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1 y""**J{-ed

,J,J"" ro reeardins rroDherlc,i*ion

l:-"_l9l]*:1 e -nected n.rt of our &Et* readiEq diei. Everybody
has read or ,'nd
heard or seen in the movies schenes,'e:oectatfons ana
plans of horr ue shafl llve and qo about ouruoyid ln the .rears to
come. It 1s becomlng efnost stale to sa.r to someone that in the
futu?e ,{e 9h411 611 have universal televislon in all our hones,
that our buildtngs shhl1 be toryerihq over .lf that we no,rl know, and
lh6t sr:lL-,lvinr- air -lines s1J-Ll -i].dle t,le 6lobe. As " nEtter
ol tact, televlslon ls noiT a fact, advertised rnd boo4ed in every
nellsoaDer, air llnes are already -q'-.readlng o-rer E]11 the ^tobe .n(i
t-1e oce6r1s thenselves riay be snanned by regular air routes. And
our buiildings are no.:r so hirt that -re have-not sui.ficient busLness
as yet to fill thm ,jhat ne no.r. Iet lye all clrearl1 and thlrlk
of even areater triulnDhs, ye:.efieve, 511 of us now, ttlrt inter-
ol.netary llt(ht is a cer'rintv of the iuture. t{e h;.ve af1 bu1ll
up in our minds o:dutures of or-r- qrect ne.,y rorll to coroe.
Jufes Verne hes oiten been qlven credlt for the criqinatian
of modern vi-s-ionary sneculatlon. fet in actuality he does not
desoive lt. Hls visions lere never scenes of the future, he sar.r only
isclsted invcntions, iscf:,ted sc:ientific n.rvels, each ho.rever
e isting in the Llrosalc Torld of t1c fate ninet.entb century. iis
]loburs , hls Colut1blads, ,.11 eELstei .,s loiely triunchs tc .stound
his everlday reo.fe.ncL r,'crld. -'Ie .ia noi ':ir:c o te Jtture of
e 1e lrt"'thinl.I, cnly oi' i'"c s-ecuiate -C-/an.e c since tllin's. lt is
to oi Anerican thrt tre 'il1e g1sionsrr shock -l1rb ir..s :et o..1.
iJLrese risions re n::.hri1.l_. It i. io Id;ard Delf.l,r:I o: -logion t.t
thc ilile 'rll&1,be" oi i.oatern ,lci ncr licticn" :hou1i r-ore !r'chtiutir
belonr. For iir r,-s, -,ho iirst cr.uEht iire nin.i oi Ar-eri.|l "
and iie uorfd riih a virion ci' tlle i!,ilure th,it could not ile sarko:]
his booL rri,o.kinc gach:,ard,, ,Ies iirst ouhlishcd in 1BB?,
it is unfi efy ],hi.t its ei'iect/ c:ul.l b. quessed. Brt one iccls
it nust hrr/e r tout.i&d er/cn i.t. .iicr, dr it 1,r: s ,..n in6Aa-dt
successr 'Iqis tr vislcn c. Ane"ice ln il-,e 1-ear tr'OCO r.i.. s a bost sel1er.
It ini;o edition sfter edition .Drl roo,t iol ov:r a million
"em , .n anszinJ record i'or those days.
cooies lranslatione into
!rench, qerrnan,, &a Ai.bic, Russian, tsulXarian ar]..i other
ionquos met successes over all t5g -ror1d. rrLooLintr Eacla,yard:2OCO -
f33?" rvas a .1'orfd ,ride -rona]er.
Eelfamtf, hlnself, -ras nct n llln icr seelainll .ersonal
notoriety or f:lory, Tiou!:ib t4e success of 11s llook cocasional
demiads for i edlate se.uels, for l.]la].ln2 lecturo tcu"s, for
neqa-zine articfes, he carefrr-1ly turned d..yn most oi these offers,
tie wes C.etermined not to lrite e seouel untl1 it could be as
ce"fully thoulht out as his firsi, success. l\us it not until
ten Iears later that rtEcuaf ityrr eDD esred taLino ur, "/1s
r1'here -uhe otirer
lelt ofl ..nci elucidatlng nuch iilat 1.C ieen sfurred over in the
lirst book, and incdientLv t.:!rinl u! maEy.uestiorls that h..d h..n
raised by fevier"iers nnd cri-iics,
Bellamy ras the son oi s cferql-man .ia reised in ,r regilious
trtnrosoehere. Ilq 5-q.,ui1.str thusly a de€ deelin: for ihe huinane and
6oj6Dasslon for the 1.IelJ':re of the 'ro"ld. He striCled ior rnd assed
the bal1 , |out rather tha4 nurEue a lav erts career, entered.
j ourndl-isrn. Ile rrurEE.ed this c:reer :iithout .aving .ttention 1ro
luiuriitlc Drdblems for t"6 decades. During thls tlme he sl,arted
writing.rticles anC short stories for mo,r!zines, an.1 eventuafly
had tflo h-ud< novels aD:tear ID4. leldenhoi's Processl , and rtliiss
l,udlngtoa I s si s t er : A' ilomanc;;rffir 6Titytr-i;i-66-vorks ac hlev ed
some sli.glit accealll. Ilrhile noither r.ra s sclence-fictionaf, they
'rere fantastic ror tiley involved ns-chic ohenonmana vhioh bellany
had been r)er:ins attentlon to et the time.
ln the sl]llrl1er oi 1386, he set out to try tc rvork out the
aDoar€lrce of the fulrure of Anerica. He 1Tlshed to yo"k out the
systen of lery and order that coufd gul?.-ntae the most to afl
men. Thls study bore fuitlon in li*iattnxx&aexxuldtr. the novel
that made h n r'ano'us.
rrr,ookln5 backvrard9 8@Q staxts olf witti an acccunt o1' a vealthy
young Bostonian named Julian I'i/est. Through 5 set of clrcumstaneos'
iYest is inmu"red ln an hvDonotic trance for ceriod that was
to last ior one hundred an.1 thirteen rears. &xtrn His involunlrary
tomb is 1lncovered by D3. l,eete , a resident ol the Boston of
the year 2OOO. lthe book l. told in the fi"st Derson by Julian
.regt. {i derives lis tltle {"om thet iact lor it ias sulrposed to
have been rvrlt en in the year ?OOO, for the eopfe of 'lrhat year,
to describe the {'eelinqs of thenineteentb .entury man in their
,I he book ls far from fast movinq. ft consists in :lreai pa"t
oi lonq exDlanations snd converstaions 5s5,vs6n r/Iest and h.i s mentor
Dr. Leete, 'nd 15te" by Ed.tth Leete, ',"rbo ls lhe herolne oi' the
story..nd later to narry i?est. 'Ii1e success ol the book, under
this'cil.cumstances, has beotl laid to the troubled state oi thinqs
in 188? ':rhen the boolr flrsi, appesled, so that this careful discusslon
ol the f1a1',rs and cor?ectives for the troubles ol the day, served
to ald ren's minds , the book ras ttmely a]1d that fact helped nake

Be116my portrayeal 6n Amelica vhelein 6f1 the economlc iroubles

had been solved. Ee plctured a Utoole, an America there crime
alld oovorty had vanlihed, and even fylnE--was u-kno-'rn sivrce there.
had veased to be Eny provocation for it. Ilis prime moilve in 1'rltlng
it ',ras to unclerfine the evifs of nlneteenth century soclety,
the fla.)is in the relatlonshlDs bet{een cl6sses of men, and to
nro'iect t soc&etv Yhich,v6s qlve e'u. iLs nd Lae msxlmum scienL'fic
o, lln""" to,ll men. .ndoubiedly Je ccn . ind ml.ny rlt'?s in his
scllemes for sooial betterment' but his sc6thlng and llilty attacks
on such as slurds, unemD I o-YBlen t, ancr. ooverty' -1e must accept ,:s
at .vould be er:oneous bo clsjm Dellc-'uI tdrtn8Edxz coulo
carry any of the labe1s ,thlcll \'Ie attach to .ofiticaf 1)ellev'?s
toaav. H6 could not be termed a soclalist or a conmunlst
r,"-aia aavocate government cont1ro I of industry 6nd the dlsaDDea"an'e
;f c;nDetitive buslness. fsrxhqxEAxtJ&exEeaxhfuEx IIe could not
uu a i4d.lvidual's oir monopollst thouEh he helc that
"rii"a "ugged
irr.-"."rin or Eieat trusts and mononolies res sonethln4-!o-be.
not i'onaenned. ;{e coufd not be ca11ed a syndicaltst
;[;;.h;; irurrevea ln a Fuild systen for afl cfasses ol rork, for
he at th same tlr,te crlti.clsed labor 1]Irlons f,ExxbEtn8 as being

b-T-Droducts of capitalism. Hls plan of qovernment held the g.ermg

of a1l bellefs and combined much that rEE .eoD1e could conslder
good "/rth mircl th6b obhers ou-td c.nstder b d.
Ills Amer, of 2000 was controlled by a Presl(tent and ConEress
even as toCay, but his Presldent r,ras actuall)I the Chlef oi the
Industrial ArmT to .,fhlch aIl people belonsed and rtlich ran al-1
the irrdusir:ies and Drojects of the nation. Hle Conaross net and
tafkedr b1}t thel acted. not as legislators but aa Dublic derraiers,
for the entlre natlon llstened ln by electic teleDhcnlc hock-up
to the rare sessions, .nd voted altoget'er by ofeotrls ho.kup in
every house Eno fariltly on evory issue. Thus reDresentatlve
democracy was replaceal by &ctua1 universaf denocracy th"ougb the
aDpllcation of sc ience.
be1l5Jay foresaw radio in the form ol hls telephonio s.ystem.
iIe saff the telerhone connectlnq uu ever)r home and reglon. i'trot
the sinEle vire ,re lo:!ow, but one that could be connecteal to
loud sreake!, one that calried cn varlous statlons theatre, news,
,rusic for public consu-lBDtlon. I{o,n -t-'emarkable thls e-tension ol
the telepbroae uas as a rroohecv is shorn bf' the increasing uso
ol ihe Elr(E nhone {1res to convey muslc today to resEaurants
and aubllc pl:ces, not to rientlon the ',,Ieathe" and tlme services
thr nost teleotrone comoanies no1{ aender.
through afl e-.tension ol ihe teleDhone, Dellamy -redocted
television. Eis T'"vBrtg-first century Americans -,rent to the
theatre by stayingl at homef l,Iatchinr Deriornees through the
eLectrosooDe, -trhlc}] as described in action sou'ds fite a verr
lmDroveal and Derfected. television aoparatus.
AnticiDatine! the plans of IEE such moCern movemenis as
fechlocracy and Soclal Dredit' bellamy f,.ancxry forecasi ihe
disa--ealance oi money ..nd the use of c"edit calds based- on the
lyork done by lhe lnotvdflEal tn the natlonrs emDl!]'. fi The r?olnth
of trusts and combinations hed finalfy resulted' according to
rr-ooking bacL{+ard" ln one qlEat monopol:r -,hich -'as takeo over
in the dntlrotl. by the xxi{-Er stete. All citizens Yere rllenb ers
ol the Ind.utirial Army ',rhtch ran this state lndretry, rislng in
rark b:7 stud-v and merlt. :.'iorkingras lt were , fcr the same
comDany, riade lt easy for the netion to substliute crodit cards
and.- equality ol relurns for,vork dor"!e. Thls system had spread
in af] nations until the,)'ihole r,roild las c.mnosed ol these state-
lnCustrial trusts. An Intornfanetarv 0our.1cil ree;u16tod fo"eignts
1,rade en.l forelgn aflalls. Arnies and navias had dlslDDeared
bhe need for comr--etition and orivate trofits had d-isalrr-'eare'L'
T-is same iactor accounted bo" the decline in the aro-rth of
the larfl. cities. r'e1l'mY nredicted that hit the citl"s Yl'uld bedomo
mcre subur!ar1 ln nature, and gradualf-T the Cistlnction lletlleen
the city and 1ri1e country {ould leco me less. The extension of
po.rer and tho use ol the telenh:dd-c s:rsten aided ihls
efectric 'lhe
rrrocess. Untted States ls doscribeda s being almosi one
vast lart<, from coasi to coabg, tencled, laid out, oultiv--ted'
Agrlcuftut e !i€"s mechanlzecl, -giant elect?ic Diboys and machinelty
dolng l:he :ioIk. Hot-houses ','ere litilized fol. Ln.zinlly'
glo'rtb ol Dlentl] unCer sclentllic silfluli. The n.tion hevina
turned vet:irian aiue ic the discoveries cll nelf iea-,rs ot rr.en:-rin:
food, ihere ,.re:'e nof slaughtcr 'louses or enim:f herds.
Cloti1in1 ras n, de ci E ecicf:f tr3r.tad D.,ne" t]-rr o.rn eiay
.r-er on: So 'ee r ." '' -^j1 :
such tis ?u:s, "-1n",
end. alries. clcihin. oi iren .rna:ror n ,,cr.l
cui ailan.. ilne s;ne :el1:ra-L "i. f it-l: ! ler=<xnat---qE1n Llue tc t'i-:r .l (il .rr.ti
:-=,r:ri',c hi.ii l.rr ol' r{rii ronor . Coaliinl l-.911-11 d.ota
.'ilnina _.:-11s I) d bolc]iul ,rii'tr.ef:r a ,rr1.oia3s j.ona.1 in ai-atrici
-'!1:11, .. n. rorten
_cre ireed- i'rcrx hou3 e l.ce:-. in!. i'hcr- t'.ir i .n:,al:cd i1rddti"l cn
..l :.n._ .n.=ed,. '-; *_. ,-d' '4 .:. t'
cto':t r '.1. o":n, l- uJ "or r I cL'C .o.:..4 r ... -6*L
then, .i1a- n:en elccl-ed ncn. ct.vln- in ilt:t -_i noer I cor.lately
e, ua1 'oi-sai :r-r51 .cvcrlrrlcni . n.l soci_ct:i.
::e for.esa,-r iha .-ir.f:.o: thou-lt i]a m:,C.a ilo attamai to e,ru1.,in
llc-rv it:rras ia ':,'o"k. the l.e:.r 20OO a=eo sa-r sucit in-ova.tions as
subinarine shj.pDlng, :eather statlcnE on nial-oceanic iloats,
inair.:ct 111htlns, cioclrs theb told tiie tiie 5y color chEnlcs,
and eity ?ide uflbrel1t-.s oyej] t:1e siqe rallis in tt: ev:ni cf r.ainl
Ec:,'ard "el amy ind.eedr made xarsr..- r.L.n1. an.zi!!: ')radici,iong, !]ot a
le".' oi .;nich o oiilc irua already.
the ,ublication of i'LocLin: bac<:ardtr n"cie such e slrfrsl: in
i,he torfci as ras io slrlnnllat; lnnumerable otilers to ::i'Lin!.-
'rcrks oi soiei-1ce-iictlon. lhore ,ere about a dozen boclle 'r:,itten
raouL i'-L..rvl3 :.|'.r c!.1": n' h's
rr-oo{inc o.ronorr, 'rfou, - l.est'r Jf_ Lo-o.on Scair
.i.oat r. LuLviA Ue:s:,crra
ior:ard" by ,(')hard .,-'-c,.e..'r, '^ rurthc- -.r.c Toror .T
Arthur Tinion, r'l,lr. E:strs E ieriences in ir1r. Eef .Leanyrs ,ioriCit "o-y
Loni'ad ,iiIhraY]dt, "Shsdo:rs nelorerr b_..i Favette Gi1es, .nd J.!T.
Itobertst "ro kin- iithin", Eere just a few ot tho ;intinuatlons
of !elia&yrs e.och.l nrvel, 6one -iere l6voi,a"r1e, some very ui1 r-riendly
continu.tions. Ciher UtoDian .nd nro-hetlc novLls 'iilif..ian rfere urilrten i
, not gnina Bel Iamy, but jn..ired :lv his success. Liorris!
j..,mo,s ".,e.r Fjga 116 -66 rerr : . on- o t't-se, Jpn,.Lius Do- el1yls
C..sarra Co,urur'r .ni ;:1-'..* l, .n --o'rel.-s 'ir,cvel-c" l"om AlLrLu"iLrl
also fo11c?ed in ;elfamyrs 1ske.
so thorou8hly cld Dellamlrrs [iaA@! sc.i-ence-f iciion
in:aire L.oolile that clubs siragna uD all ove" t]-re count"l"ision tc iry
to ,.Jor1. to r)ut hla economlc Df5ns inio eflect. lhese were cafled
fietionsfl-st Cfubs(on ihe idea of 4qii.xqlisa!ion of incustry rniher
than,r,'ith its rlodern c on no i at t on ) l-iii-i:iElErina
lr'Ihe Nerr ltationrr sa_r gubfication.
r zine c.1fed
lhe De]lamy rdcbemenl, continued
,..rith great vlqor for se,r3!. r y-Drs until the tu'n ol th,' centu?y.
the subject ol " "ooking ,ia'L"ard'' 'ras a oint oi .r'rrmelrt :Jld
discussio! in the -rress ..nC in the nulDit over the coun'trv. It
aroused. :,)3slb1y more iniensive fl:r'!tal and socisf reaciion thtn
arlv volu-ne oi' its tyl6e sinoe. Since its Dubficatlon, sciencc-fiction
has come forth stea-di1T iroil1 ih3 nationrs book End m.'4az:Lne Dubliilhers
and the start ol ihis stream can be and las been traced
to EdlYard Dellamy. "egufer
't ;
sal aid rr"o, - dled 'n r oston '-n .i--v I 98. a r-e. r rl ber
tne ,ut/{c - tion o! 'rEoua-it r". At hls slmnle iuner'." 'urnon -crc
read- D..ssages from hls yorks. Anontr them ihis 'rEssaqe iyas road.
surtrrlarizing hls vision of humanity:
"Do Tou nsk ,rhat rrJe lcok io" ,rhen umunbered Eeneratlons shaa
have Dassed arav? 1ans er, the rr'a:r stret&hes lar before us, but
the end Is fost in 1ioht..,.. :'fith a tear ahEE lcr tlle da!'k Est,
turn ffe then to the dszzling_i?inter
future, 5nd, veilinrr our eyes, Dress
forvard. The long and xearl .l the race is ended. lts
sulGner has betaun. llu-n1anliT has burst the chrIsalis, ?he heavens
are before lt,rl
I l+"-+aA Xa-+ 3n r ort

LO0h,_[ t:]r,,itrirH3
t Table tf C oni ents

l. IntlouCtldnf - ll,lilat .re kno.., -, 1' -r.e r-,^.h r nr.ined r: 'rnE
4a,,/" Pol-del]ioas oo scien.e. An +h:n- r>- r.e,
r,. ll. rt i:.,-ns
3, li.i1ets oi- at'_er sff-t
4. rh- hnl n." Ear"ih
i. 1B ti:'e:.1.r'i r1.i?
4, liqa cf the ilnl.,r--?.re - t :/: 1,.e.-:i-q {.r.:,rrlrr,'1 ri .L ' q r!-. .1r
is.i ed)r l 1e.--r- ni-l a-r +'.rdn- .: -\--lar 1e-.t...)
?, ,\roirrilon. -itr ;need. Dl-eeizdl li.ce t-^rr-r^t.
f. iiire re .n'. 7l,._'il.n?

10. iriefrl rael:5 r- ].ltclt-

1."i, l rteril irens_i i'na1 'l r:-11
it'. llne'jrar.rrl

1,!. alceult jri:!1j'..'li,...ri:t-rs, rio-l:, Io.te!€ra s| .

15,. Ai+t) i. De.ith .'h:t? !-6-^r.-- i.e :..t:
-uu,iii \,i rtO;irh,iiS

Ch:nter Cne

?he f r1L- errqnencl ,q: l_ll1:ltn 19

li!:-n 1O3"o cr O',la -'L.t aclil:iiis :,rT.l t,-sii' ri hiq o,,,n ira!" -
n..'lOent stOl"e oo l.n^'j1c.1i'F, -i'e Calrr lt ^ir? B.ian.4 i:i_r _:e _'^^1 1''
rloua io tl-re s\ or-i a s! 1n hF.'rJno tle 1l.]-'n o'nf tu".e .. ral.'l
dEi)qnlnE aeteri'ljl]in. thg _nr'-:ni3 ct tr/l lrri'IePte. i1r 46r111'-. ''-a
iarrch e:14h ot'.et, ha.s -_lrl: rf iniurrrheli .rrplt i're iiFrrfe r'.'
-a'aes ai
|i t1]re. Ic- j -nor"aLnt -,ene .rrr ,.11-o.t.I-.r. -r.',i '^ re^.'le t\e"
iei.e f c rrel'eve in i:a --.:n-. t'.e-. :ri.::
E-serv sohocl obtld is j ni.rue.l .ri-h ,inu ern.nrr nr. ei'r flie te.,.r-en.
-iih a,es.G'!. .n'-r..*. +clli! 1rir4 tr"Nt rn'ria F,rrt a.o-1e
cD-si;e!,4,1 tie onrih ^1at, C. ihti 1r'e tou:14 --i-{n'+^ '." ....Ltae^114
rergtetiOn- Orrj: a,- n^r:1iid. a!. itiiil r-LO !.ria 'r.,r li-4 _.I+er ^e |Ltrl
er.Liae 1l'iyei,se . l,-,3 5,rn a r-rl all t-.a 5-r.i1ef r "-rll::inj_,'' r-^r-_,nil ii,
C! llr.t ilr,_.nliln.i rls ar"ei_,..i 'r^11 'l.rFrt. :.r'1 1 ' Gni '.,.r 91'e
i:rr:.d.eai 'riJn f ai'r.
l.'h!t si- l l'. n.nsen.^e t^e-i ..-, -o ^.,,.1 :.-..- :-.^ :
Yet r-ieoJ,lo balieria s'ean rol nr1. a: -rrnri,e: .-e.!ii3 aL-or lin,r, st:,aa.e
eg il, 1',1: - \e, 5, hrjna',.oal -r.alas tao i;e r ia^ .oa" +L.l rir
i er h:,d 'ounl olrli t_re llluth :.rC. ih.+.- a hrrir:rteC -e.-.FS ;re'OrC
"na,a.n.".i tleli r,l
'r.ere 3i11r de.jse, It is'reao!!,1no tilan:'eSt tr.rpt l(n^-.'Fr:*e rrd .el?t.e
alle r rjhe €r,?i thin.s.
I,ion I I rr-re i1 one triin. rhi ch l..ia.l r.j n- rr-_a .EIr i -r1: i o.iere
c. scienlg rre 1o_ :,9ii-'1fi'a- io re.. I f i: th1.: lhat +he .ne s1rre
L'-]inq ert oui o-!111 3ai ance L', l,'r,r.t ! ,/lrrn:lr-o1 -'.-or1's 'r'clli lr.^', .r1- 11c.Fre.q
,,6 ,... |o -6 ',

-Lt Seams jO l.e iluil e .ertFi.n a_n oirel] i11 r1,c .a:]t lieni1 o-
ihi-rtv f,-srirrr ii i. -c nrssJ'rle r_6 .fot ouite lr:r.e ^ra"n-es. irinrs 'ere
._liscirAed ii the l',3t .Ert o" i:he l!1st _ilt:r-'i .r:j.l -tra| reii'il -'.1'9d i11
ne,1 ..rins !ccrii-ll,l-.. {-tr'rer thln-.q'e1r '_e-antlri. :a eiJolur,ion .^ ^..,'d'D4 lla
knol' lino," t/e-.r 1:i-te. !an .lt1rr err'1i-4r.-, li-.i ie t'.e inl-
:1rlr,e tlrin-, llut t\eorlre. nn ral,ter 1a'., l.-i,ral'\r :h,i r-.?.e 1-',e--'p"
'j11-i "rl 1 c rrieccs -iil, rlre :ic.rrii'l 'i.n Ll' ne-' ):ni',re.i^e.
}}ren rat'i-r?irt.ii-as :s .-inrii-r- l-^ j''l- L' _-e -'ar si'e. fn t"e
aa:11 ane CCulal El-'ii.s S .r tlrL.t i:lr9-e ,t --lersi.raaj d!e e:(.cl :rat'./.:-aC
n,)i :,iven to sird{eo . riert6ions or db]6 .liinir^rr-^nr. i'et i.:-.e 'rsll
- e€.rs scl?nr.lsars ],e,'o rrgen :es:iafiily c-rrt!ln- '-"th the ilin+, ..s f !e-:
no1 aerlve '!,^!]r lr.eLr .rr:nhe311 ar h'..h e.1r!'ii.aA, ilrrl: iiinh !c.l 1'^.lr
a:t t;wo !lrts i:,To in1lai4{ _-ur is noi 1664-r31r'l 1w "i '"i . ijLo_!i " Ih':t
i.t :nnirrnae trre nl.3t r:r urntc -rair i-',.!e alerr no-' il'-e q. r iq ttrrt
t-o irfu; tro ,rer.1..iII'' nr.iraeq t-',riu{. f^rrr. Alnost "o.rr. ii'.ctJ^.,i'rr
fo11!. 3ui not albRoll)l,e1.r iorrr. 31.o"1,r.r'lrhe1]]tt!r.3. tl ai ilt.l'e
skoietal rir!?trjr.e of 11e.o14 en''ei-r.iinq1li ni_ril r._lc <"i--" "acli on.1 'o'rfh.
Ii,s cresl rE\i rei-u1_ri1 rr.e ceFir.r--- i e oiri:.
{1-. )

In.leed 1rhJ.s rf.-iernent rh.ru1i. qeem od,.l to -n1r D6)rr .on<lde?

