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Chapter 9 Counting

Chapter 9 Counting
Chapter 9 Counting

BASIC KNOWLEDGE ......................................................................... 2

1.Two Important Terms ........................................................................... 2

(1.1)Permutations ........................................................................... 2

(1.2)Combinations .......................................................................... 4

2.Two Important Rules ............................................................................ 6

(2.1) The product rule ...................................................................... 6

(2.2) The sum rule ............................................................................ 8

3.Three Important Theorems .................................................................. 12

(3.1) THEOREM 1:(Grouping) ................................................. 12

(3.2) THEOREM 2: (Combinations with Receptions) .................... 15

(3.3) THEOREM 3: (Circular Permutations) .................................. 19

4.Typical Problems in Counting ............................................................. 23

(4.1) Counting problems related to partitioning ............................ 23

(4.2) Counting problems related to coloring ................................. 25

(4.3) Geometric Counting Problems ............................................. 32

(4.4) Counting problems related to numbers ................................. 34

PROBLEMS ......................................................................................... 40

SOLUTIONS ........................................................................................ 44

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1.Two Important Terms

(1.1). Permutations
A permutation is an arrangement or a listing of objects in which the order
is important. For example, if we have three numbers 1, 5, 9, there are 6
total permutations: {1,5,9},{1,9,5}, {5,1,9}, {5,9,1}, {9,1,5}, {9,5,1}.

(1). There are n different elements, and we would like to arrange r of these
elements with no repetition, where 1  r  n .

The number of such permutations is

P(n, r) = (1.1)
(n − r)!

(2). There are n different elements, and we would like to arrange all n of
these elements with no repetition.

We let r = n in (1) to get

P(n, n) = n! (1.2)

These n distinct objects can be permutated in n! permutations.

The symbol ! (factorial) is defined as follows:
0! = 1 (1.3)

and for integers n ≥1,

n!= n · (n – 1) ···· 1 (1.4)
1! = 1
2! = 2 · 1= 2
3! = 3 · 2 · 1= 6
4! = 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 24
5! = 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 120
6! = 6 · 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 720

Proof of (1.2):

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The first object can be chosen in n ways, the second object in n −1 ways, the third in n
−2, etc. By the Fundamental Counting Principle, we have n(n − 1)(n −2) · · · 2 · 1 = n!

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Example 1: How many 5-digit positive integers can be formed by the digits
of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4?

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(1.2). Combinations

A combination is an arrangement or a listing of things in which order is not important.
Let n, r be non-negative integers such that 0  r  n .The symbol  
r 

(read “n choose m”) is defined and denoted by

 n  P(n, r) n!
 = = (1.5)
 r  P(r, r) r!(n − r)!

n n n

Remember:   = 1,   = n and   = 1
0 1  n

n  n 
Since n − (n − r ) = r , we have  r   n − r  (1.6)

Unlike permutations, combinations are used when the order of the terms

does not matter. If we have n different elements, and it doesn’t matter

which order we arrange the elements, the number of combinations to

n 
arrange m elements where 1  m  n , is  

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Example 2: (a). In how many parts at most do n lines cut a plane?

(b). In how many parts at most do n planes cut a space?

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2.Two Important Rules

(2.1). The product rule (Fundamental Counting Principle) (Step Work)

When a task consists of k separate steps, if the first step can be done in n 1
ways, the second step can be done in n2 ways, and so on through the kth
step, which can be done in n k ways, then the total number of possible

results for completing the task is given by the product:

N = n1  n 2  n3  n k (2.1)

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Example 3: (North Carolina Math Contest) There are 8 girls and 6 boys in
the Math Club at Central High School. The Club needs to form a delegation
to send to a conference, and the delegation must contain exactly two girls and
two boys. The number of possible delegations that can be formed from the
membership of the Club is

a) 48 b) 420 c) 576 d) 1680 e) 2304

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(2.2). The sum rule (case work)

If an event E1 can happen in n1 ways, event E2 can happen in n2 ways, event

Ek can happen in nk ways, and if any event E1, E2,.. or Ek happens, the job
is done, then the total ways to do the job is

N = n1 + n 2 + + nk (2.2)

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Example 4: Hope High School has three elective courses for social
studies and four electives for science. How many ways are there for Alex
to select three electives from them this semester?

