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Answer the given activities below in a short bond-paper.
1. What is mathematics?
 Mathematics is a study of quantity, structure, and space. It is a science
dealing with logic of quantity, shape and arrangement.
 Mathematics is a useful way to think about nature and our world.
 Mathematics is an integral part of daily life; formal or informal

2. What is the nature of mathematics?

 The nature of mathematics underscores the exploration of patterns.

3. Where is Mathematics?
 Math is all around us, in everything we do. It is the building block for
everything in our daily lives, including mobile devices, architecture
(ancient and modern), art, money, engineering, and even sports.
4. What role does mathematics play in your world?
 EVERYTHING I do and see is Math or can be explained through Math that is
why without mathematics I would not have been able to innovate great
inventions that I currently have today.
Some items below are the role of mathematics in our daily life.
1. We were able to tell time through Math
2. The measure of milk or sugar we put in our coffee is determined through
3. The heater we use in our showers is designed through mathematical
4. When we count our money to pay for transportation we use math
5. The fuel consumption of the vehicle we ride is measured through Math.

B. Read the following statements given below and write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE
if it is incorrect on the given space provided after the item number.
TRUE 1. Mathematics is a useful way to think about the nature and our world.
FALSE 2. Mathematics is just for the books, confined in the classroom.
FALSE 3. Mathematics is just about numbers.
TRUE 4. Mathematics exists everywhere and it is applied in the most useful phenomenon.
FALSE 5. Mathematics has no place in my life.

Activity 1: In a short bond – paper (encoded or handwritten), cite the mathematical application that you
commonly do in each of the following stations and state your appreciation. (30 points)
Stations Application of Mathematics (2 Appreciation for Mathematics (1
points each) point each)
1. Market Mathematical Operation, In market we use a lot of
Ratio and Proportions mathematics that makes our
shopping more efficient, one
of these are the
mathematical operations
that we use for calculating
how much we will pay for
our purchases, next the ratio
and proportions, used for
measuring the right amount
of the stuff that we will buy.
2. Bus/Jeepney Estimation, Mathematical I used estimation when I am
Operations transporting, I used it for
estimating on how many
minutes/hours do I travel
until I reach my destination.
And for the mathematical
operations, it helps me on
paying the right amount of
fare or if my change are
exact or not.
3. Church Estimation, Ratios and This kind of application used
Proportions in estimating on how many
people will attend the mass
and by using ratio and
proportions, used for
preparing the exact amount
of communion bread that will
be served in mass
4. Club Meeting Estimation, ratio and This kind of applications
proportions used in estimating on how
many people will attend the
meeting and by using ratio
and proportions, used for
preparing the exact amount
of chairs that will be used,
as well as the snacks that
will be served in the meeting

5. Clinic Statistical graphs, metric Both doctors and nurse use

unit system math everyday while
providing health care people
around the world. Doctors
and nurses use math when
they write prescription or
administer medication,
medical professionals use
math when drawing up.
Statistical graphs of
epidemic or success relates
of treatment. Math applied to
x-rays and CAT scans.
Numbers provide an
abundance of information for
medical professionals. It is
reassuring for the general
public to know that our
doctors and nurses have
been properly trained by
studying mathematics and
its uses for medicine.
6. Court Statistics Court cannot avoid using
math to determine the
strength of certain types of
evidence. Although court
mat both using math as
evidence, this task is
inevitable in an increasingly
quantifiable world
7. Laboratory Fractions, decimals, In laboratory is extremely
conversion factors and relevant. Almost every test
Statistics these days has a quantitative
result. Even if it doesn’t the
laboratory clinician needs to
know what impedes their
testing and how to remedy for
it. Each test will require
knowledge of exactly how
much blood, serum, bacterial
colonies, etc. Is needed on
order for the true result to be

8. Birthday Party Estimation, Measurement, More than you think.

ratio and proportions Mathematics can also used in
birthday parties considering
that you need to figure out the
number of guests. The size of
the location for the number of
guests you’re inviting, the
amount of decorations to buy,
how much food you need,
number of party favours and
9. Watching games Mathematical operation, Math is also important in
geometry(circumference) watching games, particularly in
and Measurement the game Calles basketball to
count how many people are
playing, how many feet up the
hoop is, how many feet players
can jump, the circumference of
the hoop and the measurement
of the ball to the basket, which
by the way are all very
important parts of the games of
10. Police Station Weights and measures A basic knowledge of weights
and measures in necessary in
criminal justice, especially in
cases involving controlled
substances. The punishment
for drug possession often
varies with the amount of drugs
a suspects possesses at the
time arrest. Police investigators
need familiarity with weights
and measures to determine the
exact amount of drugs seized
to determine the severity of the

