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How to get spreadsheets when I’m not live

Specials for both Xbox and PS Trading ​Updated ( WIll be updated throughout the day )

Here is how to do the method: ​

Both on the same sheet so I can do both prices at the same time:

Serie A updated Prices Updated Tomorrow ​Updated 1/3/2021

What I have done is go through the Ligue 1 identifying all the expensive silvers and have
given them a selling price. What you can do is 1 of 2 methods to utilise this data.

Method 1

Go through the players 1 by 1 trying to get 500+ coins cheaper than the guide. Then sell for
the guide price. DO understand this is still early days so there is a lot of fluctuating that can

Method 2 ( Advised method)

Setting up the filter

Calcio A
Highest Buy Now without there being 1 or less players over an hour
Defenders ( optinall )
The compare price then backout until a new card pops up then see if that card ius a deal
using the price sheed eventually you will learn the market and not have to use the price
sheet and be able to snipe the players instantly.

On Top of this you can invest in them with MM tonight

Untitled spreadsheet

Price List for Bundesliga + Calcio A + Ligue 1 + Prem

Febuary Silvers PS


Live investment sheet ​01/3/2021

Due to me not being able to update the guide for Investments I’m going to start using a
google sheet that can Auto update this will include all Pre-TOTW , Link investments and WL

Investment sheet:

150 Icon’s Sell sheet ​Updated PS , and 50 on Xbox 29/12/2020

Current Icon Status:

-Prices will be slightly lower than guide (5%) due to a normal drop till Wednesday
- Prime Icons are still dropping pretty fast but if you buy try and sell within a few hours unless
they are on a low fluctuation
- Baby and Mid Icons are safe to trade with.

Due to the new Futbin Extension which shows you what cards have sold for I now have a lot
more data to work with and as a result have created sell prices for Icons for both what you
should be able to sell within a few hours and also what you can sell within 24 hours which is
a higher prices.

What I have done is looked at the last 24 hours and found the high average and consistent
high sales but happen less regularly than the high average.

How you can use this data is comparing the sell prices to either what they are on the
physical market or what Futbin ses for example.

Link to Sell Prices



Using this link for what Futbin shows players are selling for:

For example on the guide is ses that 88 Vieri sells for 320k

If Futbin said there was one up for 295k go check the market if it's on the market, buy it and
sell for 320k then make 9k profit. Understand Futbin only updates every 30 mins so he may
be more or less than what futbin ses.
Live investment sheet ​2/1/2021

Due to me not being able to update the guide for Investments I’m going to start using a
google sheet that can Auto update this will include all Pre-TOTW , Link investments and WL

Investment sheet:

6PM Cheat Sheet

Due 6 PM dropping SBC’s if you act fast enough you can make a few hundred K due to the
requirements of the SBC and how there can be a lack of supply and a lot of demand in some

This mainly occurs when EA have one of the following requirements:

- 85+ Chem
- 7+ rares
- 5+ Leagues
- Max 4 Clubs

Due to these requirements you have to give or take use certain players so what I've done is
made a sheet of what players to look at under certain requirements

Price sheets:

Order of SBC’s to Complete

Hybrid Nations

- The FInal Four

- Six Of The Best
- Elite Eight
- Around the World

Hybrid Leagues

- Give me Five
- Seven-Leagues Boots
- The Whole 9 Yards
- First XI ( pack pulled player needed)

Hybrid League and Nation

- The Challenger
- Advanced

Then any Misc SBC’s that are good value for money that are out.

Once again at this point you are still investing all of your spare goins into SBC players and
listing them up for lazy buyers.
OTW Trading

OTW post a good game

When a player who has a OTW ( One to watch card ) has a good performance as expected
the card rises in price due to people thinking they will get an upgrade due to being in TOTW
or getting a MOTM or any performance based special card.

This allows there to be interest around the card the more goals / assist the more hype and
the closer we get to TOTW the more hype as people invest especially after they see
predictions thinking they can make money selling the card on after it gets upgraded.

Due to people investing in the card due to thinking it will get upgraded the card can become
heavily inflated before the player is leaked to get a TOTW or even gets a TOTW what so
ever. These are the people we are going to sell to because there is 0% in hoping they get a
TOTW and sometimes there are more people investing than actually want the card.