(A) 30 (B) 35 (C) 42 (D) 48

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Example 5: How many two-digit numbers are there such that the units
digit is greater than the tens digit?

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Example 6: (AMC) How many distinct four-digit numbers are divisible by 3 and have 23 as
their last two digits?

(A) 27 (B) 30 (C) 33 (D) 81 (E) 90

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3.Three Important Theorems

THEOREM 1: (Grouping)

(a). Let the number of different objects be n. Divide n into r groups A1, A2, ..., Ar such that
there are n1 objects in group A1, n2 objects in group A2, ..., nr objects in the group Ar, where
n1 + n2 + · · · + nr = n. The number of ways to do so is
N= (2.2)
n1 !n 2 !n r !
There are  n  ways to take out n1 elements from n elements to form group A1.
 
 n1 
 n − n1 
There are  ways to take out n2 elements from n –n1 elements to form group A2.
 n2 
Continue the process until there are nr elements left to form group Ar.

The total number of ways, based on the Fundamental Counting Principle, is

 n  n − n1   n r  n!
     =
 n1  n 2   n r  n1 !n 2 ! n r !

(b). Let there be r types of objects: n1 of type 1, n2 of type 2; etc. The number of ways in
which these n1 + n2 + · · · + nr = n objects can be rearranged is
n1 !n2 ! nr !

The proof of this is the same as the proof for (3)

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Example 7: A gardener plants eight trees out of three maple trees, two oak trees, and four
birch trees in a row. How many ways are there?

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Example 8: Five numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are arranged in a row, like a1a2 a3a4 a5
How many arrangements are there such that a1  1, a2  2, a3  3, a4  4, a5  5

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THEOREM 2: (Combinations with Repetitions)

(a). n identical balls are put into r labeled boxes and the number of balls in each box is not
limited. The number of ways is

 n + r − 1  n + r − 1
  or   (3.3)
 n   r −1 

Put r labeled boxes next to each other as shown in the figure below. Put n balls into these
boxes (Figure 1). Next, we line these boxes up next to each other (Figure 2). Now we take
apart the top and bottom sides of the each box and the two sides of the two boxes at the end
(Figure 3), resulting figure 4.

The problem now becomes finding the number of ways to permute n identical balls with r-1 identical
(n + r − 1)!  n + r − 1  n + r − 1
partitions: or   or  
n!(r − 1)!  n   r −1 

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

( x1 + x 2 + x 3 +. + x r )
(b) The number of terms in the expansion of , after the like terms combined,

 n + r − 1  n + r − 1
  or   (3.4)
 n   r −1 

(c). Let n be a positive integer. The number of positive integer solutions to x1 + x 2 ++ xr = n is
 n − 1
  (3.5)
 r −1 

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Write n as n =1+1+ ··· +1+1, where there are n 1’s and n-1 plus signs. In order to
 n − 1
decompose n into r summands, we choose r −1 plus signs from the n −1, giving us  
 r −1 
ways to do so.
(d). Let n be a positive integer. The number of non-negative integer solutions to
y1 + y2 + + yr = n is

 n + r − 1  n + r − 1 (3.6)
  or  
 n   r −1 


Set xr − 1= yr. Then xr ≥ 1.The equation x1 + x 2 ++ x r = n

 n + r − 1
is equivalent to x1 + x 2 + + x r = n + r , which has   solutions.
 r −1 

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Example 9: A baking company produces four different cookies: Chocolate Chip Cookies,
Peanut Butter Cookies, Oatmeal Cookies, and Blueberry Cookies. (a) If a package contains
8 cookies, how many different packages are possible? (b) If a package contains 8 cookies
with at least one cookie of each kind, how many different packages are possible?

