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Nowadays, we are all aware of the fact that we (1) _______ be eating a healthy
diet. We get advice from (2) _______ ; TV, radio, magazines, books, videos and
the Internet as well (3) _______ friends, colleagues and family. Well, if you find
all this advice a little confusing, then there is now a much simpler solution,
dieting by colour. The Colour Diet is (4) _______ on the theory that the natural
colour of food reflects (5) _______ nutritional content. For example green foods
(6) _______ as broccoli, spinach and lettuce (7) _______ high levels of beta-
carotene and glucose. These help reduce the risk of cancer, are a good source of
iron and act as powerful antioxidants, while yellow foods like bananas, corn and
lemons have potassium and vitamin C which can reduce the pain of arthritis,
reduce stress and be a good source (8) _______ energy. The principles of the
colour diet are very easy to follow. Make sure that each meal contains a (9)
_______ of colours, and you will be eating a balanced, healthy diet. But
remember, the colours have to be natural. Eating a packet of Smarties a day will
not give you anything (10) _______ toothache.
1. A. will B. need C. ought D. should
2. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. everywhere D. elsewhere
3. A. as B. by C. from D. to
4. A. fixed B. based C. written D. formed
5. A. its B. his C. her D. their
6. A. like B. such C. similar D. including
7. A. add B. own C. need D. contain
8. A. in B. to C. of D. for
9. A. variety B. minimum C. blend D. pattern
10. A. from B. but C. apart D. except

On December 4, 1872, Captain David Morehouse spotted another ship. It was
sailing without direction, (1) _______ he approached it in (2) _______ to offer
help. (3) _______, when he reached the ship he found that it (4) _______ been
abandoned. (5) _______ everything was soaked with seawater, Captain
Morehouse managed to sail it to Gibraltar. The name of the ship was Mary
Celeste and what happened to the crew remains a mystery. The ship’s cargo
consisted of industrial alcohol and, according to one theory, this (6) _______ have
started to leak. (7) _______ that the ship was about to go up in flames, the captain
(8) _______ have ordered everyone into the lifeboat, (9) _______ then became
separated from the ship. However, it is unlikely that we will ever find (10)
_______ the truth.
1. A. so B. since C. but D. because
2. A. purpose B. intention C. order D. aim
3. A. Therefore B. However C. Next D. As a result
4. A. has B. was C. were D. had
5. A. Despite B. However C. Although D. Because
6. A. an B. may C. can’t D. will
7. A. Believed B. Believe C. Believing D. Belief
8. A. might B. can C. ought D. should
9. A. that B. which C. who D. where
10. A. off B. on C. in D. out

Bette Nesmith Graham had always wanted to be an artist, but in the 1940s, she
was a (1) _______ mother with a child to (2) _______. She learned typing and
found work as a secretary. She was an efficient employee who was (3) _______ of
her work and tried to find a better way to correct typing. She remembered that
artists painted over their mistakes, so why not typists?
With this idea in (4) _______, Graham put paint, the same colour as the office
stationery, into a bottle and took her brush to work. She used this to correct her
typing mistakes and her boss never (5) _______. Soon everyone in the office was
using it.
In 1956, Graham started the Mistake Out Company from her home. Her
kitchen (6) _______ a laboratory in which she mixed up an improved product (7)
_______ her food mixer. Although she worked (8) _______ hours, she made little
money. Then, one day she made a mistake at work that she couldn’t correct, and
her boss sacked her. She now had the time to (9) _______ to selling Liquid Paper,
and the business boomed. By 1967, it was a million-dollar (10) _______.
1. A. single B. lonely C. alone D. solitary
2. A. carry B. support C. provide D. maintain
3, A. pleased B. arrogant C. boastful D. proud
4. A. heart B. mind C. head D. thought
5. A. found B. understood C. realised D. recognised
6. A. became B. converted C. turned D. developed
7. A, into B. by C. with D. through
8. A. large B. long C. great D. slow
9. A. pass B. spend C. invest D. devote
10. A. work B. production C. business D. trade

Would you like a job where you could eat chocolate (1) _______ day? Well,
such a job does exist! Did you know that most chocolate factories (2) _______
chocolate tasters? Their job is to taste the chocolate while it is being (3) _______
and say if it is too sweet or too bitter. You have to be very good at tasting different
(4) _______ and you have to comment on (5) _______ the chocolate feels as well.
Is it smooth or crunchy? Unfortunately, you can’t just go along and say you like
chocolate that, I’m afraid, is not enough! Most chocolate tasters have a degree (6)
_______ food technology and you will not be able to work (7) _______ you have
had lots of training. Then you have to go through several (8) _______ before you
can be selected. If you think you would be good at chocolate tasting then try to
develop your taste buds by tasting different chocolate (9) _______ blindfold. See
if you can tell what type of chocolate it is. If you get a job like this, you will not
be well-paid but most tasters enjoy their job so much that (10) _______ is not
very important.
1. A. whole B. all C. entire D. each
2. A. employ B. use C. utilize D. rent
3. A. carried out B. done C. made D. fabricated
4. A. scents B. odours C. smells D. flavours
5. A. what B. why C. how D. if
6, A. of B. about C. on D. in
7. A. when B. until C. although D. after
8. A. experiments B. trials C. tests D. exams
9. A. bars B. sticks C. rods D. pieces
10. A. income B. payment C. wage D. pay

Greenpeace is an independent organisation that campaigns to protect the en-
vironment. It has approximately 4.5 million members worldwide in 158 countries,
300.000 of these in the United Kingdom. (1) _______ in North America in 1971,
it has since opened offices round the world. As (2) _______ as its campaigning
(3) _______, it also has a charitable trust which (4) _______ scientific research
and (5) _______ educational projects on environmental issues. Greenpeace (6)
_______ in non-violent direct action. Activists (7) _______ public attention to
serious threats to the environment. (8) _______ issues on which the organisation
is campaigning include the atmosphere (global warming), the (9) _______ of the
rainforests and toxic (10) _______ being emitted from factories.
1. A. Built B. Produced C. Invented D. Formed
2. A. long B. well C. good D. far
3. A. work B. job C. occupation D. position
4. A. pays B. funds C. rewards D. earns
5. A. undertakes B. engages C. commits D. enters
6. A. accepts B. believes C. holds D. depends
7. A. get B. pay C, draw D. take
8. A. Current B. Recent C. Immediate D. Next
9. A. ruin B. extinction C. destruction D. downfall
10 A. leftovers B. litter C. rubbish D. waste

Can you imagine working on a writing project for seventeen years? J.K. Rowl-
ing first (1) _______ up with the idea of Harry Potter in 1990 but it was not until
2007 that she finally completed the last book in the series. In 1990, of course, she
had no idea how much Harry would take (2) _______ her life, or that she would
end (3) _______ as a multimillionaire. But (4) _______ then, the books have been
translated into over 60 languages and also been made into films, each of which
has been a (5) _______ with cinema audiences. It is not just J.K. Rowling’s life
which has been transformed. The same can be said of Daniel Radcliffe, the
teenage actor who (6) _______ Harry Potter. Although he made his acting (7)
_______ in 1999, it was in the role of Harry Potter that he found his route to (8)
_______. The final film is expected to come out in 2010. By then Daniel will (9)
_______ been acting in this role for ten years. And after seventeen years, has
Rowling now (10) _______ out of ideas? It seems not. She is currently writing
two new books, one for adults and one for children, and is also planning to
compile an encyclopaedia of the Harry Potter world.
1. A. came B. went C. took D. brought
2. A. out B. up C. over D. off
3. A. in B. up C. down D. out
4. A. after B. until C. for D. since
5. A. blow B. knock C. hit D. smash
6. A. plays B. performs C. shows D. makes
7. A. debate B. debut C. debris D. debit
S. A. stardom B. stardust C. starburst D. starlight
9. A. has B. be C. have D. was
10 A. taken B. come C. gone D. run

Charlotte Church looks like a normal teenager, but she is far from average. She
has an amazing voice. Her fans stand in (1) _______ for hours to get tickets for
her concerts, and she is often on television. Charlotte’s singing (2) _______ began
when she performed on a TV show at the age of 11. The head of a record
company was so impressed by her voice that he (3) _______ her up on the spot.
Her first album rose to number one in the charts.
Charlotte still attends school in her home town when she can. (4) _______, she
is often away on tour for weeks at a time. She doesn’t miss out on lessons,
though, because she takes her own tutor with her! She (5) _______ three hours
every morning with him. Her exam results in all the (6) _______ she studies are
But how does she (7) _______ with this unusual way of life? She (8) _______
that she has the same friends as before. That may be true, but she can no longer go
into town with then because everybody stops her in the street to ask for her (9)
_______. It seems that, like most stars, she must learn to (10) _______ these re-
strictions and the lack of privacy. It’s the price of fame.
1. A. rows B. files C. ranks D, queues
2. A. profession B. job C. career D. labour
3. A. wrote B. signed C. made D. picked
4. A. However B. While C. For D. Although
5. A. takes B. spends C. utilises D. uses
6. A. titles B. materials C. lessons D. subjects
7. A. cope B. adjust C. bear D. tolerate
8. A. denies B. refuses C. insists D. complains
9. A. signature B. autograph C. sign D. writing
10. A. look down on B. make do with C. run out of D. put up with

Most of us are always forgetting important dates, (1) _______ from the lucky
few who are blessed with a good memory or the (2) _______ to organize them-
selves so they don’t forget important obligations. How many times have we all
said, “I wish I had remembered!” How often have we (3) _______ people by
failing to remember their birthdays or name days?
Although they say it doesn’t matter, we know, deep down, that we have hurt
their (4) _______. We can always try to make it (5) _______ to them next time
but unfortunately the (6) _______ has been done and our relationship with that
person can never quite be the same again.
On the other (7) _______, we sometimes do too much for someone else
because we want to please them and then feel we have damaged our own interests
in (8) _______ doing. When friends are involved we may find it difficult to say
“no” when they ask us to (9) _______ them a favour, but true friendship should
mean that we can say “no” without risk (10) _______ the relationship.
1. A. off B. except C. away D. apart
2. A. capacity B. ability C. proficiency D. aptitude
3. A. wounded B. hurt C. injured D. offended
4. A. souls B. sentiments C. feelings D. emotions
5. A. back B. up C. for D. again
6. A. damage B. injuries C. detriments D. losses
7. A. approach B. way C. methods D. hand
8. A. so B. such C. thus D. that
9. A. fetch B. make C. do D. bring
10. A. for B. to C. towards D. with

The leader of a gang of thieves who stole £5 million from a Belgian airport
was yesterday (1) _______ to 20 years in prison. The High Court in Brussels
heard that Ricky Cools, aged 35, had remained in the country after the robbery
had taken (2) _______ because of his (3) _______ of flying. The court was told
that the gang had (4) _______ themselves as security guards in order to gain
access to the airport and (5) _______ the crime. Once inside the restricted area,
they had (6) _______ a security vehicle, firing several warning (7) _______ from
their automatic weapons. They then (8) _______ the cash and ran to a waiting
light aircraft, which immediately left the country. Cools, however, preferred to
walk through the airport terminal to the railway station. He was later (9) _______
on a train bound for Amsterdam, after he was recognised by police (10) _______
closed circuit television at the station.
1. A. convicted B. sentenced C. assigned D. persecuted
2. A. part B. notice C. place D. off
3. A. fright B. fear C. worry D. concern
4. A. wrapped B. served C. uncovered D. disguised
5. A. commit B. make C. stalk D. attend
6. A. blackmailed B. attacked C. burgled D. smuggled
7. A. shots B. bangs C. crashes D. blasts
8. A. planted B. enveloped C. seized D. overtook
9. A. hijacked B. prosecuted C. suspended D. detained
10. A. looking B. seeing C. watching D. viewing
Panic is rising (1) _______ hair stylists in Denmark. Some of those who often
colour, perm or highlight hair - 125 stylists in all - are complaining (2) _______
symptoms which may indicate brain damage. Authorities have been forced to
investigate, and it appears that many stylists are (3) _______ from memory loss,
nausea and frequent headaches. The reason is that the chemicals (4) _______ pro-
duce harmful fumes. The hairdressers’ unions are funding investigations into the
problem. However, scientists are (5) _______ because the quantity of chemicals
used is not enough to be harmful. Many stylists are now worried, so Denmark has
(6) _______ strict regulations. Manufacturers must now list all the chemicals
contained in the products. (7) _______ ventilation must be provided in
hairdressing salons and clients will wear a special perm-helmet, (8) _______ the
fumes away from the stylist. All of Europe will have to (9) _______ these new
regulations. At the moment, everything is still at the committee stage, but soon the
revolutionary perm-helmet will be worn in all salons. Final decisions will be (10)
_______ when hairdressers’ unions moot in Brussels to discuss the problem.
1. A. in B. among C. between D. at
2. A. from B. about C. of D. because
3. A. experiencing B. suffering C. impaired D. injured
4. A. operated B. consumed C. used D. exploited
5. A. sceptical B. thoughtful C. doubtful D. scornful
6. A. initiated B. launched C. passed D. introduced
7. A. Abundant B. Ample C. Surplus D. Plenty
8. A. directing B. leading C. turning D. guiding
9. A. apply to B. follow C. comply with D. fulfil
10. A. introduced B. done C. given D. made

The latest blockbuster to hit our cinemas is an adventure film which was made
(1) _______ location in Spain. The (2) _______ is quite simple; a teenager
discovers (3) _______ secret papers which show that the President is in danger.
Then she disappears!
We interviewed the actress who (4) _______ the part of the teenager in the
film, Juliet Roberts. It (5) _______ things did not always go well during the pro-
duction. First, Juliet nearly missed being in the film. Apparently, a copy of the
_______. which the producer had sent her to read, got lost in the post. Then, in the
middle of filming, part of the background (7) _______ fell on a member of the
camera (8) _______. Luckily, the man was not seriously hurt but they had to (9)
_______ another cameraman to take his place at short notice. Something even
worse happened a few days later when the director slipped and broke his leg. It
(10) _______ him Quite a long time to recover from the shock and he had to
direct the final scenes of the film from his wheelchair.
1. A. on B. in C. at D. to
2. A. drama B. intrigue C. plot D. line
3. A. any B. the C. few D. some
4. A. does B. plays C. makes D. holds
5. A. looks B. tells C. strikes D. seems
6. A. lines B. words C. script D. little
7. A. scenery B. setting C. scene D. view
8. A. party B. crew C. artists D. workers
9. A. rent B. buy C. hire D. purchase
10 A: needed B. took C. lasted D. used

If you ask anyone to (1) _______ a famous rebel, the chances are they will say
James Dean. But who was James Dean, and was he really as rebellious as we
James Dean was born in 1931 in Indiana, USA. His father was a dental tech-
nician. The family (2) _______ to Los Angeles in 1936, but Dean returned to Indi-
ana after his mother died, where he was (3) _______ by his uncle and aunt. Dean
was a bright and hardworking student, and was not particularly rebellious at
school. After returning to California, Dean joined an acting workshop, and was
given minor roles in films, on stage and in TV commercials. In 1951 he went to
New York to further his acting (4) _______. Deans acting (5) _______ was soon
recognised, and he was asked to join the Actors Studio. As he wrote in a letter to
his family in 1952: “It is the best thing that can (6) _______ to an actor.”
Television and theatre work followed, and Dean became highly (7) _______
within the industry.
James Dean starred in only three films, and had only been world famous for
just over a year when he was killed in a car (8) _______ in September 1955.
It was his death at such a young (9) _______, and the rebellious roles he
played in the films Rebel Without a Cause and East of Eden, rather than his off-
screen (10) _______, that have made him a legend. Like Marilyn Monroe, Elvis
Presley and Frank Sinatra, James Dean is an icon of the twentieth century.
1. A. name B. tell C. call D. repeat
2. A. located B. removed C. moved D. lived
3. A. grown up B. brought up C. taken over D. taken off
4. A. job B. work C. career D. employment
5. A. talent B. qualification C. knowledge D. recommendation
6. A. become B. take place C. occur D. happen
7. A. loved B. respected C. adored D. worshipped
8. A. accident B. misfortune C. disaster D. hit
9. A. era B. period C. time D. age
10. A. condition B. quality C. behaviour D. performance

For many years now, British girls have performed much better in exams than
boys. Most theories about the causes of this gap (1) _______ the sexes have
blamed the education (2) _______. However, new research suggests that boys’
poor performance has nothing to do (3) _______ internal practices at schools.
Instead, external factors, such as different learning styles and how children are (4)
_______ up, have to be considered.
For this (5) _______, many educationalists are now studying how boys and
girls learn to read. They believe that, since reading is (6) _______ taught either by
mothers or by female primary school teachers, many boys (7) _______ reading as
a woman’s activity and this puts them (8) _______ it.
Another factor could be that boys are generally more (9) _______ than girls.
When they can’t be the best, they would rather (10) _______ up on education than
be considered average. Girls seem much happier to be second best.
1. A. between B. among C. beside D. beyond
2. A. method B. style C. technique D. system
3. A. by B. from C. with D. at
4. A. grown B. raised C. given D. brought
5. A. cause B. reason C. purpose D. objective
6. A. generally B. hardly C. rarely D. lately
7. A. look B. notice C. watch D. see
8. A. across B. on C. off D. through
9. A. determined B. competitive C. possessive D. optimistic
10 A. break B. take C. give D. turn

Face-to-face conversation is a two-way process: you speak to me, I reply to
.you and so on. Two-way (1) _______ depends on having a coding system that is
understood by both (2) _______ and receiver, and an agreed convention about (3)
_______ the beginning and end of the (4) _______. In speech, the coding system
is a language like English or Spanish; the convention that one person speaks at a
time may seem too obvious to (5) _______. In fact, the (6) _______ that people
use in conversations and meetings are often non-verbal. For example, lowering
the pitch of the voice may mean the end of a sentence; a sharp intake of breath
may signal the desire to (7) _______, catching the chairman’s (8) _______ may
indicate the desire to speak in a formal setting like a (9) _______, a clenched fist
may indicate anger. When these (10) _______ signals are not possible, more
formal signals may be needed.
1. A. exchange B. correspondence C interchange D. communication
2. A. transmitter B. sender C. messenger D. announcer
3. A. showing B. symbolising C. signing D. signalling
4. A. message B. theme C. topic D. idea
5. A. notice B. recognise C. mention D. judge
6. A. signs B. signals C. symptoms D. symbols
7. A. interrupt B. interchange C. interfere D. intercept
8. A. elbow B. shoulder C. eye D. hand
9. A. broadcast B. chat C. lecture D. debate
10. A. sensory B. visual C. verbal D. auditory

The BBC, in the form of the language-teaching arm of the World Service, and
Harper Collins have (1) _______ forces to publish the BBC English Dictionary,
“A Dictionary for the World”. It is (2) _______ at the 120 million listeners to the
World Service who cannot find the expressions in (3) _______ dictionaries. (4)
_______ on 70 million words broadcast at least ten times a year on the World
Service, the compilers, (5) _______ by Prof. John Sinclair, have included (6)
_______ expressions and word usage, without judging whether they are being
used (7) _______. Elizabeth Smith, the BBC’s Controller of English Services,
said: “Our language is (8) _______ on statements by real people, like politicians
and (9) _______, which the BBC has accurately recorded. As broadcasters, we try
to use a few idioms and metaphors but only to show that we (10) _______ in the
real world.”
1. A. connected B. fixed C. attached D. joined
2 A. pointed B. directed C. aimed D. trained
3. A. functional B. traditional C. partial D. conventional
4. A. Drawing B. Trying C. Counting D. Bearing
5. A. chaired B. headed C. dictated D. treated
6. A. current B. recent C. nowadays D. late
7. A. sincerely B. truly C. correctly D. finely
8. A. based B. made C. formed D. designed
9. A. so many B. thus far C. as to D. so on
10 A, inhabit B. live C. stay D. reside

Perhaps the most creative use of language in newspapers is in the advertise-
ments. The writers have to catch and (1) _______ the reader’s attention. They of-
ten (2) _______ this with a play on words. You read the words and understand
them one way and then suddenly you (3) _______ that another interpretation is
possible. Through that ambiguity the advertisement has caught your attention -
and the advertiser (4) _______ you’ll buy the product.
Under the picture of a new car are the words: “Not another family saloon”.
The dual interpretation of that phrase is dependent on how it is pronounced.
Misread it by putting the stress on the second word thereby projecting a message
the advertiser would clearly not want, and this (5) _______ you look again and
pay conscious attention to the alternative message.
Advertising copywriters frequently (6) _______ use of idioms. One advertise-
ment showed girls wearing different coloured jeans, but none the traditional blue
ones. Underneath were the words: “Jeanius is (7) _______ ideas out of the blue”.
On one level that (8) _______ the jeans are not ordinary blue jeans but ones in a
range of colours. But there is also the suggestion that these new jeans are a sudden
piece of inspiration, a stroke of genius. “Out of the blue” is an idiom which means
“quite unexpectedly” and genius often (9) _______ getting a brilliant idea
suddenly. That’s very clever, but it’s not quite the end of it, because it’s not genius
they are (10) _______ about, but jeanius. That is another play on words; the
product they are selling, after all, is a pair of jeans.
1. A. hold B. maintain C. remain D. pay
2. A. have B. make C. do D. succeed
3. A. aware B. realise C. indicate D. wonder
4. A. makes B. wishes C. sees D. hopes
5. A. tells B. makes C. causes D, forces
8. A. have B. do C. make D. get
1. A. having B. thinking C. making D. arriving
8. A. tells B. means C. seems D. pretends
9. A. compares B. is C. contains D. involves
10. A. talking B. saying C. telling D. meaning

The man who holds the record for being struck by lightning the most times is
ex-park ranger Roy Sullivan. Mr Sullivan found lightning (1) _______ to avoid:
he was struck by it on seven (2) _______ occasions throughout his life, which
were as (3) _______ as 35 years apart.
The first incident in 1942 was the only one where he was not (4) _______ in-
jured - he only lost his big toenail. On all other occasions, he could (5) _______
easily have lost his life. In 1972 the “human lightning conductor of Virginia”, as
he was known, had his hair (6) _______ on fire but was lucky enough to survive,
only to lose all his new hair in the same way a year later. It is hard to believe that
he never lost his enthusiasm for (7) _______ hobbies and pursuits but when
lightning struck for a record seventh time in 1977 he was happily fishing, com-
pletely (8) _______ that he was about to enter The. Guinness Book of Records.
On this occasion he came (9) _______ to death because of severe chest and
stomach burns. Roy Sullivan died in 1983 but was not killed by lightning. He was
(10) _______ upset after being rejected in love and is said to have taken his own
1. A. difficult B. impractical C. necessary D. suitable
2. A. various B. single C. separate D. apart
3. A. wide B. long C. many D. far
4. A. very B. highly C. poorly D. seriously
5. A. quite B. far C. much D. well
6. A. Sit B. put C. got D. set
7. A. outside B. outdoor C. outward D. outskirts
8. A. unknown B. unbelievable C. unaware D. unthinking
9. A. next B. close C. nearly D. almost
10. A. strongly B. hardly C. highly D. deeply

The joys and tribulations of being a pet owner! During our lifetime most of us
have some experience of either owning a pet or being in (1) _______ contact with
someone who does. Is there such a thing as “the idea! pet”? If so, what charac-
terises the ideal pet? Various (2) _______ influence one’s choice of pet, from your
reasons for getting a pet to your lifestyle. For example, although quite a few pets
are relatively cheap to buy, the cost of (3) _______ can be considerable.
Everything must be (4) _______ into account, from food and bedding, to
vaccinations and veterinary bills. You must be prepared to (5) _______ time on
your pet, which involves shopping for it, cleaning and feeding it. Pets can be
demanding and a big responsibility. Are you prepared to exercise and (6) _______
an animal or do you prefer a more independent pet? How much spare room do
you have? Is it right to lock an energetic animal into a (7) _______ space? Do you
live near a busy road which may threaten the life of your pet? Pets (8) _______ as
turtles and goldfish can be cheap and convenient, but if you prefer affectionate
pets, a friendly cat or dog would be more (9) _______. People get pets for a
number of reasons, for company, security or to teach responsibility to children.
Pets can be affectionate and loyal and an excellent source of company as long as
you know what pet (10) _______ you and your lifestyle.
1. A. near B. close C. narrow D. tight
2. A. factors B. elements C. facets D. points
3. A. raising B. maintenance C. upbringing D. upkeep
4. A. considering B. held C. taken D, kept
5. A. take B. waste C. occupy D. spend
6. A. household B. housekeep C. housetrain D. housework
7. A. detained B. confined C. reduced D, closed
8. A. so B. for C. such D. much
9. A. appropriate B. suited C. likely D. good
10 .A. fits B. matches C. goes with D. suits

Leisure is generally seen as an (1) _______ which takes place outside (2)
_______ hours. The peak leisure time for most people is between 6.00 pm and
12.00 am, although in recent years there has been an increase in people working
(3) _______ hours and shifts, together with more “flexitime”.
Leisure is often thought of purely as a (4) _______ activity, i.e. playing sport.
Although many people use their (5) _______ time in this way, there are plenty of
other leisure opportunities that are more (6) _______ in nature, such as watching
television or sunbathing on a beach.
It is important to realise that leisure can embrace a whole range of experiences
and activities, although personal choice may be limited due to factors such as age
or provision of local (7) _______.
The leisure emphasis will normally change at different (8) _______ of one’s
lifecycle. Different types of leisure activities tend to be popular with varying age
groups. It’s probably true, however, that some members of the older (9) _______
are more capable of pursuing active (10) _______ than they are sometimes given
credit for!
1. A. event B. incident C. affair D. experience
2. A. labour B. working C. employment D. job
3. A. unsocial B. unreasonable C. unsociable D. unsuitable
4. A. cultural B. physical C. social D. mental
5. A. rest B. unoccupied C. free D. empty
6. A. passive B. selective C. productive D. creative
7, A. conveniences B. capabilities C. capacities D. facilities
8. A. parts B. stages C. sections D. levels
9. A. period B. era C. age D. generation
10 A. entertainments B. occupations C. pastimes D. games

Appeals were being made last night for Corsicans to come (1) _______ and
donate blood following the collapse of the football stadium in Bastia. The tragedy
(2) _______ 26 fans dead; the number of injured has been put at 700. (3) _______
to eyewitnesses, workers were still tightening bolts on the temporary scaffolding
only an hour and a half (4) _______ the match was (5) _______ to begin, and as
fans passed into the stadium, the structure, which holds up to 10.,000, swayed
violently and (6) _______ collapsed. Many of the (7) _______ were given
emergency treatment on the pitch while more serious cases were (8) _______ to
hospitals on the mainland. A spokesman from the firm responsible for the stand’s
construction could only (9) _______ horrified disbelief. According to him,
although some of the bars had collapsed, others should have (10) _______ the
structure, thus preventing it from falling down.
1. A. across B. over C. forward D. up to
2. A. left B. did C. made D. remained
3. A. With a view B. As far as C. Referring D. According
4. A. until B. before C. since D. after
5. A. up B. about C. bound D. due
6. A. gradually B. actually C. eventually D. definitely
7. A. injured B. wounded C. damaged D. wrecked
8. A. delivered B. trafficked C. travelled D. transferred
9. A. speak B. express C. say D. tell
10. A. defended B. held C. supported D. carried

Where will the current obsession with designer (1) _______ all end? Over the
last ten years or so (2) _______ names have become the (3) _______ way to sell
anything. Now everybody seems to have become a fashion (4) _______ so that
people are constantly commenting on whether something is (5) _______ of
fashion or not. People are prepared to pay extraordinary prices, even for jeans and
trainers, just because they are a status (6) _______. However, you can get copies
of top designs as these are starting to become available to the (7) _______ market.
Now anybody can get the latest (8) _______ must and the copies are so good that
their friends need not know that it cost so little. So my advice is to (9) _______
out these cheaper stores if you want to see what is coming (10) _______ fashion
1. A. tokens B. badges C. labels D. stamps
2. A. brand B. mark C. logo D. sign
3. A. certain B. secure C. sure D. guaranteed
4. A, survivor B. victim C. casualty D. criminal
5. A. on B. over C. off D. out
6. A. figure B. symbol C. logo D. image
7. A. crowd B. group C. common D. mass
8. A. buy B. take C. have D. get
9. A. check B. find C. figure D. work
10. A. inside B. along C. at D. into
We offer an amazing theme park holiday - the most (1) _______ experience in
holidays. Our holidays (2) _______ two weeks and during that time you will fly
between several (3) _______, visiting various famous theme parks for one day
each. Our group comes from (4) _______ over the world so you will be travelling
with new and interesting people. We start our tour in LA. where over three days
we visit Universal Studios where you can (5) _______ the effects of white-water
rafting. Then it’s (6) _______ to Disneyland in LA to meet some famous friends.
On the last day we take a trip to the (7) _______ Magic Mountain theme park,
where you can go on the most fantastic roller coaster (8) _______ including
Scream and Viper. Next we fly out to Miami where the (9) _______ includes a
day at Disneyworld and another at Cape Canaveral to see (10) _______ Homer
Simpson trained to be an astronaut. This will be the end of the tour - you will be
exhausted but happy. Five days of theme parks' Can you imagine a better holiday?
1. A. unique B. sole C. single D. only
2. A. continue B last C. carry on D. keep on
3. A. stations B, stops C. destinations D. landings
4. A. every B. all C total D. whole
5. A. know B. have C meet D. experience
6. A. off B. into C. ahead D. about
7. A. shabby B. quaint C. unspoilt D. breathtaking
8. A. rides B. journeys C. lifts D. trips
9. A. agenda B. itinerary C timetable D. calendar
10. A. where B. what C. how D. that

People always say that criminals plan the (1) _______ o a -shop or bank care-
fully - but they always forget one thing and that is the thing that allows them to be
(2) _______. Take the example of this man in Scotland. He decided that the best
time to steal from a store would be just as it was (3) _______ for the day. He
worked out that this would be the best lime since the tills would be at their (4)
_______ and there would be no (5) _______ around to get in his way or stop him.
Having carefully thought about this, he (6) _______ into a big department store
just before it closed. He frightened the shop assistants and stole all the money
from the cash (7) _______ nearest the door. He then raced back towards the
automatic doors in order (8) _______ escape. However, he hadn’t got his timing
(9) _______ right as the big glass doors had just been locked. The man knocked
himself (10) _______ by running headfirst into them! The store’s security guard
had to pick him up from the floor to arrest him.
1. A. robbery B. mugging C. stealing D. burglary
2. A. grasped B. picked C. taken D. caught
3. A. securing B. fastening C. shutting D. stopping
4. A. most B. fullest C. richest D, highest
5. A. visitors B. clients C. guests D. customers
6. A. chased B. quickened C. raced D. rolled
7. A. tills B. engines C. appliances D. devices
8. A. for B. to C. so D. that
9. A. quite B. very C. extremely D. so
10. A. away B. off C. up D. out

Now that we can all buy music over the internet and download tunes when we
want, you have to ask yourself what is the (1) _______ of the city music store?
Why would we go shopping in a music store when we can get everything we need
at home? Music stores know this and have (2) _______ account of the need for
(3) _______ City music stores are now (4) _______ places and somewhere where
you can listen to music played at full (5) _______ in a way that would irritate
your neighbours! Also stores have managed to get (6) _______ artists and bands
to come and (7) _______ appearances at the store to sign CDs or posters and meet
their fans. The stores now (8) _______ to teenagers as they are becoming cool
places to hang out and meet their friends as well as (9) _______ the music. Of
course, the stores can’t charge for these activities but they hope that by getting
people into the store, they will buy their music the (10) _______ way - and it
seems to be working.
1. A. use B. reason C. point D. aim
2. A. put B. given C. held D. taken
3. A. alteration B. change C. revolution D. renovation
4. A. meeting B. assembly C. company D. crowd
5. A. speaker B. sound C. volume D. noise
6. A. single B. solo C. alone D. only
7. A. put up B. do C. make D. prepare
8. A. attract B. please C. engage D. appeal
9. A. scan B. browse C. wander D. survey
10. A. old fashioned B. out of date C. old time D. out of style

There is a new (1) _______ of people identified by market researchers and
these are teenagers aged 13-18 who are active and use every (2) _______ type of
modern technology to stay in touch with their friends. These people are called
Super Connectors. They use cell phones, text messaging, the internet, e-mail, in-
stant messaging and internet (3) _______ engines to find information and connect
with their friends. They also use several things (4) _______ once so, for example,
they may be sending texts and (5) _______ the internet at the same time. How-
ever, this is only for their friends. If they want to (6) _______ with their family
then they do this in person. The activities they (7) _______ in haven’t changed,
though. For example, students may still be (8) _______ notes in class but now
they do it by sending texts to several people at the same time! The need to (9)
_______ each other remains (he same but technology has (10) _______ them to
do much more of it.
1. A. group B. pack C. mix D. company
2. A. vacant B ready C. available D. likely
3. A. search B. look' C. seek D. discover
4. A. about B. for C. only D. at
5. A. playing B. surfing C. swimming D. waving
6. A. announce B. connect C. communicate D. declare
7. A. practise B. involve C. occupy D. engage
8.. A. reaching B. handing C. passing D. conveying
9. A. contact B. join C. touch D. link
10 A. made B. allowed C. left D. granted

Do you (1) _______ people on what they look like? I think we all (2) _______
that we shouldn’t do this, although many of us still do. Some people are
impressed by clothes from a particular (3) _______; others think that things such
as someone’s hairstyle is critical to their (4) _______ of someone. But, if you sit
and chat to people you can see that, whatever they look (5) _______, that person
may be really good (6) _______ and could become a close friend of yours - if
only they were given the (7) _______. The point is, we should take people as they
are and not dismiss them just because they (8) _______ differently from us. You
may ignore someone who could be your best friend just because they are (9)
_______ the wrong jeans. We need to look past the clothes, the tattoos and the
hairstyles and think about personality not (10) _______.
1. A. decide B. rule C. consider D. judge
2. A. notice B. catch C. remise D. aware
3. A. seller B. designer C. cutter D. maker
4. A. view B. sight C. thought D. picture
5. A. alike B. as C. similar D. like
6. A. pleasure B. laugh C. fun D. sport
7. A. moment B. opportunity C. occasion D. hope
8. A. dress B. wear C. clothe D. look
9. A. fitting B. wearing C. matching D. carrying
10. A. figure B. form C. manner D. appearance

Most people imagine that the life of a spy is extremely glamorous. They go to
watch James Bond films and can see themselves travelling (1) _______ the world,
(2) _______ the planet from the bad guys. At the same (3) _______, Bond seems
to live a life of luxury in amazing locations, drives expensive cars and has the best
of everything. Is it (4) _______ like this? We asked Mark Hughes, who was a spy
for ten years, if a job as a spy is as easy as it seems. “No, it’s not,” he said.” It’s
very (5) _______ work. You have to (6) _______ a lot of qualifications in the
sciences and languages and then once you start you have to do several specialist
(7) _______ courses. You always have to be physically (8) _______ and you also
have to be quick-thinking and be prepared to (9) _______ risks.” But did he enjoy
his job? “Yes, it’s fantastic and not as dangerous as it looks in James Bond
movies. You hardly get any time (10) _______ but it is fun!”
1. A. in B. about C. round D. through
2. A. saving B. recovering C. delivering D. preserving
3. A. moment B. stage C. period D. time
4. A. certainly B. really C. absolutely D. surely
5. A. strong B. strict C. solid D. hard
6. A. earn B. bring C. get D. make
7. A. instruction B. education C. training D. coaching
8. A. fit B. healthy C. firm D. stable
9. A. do B. take C. have D. get
10. A. down B. aside C. over D. off

Polar bears are the largest carnivores in the world that live on land. They are
found in the Arctic and their preferred (1) _______ is on top of the arctic ice. Here
they hunt seals for food, (2) _______ mate. Polar bears are very good swimmers;
they paddle with their front (3) _______, and hold their hind legs flat to help them
change direction. Sadly, polar bears are becoming seriously (4) _______ for a
number of reasons. Oil companies are moving into (5) _______ area, bringing a
growing danger of oil pollution. At the same time, the arctic ice is melting due to
global (6) _______ Polar bears feed on the ice so if it disappears, they will starve.
A third danger comes (7) _______ over-hunting. Thankfully, (8) _______
organisations are now working to preserve parts of the Arctic and the (9) _______
that lives there. The Great Arctic Reserve, for example, is now a sanctuary for a
variety of (10) _______, such as seals, wild reindeer and foxes.
1. A, place B. environs C. house D. habitat
2. A. that B. and C. with D. but
3. A. paws B. jaws C. tails D. feathers
4. A. scared B. risked C. alarmed D. endangered
5. A. some B. its C. the U. an
6. A. heating B. airing C. changing D. warming
7. A. by B. from C. to D. at
8. A. conservation B. preservation C. saving D. protection
9. A. creatures B. mammals C. wildlife D. animals
10. A. kinds B. species C. orders D. families

Kate Humble was born in London but was (1) _______ up next door to a farm.
Here she (2) _______ all kinds of animals, which is how her passion for natural
history began. After leaving school, Kate (3) _______ on an adventure that would
take her around Africa. On the trip, she observed many rare (4) _______ of
animals as well as discovering the beauty of (5) _______ landscape. To pay her
way, she worked in various jobs connected to the tourist (6) _______ such as
driving and cooking for safari companies. After returning to England, she got
herself a job (7) _______ tea and typing letters for people in television. She then
became a researcher and production assistant, and eventually (8) _______
producing programmes! But staying in a studio isn’t Kate’s style! In one show,
she made a series of (9) _______ broadcasts from the bottom of the sea, while
surrounded by giant sharks! Now she makes and presents programmes dealing
with all aspects of natural history, including the effects of global (10) _______.
1. A. grown B. educated C. moved D. brought
2. A. ran over B. came across C. got by D. took up
3. A. set up B. set by C. set down D. set out
4. A. species B. packs C. crowds D. parties
5. A. a B. the C. one D. any
6. A. business B. market C. industry D. interest
7. A. making B. setting C. drinking D. doing
8 A. reached up B. closed up C. drew up D. ended up
9. A. life B. live C. living D. lifelong
10. A. heating B. burning C. warming D. grilling
Our journey to Greece began at six in the morning, when my family and I set
off from the house in our old car. We’d only gone a mile when we got a (1)
_______ tyre, and after we’d fixed that we had to hurry to the airport. We (2)
_______ to reach the check-in just before it closed, then went through to the
departure lounge. Soon we were (3) _______ the plane, and looking forward to
our week on an island in the sun. I had a window seat, but since I was directly
above the (4) _______ I couldn’t see much, so I asked the flight (5) _______ if I
could move to another seat. She found me one nearer the front of the plane, and
later on 1 had a wonderful (6) _______ of the snow-covered mountains as we
crossed over the Austrian Alps. The weather became sunnier as we approached
Greece, and our plane arrived right on (7) _______ at Athens’ very smart new
airport. Half an hour after we landed, we ( 8) _______ the train for the centre of
Athens, where we (9) _______ trains for the port of Piraeus. It wasn’t long before
we were on the waterfront. After a short wait we were on board our ferry and
sailing out to sea. It was a lovely trip, and when finally we reached our
destination, the holiday was a (10) _______ come true.
1. A. flat B. level C. dead D. broken
2. A. could B. succeeded C. able D. managed
3. A. riding B. boarding C. stepping D. flying
4. A. platform B. mast C. wing D. sail
5. A. officer B. helper C. assistant D. attendant
6. A. view B. scene C. sight D. scenery
7. A. moment B. hour C. time D. minute
8. A. got into B. got over C. got up D. got onto
9. A. replaced B. moved C. changed D. exchanged
10. A. plan B. dream C. thought D. hope

One of the attractions of going on a camping holiday is the feeling of getting
away from everyday city life, of finding peace and (1) _______ in the
countryside, but this also means thinking about how you are going to prepare
meals while you are there. Before you (2) _______, check you have essentials
such as saucepans and frying pans, cups, plates, knives, forks, spoons for
everyone, and various bits and (3) _______ such as scissors, a tin-opener and a
sharp knife for cutting everything. Work out more or (4) _______ how much food
you will need to take with you, bearing in mind that being outside all day will
make people hungry and they will probably (5) _______ more food than usual'.
On the other (6) _______ , if you take too much you’ll have to carry a lot of
weight everywhere, only to end up having to (7) _______ half of it. One
possibility is to cook a favourite meal - something (8) _______ like a stew - seal it
in a plastic bag, freeze it, and take it with you for your first evening meal in (9)
_______ you arrive late at the campsite. Then you just (10) _______ it in a pan of
water, and it’ll be ready to eat in no time.
1. A. silence B. calm C. rest D. quiet
2. A. set off B. set up C. set to D. set for
3. A. parts B. pieces C. objects D. items
4. A. lower B. little C. less D. fewer
5. A. get through B. get down C. get in D. get at
6. A. side B. hand C. arm D. foot
7. A. throw away B. throw off C. throw back D. throw on
8. A. tasteful B. tasting C. tasty D. tasteless
9. A. event B. case C. chance D. matter
10. A. roast B. bake C. grill D. boil

Do you have a good (1) _______ with your brothers and sisters or do they
drive you crazy? Most brothers and sisters (2) _______ from time to time. There’s
nothing (3) _______ with that - it’s a basic animal instinct. Baby kittens fight for
the mother cat’s attention. And human brothers and sisters (4) _______ out for
very similar reasons. They think they should have more attention, or more space,
or more privacy. (5) _______, although a little jealousy is natural in families,
constant fighting can make life a misery. You don’t need to be best buddies with
your brother or sister but you should show them respect. Getting aggressive and
(6) _______ your temper isn’t the best way to win an argument. In fact, it’s a
complete (7) _______ of time. So next time your brother or sister annoys you or
starts to (8) _______ you about, take a deep breath, stay calm, and make it clear
you want to stop the fights. They probably don’t enjoy arguing all the time, (9)
_______ If you sit down and discuss things, you may find you have a lot more
(10) _______ common than you knew!
1. A. relationship B. friendship C. relations D. relative
2 A. dispute B. discuss C. disagree D. disturb
3. A. wrong B. bad C. false D. incorrect
4. A. drop B. stand C. break D. fall
5. A. And B. But C. Also D. So
6. A. throwing B. showing C. making D. losing
7. A. mistake B. waste C. miss D. loss
8. A. mess B. bully C. nag D. spoil
9. A. too B. also C. either D. as well
10. A. on B. at C. for D. in

Many of us are trying to think of new (1) _______ to help the environment.
Groups which are involved in protecting the environment think they may have
found a long-term (2) _______. Most of the current ways of getting people in-
volved in helping the environment mean that people have to (3) _______ a large
organisation and they can sometimes feel the problem is too large or (4) _______
to manage. A new' (5) _______ is that groups are set up locally to deal with small
issues that affect just the community they (6) _______ in. It is hoped this will
make people more (7) _______ of the importance of helping. Also, this plan
means that each community works together by contributing (8) _______ the
environment and this makes for a strong community. If every community does
this then organisers are (9) _______ the effect will be national. The government
may even offer some (10) _______ help for projects set up by these local groups.
The idea came from someone who thought that (11) _______ the size of what we
do would actually be more productive. Also, it should mean that helping becomes
a (12) _______ rather than a chore.
1. A. access B. approaches C. paths D. routes
2. A. answer B. key C. reply D. solution
3. A. join B. enrol in C. engage in D. involve in
4. A. improbable B. impractical C. impossible D. unrealistic
5. A. proposal B. suggestion C. remark D. statement
6. A. exist B. reside C. subsist D. live
7. A. conscious B. aware C. capable D. sure
8. A. to B. with C. about D. for
9. A. expecting B. dreaming C. hoping D. imagining
10. A. money B. monetary C. funding D. financial
11. A. lessening B. minimising C. reducing D. dwindling
12. A. happiness B. pleasure C. delight D. enjoyment

Jesse James was a notorious American outlaw. He was (1) _______ of a gang
of criminals which operated in the United States in the second half of the 19th
century. He (2) _______ a lot of bank robberies and became well known when his
daring crimes were reported in the newspapers. (3) _______ some people
considered him a criminal, to (4) _______ he was a hero, and they argued that he
was a symbol of rebellion for the southern states. James then started robbing
trains and stagecoaches and was (5) _______ successful that in 1874 a detective
agency was employed to find him. They tracked him down to his house and tried
to burn it down but this only created a lot of (6) _______ sympathy for James.
James eventually conducted a daring robbery that (7) _______ wrong and he had
to go into hiding. He was eventually betrayed by one of his new gang members
and he was (8) _______ shot dead. However, James was said to have (9) _______
this attempt and it was claimed that another man had been shot. Many myths
existed (10) _______ Jesse James, both about his (11) _______ crimes and about
his death. Even today, for many people his name (12) _______ the spirit of the
Wild West.
1. A. associate B. member C. partner D. part
2. A. offended B. committed C. created D. violated
3. A. While B. Because C. But D. Since
4. A. the others B. another C. others D. everybody
5. A. very B. extremely C. such D, so
6. A. common B. popular C. public D. average
7. A. became B. went C. got D. turned
8. A. apparently B. visibly C. seemingly D. clearly
9. A. overcame B. got over C. surpassed D. survived
10 A. within B. around C. inside D. for
11 A. daring B. brave C. courageous D. bold
12 A. represents B. stands for C. symbolises D. serves as

Lightning is much more (1) _______ to Hit something it has struck before be-
cause it (2) _______ to hit sharp things. So if there is a tall building or something
that sticks up on (3) _______ of a mountain then lightning may well strike twice.
This is (4) _______ lightning is always trying to find the easiest way down to
earth. In fact, there is (5) _______ that lightning does strike the same place (6)
_______ more than once because the Empire State building in New York got hit
15 times in 15 minutes a few years ago! Also, aeoplanes can get struck by light-
ning and this happens with a (7) _______ of about once in every 10 years. For ex-
ample, a friend of mine had been in the USA and was coming (8) _______ The
flight was already late hut, when he got on the aeroplane, it was (9) _______ by
an hour and a half because of a really had storm. Then, after it took (10) _______
his plane got hit by lightning, the passengers had just recovered when it got hit
again, so twice in the (11) _______ of about ten minutes! They do say that these
storms are going to get nun h more frequent because of the effect of greenhouse
(12) _______, so now there's even more chance of lightning striking twice!
1. A. likely B. possible C. probable D. expected
2. A. inclines B. leans C. tends D. aims
3. A. crown B. head C. peak D. top
4. A. why B. as C. because D. so
5. A. evidence B. sign C. mark D. exhibition
6. A. over B greatly C. above D. far
7. A. repetition B. frequency C routine D. habit
8. A. across B. about C. back D. away
9. A. postponed B. suspended C. held D. delayed
10. A. in B. off C. away D. back
11. A. space B. time G. cycle D. duration
12. A. changes B. gases C. substances D. layers

Back in my childhood days, summer was always the time we stayed at my
grandparents’ house, usually (1) _______ six weeks or even longer. It wasn’t par-
ticularly hot, but there seemed to be endless sunshine all the time we were there.
Most days, we used to go swimming with the (2) _______ kids. They had made a
large pool in the river that (3) _______ from the nearby mountains, which’ in
those days still had a thick (4) _______ of snow on top until early July. Nowadays
the temperatures seem higher and we rarely have any (5) _______ rain, so that in
summer there is (6) _______ any water in the river. Possibly for the same (7)
_______, the countryside seemed much greener then, with thick grass and wild
flowers (8) _______ everywhere. Today, sadly, everything looks brown and
lifeless, (9) _______ for the valleys and the higher ground. In fact, some areas are
completely black and burnt, because of the (10) _______ common wildfires that
destroy everything in their path. All this, people say, has been brought (11)
_______ by climate change, which is now (12) _______ a terrible effect on many
parts of our planet
1. A. by B. for C. during D. since
2. A. local B. close C. district D. nearby
3. A. streamed B. leaked C. washed D. flowed
4. A. layer B. slice C. sheet D. band
5. A. strong B. heavy C. deep D. extreme
6 A. nearly B. really C. hardly D. simply
7. A. reasons B. causes C. purposes D. methods
8. A. shooting B. rising C. planting D. growing
9. A. apart B. except C. other D. besides
10. A. greatly B. largely C. increasingly D. progressively
11. A. over B. up C. in D. about
12. A. making B. doing C. having D. causing

What would you think of a school where you never saw the teacher and you
never saw other students? There is a school like this and it is (1) _______ over the
radio. This is (2) _______ young people who live in the Australian outback get an
education. They live huge (3) _______ from the nearest towns and are from fami-
lies who own or (4) _______ sheep farms in isolated areas. The “school” sends
them study papers and they get daily radio lessons from teachers who are based
thousands of miles (5) _______. For many of us it is hard to imagine (6) _______
classes via the radio, but if it is all you have known then it seems (7) _______.
Teachers work with students at elementary and secondary school (8) _______ and
their “school” can be spread over 300,000 square kilometres. With the assistance
of a (9) _______ tutor (often their mother), the students listen to the lessons, then
do work, which they send (10) _______ to be corrected and assessed. Of course,
they are expected to (11) _______ up by themselves-if they miss a lesson.
Although the internet is also used for these types of schools so students can (12)
_______ in touch with each other, the radio is still a very important way for these
students to learn.
1. A. performed B. operated C. worked D. used
2. A. why B, where C. how D. when
3. A. distances B. spaces C. ranges D. ways
4. A. conduct B. command C. manage D. direct
r. A. off B. far C. aside D. away
6. A. holding B. making C. taking D. acquiring
7. A. normal B. usual C. common D. ordinary
8. A. degree B. level C. position D. standard
9. A. residence B. domestic C. house D. home
10. A. out B. in C. down D. over
11. A. catch B. go C. pick D. come
12. A. put B. have C. continue D. keep

Everyone, old or young, should think about joining a sports club. There are
many benefits to being a (1) _______ of a club. First of all, you have the
opportunity not just to play your favourite sport on a (2) _______ basis, but also
to improve. Most dubs have training sessions or even professionals who (3)
_______ lessons. Secondly, it’s a chance to meet people who enjoy doing the
same things as you so you will probably get (4) _______ with them and end up
with a good (5) _______ of friends. Also these clubs usually have an excellent (6)
_______ life as they arrange parties and special (7) _______ at the club where
you can meet to talk and eat together and generally have a good time. Many
people (8) _______ up sports in their early teens but it is a good idea to continue
as (9) _______ sport is a way of relieving stress and giving you more energy as
well as being a good (10) _______ from your studies. Best of all, a lot of clubs
can arrange to get tickets for top sporting events that are hard to (11) _______ .
This means you can often get front row seats for matches and competitions in
your favourite sport, or you may even be able to see your favourite team. Well
(12) _______ joining!
1. A. fellow B. member C. representative D. associate
2. A. timely B. normal C. even D. regular
3. A. offer B. present C. hand D. propose
4. A. up B. on C. over D. about
5. A. connection B. contact C. network D. system
6. A. social B. society C. group D. company
7. A. moments B. affairs C. organisations D. occasions
8. A. set B. get C. give D. put
9. A. doing B. making C. having D. taking
10. A. gap B. break C. interval D. pause
11. A. order B. book C. engage D. register
12. A. cost B. value C. worth D. use

Although some of us (1) _______ it amazing, there are plenty of people who
believe that aliens have visited our planet (2) _______ several occasions. These
(3) _______ all sprang up in the 1950s at the beginning of our exploration of
space. People are (4) _______ to have seen strange lights and found odd burn
marks in the ground. There were several tales of (5) _______ of alien spacecraft
and of humans being kidnapped by aliens and taken away. When they were (6)
_______, of course, they could never remember what had happened. The people
who believe in this (7) _______ their arguments by saying the government
conspires to keep these visits a (8) _______ so that is why we don’t get to hear
about them. Of course, these aliens always land in remote or uninhabited places
where they cannot easily be (9) _______. People who challenge these (10)
_______ say it is extremely unlikely that aliens could remain so hidden and so
therefore it is claimed that these stories are nothing more than an urban (11)
_______. But it still fascinates us as we can see from the number of television
programmes and films that are (12) _______ on these stories.
1. A. discover B. notice C. remark D. find
2. A. for B. on C. at D. in
3. A. histories B. folklores C. fictions D. myths
4. A. supposed B. claimed C. imagined D. expected
5. A. displays B. viewings C. sightings D. shows
6. A. reviewed B. returned C. replaced D. reappeared
7. A. carry B. hold C. support D. keep
8. A. formula B. key C. code D. secret
9. A. witnessed B. spotted C. noted D. checked
10. A. plots B. schemes C. theories D. guesses
11. A. legend B. tale C. account D. hoax
12. A. set B. based C. located D. found

Most of us own modern (1) _______ like mobile phones, or digital cameras.
We carry them round in our pockets, or attach them to our bodies. But not for
much longer! Designers have now (2) _______ in integrating tiny bits of
technology directly into our clothing. (3) _______ fact “cyberfashion” is the latest
trend! One example, the Musical Jacket, is already in the shops. This jacket is
silk. It (4) _______ controlled by a keyboard, also manufactured from fabric,
which is connected to a tiny device (5) _______ plays music. At present, you (6)
_______ to touch a shoulder pad to hear the music. But in future, you’ll be able to
operate (7) _______ device just by turning your wrist or walking! For athletes,
scientists have (8) _______ a smart shirt which measures your heart rate, body
temperature and respiration rate! (9) _______, the most romantic piece of
cyberfashion must be the Heartthrob Brooch. This item of jewellery, made from
diamonds and rubies, has two miniature transmitters. They (10) _______ the
brooch glow in time to the beating of its wearer’s heart. If you (11) _______
someone gorgeous, your heart will beat faster - and your brooch will (12)
_______ everyone know how you feel!
1. A. gadgets B. machines C. instruments D. tools
2. A. enabled B. succeeded C. managed D. resulted
3. A. As B. For C. By D. In
4, A. was B. has C. is D. can
5. A. that B. it C. who D. whose
6. A. must B. should C. could D. have
7 A. a B. the C. that D. any
8. A. discovered B. dreamed C. invented D. imagined
9. A. Although B. While C. Despite D. However
10. A. make B. force C. cause D. bring
11. A. met B. will meet C. meet D. are meeting
12. A. allow B. let C. permit D. admit

Coral reefs an found in clear, shadow water, mostly in the tropics. These ocean
(1) _______ provide shelter for many (2) _______ of animals, including, sharks
and turtles. The reefs provide rich fishing grounds for local people. They also help
boost the tourist (3) _______. Sadly, the world’s reefs are now disappearing at a
catastrophic (4) _______ There are several reasons for this. (5) _______ warming
is a major contributor. Climate change has caused sea temperatures to (6)
_______ by about three degrees. Coral can’t (7) _______ such warm conditions
so the reefs are now under (8) _______. Pollution is also a worry. Coral needs
light or it will die. (9) _______, all over the world, pollution is turning the seas
murky. Erosion, over-fishing and uncontrolled tourism are also threats. But it’s
not too late. Coral reefs can recover quickly as (10) _______ as they are
protected. The good news is that local people, such as fishermen, students, divers
and biologists are becoming (11) _______ involved in controlling pollution and
defending the reefs. And when ordinary people get serious about caring for the
environment and conserving wildlife, they can really (12) _______ a. difference.
1. A. places B habitats C. areas D. environs
2. A. parties B. specimens C. species D. groups
3. A. business B. industry C. interest D. market
4. A rate B. level C. number D. amount
5. A. Greenhouse B Planet C. Global D. Weather
6. A. rise B. raise C. elevate D. lift
7. A. bear B. stand C. allow D. tolerate
8. A. problem B. danger C. threat D. difficulty
9. A. Despite B. While C. Although D. However
10. A. far B. long C. well D. much
11. A. lively B. strongly C. energetically D. actively
12. A. make B. do C. have D. take

Out weekend (1) _______ to London was fabulous. There was so much to see
and do1 On our first morning we caught a double-decker tourist bus and (2)
_______ sightseeing. Our tour took in all the famous sights, including the Houses
of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey, (3) _______ many
kings and queens are buried. After getting a coffee in one of London’s famous
pubs, we headed (4) _______ the London Eye. The (5) _______ from the top
were just awesome! By the time we’d finished, I was starving, so I insisted (6)
_______ stopping for a sandwich in St James s Park. London is actually a very
green city and its parks are great places to chill out in. Looking round, I saw loads
of young people skateboarding or just hanging out in the sunshine. Later,
someone suggested (7) _______ a boat ride down the River Thames. It turned out
to be a great idea and we really enjoyed (8) _______ experience! By now it was
late and we were hungry again. Having spent most of our cash for the day, we
needed to find (9) _______ cheap to eat! in the end, we (10) _______ in finding
an inexpensive little Chinese restaurant in Soho. I’d never tried Chinese food
before and I wasn’t sure I’d like it, (11) _______ it was great! Feeling full and
happy, we made our (12) _______ Covent Garden to watch the street entertainers.
It was a fabulous end to an amazing day!
1. A. journey B. voyage C. travel D. trip
2. A. did B. made C. went D. had
3. A. where B. how C. that D. which
4. A. at B. up C. for D. by
5. A. scenes B. views C. outlooks D. looks
6. A. on B. in C about D. with
7. A. to take B. taking C. taken D. take
8. A. such B. an C. a D. the
9. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. wherever
10. A. involved B. participated 0. engaged D. succeeded
11. A. although B. but C. while D. despite
12. A. path B. road C. way D. route

