comeplete ti soo thth u can get all teh work doen nad move on to the end
ofo the lsit nad finsih everythig noff soo thth uare free to omvoe ot otehr goals. U get to work fast to get
ital ldoen as fast as ucan.

he is stubborn adn very adamant, and steadfast n unbudging

put ur thogtuhs ideas dwon as soon as uget em keep I nmidn ntype em. In case u forget

opprtunitycost:- you have htisopportunity thht uhave been given if u dnt recognize the opportunity u
have n then wrk towards it n put in ur best effort ulose na opportunity n wotn get it again , remebr u
wotn get htis opportnity gain, you have very little time, remerb u wont get his opporrtunity again n if u
dot n ae le the most ofo ti n work n put I nyour best effort u are screwed. Put in everythgi nu have got n
ntry everythgi n ucan try ur everything to make them sot of the opportunity n chances thth uget n thh
uhave nn not lose it. see the opportuintiy in be afraid of losign it n not getting ti again See it as u r only
chance n work propel urlsef ot take action fear of losign the opportunity n nchances n maek the most of

dontwate ur timesitting there n chattin with her u need ot live oyur own life u have work to od u have
your own life ot see find freidnsfind a gf etc.. etc..
find a job etc.. etc...
dont waste time socializing nad chit chattign wit hher!
it wont help u to accomplish anything

always do yur reserhc and study n nknow every thign before doign anything
u wnated ot change the prpcoess of ur mac mini bif u wid have not stied hwo o od it and if its possible or
not then u wud hae ruinedn nad damdmaged it cause after doign ur reserch u found out hte reaso nwhy
they were nto taking ou hte rpcessor and also the gpu is cause its soldered to the motehr board soo its
imposible to upgrade it.
also ebfore doign ti see how ot ood it nad how its done instructions l videos oteh wise u will end up
breakign somehtgin n not able ot fix it back while taking it apart

put a lot of thoguth n effort I nto it soo thth udo it properly.

ifu beivle I ngod n wrk hrrd then u will sail thru ur life smoothly u wont have any worires as long as u kee
pwrkign ahrdn ntrying to ahcive urgaol god helps the oen who keep s contnly continuously working n
trying towards achivng his goals.

what u are doign is wrogn u are doign ti the wrogn way cause u are not gettign any results

mke a to od list think n decide what ot odo for he day waht work o do towardsachivng yoru goals think
what work ot od soo thth u know wha u need ot od n complete nad u dont whileawawy your time waste
your time due to indeciison nadnot knowignwhatot do

whatever wwe need ot d o we need to d it fast

adn be particular n organied

be thoughtful u need to do it properly thoughtfully, thinking wondering pondering.

stop compalinign nstrt doign something about ur isseus

lot of work to od no time! Up to something.

do some resrch soo tht u know wht they wnt wht they dnt wnt n wht u shud n shud not do

u need ot focus only on three goals

Work towrads these three goals only
wokr on acheveign these three goals only for now

He is doke firu crazy itnense highyl driven determiend nad a type eprsonality
highyl ambitious and leavign no stone untruend to ahicve hsi goal n mbititoons
wrking expteremly hard to ahcive hsi goals n nambititoosn
why?? why ? all this soo as to imprint it i nthe fabrick of my soul
soo as to meke be drtermmeind to the core soo as to wwave intto the fabric of my soul to the core
waht it takes to suceed the valeus its nto about mny althoguh moeny
is a part of it it s abotu leanrign thequalitites what it i ttakes to suceed achvie ur gaols etc..
the process its about hte rcess learnign the sercet of sucess waht u needo to od ot be sucessful hthgisn
liek hard owrk wrok smart be dretermiend never give up!
be focused

think n ndecde what work to do waht work to compelte for the day towrads achving your gaols
what shud i do toaday lets do this lets comeptle this
lets get htis htign done first
tehn lets do this n focus on this then move on to this

no matter hwo tired nn exhausted uare make it a point to sit thoru n finish I t determined effort.

to suced in lfie u n to ahcive ur goals

1) u needtbe
1) focused:- do onyl what is imp focsu o an few imp thgisn nto waste tiem doign unimp ncessary thgisn
thth wont brign u any beenfit or gain.
2) fast:- u need to be extrememly fast, thth is sped is imp n nessential
2) u need t tkae thgis nsreiosuly to be goofy, no nnense uncessary chat tlak expressions bateer be stright
forawrd.uncessary crap n nonsenn ntalk.
33) u need ot be ocniuosl work hard dann y night n ncontionsuly , be at ti keeep o nworkig ntowards
ahcivngr goals
4) u needo tbe anmbititous
5) u need tob e determeind never gvie up gkeep trying
5) u needo tb e organized, partiulsr sisnce, n systemamtice
on a mission.

whtu need too do ot osucceed n nachce ur goals

get rid of all distractions nad all uncessary n nunimp thgisn nactiivites and focsu onyl on what is im p lall
otehr htigsn cna be downe later on, do whats imp, leave all otehr crap nnsens unim togshins activiites
aside thgisn thth wotn hwleop u ahcive hte imp thgis ni nlfei n ndo focus nwhta imp.
if u uwnatoot be sucessful i nlfie u need ot be extrememly focused u needo t focsu only o na few imp
thgisn n work towards achivgn thsoe thgsin only cause u have limited tiem within which to ahcvie thigsn
if oyu go ot fdo tooom any htigsn uwill end up gettign nthign done adn if u waste tiem doign umip
thgisn thth wont help u achvie ur goals or imp thgisn in lfie thehn u cant expect to be sucesful in lifen n
ahcive thgisn thth matter ot you the most the imp thgisn in lfie nnur goals, if uwaste item goin i ncircles
wnatderign aimlessly withut any desticnatio ngoign no where odign thgisn unimp thgsin htht wont help
u ahcve anyhtign make progress or achvie the im phgisn in lfei if u spend tiem on unimp acitivites htht
will not help u make na progress u are ogin no where (things liek palying video games) twaste of tiem n
nwont help u achve anhyitgn in lfie then u are simply wastign ur time n u are distracted diverted fr mur
galn n for mimp thgis ni nlfei nn uare wastignn spendign ur enenrgy n nefforton unimp thgisn in life. nn
uare ivertedn ndistracted n uar nto odign imp thgisn doign the wrok not workign towrads achvign ur
goalsn n imp thgisn in lfie
u are divrerted n ndistracted, u are not odign the thgisn wrk htht u shedu be doign toahcive ur goalsn n
imp thgisn in lfie n so u cant expecto thcaice ur goalsn n imp thgisn in lfei n neb scessful. all ur tiem
effort eenrgy is wasteed is gettign spent on doign umip thgisn i nlfei insteado f focuisgn it on imp thgisn
achivng imp thgisn focus vs dirstraction knwo what thgis nare imp n what thigsn ar not waste of
time.thths nto imp thths just a waste of time.
if u go ot do toot many htigsn then u wil lget nothign doen cause u ahve limited tiem n nthths why u
need to seleslct a few most imp gaols,
critical urgent goals n focus on ahcivign them only, focus o na few thigsn only on achivgn a few imp goals

you have limited time, u shud nto waste tiem effort eenenrgy doign unimp thgins u have limtied tiem
within which to ahcive things if uwaste ur itme effort enenrgy doign unimp thgins then u ownt have any
tiem do do imp thgisn to od the work thth needs ot be donte to ahciveur goals n im pthgisn i nlfie n u
dotn maek any progress, u end up stayign where u are n ngoign no where nn not beign able t o ahcive ur
gaols, n u also get distracted n diverted deviated for mthe imp thgisn i nlfei frm ur goals n work thht u
need oto od ot ahcive ur goals nn thth is why u need otbe focused, tkaae aside everhtig nthth is unimp
nto enngage not od unim tghsins thth wotn help u ahicve ur goals ip thgisn in lfei or make progress n
nfocus only on ahcivng ur goals ndoig nimp thgisn thth will help u ahcive ur goals nn imp thgisn in lfie.
u need ot eb focused only on imp thgisn ucant afford ot get distracted n ndiverted waste ur tiem effort
enenrg doign unimp thgins instead of spedign it on imp thgisn these are disrtractiosn n ndiverstions
focus vs distraction.

do it calmly withotu any worry slowly but surely keep workign on it!

give ideas, and u know,

when u read u read i nur mid n htht is u talk speak i nur mind, the voice in ur mind

which langague do u think i nthink i english itnentiaonlly maek it a point ot think i nenglish, think I
nenglish conciouly knwoignly. Beign fully aware.
its liek military on a mission liek ppl who go o nmilitary missio nthey dont go cause htey enjoy going n
enoy gettign hut injured etc... adn cause htey enjoy dogin it i nthe dnger in the dust, heat, they do it
cause they hae to achvie a certai ngoal they are n a mission , to ahcive a certain goal. the whole thing
the crap thths put up, thth u need ot enjoy odign ur work causei t
takes up mot ofo yur lfie is stupid its a facade, or a faud conjob cause steve didnt want ot sa y thth he
was i nti for hte moeny n sayign thigsn liek hange the world etc... i mean, its afacde thths put up, its a
way to fool the consumers to show htht they are gettign valeu product, adn hey are not in ti for hte
moeny nad foo tlthe employee itno beveign thht they are oidng soemthign importnat liek changign hte
orld, soemtign grat adn big thth iwll give them accoaldes etc..
prde, well the trth is, u do ti cause its important, causm oeny is importntn u do it for htem oeny, cause
moeny is improtnat, u do it irrespective of wthehr its fun or not u do it for the sake of achiveign ur goals
n nimp thgisn in lfie

music helps u to stay awake at night n

puts u in the zone thth is i nyour thoguthsn nfocused lost i nwhat u are dign highyl ninvovled i nwha t u
are doingn lost i nyour thoguths
n it makes u do thigsn fast!
helps u to zone in be focusedn n highyl invovled n lost i nthe thigns thth u are doing.

wahts the goal whats the purpseo of this whole exrecise what we aredoing
were we are gign with this what is it for
whas the end resutl w
knw wh ut want ot oahcveby doign all thth , thth way u knw what u need ot do to achvie
it. whts the ultimate goal the end goalthe purpose of doignall thsiwaht u want ot aachvieby doig nall this
why are u doing ti wht uare doing wht u wnt to achevethru all this ..

apna accha karke lene ka

baki saabh gaya tel lagne ke liye
ur problem must be solved
teh goal is to win by hook or y croo kby all possible means
do ur own good do what is godo for u what is right for oyu
be selfish think of ruelf cuse no ody else will
no one will do nayhtignfor oyu u have ot do everyhtign for ursfl
no onesgonna help u u have to help urslf

all the research its wil tkae tiem n neffort but it will be owrth the painsnad effort
cause u u will leanr somehtign as ot whatot odo

feelign of hoplessn ess as to nothign will happen when u dont have the opportinuites
but hwne u have opportnuntes u are mroe hopeful thht osemthign will turn out
n u keee tryign for it. soo try ur best wen u have the hope wen u hvave the opportunities, once u lose
opportunity, the n uwotn eevne be able to try u wotn have any hope then

its just a matter of hanagin in there i mean it may be diffuclt u may not have money u may not have
certianity usnire of your futre i mena limtied opportiunity
but u need ot nerver giveu p just ang in there keep tryign nad have patience
thht is keep workign o nti nadh ave patince n osmethign or hte ehter will work out
have patice hang in there not give up
keep trying and cosnntly tryign to imrpvei urself
keep workign o nahcicnvgur gaols
n slolwy steadyly thigsn ma fall into palce and owrk out have patince
slowly slowly keep workign o nti to beeter ur life impvie urslef ahcive ur gaols
n slowly slowly thigns will fall i nt palce,
as u keep tryign nad workign o nti
on sovlign r pgorblems nad makign a lfie for urself
n u know n buidlign r u lfie nad knwo wokign o nmakign progress

Take ur time think it through, do it thoughtfully.

u need extrenal pressure parental preesure nad push nagging causei fu dont put pressrue then u
continue otod hwat uare doing n u dotn taek action towrds imp thgisn
u dont do imp thigns u dont make progress
en uhae pressure exptemnal presursre then u are forced ot work hard
n wrk fast urgently n u dotn get comfortabel, n relacxedn n u work fast
or selfse u will feel the pinch

u knw how he is he is intensen n determiend take all pains nad efforts for it
go for it!

i dont like nonsesne talk and too mauch expressions and drama cause its totatlly uncessary waste of
enenergy and eeffort u needo tb e serious straight faced and do the job thth is on a mission,, tis ttally
uncessary spendgnin uncessaryeffort spend effort only on necesarythigns not on uncessary talk banter
and uselss thgisn ucnssary thgisn. Goofy thgisn thigns thth are aimless and wont give u any result beefit
or gain. Pointless, crap, nosnnese, meaning bizness.

u myn ot have moeny n nstuff u my nto have a gf n nthings may be tough but have patince rome was
nto built in a day u need ot keep workign on ti to imprve ur stistuion and
slowly steadyly thigns wil lstrt fallign itno palcen n workign otu
but u needo t keep tryign koshsihs jaari rakhne kaa
keep on tryign ocnsnstly
dotn stop tryign
n soem thign or hte tehr ill fall i npalce slowly steadyl
if u kee p workign o nti n not give up steadfastly effort.
but if get disspoitned cause htigns are nto workig nout n u oy ustop tryign and give up then nothign will
work out soo keep trying n o matter what the resutlsn n outcoemsn n never give up. From you side u
shud keep trying thths all u can control ucant control the outocem cause hthre are many other factors
htth depnd on the outcome, she should eb signle nadn oso n , she shud like u too n nwhat not, but what
u can ontrol is tht una keep trying soo keep trying. Focus o nwaht u can control htt is koshis zaar
irakhnekaa, keep on trying, keep your triesgoign constantly keep trying. Keep ur trying goin on. Nnot
stpop no mater what.

Do Thigns thht interest u n nu enjoy oding

thht is using ur brai nthinkign knweldgei nformation n applciation
n busienssn n makign moeny n nleranign
the intricases of busiensess nn makign moeny n nrunnign nn mananging busienss
thth is imp thigsn.

u need otb e fast do everyhing fast work day n night

he wil have his way one way or hte other!


Wen uthink n ndedice wht work to od, n make a list then i know a ht the back of my midn its there i
nym midn htht i have to od this work i hae ot ocmepelt this work
this work is pendign etc.. n soo u get to do it its ther in urmidn thht u have to od this n ncomepte this its
thher a the back of oyur mind I nyour mind htht uhave ot od this

fuck m mgonanna go mad doign this the serch driving me mad nad crazy but dotn give up breakthe
barrier “when uare goin thru hell keep going n dotn give up n nsotp” break the bareers, ahhhhhhh like
van damme I nteh wrougn hsoutign ahhhhhhh be steely steely fri mresolve break the barrier over come
it all take all the pains, fi it drives u crazy then take more painsn nefforts to do ti, lie kbvandamme break
the pain barrier (kickign the tree) with all ur effort n nknck it down, the more difficult nharder it gets the
the tougher the resolve… like man of steele steely, stern resoulve stubborn, take all paisn nad
effortsleave no stoen untunred be determiendn n nevergive up.

instead of wasting time tking its time to tke action n diretly do things, frm hence frth no point wasting
time tklking action speaks louder thn wrds. Actions more imp than wrds. All tlk n no action. Actions more
imp than wrds. Is to directly tke action instead of wasting time tlkn.

Instead of talkin strt taking action n strt doing things.

Have patience if oy ugonnado ti do it right, do it porpelry thoguthfully , so thth it give u good results, n
the ork is not garbage or crap! Just doing ti for the sake of doing it or caue uwant otget it done fat but at
the cost of precision.

Go all out put in yoru best effort do ti day n night put everythgin to it int oti!put in your best effort day
nn gith 200% effort
Do it calmly and collected ly

Wen iwas a kid my teacher called me o nstage to sign the anitonal anthem n I cudnt sign I freaked out I
didn’t kwn htewrodnsn nwhat nto, n she said soemthgi nt othe effect “u will enver be able to sign u cant
even sign th national anthem” Thth got me going what mkeas u thin kth icant sing?i will sign nad I will
show you! Thht iwill sign! I will prove u wrogn, N god gave me GM to save my life! With his osngs n
learn for mhi mas othwo ot sing.
What matters more whats more imp

was so impressed by how much G put

into each song Only that he gives 120% every single show , he is just amazing!

Engaging Observant

wen u do sometiek thht then u are in your mid nready for rejections it doesnt matter to oyu u know
hwo to dela with it nad u are also ready for the consequences right thth is in r midn prepred for it wen u
do osmehtign liek thth u go into it knwoign the risks fully well the rejectiosn etc.. nad u are mmune to it
mentally prepared for it, it doesnt matter ot oyu or u dont let it affet u or bother u liek wen u strt a biz u
go into it full well knowinglyg the risks fully well n mentally uare prepared for failrues

Its more difficult n thth is why u need ot put extra effort I nit, geive it ur 200% go day nn ight work day n
night on it! edce ur sleep times g day n night and put mroe effort into it
be fast work contionusly longer hours soo thht u get mroe work done i nshorter time and oyu mvoe at a
faster paece maek progress at a ffaster rate!

sum times the moeny is not imp its the expereincesthelearnign the personal nad self-development thhts
more imp than money casue if oyur problesm are nto solved then u cant be hapy and ahve a happy good
normal life


if oyu dotn work if oy uare alzy u will never make it big
you have ot og out htere n work hard
take extra effort
do a job a sid job fidn ways to make moeny
gain exrpeinvce elarn new thigsn etc...

when it coesm to owrk u need otb e no nonsense as if oyu are o na msiiion military dicpline get the work
done thths it!
u need to try hard enough go otu there take effort apply to interviews etc...
learn thgisn
even if oyu are nerdy awkerd weird socaily awkwrd nto knwoign waht ot od
still its okay as long as o yu delvvier!

Put urslf ourt hhreh have fun working take urslef out of oyur comfortone odnt see it as work see it as
fun having n godo time ,enjoy your work ththswaht it its enjoy working , n u no longet ru nawway for
mworku look forward to oti. Like ur work n nnejoy it n have fun do in it thth way ufeel eager to go ot
work every day than staying at hoe me tis mro fun going out there, I nthe world meeting new ppl n nso
Go nntlka nn ask don’t fera nothing will happen they are nice n nfirendly ppl n good n nopen to tlak to
they also smile n nmaek the first move. They are nice ppl very open n fridnly n smiling welcoming nwarm
n sweet n nncie n ngood ot tlak to n caring n friendly n free to tlak to. n accepting. N u know,
entertiaining n nanimated .

The kid is on am ission to find the kind of girl thth he wantnsn nlieks – good luck thanks! Seems like his is
on a mission, working hard scroingign taking efforts t ofidn the kidn fo girl tht herwatns. N achive his

u need ot taek risks or u will stay stagennat not maek na y progress u will end up n nstay where uare if u
dotn take risks make the move nn risk it all.

if u stay for too lign where u are then your progressstops n u cant learn thgisn ebynd thth n what u n
notehrs already know n u need ot taek risks cange go on new adventrues thth way yo ulearn many
thgisn meet ppl maek new friedns new exrepicnes etc..

U are missing out n losing out o nso many oporutinites.

kelvn thecat
he is also ver small nad very hatti
thth is moody n hatti
he scrapes the shreds the capet off n u know pulls the carpet
whne he wnts to ocme in and when he wantsto
go out n nmeowsn nnot gives up

tell oterhs to fuck off n do waht uwant ot od !

Also, u knwo what u ar e doign do whtaas good foro u n right for you work towards dign what u wnat t
oahcive i nlife n tell otehr s to fuck off N do wahts good foru casue no oen ealse will do it for u. u are nto
gona help me soo fuck off nn mind ur won bi n ndotn interfere I nwaht m doigfor myself.

u may wrk for ur dreams u ma ywrk to suceed if u fail ttehn remebr don’t let fflarues diaapsoint u n
giveu p keep trying no matter what keep working no nit.

Goo for you” meaning to say they dntcare they only care bout thmselcves or why are u ellin all tht to

not be sad depressed or affected

by rejectiosn dissapoitnemtns eetc... its hud to matter to oyu or affect u I nany way,
but instead be determined never giveu p and keep trying

resources tht provides Guidnce as to wht to do wht not to do towarsd waht u seek wahtu want ot
encourage u! motivate drive u to do it.

thgotush direction isntrucitosn nas t ow hwat u shud nshud nto be doing information soo a s to ahcive ur
goal soo thht ucan act accoidnigylmly.

very ambitiosu chevt nad determined

he wants to od many htigsn achvie many goals.

instead of beign sad nad depressedn o be sad

its lie kafter havign many diaasiintments you beocme immune to it it doesntot affect u any mroe nn u
dotn lt it matter u

life i s ajourney its about gaiign knwoeldge iformaton to plift ur soul knwo more every oen is serchig nfor
soemthigsn expwricnign learnign new thgsn n thth makes u wise and mroe itnelligent
n smart as to what ot od wht not to do etc..

mere ko kya karne ka hai be , what have I got ot odo with ti , I have got nothgitn od wit hit
mind ur own fuckig nbiz see ur own thing.

he is patient slow thgouthful and calculting not impuslvei he takes time a lot of time ot taek diecsio
thinkign ti thoguhghuly n very thgoutfully, as to what to do n why et...c reserchig nand nadalzign ti

Bes selfish think about ruself n dotn caere about any body else if oy uwanto tosuceed.

beign rebleious not adhering to the rules n norms set by society beak the rules nto the law break the

itsn to jsut od it the prcess is very imp

teh process of doig n it
hwo t o do it how ot go abut it
be process orineted!
plan etc.. have a team i nplace etc..
have finance
oproduction logistics

Its like u are on a mission! a quest to find wht u uwant

its liek the best and last effort! Take all paisn n nefforts to ahcvie ur gals work day nn night

to strt with i know which langageu i think in

i cocioul think i nenglish purposely knwoignly fully ware conciously n foocrfully
think i nenglish n make it a poin to think in english n not i notehhr languge
to strt with u shud think in english u shud puposely n conciously think in english

its soo diffcult n u need ot put i nsoo mcu htime n effort serachign n scorunign n its soo difffult n
miserable to get wht u want n all thth serachign sepindg time energy reffort into it n htht anixety n
nunsuirt, frustraiotn witehrh u will get or not, unhappienss sadness misery etc... unsurity, n all thth
serchign puttign in time effort takign paisn nn frsutraiton no resutsl erc.. they may not b e albe to fidn
hte kind of htey wnato t obe with.. wht u wnat all thth serahcin g puttign i neffrot frustrating n nno
progressn result1 have to og thru the same troble nn miser but ushud never give up n keep trying no
matter how tough frustaitng slow the progress ndifficult thgisn get.

U shud not be a burden to ur parents u know

not give headaches to oyur parents
u have to work hard work
work exra hard fidn ways to earn moeny
even if oyu feel uncomfortable or u know uneasy
go out there nad work keep working
try extra hard dont let it come in the way of findign a job and earnign ur money
u know! goin out n so onnmaking the most of the opportunities u have.

ata je karaycah ahe the tula karaycha ahe

its all up to oyu now!

u cant expect ur own parents to supeort you tis soo worng!

to put urprarent s i ntht sitautio nwhere in they have to suffer nadn live hand o t mouth to supprot your
dreams and your u know endeavours, n ur lfie
u cant expect ur old parents to supprot oyu
u have ot suppoert them now

U need ot perseviere keep o ntryigng n nnot give up

caues they went i ntakign effort ot put me dwn nn destroy me where as

i went i n speidnign effort to lift my slef up
u don’t win I nlfie by destryign toerhs but only by working nto lfit urself up
there is no ocmpetion here, ur hapienssdoesnt depend on oterhs sadn ess and oterhs happiness is nto
ur sadness. U ccna be happy only if oy uget what uant !
weshud mean well everyone hsud be happy no oen shud be sad lfie each toerh up n mve upi nlfei rather
than frag each terh down. See ur won , work towrd s ur own progress, in lfei there is no ocmpetion here.
Each ne see their own marks n nresutls work towards urwon good , n progress no ocmeption dotn see
each oterhs marks n ncomrpete u are doing ti for oyursefl. Forn one else.

Why udotn open the door ?caseu I want to maek him determined hatti and stubborn n nadadmant. N
un bdging to get what he wants. Keep trying for it strnegthn his resolve.if igive ti t o him easily then he
wont build thth steely esolve I nhsi mind be demanding hatti, stubborn unbudoign ndetermien n

Sit thorugh n work o nti to finish it off once itsdoen then its doen n n uare free mentally ufeel free n
nrelived more at epace n nahppy n nelss worries n free t omove on to other goals nn oterh thgisn.
don t let thgisn lek social anxiety stop u from goign to work
u dotn need otb e socaill y good when it coems to work u knwo talk with everyvbody,
and be socailly smart nadn good, and great personality, and be loud and u know,
pretence nad trickey, thth is nto delevr any resutls but say thigsn iek u are odig nthsi thth all talk bol
bacchn ghumana samne wale kopplare nto stupid htey come to kw owaht u are doign!
when it comes to work all tht hbeign osciall smart, loud hatty, it infact cusese more distrubance, over
smart , and maniualtive, bol bacchan , lla talk, no results in order to manipulte adn trick and gunmana
fool the otehr person, doesnot work wha0t u wnat is delvier theresults the out put u dotn needo t
besocially good to do a job and to work i na busenss settign and environment u need ot jsut get the job
doen d othe jo b and delvier results
look at mark zukerberg, satya nadella, elon musk they cant even talk they stutter

dont let fear of not knwoign thigsn stop u from workign givign interviews its like go to itnerviews
prepared but u know knwo what otsay what to do etc... take extra effort

he isalways quiet nn he does his own thing he is invedl n nabsorbed I ndoign his own thing.

Stay calm cool relxed quiet n collected n keep doing ur thing, keep wrkin on it n doin wht u r doin.

U need to take ur own time n do ti rgith do it properly put thguht in it, do it thgouthfully think it through
haste is waste, if u rush up n nhurry up n doing it casu for thesake of doing ti or as uwant otget done
with it fast, n fnish it off fast, then, you will only end up doing it, at the expnce of peerfectio n nprecision
n ur work will eb garbage n crap nn nto effective will nto give u resutls.

wasnt even listenitng or payign attention to It the crap.

iwas ttoatlly lost int o it n hooked at it just quiet n nlost into it! all iwas doign was observign n lookig na
n thnkigni was jsut totatlly inton forgot everythig else thinkign n just looking at her onservign

We are quiet we mind ou r own biz n ndo our own thigns and wish good nadwell for others
where as they went in bitchign about others and tlakign abput otehrs behind their back
instaead of mindign their own business they wen t in takign otehrs dwon u dotn go up by tkign
otehrs down oyu only go up by workign towards lifting urlsef up n focusgn on ur own stuff
doign ur own thign bign invovled i nur own thigns, rather than paying oatetnion to toehrs
and bitichign about otehrs to demaean them, n know put htem down in others eyes, to destroy
them sooo thth they dotn have frends etc... n thths wht htey went into
he was bitichign me nad after me to destroy me caue he was jealous
u odnt go ahed in lfie by doign thth
u dont move aehd i nlfie by tng to take otehrs down, talkign bad about others inorder to
destroy them soo thth htey dont have frneds etc..e.t.c... they went in tryign to take me down,
soo they didint make it where as i went i ntryign to lift my lslef up and wrkign towr makign
progress n tryign to lift myslef up and i nthe process learn ththigns htht wud also help otehrs
u only move ahed i nlife by mindign ur own bizn nseeign ur own thign n nwisihing wel for every
one. U can moveahed I nlfei only by focsuignon your own thing on ur own progress workifg t o maek ur
onw progress, u can move ahed I nlfie only by lfiitng urslefup nto be taking oterh sdown.
she is very thoguthful clacaulted thinks a lot and slow not impuslive she thiks it throuhg throguhly
before going ahead with htigns doing her reserch to figure thgisn out n ntkae dieiicisons n ntaking her
own time beforegoign ahed iwth thigns reserchgin everythign throughly speidng lot of time n neffort on

fake it till u make it

the gaol is to win by hook or by crook
at all costs
do anything go to any enxtentn n lengths to ahciveurgoals n achivewht uwant.

be exteremyl abitious nad driven

if u rae nto ambitiosu u dotn progress u dont try
or move ahed u stay where u are be i napssion
its ur dreams ur ambitions htth driveu n motivat u to wor k hard
take paisn n efforts everythgin u do all discomfort paisn n neforts u take
risks u take u do it ofr ht sake of achivng ur goals

Wrk hrd n party tht suhudbe the attitude, thth is not only party but wrk ahrd as well and then party.soo
thth u do work hard n taek efforts n paisn nstrive but at the same t oy uaslo party n udont miss out on
the fun nenjoyment nn entretinament. Soo ther is a balance, all owkr no paly maeks jack a dull boy, if
oyu only party tehn u dotn work uend up borke n soo n, if oy uonyl work n dotn party then ur life is
boring n dull n not fun soo work ahrd n have fun as well. Healso ahs fun n dsnt miss out o nteh fun the
only difrence is he works hard nn ahs fun, n uonly went int oahvign fun n not working nhrd ot maek alife
for urself carreer n future education nn so on to earn ur living support yorusefl be finanfciall independt.
N soo n.

use the moenyn the roeusoces tht huhave to make hte sfit to make progress to luanch or go brke
trying,put everthig nit no it in makignprogress.

and make ur lfie ocnstiructive

mkeu use of oyur life
wrte the boosk u wnato t owrtie
do something constructive

grwn imune it doesnt evne matter to him anymore failure rejection n so on not evenget diaaspoitned
with the result n nout ocem if its neg kee ptryign keep at it.

he is brilliant
u have to take care do it with care not haphardly put time n neffort into it n thought do ti thgotuhfully
soo tthh u do it propely not do ti itn haste n nlie ap ice ofcrap n ngarbage

all hth htserching scrounging n takig paisn neffrots nn trying issuesn n troubles! Bu dotn giveup keep
trying till no matter hwo hard. Never giveup keep trying till u die but never give up

u neeed to persist peseviere and keep tryign till u find!

not give up persit k peep tryign be adamant
its lie ka game u learn thigsn enjoy teh process th ups and dosnteh fun! the hgihs the lows earnign to
daelwith the rejectiosnrunnign aroudn hte pursuit teh deetermiantion! teh hardwork and effort the
subborness neergie up
teancity and so on! stern, adamant
keep tryign n socrunigngn etc.. the process the whoel proeces enjyo it!

you dotn have to worry about otehr htigsn and isses fcus o n few things only. Do only whats imp n
nneeded n necessary. Cut out all imp thgisnn crap n nucessarythigns en mind focus only o na few imp
thgisn spednd all ur time n nenergy only o na few imp thgisn lazer focused dotn waste ur time effort
neenrgy on other thgisn.

Once u get coumed i n all that caught upi noteh htigns then u get distracted ur mid ngets diverted form
imp thgisnn then its hard ot refocus ur mind beign ur mind back on imp thgisn n it als drains u of oyur
phsycail n nmental energy soo ucant think strigth n thin kwelln ndo it well also u dotn evenhave the
tiem to do it as it als oocnsuems ur time soo dotn waste tien I numi p thgisn do only whats imp single
midned focus don’t waste time doing other thgisn dotn do other htigsn.

Keep u r mind free to do imp thgisn sooo uar e free to pursue your goals ur dreams work on them,
mental resources free, for imp thgisn only. Soo tht huare free to dowahts imp, fcsu o na few things only
on imp thgisn do only whats imp thths nto imp thth wont help u ahcve ur goal n imp thgsin I nlfie its all
a waste of time.

pursuing ur goal does come at a cost ther is a price to pay u sacrrifce otehr htigsn n normal thigns! cause
u give all ur tiem effort focus effort physical nad menatla energy ot it!

focuso na few thgisn take a few thgisn, cocentrate on a few thigsn dotn think fo oterh htigsn,
no think fo this first, ek ek eke ek solve karart zaycha, comeptel teh thigsn oen by one,

i am open minded i like ot try n nexpreicne new thigsn learn new thgisn
right know more ert.c... every oen is serachign for many answers to solve theri isses the more pnem
idned u are hte more pp lyou meet talk to the more knowledge infof u get culterues food etc.. the more
oyu learn tht helps u to solve ur probelms caues thigsn htth u may not knw o others knw o and has you
talk to them ask for advice they share it with u as to what ot odo hwo ot be persoality ddevleopemnt
solve ur issues relatesd ot socila naxiety resgutaion etc.. usiensess etc.. takignadvie whofro mppl who
are smart who ar successful n good at certainthgisn what makes them tick how do they manage to do it
what are the thgins they beive in,wht do they think n ebeivel in. thht makes them dowahththey do. Go
out o nsatge n nperfrm I nfornt of oeveryoen with out fear anxiety worry n s o on, sucefful I nbiz, ppl
who have the expreicen who are successful who have been ther done thth, n so on , ppl who know

u opportuinites
to wrk towrds nf idnd what youwant n what you seek
i wks out i mean s the n it works otu
if it happens then it happens
tehy ddiitn belvei n me they said we cannot accept u ur grades in your preivosu college were low
tehyh didint belviei n me abu it bilvied i myself i knew waht iwas hwo intellignet i was
n they enended up pttign a stamp on my intelligence
tehy rejected me i nevergave up
i ahd soo mch t o offer i nterms of inventiosn desicveries
but thhts how thsi world works pl put a stamp o nyour intellignece!
i mean humans are itnelligent!
its wrong for unviersities to paut a stamp on huma intelligence!
its liek who are u to put a stamp on my intellignece!
i felt belittled!
its an amazing world htht we have created where in we humans put a tapmp on o thers itnelligence!

u need ot be stern adamant and determined! keep tryig n ever give up!
be dermiend adamant stern n firm keep trying never give up!

not let it affect u be immune ot it not let it matter you failures reejctions
keep tryig n ever give up!
be dermiend adamant stern n firm keep trying never give up!

he is pretty simple n strgtht frwrd no uncessary things n talk no drama just wht is imp n wht is necessary
to the ppoint.


n solve their problem
sercetsrs fo success

its a ricsk tht u tke right either all or nothing rther thn plyin safe
cause u cannot suceed in life mke progrss withut tking risks
cause life is shrt n u will losee evrything in the end anyway soo u may as well tke a chnce tke a risk n not
fear losing , life is shrt u are here just fr sometime n u will lose everuything in the end anyway so dnt
fear losing n play it safe u may as well tke chnces its wrth it gmble
n try nrew things right expernce new things maximize not limit ur poytientiakl its all or nothing mke it
oor go broke trying. u have nothing to losese dnt fear losing or failing cause u will lose everythinganyway
sooo dnt play safe u know not think too much beyond a day job not strt a biz, just do ur job play safe n
earn monyn n ot think beyond tht drea big, leave ur mark in this wrld, u wnt regret but if u dnt tke
chnces n do wht u wnted to do then u will regret.

no matter how u try

deekh naa voh kaisa hai! Look at him how he is he isexptremy ldetemiendn stubborn.

being adamant u can dowaht uwant i will not cahge thth

it has tobe in this wayonly!

it doestn even matter ot him or affect him I nan y way he doesn’t even care what ppl think of him he is
shamelss has no feelgins of emabrrsemetn or even rejction etc,,etc.. ahs no effect o nhim he is immune
ot it all, it doesn’t even affect him or matter to him I nay way, he doestn give a fuc kabotu u ro me or
what pp lthink fo him, he doenst care or giveafcuk. Doesn’t get bogged odwn by it. he doesn’t gieve a
fcu kabout anyone or wht ppl think fo him, he laughs it off hisfolleis, jaa naaa, deemag maa t kah, haan
pata hai, n he keeps on doig nhis own thgin n tryin.g fuck it doesn’t even matter to him or affect him he
doesn’t even car or give na effwht ppl think fo him eh laughs it off. He is shaemlses rejection failure n n
so on ththsn ot gonna stop him I nanyway form doignwhat he wants to od.

werdly tit dsnt even affect him or matter to him the rejection
cause he knws tht wmn are diffrent n they dnt care fr ooks
soo he knws tits got nothin to do with him soo ti doesn’t affect his self esteem n destroy his ocnfdince.

Fortune favors the brave hose who take risks!

thseo who dot ned up whrere they are those who rtake risks
either lose or win but those who don always lose

Its not jsut do it there is a way t odo it

u have ot do it thoguhtfully! ina well thgouhgt manner as to what to do waht yo uwill do n hwo oy uwill
do it and go about it plannig nan stregizing how oyu will go about achivng ur gaols
before you do it you need to think be thoguthtful
reserch what others do hwo they didi it etc..
what yo uneed ot od etc... waht otehrs are doign
theose who were sucessful hwo they didi it what didi they do
adn hten you need to
plan, stretgize as to wahto t odo hwo to do it ho w to go about it!
so thth u knwo whato to do hwo to od it nad knwo what oy uare doign n hwo ot og about it
and teh nimpliment thht is take action! o nce u knwo hwo ot od it hwo to go aobut it
waht to do adn so on! tehn you impliment nad ataek action and go abotu undertakign nad impimnetign
ur plan n sttertgy n doign it

also u need ot od it with itnerst do it keenly takig nitnerst in it only then uwill do it nicely n nporperly, if
u do ti with the intention fo doing ti well nn ciely n properly, but if oyu do it just to finsi hti fast n nfor
theskwe o of doing ti then u wotn take itnerst in ti n wont do it properly ndo it hastlty n jst ot get it
done fast and nto do it proeply or well, the work will eb not effective useless nnagrbage. Menianless.
Wotn give any results. Taking itnerst I nti n keen to do ti wlel n n right n properly, not just to finish it but
to do ti well, taking tienrst I nti do it right n os n. wit hthe inteitosn to learn n so on, nto just finsh the
pages but to elarn soo thth tis more effective hwat udo n give results, the content is imp. N s oo n. shud
be right n well n oso n.

or ur life wud be a waste ... if u dnt think big n ont think beyond the box n not bash into the wallls too
much, n only do a day job n not think beyond tht u are limiting ur potential due to ur self-limiting
thougts n thinking.
he's driven not by the challenge of getting ti done or fifnishing it but by his love of doing ti well learngin
and oso n. knweldge itnenrst I ndoign ti n doig nti well there is a big difference between doing ti just for
the sake of odign ti n to finsh it fast in ahste vsdoign ti prorpely for the love of it taking itnernst n doing ti
right n oso n learngign, there is a diffrnece between stydying to learn vs stdyign just ot fisnht he apsges n
compelt it.

u work caseuu hope if u had no hope , hopelss then u wudnt wrok or go for it,

Focus put all ur effrts into one thing

nothing to worry about. Not worry about unimp thigns.

herightd rieection thoguths and adviceastowahttodotoahcviemygoalsnetc..

Dont make it very croweded n stuff less is mroe

Once ur mind gets diverted n distracted from imp thgisn to unimp thgisn then u cant do imp thigns. U
cant focus ur mid no nimp thgisn, asur midngets diverted ndnevaited gets consumed n absorbed in
unimp thgisn getsirrected to unimp thgisn. And all effort mnetal energies are spent in unimp thgisn.
Thinking fo unimp thgins rather than htinkign foimp thgisn, brign ur mind back to imp thgisn focus o
nimp thgisn think worry pay attention to imp thgisn not unimp thgisn don’t invoele ur mind absorb
urmidn I unim ptghsin keep ur mind I nimp thgisnt hinkf impt htigsn only dotn think worry nn bother
with oteh htignsn unimp thgisn. Fcosu urm idn on imp thgisn onlysingle minde focus one track mind.

u dnt have to give anythign to any body, u dnt owe anythign to anybody,
each one ot himself, n see ther own ppl are selfsh anyway they dnt care fr others
wen nu go to ehlp otrhs u end up losign if oyu want to be successful the n uneed to be slffish see ur own
wen uneed help no oen will ehlp yo uoterhsare nto gonna help u u have to see ru own. If u wast etiem
helping oterhs then hth tiem thth cud have been spent on helping ursefl making ur own progress, si
gone, n wen uneed help no oen will help you

u shd not wait till uar eready u need ot keep working o nti keep tryign imrpove learn as u go
cause uwill never be ready, there ilwill alway be soemthign or the other... sooo keep worjkign
on it dont wait htinkign ohh i will do it when iam reday n preprarde
keep working o nru probelms and keep pursign workign otwards ur goals dont htnk htht ohh i will
wokr on my goals ocne i knwo whato to od n ncei am more ready u know..
nope... self imrpovemnt nad n workign on ur carrer goals go simulttniously,
u shud just jump into te pool nu will leanr ot swim, not first learn to swin n then jump i nto
the pool... u shd nto strt once u are readyn ahve earnt everythign u need to od , u need ot keep the tries
the process o ngoing, and learn as u go as u do ti, as to wht to od. Other wise if u wait till u are reeady
then u will enver be ready, and it will eb too late as bytht time u havemissied out o nmany
opportunities. Keep the tries the process goin on, as u learn simultaniosuy as to what to do side by side,
dotn think thth I wil lstrt once I havelearnt everything and I knw wnht to od. Casue tht will never happen
n by thth time it will eb too late, improve as ugo. Perfect it as u go. Thth is as u keep doing it n working
on it.

its liek u cosnty llrn thigns as ot wht u shud n hsud nt be doing

its iliek ur life is wrk i nprogress u are wrk i nprgres u are still figurig out whtot od hwo
to be how ot do it hwo ti works.. the process how it wrks and why I wrks, hwo ot deal with ti etc... wht
to do tryign t o fidn ur perosnlity right develop urself, improve ursefl,

i want my liefe to be constructive nad prodcutive

not wast my life
wrte bookseetc..etc.. be moreconsturcitve
solve problems
not waste my life
i wnatm y life to be of some use!
to solve problems isseusn nso n
soo tht humanity maeks progress.
what has been ur contrivbutoion?
whts ur purpseo?
how can you help?
the htigsn thth u use for mlight bulbs to ocmputers, cars eery thgin all comforts u haave to otady u take
it for granted, btu the stone age men didnt havethese comforts thth made theri lives btter, all the tools
thth u use, ahve been made by humans, wh ocame before oyu
who spent hteir whole lives working takigneffort sleepless nights
to dvelop it takign paisn n efforts workign dligently tirelessly reentlessly.
to make the future bteeer for humainty.n future gentration
u neeed to think how can u cotnribute?
how can u use your life for a heigher purpose
the better ment of humanity
figuero ut what uare good at n ni nwaht way can u contribute wht porbpelsm u can solve
so thth humans of next generation s dotn waste tiher tiem n nlfie on thesme isseus
soo thth they have the soultons to those problems n they canwork on other isseus n problesm

take my own time to od thigsn right

use the moeny i wlaeady have to lift launch my slef up or go broke trying

There are no two ways about it, its either thr way or the highway.

time to think n neciede what to do do it thoguhtfully i na well planned out deicdd manenenr as to what
ot do how ot do it hwo ot go about it etc..
solved most of hte problems i nmy life

kaise hoga how will thsi work ot to be

Before iwas woreidn nstreed out, kaise hoga how will thsi work ot to be, how all this will happen. N
nuncertianity, if it will work out or not. Unhappy n Stressed out about edcusation, n soo n, worry botu
thth now its thime to t hink n worry botu toerh htigsn like job, career, erarnign ur living, resume
expericne work wexperince gf etc..etc.. making them moven n shift.
u know dont waste ur life doin unimp things do thgisn thth ar mroe imp, earnig nmoeny,
solvign ruprobelms, makign peorgress imrpvign ur stntnrd fo livign, n soo n achivngur goals the imp
thgisn I nlfie.

If uwait thinking ohh but id otn thin kk iam ready yet I still have to work o nmy isseusn nthen u will strt
once u think uare ready then by thth time ti will eb too late u have already lsot mnay opportinties, n soo
u shud nto wait til l aur ready, u need to strt now and keep working on it, keep on oding ti, keep yoru
tries ongoing going on, and side by sid silmautionsly work on yourself f to improve ursefl, u know
improve urself as u go, perfect rusefl as you go, nto wait till uare perfect n thn e strt

wt can u focus on how can u acheve ur goals wht u need to d t acheve ur goals whht route can u take ,
keep all options, dnt just stick tp oo one route go all out, use all resources n rutes u have to acheve ur
goals.there are two ways to get ur goal.

dotn get caught up i nteh at race u know

in the process of wrkin to earnmoney ur problems npersnl issues remain iunsolved,
cause u spend all ur time wrkin fr sum1 esle n u have no time fr urself,
notim to wrk on solvn ur issues
n if ur problems n issues dnt get solved then u csnt be happy n u also cant mke progress
beyond a certain levl u wil stay where u are as u lack cnfidence n beliefs n framewrk the
basics the mind prgramming knwing wht to do n wht not to do tht will help u overcome issues tht
hold u bck frm tking action n drive motivate n propel u frwrd towrds tkin action n bigger
dreams n goals.
spend htth time doign resrch towrds self imrpvoemnt towrds oteh goals
towards ur bigger dreams
and sepnd time on self-imprvoemnt spend time o nahcivngu rbigger dreams
to imprive ursef,to make progress sovle ur problems n nisseus, soo thth u knwo whato t odo it wil ehlp
u achvie the bigger goals.
doign a 900 to 500 job fora saml pay check u wont go beyoodn there u won t amke any progress
u will stay thehre nn not move beyondhtht as ur problesm tth are unsovled will hold u back
doign what uhtink is more imp self imrpveoment etc..
thth will ehlp u ahcvie ur bigger goals nn make progress
spend hth tiem o n thigsn imp to you
u earn money a small motnhyl paycheck but ath thecost of oyur prblemsremaingi nunsolved
n they hold u back u need to spend thth ttime to sovle ur isseusso othth uknw whato tod ur problesm
dotn old u back n nu knw what otod u learn whtto o dot scueed n achvie ur bigger goals other wise u will
stay wehre uare n not move beyond ur day job, as u risseus willhold u back, n u wont be happy in life as
u have isseus n nu cant progress beyond thth

take ur own time tto do thgisn, n do them right

work towrsds imrpivign yoruself learnig nthgisn waht ot od n so o n
thth will ehlp uachvie ur goals.

dont live a secure life with a 9 to 5 job and secure small but secure pay check
strt a biz
take risk tkae the risk
u have ot take risk give htth thing up
or go big go broke trying
aim big work towrds bigger thigsn
aim big or go broek trying

fight o arjuna
dotn giveu p
cause he isdetermined adnstubborn adn wants toahve hisway or nowayhighway!
wntstoahvehisway ornothignatall!

Not quit

Action doing ... get urself toaction

motivate drive urslfto achiton
how to?
keep thisi n mind
action is more important
decide what work to od for the day thinkwhat work to do oly rtehn u will do it
if u dont htinkwhat work to od what ot work on what work to od to comolete today t owrds ahcivng ur
gaol u wont be wrokign towards ur gals cause u dhave not decided what t odo n u dotn know what to
take pains and efforts
work continously nonstop
be fast work fast speed matters the pace at wich u do ur work
dont waste tiem doign otehr htigns stay focsued dotn waste time doing uimp thigns
do onyl whats imp, do other htigns, fun entertinment, at otoerh time durign ur work time ge to busienss
do only ur work nothign else
normally the brian doesnliek ot work hard, rememebr this, no pain n o gain, takeeffforts hard work take
pains nad efforts wrk towds acivng ur gaols!
control urhtoguths know what thoguths are goin on i nur mid sntop thinkign of otehr htignsn nget to

don’t wast tiem sleeping laing, doignnothing doing toerh unim pthgsin or thinking fo unim tghsin get
towrk n what s imp.

doing it ina very well thoguht of way n reserched way as to hwo ot do it n how ot go about it

u need to earnign money work hard n nalso have fun

have a balance ., if oy u only havefun then uhave no money, u odnt make progress u strggle,
u face hardships, n so on u dotn make progrees
but if oy uhavemeony n uhave fun then u are fine. Tthh way u work hard but at the same time don’t
miss out o nthe fun. Ualso ahvefun
also during your work time u shud only do oyur work no fun or entertainment u shud mean bizness be
serious but when u want ot oahve fun during ur entretinemtn time jutst havefun n let loose n nahvefun
noneed ot e seirous then be chilled.
Thats cause u take u r time n think it through and think about it
what is this life all wor kand no time ot stop and stare.
pre occupiedwith soem thoughts
wonderign ponderign thinkign dremaing
tryign to fgiure thigsn otu n ananlze n discover thigsn
i am more of a phuilososphe r n nthinker esercher help humanity solve problesm n issuies of hte mind
it takes a lto of tiem n nthoguht

keep working on it have patience n perseviersee n slowly bu t suteady with contsnt effort non stopping
effort get ur life in order improve ur statius, stndrd of living wrk to acheve ur goals n so on.

Rome was not built in a day u neeed to be patient n not give up keep working on it n doigng whtu are
doing not get disccoraged, persevier, good thigs take time n constnt effort steady effort , no matter how
slow the probgreess wht he result keep working on it stedily steadfast effort. Slowly n steadly get ur life
in order,

Stay foused stay on track, not get distracted get ur act together get ur life bcjk on trck/. N get goin,
preserver m n s on jkeep trying doing wht u re doig n wrking on it , seatdlycomtionluy n have patinc
don’t give up cause of the result or slo profgress preserver good thngs tke time rome was not built in a
day it takes sustend constnt effort over a period of time to get things done n see r results. Soo due to
slow progress or lvckof results dnt get frrsutrated n give up havepatince keep at it keep working on it
conntly slowly n steady acheve ur goalds by peresevrng n keeping on wrking on it constly n get ur life in
rder thts wht it is. It tajkes time n constnt effrt over a erid of time for u to see results roe was no t builtin
a day things take time soo be patint persevere n keep working on it nmn tryigng constantly steady
effort. N sloewly but surely u will gtet there n rechh ur goals if u keep tryng keep wrking on it n n keep
ur tries ongoing. Things don’t happn in a jiffy they happn over a period of time u need to puttime n effrt
into it n have patience preserver not give up keep as u dnt see results on trying constly constnt effrt.
Wenu get frustrated as udnt see results n wntto giv up Remind urselff tht rome was not built in a day u
need to persevere good things take time n constnt non stop effort overa certain period of itime n then
slowly u strt to see the results.

i am a thinkrer, puhlosphe dreamer day dreaemr, lost i nmy own thoguths ponderign wonderign
adgettign ideas for mthe universe,
i take my own tiem nad think a lot think it throguh i dotn get caugth up i nthe rat race,
money moeny moeny, were u work to earn moeny at the expense of otehr problesm in lfie beign
i nbelviei n sovlign problesm of life
lookn thnn observng dreamn
thths hwo I came up with htsi work thgoruhglal thth thinkignn annalying

we need ot ake effort s

not waste effort
believe in urself dare to
dream big or take efforts towrds his goal

onsiderign the way he is stern determiend nad adamant

worryign about uncessary thigns unimp thgisnnwo what ot think n worry aobut like imp tgisn n work
keep ur midn in ur work n imp thgisn thik fo imp thgisn!

dotn be sad depressed n nmorose

due ot failures rejectisn etc..e.t.c.c be happy go liucky dotn be sad over it or well on ti or let it get you or
affect u in anyway! keep trying,
keep tryign neer give up n nfidn soem one else
be eonoracgiign motivatignnda driven, go gos , go for it to enorugare you, motivate you
u are good to lift u up giveu cofndeocen posostive atmaospehre
if htere is sadness negtiivty then u are dragged dwon n u are deisocuraged n thenu cant try its liek thht u
need ot be positive have a opostive attitudebelieveinurselfnt getinto anegative spiral due o filuresz.

t oan extet thth i was all quiet all i was thinkign was very quiet, n thinkig ninsdie was soo quiet n lost in
was ,ggot totally lost inti forget abotu everythign n thinkgin i was jsut lookign at her n obervign her,
quietly, n jst htinking! tomyself!
i was nto even payign atetnion , i was soo lost int
i wastn eenapiyng attentio nt ooterh htigns

dim light and less noise = cmpelte focsue

totally lost nadi nvovled into it into my own thgtuhs thinking
n inovled into the task thth uaredoing totally lost into it
thinking baout it
no distraction

spenign tiemn mental enenrgy nad effort connsntly worryign baout it how ot go bout it
be very firm and stern! unbudging

u neeed to alawys think fo yur work u willdo oyur work olnly if oyu think fo oyur work you need to think
waht should i do to tday think fo what work ot do today, take a dcisison think and decidewhat work to
do, lets d othis now! lets competle this today! once u have think and decide what work to do then u
know inyour midn waht to od waht work to do n comeplte today towrds urgao towrd ahcivng ur gaol, its
there i nyour mind n nsoo yuget ot od it

purseu wha htey want ot purse purseu their hoobies interests , or do reserch etc... and if it doesnt wrk
otu then u have somethign educaiton to fall back on on incase nothign works outs innovatio nresersch
etc... they can focus only o ninnvation reserch or pursing hteir hobbies

its all or nothign life is shor t u have ntohign to lose u will lose everythign i nteh end anyway soo its
worth taking the risk hte cahnce caue uahve nothign to lose uwill lose everyhtign i nteh end anywaway,
sooo it worht takign the risk, soo tis not not takign a risk
since life is short n nu live here jsut for soem iem n u will lose everythign i nteh end anyway
soo u may as well take a risk no poitn beign sooo protective
or cautious
its all or nothing either be a bllioanre od somhtign try somethign strt soemthing
or go broke trying!
but odnt ply safe, thehre is no fun adnvetrutei npalying safe! fortne faovusr hte brave thsoe who take
rissk if oyu strt nothign
if oyu odnt wok twards ur goals n ur passion s then u will stay wheer u ar eu wil gain nothing

u need ot make ur moveve n act n try when uhave the opportuinity cause once the opportunity isgone
then ucant maek u r move even if oy uwant to.

u need ot put your foot i nteh door and strt soem where u need to get expreicne toget a job!
for the first few jobs u shd u nto care about moeny but gai nexpreicne once u have got a hold knwoeldge
n exrepice then you cnathink fo moeny nad payment! wahts more imp than degree is gettign the right
work expreicne knweldge practicel knoweldge n skills tht will help u recriuters nto only look for ur
edcuaiton n grades but also ur work epxreicne which compaines u worked for in waht postiiosn nad
what expreicnesu have!

dnt waste time socializing lots of wrk to od they just want to midn their own biz right, and most of the
time spend time in their own room, doigntheri wrk n working ntowrds their goals

worry n nfear cna be good it can help u keep u on ur toes nn accelaerate u

i mena fer of failign i nthe exam makesu stdy ure coconslty o nur toesn n u prerate well

wrry about future as to what will ahppen maesu prepeare n take effor be fast n nquick
n wrk hard dayn n ngth fast cosnntly wrry abotu awstign ur time cause tiem goes qucik n n
uknwo uhave no time n nu needo t achvei certian thgisn fast soo u wrkfastn nhard it puts prssure on u to
perform n u wrk onstatop fatn n ndayn n ight presure oahcive resutls

u need t know whato ofear n nwhat nto to fear good fear thth whwlps u fear thth whwlps thth helps u
ot do thigsn take action rpeaction proaction fear of losign opportunteis n nso on tht maeks uttae k
action fear of missing out n nso on n bad fear thth destroys u n croppplesu ur ability ot odhwt u wnat
to od n what ot owrry about good woroy thth helps u ot do thigsn take action rpeaction proaction n bad
wrry tht cripples u n stops u fom doign hwat u wnato t ood uncessary wrry wrry about imt pt hgisn nt
unimp thgisn .

wrry as to what will happen kya hoga pata nahi, the fuutuere the resutl the outcoem whther ur goal
swill eb achived o nr ot makes utake effort n nwork twice as hrd

wen ti comes to me tis all ornothign eother make itbig orgo broke trying
die trying n get nothign at all etierh getwahtyouwant or keep trying n get nothignatall
or get nothignatalll n keep trying
but dont settel for somthign thht u dont want thth wont makeuhappy
dont settle in between forsoemthign tth u dont want
you will lose everyhtign in the end soo odnt let the fear offailinga dlosing stop u fromtrying,
u arealready nake uahvenothigntolosssoo
there isnoreason nottofollwo ur dreams
u aregoingtolose everhtigni nthee end anyway soo dont fear lsing orfailure
its wrth trying itsworthtkaigntherisktisworthtrying! twrdswhat uwanttowardsurgoals

theintellgience astowahttodo
hihgh evle ofinvovlemnt they do one thing only
tehy seselct one field adnththonly go inththtonly!
go fullyinit
amsteritknow everythignboutit

the problm is u end up thinking inside the box n not beyond the box
n u lck confidence u think ohh i cant do this i cant do tht, just look around u
who created these tool this concrete world, who are these ppl who created the busness the contret
world developed thse tools tht u use its been created by humans by people just like u n me
by people who are no differnt than you n me, who are no more smarter or intelligent thn you,
u ar etold by people who its out of ur reach u just just styay n te box and not beat around the walls just
get a job have a family settle down thts it thts wht u are capable of n n ot think beyond that, well, the
truth is u ar ecapable of strting busnisss cause the tools and the contrete world thts created has beenn
creaed by ppl who are ust like u n me n no more intelligent than u n me, soo u need to strt believng in
urself be confident tht u can do it as well n u are capable as well, and u are no less of amortal than they
are who created it all the concrete world, and u need to strt thinking big n nstop thikign ohh i cant do it
its beyond my reach, i am incacapble, not listen to ppl who tell uthth thth u shud nto think beyond the
box adn htht ushud just do a job ge t afamily thth s it n nto think beyond htht thth u wotn be able to od
it, nto lsiten to the naysayers, thth u are not caapbleof it, thht htsoe who o it are either eery intellgient
or rich etc..etc.. srtr beliveign in yourself why cant i do it? i am no less fo a mortal than they are if they
can do it then why cant I? i can also do it, what isi t thht iodnt have thth they have i ahve the same brain
as tehy have i can also do it! stop beelivgn liek thht thht u cant do it etc.. u cant achive it its beyond ur
reach pp lwho do it are supreroir or mreo intellgent hthan u stop puttign ruself down, belviei i nyorusfl
thse who didi it aere jsut beigns lie k u if theycan do ti then soo can you, be ocnfidnet nad belvie i
nyorusfle nad strt thinkig noutsdie the box beyond hte noremal thingsl iek doign a job etc..etc...

u need to be free n open minded no t closed nded or u cant develop n learn

worryign anxious about the future hwo things will work ut n nso on.
Do wht u cant ohelp uachvie ur gaols
Advices n nso o nwht to do wht nto to do to succeed to help uahcive u r gaols

man he is punk n rebeliious nt follwoign the nroms set doing his own thing whath e wantso to do.

u have to eb determine d n emtally toguh

adn fight n not give up dont get exhasuted ndriane ddue to the efforyt uknow
n u shud nt bedraine dexahusted by ding all tht
be determine not get dreained and exhaute dbythe eforrt be afighter fight it! not back track, n so on
not the oen to back up for m a fight, fight!

the worst thing ucan do is not have ur freedo mm n have ur destiny n future I notehr ppls hands n nthey
then take awawy your freedom. Monky say moenky do oyur wish is my command, N treat u badkly take
advantage of oyursefl stiuion take away ru rghtsn nso on be indepndet. I nal lways soo thth no oen can
touch you. Or take away your freedom. Indepndet financially, learn to look after urslef nn so on. Co food
n nwaht not. Eduaiton wiese nn so on. When r ur lifen n future is I notehr ppsl hands ththswhren u lose
urfreedom. U fear some oe nmightsay some thing nsdo osmehtign to oyu, n soo u cant do certia nthgisn
as they have inflcune n powern ncontrol over ur life over ur future. U are at theri mercy. Also they acna
curtail ur freedom treat u badly n so on. N tkeae avantge fo stuion, for eg:- linn takig nmoeny form you n
stravign you n treating you badly n rudely, for eg:- viu putting u on progbatio n ntakig an away your
freedom and basic rights, cause they have the power n ncotnro lover ur future n I f oy udont lsitne then
they will expel un n so on. Misuse of power. Like a bully. Taikign more meon form you ohh this
isexpensive thth isexpnsive if u want us to ocok then u will have to pay exptra 504S more for 200 $S ican
have 4 meal s a day.. fuck it I will cook o nmy own! N for 150$S which I am paying now I can have 3
meals a day. N I am getting only 2 breakfast nad dinner.

be willgi nt otake all effrots,

doesntturn awayfrom fight!
hdbemetnally toguh ndetermiendhthtisbe
cause tistrign adndrainign nconsming but not be the one to back dwn frm afight n chrge instead
n not back down fro ma fight, u need to gfight it out n not backdwn
but insted fight tiout bet detrmiend, put inefort!
take apins ne fforts notnotgettiredn exhausted ndriaend saying i am done!
etc.. be afighter n fight!
well fight em be determiedn
be darined exhausted ntired,
ntbe tired adndrained by it! fight take efforts! putinefffort fdotn get ehxausted n tried
nto shy awawy for mtakign effortn n paisn to achvie ur gaols
itcosnumes u ntake smeantl enegy adneffort
right uneed tobedetermiend be afighterand fight
u shud nto beexhausted n tried after
takignthe effort

dpend efforts i ndestroyign eahco ther pulling each otehr down out of jealousy instead of spednig ntth
heffort I nliftignthemslves up. i npullign eahc other dwn where a s eus psend effort i n lifting ursefl up.

