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Calamba City Science Integrated School 2020-
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 2021

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One Click at a Time Campaign against Internet Addiction


Problematic computer use is a growing social issue that is being debated worldwide.

Internet Addiction Disorder ruins lives by causing neurological complications,

psychological disturbances, and social problems. Surveys in the Philippines and

SouthEastAsia have indicated alarming prevalence rates between 1.5 and 8.2%. There are

several reviews addressing the definition, classification, assessment, epidemiology, and co-

morbidity of IAD, and some reviews addressing the treatment of IAD. The aim of this

paper is to give a preferably brief overview of research on IAD and theoretical

considerations from a practical perspective based on years of daily work with clients

suffering from Internet addiction. Furthermore, with this paper, we intend to bring in

practical experience in the debate about the eventual inclusion of IAD in the next version

of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

The idea that problematic computer use meets the criteria for an addiction, and

therefore should be included in the next iteration of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

of Mental Disorders (DSM). Since that time IAD has been extensively studied and is

indeed, currently under consideration for inclusion. Meanwhile, both China and South

Korea have identified Internet addiction as a significant public health threat and both

countries support education, research, and treatment. In the Philippines, despite a growing

body of research, and treatment for the disorder available in out-patient and in-patient

settings, there has been no formal government response to the issue of Internet addiction.

While the debate goes on about whether or not the Government should designate Internet
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Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 2021

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addiction a mental disorder people currently suffering from Internet addiction are seeking

treatment. Because of our experience we support the development of uniform diagnostic

criteria and the inclusion of IAD as a type of mental health illness today, in order to advance

public education, diagnosis, and treatment of this important disorder.


This concept is obtained to help the Respondents and Patients overcome their

addiction. The purpose of this paper is to include, from a realistic viewpoint, an ideally

detailed review of studies on IAD and theoretical implications focused on years of

everyday experience with respondents, personnel, and everyday people from suffering

Internet addiction. In addition, this paper aims to bring empirical knowledge, and light to

the discussion on the potential incorporation and addition of the term internet addiction in

the next edition of the Psychiatric Disorders Diagnostic for the years to come.


We as a group envisions itself to be an innovative and leading program for

integrating awareness and prevention advocacies that generate policy recommendations for

the government and the business community. The Group sees itself as one of the country’s

valuable resources in its pursuit of international competitiveness, internet addiction

alleviation, growth, human resource development, and overall personal development

within each respondent. The Group also sees itself as a resource to the different Universities

in deepening the research tradition by responding, and collaborating with different research

studies and articles in developing an understanding of this new addiction especially those

in the Asia Pacific region. To attain its vision, the Group strives to: provide a forum for
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the exchange of ideas among researchers, academics, policymakers, the private sector, and

civil society on economic and business issues; build a collection of databases on

individuals, households, entrepreneurs, firms, and the Philippine economy that will be

made available to faculty, and students in the conduct of their research; participate in

regional research activities addressing this type of issue. The diffusion of research outputs

through various means includes public Facebook pages, discussion papers, programs, and

activities for different citizens suffering from this condition


The Internet has a lot of positive effects on the various aspect, but the addiction

towards it will only lead to unlikely negative effects. Even though the internet has helped

us in many ways, the negative effects of the internet are almost impossible to avoid. The

purpose of this project is to give awareness, prevention, and consultation to those

individuals suffering or experiencing the consequences of the change in their behavior,

mood, and emotions because of internet addiction. This project will explain the reasons

and causes of internet addiction; depicting its impact to a person’s physical and mental

health. This project’s existence is to be a place of consultation for individuals especially

students and the youth that are having a hard time telling their parents or relatives their

personal problems relating to their addiction using the internet and help them restore their

social skills before it affects their future.

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“One Click at A Time” is devoted to spreading awareness to different digital users

during this modern age of the different implications of internet addiction. It provides

relevant knowledge to every individual on how we can prevent and stop this growing social


Internet addiction is characterized by excessive or poorly controlled

preoccupations, urges, or behaviors regarding computer use and internet access that could

lead to an internet addiction disorder. The diagnostics for this disorder comes with different


1. Being preoccupied with the internet.

2. Increase in the amount of time in using the internet.

3. Unsuccessful efforts to stop using the internet.

4. Hot-tempered when attempting to stop internet use.

5. Staying online longer than originally intended.

The considerable variance of the prevalence rates reported for this disorder is

between 0.3% and 38%. According to the review of Weinstein and Lejoyeux, surveys in

the United States and Europe have indicated prevalence rates varying between 1.5% and

8.2%. Other reports place the rates between 6% and 18.5%. In addition to this, a variety of

mental disorders could also co-occur with IAD. These include depression, anxiety,

hostility, interpersonal sensitivity, and psychoticism.

As it is known, addiction activates different sites in the brain associated with

pleasure, known together as the “reward center” or “pleasure pathway” of the brain. The
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activation of these comes with the increase in the release of dopamine, along with opiates

and other neurotransmitters. Over time, the associated receptors may be affected,

producing tolerance or the need for increased stimulation of the reward center to produce

a “high” and the subsequent characteristic behavior patterns needed to avoid withdrawal.

So what is the reason why many people are becoming addicted to the internet? Digital

technology users experience multiple layers of reward or pleasure when using computer

applications. Whatever the application (general surfing, pornography, chat rooms, message

boards, social networking sites, video games, email, texting, cloud applications, and games,

etc.), these activities support unpredictable and variable reward structures. The reward

experience is intensified when combined with mood stimulating content. Examples of this

would be sexual stimulation through pornography, video games (e.g. various social

rewards, identification with a hero, immersive graphics), dating sites (romantic fantasy),

online poker (financial), and special interest chat rooms or message boards (sense of


Various treatment approaches have been encouraged by different clinicians

working with IAD. These are psychological approach (utilization of selective serotonin-

reuptake inhibitors as a pharmacological intervention), psychological approach

(motivational interviewing and mental therapies), and multimodal treatments

(implementation of several different types of treatment in some cases even from different

disciplines such as pharmacology, psychotherapy, and family counseling simultaneously

or sequentially). In her book “Internet Addiction: Symptoms, Evaluation, and Treatment,”

Young offers some treatment strategies which are from the cognitive-behavioral approach:
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(a) practice opposite time of Internet use, (b) use external stoppers, (c) set goals, (d) abstain

from a particular application, (e) use reminder cards (cues that remind the patient of the

costs of IAD and benefits of breaking it), (f) develop a personal inventory, (g) enter a

support group, and (h) engage in family therapy.

Indeed, though the integration of the internet has offered many benefits to every

individual, it has also caused a serious social issue that needed to be prevented and stopped

as soon as possible. As an individual from this modern generation, we should all be aware

of the health complications that might be caused by too much usage of the internet. Let us

all unite to prevent this growing matter and help us spread this awareness.


This program will be conducted in the city of Calamba where there will be some

activities that will help to address the problem with internet addiction. The ₱50, 000.00

budget for the project needs will be funded through donations combined with the provided

money of the group. The table below will show the budget allotment for the said project.

Project needs Budget Cost

Advertisement ₱ 12,000

Posters ₱ 8,000

Activities ₱ 14,000

Event monitoring ₱ 16,000

Total ₱ 50,000
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Contact Information

John Edward L. Aguirang 0916-296-6650

Jovic Besin 0927-353-1951

Crister Jules Cezar N/A

Mariell Gallega 0961-896-9032

Jan Rossel B. Herrero 0936-671-9855

Cedie James Padua 0919-705-3189

Hana Tricia Marie L. Piamonte 0961-554-0789

Jamaica Lois Ramirez 0936-607-3484

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