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9/22/21, 2:42 AM MBD | Morshed Business Development as a service in Iraq

MBD | Morshed Business Development

Morshed, The First Business

Development as Service Firm in


Started as a freelance and outsourcing staff to help international, regional, and local agencies and companies in
their tasks, projects, and missions in Iraq. Our leap, unlike most companies who suffered from COVID-19, actually
happened during COVID-19 (
se%29&Interval=7-day+rolling+average&Relative+to+Population=true&Align+outbreaks=false&country=~IRQ) and
our growth was so rapid. We started moving towards completing registering our company with unique specifications
in Iraqi law that help us serve more clients in the best possible ways. Our company legal name following the Iraqi
company laws is: “Morshed General Services Limited”, but we refer to ourselves as Morshed Business
Development (MBD).
Our Mission:
Is to develop a business plan and grow our client's business in the ways they want and push it even further, beyond
their imagination.
Our Vision:
Is to leave an imprint be it big or small, but most importantly effective, in every field of business.
Our Methodology:
First off, we listen to our clients, get every data that's important for us, get our client's needs and goals, and then
these data will undergo an analysis process through a set of methodologies, tactics, and strategies, to build the best
business solutions from the ground up with the optimal results, we then, refine and keep improving upon it and
update it. And SO MUCH MORE THAN THIS! (services/) 1/3
9/22/21, 2:42 AM MBD | Morshed Business Development as a service in Iraq

Our National Duty:

Developing a viable and thriving national private sector, which is regionally competitive and globally
integrated, led by the business community, contributes to economic diversification, sustainable
development and job creation.
Great promise resides in the nation’s national assets, i.e. its human capital, natural resources, fertile
land, a great wealth of historical sites and religious pilgrimage destinations, and vast market
opportunities, given the huge demand for products and services and plentiful financial revenues. Taken
together, a national endowment exists with immense potential for new ventures in all sectors of the
economy, led by a resurgent private sector that drives economic growth and diversification.
Our National Duty

‫دائرة تسجيل الشركات‬ ‫ مسجلة في وزارة التجارة‬،‫ محدودة المسؤولية شركة عراقية خاصة‬/‫شركة المرشد للخدمات العامة‬

‫) من قانون‬19( ‫ قسم الشركات العراقية وتمارس عملها في العراق استنادا ألحكام المادة‬،)/

.‫) من القانون أعاله‬21( ‫ حيث تم إيداع نسخة من بيان التأسيس ونشره وفقا ألحكام المادة‬.‫ المعدل‬1997 ‫) لسنة‬21( ‫رقم‬
‫ تم إصدار شهادة تأسيس‬000013767 – 02 – .‫ أ‬.‫ ش‬.‫واستنادا إلى قرار وزارة التجارة – دائرة تسجيل الشركات المرقم م‬
:‫الشركة وحفظت نسخة منها في كل من‬
)/ .‫ الجهاز المركزي لإلحصاء‬/‫وزارة التخطيط‬
)/ .‫ الصيرفة واالئتمان‬/‫البنك المركزي العراقي‬
)/ .‫ قسم االستيراد‬/‫الشركة العامة للمعارض والخدمات التجارية‬
)/ .‫ قسم الشركات‬/‫الهيئة العامة للضرائب‬
)/ .‫اتحاد الغرف التجارية العراقية‬
)/ .‫غرفة تجارة بغداد‬
)/ .‫ التوثيق والمعلومات‬/‫نقابة المحاميين العراقيين‬
‫) لدى‬/about( ‫ محدودة المسؤولية محجوز رسميا لصالح السيد أنس مرشد محمود‬/‫االسم التجاري لشركة المرشد للخدمات العامة‬
‫ والمرسل إلى اتحاد الغرف التجارية العراقية والتي أبدت موافقتها على منح االسم‬1205 ‫غرفة تجارة بغداد وفق الكتاب المرقم‬
501 ‫ دائرة تسجيل الشركات بذلك وفق الكتاب ذي العدد‬/‫التجاري وأشعار وزارة التجارة العراقية‬
‫ حي المنصور‬/‫قضاء الكرخ‬/‫بغداد‬ 41 :‫ رقم الزقاق‬609 :‫ رقم المحلة‬1/24 :‫ رمضان رقم المبنى‬14 :‫ المنصور أسم الشارع‬:‫حي‬ ‫ بغداد‬:‫مدينة‬ 2/3
9/22/21, 2:42 AM MBD | Morshed Business Development as a service in Iraq

“Hold my hand in yours, and we will not fear what hands like ours can do.”

― Anonymous, The Epic of Gilgamesh


14 Ramadan Street, Al Mansour District, Baghdad - Iraq.

Al Mansour Post Office –10013

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 +964 781 777 4455 |  +964 771 126 6088

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