Sitting at home nthing will happen go out there hng arund mke frends meet ppl mke connections
network, learn to tke effrt take effort haath pare marna seekh learn to move ur hnds n legs. Tt is tke
effrt towrds achreving ur goals. Endeavors.furure endeavors efftrs to tke up something, working twrds
somrthing a goal. On a mission a cause to aceve ur goals.

goals dnt wrk unless u do! how much time are yu sepndign wht efforts are u taking hwo
much wor k uare doign how much are u workign towards achivng ur gaols?
u wont achvie ur goals just like htth it wont fall i nur lap u need ot work otwards r goglas
keep tryig n nkeep wrkign towrds aching ur gaols
how musch wrok are oyu puttigni tnowrsdsachivng ur gaol every day how many hours of work, how
much time are yo uspendign towrdsahcign r u goalwhatork are you doign to wardsachinvg ur gaols. hw
many hours of work are oyu puttign in how mc huh time are u spendig envery day towrfds achivng
its ur goals dremas desris thth drive u n motivaete you to work hardn ntakes all paisn n strugglesn
nefforts n so on, get up i nthem ornifng at ngith n get to work n nso on. everythig n ud o all efforts n
paisn u take is for the sake fo achivng ur gaols.

be particualr think for mall angelsn n sides haaan waht abotu this waht abotu thth be sincere.
waht about htis what abotu thth maek la ist of al lthgisn all quesitosn. be totally i nfully into it.

u need ot udnenrnstad hwo the process wroks

u have golas nad u work hardo t hacive thoe goals u are ambitious dreams everyhtign u do u do it for
hte skaeof achivng those goals ur goslas driveu to work ard n ntkae paisn nadfforts

he get totly lost i nt magna in it, totally lsotn n invoeld into it high level fo inovelment

whatever u have to od u have to do it fast!

Dotn thin k nworry too muc habotu all thth n about unim ptghsin thin k nworry about ur work n imp

Do ur own thing fodnt bother with others, dot nwaste tiem I ntoerhs affiras focus o nyoru onw thigns
taking effort to achvie ur gaols

u need ot og into deatil expalin it clearly soo thth the perosn i tneh front understand wht u are saying, if
oyu dotn expain fully u know not say thigsn ocmpeltely then the perosn wont cause u know inyoru midn
but hth perosn doenst knwo, n soo oyu needo t be clear explain fully in detail

is he more dirven or i npassion nad ambitiosu n ndetermined! leaivng no stone unturned!

not shyign awy for mtkaign effort!

for soem one to whom it ooesnt matter or doesnt affec t it at all or he doesnt care or botehr with it! i
mean! ahah! who doesnt give an efff or a care, failue etc dsntmtter t him n he is immune to it.

the goal i s to win

by hook or by crook
by sfsf or by force
legally or illegally
by htis way or that way
at all costs!

Doing it i nan intellgient nad thoguthful way

being calm and thinkign it thorugh
and beign intersted in it to know andsolve
rateh then aowrryign nad consiedenrign ti a burden
solvign provblems nad isseus innvoeate fo benbefit
rather than just wanting to get done with it n finish thepages
doing ti for the sake of doig nti doby tkaign itenrst I nti do ti to tearn to do it properly n nicely
just don’t doit for the sake of finish it, n getting doen with ti! U know with the result thth I nteh process
n I nthe haste the work u do is garbage, do it by takig nitnenrst, wit the desire to learn, to odo it well nn
properly the ocntnt si imp to do ot iwell n propely soo thth tis effective, gives results yelids reustls,
also u dotn study just t otunr the pages n gfinsih the bookn get doen wit hti, you study to learn, gian

life is a learnig nexpresince thths what it is nothign more

at hte end of hte da y u just right a book of our expresicnes, what uahve learnt i nlfei
who u are hat u belvie i soo htht others can leanr form u
and tehy knwo better what oto od to solve theri problems nad they dotn ahve to fidn the same
soiltuiosn as to what ot od to solve the same problesm and they can dfocus on other problesm
think of otehr isseus innvaion nto spend time waste life solivng hte same problems thth
ufaced! tehy have the soultion to those problesm, they knw owhat ot odo they cna focus o nsovlign
otehr issues tc..e.t.c. lack of reagituion, scl anxiety etc,. tht prevnet u n hold u back frm doing things
mking progress

taek itme n enffort to do it proeply n nperfectly oterh wise ur work will just be crap , garbage wotn give
any results or be effective. If udo ti I nhaste n ndot ijst for the sake of finsigh ti n getting doen wit hti.
Taek effort it shud be a work fop rode a wrok fo art there isa huge diffenrce by doig nti wit hcare and
doing it well proprly thogtuhfull putting time n enfoort n thought I nto ti vs doig nti crapply like garbage
n jus t for the sake fo doing ti. T ish ud be doen correctly propel,y n yeidl results n effect t perfection.

Its arisk ththt ut ake right when u do somehtign n uw rok on somehtign spend all urtime on it atthe
expense ofotehrthgisn eitherit will work out or it wont
its all ornothing either u will sceed and get wahat uwa tn r it will all be a waste thth is u may get nothing
no result out of it!
u od italt the ocst of everythignelse cause u leave all otehr imp thgisna sdie for thsi one thgisn
ththsmore imp to you, n eitehr u will suceed thth uw il get waht u want or u wotn get waht uw ant n all
thth effrt wud be awste u go into it knwoignthth.

It desnt matter whther u succeed or you fail, what matter is whtehr u try or yo udotn try ths what really
matters the out come doestn matter ehre.

What are the htigsn thth u failed at? Soo thth made me realie thth I t doestn matter if oy ufail at
something, what matters is thth u try! – Sara Blakely

U need ot ahve patiecne cause thsi is life n thigns dont happen quickly in life they take time u need ot
consntsly keep working on it rome was not built in a day u cant expect results quickly but only over a
ceratin time epriod, u need ot keep working on it. till its done till ur gaols are achived keep owkring on
urgoals! u will ahve to work every day for months for years tlill u finally see results n urg oals are achived
and thigns make progress and aredone!

how will htis work out ot be

keep working on it keep trying
try diffrnt htigns at differnt times
and you will learn waht otdo hwo to do it n go about it
what works adnw aht doesnt

but he is itnrovrerted he is a thiknker he thinks he is internal he is hte wise man who sit and mediaite
and gain kwnoeldgena d are coneenected adn think right nad they taek extra effort to coemout and talk
right to ppl tehy are brillaint pp lteh y are thikern n itnernal in theri won mind thinkign not extpavertedn
n they take time or extra effort to tal kand comeout right! Caseu they spedn a lot of thime thinking ni
tnehr I own n they are dispocnnetedn n not used ot soicaliing much. N soo wen they have to talk they
take extra effort to come out. As they are out of touch n not used ot osicaliing.intoverst spend most f
other time I tnehri own worlds thignkign quietly n soo they are not used to oscialing. N take extra effort
weh ndoign soo.

u need ot be patient caue thignstake time ot haphppen n fall inpalcen nowrk out
rome was not built i na day

u need ot keep tryign n never give up no matter whath the ibstacles failures etc...
etc... u need ot keep trying n keeep working on oyur goals towards ur gaols
irresepctiveo f hte result whtehrh u win or lose or fail or the rejections disspointments
not get frustrated and give up keep workign on it keep trying
keep won doign hwt u are doing n keep working on it!

its like put in all ur effort its now or never

focus on dont do othrh tinsgs fcous o none thign only instead focus soleyl onwork oslely toaawrds focus
o nthth only uwant it then focsu solely o n it instead of speandign n taking effortsdn takign effort to
isntead of wastign timne n e ffort i nthth fcsu solely o n gettng wht u want n wht u want the
endgoalcause thths what u want n nthths what u r goal is!

the efforts they put in tomke everything well n nice n good n value everything. U need ot work hard take
efforts to maek everythgi nlook nicen ngood n so on to achvie ur goals n so on.
They dotn shy away formtkaign efforts n nextra effrts nnworkig nahrd, they do it for the sake ofahivng
the gaol s or take extra effrt to maek everythgi nice n proper organized n look good a s they value it
thths wht motivates them drives them to taek efforts nn paisn to maitnatin n nkeep it well.

wrking to find the kind of girl htht uwant

i mena u can try keep trying towards wat u want
but not neecssarily thht u may get
however jsut casue u dotn get it doenst mean u stop tryign u need ot kepp tryign

it has to eb doen sit dayn ngith n comeplte ti, ther I no twoways about it no toerh option take paisn n
seffrotsn nstruggels tood it get ti done! Wrk hard put I n100% weefor to o do ti n get ti doen dotn shy
away for mworkig nahrdn ntakign pains nn efforts. Hard work is wht makes u succeed.
Soosit thrugh it n nfinsih ti taek paisn n efforts to o d it well n do ti properly

learn by doign experintial knwoeldge

studty successful pp lbusienssmen their interviews what maes them tick what htigsn they beivle I n”I
learn by doing” – roman abrnovich action nacito action, wht are tht thigns the y od thth maeks they
highy lefficnet productive motivaten n dirvethme to ttake action n n stay ficosued od whththey do nd
oso n they have nto been successful just like thth its cause thehre is something in thme they knw a few
thgisn thth u dotn they didi a fewthgis right, they kwno wht tohigns to beivle I nwht to od to make
htemlsves productive effictnt stay dofused whtsh the secret of success wht to o dot be successful,
efficntn n productive n nwaht nto tood n oso n. hwo they mae their money n nso on

totally lost in totally highyl invoveld n absrobed n magna in it and forgettign everythign else!

Why ppl are interested in aliens?

well i dotn care if ther eare aliens or not, its escapism, distrction for mrelaowlerd problesm aliens dotn
care botu you, even felow humans dont, aliens wot help u solve ur problesm o nearth ppl go itn tohgisn
lie ka,liens in roder to escape for mthe real problesm on earth,
aliens wont help u earn oyu livngn n earn moeny dforo yu soo get otowrk nad earn your livign
n moeny.

spend time o nurlsef imepvign urself makign uslef capcplbe workign on oyurself learnign thigsn wht ot
odo to ahcive urgoals n nso on, learnig nthgisn as to wht ot od thth will ehlp u towrds bigge dreams
achvie bigger dreams

take the risk

dont get caught up i nte rat race

take time to learn thgin s thth will ehlp u ahcive ur bigger goals.

take time take r tiem do it tiright

tehy are no nosnnse pp lthey are on a mission n here ot change the world make a differnece n thth gives
them the ocnfdience to do thgisn cause htey ar knwo thth htey are here to do good ot help humanity
their intetions aere good n soo they knw things will wrk out they feel more optimistic of the result n
outcome its like look i am tryign to d goodhrer soo god will help me the universe will help me, tht gives
tem the confidence tin thmslves to go ahed n do things htht igves them the cofndience to go nad hed n
ndo ti! wen u wnt to achive a hegher cause, n greater mission for the betterment f hmanity cause htehy
knwo thht htey are dign a good job here n soo god n unvierse will ehlp them guiden n diret them

think different – steve jobs, change the wrld on a mission,mking the wld more opn n comnnected,

ur tiem is imp u shud not waste it doign unimp thigsn keep thth in mind
u have limited time u get onyl 24 horusi na day and 7 hrs sleep 3 hrs goesi n otherh tigns
oso u are left with only 14 hours soo spned ur tiem wisely dotn waste tiem doign unimp thgisn d onyl
imp tthigsn htht will help u ahcive hte imp thgisn i nlfie, crucial thigsn i nlfei ur goals etc.. and focus only
o na few imp thgisn dont wast time doing unimp thgis htth will bign u no gian nad bebefit adn wont help
u achvie the imp thgisn in life.
its hte isuectiry t thths stressful cause u odnt know what will happen u are hopeful
hopefully, its stressful, cause udotn know if oyur goals n ndreams will be achived or not!
i dont lknow what will ahppen te futre u fear! whther ur drems wil eb fullfileed or nto or u will be
screwed i nthe life1
pata nahi kya hoga u stress n u worry!
n it maesu go sad derpessed and u know, freustrated u nhappy

The htigsn about him is thth he keeps trying n never gives up n thths why he keeps improving his
technuqe he was a bad signer before didn’t knw hwo ot sign but he percivered n nnever gave up n nkept
trying to leanrn resrech nimprve his technique gradually.

be o nn a msiion o na quest determend never give up stren determiend, confdient affirmatn

exprtermly determiend o na mission enjy the process n once do it tisdoen then u dotn have to do it
anymore then. Tht cahpeter nnsage fo your life is over then n u move to other goals.

On a msiion – to ahvie ur gaols

U are on a mission – to ahcvie ur gaols, t oget wht u want, trying to ahcive yoru gaosl to acive wht
Thre is plenty of knweldge out ther n it wont take much time ot be sfl-tught to read books nn leanr n
figure out wah ot od, wht u need is qualificiation! Thth wil lehlp u get jobs.

also keep on doign ur own thign n mindign ur own buienss right!

soo thths good not to interfer in oterhs fafirs n build ur own life midn u r own biz n build u r own life! do
ur won thgisn focus o nyour own thigsn dotn spedn ur itmen neffort i ntehr ppls affirsn nbiness. dotn
pay atteion to otehr ppls bagge n ncarp. ngrabage, even if they try to dump it i nyoru lap, to srot otu
midn ur own bi spend all ur tiem foro yurslef. to improve urslef make progeress nn so on.

n goign into otehr ppls lives n naffir and helpign other ppl it will only cause u r own loss cause no onwe
will help u n u eend up losign time thth u wud have sepnt bilidng ur own, n seeing ur own dotn get itn
ot nitnerfre i noterhs afafirs n biz. work to imrpvie ur life. dont waste time n effort helpign toerhs u dont
owe anyhtign toanybody u have the right to say no, u are nto obligated ot anyone, each one see their
own life. N work towards making hislfie better.

wht have u got ot do what otehrs aregettignwht marks hey are geting nn so on, see ur own marks n tnry
to improve urefls better ur own mark n grades. u dont suceed i nlfei by seign what otehrs ar e gettign n
gettign jelaous n u dont suceed i nlfei by seign what otehrs ar e gettign u only usceed by seeign wht u
are gettign n workig nconntly t oget waht u wnat. n seeing ur own what u wnat in lfei and hwo ot get it
nad whter u are gettign thth or not! cause seeign otehrs liees what htey are doignwhat they are gettign i
mean is of no importance t o you how will tht help yo? u need to see ur own focus o nur own affas right
and u dotn suceed in lfie by gettign jealosu of others n nwhat hey are getting.
u dotn suceed in lfie by gettign jealosu of others adn by destroyign otehr ppls lives nad ttryign to berign
others down out of ejalosuy, isko aag jana nahi denekaa ther re pp lliek thth, they wil lhit ur nose ifif oy
uloo kgood casue they get jealous ofo yu n want ot destroy oyu, so otht u dotn ge agf so othth ulose
ursel estem n cnt do thgisn n take up tgisn n nfeel low about rusefl, thth uook bad n nso on, u onl
suceed i nlfei by lifitng urslef up, by buildign ur own life, to all the jealous ppl nahters i nthsi world u
dotn suceed i nlfei by tryign to brign oterhs dwon u nly suceed i nlfei by workign to lift urslef up.
n achive ur gaols.

now i know what ifeel while m doign this eserachign for a girl i feel hopeless lost insecure nad unsure if
my effortswill even be rewarded or ifi will enven be able ot find the kidn of girl thth iwant or it will all be
a waste thth my efforts htth i mn puttign in will all be a waste and all the time spent sarchign will be a
wast if inspite of spenign all thsi time n nutting i nall this effort i ma not able ot find the kind f girl i want
hten it will eb a hopelss n nsad depressign situation i fear! i fear thth s what ti fear!
or wthehr ti will all be a watse well wht u are oding wnt be a waste cause atleast u know thth u tried
very hard even if oyu dotn find u wotn have nay regrests causeu uknwo thht tried everythignu cud
its liek i am dun for this iscrazy the serchign soo mcuh time effort n nenergy ndad still no sucess no
results all seems a waste! frustaretd like wnating ot give up dissapointed but nope keep tryign till u find
neva give up eep searhcing! be mentally tough

ewven if u mamagne to ifnd thru sheer deretmiantion nad extremem effort enormousgergaic effort
have to go thru the misery n problems n grind went thryu to have urgoals.

if its soo fidfficult, n its cray but thehrder it gests th e more s steeler u shud be the strnger ur reslve shud
be. The hrder u try. thakgin psaisn efforts thth u wnet thru! Have to g hthru the grindnso on tke pains
neffrts to reach u goals.

I think spendign hoursi nteh gym obsessign over your body nnthe way yo ulook
is a waste of time! n useless it wont get uanywahere beign fixated soo mch o nur body isntead u can
sepdn thth much tiem strrtign a bi makign moeny or doign soemthign itnellectual work humns were
desigened to use theri brians nad itnellgecne and nto jump aroudn liek moenkeys!
intellectal owrk gainign knwoeldgre improvign n devlopign urslef etc..

direct ur agression seriosuness nagression towrdsahcivng ur goals shw it in achvng ur goals not twrds hth i nyour work i nur goals drect it inur goals

peaceful n less worriesu

don’t pay attemtio nput ur mid nto unimp uncessary unwanted thgisn

wrk twrds wht uwant

after u ahev finished ur ecuaiton ti s not over tis just strted u ahveo t perfom I nfeal life ge t good jobs
build ur carrer ur resuem wrok for big ocmapnies multiantiosnl learn hwo ot mamange busiensnn noso
n. soo thth ucan strt n mamnge ur own after soem epxricne.

u forget all cares i nteh world be aloof, and u dont think care or oworry too much dotn owrry or botehr
about otrh htisn unimp thgisn only do oyur work thhts awhts im ponyl focus on imp tgsin think nworry
about imp thgisn onyl dont sepdn ur physical n mental effortn n mental resutrces getitign distracted n
nthinkgi nnworryign abotu uncessary n nunim pthgisn. Do one thing at a tiem fisnht htht then move on
to the next. Fcosu o noen thing at ta tiem single midned focus. 100% lazer focused.

wen u ad frnedsn n u realsie ur roots where u came form

thth will taeach u no ot be complacent n work harder
adn be greatful and value more the opporitnuite given to oyu n ntake advantage o those opportunidites
work harder ot make hte msot of htose opportunitiiestht u did not have before
tiem is runnogn ou u are lsoig ntheopprotuntiessoo work o ntheopportnires thth uahvemake hte msot
of othem work day nnoght to make the mst of theopportunties thht uahve. Every day udont
sepdnworkign o nyoru opprotunties u are losign the opprotinties the chance hth uare getting thth uwill
enver get agan hth uare getting soo get to workqcikly o nthem o nmakign the most of them. Once ulsoe
thoe oportnites uwill enverget it back so o maek them sot ofo the opprotinite s thth u have. At the
tright tiem at the right moeemnt u have to ahcive everything, once tiem goes opportinties go n then u
wont be able to do ti later. Recognize the oportnteis thth uahve I nthe present moemtn thth uwotn get
later on, everyday thth udotn spend working no tneh opportntie thh tuahve been givn tehn ulose those
opportunities, u waste ththt chance htht opportunity ththsgiven yto you. U have to get edcuaio nat the
right time u cant gt it when uare older, u have ot get married find a gilr at the right time u cant od it
onceu get acertai nage. Recognize the oportinites hth uahve, at present n thth u wont get later n maek
the most ofo them, every day thth udotn spend trying t omake htem sot oo f the opportnteis thth
uhave everyday ulose, by not working o nmakign the most ntryign to ge t the oportntiesn n chanes thth
uahve u ar lsoig nthe opportutnies time is ticking, u are o nborrwed time.

He is very highly ambitious and intense!

tehy went inot tryingto destoy me isko age nikalne nahi denekaa
and i went i ntrynign n workign otwrds imrvoing mysefl

She is extreemy determined stern and stubborn!

uhsow it inyur golas
extreemy determined serious stern and stubborn!
but u direct thth to achving ur goals
direct thth towrds ur gaols all the ahrdwork agression etc...

Soly soly slowly but surely,

eke ekeke problem sovle akrate zaycha
lets put this down
keep solivng hte problems one by one!
take one slove move tohte next

otehrh tigns tehy distract u divert u from ur gaosl and ur task right !
n whats important
once ur mind gets consumed in tehr htisng u forgt imp thgisn
they ogo out of oyur mid n notehr htigns comnsue ur rmental resutrces
n soo ulose focus n then tis hard ot refocus ur mind back o nim pthgsi nu also lose time n nmental effort
n nenergy n then uget triednn exhausted n n ucant think ofim pthgisn
soo don’t do otherh tignskeep ur mid nin imp thgisn only
u have to spend tiem n take efort pay atetnio nto them!
the goal is to win by all menas possible

Time is a big issue u need ot get more work done in a shorter time
keep these things in mind:-
u need to slog , you need to work hard and accelerate ur pace
you shud not do unimp thigns
u shud nto wast etiem in dogn nothign lazing sleeping - sleep only 6 hrs
u shud work fast
u shud work contionuly
beafter it
work hard
decide waht work to do n complete for the day n in how much time
not shy away for mwoking hard takign pains an d efforts
get after it sit consntly work contionouly
be focused dotn do otehrh tigns foucs compleetely on it

Action take action - after u paln decide u need ot worjk hard work three tiems as hard
take action you know not be lazy, ltake paisn ad efforts work is painful boring
discomfort , nto enjoyable and oyu can do otehr htigsn ugt cahined ot it
ad soo the midn doenst want ot work and shys away form workign hard
cause it lieks to laze relaxbe comfortable youneed to take pains nad efforts discomfort learn to work
hard not shy away form ahrd work!

wrok smart:- even labourers work hard but they dotn become belioonares infact htey barely make ends
meet, inspite of all teh toilign soo u need ot learn to waork samrt thth is use yor barin
maek otehrs work for you strt a biz a company n nmake others work for you organize ppl toghter talent
get finafnce etc...

Arise awake n nstop nt till u reach ur gaols

you need ot not onyl work hard but u shud also work smart ot be sucessful
if ouy work ahrd but nto work smart hthen u wotn be sucesful

u needo tb e consnstly be workign towards ahcing your gaol, be fast work ontionslu slog worjk
hard.waht work are you doign eevry day towrdsahcivng urgaol?

time ur activites - do certin thgisn onyl durign certian times!

dont do unimpt higsn durign work time strictly only do work durign entertianment time do
entetianment be organized n particular

be highly detailed go totoally into it deep into it!

know waht u need ot od be termiend ambitiosu nad focused not od therh tigsn focus fuly on the owrk to
ahcve ur gaol, focus on imp thgisn in lfie, focus o nyour goal nt o get distracted nto do otherh tigns
unimp thgisn be serious!

u need ot be highyl focused n no nonsese

not be goofy foo laround n mess around!

Also music, it lasts only like 3 or 4 mins much better than wasitng time watchign a movie also u can do
otehrh tignswhen u lsiten to music, it makes u fast u end up doign things fast due ot the beats etc... it
makesu moreenenrgetic nad wakesu wup from sleep , nmakes u get goingfast wrkingn doing things fast,
it makes u mroe focused puts u in the zone , u get highly invivvled and keep doign n focsing o nyour own
thigsn u get ottally invoveld and lost into ti deep in to it.

U need to ac t fast to amek them ost of the opporitnteis tht uhave before u lose the oprotitnis

keep tryingevenif the the odds are aganst u!

any way keep tryign til ya get wht u wnt achevergoals

don’t Use urmental eenrgy cosnuem ur mental resurces n get distrected n dniverted fro mwhts imp b
hyitnkgin fo unim tghsin once u divert ur mid ensle wehre do oteh hritgns distract ur mid nt otorh
htigsn then tis hr dot beirng it bak n nthink of n nfocuso nim ptghsin u know brign ti back ot imp thgis
focus ur mid nback ot im ptghsin not only are u physically tred broed n nexhaused but also mentllal n
ncant thin kstrght soo u cant do or work or do im ptgsi nthen.

you need ot think and worr y only about inmp thgisni nlife not unimp things
think n worry baout work nad ip thigns

enough of partying n celebrating time to get back to b n nback to work n get serious about it!
N mean business. N no o nensen nwork to achvie ur goal n n eb on a mission to ahcive ur goal!

for every no ther will be a yes if oy keep trying!

Its nto doen yet keep wokrign on ti u have streted soo o ueiill fifnsih dotn leave ti half way, its nto done
till tis actually done its nto finished till tis really fisniedh soo odnt get coamplacnet n nstop working weh
n u near end keep working on ti n finish it off its nto done till tis actually done

what can u do
otehr than keep trying
u can do nothing bout it
all u can do is keep at it
Try tery n not stop or give up keep trying try try till usuceeed

they wek hrd n tke extra effrts put in a lot of effrt 200% effrt n go int odeaatils minutest details to mke
everything rght n perfect keee things nice n neat they are obsessive about doing tiit rigt well n propely
neatly systemtically ver yy organied way proprer planned perfect way. It’s the edesre the obsessivness
to mke it right n good n proper tht mkesthem take tht extra effrt n pains.

dnt do i just fr the sake of doing it n finshing off n gettimbng done with it at the cost
ofdoing it improperly like garbage n trshy wrk, do it neatly n properly, take iterset in it do
it with care, thughfully soo tht its done well, n is effective wrth valuble not garbge gives
rslts n is quality wrk.
for eg: u just dnt study fr the sake of finsighng the book n turning psges u study to learn
gain knwledge thts written on the pages
for eg indens wen they try to eact rus nsay how ar u doin they say it just as formality for
the sake of saying without really meaning it where as wen eus say it they say it, with care
they really mean it, wen they say it, they dn t asay it superficiallly or on surface but with
empghasis. n care have a nice day

he is new on the job n is still learning.

u need to keep working at it on it no matter how slow or small the pogress

dont stop orgiveup out of frutstration keep on doing it
keep on workinga t it til its done tille its finished
u have strted soo u will finsih

Don’t pay attention to toehr htigsn focus o nyoru work tthswahts imp dotn waste ur time n nenergy I
notehr htigsn n unimp thgisn , focus o nyoru work do oyur work tths wahts imp, do wahts imp .leave
everythgi nelse aside, don’t pay attention to waste ur time effort energy in oterh thgisn unimp thgisn, do
only wahts imp thgisn thth will help uachvie the imp thgsin I nlfei make progress sovelur problsm
educaito money etc,..etc..

Learn to distinguish between whatsi mp n nwhats not imp thths not imp thth ownt help uahcvie
anything, n focus o non whats imp spend all ur itme effort eennrgy only on imp thgisn thths g thth will
ehlp uahcive ur goals n nim ptghsi ni nlfie, dotn do oterh htigsn unimp thgisn waste of time effort n
energy u wotn get anyhtignby doing allthth it wotn help u make progress or achvei theimp things I nlfie
thcriital n cruscial thgisn thth is money, education nwork n soo n.

Know of a guy who palys cards all day longwhe n u see hi m in mornigneh si out ther palyign cards ewith
his firndsnn whe n ureturn back form ywork he ispalyign cards with thisfriends wasting time doing unim
tgsin thth owtn brign or give nay results n ebenift wont help to ahive imp thgisn I nlfei goals n nsoo n, n
then know of agu who palys video games all day long, thth wont help uahciveanyhign ti wont help u
achvie the imp thgisn in mlife. Wasting all tiem effort energy in doig nunimp thgisn thth wont hel p ui
nany way, any bebnfit or gain o progress in life. Orahcive the imp tgsin I lfie or ahcive ur goals.

wrp this thign up as quickly n as fast as u can work day n ngith fast contiously n nso on.

They are fast stright frwed to the pointn nonsense wen thyy makevideos right n highyl detaield they
mentio neverythg in thths needed nn dotn mention nosennse icalthgisn
Wherer as these ppl they talk slow n talk nnsense then they say unncessary thing nonseneical talk,
uneeed thgisn insted of talkig nabout imp thgisn, crap n nonse ththswaht they talk, like my frnds n this n
tht use flower language n they waste time, n giv nothgi nimp or useful or beebnfital at all. n giv nothgi
nimp or useful or beebnfital at all.

If oy udo it then it wll happen n nu must do it!

If u don’t do it then nothgi nwill happen
Try for ti , if oy udotn try ntohginiwl lhappen soo keep trying
If u try then soemthig nor the other amy work out if oyu dotn try n don’t make htem oveat all then
nothgi nwill work out uw ill end u where u are u will end up with nothing

how productiven n useful was ur life! menaignuful! purpose folife n soo n

what isseusn nprobelms u worked o nn solved. N os on

knowledge and inforateion as to what ot od teh secrect of sucess, focsu hardwork dertmiantion etc.... t
oahve ru goals
reosruces reserch as to wht to od, ask ppl for advice ot solve r rpoblesm hwo do they deal wit hti hwo od
they sovle the isseus n nprobelsm withoutwhich it woudl have been impossible to ahcvie my dreams and
reach where i ahve reched,
to sovle the problesm and issues

wrk hrd wrk day n ngith wrk fst n nfor logn hours

he was a man of apssio nand only didi what he liek d to do what he lvoed doing

if u are to do it properly the nti is going ot take tiem ,taek a week more to od it or take 2 or 3 days more
to od it but do it properly do ti with care. Take ur time to od it, but do it well the wrok should be proper
manaignful, effective quality work not piece of crap n ngarbage haste is waste at the expence fo
correctnessn precision, n proper work u go ot od haste, n finsh it off quickly, I nahste but at the cost of
the work beign proper n as result tis garbage. N carp menaignless ineefecive do I in a well thgouh out
way. Put time n neffro t in ti n care. Do it wit hcare.
wit hcare thgotuflly as towaht to send, thin kt I through what to do nhow to do it n so n, Do it proeplry
take ur tiem instead of 1 misn spend 5 mins thgouthfuly putting thgotuh in it as towaht to say n doing it
wath care.Care to od it right n well, well thgouht out

u dotn have to care for other ppl dotn go ot hel ptoerhs

see ur own , dowhts goo d for oyu , withot ucarign if others get offended n feell bad n oso n, too bad.
lets see waht we can do here!

n be fast work fast work concitonusly!

teh world doesnt need any more music there is enough godo msuci to last a person a life time
and ther is enough musci for al lteh futueere gngnerations to listen to!
Also there is no use making any mroe new music cause ppl cna dwnload it for free
Soo get ur propirites right as toaht u wanto to do what u shud go itn ton shud nto the rest become only
hobbies for fu nn entertainment
Selelect one lien one field to go itno n then gofully int oti
Just focsu n meditate on ti keep workign o nti ge to work on it work o nti consntalty
and leave everythgi nelse aside adn focsu o nti and get ti t done then take up otehr htigsn
and wrap it up and leave everythig nelse aside!
n take up otehr thigsn once u are done with this

who cares how much I is u just need to keep doing it jkeep working on it to fish it off. N get it done.

its liek its all or nothing

etiehr aim high nad risk it all or end up with nothign!
dont settel for soemthign small!
u wil l die n lose everythign i nteh end anyway sooo
tis worth takign the risk anyway!
cause u have ntohign to lose cause u will lose everythign i nteh end anyway1
n everythign to gain!
etiehr u amke it or u braek it

If he does he does only one thigns at the cost of everythign else he doesnt care worry or bother with
anyhtign else

weren’t sure which direction we were going to head in – even if we wanted to head in any direction.”

“I’m not rushing it and I’m not worried that it won’t happen.

Try not to let failing at something deter you from trying again; everyone makes mistakes and this does
not make you any less worthy or capable. Keep Trying.

you will start blaming others for your mistakes inste of tking responsiblty
bliming urself n seeing ur mistkes bn faults n wrking to correctthem to chnge ur situation , wen u tke
responsibilty n see ur mistkes inted ogf blming others then u wrk tke chrge to crrect ur mistejks n slve ur

be passionate, you assert your willpower, you move forward, and come hell or high water, you achieve
your dreams and your goals.

Dnt care wht ppl do with ther lives thts ther lives n ther decision see ur own I don’t care n don’t go to
interfere n correct them eacjh one to his own n see his own.

Mke a decision u have t o tke a decision n act on it.

Tke ur time do it right, if u gonna do it do it right.

painstatkingly calssifiedworkign hard

each adn every minte detail
takign a lot of effrot to create ti!

U need to eb very thoguhtful adn calulating as to what to d ohwo to do it

its nto jsut do ti tehre is a way to do it!
u are spooked out n n on ur toesnn on the alrert all the time!

go into into details ,minutedetail take extra effort to od it wright learn n kwn everythgi bout itt obssed
with it

do just the imp, whts imp

all this truble i had to take yeh saabh papad belne pade!

seellctive slistentgn
n i nteh zoen n focused not panig nattention to otesr thigsn
teh mess i nru room etc..
n only payign atetnion to oyur work!
to wahts imp
dont look ehre nn thehr balnkers
nto noticign it he mess etc...
not wastign tiem cleanign ti up
spend tiem on i mp thigs!

nt to help other ppl mind ur own biz spend tiem effort energy on yourselfworkig no nyoru own see ru
own. Whe n ugo ot help oterhs u lose the time ffortn n energy thth ucud have sepnt wrokgin for oyur
won goals nn imp thgsin n no oen will come to help oyu learn to t say no to other.s, u dotn have to do it
if oy udotn what to do it, u know, u don’t have ot od what oterh s tell you to do or demand , by trying t
obe nicen nbutrrerign up or saying pelase pelase begign ng covnicng. Say no say u cant do ti sorry give
some excuse, others dotn care foro yu u already waste like 6 motnsh of oyur life due ot stuy permit n
nwork permit as they wanted uncessary papaeprs harrsement n were nto upfront as towhat ppares to
submit or they reject u had ot resrch it all. Also, u know Hailmill she fucked u up, they didn’t care n nsoo
n, soo thth frees you fro mall work thht u were thinkgin fo odign to help totehrs, it frees you form all
thisng thth u were think of doing social work n nso on, to help tohers, no more wasting tiem helping
others pp lare slesih beignsnn ucnerianng n dotn derve to be helped. U lsot a lot of time I nall thse thgisn
nthey said things like unwanted concern! Unwanted ocnern ehh why casue I need thgisn soo u dotn
undertnad it n as u dotn need so o tis unwnted ocnrern? Well others problems shud nto be ur conern
anymore thth frees u form athgisn thth uwere gonna do , good thth svaes u the tiem n neffort htht
uwud havespent ehlpign others, n u can use it to achive ur goals see ur own good.

as otwhat ot od

u ned to o be spooked on n on ur toes forsee all thigns take into ocnsideration all thgis nthth cna go
owrng n nplan prepare acoridngly to prevent failruesn, not be complacent.

keep tryign keep wprkign towrds ur goals

stern relsove, stubborn nver give up detremined
no atter what the obsatcls the fialrues the reejctions keep trying
keep workign towards ur goals no amtter whaththe result dotn be disspaointed dejcted, demoarilzed
dpressed ndad give up
keep o nworkign eeep on tryign toards ahciivngwhat uwnat toewrds r goals!

u drive ur enenrgy by watching ppl who are sucessful readign ther intrviews adivce
they isnpire u mtoivate u drive u tobe ambiitosu detrmeind beleivne i nyorusefl have hgih slf esteem
expressruesfl n ndo what uwnant to do. n make u feel good abotu turself
n make progess i nlfie n oso n n be happy.
the ppl who are sucessful tisn to thth they recached wehre they are jsut like thth , they belviei n certina
thigsn they knw what otod n n nto to od n thth makes them tick,
n u needo t learn formthem theri adive wht makes them tick n n be able to do wht they do. As to how to
be n so on. To be successful n pull I t off n so on.
they mtoivate n nisnpire u
thnk u for creting GM to mtoivate n nisnpire us

very intricate n detaield job

zone n midns his own biz n keeps o ndoign hsi thign

iska acchah hai, he puts on music n gets in the zone n midns his own biz n keeps o ndoign hsi own thign
n has fun! Music has thth effect on yo u u get in to the zone hhgihyl focused invoeld n nlost into it.

fogettign adn leavaign aside everythign else nad doign thth thgisn onyl till its
finished u haves strted soo u wil finish
ek toh ek hi karta hai voh
at the cost and sacrficie fo everythign else
single minded focus
seelctive hearign
balnkers fcosuigno n thth only

How to od this?
everyday you neeed to think and decide
waht should i do today?
think of what work to do and ocmplete to ahcive yur goal
lets complete this now lets finish this now!

u shudnt wait otoo long n spend too mcuh time, tke quik action,

u need t oknwo the rpcess what to waht t odo etc..

i have got nothign to do with em i dnt care see ur own mind ur on biz, do ur own tstuff focus n ur own


leveall thht thign aside thths not imp u can do all tth later on
first do whats imp focus o nwhats imp
dont waste ur time doign other thigsn unimp thgisn
AND FOCUS completely on this
on whats importnat thts not imp dont waste ur tiem doign other thgisn unimp thgisn!

knw wht u want in lfie nnwaht will maek u happy

n work towards what u want i nlfie nn what makes u happy
work strive to ahicve wht u ant i nlfei n what wil make u happy

Sucessn n happiness is diffn for diffn ppl everyoen wants diffn thigsn in life
some are happy woth soem thigsn and some are happy wit hotehr thigsn
every oen works towards what tehy want i nlfie nn what makes them happy
waht makes u happy may not make hete otehr perosn happy
n what makes the otehr paerson happy may not mak e u happy
waht uwant in lfei may not be wht hte otehr pesro nwants n what hte other perso nwants may not be
what u wnat

some are contennt i nlfei with small thgisn n some aim forthe stars.
dream bigsettel for nothgi nelssthan what uwaotn as u wotn be happy otehrwise
if u aim for small thigsn then uwill wor k for small thigsnn get small thgis nif oy uaim for ht e strs then
uwill will mould urslef accordingly, prepare ursefl learn thgisn fevelop urself soo thth uare highy
lproductive n so on n efficentnsoo thht ucan ahcive the stars , work to ahcive hte stars n get the stars.

You need to be particular:- particular mens nto to ignore thigns, for eg, you you have the option to not
od it but oyu are particular about it n soo oyu do it. No I will do this. U are very particaulr, thth is you
dotn overlook or ignore it oyu take it into ocnsidertaion thth it should be done. U need t eb particular
about ti thth ti ahs to bedone, nto ignore it or u know overlook it.

If you do it hten it will happen, by doing it happens not other wise and yu must do it. “kelyane hot ahe
kalech pahije”

U need ot feel foro oyut time, tht is be worried about nnconerned about time not over lok tiem take tie
mint oconsideration ven n if oyu lose like 30 mins then u shud feel sad about it thth ulost time, thth
way uwill be more cocnenrned thgotuhful about how oy uspend ur tiem, n not waste it doing ump
ntigsn n make the most of oti by odign thgisn thth are imp.

you are particular about the way you want things done. , immacualte, ou want things done a certain way
and are bothered when they don't go exactly like that. you are very specific about the things you like, on
the positive side, it can mean that you are quite the perfectionist!

music i ncrese urfocus magna inovvlement puts u i na ahze,as u get lost

highyl focusedn n totlaly inolved i nti, it helps to focsu your midn
put blnkers o neevertyhtignelse,
absorbrs ur midn in ot imp
soo thth udont think fo otehrhtigsn
n pay attentio nt oother thigsn ti helps ot oucs ur midn
in a certai ntask once yo ulsiten to soem music
then i t waeksu up it focuses u mind n then u stop listign to music n n
u do thth wor kthe n u fidn u arem ore focused.
u can focsu bebter o nteh task n nahve high evle fo invoelmetn

dont be caught up nth t thigsn thth u lost reejction n so on n bebggogoed down by it, n dewell o nit, n
waste tiem thinikignn ndwellgi no nti no tiem for all thth
to cry over lost opportiunties, n msitakesn n regrets to an extent thth u fail to see oterh opportunties nn
take actio n nwork towrds the oteh opportitnites hth arare there,
cause u spend soo mcu h time crying n dweillign o nthe closed doors (regrets errors msitakesn n
opprotinties lsot) thth u fail to see the doorsthth are opn (the oportunties htth are there ) n work towrds
em n take action towrds em.
see new day as a enw opportnituy to
n each new da ny ew opportniyt ot try n nahive ur gaols
try a new, insteado f ryign over reejctio n lost othigns forget it all
instead of wastign tiem crign over it n laothign n dewellgi noer it
n beig nsad morose n nderpessed, low and not takig naction n losignopprotinties thth u
dotn recongnie as u dweell o nopporitnties lost
be happy adn see new day as a new opportniuity to try again
instead focus on the new opportnirites
n try new , be happpy nad try nw weach nw day is ne opprotnity ot wok towrds ur goals
sepnd ur tiem tryign for newer oppoenritiest i nstad of wasting time beign sad n crrign over
rejectio nn thgisn tht hdidi nt work out!

Thereh si a huge diffrnce between doing ti just for thesaek fo odign ti n fifnhf it fast n doing ti prorpely
Cause, when udohtigsn I nahste n rush the n udotn do ti prorply n n ur work is gabage, you need ot odo
ti properly it takig ncare putting thgouht in to toit as to hwo ot odo it wht oto do n nso o n, thinking ti
through n ndoign ti well n npropely, take ur own time take 2 days more but o it properly. Do ti right soo
thth its effective it gives result itsvlaubale n menaignful makes sensnee its nto garbage, meaningless
work carp n ndoesntnto make sense.

He is a very intelligent cat he desnt moew uncesssarily

otehrwise no one wil listen ot him he saves his
meows he meows only when he needssomthing
u canlern a lot frm a cat.
He aves hismeows for imp things wen heneeds some thing
He desnt meow uncessarily or else ppl wont pay heed to him wenhe really needs
Sumthing n meows cause they wil think ohh he meows all the time
Hmeows only when he needs sumthing.
To get ur attention.

u shud not waste ur tiem helping otehr mnkeys otehr humans caseuh umans are selfish n dotn derve to
be helped:-
n thths why humans dotn desrved to be helped n u shud nto help humans, each one ot his own n see hsi
own, waht hae u goto to do with otehr ppls lifen n surfferings n nso on. pp lare sefish anyway, each one
see theri own. good thth frees me from all thigsn thth i caud havedoen liek helpign kids cahrity ork n
thinkgi nbaout otehrs, thth saves you time n effort, no more wastign tiem n neffort
doig nthigsn for otehrs, u cn use thth tiem n effort for oyursefl, workign otwrd makign ru life bteer see
ur own think fo oyur own, otehr ppls peorblems shudnt be ur ocncern see ur own, whe nu go to help
oterhs u ned up lsoign tiem efofort eenrgy tth cudh av benen sepnt makign ru life better.
dotn waste your time helpign others, procsiou time hth can be spent time n neffort
neiterh go ot odo good to anyo ne nor do bad ot any one - bhagavad gita
thehre is no point helping others, others peoples isseus hsud nto be my concern, pl are selfish they odtn
care, thths the harsh truth n reality fo life, thts wht I have realsed n soo oyu hsud nto go ot help others,
each one ot his own n see his own, why shud u ebe cocnerne about some once else some slifsh being,
each one ot his own n se hi s own, mot be cocnernned about oterhs, other ppls prboemls shud nto e bur
ocennr, other moenktys probs shud nto e bur concern, ththswht I have realsed after many expricensn n
isnntces with ppl, they dotn care, they will fuck u up, for no reason n they are selfish beigns, iwnated ot
help but they fcuked me up, it hascost yo uenoguh time already, 6 months lost doig nal lth e paper work,
for PR Wrk prmtit n nso on, 1 year lost as uwere put o npropabtion soo lsot I nfear u cudnt maek a
move n naks any grl out so othth screwed u up o nteh relaionthsip fornt, soo thths like 1.5 years lost,
due ot diifiuclts caused by other humans, intenrfernce I nyoru progress, casue they diditn care fro yu, n
o more wasting time trying t ohelp others, now use all time n effort owkrign o nyoruself to make ur lfie
better n never think fo others think fo oyursefl see your own. If uwant to oscueed I nlfei then think fo
oyursefl dotn waste ur life helping otehs out of pity for them, huamsn dotn derve help, they are selfish
beigns Each one to his own n see his own neither be good ot any oen nor be bad. No one will come to
help u, frends wont even entertain you or maek u stand o ntehe door if you ask themfor meony. U need
to ospend all ur time,enenrgynn effort on yourself working nto oslve ur own isseusn nproblesm I nlfei,
trying to make ur life better think foo yur won, . when u go ot help oterhs u end u losign n, all tth ht tiem
effort nenrgy thth cud have been spent oon yorusefl solveign yoru prodlbems n nisseusn namkig nyour
lifebeteter is lost trying to hel p oterhs, n then whe nu whne u need help no oen will come to thlep you
cause ppl don t care about u n they are selfish beigns. U dnt have to help othes see ur own see ur own
life. Do whts good for ypu.

u neeed t ohave patience thigns fodnt happe novernitght htey take time!
u have to keep workign o nti!
n nnot give up!

Be organized:-
Have a plan of action I npalce:-
Plan of action – what will you do thgisn you will do to achvie your gaols

Soo now there are imp things tht need to be done now
Get back to wrk fast immediately dnt waste time n get back to biz.

Making a list put everything in to perpective as to wht u need to do, wt wrk u need to do wht action u
ned to take u knw in ur mind whtu need to do u havea list n a plan of action.

organizing thngs, helps to put everything in to perpective n stbndredie everything put n fixeverthing
dwn as to wht u need to do to succeed, n it helps tp put everything into perspective n know in ur mind
as to wht u need to do to succeed.

not noticing or paygn attentio nto otehrs thgisn jsut focusoing o nwhats imp
nto waste ur time cleanig nthe room etc..!
do whats imp
no noticign htemess i nur room
thths not imp , dot nwaste ur itme clanign ti up
dotn pay attentio nt oit ofucso nwahts imop
clean onyl once i na ble moon htht is ocen in 4motnsh or soo

what you wanna do vs waht you are gonna do an d what oyu aregoign to go into and not ogign to go
into deicde
fcuso na fewt thgisn thth u aregood at etc..
and you dotn have tiem soo focuso n ly on a few thgisn do onyl a few thigns

how u can icrease ur odds of suceeding,

increasign ur opportuniites
where u havem roe cahnces of gettign waht uwant
beign i tneh right palce rigth time n nso on.
gforeg: - if u want to strt tech biz then move to silicon valley tthswehre the talent htem oeny is
for eg:- if oy ulike eu mn then go ot eu where u cna fidn eu wmn no point beign i nind
then caseu u wont u have no cahcnes or opportunties then.
Go to palces where u ahve thte opportituy of findg what u want!, where ur odds fo success are higher u
cant find gold iff oyu glooikignfor it in a coal mine.

But uhave to work n take action to make th most of the opprotuitnei s thht u have n nget n make the
most ofo ti

doing ur dance (taking effort taking action) o na mission on a roll to ahcive ur gaol!

well if you wnat oyu need ot keep tryign keep learnign improvign urslf thinkign n anlyzing as to waht to
do know what ot od have a techniue a set process to use stndrzie everything, as to wht ot odo to sueed
knw wht to odo to succeed, on am aission
try endeaovur
detemrien d to get it persisitence tryign eeveryhtign socurigngign workign ahrd to get it, endevourign
workign towards getting it in passion
determiantion on a roll o na msision! doing the dance
the succes failures the ups nad downs delaignwith hte downs teh failures pickign urslef up
not lettign faiure and rejeciton affect you beign determiend ot ahcive your goals!
not givivng, beign determienedm, stubborn toahcive your gaols
tkaing all effrot paisn and leavign no stone untruend workign ahrd ot ahcive oyur gaols!
beign amcivibitiosu nad drivne havigna goal and o na mission to ahcive oyur gaol!
workign hard beign determiend stubborn nad persisitnent to ahcive yoru goal tryign hard
thth is on a roll o na mission leavign no stone untruend!
agressive towards achivgn ur goal! avchivng ur mission

If u want iti then uahve to work to get it, it wotn come looking n for you

u dnt see it of yu like hte job or not oyu enjoy doign ti or not
u have fun doing ti or not, or whther its comfortable adn easy n convinent or not
yo uare metnatlly tocuh u are on a missio nto do it
you ahve to do it to ahcive ur goals take pains nad effort ot ahcive a goal!
you turn off everythign alla feeligns all emotions fear everythign!
and just focsu o nteh job nad taks at hand

u need ot be ambiiton want ot doosmethign i nlfie achvie somethign!

start a biz this nn athh tinnvoation leanr thigsn etc.. etc...
go itnt toeh field hte career u want ot go in to and os on!

doingo ne thign coems at cost of toerh thgins sacrifice of otehr htgns!

Research reosuces, thth give knwoeldgen nifnromatio asto what otdo wht nto todo, nn soo n soo tth
ucan make the most of our opporitnits n certain thgisn dotn hold u back

ona mission determiend toahcive th goal

up to something
in passion workign ahrdnad on a misison on an endeavour
to achie our goal get what oyu wtn on a mission
adn determien d to ahcive the goal!
He is ona mission – to achive his goal
He is on a mission- taking effort doigneverythgin he can takig naction t oahvie hisgoals
With one goal I nmidn to ahcive. N working nfully towards it only

putting a lot of thought into getting it right.

Music can put u i na zone

put u in a trance!
you are lost i nteh music
soo i nvolved!
It putts u in a zone once u listen to music n then after that
Stra t t orok its easy to focus o nwor k then as u are highly focsuedn ninvoeld in ti it helps to fous ur
mind n put u in a zone

wne u listne ot msuic u are mro in the zone nfuceesd n nlost i nwaht uare doign
highyl lsot totoaly ieengen n enoveld i nti

fata fat saabh kahtam kar

and get to od thigsn thths imp!

We need to fukign wrap all these thigsn up quick and accelerate everythign!

u need to dream big have high goals knw what ot od t oachve thsoe goals.

u need to sacrifice everythign els nad focus on thth only

on whats imp not wast re ur tiem effort phsyical n maenatl eenengy i n unimp thigsn
gettgn distracted ndnvierted not be botherhd wit hotehrh tigns n think n worry of otherh tigns
just htink n worry of yoru studies onlyonly! whats imp only!
u need ot be highyl focused knwo wahrts imp n ndo whats imp
get ur prorities right as to whats imp n nwhats not

u need ot make it or braek it either aim big

or you know die tryign go broke tryign but not settel for inbetween!

each one to himself and see theri own good!

itssoo ismple u have to keep workign o nursefl solvign problesm n issues solvign ur issues not give up
learngin new htigsn to help u
n soo thth ucan also help tohers
thinkign reserscinhgannalzing oslivgn ur isseus nadp roblems
life isn ot abot haivg n everyhtign o nthe plater
life is about thinkign anlayzign solivng he isseus
not givign up keep workign towrds ur goals

he is very stubbron nad very addamant!

dont wast ur time odign unimp thgisn

ur time is imp dont wste it
u needo t get ur proritesright
as to what is imp nwaht u wnato toahcive i nlfe
n what u want
dotn waste r u time i nnonsnes!
in being aimless purpsoeless
ndoign thigsn thht wont lead to any proegerss, or achviment of oyur goals
adn waht o yu want but iwll onlywaste ur time n not achvie anything

predermiend prepalnned,

what i need to do to achevmy goal wht strtegies and techniques to use

u need ot taekaction act o nteh ideas thth uahve n nwork taek action to brign them life, to reality form
yoru mind.

like tht – thths how its done

its all or nothign u kno!

make it or break ti!

i ahve nothign to do with them! I have got ntohgitn to do with oterhs see ur won n mind ur onw fuckig
nbi. think of oyur own

u need tokeep at it not stop not get frustrated keep at itkeep on doing it
keep on workignon it be at it no matter how small the progress
dont stop dont get frustrated, have tenacity
keep at it keep on doing it till its done
till itsfinished!
keep working, keep on working on it

wrked soo hrd wrk hrd scrifised all enjy

it never pays to be a nice guy, cause ppl are selfish, assholes, n u end up losing, wen ugo to help others,
soo think of oyursefl, i was nto sent on this wrld ot help oher ppl, i mena each one to himself nn see his
own other ppls problesm shud not be ur concern. u dont owe anythign to any oone orare obligated to
anyone. owe any favorus to anyone. Work for ur own progress.

tehy dotn give a fuck about anything they do thier own thing n do what they want ot od
, dotn give a fcu kabotu others

a type personailty:- do everything u can to get over it, u become… n get over it.

