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• Acetylcholine receptor stimulants and cholinesterase inhibitors
together comprise a large group of drugs that mimic acetylcholine
(cholinomimetic agents). Cholinoceptor stimulants are classified
pharmacologically by their spectrum of action depending on the type
of receptor—muscarinic or nicotinic—that is activated. They are also
classified by their mechanism of action because some cholinomimetic
drugs bind directly to (and activate) cholinoceptors while others act
indirectly by inhibiting the hydrolysis of endogenous acetylcholine.
Cholinoceptors are members of either G protein–linked (muscarinic) or ion
channel (nicotinic) families on the basis of their transmembrane signaling
mechanisms. Muscarinic receptors contain seven transmembrane domains whose
third cytoplasmic loop is coupled to G proteins that function as transducers. These
receptors regulate the production of intracellular second messengers and
modulate certain ion channels via their G proteins. Agonist selectivity is
determined by the subtypes of muscarinic receptors and G proteins that are
present in a given cell. Muscarinic receptors are located on plasma membranes of
cells in the central nervous system, in organs innervated by parasympathetic
nerves as well as on some tissues that are not innervated by these nerves, e.g,
endothelial cells, and on those tissues innervated by postganglionic sympathetic
cholinergic nerves.
• Direct-acting cholinomimetic agents bind to and activate muscarinic or nicotinic
receptors. Indirect-acting agents produce their primary effects by inhibiting
acetylcholinesterase, which hydrolyzes acetylcholine to choline and acetic acid. By
inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, the indirect-acting drugs increase the
endogenous acetylcholine concentration in synaptic clefts and neuroeffector
junctions. The excess acetylcholine, in turn, stimulates cholinoceptors to evoke
increased responses. These drugs act primarily where acetylcholine is
physiologically released and are thus amplifiers of endogenous acetylcholine.

• Some cholinesterase inhibitors also inhibit butyrylcholinesterase

(pseudocholinesterase). However, inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase plays little
role in the action of indirect-acting cholinomimetic drugs because this enzyme is
not important in the physiologic termination of synaptic acetylcholine action.
Some quaternary cholinesterase inhibitors also have a modest direct action as
well, eg, neostigmine, which activates neuromuscular nicotinic cholinoceptors
directly in addition to blocking cholinesterase.

• The direct-acting cholinomimetic drugs can be divided on the

basis of chemical structure into esters of choline (including
acetylcholine) and alkaloids (such as muscarine and nicotine).
A few of these drugs are highly selective for the muscarinic or
for the nicotinic receptor. Many have effects on both receptors;
acetylcholine is typical.

• Four important choline esters that have quaternary ammonium group.

Their permanently charged quaternary ammonium group renders them
relatively insoluble in lipids. Many naturally occurring and synthetic
cholinomimetic drugs that are not choline esters have been identified.
(S) -bethanechol is
The muscarinic receptor is strongly stereoselective:
almost 1000 times more potent than(R) -bethanechol.

Acetylcholine is a quaternary ammonium
compound that cannot penetrate membranes.
ACH is therapeutically of no importance
because of its multiplicity of actions and its
rapid inactivation by the cholinesterases.
Acetylcholine has both muscarinic and
nicotinic activity.
acetylcholine on the heart mimic the effects of vagal stimulation. For example,
acetylcholine, if injected intravenously, produces a brief decrease in cardiac rate
(negative chronotropy) and stroke volume as a result of a reduction in the rate of
firing at the sinoatrial (SA) node.
• DECREASE IN BLOOD PRESSURE: Injection of acetylcholine causes vasodilation
and lowering of blood pressure by an indirect mechanism of action. Acetylcholine
activates M3 receptors found on endothelial cells lining the smooth muscles of
blood vessels. This results in the production of nitric oxide from arginine.3 [Note:
nitric oxide is also known as endothelium-derived relaxing factor.] Nitric oxide
then diffuses to vascular smooth muscle cells to stimulate protein kinase G
production, leading to hyperpolarization and smooth muscle relaxation. In the
absence of administered cholinergic agents, the vascular receptors have no
known function, because acetylcholine is never released into the blood in any
significant quantities. Atropine blocks these muscarinic receptors and prevents
acetylcholine from producing vasodilation.
• In the gastrointestinal tract, acetylcholine increases salivary secretion
and stimulates intestinal secretions and motility. Bronchiolar secretions
are also enhanced. In the genitourinary tract, the tone of the detrusor
urinae muscle is increased, causing expulsion of urine. In the eye,
acetylcholine is involved in stimulating ciliary muscle contraction for
near vision and in the constriction of the pupillae sphincter muscle,
causing miosis (marked constriction of the pupil). Acetylcholine (1%
solution) is instilled into the anterior chamber of the eye to produce
miosis during ophthalmic surgery.
• The alkaloid pilocarpine is a tertiary amine and is stable to hydrolysis by
acetylcholinesterase. Compared with acetylcholine and its derivatives, it is far
less potent, but it is uncharged and will penetrate the CNS at therapeutic doses.
Pilocarpine exhibits muscarinic activity and is used primarily in ophthalmology.
• Applied topically to the cornea, pilocarpine produces a rapid miosis and
contraction of the ciliary muscle. The eye undergoes miosis and a spasm of
accommodation; the vision is fixed at some particular distance, making it
impossible to focus. [Note the opposing effects of atropine, a muscarinic blocker,
on the eye. Pilocarpine is one of the most potent stimulators of secretions
(secretagogue) such as sweat, tears, and saliva, but its use for producing these
effects has been limited due to its lack of selectivity. The drug is beneficial in
promoting salivation in patients with xerostomia.
• Pilocarpine is the drug of choice in the emergency lowering of
intraocular pressure of both narrow-angle (also called closed-angle)
and wide-angle (also called open-angle) glaucoma. Pilocarpine is
extremely effective in opening the trabecular meshwork around
Schlemm's canal, causing an immediate drop in intraocular pressure as
a result of the increased drainage of aqueous humor. This action lasts
up to 8 hours and can be repeated. The organophosphate
echothiophate inhibits acetylcholinesterase and exerts the same effect
for a longer duration.

