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° PT eur wee LET’S SMASH SKULLS WARHAMMER is the long-awaited Cer Cm Cam Caer? written by Citadel Miniatures’ own Bryan Ansell, Richard Halliwell and Richard Priestly Wire temveteen fo ace erent EMC ec Mem or Lad oae ree Cc Coa COU three volume boxed set. STC om tS NT oom OM eR aL a and innovative for the attained eye WARHAMMER gives you rules for Movement * Psychological Factors * Shooting * Cee UTERO Cee camel Cr mcr cia arnt oa Tce erent cd OCR Ct eC Chas ee et ne iis mea rr enero Os Enchanted Objects * The Games Master * Player Characters * Creating Adventures * Character Advancement * Injuries * Starting Expeditions * Running Campaigns * Encounter Charts * plus two special scenarios; THE ZIGGURAT OF DOOM and THE REDWAKE RIVER VALLEY. SVAN NV Senet aes eR ce Cer MeN as at £5.95 from Citadel Miniatures, 10 Victoria Street, Newark, Notts. (Telephone: 0636 77495). ee ees een ee eR Sr ec! E << WELC OM THE Welcome to the first CITADEL COMPENDIUM. Pubic demand hhas encouraged us to attempt to illustrate our entre range for he fet time. We have opted for line illustrations inthe main, "we find tho printing of photographs In catalogues to be Fathes unpredictable process, and wo believe that drawings ace the teat way of letting you Know what the models actually Took likey we weleome your views on the sibject? Of course, we can tnly snow models availa at the time of writing, Crease radeling the selection ble across our entire range mesrw that even as You road this Owe number of models available will have Deen changed and extended. Some cades will const mostly of models from tur old stalwart Fiend fectory and Fantasy Tribe ranges, but Wie are reworking our new codes at a Feta of about three 3 ‘month and you ean be sure that in the nar future youll be “oeing’exelting new models af which ever subjects particularly ‘ur plans for the near future inctudes- ‘This brings us to the concept of the Citadel Compendium. The Compendium will allow us to. regulary bring you up to date With oUF latest developements, Te will take. the farm of an Irregular journal; featuring ‘complete current listings ith iMlstrations. We will also take the opportunity to run articles ‘on our models and related topics, and to publish scenarion, rules and additional material for WARHAMMER role-playing fules. Our ‘staff are busy writing material for the next leu, but we hope that you, our euttamers, will be eanteibuting too, We leo hope to” continue with our letters page, Eldriteh Epistles, In the next isauo, 20 please feel tree to write with your cornmnents, questions and suggestions, attics will alsa be Very welcome, “To avait confusion, please adn correspondance 19" Bryan Arselly | THE COMPENDIUM, 10’ Victoria St Newark, Notts. Please be sre to use a separate sheet of paper from any mail orders te st models, both individual models and boxer! seta, includion Runepriests complete with their familiar, re-made Dragenewte and individual monsters. Some splendidly ferocious BLUCREARS, ‘Major re-working and additions to COlsFighters, our most popular code, [New Diorama sets inchading Engines of War with Fantasy Crews, A new range of Dungeon accesiaries featuring chests, ums and other items (Our first WARHAMMER supplements featuring army lists amonay about Warhammer, having been playing with them for over Several sipiements, ne well ne unning ational materi in the ROGUE TRADER: four Selenee Fiction Role Playing Rules, other things. We'ra mally excited ‘aw, ane have plang for pring SOMPENDIUM, bbe remaking and re-titling our Spacefarsia models to coincide with the release of these, Some, hopefully most, of these should be ready to appear in the next jasue of the CITADEL COMPENDIUM, together witht few surprises! mse st A Bryan Angelt The Drawings and Photographs in this eatalague are not to scale, October 1985 Citadel Miniatures 10, Victoria Steee Contents WARHAMMER - THE CONTINUING SAGA ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS GLADE TO PAINTING MINIATURES WARHAMMER - SCIENCE FICTION THE CITADEL CATALOGUE THE LEGEND OF KREMLO THE SLANN COMING YOUR WAY! THE SPACEFARERS. THE WARHAMMER PLAY SHEET \WARHAMMER- Wolve all been amazed by the response and enthusiaam which has greeted: the. launch of aur own Games system = Warharnmer, the rules thet allow you ta fight fantasy battles ton the. tabletop. The Intters and ideas have been, quite Iiteraly at times, overwhelming, Groupe of players all round the exuntry have’ been using and adapting our rules to their ‘own ends = and judging by your letters with somo interesting Fenulte, Ourselves, well we are very happy to ae our ideas fexpanded and modified is all very encouraging and bodes well for the future. Keep the ideas coming. Mechwhile we have arranged. this selection of rules” ammendmente and ‘modifications whieh shoud clear up a few mistakes. which rope into the rules. Oecasionally we've found thet what we ‘wrote was not 98 clear as we intended - 50.9 few words of ‘explanation on vital paints are included too THE TURN SEQUENCE Val 1 p5 says that both players may. shoot in the Shooting Phase © thi fs @ foul lie! In fact only the Active Player ray shoot, The only exception la Return Flee’ ~ aoe next section, RETURN FIRE In a players Shooting Phase other players may attempt to ‘Shoot with tigutes whose ow Skill is or money Throw 8 OS, ‘add 1 far each point of ttiative. If the result ls 10 or mare that ent oF individdal may