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I Hnrmatiom *r$ a*ves.

Adieggygs.(hffpfi bea*ifuJj t*ll us ahCIut a hoiln. Adyer:hs {bapptly,
bse*tiifa@ tell us about a verb, an adjective or another aAvirh Xieygrve
us inforrnation about tirne (when?), place (where?), manner {howf) afd
fteguency (h,ow often?) I
Tadttl !,ftelhupxy}leray,re1/l e woutlrcris h*al*i,Slf. .$rrrr*,drflrfiair crx,plaSrirrgrr
h*ppSy ht tlte sri'e#r anti u l:lurkbird is srr+ging ie*uffilfy irr cr rrno *rru*frli_
Some adverbr ar,t phras,es:
fiel*lantlltas onTx*l*il*gr, sn rpe'rr nwetingl*int arrtrrs c*,*rdan
Moot adrrerbs'*r,f form:ed by addir*g -ly to an adjectiver
s*el + wtll!; clear *t rlrcd,r
This,tabie,shovrs spelling rules fur these adverbs:

Adjective Acl,verb

endingin a vot'el aud.l brutti|ul add "ly It* ttt r i.{'tt ll1,

in -y drop .v and add -rii, un^qri[-

in -Xa tntsetrl-ble drop -r and add 'v nt ists ti it'
tn. {r"flt'eril,tr ke*p -e and acki -13, ('.ralt'l)lt'h.

rdu ,a$qetive
rydjng io -Iy le.g;ftieltqly,ltklty, Ih,ety,laneg,, trouety, si@, Wb)
caqnot be made inro an pdverb. We have ro-lrse * phrus. iour*a,
Slrs s#flffsd the interyiery, in afyisnilly*ra,nnar.
Ha laqgihrr{ ri* * *iltyu*y,

* *dyerns *EEd adJectivss sesiE3r e*cafussd

Some *diectives aud adverbs have the same form. $onrc coffi1ffn$rl $l1e$ ar€;
fast, early, kard,late, daily, weekly, rnanthly;
*dJeefives Adv.erbs
{e caUgllt thafox *ain, He rnn;frrsr f6 cat4I fhc g,fiin,
Hr rrnghr the ear|ry- n.ain. He{1j,s *r.ripes #firly.
$lw's a haril
u,ailrer; She rrurhs ltw *1.
bus i$ ahpntrs lare. { orrivecl hr,rrile lcrrd}.
ilny ifigr,ily'ttst4ryapel'*usrs 5ftr" J su,r'rn *Iailr-

Hwdly means {aknosr norr. It can go ia *uriqo$ positionx ioltlrs i*oii*u*n

Wia, atitsd'whntlw eanns fnro #ir rrr{?n}. (* s}r'e almost didnit n*d,ce)
I had hardly finisltul nty brcakf*sf trtlwn rhc.v n,.rilert (= only irr*ii
fhfyWd,!.y ever go on haliday; (* almost never)
Yeg{ugto h1y tlic bq$inrriug of a radio comrnffrrnr,y on a fqorbdl
Beforg pu li,1ryn, fldfrk aboilt what
Ticlr tlre
t ,oau ,see
wsrds you think you might hear.
- and he*r *i a il*t*t .

flUau fl c&ai,, p goat fJ grnund t hetrnet il loudly n peacef

ff quickly fl racttet il Jcorea n ;ryb n ffiirr* f, spectators [J wt i*tt.
ffi @ Lis.ten a1d rJ:ect< if 5rcu,wer.e r{ghr, Numb€r rhe rycrds in
hear them and suss ,rur the,ono
the order you
yoi, don,t hean
W mlisten again arrd fill in the gaps. Stop tlte recording when you need ro.
1 Ar:cl ...finc1ty.... tlre players ar.e coming onro rhe pitch.
Z ?here wer-a sucit terrible tr:affic jan:s ..r,i..*.....!.....
thar rl"re matclr is starting
3 ,.. the spectator"s have been ivaidng since tlvo o,clocl ...
4 ..' tl:e1"1s'Chee'i,g
5 Rossi ,.. is running ........,...,......... down rhe pitch ...
6 ... he's faller:
7 [Ie's so experie:rcecl in these liinds of conclitions that
he ..... ..,............. falls.
I Non, Parlcer is runnirrg .............."..,.," towards tl:e goal ...
9 Parker is playing incr.edibiy
l0 l:e scoreri the r+,inning goal ...
11 It's ,,,.....,.,..,...... parlier wfio shoors that irnporrant goal,

ffi *, therrltru,prds y*u have fiIied in are adyer;bs or adver* phnases.

us abnut tdren, whetre, hcw or how of,reu
Ih*y *uuiitlni*g happened.
Fu.t eaclr of yoUr an$lyers to Exercise S in the cor.rect eolumribeluw.
ttrIlren? }!lhere? ftrow? Horv often?
tfodwttsx o*r*rne$r tvell.
' Tke ireath4r t.r'G,t very ltat,

