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g_qxiq,,iE _J

s criEME- .FqF: .c.F. A\T I XrG F,rl;AN C.I.AL= .4S S.I Sr AN.@
rp fND.IG.EI,f_r- !.R.ACIISI,NG. _ .q,Dy.0,qA.r.E-s. . .ltr{El{

1, 'Inese :.ules saal1 be knoun as lrF.ul-es f o:: g::arrt of financi a1

assisrance x o Irrdigerit Prac'[i-sing Advocal::s sufferjng jrom
s:tloLis ailnen-t and snaf] ap,oly i o all such Aovoca'[es
.o raciising in tne Siate.
2, Tnese rul-e sna].l corne int o f orce jrom
s -t ]-re dat€ no'iiiieo
.t 'ine Eat Cou:: cil of In oi a.

). !P_f.].ni.ti qr.q

l. a,i rrApplicant t' shal1 nean an .a,irrocate c:r the r ofi

of tne Sra-Ec Eai Coun ci-1 witiin rrrhos e ju::is dict i c::
he is pi'ac'ris1n6 and a;oplying jot the financi q1
assisrance to -"urch State Ear Cour.ci1.
(b) iiEat Councll oi lnoiari .l.a.s in: Ee: Cou:-ci1
cc,nsi:i'tut€d u.r'iG ?r S€c!-rio:'. 4 of tna Acvocat.s r, c-i .
(") rrSa! Cci',nc-1 o: I: i.ia ;.ovoca-ce s I'ie 1:,arr: Cor,tiai'; '; :- : ;i
In€ans a ConrE-:':ec ccEts'tlt Li-G rtG Liloi j :"ule 2 oj ;il€
;a:' lou:cil of Incla iules unoer Pait \II , Ciaprer'
(d) rrEal Couicll of Inci:a. Acvcca:t e s ';lel-fare Cori.ii:-l-;'r e e
f oi. 'ile S-, aji e ;t shall .le an Ine l.ovocai[e ]::e1Iai:e
Co..",ii-;';ee cc.ts;i;L:"ed 1o: -i i-t e S'ja-ie u-rc:; i.uIc :
oj -cne Ea: Cou;rcl1 of Inii-a ,:u1:s u::oe;, Fa:.i !,'-l r
Ciraptl ei III-A.
rlnttgen't tr.ovocaE e :i neryrs an,v practi-sin5 Acvocel:s,
r,iho is ueablc io rne-inr aj-n ninself erd i'ti s iaaily
a::ci is al-so una'c1e 'to ilee': the cos-Es o-f nj-s
't, ra
A-urcEtlt ia case of seri-ous ailment.
U ( {). rrI'arnilyi; sna the aivocat et s wife or in the
l-l- ,ne a.n
cas€. of-. fqnale, her irusbarld, nis ,orher riin or
cnildren ar-c agei parenxs, ac;udlIy, aepenoent OTt
t he applican: aivccaie io; naint e::a.-rce .
\B/ "fu]lO' irre anS IUi-.C ccE--sti'iu;.d under thr
Counci-l of fniia i. ov oca-: !: s l,'elia:'e iufc s a_<

it .'i\ l

contain6d unie jr Pari VI , Chapter III:A oj tne

Ear Council oj L:ci a i.u1e s, {o:. rhe Scnena -.
Finar.cial ilssls-ia,:rce t o lndi6€nt Pract'i sing
ldvoca-iei r^,llell sLrfferin; j.i: orn sefior:s ai1Dent in
that S-;ate.
(h) ;'S ei j- ou s Ailm::rti; cluoe ai 1n 1n-[ of se-ra oLls
.a,1f 1 :-n
na';ure af fe cti-ng blarn , healt , 1u', abdonent or
c omo ourid f lta ci e oI an y pa:'t of t he -c od).- reqt:i: j:,i!

'u.reatii -:rt io,- .Tior. tr ila.r: o::e ::ronth,

( l- iler ^+ ^ la-:: Co,,rirci-1;t means !ar Ccurcll corsti;tr;ai

Lu: dL: I s._ c-! i cn r o j- the Aiv ocat e s Act .

L. nn i ndigen'! acvoca-te piac-.tising in any c oLli"E , tj.ibunal o-t'

'ceicrc any 1oca1 aur-:ho:-i'tY in I::dia sna11 be .ri;tj.--l.c, '.; )
apply :ior apploolria-te fi::ranci a1 assistance i,n case ai
nis seri ous aj.l-n eirt , cor,:,::Ilin8 rrlr,; r; o r eirain ccnfinei -j ''
b€d for ncre 1i iran qi. nor:';h, in the i oiJn p;escribcd '
tha purlose or in a f or;e sirnilai' tne;e'ro acio:-. sseci -: c -.,i.
C:'lai r'r'it an oj '!he S-;a.-ii e :ai Corin ci1 conceflred. Sucn
appli cati cn snal1 i= sLibioi'it ea in cu:p1i cate o rhe S; at e

!a:' Cou;rcil 1^,itnin u,il ose ;uiisiicr;icn ;l:e acvocat: is

;crac.Eising arl o sucn app].icati- cn nus'r, be .iecor.irle]i.c.:u Lr
';4e Eraecl]i;ive Cqrrni'i-! i:e ci tne Eai Associ ati crr of 1,Jflj cil
tire Advoca'Ee ccnce::rreo is a rnem-o er and/or Sta";e Ear CcLt.t:-i- -.
is otnerr,r'i se satisfieo a::c mus.; also be cer;-',fied -D]' a
Doct or atter:ding o: hin,

