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Sept, 79

jeci : Conlre:'se.tion r.i:-t,h rl, be reached onC Fie had ear.lier.s.lokenvirthI,andpro.:is:cf}tocontacthim i-f he ca::1e across any rel-evant iniorn:a',j.on. iie Lrad just covered, a lett=i' fron , in rvh:-ih-poopcses e coauthored :i'iicl e on t,he r,.ror-k they were in.zc'r ved vaih. -r.t the ti:e of l,{ h:-s talk rv:thhe ,,..,as ap-care:rily r.:nsure o.f jusc wha'iQ hac been cioi.:g. The l-et-r,er refreshec hrs mind and he nory :-eca'lls thar{ vr:s engageC t" {#//// onr y in pi-rrif ication and analysis of n: tr::a] organic co::loLr.nds derived. fron mushroons. At tae stagel!r.':.s invol-ved, the use on hurnan sub jec,ts rras- not even contenp'r at=a. e used on s;:a"l ,' aninels. As far as he, none "llnat:rl.=1s oi these rnabe:'ia'ls hter-e ev3r used on m.?n, by aJrl:one. 2. He recall-ed .o"a,rcti-g . cou-r'se on drugs ai t;:e farm of about one r./eek du:'atiob.. He referred tc it /Jjofingly as ".'.'hai youtve a'l'.'lays vranteo -uo knor.r abou-,- drugs but lvere airaid io askrt. During tne ccLlrse, thr=e drugs tvere aCmrnistered to perso;ls ''"ho had volr:nteered as subjecis but ',-he subjects d:-d. noE l:no'..r lvirich of t,:re three -uhey t/ere tc get. The subjec-r,s '...'eri, present in eli.s bui, he recalls being t,ol-d thai, cne of The coLtrse ?,':.s in essence an introCuction to pharracology and involved: phenobarbrtol, benzid.ilae, and sali;re soLn (pLacebo).

;ll:'"JAd1" l'ff0'd-


about i,lhiie anC his cad. He had been. there d--u 'no tLcrc' me a bi'" about it. tL= clC b1i r referr-ed to i-,, asllEll

3 ;

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}her=ca]-1edhiscoi.j.j,.3r.Satlcn1'Jii,h-inr.'lhichhad aslted hin about and. he had denied any knc'.*ledge of it. He'.,of the safehouse but he had. no idea r'rhat i;re address r.;as hence i?re address mea:r.t kroth:_ng to hin. :1rs i'anr_Liarity uirh it :rras l1:rited to siaying ////i/l/t/ cve:';rrghi i,here and be:-:g sloi.n tin ot.r:.=r, side oj: -.,he ni*or. !ie //,!'-'C-e'.'r ceci'ge I''.rr:-!e but !:e did not kncrr b.1, l,.hose autnoritl,
he was op::'at':lng, or tvho furnisired ihe sa-fehouses, cfA or iBi.I. /d / j' i{e L'el j'eves ti:e Agency is ;aking a "burn rap,, on the subject of "unwir',-ing testing". un.vitirng -uest,ing can be used. in several connotations, not ar-l of rvnicil are perjorat,ive,


tocay. rt is appare::i to hrn that, p3:sons r.rri-,.ing and s:=aking on the iopic cion'r, kno,* the cifie:-erce, hence, we are being critisized, for nany lhr-cgs l+hrch rv-ere quite proper ,f' Pacers locall y have sia-,,ed ina',- ',-lere ,..,'ould. be a release of a greai deal:ore CIl drug nateriaL on'r Oct. in vrhich tire "baci griys" '.'ro'-,rd, be icentrfred. After checki::.g, r told hrn of the si"& (trcase and iire decr'sion to fig::.t ii. i{e tht:t r';hatever rve co to please info:':n the persons vrhose na;ees a;'e to be relea::ed so tl:at they are crepared for tne onsraught. i{e reca'lls ine schools'lar.ryers ccni:rg to h:-n one norning and ask:ng hi:n al] sorts of questi ons abour- i,i:.foLTiA (ire does not. recall ever seeinE tirat n.3::1e) acij..,ritles and his invol_venent i:r i,:.len. I{e recalls r:-s Secreci, igree::ent. !{a rec:111s being terribii' ernbarassed for sev:ra1 ryeelcs before ne //;(// found out ihere noih.:-r:g to be enba:-asseC about:1l. YerT friendly alrC cooper-..iive.

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