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Example 11: (a) How many ways are there to take 4 letters from a, b, b, c, c, c, d, d, d, d, d ?

(b) How many different 4-letter codes can be formed by using the letters from a, b, b, c, c, c,
d, d, d, d, d ?

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THEOREM 3: (Circular Permutations)

The number of circular permutations (arrangements in a circle) of n distinct objects is

N = (n –1)! (3.7)

We can think of this as n people being seated at a round table. Since a rotation of the table
does not change an arrangement, we can put person A in one fixed place and then consider
the number of ways to seat all the others. Person B can be treated as the first person to seat
and M the last person to seat. The number of ways to arrange persons A to M is the same as
the number of ways to arrange persons B to M in a row. So the number of ways to seat n
people around a round table, or arranging n distinct objects around a circle, is N = (n –1)!.

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Example 12: In how many ways is it possible to seat seven people at a round table if Alex and Bob
must not sit in adjacent seats?

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Example 13: In how many ways can four married couples be seated at a round table if no two
men, as well as no husband and wife are to be in adjacent seats?

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Example 14: Twelve student body members are seated at a round table electing president,
vice president, and treasurer. How many possible ways are there such that at least two of
the three elected had been sitting next to each other?

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4.Typical Problems in Counting

(4.1) Counting problems related to partitioning

Example 15: Six boys and three girls are seating nine chairs in a row. The girls arrive
before the boys and decide to choose their chairs so that each girl will be between two
boys. In how many ways can girls choose their chairs?
(A) 42 (B) 46 (C) 60 (D) 72 (E) 720

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Example 16: Ten chairs in a row are to be occupied by eight students and two teachers
Alpha and Beta for a class picture. Two teachers decide not to sit next to each other. There
are n arrangements and the last two digits of n is
(A) 40 (B) 20 (C) 50 (D)70

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(4.2) Counting problems related to coloring

Example 17: As shown in the figure below, each of five regions ABCDE is to be assigned a
color. There are 5 colors to choose from, and no adjacent regions can be the same color. How
many different ways are there if each color is allowed to be used more than once?

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Example 18: As shown in the figure below, each of four regions ABCD is to be assigned a
color. There are 4 colors to choose from, and no adjacent regions can be the same color. How
many different ways are there if each color is allowed to use more than once?
A.96 B.84 C.60 D.48

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Example 19: The lengths of five sides of convex pentagon ABCDE are distinct. Each side
is to be assigned a color. There are 3 colors (red, yellow and blue) to choose from, and two
sides sharing the same vertex must have different colors. How many different colorings are

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Example 20: Each of four faces of a regular tetrahedron is colored one of 10 colors. How
many distinct ways are there to color the tetrahedron? (Two colorings are considered distinct
if they cannot be rotated to look like each other).
(A) 925 (B) 980 (C) 1024 (D) 1090 (E) 1450

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Example 21: (North Carolina Math Contest) The tips of a five-pointed star are to be
painted red, white and blue. How many ways can this be
done if no adjacent points can be the same color?

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Example 22. There are five regions to be colored with four different colors. If no same
color can be used for adjacent regions, how many ways are there to color?

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Example 23. Each point of A, B, C, D, E, and F is to be assigned a color.

There are 4 colors to choose from, and the ends of each line segment must
have different colors. How many different colorings are possible?

(A) 288 (B) 264 (C) 240 (D) 168

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(4.3) Geometric Counting Problems

Example 24. Find the number of triangles whose vertices are lattice points in the xy- plane satisfying
1  x  5 and 1  y  5 .

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Example 25. There are six points in a plane. Sixteen triangles can be formed by connecting
these points. How many lines are there that contain more than 3 of the points?

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(4.4) Counting problems related to numbers

Example 26: Alex wants to select two different numbers from {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. How
many ways are there to do so such that these two numbers are not consecutive?