Provided "inar n.i'i e S-ia-ie Sa:: Ccunci 1 sLio rn o-c o c:t .:l
'Ehc inlornatl o:. :eceiveo 1r'crn an1' ot5:r s ou;'ce .ref.-: -tnE
casE t o the .Acvocate s l,ie lia::? Co:]lri-! -t e oi the -q.arc,
O: ::eceipt of' sL:ch ap:1' cat i- crr:/apo11cat i cu:s o! surch
rcJerence b.v the S'r atc Iar CoL1n ci1 the Se ci?--'; a:y of -r, il :
Siare Ea.!' Counci 1 sira.l1 p]-ace rhi sati' cef ore -i;lre
Acivocat:s lriel jai.e, Comnit-;ee f o-: 'Che S-r:ate. Tne Aovac.:a l.'
If ar e Ccrr:iritt e e sr.,alf make such ei:quirie-" ir: resii.c':

theret o as nay b. n.cessary as expedi'riously as possiil:

The Advccate s l.reliar: Coinirli't:c ::c! wi en as-ci :r: a
i o giait iirie.r: cral assisrai:ce i:l an a._-D: o!ri a'E e cas e
shall sanctlo:1 s r-'.c.i: s.:rn as:nay 'ce r:3c'-r ssar:r -io c oric i e



any opsration oi tr€atment conn€cte ci r..,.it h the a+roent of

the .Aovocate ccncee rneri i o'c exceeding Ps ,@/-'arra na),
also sancticm suci:. inont h1y assistancg ro :he app 1i ca.nt
"! owards t reatioent and cost s of medicine s et c.
, anci f or
maint enance ci hi-c fanillz f or a pe:,i oi of Three non-,,-hs at
toe .rate of not excee ding i,s.50O/- per nonth.
b In case the Advocates Coonj--i-i ee joi -:he Sr,a-t:
conslGe r-s in a 6iven case tnat financial assi stance j.-c
utrrrost necessa.ry beyonq tr: linrit pi.ovi deo uncei :.ule
(5 ) , it snaIl ief c-r: t c 'cnE Ea! Cour:cil of f niia r,Li'c h
its conaen-cs. Tte Advocares Welfare Corlmi;re e cj rhe
5ar Couircil cf I:-roia ra\r s alic.j;i on a sLlin upt o ns . 'iO , OOOz':
jor -l r:a'tnent oj the Aifnant.

The Ear Cou',itcil- of Iiioia tnay on tne r:corrn-=ndai;i cn of

i'f s AGVocates Uelfare Co,eini'ulee anc: 'r._h._ recq]tro3ndati cti
o, ine Sia-te lar CoL.rc:].l ,iay in ar a.:l::c!:iate ilairo case
sanc-i- oa ex-gra';ia Llpr o a sum of F.s.lOrOOO/- frcrn the
funo oi rhe;ar Council of fndia ccri:sii;L:-.ed uno€1. F.u1e
(:) of the lar Cou:ncil of fnoia Aovocate l1r€ f fale FiLtle s.
r:-alcr Caser neans -;le i.le:ient of the
decease-o Acvoca';e ;1ave ito financial ueans
anc in lhe ci:cuarstalces inmcciate r.1p
is -i:1t nc ce ssary.
2 Fi:'.al:cral 5.i:p.i'rt ro the Lor,,ccatg coice :neo sha].l- o: oinarily
be raio urihout dela1,. If -:rre Arivocat..: is unable to cone
-f o.: re ceiv j::g the inoi::y s o sarrcrl- ct't e d
'th. oiiics of ihe
S-E a-ce Ear Couxc:-l- []ay
-i o tne Advocat3 cu-tcej:ned. b-v

morley o:ro€r o;. -,io 'a.he repi"csen-te-iavs oj sr: ci-I Aovocate

specially aui;.lro;:ised 'c), nir irr w;:itilg tc the sa-iisfactioti
of tne Secletall', S"a!3 lait Councj-f , anc crt granting ..
an approp.:riate ;eceipt jo: a payn.l-ll moneJ. so
sanc-ii orad oj: r:o::'" h1-v iitainieaat'tce oj -Lne acvoca-ue shaIL
be sent b;,' ihe :1rst week oi eVe;.J/ r0 otii h lo- sutcrt gra:rt
oj oDtaining ar ar;trropriare recei*!-[.

o Tne St ar e 3ar f snaff :itainraln 'Droper recoj]os of

Cou]-: c-
a1f tne re cold.s .rec€ived :it,d arn ou-l1 5s san cti cneci and
re cei p-i s o:tajncd-[oereof ,

10. Ii any i iv oq6-Ls 14s11.

any statement or iurnisned
lnf o::.rnati on ,,.i"r, :.. any
i': shall arn.,i,-,-i *^ - "ot"o ro be Jalse to ru- s t<nowleciger
j_ - _t !. _4 (-/ri <r :i..1
c ;:- *L^ c:: r.f:f de f
-qe Cti O:
,) of rjte Aov ocst s s 161

11. f f tne Advoca-ues WeLiare

SeOU€ntl v rir,^^
Coir.d.,, t e e jr3:. +;^ o-- *
llrc J-a-e
-- _- SLID*
a0d1;e0;y-rhs a".,p.l-ica:.: raas j4f5_o
part:cu1a5-"r uhe Cq.ur-i:..^ i"
snal,l -"
^"^-;;" [ne inarter t o
torj stare ou" ao*"r'niitee
14Ltn iia reporr arid -rhe state
Far councir ,u, -rhe
"uar'up cti
entire arn ouat given appli s6nf,
''o refund the
assi-"-iai:ce r:th such
as it may cieem fit ua's in'rerest
:i ci the appli'cant. sha11
such <,ri q-rs. comply r,.i th

tl. Tne e asg.ri e

Adv ocat
Ear comcil **;-=H:
Cou:rcil of fndia thin
;; ff; ;i;:".:";;;:":'":":":,il:
r^ri_ 90 riays. tt s"r Council of
dismlss th6 appear "suruoar.i.1y
e.1 !s..: rL
" tl-Lc.s a cas€ joj -"€Iting aside
or in
ol.der o: -tne;e iai or .? ocii fyin6 -ijhe
oiel-y p.fter noii qg io "n.e. ""0"* snal-l be passed
rnc corlce,ine ,""1i" U"" Council.

