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Behind the scenes


Affiliate marketing is a concept of many different tactics.
Choosing one can be quite overwhelming. It all depends on
your experience and skill set: you may be good at analyzing,
writing, creative thinking, or might just have a huge circle of
friends and followers on social media.

Affiliate marketing has different types for different people,

but they all fit perfectly for the niche of educational

So what are the main tactics?


1. Related Affiliate Marketing 4

2. Unattached Affiliate Marketing 5
3. Involved Affiliate Marketing 6
4. Content Site Affiliate Marketing 7
5. Email/Newsletter Affiliate Marketing 8
6. Social Media Affiliate Marketing 9
7. Shopping Services Affiliate Marketing 10
8. Incentivized Traffic Affiliate Marketing 11

Related Affiliate Marketing is when you have some kind of presence online and you use it to
promote affiliate links or banners related to your niche, but the main feature is that you promote
products you don’t actually use.

Many affiliate marketers use this type of marketing because they don’t have the time or willingness
to try all of the products they promote, especially when they take on a lot of programs. It’s not a
bad way to earn money, but it’s also not the best.

In the case of promoting online courses, trying them yourself is not only beneficial for building
trust, but also for educating yourself and others. Educational technology is quite a rewarding
niche for affiliates, because spreading and promoting it is part of a good cause. Especially in the
case of free and affordable courses - it creates availability to sustainable education for all.

So have in mind, that if you don’t test the products yourself, your reputation is at risk. Even if
you trust the person or the company behind the product, you can never be too sure whether
it’s actually a good recommendation to make. If it’s not and your audience sees that, they won’t
put their trust in you.

This type of affiliate marketing makes no connection between you (the affiliate) and your
audience (consumers). Unattached affiliate marketers usually use pay-per-click campaigns, are
not involved in any niche and have no presence concerning the niche.

A marketer who chooses this affiliate marketing type often just embeds a link via Facebook and
Google ads and then waits for someone to click on it and buy the product.

This tactic can be very rewarding for the educational technology niche if fused together with
other tactics. But before implementing this technique, be sure to properly analyze the niche of
online courses, competitors and main keywords. It’s safe to say there’s not a lot of analyzing,
because the subject of educational technology is not very competitive and has a lot of space for
creativity. It’s growing rapidly though, so it’s really beneficial to be the early bird who catches the

Unattached affiliate marketing is really appealing because it’s just easy - it doesn’t require much
effort or the build up of authority/reputation and is not time consuming. But have in mind that
unattached affiliate marketing does not create connection or a relationship with your audience.

The term “involved” kind of gives the main aspect of this type away. Involved affiliate marketing is
when you have tried the product/service you’re promoting and you truly believe it will help your
audience in some way.

This kind of affiliate marketing is conducted via creation of content, and not so much through
banners or simple text links. It makes the audience much more involved and interested in
your recommendations. Educational technology is a great niche for involved affiliate marketing
because education is a subject of great interest and the skills for technology are highly on-
demand. People usually need reassuring and authoritative suggestions on which courses to try
and where to enroll, so building an audience in the niche of educational technology can be very
rewarding and profitable.

But it’s important to have in mind that successful involved affiliate marketing requires
responsibility, time and effort. You usually have to talk directly to your audience, listen to it and
create a solid connection. You’re not using your money to get money, it’s more like the use of
your reputation to get commission but solve the audience’s problems, too.

This is a more specific tactic. Affiliates of this type own sites like blogs, websites, portals, etc.
and generate money by putting up banners on their sites or including text links in their written
content or in the “resources” section.

Content sites can either be of general interest with hefty amount of traffic, or of specific niche
kind of content with not as high volume of traffic but with much higher conversion rates. For
example, owning a site or a blog in the niche of educational technology is an awesome idea.
Why, you might wonder? Since this niche is becoming more and more popular (and useful, for
that matter) it requires authoritative knowledge and honest reviews & suggestions. So if you’re
already interested in this niche, why not become a voice of reason for others and generate
money this way?

Yes, building your own blog or a site may require some effort and you won’t get a lot of traffic
right away, but with time you’ll not only start making desirable amounts of money, but will also
help people with such noble subject like education, too! How cool is that?

Some may think that email marketing is dead, but it’s actually far from the truth. Email affiliate
marketing is a very common and useful strategy. Affiliates own databases and lists of their target
audience’s emails and regularly send out various offers, news, propositions and suggestions in
the form of a newsletter.

A well written and targeted email has the power of creating a personal connection. But it shouldn’t
be too long, boring or resemble impersonal and unwanted spam. Creating personal connection
is especially important in the field of education, because people take their education seriously
and want to make the best decisions possible.

If you don’t have an email list yet, you may wonder about where to start. It’s not so hard building
an email list for an educational technology audience, especially if you have your own blog or a site.
The best and quickest way is to put up pop-ups and banners on your platform suggesting some
kind of discount, bonus, limited edition book, guide, course, etc. just for an action of signing up.

While using this type of affiliate marketing, it’s very important that the emails are collected legally
and were requested by the users. If you want to know more about the most useful tools for
email affiliate marketing, read the “Powerful Affiliate Marketing Weapons: Conquer Audiences
With 19 Tools & Platforms” handbook.

You probably already know that social media is a powerful tool for any kind of business if handled
properly. The power of this platform regarding affiliate marketing is also outstanding.

Taking into account the volumes of audiences that platforms like Facebook and Twitter
generate, it’s no surprise affiliate marketing via social media is gaining momentum. The niche of
educational technology is no exception. There is a surprisingly huge amount of pages, groups
and communities regarding this niche in social media. You just have to do a little research and
find out if you want to use those communities for your benefit.

If you decide to become a part of educational technology communities or maybe even creating
your own, money gaining will take time, but the conversion rate will be much higher than simply
posting stuff on your account for your friends, who might not have any interest in the niche of
online courses.
Remember, it’s more rewarding to have a highly targeted small audience, than having a huge
audience of no interest in the field of educational technology.

These type of affiliates have websites specifically designed to promote online purchases. They
look like an online shopping site but the links for the products redirect the users to the merchant’s
site in order to complete the purchase.

Examples of sites which provide shopping services are meta-search engines, price or features
comparison sites, review sites, aggregators and so on.

Incentivized traffic can be described by visitors and users who have received an incentive
(compensation, discount, etc.) for visiting a site or accomplishing some kind of action (purchase,
registration, subscription, etc.)

These kind of incentives are usually in the form of actual or virtual money. Cashback sites
affiliates, though, split their network commission with their users.

As you probably noticed, there are a lot of different tactics of affiliate marketing, so before
choosing one be sure to answer these questions to yourself:

• How much time can I spend on promoting affiliate products?

• Am I good at writing and creating content?

• Am I pleased with a decent amount of money made quite fast, or do I want to earn
more money, but in the long run and gradually?

• Do I want to constantly communicate with users/audiences?

• Do I like the idea of spending money to possibly earn more money in the future?

• Do I like social media or more traditional ways of online promotion?

• What kind of tactic will work best for promoting online courses?

I hope these questions will put you on track towards becoming an affiliate marketing
professional in the field of educational technology!

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is

the vehicle you arrive in.”

– Bill12

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