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Example 27: (AMC) How many non-empty subsets S of {1, 2, 3,..., 15} have the following
two properties? No two consecutive integers belong to S. If S contains k elements, then S
contains no number less than k.
(A) 277 (B) 311 (C) 376 (D) 377 (E) 405

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Example 28: (Bulgarian Mathematical Olympiad) Find the number of ways of choosing 6 among the
first 49 positive integers, at least two of which are consecutive.
 49 
 

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Example 29. (1987 China Middle School Math Contest) Counting number n has the
following property: if we take any 50 different numbers from 1, 2, 3, …, n, there always will be two
numbers with the difference of 7. Among the many values of n, what is the largest value?

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Example 30: A subset of integers 1, 2,…, 100 has the property that none of its members is either the
sum of other two or two times of another. What is the largest number of members such a subset can

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Example 31: A subset of integers 1, 2,…, 10 has the property that the sum of its
members is odd. How many such subsets are there?

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Problem 1. There are 120 permutations of ABCDE when arranged in alphabetic order.
What is the last letter of the 100th permutation?
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E

Problem 2. Six cards each labeled with one of the digits 1 to 6 are put into 3 different
envelopes. Each envelope will have two cards and cards 1 and 2 will be in the same
envelope. How many ways are there to do so?
(A)12 (B) 18 (C) 36 (D) 54

Problem 3. Hope High School has three elective courses for social studies and four
electives for science. How many ways are there for Alex to select three electives from
them this semester with at least one from each subject?
(A) 30 (B) 35 (C) 42 (D) 48

Problem 4. A palindrome number is a number that is the same when written

forwards or backwards. How many palindrome numbers less than 1000 are there?

Problem 5. How many 3-digit even numbers can be formed by using the digit 0, 2, 3, 4, and

Problem 6. You have nine line segments with the lengths of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9,
respectively. How many ways are there to form a square by connecting the ends of some of
these line segments? No overlapping of the line segments is allowed.

Problem 7. In how many ways can three married couples be seated in a row if no
husband and wife are to be in adjacent seats?

Problem 8. A baking company produces five different cookies: Chocolate Chip Cookies,
Peanut Butter Cookies, Oatmeal Cookies, Sugar Cookies, and Blueberry Cookies. If a
package contains 8 cookies with at least one each kind, how many different packages are

Problem 9. (1985 China High School Math Contest) Find the number of nonnegative
integer solutions to the equation 2x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 = 3.

Problem 10. In how many ways can four men and four women be seated at a round table if
no two men are to be in adjacent seats?

Problem 11. In how many ways can a family of six people be seated at a round table if the
youngest kid must sit between the parents?
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Problem 12. A gardener plants three maple trees, four oak trees, and five birch trees in a row.
How many ways are there such that no two birch trees are next to one another?

Problem 13. Seven identical chairs in a row are to be seated by four students. How many
arrangements are there such that the only two of the three empty chairs are next to each other?

Problem 14. As shown in the figure, each of six regions ABCDEF is to be

assigned a color. There are 4 colors to choose from, and no adjacent regions
can be the same color. How many different ways are there if each color is
allowed to use more than once?

Problem 15. There are five regions that need to be colored by six different
colors as shown in the figure. Each region can only be colored with one
color. How many different ways to do the coloring?

Problem 16. Each vertex of convex pentagon ABCDE is to be colored with a color. There are
7 colors available. Each end of every diagonal must have different colors. Find the number of
different colorings possible.

Problem 17. (AMC) Each face of a regular tetrahedron is painted either red, white, or
blue. Two colorings are considered indistinguishable if two congruent tetrahedra with
those colorings can be rotated so that their appearances are identical. How many
distinguishable colorings are possible?

