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Neurones and Synapses for Systemic Models of Psychiatric Disorders

Article  in  Pharmacopsychiatry · May 2010

DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1252025 · Source: PubMed


15 825

3 authors:

Svetlana Postnova Epaminondas Rosa

The University of Sydney Illinois State University


Hans Albert Braun

Philipps University of Marburg


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S82 Original Paper

Neurones and Synapses for Systemic Models of

Psychiatric Disorders

Authors S. Postnova1, 2, 3, E. Rosa Jr.4, H. A. Braun1

Affiliations Institute of Physiology, University of Marburg, Germany
School of Physics, University of Sydney, Australia
Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, Australia
Department of Physics, Illinois State University, Normal, USA

Abstract important aspects of synaptic disturbances, such

▼ as impaired transmitter availability or reduced
We propose a mechanism-based modelling number of postsynaptic receptors, for example
approach which brings together the most rel- due to their internalization as a function of trans-
evant features of neural dynamics and synaptic mitter concentration. It also allows evaluation of
transmission for clinically valuable simulations the effects of drugs with specific actions such as
of psychiatric disorders and their pharmaceu- receptor agonists and antagonists or reuptake
tical treatment. It is based on a minimal, but inhibitors. It is a major advantage of this physi-
physiologically justified concept, which allows to ologically based approach that it can be adjusted
account for a great diversity of neuronal dynam- to different types of neurons and synapses, and
ics and synaptic mechanisms. It can simulate also can be extended to more elaborate physi-
ionotropic as well as metabotropic receptors ological situations, e. g. by including additional
in addition to the effects of eventual co-trans- receptors or ion channels, whenever this is indi-
mitters and external neuromodulators. The cated by clinical or experimental data.
proposed model can mimic the clinically most

Introduction These are the typical situations when computer

▼ simulations can demonstrate their viability. They
Psychiatric disorders are typically involving diverse can connect the actual knowledge of different
brain areas and functions. These are diseases of the systems and physiological mechanisms with rea-
nervous system which are manifested in the sonable assumptions about the missing links.
patients’ behaviour while pharmaceutical drug Different from theories, these connections have
treatments interfere mainly with cellular and sub- to be made in a functionally rational way which
Bibliography cellular mechanisms. The drugs generally act at the is both, physiologically appropriate and mathe-
DOI level of synaptic transmission, eventually introduc- matically consistent. The simulation data, in turn,
10.1055/s-0030-1252025 ing long term alterations of gene expression. shall allow to make predictions for further, goal-
Pharmacopsychiatry 2010;
Accordingly, the understanding of psychiatric dis- directed experiments and clinical studies to eval-
43 (Suppl. 1): S82–S91
orders requires taking into account different func- uate and refine the model’s assumptions. Thereby,
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Stuttgart · New York tional levels and time scales as emphasized, for a successively better understanding of the dis-
ISSN 0176-3679 example, by Bender et al. [2], Carlsson [7], and ease relevant mechanisms should be achieved
Braun et al. [6]. and new treatment strategies may be elucidated.
Correspondence In such highly complex systems the critical However, this requires a modelling concept which
H. A. Braun pathologies are not easy to extract and the effects allows to understand the interdependencies
Institute of Physiology of drug treatment are hard to predict. Animal between the different functional levels, from
Neurodynamics Group
models of psychiatric disorders are rare and have sub-cellular processes to brain dynamics and
University of Marburg
their natural limitations. Chronic disease pro- behaviour.
Deutschhausstraße 2
35037 Marburg gression and long term treatment effects are, in The actual modelling strategies exhibit a great
Germany principle, difficult to examine experimentally. diversity. Depending on the specific tasks, there
Tel.: + 49/6421/286 2307 For example, neuronal discharges are mostly and are simulation approaches of quite different com-
Fax: + 49/6421/286 6967 ion currents are exclusively recorded in acute plexity. The probably most formal approaches for experiments. use in large-scale models are based on circle

Postnova S et al. Neurones and Synapses for Systemic Models of Psychiatric … Pharmacopsychiatry 2010; 43 (Suppl. 1): S82–S91
Original Paper S83

