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Question and answer for physical fitness

I. Enumeration
1. Indicates how well the body can supply fuel during physical activity via the body’s circulatory
and regulatory. (cardiovascular fitness)
2. The ability of the muscles and joints to go through a full range of motion (flexibility)
3. Refers to the amount of fat of your body. (Body composition)
4. This is the power that helps you to lift and carry heavy object. (muscular strength)
5. The ability of your muscles to perform contractions for extended persist of time (muscular

II. What is the important of fitness? (5pts)

In general, fitness means different things to different people. The important message is that
embarking on any regular exercise will be benefit to a person health. The more exercise they do,
the healthier they will look and feel.
I. Write T if the statement is true, F if wrong.

_________ 1. Gymnastic use of rings, bars, and other apparatus. T

_________ 2. Gymnastic improves one’s flexibility and strength. T

_________ 3. Gymnastic is useful when doing almost any sport. T

_________ 4. Acknowledge “father of gymnastic is Friedrich Lodwig Jahn. T

_________ 5. Gymnastic can add diseases. F

II. What is Advantage of Gymnastic? 5pts.

Gymnastics improve one’s flexibility and strength as well as balance. There qualities are useful
when doing any other aspect. Which gives a lot of confidence to those who can do it.


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