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Homework 4

Félix Antonio Brito Santana


English conversation I

Ramón Reynoso

After you watch the video given below do the written exercise about it and the
suggested exercises from the textbook. Upload a video on YOUTUBE talking about
the video you saw. Attach the video link and put it with the rest of the information.
Good luck!!!
- Click on the following link to watch the video:
Shopaholic Documentary
A- Now comment based on the video:
1. Do you consider yourself a shapaholic?

No, don´t. because I don´t like to spend most of the time shopping instead of doing
something else more important than this. I am not going to work a whole month and
later spend all the money in an hour.
2. What do you think of these people?

I think they just think in malls most of the time. They not even think in having a
family and in themselves either. It’s a bad habit that they have because if you’re
used to spending most of your money, you won’t be able to afford rent or food. But
I mean that’s something else. I think guys wouldn’t really care as long as it’s not
their money.
3. Any idea to help?

Yes, I think that they have to organize their lives, and I going to subject some

 make a shopping list before you do the grocery and only buy what is on the

 pay by cash, you will actually see how much you are losing.

 keep only one credit card, just to pay your bills

 avoid discount warehouses

 eat at home before shopping

 if you don’t have internet on your cellphone, take some book or newspaper
with you if you know you may wait for somebody or just wait in the line, for
a doctor appointment, in the subway, etc.

 Think before buying - do you really need it?

 If you still feel out of control, seek professional help or support group.
* Also read the 3 readings from this unit and record them in your video:

B- Read and study in your book "Hot Topics 1", Chapter 4 Shopping: The New Drug
of Choice.
Work on the following exercises:
Read the articles. Look for the answers to your questions.
Pg. 41, exercises: Check the Facts Reading1 A, B

Reading Comprehension

Check the Facts

A. Read the statements and write true (T) or false (F). Go back to Reading 1 and
look for the answers you are unsure of.

1. _F___. All people who shop are recreational shoppers.

2. _T___. Recreational shoppers go shopping for fun.

3. _F___. Recreational shoppers love to own things.

4. _F___. Most shoppers dislike shopping.

5. _T___. Psychologists compared ordinary shoppers and recreational shoppers.

6. _T___. Recreational shoppers go shopping when they are sad.

7. _F___. Most recreational shoppers are men.

8. _F___. People spend more time in shopping malls than they do at work.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Compare the two groups and check the correct box.

More older more have less

Materialistic self-confident self-control

Recreational Recreational Recreational

shoppers shoppers shoppers

Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary

shoppers shoppers shoppers

2. Circle all that apply. While they are shopping, recreational shoppers ...

a) feel upset.

b) pretend they are different people.

c) are excited.

d) steal things.

Pg. 42, exercises: Reading 2, A, B

A. Read the statements and write true (T) or false (F). Go back to Reading 2 and look
for the answers you are unsure of.

a) _T___. Palm Desert Mall is in California.

b) _T___. This mall has more than 250 different places to spend money.

c) _F___. The mall has 43 different buildings.

d) _F___. It has 12 different movie theaters.

e) _T___. Some restaurants at the mall are expensive.

f) _T___. Karen's Kitchen is a cooking store.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Where can you find the inexpensive restaurants at the mall?

At the dusitani

2. What can you do at Palm Desert Mall?

I can make my dreams come true

Pg. 42, exercise: Analyze


1. Would recreational shoppers like Palm Desert Mall? Why or why not?

They like, because they are going to get what they are looking for there, they
feel fine and relax while they are shopping and can make their dreams come
true, feel that their lives are different and they enjoy shopping.

2. How does the writer of Reading 1 feel about recreational shopping? How do
you know?

He feels worried for them, because they are sick in that aspect and they that the
only important thing in the world is buying, they can´t live without buying.

Pg. 44, exercise: Reading Skills

Reading Skills

Identifying the Author's Purpose

What is the author's purpose in each article? Why do you think so?

To teach readers how to do something.

To inform readers about something.

To describe something to readers.

To persuade readers to do something.

In my opinion I think that is trying to inform us about something that is happening right
away and we have to be more self-confident for shopping, because shopping like
recreational shopping is a disease. We can buy but not like them.

Pg. 45, exercise: PART II, Read to find the answers to these questions.


Read the next article to find the answers to these questions.

1. According to the writer, are we all consumers?

Yes, we are, because every day we have to consume.

2. What kinds of consuming do people do?

People consume gas, food, water, clothes, products, tickets at the theater, and
something else. We need money for that.

3. What kinds of experiences are more important-consuming experiences or

no consuming experiences? Why?

For consuming people, the most important thing is spend money buying a
bunch of things and sometime they are not going to use it, they buy just for
buying and feel good at the moment.

For non-consuming people is different, because they´re not worried for that,
they try to spend time doing something different like reading a book, walking
the dog, something like that. We have to control ourselves.

4. How can we change our lives?

We can change It trying to do something different every moment of fantastic

life, we have to be more careful, we have to be sure what we are going to buy,
because we are not going to pass the whole life buying just for buying, there are
a lot of thing that we can do instead.

Pgs. 46, 47, exercises: Vocabulary Work / Reading Skills

Vocabulary Work

Guess Meaning from Related Words

Find all the words in Reading 3 related to these words.

1. Consume spend use up eat

2. Action eating active work

3. Create make organize encourage

4. Package experiences things bills

Guess meaning from context

How can you use world knowledge to guess the approximate meaning of the underlined

In the future, hoe much time will you use up spending money-in movie theaters, at
amusement parks, at drive-thrus, at shopping malls, at convenience stores, at the gas pump,
or at your desk paying bills.

I guess to the approximate meaning because they are compound words, two different
words, when you put them together and try to get meaning of those words. In that way I get
the approximate meaning.

Reading Skills

Read for Main Ideas

Write the main ideas next to the correct paragraph.

 Explanation of why consuming activities aren’t special

 Introduction –we consume most of the time

 Call to action

 Explanation of why consuming activities are special

Paragraph 1 Introduction –we consume most of the time

Paragraph 2 Call to action

Paragraph 3 Explanation of why consuming activities aren´t special

Paragraph 4 Explanation of why consuming activities are special

Pg. 48, exercise: Talk about Your Ideas

Talk about Your Ideas

Discuss the answers to these questions.

1. How important is shopping in your life? Are you a recreational shopper?

Is important for me, because we have to buy for surviving, we have to consume,
but we don´t have to do it like recreational shoppers and I´m not a recreational
shopper I like to buy what is really important not for fun.
2. Do you think that recreational shopping is bad? Why or why not?
Yes, I think so, because they are addicted to that, and they need a change in
their lives if they don´t change when they do not get money for buying they will
be in a big problem, they can steal money or kill somebody to get the money.
3. What would you do with your free time if you couldn't go shopping for a
It will be a little complicated, because it is almost an obligation to spent money
for surviving, but I would try to read a book, play with my family, watch
television, play some sports, and take it easy.


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