shoot. This does rot prevent thorn firing again in thele own Aetive Tarn. FIGHTING DEFENSIVELY This Is 9 advanced akernative rule designed for games lnvolsing onty afew (leas than 10) models a sido, although Iti Wizard, ety = may choose ta Tight defensively In combat, This menra he forgets about trying to kill his opponent and just Concentrates on parrying. aod trying to stay alive. This Is particularly uaetul if you find youself totally outclassed in Combat, Yau must declare atthe beginning of combat that you Intend to Fight Defensively. Having dane 80 you roll to hit = ‘normal but with » +2 dice Modifier ~ you wil roll first even If your opponents igher and he would normally have {cause ao damage”= but yeur opponent may tet attempt to hit yous you have locked! he blow. You may fight dentensively against ae many individuals a¢ you have attacks. 5 WEAPONS DIFFERENTIATION AND OTHER BONUSES, There are some of these sted on p 25 of Val 1. More detail ccan be included In your games by Intreducing rare bonuses to Cover exotic. wewpont and situations. The. following. list Ssimmarises the factors given in Wamamyner and Includes a few new ones developed by oureelves and other players. You Can ‘Gut ‘this hare aut 'and paste Ke Into your” copy of Warhammer aver the existing char. ' initiative To Hit 1 ICHARGE/COUNTERCHARGE FIGHTING ROUTING ENEMY 2 a VARMED MONSTER 5+ = = r 'LONGER WEAPON a ILIGHT WEAPON vs SIRMISH 41 a é LIGHT WEAPON vs SHOCK . 1 ICROSS DEFENDED OBSTACLE 1 1 IHEAVY WEAPON va SKIRMISH <1 1 [HEAVY WEAPON ys SHOCK 3 [HEAVY WEAPON ve ALL New items which won't be familiar are Crossing Defenied Obstacles and Heary Weapon ve Shock. If you are attaching troops who are tohind some sort of cover = auch aa a bereicodey hedge or wall then you will suffer penalty of -1 ‘Once you have. pushed back the fo penalty’ Ifthe defenders push you beck then they don't have 1 follow aver the obstacie = but the unit pushes back sil retreate 2" as normal "a Mit" and =I. ritiative Heavy Cutting and Thrusting Weapons - basically two-handed Weapons are! heavy pole-arms ~ receive a 41 “To Hitt bonus Wien fighting troops in Close Order. This ls because troops in Clos order have little room ta duck ar dodge. [An additional bonus which we have introduced into our © Games is the +2 "To hit and « "To Kill If you are Fight outed troops. USING MOUNTED FIGURES, A fow people have asked us to clarity the rules for cavalry and ther mounted models, it the rider ls maunted on either a Hoven Boar. or Woll = then it counts as cavalry. Cavalry fecelve appropriate inavement for the type and a) +1 Saving Throws Attacks against tw cavalry are worked out againat the UBER with the appropriate bonuses. Ifthe Rider is killed thon tie thiire model Ta removed from play. Thi 1s a convenient way of working out cavalry because it saves having lonse ories wandering shout the Rattefiets. Ifthe rider is mounted fon a Wolf thest that animal may itself bite and claw against Combat “oppontits — attack with Giant Wolf Initiative, Weopanskilt and Attack Strength. Opponents must still fight agaitat the rider = this means that the Wolt could find itself Ding killed simply because the rider in Killed. In the basic fjoine_we find. this ie fair enough becaure the cidor/wolt Combination ts pretty powerful wt the wolf Is bound to be Aisndvantaged by having the rider on his back. The only models actually designed to ride lager ereatures are Mr sither mounted on some form of Giant Ring Meptile or Specially dealt with in the rules (Giant riding Elephant and Ore Riging Wyvern). If you wish to. mount models on other large monsters, such aa the Griffon, then use the sare rules aa for the ant Riding feptiies. In combat the cider and creature ‘both attack the enemy = but the opposition ean only attack the ‘creature, Once the eresture is dead the rider it dismounted fand may hv wena in combat. F Some players have indicated that they would tke R inore detail fr riding larger rronsters and #0 we have developed the following rules. T-rmust femphasioe that. these new rules are to. some BZA extent experimental ~ |All Mounts and Riders imiy be considered ‘teparates In combat the Rider strikes a blow and the Mount aleo strikes a blow where appropriate Normal Horart, Donkeys, Mules ete, don strike 1 blow ut trained Warhorses 2. Foot opponents may choose to either fight the Mount or Rider. Ifthe Mount Is 29 large that the Rider is oof roach of hie nnemies weapon then the blow ‘must be struck ‘against the Mount. Generally far foot opponents under 10 tall the Rider ca be attacked if hw be iging anything ores sivef and rot if sho is riding anything bigger. 5 Where two mounted opponents meet in combat riders may "attack either riders. or mounts ‘mounts may attack only mouris. Riders mounted Gn horses horse sized creatures may not strike Blows against riders riding larger creatures. They 4a riders mount i killed then Throw # D6. 