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Light of Soham- Mata Narayani

Health through Vishnusahasranaam

Charak samhita states that such a person who prays Lord MahaVishnu by reciting
Vishnusahasranaam on daily basis will be cured of all type of maladies and will not have any
future health problem.

There are certain stotras in Vishnu sahasranaam which are very simple to recite, but are very
effective in curing certain specific diseases and improving the effectiveness of one’s
personality. These individual stotras can be chanted eleven times each for sure cure.

It can be chanted for the children by the parents, or by the children for the parents also.

16-For curing all stomach problems and stomach related ailments.

भ्राजिष्णु भोिनं भोक्ता सजहष्णु: िगदाजदिः ।

अनघो जिियो िे ता जिश्वयोजनः पु निव सुः ।। 16 ।।

44-Old and seriously ill people who are undergoing ordeal of fear of death, for such people who reach
feet of lord peacefully, without unnecessarily depending on others or trouble others.

िैकुंठः पुरुषः प्राणः प्राणदः प्रणिः पृ थुः ।

जहरण्यगभवः शत्रुघ्नो व्याप्तो िायुरधोक्षिः ।। 44।।

64- To aspire welfare of every one in family and wellbeing of every one.

अजनिती जनिृ त्तात्मा सं क्षेप्ता क्षे मकृत्-जशिः ।

श्रीित्सिक्षाः श्रीिासः श्रीपजतः श्रीमतां िरः ।। 64 ।।

75- Evening of one’s life in last days of one’s life and to liberate and attain MOKSHA.

सद्गजतः सकृजतः सत्ता सद् भूजतः सत्परायणः ।

शूरसेनो यदु श्रेष्ठः सजििासः सु यामुनः ।। 75 ।।

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