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1: Define personnel replacement chart

Company records showing present performance and

promotability of inside candidates for the most important

Ex: Division Vice President

Vice President Production Vice President Sales Vice President Finance

Jones.D Able,J Smith.B

Required development: Required development: Required development:

None recommended  Job rotation into finance None recominended

and production
 Executive development
course in strategic
 In- house development
center -2 weeks

2: Define walk-in used for attracting outside candidates

Walk-in (direct applications made at the office) is a good source

of hourly- paid workers. The company puts up signs outside the
office or at factory gate. Many employers give every walk-in
applicant at brief interview with someone in the HR office, even
if it only to get information on the applicant “ in case a position
should be open in the near future.

3. What is appraisal interview?

An interview in which the supervisors and subordinate review

the appraisal and make plans to remedy deficiencies and
reinforce strengths

4. List and explain all steps of job analysis.

Step 1: Decide how to use the information.
Decide how you will use the information because this will
determine the data you collect and how you collect them.
Step 2 :Review relevant background information.
Review relevant background information such as organization
chart and job descriptions.
Step 3:Select representative positions.
Select representative position. Why? Because there may be too
many similar jobs to analyze.
Step 4 :Conduct the analysis.
Collect data on job activities, required employee behaviors,
working conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to
perform the job.
Step 5: Verify with the worker and supervisor.
Verify the job analysis information workers doing that jobs and
with their immediate supervisor. This will help to confirm that
the information is factually correct and complete. This review
can also help to gain the imployee’s acceptance of the job
analysis data and conclusion, by giving that person a chance to
review and modify your description of the job activities.
Step 6 :Develop a job description and job specification.
The job description is a written statement that explains the
activities and responsibilities of the job. It also describes
important features, such as working conditions and safety
hazards. The job specification summarizes the personal
qualities, traits, skills, and background required to do the job. It
may be in a separate document or in in the same document as
the job description.
5. List and explain all steps of on-site visit
Invitation letters: Send a warm and friendly invitation letter to
Assigned hosts: Assign a specific person to meet the application
and to act as host.

Information packages: A package describing the applicant's

schedule as well as other information regarding the company.

Planned interviews: Carefully plan the interviews an adhere to

the schedule.

Timely employment offer: The employer should make an offer,

if any, as soon as possible, preferably at the time of the visit.

Follow-up: Frequent follow-ups to “find out how the decision

process is going” or to “ask if there are any other questions”
may help to attract the applicant.

6.List and explain all types of OJT methods for managers

Job rotation: Moving a trainee from department to department to

broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak

Mentoring: The trainee works directly with a senior manager or

with the person he or she is to replace; the latter is responsible
for the trainee’s coaching.

Action learning: Management trainees are allowed to word full-

time analyzing and solving problems in other departments.

7..Contrast 2 types of interview format (structure of

interviewing candidates)
The same: the thing is the interview.
Interview formats

Unstructured interview Structured interview

- An unstructured - An interview following
conversational style a set sequence of
interview in which the questions.
interviewer pursues
points of interest as they
come up in response to

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