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44 Nature Vol.

251 September 6 1974

Swallow'· has reported the results of a series of current , Eittreim, S., Gordon, A. L., Ewing, M., Thorndike, E. M.,
measurements made during a period of 14 months in the and Burc~hausen, P., in Studies in Physical Oceanography,
western North Atlantic. The observed structure of the vol. 2 (edIt. by Gordon, A. L.), 19 (Gordon and Breach, New
York, 1972).
currents may be interpreted in terms of bottom trapped 2 Eittreim, S., and Ewing, M., ibid., 123.
topographic Rossby wave modes", with velocity decaying 3 Connary, S. D., and Ewin.g, M., ibid., 169.

on a vertical scale of several kilometres, from a near • Wimbush, M., and Munk, W., in The Sea, 4, part 1 (edit.
bottom maximum of roughly 10 cm s-'. The presence of , by Maxwell, A. E.), 731 (lnterscience, New York, 1970).
Sverdrup, H. U., Johnson, M. W., and Fleming, R. H., The
significant topographic structuring on horizontal scales of • Oceans, Table 65 (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1942).
10 km and smaller" should introduce further variability in Munk, W. H., Deep Sea Res., 13, 707 (1966).
the basic current field in the lowest kilometre. The inter- 7 Garrett, C., and Munk, W., Deep Sea Res., 19, 823 (1972).

action of this topographically modified quasisteady current ; BeI.I, T. H., thesis, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore (1973).
Rhmes, P., Boundary Layer Meteorol., 4, 345 (1973).
field with the smaller scale topographical features is ,. Swallow, J. C., Phil. Trans. R. Soc., A270, 451 (1971).
responsible for the generation of internal wave energy. As 11 Rhines, P., ibid., 461.
12 Swallow, ibid., 452.
the internal waves propagate away from the bottom, the
relative frequency, kU, decays with height. That has " Booker, J. R., and Bretherton, F. P., J. Fluid Mech. 27, 513
(1967). '
serious implications as far as the internal wave field is 14 Jones, W. L., J. Fluid Mech., 30,439 (1967).
concerned. The ultimate catastrophe for any given wave " Reid, J. L., and Lynn, R. J., Deep Sea Res., 18, 1063 (1971).
component occurs when it encounters a critical level"'" 16 Cox, c., and Sandstrom, H., J. oceanogr. Soc. Japan 20, 499
(1962). '
at which the relative frequency is reduced to the local 17 Wright, C. R., Deep Sea Res., 19, 865 (1972).
inertial frequency, f. Nonlinear effects inevitably destroy
the internal wave component in the vicinity of such a
critical level, so that as a consequence of the general decay
of background current speed with distance above the
bottom, a substantial portion of the internal wave energy Thermonuclear micro-explosions
should be dissipated in the lowest kilometre or so of the with intense ion beams
The rate of production of internal wave energy may be HIGH density pellet compression may be important in laser
estimated for conditions representative of the western fusion ' . In this way the minimum energy input for break-
North Allantic. A typical deep current speed is, U - 10 even can be substantially reduced to levels within reach of
cm s-'. A representative value for the Brunt-VaisaIa expected future laser technology. Further 2 when this concept
frequency is" N - 7 X 10- 4 s-'. Analysis of a large number is applied to a fissionable pellet surrounded by a small neutron
of topographical profiles of abyssal hills in the eastern reflector, preferably TD, which is compressed together with
North Pacific· suggests that a value of H2 - 103 m' is the reflector, to high densities, very small critical masses
representative, and consistent with the results of an analysis become possible; in addition the fission process could ignite
of sonic sections" in the North Atlantic. At a latitude of a thermonuclear reaction in the TD reflector. In these proposals
30· N (f - 7 X 10-' s-'), then, E - 10 erg cm- 2 s-'. If it very large laser energies of ~ 1 MJ, which may be difficult to
is assumed that 50% of that energy goes into mixing in the reach, are required. As an alternative to laser fusion I have
lowest kilometre of the ocean, then there must be an proposed the use of intense relativistic electron beams 3 , but
associated buoyancy flux, F, - 5 X 10-' cm 2 s-'. With a here the beam pulse length is longer than for laser beams,
Brunt-Vaisiila frequency, N, - 7 X 10-< s-', that implies a and the electron stopping range may be too long.
vertical mixing coefficient (A = F / N') of - 100 cm 2 S-1. I present here an alternative idea based on the possibility
That is precisely of the same order as the vertical mixing of generating intense ion beams in a magnetically insulated
coefficient based on the analysis of observations of the diode4 • 5 • In such a diode a pulsed laser beam is directed on to
western North Atlantic nepheloid layer2. Further support the anode surface as a high voltage is applied to the diode,
of the proposed relationship between mixing induce'd by and a magnetic field directed parallel to the cathode surface
internal waves and the nepheloid layer is provided by the prevents the flow of electrons from the cathode to the anode,
apparent correlation between bottom roughness and thick- but not the flow of ions from the anode to the cathode, pro-
ness of the nepheloid layer'. The mixing induced by internal vided that the magnetic field is strong enough to make the
waves discussed here must be balanced in the overall electron Larmor radius, but not the ion Larmor radius, small
thermohaline energy budget. Acting over 50% of the North compared with the anode-cathode gap. The laser beam hitting
Atlantic, the vertical mixing estimate made here implies a the anode surface will produce a surface plasma from which
rate of energy conversion of the order of IOU erg s-'. In the ions are drawn and accelerated towards the cathode. After
this connection, Wright17 has investigated the rate at which their passage through the cathode, which has the form of a
available potential energy is released by the sinking of cold grid to minimise the energy losses by collision, the ions are
water masses in the northern North Atlantic. He found projected into a drift tube. This drift tube is filled with a
that the two Norwegian Sea overflows, and winter con- tenuous plasma of high electrical conductivity. Because of their
vection in the Labrador Sea, contributed - 0.85 X IOU large inertia the ions draw into their flow electrons which
erg s-'. The North Atlantic seems to be somewhat unique pass through the highly conducting plasma from the cathode
in the intensity of its deep currents. Near-bottom currents surface or the inner surface of the drift tube. They thus com-
of 3 or 4 cm s-' are probably more representative of the pensate for an electric space charge field which would other-
world ocean., so that an estimate of E, - 1 erg cm- 2 s-"
with a corresponding mixing coefficient, A, of the order of
wise build up. Furthermore, because of their small mass and
high mobility, the electrons will follow the ion flow with the
10 em' s-' may be considered as more representative of the same velocity, thus also cancelling the self-magnetic field of
world ocean. the ion beam entering the drift tube. The ion beam therefore
drifts freely as an electrically and magnetically neutral beam.
THOMAS H. BELL, JUN. Calculations for magnetically insulated diodes pulsed with
Physical Oceanography Branch, several megavolt predict current densities of the order j - 3
Ocean Sciences Division, kA cm- 2 such that for an area of - 30 cm 2 a total current of
Naval Research Laboratory, I ~ 105 A could be produced 5 • To deliver a total energy of
Washington, DC, 20375 ~ 1 MJ with a voltage of V-I 07 V and current of I - 105 A
the total discharge time would be t - 10-6 s. In order to take
Received April 19; revised July 12, 1974. full advantage of the low ion velocities we may choose singly