-r-. -, ',. _-a-

e Ii
FOF. FIN SIAL A s"sI.S.AN-qE !-q
'l IN DI c!.*'J .dvD- -D-I-S-.A} L5-D-,A-U/pC-AT-ES

4 irraae ;'u1as s-:a11 ba knorrn as rl----uf : s -r or Financi a]-

Assi s;; ar!c e for Intii gent anci' Dlsatle'd Advocates

. piaci i sins tr: I::c i " " i'

Tnese rules si-.all coinc. into iolce r^:j-t h ejiect from the
'cy tne ia.c Counci-]- oi India.
661 6 netiiied

Definiti ons :
( fiAoplic6rfi rr snal1 .oean an Advocate on -Ehe Io11 of
'ine S[ aJe Ear Ccul.cii r^ril, iain ,r'hos e jurisdi-ction he
i s practisint and appl5zing f,or 'tn3 f:-n anci a1
assist ance ';.o such St a'g e ;ar Coui:cif .
( c) rtBar Counc:l of lrro-i-a rr mea:ls -:he Bar Council
co:ls.i:ut.d L:nder S:ctictl 4 oi the Advocates Acr '
(") irBar Councli of Inoia AoVoca-{,es lr,leliare Qs6s'lttee tr
.0eans a cor-uj.t tee ccs'isrliru6 eo t'.noei kule 2 of -lc

- d-L v'r*-!-r

:i3al Councii of .ltrdia Lovocat e 1ja.Ie Coinmittee 1,,'a

-.Ot trr3 S.:i-;e :: :h....-l n:d-. ine -A.GVOc.)ii: l.l.fare

-,cri..:r'j(3 t f--- s': :', u-; e o io: :h^ S'-i-'-i -:l-- c e :- I'ul: ]
oi ;at Cor'.: ci l- of Iliia F'u1es ur.:l =:: p2.;'t \II r-. 1

r'^^-^+. - TT-f -A

(e) l:Disabf:d Aovocate rr srlal-l in:'a:l an rl,ovoc2te t who

'c5r ::=ase: o: an-v physical , n'ntal- cr other
infiyl-l-';y is u:-.,abl: -io praciice ihe p:oisssicn cj
1- e. v.
(f) :rFairril yn shall- nean :he ]{dv oca't e I s r,r'j. f e oi' 1n thc
case of a fel.a].er her husba.r:o, iris or h€r Linor
cl.i:-l-orel1 F:]c agei, parer:ts ! ac-iual]-y dep endent on
-i re a'pp1i can-! Acv ocate f o.r naint ena'rce. "

(s) riArldil means fuil d ccnstj-tu'ted ur:oe: 'rhe Ear Counc' l

of lndia iovoca"u e s '.'/elf are Bu1es f o:: t ne schene

f or assist ance 'E o Ind.igent ani DLsabled fawyers
p rac'ti slng in the St at e.

- 2-
(h) rrlncii geirt Acivocateti shal1 ncan
an .Advocate, \^rn o
has t o irrain'.; ain himself ani his family frcnr hLs
projassi o:: a::r. other l:rcor..:e.

(1) rr$ate lar Counciltt nearrs Bar CounciL co:tstllured

uni,er se ctior J to !::e Advocate-s Act.

4 y ci.e si:'ous oj obt aining fina:., ci a1 assistance


under thc.-s: r:.'l-:" s na:t.l rr

't'Dai.; an appllcati on to the
Cnalrnan o1 t:: i:;r€- :a: C:ui:c-i.1. iire S;ate Bar Council

rnay also g:ve .f.'-- ei cj. a._t. :ssj_s'iairce al. it may deen
:uc moEu oj.. cn :-t: i:--rt..,:a,:ion :ecciveci f;,on ar.y olher
soJYCe. tite a,lfl: ae:. j,,ri sjal_1. Le s,:-Er,.i tt ci .i_n r,:
,rutlica'te ou:l_ y r:crrnerrCei cy the S..lecr:;ive Co rd".[x ee
of 'nne !.ar ,tssocia.:i.n of wrich -;he isv ocaie cor.i ce:rreo
:-s nsdigs airirlo.r lr.e lr:v JCai. s lJ€.liare Couaittee oJ the
SJ aIe is o:::e r',!i ge 5ari." iieci.

Ch r:ceipt eppl: cati o..- oi. a.prl:"caticr:s ihe
ACv ocat e s Car-.'i-:tee rc; tre Siate s::ai1 rriaks_
lrtelf are enqL'i-ie,s in l';r1ereto as :^aal/ te !:ecessary
as e:o e c:xi- ousll' as : os s:-t 1e.
C T:re Acvoca:bes t?Ifai.c Conmif,-Eee ior the Sia;e when
ciecide s io g:an-; jr.:.a-:cj.a1 assista::ce in a:: app:.op:late
cas: snal-1 sana'ri c.-r r r:ch s urrr as me]. bs uecessary, b u.r
.i.r: any case i; s jl.^lf nol .-ticesi F.s. f rOOO/,-,

Frovideci. -i it..-,: i._ -;ne Aivoca.le Weliare Comnittee

c cnside:.s t:ra.t i:: a g:\,en case tlle a::pli cal.c snould b9
gj.v..n lunp-sum at:o ou:.]-; i:: aCditi q: !o ai:l]ual o-!: m.]ltnly
tlant th. .Aivocates '.,re i-f a:e Con:]ri!fi e e sna11 !ecord i.; s
leasq:s a:ti i.e. jer to ip3 S;ate iar Cou-.icil. !j.le S;a-re
Ear Coun cj-1 naji sanc;i cn a suin u?to r.s..10;OOO7r- keepiag
fu: vi ew i::s cspssi ay ! c ay frcrc tne f u:.r ri.