-','o rif
it "r-rrt;]e". ga.: trvo an.l i:;!o" us r - fha+ Orien niore.
Let us siv ol1s atld one i]15{e 1-aro. Is 1:1 not .!n fD.ct an ir.riia.i },ilii:y?
",Iaii:. Consider.,iih )1e. flre,r..1 one. I'hrl neans a 'rne
tl.rinlr, r1..r'b.r', "' .ji,.:ioir" eren iaea. '1rotheF lieilj,:al lo ii.
A uili 1,-i rnd i uriit-i, :1,e 5aw iha.i t'rea m'-Le t",o.31rt --,i+h 6xl
matheFei3,xs -re ir,ein rllat the,i it-ake .J,1itie3 .^r lrr r-i arrrei ,lo not
111o,, ioa an-i Cifaerenoe h.+s^eri.rr in rlre .ie4ree rrel-'een
t1e cne arnd iri-Ie one.
It Js a iaot !1at tEcrre are not oi +\is eartln .r.. r'n i;he rr.1'
t'ro :rhso11rtelv l.lentlcal thinqs .-r',-iv.ere, llot 'n +-.e 1]r-\-eei I^r,
tirc lo'r9si" ',Ie c:nt'.oL ey:,! ..rtll,e ihs -.l ur-- .ne a,n If.-ra1 11h 1r- r-r4hlne
x:{ice anii ]1ai/6 1i: ideirt'.6:a1. 1t r.,1:- sa--]rt iCenti.:l \rt ria--.6so.ja
!.nalvsi:t -rlll l--r.!.iil:l' -e1es1 .r1je dr-a.:en."s. lio lto rr^1_an!1,6s
c.uii:'re identicrl 'or the ila, ^' ene:'qiei ll'1 e.l1! qir6i 1.e! r.Es r(] \e
ril.if eierrt. An.rons ,ho DaBdes l:o crrr'lsr..1eti r,:,e^'Ls -'i-l r.aai i ?c t.el:
iro t-o oh ject-q cEn r:e .^r1ni: n;hich r,4rld .e!ilfliriqa^Hle. l1nt "roF
the -lher,, un,r'er lninrrie,q.Fuiin!.
In naturae there asn:-re no a,!ti.nd nB fl^-e t'1arl ono unii-.
Tiut ;rs.r noi, iie a n.s1-l.Ja llr,r, ii -auahi,s .t,jrel-i E-n o.:ef,'.,'t1e rni
,itir rrol-acLrlsr s-lt i-r, atoxiic .1,u.1,-:., e ni..i?all1e 1-a.t. 'I\"us lhe
braTaalo of the mriiren::ti1a1 .:Lr:ii i,|.i1t one Dlu3 one eor:11e i"ro is
l:1ri e?1./ aoaipary td e:rlsted4e.

fhe One .-r1.1 tl-re one al:e sl-'E,s s-ii.ailr' a1il'et"ent fron each
other. Tiie dii.erence nai l:r e tiiaeiecil'ole .ut it is e.1 a-,. lrhere, Tir
r;iaw he lecs, lt ma-i he no?e. It ls ir-teF6. T,-rrs i'1 .,,ne anL one! one on€
is not rlhe oofl^1elle one the oil.e, ono is. The lelrns r:seil Fr'e flii1.e!rlrnn.
,fie oannoi, .iuo1;.cr te anv unii.r, ire celr ofl1., a-Dr"nl<l]rlate 1.t Cno Anl
B4other l1!.e lt mEke s D61..=li.F,ie1:. liro Blmtlartttes. Tr.^ --crr-en " t'-,-
sd:11!ion 'bhe oie:rter t?,e veri..hee.
If llou co]1ore'rona thiE, ,io1r -'i lr 4orne s.rldenl,r Io a.rjnlt
t\e crrr.', ^us fact taar"ron: 1t'-" .ir:t 'nst.:ni -,e i!1trodl)oe !n .ln'air!
i!1lt the orade o' s.h.of, ,ro ie:rrh hin tn lh{nl( i.n yslr ih.i
is al{kE]!a untrue of irhe !aiverie he is lr,rl-nd in. --\,?n l1e :le2rnF lhri
one and one m:.'t e t,-to arC irterl:lr-ats r,\.[ ai i,ts iace i:r']!e, he h.g
rd49l-ered hls first e!!onecus si.terent,
C6nsirler then the strauctr-r!e o. 1nc1c. ;lrsi.! l'1- is
ir.e narr reas.n huilds up s ctse 1r'r irre ilie o_ ri1:r.t\enr:1ri.1l/ l:i-,s.
li nEilhonel:iis h5-e thls serio!s f1a.., in i"", lo.rc tl.en st likerii_se
var:,r an.1 .ln.e 1l].jic :s Aitf,uti ,li.."tculi rCequ.iell +io rnr,f-i-e nnd
ctn nevcr, 3Yen no,r, be Ielia.l on I'or cerl:s n ..!1'lrr..i6nst, r.i 1'o:l lo.-,s
llai i:itE lo:rid i3 allen, verir iil:er-het-.1rs ."u1.d.e, ane -eels th.t this
is tha t,easarn -'+rn aumsn hi st.nir '!n7r:..r'r.b 11, .oes .!, +r..n a^.at.liarr
to ihe 'ie:t it! '.rhe.ias, -€ cani'oi l:lr-a'lnio oiir teasan .r.e f6ct thst
n.lllinq is :E.lenti-a1 ,r.'lth an rt,linr e1se, '-e ihin1. t[at one p]lrl one
must €.'.solritelr lnEks t,,o. :tt doesr-lrt.
'rlfhqt then nr.!st be -o Jjhe ahso lrie :!r "r c:, cnc- .f
Ou3, sclentlii.. o. tod2-y? H2ve tr'o rouna.l eD- .r16ilnile j'a.ts
th6lt "re e,an sri- a,.e"l.e.lae
so? T-re anc "er mrst he no. "'o '.if e derenrdine.l
onI1' the qr,eE,te!. .ror.ahtlities fo" acti.n, -,e tr'1/e onli, the

rost obvlous r oirions cf t.!e nast. '":c i.i.e i4nor-^.1 .'n'Jni le ir-1rniir.i.-q
oi Cata tc cadieriF-rt: on the fe', l:r"at c.uld be irrn'li
te'J :ini-^r1tra,te]?
i-a ii,\or6t.l.i.---q. Cr louli he reCiJced fi) ^ !re3 a n.-'f it ied
jnt^ r-6^!iFq.

Cherles Fort saii thrt sci--nlr!is lorla- he?e ^^n:1.alr1red a

host o1' farls r,o t.e realsr." hie Tbe-r re.n not '-.s 'li+e.'i in
to t-,e .r ra4e-t tl.eo.iei- t''rer3i.r.e Fe?i6n ll-Lese seie4ijsrs
i'i9.r arnriot be, Fo!'t rrcl-e Eileou:r.!ef-
r'l:e," anl]u^i. or l'1is .l..ia ia tir _(1ur
hook.g "!he Ro.k ni tf e DF,rneC," ]-anCs," ''l-o," :n,l 'r" ir: T, 1cnl:.."
13o not oronose iO nir"tic!l!,r-1- r'llr.11s.r t.em it:"41..
& Fort irrl:eerte.n ak i 1oi o" n"srlltle ratuFE!l 'la*. 1-'r:+tin.
ii I onl- 's'Blr lc ai-,"e.r r on sone]s ",rich mo.lern :c en4e.
tRB66rarn& Lr,!.te ca it is. s-'e]ns lo hiht a! rearr!inrr to
.ilscx:r3 setiouBlt tt.seli) .-ni- oiher t-ilnis thioh se: to're
fo.eical ol :.rc unlverae as i surnect i! .:o be,
I :a not f or. . tr1o&el1l: suo.estina t1-r.! n-r 'i-Cer3 ..,il l :,e .i.r
ihe lesE refj ridr crlloos a hirnir?ell --6ar: .rcm no.:r. lut :l: ihlnk !,,! .e
e-re ihincs thri .--r no6t jea!'nsal s.!enlists f!-in-].:' ln in,1..'
th9t ,iil 'r€ lt-.f e il3l culo!s.
I in n!1tu-j1:lr the i -ti,! or- iLe :r.a^ :r..rie tr.inklnd .. r-'

olln erP. l nride in-se1f lfal ir or- i4 r'.a -ut lr'\.t t1"e rti^rif, o'
euc'r thlnr{ers aT"e. I an.roloun.lln s.e-r-i..:I o' +'.1ni" ''hl.h 116 no1:
aFDesi lto s D--rf .jin n!lrr',tirre 1^.i-c i-n n6. I soi.el:irre< rre:l i4vc 1n
tr'Ln6s rrec,rlrse it ieenls to rn-o !rr.)-,3 tEEutet sensrnle t^ '^elre,e +'..t
thla 'il O ac:ent tit iaoe 7r:lria f'-ra aer+Ea1 i:e.1s.
For ir,sir:neo serrel"al reFrs F-eo ii ocerneA +o rne +hF! .iFh-lrrcg
are nte?-ah.?-aak erieSiOnS ^f +,he hroillert O' .l-ind, I 'Ouna-Yitl1 n1.:self
cox1ilel.61.7 unsa,tisfled ''rlth lhe il-r:nr cir-..t ^- i.,':r- I.{4 tho5e
ia.lish Deop:Le ,h! ..rre .+.r?'i e-.Jed !i- n'16.4liors rxd ,i:-r rhrf fr li6r
it teeni.-^.j rO f[e l\a-t a!4a-:]11eF ,te I)ot l:rre C^Dai)e'6nr ^'- +'-,,a Fir r-Ui
t>!e ricli!1.J o' i1_.. Txe-. '1T h-- r..:'.'i i- an .r!'r_iaE'l 1"rirni.:he 1h:ch
irlo'is the :il r:' .raft ..'.L9" 1" therr !l1,'t F heP-l r-'ir!-i.'n", +r'en -'.)rr1n
craasb, TLe.' sl!1r1",' ff i b1 i,lre nr-ce3s -1i rein:i :rrr l1.i, r.eai ln
i,1i -ina. -r1.r tner' hrl|ri_ i'.ei. . 1 "ind- '+r r-'re... i .n qt?irt_l':
rerrtin.ieal nT t-lc t.]r:a o. t.e d^nke? '..Jth t'.e .n.-le r-ieii i1)s" !e:nre ili
!1.:re r_ri , silck qt,.rahel, fo it.r 'reck. lrie -1onr.,--r reera t;e I .n.e ..:i -oes
ron.irsrrt tFl,in. io.eL it. a',.=,,-11e inlved 'o-'''.r.i r:.-.:a it 'EF.e
c-nNiilues. An .lrnlEne d^e3 :1r:ii l-,hrt. Ind i.t J.',r jurl- :is sl I lf, .r rl.'l
r r:1, ,rr 6-.r,al fn-

']- lelr .rirl)raat.,nrl,l iot .9 r.e:L_L xnr-l.l tter. l:r.1re-rl4.l

inre.end.ntl: o: i11e a:i.r. "lren i..ierl n,ir4 tl-e eir ihal.r" 1ri.1i1rn I4sie:r,l
ai t_ae:rs,afr33 the !i1]lsi viatiin. TFls ':rul'l h-]ei.,11
C,liier.cni t'.:oe o" d.'Lv..J. ,4. rorkei ,1ri.le l. an erannle o' rur-r:, r'-j:'e.
Arr: rrrsl-: reaentlv, :e6"s Eilrer't h.d. liL:(ie v; 61"' -'1'wct Ion, I
lt. .e :ounr'l .- -- iiile rrticle in . i{e r,!r-rnrno i.,ri..t1r. th. l .t *E5Et-
.T.nst l:hls i:ict,-e-. c^t!lin. -o ilr.. xl<ii'lizbf :riteril'rn n_,rt'cIs, I sr,r^ect
trF.t o-lrer -qensir:lltie6 o' .1irle ri:'.-r ": alte a:.4 ".,i ru-a I i.e '-O1 iei s^m. n.v
lij,kerise. i.r.e j ji.:en.:,- sr:.iula1 bo r'.rl1e to .leiu/le :].:r,:nE]..l : . r, l"
oi:ie "Ihoit irniverio 'n.rn f'ne a-l1nrnir.iIon i_: 1i:l-:l'! -i'rii.

,on].,,.io lea"n ilhe -uloe .- re],ui.e.

lndeed ironL 1. sd,1erlnz !'.e .juest,J,.n o' fief,"o_s. -',laii t!'e=
tr,e:rna. thsiI lralrritr. ii "ecores cfe.r t.o me +hal: l,he ur1'1vel's6 ls '-hen
n".etN- nuoh alike :n.l it : s naotri.' n]uca :1li<e E:rlh lr slrlslnlr:e.
iun .,1ane t 1s :-rom r:rrd.ed ni-hlr tncl la-r bY +'r:r.d,ents o' ill]+ e?i ql lrom
ctt_rer si..r'i an.1 .t",, r .-_.r:l'ls enal the9e '.a."neilisJ ao rai::er ho'' l,1:i!!rr a!o
oollecleci, C,evslore into t"Jo aiiriole, eit\er i?on .u:.rile'!' or rriece-<
o: stor1' nattor qujte sliniiar to 1e_resili"lL lrnnes -(tone. irren irl
-,o1r'rA a..rarar thet tL--re 1s nat'l-!l-n! !oo e:ar-i.ic a'_oLri_^_ er .lanets.
no sbrange isis oi rlaiu:e, no incredil-'io ir-..'5s o' "'^:-'ern o" un!'er".-
icftqriie mattore.
T'oou:h 5nrihinrt !na.a' be, iEExeri*E 4ox':on 3errso rel.'c u illf ii
sono i,hlilis a-re io be eii!|&eitsd ,in,l 01,:'e15l:Ioi. Deeh!'r'e rDli'l-r 3cieiae
and "sllaceous reslonlntr, r-e al"o !i!E*et 'reretl".e-1.ess cFetit o-c otli'-<eives
.l this uni-ve!'-qe Drf Dlanet. tence -'ie r.lre tin i.nb^rt! a''ll JL'. lo rliess
l-h3 lru-- !ita!e ol i:hin's 'at' o11-selve3,
l'h ao jecbures anL -'onier6 ihat ,re io lre T'elarleri ''rr-ther in
this ,to^k art rlerlvei frord a n!r,.ber o_ 3a.'.1" ed. lr:a,ln:lv "r'orr i/6?l ous
?olumes oe olhcr ren ,.'ho he"re ii.,d. sir.nic'nn! o- ldeas, snneiitrce 'aom
dj.lect $cienoe. son]etires fron olliBode.] s.] on.:e, 4o:!e1iliio3 +]]6-i l?E 1E-;

o ,n naiural

Novi, acco"din,l io ljhe riost :lroninent and nost l-li.dely a.'rcptad theory
of evolution, chanqes in the structure and slxcies of anlnels oceur 1n
the qel:.I4-celf s , usuallyupon fertlllzatlon. ?his is a ne!! crlrature, boI.n
out of soile older lelier evolved beinli. ',,:y'i1e ther thls nutant survires , of
colllrse 1s i:leDendent uoon several factoi's, princOalLy that of survival
of the fitlest. But bhat is ou.side our orobiem.
rr +refora Lhe ce"lqin oi Li 'oTesel L-!raj. .htc,{en, in a L L tts T

facultles and apoearanco, can be t?aced io a rlutatlonal chanqc in thc

ferilllzed ofltm of a4 un-chicLen_ ],ike lll'edecessor. llovl this anoesbbr,

,- -ir:..:i t. a, .r.i-
,c11, r(. i,. .,a_Iha:., !'irsi iio:,;ir Jll-rr.
'. -- l.
ijr - tl rii:.htg Ont_i..

-. ,'itr tit- A. ,t.f -ir.i:l

liu:'in.l !l1e - :..i-u i.r I :1.)it.l.,: .-i-r!..E:tic l.,r:,.1a a.::--. :ra9tr r,aiia.t1tt3
iit;1r' iit;o lLe i.t.it1i: ai ,t.i,. ,,. t.:.: t..i- ! l:caiuae, .ilti_ .;lLriti:],
co_.ria:aa ,-i,:lnci,_i:-l t,t/ oi r_rt. ::l:,r.i t: a:s a__ a:1 :ttsia,ir:1r.s .l1:,:e :.jtjl:.
iaic iihi cctt:a: arr:iei:t o: :.e i.t: i.i,lt; ci, l_lrt rre.r_i-;. _rt:s ii tic
sti.En .c !erir1 i co.
Ior, it :.r',tlai sn--irt ::i i":,,s,i i..r.- i t:i: .. ..-r::it j. l:,-j,,itiij:E cO-it:r:rra-:i01
' - -,,' :. 1 .,.,
;,1, ajuri'rce i.c oa ir..i. .:. :t ait . iii. :.ra ;,,a-irit :-1. -Lii j.:-cit i.i.,. ilei.;
-ra]]i rhc -.:or1l.i. :.t'!.cit :it, :l r1j.t-lc:.ttla l_._, l j :lr. j a ,rr-:1 L l.,t s
'reen i-i1. r s j,1t-!i_ 1'Daa.-; t.r]arl :-'/j.:. cla, I
n"1l_ir:: :a ar..j- ,.,r:-- li:.ra-_]. .--
inarri-.ui..1 r,iula ,t. i.t) . .l1o .r.r 5 1-.- ..- _1...-ni :o:::. r:x,tb_1oE:tsc:or:a
1';c,. i.ri.Ci-.1()11 c-- ,l:..iiU- it;:n Orr I ._r:,a: ijt-: ari,Ia, :)a.a -,1,

".-i:.. 'n,:ii.r i!-i- ,i

alin.r .,lor-ti_ ,tuir ,i,:a.tas.ri cli,r ;iiti tlti:
ia. a.-r.
air,j;cir j.f, ulii:.:, Ui. at:tafft.-.itt,. .rlr.. a,. ,crian,j.l r:5;1e .i1..l.iarlt,, :i11
JncO,,lili|l:1n.1 i.O in ?.rlOU: r---a, ,_, 1-,_r:t LlrJa.atl L-!,._r,;:i.ainal
ii:t,t1 :--rr.,;ar:a ai:rt ,att.i:.1_ tca. l.:,-;_:i,: i_O-C. t11:
-1i.,,,, ai r.:l.nsi :r9t:ii la,it1r, _
tasi- c? jr.r)cn :h: :-i.irt,::r,-rl.: i - a:l:t a.).i:a:i9 :,oc, t.,ii!aar aii :- irr.tii.i.t, tico
ar::c'i3 i!3 ia a-i-i a-:l:j.11. -i:l.a ::ta- a_,a, :)ar i.-rit1:. L,t. ,:,Lt Oi/.
' I.
JL::i r': aji -is rt:ac; lt.;. tltisf ico .-r.: .:- ia:jr l_r:,::r i1.-r-!_ !-ctr1.: iti
.ir-r oaec.ljr:r.; solilic ;il-ir: :r a iut-,.:--- i:blr:a. tt ;rs .ita- i-i :it lrii,erly
rtr:E.r'rra i!ta, 1t:,.,as:rcnsllile .i:,-.:t, :-nar iltt rota" .ioc', .,=r,:l-i1il -.i:

t|1rc.rr:li ii,:,,is i:-,r et.-aasslc:] c.' :ij_-. -rar:)!a.-L j1!.n:itr. _i :a,s -u t1_r:-t.:r..
: ra 'i, f.ia: j i-I.


t:l=11 ..'lL-. :.ia iitis _:

c '.a'i 1]l ';jl. :-'ul)lia rr11!-i
-ra'. sL.'r_.i;rf:n t: ra,) 1' L1:'

.,r.'rl:,-:r. 11 ihr t.iil:'3 a '. : '''c:rill c- ilo.i::.r' - ' air' i: ::, t la--- l-o l!a
3iaaila:i]ljt i]-. ,,h:- i, r'.:a a'rr'i/." '. l-:l l: i a.l':l Jar.".)'r a

r'aO ljnon :':';a-': ar'-t-a!a'i .,:i]l-l !'a r, ic_: ')-'Laaa lr',i., -::p ,llail - , l- , ..i11,' i-" i i i:orr? ls i, i- jc.r)sa i.ra., _':i :: ,tr.r::11,':: jo.i cr'a ci

rb,;it1., i_tti:t . -dj-lt.., arri- a.1l ,-r.lar;.i inr:. .;uf_ )a rt,:- rcj.Jtis, ljuir:tir.-)i,.i--
::r..1 ::).).!\ -.r'ai'/.r: l-.:!ir l-a :r:?.r aoi.i: :ri'ili::1' ::.r'tll::.-:ll. :rc :j-; ,l r-:.1aili:,
!ai -rr-in scair:irjl:irl., :i,-a3 ,a :.rl al] i- si:-11::canii,.
i'oo. ; ,;cr'al :1..,.'i is i:i a',, ,:. 'a::'r: ar !ra a.l.iinij]- , a :,'3ra. 1ns:]:a in
a -! :I,d :1.taof eljarlt,j iil rra: r:, a ral,ir. :tr:-r-:a jll1il .,c:,lt:,,:a a. 3,1._-aI,
ar, 1ri:,n ci aoniaii i. ai. 1lraa. a rr:- _::ij-:r' r'r.:.: :",.r'.i]l,a,-,

,.ori:_r ii-t rjt-a ,ro],r,L .-i)a.', ::ri] 1, Do.'rs :i :la: i.laa.ll :i-: il i1 -_.ia r::nalr :x-j:rl:-
5.iiali iira ; rl1a, a,1a 91, .pirl:,-': Liclii: a,!la r:,:- : :a-:.', l, ai) : :a, .l:lr.a.l ioa
ia r1:,,, aa r.'i:r,rl_ .r1.,:1a_r''a.J : ni' a: .t.: :_-.: ra;s? 3o L ri il -il'- rla
.')r-is itt,,, t.- i,:i.c i.,15 .:.n:': ,.rotl r?::,r-iitina rs ii'-:'r.'i)--ffi!.1 -'.r,
'.s ii .-ii:j :laa-, i,1,1.;- jr.l-r .-.11r li:l:: ta ir'rii' :l:i-icl' tll-' . r.'. i: ni' ca.Il.::l5e
c, srli'nl'l .i,s i-: ir_ -ta| l: :,-: r- -_.,'r' ij:11-i -'3:a :11a. a.lallrl':eia.1 : i1la-lj
';') a:a.i'-i-arl a!, :--1, to ,'ii.-i9il.I: sL1l 'a1' a.j,1' :?
r. ,;or.-.'- in ,]r1ca: cir. ni, "1!1 -1-1rl'-tis al..rl"l :i-1 .i:1114'-. Li'.i:ii.,s] 1:i

-:iicir u,ir, ', ti-1J.. r::r;:' !rla- i',1 lri .rjarr'irl'J:r ! j-a:'ar.a-Itl 3-' ::11
i irt .,:.s i c!l:Jri'-i:' -1,rr:- irr .,3iacI.., : lii!! :1ar' ii'l:l'1r. i l:11- " ,-lLl .'- : t
-r:-lir 1t;,. :.ra i,l ja?::,:,'i ,:iLa "-.:: ii rii ar trarne Ci treiu ar:lc.ii'n, ia ll:ii:
rjoN :i_rc:,.i..ina:i; ir':xali-!:ril a ':.rla ni ::: i:it-l? :'a:rl--i' s -'oo'a .,ilcn
ijr-: i,1 sal'r'..:..'1i;l:: io il3!f}1:;i: r'.iac-Li' ill !.:i ira.:,1:1al11 I ;.1:nner ac f'1'c_'ilia
;it ijl alc-i: ics .ri il1,: --s'a!') l] ,..i.:r1 ::.r:.-q :'- j:.1-f nc i.n :f i!1

trJra jjl a-a io. .,]::ti a. iit r- L- L. -Lt a lr: .r ' ' -' ;' ln1ia :lo :ci) :':1'-
ia ju.r-i1.o. ,.:t:r.l !r1c si:'.-a'aia4 - cr a. -.ioI'-ia, atiloal: :il :o il'i:-,1 ts tc
:ri:-tj-a.r ciia, ;r:a1 ,rvi-,1 ,rl iici'I5 c:-.i'r na .ril aa! c ai rY a i1l, : oli ll . .i]Itir
:, lil - t. :r:: i: .