© 1974 Nature Publishing Group

Nature V ol. 251 September 6 1974 4S
pulsed laser beam, two types of velocity spreads will occur:
first, by a differing degree of ionisation; second , by the initial
R~====~~====~~------~ thermal motion. It is conceivable that by a properly chosen
laser frequency a high degree of uniform ionisation can be
achieved. The most important velocity spread therefore results
_ _-+---2 from the initial thermal ion energy at the anode surface. This
energy is of the order I eY. In the anode--<:athode gap the
ions are then accelerated by a voltage of - J06_10 7 Y, which
for singly ionised ions implies an energy of - J06_10 7 eY.
Therefore, the beam will be monoenergetic to the order - 10-6 to
10 - 7 corresponding to a relative velocity spread of - JO - 3 to
10 -3 ". Thus, a time focusing of the beam by the same factor
r.I--------------4-~ will be possible. This would imply, for example, that in the
case of the 100 MJ beam the energy could be delivered in a
time of about - 10-7 to 3 x 10 - 6 s, thus raising the beam power
to 3 x J015 W.
Fig. 1 Time focusing of the beam. Because of the pulse shortening by time focusing which is
possible because of the low ion velocities, energy can be pumped
ionised heavy ions, such as ions of lead or uranium, with into the beam slowly by inductive energy storage devices
which the anode surface would have to be made or coated. pulsing the diode. Since the peak voltage is several million
For a voltage Vand atomic weight A, the ion velocity is given volts, this might be done with a cascade of pulse transformers.
by v ~ 1.38xI06 Y (V/A) cm S-I. Putting A=200givesv= Toe range of heavy ions in dense matter is rather small
105 y Vcm S - I. For V = 106 Y, V ~ 10 8 cm S - 1 and for V = (typically - 10-4 cm), so the beam can be easily stopped if
107 Y, V ~ 3 X IO H cm s -1. J propose that this variation of projected on to a solid piece of fusionable (or fission-fusion
the ion velocity with the voltage may be used to focus the hybrid) material. Furthermore, by properly shaping the time
beam by increasing the voltage at the diode during the pulse. behaviour of the laser light impinging on the anode, the ion
Assume for example, that the pulse lasts ~ 0.7 x JO-6 sand current and thus the beam power can be changed with time.
that an ion at the beginning of the pulse has a velocity of This is of importance if one wants to shape the beam pulse as
:::= 10 6 cm s - I, as compared with another ion at the end of the has been proposed by Nuckolls et aU for adiabatic high
pulse with a velocity of ~ 3 x 10 8 cm s - 1. One can then easily density pellet compression with a power profile approximately
calculate that after the time :::= 10-6 s the ion emitted at the given by
end of the pulse would have caught up with the ion emitted at
the beginning of the pulse, at a distance of ~ 100 cm and E = const. (I - 1/1 0 ) - 15/6 (2)
time ~ 3 x 10-7 s after the end of the pulse. So by shaping
the time behaviour of the voltage pulse properly at the diode
one can make ·the ions converge at the same time and place, It follows that the same power profile can be obtained with
shortening the beam pulse and raising the beam power by
perhaps many orders of magnitude.
By making the ion source spherically symmetric and by
projecting a beam of spherical symmetry towards a common
centre of convergence, the total beam power density can be
further increased. This could be approximated by a large
number of diodes in a spherically symmetric arrangement,
with the diodes having a concave shape so that each beam
pulse would have the form of a spherical segment.
Figure 1 shows how the ion velocity would have to be
changed in time during the pulse to focus the beam at time
t = t o and at the common centre of convergence r = O. The
ions are emitted at the position r = R. The lines 1, 2 and 3
represent the r - t diagram for the initial and intermediate '
and the final ion of the pulse. Time focusing of the beam then
requires for the ion velocity to follow

