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The given work is dedicated to linguistic peculiarities of English comics in contrast to

graphic novels.

The choice of the topic is motivated by the following considerations: Despite their
during the recent years, both comics and graphic novels have not yet received a
comprehensive theoretical study in linguistic circles.

The composition and textual organization was considered by the following outstanding
linguists such as Larysa Makaruk, Mikhail Bakhtin, Inna Bilyuk etc. Pay attribute to
their great scientific input into the problem we must point out that a series of issues
have remained scientifically untouched demanding investigation.

The urgency of this work follows from the general orientation of linguistics at
disclosing the structure and organization of different types of narratives.

The objective of the present investigation is to single out differences and analyze the
lingual characteristics of the English comics and graphic novels in comparison. The
material of analysis is represented by the English comic "Wonder Woman" and the
graphic novel "Romeo and Juliet". These two creations are similar in their semantic
contents and thus permit profound linguistics analysis.

In the process of investigation, we have solved the following tasks such as disclosing
the origin and historical premises of the English graphic novels and comics,
concretizing the terms multimodal and polycode texts. Establishing similarities and
outlining differences in structural and semantic organization of comic and graphic

The main copes of analysis counts 1103 speech samples selected consecutively from the
comic «Wonder Woman: Steve Trevor (2017-) #1» and the graphic novel «Romeo and

In the process of investigation the following conclusions have been made: both comic
and graphic novel convey information by means of synthesis verbal and non-verbal
means of communication. It was found out that structurally graphic novels manifest
more complex and complicated sentences than simple syntactic structures. For instance,
the total quantity of sentences – 169. In its term, comics tend to using simple
constructions while complex and complicated sentences are ousted by pictures, sound
imitation and such like in «Wonder Woman» the quantity of simple sentences counts
149 sentences, while 20 and 2 complex and complicated constructions. It must be also
stressed that elliptical sentences are more characteristic of comics. We must also point
out the established regularity of increasing verbal input in comics and its decrease in
graphic novels. If comics can be united into a certain cinematographic union without
целостность the plot the graphic novels preserve the author's massage and plot
manifested in the original author's quotations.

Aspective the far investigation we see in contrasting graphic novels and comics
belonging to different genres of literature

3. Since its origins, the novel has evolved to move downward. The content of the novel
gradually decreased in size and came to the graphic novel.

Comics, on the contrary, moved in the direction of increase. In the beginning, they
existed in the form of a drawing with a caption. Later, the characters began to talk to
each other in the speech balloons. Then appeared some movies.

4. Unlike a graphic novel, comics are formed by the comic book universe and there are
generally several plots that merge into one. A graphic novel usually shows the plot of
one particular novel.

5. In the comics dominated conversational style that is so close to reality, there are a lot
of exclamations and onomatopoeia. Graphic novels are dominated by artistic style,
which is closer to the language of the original.

6. The author's idea and plot are preserved in the graphic novel. Author's quotes are
often present. There is an effect of carnivalization in comics. The certain features that
make the character known and recognizable in the whole world.

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