(A) 15 (B) 18 (C) 27 (D) 54 (E) 81

Problem 18. Nine squares of a 3 × 3 board are painted using three colors: black, red and
yellow with the following restrictions: (1) each square is pained with one color, (2) each color
is used exactly three times, (3) each column is painted with three colors, and each row is
colored with three colors. How many ways can this be done?

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Problem 19. How many ways to color the 4 regions using 3 different
colors, if no two neighboring regions can have the same color?

Problem 20. Using red, yellow, blue, and black colors to color the figure as shown.
Each region is colored with one color and no adjacent region can have the same color.
If each color is allowed to use more than once, how many ways are there to color?

(A) 48 (B) 36 (C) 30 (D) 24

Problem 21. What is the size of the largest subset, S, of {1, 2,…, 2013} such
that no pair of distinct elements of S has a sum divisible by 3?

Problem 22. Line a is parallel to line b. There are 10 points on line a and 9 points on
line b. At most how many points of intersection of line segments obtained by connect
all these points on line a to all the points on b?

Problem 23. In how many ways can two squares be selected from an 8-by-8
chessboard so that they are not in the same row or the same column?

Problem 24. Alex wants to select three different numbers from {2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}. How many ways are there such that no two
numbers are consecutive?

Problem 25. Alex wants to select four different numbers from {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}. How many ways are there such that no two
numbers are consecutive?

Problem 26. How many ways are there to take two different numbers from
1, 2,…, 32 such that the sum of them is divisible by 4?

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Problem 27. At least how many numbers need to be removed from the list
of 1, 2, 3,…, 2013 such that among the remaining numbers, any number is
not a product of other two numbers?

Problem 28. A subset of integers 1, 2,…, 100 has the property that the sum
of its two members is always divisible by 10. What is the largest number of
members such a subset can have?

Problem 29. How many ways are there to take 7 numbers from 1 to 12 such
that none of the chosen numbers is twice another?

Problem 30. How many ways are there to take two different numbers from 1,
2,…, 30 such that the product of them is divisible by 7?

Problem 31. How many ways are there to take three different numbers from
1, 2,…, 30 such that the sum of them is divisible by 3?

Problem 32. What is the size of the largest subset, S, of {1, 2,…, 2013} such
that no pair of distinct elements of S has a sum divisible by 3?

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Problem 1: Solution: (B).

The first 24 = 4! words begin with A, the next 24 begin with B and the next
24 begin with C.
24 × 4 = 96, so the 97th will begin with E: EABCD. 98th: E: EABDC. 99th:
EACBD. 100th: EACDB. Thus B is the letter we seek.

Problem 2: Solution: (B).

We deal with special situation first. We have 3 ways to put cards 1 and 2 into the same
 4
envelope. After that, we have   = 6 ways to select two cards from the four
 2
remaining cards and put them into one envelope. The two remaining cards will go in
the last envelope.
By the product rule, we have 3 × 6 = 18 ways.

Problem 3: Solution: 30.

Case I: Alex can select 1 social studies course and 2 science courses. By the product
 3  4 
rule,      = 18
1   2 
Case II: Alex can select 2 social studies courses and 1 science course. By the product
3   4
rule,      = 12 .
 2  1 
By the sum rule, we have 18 + 12 = 30 ways.

Method 2:
 7   3  4 
  −   −   = 18
 3   3  3 

Problem 4: Solution: 109.

Our job is to count palindrome numbers. We have the following three cases.
In each case, we complete the task of counting palindrome numbers.

Case I: E1: to count one-digit palindrome numbers.

There are 10 one-digit palindromes: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. We finished

E1 in n1= 9 ways.

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Case II: E2 to count two-digit palindrome numbers.

There are 9 two-digit palindromes: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99. We finished E2
in n2 = 9 ways.

Case III: E3 to count three-digit palindrome numbers.

There are 90 3-digit palindromes: 101, 111, 121, ........ 999. We finished E3 in n3= 90

N = n1+ n2 + n3 = 10 + 9 + 90 = 109.

Problem 5: Solution: 30.