1-4 Rider is diamounted and must fight on foot. > Rider ig thrown clear of_ mount. Place 2" behind combat. Fight on foot. 1Strenguh 2 Hit ae roll 45,6 on a [D6 at the end of tho Turn te break free. It sttacked “whilst trapped Fedice Initiative to Land umber of ‘Attacks to 1 only. if you broak free Conte to fight an foot. 5 Ifa ridor fs killed then the mount may continue to fighe.alore if 1 in Incelligent, but sem Intelligent or mancintelligent creature becomes fubject to. STUPIDITY. Non-intelligent reatures will move and attack randomly = this must be determined by the Games Master. As a Qeneeal guide non-inelligent mounts withoot Fines will attack the nearest troop If they are haturally agressive (auch ae a non-inteligent Spl rag) ar wil ron way Uy ane 6 Riders and mounts take separate Saving Throws Fier receive ro bonus for being ‘mounted. Sa a Dragon rider, for example, could charge into # unit of infantry. The Orsgon will attack a normaly the Rider will ‘ttack ae normal and the Infantry will attack the Dragon. If the Infantry aueceed inkling the Oragon then the Rider rolls dice to determine whether he te dismounted, thrown clear oF Feapned. Once dismounted he will continue to Fight on foot. fy for instance, a Griffon rider and » Hippoariff rider attack teach other then the Griffon and Hippogrltt must attack ench Uther. The tiders may choose to attack either each other or {hele opponents mount. 1 Je ultimately left to. the GM to decide whether 3 mount counts ax horse sized or bigger ~ but as a rough guide most ‘monsters that can be ridden count as horee sized. For example Griffon, Pegasi, Unicorns, Hippogstie, Manticores, Wolves, Boars, Carniverous Birds, and Centaurs, Creatures which count F arould be fairly obvious, Elephante, Oragons, Giant and the ‘riding! Wyverns for instance. COMBAT FACTORS FOR TYPICAL MOUNTS. ‘The Characters Profile Factors = Strenath, Initiative ete, are fot given in full on Unis chart. tn this and further charts tne Factors ae abbreviated to save spac ™ Nove 1 Initiative ws Weapon Skill W Wounds 8s Bows A Attacks 5 Strength + Toughness Was SRR we am Warhorses(ND 3-2 BLS Horse SRN BAG eRe Glen wot (SQ 8 3 GS Glent Boor (MD FO BE Elephant So es ek Uniearn (SD SS RD NI-= Non-latllignt /'I = Semi-ineelligent ADVANCED RULE - DISMOUNTING OPPONENTS. If you are using the advanced ‘Mounted Troops! tke then you can ineorporate the rules given hece if you wish. If you are attacked by a frounted ‘model then instead of attacking the Fiter you may atkerngt to unseat him ~ flinging Fim from Sie unt ed forcing him to fight on foot. You may any attempt this if you may normally fight the Fider and not if you can only fight the mount, First cect Your Intention t try ta dlarmaunt your opponent. Than rll "to Feta normal. For each hit ral "to dismount’ = ll a +1 Ie you are Lanes armed 31 you" charged or countercrarged thie turn Then consult this charts= 1-2 Nootfect at all 5:4 Yow fall to dismount - Roll to kill” af normal tut with a 2. dice ‘odin 546 Yous have unseated your opponent ~ Fell again on the chart below. rider happened to the dlamounted 1-4 Dismounted - continue ta fight on foot 5-6 Dismounted but with complications Foot caught in stirrup rope weapon - Disarmed Trampled by mount Fung €9 ground ‘Concuesed Knocked Out or Killed If your foot catches in the stirrup you will be dragged 108 * by the mount apd deposited at Coneussed. ‘Moree nd. similar ‘mounts wil always run away from the conflict. Aggressive and Intelligent mounts will probably continue to fightin which case count as "trample! Dropped Weapons may include shiolds (50% of the time) and may be picked up, or ancther one drawn, on the roll of a 06 = heeding a 6 to succeed. Recovery increases by +1 per Turn and Ie automatic if there is abreak in combat. ‘Trample involves ~ getting stood ona ots This ean hurty court as I'Mit at the Strength Attack of the mount. 5a youl probebly survive belng trampled by & horae ~ but a Dragon? 1 you are flung ta the Ground take 1 Hit at # Strength Attack equivalent to the number of ‘pipe on your Saving Throw trom fringe. 6161 ‘pip, 9 2, & ie 3 and 99 one Riders flung ta the Ground may not got’ op that Turn ‘and may only taht Sefensively. 1 you are tconcussed? thie means that you are flung to the Around as above. In addition you receive a blow to the head and Became a Mttle bit "vaghe’ ~ trom now on you ere subject Co Stupidity for th seat af te battler Kock Out or Kill means thet the rider has teen rendered out Of combat and should be removed from play. Roll for injuries Sfter the battle it you wih = Vol 3 p16. MORE MONSTERS THE UNICORN Unicorns resemble large white, torsos with « single oom trong’ trom the foreeud. Unicom are baslealy_ good reat ad seriinsigent. Thay are vey senitive porsone sure and wil ln aitoc1f approached by ell ate typess Tey wil port therasives to be ridden By Virgin Puladine ahd sono goodly hero, Tey are mogicel Creates and have Ow sity to mult all nase within Sot thomyanasie steph eh wee within te Cnt Ar erences spall cae sine" Unicom han 3 chance, of woring Stuart tothe ehancement. Sot you enhance sh sell Oy 4d Ereray Points thon ie wil have 820% chanen of workin, Unicorns cust rman! Aura arcu thom equlvton to's ori Aura of Stasdfsinesy Aura of Protection “and Shri Undead So Unies a ie riders aro irae from Fear and Terror, the Unicon nest 8y6 06 Saving Tow and automaticaly strove all" Undead” within 8" Coxcopt Tor Litho Uend Veroes end Cheraponsy nd Peso Unicom 5 Sk THE PEGASUS, A Pegasus ia a winged horse - aften @ normal horke with » Chaos’ Attribute. Pesanus are seminteligent and rrake excellant steeds if they ean be tamed A character requires Willpower of above 8 to tame a Peaasis. Pegasus ean fight in combat In aaition toa ridor but Ht their niger ta killed they will usually ly away. Pegasus MAGICIANS AND ARMOUR, Guite a few of you have expressed abject disgust and horror at penalty (Shrieks of disbelief. Well we have devised an ‘Advanced Rule section to allow for reduced