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Георганов Микита 2 - а клас

I'm a Wizard, I'm a Warlock

I'm a wizard, I'm a warlock,

I'm a wonder of the age.
I'm a sorcerer, magician,
prestidigitator, mage.

I can change into a chicken,

or perhaps a purple pig.
I can wave my wand and, presto,
I'm a waffle with a wig.

With the power in my pinky

I can burst like a balloon
or transform into a tiger
with the head of a baboon.

If I wiggle on my earlobe
or I knock upon my knee
I become a dancing doughnut
or a turtle in a tree.

Just a simple incantation

and I deftly disappear,
which I never should have done
because I've been this way all year.

And despite my mighty magic

I'm impossible to see,
for I never learned the spells
I need to turn back into me.

Kenn Nesbitt
Шаповалов Роман 2-б клас

My Teacher Took My iPod

My teacher took my iPod.

She said they had a rule;
I couldn't bring it into class
or even to the school.

She said she would return it;

I'd have it back today.
But then she tried my headphones on
and gave a click on Play.

She looked a little startled,

but after just a while
she made sure we were occupied
and cracked a wicked smile.

Her body started swaying.

Her toes began to tap.
She soon was grooving in her seat
and rocking to the rap.

My teacher changed her mind.

She said it's now okay
to bring my iPod into class.
She takes it every day.

Kenn Nesbitt
Д’якова Анна 2 –а клас

My kitten won't stop talking

My kitten won't stop talking.

She just prattles night and day.
She walks around repeating
nearly everything I say.

My kitten never says, "Meow."

She never even purrs.
She mimics me instead
in that annoying voice of hers.

She waits for me to speak,

and then she copies every word,
or begs me for a cracker,
or says, "I'm a pretty bird."

I'm not sure what to do, and so

I simply grin and bear it.
She's been this way since yesterday;
that's when she ate my parrot.

Kenn Nesbitt

Жернова Валерія 2-б клас


What is pink?
a rose is pink
By the fountains brink.
What is red?
a poppy’s red
In its barley bed.
What is blue?
the sky is blue
Where the clouds float thro.
What is white?
a swan is white
Sailing in the light.
What is yellow?
pears are yellow,
Rich and ripe and mellow.
What is green?
the grass is green,
With small flowers between.
What is violet?
clouds are violet
In the summer twilight.
What is orange?
why, an orange,
Just an orange!

Christina Rossetti

Городецькова Олена 2 - а клас

My parents sent me to the store

My parents sent me to the store

to buy a loaf of bread.
I came home with a puppy
and a parakeet instead.

I came home with a guinea pig,

a hamster and a cat,
a turtle and a lizard
and a friendly little rat.

I also had a monkey

and a mongoose and a mouse.
Those animals went crazy
when I brought them in the house.

They barked and yelped and hissed

and chased my family out the door.
My parents never let me
do the shopping anymore.

Kenn Nesbitt

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