maps [36]. Already closer to physiology are the integrate-and- these sections, particular emphasis is laid on the description
fire neurons [9]. More complex spiking pattern can be achieved and justification of the model simplifications and potential
with the widely used Izhikevich neurons [19] that are still suffi- extensions. The study is complemented by a few examples to
ciently simplified to allow large scale network simulations demonstrate potential applications. The paper concludes with a
[20, 24]. However, in most of these and related models, the syn- discussion of the specific features of this modelling approach for
aptic connections are often rather formally made via simple clinical applications.
delta or exponential functions [10, 23]. Other simulation
approaches, without considering individual spikes, are based on
Hopfield nets [14] where the neuronal elements are connected Physiological Background
via sigmoid output functions which are representing an inte- ▼
grated activity. Sigmoid functions and relaxation terms are also Information processing in the nervous system has long been
used in large scale models for the examination of dynamical considered to be based on neuronal networks constituted of
interactions between different brain areas [28]. rather passive transducer elements, the so-called platonic nerve
Simulations of psychiatric disorders likewise make use of differ- cells [22]. These platonic nerve cells generate stereotypical out-
ent types of modelling approaches. An overview, with special put signals in the form of action potentials in response to like-
regard on schizophrenia, is given by Rolls et al. [35]. However, for wise stereotypical inputs form other neurons via electrical or
the examination of psychiatric disorders, the focus is mostly laid chemical synapses.
on the imbalance of different transmitter systems [38], partly During recent decades, this picture has changed completely. It
with large scale modelling approaches [27] but mostly with has been demonstrated that neurons operate with a diversity of
detailed simulations of transmitter metabolism and homeosta- ion channels, ion pumps, ion exchangers etc. which are respond-
sis [34]. The question is, how the diverse modelling approaches ing to alterations of the membrane voltage and ionic concentra-
can be connected towards a better understanding of psychiatric tions, intracellular signal substances and a variety of
disorders which requires to understand the underlying distur- neurotransmitters, neuromodulators and hormones (● ▶ Fig. 1).

bances of brain functions on the basis of cellular processes. In particular, synaptic transmission at electrical and, especially,
We propose that these connections can best be made with a chemical synapses has turned out to be a complicated process.
modelling approach which is built up at the level of neurones In the following text by using the term synaptic transmission we
and synapses. Moreover, the model parameters and variables generally refer to chemical synapses unless otherwise indi-
should represent physiological mechanisms which, in principle, cated.
are experimentally or clinically accessible. The still most widely- Specific transmitter effects can be mediated via different recep-
used method for mechanism-based modelling is the Hodgkin- tors which are located not only at the postsynaptic membrane
Huxley (HH) type approach [13]. It simulates neuronal dynamics but also at the presynaptic terminals. The process of transmitter
in terms of voltage- and time-dependent activation and inacti- release itself includes diverse steps which altogether result in
vation of ion channels. Such a conductance-based approach has the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane
been realized in different forms for the simulation of neuronal in response to the appearance of the presynaptic spike. Addi-
dynamics with a variety of simplifications as well as extensions tionally, the release of transmitter to the cleft can be adjusted by
[3, 8, 12]. It can also be used for mechanism-based simulations of the action of autoreceptors located on the presynaptic mem-
synaptic transmission and plasticity with implementation of brane. Elimination of the transmitters from the synaptic cleft
transmitter-gated ion channels [1, 32, 37]. can happen by diffusion, frequently accompanied by active
The HH-type models, however, have a fatal disadvantage. They reuptake processes which are major targets for pharmacological
can easily become very complicated with many dimensions treatment of mental disorders.
which makes it difficult to extract the functionally relevant Activation of postsynaptic receptors can lead to the opening of
dynamics. Accordingly, major efforts shall be made towards ion channels directly (ionotropic receptors) or through the acti-
physiologically justified model simplifications while the model’s vation of a diversity of intracellular signal cascades (metabo-
structure, nevertheless, should allow to examine specific func- tropic receptors). The postsynaptic alterations of ionic
tions in more details whenever this is requested by specific conductances and the thereby induced changes of the mem-
tasks. brane potential will necessarily interfere with the activation
Our approach is founded on previous studies of single neuron state of voltage-dependent channels. The complex interdepend-
dynamics [3, 5, 11, 15, 17] and more recent studies of neuronal encies between transmitter- and voltage-gated ion channels
synchronization [29–31] including novel concepts for the mod- essentially determine the neuron’s dynamic state.
elling of synaptic modulation [32]. This approach allows to con- Further modifications of the neurons’ dynamics can appear due
sider subcellular processes as well as neuronal network to the action of a manifold of intra- and extracellular signal sub-
dynamics. By its nature, the proposed model is flexible and can stances. Calcium ions are among the most ubiquitous ones, not
easily be adjusted to fit particular conditions dictated by experi- only controlling transmitter release and second messengers
mental data and physiological insights. These particular capa- pathways but also having direct effects on ion channels, e. g. Ca-
bilities of Hodgkin-Huxley type modelling approaches have dependent K-channels. Many signal substances which are mod-
most impressively been illustrated by Denis Noble [26] in ulating the activation state of ion channels are related to
describing the development of a physiologically appropriate homeostatic mechanisms as, for example, ATP, adenosine or glu-
model of heart excitability. cose which are signalling/providing metabolic information.
The following sections describe the physiological background Much of the homeostatic control is mediated by hormones
and the main concept of our conductance-based modelling which either activate membrane receptors (like peptide hor-
approach, specifically considering the simulation of voltage- mones) or permeate the double lipid layers (steroid hormones
dependent and transmitter-gated ion channels. Throughout