DU:i O r.',ir -r'JV!:filr.iant .ir1:ai3s li1 :-11 i:a:-]llai: oi cia!_,i:r'!:otre, r -L' 9:ic.i3
aa:a. 3i:-ti:ic :tr. 11_-.5s i.ta i:t1a a. -;alj: oui or' !,:e acotiol:,'-a :ri-u -' axa': ai'

.j r--'rl1i; .]e9.r'3 _,i i .-..',.:itic;4. :toL . :cir. :r.:rt ritc besi N:rln9C itlni.s .; tit,)
,a:,-Li rai.lit t.,:.' trr.ii ihr:ril: oi lra :a.: otr.i,, : f.r- I. i:r.(:.1'a: !?:
ir::r'L.i,,- :)i,ri'r. ,u:,li(f :ti.. f_i:r,l ai:-nrra::,a.5 tru:]- f-J .Lt onl 1;a '--: a:a: :,a.,:.11;
aiia, - e:l ara.a. ilc'i ioc : r,.a is i::"l:ali l..r-ra n:r-ir' ra a.!::i,r:!ili- a-l:are'i
r'oc, tl-!: cl1tri,3it3lt:r Oj' ,riiJei:r','a! l-i: : .iaa,.is1l1 a:rl -r:-.,..:iri er, 1n
tlri r.ace oj' ci1l..c5. i" lralri. :-i:. i:. ::i.:i:laiiti: l rt lr'l; r r,a,1 irx oDalirrls,
cs..ri:Ir- i1 rn !r.:r.31:D lr:i:-L:,. i:,:r rair.-:.i1.1. ci7i-Iia.'aic!:, .li:it t;ja a:.f.tlrre
aritaall i]..;l ).rt3hi-i :. aa|:'.i, : 'r:rnai: : lia: 1o c]l: la:_ro,li :lt: t r1:-:l a,tta,: a',. .rli!a
;l.a . iErrta'.:rai:r a, i-l:1. jj.s'lt ai': il.tll. i r.:,:,vi::t riroit i .ar sct.r .. i;a: I i:-i
a i.Ii.lin.l l'i.i(.j.'6J :-rra, il_,. -:ain-; l]ni:5 a,' Ol.l ',..It :.,1"Leitr :ln t lC

ri.r'til: Le _nc .u-.'tsil tut e r.-.i c::::a. i:r,rtt i:: atl-l-. lr,a:'e o:a "-.1..., ra:it is
or:t,^nie..,\; ir. :a"oca.ias .i . 9.':t:r.r x;:.r:,1:,- il-i-ic:rni '!air.J_.:.i io
'liCr | -1 a- ja--:. '._:,e '!j,l.a:, .-.r:- 1 -rr.i Oi1-L-, |.1: 1. :. 3,.Ilr-flO.l ilii:1
r-lr oi :ae-ea!-oaraarr , '.-.* - * r -1, - l-. inari 1';:a itr
l-, ' ne r.i .ri: ia al eo. i']1:-i i,-r:1 :::.!!e.. nc c.rrar irLi Jyt . oo.
1ou:-:t r:Larrl'dnr )-r.j !J :stl:ril:i; 'lti:n-c e -:./ a ar, olo rra,:: ai:" .r.o:se, _l-r,laJ
r.1r:J:tlc ic r:-:.?.'.I i1.,. ::rar1 r!-ia-:.:':aa: ,at, .Iar-i: -. :li:. ?anitoi ]..:1,-a. .11i3 i:i
a! rrci:r-La nc_r :-rr., ca:_ic -:lair.r:.,a. ;, :ar.lar :l1ar,lin
,li'c'r':ilil aa :: aarrri).1.1

]]a)iri:1: jll s rtJ' ,ai,i:.Lejt 1.:rir1n-r al,at i-:,,: ,l)!.a :co canaoi '!)a :', a.a.-iia

'lli.-,,. be.111r::in: cr- t ra ri1..i ca-l-i. rai o i-;.,: cfi' .1,.:r 1.,.!. 1-.ti
,rro'rinlt chtas ia cil,l,-i:l.ii01, ',:-a .n: ro?,-!iolr. al ajr. ofl i.leLls .rli
-i:i:l:t alia- irrr.air!',ris, -:,a cc:ll rc 1 : . .J u. I -.i. r a cijr.i.-rra:I aa.r,tl-
.,r-:::,lia rao.::i: i:a -iiir--< ,rr 1rltt lrlj-lr"', ::tia Iff ia tr-!!.:(. ll,' i-1:

;-ii:l1i:: ic1:a'i a-]]a- s;f::n 'e1. ;irt iilij.jr:' ..''i: l:o I:'j I,e ilt. t r1 .r ror 6v-l rarlln-s, erJati ::r i_. ,aae rot:: ai!.']l, ! r l:t r ari_. t'',a l:a:sar'r,.r o i,_.a

c:l.i. l.::J-r- ri :li, -- .:'00.


I St!"r4d Se^t, -p,

li .Iuu;ri'i!{ f 0'llld r'UTLI}fE

".) n lonald -{. 'iloll he{ r

in 3tartinq ihie rorri i rn6st €r!r.^!l^ir'lr:r {lih 'lo n6int

out th5t I:rn naltih!, no eil'ort to hilcl< un l]n-: .trtciEsnts oi
hi.sto?-T o".rct .(i.ih Dro.r", Ir lhere \ heen co'uaf]ecs
?olui(es anii r-.u'11.:oail.n!r di.',rin!! the aaet., ili shor"C holi '.e
ne.essa!.:ilr. ei-la-f.rssiv io .r.rote th-em. 1i ,9t 3orde slr$e, il: 1s
stjI1 not'ale to l!4r'6 i-s ''hEi I lanor 3na hsirc i. _'\at
I thlr'rl, -- i ali honesii a.ii1 riou rxlL? r.-i thrt I ilar..i uh st. tam6nts
O1' .ral- litlt an'. O-fn -'o-al -, i r.r:/e !cen r]:e hr.^'S or rr.,e e1riiar:e.
soi.e,rher"e:rn.'i I arl cortlnoe.i t'iitl- j.t is so.
The laci ihat ev;Aonc€ enJ9iF,rh1.h ierinlie-"li r, ar:i. ?.(1l^'!:.r
l'.8 a.rrte"al vie,rs 4i t\lnnJ es -or.nre1.ea1 f ^ lre _nrrhlic '1. ,.r :n-r11d
.1.!ff erent r,rris ii one o.. ir e is{c t:i4.1 ..i.ji-h cl. tn ^.rn..e
ij1..' i!,nal e?o1rr:ti on oi 'irhinds. For I ns'irt'lce n]rlrar.I1g :rnd ehill--ss
hE-re '.rein the rrolunEs .J-Jaf I i'rj-aj. ln -le hrsf hlrnc1r,ad rYrd tlt( .: 'tn
-94rs e:!.osino t'ae inhr.rran: --r 'rl'; un.ratxr,arlFess or caai t.ll-en"
ji:C1e;r. :iktt"rise,-e _--an +he c)i--t!tions r':!e o'-:lenl
i-!i i: -ecuj erl lo _"r.1nr an.1]i-il:r1]!ll l.,:\-.1|1es" l.r. t,-,a ina:{i tnl.)pt nuaihC?
of De.!ie i! trisr -ro-l-i. ':'.rt t.e.c ,.orts |lre la;.-i,.i\lf !'.si+mitt -!'l .rf
h,-rri ed lrtider a .iie o"51se voll1mes iriah irrn r.t.h tne l!r.r,^ nl1es
:.',j .i r.:itlc o1 ..t le,rst B l-iriil-E.I to .J're a!.ij no<r- rrkela r ira.usa!!lis
or ten t..cug.|nr- !. o114.' iior :ii is .r 'aa! :'.!,t .i^,'+'lIsir n.{: its
nn,.ler'n Stiie3 ltn.l rinsi: irrr_.'.re .- -r'? '.r^-'' r-en t.-.F..-.ine !ini: Jne.l
,a ,
a t.,stenr O. hrirat-ti:1j. .-nrl.h 1lr-..sOne alr:-, ',c i:i9 fi!nr_-1 .r nal
hciror Di {-ha -ivilirsf i.ns C' r t: ,e. Poa lt is i.lre ir.],1ire oi
cc!ltaiist nr.DAr:rn:l.r tht,t it 'rs ae'1 ,'-.eF.eirratinr,
' The rrLi no ixii-pl+v
o: -i1.i teis Ot .ra^_.-efie5 rnd
('l.elenses f Olr tlre nae:eni E1:ttill ,t3 i^r:Li I - rrrlt- ^?e O' -.''.16t i''re -
.re i1.iri':: :4.l Cr. 1lo: llto'' 1n. ln,1+h ir +;e t.iie!. ir-.-,e -.or:oedda
is liaet.ea-.- ,11:,tilreni;ti.or'. _or, i: -^ 1 i : r a l, i: l: e i-rnrnc.r-5, aut iios!
o]. i.,.e trre:rer.]r la7 .?ol1 o" -r"i.tinr (or -. r-!.e i.!t -e'rt.... -l
:'loes nol lrno t,,:-. '\en, 'o- in:iin.e, . h-arili,r n(1,.'el rrrl:rrs
1n ,hi4h l:r_9 hero o! c',tl.acters 1j,je lI i i11.,itr.1] slr -^".lal (,lrid
?i-treil1I ...1li sirah n.,ielr c(1'aer. to +:i-s a-:1.::1-!bri.n sin.a l'..1 l1
i-,re ol,d.e!' oi i_ne Ca- ,ilese :r-r) t,1e r'r il.1ila .. r 1c
r:h4r,"i-ieives to-rIA3 ilel_: -ro-:Ld.n(i lts r4e:ras .' r|ll.inr i li.riI]"
_r:- ..Ou
Oar.-:leS tO l.1i iee'1,-!s s 5rih.d n: .rl ^ '.q!care-1!! -:rree l_n
?itrnine t'/re iJst. .: .asi-sell-ers o'r" nirtl orr.r? in rrrrr lrJ n.'lq th6
-o!-n1:r? alrd oir-s1l^njinl no:r-o1s -:rru a?F renerrl:ef n- t'an1e -r^.r 1^rtye
recornaendeil to .1ou 1n 3ChOo1" .'nu 1'll -6a'i1 ra r:,t !arrtl. .^ +l,is.
liis 9s ab!.-.!ciers l!1re i.n nlent.r'.ui f-9!:n4 innn!r!r)Jrr
9scai.\?d to ':rte, the of Lrrrf.rr irture. ^-.thep :rr^-1
i!i'lings, ylt tua.l1... neveh to t'.e 6etup:l T1:i+,.ur" e .he " ':ier1.
Anal 1n ali !o- nlnrr nrvils the c5rr.ct.-: ^-
ii.i rr.rllh ..ier i.1eir -^,ld
'r_. a1.[t oa the H^rafio ilq-- v] rue3 ne:n r.r!]e o' !e1!l r,-
lhi.g 1s 51i .onrei!n: : irllogs::.e t1 +).e re.''lcf s +;r,- it i s n.1'
tl.e s-'atn'rut t16 i!.'lii/id!a1 !art i! ,rl '.111t, lhos6 ver'- -io!ds
rir5v he :ouni jrifle .n.1 .^.lrr i. srich .'o_kq.

No,, ho( do s'uch liieas net :nio r...Ls? Are .ritr1.r".q stlnra?
- Lhe. i-Iof
Dc -':!'ta " ar,1in l.hej.r o.-r- e;:^a5l.1en1es i l].::l ,.!ar. i.nse
ot ,.,.",a
a::r-c.ts airl. :r'.en1s t'/Iat :rrece3s in ihls '..nr1d l1 .,lir e r',-r ,.!t eee .r1C
il'e moalt ,qr:.r s r-.inr1.: l.nhutnai ,rl1jq1r-io: Tr a -a- +!.en :o-- f..rt ls
s,.1,r)coasc:.!3li bui, ar"e , io n^r l,one;tl-- inlr I - :i.-ci.\rr.l-, ?he.r
:rlc.- i'to- to aret al-lOnr j i-! -',e ":on:.,1, tror i^ i.t.t e rhelr
suacesses lrut ther iio 111 6111, i.?6 i:nil .f-:o f.^,rth9l'.
:,h-r ilo'i Pecr:;se t\--, ri"t
,-.-ona.rn,lal ]heT h!.ve :re.1ai rloiiiinq 3jn93t!e!1:e1v,..r dupes .- th s
jn"encr ._i.ta )trLvc :r:r;:r.1
n^ihiitc Eince ia: arnc7 :a.-,e ..alirct1iD3 .- ihi5 -..1,-e Elrt. !rre,
the.r m,.:St l_'arY 3 aoae .rc'.OSS nrrtI"li:!i r_6.s-nraa ::t l_a!st 6n4e
of t,"itre j.n the j r? i i.r--rt ie.1, _.1ri lr.o , !etae -1.)]1. r.-e..r,ei] !n.j j-ns jl
lc,tel].lii]!z r',r e ar.lrit,e a' ':.r,-11 r,ef s?) _it -.r,:.,u:,1 -.. ead.rasn ,nr,l
no'.-5 alali\er.1,e ra:rr::rn isrj-rr:r !He -',-,iter! r- qrr-n r,.i.!.j_rr1r
ii't oi!1 ,:."--.,..I r'lil.lncail, -rhl) 7,Es not neara, tle ne.ii.:Ir the
.er.lui'i-or'r2r"'r, lhe aj s.:it :rried iescrr:'1ei .r'ith a.DI,n ,,nd ;e.i.tsa4
ei t,rier the :',..i o? lhe ?i'-l l,ri n? "-|1o h1s s. ar.., s een ii ne , .- . .- in
,rl'.Oile rr:,io,es, OI anr iERrire C]":]yr-..Lgter 1i. ,np_ .ol 2lr1e
!o flna a^rarThe'rc soiie,e !\.o-o-,.,n":.apei]r :1i-1.t .,hiah ,iendoef -_.i
ta t'.e .h.OIentt or- the s-r]1:-am. .! ex^.!le : r,l]] !oscnn:c"_-3 :.-...rr.1
oa nr n_arr.j lrhjch -e^re:.3-t .!.o ,.:f..-1 .:. 1l.. ar,^r!:rs t1..j/serrrer.
Csn a i.erron cLo has riiar::ja:ll" te d irr4 s--..rtn.r6al ..t. his
:.'^ tLa .a -i ,-,.--.-,
'yrire otr'r.rFr1!e thail 1r. -aa io -ellect the s"me 5-er,rlt-e<? n.rlr(
'.e sae t.r-6 n..r.trIe .f t'ne seif--a---!,r1tiin oo..-rr.11". "-.-"."".-..
itxriitlne the ue''''s oa one r.n:o! c;t.i. lle-. ?l1-,n" I:r fhr
an-ni,Ilr t'. el,d rr_--ears ?he )i9,,, .o":. iin,:s, ,re 1ie-. la-"r. --r. r -_.rr1h:1na,
Tire D:tlI 1le--!1, l'.ie ])r, l"il:-o1r, :". t..L ]j,i:..- ,r,r1e -|.i+e:,
1'rrs an insir"njiiasnr: lircr1f5ti.n !k*ah l]na c^|rr+q ^rit.'6r,,
.a! -.,er., .lrtl .le
:rs s l:ioly -ic!k D., }. acl-,,.ii.- !, r., : 4 t-^r,"1 --..o.. ,rj, :he
ai,iarl.i, {t xtilraide ite gI Is 1, Deceirrriry +O s-,- lthE+ i:ie .te?.li-
.hirsinesq, t'.rEt ttro ir:r-oi, lt.j Ia r.i i!1er i-.:i.:rr'a1 io re.rtJanat:,
Doilcies! trre 1il_ers 1s a -rt.o.?t _i ren,-ise :11...rei,.il-e o- ..oncsi
1p-5or anal renre:entai:lye tod!.. "(r1. 1iqlarn.e o- .n :.ctns1 :rrlti _
('remoc,irtlc nf o-A;(1s pof 1c*, Ln{ 4a.n it Le l:2i.1. li,- e r^e ?imes,
tlr-c .ailalr-c .!nil -ecne4i.r-,fe flir--s, ir r.n''lhinr huf o vj,..lent chlmnron
.. th6 srtatus .uo .n.] noir FrreFs-- to .ri.o!^us 1.,l rr1.iorr! -.lrr*
..rl t 1nq?
0i. the e,r.ilnd n:lers. ?he Sr:n, Tbe .'or1._.1-T.. ea-aln, The
P1.., - - l, --. ,-h --: ^, -.
:-.^!, r5- ..^ .- ,
Pli. ' 6^ r'61_t . i. '. .^1 L! '- /a,:r.r" tn ,,.:i ri".,
oi Jir1.Eo nrharr 'le]-inl1.a1ri'.e srial to !,e in -.rroF o. tne .lie?p-ti^h
.)'the hroait-r,rirr'in .n. ln p i,r.l -.v6- l1r
s cooneratlve B.eiallqt s-':tern? Ioi:t rlr. In e!ch.- +69-e n6neri
can stir l he aoua.r t\e en.tles" :Lr es rn.t c^n.rr.1ons tr..,i mir-r +hp
na:,ur e ii cn.rt!1ist rrO!.141n.]:1.
3o tiall 1.1'rl:1. hrd ihj6i.lllation iisherl nu+ en.i'terBl-, .in .^r)rn-1e
^i th!s tvDer ho.' is r-o1.]nr ic he .r-rle t. tj.i.n,4 ,r'.orlt l:he i sru-aS
or even io l-.!o: that 3!.h lsslles exisi? Confl)s1.r i.r the ^rt.'e"
'vh.ich the .re:tent seelis tid ei'eaiies. Iiertal ..nF,1s1^n"
If ht.1e elrall .,)rked ani,l q 1.rne -r-,^11u Of ce'lfe , -.^u
.'i.11 soon'ro1r lrecome c-.are .f thri. ihe--.lo rot r._n6. -'hal lo rrFF--6nt'nd
to iherl, .yl:rAi fras hEnhe1,]ed j-o t'nerr or -11..1 'l s -^lnr' to \3 ^non r_o
1-hem. Il-!e'r are !niann,'i ani.Iei- tl'eY an':1e on, irBq--lna r-ireir-1om-as
inrtu?ed iirn5s :aack .nL: rorth- i111111 ,.,,6-1, to uns.t1:rqei.rli
anti ij1/-as Ol riser'.i luncl:rrete.1 '5Y S.FsLs o' ns-^1r.1o-'.'.an1n9<3 "i th
OiSAsl-ef 1. rliiIlr ari F..l I r-,iFe3 over 1i'.-on. Cgn'rrrion -el'-nS r''/] +\eJF
n,!naq lllil +,..eJr iii.4: a?e e:til1e3s lOh--in'}lt ^r \.r/t^anxeclteai inl
unnsso?iec1 iaqts, ha-1'-'1cts, il-es, :raa {11d r\e.1: a'a,
l:;6-, r'51 ll6-. l.rno"r _il.en olile .,ne i., '' 1r:,eln 5:1-eas rn.l itel,
nli.:ios B:ri. olre ',ninn, oi r:ne na'it l+ iq rli sa .''!.
,lh e1 s eek l,eiat<5tian ir reaii'nr, i" it Jt : n'.rr1ar nd,r'1 ib
no rrertlnq on r:1ei? 1lves !nil s.eds no 1!-!i rnr -i1.r1 "1ed ihe
nltlnq.lasr:ros so thst t;i!-..,oder -here 1'..4.s ^a-':1iIi lrlnrl :nd
it..l:1c ceon:ie 1ire. sur"e1.r !he-. ,re not lhe .ir.rb n3!n r:-r.3E tiF':
kno r erralar iie-i.'" ar one !1.)1/e-L cintr:r.1t4ts 2n^ 0n ''.e noYel.B
hck ilonesil 'a.rilue1 histirlcrl '1BeB i' the u,re o_ su.h ' +-he'
e,<:li-,cle s1r-rose a Irtin ti) !e1.i "Cii-.r"a ''t" .,r-r, "lio-r''-i+'1
(Ior -'ia:i".
t"re ana., 'r';hi: Ltjoiit !-1.1r',:,oul:l l^. n.- 'r,^iir !.ere re.,l i:',."s
:rfld,i..e ib.l i,.e In._1,4Da1.i.e1aa or :'.e T-IiILi e.'l it::iel ''as a i.-.r.nifrr1
cl:rst1-r r,is,ir:rl.a' to'-e rcli ^i,=.1 ,'i ' 11 ^^qt"f 1n'ri 1i!.1 Jr,rEF'*-:l'_'a
le:rd .nf.' tc l:i-le rlrs...ier: ...'1 :^r"6-s .'+'_e a':'il -''r 'nj] -1'
t:,h c :r1r erie! Or 1-n3 or.e:eat n.,-? ) Cr -:,e- re'.,.r, er':-1esB eEtaasno.
1o,re i.i: l,;-,.:- 1-3 -,-69n) -''-6iL6? -trcaui:c:! .'-a \ssi-seilinr
ll 3irian, o? 11.1 le.' 'i!'i:,\ !__^e 'tire ':__.'n:irlt?d rrlovs ','-.3 o" !he
.r. i.ct r,.:, 1:7iia.,r1 ot. i .E i- -rriie rtir-l n-i r.a?'ea c. lhe na-:Tiiresrr
. i, .r 'rri: n ..t: ^_ 1r-- "iot' es::in!-is'r :.:iat:n.,4., Iin' io-/ i1nr. o:
r\e,"e i -1re rlo-les .'leFl ..'.j 1-i .ah. :ri.i o t ';: l - n.l s.jri..!!: : he

i,rir-ta1 r'9?i I s.rres o_ thaj C,i:1--thCse c..nonl a nro\'l.ns ihri "o--ret

-at:.aa i-n t.ri ':r-. o" i.rariaq? or" oo tr'tre urry. -red rr--ied '1.1__ine:'?
lind lhe radio Durili. ir i. !:':r{a call^!r9 oll a,c' .n': ni_hi f it]a^!t
Ce:.'.se :ilii ih.-6 al.rr1.'s ._n1_lnlre-r i\-a .!diei". iir:,nd-e's. ir no+ tf ^uqrn.lil
o: t i-r.Les, I 1...r-- reen +-e ',^r..i,ti. l1-/es -:,,'l +--!hl,c: o'n'-ht
c lluh slnoersr surer F..'r?t4er3, :::1{1 .-:r,rea-''7J 1 oons .1e_:.+aA. Erah
iiire I h!'re scen li)nurtaua 159:I'fmenist 'iri_l.Jr:, -i)?3oia- 1 lrrrl'ls anil
raletsr ri../Etrloq q!i!s, ni _ht c1u'.6, i r.rr-of .aa r.i|.li I hive
1eao a r-r,erL- rirlcke.l 1lfe -f ' .t I rr:._'4 rrnlrrl:r r.l ren in'!nd -'et
in tnrih lit l:he :..e oi irent- E"r'. r'11, I -.i, fo llre:t ! nr -1..t
.l1l! Sinrter ot? .i osn-slilr, Ani tlc onl.'"r.t,e 16n.e 11.::to- irr ^.or '.eet-
alnqqels .iith the::irle _iri"r:si-oa] .ni hor-.e1esB Jrr-rrec' ^t 'r'1'r-'
.rrlii.ak Lh.1! liite r-eet L)" il'.i: .eon1E l'1:ive,
(I arn al:uaei :or,.lrir1e-q oi litr. ian m._eoai 1i, 'tnt,.s- ti,rt hss
n. .ei:tion i! ..1-l io ie.-1it'i. Ilr ''t1 fo lle:r,:h. J'l cr-::t rrv

frrni:l9,i is n:lal_n1-J 1ah.'l1e:l ,:ni .-es roi r'l'. '. knl'e jr n- rri nd
a:r:r.r 1,'i.fie I i'e:d 1i. lhe -e.:-'.tn-s of ^trrets i s f q m,.L ' .n:l
-.r iess i.ri:ierri.I.i: tlrtln ri,:ne).
Ca.[ ]irreri fa-l 1 ila.k on r,lrei a c1i 1/111^^] +iichl nrj< ")1' _1ri '":ne4i
In tne rj-r-3t .1ao6 t,h-e- are 'rln-st nerr:rr tauaht rn"th1n. ln.r,Jlal;^n'-l
tllrt irilf .r1l.le them l:o ,htn'o rl'!'rldht ,,) oui, rhei* " _l n 1i "e. The-
!r.. tr5,lti 'r.ofl .rl i.jahoo.', enrjecs : rnl l--'1n. (r+' 'r:alq rlrdr)+ rri !_1r+e.
lltre1 col atol aliouie J_,he ^r"inie.l n''a,.1 o' +\oir +eYt \o'ks. T''err 1?e
to lreiieve -:/.ai rr1e.r !-ead .ln n.'1onl . Iion 4hr. 1.rh.-4 t:,ereio]'e
thej'i are lead ir lhe, Fl:tf , e^id1n rlridei,l u. t,h.--
hind silo.i and tlerr ieit there ..c:n!' the -,A11. ",ilh .rr".lr.iton
Darar in one hanil :nd ar n64sn1ner -,il:1T a 'a1-)s-."i.nted dohrmn.:n
Ilictor.r ns {t Jo }alr.hi th_.xt teaihes t.'re.'ll t}.4 h-ej]latia4< En.l
inlsehoaas 1r'.ni tile! hi""sent r.eclrre -_'rsh^F irier, i.\ ..cll et?e. Anr Jn
thtB case, th-^ :ilrt16rs .. thore h..rkq Ei'e not .I1nes. Thej",6r,e it5Inl?
cOrE Cious saaundJ'e1s. ior ine:r .caess L. i-..e Fe.i l--+.- .r
ll_.en 1.) noi rlve !:'t se iacts. The- nr,esent lnsterC +.,-e ,.E1se
oonstr,u!ti!ons an(l ridl.crll6u;.onc:1r.lnns t\Ft -ie .r1'l sc\6nI f,^^-r.