As a result you are going to be selling the card on a Thursday evening , this is due to leaks
coming Wednesday morning and all there has to be is a little bit of panic selling and you
could lose 10% - 20% on your investment and the more the card is up in pre-hype the harder
it can crash due to more people flooding the card.

Below is an example of the first time I did this last year and I made 300k from a 1 Mill

Example: OTW Sarabia

In this game Sarabia had 1 goal and 2 assista and from a mid position with no other players
having 2 goals this left him quite likely to get a TOTW or at least he was guaranteed to be
hyped to get a TOTW.If let's say Neymar got 3 goals they hype would be nowhere near as
much as people would presume Neymar would get a TOTW and very rarely do you get 2
players from 1 game.

On the 4th of October he was 13k the day before the game.

On the 5th of October pre-game we can presume hey may of been 14k - 15k in the
anticipation of him having a good game

On the 5th of October it ses he averaged out 19k bare in mind for 3 quarter of the day he
was probably around 14k we can presume he hit highs of around 30k - 32k

On the 5th of October around 3-4 hours after the game you could buy him for 25k - 27k due
to the initial wave of people buying him and people who may have brought him for 15k pre
game where selling him off and taking profits.


You are looking to invest when the player stops dropping after the game because this is
arguably going to be the last time this many people are selling him at one given time and
therefore the supply will dwindle off and his price will rise due to demand.

On the 6th of October the following day he averaged 28k you can already see him rising due
to people hyping him getting into the TOTW and unlike the 5th you don’t have people
flooding the card and instead more people are buying into him.

On Monday the 7th of October he rose to 31k once again people hyping him up getting into
the TOTW and at this point you see a lot of TOTW predictions which are normally flooded
with OTW players in them as the videos in my opinion get more views if they have OTW in
the thumbnail therefore they always put them in the prediction hyping them up more.

On Tuesday the 8th we see the card peak in price. This card peaked mid-day pre 6PM post
6PM you saw a bit of panic this is due to the card already being inflated up to 37k - 39k
which is 22k more than he was pre game and 13k more than he was post game therefore
you can see a heavy investment in not so much of a demanded player therefore even if he
made it into the TOTW he would inevitably flop. That evening the card dropped from around
36k to 32k and maybe even less.

These were Sold on Tuesday

On Wednesday the 9th The card averaged 26k as he didn’t make the TOTW which means
as soon as he was revealed not to be in the TOTW more likely than not he crashed to 20k
and maybe even more due to the over investment.

On Thursday the 10th He averaged 19k where he sat for the following few days.


- Buy players after the game when they stop dropping

- Sell the players before Tuesday evening ( 3PM ish)
OTW post a bad game

If a OTW has a game where he either isn’t being played or he has no contribution in the
game his price will go down in price because you will have to wait 3-5 days until he plays

This results in there being a cycle in players that has a bad game because everyone sells
after they have a bad game then the closer you get totw the next game they rise with people
having anticipation of them having a good game therefore buying him before the game
gambling on him having contribution and getting an IF and what they hopes to make them

Not a madly hard pattern to spot you buy after they stop dropping on their bad game and you
sell them before their next game ideally a few hours before kick off to make sure you beat
everyone else selling off their players.

Example: OTW Joelington

Joelington had 1 contribution between all of these matches because he is bad at football.
His only contribution was 1 Assist on the 2nd in a 3-2 win.
Futbin Graphs aren't going to show much because he is at his highest and lowest price on
the same day canceling each other out. This is because he is the most the day of the game
pre-game but is also at the lowest post game on the same day.

You can see that

- There is a rise on the 27th of Oct ( Gameday)

- 1st of Nov Rose in price even though no gameday just in anticipation.
- Was a rise on the 2nd of Nov ( Gameday did have 1 contribution but useless )
- Was a drop on 9th of Nov which may have been due to over investment
- Heavy drop on the 10th of Nov which hints he would have been flooded on the 9th
- Rises on the 25th of Nov

As I said Futbin doesn't show the cycle to much


- Buy after they stop dropping after a bad game

- Sell hours before there next game

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