The job is to form even numbers. We have the following two cases. In
both cases, we complete the job of forming even numbers.

Case I: When 0 is in the ones position, we have four digits left. By

P(n, r) = we have P (1,2) ways to select the units digit (only digits 2
(n − r)!
and 4 available), P )1,3) ways to select the hundred digit (0 is excluded, one
of the two digits 2 or 4 is also excluded since one of them has been used
already as the units digit), P (1,3) ways for the middle digit. By the product
rule, we get: P (1,2) × P (1,3) × P (1,3) 18 such numbers.
By the sum rule, we get the final answer 12 + 18 = 30.

Problem 6: Solution: 9.
We see that (1 + 2 + 3 ++ 9)  4 =  12 ,so the length of the side of the square is
less than 12. 4

Case I: The side length is 11.

We have one way:

Case II: The side length is 10.

We have one way:

Case III: The side length is 9.

We have 5 ways:

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Case IV: The side length is 8.

We have 1 way:

Case V: The side length is 7.

We have 1 way:

Case VI: The side length is 6 or less.

We have no ways.
In total, we have 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 9 different ways.

Problem 7: Solution: 240.

Let the three couples be (A, A), (B, B), (C, C). If A is seated first, we have the
following 5 arrangements:

If we switch the genders for A, B, and C, we have the factors 2× 2 ×2. If A is followed
by C, we get another factor of 2.

The number of arrangements is 5 ×2 ×2 ×2 ×2 = 80.

Similarly, B or C can also be seated first, so the final answer will be 3 ×80 = 240.

Problem 8: Solution: 35.

By (3.5), we have x1 + x 2 + + x r = n  x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 + x5 = 8

 n − 1  8 − 1   7 
The answer is N =  =  =   = 35
 r − 1   5 − 1  4 

Problem 9: Solution: 174.

We focus on 2x1 since this term is special. We know that x1 Š0, so we have the
following two cases:

Case I: x1 = 0.
The given equation becomes: x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 +
x9 + x10 = 3. The number of nonnegative integer solutions is

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given by (3.6):

 n + r − 1  3 + 9 − 1
 =  = 165
 n   3 

Case II: x1 = 1.
The given equation becomes: x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 +
x9 + x10 = 1. The number of nonnegative integer solutions is
given by (3.6):

 n + r − 1  1 + 9 − 1
 = =9
 n   1 

We do not have case III since is x1 less than 2.

The answer is 165+9=174

Problem 10: Solution: 144.

We seat four women first. There are (4 –1)! = 3! ways to sit them. After the
ladies are seated, we have 4! ways to seat four men in the small rectangles
as shown in the figure below. 4! × 3! = 144.

Problem 11: Solution: 12.

We link two parents and the youngest kid together to form a unit. There are (4 – 1)!
ways to seat them at the table. The result must be multiplied by 2 since we can switch
the positions of the two parents, giving us the answer (4 – 1)! ×2 = 12 ways.

Problem 12: Solution: 33868800.

We plant the non-birch trees first. There are 7! ways to do so. There are eight spaces
for five birch trees to choose  8 and there are 5! ways for them to rearrange
 
themselves. 5

By the product rule, the answer is 7!    5! = 33868800
 5
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Problem 13: Solution: 480.

We tie the two empty chairs next to each other together and treat them as on unit,
namely the other empty chair is B.
We have 4! = 24 ways to sit four students. There are   = 10 ways to insert A and B.
 2
and we multiply the result by 2 because A and B can switch their positions.

By the product rule, the answer will be 24 ×10 ×2 = 480.

Problem 14: Solution: 732.

Case I: A, C, and E have the same color.
The number of ways to color: 4 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 108

Case II: A, C, and E have two different colors.

The number of ways to color: 3 × 4 × 3 × 3 × 2 × 2 = 432 .

Case III: A, C, and E have the three different colors.