Activity 2: Submit 2-3 page synthesis paper focussing on one of the following aspects of mathematics:(15
Mathematics helps organize patterns and regularities.
Mathematics has helped organize patterns and consistencies in the world because one
must know that there is always mathematics in almost everything in this world. An
example is an arrangement or grouping that repeats. You can watch designs - things
like hues, shapes, activities, or different arrangements that repeat- all over. Consider
words or tunes in tunes, lines and bends on structures, or even in the market where
boxes and containers of different things are arranged.
Number Patterns  
One consistent kind of mathematics example is a number example. Number examples
are a succession of numbers that are requested dependent on a standard. There are
numerous approaches to make sense of the standard, for example,  
Creatures, for example, all dairy animals, all lions, all canines and every single other
creature have divergent highlights. All mangoes have comparative highlights and
shapes. Leaves of a similar tree have similar example of form. The entryways and
windows of a house have comparable examples. We may scan for comparative
examples in arithmetic moreover. 
The investigation of examples encourages understudies to watch connections and find
nonstop associations, to reason speculations and forecasts. In regular daily existence
we watch dress example, cover design, backdrop design, and sari-plan design just as
number example in math. Instances of examples are given underneath:  
The student needs to perceive an example and extend it. He should break down it and
after that make new examples to contemplate the topic.
The instructor ought to create in the understudies the idea of example. Everything in our
life has just scientific things. For example, watching documentaries about untamed life.
The storytellers are continually revealing to us numerous creatures have stripes or
examples for the motivations behind disguise. 
Patterns in nature can be visible in  
 flowers,  
 waves,  
 shells and  
 even parts of the human body.  
This is how Mathematics organize patterns around us.

Connecting our life to mathematics, In this world, people are being molded because of
struggles. They become stronger as life throws them circumstances. Relating it to
mathematics, Objects as people, Struggles and circumstances as the measurements.
The problems measure the people how strong they are. The measurement also serves
and tests how firm the object is.
The objects that we see in our own precious eyes are made by God and were
developed by Man. To look at the things is very simple and to use those things is very
usual. But appreciating those things is very hard if we don’t know how it is done and
what the story behind those is. Before creating something or inventing object,
measurements are very essential. Imagine a car that is made without proper
measurements, it will not function as good as cars that has made with proper
measurements. Every matter is created with blueprints. Blueprint consists side by side
measurements and patterns. Patterns also help in making things one of a kind. It gives
illusion to the objects that are created. Illusions that will make us think how it was made.

Mathematics will stay in our life forever because it is part of our journey. In relation to
Fibonacci sequence which exists first in the Old Generation, it still exists in ours. The
contribution of Fibonacci sequence is very essential by means of having the perfect
measurement in doing something such as paintings, pictures or anything that has
something to do with measurements. Golden ratio is under the Fibonacci sequence and
it has also thrown a big impact in our life. Scientists found the sunflower as the perfect
example of something that has a Golden ratio in it. As people we can’t see what the
microscope sees in the sunflower. But when you take a look at the middle of the
sunflower using the microscope, you will see the perfect shape measuring at 1.16814
which is the so called Golden Ratio.
As I’ve said, mathematics will always be in our life. It simply organizes patterns and
regularities in the world by the means of it exist in everything that our eyes see. Our
world will not be formed with the help of mathematics as the source of measuring
something that is existing.

Activity 3: (25 points)

1. Write an essay focussing on the following questions. What new ideas about mathematics
did you learn? What is it about mathematics that might have changed your thoughts about
it? What is most useful about mathematics for human kind? ( 15 points)
 I learned about the advanced sequences and series. Maybe this concept is
not really applicable everyday in real life, but the skills you can gather is very
helpful in understanding almost every topic on sequences and series.
Mathematics is a precise use of issue. It is so said in light of the fact that the
subject makes a man precise or efficient. Mathematics makes our life
accurate and yet we expect some misunderstandings. Mathematics is the
support all things considered, without which the world can't move an inch. Be
it a cook or a rancher, a craftsman or a repairman, a businessperson or a
specialist, an architect or a researcher, an artist, or a performer - everybody
needs Mathematics in their day-today life. Indeed, even bugs use
Mathematics in their regular day to day existence for presence.  

2. Do you think the subject Mathematics in which you are enrolled is important? Yes/No?
Why? Cite five (5) situations. (10 points)
 Yes, because Math is a already a part of us not only for the people but life
itself. We do Mathematics everyday and in everything we do and see, Math is
always included. Math won't be hard if in learning, we work hard.

1. Daily Lives. From the time we get up in the morning to the time we sleep
we use math. For example, when we get up we calculate the time we
have left to get to school or work, we calculate the estimated time to
travel. We use math to calculate the amount of money used to pay for the
goods and services consumed.
2. Time Management. Math s helps us understand time, about seconds,
minute s hours, day s month and so on. It helps us understand the value
of time and how time is to be used wisely. Time plays a very important
role in every individual s life and it is very important to manage it well.
3. Budgeting Money.  Math is not just important in calculating but it is also
printed in money, the worth of money is estimated by the unit of the
number printed on the currency. To survive in this world money is the
important and correct calculation of money is also very important.
4. Problem-Solving Skills. Math not only stimulates the brain but also
helps in solving problems. It provides a platform to understand the
intensity of the problem and the various ways of solving the problems.
Remember, the saying goes math may not teach us how to add love or
subtract hate, but it gives us the hope that every problem has a solution.
5. Exercise of the Brain.  Mathematics is not just an important subject but
a very good exercise for the brain. It stimulates the brain into responding
things quicker and making the mind sharp, playing with numbers is one of
the basic skills of the intelligent minds. 