7. .f-inan ci al g .;nc in dlgeEt 64 [r/ 6.1, ci1 sable

!.ati-b x o ].dvocate
s::al-1 n o:,na lll, :: ::a j-.i qt a moi:thI], basrs and the am ount
siia11 ordinariJ.y 'De paid jo the Acivocate coriceryled.
If tne AcvocaI3 ccxtcenlerl is u::a'cl.e I c c crns jor
no:.ey, I -.,.. oiJice oi -l.i-te Si: a-Ee E€.j" Council na5, se.nd j.t
'; e -i:re .A.cvocate concerned by
mcr: ey oi.det: o: a lank Draj.b

or to tne Aivoca;e conceriled by spscially authoriseri
him in wliting to the sarisfacticn of the Secretary
the S'i ate Ear Council qr o-ctalning applopriate
of su cit payment .
The grant of flnan cia]- assistance to an indigent
and/ or
rii sabled Advocat e sha1l be sanctj. med annuauy
and may
be paid cn a mcnthly basis and in case of necessity
such sancticrl may be renewed after expiry of the yea.r
for which the sanctio: was aLready granted.
Provided that iinancial grant eci to such .Advocate
shaJl qgqra as s ool.L as the Advocate corcerned ceases
be indlgent or disaLillty for whlch financial assi.
was allowed ceased to exj,sts.
o ff ar:y Advocat e mahes any sta.tement or f Llrnishes any
info::matlqi wr:-i ch is proved to be false t o his knowledge,
1t sha1l m ount to professiona]. mlscor:ouct unie.r sectlon
55 of the Acivocates A sb.

If tne Advocates 'delfare e e for tne Sta.te

subsequently finos tha'c any s-I a-c eoent given o_r evi
adduced by 'cne applicant was false in rnaterial
pa!.ri-culars, the Cormitt ee si:al1 refer ti:e matte:. to
State Ear Cotin cj.1 wi. th its repolt ani the State Bar
Courrcil may call up e: .uhe applicant io refund
the am orrnt given as assislance wi l.t sucn int erest
as it may <ieen fi.-u ano the appli cant snall comply
such di!66!.i 6ns.

Ihe '.aglrleved of any

Acivocate order passed by the Sra_Ee
Ear Cour: ci1 under :-.r:1e 10 nay file an appeaL t o rhe
Ear Cor:z: ci1 cf fitdia wi thln 9O days, Tire Bar Corncil
of Inoj-a may ei,;ner dj.sniss the appeal sunarily or
case it fincis a case for se.;ting aside or noClfylng
the oycier of .Eire Srate Ea:. Council the o:der sha1l be
passed cnly after no:ice to the ccr:cerned
State Ear
Ccun cil .
_S'CiiErv,E_ I-IJ,
.s-cmHE . .qOF-. .LIPIARL - DEI/EL.o.p-yiFJ\T

\_Ll These rules shal1 -ce kr or..ti as Bai. Councrl of klcia

Advoca'[es Velfare LJ-b:a:..v Developnent Ruilcs.
(z) These rules snal1 co,le irito jo:ce fi.on tn: oa.r e as
n oiiiied b -1.' 'thc Eal Cour_r:if of Iniia.
D*e,fiqili_o-qs :.

(u) rlApplican';,, ,.ans a BaI Assocratior:

legistere d
unce:: tnE Socie-dies Ee6isira-tion Act or so
affiliatao r,,,:i r h 'rhe S-Eate Ear CoL.:tici I r,,r.l tnin wnose
jurisoic'cicn tne Ba:. Associaticrl is si;ua.Eed ajtd
has subniitt e ri aopli ca,ii cn f or I1'c rary cievelopnent
uncie r t he !u1e s.

(b) rrBar Assocj-ati cr: rt rneans the Ear .Associati cu:

reS,istered ul-rie l.ine Societles Eegrs-!raticn Act or"
so affi.I-a-Eec rr'rt h ths Srate Eay Council- ind thir:
whose jut{soj.ction ;he tsar Associaticn is si.ruatei.
( lrBar Cour:ci1 oi Indiari rqans -Ex3 Ear Council
coestituted unoer sectior 4 cf tne Aivocate s Act.
dr rlEa.: Ccu':rc:f or' Ir-cia Ao!'Dc6ie s Vref
( far: Coinrni-ltee !r
mea'ns -trra Coln.tii't:e a consi--i:uTe o .undeI .--.u1€ 2 oj the
Ear Cou;:ci1 oi f:::iia S,utes" r-r:: d e: pa,lr Vf , Cllr.p.Eer
] II-A.
fiS-;a';c Sa:: Co,;rrcilii t:igat:s -[ne ;a:- Cou::ct1
cor-rs-iitut:c r-:]aj c: j: se ctror J or -.ltc Ao\rccates;cr.
( riBat Courc:l- o:i Ir-.cia .4.ivoca-[:s ]reliare Colr:tii lt:e
t_n- !1rc o!i:i
rn- ^r-^ ii
". iirr.a,r:s tne l.ovcca-aes 1,le].fat 9
',:ia cong -i --:;l.c :ol --t.t S-;a.iF u::ci-=-:. !,urc J
^f J:lc ;ai
1- h^ .l^..
L.ulli.c-l -r of fno-la tiul=s, p6;.i vI ,
,^^,.-^i a

wrr.1jJ ,JE f . _L-L_L-4.