v = R/Ct o - 1) (1)

If a target to be bombarded by the beam is placed at r = r 0,

the pulse length at the target " (at which r r 0) is then
shortened in comparison to the pulse length at the source
(at which r ~. R) by the factor, '/ , -- R/r o •
It follows that for an ion velocity of v and a pulse length ,
a linear beam can be focused in time after a distance x - V"t,
with a beam energy E ~ IVx/ v. For 1- 105 A, V - 10 7 Yand
v - ID· cm s -1 it follows that E - 10' x J. Therefore, for
x = 10 2 cm , with, - 10 - 6 S one would have E - 1 MJ and
for x = 104 cm with, - 10 - 4 s one would have E - 100 MJ.
A drift tube 100 m long is still well within the technical possi-
bilities and the energy of 100 MJ to be pumped into the beam
could probably be supplied by an inductive energy storage
system. But the energy stored in the drift tube can be delivered
in a much shorter time depending on the perfection of the time Fig. 2 Coalescence and projection of seve~al ion beams on to
focusing, which depends on the velocity spread of the ions. a thermonuclear pellet. I, Ion beam; D, drIft tube; P, thermo-
Since the ions are produced from the anode material by a nuclear pellet.

© 1974 Nature Publishing Group

46 Nature Vol. 251 September 6 1974

the proposed ion beam technique. If the accelerating voltage 0.13 x 10 -9, and a systematic uncertainty of ± 0.7 x 10 -9.
is V and the ion current I then (The systematic uncertainty is less than that published previously,
v = const. vi V (3) because only the reproducibility of the CO 2 stabilised frequency
E = IV (4) is considered, rather than the uncertainty of obtaining the
From equations (1-4) unperturbed R(12) transition frequency.) The wavelength was
v = const. (1 - t/to)-I (5) determined using interferometric measurements on up-
V = const. (1 - t/t o)-2 (6) converted light at 0.68 11m and was related to the 66Kr primary
I = E/V = const. (1 - t/t o)1/8 (7) length standard, realised in accordance with the latest recom-
Since the ion current is approximately proportional to the mendations of the Comite Consultatif pour la Definition du
laser light intensity, a simultaneous change in both the accele- Metre (CCDM). The value obtained 3 for the free space vacuum
rating voltage and laser light intensity can produce the power wavelength is A. = 9,317,246.348 pm, with CJ m = 1.14 X 10-9
profile equation (2). and a systematic uncertainty of ± 1.4 x 10 -9.
The proposed technique offers two possibilities for nuclear The product of these results gives the value for the speed of
micro-explosions: light
First, the ignition of rather large micro-explosions with two c = 299,792,459.0 ± 0.8 m S-I
beams of ~ 100 MJ produced in two ~ 100 m drift tubes clash- The uncertainty (corresponding to ± 2.7 x 10-9 ) is the arith-
ing head on, compressing and heating between them a sand- metic sum of the standard error of the mean (1.1 x 10 -9) and
wich of dense thermonuclear or fission-fusion hybrid material. the total systematic uncertainty (± 1.6 x 10-9 ). Each of these
For fusion pellets a minimum energy of ~ 10 2_10 3 MJ and was derived by quadrature summation of the contributions
for hybrid fission-fusion pellets somewhat less energy would from the frequency and wavelength measurements.
be here required. It is therefore conceivable that two beams Our measurement may be compared with values derived
each having an energy of ~ 100 MJ would suffice. from a frequency measurement, by Evenson et aU, of the
Second, the use of many beams approximating one beam of methane stabilised He-Ne laser at 3.39 11m, and the wave-
spherical symmetry and which are projected simultaneously length measurements made in that and other laboratories. The
into a spherical combustion chamber as shown in Fig. 2. available data was reviewed by the CCDM in June 1973, when
There, after having entered the chamber, the different beam the method of realising the metre through the 86Kr source was
