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Kelompok 5 linguistic

1.which one is included in the grammar description?

 a. formal or national

  b.Informal or traditional

  c.formal or traditional

  d. formal or informal

e. national and traditional

2. How many phrases are there?

a. 2





3. the definition of syntax according to Murt Kridalaksana's Day (1993)

a. The term syntax (Dutch, Syntaxis) is a part or branch of linguistics that discusses the ins and outs of
discourse, sentences, clauses and phrases

b. Syntax is a language subsystem that includes words that are often considered part of grammar,
namely morphology and linguistic branches that learn about words.

c. Syntax maybe roughly defined as the principles of arrangement of the construction (word) into large
constructions of various kinds. "

d. Syntax is a part of grammar that discusses the structure of farases and sentences.

e. the system of rules and categories that underlines sentence formation in human language. "

4.what is the meaning of syntax according to Ramlah (1976: 57)?

a. Syntax is a part of grammar that discusses the structure of farases and sentences.
  b. Syntax is a language subsystem that includes words that are often considered part of grammar,
namely morphology and linguistic branches that learn about words.

  c. Syntax maybe roughly defined as the principles of arrangement of the construction (word) into large
constructions of various kinds. "

  d. Syntax is a part of grammar that discusses the structure of farases and sentences.

  e. the system of rules and categories that underlines sentence formation in human language.

5 . who builds specific noun phrases in passive from ?



c. Huddleston

d. Pullum

e. JA Howard dan J. Sheth

6. A set of rules for rewriting strings,along with “initial symbol” from which rewriting begins.description




e.all answers are correct

7. contruction in terms of more semantic general quality.description from?

a. phrase

b. clause

c. national

d. formal

e. all answers are wrong

8. which includes modern grammar which is more scientific than english?

a.Komprehensif Grammar
b. The Cambridge Grammar
c.The Longman Grammar

d. formal konstruksi gramatikal

e.a,b,c, is correct

9.which one belongs to the clause characteristics?

a.having a subject either in writing or not in writing

b.the prhase must consist of at least two or more words

c.the prhase must have a grammatical meaning

d.the prhase is nonpredicative

e.phrase always occupy one sentence function

10.which type of sentences are included in english according to their use?

a.simple sentences

b.commpound sentences

c.compound – complex sentences

d.declarative sentences

e.complex sentences

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