Over 600.000 students come to Britain each year to learn English and immerse
themselves (1) _______ a complete cultural experience. It’s a great place to study
offering many attractions which cannot be found anywhere else. Why not (2)
_______ your stay with visits to other European countries which can be easily (3)
_______ from Britain?
We have a variety of exciting places in which to study - cosmopolitan cities,
traditional centres of learning, coastal resorts, beautiful historic towns. The choice
is yours.
Scotland-. Tartan, bagpipes, whisky, mountains and islands are just some of
the things for which Scotland is (4) _______, Visitors are (5) _______ to
Scotland’s spectacular colourful scenery. The Scottish Borders with green rolling
countryside, winding rivers and woodlands are likely7 to (6) _______ to walkers.
The Highlands is an area of wild beauty (7) _______ in wildlife and rare plants,
with heather covered moorlands and fast flowing rivers.
Northumbria-. Northumbria boasts more castles and ruins than any other
English region. Along the entire width of northern England ; (8) _______
Hadrian’s Wall, built by the Romans to (9) _______ the Scots from crossing the
border. Northumbria also has miles of beautiful sandy beaches.
London-. The capital offers superb shopping-; Oxford Street, Regent Street
and Knightsbridge are all known (10) _______ their famous stores. If you are
looking (11) _______ unusual items, Harrods in Knightsbridge boasts that it can
order anything in the world. For those (12) _______ in sports, there’s tennis at
Wimbledon, cricket at Lords and rugby at Twickenham as well as many other well
known events.
1. A. of B. in C. at D. for
2. A. combine B. divide C. join D. concentrate
3. A. got B. passed C. reached D. travelled
4. A. famous B. worthy C. attractive D pleasant
5. A. pleased B. delighted C enthused D. attracted
6. A. search B. attract C. appeal D. fascinate
7. A. full B. excellent C. fond D. rich
8. A. passes B. runs C. starts D. flows
9. A. prevent B. suspend C. refuse D. defend
10. , A. as B. by C. with D. for
11. . A. around B. at C. for D. over
12. . A. good B. interested C. occupied D. fond

Arriving in the Black Sea port of Batumi was a dream (1) _______ true for me.
For years I had longed to wander slowly along the promenade (2) _______ out
over this landlocked sea, so as I headed to the coast, with (3) _______ in my
stomach, I felt both excited and strangely nervous. Would the Black Sea actually
be black? Well, 111 (4) _______ the cat out of the bag - it isn’t! And, according
(5) _______ my guidebook, the Black Sea is more like a lake than a sea. It has no
tides, and, thanks to modern technology, we now know that below a certain depth
it is too poisonous to sustain life. But its calm surface gives a false (6) _______;
on stormy days, the churning waters can have a (7) _______ effect on shipping.
My travelling companion and I had bought cheap tickets on the overnight train
from Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. This had proved to be a (8) _______ economy
as we hardly got any sleep, and by the time we arrived in Batumi, we were so
tired and hungry that we virtually (9) _______ off the train. We had a few (10)
_______ to eat from the previous night’s meal but nothing appetising. That first
evening though, we had a very agreeable time, drinking Georgian wine, excited
(11) _______ the thought of being by the sea where once, (12) _______ the
sudden storms, Ancient Greeks traded and Byzantine ships patrolled the shores.
1. A. gone B. taken C. come D. done
2. A. glimpsing B. glancing C. peeping D. gazing
3. A. birds B. butterflies C. moths D. bees
4. A. let B. lose C. leave D. allow
5. A. for B. at C. to D. with
6. A. idea B. impression C. pretence D. sense
7. A. beneficial B. threatening C. crucial D. devastating
8. A. fake B. cheap C. true D. fake
9. A. strolled B. skipped C. marched D. staggered
10 A. deposits B. leftovers C. relics D. remains
11. A for B. with C. at D. in
12. A. despite B. although C. in spite D. nevertheless

Hospitality - looking after visitors — is universal, but in different cultures
hosts are expected to receive guests in different ways.
In much of the ancient (1) _______, it was the custom to provide passing
travelers with food and water, and (2) _______ after them well. Indeed in some
regions, if visitors were in the middle of a long (3) _______, servants would wash
their feet.
Today, some old customs have (4) _______. In a traditional Japanese house-
hold, if a guest admires a (5) _______ object in the house, the host will give it to
the guest straightaway. And it is still (6) _______ in parts of Russia to greet guests
with bread and salt on a special cloth The guest is (7) _______ to kiss them and
hand them back to the host. Sometimes the guest breaks (8) _______ a small
piece of bread, dips it in the salt and eats it.
In some countries, when (9) _______ guests arrive from abroad they may feel
they have been given a particularly (10) _______ meal. But this is probably
because the host politely (11) _______ offering more food and drink, and the
guest is too embarrassed to (12) _______ anything down.
1. A. world B. earth C. globe D. planet
2. A. name B. look C. take D. go
3. A. journey B. travel C. term D. day
4. A. supported B. existed C. preserved D. survived
5. A. usual B. precise C. particular D. distinct
6. A. typical B. everyday C. average D. ordinary
7. A. needed B. required C. wanted D. desired
8. A. in B. down C. out D. off
9. A. foreign B. strange C. alien D. unfamiliar
10. A. strong B. dense C. heavy D. wide
11. A. takes up B. keeps on C. comes off D. puts in
12. A. slow B. keep C. turn D. take

When I was at school, sports day was the highlight of the year. Let me (1)
_______ the scene. First of all, on sports day, it was always bound (2) _______
rain. Sunny weather? No such luck. Despite the previous two months of soaring
temperatures, as likely (3) _______ not, on the morning of the games, the
temperature would plummet. So, imagine a hundred (4) _______ small children,
dressed in tight shorts and thin vests, shivering in the cold, unaware of the
heartbreak that (5) _______ in store for them. Swept (6) _______ by the
excitement and desperate to win, tempers soon get (7) _______. One girl finds
herself disqualified from the egg and spoon race despite giving it everything she’s
got, and another boy, (8) _______ jealous of the winner of the sack race, makes
the mistake of being rude to him (9) _______ earshot of the teachers. Scores of
tiny children, (10) _______ disappointed at tasting defeat for the first time, break
down and cry. Twenty years on, I’m certainly not (11) _______ any younger, but I
do have some really lasting (12) _______ of those days at school!
1. A. put B. do C. make D. set
2. A. for B. to C. by D. of
3. A. to B. if C. than D. as
4. A, enthusiast B. enthusiastic C. enthuse D. enthusiasm
5. A. sits B. stands C. lies D. hides
6. A. up B. over C. down D. off
7. A. fractured B. turned C. torn D. frayed
8. A. fiercely B, warmly C. keenly D. strongly
9. A. between B. among C. within D. across
10. A. bitterly B. strongly C. warmly D. absolutely
11. A. putting B. getting C. going D. coming
12. A. remembrances B. mementoes C. memories D. souvenirs

Captain James Cook is remembered today for being one of Britain’s most fa-
mous explorers of the 18th century. Cook was (1) _______ most other explorer ',
of the same period as he did not come from a wealthy family and had to work
hard to (2) _______ his position in life. He was lucky to be (3) _______ by his
father’s employer, who saw that he was a bright boy and paid for him to attend the
village school. At sixteen, he started (4) _______ in a shop in a fishing village,
and this was a turning (5) _______ in his life. He developed an interest in the sea
and eventually joined the Royal Navy in order to see more of the world.
Cook was (6) _______ by sailing, astronomy and the production of maps, and
quickly became an expert in these subjects. He was also one of the first people to
(7) _______ that scurvy, an illness often suffered by sailors, could be prevented
by careful (8) _______ to diet. It was during his (9) _______ to the Pacific Ocean
that Cook made his historic landing in Australia and the (10) _______ discovery
that New Zealand was two (11) _______ islands. He became a national hero and
still (12) _______ one today.
1. A. different B. unlike C. distinct D. contrary
2. A. achieve B. succeed C. manage D. fulfil
3. A. remarked B. viewed C. noticed D. glanced
4. A. trade B. work C. career D. job
5. A. moment B. instant C. mark D. point
6. A. keen B. eager C. fascinated D. enthusiastic
7. A. realise B. estimate C. catch D. regard
8. A. selection B. organisation C. observation D. attention
9. A. travel B. excursion C. voyage D. tour
10. A. major B. superior C. serious D. leading
11. A. shared B. separate C. common D. particular
12. .A. keeps B. stands C. maintains D. remains

On the night of 21 October 1931 millions of Americans took part in a coast-to-
coast ceremony to commemorate the passing of a great man. Lights (1) _______
in homes and offices from New York to California. The ceremony (2) _______ the
death of arguably the most important inventor of (3) _______ time. Thomas Alva
Few inventors have (4) _______ such an impact on everyday life, and many of
his inventions played a .’racial (5) _______ in the development of modern
technology. One should never (6) _______ how revolutionary some of Edison’s
inventions were.
In many ways, Edison is the perfect example of an inventor - that is, not just
someone who (7) _______ up clever gadgets, but someone whose products trans-
form the lives of millions. He possessed the key characteristics that an inventor
needs to (8) _______ a success of inventions, notably sheer determination. Edison
famously tried thousands of materials while working on a new type of battery,
reacting to failure by cheerfully (9) _______ to his colleagues: ‘Well, (10)
_______ we know 8,000 things that don’t work.” Knowing when to take no (11)
_______ of experts is also important. Edison’s proposal for electric lighting
circuitry was (12) _______ with total disbelief by eminent scientists, until he lit
up whole streets with his lights.
1. A. went out B. came off C. turned out D. put off
2. A. noted B. distinguished C. marked D. indicated
3. A. all B. full C. entire D. whole
4. A. put B. set C. served D. had
5. A. effect B. role C. place D. share
6. A. decrease B. lower C. underestimate D. mislead
7. A. creates B. dreams C. shapes D. forms
8. A. gain B. get C. achieve D. make
9. A. informing B. announcing C. instructing D. notifying
10 A. at least B. by far C. even though D. for all
11 A. attention B. regard C. notice D. view
12 A. gathered B. caught C. drawn D. received

In practically any country in the world, you are (1) _______ to find a market
somewhere. Markets have been with us since (2) _______ times, and arose wher-
ever people needed to exchange the goods they produced. For example, a farmer
might have exchanged a cow for tools. But just as times have (3) _______, so
have market practices. So, (4) _______ in early times the main activity (5)
_______ with markets would have been “bartering” — in (6) _______ words
exchanging goods today most stall-holders wouldn’t be too (7) _______ on
accepting potatoes as payment, for instance, instead of cash. In contrast, what
might be a common (8) _______ in a modern market in some countries is a
certain amount of “haggling”, where customer and seller eventually (9) _______
on a price, after what can sometimes be quite a heated debate. However,
behaviour which is (10) _______ in a market in one country may not be
acceptable in another. Even within one country, there may be some markets where
you could haggle quite (11) _______ and others where it would be (12) _______
not to try!
1. A. inevitable B. confident C. definite D. sure
2. A. ancient B. antique C. old U. past
3. A. differed B. turned C. developed D. changed
4. A. however B. whereas C. nevertheless D. despite
5. A. attached B. relating C. connecting D. associated
6. A, different B, other C. new D. alternative
7. A. fond B. eager C. keen D. pleased
8. A. sight B. vision C. look D. view
9. A. confirm B. consent C. agree D. approve
10. A. expected B. insisted C. believed D. reckoned
11. A. simply B. easily C. clearly D. plainly
12. A. profitable B. noticeable C. advisable D. acceptable

While skyscraper offices and elegant apartment blocks remain the public face
of most major cities, these cities also have a mass of secret tunnels and hidden
pipes below ground which keep everything working. This other world exists, for-
gotten or neglected by all but a tiny (1) _______ of engineers and historians.
For example, there are more than 150 kilometres of rivers under the streets of
London. Most have been (2) _______ over and, sadly, all that (3) _______ is their
names. Perhaps the greatest (4) _______ to the city is the River Fleet, a (5)
_______ great river which previously had beautiful houses on its (6) _______. It
now goes underground in the north of the city and (7) _______ into the River
Thames by Blackfriars Bridge.
The London Underground (8) _______ 1,000 kilometres of underground
railway track winding under the capital and more than 100 stations below street
level. Along some underground railway lines, commuters can sometimes catch a
(9) _______ glimpse of the platforms of more than 40 closed stations which have
been left under the city. (10) _______ some are used as film sets, most (11)
_______ forgotten. Some have had their entrances on the street turned into
restaurants and shops, but most entrances have been (12) _______ down.
1. A. total B. amount C. number D. few
2. A. sheltered B. protected C. hidden D. covered
3. A. remains B. stops C. stays D. keeps
4. A. miss B. absence C. loss D. waste
5. A. past B. once C. then D. prior
6. A. borders B. coasts C. rims D. banks
7. A. gets B. flows C, leaks D. lets
8. A. holds B. contains C. consists D. has
9. A. brief B. rapid C. fast D. sharp
10. A. Despite B. Although C. Unless D. Since
11. A. live B. last C. lie D. lay
12. A. pulled B. broken C. brought D. cut

I had never been to Denmark before, and when I set out to catch the ferry in
early May, I little (1) _______ that by the end of the trip I’d have made such last-
ing friendships.
I wanted to (2) _______ my time well, so I had planned a route which would
(3) _______ several small islands and various parts of the countryside. I arrived at
Esbjerg, a (4) _______ port for a cyclist’s arrival, where tourist information can
be obtained and money changed. A. cycle track (5) _______ out of town and
down to Ribe, where I spent my first night.
In my (6) _______, a person travelling alone sometimes meets with
unexpected hospitality, and this trip was no (7) _______. In Ribe, I got into
conversation with a cheerful man who turned (8) _______ to be the local baker.
He insisted that I should (9) _______ his family for lunch, and, while we were
eating, he contacted his daughter in Odense. Within minutes, he had (10) _______
for me to visit her and her family. Then I was (11) _______ on my way with a
fresh loaf of bread to keep me (12) ________ and the feeling that this would turn
out to be a wonderful holiday.
1. A. wondered B. doubted C. suspected D. judged
2. A. take B. serve C. exercise D. use
3. A. contain B. include C. enclose D. consist
4. A. capable B. ready C. favourable D. convenient
5. A. moves B. rides C. leads D. connects
6. A. experience B. knowledge C. observation D. information
7. A. difference B. exception C. change D. contrast
8. A. out B. up C. in D. over
9. A. greet B. join C. see D. approach
10. A. settled B. fixed C. arranged D. ordered
11. A. passed B. put C. begun D. sent
12. A. going B. making C. being D. doing

One of the most difficult but rewarding of pastimes is mountain climbing. The
modern climber must (1) _______ many different skills. Rock climbing (2)
_______ a combination of gymnastic ability, imagination and observation, but
perhaps the most necessary skill is being able to (3) _______ out how much
weight a particular rock will (4) _______. Mountaineers climb in groups of three
or four, each climber at a distance of approximately six metres from the next.
Usually one person climbs while the other climbers (5) _______ hold of the rope.
The most experienced climber goes first and (6) _______ the other climbers
which way to go, making the rope secure so that it is (7) _______ for the others to
follow. With much mountain climbing, snow skills (8) _______ a very important
part. Ice axes are used for (9) _______ steps into the snow and for testing the
ground. Climbers always tie themselves together so that, if the leader falls, he or
she can be held by the others and (10) _______ back to safety. The number of
dangers (11) _______ by climbers is almost endless. And the (12) _______ of
oxygen at high altitudes makes life even more difficult for mountaineers.
1. A. possess B. hold C. control D. own
2. A. orders B. insists C. calls D. requires
3. A. work B. try C. stand D. set
4. A. supply B. support C. provide D. offer
5. A. continue B. stay C. keep D. maintain
6. A. indicates B. signals C. points D. shows
7. A. sure B. safe C. dependable D. reliable
8. A. act . B. do C. make D. play
9. A. breaking B. tearing C. cutting D. splitting
10 A. given B. pulled C. put D. sent
11 A. faced B. touched C. felt D, marked
12 A. need B. gap C. lack D. demand

Construction of the world’s biggest wave-energy installation is (1) _______
ahead off the coast of Cornwall in southwest England. More than twenty-one
million pounds’ (2) _______ of funding has been agreed for what is (3) _______
as Wave Hub, a giant electrical terminal on the seabed ten miles off the coast.
Wave Hub will allow a number of different wave-energy devices operating in the
area to transmit the energy they generate along a high-voltage undersea cable,
back to the shore.
Once it is in (4) _______ operation, Wave Hub is (5) _______ to support the
largest concentration of wave-energy machines anywhere in the world. It will also
mark an enormous (6) _______ forward in the development of wave power,
which has tended to (7) _______ behind its cousins in the other main (8) _______
of renewable energy technology: wind power and solar power.
But surfers in the southwest have (9) _______ concerns about the project.
Cornwall is Britain’s principal surfing region (10) _______ of the size of the
Atlantic rollers hitting the beaches there, and surfers are concerned that the energy
taken from the waves may (11) _______ in a reduction of as much as eleven per-
cent in the height of those waves when they (12) _______ the shore. But an inde-
pendent study reported this week that any effect on wave height will probably be
much less than the surfers had (13) _______.
1. A. setting B. getting C. making D. going
2. A. amount B. worth C. quantity D. value
3. A. referred B. called C. entitled D. known
4. A. whole B. entire C. full D. thorough
5. A. plausible B. likely C. probable D. surely
6. A. step B. strike C. pace D. tread
7. A. leave B. delay C. drag D. lag
8. A. branches B. limbs C. wings D. prongs
9. A. explained B. spoken C. expressed D. commented
10. A. because B. account C. reason D. thanks
11. A. arise B. upshot C. conclude D. result
12. A. arrive B. reach C. realise D. achieve
13. A. scared B. worried C. feared D. frightened

On my desk at home, I have a collection of souvenirs; objects that (1) _______
me of places I’ve visited and important events in my life. These objects include a
model boat that I saw being (2) _______ from a piece of wood on a Caribbean is-
land, a piece of lava that (3) _______ volcano in the year I was born, and a shell
(4) _______ on my favourite childhood beach.
(5) _______ everything else, from which memory and detail fades, it is as if
the longer you hold on to certain objects, the (6) _______ their associations with
the past become, and the sharper the recollections that gather around them. They
are, (7) _______, real souvenirs, encapsulations not only of the place, but of your
time in the place. But these days, the term “real souvenirs” sounds like a con-
tradiction in (8) _______, and this is because the objects sold to tourists as souve-
nirs are often cheap mass-produced imports that have nothing to (9) _______ with
the place at all.
It’s often the (10) _______ that the best souvenirs, like my shell, are found
rather than purchased, but (11) _______ for souvenirs can also be a fun holiday
activity. But if you are buying souvenirs on holiday this summer, make sure they
(12) _______ the reality test. A good souvenir is not just made in the area where it
is bought, it also says something about the culture of that area. It is something
made by local people using sustainable local materials, and because you are ef-
fectively supporting the local economy, it shouldn’t (13) _______ too cheap,
1. A. remind B. memorise C. remember D. commemorate
2. A. sketched B. carved C. thrown D. scratched
3. A. developed B. appeared C. emerged D. arrived
4. A. picked up B. bumped into C. come across D. found out
5. A. Opposite B. Dissimilar C. Different D. Unlike
6. A. greater B. wider C. larger D. harder
7. A. albeit B. otherwise C. whereas D. therefore
8. A. meanings B. terms C. words D. names
9. A. gain B. make C. do D. get
10. A. point B. case C fact D. truth
11. A. pursuing B. seeking C surfing D. browsing
12. A. win B. pass C. beat D. take
13. A. go B. charge C. come D. cost

Zookeeping is an (1) _______ but fascinating job. A lot of young people say
they want to work (2) _______ animals and being a zookeeper is possibly the
most interesting of the jobs you could be (3) _______. The job (4) _______ not
just cleaning and feeding the animals in the zoo but also checking up on them to
make sure they are well or if there are any (5) _______ to their behaviour. You
will also need to (6) _______ after them if they are sick. You have to be prepared
to do more (7) _______, boring tasks as well, such as checking their cages and
enclosures. In addition, you have to enjoy working with people (8) _______ you
usually have to answer questions from visitors to the zoo. You don’t need to have
a lot of (9) _______ to be a zookeeper. It is the kind of job that (10) _______
more on you having an interest in animals and animal behaviour. If you want to
apply, it’s a good idea to get some experience by doing some volunteer (11)
_______ at the weekends. You may also need to be quite fit as you may have to
do a lot of walking and (12) _______. You don’t just have to work in a zoo either,
as many zookeepers work in wildlife parks, which can be (13) _______ more
1. A. abnormal B. unexpected C. unusual D. extraordinary
2. A. by B. beside C. for D. with
3. A. suggested B. offered C. shown D. proposed
4. A. involves B, contains C. considers . D. needs
5. A. substitutes B. departures C. alterations D. alternatives
6. A. get B. look C. take D. go
7. A. routine B. unoriginal C. habitual D. customary
8. A. therefore B. owing C. so D. because
9. A. training B. coaching C. preparing D. guiding
10. A, counts B. relies C. trusts D. leans
11. A. work B. business C. job D. occupation
12. A. holding B. transporting G. bearing D. carrying
13. A. quite B. very C. much D. plenty

The television programme Planet Earth was a (1) _______ series that was
broadcast in many countries. The programme (2) _______ at the different envi-
ronments on our planet and the animals that live in these environments. It showed
various habitats as (3) _______ as plants and animals that have never been seen
before on television. Each programme showed different (4) _______ of our
planet, such as deserts, forests, seas and so on, and looked at the way animals and
plants (5) _______ in these places. What was interesting was that it made (6)
_______ reference to the environmental problems that face our planet but instead
was a (7) _______ of all the different life forms on the planet. The series was
incredibly popular and the photography was amazing (8) _______ the
photographers working on the series managed to (9) _______ some wonderful
scenes of animals in their natural habitats. The series attracted huge audiences
round the world and won several (10) _______ for the people who made the
programmes. The producers are now (11) _______ another programme called
Planet Earth: The Future, which will look at environmental issues, such as (12)
_______ change, and also at how we can save animals which are in danger of
becoming (13) _______.
1. A. main B. major C. heavy D. large
2. A. inspected B. viewed C. looked D. observed
3. A. greatly B. well C. much D. fully
4, A. divisions B. districts C. areas D. provinces
5. A. lasted B. remained C. supported D. survived
6. A. no B. not C. some D. any
7. A. festival B. anniversary C. celebration D. performance
8. A. as B. due C. so D. owing
9. A. win B. bring C. earn D. capture
10. A. awards B. rewards C. decorations D. premiums
11. A. composing B. making C. forming D. shaping
12. A. climate B. weather C. temperature D. atmosphere
13. A. lost B. inactive C. extinct D. dead

Hogwarts school is the school made (1) _______ in the Harry Potter novels. It
is a special school for witches and wizards (2) _______ the ages of eleven and
eighteen. The school teaches boys and girls and is a (3) _______ school located
somewhere in Scotland. In many (4) _______ it is like any other school in the
UK. It has a (5) _______ teacher and even a school song, and feeds the students
typically British food. Students live in houses and sleep in dormitories. They can
(6) _______ points for their houses. The school year is divided into three (7)
_______. Students have to (8) _______ tests and exams and if they misbehave
they are (9) _______ with a detention or can even be expelled. However, it (10)
_______ in many important ways. For a start the school is over one thousand
years old. Also students at the school are allowed to bring a cat, a toad or an owl
with them and have to bring several odd (11) _______ of equipment, such as a
wand and a telescope. The (12) _______ is a wizard’s outfit and students are
taught the history of magic and care of magical creatures rather than maths or
English! Even (13) _______ strangely, in their tests, they can get more than 100
per cent.
1. A. famous B. public C. known D. excellent
2. A. from B. among C. between D. with
3. A. boarding B. dormitory C. college D. vocational
4. A. methods B. customs C. habits D. ways
5. A. boss B. main C. head D. top
6. A. carry B. achieve C. catch D. win
7. A. sections B. terms C. seasons D. periods
8. A. make B. conduct C. perform D. do
9. A. punished B. ruled C. controlled D. corrected
10. A. alters B. changes C. differs D. departs
11. A. articles B. pieces C. parts D. lots
12. A. costume B. uniform C. outfit D. suit
13 A. extra B. more C. much D. as

One form of punishment that has become increasingly (1) _______ with courts
in the UK and USA is something called community service. This is when some-
body has been (2) _______ of a minor crime but, instead of being sent to prison,
they have to do some (3) _______ in the community. When they are in court the
(4) _______ tells them how many hours’ community service they will have to do.
The sort of things they are (5) _______ to do are things like painting buildings or
(6) _______ up litter from the streets. It seems to work very well because it (7)
_______ the towns get some jobs done that need doing and the criminal is made
to (8) _______ with the results of their actions. Also it costs the government much
less than (9) _______ somebody in prison, as it is like a job which is just done
during the day. It is something that has had a lot of publicity because several
celebrities who have (10) _______ the law, for example for speeding or
shoplifting, have been made to clean the streets. At the same (11) _______,
photographers follow them everywhere so it can be very embarrassing. The (12)
_______ also means it is a warning to ordinary people about what can happen if
they (13) _______ a crime.
1. A, famous B. known C. celebrated D. popular
2. A. arrested B. convicted C. caught D. charged
3. A. occupations B. labours C. exercises D. jobs
4, A. director B. judge C. referee D. authority
5. A. promised B. warned C. asked D. explained
6. A. picking B. cutting C. pulling D. saving
7. A. results B. causes C. involves D. means
8. A. deal B. handle C. manage D. treat
9. A. possessing B. controlling C. keeping D. storing
10. A. broken B. cracked C. dismissed D. crashed
11. A. moment B. time C. period D. term
12. A. advertising B. notice C. publicity D. broadcast
13. A. make B. perform C. deliver D. commit

One (1) _______ we can find out more about how our (2) _______ lived is by
actually living in the past ourselves. This was the (3) _______ for a. television
programme about how people lived a very long time ago in the Iron Age. The TV
company (4) _______ 12 people, including children, to go and live for four weeks
in a specially (5) _______ up village. The village was (6) _______ as if it was in
the Iron Age. The company employed historians to make (7) _______ they got
everything built in the same way as it would have been done hundreds of years (8)
_______. The people in the programme had to recreate the Iron Age life using the
various (9) _______ and materials from that Age. The volunteers had to learn the
(10) _______ they needed to live, such as basket making and farming the land.
They were then filmed as they struggled to live with no electricity, limited water
and (11) _______ mechanical at all. They also had to wear the clothes from the
(12) _______ which were made from rough cloth and were not very comfortable.
The thing they all found most difficult was the (13) _______ they had to work all
day from dawn to sunset and had no rest time!
1. A. course B. manner C. system D. way
2. A. ancestors B. relatives C. line D. tribe
3. A. creation B. direction C. inspiration D, birth
4. A. elected B. selected C. fixed D. adopted
5. A. put B. brought C. opened D. set
6. A. raised B, manufactured C. constructed D. composed
7. A. sure B. secure C. firm D. definite
8. A. past B. since C. yet D. ago
9. A. works B. pieces C. tools D, units
10. A. skills B. facilities C. experiences D. qualities
11. A. not any B. nothing C. none D. no one
12. A. cycle B. stage C. period D. days
13. A. point B. situation C. event D. fact

Whenever someone (1) _______ a goal in football, they seem to have a special
(2) _______ that is particular to them or their team. Big matches (3) _______ the
most successful football teams always have players who (4) _______ strange
movements round the pitch after a goal. Some do simple things (5) _______ run-
ning round and round many times with their arms in the air. Some do something a
bit more (6) _______ such as a cartwheel in the air or even several flips or
somersaults. There are also players who do something significant for them per-
sonally. Often this is a (7) _______, such as kissing their wedding ring or (8)
_______ to hold a baby. Psychologists think these expressions of self are
important because in football the players have to be very (9) _______ during the
match and it is only after a goal that they can (10) _______ go and express
themselves. This (11) _______ is usually individual to the player and each player
on the team may do something different. (12) _______ some may run round the
pitch getting a lot of applause and approval from their fans, others will do
something in front of the opposing fans in order to show (13) _______ and remind
them who the winner is.
1. A. scores B. makes C. wins D. hits
2. A. festival B. anniversary C. celebration D. party
3. A. involving B. numbering C. concerning D. containing
4. A. work B. act C. observe D. perform
5. A. as B. like C. similar D. instance
6. A. fit B. strong C. athletic D. muscular
7. A. symbol B- image C. figure D. badge
8. A. faking B. playing C. putting D. pretending
9. A.checked B. controlled C. commanded D. managed
10 . A. let B. allow C. make D. release
11 . A. operation B. education C. behaviour D. function
12 . A. Despite B. While C. However D. Since
13 . A. around B. up C. out D. off

Nowadays (1) _______ effects in films are so sophisticated that we (2)
_______ it for granted that we can create fantasy worlds that look completely real.
But what about all the things that (3) _______ in films that are closer to real life?
These are the kind of things that we (4) _______ as true and yet scientists tell us
they are not. (5) _______ example, in films about earthquakes you often see the
road splitting in (6) _______ with a big crack, sometimes with lava coming up
from underground. Scientists say this is never the (7) _______, They say that in
reality a crack would (8) _______ that one side of the road would be higher than
the other and there wouldn’t be (9) _______ lava, which is only in volcanoes. Or
what about movies where we see the hero knocking through the hatch at the top of
a lift to (10) _______? In fact, lifts hardly ever have ceiling panels these days (11)
_______ they are so dangerous. Also, if there were hatches they would be (12)
_______ with a switch to disconnect the power so -you couldn’t jump outside
while the lift was (13) _______ as it would automatically stop. So even when it
looks real, a lot of what we see in films really is fantasy and not fact.
1. A. strange B. odd C. weird D. special
2. A. take B. make C. have D. do
3. A. follow B. tell C. go D. happen
4. A. expect B. accept C. admit D. agree
5. A. Per B. In C. As D. For
6. A. part B. two C. pair D. double
7. A. condition B. occasion C. case D. state
8. A. mean B. involve C. intend D. cause
9. A. some B, none C. any D. no
10. A. escape B. break C. skip D. slip
11. A. hence B. because C. thus D. nevertheless
12. A. adapted B. prepared C. fitted D. shaped
13. A. increasing B. moving C. advancing D. carrying
Students and jobseekers keen to get onto the course or into the workplace of
their (1) _______, hope that voluntary work will help them (2) _______ from the
crowd. This chance to (3) _______ experience - personally and professionally – is
(4) _______ on the wish-list of young people.
A survey carried out last year revealed that young and old (5) _______ said
volunteering had improved their lives, particularly those (6) _______ in conserva-
tion or heritage work.
Businesses recognise its importance and get to (7) _______ their profile in the
community, while staff get a break from their daily routine to develop “soft
skills”, (8) _______ initiative and decision-making. One volunteering
organization is (9) _______ another survey to find out if volunteering does make a
difference in the workplace, or if it is something businesses do simply to improve
their (10) _______
Not (11) _______ are business-sponsored placements becoming more
common, the government is also investing money and aiming to (12) _______
volunteers. The push is clearly on to make volunteering as attractive as possible to
everyone. And the more people who participate, the more the act fulfils its (13)
_______ of making the world a better place.
1. A. alternative B option C. choice D, election
2. A. point out B. lift out C. pick out D. stand out
3. A. gain B. achieve C. collect D. win
4. A. extreme B. sharp C. high D. strong
5. A. similar B. alike C. the same D. too
6. A. committed B. associated C. connected D. involved
7, A. increase B. raise C. arouse D. motivate
8. A. such B. such and such C. such like D. such as
9. A. conducting B. guiding C. governing D. directing
10. A. representation B. image C. look D. figure
11. A. merely B. just C. only D. simply
12. A. recruit B. claim C. bring D. enter
13. A. design B. direction C. mark D. aim
Bid you know that on (1) _______ we take home 150 plastic bags annually? In
(2) _______ words, that means a global figure of one million plastic bags taken
home every minute. We are sure you’ll agree this is a truly shocking statistic.
Plastic bags cannot be simply (3) _______ of along with your domestic
rubbish - they can blow off landfill sites and become highly (4) _______ litter
which can remain in the environment for a number of years. They are not only an
eyesore but they are a (5) _______ to the environment too. For example, plastic
bags almost dammed the Buriganga river in Bangladesh, and they are widely (6)
_______ responsible for causing devastating floods there on two separate (7)
They also (8) _______ a particular threat to wildlife. More and more (9)
_______ dead turtles and whales are discovered washed up on beaches, killed by
swallowing plastic bags. To marine life, a plastic bag closely (10) _______ a
These are the (11) _______ why you should reuse plastic hags you already
have or take a small rucksack on trips to the supermarket. Why not take (12)
_______ now and show how much you care about the environment by (13)
_______ this small step!
1. A. example B. normal C. average D. ratio
2. A. fewer B. some C. those D. other
3. A. thrown B. disposed C. finished D. used
4. A. evident B. observable C. marked D. visible
5. A. risk B. difficulty C. danger D. problem
6. A. held B. shown C. made D. taken
7. A. activities B. occasions C. incidents D. episodes
8. A. pose B. set C. model D. generate
9. A. repeatedly B. frequently C. usually D. generally
10. A. equates B. reminds C, resembles D. appears
11. A. motives B. causes C. sources D. reasons
12. A. action B, advantage C. against D. account
13. A. helping B. taking C. following D. doing
British space scientists are planning to join the Americans (1) _______ the
race to find evidence of life on other planets. Alan Penny and his team at the
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory have (2) _______ a telescope that is 40 times
more (3) _______ than Hubble. (4) _______ as “Darwin”, this telescope could tell
if planets 50 light years away have any (5) _______ of life on them. Two days
after NASA scientists had shown proof that one of Jupiter’s moons could support
life, Penny (6) _______ that his telescope may be included in a European Space
Agency mission. The Darwin project, with a (7) _______ of £500 million, is on a
shortlist of two proposals. If approved, it will probably be (8) _______ in around
five years’ time, its destination somewhere between Mars and Jupiter. The
blueprint is actually for live telescopes positioned 50 metres (9) _______ in space,
slowly circling- a central processing station. The combined data from these
telescopes would (10) _______ a full picture of a planet, picking out faint images
that have never been seen before. Darwin would not be able to take detailed
photographs of the planets it (11) _______, but Penny believes a second-
generation telescope could be sent up to do this. He claims it is worthwhile
mapping the universe around our own galaxy, even though these planets lie (12)
_______ our reach for the moment. The European Space Agency is expected to
make a (13) _______ shortly on whether the Darwin project will go ahead.
1. A. in B. on C. at D. by
2. A. thought B. intended C. drawn D. designed
3. A. powerful B. striking C. forceful D. strong
4. A. Called B. Known C. Considered D. Named
5. A. shape B. race C. kind D. brand
6. A. told B. spoke C. advertised D. announced
7. A. price B. budget C. charge D. schedule
8. A. driven B. fetched C taken D. launched
9. A. distant B. far C. apart D. away
10. A. save up B. build up C. end up D. put up
11. A. discovers B. searches C. invents D. looks
12. A. out B. toward C. over D. beyond
13. A. conclusion B. verdict C decision D. view

Clare Harrison rarely (1) _______ ill and hates going to the doctor’s when she
does. So when she recently (2) _______ out in a painful rash down one side of her
body she emailed her symptoms, which also included a (3) _______ fever, to e-
doc, the Internet medical service. Two hours later she was diagnosed as having
shingles (Herpes Zoster) by her online doctor, who (4) _______ a special
cleansing solution for the rash and analgesics to help (5) _______ the pain.
Health advice is now the second most popular topic that people search for on
the Internet, and online medical (6) _______ is big business. Sites (7) _______
enormously in what they offer, with services ranging from the equivalent of a
medical agony aunt to a live chat with a doctor via email. They are clearly (8)
_______ a demand from people who are too busy or, in some cases, too
embarrassed to discuss their medical (9) _______ with their GP.
Dr Ron Zeronis (10) _______ with the idea for e-doc when he (11) _______ a
particularly dangerous form of malaria whilst travelling in a remote part of Africa,
With only very basic medical facilities available, Dr Zeronis resolved there and
then to launch his site and (12) _______ a service for others who found
themselves in a similar situation. Not all practitioners, however, are in favour of
sites such as e-doc; many point to the potential dangers of online medical advice,
particularly in the case of more (13) _______ illnesses.
1. A. turns B. stays C. goes D. falls
2. A. passed B. came C. worked D. ran
3. A. small B. weak C. mild D. calm
4. A. determined B. concluded C. intended D. prescribed
5. A. disappear B. relieve C. improve D. lighten
6. A. consultation B. appointment C. meeting D. attendance
7. A. alter B. distinguish C. change D. vary
8. A. meeting B. serving C. creating D, establishing
9. A. hardship B. story C. complaint D. harm
10. A. came up B. thought over C. got on D. put forward
11. A. received B. gained C. contracted D. acquired
12. A. supply B, provide C. distribute D. deliver
13. A. important B. deathly C. serious D. endangered

(1) _______ a new life and hoping for a significant (2) _______ in their
standard of living, foreign workers began flocking into Western Europe during the
1950s. In Britain, some of the first immigrants arriving from the West Indies and
the Indian subcontinent were welcomed by brass bands, but the dream of a new
life soon (3) _______ sour for many.
Attracted by the promise to earn good money and learn new skills, the reality
they found was often one of low wages and, in many (4) _______,
unemployment. Some did not adapt (5) _______ to life in a country of cold
weather, cold welcomes and discrimination. The (6) _______ of West Indian
immigrants (7) _______ into the inner cities, areas that were already fraught with
social tensions caused by poverty and (8) _______ housing. There were cases of
open hostility towards the newcomers; in 1958, riots (9) _______ out in Notting
Hill, West London, when gangs of white youths began taunting immigrants.
Yet despite the (10) _______ difficulties they encountered, many foreign
workers did manage to (11) _______ to their new conditions, settling in their new
adopted country and prospering. Their contribution had the effect not only of
speeding up the (12) _______ of economic change in the postwar period, it also
(13) _______ Western Europe into a multiracial society.
1. A. Seeking B. Wishing C. Searching D. Leading
2. A. switch B. variation C. modification D. change
3. A. switched B. converted C. turned D. changed
4. A. cases B. examples C. ways D. occasions
5. A. closely B. greatly C. easily D. normally
6. A. most B. majority C. percentage D. number
7. A. changed B. lived C. arrived D. moved
8. A. low B. poor C. few D. weak
9. A. came B. carried C. broke D. started
10. A. several B. numerous C. high D. heavy
11. A. amend B. alter C. turn D. adjust
12. A. pace B. motion C. growth D. step
13. A. modified B. transferred C. transformed D. shifted

When Andy Johnson (1) _______ Britain’s first ever crocodile farm in 2006,
he (2) _______ under fierce criticism from animal rights groups, opposed to the
factory farming of wildlife. However, Johnson, who also farms cattle, pigs and
lambs, (3) _______ that his motivation for starting a crocodile farm was for (4)
_______ environmental reasons. He wants to protect wild crocodiles from being
poached, and he is primarily interested in their meat, not their skins.
“By supplying Europeans with home-produced crocodile, we can (5) _______
the market value of illegally supplied crocodile meat,” he claims.
Johnson says the meat “has a mild flavour - it’s low fat, high protein, very
healthy and humanely produced”. His crocodiles are housed in a tropically heated
room that (6) _______ around 20 by 30 metres, so they have plenty of room.
However, Dr Clifford Warwick, a reptile biologist, (7) _______ concern: “Their
biology and behaviour do not (8) _______ themselves to a captive life. The
animals may seem peaceful and relaxed, but an animal behaviourist can see that
they are stressed.”
In the last century, many species of crocodiles were hunted to the (9) _______
of extinction as trade in their skins flourished. Some 300,000 Australian saltwater
crocodiles were killed between 1945 and 1973. The alligator suffered a similar
(10) _______, although both species are now protected and their (11) _______
are slowly rising. Worldwide, the legal trade in crocodilian skins (crocodiles, alli-
gators and caymans) has roughly tripled since 1977, rising to a million or (12)
_______ animals by 2003. The majority of these are farmed animals, but upwards
of 90,000 are killed annually in the (13) _______.
1. A. put out B. gave off C. set up D. brought about
2. A. put B. went C. met D. came
3. A. ascertains B. insists C. insures D. convinces
4. A. purely B. utterly C. cleanly D. finely
5. A. downsize B. downplay C. undercut D. undergo
6. A. rules B. sizes C. ranges D. measures
7. A. expresses B. gives C. speaks D. arises
8. A. let B. owe C. make D. lend
9. A. frontier B. edge C. side D. line
10. A. luck B. destination C. chance D. fate
11. A. groups B. numbers C. counts D. volumes
12. A. some B. many C. more D. such
13. A. wild B. natural C. savage D. outside

Recent research has (1) _______ that a third of people in Britain have not met
their (2) _______ neighbours, and those who know each other (3) _______ speak.
Neighbours gossiping over garden fences and in the street was a common (4)
_______ in the 1950s, says Dr Carl Chinn, an expert on local communities. Now,
however, longer hours spent working at the office, together with the Internet and
satellite television, are eroding neighbourhood (5) _______. “Poor neighbour-
hoods once had strong kinship, but now prosperity buys privacy,” said Chinn.
Professor John Locke, a social scientist at Cambridge University, has analysed
a large (6) _______ of surveys. He found that in America and Britain the (7)
_______ of time spent in social activity is decreasing. A. third of people said they
never spoke to their neighbours at (8) _______. Andrew Mayer, 25, a strategy
consultant, rents a large apartment in west London, with two flatmates, who work
in e-commerce. “We have a family of teachers upstairs and lawyers below, but our
only contact comes via letters (9) _______ to the communal facilities or
complaints that we’ve not put out our bin bags properly,” said Mayer.
The (10) _______ of communities can have serious effects. Concerned at the
rise in burglaries and (11) _______ of vandalism, the police have relaunched
crime prevention schemes such as Neighbourhood Watch, (12) _______ on people
who live in the same area to (13) _______ an eye on each others’ houses and
report anything they see which is unusual.
1. A. exhibited B. revealed C. displayed D. conducted
2. A. side on B. close up C. next door D. nearside
3. A. roughly B. barely C. nearly D. virtually
4. A. outlook B. view C. sight D. vision
5. A. laces B. joints C. strings D. ties
6. A. number B. amount C. deal D. measure
7. A. deal B. measure C. number D. amount
8. A. all B. once C. least D. most
9. A. concerning B. regarding C. relating D. applying
10. A. breakdown B. breakthrough C. breakout D. breakaway
11. A. shows B. acts C. counts D. works
12. A. asking. B. trying C. inviting D. calling
13. A. put B. keep C. hold D. give

In May 1998, just two years after breaking his back in a parachuting accident
whilst (1) _______ in the army, Bear Grylls became the youngest Briton to (2)
_______ the summit of Mount Everest and return (3) _______. He was just 23
years old.
As his back recovered and he regained his (4) _______ , Bear decided to leave
the army in order to pursue his lifelong ambition to conquer the highest (5)
_______ in the world. A friend of his was organising an expedition to Everest and
Bear asked to (6) _______. After a year spent preparing for the climb and (7)
_______ sponsorship money, he and his companions moved out to the Himalayas
to (8) _______ up the challenge.
In (9) _______, Bear spent over 10 weeks on the mountain’s south-east face.
This (10) _______ a whole week at Camp Two simply waiting for the right condi-
tions to make his attempt on the summit. When he finally made it to the top, he
sat for 20 minutes, just gazing in wonder at the (11) _______ before him.
The hardest part was still to come though. Every year the number of climbers
killed on Everest increases, with most deaths occurring on the descent. It is (12)
_______ surprising then, that Bear should feel a (13) _______ sense of relief
when he eventually got back to base camp. Three British climbers under 25 have
tried to conquer Everest ; Bear is the only one to survive.
1. A. serving B. obeying C. ordering D. assisting
2. A. achieve B. reach C. get D. attain
3. A. alive B. lively C. living D. live
4. A. power B, force C. vigour D. strength
5. A. crest B. crown C. peak D. tip
6. A. link B. unite C. attach D. join
7. A. rising B. raising C. arising D. arousing
8. A. put B. rise C. face D. take
9. A. total B. short C. summary D. conclusion
10. A. contained B. comprised C. included D. consisted
11. A. eyesight B. view C. vision D. outlook
12. A. strongly B. equally C. hardly D. rarely
13. A. great B. large C. wide D. full

To most people, landfill sites are (1) _______ holes in the ground where waste
(2) _______ is buried. To garbologists, however, they provide a valuable (3)
_______ of information about a population’s activities in areas such as food
consumption and waste disposal. Garbology is a branch of ethnography, a science
which abandons traditional methods of (4) _______ market research information,
such as questionnaires and focus groups, in favour of (5) _______ observation of
people and their habits.
The world’s (6) _______ garbologist, Professor William Rathje, is also an ar-
chaeologist. Archaeologists study past cultures by examining the (7) _______ of
objects and buildings, but the basic principles of archaeology can also be applied
to the discarded rubbish of present-day. civilizations in order to (8) _______ a bet-
ter understanding of how people behave now. As founder and director of the
Garbage Project at the University of Arizona, Professor Rathje has (9) _______
over 30 years of his life to the archaeological study of modern refuse.
His work is of (10) _______ interest to commerce; companies need to under-
stand the lives of their consumers in order to create brands which will be of most
(11) _______ to them. Rathje’s (12) _______ can help them achieve this. In
addition, his analysis of the composition of landfill sites reveals a greater need not
only to recycle more rubbish, but also to (13) _______ down on the amount of
rubbish we produce in the first place.
1. A. easily B. directly C. bluntly D. simply
2. A. selection B. material C. fabric D. product
3. A. spring B. origin C. fountain D. source
4. A. holding B. obtaining C. meeting D. comprising
5. A. near B. tight C. close D. hard
6. A. leading B. heading C. charging D. fronting
7. A. rests B. ruins C. relics D. remains
8. A. gain B. learn C. make D. gather
9, A. conveyed B. apportioned C. devoted D. spent
10. A. great B. large C. high D. deep
11. A. function B. use C. serving D. purpose
12. A. outcomes B. implications C. findings D. derivations
13. A. lower B. get C. bring D. cut

“Let them be free” is the (1) _______ rule for child-rearing in the Netherlands.
No wonder Dutch kids have been (2) _______ Europe’s most fortunate by a
recent UNICEF survey. From a tender age, their opinions are (3) _______, their
wishes respected, and there is no homework until their last year in preparatory
school. Some would (4) _______ that the tendency of Dutch society to encourage
infants to experience whatever they please has (5) _______ a whole generation
into spoilt, undisciplined brats. Others say family members are remarkably (6)
_______ with one another, feeling free to say anything, and that the way parents
(7) _______ with their children’s anxieties means that the children are well-
adjusted, which is (8) _______ up by the results of the survey.
Dr Gerrit Breeusma, head of development psychology at the University of
Groningen says the survey’s results came as no (9) _______. “Children have al-
ways played a very important role in Holland but there were (10) _______ within
families during the Sixties, usually over matters of discipline and conformity. As a
result, the generation growing up at that time have made sure they (11) _______
on better with their kids,” he added.
However, in several Dutch police precincts, such liberalism is not viewed posi-
tively. In an attempt to (12) _______ underage heavy drinking, police have taken
to bringing home teenagers and threatening parents with obligatory attendance at
courses on excessive alcohol problems or hefty fines unless they keep their
children under (13) _______
1. A. iron B. golden C. solid D. fixed
2. A. rated B. put C. compared D. assessed
3. A. regarded B. recognized C. valued D. measured
4. A. criticize B. argue C. defend D. judge
5. A. resulted B. created C. brought D. turned
6. A. alike B. true C. open D. careful
7. A. empathize B. understand C. analyse D. handle
8. A. shown B. held G. made D. backed
9. A. doubt B. difference C. surprise D. consequence
10. A. conflicts B. beliefs C. decisions D. contradictions
11. A. follow B. get C. carry D. continue
12. A. extinguish B. supervise C. tackle D. dispose
13. A. rule B. limits C. restriction D. control

Working all year without a holiday is like (1) _______ a car for 12 months
without changing the oil. You might (2) _______ going, but you are probably
heading for a breakdown. Holidays are an easy (3) _______ to recharge your
batteries and prepare for the (4) _______ challenge. But a recent study came up
with an interesting (5) _______ less than a third of Americans are planning to (6)
_______ a holiday this year. Maybe those people who aren’t taking a break work
for firms that are not holiday-friendly. It’s certainly (7) _______ considering
holiday time when you go looking for work, even if it may not be at the (8)
_______ of your list of items to ask about. While many job-seekers may feel very
reluctant to (9) _______ holidays at interviews or during salary negotiations,
some younger workers don’t (10) _______ to negotiate extra free time. In fact,
many of them negotiate additional weeks of holiday for a slightly (11) _______
salary. Time off is very important to them. They have come to (12) _______ it,
they’ll certainly take it, and they don’t really (13) _______ whether it offends
their boss or not.
1. A. driving B. travelling C. riding D. going
2. A. persevere B. continue C. keep D. carry
3. A. way B. method C. possibility D. choice
4. A. second B. near C. close D. next
5. A. response B. finding C. consequence D. information
6. A. go B. make C. take D. get
7. A. worth B. good C. useful D. fine
8. A. height B. first C. peak D. top
9. A. talk B. mention C. remark D. comment
10. A. hesitate B. mind C. wait D. worry
11. A. less B. fewer C. lower D. minor
12. A. hope B. expect C. count D. wait
13. A. think B. bother C. fear D. care

You get off your plane and (1) _______ your way to the Baggage Reclaim
area, where you locate the carousel for your flight and wait patiently for your
luggage. After quite some time spent waiting, there is no (2) _______ of your
bags and you begin to consider the possibility that they may have gone (3)
_______. What should you do?
Firstly, don’t panic. The most likely (4) _______ is that your bags simply
didn’t make it onto the flight, perhaps because they were mislaid at the departure
airport, or perhaps because the aircraft had already (5) _______ its weight
allowance. If they (6) _______ to appear on the carousel, report the loss before
you leave the baggage hall and go through customs. (7) _______ your luggage
should be no problem, provided you’ve kept (8) _______ of your baggage checks
- those little barcodes stuck to the back of your tickets at check-in.
Go to the handling agent’s desk and (9) _______ a Property Irregularity Report
(PIR) form, which describes the checked bag and its (10) _______. Then, ask the
baggage-services manager for a contact telephone number and confirm that your
bags will be forwarded to your final (11) _______.
Most bags (12) _______ up within a day or two, but if yours never show (and
it may be weeks before the airline accepts that they are permanently lost), you can
claim (13) _______ from the airline.
1. A. go B. get C. walk D. make
2. A. sign B. indication C. notice D. mark
3. A. lost B. misplaced C. absent D. missing
4. A. example B. explanation C. clarification D. understanding
5. A. surpassed B. overtaken C. outdone D. exceeded
6. A. lack B. fail C. avoid D. omit
7. A. Retracing B. Retaining C Recovering D. Reinstating
8. A. hold B. control C. property D. hand
9. A. carry out B. fulfil C. complete D. realize
10. A. contents B. inside C. filling D. packing
11. A. destiny B. destination C. termination D. terminus
12. A. come B. bring C. turn D. put
13. A. refund B. reparation C. amendment D. compensation

By the time we (1) _______ old age most of us have (2) _______ twenty years
sleeping. Yet nobody knows why we do it. Most scientists believe that by resting
our bodies, we allow time for (3) _______ maintenance work to be done. Any (4)
_______ that there is can be put right more quickly if energy isn’t being used up
doing other things. Sleep is controlled by certain chemicals. These build up during
the day, eventually reaching (5) _______ that cause tiredness. We can control the
effects of these chemicals to some extent. Caffeine helps to (6) _______ us awake
while alcohol and some medicines make us sleepy.
By using electrodes, scientists are able to (7) _______ what goes on in
people’s heads while they sleep. They have (8) _______ that when we first drop
off everything slows down. The heart (9) _______ more slowly, and our breathing
becomes shallow. After about ninety minutes our eyes start to twitch, and we go
into what is (10) _______ REM* sleep, which is a (11) _______ that we’ve
started to dream. You have dreams every night, even if you don’t remember them.
There are many theories about why we dream, none of them conclusive. A lot of
people say they have to have eight hours’ sleep every night while others seem to
(12) _______ on a lot less. One thing is (13) _______ we all need some sleep.
Going without it can have some very strange effects.
* REM = Rapid Eye Movement
1. A. arrive B. become C. reach D. get
2. A. passed B. used C. occupied D. spent
3. A. essential B. elementary C. needed D. main
4. A. harm B. suffering C. damage D. hurt
5. A. peaks B. levels C. positions D. heights
6. A. stay B. maintain C. make D. keep
7. A. exhibit B. study C. work D. think
8. A. seen B. researched C. watched D. discovered
9. A. beats B. hits C. moves D. trembles
10. A. known B. called C. named D. labelled
11. A. clue B. proof C. sign D. signal
12. A. manage B. need C. get D. deal
13. A. fixed B. decided C. confident D. certain

People who want to lose weight are being (1) _______ a startling new way to
burn fat. Would-be slimmers are flocking to a spa in Hong Kong that (2) _______
to reduce their waistlines by smearing them with Chinese herbs, dousing then
with alcohol and then (3) _______ light to them, all for £78 a session. The spa
claims that the (4) _______ heat of the fire penetrates deep tissue, increasing
circulation and helping the body to absorb the herbal concoction which works to
detoxify the body and (5) _______ down fat. It boasts that the results are (6)
_______ with customers recording losses of up to 15 centimetres of fat after the
first session.
Karen Chu, owner of The Life of Life Healing Spa in Hong Kong’s busy
Causeway Bay district, says that about 100 customers have successfully (7)
_______ the treatment, and there have been no (8) _______. “About half the cus-
tomers come here for the Aqua-Fire treatment,” she said. “It is (9) _______ safe
You are (10) _______ from the flame by wet towels. We have never had any com-
plaints or problems., In Asia, people are more (11) _______ to the idea of fire
being a healing treatment. It is only the Westerners who are afraid of the fire. If a
customer is really afraid we don’t go (12) _______.” Ms Chu claims the fire treat-
ment also boosts the immune system, relieves stress, cleanses the skin and (13)
_______ muscular pains and stomach problems.
1. A. proposed B. suggested C. offered D. advanced
2. A. predicts B. assures C. considers D. promises
3. A. making B. setting C. holding D. giving
4. A. soaking B. bitter C. forced D. intense
5. A. bring B. take C. break D. work
6. A. immediate B. early C. straight D. rushed
7. A. undercut B. undergone C. underused D. undertaken
8. A. casualties B. damages C. warnings D. cautions
9. A. strongly B. perfectly C. fiercely D. deeply
10. A. prevented B. kept C. protected D. stopped
11. A. familiar B. acceptable C. prepared D. open
12. A. ahead B. through C. forward D. along
13. A. disappears B. eases C. lightens D. recovers

In recent years, ready-made meals have (1) _______ Britain’s eating (2)
_______. Britons now spend four times as (3) _______ as the Italians on ready-
made meals and six times more than the Spanish. Demand for instant meals has
increased across Europe as a (4) _______, but why has Britain become the (5)
_______ European capital of ready-made food, second only in the world to
Convenience is (6) _______ of the attraction. A recent survey (7) _______ that
77 per cent of purchasers said they only bought ready meals when they did not
have time to cook. Dr Susan Jebb, head of nutrition at the Medical Research
Council, said: “People in the UK work the (8) _______ hours, we are very time-
poor, and we don’t have a strong cultural history of cooking. ”
The ready-made meal boom also reflects changing social (9) _______ in
Britain. More people live alone and so are less likely to be (10) _______ to cook.
And with families eating together less often, ready meals allow people to eat what
they want when they want. Julia Michna, of Marks and Spencer, says that ready
meals also reflect changing (11) _______ in food. “Britain’s multiculturalism has
brought a (12) _______ range of restaurants than other European countries, and
ethnic cuisines, which people are often scared of cooking from scratch, are (13)
_______ more popular. One quarter of chilled meals are Indian, and nearly one in
five is Chinese.”
1. A. transformed B. adjusted C. transferred D. amended
2. A. ways B. forms C. terms D. habits
3. A. much B. same G. equal D. more
4. A. conclusion B. whole C. sum D. total
5. A. unclaimed B. unclassified C. undisputed D. undefeated
6. A. element B. piece C. share D. part
7. A. made B. found C. put D. gave
8. A. hardest B. largest C. widest D. longest
9. A. drifts B. flows C. trends D. movements
10. A. convinced B. bothered C. worried D. disturbed
11. A. tastes B. likings C. desires D. wishes
12. A. longer B. deeper C. harder D. wider
13. A. very B. quite C. far D. such

Comic Relief is a charitable organisation (1) _______ in London. It was set (2)
_______ by comedians in 1985 in response to the famine in Ethiopia, and uses
comedy and laughter to (3) _______ serious messages across. Since then (4)
_______ two thousand celebrities have given their time and talent to Comic
Relief, helping to raise over £300 million to date.
Every two years, Comic Relief organises a nationwide fundraising event (5)
_______ “Red Nose Day”. It’s usually on a Friday in March. On Red Nose Day
everyone in the country is encouraged to put on a red nose and do something silly
to raise money (6) _______ charity. In an event that unites the country, people
from all walks of life do their bit for poor and under-privileged people in the UK
and Africa.
In schools, uniforms are replaced by fancy (7) _______; in offices across the
nation, assistants (8) _______ over from their bosses for the day. Every contribu-
tion is important, whether it is standing in the street (9) _______ money from
passers-by, or taking (10) _______ in a sponsored event like sitting in a bathtub
full of baked beans for twenty-four hours, or not talking for a(n) (11) _______
The event is televised in the evening, when the combination of comedy and
hard-hitting documentaries persuades (12) _______ to make donations on their
credit cards - over the phone or (13) _______ the Internet - to those less fortunate
than themselves.
1. A. established B. stationed C. constructed D. based
2. A. on B. up C. out D. off
3. A. have B. do C. make D. get
4. A. more B. plus C. over D. additional
5. A. known B. called C. named D. described
6. A. for B. to C. towards D. on
7. A. clothes B. wear C. dress D. costume
8. A. make B. take C. do D. get
9. A. gathering B. earning C. asking D. collecting
10. A. part B. place C. participation D. involvement
11. A. total B. all C. whole D. full
12. A. viewers B. spectators C. audience D. observers
13. A. by B. across C. on D. through