effectiveness of Wizards when wearing armour. Wizards may not use shields an perform magic - ey may carey shields into combat ut. thon function a1 fighters wlth po ability to. cast further” spells “until they" remove the shield. Shields finder a” Wizard ability to. make the worrest gestures for effective conjuration, Wizards may wear armour ~ but the presence of met Will Interfere with the Wizards everytime a spell is cist, Roll 206 98 fora formal fumble. Tot up tho modifiers trat apaly (Wound ete) ‘and ‘dé an additional 1 por Saving Theow tip" fram armour. That ls, If your Saving Throw is 6 = 1 ‘pip if your Sowing ‘Throw is 3-2 "pipe and so ons Then if the score fs 13 or more roll for a Fumble. This way the snore stmaur a model hay the ‘more likely it is to tumble" @ spell. Wrist Guarda, the et gorget and helmets dorit add to the Saving Throw = 20 they ont make any difference to the Wisard, being quite small sd ‘mostly decoretive anyway. VAMPIRES. We didnt inetude rules for Varpires in Warhammer becouse ee ted ta do 0 proper set of spectal Yampiciam rules and “SE nave the room todo it But ardent fans of Trenaylvania's faite aon have asker! ut to account for our omission. Te Lee there aetioted I hove azanmbled our Vampire rules as they Vampires ore created by the willing transmission af the anette for Vammpirisin ta be inherited from one oF both fares, Both events ere very rare indeed ~ Vampires are Barer. otMonagamous by nature. and demand exceptionally Falta atts of intellect and sophistication in their spouses Wig) seanfons. For Unis reason Vampirism tends to be ae nctod to only a very few aFistocratic families “occasionally cee an wives into” the line. Female Vampires would meres take aan apueey aot hey may Hoke ttn There are minimum Personal Characteristics required to ucome, or be eligible to become, a Vampirs INTELLIGENCE 10 Coot 2 Wiki PoweR 8 LEADERSHIP 3 The Varnpre suppliments his own Life Energy from that of hit Tre Marie ohana his tite indefinitely Life Energy it versed in the same terms os a Wizards Life Energy. et Le Energy can bo generated by rolling ¢= 1D10 x sera cical Vampire will start off with from 200 - 2000 Se Yomptes eat to_evpend Le Coma, opto te fio tied "ae soon as the character becarnes @ Vampire ~ Varmpines are ‘deed They are 20 powerful, however, that Thoprare not abject to the normal wells and restrictions Waka ertece Undead. To sustain their life requires 10 Life Testy Points per dnyy which ean be cut down to 9 paints per Goer he Varmpite remains ina comatose state in his coffin Siting the boure oF daylight. Vampires may aqulte additional Life Energy Pointe only by (ating trom the Life Energy of victins. Victims can be of oer thds apt term of long term. A short term vitirn is od le rstantiy and yields only = itele Life orgy generate by rolling ID10, A long term victim ts rents over a period and yeilds up all of their Life Energy Sroimtan this oe 2064100 minus 20 points for each year of aaa itthia reall ina negative number then the person Ia sposane to bea vetine ang term visting eu tae Ueeelnes Tho riest sttack on 1 lang term vietim will yield YBekite Energy Points, the recond attack 206, the third 306 srt go on anit all af the persone Life Energy is used up. A Lona at 20 oe i jows not have to be of the opposite ex Dut 8 ter tithe ane ex will yield only half oF the normal Life Prete ek tencs af both kinds ean only accur at night and eny | cet at gok may be made per night. The victim's Blood should Fee ict Tell be abvious from the above that a Vampire ‘tong term victim wil dle when their Eneray reaches zero, A Atartatey victim will rige up as @ Yarpire in thelr own right 5 09 tore burials Generate. the Initial Life Energy Lovell Bye aoa vampire created in this way witl usually have femotional ties withthe original Vampire |A tong torin victim can be prevented trom becoming Sangite I buried with the appropriate precautions. Tre head ya Se cut aff, and @ Lawful symbol of some Kind placed Tt ie neck and. within the mouth. A. chain of garlic Frou Delused in this context in conjunction with a cross. Vampires may become Wizards in the same way as normal ren Vamos not cast a Blest spell. Life Energy points will be cL La Corral but Vampires are unable to benefit Freese “mmie thet would Increase or suspend their Cie Fee Mais means. that Varmgires make relatively poor sreray. eomuae af the excessive drain on their Life Energy ive the ability to trararute into elther Giant Wott Ue" Ghane Bot form with a Were-factor of 2 (2 on a D6 to Trasomute) = each Transmutation, including back to many ures TE ite'eergy Potts In daylight Une Vampire must revert to HRumsn form of be destroyed. Vampires can aquire Life Eneray their Cottin to ‘oynthesiset the energy. In Giant Bat end Giant Wit foo the Vampire, his: the notmel, attributes of that wiettunes ton bat form he ean fly, etc. In Wolf form he can creer a Wolf Pack Leader ant) command upto 306 Pack Waiven ‘The Fighting Characteristics of each form are given below Vampires are characters and 29 their attributes may vary Memes Go experience = the Fighter Advancement Thresholds toe deed, with 10x paints for turning a vietin into, o (ation and 20 points for killing and taking Life Ereray. the Watkin Tovels of character ‘advancement do nat opp Typical Choracteritice are given here end may be used on Treounters I you wish, they are based on the premise that the Vampire is quia old and experienced. Form Move W589 ST 1 w a 5B 8 5 4 