• Pilocarpine can enter the brain and cause CNS disturbances. It
• Glaucoma is a term describing a group of ocular (eye) disorders that result
in optic nerve is a term describing a group of ocular (eye) disorders that result
in optic nerve damage, often associated with increased fluid pressure in the eye
(intraocular pressure)(IOP). The disorders can be roughly divided into two main
categories, "open-angle" and "closed-angle" (or "angle closure") glaucoma. Open-
angle chronic glaucoma is painless, tends to develop slowly over time and often
has no symptoms until the disease has progressed significantly. It is treated with
either glaucoma medication chronic glaucoma is painless, tends to develop slowly
over time and often has no symptoms until the disease has progressed
significantly. It is treated with either glaucoma medication to lower the pressure,
or with various pressure-reducing glaucoma surgeries. Closed-angle glaucoma,
however, is characterized by sudden eye pain, redness, nausea and vomiting, and
other symptoms resulting from a sudden spike in intraocular pressure, and is
The parasympathetic nerves to the eye supply the constrictor pupillae
muscle, which runs circumferentially in the iris, and theciliary muscle ,
which adjusts the curvature of the lens. Contraction of the ciliary muscle
in response to activation of mAChRs pulls the ciliary body forwards and
inwards, thus relaxing the tension on the suspensory ligament of the
lens, allowing the lens to bulge more and reducing its focal length. This
parasympathetic reflex is thus necessary to accommodate the eye for
near vision. The constrictor pupillae is important not only for adjusting
the pupil in response to changes in light intensity, but also in regulating
the intraocular pressure. Aqueous humour is secreted slowly and
continuously by the cells of the epithelium covering the ciliary body, and
it drains into the canal of Schlemm, which runs around the eye close to
the outer margin of the iris.
• The intraocular pressure is normally 10-15 mmHg above
atmospheric, which keeps the eye slightly distended.
Abnormally raised intraocular pressure (associated with
glaucoma) damages the eye and is one of the commonest
preventable causes of blindness. In acute glaucoma, drainage of
aqueous humour becomes impeded when the pupil is dilated,
because folding of the iris tissue occludes the drainage angle,
causing the intraocular pressure to rise. Activation of the
constrictor pupillae muscle by muscarinic agonists in these
circumstances lowers the intraocular pressure, although in a
normal individual it has little effect. The increased tension in
the ciliary muscle produced by these drugs may also play a part
in improving drainage by realigning the connective tissue
trabeculae through which the canal of Schlemm passes.

• Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that specifically cleaves acetylcholine to

acetate and choline and, thus, terminates its actions. It is located both pre-
and postsynaptically in the nerve terminal, where it is membrane bound.
Inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase indirectly provide a cholinergic action by
prolonging the lifetime of acetylcholine produced endogenously at the
cholinergic nerve endings. This results in the accumulation of acetylcholine
in the synaptic space. These drugs can thus provoke a response at all
cholinoceptors in the body, including both muscarinic and nicotinic
receptors of the autonomic nervous system, as well as at neuromuscular
junctions and in the brain.