S1 thElt .r61 qei Lhe rjlix-_- r. 5r. r, ,-r1^61 n.r , : .1

conaldon. ',i

sut the remarkahle lr:i1n4 1s t:irtj, aon.|se.l o! n.l_:, it 1s slrll

rnl at all tlri,es necessa!".r ro. :he .rr-i.:.1isl -.,efs i. rregh u.
the .teL,qe Of .alsehoo,ls. Cf o._-nsclous fr jseho-.]s. n^i: the du-es.
?here are .!rea1i .rriantlties oi o6nscious iles .:oin..--;r.ii,en.
1,:1 iniv n?_.,o.-er e.lit -i.e1s :re turueir. oui 'rt' .,ien *.,hc 1. o, lhe
tntrLia anai '<no,r th,.-t -h..t ihe.r'rIite 1,1 .:ns-lre.l 'rv , nern rr.l
qieedt nlrrnoso aD^!"t il'oi]i l_.e ilue d!r,er.-i*1-^o o,' lrrJtrrlnl t-, lrs ! -,h6le.
I zl!]llt :ir.s: t:e over-'heiinin. n..i.r1-- c- t1c-sr:-er a.lii-inials
as alelihelate .rooaArilda ACar t.. t".r s tl,e trrinlier O1" ,.,r^l(B e).nlair:inir
3^c1a1 ris3ues anC !.li.i1c:i1 n:"o|lerrs trr rren aho -'eIe trglnrd in
irrc.r i;:sks as ne,!q!arei irostitxlies.
?:nese tlre 'Le rnen ma1'tln -,-"ro .lso rn-6!k or: thr radll.o rr1d
od1! lha n.yi es. 1lhe.e charlAtrns .rho .ae -xi.l€d -.-r t're s1-.rer01r,
ordgI,-q ol 1r'r e oyners o4 I nCrr!lir.7 nii llarl"

T?ruB irhe hooks on '{j.tler oh.1 .!e -,ErF. The 1..1..s thrr: ar'e lr t'-,ars
vcl:t1r1ess s rerr later l-,,se ltheJr r-onler:ies .n' orlnnBs aie +he
'rui'jir, Bunt lt ihe sense that !.t iesl, lte1r co,"i rin on-l- n .e-, --l.nrent!
or- t're t!1rj:h anl the .est i g rreer.r -9:i34nJn.r1 T,-1-1s lhe -i^-,re.ics.
(-f._1s',1tq.a,,. 1r1.. '., s -ronnetttc ifeela '-e.4re f a rlr^rr"h.
It inay ie aE i irLr-a-.rarte esl tle t eBi '.ul 1Jl {3 .,1 :leFrt Fo+ c-nq.iiri-11t
:1a, It r--c:e:enls. tiJ ra, ri! arlnd, t).,rln_ ro iielee ilrl'olr )1. +Le
io- ana lind Oilt -,lere -,e .re ro1.. ani hc... )
Y. t ihe :_-a^a1e mlr-i -Lee.:s -5 -,ont:i.r.r-l-" F.n^.r:ie.i. l-Or lhe
.co.le !re nerr" An' -ru,lL rit ls ,, 'e .1.i-1 .. .o"'et.i'rri
i9.r,i:i.c:ti.l-.t stri',ro,[ .] n!: lt-A, ,i': c.'l )T un:< .*o--es"llrre ..-a:.rt.
1:o trrj:ter hor rrx clt t1,^ o.i:!Eion. .)1 h-." ln1tch thr ei.^rt i"j rr'rae lo
ronfin3e tri.r ln.lirl-Lri1 -h:rt he xlln ae1I.,!, '-.ior.r.jt +^ .r,-t\1h.. o-
tlr.t he hasrrli r c'1Ence or r:i.-t thin-s .ne lminut.':,1r .olien, tbg
h,.rrra n reill. is consirii:rf lon4f l': tncabrrrl.e . - ,.e.r-levtn. 1i, is
e srh-strstrunl oa!orn '..llea ri rh6 i!,:re .iil:e.' thinis nhich
canl.lnue. to r:r:rn:.'est it9elf ln lr.iiors . r:1 1r-r e"..,rr'- m:i. r',nL:l l-t
I'r-- colal i:rct i-B lih:1, ih1 s n.o!r:riad" i:i ':ri-'riiar . .:i^-_1./ 1o!ino
lrnl|le. Ste,l br si:ep c:::,r - ll..rr h.. .rF- L to -rl,.e!t 'r.i.1n. :-r.tiIe
er:rl:I aocolrd o. the -r1i1 5j-r. b.r rleD i''1e iljrr.l ''ill of !1l tcteth+r' .o 1i\re io-er!ler .rar]liniro. io nrish. l)!l r6!liit
th.., c r!::ci.rr31'l 1-rl'13.e!1 enrrn,r

ii lhis -"cre noi Eo, ho,y Co .ig eccouni -or Lhe '.-ir-lnd o-
.J11ci tltii.r es l)rr; e:.hi r'Ol;r. I'p-rr? Ex.rmi!re ba.:li s irt- ie,lrs lrcn
-hen it 1':as il:rlr11r ':on. aou t Lh-- nun'a--r o' hooks rn.l e.l. i-a-;e-t s
tdairrst i i tio those ior. Lr rt l-hs :t:rrt o' 'ie "J Esht? ' i.1r.i t'.,,-
,-urher o. se.r!o s lip.irlst lrhOSe in,ltvrl.lri:rls .,,ho ler:d l-.-e :rri:lrirent?
0oitnt ihe nutnlrel',r .erie.!u_ei1 'or. -.- il- rnl] nemerriief tr.1,
nar one -]aq .ersec tedrlfor onrosln. ii, Anr -iet t:ro nB].1e hld
tlleif ra.'. The- 61ar."t1 1:n., : I t t --- .",n-.r', -^^ ert. r.neIr aorlli
lino" 1.1. nO-., i.r.r.- alirr.nlt :-tld,i rin t:rni !.riArrt- a!11 ri-irdar i s-ira" Pui
t!e, n -i.l :rarnt ia -rr..L le,:. hou?s .na it,r'. -ar+ r-1.6i! t1.,:.r-rJ-st !,lt
the lOi e thai tle ._'-,ners ol trig -'o:.ia1. ,:o1r:ld rntst.j-. llrre--thin,
l'-rt io'ofd le i:hro.'n rfl:1n1i itheiu, -'as. iii l,he ^e^-1e. iEo-rl nr l1-e
' hlr -e '- -"" i- :.ts !b .
1t: ir,.,s ,.err fike t.:iL t:t-aj-hout r::r orr-. I,,81_i cnoreni..nae,
e?.'!y ,ar,.il"it. c.r.r.r 1: ,il,+ in ti'e .l:?].rc. , :, .i:i. I -irn ir-r r_.,a l-,1ii.r
:,:ir!:e oi i:he ireonle. 1' .r- h:rve '.rl1e.'!iolr ui,le. t1O-s, trje.:.:i\re
'.een siot_ia4d 1'01" n.rriorl:, Ire'r; ae6n riei-!!e.i. ha!...ied,
itr,rrl,.le.1, lui t',c-i .i'.i 'B I'e..,:rirjs- thensel,ral1 q,r.i qU,,"e .:i r_..:ri,
"ltel'Lst't e.r,-,s io :iian ue-r 'reih-lr3 ...irst
_raiclis!i- 1i. .dr.i ne..
t: i+ts.l-ikes, slirh,it iie i.n.renti.ins ^. r'r.c r,trd1-o an,l rhe
i!)tias, jt si.i-r tna -e.i1e:lq:]l,nr il.a ieo.:13 -n*rfe 1:.r..i1 c.-ir"_i:ad,
lr-,ef sfil--. :rrr,. alef 1,:-.- EIe An.rj}1 ,',. +..r h.-oner. -. r'iir13l:jnq
th.--r,..eiyes ,r,r -iqln: of?r aiL!.j :i.r-' 1i\.:jan.
I .fes:-ihei, t,1is .rli-l: .: i r,.,1,--. I- Tr. -,rr,.c,. -.,e
E.'l Cl irl ,-:ra.7el1ia. "O].-tai lra "'_9reii ,l: s, l_O :1j -_eFrj.i
ca'a_1r:lol1e -nir .1r"e-Dnt -1:i.t3, "c.ra.,li t.-eirier r^n-re-ind j:]ao
tie iuture, Dr:r br rl:.r, i.:r-.tb l't- t:.1nt''l, -e;.r rr- ra..r., I rEi!kx:.t?rr
3-aaii to l-J ].l,-i ol1t ai,,41"e -,e ,r.:ia '-ecll! r'he-- nio 1--6 , . it.l v.ea: re
rr'r9rr exn6^1' to Io. ,linr I'. vejrgalrate:'j r,T al,a.rc.:5inn +..e 'aqi -..^t
i,1,i $aeaent e"rl siirr- l]..:rl,ajri ato'! i .larnt!,lt o:1e ltut oaa l,h.rt
nliini5in:r itiel{' _.', i1't i: lrse oi e:rep-i a.3r:\-<) rrslem ni er{^res"i^n
ol r.-on{r,.,h.]}r. ll'!1t it cniinrrail-r :.-6sns u!:] b.n-!qe or" :lF4rrrnoni.,
ln l'i..;o| ,)r iltS O:In etaiateil-- as "ell a l:r :n .'le. n niae -:ial:l
of aon'ir3iong .,ni eco4orrlic _.n:'5 _rire fnl, lle .€0.1e ^'' t;e -'o-l,l
ro iose t.(,it!e1,rcs l.n. ?,ni f h"iri, sari.' !h1i l-e Dernle 4r.r noi
l.n.,l -r .-'here t.rc.: :r.e -oini. nr -'1-!.rt l-.,-,-i ere Coinf; ..ut l..N- ire
nC1.]1i:tteless tOlnr on .ro:.init nn:l 'ln.-1"i ar.ieTt fr,r. .,efm thtt ls
': .c.llnd Nher. ioia ,.
I ltr leninled o' l:l-.a r o' -".j l:e!. -7etr r!rrh :rria^e,
il9,..s .161,1
-6vel ralchei srr.-. a itl.rini. -4 --n1 I ^-r]nrJI..:l.ri -ei \:. a
s1r,, .r1-erd:r f,16xt!ft .l!.I|]. 1':re nroi irr:1..1s r. o_ s1_r,-a1e
teniion.t irrs eCaeA, !',rc ttnsloi ixE nre!.es '^n-.!.1 'l-n.]s:r 'll).1
3r,.frlce, rrnerr:., .-ai llo"- intO J.t .--r r|:r1da ';^ -<rr6,yln --1n. ;ei
t rc orlltlineaj ol jihe *i.1.1nl-ii2ta ',rar.-. :lr'-equlrr. ',',-ere :,,:e s.m.rtii1-s
olstacleB l:l..ii seeni Lo a.rcii :e.t5-.r:1. -lr:1-r.: litLle :i!.cEnLi,ete
broa',. i;rrlrtih io ;r'.-e El.i4s. l,'re r e)ln..ri -r/1.l. tf eir ''ql.- orl , in. r'l-..
.'::.,,rrrrrd i,nar I solrl6 t.e 1!dh .1Fr 3.o.. ,'.a:' t ran .l n1lii the drr
,!.o1, is rii.l)rbeC rnil i:hen "inrll"' !.!--'ner].
'l':r.:i is.rn".t aro.rerr 1s 1i-<O. :lt 1i not :i,e rhe natllil- o.
n 5r1ooth11/ oi1ed lI1.cirine, :lt i3 1Jke iie 1r1inC. siir4e l:r,d rln- oa
a nE:i.: ste:1.:ili a4^lrrmlailnr -.ter. tv j. s,!onrod 1n
sec'lrons to &ovo in oiirs. Tiiei .+'_er, hle.cs 34er_rs .:ses
hacliiraliineBs. ',ires .a::re or:dur ll-. .losea"l in one ,rad ':n5ll-: ^i c]1,e?'
,"ihelned. .]-it,t1e "a113 c's-citl t'orces :, rrs r,r_e .i'rlte o. tha
orofitOer's rlold- back'..he 'lo,"i .l _.hi1e. 1ri,an .rr0.11r.1'-r rre .l]irll1.un!ed
arl] si.rr'otnde.l anai then i11r1,1er].1l"r -r: :h ihe 'inE:L-. :-r1e9kl nE o_ liire
'.:€r1; ioI], i o-a.'le.,t,

i'.na Droarg:rri conliirlles. ljr ron+l.mres rro-- "_i.i i,rae :'eAe-a'!.hat

.1ter ieek3 its lev"ri on thtt a rrrral6r.i.rrze hi!!-sieC niui
r l,,!-U aer-L{ iO as:rUine iis l:7'ira 'o-m. l'ae J_rIe r6rn a1- r.unen,^a sh.^e
f it 1c
ih:t 0f in e.Tertious a.rriit.1,
ii.,111.111- -q l] rraJr'd anin.-1. .ft is n.t ., l6ne -'o'l a. i.!:l t!.er{rrn
lies lae tLiial .1:f, ,ini riapl .Ei1u-e o" ::.11 er-oalc ^':rrl

',r s e..1. u!on t1o aa.-tr':3 j-tl-On :rnr. o. sneqi.l ;'aneair.:1 '^1,
Iin^-1ti6i o:' .e-.1e. !,^ey afe unnatLfAl ''^r ir'rer run 6orinst tho
soci6:- situolu-,- cf tir. huriran is:iitiExl ariinrl. c:r.n no flore f-6och
Eheep to 1r\7e"r:Ie1.r .r1('l rl:rii in '1..1r:r, .lt4n -:o1r c']n rro!-re to
Fr:.iccessil-111:r '.91-. i,-.?..i.ind i:,-? ii',:r_lsic !ncoiDer' units,
No--eher 'tlere .-inlil7e n5n is 'o 'ie '.,Jnrr , -j'. \.:o -.i1n.1
li,rinq p-n1 h! iinr aloile, -q1-a,-s he i: .'O1rr:r i1 t-irr-. l naL tra.o
Au:tr!llan " Even in the 1o.,rest et!.riir:ie oi t11.ind ri!n -.e tn. ",, ine
hushmar 1t1o 1:rcl.s i .eri.Arenl ho$e e.nd '1ino-rs ro1 h6a +o
i:rike th9 si.iinie:it tent, "rq ilnrl thel, mo?ino or/e! th-- nlains rn.l
lo!.e3t: oi i:rei r r'iEli1/a l ontirlQIl! in 1r"r'e rrllrri --airns. 3one io
nol! 11!?e a!!:las 'o- t)jei]e t"i-bas. il.='r l|.clr e,ren names iot
,rne-nrr :nil trEarf;-n,', Eut- on-- tnina tr.e- ;to lino"r. Th.e.n li1re anr: -,6n1.
a4.i io.olrior. Th.t Yo l.:t qirek ev:rr to -e-rin .or
thet is the lasjc n..iu-.r o' ou:, ''rodies.n'r rri,r..s. Iilan 1s 1.n"d
1.1nrr1. Qrti:.arg
COniusion an.l ulh.iilnes:i in iie lall',J:rrIi!.' ,.as!r'is "F.m
l;e .eiition oi tltAt iactor. 1l na-' ):e E L,j-t rrrq"il!-'rr1/: t^ he +41.1
iriOt -'oU 1O ilOt ai'ie-" iTon e .-itjter J_a -nrrf tf1)e i-o 1,1-a
mass oi .lou- slecje<. i1]t ie n.!- s'.ee , llo tfrre aoatp.tlBo4 c2n -':! lr',r enn aninel 'or hrJ!"rani i-i Jr sor,le+hird t'. a'!: doas nol ex:r.t
Olre-nhe.e on l-iis .'o!li !j-l tl, art !..s no .^nr-lete qinilrrrr r -lnrr
::n lrhin1. fet i-n o11r ai,iitu.1e i.o rhe lr,ra: o. ri-^! | fb ,re IndiriCr:_1s
arre au1d.ed '.r- ihe .e{e rirr-:i-:,.e tlrrlr te.. s'aee! i.^el.',ren *il!', ertch
otier. i,"at fr:r, lle :r'Ln':ie i-s l.-re.i.
And -:e 1r.e rrrhsppa,' ln thlrt 1!ste:.1 o' of,r!'in_ ._ike tl.a -le14s
o.e rreBs, -.,e 'rre rit:..d-o to 'r'.ht ench other "or olrr li t-_ l-- .r.n-iyi-<.
.hile certiin unr.Eitural f.ni1 tntl-s-c'..-]. En',n:'s '1.atd. for thel]ls--1ires
iar noi6 t,h:rn tre;r car eat arna. r\j"esor.rre :1e:nqel-res 't:orn our rrnl',ed
.rnsiiij,:11 hri te:Dint Lrs al1viCe.1,
linil ll.ose ,\o qee \'h.,t ig -^jn..n jrnrl .eel. to qlrrr-!ten Djrl
i'1e coni!.a or: ere sei ! .oo i.1jr .rhe.1!1 f r enCs .Ra ..i"4 .tenj .l9d to
t\: ih-eear irs .r.i./cs -n.o ai:I17 rccli lo e't lherl.
t,h,:l ^r4 aehse rrn.hqr^.a516, ''Ie
But tr.e nai.rr-e of rn.1 1 s j ir --'e
r'j.1r no! ei.;9:" he tr,rl'r ,"r.e?teai. -j 1l :..-, to-etl,er 1ni -'e -.i l1
5ctleve ou" ai,oner sa11r.1 ^oair.
I alnd tt inie"esiinn to nota here a oartic!la- i'Yot a?ru.'nenl
a/ralnst sacir-Li:rn. 1'hat is tie sl:r.i' e,!:out darlrt chon-a hu an
ljrtura.n It ls trr:e an1 t].at !s i-re crrr.ntee o_ our rr'letoFrr and
n^i oi theiis.
For nrmgn n.trrre I s not ,vhd:t rr.5.r .leri6e t l-} A,q - q e1.i :h -
OU lrln.:, noan,,"1eiEl, c-.,sn:nn, vi1e, denr.,rer1. el.. Thrt 1s
lii_Ero1a jt'ie n::ituie o. ihe ..:rn5r.r." !r.!tt s..., .o!:lrsion in nlr! \erd.
lluman n:trrle ls coooeletive. ua_er :"h, _i-:e_!1, 1r41r!ij^us. rrrC
.roiecitive 1-o
_irir can n.aii oi Lih'. (llarg te.c _i-.:_,rl :r.(1 .m-ii+ir)u.-q.
thalr oi sireen ..n'l r:i: is !.isaiiill. +lre t!re rl'et::n.rri shinn
nark oi nan).
lhri t'"is is so is Dir,ren j'i!!cl 1-' l,.e iial l'-1i e,: Df
na 1o4e lunli:trE ,tlon. gi lhe Ea q-:i\-r-eiies o' rn:,nl.inr'l ^n tl.,.s
alrret. (llr.ces are :ioior.l.Jrl:,: s.e!ki-!: r
sulr--<.e1: es. ) llora as "rr
4:j rre aan irer'6i.Itine hr'/e irie-9.'aiirr aea rt'r- :xah r.ees iit 1-! €t rf,it.
Xol!:,tsra E.7en al]]onq a'ae n3n'je-18 o' l,he rirn-'i e rho t to ilealeiile .r,oali
a :ie!'1 5r.i5ni !nr..1rei line to ih,:i o"'.,urrlrnit*, tle Conr.!'l^ltl nc
n. tur e is:t,e trih:- one,
Il: i: croven h-: the ra.lneta lr -h1tr- t11i:lC-en rrc r.iqen, Th=
5:.teative in-ttndf;oo'l-,:o "ath:r.n.-r mii'rer. al.eq .r,r r6,re ir.a
.jhi1::-on l.: E nen:-J -e?i,. iLn! in,: nl,acr .n:-l]1al tnar -n.
The i:!niiv -?ou:) a!o.,- riort ^r iisrl: rn:. j.rslal-- r.r,"te ^tn1il-r crolrD-
,ririch i$ t'|)e '3ui.lilind itone, the gL:!.r o'rlr rc^la:l- !trrrtu-es,-
tl^,.re eraists ir r,nr". ri .ases .erleci e:'rr..tes ^' tie s.irilJs!
caiix:unj-lj .-. llo cne etIctuil!-< .'retaer 3^ac"1a 1-.neIjhln o-:a-- jlre
rlarlcr cchoh is l-lr.r o: ie jrler or iioi-rct' cr a:r_r1-'r lt e: o- h"oeh'or,
It i!r ii c..r--riial.l. ih.,t i3 _r]ni:.iur.! i '.. ii1 i\e -.fii'l: -..riri ii, i:
tie ao'enie.i ,t'iiule lrha-:r iliin.i liiie ir:,e .:;?l.r- .-ur} ir 1,he :o:ai:
3oa\:er.iiirre (:cr-.;:ri:.i soai.,..1ist)!'sh1n o J.he -ani 1... 1s a .ih4fo.
-{et euch lhinqs as c1.r,i1lnrr -t.:.-t., 1eJ,r !^sJtivo.erson..ll. o-,nef -<hrns
--.r! resneciie.i in the r..tii1f sir.r-re1"e.
Cnr'} _./ou 1!_aqire ^ether oq.errhln of iir? kii.hei-l
riro?O -.ecaiiFe !re .au-hi ii Fn.L c'1Er:qinq nalhei the rl^.hl] i 1-i colk on
'i N? Cr .lriL.irrr ._'.er:trin or" t!\. -ii:rl.n' room lrr.. le-
'-.ernaoe m.ther
'.il114 ile4ause _aB
1t ai./en ner 1!,.,iLkEr:rf,.: ra.l is i3.hni.sliw lrets anai
tlerciors clr5!iing rne the o;'11.1-en iii€ -entF l.r -n- eat'1n.
-rith it? Il 1: iio '..nisstic, so nuch .Lealnst hur1!i4- -nqElrg l!,.t .-e
g.lnilol even seriou:r1v entertain th. n^ilon a' :,.1a: .: lthj-!r.
And iN 1s haeia.Jiln iust as a'.81r].d ro? ait-. Ii,n to11lrin
.]rnershJ-!r o:. nlea3 o" 'l!.n'l '.-.ca1r^e he \,r..otle.l tD'ind lt :r.ral
t9 ch,irqe at:1ers reni!.1i '.i ljvin3 oh ii:, r^^-.1,.,a ln rr,ct h-a c^,r1j
noit exlst ji th1s.,rc?ij ,.l!h^ul, !1o:e -iler .ao.1e-< .,nd \i.j a ti e?,r-,t
to ! 1a j-iri rent is:rs rruch as ii l:o sr.:: t'l -.rn iet rl.nd '.Jthout riru.
na.r nle to suf'er _'our nr.,a.renoe ^n r'1r 1!nd." IIe ccuil nn lrna^r oei
alonq - ith.ut t!.e rrl. s - c" :'reonle t.r.n :_.e rneri:er.t or . ..milrr .rau1d
-,itl-roUt e3ch ot_freI. lir j:1-.iinst l-11eir:i.nn lnBtincts.
tlie srrr!'e a_ hunrniir 'l s lhe rj-lva to !. e:! Lunr.n r].irlFe.t-1ri
to TeGore l,he'.l)--ier: to rl-s rJrll norrnal n:l.ri, ?hls .1e"ir-^ ..s!'r nclren
ra crreiched ln humenl!.r. Th,a Ces+jruci-tnn ^. tlia .rhea:as :l.1,lo ..n
:iro li. call ! _,'nq the ca.itil1-qts an e!!1 t^ lir.eir hn^n..nnr:. .arl +'.-olt
rEri'eeiti:rir, it -,^r.!al :l!o '-i.1nlr t-1,-n tt tn ::n --,hi c! i s tkat the
chE st1_./ iE!1e cf our -hole errch.
::' -: r,'-:lj:. 1::la) Ii
::1:.:: : ::t r' a::- '

: : r"'r:, l:' .'.'ilr "ii:l.i ''' : rfl J'r:: ir.ila \'rr r'_'''
'i1r-':';1, ':c
. r;:.: :.r:r:a.j-:1rI'
I,, l!: ii:..:, :.i: . i.1..:. 11:_ :trr,.ii-- ar | . -l- ,

Jr 'r',: : :'{ra. r: r. aj,r !', l.-rl .'::li?::a' _- l il:r'l!c!