Postnova S et al. Neurones and Synapses for Systemic Models of Psychiatric … Pharmacopsychiatry 2010; 43 (Suppl. 1): S82–S91
S84 Original Paper

presynaptic terminal

substance application
channel blockers
receptor agonists/antagonist
pump/re-uptake inhibitors
transmitter (6)
(7) gap junction
reuptake release
autoreceptors coupled

ion pumps & leak voltage-gated gap junctions

exchanger channels channels (8) (5)
(1) (2) (3) G-protein 2nd
neuromodulators messengers
postsynaptic neuron hormones
transmitter-gated channels metabotropic
metabotropic second mess.
ionotropic (4)
nucleus gane expression

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of major components of neuronal with neighboured neurons. Synaptic modulation additionally includes
excitability, synaptic transmission and neuromodulation. There are (1) (6) presynaptic transmitter release and reuptake as well as (7) feedback
ion pumps and ion exchangers to keep the ion concentrations in the effects via autoreceptors. Additional modulation of the postsynaptic
physiological appropriate range, (2) leak channels which set the neuron’s neuron’s excitability can be introduced (8) by intra- and extracellular signal
potential to a typically negative value, (3) voltage gated channels which substances or hormones either with direct effects on voltage- and/or
allow the generation of action potentials as well as subthreshold changes transmitter-gated ion channels or via alteration of gene expression. A
of membrane potential, (4) transmitter gated channels for synaptic variety of effects can be introduced with (9) external application of diverse
modulation through direct ionotropic or G-protein coupled metabotropic neuroactive substances, e. g. ion channel blockers or ion pump inhibitors,
receptors and (5) gap junctions providing diffusive exchange of ions receptor agonists or antagonists.

like cortisol etc.) thereby directly interfering with gene expres- A Conductance-Based Modelling Approach
sion. ▼
Gene expression can also be modified through synaptic trans- Our modelling approach is based on the physiological point of
mission which again is preferably mediated by calcium ions, e. g. view of an excitable membrane (● ▶ Fig. 2a), constituted by a

with activation of MAP-kinases and CREB via the cAMP system. lipid bilayer separating the intracellular and the extracellular
These mechanisms can up-regulate the synthesis of ion chan- space of different ion concentrations. The dynamically relevant
nels, receptors and pumps and their embedding in the neuronal components are provided by the embedded membrane proteins
membrane, including protein-biosynthesis for synaptic sprout- functioning as ion channels, receptors, or transporters, e. g. ion
ing. Simultaneously, there is a continuous down-regulation of pumps.
the membrane proteins which are internalized and metabo- From the electrical point of view (see equivalent circuit
lised. in ●
▶ Fig. 2b), the membrane can be considered as a capacitor (C)

This description can only give a rough overview on some major which is charged and discharged by diverse ion currents (I) (see
mechanisms of neuronal activity and synaptic transmission membrane equation in ● ▶ Fig. 2). The currents strengths depend

and ● ▶ Fig. 1 illustrates only parts of them without going into on the conductance and driving force. The driving force is deter-
details. This figure also cannot illustrate the complex functional mined by the difference between the actual membrane poten-
interdependencies with many nonlinear and time-delayed feed- tial and the equilibrium potentials of the diverse ions. The
back loops. These can only be assessed by means of mathemati- equilibrium potentials, represented by batteries, are usually
cal simulations. Even an understanding of model dynamics can considered constant.
still be difficult, especially when the model tries to consider the The major control parameters are provided by variable conduct-
manifold of physiological processes in all details. This can easily ances represented by potentiometers. Their factual conductance
lead to mathematical systems of many dimensions with an can significantly change depending on the membrane potential
unmanageable number of control parameters. (voltage-gated ion channels) and on different types of intracel-
Therefore, here we propose a minimal model with considerable lular and extracellular signal substances, specifically on synaptic
simplifications which nevertheless can simulate the functionally transmitters (transmitter-gated ion channels). The reference
most relevant dynamics of neuronal excitability and synaptic potential is set by diverse voltage and transmitter insensitive
transmission. Most importantly, its extraordinarily adaptable leak conductances which are generally represented by a single
and flexible structure should allow easy extensions whenever resistor.
specific mechanism have to be examined in more details. Conductance changes are resulting from the opening and closing
of ion channels. For simplicity, ● ▶ Fig. 2a shows single channels

while the model equations principally refer to the complete set

Postnova S et al. Neurones and Synapses for Systemic Models of Psychiatric … Pharmacopsychiatry 2010; 43 (Suppl. 1): S82–S91
Original Paper S85

a Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of the neuronal

extracellular membrane with ion channels (a) and the
electrical equivalent circuit (b) according to
V mechanism-based, Hodgkin-Huxley type modelling
approaches. Alterations of membrane voltage over
intracellular time (dV/dt) are determined by the sum of ion
currents Ij which are charging and discharging the
b membrane capacitance c.
lC lI lK lNa lsyn

gI g*K g*Na g*syn

VI VNa Vsyn

C = –∑ Ij where j=l, K, Na, syn,...

