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How do we attract, manifest and bring to reality all of our desires

We’ve been visualising every day for the last 90 days the things we’ve been seeing
every morning must manifest.
A lot of what we asked for, visualised and felt in the first quarter is going to
show up in the second quarter if it hasn’t already. By law it’s going to happen.

I LIVE IN A BEAUTIFUL STATE OF GRATITUDE - we must be grateful for where we are

right now in order to have more to be grateful for. Be grateful for the problems,
challenges. Remember your problems aren’t special, YOU ARE SPECIAL! Gratitude is
the source where all good things come from! If you want great things to come into
your life, you must be grateful. You want abundance to flow through you, you must
be grateful.

1. BUILD A WINNING SELF IMAGE - program your mind with the person you want
to become. Who do you want to be this year? What habits do you want to have? How do
you speak? How do you dress? What places are you travelling to? You become what you
think about most! What are you really thinking about now a days? Are you thinking
about your past and the trauma or are you focusing on the lifestyle and abundance
you want.? Are you tapped into Netflix or are you tapped into audio books? Too many
of us are too focused on the past, challenges, struggles when they really don’t
mean anything. This too shall pass! You’re focusing on something that will pass.
Focus on the good times that are coming.

A lot of people think money is the flex, but the real flex is peace of mind and
having a strong relationship with God. He’s the one who’s going to guide us, show
us the way, help us. We gotta keep God in the Center of what we do. Ask for
guidance, wisdom, courage. It’s important that we as individuals believe in
ourselves a bit more. We are all built in the image of God, we all have God like
abilities. The same way he created us were also able to create. GOD - Greatness on

2. You must raise your level of vibration: your goals vibrate on a higher
level than where you’re at, you gotta raise your level of vibration to match the
frequency of your goals, then you gotta stay up there long enough. How do you raise
your level of vibration? Here’s 3 ways you can:

1. Master the skills - If you’re in network marketing these are the keys
that you should be teaching; 1. Invitations 2. Edification 3. PS3 4. Close 5.
Launch 6. Promotion 7. Present 8. Social media 8. Tell your story 9. Follow up 10.
Tap rooting 11. Phone work

2. Improve your self image - have pictures everywhere! Have a vision

board, put them in your bedroom, in your bathroom. Whatever you see you’ll achieve.
Out of sight out of mind!

3. DFW - 1. decide! Focus! Work! Give up to go up! Unless you sacrifice

for what you want; what you want will become the sacrifice. Stop making excuses;
put the work in, stay focused. Follow one course until successful (focus)

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