:''1't s ' : :rl'
''r)r: 'l: -r :i:':'l',:ir'i] _- ''latrI -"j. .:!a.ra (:i' :': nli:'::r ::lr i i -:i''

..i-o l.::,.: j]|r.l ::j:,, ,- i::..ili ....-11:.;:r'rl i.i-:L : .:l-l:r.,:i I lli ,':r-:1",.:r -:='

,ll:-,r1r'l: ri :: i::!:i , '',.)ic: r':.rl:,. :1,-'.1i:':r :-1. :':r_;' ilir, ' ' rirls', i :-r:

;r- r..! . I j,'::l.lj.:r:;f: iijrl':..i_c Irri r. al_i-11: j.j:..:' i::sir:::, r' ':5 : 1:loiir -'i l'l

..i:! 1l:.: c:.r1.1.:i ..r,: j
rri;., i'.::'l: :1 ,'c l!i\,i .' :li'r r, il l'rl:'-.

r: iii ci 1 , 1:--i ir _i'l:, or:.: 1rr'' cJ- :11i:-' tr1-13'ic 'i:o : :1" "''il:''
ljr'.;rr a:: r,|:':r.l.t::rri'ieL:i:tr .I'll xi l-'iil _:iri 1l!-e:'u:rr-Gt l': i| ro:.''' +"o"':'i::"

_::'.i, : r'l .iil-.'_r. .'lil:r!'(]ci ' L if'":r' r,'!tll'l]ji: ' !' l:!:r:'n: "'r'ir' rilili
':aics, .'. li'. l:a):':::-ii:l i:rl-_:ri lrr'n ii'' 'r'1':r! r"t r'' ' r'"'r" :''
ri.''i.: :c'.!.
'cl]r (::r I I r.-ii
lr'i1-..:r lri r1 li-i'1,: :.::1 rliri-!-q'r:1i l.:iri: rr[:"': ^]: ' ':1 '::r-"'3 '
riai--:iirr:!: ti: a :I':.r':.".' lir!; ci'1'_l-: :'j: :: 'r:':r'r :r'1 ': i::: ' ir:_' ii '_'1:

ar,r.:::r !1..: :r:i:-,::: ra: i:l.:a. 1r:c 1l ::(: :rr' il ::' b''o]t' l 'il iii"il: i:l :'
r.t i.i:r-r'. :ri r I r.-::, r!:i.:,,.]i.-t _i'.i l-:.i :'-r:.., :r irl:-li:,:,.i..,r c:. a',r.j i .':_ir:.' :.'.

.r:,-: ::i-:'.. :- ...:.r :_,. ..':l :, :r J.'rr::.i., :.'(;'..:"', .'ci .li-' -:_,. i:_ l
r'ral r. _jr.:r- i! r'.i, r'.: il_i'._..':.:.i. "rr'r:i.: :':::r::.':,Lt :: iji :i,:- -i :.- .

:j:r:ri:irr::1 '.:'1-i].i:la: r'-',:r'i,r: (::l.ri:,: :lrr,llai,aa i::':'r-:r-'rr: r: ar -- a - ,

''al r.: ,.r,Ia'.]l!r'.1ilrr:a, !r':a. aaa,,:..:] rld ai.i.1i'r.1..'" :,
r'r"-:r:-: , :1, 'jl i--'., i),lq'.-- f.. .r:r- ..4 .,r:_: i !- t:.. :.ii:ii ?"i,: :):'.'i'(::. :-1., ::-
' - :,, .. 1

1.-,.r ',.: I r.'; i ll- 1._.r r-':'r'.::,a l.r,r ii:.'..i l l '-.: ., ,.r'.. l,i cl!tr': .; -

it!'l- I :,::a ::.!l::i: iiicc, i::i:r:-r '.'r'::r " llr,

r: : i,',. :!rri i-i:r:li '-i,a r'- - .,
:,_iri--rl .:.r i::-i, iirir !ri::r:;:'. i:," a.r.(l ('.: a.:'::j.r::, ,:: i:r:.i1|:'r, is'.r.i . !..,: i:ri
':. '. "'.. : :I ,,,:_1.:L:lrl,l _ir: ir :,!o J_l::j.i .:r:i',o, a : . :' :':..:r i! i.l,r l'i:.-i _,_l-:ii,,
ri _!- - r'- :.-i: ::. :.3:l-r'1.r:.t. ,:r i:. Jl.iri.:... ij1.tLi. . .1.i: ..:rr': i ::r'lrrr: -rlrlr:-:al:i

a:: :i',, r.a rr :,liii:ri.r. ,-:.1ri1: :i.t'j i,f l's; :,1-.1 !ll-_ ir'i.itr.l ar'.ir. r -c.r i '

i. -,r -:. .,:.' l: .::iat :. i.1!-: r.:1 .: r^,. .:ri ii::::i:i,':::'l:.:.4i. 1.:lrr jjja i!:::,! ar

."iiL- r .-, .:'-,', c.:i1,- ralc::a i: i.i,::irt.; 1., i. li-: .r.Jl "a :rl: c,.' , ,r{ ' tirlr.r

;r :1.' ir. - .:l:,:'i ':.a.l.r' r':. ii.1t ::'r i,rir'. rn!. oii:' I ei:o 'i 1..t :, ct
.:'f ,1 . r i,i,
i:',- i:i - ;:l,ir! c"ar"-ri:"
-:-.- .-ir:ttj .r:1i:, :a r::.r .iij,ri:.! rr! t:-iiiri;r r:ii: ::r, 19. D:::c, r: lfFr:d.1.1 , .:L:.'

1, i: r : -':' --: i.r'a.,:' :,r :.r :ri:rilr .,.'j'j .." rrL ':.ritr,.r" :",:,' ::l' i. , - :
'l:::.:r',,:-: . i,..-r l,'- :i.;':_:.e.::,a! ar'::r'ic ':ri,ir'il.! -- i i:i -.:_c c:ie iir':- i.i$l oi i: .
rrrrj.i,., ."i l:.r".'a .lit]1i:51:.a cr,, :.'i:r'1.':ir:i: a:'r,n c.j'c, ij-:: l i'1'r, .rL':!j ' I
_-:ilr'i: -'o .'" fla' :r'rc11'ri tl::,' i:rlid c: l"a :-.,i,i.,
ii!.ilra r.,::i,. 'c,;vr,ir', ln _lc ';t'I:"'
i:':.I i- .'.::. ,' :, :I:l

:-'i ji r-: ::a-ij lJ. :'r:riloi '.r. _.:

r,'L :!r irel'3 l.s ::. aari'.nec !l:.;', ..r1 f .5:._ni l :-'- '::
-1! c!'::'a '.r li; : 1xl:t i::ac .ircirr'1, ,ra!:c l:c LiIl:j cSct:z'g ::ar lravc: : c',':i l,ll\'a

?'i:f al.:.r-i! ir'i'ix". 'fa)?a L: laa"sl, t:ri:t .! Lr!.l irit 1l:rli i:al Ji!'r.'r.

irer.r :1! rr-:.:ir-. ,r-.o: :r. :c . e.:.:.!xl r'a'i1i 'i1 e ir:1ccic, tiici.c .rc cr!-!L- . :-

::rc:'a arra r:._ ,:r":i1'c tr.:'ici:l: vir'.",i-i'arrj a1f:-ic!:e ::'d,:c ihtn. ll l.ra I|::11'::
ca -'?,rr!::-ir1:rir., I r. .i ': r:-:..e or' llii:l{r, I
r:,'c )..5 :,..::r:r-:! :. fL, .]r--r! ;-i

i'r:-l)i!-.r ' -rir'l, .: :ro.r ;:r'. ci' cr'hcr lr:r.c cnt::r-.rca ia ill:., co'l:rl:.. lrJ.,
:lirt]rr:'o .-ir r.:flx_ il' :rr ia':: -i.,:. i l.: l- :r: ..-' .' r!-\i !] oi'i.c, ::i. L.: il:l.ii'
(,1i .-::.;.rri. :'- . ri:i:.:-e(l L , c.).r'L: ii :':r':'-r ::ir., .! " ,:_, 'r:eifir.i.
''i i.r.-rr'.:r.(r r'li-,-:, 'i.' u:l- h._r (itae r :.Lrl.!:ir.!.r:'l--,,1:r-L:.r:'.lrir, i:11

crCu: : l.' .r.: . r:r o:-:: :4 c'.ilr.t ci:c i'L ::r j,iiic.r'i- irc !c!ci-.'.i.uir. -- !:r-

cir:'i: jri.r' :o la sj:i(-.i,:- l1ll:ririri : cr l'e 'i' atc lr,\::ry . ri.c_.i'ad riro .," . cri ii .)tt.r .(r''!

iiii ,;c-,,-i .r'i:i l,!.'j1 :.I)o: ij.i ri:i .i1: 11.r!. !.( tlrci- in jiL-!r': (itr',_rn 1'ci ) :-i :;- c.lrl:r
_.'lL: a ci:i r:iir.:i 'c:'n:n$'::.Lr 11{u.tzfcl'J" :l'. 'iir,r.:re ob\,:l.o'-lt]:.:r i:.c1, r",i cu'i :!r.i(

'!- i I:- . "" '' l't

J!ioi-cl:'r'i:r !r-l ;:ir l.c-,1'c1'. :r:cc'.r.:::ii3t$ "-1:.

a!L!i1ro'a :
l--c rioi $l:"':.!lca, :.

r)r.:rl-_:"c1ir:!r:r ii'!a!r::r.itr.:'o!'aor lrrnl'e: r:o:t on :!:iir.f r. ltic rl.otc, .l,i' .i'ctlilc irr',a:1_

l:c{l :c 'l-]r r';r,o::_i: :ri:r'l i-.e as,'nri. 1rir, 1-i ii: cr! L. i:-orretl 'lfiat '.:li{i ilc c!:
ii:1co' .'.rsr::.i.n :i.r a 11'rniraa, ":lr,- sdljact c:ri: L. eh.:fcC .i-tr ,ulci" :rj.E

prre.r3'r': in c1:ar:'.::rfl a-.,od lcal-:rir. (r' .,.1_ r.s l:e c:.tarl-l ilr i{.ii' ; tr 1tlr i:rli:1.,o'.:

i,r lr(]. 1r 1,,'r (,:-::r _,.::ioar ^:'-:!':ie:rsa .'cr:"51 'ur,i.1Yi.clrel1.'_is 9il;licii...'._ ll].i:i-

t,ri::.oi1r. olr'a,:'Llcsc I''-e!$4..

}-,x, :lrrr !-d::rni:'a eca. l)a daoottcd c:i

:a 1.'r*' rr,,'. o doe._ iot .t:iillc .l- "i::t :r: a_:.. il' :r. a' . ril-3. - !r . c.

',c i:.-:r r'.::rl:l'].i, .r:,1,i: .Ll :!^y',.rt1.1:.,'.r-j:'-:..::r:j-:!,-r(. :{rf r.l,r.!:ji ._':r ---ii.
i ..' : ., .

':i-,t:t' | :. 1: lr'r"l..r.r .: i... ,.':':'::.=. _ :'.1:".1 ,: _!_ :r:':'. .r:: .i..:r'jiiri:i', :: i.i
r":rr.l,: :-l iil r:.. a.rr:,r1j: .r ' l r:r.r. : : rr':l:i"r 'i|l-:rir :-i r.:r:.:..-r:,!. rr::
l-.r-., - .::.r i:,r.31t:1-:r'rr'.:r1.r,:;-:.:.-l:, i-rr :!iil.r?. ..r-:r:"-- r' -..-
'''!..r:. -,:.'rj,ll, ! :,-:li, l:ilar,r': i,t'a:a '. l )j,,-:r...r'-l:il:i ll i r.irl-li: irri,::'l:r,l
.:a'-:.a-. - '-:t r r:rarr:(], 'l;::.i:,;::l iLl'r-". iiir _:i i-.. ar:,,i i:__i.j::a .iriri] ,ar.r.r: c:' ta. .r..iil
i '.,:L .. , a, ::. :r.r:' -i:r.:,J r .r:.!::).r' a:r..:.,::.r ': i , r,.ir:: a,' :.:.".;oi:.I !oi' r : :.::l
_ r. , _.'- .:., :..,r'r:-:.r,r' "r'rr .):::1: .!-rr.,r:.l::'r'1,.:r r': lr .,.:": :rL ',J -

'':a.:r'i I - :irr l,i.r:;r::' i..: ir.- .:r,:lrl :r . r:i i:i, :r-,' a:', :r:r, -. , :a-

,:i ;:-:.,, r !:r.: : r::, : .r::. :1. :,:t, .,:' l r'. ::ar':-aa:ij,a5 -.ri .,'!r(la,',- -1 i .ji!.!jr ..:.r.:ij

lll -::.1!. l. r'i::'. _i :::. '.:':l.., 1,-i: cll:::.,1r .r:.-ri:'s, irj r -.( 3 '.

:: tr::.:i -.'. ,, ,'::r:i.'r_,': l.n:.:l'..r' :l:'.: ..r:rJ,.'i-l.r_j iji::r:c.rit, .': :;r;.-:: ::l

j.!. -:. 1.., r ': i-,:l' :.'i,i::! ,:- il:j.- :::r(r ,rjr ':,i,j "jr; (:"1.: . r.t:i,':.: :-.- -,
ri:i:r.! ir'i_, 1' i:: rr: l:iii. a.::- a:rir::: .c:r-.i .: ir at:i: r::' lrlrlr *!.:(irl:l ,11 :.. - .

.'.'L:t'i-.:: :' ... t:i.::,'..i i.r" lL -:.:.i.r. 1::.1- l.-j: jl..l..l i'j. j:ot;'- 11 1!, .cr! I -
-r-1.::: i, -.: I ' ::L{r rt:- !.:t'L::-:l]!J ... .r:" r:r rt: rj .c:.i:I
c r
_.:Lr'::j: irl ci ]r{in-l..c.,.

':: r.:ll ::l r... -- ira 1-'.ijr:-.i:ri: ir'al(: ...:'i; :ir r1 ..,(r"
i:,-:-, .:. :::-r1,i:til!i, rliiil|:i '-oi, bc ilirrc.'-1,ll l: \;.i:_lri,i lg, 1.j-- i.i,vi,a:( a r!.r'

1.rf_j'i .:r lr::.:. ,.'.1,1 r::rt!

ll 101';l'{DEs

This is not tlle fii?sil i.ime that i hare aiten'.ted sometbing of

thts ktnd, It has ha'Fen-:d befo"e, and I have thro in all the re-
sults aray. Why? FirBtly, because, at first, I told ltoo much,
revoal,rd too maly ihings I did not J..ant others to kJro,r, or ,'refrted
to hlde frol]l nyself in less fuold moraentsl secondly because, after
the firEt stages yere ::a6sed, it becarEe merely a -oseilrrs attempt
to ,rite cornftonalace-notes 'rith an eye to futnre reaalers, I lrLed
to imiiate Baudolalre, nostly, because, in those days Baudelaire
had a treaendouE influ€nce upon rae. Even lrow, I feeL a klnship for
nany of hls aberratior1s anal for Buclt of his .,ersonal shllcsophy and
Psychologists have iold me thst nea"ly every psychotic or
neu."otlc consialers hlmseff (or herseLg) to be a oas entlroly uaique.
I have often had such thoughts about myself. As time goes on, they
'nane, yet, eveD so, a fragmeot of the& ")ersists, But, tf thts is
true in any ray, the! lt ls more than obvious that my unqiueness, as
does the unlqueness of alf oihers, lies ln in degree ratle r the
qualtty. Qualitattvely, ther6 can only be a linlted nunber ol cases
lE an:J given socldl colnplex; quantltaiively, the skyrs the limit.
Quot -'lhat
aro 1? 'i,Iho sm 1? It hae been sald the aman may be knorFn
by the nature of hls obsessions. Th t may or Ildt may not be accuratg
but it ls as gocd a starltlng polnt as any. vely t'e11, then, That is
theEatur,e of gX obessions? (1) Fear. I am afrald of kismet; first-
1y. That tcds.t or tomorro, "1111 brtng the same ft"ustrations I have
a1 'ays kIIo,,n. Before leerning ttre natureof the society in ihlch I
1lve, this fear ,.yaa formless not to be g"aDpled ,nith. Tbere lvar but
one soh,tlorrr sone for& of r,eligious falth. But none could I fl.nd
:yhlch offered any Cregree of satisfaction or'icertaiatyr at least
ceitainty ln iihich I could bell€ve. Now, knor,ring qrhat I do about
the strucllure ol the oxistlng s oo lal -c ompler!, much of lhat lear has
been dissolved. But no amount of sclentlfic analysls can assule a
man as to his etact future or role ln society, Even -iere I llvlng
l11 a soclety as sano, scientifis, and human as this oreseDt is 4ot,
1 sti1l would noi kno'i{. Thi: ougbt ls open to much leflltation
upon ttr6 basis thaE-E-uch a scciety-".'ou1d oifer tile basls lor an en-
tirely dlfferent personal psychology, however, inasftuch as I an not
llvtng in any such society nov, the naiter' 1s not o f-;enough 1m-
port to the present subject for debatlng thereon. A'$ it stand-6,
I have a great many il1ings !1ore to be afraid of norv tban I hadpresentbefore,
..,r].on f rval stilf fn1l of illusions and false hopos ab out the
soclal-complex and my porsonal part 1n it. Noi tha1, I ,rlsh tbat I
.rere back in my orevious state of unenligbterlnent; ]1o, thls knov-
fedge, "lth aff tho mental naln in brlngs, affords equally a zesl and
ar1 appreoiatlon 'yhich no amor-rnt of coroplaoent optinlsm about the o1d'
conce-pt could" have equslfed.. f tlavelearned reaf values as set apari
from inagtnary valuesi I have learneal to discard as of 11o lnoment so
nan, th&;gs ,'hlch oth6rvise -'ould have added to my miserles.- But,
tbe'b1ind fear ol pain and frustrs.tion, the fprner far out"relghaAB by
the latter, remrln-s. (2) I,Yhat are sor0e of the speciflg fears? [he
fear of muiilation. The fear of separatlon from mJr dearest friends'
Thefea.r of rlever-possossitlg the roman I tove, or losing her after
but a brief ceriod, due mainly to wa! or natloItal chaos' lhe fear
never bdng ,b1e to express rhat Il!-art to erpress' The fear of
foreed deEradation, either throuBh physicalsocure'violence, or througb
sheer neoesiity in ordor to keep flnanclolly

(5) ;Iate. liostfy bflnd hatred eiqainst the eiisting ,i,der of socl-
ety. At tines, ag.inst sFeci.fic in.livtirduals ,,?hc are resoonsible for
s-recific frustrationa. it ls aot exactly a deslre for vegeancer iot
I arr riore than .illing 'to forget Dast grievances lrovlCing Uie ;!.eseltt
cices not !.e eat thera. Hetred a[alns! those "ho f ";ieh to love but
ihc 1111 noi afa w my fove to exlress itself. 110:6 ilxlcrtent, hatred
of coctrines ",hIch are eithrr a .oart of the eyi_.-j.U ng social degrad_a-
tion, or ,corollaries of it. Eetied of doctrines .rhich pervert ioiri-
iusl and/or sclentific 7alues. And of 'rnorEll doctrlnes- illch serve
only as a roe ans ol n6kln-q suckers oui, of ihe unwary for the benefit
of partioula:r indlvduals or of ihe soclal-comnfen is 1s -- ..hich a-
851n brings l)r,ofit bl a fer,7 sDeciflc individuels. (Se-i1lef obsessionsJ
These do noi trcbule me as therr did some bi me aqo. I have been
frustrated sexually fc!. as lonq as I beei aither aeiale of the
me€ni-ng of ihe d-iffer,ance betlieon man and "onan or :ras able io Der-
forn segaAl activltles. Fgceuse of f.r.ed re.iressions. then r..i1i-
^'-lions, nu - ina11-. -[ru".-- "ions. J 1:ve :o:1e 'o deai e ec "e 1/
every possible form of sexual co!1iaqt ith an_]I sexually c-Iesirabie
lroman f see or meet. llnd beceuse any measure or thij ha.s been d.e-
nled rde I con1penssto by n1eans of ser-fantasies. _r./hirh, thou+
lleasant enou€h in themselves, are 4ct sai,ieiactory. ihe_-,. r6eu1i in
I4y having an outlook snd attltude to,.ard iomen whl;h d.oes b.ot maLe me
attrectfive to them unfess they are es EophistlcateC as I, io begln
'iith, and flaelr se.ua1 appetltds a?re as keqt ss irline. Thls fesi is
mostl-]' conjecture. I only trno,.s',that e numb er ol glrls have beon
repulsed b,r my general attitude. I think that scme, at least, of
these r,'ould have besn agreeable to relations .riLa r1e had I cone about
the 'rmake" ln a lnore conventional naru1er. I{orev3r, it is aifiicult
',ro cretermine Nd**dtt6l1i- io 1.rhat exlent m,r r,ersonal ( poverty
has comeinto the Dicture, or ho7 ntuch ny physicaf awkrardness has
entered in.
In the aast year ot sc, 1 see,'r 1lo have EAlned a aleg?ee of con-
fidance Ln nar ojn ebtlity tc attract Eirls the1, l nev:r had'before.
And a tiiile of the over-eegDEnes. seaino to Drn ofi. P6,rt od
this conildance is due to the iact ihai, a coulle of Irears ago, a
not -unatlractlv e "oman picked Ee ull, es it .{ere, End .rerrdliied and
encouraged ev,iry &6nfler of lntinacy. That the cilcunstances dld not
alitroir notual fornication as not .a"tlcufsrflr i:llportsni, io ihrls devel
ooementi the ting 'ntch dld nost fot: lxe Ja€ her ch.csing me, regjard-
fess oI 1",41a"t ?eason, and enco:raging me by reiusing 1ro believe that
I had never }lrade a wonan before. laier, hen ai last r!1y contience
'5as int€lrupired b.I a visi t to a not-too-repuls ive negress, her dis-
beliel in niy fack of pltobious eEDerlel]]e strengthened by buddlrg con-
fids.nce. A.lded to this the fort-d1ate ciii.umGiance cf being accelted
(even thouBr ter4porarily) by a highly-soDhisticaied and rather cul-
tured bouxgools girl, -rho coufd easll- flnd eny Nnber of lcvers at
v1"tua1fy momenits notlce due tc l€r station and her consderabLe
attractiveness, Encl havlng an entlrelT deslrable (though natve)
91"1 fel1 ln love i{l me it mi-qhi be Dossibfe thal, c:i.re1x]1stances
:]1o ll]q (as,to opnortuntty) I sti11 ma)I have a setlsfacic"..J seE-
life beiore (a) my tile-erilensio! oil virility iscver (b) l an eithor
lrllled or ej'feciuafly nutilated through accident or desi€f1.
TLe feal of age Is one I ne$lscted to }:lemi.rn above. lhe d1 ought
of senility for n:.se1f or raI frlenais, e-C pariicularly ihe vision of
age upon ihe roman I love, or uilon an"i of tle girl-s f flnd so attrac-
tiqe llfls \.rlth a sort of desoerato tlorror. I horror moire intense
beceuse no succession of dialecilcs, fortrulate i"on ny pointol
vie./- no re'/o-L u.lon- al1o no vJE:-r'r: ()1' r:stoeb c:n r-/enL this. -"v
oniy donloi" :'-on . rie chol, I rt -rh: Ds, il 1 cLn oq 'Lt bfe "

