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Rico N.

Casinao 3rd Year GASA Class

Rev. Fr. Guy Arnold Pineda Moral Philosophy

Compare Siddhartha’s and Confucius ideal vision of man. Choose either one and relate it to your

First of all, let me use this statement before I give a comparison between these two
delighted and morally good, ideal men; “The history of two of the most important Eastern faiths
and the profound impacts they have made on each other”. – the interaction on their basic belief
were, Confucianism’s hearth is in China and it is in the region of Southeast and Eastern Asia.
Confucianists believe that people make their own fate and that there is not a higher power
interested in their lives. Confucianism is based on the philosophies of Confucius and how to live
a correct life. And Buddhism’s hearth is in Northern India and is in the region of Southeast Asia.
It spread hierarchically, but Buddhists believe that their salvation comes from within. And to
prince Siddhartha, he focuses on the human condition and for him, life is not purely black and
white, meaning, it is to weigh its situation from the issue of life which seem simple and therefore
easy to make decisions about. However, based on the experience of prince Siddhartha, though,
he was a rich young man but nonetheless when he wandered outside by looking at the world, he
encountered four significant things in a drive. He then saw an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and
an ascetic monk. On the other hand, Confucius leads the way of being a gentleman. That there is
only one worthwhile purpose man can have in life. It is to be a good man, to be a complete and
total man.

In my own perspective, I think the basic right thing to do as humans as we are would live
a life that is driven towards goodness within the self. Thus, in this matter of meditation,
Confucius will be the source of teaching and an ideal to choose of mine. I believe that once you
are being taught for something that is determined and passionate you would be able to learn and
to teach others too; by living a correct way of life, and it does not matter at all whether if you
belong to a fortunate and unfortunate life. In my own experience, perhaps the most beautiful and
difficult way to choose in the aspects of the self is to be a good man, however, it could be a great
error if you let yourself covered with so many hopelessness and you are doing nothing. That is
why I am pursuing my studies and persevering my vocation of being Priesthood because I know
that with the help of Confucius I am reserve and condition for greater. I may not be the best man
of the world, but with my actions and the way I live with it; I think people would have
remembered me insofar.

In this sense, moral presupposes a basic natural substance and a nurturing, patterning, formative
process. Hence, as Confucius’s view, is in part a gift from above. It is an innate tendency toward
what is right. But however, these substances are like the seeds that needs to be nurtured and
brought to fullness by man himself. This is brought about by long process of education and

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