3tr\:laci;i ne ans.-ine futiir consliEuted u::ce: tne Ear

Cor-;:: c,i 1 of Iiidi-a Advoca.'ce s I,veliare iu..) :..q orovicied

under Pa:! VI , Cnaptei' 1II-.A- o j '[he Ear Cou.cif

of }idia :.1:.1::s jor ine for Library
riAnnancial Yearii neans t:re
Jrear fron 1si of Ap::il
-; o Jlst of llarch
of the next yea.r.
(i) trAppl.icati on Forn!t :tc a:-i s the ,f orn so pre sc::ibed -cy
t he li"Lrst f:o:r tine to time for applying for
financiaf assist a::ce 't o ';he Li-cj]a_ry of ine Ear
6- j
^^.i ^+ ^.^

- 2'
Any liigh Cor-:;-; r D-1
ruluk" cou't,
;;;':::":rJ:"T;;f: "."::, coui"E,rehsil
# :ff :i. ;;T" J" " :: _l:::i :: I ji, :;" " ;;#;. ;'";nn o';"

in the
iorm presc:.ibed
t66s6 rur.s ane,];r;'::^",.1'"ate
<iecr araticrr as
:trffi*,":.::';;: ccnceinei
i' ";;";":;T,":"o
'Ehe said coi,xlittee. ilT;;'# ,::;i:".".1;
\5) The Aciv ocar e s r{e
l-f a
catio:s rrr"" cersrcie.- such appli-
such app ricanr"Bar
o"=o-J*l'J';jr':;:rrropviate srant .uo
(5) The Bar A-esociatiqr lqoment of the libre*v
r, be e r.i s i b re ch r,-^-; ""[:"

;l.T::,, """;; ;;; ""]1r1":I

The tsar Asscciatic
tne Advocat;.-;.;::-ltile latins ar: apprication ror _*
s'an- to
c si a,e
tion to
;ilj j:
Be:1.ra-,re. ."lI :: ::i$:';:";1.:T,:i;T.Ir,-

";ff ii::::;:'"*-

desire d -r
o b" pr.:."hr..n nc1'
:j "j;';.
'ux by vray of book-s
(e) =d;.;;:*."*",
'4s far as may aa or'"''"0
-iire As
_-*"*^ :esrr
socia'Ei on
tttt-,o to be allocatec
A-ss ociati on 1e 6ei66
urider -';'
a" jn-rori*'rrr"
c,;al, srrensth accoi.cian""
( to; T.,e book-o ;nat ", "fj";^.::1::-l
""' "'ou=t oi suci't
-:ar Associatiol .( x)
r,v:i ff

'-*' snal'1 b eav

*,:lr##";'#llT*fr IiJtr ;":"*"
r ;E .,,,#, _,i#f^*i"Bj.,qf8rffiit8.#,il?.
( tt) Tne Bar,, As s oci
a.u i e1 rena..r,;*_ _.
l. st of books -"8 r':le Sran:
rypri"o t "'rfl maintain a
(x) fn tns J,fe -i nc, ;+
e; __-o
u !. of E .,
unde: fo: aLf ocati _- !. v..r.4. l.ij. _,,,. de cicied
on as
(a, hs.r00O/_.;o i: .^
m o:,e -; han
Sar As socia ri ons rri-'ving
(b) P.s .2ooo/- t:, o acir. oc a te ... -"t.rets;h of
wr t) ao 15O I!.: -lui As soc:. ati ons naving strength of
( ci xs. 1OAO/-
!o 'c ne ia: A-qsocia.i:i
at t '
Sn L,1o).
75 QQVoge.r,;5.
nn. having s.crength
T'riE .B.A.R .CCp.NCI,L .0-1 Fl.J4"SP-.Ai'r ,. J_0-DF,p.qF..

SCJ{E}IE FOF. FIT] ANCIAL. Aqs.I_sIA{qq .rF:8- -qav[-LJ Io

DECE ASED ADVOCATE ljlJ,DEF.- RUI-ts 4.A/'. -e))

rsEctlpN .I.YA .qAF. J vI CEAPTEF, ]I OF E CCiil'r C:IL

_qq .IN D.I.A, "EIi-LpS.