Ekh toh ekh pakad ke chal ek line pakad ke cahl!

Uhave to sacrifice everythign else u have to sacrfiice all otehr htigns right!
so thth u can focsu o nylo nachive whats imp n not od otherhtignsn to waste ur time n effrot n energy on
u nimp thgisn!

think of what ot do only then you wil do it

soo now what otodo
lets do tis now
if oy udotn thiknk fo oyur work the nyo uwont do oyr work

MBA games is cccrap its liek scial service! fr o free waste fo time unnecesarry distraction
u ownt get anyhtign by doign thth! extracurricalar activityes unimp thgisn
u wont get anyhtign by doing all tth
be focsued o nwahtt s imp
u need ot be highyl focused o nwahts imp in your lfie focus o na few thigsn!

Iu need to worked hard to get wehre u wnt to get reac hur gaol ndestiantion, take effort be dertmiend
never give up stonr g stern resolve n nwokr hard ot achve urgaols.
u beeilve i nyouself

consntly keep working nt omake progress work diligently to maek progress n achve ur gaols n nachvie
the imp thgisn I nlfie .. lot of owr k to be done ot achveu r goals keep at it kep working on it. Lot of things
to od
aim big nad aim high hive high goals n beivel I nyorusefl thth ucan do ti, onlythen u will work towards it,
fdream big think big, if oy uare applying for jobs apply for fortune 500 comapnis ifo yu think m not good
enough why will they select me? The n u wotn apply n you wont get soo beivel I nyoruself n then you
will dream big beivel thth ucan do ti, also, prpare yourself soo tth urare good enough make urlsfe good
enough then work on yorusefl soo thht u larn n knw everyhtig nthe skill ncraft fo oyrusef buisenss.
work to achvie utrgaols

tke the time to improve urself o t learn thgisn to achvie ur goals,

ambitiosu and htey wnat to maek it bi g
tke ur own tiem improve etc..
lern wht to do, to ahcve ut gaols
mke progress to achve ur goals

keep wrokig no nti day n ngith n wrap everythgn up

u gonn a do it od it right
see whath the msitakes are n nwht ot od o hwo to og abotu ti n soo n.

i dnnko when i ndienas ask hey heow are you doign? they only ask for the sake of aksing superfcially, as
if they actually dotn care, they do ti only as a oblifgation ro formality, or covnersatio n they dont even
loo kat the perosn, where as wen eu ask they literally loo kat hte perosnn i nthe eys smile n maen it hey
how are you doing? their tone of the ovocie show s thth they are really concerned or u knwo vlaue and
treasure you hwo are you like u are a small inccocnet beign or kitten ohhh awww! such a sweetheart n
they ask by uttignempahsis i nit. n they really mean it. thy dotn jst ask for thee sake of asking. they ask
with care.

all achviements everythgin you wroked for

is it imp?
not waste time on unimp thigsn!

u need to be quik n take ation

othr ppls issues n things shd be none of ur biz who is doin wht its nothing to you,
u need to be focsed be selfish see ur own thing. er ownlifeur own rogress thts it.

u have limited time within which to achvie thigns ur gaols n thigsn thth rae imp in life!
ur time is imp u shud not waste oyur timedoign otehr thigsn unimp thgisn tth wont help u achive the im
thgisn in life, or sleepign lazing relaxing or doign nnothign

u need ot be focused not disrated not do unimp thgisn ! do what is imp what will help u ahcive the imp
thgisn i nlife!

U need ot be wuick moeve quick taek action , wrk fast fast fisnih do everythgi nfast take quick action
nto ahcive ur gaols

cause i wnated to be focused nad nto be botehrheed by anythign else oterh than sutdies
thths why i didint work or disnt want to cook and stuff!
not waste time n energy and invoel my brain nad physical and mentail eenrgy n neffort
and waste time thinkign about it and doing it thth is working and then cookig etc..
not be botehred by it not think n worry of all thth just think n worry of my studies!
thths it! Not distrac t divert my mind to other htisn not do oterh tignsn waste my phsycial mental effort
n energy I noterh htigsn n wast etiem doing unim tphgsin n get distracted divert mind to toehr thgisn
think fo oteh htigns, nto be botehreh d n worry botu oother htigns, not diret my mental resources to
oterh htigsn , not absorb my mind I notehrh tigns , not consume my mental reusrlces with oteh htigns, n
then u get distracted diverted for mimp thgisn causeu uhavee to thin k ngive urmental reulrcs to other
htigns, n then its hard ot brign ur mind back n focus on imp thgisn. It distracts ur mid not toehrhtigsn u
have to thin kfo other htigsn consumes urm entl resurces. Also ,then its ahrd ot brign ur mind ru focus
focus ur mid nback o nimp thgisn, once it has been distracted ot toerhtigns, also uget tired phsycaill nn
mentally drained, soo u dotn have the phsycial energy to do im tpghisn n u alsocant think straight as ur
mind is tiredn nexhausted so oo ucant think fo oim ptghsin. Also since u lose time doing oterhhtigns soo
u cant do imp thgisn. U dotn have time left to o imp thgisn.

Iska accha hai apna hi uch karte reahta hai!

doign his won dance

in ur mid n uneed ot kwn what u want , n n u need ot work t oget it keep trying to get it.

u need ot be patient it takes time, if oy ugive up tehn u are done!

u need ot be patient keep workign o nti rome was nto built i na day it takes time to reserch to get thgisn
doen lkeep workign o nti n never give up

Its a transittion phase or a paragadm shift!, u need ot be patient n keepe working to ahcive yoru gaols

i cant do work and studies as well its impossible it will eb too much for me
either i will end up failign or getting very low grades thth wud not look good o nmy transcrit or takiga
logner time to finhs with tht stress n wtensio nas wthher i will finsi hor nto and tension fora logn time
instead of takign 1 !2/2 years the ntesnion wud have been for 2 or 3 years! simpl y cause there wotnbe
anytime andi wud get dtrednad physically exausted adn aslo mentally distracted! deviated

use teh resources thth u already have to launch it

all the resources you have!
u know why work and take the rsik nad headaches n extre strain and stress adn pressure and put
yorusefl thru all ththt misery and risk screwign it up ur education up (those 35,000$s thth u paid) just ot
earn 500bucks a month , when u already do have the resources thth ucan use instead
sell the alnd or soemthign and se those resources for hte time beign!

Why to talke uncessarty tsteress n risk

when uahve the resources thth u can sell
when ucna use the resources thth uhave
to lauch yoursefl! for the prargadm shift to make hte move!
where are you oign to take it with u any way!
N put ursefl through htth extremem stress, only focus o noen thing at a tiem single minded focus do
onethign at atime n ndo ti propely
Rathhrt an doig nmany thgisn n failing at everythgin caseu u do ntohgi nproperly u have no tiem udotn
focus n nuare distracted
have the knwoeldge nn skill caseu pppl are not stupid u cant fool the,
n do all u can n do the best you can!
thht is do weverythig nthth is possible
adn do the best put i nthe best effortthht ucan.
to achvie urgaols
“I hope ppl see me as a eprso nwith integrity” –GM

its wen are thiking n trying to figure out wht to do then things are slowthinking resrching once u knwwht
to do then its just a matter of implimntingn application n then things are fast u can do things ast. it
becomes second natre to u caz hen u knw wht to do soo u can do it fast i become proficent in it nce u
knw wht to do then it gets easy n fast u just hae to do it then,
tht is put it to practice the hard thing i s resrchng n tring t knw n understnfd figure out as to wht to do
the rght way to do it once u knw wht to do then its pretty fast u just do iyt then

worryign beign under pressure is good foroyu cuase thenoyu become fast and u hurry up and u keep n
ogin if u are relxednand dont fearn and worry then u wont get any where ifoyu are nto scared and
eworriedn n on ur toes! T maeksu take fast n nwuick action as adrenalien pmps ur brian wroks faster n it
makesu stay up all dayn n ngith n work cause u knw if oy udont then u are screwed.

Wht have got to do with it , dnt go into others affrz mind ur own biz see ur ownthing.

It has to be done there is no other option soo sit thru n ncompete it.

Who cares about others wht they are doignwaht they are getting see ur own! Focus o nahcivng ur own
gaols, n wokign to ahcve ur own goals.

u need tio be spooked up n on ur toes n on the alert

in passion thth is workign ahrd to ahcie oy ur goal in passion means havign wants deries and ambitiosn
adn workign taking all paisn na effort sto ahcive yotu goals!
seriosuenss determination agression
belviign i nurself
refer to resources lern wht to do thigsn ttht will help u ahcive what oyu want!

Its called tenasitiy n surivial be patient persever n hang I nthere keep working to achieve ur goals
nnwaht u want, n nahve patience thgisn tiem tiem to work out n nfall I npalce. Kepe working

i was teklllingmyself wen u are goin through hell u got to keep goin tht is not giveup or surrender no
matter how slow the progresss
ni matter how diifcuklyt it getts jkeep gpoing dont stop keep ding it
doing wht u are doing
u have to odo it when its fresh I nyou r mind what uhad written n nwaht u menat n wht ur thgotushwere
at thth time, , if oyu go ot do it later o nthe nyou will forget eeverythgi nalter o n n then it will eb hard ot
od it then.

I hpope it will work out n nit will be worth it wht I am doing, n it will fruitfy. Rewrded n not go waste.

U will get what u seek, what ur gaolis n what u aim for, if oyu aim forhte stras u wll prepare
yoruselfcacaoridngly so thht u can achvie ur gaol n reach the strs, n you will work for the strs, if oy uaim
for the tree then u will prop urlef acccorginly n you will work for the tree to achve tht gaol.

studying spending days n nights sleepless nights studying

takign pains n neffrots
stressign and worryign abotu imp thgisn if oy udont worry abotu n nthink abotu it if its nto on your mid
n uwil nto od it.
worry is imp u need ot worry abotu imp thgisn ifo yu dotn then u wont do them,
n take for doig nthem,
workign takig paisn nad efforts nad sl ogging and workign to achive ur gaols
hard work withut hard work u wotn reach anywhere.

Is to take effort put it all down wht u need ot succeed achvei ur goalsn n dreams fix I t stndrdie it soo
thth u know.

no logenr carign or giivng a fuck abotu anyhtign or anyone really naymore! N see ur own.

he is i na haze i na trance
or i nsome elevated or what yo ucall
lost i nhsi wn world or magna or in some meditaitve state right now

it hasto be odne thre is no othr option so osit n ncoemplterit getto work o nit n nfinish ti off sti thorught
take paisn n efforts nstruggels endeavious, n sit tghorh gn n finsi hti off get odne with ti.
Take extra paisnn nefforts sit hrtoguh n nget it done. Be very hardworking toachvie ur goals
Earn money n etc.. imrpvie ur stnndrd of living.
Wor k ahrd n npart n nlvie a life ofcomfort, thths the good life
Laziness nto owrkign n doig nnothig nis not comrft and good life its will only lead to povery misery n
nsufrigns as uahve no money to buy food uare out ther in the arhsh environment and cold nn soo n

You need ot get to work quickly and u need to act fast

not wait get to work to achive ur gaols
move fast nto wait for hte right moment cause the right moment will
envr come get to work quickly
and figure out what uneed ot do thigsn u need ot ood work u
need ot od otwards achivng ur gaols
adn get to work o nti! fast get thigsn stratignand movign nad going!
not wait once u strt then you will strt to think waht thgisn u need to od
n then u wil lget a perpsetcve nn knwo wht uneed ot od t oahcvie urgoals
get everythig ntogther , organxzie
dont wait wahtever u wnat ot odo get to wrok o nti fast!
dotn procrastinate nad wati
do the pepaer work appyl this nad that!
Take action do what uant ot achve urgoals

u neeed ot have patience haste is waste!

it takes time t odo thigsn get thisgs done!
u have to do t thoughtuflly!
in an intellgietn way!

irect ur seriosu nessn ad agresstion towrdsdirect it towards ur gaols!

ek hi cheez ke peeche pade rehte hai

baki saabh gaya tel lagane ke
adn they do the resesrch i nthth onyl and sacrifce everythign else and
fcous o ntht only!
be hte master i nttth
they beocem obssed wit hti,
select one line nad go.

u are damned if oyu do u are damned if oyu dot so you may as well do
u are screwed if you do u are screwed if oyu dont so you may do as well
tth is u need ot keep trying towards acvigng ur goal
keep workign towrds achivng your goal keep tryign towards aching what yo uwnat , soo at least you
ownt have nay regrets atlleast u knwo thht u tried gave ti your eerythign 100% effort put 100% effort in
it in case u didint get or wrk ourt at elast u knwo htht u treid!

put your not 100% but 200% in everythgi nyou do

give it ur everythgin ru best effort in everythgi nthth you do

dotn leave anythig nany topic i noption ,

study everythgi n ngo

n dotn study to pass if oyu study to pass then yo uwillfail

if oy ustudy to scoreexcelent marks then u will pass.

Who cares about wht others are doing n up to I mean seriously just keep doing ur own thing nwrking to
acheve ur goassee ur own mind ur own fuking bi.

U are more alert nn on yoru toes n soo n

not help otehr ppl

each one to themselves!
n see his own!

try n nsee if it works out, if oy udotn try then you wotn know ,therhe is no point making pesesumptions
u need ot owrk fast n nwork cosnntly work ur ass off
to succeed

somethigsn liek ocmputers can be uselsful make r work easy or can be a distractio nand waste ur itme in
unimp thgisn depends o nhw oyou use them! Whther u use them for imp thgisn, to ahcve urgolsa leanr
thgisn make progress n nso o nreaserch or unim thgisn like palyign video gamesn n soo n. wasting time
n soo n.

he is hatti demanding n n detremiednn nwil have hisway one way or the oterh.

Take ur time do it right n do it properly calmy patiently quietly there is no rush n hurry. When u go to
hurry u end up making mistakes n hste ids waste n u enfd up doing a crapppy job like garbage in the
rocess of getting it one fast dooingit just for the sake of finishing it n getting done with it n gettingit
done fast, th wrk is done not well n improperly n like garbage n trsh, is meaningless n dsnt make sense

U shud not be compalcentn n sti on yoru ass n do nothgi nabotu ti u ened to take fast nn rgetn action
nfeel the urgency.

Soo act now n act fast dotn waste time.

hwo smart n nitnellgent u are, waht ur goal is what ur purpseo is and os on, where as u knw what u goal
is how smart n intleligent u are n nwaht ur purpseo is in life!

Things just dotn happen o ntheir own, u need ot take the paisn n neffoorts uneed ot work on them to
make them happen.

dnt b e sad dot ngive up n keep cryign over things u lsot isntead fo wastign tiem doign thth see the
opportuntiies thth u have be happy nad keep working n tryign
every day istead fo ewastign tiem beign sad depressed n thinkign abotu opprtunites u lost whevery day
is a new opporntitiyy, n otiem to cry isntead focus o nteh oppornties each day offers n keep trying n so
on. spend ur tiem beign happy n not cryign fi nto this one then be qick to move o nto thte netn ntry for
hte net oens. isntead of cryign n beign sad over the ones opp lost n dwelliing on them n beign sad n
wastign ur tiem! isntead see th e opp hth uhave n ntake action to achvi e them

if uare laid back n cool calm n not on ur toes nsppooked up then uwill sit there
n u wont think or forsee all the thgisn thth cna go worng, can lead ot failur e as u are laid bacck n
nrelxed, and carlessn worry less, so o uwill not think fo thesethgisn but when u are spooked up n tense
then u are on a msision, n u thin k worry n ntkae int to oncisedratio n n forsee all the thigsn tht can g
wrogn, adn u paln nrpeprare fro thhtt to avoid failure
u can suceed only if oy utake actio nt oaovid failure.

with a straightforward "Let's get on with the job" attitude.

he has a one track mind ek toh ek h karta hai voh

he gets soo absorbed n lost n involved n occupied n consumed in tht thing
tht he forgets everything the cost nsacrifice of evrything elsehe doesnt waste time doing ther
things he takes one thing n does tht only
n leaves everything else aside

work toards urgoals!

life is short ... there is no reason not to take risks and not to follw ru dreams
cause uwill lose everythgin i the end any way
u ar already naked u will lose everythig n anyway soo ushud not faear
failrue or losing ... just go for it follwo ur dream!

u need ot ahve patience take ur own time! be patinet n calm

rtaek ur tiem work o nyour isseus solve ur provblems calmly ocoly slowoly workign o nti u
know reaserchgi n nsoo n, soo thth u knw whto t to od hwo ot deal with ur problesmm nisseusn
n soo nsoo thth they odtn hold u back.
taek ur tiem n do it irght be clam m n patinct n ncocnstly slovely steadly work on ti
ncalmly wokr on it
if oy uget causght up i nteh riat race n work to earn moeny but ur probsunslved
tehn u r poebs will hold u back.
there isn o hurry the cocnept of tme deostn exist.
take it slwo n neasy, tkae ur tiem no rush or hurry,
be calm m n coll and compsoed n baalcned at peace, d our reasrch n nrefre rosureces gain
be clamer n nat peace. do ti slowly workign o nti consntly setadily takig nur own tiem
learnign thgisn n doign ti irght.
n knwoeldge work o nti to solve ur problesm n nissurse n ndo ti irght
gain kwneldge soo thth uknw whato tood to solve ur isseus n do it right
u know htere is no hurry either make it or break it!
u need ot eka ur own tiem to do it righ nt peoeprly nad do wat u want ot od n do ti well!
imena when u end up i nteh rat race u get rtrapped!
teh trappifngs of hte rat raece to earn moeny!
instead of stikign big imrovign urself
u end up caushgt u p i nearnig na small paycheck!
i mean u shud either aim big thth is work towards makign ti big!
or u know endign up broke triyng it but not settel for soemthign i nbetween work for a samll
pay check u know
its nto worth not takign risks cause thsi is life
u will lose everyhtig ni tneh end anyway u ahve laready lost
in th end soo no fear fialign! n nnto tryign n mvign towards ur dreams!
jst ot ear n a small paycehck u end up not solvgn ur problems
not improvign urself not doign busienss adn not makign it big
u let go of the big dream for a samll paycheck n spend u r tiem wrokig nto earn htth small
u need ot eiather make it big or go broke or die tryign risk it all
in a way u are takig nrisks right caues u wud have had a secre ujob worked everyay of oyur
life for a small paycheck n have asecure job but u give it all up s thth u can gvie thth tiem
towards strtign a busienss or imring urself u aim big thth is for a heighrer cuse bigger cause
adn u may make it or bareak ti! u take htht risks cause its wroth it nad i tneh end u will
lsoe aeverythig nanyway soo tis nto wroht not tryign!
Why am i even doign this? searchign thru soo many pages.. spendign soo much time on it! (not
necessarily wasting!) at hte expence of all otehr thigsn! well u are doign ti cause
u wnat to slve ur issues n soo uhave ot take hte extra effort of going thr lal these profiles! isntead of
laothign ncompalinging, do somrhtign botu ti take action tth uhave to go thru all thsipains thnak god
thht uhave the reosurces soo think psotive n use the reosruces the oportnitesu have to sovle ur
problems, n thank god thht uhave a resource like htht where in u gain knowledge accessible
on teh net otherwise u wud have been screwed for good! god gave u some tools to help u wrk towds
fidin what u wnat! Easily accisoble to refer to soo make ht most fo oti.

Cats dont meow unessarily

they only meow if they neeed somethign!
n they dotn pay attenion to oyu htey do theri own tign tehy
pay attentoion to oyu only if htey need somehtign
if you do osmethign nosense they dotn pay heed ot oyu they are intellgnet htey
know thth u are doign onsnese they dotn pay heed ot oyu
tehy meow only when htey need osmethign simialryl

wen u haeve a lot ot do hten by the size of thework you get orvehwelemdand ocnfused u dont kow
whato od wha to compelte where to strt and what to do u get overwheelmd birdenedstreesed confused
by hte massive size of the work to be done when yo uahve many topics to odo ot finssnh a work teh
nyou need ot take one thign focus on o en topci only adn work on tht only and finsi hti then move on to
the next topic thth way the whole thign get finsihed as u finish eah and every topi one by one!
go topic by topic!
focus on one hting get
it doen then move to next so focuso n oen thing only n nthen move to next thths hwo u do it thth way u
dotn hin kabotu the amout nof work thth is hther n makig nu feel burdend n overwhled n nnot wanting
to do it, casue its way to omsuh thth is tstressed nn under pressure n worried nad u know, averse to
disiitneted oto odign ti casue tis a lot, kantala, seeing ti as a burden, to odo it, u just foucs o noen thing
at a time do ti n then move ot next. Wen u take one thing n focus only on one thing thth u only
cocnentrat on finish thth one thing soo oy udotn wrry about the ginormosu work thth I s therhe u finish
it off tick it off n then move to tonext. U focuso n thth oen thgno nonly. N do oit well. N nto worry n
nstressabout the hughe laod of wrk tht is there.

ek toh ek hi karta hai voh

baki sabh gaya tel lagane liek a mnk
meditiate o nly on whats imp

I am not here to give u a freee course on how ot live!

why should i cause ppl are assholes!
each oen to himself adn see theri own

sometimes when u dont know what to do teh nyou need to keep doign somethings
twards your gaol keep workign o nti keep doign thigns n work otards achving ur goal
n thigns will fall i npalce nad work out either here or there!

resources konlwedge a as to waht otod to help me

achvie my goals slve probs isues etc.. help to do wrk n so on

it consumed him totally u knwo workign to ahcive his goals to the extent thth he didnt get marred have
kids etc.. soo thth he cud focus only on his music balnker s musci!

Keep it simple nto complicated o only wahts imp simplify thgisn the whole prcess. . Mke it easier nn
simpler u shud nto do ne thing more than wahts required, and is imp, focus onwahts imp n odtn wast ur
time effort n energy on one thing more thhtna wahts imp.

Be process oterented knw what to say n wht to do how to go about it knw in ur mind wht to do n wht to
o say n wht u are doing be smart , knw how to sstrt hold n finsh … n knw how to get wght u want frm
doing it, knw whtur end goal purpose objective is frm doing all tht exercise wht u want to acheve here n
knw whtu need to do o acheve it, why r u doing it whts the end goal wtt u wntt to achve here, whtur
objective n goal is frm doin it n how to achieve it wht u need to do to acheve it. Wht ot cpme u wnt to
achve by doin it, how to acheve it.

where are you goign to take all the moeny with u when u die
use the resurces thth u have to lift urslf up and launch ursefl
why to take effrot and stress adn cause ursefl soo muc hstress
by studyign nad workign at theesame time and drive urself razy mad
unceesary take the risk distractions and screw ursefl up
whats the use of doig htht
when u can seell what yo uhave and support ursefl
ur endeaovurs

u have to owrk continusly fast

and day n night and get teh work done at a faster pace
if oy uwork nonstop contiously withot udirstaction
not do otehr thgisn do only your work to ahcive your goal
work towardss achivgn ur gaol
and you work fast
adn you work day n ngiht
thn youwill get mreo work done
u will be able to get mreo doen in less tiem
u will achive ur gaol in 5 months
and hte otehr person who works slow,
works less hours will achive ti in 1 year
so it makes a lot of difference

wht will u do by doig nall thth just live ur life for urslef nn be happy instead of wasting tiem effort n
neenrgy helping oterh ppl selfish ppl. Thth time effort n neengy u cud use to solve n work o nyoru own
problems nn isseus , when uneed help no oen will come ot help oyu, ppl I ncars dotn even stop for you
even if they hav a car yo uknw. N u show a thumbs sign

time to sit n nreflect o neverything n think

the outcomen nreustl doesnt matter whthe its yes or no it douenst matter sucess ro failure doenst
matter what matters ath the end of the day is thth u tried! thth utreid everythig nthth u cud to ahcvie
urgoals, thths waht matters thth utreid ur best to et wah to yo uwnat n yo uwotn have any regrets u will
still eb happy even if hte ansewer is no even if u ahve reejctio ncause u knw htth u tried soo uare happy!
tryign si all tth matters!

ifi iput it out itewil leb for mysefl, soo o hth if i am born again then i don have to do it all over agian i
have it ready made availabl. dotn ahve to waste tiem solvign the same isseusn n problems.

wrk to get get what oyu wna t to wtrwdswht u wnat

whhtehr uget or nto is a diffent thgisn its an all together different thgisn it depdnso n many exptrenal
factors beyond ur control, wht matters is wahts within ur control, n thht is trying tthhs wahts within ur
control, soo wht matters is thth utry ththswaht matters the most.

Meticlus nn particular awntign thgisn a certianway not ignoring things n overlooking ntakign notice of all
detailsn nthigsn

always questiosn why think ananlysleze find answers

u ddint work cause u didint wantto take the risk!

u didt wantto fail u nwated to cmpeltet the course
adn oyu wnated t get done with ti feree from the tesnsio nworry
and notsepndyears doing it!
just do tht focus o nthth get done with it! and
tehn u can work
if yo uwud have worked hten u wud have been screwed up
either u wud haven to ocmpeltetd hte course orocmpelted it with bad grades
or takes agesto ocmpelte it with hte stressn worry cocnnst fo whtehr u will be able ot ompelte or not!

Taek one thing focuso nti only n put it down lets put this thing dow nstnrndie it soo thht u kb what ot
od. N u don’t have to wast any more time on it its finsihedn n doen with n uare free to od other things
move o nto the next.

Put thought I nto it think it through be thinking ncalcaulating as to hw ot odo it hwo ot go about it n so
on. N so o n if oy udo what what result n out ocem u will get n nso on. Think it through do ti

like a monk giivng up and sacrificign everythign else all toehr distractions diversions
soo thth u can focus and meditiate only on one thing compeltetly
be te master teh best in it!
know learn everythgin about it!

this guys is chilled laid back n nrelxed n the otehr guy is spoooekd up n o nthe alret o nhis toes all the
time n i ntesne n adreanilie cnasue whe n uare spooekd on n on ur toes then u thn kaccoridngly, wen u
are o nth alret on ur toes nn spooked, u foresee thgisn all the thigsn thth cna go wornfg n nu are
itnnsnen n tsne n spooked up n npaln for all the htigsn thth can go owrng to avoid all eventaulities n

sit down cosnntly be determined and take pains nad efforts and finish ti off
yeah! KO it!

He keeps o ndoign his own thing!

Its okay to be naïve n have many dreams n goals U need to try n see what works and what doenst , if
one dsnt then sum other will. U cancel it out, actiong nope , singing nope (who will keep on doing all this
its very difficult siging u have to poutr all u r time into it plus prfm on stege mkes u feel anxious ts not tht
easy, it will consume u n drive u mad n crazy its not less of a job the kai kami kaam nah ahe, u have to
pour all ur time ffrt energy soul into it ), biz-,mba.

Who cares if there are alins alins wont slve ur problems on earth its just a slf-distraction frm ur pronblms
on earth, escapism. Waste of time.

Paitnign ru dream thth is tryogn to maek ur dream come true wht u have in oyr mid nachvei ti brign ti to
realtiy work to binrg it to tfrutition n reality

u have to work hard work fst work day n ntight ot achvie ur gaols.
make hte msot fo the time thht uahve work contiosunyl for max hours
to get as much work as u can if oy uwork fast adn work constionsluy for long hours then uwill ge
t mroe wokr doen thatnsoemne who workss slow n nworks for lesser horus
yo uwil achvei mreo thigsn i nelss tiem if it takes thth eprson a year
it will take u onyl four motnhs to ahcive hte same thign

its like u prepr caus ue worry na fuear soo u prep well,

u run he will be the irst one ot run u are onyour toes alert liek a rabbit nad oy urun form
danget o saven nprotect ur assn ur life nthsoe who ont ge screwed up, you are hyper alert nad
on your toes and oyu run to proptect urslef.!

whhtheri t happens or doesnt happen work out or not doenst matter wwht matters n isi mp is hhtht u
treid at least yo urtred the result or outcoem doesnt matter sucss or falilrue rejection or not, all thht
matters is thth u ttook the effort n nu tried . thths all hth tmatters. hth u treid to achvie wht u want n
worked took efforts towrds it ththsall thth matters n is imp.

U shud nto be loose I nteh head thth is overlokig nthgisn not taking thgins I nto account oy uneed ot
take everythgi n itn oconsidertiao n nbe particuallr. Not taking the rules I nto consideration overlooking

Be very hgihyl ambitious n ndriven n pakka thth is stubborn taek everythgi neach n nevery detail itn
oconsideration n eb particaulr go to all lenths take all effort to get everythgin right nad to them inutest
detail. Proper n perfect.
spend time o nyoruslf keep working on yourself to improve ursefl to ahce ur goals nn so on . Mind u row
nbi, do oyur own work n nstuff keep on wokrign to ahcive urgoals

thinkinhg abotu thinking

think fo what to think of waht topic r issue to think of next.
nwhat nto to thik of
thinking as to what to think of next elts think fo this now, thinkign cconiosuly knwoignly intnetioanlyl
abotu a certia nthing.
Think fo yur work hwat work to od n s on on.
in yourm idn you need to think waht work shoudl id next what should i do next
lets do this now think and decide what ot odo only then u will get to do it
if oy udotn think foo yurlsef work waht work to od then u wotn do anyhting.
once you think n deicde what work ot od then u ahve a direction uahve soemthig nto od
u knwo in your midn hthth u have to do this, n soo oy udotn wast time odign otehrh tigns
n u imiditaely get to work

obstacles cannto crush me htey onyl make my resolve sronger

diffiiculteis helpu to be stornger u learn form siiatuons when ppl opress u u knw hwo ot retlaiate, when
ppl try o t scre u n put fear u learn hw ot not be afraid, its lie kthe phionx htth riese from the dififiulties,

if u want ot be sucessful in life then uneed ot be seflish u shud not care to much about
waht otehrs are doign who is doign what n do ur own thing u know see ur own.

if u want ot be sucessful in life then uneed ot be seflish u shud not care whois sayign waht, about u n
ignor n nnto get itn o disputes n nconflisctsn n fights and avoid all arguments and simply keep on doing
ur work, u know, not waste ur tiem enenrgy i ncofnlictsn n fights they consume n drain u not even talk
to ppl like tht just avid them they intentionally try to distract u , thtey are nto improtnant, pay no heed
nnever mind to them if they say to oyu n u pay them heed n nresond then their plan will work but if oyu
odnt let them affect u n pay no heed t them then it wont work, not get distracted n diverted, its liek i
dotn care tis got notign to do with me, n mind ur own bi not pay attenion to or care too mcu has ot who
is sayign waht abotu u doing what n noso n not ge distracted stay focused, pay never mind, nstay
focused, n keep on doign ru thing spend ur time n neergy doign ru work.not arguments gfights n
ndistractiosn u knwo creating dsruption nad so on. ppl will try ot create disruptions to dstract u n so on.
n to provoke u i nt oarguemtnsn nfights n pay no heed n never mind n just say its got nothgin to do with
me. not gie a fuk abotu otehrs n other ppls affirs n nstuff n see ur own thing u know, each one ot his
own, not og to hlep otehrsn nwaste yoru time effortn nenenrgy doig nthth spend ur tiem doig nthth i am
nt ur servant ehre! not care too much or give a fuc kabotu anything or anyone! its got ntohign to do with
me mind ur own bi see ur own life do oyur own stuff n thing

All this effrt why are you doingit wht drives u to take this effort? ginormous efrt why all this trying n effrt
to ge t wht u want find wht u want its calledbeing in a sate of passion ahvign dersires dreams beig
nambitiosu nad hten working neard taiga npiasn n neffrotsto achvie those dersris goals o na mission to
achvei urgoal thht I s working takig neffort ot ahcvie urgoal
cause they dreamt of a life a lover n beign faithful to the one the luv havign sexw ith t onyl the prerso
tnehy love havign kdis etc... tth uream up a hppy family and lifelofindign luv etc... but sadly life doesnt
turn out to be hte way they wantedand tehycannto find the kind fo girl thth they want and end up
fidngin luv else wehre fullfillign theri wishes elase wehre adn then they get frustrtedn not happy in life
as thth wotn help them find love its just for the tiem beign and as they are still loely a tht e end of theay
soo knw wht u want? What is it thth u want? Soo thth u are mreo clear n nu know what ur goals is n
what uwant ot achvie thth will ehlp u gain more clarity n nfocus, what u are odgin will ti help u achive
what you want? Nope! Then do what will ehlp u ahive what u want. tht wotn help u find love, or achvie
urgaol, it may lok like it will ehlp oy uahcive ur gaol or what uwant but inrealtiy htht wotn ehlp oy
uahcive ur gaol, know what u want be clear what oyu want will this help me achvie what I want ? nope
then dotn go into all tth honly go in to thth ththwil lehlp uahcive what you want, akign efforts to find
the gilr u want find love, isnteado wasting tiem effort moen n so on in something htth seesm to help u
meet ur derisres btu ownt actually ahlep uachvie wht u want uare distracted.

Decide what u want to od which field u want ot go in , what itnerstes you, but will alo sh le pot earn oyu
r lvign what uare good at, i nthe field htht intrests me nad wntedot go int othth is busienss nad magmt

if u work fast n nwrok for longer horus hten uwill get mroe work doen than soem one who works slow
and works for lesser horus n soo oyu will achive urgoal i nliek 4 months where as thth peros nwill take a
year so o ti saves u a lot fo time n u can qucikly mrove on to toerh goals
achivng oehter goals

sit through n finshi it off keep working non ti odtn stop till ufinish ti n nget doen wit hit ocus o none thing
at a time do one thing only till ufinsi hti

u shud never give u p nom atter what hte rusluts or diaasspoitnments

not get disocuraged sad n give up be studbborn be dadamant keep trying
die tryign but never give up! keep trying no matter what the resutls keep workign to ur goals!

Where do we go from here? What next?

Where are you going wit hthis? Why are yo udoig nall this exercise? What uwant ot achvie what is the
goal n notu come thth uwnat ot oahcive by odign ti all. N soo n. wths the end goal n npurpseo or
obljective htth uwant ot oachvie thth will ehlp u realse nn knw what uneed ot od to ahcve thth goal.

I want to do it in an intelligent and thoguhtful way

their reserach is also intelligetn the one with medicaiton dont put otehrs reserch down
well what i meant was i want t osolve my problems i n an itnelligent intellectuatl way
withotu medication!

Focus on one thng at a time take one thing keep working on it n don’t stop till u finshin it n are done
with it n thenmove on to the next thing.

go full ot un all out t oahcive ur goals

u can say escapism i nsoem otehr world – aliens nso ontryingto escape fro mtehreal issues of life,
byforgetign them n not working on them thth iscreatignsoem sort of metal distraction n or diversion
cause u dotn wanto to work n take effort tooslv e the problesm too laz y or too bored tot odo thth n
nsoo ugo I nto things like aliens some ppl trun ot drugs n nalcohol to forget, btu the truth is thth it
wotnsolve ur problem after they get bacak form doing thht they realsie htth the problesm is still there n
infact they ended up wastigntheri tiem which they cudhave usedto solve work o nthsoe isseus.

keep trying nto let it affect u neva give up

be persisitennt no matter whah the obstacles th rejections
teh failures keep workign towards whato y uwant to achive

Times hav chagned there is no pint beign a singer cause

pppl can download ur music for free
there i s enough musici catalogue nthsi world to last one person
his whole life
for ages to last for 1000s of genenrations
humans dont need anymore music!
the amount of music hht was created n nproduced from the 1970s to the 1990s
was enough to last one person for hislifetime! wthoutwastig too mcuh time!
adn enough to last generatios
get ur priprotoes right kwn whats imp n n knw wha t uwant to od.

Keep trying and never giveup no matterwhat!

Hei s punk and he is rebeliious1

tht is desnt listento others n doses his own thngwht he wnts to do itshrd to cotnain him n put him i na
box and not obidnetn nad breaks the norms nnrules set by soticety tis pp lliek tht hhtht maek the
ahgnes n ndifrence i nteh orld not ppl who follwo the rules set by society
break the rules norms not the law
foreg:- one norm is u shudgeta jobnto think ebyofd thth nto strt bi nnso on

doses ur own thng nto pay tatnei otn otoerhs probelsm mn I ssies see urown work o nyourown.

all the convninces n comforts tht u are enjoying u are enjoyng the results of ppl who have
wrked their ass diligently to mke life beter for u n solve ur problms soo how will u help
humnity to solve itptoblms n mke life better for rthe future gen.

sum one who is confused I na hae doesn’t understnadn hwo things work thth is lsot I nthgouth ina haze
tryignto figure thgisn out, lost in thought who desnt understnd how things wrk n is tryng to figure things
oyut as to how they wrk, if u do wht wht result or outcome u get n soo on n soo how to sing wht u need
to do to get wht out comme trying to be a better singer good at the craft n understnf d n figure out
howw it wrks how the voice wrks how it produced n wht u need to d to get wht effect n so on.

make it or break it
tis all or nothing!
either u get waht oy uwant or dotn get anythign at all
but dont settele for soemthign i nbetween
casue whats the point u wont be happy eiter way! if u dont get waht u nwat
and if u getwhat u dnt want then u wot be happy anyway soo no point settlign for
somethign htht u dotn wnt
addamant stubborn!

Ifu wanto tobehappy I nlfie u ned to be true to oyursefl do wht u wnato t odo selslvct what u like or u
will end up breakig nru hearstn n other ppslhearts. If oy usacrifice compromise n nlive ur lfie fro toerhsn
n the way oterhswant oy uto live ur lfien n u try to adjust, to maek otehrshappy but ath the cost f oyur
ownhappienss n what uwnat.

what goals things u wnat t oachive dotn wait taek them up immiditatley and quicjkly and fast nad get to
work o them work xocnsntlaty day n nnight on them! move fast and get free
sooo many things to be done!

ek toh ek hi karta hai voh ne trak mind nadleaves everythign else aside1
baki saabh gaya tel lagenke liye
do onyl one thign at a time!
fcosu comeplete on one thign do thth then move otto hte next

cant hurt to try, dsnthurt to try

u avenothign to lose n everythign to gain
nothing ventured ntohign gain
no risk no rewrd if oyu dotn maekthe move if oyu dotn takethe risks then u will stay where u are end up
whrere you are u ownt make progress n u will get ntohign if oy udotn maek the moven ntekae the risks
higher the risk higher the rewerd
greater the risks u taek greater is the rewrd.

the only way to ahcive ru goals is to taek action adn to take action u need t get over thgisn
like fear lack of selfbeeilf etc..etc.. self limitign thgotuhs thth stops u prevnets u for mtakign action nad
holds u back n stopsu for mtakign action and u need to have thgotush beifles thth drive actio nn lead to
achition liekself beeif cofndicne nadn so on. hae htoguths n nbeilfs ynur mid ntht motivate u drive uto
take action.

cat life:-
They really make it clear and make u know what they want! what they liek nad dont like
for eg i tuched his nosy twice n he didnt like it n he got up and walked away then came back after some

hiurry up be fast work dayn n gith get everyhting done fast tiem is runnign out!
u are getting older each day its a race agaisnt time now!

i cant do thth it will be too muh for me

u need ot focus o nwhats imp dotn divern ditstract ur mid nto other htigsn not btoher with otehr htigsn
unimp thigsn! fcous only on what imp n thin kabout htht only
n n ot bother thnk n worry of with otehr htigsn!
not put ur mind ot otehr htigsn!
not multi task!
its a sditsaction!
not spend u r time adn physical n meantal effortn nenergy i notehr htigns and lose tiem nad get
distracted n d vierted adn u know tire yourself exhaust dran urefl thth u cant do what s imp n nthink f o
twhat s imp

u need to keep at it
keep on doingit no matter how small the progress!
keep working on it and keep at it!

Buying time, I think uneed ot time to oslve ur isseus take ur time n do it right soot h hu kwnwhat ot ood.
N sovle ur problesm hth hold u back amek u uneasy nn stop u form taking the action tht u wan ot

Saabh jhol karna padega aur kya

the goal is to win by all possible means by hook or by crook!

The speed at which u do things is exptremmyl imp u shud nto wait for the right moemetn u need ot
immediately get oto work ot covnetrt ur ideas it not a reality.

All this knowledge n info to make u smrter soo thth u knwwhat to do. To oslve ur peorblems to othigsn
more eefcetively efficntly n right otget proper results

Think n nanalyze eerythgin if oy udiditn og n nask why u didn’t go and ask what stops u frm going
naskign what was going thru ur mind? Resrch everythgin, wht thogutsh were going thru ur mid nat htht
moemtn thth stopeed u form going nasking.

Reaserch eveerythgin take expert adviece what uneed ot od what works and wht doesn’t work! wht will
lead ot result n work and what solutiosn do onto work

Things thh require a a lot of thgotuht t od it right ushud doti when u wake up I tneh morning n u are
frsh n nthgisn thth are onotmnous nn dotn require thgotush u shud doit in the night whe nuare sleepyn
ur brain doesn’t work. when ur mind sifresh n nu can thinkcrelaly.

Thigns htht are totally unwanted nn unnecessary! Dotn waste spend ur time n eneffortn nenergy I

Ur diresrs ur goals drie u n notivate u to ork hardo to achive urgoals.

U have ot have high goals deream big hive high ambitions nn the n uneed ot work to imprveo urlef, work
on yourself to mpuld yourself to over come thgisn thth hold u back, u r own limtiaitons and leanr n
thgisn gain knwoeldgen n so thth u will know what uneed ot ood to ahcive those gaols put urslef
thorught hth strai n neffort like a steel tth needs ot be temmerepd ot be strong soo thth uwk nwaht it
takes what uneed ot odo to succeed the sercret of success. For eg if you dream of climibgn a tree thths
wht ur drem is then uwill prpare urslef accoridnlgy as to what u need ot o dot climb a tree what htigsn u
need knwledlge know how, n u limit oyursefl too t thth goal u have set a limitation o nyotursefl, but ifo y
udream of reacign the satrs the n uwill work on yourself prpepare yorusefl accoidngly gain knwoeldgei
nformatio nthth will ehlp urea hhte strs. Mold urslef work on oyurelfs over ocme sefllimitign obstacles
thth hold u back form tkaig naciton n doing what wuantnto od, knw whath u need oto do o tot ahcive
thth goal, n what thgsn iwill motivate u to t ake action nso on.

Who carez I don’t give a fuk,mind ur own bi do whts imp for u to help u acheve ur goal n imp things in
life see ur own , mind u r own biz ur own life instead of paying attention to whts oin on in the wrld hw
will tht affect u do ur own thing thts not gonna help u solve ur probs wasting ur own time. Tht can be
used towrk to acheve the imp things in life, once the time n opp is gone its gone.

ifu want to suceed i nlife hten u need otm ovefast u need ot od thgisn fast nto slow
if oy utake a lot of time ot od thigsn u need ot move quickly take quick actions n ntake risks dotn wait U
need ot at fast do it fast nto slow u dotn have time finish it off fast. Get ot work on it immidiately


they think in ftutere as to the ocnsequences fo theri actionsif i pull off what moe what can happen they
foresee thgisn and they paln i nteh perest accordignly soo tht htey have an eacape stretgy, in place...
you knw waht will haeen if u screw up dotn ya? soo htth ifsoemthign doesnt go theri way they can jsut
raise their hands up and wash their aahnds off itsayign ti was nt me? ihave no idea about it!

tehy foresee thigns waht ifi get coaught!

then ans soo they hae an escape stretgy i naplce ..oso they can wash their hands off it i haeno ida soo
they paln accordingly

its ahrd to catch him it was doen well thought off, by foreseeing thigns, as to wht will happen if I get
caught nad soo accordingly it was well thgouth off executed n npalnned.

why nn how it happens? The reason the process behind it. In depth I ndetail what happens then what
happens how it works. Undersatdn th e process what goes on. anything or sunthign thth makes u think,
figure thigsn out u know anwnalyze thigns thinker! dicver thgisn ocem up iwth htigsn
u dotn wnat pl who are good at memeory u wnat pp lwho are good at htinkign
informatio ncan be stored and retrecved anywehre u need pp lwho can use thisi nf adn think
coem up iwht new thigsn ideas invetiosn annalyze thigngs disvocer unravel figure otu thigns.
eg:- Aircraft investigations, anything thth makes u qestion think alines n so on pnder wodner
indian edu system is all abotu memeorizign n muggign up u dotn have to memeorie n nmug up as the
information is there right I nfornt of oyu in books resources to refer to and to apply n use n analayze
where as in US u dotnahve to memeorize the books are in ornt oyur u u nnedto thin kand ppaly
think adna nalyze
schpool of though wht each one thinks ts not like this its like this every1 thinksdifferntly n has difent
opionasbased on ther knoewldge info exprnxce n things tht mke sense to them wht they think n figure
1 school of hught might think whereas the other school of thught might thnk.

it will make u think, thth is totally lost in thought who did it n soo on?mke u wthink n wnder

foresee thgisn n act accordingly

plan for the future I nteh prestn as per what kidn offuture u want what goalsu want ot oahcvie in the
future n soo n.

Let me think, while about it, wiu have got a lot of thinking to do.

Thought process n lot of thgouth put into it ehh think it thorugh as ot hwo to od it n hwo ot go about it.

it makesu think n wonder what? how anyhtign tht makes u question makes uthiknk n nownder n ncome
up iwth htings, new invetosn innvoations findigns, reserch,
mmeory is not imp u can stoere info onbooks in databases n refre to it wen need it what isi mp is
thinkign. anyythign thth maeks u questio nthink n wonder.half of thetiem he is into himself n
nkeepsthinkgin of soemthign or the toehr.

consider every angle and work out what’s best.

i dont agree with everythgi nsaid based o nmy past expreicnesnn reasongin but its good. Only taek
thgisn thth make sense to oyu, based o nwhat u think ur analysisnn thinkignnfigurign out.

hazy nn dreamy nt clear cofndused thinkig n makes u think lsoti nur thgotush as ot hwo it is thinkign as
to hw oit works and waht goin on and how it owrks thht is getign itnroerted nand in your thgotush
thinkig nhwo it works nadn so on hazy confused unclear thth ameks u go i nyoru thgotush lsot in oyut
hinkign to try n nfgiure it out

thinkign n Figure out how

see how is

but think about this:

they are not thoughtful.

pl hwo do all these stunts n call themselvesdaredevils ths is the hirght of stupidity
either get injured criplled or endup inhospitl expensive amd pain these are stupidppl.
who ar e dumb, and they think lesss.
they are not thoughtful. Jumping around like monkeys I nstead of using their intelligence nn itenllectual
skillsls n nbrains
thinkgin day dreaming - deep i nthoguht

sit and think n ponder

take a little time to think about

studyn cat behaviour how intelligent he is

wht he does if i do wht.
responce beahviourmemory etc..

As I sit i and think back

she loooks passiv thughtful intelligent she jsut looks at u keeps quiet thinks colected figgurng ot nn
observes everythig nthths goin on n processes everything.

He wont evne tell u or reavel to oyu wahts I nhsi mind or let u knw what his next move will be, keep
genuine thinking or insight

learn from experience (what I did last time n wht resulti got) n smarten up n not reapeat themistake

he was very calculating, n thoughtful.

u need ot forsee thigns think i nthe future, wht thigsn can hapen nn goworng n plan accoridngly, u need
to frst thin kn worry of what the utocems will be the various scnairos, failures tht can occur rejectiosn
tht an occur n ncausese fo tht n take prevenive mesuresto prvetn them if ii do this then thsi will happen
if i ido thth then thth will happen n amek al ist of all things rejectiosn falures htht can happen n take
measrues to strike them out

its like strike out the thigsn thth are nto the causes to get to the cause tunnl thinking

it was done in a well thgouth fo way as to thinkgi about hte furuutre if i get caustght i will raise my hands
up n nsay soem oen made my fake profile wasnt me i dotn knwo who it was btu it surely wasnt me!
unless u cna rpesnt na evidnece to say it was me u ar emakaign the acusations soo u present the
evidence why shud i make hte job easy for u by sayign thth it was me haaanwahy? u think m stupid n i
wil dig my own grave, if i say it was me hten i will be screwed there can be cosnequnces i can be
exeelled i can face suits what not! There can be many onseqnces if iam honest n nsay thht ti was me.

U think in thefuture u foresee all things tht can go wrng n u prep plan to avoid hte fialures nad rejections

u neeed to think from all sides from all angles

its not intelligence brilliance ppl who makestuffff like thth are highyl intelligent its just curiosity as to
whats in it how ti wroks etc... adn tenacity htth isdetermiantion to get rhough in it n ntry n nfigure it out
n research first knowign how ot od it hwo it wokrs whats compatibel nn whats not hwo ot go about it

forgettign is a sign of inteelignce but not cause u need ot forget to have most revelant info in
but cause u forget cause u are thinking a lot inside
n u are soo lost i nthinking of certain htigns right
thth u forgetabout everythignelse, u getsoo abrobed i nthinkign focertian thigsn
i mena memeory ismenaignless when it comes tointellignce
u dotnneedo trmemeebr thigsn u canwrite em down store it inboosk etc..
wahts a sign of itnellgiencei sthinkignandn danalysis
thingkignnad tryign to fgiure thigns outunravel,
discover etc..etc...
thths the sign of itenllignce.
emeory is irrelevant
causethinkign ehlps u to ananylze thigsn come up with new ideas
disvoer thigns
where as memeroy is ntohign but information htht is stored
a perso nwho is not impuslvie whothinks a lotplans slowly nad htiks it all thorugh

Thigns thht interest u n nu enjoy oding

thht is using ur brai nthinkign knweldgei nformation n applciation
n busienssn n makign moeny n nleranign
the intricases of busiensess nn makign moeny n nrunnign nn mananging busienss
thth is imp thigsn.

she is self aware adn she has a wild imagination!

yes i am alive ad i am on earth right now where are u these days? o nmars
seh is ware she is on earth and wild imgagignation where are you on mars

presented with the facts, truth and reality!


in this day n age knowedge adn ifnormation is avaliable everywhere for oy uto refer to
soo knoweldge although imp is nto valuable cause its freely and easily acesible nad vailabe
what is imp is how oyu use it and apply it, what is imp is thinking
applciaiton ananlysis!
Crititcal thinking,
Analytical thinking
the process of splvong
seeign the issue from all angles,
forseeign thigns
thoguhtful, caustious etc....
raether than impuslvie
pros cons studyifn reaserching
finidng solutions to porblems causees etc..
elon musk style of thinking:-
sumof parts, hwo we can make cahgnes I nproductio nas well I nteh batteries nto just to cars but also
the factory.

steve jobsstyel fo thinking:-

minimalistic, geettign rid of all uncessarythgins.
En thignkign can we use the antenna as a this
Elemnate all unded screws n naprts n so on

bill gates styel fo thinking:-

what aboutthis what about tth down to th e mintuest detail rip it apart get dwon to the miutest thing

Forse tthigns:-
Like palyign chess if oyu make hwat moveswht outocems u will get, forwrdthinking
Foresee thgisn
N paln accordingly.

See thgisn for mall angels, n sides

Not just one perspective.

Forsee thgisn all thgisn thh can go worng n then prep accrodngly

How he thinksn n how his mind works

Toda saa idhar udhar ho gaya u make one mistake nn u are gone
U shud nto give them a reason nto trun u dnwn n reject your app
U need t omaek a lsit of all reasosn they can reject u n then perpe accordingly thtgoturhly ur app soo
ttht u tick the lsit, off, soo thth they cant rejct you. Thth will icnrese ur chances fo success,

your ration thainkign ability as to whats right n whts not,

more childl iek and impulsvie uncontrolalbel behaviour
you dotn thin kfo futuere u sttrt ving day to day it ntthe moemtn
you strt to thin kshort term i sntead of logne term,

im spiritual texts its writtenn have to accept things wiythout questinoing tht takes away ur intelligence
n reasonng ability... when u dont question things.. n mkes dumd zombie wen thigs dont make sense to
u then why shud u follow them certain things tht dont make sense to ur reasoning they doit to take
awawy ur thinking n reasoning n questinign ability as they want obidincen n no, frieciton or u know,
resistnace, they want herds who follow things wtihotu quesiontignn n thinking as to how why n nso on?

Introverted thinkgindeepyl deep n thgouth observing, highly intelligent

N at the same tiem extroverte, d reading yoru mind n nsoo n
N focsign ncocntertingn n onbservign nreading u r thgotush ur mdn n oso n.

sophisticated n nwell thoguht out incsase uget cghthten u have na escape paln .

always questiosn why think ananlysleze find answers

to be itnellgent n smerter thn otehr u need knwoeldgen nkwno how n u need thinkig n nanaltical skills


Chess thinking

Thinking I tneh futer and pallnign accordingly

What will happen what result I will get if I do hwat nad so owaht ineed ot od accordingly to get what

Thinking in the future if I od thigs the nwhat he will do and what can happe nadn soo what outocems
iwill get for each difrent kind fo actionnaa d accordnly soo what shud I take to be safe. Rout to taek the
best route to tahke what will aheepn I fi if I do this then these thgisn can happen soo ishud do this!

Knweldge isi mp casue if oyu dotn have knweodlge you cant think or realize fro eg casueu ahd the
knwoeldge thht power of arrttarny is isnvaldi soo oy ucud think n take dieciso n caseu u knew thth giving
poa doesn’t mean giving then their share t o sell itm enas givgn them your share. And the rest of oti also
belolngs ot them. Chutiya bananeka kaam kiya hai.
working toward s improving oyursefl making oyursfl better and whishing good forevryone else… there is
no ocmpetitinon here… you cant go up I nlife by destryign others wihsshign unwell for others… you need
ot wish good ofr everyone thth everyone is happy…. You ownt gai nanyhting if some onei s sad and
stuff… by some oens loss… this is fr all thej elaous ppl I nthe world. Who get jealous of others success..
to all the jealous ppl I nthsi world.. you wont gai nanyhtign fomr some ones loss you wont gain anything
by wihsinh g bad for others… you can only move aheadi nlife by making yourself better andwishign well
for others.

Its n

Ot just do it there is a way to do it

he is very thoguht ful as to how to sing

okay how will i sing htis now
and he remebers it

why you like working i nthe night

cause i can think and get lost in what i do
its very quiet, its very cool and its dark so no visual sdistraction
no noise and a cool atmosphere
to think and be totally lost nad involved i nwaht i do

organize everythign properly neatley adn systematically

you need ot selet onefiled thhat you wnat to go into and go into thhat feild only
internet adn digital marketing cmpany
internet advertising

sitting tat home and working on your problems and issues self improvement and so on... if oyu go ot
work then your rtime iwll spent working doign the work and you will enver address the isseus you are
facign hthat hold oyu back nad hold oyu down and prevent yourslef orm movign ahead time sepnet i
nself instrospection elarnign nad self improvemnt is the best time spent ever money is not everythign in
lfie workign ot earn small paycheck but in return yur problems odnt get slved and you cannto succed in
life if oyu dot n solvve your pproblems and don knwo hwo to dela iwth it and what o od about it..

how much time are you spending n wht are u doing trying to achieve your goal towards achiveing ur
goal how much time are you spending everyday towards ur goal towrds doing wrk to wrkin towrds
achievn ur goal
self introspections self imprviemnt tkaign time ot to dvelop yoursef learn things to improve adn os on...

tht educations doesnt have anyinfluence on you casue you have hte intetllgence to accept or reget it
go away stop bugging my head
dont wanna waste my time i nall that you have the ability to accept or reget you know based on your
thinking analysis reasoning or understanding as to it works or not..
we are born human then education happens"
what kind of proverb is this? or thoguht is this?
just acause soem oen educaes you doesnt mena htha yo u become programmed and follwo it you have
your own brians nad reasonign ot accept or reget a school fo thoguth or beliefe thaht doensto confoerm
to your opinions

you needto select one field one line t go into and be the master in that field that is know everything
thatthere is to know about it

you odnt need to be good socailly you just needo t deliver thaht is get the work done you dont need to
tlak and stuff... cahtt and brag teh y dotn last long cause they know htth these guys are not oding the
warok they are onlytalkig... ppl like that dont go far.. when it omes to job and doingwork being very
socail and tlakiitve wont get you far if ou dont have workto support it ... if you are not social but if oyu
can do hhe work then thaths moreimp causei n teh end they want results not someone who just talks
and is goodsocailly smar t makign frindsnand so on they want work to be done.

stupid its stupidity and nonsensne

i dont like nonse cause itsunnecessary waste of time unimporannrt
uncesssarty actios and oson meaningless nonsnensical spend oyu r time energy effort
on somethign thaths importnatn
not worth hte investemnt nadreturn o n investment goofy nonsensne doesnot make sense!

