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In somewhere of Colombia they will always offer you a black coffe.

Nothing more delicious than a corn arepa no one can resist this food.
Many Colombian people love sports, everybody play football in
Colombia.when you stay in Colombia and you get
shouldtaste its typical food, its delicious. In Colombia you can see many
fresh fruits and vegetables, if you ask for extra, they will always give it to
you. Almost all Colombia almost all Colombians, if they don't have a job,
make it up. Colombia is characterized by celebrating too much so be it
the smallest victory or the more special occasional. The average
Colombian likes to ask for a little discount when buying a product.
Colombian people are hard workers, but almost all have low-playing Jobs
making them poor than other people around the world. we walk without
any inconvenience; we don't get tired of anything. nowhere of Colombia
you will be rejected we are very good people and humble.

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