of ion channels of a specific type. Accordingly, the voltage together with examples of dynamical current and voltage
changes are calculated on the basis of compound ion currents. changes during an externally induced action potential (● ▶ Fig. 3,

Moreover, according to our rather generic approach, all values c and d).
are calculated for a unit membrane area of 1.0 cm2 which is the These mechanisms are controlled by the voltage dependent
conventionally used basis in such simulations. Our actual opening (activation) and closing (inactivation) of ion channels.
approach also does not consider specific shapes of the neurons Activation and inactivation values (av and bv) are normalized to
or different compartments, e. g. of the cell body, the axon and 1 thus representing not the absolute value but the relative
diverse dendrites. This normalization and the simplifications do amount of open or inactivated ion channels, respectively. The
not affect the principal model dynamics but make the model voltage dependencies (av∞ and bv∞) are implemented by sig-
easier to manage. If requested, different compartments of differ- moid curves (● ▶ Fig. 3a), i. e. by the same curves to which exper-

ent size can be introduced with formally the same equations. imental data are generally fitted. Sigmoid curves are fully
Also the different membrane elements can be implemented in determined by only two parameters, the half-activation values
more details, e. g. by calculating the equilibrium potentials on V0 and the slopes s, which means that they can be easily adjusted
the basis of the Nernst- and/or Goldmann equations. For practi- to different conditions. The equation for bv is not specifically
cal use, the ion permeabilities of the Goldmann equation should shown. For voltage dependencies (● ▶ Fig. 3a) it is simply 1 minus

appropriately be replaced by ion conductances [4, 21], primarily the given expression, for time dependencies (● ▶ Fig. 3b), the

because these values can be determined by experimental record- equation is exactly the same.
ings. The dynamically most important effects are introduced by the
It is the major advantage of this modelling approach that it time delays of activation and inactivation of the different ion
allows to implement the different functions, if required, in more channels (● ▶ Fig. 3b). For example, an action potential can only

detail and also that it easily can be extended by additional ion develop because of the much faster activation of Na-channels
channels and/or receptors (● ▶ Fig. 2a). In practice, it simply (afast) then K-channels (aslow), and because Na-channel activation
means to add the corresponding electrical pathways to the is preceding its inactivation (bfast) for a sufficiently long time.
equivalent circuit (●▶ Fig. 2b) and the appropriate current term The time constants τv as well as the steady state values av∞ and
to the equations. The following sections will describe how this bv∞ can be determined in voltage/patch clamp experiments as
can be realized for voltage- and transmitter-gated ion channels shown in ● ▶ Fig. 3b (right hand side). Here, first order time delays

in a mathematically minimized but physiologically justified are implemented with a single time constants τv.
form. The absolute values of the ion conductances appear only in the
current equations (● ▶ Fig. 3c) as the product of the dimension-

less activation variables av and the maximum conductances gv

Modelling Neurons: Voltage-Gated Ion Channels achieved when all channels are in an open state, i. e. av = 1. The
▼ current curves on the right show the alterations of Na + - and K + -
Single neuron models of the HH-type mostly are composed, currents during an action potential (● ▶ Fig. 3d) generated by

apart from leak channels, by a set of voltage-gated ion channels. exactly these currents according to the activation kinetics given
In their simplest forms, they include only Na + - and K + -channels by the equations in ● ▶ Fig. 3a, b. The intrinsic dynamics are initi-

for action potential generation. Implementation of additional ated by an external current stimulus. The particular forms of the
current terms can introduce much more complex dynamics, for current curves, especially for INa, give an indication of the com-
example when subthreshold currents lead to slow membrane plex dynamics which already can develop in such a minimal
potential oscillations. Here, we focus only on voltage-gated ion model due to the mutual interdependencies between current
channels. Implementation of the physiologically relevant voltage and voltage changes.
and time dependencies are illustrated in ● ▶ Fig. 3 (a and b)

Postnova S et al. Neurones and Synapses for Systemic Models of Psychiatric … Pharmacopsychiatry 2010; 43 (Suppl. 1): S82–S91
S86 Original Paper

1 Fig. 3 Voltage-gated ion currents. Upper

a bfast ∞ afast ∞ diagrams: equations and graphs of the voltage-
and time-dependencies of current activation,
1 represented by sigmoid steady state activation
av∞ = curves (a) and first order differential equations
1 + exp (–sv (V – V0v)) aslow ∞ (b), respectively. Lower diagrams: dynamic
0 alterations of ion currents (c) and the membrane
–100 30 voltage (d) during an action potential, which is
V, mV introduced by an external current pulse (lowest
1 trace).
b time-dependence bfast afast aslow

dav av∞ – av
dt Tv 0
V, mV 20
0 time, ms 12

c IK
voltage-gated currents
I, µ A/cm2

Iv = gv av (V – Ev))