You need to know why oyu are doing all this fo tr what is the purpose and where ami ogin iwht this

on one mission single minded mission

mind ur own biz

u need to be ense worried not esy goin nad relaxed you need ot be on the alert on your toes
u need ot work fast not slow
first do what is imp everyhtign else later on
remeebr htis n keep this in your mind
Its not just do ti there is a way to do it... you need ot know the right way to do it to get hte right results
outcome and output if oyu do it the wrong way then you wil l eget wrong resuts and output...

you need ot know hte right way tood it

you need to know what to do ot get what result..
you need ot know wwhat to od and what you are doing out there
and how ot go about ti how to do it

for eg: singers there are some crappysingers out there tehy just dotn knowwhat to do how ot sign and
hten look at george michel he had the right singin g techinque he knows how to sing whato to o do to
get what result..ifoyu od hits you wil get this result in your voice and oso on..
he is very thoguthful, what he does he takes hisown time he thinksi t through hei s slow...itstime
consuming but he is verythgouhtful and he gets it right andperfect quality

he has a very thoguthful well thoguht ou technque he doesnt just go out htere adnd does it without
knowing whato to do his techniue of sinign hte way he does thigns is a wll thoguht out technique.. he
does it htoguthfully ry to resaerch, think ananlyze it throguhly hmm if i sing htis way if i do thishten what
esutl i iwll grt i get hi s riesult maybe i should do thisn o this doesnt work, i should do it thisway...till he
finally ifugresi t out what o he needs toodot get what result

you need ot be very thgouhtful... think it thorugh thorguly research, how ot od it how to go about it
what oyu nedd ot od to get what result where you are goin wrong observing some one who does it well
what he does and hwy he does htaht andwhat effect ti gives try ot figure it out unravel decipher,
thinking mind go deeply into it... all thoguh it takes time its slow cuse you need ot do a lot of thinkign
and research i nteh end you know what you need otod you fiugre it out and oyu get a well thoguht out
technque as ot wahtot od to get what resutsl and os on...
you knwo what oyu neeed ot od and its perfected hte thechnique and well thoguht fo if i do this then i
will get htis results... very thgouths ful slow timieconsuming but wlell thoguth of technuqre if oyu gonna
do it do it right right... the right way to od it ...

sme pp ltehy dont put so much of thoguht in to it tehy just do it they use do it in a wrong way and they
dont knwo what ot odo they are crappy singers... you may rather not put any material out hter rather
than puttigncrappy material unless and untill you are ready nadprepaterdas to hw ot od it u should not...

crappy singers dont knwo hwo to sing and what ot od .

they hav the determination d energy the passion the ambition the drive they look not dull but very
energtic and determinednad riven i napssion to ahcive hte goal.
the nes thing yo can invest in is in yourself learnign new thigns thaht can help you ot bee better solve
yor poblesm and help you ahcive your goals and imp tigsn i nlife do biz work e efficinelt y personality
dveleopemnt etc..

they are itnesen highly envoled and energetic and dirven full of determinaion and drive

i like miley ctrus caus she is soo open mineded she wants to exprerinvce everythign just cause she
prayed to goddess laxmi and ppl berating her htaht hse s praing for welath.. well why wouldnt oyupraty
fro wealth you need moeny to survvie god ot help you its beetter to ask gof d t ogive you moeny ot
surive thaht ncheat and steal... also... just cause she paryed ot goddess laxmi doenst mean she prayd for
wealt hshe could have prayed for love nad devotion... how small minded ppl are...
and even if ou prayed for wealth whats wrong wit hthat wit haskign god for welath! we all need to
moeny ot surive and be thnkful to god grattitude for bestowing everyhtign... goddess laxmi is form of
godes Radharani the she is the wif of the creator nad hte woner of theunvierse the bestower of love
happienss dvetoion kidnnesswealth

I was like in my room for 15 months did not socialize much did not go anywehre.. cause i wanted to stay
fouced nto get distracted or dicverted nto waste my time and enrgy in other htigns.. be focused o
and stuff but

you dont need ot be socially smart or very talkitive to be sucessful at work cause they odnt care abotu
all that htey know who doesth talkign and who doesthe work they cant be foolded cause ath the end off
the day you need resutls... to be sucessful at work tyou needo t do the work and delvier resutls.

socializing is awaste of time... you need to spend your time doign imp thigns rather than fogin to events,
hanign arounfd with friends and wastign your time... you need ot isolate yourself and focus on ly on
youtr sturdies nto waste your time and enrgy doing unimp thigns ... tis time consumeing for thsoe 4
years those 3 years and these 15m onths i did not go anywhere i was at my home only either stdying
sleeping or tryign to improve myself be more self reualted,... instead of awastign time going ot events,
hanign around with friens adn stuff wastign time nad energy.. tis dstratctign you lose your time energy
ndad focus.
once you are free you acan socialize...
u shud not be dependent on others for money oyu need ot work hard and earn your own money be

you hsudnt be wastign our itme u need to be cosntnaly workign towrds adhicevng oyur gaols you need
ot be ighly focuesd.
know what oyur goals are whtat is it that oyu want, andwrok ahrd ot ahcive them

its either solvig a problem

or fullfiling n meeting a need

Dry speels when you do nothign but just sit and think! as to how t o get your act toghter its durogn this
time that you learn the most and know the most as to how ot get about it what oy uneed ot od and how
to regualte yourslfe nad stuff... that thinkign thaht you keep on doign helps you to get youract toghterhr
and learn what oyu need ot od the way to do it how to goa aobt it ! its not when you do it taht you
leanr its when oyu instrospect thin tkthats when you learn those are hte best moments... cause then you
learn and knwo and figuere out what oyu need ot od after that its just doign ti follwoign it yo know what
oyu need ot do to reuglate yourself to make yourslef do it... and hten you just implement follwo nad use
the prosess... yu dont learn much when you do the work... its when you think how you can be regualted
hwat ou needo tod how ot go about it instrospect think plan research figure out thats the most
imporantnt thing thats the best thing ever cause hten you knwo what oyun eedo to d how ot get oyur
act toghtehr nad what t you needo to od to regualte yourself.
why cant oyu do it? think big oyu neeed to thin kbig not small, you need ot dive in only then you will
learn how to swim,
otehr wise yu will always stay at the lower leel and never move up onvce you go to that posistin hten
you knwo what oyu needo t od you learn.
what the fuk is he doing unnecessary actions nosense unecessary taks.
annoyig meaningless unnecessary wasete of time nenergy.

a weak and cowardly or unadventurous person.
synonyms: coward, namby-pamby, pantywaist, milksop, weakling, milquetoast; informalsissy, wuss,
pansy, candy-ass, scaredy-cat, chicken, twinkie, cupcake;
"she was ashamed of her husband, who had shown himself to be a cowering wimp"

verb: wimp; 3rd person present: wimps; past tense: wimped; past participle: wimped; gerund or present
participle: wimping

fail to do or complete something as a result of fear or lack of confidence.
"anyone who wimped out because of the weather missed the experience of a lifetime"

You ant affod to be relaxed or compalcent have af alse sense of security you neeed ot be on your toes,
alert and you know, tesne and enrvous and on your that is ynot panic but be cncerned and worried, you
need to be n yor
u need to be paranoid afraid so tht you are onyour toes not releaxed eergy effgort orthere wud be
consequence of inaction.

its like an urgency do it fast speed emergency o it continously.

keep workign at it a sense of urgency

havea sense of panic ugrnecy adn fear of the ocnsquneces if oyu odnt do it well r fearo f hte you know,
futuere how it will work out ot nbe and then ththat will get oyu to work fasta dn urgentyl to get it done
and work towards it. if you become lax and loose you lose, snooze and oyu loose ts the best and hte last


Deemag maat kah yeh leh bacchon koon methai khila

Chal chal abhi Haaa nahi toh deemag khane aaa gaya

Bhai mjhe jitna handle karna tha uthna meine handle karleya abhi saab tere haat mein hai tyuh deelkhle

not be afraid of failure be happy go luck if you gt you get if oyu dont then you dont you hsud at least try
but if oyu tdont try thinkign thht oyu wont get heten you wont mae any proress

time mgmt:-
time your activiites how muchtime ot spend on what activiites
this activiite to finish i nthis much time put o na timer
mmore work i nless time maangeyour time itsvery imp

you need to be focused slow careful adn thoughful do it properly and well well thoguh out i dotn care
abotu time time odesnt exist for me i am more process oriented try ot o it well, try to figure out how ot
do it how ot og aobut it and so on, what works what doesnt its mroe abotu reserach nanalysis, thinking
well tought of as to how it works and so on.

ratehr than rush hurry, meesed up high adrenaline and you know heartbeeat faster andyo know makign
errors mistakes
relax do i slowly in a relxed wy properly carefully not i na rushed up hurried manener

m a slow thinker i do it slowly but surely after thinkign a lot analyzing it , seeign it form differentp
erspectives thinkign a lot about it how it works and so on, then comign up with solutions techniques
puttign them to test adn so on... and see if they work and if nto then what is missign what needs to be
done, and so on,
see what he does and what results it leads to ,
a wellthoguht outtehnique as to what oy uneed ot od ad n what results itswill give and what oy uneed ot
od ot get hwat results.
unless and untill tis perfect it wont e b released. it will be reased o nyl if its tried and it works,
thinkign fo the technques methods invovled, what needs to be done, how it works and os on.
wif i do what hten what resulst will happen and occur think through ti thogruhgly.

to get a good job you dont need social skills or be very socaily smart look at this guy called sundar pichai
and tim cook, yo just need to getthe work done that s it.

man she is a creul person just cause some en smiles for hte camera ddoesnt menat htht the person is
good, even the devil smiles forh tecamera doesnt mean thth he isgood.
MBA games is nonsense waste of time and unimp
unnecessary effort
show off what do they get by fodign all that recofgnitions show off
its liek livign to impress otehrs
dude otuy live your lfie for yourself not to impress
others, you lvie your life to achvie the imp thigsn i nlfie and whats imp to you money and stuff dotn put
oyur focus and energy i nto umip thgins
in to servign teh college servign oterhs for free.
its totally unncessary adn waste of itme waht tdo they get by doign all thsi such a waste of time.
mba games waste of time you ned to live your life for oyurslef achvieing oyur goals what is neessary and
imp to oyu not others, serving others servign the college for free.. what do they get i ntreturn nothgin
they end up faling i the examsand stuff. du ot spendign their energy time effort in oterh htigsn
distraction and da diversion.

he is actually very slow he takes his time he is relaxed, calm he is slow,

he takes his time to get ti right nad perfect he thinks a lot
he is very fussy, which means he think s a lot...he is a slow thinker

he doesnt even look ere nad there he keeps o n doing his own thing
sucess inovles not onyl owrkign hard but also doig hte right htig the right work the smart thing hte
intelligent thign. if you wonr k hard but if oyu are doign ti wrogn if oyur method of doing it i s wrong
then you wont be sucessful. you needo thave hte right techniquwe its nto just do it there is a way to od
it.. its imp to do the right hte smart thigsn to be successful

these are highl driven ambitious and determined ppll

they wk hard drive themselves crazy to get things right they are obsessive perfectionists
juat go somewehere clamingn peaceful where i can think quetly serene place n calm qety besiutiful
place.. to divert you r mmind elsewher n calm urmind see the beautuful secenery the lisht th e long ocen
the besutifu nature n world calming effect
think n amke decisions think quietly n make e decidions

humans are nt o designed for heavy physical exericese

exercise hte midn with informatio nand knowledge rather thatn oyur muscles,
i mena only hmans can think the only thing hth humans are given
due twhic htey have been able to acheve all progressi si ntelligence
anmials have high runnign pseed horns clwas high runng i nspeed and os forth

once you have knowledge you can odo soo much this information is amazing it is a gem it gives u the
freedom to build nad reate soemthign of oyur own

let your faith be biggr than yourfears

not get distracted now ewe need to go in t oa focused meditative stte not od other htigsn concetrate n
focus and do it fully absornebd losti nvovled in ti
intorverted, in hiso wn htoguhts) reclusive shy thinkers in own wrld u have to ask them n takes them
efforts to come out of their world n thoguths nad talk shares theri ideas cause they are itnroverted
thinking htier brains ar ere nit used to going ourt and talkign they ar rel ost intheyir own wordls and so
tit hakes them more effort ot speak and share ideas haklf o f the time they are quiet nad thinking in
their ow minds so they are socially awqwards and find it take extra effort ot come out of hteri relam in
their own world and share thier thnkign talks and ideas socially inept they are soo much in their own
thht they dont like scoializing they feel uncomfortable offendided doing it tlakign ot ppl
they stammer stutter they you know, think a lot, soom uch tht they have difficultiy speaking coming out,
of hteir own thoguhts they think a lot and tlak not htt hthey talk s slow they talk fast but the hti k and
talk he looksl ike lost in his own wolrd thinking and thoughts
let your faith be biggr than yourfears

its all in the mind afs

wen the wrld is movingtowards tech why shud i be left behind

u need to do things tht will lead to ur benefit n gan... u need to see if i do this will this ead to any gain n
benefitto me? usme tera kuch bhala nahi hone wala hai u need to see what will the be the result of tht
actvity tht u do... will tht be of any benefit to you... if no then u shud not get into tht u shud also see the
time amount ffort money involved in it.
for eg: your nation is fuke up ... if you go to chnge the nation u will spnd ur whole life doing it n still wont
be able to do it caz its not one persons responsibility... one prsn cannot do it ... so its bettter to relocate
to a country tht you like where things are better thn to try waste time cghingh ur own where nothing
can be done
simiaryly if u sue the govt n u win then wht will be the result how much money u wil get ? not much the
govt will habv to pay all the ppl so u wont get much n so its no ponint wastin ur time n effort in it... u
need ot od htigns htth will benefit you
why are you doign all this its about the adventrure the expereince its not mataralsitc thigns you dont
keep them wtih you for ever its abotu shaping tyour soucl to hte core inprintgng htth knowledge
inforamtion valuse what it takes to eb sucess ful i nto oyur soul and shapign oyurself seahpign oyur
sould knowing hwati titakes to be successufl determineaiton hardwoark and os oforth ho achie your
passion wrking hard ot ahcive your goal
its not just about money its also about wht u nedd to suceesd like determination ambition wht drives u
selfregulation n so on

to make u mentally strogn incrase ur tolearnce

to achvie yourgoal
never give up keep trying
walking fast all the way till ther to your goal takign pain effort
determined to make it
exercise teaches you to wrk har d be mentally tudsough striong n determined adnd wrkhrd to achieve ur
goakl reach r goal

you nned time to refelct to hink what ot do,

wehere oyu are goign and get thigns right

inovle your mind I nthinkingi nsome thing creative process making creating something intellectual
stimulation… involvement ..l ost absorbed I nti

jack ma he i s tubborn and determined hard working and he has big dreams and vison he applied ot

ypou need to be extremely tough and deteremined stubborn mentally tough never give up keep trying
never stop till you get what oyu want… keep searching finindg trying till yo get what oyu want…

its the best an the last effort!

work hard to achive your gaols

be dertermined
be tenacious
be never gvie up!
its being extremly determined and
to achvei your goals
its aboteundeavour
shaping oyursfl up
its about learning
trainign yoursefl
what it takes to be sucessful!
its abotthe exeprionce
its abotu efofrt wokrign hard to ahiece your gaol
its about shaping oyurseoul shapingurslf to the core
beign retrmiend ot ahcive yor goal

in oyur mind you need to be extremely confident and etrtina sand suere tht at you are looking good you
are doing it well self taalk
tell yoursefl have no negative thgouthsi n your mind or surity or sefldoubt am i doing it well or not will i
look good or not you will look goodo nly
eeveryome has fear you need to deal wth those self defeating thoguths
dont be stressed don’t let it affect you or bother you
keep wprking hard
just keep doing what yu are doing

you need ot be higly driven

no rsik no reward
go for it
be a risk taeker
enjoy it tlakin hte thrill the adrenaline rush
you live off it thrive of it
try i nlal possibel awys
use all meansto get what you wnat.
the goal i s to win b hoo kor by crrok by all possibelmeans
be a go getter
be extremyl determined

motivaation why yo are doing htis waht motivates you to do this

to get or achvie your gaol

you need to ujust go for it dive i nyou hsouldnt wait till you are ready cause you never will be
you forgot what oyur goal adn mission is and so oyu are disinterested unkeen and distracted dn a
nolonger payign attention i ncalss or studying interested i nstudtiyng nad reading now oy just wantot get
through it adn oding it for hte saek of doing you have forgotten that your gaol your purpsoe of doign all
thisis not doign it jsut for hte sek of doign it and gttign an mba but to gain knwoeldge knowhow info that
will help u i nyour work busienss you lost he plot ome where forgot what oyu goal is hey oyu re re doign
it for it has come ot a poitn here you just want ot get an mba nad get donwe with it do it for he saek of
doign it ad a formality with otu any keeness involevment enagement or iterest like a burn out your gaol
is to gain knoweldge tht a will help you in yorwork and buisness

fear cripples you …

Identify the issue and find solutions

when you are not given thigns easily and yu are made ot work hard for it then you realse that iwhtout
hardwork you cannot achvie anything in life
and you become more, assertive more, like drivign yoursefl to workhard, more determined adn
tougher. you become more energetic and less lazy and willing ot mput i nmore effort and go the extara
mile, you become more willing to take effort, to t o go the extra mile t otake effort to push harder like a
coach not let go of it easily, t otake extra effort to ou know he is not like ohh let it be why to trouble or
grill o r harrase he makes you work hard for it give you lot of work take effort you know learn to owrk
har d ot get it gives you lot of work,
to maek you realise that you need ot work hard to get it and he doesnt let you go easily like ohh, let it be
why to ask them and trouble them,
he will take effort he is vey active he is willign to take effort doesnt mind takign effort, he takes effort
and asks you questiosn makes you think grills you why this why this and so on... he takes exra effort to
trouble and harraes oyu infac to psuh you arder to make you work harder , be mroe deretmined nad
tough. if he will give it to you easily without havign to work hard for it then you wont learn you need ot
learn that yto get soemthign you need otworkhard ofr it

you need ot keep ttryign not give up not get diasspointed b failures
not lose oyur self ocnfidence, beleivei nyourslf that oyu can achvie it if they can those ugly guys can so
can you, you need ot not get idhearetned or diassapointed oy uneed ot keep trying be stupbborn keep
trying be dertmined try try till you suceed jsut keep tryign that s all you can do just keep tryign na d ne
day it amy jus t work out by god grace and mercy will and belssings.
wjehn the time is right god gives you the knoledge , understaign as to what to dom m sendss the right
ppoepl your way, god gives you the intelligence as to what ot do to help you
you need ot have full inovlement in it
human beings ook upon to aliens to solve ther problems aliens r bnoy gonna sole ur problems or wrk a
miracle in ur life you have to wrk urself to solve ur own pronblems aliens r not concerned

yo eened to be extremely determined like vanndamme cause its gonna take extreme amount of effort
never give up keep tryign nad stearchign takign extrmee amount of paisns and effort till you find the girl
you want till you achieve your goal
be exteremly determine d and mentally tough and strign willed
to wrok hard take pains nad efforts determiend never give up
keep working hard and trying try try till you suceed never give up
take exprerem effort adn paisn t soucced to achive your objective your mission your goal your drams
and what you want
wastete of time who cares if there are alines or nt aliens are not gonna solve your problems its
escapism.. ignoring the real problemsof life htaht you face and wasting your time over things thth are
unimp…. You need ot solve your problems I nlfie … money food etc. etc.. that’s more imp you need to
see your own stuff

extremly detremined strong willed to od it to wrojk hard to afdhcieeve your goals

mentally storng and tough

They are pretty particular

Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder

short attetnion spans

gets quickly bored with one thing
lack of focus and concetration on tasks that reuir high focus long period
of workand cocnetration that is studies and so forth
easily getting distracted
moving quickly form ne activity to other
over active brain mind thinking imagination high processign n htinking
lack of focus o one htign quivcly gets distracced
cant do one thing for longer period of time
hard to ge a grip over the mind
lack of self control
prep well

bodybuilding exercse karate it make s you mentally tough

determined endurance, motivated not giveup
to ahcive that goal everythign you do all effort you take you do ti for the sake of achveing oyur goal
and you keep yourself pusinhgn
come on you can do ti inispite you are tired
you keep yourself pushing ot go on bear all teh pain to ahcive hat goal
it make you determined go getter, take actio ntake effort pains toahcive your goal not give up makes
oyu metally tough
force yoursefl to get up and get going
i need a qiet place t othnk and study with otu any disturbacne get back to work
dicipline, restrain, self controll and restrain

learn t wrk hard day n night towrds achieveing ur goal

just sittingn praying ownt help
you need to also put i neffort
god helps those who nwork hard and pary
not those who sloth sit and os nothing nthen pray
thigns are not gonna happne on their own
you ned to ocnsntaly keep working
n then pray to go for hlep n gos will give you send you
ppl to help you or means to help you
but if you sit n do nothign then nothign will hapen
n prayer will not help nothign will get done

You neeed to be fused y know not get distracted say no to other things not waste ur time doing other
things nimp things keep focused on what you are diing the imp things keep doing them n when u thnk of
doing iunimp things say no to them. Not think ogf other things focus ur mind n not do other things

be focused not distrated do only one htigns thth is imp thign, sleect one htign htht u need oto do waht is
imp n do only tht thing, leave all oterh nimp thgisn aside focsu o na few thigns not get distractedn
dniverted u have limited time slecet wht is imp n ocsntnatly do thht only wrk towards achivng htth thign
u deem nfeel is imp cosntalty wrk otwards achving thth not be distracedn ndiverted not od otherh tgisn
unnimp thigns
uh vae limited time if oyu od otherh acitivtyes say no ot otehrh achtivests do nonly a few ctiivtes focus
only o na few activtes thth will help u ahcive waht u know wht u feel is im p i nlife, odoo nly imp thigsn
do few thigns only not divert rsfl distract resfl ot actiivtes thht wont help u achvie any htign unimp thigsn
wate of time.
You need to select and decide what which field you want ot g into what oy uant to do and go fully I
nthat filed only ..n ot be jak of all trade and master of none you need ot master on thing in life do thaht
thing only thth you want ot go into and go fully inot thath do thath only be the master I nti … selvcet nad
decide this is hat I want ot do this is what I want to go into and od thaht only learn know gain
knoelwsgdfege know everything aobut it

its all or nothing

your time is imite you have only 14 hrs every day and you
have only 24 to 65 that is 39 productive years after 65 you ill be too old to do any work and before 25
you will be studying so you have very limtied time and that is why you need to decide which filed to
choose which line you want to go into if you go to do everything you will get nothing done
if you go to be a singer a actor a business man etc.. you will be niether a good singer a good actor or a
good busienss man select one line and preapre yourself well i nti mater it work over your skills in that
line to be the best in it slecet one line line one filed nad go into it go fullyi nto tat only be the ebst in it if
ou go ot do everthign you will get nothing done.
you need to choose one filed n stick to it n tr ot be hte best in it
dont og ot do everyhtign oyu habve limited tiem ou dont have forever you will get nothign done well
you will be good at nothing you jst get 10 to 14 hes every day n nhow manty htigns can you do in that
much limited time
7 hrs sleep
3 hrs other thigns
no point ngoin in sinig its too much work n too stressful to stand o nsrage in frn to f ever one and sing
plus no one buys records these days its a wasete o f time n effort thosee dasy of singing are over you
wont be rewarded for all that effrot. pppl download songs online for free
go in ot more imp thigsn in life
dodnt go for perfection its long lengthy n contionous process
just get done with ti once you geet the poitns you need then work on that and compelte it kahatam
karoo yaar
fuking hell take a topic selec t it n get done with it what are you doing
these ppl are jst goint o do some thing greatn dfferent n then in the end will getnothing done they take
a dcision then change the topic again they are not able to take a decision nstick to it
thy r not able yto tke a decision
when you are determinded to od it oyu dont give up you keep trting after it you learn you find a way you
keep trying till you imrve you nevergive yup cause you wannabe good tt it
know what you need to do n wht u need to study
pln on a course of action wht u need to od for hte day

its not about passing tis about soring a grades

its abotu trimng to be the vbest imporving
being more organized professional systematic
ecffcivnet productive
improivng your performance
figuringo ut where you arem akingm istakesn going wrong nad correctinghtem so tht you dont od them i
nteh futere knowing whatt od oto be efficent and productive

the process of studying

imagine think of f it as a work that you are working on work hours during this time do only studies and
nothing else like that decide what to study - be good at studies and so on
stop ythinking of other things read in ur mind n understand whathe says what does it mean reexplain to
yoursel ohh so hee says that
in ur own word put tit in ur own words wht does it mean then ask yousef reexplain whatismeans ohh so
he syas that

relate adn link the knowledge acquired t o case study

cultural asepct ot it whow oyu cna relateit to thek noeldge acquired

durign you work time you are only uspposed to od your wotrk find a atak actiivty to od decidewhat to do
whatshould i do now lets od htis now
know wht u wnt knw wht to say
Divide it up. If you're struggling to memorize the whole speech, try breaking it up into shorter sections.
This allows you to learn each piece separately, and can be easier to remember – especially if the topic is
complex. Practice each section until you can recite an entire paragraph.Feb 3, 2014

you get out of life what you put in

if you dont take effort you wont get anywhere

sports kaarate etc.. helps u to beabitiosachieve a goal wrk hard to achieve it motivate userself be
determined get ur ass up mentally tough n edetermined to acheve ur goal keep going keep trying never
give up no matter wghat be detarermined to acchive u rgoal wrk herdda y nnight
be determined to achieve rr goal never give up pushig confidenc ebelieve in urself
not be afraid to fail
ir makes u mentally toughmotivated come on push
wrkout keep going
no matter how tired you are you push
yousrlf thatvoivece in ur head come on push kee going be determined to keep going n pushing no
matter how tired you are
keep trying
bedetermined to achieve u r goal n wrkhard
come on pyush it makes u determined
push come on push pain
determined to go on motivated
determination to wrk hard
keep going on keep trying n pushin to achieeve ur goal
ome on push thtvoice with in ur head that motivates you
it makes u strong intense takeit seriously
determined determined focused not destracted wrk hard to achieve ur goal
come on keep going keep ushingto reac your goal
determinationon amission
tenacity stern
to keep budghing beliree in urself
mentally touhghn stern
not get distrated be focuesed on whats imp not waste ur time doing unimp things
you ar neglecting your studies and imp thing s its shudnot be at the cost of oyur studies you arekeeping
aside yourstudies you r carrier learnig studies eductaion should come first eeverything eelse later on
you need to keep ur wrk life and otehr lfe sepereate not let otehr htignsi nterefereiwth your work
you need to work hard learn to work hard take pains n effts remeebr no pain no effort no gain
Lisa Mayer
do you understand its all i nur mind
relax its just 5% of the grade

keep ur mind i nur wrk fuck m tense n nevous

study wrk day n nightplan when is what and study accordingly be hyped up and worried about it take
tension prepare i nadvance time to od it finish it is now wrk on it is now
cosntnaly work on it get it done
know what oyu neeed to do nad ge t owork on it afast without wsasting time

be quick get it done early nt keep for hte lastm oment

its not like tossing a coin u have to study

be profesional emotionless

see it as a job you do a job n go

aversion to work
work is painful
it is not fun
it is chaining
it is not realxing effort pain endeavour
but you have ot work hard if oyu want o achvie your goal so sacrifcice all other htigns ngtet ot wrk for
hte sake of ahcieng yur goal
Keep it simple
target:- to gain nknowledge to score good marks
Tool:- to study 5 to 10 hrs every dday
how t oachvie this by time mgmt , regualting yoursefl n so on
wwhe nit comes to wrk you areo n a mission military discipline leave all otehrh tigsn aside be
emotionless ncoldn geto business
you need to work hard study constantly day n night take pains n efforts sacrifice fun plesre enjyment
sleep relation n get t wrk get t biz to achieve ur gals n objectives.
whne duty calls you nnedd to sacrifce allp lesures n enjoyments n relastin n getto work business take
painsn efforts work hard get after it get it done

actions statiosn y ou need to leave everything asdie and get to ation get to business get to work, stop
thinking and get to business start doing it get to actin

yuneed to e fcused focu o n what you want otachvie what your goal is what you want and work towads
getting that only sepnd all your time working towrds that only anddont ge distracted to othe htigns
thigsn that yu dont want to achvie and dont want in life know wat you want in lfie and work towrads
achivenfg that only spend all your time working toward achiveving hat only and dontdo other htigns
dont focus on otherh itgsn don t get distracted n diverted to other thigns

knowi n advance what are th ethigns you need to d and do it in advancen t ok eep it for later on
otherwise yo wnt get nya thigns done you will ahve to miss lectues n stuff you will end u po doing one
thignsn ad nnt o doing other thigns

its prepare as yu move study every day you wont get any study break and stuff you need ot prpeare
aand study as you atend lectures and stuff know when which exam is there and study accordingly what
to stud for what to study first

you need to plan for th future anticipate know when is what and plan accrdingly
you need to go day by day, each dy you need to plan whatt odo and go according to the time table that
is during work time do ony wrk and nothing else, you need to take each day as it coes,
go ay by day each day is imp you ahve 24 hours cnsider each day as imp yr time evey second as
important every min as imp not to be wasted time as a n important resouce tha needs t be givn to imp
thigns yo nun eed to plan each day carefully thatis duuring wrk time do only work.

during r wrk time u shud be working n doing nothing else

you need to be focused n do ony one things do only what is imp
other wise yif you go ot do everything if oyu are not focused if you waste your time doing many thigns
unimp thigns then you will end up getting nothing done nad goig n owhere ahciving nothing focuso none
hitngs and achvie that what is imp either ist is starting a business decide figure out what is imp and get
after that n focus on tha t only wghat is imp in life what will hle pyou achvie hte imp thigsn i nlife money
survival n so on
do only one thigns dont do unimp thigns taht will waaste your time focus only o n one thign n get it
done if you g ot o do too many thingsn imp thigsn then you will end up getting nothign dne nothing
compleeted every thing incomplete unfinished yo need t o simplfy pick a few imp thigsn ndo that only n
dotn waste time doing unimp thigns nnse thnings

during yourwork time you need to do your work and scacrifice all your pleasures relaxation fun n
enjoyment get serius on a mission mean business n gtt t wrk take al pains n efforts to acgieve ur goal
military discipline when duty calls on a missin

tehy are extremly paricular higly detailed n particular n organzie nad very observant n curious
down to the last deatil to the bottom of it
obeservant n notiicngn thinkign nfiguring it out
diifernt highly intelligent minds
nhard working to get hte details right
bvery particular n organzied everythign systematic well mainteained noticing flowing tap then ask to
close dripping tap
yu know

n highly detailed probing n questioning to reach to the bottom deepest level f answers how will taht
make a differince
givign answers highly keen n inteligent
n encouraigng to give answers i like that ansewer good
n why will it make you feel this way
sothat you opwn e up more n be keen to impres them more as they encorage you good i like that very
determining my success in the MBA program. In this paper I have
reflected upon why self awareness is important and how strengthening this area will contribute to
my managerial effectiveness, success and improved

havea goal n owkr towards the goal

once you have a purpose once you know your purpse

it puts everything into perspective
what you are doing, why you are doing it the reason behind it
nthat way it puts everythign int operspective what the thigns you are doingwhy you are doing them it
gives menaign to it makes sense and so oyu do it more effectively and efficeintly keepingh te purpsoe in
mind so a s to ahcive hat pueposer

other wise you jst do it sufacially for the sake of doing it for getting hte job done with no idea as to why
oyu are dong it
andso oy dont do it efficentyl when you od it wihtout a reason
withot knowing hte reason why oyu are dong it oyu are lost
you dot nk nw the reaosn why you r doing it the purpsoebehind it
you do it just for hte sake f doing it wiht otu much involvemnet n egangemment you od it just for hte
sake of getting done iwht it getting o n wiht it getting over with it
andyou are basically lost inot the jobjust get the thigsn done n you forget the purspeo n whne you dont
have a purpser the actiivtes have no menaing attached to it yu dot nknow hte reason why you are doing
it n yo od it just for hte skae of ding it.

to show you the diretion to help you to figure yout the purpose why youare doing wha t you aredoing a
deeper purpsoe conneciton at an enmotional levle t oyur goal

you need to be modest you cannot say ohh i am the king i know everything thats being over ocnfident
you need ot learn a lot and that is where learning stops and you start becoming dumnmb n stupid when
oyu beleive you know everything
they are hihly curious ppl they just question an goo deeply into it to the bottom of it
n they are kind n intelligent n helpful n caring
what a brain
what a differnce it made
its unbelievable!
its like analytical learnign not just studying a boook
but interactieveh ow does that affect you?
to dig down deeper to go form the surface
and then get to the bottom of it deeply int oit
what is the purpose the meaning behind it?
why you are doing it
why why od oyu feel that
how will that help you?
what is hte purpose the reaosn you are doing it why yu are doning what oyu are dong
how will it help you tie to the deepest feelings emotions
a vision

ppl get lost in the actiivtes doing it for hte sake of doing it
in day to day activites its just get it done get the job done
they forget the purpsoe behind it why are they doing it
he motivation the drivebheind it why are oyu doing what you ar doig as a reslult a person wh does it just
for ht sake fdoing it
n the person who does it with a puerpsoe a vision a reason
behind it knowing hte purpsoe does it more effectively i ndetaieldn ad efficent manner more engsged
driven moticavetd to ahcive that purpseo more interesetdn ninvolved n the person hwo does it for hte
sake of doing it just gettin it done is less intersted i nthe task less inveld n less detailed
when it coes to oragnizrtiaons pppl get lost i nthe ay to fday actiivtyes n skills n tasks n they just have to
get it done they forget hte purpsoe the vison behindi t so that ey cannto d o it effectivly and meaning
uflly it
your activity will be more meanign fl you will knowwhy you aredoig what you are doing the purpsoe
behind it
it will maek tit more emenaign ful doign it wiht a purpsoe to ahcive you will be more driven more
motivaed mroe involved
when you do it on the usrface when you ahve no purpose dont know why you are doign it or doing it
just ot fiish it and for hte sake of doing it. everythign is put in to perspective you know why you ar ding
what yo ua re doign there is a feelign an emtional connection to it. help you recognize the purpsoe tjh e
vision the reaosn why oy are doing it a deeper sense of purpsoe
n mission.

its at the surface the transitional

as you dig down deeper you understnad hte purpose
why how will that help you

be more obseravant

teh professors ar ehter to help you

they cvalue you n your opinion encourage yo to participaete share your ideas na d develpo your abilities
and skills n help you cultivate it n encourage you create an atmosphere where yo ucan grow and flourish
free atmosphere

in indian shcoolsthey subdue you disocipline you restrict your abilities

you have to do it in an intelligent way

knowingh ow oyur brain works n stuff
ratehr than in a you know agressive and dicplined way

or thug way fa n stuff n you know nitelgent way

bossy n you know putting othes down n yoursfl up
fake and false way
have patience be col calm n think!
keep to yourself
alone time to think
peace time to think
to get your act toghether to pt every thign i nperspective to
self introspect
get your mind back into work..
u got to do wh t u g to do to survve to suceed
its hard work oyu need ot go fully into the deatils tk e effort to getito details intircaxices
so much to tit what about this what abot hat

iyour performance depends on you how well ou study n work hard its not flippin a coin
prepare your mind
I need to focus now
eductn lerning is fun n interestin u get to know of n ler so many thigns to put in ur brin in ur mind so
much of info n info tht helps u n its a fun intellectual activity
go away leave alone i have wokr to do
i need my space n quiet ness no disturbance n wast of time
its not all about money although oyu do need money

life is about feelings emtions

lving the good life
life is about doing what you wnat to do
its not all about money although oyu do need money
but its also about improvement
and so on

focus on waht is imp do waht is imp everything else can wait n can beput on hold n can be done later
on... first do waht is imp
and everything else cn be done later on
give all your time keep all you r time for waht is imp
and keep less time for what is unimp
decide every day what to do
and waht not ot do what is unimp make a not do list
thes are the thigns that are unimp and oyu wont be doing
do htem only during hte givn time
decide waht to do waht is imp and tick as you complete it
reguatr yourself remind youresfl keep in mind remeber
this and then regualte yourself accordingly
lets notdo unimp thigns you have littel time your time is imp first do waht is imp all other htigns can wait
make a sheudle plan your activty n time waht t o do time is imp n vlauable dont waste time doing unimp
thigns you havevery less n limited time
n many thigns imp thigsn to cover so first do waht is imp plan and shedule
if you dont study you will fail
study n you will score good mrks

self assesment to think of ananlyze what you ar edoing whre you are going adn so on to stop and think
to reflect upon

why would it be so imporatant how would it help you

what you will giain or get otu of it learnign knowledge that ywil
help yo improve progress sceed be better, be more efcient manage better yourslf and os on - hooby self
help you manage eficetely learn thigns know how wht ot do to self improve imprev yourself your
perfomrnace efficency make progress know whato tood to be effiecint n prodcutive manage yourslfn
oehtehrs effectively n so on
hoobby self improvemnt so that oyu know what ouy need to do to be effective
what oyou aredoing why yo are doing it n how will it help you once you know then you beocme more
interestd in ti it is more improatn to oyu you wan to od it more n learn m ore it becomes a obby as you
want to know what you need ot do to achvei your goal to be more effecint to eb more effective you
know it will help you ll thth knowledge wht you need ot od n do so nlearn ti

how to od it how ot go about it

prep well
how it will help oyu benefit you
then you get intersted
tehn you find its improatnce realsie its improatnce nsignaficance
n hobby n so on
leave everything aside
focus on it
involvement be totslly into i t only thin k of it only day n night
ur mind shud be involved in tht only

your parnts have made sacrifices n worked hard ot give you thebedt education ever so owrk had
to be involved in n actiivty emnas to get totally lost in it magnaa gunga such that you go totally in ot it
fully in detail tot he bottom of it obssed with ti you do that only n full conetraton your mind is totally lost
nad absorbed in that actiivty only full ocnetration only tht thing is goin oni nur head you dont think of
other thigns.

keep tryin
the castle u build in ur mind came crashing down n all that remains is stones keep tryiing move on start
buildn again thats what human enducrance is all about that waht its all about
move on keep triyng never give up
draeams ambition desire vision is what motivates you to work hard nad try hard nad take lall effort to
ahcive what oyu want to ahcive

consuider projects as informative learnin entertianign n fun n enjoy doing them be interested i nthem
dont be complacent neasy goin nrleaxed
otehr iwse u will waste time dont be on the alrert be spooekd up n tensen woried finihs it off and
mba is madness u have project lectures to attend exams i nteh same week , in hsort they give you less
time t prepaer, there is shortage of time many thigns to od in very little time so madenss. you have to
ocnstnatly keep busy do osme thign study day nn ight spend sleepless nights
the onlyl way to multitask n diliver multiple tasks is to focus on one task at a time n finish it get after it n
finish it only then you cna delver multiple task. you wil spend a lot of time thinking about it
beingsppoked about it worrying how am i goin to pre it how will ideliver it in such a short time how will i
prepare in hsort time n oso n n studying if you odtn worry ou wont study its imp to be spooked n to
worry n think of i t consntaly.
mba - m stands for madnes something that will drive you mad n crazy.
if u waste time u will be short of time
laryy=ry he doesnt talk nonsesen or does funny n goofy things
he speaks what is iportant
and he does not over do it the hands movements expreseeion causei t looks fake some ppl really oer do
it its loks nnatura predecided over smart or put on nt natural
he is like on hand at the side oand only a little hand gerstures not over do the hand gesutres
and he doesnot give nonsense n funny goofy talk n expressions he speaks ewaht is impotratnt
u need to be no nonsense

like military work like military disicipline and effort etc… like action

dont go for perfection cause perfection is time ocnsuming

you ned t ofinish n submit it
also when t comes top resentation leess is more the more you go to od the more time it will take n time
is what you dont have you just need to meet the word limit and answer the questions give the quality
information analysis and notgo beyond that to give more quality information

u need to dsmantle n disect it get to the bottom of it

know everything baouti t study it fully go deeply into it
work very very hard day n nhight nenjoy learning new thgins no pain no gain
ineed t learnabout these thignsh ow to od it referncing n stuff

the course is designed to help u not in stating the busienss but in running and managing a business be
good at communication and os on
analytical thinking knowing how to read fin ststatements nad so on make biz decisions

what did u do ?
u shudnot do somehting just for the sake of doin it u need to do it well
alos dont go for perfection
although u need to know n understand everything u allso need to move ahed cover everything dont
spned a lot of time stuk p at one thing u need to move aehd cover everything know everyhting

1 u shud not take credit foro ther ppls work

thinking analytically
critically ask questions
see the pros n ocns benefits n so on
identify the threats oro future conseqnwnces n rsults of ur actions you actions consequenses
n decide hte best course of action
n also of wahto thers may or may not do n act acoordignly
Confirm Your Answers
I hold routine meetings at the end of the day.
I hold all short meetings standing up.
I set a time limit at the outset of each meeting.
I cancel scheduled meetings that are not necessary.
I have a written agenda for every meeting.
I stick to the agenda and reach closure on each item.
I ensure that someone is assigned to take minutes and to watch the time in every meeting.
I start all meetings on time.
I have minutes of meetings prepared promptly after the meeting and see that follow-up
occurs promptly.
When subordinates come to me with a problem, I ask them to suggest solutions.
I meet visitors to my office outside the office or in the doorway.
I go to subordinates' offices when feasible so that I can control when I leave.
I leave at least one-fourth of my day free from meetings and appointments I can't control.
I have someone else who can answer my calls and greet visitors at least some of the time.
I have one place where I can work uninterrupted.
I do something definite with every piece of paper I handle.
I keep my workplace clear of all materials except those I am working on.
I delegate tasks.
I specify the amount of personal initiative I want others to take when I assign them a task.
I am willing to let others get the credit for tasks they accomplish.

You needt oconstnantly be workign towards achiveivng your gaol

Ecide what to do think n decide what work to od make to do list so thht you now wht to do you have a
direction this is what you need ot od ofr the day dcie know whato todo think of what otod

Follow a shedule

Giveup sleep lazyness boredom and get to work

You needt o be focused not od unimp thgins do only what is imp nt do other htigns not enage I notehr
uncessary actiivtes that will brign oyu no benefit or gain in what is imp n waste yor time

Tyou need to do only what is relevant not other uncessary thigsn study for mteh text book and stuff the
material that is reeveant for oyur tests and what is recommended not study uncessar thgisn other htigsn
that will nto be asked I nexam and os son learn that mcu oh only ofcuso nthat muc only

Stdy o r you will fail

Saves tiem so thth I can focuso n more imp thigns

I have wrk to od I cant be disturebed now

Study rules:-

Regulate yoursefl yr thnking provide regulatory htoguths Don’t think of other things

Don’t do otherh things stop doing otherh tigns durig study time and only hten you will start to study
Don’t think of other things
Don’t waste ur time ur time is imp.. don’t waste time thinking or doing otherh tigns
Be focused don’t do nimp thigsn do what is imp only what is imp
Sart prep in advance
Don’t keep for lat moment
Be organized separate section for each subject, and voice record
Study regulary be used to studying
Make a to do list what ot study today

What u do need to be perfect at it serious at it know weverythign about it know how to od it master it
like gm work towards knowing everything about it what is this what is that what about this what about
that n lerning constantly be good at it the best at it perfect at it

Gm “ there areppl who are farricher than me like businessmen that hmake me look like a pauper”

U dot n want tobe a singer do you? Its difficult to lear to singchange accent then to learn musc n its also
tireing sore pain on the vocal chords contnatly wrking ur vocal chords tubbing ur vocal chords by doing
training ur voice.. then to make musicn give it away for free. Its beter to start a biz instead n

Time management and self regulation

You need to go according to a schedule, make a schedule and go strictly according to it, during your
work time do only your work, decide make a t do list decide what work to do for the day, regulate
yourself , don’t od other things during work time, don’t waste your time doing other htigns d o only oyur
wrok during work time, strictly do otherhtignsatotehr time duringwork time d only work, regulate
yourself , you need to besheduled and organized have a schedule in place what to od at what time

Enjoy intellectual acivities reading etc.. that inovlethe use of ur brai

Rhetoric to realtiy work towars transfrmin rudreams toreality

Intention, desire, dreams,whats in your mind wishes and then reality the real life you need to work
towards converting your dreams to reality n what tools you need to convert your dreams to reality

Learn from your mistakes don’t make them again:-

Mistakes made

Not studying every day

Not making a schedule and managing time and activity – military discipline,
Don’t waste time in unimp things.
Not preparing for presentations – read recall memorize remember don’t forget make points card or
paper points
Know when the exams are what to submit when, when is what
Be in time for lectures attend lectures they don’t wste time in lectures or pas time they only talk ip
things that will come in exam
Take notes be attentive in lectures sit in fornt listen fous don think f othe r htigns full attention
Be very serious take it seriously, be n the edge on your toes worry, anticipate the worst and prepare
Audio Record the lectures
Be good at what you do
Read before attending lectures and after
Ask doubts questions
Study practice every day 10 hrs put in your studies don’t waste time doing other unimp things
Don’t think of other thigns, think only of r studies
Keep in mind what you need to do
Get books as early as you can
Study everything for exams don’t leave any chapter or sum or topic.
Know what you need to do registering for courses planning courses and so on

I don’t care wat others are doing nwhat others are getting… I just want to achive what iwnat in life and I
ust want to achive my goals and what I want I nlfie every oe wants different thigns some are happy wit h
certain thgisn others are not… itsn ot thth I want to be the greatest r most successful as compatred to a
group of ppl… that’s nto the case.. all I want is to achive my goal and ahcive what I want… some ppl may
be perfectly happy with their own lives… orwith thigns thaht I may nt be happy with each one has
different desries nad wants n likings…. As to what they want in life ….

Intellectual thinking questioning brilliant analyzing

I was thinking, how I should go about this, For the years for which the data is not available
should I simply skip those years from the sample and from the average or will it be okay if for
the average ratios for the year 2011 if a competitor has a missing data for the year 2011 should
I include the 2010 year data in the 2011 sample.

When eduation first started at that time people whereilliterate many ppl did not get an education they
were farmers nd stuff and that cause them great trouble illiterate so cant gain knowledge info know
how now that you have technology and stuff computer and os on ther is a new shift many people are
now technology illiterate they know about programming an d tehnology na stuff website making
website marketing e-marketign and os on now you have a new generation of ppl who are
technologically illiterate for the first time I have relaised in my life htat I am technologically illeteratae

For the first time I nmy life I feel technologically illiterate although I can build a computer form starch
install softwares n stf sf I know nothing about web desiing , iSm programming
Prevention is better than cure , you need to act immidately make the move don’t wait till the damage is
done, take actions to prevent the damage

Think that you are on work,

Make a schedule:- and regualtate oyusrsefl constnaly according ot it during your wok time do only your

During lesure do only leasure

During achiveng you r other goasl time work only towards achieving your gals

Keep a sepsrate itme foreach activity and strictly foolow the schedule do that activity only during that

What itme is it now its work time and study time, decide what work to do for the da y what to complete
based on your sheduels

Know what oyu want I nlife decide hwat yu want to do what you want ot be and work towards gettign
what you want in life

Once you make that list you will realize man there are s many thigsn to od n so little time other wise you
will justwaste time caues you don’t remember its not there in your midn wit doenst occur to oy you
don’t know you have not jotted it down what are the thgns you need to od

Learn to work hard take effort adnd sacrifice all for the sake of achieving your goal , ur goal is what
motivate u and drives you to achvie what ou want to ahcive

sitting tat home and working on your problems and issues self improvement and so on... if oyu go ot
work then your rtime iwll spent working doign the work and you will enver address the isseus you are
facign hthat hold oyu back nad hold oyu down and prevent yourslef orm movign ahead time sepnet i
nself instrospection elarnign nad self improvemnt is the best time spent ever money is not everythign in
lfie workign ot earn small paycheck but in return yur problems odnt get slved and you cannto succed in
life if oyu dot n solvve your pproblems and don knwo hwo to dela iwth it and what o od about it..

how much time are you spending n wht are u doing trying to achieve your goal towards achiveing ur
goal how much time are you spending everyday towards ur goal towrds doing wrk to wrkin towrds
achievn ur goal
self introspections self imprviemnt tkaign time ot to dvelop yoursef learn things to improve adn os on...

Whebn you complete the wrk I nadvance u feel relaxed peaceful n less stressed out , peace of mind less
worries n tres n pro active doing work before the time and prepred.
I know I was ric hbu t at the same tiem I had properties not cash but assets worth 200 crs that could be
sold and earned a lot of money I had assets but not cash so I wa s deprived I was nto given enogh money
no car had ot struggle take pains n efforts go walking no car n stuff had to surive on less money and that
couldnet buy even the food htat I wanted it gave me afeeling of sadness, of not having enough money
not being able to buy the things I wanted and the sadness fo taking pains efforts struggling nto having a
car going wlakign n stfff all the way oy t college this made me hungry for money t ofind ways to earn
money so my financial probems

Time t othink n reflect what you are doing where yo are goin which direction n u are goin in to : what to
do what decisions to take

Purpose of goals

To put everything in perspective to get your act tighter , so that you know what you need ot od what
your goal is to help oyu stay fcused o nyour goals, nwha t oyu need ot od… to help you know what
oyurgoals ae re wha t oyu need ot achivenad what you need ot o dot ahcive ti… to organze everything I
nyour make everything clear as to what your goal is what you endd to od to ahcive your goal
what our propriteis are what oy uneedo t ahcive and so on put everyhitng down fix everything. Decide.
And so on. To pt everything I nto view into perspective maek everything clear give more clrarity. To put
everything int ofocsu os thht oy u know what oyu need ot ahcive n wht iu need ot od to ahcive that so
thath you know what oyu needo t od and you work towards ahciveng it you know what oyu needo focus
o nwhat you ne dot ahcive what oyur goals. To plan everyhtign os thaht oy uknow what oyur goal is
what oy uwnat o achive how to ahcive it, what oy need ot odo to ahcive it its clear its I npersepctive and
focus so that it help s you to keep o nthe path to oyur goal. Cause you know I nyour mind what you need
ot achieve na what oy uneed ot do ot ahcive it it helps you to stay focused. Organizer to organize
pindown everything write down everything nand put everything in to perspective maek it clear I nyour
head, so thth yo uknw woaht your goa l I what you needo to do and oso n so aso t keep u o nht right
apth. Ot keep oyur focus attention mind o tneh goal soo thth yo uknwo I nyoru mid nwhat your goal is
what you needo to acheve what isi mp nad prority andwhat oyu need ot od.


Why m I doing this:

Money is one motivation

Making a difference I naoter motivaton

Usingm y brian thinking intellectual stimulation maknin me think and ocmeup with innovations is
another puhisngm y inteeliectula abilities n thinkgi abilitys is another , by researchand so on, and
thinking imagining and stuff coming up with new podcuts nad innovations making it habitual, increasing
my intellectual abilityes is another. Being habituated iwht the processo f solving peorbels coming up
with solutions using nad applying my mind nad intelelctualcapcabilties, nad getting usefd to the
processo f htignkign imanging devleopign nad coming up with new products the processi nvovled for
mimagination to fdrawing to making it to thinking nado son getting habituated with it so thth I cn use it
in busiensss to create think imagine then put ot paoper and draw new products is another.

Being creative. Thinking imaignign, solving problems coming up with stimultioan s brain storming, thaht
is internally thingking isi I do this ohh but hten it will lead to thisbt hwat if I do this will this work what
difificultes will this lead to ohh but it will be diififuclt ot do this, imaigingi htingking of the future the pros
the cons and oso n so that oyu are more familiar with the internal process of how it works what oges on
in your bria nand hwat it takes ot come up iwht new designs products thn to draw and put htth to paper.
Laising the process thth is invovlled, then pthe difficulties outing it to paoaer drawig it accurately nad
oso n. sotht yyouget more used to and familiar with the process involved,

Step 1:brainstorming, tiihinkgin, and osoon imagining,intelelctutla activity

Step 2 reseraching

Step 3 discussing, eeiwith others so htth they come with some inputs thignsthey know, working n
unison.get people talking sharing ideas. Its about working together coming up with ideas and solutions
solving problems, and soon, somethigns thth you didtnot notice they can come up p with share ideas
knowledge nd oso n

Step 4: putting it on papaper.

What it takes what isi the processi nvovled for m idea to paper and hten form paper t o reality

Creating products thth ilwl help olve problems

Creativity is another

A badn like beetle owrksi n unision some one does osmthign or the otehrr to creat a final product
onecannot odwithotu the other if there is no piano player f trumpet or sx player the msic will nto sound
good. Its not aobut oy u its about the final output the product.its not about ego its aobut the best ideas
the best ideawins.

Making oyu think nad relaisehow will you surive in the rela world ike thaht make ing oyu understand and
relaise… and notice.

The mission:

Intellectual stimulation, use ur brains and knowledge, for those who are in knowledge, enjoy knowledge
and learning gaining knowledge and information, intellectual actiivtes only humans can, what hmans
have achived by their intelligence and knowledge, intellectual stimulation, understaind, thinking and so
forth your mind needs to be in knowledge intellectual stimulation absorb knowledge only humans have
the ability to gain knowledge and information and have cmesofar due ot their intelligence so learn to
use it

Stay focused on the mission, it should be a hobby a passion, a mssion a project something that you are
excited about and you come otghter to do something meaningful purposeful, that you are bduinlng
something useful creative constructive. Not just a jb but oyu are excited about the idea the mission the
hobby of creating osemthign making it work and oso n. working on mission. A common goal everyone
coming tighter ot work on a mission.