Ha,ryolw o hm' r,*ther Jierr.ellu
The hoase uta*'q1*ite, ald,
perfer4 impossilile, extelletrr) caa onil. be smengthened
Sorme adiective-s (e.g"
rryirh adverbs like ro-rnlrletely, abs*jutrilA, wtally, utritvly. \Ve can say-:
ri'o,rsurord puzz,b is campletely"i&lc. (not, ..." **r,4t*r+ryqtfu+-Ul
6 *dYerb poaEtEon
Adverbs which tell usr
+ howl whell and urhem sonrething happens u*ually Sil er the enrl
Tk*: tw*trl6 toale p.lsce wdrt*nly, ,{knt;v?
ntwrtng taok place in th* Towr- $ai$, (nihere?)
Tha mce$ng took plr,r* Icsr Tuerda3r- {u:lt*n?)
, If there ars seyeral end-position adverbs, ure pu* tlrem tn this order:
' hnw? urh*re? when?
The iwet*6 toak place ***t{d*nlgfn r,IeB ?silrn
"$fsll taw iawetq,j,.
Adv.erbs which tell us;
+ how qften somethirrg hlppens usually go irr the mirtdle
,bofeirc a single word verbt' fr,nid-.positian)
I trs$.eny *avcl liy n'oin,
, hut after fimlt*lere/tu**ltwe:
I am ofien late.

{f,ee verb has rwo or rl6re parts, the adverb usually goes after the
first partl
I hate w$Bt lteen to rhfs;lnm af t*w,n hqfore,
+ whm s,omething hapBelr^$ car go at rlre heginnins for eruphasis
(rfuat poerdof):
Y.sWrW lw painred.the leitchen.
We cax prlt other adver,bsin front"p*sition for enrphasis:
$ha s*arnr ad awt af the roont.
Srrdfuh she &urxr fnf* $
t Lqrr go.&ething huppen* ean scnrerime*,g$ is ail,,three pcsitio,*a:
€ , ltx..pttckrd lri.r sui'rrrer.e,
H* c*refufily packed ftrs srrftrrosa"
Ila pr;*rk*d his sufr,rnse *ar*{wlly,
An adverb does not usually go betrr,reen a rnerh and its oi iect;
She held his hund *gitb: 6ff .ffir'r**'
Hardly is often ririth o*y:
T'here u,$s'hayd{1, {ttu,on'e ht tlrc cfurilna,. (= alnrost na6orly)
Ilarilly utty 01'tlu: dtildren *tuld r"trlrrl (* nlrnosr none of ihern)
Late lately are hoth bur they have different n.lear:ings.
I*tely ilteans'recently':
I lrurien\ rutd u,rtt, .qtnd Lrorl,.s l*ra$.
The adverb far good is well:
Jt rras u good u)tic(n. The ntrrsrr.icrrrs ltlavcr{ well.
But well is also an adjective lt'hich mearls the opposite sf ill:
I twrt o hu.d. hest!*t'hi Sestertlr1+, fiur ^I'ln tuetl r.udi3,.
ASonre verts are I'ollo-rtred bv acliectives, not aclyerbs (> see Unit 7, Grarnmar,
parr 3).

* Somparahrr;w Bxrd swqevfaefJ$$e edverfus

Most adverbs use ?rxorr or less ro make compamtilres and the nmst o,t the least
r to ulflke superlatives;
IvIy l2yllltyr spcrii;r;,; {ttii*n ?7t{}rc .f\uentlj, tha* ! do,
" I speok ltulttnr {e*s fluenfly *tun tny brrtrhtr r/{)e.s.
Out oJ *tl the studt:rtts, l\{:ariu.rl.rrurfts /:lg/r.sft r?te *wst
Adverbs witlrout. -ly rnake colnparatives and superlatives in the sam€ way as
shom adiectiv*s {i see Unit 8):
hartl --+ ltnrdr,r'*, /rnrr{r*r ltigh *r ftr',gliri -..* /irgJrrst lare *+ lutcr --+ Iatest
, I worlt hard, nr-i' .cisrt,r' trortrr.t h$rder rlwn I rlo but Alct: lt,o.'i/ts r?ie haxlest.
ANote also: ,vrlrli'-4 eat'liel *, {trrlic,sf {rroti*o€qa#tliC-f:n{f$getlJd
Some compararive and superlatirre adverbs are irregular:
w€ll*> hetttr*-+ lxsf ltucllJ, *-.* tl,r;rs?---r rririsi .t'tn -* t*rtlwr*>Jarth.est
I rlid better tltun him in,the nx.
Nane ot tlze strrclrrris lives yet'.r, nutr the srhool, hur I)srren liues #r,fl,Jr.
Adverbs use the srllrle compalar.ive structlrres as adjectives:
He shourrtl as l*url"b or* slre r{rrl.
I can.'t ttld up rr"s rltr.itliy fis i'rrr{ afi,r.
They arrivad larur dt&n wc tiitl.