The skies around the world’s airports are becoming more and more (1)
_______. One result of this is that the number of incidents of “near-misses”,
where two aircraft almost crash into each other, seems to be (2) _______.
Ministry of Transport officials are (3) _______ studying a report of one near-miss
at Heathrow Airport, when a jumbo jet flew so low over houses that eye-witnesses
could (4) _______ the terrified expressions on the passengers” faces!
The pilot of the plane which so (5) _______ crashed remained calm and so
managed to (6) _______ what could have been a disaster. One of the plane’s four
engines stopped just after the jumbo jet had taken off. Air traffic controllers re-
ceived an emergency call and then saw the jumbo disappear. Everyone thought a
crash was inevitable.
(7) _______ the pilot had put the three working engines on (8) _______ speed
in order to get high enough to drop most of the plane’s (9) _______ load of fuel.
This (10) _______ him to reach a safer height. Due to other incoming flights,
however, it was a further thirty minutes before the pilot received (11) _______ to
land. Although this sort of incident is becoming more and more (12) _______ it
still remains a (13) _______ that it is safer to fly than to cross the road. But for
how much longer will this remain true?
1. A. crowded B. full C. packed D. filled
2. A. spreading B. raising C. developing D. increasing
3. A. momentarily B. actually C. currently D. nowadays
4. A. see B. watch C. notice D. realise
5. A. almost B. about C. nearly D. closely
6. A. avoid B. pass C. miss D. escape
7. A. Indeed B. Really C. Definitely D. Actually
8. A. total B. full C. top D. complete
9. A. weighty B. strong C. heavy D. hard
10. A. let B. enabled C. managed D. made
11. A. allowance B. permit C. approval D. permission
12. A. normal B. common C. ordinary D. general
13. A. proof B. evidence C. fact D. truth

Have you ever passed an English farm (1) _______ the sign, “Pick your own”,
and wondered what it meant? Tessa Simon became intrigued after seeing such a
sign outside a local farm five years ago, and went to (2) _______. She was
delighted to discover that members of the public were (3) _______ to go and pick
fruit and vegetables from the fields for themselves and pay accordingly.
Tessa (4) _______ her first visit during the month of June when her favourite
fruit, the strawberry, was in season. She (5) _______ the hundreds of other
people, including small children with their parents, in (6) _______ of the ripest,
juiciest strawberries. In her enthusiasm, she quickly picked (7) _______ than she
could carry, succeeding in filling five carrier bags! (8) _______ she went to get
the bags weighed in the farm shop, she was charged less than any supermarket
would charge.
Nowadays, Tessa is (9) _______ skilled at picking her own fruit and
vegetables. She has the peak seasons for each fruit and vegetable (10) _______ on
her calendar. She then heads for farm with her containers and some snacks to (11)
_______ her energy up, and she always gets an early start to ensure she doesn’t
(12) _______ up to an empty field! It is possible to buy freshly picked goods from
the farm shop, but Tessa enjoys the satisfaction of (13) _______ out the products
herself before taking them home to make some lovely home-cooked dishes.
1. A. showing B. presenting C. displaying D. demonstrating
2. A. examine B. study C. inspect D. investigate
3. A. received B. accepted C. permitted D. let
4. A. made B. constructed C. formed D. completed
5. A. connected B. united C. joined D. attached
6. A. look B. search C. hunt D. chase
7. A. more B. much C. lot D. many
8. A. While B. Although C. As D. When
9. A. very B. much C. lot D. too
10. A. stained B. printed C. exhibited D. marked
11. A. maintain B. keep C. uphold D. sustain
12. A. arrive B. travel C. lead D. turn
13. A. selecting B. picking C. choosing D. deciding

Situated on the coast of the Persian Gulf, Dubai is one of the seven countries
that today make up the United Arab Emirates. The capital, also named Dubai, was
(1) _______ at the beginning of the 19th century, and, because of its (2) _______
location, it rapidly became popular with foreign tradesmen, many of whom
eventually (3) _______ in the city.
Today, Dubai is a modern, thriving city attracting an increasing (4) _______ of
tourists. If you come here in the summer, however, be warned. The temperature
can (5) _______ a maximum of over 47 degrees Celsius, so remember to drink (6)
_______ of water.
Dubai City is where everyone will want to start their sightseeing. Go exploring
and, who knows, you might find something unexpected just (7) _______ the
corner. Of course, you can visit one of the modern shopping malls, but for a com-
pletely different (8) _______ go to a souk - a traditional market that you can find
in many parts of Dubai, selling clothes, jewellery, food and sculptures. One thing
you will be expected to do is to (9) _______ with the shopkeeper before agreeing
on a price. It is not just about (10) _______ a bargain, it is part of the culture.
There is no doubt that Dubai is an exciting place. It has been said that it is the
fastest growing city in the world, with a(n) (11) _______ 800 people setting up
home here every day! Some of the more remarkable developments (12) _______
the “palm peninsulas” being constructed just off the coast and the planned
underwater hotel. It really is a futuristic city that will (13) _______ your breath
1. A. invented B. founded C. devised D. discovered
2. A. major B. first C. prime D. super
3. A. matured B. settled C. developed D. established
4. A. total B. amount C. number D. sum
5. A. achieve B. make C. realise D. reach
6. A. enough B. lot C. plenty D. sufficient
7. A. across B. behind C. below D. around
8. A. experience B. occurrence C. event D. incident
9. A. contract B. bicker G. quarrel D. haggle
10. A. striking B, dealing C. selling D. trading
11. A. evaluated B. estimated C. counted D. measure
12. A. include B. contain C. enclose D. surround
13. A. grasp B. take C. snatch D. pull

Daniel Hooper was (1) _______ into a respectable, middle-class family in
Berkshire. Who would have thought that this well-heeled child would (2)
_______ as Britain’s most important environmental activist?! Daniel (also known
as “Swampy”) became a (3) _______ hero during the mid 1990’s. Swampy and
his fellow campaigners were concerned that the (4) _______ of a major road, in
the town of Newbury, would damage local ecosystems and have a (5) _______
negative effect on the environment.
The activists thought that it was time that people (6) _______ for the rights of
plants and animals, so they (7) _______ that they wouldn’t move from the area
until the development was cancelled. However, the builders were (8) _______ to
do their job. Swampy Could have given in, but (9) _______ he felt it was time for
drastic action and dug an underground tunnel, while his band of men lived in tree
houses. As a (10) _______, the builders were unable to continue.
(11) _______, the protester was pulled out of his hiding place. The self-styled
eco-warrior may have lost the battle, but he (12) _______ won the war. The build-
ers had to promise to keep the wildlife in the area safe and the government said
that all future road projects would be designed so as to do more to protect the
environment - a (13) _______ change of policy. It just goes to show what a little
peaceful protest can. do!
1. A. born B. raised C. reared D. developed
2. A. become B. emerge C. appear D. occur
3. A. national B. public C. social D. general
4. A. making B. production C. composition D. construction
5. A. deep B. wide C. strong D. high
6. A. got in B. stepped back C. held back D. stood up
7. A. judged B. decided C. assessed D. concluded
8. A. firm B. set C. fixed D. determined
9. A. instead B. otherwise C. anyway D. likewise
10. A. conclusion B. fact C. result D. product
11. A. Lastly B. Eventually C. Already D. Sometime
12. A. likely B. firmly C. definitely D. securely
13. A. complete B. full C. thorough D. whole

There are a lot of (1) _______ names for it: Internet crime, cyber crime, e-
crime and hi-tech crime, but it all (2) _______ to the same, thing - crimes
committed online. Internet crime is a serious problem which has severe
consequences in (3) _______ human and economic terms and worryingly it is on
the (4) _______. Tragically, in recent years, the number of people charged with
Internet child indecency offences has reached record (5) _______. Not only that,
according to the Association for Payment Clearing Services, in 2004, card fraud
over the Internet cost the UK £117m. Furthermore, the (6) _______ on UK
business during the same period included virus attacks costing £28.8 million, as
well as financial fraud costing £121 million. So, you may (7) _______ ask, what
is being done about it?
Well, the good news is that every police force in the UK now has its own com-
puter crime unit. Crime-specific initiatives have also been introduced to (8)
_______ particular crimes. For example, there is now a Centre for Child
Protection on the Internet which not only (9) _______ investigations but also
provide support for victims and information for parents. What is more, it also acts
as a (10) _______ of reporting any incidents where children have been targeted
online. In terms of Internet fraud, viruses and hacking, there have been (11)
_______ efforts to educate consumers and businesses on how to protect
themselves. Finally, it is now illegal for firms in the UK to send unsolicited
messages, also (12) _______ as junk email or spam, to personal email accounts or
to hide the identity of the sender. Hopefully, these positive actions as well as a(n)
(13) _______ awareness of the dangers will help to successfully defeat, cyber
1. A. various B. unusual C. assorted D. different
2. A. adds B. amounts C. totals D. sums
3. A. two B. either C. neither D, both
4. A. advance B. increase C. upturn D. top
5. A. degrees B. amounts C. levels D. stages
6. A. impact B. impression C. contact D. influence
7. A. best B. good C. better D. well
8. A. combat B. attack C. hit D. battle
9. A. works B. does C. conducts D. carries
10. A. means B. mode C. method D. manner
11. A. acute B. intensive C. extreme D. severe
12. A. famous B. name C. called D. known
13. A. risen B. raised C. increased D. elevated

The facts
The amounts of household waste produced annually are on the (1) _______.
As a result, (2) _______ of such large amounts is rapidly becoming a serious (3)
_______ we have to address.
How to recycle ... with a difference
Our recycling for art programme “Turning trash into treasures” is (4) _______
one way of tackling this problem. This is a great way of (5) _______ original
works of art such as mosaics and collages, which are not expensive to make.
Projects may vary from area to area, but everyone is eligible to (6) _______.
Why recycle?
Recycling has many advantages, such as (7) _______ down on landfill space
and limiting environmental (8) _______. This leads to a reduction both in energy
use and in pollution (9) _______, but it can also encourage people to be creative.
Paper, magazines and broken pottery and glass can all be recycled. Our main (10)
_______ in recycling materials like these is that they can be (11) _______ into
exciting new creations.
Our website will keep you (12) _______ of the progress of our new and exciting
(13) _______.
1. A. lift B. increase C. raise D. multiply
2, A. disposing B. discarding C. distributing D. dumping
3. A. disagreement B. trouble C. problem D. dispute
4. A. immediately B. currently C. instantly D. directly
5. A. renovating B. erecting C. fixing D. producing
6. A. share B. assist C. participate D. enter
7. A. cutting B. bearing C. holding D. backing
8. A. loss B. suffering C. injury D. damage
9. A. layers B. grades C. levels D. stages
10. A. aim B. course C. attempt D. direction
11. A. transmitted B. transformed C. translated D. transported
12. A. communicated B. acquainted C. instructed D. informed
13. A. affair B. speculation C. venture D. offer

Tattoos are not a recent invention. Centuries ago, rich people were really
keen to have (1) _______. Then the craze for this kind of body (2) _______ died
out. Nowadays, tattoos (3) _______ become trendy again. David Beckham and
Jennifer Aniston are just two of the celebrities (4) _______ have them. If you are
(5) _______ of getting a tattoo, here is some advice. First, (6) _______ sure that
you are old enough. In some countries you have to be (7) _______ least eighteen
years old to get a tattoo. The next thing you (8) _______ do is look for a reputable
tattoo artist. Make sure (9) _______ in his room is clean and sterile, including the
needles and other equipment. You could get a serious skin (10) _______ if the
needles are dirty. Then stop and think. The tattoo artist will inject ink deep into
your skin. It may feel extremely (11) _______ or if you’re lucky, just
uncomfortable. Tattoos are permanent (12) _______ you can’t change your mind
after it’s done. Be sure you won’t (13) _______ up regretting the decision.
1. A. them B. that C. this D. it
2. A. ornament B. jewellery C. decoration D. piercing
3. A. have B. is C. will D. had
4. A. whom B. which C. that D. who
5. A. considering B. thinking C. meaning D. wanting
6. A. take B. do C. make D. stay
7. A. at B. in C. on D. by
8. A. ought B. would C. won’t D. should
9. A. nobody B. everything C. everyone D. something
10. A. infection B. illness C. injection D. wound
11. A. hurtful B. tearful C. painful D. harmful
12. A. although B. so C. because D. as
13. A. keep B. come C. give D. end

Body art isn’t new. The (1) _______ Egyptians used black kohl to highlight
their eyes. Today we employ fake tans, hair dyes and make-up. It seems that
decorating our bodies (2) _______ us feel better about ourselves. It gets us
noticed, too!
Tattoos and body piercing are more controversial, (3) _______ they’ve been
around for ages. Archaeologists have found body ornaments in Inca burial
grounds in South America, (4) _______ tattoos were found on the bodies of Egyp-
tian mummies!
Body piercing is considered cool and trendy at (5) _______. But people with
tongue and nose piercings can look aggressive, (6) _______ often worries older
people, especially parents, teachers and employers! Your parents’ views (7)
_______, as you need their permission to get holes put in you. (8) _______
they’re happy with the idea, it’s advisable to check with teachers or employers as
well. You need them on your side if you want to study and to get a job!
But is it worth all this trouble? Dan Wilson doesn’t think so. When he had his
tongue pierced, it took six whole months to (9) _______! “I couldn’t eat (10)
_______ except runny food for the first week, so I was starving hungry,” he ex-
plains. “Then I got an infection in my tongue. It was so (11) _______! If I’d
known about the risks, I’d never have gone ahead with it all!”
Having a piercing is at best uncomfortable, at worst pure agony! What’s more,
you’re stuck with it for (12) _______. You don’t want to end up (13) _______
what you did when you were younger. If you have any doubts, don’t do it!
1. A. old B. primitive C. elderly D. ancient
2. A. makes B. allows C. permits D. enables
3. A. given B. however C. because D. although
4. A. also B. while C. since D. furthermore
5. A. last B. once C. least D. present
6. A. this B. which C. that D. who
7 A. mind B. signify C. matter D. weigh
8. A. Assuming B. Depending C. Unless D. Accepting
9. A. mend B. cure C. heal D. restore
10. A. anything B. nothing C. none D. something
11. A. hurtful B. painful C. injurious D. harmful
12. A. living B. alive C. life D. live
13. A. deploring B. upsetting C. grieving D. regretting

Every day millions (1) _______ people sit at home and (2) _______ their com-
puters. At some point, most of them will (3) _______ online. Some people (4)
_______ the internet for specific information. Others (5) _______ newspaper arti-
cles or recipes for meals. Many access the internet in (6) _______ to chat to
friends - or make new ones. Teenagers used to (7) _______ on mobile phones to
contact people. Not any more! Now they go to online (8) _______ like Bebo,
MySpace and Face book. On Bebo, for example, (9) _______ can upload music,
videos and photos onto their personal web pages, press a button, and send them to
their friends. Face book provides free 10) _______ so you can write your own
music. But it’s not just humans (11) _______ have their own websites. Dogs who
want to (12) _______ to each other online through their owners can log on to
Dogster. Hundreds of dogs have (13) _______ their pictures and diaries posted
there already!
1. A. on B. in C. of D. and
2. A. plug in B. set up C. turn off D. switch on
3. A. go B. do C. come D. put
4. A. look B. see C. search D. view
5. A. record B. download C. open D. enter
6. A. hope B. effort C. case D. order
7. A. ring B. rely C. calls D. utilise
8. A. spaces B. areas C. screens D. sites
9. A. users B. makers C. liners D. doers
10. A. hardware B. software C. ironware D. glassware
11. A. which B. they C. who D. that
12. A. chat B. discuss C. speak D. debate
13. A. been B. had C. made D. sent

Companies started branding products (1) _______ in the 1800s. There were
very (2) _______ laws to regulate manufacturing in those days so there were
plenty of dangerous products (3) _______ sale, including fake medicines!
Reputable companies (4) _______ started branding their own goods to show they
were safe and of good quality. In order to (5) _______ these brands successfully,
the companies turned to advertising. They discovered that good advertising can
influence sales in (6) _______ big way. Of course commercial advertising is big
business (7) _____ . And it is everywhere! (8) _______ on the TV, or go to the
movies, and you’ll see ads for nearly everything. Sometimes you don’t even
realise a product is (9) _______ advertised. In the movie Minority Report, the
character played by Tom Cruise owns a phone on (10) _______ the Nokia logo is
clearly displayed, (11) _______ his watch is engraved with the Bulgari logo, so
you have no doubt about the make. Similarly, in the Bond film Casino Royale, the
vehicles James Bond drives and the gadgets he uses have clear brand (12)
_______. Hidden advertising (13) __________ this is very effective.
1. A. long B. far C. back D. way
2. A. a few B. a lot C. lots D. few
3. A. in B. on C. at D, by
4. A. so B. however C. although D. therefore
5. A. show B. compete C. market D. appeal
6. A. a B. the C. this D. some
7. A. presently B. nowadays C. recently D. lately
8. A. Switch B. Log C. Push D. Press
9. A. having B. being C. getting D. making
10. A. that B. whom C, which D. where
11. A. except B, but C, also D. and
12. A. names B. signs C. titles D. signatures
13. A. same B. like C. as D. alike
One of the easiest and best (1) _______ to make a global network of friends is
to create your own webpage on In little more than a couple of
years, has (2) _______ from nothing to being a website which no
self-respecting teenager can (3) _______.
MySpace is a (4) _______ to-use site that enables anyone to have their own
homepage for free, (5) _______ their likes, dislikes, favourite bands, top books,
best movies and general interests, and hook up with other like-minded people.
Don’t worry (6) _______ you know nothing about computers, as you can get your
webpage built by someone else! Do you want to have your favourite songs fea-
tured on the site? Then there are other support websites that will do this for you.
They (7) _______ all kinds of things such as girl or boy layouts, cartoons and
animated graphics. So, you can have your profile set up by professional designers,
but all for free. Millions of (8) _______ have had their webpages designed by
using these support sites. These other sites (9) _______ their money from adver-
tising. The great thing about MySpace is that it is a safe way of staying in (10)
_______ and making friends without giving (11) _______ any personal
information, such as your email address. You should never (12) _______ out your
address or phone number when you are communicating online. You can also
arrange to get your webpage (13) _______ so you don’t have your ideas copied!
So, if you want to make friends, get your webpage made now!
1. A. ways B. courses C. paths D. tracks
2. A. enlarged B. promoted C. gained D. gone
3. A. ignore B. leave C. notice D. pass
4. A. clear B. simple C. plain D. straight
5. A. writing B. filing C. listing D. enrolling
6. A. whether B. as C. though D. if
7. A. advance B. offer C. present D. show
8. A. dealers B. operators C. players D. users
9. A. do B. have C. make D. form
10. A. connection B. touch C. link D. union
11. A. away B. in C. off D. over
12. A. stand B. bring C. let D. give
13. A. preserved B. covered C. protected D, defended

Recently, organisers (1) _______ on a huge concert called Live Earth. They
wanted to make everyone more aware of the dangers of (2) _______ change. The
event consisted of (3) _______ series of concerts staged in seven continents
around the world. The concerts needed to be environmentally-friendly, so the
organizers used biofuels to power the lights (4) _______ used recycled car tyres to
make the stage. They (5) _______ provided recycling containers for people to
dump their empty drinks cans in. Over 100 musicians and celebrities took part in
the (6) _______ shows. They urged fans to take action against global (7) _______
by demanding more renewable energy, and by helping to (8) _______ the
rainforests. They explained that the Earth is under (9) _______ but stressed that
it’s not too late to change things as long (10) _______ we all act now. Together we
can (11) _______ a big difference. Superstar Madonna closed the London show
and gave a great (12) _______ . “Let’s hope the concerts that are happening
around the world are not just about entertainment, but about starting a revolution,”
she told the (13) _______, who cheered and applauded in their thousands.
1. A. gave B. went C. played D. put .
2. A. weather B. climate C. planet D. temperature
3. A. few B. some C. the D. a
4. A. but B. although C. and D. because
5. A. thus B. also C. consequently D. therefore
6. A. live B. living C. life D. alive
7. A. heating B. burning C. warming D. changing
8. A. conserve B. aid C. rescue D. reserve
9. A. problem B. difficulty C. threat D. danger
10. A. as B. if C. so D. when
11. A. do B. bring C. make D. cause
12. A. act B. performance C. contest D. appearance
13. A. contestants B. onlookers C. participants D. audience
Lauren has a boyfriend called Paul. But last week she (1) _______ out she
wasn’t the only girl in his life! A friend told her she’d seen Paul going (2)
_______ a cinema with another girl, when he should have been at home studying.
Later, the friend had (3) _______ across Paul and the same girl eating together in
a pizza parlour. When Lauren asked Paul about it, he tried to (4) _______ it. Then
he claimed he’d only invited the girl out for (5) _______ dare. He said Lauren
needn’t have worried (6) _______ he didn’t really like the other girl at all. He (7)
_______ and promised he’d never see her again. Lauren (8) _______ really upset.
She and Paul had a terrible row but in the end they (9) _______ up. Lauren’s
friends believe she’s (10) _______; a big mistake. They think she ought never to
have forgiven him. Having let her (11) _______ once, they say, he could do it
again. Besides, he could have been dating the other girl for weeks, (12) _______
anyone knowing. Should Lauren give Paul another chance? Or should she find
someone new (13) _______ will treat her better? What do you think?
1. A. found B. made C. discovered D. worked
2. A. out B. into C. round D. in
3. A. got B. met C. come D. seen
4. A. deny B. refuse C. ignore D. discredit
5. A. the B. that C. this D. a
6. A. although B. because C. while D. however
7. A. blamed B. regretted C. admitted D. apologised
8. A. had B. was C. has D. is
9. A. had B. did C. made D. spoke
10 A. had B. made C. done D. committed
11. A. up B. through C. under D. down
12. A. without B. besides C. before D. instead
13. A. whose B. while C. who D. which

Do you have a passion for fashion? Are you (1) _______ with design? Our
fashion designer course has been specially created for you. We offer fantastic (2)
_______ for design set in the heart of the city and a large (3) _______ of our past
students now work for top fashion houses. Our course offers a unique (4) _______
to equip you with ail the knowledge and skills that any budding fashion designer
needs. It has been created by experts (5) _______ have real experience in the
world of fashion. You can (6) _______ for the course three times a year. We have
a simple (7) _______ process where we ask you to show us some of your designs.
Over three years you will study various subjects such as design theory and the
history of fashion, but we will also give you plenty of practice in creating your
own designs. Every term we will (8) _______ you and give you feedback on how
you have done. Your final (9) _______ is based on a special project which we ask
you to complete and (10) _______ in during your final term. Each year we also
present a(n) (11) _______ to the student who we feel has (12) _______ the
greatest progress. Furthermore, when you (13) _______ we will help you find a
1. A. taken B. controlled C. obsessed D. caught
2. A. supplies B. facilities C. places D. purposes
3. A. number B. deal C. part D. volume
4. A. list B. subject C. outline D. syllabus
5. A. which B. who C. where D. whose
6. A. enter B. sign C. record D. register
7. A. choice B. picking C. selection D. sorting
8. A. estimate B. rate C. judge D. assess
9. A. grade B. level C. standard D. position
10. A. put B. take C. hand D. get
11. A. award B. trophy C. gift D. order
12. A. done B. made C. got D. had
13. A. graduate B. pass C. complete D. certify

Over (1) _______ decades, it has become trendy for (2) _______ who are
between school and university to take a year (3) _______ from studying. Some go
on long train (4) _______ round Europe. Others go further, backpacking or
hitchhiking to countries (5) _______ Thailand or India. Cheap travel isn’t always
comfortable or convenient. The kind of hostels backpackers have to stay at aren’t
always (6) _______ and it may be necessary to (7) _______ for spiders and
scorpions before using the bathroom! But the travellers get to visit fantastic
places, meet interesting people and (8) _______ enormous fun. Of course, school-
leavers who have a conscience want to give back to the countries they visit, (9)
_______ is why today’s backpackers often take part in a volunteer project along
the way. For a fee, travel companies will arrange (10) _______ students to work
on a turtle conservation project, for example, or to teach English in poor villages.
However, some experts see all this as a (11) _______ of time. They say the only
people who really (12) _______ are the travel companies. Clearly anyone taking a
gap year needs to think about these matters very carefully before they (13)
_______ off.
1. A. late B. recent C. near D. lately
2. A. kids B. youths C. teenagers D. youngsters
3. A. away B. out C. off D. far
4. A. travels B. excursions C. journeys D. tours
5. A. of B. as C. such D. like
6. A. ideal B. idealistic C. amazing D. terrific
7. A. inspect B. examine C. check D. scrutinize
8. A. have B. do C. find D. make
9. A. that B. it C. this D. which
10. A. for B. how C. that D. if
11. A. loss B. waste C. ruin D. misuse
12. A. achieve B. profit C. gain D. benefit
13. A. put B. set C. go D. leave

Last weekend a friend of mine invited me to go shopping with him. I hate
shopping, but I needed to get a present for my mum, so he offered to help me and
persuaded me that we would have a (1) _______. We went into a big (2) _______
store, which was having a special (3) _______, so I was hoping to pick up a (4)
_______ My friend found this great T-shirt for my mum - it was the only one they
had (5) _______! I wasn’t sure if it was the right size. So, as I’m the same size as
her, I decided to (6) _______ it on and went along to the (7) _______ rooms. I no-
ticed this strange woman following me as I came out and (8) _______ she was
hoping to get the T-shirt if I didn’t want it. I continued browsing (9) _______ the
store and found a couple of small things I needed. Then I went to the (10)
_______ to pay but my friend was talking to me, so I forgot I had the T-shirt (11)
_______ in my bag. As I left the shop, the strange woman (12) _______ to me and
insisted that I had stolen the T-shirt. She v/as the store detective, not a customer! I
apologised for forgetting to pay for it but the situation was very embarrassing and
convinced me that shopping is (13) _______ awful!
1. A. laugh B. play C. fun D. diversion
2. A. combined B. chain C. associate D. link
3. A. promotion B. marketing C. trading D. publicity
4. A. deduction B. deal C. giveaway D. bargain
5. A. extra B. behind C. left D. over
6. A. pull B. keep C. take D. try
7. A. clothing B. fitting C. dressing D. trying
8. A. conceived B. considered C. assumed D. accepted
9. A. around B. into C. among D. over
10. A. service B. reception C. counter D. drawer
11. A. crushed B. stuffed C. packed D. pushed
12. A. came up B. followed on C. rushed round D. ran on
13. A. greatly B. honestly C. very D. truly

Have you ever bought something by one of your favourite fashion designers
from a market or street (1) _______? A pair of Diesel jeans? A Hilfiger handbag?
The (2) _______ Nike trainers? Beware - because many of the fashion items sold
on streets are fakes. This kind of selling is (3) _______ and, if you buy these
fakes, you can be (4) _______.
If you are found (5) _______ then don’t expect to be (6) _______ off - the
fashion companies always prosecute. The fashion industry is really trying to stop
these copies being sold. They are worried that the fakes are starting to make their
(7) _______ look cheap Many of the big companies know that the (8) _______ of
their products is that they are (9) _______ and the fake market is spoiling this.
People see the designer (10) _______ and don’t care if it is an original or not.
They are happy to get a status (11) _______ on the cheap. But beware before you
show (12) _______ your new jeans to your friends. The fakes may look good, but
they can fall apart after a short time. And they may end up being more expensive
than the originals if you have to pay a (13) _______ for buying fake goods!
1. A. supplier B. agent C. representative D. trader
2. A. recent B. latest C. late D. fresh
3. A. lawless B. wicked C. outlawed D. illegal
4. A. taken B. arrested C. trapped D. captured
5. A. wrong B. criminal C. guilty D. charged
6. A. let B. made C. called D. allowed
7. A. stamps B. signs C. brands D. marks
8. A. appeal B. attention C. notice D. interest
9. A. complete B. choice C. exclusive D. absolute
10. A. label B. token C. badge D. sticker
11. A. figure B. symbol C. logo D. image
12. A. up B. round C. through D. off
13. A. fine B. receipt C. charge D. bill

A large-scale (1) _______ has been done by advertisers on the spending (2)
_______ of today’s teenagers. It has (3) _______ with some fascinating results.
Girls across Europe ranging in age from 15 to 18 were interviewed. The
researchers (4) _______ that these girls want to be successful and sophisticated
and are willing to spend to (5) _______ the look they want - when they have the
money, that is!
Feeling confident is the most important factor when it (6) _______ to buying
clothes. Another interesting (7) _______ of information coming out of the study is
that German teenagers (8) _______ clothes that are practical and comfortable,
while British and French teenagers are more (9) _______ about appearance, al-
though they all agreed that the clothes should (10) _______ them properly.
All the girls who were interviewed (11) _______ for clothes regularly, half of
them buying something from a department store or a large clothes shop at least
once a month. They also see it as a (12) _______ activity and going round the
shops with their friends is the main way they learn what the (13) _______ trends
1. A. research B. study C. question D. search
2. A. habits B. actions C. customs D. methods
3. A. turned out B. gone down C. come up D. brought out
4. A. created B. discovered C. invented D. portrayed
5. A. reach B. succeed C. manage D. achieve
6. A. goes B. makes C. comes D. brings
7. A. piece B. lot C. amount D. unit
8. A. make up B. wear out C. take back D. go for
9. A. keen B. interested C. concerned D. focused
10. A. fit B. match C. wear D. dress
11. A. buy B. shop C. purchase D. pay
12. A. friendly B. team C. linked D. social
13. A. last B. latest C. ultimate D. soonest

Around ten million people worldwide have been to see Yann Arthus-
Bertrand’s exhibition of aerial photos (1) _______ The Earth from the Air. The
exhibition features shots taken in over 100 different countries and never fails to
make a (2) _______ impression on those who come to see it. (3) _______ part of
the fascination probably comes from the fact that Bertrand is (4) _______ on
record things that the public could not otherwise see, this alone cannot explain
why people are so (5) _______ affected by the photographs themselves. The
exhibition (6) _______ people feeling enriched, with a more positive outlook on
life, and many return with their friends. It’s almost as if the exhibition was
communicating something of the spiritual and educational (7) _______ of travel
Bertrand was living in Kenya, studying lions, when he began taking the pho-
tographs. “It’s hard to get a clear idea of that sort of territory from the ground,” he
explains, so when a friend offered to take him up in her plane, he (8) _______.
“Suddenly I could really see the beauty of the landscape in a new way,” he (9)
_______. “I was captivated.”
Since that day, Bertrand has been taking aerial photographs on a world-wide
(10) _______. For some shots he (11) _______ with a specific place in mind, but
around 80% of the destinations were found by (12) _______. What’s more, he
never (13) _______ of searching for new places, always believing that he’ll spot
something tomorrow that will be even more impressive than what he has see
1. A. called B. known C. labelled D. termed
2. A. persisting B. keeping C. lasting D. remaining
3. A. Although B. Since C. Once D. Because
4. A. giving B. holding C. catching D. putting
5. A. widely B. deeply C. largely D. wholly
6. A. makes B. sends C. leaves D. lets
7. A. value B. profit C. gain D. credit
8. A. complied B. approved C. consented D. accepted
9. A. replies B. recalls C. repeats D. retains
10. A. scale B. spread C. degree D. extent
11. A. comes up B. gets on C. sets out D. does away
12. A. luck B. chance C. fate D. fortune
13. A. exhausts B. weakens C. bores D. tires

Located in an elegant 18th-century building in London is the nerve (1)
_______ of one of the world’s most prolific companies. It (2) _______ by the
name eBay. Not only has the company gone from Internet hobby site to potent
economic force, with 95 million users in just ten years, it is (3) _______ regarded
as having altered the (4) _______ of commercial life as we know it.
If you want to buy anything, from a nail file to an airliner, eBay is the Internet
site to go to. A million items appear for sale each day in what is (5) _______ an
online auction. If you like the description of an item, you make a bid within a
given time limit; if you (6) _______ to be the highest bidder, you become the (7)
_______ owner of the goods in question. But the most astounding factor behind
eBay is not the range and value of the goods on (8) _______, but the fact that the
whole business is based on mutual trust. Rarely do you find people so willing to
buy unseen goods from an unknown source.
Part of the explanation for this (9) _______ in the fact that 95% of eBay
buyers and sellers are private individuals. The company has expanded through
(10) _______ recommendations rather than smart marketing, and there’s a real
(11) _______ of community about it. What’s more, using eBay (12) _______ to
that instinctive sense of satisfaction people get from the process of bargaining –
and from actually getting a bargain at the end of it. (13) _______, it puts the fun
back into shopping.
1. A. middle B. heart C. focus D. centre
2. A. goes B. calls C. knows D. greets
3. A. largely B. deeply C. greatly D. widely
4. A. route B. course C. flow D. trend
5. A. precisely B. exactly C. absolutely D. effectively
6. A. check in B. turn out C. show up D. send off
7. A. boastful B. conceited C. proud D. vain
8. A. offer B. supply C. question D. issue
9. A. finds B. draws C. lies D. comes
10. A. word of mouth B. man to man C. tell tale D. matter of fact
11. A. feel B. sense C. touch D. mood
12. A. entices B. attracts C. appeals D. tempts
13. A. Otherwise B. In short C. Instead D. Despite that

N’kisi is the name of a grey parrot, bred in captivity, which (1) _______ to the
artist Aimee Morgana. Every day, Aimee speaks to her parrot, explaining what she
does in simple sentences and encouraging him to develop what she (2) _______
as a spontaneous and creative relationship with language. So successful has she
been that N’kisi is now the world’s most talked-about talking bird.
Parrots and people have been (3) _______ companions for centuries, and eve-
rybody knows that parrots can be taught to talk. As Aimee explains, however,
parrots can do more than just (4) _______ back what is said to them. N’kisi says
what he wants, when he wants and, (5) _______ most animals trained to perform
human-like tasks, he receives no form of reward in return for his utterances.
N’kisi’s vocabulary (6) _______ to- around 950 words which he uses in (7)
_______ and with past, present and future verb tenses. What is (8) _______
impressive, however, is that N’kisi doesn’t speak randomly, but actually (9)
_______ on what’s going on around him, even inventing original expressions, for
example calling Aimee’s aromatherapy oils “pretty smell medicine”. He also (10)
_______ exciting events, like his first ride in a car, and pesters Aimee to take him
out again like a persistent toddler: “Wanna go in a car right now!”
The life (11) _______ of a parrot is roughly equivalent to that of a human be-
ing. Six-year-old N’kisi is (12) _______ just beginning his education, and Aimee
has (13) _______ hopes that his communicative abilities will continue to increase
as he matures.
1. A. retains B. possesses C. belongs D. shelters
2. A. illustrates B. emphasises C. demonstrates D. describes
3. A. close B. near C. tight D. firm
4. A. respond B. reply C. repeat D. replicate
5. A. dissimilar B. unlike C. different D. unrelated
6. A. climbs B. totals C. makes D. runs
7. A. reference B. context C. background D. situation
8. A. importantly B. largely C. chiefly D. particularly
9. A. comments B. discusses C. observes D. mentions
10. A. reminds B. recalls C. reminisces D. reviews
11. A. forecast B. assumption C. expectancy D. anticipation
12. A. therefore B. otherwise C. nonetheless D. instead
13. A. wide B. deep C. high D. strong

The idea of distance learning has been in (1) _______ for a long time. In recent
years, due to the rapid (2) _______ in computer technology, an extremely adapt-
able method of study has evolved around this idea. Distance learning is becoming
increasingly popular with students, and the (3) _______ of today’s university
population is changing as a result. For students whose chosen university is beyond
daily travelling distance, studying online using what is known as e-learning is an
attractive (4) _______ because it enables them to complete a degree without the
expense of paying for accommodation in the (5) _______ of their place of study.
Similarly, parents at home bringing up young children can take advantage of this
flexible method of study because web-based support materials can (6) _______
with any individual time schedule.
Initially, as e-learning (7) _______ in popularity, there was a certain amount of
(8) _______ amongst university tutors, who feared that students studying in the
isolation of their own home might be (9) _______ of daily contact with their
fellow students, something they regarded as an important aspect of a university
education. It soon became (10) _______ , however, that e-learning can actually
improve communication, through the creation of so-called “discussion boards”,
where the students submit their questions online, making them readily (11)
_______ to all. This system encourages a lively exchange of opinions between
students, and it also means that the tutor’s response to each query is immediately
available to a wide (12) _______. Nevertheless, it is recognised that human
support is still a key factor in the learning experience, and on most distance-
learning courses, students are (13) _______ with face-to-face contact at some
1. A. actually B. continuity C. existence. D. duration
2. A. alterations B. movements C. openings D. advances
3. A. proportion B. composition C. arrangement D. alignment
4. A. favourite B. selection C. preference D. option
5. A. whereabouts B. situation C. vicinity D. precincts
6. A. fit in B. put in C. stay in D. go in
7. A. emerged B. grew C. leapt D. enlarged
8. A. concern B. trouble C. worry D. attention
9. A. deducted B. deprived C. denied D. deleted
10. A. distinct B. conspicuous C. evident D. straightforward
11. A. allowable B. applicable C. achievable D. accessible
12. A. audience B. assembly C. reception D. following
13. A. offered B. provided C. delivered D. permitted

People smile a (1) _______ deal, and we seem to know instinctively that some
smiles are more genuine than others. But is there any scientific (2) _______ for
this? Recent research suggests that a mechanism in the brain can help us (3)
_______ whether a smile is really heartfelt - or whether it is just being (4)
_______ on for show.
(5) _______ to various long-held traditions, a genuine smile involves the eyes
as well as the mouth. In the nineteenth century, a French anatomist (6) _______ to
prove this. He used electrodes to stimulate the facial muscles of volunteers, (7)
_______ creating false smiles. He found that real smiles were always (8) _______
with the contraction of a muscle around the eye, but that his artificially induced
ones were not.
During more recent research, volunteers were shown a variety of human facial
(9) _______ and their reactions to these were monitored. When they were shown
a happy face, 35% of the volunteers immediately started looking at the eye area,
checking for tell-tale crinkles that would (10) _______ that the smile was
genuine; but when shown a sad or neutral face, they did not. So why did the
human brain evolve to (11) _______ between real and false smiles? It could be
that this ability to (12) _______ a quick assessment of a smile has an important
role to play in successful communication. A genuine smile (13) _______ as a
gesture of conciliation in conflict, and it’s important to know whether we are
really being offered a truce or not.
1. A. great B. big C. large D. huge
2. A. sign B. fact C. root D. basis
3. A. recognise B. accept C. admit D. recollect
4. A. brought B. put C. created D. stuck
5. A Providing B. Considering C. According D. Relating
6. A. got down B carried out C. went off D. set out
7. A. despite B. thereby C. however D. nonetheless
8. A. accompanied B. mixed C. joined D. associated
9. A. exhibitions 3. resemblances C. expressions D. appearances
10. A. assure B. confirm C. justify D. approve
11. A. distinguish B. tell C. decide D. reckon
12. A. hold B. earn C. do D. make
13. A. aim B. portrays C. serves D. applies

Martin Halstead is a young entrepreneur, (1) _______ known for having man-
aged to launch his own airline at the age of eighteen. Martin had started his first
business (2) _______, making flight simulators for use in pilot training, while he
was still a fifteen-year-old schoolboy, and at seventeen he left school to (3)
_______ as a pilot. It was whilst on the course that Martin realised that (4)
_______ of just being a pilot, he’d like to run an airline business, and so he (5)
_______ up with the idea for Alpha One Airways. Martin (6) _______ planned to
fly between Oxford and Cambridge, and there was considerable public (7)
_______ in the idea. But when a big investor (8) _______ out at the last minute,
Martin was left with no (9) _______ but to think again. But he was not to be (10)
_______. In November 2005, he relaunched the company, this time planning
flights from the Isle of Man to Edinburgh. A first flight departed on November
7th, carrying invited guests and media in an aircraft Martin had leased from
another company. (11) _______ the airline suspended operations in January 2006,
Alpha One Airways had carried some forty fare-paying passengers on the route,
and Martin had (12) _______ his dream. It was perhaps his naivety and youth that
allowed him to ignore the problems and barriers that someone older may have
seen as a brick wall (13) _______ in the way of achievement.
1. A. widest B. greatest C. most D. best
2. A. venture B. task C. endeavour D. affair
3. A. study B. learn C. prepare D. train
4. A. preference B. alternative C. instead D. rather
5. A. thought B. came C. hit D. dreamt
6. A. initially B. largely C. primarily D. principally
7. A. attraction B. attention C. support D. interest
8. A. held B. pulled C. checked D. called
9. A. way B. chance C. option D. course
10. A. put off B. caught out C. sent back D. turned down
11. A. However B. Despite C. Although D. Nonetheless
12. A. reached B. fulfilled C. obtained D. completed
13. A. blocking B. stopping C. standing D. impeding

Concentration is good in exams, bad in orange juice. Concentration happens
when you (1) _______ to focus on one thing to the (2) _______ of all others, and
concentrating on that one thing (3) _______ you to stop worrying about a lot of
other things. Sometimes, of course, your mind concentrates when you don’t want
it to. Maybe you can’t get something out of your head, such as a problem you
have to (4) _______ up to, or an embarrassing situation you’ve been in. That’s
why collecting things as a hobby is popular; it (5) _______ your mind off other
things. Indeed, some people seem to prefer looking after and cataloguing their
collections to actually doing anything with them, because this is when the (6)
_______, single-minded concentration happens.
The natural span for concentration is 45 minutes. That’s why half an hour for a
television programme seems too short (7) _______ an hour seems too long. But
many people’s lives are (8) _______ of concentration. Modern culture is served
up in small, (9) _______ digestible chunks that require only a short (10) _______
span - although young people can concentrate on computer games for days at a
(11) _______.
Sticking out the tongue can aid concentration. This is because you can’t (12)
_______ yourself with talking at the same time and other people won’t (13)
_______ to interrupt your thoughts, because you look like an idiot!
1. A. manage B. achieve C. succeed D. accomplish
2. A. removal B. exclusion C. omission D. rejection
3. A. lets B. means C. makes D. allows
4. A. face B. confront C. tackle D. meet
5. A. brings B. puts C. takes D. holds
6. A. absorbing B. gripping C. arresting D. enthralling
7. A. otherwise B. thus C. whereby D. whilst
8. A. absent B. devoid C. lacking D. deficient
9. A. gently B. plainly C. easily D. surely
10. A. application B. attention C. consideration D. contemplation
11. A. length B. stroke C. sequence D. time
12. A. sidestep B. distract C. sidetrack D. disturb
13. A. risk B. chance C. dare D. brave

A school in Scotland has (1) _______ up with an unusual way to improve its
pupils’ health and well-being, (2) _______ at the same time helping them to be-
come better learners. The six-year-old children have started doing a type of mas-
sage that was developed in Sweden. In the classes, each child chooses a partner
and takes it in (3) _______ to receive a massage of their back, neck and shoulders.
Not only do the children (4) _______ the activity fun, but this kind of massage
also (5) _______ muscle tension.
To (6) _______ interest to the activity, the teachers have linked it to a story
about a small boy who wants to play in the snow, but first must put on his glasses
- the (7) _______ of the glasses is traced on the children’s shoulders. Then he
helps his mum with the baking - this involves kneading the shoulders, and finally
he goes out for a walk and has to (8) _______ the snow off his coat on his return.
The story is told slowly, each movement being repeated three times.
When the massage classes started, the children used to chatter and (9) _______
about, but now they are quiet, their faces pictures of (10) _______ concentration.
And the activity (11) _______ them in other ways too; they are noticeably calmer
and more (12) _______ of each other in the playground as well as being more re-
laxed and (13) _______ to learn in the classroom.
1. A. caught B. made C. come D. met
2. A. instead B. otherwise C. whereas D. whilst
3. A. turns B. rota C. order D. sequences
4. A. perceive B. find C. regard D. discover
5. A. supports B. comforts C. relieves D. softens
6. A. earn B. add C. gain D. increase
7. A. shape B. form C. profile D. figure
8. A. dust B. mop C. sweep D. brush
9. A. mess B. joke C. laugh D. kid
10. A. stressful B. heavy C. strong D. intense
11. A. promotes B. enhances C. benefits D. favours
12. A. friendly B. helpful C. co-operative D. tolerant
13. A. enthusiastic B. keen C. optimistic D. fond

A nurse who saved a man from a (1) _______ house while on her (2) _______
to work has been awarded a medal for bravery. Sheila McDonald (3) _______
clouds of black smoke (4) _______ from the roof of a house in Manchester. She
went to investigate and quickly (5) _______ that the house was (6) _______ fire.
She knocked on the front door but there was no reply. Then she walked around
the house looking in all of the windows. When she (7) _______ into the living-
room window, she saw disabled pensioner Graham-Summers asleep in an
armchair. She tapped on the window but couldn’t (8) _______ him up So she
smashed her way (9) _______ the window, (10) _______ Mr Summers into his
wheelchair and pushed him to safety through the (11) _______ black smoke.
At the award ceremony Mr Summers was (12) _______ of praise for Ms
McDonald, but she said, “I don’t really (13) _______ it an act of bravery - I just
did what anyone would have done.”
1. A. burnt B. burning C. fiery D. ignited
2. A. route B. passage C. way D. path
3. A. distinguished B. noticed C. remarked D. detected
4. Ax running B. flowing C. pouring D. trickling
5. A. knew B. recognised C. identified D. realised
6. A. in B. under C. on D. to
7. A. gazed B. stared C. spied D. peered
8. A. wake B. get C. raise D. bring
9. A. into B. through C. via D. by
10. A. lifted B. raised C. set D. took
11. A. great B. thick C. big D. deep
12. A. full B. packed C. stuffed D. filled
13. A. view B. hold C. see D. consider
Passengers travelling on a flight from Washington to London were in (1)
_______ a very long wait. They had (2) _______ been waiting eight
uncomfortable hours for takeoff, only to be (3) _______ that the flight was (4)
_______ even further. The cabin crew advised passengers to take pillows and
blankets from the overhead lockers in (5) _______ to sleep inside the airport
terminal. Many passengers (6) _______ their tempers and fights broke (7)
_______ . People shouted and (8) _______ information. A member of the staff
panicked and called airport security guards. A (9) _______ lucky passengers were
put on alternative flights, (10) _______ about 100 others spent the next day in the
airport. Many people missed connecting flights and (11) _______ be delayed for
several days. First-class passengers were (12) _______ fortunate. They were put
(13) _______ in luxury hotels and provided with food and drink. Other passengers
had to be content with vouchers for a meal, as the airline staff were not able to
find hotels with (14) _______ free rooms to accommodate them. One woman
carried a silver horseshoe for (15) _______. As she said, “It didn’t work this
1. A. with B. at C. on D. for
2. A. still B. however C. already D. yet
3. A. told B, said C. mentioned D. announced
4. A. late B. delayed C. retarded D. behind
5. A. order B. case C. time D. turn
6. A. mislaid B. lost C. missed D. wasted
7. A. up B. off C, down D. out
8. A. asked B. applied C. demanded D. took
9. A. few B. number C. couple D. little
10. A. even B. although C. in spite D. despite
11. A. should B. could C. would D. had
12. A. still B. many C. much D. more
13. A. out B. off C. up D. about
14. A. much B. a lot C. too D. enough
15. A. fortune B luck C. chance D. probability
The bat may seem, an ordinary creature, but in fact it is an amazing animal.
The bat has wings and is the only mammal (1) _______ of true flight. There are
many (2) _______ species of bat; in Britain (3) _______ there are fourteen types
of bat, which range in size from a few inches to (4) _______ feet in wingspan.
Bats are nocturnal animals (5) _______ become active only at dusk. Many spe-
cies (6) _______ on a “radar” system to find their way around. The bat emits
squeaks and then measures the echoes to “see” how far away any (7) _______.
The (8) _______ of bats survive on a diet of insects while others eat fruit.
There are two species which eat fish and there are (9) _______ some bats which
eat meat! Some vampire bats take blood (10) _______ their sleeping victims.
These bats may (11) _______ the deadly disease rabies.
Bats are sociable creatures and (12) _______ large colonies. Most bats hiber-
nate (13) _______ the winter months. Many people are (14) _______ of bats
without ever having seen one. Perhaps if we learn (15) _______ about these
wonderful creatures, we will no longer fear them.
1. A. capable B. able C. possible D. probable
2. A. differing B. contrasting C. different D. conflicting
3. A. all B. alone C. lonely D. lonesome
4. A. various B. few C. little D. several
5. A. whose B. who C. which D. they
6. A. put B. rely C. stand D. confide
7. A. hindrance B. barrier C. obstacle D. blockage
8. A. majority B. population C. amount D. number
9. A. too B. even C. ever D. so
10. A. out B. off C. of D. from
11. A. carry B. grasp C. hold D. send
12. A. connect B. form C. structure D. relate
13. A. at B. whole C. among D. throughout
14. A. afraid B. fearless C. scan D. frightful
15. A. many B. little C. more D. some

Running your own business can provide high job satisfaction - the satisfaction
of being in (1) _______ of your own life and making your own (2) _______ about
how things should be done.
If you are ambitious, you may want to achieve (3) _______ on a large scale
and eventually to become rich. Or it may be (4) _______ for you simply to enjoy
work more and to achieve a modest increase (5) _______ living standards at the
same time.
It’s important to take into (6) _______ the less desirable aspects of the job as
(7) _______ For instance, if problems (8) _______, it will be up to you to sort
them (9) _______. You’ll probably have to work harder and longer hours
especially in the (10) _______ stages. You’ll probably see less of your family and
friends too.
And, of course, you won’t enjoy the security of a (11) _______ pay packet. If
you see all this as a challenge (12) _______ than a disadvantage, you have at (13)
_______ one of the qualities needed for success. Other qualities (14) _______ the
ability to work on one’s own, a refusal to (15) _______ up, and a willingness to
take on responsibility. Do you have what it takes?
1. A. charge B. duty C. head D. position
2. A. alterations B. decisions C ideas D. proposals
3. A. courage B. power C. security D. success
4. A. enough B. many C. too D. lot
5. A. at B. on C. in D. for
6. A. account B. mind C. thought D. contemplation
7. A. much B. also C. well D. too
8. A. rise B. arise C. raise D. happen
9- A. up B. in C. through D. out
10. A. initiation B. starting C early D. beginning
11. A. permanent B. square C. usual D. regular
12. A. otherwise B instead C. rather D. other
13. A. last B. most C. once D. least
14. A. compose B. include C. consist D. contain
15. A. give B. work C. turn D. draw
Peter the Great was Russia’s fourth Romanov Tzar and at 6 feet 7 inches,
probably the tallest. He also had an enormous (1) _______ for food and drink. An-
other “great” (2) _______ of his personality was his (3) _______ which was fear-
some. But it was his thirst for knowledge combined with his (4) _______ of a new
Russia that made him a great leader. In 1697, motivated by his desire to break (5)
_______ from the constrictions of old Russian customs, Peter travelled around
Europe learning valuable military and industrial (6) _______.
When he returned to Russia, Peter was (7) _______ to throw off the remnants
of the past. He dramatically (8) _______ the powers of the Russian aristocracy
and abolished age-old (9) _______. In order to (10) _______ his dream of a
modernized Russia, he (11) _______ universities, established the country’s first
newspaper and encouraged the development of industry. He also pushed back the
empire’s boundaries by (12) _______ the armed forces. Before his death in 1725,
Peter had had a new capital built and (13) _______ it St Petersburg. It was (14)
_______ on the Western cities he most admired, like Paris and London, and (15)
__________ the capital until the First World War.
1. A. aptitude B. appetite C. taste D. applause
2. A. aspect B. face C. view D. angle
3. A. inclination B. mood C. temper D. disposition
4. A. greed B. ambition C. jealousy D. vision
5. A. up B. in C. free D. over
6. A. professions B. studies C. designs D. skills
7. A. convinced B. determined C. interested D. unwilling
8. A. excluded B. eliminated C. reduced D. shortened
9. A. traditions B. costumes C. means D. heritage
10. A. make B. prepare C. produce D. fulfil
11. A. founded B. began C. made D. found
12. A. inflating B. spreading C. expanding D. growing
13. A. entitled B. named C. labelled D. said
14. A. copied B. designed C. constructed D. modelled
15. A. remained B. kept C. settled D. retained
Have you ever been to Barbados? Life (1) _______ Barbados is slow and
peaceful. People there seem to (2) _______ all their time eating and relaxing. You
(3) _______ ever see anyone doing any real work. (4) _______ crowds of tourists
are attracted (5) _______ cheap package deals, the island, situated (6) _______
the Caribbean remains (7) _______. The temperature seldom falls (8) _______
20°C and you are unlikely to meet friendlier people anywhere in the world. In
Bridgetown, the capital, you can sit on the balcony of a harbour- front restaurant
(9) _______ fresh coconut cocktails. and watch the boats (10) _______. It’s also a
great place to buy jewellery as not only is it beautifully made, but it is also tax-
free. For the classiest hotels (11) _______ north to the Platinum Coast, (12)
_______ after is white sandy beaches. The superb Glitter Bay Hotel is situated in
flower-filled gardens with (13) _______ staff and delicious food. As the sun (14)
_______, enjoy your cocktail and start figuring out how to (15) _______ the
money to get back to Barbados.
1. A. by B. at C. over D. or
2. A. pass B. spend C. attend D. follow
3. A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. scarce
4. A. Contrary B. Although C. Despite D. Nevertheless
5. A. by B. from C. on D. at
6. A. among B. in C. between D. on
7. A. undisturbed B. unattached C. unspoilt D. untouched
8. A. below B. under C. down D. behind
9. A. swallowing B. eating C. biting D. sipping
10. A. unpacking B. disembarking C. unloading D. delivering
11. A. head B. face C. turn D. charge
12. A. called B. termed C. christened D. named
13. A. careful B, cautious C. attentive D. interested
14. A. falls B. sets C. jumps D. dives
15. A. take B. gain C. earn D. possess

Language is commonly believed to be a system of' communication that con-
sists of sounds and written symbols. However, we can also communicate (1)
_______ other ways by using our facial (2) _______, our tone of voice and even
our (3) _______ body. In fact, in many situations, non-verbal communication can
(4) _______ more accurately what a person is feeling. Body language always
speaks the truth, (5) _______ words can often be (6) _______ .
For successful communication both at the office and at home, an understand-
ing of body language is important. At work, non-verbal communication is (7)
_______ to power. People (8) _______ charge tend to lean (9) _______ in their
chairs, fold their hands behind their heads and (10) _______ their feet up on the
desk. They usually (11) _______ conversations, both talking and interrupting
more than others. Those who (12) _______ orders, on the other hand, are much
less relaxed and tend to sit on the (13) _______ of their chairs with their arms
tightly folded.
Body language plays an equally important role at home. Children are particu-
larly quick to pick (14) _______ on non-verbal signals and can distinguish (15)
_______ what is said and what is really meant.
1. A. in B. for C. to D. by
2. A. looks B. shapes C. expressions D, aspects
3. A. full B. whole C. partial D. total
4. A. explain B. announce C. publish D. reveal
5. A. except B. so C. whereas D. therefore
6. A. misleading B. hopeless C. mistrustful D. senseless
7. A. associated B. related C. combined D. reserved
8. A. in B. on C, by D. at
9. A. away B. behind C. back D. against
10. A. lie B. lay C. deposit D. put
11. A. overwhelm B. dominate C. master D. hold
12. A. do B. give C. lead D. follow
13. A. top B. limit C. edge D. border
14. A. out B. over C. at D. up
15. A. between B. among C. from D. that

Tattooing is an old art. In ancient Greece, people who had tattoos were (1)
_______ as members of the (2) _______ classes. On the other hand, tattooing was
(3) _______ in Europe by the early Christians, (4) _______ thought that it was a
sinful thing to (5) _______.
It was not (6) _______ the late 18th century, when Captain Cook saw South
Sea Islanders decorating their bodies with tattoos, that attitudes began to (7)
_______. Sailors came back from these islands with pictures of Christ on their
backs and from then on, tattooing (8) _______ in popularity. A survey by the
French army in 1881 (9) _______ that among the 378 men (10) _______ there
were 1,333 designs.
Nowadays, not (11) _______ finds tattoos acceptable. Some people think that
getting one is silly because tattoos are more or less permanent. There is also some
(12) _______ about (13) _______ a blood disease from unsterilised needles. Even
for those who do want a tattoo, the (14) _______ of getting one is not painless,
but the final result, in their eyes is (15) _______ the pain.
1. A. supposed B. realised C. held D. regarded
2. A. greater B. high C. upper D. extreme
3. A. exported B. banned C. blamed D. finished
4. A. who B. that C. they D. whose
5. A. be B. do C. make D. create
6. A. by B. since C. for D. until
7. A. change B, convert C. vary D. move
8. A. earned B. won C. gained D. made
9. A. declared B. showed C. explained D. said
10. A. inquired B. spoken C. demanded D. questioned
11. A. everybody B. every C. each D. nobody
12. A. danger B. trouble C. concern D. threat
13. A. catching B. gaining C. having D. infecting
14. A. progress B. system C. pace D. process
15. A. due B. worth C. owed D. deserved

