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Pic 223 (is one pic amount enough?

Could you make some icons for me? All of them as png with transparent background. Make each at least 300px by 300px

- A conversation icon (basically 2 speech bubbles) Try to make the speech bubbles in different colors.

- A speech icon (basically a mouth icon that is speaking) – this will show “practice speaking” (make it colorful, with color of skin, color of lip etc)

(I guess something like this, that shows open mouth and speaking, or maybe a person’s head and speaking something, like this:

- A reading icon (basically an open book)

(I guess something like this)

- A paper and a pencil icon (for “Grammar” icon), like this:

- Puzzle icon (to show practice), something like this:

Can you make them in similar style, since they are used in one place.
Pic 224:

A cover image showing “Listening Exercise”  “Practice Discussion”

Please make this picture in this dimension: 1800px by 300px, or as wide as possible compared to height. It’ll used at the header.
Pic 225:

Same kind of cover picture as Pic 224.

This time, it’ll show a person reading on the left. Same thing on the right as Pic 224.

Basically, it’ll show “Read a story first, then practice discussion.”

Pic 226:

Same kind of cover picture as Pic 224.

This time, it’ll show a person learning grammar at the left, and practicing in the right.
Pic 227:

For this cover picture, it is similar to Pic 224, but we just want to show various type of exercises. See if you can show them nicely.

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