4 il$odi$y$H?g d;dverbs artffi ad$ectEves

Some adyerbs are used to change the strength of adjectives or adverbs.
Here are some cornmon olles;
funrrdr. 13, c!,-r I rTilt! rtull.r, r*fltrr _fttit"$, cyttit* sllglrrll,
stronger luea*sr

ffi Ur* the adiectives in brackets to nrake adverbs and fill in the gaps"
1 She piclced up the sle,eping baby ..*94.nt!y... , {gentte)
? When she hantlcci hirn his Jost wallet, he srniled at her . (gratefuJ)
3 She cr:uldn't see hcr sou anywhere arrd calJed his name . (arlrious)
4 Tliei, followed the directions to the hotel .(eesy)
5 lIe adrnitted his mistake and apologised . (sincere)
ffi U"Aerline the correct words.
1 Slre stepped cottficl.ent I confldewtl*, otrto the stage to begin her talk. '*'
2 TI:e rneeting at Jur:chtime was a conxplcts I complotely waste of time.
3 She clid good / uttll ir: the exalr and she won a prize.
4 Max tlied hs.rd / ltarcl$ to mahe the hotel receptionist understand him,
btt his Spanish i.1'asrr'tjf?uent lfTuenrly enough.
5 Aftr:r'iooking at tl:e comprlter smeen all day I had an awfut I atufully headache.
6 Everr though Dctrorah dirl the jab elficient / ffiaent\4 they sacked her
alier t$fo ll-rontils,
7 lJre doctor couidn't ulrderstand why Caroi felt so hot because lrer temperature
was noll"nal / nor nt ally,
8 Ttrre hoy behaved had I badly on a school trip so the school refused to
take 1:iur o11 any lt1ore'

ffi R**rite each sentellce with thc adverbs in brackets in suitable positions. .-..
1 She plays the gtritar rvell for'lrer age. (incredibty)

Z ?hey eat steak l:e cause it is so expensive , {rare\', nowadays)

the rarely eat steak because it is so expensive nowadays

3 My gr*:ndfather uscd to talqe us sr,r'imtrr,ing. {ml rhe surnnrw holidays, itt thr laho)
My grandfather used to take us swimming in the lake in the summer holidays.

4 There is,a good film otr TV. (usuall3,, ort,Sundnyeuenttrgs)

there is usually a good film on TV on Sunday evening.

5 My rnotllsr,:i[sisted that g{ed tnanilels are importftnt. (reilrxb$, altaays}

My mother always insisted that good manners are terribly important.
w Uie word from the box rc
fill eaeh gap.
earlier h*rdh now tadler
sldtfrillrr stiffly vtry w'armly

$lre shur the door ....fi19nfly..",
{X) after her, I{er.&ther Ri:r.5n,t
expecting her _ she had
arrived earlier (et *rr" she had
said.. He was sitfng always
where he .,.,......,..... . ($) sat, in lrjs fhycrurire :"

armchair by the wjndorv.Ir very

was r..r...r1.*.ir1..'. (4) r:kl
but lucl bcen
repaire<l skiffully
(5) so rhat he c<_ru]cl
rooor hact been redecorate<J ";,;,r;;;.:;;;, ;.
since lrer lasr vi$it _;;
(6) elegant. On thc shelves
were all tlre books whiclr
her father hardly (7)
ever looJ<eci ar any tnorc.
She cailed hcr
father,s name- He st',cl
up aocl stre notice; ,;;;;;;;;
stiffly (B). ne slniled ar:tl hc.kl
out his flmls rrl her: She
hadn't been in touch with
hinr ftrr fiyc yearui bur now
......"....,........." (g)
he wrlcomed frer as ...,.............,.
warmly "
(10) as he alwal.s *;;"

'&*r.i&/k+qsi . J

ffi * r*ere is a mint*ke. Underline

each misrake

1 Tte child spn*nd
lrrsed fo see $horur o* *he
fhe piece of bneod x
gym every r.rcek but I
3 luven't seen hen klteLl
Mg gr:cldrncrlhen chives less care{rul il-rr:n
she oserJ fo. carefully
4Inever hcrve bough* cryrthing
frc:rn fhcrf *xffir6i1E sfuop
5 Psillin exfr.ernefu *s!,,eless * Jle oven fhere. have never
{osec sc,rr,*thing r":e,lrlg .3velg
6 Af Tong's gotloge I olwogs hctve {r0g. nearly loses somthing
rng Cfif,t1e,tGife,CJ. I always have my care repaired at tony's garage
7 \.{ar r,rrus* refurn the book bg rext
Fnidr:g {o fh* Irlrraqg,
E Mguncle spenks verg well
$irrrnish because he lirre.ri rn penu
S Mg sister" doesn 't nroke for a while. Spanish very well
fnierrCs ns eosilg fhon
trO .Ion cnn't go out rnuch I dci
crf itre rnr,rrnerrf os he
hr:s ir: sfadg horCIg
degr-ee. for his

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