You need to act fast swiftly take risks network and connect to ppl hire ppl break things move fast and
break things in hsort build as you go, be prepared to taek risks be fast nt o lsow not wait for the right
time get to action to work to ahcive your goal meet investos hire ppl or contract and contact ppl
network move quikly get things done fast and kowwaht to do. Meet ppl and os on network ask for help
and stuff

focus on waht is imp do waht is imp everything else can wait n

can beput on hold n can be done later on... first do waht is imp
and everything else cn be done later on
give all your time keep all you r time for waht is imp
and keep less time for what is unimp
decide every day what to do
and waht not ot do what is unimp make a not do list
thes are the thigns that are unimp and oyu wont be doing
do htem only during hte givn time
decide waht to do waht is imp and tick as you complete it

you have littel time your time is imp u have limited time give max time fr imp thigns and keep les tiem
only 1 hr for unimp thigns… decide what imp thing ot do n complete today ntick nc complete it
accordingly be fast and quick don’t waste time do it fast at a faster rate n pace not slow”

first do waht is imp all other htigns can wait make a sheudle
plan your activty n time waht t o do time is imp n vlauable dont
waste time doing unimp thigns you havevery less n limited time
n many thigns imp thigsn to cover so first do waht is imp plan
and shedule what thigns need to be submited when keep in mind remeber make a shedule sheet amke a
actiivty shedule how mchut ime ot igve to what activity every day

Know what need s to be done nad get to work on it

Stop yourself from doing other things

Work hard, get after it and get it done take one do it n then go on to the next
Think of our work quietly think and decide what work to do next, make a list so that you know what ot
od other wise oyu wont do nay thing cause you simply don’t know what ot od o
Be focused don’t get distracted when it comes to work be serious reguatled n d disciplined, don’t do
other htigsn, leave everything else aside dotn think of other htigns. Work comes first all other htignsl
later. Cuase ur wrk is imp for u to usceed for our carrer for you to achive the imp thigsni n life mone y
surivival and os oforth education knwoeldge and stuff intellectual activity. Keep a seeprate time for
other thigns do other htignson ly at other htimes

To do lists to Know what need s to be done nad get to work on it

Decide what imp things to do don’t waste your time doing unimp things thha will brign oyu no gain
benefit only waste your time wont help you ahcive the imp ctriital crucial thigsni nlfie help you ahcive
your goals and oso n

Write dow n your gaols thth you wnatto ahcive the imp things I nlife thath you want ot ahcive.. and what
work oyu need to od to ahcive those goals nad daily only o hthat work to ahcive oyur goals odnt waste
time doing unimp things

n tht is why ther eyes are narrow cause they are in thier own not outside

time goes quickly you only get 24 hrs a day and it waits for no ne

it goesfast every secondgoes tickign by every sec is imp

you have limited time so odn waste it

use your time ind oign imp thigsn not waste time dign umip thigsn thth will brign oyu no gain and
beenfit spend it towrds the imp thgisn i nlife... doing wrk thth will help you ahcive your goals help oyu
achive the ciritcla crucila nadi mp thgisn i nl ife

wrk towards thth not waste time doign unimp thgisn thth will brign you no gian or benefit liek palying
cards and just wastign all time rentertainemtn nad stuff insted of workign towards goals and imp thgisn
in life like moenyedcustion etc... et.c.

learn to disinguisnh between waht is imp and what is not imp in life...

you hsould not waste your time sleeping lazing relaxing and doing nothing you need ot get up and gget
tto work work hard take effort and work consntalty towards achivng your goals no pain no gain
she has a wild imaginatione

yeah hahahah

thts not imp goin u side n playing it will onyl make you tired

and oyu wont be then able to study

yo uneed ot ofcs o nwaht is imp in life


things to rememebr and not forget nad keep in mind

thigns to understnad waht to do and not to do and why the reason behind it makes snese why to od it:

you do it cause you know in your midn thth you need ot other wise you are screwed... you know i nyour
mid nthth this is wht oyu need ot od and so you do it


your tie isi mportant you hsould nto waste your time doign unimp thigns

you have limited time adn so oyu should fcous only o nimp thigns

you need ot mamange your time

how much time u need to spend doign what.. sleep 7hrs not mroe than thath put an alarm clock

how much time to spend on what acitivtes waht your goals are and what acitivtes , work you you needo
t do everyday towards ahcivigyour goals

and how much time of oyur day yo ushould spedn on those acitivtes for how much time oy ushud do


you hsud not distract yoursefl... nto do other htigns unimp thigsn...

not think of otehrh tigns.... you need to be focused nto do owhter thigns.. say n oto otehr htigsn unimp
thigsn do what is imp not get distracted
take one task focuso none thign take on task d othath do it well then move on to hte next... taht way by
finishing smalll thigsn you end up finishing the all the thigns. otehr wsie you will be stressed otu when
there are many htigsn to do you need ot focus o none thigns take a task do thth then move ot next... go
taks by task... that way.. you dont feel stressed... and pressured...fcosu o none task do it well then
finshih it then move to next... n dnt think ro worry aboutanyhtign else..

its t o just do it threr is a way to do it... the right way of doign it if oyu do it wrogn the nyou will get
worng results knwo the right way ot do it... i mean... doing the same thigsn the same way and expectign
differnt results

you need t work fast wrok at a faster pace taht way oyu get more eowrk doe bequickspend some effotrt
and energy and get it done at a fasterpace..ntobe slow nad lazy and lethergic be quick workfast

that way youget more work done in less time

.... u need to get ot work quickly and quickly finish all the work

u hsudnt be wastign your time sleepign lazying relaxing nad doign ntohign you need ot work towards
achivng oyur goal take pains nad effort keep owrkign od hte work thhat need to be done ot ahcive oyur
gola keep owking ocnssntl towards achvieng ur goal

misuc helps the itnellect and it helps t imprve my english

dont worry too much bout it worry doesn t solve the problem fear doesnt

concern doesnt it makes it wors it makes ouy sacred.... to act scared

to open and see... cause u are afraid of failure and stuff...

yo uhsud nto worry or be afraid of he results you shud act...

cause fear stops you from acting worry stos you from acting..
cause u are worried waht if u screw up what if you dont do it right

whati f thgins dont turn on well and so oyu keep procrastinating...

u dotn evenopen ur mail cause u are scared of somethgn stupid i nyor

mail u dotn even respond cause you are scared

over coming fear worry conseuwnces of the results anitiicapation whath the results will be… anxiety lack
of self nelief inhibitions thath prevent oyu from acting simply dive itn to it … jump I tn to it.. it cause you
to procrastinate the action as you are afraid to fial or something bad hapeening etc… don’t make a big
deal of ti.. it’s a small worry or issue.. whatis the worst ahth would happen what will happen if they
laugh at you… dontworry too much about anyhtigni nlife

developing intlllectually creativity etc… thinking skills etc…

alone n plenty of time to think... self introspectknow learn n decide what to d slve prblems...

thats what he was tryng to od maybe he got distracted.. to remind you and t o focus you r attetnion
back o nyour career... then search for job then internship right

you hsudn ot waste ur itme doign umipm thigsn you need ot ofucs ... nto get distracted nad diverted to
ther htigsn you need ot stay focus on your task thhats imp and notget diviated diverted ot otehr htigns
nt odo tohrehtigns say no to oteh hirtnhgs

otherh thgisn you cna do at other thime durign hte time allcoae od for it oyu needd oto plan your day
deicde waht task to do at what time decide when yot work when ot entertainment and oos n keep
seperate time for all tasks..

you need ot maek a to od list so thaht you know what oyu need ot odand oy odnt waste your tme by
indecison other wise you will do unimp thigns

if oyu haven ot deicded hwato yu need ot od

you need ot deicde what oyu need ot od ofr the day towards ahciveign your gaols
plan your day what ot od at what ti me what time for entetianment wha t time for wokr oyu hsould do
htose htigns onyl durign the time allocated forit not durign otherh timme otherh tigns you needo t od at
toher time

you should nto think of otrheh tigns durign work oyu need ot think only of owork otherh tigns oyu
cnathink of at otehr htime ou need ot focus your mind

intrversts are soo much in ther own wrld in ther own thughts tht it talkes time for them to come out and
s they look weird or awkward or very int o ther iown with narrow eyes and thinking n into ther own
wrlds in ther own mind deep in there own thoghts lost in their own thining chaos gin on in thier minds
so ther eyes are narrow cause there is soo much goin on within thier mind costant thinking n thoughsts
tht they are very much lost in their thinkuing and they are not extroverted they dont notice outside
things cause they are soo much inside in ther wn thoughts when you talk to them cause the are in ther
iown thughsts

its thinkign its day dreaming lookign up at hte stars and dreaming....

takign a walk and thinkign thaths what steve jobs usedto od ot get ideas its day dreaming wanderign of
the mdn connectignto god nad unviesr gettign ideas form the universr and god nad thinkign day deamin

intellectual thinker proble solver phiosopher..self eintrospection

at waht ti me to do what things and you hsould only od our work and not do otehrh tigns during thaht
time.... lall entertainment unimp actiivites at the end of hte day... first priortiy is to di what is im \p and
htgsn work to ahcve our goals everythign else can eb done later on

be creative intetllectual stimutlation music etc...

creativity waht looks good nad what doensot vsiula sense... creatvei sesne... waht sounds good ad so on
foeg lok at bill gates and steve jobs bill gates is smart but he is not creativeh e doesnt have a creatvie
isesnse as to what loo k s good adn what doesnot he dreassse shabbily and stuff nad steve is stylish
fashioanle artistic creative.
michal jackson was raw before he then perfected his dacne moves so much difference

i cant afford ot get distracted now or awaste my time doign otherh tigns unimp thigsn i dont have tiem
for thath

frm his voice it seems liek he is obsessive natured, and very determined.
gain knwledge exrpereince learn about everything

yhe is a free person he doesnto conform to hte rlse of society , he wants to try everythign he is a
diffirent kid you just need ot accept that, he is a rebel, he is open mind ed and free not closed midned he
wants to feel expereicne nad enjoy everything, gain knwledge exrpereince learn about everything. he is
not a norma kid. hel ack t ithin the bucdry saet by society tht u need t do this n so on not go
beyond tht the daily job ot think of beynd tht … think dffrnt n they end up doing a kjb all ther life.
free open minded free to express themselves learn expernce everything

i only lke paper work an i cannot do amnual labour. intetllecutal brainy work.
less tehcnical nad more soft and creative work busienss strategy adn stuff mknwo oyur goal and prority

i like to be alone and do my own studff i find too muc hchit chatting nad minglging with pppl as a
distraction and waste of time

and expteremly profesional

highly detailed thinkers
get to the bottom of it

enjoy learnign n gaining know eldge tht will help you in your work
inellectua l activity

answer according to the results you want to get

make the impossible possible
confident n internally strong

once u have money it igves freedom.. fiancila nad yo cna do what oyu wnato to do its nt a 9:00 to 5:00

u learn and you beacome smarte r from incidencts as to what oyu need ot do for eg.. look at putin he
doenst say thigsn as towhat he will do he denies thth he is doing it but he does it.... take for eg ukrain
rebels he said teh y are nto his but they were his...

for eg you usedto tell what oyu are before determiantio nand os on... who your idols are but then afer
thath incidents after they started ot pick up on you to prove thaht htey are superior htahtn oyu and oyu
are not.. you smartetned up and you show of yourself as a bunny with the tiger goin inside.. thath is you
smile liek a duck while paddldign inside under hte surface ythth it s tis yiou are serious determiend
inside but n surface you are like humour chilled cool so thth not to appear inttimidating nad not to maek
a show of it.. also oyu odnt tell otehrs what to do caus u a ren to here ot give directions nad make them
smarter.... tht oy ushd do this do htht be dertiend you sjust share teh enternintment funny stiuff... not
hte erects of sucess the secrects sfafe with you cause u knwo pp lare assholes slefish assholes and u
dotn needo t help them ihwt it...with what oyu knwo n what makes you etell them. n make them smarte

case thts what everyone does n thts what u are supposed to do wen u turn the pages u are supposed to
i have no ifdea what he s doing
why is h e liking the fingers i have no idea What is going on I have no iDEA ITS ALL AMDNESS

u are emotional he is practicle

noun: wimp; plural noun: wimps
Fear worry anxiety sops you from ding it nhibits you

To have everything that you want,wr k towardsgettign it

will help you your thought!

Focus on ur work on whats imp don’t waste ur time doing unimp things otehrh tigns distractions say no
to them

Work towards your goal

Don’t waste ur time, be focued not distracted, don’t do unimp things, get to work towards achieveing ur
goal, you need to cconstiusly keep workingtowards achieveing ur agoal action… not waste time doing
unimp things tht will give u no gain bebefit n wont help u achieve the imp things in life keep all this in
mind don’t forget rember n tnk n regulate urself accordingly.. b e driven to achieve ur goals. Utilcze e
the time u have by working towards achieving ur goal. N doing imp things tht will help u achiveve whaat
is imp in life… to hrlp u make progress solve ur problems n soo n… don’t waste time doing unimp things
tat will give u no gain n enefit what is more imp… do that don’t be distracted n diverted fous ona few
things if u go to do everything u will get nothng don’t put ur mind n your eergy in a few things only…
physical n mental energy in a few things only focus on ewhat is imp n do that only… not divert urself to
oytherthings not exghaudst ur self physically n mentally n easte ur time doigng other unimp things.
Focus on a few things that are imp give all ur time energy focus mind thinking to it…

Degrees are meaning less unlesss u make someything of it… in actual real practicle life n filed of wrk…
keep searching till you find tee field that suits ur talents ur abilities a filed tht will give u ots of monrey
and khelp u achieve he ip thigns in life if u get a degree and don’t wrk but sit at home n donet put effort
take effort to wrk to grow ur knowledge leave fear aside and jump into the pool n learn to swim then
you will make nothing of urself you will end up going n where if yu are afraid that you are new raw you
wdot know anything have no knowledge n yu don’t know wht to do jhow rto handles the situations tht
ome to u n know how n that stops u from seeking a job giving interviews n trying then your fear will
leave you behind … you need to jump inte pool and then u lrearn to swuim n evelop urself as you go… u
need to start some wherer decide which field u want to go in and wrk towwrads going into that field.. if
that doesn’t suit u doesn’t wrk out then select the nex keep chinghing till yuou find the one… that suitd
u ehere uy can eran ur living where u can go into. Don’t settle… choose on line tht suits ur capabilities n
talent u n go into that only

Itsn ot thaht I want ot be the most educated peron I nthe family or the richest person I nthe family or
something like that I am jst trying to save my ass and mke my life better that’s all thath my goal I s to
ahcive my dreams that’s all… to surviem ake a lvigning ofr my self nad work towards making my life
better that’s why I ma doing all this… iam actually not them ost educated… or successful… you know…
causeo f htaht that keeps me grounded… tahs not my aim to put others down and compete with
others… and then to be egoistic and proudy hauty and show off andsay see m smarter than others nad
be egoistic as If I ma something great some oen great very intelligent and oso on that’s not what my goal
is.. n prove something to some oen and show off to toehrs …. Stroke my ego …. I achived soo much
moee than others no that’s not what I ma doing thaths not my goal … my goal is only to make my life
better suvrvival… thaths it that’s what I am doing all this for…. And to wihs well for every one … in life ou
don’t move ahead by beirngino tehrs down nad wishing worng for others there is no competition.. you
should wish well for every one in life you can move up only by working otwards moving yourself up… to
all the jealous ppl I nthis world you cnat move ahead I nlife by bringing others ddown..but only by
working to move urself up… m doing lall this cause ima just trying ot improve my life an make a living for
myself and make my life better.. and secure and good… that’s it! Not ot prove to anybofdy not to be
proud nad egiositc thth I am the only one in family with great education and all thaht … not to storke my
ego… nope…. Not lal thath carp not to be hauty … not ot show off to others… thath I am smareter thn
them or intetlligent tahtn htem nope… and hence be proudy, respected o r honoured specially treated
nope… and be egoaisteic htaht I am the smartest most intelligent nope… and hten to boast and act as If I
ma something great some one great.. apan ani kaun…. As if I am some thing or some one great or big
than others nope superior htna tohers nope.. therei sn o comeption here or any thing to prove to
anyone I ma just trying ot make my life bette thahts what I ma doing this for… and wishing well for
others no one in this owrdl hosuld be sad depressed everyone should be happy… u ownt gian anything if
some oen is sad nad depressed to see some oen sad and you wont lose anything by seeing osem oen

one wrong mistake and oyu could be screwed up everyhtign canget ruined the 15 months yu spent
workign o nyou need ot be extremely worrid cnerned on your toes not take thignsl ightlly nad easily....
get worried nad get t oaction to work on your goals.

Know what u need to od how to ahcive ur gaol n what you want ot oachive

1) Work daily toawards achivng ur goal

2) Spend ru time neffort towards it

3) Know how ot achieve ur goal what u need to do doing the right hings the right way of doing it
the intelligent way


know what your goals n objectves are why are you doing all this
to gain knowledge n information that will help you in your work business

intellectual aactivity

to score good grades

you need to be focused you need t oconstantly study n not do other thigns, You need to study
constantly day n night,

put in a lot of effort,

improvee yourself self-development

i prefer smart work intellectual activity to physical actiivty use of brai n n htinking

read text book read notes take your own notes

be less emotional be professional

shut down your emotions n

be only concerned bout what you are talking

Know what do you have to do, how to go about it

Think – ask questions , pros cons ,positives, negatives, truth, perspective, user behavior, critical thinking
reasoning give reasons why you feel so,

You need to focus on two thigns now, one is IELTS and the oither is visa don’t distract your mind ot
other thigns , focusao nthis and get your work odne fast accelaerate collect data info of visas, and os on
keep in mind what u need ot figure out fill up forms know how to iflll up forms knw what visa ffoicer
requires and os onget everything done not only at a faster rate and full focus and ocncetration of the
mind with the understanding o f what is imp n what is not what is a waste of tiem n what is imp n needs
ot be focused o nfirst all other htgisn u can do later on odnt divert and distract ur mind ot unim tohigsn
dotn wase t ur time and work contionusly ofr longer hours be on a mission to get all this done, make a
schedule ot follow so thth min time for other acitivits and max for wrok
After that you need to focus only on studying, focus on ur work you education intellectual acitivty, and
on your carrier all other thgisn are less imp… its as if oyu are in a trance or in a you know for 2 years you
are on a mission, switched of form everything else and focusing on your goal n mission o ngianign
knwoeldge making u r acrrier all other htigsn can wait t and are unimp you can do it later on…

Focus on learning studying and gaining knowledge intellectual activity and

Goals, determination and so on which is more imp and difficult and more imp to progress I nlife more
imp htan anything else
And prog mind and thought control, thought n action
Its like you are on a mission either oyu are ogin to space or on a mission you are cut off from
everything else and oyu think and care about only oyur studies your carreer and os on and focus on
learning and gaining knwoeldge that s it… not think of any thing else

Hard work without hard work oyu will get nothing done keep this in mind n so accordingly work hard.
You need ot get after it consntaly work after it, and work hard, and work constnaly be cosntnaly at it
after it only then you will get it odne and not waste time doing unimp things ans u know I nru mind
iwhat is imp nwhat is not

U need to constnatnly be engaged I nintelelctual acitivity then you will knw othe processes involved in
terms of memeroy n thinking nad how ot do intellectual work and how ot use your brain, and what
qualities you need things like goal mission dtermination hard work and os on… to succeed to keep in
mnd I nmemeory n remember so thth u foolow it.

Fix a daily schedule change u schedule time to time. How muc h tiem to study n what activity to do at
what tiem n in how much time time mfmt n how to minize waste age of tiem so thth u igve maxx time to
imp things
Focus on ur career on making money on ur education n the rest everything will just follow.

There is a lot of work to od nwow I na very vry short amount of time.

Know what oyu need for
Companies write it down with business models. – free ursefl of the sufferings of money. Of earning n
making money n rewquirement of moent make a biz thth is a money making tree or machine.
To solve ur worries of money cause u need mone y to surive.

Work to be done to achieve ur goal:-

There is a huge amount of lot of work to be done reduce work load
Get everything done and completed one by one.
Make a list of things to do and get to work on it work on it n get it done get everything completed one
by one.take one task ofucs o nthehat o nly get I t dne work o nti finish it eliminate it and the n take up
next move to next focus o noen thing at a time

Make a list of thigns to od think n decide plan what ot od n decide hwat to od n make a list so thth you
remember and oyu odnt ofregt if oyu don’t make a list oyu will forget 80% of the things thth are on ur
mind htth u need ot od.. sp o write it down n make a list of thigns to do so thth u don’t forget n missout
on thigns .. think wht u need to do n write it all down dso tht u don’t forget n u rember make a list other
wise you will forget half the things tht u want to do it will skip from ur mind u wont rember it half the

It’s the ambition the diesre want hthat drives yo u to work hard ot ahicve it

You need ot be highly focused not be distracted . nto od other unimpt higns u need to be fast quick fast
fastfast work on it complete it and gt done wit hit finish it off so thth oyu can move ont oachiveing other
goals nad oso hth hyou don have to worry casue you are done with hthth thigns… you neeed d to work
contiomnously do it nonstop… not do otherh ithgns … compelte it afst get ot work o nit oimidiately nad
quickly sothht you are don e with it fnihsit off complete it …nad you don’t have to wrry stress over it

you need ot be exremyl focused and sefl reguatled just do what is imp keep thisi n mind nad dont do
anyhtign else unimpthigsn
this is the most crucial and crititcal phase...

nad oyu needo tb e expretemely self regualted stop yourself fpevent oyurselfform straying.... you need
ot regualte yoursefl
thisi s the most crucia l imp and critical phase … stop doing otherh tings.. leave everything lese aside
andfocus on what is imp.. just totally isolate yourself nad focus completely on what is important.. leave
sacrifice give up everything else renounce eveyhting ealse and get to work to ahcive your gaol
consntnatly continuously day n night… everything else you can do later on… thisi s the most imp phase
of the MBA

to regualte urself

sot th u nknow wht ot od os thth u are planned

plan what to od when so thth u kno w wht to do when n u arenpt disorganised nwaste nwhileawy ur
time time doing unimp thigns as uheve not sheduled ur time what t o do when n so u endup spending
lot of time on unimpt higns doing htem for a lot of time n not doing imp thigns u are suppoesd to do as u
simply dont knpw in r mind wht to do n when as u have not decided it

not planned it when plan it u knw wht u shud od when n wht not to do when once u organzizen make a
shedule since u have not deciddso its not there in urm ind htht u hsudn notod htiss at this time or od
this at htis time n so u end u p spending lotso f time on unimp actiivity there is no rgulaton n u dont od
imp thigns cause its not theri nurmind thth u have to od it at htis time nceu plan it make a sheule you
knwo in ur mind its therei nur meermy wht to od n at wht time so u regualte rselfaccordngly n you do it
Don’t do other things during your study time do otehrh things during your free time during your
studytime need ot be working towards ur goal during your me time u need to be working toward other
htigns other goals during ent time only ent its like that

Know what u need to od how to ahcive ur gaol n what you want ot oachive

1) Work daily toawards achivng ur goal

2) Spend ru time neffort towards it

3) Know how ot achieve ur goal what u need to do doing the right hings the right way of doing it
the intelligent way

Planning :- plan your day a t what time to do what ativity towards achieving ur goalsn achieving what
you want work daily towards achiveieng ur gaols pt in effort know hat you want to achviee decide two
or three thigns and work daily towardsaciivng those goals. Plan your day how much time to give to what
activity that needs to be done to ahcive r goal n what you want in life…

Make a to do list: - every day when u wake up decide what to do what u need to do… wahtare the thigns
to od towards ahciving ur gaol what activities to od… what to ostudy n how to od it n how to go about it
and so on to meet ur obejcetives, deadlines tasks to complete n so on

I encourage you to immerse yourself in your studies and to embrace the opportunities to develop new
friendships and working partnerships with your peers.

U need to d o it ntelligently by studyin it n understndin everthing about itwhtto d O n wht not to do n

how to go about it how to do it

The only way to succeed is time mgmt n self regulation

Know what you want n life n work towards getting it

Focus on few thigns only do only few things

1) Finding the kind of grl want

2) Studies n education

If u are doing some thing know why u are doing it

Know what you need to do
Listen in lectures
Gain knowledge to help u be good at managing business
Know why u are attending lectures? To impress prof n howu look I nfrnt of them no u are doing it for
ureslf to gain know how thth will help u in biz

Know how to regulate n control urself wahtu need t odo how to manage ursfl

Things to keep in mind:-

Time:ur time is limited make the most of the time u get every day don’t waste ur time doing unimp
thigns do what is imp plan ur day wht to do n when nfollow the schedule , don’t waste ur time u have
limted time do only hwat is imp n nothing else. Keep thisi n mind hhtt urtime is very imp don’t waste it
ur time doing unimp thigns unnecessary things tht will bringu no gain progress benefit do wht is imp tht
will help u achive ur goals n imp things in life. Make a daily schedule what to d o when so thth u give
max time to imp things n don’t waste ur time doin unimp things n go according to he sehdule plan u r
day fix wht activity to when n how much time to give to wht acitivty so thth u givem ax time to imp
activites tht are imp to u to ahcive imp imp things in life for ur progress success survivial and os on.
Self regulation:-
Purpose: - define your purpose know why you are doing it, what your goal is to get out of the

What is your goal? Why did you join this MBA program?

So as to get a good high paying job,

So as to complete the MBA successfully,
So as to learn about business how to do business and stuff.
To gain knowledge, information, learning and know-how and skill, that u can use n will help u in biz

How will you achieve it? What you need to do for it?

In terms of education:-
Lots of reading, thinking, understanding, practicing, knowing what you need to do what will come in the
exam and how you need to answer the papers. Submitting assignments on time knowing when to,
submits what to do list and so on, listening in the lecture and so on.

Interms of self management:-

Have a goal, workhard to achieve your goal, if you snooze you lose work hard day and night, say no to
unimp things, focus only on a few things, your time is important don’t waste your time, don’t be goofy
be serous, time management, make a schedule, make daily to do lists so that you remember what to do,
say no to unimp things, be determined, no pain no gain, work hard work smart, be ambitious know what
your goal your ambition is and work hard to achieve your goal, work constantly towards your goal.
Keep this in mind if you snooze you lose… n work hard day n night! Have a gaol an ambition n u are
driven motivated to work had to achvie ur gaol

Time n activity management:-

Make a daily schedule:-
At what time to do what activity, how much time to give for what activity, how much time for learning
and stuff.
Make a daily to do list:-
In terms of what to study
In terms of what you need to submit and stuff
So that you plan what you need to do every day and you remember you know what you need to submit
you don’t forget.. u remember what are the thigns you need to do

Memory-> thinking -> Action

Keep in mind, remind yourself so that you don’t forget what you need to do n it’s there in ur mind what
you need to do, you know in ur mind u remember, its there in ur mind what u should n should not do
what you should n should not think n how to regulate ur self by regulating ur thinking, what you should
n should not think n how to regulate ur htining know what you are thinking of what is goin on I nur mind
n thought equals action n to be focused what u hsud n hsud not think of not waste time thinking imp
thigns focus ur mind n involve ur mind I nimp things n think of imp thigns only
Keep in mind wht u shud nshud not od so tht u remember its therein ur mind wht ushud n shud not od n
so every time u stray n not do wht u are supposed to od u correct urself n regulate urself by providing
self regulatory thoguths inst n commands as u know in ur mind wht u shud nshud not be doin, n know
how ot regulate urelf ur actions n r thinking. You need to regualete urself by providing sf regulatory
thoguths if you don’t regulate urself you will be out of control know hwo to reglatate ursfl, you knw I nur
mind wht u shdun shud not be doing nwhy so accordingly regulate ursefl control ursfe n ur actions
correct urself keep ureslf on thepath to what u know shud be doing by provding regulateory thoguths
inst commands on the basis of wht u know I nur mind u shudn shud not do.

Regulate ur thinking:-
You know in ur mind tht u shud not waste ur time thinking of other things n nip thingsn nyou need to
focus urmind n think of only imp thigns is it imp? What are yo thinking of ? is it imp or unimp not think
of uni mp things… be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur head n when ev r u find urself thinkin of nimp
things regulate yourself tell ur self to stop thinking of unimp thigns don’t waste time thinking of unimp
things n make urlesf think of imp things.
Know what you are thinking of be aware of the thoguths goin on in ur mind
Think of imp thigns not think of nonseensne n unimp thigns don’t waste ur time ur mental energy
thinking of unimp thigns.
mi ndfulness:-
be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur mind kno w what u are thinking of
Regulate ur actions:-
a) prevent urself from doing certain thigns that you know in ur mind you shud not be doing:-
Self control thought control
Provide regulatory thoguths to cotroll ur impulsive thoguths ,
Be aware of the thoguths goin on I nr head thought equal tp action say no to impulsive thoguths hthat
tell u t o do unimp things don’t waste time oding unmp thigns by providibg self regualotry toguhts. Be
aaware of the thoguths goin on in ur head what thoguths u get tellin u to od what n say no to thoguths
tellin u to od other htgins as u haeve more imp things to d o n u cannot waste ur time.
b) Make urself do certain things thth u know I nr mind u hsud be doing:-
Lets not waste time lets get to work now time is imp , lets not awaste time lets get to work now
You know in rumind wht u shud nshund not be doing n why so accordingly need to regulate urself self
regulation n control tell ursefl wht t od on wht not ot do self commanding correcting driving instructiong
don’t need oterhs to tell u u only tell urself correct urself accordingly.
c) Stop urself from doing certan thigns:-

you need to regulate urself n provdine self regulatory thoguths as u know in ur mind wht u shud nshudn
ot do if you dont provide regulatory yhoguhts if you don’t regulate ursefl if u don’t act if u dotn rpovedr
self correcting self regulatory thoughts on the basis of wht u knw in ur mind u shud nshud nt od then
you will be out of control n end up not doing things tht u knw u shd nt do n end up doing things tht u
knw u shd not be doing n end up thinking of oterh things.

You will need to work hard n go totally into it and study day n night n learn the basics n concepts that
will help you in business
You know in ur mind what u shud nshudn ot od so on the basis of that Intentionally provide self
regulatory self directing self commanding self instructing thoguths to stop urself doing certaint hignsn
make urself do certain things u know in ur mind u shud n shud nt be doing
How to exercise self control, regulate urself keep ur self on the path to your gaol:-

Memory:- keep in mind, as you know in ur mind what ushud nshud not do n so you think accordingly
and hence u do it
how to keep in mind-
1) Self reminding:- constantly remind urself what u shud nshud not do things like don’t waste ur
time doing unimp thigns, work hard to ahicve ur goal and so on, don’t think of otherh itgns,
provde regulatory thoguthsh ow to control ur thinking n hence control ur actions and so on….
Remnd ursef what u r gaol is what need to achive and so on so that u remeberwhat need t odo
2) Read what u shud nshud not od so thaht u remember it its there in ur mind n u don’t forget u
know in ur min d wht u shud nshud not od n so u think accordingly n henceu do ti

Regulate ur actions by reglating ur thinking providing regulatory thoughts

What is ur gaol, what want todo in life to earn ur money living every one needs money
To od MBA, learn how to do business,
Start a business, or to work I na business environment

Getting protguese citizenship and uk work permit

Getting Canadian permanent residency
Work o nthese gaols

You need to ocme up with a technique as to how to regulate urself

You want to do something but you end up doing something else ornotdoing what you want to od cause
you lack self control, self regulation or you justdont know how ot regulate your self

Kno w how to regulate urself wht leads to action thoughtslead to action n also u act as you know in ur
mmery wht u shud nshud not od also u need o treguate urthinking
1) Keep in mind what you shud n shud not do so tht you know in ur mind wht u shud nshud not od
n accordingly u regulate urself by provoding self regulatory thoguths instn commands how to
keep in mind? A) remind rself wht u need to od thigns like dot waste ur time ur time is limited b)
read what u need to od so htht u remember n don’t forget c) have reminders n nots sticky paper
2) Regulate urself by rpovidng self regulatort y thoughts if u don’t regulate ureslf by providing
regulatory toguths then yo u wont od it n fllow it
3) Be aware fo the htoguths goin on in ur head when u ge thoughts thth tlell uto od other htigsn
say no to htem
4) Be awre of wht u are thinking of stop thinking of unimp thigns n make urself think of imp things
things thth u know I nr mind are imp odntwast time thinkin of unimp thigns

Have a goal work hard to achive your gaols takeall pains efforts struggles to achive your goal, do it for
hte sake of achiveing your gaol whter you like it or not no matter how boring it is do ti for hte sake of
achiveing your goal

During your study time, you should not do other things, leave all otherh tigns aside stop doing other

be focused dont do otherh tigns dont think fo other thigns

be aware fo what is going o ni n ur midn what thogths you get in your midn teelign you to od what say
no to thoguths tellign you to od otherh tigns execirse restrain say no to othehr thigns that are
unimporatnt n waste of time nwont help you to achvie hte imp thigsni nlife dont divert yorsfl n distract
ursefl dont waste ur time doing nim tohigns r time s limited u have limited time to ahcive ur gaosl u dont
have forever so do only what is imp dont watset your time, that you have the limited time dont be goofy
be serious, use your tiem to work toawards ahcvieng ur goals n imp thigsn i n life, oyu havve do only
important thigns work towardachiveng r goal

Regulate yourself by providgn regulator y thgouths instructiosnn commands to make ursfl od certai
nthigsn think fo certain thigns n sto p yorslf frm doing nthinking of certain thigns

think fo oyur wrok what work to do n soo n , dont think of othrethigns stop yourelf from thingkign of
otherh titngs be aware of hteh toguths goin o n i nr mind know what oyu ar thignkign of

keep in mind crertain imporatnt thignswaht yo need to od n regualte yourself accordingly by proodving
regualtor hy htguhts to maek ursefl do it n follow it

you need to be fast do thigns fast not slw immidiately get to work put in effort taek eefort do
unimportant thigns quickly

speed read n stuff there is a ot of potrtion to ocver

keep everytihigns preapred i nadvacne not at the last momnet

make a shedule

taek notes, reord lectures study text book n sepertate the imporatn fro the rest, make note books with
seperators so tht notes dotn getmixed up , mark submissiosn thigsn at he end

there is soo mch to do you will go crazy thsi tiem tis gonna be difficult so tak it seriously study
contoinously dont do totherh tgns durign study time strictly ondt do otherh itngs during study time keep
sepertae tiem for othehrth igsn u need ot be studyign continous drign study time

you need t ostop doing oterh tigns keep seperate time for otehr htigns durign studty time you need to
only study focus be focusd keep all oterhtgisn aside nad concentrate

make a to od list decide which subjects to study when according to the shedule

work hard put i neffort take painsn efforts, wrok work constnatnyl , toawrds achvieng your goal

do wahts importtn first what prof has given n otehrh tigns later on

open your mouth join groups u wanna join do waht it take s for oyur own good.

if you snooze you loose dont sleep or lay down work hard move around stay aawake n study

put in extra effort work hard to reach to oyur goal work towards achivng ur gola work consttly regualryly
study time only study diuring tudy time strictly dont do otherh tigns... no pain n o gain

enjoy studying its fun you get ot learn so many htigns, study to gain knoweldge knwohow that will help
u in your work n in business. how to gain knwoeldge taek notes, concetrte i nelcture listen during hte
lecture, read ,

Study technique or method, does and donts:-


1) Read and understand:-

Read and understand, if you don’t understand it then read again, read till you understand its meaning
Take notes while you read important points
2) Recall:-
Ask yourself and recall 4 times then move ahead

Keep on reading and understanding and keep in mind important names classification by recalling linking,
etc… forming pictures or words and so on

Theory: - 1) learn the theory read study prepare know the theory the knowledge 2) know how to use it
and to apply in context of case studies analyze recommendation and so on.


1) Read and understand figure out how to solve the problems what formulae to use the process
and technique and steps and important things and notes and important things to keep in mind
2) Practice, practice, practice makes perfect
3) Formulae keep in mind how to? Understand the formula

Don’t keep problems for the last moment you need to practice n study maths subjects with formulae
problems application everyday

Don’t think of other things, focus, listen and understand it, take notes, write down when to submit
important things separately at the back so that it’s not lost in the notes. You don’t waste time in lectures
the teach imp things attend all lectures. Be there your mind should be tere listen don’t hink of otherh
tigns know when to turn off switch everthing else off n foucs on yor studies completely.

Know what to submit and when the deadlines, Complete all submissions quickly as fast as you can don’t
keep them for the last moment get done with htem cause if you keep them for the last moment they
wont be done.. start working on them immidealty and regualarly consistently. write down when to
submit important things separately at the back so that it’s not lost in the notes.


Purpose goal and mission to work towards wrok hard towards and achiveve have a mission a goal a
purpose that will motivate you to work hard be on a mission , a gaol a mission that you will work
otwards gaining absorbing knowledge socring dgood grades and os on so that you are motivated and
oyu work hard work put I ntie m n effort towards awroking towardsa chiving hta t mission and goal.
Have a mission and goal to work towards workahrd for a purpose a reason that motivates toyu to work
hardn take painsand efforts. Goal:- to gain knowledge score good grades. Know why you are doing all
this what is the reason the purpose the goal the aim behind it… once you have a goal a mission then you
are driven and motivated to work hard and everything you do all efforts npains you take is fro the sake
pf achievieng thtgoal keep in mind what your goal nad mission is n work hard or the sake of achieving
tht goal take all pains nefforts sufferings dsiomfort sacrifsies and caihing yourefl to work n not being ale
to do otehrh tings you would want to do all for the sake of achieving thst gosl. Keep in mind odnt forget
what oyu r goal is and work towards achiveng it. Haveoal a purpose n mission to ahciwve that will
motivate you to wor k hard and know why you are doing it what oyu inted to get out of what you are
dong the reason why you are doing it to gain knowledge n info that will help you I nyour work biz n to
score good grades a Knw your intention and purpose if oyu are doing osomething why you arre doing it
what you need to gain get out of it – knowledge the purpose behind it don’t just do it cuase you have to
od it or complete it for the sake of doing it . do it for a purpose a reason a intention what you want to
getout of it what your gaol is – learning gaingn acquiring knowledge know hwo to od it nad so on.dont
just do it for the sake of doing it cause you have t o do it n get on with it.

To gain knowledge, that will help you in your work business


Enjoy studying and gaining knowledge learning new things in knowledge information, like studying
gaining knowledge that will help you in your work in business to succeed, and earn and know of
important and interesting thigns.

Make a daily study schedule:-

How many hours to put in every day studying

Put in at least 5 hours of studying everyday
Maek a sheduel how much time to put In studying, how many hours to sudy

Study continuously and constantly-

Get totally after it you need to be studying constantly it’s not easy don’t waste your time. You need to
be only doing two thigns sleeping and studying, put in all effort in studying study constionsly constantly,
day and night spend your nights studying ,

Work hard take pains and effotrts

Work hard take pains and effotrts tto achive your goal to gain and acquire knowledge… study constantly
work constnly you need to be studing consttnly work hard towards achieving yor gaol. If you don’t study
you will fail. Don’t waste time spend all time and effort towards achieving our goal

take painsand effors to study and gain knowledge knoweldgei s not goin to og in oyur head on it s won
you have o t take painsand efforts tudy pactiseabosrbi t put ineffort, you need to work take pains and
efforts towards action and work towards it towards achiveng your goals. In progress we are working on
it, you need to keep working on it.

Think only of your studies:-

Think of oyur studies only don’t think of otherhtigns

While styding think only of studies oterh things you can think of at other times while work do only our
work. That should be the only thing on your mind. Only tht should go on in your mind no otherh tiguht in
your mind be focused. Don’t think of unimp thigns. Don’t waste yor time thinkin of unimp thigns.

Think and decide:-

Think what to do today and how to do it and go about it. Think n decide what to study

Say no to toher thigns don’t do other htigns:-

Don’t do other things waste time n effo t doing otherh tings energy y
Don’t do unimp thigns
Spend all your time and effort studying working n doing imp thigns.

Put in max time studying everyday:-

Working towards your gaol, decide how much time you are going to put in studying everyday? Study for
at least 5 hours everyday.

Change positions after every 3 hours:-

So that you don’t gt tired exhausted and your body back etc… doesn’t ache which happens whne you sit
in one position for long

Take regular beaks:-

After every 30 mins move around a little talk a small walk nthen get back

Or do stretches in the breaks, to ease the aches and decompress the spine

Don’t laydown don’t sleep:-

If you feel sleepy wash your eyes your facemove around sit o nchair but don’t sleep on the bed don’t
lydown forh ten you will fall asleep

Take it seriously:-

MBA is not easy its difcult you have to do soo many thigns attned lectures, submit asesemtns,
assignments, make and give and prep fr presentations, write repots, give week quiz tests gvive exams
thereis so much to od oyu need tobe on the alert and hyped non your toes and prepare accordingly take
in t o considerations the worst things that could go wrong n prep accordingly in advance.

Its not easy You will have to take it seriously n work hard study day n niht absorb knowledge learn take
pains n efforts to acquire the knowledge tht will help u in your work. Don’t take it lightly its not easy.

Know what is imp and what is not imp:-

focus on what is imp do only what isi mp don’t waste time n enrgy doing unimp thigns. Decide what is
imp is this imp goin to the gym its an unnecessary activity then you will be tired n stuff, spend tht much
time n effort on imp things.There are things to be done imp things

Be hypedup and on your toes-

consider all the negative thigns that could go worng consider the worst tht can happen and prepare
accordingly. Be on the alert. If you don’t study you will fail.


Eat good food, don’t eat cold food, eat regularly don’t skip meals, eat nutrioutis thigns , for brain helath
and physical health to avoid sickness and weakenss.

Make a to do list:-

What to study for the day and tick as you complete

Make a to avoid list:-

What not ot do the distractions

Make a to submit list:-

Read the course outlines pay attention I nlectures and note down what to submit, make a to submit list
with dates nad stuff when to submit, So that you know what t osumbit n when n prep accordingly
Self regulate:-

Regulate yourself,provide regulatory thoughts, motivating thoughts commands inst, control your
thinking, keep in mind and so on to make youself do what you know oyu hsud be doing.

Be professionsla/ planned /systematic/ decided decisions/ organized:-

You need to be very palned, organzoed systematic n professionl when it comes to work, time to time
planned decided organized, making to do lists, plaaing time and citivty making shedulesn dso on,
following t very oderly and in control self regulated

You need to learn when to switch on and switch off between fun n entertainment hobby and owork nad
mission when it comes to work no nonsense approach very direct straight forward, n serious, get to
business be o na mission do thigns you odnt like to od be strict disciplined and hardworking regulated
saying no in control to ahceive your mission. You hve to work wheterh you like it or not like doing it or
not taek painsn efforts sacrifice n stfuf foer the sake of ahciveing your mission your goal. You are ona
mssion to ahcivee your goal

When you rre working the gforget about everhtign else meditate focus switch evrthign else off don’t do
otehrhtigns don’t think n eworry of other htigns think only of oyur work switch off everything else all
otehrh tigns you can think n do of at a later time thethigns you like doing n enjoy doing now its tme ot
get to work get to business be serious be strich n say no toother things think only odf oyur work switch
veryhtign else of you can think fo otehrtigns at oterh times.


Don’t think fo oterh tigns, think ony of oyur studies you should do that only , other htigns you can think
of at other htime while studying be ther efocus on your studies only.

Don’t do oterh htigns , don’t waste your time enrgy doing oterth gisn , do only what is imp do your

Plan/ shedule:-

Think of oyur studies wht to do today how ot od it n go about it n so on

Regulation / control:-

Regulate yoursfl learn to say no n stuff regulate your thinking

Start studying early n prepraring hard early studying day n night don’t keep it for the last moment study
every day 5 hoursmin be preeapredw well prepare prepre well.

First do what is imp all other things can be done later on

Youneed to be focused forget evrythignels you sould not let otherh tigns disurb yo or distract you , you
need to be focused not do oterh tigndn ot think fo other htigns leave evert thing else aside when t
comes to work and to ahceving your goal to studying n so on , you need to forgetabotu everything else n
be on a mission be focused on it, otehrhtigns you ca do nad think of at other htimes during work oyun
eed ot be professional serious and mean busiesness get ot business be strict n dsicplined lesve all otheh
rtir enjoyments and unimp thignsaside forget about everything else all othh t distractions that hold you
back prevent you from studying working say noto them all otehrhdisturbanes issues nworries n nfcus
completely on your work during work time. During eork time you need to be professionsal forget leave
sacrifse aside all otehrhtingsissues worries not do otherh tigns orengagein other activites, no
distractions, that prevent yo from working nachvieing your goal, leaveaside all fun enjoyments and
lesuires and relaxation adnget to work worjk hard take pains and efforts to acheiveyour goal be on a

You need ot be fast don’t do it slowly wrok fast dotn do it at a slow pace increase ur pace the less time
oyu will reuare to do the same work the quickeryo uwill do t I ncomplete it be fast faster faster

Don’t waste time relaxcign lazing get up n get ot work work towards achiveng your goal

U need to do a lot of reading of relevant text n material given only then yo can write answers if you
don’t know any thing then how will u ananlyze n write u need info knowledge nur brain onl then can
write about it and analyse thigns on the baiss of hth n know what towrite link reate nrefrence tht info to

I just don’t understandwhat I ned to d what to write what they want the professor wants the format n

What ineed to do about this? Howto present it what to write in it know that understand thtt

What do we have to do exactly I just don’t understad

Need to take it seriously n be highly spooked about ti not take it lightly

How wil I do this how will I goabout this

U need to kno w what to write in the repot n what not to write n how to present n so on rules n
rgualtions what todo

In leactures try to learn nunderstand wht they ar saying liseten don’t think of otehrh itngs , n gain
knowledge know how thth will help u in ur work

You need to put in effort n study every day study atleast 2 or 3 chapters every day… decide which
subjects to study basedon which em you have according to the schedule also study math subjects

Which chapters to study everyday

Be regulated if oyu dont regulate yoursefl you will be out of controll

understnd to relize to know wht u need to od u know wht you shud nshud nto do n so oyu do it, wht u
shud n shud nt do to be sicucsful keep these rules instructions as to wht u need to do i nur mid n dont
forgehtem does n donts n why the reasons behid then to be sucessful

know n understadn wht u need to do n why the reaosns behind it

Work hard to achieve your goals

prioritese do what is imporatnt leave all otherh tigns aside d what will help yo to ahcive the imp thigsni
n life dnt waste ur time doing unimp thigns, u hvae limited time dont do thigns tht will ead to no gain nt
help oyu to ahvie unnecessary thigsthigsn thth are not imp i nlife, waste of time. dont do thigns tht iwll
lead you to unimp thigsn waste of time. is it imp it will lead to nothign wotn help you to ahive anyhtign
imp inlfie will it help u to ahcive the imp thgisn i life thigns thth aerei mp like career surivviavln noso on

first of all know n decide what isi mp in life get yor priorities clear thignsl iek career what u wnatt odo
work money surival n so on deucation knowleel earning learnign

ask yoursefl what i wam dognin the acitivty i am doing isi t imp will it help me to ahcvie the impthignsi n

be fast do everythign fast not slow so thth you can spend moere time on imp tihigns

dont think ofo otherh tigns think fo oyr work n imp thigsn

be faast be quick get everyhtign done fast move quickly, dont keep for the lastm oment startwrokign o
nti early andfinish it off quickly so tht you are fre from the stress if you keep it till the last moment it can
over shoot the deadlines never ekep for hte last moment be hyped spooked on the laert and get it done
early know ht ouy need tod otill what time you have to od it n start working on ti early on n finidhi t
quivckly odnt keep till the end till the last moment or you wotn be able ot get it done

be focused not distracted dotn think of otehr tignsn do otherh itngs do only what isi m p n whill help u
to ahciive hte imp thigsn in life, dont waat your item doing iunim tohigns or distrat yourslef doing
uncessary thigsn focus do onyl what isi mp nt od unimp thigsn unecessary thigns give all ur time only ot
imp thigsn n few thigsnn imp thigsn , dont do uncessary n unimp thgsin hth wont help you to achvie the
imp thigsn i life , dont do othrh itngs dont thnk of otherh tigns

divide hte big work inot smaller parsts take one part an ccompelte it then move to nex part do it part by

be srious be hyped up n on hte alert, dont tke i easily n wai t itll the lst moment , worry about utit htink
of it , be seroious not goofy nonsnense.

keep a seeprate time for all otehr things during your study time do oly your studies dont do otehr htigns
you need to be focused, i n a meditative state not get distracted while studying dont do ther thgisn odnt
waste your time ur time is imp , during study time stop doing lall oter htignn strictly do only yur studies
say no to all otehr htings , do other thigsn at otehrh time durign the time allocaed for it , think of otherh
tigns at otehr time durign your study time strictly do only your studies n think only of oyur studies, you
need to stop doing all otehr htigns do otherhtings duing other hime during study time do only your
studies , n get to work study continously decide what to stud dwht wrk to do during study timen wrk
time d only your wrk dont do otherh tings. you need t be consntatly working towards achivng yor gaol,
work towrds your goal consntalty . you need to be in a meditative state concentrate n be focused, say
no to otherh tignsl eave all otehr hitgns aside stop doing other thigsn n do oonly oyur work n stuides
durign study time to achvie your goal work towards ahcivng your goal restrsin stop yoursefl from doing
other thigsn by regulatign yourefl providng eruelgator yhtoguths know this keep this in your mind
understand this thth you shud not do otehrh tigsn durign study time not gt distracted n diveted be
focsued do only oyurstudies durign study time do other htigns at other time say no to other htigsn sto
doignn thinking ofo ther thigsn. your carreer is more imp all other thigsn come later
know what your aol is waht yo uwant to achvie so tht it motivates you to werk hard so thth you know
why oyu are oing all this why you are takign all this efffort waht is your purpsoe , your goals motivate
you drive you to wrk hard everyhtign u do yu do it for achiveng your gaols.

you need to stop doing otehrh tigns, n start immidiately work fast complete it quickly not waste time
doing unimp thigns, utilize all your time tht you have by working towards ahcing ur gaol n imp thigsni n
life. you need to be fast nbe quick work towardsi t completei t get it done fast start immiedtely not wate
or postpone or do otherh tings unim thgisn

you need to stop doing otherh tigns lesure realxation thigsn tht you enjoy doingp leasure fun
netertainemnt n eget down to business tie chain yourself t work, take pains n efforts wrk hard for the
sake fo achiveing oyur goal be on a mission. yu need to sacrifice all the fun enjoyment n lsure nget towrk
o achive ur goal for the sake of achieveing ur gal n imp thngs in life.

selfintrospect decide reflct plan what you need to od, before goin ahead with it,take tme moment ot
think ndecide wha are the thigns you hsudn hsudn ot d n why, so thht you know n understnad clearl wht
to do n u go ahead wi ht it what you need to od how to go about it , understadn realise , know what yo
uhsud nhsudn t do n stuff

you need to leave all other thigns aside, do other things only during the time alloted for it, not od other
things during stdy timen work time, focu completely on ur wrk n studies ot hacive ur gaol, hen ever u
think of doing otherh tignso r get a thought to do other thigns, stop yourefl say no to it tell yourself do t I
at the time alloted for it not now, do it later do what is imp now oyu can do other things at other time
nto durig study time r wrk time.

Learn o wrk hrd to achieve ur goals

Youn eed to giccveu p sleep lazyness sloth, relxation and lesure, dont lay down dont sleeep, move
around, get up n get to owrk, qork hard take pains nefforts t o ahcive yor goal , be acive take effort to
achive your goal. Dont lay down dont sleeep kee wring constntly to wards ur goals

You need to be on a mission to achive your goal, wrk to achieve your goal military discipline,
determination, take pains n efforts

Get to action immidiately get to work to ahcive your goal

Yu needt ot be totally focused nconcetraed,durign our tudy time you should say no to other thgisn, you
should not do other thigns, leave all otherh tigns aside, do them later on during the time given for it ,
not od unimp thigsn do otherh itgns later on thth are no imp do imp thigns frst n all other tigns athte
end of hte day

You need to be focsedn concetrated not think of unimp thigns be awre of th htoguths goi n on i nr u
mnd , knowhwt oyu are thinkng of, stop ursefl frm thinkning of nimp thigns, dont waste ur time htinking
of unimp thigns nthink of imp thgnso nly.

Whenever u think of doing other thigsn or get a thought t o od other thigns say nope not now, do it later

You need to get seroious the same attitudei s not gonna owrok to lax relaxed casual take it easy, goofy
nonsense taiking itl ightly this time everythign is difficult yu need to bestudying constnntly plan well
work consntatly be rogaznied n planned oderly and regulated \ study during studies time what time ot
do what activity make a shedule go accoridng ot it n so on

Dont keep it till the end get to work on it n start it early on , u need to wrk hrd to achieve ur goal, get to
work on it immidiatley finish ti as soon as you can owrk on i t consntnaly day n night ot get it done

You hsud not disytarct yoursefl by doning other htigns wasting yout itme by eneaging i notehr nimp
activites tht wont help u to ahcive the imp thigsni nlife know hwt is more imp, n do only those activites
thth will help oyu to ahcive the imp thigsn in life.... concentrate focsu only on a few activites do only hte
few acitivtes thth will help u to ahcive the imp thigsn i nlfie do htose acitivtes consntly ot help u ahcive
ur goal n imp thigsn i nlfie dont do many htigsn dont neage i nacitivtes thth wont help u ahcive hte imp
thigsn i nlife know what isi imp n do onl yy hhtht tht will help yo uahvivve he imp thigsn in life
concentrate only o nthose aitivtsth th will help u ahcive hte imp thigsni n life. Dont do uncensssary higsn
unim p thigns tth wont help u ahcive nyh tng in life thisngs thht re not imp n wont help u ahcive hte
imph tigns in life. Do only a few thigns focus only o n few actiivtes tht hwill help you ahcive the imp
thigsn in lffe your goals n nso on do them consnntaly day n night do htth only those ctiites only be
focused dont distract yoursefl dont do unim pthgisn , if oyu go ot do many htigns oyu iwll get nothigns
done focus on few actiivtes thth will help oyu ahcive imp thigsn i nlife oyur galsn nstuff focus only on a
few ctiivtes you only eget24 hrs day if oyu do mny htigns then you will end up spendign your time n
energy exhasted o nactiivtes thth are unimp then you wont be able ot tdo htigns thh re imp, do a feew
thigns wfocus on a few thigsn thth are imp, know whts imp proritise, thth is not imp i cnat do som any
htigsn at a time i have nly 24 hrs i will get nothign done waste time nd end up exhausetd tired energy n
brian drain ohysically nad mentally exhausted as it consumes your reources, effort energy n mentl enrgy
thinkign nad oos n if i do s mny htigns i will get nothign done sucessfully tht is why oy uneed ot selcet on
yl a fewt higsnn do thth onyl focuso n a fewthigns , not do other htignsn unimp thigns say no to iotehrh
tignsn unimp thigns, tht wont hlep u to gain anyhtign achvie the imp thgisn i life, waste of time wont
help you ahcvie anythign imp or useful i nlife, yo ucnat do manyhtigsn at hte smae tiem os dont od
unimp tigsn wste of tiem n enrdgy hth eont help to ahciv the imp thgisn i nlife concentrate n thigns do
only thos thigns thth are imp n will help u ahciveh te imp thgisn i nlife oyu get only 24 hours day if yu go
ot od manyh tigns you willget nothgisn done, thts not imp do only what is imp, sleep work to ahcive your
goal n im op thigsn in life, yo ucnat do manythigsn yo uwill get tired exhausted brain drain mentally
physiclly tiresd phyiscally i nahcicng due to exertion nad feel sleepy exhautedn nmentally du ot thinkign
and brian avbsorbed thinking mental processs absorbed in tht csnumed in tht so tired n wont be ble to
od thigsn thth are more imp decide what is imp n do nly thht wrk towradsahciveng onyl he imp thgisn do
only a fewthigsn focuso n thth n do them ocnstnly dotn do otheh ritngsh tht waste tieme effotn energy
dotn spend ur time in otherh tigns focuso nyour studies morei mp thgisn i nlfei make creer adn so on
gain knwledge what i s moe imp, if oyu go ot do mny htigsn you will get nothgin done sucessfully learn
to say no

Be fast dont do it slow do it fast

Do it with full concentration dont do other htigns

Learn to wrk hrdn take effort ot ahcive your goal

Be determindn work on it oyu need ot work on it cosnntalty wrk towards ahciveng your goal

Be seriosu wrk ocnnstly owars ahciveng yor gaol,

Tht is the goal to scocer good mark n to gain knowledge tth will help you in your ork gain info how oyu
will gain info by conncetrign noth tignking of otherhtigns listen atentively when some on e speaks, gain
inof, raeading, wrting praciisng and oso n recording, knwo wht your gaol is so hth oyu know wht oyur
purpse is why you are dong it n nyo uknwo wht u need to odd to ahcive your goal, n you are moirvted to
wkr hard strive take painsn effort to ahcive yor gaol you do it foe the sake of ahciveng oyu r goal.

