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Learning made easy with Google Suites and Plickers

Jeddah B. Quiño

Plickers is an assessment tool created by a teacher who wanted a quick and easy approach to
verify student's comprehension. This assessment tool enables teachers to obtain formative assessment
data on the spot without requiring students to utilize gadgets or paper & pencils. So, how can we teach
using this tool? This tool, warm-ups, fast inspections, and exit tickets could all be improved using
Plickers, and essential data may be collected to assist teachers in tracking student development.
Teachers can ask insightful, thoughtful questions to begin or finish the class in a meaningful, engaging
way or challenge students to generate questions to be utilized for quick reviews of content or readings.
Teachers can also begin a unit with a type of pretest, obtain vital information on how to meet students
where they are, and determine who may need additional challenges or help from the start. Ask
procedural or reflective questions to encourage metacognition in pupils. Before offering students a
summative assessment, teachers can give them a chance to practice with quiz and exam questions.
Create big-picture questions to get students talking in class and break up the monotony of multiple-
choice questions by allowing them to argue the answers or stand up as they respond. Students will
prefer interactive response cards to paper-and-pencil examinations regardless of how they are used.
In addition, upon doing the activity earlier with Ma'am Keziah, I realized that the novelty of swapping
worksheets for a more engaging medium would appeal to students. At the same time, teachers will
appreciate the quick glimpse this tool provides. It is simple to get started, but the help center has a
wealth of information. Social networking platforms may provide teachers with valuable resources.

During formative evaluations, the tool keeps students interested. All students can engage in
anonymously answering questions without fear of being judged. Teachers can obtain real-time
feedback to help them improve their lessons. Plickers is a fun and easy-to-use online evaluation tool
for kids and instructors alike. Teachers may use Plickers to assess student comprehension. They can
use the information gathered to inform their lesson for a subsequent class or in real-time. Students
remain engrossed as they wait to see if their cards have been scanned and their answers have been
revealed. The cards may be downloaded and printed, or purchased online. Plickers is a fun and simple
game that students of all ages like. Students’ mode and graph mode are two options for seeing the
collected data. Students’ mode displays all of the students' cards and names and whether or not they
have responded. The graph view depicts how students responded to the questions. The correct answer
can be displayed in both views.

Meanwhile, Google Classroom has grown in popularity as more schools switch to online
learning and teachers swiftly deploy paperless education. Classrooms integrate with Google Docs,
Sheets, Slides, Sites, Earth, Calendar, and Gmail and may be enhanced with Google Hangouts or Meet
for live instruction and questions. Google Classroom is a set of online tools that allows teachers to
create assignments, collect student work, grade papers, and send them back to students. It was
designed primarily to eliminate the use of paper in the classroom and to enable digital learning. It was
designed to work with educational laptops, such as Chromebooks, to let teachers and students
communicate information and tasks more effectively.

Teachers may communicate with their students in each of their courses using Gmail, making
announcements and asking questions. Students can be added directly from the Google Apps directory
by teachers, or students can be given a code to input to get access to the class. Google Classroom will
combine Google Docs, Google Slides, and other Google apps and other grading tools because it is an
LMS that integrates Google Apps for Education. Here are some examples of how we may use several
Google Apps in the SAMR model: We can utilize Google Docs instead of pencil and paper to create a
report in Substitution. Teachers keep track of when students turn in work in Augmentation. Teachers
may use Google Forms to generate grading assessments in Modification. Students might use the data
to set new learning objectives. In Redefinition, we can use Video Chat to bring a Googler into our class
to provide a guest lecture.

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