The human memory is an incredibly powerful tool, but few of us make the
most of it. In these days of high performance, (1) _______ greater demands are
made on our memories, so what can we do to (2) _______ them work more effi-
ciently? The (3) _______ Greeks realised that, in order to remember anything,
you have to/(4) _______ it with something that is already fixed in your mind.
They (5) _______ memory aids or “mnemonics”. Verbal mnemonics can be words
or rhymes (6) _______, for example, the first letters of the items of a list to be (7)
_______. These were popular in Victorian schools, where memorising lists was a
major part of “education”. Although modern educationalists tend to look (8)
_______ this method of learning, it is still sometimes necessary, as any medical
student will tell you. Visual mnemonics have recently been found to be especially
(9) _______. So next (10) _______ you have to remember how items are (11)
_______, say for an exam, (12) _______ a “mind map”. You can draw a plan with
items radiating from a central point and use different coloured pens to make the
relationship between items (13) _______. You learn as you draw and then the (14)
_______ image is easy to (15) _______.
1. A. too B. that C. always D. even
2. A. cause B. make C. induce D. have
3. A. earlier B. former C. old D. ancient
4. A. realise B. divide C. associate D. mix
5. A. found B. invented C. discovered D. recovered
6. A. containing B. filling C. holding D. placing
7. A. decided B. disputed C. settled D. remembered
8. A. down on B. up C. over D. in
9. A. casual B. colourful C. powerful D. assisting
10. A. thing B. time C. occasion D. date
11. A. relatives B. married C. related D. jointed
12. A. create B. show C. reduce D. build
13. A. available B. clear C. flexible D. moving
14. A. seen B, watched C. regarded D. visual
15. A. recall B. replace C. reset D. redo

What is make-up? War paint, a mask, something a woman uses to increase
self-esteem? The answer is none of the above, although all of these (1) _______
have been used to describe it over the (2) _______. It’s true that women spend a
lot of money on make-up, about £500 a year on (3) _______, but it’s all for a
good cause. Make-up, if used correctly, can have many benefits. It would be (4)
_______ to criticize make-up without first (5) _______ its advantages to the
wearer. Women do use make-up to (6) _______ self-esteem, but it is a self-esteem
that already exists. By (7) _______ cosmetics, a woman feels better about herself;
she feels more attractive and more (8) _______. Like it or not, a woman is often
(9) _______ on her appearance. She will use lipstick, blusher, mascara, and the
(10) _______, to enhance her beauty and therefore her “value” in the (11)
_______ of others. Cosmetics are a tool for attracting attention and (12) _______
a favourable first impression. Let’s face it, there’s a lot of (13) _______ out there
these days and even though we might not want to (14) _______ it, we were not all
born with the looks of supermodels. Make-up, therefore, offers we “less-than-
perfect” women, a(n) (15) _______ with which to compete.
1. A. titles B. terms C. phrases D, labels
2. A. days B. ages C. years D. months
3. A. standard B. average C. balance D. par
4. A. impolite B. dishonest C. inhuman D. unjust
5. A. considering B. regarding C. comparing D. weighing
6. A. jump B. boost C. lift D. rise
7. A. applying B. putting C. placing D. spreading
8. A. confined B. conscious C. confident D. convenient
9. A. selected B. chosen C. graded D. judged
10. A. usual B. similar C. like D. normal
11. A. minds B. eyes C. hearts D. souls
12. A. producing B. building C. forming D. creating
13. A. challenge B. struggle C. competition D. rivalry
14. A. admit B. confess C. announce D. deny
15. A. bomb B. gun C. arsenal D. weapon

Because an increasing number of people are opting to work outside the tradi-
tional office, notebook PCs are becoming more and more popular. However, you
should know that notebook PCs aren’t for everyone. As you (1) _______ up the
pros and cons of (2) _______ your desktop PC with a new system, you should (3)
_______ in mind that you may get better (4) _______ for your money by
investing in a faster, more powerful desktop PC.
Portability comes at a(n) (5) _______, Leave your laptop unattended for any
(6) _______ of time in any sort of public place and you will quickly (7) _______
that it has been stolen. You could even lose it without any intentional neglect on
your (8) _______; laptops (and all the business and personal information they
contain) are easy (9) _______ for skilled thieves. So, yes, there are definitely
serious security issues. Also, if you are (10) _______ to tossing your laptop
around as you do your purse, workout bag or umbrella, you’ll probably break it
before you get your money’s (11) _______. Guarantees are getting better and
longer, but they still won’t cover a simple slip, let alone (12) _______
carelessness. So, before you (13) _______ out to get yourself the latest
technological (14) _______, think long and hard as to whether a notebook PC is
really (15) _______ for you.
1. A. measure B. weigh C. even D. count
2. A. substituting B. trading C. replacing D. swapping
3. A. hold B. bear C. bring D. grasp
4. A. merit B. use C. value D. profit
5. A. price B. expense C. cost D. fee
6. A. duration B. hours C. quantity D. length
7. A. confirm B. discover C. show D. reveal
8. A. part B. role C. behalf D. area
9. A. aims B. objects C. targets D. goals
10. A. inclined B. apt C. likely D. prone
11. A. worth B. return C. reward D. benefit
12. A. usual B. normal C. regular D. habitual
13. A. rush B. speed C. move D. walk
14. A. tool B. gadget C. utensil D. appliance
15. A. proper B. acceptable C. suitable D. fit
Working parents are devoting more quality time to their children than previous
generations, despite time-consuming (1) _______, research has shown. The
findings of this study go against the (2) _______ that modern parents, especially
working mothers, spend less time with their children. The study found that parents
devote more than twice as much time on the (3) _______ of their children than
they did 30 years ago. Full-time working parents were found to spend more time
with their children than their part-time and non-working counterparts. This time is
spent talking to children and enjoying planned (4) _______ activities, (5) _______
swimming and trips to museums together.
The results of the research (6) _______ that parents devote an average of 85
minutes a day to each child. This compares with 25 minutes a day in the (7)
_______ 1970s. And it is predicted that the figure will (8) _______ to 100
minutes a day by 2010.
The study highlighted a new concept of “positive parenting”, where mothers
and fathers are (9) _______ committed to working hard to be good parents and
providing the best material and emotional support for their children. The findings
suggest that the “new man” is not a myth. Today’s fathers were found to be more
involved in their children’s lives than their own fathers or grandfathers were.
More fathers are said to be equal (10) _______ in parenting.
During the study, three generations of families were (11) _______ on their (12)
_______ to parenting. What is clear is that parents desire an increase in creative
involvement with children, and for family democracy. (13) _______, this increase
in parental involvement also (14) _______ an increase in the stress (15) _______
being a parent. In the future, parenting classes could become as commonplace as
antenatal classes are today.
1. A. jobs B. work C. positions D. occupations
2. A. saying B. thought C. claim D. statement
3. A. education B. instruction C. training D. upbringing
4. A. amusement B. leisure C. free D. pleasure
5. A. instead of B. on one hand C. as well as D. such as
6. A. display B. say C. show D. appear
7. A. mid B. middle C. medium D. halfway
8. A. arise B. rise C. arouse; D. raise
9. A. similar B. hardly 0. equally D. nearly
10. A. couples B. partners C. colleagues D. mates
11. A. requested B. answered C. asked D. questioned
12. A. attitudes B. opinions C. agreements D. thinkings
13. A. Therefore B. However C. Although D. Despite
14. A. suggests B. says C. states D. hints
15. A. for B. to C. in D. of

When Michelle was at school her friends and teachers would never have (1)
_______ how she’d (2) _______ out. The (3) _______ daughter of a postman, she
(4) _______ up in a small village near Lyons in France. When she (5) _______ a
place at Bordeaux University to study Humanities, her parents were delighted that
she was to have the educational opportunities they had (6) _______. They hoped
she would be a school teacher but (7) _______ didn’t happen quite as they had (8)
_______. When she finished her studies, Michelle (9) _______ her driving test,
bought an old car and became (10) _______ with engines. She decided to take a
course (11) _______ car maintenance which (12) _______ thirteen weeks. At the
end of the course, she was told that (13) _______ all the students she had made
the most (14) _______. She now works in a local garage as a mechanic and, in a
few years, would like to (15) _______ a garage of her own.
1. A. guessed B. hoped C. wondered D. told
2 A. come B. carry C. turn D. show
3. A. singular B. only C. individual D. lonely
4. A. came B. raised C. grew D. started
5. A. won B. arrived C. applied D. entered
6. A. failed B. avoided C. dreamed D. lacked
7. A. matters B. things C. future D. life
8. A. expected B liked C. claimed D. pretended
9. A. made B. gave C. presented D. took
10. A. enthusiastic B. interested C. fascinated D. excited
11. A. from B. in C. of D. for
12. A. spent B. covered C. lasted D. passed
13. A. by B. from C. beside D. of
14. A. success B. progress C. achievement D. advance
15. A. open B. begin C. introduce D. make

Contrary to popular belief most burglaries take (1) _______ during the day.
The quick dash you (2) _______ to the shops before they close or to (3) _______
the children from school are ideal opportunities. Burglars know about these things
and what time they are (4) _______ to occur. The garage door which you (5)
_______ open because you didn’t have time to shut it before you drove away is as
(6) _______ as an invitation card.
Your best protection is to make (7) _______ that when the burglar does come
to your house, he decides it is not worth the (8) _______ of breaking in. Your pre-
cautions have to be good enough to put him (9) _______.
For most people the first (10) _______ to better security is to frighten them-
selves (11) _______ really believing that their house could be burgled. And (12)
_______, if it happened, would be pretty unpleasant. Anyone who has suffered the
(13) _______ can tell you that the shock of finding your (14) _______ home
vandalised is at least as painful as the actual financial (15) _______ you suffer.
1. A. place B. way C. part D. action
2. A. do B. take C. make D. go
3. A. pick B, collect C. take D. catch
4. A. probable B. surely C. possible D. likely
5. A. left B. forgot C. let D. put
6. A. well B. much C. fine D. good
7. ' A. clear B. sure C. safe D. care
8. A. alarm B. trap C. risk D. threat
9. A. out B. off C. up D. away
10. A. lesson B, point C. part D. step
11. A. with B. to C. into D. of
12. A. that B. which C. what D. then
13. A. state B. fact C. experience D. knowledge
14. A. well-known B. familiar C. usual D. regular
15. A. price B. cut C. lack D. loss

Ever since it was first possible to make a real robot, people have been hoping
for the invention of a machine that would do all the necessary jobs (1) _______
the house. If boring and repetitive factory work could be (2) _______ by robots,
why not boring and repetitive household chores too?
For a long time the only people who really (3) _______ the problem their
attention were amateur inventors. And they came up (4) _______ a major
difficulty. That is, housework is (5) _______ very complex. It has never been one
job, it has always been many. A factory robot (6) _______ one task endlessly (7)
_______ it is reprogrammed to do something else. It doesn’t run the (8) _______
factory. A housework robot, on the other (9) _______, has to do several different
(10) _______ of cleaning and carrying jobs and also has to cope (11) _______ all
the different shapes and positions of rooms, furniture, ornaments, cats and dogs.
(12) _______ , there have been some developments recently. Sensors are avail-
able to (13) _______ the robot locate objects and avoid obstacles. We have the
technology to produce the hardware. All that is (14) _______ is the software - the
programs that will (15) _______ the machine.
1. A. through B. around C. for D. over
2. A. managed B. made C. succeeded D. given
3. A. took B. showed C. did D. gave
4. A. to B. for C. against D. on
5. A. hardly B. seriously C. surely D. actually
6. A. carries away B. carries over C. carries out D. carries off
7. A. since B. until C. when D. while
8. A. total B. full C. whole D. all
9. A. hand B. part C. side D. view
10. A. systems B. ways C. methods D. types
11. A. with B. from C. by D. for
12. A. Moreover B. However C. Besides D. Therefore
13. A. assist B. allow C. help D. enable
14. A. short B. missing C. left D. needing
15. A. operate B. practise C. perform D. order

The traditional reason for exploration - to boldly go where no man has gone
before - has become a little out of (1) _______ now. Corners of the world which
have not been explored are rare indeed. They do (2) _______, however, and –
from polar regions to tropical rainforest, from 8,000 m. (3) _______ in the
Himalayas to submarine caves in the Caribbean - the attempts to discover them
The increasing (4) _______ in exploration is reflected in the growth of compa-
nies which (5) _______ in holiday-length expeditions to the foothills of the
Himalayas, Africa and South America. Such tours are unlikely to (6) _______ real
danger but they offer (7) _______ challenge to allow the traveller some of the
achievement of full-scale exploration.
The line (8) _______ exploration from vacation is difficult to draw now.
Expeditions may (9) _______ from packaged adventures along well-known (10)
_______ to a demanding assault on some remote mountain face where survival
(11) _______ on good training, technical (12) _______, judgement and good luck.
As one climbing enthusiast (13)it: “Some people can get full satisfaction (14)
_______ admiring a mountain from a safe distance (15) _______ others might
only be satisfied by actually climbing the mountain ”
1. A. question B. order C. date D. practice
2. A, appear B. exist C. arise D. occur
3. A. peaks B. tops C. points D. crowns
4, A. popularity B. interest C. enthusiasm D. success
5. A. advertise B. feature C. specialise D. arrange
6. A. involve B. suffer C. consist D. propose
7. A. some B. slight C. certain D. sufficient
8. A. cutting B. dividing C. parting D. connecting
9. A. stretch B. reach C. include D. range
10. A. sites B. ways C. routes D. resorts
11. A. relies B. requires C. stands D. results
12. A. method B. art C. practice D. skill
13. A. put B. said C. told D. mentioned
14. A. for B. from C. at D. in
15. A. however B, otherwise C. despite D. while

Most people can do minor repairs in the home such as mending a fuse or (1)
_______ on a button. Most car owners know how to change a wheel (2) _______
they have a puncture.
This booklet will help you to (3) _______ with minor illnesses at home.
Helping yourself will help the doctor at the same time. It explains simple (4)
_______ for minor illnesses and accidents which are (5) _______ to occur (6)
_______ lime to time. In some (7) _______ there is nothing a doctor can do that
the patient cannot do (8) _______ as well.
This booklet will help you to know when you can treat yourself and (9)
_______ the doctor valuable time to help patients who are more (10) _______ ill,
and when you really need to (11) _______ the doctor.
We hope you will find this booklet useful. At the back there is a list of simple
medicines which (12) _______ will be helpful to have (13) _______ hand.
And remember, whenever you, are really anxious or ill, advice can be 14
_______ over the telephone. (15) _______ you need do is ring the practice
1. A. fixing B. fitting C. stitching D. knitting
2 A. if B. while C. unless D. until
3. A. react B. manage C. handle D. cope
4. A. solutions B. treatments C. drugs D. operation?
5. A. normal B. possible C. expected D. likely
6. A. on B. by C. from D. at
7. A. cases B. occasions C. events D. types
8. A. quite B. thoroughly C. fully D. just
9. A. spare B. save C. free D. make
10. A. badly B. urgently C. seriously D. fatally
11. A. call B. command C. insist D. require
12. A. they B there C. you D. it
13. A. in B. at C. by D. from
14. A. given B. sent C. passed D. told
15. A. Only B. That C. Ail D. Simply

No account of the dinosaurs’ time on Earth is complete without an explanation
of their extinction. (1) _______ the years many theories have been (2) _______,
but no single theory can explain all the facts as we know them. (3) _______, the
most likely theory that scientists have come (4) _______ is that dinosaurs were
lulled off by a combination of (5) _______ factors. The (6) _______ effect of
these factors was the extinction of the dinosaurs, together with many other animal
groups. It is known that there was a lot of volcanic activity at the (7) _______ of
the dinosaurs’ extinction. Their environment would have already been (8)
_______ considerable stress as well as being poisoned. Added to this it is believed
that a very (9) _______ meteor or-comet, some 10 kilometres wide, (10) _______
the Earth and caused massive destruction. (11) _______ of the impact can be
found in the Gulf of Mexico, where there is a large crater and a (12) _______ of
rock containing the rare element iridium. As the meteor entered the Earth’s
atmosphere, the dinosaurs would have seen a bright light in the sky followed by
an explosion. The shock waves from the explosion flattened everything. (13)
_______ after, a rain of dust and rocks fell and covered everything, the
temperature (14) _______ dramatically and that was the (15) _______ of
1. A. Over B. During C. As D. For
2. A. handed out B. brought up C. put forward D. turned up
3. A Nowadays B. Actually C. Frequently D. Temporarily
4. A. round B. over C. by D. up with
5. A. few B, several C. any D. little
6. A. complete B. entire C. overall D. some
7. A. hour B. era C. period D. time
8. A. in B. below C. under D. into
9. A. large B. long C. enormous D. great
10. A. crashed B. hit C. collided D. smashed
11. A. Signals B. Notices C. Tracks D. Signs
12. A. cover B. layer C. level D. coat
13. A. Briefly B. Quickly C. Sharply D. Shortly
14. A. rose B. raised C. flew D. grew
15. A. finish B. end C. final D. outcome

The first balloons flew in the 18th century. By 1900 the Germans were pro-
ducing rigid airships capable of carrying (1) _______ loads over long distances.
These airships consisted of a cigar-shaped, covered frame (2) _______ hydrogen
gas. The first craft reached speeds (3) _______ 32 km/h. By the mid-1930s, the
zeppelins had (4) _______ in size. The largest airship ever built, the Hindenburg,
was 245 metres long and could reach a maximum speed of 135 km/h. In 1936 this
airship carried a (5) _______ of 1,002 passengers on 10 scheduled round (6)
_______ between Germany and the United States. On 6 May 1937, while (7)
_______ at Lakehurst, New Jersey, the Hindenburg was completely (8) _______
when it crashed and hurst into (9) _______, with a loss of 36 lives. Now, over 60
years since the last giant commercial airship was built, a new (10) _______ of
high-tech giant airships is being planned. (11) _______, airships use helium in-
stead of the potentially dangerous hydrogen. Up until (12) _______ their construct
on has been limited to small blimps, used mostly for advertising (13) _______ and
on a limited scale by the US Navy for coastal patrols. The new airships could be
the heavy lift aircraft of the future. They will be (14) _______ to carry payloads
of up to 160 tonnes about the weight of 27 full-grown African elephants - at a
speed of 100 km/h and a maximum height of 2,000 metres non-stop (15) _______
several thousand kilometres.
1. A. strong B. important C. notable D. considerable
2. A. comprising B. consisting C. containing D. composing
3. A. arriving B. approaching C. nearly D. almost
4. A. doubled B. multiplied C. twofold D. duplicated
5. A. number B. sum G. figure D. total
6. A. travels B. voyages C. trips D, journeys
7. A. grounding B. landing C. getting down D. returning
8. A. destroyed B. ruined C. damaged D. demolished
9. A. fires B. flames C. blazes D. burns
10. A. brand B. family C. race D. breed
11. A. Nowadays B. Lately C. Actually D. Presently
12. A. recently B. soon G. now D. today
13. A. reasons B. purposes C. roles D. tasks
14. A. possible B. capable C. able D. capacity
15. A. through B. across C. by D. over

The growth of cheap and readily available air travel has helped turn tourism
into one of the world’s largest (1) _______. But behind the image projected by the
glossy brochures, there is a less positive (2) _______ to the situation. In Goa, for
example, indigenous peoples have been displaced to (3) _______ way for hotels
and golf (4) _______, and local fishermen have been (5) _______ access to the
beaches from which they set off for, work. One (6) _______ study has shown that
60 per cent of foreign capital (7) _______ in tourism in developing countries
returns to first-world countries, and although tourism often provides employment.
much :: it is low-skilled and very (8) _______ paid.
Recently, however, a British organisation. Tourism Concern, surprised every-
one by mounting an (9) _______ vigorous campaign for tourism which respects
the rights of local people. They argue that local people are at present (10)
_______ near as involved as they should be in decisions about how to (11)
_______ their area for tourism. (12) _______, they believe tourists should be
actively encouraged to use what is often perfectly satisfactory accommodation
offered by local communities, and to fly with airlines (13) _______ in the host
countries. This would (14) _______ that jobs are provided at all (15) _______ and
that capital does not disappear out of the country.
1. A. productions B. trades C. industries D. deals
2. A. side B. section C. edge D. face
3. A. leave B. move C. get D. make
4. A. pitches B. courses C. grounds D. courts
5. A. rejected B. stopped C. disallowed D. denied
6. A. comprehensive B. inclusive C. complete D. total
7. A. provided B. placed C. invested D. speculated
8. A. hardly B. weakly C. roughly D. poorly
9. A. extensively B. extremely C. utterly D. actually
10. A. no one B. nothing C. nobody D. nowhere
11. A. grow B. develop C. reproduce D. inflate
12. A. Furthermore B. Despite this C. Nevertheless D. On the contrary
13. A. created B. based C. stood D, laid
14. A. promise B. agree C. ensure D. undertake
15. A. levels B. planes C. heights D. steps

For those people who go out in search of adventure, a long-distance flight in a
hot-air balloon is a particular exciting (1) _______. Indeed, a round-the-world
balloon trip is widely regarded as the (2) _______ challenge. One well-known
adventurer, David Hemplemann-Adams would not agree, however. Recently he
became the first man to (3) _______ the North Pole in a hot-air balloon, a more
significant (4) _______ in his eyes. Given that the distance and altitudes (5)
_______ are comparatively modest, you might wonder why the trip from Canada
to the Pole, should present such a challenge.
Part of the (6) _______ was that such a flight had not even been attempted for
over a century. In those days, such expeditions were huge events, with a nation’s
pride (7) _______ on their success, and so resources were (8) _______ to them.
Although he eventually managed to secure a substantial sponsorship (9) _______
from an insurance company, Hemplemann-Adams had the added challenge of
having to (10) _______ sufficient funds for his trip.
Then, of course, he had to face major survival concerns, such as predicting the
weather (11) _______ and coping with dangerously low temperatures. But most
challenging of all was the incredibly complex problem of navigation. As the
earth’s magnetic field gets stronger, only the most (12) _______ of satellite-linked
navigation systems can (13) _______ that one has got to the pole. Without them,
the chances of getting anywhere near it are extremely (14) _______. Not to men-
tion an even greater problem that (15) _______ on Hemplemann-Adams’ mind:
getting back!
1. A. campaign B. engagement C. motion D. prospect
2. A. extreme B. ultimate C. utmost D. eventual
3. A. reach B. attain C. meet D. fulfil
4. A. recognition B. acquisition C. realisation D. achievement
5. A. engaged B. regarded C. involved I), connected
6. A. beauty B. allure C. charm D. appeal
7. A. leaning B. resting C. waiting D. standing
8. A. committed B. confided C. confirmed D. commended
9. A. bargain B. transaction C. deal D. purchase
10. .A. elevate B. raise C. lift D. build
11. .A. conditions B. tendencies C. circumstances D. elements
12. .A. cultured B. refined C. sophisticated D. educated
13. .A. confirm B. approve C. reinforce D. support
14. .A. thin B. slight C. tight D. slim
15. .A. pushed B. pressed C. weighed D. stressed

London features so prominently in the work of the English novelist Charles
Dickens (1812-1870) that people often (1) _______ that he was born and bred
there. In fact, the writer’s father worked for the navy and the family moved
around a (2) _______ deal. Dickens was nevertheless familiar with London and
many of the things he saw there were later (3) _______ into his books. For exam-
ple, he observed the rich (4) _______ beggars on the streets, and saw cramped
streets existing in stark (5) _______ to vast open spaces. When his father was (6)
_______ in a debtor prison after a lifetime of living beyond his (7) _______, the
young Charles had no (8) _______ but to leave school and work in a shoe factory.
There he earned just a few pennies a week with which to (9) _______ his family,
now without a breadwinner. This was an experience which made a (10) _______
impression on the young Dickens, perhaps explaining his later pre-occupation
with lost or orphaned children in his novels. After a (11) _______ in the legal
profession, Dickens became a reporter and popular writer. His first published (12)
_______ was a book called Sketches by Boz, which (13) _______ in 1836. This
collection of London scenes was soon followed by a novel entitled Pickwick
Papers. Like most of his novels, this first came out in the (14) _______ of a serial
in a monthly magazine. The reading public would follow the lives of the
characters in each (15) _______ in much the same way that people watch
television soap operas today.
1. A. consider B. discover C. assume D. realise
2. A. great B. big C. huge D. large
3. A. absorbed B. integrated C. merged D. incorporated
4. A. go over B. pass by C. run over D. get by
5. A. opposition B. comparison C. contrast D. relation
6. A. sustained B. detained C. maintained D. retained
7. A. savings B. loans C. accounts D. means
8. A. choice B. chance C. idea D. time
9. A. carry B. manage C. support D. bear
10. ,A. lasting B. durable C. longing D. heavy
11. A. try B. turn C. shift D. spell
12. A. effort B. work C. craft D. attempt
13. A. appeared B. opened C. entered D. arrived
14. A. manner B. mode C. form D. order
15. A. version B. series C. consignment D. installment

Journalism has a very long history. It dates back at (1) _______ from ancient
Rome, when written announcements of deaths, marriages and military appoint-
ments were (2) _______ up regularly in pubic places. It wasn’t until the fifteenth
century, (3) _______, that the invention of the printing press made the rapid (4)
_______ of journalism possible.
Journalism as we know it today probably dates from the eighteenth century,
with the (5) _______ of daily newspapers that were written to (6) _______ the
views of particular parties or social groups. There is a great variety of journalism
on (7) _______ in Britain, ranging from the scandals of the tabloid newspapers to
the high-quality reporting of the more (8) _______ publications
Changes in journalism in the twentieth century (9) _______ place as a result of
technological (10) _______ the teletypewriter, the radio, and then television.
While the (11) _______ of the newspaper journalist may have (12) _______ in
recent years, many radio and television journalists became (13) _______ names as
they reported events while they were (14) _______ happening. News broadcaster
Walter Cronkite, for example, will be remembered by millions of television (15)
_______ for his coverage of events such as the funeral of American president
John F. Kennedy and the landing of the first man on the moon.
1. A. least B. first C. once D. all
2. A. taken B. given C. put D. shown
3. A. indeed B. therefore C. whereas D. however
4. A. increase B. ascent C. growth D. extent
5. A. release B. appearance C. receipt D. attendance
6. A. stretch B. widen C. expand D. spread
7. A. choice B. offer C. stock D. market
8. A. serious B. severe C. strict D. stern
9. A. gave B. stood C. took D. held
10. A. promotions B. revisions C. amendments D. advances
11. A. command B. mark C. influence D. position
12. A. reduced B. declined C. retired D. departed
13. A. familiar B. known C. usual D. accustomed
14. A. rightly B. actually C. truly D. certainly
15. A. spectators B. passers-by C. observers D. viewers

When William was a small boy, the family spent their holidays on his grand-
father’s farm in the mountains. On their arrival, the children (1) _______ race
around the yard and orchard, overjoyed to be free from the strictly correct (2)
_______ expected of them in the city. As the days passed, their parents also (3)
_______ increasingly relaxed, and the house rang with the laughter of old fiends.
It was during one of these visits that William’s (4) _______ to remember a tune
led to the suggestion that the boy should (5) _______ up a musical instrument.
One evening everyone was gathered in the living-room, and a discussion (6)
_______ about the differences between, a piece of music which was popular at the
time and a well-known folk song. Various adults tried to (7) _______ the
similarity of the two tunes to those who (8) _______ with them, but without
success. (9) _______ fell, and then William, who was about five, made his (10)
_______ to the piano and played first one tune and then the other. His parents and
their friends were astonished (11) _______ no one had even heard William (12)
_______ to play before. “That child must go to a music teacher,” (13) _______
one neighbour, and the others agreed. William’s parents were persuaded to (14)
_______ help with payment of the fees, and his musical (15) _______ began.
1. A. were B. would C. might D had
2. A. behaviour B. style C. manner D. attitude
3. A. showed B. acted C. became D. found
4. A. talent B. ability C. gift D. skill
5. A. bring B. start C. pick D. take
6. A. arose B. came C. entered D. happened
7. A. test B. claim C. prove D. pretend
8. A. refused B. resisted C. varied D. disagreed
9. A. Conclusion B. Argument C. Silence D. Doubt
10. A. way B. path C. route D. direction
11. A. so B. although C. when D. as
12. A. want B. try C. go D. decide
13. A. confirmed B. told C. stated D. expressed
14. A. achieve B. attain C, apply D. accept
15. A. career B. living C. work D. study

In 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in what is now the Dominican Repub-
lic. He looked around him and (1) _______, “This is the fairest land human eyes
have ever seen.” This is not surprising as the country (2) _______ from a
thousand miles of beautiful coastline, the highest mountains in the Caribbean and
spectacular national parks which (3) _______ sparkling rivers and deep canyons.
The Dominican Republic lies on the island (4) _______ as Hispaniola, the sec-
ond largest in the Caribbean, which it (5) _______ with its neighbour, Haiti, the
island is accessible to tourists as there are (6) _______ flights from many parts of
the world. If you arrive as an independent holidaymaker, you should (7) _______
a hire car or a taxi from the airport and (8) _______ for one of the tasteful hotels
in the new (9) _______ along the coast. These developments offer incredible (10)
_______ for money compared with other Caribbean islands. You can participate
in sports (11) _______ sailing, snorkelling, canoeing, tennis or golf and then,
when the sun goes down, (12) _______ the lively evening entertainment.
But the highlight of any (13) _______ to the island is a visit to the capital,
Santo Domingo. It boasts the oldest buildings in the Americas. A cathedral, a
university and a hospital, ail situated within the beautifully (14) _______ Old Co-
lonial Quarter and all (15) _______ from the early 1500s.
1. A. resumed B. responded C. denied D. declared
2. A. rewards B. benefits C. advantages D. favours
3. A. contain B. compose C. concern D. complete
4. A. meant B. called C. known D. named
5. A. splits B. divides C. halves D. shares
6. A. ready B. direct C. stable D. straight
7. A. pick up B. drive off C. take on D. get by
8. A. seek B. turn C. head D. point
9. A. resorts B. restorations C. refreshments D. resources
10, A. deal B, value C. bargain D. saving
11. A. so as to B. as for C. such as D. as if
12. A. join in B. make up C. put on D. take part
13. A. jump B. travel C. stay D. trip
14. A. reversed B. preserved C. conserved D. revised
15. A. lasting B. ageing C. dating D. timing

The story of man’s mastery of the air is almost as old as man himself, a puzzle
in which the essential clues were not found until a very late stage. However, to (1)
_______ this we must first go back to the time when primitive man (2) _______
his food, and only birds and insects flew. We cannot know with any certainty
when man first deliberately shaped weapons for throwing, but that (3) _______
conscious design marked the first step on a road that (4) _______ from the spear
and the arrow to the aeroplane and the giant rocket of the present (5) _______ It
would seem, in fact, that this (6) _______ to throw things is one of the most
primitive and deep-seated of our instincts, (7) _______ in childhood and per-
sisting into old age. The more mature ambition to throw things swiftly and accu-
rately, which is the origin of most (8) _______ games, probably has its roots in
the ages when the possession of a (9) _______ weapon and the ability to throw it
with force and accuracy (10) _______ the difference between eating and starving.
It is significant that such weapons were (11) _______ and brought to their (12)
_______ form at an early stage in history. If we were restricted to the same (13)
_______ it is doubtful if we could produce better bows and arrows than those that
(14) _______ the armies of the past. The arrow was the first true weapon capable
of maintaining direction over considerable (15) _______. It was to be centuries
before man himself could fly.
1. A. value B. approve C. understand D. realize
2. A. pursued B. followed up C. chased D. hunted for
3. A. event B. act C. action D. deed
4. A. takes B. moves C. leads D. brings
5. A. day B. instant C. hour D. moment
6. A. feeling B. encouragement C. urge D. emotion
7. . A. coming B. growing C. arriving D. appearing
8. . A. exterior B. outside C. outdoor D. external
9. . A. suitable B. fitting C. related D. chosen
10. A. involved B. meant C. told D. showed
11. A. produced B. imagined C. invented D. planned
12. A. last B. final C. latest D. older
13. A. materials B. substances C. matters D. sources
14. A. ruined B. exploded C. spoiled D. destroyed
15. A. lengths B. distances C. areas D. extents

The ability to weep is a uniquely human form of emotional response. Some
scientists have suggested that human tears are evidence of an aquatic past – but
this does not seem very likely. We cry from the moment we enter this (1)
_______, for a number of reasons. Helpless babies cry to (2) _______ their
parents that they are ill, hungry or uncomfortable. As they (3) _______ they will
also cry just to attract parental attention and will often stop when they get it.
The idea that (4) _______ a good cry can do you (5) _______ is a very old one
and now it has scientific (6) _______ since recent research into tears has shown
that they (7) _______ a natural painkiller called enkaphalin. By (8) _______
sorrow and pain this chemical helps you to feel better. Weeping can increase the
quantities of enkaphalin you (9) _______.
Unfortunately, in our society we impose restrictions upon this naturally (10)
_______ activity. Because some people still regard it as a (11) _______ of
weakness in men, boys in particular are admonished when they cry. This kind of
repression can only increase stress, both emotionally and physically.
Tears of emotion also help the body (12) _______ itself of toxic chemical (13)
_______, for there is more protein in them than in tears resulting from cold winds
or other irritants. Crying comforts, calms and can be very enjoyable - (14)
_______ the popularity of the highly emotional films which are commonly (15)
_______ “weepies”. It seems that people enjoy crying together almost as much as
laughing together.
1. A. world B. place C. earth D. space
2. A. inform B. communicate C. persuade D. demonstrate
3. A. evolve B. develop C. alter D. change
4. A. doing B. making C. getting D. having
5. A. good B. fine C. better D. well
6. A. truth B. validity C. reality D. reason
7. A. hold B. retain C. contain D. keep
8. A. struggling B. fighting C. opposing D. striking
9. A. construct B. achieve C. provide D. produce
10. A. curing B. treating C. healing D. improving
11. A. sign B. symbol C. feature D. hint
12. A. release B. rid C. loosen D. expel
13. A. rubbish B. remains C. leftovers D. waste
14. A. distinguish B. remark C. consider D. regard
15. A. named B. entitled C. subtitled D. called

“Every journey begins with a single step.” We might (1) _______ this proverb
for the 16,000 km Beijing to Paris car rally, and say that every rally begins with a
(2) _______ of the wheel. From China, several hundred courageous men and
women will (3) _______ out for Paris in pursuit of what, for many, is likely to
prove an impossible (4) _______. Everybody is prepared for the worst and
expects a high drop-out (5) _______, especially on the rally’s difficult first (6)
_______ across central China and over the high mountain (7) _______ of the
Himalayas. “If twenty-five cars (8) _______ it to Paris, we’ll be doing well,” says
Philip Young, the rally organiser.
Now planned as an annual event, the first Beijing-Paris car rally took place in
1907. It was won by Prince Borghese, an Italian adventurer, who crossed the (9)
_______ line just a few metres (10) _______ of the only other car to complete the
race. Nowadays, not many people know about Prince Borghese, but at the time his
achievement was (11) _______ as comparable to that of Marco Polo, who trav-
elled from Venice to China in the thirteenth century.
According to the (12) _______, all the cars in the rally must be more than
thirty years old, which means that the (13) _______ roads and high altitude are a
(14) _______ test of both the cars and the drivers. A sense of adventure is
essential. One driver said, “Our (15) _______ is to have a good time, enjoy the
experience and the magnificent scenery - and the adventure of a lifetime.”
1. A. adapt B. moderate C. improve D. form
2. A, revolution B. turn C. rotation D. circle
3. A. head B. move C. try D. set
4. A. vision B. dream C. hope D. fantasy
5. A. frequency B. number C. speed D. rate
6. A. stage B. round C. time D. period
7, A. crossings B. directions C. passes D. passages
8. A. make B. take C. get D. have
9. A. closing B. final C. finishing D. ending
10. A. forward B. front C. advance D. ahead
11. A. referred B. regarded C. thought D. noted
12. A. orders B. customs C. laws D. rules
13. A. rough B. undeveloped C. broken D. crude
14. A. firm B. strict C. severe D. grave
15. A. target B. aim C. proposal D. intent

Karaoke enthusiasts can now enjoy their sometimes nervous performances safe
in the knowledge that they are at (1) _______ losing some weight. Thanks to
Tokyo-based Dajichikosho, which sells and (2) _______ out karaoke equipment,
karaoke machines can now (3) _______ how many calories the singer has burnt
while singing the song. (4) _______ 40,000 users of its karaoke song-
broadcasting service (5) _______ Japan have now (6) _______ up for the
company’s “Karaoke diet”.
Such factors as the volume and pitch of the singer’s voice and the tempo and
length of the song were (7) _______ into consideration before assigning calorie
burning values to more than 1,000 favourite tunes. “(8) _______, the longer and
livelier one sings, the (9) _______ calories are burned,” said a company
(10) _______ to Daiichikosho, the Beatles “Let It Be” burns up 11.4 kcal; but
for those (11) _______ in shedding a little more weight a rendition of Frank Sina-
tra’s classic “My Way” will (12) _______ in the loss of 15.6 kcal. An average man
will burn up approximately 81 kcal (13) _______ a ten-minute walk, suggesting
that karaoke may not be the ideal weight loss programme.
In fact, indulging in karaoke (literally “empty orchestra”) can be counter-
productive to any diet as the singing of such songs usually (14) _______ a drink -
causing the singer to (15) _______ back on the same calories they may have just
1. A. same B. least C, time D. all
2. A. borrows B. hands C. hires D. spends
3. A. work out B. come across C. put down D. turn up
4. A. Several B. Over C. Many D. Various
5. A. for B. through C. by D. throughout
6. A. gone B. taken C. signed D. registered
7. A. taken B. brought C. held D. put
8. A. Increasingly B. Deliberately C. Intentionally D. Naturally
9. A. fast B. more C. many D. harder
10. A. Regarding B. Concerning C. According D. Believing
11. A. enthusiastic B. concerned C. keen D. interested
12. A. result B. cause C. lead D. provide
13. A. until B. while C. meanwhile D. during
14. A. requires B. requests C. asks for D. wants
15. A. bring B. place C. put D. get

GPS, or Global Positioning System, is a remarkable (1) _______. Using a sim-
ple receiver, it is now possible to know your exact (2) _______ on Earth at the -
press of a button, possibly making the simple map and compass (3) _______.
The (4) _______ of GPS was developed by the US military and the system
was set (5) _______ by them. It is (6) _______ on a network of 24 satellites in
orbit around the Earth. Using radio signals, the hand-held receiver calculates the
(7) _______ to the satellites and is then able to figure (8) _______ where the user
is to (9) _______ a few metres.
There are (10) _______ practical applications of this system. For example, it
was used during (11) _______ of the Channel Tunnel, connecting England to
France, to (12) _______ sure that the two ends of the tunnel met in the middle.
Car companies are currently (13) _______ ways of including GPS (14) _______
in every car, so (15) _______ whether to turn right or left at the next junction
could soon be a thing of the past.
1. A. appliance B. discovery C. invention D. solution
2. A. point B. location C. region D. destination
3. A. obsolete B. classic C. traditional D. old
4. A. thought B. ideal C. image D. concept
5. A. off B. up C. in D. over
6. A. held B. fixed C. taken D. based
7. A. length B. line C. distance D. size
8. A. off B. up C. on D. out
9. A. among B. within C. between D. around
10 A. uncountable B. grand C. massive D. numerous
11 A. construction B. installation C. shaping D. manufacture
12. A. do B. have C. make D. take
13. A. predicting B. researching C. estimating D. experimenting
14. A. equipment B. appliances C. tools D. gadgets
15. A. declaring B. doubting C. wondering D. knowing

Today, the distinction between the professional and the (1) _______ is purely a
matter of sporting success. Most (2) _______ start their careers by winning com-
petitions for nonprofessionals before deciding to (3) _______ themselves to their
chosen sport However, for a long time it used to be believed that getting paid for a
sporting (4) _______ destroyed the ancient Olympic (5) _______ 0f people
simply trying to do their best for the love of the sport.
In fact even (6) _______ in ancient Olympic (7) _______ were able to make
large amounts of money from winning. At the games themselves, only a laurel
wreath (8) _______ to the winner, but back in his 9) _______ town he could
become very rich.
During most of the 20th century, professionals were (10) _______ from enter-
ing the Olympics. This gave the wealthy an advantage (11) _______ they could
afford to train and compete without needing to earn money. In 1988, the IOC
(which (12) _______ International Olympic Committee) decided to allow
professionals to take(13) _______ in the Olympics. Only boxing and football still
re-strict the (14) _______ of professionals allowed to compete. Boxing does not
allow professionals at all, while Olympics football teams are allowed up to three
professionals (15) _______ the side.
1. A. champion B. umpire C. amateur D. volunteer
2. A. athletes B. rivals C. runners up D. opponents
3. A. concentrate B. focus C. devote D. aim
4. A. action B. performance C. activity D. recreation
5. A. suggestion B. thought C. belief D. ideal
6. A. players B. participants C. members D. attendants
7. A. sessions B. acts C. plays D. events
8. A. awarded B. earned C. gained D. rewarded
9. A. birth B. native C. original D. home
10 A. prevented B. disallowed C. refused D. denied
11. A. but B. despite C. since D. although
12. A. stand B. takes C. means D. goes
13. A. place B. account C. part D. sides
14. A. amount B. number C. degree D. quantity
15. A. into B. at C. to D. on
In the mid to late 1990s, thousands of new companies were (1) _______ up
with one purpose: to (2) _______ from the explosion of interest in the Internet.
Large corporations were happy to (3) _______ millions in the weirdest website
ideas, confident that they would make a (4) _______ overtime. Most of them
didn’t. Indeed, the vast (5) _______ of them have gone (6) _______, leaving their
investors severely out of pocket. So what went wrong?
The main mistake that companies (7) _______ was to forget to ask how their
dot com company (as Internet based companies are sometimes called) would ac-
tually make a (8) _______. It sounds fairly obvious now, but in the rush to “get on
the Net”, the whole concept was (9) _______. There was also a second problem
which dot corns did not (10) _______. Yes, Internet traffic was (11) _______
enormously, but people still felt uncomfortable many still do, in fact about buying
products and services online. Even if the dot corns had (12) _______ sensible
business ideas, it’s unlikely they would have brought in enough to cover their (13)
_______ investment.
There were some (14) _______, of course. Some companies have been hugely
successful on the Internet. Most, however, found it wasn’t as easy to (15) _______
an Internet business as they’d thought.
1. A. held B. set C. got D. let
2. A. achieve B. acquire C. benefit D. obtain
3. A. invest B. add C. pay D. throw
4. A. prosperity B. wealth C. treasure D. fortune
5. A. amount B. majority C. load D. lot
6. A. ruined B. smashed C. broken D. bust
7. A. did B. made C. had D. took
8. A. profit B. salary C. commission D. royalty
9. A. overseen B. unobserved C. reviewed D. overlooked
10. A. hesitate B. regard C. anticipate D. maintain
11. A. raising B. increasing C. improving D. extending
12. A. worked out B. brought out C. come into D. made up
13. A. novel B. authentic C. initial D. innovative
14. A. endings B. differences C. exclusions D. exceptions
15. A. run B. rule C. govern D. supervise

In many legal (1) _______ around the world, the defendant is (2) _______ to
be innocent until proven guilty. This means in (3) _______ that it is not (4)
_______ to the defendant’s lawyers to prove that the defendant did not commit
the crime he or she is (5) _______ of. Rather, it is the responsibility of the (6)
_______ to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did (7) _______
the law.
But what does the phrase “beyond a reasonable doubt” mean in (8) _______?
It means that, although there may not be absolute (9) _______ such as a video,
that the defendant committed the crime, the judge or (10) _______ after having
examined all the (11) _______, are certain that the person is guilty. If they are not
certain, or, in (12) _______ words, if they believe there is a reasonable doubt,
they must find the defendant “not guilty”. In British (13) _______, defendants are
never (14) _______ innocent. The only possible (15) _______ are “guilty” or “not
1. A. structures B. arrangements C. constructions D. systems
2. A. asked B. considered C. known D. hoped
3. A. effect B. agreement C. relation D. terms
4. A. about B. over C. up D. round
5. A. blamed B. accused C. charged D. arrested
6. A. persecution B. prescription C. persuasion D. prosecution
7. A. break B. abandon C. commit D. cheat
8. A. favour B. front C. prison D. practice
9. A. observation B. proof C. sign D. demonstration
10. A. audience B. team C. jury D. collective
11. .A. evidence B. hints C. confirmation D. warnings
12. A. differing B. more C. other D. these
13. A. exhibitions B. institutions C. councils D. courts
14. A. declared B. mentioned C. spoken D. stated
15. A. conclusions B. verdicts C. decisions D. effects

I have always wanted to swim the English Channel underwater and as a former
Olympic gold medallist I (1) _______ that I have the training to attempt (2)
_______ a swim. The Channel is, I suppose, the Mount Everest of the swimming
world (3) _______ to do it underwater will be an even greater (4) _______ for me.
Although many swimmers have (5) _______ the Channel, it will be the first time
that a former Olympic gold medallist has ever done it. I am (6) _______ to do it in
six to eight hours. I want to (7) _______ money for a number of new charities and
I am especially (8) _______ on the charities that protect the world’s seas. I will be
swimming (9) _______ the Channel in the summer. In (10) _______ to (11)
_______ this out I have to follow a strict exercise programme. A usual training
session for me would (12) _______ of thirty minutes in the weight room, thirty
minutes doing different exercises and then three hours’ straight swimming. I have
to be (13) _______ of my diet so that it is a healthy and balanced one. I will (14)
_______ ready to set a record in something that has never been (15) _______
before and which someone will have difficulty in breaking.
1. A feel B. regard C. sense D. propose
2. A quite B. such C. rather D. so
3. A and B. but C. as well as D. because
4. A. prize B. work C. duty D. achievement
5. A moved B. passed C. crossed D. run
6. A. forming B. willing C. agreeing D. hoping
7. A give B. raise C. save D. contribute
8. A. in favour B. interested C. thinking D. keen
9. A. across B. through C. over D. along
10. A. time B. respect C. order D. regard
11. A. cut B. carry C. clear D. check
12. A. consist B. spend C. amount D. have
13. A. capable B. accustomed C. enthusiastic D. conscious
14. A. have B. be C. do D. try
15. A. given B. made C. done D. kept

Jim Stopford is a man who can hardly read or write, but talks with a great deal
(1) _______ feeling for something that he has (2) _______ his life to. He gives
talks to a (3) _______ number of children every year on lizards, snakes, tortoises,
turtles and (4) _______ crocodiles so that they can understand what a(n) (5)
_______ part, of the animal world this species is. He has set (6) _______ a free
rescue service where trained people are ready to (7) _______ anyone who has
been bitten by a snake, a good number of people have also been trained to catch
poisonous snakes. Jim, who (8) _______ in Sydney, goes to many schools giving
talks and showing the children his snakes. He (9) _______ the snakes’ habitat,
what they eat and how they move. He is now preparing a book (10) _______ this
subject. He believes that snakes should be (11) _______ because they are dying
out. He (12) _______ believes that if snakes are (13) _______ alone they will not
harm anyone. (14) _______ Australia has the greatest number of poisonous snakes
on the planet, he has always (15) _______ people to be careful when they see one.
1. A. about B. off C. with D. of
2. A. taken B. given C. seen D. spent
3. A. many B. lot C. much D. large
4. A. surely B. even C. undoubtedly D. probably
5. A. usual B. proper C. important D. specific
6. A. up B. about C. out D. off
7. A. provide B. give C. organise D. help
8. A. lives B. stays C. settles D. remains
9. A. draws B. shows C. describes D. tells
10. A. on B. of C. by D. for
11. A. cared B. protected C. guaranteed D. favoured
12. A. apart from B. besides C. too D. also
13. A. left B. undisturbed C. departed D. moved
14. A. While B. Since C. Although D. Despite
15. A. claimed B. suggested C. advised D. explainec

When David Livingstone arrived in this part of Africa in the 1850s he asked
the name of the great stretch of (1) _______ water. He was told it was called
“nyasa”, which means “lake”. So the lake became (2) _______ as Lake Nyasa
(Lake Lake) and the country as Nyasaland. When the country became independ-
ent in 1964 the new Republic chose the name of Malawi.
Lake Malawi (3) _______ nearly 24,000 square kilometres , about one-fifth of
the total (4) _______ of the Republic of Malawi. The lake (5) _______ 473 metres
above sea (6) _______ in the deep valley which stretches the length of the
country. Wide grassy plains (7) _______ the valley on both sides and the (8)
_______ round the lake is spectacular. The water is fresh and there are no tides or
currents. The lake contains over 220 varieties of fish, the (9) _______ of which
are not found anywhere else in the world. There are also crocodiles, but these
generally keep away from (10) _______ areas.
Lake Malawi has a constantly changing character (11) _______ on the time of
the day, the weather and the (12) _______. One moment the water may be as (13)
_______ as silk and then suddenly waves seven metres high can beat against the
(14) _______. It is generally calmest from March to May, and the temperature
never (15) _______ below 21°C. The area has a particularly low annual rainfall.
1. A. inner B. inland C. interior D. internal
2. A. known B. considered C. called D. named
3. A. contains B. crosses C. covers D. includes
4. A. district B. territory C. region D. state
5. A. exists B. lays C. rests D. lies
6. A. height B. position C. level D. surface
7. A. overlook B. overflow C. overcome D. overtake
8. A. environment B. vision C. sight D. scenery
9. A. chief B. rest C. majority D. whole
10. A. inhabited B. lived C. lodged D. occupied
11. A. based B. depending C. counting D. determined
12. A. occasion B. period C. term D. season
13. A. even B. flat C. smooth D. steady
14. A. banks B. borders C. coasts D. shores
15. A. drops B. depresses C. decreases D. lowers

My younger sister is a potential star of stage and screen, or at least that’s what
she tells me. Last week she had an (1) _______. It was for the (2) _______ of
Juliet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. It went well and she starts (3) _______
next week. This is the first (4) _______ that she has been in, but she’s done quite
a lot of TV (5) _______ work and she’s also been in a couple of films. The last
film she was in was called The Magician. It was set in ancient Egypt and she was
in a crowd (6) _______ with thousands of other people. When I went to see it I sat
in the front (7) _______ so that I could see the (8) _______ really clearly, but I
still couldn’t pick out my sister in the crowd. She says the (9) _______ was one of
the best professionals she has worked with but I must say the (10) _______
seemed a bit stupid to me. It was all (11) _______ a very clever magician who had
managed to travel back through time to the court of Tutankhamen. The (12)
_______ were magnificent and so were some of the sets but having an actor
saying (13) _______ in present day American English just didn’t work. The (14)
_______ was really ridiculous. The magician got accidentally buried with
Tutankhamen. Funnily enough, the rest of the (15) _______ seemed to have rather
enjoyed the film.
1. A. audition B. interview C. trial D. test
2. A. job B. position C. part D. post
3. A. rehearsals B. practices C. exercises D. training sessions
4. A. game B. activity C. theatre D. play
5. A. publicity B. advertising C. propaganda D. display
6. A. scenery B. view C. scene D. spot
7. A. row B. queue C. file D. line
8. A. board B. curtain C. blind D. screen
9. A. conductor B. director C. chief D. master
10. A. plot B. argument C. dialogue D. letters
11. A. on B. over C. about D. concerning
12. A. dressings B. cloths C. customs D. costumes
13. A. scripts B. lines C. plays D. readings
14. A. final B. culmination C. ending D. end
15. A. public B. audience C. spectators D. viewers

Although he is only 12, James Harries has his own antiques business and a
flower shop. “James has a good eye for a ,(1) _______ says his mother. “He was
only 8 when he bought that for 5p.” She points to a china statuette (2) _______
£4,000. “James gets most of his (3) _______ of antiques from jumble sales. Last
year he bought a necklace for 10p which turned (4) _______ to be (5) _______.
He sold it for £8,000.”
James didn’t (6) _______ on at school so his parents (7) _______ a private
tutor, “Other children think I am strange because I (8) _______ my own living
and I don’t want to (9) _______ in their games.”
James explains the success of his flower shop: “My prices have (10) _______
less than those of my competitors this year. Also I’ve got a special offer for wed-
ding parties. I give them a Rolls-Royce for the day if they spend more than £100
on flowers. My employees don’t particularly like working for a 12-year-old, but I
pay their (11) _______ so they can’t complain!” With his high (12) _______,
James could (13) _______ many luxuries, but he prefers to save his money. “I
(14) _______ as much as I can. 1 have a lot of plans for the future and I will need
to be rich to (15) _______ them out.”
1. A. reduction B. bonus C. discount D. bargain
2. A. worth B. on behalf of C. over D. on account of
3. A. property B. variety C. store D. stock
4. A. down B. out C. up D. into
5. A. expensive B. rich C. worthwhile D. valuable
6. A. catch B. get C. hang D. hold
7. A. adopted B. bought C. hired D. rented
8. A. earn B. gain C. have D. win
9. A. break B. bring C. join D, call
10. A. risen B. lifted C. raised D. grown
11. A. fees B. wages C. tips D. rewards
12. A. income B. capital C. credit D. benefit
13. A. pay B. invest C. afford D. spend
14. A. count up B. put aside C. keep back D. sort out
15. A. make B. draw C. carry D. pick
Don Strange, who works as a vet in northern England leads a busy life. As well
as having to (1) _______ pets which are unwell, he often visits farms where
problems of various kinds (2) _______ him. He has lost (3) _______ of the
number or times he has been called out at midnight to give (4) _______ to a
farmer with sick sheep or cows.
Recently, a television company chose Don as the (5) _______ of a
documentary programme it was (6) _______ about the life of a country vet. The
programme showed the difficult situations Don (7) _______ every day, such as
helping a cow to give birth, or winning the trust of an aggressive dog which needs
an injection. Not all of Don’s patents are domestic animals, (8) _______, and in
the programme people saw him helping an owl which had a damaged wing. It also
showed Don (9) _______ a meeting with villagers concerned about the damage a
new road might do to their (10) _______ environment.
(11) _______ loved the documentary and, overnight, Don became a household
(12) _______ known to millions of people. He continues to receive (13) _______
numbers of letters which made a real (14) _______ on him, especially those from
teenagers who have made the important decision to become vets themselves as a
(15) _______ of seeing the programme.
1. A. deal B. fix C. treat D. solve
2. A. appeal B. expect C. demand D. await
3. A. count B. memory C. score D. patience
4. A. suggestion B. warning C. advice D. recommendation
5. A. feature B. subject C. case D. character
6. A. doing B. getting C. giving D. making
7. A. greets B. faces C. copes D. stands
8. A. although B. therefore C. yet D. however
9. A. holding B. keeping C. carrying D. taking
10. A. nearby B. local C. area D. close
11. A. Onlookers B. Watchers C. Spectators D. Viewers
12. A. name B. word C. fame P. star
13. A. great B. wide C. large D. long
14. A. effect B. impression C. emotion D. influence
15. A. response B. product C. result D. profit

My wife Penny and I are recovering from weekend visitors. Don’t misunder-
stand me - we enjoy company and love to (1) _______ our friends and relatives.
But not this time. Fred and Kate were old friends from our college (2) _______ So
you would think we would have a fairly (3) _______ idea what sort of people they
were, even though we hadn’t seen them for (4) _______ years.
We soon discovered, unfortunately that our lives had (5) _______ very
different directions. Penny and I have two small children. Delightful but (6)
_______, they dictate the style of our life. (7) _______ many other young couples,
we find weekends are a matter of trying to snatch a few moments of relaxation in
between catching up with all the (8) _______.
Kate and Fred (9) _______ more money than us, they work longer hours, and
they (10) _______ their leisure time to be just that, leisure. The (11) _______
tiring thing Fred does on a Sunday is to walk up the road to the (12) _______
newsagent. To be (13) _______, Kate wasn’t as bad as Fred. But she wasn’t much
By the time they left, Penny and I were exhausted. We’d cooked, served and
cleared up six meals without a (14) _______ offer of help. We didn’t know
whether to laugh or cry. Luckily we (15) _______ to laugh.
1. A. receive B. visit C. entertain D. host
2. A. terms B. ages C. times D. days
3. A. fine B. good C. strong D. right
4. A. numerous B, plenty C. passing D. several
5. A. chosen B. left ' C. taken D. had
6. A. tiring B. tired C. amused D. amusing
7. A. As B. Like C. Similar D. Same
8. A. housework B. housekeeping C. household D. homework
9. A. gain B. earn C. fetch D. bring
10. A. intend B. insist C. expect D. rely
11. A. more B. very C. almost D. most
12. A. local B. neighbouring C. near D. district
13. A. true B. fair C. real D. straight
14. A. lonely B. unique C. alone D. single
15. A. managed B. succeeded C. reached D. achieved

Brian Jones is the British half of the first team to go round the world in a bal-
loon. He and his Swiss co-pilot have written an account of the 19-day expedition
they (1) _______ in March 1999. It was an astonishing triumph. Nobody (2)
_______ them to finish the voyage. They (3) _______ with poisonous fumes,
temperatures of minus 50 degrees Celsius and an Atlantic crossing with (4)
_______ any fuel.
Fourteen years (5) _______, Brian was a reasonably successful businessman,
(6) _______ he tired of his furniture business and (7) _______ to buy a balloon.
Before long he was one of the country’s (8) _______ balloon instructors and
pilots. Why did he risk everything for one trip? He says he was not a very
confident child: “At seven a friend (9) _______ me to go down a water slide. I
still (10) _______ being absolutely terrified. I couldn’t swim and I have never
learnt to swim properly.” He thinks everyone should face their greatest (11)
_______ and that is one reason why he went up in the balloon. Six of the 19 days
they were (12) _______ the air were spent (13) _______ at the Pacific Ocean -
8,000 miles of water. Brian says he won’t (14) _______ to do it again because
there are so many other things he (15) _______ to do.
1. A. completed B. succeeded C. performed D. followed
2. A. admitted B. hoped C. intended D. expected
3. A. put up B. got along C. kept up D. did away
4. A. almost B hardly C. quite D. rather
5. A. after B. since C. ago D. past
6. A. so B. although C. since D. but
7. A. thought B. decided C. afforded D. considered
8. A. unique B. preferable C. suitable D. leading
9. A. demanded B. threatened C. dared D. wished
10. A. forget B. remember C. remind D. regret
11. A. fears B. suspicions C. disturbances D. frights
12. A. on B. to C. by D. in
13. A. watching B. observing C. staring D. seeing
14. A. attempt B. imagine C. delay D. suggest
15. A. fancies B. wants C. enjoys D. appreciates