This time its difficult you need to take it seriously study consntly be well planned organized workhard
take effort study day nn ight you odnt have professors who are easy gin nlax, like last sem, also thehr is a
lot tto study, large portion so oyu nee o tb e focused nto td oother hitngs be organized follow a shedule
wrkk hard sutdy consntly be studyign study day n ngiht take effort othacveve your goal

Be aware of whts goin on i nur mind stop thinkg of other htigns

Yoi have limitd ime select one field go deep into it be fully invovled i ni t ry to be hte master at it rip it
apart down to every detail

Dont sepnd soo much time goin for perfection n a lot of learnign hjust select a project a topic nad get
done with it move ahead not waste time discussing n stuff n changing frequentyl
Netwrokign events meet n greet events part of your course currivuclum fiullfillment and meet n greet
vents to meet ppl make connects greet talk start aconverstiaon make connection netwrok greet simile
say hi tlka haeve a chit chat start a converstaion n make conncetiosn n onctacts to soialize

U need to cosnnatl y be working on it consntaly be after it , work on it constantly

What r u doin r u doin imp things

Its only after you start working hrad day n night contionusly nad you are cosntaly after it thth you will
finally start seeign results initiatllly as you are new to it iu will find it difificult n you have ot strive hard
work on ti to get it understand it know it its like taking baba steps you find it hard you have t o look at
htigns here snad ther reserch and oso n to undersnd it but as you keep workign ob n it oyu ususally ge
theer finally strat seeign soem results of your work

You need to be focused not distracted not od other htigns not waste your time doing nimp thigsn thth
will lead ot no enefit prog or gain nad will not help iu to ahcive nayhtign imp hin ligf

You need ot be super hyped up and alertn and on the move take it vry seriously its not easy study hard
contimously day and night be on the alret do everyhtign fast u need ot be on the alert super hyped up
and o nthe move not take it lightly nad easily fast immidealey get to waork o nit , know wht oyu need ot
subit diliver what testa re there not waste a sinlge second and owrk on it consntatly dayn night study
hrd wrk hard hard to ahcve your goal study contiously be afer ti keep working strivign to ge hte results
do all the wrk

You needto keep all other unimp activites towards th end of the day at the night time before sleeping
so tht durign hte day you do only imp thigns if oyu keep unimp activite during the day then isstead f
spending an hour on it oyu will end up spending 5 hour doing tht once you strat doign you wont be able
to stop so you will lose time, n ont be able to do imp thigns so dont do unimp thigns durign the day keep
them before nigt time aftr 10:00 or so.. keep sll unimp thigns at the end of the day in hte day do o nly
imp thigsn first do what is imp... say no no to all unimp htigns cause onc ou strat doing unimp thgisn in
the day the day then as you enjoy doing htem its hard ot stop doign it and instead of an hour you will
end up spending 5 hours on it u will keep doing it n not stop so first do what is imp and keep all unimp
thigns at hthe end of hte day u need to be focused not get ditracted say no to other thigns. Dont do
unimp thigns during hte day keep unimp thigns twards the night itme if you do them durign hte day then
instead of spendign 1 hr on it you will end up spending 5 hrs as you enjoy doing it and so oy u wont do
wrk you will neglect wrk ninmp thigns... n end upwasting urt ime,,, wjhe nyou keep the mdurign hte
night time you will spend les time on it say no to unimp thigns during the dayfirst do what is imp spend
mx time on it then the remaing time at the end of the day left keep t i for unimp tigns

Tools tht u use to make ur life easy n better, learn how to od bsiness better

The problem is you think u have timeb tu yuou dont hte clk keeps ticking

Thingsl earnt:-

1) Keep otherhtigns at hte end of the day, dont do them during hte day otehr wise you wont stop
doing htem isteado d ftaking 1 hr finishng it in one hours suince you enjoy ding htem yu wont
stop doing it

2) Start studying early for the test preparing studying early for the test dont start studying at the
last moment the night before cuase t=its not one chapter you have like 4 chapters to cover for
each test thats a lot of porton you need to strat studying 4 days before 2 chapters perday 6
hours per chapter and hte night beofre do only revision dont keep it towards te ed\nd

3) Dont waste your time over sleeping you need ot get up at hte right time, in the morning and get
to work if you wak e up at 1:00 am then it means you lost 6 hours wake up a t 7:00 amwake up
on time put a strcit shedule wake up shedule, puton a alarm clcok, wake up on time if oyu wake
up late then you lose like 5 hours

4) Dont laydown, dont sleep, you lay down and you end up sleeping for like 3 hours instead of like
10 mins , you hould put an alarm clock for 15 mins 20 mins and 30 mins or you hsould sleep in
chair but not lay down or move around wash your face

5) When you have a test yo need to strat stdying for it , dontwast time thinking get down to work
immideately immeditaely start studying for hte test, the earlier the better waste no time and
start studying.

what you need to do to amke ursfl do thigns wht u know u shud be doing, stop urself frm doing
nthinking otherh tigns n to enforce all thiso nyou n make u self do n follow it

1) keep in mind, rmeeber wht u shud nshd not think n od n so on what u need to od so thth you
remeber wht you need ot od you know i nur mind wht u hud nshud not do n think n so thht you remebr
it it occurs to you u remeebr it every time u stry n u dont do wht u sre supposed to do n correct turslef
lef everytime ur stry by providng rugaltory thouhgts , u know i nur midn wht you need to do n so you
regatlete urself accoridngly you thnk accoridnlgy u provide regalte thoguthsn nhence you do it how to
keep in mind, how to keep in mind so tht you dont forget read the rules w wht u need ot od n so on,
make crsds to remind , ruels list recall, if you forget if its no longer htere in ur mind then it wont occur to
oyu n asits nologner there in ur mind so oyu wont hink accoridngly n you wnt od it so keep in mind if
oyu forget wht u need to od then its wotn occcur to oyu asi ts nologer hter in ur midn os u won think
ccoridnglyn n you wont do it

2) provide self regualtory thoguths to regulat your thinkign nad your actions

to regualte your thinking:-

you know i nur midn wht u shud nhsud nt odo so accordingly u need to regualte ursfl by proviidng self
regulatory thoughts if you dont rgegulate ursfl u wll be out of controll mkeu rself stop thinking of
otehhritgnsn think of oyur work sotp doing oterhh tigsnn do ur wrk n inmp thigns by providign
regulatory htgoutsh sefl regulatory htoguths to prevent urslfefrm straying n keep ursefl in controll, to
dictate self direct self command self guide self correct ursefl n kwp urself on the path to your goal make
urlsf owht u know u shud be doing n stop n preenturelf frm distractign getting deviatdn losti n the
junglen beirng urlesf back everytime you stray n stop rsflfrm straying. if you dont regualeurslfi f you let
yoursfl go ot freeto do wht u wnt n think fowht u wnt hen withotu any resflrain seflrestrain yo uwill be
out of ocntroll n not od wht u re suppsoed ot od

dont waaste tiem thinkign unimp thigsn knwo waht is goin o n in ur head what you are thiniking of top
thinking otherh tignst hink of wrk n imp thigns do ur work

when u think of doing unimp thigns then stop yoursefl say no to it by proviidng reg thoguths be awre of
ht thogtsh ogin o ni nur head wht oy think of

regulate your actions:

stop ursefl from doing othehr thigsn

motivat e youself to do thigsn towo wrk hard take effort n tsuff by proicvdign regualtoryh toguths to
maek yoursflod certain thigns.

keep the following study rules in mind n follow them strictly:

you hsould not od two thigsn at a time do one thign with full focusi n it dont do two thigns at a time oyu
get distracted n take more time turrups wit hyour thogth process chan n link of htoguths u have ot start
over again you do otherh tigns it causes inturruptions time wate n delay n you lose track of thoguthsn
start agin so oyu cannto reahc a proper result or cnclusion as your thinking process is inturrepted

take one thing at a time do it finish ti move to next thats how you complete a big task do it part by part
take one thign finish it move to next divide it into samll parts

make a shedule wht ot d o when during study tiem do only urstudies n nothign else all otehrh tigns at
other time

know oyur goal ur prpsoen iobjective why you are doign all this to gain knowledge hth will help you in ur
wrk n to score good grades

take it seriously not jokingly n lightly not be goofy get serious this time thigsn will be very difficult

know whatto study first

proiritize whati s more imp do what is imp focus be focused all otehr htigns you cna do htem later on
first do what is imp

dont think of otherh tigns listen in lecture, concentrate, focus take notes record, make parts for notes
dont jumble up everyhting

you needto be fast do everythign quickly

dont leave everythign till the end til thee lat moment start early

plan know hte shedule nad plan your actiivtes accoridnly early on

you have limited time, so dont waste your time doing unimp thigns that will lead to no gain no hlep you
to ahcive imp thigns in life, you need to focsu one path nad go fully ini t oyu can t d oeveryhtign cause
you have limited time, select onel ien n go fully init also, 90% of oyur tiem should be spent doign htigns
wrokng towards achvieng imp thigsn , n only 10% for unimp tigsn like entertainemntn stuff, it needs
time n efort put your time n effort in it, work towards achiveing your goal, do tasks acitivtes to hcive
your goal, work for ahciveing our goals dont waste time doing unimp thigsn proritise what is more imp t
o ahciveh the thigns you want, what is more imp, work toward ahcivngh te imp thigsni nlife, what will
help oyu give oyu gain beenift what is morei mp foro yur progress surivval not do thigns that wont help
you ahcive anyhting gain make progress unimp thigsn thigns, that wont elad to anyhting know what is
imp in life n do wht is needed to ahvie those im ot higsn nlfei like survival

Be aawre of hte htoguht s goin on i nur midn know what thoughts you get tellnign yo uto do what wehn
ever u think of doing otoerhthigns get hte thgouthi nur midn ot do otherh tigns say no to ti, no odnt do
thht now, enage in self regualtion n self restrain

think howot od it n how ot og about it knwo what ot od n then do it well thoguht of knowing waht you
are doign n what hte results are good or not weell thoguth of perfected method

think what to od n what effet result you will get by doign htth well thogth of selfintorspected mthod

What to focus on:-

Keep it simple There are ony two things u need to focus on 1) studies 2) findin the kind of grl u want u
just need to find htht one grl who is the kind of grl uwant keep serchin keep tryin till u find
Time n activities its as simple as that your time is limited don’t waste ur time n ur energy n efoort in
unimp activities if its not imp not necessary u are not supposed to do it waste ur time on it … do only
what is imp what activites to say yes to n do n what activites to say no to… do only things that are
necessary n imp n will give you what is imp not waste ur time n energy n gain nothng

If you go ot do t oo many thigns focus on many thigns you wll get nothing done

Don’t be goofy be serious don’t ake it lightly take it seriously study thinking you will fail if oyu don’t
study you will fail it is not easy… you have to really study hard day n night n learn you have to take ito
account the consequence n prep accordingly you cant think positive you have to take into account all
the engative thigns thgns that can cause you to fail you have to prepare thinking thaht you will fail for
the wort eventualities n prepare to counter those things so thath you will succeed. Need to be on the
alret n spooked up hped up thinking u will fail or it will be tirned doewn n take into account all possible
reasons that can cause u to fail n preaper accordingly to cancel out hose reaons thiking thaht you will fail
n take into account all factors thath can cause yu to fail n prepare accordingly to cancel out hose factors
so thth you will succeed.thinking positive n being overtly confident desnot herlp yo nneed to take into
account all factors that will cause u t ofail n prep accordingly … u cant afford to think positive ohh
everything will be fine n over ocnfidnet ohhh Iit will haooen n get relaed n complacent u need t othink
negative thinking you iwill fail n ttkae into ocnsideraitn all reasons for failure nrejection n prepare
acordinlgy you need to be on the alert hyped up take into consider all thigns htth can happen n prep
accordingly you need to be hyped up think thht u will fail n be o nthe alert n prep acoridngly

How to achive what you want get what you want

Be ttentive in clasee tune in listen o t everything thht is said understand write imp thigns

Work for it work hard pain n result effort n reward be willin to work hard stud day n night take it
seriously get after I t study day n night

U need to regulate urself correct urself keep urself on the path to ur gaol by providing reg thoguths as to
wht u shud n shud nto od

focus ur mind not think of other htigsn think only of wrk n im thigns

How much time u spend every day studyin n working towards ur gaol

Bizis all bout making a profit lwering costs increasing revenue irs as simple as that

Wen you are studying you need ot be in the zone or workgn you need ot be I nthe zone leave al lotehrh
acitivites aside not td o otehrh tgnsn ot think fo otehrhtignsshut everything else e from your mind be
exorteremly quiet in calm quet place to think no disturbance, you need ot be highly focused leave al
lotehrh itgns aside all fu nentertnainment aside nad get to od what is important necessary crcial to
ahcive your gaol, and achive the imp thgisn in life serious and be o nam issiion to do oyur work ot achvie
your goal.

Goal:- to gain knowledge know how learning that wil help u in ur work and biz n to score god grades to
get mba

Purpose:- know what you are doing it for? If oyu are doing something why you are doing it to gain what
to ahcive what.

Focus:- no distractions you need to be focused on it not do other thigns not think of other thignsn so on
leave all other things aside all other things can be done later on.

Sacrfice:- other hitngs to ahcevie ur goal work towards your goal not do othrer htigns, leave all other
things aside all other things can be done later on.

Hardwork: work hard day n night consntnatly towards achieving ur gaol mba is not about tossing a ocin
u passo r fail you make it or don’t tring your luck ts about hard work working towards it its not aobut
atedng lectures, triyng to pelase n impress profesors, its about studying hard for the exams, each one to
his ownsee his onw good work towards ur own good n progress, its about studing chapertrs before
classe revising after classes udnerstnadig during lectures applying our knowledge in case analysis
questions asking doubts pracrising . work hard to ahceve your goal.

Planning:- plan your day whatwrk to od make a shedue n os on .. first you need to do what is imp do
your work first and then do toher unimp thigns keep unimp thignsl ater in the day so that when you are
fresh n energetic you do oyr worn ad imp things nyou don’t tire yourself by doing other unimp thigns
first. If you fail to plan ou plan to fail you need to plan yoru day

Attitude: - take it seriously be on the alert not be lightly relaxed hyped up aobut it or easy goin study or
you will fail

Time:- your time is important once you lose time u will never get t I back so dot wastr ur time, do only
whati imp give max time working towards achieving ur goals n what you want to ahceive what your
goals are , know what you want n what your goals what oy want ot achive are and decide how much
time you will spned every day working towardsa hcievin ur goal.everyday spend sometime max time
working towards achieving ur goal.

Regulation:- you need to regulate ureslf your thinking n so on, prog the mind to succeed enagein self
control nregualtion slef discipline self monitoring self driving n commanding n instructiong monitoring ur
thoguhswhat u are htinkign of being aware of whats goin on in urhead. Ow you will manage to do this?
By keeping in mind n reglating yourself
Keep pushing n paddingly

Donot rest on yourpast laurels

Its all starts with an ambition and desire and want once you have that then ayou ar motivated to work
hard take pains n efforts and do what you can to achieve your goals n ambitions.

wht u need to do

What to focus on:-

Keep it simple There are ony two things u need to focus on 1) studies 2) findin the kind of grl u want u
just need to find htht one grl who is the kind of grl uwant keep serchin keep tryin till u find

Time n activities its as simple as that your time is limited don’t waste ur time n ur energy n efoort in
unimp activities if its not imp not necessary u are not supposed to do it waste ur time on it … do only
what is imp what activites to say yes to n do n what activites to say no to… do only things that are
necessary n imp n will give you what is imp not waste ur time n energy n gain nothng

If you go ot do t oo many thigns focus on many thigns you wll get nothing done

Don’t be goofy be serious don’t ake it lightly take it seriously study thinking you will fail if oyu don’t
study you will fail it is not easy… you have to really study hard day n night n learn you have to take ito
account the consequence n prep accordingly you cant think positive you have to take into account all
the engative thigns thgns that can cause you to fail you have to prepare thinking thaht you will fail for
the wort eventualities n prepare to counter those things so thath you will succeed. Need to be on the
alret n spooked up hped up thinking u will fail or it will be tirned doewn n take into account all possible
reasons that can cause u to fail n preaper accordingly to cancel out hose reaons thiking thaht you will fail
n take into account all factors thath can cause yu to fail n prepare accordingly to cancel out hose factors
so thth you will succeed.thinking positive n being overtly confident desnot herlp yo nneed to take into
account all factors that will cause u t ofail n prep accordingly … u cant afford to think positive ohh
everything will be fine n over ocnfidnet ohhh Iit will haooen n get relaed n complacent u need t othink
negative thinking you iwill fail n ttkae into ocnsideraitn all reasons for failure nrejection n prepare
acordinlgy you need to be on the alert hyped up take into consider all thigns htth can happen n prep
accordingly you need to be hyped up think thht u will fail n be o nthe alert n prep acoridngly

How to achive what you want get what you want

Be ttentive in clasee tune in listen o t everything thht is said understand write imp thigns
Work for it work hard pain n result effort n reward be willin to work hard stud day n night take it
seriously get after I t study day n night

U need to regulate urself correct urself keep urself on the path to ur gaol by providing reg thoguths as to
wht u shud n shud nto od

focus ur mind not think of other htigsn think only of wrk n im thigns

How much time u spend every day studyin n working towards ur gaol

Bizis all bout making a profit lwering costs increasing revenue irs as simple as that

Increasing efficiency n performance

Keep these rules (wht u need to don n not do n why the reasonin behind it ) in mind n retsrain regulate
urself accordingly:-

1) Focus on what is imp n will help u achive the imp tings in life survival progress n so on
2) Don’t waste your time ur time is imp
3) Work hard work consntly towards achieveing ur goal

Don’t get distracted from ur goal:-

Dotnt involve ur mind in other things
Don’t think of other thigs think of ur work
Don’t do other things do ur wrk only
Have control over ur thoughts n actions

Practice self regulation n correction

Make the most of the time u have plan your day don’t waste time in unnecessary things

Make a schedule

Decide what to do

Take one thing complete it ofcus on it and then move on to next

You cannot do two thigns at a time it interferes with ur htinkign and thoguth process and increases e
time required to od othat work do only one thing at atime

100% concentration keep ur mind I nthat only odnt think fo other things do thtt only don’t do other
things or two thins at a time
Intellectual stimulation, use ur brains and knowledge, for those who are in knowledge, enjoy knowledge
and learning gaining knowledge and information, intellectual actiivtes only humans can, what hmans
have achived by their intelligence and knowledge, intellectual stimulation, understaind, thinking and so
forth your mind needs to be in knowledge intellectual stimulation absorb knowledge only humans have
the ability to gain knowledge and information and have cmesofar due ot their intelligence so learn to
use it

Stay focused on the mission, it should be a hobby a passion, a mssion a project something that you are
excited about and you come otghter to do something meaningful purposeful, that you are bduinlng
something useful creative constructive. Not just a jb but oyu are excited about the idea the mission the
hobby of creating osemthign making it work and oso n. working on mission. A common goal everyone
coming tighter ot work on a mission.




Portal: make your page you can advertise your products and place order

You need to act fast swiftly take risks network and connect to ppl hire ppl break things move fast and
break things in hsort build as you go, be prepared to taek risks be fast nt o lsow not wait for the right
time get to action to work to ahcive your goal meet investos hire ppl or contract and contact ppl
network move quikly get things done fast and kowwaht to do. Meet ppl and os on network ask for help
and stuff

Keep a separate time for other activities so tht u do those activities only during that time during the time
allotted for it, n u don’t do those activities during ur work time.

Purpose: - define your purpose know why you are doing it, what your goal is to get out of the

What is your goal? Why did you join this MBA program?

So as to get a good high paying job,

So as to complete the MBA successfully,
So as to learn about business how to do business and stuff.
To gain knowledge, information, learning and know-how and skill, that u can use n will help u in biz

How will you achieve it? What you need to do for it?
In terms of education:-
Lots of reading, thinking, understanding, practicing, knowing what you need to do what will come in the
exam and how you need to answer the papers. Submitting assignments on time knowing when to,
submits what to do list and so on, listening in the lecture and so on.

Interms of self management:-

Have a goal, workhard to achieve your goal, if you snooze you lose work hard day and night, say no to
unimp things, focus only on a few things, your time is important don’t waste your time, don’t be goofy
be serous, time management, make a schedule, make daily to do lists so that you remember what to do,
say no to unimp things, be determined, no pain no gain, work hard work smart, be ambitious know what
your goal your ambition is and work hard to achieve your goal, work constantly towards your goal.
Keep this in mind if you snooze you lose… n work hard day n night! Have a gaol an ambition n u are
driven motivated to work had to achvie ur gaol

Time n activity management:-

Make a daily schedule:-
At what time to do what activity, how much time to give for what activity, how much time for learning
and stuff.
Make a daily to do list:-
In terms of what to study
In terms of what you need to submit and stuff
So that you plan what you need to do every day and you remember you know what you need to submit
you don’t forget.. u remember what are the thigns you need to do

Memory-> thinking -> Action

Keep in mind, remind yourself so that you don’t forget what you need to do n it’s there in ur mind what
you need to do, you know in ur mind u remember, its there in ur mind what u should n should not do
what you should n should not think n how to regulate ur self by regulating ur thinking, what you should
n should not think n how to regulate ur htining know what you are thinking of what is goin on I nur mind
n thought equals action n to be focused what u hsud n hsud not think of not waste time thinking imp
thigns focus ur mind n involve ur mind I nimp things n think of imp thigns only
Keep in mind wht u shud nshud not od so tht u remember its therein ur mind wht ushud n shud not od n
so every time u stray n not do wht u are supposed to od u correct urself n regulate urself by providing
self regulatory thoguths inst n commands as u know in ur mind wht u shud nshud not be doin, n know
how ot regulate urelf ur actions n r thinking. You need to regualete urself by providing sf regulatory
thoguths if you don’t regulate urself you will be out of control know hwo to reglatate ursfl, you knw I nur
mind wht u shdun shud not be doing nwhy so accordingly regulate ursefl control ursfe n ur actions
correct urself keep ureslf on thepath to what u know shud be doing by provding regulateory thoguths
inst commands on the basis of wht u know I nur mind u shudn shud not do.

Regulate ur thinking:-
You know in ur mind tht u shud not waste ur time thinking of other things n nip thingsn nyou need to
focus urmind n think of only imp thigns is it imp? What are yo thinking of ? is it imp or unimp not think
of uni mp things… be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur head n when ev r u find urself thinkin of nimp
things regulate yourself tell ur self to stop thinking of unimp thigns don’t waste time thinking of unimp
things n make urlesf think of imp things.
Know what you are thinking of be aware of the thoguths goin on in ur mind
Think of imp thigns not think of nonseensne n unimp thigns don’t waste ur time ur mental energy
thinking of unimp thigns.

mi ndfulness:-
be aware of the thoughts goin on in ur mind kno w what u are thinking of
Regulate ur actions:-
d) prevent urself from doing certain thigns that you know in ur mind you shud not be doing:-
Self control thought control
Provide regulatory thoguths to cotroll ur impulsive thoguths ,
Be aware of the thoguths goin on I nr head thought equal tp action say no to impulsive thoguths hthat
tell u t o do unimp things don’t waste time oding unmp thigns by providibg self regualotry toguhts. Be
aaware of the thoguths goin on in ur head what thoguths u get tellin u to od what n say no to thoguths
tellin u to od other htgins as u haeve more imp things to d o n u cannot waste ur time.
e) Make urself do certain things thth u know I nr mind u hsud be doing:-
Lets not waste time lets get to work now time is imp , lets not awaste time lets get to work now
You know in rumind wht u shud nshund not be doing n why so accordingly need to regulate urself self
regulation n control tell ursefl wht t od on wht not ot do self commanding correcting driving instructiong
don’t need oterhs to tell u u only tell urself correct urself accordingly.
f) Stop urself from doing certan thigns:-

you need to regulate urself n provdine self regulatory thoguths as u know in ur mind wht u shud nshudn
ot do if you dont provide regulatory yhoguhts if you don’t regulate ursefl if u don’t act if u dotn rpovedr
self correcting self regulatory thoughts on the basis of wht u knw in ur mind u shud nshud nt od then
you will be out of control n end up not doing things tht u knw u shd nt do n end up doing things tht u
knw u shd not be doing n end up thinking of oterh things.

You will need to work hard n go totally into it and study day n night n learn the basics n concepts that
will help you in business
You know in ur mind what u shud nshudn ot od so on the basis of that Intentionally provide self
regulatory self directing self commanding self instructing thoguths to stop urself doing certaint hignsn
make urself do certain things u know in ur mind u shud n shud nt be doing
How to exercise self control, regulate urself keep ur self on the path to your gaol:-

Memory:- keep in mind, as you know in ur mind what ushud nshud not do n so you think accordingly
and hence u do it
how to keep in mind-
3) Self reminding:- constantly remind urself what u shud nshud not do things like don’t waste ur
time doing unimp thigns, work hard to ahicve ur goal and so on, don’t think of otherh itgns,
provde regulatory thoguthsh ow to control ur thinking n hence control ur actions and so on….
Remnd ursef what u r gaol is what need to achive and so on so that u remeberwhat need t odo
4) Read what u shud nshud not od so thaht u remember it its there in ur mind n u don’t forget u
know in ur min d wht u shud nshud not od n so u think accordingly n henceu do ti

Regulate ur actions by reglating ur thinking providing regulatory thoughts

What is ur gaol, what want todo in life to earn ur money living every one needs money
To od MBA, learn how to do business,
Start a business, or to work I na business environment

Getting protguese citizenship and uk work permit

Getting Canadian permanent residency
Work o nthese gaols

You need to ocme up with a technique as to how to regulate urself

You want to do something but you end up doing something else ornotdoing what you want to od cause
you lack self control, self regulation or you justdont know how ot regulate your self

Kno w how to regulate urself wht leads to action thoughtslead to action n also u act as you know in ur
mmery wht u shud nshud not od also u need o treguate urthinking
5) Keep in mind what you shud n shud not do so tht you know in ur mind wht u shud nshud not od
n accordingly u regulate urself by provoding self regulatory thoguths instn commands how to
keep in mind? A) remind rself wht u need to od thigns like dot waste ur time ur time is limited b)
read what u need to od so htht u remember n don’t forget c) have reminders n nots sticky paper
6) Regulate urself by rpovidng self regulatort y thoughts if u don’t regulate ureslf by providing
regulatory toguths then yo u wont od it n fllow it
7) Be aware fo the htoguths goin on in ur head when u ge thoughts thth tlell uto od other htigsn
say no to htem
8) Be awre of wht u are thinking of stop thinking of unimp thigns n make urself think of imp things
things thth u know I nr mind are imp odntwast time thinkin of unimp thigns

Read understand g o on reading n understanging describe n ur own words with examples explain its
meaning recall revise reread n understand be more involved in it when u explain u are more involved in
it if u judt g on reading u maty judt read fr the sake of reading n finidhing without any effort to udrrstand
eht it measns or says tht way yu have more prsesence of mind when u explain it to uresf giv examples u
are more involved in it ask quetons recall… readn understand it if not then reread, don’t skip read read
fast rad to gain noledge br interested in it all this will help u in ur wrk

Read nnexpalin I nyour own words to understnd better

Divide the day in to 2, 11 hr parts

8:00 am to 10:00 am – 1 hr sleep

10:00 am to 8:00 pm – 11 hrs study
8:00 to 10:00 – 1 hr sleep
10:00 to 8:00 am – 11 hrs study

That way you study for 11 hrs straight and then you rest sleep for 1 hr

The best and the last effort sit day n night nad finish ti off once n for all

Don’t waste time doin toehr htigsn nunimp thigns

Be fast, focused concentrated and continuous that is nonstop

Don’t waste even a single second every min ad n second is imp.
You should not do other things do only ur work don’t waste even a second doing other unimp things.
Don’t waste your time doing other things say no to it.

u have less time and lot of thigns to od u will ahveto og da n night otehr wise oyu wont be able ot maek
the kind of project hth u want ot make. remeebr that

Time is what we dont have... limited resource… don’t waste your time sleeping lazingnad doing otehrh
tigns… stay aake don’t laydown don’t sleep and compelte it.

U shud strictly not od other thigns cause once u take to do other htigns like FB etc.. then you end up
spending hours on them wasting time. U shud say no to other htigsn uhsud strictly not od other htigsn
cuase u end up wasting time.
U have toahcive thigns within hthat time limit a sense of urgency oyu know we don’t have tiem on
ourside we need ot work day n night on this
Thsiis is urgetnt what is the problem or issue crital issue – lack of time!
Solution – work day n night

We don’t have time at all don’t waste ur time your time is most imp keep working towards urgoal!

At night: Remember Don’t laydown don’t sleep if you laydown you will fall asleep. You can move
around but don’t lay down. if you laydown you will fall asleep n we don’t have time.. we cant waste a
second. If you lay down you will fall asleep you can move around and think but don’t laydown. You
don’t have time. You need to use all the time u can. We don’t have time at all dotn go for perfection
just get done with this.

U need ot be very quick and fast dpo rvery thig n fast not slow do it at a faster pace and quicker rate.
cause every second counts and is important look at Michael schmachers pitstop it makes a difference
between losign nad winning.

Sit down consntlay and be detrmiend otfinsih ti off omcpelte it once nad for all roj ka leke baitheneka
ekbar cosntionsuly aithe ke khatam karo…. And be free… kya trojka magaj mari aur stress tension
nworrry headache leke baithneka.. bedertmiend to finish ti off like climbing a hill - shakleton

U need to take tension stress and worry be hyped up about it only then you will be able to do ti caue
then you ae alert and on your toes and adrenaline and fast etc..
Take one topicfocus fuly on it and finish it off eke k ley aur khatam kar

You need to be highly focused thodasa idhar udhar ho gaya get distracted if oyu get distracted then u
are gone like in F1 u need high concentration.

You need to be:

Fast:- Quick
Focused:- single minded focus not od other thigsnn ot divert distract urmidn to oother thigns Stay
focused on it
Continous:- Nonstop

You need ot set up deadlines, this muh to finish I nthis much time in 1 hour other wise u will end up
doing ti slowly and endlessly thht is take ur own timeot od it

You need to be very fast do it wquicky , focused not od other htigns and ocntinous thht is nonstop

you need ot havesome flow when you wirte some logic some basis some support bause of this its liek
this u need ot od this.

Do it with a calm cool and thought ful mind,

U need to set time limits do this in this much time that way you work in speed nto lsow, or take ur own
time. This work has to be compeleted I nthis much tiemm in one hour u know htth u have to get this
done in this much tiem so oyu move fast nad not slow you read fast you od it fast with speed.
Any claims u make shud be supported by evidence its like who says so? See even this guy says so

Don’t do otehrh tigns don’t even take for doing it cause once u take for oding it then oyu end up
spendgn lots of time on ti. Dude don’t do thaht every simnglem in is imp we don’t have time

Goals don’t work unless you do

You need to work to achieve your goal dreams and so on… Work hard take pains and efforts for het
sake of achieving your goals.

Goal 1:

Find a GF

What you need to do to achieve the goal:

Make John Davis profiles

Find on Facebook
Find on POF

Goal 2:

Find a job

Tasks that need to be done to achieve the goal:

Make resume and cover letter


Goal 3:

Apply for Pro-Wash registration and partnership documents

Goal 4:

Start internet companies fast…

Act o nthe opportunity the idea god has given to you or it will all be a waste… be thankful to god for
giving you these ideas and alue them nad acto ntehm quickly
Interview hire developer make a partnership
Start the work develop market get investors

Goal 5:
Work on your reports
Goal 7:
Apply for 3 year work permit

Goal 9:
Apply for PR

Creative mind:-

take a mental picture

photgraphic memeory

how to be more creatie

u do need imagination t be creatie u isualize in ur mind the expressions the motion the moents as to wht
to d o n thenn u do it n pull it off thts how u get fun n enjying n nsanimated. playful fun entertning n

u also need inspiation sumthing tht inspres u u watch the mocvie then the movemts expressions ft in ur
mind u see it n u enact it again tht is mimic it.

Day dreamignn letting ur lmidn go free n loose to wander helps to wen uday dream then ur mind
wanders connects to the universe n god nad u get ideas I nyoru mind, u need otkwn when to et ur mdn
go free to think of anything ti wants, whe n uwnato to ocme up with ideasn nthink fo buisenss dieas lets
think fo bi ideas which biness we cnastrtn n products we can make n nso n. n u need ot kwn when to
restrin n ncotnrol ur mind too brign it back soo as to ifnsih the task at hand so othth u only think fo thth
taks n nothing else at will when to let ur mind go free nloose to think fo certain thgisn wander
ndaydream n ponder n nwhen to bring oyur mind back t o a certain ntask.

Arts and creativity:- indeas day dreamignign ocmign up with products, to make, product ideas, ay
dremaingign let your midn go free to dream andd conect to god nn unviese and u get thgotus i nyoru
midn sent by god transmitted yb god n u niverse as to what otod waht products to coem up with and so
on guidancen n direction awawkenign and let your midn go free n loose todream think and be lsot i
nyoru mid nadn think imagien etc... and the idea s to what loooks good nad what doenst the design the
colour snnse, the iamgiantion, thinkign dreaming, waht loosk good n nwhat doesnot thht sense, sleek
etc... coour ocmbiantiosn etc... here you no logner reguatle oyur mid nto od work u jsut think n ndrema
u let oyur midn go free to thin k nday dream and ocem up with ideas. visiso netc...

Sleek design:-
lESS IS MOREE, there shud be not one thign more than waht is needd
too muhc ocnfusion clutter cahos. distraction zagzagit
i eman less is more.
uncessary thgisn adn clutter. madness
it has to be simpel ti shast besleek and beautiful.
its jsut too mcuh uncessary unimp lot of clutter n cahos totally ncessary all thth cahos cofnudison toom
uch it ocnfusesethe midn and hurts the brian ti shas to be simpe and sleek
jsut as much as is needed ucnessary desgisnn ad thigs n nthht totlaly uncessary

Entertainemnt creativity
drama acting - beignsocial and expression freedo mfo expression!
visual art
shapes figures,
htikignwaht loosk good and waht doesnot
a sesne of colurs and stuff.
folly fakness, fooling etc...
thths allso called beingcreative.
cause its funny.
itsfun animated notty playful n fun expressins let loose n so on.

waht to share on fb? (nothing important like any advice ass u dotn want to give advice to assholesppl lie
htht tell them wht maeks utick)
funny thigns
creative thgisn colours etc..
creative n nfun thigsn expreicne nejoyment nn fun!
like enjoyign thsi world thsieis unvierse on the beahc lookign up at hte stars n nenjoygin thsi unvierse n
nstars n ne each day, expreicne psoostive thgsin fun encorgaign n n enjoyign n hapy!
n good! n ncie
this is where i have fun n let loose nothig nseiorus but fun!

more visual iamgiantvie nadn creative

how child hooo trauma triggers creativity, itsl iek u luv a girl she dstn pay attetnio nto you and soo yu
think if i make myslef better attractive talentd then may be seh will apy heed ot me as i ahve talnet and
soo you seek accetpace by dvelopign your tlaent, itdoesnt arsie caues u are super ocnfident but cause u
are isnecure nand lack self esteem and u seek attenion n acceptance for mtoerhs thru oterh ways by
triyng ot be famosu notcied nad talentedn n creative or u ar pasioante abotu ti. Either thth or u want ot
odistrac t ursefl loose ursefl into it soo thht hit doenst affect t u n n udotn think fo it. Tht is too forget
soo thth there are other more imp thgisn I nur mind.

Thnk u gm for the music, thk u fr the creatiity the art stimuktng the mind n brain nntlettlct.
the creativity
i liek the cat he is nottyn n palyful n spoit

beign creative:-

music - helps you to day dream and visualize dancing

visualizing imagining

Creative thinking:--
thinkign - day dremaing

let your midn loose n free to think day dream connect ot hte unciverse adn oyu get thgotush and ideas
form above. you need ot octrnol yourmid adn your thogtush stop thinkign fo otehr htigsnwhen u need
ot beign yoru midn o na task focus ur midn o na task thth uneed ot od u need regulation but if oyu
wantot ocme upwith ideas, new ideas and tstuff hten ulet oyur mid nfgo free to day drema dn think fo
things. u let loos and thne u dotn restrin nad egualte your mind

i dunn kno he is fun n entertaining

Hervice is beautiful its sweet, n it has to ebsweet cause u want to woo right wits the wooign nsweet
vocie its fun, kin d carign vocie. nice voice. loving voice, weet voice

its a creative process ideas n so on

more visualn ncreative

imagiantive day dreamign let your mid nfree n nloose to day dream conencte to godo t unvierse
podner wonder day dream coem up wit hideas!
nbuseinsn ideas prodcut ieas etc..

where as when uhave to od soem tgi nthen brign ur mind back to the talsk nad stop it form wandering.
n thinkign fo otehr htigns.

he has got a wlild imagiantion!

can iahe soem coke

yes ia m alive right nown nm on earth wheer are u these days? on mars?
thth s funny let loose!

he is very notty n playful n animated thths what he is!

But, you know, music and art and expression - that's life, that's important.
It helps u to express rusefl u knwbiengnaitmated free to express rusefl od wht u want be more
expressive without caring wht ppl think of oyu, its also fun ahhaa.
he is playign around its mroe fun to be a kid n nnot grwo up actuallyu know n nto give a fuck what
toerhs think fo oyu... what weer u doign when u wre

pobnderign thinkgin day dreaming is whne u get the ideas form godad hteu nierse and u connect to god
nad the unierse onderign day dreamign si fogogd for thinkingnad soling problems craetivity comign up
wiht ideas and u knwo comign up with ideas. but u ned to knwo wo t let the mind free nl oose to day
dream and when u need ot od a tsk then u need ot knw how ot brign your midn kepe ur midn o tnhe tas
at hand nad not think fo otehrhtigns. when to let the mind go free to day dream nad ponder ad whne to
bring it back on the tas at hand. knw when to let them idn go free nloose to day dream think ponder nad
wonder and when to brign ti back soo thth udotn think of othrheitgnsn and focus o nteh taks at hand n
think ony labotu thth thth is regualte ur thikig nn soo as to get a task or work done.

man he is notty n n playful n small

a nice cute ca to play with n mke me happy.

jsut iek thht its fun tis visual its a creativep process

fella little prick

fun games nadventure.

be cool have s tyleand image!
be more visual imagiantiven ncreative day dreamgn thinkign wandrerign mind n god nn the universe
will gvie u ideas to help u they will jsut come ot oyur head as u let ur mid nfree n wanter n nday dream
nad beoclem mroe vsual and creatien nday dream n think fo it, how to do it waht to dp and oso n as
uthink unciously abotu a certia nthigsn lie kwaht loog otmake what biz ot strt and oso n and how thigsn
ad cetian pocess wokrs hwo ot solve ur probsn n isseusn n soo n n connecto tgod nand universe, the
thgotush come to ur mind as to whato odo when u strt day dreaming n conenctign to god n nthe unviers
god giee s u thogtuhis n ru mind n guides u directs u as to whato tood gives u wisdom. Thnk u od for
svign me n telling nem wht ot od, r godleds u to resources thth will help boosk etc..


once uare creative ue read beautifuy ma uare visul uahve style u see what looks good n what doesnto u
are mreo ivsul n u know seeing pictures nad so on then u have thissense fo what looks good nnwaht
doesnot.HE HAS THTH SENSNE THOGUHTFULLY OFWHAT LOOKS goodn nwhat doesnot , rpefrence, waht
soundsgood n waht doesnot detailed. they have a sensne as to what looks good and what doesnto n in
terms of shape sie degsign colour what colour mathesn n goes torghtern nwhat doesnto, even music n
tuens what music matchesn nwaht doesnto which soudnsgowit hgel with each other, or which oclours
work nad which do not n I nterms f shapes which hsapes look good nand which hfdo not.

do iffernt thigsn at diffrent ties a variety of expreince itnelectual stimutlation, music et..etc.. helps to
stimulate the intellect, put u in the zone fosued n high lelvle of inovelment totolaly lost I nwhat uare
doing n thesoudns help to stilutle ur brain n nitnellgientce,helps to wak u up when uare sleep y gets
ugoign n nso on, also u need to cahge ur routen or ur brian getsdull if oyu do thesamethign eeveryday,
ur brain gets dull as u are only using one region nof the brian when u dodiffrent thgisn change routine
et.c.. listen to music walk exercise, rread a book talk to some oen then different parts fooyurbria ngts
activated. Thth helps to keep uheltyh n nbrign n not dull

wht was thth ? just testing urreaction he isalso very palyful

heliek ot prance around

yesterday ythe cat extended hsi paw of fridnship to me

music etc..etc.. is a creativep rocess itsceative stuff it works diffrnet parts of oyur brain
stimulates ur inteelect

msuic also awakens ur imagination u clos ur eye and imagine the mootion the dnace the thigns
its caretive proves it stimutlates even the voisul parts of oyr brian the imagivnative parts
the day dremaign parts

he is frm the george michal clani am gm

n being i na haze, to numb the pain n being lost in it , highly invovled it init tis called
beign creative nand nad beign creative thtth is music vivsul etc.. waht looks good nandwht doesnto.. a
creativesensne dveloepdearly on shpes colcurs etc.. mathcign etc..

o n a t rip adn emediitaitong on god focsuign mind on god ocnnected ot god.

IAts creativity
its a style u knwo hari stlye dressign stlye its called havign a style
wht looks good n wht doesn’t

time to play with cat creatibe n fun the cat has to be plsyed with,

h e is palyful fn n masti
he runs round nad ummm maaow
maow maaow
kelvn thecat
he acts liek a kid its fun keeps palying around runnign and hten comeign back n jumping o nthe sofa
notty lettign loose n palying nn haivn g fun
itsm ore fun thth way n nworksu r brain naekmsku more creative imagiantive htinkign day dremaign
gives ideas etc.. wen ulet ur midn go free n nwnader nn uare palyful etc..

intenrataitonal taklent of unilanmte student

hahah i knw what talent he has!askign grls out lmaao
ui dotn knwo about hte honours list but
if htere was a deans dishonor list hten i wud have topped it!
sarcastic joke n fun.

hmmm there are a many pp lwho look liek you?

Yup hahah
he is very passioante
ahs many hobbei s creative, lviely, eennrgetic,
thth is works the lightens up the brian i ndiffrent ways

why do u not listen to him?

cause u want him to meow lodly casue he is queit
dotn b scared let your faith meows be bigger than your fears

palyign with him

m trying to train him to ru nawawy fro mdanger n ntake cover.

Why udotn open the door ?caseu I want to maek him determined hatti and stubborn n nadadmant. N
un bdging to get what he wants. Keep trying for it strnegthn his resolve.

Be very nahutgy dfast workign r brain have fun

be palyful it works ur brain n maeks u fast n nwitty
n nn otty thth is creative and let loose nadu knwo
fast over thinkngn thogtush gin o n i nur head ,
n u know, makesu mroe creative, day dreaming, etc..etc..
beign palyful notty n nfun makesu more creative n npalyful
wokrs ur brian u know fast htoguths sppedy thgotuhs
goin o n i nur mid nmkaes u quick witty fun
firndly etc... et... good ot tlak to
see all humans equally itnelligent value all be friendly iwth everyone
adventures of maaw cat!

What is ur best mem wit h me?

You are my best memeory wit hyou
My best memeory wit hyou is you

Wht wud u do if u have lots of money?

Spnd it on hookers lamao

Naughty boys!
having a laugh haivng fun!
u know, being animated n havign fun and a laugh
it makesu feel mroe libearted and free o express urself
n no t gvie a fcu kwaht oterh s think fo oyu
as u do thigns cargi n or igivng a uck what otehrs will think or say
it makes u feel mroe free to do wht u want n express ur self!
n tellign otehrs to fuck off! tht is not beign intimiated n afradi fo toehrs
thht some onemight say soemthign to oyu
reedom of expression n o t carign what otehrs hink!
liberatty freedom to express ur self nn do what u want

died by intetioanllybanging hsi eado n teh wall thts funny!

i mena who wud bang his head ont the wall cause htere is a possiblity htth
u may nto die and end up with a bad head ache and u know bump

SEE Gm str ppl live

dreams have now been fullfilled
james brwn!
It shows hooiganizm or freedom fo expression fredo mliberation to do waht u want odo withotu givign a
fuck or caring what otehrs think of oyu!

if there was a deans dishonour list then i wud be the first one on it!
they got soo fed up thth they wud be liek take this degree n go
grauate him quick before he keeps askign all girls out!

Dnt u think he is notty ofcourse he ishe isnotty right!

kya pat a kya karte reahtta hai aise hi masti karta rehta hai
he spat on him lamao
he is notty
he has an over active brain
its mroe fun this way
he is highyl intelligent
ay dreamign thinkigncreative
over active brain n n thinking
thth leads to creativity adn new ideas
fro m fast thinkign let loose notty creative mind!
palying havign fun

more cereative visual n imaginative

its a walk i nclinik soo u just walk it

wheres dennnis wen i need him

she is self aware adn she has a wild imagination!

yes i am alive ad i am on earth right now where are u these days? o nmars
seh is ware she is on earth and wild imgagignation where are you on mars
high goals thth is dreamign big thinkig big open minded thinkign fo the universe nda beyond! Not
restricted to earth. And ur current state you are in.

I ma creatice imagiantive, visual, colours, music, thinker

arts crafts singign etc..

being an adult is boring its fun to be a chidld na db epalyful you know

it heleps to get rid fo pode and ego u are mroe firendly good u crakc jokes
u re mroe down to wart hmroe playful, easy ot tlak to aobut htigsn
like relote cotnrol cars more coo and friednly yeah man! my brother is crazy man he climed up o nthth
tree when we were kids i htoguth ih e will die lamao
i ma a dcuk i can be a cat i can be dog lamoao i can od this i cna od tht i ca be a bunny
and do antics adn oyur brian works faster
u are mroe masti khor witty and smarter n creative
ur briasn works quiker
also itsm roe fun n entertianign thth way

are u gonn a take my moeny? u are gonna take my moen for thth
yeah but htths my money

Does he get along with the otehr memebers or does h fight with them?
yeah he gets along
if they were here i wud have surely fought with them,
but no one shere!

mene toh kabhi suna nahi aise university ke bare mein
I have never herad of a univ like thht
sunoo gae bhi nahi! (cause it doesnt exist sa bh faik hai)
u wont hear about it as well

arnold termniantor trans robot

i need a sex change
mkae me i nto a woman now! lamao
oaky oaky hwy u want to convert
cause i am trappend i na male body
but i nmy mind i am a wmn robot

tlakign with ppl coizalizing mworks ur breain different parts of oyurb rian speech beahviour expressions
gestures wittiness being quick etc.. etc...
thths why u need to socialize with ppl .

wen u talk to ppl, also there is exchange of iknoweldge n nlearngi nsocially htigsn htht umay not know
the oterh peorsn knowsn n u lleanr form them

its good ot ahve mnay friends it makes u happy bitightens up ur brain lightens up ur brian when u talk n
have a ocvnersaiton not havign fridns cna make u kind of lonely

cat times
12:00 - 5:00 am sleep
5:00 to 10:00 - dnce
10:00 to 12:00 sleep
12:00 to 8:00 - ??
8:00pm to 10:00 pm -dnce
10:00pm to 12:00am – sleep
he sleeps from 1000 pm till 4:00 am
n wakes up hen he hears cars go out
4:00 am to 6:00 amm go ut do potty come back eat
6:00 am to 1:00 pm – sleep

Funny hai nah voh jaa naa deemag maat kha abhi

She has a wild imagination nshe is notty smart witty nn fun!

N very expressive not holding back.

N very expressive not holding back. How ot be very expressive free urself to exresrusfl n nunloc ur full
potentioal n nhave fun have a laugh be anfmated let loosen n wild nn free to express rusefl.nto hold

Not be sacred of otrhes maek fun fo others, give instrcuitons tease bluffing “nope we dotn eat our kitty”

he is what he is he is original he doesnt try to e anything else as he dosnt care wht ppl think
of him or say is real norigianl the way he is if he isfun smilign listing to misuic lauging n chillign thths
what he is! he doenst pretend to be anyhtig nelse cause thths the way he isn n cause he doesnt care
waht otrhs wil say n nthink f ohim he is free to dannce do waht he wantsn nexpress himself n be what
he want s to eb caus he doesnt give a fuck waht ppl think fo him! creativity free to express urself dce n
have fun. free t express ur emoitons! n not hide! u know... ads u are too scred waht pp lwil lsay or thin
kfo oyu free to lagh have fun n be silly n follsih! Hahaha. Be free to express rusefl n have fun not be a
certain way, casueu care too much wht oterhs think of oyu be urself be original be silly be foolish be the
way oy uare have fun hav alugh expres s urslef whatu feel ru emotiosnn feelings dotn hide em.. u dotn
express rusefl n nu project ursle as a certain way hth uare nto cause u care t mcu hwhat othrs think fo
oyu. Thths the way I am.

Thinking pondering wondering leads to creativity nn ideas, n figuring out thgisn inventiosn discoveries,
and analyzing n understndign thgisn hwo they wok n nwht to od n so on. Take ur time sit n think through
ot solve ur problesm nissues nn so a dreamy sste day dreamig nthinkig nponderign lsot i nyour
own world n i nyour own thoguths introverted. htths waht leads to ideas n nso on. htoughts ideas
inventiosn thinking nponderign finding n figuring thgisn out.

cause I emant he best for oyu my instnensions ar true! , casue they mean the best n ngodo foroyu
all tht is foroyur good. To ehlp you! Be happy all the pushig nn so on … it for ur good itnnetiosn to mena
u well! Soo tht uw ill thank me ltater o nfor beign strct soot ht u dotn go out of lne n nso on. The
itenntions are good ot save ur ass to help you.

Why ppl are interested in aliens?

casue ofcuriosity, wht lies beneiath are thy there

As if i na some haze or dream to numb thepain

in msuic nad weed to put in a dreamy hazy forgetful stet totally lost in the muisc
totally highyl invoveld n absrobed n magna in it and forgettign everythign else!
in a hazy dreamy state
dance nacho abhi

all the ideascoming form hte fast thoguthful creative mind of hte daydreaming crazy notty boy1
mastikhor playful over active brian over htinkng, whe n u let your mind go free let loose no restrint or
control over it, to day dream n nthink n wander! U know, have fun then u, get the ideas n thgotush n
soo o ncretivity.where as whe n uwnt ot od some work, or do some task then o uhave to restrin your
mind cotnro lyoru mind soo thth udotn do otehrh tignn sn you do thth taks only ofcus on thth task only
n nnot think fo other htigsn n so on.

Think fo what tot think of? What shoud l ihtink fo now? Lest think fo what business to strt what products
we can make, what briands we can build lets think fo thth, u think cocniously, knoeingly u decide wht to
think of wht topic ot think of but once u havedeicded wht to think of n have let ur mid nin a certain
route, o na certia npath then u think it uncocniosuly. No control, u lt yloose yoru mid nthinksof thth
topic day dreams wanders n lost I ntht thought unciniosuly unaware. U just need ot initially diret ur mid
ncontro lur mid nwahtto think of soo as to lay it on the path n direction nwhere o tog n ocne u d htht
then uare lost I nyoru thogtuh u dotn have to ocntorl it, n let it loose, n u think of tth thopic unciously nn
ideas htgotush strt toocme I nyoru mind as u trt thingkgi nfo ti what biz or strt what products to make
what toname the bran n os on u day dream think wander ponder n oso n n u are lsot I nthth htogtuh n u
ge t ideas for mgod n nthe unievese as to whtoto od. Itsl ie kintitlally u control the mind n palce it on ti s
path n then u let it go n it goes o ntis one u lt it loose. Uare losti n ththt htgotuh thinkignabout htht topic
or issue thth uhad dicided wat to think of.

like a kid let loose n paly no restrictions

act crazy have fun let loose

did ujust mew at me?

how dare yo meow at me?
did u hear thth
he just meowed at me
there are ppl in this house thth meow at me!

He keeps teasig nthe cat.

he is happy fun and extatct over the mon haivng fun

n dancing shakign his hips playing

mini me hahah thths funny

awww hhahah h thth s funny

exaggereted animated lamao exressionsn gnestures

full dahmal
yeh kaun hai aa kaun che?
Nt only it s fun but it frees u liberates u t oexpress rusefl as u dotn are what oterhs think ofo yu.
U feel more free liberated ot express ruefl n unlock ur full ptotintal n ndo what u want ot od.
OMG the cat is soo cute ti keeps on askignsoethignfrom me
and thth tooo soo politeyl meeow meeeowvery softly and silently as thogh
can i go out... not liek loudly MEEEEOW MEEEEEOOOOW not gving orders
but very politely it asks can igo out softly meowing meeeow meeeeow
and then when he wants to coem in again
also it knows where to go ot the barthrorom it doenst mess teh house
adn it sees observes everythign nad hten its like okay heres the toilet heres where i need ot og ot
obathroom soo thth no body sees me!ntehn it tres to popen the door
wen i go to open it as though to say if he cud open it he wud have not asked me to.

He is a very intelligent cat he desnt moew uncesssarily

otehrwise no one wil listen ot him he saves his
meows he meows only when he needssomthing
u canlern a lot frm a cat.
He aves hismeows for imp things wen heneeds some thing
He desnt meow uncessarily or else ppl wont pay heed to him wenhe really needs
Sumthing n meows cause they wil think ohh he meows all the time
Hmeows only when he needs sumthing.
To get ur attention.

then he relsed that he shud keep the house clean

so he strt ed ot do it outside
he doesnt do toilet i nteh house he does it outsdide

adn he liks nad clenas himself all the time!

keeps himself weell clean n grromed he is self aware
and when he first came he shat in a corner where no one
can see him under the sink and besides the toilet
he i sself aware, n has embarrsemnt shame n so on.
Case hewants to look nivce tidy clean n immaculate n good

he is a smrt cat h tels u wht h wnts inhis own sweet way

and meow for goin outside!
and he meows when he has to go out or come in its lie let me in
or when he needs food or water and lsk shis tongue n nlooks at you
adn when he is outside he is like Maaaooow
or aaaaoww aaaowww
hten when ulet him in he is lik aarrrr saying thank you

ifyo ugo to do everythgin and too muh oyu wil get nothign dne!

paagal hai voh

ahahah e is crazy1
let loose n nwild n ncrazy no restraint, restriction
free to have fu nn express rusefl n let loose
ngo crazy, wit makes u feel free n liberated
t oepxress rusefl as u dotn care what other pp laroudn will think
n its also fun
beign animated n exaggerating thgisn.

he has a wild imagination

the cat needs to be fed


playful play n ahve fu n ndance!

tlife is a movien nwe are al actors ,
anitamted fun!
beign naimated is fun creative n palyful ti maeks u laugh nad be bold cofndient n let loose nn go ahead n
express urself its fu ntis entretianign n be palyful n nahve fun n let loose!
musci dancign mroe fun mro palyful n more upbeat!
Kid palyign chillign otu enjoyign havign fun n cool n chilled

beign naimated is fun creative n palyful ti maeks u laugh nad be bold cofndient n let loose nn go ahead n
express urself n u feel mroe librerated n carefree n free to expresrusefl n do what uwant as u dotn care
what ppl arund will say ro think.

music, music elecrtirc waves work thediffrent parts
lern to use diffretn parts of hte brain soo htht dotn get bored!
or dulli n u r midn
exercise:- musil e memeory
visusla memeory
readign form pciture!

Gazing out beign quiet n nthinkign n pondering.

U ned otbe fun u need ot be free to exptress yourself nn ahev fu nfree to have fn! I don’t care what pp
lwil lsay or think be free to have have fun! N do what u want nn express rusefl. Free liberated to dowaht
uwant ot odo n express ursefl. Without giving a fuk what others think fo oyu free opne liberatedto have
fu n nexpress rusefl. Pp lwho dotn care what others think fo oyu have them ost most fu n as they dotn
acare what oterhs think of othem n nthey are fee liberated ot express themselves n have fun n so omore
naimatedn n so o.

Thinking pnerign day-fdreamign lookgin I nteh distance, n nlsot I nyoru own world nn thgotush
connected ot ogdn n universe, n go give u sneds u thoguths as to what to od gives u ideas as to aht otod
ot sovle ur iseus peorblem ndirect u nn so on n save u… cause god is kind n nacres foro yu n nwisheds
well for oyu n ngood for oyu. God I ur well wisehr, god wisheses well to all his deveotees who are
connected ot him. N even thsoewho are not.lookign itn toe distance but thinking n pondering
verythgotuhful lsot I nyoru own world n nthgouths as if I na trance or hae lsoti nyoru own thgotush
thinking pondeirgn daydreamigngin n soo n. contmeplatign and lalnyzingn nso on. N thts when uget
thgotush I ynoru mind as to wahto to od. N oso n thguthsn nisntrcutiosn form god! He is serious I na hae
lost in heis thgotuh contempaltign pondering thinkgi nn wornering, n nso on, I n a ahxe n cocnince lost
in your own owlr n nthgouths ure string in the distance , but u are nto even concerned, uare not actually
looking nbtu uare thinking nn pondering. Lsot I nyoru won world I nyour own thoguths.

partyign clubbign is fun dancign its fu nnad enjoyabel have a god time dnce work ur msules be mroe
creative expressive tis fun! it gives a boost ot oyur ego n neocnfdince maeksu feel goodabotu urself
enjoy them usic the ryythm the ligths itsm ocre creative rpcess.
n dnacign n movign ur body ot the msuic nad rythm its fu nenjoyign the music nad dnacign n havign fun!
music is also cretaive it helps u to imagine thigsn dance etc..

Thts not imp do only wats imp thts nto imp soo dotn waste yoru time effort n energy over it do not one
more thing thth an wahts imp. Be highly focused don’t waste ur time effort n nenergy on thigns thth are
nto imp. Spend ur tiem effort nenergy only o nteh most imp thgisn.

“The best investment u can make is in yorusfl” – warren buffet ,public speaking helped me to talk to
investors, and education helped me ot knw hwo ot make best invetstemtn

Education is an investment nto an expnece u leanr things uget a qualitifactio nn u knw hwo to work n
mkeae money n oso n, I t s an investment I nyoru future. Find a job nad o osn qualified n oos on , imp of

erening money but at the cost of prsnl develpmnt ur probs being unslvd cause the time u cud hav spent
on imprvn urself u spend it on wrk n u know ernin money

if you’re feeling jaded at work and in your

love life, maybe it’s time to take a year out, a belated gap year,
and go off to work i needed a break cause i was burntoutyou might have become tired by

u need to wrk on self imprvmnt read books etc, caz if u dnt slv ur probs u wnt move ahed hthey will
hold u back. thts why u need to wrk twrds slv ur prbs n issues caz if u dnt slve thn u cannot mke prgress.
ur issues will hold u bck n prvent u frm doing thngs u wnt to do. come in the way or stop u hineder u frm
doing thngs u wntto do.