The number of ways to color: P(4,3) × 2 × 2 × 2 = 192. There are a total of 108 + 432
+ 192 = 732 ways to color.

Problem 15: Solution: 1560.

We have 6 ways to color region A first. Then we color region
B (we have 5 ways), and next region C (4 ways).

For the color of region D, we have two cases:

Case I: Different color from B.

We have 3 ways to color D (because we have three colors left) and 3

ways to color E (either from 2 colors left or the same color as C).

Case II: Same color as B.

We have 1 way to color D and 4 ways to color E.

The answer will be 6 ×5 ×4 ×(3 ×3 + 1 × 4) = 1560 ways.

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Problem 16: Solution: 7770.

Method 1:

Case I: 5 colors are used:

   5! = 2520

Case II: 4 colors are used:

   4 1 3! 5 = 4200
 4

We consider the vertex A first, and then we color point B and point A with the
same color. We multiply by 5 because we have five vertices (5 sub cases).

Case III: 3 colors are used:  7   3  2 11 5 = 1050

 
We consider the vertex A first, and then we color points A and B with the
same color. Finally, we multiply the result by 5 since we have 5
vertices.No other cases exist. So the final answer is 2520 + 4200 + 1050
= 7770.

Method 2:
There is a formula for this problem which can be derived by the recursion method.

A n = (m − 1) (m − 1) (n −1) + ( −1) n  ,

where n is the number of points and m is the number of colors.

n = 5 and m = 7.
An = (m − 1) (m − 1)( n −1) + (−1) n  = (7 − 1) (7 − 1) (5−1) + ( −1) 5  = 7770

Problem 17: Solution: 15

(our solution):
Let r, w, and b be the number of red, white, and blue faces, respectively.

Case 1: One color is used.

rrrr, wwww, bbbb
We have three ways to color
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Case 2: Two colors are used.

rrww, rrbb, wwbb, rrrb, rrrw; wwwr, wwwb, bbbr, bbbw.
We have 9 ways to color.

Case 3: Three colors are used.

rrwb, wwrb, bbrw
We have 3 ways to color.
In total we have 3 + 9 + 3 = 15 ways.

Problem 18: Solution: 12.

We have 3 ways to color square 8. Let us say we use the color black.
In the region that contains the squares 5, 9, 2, and 7, we have two ways to
use the black color (color 5, 2 black or 7, 9 black). After that, we have
exactly two ways to color other squares. By the product rule, we have 3 × 2
×2 = 12 ways.

Problem 19: Solution: 18.

If regions 1 and 3 are painted the same color:

Regions 1 2 3 4
Ways to color 3 × 2 × 1 × 2

If regions 1 and 3 are painted different colors:

Regions 1 2 3 4
Ways to color 3 × 1 × 2 × 1
Total ways 12 + 6 = 18.

Problem 20: Solution (A) 48

We have two cases:

Case I: Region A and region B have the same color.

We have 4 ways to color region A and 1 way to
color region B. Then we can color region C in 3
ways and region D in 2 ways. That is 4 × 3 ×2 = 24

Case II: Region A and region B have different colors.

We have 4 ways to color region A, 3 ways to color region
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B, 2 ways to color region C, and 1 way to color region D.

This gives us 4 ×3 ×2 ×1 = 24 ways.
Therefore, there are a total of 24 + 24 = 48 ways to
color the given figure.

Problem 21: Solution: 672.

Let A = {3, 6, 9, …, 2013}, B = {1, 4, 7,…, 2011}, and C = {2, 5, 8,…, 2012}.
We can at most select one element from A to add to B or C to form S.
Since B and C each have 671 elements, S has at most 671 + 1 = 672 elements.

Problem 22: Solution: 1620.

We need two points on line a and two points on line b in in order to form 1
point of intersection.

No three line segments will intersect at one

point, so the maximum number of points of
intersection is
10   9 
     = 1620
 2   2

Problem 23: Solution: 1568.