In 1830, there were under 100 miles of public railway in Britain. Yet within 20
years, this figure had grown to more than 5,000 miles. By the end of the century,
almost enough rail track to (1) _______ the world covered this small island, (2)
_______ the nature of travel for ever and contributing to the industrial revolution
that changed the (3) _______ of history in many parts of the world.
Wherever railways were introduced, economic and social progress quickly (4)
_______ . In a single day, rail passengers could travel hundreds of miles, (5)
_______ previous journey times by huge margins and bringing rapid travel within
the (6) _______ of ordinary people. Previously, many people had never ventured
(7) _______ the outskirts of their towns and villages. The railway brought them
(8) _______ freedom and enlightenment.
In the 19th century, the railway in Britain (9) _______ something more than
just the business of carrying goods and passengers. Trains were associated with
romance, adventure and, frequently, (10) _______ luxury. The great steam loco-
motives that thundered across the land were the jet airliners of their (11)
_______ , carrying passengers in comfort over vast distances in unimaginably
short times. But the railways (12) _______ more than revolutionise travel; they
also (13) _______ a distinctive and permanent mark on the British landscape.
Whole towns and industrial centres (14) _______ up around major rail junctions,
monumental bridges and viaducts crossed rivers and valleys and the railway
stations themselves became (15) _______ places to spend time between journeys.
1. A. revolve B. enclose C. orbit D. encircle
2. A. adapting B. amending C. altering D. adjusting
3. A. course B. way C. line D. route
4. A. pursued B. followed C. succeeded D. chased
5. A. cutting B. subtracting C. cancelling D. abolishing
6. A. capacity B, reach C. facility D. hold
7. A. further B. over C. above D. beyond
S. A. larger B. higher C. greater D. bigger
9. A. represented B. functioned C. served D. performed
10. A. generous B. considerable C. plentiful D. sizeable
11. A. date B. stage C. day D. phase
12. A. caused B. turned C. produced D. did
13. A. laid B. set C. left D. settled
14. A. jumped B. stood C. burst D. sprang
15. A. preferable B. desirable C. liked D. wanted

Stories about how people somehow know when they are being watched have
been going around for years. However, few attempts have been made to investi-
gate the phenomenon scientifically. Now, with the completion of the largest ever
study of the so-called staring effect, there is impressive evidence that this is a
recognisable and (1) _______ sixth sense. The study (2) _______ hundreds of
children. For the experiments, they sat with their eyes (3) _______ so they could
not see, and with their backs to other children, who were told to either stare at
them or look away. Time and time again the results showed that the children who
could not see were able to (4) _______ when they were being stared at. In a (5)
_______ of more than 18,000 trials (6) _______ worldwide, the children (7)
_______ sensed when they were being watched almost 70% of the time. The
experiment was repeated with the (8) _______ precaution of putting the children
who were being watched outside the room, (9) _______ from the starers by the
windows. This was done just in case there was some (10) _______ going on with
the children telling each other whether they were looking or not. This (11)
_______ the possibility of sounds being (12) _______ between the children. The
results, though less impressive, were more or less the same. Dr Sheldrake, the
biologist who designed the study, believes that the results are (13) _______
enough to find out through further experiments (14) _______ how the staring
effect might actually (15) _______.
1. A. genuine B. accepted C. received D. sure
2. A. comprised B. contained C. involved D. enclosed
3. A. shaded B. covered C. masked D, wrapped
4. A. find B. notice C. reveal D. tell
5. A. sum B. collection C. total D. mass
6. A. worked over B. carried out C. carried on D. worked through
7. A. thoroughly B. exactly C. correctly D. perfectly
8. A. added B. attached C. connected D. increased
9. A. parted B. separated C. split D. divided
10. A. pretending B. lying C. deceiving D. cheating
11. A. prevented B. omitted C. evaded D. ended
12. A. delivered B. transmitted C. transported D. distributed
13. A. satisfying B. persuading C. concluding D. convincing
14. A, precisely B. carefully C. definitely D. really
15. A. set out B. be looked at C. come about D. be held up

Where can you go in January for almost guaranteed sunshine - without trav-
elling for most of the day to get there? The answer is Marrakech in Morocco, a
four-hour (1) _______ from Britain, where the (2) _______ temperature is a
pleasant 66°F.
Marrakech is a city of (3) _______ beauty, with its pink buildings and green
palm trees contrasting with the snow-covered (4) _______ of the Atlas Mountains
in the distance. For tourists, there’s the added attraction of excellent food at
reasonable prices and high quality accommodation, such as Hotel La Moinounia,
(5) _______ as one of the top hotels in the world.
(6) _______ Marrakech is one of Morocco’s busiest and most modern cities,
the influence of the Middle Ages is still very evident. (7) _______ can admire the
battlements, towers and mosques, which were built (8) _______ centuries ago.
And forget about shopping malls - for perfumes, fabrics, antiques, spices and
crafts, (9) _______ the “souks”, open-air market-places where you’ll almost (10)
_______ find something to take back home.
For those who want to (11) _______ sport Marrakech has plenty to offer, (12)
_______ golf and tennis, there is also skiing on the slopes of the High Atlas
Mountains, where the (13) _______ of the surrounding area are quite spectacular.
Alternatively, you could just relax (14) _______ a heated swimming pool and
dream (15) _______ your next visit.
1. A. flight B. trip C. travel D. voyage
2. A. middle B. average C. ordinary D. medium
3. A. big B. high C. extremely D. great
4. A. peaks B. hills C. heads D. surfaces
5. A. thought B. believed C. regarded D. judged
6. A. Although B, However C. Despite D. Because
7. A. Spectators B. Viewers C. Sightseers D. Onlookers
8. A. plenty B. several C. often D. all
9. A. work out B. put up with C. make up for D. head for
10 A. likely B. probably C. certainly D. possibly
11 A. going B. practise C, practice D. do
12. A. As well B. More than C. In addition to D. Moreover
13. A. sights B. overlooks C. visions D. views
14. A. next B. by C. yourself D. you
15. A. of B. on C. with D. at

London is the city which seems to draw people like a magnet from across the
country every year, not to (1) _______ from around the world. London is cool,
fashionable and multi-cultural. For the (2) _______ student, it is the most incredi-
ble arts, academic and entertainment Mecca.
London is one of the few real student capitals of the world. Despite the grime,
the (3) _______ costs, the troublesome transport system and the (4) _______
sensation of living with eight million people, students (5) _______ to the city’s
However, rents are cheap, with students paying around £75 a week for a room,
in a (6) _______ house. Halls of (7) _______ are a little over this price - but of
course include meals and (8) _______.
Work is plentiful at the moment though, so a part-time job should be easy (9)
_______ across, and there are all sorts of graduate (10) _______ with the best (11)
_______ of Pay in the country. The London institutions try to play (12) _______
the cost of (13) _______ so as not to (14) _______ off future students, but there is
no doubt about it, London costs money and you will be looking at a sizable (15)
_______ on graduating.
1. A. say B. mention C. utter D. include
2. A, budding B. bidding C. blooming D. blithering
3. A. peak B. money C. high D. extreme
4. A. overestimated B. overawed C. overloaded D. overwhelming
5. A. stem B. wave C. flock D. pounce
6 A. divided B. parted C. separated D. shared
7. A. wards B. residence C. dormitories D. accommodation
8. A. invoices B. costs C. bills D. receipts
9. A. come B. get C. do D. put
10. A. chances B. possibilities C. occasions D. opportunities
11. A. rates B. terms C. conditions D. means
12. A. tip B. at C. down D. out
13. A. life B. living C. live D, livelihood
14. A. set B. run C. write D. put
15. ,A. debt B. increase C. balance D. gain

Nerea de Clifford, who has died aged 82, was a doughty champion of British
cats and a pillar of The Cat Protection League which she (1) _______ shortly after
its foundation in 1927 and served as president from the 1970s until the time of her
Among her many (2) _______ to the welfare of cats - and to our knowledge of
their way - were the establishment of a sanctuary for them at New Malden, and
the publication of such report as What British Cats Think About Television, in
which she noted that “most cats (3) _______ an interest of some kind, though it is
often of hostility”; “a significant reaction ... is the display of excitement when any
picture, especially of birds, moves quickly across the (4) _______
Nerea Elizabeth de Clifford was born West London in 1905, and as a young
woman was a distinguished (5) _______ of cats. During the Second World War
she devoted herself to the rescue of cats, trapped in the rubble of the blitz, and (6)
_______ to vigorous campaigns for free feline birth (7) _______.
She (8) _______ an adoption scheme for which her “Homes Wanted” list con-
tained some notably frank character (9) _______ a little fiend in feline form”;
“willing to do light mouse-work and very good at it, non-union”; “a rough old
(10) _______ and so on - and made a (11) _______ of feeding London’s cats at
Christmas, a favourite repast apparently being fish and chips. She also plumbed
the mysteries of why cats (12) _______ some because they have just murdered the
Pekinese next door, others “for no good (13) _______ at all”.
De Clifford was also a much respected (14) _______ at cat shows around the
country, and gave a series of lecture tours at schools on the (15) _______ and care
of cats.
1. A. met B. enrolled C. entered D. joined
2. A. donations B. contributions C. gifts D. dedications
3. A. show B. give C. make D. have
4. A. box B. screen C. film D, view
5. A. breeder B. grower C. trainer D. farmer
6. A. therein B. thereafter C. thereby D. therefore
7. A. limitation B. check C. control D. restriction
8. A. ran B. made C. held D. gave
9. A. paintings B. drawings C. pictures D. sketches
10. A. drifter B. ranger C. stray D. rover
11. A. point B. rule C. round D. custom
12. A. snore B. hum C. rumble D. purr
13. A. purpose B. use C. reason D. point
14. A. referee B. judge C. arbitrator D. umpire
15. A. coaching B. guidance C. training D. preparation

The idea for the business came to me when I was (1) _______ for my own
wedding in the (2) _______ 1990s. At the time I was doing a (3) _______ in busi-
ness studies at university and I had (4) _______ difficulty concentrating on both
things at once.
Almost immediately after graduating I borrowed some money from the bank
and (5) _______ up the wedding consultancy. My work (6) _______ organizing
everything from pre-wedding stag and hen parties to the booking of venues, cater-
ers, photographers and cars. Some (7) _______ have neither the time nor the in-
clination to make any of the necessary arrangements for their wedding and they
ask me to take (8) _______ of absolutely everything. For many clients I (9)
_______ the role of big sister, guiding them through the whole process, giving
(10) _______ on different aspects of the wedding and reassuring them that
everything is under control.
I can be working on as (11) _______ as five weddings at the same time, and as
each big day approaches I need to work very long (12) _______ to ensure things
go smoothly. Naturally, everyone wants their wedding to be special and nearly all
want something (13) _______. I’ve organized weddings in monasteries, weddings
in castles and (14) _______ weddings on boats or trains. Making people’s dreams
come true is a wonderful way to (15) _______ a living.
1. A. preparing B. arranging C. organizing D appointing
2. A. first B. beginning C. early D. soon
3. A. career B. degree C. title D. study
4. A. important B. large C. grand D. considerable
5. A. got 3. made G. set D. formed
6. A. involves B. consists C. pretends D. contains
7. A. pairs B. couples C. doubles D. partnerships
8. A. care B. attention C. mind D. guard
9. A. do B. make C. play D. give
10. A. suggestion B, interest C. insight D. advice
11. A. several B. many C. various D. numerous
12. A. time B. day C. shifts D. hours
13. A. unlike B. single C. unique D. only
14. A, just B. until C. towards D. even
15. A. earn B. take C. do D. win

When a group of church-goers turned up for their regular (1) _______ evening
church service in the village of Ashurst last Tuesday, they had no idea what was
(2) _______ to happen to them.
(3) _______ after the service had begun, a sudden (4) _______ of wind caught
the heavy church door, (5) _______ it to shut and lock.
(6) _______ themselves trapped inside without a key, the imprisoned worship-
pers used the church’s 200 year-old bells to sound an SOS signal, hoping to (7)
_______ the attention of their fellow villagers. The bells had not been rung for
quite a (8) _______ of years.
Kate Pickering, 75, said afterwards: “(9) _______ we all thought it was quite
amusing, and we had a good laugh about it, but after a while we began to (10)
_______ it was not so funny. It was actually quite (11) _______.”
It was Angus Barclay, 39, who (12) _______ the idea of using Morse Code. He
said: “The bells are rather heavy so we (13) _______ turns to pull on the ropes.
We gave three long rings, followed by three short ones and then three long ones
Unfortunately, (14) _______ of the village’s 255 inhabitants understood the
signal. The church-goers were eventually freed after Mr Barclay (15) _______ to
climb up to the top of the bell tower and call for help. A passing cyclist heard his
shouts and contacted the police.
1. A. soon B. start C. first D. early
2. A. around B. ahead C. about D. away
3, A. Exactly B. Shortly C. Hardly D. Justly
4. A. gust B. current C. gale D. breeze
5, A. making B. causing C. provoking D. letting
6. A. Getting B. Being C. Having D. Finding
7. A. attract B, pay C, invite D. bring
8. A. few B. quantity C. number D. variety
9. A. Firstly B. At first C. First of all D. For a start
10. A. regard B. concern C. judge D. realize
11. A. frightening B. terrific C. scared D. afraid
12. A. got up to B. made up for C. came up with D. owned up to
13. A. took B. gave C. made D. did
14. A. anybody B. any C. nobody D. none
15. A. succeeded B. managed C. arrived D. achieved

Seven year old Samantha Green is a local hero after rescuing an eleven year
old boy from an icy death. Local schoolchildren always look (1) _______ to the
harsh months of January and February when they can go “chugging” - children’s
(2) _______ for skating on the frozen lake at a nearby disused quarry. (3)
_______ the warnings of teachers, parents and the police, it seems no one can (4)
_______ them not to skate on its surface. Children seem drawn to this (5)
_______ pastime precisely because of its dangers. Even though they are (6)
_______ of the dangers there have been a great (7) _______ of accidents
involving youngsters. Last Sunday afternoon was sunny but Martin Green (8)
_______ no notice of the change in the weather. (9) _______ had he taken six or
seven steps in his new skates, when be fell through the ice. Samantha and her
friends were (10) _______ their way home when she heard his cries. Knowing it
was (11) _______ for the ice to crack further, she crawled towards him on her
hands and knees “I was feeling cold and very (12) _______ by this time”
Malcolm told us, “and I knew that if I passed (13) _______ that was it.
Fortunately, Samantha got to me just in time.” Samantha and her friends dragged
him to safety by (14) _______ of a rope made from their scarves. Many locals
believe it is time the council (15) _______ in the quarry.
1. A. up B. In C. through D. forward
2. A. jargon B. slang C. dialect D. language
3. A. However B. Even C. Although D. Despite
4, A. make B. prevent C. persuade D. discourage
5. A. deathly B. deadly C. fatally D. hardly
6. A. aware B. familiar C. willing D. acceptable
7. A. quantity B, deal C. amount D. number
8. A. took B. made C. did D. had
9. A. Just B. Almost C. Hardly D. Seldom
10. A. taking B. making C. walking D. having
11. A. likelihood B. likely C. possible D. risky
12. A. sleepy B. sleeping C. sleepless D. asleep
13. A. off B. out C. away D. over
14. A. method B. use C. way D. means
15. A. filled B. complete C. prohibited D. dumped

The relative importance of upbringing and genes is often discussed. The study
of twins provides us with (1) _______ fascinating results. Darlene and Doris
Hewitt, s parents were (2) _______ when they were tiny. For (3) _______ reason
they were adopted by separate families. Darlene was (4) _______ on one of the
most (5) _______ sheep farms you could imagine, while Doris was brought up in
Sydney. Strangely enough, Darlene’s (6) _______ seems to have been happier, as
Dons s m a smart (7) _______ was strict. (8) _______ by chance, the twins
bumped into each other m a department store. ‘It was just (9) _______ looking
into a mirror, Darlene said. When it was (10) _______ that they had exactly the
same birthday they realised the truth. They both have the same (11) _______
character and are rather (12) _______ from a love of good food. Both trained as
nurses and married husbands called Bob. They (13) _______ many of the same
gestures. For instance they both rub their noses when they are thinking (14)
_______. They believe that they must (15) _______ the parents they never knew
1. A. very B. extremely C, much D. obviously
2. A. vanished B. died C. killed D. disappeared
O. A. one B, some C. a D. any
4. A. lifted B. risen C. elevated D. raised
5. A. remote B. alone C. sole D. solitary
6. A. childlike B. childhood C. childish D. children
7. A. suburb B. outskirts C. outside D. edge
8. A. Almost B. Nearly C. Quite D. Rather
9. A. likeness B. alike C. as D. like
10. A. came across B. located C. discovered D. looked for
11. A. live B. lively C. alive D. living
12. . A. frail B. slim C. weight D. plump
13, . A. divide B. split C. share D. lend
14. . A. hard B. lot C. hardly D. a lot of
15 . A. take off B. look after C. look into D. take after

European rulers were passionate collectors of porcelain. It was so sought after
and commanded (1) _______ high prices it was known as white gold. Frederick
the Great of Germany (2) _______ himself be (3) _______ into parting with three
Oriental vases in exchange for a regiment of Augustus the Strong of Poland s
soldiers. Although porcelain was produced in both France and Germany, at the (4)
_______ factories at Dresden and Vincennes, it used to be made from soft (5)
_______ than hard paste. In 1710, quite by (6) _______, a German alchemist
called Bottger who had been (7) _______ a way of producing gold (8) _______
the right combination of (9) _______ including kaolin, a fine white clay - to
produce a hard paste porcelain which could not be told (10) _______ from the
Oriental version. After this discovery the Meissen factory produced absolutely
(11) _______ porcelain although its workers were kept (12) _______ prisoners,
not being considered sufficiently (13) _______ to live freely. The French (14)
_______ years to come up with a similar process and it wasn’t (15) _______ the
necessary kaolin deposits were found that the Sevres factory could start hard paste
production in 1768.
1. A. very B. such C. really D. so
2. A. made B. allowed C. let D. permitted
3. A. convinced B. persuaded C. suggested D. advised
4. A. competition B. enemy C. rival D. competitive
5. A. rather B. substitute C. instead D. prefer
6. A. fate B. destiny C. lucky D. chance
7. A. looking B. seeking C. finding D. searching
8. A. came across B. came to C. came into D. came
9. A. recipes B. receipts C. ingredients D. methods
10. A. different B. aside C. away D. apart
11. A. delightful B. fine C. pretty D. normal
12. A. almost B. nearly C. quite D. virtual
13. A. trustworthy B. trusting C. trusty D. trusted
14. A. wasted B. took C. lost D. spent
15. A. during B. before C. until D. once

Almost everyone (1) _______ a break-up of some sort when they are a young
adult and it can take some time to (2) _______ it. It is perfectly normal to feel (3)
_______ and even completely (4) _______. In fact, it can often (5) _______ like
the feeling will never go away. But the truth is that broken hearts do mend!
Experts in the field offer some tips that can really make life more (6) _______.
You can’t (7) _______ from a break-up if you don’t even try. To begin with, keep
a positive attitude. If you are (8) _______ to feel so sorry for yourself, don’t.
Look on the bright side: you are free again to meet someone new. Second, get
some exercise. A broken heart can (9) _______ your body and your mind. Make
sure you (10) _______ yourself. You need to (11) _____ and take it easy! Third,
find a new (12) _______, like a sport or a hobby. Finally, (13) _______ friends
and family for support. They will almost certainly have gone (14) _______
similar experiences and will try to help and understand you. If you follow this
(15) _______, you’ll start feeling better very soon!
1. A. experiences B. entertains C. experiments D. exercises
2. A. get into B. overtake C. get over D. overdo
3. A. traumatic B. modest C. embarrassing D. humiliated
4. A. impolite B. miserable C. terrifying D. scary
5. A. act B. seem C. see D. sound
6. A. impulsive B. sympathetic C. bearable D. believable
7. A. recover B. relate C. suffer D. cause
8. A. caused B. tempted C. made D. depressed
9. A. fight B. tease C. upset D. get over
10. A. look up to B. look after C. take after D. put up with
11. A. annoy B. let down C. tolerate D. relax
12. A. interest B. argument C. concept D. issue
13. A. bring up B. turn to C. sort out D. look into
14. A. through B. into C. over D. to
15. A. reason B. relationship C. chance D. advice

The traditional British holiday at home is not dead. In fact, it could be making
a comeback. Because of worries about (1) _______ abroad, many British people
have decided to investigate (2) _______ a lot closer to home. Popular (3) _______
such as Brighton in the south and Scarborough or Blackpool in the north have
never really lost their (4) _______. However, some seaside towns, which until re-
cently have struggled, are attracting more holidaymakers.
Once they get there, holidaymakers need to be able to get around. While the
car is still preferred, the majority of tourists will try at least one other (5) _______
of transport during their (6) _______. Trains, for instance. Although few people
would choose to start their two week break by taking the (7) _______ train, a
largo number of them will enjoy the luxury of a restored wooden (8) _______ on
one of the many historical (9) _______ in operation around the country. And for
those who do make it to the sea, many are tempted by a (10) _______ ride to
nearby islands or a short (11) _______ on a pleasure boat. We may not be tempted
by the prospect of a three-week (12) _______ to exotic and (13) _______
countries but our love of the sea is clearly not lost.
However, a quick look inside the (14) _______ lounges of our major airports
will confirm that we are still queuing up in our thousands to (15) _______ in for a
flight in search of the one thing the British Isles cannot guarantee - sunshine.
1. A. travelling B. living C. leaving D. so
2. A. reports B. arrivals C. resorts D. cultures
3. A. venues B, destinations C. directions D. excursions
4. A. growth B. fame C. popularity D. inhabitants
5. A. means B. method C. way D. sort
6. A. day B. tourism C. journey D. holiday
7. A. direct B. express C. rapid D. delayed
8. A. carriage B. cabin C. car D. wagon
9. A. platforms B. runways C. rails D. railways
10. A. transport B. sail C. ferry D. ship
11. A. run B. cruise C. package D. ticket
12. A. flight B. sail C. voyage D. travel
13. A. long B. away C. further D. distant
14. A. going B. departure C. exit D. holiday
15. A. check B. register C. book D. go

When we hear the name Nobel, we immediately think of the Nobel Prizes. But
Alfred Nobel, the (1) _______ of the awards, was also a great (2) _______ and (3)
Born in 1933 in Sweden, Nobel studied first in Russia and then (4) _______ to
the US where he studied mechanical (5) _______. Afterwards, he returned to
Sweden to work with his father. Gradually, they made (6) _______ in explosives.
Nobel (7) _______ out how to work safely with nitroglycerine, a very dangerous
and explosive (8) _______. His invention later became known (9) _______ dyna-
mite. Nobel continued throughout his life to (10) _______ improvements in the
field of explosives. He eventually owned (11) _______ explosives factories
around the world and became very wealthy.
Alfred Nobel was a man of great (12) _______. When he died he left a
wonderful gift to the world: the Nobel Prizes. Each year these prizes are (13)
_______ to scientists, inventors and other (14) _______ people for their great (15)
_______ to the world.
1. A. creator B. holder C. discoverer D. receiver
2. A. philosophy B. engine C. scientist D. production
3. A. direction B. inventor C. maker D. invention
4. A. transferred B. visited C. joined D. emigrated
5. A. engineering B. producing C. developing D. creating
6. A. directions B. movements C. motions D. advances
7. A. solved B. figured C. granted D. introduced
8. A. shape B. form C. substance D. body
9. A. by B. as C. with D. for
10. A. do B. have C. take D. make
11. A. numerical B. numerate C. numerous D. numbered
12. A. achievement B. advantage C. situation D. incident
13. A. suggested B. designed C. awarded D. implanted
14. A. developed B. creative C. interested D. manageable
15. A. involvement B. development C. manufacturing D. contribution
In the past, the children of the household had very (1) _______ choice in the
way their bedrooms were decorated. The fact that families had many (2) _______
children than they do now was an important consideration. This meant that there
was not (3) _______ money available to pay for more than the basics — paint or
wallpaper. Add to this the fact that children of differing ages - and tastes - had to
share a room and it is easy to see why, when it (4) _______ to decorating, not
much thought was put into the job.
Times change, however, and now the amount spent on home decorating and
DIY is (5) _______ at over £8 billion a year. Families have (6) _______ greater
spending power and children have more of a voice; in other words, parents have
to take notice (7) _______ what they want. What has become very clear is that
most teenagers are aware of the latest (8) _______ and they really do have a very
good idea of the way they want their personal space decorated. It is then up to
their parents to help them achieve the (9) _______ they want.
Money is still going to be a consideration - (10) _______ of course, you have
recently (11) _______ into a fortune. But there is a wide range of materials to
choose from and it really does pay to (12) _______ around. There are (13)
_______ available throughout the year, so it can be done quite (14) _______.
Parents may argue that their child’s choices are not appropriate, but it is the
teenager who has to live with it, not them. After all, if the teenager (15) _______
for a colour or a material that the parent considers impractical, this can always be
1. A. few B. little C. poor D. bad
2. A. more B. extra C. lots D. of
3. A. any B. some C. more D. much
4. A. went B. said C. came D. became
5. A. claimed B. considered C. guessed D. estimated
6. A. created B. given C. acquired D. made
7. A. to B. of C. about D. from
8. A. models B. news C. trends D. sales
9. A. look B. view C. aspect D. sight
10. A. and B. but C. if D. unless
11. A. come B. gone C. spent D. inherited
12. A. buy B. shop C. sell D. study
13. A. purchases B. incomes C. bargains D. markets
14. A. financially B. economically C. commercially D. profitably
15. A. goes B. chooses C. thinks D. decides

Everybody loves the circus. For almost 300 years, across Europe, Russia and
America, children of all ages have been (1) _______ by the animals and acrobats
of the circus.
The first circus was (2) _______ in England in 1769 by Philip Astley, who per-
formed horse-riding stunts for a small (3) _______. He then travelled throughout
Europe and established circuses in many other countries. The circuses usually
took place in outdoor areas in a circle or a ring (4) _______ by (5) _______. The
per-formers (6) _______ their audiences with exciting acrobatic acts and horse-
riding (7) _________ .
Circuses as we know them today are (8 _______ displays - sometimes with
several tents - of wild animals and (9) _______ acrobatics. The facilities consist
of tents with show's taking place at the same time, the (10) _______ both amusing
and (11) _______ their audiences. Some of the most (12) _______ circuses in
history which continue to be extremely (13) _______ today include the American
Barnum & Bailey Ringling Brothers Circus, which (14) _______ itself “The
Greatest Show on Earth,” the Canadian Cirque du Soleil, the Moscow Circus and
Billy Smart’s Circus of London. Millions of people (15) _______ them around the
world each year.
1. A. appealed B, enjoyed C. entertained D. laughed
2. A. set B. founded C. constructed D. manufactured
3. A. audience B. guest C. cast D. viewer
4. A. taken B. surrounded C. organised D, restricted
5. A. crowds B. hosts C. spectators D. characters
6. A. thrilled B. informed C. concerned D. kicked
7. A. theatres B, plays C. stages D. performances
8. A. infinite B. massive C. eternal D. awful
9. A. infuriated B. surprised C. incapable D. remarkable
10. A. guests B. athletes C. performers D. producers
11. A. frightening B. talking C. acting D. showing
12. A. known B. infamous C. notorious D. famous
13. A. popular B. accepted C. common D. regular
14. A. says B. calls C. names D. tells
15. A. go B. stay C. take D. attend

Roaring across the bay in a motorised rubber boat, we were told by the captain
to keep our eyes open. With the engine (1) _______, it wasn’t long before half a
dozen dolphins came swimming around us. Eventually, two came up (2) _______
beside the boat and popped their heads out of the water to give us a wide grin.
Dolphin watching is just one of the many unexpected attractions of a holiday
in South Carolina, in the USA. The state has long been popular with golfers and,
with dozens of (3) _______ in the area, it is (4) _______ a golfer’s paradise. But
even the keenest golfer needs other diversions and we soon found the resorts had
plenty to (5) _______
In fact, Charleston, which is midway along the (6) _______, is one of the most
interesting cities in America and is where the first shots in-the Civil War were (7)
_______. Taking a guided horse and carriage tour through the quiet back streets
you get a real (8) _______ of the city’s past. Strict regulations (9) _______ to
buildings so that original (10) _______ are preserved.
South of Charleston lies Hilton Head, an island resort about 18 km long and
(11) _______ like a foot. It has a fantastic sandy beach (12) _______ the length of
the island and this is perfect for all manner of water sports. (13) _______, if you
feel like doing nothing, (14) _______ a chair and umbrella, head for an open (15)
_______ and just sit back and watch the pelicans diving for fish.
1. A. turned out B. turned away C. turned off D. turned over
2. A. right B. direct C. precise D. exact
3. A. courts B. pitches C. grounds D. courses
4. A. fully B. truly C. honestly D. purely
5. A. show B. provide C. supply D. offer
6. A. beach B. sea C. coast D. shore
7. A. fired B. aimed C. pulled D. thrown
8. A. significance B. meaning C. comprehension D. sense
9. A. happen B. apply C. agree D. occur
10, A. points B. characters C. features D. aspects
11. . A. shaped B. formed C. made D. moulded
12. A. lying B. following C. going D. running
13. A. Alternately B. Alternatively C. Contrastingly D. Conversely
14. A. hire B. lend C. charge D. loan
15. A. gap B. room C. space D, place

The (1) _______ of exotic holidays is not new. (2) _______ and other travel
packages to tropical locations have long been popular and are more (3) _______
now than ever. (4) _______ are increasingly (5) _______ in doing something
different and want more exciting (6) _______ so tour companies have responded
with a new (7) _______ of options, including African safaris.
Going on safari is a totally (8) _______ form of holiday. (9) _______ by a
safari guide, groups travel into the African wilderness to (10) _______ close up
the (11) _______ of the wild. (12) _______ species, which are (13) _______ seen
outside the zoo, provide a great (14) _______. Safaris aren’t for everyone,
however - especially those who are easily (15) _______.
1. A. concept B. context C. brainchild D. perfection
2. A. Decks B. Cabins C. Cruises D. Traffic
3. A. affordable B. sensitive C. logical D. effective
4. A. Guides B. Spectators C. Guests D. Holidaymakers
5. A, devoted B. interested C. keen D. capable
6. A. journey B. trip C. travel D. movement
7. A. collection B. mixture C. combination D. range
8. A. singular B. sole C. unique D. lone
9. A. Accompanied B. Delayed C. Accepted D. Developed
10. A. experiment B. experience C. attempt D. allow
11. A. scare B. fright C. trauma D. thrill
12. A. Environmental B. Endangered C. Extinct D. Obsolete
13. A. gradually B. frequently C. only D. rarely
14. A. attraction B. event C. show D. invitation
15. A. tempted B. frightened C. disgusted D. horrified

While the television (1) _______ is increasingly becoming the focal point of our
living rooms, it would be easy to (2) _______ that its older relative, the radio is
still there. But in the rush to turn (3) _______ the TV and feast our eyes on all
those fantastic visual (4) _______, we are missing out on a valuable (5) _______
of communication.
The radio has all the talk (6) _______, comedies, dramas and news (7)
_______ that the television has, and more besides. Late night shows have (8)
_______ presenters to keep you awake or send you to sleep, depending on your
needs. Hard hitting reporters (9) _______ the hot items of the day with politicians
and (10) _______ in specialised areas. And behind the (11) _______ there are
researchers and editors making sure you get the (12) _______ up-to-date
With the new generation of digital radio about to enter our homes (13)
_______ satellite, radio is sure to (14) _______ to our lives well into the future.
The radio of tomorrow will guarantee perfect (15) _______ and more choice of

1. A. studio B. box C. channel D. set

2. A. insist B. notice C forget D. suggest
3. A. up B. on C. off D. down
4. A. images B. pictures C. appearances D. looks
5. A. way B. direction C. approach D. means
6. A. events B. discussions C. shows D. performances
7. A. episodes B. bulletins C. documentaries D. breaks
8. A. likeable B. persona C. likely D. presentable
9. A. converse B. discuss C. correspond D. enthuse
10. A. directors B. operators C. geniuses D. experts
11. A. scenes B. shots C. films D. camera
12. A. soonest B. greatest C. latest D. biggest
13. A. under B. via C. from D. in
14. A. give B, donate C. contribute D. lend
15. A. recital B. receipt C. recipe D. reception

Many people follow their interest in sport well beyond the occasional game in
the park. Some remain (1) _______ forever while others become professionals. In
both cases, athletes dedicated to the sporting life make a lot of (2) _______ in
their personal lives and they (3) _______ enormous challenges. Many start out
alone, but end up joining a (4) _______ and hiring a (5) _______. With a little
luck, their hard work will (6) _______ off!
Every serious athlete must establish a (7) _______ of regular workouts and
practice. This (8) _______ will help the athlete improve his or her abilities and (9)
_______ for the future. Athletes must take care to (10) _______ themselves in
their workout in order to steer clear of injury and fatigue. This also helps them to
avoid (11) _______ in a real game or competition.
A lucky few will be awarded a professional (12) _______ one day. Although
the professional life may (13) _______ glamorous, it is also very (14) _______
and is really only for those who are (15) _______ to a life of sports!
1. A. volunteers B. champions C. amateurs D. athletes
2. A. sacrifices B. practices C. suggestions D. resentment
3. A. devote B. earn C. focus D. take on
4. A. performance B. club C. activity D. session
5. A. rival B. referee C. leader D. coach
6. A. pay B. run C. give D. take
7. A. design B. custom C. routine D. tradition
8. A. learning B. teaching C. testing D. training
9. A. events B. prospects C. actions D. beliefs
10. A. compete B. speed C. race D. pace
11. A. loss , B. defeat C. beating D. debt
12. A. contract B. context C. contest D. contact
13. A. view B. appear C. watch D. see
14. A. begging B. requesting C. demanding D. asking
15. A. devoted B. focused C. keen D. determined

In countries around the world, there are literally millions of people who work
for the national and (1) _______ government. From the post office to the office of
the President, civil servants keep the government’s (2) _______ running.
Many people would like to go for a civil service (3) _______ and for good
reason. Government (4) _______ usually enjoy a variety of (5) _______ including
health (6) _______ paid holiday leave and (7) _______ funds. They have good
annual (8) _______ are always paid extra for doing (9) _______ and are
sometimes even rewarded with bonuses for making useful (10) _______!
Civil service jobs are usually (11) _______; rarely are workers (12) _______
redundant. (13) _______ who apply for a (14) _______ in the civil service must
(15) _______ in an application form and pass an examination before they can be
selected and appointed to a job.
1. A. topical B. nearby C. close D. local
2. A. officers B. services C. franchises D. research
3. A. career B. occupation C. accommodation D. commission
4. A. assistants B. bosses C. applicants D. employees
5. A. investments B. debts C. benefits D. experiences
6. A. wages B. service C. royalties D. insurance
7. A. richness B. pension C. wealth D. fortune
8. A. salaries B. takings C. winnings D. gifts
9. A. gigs B. functions C. overtime D. work
10. A. profits B. suggestions C. performances D. ideas
11. A. permanent B. straightforward C. temporary D. freelance
12. A. taken B. done C. made D. forced
13. A. Applicants B. Strikers C. Trainees D. Managers
14. A. movement B. location C. motion D. position
15. A. write B. complete C. fill D. sign

Occasionally a young child with very advanced (1) _______ abilities is
admitted to university. These children are of course (2) _______ or child
prodigies. Typically, they begin their (3) _______ studies at university before they
are fifteen years old. After finishing their first (4) _______ they usually (5)
_______ it in a year or two - they continue to do (6) _______ studies in a
specialised field of medicine or science. Many of these talented youngsters
receive (7) _______ from very prestigious (8) _______ institutions to help pay for
their studies.
Some of the older students dislike being (9) _______ in seminars with a child
prodigy. They (10) _______ it rather annoying when someone so young (11)
_______ at the subject so easily while they (12) _______ over their courses.
Others, however, benefit from the experience of (13) _______ their subject with a
child prodigy. The (14) _______ who run the seminars, however, generally enjoy
having such sifted (15) _______!
1. A. coeducational B. illiterate C. academic D. theoretical
2 A. geniuses B. instructors C. coaches D. lecturers
3. A. comprehensive B. public C. prep D, undergraduate
4. A. skill B. degree C. certificate D. qualification
5. A. get down B. work out C. sail through D. set out
6. A. apprentice B. postgraduate C. technical D. practical
7. A. licences B. schedules C. services D. scholarships
8. A, educational B. learning C. instructive D. training
9. A. reviewed B. assessed C. taught D. reported
10. A. find B. search C. seek D. seem
11. A. achieves B. experiences C. enjoys D. excels
12. A. hesitate B. agonise C. reflect D. study
13. A. discussing B. chatting C. talking D. arguing
14. A. markers B. trainers C. tutors D, examiners
15. A. trainees B. employees C. apprentices D. students

For all the arguments about prison, there is no getting (1) _______ from the
fact that it exists. Once the judge and (2) _______ have done their job, we have to
(3) _______ thousands of men and women occupied until they are (4) _______.
Sport is ideal (5) _______ prisoners for many reasons. Being (6) _______ pun-
ishes people by taking away their freedom; just because someone gets in (7)
_______ with the law, we have no (8) _______ to take away their health as well.
Secondly, the (9) _______ that you feel when you are (10) _______ up for a long
prison (11) _______ can make you very anti-social and aggressive. The (12)
_______ thing we want is for people to come out (13) _______ ten years, or even
ten months, and (14) _______ up the first person they see. Sport provides a way
of controlling that (15) _______
1. A. away B. out C. back D. far
2. A. panel B. team C. jury D. board
3. A. hold B. store C. preserve D. keep
4. A. abandoned B. remanded C. released D. charged
5. A. to B. for C. in D. with
6. A. inwards B. indoors C. internal D. inside
7. A. mess B. trouble C. worry D. trial
8. A. right B. fairness C. justice D. demand
9. A. uniqueness B. remoteness C. isolation D. individuality
10. A. keyed B. broken C. closed D. locked
11. A. contract B. experience C. sentence D. course
12. A. best B. last C. final D. terminal
13. A. after B. before C. during D. over
14. A. hit B. beat C. mug D. fight
15. A. crime B. opportunity C. assault D. violence

Millions of people (1) _______ from headaches. It’s a fact. What millions of
people do not know is what causes them. Headaches are (2) _______ with all
kinds of health problems as well as your being under a lot of (3) _______. Certain
(4) _______ like coffee can react badly with the chemical balance in our bodies
and give us (5) _______ headache as well.
The best thing to do if your head hurts is to (6) _______ an aspirin, right?
Wrong! You could be doing the worst thing possible because you are not (7)
_______ with the problem - only (8) _______ the symptoms. And those people
who think that painkillers can’t do you any (9) _______ are also wrong. Medical
science has proved that, if we keep taking the tablets, they will soon (10) _______
as a trigger and, instead of curing your headache, they will (11) _______ you
So what do you do (12) _______ your head start to throb? Breathe deeply. It
may be that you are not (13) _______ enough oxygen. Then, you (14) _______
try massaging the side of your head with your fingers. And close your eyes. Often
your eyes are very tired, and the best (15) _______ for tiredness is sleep
1. A. die B. suffer C. ache D. pain
2. A. associated B. caused C, produced D, based
3. A. fear B. worry C. stress D. anxiety
4, A. materials B. substances C. vitamins D. drugs
5. A. some B. one C. more D. a
6. A. take B. drink C. eat D. put
7. A. solving B. removing C. dealing D. treating
8. A. re-living B, relieving C. resolving D. reducing
9. A. badness B. negativity C. harm D. illness
10. A. act B. perform C. look D. treat
11. A. diagnose B. do C. create D, make
12. A. were B. should C. it D. whether
13. A. digesting B. nibbling C. getting D. plucking
14. A, must B. ought C. shall D. could
15. A. cure B. check-up C. prescription D. clinic

When Hotmail was (1) _______ up in 1996, it was not the huge success that it
is today. But on every e-mail sent (2) _______ Hotmail, there was a line at the
bottom saying, “Get your private, free e-mail at,” providing them (3)
_______ a free advertisement. This simple idea soon paid (4) _______ and
Hotmail went from strength to (5) _______. ICQ, which (6) _______ for “I seek
you” was an instant messaging service that (7) _______ off in a similar way and
made a (8) _______ The popularity of ICQ spread because users recommended it
to their friends so that they could have people to chat to online. The (9) _______
majority of Internet users tried it and it was eventually taken (10) _______ by
Netscape so (11) _______ to control their competition.
These are examples of what is known as “viral” communication - so called
because the message spreads like a virus. It used to be (12) _______ that Rolls
Royce never needed to advertise - despite (13) _______ high cost of the luxury
cars - because owners were more than happy to tell their friends and neighbours
how satisfied they were. Nowadays, if you are (14) _______ to the Internet, the
word can be spread in a (15) _______ second and, within a day, you might have
indirectly communicated with millions of people.
1. A. established B. laid C. begun D. set
2. A. into B. via C. inside D. along
3. A. with B. to C. for D. towards
4. A. up B. back C. off D. for
5. A. power B. energy C. force I), strength
6. A. sounds B. stands C. looks D. represents
7. A. took B. set C. let D. gave
8. A. wealth B. treasure C. fortune D. prosperity
9. A. vast B. huge C. immense D. big
10. A. round B. over C. under D. down
11. A. that B. because C. as D. much
12. A. said B. spoken C. explained D. repeated
13. A. very B. its C. a D. the
14. A. associated B. connected C. joined D. downloaded
15. A. divided B. half C. split D. fraction

If you have ever finished reading the latest blockbuster and thought that you
could have done better, consider (1) _______ the following techniques.
Before you settle upon your' subject (2) _______, be canny and examine the
current market. If period dramas are (3) _______ a comeback, for example, con-
sider that genre but with a unique (4) _______. Start by looking around you in
newspapers, on TV - for stories and characters. Choose a genre and topic you feel
comfortable with. (5) _______ research will add to the strength and depth of your
writing and help you (6) _______ more confidence. Read (7) _______ history
books, biographies and travelogues to immerse yourself in your chosen period and
(8) _______.
Once you have formulated your characters, possible storylines and locations,
start to sketch out (9) _______ dialogues and (10) _______. Only then should you
set (11) _______ writing the novel.
Once the novel is completed, you must find an agent. Many (12) _______ pub-
lishers will only consider submissions via an (13) _______ agent and will largely
ignore unsolicited books. Again, research is the key. Look for an agent that (14)
_______ your genre and style. Finally, do not forget that the book has to be
marketed once it is published, so you, the author, will become one of the novel’s
Unique Selling Points. It helps if you and the book have a good story (15)
_______ you too.
1. A. accepting B. making C. adopting D. doing
2. A. theme B. issue C. topic D. matter
3. A. taking B. making C. having D. doing
4. A. turn B. spin C. twist D. spiral
5. A. Thorough B. Full C. Complete D. Entire
6. A. become B. win C. gain D. grow
7. A. linked B. connected C. similar D. relevant
8. A. area B. place C. setting D. location
9. A. rough B. uneven C. raw D. underdeveloped
10 .A. places B. scenes C. pictures D. visions
11. .A. about B. up C. to D, down
12. .A. central B. leading C. valued D. winning
13. .A. established B. knowledgeable C. fixed D. credited
14. .A. serves B. acts C. shows D. represents
15. .A. beyond B. behind C. above D. below

In the time it takes you to read this article, it is absolutely certain that two
events will have taken place on a very large (1) _______ indeed. The first of these
certainties is that many crimes, mostly (2) _______ but some serious, will have
been (3) _______. Crime has been an (4) _______ fact of life for many centuries
and it is (5) _______ to say, will continue to be so for the (6) _______ future.
The second undisputed event is that our world will be populated by hundreds,
even thousands, of new human beings, arriving bloody, screaming and kicking,
and opening their eyes to (7) _______ the future. Inevitably, some of these new-
born babies will grow up to become the adolescents and adults who steal from
cars, (8) _______ houses, mug people late at night, (9) _______ fires, rape, and
And the million-dollar question is: Which of these new-born infants will be-
come tomorrow’s criminals? There are (10) predictors that can give us some (11)
_______. Firstly, antisocial childhood behaviour, including misbehaviour at
school, dishonesty and aggressiveness. There a higher chance of the child (12)
_______ to crime if there is a history of criminality in the family, including (13)
_______ parents and delinquent older siblings. Family poverty is also a con-
tributing (14) _______, whether it be due to low family (15) _______, large
family size or poor housing. Poor parental child-rearing behaviour, including
harsh and authoritarian discipline, poor supervision, parental conflict and
separation from parents also play their part.
1. A. scale B. size C. area D. grid
2. A. silly B. stupid C. trivial D. small
3. A. done B. committed C. made D. tried
4. A. unpreventable B. unstoppable C. unchangeable D. inescapable
5. A. safe B. correct C. secure D. sure
6. A. predictable B. foreseeable C. known D. expected
7. A. attempt B. confront C. face D. achieve
8. A. rob B. burgle C. thieve D. steal
9. A. light B. commence C. set D. start
10. A. enough B. number C. several D. scores
11. A. clues B. help C. tips D. guesses
12. A. moving B. turning C. tending D. going
13. A. condemned B. prosecuted C. tried D. convicted
14. A. fact B. instance C. factor D. circumstance
15. A. payments B. incoming C. wage D. income

Today Cindy has decided to plant 100 trees. When she came here, this place
was no different from any other in the state of New South Wales. Once covered
with trees, it had been (1) _______ for farmland. Without trees, Australian earth is
eroded. During the rains, roads are (2) _______ away and the rivers are red with
A Texan by birth, she met Graham, an English graduate, when they were
working in the United States. “We were two kids with a (3) _______. We wanted
to live off the land without (4) _______ it, and only produce what rubbish we
could (5) _______ with ourselves.” Two years later, they were riding across
Australia on a motorbike, looking for a (6) _______ of land. When they saw the
(7) _______ hillside in New South Wales, they knew this was it. The farmer was
happy to sell. Eroded and (8) _______, the valley was no use to anyone. After
paying the farmer, they were (9) _______ with 100 dollars, a saucepan and a
change of clothes. There was no (10) _______ so they had to sleep outside. It was
the (11) _______ of summer, with temperature’s around 40°C.
In the beginning, Cindy knew nothing about horticulture. “We started planting
with ten packets of seeds we’d brought. We just planted everything anywhere, all
together.” The (12) _______ is that plants, animals and people do better if they
live together. Mixed planting (13) _______ a system in which there is more
wildlife, better soil and better crops that are more (14) _______ to damage by
pests. Cindy admits it is (15) _______ intensive but she has saved one tiny corner
of Australia.
1. A. cleared B. removed C. cut D. severed
2. A. soaked B. washed C. flooded D. watered
3. A. prospect B. image C. hope D. dream
4. A. hurting B. damaging C. breaking D. wasting
5. A. act B. do C. make D. deal
6. A. piece B. part C. section D. held
7. A. plain B. naked C. bare D. blank
8. A. barren B. sterile C. fruitless D. dead
9. A. over B. remained C. left D. changed
10. A. cover B. protection C. refuge D. shelter
11. A. peak B. height C. top D. summit
12. A. belief B. objective C. conception D. idea
13. A. creates B. originates C. gives D. causes
14. A. defensive B. immune C. resistant D. insensitive
15. A. farming B. labour C. work D. effort

Astonishingly, a skydiver whose parachute failed to open properly has sur-
vived a 1,000 metre fall to the ground, suffering only (1) _______ bruising but no
broken bones at all. This amazing glory began when Marlin Ford, who has over
twenty years (2) _______ of parachuting, took off in a Cessna aircraft with five
(3) _______ skydivers. Their plan was to practise (4) _______ hands in a mid-air
formation but when they left the aircraft Martin was involved in a (5) _______
with another skydiver and their parachutes became tangled. The (6) _______ did
not panic but, after falling together for 500 metres, managed to (7) _______. The
other skydiver released his main parachute, opened the reserve and landed safely.
Martin kept (8) _______ and tried to do the same. But he was unable to do so
because as he turned in the air the parachutes began to (9) _______ themselves
round him and he eventually (10) _______ consciousness. He landed in a field
that had recently been ploughed, so the earth was quite (11) _______ and
cushioned his landing to some extent. He was (12) _______ to hospital where a
doctor commented, “His survival is miraculous. Often in such cases there are
serious internal (13) _______ because when the body decelerates on hitting the
ground, the internal organs continue moving. For example, the brain can strike the
inside of the skull with some (14) _______. But Mr Ford only has (15) _______
physical injuries.”
1. A. hard B. severe C. rough D. grave
2. A. practice B. knowledge C. experience D. training
3. A. fellow B. colleague C, partner D. associate
4. A. connecting B linking C. touching D. keeping
5. A. bump B. crash C. impact D. collision
6. A. team B. combination C. pair D. couple
7. A. separate B. divide C. part D, split
8. A. attentive B. aware C. quiet f D. cool
9. A. envelop B. wrap C. enclose D. cover
10. A. surrendered B. left C. lost D. missed
11. A. gentle B. smooth C. fine D. soft
12. A. rushed B. hurried C. dashed D. sped
13. A. breaks B. damages C. wounds D, injuries
14. A. force B. strength C. energy D. power
15. A. outside B. light C. superficial D. surface

Last year, losses from shops through shoplifting and theft by staff amounted to
over £1 billion. There are many (1) _______ for shopkeepers themselves to re-
duce shoplifting. As with all types of crime, prevention is better than (2)
_______ .The best deterrent is the (3) _______ of staff properly trained in how to
identify potential shoplifters. There are also many security (4) _______ now
available. Video camera surveillance is a popular system, even with quite small
retailers. In clothes shops, magnetic tag marking systems that set off an alarm
have proved their (5) _______. However, there are many (6) _______ measures
that retailers should consider. Better lighting and ceiling-hung mirrors can help
staff to (7) _______ all parts of the display area. Similarly, simply arranging
shelves and display units to allow clear (8) _______ of vision is a good deterrent.
Another problem for retailers is the (9) _______ of stolen credit cards to buy
goods and services. Many retailers avoid this by always checking the (10)
_______ of a card used for purchase. Electronic systems are now available to (11)
_______ up the procedure.
Most companies keep a petty (12) _______ box for small expenses. They are a
popular (13) _______ for thieves. It is not enough to have a box that locks. A thief
can steal it and then open it at leisure. Lock it in a drawer as well. Telephones,
typewriters, word processors and computers are also vulnerable because they are
(14) _______. Property marking is a good deterrent and helps the police return
stolen goods if they are (15) _______. And remember that in many businesses in-
formation is valuable to competitors and should be protected.
1. A. ideas B. schemes C. opportunities D. occasions
2. A. remedy B. cure C. loss D. conviction
3. A. presence B. knowledge C. number D. importance
4. A. machines B. methods C. tricks D. devices
5. A. reliability B. worth C. valuation D. identity
6. A. better B. easier C. bigger D. simpler
7. A. notice B. control C. watch D. regard
8. A. angles B. areas C. systems D. fields
9. A. employment B. use C. technique D. application
10. A. honesty B. forgery C. value D. validity
11. A. speed B. check C. take D. key
12. A. money B. bank C. cash D. saving
13. A. robbery B. target C. aim. D. object
14. A. portable B. expensive C. stolen D. attractive
15. A. reported B. known C. traced D. revealed

Sometimes you might feel that- if you had a perfect memory, all your problems
with learning would be solved. You would be able to (1) _______ through exams
without much revision. You would never again (2) _______ the embarrassment of
forgetting someone’s name. But imagine, for a moment, not forgetting anything -
not even last year’s' shopping (3) _______. You would be (4) _______ with
With hard work you can recall the parts of a verb or the layout of a town as
you need them, so that you can learn a foreign language or (5) _______ a taxi
driver’s licence. But the memory (6) _______ called for by some professions are
only one of the roles memory plays in our lives. Memory covers a (7) _______
range of actions and needs. What we (8) _______ about the brain is far from
complete, so philosophers and scientists find it difficult to be (9) _______ about
the nature of memory. Remembering and forgetting can be understood in many
different (10) _______ but broadly, three distinct classes of memory have been
established: personal, cognitive and habit memory.
Personal memories are those acts of remembering which (11) _______ specifi-
cally to each person’s life history. If you say, “I remember the first time I travelled
by train”, you will probably have an image in your mind of the (12) _______ and
be able to describe things in it.
Cognitive memory helps us learn, for example, stories, a speech or a (13)
_______ of music. Habit memory (14) _______ those abilities needed to perform
actions such as typing or driving. All these actions must be learned but once they
have been, you will rarely remember anything (15) _______ as you perform them.
1. A. run B. walk C. sail D. float
2. A. face B. encounter C. realise D. accept
3. A. receipts B. notes C. lists D. bills
4. A. overweight B. overloaded C. burdened D. stuffed
5. A. win B. award C. earn D. gain
6. A. concepts B. feats C. choices D. methods
7. A. big B. large C. long D. wide
8. A. know B. learn C. discover D. study
9. A. aware B. explanatory C. correct D. precise
10. A. concepts B. ways C. forms D. types
11. A. connect B. appear C. refer D. have
12. A. occasion B. happening C. process D. thought
13. A. sound B. tune C. piece D. instrument
14. A. means B. covers C. enables D. directs
15. A. totally B. hardly C. knowingly D. consciously

The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world. It was (1)
_______ by the Colorado River, which carved its way through the (2) _______
coloured layers of rock making a gap over 1,5 kilometres (3) _______. It sides are
steep cliffs and some of the peaks look (4) _______ towers, castles and temples.
A fantastic adventure for anyone with (5) _______ time in which to experience
the Grand Canyon would be to take a sightseeing flight (6) _______ the area. The
small twin engine planes have huge panoramic windows perfect for (7) _______
photographs. It is (8) _______ to book an overnight tour if you want to stay (9)
_______ at the Canyon but do not want to drive. This way you can (10) _______
the spectacular sunset and sunrise and fit in a(n) (11) _______ day exploring the
Can-yon trails (12) _______.
You can also witness the dazzling lights of (13) _______ Las Vegas by night
with a breathtaking helicopter flight. The tour (14) _______ approximately an
hour and (15) ________ transport from your hotel to the airport and 20 minutes in
the air
1. A. done B. created C. built D. set
2. A. much B. several C. different D. varied
3. A. deep B. down C. far D. below
4. A. as B. if C. up D, like
5. A. restricted B. limited C. reduced D. small
6. A. on B. in C. above D. over
7. A. making B. taking C. putting D. doing
8. A. possible B. probable C. likely D. suitable
9. A- more B. further C. extra D. longer
10. A. notice B. look C. watch D. glance
11. A. utter B. whole C. total D. all
12. A. on foot B. by foot C. with feet D. by feet
13. A. close B. near C. nearby D. next
14. A. makes B. spends C. covers D. lasts
15. A. includes B. has C. contains D. covers

Nathan Balfour spends eight hours a day doing a job that brings in millions of
pounds a year. (1) _______ that were not enough, the job also gives him the
feeling that he is at (2) _______ rather than at work. But Nathan’s job as
managing director of a toy design business is not easy because it not only (3)
_______ designing but also manufacturing and marketing toys.
It all started when Nathan was twenty-five years old and out of (4) _______.
He had just been (5) _______ redundant and was feeling depressed. It was then
that he was (6) _______ to a man who designed consumer goods for a (7)
_______. Nathan immediately realised that his real area of (8) _______ was
product design. In 1992, with a degree in design, he decided to (9) _______
control of his working life and start his own business.
The range of products he designed included toys, which soon accounted for
ninety per cent of his total (10) _______. He was soon taking (11) _______ scores
of employees to help him. In 1997 he got an invitation from the Toy and Hobby
Association to take (12) _______ in a toy fair where he got £45,000 worth of (13)
_______ However, Nathan does not want his company to (14) _______ any
larger. His only aim is to go on producing toys of a high (15) _______ that are
good for learning as well as for playing with.
1. A. As long as B. As well as C. As for D. As it
2. A. fun B. leisure C. enjoyment D. holiday
3. A. involves B. implies C. consists D. includes
4. A. job B. employment C. work D. occupation
5. A. had B. made C. done D. got
6. A. presented B. announced C. shown D. introduced
7. A. commerce B. living C. trade D. business
8. A. interest B. profession C. fascination D. attraction
9. A. obtain B. acquire C. keep D. take
10. A. produce B. outcome C. output D. gain
11. A. on B. over C. up D. after
12. A. effect B. place C. part D. action
13. A. demands B. requirements C. requests D. orders
14. A. grow B. expand C. develop D. increase
15. A. rank B. standard C. level D. value