!.vo!1an Ilovo, the gradual passage of yea"s -""i f1 notbe too notlooabLq
But .rhat of my 'lIy intellec-'uaf o ers? I do not conslder them anF
thing reaa"kable. nemory ls oulrstandlEgin some respects. -1 9*
analise feirly rvolf i1 Elven tirre. But - oo nor o-iginale; s11-I
.nlr'do i" take othex tiremes aid mBl<e variations u'on tl'rem -- often
clever and brilllant variatlons "hlch pass for origlnsl rcrk' l
a-!a not qood at estirating any form of slrategy. Even '-l' I knolY e-
noudr 5f t.e .f actors 'nv lv"d, J afl stiIl orone-o*therthe to over-
-ii" *i"a, udderesitmste im oriant-oints. Mine is not
""iiil"t"ot even th ough 1m1st go about t-r ings llet,I1odically and, for
tbe most ;art relatively unemotlonally. This latter. Tas onco a pose,
,htch I adopted in seli-defense, lnasruch es my emotioBalisE -{as
n,.iii"e-*; ,hen. u! th" *.r"y of arry and all lvho kno llov to play upon ii'.
,r-"i-Lor. oe heie T be6ame a':are o'thls and s'roqe to co-rect
i'{ in tni" 'r"y, I ao not Imow. f am mrcla, lar too much, Siven to
a"V-ar" g Li-ra in1agtnlng, and, orst of al'I to day.-dreo!1ing a]1d lt11-
aeinlrr t-'Ite thirgs. I never I 'se1' in hiohl/ iraginative
!"."oJ"0,ng", o61{. 6eyi"g Ehjngs, The riosto"-uird of ry doy-dreams
hypnotlc, or ulknown
rru tt o*" i; lhlch i glvenriselt iuper-mental
norers bv nebns oI rhich -f can ,nf]ue'lce an'rone ard evervone else-
";;-i-"h6";;: If suci fantasies r rrrerery set ou-t-to solve the proh-
lens c:eated by lihe existing social-complex, s-et in noiion for res
.hich.[ilf orerthrolr the e;isitng order' 'irt [ 'nes, I may {11cy my!r
a ai"iuto", but 'rlhen r do it is ^n1y a tenporary
am dictato! for lhe purpose of destroying the outstandlng opposl-
tlonary factors to a'subcessf\rI sooiai change' As dictsto", I smash
ir="i"1 g"o"p", execule re7 tl.tres in t'E exisb;r" ::tlP: IY:t!:1
tt o s roio of revclutinary influences, Lrl-lr armies to step in ano
frevent chaos breaklng out dueenough, t: the storpage of 711'a1 sources of
riroa or energy. lnterestingly I nevbr regard.nyself as ablo'
under anv coioiuions, oer"onafly to solve t\ose ' "obiems, or see
*"".rr-"'" ;"iG;;;i lieaer". Noi' ao I see myseff as a great.benefac-
"'tii- to"i"-""is- r""r1aua, but on-Ly as a f'unctionsry, setE'-n- in
" "a T hich'wilf culioinate in a s tft tra:rsill- on to
- -""i"'"""i"i iorces enter ihto these lantssies'
irr" order. hly sei-desires
t"i-i"'" se"onaury position. Tho iunctlon ts first; thon' 1n rny ,
snare time. -L use my po"rers to obtain any aDd aIl 'i'omen T desire for
my personal s6!lsfsction. of oertain
" " I 'irri
huv" a lear of orords -- or ratherp of massesvaP'ue
typ""l rorur-"l"s" ftafiel €iroups fiif ne-rlth fea"s;
on theother har1d, f l]aveno """rt i""''iot certain revulsion) fdtr of
L"n"o"u_ot Jelvs.' Cr tor *ry ottler ''l;tlnct fe.o Je s or nab_onal mlnorjtt or
;;:";;:";-.;-i;"rrio."o-"""6. i i.Lev" 'ouna \e8"oes '1hom
r-;r,t h^i like! 'in t"ct- inere-fs-somehing about Jegllsh gtr s !'qh1ch
t" iiia-iit""iiii";1;t;"4
-i""".retrrrn! olr otl'"" oo.en' r ordoa reJlex '.,hether
1Y notknor or
-i", tuiii-up from a pose, sl'lti-Son6-
ulcoo"u the bu-der oi fui"t"t oeriectr-rion lorYer'-c1ass ftal-
tlc. Perhaps t!16 rea$on i r'"""-t Ai"1i'e for the
ii"" i" i""i."*"
-i'i"i"ccc rith thern so
-["v". l- tas tnri'or-i;inth; much dur i-ng school and
ir,rtno"eh ccc ] lo"**.Tl"v.-nr
-oui the best
;;Ii;";;h";""i; t,e rtariins frorr poorer fandries; asain' thev
,;;;-;#;;+iior.*e is"oa r"'-"J *i-"tiit'''a" )rent-' B;ck on's Jqeish slrlsi
,h6t obtracts lua1;iy -'- J can ciefine onl:
hich as sptritual''
pernaps 1t nighr he csl1ed I sort
des ite6.l dislike roc r'r"l il'-m rhe deqemra-
loyalty ond rugged^ess 'rhidh \asreciseL' because
ting infruenoe or tnt p-esEit c1vlli28tio"1 attacks upon
ihei" Dosition. r onrv iiJi'-tit"i, aesprte a1f the
tbe Jew for Dollirical reasons these days, and the !.esuliant dangor
for marriages bet.reen Jors and non-Jews, I still ,:iould inllnltel"y
Drefer a Je}fish glrl for my ]lfecomparlon and the hother ol roti
Physicall$ I a!0 a co-'ard. I have a dread of personaf violence
and ol routilatlon. I have a dread ol the futijfe rrxecisel\i because
f fear that the comlng of fasclsm .1111 meen pht'slcal tortul:e lor
nyself and my friends. l,{y dread of vlolence often nakes me attempt
io (or i4agine that I oan escape) by severing colx]oolrions
,rith r?iy bellefs -- a irhing ihich I realize, ln lucid monents is not
only iripossible, but 'rhich I do not irant lro do. I am not partlcu-
lsily;trong, could noi 'rtake it'r and :ou1d be easy game in any
sort of .hyslcal co&bat. I also have llitle reaf conirol over ny
emotions, or over my facial expresslons. I carllrot 1ie convtnciEgly,
no, put up a Doker lece Yhen b ludd ls necessa?y, I am not aggre-
sEive, and am easlly dl6couraged when al, length I try to slart
enythtng new. lly general temoeranent ls one easl-Eolng, happy-go-
fucky, aLthough the sheer "relght of llving on my c.qn 4esouces has
glven me a cei.taln dogreo of res.'onsibllitv -- even {x ougb 1lvi-ng
on my resourles has for the most Da"t consisteal of ertlloitlng
ny frierlds. A ttlttlg:':hich hu"ts me b d-o, yet yrhlch I do because T
nust in oraler to kgep golng. For a tdree I ielt confidantly that I
could repay debts back soee day; t}.r$r that hope ls almost go[e. A]1
I havo now is the I'eallzation that, ln my o{'11 ray, 1 am giving as
much as f i"eceive.
l,ove, Irry conception of fo,7e is sirrpLy this? r,,ho chooseth ne
nust give and. bazard all he hath. f desire to give all, everyth-lng,
and be glad ia ttE givi ng and. grleve that I have not nore. Yei,
so fa!, thls deslre hAs been rimchlv frustrated as oihers. The only
reason l feel a sltgh.t degreeof hatx.ed toirard a girf 1 iornerly
loved is becar.Ise, in I'ejecting liE , she Irrould Iloit al1o.i me to ilve
" Butto
myself h er.
.dlet of art, fiteraiure, science, music' d-rsl4a? Tho cu1-
ture-liie vhioh, lor (it seems to me) any nerson fltlo is ptr)rsioal abLe to be
avare of anything beeldos the sheer aninlal neeals, the
lactors of living B'hs t lead to? Of art, f kno-' nothiEg. lately, I
have become a$rare 6f dra ing-techoiques, oruelroouoing vagrent
imaqes on DaDer in a particular manrler. I have lookod at sone of
'hei are caliedathe "great" painttngs. Frankly, they bore me. I
enjoy looking great paiting of beautiful women' but that ls not
acirLciatton-oi art; 1l is merely enjolment ot a Dleasu"e-1mage.
ln archtecture, there Is s little more. f lrnoY nothlng of-thi6
fie1d. vet enioT contemolatlng bullaings, ediflces, etc Ihlch dra
aot ,6rE r-rtfl:ties. I enioy parb'-culerly Lhe 14ag'native
oi Marcbtnl because of the curfious -ap rearing architectures he
tnto them. Of Diotures of sti1l-life? I can only 'ionder why 'uis
these things are preserved. It s eems to mo that iheonly reason
fo! drawlng-such things ls to galn therby a technique of reprodu-
cing faitilully that-one sees so thrt' once th-e teohnique fis nas-
terei- the eJti;t carl then dravl
-"rriiti."" projectlons of his
imaginatlon --
rnicn ao not (or posiibiy oould not) oxist, but r"rhlch-
.ii;;a-; certaln thougbt-sd ErrlatloB'and comtemlrlative lrlagery' I,
re;I1se that there i; a certaln -ilir"uisoul ln some artistsr oaintlngs of
*r." .rere thelr rrr". ci the so-caIled nastel'*ipces
,u".- fv- uti11-1ife reproducilons of a subject about 't'hich the
little ornoihing. Perhaps ttris ir"presslon 1s in-
.o"rr""t; -erbaps I have not Jeen the real stuff' 0l sctenceS I
-"ut g"tip the essenttals of the salentiflc metl1od', or the need for
t ,
t t
,t ,
it. BIt ,har ls all. i'arr or our FuiuFiar: group, r am probably the
most iglrdrant scientifical]v, for I kno" not th:&ost elonentary
point8 ol phtsics, chemistry, mechanlc s, englneerlng, botanli,
etc -- things htch should be ooo&on k4olrledge to anyone ',{bo has
been able to p1]3suo sucll educational advantagostl at t]le present
system offers. f had opportunity 1n rlgh School aBd for the
perlod I ,yas at co1Iege. fn the former case, f took a oourse drl
physlcs because I had to, enjoysd certaln theosetlcal aspects of lt,
but ihe mechanlcal" slde of lt .ras beyond me, and puti,irg into orao-
tice the theories via sinrle mathemati-ca1 co4putatlon, rhile not
lmposslble lor re, "ss still eometL lng merely lo be gotten th"ough
l,Ilth as soon as ,ossibfo and then conveniently for8otten. This
lgno"ance has often been to mT disadvaniage, y* f have never been
Able to regret ii to the extebt cf dolng somethiBg ab ut lt, of
studylng carofully and welf and learning- these essentiafs. In muslc,
it lsBuch the saEe, althoueh f havo e high aDDrecialionnof ihe more
imaglnailve or emrtlonal oomposers. But music i-tse1f es aII a"t is
nothlng to nei I cannot bri ng nyself lo s tudy it, evs|iil ough T
suffer acutel"y fron the resultant tnabilily *d' thus tc bo able
to transfaire into the onlylangtrage possible many tflemes ,'hich often
oass ilrIough my mind/ fn drama: here, 1 feel at home. My high de-
gree of a1oti.na1 instabillty makes ne partlcularly aolreciatlve
of dJa!1aiic poientiallties. At one ilme I ras badly bitten by tbe
stage bug. But that lras paseedi f have subfiraied by dramattsing
myself and my raoods and posing. 0f fitelabr-re: f really k11o]r very
liitle of ilr! I an ..,e11 ve"sed in science-fiction, hlch is a very
,oinor branoh of literature' yet noi, \'elf up 6n the best of ihat.
This, bovever, l-s sore thing {this deflc ency) I am tryingto over-
come by famlllarizing m. self l?iti. rtrore and more of the best in that
llne. In llterary t;ch-nique I an fairLy lrell ve"sed. Thts appltes
also to roetry, alihough in ihat fiold I am far too speciallzed,
havlng c ncerlt;;ted on tLle decadani and impr€sslonist (to -thlch I
-as dra,,rn sheerfy because of its erotic c;nient). xly orqn poetry-
ls falxly good lrEitatlon of imagillatlve' decadent' and lmp}'essionls-
i-ic ver;e-but lacks origiaality 5nd of eFpression. At ono
t1me. I did have a good colr,nand of lmagery but ihat seems to have
beon meroly a firsf, spurt of enthusiaam as .1y fatest poenls { hlch
have been f6w and quit'e lar-tret"reen) have shown a "oeful lack of
i! agery.
-Foi a time I foud myself able to e:ioress my thoughts and de-
-f""rouJth"cugh .oetry, even though it ras pairjully- lmitative and
g.rriitt" e:spi'6sston. For at that ttme, rny idlibittonsfound ''ou1d
--""p"u""ion say ha't 1 real"ly deslred to sav. t have a1''ays
";;-1;;;" diffjtcult for rI;' thoughts have rleen,m're of acapable 'elf ol of
;;iio;i impr:esslons rather than anTthing- clarified.and
ir"nefriiol} into clear terms. At tile s I bave Doured out floods
oi .sords.
-i"arv-i'n"""floodB so over ''helming that the thought 1'uas d?o-irned'
a burnt-out feelliig; my rnly d€sire j-s to be with tbe
qoman I fove and to escape in hei-arms foi the rest of my llfe' It
-ifi"-n*" irteir ,nore or 1bs" desp'iring adnlssion,,yetdreans' true' liy
uostry rishlng and cornlensatlng 1th 1'"ry

a""ire" toa"y take a"haunted; desoeraie !919 b9"1Y::.of my fee1lng.

n6ar1y over '- I long lor E ,lltile frrlfillment I before
ifr.l- ii l" ';hethei it
i"-o""". or not pl' exiitance d>,.termlnated -e41, soon, have
in.-i""i,"g t"ut \rh&t 1ittle of Lo'ndes^"as a-1ve'
creatlve, alarlng, and glorious -ril1 soon bo gone'
l9'{ o
U lt
)-.8 '- *. ol _i..
!l:orjlcsS , r:li_-c,:ress al: aboull. .,c s.,trlir.r:1 . 'riin_l- .ba1...i, l-orin ,,
LLl ;s.',1 .olin:,. er:i4 [],.! :hiclt is noL. .,o iocL: v..inli but .i scc noil:"q]
A. 1..o._ .'^r. '.: f:-:.:- j r, 10 . ..._o:... ._, .. : it_.. , ,.

hoIL. ;'!ri-ge .ia_lai:lst 11c ile.D, to turn ille oil ..! i'::eek il .-a.r,,ea-, to r._1,-
iro4ertllr, ',,o;:r,,r..; iit fovo ,:n., ,.r--ci ci.ri:,.i!eil, ic:,ai,.je iitern i-ir itr i,_.itLasc,-
';c a3 s aur-:r._, ai-Ia _l:! -Le o:i i:rc.1r-:rn..:iina'!. 1il9.r sa.r- iiiete t]ii4ls,;_i -1,::.lli
o1 irrca, i:ley _,lca.ili oI b]:erl , )ie'! ,L s!3 i,l-rcl1 not. I lq_u. i,,; in; c.l -t.r,,,_,
i]r.:r s!e- oi r--'L tj-, Iiet j-n ljjleii. dail;r brjLsj.lesscs irj:ra:" fie ..ra,
Ii-i,. ,l1eJ r..l-- Jtin:o ttt.l ie]1 'cher:r. ltre-., ..ii:tc5 seil -iite:.1 ,o:, .,.iltai, ,iite:r
i33, tui jo? .ll:-,t iire:, s6n nt etci.i t:ie:r.1,c. 'Llle: lie.cou_t tircrrrro*]1r5rtir
over l1,Else bi'rot:I, :jive li:ot:r .16-.1Lia" birc-r io nc! rossesre, ila,u'ilte;j
.glgl_ iheJ* .ro not i:ri::ees, jlt..i: Lhe
jih6-i these lies cc 'aitey Brea,il .,1d all u-.! ..loo L.o c tire;r i-.o not possc;s,
littc-; ticn to Le 1:.res, ::i,i J.eb ,rhe:r'
er.r aassed oVeI. rilo. aIe CO-,r.Ct, ea-Clr : -J:1ts it, |.rlai none cecia.rt:i e.ltirlnst
'-1, :C '., '.C 'e. , .- : ', '. .n , . -.,: a- r -a
i:o abouij tef.ii:i:ra ij.€s , i.lest1e1t, ..11o cr,:clt::-rrn14: ia.le t'.d_: g -r--le: or-
'r1inl:i: ,-n. l:rc 5ut io arala? r- i- -t-I t- rt irr I r l"l iit ; l:r:.,- rt,c i:Loj, so,
--1:.- a.o -ro. :.; ' tln C,c ac e1L ilo .ila thus a:ti lc .mi lo r:ore ,rr
.r!1Lr_t-re:- L_--.ral-itl ,, , !-! ci.,i,r ii, c:.r ac i:iore .l_j-ra-rl sc r-.11.. Eo, ._tar ir r.,i-
-.rosj,, 1s no le-Llir1: ,:!r-t j_ij tlL! t: ao. !.lieJr I i ra,:s ef 1..:,_r._ ;o ,te se-l:,rnj L1e
lret ihcJ,- tiilo : .,.1il l, it i: nol lii:ei.- . iLte tru:,,tr;:.
iirli ,cl,t il1a1, lt i-1 llor, yei r1a ll!-:.:: lc:, rc:-sc:tl 'r1. o- i1i,t c,11.
ahe ,rho-ie ,:rorld about ne is sellina these
lies. lhe io :iteil:
b s ir es . es an,L i e. l-i ,. .ne) .1-L i, .:n-s i"r ,. ih.-n tlr :o ::,c ,.oliL,
l-o"- r^11 "o l-_,oo, n. I t^.r. .h-.',
"-o ic ea, ',ilc o c aie:s
l.!lt arc tell ot: ilrdfve t1:.e6 tho real value oi il,-c 'ai?oa-.uct, ind rrhis i:r
i i;l.i,rrr', i]-:i; , ijile:,J :r_!', t]1iat t Llc" Il1.-i r,r -r:ri b.r ro ',ilt:. i ir r:r:].!:ra.rr
. o o r - '. -'- , "t 'i : ,: .-i - 1 .: .-

Ll..:- cl: i. r._ I I I tr. .ita t,t., .r... r.:: j: lie ii e. j_:te. ii l_ r:rl
ro -r.j-v.r i] tit Lais, -r .rxri -io. i c.n hcfa a sli:-ir' jo_3;
rc_-.rrr1a) rliril'.:!ir-ala:_ -:::cltiil. .:orl.i ior ]rh. lo !rs- :riti;anc.r l,lle:i :-li..r.. 0r

-f ...i o .. .t ._.. _ .
rrjai --ie. -f ,riua:i r'!o i ::i.:i, 'tl:i!- ca.ti r :_-c, - u1i:j l:
..:-|:ii f ::t:. I i,.r_,.:.b : i.._-i_
i:1:: i.::a,c:- t:r. i, I s.rt lrl]! i a;i not. I r::r.-:.i, cla,i|t _ra,.,ai.s .nr .ltrli:le. , i,,:. ..
_. ) j. -... 1.,1..: :-
.'5,-' irc,_ f i.[r-st .i..-,i 'l ei], I r'j.r ii1t.,rjs.te.-: il t.rc c,r.;, -ocr,e buoioe'ss, l:nci i!
7oi:-::Lir.'e, f rti- li t::.1:i: . i1;u?o. 1 j,-l_ :r.iuel ...i:; j.rcc..s, aa.i ar.-,
r-11.' f-',',/c :1":I :-cocle. ,,in! ti:i_],'ta :oi.i ai!,,,. r s:..I _,- :. Ui:- ttr-.:i :.rra. rr.--,,c ar
1,..r;: inco:r: i:r-!i.. cin a. lri: l.lcri:e a.:til ,; cini,e.'. or,.;,,,'tJ,'::.,, f ,:ar-r.-t. 'l--; e
lli,t :ri:,n tllat rn.I, b!-i Lr-,..,ri :, c:..Ir, ct: :11 t:t]l r:.). j. I lriL:..].1'.1-asJ ic:_,a-/3!,i:1:i
rrrr:'ii, Dlri.,: rry,:-rii-rr'i in ..i:".::.... tr-,, 1- ..,1 -i : r:ci 11 i:: -:.r.-r.r- .iil:ourJ
r'ci.l r. enn:rr:, ki1-L :1.:r. c1i 3o tlt:..'r '-.j:r ..r!it.-ihi:
tt- sltaL i,1::,r l]va. j.ri:,f u,_ii ts
';rr::-br,-s-i4.:;i cr,,i.r' c:: c.,i-e.;.. if-ic .i i:o
'c ]1o,;, .l llr:.1r bc. rr.doiJ,
I]vin.j .a:,:ei.:r i1 ar,'a,1,i,, :.., :i n:., aoiij!itli. li-. a,I-: ltoata ir:tccIt ii, ti.'

rreafs L.-r-r' tl!'raln a-rri o:; toot, .tooa.., r:r:. a:ila,i icnca r;:,et9itej r.r_r i toll.O.:.'
.io-, c:,1 i.. :r,:tt't Lrl,iij l1!n he i.L1: i tc,rc.Je hi j -L1le io crre tini
-.h:,-s e o faic, oae '.ii)- ri"tie :aaei c1' Llr:r'1. rr.'oie ir L.ri
rlc ]{l.-xfirti :i:'r ::i]i s c i;r ih:tt ii Blt:il I oocr..r;r itiiti Lt ,..Ll .i_,-.;. ,-o t.r.1 I
:a.11 .1,o tii3, :14 :ii1.: a'..!e rr;o1t ':j,r -,j .:o:j.l! l.s I c1. -La'._, siti_I.: oc: ou i;
]ic.1 i]!a :i:_1,: :irri ,..1 rr-t'oD :gg srriil , 11o 1r;; iJ]r:, rto L_r,: -i. L_ -11,.:r=1,:,-
.':e:1ot la ll:'or, ri_.,t 3t!1r_, 1J,"-:, ,:,tr_ ,--rc', ;ror,. t.tatn at Or..etltii1., to I cr. , r, c tt
€. .: .!L ..i)). r:l::ticff atta Jiif.i -r.,'

