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Group 4.


1. Opening
- Introduce
- Asking me how
- Talking about the weather

Marta: The weather has been unstable lately ...

Lense: yes, here too. sometimes it's still very hot but suddenly it can rain. Yesterday it even rained with
strong winds.

Marta: Wow, that was really scary. If here it rains quite often and is accompanied by strong winds and
lightning. Often causes the power to go out and as a result the network dies. Sometimes, when you are
in college the electricity suddenly goes out, it's really annoying.

Lense: well, I know that. This is also a challenge for us in our current condition, where we are still
studying online from our homes. Talking about the weather, our country has two seasons, namely the
rainy season and the dry season. For your information, there are 5 seasons, namely the rainy season, dry
season, spring, autumn, and winter.

Marta: Yeah right, but since we are close to the equator we only have two seasons. To be honest, I
would love to see winter and other seasons. That must be very interesting.

Lense: Yes, you can go to countries that have 5 seasons to feel the difference. By the way, do you think
the weather has a real effect on the human lifestyle?

Marta: Of course. Starting from the pattern of life, people in a place with 5 seasons must adapt to the
weather conditions so that it tends to be different from people in a place with only 2 seasons. Even in
terms of agriculture it is also different, because it has 5 seasons so it has to adjust to the crops being
cultivated. Worst of all, the weather made many crops unable to survive in the area.

Lense: oh yeah, I thought so too. They certainly need a greater effort to adjust the plants to be planted
with weather conditions. Based on this, maybe those of us who are in a place with 2 seasons are more
fortunate because more types of plants can grow and be able to survive.

Marta: Yes, you can say that. But back to the beginning regarding extreme weather, sometimes extreme
weather such as prolonged drought really becomes a big polemic. Just imagine, drought for months can
cause a shortage of clean water which is very bad for human health.

Lense: Yes, not only that, but this phenomenon is the cause of drought which also impacts the economic
sector. The impact is very big for life.

Marta: Yes, I agree, I hope that doesn't happen, because it will be terrible.
Lense: That's right.

Marta: By the way, I have a lecture soon, shall we talk next time?

Lense: oh yes, the spirit of college mar. very exciting for our discussion today, see you later.

Marta: Good spirit too len, bye

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