Skateboarding was invented in the 1960s by surfers who wished to surf when
there were not any waves. These surfers nailed the (1) _______ of a roller skate to
the bottom of a plank of wood and sidewalk surfing was (2) _______. But skate-
boarding only really (3) _______ off when the wheels were improved so that they
could roll over uneven surfaces, like small stones. In the beginning, people skated
along on the pavement or cruised down hills, but after a (4) _______, they began
to skate on paved embankments (5) _______ empty swimming pools.
The style of riding changed dramatically when Allen Gelfand came (6)
_______ with a new move. This involved the (7) _______ of two actions: tapping
the end of the board down and jumping in the air and kicking (8) _______ your
front foot. Doing these two moves properly would (9) _______ the board to jump
into the air with you. This move led to a completely new (10) _______ of
skateboarding which eventually became (11) _______ as street skating.
Since its birth, skateboarding has had many (12) _______ of popularity and
decline The first peak and decline occurred in the (13) _______ seventies. The re-
cent increase in its popularity is probably (14) _______ to the development of
snowboards, which are (15) _______ associated with skateboards.
1. A. base B. foundation . C. basement D. basis
2. A. initiated B. born C. begun D. introduced
3. A. took B. pulled C. left D. went
4. A. period B. time C. pause D. while
5. A. as long as B. as fast as C. as well as D. as soon as
6. A. over B. across C. by D. up
7. A. mixture B. combination C. linking D. union
8. A. against B. off C. in D. with
9. A. cause B. produce C. make D. result
10. A. range B. class C. type D. fashion
11. A. called B. known C. named D. referred
12. A. phases B. changes C. transfers D. appearances
13. A. latest B. past C. last B. late
14. A. liable B. due C. following D. grateful
15. A. nearly B. approximately C. closely D. tightly

If you’re looking for a day out in Britain this summer, there are now dozens of
theme parks to choose from. The amusements on offer at such parks include a
range of rides which shake you (1) _______ in various ways, some of them (2)
_______ you in water at the same time. For the really (3) _______, there are those
which turn you upside (4) _______ at great speed. And this must be how the Brit-
ish enjoy themselves most because last year the nine most (5) _______ theme
parks attracted more than twenty million visitors.
We asked three families to (6) _______ some of the top parks. They told us
what they did, how much they spent, how long they queued for, and how much
they enjoyed themselves. They ali had a good (7) _______ and made some useful
suggestions. (8) _______, taking your own picnic to save money and a (9)
_______ of clothes in case you (10) _______ wet. They also advised (11)
_______ for the biggest rides first, as these soon attracted the (12) _______
queues. They found that those parks where the entry price (13) _______ the rides
were better value for (14) _______ than those where you pay separately for each
ride. Even so, spending on average seventy-four pounds each, our families found
that a day at a theme park does not (15) _______ cheap.
1. A. away B. through C. over D. about
2. A. bathing B. showering C. washing D. wetting
3. A. exciting B. risky C. dangerous D. adventurous
4. A. back B. down C. round D. out
5. A. common B. favourite C. popular D. frequent
6. A. try out B. go with C. check up D. join in
7. A. game B. travel C. fun D. time
8. A. For example B. As well as C. Instead of D. So that
9. A. switch B. swap C. change D. choice
10. A. get B. keep C. catch D. have
11. A. choosing B. heading C. walking D. pointing
12. A. highest B. greatest C, widest D. longest
13. A. includes B. counts C. involves D. contains
14. A. bargain B. money C. spending D. payment
15. A. cost B. go C. come D. run

The elementary means of communicating with other people is (1) _______
messages by voice. This fact is widely (2) _______ and we recognize the voice as
a (3) _______ characterizing the identity of a person. The array of voices is
immeasurable as no two are exactly similar. They can be nasal, resonant or shrill
produced in (4) _______ with the individual physical (5) _______ of the throat.
One possible (6) _______ of the art of voice recognition is voice profiling used
by police analysts as a method of (7) _______ court evidence in trials. Every year
thousands of audiotapes with recorded interviews or casual utterances are (8)
_______ to the purpose to help identify the probable culprit. Specialists dealing
with the voice investigation claim that people can (9) _______ themselves away
by their accents, inflections or other voice attributes like pitch, intensity and
loudness. A recorded sample is usually (10) _______ into electric impulses and
later transformed into a pictorial recording which is processed by a computer
program. Very frequently voice analysts have a (11) _______ at deciphering the
relevant information which may be (12) _______ with background noise or other
interfering sounds until they (13) _______ the desired results.
Thankfully, these efforts help the police detect individuals who threaten their
victims by phone or inform about bomb (14) _______ or those who make
offensive calls (15) _______ the peace of decent citizens.
1. A. commuting B. conveying C. informing D. discharging
2. A. acknowledged B. reassured C. declared D. reckoned
3. A. token B. matter C. feature D. label
4. A. consent B. accordance C. dependence D. support
5. A. tendencies B. credentials C. assets D. properties
6. A. operation B. handling C. implementation D. treatment
7. A. substantiating B. facilitating C. pledging D. withstanding
8. A. used B. set C. employed D. put
9. A. prove B. turn C. give D. tell
10 A. converted B. exchanged C. adjusted D. reformed
11. A. stake B. stab C. stack D. stag
12. A. infused B. intruded C. abused D. mingled
13. A. elaborate B. manoeuvre C. attain D. succeed
14. A. situating B. deploying C. settling D. planting
15. A. disturbing B. dismantling C. dispersing D. distracting

Public opinion polls show that crime is (1) _______ as one of the most serious
problems of many societies. Yet, (2) _______ studies have revealed that the (3)
_______ of violent crime is (4) _______. Our peculiar awareness and fear is
largely brought about by the great attention it is (5) _______ in the mass media
and also because of violent crime being a popular theme for television series and
Among all crimes, murder makes the (6) _______ and there is little doubt that
homicides still continue to be a (7) _______ question in a number of countries.
The various causes of severe crime are being constantly (8) _______ and
innumerable reasons for it are being pointed out. Among these are unemployment,
drug (9) _______ inadequate police enforcement, ineffective courts, racial
discrimination, television and the general (10) _______ in social values.
An acknowledged fact is that it is mainly poverty that (11) _______ crime. In-
dividuals incapable of (12) _______ for themselves and their families the
rudimentary means of living unavoidably take (13) _______ stealing, burgling or
(14) _______ other offences. We may try to explain crime on different (15)
_______ cultural, economic, psychological or political, but criminologists are still
far from detecting the exact source of violent offences as the direct link between
these particular factors isn’t possible to specify.
1. A. viewed B. believed C. alleged D. thought
2. A. pervading B. infiltrating C. penetrating D. examining
3. A. amount B. deal C. quantity D. figure
4. A. outspoken B. upgraded C. presupposed D. overestimated
5. A. awarded B. granted C. devoted D. entrusted
6. A. captions B. titles C. headlines D. broadcast
7. A. nagging B. obstructing C. burdening D. contending
8. A. articulated B. conversed C. uttered D, debated
9. A. escalation B. abuse C. maltreatment D. disuse
10. A. decline B. impediment C. shortfall D. flop
11. A. rears B. nurtures C. breeds D. urges
12. A. insuring B, accommodating C. affording D. securing
13. A. on B. to C. for D. with
14. A. performing B. fulfilling C. committing D. conducting
15. A. motives B. grounds C. arguments D. reasons
Most young people nowadays do not feel compelled to follow the advice of fa-
mous designers when they choose their clothes, They have come to the conclusion
that knowing their own personal (1) _______ is the most important thing. This
means that they can (2) _______ practically any clothes they want, as long as they
are modern, and they needn’t bother about the (3) _______ trendy item of
clothing. A well-known fashion magazine advises young people to (4) _______ on
lots of clothes until they find the ones they (5) _______ most comfortable in.
There are two important factors they should (6) _______ in mind. First, clothes
should (7) _______ properly and be neither too large nor too small. Second, they
should (8) _______ with the customer’s lifestyle because in the end, it is a
persons lifestyle that should dictate his or her wardrobe.
Our choice or clothing (9) _______ something about our personalities and our
positive or negative (10) _______ to life. Some people like to (11) _______ to the
same colours and design year after year, while others cannot (12) _______
without constant changes. But the refreshing news is that young people are
becoming less (13) _______ on the decisions of the big fashion bosses when it
(14) _______ to choosing their clothes. They believe the whole point of fashion is
to play (15) _______ and have fun.
1. A. fashion B. tendency C. looks D. style
2. A. wear B. put C. use D. dress
3. A. actual B. last C. final D. latest
4. A. apply B. try C. prove D. get
5. A. consider B. sense C. think D. feel
6. A. take B. bear C. bring D. set
7. A. measure B, match C. fit D. look
8. A. go B. suit C. mix D. approve
9. A. gives B. offers C, says D. speaks
10. A. attitude B, way C. behaviour D. manner
11. A. link B. stick C. remain D. stay
12. A. do B. have C. act D. make
13. A. affected B. subjected C. dependent D. controlled
14. A. brings B. comes C. belongs D. takes
15. A. away B. up C. around D. with

While few people claim to be addicted to it, ice cream is certainly a firm (1)
_______ among people of all ages in many parts of the world. (2) _______ it is
commonly believed to have originated in China, and has (3) _______ been
associated with Italian manufacturers, it doesn’t (4) _______ come from either of
those countries. Ice cream is thought to have originated when chemists in the
Middle East (5) _______ out that by adding salt to water, you effectively cooled it
down. In the eleventh century, wealthy Arabs were certainly enjoying sorbets of
water ice sweetened (6) _______ sugar or fruit juice.
The (7) _______ for making this delicacy (8) _______ found its way into
Europe, however, and the first book to (9) _______ it was published in Italy in
1530. At that time, water ices were typically served by monarchs and other
important people as a special (10) _______ on great occasions. The British are
supposed to have been responsible for (11) _______ up with the idea of using
cream in their ices (12) _______ of plain water and thus ice cream as we know it
today was born.
However, it was to remain an expensive luxury because it (13) _______ on ice
imported in vast blocks from colder climates. It was only from the mid nineteenth
century (14) _______, with the invention of modern refrigeration techniques, that
ice cream started to (15) _______ the familiar item of mass consumption that it is
1. A. popular B. preference C. favourite D. choice
2. A. Moreover B. Despite C. Whether D. Although
3. A. long B. late C. ever D. far
4. A. successfully B. presently C. actually D. honestly
5. A. checked B. worked C. carried D. thought
6. A. from B. of C. plus D. with
7. A. rule B. method C. way D. mixture
8. A. really B. carefully C. likely D. eventually
9. A. mention B. point C. remark D. refer
10. A. fun B. treat C. joke D. cheer
11. A. making B. bringing C. turning D. coming
12. A. instead B. rather C. behalf D. replace
13. A. leant B. based C. relied D. needed
14. A. afterwards B. onwards C. forwards D. upwards
15. A. establish B. belong C. become D. recognise

Many people in Britain enjoy keeping pets, but keeping animals brings re-
sponsibilities as well as pleasure and companionship. For example, who can be
(1) _______ to walk the dog, feed the cat or chat to the parrot when the family is
away from home? Gillie McNicol who (2) _______ the Animal Aunts animal-
sitting agency (3) _______ to have found the answer. She works with hundreds of
volunteers who are willing to help (4) _______ in just such situations.
Animal aunts are able to move into client’s homes to (5) _______ after the pets
while they are away on holiday, off on a business (6) _______ or even in hospital.
As well as caring for the animals, the aunts will also (7) _______ the property
clean and are (8) _______ to discourage burglars. Of course, some people just
need someone to (9) _______ once a day to feed the cat, and Animal Aunts can
provide this (10) _______ of service too.
And no animal is too big or too small for the agency to (11) _______ with.
Gillie has sent people to care for all manner of pets (12) _______ horses, snakes
and even stick insects. Gillie (13) _______ Animal Aunts over ten years ago and
still operates from her home with the help of two full-time members of (14)
_______. Today she has around five thousand (15) _______ clients and as many
as four hundred aunts, and uncles of course, on her books.
1. A. believed B. applied C. trusted D. relied
2. A. powers B. bosses C. drives D. runs
3. A. knows B. seems C. hears D. tries
4. A. through B. round C. up D. out
5. A. mind B. watch C. look D. deal
6. A. trip B. ride C. travel D. break
7. A. get B. keep C. hold D. bring
8. A. said B. abroad C. aware D. realised
9. A. call out B. drop in C. stop over D. slip in
10. A. quantity B. amount C. level D. size
11. A. care B. treat C. manage D. cope
12. A. including B. containing C. varying D. ranging
13. A. set away B. set up C. set out D. set off
14. A. group B. team C. firm D, staff
15. A. regular B. often C. always D. already

Dr Kiley Worthington has been doing research into the behaviour of horses for
over twenty-five years. Her latest book on the subject has a chapter which
describes certain experiments that she has (1) _______ out recently to see how
much human language horses are able to understand.
Dr Worthington has devised a series of tests over the (2) _______ five years,
aimed at measuring her horses language-learning ability. The (3) _______, she
says, have been remarkable. The horses appear to have learnt a whole (4) _______
of words including verbs and adjectives as well as nouns. They have also (5)
_______ signs that they can understand emotional terms like “scared” and
The horses are (6) _______ in family groups and begin their training from (7)
_______. Each week, for fifteen minutes, they (8) _______ a special school,
where they are paired with human volunteers who (9) _______ them to learn.
They are taught to (10) _______ words with objects like buckets and blankets,
and are shown a few gestures (11) _______ at the same time hearing the words for
actions. The gestures are later dropped so that the horse must respond to the word
(12) _______. Clearly, the horses are not going to learn to speak, but Dr
Worthington (13) _______ that her pupils are able to select blue, red or yellow
buckets and will perform actions, (14) _______ kicking a football or picking (15)
_______ a blanket, on command.
1. A. carried B. turned C. played D. checked
2. A. latter B. previous C. former D. past
3. A, results B. solutions C. answers D. replies
4. A. choice B. range C. count D. number
5. A. brought B. proved C. shown D. played
6. A. formed B. held C. stayed D. kept
7. A. child B. birth C. once D. start
8. A. assist B. taught C. study D. attend
9. A. let B. aim C. help D. lead
10. A. regard B. associate C. arrange D. represent
11. A. while B. despite C. during D. unless
12. A. left B. apart C. singly D. alone
13. A. wants B. appears C. claims D. plans
14. A. such as B. so that C. instead of D. as for
15. .A. on B. up C. over D. off

Stonehenge is still a mystery. 4,000 years ago dozens of enormous stones (1)
_______ like a series of doorways in a perfect circle. They were also placed in
line with the rising and (2) _______ sun. This (3) _______ have been an
extremely sophisticated operation (4) _______ heavy labour, organisation and cal-
culation which would challenge engineers even today.
Some of the stones were (5) _______ from the Welsh mountains to the south-
ern plains of England and it is still not (6) _______ what made ancient man carry
these stones hundreds of kilometres (7) _______ land and water. There have been
many theories. It was once (8) _______ to be a monument to a victory in battle. It
is now more commonly accepted that there was a (9) _______ with sun worship
or that it was a temple.
However, two (10) _______ are clear. (11) _______, the area was used as a
burial ground and second, it was a place of ceremony. (12) _______ all, it is the
fact that these massive stones have stood for so long that amazes (13) _______
who looks at them. Will any monuments from the 21st century still be causing
speculation in 4,000 years’ (14) _______ and if (15) _______, what will they be?
1. A. put B, done C. arranged D. laid
2. A. falling B. setting C. lowering D. sinking
3. A. must B. should C. ought D. could
4. A. meaning B, containing C. including D. involving
5. A. grabbed B. dragged C. crawled D. crept
6. A. recognised B. realised C. believed D. understood
7. A. through B. in C. across D. from
8. A. mentioned B. known C. told D. said
9. A. join B. connection C. relation I), bond
10. A. arguments B. statements C. positions D, points
11. A. First B. At the start C. At first D. One
12. A. Over B Beyond C. Above D. Almost
13. A. people B. everyone C. those D, them
14. A. time B. ahead C. in advance D. from now
15. A. it B. that C. so D. yes

Someone once said that there are three kinds of people* who are (1) _______
in sport: people who (2) _______ part, people who watch, and people who watch
(3) _______ television. It’s very easy to make fun of stay-at-home sports (4)
_______ but on the other hand, television does enable us to enjoy all kinds of (5)
_______ events. We can watch a racing car (6) _______ another, see a cyclist (7)
_______ the finishing line, or enjoy the goals of our favourite football (8)
_______ The first time I watched a tennis (9) _______ was on television, and I
found it (10) _______ interesting. It’s not always easy to (11) _______ long
distances to football (12) _______ . and television is a good solution. Of course,
you can (13) _______ used to sitting indoors all the time, and this is dangerous.
We should all try to (14) _______ fit, and have other interests and (15) _______
1. A. playing B. really C. interested D. succeed
2. A. take B. have C. make D. get
3. A. by B. with C. on D. from
4. A. people B. fans C. programmes D. centres
5. A. the B. future C. athlete D. sports
6. A. cross B. overtake C. or D. from
7. A. overtake B. and C. professional D. cross
8. A. team B. class C. band D. group
9. A. that B. it C. which D. match
10. A. valuable B. unexpectedly C. imaginatively D. real
11. .A. trip B. tour C. travel D. pass
12. .A. grounds B. areas C. teams D. fans
13. .A. or B. which C. get D. is
14. . A. make B. keep C. do D. have
15. . A. customs B. habits C. leisure D. pastimes

“Egyptomania” is a new art exhibition which has opened at the Louvre Mu-
seum in Paris. It shows just how (1) _______ images of Egypt have emerged
through the (2) _______ and examines why this (3) _______ culture has (4)
_______ to have such a powerful influence on the western imagination. It has (5)
_______ all of the arts, from opera and cinema to architecture and furniture
design. It (6) _______ five years to prepare the exhibition, which (7) _______
more than 300 items, many of them on (8) _______ from international museums
as far (9) _______ as Australia. It has generally been thought that European (10)
_______ in Egypt started with Napoleon Bonaparte’s military campaign which
lasted from 1798 to 1801, but the exhibition shows that this is not the (11)
_______. There are examples of Egyptian influence (12) _______ back to the
early 17th century. Queen Marie Antoinette, well known for her (13) _______ of
strange and exotic things, (14) _______ an important role in starting the (15)
_______ for Egyptian art in France, Her bedroom ceiling in Versailles is painted
with Egyptian images, and there are chairs and tables decorated with small statues
of young Pharaohs.
1. A. much B. many C, lot of D. every
2. A. periods B. times C. ages D. history
3. A. ancient B. antiquated C. aged D. antique
4. A. persisted B. remained. C. lasted D. continued
5. A. moved B. influenced C. impressed D. directed
6. A. was B. needed C. used D. took
7. A. covers B. includes G. involves. D. consists
8. A. loan B. advance C. credit D. gift
9. A. from B. abroad C. along D. away
10. A. attraction B, attention C. interest D. curiosity
11. A. situation B. case C. state D. event
12. A. going B. turning C. moving D. coming
13. A. affection B. care C. love D. like
14. A. did B. had C. took D. played
15. A. fashion B. style C. convention D. custom

Will it ever be possible for us to know exactly what our pets are thinking or
feeling? Actually, this day may not be so (1) _______ away. A Japanese toy-
making firm has (2) _______ up with a gadget that can read a dog’s emotions.
The company calls their (3) _______ the “Bowlingual”. The device is (4)
_______ to a special collar which the dog (5) _______ around its neck, and can
(6) _______ information about the dogs feelings electronically to a handset kept
by the dog’s owner.
The company (7) _______ that the Bowlingual can (8) _______ six different
feelings, including fear, happiness and sadness, by interpreting the different ways
in which the dog barks. But how does the Bowlingual actually (9) _______?
Scientists analysed the barks they recorded from a number of dogs in various
different situations and (10) _______ six general patterns of sound (11) _______
to different feelings.The Bowlingual is programmed with these patterns and can
(12) _______ them to the sound a dog makes and then translate this into a
sentence that can be (13) _______ understood. Some examples of what dogs
apparently say are “I’m lonely,” and “Please play with me a bit more!” The device
is also fitted with a diary that (14) _______ the whole of the dog’s day with (15)
_______ such as “We’ve done so many good things today What a happy day!”
1. A. much B. distant C. long D. far
2. A. put B. come C. taken D. made
3. A. invention B. development C. construction D. building
4. A. carried B. planned C. attached D. communicated
5. A. fetches B. wears C. holds D. transfers
6. A. extend B. spread C. push D. send
7. A. claims B. pretends C. persuades D. tells
8. A. accept B. know C. realise D. recognise
9. A. play B. work C, find D. go
10. A. shared B. divided C. identified D. associated
11. A. relating B. accompanying C. concerning D. applying
12. A. suit B. design C. match D. give
13. A. surely B. simply C. fluently D. easily
14. A. sums up B. gives out C. puts away D. takes on
15. A. proverbs B. statements C. accounts p. questions

Stressful atmospheres, (1) _______ of deadlines and long hours dominate
office life, according to a survey (2) _______ recently.
The majority of those questioned said a good salary and career (3) _______
were their main reason for working. But (4) _______ numbers did not believe
their employers offered either. In general the survey found that most felt that (5)
_______ of life was more important than (6) _______ and company perks. Most
would prefer employers to offer (7) _______ hours, challenging tasks and job (8)
_______ rather than perks such as company cars and private health care. Many
employers’ (9) _______ to understand this meant more than a third worried about
their work on holiday, and 40 per cent took days off (10) _______ when not ill.
Workers were also (11) _______ by the conditions they had to work in. A fifth
struggled with (12) _______ technology, bad]y lit offices and chairs which caused
backache. Half said their (13) _______ would increase if their environment
On the plus side, the biggest (14) _______ was the friendship offered by col-
leagues, and it appears that the office also affords the chance to flirt with col-
leagues, make (15) _______ calls to friends abroad, steal stationery and play
computer games.
1. A. weight B. force C. heaviness D. pressure
2 A. publicised B. printed C. published D. proclaimed
3. A, prospects B. odds C. outlooks D. views
4. A. important B. significant C. heavy D. impressive
5. A. quality B. calibre C. excellence D. worth
6. A. status B. rank C. degree D. grade
7. A. pliable B. elastic C. amenable D. flexible
8. A. safety B. sanctuary C. security D. protection
9. A. failure B. defeat C. deficiency D. lack
10. A. indisposed B. sick C. injured D. unwell
11. A. pestered B. inflamed C. irritated D. ruffled
12. A. behind the times B. expired C. invalid D. out-of-date
13. A. fertility B. capacity C. productivity D. value
14. A. reimbursement B. damages C. atonement D. compensation
15. A. idiosyncratic B. personal C. unique D. individual

When in Britain you must never complain. Complaining is very un-British. If
you are (1) _______ waiting half an hour in a shop, if a bus (2) _______ is rude to
you, if a waiter brings your food ice-cold - you keep your mouth shut. The (3)
_______ upper lip is the British way. Other nationalities might make a (4)
_______, protest loudly or call for the manager, but not the British.
Remember also that British ears are (5) _______ not tuned to hear complaints.
A friend of mine was a regular (6) _______ at a famous and expensive London
restaurant. Every day at 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. the (7) _______ manager would come
out (as he had been doing for the last 37 years), go from table to table and (8)
_______ “Did you enjoy your meal?” For 37 years, hundreds of thousands of
properly (9) _______ up English people had replied to him: “Very much indeed.”
The man would smile, say “Thank you very much”, and (10) _______ to the next
One day, however, the lunch was so (11) _______ that my friend (Dutch
mother, Albanian father) decided to tell him the naked truth. So, when the anti-
quated manager (12) _______ at his table as usual and asked, “Did you enjoy
your meal, sir?” my friend replied: “(13) _______, not at all. It was appalling.” To
which the manager gave his (14) _______ obsequious smile, said: “Thank you
very much, sir”, and moved on, quite (15) _______.
1. A. kept B, made C. stayed D. held
2. A. assistant B. attendant C. conductor D. steward
3. A. hard B. stiff C. firm D. inflexible
4. A. discussing B. argument C. quarrel D. fuss
5. A. utterly B. easily C. simply D. modestly
6. A. supporter B. customer C. purchaser D. guest
7. A. mature B. outdated C. elderly D. vintage
8. A. inquire B. query C. request D. probe
9. A*, raised B. brought C. educated D. grown
10. A. motion B, progress C. shift D. stride
11. A. abominable B. painful C. offensive D. harrowing
12. A. surfaced B. appeared C. descended D. joined
13. A. Sincerely B. Largely C. Bluntly D. Frankly
14. A. customary B. average C. commonplace D. daily
15. A. convinced B. fulfilled C. satisfied D. complete

Aristotle lived during the time when Philip of Macedonia was conquering ar-
eas of Greece such as Attica. Aristotle (1) _______ to Athens when he was 17 to
study philosophy. He became a student of Plato, only (2) _______ the academy
after Plato s death. After a period of (3) _______, Aristotle decided to (4) _______
with his former teacher’s views on philosophy. In 343 BC he was employed as a
tutor for Alexander the Great, whom he taught for four years. Aristotle (5)
_______ the Lyceum, which was well known for its zoo and library, a public gar-
den and a gymnasium, which was (6) _______ to Apollo. Aristotle lectured to his
students there, and it (7) _______ an educational institution for 800 years. After
Alexander’s death, anti-Macedonian feeling (8) _______ Aristotle to escape to the
north where he lived for one year, (9) _______ his death at the age of 62. Unfortu-
nately, only a fifth of his writings have (10) _______. These works are mostly
(11) _______ up of those discovered in a cellar in 100 BC. There are 60 (12)
_______ works and 20 pseudonymous (13) _______ ones. Since the time of the
find, philosophers have argued about the value and meting of his writings. For
example, in Italy in the 1500’s there was a reaction against his ideas, which were
(14) _______ as unnecessarily complicated. In spite of this, his influence as a
philosopher has continued to the (15) _______ day.
1. A. went B. arrived C. landed D. reached
2. A. abandoning B. leaving C. deserting I), escaping
3. A. voyage B. trip C. journey D. travel
4. A. break B. separate C. stop D. oppose
5. A. formed B. based C. founded D. imposed
6. A. dedicated B. devoted C. offered D. given
7 A. endured B. lasted C. remained D. kept
8. A. made B. forced C. kicked D. pushed
9. A. since B. at C. to D. until
10. A. traced B. rescued C. survived D. saved
11. A. held B, kept C. turned D. made
12. A. pure B. real C. genuine D. true
13. A. wrong B. false C. artificial D. fake
14. A. declared B. seen C. observed D, noticed
15. A. present B. now C. current D. close

One of the world’s most radical museums, which can be found in Amsterdam, has
recently reached the great (1) _______ of 100. The Stedelijk Museum first opened
its (2) _______ on 14 September, 1895 and it was controversial from the start.
The French poet Appolinaire (3) _______ it as “the only place in the (4) _______
where you can see truly modern art”. From the (5) _______ its main (6) _______
was t0 display the best of new art whether it was accepted by the establishment or
not. Back in 1905, its decision to show the work of Van Gogh (7) _______ a
problem with city authorities, as his work was “little valued’ at the time. But the
(8) _______ trouble started after the War when they decided to exhibit even more
experimental work. Rudi Fuchs, the (9) _______ director of the museum, has
decided to be a bit more (10) _______ in his choice of exhibits, as (11) _______
to previous directors. He believes it is his (12) _______ to care for the old
collection of paintings as well as to continue encouraging new art. As (13)
_______ as the futures concerned, he has decided to display a (14) _______
collection of modern classics including art dating back to the 19th century, but he
will also continue to (15) _______ for more unusual and daring work to display at
the Stedelijk.
1. A. era B. age C. birth D. period
2. A. doors B. hands C. entrance D. gates
3. A. illustrated B. defined C. described D. characterised
4. A. earth B. continent C. Europe D. world
5. A. introduction B. origin C. beginning D. commencement
6. A. cause B. view C. reason D. purpose
7. A. made B caused C. brought D. did
8. A. apparent B. true C. real D. virtual
9. A. present B. topical C. now D. contemporary
10. A. constant B, steady C. stuck D. cautious
11. A. opposed B. contrasted C. different D. unlike
12. A. intention B. charge C. duty D, aim
13. A. long B. far C. much D, though
14. A. continual B. constant C. fixed D. permanent
15. A. search B. view' C. investigate D. explore

When summer comes and the sun appears, it’s (1) _______ to have a hat.
Many people have traditionally (2) _______ for the panama hat. Stylish, tight and
cool on the head, these palm leaf hats are flexible enough to roll up and (3)
_______ in a pocket or bag. Nowadays panamas can be found in fashionable
shops (4) _______ over the world, sometimes at exorbitant (5) _______. However
the hat itself originated in rather humble (6) _______ in the jungles of South
America. In a long tradition (7) _______ down from generation to generation, the
palm leaves are (8) _______ by the men and the hats are woven by the woman. It
can (9) _______ up to 12 palm leaves to make a (10) _______ quality hat. Each
leaf is split up to 25 times to obtain a straw that is fine enough to be woven into a
hat. The women’s job is dictated by the weather and visibility: there must be
enough light for them to (11) _______ the fine straw, but the air must be moist
enough for it to (12) _______ flexible. This means that the women can usually
only work in the (13) _______ morning. (14) _______ panama hats are expensive,
back in the villages the craftsmen and women are struggling to keep the tradition
(15) _______ and often receive only a fraction of the price you pay in the shops.
1. A. well B. right C. functional D. good
2. A. sought B. gone C. asked D. tried
3. A. put B. add C. locate D. insert
4. A. on B. all C. throughout D. at
5. A. prices B. tags C. amounts D. costs
6. A. parts B. surroundings C. areas D. environments
7. A. past B. given C. handed D. delivered
8. A. gathered B. congregated C. grouped D. massed
9. A. need B. be C. want D. take
10. A. great B. grade C. top D. class
11. A see B. watch C. discern D. attend
12. A. continue B. endure C. persist D. remain
13. A. prompt B. soon C. early D. fast
14. A. Even B. Although C. But D. Still
15. A. live B. existing C. alive D. lively

Next time you take a look in the mirror, try standing sideways on. Do you see
a long elegant back or are your shoulders as rounded as the hump of a camel? Bad
posture normally starts in our teenage years when we slouch around with our (1)
_______ trying to look cool. But (2) _______ up those who now while away their
days sitting in front of a computer where it’s (3) _______ too easy to (4) _______
something as essential as good posture.
As we grow older these poor (5) _______ are exacerbated, but by taking (6)
_______ immediately we can not only look and feel better but protect our body
for the future. Make sure you sleep on a firm mattress at night. (7) _______ lying
flat on your back; instead try sleeping in a curled position on your side. The (8)
_______ revival in platform shoes doesn’t help and wearing shoes with heels
more than (9) _______ centimetres high is just asking for (10) _______. Don’t
load everything into a bag that you wear on one shoulder or you’ll end up
lopsided. (11) _______ the weight evenly by wearing a rucksack or even a bag
around your waist. When you get home from a day’s studying or work it’s all too
(12) _______ to slump on the sofa in front of the telly. Sitting in this way (13)
_______ feel comfortable but it prevents you from breathing properly. Try to sit
(14) _______ with the stomach pulled (15) _______ in.
1. A. mates B. acquaintances C. colleagues D. counterparts
2. A. head B. feet C. hands D. eyes
3. A. so B. all G. quite D. rather
4. A. miss B. mistreat C. harm D. neglect
5. A. customs B. rituals C. habits D. practices
6. A. action B. something C. moves D. course
7. A. Evade B. Avoid C. Prevent D. Restrain
8. A. current B. topical C. contemporary D. existing
9. A. various B. considerable C. several D. numerous
10. A. concern B. problem C. fuss D. trouble
11. A. Scatter B. Distribute C. Disseminate D. Circulate
12. A. enticing B. attractive C. irresistible D. tempting
13. A. will B. could C. may D. should
14. A. level B. erect C. vertical D. upright
15. A. firmly B. strongly C. tightly D. sharply

If you like to build your holiday round a theme or particular activity, there are
many opportunities open to you. The Scottish Tourist Board publishes an
excellent (1) _______, Adventure and Special Interest Holidays in Scotland, con-
taining (2) _______ of dozens of ideas for “different” holidays together with ad-
dresses to (3) _______. Write for a copy to any of their offices.
You can, for example, go on an archaeological holiday and be (4) _______ to
the many prehistoric (5) _______ on the Solway Coast and the Early Christian
remains at Whithorn. For creative people there are any number of arts and crafts
(6) _______ that offer instruction as well as (7) _______. Prices vary, depending
on the (8) _______ of teaching and accommodation. Subjects range from painting
and music to wood-carving, silver smithing and (9) _______. Outdoor (10)
_______ can choose from a wide range too - from bird watching to camping, from
gliding to golf .
If you’ve always wanted to see the west (11) _______ of Scotland from the sea
but haven’t got your own boat and prefer an experienced hand at the helm, try
STA Schooners. They (12) _______ week-long voyages in the Tall Ship Malcolm
Miller, a 300-ton schooner, and part of the experience is that you are one of the
(13) _______ a pleasure for which you pay quite a lot. Hebridean Island Cruises
offer a variety of cruises to many of the most beautiful spots on the western sea-
board in the Hebridean Princess, a luxury floating hotel with a crew of thirty (14)
_______ forty passengers. If you’re lucky with the weather and can (15) _______
it this could be the ideal holiday for you.
1. A. prospectus B. catalogue C. journal D. brochure
2, A. data B. facts C. details D. information
3. A. visit B. contact C. write D. know
4. A. introduced B. referred C. invited D. presented
5. A. situations B. sites C. sights D. sightings
6. A. practices B. studies C. careers D. courses
7. A. relaxation B. learning C. improvement D. recuperation
8. A. amount B. capacity C. quality D. quantity
9. A. sailing B. stone-cutting C. water-skiing D. chess
10. A. experts B. sports C. activities D. enthusiasts
11. A. coast B. shore C. bank D. seaside
12. A. set B. take C. run D. stage
13. A. crew B. staff C. team D. group
14. A. to take on B. to help C. to treat D. to look after
15. A. buy B. afford C. pay D. spend

Wole Soyinka, who was born in 1934, is a Nigerian writer, poet and play-
wright. Many (1) _______ him as Africa’s most (2) _______ playwright. He won
the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986, the first African writer to win this honour.
Soyinka has played an active role in Nigeria’s (3) _______ history. In 1967,
during the Civil War in Nigeria, he was arrested by the Federal Government and
put in solitary (4) _______ for attempting to broker a peace between the warring
parties. While in prison he wrote (5) _______ which was published in a
collection. He was released two years later after international attention was drawn
to his (6) _______. His experiences in prison are recounted in a book. He is an
outspoken (7) _______ of many Nigerian administrations, and of political
tyrannies worldwide, including the-Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe. Much of his (8)
_______ has been concerned with “the (9) _______ boot and the irrelevance of
the colour of the foot that wears it”.
1986 was his most glorious year and occurred during the reigns of several vio-
lent and repressive African regimes. The Swedish Academy (10) _______ him the
Nobel Prize for Literature as a writer “who in a wide (11) _______ perspective
and with poetic overtones fashions the drama of (12) _______.” The foremost
Nigerian (13) _______ became the first African Nobel laureate, enshrined forever
in the history of world literature. His Nobel Lecture was devoted to South African
freedom-fighter Nelson Mandela. Soyinka’s (14) _______ speech criticised apart-
heid and the politics of racial segregation imposed on the population by the Na-
tionalist South African government. That year brought him another (15) _______
award — the Agip Prize for Literature -- and he was awarded a Nigerian national
decoration: Commander of the Federal Republic.
1. A. consider B. believe C. think D. regard
2. A. distinguish B. distinguished C. distinguishable D. distinguishing
3. A, politic B, politician C. politically D. political
4. A. confining B. confine C. confinement D. configuration
5. A. poet B. poems C. poem D. poetry
6. A. imprisonment B. in prison C. jailer D. prisoner
7. A. criticise B. criticism C. criticising D. critic
8. A. writings B. writer C. wright D. writing
9. A. oppress B. oppression C. oppressive D. oppresser
10. A. granted ,B. awarded C. awards D grants
11. A. culture B. cultured C. cultural D. cultures
12. A. existence B. existent C. exist D. existential
13. A. dramatic B. dramatist C. dramatically D. drama
14. A. accepting B. accept C. accepted D. acceptance .
15. A. literary B. literate C. literally D. literal

Visitors to the famous Tate Gallery in London can now (1) _______ the British
artist David Hockney talk about one of his paintings, which is (2) _______ The
Bigger Splash. Following the example of the French, who have (3) _______ such
a system in the Louvre in Paris, technology is coming to both the Tate and the
National Gallery, two of Britain’s (4) _______ prestigious art institutions. The
Tate is now offering Tateinform, a personal audio (5) _______ to the paintings
and sculptures (6) _______ show, and to the themes of (7) _______ displays. At
the (8) _______ of a button visitors can listen to artists, art critics and gallery
curators explaining any work that (9) _______ their interest; they can stop, start,
rewind or fast-forward their cassette machines (10) _______ they want. Many of
the commentaries on works of art (11) _______ several layers of information.
Style, content and symbols may be explained, or you may even be given details of
particular paints the artist has used. Some of the artists (12) _______ on the
inspiration for their own works. David Hockney, for (13) _______ talks about his
interest in the surface and movement of water in his commentary for The Bigger
Splash. The (14) _______ of audio guides is a great help to people wanting to (15)
_______ a better understanding of art.
1. A. listen B. hear C. attend D. observe
2. A. told B. said C. called D. announced
3. A. brought on B. brought in ' C. brought about D. brought along
4. A. much B, wholly C, great D. most
5. A. guide B. instruction C. plan D. map
6. A. in B. on C. at D. to
7. A. certain B. definite C. secure D. sure
8. A. switch B. press C. touch I), push
9. A. fills B. opens C. turns D. catches
10. A. that B. however C. whenever D. where
11. .A. say B. offer C. propose D. tell
12. . A. aim B. direct C. look D. focus
13. .A. illustration B. sample C. instance D, case
14. .A. introduction B. start C. presentation D. discovery
15. .A. earn B. take C. win D. gain

Charles Pond had been working late that night. The only sound that could be
heard was the sound of his fingers on the (1) _______. He had been (2) _______
to finish his report and now time was running (3) _______. He had to finish
before they got there. He was (4) _______ the last paragraph on the computer
when suddenly he (5) _______ a noise just outside the window. Pond knew
Capuccinos men were (6) _______ for him but he hadn’t expected them to (7)
_______ up so quickly. He ignored the sound and (8) _______ on writing. Then
he heard footsteps. He immediately (9) _______ the text and went over to the
window to (10) _______. He drew the curtains (11) _______ Pond could see from
the wet roads that it had been raining (12) _______ night. He could see nobody,
but thought he’d better go out and (13) _______ just in case. He opened the door
and (14) _______ slowly into the ear den. Then he saw someone running (15)
_______ in the darkness.
1. A. hard disk B. keyboard C. screen D. processor
2. A. managing B. incapable C. unable D. unlucky
3. A. off B. out C. away D. up
4. A. terminating B. ending C. finishing D. completing
5 A. heard B. noticed C. felt D. listened
6. A. making B. running C. seeing D. searching
7. A. go B. turn C. run D. get
8. A. went B. took C. continued D. pushed
9. A. loaded B. pressed C. saved D. sent
10 A. control B. inspect C. test D. investigate
11. A. aside B. away C. out D. off
12.. A. throughout B. entire C. whole D. all
13. .A check B. watch C. inquire D. control
14. A. climbed B. walked C. ran D. fell
15. V towards B. out C. away D. up
Scientists believe that they have made a (1) _______ breakthrough in fighting
HIV — they have shown what happens when an infection-fighting antibody at-
tacks a (2) _______ in HIV’s (3) _______ defences. Finding a vaccine against
HIV has been very difficult because the proteins on the surface of the virus are
continually mutating, but they have shown an antibody, called bl2, attacking a
weak spot of the virus where the protein is (4) _______. The virus is able to (5)
_______ rapidly to avoid (6) _______ by the immune system, and is also covered
in sugary molecules which block access by antibodies. (7) _______, certain parts
of the virus must remain (8) _______ unchanged so that it can catch hold of and
enter human cells. One protein that sticks out from the surface of the virus and
binds to receptors on host cells is one such region, which makes it a target for
vaccine development.
Previous analyses of the (9) _______ of people that have been able to keep
from developing into AIDS for long periods of time (10) _______ revealed a (11)
_______ group of antibodies - including bl2 — that seem to fight HIV with some
degree of (12) _______. The latest study showed how the antibody and (13)
_______ protein interact. Scientists hope that revealing the (14) _______ of this
bond in such (15) _______ detail will provide clues about how best to attack HIV.
1. A. major B. majority C. solution D. final
2. A. line B. space C. gap D. shape
3. A. consider B. considerate C. considerably D. considerable
4. A. stable B. unstable C. instability D. stability
5. A. mutation B. mutant C. mutating D. mutate
6. A. detective B. detect C. detection D. detecting
7. A. However B. Though C. Also D. Even though
8. A. relative B. relatively C. relatives D. relation
9. A. bleed B. blood C. bleeding D. bloody
10. A. was B. have C. has D. were
11. A. seldom B. occasional C. rarely D. rare
12. A. success B. successful C. successfully D. succeed
13. A. a B. the C. these D. Ø
14. A. structure B. stricture C. blueprint D. plan
15. A. quite B. precision C. exacting D. precise

Peter White has made such a great success of his new restaurant “Tastes” that he
has just received a second star. The fourteen-table restaurant is (1) _______
booked every evening this year, and two receptionists are on full-time duty to
ensure the business (2) _______ smoothly. Not only is he fulfilling a lifelong
ambition, he is also (3) _______ more than he ever dreamt possible - he’s just
bought a new Ferrari to add to his (4) _______.
However, life hasn’t always been so easy for Peter. He (5) _______ in
Northern Ireland, in a family which, although poor, always (6) _______ on eating
well and they never went (7) _______. After doing a (8) _______ at catering
college, and (9) _______ his exams with distinction, he moved to London to
work in one of the city’s (10) _______ restaurants. On his first day Peter
remembers two things – the smell of (11) _______ bread and the chef throwing a
pan of sauce at him at him because he hadn’t (12) _______ it enough! Peter (13)
_______ that he doesn’t treat his own (14) _______ in such a manner, (15)
_______ he does admit to regular shouting and burst of anger!
1. A. fully B. totally C. absolutely D. entirely
2. A. flows B. happens C. runs D. moves
3. A. taking B. gaining C. winning D. earning
4. A. set B. store C. collection D. group
5. A. grew up B. put up C. brought up D. showed up
6. A. promised B. maintained C. accepted D. insisted
7. A. after B. without C. over D. under
8. A. course B. work C. training D. lecture
9. A. qualifying B. succeeding C. graduating D. passing
10. A. head B. peak C. top D. lead
11. A. roasting B, baking C. grilling D. cooking
12. A. grated B. chopped C. stirred D. turned
13. A. tells B. speaks C. denies D. claims
14. A. crew B. staff C. troop D. band
15. A. although B. because C. even D. despite

If you decide to buy a pet, you should (1) _______ out as much as possible about
the pet you (2) _______, Cats are easy to (3) _______ after and seem to be (4)
_______, but also need the company of people. If your cat finds someone who (5)
_______ for it more than you do, it will change owners! A. small puppy may look
like a (6) _______ pet, but don’t forget that it will (7) _______ up. You may not
be able to (8) _______ up with a very large dog that is too big for its (9) _______
and which (10) _______ on sleeping on your bed! Unless you (11) _______ it, it
may attack people, or (12) _______ loudly day and night. Nobody loves a (13)
_______ pet. Perhaps this is why so many people (14) _______ in for birds or fish
as pets. Whatever you decide in the (15) _______, think carefully before you
make a decision.
1. A. find B. look C. go D. take
2. A. take B. decide C. choose D. do
3. A. run B. look C. find D. change
4. A. singular B. depended C. single D. independent
5. A. cares B. feeds C. looks D. loves
6. A. suited B. suiting C. suit D. suitable
7. A. get B. grow C. stand D. buy
8 A. stay B. live C. put D. feed
9. A. lodging B. kennel C. cupboard D. box
10. A, relies B. concentrates C. carries D. insists
11. A. lesson B. learn C. train D. educate
12. A. bark B. quack C. moo D. wag
13. A. disobey B. disobeying C. disobedient D. disobeyed
14. A. prefer B. go C. decide D. take
15. A. house B. fact C. first D. end

Ann Johnson has worked at this college for three years. She is a (1) _______
employee, and (2) _______ on well with the other members of the department.
We have all found her to be an excellent (3) _______. She has always been (4)
_______ for her lessons, and is an extremely (5) _______ member of staff who is
able to work independently. I can always (6) _______ on her to organize the end
of term play, and she has put on some extremely (7) _______ productions. Her
students often tell me how (8) _______ she is, always ready with a smile, and she
has been very (9) _______ to many of them. In (10) _______ she is not very
talkative and seems rather (11) _______ at first, and might not show her true (12)
_______ in an interview. Her work is excellent, and she is (13) _______ to
succeed. She is also quite (14) _______, and has applied for two other positions as
Director of Studies. I think that you can count (15) _______ Ann to make your
school a success, and I recommend her for the post of Director.
1. A. conscience B. conscientious C. consciousness D. conscious
2, A. gets B. carries C. goes D. likes
3. A. fellow B. adult C. employer D. colleague
4. A. times B. late C. punctual D. hourly
5. A. greedy B. lazy C. stubborn D. reliable
6. A. request B. concentrate C. rely D. take
7. A. imaginary B. imaginative C. imagination D, imagined
8. A. tempered B. frank C. cheerful D. proud
9. A. kind B. aggressive C. polite D. mean
10. A. first B. times C. usual D. private
11. A. shy B. but C. however D, alone
12. A. person B. character C. behaviour D. part
13. A, used B. had C. determined D. supposed
14. A. obedient B. ambitious C. grateful D. disappointed
15. A. on B. for C. with D. to

Every winter in Alaska a race is held. But this is no ordinary race. Teams of
dogs pull wooden sleds along the snow and ice. A. single driver is in (1) _______
of each team, and stands on the sled. This race is (2) _______ as the Iditarod, and
runs from the town of Anchorage to the village of Nome, a journey of more than
1,600 kilometres. It usually (3) _______ the dogs ten days to (4) _______ the
The Iditarod is usually run in extremely difficult weather (5) _______ Daytime
temperatures (6) _______ from zero to minus 40 degrees. Visibility is often very
poor, so drivers never allow themselves to become (7) _______ from their team of
dogs. Indeed, the drivers (8) _______ almost entirely on the dogs for their sur-
vival. Each year a considerable (9) _______ of competitors have to (10) _______
from the race owing to exhaustion or coldness, and sometimes even the dogs get
ill or injured.
The (11) _______ of the race goes back many years to a time when some
medicine needed to be taken to Nome, a very remote village. (12) _______
particularly severe weather, the only (13) _______ to send the medicine from
Anchorage was using a group of husky dogs. Happily, the medicine was delivered
just in time to (14) _______ lives. Alaskans celebrate the heroic journey with the
Iditarod, which (15) _______ the same route across the frozen interior of Alaska.
1, A. responsibility B. direction C. charge D. care
2. A. called B. known C. named D. referred
3. A. takes B. makes C. gives D, lasts
4. A. end B. complete C. fulfil D. conclude
5. A. backgrounds B. situations C. conditions D. circumstances
6. A. range B. stretch C. spread D. differ
7. A. broken B. divided C. split D. separated
8. A. rest B. depend C. expect D. trust
9. A. amount B. sum C. total D. number
10. A. remove B. pull C. retire D. draw
11. A. origin B. cause C. basis D. reason
12. A. Providing that B. However C. Although D. Because of
13. A. way B. process C. manner D. aim
14. A. free B. save C. rescue D. guard
15. A. does B goes C. accompanies D. follows

For most families, a trip in the car to an unfamiliar area involves at least one
argument about the best route to (1) _______. This is not the (2) _______,
however, in the Williams family from Worcester, They never (3) _______ lost
when five-year-old Daniel is with them. That’s because Daniel has the incredible
(4) _______ to tell you the best way to get from one place to another anywhere in
England, and (5) _______ he doesn’t need a map - he can do it off the top of his
(6) _______.
Daniel has been (7) _______ in place names ever since he first learnt to talk.
When he was about three, he started asking his parents questions about how the
roads they drove along (8) _______ up, and it soon became .(9) _______ that he
had a photographic memory for maps. He had no difficulty in remembering the
information and (10) _______ it to what he saw from the car window.
Now, after school, Daniel’s (11) _______ game is drawing maps of the road
systems in all sorts of places that he has never even visited. His parents have no
(12) _______ where his particular talent (13) _______ from because nobody else
in the family has it. (14) _______ he’s also a football fan, and is learning to play
the keyboard, Daniel’s main (15) _______ in life is to become a mapmaker.
1. A. make B. do C. take D. do
2. A. case B. instance C. event D. fact
3. A. fall B. have C. keep D. get
4. A. skill B. ability C. facility D. technique
5. A. as well as B. because of C. apart from D. what’s more
6. A. brain B. mind C. head D. memory
7. A. interested B. capable C. keen D. good
8. A. grew B. caught C. stood D. joined
9. A. confident B. obvious C. sure D. positive
10. A. regarding B. recognising C. relating D. reflecting
11. A. favourite B. desired C. admirable D. selected
12. A. understanding B. thought C. explanation D. idea
13. A. passes B. comes C. works D. gains
14. A. Although B. Despite C. However D. Since
15. A. qualification B. outcome C. ambition D. fortune

On our first day’s driving on the Scottish island of Mull, my husband and I
came to a stretch of water that we had to cross on a small ferry boat. The ferryman
asked if we would (1) _______ waiting ten minutes while he (2) _______ a family
of cows across the water to their summer pasture. This (3) _______ with the cows
stuck in my mind as a (4) _______ of Mull, a place far removed from the hurried
confusion of city life.
For travellers in (5) _______ of a quiet, peaceful place there can be few better
(6) _______. We (7) _______ the island to be a charming mix of mountains,
castles and sandy beaches. One of the best days of our trip was when we (8)
_______ a nature tour of the island, and had the (9) _______ fortune to see a (10)
_______ of rare creatures, including red deer and golden eagles.
But no visit to Mull is (11) _______ without a trip to the small island of Iona,
just off the south-western tip of Mull, Iona has great historical (12) _______ be-
cause it is the place where early Scottish kings were buried. Our first attempt to
get to Iona had to be (13) _______ owing to the heavy rain which is another
characteristic of the island. It was another three days before we could get to Iona,
but in the (14) _______ it was well worth the (15) _______, and was the highlight
of our trip.
1. A. mind B. care C. bother D. object
2. A. gathered B. loaded C. transported D. removed
3. A. incident B. event C. accident D. act
4. A. badge B. sign C. mark D. symbol
5. A. aim B. search C. hope D. exploration
6. A. stations B. ends C. destinations D. goals
7. A. realised B. learned C, experienced D. found
8. A. assisted B. included C. joined D. participated
9. A. good B. happy C. lucky D. enjoyable
10. A. sum B. number C. total D. figure
11. A. full B. entire C. whole D. complete
12. A. concern B. significance C. substance D. fame
13. A. dropped B. rejected C. left D. abandoned
14. A. end B. finish C. conclusion D. close
15. A. pause B. wait C. interval D. halt

From Land’s End, in southwestern England, to John O’Groats in northeastern
Scotland is 903 miles. It’s a long way to walk or cycle, through the famously
unpredictable British weather, but it’s the sort of challenge that (1) _______ to
people. Steve Watts, (2) _______, joined a team which was cycling from one end
of the British isles to the other as a way of (3) _______ money for charity.
All went well on Steve’s trip, which was very well-organised and he (4)
_______ to complete the distance in eleven days. At least, he nearly did. For when
Steve got to within a mile of his (5) _______ destination, he was so overjoyed
with his (6) _______; that he invited one of his back-up team, a young female
physiotherapist, to join him on the bike for the last few metres.
That’s when disaster (7) _______ . Somehow the pair (8) _______ their
balance and the bike crashed to the ground. The next thing Steve knew was when
he (9) _______ up in an ambulance on his (10) _______ to hospital. It was then
that the awful truth hit him. He had not only injured himself quite (11) _______,
but he had also (12) _______ to complete his journey after all. Fortunately,
however, the organisers (13) _______ sorry for Steve and decided to (14)
_______ the fact that he hadn’t actually (15) _______ the finishing line!
1. A. likes B. attracts C. enjoys I), appeals
2. A. however B. such as C. for example D. as well as
3. A. doing B. raising C. C. fetching D. gaining
4. A. managed B. enabled C. succeeded D. coped
5. A. furthest B. latest C. terminal D. final
6. A. realisation B. fulfilment C. achievement D. conclusion
7. A. shot B. struck C. burst D. broke
8, A. lost B. missed C. slipped D. spoilt
9. A. caught B. woke C. got D. came
10. A. approach B. path C. travel D. way
11. A. badly B. heavily C. hardly D. strongly
12. A. lacked B. avoided C. failed D. refused
13. A. said B. felt C. had D. got
14. A. neglect B. escape C. ignore D. reject
15. A. delivered B. respected C. ridden D. crossed
I love weddings, although I’m not actually planning to get married myself, at least
riot in the (1) _______ future. Marriage, though, is definitely back in fashion, For
the last twenty years or so, the trend has been for young people to wait, to (2)
_______ on their education and their career before thinking about (3) _______
down and starting a family. But apparently, things are now changing. The reason,
it seems, so that so many famous celebrities are getting married relatively young,
and (4) _______ a great deal of publicity in the process, and as a result young
people are getting (5) _______ about the idea of marriage again.
It could be, (6) _______ that what seems so appealing is not the idea of
married life at all, but rather the (7) _______ of a big party and (8) _______ of
expensive presents. This seems to me the only advantage of getting married. I
mean, how often do you actually (9) _______ to gather all your friends and family
together in one place, all dressed up and on their (10) _______ behaviour, with
yourself as the (11) _______ of attention? But, to tell you the (12) _______, when
it comes to weddings, I have a lot in (13) _______ with a football fan. I know that
I don’t actually have to play the game in order to enjoy it. So, as I (14) _______, I
love weddings, but only as (15) _______ as they are other people’s!
1. A. next B. first C. near D. close
2. A. concentrate B. dedicate C. devote D. commit
3. A. turning B. cutting C. pulling D. settling
4. A. catching B. gaining C. earning D. keeping
5. A. attracted B. interested C. fascinated D. excited
6. A. however B. despite C. therefore D. although
7. A. hope B. wish C. thought D. luck
8. A. pots B, packs C. crowrds D. loads
9. A. succeed B. manage C. enable D. arrive
10. A. top B. perfect C. ideal D. best
11. A. spot B. centre C. heart D. middle
12. A. truth B. reality C. honesty D. fact
13. A. familiar B. common C. similar D. alike
14. A. remark B. tell C. say D. speak
15. A. long B. well C. soon D. far
All sorts of sportspeople say that there are great benefits to be gained from
exercising to music. It’s an opinion which is shared by sports scientists at London
University who have been studying the (1) _______ of music on exercise per-
formance. They have now (2) _______ that listening to motivating tunes can help
people to get fit quicker. They discovered that the right tunes not only inspire
people to start exercising in the first (3) _______, but also enable them to (4)
_______ out for longer. Music ca ; calm someone down after a stressful day, so
that they are more in the (5) _______ to exercise. But also, (6) _______ on the
rhythm of music helps people to (7) _______ going when they are getting tired.
The researchers attended gyms in various countries to (8) _______ the
reactions of different age groups to different types of music. Interestingly they
found that it is the music that people (9) _______ with their youth that inspires
them most. The researchers also visited international athletics’ meetings, and
found that music can also help (10) _______ athletes to perform to a higher (11)
Before and during a competition, it can (12) _______ vital changes to their mental
state, which can (13) _______ the difference between winning and losing.
The British fitness industry is (14) _______ the findings seriously. Several
leisure companies have (15) _______ surveys to ask members about their musical
1. A. results B. force C. significance D. effects
2. A. checked B. proved C. defined D. relied
3. A. place B. case C. step D. instance
4. A. wear B. make C. draw D. work
5. A. humour B. mind C. mood D. state
6. A. thinking B. reflecting C. visualising D. concentrating
7. A. stay B. keep C. hold D. continue
8. A. observe B. follow C. regard D. remark
9. A. accompany B. combine C. associate D. join
10. A. head B. top C. chief D. upper
11. A. standard B. average C. measure D. amount
12. A. turn on B. set up C. bring about D. let in
13. A. mean B. represent C. allow D. cause
14. A. seeing B. acting C. doing D. taking
15. A. handed in B. written up C. drawn up D. filled in

The popular image of the wizard, an old man in a tall hat who has magical
powers, is a (1) _______ one in European myths and fairy tales. But (2) _______
to a team of German archaeologists, people who looked like wizards may really
have existed as (3) _______ ago as the Bronze age, and they really did wear
pointed hats. But these were not the cloth hats we (4) _______ with fictional
characters such as Harry Potter and Gandalf. (5) _______, these wizards had hats
of gold that (6) _______ them to predict the movements of the planets and stars.
This is the (7) _______ of archaeologists who are trying to (8) _______ the
150-year-old mystery of the strange yet beautiful golden cone-shaped objects that
sometimes (9) _______ up at archaeological sites across Europe. Some people
(10) _______ forward the idea that the cones might have been vases, others that
they could have been a soldier’s head protection, but now historians think they
must (11) _______ have been tall hats. The men who wore them were (12)
_______ as magicians because they could predict with (13) _______ the best time
for sowing, planting and harvesting crops. And the hats played an important (14)
_______ in this, as they were covered in astronomical pictures and would have
been worn on very special (15) _______ when the movements of the sun and
moon were calculated.
1. A. plain B. general C. familiar D. broad
2. A. according B. supposing C. providing D. owing
3. A. ages B. far C. time D. long
4. A. remind B. associate C. recognise D. acknowledge
5. A. Therefore B. Although C. Instead D. Regardless
6. A. made B. helped C. let D. meant
7. A. completion B. result C. outcome D. conclusion
8. A. solve B. prove C. fulfil D. detect
9. A. pull B. keep C. turn D. bring
10. A. put B. looked C. called D. came
11. A. honestly B. absolutely C. eventually D. actually
12. A. believed B. regarded C. concerned D. presumed
13. A. accuracy B. justice C. loyalty D. reality
14. A. share B. piece C. part D. task
15. A. incidents B. moments C. events D. occasions

