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Part I: You will hear a lecture describing some investigations into the sense of taste.
Complete the chart below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Write
your answers in the box provided.


Procedure Result Cause

more yellow added to the green subjects believed extra

brain influenced by a product presentation
colour of 1______ 2______ added to drink

gum chewed until it is

mint flavour 4______ sweetness necessary for mintiness
3______ then again with sugar

the same drink tasted cold and at

5______ drink seems sweeter temperature affects sweetness
room temperature

with louder crunch, subjects

crisps were eaten in rooms which
believed crisps taste sound affects taste perceptions
were 6______

variety of cheese sauces subjects believed some sauces

8______ affects taste perceptions
prepared tasted less strong

two different flavoured subjects still tasted

the brain is filling the taste ‘gap’
9______ tasted together 10______ when no longer there


1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10

Part II: You will hear five short extracts in which different people are talking about their
postgraduate study courses. You will listen twice. Write your answers in the box
TASK ONE: For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A-H) what reason each speaker gives
for beginning the postgraduate course.
A. improve job prospects F. avoid redundancy
B. make news contracts G. improve understanding of a
C. facilitate a change in career direction particular subject
D. satisfy a personal interest H. enter a completely different
E. delay an inevitable job research profession
1. Speaker 1: 2. Speaker 2: 3. Speaker 3: 4. Speaker 4: 5. Speaker 5:

TASK TWO: For question 6-10, choose from the list (A-H) what benefit each speaker
expects from having that particular postgraduate qualification.
A. to relocate permanently E. a better idea of which are to
B. a greatly improved income specialise in
C. more time for family F. an activity to fill his time
D. a better benefits package G. a contact in academia
H. a respectable qualification

6. Speaker 1: 7. Speaker 2: 8. Speaker 3: 9. Speaker 4: 10. Speaker 5:

Part III: You will hear a radio interview with a sports scientist talking about the effects of
age on ability to perform sports. For questions 1-5, choose the answer (A,B,C or D) which
fits best according to what you hear. You will listen twice. Write your answers in the box
1. What point is Robert upholding when he says ‘the Tour de France is living proof of this’?
A. Athletes should not be permitted to compete at these levels after the age of 40.
B. No athlete is physiologically capable of winning once past 35.
C. The vast majority of athletes reach a peak of fitness at the age of 35 and then decline.
D. The average age of competitors in endurance sports is 29.
2. What was Robert’s motivation for entering the Tour De France in his forties?
A. so that the British Team had a competitor over 40.
B. to prove something to researchers
C. to achieve a personal goal
D. to finish his cycling career on a high
3. Why do the ages for best average performance in Marathons differ between men and women?
A. Female entrants are on average younger than male entrants.
B. Women lose their lung and muscle capacity faster than men.
C. Men demonstrate a faster average speed than women at different ages.
D. Statistically, few women over 45 actually complete the Marathon.
4. How does qualitative analysis disprove the theory of age-related decline?
A. It shows that decline is by no means uniform.
B. It indicates that training time is a decisive factor.
C. It highlights flaws in the theory of muscle loss.
D. It proves that some people can halt the decline completely.
5. What conclusions does Robert draw from the research he has mentioned?
A. Winning is possible at any age.
B. Failure is inevitable when you don’t follow the 10% rule.
C. When winning is your goal you can achieve great things
D. Age should not be views as an obstacle to success.

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