Activity 4:
Go to the garden or park, and start counting leaves and petals. Select only 1 plant with leaves and
flowers and take a photo on it. Write the results on your answer sheet. (15 points)

Plant Name or Description: Sunflower

a. Do the leaves grow in spirals? (Yes/No) Yes . What is the pattern of the leaves?
 Sunflowers leaves have a rough, scratchy texture and are lance-ovate, egg-shaped, or
heart-shaped, and can measure up to 30 cm long. The leaves are alternate and both
the leaves and stems have course hairs.
b. Are there flowers? (Yes/No) Yes . What is the arrangement of the petals?
 Sunflowers, which belong to the daisy family, usually have 55, 89 or 144 petals, and
spiral patterns are evident in their seeds. Biologists described long ago how the phyla
are arranged, but explaining why these patterns form is much more difficult and it is
only recently that real progress has been made.

Activity 5:
Do you want to have a perfect collage of photos that will be perfect on your social media account?
Then, layout the Golden Ratio diagram. (20 points)
Activity 6:
Find the following terms of the Fibonacci sequence with your complete solutions. (15 points)
a. 35th term: 9 227 465
b. 47th term:2 971 215 073
c. 56th term:225 851 433 717
d. 68th term:72 723 460 248141
e. 89th term:1 779 979 416 004 714 189
n Fn
0 0
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 5
6 8
7 13
8 21
9 34
10 55
11 89
12 144
13 233
14 377
15 610
16 987
17 1 597
18 2 584
19 4 181
20 6 765
21 10 946
22 17 711
23 28 657
24 46 368
25 75 025
26 121 393
27 196 418
28 317 811
29 514 229
30 832 040
31 1 346 269
32 2 178 309
33 3 524 578
34 5 702 887
35 9 227 465
36 14 930 352
37 24 157 817
38 39 088 169
39 63 245 986
40 102 334 155
41 165 580 141
42 267 914 296
43 433 494 437
44 701 408 733
45 1 134 903 170
46 1 836 311 903
47 2 971 215 073
48 4 807 526 976
49 7 778 742 049
50 12 586 269 025
51 20 365 011 074
52 32 951 280 099
53 53 316 291 173
54 86 267 571 272
55 139 583 826 445
56 225 851 433 717
57 365 435 296 162
58 591 286 729 879
59 956 722 026 041
60 1 548 008 755 920
61 2 504 730 781 961
62 4 052 739 537 881
63 6 557 470 319 842
64 10 610 209 857 723
65 17 167 680 177 565
66 27 777 890 035 288
67 44 945 570 212 853
68 72 723 460 248 141
69 117 669 030 460 994
70 190 392 490 709 135
71 308 061 521 170 129
72 498 454 011 879 264
73 806 515 533 049 393
74 1 304 969 544 928 657
75 2 111 485 077 978 050
76 3 416 454 622 906 707
77 5 527 939 700 884 757
78 8 944 394 323 791 464
79 14 472 334 024 676 221
80 23 416 728 348 467 685
81 37 889 062 373 143 906
82 61 305 790 721 611 591
83 99 194 853 094 755 497
84 160 500 643 816 367 088
85 259 695 496 911 122 585
86 420 196 140 727 489 673
87 679 891 637 638 612 258
88 1 100 087 778 366 101 931
89 1 779 979 416 004 714 189
Activity 7:

A. Identify the following sequence below whether they have a Repeating pattern, Growing pattern or
Shrinking Pattern. (5 points)

1. 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, . . . Growing Pattern

2. 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, . . . Shrinking Pattern
3. 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, . . . Shrinking Pattern
4. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . Shrinking Pattern
5. 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, . . . Growing Pattern

B. Write the next three terms of the following sequences. (15 points)

1. 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29, 37, . . . 46 , 56 , 67

2. 6, 10, 22, 58, 166, 490, . . . 1 462 , 4 378 , 13, 126
3. 2, 3, 8, 63, . . . 618 , 6 173 , 61 728
4. 100, 99, 97, 94, 90, 85, 79, . . . 72 , 64 , 55
5. 151, 149, 145, 137, 121, . . . 89 , 25 , -103

C. After learning about the types of number pattern, how will you categorize Fibonacci sequence?
Give at least 1 paragraph response. (5 points)
Answer: One fascinating mathematical pattern that shows up in unexpected places is
the Fibonacci sequence. Each subsequent number in the Fibonacci sequence is the sum
of the previous two numbers. The sequence begins with 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55,
, and continues infinitely.

For example :
Term 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
What is ( F ¿¿ n)¿ the 10th
term? Term 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Answer: Number (n) 34 is the
10 term
How did you solve the 10th term?
Answer: To get the 10th term which is 34, the fourth and the third terms are added. So, 21+13 = 34.
Therefore, adding the consecutive terms will result to another term of Fibonacci sequence.

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