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Mathematics connects everything with reality, it builds all senses to human

that makes us understand reality and how we live through it. It is filled with

calculations, patterns, shapes, formulas, theories, structures, and everything that can

relate to life aspects. Mathematics is usually an important role in our lives, though it

cannot be seen visible. Sometimes, we are not aware of how it is being contributed

to us. By recognizing the capabilities that mathematics has, we will be able to

comprehend deeply with its potential and observe every detail that contributes to its

use in our daily lives.

Mathematics builds up the logical thinking of humans, where a person can

create rational decisions, advanced instincts, analyzing perspectives, and others that

can help sharpen our knowledge (Ghatnekar, 2020). Implementing the importance of

math education can help our minds to think critically and creatively. Without its

existence, it would affect our behavior, character, and intellect, making us ignorant

and face a lot of complications when continuing to live. We would also never be able

to adapt and adjust to the environment. It is important to us, mostly to students, how

mathematics can make sense in forms of reality and not only be seen as a

complicated subject matter to deal with. Mathematics could help us lead a better

future, where developing innovative ideas that involve using it could help us make

improvements in one’s living.

Based on my current course, architecture, the use of mathematics is also

essential as it will serve as a path in planning and constructing the concept of

establishment. Math plays the roles of geometry, trigonometry, algebra, and physics,

applying these forms in architecture. An example of it is the Golden Ratio developed

by Euclid, a Greek mathematician, which presents the idea of having basic

geometric principles in architecture. This became the most used method of architects
when establishing building because every establishment has a golden ratio. Math is

important in an architect’s works to create a thriving output of the idea through

methods of calculations. Another example is the Pythagorean theorem, which plays

the role of calculating dimensions and proportions that will implement its concept and

its construct. Every infrastructure that we see in our community is also based and

worked with mathematics (DreamBox, 2019). Therefore, architecture with math

proves that it contributes to the progress of society and the economy.

Understanding mathematics is also understanding the concept of science

because they are frequently related to each other when they are being studied.

Mathematics is the backbone of science to which builds the foundation of exploring

everything successfully. Science-related to mathematics can be found in the practice

of medical, topography, geography, aeronautics, constructions, machines, and

others that apply with its importance. Most of the time, the usage of data in scientific

experiments is an important application because it gives strong support to prove its

hypothesis and the data collected (Mullen, 2017). Without the use of mathematics in

science, it would be difficult to interpret and apprehend logically. Giving the

importance of mathematics in science would benefit them from improving their skills

for their career.

Studying mathematics also includes finding patterns, generating

communication, analyzing situations and phenomena that could bring global

competence by exploring them using mathematical methods (Understanding the

World Through Math, 2021). It is also a way also to understand how everything in the

world is usually connected to math, from natural up-to human-made creations.

Determining math by our surroundings can be easy, examples of these are relating

geometrical shapes through objects, seeing patterns, counting populations, and

calculating money. It can also contribute to a more advanced matter, which are

involving statistics on research reports, identifying environmental conditions, and

giving evidence in an argument.

As math revolves around us while we are consciously and unconsciously

aware of its existence, it manifests the idea of playing an important role in our lives. It

shows its point that the course of it gives an opportunity to make innovations towards

the future improvement. It should provide recognition for its importance rather than

be known for its complicated problem solving of equations. Mathematics drives its

functionality to surface our understanding of how it builds its connection with reality

and our lifestyle.

@DreamBox_Learn. (2019, August 20). Architecture and Construction Through

Mathematics. Retrieved from Dreambox Learning:



CONNES, A. (n.d.). A VIEW OF MATHEMATICS. Retrieved from

Ghatnekar, A. (2020, July 3). Why Math Matters. Retrieved from Atharva



Mullen, K. (2017, September 26). Symbiotic Relationship between mathematics and

science. Retrieved from ePortfolio:


Understanding the World Through Math. (2021). Retrieved from Center for Global



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