1. Tnese i.ul es shall- be t<n ovn as --rules f'o; the :-::airt of

financial €.ssis"!ance ro-!ne fanily of -rhe deceaseci Advocate
and sha1I apply to afl sucn AGvocares who were or :;re rcl-.L oi
r]ar Counczl of RaJas'Ehan a[ the Eijne of dear;n anci sr-ich farnily
is in rreeo of :rnrnediate financial assistance.
2. These rules s:rall cone ir:: -ro jo::ce fro:il .; t'te date of
appioval- of ttre Ea.r Counc i I of Inola.
1 , Definiiii cn s :
(r) IrApplicant ii mearls any r:rer:ncc i" oi tne ia;aify as
<ief:n:d ir.teuricer oj tne osceased advccate wnose
nane was or ihe rofl of :he Far Ccu]1cil- of
F-ajastnan wit.i1i11 who."e ;u::isoj-cti on he/she was
practising ano i:rade - cont irib[t j- on j-n ful1 as
prescribeo undeI rule qO oj ;a,r Council of lndia
Fiules a:rd a:plyiilg for financi a1 assistar:ce.
(z) ilBar Councj-l oi lildaari nea]ts rne Eal: CoL:r,cif
ccristilulted u::oer sectj- q', 4 oi. trre Advocei€s Act.
( )) irT',:re Eai Ccu::ci i oj F.aja s -inarl i' meal:is iar Cou::ci1
co::stj--;utei u:::cer sectict'r , of the Aivocares Ac'i.
(4) tlBar Councif oi lnqia Advoca-ies Irrel-fa.r'e Commi"i-; eeri
means a c q-nri']i -i'r ee csrtsiiiuied unrje; Rul-e 2 of Ehe
Bar CoL:rrci 1 oi Ijto; a FtUle s r.;l rie:: p61,'c VI Cha,pt er II .
(5) iiEar Cou.ncil of fi:oia Aovocates lt:e lfare Commjttee
f or i;ne State ti ne an s ihe Aov ocat e s r,rte1f are Ccmini-E't! e e
c,lnsiitut ed f or F,aj as'Ena:r r-:T obr i.ule 5 oi i i1e Ba!
Counci]- of Indta ilules unoer Pa:.1 VI Chap ter II .
(o) ' ;i0onmi't-c ee i' m.iu,s Far Councif of kdia Advccates
t,.,,e1f are Co$niiI ee : or i-:aJa -cthan .

(t ,:
irSecretaryii means Secretary of tne Connir:ee.
(s) :iFamily:; reans 'ihe oeceased
"Aovoca'Ee u:ife o:' in
a he case oi a f emale, lre :" husband, his oi: he r
Ciri l cren ano agei parent s actualfy oependent ori
-the Geceased Advoca'"e io;. iralnt enance .
(e) lil\:ndil. m€ans func constj-ru'.;eci u::oei- tha Eal Cou:lcrf
of fndia Aqvocates irlef faie F,u].es as cor:ta.j-neo
Par't trT, Cirap'Ler If o:' th. Ear Council of Inoia
Rule s, *o-; tn€ s cntn€i of Finarclal Assistance -r o
(1\ ircig,e::t '1rac,r:s:rrt acvoce-ue when sL.'.jarin3
frol se;ious ailrl.r:1 , (2', c;-sa'rl-cc aci',,oca;cs (l)
f oi- ILbrarS' cev:forrnent (4) to rne fa;ciIy o: tii::
deceaseci arivocate," in the S'ia"e of F:a.;aslran.
t. Ths falLily of rhe dece a.sed Aovocate wno was prac-;j.sing
b;aie r Tribunal
1! "r.tv01_t\ajasinan
go_u:J or bef ore any Local .lutnoiir!- i.r--i.r"
snall be eritirled to acply jor aoprocriate
Ilnancaa-L assis'5ance in the fo:n prescribed fo:1 the-pUrpose as
specifieci in nnnexure I.
Provirieci such oe is recaiveci rait hj.n I no:ths
f rc[i, rne ciat e oi the i:ath of rhe advocate.
Provi.ded further-c-v-that qny rielay ir: sendi:ig. aocli-ca_
'Ei01s may ce c"nrdq:ed ;he raia co:::it="" .a., ,:5uie.,i.i5-g"o,oa..
Pfc^/iiec xhat ihe Ear Council of Rajasthan.suo oE u oi on
lne inf o:'mati cn receivec f io:u a.ny otner soi.::cc .re je jl the case

-[ o t he Comnit te

5, y'11 su cir an ! 1ic:t:cns si-.aif

the sai<i Cormi;tee of la: Coir-ci1 oiie :.asucrti;teC in cuolica-J. -;o
j?s.:nan ,.,r:i:il--: whc.:e
j u:-i sd:. c-;i crr the c ceaseo acir,,cca-r;e was a:: c. :^uch
applica';i ers nu s''i: C c i-€ corirrr,€i,cc i as pi"esciiai: d h:_r=Uiic.:: an
}JlnexLrre I ty 'rlra ;:s-:(.:1.'- cf :n€ =a; A:soclati g- oi -rni cr.
\he cie cea sed Advoc te ccncerr-red uas a rnainte: alcng u::h -"i1,_
f ollorting cio cuin ent
(1) A state;nent ir -;.ire of an affioavlt 'Dy -ci: a
nenbe r of as ro rne sta!L:s, i.€Iati cttsilip
-'[ne family
anc depenoance cy ;hen ir: reJ-atj_cn ;o the deceasel
Adv oc-ate duly atre-<re<i by the Notary ?ub1ic or b1,
the Munsif ol Jud:ci_al l,iagistrate o:, rne pr3sioen;
of co1ceri-ieci Ear Associatior as prescrj_be <i uncer
Ar,' -v"h^ TT