::i, :i 'e io rrar tl1r.. i,1iiir,, i:.' :€ L',a -,rat l:il:, o.rr_:.ielyec in
,!, c-' jlLr,.i re ii..] lj-v.j, l:o-i 'u]]el1 c.;1 :c lin-e €_i, a.1..? .ior t-..,. t ollaL irj
i):aiaii L-)f:i a. E.,'rir,l -1":.t a,O1il:iailS illai Otia i:ia-]1 it:iaJ.:. a'ri o.j J Ot,ie:., atre
rl!a! s.r:1r .1.ive rJ:i '":.]:itta., fl,oiit anoi:r--r. L,re ,:,*r;r sl:!..11 .ilva j.j-.i.,.I't:ii.!i:l
Li!01 ,,11D! rher tii,J1 solieihilt:r .r:!..i jje ilc-o:s nci, ol, 3o:ittiiitt. iL c is ii, Lit
lcrs i:rl,:-r 'h:i! !!isr othe: iti.r3 i, tja.,:, iof iN, irnc eit::_t-f -L!.re 'ijjr' selli:-ra itrc
o-lTci 'lr,rote 'ahj-]]-.: itLtat alL incr ilusl i-tavr: , le :lta_i. :.1:; .;i:c:lo::,.i iro:l
hj-c l,lO!1ili::nti ;r.1. rttO-;:-iir:a l]le:iio:,e ita:-l ',jr,ij C,lat,, j:ta, Cf:.e JCl. --:..; -O-;ir.
.l',]1a. trr"l orlie:r -.c ,lj 1liit,'O, ttiia sl.siaila-l1oe, h. iro :ru.i __1ta .tJ -!-r11,,
i.', -, :'r,a;ii, i,:.tr1 aaeis .aja :jilrl-, :iiltacla: it ,:ro:t: 1i:ii ua oi:L .l!c .rJ1ls 1:ot,e ir:lr_n
:'d -,1 9 .ror.rl| to h:i:: . ,o: eaij .:o:, I .,-.i, t!r.,n, lina.. f i LlLa ltr;,otit, :rol: a
sui'i e".
I cro :.tct grr- ,e:a no 1:, birt t;rtc Iiiiu:e l: t avoita-i ,.i.1-r t:111. : aio ita,,
ief tnln':, "r e;.iorr(i 'a.]1a1! cosi, bocai..!e - <).c i-.r)., :+r-rc ,cO no,:r. Eui ;r],::te r;i::it,
3r_.ii1l'/ i a_c t1at .ri..,lt io :cl,r i:1111:,r, : ila:a llo 1e-I 1;ltj.n:r, :L jt::va ltr:lfi
.rl-i iirina: u:r ro 'ii1ai, t .lo :rr,rl ia :,at_ru. i tc t:e, f lt:r.ta li_ais. f h..!e il1er,1
-.ilii r b11_l,n1nJ inirenijtj.ij suclr .3 t)r rjt .._ - .trl:L! l n ti'L:.rj!):l, Ii. , i,itcr,
- -llli r:iseii'a.:'i-ir9t1 !c rcii, i:,1rrl:i: aisr..,.jo:,: -;,t rr._, ,rl:inl:l .i,o :::an5 -i.:,r1e
-lron r .iJio rLoi, ,....,i-';:.t ;c -i:lr tlrat,- t_l:in'i ! ,lto :.r,: _.-.1ie , r,n.: iltrt ,;he
.:1o ato iaiae, ho':i c!:r -l- aI -1 !- i -to'in c't.t : I .,-.ej.l" ilin(.,aj tte11 -Loali a
ulron rlc iri a:! tc.rlai, c.t -liaE. !c:, e.r -,n ii.tolir'rll i:1.:: g=qqia thart, llo,; i.-ces
';l_ra, c:cu,ae i-i ;:'11. 5;11 rr1ni.? ,o I :,,(-. i : ..i1a ii ,':ce't.i;.E_ or.; c-i _:.:.,
.:caor-,:-ii io na icu rLJ c D ? ,.rr Ic _f I iri.i?
t'c :rc- ilc.--:-.:to 1,.-;:re_i ars : .1:-t,, I : ,rl1c lto.r s ici_:Ii]]-
ar.c:i:.., iloi:trit:: a\- ,:tc:1o:', !c a"c j; a L lit o:raa1, io lillc. -r.l r i,.r.-u : a, ii-r.,1lt 1s ..,1:Lcr-lc6, bu.t lta ir :roca, is si..clt ll ::::,,:tcnci:,
,i:on ir i:rei,a nC ri.cltc? - 3ou::1t L,rlr_ i s.ci1i ._:1 ac..i3i1iir:.
f -::ve iorita. so:1a-tr1j_nrj.'iitara tl:a -r.rcD:La .llc too .1..4:r. ,J11cle :.-rc liole
.:l:Lo too iee.l L_to i:,iaia cj' itl:: :::t:1ic, i'ca_i ;\a it.. ato roi;elrrir:_s .ir(l
r a:ljrj..;. a. i,r!. ,1Xs, iire.'i 11:ve ro11:l!:t .r.,on,3.i, iitcn;cfvcs ,:t1(j ila.y.
i c-ri.::.r i, in lr']elt, ir..]1J rnii ,,'ari-- i ir..t -'a, :nl11i:1o:ti" ilnrre .'-.rrrlla rrir..l-
ilt..," i::c. rr !L :c:: ai_.E .e?s e::_i1-i ic ,l..aac , eJ_.ira:ie1,. r s io
:: -!iie i,a.ft itt a see oi 1!|::. So.ri i rl..EJ€ ,:-'tl _r i:_-.iso r.::it!:.,
iJ-.sai- irr- rc1 "..or1a i)!i:1isou, ;)1r.i-tt oi :a!-tir rfr.-!ii: a-11., rt.-i:rlir tilL:l:]la :t:t ri.i_:
i,r:rl, ,:a-.'aer,1 in Lra .-ater. .-ri:ter.o ;ou::i, ii:-:i i; riiiri .r Looa., .Lr,_'), : o11..,i,
ajre:. ai o.i ihcm.. :..r,:rlll-rl) .o!fa:, o sl]j.taj, or.!.t, r,x o:: :lt.e r iia.,r s ttl u:_l
:9:i,-1, rur n!; a:.: ,. u'r..1;.i) a 1i.:ra a:1ai ,a-t.clt.ii, -!Il: lt:r :: t:-6tEt.: rir.e!cb:,.
i:lr.c .riri"i'o c-i ii noi c:1..aha.., r'u:r b;' r. t.:airro.l :heue..r : -:c 1:le of
1'._--.,errco-r:l ,!.s ol.),r1: laLr:. Jris :;iiet:, ::t,,ilri; tli. :..,r3e oj Lc':it:rir-t r':ib:rtir:e il
1e"La iri-h lll:, ii1c to-Liari,at ci i'il:.l,toaa-., ti r]a.a.nij i_t: aital,a:i i-raa .orril,o
oi'!c';oi,i a.: .J1-_ i,Lc a_ra . oa l . :,.h c t.... t .1o !c {:iJied. ii t..; lj:sl1
,!!ir,a.j :i.rr, :.,c:r'.ie Li l.:-ha! -r:icas i]]ax t!e aar-L a _i- qia!a:ct1o1 oi, i-r.-l:c.
iji r'r.r€.ill ;ir..i! ,-.1.cos rI - -r![ Ii]1o.-:i _,o-;r: ,Jt:.i , .ti:, !:1. iioo!: ..-ia.rn
"i:re!airon .'ln:is -:.,.ai tualt_rl'Li:: Ii r:s:'r 11 at-a-- 1tltJ:,t :,:1..rri ite
- c - o : -1 : - -, . -l .f n^-. ....i
ilora i,rusN iia itf ct.crai. io tr17o. ,:rr; ]r,.r, r,-o, o::L blta __, |:lroiled ltcr:"r: s or,-rj,r
irr- ',r:o:iictivr c...r|.o;iies, _iuii:li-r1_, t:r :inl, ;i.:r.irr-, ]ju; 4ot:!i, io tael .t:a:
1lo1r3 :o irL ' :a:, ?e:i::le. !.o 1,11 -l Lr-it ! iL, iiri-.- i ', l).l-t: aV, r;:Uitinij
-'o !:.--.-,a o-. j ,- o 'o I c'_,. .
-a;. 1t-e .;ircn Jir: l- ae1,r i . tjj in i!" it.j_f . Er.n i-; a.;1t lre licne . It i3 ,ar..c aia.lle
i: t,, :, .- li (]Li rli i,i-: a e.
,irie iar i,ll.r ,:oria_, .rlicrt 1:1o:! .: :.ra.1 ilo live ]ti-jl c r: -ij'e. tc arcsi:l
i:Lil -isj4 o -r: ar'ea,ii.3. i;o :.olt3ejr jro lavo llis 'au::ne !a ..L jrorr_r5 aj i!o !rt-:i and
nr--.11r, ! r-oi; l.r1d r',c],.r-:e ilo tI..L, .. firJi]:E !r.:5c-tooci :;[.r be ,-.ct, -,c.;re.iiC".
i:c fo:t.,ei' bo !,reil , ijlral !c1'ri.'e a.g it:i_roit ais onc ca:n. i,-r,.r lo" D,l, L j-,.. it-tur.;
ai,. .-rr_.ia7er 1s a-:i,.re:i:-Lc ';o ai:ri:, ,n(" :lte:1 to livc. :o -r.:.r,c aatat a rear:1, .!o
r'?i j: .:na l,r ini, :1a litt:: I ralc lore, Lo i,tt;1'::;. Ej1i,, tc
!-r.e,r i4 r.,eace, ,11a. io ea.i ir c otx, oi.t :::iltou:r tre .o:r_r,;. otL, ;ot1es cnl;,
..rgB 1t !a l_r.rcc:9a:,;r. .rot:. i1., nio:,e than ia lt.c,-9s..1-- i,o r:ia^j.a. :;ot io
s..1. . ,1oi 'ro ile . :.e sli.-.ll s:.: t--is -i3 ro :- -o. '_'L 1ir j:rc,J i:Lole, jl!_,n
o"::.1 ijcie]liiilltat !-!e no,.: uDot-! fiotl.t,:1:1- ,j.La-t rl-L- rt. L!e, a.1r r{]l(y,
'-,13n i! is .ra1lc, t1a -loa:e:t 'j-L- Lriii i-j lr,- lrt: a.:, |:. it_-:a ,)aitc?. i,r,-.:r,r:s
lii;rroili a lilr.ia:,i l-..-.'.,.!ti s, i,to ne i str..:Li i.., iire .-,lo_t o-,a. ..,iihoui
irr cr.r c.::1aeir:n'l iltr t:.: ):i fies,
Jlri or it-ia,:3 aj- :.r-: 1o]-tl, o!.1, ar.i' l le ch,tcrj i::ati :it ,uorrjta, S l te,
tir..-i .ailr :l r r-t is.: :t!r i]]e,!a ci.i.s ::llJ jiiltl.:c i,a ls .-l io. a.:-.a. s.l: riaii,,
ci1'; o;. arr 'al:lii:, a:.:aT : :i- la ;a-L; itta.:'1.e a 'rr,- . ,-i.-t . -.tia a,f. : tj.l. :t:
a _ai'i i.-,,,i-- ltrr- :'eie.:.tec-i rc 'al|c _irio oi' -r!.toa.ct.. ;i:it1.r!. _'c- c :::!ca :o
c-i :ls,'te aIla :j?egai, :-t.ia; ',.tt;r 11 -:ia3 _ic- :rc ilor l_i7es. jlc !i1o:r e sita_lf
i:.a)l'c 1e on--:r a ic ::c,t - -r.- - .i:n-: itt Loais a tlai cfr:i,.tt-3 a:na.- t:::111. ii.,li-
j](lil .':'iir , a,r':rtr.:i _.--'-ani,-- iL:, l. t:1: !-. jl;- :.::113 ,;t a;.- rlail :,--_ivrr".
!ro -lc,ga:. irjie, lilt ;l:.r:,. Bi::.:1.. l- 11i tlcn, -jtcl3 t:i91, r.Ja:l t,t - rta-_:r:r,
:,1i]:oi'.i, r'.'r-,.ralooa. oit iiL--lu r:t.,i1a s .-j.i\c..ra itri:.::r -tr ai,:,io_o. ctr ttt..l:r
s.r,-,., i.jdn_ ay:r.l cvji, i:tt!t-; at i..,j: r:t:.ta, _rl..,ujto ;,..- l_-. nc,_ , i .n-
a.L:rc rrc: _ac, Lrui ol iillr c:t:cl :::tlt . ":J tc -r -:1.i:, a11,j o its._-t_"- j!,,to
. : . ..- -- :. e- - ::1is:.-. '. : . ::.1. -., "... -:1....
lici ::::-r,r jct :1a, ltuit .-.!t s Lr, ttf . to;1.1. ;--urir, : t .:ioli: ccLtu,jta:.r, rlLltri
Orllr o".j-:' -r1a]1eit. rir: .,:o"_t.l fCt, 1 l-, 1)1t: :Ct,l..t, .:1a . )ac.l,a.. , r,..c,r,l:. .t,:c,
l'.e .;, ;.,co ii bcL:.", i-tae:it1:xan r:t,ira it:' :..lserroc!,.. atr.,a:,a lo::io:,1,o :!
-r;liil. !l1e ilerl ;1 in! lrlr ;O .er ;o '.11., ::ctil.]:tr C:: . ;:1 : ..a!,laI t.ll
!o er !o:;,-e ijov,'!cie !

I,Iovc+be" B, f957
:.]7 0-f t c Soviet .evo.rlrrion, t,1.
.i i'st DLy oi ..1e -i cntl tL .-1ocL'.
1'o r:.olk f?
', .o.a

si ee.I, lcr girders,
'LeI and TeI, ,ords
Iio, these a?e the narnes 01. bits of rape!,
non buJ alld sefl for Dl,ices.
Anci :rith tllerr on end riee and falL
lrioes up, clay is glarc
ir]]lces oo.'/rl, cr-a). is baci
Anci hor4e tney go * dirsk
to the1" rlce conrrfortable houses
ihei.r butlers s_nd, a,1.t daou+ters and beds and aebs l.o! beos
they_see lt-1e ,nlays and oneras, tf"7 n",...'-trr" I"" l:reet
!Ople. nOU..h | '-ra ro),ctS. ra.Lr..u.x Or]n,, .}lu ;O"i";"1 tj_ne
ino _n Dt,e ro- or c: iL :_f ov-r - to S-eFD

And I an standlng liere eelllng .lr"'r

tcn -.1-ed.s 01 --i), L- j iV. oI JZ_.7
s-:: D.LL- 'ive _.een s: n. V, . .V" {-lL}
ancl Ja,o anci ship arli then;galn
To buJ ii and irslle Ii b6ck
!n.i others .-/ork cver lt
drab dark dul1 trlachines
hu]trnrima anc s,Dia].rlng
. r,.point an- p a"king
se.vanS EnL ste3nting
Lrub at-Id Er.ub
eat r;]d eat
c4ab and chat and chal and .,,aj.t I or ti-re pay
and troop home, dis int ed..
To r.c .e.r, rro :,, !,r -.. ,,rr t.,is
Is :;11, ,l:,,;=,, in and da-jf out alld Aay agaln again
and acain
over and over ano over aSain
nevel ,Jone
neJLr_ lone, 'oin. _o:n., doin.,
aPP 1n._, r]rrpoin.', .,a')1il
o-' sliranJ, s9 rln.r r se,rind. l,
s c .vhht ?, don't g'.ve r flal.jn, r,. e" oonrt

-L!'S rork, a roro, ,
'oc1 ls t _o-o.
rj1eJ fctto do it.
.;orl, :,_ -oneb.:n erro s. io.(ci to d.o
lle loh .al^l- r.ood, ..- do:1 't..7._n! c-eadr, .-..a!t oe...
ior. lhe 0h
no. It I s-Day?
the volk -Je ,eni
1,'e 10ve our l'rork
i:! ."!, the pr7, t:hs not tile hou"s, iis noi ihe lulr :fterre.rds

sel1 cotton
then s ai
..-.1 I'-11 siarvc to tieath
'xh.rtl s lhe dil ie. enc e?
;hat iiorr-lo be gained 1l:rat :?ould be lost
J rcrk to ,{ee! on .roy1.ipg
lL donr t 'rork , so 1 soon sioD -.?orklnq
so ihat? So lihicll, So ror"r, why fl]lergr 'r:-!en,

not tlrae,

I can do neiiher.
Il I i/ork, l trave securlty, bui my nind is tired. anLi riry body
r cln.iOL r'.te. c b-.L1Ot c- a be
If t oon't 'rori<, t h-ve no securlty, m]. rain(i is scared, rAl'boaly
s l6ck
- carFn-ot cre. Lc, c.--rr or 'ri!e.
S€curity, !1us iYork, pitrus time.
Is tilere sucb a thing?
Can I leve riy calre ol1.i eat it?
T5ey te11 ne so.
1,,ymind s ay s -v e s
Get the men or-rt oi'the.rarket
1,'ipe eB out, iorce en ouir 6et en out,
lhese inen l irav e sevt:r seen, se-lLlng bit3 ol ra-Der I lano'ir noi of,
lihat are copper and sireel to me.
Yet tne€e r,en lost rq job Jlo! ne.
jlor i-s diflLculb to say.
They stil,l .ro1'k.
lt3s rD. obscul'e lit':fe job lrhat rlent
ExpiaiE ib if you c6r .
Some can.

fliey say get them out,

Letls run things ourselves
the s sme pay
hou1. s sl-}orier.
1i.airle men ir! the stock
eventide the pain racko.l agony of an empty soul and a purposeloss
1ife. ,,,rhat is one t-o do .rlhen tl1ere is notling to do - '/hen therei:nrs is
no;lring to do - nothing lYhlc'o mea]3s thBt of the thous,nos-ol nor". on\,---'- inf
the ?orld ihai mll-lons of people a"e d.o Inf,g there is absolut'e-Ly think
ii.i"g inut at ihis tlme and- no ent thts partlcular indivlolaI c6n
or d.;slre to do - perha,'s l do not mean desire lorpleasant there is nuch ihat
remotel$ cirilts th;ou€I my mincl that seems io be to tiiink of
aofng ilit tbe:i'e is noCtring tnat at the EEEtkx rnoment i oonsciously want
to dJ or have the active iYill to do - i ritght $rtte a siory - a story $a,
ol f1o:rers ard Exolying green things for 1t ls spring - and but -,.rhat is a siory -
rnust i oeeds t tlte u f,f6t and have a hero a character r'ust he d-c
a:rd ,.,ront soirti:ing - if so that is not -,'.hat i itaht - f or my st ry
vrould spEarr only og the paisive qulet -1 that 1 nyself vant -
jusi the lrild
greer: tirlngs of'nafure - or else migbt Yrlte a felrter bo a friend but
ivhat sirould 1 say that 'vould make it ;vorth my ''*1i1e and hls to read lt -
why sboufd he reld. my idle thoughts has tle not these ihoud1ts ol his or"n- aild
be;ides how is one ria11y to share the thoughts anc. innel.nost feelings
snother - but al1 this ie besff.sde the l.olnt - my time is oi no accollnt -
Uod]. helf-Iunctionlng relth thlck head, and tlred heart - "rith no
ournose at a1]. - no urDoso at s1i. .'.aat the heli is l"rork anyvay. 10EY
i;oni,:. r,!fiy ilHr r,i1lY. rN GoDrs liAliE I,,IIAT Is AtL Tllrs Alml0il??????

I M ol tb. oDLn.Lon thsl'n s-- -^e btog/"o- sccoursr _.!F tnteFl'ts.
€v€.cbes snd verrtonq or ftn3elc ond o' Jobr MlcreL hal o6en don'
bor, tror rl6ms . 10 -, ei.Ie", 10 onc has pea, dt 6n ltst I 4o!'. t-Idlq!.b
a rrulv accurar€ or coDDtate Dicbw6. .rd.-d:r; r"@ted L13t
"r oel1loss
a o'ctirre 01 M, nud b6lnJ is . oos_ ,. olor"a nlca- bI_rl!. ,.
f,ox1d oo.\ops,aoxl_e con.:_6d -' 'e 10^r ol t" bdsL -"Jc\o_ool"l6,
Bocior .r60rerIclMs, I.res'lrsLo'5, D rqrs, ll'€ cor'srronsr ror/Ins
€lc .o E'v6 slcl sn accou" oi tr' L!u' !e oulomd.!: ol''een
olnalr indlvldL. Ard Fv'n .hen 1bo
l&oes r6oi itny beccEacy orr false 6ssmDtio! nlr,trt not creop 1n to
ubset such a c;lculdtlon. I d not Eo bola as to edsellt that illchel and
[;ee1f are orn€r !n:i reolocf ond"'ri oerson". i c34 on'vtl s8r Lhoc as
r'ouShLs o' ' 6 eubr:cL ' r" conc'lred rorlo se'n
to ne thnt'il€ in nsy xespects it {ould bot bo ttue to cla1n that a€ eole I do
ordtlaly. have, I, nanf, a3Dects that 6re out ot the ordlnelr.
oot ned to bdve thtE u.derstood t. 1n any vaT s1er1tlbg that theoe
asDeot. ale Edv'ntag€ous, they ey lrdeed bg handlcdps, ftults, fllas,
oi Nhat. on the That
other hand they ra, be v1rtues, Ii delends ln thlsc6se
olt1rely fr@ egle you obs€rv€ the 1nd1e1dusl. Slnco ovoty leadsr
of thrs ls hIlserr a aocl;I uti ln a dlstlEct soalal at@EDhere' each
mst ihelefora see tho oth6! flom riltfsrent lac€ts thM d, other entitr.
5lh€so lacEts na, dlflo! tn the t1a16st degreo 1n some ersonE, 1n othe,s
oI Do16r n m'rnd.. T\e- N6t oo u.6r"tood' l'r''n t\ts
D!r!;'e 'n:e vor t. slie qjl4s sode sugeesL.Ions oi
i d! oa v 'trooln'"
on Ns€_I bnc a r-lend or f!l"ros, rt Is a-!t,6n prr
's.!l! c" .! o?r
oer.;tL, no r:nd-D/or -o co1ve, notnlne t'si I do ror lFBh.
t have beon doscrlbed as b61nE radlcal, o. 's betng e Eontus.n6 f hav€
been telned a deop thiblr6!, ln faot frtends sonetlnes ref€r io es tb6
da.nesi ihhLe, of the 1ot. E havo
1s"' bee! iold thai I hare tne ab1lltv to
.6rc€1ve "alnrs co-Df i"l!.Lo F roLAb Lhlogsr' ," 0lo'St"reco! d6!'d
tr' 1i. sre-!-1E o. J€ sir'tlo- Lnet'd 3ol -oeruolnG, sqbrad bX
e@C1ons. h!srerlcs ,l , lmo3, 'nd , a' "er'ty nore ot bocine odo(Ie'lca1
Iool aa a;r!._tn' e'so. llrc"- asser cs ttuu , M 3e_l-1' LIn_. sn0!'d
sole-e bv colo re6sohlne, ,.!e_ ht"r'!Jc,. w 3 otso, Mo erld:r!-v no"
borlru p foo.. toouL NneLn6_ h' consrders 16 '-oL'"' l^3r I oM 'ot
.""".i:i.""! .;.;; v:" ." @. \o- dJc]l' - .o'n1 o,tlrolo do r rnol
,""tt t""". llerDotrisarivs..' e ac'u.'ll-'.u rrov o' rhe \6!
che, neM"" rla, Ll6r sa!, o! ;t,-- Irceeo r..w 6vet "alo Lhet. At the
;';'"";i i.;;;.;;" io n' Lh'i tb'.1 's iel. ei'rrue. !!or'1't'roae.
irere l nlstakon, the, ""'=nl$t draw conorulons.
Flrstlv M I ;rhdt could be temed a doeD thlnlrer? I havo !uzz16d o{er
thai conllderEbly Erse1f. I fled<lv adiilt thai the .d6stion oi the -
re1-itv6 deoth or'slLr-om€3s or nr lnlnlrlrg ir .o-stlor Lo -\'deoLh of
oLn€ls 0,s bo€n to -6 0r Fsr3 o"st - bhat ls e/cl "'nco
i iii"u.**" or>!'rh t oEn'rs rcearo'd"b€ ss oe"' t'tMr'r' ro DUt tL
."i; ;"" : i b6c@ a?E-' Lnai c€-i;'n -oso -t:ors Lo e orJtr c '^u-er'h o
-;;i.i";. ro ae beco'e ocl.-rne srrer '''t'o'
i;;;. or,"" r,",o h,d Lo i.c€ Ile ne\Ys 01 ac'1ons o' d'ssonistrc
a;;-;;i;'i:;";d o u;ser t\6 r:!s, '-'L-I" o- -rns- olMs't {o-10 3""n
-0.'l - 6lor. B'-soed Lh€ rno'' sld-Ir:'dce of C!' chbng6d ser-uo "_o
crasDod !1!st ?hat paths could b€ taken to renody the sh1ft. !:h't v6s nv
€ri,e!1ea4o 1n th6 IIYBISA. Baat was wh€re I ftlslr notlced thet, I aalDed
e loprltailoE s@Eg thoE for bo148 a consllratu preclsely becase 1
susFetreA ftm,ctloD In lnsLso€s fl'6!e lhe posslb.Llltt ot su.h Ectton
\ad IEL'never oocu6d Lo mr oLhor n€ro-rs, I ^rsnLly Dlzrled DyEelr
eh6n I oJter rad -o ei-o.ta.Lr , r r6sson.Lne,, noinr out th; actor" (krom
to nbe otn€rs bs sod es rhoy h-d o.coE6 flosn Lo n s6-J) bsst led oe
to the declElo! I suge6sied. I leas futhe! dazed to note that onl, vely
raloly in such lnstucas ?e!e sy s!qt*i@ altesatlre plms suggestea
@d dft€n 6.ous} 1, ruch casei I could lin6dlate1r.6!ce1ve il.?s h
tham that had lot boen notlced.
rot ttele xele blres .he! Dy old 3tnp1, b-^eous
sld otb-r !18ns l'd to be'o ordd. ll t'ris B cr'ouo un, 'rc, soiL
ot turn has occulod orte. ato!€b yet ny t!1eids 66en E6ve! to actua11,
take lt into acc@tr The iendency to reg6rd n6 as lnlalllble has thus
f6d thm lnto bad turs r&en thoEe ctp.Eslons elise rhen I la11 to

I @ of tJao oplnlon that lyhot h.pp6ns ts that I m sfleyod by both

dEr.d 6notlon .hd !6asoD!ne. But fhstly 16t r€ 6*p1aln qhat I thlr!.

