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Short Interview with Jak Ma “Rejection”1

[00:00:01:12] Your life is a testament to the idea. That nothing is impossible.

[00:00:08:05] That if somebody says no.
[00:00:11:03] You say it's just the beginning. Where does that come from?
[00:00:17:09] Well
[00:00:20:12] Are you at the beginning? I never thought I thought when I was young I
said everything is possible. But if you don't do it nothing is possible. If you try to do it, at
least you have the hope. We don't see this kind of model, right Jack's crazy. Yeah, this
is crazy guy. I mean, I remember my first time in Time Magazine. They call me crazy
Jack and I think Chris is good and we are crazy, but we're not stupid.
[00:00:52:00] For three years. I tried fill in the University's so I applied jobs or 30 times.
Got rejected. I went for a police. If you know, you're not good. When KFC came to
China 24 people went for the job 23 people got accepted. I was the only guy out.
[00:01:19:24] so to me being turned down, rejected… Oh, by the way, I told you that I
would I apply for Harvard for 10 times rejected. I know if you were discharged. Sorry
[00:01:36:27] Ten times you wrote them and said, I'd like to come to Harvard and then I
told myself someday I should go teach there buddy. I think that can be arranged.
[00:01:50:12] believe what you doing? Love it, whether people like it or don't like it be
simple and like the word life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you can
get right? I never know. I would be here talking to you and talking to Charlie Rose. I
never know. But today I made it. I told my people in my apartment fifteen years ago.
[00:02:13:00] Guys, we have to work hard not for ourselves if we can be successful
80% of the young people in China can be successful. We don't have a rich father,
powerful Uncle. We don't have a $1 from Bank, just work as a team. So what are you
worried about? I worry about it today a lot of young people lose hope lose vision
instead of complain because we also have the same.
[00:02:42:27] it's not a good feeling being rejected by so many people we also
depressed but at least we find that the world has a lot of opportunity how you see the
world how you catch the opportunity. So, the Hollywood gives me a lot of inspiration.
If you know, the only one thing we never give up the only thing we like a forest to God
will keep on fight. We keep on change ourselves.

Video available online :
[00:03:12:24] we don't complain whether you are successful or not successful. I find that
people when they finish the job and if they make the mistake of the film if they always
completed others, this guy will never come back if the guy only check himself.
[00:03:30:00] Yeah, something wrong with me hear something when we get there. This
guy hasn't hope Jack on behalf of everybody in this audience and a television audience
around the world. Thank you for taking your time to be with us. Thank you.
Listening Tasks

 Lead in :

1. Look at the pictures , and tell me what do you see ?

2. Discuss with your partner: have you failed in your life (can be , your brother or
friend)? tell your partner how did you feel and what did you do to stand up again?

 Listening for Gist: You have four minutes to watch the video and answer to
these two questions:

1. What was the lesson that Jak Ma wanted to transmit? Never Give UP

2. JAK MA compared life to …..? life is like a box of chocolate

 Listening for Details: Watch again the video, tick the correct sentences,
correct the false ones

True False Correction

1. JAK MA applied for a job and got
it from the first time.
2. JAK MA was the only person who
was not accepted in the KFC
3. JAk MA applied for Harvard
university 20 times
4. JAK MA also had depressed
5. JAK MA was inspired by

 Vocabulary : match each word (A- E) to its appropriate definition

A. Lose vision 1. To be rejected , to be refused

B. Depressed 2. allow/force someone to leave
C. Being turned down 3. To lose hope
D. Catch the opportunity 4. To cause someone to feel unhappy and without
E. Discharge 5. To seize the opportunity, to take the chance
 Speaking Skill

Imagine a situation where you have been rejected. You are not feeling good.

Write down a conversation between you and your friend, and tell him what
happened. Then, your friend will encourage you to never give up.

Some useful expressions and word:

stressed – frightened – annoyed – pissed off – depressed – hopeless – jealous –

ashamed – shy – bored – uninterested – sick – tired – sleepy .


 Success does not happen in one day --- ---We should keep trying to reach Success in life

 We should think of failures in a positive way


 Vocabulary Task

Being turned down To be rejected , to be refused

Discharge allow/force someone to leave
Lose vision To lose hope
Depressed To cause someone to feel unhappy and without hope
Catch the opportunity To seize the opportunity, to take the chance

 Listening for Gist

1. What was the lesson that Jak Ma wanted to transmit? Never Give UP

2. JAK MA compared life to …..? life is like a box of chocolate

 Listening for Details

True False Correction

1. JAK MA applied for a job and  I applied jobs or 30 times and
got it from the first time. failed.
2. JAK MA was the only person who 
was not accepted in the KFC
3. JAk MA applied for Harvard  He applied for Harvard for 10
university 20 times times
4. JAK MA also had depressed 
5. JAK MA was inspired by 

 Vocabulary Game: with your partner, student A picks up a paper, describes

the adjective to his partner without saying it, student B tries to find it. Then,
swap turns.

stressed – frightened – annoyed – pissed off – depressed – hopeless -

heartbroken – jealous – ashamed – shy – bored – uninterested – sick – tired –
sleepy .

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