When emergency service vehicles such as police cars, fire engines or ambu-
lances respond to an emergency (1) _______, they need to get to the scene of the
incident as quickly as possible. At certain times of day, however, making their (2)
_______ through city centre traffic can be a big problem and precious time can be
(3) _______ in trying to get past traffic (4) _______ ups. An experiment (5)
_______ out recently in the city of York, may (6) _______ an answer to this prob-
lem, at least in the (7) _______ of ambulances.
The researchers in York discovered that specially-adapted mountain bikes
negotiated the city’s rush-hour traffic much more (8) _______ than a traditional
ambulance could. In the experiment, a paramedic on a mountain bike (9) _______
the ambulance every time, and always arrived within the eight-minute ‘standard
response time’ laid down by the British government. The bicycles were fitted with
sirens, (10) _______ lights and medical equipment and are (11) _______ by
paramedics who are able to (12) _______ patients on the spot. Sometimes this
meant giving emergency first-aid until the ambulance arrived, but often the
paramedic was able to deal with the situation (13) _______, thus allowing the
ambulance to be redirected to other emergencies.
Obviously, mountain bikes would not be so (14) _______ in rural areas, but for
small cities, and busy city centres with one-way (15) _______ and pedestrian-only
areas they could well prove to be very useful.
1. A. call B. appeal C. trip D. order
2 A. road B. track C. way D. route
3. A. dropped B. missed C. spared D. lost
4. A. stick B. jam C. hold D. block
5, A. fetched B. carried C. taken D. put
6 A. predict B. process C. presume D. provide
7. A. example B. case C. instance D. event
8. A. easily B. simply C. hastily D. purely
9. A. excelled B. won C. beat D. defeated
10. A. switching B. twinkling C. sparkling D. flashing
11, A. driven B. trodden C. ridden D. handled
12. A. heal B. treat C. mend D. cure
13, A. alone B. apart C. singly D. solely
14. A. able B. effective C. competent D. powerful
15. A. techniques B. organisations C. establishments D. systems


As a traffic warden in London I have various duties. I have a particular area
which I am (1) _______ for. I patrol this area on foot. I have to (2) _______ that
cars are legally parked, and that a parking permit is (3) _______ in each car
Visitors from other countries often (4) _______ us with policeman, which is an
easy error to (5) _______ as our uniforms are quite similar, but we don’t, for ex-
ample, have the (6) _______ of arrest. But I can take (7)_______ on illegally
parked cars. Usually this involves giving the owner of the vehicle a fine. For more
serious parking (8) _______, I can (9) _______ for the vehicle to be towed away.
We also have to look out for stolen vehicles (10) _______ to us by the police and
to check to see that parking meters are (11) _______ properly.
One of the things that all traffic wardens have to (12) _______ is that we are
never going to be well-loved by the public. You can understand why, I suppose,
it’s because people see us as a (13) _______. Sometimes our contact with the pub-
lic is more positive, however, like giving advice on where to park or how to find
places. Also, if traffic lights have broken down, we can be called on to (14)
_______ traffic using arm signals. I particularly enjoy that (15) _______ of my
1. A. dependable B. responsible C. sensible D. reliable
2 A. check B. inspect C. control D. investigate
3. A. worn B. revealed' C. displayed D. demonstrated
4. A. mistake B. confuse C. complicate D. misunderstand
5. A. do B. create C. commit D. make
6. A. power B. authority C. ability D. order
7. A. activity B. effect C. action D. effort.
8. A. difficulties B. faults C. disagreements D. offences
9. A. plan B. sort C. arrange D. manage
10. A. reported B. notified C. told D. informed
11. A. handling B. using C. practising D. working
12. A. undertake B. accept C. agree D. receive
13. A. bother B. drawback C. nuisance D. trouble
14. A. send B. point C. conduct D. direct
15. A. aspect B. condition C. scene D. position

Antique mirrors are the latest trend in high fashion according to Bridget de
Breanski of the Old French Mirror company. There is a great (1) _______ at the
moment. If you pick (2) _______ a magazine with pictures showing (3) _______
decorating you will see antique mirrors on the wall. There are several (4) _______
for this but the main ones are that they offer a cheap (5) _______ to expensive
paintings, they (6) _______ to light up a room or make a room look bigger. The
value is (7) _______ by the quality of the glass and the reputation of the maker.
Mirrors consistently remain in (8) _______ and the sky is the limit in terms of
price. However you do not always need to have (9) _______ pockets — and you
can buy a Victorian mirror at a reasonable (10) _______.
The earliest forms of mirror developed over a long time (11) _______. Around
4000 BC, Aztecs and Incas polished mica. North American Indians (12) _______
by reflecting mica, while the Greeks studied mirrors (13) _______. Socrates be
lived the human face was shaped (14) _______ one’s actions and used mirrors for
moral instruction. During the Han period in China mirrors were (15) _______ to
influence the heavens magically.
1. A. popularity B. want C. need D. demand
2. A. out B. up C. through D. over
3. A. interior B. inside C. internal D. inwards
4. A. causes B. excuses C. reasons D. answers
5. A. substitute B, alteration C. replacement D. alternative
6. A. assist B. help C. try D. manage
7. A. increased B. risen C. raised D. improved
8. A. trend B. common C. fashion D. popularity
9. A. deep B. long C. wide D. narrow
10. A. worth B. price C. value D, cost
11. A. era B. duration C. period D. phase
12. A. communicated B. talked C. signalled D. signed
13. A. chemically B. biologically C. physically D. scientifically
14. A. through B. by C. in D. of
15. A. hoped B. supposed C. believed D. alleged

Scientists in the United States have found that hibernating bears manage to
keep fit in their sleep. The (1) _______ that over 130 days of winter hibernation
bears (2) _______ only a quarter of their muscle power was made by (3) _______
from the University of Wyoming. The scientists (4) _______ samples from black
bears at the start and finish of the hibernation. The researchers had to (5) _______
attach devices to the bears and this meant (6) _______ into the caves (7) _______
the autumn and spring. They attached a machine to the bears’ legs for (8) _______
muscle strength. The device was (9) _______ to a computer and very small
electric (10) _______ were sent to the bears’ nerves causing the legs to move sud-
denly and the measurement was then taken. The scientists are (11) _______ that
their research will enable them to help humans that are confined (12) _______
bed for a long time. Human beings that are (13) _______ for 130 days lose a/an
(14) _______ 90% of their body strength. Furthermore, in the future there might
be long-distance space (15) _______ and the effects of lack of muscle movement
will need to he considered.
1, A. exploration B. invention C. discovery D. experiment
2. A. waste B. spend C. gain D. lose
3. A. investigators B. researchers C. detectives D. discoverers
4. A. made B. did C. took D. gained
5. A. carefully B. steadily C. slowly D. accurately
6. A. climbing B. running C. creeping D. sliding
7. A. at B. over C. on D. in
8. A. adding B. guessing C. measuring D. estimating
9. A. connected B. tied C. transmitted D. stuck
10 A. wires B. shocks C. signals D. messages
11. A. optimistic B. enthusiastic C. sympathetic D. pessimistic
12. A. in B. to C. at D. with
13. A. inactive B. unenergetic C. lazy D. unmovable
14. A. guessed B. measured C. predicted D. estimated
15. A. journey B. travel C. voyage D. trip

People living in residential areas have begun to notice a new kind of wildlife
(1) _______ around streets, parks and gardens. These creatures wander (2)
_______ at night-time with few, if any, natural predators to fear. Even those who
claim not to be interested (3) _______ wildlife cannot fail to be fascinated by the
unusual (4) _______ of these creatures. The foxes have learned how to (5)
_______ the most of what built-up areas offer them. They never (6) _______ an
opportunity to sift through rubbish bins, where they usually find something worth
eating. (7)_______ the natural habitat of the fox is the countryside, the rapid
growth of new housing estates has meant a reduction in the farming land (8)
_______ once provided a source of food for the foxes. The spread of foxes has
already begun to (9) _______ problems for urban dwellers. (10) _______ numbers
of foxes on the roads at nights put both pedestrians and motorists at (11) _______
It seems strange that when so many species on our planet seem to be (12)
_______ out, the fox, once regarded as a pest, should be thriving. To (13)
_______ up: if we do not make (14) _______ our minds about what action to take,
we may find that the fox population increases even more rapidly. It is difficult to
(15) _______ what might happen then.
1. A. roaming B. bobbing C. sweeping D. padding
2. A. scarcely B. specially C. freely D. furiously
3. A. for B. in C. with D. to
4, A. manner B. function C. performance D. behaviour
5. A. make B. take C. do D. find
6. A. lose B. miss C. avoid D. escape
7. A. However B. Yet C. Although D. But
8. A. whose B. which C. where D. while
9. A. result B. arise C. lead D. cause
10. A. More B. Far' C. Greater D. Much
11. A. risk B. danger C. chance D. threat
12. A. finishing B. dying C. ending D. passing
13. A. amount B. count C. add D. sum
14. A. out B. do C. up D. off
15. A. expect B. hope C. suppose D. predict

The money that some professional sportsmen earn shouldn’t impress anyone
when you take into (1) _______ the fact that only a few of them manage to (2)
_______ immortality and everlasting fame. And once they reach their (3) _______
and display their talent at their best, they are fully conscious that their brilliant
careers won’t last forever. They live under a constant pressure of being (4)
_______ and subsequently replaced by someone who is younger, faster and more
(5) _______ For that reason, objectives like retirement benefits and pensions are
(6) _______ great concern to all professional athletes.
Some of the retired competitors go as far as to organize strikes and rallies to
(7) _______ their protest against any policy unresponsive to their demands (8)
_______ the younger professionals seek more upgrading solutions to the problem
as more and more of them attach a proper significance to (9) _______ a solid edu-
cation, even at university level. Such an approach should help them find inter-
esting and well-paid jobs (10) _______ their sports career is over.
A completely new strategy has been (11) _______ by the schools priding
themselves (12) _______ supporting their own teams. Their authorities insist that
the sports clubs members achieve high academic standards or else they are
debarred from partaking in certain sports events, which may lead to further (13)
_______ in their professional careers.
By these practical and most effective (14) _______, combining education with
sports activity, the (15) _______ of the professional athlete as being brainless and
unintelligent may eventually be changing to the sportsmen’s benefit.
1. A. consideration B. attention C. examination D. reflection
2. A. obtain B. attain C. fulfil D. succeed
3. A. capacity B. shape C. best D. prime
4. A. outcast B. outshone C. outstayed D. outgrown
5. A. achieved B, attributed C. accredited D. accomplished
6. A. of B. in C. at D. with
7. A. insist B. claim C. voice D. speak
8. A. whereas B. whereby C. whereupon D. wherein
9. A. mastering B. learning C. receiving D. attending
10. A. right away B. promptly C. barely D. once
11. A. assembled B. devised C. installed D. emerged
12. A. with B. in C. for D. on
13. A. disruption B. hitch C. detachment D. wreckage
14. A. grounds B. results C. means D. factors
15. A. vision B. image C. outlook D. judgement

If (1) _______ is an eighth Wonder of the World, it is probably the lost city of
Atlantis, if (2) _______ we could find it. Despite the large (3) _______ of money
that have been (4) _______ trying to find the site of this ancient city, the most
important (5) _______ remains unanswered. Did it ever really (6) _______?
Atlantis was first (7) _______ by Plato in around 360 BC. He tells how
Atlantis was settled by Poseidon. T he people were (8) _______ from a city on a
hill 15 miles wide and, at first, they lived simple, virtuous lives. But slowly they
became more and more greedy and Zeus decided to (9) _______ them a lesson.
It is possible that Plato (10) _______ his story on the ancient civilization of
Minoan Crete, but other sites have also been (11) _______. It is true that the
Minoans were an advanced society and it is (12) _______ that ports on the north
coast of Crete were (13) _______ by a volcano sometime around 3420 BC. When
Plato died he left the story incomplete and his student, Aristotle, claimed that
Plato had (14) _______ the whole thing up. Whatever the reality, there are (15)
_______ thousands of people out there who believe Atlantis will still be found.
1. A. it B. there C. this D. that
2. A. just B. sometimes C. only D. hopefully
3. A. amounts B. figures C. costs D. totals
4. A. afforded B. spent C. earned D. bought
5. A. problems B. difficulty C. test D. question
6. A. place B. happen C. exist D. live
7. A. described B. composed C. written D. published
8. A. coming B. ruling C. living D. ruled
9. A. learn B. teach C. study D. make
10 A. thought B. inspired C. based D. imagined
11 A. advised B. said C. told D. suggested
12 A. known B. knowing C. possibly D. perhaps
13 A. defeated B. denied C. decorated D. destroyed
14 A. made B. put C. pulled D. taken
15 A. even B. few C. still D. yet

Unless you’ve slept through the last decade, you know that protecting the en-
vironment is a (1) _______ But when it (2) _______ to beauty products, natural
doesn’t always equal pure and doesn’t (3) _______ mean better. Before rushing to
the register with your 100 percent green beauty gear, (4) _______ a few things.
According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the (5) _______
“natural” is used very (6) _______ in the cosmetics world; any company can (7)
_______ a product natural. (8) _______ natural products are made from plant-
based (as opposed to man-made) ingredients and do not (9) _______ artificial
dyes and fragrances. The advantage: plant-based ingredients are renewable (10)
_______ that are safer for the environment (11) _______ certain man-made or
natural, but highly processed ones (which can produce toxic (12) _______. during
the manufacturing process and be no biodegradable). The disadvantage, some
natural ingredients, like (13) _______ which help keep products germ-free, aren’t
as effective as their synthetic counterparts. Since natural ingredients haven’t been
(14) _______ as much as man-made ones, you shouldn’t assume they re gentler
(especially if you’re allergy-prone or have (15) _______ skin).
1. A. should B. can C. must D. may
2. A. arrives B. comes C. reaches D. refers
3. A. necessarily B. definitely C. obligatorily D. absolutely
4. A. study B. think ' C. consult D. consider
5. A. definition B. term C. phrase D. idea
6. A. freely B. liberately C. easily D. loosely
7. A. baptise B. name C. call D. entitle
8. A. Really B. Truthfully C. Exactly D. Truly
9. A. incorporate B. contain C. enclose D. involve
10. A. supplies B. sources C. essences D. resources
11. A. than B. from C. of D. to
12. A. garbage B. rubbish C. waste D. debris
13. A. conservatives B. preservatives C. medicines D. preserves
14. A. tested B. tried C. searched D. examined
15. A. delicate B. sensible C. sensitive D. sensational

As the twenty-first century approaches, it seems that more and more people are
leading increasingly hectic and stressful lives. This leaves little, if any time for (1)
_______ activities. All too often, it appears that any interest that we may have in
sporting activities will (2) _______ when our lifestyle becomes more stressful, but
many people (3) _______ to realise that a few hours put aside to enjoy a sport
each week can actually (4) _______ stress levels. Another (5) _______ that is
associated with (6) _______ a sport is a general improvement in health. This, in
turn, can lead to weight (7) _______, due to the fact that fat is (8) _______ when
our heartbeat (9) _______ above a certain level. However, as with everything,
there are certain drawbacks to taking (10) _______ in a sport, the main one being
that it can (11) _______ to serious injury. The main reasons for this are that we
have not taken the time to warm up properly or that we are not properly
supervised in suddenly taken up after not having participated in any form of (13)
_______ activity for a long period of time. Taking all this into account, sporting
activities can be extremely beneficial to our health provided they are (14)
_______ out with care and under correct supervision and are net (15) _______ to
an extreme.

1. A. free B. spare C. leisure D. blank

2. A. disappear B, leave C. free D. depart
3. A. overlook B. miss C. fail D. forget
4. A. remove B reduce C. shorten D. break down
5. A. help B. profit C. favour D. break
6. A. copying B. doing C. lost D. performing
7. A. removal B. damage C. lost D. loss
8. A. burnt B. vanished C. left D taken
9. A. arises R raises C. progresses D. rises
10. A. time B part C. place D. action
11. A. end up B. result C. lead D. give
12. A. strain B. exhaust C. sprain D. break
13 A worked B. natural C. physical D. stressful
14. A. worked B. carried C. done D run
15. A. dragged B. led C. forced D. taken

Last Summer, air pollution in Paris reached dangerous levels on six separate
occasions. As a result, the government have recently decided that public transport
in French cities will be (1) _______ on days when pollution becomes a (2)
______ to people’s health, in a(n) (3) _______ to encourage people to leave their
cars at home.
The Mayor of Paris said that he had several other ideas to reduce the pollution
problem, such as free parking on the (4) ________ of the city on hot, still days
when exhaust fumes tend to accumulate. He has also (5) _______ a $6 million
plan for 56 km of bicycle tracks, new pedestrianised (6) ________ and a new tram
(7) __________ for southern Paris. His most popular measure (8) _______
becoming mayor last May has been to (9) _______ traffic from several streets on
Every summer, air quality is at its (10) _______ in Paris during holiday
weekends, especially one weekend in July when the (11) _______ of the
population leave by car for their summer holidays. (12) _______ then improve for
the summer, but deteriorate again when most residents return at the end of August.
The free transport (13) _______ is part of the response to a new environmental
regulation which says that local authorities must guarantee (14) _______ air. If it
is (15) _______ seriously, locals can look forward to a cleaner Paris in the future.
1. A. open B. free C. off D. loose
2. A. risk B. terror C. threat D. damage
3. A. effort B. pursuit C. trial D. try
4. A. provinces B. areas C. suburbs D. outskirts
5. A. exclaimed B. announced C. stated D. put in
6. A. rails B. tracks C. crossings D. zones
7. A. lane B. line C. series D. path
8. A. since B. from C. as D. while
9. A. discharge B. expel C. restrict D. fan
10. A. top B, limits C. worst D. full
11. A. lots B. majority C, most D. plenty
12. A. Conditions B. Opportunities C. Occasions D. Situations
13. A. answer B. action C. measure D. move
14. A. saved B. secure C. new D. safe
15. A. taken B. thought C. held D. formed

House prices, like taxes, very rarely go down, so if you (1) _______ yourself
in a position where you need more living space, (2) _______ renovating. Many
families nowadays are finding that their homes are too (3) _______. Whether they
(4) _______ a second bathroom, more storage space or an extra bedroom, a lot of
people are (5) _______ to renovate their homes instead of buying something
The (6) _______ for this trend are, for the most part, financial. The cost of
buying a new home and the problems of moving house are enough to make
anybody think twice before deciding to relocate. Renovating allows you to stay in
your own neighbourhood and in your (7) _______ home while making it more
practical and comfortable to live in.
Although it is tempting to (8) _______ and do the renovations yourself, it is
always a good idea to (9) _______ a professional. There will be things you
haven’t thought about or just might not be aware of, such as supporting structures,
government zoning regulations, or how these renovations might affect any (10)
_______ changes you might want to make. A professional will also be able to help
you work within your budget and advise you (11) _______ insurance
Another advantage of renovating is that while the work is going on you can
upgrade your plumbing and electrical connections as (12) _______ as adding
insulation. It’s also a good time to (13) _______ air conditioning, central heating
or a home security system.
So, whether you want a “home office”, a “granny fiat” or just more storage
space, (14) _______ a good look around your house, the solution might be (15)
_______ you in the face.
1. A. realise B. notice C. commit D. find
2. A. think B. consider C. remember D. do
3. A. cramped B. spacious C. expensive D. cosy
4. A. have B. buy C. need D. use
5. A. thinking B. choosing C. wanting D. needing
6. A. findings B. meanings C. purposes D. reasons
7. A. own B. new C. real D. only
8. A. make B. attempt C. find D. try
9. A. rent B. hire C. buy D. borrow
10. A. past B. old C. future D. added
11. A. on B. to C. over D. for
12. A. long B. much C. well D. soon
13. A. input B. fix C. build D. install
14. A. take B. try C. do D. make
15. A. seeing B. staring C. punching D. falling

On 19 August 1939 in Piqua, Ohio, twin brothers were born to an unmarried
mother. They (1) _______ on to be adopted by different families and (2) _______
up not knowing of each other’s existence. Jess and Lucille Lewis of Lima, Ohio,
called their son James, (3) _______ that, 130 km away in Dayton, the other adop-
tive parents had also called their new son James. It was another 39 years before
James Lewis and James Springer were (4) _______ but the list of coincidences re-
garding those (5) _______ years is astonishing. Both had grown up with adoptive
brothers called Larry and owned dogs called Toy. At school, both excelled (6)
_______ mathematics but hated spelling. Both had (7) _______ on 4.5 kg (10 lb)
in their late teens (8) _______ no obvious reason before losing the weight later.
Both (9) _______ having headaches when they were eighteen which would begin
in the late afternoon and (10) _______ into migraines. Both had married women
called Linda, divorced them and (11) _______ remarried women named Betty.
One first son had been named James Alan, the other James Allan. Both men had
been part-time deputy sheriffs, (12) _______ by McDonald’s and worked as pump
attendants in petrol stations. Both liked stock car racing but hated baseball. Each
year, both twins had (13) _______ their families to the same small Florida holiday
(14) _______, driving there in the same (15) _______ of car and staying at hotels
on the same beach.
1. A. went B. depended C. came D. were
2. A. brought B. grew C. raised D. developed
3. A. unaware B. unknown C. unthinking D. unimportant
4. A. rejoined B. linked C. combined D. reunited
5. A. between B. missing C. interval D. disappearing
6. A. of B. for C. with D. at
7. A. taken B. put C. grown D. gone
8. A. without B. with C. being D. for
9. A. started B. used C. complained D. suffered
10. A. become B. keep C. develop D. continue
11. A. consequently B. subsequently C. therefore D. furthermore
12. A. employed B. worked C. staffed D. occupied
13. A. Travelled B. brought C. spent D. taken
14. A. recreation B. resort C. venue D. position
15. A. label B. name C. make D. badge

Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel was born in Saumur, Southern France and was (1)
_______ up in a French orphanage. She became an innovative dress designer (2)
_______ ruled over Parisian high fashion for almost six decades. At age 30 she
(3) _______ a tiny hat shop and quickly added sweaters, shirts and accessories.
Within five years her simple and comfortable designs attracted the (4) _______ of
influential wealthy women. Her style was a refreshing change (5) _______ the
confining and tight-fitting corsets and long dresses with petticoats of the time. She
(6) _______ jersey dresses, bell-bottom trousers, trench coats, turtleneck sweaters
and the classic “little black dress”. Costume jewellery as well as bobbed hair are
also credited (7) _______ Chanel. Traditional Chanel accessories include multiple
strands (8) _______ pearls and gold chains, quilted handbags and sling-back
pumps in ivory with black toes. At the (9) _______ of her career, Chanel (10)
_______ 3,500 people. The empire (11) _______ a fashion house, a textile
business, a costume jewellery workshop, and perfume laboratories where the
famous perfume Chanel No.5 was (12) _______. Chanel retired in 1938 but (13)
_______ in 1954 to introduce another classic, the cardigan suit. Today, Chanel
(14) _______ to be one of the most prestigious (15) _______ in the world of
fashion, fragrances, and cosmetics.
1. A. grown B. raised C. lived D. brought
2. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose
3. A. started B. began C. replaced D. opened
4. A. affection B. attention C. aid D. assistance
5. A. into B. from C. for I), with
6. A. introduced B. shaped C, formed D. announced
7. A. for B. by C. of D. to
8. A. of B. about C. for D. across
9. A. top B. head C. height D. point
10. A. employed B. worked C. used D. bossed
11. A. embraced B. included C. grouped D. surrounded
12. A. forged B. imagined C. revised D. created
13. A. returned B. reviewed C. restored D. replaced
14. A. persists B. continues C. maintains D. proceeds
15. A. types B. kinds C. names D. forms

Are whales more intelligent than human beings? Many people believe that
they are, and are fascinated by these enormous yet graceful creatures. In recent
years, whale watching has become extremely popular, as more and more people
want to experience the feeling that they are developing a(n) (1) _______ relation-
ship with whales.
Whale watching involves sailing out a long way from shore, often through
very (2) _______ waters. As a result, many whale watchers are too busy worrying
about their upset stomachs or trying not to fall overboard to actually look for
whales. Most of them (3) _______ on a guide to keep an (4) _______ out for the
flash of a fin or a glimpse of a tail to let them know when to look.
However, there will not always be whales to see, and even (5) _______ there
are, there is no (6) _______ that the whale watchers will notice them. Whales are
so (7) _______ home in the sea, and (8) _______ into the water so well that they
can be hard for people to (9) _______ even when one has been pointed (10)
_______ to them. A competent guide will usually be able to find at least one,
though, and it has to be said that a whale in its natural (11) _______ is a
wonderful sight.
The lucky whale watcher will be (12) _______ to a spectacular display of
water gymnastics, as occasionally, whales will (13) _______ into the air or wave
at their audience with their tails. They often spout jets of water high (14) _______
the air. These acts generally make whale watchers feel as though their trip has
been (15) _______ and has brought them closer to understanding these huge,
strange mammals.
1, A. private B. personal C. own D. individual
2. A. rough B. uneven C. jagged D. coarse
3. A. trust B. assume C. rely D. believe
4. A. ear B. eye C. arm D. elbow
5. A. whether B. though C. as D. if
6. A. promise B. agreement C. guarantee D. contract
7. A. at B. to C. with D. in
8. A. mix B. join C. combine D. blend
9. A. watch B. look C. spot D. glance
10. A. out B. to C. in D. for
11. A. home B. habitat C. place D. location
12. A, given B. entertained C. shown D. treated
13. A. fall B. swim C. jump D, climb
14. A. through B. across C. up D. into
15. A. worthwhile B. useful C. wasted D. sensible

Curry, nowadays, is becoming known as a traditional English food. In fact, it is
(1) _______ easier to find an Indian restaurant than a fish and chip shop in most
large cities and towns in the UK. The reasons are obvious, curries are tasty,
whereas traditional English food (2) _______ sometimes be quite bland. What
few people know, (3) _______, is that most of the herbs and spices used to make
curry have medical properties.
Garlic and onions have been used (4) _______ thousands of years to help
lower cholesterol and blood pressure and treat infections. Turmeric acid aids
digestion, acts as an antiseptic and supposedly has anti-cancer properties.
Coriander, used (5) _______ the ancient Greeks and Egyptians to flavour wine, is
known to ease migraine headaches.
Ginger is (6) _______ known for its ability to suppress nausea and reduce fe-
ver. When used topically it also acts as an effective (7) _______. Chilli is also
famous as a topical pain reliever as well as being able to stop bleeding (8)
_______ applied to a cut. It also helps the body produce endorphins which cause
feelings of pleasure. Cloves are useful for preserving food and they are also a(n)
(9) _______ ingredient in topical pain relievers used by dentists.
But, be warned, before you go rushing to your spice rack to (10) _______ your
aches and pains make sure that you (11) _______ what you are doing. Most of
these spices can have a (12) _______ effect if you use too much. It is also (13)
_______ to find out what form they should be in. For example, cutting a raw chilli
pepper and rubbing it into an open (14) _______ could be (15) _______ as well as
1. A. quite B. often C. very D. seldom
2. A. is B. would C. can D. could
3. A. however B. fortunately C. nevertheless D. so
4. A. during B. in C. since D. for
5. A. with B. by C. for D. from
8. A. much B. highly C. well D. very
7. A. painkiller B. stopper C. reducer D. destroyer
8. A. while B. whether 0. as D. when
9. A. first B. main C. usual D. important
10. A. cure B. fix C. solve D. mend
11. A. think B. consider C. know D. learn
12. A. positive B. unknown C. minimal D. negative
13. A. needed B. important C. advised D. significant
14. A. injury B. hurt C. wound D. sprain
15. A. hurtful B. painful C. helpful D. awful

Going abroad has never been easier. Today, thanks to the UK’s Pet Travel
Scheme (PETS), you can safely and easily take your pet with you when you travel
to many European countries and to a number of long haul destinations (1)
_______ Australia and New Zealand. First of all, your pet needs to have a micro-
chip (2) _______. This means that a small microchip, about the (3) _______ of a
grain of rice, is inserted (4) _______ the loose skin (5) _______ the back of the
neck. The microchip has a special code on it which is (6) _______ to each animal
and is used for identification (7) _______, Information about the animal such as
name, age, breed and vaccination details, along (8) _______ details about the
owner, are (9) _______ on a central computer. The next step is to have your pet
vaccinated (10) _______ rabies. Then after a follow-up blood (11) _______ a
PETS Certificate or passport will be issued and your pet can set off with you. Of
course, this new convenience doesn’t come cheap, with the (12) _______ cost of
the procedure amounting to £200.
(13) _______, when compared to the old way, a quarantine (14) ______ of six
months at a cost of £2,000, it is certainly a (15) _______ in the right direction.
1. A. counting B. together C. plus D. including
2. A. installed B. fitted C. built-in D. fixed
3. A. amount B. largeness C. range D. size
4. A. to B. into C. beside D. by
5. A. in B. by C. at D. on
6. A. individual B. unique C. only D. same
7. A. reasons B. intentions C. purposes D. functions
8, A. with B. to C. by D. for
9. A. reserved B. deposited C. stored D. collected
10. A. against B. to C. for D. through
11. A. examination B. test C. research D. investigation
12. A. total B. sum C. added D. complete
13. A. Whereas B. Despite C. However D. Even though
14. A. time B. period C. stage D. stretch
15. A. pace B. stride C. step D. walk

What do live frogs, underwear, poached eggs and cappuccino all have in com-
mon? The answer is they are all items taken (1) _______ a very long list of
objects that can be bought from vending machines. Most of us are familiar (2)
_______ more traditional machines that sell soft drinks, chocolate bars or stamps,
but believe it or not, there aren’t too many items you can’t (3) _______ in vending
Vending machines used to be a lot more popular (4) _______ Sunday
shopping, 24 hr convenience stores and fast food restaurants entered our (5)
_______. There were even machines in the 1950’s that sold bread, eggs and other
staple food items. (6) _______, in Japan, vending machines are still as popular (7)
_______ ever. They even have fully automated convenience stores where
customers come in, write (8) _______ the code numbers of the products they want
and punch them (9) _______ a computer at the front of the store. A robotic
“bucket” then collects all the items you want and puts them into bags for you!
In Europe and the US, cooked food vending machines (10) _______ to be
quite common, The “fry on the spot” chip machine, micro hamburgers and pizza
dispensers were particularly (11) _______ with university students and in amuse-
ment arcades.
Today, we still find vending machines in bus and train (12) _______ and in ho-
tel and hospital lobbies, but unfortunately, usually due (13) _______ technical dif-
ficulties, anything more complicated (14) _______ a soft drink in a can or a
packet of biscuits is usually a bit (15) _______ a disappointment.
1. A. up B. through C. from D. out
2. A. to B. in C. as D. with
3. A. find B. search C. view D. ask
4. A. when B. after C. before D. while
5. A. homes B. lives C. kitchens D. lifestyles
6. A. Despite B. Whereas C. Even D. However
7. A. than B. as C. for D. how
8. A. over B. up C. in D. down
9. A. into B. with C. through D. by
10. A. would B. used C. use D. were
11. A. favourite B. approved C. liked D. popular
12. A. stations B. stops C. places D. routes
13. A. of B. by C. to D. for
14. A. as B. than C. like D. except
15. A. for B. more C. of D. like

Bananas have become Britain’s most popular fruit. It is hardly surprising since
this bright yellow tropical fruit has so much to (1) _______. It tastes sweet and
delicious, it is (2) _______ with vitamins and minerals and is very (3) _______ to
digest. Bananas also contain a mixture of three different sugars combined (4)
_______ fibre, which gives your system an instant burst (5) _______ energy.
They are enjoyed by many world class athletes, who use them to (6) _______
their energy levels up during competitions, (7) _______ fact, they are often taken
onto Centre Court for a mid-game snack by leading tennis stars or eaten at half-
time (8) _______ famous footballers. Even golfers carry them around to eat
during their game. Bananas (9) _______ make a great breakfast or snack for
students as they are (10) _______ in potassium, vital for improving concentration.
What’s more, it’s not only humans who (11) _______ enjoy the benefits. Horse
trainers use bananas to boost the (12) _______ of their four-legged athletes. As
you can see, bananas (13) _______ for everyone. We can all increase our daily
vitality with the help of this unique fruit. Simply slicing a banana on (14)
_______ of our breakfast cereal, eating one with our lunch or just snacking on one
(15) _______ the day can help us keep our energy levels high.
1. A. give B. take C. offer D. bring
2. A. top B. complete C. full D. packed
3. A. simple B. easy C. comfortable D. gentle
4. A. to B. of C. by D. with
5. A. with B. in C. of D. out
6. A. keep B. take C. catch D. match
7. A. To B. In C. For D. On
8. A. by B. with C. for D. as
9. A. however B. also C. besides D. though
10. A. wealthy B. full C. rich D. healthy
11. A. might B. would C. must D. can
12. A. performance B. competition C. effect D. challenge
13. A. do B. are C. help D. make
14. A. through B. over C. cover D. top
15. A. during B. after C. while D. before

For some people flying is a terrifying experience. Surely, even those of us who
quite enjoy this form (1) _______ travel could never be convinced to jump out of
an aeroplane 10,000 feet above the ground. However, this is what thousands of
skydivers choose to do every day, and what’s more, some of them claim that eve-
ryone should (2) _______ it a try.
So do you (3) _______ rushing towards the ground at over one hundred and
fifty kms an hour while relying on a square piece of cloth to (4) _______ you
back down to Earth safely?
If (5) _______, you have two options for your first jump. The first is to make a
tandem jump, where you will be strapped (6) _______ an instructor and the two
of you will make the jump together. However, the second option is usually (7)
_______ if you are serious about taking (8) _______ the sport. Here you will go
to ground school, (9) _______ you will learn how to safely get in and out of the
plane, how to pack a parachute and how to steer it. Then your first jump will
usually be a static line jump. You jump (10) _______ your own but your
parachute opens automatically after a couple of seconds. Those might seem like
the longest and scariest seconds of your life, (11) _______ the enthusiasts say it is
all worth it for the incredible feeling you get when you see that parachute open up
above you, and the even (12) _______ amazing feeling of achievement that you
get when you arrive safely back (13) _______ solid ground. It’s true that for most
people one jump is never enough and before (14) _______ you won’t think there
is anything strange about spending all your spare money and free weekends
paying to (15) _______ the chance to jump just one more time.
1. A. of B. for C. to D. by
2. A, make B. go C. have D. give
3. A. fancy B, expect C. want D. think
4, A. put B. bring C. turn D. give
5.. A. only B. not C. so D. this
6. A. up B. by C. with D. to
7. A. advised B. wanted C. recommended D. expected
8. A. along B. down C. off D. up
9. A. while B. after C. where D. before
10. A. by B, on C. for D. to
11. A, but B. furthermore C. besides D. despite
12. A. bigger B. better C. though D. more
13. A. at B. to C. on D. in
14. A, long B. many C. much D. far
15, A. do B. have C. make D. give

If you ever notice that the skies are dark and greenish and the rain is blowing
sideways past your front window, then you (1) _______ better be careful. It could
mean that a tornado is heading your (2) _______. The first sign that a tornado is
coming is the formation (3) _______ a thunderstorm. In the beginning there’s an
eerie stillness as the pressure is sucked away. The air is still and calm and no bird
or insect sounds (4) _______ be heard. Cumulonimbus clouds build in towers, (5)
_______ as supercells, and the normal afternoon thunder showers begin to take
(6) _______ an incredible energy. If you watch the horizon you’ll see a revolving
column of clouds, called a funnel, heading (7) _______ the earth. When it con-
nects (8) the ground, the heat feeds the centre (9) _______ the funnel and a
tornado is born. The safest place (10) _______ you to be is underground or in an
open ditch. Tornadoes destroy everything (11) _______ their path and have the
power to (12) _______ up people, trees, bridges, cars and even houses. The
scariest thing about tornadoes is that you have minutes, not hours to react. We
now have warning times of up (13) _______ twenty minutes (14) _______ to
better radar detectors. With older methods of reporting tornadoes, we were lucky
to have two minutes to (15) _______ cover.
1. A. need B. would C. did D. had
2. A. direction B. route C. way D. path
3. A. of B. by C. with D. for
4. A. must B. can C. could D. might
5. A. known B. named C. called D. reported
6. A. up B. on C. in D. off
7. A. away B. up C. across D. towards
8. A. by B. for C. with D. across
9. A. of B, to C. in D. up
10. A. of B. for C. at ' D. to
11. A. up B. through C. in D. across
12. A. make B. turn C. take D. pick
13. A. against B. for C. to D. at
14. A. because B. as C. since D. due
15. A. make B. take C. hide D. draw

James Cook, the famous captain, explorer and navigator, was born in Mar ton,
a Yorkshire village, on October 27, 1728. His father was a poor farm labourer who
worked. (1) _______ to feed and clothe his seven children. Young James (2)
_______ school until he was twelve and it was there that he developed his (3)
_______ of mathematics. (4) _______, the time soon came for the boy to (5)
_______ his living. He left school and followed (6) _______ his father’s footsteps
until he found (7) _______ on a coal ship at the age of 18.
Cook was ambitious and loved the sea and so in 1755 he joined the navy as a
sailor. Soon he (8) _______ promoted to Master’s Mate because of his extraordi-
nary ability as a seaman. Four years later, in command of his own ship he (9)
_______ sail for North America. Cook’s genius in maths helped him to chart the
channel of the St Lawrence River with (10) _______ accuracy that his maps were
(11) _______ being used up until the twentieth century.
During his many (12) _______, Cook discovered the east coast of Australia
and explored the coasts of Canada, North America and New Zealand. Moreover,
Cook and his (13) _______ were the first men to sail (14) _______ the Antarctic.
To add to his list of amazing accomplishments, Cook also established a regimen
for healthy eating and living for his sailors that set an example for future seamen,
James Cook’s life was cut short in 1779, in Hawaii, (15) _______ he was fatally
wounded during a quarrel. He was fifty-one years old.
1. A. hard B. hardly C. heavily D. strong
2, A. followed B. went C. attended D. took
3. A. friendship B. love C. warmth D. adoration
4. A. Furthermore B. Moreover C. Still D. However
5. A. win B. gain C. earn D. go after
6. A. on B. in C. after D. at
7. A. job B. occupation C. work D. profession
8. A. was B. had been C. is D. was being
9. A. put B. set C. left D. made
10. A. so B. much C. great D. such
11. A. still B. yet C. although D. even
12. A. rides B. voyages C. cruises D. drives
13. A. gang B. staff C. team D. crew
14. A. around B. beyond C. underneath D. over
15. A. until B. while C. when D. as soon as

In Great Britain and other developed countries, including the United States,
many early deaths are related to lifestyle. A (1) _______ of these deaths could be
(2) _______ if people could be persuaded to exercise (3) _______ and eat healthy,
nutritious food. There are also other factors which when (4) _______, have an im-
pact on our health. In (5) _______ to maintain optimal health, there must be a
balance of physical and mental health. Emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual
health are at least as (6) _______ as physical well being and fitness.
More than half the population of Britain and the United States is (7)
_______.The popularity of pizza and other “fast foods” has allowed these
products to become a major (8) _______ of the food industry. In Britain more
than 600 million pounds a year is (9) _______ on pizzas from supermarkets. At
the same time, spending on meat, dairy products and eggs has declined although
more fruit and vegetables are being (10) _______. The (11) _______ nowadays
seems to be snacking and eating in front of the television; now a dominant part of
our lifestyle.
Despite all this inactivity however, there has been a surge of (12) _______ in
keeping fit, and fitness and health has become a multi-billion pound industry.
People are concerned about the (13) _______ they eat and are particularly
concerned about the (14) _______ of pesticides. Public awareness of health issues
is high but even so, the number of overweight people in developed countries con-
tinues to rise. This is because our environment and lifestyle make us less active.
The old adage that “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy
and wise” is as (15) _______ today as it was in the past.
1. A. lot B. many C. much D. bunch
2. A, barred B. prevented C. banned D. stopped
3. A, extra B. further C. added D. more
4. A. combined B. shared C. pooled. D. joint
5. A. tell B. instruct C. order D. command
6. A. important B. key C. main D. central
7. A: plump B, heavy C. overweight D flabby
8. A. branch B. part C. fraction D. piece
9. A. used up B. tired C. worn-out D. spent
10. A. scoffed B. munched C, eaten D. devoured
11. A. trait B. drift C. fashion D. trend
12. A. attention B. concern C. interest D. curiosity
13. A. grub B. fare C. rations D. food
14 A. employ B. use C. exploit D. apply
15 A. true B. real C. proper D. exact

The quality of the air we (1) _______ is important because it affects our health
and the length of our lives. Air pollution is a big (2) _______ in many of our cities
and a (3) _______ of this is caused by motor vehicles. There are six main pollut-
ants in the (4) _______ and four of these are (5) _______ in large quantities by
motor engines. The gases that are (6) _______ into the air are affected by sunlight
and turned into ozone at ground level. Unlike the ozone that is high in the at-
mosphere and protects us from radiation, the ozone on the ground is a health (7)
Many countries have (8) _______ the level of lead pollution by banning the
use of the metal in (9) _______, In other countries, its (10) _______ is very
strictly controlled. We have to (11) _______ or get rid of the three other harmful
gases produced by the 630 million vehicles worldwide - a(n) (12) _______ that is
likely to double in the next twenty to thirty years.
Concern about the environment has led to the invention of a(n) (13) _______
known as “the three way catalytic converter”, so-called because of the three poi-
sonous gases it (14) _______ to reduce. More efficient engines reduce the forma-
tion of these gases and the converter reduces them still further. Harmful gases in
engine exhausts are burned up by passing them over a metal catalyst which (15)
_______ up the reaction. The catalyst is rather expensive, but what price do we
put on good health?
1. A. inhale B. breathe C. breath D. respire
2. A. problem B. trouble C. difficulty D. crisis
3. A. much B. many C. lot D. bunch
4. A. environment B. surroundings C. mood D. atmosphere
5. A. shaped B. fashioned C. produced D. made
6. A. unconfined B. delivered C. liberated D. released
7. A. peril B. risk C. exposure D. danger
8. A. hacked B. chopped C. cut D. sliced
9. A. petrol B. coal C. grease D. energy
10. A. exploit B. employ C. apply D. use
11. A. reduce B. shrink C. condense D. ease
12. A. form B. shape C. figure D. amount
13. A. appliance B. device C. tool D. apparatus
14. A, assists B. facilitates C. aids D. helps
15. A. speeds B. rates C. paces D. accelerates

Much of the pre-prepared food we eat today contains additives of one (1)
_______ or another. (2) _______ of these additives are harmless, some are not so
harmless and some are even (3) _______. In Europe, permitted additives are given
a number which is prefixed by an “E”. Additives are used by food processing
manufacturers to improve taste, thicken or preserve the food. (4) _______ are also
used to make the food look more inviting. Even (5) _______ food from the
greengrocer may contain residues of pesticides and other chemicals.
It is often argued that adding chemicals to food somehow makes our diet less
wholesome than it was in the past, before the effect of such additives was discov-
ered. Is this really (6) _______? In 1872 a pioneer in investigating adulterated
food, Dr Hassal, (7) _______ that a variety of (8) _______ chemicals and
contaminates were to be found in (9) _______ foodstuffs. He found, among other
things, alum and chalk added to bread, and copper and lead added to other foods,
to give colour. Even poisons such as strychnine were used. Foods consumed by
the well off, such as ice cream, were (10) _______ as bad and were often
contaminated with foreign material.
E-numbered chemicals (11) _______ as food additives have to be listed on the
labels of processed food, so at (12) _______ the consumer has a choice nowadays
whether to (13) _______ the product or not. The Victorians had no such choice
and the poor, especially, suffered. Many of the poisons (14) _______ up in their
bodies, causing chronic gastric irritation, food poisoning or death. In 1862, it was
estimated that one fifth of all meat in England and Wales came from animals that
had died of disease. E-numbered chemicals have received (15) _______ of pub-
licity, most of it bad. The fact is, though, without them the freshness, colour and
flavour of our food would suffer.
1. A. class B. division C. thing D. sort
2. A. Few B. Some C. Various D. Little
3. A. dangerous B. threatening C. unsafe D. risky
4. A. Tints B. Colourings C. Shades D. Paints
5. A, fresh B. new C. natural D. pure
6. A. truthful B. true C. exact D. proper
7. A. explored B. invented C. discovered D. tested
8. A. toxic B. deathly C. poisoned D. venomous
9. A. frequent B. general C. usual D. common
10. A. only B. about C. just D. quite
11. A. used B. made C. put D. applied
12. A. first B. once C. most D. least
13. A. have B. obtain C. buy D. take
14. A. made B. built C. set D. put
15. A. more B. much C. a lot D. a few

All governments have secrets that they would rather not reveal. Obviously, this
is vital if a state of emergency exists. Information that would be useful to a(n) (1)
_______ has to be kept out of the media, it is also the duty of governments to (2)
_______ the citizens of their countries. Children need to be (3) _______ from
obscene or violent material in films and on TV. There are some people who would
(4) _______, however, that no grown-up has the (5) _______ to tell another
grown-up what he or she can read or watch.
(6) _______ countries do not allow violent or offensive material to be shown
on TV until (7) _______ at night. There is a special sign at the (8) _______ of
films, which indicates whether they are suitable or not for (9) _______ children.
Other films or dramas start with a warning that they may be suitable for older
children (10) _______. This gives parents a choice of whether to allow their
children to watch them or not. Films (11) _______ in cinemas may contain violent
or offensive scenes, in which case children under a certain (12) _______ are not
allowed in.
Great Britain protects its state secrets by means of an Act of Parliament - The
Official Secrets Act. A non-government body known as The British Board of Film
Classification (BBFC) closely controls all films shown in cinemas, on TV, or
videos for home use. This was (13) _______ up in 1912 by the film industry
itself. The films and videos are examined and rated by the board as to what age
(14) _______ they are suitable for. In some (15) _______ they may decide to ban
a film or video altogether, especially if it contains scenes that may be offensive to
1. A. enemy B. rival C. opponent D. foe
2. A. preserve B. secure C. defend D. support
3. A. hidden B. sheltered C. secluded D. confined
4. A. disagree B. bicker C. dispute D. argue
5. A. correct B. true C. right D. exact
6. A. Most B. Generally C. Largely D. Mainly
7. A. behind B. late C. past D. after
8. A. beginning B. foundation C. creation D. launch
9. A. childish B. juvenile C. young D. new
10. A. merely B. simply C. just D only
11. A. exposed B. shown . C. revealed D. displayed
12. A. era B. time C. period D. age
13. A. firm B. put C. set D. place
14. A. bunch B. collection C. cluster D. group
15. A. cases B. definitions C. examples D. incidents

Desert Hot Springs is a city near Palm Springs in California. It is situated on a
part of the famous San Andreas Fault line and is the (1) _______ of the natural hot
springs which (2) _______ the city its name and its water. The water is famous for
its therapeutic (3) _______ and some people have gone so (4) _______ as to call
it “The Miracle Waters”. There are over forty health spas in the city which offer a
variety of health and beauty therapies. The water originates (5) _______ the ice
caps of the surrounding mountains. It travels slowly down the mountain (6)
_______ miles of sand and rock and along the way it becomes (7) _______ with
minerals. The water that passes over the fault line is heated and is (8) _______ to
treat many ailments including arthritis and to (9) _______ aching muscles. It is
also believed to be very (10) _______ for the skin. The water that passes through
the Mission Creek Sub-basin, south of the fault, is cold and is used as the city’s
drinking water. This water has (11) _______ many awards for its great taste and is
(12) _______ to be the best untreated drinking water in the country. Desert Hot
Springs is (13) _______ because it has both naturally hot and cold waters. (14)
_______ of this, the city has created an educational facility called Hot Springs
Park that offers people the chance to see (15) _______ hand how the city receives
its water.
1. A. start B. foundation C. basis D. source
2. A. supply B. bring C. give D. provide
3. A. profits B, properties C. pros D. benefits
4. A. far B. much C. long D. that
5. A. of B. from C. to D. for
6. A. under B. between C. along D. through
7. A. filled B, thick C. enriched D. full
8. A. operated B. applied C. used D. helped
9. A. reduce B. ease C. relax D. comfort
10. A. positive B. well C. perfect D. good
11. A. won B. earned C. gained D. given
12. A. understood B. told C. said D. stated
13. A. unique B. only C. solo D. alone
14. A. Due B. Despite C. Since D. Because
15. A. own B. first C. one D. lead
Looking for an unforgettable way to celebrate that special occasion? Well, the
(1) _______ options open to today’s-youngster - or even “oldster” for that matter,
is a far cry from the traditional party or restaurant visit. No longer is it (2)
_______ sufficient to invite your friends round, buy some food and (3) _______ a
baker to produce a cake. No, today’s birthday boy or girl is looking for something
out of the ordinary, ranging from the (4) _______ expensive to the downright
dangerous. Anything (5) _______, as long as it is unusual and impressive.
Top of this year s popular (6) _______ are as follows: taking some friends rally
driving, helicopter lessons, plane trip and parachuting and hot air ballooning.
Then, there is (7)_______ group bungee jumping or taking your buddies on a
stomach-churning, white water rafting (8) _______ down rapids.
The desire for adventurous celebration is not restricted to the (9) _______. I
recently met an octogenarian who celebrated (10) _______ the milestone of
eighty by having a flying lesson.
Of course, if you have the money the world is your oyster. A well-heeled
relation of mine flew fifty of his friends to a Caribbean island to (11) _______ the
passing of his half century. Unfortunately I was only a (12) _______ relation.
Undoubtedly, the more traditional forms of celebration do continue to (13)
_______ the less extravagant or less adventurous among us. However, with my
own half century (14) _______ on the horizon 1 would not say no to a weekend in
Paris and a meal at the Eiffel Tower. I can (15) _______ dream. Perhaps by the
time I’m eighty I’ll be able to afford it.
1. A. scale . B, degree C. variance D. range
2. A. hoped B. considered C. marked D. decided
3. A. make B. want C. let D. get
4. A. perfectly B. dearly C. outrageously D. explicitly
5. A. comes B. goes C. wins D. takes
6. A. extravagances B. experiments C. exposures D. expenses
7. A. ever B. instead C. more D. always
8. A. ride B. voyage C. travel D. crossing
9. A. adolescents B. teenagers C. young D. youth
10. A. attaining B. reaching C. getting D. arriving
11. A. signal B. spot C. mark D. register
12. A. distant B. remote C. faraway D. slight
13. A. distract B, satisfy C. absorb D. pacify
14. A. appearing B. showing C. darkening D. looming
15. A. but B. anyway C. nevertheless D. however

One of the strongest influences on children today is that of their peers. What
their classmates think, how they dress and how they act in class and out of it (1)
_______ the behaviour of nearly every child at school. In their (2) _______ not to
be different, some children go so (3) _______ as to hide their intelligence and
ability in case they are made (4) _______ of. Generally, children do not want to
stand out from the (5) _______. They want to (6) _______ in, to be accepted. In
psychological (7) _______ the importance of peer pressure cannot be
overemphasised. There is a lot of evidence that it has great (8) _______ on all
aspects of children’s lives, from the clothes they wear, the music they listen to and
their (9) _______ to study to their ambitions in life, their relationships and their
(10) _______ of self-worth. However, as children grow up into adolescents,
individuality becomes more acceptable. (11) _______ even, and in their (12)
_______ for their own personal style, the teenager and young adult will begin to
experiment and be more willing to (13) _______ the risk of rejection by the
group. Concern about intellectual prowess and (14) _______ good exam results
can dominate as the atmosphere of competition develops and worries about the
future (15) _______ any fears of appearing too brainy.
1. A. vary B. result C. impress D. affect
2. A. efforts B. steps C. measures D. actions
3. A. long B. distant C. much D. far
4. A. joke B. fun C. laugh D. ridicule
5. A. party B. band C. circle D. crowd
6. A. set B. fit C. get D. fall
7. A. points B. words C. terms D. means
8. A. bearing B. running C. meaning D. standing
9. A. opinion B. view C. attitude D. consideration
10. A. sense B. reaction C. impression D awareness
11. A. bearable B. desirable C. tolerable D. likeable
12. A. search B. chase C. course D. hunt
13. A. carry B. bring C. run D. cope
14. A. succeeding B. achieving C. earning D. winning
15. A. overthrow B. overflow C. override D. overbalance

Mission Statement
We believe that animals have value beyond economic measurement, and are
(1) _______ to legal, moral and ethical consideration and protection. Our mission
is to act as an advocate on (2) _______ of animals and as a (3) _______ of their
rights; to provide for the well-being of the animals that are abandoned, injured,
_______ to unfair or cruel treatment, or otherwise in (5) _______; to cultivate in
the people of our community consideration for the animals whose world we share;
and to (6) _______ respect for all living (7) _______
How YOU can help
Many of our programmes and services are (8) _______ by our volunteers. If
you love animals and enjoy working with them, WE NEED YOU!
Volunteers work with the Fund Development Department on programmes and
special events to (9) _______ money to support our (10) _______ for animals.
Mobile Adoption
Through our Mobile Adoption Programme, volunteers help take animals to
public sites throughout the community, (11) _______ for the animals on site and
help screen potential adopters to (12) _______ that our pets are placed in caring
and loving homes.
Pets For People
Volunteers assist (13) _______ citizens with choosing and adopting new com-
panion pets.
Special Assignments
There are often (14) _______ term assignments that volunteers can help us with,
such as research (15) _______ clerical assistance, graphic design work, etc
1. A. permitted B. allowed C. entitled D. deserved
2. A. side B. aid C. part D. behalf
3. A. defender B. fighter C. keeper D. rescuer
4. A. placed B. suffered C. subjected D. endured
5. A. essence B. need C. necessity D. want
6. A. infuse B. introduce C. campaign D. promote
7. A. objects B. things C. souls D. bodies
8. A. done B. given C. made D. run
9. A. raise B. build up C. collect D. gather
10. A. tries B. efforts C. attempts D. challenges
11. A. look B. treat C. guard D. care
12. A. ensure B. insure C. assure D. indicate
13. A. old B. pensioner C, senior D. major
14. A. instant B. short C. limited D. immediate
15. A. jobs B. tasks € projects D. duties

When your manager tells you they are pleased with your work, the least you
can expect is a(n) (1) _______ reference when you leave. That, at any (2)
_______ is what Wayne Taft thought when he applied for a job as an occupational
care worker.
Imagine his surprise (3) _______, when he opened a letter that said “Sorry, we
can’t (4) _______ you because of your job reference.”
“It was very upsetting,” he says. “ was shocked at how cruel people can be My
reference should have been (5) _______. “ Mr Taft, who is unemployed, is still (6)
_______ the consequences of his (7) _______ employer, another home care pro-
vider, (8) _______ to supply a positive, or even neutral reference. “I was looking
(9) _______ to a new job and now I’m on the (10) _______.”
After he received the (11) _______ letter he resigned himself to pursuing jobs
using another past employer as a reference. He was never told why the reference
was bad, and in the two months since it happened has felt (12) _______ But this
week he’ discovered that under the Data Protection Act, he has the right to request
(13) _______ to the reference from the organisation who received it.
Mr Taft says he intends to (14) _______ the employer that turned him down
and demand to see the reference. “I’m so angry, I need to find out what happened
and (15) _______ it right,” he adds.
1. A. beneficial B. straight C. decent D. moral
2. A. pace B. way C. step D. rate
3. A. namely B. then C. really D. although
4. A. review B. regard C. judge D. consider
5. A. shining B. gleaming C. glowing D. glistening
6. A. suffering B. taking C. getting , D. having
7. A. present B. former C. would be D. so called
8. A. refusing B. avoiding C. protesting D. disliking
9. A. away B. forward C. aside D. front
10. A. leisure B. queue C, dole D. home
11. A. dismissal B. refusal C. denial D. rejection
12. A. powerless B. accidental C. unfavourable D. unrelated
13. A. admittance B. access C. entry D. permission
14. A. struggle B. disagree C. dare D. confront
15. A. put B. get C. place D. fix

In a competition for prospective models, four thousand girls between the ages
of 16 and 24 were auditioned by a (1) _______ of three judges from (2) _______
model agency Premier Model Management. Twenty-two were asked to return for
a more (3) _______ vetting process. This involved catwalk training, being (4)
_______ without make-up and a personal interview. A further workshop week fol-
lowed^ involving make-overs, hair-styling and more catwalk training, after which
the girls were (5) _______ whittled down to five.
The finalists will now (6) _______ three months of intensive training. Cameras
will (7) _______ them around constantly, capturing the daily (8) _______ of
castings, shoots and lessons from industry professionals. Also in (9) _______ for
them are exhausting workouts at the gym, plus appointments with hairdressers,
nutritionists, beauticians and specialist skin clinics. .
Despite its (10) _______ image, the modelling world is (11) _______ and the
finalists will certainly he (12) _______ through their paces. But. though their lives
may be all (13) _______ tit and carrot juice, the prize at the end is glittering – a
year’s modelling (14) _______ with Premier Model Management, an overseas
photo shoot for the (15) _______ of Cosmopolitan magazine, and the chance to
model on the catwalk at London Fashion Week.
1. A. panel B. council C. meeting D. range
2. A. peak B. great C. high D. top
3. A. rigorous B. exact C. solid D. stable
4. A. charged B. assessed C. investigated D. noted
5. A. shortly B. lastly C. finally D. completely
6. A. overcome B. outlast C. uphold D. undergo
7. A. pursue B. follow C. hunt D. take
8. A. labour B. attempt C. duty D. grind
9. A. stock B. view C. store D. supply
10. A. shining B. glamorous C. gorgeous D. picturesque
11. A. tough B. stiff C. firm D. sticky
12. A. thrown B. shown C. pushed D. put
13. A. maintain B. hold C. keep D. catch
14. A. contract B. promotion C. treaty D. settlement
15. A. lid B. cover C. jacket D. sleeve