I tl1lnL almosi colt1nuouElr, Do oiherst Ey braln froikly la11_ to

complehond hov otber hMans c!:n iel1 to do so, or m 'L confuslre lyords?
Do peolIe nerely eatEi, Ehd thlnk orly ln the sense of consclousness?
1lhen I say ihlnk hele do I nes the .rocess of loaEonlEl o! the fact
of coNclou6ness? I believe tlut rhat f ned ts a sort of acute
conlclousnoss cou.led {ith e alnost i@esEsl, but often s,lftly fllclr€lhg
leasonlrrq lrocees, I nay ihlltr of dozens and dolens of dlfterent thlrleE
1n a sholi tlfte. I can on the other hsnd Doido, ed iu! ove! a s1E81e
sublect 6! ny nlnd lor severef days . I do not ned of c se thinll
of notlhlng .lse - alf thou8hi lE flick6!1n9, 7€ slnply do not end cm.ot
tlald< of one tt1lhg foI as lonei as fifteen elnutos aod e:rclud. du1!g
that tlie every othe! 1t@.lV€ t€nd t. tt1lnk 1n Bhort bursts. Iow'rhen
I sal Lhat r E Itu b.1ost .onr lnuaousry, I n6d @ 'or
:a.l oC b, ttEA I Dn oc.Jpi6o !'1. EElrl !no- h! !.obreB,
Iiot ld1e thttking tn the of DleaEu€ c!66tlons o! questiols of
inedlate day-to-dry nlnute-to-miDute actlons, but rroblems ihat do not
conc6ln n6 .elsonltly aB ld as nJ 1lvhe relatlonshlbs ele cohcerned.
f fed that lhee 1s a cortsln confuslon of rolds he!e, Thts entlr€
arilo1€ ls mllenedltated. I fea lt tg plediptated by d emotlon -
a mood. On the other hldd I have no vay of kno rlng vhe e, that enotlon
or f,ood Is .ot 1n !n producod as the pronuoi of a lorlq strean of
thouslts srd leactlons Dt1l.s uF tn my mlnd?
sufflce lt to say ihat rrhen a elv.n _robfen nrises, I lutomatlcally
oonslder 1t, I 6xaidne 1i, I t!tr' to flnd out iro, tt oEe, md trhat
d6 the cualltatlvo v6luei ol 1t, try to flnd out alf rosslble Jactors
lry to ilgur6 out trhai ould happ€n to lt ude!
thlluencl.g tt, andqlen
all c1lcletaDoes- 1d6te@1ne $hat it is that I vould doom the
best soluilor for n6, tbo best solutlon fo! the lqedlaie lnsiooe,
the best tor the long m, trhether both are the sEae o! d1il6!ent, lf
dltf€leni vh€th& th€y cd be conDloE1s6d, 1l th6a c6rt b6 comprohisod
rhat set of Et! n6n plobIen3 arlsire flon ihe sotutlon nigjit be eole
ea611, soluble. Afie! alf these aspo6ts have run tbouci)l ny head rapldfy,
o! saagnodloally ss the.rse na, b6, end I dlz]1t add lor th€ m6t !5!t
ollte automtlcElly ard @olsclousfy , I state a rotutlon.
I d6 n.t ldrr rfiBther othels do all th1s, I sonettmes doubt lt.
It ,ou1d bo ta.13o to asse6 fron that deEc!1ptlon tlut I d
hn€rofore lo"lcal s@ €Le!^s-tlJ s d-€. tnlnre!. -t m s-so -?aJed oy
!@ €cotloa. It slDJtd b€ oolnbed @t Lhus ,\3t lb r.-s6 co-,Ea-Ions,
rh'ch bJ L eo!! sbo--d b- l.rrled out b, colo oecb4lsrtc togtc, I a;
oJ Uen -a-al!!lrA cdo'lore1 fecLor3 Lo l' l,.nco rt o /6.1o16 re sonlnes.
fh€s6 factols In ]@, cas€s day not be rotually recoBBtzablo as such
EtII loDC 6Jte! th6 aq{t solutlon has lork€d thr@ghr 'rhat oxient
the. o',J reesonlng Jon6l ,r.tor" o ,e.son?
I do nou knoy. I oell€ - Lh.L tL" ouortI"T Gltterslnsie"d
occorotn6 ro n11-
@od of ihe momeni.
then a declslon ls at in {hlch I have coneclous}y or
uconEciouslJ used enotion-fcctols to a e.iont ihan .oBdl,
that decislo. Is alrcsi a11sys de.Aerous,€9€ato!
!o! 1t is the leeson abd
oaaE6 of those e!ro!s, ol those siI1y, or rong acts or doclslons or
st6tenent3 that I have mde.
A com!6t6 ei@p1e \y@Irl be ihe dfl'at! ol the aAlA electloh
last y6ar. I vas deflnltel, belng Elay€d by enotlon factols lro d
ovelsh6u&qe extert. There wele certath tactual ltens tlEt lead io
ny actlons, lr\ri rX eDotlonat state 6i that tlme 'ras verX greatfy
kejed up sld i1ml1g s!1116d over eltlrely.
lhus here lB loe x, hs'set€cr or nys61f. lhoi I
.or.l'de thE t ss. -r1€ I nore .ho-o€hry th olrers
do, 5ut tJut due to the str€ss of lile aAd extraneous 1ten6, the!6 ale
lellods Ib by 1Ite l,hd enotlonrl noods sray ne to a very great 6xient,
8no {he. srcr @o lonsl currenus !u nlgh rn nt, 6! de-'slons rJ b
t1--oonslr-i6d ann o.sed lpor tuEt 6u!.osed ?h.!ch ls ac a-ty
flero onotloa d1sau136d a3 1oglc.
dut tb€- rby 1r tl1e ''-q'plDce shou-d T ceocon @!€ deep r rls
oL66r.? .I^c M-1€- -',.t- be oud ln my c11'@oo. 5c 'nd-ed L.- ,sJcho-
1og1c61 ansr6! ,111 be to6d anyqhefo. I m not eolng to c1a1n sEythlng
odd about my chlldnood, I u neret.I golng to iay rrnat the conse.uen.6s
tn tho flrst placo I d DhXElcallX Arnsy - s1@e 1l1ave e slleht
touch ol left-hddednosE inherlt€d iron ny hatelnal tuestryr lllnd ,our
I @ not loft-hsded, E ah dlBtlnctl, rlght-huded. But tto !e IE a
st!€€]c of eupDleEsed lett-hendedneEs 1E ny 1!her1t€&6. If you do.ot
coEplsh€nd hq/ such a thtrA c@ be rnd :Iet lesve ne nqtually llEht-
beded, I ce only sueg€st a study ol blology irhlch ls rrhele ihe facto!
cfa!1fied ltselt to tse . X6v6!ihlo:s due to thls tacto!! I he.ltate whea
called upon -,o n6!e sudden 6 lit phf€tcal d6ci6lons. catchlne a ball
ls eotual1y 6uch a dectston, and every tlme a ball vas tlEora to Eer
I hosltsted befo!€ naklEg tho p!op€! nov6s to Interc€rt 1i. as a result
I keDt sottlDg lt1t befole I daught 1t, f,rth6! lt @st be D.tnted out
that catohlng Is nore of @ lovolutalI !6f1ox Ectlo!. Slnco I pohtod
to thlE stroak ol fof!-ne.B, ln such hvolEtary leilex actlons whloh
ha, 1nvolv€ the use of €ither hed tndlscrlolnai6ly, Ielther ol my hardE
ftake a Dlope! no{6, becauEo 1t ls ln such llstlnce. that thqi srhe}Aed
ltleek c@6E to th6 lolei Both ol ny hatd6 tl]' to tak6 the d!FE+{
alomiami actlon - th€y confllci, I get hit slth th€ brll. mus afte!
e f€w suoh Inlteoes, ny :ellex€B grve u9 the lolr of i4telception ond
mofeI, duck Cror. ttomb''.t.
-ore36nLed In ltsr "'ehtlna, 1,ht s3@ "bcto!
Itserf. Xl, rl arhr r.m ls srron-sr - srcu-c i-ttl, relY elL'.e1y
or ".e8, ye! t! a ri"h'; ,aer rh6 -Ur@ Rou rale !so'd rer-ei a'ulon€
ard uBe bls whol6 bodI to back up a puchlna dn, I LlE ,aDldly
alternate ny EtaDc€ - lls,bilnA 6t obe lnEtdce as a rialt-hedod
jl6ru€r,-rhe nerL t ltee al_ uconsct@sty os e tert_hoJrdFd bor6r,
rrle.resulr .Is l\ot tn. Elaht l so e]t Lo Di6oes, atl e.!tne! cet
beat up o! El go otf hy h6ad.
. Nd
cocldp-_ trl..Ie.tor tn a bor abour 6 rears otd
3L!6€r qlul c r.rond8. Eeely r116 Lh6y D_a!oa betl. r "leylnC or
Dec8use r ;usi coxtdn t. s.Llco Eae o:seo Ar;lrcd cist6; ts 16
di.n' L

olaw oD-t1 to t1e ero:rr. ,L11^ e/er Lttrr 6 6,. T ron sle.ot1e-
16rr to Dy o1n, den ti biEr ac €dorloh
ol Lh€ oveFflor of €roLtor r€su-tInE !loo a srabde s€rt6s-
06 setqosckE . u oredotr chs1, you o.r Eote oanc;r16d r..,.";i,^b;;-
'soecLs or Lhe st.D6!Ioh) - .ror s1_ ns vourq frle;3.
r Eay cut off, I a6m that. I notth€r !€cog€fz6d then, @!
{outd s9€ak to rhd. An odd ed decldedly @usuat aIiltudo for'a chltd
oI 1o...(- bel,Fve 1r rusr Love oe-n,-n. rkrEle* Lnouo Ir cou_d
po331o1y hrv6 been earu€!).
I reLreo-od rLen Lo Ey o@ Imrss!-?or1d. r ?o!Id of toes- ranlaq,
ro-td6, booksr scl€!c6, Rr-study, -,4. T -6;!tned ,sollred -:nLslty
lloE iho ,or1d for 8b@t e1s!t ,esrsr
.buE rI rrcht Ddd t,bt -t d1d
sa t!fr si blr
!.ams onc- rn s ynl.Le!
sr orsfy 4.rded E, rlgot
to co001etc 1tu1vloL6'u-,rie!v6ts,
i!o€do0. B, -r! .6m IL shout. be oo!; ,n
Lhe .o?- 1€Lc sFve!.lns oc sne ob_ I^brlons rovards bvo.dv
! othor Lb n those ootl.otton" recossdy :or rood, 1oEe, Llo r--o;1. ih6
eoou'3lL.lon o's frlend, brtonoLica_ t sdos .-!hna" bonde to th-
6 !1end der@ds c6rie,r comproElses, certari Drrelourons
Ir .,\3U one .oDl. oo. Ttre ilesEtoi o. dneih€r or noL llE reEi,,.;i;;;
outaelghP the r0-t!o.nd.d/eatsges rloo o 66irrero 1s
oocldedf} a oe, dn-lno Lhose eiohL .ca-. , lnoso oss..te
.esLr'ctlons d.ld. Iodo! I qo-ro hesrr:Ee ro ;"aoa nr;le,rpo.!nr a_
that ',1re.
Dulng tbo"€ otchL eels L\en I .t,- o o.sot-. r ,as h .h
iaA*nd/. I ass rnLcr"s-6d i, sct-nco, s n r das ,rl€i,esreo ii rnx tre!.
rbis I t er,ec-or 6"ose !.oa roy-soldter oraJ orrn6 dX "s!fl-!
coEpulon ooes, o'o ll1aeloo l.Jler !'ffi d! rie!s !n6D".tv-s
Iad d'sB..e8rod. Ttr- sublcct.of ..e hlEEor: o tr rde,
the tl oqlodee or 6IlILs-y r"r/raoos , &tu ,cltons. rL€ me LrlhLrT r.rustuehr
.InIe-est. ay p-J@ry !n!arrccrrat Du6.rt {ss science. ih -e *;
ractors mitfosted thdsokes e!+! i. my ftctloflat rerdlng. Tho itlst
,o6{In6 I ov.. boLoh! qi-h mJ odn oono! fla3 rt- IrsE i6sue or wlr
Storl6s. I -€ao +F1" lor about ior! o- '1ve !6brs a-d evely oth-r -!-
t.1e i could e6t. y chlldhood 1nt6!est ln f;1!y-tates, at a sone$hat
1eto, stag6 gre{ }rt tnto relstton {tth ny.ugilt of sctaco
tbe lead1n6 of sclence-f1ctloE. Oraduatly, ihe terltf1c i€ltlllty, lAto
sct"tue 'l^u.!or . noea our t\. ir.r- sIn- ate!1lIt9 0c DE!_.s1cul;h oi
utll I ceLsod ea'.!-6., to sy oLbentloi Lo .LL, ;1oo or uy.!nL---sr"
3L s-1, Today I t.v€ sbos. toraotL€n t-.
Ihe!6 c@, a ai lEst vrhore I had passed thlou4ll aII the stuges
ol- sc'enc€-frcliorFotnt
to Lne s-age o bc.,e- .Mo.h. At U oi Dotrt. I _
'fe 'o e a€ci3Ion lb6t lt v,es (Ime to soc, I-tends, o ro_Ing iJ
decllIon baled up.n Io€fc, I proceodod pronptly to contacr th; tiJ3t
Crou! of sctenc6-flctlon that nade_a ni,etine kioan io me. rr rhat
s3, ny 6i hu r€us ldo_-ttor

,fiv ao r -u-ute ol I u-15? urhouL '!, dy !c".!or! sJ neL! o lodoa

csD 01-;p jd€.srood, 'I!F roc! Lho! T -!p;ar Lo t"nt rhtn s ou! deeoer
61i do"c coDh-tctcti tou ou1'!€ c31 be er.lalred on.Ir 6n l- 6 b:ql3 or
LL.L9 oo?-teoE-. I rcd 1lv-d to m16€_f l-or a loors. Dn-1rA Lh.ts l,Ir
I tlv€d in';e ro-1o oc rr !rouait3. , fMlEly-'rorlo.,
vorlds arlslng out of ny wa!-htelest, "o-stiu"t-o
.n1 nanllulat€d nentall,
chalact6ls ln those sorlds. I oar!1ed ]rotson6lltles ln n, head, lolcet,
grouDs, dmlesr I {olked out one aaalsst the otherr teBtlng fron €6oh
v.Ler poLr" uo. forul-ani o o gl /"n ml-l ory tcllor! Thus I L_ lned
nrselc (ouiLe u.tro cdrj) to stuoy s, '!obian'rom ever! b^ss b_e
took Lo ooeolvlnE tubal LT tlserf * CroE s ' 'rln'te-J
u: concorn€ovt4 ooln' ( Ino eo- r.ed lrlems orc t5e_€
:o;e 'o o;rirotions)
"eiacne" ^m Lo oebordrF eb.1 o. _o_s "e'med^o to
do as thoy d1d. Since I raB accuEtoned to carly lmaelndI loblds alrl
factors tn oy bead, 1t aB oEly 6 shelo steD to p16c1nE nyser nentally
In dothersslbes 6id detFridng xhat theJ should do 6n.i dq*tt$dld
br vhat thouPrht brooesses th6,'r!1aed at to do rhat thel dId.
BeInE ac!u-l-y e r-ry eEo lon6-.,irl! ln':vtdlrlt codld
sI@llate tne ororlons oC o' ere I.tolved 'no Uhle ssln s s@pB h'"rc
udelstcndine ot th@. I 1e5lned lo! the nodt !a!t to control ny
oNn e@tlons, aEd lot to let Ey o{n @otlons shov et tho sulace as
E a palt of uy nluiarf,-tntelesiB. soldlers dlc, therefor6 th6 chl1d
Dof,ald msi do 1tk6r!se. gsnce the alsAuls€d enotlonal facto!6 Yhloh
otlon dtse Lo ugseb Ey o-n !6osonltre b $ese -Lat6! t€sr€. I m no
loruo! avd6 so ,oadily ,hen nx oa eetlon 1s oDen or udotlced'
'l5us r16n J oeod- oc-.Ive lr 3c{ohc6-.rcrlon' I e-'od"1' otlJ
dd q'1Ue u.ors"rousl! oopl16o t.'t''hnldu-s t hao UoDaht d!selI
vhlld 1r'Eo elLon -o1 oetachn'nL o Ehe real concrore oroodidg
that alose. Thus f oitd suprlsed nXleli by polnthg @! a solutton
io a blbl€t or e 6sp€c1, o! a DrobleE ihat had not o.cued !o othels
sldr li oecE!se cn6y qso rot .' torottctl-y sterred ou. 'o dAlvs'
li tr et olece. Ilese 6nsrt66s c6rc -o ot 'r.!te 3!+on6Llccllr.
f! :s sI10-Y ory n;bue ro" to br -x"6 've_f ". oto! ro , e."on. T-ts ooos
nor i. t\: j'ast I'D_ L. t I on any o.6g!t€! tls o".'.s. or m,
th6 ftore capeble. I ner6fy ilai!€d nyseli to look fo! aspects othels
dldntt traln therselves to took lor.
DD6 _o n! Lsolaijon nd l' nc'e!.con"!rucl-lo_r J -eo_red aI3o to
"e, .n rx Lh; oasls ror lLclors abo!' ?h1ct I hrn no !€a- conciete
uno"-edse. lbls d\€r Lsoeo wItl1 s 16"ro_ soort Mloh T 6ctu611v \letr
nouh:n6; - oe! d conslnct rL" ouL Ino o, ooro-'dlne IUs r"&o'lono on
_ dld latu about.
lr.". ."; it 'o -' Les-ro' o' rnet.e- r an s
doe L itu€r. """ teloent-y 's t hDve o,'l.!n'd "bov6. I - b'
ErciloEal-ly I an not. A true th1nL6! Bhould be ab16 to leaa u!
up6n any sublect-extenslvely no nltte! ho borlnc' Io! eraE 16 oEe should
,,'.rt r"'tL. rim"r or tr," oirius. t!,e"lu - r6ad; bibilogrnDhv o! abdt
?o 61 3o b6oks taklnq rot6s. BookE Ell on the sde identtoal subl€ct.
ihls flsdrIy ls beyone ne. Emotlonsllv I cs]@t ed tr1fl not The do 1t.
I can read;ne tool. or evo tio or th!6e_ on the s@e tottc.
!es- I v,1_ ror reDd. rhy "FoLld l,hon can r-ose r\o nonerry.dd
re_rLtv- r-r-sJtry b! alEs€lf? I tuv eloilorel.Le L'ke
! stand on a;ork'tnd refuEe to be d1sa11ot6d. Tbus thele naI b6 a
b6sls ior th6 chu8e ih6t I e]f_d61ud1ne. I do not tlainl< ihat thls
atiltude hoveve! ls ,ery gleat !te6 tt IE a lEct tlut hy ihoutht-
aoL a_rox Lnrs ,o eo ol il .ae oubjeo! oecones .L a,r
a E64el or",-, ay t. u"a conc"oo",ur-. on r\,s rlou;s s.e.r's !tsr..r
cnorpd re d.-r':s 1rse. 0n no ootnt ;! dr r6a1
Lrp --"nce (sc thls do-s 10: .!rc_-ae Lbe .APA or-c!roh r;aldenr )
haae I r'alnltted nrEeLf to hold such an attltuder I; i; .;;;i!rr'
not tlue of ny polrlloal vlou polnis s1tu6 I have glveb att€ntloi
Lo -ve!/ oUhe' vletrholnts - ouch s l eDubliodlsm, neN-G€stisn,
TnoEes te rlotEky so.'.-16m. rDz:em, iascrsm, uircnrsr. cecr;oc'Ecr,
etc , r1d !.tu Ioud e"cb uo 6v€r, on- rF, eLe rt,. C-t.rr, u,othqj
and obvlous erlors 61th€! factual or tactical. I heve foud ihat antI
the stela I M no:r t6ll \g , thst of a comutst, 13 actually coe.let;ly
satisfyhg to n, nental aitltudo. And 1n tlDt stand I heve Aone
dl!oc!l, couter to nT emotlolal Ett1tud6.
EnotlonaU, I e a conservatlee, I {ould llke nothlqq botter the
to be rlLo{6d p6ace qalest sl thln soci6t}. I marllest nf, conseftative
tddencles 1n reys tJEt an bodj od see if they cbo6o. I do not dresi
radlcaflJ, I do not f,1sh to rct radloal1y. 1 le.I hys6l? ve!, Areaily
111 at eas6 ,h6s 1n the conFAhy ol Dersono vho are actlns 1n ar out-
ot-the--3Lal msmFr. lt{s f. c1o! oI a- oersone-L ^onsodsctrlsn .nd
LJ ".drc4_ jrtehos (Lor mt 'r1"-ds a!6 r'dlcs. lr -\e{! ecEloos,nd
soclot bltr'uoAoi :" a faci.o, _€8dlng 31so to @ emtl.n6t ot".u.-t
uDeei!1ng lno 3lred o' ry t!6ra rer"onlr! proce366s.
Thu6 these enottoEnl cr!6Ets oita ru stloff In &c. tresethE
o-d6, reool"Ing ecL'ons, r6g0!rng -l,rlrtr11. And by LhEt
r6c.o 'ftn6r ntserrlng -e t lyard" ae oc emoLlonbl -oaos.
I ould l1ke to be slncere {1th 6velrbodr, but slnce I do not
]horv ,,ho y1Il be s1@e!6 rlth De, I dEJ@i ,1id nyseu calofuII, pick-
i.g @.1 pay along
'?ttf p€ollo - Da!t1culu1, neu, Dooplo.

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