0 15
time, ms

d membrane potential
V, mV

C = –∑ Ij = – Il – INa – IK – ...
I, µ A/cm2

0 time, ms 15

This modelling approach is significantly simplified compared to extensions for the simulation of more complex dynamics of
the original HH-model and several others which have been physiological relevance. Examples have been given in previous
derived from it. First of all we do not refer to the transition rates studies with the development of most flexible neuronal pattern
α and  of ion channel states to achieve the sigmoid voltage generators with only two additional terms of slow subthreshold
dependencies. The state transitions are generally only indirectly currents. Both can be simulated as directly voltage dependent
estimated from conductances that can be determined much eas- currents [18], but also indirectly voltage gated currents, e. g.
ier experimentally. In the 1950’s, when Hodgkin, Huxley, Katz Ca + + -dependent K + -currents, have been implemented in differ-
and others made their recordings and calculation, the primary ent details [5, 16].
aim was the understanding of the shape of an action potential Indirect voltage gating via intracellular or extracellular sub-
(AP). For nowadays approaches, especially in neuronal network stances shall not further be described here. Instead, in the next
simulations, the frequency of action potentials and eventually section, we will focus on synaptic transmission. The mecha-
their temporal patterns are the most relevant parameters. nisms of current gating are, anyhow, quite similar, independent
Accordingly, we do not specifically consider those mathematical of a specific substance or transmitter. However, for the model-
expressions which mainly are for a precise adjustment of the ling of synaptic transmission we have additionally to consider
action potential form, e. g. the voltage dependencies of the time the presynaptic control of transmitter release.
constants or the power functions of the activation and inactiva-
tion variables. For most applications, even inactivation, e. g. of
the spike-generating Na + -currents, can be neglected because Modelling Synapses: Transmitter-Gated Ion Channels
these channels will anyhow close due to the K + -induced repo- ▼
larization. Moreover, as these channels open much faster than Compared to the gating of voltage-dependent channels, synaptic
any others, it also will not make a significant difference to model control of transmitter-gated ion channels is, on the one hand, a
them as instantaneously activating, i. e. without time delay. much more complicated process that include many more steps.
With these simplifications we achieve a conductance-based On the other hand, it does not need to consider the particular
model with only two dimensions [32] that still shows the func- complexity arising from the mutual interdependencies between
tionally relevant tuning properties, quite similar to the four- voltage-dependent currents and current-dependent voltages.
dimensional and much more complicated models of the original For example, activation of postsynaptic receptors does not
HH-type that are conventionally used. This leads to an easily depend on the postsynaptic voltage but on presynaptic trans-
understandable model structure. Especially, it allows simple mitter release. Synaptic transmission is organized in a more lin-

Postnova S et al. Neurones and Synapses for Systemic Models of Psychiatric … Pharmacopsychiatry 2010; 43 (Suppl. 1): S82–S91
Original Paper S87

Fig. 4 Functionally relevant steps in synaptic

a transmission (equations and corresponding
presynaptic spike
functions). A presynaptic spike (a) induces
dVpre transmitter release (b) which, together with
C = –∑ Iv
dt transmitter elimination, determines transmitter
concentration in the synaptic cleft (c). The
b transmitters in the synaptic cleft activate both
transmitter release
ionotropic and metabotropic postsynaptic
crelease = receptors (d) which leads to the activation of
1 + exp (–ssyn (Vpre – Vspike)
transmitter gated currents with different time
delays for ionotropic (a) and metabotropic
c (b) receptors (e). Postsynaptic currents are
transmitter concentration
dccleft c c determined in the conventional way as the product
= release – cleft of the ionic conductance and the driving force (f)
dt taccum telim
and are added to the membrane equation (g).
d ionotropic (a) metabotropic (b)
receptors activation receptors activation p
rit ccleft r c ccleft
pit = pmt = mt cleft
cit + ccleft cmt + ccleft

current activation current activation
it mt
ait = Pit damt p a
= t mt – t mt
dt act inact

f postsynaptic current postsynaptic current

it mt
Ipostit = gitait (Vpost – Eit) Ipostmt = gmtamt (Vpost – Emt)

g postsynaptic potential postsynaptic potential

it mt
dVpostit dVpostmt
C = –∑ Iv – Ipostit C = –∑ Iv – Ipostmt
dt dt

ear way from presynaptic action potentials to the generation of The transmitter concentration in the synaptic cleft determines
postsynaptic potentials. The manifold of pre- and postsynaptic how many of the postsynaptic receptors will be occupied and
processes which are involved in synaptic transmission can be activated. The absolute number additionally depends on the
comprised in simplified but physiologically justified equations availability of postsynaptic receptors. The same holds true for
as summarized in ● ▶ Fig. 4, with illustrations of corresponding presynaptic autoreceptors which, however, are not specifically
dynamics. considered on this figure. Instead, we distinguish between iono-
Synaptic transmission starts with the appearance of an action tropic and metabotropic receptors (● ▶ Fig. 4d). Their activation,