When adults praise a child for trying, despite unacceptable work, they teach
that (1) _______ is more important than results. I once took (2) _______ a class in
the middle of a term from a teacher who was a (3) _______ marker. After I had
returned a batch of marked papers, one boy complained (4) _______ receiving a
‘C. I’m (5) _______ to getting ‘A’s’” he said. When I explained that his essay was
badly (6) _______, he asked: “What about the pictures? Our other teacher gave
extra (7) _______ for effort.”
Real life seldom (8) _______ those who try but don’t get results. And it’s a
rare boss who tolerates an employee who insists that he (9) _______ his best.
Unmerited praise may keep children from (10) _______ their own true
capabilities. Years ago, my best friend was a naturally (11) _______ musician.
Her family saw every effort as “brilliant” but she hated practising and often did
badly at recitals. After one particularly embarrassing performance, her mother
said, “You were wonderful, but that piano needs tuning and the audience was so
noisy, it’s no (12) _______ you forgot the second movement.” Had this girl (13)
_______ criticism, she might have realised her dreams of a concert career. As it
was, her playing got gradually worse, she lost (14) _______ and eventually (15)
_______ out of music school.
1. A. try B. effort C. trial D. attempt.
2, A. up B. out C. over D. down
3. A. light B. generous C. giving D. tender
4. A. by B. for C. with D. about
5. A. used B. familiar C. adapted D. keen
6. A. expressed B. organised C. made D. fixed
7. A. marks B. grades C. notes D. scores
8. A. awards B. merits C. rewards D. grants
9. A. made B. went C. put D. did
10. A. gaining B. succeeding C. realising D. meeting
11. A. worthy B. gifted C. capable D. deserved
12. A. doubt B. shame C. joke D. wonder
13. A. explained B. offered C. received D. given
14. A. interest B. energy C. motive D. attention
15. A. fell B. went C. passed D. dropped

People who frequently wake up in the middle of the night and are unable to (1)
_______ a trip to the fridge may in fact be suffering from a (2) _______ medical
complaint, say scientists. They have (3) _______ biochemical differences in
people who cannot (4) ________ the urge to eat during the hours (5) _______
most of us are asleep. Night Eating Syndrome, as it is called, is not a new
phenomenon. In the 1950s, doctors found that (6) _______ one and two percent of
people admitted to regularly raiding their fridges at night. The new findings (7)
_______ existing evidence that the syndrome is a (8) _______ eating disorder.
Symptoms include (9) _______ no appetite for breakfast and eating more than
(10) _______ of the day’s total food intake after 7pm. Sufferers are prone to stress
and have a (11) _______ to crave foods which are (12) _______ in carbohydrates,
such as cakes and crisps, (13) _______ though these are the (14) _______
nourishing. As a result, many of them are overweight. According to doctors, there
is a difference in the way that the bodies of people with Night Eating Syndrome
(15) _______ to certain hormones connected with controlling stress.
1. A. avoid B. resist C. stop D. delay
2. A. legal B. true C. genuine D. sincere
3. A. invented B. discovered C. produced D. explored
4. A. command B. guide G. control D. rule
5. A. when B. which C. while D. where
6. A. about B. roughly C. around D. between
7. A. help B. support C. aid D. assist
8. A. serious B. sensible C. strong D. strict
9. A. keeping B. holding C. having D. owning
10. A. some B. most C. part D. half
11. A. tendency B. trend C. fashion D. habit
12. A. plenty B. much C. lot D. high
13. A. even B. yet C. despite D. since
14. A. few B. least C. less D. little
15. A. defend B. reply C. react D. return

From the moment we are born, we start learning about the world (1) _______
us. We learn a great deal of things over a very (2) _______ period of time, and
this forms the foundation (3) _______ all our future learning. (4) _______ to the
age of six, we are extremely sensitive and we develop the important skills that
will prepare us for (5) _______ life. Therefore, it is very important to have a good
preschool programme (6) _______ helps us to develop hand-eye co-ordination
and problem-solving abilities, as well as exposing us to a (7) _______ variety of
stimuli and materials.
Maria Montessori developed (8) _______ a programme, which helps children
to (9) _______ their intelligence and independence. The Montessori Method, as it
is (10) _______, combines practical activities, which stimulate the senses of touch
and smell, with mathematical and language development activities. The children
are completely (11) _______ to choose which activity to (12) _______ in and
when, thus encouraging self-confidence and independence. This (13) _______ to
teaching is very popular with (14) _______ parents of young children, as it
involves learning which uses all the senses (15) _______ those important early
1. A, around B. among C. against D. along
2. A. little B. small C. short D. tiny
3. A. on B. to C. with D. of
4. A. Above B. Up C. Near D. Over
5. A. after B. next C. older D. later
6. A. what B. when C. which D. who
7. A. wide B. far C. rich D. broad
8. A. so B. such C. quite D. many
9. A. expand B. increase C. develop D. improve
10. A. known B. called C. titled D. branded
11. A. open B. allowed C. able D. free
12. A. participate B. do C. play D. take
13. A. way B. approach C. system D. method
14. A. many B. lots C. much D. plenty
15. A. for B. while C. at D. during

Colour, although only a small part of our communication system, plays a large
role. Whether you are designing Web (1) _______, buying clothes OK decorating
your kitchen, your (2) _______ of colours sends a definite message to other
people, and they will respond to it in a (3) _______ way.
Every colour has a different (4) _______ on people, and the practice of correct
colour selection is a delicate (5) _______. To further complicate matters, the ef-
fects of colours change, as times and fashions change. Certain colours also mean
different things in different cultures. For example, in the United States, blue is
thought to be a relaxing colour. Tests reveal that the colour blue (6) _______
blood pressure, calms viewers and gives them a sense of (7) _______, In Middle
Eastern countries, however, blue is believed to be a protective colour and people
(8) ________ their front doors blue to ward off (9) _______ spirits.
Colour communication is an essential part of how we see the world. In western
societies, we know that a jester is comical and playful because he (10) _______ in
bright red, green, blue and yellow. The colour black, however, is (11) _______
with boredom or evil, and white with purity and light. The colour orange is
friendly, relaxing and peaceful, whereas (12) _______ yellow is a happy colour.
Research (13) _______ that all human beings make a subconscious judgement
about a person or item within the first 90 seconds of (14) _______ it, and 62% to
90% of that assessment is (15) _______ on colour alone.
1. A ages B. papers C. covers D. sheets
2. A. decision B. option C. choice D. pick
3. A. separate B. certain C. clear D. obvious
4. A. idea B. sense C. effect D. force
5. A. art B. talent C. method D. ability
6. A. lessens B. drops C. sinks D, lowers
7. A. caution B. security C. guarantee D. defence
8. A. paint B. decorate C. coat D. shade
9. A. mean B. wicked C. cruel D. evil
10. A. outfits B. clothes C. dresses D. wears
11. A. matched B. associated C. joined D. grouped
12. A. strong B. powerful C. bright D. loud
13. A. exhibits B. displays C. uncovers D. shows
14. A. viewing B. seeing C. watching D. looking
15. A. based B. constructed C. established D. balanced

Which career is right for you? This is a question facing many young people
today. The career you choose will (1) _______ various areas of your life so it’s
advisable to give it a good (2) _______ of thought beforehand. It can determine
your level of education and training, your rates (3) _______ pay, your
promotional prospects, your hours of work and your working conditions. These,
in (4) _______ , will alter your future lifestyle: where you will live, your social
(5) _______, even which sports and leisure activities you are more likely to (6)
_______ up. So, as you can (7) _______, it is quite a complicated business.
Furthermore, think (8) _______ what you would like an occupation to offer you
and list them in (9) _______ of importance. Unfortunately, you may have to
sacrifice one to gain another. For instance, you may want a (10) _______ income,
yet also want the independence of working for yourself. You will have to (11)
_______ a decision about what is most important to you. To help you decide,
write down what it is about each item that is important to you. Do try to keep in
(12) _______ however, that as you (13) _______ older your values are likely to
change, so you should keep your options (14) _______. And again as you
discover more about yourself and about jobs, you may change your ideas, so be
(15) _______ to revise your list from time to time.
1. A. affect B. impress C. regard D. interest
2. A. extent B. portion C. deal D. share
3. A. in B. of C. with D. for
4. A. course B. way C. line D. turn
5. A. life B. security C. service D. work
6. A. bring B. set C. get D. take
7. A. picture B. see C. believe D. think
8. A. out B. ahead C. about D. for
9. A. place B. order C. series D. position
10. A. typical B. routine C: frequent D. regular
11. A. set B. do C. make D, fix
12. A. mind B. thought C. memory D. consideration
13. A. turn B. come C. get D. reach
14. A. high B. open C. free D. wide
15. A. organised B. arranged C. planned D. prepared
There is no one who has not heard of Walt Disney; he is without doubt one of
the most famous figures in the twentieth century and (1) _______ most people
know hardly anything about him. (2) _______ he became one of the most success-
ful men in history, he (3) _______ school at the age of sixteen and then studied art
for a short time. By the (4) _______ years of this century, he had (5) _______
started to produce cartoons in Hollywood in (6) _______ with his brother Roy,
who, for some reason, never (7) _______ to become as famous as Walt. Disney is
perhaps most well known on (8) _______ of his lovable cartoon character,
Mickey Mouse, who first (9) _______ in 1928 in a film called Steamboat Willie.
One of the most, (10) _______ cartoon films of all time is Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs, which, when it was (11) _______ in 1937, was the first full-length
cartoon in the history of the cinema.
(12) _______ the 1950s, Walt Disney had become one of the world’s major
(13) _______ of films for cinema and television. As Disney Productions (14)
_______, its founder retained complete artistic control of the films and he also
(15) _______ on to publish books for children and cartoon strips in newspapers,
featuring such characters as Donald Duck and Pluto the dog.
1. A. then B. yet C. already D. however
2. A. Although B. In spite of C. Despite D. Even
3. A. graduated B. completed C. failed D. left
4. A. primary B. beginning C. early D. initial
5. A. still B. soon C. yet D. already
6, A. relationship B. friendship C. partnership D. membership
7. A. achieved B. managed C. succeeded D. reached
8. A. case B. view C. account D. regard
9. A. appeared B. performed C starred D. began
10. A. common B. excited C. known D. popular
11. A. released B. seen C. circulated D. advertised
12. A. Until B. By C. Since D. To
13. A. businessmen B. owners C. producers D. publishers
14. A. enlarged B. grew C. increased D. succeeded
15. A. went B. put C. pushed D. took
Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldn’t have done or
something you didn’t do which you should have? At one time or another we
probably all have. There’s no (1) _______ in getting depressed about it now - it’s'
no (2) _______ crying over spilt milk. However, there may be some (3) _______
in thinking about exactly what happened and why because we might be able to (4)
_______ some conclusions for the future.
One thing we all do now and again is to lose our (5) _______ with a friend or
close (6) _______. The odd thing is that we more often display great anger (7)
_______ someone were (8) _______ of than towards strangers. The explanation
may be that we see friends and relatives as a kind of safety net, an opportunity to
let off a bit of steam in a safe (9) _______, whereas the (10) _______ of insulting
a stranger or a (11) _______ at work could be far more serious.
Being honest is usually (12) _______ of as a virtue and undoubtedly this is the
(13) _______. On the other hand, we have all experienced occasions when we
have spoken our minds to someone, (14) _______ them exactly what we feel, and
then have found ourselves (15) _______ with feelings of guilt and remorse.
Perhaps we should have kept our mouths shut?
1. A. reason B. purpose C. point D. advantage
2. A. point B. use C. value D. benefit
3. A. gain B. profit C. goodness D. worth
4. A. make B. draw C. do D. take
5. A. anger B. mind C. temper D. head
6. A. relative B. member C. familiar D. relationship
7. A. at B. with C. about D. towards
8. A. keen B. fond C. friendly D. familiar
9. A. circle B. area C. surroundings D. environment
10. A. effect B. conclusion C. consequences D. punishment
11. A. colleague B. mate C. professional D. staff
12. A. believed B. considered C. regarded D. thought
13. A. case B. true C. event D. fact
14. A. saying B. telling C. speaking D. describing
15. A. full B. heavy C. sad D. overcome

The organizers of EXPO 1998 in Lisbon have a big task on their hands. They
aim to (1) _______ on an international fair that will not only attract eight million
visitors but will also (2) _______ back to life a large part of Lisbon’s riverside
and help (3) _______ the world’s oceans. The Lisbon Fair will be a tribute to the
five hundredth (4) _______ of the explorer Vasco da Gama’s sea voyage to India.
It will (5) _______ place at the same time as the United Nations’ “Year of the
The EXPO committee want to. (6) _______ building an expensive four-month
festival which will (7) _______ forever. Instead, they would like to give Lisbon
something which will be around (8) _______ it is all over. It is clear that Lisbon
has learnt from the (9) _______ of Seville’s EXPO 1992, a successful (10)
_______ which, however, left behind a desert of expensive but (11) _______
The intended site of the EXPO is a five-mile stretch of river which (12)
_______ people know about because it is occupied by out-dated industries that
(13) _______ the environment. When the fair is over, an (14) _______ more than
five times the size of EXPO’s 60 hectares will provide property for (15) _______
and businesses in a city in which there is a lack of both.
1. A. take B. make C. put D. build
2. A. bring B. come C. take D. make
3. A. restore B. keep C. repair I), save
4. A. celebration B. anniversary C. year D. festival
5. A. get B. have C. make D. take
6. A. deny B. escape C. avoid D. refuse
7. A. disappear B. last C. take D. destroy
8. A. afterwards B. consequently C. finally D. after
9. A., fault B. mistakes C. slip D. false
10. A. show B. fact C. event D. performance
11. A. useless B. usual C. useful D. essential
12. A. none B. any C. much D. few
13. A. infect B. pollute C. poison D. contain
14. A. area , B. place C. territory D. district
15. A. dwellers B. neighbours C. residents D. householders

Toledo stands out dramatically against the blue, Castillian sky. It is as spec-
tacular (1) _______ it is rich in history. Every corner of the city has a tale to be
(2) _______ which reflects a brilliant (3) _______ in Spanish history. There is
something to see and enjoy at every (4) _______ in Toledo. Walking along the
maze of narrow, winding lanes you (5) _______ churches, old houses and palaces.
Allow at (6) _______ one whole day for your visit as there are many (7) _______
which should not be (8) _______. The magnificent Cathedral, which dates back to
the thirteenth century, is of (9) _______ interest. Another unique experience is the
El Greco House and Museum. In 1585, El Greco (10) _______ into a house which
must have been (11) _______ to this attractive, sixteenth century Toledan house.
On the first (12) _______ of the museum is a complete series of individual
portraits of the Apostles, a later series (13) _______ the one in the Cathedral. In
the Church of Santo Tome you will find one of El Greco’s finest (14) _______,
“The Burial of Count Orgaz”. Remember also to (15) _______ a visit to the
Alcazar, which stands massive and proud as ever, dominating all other buildings.
1. A. as B. how C. than D. like
2. A. said B. listened C. told D. counted
3. A. period B. view C. part D. year
4. A. place B. area C. point D. step
5. A. cross B. pass C. spot D. glance
6. A. last B. most C. least D. once
7. A. scenes B. sides C. views D. sights
8. A. lost B. wasted C. missed D. forgotten
9. A. outstanding B. enough C. little D. excellent
10. A. rented B. moved C. changed D. entered
11. A. resembled B. same C. like D. similar
12. A. stage B. floor C. space D. ground
13. A. with B. that C. of D. than
14. A. works B. jobs C. masters D. tasks
15. A. give B. pay C. do D. pass

A 34-year-old librarian from Clifden in County Galway claims she and a friend
spotted a large serpent-like monster in Lake Fadda in western Ireland on
Wednesday afternoon as they were picnicking near the (1) _______ of the lake.
Local police are (2) _______ the story, which follows a series of similar reports in
(3) _______ years. Researchers at Trinity College, Dublin have also (4) _______
an interest in the reports. Georgia Cranberry, the wife of a local businessman, (5)
_______ what she and her friend saw at about three o’clock last Wednesday as “a
huge monster writhing in the water (6) _______ a snake, about 30 metres (7)
_______ “. Her friend, Mary Reilly, a shop assistant in a department store in Gal-
way, (8) _______ the story and added: “We were (9) _______. The creature was
enormous and it swam with its mouth open. It was (10) _______ like those
pictures of the Loch Ness Monster.” More (11) _______ were not available as
before they were (12) _______ to take a photograph of the monster it disappeared
below the (13) _______ of the lake, which is nearly half a mile long. The
description given to police by the two women (14) _______ that of other
eyewitnesses of incidents involving strange creatures in the lakes of Connemara.
Local people have been (15) _______ not to swim in the lakes.
1. A. bay B. beach C. coast D. shore
2. A. inquiring B. searching C. investigating D. exploring
3. A. these B. last C. final D. recent
4. A. taken B. found C. seen D. got
5. A. said B. described C. claimed D, told
6. A. as B. similar C. like D. such
7. A. distance B. offshore C. further D. distant
8. A. confirmed B. checked C. repeated D. believed
9. A. terrible B. terrified C. terrorized D. terrifying
10. A, only B. similar C. lot D. just
11. A. details B. information C. news D. events
12. A. managed B. allowed C. able D. possible
13. A. top B. surface C. waves D. depth
14. A, suits B. goes C. matches D. reminds
15. A. denied B. ordered C. informed D. warned

The word beef, which refers to the flesh of a cow or an ox, did not come to
England with William the Conqueror, as many people believe: it was first (1)
_______ over from France towards the (2) _______ of the thirteenth century.
There are records of beef being eaten nearly 4 500 years ago and beef was the
most (3) _______ food with the Romans when they (4) _______ in Britain. The
Anglo Saxons (5) _______ to prefer mutton or pork, but the Normans were
definitely (6) _______ on beef. The Normans also preferred cow’s milk to sheep’s
milk and as a (7) _______, there was a steady rise in the number of cows in
Britain, so that (8) _______ the thirteenth century beef had become the country’s
favourite meat. It has (9) _______ that position ever since and the roast beef of
old England has a special (10) _______ not only in the hearts of the English
people but also in their (11) _______ especially when beef is accompanied by
Yorkshire pudding, a traditional English (12) _______. The word beef has also
acquired several metaphorical meanings in (13) _______ English. It can (14)
_______ “muscular power or effort”, as in the adjective “beefy” or to complain,
as in “Stop beefing about your job all the time.” Both of these uses of the word
came (15) _______ from the United States in the nineteenth century.
1. A. taken B. came C. brought D. fetched
2. A. end B. finish C. conclusion D. final
3. A. favourite B. tasty C. best D. popular
4. A. reached B. arrived C. visited D. gone
5. A. would B. had C. insisted D. tended
6. A. keener B. fonder C. preferred D. enthusiastic
7. A. conclusion B. rule C. result D. cause
8. A. until B. at C. on D. by
9. A. got B. kept C. been D. continued
10. A. part B. situation C. piece D. place
11. A. kitchen B. cuisine C. meal D. cook
12. A. dish B. plate C. food D. cooking
13. A. today B. everyday C. usual D. nowadays
14. A. refer B. intend C. mean D. signal
15. A. over B. to C. along D. round

A woman aged 68 suffered broken ribs in an attack by an armed robber in her
penthouse in Kensington, London, police said yesterday. Police are (1) _______ at
other robberies to see if they are linked after Rachael Avitan was (2) _______ at
her home in Oxford Square. Mrs Avitan, the wife of a millionaire ship-owner, was
(3) _______ to open a safe before she was locked in the bathroom with the 24-
year-old maid.
The robber escaped with jewellery, (4) _______ coins and cash. Police said the
objects and money (5) _______ in the raid were worth about 30,000 pounds. They
ruled out the (6) _______ that the raid was by a gang which (7) _______ its
victims from Who’s Who (a reference guide containing information (8) _______
important people), though Scotland Yard said it was possible a (9) _______ of
robbers were targeting wealthy families living in Kensington, Belgravia and
Chelsea. A (10) _______ for Scotland Yard said there may have been only one
man behind the latest (11) _______ but it is not clear if it was one of a (12)
_______. Mrs Avitan has been allowed to leave hospital but is still having
treatment for her (13) _______. She said the robber broke in through the back
door as her maid was letting herself out to go home. The man (14) _______ the
maid and pulled her back into the house. He told Mrs Avitan she wouldn’t get hurt
if she (15) _______ over her valuables. “It was terribly scary,” said Mrs Avitan.
1. A. searching B. examining C. inquiring D. looking
2. A. kidnapped B. attacked C. stolen D. mugged
3. A. forced B. pushed C. attacked D. threatened
4. A. worthy B. costly C. expensive D. valuable
5. A. escaping B. robbed C. taken D. missing
6. A. belief B. chance C. probability D. possibility
7. A. spots B. picks C. discovers D. checks
8. A, about B. for C. around D. upon
9. A. pack B. party C. team D. pair
10 A. speaker B. spokesperson C. commentator D. presenter
11. A. attack B, event C. fact D. robber
12. A. collection B. team C. series D. serial
13. A. injuries B. aches C. wounds D. pains
14. A. took B. squeezed C. hugged D. grabbed
15. A. gave B. took C. handed D. got

When some psychiatrists attempt to explain genius, they talk in terms of
mental disturbance. This is a strange way of describing remarkable men. (Sadly, it
is usually men, (1) _______ occasionally women are also mentioned.) Psychia-
trists often (2) _______ to geniuses as people who (3) _______ to be
oversensitive, melancholy and even schizophrenic; they channel their destructive
energy into their masterpieces. A survey (4) _______ out on 30 American writers
revealed that 37% of them (5) _______ from depression. A British study of
famous artists (including poets, painters and sculptors) showed that 38% had (6)
_______ some sort of psychiatric treatment.
An alternative (7) _______ of intelligence, expressed at a recent conference in
the French city of Bordeaux, (8) _______ geniuses as people who matured very
early and are workaholics with an amazing (9) _______ to produce a lot of work
in a (10) ______ space of time: Bach, for example, with his 46 volumes of
musical compositions. Does this mean intelligence and (11) _______ genius is a
question of how much is created? We don’t know the answer yet, but Thomas
Edison, one of the greatest inventors (12) _______ all time, said that genius is 1%
inspiration and 99% perspiration!
Other interesting (13) _______ about geniuses are that they tend to be born in
Spring, (14) _______ Leonardo and Shakespeare, and they become orphans in
their early childhood. One (15) _______ whether it is a sign of good or bad luck
to be born a genius.
1. A. despite B. however C. though D. moreover
2. A. refer B. speak C. Silent ion D. talk
3. A. will B, used C. use D. tend
4. A. taken B. carried C. made D. put
5. A. lived B. passed C. suffered D. been
6. A. given B. received C. taken D. got
7. A. reason B aspect C. research D. view
8. A. sees B. believes C. thinks D. take
9. A. skill B. wish C. ability D. plan
10. A. short B. quick C. soon D. bit
11. A. still B. yet C. also D. even
12. A. in B. of C. at D. from
13. A. facts B. events C. knowledge D. problems
14. A. as B. such C. like D. example
15. A. asks B. thinks C. denies D. wonders

Michaelangelo, one of the greatest artists of all time, was born on 6th March
1475 in Caprese, where his father, Lodovico Buonarroti, (1) _______ as a
magistrate for six months. Lodovico was not a wealthy man but he (2) _______
he was descended from an aristocratic family and he was very (3) _______ of this
Michaelangelo (4) _______ up in Settignano, a little mountain town just out-
side Florence. One of the first (5) _______ Michaelangelo must have become
familiar with was the dome of the beautiful Cathedral in Florence, which
dominated the city then as it (6) _______ does today. At school, Michaelangelo
was (7) _______ an outstanding pupil; lessons did not (8) _______ to him at all.
The only thing he wanted to do was to draw and “(9) _______ his time” as his
elders probably called it, in the workshops of the (10) _______ painters and
sculptors in the city. One cars (11) _______ the eager boy, for whom art was the
most important thing in his whole life, (12) _______ at the wonderful pictures and
statues which filled the beautiful churches of Florence. His best friend while he
was still a schoolboy was Francesco Granacci, who, (13) _______ six years older
than Michaelangelo, seems to have (14) _______ an interest in the boy and helped
him with his attempts to draw and paint.
Michaelangelo’s choice of profession did not (15) _______ his father at all.
Only the most successful of artists in Florence stood any chance of making any
1. A. served B. became C. made D, employed
2. A. remarked B. told C. claimed D. announced
3. A. famous B. pleased C. happy D. proud
4. A. came B. lived C. grew D. took
5. A. outlooks B. sights C. vision D. looks
6. A. yet B. even C. already D. still
7. A. at least B. by no means C. in any case D. in fact
8. A. appeal B. attract C. like D. mean
9. A. use B. wander C. waste D. lose
10. A. variety B. groups C. difference D. various
11. A. think B. describe C. imagine D. remember
12. A. glimpsing B. gazing C. watching D noticing
13. A. although B, despite C. even D. in spite of
14. A, put B. taken C, made D. given
15. A. agree B. thank C. like D. please

It took a few days after the cheque had arrived for me to realize that our life
would never be the same again — it was a dream (1) _______ true. Like everyone
else, I had often (2) _______ what it would be like not having to worry about
paying the bills and just (3) _______ ends meet. My husband, Colin, always (4)
_______ to say there would come a day when we could (5) _______ the lights on
without worrying how much it was going to (6) _______ us. Colin had been out
of work for the last (7) _______ of years and we had begun to wonder whether
things would (8) _______ get better. He had become depressed and irritable.
Suddenly, we were (9) _______ plans to move into a big, new house in one of the
more fashionable suburbs of town. We knew that we would lose (10) _______
with the neighbours with whom we had shared so much (11) _______ the years,
but both of us felt we needed more space and a proper garden. I had always been
(12) _______ on gardening but there hadn’t been much scope for my talents in the
little (13) _______ of grass we had at the front and the tiny (14) _______ at the
back of the house. Before moving, however, we decided to (15) _______
ourselves to a nice, long holiday.
1. A. made B. come C. being D. become
2. A. imagined B. predicted C. planned D enjoyed
3. A. having B. doing C, making D. putting
4. A. would B. used C. had D. repeated
5 A let B. see C. remember D. leave
6. A. cost B. pay C. spend D. ask
7. A. dozen B. few C. couple D. several
8. A. hardly B. sometimes C. rather D. ever
9. A. looking B. drawing C. making D. having
10. A. touch B communication C, time D. friendship
11. A. in B. for C. at D. over
12. A. fond B, keen C. enthusiastic D. good
13. A. part B. piece C. patch D. blades
14. A. court B. square C. entrance D. yard
15. A. treat B. enjoy C. give D, spoil

I’m an Aston Villa fan and although I don’t take much of an interest in the
game generally, I (1) _______ my local team whenever they play at home and I
usually turn (2) _______ for a few important matches in other cities. This time
they were playing Liverpool in a vital semi-final match and I travelled all the (3)
_______ to London to see it. I had had difficulty getting hold of a ticket and had
only (4) _______ it at the last minute. The whole thing (5) _______ out to be a
big mistake. There wasn’t much choice about where to stand and, to my (6)
_______, I found myself in a part of the stadium which was (7) _______ with
Liverpool fans who had already had too much to drink and the referee hadn’t even
(8) _______ the whistle for kick-off yet. I recognized a (9) _______ other Villa
supporters in the midst of the Liverpool crowd who, unlike me, were not only
wearing but (10) _______ the team’s scarf so they (11) _______ out like a sore
thumb against the sea of Liverpool fans. They were singing and chanting and
generally (12) _______ a good time. I thought the situation might become nasty
so I just (13) _______ quiet. There was a near and more chanting from the crowd
as the two teams came running onto the (14) _______. At last, the referee blew his
whistle and the big match was underway. Most of the first half was pretty dull
with only a few (15) _______ at goal but then everything changed when the
referee awarded our side a penalty. Of course the Liverpool fans went crazy and
started throwing objects onto the field and smashing anything they could get hold
1. A. follow B. clap C. like D. support
o A. on B. up C. away D. down
3. A. way B. journey C. road D. miles
4. A. reached B. arrived C. managed D. succeeded
5. A. ended B. made C. found D. turned
6. A. contusion B. surprise C. fear D. shock
7. A. packed B. full C. squeezed D. squashed
8. A. started B. played C. blown D. taken
9. A. few B. crowd C. group D. number
10. A. holding B. waving C. throwing D. taking
11. A. looked B. made C. stood D. appeared
12. A. having B. doing C. making D. enjoying
13. A. continued B. made C. went D. kept
14. A. grass B. pitch C. stands D. stadium
15. A. tries B. kicks C. shots D. attacks

He was a music-hall comedian in England before he went to America in 1910.
In those days he often (1) _______ Chaplin. He made his first short film in 1918
but did not (2) _______ to establish himself in the competitive (3) _______ of
screen comedy. The first film he made with his famous fat (4) _______, Hardy,
was called Putting Pants on Philip in 1927. Many critics (5) _______ that he was
the more creative (6) _______ of the partnership. The humorist Leo McCarey (7)
_______ him a rare comic who was intelligent (8) _______ to make up his own
gags. (9) _______, he was remarkably talented, while his partner was (10)
_______ so and this is the key to understanding their relationship. As a (11)
_______, throughout their career together he (12) _______ on being paid twice as
much as his friend because he believed he was (13) _______ twice as much.
While he wrote the films and (14) _______ part in their creation, his partner was
incapable of creating anything at all - it was amazing how he managed to find his
(15) _______ to the studio.
1. A. resembled B. followed C. copied D. liked
2. A. succeed B reach C. fail D. manage
3. A. job B. field C. position D. place
4. A, pair B. colleague C. partner D. match
5. A. claim B. persist C. refuse D. review
6. A. person B. actor C. member D. piece
7. A. saw B. said C. described D. considered
8. A. even B. quite C. enough D. also
9. A. Moreover B. Although C. However D. So
10. A. least B. less C. little D. hardly
11. A. result B. conclusion C. matter D. fact
12. A. persisted B. insisted C. kept D. demanded
13. A. worth B. making C. valued D. acting
14. A. had B. made C. was D. took
15. A. car B. way C. route D. road

When I was about fifteen I joined a travelling theatre troupe and started going
on trips around America. It was on one of these tours that I was offered a (1)
_______ in a film, which I accepted. (2) _______ a result, I went to Hollywood,
where I eventually became a director as (3) _______ as an actor.
When I was a child, I (4) _______ never have predicted my future fame and
fortune. My (5) _______ life was a time of great hardship. (6) _______ my family
had started off living quite comfortably. We had even had a maid to help out in the
house. Our financial situation, (7) _______, gradually got worse and in the end we
lost everything. The family became (8) _______ poor that at one stage my
brothers and I had to take it in turns to (9) _______ the only pair of shoes we had.
Years (10) _______, a lot of these childhood experiences found their way into
my films. I loved being the centre of (11) _______ in films, something which I
had never been as a boy. I would say the important (12) _______ that women play
in my films (13) _______ back to the influence my mother had on my life. I also
liked to (14) _______ fun of policemen, especially when they made life difficult
for the poor. As (15) _______ drunkenness, I tried to make people laugh at what
had caused me deep sorrow in my own life.
1. A. role B. place C. piece D. script
2. A. For B. like C. As D. With
3. A. good B. well C. also D. soon
4. A. can B. should C. must D. could
5. A. early B. young C. childish D. child
6. A. even B. although C. despite D. however
7. A. even B. moreover C. however D. what’s more
8. A. such B. so C. too D. very
9. A. carry B. put C. dress D.. wear
10. A. before B. afterwards C. later D. ago
11. A. attention B. world C. light D. fame
12. A. game B. part C. music D. tricks
13. A. returns B. begins C. falls D. goes
14. A. take B. have C. make D. get
15. A. far B. refers C. concerns D. for

A 57-year-old woman was attacked yesterday by what she claims was a huge,
black cat as she was taking her two dogs for a walk near Bodmin Moor. Local
police have started (1) _______ into the incident, which follows a whole series of
similar reports in (2) _______ months that are causing grave (3) _______ amongst
residents. Visitors to the West County have been advised to (4) _______ the Bod
min area and parents have been told to make sure their children do not play in the
areas where (5) _______ have occurred.
The latest sighting (6) _______ place on Sunday morning when Mrs Joan Wil-
liams, the wife of a local fanner, claims to have been (7) _______ on the back of
the head by a large, black animal, (8) _______ her to the ground. Mr- Williams
says she caught a (9) _______ of the creature, which (10) _______ a large puma,
as it was running away. “When I came to, I saw this huge, black cat (11) _______
down at me. I got the fright of my life. ” Mrs Williams told reporters.
Mrs Williams description (12) _______ that of other eyewitness accounts of
the “monster”, which has apparently been (13) _______ in places as far apart as
Devon and Yorkshire. (14) _______ recently, the creature was assumed to be a
wolf, but the few animal (15) _______ which have been found suggest the
creature is much larger than a wolf or a cat.
1. A. queries B. questions C. research D. investigations
2. A. late B. recent C. few D. last
3. A. concern B. worries C. panic D. danger
4, A. escape B. avoid C. refuse D. leave
5. A. accidents B. events C. things D. incidents
6. A. took B. had C. found D. got
7. A. tapped B. pulled C. thumped D. pushed
8. A. knocking B. pulling C. falling D. dropping
9. A. look B. shock C. glimpse D. stare
10. A. like B. reminded C. matched D. resembled
11. A. grinning B. staring C. watching D. growling
12. A. suits B. resembles C. goes D. matches
13. A. spotted B. watched C. caught B. chased
14. A. As B. So C. Until D. Before
15. A. paths B. tracks C. traps D. prints

A number of prehistoric paintings still survive on the walls of caves in Spain
and southern trance. They show with amazing accuracy a wide (1) _______ of
animals which the cave dwellers (2) _______, such as bison and deer, and are (3)
_______ remarkable for their life and power. It is very (4) _______ that the
pictures were connected with hunting, (5) _______ is a very famous example in
Lascaux, in which we can just (6) _______ out a man among some animals. There
are also a (7) _______ of dark dots m the painting. The meaning of the picture is
not clear; it does, (8) _______ show that the cave dwellers were an artistic people
in many (9) _______
More than 5000 years (10) _______, the Egyptians began painting on the walls
of their tombs everything that went on in their (11) _______ lives. They believed
that the figures of people, animals and everyday (12) _______ would enter the af-
terlife with the dead person.
The most artistic people of any age, (13) _______ perhaps from the Chinese
were the Greeks. We have many (14) _______ of Greek sculpture, but apart from
a few fragments, Greek wall paintings have not survived, (15) _______ we can
only imagine what they were like.
1. A. difference B. variety C. flock D. group
2. A. chased B. kept C. hunted D. followed
3. A. quite B. too C. such D. enough
4. A. true B. likely C. definite D. possibly
5. A. It B. This C. Here D. There
6. A. see B. watch C. make D. look
7. A. number B. few C. collection D. several
8. A. and B. although C. too D. however
9. A. means B. ways C. points D. views
10. A. since B. following C. ago D. previous
11. A. common B. usual C. private D. daily
12. A. objects B. topics C. pictures D. facts
13. A. besides B. except C. not D. apart
14. A. examples B. objects C. ideas D. ruins
15. A. because B. since C. so D. but

Few passengers on the British Airways flight to Hong Kong which took off
from London Airport on Saturday 7th August, were (1) _______ that their flight
was setting a record for the company. In fact their plane was carrying 112 “unac-
companied minors” - the largest (2) _______ of children travelling without
parents or guardians ever to have flown on a (3) _______ flight. Most of these
children, aged from six (4) _______, were returning to Hong Kong after taking
three-week English (5) _______ at various language schools as (6) _______ an
exchange scheme.
The children were not left to their own devices, (7) _______ Airline rules say
that children under twelve can only fly if accompanied (8) _______ an adult. So, a
group of three “aunties” and one “uncle” flew with them to (9) _______ them en-
tertained and (10) _______ with any problems that might arise. They are part of a
British Airways team known as the “flying aunties”. These are BA employees
who volunteer, in their own time, to (11) _______ an escorted service for unac-
companied minors to both European and long-haul (12) _______. Once in the air,
there is a range of activities available to the youngsters(13) _______ computer
games, colouring books and soft drinks on tap. In (14) _______, the children have
the “aunties” all to themselves - for such members of (15) _______ do not take on
other duties.
1. A. realised B. thought C. aware D. known
2. A. count B. number C. amount D. quantity
3. A. single B. solo C. unique D. lone
4. A. backwards B. forwards C. afterwards D. upwards
5. A. classes B. courses C. studies D. lessons
6. A. linked to B. long as C. along with D. part of
7. A. altogether B. although C. however D. moreover
8. A. from B. at C. with D. by
9. A. hold B. keep C. help D. get
10. A. manage B. bother C. solve D. deal
11. A. provide B. produce C. pretend D. present
12. A. departures B. destinations C. routes D. arrivals
13. A. regarding B. composing C. including D. containing
14. A. addition B. further C. extra D. plus
15. A. team B. crew C. staff D. group

Trees are amongst the biggest and longest-living things on Earth, some dating
back longer than the oldest buildings. But (1) _______ being nice to look at, trees
also (2) _______ an important role in improving the quality of our lives.
On a world-wide (3) _______, forests help to slow down the effects of global
warming by using up the gas (4) _______ as carbon dioxide and giving (5)
_______ the oxygen we need to breathe. At local neighbourhood level, trees also
(6) _______ important environmental benefits. They offer shade and shelter,
which in (7) _______ reduces the amount of energy needed to heat and cool (8)
_______ buildings; at the same time, they also remove other impurities from the
air we breathe.
Urban trees are especially important because for many people they provide the
only daily (9) _______ with the natural world. What’s (10) _______, urban trees
also provide a home for birds, small animals and butterflies. (11) _______ the
trees we would lose the pleasure of seeing these creatures in our cities. Regret-
tably, (12) _______, trees in cities are now coming under (13) _______. There is a
limit to the level of pollution they can (14) _______ and, down at street level,
their roots are being seriously (15) _______ by the digging needed to make way
for modern telephone, television and other cables.
1. A. as far as B. as long as C. as well as D. as soon as
2. A. play B. show C. ad ' D. serve
3. A. range B. size C. scale D. area
4. A. called B. known C. titled D. referred
5. A. in B. away C. up D. out
6. A. make B. bring C. take D. find
7. A. reach B. place C. order D. turn
8. A. nearby B. close C. next D. opposite
9. A. junction B. touch C. taste D. contact
10. A. else B. more C. most D. other
11. A. Throughout B. Beyond C. Without D. Outside
12. A. however B. whilst C. therefore D. despite
13. A. risk B. danger C. threat D. warning
14. A. stand in for B. put up with C. face up to D. fall back on
15. A. concerned B. involved C. interfered D. disturbed

For centuries Egyptian hieroglyphics (1) _______ one of the world’s greatest
linguistic challenges. They had scholars baffled (2) _______ they were finally
deciphered in the nineteenth century, (3) _______ to the discovery of the Rosetta
In the year 1799 some French soldiers found a slab of black basalt (4) _______
working on a fortress near the small town of Rosetta. One officer, Pierre Francois
Bouchard, realised they had (5) _______ on a finding of great significance and
handed it over to scholars.
The Rosetta Stone has inscriptions in two languages, Egyptian and Greek, (6)
_______ there are, in fact, three scripts carved on it. The first script is hieroglyph-
ics, a pictorial (7) _______ of writing used to (8) _______ the language of
Ancient Egypt, and which can be found on many Egyptian buildings and
monuments. The hieroglyphics are followed by Demotic, (9) _______ Egyptian
script. The third script is Ancient Greek, and it was this that alerted Bouchard,
who recognised it, (10) _______ the importance of the discovery.
Many scholars became involved in the (11) _______ of deciphering
hieroglyphics, but it was not until 1822 that there was a (12) _______
breakthrough. The French linguist, Jean Francois Champollion was familiar with
(13) _______ Greek and Coptic, the language of the Christian descendants of the
Ancient Egyptians. He was able to (14) _______ out the Demotic signs in Coptic
and from there traced a path back to hieroglyphics, (15) _______ making their
decipherment possible.
1. A. symbolised B, represented C. stood for D. presented
2. A. while B. when C. until D. since
3. A. thanks B. according C. prior D. close
4. A. before B. on C. by D. while
5. A. happened B. stumbled C. stepped D. tripped
6. A. even if B. whereas C. when D. but
7. A. shape B. form C. figure D. image
8. A. transcribe B. translate C. transfer D. transform
9. A. the other B. an C. the D. another
10. A. towards B. about C. to D. for
11. A. assignment B. task C. mission D. career
12. A, major B. main C. chief D. principal
13. A. just B. either C. both D. all
14. A. break B, make C. set D. work
15. A. thus B. then C. therefore D. so

Egyptologists tell us that the Sphinx and the pyramids at Giza were built ap-
proximately 4,500 years ago by an Egyptian pharaoh, but in recent years a great
(1) _______ of evidence has surfaced to challenge this. A growing (2) _______ of
independent researchers claim that these monuments may in (3) _______ have
been built as (4) _______ back as 12,'500 years ago! (5) _______ to them, the
Giza pyramids precisely line (6) _______ with the position of cert am stars m the
year 10,450 BC. It is interesting to note that on that date the leonine Sphinx would
have (7) _______ the exact location on the horizon where the constellation of Leo
rose (8) _______ dawn on the Spring equinox. Equally interesting is the claim
made by at (9) _______ one geologist that weathering patterns on the body of the
Sphinx are consistent with those left by precipitation over a substantial (10)
_______ of time, yet Egypt last saw (11) _______ rainfall over 7,000 years ago.
Could it be that both the pyramids and the Sphinx were built by a (12)
_______ civilised race thousands of years before the Age of the Pharaohs, at a
time when historians would (13) _______ us believe humans had not the know-
how to construct such (14) _______ structures? If evidence should surface that
can (15) _______ such claims, the history books will undoubtedly have to be
1. A. volume B. number C amount D deal
2. A. group B. number C. party D. handful
3. A. fact B. reality C. truth D. life
4. A. old B. well C. far D. long
5. A. Due B. According C. Thanks D. Owing
6. A. out B. in C. along D. up
7. A. faced B. looked to C. pointed to D. seen
8. A. after B. in C. by D. at
9. A. most B. least C. best D. all
10. A. length B. point C. period D. duration
11. A. heavy B. hard C. strong D. severe
12. A. terribly B. extremely C. highly D. utterly
13. A. get B. help C. let D. have
14. A. amazing B. astounding C. astonishing D. stunning
15. A. help B. support C. assist D. back

Nobody knows for certain what the origin of music was. Music is certainly
older than poetry and painting but as early man had no way of (1) _______ it, we
can only (2) _______ what it sounded like. Watching a child (3) _______ on a
drum with its hands or a (4) _______ of wood, it is easy to see that this is the
simplest of instruments. It does not (5) _______ much effort to produce a rhythm
on it.
Wall paintings show what some of the first instruments (6) _______ like. Early
civilisations had already discovered the three basic (7) _______ of producing mu-
sic: blowing into a tube, striking an object, and scraping a string. We know that
western music comes from the (8) _______ Greeks. The musical scales we use
now are (9) _______ on certain sequences of notes which the Greeks used to
create a particular (10) _______.
Until the sixteenth century, most players of instruments were (11) _______
performers, but as music became more (12) _______, orchestras and musical
groups began to (13) _______ This (14) _______ about the writing of music to be
played by several musicians at one time. This can certainly be (15) _______ the
birth of modern music.
1. A. recording B. playing C. producing D. performing
2. A. think B. guess C. reckon D. realise
3. A. banging B. knocking C. crashing D. hitting
4. A. slice B. point C. shape D. piece
5. A. make B. call C. take D. do
6. A. sounded B. appeared C. felt D. looked
7. A. forms B. ways C. systems D. manners
8. A. antique B. old C. aged D, ancient
9. A. based B. raised C. established D. supported
10. A. spirit B. temper C. mood D. humour
11. A. separate B. single C. unique D. lonely
12. A. widespread B. enlarged C. expanded D. extended
13. A. turn B. be C. spring D. appear
14. A. produced B. brought C. caused D. affected
15. A. appointed B. decided C. called D. named

It is often said that employers tend to favour people they know or candidates
(1) _______ to them. They are also considered to prefer people similar to them
and those who they believe will “fit” into the job. (2) _______ it frequently turns
out to be true, employment counsellors claim that it is good to (3) _______ on
relations with others and ask relatives, friends and acquaintances for help in
finding a job. As a (4) _______, you must be active and (5) _______ the initiative.
For instance, maybe you could join a social club or start (6) _______ community
meetings? While waiting for your first interview, remember the significance of
first impression. You will be (7) _______ all the time during the conversation with
the potential employer. He or she will consider not only your education, (8)
_______ and skills, but also your image and personality (9) _______.
Employment (10) _______ advise candidates to behave in a friendly, honest and
professional way. Therefore, try to be assertive but polite, communicative and
(11) _______ about your abilities and achievements. Never be (12) _______
about your former job. Do not act in a nervous way and always do (13) _______
eye contact. If you are not sure about your self-presentation skills, you can always
make a (14) _______ with a family member or close friend or (15) _______ on a
special course to learn how to make a good impression.
1. A. applied B. preferred C. favoured D. recommended
2. A. Although B. Since C. Thus D. If
3. A. follow B. push C. insist D. rely
4. A. employee B. jobseeker C. worker D. employer
5. A. make B. do C. take D. follow
6. A. attending B. joining C. taking D making
7. A. defined B. valued C. appreciated D. assessed
8. A. abilities B. possibilities C. opportunities D. options
9. A. attitude B. character C. traits D. impression
10. A. counsellors B. workers C. tutors D. assessors
11. A. aware B. confident C. ready D. convinced
12. A. against B. protesting C. denying D. negative
13. A. maintain B. get C. reach D. gain
14, A. attempt B. rehearsal C. practise D. overview
15. A. involve B. participate C. enrol D. sign

English dominates the world of business and is now gradually becoming the
language of politics. People all over the world are benefiting from the spread of
English, which is becoming independent of its origins. However, the dominance
of English has produced a number of (1) _______ effects. One significant after-
math has been the fostering of national antagonisms. A phenomenon like (2)
_______ is observable in Canada, and particularly in Quebec. Its (3) _______
have long faced the competition between the English and French languages, as
bilingualism promoted by the government of Canada proved to be an (4) _______
fail- are. Not. only has it failed to unite the (5) _______ of French- and English-
speaking settlers, but it also entailed a great (6) _______ of prejudice and aggres-
sion (7) _______ outsiders. The English language flooded the majority of
Canadian provinces, (8) _______ producing a minority complex, which French
Canadians have long struggled to (9) _______. The impact of the English
language on human relations differs in (10) _______ countries, where it is viewed
either as a useful product of modern civilisation, or as a “killer” language, which
endangers cultural uniqueness of the societies it enters. (11) _______, the final
result of its expansion and integration (12) _______ the national life of its non-
native speakers is yet (13) _______ seen and we will have wait (14) _______
more years to see the precise result of these (15) _______.
1. A. hostile B. adverse C. reverse D. contrary
o A. this B. it C. one D. these
3. A. inheritors B. habitats C. inhabitants D, inhibitions
4. A. unpredictable B. undeniable C. unique D. sure
5. A. forefathers B. ancestors C. progenitors D. descendants
6. A. much B. many C. deal D. number
7. A. towards B. for C. to D. up to
8. A. since B. despite C. almost D. thus
9. A. overthrow B. overtake C. overcome D. overturn
10. A. particular B. specific C. many D. special
11 A. In contrast B. Yet C. Although D. Therefore
12. A. within B. of C. to D. into
13. A. being B. to have been C. to be D. already
14. A. no B. one C. some D. a few
15. A. changes B. differences C. alternatives D. options

Anorexia, primarily a woman’s illness, is characterised by an ongoing fear of
gaining weight. The term itself (1) _______ for loss of appetite, yet it is better (2)
_______ as a (3) _______ to maintain one’s minimal body weight. Anorexia
mostly (4) _______ adolescent girls, (5) _______ it can develop during any
.major life change in (6) _______ men and women. The reason (7) _______ its
occurrence is an obsession with weight. Many v/omen who are (8) _______ to the
social pressure of being slim, attempt to achieve an ideal figure by (9) _______
the pattern promoted in the media and advertising. This starvation behaviour is
frequently accompanied by a radical reduction of food intake while exercising
excessively. (10) _______ from developing strange eating habits, like hiding food
or cutting it (11) _______ tiny pieces, anorexics suffer from disruption menstrual
cycle, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The illness can even (12)
_______ in death. (13), _______ proper treatment, anorexia can be (14) _______.
One of the elements of successful treatment is (15) _______ the patient’s self-
esteem and rebuilding the distorted image of one’s body.
1. A. stands B. signifies C. means D. symbolises
2. A. developed B. referred C. described D. meant
3. A. refusal B. denial C. disagreement D. opposition
4, A. strikes B. grasps C. effects D. affects
5. A. since B. vet C. for D. because
6. A. all B. either C. both D. every
7. A. for B. because C. to D. why
8. A. sensitive B. able C. afflicted D. vulnerable
9. A. seeking B. following C. searching D. heading
10. A. Apart B. Far C. Away D. Differing
11. A. on B. to C. into D. for
12. A. finish B. end C. cause D. result
13. A. For B. With C. At D. On
14. A. cure B. killed C. overcome D. prevented
15. A. rising B. raising C. lifting D. lowering

Since the time of Nostradamus, meteorologists have been trying to (1)
_______ the mystery of climatic changes. Their (2) _______ has been to be able
to precisely (3) _____ the weather for the days to come. In the past,
meteorologists looked skywards to find hints in the clouds. At present, their eyes
are (4) _______ at the spots where the most intriguing climatic transformations
(5) _______ about, namely, the (6) _______ depths of the oceans where swirls,
whirlpools and waves (7) _______ the patterns for the future weather.
The most efficient way of (8) _______ hold of the ever-changing map of the
swirling currents circulating their heat around the planet is from space. Weather
satellites (9) _______ with complicated instruments examine the surface and the
bottom of the oceans and determine the exact height of water. The impressive
advantage offered by satellite scanning is that measurements can be (10) _______
even in the most inaccessible parts of the oceans and can provide daily pictures of
the water surface together with the (11) _______ wave height and wind speed.
(12) _______ being a priceless device for predicting climatic conditions for
tourists, farmers or aviators, weather satellites also (13) _______ advance
warnings against storms or typhoons which (14) _______ the coastal populations
to (15) _______ themselves against these destructive forces of nature.
1. A. obviate B. account C. elaborate D. decipher
2. A. objective B. objectivity C. subjection D. subject
3. A. unravel B. perceive C. explore D. forecast
4. A. looked B. directed C. focused D. applied
5. A. get B. turn C. bring D. come
6. A. utmost B. indefinite C. terminal D. ultimate
7. A. accomplish B. procure C. formulate D. generate
8. A. getting B. coming C. finding D. making
9. A. donated B. delivered C. equipped D. supplemented
10 A. taken B. formed C. fulfilled D. done
11. A. amounted B. calculated C. scored D. enumerated
12. A. Besides B. Apart C. Otherwise D. Whereby
13. A. denote B. proceed C. issue D. emerge
14. A. entitle B. enable C. entail D. enforce
15. A. sustain B. ward C. protect D. preserve

Sleeping disorders like insomnia can (1) _______ to be a worrying question
for many of us. Almost anyone can easily conjure (2) _______ at least one
sleepless night of (3) _______ and turning in bed awaiting the bliss of a deep
dream. Most probably, a third of us (4) _______ the distressing experience at least
once a week.
Even though it is possible for people to (5) _______ without any sleep at all
for a certain period of time, such occurrences are rather few and far (6) _______
and there is no evidence to (7) ______ this assumption. What is sure, however, is
the fact that we do need some sleep to regenerate our strength and to (8) _______
the brain to its proper activity. No wonder, then, that the tiredness and fatigue that
appear after a sleepless night (9) _______ many of us to go for chemical support
in the form of sleep (10) _______ tablets or powders.
However long the problem of sleeplessness has afflicted many individuals,
very little has been (11) _______ in the question of its original causes. We are
conscious that it usually (12) _______ those who are exposed to a great deal of
stress, anxiety or depression. It may also be (13) _______ by overworking or
unfavourable surroundings with scarcity of fresh air.
Sleeping pills may provide some relief and can act as an alternative in this
desperate situation. Yet, they do little to combat the ailment in full. Consequently,
our hopes should be (14) _______ on the medical authorities to (15) _______ the
root cause of insomnia before we take to being nocturnals leading our noisy lives
in the dead of night.
1. A. present B. entail C. prove D. realize
2. A. out B. about C. off D. up
3. A. tossing B. wriggling C. rolling D. spinning
4. A. underpass B. underlie C. undergo D. undertake
5. A. operate B, function C. process D. perform
8. A. beyond B. along C. within D. between
7. A. proclaim B. invalidate C. endure D. substantiate
8. A. recuperate B. resume C. revive D. restore
9. A. compel B. affect C. enforce D. exert
10. A. attaining B. inducing C. exacting D. contributing
11. A. disparaged B. retrieved C. originated D. detected
12. A. besets B. betrays C. bemoans D. bestows
13. A. engendered B. applied C. instigated D. evolved
14. A. ascribed B. placed C. focused D. attached
15. A. emerge B. release C. determine D. confess

Even though the crime rate keeps going up, society is soft on criminals. People
who have (1) _______ major crimes and even murderers sentenced to (2)
_______ are often released after serving just part of their sentence. Everyday (3)
_______ crime is destroying the (4) _______ of life of many people, particularly
in city areas. (5) _______ you look there are examples of graffiti and mindless
vandalism. Personally, I have had my car (6) _______ into twice in the last three
months. As far as I know the police are not looking into (7) _______ of the
crimes. Even when a friend recently caught a young thief, the police (8) _______
him off with a warning because of his age. Doubtless, the child in (9) _______,
thinking he has got (10) _______ with one crime, will be (11) _______ to try
another. Yet if you or I park our cars in the wrong place or exceed the speed limit
slightly we have to pay a (12) _______ I know it’s important to (13) _______ into
account the age of criminals. I also know that upbringing and drugs are (14)
_______ for many crimes. All the (15) _______, the lives and rights of the victims
of crime should be considered too.
1. A. completed B. done C. committed D. made
2. A. live B. living C. lifetime D. life
3. A. little B. petty C. small D. major
4. A. standard B. cost C. level D. quality
5. A. However B. Forever C. Wherever D. Whatever
6. A. broken B. turned C. looked D. made
7. A. both B. either C. any D. none
8. A. let B. allowed C. set D. got
9. A. mind B. question C. discussion D. trouble
10. A. on B. up C. away D. off
11. A. attempted B. dared C. threatened D. tempted
12. A. fine B. caution C. ticket D. fee
13. A. put B. take C. make D. carry
14. A. guilty B. cause C. faulty D. responsible
15. A. same B. while C. time D. better

For the last few years, my children have been going to a summer camp in (1)
_______ Greece called Skouras Camp. They always seem to have a good time, so
if you’re wondering what to do with the kids for three weeks this summer, you
could (2) _______ worse than send them to this beautiful camp on the (3)
_______ of the Aegean Sea. If your children, like mine, are keen (4) _______
adventure, sports and good (5) _______, the Skouras Camp wili keep them busy
all day doing the things they (6) _______ enjoy. Skouras is an international camp
with children from all (7) _______ the world. My children have made friends with
children of their own age from Poland, China, Denmark and the United States.
Naturally they get lots of opportunities to practise their English as English is the
(8) _______ language spoken. The Camp is (9) _______ in one of the most
beautiful parts of Chalkidiki. It is huge (120 000 square metres) and is just a (10)
_______ throw away from the clear, blue Aegean Sea. It takes the children just
five minutes to walk to the golden, sandy beach (11) _______ foot. The
programme is (12) _______ with exciting activities for children. Apart from the
usual water sports, my kids’ (13) _______ activities are horse riding and table
tennis. Other sports (14) _______ basketball, volley-ball and athletics. The Camp
ends with a sports (15) _______ in the last week which all parents are invited to
1. A. northern B. northerly C. northwards D. north
2. A. turn B. make C. get D. do
3. A. shores B. banks C. coasts D. edges
4. A. about B. on C, with D. for
5. A. get-togethers B. companions C. company D. partnership
6. A. much B. best C. very D. most
7. A. about B. over C. in D. above
8. A. just B. unique C. single D. only
9. A. placed B. positioned C located D. residing
10. A. rock’s B. stone’s C. gravel’s D. ball’s
11. A. on B, by C. with D. over
12. A. inserted B. crowded C. stuffed D. packed
13. A. loveable B. likeable C. favourite D. beloved
14. A. include B. contain C. enclose D. hold
15. A. competition B. contest C. exam D. inspection

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