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There was once a donkey that always carried bags on his back. One day, his master
put bags of salt on his back.

“Wow! Why does my back feel so heavy today?” says Donkey.

The donkey struggled with the heavy bag of salts until finally, he fell into the river.

“Heehaw! Heehaw! Help me! Help me! Heehaw!”

The donkey splashed and splashed, but couldn’t come out. Finally, he came out and
was pleasantly surprised! All of the salt bags became light as air.

“Ah ha! If I go into the water with the bags, they will become lighter!” said donkey.

The donkey was delighted at what he thought he discovered. A few days later the
master put more bags on the donkey’s back. But, this time, they were bags of cotton.

“Hmmm... The bags aren’t very heavy today,” thought Donkey.

As the donkey passed the river this time, he decided to purposely fall into the river.

“Ha-ha! Yes! Now, the bags will be even lighter!”

A little while later, the donkey tried to come out of the river.

“Oh my! What’s this? I can’t stand up.”

What the donkey didn’t know is that unlike salt, cotton becomes heavier in water.
The poor donkey thought he was so smart. But, in the end, he wasn’t very smart at

So, the moral of the story is you can befool a person a few times but not always.

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