Consider the coordinate system (a, b), which designates a square to be in row a,
column.b. In order to ensure that two squares are in different rows and different
columns, both their coordinates must be different. There are  8  ways to choose
  = 28
8   2
2 different row coordinates and   = 28 ways to choose 2 different column
 2
coordinates. Given the row coordinates and column coordinates, there are 2 different
ways to pair them into two ordered pairs. Therefore, the answer is 2 ×28 ×28 = 1568.

Problem 24: Solution: 220

 n − (k − 1)  14 − (3 − 1)  12 
N= =  =   = 220
 k   3  3 

Problem 25: Solution: 330.

 n − (k − 1)  14 − (4 − 1)  11
N= =  =   = 330
 k   4  4

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Problem 26: Solution: 120.

Let A = {4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32}, B = {1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29}, and C = {2, 6,
10,14, 18, 22, 26, 30}, and D = {3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31}.

If we take two numbers from A, or two numbers from C, the sum of them
must also be divisible by 3.

If we take one number from B and one number from D, the sum of
them must be divisible by 3.
8  8 8
So the number of ways is: 2    +      = 120
 2  1  1 

Problem 27: Solution: 43.

We know that 44 × 45 = 1980 and 45 × 46 = 2070. So after we remove 43 numbers (2,
3,…, 44), the remaining numbers will satisfy the given condition.

On the other hand, if we only remove 42 numbers from the list, there is at
least one set with all three numbers remaining.

{k, 89 – k, k(89 – k)}, k = 2, 3, …, 44.

So one number is a product of other two numbers.

Therefore we need to remove at least 43 numbers.

Problem 28: Solution: 10.

If the sum of any two members is divisible by 10, both of them must be a multiple of
10, or both must have a remainder of 5 when divided by 10.
We can select two numbers in the form of 10k + 5 (k = 0, 1, 2, …, 9) or 10k (k = 1,2,
…,10). However, we cannot take the numbers at the same time from both groups, so
we can take at most 10 numbers.

Problem 29: Solution: 47.

First we classify the numbers in the following way:
1, 2, 4, 8,
3, 6, 12,
5, 10,

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We can select at most 2 numbers each from (1, 2, 4, 8) and (3, 6, 12). We have three
ways to take two numbers from (1, 2, 4, 8): {1, 4}, {1, 8}, {2,8}, and one way to take
two numbers from (3, 6, 12): {3,12}.
The other 3 numbers are selected from the remaining numbers. We also need to pay
attention to these 3 numbers if we selected one of (5, 10). The number of ways to take
7 numbers is 3 × 1 ×(1 + 2 × 3)= 21.

Next, we can take two numbers from (1, 2, 4, 8) and one number from (3, 6,
12). There are 3 × 3 × 2 = 18 total ways to do so.

Finally, we can take one number from (1, 2, 4, 8), and 2 numbers from (3, 6, 12).
There are 4 × 1 × 2 = 8 total ways to do so.

Summing these values gives us the answer: 21 + 18 + 8 = 47.

Problem 30: Solution: 110.

Let A = {7, 14, 21 28} and B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30}.
If we take two numbers from A, or we take one number from A and one
number from B, the product will be divisible by 7.

 4   4   26 
So the number of ways is:   +      = 110
 2  1  1 

Problem 31: Solution: 1360.

Let A = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30}, B = {1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28},
and C = {2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29}.
If we take one number from A, one number from B, and one number from C,
the sum of them must be divisible by 3.

If we take three numbers from A, or three numbers from B, or three numbers

from C, the sum of them must also be divisible by 3.

10  10  10  10 

So the number of ways is:         + 3    = 1360
 1  1  1  3 

Problem 32: Solution: 672.

Let A = {3, 6, 9, …, 2013}, B = {1, 4, 7,…, 2011}, and C = {2, 5, 8,…, 2012}.
At most we can select one element from A to add to B or C to form S.
Since B and C each has 671 elements, S has at most 671 + 1 = 672 element

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