5 1 Mena aa wee ge eee 2% Be ly 3 5 2A B Vampires are immune to all Fear Terror and Morale = they are WoMbleeety unertected: by psychological factors. They may crete case Fear or Terrar any individual within 6" who Freer st Powor of B or less. Trey may try to fbx an individual "win wits malign tare (SONS omusing Stupicityel. |A Vampire whose Wounds are used up is not destroyed but Giseetodied’s the body will fado and vanish and reappear in the Vampires Coffin or aafe place. Obviously this make it Wy importane that the Vampire reaintalns and protects his 12a piace = this must consis of 8 coffin lined with earth ean dhe Vampires omeland. The Vampire mey rest in @ [oma one state in his Coffin, using up less Life Fneray, and Games Masters and players sould remember that Varnpires saree cvellgusy charrsinatic ard sophisticated creatures, they BFS Tory intelligent nd generally highly cultured with a wide sreon at Toriegn language, science and the arts. Most are Grae OF arises and capaoie scientits. Vampires certainly do areas trom wenind pillars, flan their fangs and openly cee nole regiments of adventurers without either air oF PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS IN SPECIAL SITUATIONS ‘The Following situations are examples of how to use these factor, further situations can be’ dealt” with by. the Imagirative Games Master as owed arises. Bluff - A character may attempt to ‘bluff his way through a situation, for example by pretending ta to someone elae oF by ot responaible for some heinous event. His preterding he TP Your Coot succass, The GM should eel free to add or subtract according ta his discretion - for example if the player can come up with ‘particularly convincing te witty argument or if the situation ‘lees relatively eaty or distinctly tricky. Ifthe character te trying to bluff a fairly brainlese individual (Intelligence below 4)/add 10%, an individual abject to Stupidity add snother 10%; ‘or a weak willed character (Willpower below 4) add 10%. If the character Ix trying tabla! someone with higher Intelligence, higher Willpower or higher Cool then deduct 10% for each factor of wach. For example if the guy youre. trying to onvirce to let you in to a private assassins club has an Intelligence 2 higher than you, Willpower 1 higher and Cool 1 higher’ you must deduct 40% from your basle chance of A few sample ‘Buf Trying to pase yourself off a8 someone else, 8 long lost son, 2 biting wivard or the local tax collector ~ far example. Trying to get into a building past a quard by pretend nate forgotten the pass ward ot to have an invitation (The farmous party crashing Bluff). Pretending to have knowledge which you dont = for examale preterding you know where the famous treasure of Mullah ‘lan a bees Duran Cogwhoot, gontioman thief and wit, finds himself ‘caught miarobbery (and half way up a drain fipe)y by a local Imiliatin" man. He attempts to ‘Bluff the "ulitiaman into believing that he is an inearniae plumber. Persuasion ~ A character may attempt to ‘persuade’ non-player characters t0 do things fer therny either by convincing thein that what they are about to do ls in thelr awn interests (oven it lait) ot by offering them money. This can overlap with ‘plutt"= but in intended ta cover Instances sich aa trying to persuade someone to divulge where certain great treasure Is Kept, when certain guard goes on holiday, that he ought to trurder his grandmother ant collect. the’ haurance. Your hance of surcess i xCoal a 2% but minus the Inteligence, Coot and Witl poster of the guy you're trying to persian, If bribery Ie attempted +1% por Crown (or the GM can determine facearcing to Social Status and Alignment) Mungum the Thief is trying ta skilfully manoeuvre 9 Palace quand inta divulging. the. whereabouts. of the princess's bedroom , over. pint of "Old Slack Foul and Dawdy tales of Guatdomert exploit Reginauld, the trickster, is trying to persuade a local shopkeeper to mibecribe toa new inaurance scheine that he has jst started Duran Cogwheel, having failed to. ‘lutt” the local lawman now tries to convince him to let Duran hold is ‘Cudgel while he goes a fetches help. Setinge, chial advisor to King Hob trying fo persuade the King to lead Fis nolghbour. Seringe Intends to embezzle army funds while Koboagie is sway. FIRUNG ARCS IN RATTLES Warhammer can be used to fight, anything from a small Skirmish involving only 2 few models to a game betwoon ‘massive armies. We dide® lay down any hard and fost rules on Uiather ‘models cen fire to the froct enly, all round or Uihataver. In aur own games we have found it best to allow Infantry armed with missile weapons, Bows, croas-bows otc, Lo fire at targets within a 90° are to thei front only. Mounted fronpe with mile weapons aro the sare = except that thelt fire are is normally at right sngles to their front, and Mounted Troops in Skirmish Order may fire all round but suffer al To Hit penalty for firing aut of the 90° are, Spectics are the ost enigmatic and pawerfal of the ordinary lundend types = exceptionally dificult to Kil, immune to maqie fattack snd nonvenshanted weapons srd causing paralysis by touch. Spsctres are the spiritual remains of long dead men ~ oat seule taho are held to the earth because of rome age fon) vow oF uree. Oath breakers in particular may be forbidden passage Inte the realms of the doa, nd they are compaled to, remain fearthbound until their oath la completes. Somatimes @ Spectre may ‘owe service, to a