(2) Tne p ersonal- in c au:i-;5r bc8ld by r:te i.'te-iti e-'s oj r,ne

f a.:li f y in f ..vo[jr o: tne Couiaatree as presci.:ted
ulic er Ar:tiexure III .
(l) CeI.tilica'ue by ';ire r-i c.--
de.to1q, u: v.JrrLiali-.!eo ;a:
Associattq:t as j;o rhe colie cmess of -;h: coilierts
oj the lnneliLrre I tiven -cy :he n r e!"s o;. of the
family as prescriLed un<ier Annexure IV.
(4) Death C:::';i _:,i ca--t e o-.the deceaseri LGvocare issLled
-cy the comoeter:t j,:u:n; cipal or Fenchay.t iur;ro:1t)r.
(1) All- su:cl al:l-i cat' otis s:a11 c: s cl.u-L'iinlssc. brz the
-ae;r, Cqii;xiI\ee and 1i an.v* c-;ect is
f ou.rd oul; :.]: snal-i se:ri cack ihe atDlicart a,.,rs tc
'[ne arol:car-js :c:: i:c-i-aca-Jicr c:, ine cejscts,
The Se c-.:'[ary'c:f sna]-1 ':nereafter rlace sucl-l
applicatrct:s o: - ;h:,li-.; t:.. ;ct oispcsal .
(j) Tne Cqn:ni t-i e e shall- colisio. j. all s uch a.o-o]jca-;i ons
and pa-cs sucn suirable oi..i.i.s g;rarring such
financi a1 assls-,a:rce j-ir all ap^orop::iar,c cases
as the case nay be.
(4) Tne Connl;;ee s:ra11 , in case oj any douDt o-r
cla;:i jica-.rj- er, call joi -;he apolicant o.r thei r
aurthor.ised agen-cs a:.',o shall- aiio take suii:abIe
sta'os -;o ascs l-;ain tne corlec::.jss ci otherwi se
of 'ih€ claj.n anc s:ia11 disDcse of the a,ppli ca-tl cn s
on eiit s .

7, The Co:',rmi-r: e e in '"ne case ci tne aeceasEc Acvocat'-s snall
con"ice::r-c t"q9f lly" 'scc j:tain--
aprfica:io::s by nolc.r:6 a - ' u:llrrary':t''
ir-5 ':ne ti!::h ;tic coi::cillass c-' ;ne llni n o- iatr'i) y mern:ers
oi !ne decease-o a:lC -:.,1e c.. asc6:-[ aii-]ng -cL-cn fac-bs on olal oocLimen-Uaj]y
ili,:ose of i':pIi ca';rc:ls a:-: 3-ert sLich financial
assistarlce ii approp:'ia-';e- tase and such fi:rarrcial assis-iance
shafl -ce .--.s.5&e-Oli -. lo 6oo l-
oo .
-r!. y -,.^^
g-Lr u;r
-!rr r. La-lc€. O-
3ian,: t;O:-la :aTifl'
;:rembe:s shaIl 'ce distribu'ieL ;l.l accorcance ',tirn the Drovisic[is
under the pei'sona1 1a1,/, oI the deceased Aovocate.
9. Tne Corir-niit c-e snaff ir., ';;e case of !h'- nfilci ciairrent s
pay a: -ts ciscre-r,ictl , ro -::l-. .--a;u;af '- L1a i-G:an oi t'1c saj i
ilinors f c-l. '!ne benef:i
'cono s oj s cjl :tiin o;" ci. ninol s cn furnishing
anc incenini'uy by tne said na'cu:a] gualriian for
saic sum.

10. -:inp,r: c;a] l,"-l^.ce oi- ::le Srrn'. to the fanity oi tneon
deceased Aovoca-ie is noraall)'- -iil: lo be pai- ci as a }u-ap- sL"m or
m or:-ih].y surn ii so requi:eo bli faoiilY ar:i in sucn :?s:;
r,;here m o.r-r nl]r g i'an-i is al]-owed tire entire sum oi:'s. 5000,/*
...ti l" deplsit.-o i:i rhe Sc,'reouleo Sanh in the name of the
heao of r:c: far:,i1y o: in the narrie ol tne Dersoll approvedrl b5'
tne me,isei s of t11. farnrl.v in fi:;eci iepo.'it fo.r a Je;l oc ot
l-ess tha.n l years ani t;nl :n;ercst sr]lf be paic to tne failill"
11, If an1, appli-can: inake '-cs any s'iatenent oi jurrlshes
1rr:io:ma'ri cn l,ijii;ir i,s p:'ove i bc- f af se 'tt ::= f n''r kror'r1Ec€.=
i-; snall anounr to criininaf cjfi.nce :cr wnich nc o:' sh' u'i1l be
liabIe lo be :i'osecL',-t.i ir] acco!Ga.rrc: wi-th the law.
12. If tne Coinmi;!ee su:scou:l:tf )' iir:c,s tha'E ail-v s':ate:tlenE
-"ne a:-'',cli-cani
giuar ot eV:!.uce adcuceo il. ou bl/ ;ile i,.'i'inaSse S
"or aly o-tn3r" in ina;erial
.l€isc)]-.t tn iiis '"ras iaf se
pi:.iitu,rar=, ine co,rmi:te e sraIl -iak-' su-i:abr e ac'';ion agains;
:ucn ap21ir ic: , \ ji J:-a sse s ::: - r al .s.

f. irian:e
2. ia';narl s Nat:rie
Da:e oi oirth ano Age :
tl Ne,nte:: oi Ea; Ass octarl oi- :
and if so name
6 Fface of Fractlce ano :
arcti ve Iy f racti sing or n o-i:
6. .Feirnanent Aoores s 3

7. Da'te of DeaTh
Ai,tach c q;1, of ;;re
De a'rh Cd rti fi cate )
S. Date of payment ro -tne z

AI^IF Schone aird aro oLint

9. Yearwise income of :
1a st 'chr=e years

1O. !e*rp::-qents. -14q. t--[e-i.4garti,c-u.]-.aXs :

,!..e.1-a-ij-. cn ship Narn e

(") fathe r
(b) m othe r
( lv'i f e
(a:- i
( r_aa i
1 1. .{q44i.qq -Qaug.4r.e.4s-
( r.ir_ ,r

r e-) u:r,me;::ie c cauAil .e rs :