Self-help books and self-tuaght

the knwoeldge as to waht ushud nshd ot do n why to help usoleur problsm n isnsrues

Be kind to yourself and

persevere. take item forself-improvemtn soo tht uknw what otod.

til thne u are itneh making.

workign o nyorusfl owrkign to imprve urslefn n soelve ur problems

know gain kwneldge n learn as to what ot od.

tkar e tiem off to work on urslef evelop urself to sole ur problesmandissues soo tth they dot n hold ubac
kand soo thth uar ready!

cause uare not ready yet. god is helpign u givng u knwedlge konow -how to sovel isseus hthts holdign u
back n preventign u from suceedign.soo enjoy the procees.

keep doin what uare doign keep workin on solvin ur probs n ur isseus cause u cant maek progrsse till u
slve ur probs n ur isseus

wrk towrds cosntly imrpvign urelsfe buildign ru lfie making ur life comfy makign prgress slef
improvement leanrign thgisn etc...

i keep workign o nmyself to improve mysefl, sovemy own isseus nn probelsm

i dont car e waht oterhs a re doign i midn my own stuff my own biz and keep workgi no nymself learngi
nthgsi nadn soo on see my own stuff! self- imrveomtn,
self help.. thigsn thh can help me maek preogress

GMa star i nteh makign u just dotn becoem a star liek tht u need to work
on ur singing ur dancign ur styel
ur personality development ot be able to perform on stage n not feel nerovsu n naxiousn n soo much
on the msuic its a lot of effort

u just don’t become scessful lie kthht u need otocnnstly wok on yourself work o nur skils work on
imprvign rusefl. It’s a lot fo effort.

thsiis crazy m mgonna go mad doign thsi itsn to easy, but , will ehlp i nslef imrpvemnn n lerna

dig a little deeper, try to find what others thought on the subject, reading for an hour

m delaign wit hisseusn rpblemsh hth hold me back

u need to owrk otwrdssolvign ur isseus n nproblesm cause ifu r issues are unsovled htne u cannto eb
happy it makesu miserable fee lstressed, uneasy, uncomfy and affects ur quality of life u are mreo under
pressrue, not at peache n n happy, n cool nclam nad also it affects ur progress as ur isseus hod l u back.

therhe are issues thht m facign n m wokrign on overcoming

u need othave patince n nkeep workign o nimpevign urself self-imrpovemnt self-help, how to, n olve ur
peroblesm m niseus
urproblems shud be sovled.

wrk towrds solvign ru isseusn nproblesm thht are holdign u back n nmakign ur lfie miserabel.

keep wrkn on rself tp sle iur issues n prblems n wht u need to do to slve ur prnlbmes knw thw cause of
ur problms n find soltn to em. kneledge n ifo as to wht to do how to think n so oontht will help u sole ur
problms n issues.knwlege as o wht to do directions to help u sle ur problems n issues.

constnatly be enaged in self-imrpvemetn. persoan llgrwoth

learn thgisn progress, solve ur problems and issues knwo waht to od to eb mroe prodctive increse
ur eeficent achvie ur goals etc.. get rid of htigsn thth hold u back. stop u prenvnet u from
expressign ruself doign what u want ot od etc..

keep working o nurself to improve urslef solve ur porblesm nn inssuesn n maek urslef better soo thth
certia nthgisn don’t hold u back n limit ur potentioanl n u can express rusefl fully n unlock ur potential
nn go fully after ur t goals.

u are nto ready till u are ready,

u need to keep owkrign on yoursefl, to improve yoursefl. uneed to keep workign on developign your
talent skill craft,
keep workign o nyoruself. tthhs wahtu need ot keep on doing. soo thth u cna make progress.

i dint knwo abotu thth itnerestign new thgisn thth u learn by reading books interviwews studying
suceesful ppl, thgotuhs directions divine knweldge as to hwat to od n wht nto otdo to succeed, ttht help
to sovel urproblesm u knw howot od it better. and what ot od.

u need t keep wrking on urself on developing nimprvn urself gainin knowledge know how t slve ur
problms n issues
a book a day keeps ignorance away
self-help boks not fictin books.
caz i take my own time to solve my probls n issus n think it thru n do it as to whtt o do how to do it n go
about it do sum research

just keep wrkin on it on imprvn urself slnvn ur issues n problms gain knwledge nfo knw wht to do
u knw to slve iur issues n probs

u need t o work on urself wrk on these issues.till u know s thtu know wht to do, wht the issuesare n how
to slve them whtu nee to do o slve them. n u need ot keep workign o nthe isseus to solve them. have
patiecen take iteasy n nslw,
u knw owork on yoru isseusoslve urprobelsm if u r problems remain unsolved htne they will keep
holdign u bakc, and itnerfere iwth ur progress n happiesnnsn n quality of lifen ncauseu mroe stress

wrk on ur self first do resrch gain knowledge info know how as to wht t do t sole ur probs n isuues frst
tht hod u bck n prent u frm progressing mkn profgress n suceed ingn doing whtu wnt to do n expresing

m trying to slve my problems n issues wrking to solve my problms n issues tht hold meback. mkeme
nervous uneasy uncomfy in scl situations

the next things to do is to solve ur anxiety wrk on solving ur anxity issus n how u can be more social n
soially smart.

u are still learbning u are not ready yet u are stilllerning wht to do resrch gainin knowledge sillin the
making. U are not fomed yet arrived yet u are still I nthe making.

u may think why do i hae this problm my life wud be great if i didnt ha this issue but thts nt wht life is
about u need to keep wirking n ur self keep trying neer gibe up keep tryigng to sole ur issues n

self improvemnt is imp cause i u don lrn things if u dont know wht to do if u dnt imprve urself then u
can acheve ur goals mke progrss n suceed.

It’s not that we can all make ourselves perfect overnight, we need to keep o n owrkign on ti gradually. n
solve our isseus.

workin to sovle my isseusn n problms

if u just jkeep wrkin to earn money with no time fr urself doing wrk for others n earning money fr urself
but in te process all ur days go n time go, n u have no time to slve ur own probs n isues then u cant
expect to suceed in life n mke progress beynd ur day job.

lets wrk on it n wrp this thng up

tryin to solve ur probs n wrkn n ur issues

hng in there u may wish thth iwish i ididnt have these iseus but ths iek takign the easy way out u need
ot fight m, keep thinkign n wrkign to sovle ur issues reserchgin etc.. see rusefl nto as a problem or be sad
why i have thsi probelsm insted takea step back n move awway fro myourself and see see urself as an
expreiment u are oru own subeject ur won expreiment u are tryign to igur otu htigsn thth will solve ur
prblem nad help pp lwho have suimialr problems. see of it as an expreiment thh way u dotn feel
depressed n nsad about it, aas to why i hav thsi problem, u keep on workign o nthe problems to oslve
them n see ti as an expreiment fdoes this work? nope then tr y this find solutio nto ur problesm. to make
ur life better n otehrsas well soo htht u knw ohwo to dela with it.

u have to hangi nthere no matter how depressignthesituaion, how muc hu think u cant cope up n nuare
stugglign with shyness anxiety, etc.. ththsh oldign u back, makign u appear rude or distientrestd
or u know awkward i nscial sitatuiosn even if u dotn mean to, for eg heshook my hand n n ijust looked
awawy , due ot my shyness n nhe thoguht i want simpy lrude or distintersed n nit hurt me inside, i aws
like i dint menato u know, wish pp lwud know more abotu socail anixety, no matter hwo tough it
getsjsut hanginther wit n keep tryignwit hthe hope thth
thigns will work out and u will ver come it someday.
dont feel deepressed and give up you know n nbe sadn nmorose keep workgn on oyur issues and suffer
them deal wit hthem till u find a soliution to them hang i nthere.

I never got much time to myself.

I would have some time to myself to wrk on myself

Spend so much time improving yourself wrkign o nursefl that you have no time left to criticize others.
Get int ootehr ppls bi n naffris nn problems, n taklkign bout others, doing ur own wrk n nmindign ur own
biz, Be too big for worry and too noble for anger.
u need t owrk on yorusefl..wrk towrds wrk on work to slve ur prblmes improe ureself

life without the problem that you can solve

time ot do thsi get thsi thign doen n wrap this thign up

solve problems n issues.

the gaol is to solve ur problemsn n issues

its simpel i am not ready m havign isues hth i need ot osle first. n work o nfirst . tthht swhy m nto puttign
myslef otu there. Wen I went into the busn n my hands shaked while taking out the pass n when was
walking I felt nervs n nfreaked out thth was it thths when idecided to wait to solve my anxiety thth was

u need t work on urslef osele ur probs n isseus hth hold u back!

tke time off to slve ur isues n prblems cause ur problms nissues are mkn ur liffe miserale n holdn u back
n stop u frm prorssn n doin thing u wnt to do or need to do to progress.

by resolving the issue of

resolve your own personal issues
These are important issues to resolve well before you leap into it.
consntly workign towerds learngi nthgisn imrpivign self-improvement improvign ursfl,fe
spending time away

teasla didnt care bout the money he wrked for a bigger cause advancement of civilaztion n betterment
of humanity t solve problems n issues t o make life better for all beign n wrked his ass off n gave his
whole life to it for this purpose

are my issue n i am working on them,

take a break to solve issue hth thold u back n get ur lfie I in order. Get urslf abck o ntrack

solve u isseun n problesm htht hod u back n stop u n prvent u form doig nthgisn thth uwant to od, n
expressig nrusefl soo tth ucan propel ursefl , n unlock ur full potiential,

What are you working on what things issues are u woking on to solve n improve urself tht will help u
acheve ur goals . we aee working on three things 1) to slve n overcome my social anxity tht mke me
uneasy when I go out there or have to d oosomething even simple tasks like waking n mke me nervous n
hold me back from doing things. Soo tht I no longer feel anxious n uneasy when I go out there n I can
expres myself freely N how I canbe more social n socially smrt 2) how to get the grl I want conversation
skills what to do n so on 3) freedom of expression wht stops me thoughts fears etc.. from expressing
myself n asking out the girls I like.
the best investment u can make is i nimprvoing urself

U need ot take ur own time not ge t causght up i nteh rat race to earn a samll monehtly pay chechk n
not progress beiodn thth u need ot give up everythign for ahhchivng ur bigger goals think big
give it all up for achivgn hte bigge r gaols, thth is think big or go broke rying
thth is u cud have spent hyour years doign a job earnign a samlll pay hceck monthl
y but instead you give it up thth is htth small money and you spend htht time workign o nyorusefl sefl-
improvemnt reserch workign towards ur bigger goals thth is u take riskss
in the provcess u may lose, thth is end up broke! but either u make it big or u end up broke

notget caushgt up i tneh ra race u know going after a small paycheck n nworkign
and goign afer thth moeny, at the cost of sepf-improvement acause u wont go beyond tht
u wont go beyond htht monthly small n secure paycheck insptead take the risk sepnd htht tiem imrving
urlsge developing yoruself self-irpviement nad progrsss therhe ar otehr imp thigsn i nlfei than moeny ,
and ocne u imrpove urlsef, etc.. etc.. sooo thth u can prepare yourself ot ahcive bigger goals, dremas
think big, aim high, strt a biz etc..

take ur own time dont get tcauhgt up i the rat race do ti thoguht fully

i am work i nprogeresss i mprovign myself fdevelpin myself

u knew its good to struggle the fun lies in slvng problsms u cant have everything on the platter or life
wud be boring. n n the process of solving probs u think u analzre u llearn u find solutions.
once u are i nthsi world u have ur own personal battels
battle with extrenal force liek education , job work survival money
battlere with internla forces battel wit ur mind anxietes fear worries thgotuhs slef-limiting
thgotush self-sabotaging thgouths, etc... thth prevetn u feor mdoig hwt uwnat to do
,expressiong urslfefe etc..etc.. n u need ot work o nvercomign the m to succeed.

u need ot keep solvign the isseusn nproblesm one by oen keep workign on them take one sovle go to
next lie kthth

don’t goafter meony , dotn get caushgt up i tneh ra race u know going after a small paycheck n
nworkign and goign afer thth moeny, at the cost of sepf-improvement, spend thth tiem working o
nyoursefl, soo thth u can leanr things n develop n peropeare yorusefl, to ahcive urbigger gaols, to eb
come a billioanren nstrt a business n so on, itsl ike u take a risk, caseu u are not going after meony,
spedign tiem earngi na small pay check I nstead u sped htth tiem o nyorueslf reserchgi leanrign thgisn
readin istnreives how they srtre the business what didi they do ns on thiknkig nponderignwhat
buinsees to strt getting nbusienss ideas nn so on, thth is u spend tiem working o nyoruself building
devleiping urlesf prpearign yorusefl to achvei ur bigger goa l it’s a risjk thth utaek its all or ntohign either
oyu end up a billioanre or u end up broek there s n otwo ways abot it. But u wont find a secure job, with
a small paycheck, meonthly paycheck. N security. U take the risks. Spedign thth tiem wokrign o nyorusefl
imrpovign urslef soo thth ucan achvei ur bigger goals. Thth si shooting for the strs aiming for the stars,
when uaim for stars, thhts when u achvie big htigsn, if oy uaim for the tree thths wht uwill get yo uilwll
sit on I nteh tree if oy uaim for the strs then thths what u will get you will try n reach for the strs cause
then uwil take all effort to prepare yourself deveop urslef imrpvie urslef do resrch to learn things to
imrpve urslefsoo tht hu can reac hur gaosl thth uahve set reachfor the strs.

money isn to everythgin i nlfie thhere are otehrh tigns i nlfei thth are more imp phiolosphy thinign
reserching selfimprovment buildign urself who you are? waht u beeivel in improvgin urself ur
personality etc.. social skills hwo ot achive ur goals, selfreguations skills thht will help u to suceed
knwoign whato to do ot suced i nlife spiendign time on oyurself o ni mprvign urslef but if oyu spend ur
tiem workign eargign a small pay check! monthyl ur problems remain unsolved u are nto happy n u dotn
knwo whato to od u dotn develop fully, n u have some moenyi nur babcnk but u are nto happy i nside, n
htth cna tkae its toll at soem point or hte otehr, also u will end up in the smae posiiton r whle lfie
workign ur whole life for a small papycehck n wont go beyof thth u wotn be a billioanre cause all tiem u
spent on workgin slaivng for asmall pay hcek when u cud have taken thth time off ot reserch about
busienssh woot srt biz how biz mind works n get biz ideas etc,... n strt a biz! its all or nothgin mke it big
or go broke tryign but dont tkae a sure hsot middle way tht will not maek u big but will only make u safe
for soem time with moeny monthly paycheck in ur bank n thths what u do ur whole life keep workign for
am onthly paycheck n nnot make nay progressn to go beyond hth not strt a biz etc... its liek u give it all
away ... its all or ntohgin tis a risk u tke either make it big or go broke tring!
money isn to everyhtign leran thigsn hwahtu need oto do ot ahceive ur goal invest i nyoruself self-

Its a rsik you take ucan go out n nerar nmoeny n lvie o na small secure motnhyl paycheck but instead
fo odign thth u ris k ti all uspend thth time trygi nt oresrch imrpves urself develop ursel prep urself to
ahcive ur bigger goals n recach for the strs.

the best investemnt u can make isi nurself

a seucre 9 to 5 job wheer in u have no time for slfimtpvent
all u do it wrk for a small secure ayp chcek n n udont go in lfie beyond htth
instead spedn the moeny thth u already have
to laucnh urslef to wrk towrdslef-imrpovemnt towrdsu rdreams otehr hbiggge dreams
take the risk either aim bgi or go broke trying!

wrk towrds ur slf improvement best investment is u nca mek isi nu rlsef i nelarnign thigns as to whato
todo sepnd time thinkg ponering gainign ideas wht bi o t strt prodcts to lanc h ns on doign reserch
cause u uneed ot impvre urslef inorder to be able to be proedicutve in enough
driven enough for htose bigge thigsn bigger thigsn preprare urslef forh tose bigger cdreams

Is to figure out the process wht happes wht goes on why u are stiif n ptight n not loosen up to epress

he knows hwo ot put himself I nteh moodn n have fu nn enjoy lifen nbe hapy listen to music get itneh
one look out of the window n stre I nteh distance n nthink nday dream! Do it thgouhtfully, think it
through o it carefully and propely, have paten persever wati til l ud o ti right, He takes his own time to
od things his way to od it right! Wrk to imrpve himself mn not be caught up I nteh rat race n hurry to
earn money but takig nhis time to do it tirght to imrpve himself n so on. N risk ti all, he doenst car e ro
give a fuck about lsoign he risks it all I nteh process either u make it or break it,

the goal is to olsve thep roblems issues relatedot hte humn mind mentla helth isseus anietes disabilties
etc.. regautions etc..etc..personality developemnt etc..
reserch study the topics

Money is imp as lognas uare alive but money is nto everything althgot h udo nee moeyn there are toerh
things tht are also improtnat, Money is insignificant in the face of thth everythign thth u created
adn worked for seems meanignless! but moeny is not everythgin i nlfe therhe are otehr thigsn thth are
also imp like slef-improvement, how productive ur lfi was n so on is more imp.
incvetign inyourself, solvign ur problems nad issues innnvoation imp casue thths what help u solve
ur prblesm n isseusn n mvoeahedn n make progress I nflei, n help uear n ur moey n oso as u dotn have
these thgisn holding u back form making rpgoress.

The best invest ment u can make is I nyorusefl, work to improve rsefl, research to elarn things to sovle
urprobelsm n isnsues in lfei thth hold u back make u unhappy n nsad n soo on prevnt u form
takignaciton soo thth u knw whato todo n ur problems n ologner hodl uback u can unlock ur full
potiential n take action to nacheveur gaols.

doingo ne thign coems at cost of toerh thgins sacrifice of otehr htgns!

its a risk yu take
u need ot wati learn to be patient not be caght up i nthe rat ace adn the earn moeny
caseu to earn a small paycheck u end up losig n soemthign bgger!
self-improvemtn etc..

doingo ne thign coems at cost of toerh thgins sacrifice of otehr htgns!

Its a rsik thth u take
more focused oo n imrpovign myself prpe myself forbigger thgisn to ahcive my goals wht ti takes to
ahcive my goals rather than sepndign lal my time earngin money. Buildignmyself working o nyself
learngign thgisnwht ot od o what nto todo ot be effcint productie, strt a biz , overcome m n solve my
issues thth holdm e back n nso on. Causeo nyl then u can take action to ahcvieur goals. When u dotn
have these thisn hth th hold u back n sop u for mtaign action nslef-limitign thgisn n when u knw wht ot
ood ot be prodcutiveahive ur goals nn so on.

u rstill workign nyoruself u are in the making!

u need to dream big have high goals nadn then mold yoruslefwork on yoruslef to imrpove urlsef resrerch
read resources soo thh u knw what ot od t oachve I ur goals n to solve isseus htth limti you inorder ot
ahicve thsoe goals.

i am going through isseus and tryign to solve my issues realted social anxiety

i mean its like! u can work but if oyur isseus are nto solved
then its no poit n right
workign i na job thth pays you less liivng month to month
and doig n a job thth u dotn like u dotn enjoy oding
is phsysically drianign and ucnomfortable nad in ahzardosu dangeriosu situation!
and you problems etc.. remain unsoved
u cant be a billionare by doign a job, when i stopped workign
tehn i got many busiess ideas nad relased what ineeded to
strt a buisenss cud do the reserchm time for reserhc i also worked o nmyself
self-improvemtn the beest investment u cna make is i nyourslef mprovign urslef
dveloping urslef spolvign ur issues is you are wokring u wont get hte time to work on your perosnal
isseus thth have, u will not make an y progress uwill jsut stay there with oyur isseusn ot solves not grow
u will at the most gain a small monthly pay checke and get a promtion but you wot become a billoanere
doign an job!
sometiems moeny is not eeverythign nwhats the poitn igf oy uare workign but ureprsnal issues realted
to anixety reguation etc.. are unsovled!
caseu u spend hte whole day workign for soem oen for a samll monthly paycheck thths bearely wnoguh
intsted uspend tiem o nurlesf imptorvign ursef,
solvign ur isseus nad also trign to see waht biz u can do get ideas d oreaserch etc...
sometimes moeny is not eeverythign i nlfie know u need ot make it or braek it either aim big
or you know die tryign go broke tryign but not settel for inbetween!

cause the time thth i spent while i was nto workign right durign thth time god nad the universe
gave me the best busienss ideas nad it also helped me ot reserch as to how to strt a busienss what i
need o strt a biz psychologically and teh resources! strtegies and techniques!

Everyone has isseusnn probelsm, u havesoical anxiety u feel uncomfy I nscoial situiosn well , u dshud nto
give it up, u know u need ot keep working o nsovlign ru rpobelsm n isseus, even big biz men have
anxiety look at them sahkign when they go on stage, n they are socially awawkrd n nsoo n, I mena u
shud not give up cause u have anxiety u need to fight back u need ot keep working ot oslve ur isseus I
nlife, ththswhere the un lies thth way u can not only help urlsf but also help others see urslef as an
expreient, learn things nad test it onyoruslefl see if it helps ot ease n lower u r anxiety nn expresss rusefl
n so on.
take tiem off ot oslve my issue n bproblems n if u gonn a do it od it right
see whath the msitakes are n nwht ot od o hwo to og abotu ti n soo n.

I am a phipolsopher a thinker, n I take my oewn time to thin k nfigure out ananylse thgisnthe menaign of
lifen n soo n n purpose n fuigeure ourt things hwo they wok think n ndiscorver and oso on, n m not intot
the rat race for earning money, diceovers self-imrpovemtn realiing figuring out n u ndersntidn thgisn thh
will make a difference sovle poerblems nn soo n matter to me more. Cause these are the thgisn thth will
be the real use fo oyur life, n will stay, thth will ehlp u n help humanity n nso on . nto the money thht u
earn n soo n u wont taek anything form thgisn world, I take my onw time isit n nthin k ponder n try to
figure out things n uncdeertsn them n so on. N do them right n sovle problesm n issues

the isseu is if u dont work to solv u r psroblesm n isseus hten thsoe isseus uwill drag u dwon, n screw u
up, n tht iswhy u need ot work to solve ur isseus first soo thth ucan dela with them bettern n then u can
progess make progress, if u go otu ther with otu solvign u isseus first then yo cant go too far beyodn a
ecertain level, u wi l get stuck up casue fof oyurs isseus they will hold uback! its lie k ucan go otu htere
racign onyl if oyu have a good car, well eprformmmign car if oy uahve a cr thth is nto fast enough n
breaks dwn then uare screwed. u cant go beyodn a certin levle n nexptentn then ur full potential it will
hold u back n same is to do wit hu r isseus. If u dotn work to sovle ur issue hsh ten u r isseus will hold u
back n nstop u for mprgoressign or reachginbweyond a certa ot nlelvel soo dowaht ugain resrch read
boosk resources on the subject gain knwoeldge so otthh u knw whato to od to oslve ur isseusn

always questiosn why think ananlysleze find answers, why u feel thth way n nso on

U need to try n see what works and what doenst, implement it put it to prcatsei n see what works n
nwht doesn’t the solutiosn thth u have found ot ur issues.

Wrk o nurslef to build urslef develp urself be msmarter n nsolve ur isseus n nprobelsm thh hold u back
gain knwoeldge inofo do resrcu resources so othth u knw owaht ot do , to slve ur porbs nn isseus

still workign o nmyself i nteh making

spend time o nyoruslf keep working on yourself to improve ursefl. Mind u row nbi, do oyur own work n
nstuff keep on wokrign to ahcive urgoals

slf imprvmmnt
How to be creative:-

Creativity the process tht goes on in the mind

U eed to think how u are ding it some times u may even visualize think how oy uwill do ti I wll keep my
hnds htsi way besidses my side, okay I wlill keep my hands like shtsi on the sides I will take forward
strides you also think hwo oy uwill do ti not just imagine the e moves. the process thth gesso on I tneh
mind you may imagine seo mtiems while dreawing but u also think, htth okay I want a ar wit hstriaght
lines like tthht with this tths flushed to hete tires and oso n.

Ghow do oyu draw like tth hwhat goes on I yoru mind do oyu imagine? Nope I dotn imagine I think hwo
it shud be for eg, I want a car wit hthsi thing flsued ot the tyres then I will cdraw one with flsuehd ot he
tires, but some tiem you do visualien n imagne but not always some tiem u jstu htik. How want tit to
be.b its nt awoalys thth u vivlsuize what goes o ni tneh mind

The t shapes forms coclour combantios nan sense a s towhat loosk good n nwaht doens

Be more visual n ncreative, read beauty amgz.

When udance u first decide the moves I nyoru mind hw oyu will move what u will do hwo oy uwill
dance and u will imagine as well visualize a s well nteh nyo ujutst do it. U knw the stesp te h mvoes hwo
oyu wil mve and you vocuzlize it and iamgien ti n ntehn u do it. I will move lie kthsi I wll move like thth

The book fo the future:-

to imaigne visuialzre ahvve a vsiiondream,conencto toehuunveirs andngodtraisnt ideastooyur mind,

have a isio nfor the futuure get ideas for a vision for hte futre revelation awakening!

ahve avisiso nsee the visio nfor hte fuuteur adn then get to acito ntake actio nt o maek it ahpen and knw
whato ood oto amek it haeep nwaht acito nt otaek to amek i t happen!

msuicalso ameks u uday dream and visualize thignsandcoem up wit hcreativ ideas!

suic helps oy ut oday drema viuslaizespark iamigneaiton and makesu umroe creative!

uareocnenctedot god andn the unvisrse and yu recive ideasfor mgod and hte unvierse!

i liek redign sci fi boosk illsutrated it makes me day dream and iamgien thigsnnad help spark ideas for he

viso nf or the futeur thth si day drmea nadn visualize thigsn!

itsl ie k uare i na hallsucianatign day dreamign stste whenre i nyoure getign ideas vivis o nformgodnadn
the univesse

it hlespto saprk the imaginatio ideas


they let their brai n ru n free to be notty lisghten up joke b e naimated smart fn n creaive n lively

yeah sometimes I do imagine but some times do you imagine it hwen you draw the car sometimes i do
imagine it but most of thet hime i think and decide how it shouldb be lets keep this curved
lets put this close ott he cwheels liek that
the process thath oges on i nmy mind.
and then i draw it accordingly a s to thte way i want ti
he wanted to know hte proces of how i do t i

some are prett mechanical and intellectual like bill gates

but they have n ovisula nad creative sence broing dull
clours and selction nad chioce you cna notice ti fro mthe way the dress shabby
and osme have visula sence as to what looks good like steve jobs and are very creative artistic mind as to
what looks good shiny glttering fashonable
what can help you be creative a nd vsisula,
fashion what looks good nad not
drawing paintign
so visulal- vidoes and os on
sernsory and creative expereince
and misuc helps the itnellect and it helps t imprve my english

why i sing i sing for fun its a hobby plus it gives a nice speech therapy nad vcoal work out,... how the
ovice works isng when oyu are itn htemood to andi ts a creative fun process

and i liek it its fu n entertainign and i wanted ot be come a singer

well it makes you smart quick ad witty fast i nthe brain neergetic not dulll smiling stimulate your
intetllect laughing
fun laughter
creative visual art

have the time oyu are busiy in your wn thouhtgs day dreamign thinkign imaignign osmethign a creation
of the mind , very creative,
creatign osmething, comign up woith ideas and stuff
and bringign htem i nto reality
creative mind

music uses a 100 % of oyur brain it helps your berain to be fast rfelxe s and also, those electrical currents
spraks up oyur brian, lights up ur brian

creative vsiaul shapes forms colours what looks good nad hwat does not and oso n your bran gets more
active more creative..

change if oyu do the same htigsn again na again then it does not help oyur intellect it ireate dullness

to enjpy George michaels music... groov say sing dance

intetllectual stimulation waves... electric waves
loop groove
it seems like he would get down i nto ab reak dancei ntno time
mood uplifters music .. singing dance.. intellectual stimulation.. change entertainment… laughing funny
witty … acting facial expression raising eye brows knowing hwato to do .. hahah he is funny see what he

its a feeling of freedom joy extacy music dance

setting ur sol free
merriness dancing ihtout caring hwt others think of oyu
helps uto do hwat oyu nawt odo express urself without caring or ginvg a fuck what pp lthink fo oyu or
being anxious as to how oyu look in front of others plus it gives you the ego the ocnfidnce thath you are
looking good oyu are doing ti well.. tht oyu are better dancer superior tht ou t can do this… you think
highly of yourself thht oyu are superior can udance like thaht the way I dance? Tht oyu have special
alents it inceasrs oyur slef worth ocnfidnece yo fell good about yourself increases the belifi nyoursefl you
confidence thth you you are special stylish thth you are good bette… know how ot donace and o soon
chilled cool… it makes oyu feell more superior… special…. Icnerase urself ocnfidnce

some times some music helps me to focus it puts me I na different world emotion attachment
invovlemnt maeks me get lost in the work m doing.. tatlayy lost I nmy thoguths like enigma. Etc…

picture memeory… imagination visualizing

music visual art helps to incease creativity… what is good and nwhat is not… beauty magazines etc.. also
help creativity…. Fashion etc… as to early on helps to realsie what klook s goodnad hwat doesnot
coloyurs shape style etc..

My special interests are Music hepls to relax my mind intellectual activity , Reading to gin knowledge ,
Travelling to expernce dfifernt cultures foods n lifetyles n stuff adventure lfei s an expericne live it ,
Research how the brain works fpr progress , Gym fitness , Socializing wotking th brain lighten up talk
with ppl be nice good n frindly talk to ppl make new fiedns n connections meet new ppl learn thigsn
studff , Networking
dancin to msic is fun reative use ur body n nmind
frr the muic dance n transcendental epericnee sensory brain waves wrk my brain mym ind
with the music

it hsas to be there in your mind imagine ursefl dancing know in your mind what steps to od next
see ursefl dancing
music gives a high atranscenedntla meditative expernce calming osoothign relaxing expereicne ot the
mind hgihrre conenction to god grrove itnellenge
bdy movemetnt o tbeats itt really works your brain
thank fgod for music
its a heighe r ocnnection ot god
its starncence transencdental expereince
lodt i nmustuc invovlemetn kin trnase
groove increases yor invovleventmnt
humour makes you witty and smaert it makes your brian fast quick and spraky not dull.. ti increases your
reflexes maks you quick thinking witty smart and birght not dull

intlctul stimultn

Things to keep in mind;

Goal: have a goal to strat with what yor goal is what you want to achive know what your goal is what
you want to achvie what I s your objective your purpose mission and keep in mind hwat your gaols is so
thaht all effort that you take you take it to achieve your goal. Know what your gaol is what is it that you
want what you want ot ahcive so that you have a sense of direction where you wnt ogo , you know
exactly what you want to ahcive in life and so you work towards ahicivng your goal, oyu know your
destination hwere you want to go and you work towards going I nthat fdirection set out in that irectin
and you don’t go into the forests avoid the distractions. That is you are focused and you bering yoursflb
ack verytiem you get distracted and hten you angin work hard and keep walking continue moving I nthe
direction of oyur goal nad desitnation.

Keep this in mind:

You need to be focused

You should not be distracted think of otherh tigns and do otherh tings you need to be lazer focused,
leave everythgin else aside all otherh unimportant activites, pleasures enjoyments and foucs o
nachiveing your gaol not think of othrer things not do other things tht you may enjoy doing but are
unimp and wont help you ahveie our n imp thgsn I nlife oyou need ot sacrifice and give up all other
enjoyments pleasure fun activites htth are unimp for the sake fo ahciveing your gaol leave all otehrh
tigns aside and do what is imp what will hwlp you ahcive the imp necessary crucial ad critical thgisn I
nlife andoyur goals.

You need ot be cosntnnly working toward achivng your goal not waste time doing otehrh unimp thigns

It is your goal htat motivates ou to work hard ot take pains and efforts everything you do you do it for
the sake of ahciveng your goal all pains andeffots you take you do ti for ahciveng yourgoal all sacrifices
you make you do it for achvieng your goal.

Be determined never gve up keep trying to ahcive your goal

You need ot be amnbitous have a desire want or a goal cause it’s the ambition that drives you motivates
you to work towads achving that gaol want to take ation do thigns towards achivng what you want. If
you have no gaol n desire motivation and ambition then there is no reason for oyu to wrok hard nothing
to work hard for and so oyu wont work hard or take any effort.
 When you have too many things to do its chaotic and confusing do it part by part take
one activity work on it complete it move to next, or in a single project if you have many
parts the information is overwhelming and confusing divide it into parts first the
information classify so that you understand it better, then work on one part and move
to next. Know what she wants first the structure, what info to to write and include, how
to structure it from d2l from lecture by asking questions as if you odtn know anything.
So tht you ge to know from her what she wants. What to include: what she wants:-

Don’t rest on your past laurels whats I nhe past is in the past and dne with, yu need to be on the alret
and keep moving ahead striving to do better in fture tasks.

Keep all this in mind don’t forget knw what you should nshould not od interms of oyur actins nd thinking
: to succeed and achiev your goals be focused and oso n


Don’t waste time thinking of unimp thigns, do your work

During your work time yu should not think of otherh itgsn think only of oyur work other htngs think of at
other time be focused don’t get distracted

Think of your eowrk make your self think of oyur work

Think of what you shold think fo what should I think of lets thnink of this now intetnioonal knwing
thignkign knowingly thinking of something

Thnk of what work to do only then you will do oyur work not otherwise what should I do now

When you think of foing othrh itgns say no stop yorlef by provindg regulatory thgouths

Be aware of the thoguths goin on in yor head know what you are thinking of what thoguths you get in
your mind telling you to od what don’t be uknknowing unware or uncous of whats goin on I nur head.


Don’t waste your time doing unimp thigns don’t get distracted don’t do unimp things don’t waste ur
time and effort in unimp thigns focus n what is imp.


in this day n age knowedge adn ifnormation is avaliable everywhere for oy uto refer to

soo knoweldge although imp is nto valuable cause its freely and easily acesible nad vailabe

what is imp is how oyu use it and apply it, what is imp is thinking
applciaiton ananlysis!

Crititcal thinking,

Analytical thinking

the process of splvong

seeign the issue from all angles,

forseeign thigns

thoguhtful, caustious etc....

raether than impuslvie

pros cons studyifn reaserching

finidng solutions to porblems causees etc..


music, music elecrtirc waves work thediffrent parts

lern to use diffretn parts of hte brain soo htht dotn get bored!

or dulli n u r midn

exercise:- musil e memeory


visusla memeory


readign form pciture!


“ filler, no fluff - just the absolutely necessary information peppered with
great stories and practical examples. It is a quick read and a no-nonsense
guide to
making a lasting change in one’s life.”
Mandy Hoffeldt
“...good book for many people who are still clinging to the fence,
procrastinating and
not achieving their goals.”
Allan Kaufman
“If you want to learn to think like successful people in a simple and
practical way, you
have to read How Successful People Think Differently” Arthur
The process:

to achive ur goals nd to convert ur ideas int oreality

the goal or idea
to ahcve ti or beign ti to reality
reseach - will help u deicde what u need ot od nad what stretegies u have wit hu etc..
planing - waht u need to do what work you will do , waht taks actiives u need ot odo to ahicve urgoals so
tht u haeve deicded n u knw o what u need ot od what wrk u need to do towads ahciving ur goals
stretgizing - how oyu will achvie your gaols, wht means etc..
so thh u have ddie n u knw o hwo u will go abotu achiveng ur gaols
adn imlimentation - execution action doign what u have planend decided

asystematic and oganized proecess

if you dont know what ur goal si n what action uneed ot take what u need ot do to achve i ur goals tehn
how wil u d o it how will u take hte action. or excute or do the work to ahcuve ur gaosl n nthth is why u
need ot paln nad deicde what u need otod hwo u will go abotu achivngu rgoal stretgize n wht u need to
od o ot ahcive urgaols

timeline; know what needs to beachived accomplidhsed actives I nwaht time so thht uk now inru mid
nwhat u need ot accomplish n finsh nn compelte within what tiem and os oyu rush up ad hurry up n
nquickly get ot work on it and u know what u need to do what achviitvies to compelte. U know uhave ot
od othis n this. Once u have decidedwhat u need ot do. N u get to cmeplte it think fo it every day you
think aht shud I do today okay what shud I do okay we have t od this soo lets do this today elts work o
nthsi today lets ocmpelte this today

think of ur work what wrk to od n what work to ocmpelte only then u will do oyur work.

to do lists;- write down what u need to od , so thth incase u forget tehn ucna refer back to lthe lists
what u have to od.

The process of achieven Goals

Master Plan:-

Master plan planning as a wholeon a larger scale and long term duration to achvie. This is a detailed
plan, in minute detail, what activites u need ot od etc..etc.. planning in detail and on a whole, which
gives u a total picture a bigger nad broader prerspective nad clear picture as to what u r goals are and
plan as to what u need ot do all the actives u need ot od what work u need ot do inorder to achive ur
gaols what strategies u shud be using etc.. so thth u know in yourm idn its clerar n n uahve more clarity I
nyour mind as to what ur goals are n what need ot od n how to go about ti n what u n eed ot o dot
achive it, plan wht ushud do ot ahcive it hwo u willgo about ahcivng it. Soo thht u know I nyour mind as
to what ot do. and what work oyu need ot od in whole all acitivites for u to achvie your gaols, the
process what uneed ot od or follow to achvie your gaols, how oyu will go about achving ur gaols, what
work u will do and so on, and whole plan gives u the whole picture the clear picture , clear idea I nyoru
mdn the bigger picure as to what ur gaoals are n what u need ot o dot ahcive yoru gaols. U know I nyour
mind its clear in your mind u understand and have clarity I nyour mind as to what ur gaols are n nwhat u
need ot do ot ahcive your gaols. Plan everything I nfdetail how you will go about it what u need ot d ot
ahcive urgaol. So thth you know what oy ur gaols are n nwaht are the thigns u need ot be ding for the
sake f ahcivng urgaols, plan decode strtgize work out a plan a strategy a process a list of things htth u
need ot o dot ahcive oyur goal nad hwo yu will go about achivng urgaols what strategy you will use
process u will use. Plan everything hwat ur gaols are what work you need ot do ot ahcive urgaols, what
strategy u will use how u will implement it etc.. how many hours u will giveevery ay what work u willdo
etc..etc.. everyday towards achivng ur gaol soo thht everything is clear in your mind u understand u have
mroeclartiy in yoru mind thre s no confusion u knw I nyour mind what urgaols are what uwnat o
toahcive n what u needo to do ot ahcive urgaols. Be organized plan stretgize everything be calculating
how u will do it hwo u will go botu it what u will do etc,.. etc.. lau down na paln a stretgy. Soo thth u
know wht to do hwo to od oit hwo to go about it what u need ot do inorder ot achvie ur gaol howu will
go about ahcivng ur goal wht stretgies u will use, whatu need ot od for it.

Work your way from top to bottom, First decide what your goals are and what work, tasks, activities you
need to do finish complete as a whole in order to achieve your goals, for the sake of achieving your
goals, or towards achieving your goals, and what strategies you will use to achieve your goals what
options you can use, actions you can take implement to achieve your goals, what route and path you can
take to achieve reach your goals. Planning as whole to get a bigger picture and more clarity in your mind
(less confusion or distortion and haze unclear not knowing understanding as to what to do how to do it
and go about it) as to what your goals are what you want to achieve and what you need to do, to
achieve it, how to do it and how to go about it.

1) Goals:- make a list of the goals you want to achieve, know what your goals are what you want
and what u don’t want, know what you want to achieve
2) Planning: - Plan and decide know what work u need to do to achieve our goals.
3) Strategizing:- know what strategies u will use to get there to achieve your goals, what options
you have, choose which options will help u get there, how to do it how to go about it , weigh
your options. What are the routs to get to your goal destinations what options u have, what
ways paths u can take in order to pursue your goals to achieve your goals.

Working Plan:-

4) Implementation:- get to action, start doing taking action, implementing the plan, working on
achieving your goals, doing completing the work one by one, let’s put this down , lets complete
this ,lets up and complete this, what should we do today what work should we do today towards
achieving our goal? Lets complete this today let’s do this today, think what to do what work to
do every day towards achieving ur goal, what u know u should be doing the work you need to be
doing to achieve our goals. Get to action get to work to achieve our goals do the work. Work
towards achieving ur goals.
Create a system for achieveign ur gaosl n keep urself o ntrack
Plannign stage- get more organized plan everything soo thth uhave more clarity and u are mreo
systematic and organized. U have a system process laid I nplace as to hwo ot work how ot go
about it achivng ur gaols
Plan everything make a master plan
What uraols are what u wnatot oachive, what wrk u need ot odo as a whole all tasks ot ahcive
tourgaol, what strtategies u opitosn u have and which wones u will use etc.. make a master plan.
Soo thht ukow I nyourmidn its mreo clear to you u ave more clarity

Make working palns daily plans paln your day what will u do for the day make to od olists how to
get thigns done, plan yur day what work you will do f rte h day make to od lists soo as to plan
whato t odo so thh u remember wht ot od n u have the list with u incase u forget.

Plan ur work plan our day , make a list of thigsntaks todo to do list, pla ur day what work ot do
for the day.

Implementation stage:- get to work action excute the palns work hard ocnsntly work day n night
slog ot ahcive yourgoals.
Get organized Daily palnner so thth u know what work to od n ncompelte u deicde what wrk to
do n ncomeplte n u dotn idel o r waste tiem due to indecision. Not knwoign what to od for the
U need ot paln everything what urgaols are what wrk u needot do to ahvive ur gaol what
strtetgy u will use, create a master plan

Working plan:- planyour day what work you will do for the day towarda achivng ur gaols
So thth u know inyou mid nwahwt u need oto d ofor the day n u don t waste time doing ntohgin
n idling around due ot indicison nn not knowing as ot hwat to od. N soot ht u know inyour mid
nthth u have ot o do this work today u have palnned dcided , u know I nur mid n hth uhaveo to
ocmpelte htiswork today, deicde paln what work oyu will do every day towardsachving

Inmplimentation statge

U need to plan everything soo thth u have a clear idea as to what u r goals are what work u need
to do to ahcive urgaols and what strategy u will use etc..etc.. and then execute and implement

Htth will give u more clarity and focus as u know inyour mind what ur gaols are n what u need ot
od to ahcive ur gaols help to keep you on track towards achivng ur gaol

You need to plan everything, decide everything, what your goals are, what goals you want ot
achiveve lay down a plan, wahtu need to ahcive your gaols, what strategy you will use etc..etc..
plan everything what your goals are wht wrk u need to do to acheve ur goals wht strategies u
will use etc..

To do lists:- all the list of things, tasks activities work to do or complete which either may or may
not be related or pertaining to your goals, but also include other miscellaneous daily chores and
tasks, like shopping, cleaning your room, organizing things etc..etc..

Daily planner:- list of things to do or complete for the day, what should we do today lets do this
lets compete this, work and tasks may be pertaining to your goals or may not be pertaining to
your goals. Plan your day think and decide what work to complete for the day either towards
achieving your goal and/or miscellaneous things and activities.


What you need to o dot aciehve your gaols, what activities u need to complete, what work you need ot
odo towards achvigin ur gaols, decide the work thth needs ot be done towards ahcivng ur gaols. Wahts
the plan what work uned ot odo to achve ur gaols. Plan ur activies ur takssk dedice what u needo to od
to ahcive urgol , what work u will do o ahive ur gaols, what stepsto take what actives to finish work t tht
needs ot be done inroder to achvei ur gaols or twarsdsahcivgn ur goals. Plan hwo u will go about
achivng rgoals what work uwill do inroder ot ahiveurgaols. Work towards hiacng urgaols what actiosn u
will take to wahcieve urgaols. Act towardsachinvg ur gaols. Have a plan I npalce how oyu wil achive it
work work needs otbe ode to achvieurgaols what action uneed ot otkae. N work towardsachivng
urgaols. Implimenatiton. What u will do inroder ot ahvie urgaols. What action u will under take towards
ahcivng urgoal. So thth u know wher u want to go what ur goal is n hwo to get here what u need otodo
hwat wrk u need o odo to ahcvie urgaol to get tehreh u have planned n decided what u will do to ahcive
it. It helps to decide n put into perspectivewhat u want ot achieven what u needo t do ot ahcive it nad
hwo you will ahive it
planning mnaes deide what action u need ot take ,what tasks u need to comeplte, what work u will od
to ahcive urgaols

Strategy is the way of doing ti hwo oyu will go about it, how u will go about it, the ways means of
ahciveng ur gaols.

Plan to ahcieve your gaols

what uned ot do ever day towardsachivng ur gaol


then go into daily planning the whole work that you need to do towards achieving your goals decide
what part of the work you will do for that day towards achieving your goals, or what misc work you need
to do or complete which are just daily chores and tasks may not be related to any goals. Whcihc goal are
you working towards every day what work are you doing towards achivng urgaols every day hwo much
effort are you putting in how mch time ea re you putting in every day andwhat work are you doing
towards ahcivng your gaol. Either concurrently simultaneously (multi tasking, work towards many gaols
every day like 1 hour this 1 hour that ) or one at the cost of the other thth is keep wokrign o n oen gaol
with everything else pending focus o notnhg at a tim,e or one track mind singly focused, focus on ony ly
one task , work towards ahcivng only wone gaol.

planning documents

The process:

to achive ur goals nd to convert ur ideas int oreality

the goal or idea
to ahcve ti or beign ti to reality
reseach - will help u deicde what u need ot od nad what stretegies u have wit hu etc..
planing - waht u need to do what work you will do , waht taks actiives u need ot odo to ahicve urgoals so
tht u haeve deicded n u knw o what u need ot od what wrk u need to do towads ahciving ur goals
stretgizing - how oyu will achvie your gaols, wht means etc..
so thh u have ddie n u knw o hwo u will go abotu achiveng ur gaols
adn imlimentation - execution action doign what u have planend decided

asystematic and oganized proecess

if you dont know what ur goal si n what action uneed ot take what u need ot do to achve i ur goals tehn
how wil u d o it how will u take hte action. or excute or do the work to ahcuve ur gaosl n nthth is why u
need ot paln nad deicde what u need otod hwo u will go abotu achivngu rgoal stretgize n wht u need to
od o ot ahcive urgaols
timeline; know what needs to beachived accomplidhsed actives I nwaht time so thht uk now inru mid
nwhat u need ot accomplish n finsh nn compelte within what tiem and os oyu rush up ad hurry up n
nquickly get ot work on it and u know what u need to do what achviitvies to compelte. U know uhave ot
od othis n this. Once u have decidedwhat u need ot do. N u get to cmeplte it think fo it every day you
think aht shud I do today okay what shud I do okay we have t od this soo lets do this today elts work o
nthsi today lets ocmpelte this today

think of ur work what wrk to od n what work to ocmpelte only then u will do oyur work.

to do lists;- write down what u need to od , so thth incase u forget tehn ucna refer back to lthe lists
what u have to od.

The process of achieven Goals

Goals list:-

1) Find a job
2) Apply for PR

Work to do towards ahciveng the gaol:-

Work/action to achvie:-

gain knowledge info know how how ot ood it and go about it!

verifying or assessing or moderating

assk some qstsn about thank you for your help and nadvice to help me be more social it really helpd me
you learn a lot of valuable practical, knowledge from the industry. Lectures are interactive and he
encourages participation. Miss his lectures, would like to take them again. productivity. How
Successful People Think Differently to finally understand the prcesses discobver
ofrones inteelectual property, effort time and endeavour.

let’s set a time to discuss how I can be of help to you. discuss the possibility
of how we might work together.
Talk soon!
Live well, work hard – and have fun doing both!

Master Plan:-

Master plan planning as a wholeon a larger scale and long term duration to achvie. This is a detailed
plan, in minute detail, what activites u need ot od etc..etc.. planning in detail and on a whole, which
gives u a total picture a bigger nad broader prerspective nad clear picture as to what u r goals are and
plan as to what u need ot do all the actives u need ot od what work u need ot do inorder to achive ur
gaols what strategies u shud be using etc.. so thth u know in yourm idn its clerar n n uahve more clarity I
nyour mind as to what ur goals are n what need ot od n how to go about ti n what u n eed ot o dot
achive it, plan wht ushud do ot ahcive it hwo u willgo about ahcivng it. Soo thht u know I nyour mind as
to what ot do. and what work oyu need ot od in whole all acitivites for u to achvie your gaols, the
process what uneed ot od or follow to achvie your gaols, how oyu will go about achving ur gaols, what
work u will do and so on, and whole plan gives u the whole picture the clear picture , clear idea I nyoru
mdn the bigger picure as to what ur gaoals are n what u need ot o dot ahcive yoru gaols. U know I nyour
mind its clear in your mind u understand and have clarity I nyour mind as to what ur gaols are n nwhat u
need ot do ot ahcive your gaols. Plan everything I nfdetail how you will go about it what u need ot d ot
ahcive urgaol. So thth you know what oy ur gaols are n nwaht are the thigns u need ot be ding for the
sake f ahcivng urgaols, plan decode strtgize work out a plan a strategy a process a list of things htth u
need ot o dot ahcive oyur goal nad hwo yu will go about achivng urgaols what strategy you will use
process u will use. Plan everything hwat ur gaols are what work you need ot do ot ahcive urgaols, what
strategy u will use how u will implement it etc.. how many hours u will giveevery ay what work u willdo
etc..etc.. everyday towards achivng ur gaol soo thht everything is clear in your mind u understand u have
mroeclartiy in yoru mind thre s no confusion u knw I nyour mind what urgaols are what uwnat o
toahcive n what u needo to do ot ahcive urgaols. Be organized plan stretgize everything be calculating
how u will do it hwo u will go botu it what u will do etc,.. etc.. lau down na paln a stretgy. Soo thth u
know wht to do hwo to od oit hwo to go about it what u need ot do inorder ot achvie ur gaol howu will
go about ahcivng ur goal wht stretgies u will use, whatu need ot od for it.

Work your way from top to bottom, First decide what your goals are and what work, tasks, activities you
need to do finish complete as a whole in order to achieve your goals, for the sake of achieving your
goals, or towards achieving your goals, and what strategies you will use to achieve your goals what
options you can use, actions you can take implement to achieve your goals, what route and path you can
take to achieve reach your goals. Planning as whole to get a bigger picture and more clarity in your mind
(less confusion or distortion and haze unclear not knowing understanding as to what to do how to do it
and go about it) as to what your goals are what you want to achieve and what you need to do, to
achieve it, how to do it and how to go about it.

1) Goals:- make a list of the goals you want to achieve, know what your goals are what you want
and what u don’t want, know what you want to achieve
2) Planning: - Plan and decide know what work u need to do to achieve our goals.
3) Strategizing:- know what strategies u will use to get there to achieve your goals, what options
you have, choose which options will help u get there, how to do it how to go about it , weigh
your options. What are the routs to get to your goal destinations what options u have, what
ways paths u can take in order to pursue your goals to achieve your goals.

Working Plan:-

4) Implementation:- get to action, start doing taking action, implementing the plan, working on
achieving your goals, doing completing the work one by one, let’s put this down , lets complete
this ,lets up and complete this, what should we do today what work should we do today towards
achieving our goal? Lets complete this today let’s do this today, think what to do what work to
do every day towards achieving ur goal, what u know u should be doing the work you need to be
doing to achieve our goals. Get to action get to work to achieve our goals do the work. Work
towards achieving ur goals.
Create a system for achieveign ur gaosl n keep urself o ntrack
Plannign stage- get more organized plan everything soo thth uhave more clarity and u are mreo
systematic and organized. U have a system process laid I nplace as to hwo ot work how ot go
about it achivng ur gaols
Plan everything make a master plan
What uraols are what u wnatot oachive, what wrk u need ot odo as a whole all tasks ot ahcive
tourgaol, what strtategies u opitosn u have and which wones u will use etc.. make a master plan.
Soo thht ukow I nyourmidn its mreo clear to you u ave more clarity

Make working palns daily plans paln your day what will u do for the day make to od olists how to
get thigns done, plan yur day what work you will do f rte h day make to od lists soo as to plan
whato t odo so thh u remember wht ot od n u have the list with u incase u forget.

Plan ur work plan our day , make a list of thigsntaks todo to do list, pla ur day what work ot do
for the day.

Implementation stage:- get to work action excute the palns work hard ocnsntly work day n night
slog ot ahcive yourgoals.
Get organized Daily palnner so thth u know what work to od n ncompelte u deicde what wrk to
do n ncomeplte n u dotn idel o r waste tiem due to indecision. Not knwoign what to od for the
U need ot paln everything what urgaols are what wrk u needot do to ahvive ur gaol what
strtetgy u will use, create a master plan

Working plan:- planyour day what work you will do for the day towarda achivng ur gaols
So thth u know inyou mid nwahwt u need oto d ofor the day n u don t waste time doing ntohgin
n idling around due ot indicison nn not knowing as ot hwat to od. N soot ht u know inyour mid
nthth u have ot o do this work today u have palnned dcided , u know I nur mid n hth uhaveo to
ocmpelte htiswork today, deicde paln what work oyu will do every day towardsachving

Inmplimentation statge

U need to plan everything soo thth u have a clear idea as to what u r goals are what work u need
to do to ahcive urgaols and what strategy u will use etc..etc.. and then execute and implement

Htth will give u more clarity and focus as u know inyour mind what ur gaols are n what u need ot
od to ahcive ur gaols help to keep you on track towards achivng ur gaol

You need to plan everything, decide everything, what your goals are, what goals you want ot
achiveve lay down a plan, wahtu need to ahcive your gaols, what strategy you will use etc..etc..
plan everything what your goals are wht wrk u need to do to acheve ur goals wht strategies u
will use etc..

To do lists:- all the list of things, tasks activities work to do or complete which either may or may
not be related or pertaining to your goals, but also include other miscellaneous daily chores and
tasks, like shopping, cleaning your room, organizing things etc..etc..

Daily planner:- list of things to do or complete for the day, what should we do today lets do this
lets compete this, work and tasks may be pertaining to your goals or may not be pertaining to
your goals. Plan your day think and decide what work to complete for the day either towards
achieving your goal and/or miscellaneous things and activities.


What you need to o dot aciehve your gaols, what activities u need to complete, what work you need ot
odo towards achvigin ur gaols, decide the work thth needs ot be done towards ahcivng ur gaols. Wahts
the plan what work uned ot odo to achve ur gaols. Plan ur activies ur takssk dedice what u needo to od
to ahcive urgol , what work u will do o ahive ur gaols, what stepsto take what actives to finish work t tht
needs ot be done inroder to achvei ur gaols or twarsdsahcivgn ur goals. Plan hwo u will go about
achivng rgoals what work uwill do inroder ot ahiveurgaols. Work towards hiacng urgaols what actiosn u
will take to wahcieve urgaols. Act towardsachinvg ur gaols. Have a plan I npalce how oyu wil achive it
work work needs otbe ode to achvieurgaols what action uneed ot otkae. N work towardsachivng
urgaols. Implimenatiton. What u will do inroder ot ahvie urgaols. What action u will under take towards
ahcivng urgoal. So thth u know wher u want to go what ur goal is n hwo to get here what u need otodo
hwat wrk u need o odo to ahcvie urgaol to get tehreh u have planned n decided what u will do to ahcive
it. It helps to decide n put into perspectivewhat u want ot achieven what u needo t do ot ahcive it nad
hwo you will ahive it

planning mnaes deide what action u need ot take ,what tasks u need to comeplte, what work u will od
to ahcive urgaols

Strategy is the way of doing ti hwo oyu will go about it, how u will go about it, the ways means of
ahciveng ur gaols.

Plan to ahcieve your gaols

what uned ot do ever day towardsachivng ur gaol


then go into daily planning the whole work that you need to do towards achieving your goals decide
what part of the work you will do for that day towards achieving your goals, or what misc work you need
to do or complete which are just daily chores and tasks may not be related to any goals. Whcihc goal are
you working towards every day what work are you doing towards achivng urgaols every day hwo much
effort are you putting in how mch time ea re you putting in every day andwhat work are you doing
towards ahcivng your gaol. Either concurrently simultaneously (multi tasking, work towards many gaols
every day like 1 hour this 1 hour that ) or one at the cost of the other thth is keep wokrign o n oen gaol
with everything else pending focus o notnhg at a tim,e or one track mind singly focused, focus on ony ly
one task , work towards ahcivng only wone gaol.