lord of ‘wizard, although ence. the fervice Is completed the spirits are freed from their bondene. ‘When encountered a Spectre will not generally attack = unless Jn doing o he is fulfiling his oath For example tthe Wizard Comencratz has 5 bodyguards. One ay an sosassin sneaks into Comencratz castle, murders the ‘quards and bratally slays the slepping Vizard. The guards have alled. to. protect their master anf Comencrats's son = Grangorok “alls tpon the Spectres of tho 9 Guards to return tnd. do. thelr'duty_ protecting him trom Intruders. Now If ‘nother attacker aitempts to slay Crargorok the Spectres will, Brotect him, if they succeed then they may ‘pass on! (the Games Master may decide Usnt they my only pass on one gt 2 time if he wish. Spectres are invmune from nonvenchanted weapons and attacks ‘rom moat normal magic. ‘They maybe dispelted by 9 Necromantic ‘Banish undead spell as normal, they may be Glapelied by a normal "Banish. Undeosopell with a phan 3 Numble factor’. They are effected by enchanted weapons - and "Blessed Weapon’ will have normal effect. Spactres causes FEAR within 15% and TERROR within 5" all normal living creatures. A Spectre attacks by touch and Causes no damage = but hes paralysing effect, Throw to sve for Poison tf you fail to save against Paralyte then the Sictim becomes nid and heipiees = the effect lasting for at Tons "an hour ( 606, Yurral A Cure Light WA ands Spel wil Cine this Conditions Player Characters hit by Spectre sy {oll to see which part of th body hasbeen Hie = and loose the powor in that part any. Use the Wounds chart to deci which Fit’has bon hits Tan Garnna Master can determine the exact ftfecte depending on how the charactor Is eqied far fostance a nftshng” ity andthe character” would Uap his Sotelo or watever. Desc. MovewS BS S oT Wot A Sectre 3H 20 - 2 © Lord PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS - ADVANCED RULES In the bosie Warhammer garme we left it pretty ‘uch up to the (ames Master to determine Characters. abllity to. handle special. situations Sond peeferm extraordinary feats, We said that the Games Master should gee the Personal Characteristics to judge any situation, giving @ character an arbitary chance of “achieving an action and ‘motitying according to his ool ‘intelligence, Willpower” oF ‘Tendershipt depending on which seerned approprints- Weil now we'd like to pass on some of the advanced rules we have devised to utilise these "Characteristey’. These are only used in conjunction withthe "Personal. Characteristics! of Indvidual herovs, officers, champions ete, ‘other rarks! are all Considered to have average characteristics. coon AA character's Coo! determines his temperament and ability to ‘Keep Ninselt under coreeol in streseful atustionse Characters with a Cool of 2 or tess are always subject to Frenzy, and must_make a compulsory throw when within mnge of enemy or when they are fired at, Rules for in Frenzy are waived for these Characters with a Cool of eleven or more are NEVER subject taFrengy, even if caused by magic. Characters with # Coot of 12 are immune to Terror and Fear, ‘even if cured by magle. They are also Immune to "Aura of Command! and ‘Mind Control” Spel. WILL POWER, [A character's Will Powar reflects his personal determination Aecordingly characters with vary high fil Power" levelo fof ten or more) can be very resistant to tragic. Such characters are Yormed "magically resistant. ‘Add the ‘Will Power’ of the magician eesting a epall to his ‘Mastery Level! (Magical weapons are rrostly considered to hove @ Will Power of 10). If this total is lees than the Will ewer of the magically rsietant character then he Is entitles to's 06 Saving Throw.” This will be I ‘pip'on the dice for each point advantage = 1 tip! Is 6, 2 ‘pipe’ 56. and 20 on. If he Frakes his Saving Throw then the character tekes no damage or Citect from that spell OF course, Uni rule will only apply to you if you have a Will Power of 10 oF more Characters with «Will Power of 1 or 2 always take double damage oF effect from magic. For example:- A magically resistant character, with « Will Power of 12, i» attacked by a Fire Gall from a wizard with Will Power @ and Mastery 2. Subtract the wizard's Will Power and Mastery (Be? = 10), from the character's Will Power (12). Thi Works gut as 12 minus 10 = 2, This gives him a Saving Throw of Ppipet or Syé on a D6. If the same character wore to be Sttacked by e'goblin wielding a magie scimitar with a +2 ‘To Fit" and +2" cll then this weapon would count a having & Witt Power If 10, Owe character must apain make his Saving Throw to be immune tothe weapon's magic powers, if be traea the throw successfully the weapon will count a8 2 formal ‘scimitar for that round of combat, More powerfy Tmagleal weapons will have extra plus factors for ‘mastery’ 11 you use this rile then Dwarves will be particularily resistant te magicn because of this Dwarves with » Will Power over ten Weill be 96 out of ture with the ways of magic that they wi It be able to become Wizards. Dwarves never were over ket On things mystical anyway. Dwarves with a Will Power of 16 Siu then be totally Immune to the effects of magic, they may Tot use magic. items and cause Fear in any Wizard they fpproach within 12" of. 10 LEADERSHIP ‘A character's ‘Leadership! determines his ability to lead and ‘organise other peopln. In unite of troops the ‘Captain’ of the Unit may add 1'to the Saving Throw against Fear and Terror {or the whole