potential at the presynaptic terminal (● ▶ Fig. 4a). Transmitter pi and pm, respectively, can be modelled in form of Michaelis-
release (● ▶ Fig. 4b) is triggered by voltage-dependent Ca-cur- Menten equation (see inset). In the equations of ● ▶ Fig. 4d (a),(b),

rents of high activation threshold. This is realized by an almost cit and cmt are the transmitter concentrations at which half of the
step-like sigmoid activation curve (dashed curve in ● ▶ Fig. 4a, receptors is activated. Accordingly, this parameter is reflecting
eq. in ● ▶ Fig. 4b) which makes sure that transmitter release the transmitters’ affinity. The values of rit and rim represent the
essentially happens during the peak of the presynaptic spike availability of receptors determining the maximum activation
(●▶ Fig. 4b, c
release). which can be reached when all receptors are occupied.
Presynaptic time delays, e. g. of Ca + + -accumulation and vesicle Receptor’ availability is another functionally relevant control
fusion are comprised in the time delays of transmitter accumu- parameter which can significantly change, e. g. due to receptors’
lation in the synaptic cleft (● ▶ Fig. 4c, τ
accum). The functionally internalization or re-embedding. Also alterations of synaptic
more important time delays are those of transmitter elimination sprouting or the number of synaptic spines can be considered by
τelim. Different processes, diffusion, degradation and/or reuptake, appropriate adjustment of the parameters rit and rmt. Especially,
may be involved. application of receptor antagonists will decrease the receptors’
The transmitter concentration in the synaptic cleft (ccleft, ● ▶ Fig. 4c) availability.
is a central control variable of synaptic transmission, being also The next equations (● ▶ Fig. 4e) relate the activation of postsyn-

a major target of psychiatric drugs. Functionally relevant changes aptic receptors to the activation of postsynaptic currents. These
can be introduced with alterations of transmitter release (cre- are significantly different for ionotropic and metabotropic recep-
lease), e. g. via autoreceptors, or the time constant of transmitter tors. In case of ionotropic receptors, where the binding site is
elimination (τelim), e. g. via reuptake inhibitors. part of the ion channel, activation of the receptors pit leads
directly to the activation of the ion channels ait (direct-

Postnova S et al. Neurones and Synapses for Systemic Models of Psychiatric … Pharmacopsychiatry 2010; 43 (Suppl. 1): S82–S91
S88 Original Paper

receptor-antagonist Fig. 5 Simulations of synaptic transmission

(a) control (b) receptor-antagonist (c) + under control conditions (a) and with reduced
a reuptake inhibitor
20 availability of postsynaptic receptors, e. g.
Vpre, mV

by application of a receptor agonist (b),

compensated by a longer residence time of the
–90 neurotransmitters with application of reuptake
b 0.25
inhibitors (c). For simplicity, the model parameters

have been adjusted in a way that, under control

0 conditions, a single presynaptic action potential
c 0.025
can generate a postsynaptic spike. The diagrams
show, from top to bottom: a presynaptic action

0 potential (a, Vpre), transmitter concentration in the

Ipost, µA/cm2

synaptic cleft (b, ccleft), postsynaptic activation of
ionotropic receptors (c, pit), postsynaptic current
–2 (d, Ipost,it), and postsynaptic potential (e, Vpost).
e 20
Vpost, mV

0 0.4 0 0.4 0 0.4
time, s time, s time, s

gating, ●▶ Fig. 4e (a)). In case of G-protein coupled metabotropic

a 0.025
receptors the ion channels are remote from the receptor sites
and their activation goes through second messenger cascades
with many intermediate steps (indirect-gating). The equation

in ●▶ Fig. 4e (b) does not consider specific steps of these second

messenger cascades. The time constant τact accounts for the all-
over delays from receptor binding to ion channel activation. The b 20
additional time constant τinact represents inactivation or elimi-
nation of intermediate signal substances. The time constants are
Vpost, mV

the functionally relevant parameters, e. g. for the implementa-

tion of eventual disturbances in the second messengers cas-
The postsynaptic currents, for both types of receptors, are calcu-
lated according to the general current equation which is the –90
same as for voltage-dependent currents (see ● ▶ Fig. 3c), namely
0.1 0.3
time, s
as the product of the actual conductance and the driving force
(●▶ Fig. 4f). The actual conductance is given by the maximum
Fig. 6 Curves of postsynaptic receptor activation (a, pit), and
conductance (git, gmt) multiplied by the activation variable (ait, postsynaptic potentials (b, Vpost) from the three simulation runs as shown
amt) as determined in the preceding equations in ● ▶ Fig. 4. Finally, in ●
▶ Fig. 5, here plotted upon each other for easier comparison of

the synaptic currents can be added to the membrane equation amplitudes and time delays.
(●▶ Fig. 4g) where they introduce postsynaptic potentials (PSPs)

with additional time-delays due to the membrane capacitance.