pulses would coalesce into one ion pulse having the shape of reconsidered. It was decided that where asymmetry of the
a spherical shell, the thickness of which would decrease with spectral profile is observed, the defined wavelength applies to a
time as the pulse approaches the centre of convergence at point midway between the peak and centre of gravity. Thus, the
which the pellet to be ignited is placed. For reactor conditions resultofEvensonetal. becomes:c = 299,792,457.4 ± 1.1 ms- I •
a total beam energy of ~ 1 MJ would be required, as in the On consideration of wavelength measurements in four labora-
case of laser fusion, but since the focusing here may not be tories, however, the CCDM recommended" for general use,
as perfect as for optical radiation a larger input energy may the value c = 299,792,458 m s-" with an uncertainty of
be needed; this does not, however, seem to present a problem ± 4 x 10-9 resulting from the uncertainties of the wavelength
since the energy can be drawn from cheap inductive storage measurements.
devices. The pulse length required for solid pellet heating is The satisfactory agreement of our result with those based
of the order ~ 10-9 s and less. If the pellet has the form of a upon the 3.39 11m laser confirms both the recommended value
spherical shell the pulse can be somewhat longer. So if the for c and the reliability of frequency and wavelength measure-
pulse is delivered from the diode in about ~ 10-6 s it has to ment techniques involving infrared laser radiations.
be compressed by a factor ~ 10 3 , shortening the pulse length
down to ~ 10-9 s. This implies a radial beam compression T. G. BLANEY
from an initial beam width of ~ I m down to ~ I mm. It seems C. C. BRADLEY
that there is a fairly good chance that this can be done. G. J. EDWARDS
Desert Research Institute, W. R. C. ROWLEY
University of Nevada System, K. C. SHOTTON
Reno, Nevada 89507 P. T. WOODS
National Physical Laboratory,
Received April 22, revised June 20, 1974. Teddington, Middlesex, UK
I Nuckolls, J., et al., Nature, 239,139 (1972).
2 Winterberg, F., Nature, 241, 449 (1973). Received May 17; revised July 2, 1974.
3 Winterberg, F., Phys. Rev., 174,212 (1968).
4 Winterberg, F., in Physics of High Energy Density, 370 (Academic I Bradley, C. c., Edwards, G. J., Knight, D. J. E., Rowley, W. R. c.,
Press, New York, 1971). and Woods, P. T., Phys. Bull., 23,15 (1972).
, Sudan, R. N., and Lovelace, R. Y., Phys. Rev. Lett., 31, 1174 2 Blaney, T. G., et al. Nature, 244, 504 (1973).
(1973). 3 Jolliffe, B. W., Rowley, W. R. c., Shotton, K. c., Wallard, A. J.,
and Woods, P. T., Nature, 251, 46 (1974).
4 Evenson, K. M., et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 29, 1346 (1972).
5 Terrien, J., Nouv. Revue Opt. 4, 215 (1973).

Measurement of the speed of light

WE report here the completion of a determination of the
speed of light at the National Physical Laboratory'. The value Accurate wavelength measurement
was obtained from the product of the measured frequency and
the wavelength, determined through up-conversion, of the on up-converted CO2 laser radiation
radiation from a CO 2 laser stabilised to the R(I2) transition of W AYELENGTH measurements, which are part of an accurate
CO 2 at 9.3 11m. determination of the speed of Iight', have been made on the
The frequency was determined relative to the caesium radiation from a carbon dioxide laser, stabilised to the R(12)
standard, using successive stages of harmonic multiplication transition at 9.3 11m by saturated fluorescence in an external
and beat-frequency detection, with HCN and H 20 lasers used CO 2 cell, which has a measured frequency2 reproducible to
as transfer oscillators. The value obtained 2 was v = better than one part in 10". The problems of a direct inter-
32,176,079,482 kHz, with a statistical uncertainty, CJ m , of comparison of infrared and visible wavelengths were avoided

© 1974 Nature Publishing Group

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