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My Daily routines

¡Hi! My name is Paula Melissa. I am a student. I often get up late, because I

Jay may neim is Paula Melissa. AY am a stiudent. Ay offen get ap leit, bicaus
wake up at eight o’clock I make the bed, I take a shower and I Brush my teeth.
at half past eight I make breakfast
weik ap at eigk o clock . AY meik de bed , Ay teik a shawar and Ay brash mai
tiith .AT jaf past eigk Ay meik brekfesst
I usually have breakfast chocolate eggs and bread or cereal yogurt.
.AY iusuaeli jaf brekfest choclet, eggs and breeid or sirial yiogert.
I leave the house at nine o’clock. I walk five to 10 minutes to my place of study.
AY livf de haus at nai o clock. AY walk fai tu ten miniets tu maiy pleis of estadi

I frequently study in the mornings Monday to Thursday. I arrive to my house at

Ay friquenli estadi in de mornings mondey tu tursdey .Ay arraivf tu may haus at 12:30 pm I lunch. I always wash the dishes, then, I take a break.
nuun. AT jaf past tuelf Ay lonch. AY olgueis guass de diches, den AY teik a
On Mondays I leave to go for a walk with my puppy. On Wednesdays in the
On mondeys Ay livf tu gou for a walk with may papi . on wensdey in de
I read a book or do exercise and Before I go to bed, I brush my teeth. After that,
AY rid a buuk or du exersai and bifor AY gou tu bed AY bras may tiit .After dat
I watch novels until ten o'clock at night. On Fridays in the mornings
AY guatch novels antil ten o clock at naigt. On fraidey in de mornings ay
Clean the house and in the afternoon I always play basketball with my friends.
Clin de jaus and in de afternuon AY olgueis pley basketbol with may frends.
On Saturdays I sweep all house, I wash the clothes, in the afternoons I visit
On saturdeys AY suip oll jaus, ay wasch de clouis, in de afternuons AY
Close relative or I practice swimming and in the nights, I leave with my
Clous relativf or AY practics eswiming and in de naigts, AY livf with may
friends to discotheque. occasionally my best friend and I go out on Sunday
frends tu discotek. Okeisnoli may best frend ans AY gou aut on suondey
afternoons to drink something or eat an ice cream. I sometimes use too
afternuons tu drink somthing or it an ais crim. AY somtains ius tuu cellfon
for to call or chat. We rarely my parents and I travel in December and Always
for tu coal or chat. WI reirly may parents and AY travol in december and
my mom and I go out on Sunday mornings to the church. This is basically my
daily routine.
My mum and AY gou aut on soundey mornings tu de church. DIS is beisiclei
may deily rutin.

¡Hi! My name is Paula Melissa. I am a student. I often get up early, because I

wake up at 8:00am. I take a shower and I Brush my teeth. at 8:30 am I make
breakfast. I usually have breakfast chocolate eggs and bread or cereal yogurt.
I leave the house at nine o’clock. I walk five to 10 minutes to my place of study.
I frequently study in the mornings Monday to Thursday. I arrive to my house at 12:30 pm I lunch. I always wash the dishes. Then, I take a break. on
Mondays I leave to go for a walk with my puppy. On Wednesdays in the
I read a book or do exercise and Before I go to bed, I brush my teeth. After that,
I watch novels until ten o'clock at night. On Fridays in the mornings I do
cleanliness and in the afternoon I always play basketball with my friends. On
Saturdays I sweep all house, I wash the clothes, in the afternoons I visit
somebody familiar or I practice swimming and, in the nights, I leave with my
friends to discotheque. occasionally my best friend and I go out on Sunday
afternoons to drink something or eat an ice cream. I sometimes use too mobile

because I do calls or chat. Rarely my parents and I travel in December. Always

my mom and I go out on Sunday mornings to the church. This is basically my
daily routine.

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