unit If his Leadership Factor Is 3. He may ada an ‘additional’ I fer each Factor over 3. The maximum normal Leadership valuo is 4 for Mon and Elves, 9 for Dwarves ~ 30 ‘he maximum total plus factors would be 42 and +3. ‘aptains’ with @ Leadership of 3 of more can try to step units| reacting to Hated Enemy ~ Rolla D6, you will need to score a 6 to stop the unit reacting for that turn. Add 1 for each point of Leadarship shove 3. When Throwing for Morale a unit Captain! may add 1 to the dice i his"Leadership' ie 3 or more. In combat the leader af a unit ray challenge his counterpart in the opposing unit to's man-tavman combat. If you refuse a Challenge then your Leadership value is reduced to 1. If the ‘combat ie accepted then the two models mast fight each other clint combat is aver or one of thom is killed. INTELLIGENCE Character's with a high Intelligence receive a percentage bonis on the Experience Points that they earn. Characters ‘witha really low Intelligence suffer certain penalties. Characters with on to STUPIDITY. Incelligence of 1 are subject Characters with an Intelligence of 2 oF tess are unable to ‘Squire more than 1 skill = they will not be able to Tearn to read ‘OF write ond suffer a minus 25% Experience Points penalty. Characters with an Intelligence of & or less may not became Wizerds. Characters with a Intelligence of 10 receive # +10% Experience Points borus. ‘Characters with high Intelligence may lesen new Stills ‘quickly, and Games Master may with to take this into account fain. tuations. For example a character with an Intelligence of 10 could have @ 10% chance of being made ‘upervieor of a workshop if he is working there, ora character ‘working aan Sallor could have a 10% chance of being promoted to Mate and #0 on. OTHER RANKS! Ordinary ‘rank and file! members af a unit do not have to roll {for thelr Personal Characteristicn. They are considered to have average tluas ~ whieh ar Coot Intelligence Will Power Magically 2 an Resistant + Fi 5 5 5 5 HEA LQ SAY KS \ CITADEL MAILING CLUB NEWSPAGE Citadel's Mailing Club has grown apace over the last year = we row have almost one thousand imersbers, compared. with 8 hundred or so this tme last yeur. Those o! you wha are nat yet members might be interested to. kt about aur service. Mailing Club momters receive advance information about ‘pew Citadel models -s0 you can Keep up ta date with all the latest releases. Sporacieally we organise a Mailing Chub feach other in the field of painting, drawing designs or an Interesting resurw of their adventures. All of our competition wirmere receive a substantial. prize af Citadel models, with ‘any other prizes for runners Up. We also produce "Arcane Ramblings - an occasional news letter centaining information fn the latest models, hints an modelling and painting and Warhammer satistcs, Qverteat you will find our naw Mailing Club questionnaire. Its quite a while since we had a questionnaire and it seemed ‘900d Idea to find out what you all felt ubout the future nf the Mailing Club and our ather projects, 1f you would tke to Join our Mailing Club ell you have to 6 Is fill iy the address boxes Below and affix a 1p stormy In the pacm provided in each box. Each stomped addross box entitles Yyou to one mailing = If you like you ean Join for as many ct a8 few mailings as you wish, just fll In as many boxes 98 you want mailings. Well keep your addrose boxes and vse them to Send you your Mailing Club information ea new releases occur. i elem are sched for anes wyery tao more bit ‘may be mare frequently sometimes. When we rut out of tddress boxes we'll gend you another sibseription sheet. If you Would like ta join but you live overvoas then you can send us the equivalent cost of sending. your information to you ~ this will rormally be about 50p. So there you are - we think that 16p Is pretty good value for ‘each of our Mailing Club packages snd we hope you'll agree. Incidently all of the packaging is done nat by Citadel stat? out by ‘homeworkerr. This meafs we carmot-orgarise changes of dress sa if you know youll be moving house soon either nly join the mailing Club for a few monthe or mike sure you Rave your mall forwarded to you. ane NAME ADDRESS ADORESS NAME Nae ADORESS AboRESS NAME NAME ADDRESS ADORESS n CITADEL COMPENDIUM COMPETITION Fer the Citadel Compendium welve decided to organise 0 ‘pscial Competition. First prize will be one each of every Cadel model released in April 64, worth at least £20 = runners up will receive special prizes too. All you have to do is ‘row us your own adventuring Warhammer character ~ you can Use" any” of thw allhouettes” drawn below. for Human Male, Himan’Femate of Dwarfs You can use the Human ‘ones for Fives: Fill in the details of clothing, weapane and equipment = you ean even draw in any accompanying animal or demonic amiliar if you wish, Then, when you have drawn in your ‘héventurer fll in the ‘Profile Sheet* sev aawer the questions Given. Well judge your entries in January and the entry which io tie the tonst entertaining, the most amusing or the most rraational will win the first prize. Feel free to use aditional sheets Ifyou wish CITADEL COMPENDIUM QUESTIONNARE Hore are some of the idoas we have for future plans - tbvlously wold very much lke to koow what you think to these Drojects, Sometimes your questionnaires moke all the Mitferoace between us) deciding to manufecture a ‘certain ‘adel or not = 20 if you're waiting for 2 particular model of @ Datticular beastie now's your chance. Please award wach idea Inarke aut of 10 depending on how good an idea you think Ie i Plans for the future are. More supplements fer Warhammer... A special range of Chaos Monsters. Dungeon Accessories, Chests ete. Plastic vac-formed Dungeon scans, walls floors sted] More Boxed sete a TELL US ABOUT ANY UNUSUAL OR INTERESTING CHARACTERISTICS HE MAY HAVE GOES THE TIANE ANY FOLLOWERS, FRIENDS More Warharninet Scenario leaflets for our boxed sets. |A News Letter for our Mailing Club A Contact List and News-shoet for Warharnmer players. b More Competitions. Rogue Trader Science Fiction Ship roleplay rules What new madels, books or games would you like to soe from Citadel? 