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Aristotle widely regarded as a realist, outlined his ideal state in book II, III, VIII of

his “Politics”. A comparison between idealism of Plato and Aristotle is best

illustrated by Sabine, “What Aristotle calls the ideal state is always Plato’s
second best”.

While Plato hails his ideal state to be good for all times to
come, Aristotle accepts limitations of his ideal state. Moreover, Aristotle like his
master prefers monarchy. But, he insists on the primacy of law not a philosopher

Features of the Ideal State:

Following features can be outlined about Aristotle’s ideal state.

1. There is supremacy of law in his ideal state. He favours impersonal rule of law
which represents the wisdom of community since the ages.

2. It is an ethical institution to develop the moral qualities of the citizens to

promote good and happy life of everyone.

3. Private ownership but common use of property.

4. Aristotle’s ideal state is marked by division of labour where slaves are

engaged in agriculture residents in commerce and citizens in political activities.

5. Aristotle’s ideal state is the city state of the moderate size. Population should
be manageable.

6. It should be self-sufficient, without any aggressive design against foreign


7. There should be six classes, viz., agriculture, artisans, and a war like class,
leisured class, priests and administrators. Only the later four are entitled for

8. There is a predominance of middle class that provide stability because it

possesses twin qualities of obedience and command.

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