The examples are given for transmitter dependent opening Examples of Synaptic Modulation
(activation) of ion channels which are inducing depolarizing ▼
inward currents (negative deflections in ● ▶ Fig. 4f) and, Synaptic transmission is far away from being an invariant proc-
accordingly, lead to excitatory postsynaptic potentials ess. It can significantly change in response to physiological
(EPSPs, ●▶ Fig. 4g). Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) are mechanisms as well as on drug application. In the following we
not specifically illustrated but can be achieved with exactly the give a brief overview with a representative example illustrating
same equations. Whether an EPSP or IPSP will occur only how pathophysiological changes and compensatory drug effects
depends on the driving force, i. e. on the equilibrium potential of can be mathematically implemented.
the transmitter-gated ion channels. Also transmitter dependent Major physiological, pathophysiological and pharmacological
closing of ion channels can easily be implemented, simply variants of synaptic transmission are related to 1) the amount of
replacing g*b by g*(1-b) in the current equation, similar to the transmitter release, 2) the speed of transmitter elimination from
inactivation of voltage-gated channels. the synaptic cleft, 3) the availability of postsynaptic receptors, 4)
Altogether, despite many simplifications, the here presented the current through the postsynaptic ion channels. All these
equations can account for the physiologically most relevant physiological mechanisms are represented by appropriate model
mechanisms of synaptic transmission and allow to consider variables and parameters as described above. For example, alter-
clinically important disturbances and major effects of pharma- ations of transmitter release can be simulated by corresponding
cological treatment. Examples are given in the next chapter. changes of the parameter cspike which scales the variable crelease,
and the postsynaptic current amplitude Ipost can physiologically

Postnova S et al. Neurones and Synapses for Systemic Models of Psychiatric … Pharmacopsychiatry 2010; 43 (Suppl. 1): S82–S91
Original Paper S89

correctly be adjusted by the maximum conductance git,mt in the occurs with clear time delay compared to control conditions
current equations. (●▶ Fig. 6b, blue vs. black curve). Simultaneously, the spike

The simulation examples in ● ▶ Fig. 5 illustrate the impairment of amplitude is reduced – as a consequence of the longer delay.
synaptic transmission by reduced availability of postsynaptic There is more time for Na + -channel inactivation as well as for
receptors as caused, for example, by application of receptor the opening of K + -channels, both counteracting the depolariza-
antagonists or by some pathophysiological processes, like tion by Na + -channel activation.
impaired gene expression. Furthermore, it demonstrates how In any case, the generation of spikes, although of reduced ampli-
such situations can pharmacologically be improved by decelera- tude, will be facilitated by reuptake inhibitors. With higher con-
tion of transmitter elimination, e. g. with application of trans- centrations, i. e. further lengthening of the elimination time
mitter reuptake inhibitors. For simplicity, we are only considering constant τelim, a single presynaptic spike can be sufficient to gen-
ionotropic receptors and have adjusted the model parameters so erate a series of postsynaptic action potentials. Also in this
that, under control conditions (● ▶ Fig. 5 (a)), a single presynaptic example, it can be recognized that the EPSP continues after
spike (● ▶ Fig. 5a (a)) can trigger a postsynaptic action potential action potential generation (● ▶ Fig. 6b, blue curve) when other-

(●▶ Fig. 5e (a)). The mid diagrams in ● ▶ Fig. 5 show the transmit- wise the membrane potential has approached its steady state
ter concentration in the synaptic cleft (● ▶ Fig. 5b), the activation (●▶ Fig. 6, black and red curves). In the more realistic case when

