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Level: TEENS 6 (B2)

Apellido y Nombre:……………………………………………………………………….……………………………………..

Instituto: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


1) Listen and choose the correct answer

1. What does Jackie NOT say she had to do to become Portuguese?
a. Pass a language test
b. Have an interview
c. Pay lots of money

2. The life in the UK tests is in which language?

a. The language of the person taking the test
b. English
c. French

3. All the questions come from information in a handbook


4. You have to choose the right answer for each question

a. True
b. False

5. What does Jackie say about the online tests?

a. They didn’t try the tests
b. They tried the tests and both passed them all
c. They tried the tests and both failed some

6. Order the chapters of the handbook from 1 to 5

a. A modern, thriving society
b. The UK Government, the law and your role as a citizen
c. What is the UK?
d. The values and principals of the UK
e. A long and illustrious history
7. What do the example questions show?
a. British people can’t answer them
b. They were too easy
c. The questions were too difficult to understand

8. What did they decide about the test?

a. People need to learn about British history
b. The questions need to be more useful
c. British people should do the test

9. How did Jackie do in the Portuguese version of this test?

a. She passed
b. She failed
c. She didn’t need to do one

2)READ the article and CHOOSE the correct answers below.(10)

1 How does the writer feel in the first paragraph?
A upset that the weather is spoiling his afternoon.
B nervous about writing for his school newspaper.
C annoyed with himself for not having started his project.
D happy to be distracted from his thoughts.

2 In the second paragraph, what is the writer doing?

A describing how inspiring the skateboarders are.
B highlighting the square’s importance to skateboarders.
C expressing his envy of the skateboarders’ skills.
D suggesting that he’s uncertain about his choice of topic.

3 Stefan talks to the skateboarders because

A they ask for his opinion about what they do.
B they are into the same kinds of music.
C he wants to find out more about skateboarding.
D He likes to discuss his own interests with them

4 What does hassled mean in line 45?

A complained about by neighbours.
B bothered by people in authority.
C shouted at by people passing by.
D approached by strangers.

5 Toby suggests that the skateboarders

A have earned the right to use the square.
B are happy to have a suitable place to practise.
C are keen to keep the peace with local residents.
D have discovered a little-known corner of the city.

6 Zack says skateboarding is like art because

A it uses original ideas
B it creates strong feelings
C it is performed for an audience
D it means different things to different people.
7 In paragraph 5 , the writer implies that he
A agrees with Zack’s description of skateboarding
B is becoming bored with listening to the skateboarders
C is anxious to make a note of everything he hears
D likes the idea of being involved in such a group

8 In the final paragraph, the writer is

A uninterested in Carla’s comments
B excited about rediscovering an interest
C relieved that the day is over
D keen to write about his experience

3) Choose the word or form (A, B, C or D) that best completes the text.

I was born in 1946 and by 1950, I 1 _________started primary school. Both parents and teachers were
much stricter in those days 2 ____________they are now and anyone who misbehaved was
3____________ big trouble.
In most classes, we spent a lot of time 4____________ things like dates and multiplication tables
5___________ heart. My worst 6 ____________was maths, so my dad persuaded the teacher 7
______________me extra work.
He hoped that this would help me get 8 _____________ the exam that we all had to 9 ___________at the
age of eleven. Unfortunately, I still failed and I have always hated maths just because of the way that it
10_______________ taught then.
1 A have B was C had D did
2 A than B that C as D of
3 A at B in C on D off
4 A to learn B learn C learning D learnt
5 A at B in C by D on
6 A topic B material C subject D theme
7 A to give B give C giving D gave
8 A over B by C out D through
9 A make B stand C give D take
10 A has B was C had D has been
4) Complete the article with one word which best fits the gap. There are three extra ones.

Most of us probably go straight to the medicine cabinet or to the doctor 1 _________we are feeling ill.

But for small problems we can often cure ourselves just 2 __________eating the right types of food.

For example, headaches 3 _________often caused by low blood sugar, so eating a banana or some dried

fruit can help you to feel better. If you have a blocked nose, add a 4__________ chilli to your food as this

5 _____________help to clear out your nasal passages.

Ginger is effective against travel sickness, so try drinking ginger tea before you set 6___________ on a

long car journey. For sufferers from insomnia, a glass of warm milk before 7 __________ to bed is a good

idea. You should certainly avoid 8 __________coffee as this can 9 _________you feel nervous and restless.

So next time you don’t feel so good, try looking at what you’ve got in your kitchen cupboard.

10___________ any rate, it won’t make you any worse.



5) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in bold.

1 Kids who don’t like academic subjects can choose a ____________ course. VOCATION
2 Dieting is fi ne as long as you do it in _________________. MODERATE
3 I don’t find that hairstyle very __________________.ATTRACT
4 He might look healthy but appearances can be_________________. DECEIVE
5 To his __________________ , he found he had won first prize in the competition. AMAZE
6) Rewrite the sentences using I wish ….

1 I haven’t got a car. I would very much like to have one.

I wish __________________________________________________________________ .
2 I went to bed late last night. I regret it now.
I wish _____________________________________________________________________ .
3 We don’t live in a nice big flat. I would like us to
I wish __________________________________________________________________ .
4 I didn’ t buy that dress. I regret it now.
I wish _____________________________________________________________________ .
5 He won’t stop shouting. I would like him to.
I wish ____________________________________________________________________

7) Underline the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.


8) Choose ONE of the following options. Write your text in 100 to 120 words.


You see this notice on a website. Write your article

Technology is advancing very quickly. But what do YOU think has been the most important
technological invention in recent years?


Read the essay prompt and complete the task. Write your essay
Is it better for a young child to grow up in the city or in the country? What’s your opinion?
Write about:
• school
• hobbies
• your own idea.

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