Goal and what u need ot do what action to take work to do ot achvie ur gaol acton plan implimentaiton
plan as to what ot od to ahcive ur gaol.


to do listz

working plan

Action plan Journal:

Action plan what action will you take everyday toachve ur gaols andwhat u want wrte it dwn what are
you tring everyay oignevery day towrdsahcivng urgaosl how ared are you trying:

u eed to imagine n visulise wht you read to understnd n rember bertter

pictuirze ,motion pictrue diagram chratsn stuff
its a lot of wrk its exhaustive
read unerstadn explain to ursefl (2nd peron persom explanation s oyu wont use hat s o you will go for
thaht as if u ar)
explaining ot some one els e
standardize the processs read understadn hwat iti sas the menaing nad explain if oyu dont understand
read again
explain give resonas examples how it applies ot hte ontext
why d o oyu stdty like ot study ?
its because ia minterested i nbusiness finance and stuff intel tuff thth will help me n be f use to me e i
nmy wrk you know wht oyu need ot do how ot run a biz see the parameters to measure the heallht of
het business its soft stuff
learn more about it to do busienss better

u shud knw how to do it the process incaese u need it in the future

once you know what to do n understand it then you know where to look for hte formlas info and do it
for refernce so tht u get an idea as to how to go about it n wht u neeed to do

speed 40 pages = 2 days

read n understans what does this mean explain

Read understand g o on reading n understanging describe n ur own words with examples explain its
meaning recall revise reread n understand be more involved in it when u explain u are more involved in
it if u judt g on reading u maty judt read fr the sake of reading n finidhing without any effort to udrrstand
eht it measns or says tht way yu have more prsesence of mind when u explain it to uresf giv examples u
are more involved in it ask quetons recall… readn understand it if not then reread, don’t skip read read
fast rad to gain noledge br interested in it all this will help u in ur wrk

Read nnexpalin I nyour own words to understnd better

read n understand the meaning what does it mean

dont just go on reading read n try to understadn it waht it means what doees i t mean the meaning of it
comprehend it if you dont read it again only if oyu understand it n figute it out what it means that you
will rember it

u need t o be professional learning info knoweldge

read in your midn adn do the charcha the disucssion i nyorur mind exaplain
discuss think waht does that mean try n understadn it
discuss what dest hat mena uderstand it yourefl explain it

The International Marketing Task read i nyoru mind ... what does this mean ? this is the how to the task
of int marketign
you will do for ur product o company how oyu will do it what is the rpocess invovled

Marketing Decision Factors read i nyoru mind ... what does this mean? when you strat a company
nmarket the produccts
internationally you will make decisions, its the decisions that you are going ot take
on waht factors you will tkae those decisions
what doesthis eman figure it out comprehend it s meaning

do a lot of reading

he is the doer n u are d watcher yeah but i am watching to seee n lrnwht ghe is doin so tht i can also be
a doer
to suceed in life your palnnign and action should be meticlulous nadn fast frst pthink nn plan whato t
adn then take fst quick prompt urgent action to od it!

sucess secrect
Art creatiiety and design: earlyo n I nlfie beaustify magziens, concept of beautiy shape colur, are fashion
creativity design , shape form colcours itsm ore visual iamgiantive and os on. Drawing etc… some ppl
have thht vicsul sense as to what looks good andp hotogrpahic memeory … take for eg stve jobs he
deisgensed sleek graeet products for apply whee re as bill gates lacked hthat design sens although he
was intellectual he was nto creative… even when it came ot his dreassign style he was shabby.. where as
steve jobs wha fahsioanble

Critical thinking: thinign skills analsis applicaition nad oso n , impulsive, delaign with the consequences
later nto worrying hwat the consequences will eb htaht is ignorant… wil ldela iwht the consequences
later where as prethignkign and nalysiixzng whath the consequences will be weighing the options nad
oso n nad then going ahed with it

Goals: hwat oyu needo to do ot ahciveo r goal, succeed I nlife, formual fo sucessi nanyhtign ou do ,
seceret to success I nlfie

be organized n once u mske a sheduele you know what you have to submmit nad when and then you
are hyped up and on hte alret as oyu know, if oyu dont make a shedule you simply dont knwo hwt ot
submit n hwne n so you are lax n relaxed nslown nuncaring unbotheresd u know htht these ar the
tehigns you eed to submit n you know oyu have ot submit htis on this date so you are on a rush n fast n i
na hate nworried nso oyu get to wrk on it , you know there is a lot of wrk ot do n oy ukow when to
submit what once you make a program shedule so oyu are prepared nu get ot wrk on it in advacne early

you know htisi s wht we need ot do.

Planner/Organizer be planned n organized systematic

be organized be prepared

be more systematic planned n rganized know what oyu need to od

and take a task finish it and os oforth

other iwse you will simly not know hwt u neeed to do u will forget

make a food shedule

make a daily shedule and follow it

make a daily to do list

make a planner / organizer 9 (plan your weeek day what acitivty to do and complete when according to
the submission/exam shedule plan well what to do and follow it accordingly)

make a program shedule

read and comprehend nderstand them eanign of it wahtti says or means what oedes thath mean

read, and unerstnad meanign and explain isnted of repetiton nad mugging up nad reacalling

make a rule list as to what you need to do does n donts nwhy the reasoning behind them

I decided to pursue MBA studies as I wanted to learn how to run and manage businesses, I wish to
pursue my career in Business and Management and an MBA will help me to achieve that goal. I believe
that now is the right time for me environment to encourage and nurture individual talents, intellectual
creativity and freedom of expression. amazing and very helpful provide me with the basics and
foundation on which I can build a successful business career

Planning and scheduling:-

So that you know what to do, you think plan and decide what to do
Think every day what to do for today
And you know remember what you need to do submit and so on its there in your mind that you have to
do this you have thought and decided n planned what to do for the day you keep in mind, its there in
your mind, you know what to do its not undecided, you know that you have to do this today complete
this today, you know what to do for the day and also it’s in your mind that you have to do this. N serves
as a eminder so that you don’t forget it when you note it down.

1) Make a to do list , list of all the things that you need to do or complete
2) Make a daily activity schedule time activity how much time to give for work and so on and follow
it go according ot it how much effort to give how much time oyu spend studying every day
nworking on important thigns , keep separate time for other htigns.
3) Make a list of things to do for the day for the week
4) Make a to submit or exam reminder list
Don’t keep it for the last moment the time to do it is now! Complete it as fast as you can, get it ready get
to work on it immideaetely don’t leave itfor the last moment cause it wont be done then don’t leave ti
till the end of the deadline. You need to hurry up make a schedule plan manage your time effectively
and properly what to do when and so on plan and pput in pains take effort to get th e work done gain
and acquire the knowlegdege know how complete the wok r and tas k effectively. Study day nn night

Time is money time is precious hteer are imp thigns to od don’t have time for all that I will get tired n fall
asleep , save your time and energy n pt it in important thigns say no don’t waste your time doing unimp

Don’t have time for that avoid distractions

Why all this what is the purpose of all this:-

So that you know what you need to od does ndont should andshould not od to succeed ,so that you are
more efficient and productive, and you are self maangng know how to manage yourself, and you are in
control fo yourself and your actions. Self regulated, self directed and self commanding others don’t need
ot tell you selfstarting self initiating.. you know how to manage yourself and to ocntroll yourself nad be
successful efficient nad productive… to be sucessful at what you do.

Yu need to be planned decidedand organized otherwise you wont be able to get anything done if ou
don’t decide whatto do how much time to spend doing what then as you don’t know what to od lack off
decision indesion so oyu will d do nothing you will waste tiem doing unimp thigns think what to do what
should I do today ? and think what needs to be submitted for the week? Think what are the thigns that
need to be submitted… think what should I do today? Decide make a decision so that you know this is
what I haeve to od for tday you know what to od for the day I have to complete these thigns makea
complete list of thigns that need to be done and decide what you will do complete today.

You need to constantly keep working towards your goal not waste time doing unimp thigns chatting with
friends n stuff.. do what Is important and how much time and effort you are putting in daily in studying
take pains and effort study to get knowledge, how much time you are spending studying every day
putting in stdying. Knowledge is not gonna come like that you need t o work towards acquiring it
absorbing it gaining it take painsn efforts to get it

So that you know what to do its ther in your mind you remember ihave to do this n finish this

So that you don’t forget as you have notedi t down so don’t miss out on anything incase you forget

So that you have take a decision you have thought n decided thisi s what I need ot od toay n you know
what oto do for the day so you don’t waste time due to indecision n not knwing what to od you don’t do
toehr htigns unimp thigns which normally occurs cause of indecision not decisong what ot od

Diet keep a good diet eat on time don’t skip meals eat from time to time eat right nutrients for brain
helath and physical health. Don’t deprive your body don’t starve. Eat healthy food.
Know what you need to do to scced does n donts n why the reasoning behind then the reason the
purpose behind them.

Be planned nd organized plan everything make decision decide what to do when and os on so that you
knowwhat o do n you have decided n you do ti acordinly follow it n so oyu do it asyou know what ot od
for the day nso you do it

planner organizer

2) Secret to Achivng your gaols

6) ways of thinkign types of thinking - intellectual

7) creativity - intellectual

Life coaching

advices to live your life by

doesn ndonts etc...

also taekn from ppl like buffet etc.. quates etc..

3) Business - steve jobs etc.. sucess in biz ask be fearless

risk taking

-Achivng goals

to do lists

nthignsworked on

2) Secret to Achivng your gaols

3) Business - steve jobs etc.. sucess in biz ask be fearless

risk taking

6) ways of thinkign types of thinking - intellectual

7) creativity - intellectual
Art creatiiety and design: earlyo n I nlfie beaustify magziens, concept of beautiy shape colur, are fashion
creativity design , shape form colcours itsm ore visual iamgiantive and os on. Drawing etc… some ppl
have thht vicsul sense as to what looks good andp hotogrpahic memeory … take for eg stve jobs he
deisgensed sleek graeet products for apply whee re as bill gates lacked hthat design sens although he
was intellectual he was nto creative… even when it came ot his dreassign style he was shabby.. where as
steve jobs wha fahsioanble

Critical thinking: thinign skills analsis applicaition nad oso n , impulsive, delaign with the consequences
later nto worrying hwat the consequences will eb htaht is ignorant… wil ldela iwht the consequences
later where as prethignkign and nalysiixzng whath the consequences will be weighing the options nad
oso n nad then going ahed with it

Life coaching

advices to live your life by

doesn ndonts etc...

also taekn from ppl like buffet etc.. quates etc..

Goals: hwat oyu needo to do ot ahciveo r goal, succeed I nlife, formual fo sucessi nanyhtign ou do ,
seceret to success I nlfie

What efforts are you taking towards achieving what you want!

tis not easy tis er tough and ahrdn and difiifcut nadn u need ot be tougher persiti nadn nto giveu p and
give in , an sane mann would giveu p andn dige in, u need ot keke p hciippign nad trign hard, keep
shcippign at the sten to break thu the wall, and prpesti andn be adetermeidn to ahcve what u uwant! N
so oon, u need ot be tough htht is not give up n be detmred nadn so on,

What action you need ototake everyday towwardsachivng ur gaoslandwhat u uwant to oachve wrtei it
down hwo much effort are you taking hwo ahrd are you trying what are you doing every day
towrdsahcivng rugals How hard are you trying to get what you want? How much effort are yo upuutign I
nt oget what oy uwant? Yo uare sittign ehre

thths the goal u need ot try hard its ery difficult if oy udotn meet thth mark oyu ownt get wha t you
want:- Goal and what u need ot do what action to take work to do ot achvie ur gaol acton plan
implimentaiton plan as to what ot od to ahcive ur gaol.

1) Study techniques
2) Achieving your Goals – The secret to success in any field and in life know whatsi mp n whats not
that’s not imp.. n do whats imp … paltiyng cardsgoofying around wont help u in any way it’s a
waste of itme although its fun enterntianment and pesreble activity it ownt haelp u achive mimp
thgisn I nlfie … elave all thth asideu can do all thth later on as well and get ot work to
ahcvewhat is imp focus o nwhat is imp..

What action nare you taking every day?

How many jobs are you applying for?

How many interniews are yo uattndign and so oon
How much effort are yo utakign t oget what oyuwant?:
How hard are oyu tiryng to get what you want
How much effort are yo uputuig n I nevery day
What work are you doing
What waork are oy uputtign I nevery day towards getting what u want keep a report nadn tack of it!

Action plan what action will you take everyday toachve ur gaols andwhat u want wrte it dwn what are
you tring everyay oignevery day towrdsahcivng urgaosl how ared are you trying:

You are stiiing hre and crying thth yo udotn have a job but:-

Well u cant give ur time ur effort ur energy ur money but wht u can give is advice tht can help others
solve the same problems thth u faced… and u found the solutions to so thth they don have to wrk or
spend ther time n energy trying to figure ou the same problems thth u faced n u can make their life
better n they have a soltuio to hose problems n they can use it to mke their life better improve their
life.. problems issues worries nad they can spend tiem energy working o notehr problems solving oehr
problems n isues.. so thht they can use it to make proegerss have more self control … n progress
increase prodcutiivty propel humanity towards developemnt an advacnemetn.. so tht htey know wht ot
odo hwo ot reguatle n control themselves… know how what ot od how to deal with certain nissues or
problems… n make their life better. Improvequality of life, make I more productive nad oso n. solve
problems n issues n so on. Advice as to wht ot od so thth It will help themhave a solution to the
problems tht u faced n they dotn have t spend time energy wrkign otwrds it n trying ot solve it … n they
can wrk towards solve other problems facignhumanity.aslo if I am borne again I don’t have to go
through the same problems hve the same questions tht I had in this life as to wht ot od hw t solve these
problems I know whto t odo … as the work is written n released tht is accessible in the universe.I don’t
have t wrk o nthose same problems again htht I faced I nthsi life I nteh next life I have thesoltuion to it n
know what to od . will nto only help urslef sovle r problems have soltuoion to your problems but also
help others thy don’t have ot sped nti em energy triyng t of idnd oltuion t the proelm… they have the
solution they know wht t odo how ot solve the problem and they can work o nfocuso notehr hissues.

Do wht u are good at u are good at hinking, researching philosophy, intellectual work, typing writing a
book, finding solutions to the mind proeleems working o nhwo the brain works nad oso n.. u are ur won
expreriment u have the resource given by god ur brain so research on it… u don’t need to spend meny
on othr kind of research god has givn u rthe resource be ur own experiment ur own .. scientific study..
the human intellect which is free n is the most AMZIGN powerfulresources HTIGNS EVER GIVEN BY
GOD… n how t use it better efficiently effectively … brain research SEE HWO TI WORKS N MAEK THE
MOST OF IT…. Of it s potentioal.. n be boe to control ti and use ti focusit concentrate direct it ot imp
things… itsl iek uhave a powerful car but u dotn know hwo to drive it then u cnat reach u r destintion
but if oyu know how to use it n drive it then oyu can reach urdestination. Do wht u are good at
reaseraching writing thinking, analyzing, figuring out , ntellectual wrk… do smethhing tht is sft u like doin
enj y doing… n is easier… nn u are good at

Sytik to ne thingone field so tht u are god at it u know everythingsbout it… n u are the specialist n
master in t if u o to do everythingthen u will know n learn about nothing negoo at nothing … keep at one
thing only keep doing one thing only learning it n mastering I t knowing everything about it solcving all
problesrlated to it – brmn research…

U dnt have to invest in resources .. u have the resources given by god …donin research on antigravity tec
h and all tht will be very difficult wil lreauirew money space facility n n lot of resources… its bwyon ur
cappacabiltiy … n skill level… knowledge level.. u will need ot know wabotu elcetraicl enginerrign
elcetronicsetc… donr go into soemthign u are nto good at god has given u the resource the brain which
is the most powerful complex thing ever n humans have been able toahcive everything by the brian so
do brian research ot be able t p fcosu it undersntad it use it efficntly, you have the resource prpvided ot
oyu by god for free. Soo you are your onw experiment… reserah on ti… try and figurei t out…
udnenrnsntad it bette hwo ot use suh a powerful tool given by god better. Figure hth out. Memeory
thinking actions, feelignsemotions, etc… problem svolgin types of thinking memeory etc.. achving ur
foals overcoming social anxiety … everything thth humans have ahcived is due it the human brian its
marvelous tool intsruemnt learn how ot use it better focus it, direct it control it and so n.

Stick to one thing invovel ursefl I none thing nly htth u are oogood at nad would be possible for oyu to
od .. n uar skilled at n do thht thing only be the master be good at tht thing only if oyu go oto od many
htigns u will et ntohign done ell be gooad ntohign and get ntoghing done. Fc osuo nen thing they spend
their lives career s I noen thing on ylchooseo ne thing what oy uwnto ot od where oyu wnatoto dgo into
wht uwnato to research etc… invent innovate etc.. n stik to thh only.. dotn go in other htigns u dotn
have eternal tiem or lfie… to od everything choose one thing one hthts most imp to oyu n go I ntht only
ine htht u fele is most imp n priority n go int ht only… one htht u want ot odo more htn anything else n
ism ore imp to yu is feaseable possible nad ar skilled in it n good at it.
God has given u a brai so stufdy it resrh it… know how to controit se it bette solve issues problems
ertainig to it..

We are more procud of htigns we did not do as the things we did do

Go into one thing only choose one thing hth u realy want to

Od n stikc to thht only choose nly line… ek line apkad ke chalneka the sellcet or hold oe n livne one field
nad go intot hth only nadmaster it n be good atit knoweveryhtign about it

Stick to a fewthigsn thh u wnato odo focuso n afew things nad be the best I nit be good at ti n reaserach
everything about it .. learn and oso n.. n think nad ananlze finds solutions pholposphy dcsver figure out
and oso n… know whto to og into nwht not o tog into

Tth will help others oslveproblems same issues thht u faced.. so htht hey odnt have towast their life
time energy trying to gfind a solution to it they already have it n knwowht to od … how ot odo it … n
they don’t spend hteir life figuring it out how ot oslveit they can use the solution ot oslve th problems
make lfie bettern be more productive n work o notehr problems quick advancement of humanity

Keep worikign o nit on brain research

I still remember what it was like working for minimum wage as a Personal Trainer…

…and if you’d have told me back then that one day I’d be traveling the world year round and
creating a complete lifestyle by design, I probably would’ve laughed you out of the room.

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indina eduaction system:

you need to biheart everythign learn everythign and write it what some
one else has wrtten and already dont \\stupid ppl and dumb system of
eduction who simply follwo or copy whats alread doen and cant amke
nyhtign or invent anythign new , mmeotrixnzgnad writign everyhtign ord to wrod...

Candain education system:

highly htoguthful brilliant and intelligent people who disrivcerd

thigns and came up with inventions
its more application based education: you dont have to remeeb anythign
formulas etc... tis all give to oyu i nfornt of oyu... why should i
rememebr it when tis written down.. open book testst
you just need t othink know how ot use thaht knowledge lear to apply it
and get results.
wyu odnt have to mremebr all taht knowedge when tis theri n teh book in
fornt of oyu its stupid to memorize and rembr it all you need ot apply
what oyu know through case studies apply thaht knoweldge to solve
problesm use hthat knowledge think and apply why shouldi remeebr it
word ot word when its ther ein fornt of oyu and given i nth e book
when oyu can read and refre it .

also knowledge these days has beecoem easy to access tis available
everywhere on net etc... hats imp is to be able to think and apply it
and use it... its applcaition based studying thinking alaying not
remeebrign nad memoizing ... its invetiosn sdiscoverign thinkign
also its more thinkign reserach anylasis nad applciaiton based.

also its more about you doing thigns instead of waht otehrs have doen

simpyl writign hwat tohers have laready ritten its more about yu
excuting thigsn delervrign results... like i nrpojects
you have to make two project fs for each subejcts... so for htaht oyu
need to plan strategize what ot od and then impliment thht is do it ...
so tis more about doign deliverign, execution that helps to make oyu
understnad the provesscs of how ot convert the dremas i nto t reality
that makes oyu understnad the process of what oy uneed ot od to convert
bring deremas tnin to relaity oyu need t ot think naalyze resrsrch,
tehn make a plan wtrte a plan ads strtegy as to what o od hwoot od it
go about it plan strategize and hten impliemtn that is execute that
is do ti devleier ti

also they are highyl intelligent smart good intellgient and carign people, even whrne you wlak o nteh
road they are kidn ebnelovent n and non proudy they say hey how are you doin…
they care for oterh ppl and lvign beings also, they make things rules to help others they are helpful they
make rules to make life easitre solve problems instead of giving problems where as in india the rules
thecnology is made ot make your life worse to harsse and trouble you, hre its made to make oyur life
better easier cause htet y care for the ppl

Daily work to do towards completing the project

Daily work to do towards achieving your goals , work to do every day to achieve your goal, work every
day towards achieving your goal, decide what work to do every day towards achieving your goal, and
how many hours to spend every day towards doing the work to achieve your goal

Work to do to complete the project and hours to give daily

What to do now?

Company information and status where it stands, shortcomings and co on, what the challenges are
,where it wants to go and what it needs to do, how to get there generate options and accordingly do
your research analysis to suit that planning document

The whole task canbe accomplished by the completion of msller tasks… set deadlines do this today do
that today comeeplte smaller taks and topics and hten the whole htigns gets dne lets do intro oday lets
do nanalysis today lets finishthis today

hope oyou are doign well.. can i please have some more sample abp reports so thaht i can get an idea as
to how i should proceed with my

the project report rules n stuff

read student hand book course chatr registrartion and
future path selection


you need to constantly be studyin its as simple as that

Each adn every test is imp

dont leve anything i noption
its more imp to
Certain thigno nyl during thewa time allocated for it ur itme is imp and limited… u get only 24 hrs its very
imp to manage your time not waste it pla yru day have a daily shecdule decide hwat thingo t oddurign
hwat time.

Your time is important be concerned as to how you spend your time, decide how much time you spend
doing what .. do a

You get 24 hours in a day of which

Sleep – 7 hrs (7 hours sleep is just enough and perfect 6 hours is too less and 8 hours is too much
oversleeping) put alarm clock to wake you up otherwise you won’t wake up, you will end up over
Work – 9 hrs
Other – 5 hrs (entertainment etc... etc…)

7:00 to 10:00 work

10:00 to 11:00 -
1:00 to 12:00 -
12:00 to 7:00 sleep – 7 hours

foccus on two thigns, one is startign businesses online businesses internet marketign and services and
second is to find a gf the kind of girl you want to be with

Write a list so that you plan decide and know what oyu need to od other wise if oyu dont do thaht you
will waste your time as you want know what to do you have not decided you dotn have a direction as to
what to do and so you waste your time doing unimp thing and you remember its in your mind what
oyou need to do what to do

Clean organize and backup pc

Don’t waste ur time, be focued not distracted, don’t do unimp things, get to work towards achieveing ur
goal, you need to cconstiusly keep workingtowards achieveing ur agoal action… not waste time doing
unimp things tht will give u no gain bebefit n wont help u achieve the imp things in life keep all this in
mind don’t forget rember n tnk n regulate urself accordingly.. b e driven to achieve ur goals. Utilcze e
the time u have by working towards achieving ur goal. N doing imp things tht will help u achiveve whaat
is imp in life… to hrlp u make progress solve ur problems n soo n… don’t waste time doing unimp things
tat will give u no gain n enefit what is more imp… do that don’t be distracted n diverted fous ona few
things if u go to do everything u will get nothng don’t put ur mind n your eergy in a few things only…
physical n mental energy in a few things only focus on ewhat is imp n do that only… not divert urself to
oytherthings not exghaudst ur self physically n mentally n easte ur time doigng other unimp things.
Focus on a few things that are imp give all ur time energy focus mind thinking to it…
get done with most of the internship requirements, deliverables. don’t get rusty or forget what you
need to do Work towards your goal of wht u you want

Degrees are imp u make someything of it… in actual real practicle life n filed of wrk… keep searching till
you find tee field that suits ur talents ur abilities a filed tht will give u ots of monrey and khelp u achieve
he ip thigns in life if u get a degree and don’t wrk but sit at home n donet put effort take effort to wrk to
grow ur knowledge leave fear aside and jump into the pool n learn to swim then you will make nothing
of urself you will end up going n where if yu are afraid that you are new raw you wdot know anything
have no knowledge n yu don’t know wht to do jhow rto handles the situations tht ome to u n know how
n that stops u from seeking a job giving interviews n trying then your fear will leave you behind … you
need to jump inte pool and then u lrearn to swuim n evelop urself as you go… u need to start some
wherer decide which field u want to go in and wrk towwrads going into that field.. if that doesn’t suit u
doesn’t wrk out then select the nex keep chinghing till yuou find the one… that suitd u ehere uy can eran
ur living where u can go into. Don’t settle… choose on line tht suits ur capabilities n talent u n go into
that only

I know I was ric hbu t at the same tiem I had properties not cash but assets worth 200 crs that could be
sold and earned a lot of money I had assets but not cash so I wa s deprived I was nto given enogh money
no car had ot struggle take pains n efforts go walking no car n stuff had to surive on less money and that
couldnet buy even the food htat I wanted it gave me afeeling of sadness, of not having enough money
not being able to buy the things I wanted and the sadness fo taking pains efforts struggling nto having a
car going wlakign n stfff all the way oy t college this made me hungry for money t ofind ways to earn
money so my financial probems

You needt oconstnantly be workign towards achiveivng your gaol

Ecide what to do think n decide what work to od make to do list so thht you now wht to do you have a
direction this is what you need ot od ofr the day dcie know whato todo think of what otod

Follow a shedule

Giveup sleep lazyness boredom and get to work

What efforts are you spending how much time are you taking towards achieving ur goal how much are
you trying towards achieving ur goal no effrt no reward

No risk no reward if you don’t take ny risk you will get nothing higher the risk higher the reward if you
don’t mak the move you wont get nyhting

high-risk, high-reward

Be determined keeptryign
Why I don’t have presence of mind once I sep out I get llost into my oewn thoughts in my own world I
keep thhnkinh smothng I hgo in a transe in ahazeda dreAMING N CREtvity its whenu dY REn n go frm
alphaOUTSIE exrvtrted to beta state of mins introvrted n lost in ur own tghts tht u get ur best iedeA N
CNNct to univrse ngod

sharing knwlee resources

It to manage

Identify the problem come u p with solutions

Time t othink n reflect what you are doing where yo are goin which direction n u are goin in to : what to
do what decisions to take

that offers lots of opportunities.

fast-paced city I like the hustle and bustle and the rush of living in a city and so I would like to be in a city
like \which is a happening place, where things are more faced paced and there are a lot of things going
on in terms of work, development and progress.

Well that oputs everyhtign in to perspectie as to where u wanna be

Go according to time table, what activity to do what at what time, don’t od other thigns during study
time only study

8:00 am to 5:00 pm college and or study session 1

After coming from college sleep for 1 hour as u may be tired (alarm clock) help u focus better on studies
6:00 pm to 3:00 am – study session 2 don’t do other things during study time
3:00 am to 7:00 am - 4 hrs sleep (alarm clock)
11:00 pm to 7:00 am – 8 hrs study session 2
where everything is happening and opportunities are plenty. Then I would like to find a job and work for
5 years or so to gain experience in the field of business management or marketing before moving on to
start my own Business.businesses are very well planned, managed, organized, run, and are very
systematic and professional. They are well regulated by the government in terms of laws and policies.
The business environment is very competitive and challenging but rewarding. 

ocontrollign n commanding utself n their actiosn

You need to do all other thigns fast quickly so that you can give maximum time to studies n imp thigns
don’t spend a lot of time on other unimp actives.

Don’t lay down don’t sleep:-

After an hour of studying your back will pain, your eyes go dry, and your eyes are strained, and you feel
like sleeping on the bed for5 mins or 10 mins so that you wake up refreshed and there is no pain in ur
back n strain in ur eyes, but after you go to sleep for 10 mins you end up falling asleep for 3 hours and
even putting the alarm on for 10 mins wont help cause you switch it off n go back to sleep and in a
sleepy state n amount fo regulation will help you will just not wake u, so the only solution to this is don’t
lay down on the bed don’t sleep if your eyes are strained then sleep on the chair or layback o n the chair
if your back ahces move around but don’t lay down cause if you a y down on the bed once you lay down
on the bed you will fall asleep. There is no other opition once you lay down you will fall asleep for 3 to 4
hours instead of 10 mins. You can sleep on the chair lay back on the chair or move around but don’t lay
on the bed cause once you lay on the bed you will fall asleep.

The fatigue point:-

After 7 hours of studying your back will pain, your eyes go dry, and your eyes are strained, and your
head will start spinning you simply wont be able to make yourself study further and if you do try you
wont be able to focus and if you do continue then the pain in r back will get worse and you be able to sit
for studying even the next day… so after 7 hours of constant studying this is a time to take a break rest
your eyes and your back you need to go to sleep for an hour and then get back to studying for another
seven hours. After every seven hours of studying you need to sleep for an hour before getting back to
study for another 5 or 7 hours

24 hrs a day:-

11:00 am to 5:00 am – sleep – (6 hrs) (Alarm or you wont wake up)

5:00 am to 6:00 am
6:00 am to 10:00 pm – college, studyin n stuff
10:00 pm to 11:00 pm – take bath, shave and stuff

Homuch time to keep for studies how much time u spend everyday studying and working towards
achieving ur gaols
Food and health:-


2 bread slices, jam, peanut butter, tea egg

Protein X with milk
Tea and

You skip meals like lunch or dinner your brain will not work you will get weaker don’t skip meals

Drink hot water don’t eat or drink cold stuff
Don’t take walk in cold for a long time in the cold climate or you will fall sick with runny nose
Keep room temp high
Have proper warm clothing for winter
Engineers have an analytical brain.. to analyse things figure out things, invent, decipher thigns, reverse
engineer thinking introverted brain less talkative and more thinking brain, wandering mid daydreaming
coming p with product ideas on which yo can make money sell t people and make money, coming u with
vision a goal and so on ambitious and os on… its more about observation observing listening and taking
in informaiion and less about talking n giving ot ninformation shut up n listen type

Leaders:- have a vsion lead ppl to that vison lead a team to that goal and vision, having product ideas
innovate, lead to new businesses, expand, reiterate vision lead a team of followers to that visionkeep
them on that common vision, and to influence ppl and to make ppl convince and to persuation, and to
motivate and creeaete hope that they are goin the rightway to their goal s the goal is right in the front

vs managers :- maange and run day to day operations of an existing business

make time tabeles schedule cahrt out a course, identify the market , ppl u are sellin the product to

Deliverables (2)

to do list
Task/Activity (To be done to acheve the goal)
Status/progress: Done// In progress/Currently Working on it// Yet to work on/ on Hold

Biz mind:- what do ppl who strt business belivie in! confidence, psootivity, not afraid to fail, etc.. etc..

You need to organize everything systematically so thth when u need it you can easily find it and its
properly categorized! And grouped!

u need to be very organized

classify and back up regularly
Dont go too much into details just the imp
organization and management
Daily planner

Make a fixed schedule soo thth u follow thht schedule

How ot work 20 hours a day:-

to get more thing done more work done!

Sleep:- 11:00 am – 5:00am – 6 hours.

Intense schedule:
2:00 am to 5:00 am - sleep
5:00 am to 2:00 am - Work
Week hours:-
Hours per week: 7 x 24 = 168 hours
Sleep: 7 x 6 = 42 hours
College: 3 x 6 = 18 hours
Travel time: 1 x 6 = 6 hours
Getting ready: 1 x 6 = 6 hours
Misc activities per day: 3 x 7 = 24 hours
Time remaining: 72 hours per week of studying

Eat from time to time, at proper times and right kind of food, don’t starve your brain needs food to work
efficiently, it’s very imp to eat right, take bath at night so that in the morning you are not late.

Time management decide what to do when organize your day, so that you know in your mind, what you
need to do when and you have planned and organized what to do when planned your time and
activities. Separate work and imp things from unimp things like pleasure, play, fun relaxation and
enjoyment during work time you are on a mission and to achieve your goal and achieve the imp things In
lfie and you should be serious and do that h only. And no other things all other things you can do at
other times.

Do an activity only during the time allocated for it not during other times, during study time and work
time you should only study and work and not do other unimp things, during Ent time you can have fun
and do other things. Always keep the Ent time at the end of the day when you are feeling sleepy so that
you will do it quickly otherwise if you keep it during the day instead of spending 1 hour you will end up
spending 5 hours doing it.

Work hard day n night success is achieved by burning the mid night oil.

Your time is imp you have limited time, you need to organize your time, not waste time doing unimp
things, know how much time to give for what activities give max of your time to imp activities that will
help you achieve the imp things in life. So that you don’t end up wasting time doing unimp things that
will bring you no befit progress or gain. Know how much time you get in a week and how much time you
spend on what activities make sure you don’t waste your time but utilize it well by doing things that are
imp, by spending your time doing things that will help you achieve the imp things in life.

You have limited time don’t waste it doing unimp activities that will bring you no benefit progress or
gain nor won’t help you to achieve any imp things in life, you need to organize your time and effectively
manage your time, utilize the limited time that you have and make them most of it by doing things that
are imp and will help you achieve the imp things in life.

You have limited time you get only 24 hours a day and that is why you need to focus on a few things,
only do the imp things in life, take one line select one line and go into that only. If that doesn’t fit you
then move into other line keep changing till you find the line that suits your talent, and helps you to gain
money and imp things in life.

Measurement for control and better self and time management and awareness:

Daily time log:

How many hours did you study:
Weekly time log:
How many hours did you put in towards imp thigns towards doing thigns that will help you achieve the
imp things in life

Think log:
What are the things that you thought of today the issues and topics that you thought of, were they
important, you need to know be aware where you are putting your physical and mental effort and
energy in to where you are putting your mind in to what you are putting your mind into, know what you
are thinking of how much time you spend thinking of what. You need to focus your mind your physical
and mental enrgy on more imp things in life dotn distract yourself by doing unnecessary and unimp
thigns that will brign you no gain progress or benefit.

Think time:
Train your mind to intentionally think of a certain imp topic or issue, what should I think of now? Lets
think of this now

If you put in less than that many hours then why? What I s the issue were you distracted? Were you
thinking of other things or doing other things? Lack of self-regulation? Analyze the situation take time to
think and reflect as to what is going wrong why your performance productivity is low what is the issue
how you can improve yourself.

Take one activity task focus on it do it then move to other activity, when you have many things to do
then you need to break it down in to smaller activities and take one task or activity and do it and then
move to next.

Go according to time table, what activity to do what at what time, don’t do other things during study
time only study, Go according to schedule keep a time for each activity n do that activity only during that

After coming from college sleep for 1 hour as u may be tired (alarm clock) help u focus better on studies
don’t do other things during study time focus only on ur studies do tht only nothing else

Reasoning why so:-

You need to get up early n have breakfast cause everyone is up by 7:00

You need to do the imp thigns first and all unimp thigns keep it towards the end of the day so that you
don’t get ired ad nexaushted n you od the imp thigns when u rare fresh

Do all other thigns fast so that you spend max time for studies

Know what your goals are what you wnatto achieve n every day decide how muc time you will give
towards working otwards ahceivng your gaol… how much time you will spned everyday working otwards
achien ur goal every day spend yur time max time wrkin towradds achivieng ur goal… decide how muh c
tiem you are going to spend evry day owkring towards achieving ur which gaols… spend max of ur tiem
everyday workin towardachieng ur goals.
You need to do all other thigns fast quickly so that you can give maximum time to studies n imp thigns
don’t spend a lot of time on other unimp actives. Its an interference n distract wen u do other thngs. U
lose time

Don’t lay down don’t sleep:-

After an hour of studying your back will pain, your eyes go dry, and your eyes are strained, and you feel
like sleeping on the bed for5 mins or 10 mins so that you wake up refreshed and there is no pain in ur
back n strain in ur eyes, but after you go to sleep for 10 mins you end up falling asleep for 3 hours and
even putting the alarm on for 10 mins wont help cause you switch it off n go back to sleep and in a
sleepy state n amount fo regulation will help you will just not wake u, so the only solution to this is don’t
lay down on the bed don’t sleep if your eyes are strained then sleep on the chair or layback o n the chair
if your back ahces move around but don’t lay down cause if you a y down on the bed once you lay down
on the bed you will fall asleep. There is no other opition once you lay down you will fall asleep for 3 to 4
hours instead of 10 mins. You can sleep on the chair lay back on the chair or move around but don’t lay
on the bed cause once you lay on the bed you will fall asleep.

The fatigue point:-

After 7 hours of studying your back will pain, your eyes go dry, and your eyes are strained, and your
head will start spinning you simply wont be able to make yourself study further and if you do try you
wont be able to focus and if you do continue then the pain in r back will get worse and you be able to sit
for studying even the next day… so after 7 hours of constant studying this is a time to take a break rest
your eyes and your back you need to go to sleep for an hour and then get back to studying for another
seven hours. After every seven hours of studying you need to sleep for an hour before getting back to
study for another 5 or 7 hours

Homuch time to keep for studies how much time u spend everyday studying and working towards
achieving ur gaols
You skip meals like lunch or dinner your brain will not work you will get weaker don’t skip meals

Drink hot water don’t eat or drink cold stuff
Don’t take walk in cold for a long time in the cold climate or you will fall sick with runny nose
Keep room temp high
Have proper warm clothing for winter
so much to do lot of work to do will go crazy

Goal:- to do (actiivty n ntasks towrdsahcivng thsi gaol:TO DO, acitivite to od for the day to achvie this
goal towrds ahcivng htsi goal)
work Onteh resume
get IT done
GET Mre dne

TO DO, acitivite to od for the day to achvie this goal towrds ahcivng htsi goal:-
set up ahev a paln
Clen organize n back up pc
one week goal
2 yr goals
Goals to focus on for the next 2 years:

The goal:

Just focuso ntwo t higsn

lot of thigs to do:-
train ur sef fr the job knwledge to do onyl then u can do it
After permit hwo ot stay?

1) Don’t sit there and waste ur time chit chatting with her she is using u cause hse gets bored n
wants some oen to talk to n chit chat with, after u are done just immediately get up and go to
oyur room. Don’t waste time socializing with her. U have a life of oyur own to see ur own stuff
to do, give some excuse like u have some work to do etc…
2) Don’t waste ur time doing other things during ur work time all other things can be done later on
or during the time allocated for them during ur work time u shud only be doing ur work n
nothing else.
3) Don’t waste time sitign there n watchign tv .. ether disconnect it or don’t sit there n nwatchtv..
get back to work.
4) Don’t lay down don’t sleep, u can move around u know but don’t laydown on the bed cause
once u lay down on the bed then u will fall asleep. If u feel sleep they n move around ttake a
walk but don t lay down cause once u lay down u will fall asleep. Or listen to some dace music t
wake u up. Listen t osme music to wake u up, pep u up make u faster etc… u know uplift ur
mood, fr a cahgne, thth is entertain u nad lighten up ur brain. Other parts of the barin. Prevent u
frlo feeling bored dull depressed lift up ur mood nad spirirts wake u up and feel faster get thgisn
up rushing incrase ur focus n nivneovelnmrnt nand maek u faster. Music does wonders for te
brain. Icnresese ur psace n nspeed , etc…. works different parts of te brain.
5) don’t waste ur time sleeping and lazing, sleep not more than 6 hours, if u are tired n u sleep on
the bed thinking I will sleep only for an hour or soo then u end up sleepingfor like 4 or 5 hours
soo put an alarm clock with 3 or 4 alarms to wake u up before going for a short nap otherwise u
will end up waking up after like 4 or 5 hours.

Remember this keep this in ur mind what u shud not be doing sooo thth u know in your mind what u
shud not be doing and soo u regulate urslf accordingly and do it and follow it.

un eedo t be quick mov fast not waste tie..p lna write down what the deliverables are what work to od
what list of work ot complete and in how much time to complete it what work ou needo t odo finish to
ahcive oyur goal and get to work quickly nd finish it off not leave it pending get dne with it n be stress
worry free

nad forget and jumble everythign

you need to constantly be studyin its as simple as that

i prefer smart work intellectual activity to physical actiivty use of brai n n htinking

erk gain exxperence n thn start a biz push urself out there in a uncomftable emandn n cahllenging risk
taking environmentto create the products u want n turn dreams into realty then u will lrn new thngd
excitement fun adveture explorer tun ideas I nto reality

What are you doing with oyur life wasitng your time wasting your life doing unimp thigns you need ot
have osem purpose some ambitiion... work hardo t ahcive your goals... some goal to live for, to wrk
towds osmehtign tahth to work n that h u lok up ot every mornign n look forwrd to

focus on waht is imp thath s not important ,

earnign money i s importnt.

Each adn every test is imp

dont leve anything i noption
its more imp to score good marks on tests than attend lectures

once i realisedtht i can do this then i realised hth i can do other htigsn too
encouraging postive affirmaton assertive ohh come on you know it you know hwo ot od it, go for it
created you just need ot have basic knwoeldge

dont stay behind, jump inot it

whT YOU Qnto to go in to if i had ot start it again

you do it very slowly as you think it throuhg oyu think a lot how ot od it what ot odo how ot go about it
you think it through thgoturhgly as to how it hsoudl be and why
intellectual activity liek thignkign
Just do oyur own thing and don’t ntice what others are doing

Do your own thing u need ot prioritize first do what is imp everythign else can be done later on

u shudnt care what otehrs are doingor gettign you hsud jst try to focuson gettign what oyu want...
pursuing yourgaols your desiresn what oyu nt if oyu get htat thaht is enough

letme think.. i do a lot of thinking thats for sure!

thinkign naalysing an os on
i odnt want to get distracted i dont want t o waste my time and effort and energy and inovel my mind n
my thinkign i ncooking clenaign and tll thhat department . i want ot keep my mind free to think of inovle
in mroe impornant thigsn and my time and enrgy i nimp thigns

life is fuckign strange i mean its nto eas everythig nhas to work out well you knwo for the life to be good
for ou to be happy nsucessful nso o n.... its nto aeay oyu knwo n there are soo many porblems and

there is soo much of information cause every one person or theotehr comes up with some book some
conceps sme theories either to try nad be famous or write some emperical papaper I mean half ofo it is
nonsenes its very imporant to have information hat is relevant that works that gives results vs taht is not
practicle nad doesnt make sense
meaningless or rubbish and cannot be applied i npractise doesnot give any results uselsss information
thaht we are made to learn meanignless conceps theories studies and research papaers
thats whats wrongwith the education system

go for it just go for it jump i nto the pool dive your self in it dive stighti nto t

n yu will learn to swim, dont wait till you learn to swim just go for it

screw it do it

waht eer happens wil happen you wont know wihtete r wyo uwill uceed or not till you do ti not ponit
assuming htigns tht wu will fail n stuff

no point makign assumpitons you have to od nadtry nad see if it works

standrd techniques

standardize processes

standard process

what works nad what doesnt

once u read u nderstdn
there are man resoureces
plusi ts itnerertign nad creative
creatign A brand
once you are rusted out of touh forgetful out of the realm the mood to study and oso n then it gets very
difficult ot get back cause oyu have forgotten what oyu needo to do.. cause urm idn is soo absorbedi
nwork nad otherh things... you have forgotten how ot regualte oyurself what the issues are what oyu
needo t odo thigns like oyu need ot reugalte urself nad so on and what you needo t deliver you forget
cause i nthath much time your mind gets abosrbed i nother thigns other mmeories over wiriting hosse
and so its hard ot recall waht ou need o be odin

u go out of touch..

we don’t have much time actually time goes ery vey fast those 4 week will go quickly you need ot work
day nad night consntntly

The goal is to that you want and work towards finding her keep trying its not going to be easy but you
need to keep trying.

as theyinterefere with ur prgress ostacles inturuprtion dsturbance

waste uor time hold you back prevnt you stop you from doing imp things

Stop doing these things n these activities unimp things

is it imp? Waste of time focus onwhat is imp spend all ur time n effort in

doing wh isimp in doing those activities tht wil help u achieve critical crucial n

imp things in life.

Wasting time chatting unimp things

the not ot odo list things to aovid that waste your time

Do what you can to get what you want:-

What options you have:-

he goal is tood blitzkerg!

that hsi attack from all fronts!

use everything all options

to get what oy uwant dotn leave anythign in option!

attack fro mair water sea alnd everything

all guns blazign take all means and routes to get what yo uwatn1

go all out now best nadn last effrts thath is!

Think think think now

waht ot ood hwo ot ood it adn go about it htth is!

Make the best of oyur day 24 horsu oy uahve diisleep less divide yoru day i nto two days, Day and night

the best time to work here is from 9:00pm to 9:00am!

the most quiet peacful focused time!

10, +-, north south, day ngith

divide yoru day in to two parts

Slipt your days int two days


and night

sleep only 3 hours each session

Make the most of oyur day give mix tiem to work

i helps o split my day in to two days that way

I dotn ahve to work like 18 horus a stretch and sleep 6 hours

instead I work 9 hours at a stretch sleep 3 hours

and then work again 9 hours at a stretch adn then sleep 3 hours
that way I amwell rested and nto exhausted.

Wen i am owkrign at night I am super fused as its quiet no one around to distrub me!

tths the best tiem to od thigsn when i cna thin kadn inovel mylsef fully in otit tlsot in to what i iam doign
100% focused n oone to distrub you and so on no nosie nand oson i cna betotoatly lsot i nt owaht i iam

u need ot focus only on three goals

focus o na few imp thigns
2) get a job maek a career by which ucan earn ur livign
3) strt a biz

What are the things you can do here?

Goals to ofcus on:- to ahcvei to work on:-

focs only on three things:-
thts it
work only on these three goals.
direct all ur effrts only twrds achiving these three goals
everthing u do shud be directed twrds achievng these three goals
only 3 things 3 gols to wrk on just keep wrkin on it be highky focused
ek toh ek kar naa focus only on a few things at a time

wt can u focus on how can u acheve ur goals wht u need to d t acheve ur goals whht route can u take ,
keep all options, dnt just stick tp oo one route go all out, use all resources n rutes u have to acheve ur
there are two ways to

fcous on a few goals

To do list:

Why make a to do list

Soo tht yo uahve a clear picture of what work oy uneed to do
Soo thth u can do thth work if uu dotn kwn wahtot ood u wont do it
Soo thth udotn forget anthign or miss out o namnything

Get all these things out of the way first get it done fast work on it day n night to get it done fast!

Work towards your goal of finding wht you want

get done with most of the wrk,deliverables.

Work to do towards ahciveng the gaol:-

Goal 2:-Get a job:-

Work/action to achvie urgaol

plan whao t oo od

strategy how to od it

Work/action to ahcive urgaol:-

sigele minded focus no disractions ignore the distracitons npoise siganl for mnoise

sepearte the imp from the unimp

Work action

Make a fixed schedule soo thth u follow thht schedule

Action n implement it…

whati is the ned goal aim purpose of all this

why they are ogn t

hy you are odign what u are oing to achveh what, goal oriented

An explanation of the overall purpose

A description of the target

A list of at least specific objectives
with success factors and time frame.

are highly active, engaged and involved

that demonstrates knowledge make it possible for your to grow and reach its full potential!
got the opportunity
opprotunity cost - fu udotn take acionu lose the opportunity chacne
helped me to learn to how I can manage myself and others effectively.
Loss of time
Diverted efforts from the mba studies
Loss of focus and distraction

I just jumped into the pool thinking that I would be able to swim.
Your plans for the future

steps in the process

How to write a book:-

boundaries that exist in a physical social environment didn’t
count here. what boundaries? be more specfic examples etc.. like..

I like using examples and drop them in when I

think they help to makethigsn lcear n nexplaithgisn better.

"In the end my mobile phone was so full of ladies’ numbers that I could have sold it to any one of
myfriends for a lot of money. My answer to them was “join a dating site” and I kept my phone. It will
beup for auction on eBay soon though, so watch out!"
he thinks he is beign funny , he is jsut fukign borign losign ur patience, tkes extra time adn effort to read
this nosnense get to the poitn dotn put nosnese.

wastign users time uncessry egs:-

tht maek no sensn
isntead give a rael eg of ocnversation
But what do I mean by inspiring your partner?
Well, picture two artists taking turns while painting together. The first artist
might tell the second artist, “Hey, why don’t you put some blue here?” and
the second artist might respond with “Ok, then you should put some yellow
over there.”
That’s an invitation, and you can certainly make a painting (or a
conversation!) using nothing but invitations.
But there’s a better way.

The Beauty of Inspiration

Image that the first artist paints a bold streak of yellow on the canvas. The
intensity of the yellow inspires the second artist to create a contrast by adding
a somber blue, which in turn inspires the first artist to use shading to
highlight the relationship between the blue and yellow, which in turn inspires
the second artist to add a new color, and so on until the painting is complete.
That’s a painting I would want to see.
A painting created by inspiration building on inspiration will be far more
creative and emotive than a painting created by trading invitations.
More importantly, the artists undoubtedly had much more fun (and felt much

man these ppl who wirte the books

tehy write it jsut to fill up the page
ahlf of the thgisn they wrte are useless uncessary nad inrrelvnat unecessary useless and watsitngthe
its like they wirte a how ot book
on daing and they give the whole uncessary history of dating without writign anythign abotu the how ot.
thisi si a good book to the poin ndirect nwell organized n written

its very imp not to write irrelevant or unessararsy thing s time wasting just get to the point

cut then osnesn e the crap thencessary useless thgisn theflowery n ndecorative language wastign
users tiem n ngeto t the poitn as ot what ot do.
thsi is riduiculous all the nosennse info wastign time

keep ti simple and keep i straight no nonsensne uelse uncessary thgisn onyl whats importnat.

no crap,

Simple vs complex:

It’s best to use simple straight language easy to read than complicated language and unnecessary words or flowery language that
is unnecessary and takes time to figure out, use of unnecessary words unwanted words, when one word can explain the meaning
you don’t have to use two to explain it, unnecessary words that only make it long lengthy and un wanted n annoying to the reader
it takes time effort to read, run out of patience. Complicated and hard to figure out that is taking time to figure it out. A profile
that's easy to read will encourage people to continue reading.
You can be almost guaranteed that your fellow online members can sense a lack of confidence from a mile away.
. If your profile is in any way disparaging and details your faults and indiscretions your inbox will
be a baron place indeed. On the other side of the coin however, you don’t want to present a pompous, self-centered and smug

“your inbox will be a baron place indeed” why to use this complicated unnecessary words that takeextra time to figure out totally
unnecessary words instead use “ur inbox will be empty”
“You can be almost guaranteed” “On the other side of the coin however” unnecessary makes it lengthy no need to use it running
out of patience n annoying taking extra effort to read totally unnecessary.

“It’s a golden rule to strike any sense of negativity in your profile”
Instead write “Avoid negativity in your profile”

“Like dropping a fart in an elevator, anyone taking the time to view yourbprofile will look for the closest exit” unecsary words “
ppl will find u repulsive and turnoff with a bad attitude neg attitude and will not read ur profile. “

“Avoid negativity like the plague” going overboard with it using necessary complicated words, reading takes effort ppl lose
patience when u put unnecessary words instead use “Avoid negativity” takes extra eefort oread and comprehend wasting readers

Steer clear of phrases like
“avoid phrase like”

Choose this path and you won’t stand out
Do this and u wont stand out

and if your readers are anything like me they will be yawning by the end of the first sentence
the reders wil find it borignand not interesting.

“In summer, when the days start to really roast, my swashbuckling nature leads me to navigate the crystal clear waters of the
ocean on a sail boat or seek out a hidden water hole I can relax and cool off in.” fuck ohh dear totally unnecessary and rubbish
annoying the user! Reader running out of patience it takes effort to read, and complicated nand ahrod t figure out instead maek
irt siple qiuick and easy Unnessary use of nsnneiscal words gibberish taking time and effort t of the reader uncessary words, u
shud nto put one more word than watnsh imp if one word can desrbie ti then no need ot put two words nn wsste users tieman nad
effort casue they mean buisenss. And are to the point straight and n nno nonsense.

Use this instead: “On hot summer days I like to go to the beach for a swim or walk.”
that’s over the top, sprightly words

How not towrite a book:-

Nonsense dsnt make sense:- all nsoensnen n uncessary crazy talk doenst maek sense at all n waste of
tiem effort n energy!c fuking get to the point makes no sense annoying talking onsense wasting
readers time. U thin u are being funny or creatuve e u are not u are smpyl beign annoying and creepy.
Fukig nehll hwo do thse pp lwrte the boosk they think they are trying to be fnny but they are only
talking osensne n wasting yourse time n effort its annoying, fukign hell get ot the point as towht ot od
n what nto ot do instead of talkgi nonsense. It takes tiem and effort to read users dotn want to read
yoru nsene, they jut want ot know what they neeed ot od .

These eight criminals can bleed the life right out of

any conversation. Sure, there are criminal lookalikes, too.
Most of those folks are petty criminals specializing in
misdemeanors that can hurt a good gab session but can’t
kill it. You have the skills to deal with these kinds of infractions.
However, when you recognize one of the Most
Wanted, exercise extreme caution. Even the most vigilant
conversationalist can still get ambushed. You can
even take down your own conversation You can
even take down your own conversation, because the truth
is, we each have a rap sheet. I’m a chronic interrupter
when I don’t police myself. Chances are that unless you
are impersonating Mother Teresa, you have a conversational
weakness that could land you on the Most Wanted
list if you’re not careful. Be on the lookout for your own
criminal activity, for you may be aiding and abetting the
murder of a good conversation. Even if you take the high road and have a clean con crimes versational
record, you never know when you’ll find
yourself with a convicted felon on the loose slaughtering

perfectly good small talk. W

killer or just want to circulate more,
hether you are trying to escape a convicted conversation

there are ways to artfully exit a conversation

“therhe are ways to artfully exit a conversation” the word artfully is totally uncessary ehre when
thgisn c nab e described in one word then you dotn have to use two words uncessary nosensne words
for ti. Instead say “there are ways to exit a conversation” be rpeice.

Fukign ehll get to the point instead ofo talkig nnosnen making user read uncessarythign n wating their

Eg:- I travel frequently, small talking my way across the

country. One of the biggest trends I’ve seen is an increase
in “assault on a conversation with a deadly
weapon.” I’ve been victimized myself a couple of times.
You should know that these people are armed and dangerous,
and if they enter your dialogue, you are at serious
risk of witnessing the torturous murder of your conversation.
Stay on your toes; these people are cleverly disguised.
They can orchestrate several costume changes at a single event and impersonate people in every
If you sense danger, stay calm. Be on the lookout for
these renegades. One further cautionary note: Often, the
worst offenders are staring back at us from the mirror.

Kya karan hai voh bolo jstu tell me what to do. Get ot the pint isnteado f
writgn all the crap n making user s read it uncesarily teim n effrt spent its also
annoying, u end up losign paticne fuckign get ot he point “just tell me what to
do what they need ot od instead fo all the crap” this is what yo ushud do n
why the reasoning ebhdn it n this is what yo ushud nto do n why the resonig
nebhidn it tths ti, “dotn waste users tiem n effrt by wrtign things like now I
will explin I nthsi section nn what tnot” be t the point. Get to the point just
exlai nti why dotn u just fukign expling it instead of saying I will explain. In
this lesson, I teach you “In this lesson, I explain how to use each of these
signals in
” just fukign teach! Instead of saying it. Instead u shud wrte “you shud know
ho ot use each of these siglanls in the covnersaton” “In this lesson, I teach
you how to recognize the
most common comfort signals and explain how to respond.” “In this lesson, I
walk you through
the most common discomfort signals so you will know when your
partner is feeling uncomfortable.”

“Ushud how to recognize the

most common comfort signals and explain how to respond.

in this day n age knowedge adn ifnormation is avaliable everywhere for oy uto refer to
soo knoweldge although imp is nto valuable cause its freely and easily acesible nad vailabe
what is imp is how oyu use it and apply it, what is imp is thinking
applciaiton ananlysis!
Crititcal thinking,
Analytical thinking
the process of splvong
seeign the issue from all angles,
forseeign thigns
thoguhtful, caustious etc....
raether than impuslvie
pros cons studyifn reaserching
finidng solutions to porblems causees etc..

music, music elecrtirc waves work thediffrent parts
lern to use diffretn parts of hte brain soo htht dotn get bored!
or dulli n u r midn
exercise:- musil e memeory
visusla memeory
readign form pciture!

nyhtign that makes oy u think!

question how why hat wetc..

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