of postsynaptic receptors (● Fig. 5c) which, for ionotropic trans-

▶ the presynaptic neuron does not only generate single action
mission, changes in parallel with the transmitter concentration potentials but trains of spikes, the lengthening of postsynaptic
(not shown), and the postsynaptic current (● ▶ Fig. 5d). potentials can significantly facilitate their superposition.
Application of a receptor antagonist (● ▶ Fig. 5 (b)) is imple- The here presented example is referring to a rather simple situa-
mented by a reduction of rit (here to 80 % of the control value) tion of synaptic transmission illustrating basic effects of synap-
according to a reduced number of postsynaptic receptors to tic impairment and possible drug treatment. Nevertheless, it
which the transmitters can bind. Although the transmitter con- elucidates physiologically relevant dynamics, essentially arising
centration (ccleft, ●
▶ Fig. 5b (b)) is the same as under control con- from the intimate interdependencies between synaptic effects
ditions, the probability of receptor activation (pi, ● ▶ Fig. 5c (b)) and the neuron’s intrinsic properties. Noteworthy, these effects
decreases. Thereby, also the postsynaptic current (Ipost, ● ▶ Fig. 5d can only be seen in a mechanism-based model.
(b)) is reduced and, in this example, is too small for the initiation
of a postsynaptic spike but only induces a gradually changing
EPSP (Vpost, ●▶ Fig. 5e (b)). Discussion
When additionally a transmitter reuptake inhibitor is applied ▼
(●▶ Fig. 5 (c)), induction of a postsynaptic spike can be re- We have introduced a conductance-based modelling approach
installed. Although the model, in this minimal form, does not for the simulation of synaptic modulation of neuronal excitabil-
explicitly consider reuptake processes, their inhibition can phys- ity. Emphasis is laid on direct relations of the model parameters
iologically consistently be simulated by the lengthening of the and variables to those of the physiological processes. The idea is
time constant τelim (equation of ● ▶ Fig. 4c). In ●▶ Fig. 5 (c), the to bring together neuronal dynamics and synaptic transmission
time constant of transmitter elimination is three times longer on a common, physiologically motivated model platform.
than under control conditions. This extends the residence time Because of the manifold and diversity of neural and synaptic
of the transmitter in the synaptic cleft (ccleft, ● ▶ Fig. 5b (c)). mechanisms, such an integrative modelling approach requires
Accordingly, the postsynaptic receptors remain activated for a simplifications (dimension reduction) for reasonable applicabil-
longer time (● ▶ Fig. 5c (c)) which induces a correspondingly ity. At the same time, the model has to allow the implementa-
longer current flow (● ▶ Fig. 5d (c)) for charging of the postsynap- tion of specific mechanisms in more details if required for the
tic membrane capacitor. This can be sufficient for the induction examination of specific functions. Altogether, a most flexible
of a postsynaptic action potential (● ▶ Fig. 5e (c)) although the and adaptable model structure is needed to allow simplifica-
current amplitude is not increased. With regard to postsynaptic tions – where appropriate – as well as extensions – where
spike-generation, the reduction of the current amplitude by requested. Especially, a model of clinical relevance has to use
receptor antagonists have been compensated by a longer current variables and parameters that have direct physiological corre-
flow due to reuptake inhibition. lates. This is the goal towards which the here presented model-
The transient deflections in the current curves of ● ▶ Fig. 5d (a) ling concept has been developed.
and ● ▶ Fig. 5d (c) do not appear in the subthreshold current The neuronal part of the model is designed on the basis of previ-
curve of ● ▶ Fig. 5d (b). They are caused by the strong changes of ous simulations that use a HH-type approach which, on the one
the driving force during the postsynaptic action potential, simi- hand, is considerably simplified but, on the other hand, can eas-
lar to the deflections of the voltage gated Na + -current during an ily be extended by additional terms [5, 16, 17]. We have used this
action potential (for comparison see ● ▶ Fig. 3c). conductance-based simulation strategy also for the implemen-
More details can be recognized in ● ▶ Fig. 6, where the receptor tation of synaptic transmission. The connections are made via
activation curves (pit) and postsynaptic voltage traces (Vpost) of the membrane equation that includes voltage- as well as trans-
the above simulations have been plotted upon each other. These mitter-gated currents with mutual interdependencies due to
curves show the reduction of the maximum of receptor activa- their voltage dependencies. In this way, the neuronal and synap-
tion after application of the receptor blockers in direct compari- tic model parts become an entity.
son with the control curve (● ▶ Fig. 6a, red vs. black curve). They The synapse part is made up on recent modelling studies of
also demonstrate that the reuptake inhibitor does have an effect activity dependent synaptic plasticity in context with homeo-
on the maximum amplitude. The reduced amplitude is compen- static sleep-wake regulation [32]. This introduced further feed-
sated by slower inactivation (● ▶ Fig. 6a, blue curve). This is suf- back loops because the neurons’ activity, in turn, depends on the
ficient for the generation of an action potential, although it synaptic efficacy. Moreover, this study [32] and a following one

Postnova S et al. Neurones and Synapses for Systemic Models of Psychiatric … Pharmacopsychiatry 2010; 43 (Suppl. 1): S82–S91
S90 Original Paper

[33] could demonstrate that the results of such conductance- indicate when a patient approaches such critical states and in
based simulations can even be connected to alterations of behav- search for appropriate strategies for its prevention.
ioural states. The correlation of neuronal activity patterns and
behavioural states furthermore allows to connect quite different
time scales of physiological functions, from the millisecond scale Acknowledgement
of neuronal impulse generation to the scales of hours and days of ▼
synaptic plasticity and circadian cycles. These properties can This work was supported by the European Union through the
become of particular importance for the simulation of psychiat- Network of Excellence BioSim contract No LSHB-CT-2004-
ric disorders, related to disturbances of neuronal dynamics but 005137. E. Rosa acknowledges financial support from Research
with chronic progression and partly long term treatment Corporation.
In contrast to the above mentioned applications, the actual study
specifically emphasizes the modelling principles and aims to Disclosure
provide detailed descriptions of the physiological background of ▼
the model equations, variables and parameters. The idea is to The authors declare that there are no financial interests.
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