( rl ,
( l) otner oepenoa::; s if any ae-;aiis ro be given

1. rr,
1 2. irea scn s f cr i:nn e di a-'; e
fina:: ci a1 as si sr a.n ce

$doress of Signaiur e o al,,

( A; !-L:. .,:l " -'
Appli c an-i s



],li f e /Son/Dau:ini er//l{ot hcr/ Fat ne r cu rr C.u:; i s r i an / Mu s] i in , age ci a,bout
yeais, cio nereby sol ei:rrrly affirm and -ciate as joff or,,rs :

a I/',,'e _* _am/ar e tle

1,1i f e ,,'Son,/Daugfi e r/lio-[ ne rrl Fa; ae r of ci:ceasei Aov oc a-: e ,

tne o:,oenoeit s of the ciec:ased advocat: ano

I/1,';ei ar;,i re t s no otner f egal nel r o:oer detendent o;hei than

a a /.nte e,::r',/ a.f e

einpl oye d as .. or ooing busiress
4 iave rnearsi/tro :11.-:at1s o i' irl c r.r:ne .

5 I/ ''.,,ie, art/ ay=- entltled '[o B.', rn€ te;,=;i;s tJjc.3r tr"le
Aiv oc at e lir.:tf a,r.a Scireile .
o lle n:;: r y :-, oLt; s: 'l,I:le AGV oca-; e s ' l,k 1f a,:e F\i: d Cou;li-:'u e e
r o :aJ- tne Aovccete-c lirefia:e Ftut o ain ouri i.r sanc';ionso
ro snri,,l sl1t /I,1i s s --
cn3 cj Lls ',1r1o is at';horlsec ;; o i.3ceive -c rre saii a"nbtfrt
f or anc cr1 o(-t ir bela 1f .

JLrr.... a t II
-^t - - ^---
t:.:t 1c al,c ))
S,i:-ned t€ioi.€ iie a-i 4)
Dep on elt s

To be attasteo b5z ale \otary pu-ilic ol. any i{un si f {

oi. Judicial iqasi stra-i e oj -[.i.]e Ist Class or Pre si dent
Of -ne conceined. :aI As."ocrati Ctr,


( Or l-.s. 52.5rt r\ on-"Juoicial DL arn,c Pap e r-,)

Tni: ieerj oj ino,.;llt:_;y Ltrn

au1;,.lorj- sa"ci o:-. Dcnd cx€ cu':*.ec t:Ii
-; deY brz ." s
Da,-rg:rr-e 17';.,o .;,
i.::,, : ,ii, ! -o: rn:. .cec.c.".se c .Arivoca.;e Strl ,,'i /:ol1

. _, , .rrsi i:n5 at
j-eIpi::a:ier 6a_1ec,r r3c
ci.:1-: c rLl :.,,.o1:;- o:- :.1- ia:
LcL::-crl- oi f nc-.a A c.v ocat.i, :-.:,.uili-Eo_r:rr..
"-pfi j or. :pa,.s;lal:
ne reinafter calf eo -tna_ Coirnj-;.r".:'il"i
o -a ihe :a:: Co u.-: ci1 g s jice .-:ne Lrj jice
o: ;'n j.. -"ilr."' dgh'tor* Corr:r, ou:<i,a.i,.1ochrur.
:-.r o:;

. I"her^..s 'Ehe af cv;. saie

a:.Dl-tcenrs n.\,c p:i-ti.^ r^-
c on scie :. t";- ;i;i;'';^_ nl
--?i;;r,;i;1 " ";;:';: :,,
n eces sary or.ciels g rar., ::,r.rg_ ^eii, il.,,.:;. ",, ;,i
Unei€ s tr
ai-itnori u",i oi, -i o,a':;r::;::._:;:;...:;:r;i.:]r.
a n rri ixoe :.nii-,.y cL,&
'-'n: r::ficai-:ns exacu-:cci. i;-t:s tr.!(.:.1-j.:__.:)- cijin
a L:: h oi.i s a'd i o. Lono ir.,f -::as/
c ire -oaynctit i:-racie to,,
avoL;: ;..,.";;;;i,;,ee as'.e eln5; to indeii:ri;).
'Ly .u"r,":iir,u,l"i;i"" -io rrre' a':p11 can-;
the Coinriri-! - e s i-n rni' .,1i--'ii;i-I:":.-"trs "-, -a:rc:
o-L'.ainFo t5' :ns ,:,t :-t-?:oli:ir so ;.ic ,r"ni=.i
_,., ...1,'!;;_1i,,."i";:.ii:
-alse clai::t
:ji::- cc;t..11:c:c,s o,-:-; 5a ;:e,].X-
'-- -- '-'-r '::: sia-li i-"9-:calion

T:re applicanis he:cj-n.hav e .1:".:.'.. ai.c aii-rcr-i sci Sn:i7 Sr.:-;.

-i-avotioCe .r:3s L-r- e-11 C,c ;-i:tr agent
u,.r-LJ uCL -f-r it:OLJ..; O:: 'i;.i]e '3f i.].re :;io tO
orleil c9na1j. -.. Cr,.c i_;ee o:1
.i f ,,^.: -in: ss
si i;r:at ul: e s on.

. r.::i1.9-qr19.q :
l) .Apn 1i can: s

xlrRE ry
s Ls .;o cei:;ifl, -;1ar c.ja;ejicril :t-.
-rr_1 ^ r
'cr' .;ne jrjnil.y Ai::.exUl.^ 1 gir,.en
...e.c'ce is o1 .l;,rc c c"asa
c iur.oca:: Sn:-i
a.r€ -,rue r o the be sr ci ny kr owle dg6
c e li e f and inj o:.inaii o::. ,

Datc ;
Pre si ci e li';
:ai. 1, s s oci a:i on

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