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A. From the ten (10) reasons why mathematics is important, state five (5) additional reasons
with clear description of application. State disadvantage if a person does not know and
understand mathematics.

Reasons Setbacks
1. Math helps us to have analytical 1. We could define it as the thought
thinking directed to decompose the arguments
in its premises or expressions that
compose it, to see the relations that
exist between them and their
conclusion, in order to judge its
veracity or reliability of the same.
2. Analytical thinking develops the 1. There are truths that we try to look
ability to investigate and know the for and that are based on the
truth about the world around us evidence and not on the emotions.
3. Mathematics develops the ability to 2. because to find the solutions, you
think have to think of a whole coherent
4. Thanks to mathematics, we can 3. we can express our thoughts and
explain how things work ideas with clarity, coherence, and
5. Mathematics quickens our minds 4. helps us, in general, to deepen and
think when we are faced with
complex problems.

B. 1. Write an essay focusing on the following questions. What new ideas about
mathematics did you learn? What is it about mathematics that might have changed your
thoughts about it? What is most useful about mathematics for human kind? 2. Do you
think the subject Mathematics in which you are enrolled is important? Yes/No? Why?
Cite five (5) situations.

1.Mathematics can be used not just as numerals but also as the source of aesthetics in patterns
to understand nature and also most of the things we use and see. A sudoku puzzle that some love
to play is about mathematical logic. Music and rhythm are full of mathematical exploration of
the way different numbers interact. Architectural and arts were being made out of possibilities
that geometry has to offer. Even a poem consists of a pattern or structure that can trigger a
mathematical idea.When I hear the word mathematics, the first thing that comes into my mind is
numbers and that it just makes my thinking more complicated. But the more I study the subject,
the more I realize that math is occurs in my daily life and also to everyone (without even
knowing it) and that it exists in almost everything in the form of patterns, sequence or properties.
It changed my thoughts of it consisting with boring numbers and complex formulas.
Mathematics is not just about solving problems and computations, it on the other hand gives us a
way for better understanding the world.According to Roger Antonsen, “Mathematics is the
hidden secret to understanding the world.” And that being said, mathematics itself is significant
not just to nature and humankind but also to the world. In any case, the most useful about
mathematics is its broad application in science, where we study the foundation of everything.
Furthermore, its application in the field of work of such engineers, accountants, and scientists or
inventors who discovered technologies that make communication easier for us all made sense
with the mathematics underneath.2.Yes, because mathematics can help us in every day living
through calculating numbers such as time, money, things and foods that we bought from
supermarket and malls. Riding a car, the km/per hr. Like distance and speed. Math is really
helpful and without knowing we are using it like subdructing ur money that we spent every day
and counting your blessings.Math is incredibly important in our lives and, without realizing it we
use mathematical concepts as well as the skills we learn from doing math problems every
day.Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured
by mathematics are power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking,
problem-solving ability and even effective communication skills.

2) What is it about mathematics that might have changed your thoughts about it?

• One who has learned to think mathematically will be able to think through many other issues
in life, whether numbers are involved or not. Using discipline to form your opinions is much
better than using “feel good” emotions or laziness. Mathematics, at its core, is a way to organize
your thinking.

C. Cite the mathematical application that you commonly do in each of the following stations
and state your appreciation.

Stations Application of and Appreciation for

1. Market 1. Mathematical Operation,Ratio and
Proportions.In market we use a lot of
mathematics that makes our shopping
more efficient, one of these are the
mathematical operations that we use
for calculating how much we will pay
for our purchases, next the ratio and
proportions, used for measuring the
right amout of the stuff that we will
2. Bus/Jeepney 2. Estimation, Mathematical Operations.
Used estimation when I am
transporting, I used it forestimating on
how many minutes/hours do I travel
until Ireach my destination. And for the
mathematicaloperations, it helps me on
paying the right amount of fareor if my
change are exact or not.
3. Church 3. Estimation, Ratios and Proportions.
This kind of applications used in
estimating on howmany people will
attend the mass and by using ratio and
proportions, used for preparing the
exact amount of communion bread will
be served in mass.
4. Club meeting 4. Problem Solving. Basically, problem
solving is mostly used in meetings,
because it's objective is to find a
solution to a certain problem or issues
facing of the group or organizations.
5. Clinic 5. Measurements, Ratios and Proportions.
This applications are mostly used in
clinic, when the doctors are writing a
prescribed medications such as
measuring the exact amount and the
right ratio of the medication that a
person will take.
6. Court 6. Probability is used in court in the way
of getting the probability of how a
lawyer wins the case, and for
predicting a situation that can be used
as an evidence to a suspect.
7. Laboratory 7. Estimation, Measurement,
Statistics.Statistics are used in
laboratory to analyzes method's of
data's and concepts, and for better
understanding of the data.
8. Birthday party 8. Estimation, Ratios and Proportions,
Measurements. This applications are
used to estimate or know the exact
amount of foods to be served for those
people who will come to the party.
9. Watching games 9. Probability is used in watching games
in a way of predicting who will win the
game or who will lose, simply getting
the probability of the chances of
winning the game.
10. Police Station 10. Problem Solving. This kind of
application also used in police station
as responding to a crime.

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