2 Citadels paw Vieible Choice System. invitably Drodnoes ¢fow tatsa rubs for tr mal andy Satomers: We fer thatthe increas Selacton ais the eucitnren sf soving new snodels menting al Ue tn mates for th note effet involves fr e 9 to buy The maj probien ss In tng un Know ey wien tse! you requir, and that is une abley ‘hich mode! you woul ike latnads Ct mall onde {att ao all Leen Jrmera, and ae ready to do thie Mlialet formation’ goneral tt vat majority ot models itmtrated will be avalabie, However, Some models wil inevitably be acon ued ae we ferrodel the coder and fit howe del. which Ltt we re=mudysarnetinan farm month ot more. Sait in always bes to give akernatives 1) DESCRIPTIONS at describe the mal yous wants plate srt with axe and shield, then proving, we pt stick man dang Te mun toot ta Loe ety what You wat 3) PHOTOCOPY: This ie undoubtably we best ret i you tw acowes to" coper, or if you Sere cin yore Compartir You tn with atevative oer of prterany ana even ‘ry happy tan aks thei a mech ele ‘mal order service, BUT the deal vnebad Aout ‘buying. Your models ndowieey ta vat Your local retaller. Hore you will eotually be ale {ose the'modait on afer and be able tn cones trom te latest reones you do rat hove» oa ‘ite hoppy to start stacking our adel you jie DIE MECHANICS OF An. ORDER POSTAGE We make a standart postage and packing farge of 62p on all order Below 10 lve Over {20 aioe postage tree xstomers must ad! SON for postage and packing, Deaorsareaent by surface posts Air charges ‘ary greaty, ai ving tothe weight af out mosh, the’ air postage charge an therm San be more th their set value a the costa aie al Package ls imposniile to predic until you Mave ie Saree Set Une ona mer er Payinant mutt ben Se. “curvany. Your Inca Sor Boat ‘Gttce wit provi you with an English Bank ons parable Stiri” DELIVERY TOMES: We try to put all arden bark in fuceeed in this nin nim shout 0% at the tine Get a couple of days behind. The major exception Iraoss, 1 you want your order for Cheitmae You a oe tm "at the very begining Nery large orders (over$50) sometimes nave to be ald ver Yor aay or two tn complete, Thay. aaa Sv oy pare pony ch tes wie omer So, Beans orders will often be back with yu in a few days you dul allow ton Gaye betore yo otet Feeling Concern, two cats if you have Placed a large onder. Orders very roely so satay. Ou Mal (Grder"Departinane kro complete wd acura ecard of all ors recov wd eptsteds I yo shen they wl belt a owen PAYMENT: Please pay by cheque ot jstal order. I Foally lov very sate to son! ch throu te poy fot ee cortaily take no reponlly for Ie i yu a1 ia particulary foots to send change thro the post however It Io wrsoped, nvr slltaped "0 Sia ara, ni tess Hae CREDIT NOTES: We can narrnaly take all tw you 0% a samme day basiay but some models nay rut fe ctrentiy avalos thr Usually Tr one of 1) We no longer make that nadey sd the mould or Dicey “iecantinuns rele provided ‘weal vot remaking . 9 For te'wicalrenons i wil ot be posi to un the ould toquited bimedatty, se wating sl Soiay your order mare than s werkice ay. vet sont pee your ee Joan rts oat, eel Sal Emote Jou mould sr haves ta ihe ta of «mam ait hee te Saas gee ay rie Yt eat riinly uravaiabie, “We wil fund your maney Gur Credit Neten"ar no tonaured by the Cares ‘Worksop Sel Cer Popartnent HISTORICAL MODELS Citadsl ond Ral Partha manufacture © tte pubic tut ute lange fee af Motori made ‘Antone Romany, Mongalss Chinese, Byzations, ‘Aeabsy Caruirgins, Lombards "ard Iothe near Reire te tould have new Marburare un Aocenk and odioal wats provide the fof ural models fore ae en-at-armae BREAKAGES AND MISTAKES Bb Incomplete Tram ary af ox retilors howver, yo UST onciose either the receipt Une packaging te model was sapped ine fexchange Tae any_ ater reason har hey ane Irapertect or were analy supplied we do at sel returned model LEAD: Our models an intended for collectors a fs playing plocee for serious Somers THEY. ARE Not Tavs. Citadel Minitucs contein lead, whieh can be harmfat if ingetady here Iso danger Hf you are bo NOT PUT THEM IN YOUR MOUTH D0 NOT BUY THEM FOR SMALL CHILDREN. Thay should catainly NEVER be given to ehileen ‘cannot trust nat to suck then. ‘The ally we now uss, which we find ideal in terme at sraity and fine dota, motives eject Le Eniouations The castings aie sometinescalure fxciting shades of lay bone or qT ino Way effects Use model other than in giving It at Scumual ia and 'Uney” take pai etiely normaly To conc LE We employ ony enucians tan av Mal Department, az wo Yael tt only people aioaey involved.’ the “miniatures baby ‘wil have ie Kinde and mwntenane” fed tage 8 completa sevie. {you have e prio, plese dant be utaid to give Vise Wishes nk Preaiey

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