• Physostigmine is a nitrogenous carbamic acid ester found

naturally in plants and is a tertiary amine. It is a substrate for
acetylcholinesterase, and it forms a relatively stable
carbamoylated intermediate with the enzyme, which then
becomes reversibly inactivated. The result is potentiation of
cholinergic activity throughout the body.
• Physostigmine has a wide range of effects as a result of its action, and not
only the muscarinic and nicotinic sites of the autonomic nervous system but
also the nicotinic receptors of the neuromuscular junction are stimulated. Its
duration of action is about 2-4 hours, and it is considered to be an
intermediate-acting agent. Physostigmine can enter and stimulate the
cholinergic sites in the CNS.
• The drug increases intestinal and bladder motility, which serve as its
therapeutic action. Placed topically in the eye, it produces miosis and spasm of
accommodation, as well as a lowering of intraocular pressure. It is used to
treat glaucoma, but pilocarpine is more effective. Physostigmine is also used in
the treatment of overdoses of drugs with anticholinergic actions, such as
atropine, phenothiazine, and tricyclic antidepressants.
• The effects of physostigmine on the CNS may lead to convulsions when high
doses are used. Bradycardia and a fall in cardiac output may also occur.
Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase at the skeletal neuromuscular junction
causes the accumulation of acetylcholine and, ultimately, results in paralysis of
skeletal muscle.
• Myasthenia gravis (from Greek (from Greek μύς "muscle",
 ἀσθένεια "weakness", and Latin: gravis  "serious"; abbreviated MG) is either
anautoimmune) is either anautoimmune or congenital neuromuscular disease)
is either anautoimmune or congenital neuromuscular disease that leads to
fluctuating muscle weakness and fatigue) is either anautoimmune or
congenital neuromuscular disease that leads to fluctuating muscle weakness
and fatigue. In the most common cases, muscle weakness is caused by
circulating antibodies) is either anautoimmune or congenital neuromuscular
disease that leads to fluctuating muscle weakness and fatigue. In the most
common cases, muscle weakness is caused by circulating antibodies that
block acetylcholine receptors) is either anautoimmune or
congenital neuromuscular disease that leads to fluctuating muscle weakness
and fatigue. In the most common cases, muscle weakness is caused by
circulating antibodies that block acetylcholine receptors at the
postsynaptic neuromuscular junction, inhibiting the excitatory effects of
the neurotransmitterinhibiting the excitatory effects of
• Edrophonium is sometimes used as a diagnostic test for myasthenia. A 2 mg
dose is injected intravenously after baseline measurements of muscle strength
have been obtained. If no reaction occurs after 45 seconds, an additional 8 mg
may be injected. If the patient has myasthenia gravis, an improvement in muscle
strength that lasts about 5 minutes will usually be observed.

• Edrophonium is also used to assess the adequacy of treatment with the longer-
acting cholinesterase inhibitors in patients with myasthenia gravis. If excessive
amounts of cholinesterase inhibitor have been used, patients may become
paradoxically weak because of nicotinic depolarizing blockade of the motor end
plate. These patients may also exhibit symptoms of excessive stimulation of
muscarinic receptors (abdominal cramps, diarrhea, increased salivation,
excessive bronchial secretions, miosis, bradycardia). Small doses of
edrophonium (1–2 mg intravenously) will produce no relief or even worsen
weakness if the patient is receiving excessive cholinesterase inhibitor therapy.
On the other hand, if the patient improves with edrophonium, an increase in
cholinesterase inhibitor dosage may be indicated.

• A number of synthetic organophosphate compounds have the capacity

to bind covalently to acetylcholinesterase. The result is a long-lasting
increase in acetylcholine at all sites where it is released. Many of these
drugs are extremely toxic and were developed by the military as nerve
agents. Related compounds, such as parathion, are employed as
• Mechanism of action: Echothiophate [ek-oe-THI-oh-fate] is an organophosphate that
covalently binds via its phosphate group to the serine-OH group at the active site of
acetylcholinesterase. Once this occurs, the enzyme is permanently inactivated, and restoration
of acetylcholinesterase activity requires the synthesis of new enzyme molecules. Following
covalent modification of acetylcholinesterase, the phosphorylated enzyme slowly releases one
of its ethyl groups. The loss of an alkyl group, which is called aging, makes it impossible for
chemical reactivators, such as pralidoxime, to break the bond between the remaining drug and
the enzyme.
• Actions: Actions include generalized cholinergic stimulation, paralysis of motor function
(causing breathing difficulties), and convulsions. Echothiophate produces intense miosis and,
thus, has found therapeutic use. Atropine in high dosage can reverse many of the muscarinic
and some of the central effects of echothiophate.
• Therapeutic uses: An ophthalmic solution of the drug is used directly in the eye for the chronic
treatment of open-angle glaucoma. The effects may last for up to one week after a single
administration. Echothiophate is not a first-line agent in the treatment of glaucoma. In
addition to its other side effects, the potential risk for causing cataracts limits the use of
• Pralidoxime can reactivate inhibited acetylcholinesterase. However, it is
unable to penetrate into the CNS. The presence of a charged group
allows it to approach an anionic site on the enzyme, where it essentially
displaces the phosphate group of the organophosphate and
regenerates the enzyme. If given before aging of the alkylated enzyme
occurs, it can reverse the effects of echothiophate, except for those in
the CNS. With the newer nerve agents, which produce aging of the
enzyme complex within seconds, pralidoxime is less effective.
Pralidoxime is a weak acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and, at higher
doses, may cause side effects similar to other acetylcholinsterase
Summary of actions of some cholinergic agonists.

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